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Name: 20240107_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 7, 2024
2127 lines.

The speaker in this podcast discusses numerous topics related to globalist agendas, COVID-19 vaccinations, and government corruption. They mention potential false flag operations, super deadly viruses, and the connection between high vaccination rates and increased deaths worldwide. The speaker also highlights the correlation between poverty and excess mortality during the pandemic in the United States. Furthermore, they discuss how governments are attacking civilians and expose examples of corruption such as Planned Parenthood selling baby parts and powerful individuals raping children. They emphasize the importance of taking action against these injustices and urge listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their online store to ensure the show's continuation.

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Just about every major government has been guilty of false flag operations to foment war.
America has been guilty of several, but here are just a few.
Civilian passengers were murdered when a torpedo hit the Lusitania.
Investigations revealed that explosives were inside the ship, which was operated by war profiteer J.P.
This event is what brought Americans ...who were not previously interested in getting involved into World War I, where they lost over 100,000 sons and daughters.
They were also not interested in getting involved in World War II, but after breaking Japanese encryption codes, the U.S.
government knew of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor.
But the big banks were funding both sides and expected massive profits.
So they let it happen to encourage Americans to sacrifice nearly half a million of their children in the Second World War.
In August of 1964, the USS Maddox and the Turner Joy knowingly lied about being fired upon by North Vietnamese ships.
For two hours, they fired at nothing and maneuvered as if under attack.
President Johnson was aware of this deception, but kept it secret to initiate war against North Vietnam and to sacrifice over 50,000 Americans.
About 3,000 people were murdered on 9-11 in the most notorious false flag in U.S.
This was used as a catalyst for the endless destruction of several nations that continues today.
Professor Stephen Starr, associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was recently on Russia's Solyavev Live, where he discussed a plan being suggested by NATO forces in Germany that stinks of plans for a false flag operation to usher in World War III.
They have suggested a scenario wherein Russia sinks an American cruiser in the Black Sea, followed by the United States attacking Russian ships with nuclear warheads, which would then be followed by a Russian nuclear strike against NATO headquarters and a major U.S.
nuclear attack on all of Russia.
They suggested more than 3,000 strikes within one hour and the destruction of all major cities in Europe and the United States.
Professor Starr said this would result in 150 million tons of smoke and soot that would block out 70% of the sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and last about 10 years.
It's important to note that it's been NATO forces alone who have been provoking war with Russia for decades, surrounding their border with missile systems and bioweapons labs, and overthrowing Ukraine with CIA color revolutions.
The facts show that Russia has been given no choice but to defend themselves against deceptive Western aggression.
The anti-human globalist forces that hold a firm grip on America are clearly trying to destroy it from within.
If they wanted America to win a world war, then they would not be murdering U.S.
troops with the deadly COVID shots, and they would not be manipulating them to castrate themselves under the guise of transgenderism.
The globalists want the United States to be plundered and destroyed, but they need a scapegoat to blame it on.
And they've clearly chosen Russia for that role.
During the American Revolution, Catherine the Great of Russia unofficially supported the colonies by trading with them.
Russian ships began delivering hemp, sail linen, and iron to American ports as early as 1763.
During the War of 1812, Russia attempted to join as a third-party mediator in support of American independence.
In 1863, Russia sent military fleets to New York and San Francisco to put pressure on the British and fight them if necessary.
They patrolled the American shores for 10 months.
This Russian support of a sovereign America is undoubtedly what led to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when the country fell into communist rule for 69 years.
Today, Russia has asked for peace, but the evil powers that want endless war cannot survive unity between the East and the West.
False flag operations are the modus operandi of the globalists, and war, mass murder, and division is all they desire.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Biologist Brett Weinstein issues an emergency warning with Tucker Carlson.
There was a press, I was recently at a conference in Romania on the COVID crisis.
And so there was a lot of work trying to unpack what we actually understand.
And I saw a credible estimate of something like 17 million deaths globally from this technology.
17 million deaths from the COVID vax?
Well, you know, when you scale up to billions, it's not hard to reach a number like that with a technology this dangerous.
Now, to your deeper question, I think, let's steel man.
Just for perspective, I mean, that's like the death toll of a global war.
This is a great tragedy of history.
So, that proportion.
And, amazingly, There is no way in which it's over.
I mean we are still apparently recommending these things for healthy children.
Never stood any chance of getting any benefit from it.
Every chance of suffering harms that are not only serious but tragic on the basis that children have long lives ahead of them.
If you ruin a child's immune system in youth, they have to spend the rest of their presumably shortened life in that state.
So never made any sense that we were giving this to kids in the first place.
The fact that we're still doing it when the emergency, to the extent there even was one, is clearly over.
And when there's never been any proper justification of administering it to healthy kids.
Healthy kids don't die of COVID.
And the shot doesn't prevent you from catching or transmitting it, so there was just literally no justification you could come up.
That's Brett Weinstein.
You've obviously been hearing this from me since the virus was first released.
We have internal documents with the government that created this.
Our government created it.
The Pentagon was ordered to by Obama.
Came a big story in 2015, so they shipped the program to China.
And I've had the author of the U.S.
Biological So, now it's all coming out that there are dozens of major insurance companies that actually say it's about $20 million.
This is a low ball.
We've had other statisticians on.
Some of the top statisticians in the world have testified to Congress that the number is between $17 and $20 million.
Again, the conservative number is $17 million.
And you notice it's intensifying the death now and normal colds, normal flus are killing even young people.
Heart attacks are off the charts.
There's TV service announcements all over the Western world.
It's normal to have heart attacks when you're five or when you're ten.
It's normal to die.
It's no big deal.
It's very liberal.
It's very trendy.
And you have to understand that now we have the latest version of the UN pandemic response
treaty that the Biden White House wrote.
They brag about it.
The former head for Biden's COVID response is the one quarterbacking it.
And it says they're going to shut down all speech and arrest people that disagree with
the next lockdowns and next control and how they're going to take children out of your
Years ago, we played the UN head of global emergency response saying that.
So we've known what they're planning.
But this is planetary martial law.
And here's the bad news.
If you think the $17 million debt is bad, that's sad, but it'll be nothing.
That was a mere flesh wound.
They are preparing super deadly viruses for release, like weaponized mousepox that kill the majority of people, even if you're healthy.
and they're getting ready to do it.
So, it's very hard for me even to be around leftists and people that are for the system
because they're in a death cult folks and they're completely delusional.
But the people on top know exactly what they're doing.
So I have to be honest with you.
A lot of people are saying, oh, the last pandemic blew up in their face.
They're not going to try that again for a while.
I've really been studying this.
I think, in fact I know, that it's probably their next move, if not the cyber attack, to shut down elections and things of that nature.
So I have a giant study with top scientists, statisticians, medical doctors, forensics experts, you name it, and I'm gonna go ahead and spend a lot of the show tonight on this.
This is just one of the latest Big studies and of course you saw the head of the IT operation on a few months ago with us in New Zealand who blew the whistle and got into the secret data of the numbers of people dying in New Zealand.
And it mirrors the numbers they have here because some of the best numbers we have is morbidity.
No one has ever died since they took statistics at levels like this.
Didn't happen in 2000 from the virus, which was new, did cause inflammation, an asthma-like effect, did scare people, and never had any asthma events.
And so then they knew that too.
They'd already studied it.
They put you on a ventilator, which is the opposite of what you do with the inflammation, and then it kills you.
They paid a $53,000 bounties for every person they put on a ventilator.
90% died.
It was done in every major Western country.
The same plan from New Zealand to Germany to Canada to the U.S., from Sweden to Denmark to Singapore.
And it was all completely quarterbacked, very masterfully choreographed.
When you hear Rhett Weinstein and Alma Tucker in this long clip about the play, you'll say, well, Alex, you told us this word for word for really almost four years now.
That's when this started.
How did you know this?
Because I've read Operation Lockstep and hundreds of other reports put up by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Endowment.
They create the policy, then it goes through the intelligence agencies, the corporations, BlackRock controls 88% of the corporations and companies or assets, and they have ESG scores.
that order them to do it. So if you wonder why boxing associations again from Germany to New
Zealand to Australia to the US to everywhere say we're going to have biological men boxing women,
it's an ESG score. Their banking is taken if they don't.
And I just use that as one example of why it's the same lunacy.
And it was the same number calculated according to the currency to come out as $53,000, whether you're in New Zealand, France, the US, everywhere.
$53,000 to murder.
In the UK, six months before COVID was released, They bought the biggest stockpile, times 20-something times, of a drug that's used in anesthesia, but is also known, if somebody has pneumonia, it kills you for sure.
Instead of giving people morphine, when they were on ventilators, they gave them that drug.
So, and it says don't do it on the indication.
They gave them randesivir that turns your liver and kidneys off.
Okay, so this is Murder Incorporated, and I'm gonna explain this again.
This was a beta test.
So, people that work for the system, professors, the Justice Department people, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, you're all pretending like you're on this winning team.
You are literally setting up our annihilation.
And the globalists are on record saying that it is imminent that a new virus is coming.
Ted Rose to the WHO, Bill Gates, Posh Wob, they got a whole bunch of horrible viruses they've cooked up on record.
They've already war-gamed a bunch of them, they've got ready, that's even admitted.
And if you're not going to be politically active, you're not going to be politically engaged, and you've got money, Because here's the most important part.
And I told you this many years ago that James Cameron, before anybody did, like five years before it came out in the news, had not just run to New Zealand, but that he had these big ships that he wrote off claiming, you know, that he had this underwater exploration company.
He used that to write the ships off.
So he goes and does documentaries every couple of years on the Titanic and things.
No, no, he has, he has ocean liners, like three of them.
Because he told a big movie producer that I know, who's a big liberal but that I've known a long time, who came to me and said I just was you know with him and I was at his facility and he was gonna roll out a new movie theater system that's like a Pantheon and and it's like an ample theater and then it's got 3D holograms.
I mean, they've had this for 50 years or longer.
Disney World.
Disneyland has the haunted houses stuff where ghosts are running around.
It looks real.
But he just said, oh, none of this matters.
I'm not going to really make movies anymore other than some environmental ones.
Like, Avatar, he was let in on this.
So he's already out at the ocean.
So is Larry Page.
They've got private islands.
I told you this two years ago because I was told by insiders and now it's in the news that Mark Zuckerberg's building a, not $100 million, it's like a $500 million bunker with submarines.
Submarines, as in plural.
So you can't even see them coming and going.
He's keeping a giant, basically, ocean liner off the coast, 50 miles, 24 hours a day.
He's got all sorts of incredible stuff.
And they're all doing it.
So they're getting ready to release all this.
They just wanted to do a test, though, so the next time we stay in our houses and watch Netflix, while we die.
Okay, so, I know it's 12 Monkeys for Real, okay?
Or it's Moonraker for Real, James Bond movie, where the elites release a bioweapon to kill the majority of the planet and they go to space and come back.
So, I'm sorry that this has to happen.
I understand most of you are not going to listen until you're almost all dead.
Some of you will be immune and will survive.
This is going to be a disaster like you never imagined.
But I do want the military personnel and others who work for these globalists, when 5-6 billion of us get wiped out during this, nobody's going to be safe.
Nuclear reactors are going to go down, big wars are going to start.
Pakistan, India, they're going to go to war.
And I just want Everybody know that then you'll know what to do to the globalists.
At least at that point, they'll be dug out of their bunkers.
So I would say, I'd say about a 60% chance we don't get serious and take action, that we could be in this scenario in six months.
Now, I intend to stop it.
I hope you'll help me.
I told you in August they were gonna roll the COVID stuff out and they tried and it was such a pushback but then I said watch they'll try it again and now cities all over the country first said hospitals now they're saying city workers now they're saying everybody's got to wear a mask it's all back I've got the articles right here look this is so predictable if you'll just be conscious and and I just don't want to have to get up here you know I was Riding down to federal court for my bankruptcy a month and a half ago with my bodyguard guys that are veterans and great people and smart and held really competent jobs.
And I was telling them, you know, you need to think about your family.
I was showing them studies about 20 million dead, that's really what it is, and the actuaries.
And I said, do you believe me?
And they said, yeah, it's just hard to get your mind around.
See, you don't have to believe me.
These are morbidity statistics.
These are the best there are.
Every country that took these shots, depending on the percentage that took it, you'll see that exact number of dead correlated.
So if this country, 60% took it, and you can pick another country where 60% took it, and then you have this massive increase in death.
And then you look at another country where only 6% took it, and there's basically almost no death.
So it's...
It's countries that didn't take these shots didn't have anything happen.
So the 17 million are in Europe, Canada, the UK, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, and then other countries like Singapore and things that also followed it.
So I'm sorry this is the truth.
I'm gonna go over all the documents and play the clips and show you all this and you can go to the national numbers of your country and you can see For yourself.
So they did this.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, they did this.
The Globalists did this, okay?
And I'm going to explain it to you again.
I know, I'm the same way.
I know you want to believe we made it through this because we're designed as winners, not to be victims and dwell on the past and just move through it.
But this was the test strike.
I'll use an analogy.
If Martians were real, hypothetical, and they tested, say, a meteor gun to fire asteroids at the Earth, and a quarter-mile-long asteroid hit, and was the equivalent of, like, 30 nukes going off, and caused tsunamis, and put dust in the sky for a year, and, you know, killed billions of people, and then if we had probes fly by Mars and saw their launch pad loading up 20-mile-long Asteroids, it'll kill all life on the surface of the earth, and we see them loading the asteroid into the meteor gun, we would say we've got to take them out.
We've got to stop them before they fire the big one.
Okay, so the asteroids are loaded right now, aimed at our head.
They're moving into bunkers.
They've let people in on it, like William Shatner.
He's like, I'm so sorry for the cataclysm.
You're all going to die soon.
But then they tell you, oh, the new virus is coming because of global warming.
That's what's going to happen.
It's your fault.
But there'll be a better world looking forward to the end of humanity.
And you'll be at the grocery store.
