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Name: 20240105_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 5, 2024
2547 lines.

In this episode, Roger Stone discusses Donald Trump's victory and its implications on politics. Alex Jones updates listeners on recent developments in the Epstein case involving powerful politicians and businessmen. The InfoWars show also covers conspiracy theories related to globalist agendas, potential false flags, and martial law. Jason Bermas provides super viral reports about Bill Clinton's visit to Vanity Fair's offices in 2003 and a girl held captive on Epstein's island. Jay Dyer joins the show to discuss historical examples of pedophilic activities used for blackmail purposes in warfare strategies, emphasizing that these practices have been present since biblical times and continue to be employed today. They conclude by urging people to support Team Humanity against globalist attacks.

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The public is starting to realize how much trouble we're in, but unless there is a full revelation that this is a hijacked, stolen election that's now trying to cement its dictatorship of this corporate governmental bureaucracy, we're not going to be able to stop the globalists.
But if we just realize it's a consortium of banks, international, focused through BlackRock, their spokesperson is Klaus Schwab.
Their medical officer is Bill Gates.
Their global government instrument is the UN and NATO.
And that everything, the wokeism, the transgenderism, the anti-family propaganda, the fentanyl, the human trafficking, the dissolved borders, the countless new wars, the inflation, the national debt up at 37 trillion, all of this Is America being positioned to be collapsed into a giant world government?
Not where we lift up a third world, but where we collapse the first world in.
And this is being prosecuted.
And the conductor of the symphony is Larry Fink.
And then he's got his main instruments out there.
Who play their tunes but he creates and his controllers and the consortiums create the ESG global government policy.
And so everything you see in the unified corporations, almost every Fortune 500 company, I'd say 99% of them, there might be five or six they don't control.
Musk is one of them.
He is literally prosecuting a war against you.
But I don't intend to be a victim of this.
I intend To identify what's happening, and so we understand that all the terrible things unfolding, they are the progenitors, they are the pushers, they are the amplifiers, they are the people creating most of the crises, and then bragging that other crises that come along, they exacerbate those to keep us under what I call a global government crisis management system.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's News Today.
Ghislaine Maxwell is serving her 20-year sentence in a low-security Tallahassee, Florida prison after she was convicted on four
counts of enticement of minors and one count of sex trafficking of a minor.
Maxwell also faces another criminal trial for two charges of lying under oath about Epstein's abuse of underage girls.
Well, she finally turned on her former lover.
Let's ask Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer, Arthur Idulla.
Thanks for being with us, Arthur.
So, I mean, you just told me you talk to Ghislaine almost every week.
You know, is she going to start talking?
No, no, no.
Well, she's got, I don't think she has anything to talk about, except maybe that if you look at this crime, this overall crime, it's all about men abusing women for a long period of time.
A lot of men.
That's what we're waiting for this list.
And there's only one person in jail, a woman.
It's not one guy behind bars for all of this sex trafficking.
But she brought him the women.
The girls.
I should say women, very young girls.
First of all, she is absolutely unequivocally denying all of that.
She always has.
In prison, Maxwell has been dubbed Prison Karen after filing hundreds of complaints.
complaints regarding everything from the quality of the food to the lack of black hair dye.
As a result of Ghislaine's convictions, U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska unsealed hundreds
of documents containing the identities of a cavalcade of anonymous power players that
had been named in Virginia Jiffrey's lawsuit against Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell.
At the last minute, two of those does had delayed the release of the names of Epstein's
co-conspirators in the international sex slavery ring.
Those Doe's, Doe 107 and Doe 110, were successful in delaying their names from being revealed until January 22nd, as they are under court review.
However, the names that emerged from the first batch of documents regarding Epstein's sick world that testimony reveals as having been involved in questionable acts are as follows, and obviously I'm not accusing anyone of wrongdoing, I'm merely stating what the court records revealed.
Alleged abusers included Prince Andrew, former New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, French modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, A former modeling agent, linked to Jeffrey Epstein, was found dead in his prison cell this morning.
The office says that it appeared Jean-Luc Brunel, quote, died by suicide because he was discovered dead from hanging himself with his sheets.
Billionaire hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin, U.S.
businessman Tom Pritzker, and there are still political leaders that are unnamed as the victim couldn't remember their names.
The testimony of one of Epstein's victims, Johanna Soberg, revealed that Bill Clinton, quote, likes them young.
While magician David Copperfield asked if girls were getting paid to find other girls, Stephen Hawking is involved in a bizarre email from Epstein to Maxwell offering to reward one of his victim's friends if they could prove her allegations false, including a, quote, Clinton dinner and that Professor Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy.
Alan Dershowitz, who has spent the past few years vehemently defending his name, claims that he was misidentified after accusations claimed he participated and was an eyewitness to the abuse.
The main takeaway?
Donald Trump's name is not implicated.
And now the media must sulk away and dredge up other propaganda.
Other names included for further scrutiny are Stephen Kaufman, Ron Eppinger, Marvin Minsky, and Adriana Ross.
And of course, we have only just begun to dig into this, and more documents are still going to be released.
On the heels of this announcement, more big names are to be revealed in a massive Chinese, Russian, and South Korean government-connected high-end honeypot brothel network in eastern Virginia and Boston.
Used by elected officials, military officers, and government contractors.
Let the resignations begin.
John Bowne reporting.
We interrupt our program to bring you this important message.
And it's the kickoff, 1106 Central Time, from deep in the heart of Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide, I am your host, Alex Jones.
It is Friday, January 5th, 2024, and we have a massive Transmission lined up for you.
We have Constitutional Lawyer Robert Barnes to talk about Epstein, the campaign, the prosecution of Trump.
January 6th anniversary tomorrow.
Former Congressman Steve King that was really the brain trust of Trump wanting to build the wall on so many of Trump's policies.
He's joining us.
Roger Stone is going to cover the political waterfront, the latest Epstein developments as well.
And then we cap it all off with the amazing Jay Dyer in the fourth hour.
Jason Burmess is going to be popping in.
With the latest developments from beyond the Epstein client list.
This was not a nothing burger.
This is a lot bigger than I thought it would be.
And look what's happened!
This headline is all over the place.
This is the New York Post.
You would have thought Alex Jones wrote it, of course.
If you listen to this show, you knew this decades ago.
But Jeffrey Epstein trafficked teens to promote US That is a big enchilada.
Now, of course, that's ancient news to you, but it's now out there.
It wasn't just some underage girls and he was doing this on the side.
No, it was a giant intelligence agency blackmail operation.
And now it's come out in the court documents, emails from Vanity Fair.
With Bill Clinton, when it was first starting to break, busting into their offices and threatening them not to publish the information.
So those stacks are massive and are extremely important.
We're going to be going through all of it, but it's the anniversary of what happened three years ago when the Feds partially successfully set up The Trump Make America Great Again, populist America First movement, as supposedly dangerous terrorist insurrectionists.
But the narrative has completely had the wheels come off of it in the last year.
And now the majority of conservatives and a large slice of liberals know that it was mainly an inside provocateur job.
We'll be looking at that today and then tomorrow, 6 p.m.
Central, 7 p.m.
Eastern, 5 p.m.
Mountain, 4 p.m.
We're going to have a multi-hour.
We're going to go as long as they want to go.
Debate on January 6.
You can find out about all of that at Zero Hedge and InfoWars.com.
This is going to be a big event.
Again, coming up tomorrow evening.
Save the date.
Media heavyweights clash in live No Holds Barred January 6th debate tomorrow.
You'll be able to find that at InfoWars.com forward slash show ZeroHedge.com.
It'll all be streamed out at Real Alex Jones and the Zero Hedge account as well on the X platform, Elon Musk platform.
And I'm told We're going to have some surprise guests, so if you want to see who's already on the roster, who's publicly announced to be here, Glenn Greenwald and many others, myself, you can see the list at InfoWars.com or ZeroHedge.com.
And that will be tomorrow evening.
I'm also going to do another Big Spaces tonight, or this afternoon, and I'm told there's going to be some other big guests there as well.
So the last one I did was with Elon Musk.
So who knows?
She'll be on that today at three o'clock central.
So there's a lot going on here in the ATX Austin, Texas, as we broadcast worldwide.
All right.
Let me do this.
I want to just state something here for the record.
The federal government at the top has been hijacked and is prosecuting war against the very existence of the United States and is persecuting anybody that is a common sense loyal American and not a criminal.
And I just, you cannot state that enough, and the public is starting to realize how much trouble we're in, but unless there is a full revelation that this is a hijacked, stolen election that's now trying to cement its dictatorship of this corporate governmental bureaucracy, we're not going to be able to stop the globalists.
But if we just realize it's a consortium of banks, international, Focus through BlackRock, their spokesperson is Klaus Schwab, their medical officer is Bill Gates, their global government instrument is the UN and NATO, and that everything, the wokeism, the transgenderism, the anti-family propaganda, the fentanyl, the human trafficking, the dissolved borders, the countless new wars, the inflation, the national debt up at 37 trillion, all of this
Is America being positioned to be collapsed into a giant world government?
Not where we lift up the third world, but where we collapse the first world in.
And this is being prosecuted.
And the conductor of the symphony is Larry Fink.
And then he's got his main instruments out there.
Who play their tunes, but he creates and his controllers and the consortiums create the ESG global government policy.
And so everything you see in the unified corporations, almost every Fortune 500 company, I'd say 99% of them, there might be five or six they don't control.
Musk is one of them.
He is literally prosecuting a war against you.
But I don't intend to be a victim of this.
I intend To identify what's happening.
And so we understand that all the terrible things unfolding, they are the progenitors, they are the pushers, they are the amplifiers, they are the people creating most of the crises and then bragging that other crises that come along, they exacerbate those to keep us under what I call a global government crisis management system.
Where they go out and start the fight, start the wars, accelerate the problems.
So they can offer the solution, them having more power and control over our lives.
The Hegelian dialectic of create problem, create the solution that then gives you more power and takes humanity in the direction you want to go.
We have a lot of poison COVID-19 shot news as well that is just devastating.
Top French researchers identify improbably high rate of deaths in newborns who receive the new RSV shot.
This is just so horrible what they're doing.
They're not just hurting us and killing us through the COVID injections, but through so many other ones.
And they're normalizing the life expectancy going straight down in every country taking these injections.
And the new third world population, of course, is purposely exempt from them even asking them to take it.
No pressure, no demands, no firings, nothing but big fat paychecks to sit on their ass and vote Democrat or vote Labor or vote Globalist in the countries they're in.
And it's just insane.
There's a bunch of developments on that front.
Biden sues Texas over state law to stop illegal alien invasion.
And of course, people are pissed.
The Mexican military is helping bring the illegals in.
Okay, I'm pissed at them, but I'm way more pissed at our government because our military is facilitating it.
So you can't shake your finger at the Mexicans and say, how dare them, when the UN set the bases up in Central America and are orchestrating and quarterbacking and running All of this.
And again, it's a war on sovereignty, a war on citizens, and a system to put us into most debt as possible and have us as confused with racial division and fighting with each other.
So we never know it's King Charles and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Tedros and these criminals.
And the whole Epstein thing is the tip of the iceberg.
That's just a window into their larger sick world.
The UN.
Thousands of articles and reports.
Child kidnapping.
Snuff films.
Rape gangs.
I mean, it's just a crew of murdering, child molesting, narcotics trafficking, warmongering devil worshippers.
Just admit who's in charge.
You won't have to wait long.
Mark your calendar.
6 p.m.
tomorrow night central.
The January 6th debate.
Surprise guest and more.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
And of course ZeroHedge.com.
We'll be streaming it out on Real Alex Jones and on the Zero Hedge X account as well.
This is a must-watch Friday show.