And I mean, I've been in a grocery store and a CVS and seen multiple magazines, special editions about looking forward to the end of humans.
Humans are a scourge.
And Wall Street Journal, New York Times, you've seen it all.
This is a cult, folks.
And they really get off on all this.
But you know, the only reason they haven't done it is because they don't control Russia.
And if this gets released, there'll be a nuclear war.
But the globalists are so sick and so twisted, and they fetishize mass death so much, and they want to kill billions of us so bad, it's their instinct, it's their spirit, that they're gonna do it.
So, I just want everybody listening from the system that thinks you're part of the power structure, you're all dead.
And we're not going to kill you.
Hell, you're worthless.
You're like dog manure.
I don't want to step in you.
But you better find God, and you better get it straight.
And I know a lot of you aren't going to listen now.
You'll be listening when you're all dying.
And then they'll get defeated.
I'm thinking way out, in case we can't stop them.
So, when I look at my six-and-a-half-year-old sweetheart daughter, or my other children, when they're little it's even harder on the heart.
Every instinct I've got is just shut down now and go get someplace the middle of nowhere, a hundred miles from nowhere, behind a hill, in a shack, so nobody wants to come even find me or deal with it.
Because let me tell you, this is going down, okay?
Your children are dead, you're dead, it'll be martial law, burning, crap blowing up everywhere.
I mean, we're talking Road Warrior and collapse of civilization.
You're like, why would they do that?
Because they've got a plan to reemerge afterwards.
Let's go to Brett Weinstein explaining the U.N.
Here it is.
So what happened was it turned out that a number of us were willing to make mistakes and correct them in real time, to talk about this in plain English with the public, to do so, you know, in Joe Rogan's man cave.
The fact is people listened because of course this was on everybody's mind and what they were supposed to do to protect you know They've been terrified and they what to do to protect your family's health was a question that everybody wanted to know the answer to So our ability to reach millions of people surprised those who thought they were just gonna shove this narrative down our throats and This gets me to the the who and World Health Organization and its pandemic preparedness plan modifications.
What I believe is going on is the World Health Organization is now revising the structures that allowed the dissidents to upend the narrative and they are looking for a rematch, I think.
What they want are the measures that would have allowed them to silence the podcasters, to mandate Various things internationally in a way that would prevent the emergence of a control group that would allow us to see harms clearly.
So that's the reason that I think people, as much as they want to move on from thinking about COVID, Maybe stop thinking about COVID, but do start thinking about what has taken place with respect to medicine, with respect to public health, with respect to pharma, and ask yourself the question, given what you now know, would you want to relive a pandemic like the COVID pandemic without the tools that allowed you to ultimately in the end see clearly that it didn't make sense to take another one of these shots or to have your kids take
We want those tools.
In fact, we need them.
And something is quietly moving just out of sight in order that we will not have access to them the next time we face a serious emergency.
So you're saying that an international health organization could just end the First Amendment in the United States?
Yes, and in fact, as much as this sounds... I know that it sounds preposterous, but... It does not sound preposterous.
The ability to do it is currently under discussion at the international level, and it's almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is.
In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are In the middle of a coup, that we are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty, and that that is the purpose of what is being constructed.
That it has been written in such a way that your eyes are supposed to glaze over as you attempt to sort out what is under discussion.
And if you do that, then come May of this year, your nation is almost certain to sign on to an agreement that in some Utterly vaguely described future circumstance, a public health emergency, which the Director General of the World Health Organization has total liberty to define in any way that he sees fit.
In other words, nothing prevents climate change from being declared a public health emergency that would trigger the provisions of these modifications.
And in the case that some emergency or some pretense of an emergency shows up, the provisions that would kick in are beyond jaw-dropping.
Alright, Brett Weinstein is extremely respected by many of the top billionaires.
I can tell you that I know that, that he is part of major Summit meetings with some of the biggest thinkers.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And I know his brother is as well.
Because I know from personal experience, I'm just going to stop there.
He's one of the leading liberal intellectuals.
And he's saying, okay, and he said he's really woke up last year.
He says, it's impossible to overstate how bad this is.
And he just basically told you what I'm telling you.
But you're not going to relive what you did last time.
Those were training wheels, okay?
That's like if I thump you in the nose versus shoot you in the head with a shotgun.
12 gauge, okay?
What you saw was a thump.
Seventeen millions of thump, okay?
This is cutting your head off, alright?
And I'm a man.
And I'm tough.
And I am, I'm not scared.
I am determined to stop these people.
You understand, ladies and gentlemen, they're coming to kill you and your family.
Do you understand that?
Do you understand?
Nobody's safe.
These people are maniacs.
We'll be right back.
I'll tell you how we stop them.
Stay with us.
I got the job.
I say this because it's a learning experience.
For a few weeks, I've said, we need to stream the show on X, where we can reach tens of millions more people.
And then it just kind of goes to the background, like, oh, we're not allowed to do that.
Oh, yeah, we are.
Now let's stream it to X. Every person we reach is absolutely critical.
And then all week, I'm like, I want my show and all the other shows to stream it out there.
But people are so trained, they don't even have that venue, that we don't even do it.
And people tuning into the show are the same.
There's a normalcy, a learned helplessness here, where, oh, well, just Alex Jones has been talking about how they're gonna release viruses and have lockdowns and how the first few times they do it, it's a drill to train society for the new way, and this is to cut resources and save the Earth, and really, it's a carbon lockdown.
I was reading this crap 15, 20 years ago.
They already had it dialed in and ready.
And I've shown you the documents.
I'm about to do it again.
And how they do it, I have their damn battle plan.
I have their fricking playbook.
Do you not understand me?
And then I go to the real Alex Jones on Twitter, and there's not even a live feed to this.
And that's like, guaranteed you'll probably get 5 million views.
It's like, eh, it's just 5 million people.
Why do we need to warn them?
And I'm not, I'm saying this as a learning experience.
Every viewer listening to this show Needs to be getting this show out like your life depends on it.
I'm not risking my life and going up against these people and endangering my family unless the other danger of letting them do what they want was a hundred times worse.
A thousand times.
We're in a house we can't get out of.
It's a planet.
If they burn the house down, I have to stay in the house and put the fire out because there's nowhere to go.
I know I'm in a burning house.
I know I'm in the system with the walls closing in on me.
And I see the idiots laughing at them closing in on me.
They don't get it's closing in on you!
There needs to be extreme urgency!
People need to wake up and get focused!
Do you understand they have the official UN treaty that I've covered the last six, seven versions of, and it just gets worse.
And they're bringing in central bank currencies, and they're bringing in CBDCs, EFGs, ESGs, all of it.
The control grid is going into place.
They're openly saying that they're going to lock everything down with the next virus, and they may do another training wheel.
And then give you a shot that kills a bunch of people and sterilizes people?
But they'll probably just go with the big one next, okay?
And I've got Yvonne O'Harari of the WUF talking about how great the virus was because it trained us all to live in lockdowns and cut our carbon footprint.
They admit that's the plan.
And King Charles says they're going to have a global mobilization.
A global mobilization.
To quote, save the Earth from the people.
The humans are the problem is the headline.
No, the globalists want power and control, and they've got all this science now, and they don't need people anymore, and they've got life extension, and they want to cull most of us off the planet.
And you can say academically, well, there are probably too many of us.
You're gonna get killed, you dumb bastard!
And let's say you agree with all these globalists and Jane Goodall and Ted Turner, they want to kill us down to 500 million.
Think they're really going to stop there?
That's a little ruling class that's going to be 500 million people?
Every real analysis of this shows gigantic nuclear wars and hell on earth, and it'll destroy the globalists right along with all the rest of us.
But they're so satanic and so driven.
They're doing it.
They're going ahead with the doomsday plan.
Do you understand?
We're covering the most important information in the world!
And the media makes a joke about it so we all just subconsciously think, well that's Alex, you know, he's yelling and screaming up there.
If I'm right, which I am, they admit it, then shouldn't you be freaked out?
I'm going to go to these breakdowns here, and I'm going to come back and show the documents.
And then I'm going to go do the syncing.
Because everybody else puts this out on X and Restreamers.
I'll just get somebody else's stream of us, and I'll put it out on Real Alex Jones.
Because it will be here in six months.
It's not going to happen.
We all know that.
So, yeah.
I mean, I am pissed at myself.
I am pissed at everybody.
Because let me tell you something.
I don't want my children dying.
Do you understand that?
And if somebody put a bullet in Fauci or any of these people, it'll make them victims, and we don't want that.
We want to politically, non-violently kill their operation and expose them, and then we'll have the Nuremberg Trials.
And then we'll get justice.
But I, they're such evil scum, I'm not lusting after their blood.
I want them off of us, off of our children, off our backs.
Out of our world, man.
Let them build their own stupid spaceship and leave.
Just stop doing it!
Now, as scary as all this is, okay, it's now on Real Alex Jones, good.
As bad as all this is, it's hard for people to wrap their mind around something like this.
But it didn't go well for them with their beta test.
But they're still trying it again.
I told Tucker in person and privately.
I said, you watch.
He goes, but they're discredited.
They all know they lied.
Only 2% are taking the shot.
I said, Tucker, they don't care.
They've been planning.
They're going to do it again.
They never give up.
And of course, now you see it.
I mean, the new version of the treaty is just literally arrest anybody that disagrees with the government.
Remember, Australia already said this, and they're the big beta test, along with Canada.
The plans came out, and they even said it on TV.
Oh yeah, we're gonna lock people up during the next pandemic.
Not just the people that might have COVID, but the troublemakers that don't go along with it.
Those are political camps, and they just rolled it out in front of you like it's no big deal.
This is beyond a Trojan horse!
It's not a Trojan horse!
It's a giant army marching right up saying, let us in!
There's too many of you!
We're gonna get rid of you!
Skip the break.
We have a very narrow window to stop these people, okay?
This is the biggest mass murder operation ever carried out in human history.
This is killing World War II level people, okay?
Look at that headline.
Planetary Genocide Alert.
Top scientists, statisticians confirm COVID injections killed over 17 million people.
And you're like, we've been hearing that for a couple years.
It was 5, and 10, and 12, 17.
You keep saying 17, Alex.
Yeah, because I'm having the statisticians on, and the morbidity numbers are very easy to get.
But then we got out of New Zealand.
The actual government indexing database of who had the shot, because the government was paying for the shots that was going to Pfizer.
That was basically the exclusive provider in New Zealand, like 98% of the shots.
And so they could then index it and go, "My God, most of these people died within a week of the ones that died."
Those are survivors sickly. You take three of the Moderna shots or the Pfizer, even though Moderna is stronger, it
takes multiple times.
You have no immune system.
*throws phone* HIV kills the T-lymphocytes, the trainer cells that go out, the super white blood cells that go out and train the regular white blood cells, the killers.
This doesn't kill your white blood cells.
They just sit there and do nothing.
Turns them off.
Three shots.
97% turn off.
And Fauci was running the whole HIV crap.
You like that, folks?
You like being given vaccine-induced AIDS?
You like it?
Think it's fun?
Think it's cute?
Now we know they're not going to release anything on us, they don't have a cure for it for their own selves.
So, yeah.
And again, I didn't just take this away to bitch the crew, they did a great job of the debate yesterday, all the rest of it.
I'm just telling you that all the listeners out there, I myself need to get serious, and I pledge to you.
People tell me they want me to be funny, and that the show's better, the old show.
No, this isn't time to be funny.
This is time to be serious.
I've gotten so mad now that... I'm already mad about the situation.
And... God help us.
People say, how does it feel to be vindicated?
You know, I get like text messages from people, oh man, your book's like, I'll perform in R.F.K.
Jr.' 's and Senator Paul's, don't you feel good?
I don't care less about performing better than some man.
I hope all our books are number one.
I want to stop the bioweapon attack.
I actually shot back.
My friend that sent me that, nothing against him, he's the co-author, and I just said, dude, I don't, great, great, you know what I want to stop?
I want to stop the extermination of our families.
He said, oh, I agree with you.
Yeah, but I'm saying, it's even in that, like, this is not about, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm not saying people are bad, I'm just saying, this is life and death, you understand that?
This is game time, this is in the zone time, okay?
And I was already intending to come in here and give this talk today to people, because I have this nagging thing I've tried to define, I have trouble, like where it feels almost sick to even have a show.
You know, like I'm up here chronicling our destruction, as they feed our children into cultural, spiritual, physical meat grinders.
And as we watch the borders dissolve, and as we watch the hundreds of thousands of fentanyl deaths, and the World War III, and the blowing up of pipelines, and the Secretary of Defense didn't even Tell anyone that he went in the hospital for five days.
You understand, they call him in the president if nukes get launched or stuff, and there's no one even up there running anything.
They all just, it's committees.
They all have committee votes and no one really runs anything except the agenda.
And because that's how they like it.
So they all get these councils, secret councils.
And then so they really just play golf and take drugs and have sex all day.
And while they rob the hell out of us and they're like, oh, we just go start a war with Russia.
And yeah, we'll just do this and we'll, we'll just arrest our political opposition.
We'll just take Trump off the ballot.
We'll just, they're crazy.
They're megalomaniacs and they're going to get everybody killed.
Like, they didn't- they thought they'd release a virus and then give us poison shots and they'd be able to suppress everyone and their internal documents show they'd still have us under lockdown right now?
I mean, they really thought this would go good?
Do you idiots know what's gonna happen when you release some virus that kills 30% of people?
End of the world type stuff, bubba!
And we know where you live!
But I don't want to see you burned out of your holes, like Hitler under the Reich Chancellery in 1945.
I want you to stop it, you demons!
I want you to recognize that you're killing yourself along with us, and you need to be in a mental institution.
The Rothschilds and all of them.
The Charlie Mungers, the Bill Gateses, the Warren Buffets, the nice little old men.
They're monsters.
In fact, I forgot that article.
Give me the one about the Secretary of Defense.
He just disappeared for five days.
And the White House wasn't even told.
It's a joke!
They got a whole bunch of commanders and leaders now, men in dresses, running around up there.
This is insane.
And I mean, I think about all of this, and I mean, they just killed at least 17 million people.
And there's more dropping dead every day.
Just everywhere.
And the infertility, the turbo cancer, and they're openly priming the pump everywhere to turn the power off and blame it on the patriots and False flags, race war crap, cyber attacks, all of it.
And then it's just all that DC, Hollywood, Ivy League scum.
And it's being done by a handful of people because they've got a plan to
organize it and contain it they think and control it.
So that then, they don't have to share resources with the rest of us.
I mean, it's just, it's that selfish.
But it's bigger than that.
They want the technology.
Because humanity is about to go, type 1 civilization.
And we are about to get major life extension technology.
They've already got it.
And they do not want the public to have all this because this will revolutionize everything and will disempower their current cabal.
And they are just scared of that.
And so they just want to end this as you know it, as a Hunger Games scenario.
It's not that they're based on Hunger Games.
Hunger Games is based on it, where you have high-tech districts, cities, that have high-tech and everything.
And the rest of us that are allowed to live are put in an agrarian facet to serve them.
And then they're like the Olympian gods, or the Elysians, or the Elysium Fields, the demigod level.
They don't think they're gods yet, but they describe themselves as this.
They have movies about it called Elysium.
That was in literature 50 years ago by them.
They have movies about it because they're telling you, oh, they're out on a spaceship living like kings, not dying.
You're down here in squalor.
That's what they're doing.
That's what they're doing.
They're telling you!
Alright, I'm gonna stop right there.
I'm going to start the next hour and 10 minutes.
I'm going to talk some more, but I just got too angry at this point.
I was all ready to come in here with a presentation and go over all this, but I think it's good that I just got angry because before we drill into how they're doing it and how we stop them, let's first recognize what we're in.
You know, it's like you walk out in the parking lot of the grocery store and somebody hits you in the head with a baseball bat.
And then they start stealing your wife's purse.
Now you can lay there and feel sorry for yourself or you can decide to explode and jump up and jump on top of them and bash their brains out.
And I have decided in the information war that I don't like being hit upside the head with a baseball bat.
I'm going to get pissed and all that baseball bat did was wake my ass up and I'm going to bash your brains out politically in a nonviolent way.
I'm going to break your neck.
I'm going to tear the nose off your face.
And I'm going to get you.
Just know that for sure.
Because I'm not here to be walked on and my family murdered by you people that think you're so superior.
You're not.
You're not.
And you're going to be defeated.
All right, I'm going to stop right there.
All right.
Let me just tell you what I got coming up here.
I'm going to start over because a lot of people just joined us.
And I'm going to talk about Brett Weinstein, I'm going to talk about Tucker Carlson, and I'm going to introduce you to this scientist and top statisticians, and just another prestigious group that went and looked at the public morbidity numbers, and they've killed 70 million people conservatively.
Real numbers like 20-something million, okay?
And I've got it all right here, and then I've got presentations about it all, and I've got all the raw numbers that you can go check, because these are public.
But you know what wasn't public until he did it?
The head guy over the database, the only person in control, and when he went public it turned out it was true, he was the only guy over the database, only one could put the numbers in, where they have the numbers of people who took the shots, and then exactly as you can see, it is the shots that are killing them, and when you pull that number out of the spreadsheet, it's everybody taking the shots, are the increase in death.
You understand that?
Because you can look at the worst death numbers in modern history since they took statistics, not from 2000 before the shots, but 2021, 2022, 2023.
Record deaths of not just old people, but healthy demographics.
Six-year-olds, five-year-olds, ten-year-olds, fourteen-year-olds, thirty-year-olds.
I mean, you've seen it yourself, man, they're dropping dead on TV every day!
You can't even watch a football or basketball game without cardiac arrest on the field!
And then they got public service announcements.
Imagine when you get the government contract, it turns out he's been funding it, and you work at a big ad agency, and they go, yeah, we're getting ready to run ads everywhere that heart attacks are going to increase.
And you don't ask why.
Oh, we're going to call it Holiday Heart.
Everybody knows there's increased heart attacks at Christmas time.
Yeah, we're gonna have ads on the buses and billboards that they started in 2021 right when the shots started.
I'm sitting there and I'm watching buses drive by that say, it's normal to have strokes when you're 10 years old.
Another bus, it's normal to have heart attacks.
No big deal.
It's the new normal, huh?
Jolly times.
I mean, it's all pre-programmed and you're sitting here going, what the hell?
I mean, you know.
Guys, I forgot.
Print me the FDA document, October 2000, three months before they roll the shots out, where it says probable adverse reactions, everything that happened, because they'd already tested this secretly on humans and on primates.
They've already got a primate center east of Austin that's got 10,000 monkeys in it and apes.
They're building a new one with 45,000 or 43,000.
of 45,000 or 43,000. What do you think they're doing over there?
Oh, they're getting special.
All sorts of special goodies.
Because a pig, a monkey, an ape, or a rat has the same response to every drug we do.
Those are the animals.
A pig, a monkey, an ape, a rat, or a gerbil.
And I've got the studies where Fauci, under a national initiative of Obama, at the University of Texas and Chapel Hill, North Carolina, tested this exact stuff on mice.
And it did what it's doing to us.
And that's why they put in the damn report it's gonna cause myocarditis, heart swelling, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, infertility, turbo cancer.
They built it for you!
And the people that took the shots, they can't admit to themselves they did this.
So we don't just have the raw death numbers to know this is doing it.
We have, from New Zealand, who took the shots from the National Database.
Because every time you take a shot, the government sends money to the vaccine maker for the person that took it.
They don't get the money unless the shot goes in them.
Because it's even incentivized.
And they took that database and put it over it.
And it's exact.
The normal graph is like this, up and down a little.
It stays the same in the aggregate.
Unless you have World War II or World War I. World War I, bloop.
World War II, bloop.
They just hit us, bloop.
Hadn't been a, bloop.
Like that since World War II, except they didn't get numbers out of China.
Oh, there was a, bloop, with good old Mount Satung.
Conservatively, he killed 85 million of his own people.
But see, that wasn't on the radar, because they were behind an iron curtain of death.
And now we're going behind one too.
You ready to get killed?
You think it's fun?
Think it's gonna be nice?
This is a fact.
This is going on.
This is happening.
We cannot let them do it.
We have to expose them.
We have to stop them.
We have to get serious.
We have to understand we're in a life and death situation.
Got it?
*Sigh* *Groan* I'm fighting hard not to not to Hulk out, man.
Just really trying right now.
I haven't felt like this since I was like 16, man.
God, I just have real issues with anger.
I just, you know, if I got messed with or attacked, this is what happened.
And they are attacking us, and this is a normal response, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, I could cry, too.
I feel like that, too, you know?
Oh my god, Planned Parenthood's selling all the millions of baby parts, keeping them alive.
It's in the federal documents they deliver nine-month-old babies alive to research facilities.
And then we ask, was Jeffrey Epstein screwing kids with the government?
Of course, that's what they do!
You don't get into the positions of power now unless you're raping kids bare minimum, okay?
So when you see these secretaries and leaders, they screw little kids, okay?
Get that through your head.
Yeah, they're pedophiles.
That's just one level.
That's bare minimum.
All right, so yeah, yeah, they're bad.
Where do you think the 87,000 missing kids Biden brought in are out of the 400-something thousand?
A bunch of them are dead.
Yeah, they like to kill them, too.
They'll want to kill you.
We'll be right back.
with us our number two.
Stay with us.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Again, I mean, they're killing people.
And they think it's funny.
And now they're gearing up for even more devastating attacks.
I mean, this is life and death.
They don't want to just rule over us and rob us.
So I got so upset last hour that I'm just beyond angry right now.
They want to kill us.
And because I sit here and I read these documents and I've just got... I need to get to them.
And we are.
I'm just... It's just... This stuff is already public.
Like, everyone should have this.
Everybody should know all this.
And I have to beg people to care, because they've instilled in us such incredible selfishness.
But it's beyond selfishness.
It's like if you've ever been to the part of the country where nobody hunts deer, and they're just walking right up to you.
Now, you go to the part of the country where people hunt them, the deer are hard to find.
There are a lot of them there, but they're hiding.
Or they're out at night.
See, people are domesticated.
It's like pigs.
A normal pig, come right up to you, pat it on the head, even though you're going to be eating it in a week, is bacon, and ham, and sausage.
But you take hogs, just in one or two generations, they have a couple, you know, litters a year, and they got long hair, and big old tusks, and are crazy, and just meaner than hell.
You shoot one of the hogs now, and you don't get to it right away, the other hogs eat it live.
They eat it.
They turn right on themselves, just eat it.
And the globalists have created domesticated population, but they don't really need you for anything anymore.
They don't want you to have a swimming pool and go to college and have kids and go to church.
They want you dead.
And they have no respect for you because you won't admit they're doing it.
I don't want their respect.
I want them out of my life.
I want them to go away.
But they tried to hire me.
They respect me.
And they say the public's too dumb.
You don't understand how dangerous they are.
They've got to be gotten rid of.
And in a way that's true because the general public will become more and more evil like the globalists are.
They're the biggest spoiled brats.
They just know how stuff works.
So you're right.
All this milk and honey has made people evil and lazy and the globalists are the manifestation of that looking at itself in the mirror saying we got to get rid of these people because they're going to eat us alive.
Morality is what we need.
Being good and honorable.
And Lord knows I'm not perfect.
Man, I've been around the block a lot, okay?
But I know what's right.
And I've gotten better and better as I get older.
But with these globalists, they get worse and worse and worse.
Fine wine gets better over time.
Milk rots.
And these globalists are like 20-year-old milk carton in the refrigerator.
It's as hard as a rock.
You open it up, it stinks.
Alright, I'm done with the metaphors.
I'm gonna try to get my mind together.
It's hard to read this stuff and know it all and then like come back and talk about it again because I'm upset, okay?
And because there's like 10 groups at least, prestigious groups that have looked the numbers and say depending on how you cut it, 17 to 23 million dead and it just keeps going up from the damn shot.
And again, you can say, I don't care.
Those are mothers and fathers and sons and daughters.
They have families.
But you understand how that weighs down on the culture?
And do you understand that the medical system is being weaponized to know what's going on and extract it and the good nurses and doctors get out and they bring in bad ones that'll do even worse stuff?
This was a dry run for the big one!
A dry run for the big one!
Nuclear war, you can say is hypothetical, even though it's a serious danger.
But, they already did this, and they are openly bragging how they're going to do it, and they've got all these movies out about how great it is when they kill all of us.
And, I mean, folks, do you really want to die?
I mean, do you really?
You understand this is going on, right?
And look, I know our general audience gets that.
And you can say this is gloom and doom.
No, it's not.
This is going on, okay?
It's positive we're on air, it's positive we're reaching a lot of people, and we've got to do it like our lives depend on it because they do.
Okay, I'm going to zen out.
I had a big brainy score before the show, and I just, I just, I'm going to, I'm going to put it together.
Your own government mass murdering is a big deal.
Alright, I'm going to lay out the most important information happening on our planet today,
hands down, right now.
Today I did another deep dive collating the 10-10 that I know of.
Major respected consortiums of academic scientists, top statisticians, insurance company actuarialists, the top names in the insurance companies particularly, Say there's 20 plus million dead from the COVID shots.
The low number is 17 mil and growing.
All right?
Now, because of New Zealand, it's the only country where we have the insider over the national database.
One guy was over it and he integrated it in with the shot database and then the morbidity database.
And it was people taking the shot that were dying.
Now you can see it's happening.
If everybody goes to a party and drinks the iced tea and everybody gets deathly ill, people look at their blood tests and they say, yes, somebody put arsenic in the tea.
Or if everybody dies, you test the tea and it's cyanide.
You know, like, everybody dies, the police go, test all this food, test this, and they go, yes sir, it's, you know, they put gloves on, mask on, they go test, yeah, it's cyanide.
So, so, you don't even need to be a pathologist to know we had record deaths after the shots, it's the shots, not during COVID, the first year.
But now we have the numbers from New Zealand, they're hiding them everywhere else, of the specific morbidity charts and the names versus the database of who took the shot.
All in one database, because they're tracking you.
And the statistician people, the expert, they start crying, because it's like, what?
And then the government's battle to cover it up, because they're all singing to the WEF-UN sheet of music.
So thank God to Barry Young, who they're prosecuting.
Trying to put him in prison for a decade for not releasing any names.
He blacked those out, but he released the database, and now they want to put him in prison.
So, think about that level of evil.
Where are the big demonstrations to support him?
The guy deserves a Medal of Honor.
Because in a world of universal deceit, tell him the truth, it's a revolutionary act.
So, I'm not going to play the longer Brett Weinstein clip, Tucker, but the short one where he just talks about this.
Then I'm going to show you some documents, and then I'm going to go into these breakdowns by these scientists.
And we did talk to the scientist.
He's going to be on the show either tomorrow or Tuesday, Dennis Rancourt, who helped put this international team together.
And put out this report that's all the wrong government statistics around the world.
That's just the synopsis.
It's got links to other reports and breakdowns and everything's bibliographed.
It's two-sided pages here and it's the same damn signature all across the world.
Do I need to be a pathologist that if I walk up to you or somebody walks up to you and hits you full power with a hatchet and the carotid artery that you're probably gonna die?
And then somebody hits you in the neck with a hatchet and cuts your carotid artery, hits the other one, you fall down, you're dead, and then they're like, you're not a doctor!
You can't say he's dead!
You don't know!
But we do have the doctors now, and we have the government databases.
They did it.
You watch a car run off a cliff and blow up in flames at the bottom with people in it, you know they're dead.
But we have the actual pathology reports.
We have everything.
We have them.
And then people are like, man, aren't you happy?
Boy, everybody really thinks you're cool!
I mean, I guess it's great that I go to a restaurant or I go to the grocery store and thank you.
Like half the people, it's like Fight Club.
Oh, great job.
We know they're all criminals.
We're with you.
What are we going to do?
But I mean, so yeah, it's good people are waking up.