Roger Stone, Robert Barnes, former Congressman Steve King, Andrew Mayer and more will cover all the latest incredible news of our time.
And we're doing it right now together.
Let's go ahead and get into the Jeffrey Epstein situation because, again, I don't like to cover this and just focus on Epstein.
Mossad, MI6, CIA, Interpol, the UN have giant histories.
I mean, not just sex trafficking children for blackmail, but Getting foster children, kidnapping children, one project alone under MKUltra, Midnight Climax, a whole bunch of them.
They, MKNaomi, they kidnapped and grabbed over 10,000 children.
in facilities on the East Coast and on the Eastern area of Toronto and other areas of Canada.
And there's even history Discovery Channel documentaries I saw 25, 30 years ago,
where they were showing all this and that they would do electroshock and hook them up with
headphones brainwashing them for sometimes up to a year.
And they would erase their memories and create a new personality of five, six, seven year old
children and break them artificially into multiple personalities. And then of course, Germany, and
And West Germany, tens of thousands of children, tens of thousands of pedophiles, placing foster children taken from Christian homes in many cases for no reason, and given to pedophiles to form a sexual relationship with them, calling it a new family.
And that's what the left's doing with the sexualization of children in the schools, trying to tell them they're transgender and keeping secret files on them and not letting the parents know.
If you can do that, you can take a child's life over and their identity and ruin them.
This is all funded by BlackRock and the banks and the Tavistock Institute.
It's not just the billions they're now making off the surgeries around the world, hundreds of millions a year here, and them bragging about it.
That's the payoff to the medical system to go along with it.
It's a diabolical master plan to destroy the human order of Team Humanity.
That's why we have the shirt, inspired by my discussion with Elon Musk, where he was like, what do we call it?
I said, I call it Team Humanity.
He goes, yeah, I like that.
Let's adopt that.
Team Humanity, folks.
That's a big deal.
We need to make that a big deal.
Not Team Dallas Cowboys or Team Washington Redskins or...
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers or the Chicago Bulls or any of this crap, that is a diversion that men spend their lives in simulated war obsessing over because we have those genes, those genetics to know who the opposition is and what their strengths are and how they operate and what they do.
That's all simulated gladiatorial warfare.
That's what the gladiators were about.
Canned war and a diversion for the population and the horse races and all of it.
And they've known this for thousands of years.
We need to be team humanity.
Supporting human rights, supporting human freedom, standing up for each other, not being atomized and isolated and made all alone and being selfish sociopaths.
They're trying to sell sociopathic behavior as virtuous.
And then manipulating the rest of us that do have empathy to give up our rights and freedoms in the name of the common good but none of it's really for that.
So we have to be informed and then we have to be altruistic and have to have empathy and not let our empathy be manipulated by the globalists because I've said the devil's chariot is pulled by a lot of well-meaning people that are distracted and brainwashed and think that they're doing it And carrying out these policies for a greater good when all they're really doing is bringing in a control system in the name of a social safety net, but the real social safety net's being removed.
They don't care about The close to half a million children that have been brought in according to the Justice Department and ICE and Homeland Security and all of their own admissions in Congress the last few months.
I've played the hearings here where they admit close to 500,000 they know of they've brought in with no documentation, no DNA testing, no nothing.
And upwards of 90,000, 87,000 they know of have disappeared and they don't know where they are for more than a year.
No connection, no names, no IDs, babies, little children.
Just hand it over.
Do you feel safe with a government quarterbacking that?
Are those good people?
So I told you over a decade ago, specifically on Epstein, that he was a high-level intelligence operative, and it's now come out in court documents.
He was working with MI6, and the Maxwells, and the Mossad, and the CIA.
And I showed you stacks of headlines, mainstream news, CIA putting pedophiles in charge in Afghanistan and supplying them children and drugs to control them.
Because the pedophiles will do anything for little children and they'll stay loyal to whoever brings them children.
Like Renfield in Bram Stoker's Dracula bringing children to Dracula.
That's a metaphor for how corrupt the establishment and the ruling class was by the Irishman, Bram Stoker.
He was telling you metaphors of real stuff going on.
Everybody's talking about the king's brother, the prince, and how much trouble he's in as being one of the main guys, reportedly now with witnesses and documents, in orgies with 12, 13-year-old girls.
They're talking about him being punished now.
Prince Charles was in deep quote best friends for 30 plus years with Jimmy Savelle.
Type in Prince Charles Jimmy Savelle.
If you put in King Charles there's not a lot of new articles about it because he was Prince then.
The Prince of Wales.
And he had the highest level security badge where he could go into any palace with that badge into the quarters of the royalty.
Reportedly, there were only a few people that had that.
And this guy had sex dungeons, torturing and killing children.
He had deals with hospitals where as soon as a little kid died, they would run into the hospital and have sex with the corpse while it was still warm.
That would reportedly supply children to one particular Prime Minister, where he liked to kill little girls.
They'd lay out plastic in front of his desk for lunch.
And they would just walk in a little girl, slit her throat right in front of him.
And then, I'm not going to get into the rest of the things he did.
But Jimmy Savelle reportedly brought children in.
I mean, look it up.
Another thing they like to do is take a kid out to a field and run over him with a car.
They released a five-year-old after they'd been done raping him, but the five-year-old fought back and said they were gonna speak.
And then they would just run over him with cars.
Five, ten, fifteen-year-olds.
Just run them over with cars, chase them down to the field like a fox hunt.
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
And these people mean business.
And I have a clip I'm about to play, we're going to go to break, of just Jason Burns, the show yesterday, showing the WikiLeaks email with him saying, we're supplying the seven-year-olds to the hot tub for your entertainment.
They'll be Ubered in.
It's like ordering a pizza to them.
That's what they think of us.
It's all about how psychotic they are.
We'll be right back.
I don't like to make claims about the Podestas and the Democratic Party having seven, nine and eleven year old children deliver their entertainment to the heated pool and hot tub at a farmhouse in the middle of Upstate New York.
And there's tons of other emails like that.
I don't like to mention it and not show it to you.
So we're going to do that and then we're going to pop in with a special guest on some very successful things we're doing to expose these people and the planets have literally aligned when it comes to this.
But here's a few minutes from Burmish yesterday.
This is posted on my ex account.
It needs to go super viral, not just have a million views.
It needs 50 million views.
We want to bring these criminals to justice.
This is what They were diverting to the pizza place in D.C.
about saying it was happening there, because it wasn't happening there.
It was happening all over the country, normally in rural farmhouses on large pieces of property.
Here's the clip.
With enormous gratitude to Advance Man extraordinaire Haber, I am popping up again to share our excitement about the reprise of our gang's visit to the farm in Lovettsville.
And I'd share a couple of more notes.
We plan to heat the pool so a swim is a possibility.
Bonnie will be Uber servicing to transport Ruby, Emerson and Maeve Lozado, 11, 9 and almost 7.
So you'll have some further entertainment and they will be in that pool for sure.
I'll just stop it right there.
First of all, who Ubers small children to farms unattended and why in the world Would you put down their ages?
What kind of entertainment would our gang be providing to, again, elderly men like John Podesta and his friends in a heated pool, which they will be in for sure?
I don't really think I have to speculate much.
You know, when Alex yesterday was talking about things like $60,000 for hot dogs, let's put that Into perspective, you are actually going to spend $60,000 in hot dogs.
I buy a premium hot dog.
I'm a Nathan's or a Hebrew National guy, like a good Snapdog or Frankfurter.
When you buy them in bulk of, say, $12 to $18 or less than a dollar, are they having an event at the Satyama Super Arena for 60,000 people?
Are they watching the Dallas Cowboys play?
It's absurd to think that those were not code words for other things.
And WikiLeaks, which I wanna remind people, has a record of 100% accuracy.
Really, there's no other outlet that has done so.
Even other leaking organizations have published falsified documents in the past.
WikiLeaks never did.
And what did they do?
They put out that FBI document with telltale signs of pedophilia networks, and then when they released those DNC emails, they said, look for signs of The world is a very dark place and like I said, this is a network.
We haven't really expanded.
On the network, right?
The names are still coming out.
But when you look at MIT and you look at Stephen Hawking, for instance, that's been discussed yet another one of the big headlines the media is going with is this underage orgy that somehow Stephen Hawking took part in.
Now, the guy was in a wheelchair at that point, although if you look at his history, he certainly had different types of women around him.
And who knows what he was capable of?
I'll leave it at that.
What's really interesting is they don't want you to get into the victim testimony and really some of the some of the individuals that again have been on the record but more is being unredacted like Rodriguez.
I believe it's Eduardo Rodriguez.
This was a guy who was a bodyguard security.
He was actually facilitating a lot of the payments and his testimony is going to be key.
People really need to get into that.
But going back to Epstein himself and these networks, let's just take a look at not only this article here, because Elton John, his AIDS Foundation, Harvard University, you know, that is a hub for intelligentsia.
And MIT, you've got to remember, even today, Boston Dynamics, Alex, this is DARPA stuff.
OK, so this is at the highest levels of the Pentagon as well.
And if we've learned anything from these not so benevolent charity systems, it's a way to launder money.
It's a way to have your influence felt.
It's a way to be tax free.
All right.
We all know that the fight for truth doesn't just happen in the news.
It happens in movies, video games, music, culture.
And the globalists have dominated that for a long time.
But more and more, it's anti-globalist, pro-human information that is becoming the most dominant.
And that just happened again.
We got more on Epstein coming up.
Robert Barnes next hour.
Roger Stone so much more.
Jason Burma's popping back in.
Jay Dyer.
But Alex Jones' video game, New World Order Wars, hits Steam at number one despite establishment pushback.
Alex Jones New World Order Wars tops the trend with 97% positive reviews.
And if we can go to that page where people can get the game, you can look right there and it's down 96% with massive, massive reviews.
I just scroll down to the bottom and you can see the review right there on the New World Order Wars page.
So that is That is extremely, extremely exciting.
97% reviews.
But if you go to the page where it's for sale, put that back up, please.
And you can just scroll down to the bottom.
I can show you on my phone.
I'll do it that way.
And I'll be able to see it.
96 reviews.
Yeah, go up a little bit.
It's above that.
And you can see it right there on the site.
Tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to air a little ad with just a few snippets of the reviews in it, and then we're going to bring on the guy who's behind getting this done.
You talk about the planets aligning, ladies and gentlemen.
This is so exciting because this game came out, you know, almost a year later than we wanted to.
We ended up updating it, so it's right at the minute.
It's got a voiceover throughout it, depending on how you play.
I say different things.
I mean, it's really gotten great reviews.
People love it.
And it educates people, and it funds the info war.
But imagine, we had no idea that Steam would take a few months to approve it, and then that the date that they picked to release it would be January 3rd, and that's the date the Epstein document dump happened.
I mean, that's God's hand right there, ladies and gentlemen.
Because they said weeks before, it'll be released on January 3rd.
I think we can all agree that this new video game from Alex Jones looks fantastic.
God, this is so well made.
This is absolute genius.
I went online and bought it and played it and it's fun as hell.
That's crazy.
God, this is so well made.
This is absolutely genius.
I went online and bought it, played it, it's fun as hell.
That's crazy. This is awesome.
Holy shit!
I love it.
The game is amazing.
You can purchase the game right here on AlexJonesGame.com AlexJonesGame.com Just in time for Christmas.
It's the Alex Jones video game.
I can't believe how hilarious and fun this looks.
I did not have sexual relations with that saxophone.
I'm definitely gonna play it.
I'm gonna buy it.
Check the game out.
It's epic.
It's a conversation starter.
It's definitely funny as hell.
Defeat Big Tech Cucks.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
No way!
Oh, I destroyed him!
I thought you did computers, Liftard.
I beat him!
Is it too late for an entry into Jeff Keighley's Game Awards?
I'm buying the game.
Game of the Year?
I mean, clearly.
So if you go to alexjonesgame.com, you can buy it and play it there.
But where you need to get it, and it's discounted, is at Steam.
And this is going to end up being a major hit.
This is...
Very hard to do, and I'm telling you, the praise goes to the listeners pushing it to number one, God obviously inspiring this, there's no doubt, but Andrew Mayer and Mint, and that's what he goes by, and the other developers, a very small team did this game, and it is first rate, it's gotten top reviews by the top reviewers, it's just a blessing, and I know most of our audience isn't into video games.
But they're bigger than Hollywood, OK?
And so if we can have a hit game out of the gates, we can do all sorts of games like this and reach the young people.
And is this going to save the world?
But things like this, all the Christian movies and the movies exposing, you know, like the pedophile rings, the sound of freedom and a large portion of the new hit movies aren't from Hollywood.
It's falling apart.
But the Christian and conservative movies are dominating and are mega hits now.
So that's that's how we fight back is in the culture.
Now I've known Andrew Mayer for more than a decade.
He's the famous don't tase me bro dude.
Simply asking a question at a university event and being tased for it.
You know for bringing up the criminal activities of the government.
So I just have him popping in today because this is perfect timing and we did not plan this.
This is God.
I mean they approve it.
Weeks ago, they said the release date's January 3rd, and it's the day that Epstein peaks.
And there's just so many other little things like that, Andrew.
God's hand's been on this, and I really appreciate you having this idea and what you guys have done.
100% it's the hand of God.
We couldn't have planned for the Epstein files to be coming out the day that the game comes out on Steam.
100% the hand of God, and it's so awesome to hear you say that.
It's just confirmation.
And thank God people are really loving the game.
And when you said that, you know, This isn't necessarily going to change the world.
I think that having the next generation play this instead of playing whatever else they're going to play on Xbox or any other system, you know, they're literally fighting the New World Order for fun.
This is what they're doing.
It's going, I think it's going to have a big impact in the world.
Oh, I think it's going to have a big impact.
I'm just saying this by itself won't save the world, but all of this and us producing things in the culture and challenging the globalists at every level.
We need to be in the churches and in the religious organizations pointing out the New World Order.
We need to be at the colleges.
We need to be in our businesses.
We need to be on the streets.
We need to be praying about it.
We need to be writing books.
We need to be posting articles.
We need to be calling in to talk radio.
We need to be visible and vocal and say no to the globalist onslaught.
A hundred percent.
And the visibility of this game already, it's getting up there.
Like, Kotaku had a big hit piece this morning.
The only reason that these video game blogs are writing such angry hit pieces about the game is because the game is doing well.
It's the top trending game on Steam already.
The more we push this, it's at number one right now, but it can be one of the best selling games of all time on Steam.
The more we push this, the more the left gets upset, rights hit pieces, and drives Alex Jones even more into the mainstream consciousness.
So, the Alex Jones game on Steam right now, one of the best things you can do to put the fight against the New World Order on the front lines of humanity.
And I get our audiences like me.
I mean, I played some video games on Nintendo and stuff, but I was usually playing baseball or football or climbing trees or swimming or, you know, fist fighting and all the rest of it.
And but I did play games.
But nowadays, I mean, this is this is huge.
And Steam has hundreds of millions of users every month, hundreds of millions a week.
It is the dominant online platform.
This is a big deal.
And so praise God.
I want to thank the audience.
that bought it on the website. And I want to thank people for praying.
But it just shows how mainstream the truth's gotten that Steam allowed this on the platform.
Obviously, the left wants it taken down. They're in full panic mode.
But the fact that it's number one now, that's going to really be tough for them to do.
This is amazing. And it's got cameos with a lot of great people in it as well, not just the villains.
But somebody that looks suspiciously like Joe Rogan is a scimitar.
We've got obviously the great Tucker Carlson and so many others who throws bow ties at the bad guys.
I mean, there is just a lot of really cool stuff in the game.
It's got some secret bonus stuff in it as well.
And a lot of people are asking, when are we going to get updates and some added levels as well?
Yeah, a lot of people want the Bohemian Grove level, and I gotta tell you, the more that people buy this game, the closer we get to adding a Bohemian Grove level, the closer we get to adding some more characters and secret characters, and I really think, uh...
Even more exciting than that, the more people buy this game, the closer we get to Rachel Maddow losing her mind on air.
How can they sell an Alex Jones video game where he's going into Epstein Island and killing all these people?
That's what I'm looking forward to the most.
Well, it is pleasing they've taken the bait and are now attacking it everywhere.
They just can't help themselves.
And then they're defending Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton right as they're being destroyed in the news.
Yeah, it's amazing.
Oh, this game is so violent.
You go to Epstein Island and you free the babies.
How is that something that you should be upset about?
Like they said, they took the bait.
Let me tell the crew, hey guys, go to the end of this level, the Epstein-Allen level, and show I'm battling Hillary and then we release the babies out of the cages.
And again, they're now attacking the game right when the consciousness understands that intelligence agencies are doing this.
Look at this.
Jeffrey Epstein trafficked teens to prominent U.S.
politicians, world leaders, to blackmail them.
Documents show.
These are the witnesses, the documents, the emails, I mean, it's all there, the admissions of all of this.
And then now the controlled media, the globalist media, is defending that right when everybody finds out about Bill Clinton storming into Vanity Fair newsroom, threatening Alwood to not run sex trafficking stories against good friend Jeffrey Epstein.
That's in the documents.
It's amazing.
Amazing they're running cover for this, even after the whole world knows what was going on on Epstein Island.
And they're still trying to run cover.
It's a blessing for us.
It's a blessing for us.
You know, like, Pharaoh's heart was hardened by God.
These people going out of their way to try and deny any sort of reality what was going on with Epstein and trying to attack you for going after him in a video game.
This is the hand of God, for sure.
Well, you guys have already made some other games, I know you're making some more, but listeners making this successful will fund the Info War, it'll obviously help you guys expand, and then think about it, the left puts all their propaganda already in the video games and the movies, and then they lie about it and say, oh no, it's not propaganda.
They're now trying to make video games genderless.
They're trying to make Target toy aisles genderless.
The Church of England just said, mother and father is a bad term, or husband and wife.
I mean, they're coming after the basic fabric of society, and we just need to create our own genres of everything, and then totally have an exodus, talking about Pharaoh, out of their system.
But to do that, we've got to go build the new world.
That's what conservatives and populists and people have been missing.
100% Alex.
When there is Alex Jones at the top of Steam, when there is right-wing, God-loving culture at the top of all the different genres, mediums, that is when we totally win.
That is the 360 win in the Info War.
So go to AlexJonesGame.com, get the game, get it on Steam, discount it to $17.76.
Let's take back America!
And folks, even if you don't play games, it's a donation to the operation, what we're doing.
This is a big hit.
God's hand was on this.
I want to thank everybody, but I just want to say God.
Capital G, capital O, capital D, maybe.
God is doing all this.
You can see God making major moves.
I want to thank you.
I want to get you guys back in studio soon.
We'll get an update next week.
But thank you so much.
It'll take you right to the link on Steam.
Or you just go right to the front page of Steam.
You can't miss it or go to the Steam store.
It's there.
Alex Jones, New World Order Wars.
Andrew Mayer, to you and the rest of the crew, great job, sir.
We'll talk to you soon.
A great pleasure.
Thank you, Alex.
Perfect timing, folks.
Perfect timing.
And even if you're not into games, folks, get your friends, your family that are, to get it.
Email it to them.
Text messages.
Say, have you seen this?
It's number one.
Send them some of the links that are on The Real Alex Jones Channel.
Now, we're going to have Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, advisor to Trump, joining us to cover the election, Trump, a bunch of big developments, also get into the Epstein situation.
And then Roger Stone, Jason Bermas, and so much more today.
But I want to play a little four-minute promo I did last night, that I just cut last night, that we've also put out on Real Alex Jones, talking about this game.
Because this is a big deal, and we have big victories like this.
It's, it's, I mean look, something goes to number one on Steam, it's already a hit.
So, so now it needs to be number one.
And let me just explain something.
You have my pledge.
That 95% of the money that comes in from this game, and it'll be $5 million probably now, if it goes super big, $50 million, okay?
We'll go into this operation, and reporters, and exposing the sex trafficking on the border, and everything else, and of course obviously the legal bills and all that.
95% will go into this operation.
And I'm going to tell you point blank, I'm out of money.
I need to keep some to pay my bills and stuff as well.
But you have my pledge.
And you notice they always said, oh, I had all this money, and I was hiding all this money, all this crap you saw on the news.
And then now you see the headlines, Jones didn't have money, didn't have things hidden, and has millions of dollars upside down.
and sold his car and is selling his guns and selling my lake house that's a little tiny lake house.
I never even have anything to use in a year because I never I used to live there many years ago a lot
of my children were raised there. It's a tiny little house but I'm selling that to pay my bills
and that won't even get me halfway where I need to go. I don't care about the stupid house.
I've got great memories.
I never have time to even go there.
I used to go fishing and boating all the time.
I mean, I've been over a year.
That's how much I'm in the fight.
I haven't been to my lake house in a year.
On Lake Travis.
Beautiful little place.
So wonderful.
Full of bass.
Just everything.
I'm in the fight!
I mean, I'll be working at midnight tonight.
I'll be up here all day tomorrow.
The crew is awesome.
Because you put us in the fight.
God put us in the fight.
And to have something like this be such a big hit that pisses off the enemy and funds the operation and takes the culture back.
Just praise God and pass the ammunition and the info war.
So I want to thank the viewers and listeners and all of you.
This is a big deal.
The game...
Only sold 20,000 copies on the website, which is hard to sell games on a website.
That's a success.
Now it'll sell probably hundreds of thousands, millions of copies on Steam.
But think about this.
Think about this long and hard.
The videos just of the game, it's like an audiobook or video, those have hundreds of millions of views.
Just the game itself, people watching it, people play it, is already a huge hit.
So praise God, praise God, thank God, all glory to God.
We're going to go out to break with my breakdown on this.
We're going to come back with the great Robert Barnes.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, something very special has just happened.
The planets have aligned.
For over two years, we've been producing Alex Jones' New World Orders video game.
It went live on Steam yesterday, the third largest platform in the world, the biggest online platform, with 150 million users a week.
And it shot to number one on the site today with 97% reviews.
97% reviews.
Look at that right there for yourself.
This is amazing.
And as you know, they've been trying to shut down InfoWars.
This is a fun game.
It's got a whole bunch of levels.
Epstein Island is just one level of it, where you defeat Epstein and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton and free the children.
And we go after Fauci, and after Zuckerberg, and after Koss Schwab.
It just goes on and on.
Trudeau, you name it.
And it makes me think about 1990 when they were going to take Willie Nelson's house.
And the IRS had all those liens on him.
And he put an album out called the Willie Nelson IRS Tapes.
And he raised all the money he needed a month.
To continue on.
And that's great outlaw music.
I'm friends with Willie.
Known him since, you know, 20-something years ago.
Great guy.
But that's just music.
This is about keeping independent media that's reaching tens of millions a day on the air to fight the tyrants.
So, usually video games are fun, and they're a good diversion, but they're not political, or they're leftist, and they're a waste of time.
Look at Gamergate.
But now, ladies and gentlemen, this is a totally anti-woke, anti-globalist, anti-politically correct video game that I voice over the whole thing.
Looks like an audiobook as well.
And it already got rave reviews.
We put it out independently at alexjonesgame.com.
So if you go to alexjonesgame.com, you will see the link.
Right to Steam or go to Steam and search New World Order Wars Alex Jones and get the game right now.
This is going to, it's already making the left and the control freaks and the censors pull their hair out.