But listen, I don't care about that.
I want to stop them murdering my family.
And I care about yours, too.
But I'll tell you, I'm sitting there talking and playing board games with my six-and-a-half-year-old daughter today, and she's so sweet and innocent, and I just keep thinking about Bill Gates, and I'm just like, I'm like a caged tiger, like what am I gonna do?
I mean, I'm just waiting for them to release another weapon, and he says it's imminent, starts laughing on TV about it?
But we're taught to bow to authority, so it's like, well, he's the guy on TV, and the Justice Department, they're just, no, they're a bunch of criminals at the top.
Smuggling children into the country to do everything you can imagine to.
I mean, we're rotten folks at the top.
We're decadent, we're as evil as anything ever walked on this earth, okay?
And now you wonder why we're getting total bondage and mass death.
That's what crazy people do because there's a problem about evil.
Skip the break.
You study cycles.
Bad times make strong men.
And you know the story.
Bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times.
If you study history, you know that.
But, the cycles just go on for hundreds of years sometimes, usually about 88.
And they're super cycles.
But, you can have some dictator that just wants a monopoly in power, maybe wants to take over a nearby country, and still wants prosperity.
And then they get their spoiled rotten group under them gets in power and then a psycho group.
And then if there were older people in the establishment or old groups that didn't want to kill everybody.
But because they're corrupt, they leave the corruption in place, so more evil people than them take over, and it's a synthesis.
Like panning for gold, but they're panning for evil.
You go down the river and you pan the silt and find little pieces of gold.
No, evil and corruption and allowing corruption to grow is a synthesis that then gives you the purest, most psychotic killers you could ever have.
And so that's why, at the end of a decadent cycle, They'll launch giant wars, they'll cut the food off, they'll just burn down their own city to kill the poor, they'll start murdering everybody, they'll order the firstborn killed, they'll erect temples and order children burned alive, because that's what they like to do.
Because we didn't restrain them.
So, what do pagans do?
They have human sacrifice.
What do pagans do?
They don't value children.
What does Western civilization and Christianity do?
Value children.
All right, I'm done explaining it.
Let's go to the Weinstein clip.
And the point is, this is all coming out.
And then he went further in the clip we already played and said, the UN's got a world treaty with Big Pharma to shut everybody down and totally take over.
And basically, it's impossible to overstate this.
Obviously, they're getting ready to release something else again, and it's going to be just as bad or worse.
Yeah, exactly.
And you have to come to that understanding because they're saying they're about to do it and giggling and laughing.
All right, here's Weinstein.
There was a press, I was recently at a conference in Romania on the COVID crisis.
And so there was a lot of work trying to unpack what we actually understand.
And I saw a credible estimate of something like 17 million deaths globally.
from this technology. So 17 million deaths from the COVID vax?
Well, when you know, when you scale up to billions, it's not hard to reach a number
like that with a technology this dangerous. Now, to your deeper question, I think let's steel man.
Just for perspective, I mean, that's like the death toll of a global war.
It is.
This is a great tragedy of history.
So that proportion.
And amazingly, There is no way in which it's over.
I mean, we are still apparently recommending these things for healthy children.
Never stood any chance of getting any benefit from them.
Every chance of suffering harms that are not only serious, but tragic on the basis that children have long lives ahead of them.
If you ruin a child's immune system in youth, they have to spend the rest of their presumably shortened life in that state.
Never made any sense that we were giving this to kids in the first place.
The fact that we're still doing it when the emergency, to the extent there even was one, is clearly over and when there's never been any proper justification of administering it to healthy kids.
Healthy kids don't die of COVID.
And the shot doesn't prevent you from catching or transmitting it.
So there was just literally no justification you could come up with.
All right, this is a 25-minute presentation I'm about to play.
And they've got multi-day conferences are up there.
There's a thread on my ex-account at Real Alex Jones where I posted this and where you can see this 25-minute report.
If you follow that thread, it's got the full conference and the numbers.
And then again, here's the big report that links to all the government websites and insurance companies and shows you the numbers globally, okay?
So that's 17 million dead.
But first, I wanted to show you this.
They also did about a nice, really good boil down.
It's about 10 minutes long that I'm also going to be getting to.
I thought I had it on the list.
It's not there.
So I'm there the longer clip first, but I'll get to the crew and we'll have it.
But I wanted to show you this.
This is FDA safety surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines draft working list of possible adverse event outcomes.
The arthritis, the heart attacks, the myocarditis, the strokes, the blood clots, the deaths.
It's all here.
And that's on the FDA website from October, October 2020.
Three plus years ago.
So, they knew.
And I didn't just get that from this.
I got the University Studies.
Obama, in a directive, created this for you and your family.
Because you love it.
We understand.
He's a nice person.
I mean, he's a black guy.
He's a loving, good man.
Really cares about everybody.
And if you don't like him doing that, you're a racist.
See, they use front people that are black and women.
You go to a globalist event, that's all their spokespersons now, and it's a total front.
They're going to kill everybody in the third world.
They're guaranteed to get killed.
So let's go ahead and go to Dr. Dennis Rancourt and the longer presentation.
go ahead and roll that.
No, I'm not asking...
Okay, I'm going to talk about something quite different.
I'm going to talk about all-cause mortality.
I'm not going to be concerned about what caused the death.
We're just going to count deaths.
And I'm going to show you data for Romania as well.
And all of the graphs and results that I will be presenting are in several scientific reports that I myself and collaborators have been writing for the last three or more years, and they can be found on this website, the scientific reports.
And these are my main collaborators on the all-cause mortality research, and two of them are in the room here with us.
They're from Prague and Another place that I told him I wouldn't forget the name of and I just did.
I'm sorry about that, Jeremy.
And so I want to start the historic record.
Almost 1900.
I'll show some data starting in 1900.
I want to start really at the beginning of COVID, if you like.
Now, all-cause mortality, you're just counting deaths.
And this is the case of France from 1946 on, just after the Second World War.
And what you find everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere is that death is higher, is larger in the wintertime.
It comes down in the summertime, and so it has a seasonal pattern.
That's very regular This has been known for more than a hundred years, and I would argue that it's not completely understood I would argue that it's it's far from completely understood But this is what the pattern looks like by months, so we're looking at mortality by month in France and if you integrate By year, by cycle year around each winter from summer to summer in France, it looks like this.
So there can be an intense winter followed by a lower winter and so on.
And the pattern looks like that.
So since the end of the Second World War, mortality on a population basis has been decreasing mostly.
And it's typically 1% of the population that dies in a given year.
So this is the kind of data we're going to deal with.
And that last year is the first year of the so-called pandemic.
And now if we go to the USA to give another example, I can do all-cause mortality.
This is by year now for a particular age group.
This is the 15 to 24-year-old age group, and I've separated into male and female, so you've got the two colors there.
And this graph allows us to illustrate what you can see when you measure mortality, which is a hard figure.
Nobody can tell you that the government didn't count the deaths correctly because they're very serious about counting deaths.
And it's a legalistic process.
And so this is hard data.
And this is what you see.
You see that there was an event in 1918.
That event was recovered by the CDC and called the Spanish Flu.
I know, and there are several scientific articles that show that this was not a viral respiratory disease.
No one over 50 years old died in that huge peak of mortality.
Only young adults and families and teenagers died in that peak.
And, you know, the rich didn't die in that period.
So, that was 1918.
And then in the United States, you have something called the Great Depression.
Huge economic collapse, followed by an economic related, the Dust Bowl, which was an environmental catastrophe, partly.
And those were the big hardships, recent hardships in the USA.
And you can see the mortality there in both men and women in those periods.
Then in the Second World War, you see that men have a mortality, whereas women do not.
And I think we all understand why.
And in the Vietnam War period, you can see that there's a hump in mortality for the men.
This is what you can see in all-cause mortality.
And so, in conclusion, I've been studying all-cause mortality extensively in more than a hundred countries on all the continents except Antarctica, obviously, and in great detail by unit time, by week, by day, by month, by age group, by sex, and I can tell you that the only thing you can see in all-cause mortality data are the following things.
Seasonal variations like I explained.
A maximum in the winter and in the southern hemisphere, it's reversed.
Their winter is our summer, that's when they have a maximum of mortality.
In the equatorial region, there is no seasonal variation in mortality.
There's no spikes, it's a flat line.
So there's seasonal variation that follows the hemispheres.
You can see wars, like I mentioned.
You can see economic collapses.
Huge economic collapses that affect populations.
You can see summer heat waves in northern latitudes that are not used to having a very hot period in the summer.
That kills people.
Sometimes because they fall down the stairs when it's really hot.
But it kills people and you can see a peak that lasts about a week in one of these hot spells.
You can see earthquakes.
Right away, you see the earthquake.
People get crushed by buildings, you count the dead, and you see a peak due to earthquakes.
But we do not see or detect any of the CDC claimed pandemics that occurred in 1957, 58, 68, 2009.
Those pandemics, those so-called pandemics, do not give rise to any excess all-cause mortality that can be detected in any jurisdiction and or by any means.
Excess death cannot be detected on the national or state scale for these so-called pandemics.
So they did not cause excess death, whatever they are.
And then you have, I explained 1918, then we have the COVID period.
And in the COVID period, there was a huge assault.
There were many, a multi-pronged assault against people, vulnerable people in many different jurisdictions.
So depending on what the state did before they brought in the vaccines, I'll talk about the vaccines as well, but depending on what the states did, they caused excess mortality, sometimes huge amounts of it.
And I'll show you examples of that.
So, um, So, first I want to tell you that something just happened socially as part of the propaganda, which is that the Nobel Prize was awarded for this so-called vaccine.
And I want to show you how absurd this is because all the politicians that were supporting this were claiming that tens of millions of lives were saved by the vaccine, this magical vaccine for which we had given the Nobel Prize.
Well, we looked at that.
We looked at the basis for that claim.
And the basis for the claim is an article that appeared in Lancet Infectious Diseases in 2022 by Watson et al.
And they claim that between 14 and 19 million lives were saved.
So we, as physicists, as scientists, we said, OK, if that's what you're claiming, let's calculate and see what that would look like on the scale of all-cause mortality by time.
And so let's start somewhere, and let's go to Canada, and we see the seasonal cycle.
So this is all-cause mortality on a scale that starts at zero.
And let's look at the seasonal variation.
That vertical line is the declaration of the pandemic.
The very first peak you see in blue there is Canada killing elderly people and vulnerable people in hospitals and in care homes because of aggressive initial treatments because they were concerned about this so-called pandemic.
And this happened in many hot spots in Western countries, but it did not happen in any of the Eastern European countries or in Russia.
So depending on the country, Uh, depending on what they did, that's, that's the thing.
It did not happen in Germany where they were not doing this.
By the way, hit pause.
Then we go... Yeah, and again, that was the bounty in the key countries, the $53,000, adjusted to every currency that's equivalent to $53,000, all battle-planned perfectly, to then murder them with the ventilators, the rendezvous, uh, and the rest of it, while locking the families out so they could commit the murders, and in places like New York and...
leftist hotspots LA, it would be only a few of the big hospitals where all the
deaths happened because the little ones and stuff weren't gonna murder people.
They didn't have nurses and doctors that wanted to kill people and get the
$53,000. So there's hotspot cities and then hotspots within those all over the
world where they were on the operation. But we're gonna go to break. I'm gonna
come back and then he gets into the new numbers.
So he's showing you the graph of wars and all the rest of it and then you see what happens when the shots start.
So there's a big bump but nothing compared to the bigger bump coming when they first murder the old people and lock people out of the nursing homes.
Then it goes along for the rest of the year, nothing happens, and then the shots start.
In every country, straight up death curve.
He's going to go to that.
And again, this is just unbelievable evil.
And if you're not outraged by this, not just for the dead and what they did, but because they're going to do it again, and are licking their sick lips while they talk about it.
I mean, it'd be like if somebody pulled up my office and was walking around it with a 50-gallon gas can, dumping gasoline, I'd go out and put a gun to their head and say, don't light a match, call the police.
Well, I mean, they're literally pouring gasoline on all of us, laughing and giggling right now, and they're pulling out a pack of matches, saying, I'm gonna light this.
And I'm like, no, you're not.
No, you're not.
You scum.
You psychos.
They're sitting 12 monkeys where a guy fictitiously, you know, in a movie puts a bioweapon in an airport.
This is really going on.
They put it in the shots.
They inject it in your body.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm going to play like 18 more minutes of this.
There's like a 12 minute piece.
I think we've got time to get in.
If not, I'm going to ask Chase to play it and start his show Sunday live.
It goes from 6 to 8 p.m.
I'll be covering all this tomorrow because it's 100% clear and a lot of the really big smart people agree it's going down.
I mean, I'm trying to save my life and my family's life and your life, too.
We're all in this together.
And again, I wish this wasn't true.
So, after I play this longer clip, though, I'm going to play Yuval Noah Harari bragging about how great the pandemic was to cut carbon.
That means cut people.
And how it's going to train us to not have money and not be able to travel.
And they're all saying it in the New York Times and The Guardian.
It's just, they think you're stupid and they sit there and brag about it.
How they control our governments.
How they control half the cabinets of the world.
and Larry Fink prancing around.
They hate you, okay?
They hate me.
They hate my children.
My children!
So stand up for yourselves, dammit.
Make this information number one.
And it's becoming that, and we're gonna beat them.
I'll tell you why I'm really fired up.
We got a good chance of beating them.
We've got a good chance, folks, but we've killed so many of our own babies and done so much stuff.
God has given us a chance to turn this around.
And if we don't do it, God's going to say, fine, and He's going to let them kill us.
And I guess the bad stuff I did will come back on me.
Because I killed my children.
I didn't understand it.
I repented of it when I was young.
But I was involved in abortions.
And God, I imagine those kids, I'd fight and die for them so much right now, I love my children so much, and I can't believe I did that!
And now they're just gonna take more away!
Just gonna let them do that to you?
You know, the sick part of me though, at least all these leftists are gonna die.
You think it's funny?