So here's a few minutes of gameplay from the Epstein-Pito Island level just to give you an idea of what's in this amazing audio book, video game.
Documentary and the fact that it just came out as the whole Epstein list comes out That's got to be God working because it we were a year behind on this then we updated with stuff I mean this this game was only done two months ago, so it's up to date with the latest stuff This is perfect timing only God could do it.
Here's just about a minute and a half or so from the gameplay.
Where's Jeffrey?
Oh, big deal. I'm taking you down, rapist.
Take that, Jeffrey Epstein, wimp!
The globalists control Hollywood.
They control the banks, but they don't control you.
And now independent media is the mainstream media and is dominating everywhere.
Get Alex Jones' New World Order Wars right now at alexjonesgame.com or on Steam, and let's make it the biggest hit of 2024.
We made the game.
It's up to you now.
The planets aligned.
Now get it and make it number one in the world as a message against tyrants and the globalist pedophile elite.
I think we can all agree that this new video game from Alex Jones looks fantastic.
God, this is so well made.
This is absolutely genius.
I went online and bought it and played it and it's fun as hell.
That's crazy.
This is awesome.
Holy shit!
I love it.
The game is amazing.
You can purchase the game right here on AlexJonesGame.com AlexJonesGame.com Just in time for Christmas, it's the Alex Jones video game.
I can't believe how hilarious and fun this looks.
I did not have sexual relations with that saxophone.
I'm definitely gonna play it.
I'm gonna buy it.
Check the game out.
It's epic.
It's a conversation starter.
It's definitely funny as hell.
On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
We started producing over two years ago with a top independent video game maker, New World or Worse.
And it got behind.
We added a lot of stuff to it.
We up-edited it.
It's already a hit game.
People love it.
We put it out on AlexJonesGame.com.
Then, Steam waited months, the number one online video game platform, to approve it, and they approved it a week ago, and it went live yesterday, right when the Jeffrey Epstein list broke, and it was the top story in the world.
That is God's hand on this.
So, as Garth Brooks says, some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.
I wanted this out a year ago.
But it came out with perfect timing.
It's an incredible game.
People love it.
It's got a voiceover I did for it.
Get it at alexjonesgame.com.
It's amazing.
You can play it there on the site, but click on the link to Steam so you can go to their site and get it and download it to all your devices.
Get it at Steam right now.
We'll put links on the screen and under it below right here at m4wars.com.
Get the video game.
Change the world.
Just about every major government has been guilty of false flag operations to foment war.
America has been guilty of several, but here are just a few.
Civilian passengers were murdered when a torpedo hit the Lusitania.
Investigations revealed that explosives were inside the ship, which was operated by war profiteer J.P.
This event is what brought Americans Who were not previously interested in getting involved into World War I, where they lost over a hundred thousand sons and daughters.
They were also not interested in getting involved in World War II, but after breaking Japanese encryption codes, the U.S.
government knew of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor.
But the big banks were funding both sides and expected massive profits.
So they let it happen to encourage Americans to sacrifice nearly half a million of their children in the Second World War.
In August of 1964, the USS Maddox and the Turner Joy knowingly lied about being fired upon by North Vietnamese ships.
For two hours, they fired at nothing and maneuvered as if under attack.
President Johnson was aware of this deception, but kept it secret to initiate war against North Vietnam and to sacrifice over 50,000 Americans.
About 3,000 people were murdered on 9-11 in the most notorious false flag in U.S.
This was used as a catalyst for the endless destruction of several nations that continues today.
Professor Stephen Starr, associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was recently on Russia's Solyavev Live, where he discussed a plan being suggested by NATO forces in Germany that stinks of plans for a false flag operation to usher in World War III.
They have suggested a scenario wherein Russia sinks an American cruiser in the Black Sea, followed by the United States attacking Russian ships with nuclear warheads, which would then be followed by a Russian nuclear strike against NATO headquarters and a major U.S.
nuclear attack on all of Russia.
They suggested more than 3,000 strikes within one hour and the destruction of all major cities in Europe and the United States.
Professor Starr said this would result in 150 million tons of smoke and soot that would block out 70% of the sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and last about 10 years.
It's important to note that it's been NATO forces alone who have been provoking war with Russia for decades, surrounding their border with missile systems and bioweapons labs, and overthrowing Ukraine with CIA color revolutions.
The facts show that Russia has been given no choice but to defend themselves against deceptive Western aggression.
The anti-human globalist forces that hold a firm grip on America are clearly trying to destroy it from within.
If they wanted America to win a world war, then they would not be murdering US troops with the deadly COVID shots.
And they would not be manipulating them to castrate themselves under the guise of transgenderism.
The globalists want the United States to be plundered and destroyed.
But they need a scapegoat to blame it on.
And they've clearly chosen Russia for that role.
During the American Revolution, Catherine the Great of Russia unofficially supported the colonies by trading with them.
Russian ships began delivering hemp, sail linen, and iron to American ports as early as 1763.
During the War of 1812, Russia attempted to join as a third-party mediator in support of American independence.
In 1863, Russia sent military fleets to New York and San Francisco to put pressure on the British and fight them if necessary.
They patrolled the American shores for 10 months.
This Russian support of a sovereign America is undoubtedly what led to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, when the country fell into communist rule for 69 years.
Today, Russia has asked for peace, but the evil powers that want endless war cannot survive unity between the East and the West.
False flag operations are the modus operandi of the globalists, and war, mass murder, and division is all they desire.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed.
There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.
As president, I will make it clear.
That the United States will treat cyber attacks just like any other attack.
We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses.
They're voting for peace on planet Earth if they vote for Trump.
But if they vote for Hillary, it's war.
We came, we saw, he died.
With her, you'll end up in World War III.
I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran.
Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us to go to war against Syria and Russia.
The U.S.
military has just raised the threat level to DEFCON 2.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still threatening Russia with military action, following unconfirmed reports of further hacking.
It's like she's not even concerned about the repercussions.
Of course not, because she's... Hang on guys, look, there's a really loud noise.
Alright, looks like we're having a little bit of technical difficulties.
We'll try to get Leanne back on in a few minutes.
When the president gives the order, it must be followed.
That was a possible future if Hillary Clinton would have been able to steal the election in 2016, but the landslide
was so big, she failed.
And we had four years of peace, relative peace.
Now the world's on fire.
We have former congressman joining us at the bottom of the hour, Stephen King, that was really the brain trust that Trump duplicated for the wall and the man who predicted the overrunning of the country with replacement migration.
He'll be joining us.
He's endorsed Vivek Ramaswamy.
I'm going to ask him why.
I just love Vivek.
He's saying all these great things, really taking the MSM to task.
I don't think he's going to beat Trump.
Some people are worried that I'm up there having Vivek on a lot, that it's some kind of thing against Trump, but it's not.
We need all the Republicans to be talking like Trump and Vivek.
And then we can like them all.
I wish DeSantis was doing what he was doing a year ago.
And then we can find places for him in the government, all of them.
So, and Vivek's point about, in case they kill Trump, we need him as a backup, is absolutely true.
That's why you got two eyes, and two ears, and two arms, and two hands, and two legs, and two feet, and two parents.
Two ovaries, two testicles.
I mean, that's what the nature does.
You need at least two of something, in case you lose one of them.
Two kidneys, only one liver, only one brain, only one heart.
Trump's not perfect, but the globalists hate him, and he definitely will defend the border and bring trade back to America.
He won't defund the police, but at the same time he's not for a police state.
And that is the talk we're seeing everywhere that I want to get into right now.
Biden to mark January 6th with new warning, Trump threatens democracy.
So they're the ones that spied on tens of millions, hundreds of millions of people, well everybody really.
Use intelligence agencies illegally to suppress stories exposing Biden in the last presidential election.
We've got high-level former CIA operatives, major professors at Georgetown, CIA analysts, Warren Intel agencies are already meddling in the 2024 election.
The headline is, we'll meddle, but when you actually watch them on national TV and talk about it, they say, no, it's already going on.
You can see it.
And I know it is.
It's worse than it was four years ago or two years ago.
It's already going on just like last time, but worse.
President Joe Biden today will mark three years, and as soon as the speech is out, get it for me.
It already happened.
Since the January 6th attacks, just type in Biden January 6th.
President Joe Biden on Friday will mark three years since the January 6 attacks on the U.S.
Capitol with a warning to voters that Republican Donald Trump and his likely 2024 election opponent is a threat to the country's standing as a free democracy.
Is that why you're having your operatives take him off the ballot and states we can't vote for him?
I mean, that is not election meddling.
If they're successful, that's election theft by never even letting us put our horse in the race.
You can't Have a more pure form than taking someone off the ballot or busting a cap in them.
As folks would say growing up in Dallas, bust a cap in yo ass.
Bust a cap on a cartridge, you're sending the bullet down the barrel.
That's the only more absolute way to take somebody off the ballot is to put a bullet in them and kill them.
But it's basically the same thing taking them off the ballot.
I mean, they are assassinating His ability to run for president in front of us while lecturing us about democracy.
Biden a few months ago took Venezuela sanctions down saying, oh, they promised to not arrest the political opposition.
Three days after he took the sanctions off, they arrested the political opposition that was leading in the polls.
So they still have elections, but they rig them.
But it's still too embarrassing to even have the opposition leader going around saying that,
so you just throw them in prison.
And did Biden bring back sanctions when they did that?
No, because the State Department is down there advising them, and they came out to help the government.
The communist government of Lula, after they stole the election from Bolsonaro
a year and a half ago, went down there and got them to have the Supreme Court rule,
like Israel setting up the Supreme Court as a dictatorship.
Doesn't mean I like Netanyahu.
I don't like either side there.
But both sides are jockeying for dictatorial power.
And it's the same thing in Brazil.
The Supreme Court said, oh, you can't run for president for eight years.
They'll be basically too old at that point.
They'll just do it again in eight years.
But that's not meddling in democracy.
That's not blocking the people.
I know we're not a democracy.
We're a constitutional republic, a limited democracy.
I understand that, where the majority cannot take the rights of the minority.
Not many systems like ours.
I mean, North Korea calls itself a republic.
So it's a big deal.
A very big deal.
Trump shares messianic video about God sending him to save the world, and the media attacks it.
How dare him call on God?
Another big article in Politico, the unpredictable but entirely possible events that could throw 2024 into turmoil.
We'll get some of that in a moment when we come back, but it's a few minutes to break.
I wanted to go back to the Epstein stuff because, again, I've literally seen hundreds of articles, I printed a few here, where they say, Trump and Clinton mentioned in Epstein documents, and then they have an article about how they're both in the documents, but don't tell you in these articles what's in them.
That Trump was exonerated by the FBI, by the police investigators, and by the witnesses.
They said, no, he was never at private parties, he never told us we were pretty, he never touched us.
We were taken when we were, you know, 14 to some socialite things, and we saw Trump there.
With hundreds of people.
That's it!
That's what Roger Stone said about Trump, and he's been his wingman when Trump's in between marriages.
He and Roger go out on double dates so that no one figures out who Trump's girlfriend is, so they can have a nice evening.
And that's, I'm not giving any secrets out, that was in the New York Times in the 90s, that Roger Stone was his wingman.
But I've asked Roger, and he said, oh, absolutely.
And he knows Trump's habits.
Again, the idea that Trump would have hookers in Russia piss on him?
A, he's a neat freak and hates that.
B, he would never be set up like that.
And that's why so much of this stuff we even hear about Stormy Daniels, from what I've been told, isn't even true.
Because Trump is very particular and doesn't just jump in bed with women.
Everything Roger told me about that, he would only tell me what had already been in the news and send me articles and say, see right here, this is back when he was public enemy number one, that he absolutely treats women amazingly.
He's so nice, so friendly, never gets mad at them, but if they're rude to him or lie to him, one time, he's done with them.
One time.
One time he's done.
He's that loyalty thing.
Showers them with gifts, kisses their ass, calls them constantly, tells them how great they are, advances them in business.
One time, he's done it.
He's a one-woman-at-a-time guy.
Alright, we'll be right back.
Doesn't like kids.
All right, we've just got constitutional lawyer, really smart guy, good friend of mine, Robert Barnes, on for one segment.
But he's gonna be on with us for at least two hours next week to cover the waterfront.
But I wanted to get him on about the current state of the deep state persecuting Trump, how that's going, what the timelines now are for the election, and then his famous client, Amish Miller up in Pennsylvania has been raided by the Feds again for selling raw milk and cheese to willing people.
So you can smuggle kids across the border, hand them over to whoever you want, you can start World War III, but Amish cannot sell milk to their neighbors.
So we'll tackle that in a moment, but first, the current political lay of the land and what's happening.
We haven't talked in like two months.
Yeah, I think we're going to find out whether the Supreme Court is going to stand up to all of the judicial legal tyranny that's taken place under the Biden administration.
Because the Supreme Court has to stand up.
The question is, will our judiciary save itself from the lawfare that the Biden administration has engaged in and Democrats have engaged in against Trump?
Because we are to the place where they're trying to take Trump off the ballot, trying to bankrupt Trump in New York, and trying to put him in prison, all because he's their political adversary.
And if the Supreme Court steps up like they should in the DC case, they should, and they
can do it in such a way that they can put an end to the Georgia case, put an end to
the Florida case, put an end to Jack Smith, who's illegally appointed in the first place,
as Ed Meese has recently pointed out in the various amicus briefs filed in the DC courts.
So the big key question is, will the courts save the judiciary from itself, save the law
fair from being, contaminating American politics in a way that is almost incurable?
And so that, I think that's going to be the big key.
The deep state's approach, the deep state's attack, has clearly been orchestrated around using the legal system to undermine our entire constitutional democracy, our constitutional republic.
It'll be up to the Supreme Court to salvage it and save it, or it'll be up to us to do something about it if they fail to do so.
Just a few minutes.
We'll do the deep dive next week because the documents are still going through them and so are you.
But the Epstein thing, this was not a nothing burger, but it really wasn't a client list.
It was a giant data dump of tens of thousands of pages and the media is really trying to steer away from the fact that there's nothing on Trump in there except pure exoneration.
Oh, no doubt.
In fact, as we have talked about, I mean, Trump was one of the first people to out Epstein in many ways.
I mean, even that Vanity Fair article years ago, he was the one to say, well, you know, that guy seems to like him young.
He was the one talking about British Royal Connection back in 2016.
He's the guy who kicked Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago.
So, there was never a connection between Trump and any of it, but the Epstein world, the democratic world, brought false accusations and false insinuations in order to distract from what the brilliant 2016 campaign that the Infowars audience waged to remind people of Bill Clinton's history as a rapist.
Uh, and it's of course Bill Clinton who is most implicated in some of those files.
Uh, and there's some other people falsely implicated in those files, but Clinton is one of the key people that's implicated that we know is actually criminally culpable and has been for a long time.
And the other aspect of that that you pointed out from day one is the real files are somewhere else.
I mean, whatever happened, because the way in which they selectively engaged in that raid in New York, they gave time for the Intel agencies and the Deep State apparatus and the rest to go to his Virgin Islands location and clean it out.
And we know it got cleaned out.
We know the same thing happened a decade before in Florida when they tipped him off and he got everything cleaned out, all the computer hard servers, all the the tapes and discs were gone. Though we know that there
are cameras all over the place, at his Florida place and at the Virgin Islands place. The
New York place is where he lived, where he did all his illicit activities, where New Mexico,
Florida, and the Virgin Islands.
So this is shaking the power structure at its very core?
And somebody's got those things.
I mean, I think at parts it does.
I mean, Epstein was a crack in the dam, that's why they had to hang him.
You know, eternal truth number one, Epstein didn't kill himself.
And clearly he knew more information than they could ever allow out.
He was a classic honeypot operator.
You go back, I mean, Ghislaine Maxwell's father, Robert Maxwell, that's what he was deeply implicated in going back to the end of World War II, with his ties to the KGB, Mossad, MI6, and the CIA.
So, you look at all of these integrated connections, Epstein is a window into a world that you've been exposing for more than a quarter century.
And it's a window they keep trying to close and darken, but they can't fully achieve it.
Alright, in the limited time of this...
That's right.
Amos Miller Lancaster Pennsylvania Amish story the persecution of years you're his lawyer now they raided him again in the last few days and again it's a microcosm you can ship kidnap kids across you can put GMO deadly shots and people untested but then no record nobody getting sick cheese milk we buy cheese and milk from Mennonites in Bastrop I mean I literally drank it this morning I ate eggs That their chicken's produced, I eat their cheese.
Occasionally we get their beef, when they do sell beef.
I mean, it's incredible.
And I have a right, as a human, to be involved with who I want.
So the whole FDA mafia feeding us GMO poison, they can take down the Amish, they can take everybody down.
Tell us what happened here.
So Amos Miller is an Amish farmer that's been making food the same way his granddaddy and great-granddaddy and his great-grandpappy before him made it.
He makes it the way people want it.
He makes it without a lot of chemicals, without a lot of preservatives, without all the undesired aspects.
You look at the Amish community, they don't have an explosion rate of cancer, they don't have an explosion rate of autism, and it has something to do with the fact that they are disconnected from big tech, disconnected from big food, and disconnected from big pharma.
And he has products that people need for their own health.
People that have Crohn's disease, other diseases that they need.
That's right.
The deep state doesn't like a control group whose average life expectancy for women is 85, men 81.
Here in the U.S.
now it's dropped to men 73, women 75.
Our life expectancy is dropping.
The Amish right next door to us are living the same thing they ever lived.
No autism, no nothing.
That's right.
You nailed it.
I mean, that's exactly what's going on.
And so they are harassing the heck out of him.
And so I've been representing him for two years.
We got the federal government to back off.
We got them to allow him to sell meat again.
We got him to be able to sell milk and everything else.
And then what happens right when the federal government agrees?
That Amos is in the right and they're not going to continue to harass him anymore.
All of a sudden the state of Pennsylvania, who's been secretly behind the campaign against Amos Miller now for more than a half decade, they were behind trying to get the FDA to go after him.
They were behind getting the USDA to go after him in the first place.
They all of a sudden, out of the blue, don't communicate, don't contact me, don't go through their own rules and regulations, do a search warrant raid, take over his property for the better part of an entire day, seize a bunch of his food, seize food that has nothing to do with the search warrant at all, detain it, tell him he can't sell it to anybody, that they put all the food in the freezer in there, they won't allow him to see what they're doing, they won't allow him to see what they're looking at, what they're taking, what they're testing, how they're testing it, whether they're doing it proper, And they can come in and not wash their hands after they wipe their ass and touch his food and then claim it had E. Coli on it later.
This is disgusting.
That's exactly what's going on.
The next shoe to fall is they're going to make false accusations about the health aspects of his food.
Because, I mean, if they were doing it on the up and up, why didn't they do it with us?
Why didn't they do it so we could see what's happening?
Well, notice the law says we should legalize prostitution and do whatever we want and sexualize kids, but we can't buy milk from people with no record of problems?
I mean, just think about our rights, people!
I mean, this is about food freedom in America.
They want to control, you've talked about it forever, there's four corners of the grid.
They want to control information.
They want to control education.
They want to control food and they want to control our bodies, our bodily autonomy.
And this is one of those four corners they're trying to strip away so they can maximize the grid of control.
VivaBarnesLaw.Locals.com and also shout out to Lancaster Patriot.
They're doing a great fundraiser for Amos Miller as we speak.
We'll talk to you soon.
Robert Barnes, former Congressman of Georgia.
Former Congressman Steve King is our guest.
The OG of warning about the border.
Alright, tomorrow 6 p.m.
Central we kick off a huge Zero Hedge sponsored debate.
And you definitely want to tune in for the special surprise guest.
I'll leave it at that.
But I don't talk about a fish until it's in the boat.
It's up to the boat.
But the point is, is that a lot's going on.
So I had Vivek Ramaswamy on a couple days ago, and I just love him.
He's so smart.
He does such a great job educating people.
That's why I support him.
I'm in for Trump, but if something happens to Trump, I think it shouldn't be Nikki Haley versus Trump as the two final things.
It should be elevating Vivek, because they both agree, and then obviously we go with Trump.
But Congressman Steve King has endorsed him, and Vivek said, Do you know who Steve King is?
And I went, what, the OG of exposing the border and the prototype of what we need in Congress, the anti-Rhino?
Yeah, I know who he is.
I've tried to get him on the show many times.
He's a busy guy.
He says, well, he's endorsed me.
But I wanted to play a few minutes of him many, many years ago, really coming up with the blueprint that Trump picked up.
And I would hope if he'll come out of retirement, because he looks great.
Maybe Trump is reelected.
He brings Steve King in, as the borders are.
But let's go ahead and play a clip here.
So when I go down there and sit on that border, what I do is I come to this conclusion.
We can't shut that off unless we build a fence and a wall.
I want to put the fence in, but I want to put a wall in, and I designed one.
And this just simply is the desert floor.
Put a trench in that desert floor.
We have the ability to put together a machine that would be a slip form machine that would lay a footing about like this, Mr. Speaker.
And if I give you a look at the end of that, And so you'd have that about five feet deep underneath the ground.
It'd keep that, keep the wall from tipping over.
We'd pour a notch in it that allows to put precast panels in.
And they would sit, and it'd look like this.
Now this would be flush with the desert floor.
And then you'd bring in precast concrete, ten feet wide, thirteen and a half feet tall.
It'd construct itself to be a twelve foot finished wall, just like that, Mr. Speaker.
Drop these panels in together.
In this fashion, just take a crane and drop them in.
Our little construction company could build a mile a day of this pretty easily, once you've got your system going.
It isn't all going to work, the whole 2,000 miles are not going to work that way, but a lot of it will work this way, Mr. Speaker.
And so, just to wrap up this construction, this would be an example then of how that wall would look.
Now you could also deconstruct it the same way.
You could take it back down.
If somehow they got their economy working and got their laws working in Mexico, we could pull this back out just as easy as we could put it in.
We could open it up again or we could open it up and let livestock run through there, whatever we choose.
I also say we need to do a few other things on top of that wall.
And one of them would be to put a little bit of wire on top here to provide a distance setting for people to climb over the top or put a ladder there.
We could also electrify this wire with the kind of current that wouldn't kill somebody, but it would simply be a discouragement for them to be fooling around with it.
And a lot of his ideas did get adopted, so he became enemy number one with these people.
And of course, he was born in the law enforcement family, where he was steeped in constitutional law that he founded as an engineer, King Construction, and a major underground utility company, Earthmoving.
So he knows what he talks about.
We need more engineers, less lawyers, more doctors, less lawyers, starting World War III.
So it's great to have you.
I know you endorsed Vivek.
I want to get your view on the persecution of Trump, what the great things Vivek's doing, and what you've been doing, and what it's like to see everything you warned of happening right now.
Great to have you.
It's great to be on, and I appreciate seeing that video again.
It made me smile all the way through, Alex.
And it was a pretty simple thing.
Paul Ryan was arguing it was too hard to build a wall across that desert.
It's hot, there's rocks, there's mountains, there's a river.
And of course, we've worked on all those things.
So I wanted to make it real simple.
And the pushback that came when I said you can put a little electricity in this wire to provide a discouragement, the current for deterrent was a little bit too much for them to take.
They accused me of wanting to electrocute people.
That's how bad it gets.