But tell them they're the ones taking the shots dying anyways.
Go back to the report, here it is.
The computer has been freezing up today when it rang the pores.
This happened in many hot spots in Western countries, but it did not happen in any of the Eastern European countries or in Russia.
So depending on the country, depending on what they did, that's the thing.
It did not happen in Germany where they were not doing this.
Then we go on and we bring in the vaccines and they are claiming that this vaccine, which is the number of vaccines is that grey curve, that's the cumulative vaccine doses being given in Canada.
And what you see is they're claiming that, thank God we brought in the vaccines at that time because otherwise we would have had the mortality in red there.
They're claiming that their vaccine saved us from having the mortality in red, that they calculated.
They're claiming that there would have been mortality like we've never seen in the history of a human society and that, thank God, this vaccine came at just the time when there would have been this incredible mortality and saved us and brought down the mortality to basically the same level we've always had.
That's what the vaccine did.
Not halfway down, not somewhere in between, but just brought things down.
This is the magic of the vaccine that is explained by the magic of mathematical models written by...
Bought-out scientists working for bought-out politicians.
So, it is not true.
The vaccine did not save lives.
In fact, and I'll show Romania, I'll skip some slides.
This is Canada again, but instead of showing raw all-cause mortality, we've corrected the mortality to show only the excess of mortality.
And therefore, You have a flat baseline until the pandemic and then you can see the excesses that occur at various times depending on what the government was doing.
And again, the curve of predicted saved lives.
Now we can do this in the United States.
The United States was a country that treated, that had many more vulnerable people health-wise than Canada, and treated them very aggressively.
So the baseline, if you like, excess all-cause mortality in blue there, has huge features which you do not see in Canada.
And this is a very strange virus that we're dealing with here because it carries a passport.
It refused to cross from the U.S.
into Canada, despite the fact that it's thousands of kilometers of the two biggest exchange partners, you know, on the continent.
The vaccine was not crossing borders.
It didn't cross initially into Germany.
When we draw maps of intensity of excess mortality, we see that the vaccine has definite Passports depending on jurisdiction.
In other words, this was not a spreading viral respiratory disease.
Our conclusion from studying all the all-cause mortality, I'll tell you our conclusion before we get there, is that our data, this hard data, contradicts the idea that there was a particularly virulent pathogen that came onto the planet, And that spread and that caused havoc by itself.
Instead what we see is that everywhere that there is excess mortality you can understand it in terms of the incredible aggressive treatments that were
done and the vaccines, which you can quantify.
I gave you the conclusion ahead of time, I'm skipping ahead a bit, but no matter.
This is what Europe looks like, overall Europe, or the countries that we were able to include here,
it looks quite similar to the US, the situation in the US.
Now let me show you Romania.
In Romania, there is no excess mortality at the beginning, right after the pandemic is announced.
That just is a feature of hotspots in the Western European countries.
But then there is a massive excess peak that starts.
We're going to talk about that a little bit more because we don't...
I'm starting to understand it as I talk to people who know more about Romania.
And then the vaccines are rolled out, and I know that Romanians didn't get vaccinated maybe as much as others, but still, the claim in this theoretical paper is that the excess mortality would have been that red line if there had not been the vaccines.
But what I see when I look at that pattern is that there's a peak right when you start rolling out the vaccines, then there's a really large peak when you roll them out again, And then there's, you see that last peak there is directly associated to the booster doses that were given.
So I'm going to look at that in some detail at the end of the talk.
I just want to back this up because I know this is backwards and forwards.
You can look this up yourself.
And it's directly related as people stop taking as much, it goes down again.
But what the experts predicted was when you got the second and third, it would turbocharge it because it has an amplifying effect.
Okay, so it all fits perfectly.
Not this theoretical redline stuff of what theorists are telling us, but coming back to the hard data, this is what it looks like in the United States.
So, on the bottom you have all-cause mortality by month, you have the vertical line in each graph that shows the announcement of the pandemic, and mysteriously, at the announcement of the pandemic, there are hotspots synchronously at the same time In hot spots around the world where there's this huge initial peak of mortality.
I was the first to write an article about that and to point out that normally viruses do not follow political directives.
And they don't.
So it has to be something else.
And also there's no evidence that there was spread in this feature.
It happened synchronously in the whole Northern Hemisphere, for example, and there's no evidence that it then spread.
It was localized, it stayed there, and it was due mostly to extremely aggressive medical treatments, because the medical teams were told, they were propagandized, that there was this horrible virulent thing that was just going to come down on us, and now we've just announced it's a pandemic.
So they had a license to try whatever Help they could give, and sometimes they prescribed too much, they entubed people with mechanical respirators, a ghastly thing to do, and the places that did this most aggressively, these treatments, and we can follow that in our data, had the largest peaks of this type.
Northern Italy, Even Stockholm was, you know, protecting the elderly especially, and they had a peak like that.
And New York City obviously is well known.
So this is mainly the New York City peak that you see in the US data here.
Then the curve in the middle is all-cause mortality again, but by week now, a finer time resolution, so you can see more of the details.
And the curve on top is a blow-up of that.
And what you see for the first time in recorded history in the U.S., in the mortality history, is peaks occurring in mid-summer in the United States.
Unheard of.
And so I put black dots there to show them.
The first one occurs at a time when they were really aggressing poor people who live in the very hot southern states, and the integrated mortality for that correlates with poverty.
If you were poor, you died at that time.
If you were not, you didn't die.
And then they rolled out the vaccines.
And the summer peak you get on rolling out the vaccine there is from what they called vaccine equity, which meant they hired thousands of people in the U.S.
to go and vaccinate everyone who hadn't been vaccinated yet, who was resisting or who was far away in a care home.
And they aggressively went and vaccinated all those people.
Yeah, stop it again.
Back it up to five seconds.
This is so important.
I want to take this because it's a great presentation, great facility.
But of course, the sound guy, there's a buzz on it.
We're going to put this out again on video and Facebook or Twitter tomorrow.
We'll fix the buzz.
But the point is, this is all solid information.
Remember, I'm going to get clips.
Remember, oh we're going to give it to the black people, the poor, they get it first.
And Borla, Moderna said, or Pfizer, I'm not going to take it until the poor get it first.
And it was like, the poor get it first, and the women, and the minorities.
Isn't it liberal?
It's so loving.
And then that's who they got.
They also bombed conservative areas with the hot doses that even had more of the poison in it.
We've documented that.
Let's continue.
Which meant they hired thousands of people in the U.S.
to go and vaccinate everyone who hadn't been vaccinated yet, who was resisting or who was far away in a care home.
And they aggressively went and vaccinated all those people.
It was funded by Gates and all those people.
And they produced that huge peak of mortality in the U.S.
So that's what the U.S.
mortality in recent times COVID looks like.
If you look at now mortality in the U.S.
by age group, you can see the age groups there, 0 to 24 years, 25 to 44, and so on.
Before they vaccinate, the percent increase, the excess mortality expressed as a percent of the baseline mortality for the age group, looks like that on top.
And in the vaccination period, the age structure of mortality changes dramatically and shifts towards younger individuals.
That doesn't mean that quantitatively the elderly were not dying.
Most of the deaths are in the elderly, as you would expect, but this is expressed as a percentage of the baseline.
So in those terms, it shifts to younger people.
And in the US, the total excess mortality in The COVID period as a whole correlates perfectly with poverty in the state for the 50 states in the United States.
You will never see this in social science, such a strong correlation.
It's very rare.
And not only is it a strong correlation, we call it, it's technically called a very good correlation when it's that value of the correlation coefficient.
And it goes through the origin, which means it's not just a correlation, It's a proportionality.
The more poor you had in the state, the more people died in that state.
Directly proportional.
So this tells you, that's another thing that viruses don't do.
They don't select to only kill poor people.
That doesn't happen.
That's not a signature of a viral infection.
So our model of what's been going on to cause mortality in the great majority of jurisdictions that we saw is the following model.
We stress the literature.
Well, first of all, there is what governments did.
The socioeconomic impact.
Many people lost their jobs, lost their social contacts, lost their regular activities, lost their position in society.
So incredible stress related to that.
There was regulatory rules of all kinds.
There was institutional pressures put on people.
There were all kinds of conditions that you know about.
And in some countries, it was much more violent than others.
In Peru, they hired 10,000, they called in 10,000 military reservists.
Right away, to go and find all the people that could be found that would test positive for COVID, and they would extract them from their families, no matter how old they were, and isolate them.
And there's a huge mortality peak in Peru as a result of that practice.
So there was aggression, it caused psychological stress and social isolation, and scientifically, that is known to depress the immune system dramatically.
This is very well established.
It's a whole area of science to study this, this relationship with stress.
And so therefore you have that reduction in the immune system, and so you are more vulnerable to every kind of infection.
And when you have, in a large population, depressed immunity, one of the organs that's most susceptible to immediately being infected is the lungs, because you already have an entire ecosystem of bacteria and everything in your own mouth and in your respiratory tract, and many of those can become quite dangerous to your lungs.
So you get bacterial pneumonia.
My time's up and I didn't even get to the vaccines or Romania, so I'll just show you the Romania data, okay?
So, again, this is years of work, more than 30 scientific reports about science related to COVID that you can find on my various websites, on our websites, and the... Alright, let's stop right there.
I've decided, Chase Geiser is here ready to come in the next two hours, but I've decided to host into the next hour until this is all complete.
I got a lot that I haven't hit.
And it'll just be the same feed.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
The feed at RealAlexJones on Twitter.
Some radio stations don't carry Sunday Night Live.
And we love those stations.
Please support them.
But if they don't cover the 6 to 8 o'clock Sunday show, everybody needs to go find this at RealAlexJones and Infowars.com.
I'll actually have all these videos posted in the live show feed.
There's a bunch I haven't gotten to.
And you can go to RealAlexJones and find my post.
On Twitter, formerly TwitterX, and share this, okay?
So the one reason I'm so mad is I spent a lot of time yesterday, even though we had the live debate, after the debate, watching this, and this morning, and I just, I've learned to control my anger, but this is the first time in many years I'm like completely pissed off right now.
So, uh, but that's a normal response, folks.
But we don't want to just be angry.
We want to expose these murderers and stop them from doing it again.
And that's a whole other area of discussion.
You've seen them.
They're running around, giggling, laughing.
Ha ha ha, new pandemic's coming.
Much worse.
This one's going to hit the children.
Watch it, Will.
And then the shot will hit them even worse.
And they'll say, oh, it's the disease doing it.
Oh, COVID's causing heart attacks.
Didn't do it the first year.
The minute the shots come in, it does.
All right.
Now, he did a really good job in a nice 10-minute synopsis.
We'll play it at the start of the next hour.
To the press, where he just boiled it all down into 10 minutes.
That's really the most powerful video.
But for some reason, I didn't send it to him, so we didn't play that first.
But he continues on through here.
There were several days of this that Brett Weinstein went to and others went to, and they checked all the data.
Like I said, there's nine other major groups I know of that have put out basically the same data.
It's all there.
But the numbers are usually even higher.
This is a very conservative.
We're talking 20 plus million dead, okay?
And it's continuing.
So, most people die in the first month.
Okay, that's the most dramatic.
Or that's the highest spike.
But actually, the majority of the death comes in the next year.
And we don't know further out.
We're almost three years into this.
Okay, of the shots.
Four years into the release of it.
As we speak.
So, this is it.
This is the decision to kill everybody.
Oh my God.
Let's, let's... Again, most people have a psychological defense mechanism.
This is not a Netflix show.
This is not 12 Monkeys.
This is not entertainment.
And I have no fear risking my life to do this.
And it's not because I'm a hero.
I have no fear because we're all dead.
Most of us are dead under this plan.
The only chance we have is fighting this.
And people need to understand that.
That's why when people call and say, you're a hero, I shut him down because that's not what this is.
This is survival instinct, okay?
This is normal.
This is the normal response, okay?
And speaking of that, the crew was reminding me because when I don't plug, we're gonna be shut down.
We need funds to continue to operate.
I told you we'll stay on air.
I told you we're gonna win.
I told you we've got a plan.
I told you it's working.
And they said, no, he's being shut down, millions of dollars, all that crap.
None of that's going to happen as long as you support us.
All right?
And then you also saw the dual lie that Jones has $400 million in court, no documents, no evidence, financial expert, never saw our books.
We could not respond in Texas or Connecticut when they put these people on the stand to say Jones has $400 million.
Now you pull up Alex Jones Bankruptcy, it's like, well, outside accounting firms looked at it and Jones made $3 million a year and paid half of it in taxes.
And then the money I had was for infrastructure, lawyers, I got a nice house, decent car, I mean, I'm wearing, you know, eight, seven, eight-year-old shirts.
I don't do this for money.
I do this for liberty and freedom, but I need money to fight.
So now I'm, it's $4 million in the hole, I was $3 million a few months ago, I'm $4 million in the hole personally, because the judge in the bankruptcy thing makes me pay half the legal bills of free speech.
But that's all coming to an end, the judge said, in February.
And they still have not increased my pay.
I'm paid $600,000 a year.
And I'm not complaining, I'm telling you, the state of M4 is where I come back with all this.
So I'm given $600,000 a year, and the legal bills are about $5 million a year for me.
Fighting the deep state Democratic Party.
That's cheap, folks.
Trump spent like $600 million as of months ago, I don't know what it is now, on lawyers, in the last four years.
I mean, they just, they come after you.
But, it's okay.
As long as you support us, and get great products that enrich and empower your life, Then we stay on air, all right?
So get a copy of The Great Awakening or The Great Reset.
Great Reset's part one.
Get a signed copy.
It's a fundraiser.
The judge has graciously let's me keep part of the money for the book to pay legal bills.
They just kind of chose.
They said, you may have your book and you may pay your bills with that.
Well, it's not paying the bills.
So you have to understand, I don't get the money from the other products.
I get the money from the book, and that's the chink in the armor because I can't pay my bills.
All right?
I literally, it's $100,000 a month.
That's the money of me spending savings that's gone to pay the legal bills.
And it doesn't pay a third of them.
So I'm gonna stop bitching.
I'm not bitching.
I'm giving you an update.
Go get a signed or unsigned copy of The Great Awakening at infowarestore.com.
That's the place that I get funds.
And there's, the judge also said, since you put your own money, when I sold my house, into buying InfoWare's Platinum line, 7076 testosterone boosts, Pain MD, and ACH Max Boost, I, because I put the money in, I get a little part of it.
So, that's what I'm paid, along with the $600,000 to pay the legal bills.
So, even if we sell out of all of the Enforced Platinum Line, which is an amazing private label of already three best sellers in the country, and then it's basically sold out, that doesn't even pay.
Up to half of what I owe.
It's okay.
God's going to come through.
It's okay.
Free speech is making enough money.
They're in the black a little bit.
Some of the crew hadn't had bonuses in years and hadn't had raises.
A few of them actually got raises around here.
So that's great.
But the point is, is that if you really want to fund the tip of the spear and really want to support, I need support getting my book and getting the InfoWars Platinum products.
PainMD, which is natural, powerful, works great.
7076 testosterone boost, which is a national bestseller, under the name I came up with, private label, it's amazing, and HGH Max Boost.
The HGH Max Boost is almost sold out.
It'll be gone in like a week, okay?
And I don't even have the money, the judge says I can do this, to reorder it.
You see, because I sold my house, bought that product a year ago, it came in six months ago, and so I'm in a catch-22.
Not complaining.
That's where I'm at.
You can also go to DefendJones.com and you can make a straight up donation of $5, $100, whatever you can.
And I appreciate the folks that have done it.
And you don't hear me plug it a lot because I don't want to waste time talking about me.
But then I'm in accounting meetings and they're like, dude, you need to find out how to get some money.
So these judges are arbitrary.
It's how they operate.
It's God's plan.
But I need God to work through you and to have you go to DefendJones.com, make a donation, or get the book, or get the InfoWars Platinum Products at InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWarsStore.com or 888-253-33139.
All right, we're going to go to break here.
The show will just continue on.
Chase Keiser is a gracious guy.
He understands I need the time.
And I'm going to then finish up with this video, play a few more that are key, show some more documents,
and then I'm gonna show you, you've all know how I'm bragging about this, okay?
So it's not just Brett Weinstein's analysis or my analysis or countless other people.
It's not just your analysis, it's them bragging about it, all right?
So that's coming up.
This is The Alex Jones Show, Sunday nights at 4 to 6 p.m.
Saturday Night Live, we launched before the last midterm.
It's popular, we do it.
It's got half the commercials of my show.
We're not phasing out of talk radio, but talk radio clocks 14 minutes ads an hour.
I don't like that.
People say, why is this?
Because that's how talk radio is.
But we've got a lot of stations where we just don't run network ads for ourselves.
The stations just get their seven minutes ads an hour.
And so that's what Sunday Night Live is, is the new model we're going to do.
And I intend soon, you see me skipping the breaks, to go to that model completely.
We've already done it.
So there you go.
We've already cut the ads basically in half.
We'll be right back with the next broadcast.
Stay with us.
I want to thank you all for tuning in on radio stations, TV stations and at Infowars.com forward slash show and at Real Alex Jones on X. I've gone over from my regular two-hour Sunday to continue here with this key analysis and we've got this renowned, respected gentleman, the professor Dr. Dennis Rancourt, just one of the other consortiums that got together of scientists and doctors and statisticians.
That's what he's an expert in is His death number is what he does.
Insurance companies, stuff like that.
And he's filing the same stuff the other groups found.
He's very eloquent.
And it's 17 million conservatively, and it's people that took the shots.
And we know that because of the New Zealand documents that actually gave us who had taken shots and who died.
They've been suppressing that everywhere else.
We just see the numbers explode.
When the shots come in, boom.
Booster, boom.
Next booster, boom.
And it's the same in every country.
It's right there.
It's what they call in the Nomenclature, a very good correlation, and it's like, you take cyanide, you die.
You get shot in the head with a 12-gauge shotgun, you probably die.
It's there, they know, and then you can look at the science, and then you have the FDA and the document three months before they released it, that's public on the FDA website, look, they covered their ass, fine print, hey, this is going to cause heart attacks.
Blood clots.
I mean, it's just, it's the fine print.
The devil's always got it.
Gotta have a giant magnifying glass, gotta know where to find it.
But they have this metaphysical rule, they gotta tell you somewhere.
And, they do it.
So, there's a few minutes left of this presentation, then we'll go to his boil-down.
I've got some other news on this, then we'll go to break and bring in Chase Geyser.
But here it is.
...related to COVID that you can find on my various websites, on our websites, and the one I gave.
And so, if we look at This is how we prove that the vaccines were actually causing the death.
Is that every time you rolled out a dose, you got immediately following an excess mortality.
So this is the case of Israel.
So doses one and two, then the first booster, the second booster and so on.
And you can do it by age group like we're doing it here.
You start with the most elderly and you go down by age.
And what you find is that by age, The toxicity of the vaccine, because we come to understand that the vaccine is a toxic substance, that each person is going to react to differently, just like in toxicology, that if you give more doses, it's more dangerous because there's damage from the first doses.
All the principles of toxicology are being followed here, in addition to the high age dependence.
So what we found is that there is an exponential increase in the toxicity of the vaccine per dose, And the doubling time by age is four or five years of age.
So your risk of dying per injection doubles every four or five years in age.
And so in Israel, for example, if you're 80 plus years old, you're getting into almost a 1% death chance when you get infected.
And it's higher in other countries.
So we looked at Peru.
You can see the massive peak there in Peru due to the military coming in.
Here, this is the 90 plus age group.
You can see the doses being rolled out.
The one in color is the fourth dose, the peaks that are associated with it, and then we follow it as a function of age.
All the way down, we've got a lot of good data, and then we do a graph of what happened in Peru, and we can do the same thing for Chile, and we see that dose 4 in both of those countries gave that exponential rise, always the same doubling time, 4 or 5 years, and you're getting into one injection, one death per 20 injections here.
the 90 plus year olds. So it was the elderly people that were mostly killed
Thank you.
by the vaccines in terms of all-cause mortality. Of course the young suffered
death and all kinds of horrible side effects and so on but in terms of
mortality the big groups that were dying that were contributing to the excess
mortality is the elderly. I got five seconds. Thank you.
That's the genius of this weapon that they tested for decades and then Obama made it a
national directive in 2014, University of Texas and Capitol Hill, North Carolina.
You look those up.
Is that it attacks the ovaries and testicles, it causes blood clots,
colonizes the body, makes you sick, causes some heart attacks and death in the young
but then when your liver is old and you're already run down, your cells can't
fight this off, it also euthanizes old people.
I mean, this is a masterly weapon.
And then for everybody, it retards the immune system.
And I have Pfizer heads, you know, bragging, yeah, this is gonna be a great business model.
When you take three of the shots, your immune system's cut by 96%.
And we don't know when the killer T's ever turn back on.
The white blood cells.
Doesn't kill them.
They just stop.
They just go, oop.
Stop doing their job.
Stop eating stuff.
Stop eating viruses.
Stop eating bacteria.
Let's continue.
Of course the young suffered death and all kinds of horrible side effects and so on.
But in terms of mortality, the big groups that were dying that were contributing to the excess mortality is the elderly.
And so that's the conclusions about vaccines.
So we're able to, from this work, we're able to calculate how many people would have died globally, given that we've studied so many countries now.
And we find that 17 million people were killed by the vaccines on the planet.
That's our number.
And I'm going to ignore that buzzer because I want to show you Romania.
This is the data for Romania by age group.
This is the correlation between the vaccine rollouts in dark blue and these huge peaks in excess mortality in Romania.
There's no initial peak like you see in the western countries.
There's that one with the question mark that We have hypotheses about, and something very horrible happened in Romania to explain that.
We have ideas about it.
And then you have the vaccine deaths, and the last one is the booster.
And so in Romania, we did a preliminary analysis of that booster, and it is killing.
You get one death per five or ten injections in the 80-plus-year-olds in Romania from the boosters.
That's our conclusion, preliminary conclusion on the Romanian data, and that's my conclusion of the talk, and
that's it.
All right, we're gonna let this play out then I'm gonna go to him talking to the press
He did a really good job in the press conference.
Let's go ahead and go to that next clip.
Here is the doctor that ran this international operation, Dennis Rancourt, who I believe is joining us tomorrow, either tomorrow or Tuesday.
Here he is talking to the press.
Good day, ladies and gentlemen.
We're here at International Crisis Summit No.
4 here in Romania.
It's November the 19th, and an honor to be here with Dr. Denis Rancourt, Dr. Marine Baudin, and Dr. Jeremy Mercier.
They have written a stunning paper that the world should know about that says that the COVID-19 mRNA genetic injections have killed 17 million people.
Absolutely stunning.
Can you please tell us more about the paper?
That's the global number.
We studied many countries in Latin America and in the equatorial region, so we have a representative sample of the world, we believe.
Many injections, what, it's 10% of the world population?
9% of injections, or the other way around.
So the number we extract from our analysis allows us, we calculate the toxicity of the vaccine.
For all ages.
And the number allows us, given the number of doses that have been given worldwide, to conclude that 17 million people would have been killed by this vaccine.
And what I would like to add, it's that the data we're working with is all cause mortality.
So it's nothing related to COVID mortality or anything else.
It's like you just count death.
So it's 0 or 1.
There is no bias in attributing any cause or something.
Yes, so this idea of working on unbiased data is very important because most people are working on COVID death, which means nothing basically, and we wanted to remove any bias so that we have solid data and analysis that really can be extrapolated to the whole world because we have data on countries and on very... Four continents.
Four continents as well, so it's very solid data.
And it is a data that you can have by function of time, so it could be by day, by week, by month, by a function of characteristic of the individuals, like the sex, the age, and other characteristics, and by jurisdictions as well, so it's very powerful.
And having it by time, like by week or by month, and by age group, means that you can actually see when there's a rollout of a booster, for example, which happens very quickly in time for a given age group, you can actually see immediately following it.
A maximum in the all-cause mortality.
So an excess mortality actual peak that's temporally associated with that rollout.
We see that repeatedly for each rollout.
Consistently across all countries?
All the countries that have sufficient data where you're able to look at it and you have both the vaccine data and the mortality data.
This is what we see.
All right, we have...
We can quantify it, therefore.
And so we can quantify the toxicity of the vaccine, the risk of dying per injection.
And what's really interesting, it's not cherry-picking, choosing those countries.
It's very important to understand that when you look at all cause mortality, you see that deaths are increasing in the winter and decreasing in the summer.
And it's the opposite in the southern hemisphere.
Their summer is our winter.
So in the summer, you should have low death.
But during the COVID vaccine campaign, suddenly you see spikes in mortality right after vaccine campaigns.
And it's very clear because it's in the summer where you should see a low death period.
So it's incredible.
For TV viewers, you can see this.
Radio listeners, you can't.
But the video is at Infowars.com.
Jamie's posted this on the live show feed that we'll also put on screen so people know what to search for at Infowars.com.
It's also at RealAlexJones on X. Go follow me there.
Get this out.
In every country, we've had this for years, just the numbers were lower because time hadn't passed yet.
Whether it's Israel, or whether it's Germany, or whether it's France, or whether it's the US, or whether it's Japan, In different countries to different rolls over times.
It's exactly to the day that the boosters roll out to the hour.
And it.
I mean.
This is like you put.
A piece of pizza in the microwave for 30 seconds and you turn it on.
You get it out.
It's hot.
I mean, the second you hit start, it starts cooking.
It's precisely in every country right on the date of the rollout.
And then it spikes, goes down, another shot.
Not a day before, not two days before, not a week after, the day.
I mean, this is 100% conclusive, okay?
100% conclusive, okay?
Continue In campaigns and it's very clear because it's in the summer
where you should see a low death period So it's incredible to see such a dramatic correlation between vaccination campaigns and spike deaths.
Especially in the boosters, like for the Southern Hemispheres, like you have a peak.
You know, of course, the boosters will roll out basically everywhere at the same time around the world.
And in the Southern Hemisphere, it's a trough, as Jeremy just explained, so we should have a trough.
But then you have an actual winter peak, actual booster peak, and another winter peak.
And that's everywhere.
In all the 17 countries we looked at, where data is good in the Southern Hemisphere, we saw that peak.
And something you never saw before.
It's a new phenomenon.
Once you see it, once you recognize it, you know that the boosters are lethal in this way, then you go back to the data where you're dealing with winter data, and you see that those winters are particularly intense when they had a booster at the same time.
And so you can quantify it in the northern hemisphere as well.
So all around, and we're now expanding this to be more than 100 countries, but we systematically see definitively that there is more mortality during the vaccine campaigns and that there are specific peaks in mortality associated with each rollout in each age group And in many places around the world, that cannot be understood in terms of all of a sudden there's a new deadly variant, you know.
And we give arguments in the paper as to why it cannot be this silly argument that a new variant is always popping up at this time.
One of the arguments is, if it were a question of variants, these peaks could not be synchronous around the world when everyone decided to follow the same schedule and put out their boosters at the same time.
A new variant occurs in one place and has to spread.
You don't get synchronous peaks on the entire hemisphere.
Some places did it a week or two apart, but they got Bill Gates orders, who ran it, with the UN and WHO.
So what he's saying is, you're in different hemispheres, winter and summer, and it starts the day they give the shot.
It's not like there's a real disease.
Down, up, you see it go up.
It's like a hump.
It's gradual.
This is with the shots.
But we have a whole series and we explained it in the paper.
So we wrote, this is our most recent paper.
And we really did it in detail.
And, but it's not the first paper that we've written about the toxicity of the vaccines because we've done a series, right?
With Israel, Australia.
Well, the first one.
India for me.
I noticed in my reading and in my study what was happening in India so I went ahead and just wrote a paper very very quickly because I didn't need data analysis because people had already studied India and had shown the data and saw this incredible increase of mortality with the vaccination campaign but didn't associate it to the vaccination campaign.