It's just simply common sense.
But that's what Vivek brings with this.
The brain that he has, the principles that he has, both of those lock together in a very active and effective and rational way.
And piece after piece of the policy, his voice on that is so strong.
I've supported Trump and I'm not going to be working against Trump, but he's not helping me on property rights and I can't get an answer out of him.
And I've done all I can to get him to take a position defending the 5th Amendment of the Constitution.
They are not going to answer.
And so, I just said that he won't defend it.
Well, be specific on your beef with Trump, because I really respect you.
Are you talking about all these eminent domain land grabs going on with the green garbage, or what specifically?
Absolutely, Alex, and I mean, they've started this effort to put 3,600 miles of pipelines through the Corn Belt in the upper Midwest, much of that in Iowa, lacking all the ethanol plants together that he met just by the natural process of biodegrading of it, the largest mass of the purest form of CO2 known in the world.
And Joe Biden put a great big price tag on that when he signed the Inflation Reduction Act.
And now they want to bulldoze their way through all of this land, and to keep their private company profitable from the only source of income they have is the taxpayers, pumping it into the ground.
It is the biggest boondoggle I have ever seen.
And we have to fight this in Iowa now.
If we don't get this up in the caucus and have an issue here, it's gone after January 15th.
And so that's what I said to the Trump campaign, is that if he will not defend our property rights before January 15th, one would have to be a fool to think he'll do so after.
And that was the biggest dividing point.
Otherwise, Vivek, as he fits in here very, very well, he's a good match for Trump in all other ways.
And this is important, because people say, why do you care about lockdowns in Australia?
Well, it's the same global that's running it.
Or why do you care about human trafficking in Africa?
Because they're humans.
We've got to stand up for them.
We need to stand up for each other.
We have to have empathy.
And a billion-plus dollar project, that life-giving gas is bad, that natural order is bad, If they get this facility done, it's going to then be used for political contributions and power and build more of this.
We've got to kill all these scams everywhere in their infancy, and that's why this is important.
So I know you endorsed him.
I didn't know why.
So Trump is silent on this.
That's not good.
He's utterly silent, Alex, and he needs to be called on this.
I've had a good relationship with the Trump campaign, but ever since they pulled that political lynch job on me back in 2020, the Trump campaign has shut me out.
The campaign people.
I don't know that he has.
But I've gotten the message through to Susie Wiles that I told them what's going on with this.
I want to make sure Donald Trump knows.
And she told me they've done a deep dive into it, but they haven't.
Yeah, no, I agree.
I like Trump, but we need to hold his feet to the fire because I'll tell you, his biggest problem was having politicos around him that do wall him off like he's a, you know, Chinese empress or something.
And he basically becomes a prisoner of these folks that run from controversy.
No, people want people standing up.
They want people being attacked by the left.
The left is toothless except The Republican Party establishment is in bed with them, gets money from them, and then tells their candidates, oh, be fearful of them.
No, you want to be attacked.
Five, ten years ago, it was still dangerous, but it was the right thing to do.
Now, we're winning the culture war, and this is very discouraging.
I did not know that Trump, I've noticed he has said nothing.
He should be against that damn project.
That is a jewel in the crown to set up their Green New Deal, New World Order, Great Reset.
We have to defeat that facility.
Alex, he could kill this off in five minutes if he'd go to the stage and just deliver what they won't let me tell him.
I asked for this.
I said, I want 30 minutes in front of Donald Trump, eye to eye, uninterrupted, anywhere in the world, anytime.
I'll be there.
That's all I want to do.
By the way, you took your blueprint on the border.
That's admitted.
So that is Roger Stone's coming up.
Maybe you can hold a little bit on with him.
Roger talks to him every day.
Have you brought this up to Roger?
I haven't brought it up to Roger.
I do know Roger, and I haven't had a lot of communication with him lately, however, so I'll be bringing this up.
Roger bypasses it all.
I mean, literally, him and Trump are thick as thieves.
He doesn't brag about it, but the... So we need to... I'm sure Roger's cool with it.
I'm gonna send you Roger's number.
You got it?
Please send it.
I'm not sure if I do.
And I'll be happy to give Roger a call.
Folks, they're building these carbon grabbers all over the world, and again, then they tax
us and they make money off of it, and it starts the scam.
Like they're trying to ban the cows in the Netherlands, and they already did it in Sri
Lanka, and they're trying it in Ireland.
If they get any of this stuff going, we're done.
That's right.
And this is a $17.6 billion a year proposal if all these pipelines are built.
And it wipes out our constitutional property rights completely.
And they're only giving... I'm trying to... They're giving the contracts to the Democrat insiders, so it's a money laundering operation.
I'll shut up, explain it to them.
Well, that's part of it, but I'll say this.
It originated at the World Economic Forum.
Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, whom I know you know a lot about, Fink, and his plan cooked up there with Klaus Schwab and George Soros.
They sold it to Europe, they sold it to the Democrats in this country, they stuck it into the Green New Deal plan, stuck it into Biden's Inflation Reduction Act.
Larry Fink had a plan and he wanted to come through with about half of this and get about half the ethanol plants.
He couldn't get through the property rights because we have populist red state Republican governors in the Dakotas, Nebraska, and Iowa.
Somebody needed to crack through that.
That's Bruce Rastetter, who is essentially the George Soros of the Republican Party in the Upper Midwest.
And the governors of North, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Iowa, and the legislative leadership in each of those states, House and Senate, Our wholly owned subsidiaries, politically wholly owned subsidiaries of Bruce Rastetter, who leads on this thing.
So they need to all be called out.
And we started an organization called Free Soil.
It's under a foundation now.
I'm about ready to file the 501c3.
I'll do it later today if I can get it done.
And we're going to do battle with them all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.
Donald Trump can kill it in five minutes.
And I'm sorry I'm jumping in so much.
I just want people to understand, this isn't just some issue in Iowa.
I mean, this is, like you said, tens of billions of dollars a year, and they admit once they get a linchpin, they can politically take over everything.
It'll be the biggest business in that state.
So this is important.
It's about converting the entire economy over to them of the Midwest.
This is a globalist takeover of the Midwest that's a major holdout to their plan.
It's that, Alex, the way you've described it, and there are some 40 ethanol plants altogether.
By the way, I represented about half of them in Iowa before I left Congress.
But they also have a reach into Brazil where they're establishing six ethanol plants.
They expect to bring that ethanol out of the Amazon, up to the Gulf Coast, and bring a green jet fuel factory there.
And that factory will be fueled by ethanol from Brazil and from the United States, but it takes carbon credits to do that.
He's going to get carbon credits from Brazil by pumping it into the ground there and he's going to get carbon credits from the United States taxpayers from the pipeline that would take it to the oil fields and pump it in there.
Then he's got the network of the ethanol in Brazil and the United States and the market to promote the green jet fuel all packaged into the same thing with the carbon credits that are traded globally.
some place between $12 and $14 a metric ton, on up to as many as $100 a metric ton.
And by the way, the price for our credit is $85 a metric ton that our taxpayers are funding.
This is a, it becomes trillions of dollars in the end, and it's just, it's a piece of the octopus
of the global, global governance that's coming at us out of Davos in particular.
And again, it's so insane.
And Bill Gates has also set up a billion-dollar company with taxpayer money to cut down hundreds of millions of trees.
Now they're saying they're bad.
I have a video.
He says, trees are bad.
Environmentalists, when you start planting them, they put off carbon.
Well, so do cows.
And I kept saying, if what cows put off is bad, humans do it too.
And now they have New York Times.
Humans' breath is bad.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
Well, Alex, you bring something to mind.
I did a little study here a few years ago, and Al Gore was bloomed up to about 300 pounds, and we estimated his body fat index as BFI, and then we figured out that if we rendered him down into diesel fuel, that you could put that in a pretty decent diesel car and drive from Des Moines to Nashville on what Al Gore was carrying around with him.
So, yeah, he was sequestering carbon in a very effective way, but I think he's lost a little weight since then.
Well, again, for people who don't understand this, former Congressman, This is shutting down the old economy and setting up a new one that's a bridge to nowhere but transfers all the wealth to them.
They call it a post-industrial world, agenda 21, agenda 2030.
This is admitted.
They want to kill the economy for the general public to make us totally beholden to a few corporations.
This is a monopoly takeover.
It is that.
And I'll even go further than this, Alex.
The number one existential threat to the free world, to the first world, to Western civilization, to America, which is a flagship of Western civilization, the number one threat is actually the World Economic Forum and their reach into the World Health Organization, into the United Nations, into this, The brain trust that thinks that they can bring all the things vertically integrated into them and control all the beings on the earth to carry out things at their will, not at ours.
And they don't believe in individual rights.
They don't believe in God-given liberty or freedom.
They're atheists to the core on top of that.
And so this network is designed to consolidate all of this power at the top, and they would be the oligarchs.
And they believe also that they'll develop enough science that they can reverse the aging process, and that means they are their own gods with control over all of us, and they want only 500 million of us, not 8 billion, which we just crossed the line here the other day.
So you're really here warning of a post-industrial depopulation plan.
I've had Lord Monckton on, countless others, insurance companies have done actuaries.
If they just cut half world fertilizer production, that'll kill 2-3 billion people in just five years.
They've already cut it 20-30%.
They're already shutting down the number two food producer in the world, the Netherlands.
I mean, this isn't coming.
This is here.
And then they're saying, oh, when everything collapses, it's global warming.
Or when a virus comes, it's not a Wuhan lab.
No, it's because you're bad.
And then that's why the talking point by Al Gore And Klaus Schwab, and King Charles, and Beto O'Rourke, and AOC as the world ends in 2030, and they've got William Shatner, the world ends in 2030, because they're going to end it as we know it, cause the Mad Max world scenario where the energy's cut off, and then literally pose as the saviors and say it's all your fault.
I mean, this is so diabolical, not even Lex Luthor can come up with this.
And Alex, a year ago, if I'd heard you say that, I would have said, hmm, I've got a lot more reading to do before I can come to that place.
But I've done that reading in the last year.
I did a deep dive into the World Economic Forum, for example.
I read all the bios of the board members and the things that they initiated, and I went through the chronology of the establishment of the World Economic Forum and the things they brag about all along the way.
I went to the websites of these pipeline companies and drilled down into them.
They would never admit to their business model.
They'd always tell about how many tax dollars they would pay, or who else might benefit from it, or how many jobs might be created in the meantime.
But I put together their business model.
I took their information.
I took data from science, built a spreadsheet, and calculated what their business model was.
And then I have to add to that the ethanol plants that they're building in Brazil.
And they come here and they say, we're going to save the ethanol industry and we're going to save the corn farmers because we're going to have a demand here that you don't have now.
But in Brazil, they're going to put 1.32 billion gallons of ethanol on the marketplace by their own numbers.
And at the same time, they're raising 337 million bushel of corn in Monte Grosso, the state they're operating in, in western Brazil.
And they say that the fellow leading this, Bruce Rastetter, the George Soros of the upper Midwest, and he's globalist, He said that 337 million bushels of corn will grow to 4 billion bushels of corn.
So I figured out if they're going to follow their formula and they're going to sequester the CO2 and supposedly get to carbon neutral, just to sequester the carbon that's released into the atmosphere for the trees they're burning in Brazil would take them 51 years to make up for the damage they're causing so that they can raise all that corn down there.
And then the fertilizer things that you talked about.
It's so stunning, and it's so broad, and it's so unbelievable at first glance.
The rest of the public needs to hear a lot from you and a lot from other people about what's coming at us.
And the number one enemy of the World Economic Forum?
Donald Trump.
Number two enemy of the World Economic Forum?
Vivek Ramaswamy.
So I'm hopeful they understand this.
That's why they're the enemies.
And we have to take down the World Economic Forum if we're going to save Western civilization.
Well, Trump's biggest problem is not being able to get good people.
If he's able to navigate all these attacks and the globalists try to take him off the ballot and steal the election, he needs a Vivek Ramaswamy.
He needs a Steve King in his administration.
Would you be part of a Trump administration?
My wife tells me she's happy having me home.
I've been her project now for a couple years and I told her I'd be the perfect husband if she'd had me all the last 25.
But I'd have to consider that because I love my country and my days and nights are spent seeking to save this country from this debacle that we've described here today.
I think that Vivek has the talent and determination, he has the creativity to tackle this.
There have been people that wanted to tackle this before, but Vivek has the creativity.
He's plenty smart enough, he's driven, he's got energy, and I do think that if Trump wins this nomination, then Vivek is a natural person to go in there.
I don't know if he'd be willing to do it or not, but those two together would be just the dynamic duo necessary.
No, no, he said he would serve anywhere Trump wanted him to.
He said he would, but I mean, what I'm saying is, you get it, he gets it, we get it.
And I agree, Vivek is extremely impressive.
Because I know this stuff up one side and down the other.
You can't fake this stuff.
And what's frustrating is, I don't want to be one of the main experts, and I'm sure you don't either.
When you know this, you're like, everybody, this is their battle plan.
We need to get the knowledge up now.
And I'll tell you, Trump is steps behind Vivek.
He does get a lot of this, but he's still partially surrounded by a bunch of numbskulls.
And, I mean, like his own son-in-law is a real turd.
And the shield around him, too.
I mean, Brian Jack is one who put a shield around me.
Alex Lathram is another one who put a shield around me.
I talked once to Susie Wiles, and I've been ghosted ever since.
I don't know anybody that knows more about the Iowa caucus than I do.
I've been through this battle for more than a generation, time after time.
I was Ted Cruz's national campaign co-chairman in 2016, and Cruz won Iowa.
And you would think that my 18 years in Congress winning the three of my last four elections without spending a dime, I didn't buy any ads of any kind, didn't put up a yard sign, I got elected because of the service of my constituents, until the hierarchy of the Republican Party teamed up with the Democrats and a few other entities and ambushed me.
So this is something I really need to tell you, Alex.
What was the ambush about?
Well, a number of things.
It's the wall, it's the doing battle against Obamacare, it's standing up for pro-life and embarrassing people that didn't want to vote, things like that.
But when you put it all together, and by the way, the elitist in the Republican Party nationwide, and in the state of Iowa especially, didn't want to have me have that much voice about who might emerge from Iowa, out of the Iowa caucus.
That all made sense to me, but the deeper I got into this, the more I realized What made sense was they went a long ways.
They unleashed everything on me in a strategized attack.
And my book makes that very, very clear.
A strategized attack.
Why did they go to all that trouble?
It originated internationally.
It originated, I believe, in Davos and in Vienna.
Black Rock!
But this, they had to get me out of the way because of these hundreds of billions of dollars that are coming here to grab these CO2 credits.
And if I'm standing here a seated member of Congress in the district that represents all the ethanol plants that matter in this discussion, I'm standing at every county seat town doing town hall meetings, multiple ones every weekend coming back from Congress, pounding to defend our property rights.
There's no way they could take our property rights if I'm seated.
That's right.
That's right.
They knew that.
So the bottom line is it isn't about you complaining about being targeted or me complaining.
They make up things, they exaggerate things.
Whoever they see is a key opposition.
And so I know you've got to go.
Join us for a full hour soon.
I want to read your book.
I'm going to get a copy.
Walking Through the Fire.
Absolutely dead on.
Former Congressman King.
Amazing information.
Is there a website or a place people can follow your great work?
SteveKing.com, and if they order a book through SteveKing.com, I personally autograph that and ship it out of my warehouse here.
Order me one right now.
I want to read the book.
I've always admired you.
You get busy and you forget about people.
I'm like, of course I know Steve King.
You are so awesome.
You're an original fighter in this thing.
Happy New Year.
We'll talk to you soon.
Go Vivek.
Go Trump.
It's very exciting.
Thanks so much.
I look forward to coming back.
Thanks for all you do, Alex.
I'm going to send you Roger's number.
That's great.
And I'll give him a call, I promise.
That's what it's all about, folks.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Not just stuff on air.
It's the behind-the-scenes stuff.
Yeah, that guy gets it.
He's been through it.
And he's damn right.
They're invading the Midwest.
Some of the best people in the country are there.
But the Midwest is just good people.
They're great people everywhere.
Everybody knows that.
Just damn good people.
And they're nice, and they're friendly, and they're hardworking.
But once you get them angry, we're going to take this country back.
All right.
We got Roger Stone coming up.
And we're going to cover the waterfront with him, and then continue on after that.
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29 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalists.
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Something is off.
You can feel it.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
energizes you. Get foundational energy now.
You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence or is something more sinister happening right under our noses.
We want to warn you now.
This next story is disturbing.
Namely in earlier times.
It was easier to control a million people literally than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Cure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda.
To live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war.
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
If you want to stay rich and powerful, you'll have to do their dirty work.
They have their hands in everything.
A lot of these players simply love the spotlight.
Most of the celebrities, politicians, CEOs love the fame and fortune.
But the ones at the top of these groups are completely evil.
Many become unwillingly controlled by signing on into the club without knowing what they are actually involved with behind the scenes.
Most of humanity is asleep and distracted by meaninglessness.
The elite are warning us of a cyber attack, also known as a digital 9-11 event.
The economy would collapse if we suffered an internet shutdown.
The modern power grid relies on the internet to coordinate power plants.
Without it, each country's national grid will become unbalanced, and local outages escalate into a blackout for most of the world.
A society slipping into chaos will allow the elite to reset and rebuild a world for themselves.
There will be events leading up to a total collapse.
Domestic terror attacks, biological attacks, world wars, With each event, more and more control is gained.
Time is running out.
If society suffers from any of these trigger events, there might be no turning back.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
This is happening right now.
We need to reject the global agenda and know who the world rulers really are and what they are up to.
The fight for humanity is happening.
Well, you talk about vindicated.
We're vindicated.
Roger Stone's vindicated.
President Trump's vindicated.
All these files show is Trump working with the government, working with lawyers in 2009, exposing Jeffrey Epstein.
I don't think Roger knew this.
He knew that he threw him out of Mar-a-Lago.
He knew that he got invited to a party during the day and saw a bunch of kids and said, isn't this nice?
He lets the neighbors over.
They said, no, these are the entertainment.
Trump hauled ass out of there.
Trump totally vindicated all those years the left saying it was Trump.
No, it was the globalists.
It was Bill Gates.
It was, you know, the owner, the widow of Steve Jobs.
It's these disgusting people.
But talk about why they fear InfoWars.
We came out on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday as this broke, and we said, this tranche of data is a nothing burger, though it's exonerated Trump, compared to See, thousands of hard drives, videos, VHS DVDs, going back 30 years before they even had hard drives for video.
I mean, they had them, but they weren't in popular use.
VHS tapes, DVDs.
Now it's being reported.
Overhead shot.
New York Post, Jeffrey Epstein traffic team to prominent U.S.
politicians, world leaders to blackmail them.
Here's another big headline, Daily Mail.
Sure, this is old news to our listeners, but it's now breaking.
Epstein victim says his Zorro Ranch had three computer rooms the size of houses to spy on guests all over the world.
That's what this is all about, ladies and gentlemen.
It was an intelligence agency, Mossad, CIA, MI6, Maxwell, his daughter Ghislaine, King Charles, they're talking about his brother in trouble for being major implicated in raping children, raping little girls.
That is, that is...
That is what happens.
Look up King Charles under the name Prince Charles to find the articles with Jimmy Savelle and the murder of children, Jimmy Savelle, and the raping of their dead bodies.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Peter Nygaard having women have babies so he could drain his own children and inject their juices into himself.
Him admitting it on TV and how that ties into the other fashion moguls that funded Epstein.
This is really the sick cult we're talking about, but Epstein's just a window into that world.
So Roger, we're gonna hit this.
We're gonna hit the campaign.
We've got better numbers now on how the court cases are going and the trajectory.
Of will they give a false conviction with these rigged operations, you know, before he gets elected, how they're trying to steal it.
I mean, there is just so much to talk about.
This is such a moment to be alive.
This is such an important time.
Because that's how they've been controlling everybody.
Now look up Jimmy Savelle.
I mean, look at him.
He had the highest security clearance in the UK, above MI6.
Only a few people had it.
He'll go to any of the royal apartments, any royal facility, any royal area.
And of course, that's hanging out with Count Dracula himself, King Charles.
Now, I don't just say that lightly.
He says his main bloodline is Count Dracula to Transylvania, and he lives part of the year in Dracula's castle.
Did you just The real one, not the tourist one.
He went and bought the castle of his ancestor almost a thousand years ago and lives in it.
So, if you think I'm joking, you can pull the articles up.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
So, Roger Stone, you're back.
Wow, what a time to be alive.
How would you describe this moment with ten months out of the election?
Extreme exoneration, Alex.
I think you and I were two of the first people in the country Start asking serious questions about Jeffrey Epstein and start making very serious connections between Epstein and the pedophile elite that he moved among, and Bill and Hillary Clinton.
There was a major effort, as you know, to try to smear President Donald Trump, who had a cursory relationship with Epstein, but now the facts are on the table.
I think it's important people not be misled.
What we saw the other day released, this is a fraction of the material regarding Epstein's epic abuse of children and his sex trafficking and pedophilic ring.
We know that the FBI removed box after box after box of DVDs after they raided his New York residence, which by the way is the single most expensive residential structure in the borough of Manhattan.
But none of that information has been made public.
The cover-up continues.
What we've seen is a drop in the bucket compared to what the American people should see.
And there still is not justice for the many victims of Jeffrey Epstein.
What there is, however, is a greater and greater evidence that Epstein was working for the Central Intelligence Agency, and the government took extraordinary steps, both in the state of Florida and federally, to cover up and seal everything regarding Jeffrey Epstein.
And now the emails are in this latest tranche.
As you said, it's just a drop in the bucket, but still devastating.
Storming into Vanity Fair when this was all about to break years ago and saying, don't you dare publish that.
Yeah, I know that reporter, Vicki Ward, who wrote the story for Vanity Fair.
She's a very honest, straightforward reporter.
But it's yet the second example.
I believe ABC had a major package put together on Epstein that was essentially squashed there.
Here's the important thing to understand.
A six-month undercover investigation By the Palm Beach City Police into Jeffrey Epstein afforded evidence against 35 individual assaults and trafficking of children and at least seven cases of violent rape by Epstein himself against underage children.
When the police chief, Michael Ryder, gave that information to the elected state's attorney, he expected that Epstein would be charged with the more serious charges of sex trafficking and statutory rape against a child.
He was shocked when the state prosecutor announced that Epstein would be charged with one count of solicitation.
Only after the police chief complained was that brought into solicitation of a minor.
Epstein got a 15-month sentence, of which he only was required to serve 13 months.
But unlike every other sex trafficker in the history of the state of Florida who was convicted, or every other sex crime victim, pardon me, Epstein was allowed to serve his sentence in the modern air-conditioned Palm Beach County Jail and he was only required to be incarcerated from 10 o'clock at night until 6 o'clock the following morning.
In other words, he was free to do whatever he wanted other than in those hours.
He would often have his gourmet meals brought into the jail.
And the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office functioned more like his personal security detail, ferrying him around to his various appointments and to his tennis games and to his mansion.
Alex, when the police chief went to the U.S.
attorney and said, something's not right here, I gave them enough evidence to charge Epstein with serious sex trafficking, which should have locked him up for life.