So all I did was point out There it is.
No excess mortality whatsoever in India until they roll out the vaccine and then there's a huge peak.
That's not a coincidence.
And I explained how it couldn't be a coincidence and so on.
So I quickly looked at four papers, reviewed them and said, hey, India is a classic example of mortality induced by vaccination.
And Romania, you showed some data yesterday, is the exact same.
No excess death increase after COVID was Not right after.
So March, April 2020, no change in mortality.
At the same time, where in the Western world you typically often had hotspots that had peaks then, the Eastern Bloc countries and Romania do not have excess mortality at the beginning of the pandemic.
But in the following fall, You know, they do have a very large increase before they start vaccinating.
And that is classic for Russia and the Eastern Bloc countries.
By the way, pause.
Back that up to five seconds to the graph.
I want to show people something.
He already showed this and explained it, but notice before the shots, though, there's a spike, not as big as half the shots.
There's a spike there, and they said there's a question mark.
That is the $53,000 bounty to kill people with remdesivir and ventilators because they had to have some actual dead to scare people.
So they tell you it's killing everybody right when 2020 starts.
It's not happening.
And so you just start medically killing people right here.
But then, right here, the shot starts January 1st.
And then there's the booster, and people get wise, and only 20% take the third one.
And then there's even a peak now, three months ago, four months ago, when the new shot started.
See how that works?
But such a small number are taking it.
It's not working.
So Bill Gates is in the news saying, oh, I've got lettuce and tomatoes and apples coming out that have it in it.
And we're going to put it in the cows.
We've already been doing it to the pigs.
And then they own the medical systems that sell the drugs, the shots, the treatment, all of it, and it's the big medical groups, the big, big hospital groups that are following the protocol worldwide, exactly the same, and then they get hundreds of billions of dollars to murder you.
But then, it's not about the money, though.
That's low level.
It's about getting those hospitals corrupted and under their command.
That's the corruption process.
That's turning them fully to the dark side.
It's like Star Wars Episode 3, where he's just become Darth Vader, and then Emperor Palpatine says, Go to the Jedi Temple and kill all the younglings.
Only then will you be strong enough on the dark side.
And his eyes don't turn yellow.
He doesn't lose his soul and become a Sith until he goes and kills hundreds of children.
The metaphor for Jeffrey Epstein, and see, it's you've got to do that to really cut yourself off from God.
You've got to really go all the way.
You see the metaphor?
And now, I mean, some hospitals, no COVID deaths, because they're not controlled.
Other ones, they're all right there, because that's where they got a bunch of people that'll follow orders for money.
My dad was just a dentist and oral surgeon.
He owned, with three or four of the doctors, a pretty good sized hospital in Rowlett, Texas.
Another one in Mesquite.
And I remember going to get my driver's license at 16.
He said, son, don't sign the organ donor card.
I said, why?
I said, I know hospitals in Dallas that if you're coming to minor car wreck, you're young and healthy, they will kill you for your organs.
And I didn't sign the organ donor card, but I thought, back then it was actually a card.
It was just a click of a mouse.
And I remember thinking, my dad's crazy.
And then I'm sitting there, moved to Austin, in college.
At my grandfather and grandmother's house, he always watched 60 Minutes.
And there was a 60 Minutes about Chicago and Dallas and a ring of hospitals murdering young, healthy people that were in minor car wrecks for their organs.
And my dad was right.
They already had 35 years ago.
Hospitals murdering people.
And my dad knew about it.
He wasn't part of it.
And he was right.
They caught people in Austin 15 years ago.
Hospitals murdering people.
They do it everywhere.
Because of their own cult, they write the rules, they say what happened.
They can cover it up perfectly.
Then they get a rogue nurse who's already part of the kill operation.
She'll decide to start killing babies herself.
You hear about those.
The doctors, they just, they get too into it.
They get caught injecting babies just to, they want to kill more.
It's not enough for them, you see.
And that's the cult.
That's the army they've got.
Let's continue.
Russia and the Eastern Bloc countries, and we're still trying to understand that, and you've uncovered, you've interviewed people that they're helping you to understand this.
Very aggressive social policy, social medical policy.
Very, very aggressive.
So we're talking about 17 million at the time of publishing.
When was that most recent paper published?
17th of September.
And what would that data be if you were to update it?
Are you able to give any approximation?
About the same, because, you see, it's based on the quantified toxicity of the vaccine multiplied by the number of doses.
And since the doses are saturating now, it's a plateau, you see.
So, basically, they're not vaccinating much more around the world anymore.
So, the total number of doses is remaining the same.
So, our estimate wouldn't change.
That's probably close to a saturation value.
Now, there may be longer time effects due to, you were going to say, turbo cancers or something like that, maybe.
And we're going to look at that.
We're going to look at that.
But the data we have up till now is robust data for the deaths that immediately follow the injections.
It's absolutely incredible to me that this was published September 17th of this year It's not made headlines.
Mainstream media, silence, deafening.
We got one fact-checking from the Agence France-Presse.
Oh yeah, that's true.
Oh yeah, the fact-checkers.
We had some fact-checkers.
No, there was a big fact-checking organization also on the English side.
But AFP was written in English.
And the two different fact-checkers that I saw were giving different reasons that it was wrong.
Can you speak to one of those criticisms and then the response to it?
Yeah, the one in English that I remember is that, oh, well, look, we were measuring in many countries, we were measuring COVID deaths at the same time as a function of time.
And these peaks in mortality that they're talking about, there are peaks in COVID deaths as well.
I mean, that's just a silly, ridiculous criticism because COVID death means respiratory problems.
And we acknowledge that the vaccine will kill people, but that the actual mechanism From the weakened attack metabolism will often be bacterial pneumonia or whatever.
It'll be respiratory.
You know, that's the main killer.
So we're not... You see, when you say the vaccine killed someone, what you mean is it accelerated their death such that it occurs soon after vaccination.
That's what you mean.
You get a peak there, right?
But you're not saying that there were no comorbidities.
You're not saying that these are deaths that were caused solely by a toxic injection.
No, you're saying because there was a toxic injection with the comorbidities that exist in that fragile population, people died because of it, immediately following it.
They try to blur... Yeah, stop right there.
Back it up again.
He's being honest here.
He's saying it's not all the shots.
It's all the studies on those face diapers.
Cloth masks, if they're not washed in bleach every day, will absolutely grow bacterial pneumonia.
So, that added to it as well.
It was a cocktail of events.
The medical murders, the remdesivir, the mask, but it's the shots, or 95% of it.
You know, the suicides, the children behind and learning two years.
I mean, this was a brutal assault.
Let's go ahead and stop there.
The full videos are up on InfoWars.com right now.
They're on RealAlexJones on X. Let's hear you of all Noah Harari.
He pulled up a thousand headlines of the LA Times and Chicago Tribune and London Guardian.
And the World Economic Forum put out videos, oh it's so great, the animals are happy, there's no cars, there's no traffic, you're in your house watching Netflix, getting drunk, taking a poison shot.
And he's talking about how great this was to train us to the new way.
While he flies around on private jets, you sit there in your house, and then what happens?
The supply chain breaks down, and businesses shut down, and the third world that's producing the raw goods, they starve to death, and then they come here and invade.
And the UN goes, oh, look, COVID caused 80-something million to starve to death.
That's just a number.
See, oh, oh, I'm sorry, the 17 million, conservatively, they killed the shot, is nothing compared to the last time I did the math and looked up the UN numbers, and I agree with their numbers, because they're admitting what they did, but not saying they did it.
Saying, give us hundreds of billions, the whole world, why, 80-something billion people during, because of COVID, because of the, because of COVID, no, because of the lockdown, 80-plus million people, Starved to death.
And now they say, oh my god, because of global problems and global warming, 200 plus million are about to starve to death.
In the next few years, you just cut the fertilizer and food off from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands, to Ireland.
See, they're administrators.
So they're like, turn off the pipelines.
Turn off the coal.
That's food for machines that plow the fields.
They grow the food, but the trucks deliver the food, and the electricity keeps the lights on at the grocery store.
So for you, you're like, my God, my food's doubled in cost!
Inflation sucks!
But in more than half the world, people spend half their paycheck on food.
What happens when the food price doubles and you spend half your paycheck on food?
You starve to death.
Because now you're paying 100%.
You starve to death.
You don't get medicine when your kid gets sick.
You don't get electricity for your house.
You don't get food.
And then they just quietly go and everybody gets sick and cries and begs the neighbors and everybody tries to help.
And then a food agency comes and the UN throws out a bag of rice when they're the ones that did the policy to kill them.
And then they come like a drowning man and go, here, here, here's a lollipop while you're drowning in ice water.
Here's a bowling ball.
This will help you swim.
The models, supermodels go on TV and say, I love the U.N.
God, the third world's starving, give money to the U.N.
when they run the policy because the IMF and World Banks control those third world countries.
They don't get the loan renewal where they give a billion dollar loan 30 years ago and now it's a hundred billion.
Oh, look it up.
These countries, it's similar numbers to that.
That's just a number I threw out as an example.
They control the policy just like it's like ESG's with BlackRock where they literally say, you will teach transgenderism or we won't give you funding.
And you will teach that humans are bad or you won't get money.
And you will have an open border or we will devalue your currency.
And they sit there and say, we control your behavior.
And we're going to kill you.
Because we love you.
I'm Larry Fink.
Because I'm a liberal.
I'm a nice man in a suit.
See, their Ponzi scheme's coming down.
So their idea is, well, our Ponzi scheme we took over the world with is going down.
We're going to go to prison.
Unless we start a war, release a virus, and see, that'll make them all shut up.
And now they're doing it.
Now, they tested it, and it blew up in their face.
And I told Tucker Carlson, and I told you, everybody's like, oh, they're done.
They won't try this again.
Really, did he even go to jail?
He didn't get in trouble?
No, I'm sure of it.
They're going to do this probably first.
I can feel it in my bones.
I am fighting every urge I've got because, man, I love my kids so much.
But they don't realize how bad things are.
They probably don't even listen to me.
I'm fighting every instinct I've got to just leave.
I'll still do the show from some mountain fortress, but I mean, I really love my children.
But you know what?
God wants me to not be a coward and put them on the field.
We'll just stay right here, right in the middle of it.
But I'm telling you, man.
Folks, that's why I'm so upset.
This is guaranteed.
They're coming to murder you and your family.
I'm gonna do a few more minutes, then Chase will take over, but I gotta finish.
All right, Alex Jones here going into the third hour of the transmission tonight.
Chase Godfrey's about to take over, but I've got to say all this, I was super loaded for bear.
A lot of this news I didn't get to, I'll cover tomorrow.
11 a.m.
Central, Harrison Smith, 8 a.m.
with American Journal.
Doing a superlative job.
Same thing, Owen Schroer, The War Room, 3 p.m.
And It's quite a time to be alive.
So I mentioned you've all know Harari, but I'm going to post on accident.
I'm done here in a little while.
This actual study, people that actually want to get real and actually read it for yourself.
I did.
I didn't follow the links.
That would take two weeks.
I spot checked a lot of it, but I already know this from the other studies.
I mean, and I had a realization of why I got so angry this morning when I I'm sitting there while my daughter's playing in the house and all the rest of it.
I'm playing board games in between it with her.
My wife's gone on a trip.
So I'm doing Mr. Mom stuff.
I dropped her off at my parents' before I came here.
My other kids are moved out.
They're big now.
And I was just struggling with making her lunch and combing her hair.
And I was just like, they're going to release it again.
They're gearing up.
You can see they're winding up.
Like a batter up at bat, you know, ready to hit the ball.
And I'm just like, really struggling.
I'll be honest with the audience.
See, I'm not a coward.
But I'll tell you the truth.
I just want to leave.
I mean, I feel guilty that I'm not protecting my family.
And I don't even have the money to run off somewhere in the mountains.
I don't have that.
And I know you don't either.
And then I just look at these psychos that are running things and it's beyond hatred.
It's like, why are you so freaking evil, man?
Why would you want to hurt my little sweet daughter?
And then I start thinking, I'm thinking like, have you been a coward?
Is the answer getting violent?
And I'm like, no, you know, that's not the case.
If I could go after some people and I could shut this down, I'd do it.
But there's not one Emperor Palpatine to throw down the reactor shaft, folks.
There's not, like Hitler was in charge.
That's why his generals tried to kill him, you know, a year before Germany got destroyed.
They were like, we've lost, we gotta stop now.
And Hitler had, most of the German losses were in that last year.
He's like, nope, if the Germans lose, they deserve to all die.
And like, where, I mean, the Nazis were bad, where are the elites and the people in the system That are like, but I get it.
There's not a Hitler you can deal with.
That's why the British model of internal, the British don't run it, but it's their, their, their, their imperial models what we're under that was duplicated by the U.S.
took most of the planet over.
It's, it's bureaucracies and systems.
And so it's like shark teeth.
It's a hundred deep folks.
You pull one tooth out, another one comes up.
And usually they're minions even worse.
Cause the degeneration has gotten a lot worse.
So we don't want to kill any of them.
That doesn't help.
I'm not a big comic book guy, but I did watch one of those movies, I forget, with my son like six, seven years ago, where somebody's fighting, the character's Doomsday, and the more weapons you drop on him, the stronger he gets, the more you try to kill him, he gets stronger.
Killing these people does not work, because you're not dealing with Adolf Hitler.
Adolf Hitler was running things, and for really, Erwin Rommel thought he should be gotten rid of in 1942.
And he was leading the coup against him, and he finally convinced people to try to kill him.
He didn't want to do any of the stuff that was going on.
He was just a military, and they were their best general.
So he was like Robert E. Lee.
He didn't like what the South was doing, but he was like, well, duty, I'm from the South, and this is happening, so I'm gonna go with my family.
Erwin Rommel did that, and, you know, he was unsuccessful killing Hitler in Operation Valkyrie.
If they kill Lenin or Stalin, you just get somebody else.
It's more of a communist-type deal, where it's a committee.
It's a bunch of them.
And there's all these opportunists ready to just step into their place, so the last thing we want is to kill these people.
We have to kill their lies.
We have to kill their fraud.
And we've also got to let people in the government know, you better whistleblow, and the corporations is even more important.
Because, I mean, look, look, look.
We will beat this now, or we're going to beat it in the next phase.
Because when you got a billion people dead, People are going to remember, and there's going to be judges, and bureaucrats, and lawyers, and corporate managers, they're going to have their wife and kids dead, or most their family dead, and you're going to know, you're going to be like, why wasn't, what the hell?
You're going to know, you'll know, that you participated in your own destruction.
I mean, do I need to explain to you what this is going to look like?
It's almost guaranteed a nuclear war is going to break out if they release this stuff.
And you're like, why would they do that?
Demons, aliens, whatever you want to call it, it's a dark force getting people to do this, okay?
These are controlled people.
These are slaves of Satan.
Aliens, it's the same thing.
It's an alien, folks.
It is an alien.
Every culture knew it.
And we've got aliens trying to get us to kill ourselves.
You know, smart aliens aren't going to just roll in with flying saucers and start shooting ray guns at us, folks.
They get us to kill ourselves.
And they send an interdimensional transmission that people that are dialed into it pick up and get orders from.
And notice nobody laughs about that when I tell people that.
You think the people at the CIA are atheists?
Yeah, right.
You think the people in the... No, they're not, folks.
Everybody against it knows it's real.
And the ones on top are Avatars.
They've always been here.
And they're not aliens.
And you're like, why are they trying to get us to... Why would humans want to... Because it's not human, folks.
All right?
It's not human.
Now, we were created by God.
And we're given a transmission as well.
That's the Holy Spirit.
And if you... God is free will.
Satan brute forces you and forces the transmission on you.
His transmission.
God doesn't do that.
God's like, I'm knocking at the door, but you've got to accept it.
So folks, you better tune your channel to the Holy Ghost right now.
And you don't need a preacher or a priest or any of that.
They get in the way of it.
You need to get on your knees to God and say, show me, help me.
And let me tell you, that's tuning your dial to God.
You've got to tune the dial.
You've got to turn the dial.
It's waiting.
All right?
And you're going to be challenged with the things you've done.
You're gonna, when you tune into the channel, you're gonna go, oh my God, you're gonna be now in the presence of the big guy.
And I'm not talking about Donald Trump or Joe Biden.
I mean, you're gonna be in the presence of the alpha, the omega.
You're gonna go, oh my, oh, I'm a horrible person.
And it's like, it's all right.
God says I'm perfect, but I'm almost guilty.
I made you with free will.
Cause you could go wrong, but I wanted company.
Now I'm gonna fix it.
Here's what you need to start doing.
And this is the secret of the universe, folks.
You look at Lloyd Austin and you look at the British Prime Minister and all these people, they're nobodies.
Bill Clinton, I mean, those are losers, folks, that tuned into the Satan Channel.
And the devil hands out a sheet of music and they play to the tune of the Pied Piper.
All you gotta do is say, I'm not playing your tune.
Because, oh, you get a Lamborghini, you get a bunch of empty women to have sex with that's not even enjoyable, that's not even real.
Rather have sex with a wall.
God gives you honor and passion and beauty and family, people that love you and are with you forever.
Don't you want that?
Don't you want that honor?
Don't you want that purity?
Don't you want that strength?
But these Satanists, once they've already done this, they, if they ever get in touch with the Holy Spirit, they blaspheme it.
Because they go, they look at what they've done wrong, and they can't admit because they're in rebellion against God they're wrong.
And when they get, when God comes to them, and God says, look, because you're in a higher presence now, you can see yourself now.
You're like, oh, oh, I'm a piece of crap.
And instead of saying, God help me be better, they go, screw you, God!
I'll do it my way!
Which is a highway to hell.
No speed limit.
No stop signs.
My friends are gonna be there too.
It's a highway to hell.
You all know Harare's on the highway to hell.
Play the clip.
It's a deadly virus.
It's not the Black Death.
And look what it's doing to the world.
So now just try to think what will be the implications of a much bigger problem like climate change.
Also, conceptually, it shows that, and here I completely agree with you, Ratko, that it shows you that you can change things on a massive scale.
That, again, you can stop all flights.
You can lock down entire countries.
You can actually do that.
And life goes on in some way.
And this, I would say, may make us more open to radical ideas about how to deal also with climate change.
Yeah, we need climate lockdowns.
And he acts like he's the one coming up with this.
He's reading a script.
It's an official script.
I told you about climate lockdowns 25 years ago.
I looked it up yesterday.
Look it up.
People don't find videos of me 30 years ago and they go, how do you know this?
Because I have their damn battle plan.
Why don't you read it with me?
I know you are.
There are a lot of powerful men and women in the system that have no power at all.
They think they have power.
They have power in this system.
But to their own detriment.
Stop pretending that serving evil gets you ahead.
It doesn't get you anything but destruction.
Yeah, you can strut around and get your ass kissed for a while, but you lost your lease on infinity.
and you'll be cut off from God, which is hell.
Climate change is them cutting the resources for the plants and the animals we eat and the machines we use.
They're cutting the energy of the planet off right now.
And they're going to tell you the calamity and the crime is because of that.
And the viruses are because of that.
And I keep telling you the enemy plan.
The exact plan.
But I know so many men that are successful and got private jets and all that stuff, and they even don't like this, but then when they get really confronted with this, they go, I just don't want to believe it's this bad.
Yeah, because you want to keep going on like everything's fine, but you won't be fine.
You have to admit you're up against a power bigger than you, the devil.
And you need God.
You've got to have God.
You must have God.
You better get God.
You better get God now.
All right, I'm going to play this last clip.
I played it the first hour.
That was two and a half hours ago.
Here's Brett Weinstein, the biologist, former, you know, many of the system woke up.
And he's explaining, which is in the UN Treaty, but he does it very eloquently, that they're moving in for doing it again, trying it again, running the attack again.
I didn't even get to it today.
All over the country, I've got articles right here, big cities are bringing back mask mandates for the schools and for the government buildings.
See, I told you.
Oh no, we beat them.
They're not going to try that again.
The hell they aren't.
I didn't just think that.
I had sources.
So stop living in denial.
Stop asking, is Alex Jones Show the truth?
Go read what I talk about.
Go look up what I say.
I tell you, Klaus Schwab brags he controls half the cabinets in the world.
Just type in, Klaus Schwab brags about controlling half the cabinets, you'll have the damn clip!
You can take a transcript of what I say here, and 95% of it you can pull up.
The 5% you can't pull up is a part about God.
But we all know God's real.
Everybody's experienced it.
You've all had psychic visions.
You've all known something's coming before it does.
You've all been walking through the woods in the middle of nowhere.
You feel somebody looking at you and sure as hell there's a guy up in a tree stand and you turn right around and look a hundred yards right to where the guy's looking at you in camouflage because your brain picked it up.
Your spirit saw their spirit because your spirit is seeing 360.
And you gotta follow it.
It's who you are.
This body is just a tool for you to experience the third dimension on this plane.
Alright, go to the club.
So what happened was, it turned out that a number of us were willing to make mistakes and correct them in real time, to talk about this in plain English with the public, to do so, you know, in Joe Rogan's man cave.
And the fact is people listened because of course this was on everybody's mind and what they were supposed to do to protect, you know, they've been terrified and what to do to protect your family's health was a question that everybody wanted to know the answer to.
So our ability to reach millions of people surprised those who thought they were just going to shove this narrative down our throats.
And this gets me to the who.
World Health Organization and its pandemic preparedness plan modifications.
What I believe is going on is the World Health Organization is now revising the structures that allowed the dissidents to upend the narrative, and they are looking for a rematch, I think.
What they want are the measures that would have allowed them to silence the podcasters, to mandate Various things internationally in a way that would prevent the emergence of a control group that would allow us to see harms clearly.
So that's the reason that I think people, as much as they want to move on from thinking about COVID, Maybe stop thinking about COVID, but do start thinking about what has taken place with respect to medicine, with respect to public health, with respect to pharma, and ask yourself the question, given what you now know, would you want to relive a pandemic like the COVID pandemic without the tools that allowed you to ultimately, in the end, see clearly that it didn't make sense to take another one of these shots or to have your kids take
We want those tools.
In fact, we need them.
And something is quietly moving just out of sight in order that we will not have access to them the next time we face a serious emergency.
So you're saying that an international health organization could just end the First Amendment in the United States?
Yes, and in fact, as much as this sounds... I know that it sounds preposterous, but... It does not sound preposterous.
The ability to do it is currently under discussion at the international level, and it's almost impossible to exaggerate how troubling what is being discussed is.
In fact, I think it is fair to say that we are in the middle Of a coup, that we are actually facing the elimination of our national and our personal sovereignty, and that that is the purpose of what is being constructed, that it has been written in such a way that your eyes are supposed to glaze over as you attempt to sort out what is under discussion.
And if you do that, then come May of this year, your nation is almost certain to sign on to an agreement that in some utterly vaguely described future circumstance, a public health emergency, which the Director General of the World Health Organization has total liberty to define in any way that he sees fit.
In other words, nothing prevents climate change from being declared a public health emergency that would trigger the provisions of these modifications.
And in the case that some emergency or some pretense of an emergency shows up,
the provisions that would kick in are beyond jaw-dropping.
So, that is one of the top liberal intelligentsia telling you they're getting ready to launch an attack.
You can go read the treaty, we've covered it countless times here.
It's run by the CIA.
The globalists needed a coup, so they built the thing outside the U.S.
to transfer power to.
So people always say, when the U.N.
blue helmets show up, I'm gonna kill them.
The U.N.
doesn't show up in blue helmets.
They show up with a virus.
And you're under their order.
The U.N.' 's in control of our border policy.
Under treaty, Trump pulled out of it the first week Biden stole the election.
January. 2021. First thing he did.
After he killed the Keystone Pipeline.
That was a U.N. treaty. Kill that.
He killed Trump's killing of getting us out of the UN Refugee Resettlement Migration Pact.
So, we're under UN control.
And all these conservatives are like, UN needs to be abolished, they're a bunch of dumbasses, they don't know nothing.
I see their helmets out there, I'm gonna get them.
You see their helmets.
They control your government.
They control the U.S.
military, who's down there facilitating the open border.
The military's gone.
Most of the courts are gone.
The Justice Department's gone.
They're in charge, folks.
And they want to inject your newborn baby with a prion that grows in them and colonizes them.
And we'll sterilize them and then slowly kill them.
Who in their right mind would serve this system when that's all on record?
They've injected four plus billion people
with a viral replicating nanotech artificial crystal.
It's growing in their bodies and sloughing off on us.
We're all sick from it.
Everybody knows it.
Most of us are dead already, folks.
But don't commit suicide.
Don't be depressed.
Your spirit lives on.
And realize that this is the big contest.
If we didn't care about our babies, God let them do this.
We're going to learn to value life again.
We're going to learn to be courageous again.
We're going to learn to be honorable again.
We're going to learn to be brave again.
Because we've got to be.
You don't just roll up your sleeves and go play golf and watch Netflix during the next lockdown.
You don't do that.
Or are you going to hit the city councils and every place else you can speak and expose this?
Or are you going to go to Real Alex Jones and take these videos right now and share them like your lives depend on it?
Or Infowars.com?
Because that's what it takes!
This is real!
Alright, Chase is gracious.
Came up here with a family and children and everything and a father and sit here for an hour when he got ready for hours before.
He was here when I got here early today.
or two o'clock or whatever, he's gonna come here and do an hour. He's doing a great job sitting
in, filling in, doing graphics, research for us. He's got a lot to say in the next hour. If I don't
fund ourselves, we won't be here. Plus, it's really exciting. DrJonesNaturals.com, that's
my dad's company. He's on all of our supplements. He's got the silver, nano silver toothpaste with
iodine and tea tree oil and so much more. The original super silver, not the one that didn't
We finally have it back at drjonesnaturals.com.
One word, drjonesnaturals.com, drjonesnaturals.com, drjonesnaturals.com.
There's a lot of other products that are exclusively available at drjonesnaturals.com.
So many, probably like 20 of them or more.
I'm not going to go over them all.
You want to go there.
A lot of stuff that was available at InfoWare store is not available there now.
Because under the bankruptcy and weird rules of the court, we can't sell his products on our site, but he can be a sponsor.
So a lot of those great products you loved, there's no reviews yet because it just went back up.
This thing had like 20,000 reviews on InfoWars, a five star, like 99% review, but they don't have reviews yet because it just went up.
It's available at drjonesnaturals.com.
And we got a lot of the great products like Winter Sun that boosts your immune system, number one cause of viral replication, and all that is lack of vitamin D3.
We have the best organic vitamin D3 at InfoWarshaw.com.
And come Tuesday, the store-wide free shipping and double Patreon points and all the big New Year's specials are gone.
So Winter Sun is back in stock.
We got a new product, Foundational Energy.
Next Level Foundational Energy, the Methylfolate and the Vitamin B Complex.
I don't have 10 minutes to get into it, but believe me, it's not a stimulant, it just turbo charges your cells, which is an incredible stimulant, but not in the classic way.
Next Level Foundational Energy, 30% off, InfoWarsTore.com.
And that is from Dr. Jones Naturals.
They allowed us a special deal to do that, but all the other stuff is available at his site.
We'll be back with the fourth hour, Chase Geiser.
InfoWars.com forward slash boom.
Anybody that's paid attention to InfoWars and what we do knows we're at the center of the zeitgeist.
We literally beat ourselves to death to be as accurate as we can.
Unlike the corporate-controlled dinosaur media that lies on purpose.
While they're lying to you about today's news, we're telling you the truth about what's coming next.
So I am fully focused I'm being as accurate and researched and truthful as I can and letting the chips fall where they may.
So when I bring you a product, and all our products are incredible, and I tell you it's game-changing, and quite frankly, you should be careful.
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