Attorney Alexander Acosta, a Bush appointee, opened an investigation, then subsequently rubber-stamped the state charges and sought to seal the entire matter so that we would never know anything about Jeffrey Epstein.
It is only because of a long legal fight by the Palm Beach Post that the Epstein documents were ultimately unsealed pertaining to Epstein's prosecution.
And that's just in one case.
That's right.
So let's expand on that and continue with your excellent breakdown of this.
We get this giant data dump, which you're right, is just the tip of the iceberg, the surface.
And they're always asking about Trump.
To all these different girls that are now women, and they're like, no, I only saw them at a public function, never even said I was good looking, never even, never did, and so they're so, they've come up so dry, but I see the national headlines, CBS, ABC, CNN, New York Times.
Uh, Jeffrey Epstein documents contain Trump and Clinton, and they never talk about what's in them.
That Clinton's totally indicted and convicted with this evidence, and Trump's exonerated.
They just still play that game like, oh, it's Trump, oh, it's Trump.
They are, they are disgusting.
There's two parts of this that are important.
Acosta, the U.S.
attorney who covered up Epstein, was subsequently appointed Secretary of Labor.
When he was asked by Senate staff how he would address the question of why he had disposed of the Epstein case the way he did, with a slap on the wrist, Acosta said, I'm going to answer honestly.
That the DOJ told me he worked for U.S.
intelligence and the matter needed to be sealed.
There it is, right there.
But let's draw these distinctions.
Donald Trump and his wife, Marla, and his daughter, Tiffany, were on Epstein's plane one time, actually two times.
They flew from New York to Palm Beach and Palm Beach back to New York.
It was at a time that Trump's own plane was in for service and out of order.
Donald Trump never visited Epstein's Island.
He never visited his palatial New York or Paris homes.
And in 1999, prior to Epstein being charged with sex crimes in Florida, Donald Trump heard about Epstein making an untoward advance to a young woman who worked at the spa at Mar-a-Lago, and he barred Epstein for life from the property and cut him off entirely.
Contrast that with Bill and Hillary Clinton.
First of all, Jeffrey Epstein provided the seed capital millions and was one of the original incorporators of the Clinton Foundation, later called the Clinton Global Initiative.
Secondarily, the global initiative completely funded a non-profit called TerraMar, which was run and controlled by Epstein, Pimp, Gisley, and Maxwell, allegedly as an environmental organization, but the interim program at TerraMar was really Really just a grooming pool for young ladies who would, and children, who would later be Jeffrey Epstein's.
Sure, and you're giving us, because you wrote a best-selling book on the subject, Clinton and His War on Women, and I love how they even try to connect you to Epstein now with no evidence in the media.
You've got some pretty strong lawsuits there.
They are so desperate.
So what's most disgusting is CBS, NBC, ABC.
All of them, USA Today, making jokes, all the right wing is obsessed.
This was huge sex trafficking.
This was weird breeding programs, all sorts of secret medical operations going on.
The real operation was Zorro Ranch and also the Caribbean, Little St.
John's, as you said.
And the media, as if they're not already discredited enough, they are wholeheartedly trying to cover this up.
They're censoring Patrick Ben David's live feed that got a bunch of views.
I mean, they are literally, when they know that this is going on, they are signing on to it, becoming accomplices to cover this up.
I mean, what type of trash?
Because I know they're evil, I know they take money, but God, is there no level to which they won't sink to in the corporate media?
I mean, I don't know what you call them.
They're already discredited, they're hated, and then they just, they just, even when you think that they couldn't go any lower, Roger, they go lower.
Yeah, I mean, it's a strategy of distraction.
So last night on MSNBC, the infamous Ari Melber, who's a very sick individual, said, well, before the election, Roger Stone urged Donald Trump to enact the Insurrection Act.
You know, I went back and looked.
He's absolutely right.
Early in 2020, when BLM and Antifa was burning down half the country, I did believe and said that I thought the president should enact the Insurrection Act.
That, of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with January 6th or anything that happened. Let me stop you
because you read my mind. We didn't talk before you came on other than me asking you on
Yesterday that was my next comment. They keep saying Trump's gonna be a dictator. So we're signaling out Epstein
I want to finish up on Epstein to get into this. We got lots of time here
I'm skipping the breaks or most the breaks. They're literally saying he wants to meddle in democracy
He wants to steal elections when they're the ones censoring surveilling controlling trying to say can't be on the
ballot That's the purest form of an assassination of stealing an election, is not letting the public vote for who they want.
So they've got this ridiculous talk about, I saw that about you, and I even thought, well he didn't do that.
I remember it was during when they were burning down billions of dollars of stuff and shooting innocent people.
And Kamala Harris is the VP candidate bailing out people that are firebombing federal courthouses.
You said, Insurrection Act, arrest these people.
Instead, dozens of leftist cities paid tens of millions per city to the Soros Black Lives Matter.
Bunch of white people.
It's not black people that run it.
They got a few front people.
I mean, exactly.
They just spin at every front.
They're the ones saying, use the Insurrection Act against all the Trump supporters.
They're the ones saying, outlaw Trump from running.
They're the ones saying, use Homeland Security against all his supporters.
Put them in camps.
Re-educate them.
Liquidate Trump.
Annihilate Trump.
What's their favorite term?
Oh, he's a confederate.
He's launching this revolution.
He must be eliminated.
They're the ones all over TV talking about martial law and movies coming out about it.
So talk about, let's move out of Epstein now.
Well, no, finish up with what you think is going to happen with Epstein.
The big enchilada is the hyping of martial law.
I mean, what are they getting ready to pull?
Yeah, it's completely absurd.
By the way, just for the record, President George H.W.
Bush enacted the Insurrection Act to quell the riots that surrounded the Rodney King controversy in Los Angeles.
The first responsibility of the President of the United States, based on the Constitution, is to maintain order.
When BLM and Antifa were burning down half the country, causing millions of dollars of damage to both public and private property.
Hurting people, killing people.
Yes, I think the president should have used his powers to bring order.
What does that have to do?
That was early 2020.
What does that have to do with January 6th of 2021?
Nothing whatsoever.
It's a typical MSNBC smear.
But remember, Alex, it's all about deflection.
We don't want to talk about Bill and Hillary and their tight relationship With Jeffrey Epstein or prominent Democrats like Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell or former Ambassador Bill Richardson, who presumably looks to me like, and Chuck Schumer, others who visited Epstein's Island.
So what do we do?
We distract by creating this other false narrative.
Yesterday, this is incredible.
Special Counsel Jack Smith actually says in a filing that there would be no way to stop Donald Trump, if re-elected, from in his State of the Union address calling for the murder of members of Congress who opposed him, which his followers would then likely carry out.
Just stop, stop, stop, stop.
I meant to cover that, guys.
Pull the article up.
Jack Smith says Trump would call for murder in State of the Union.
Total fiction beyond comic books.
When they're the ones actually calling for Trump's death all over the news and he literally in a filing says we've got to remove him because he's going to do something that Jack Smith literally pulled out of his U.N.
It really does boggle the mind, but look, there's no limit to what these people will do.
That's why we see this ongoing effort to remove him from the ballot.
No, I'm going to repeat that again.
I interrupted.
We're going to omit the cover that's in my stack.
I can't find it.
Jack Smith in the filing against Trump says we must defeat him.
We must stop him from being elected, admitting that's their goal, that they're hysterical, and saying he's going to order mass murder in the State of the Union.
We must prosecute him.
Yeah, that is one of the craziest things I've ever heard.
But remember, Jerry Nadler, the veteran congressman from New York, said some time ago, we can't trust the electorate.
We can't trust the people to make this decision in an election.
Look, they are in absolute panic.
They're apoplectic because Trump is showing extraordinary strength.
He's going to sweep the Iowa caucuses in less than two weeks.
He's going to trounce warmonger, neocon, Nikki Haley.
He's not going to take Nikki Haley for his running mate.
That is a piece of political disinformation being pushed hard by Governor Ron DeSantis and his supporters.
I don't know who he will pick, but he will pick someone who is 100% America first, not a neocon looking for the next nuclear war.
They're apoplectic because Alex, he's on his way back to the White House to save this country, and they know it.
I'm going to turn my mic off so I stop interrupting because you're so dead on.
All the movies, the Obama produced movie, all these others about martial law and civil war and race war and they're everywhere.
Oh my God, Trump's going to order murder.
I mean, they are literally running around like chickens with their heads cut off in the fiction department, in the mainstream media with more fiction posing as nonfiction.
What do you expect them to do next?
And are we just in the hands of complete madmen?
Because obviously, even Axelrod says all All this prosecuting Trump makes him a rock star.
But they can't quit.
Jack Smith's doing filings that Trump's going to order the murder of Democrats on TV.
I mean, I mean, this is this is literal cuckoo land.
So they've already entered cuckoo land.
They've got nuclear weapons.
They're promoting the top positions in the military, men in dresses.
I mean, we are literally in the hands of maniacs.
Well, we've talked about some of this before.
First of all, Bill Gates seems to think we're on the cusp of another pandemic.
I don't know how he could possibly know that, but I don't put that outside the realm of possibility.
And we've opened our borders.
There are as many as 10 million illegals now in the country.
We don't know who they are, and we don't know where they are in most cases.
So the chances of a staged terrorist attack on a or some Americans, I think is not only likely, it's
In the idea that the American people would somehow rally to a wartime president.
Speaking of which, I don't think this administration is beyond declaring a
formal war with Russia in order to use.
We're a few minutes out from break.
But I just am on the edge of my seat here.
election if they're confident that they're going to lose it and they're afraid that they
cannot steal it.
Hi Roger, we're a few minutes out from break.
But I just am on the edge of my seat here.
Obviously, things are already an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10, it's probably going to like 50.
We are winning hearts and minds.
They know that.
And so I just want your deep research and your view.
We'll talk about how the big guy's doing.
I'm not talking about Biden.
I'm talking about Trump.
But I mean, this is surreal.
I can't even understand this.
When we come back, we got the filing he put in that Trump's going to order the murder of other lawmakers with no evidence.
I mean, Mike, that is just wild.
It really shows how desperate they are.
Because if we have a free, fair, honest, transparent election, I can just tell you Donald Trump is going to win.
I saw him on New Year's Eve.
He's really in fighting trim, Alex.
I've never seen him more upbeat, more resolute, more determined.
He's in a spectacularly good mood and he can smell victory.
And when we, on the other side, I'll talk to you about it.
We have the Iowa caucuses coming up in less than two weeks, but he's not making the mistake
that Ronald Reagan made in 1980 where he had a big lead in the polls, but he took it for
He didn't spend enough time in the state and he got snuck up on by the establishment candidate,
George H.W.
That is not going to happen to Donald Trump.
He has an incredibly aggressive schedule in Iowa today and tomorrow.
Multiple stops.
He's 77 years old.
Hold on, stay there.
We gotta go to break, Roger.
Stay there.
Alright folks, we are back live with Roger Stone here.
So much big news and information that is breaking today.
Roger, we have a desperate deep state on our hands.
I'm going to get more into this filing that you mentioned actually got it by Jack Smith saying Trump's going to, in a State of the Union, call for murder in Congress.
I mean, this is next level lies and fraud by these criminals.
Talk about the Iowa caucuses more, the trajectory, the timing of all these cases.
What's unfolding right now?
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right.
This filing is audacious and outrageous.
But what it shows is that Jack Smith knows that within the D.C.
judicial circuit, he can pretty much get away with anything.
It's ironic, for example, that Smith wants to bar Trump From proving at his trial that January 6 was a setup.
This is the same thing they did to me.
I was unconstitutionally prohibited from using any evidence of corruption by the Special Counsel, by the FBI, by the Department of Justice, or by any member of Congress.
The underlying premise of the charges against me was that the DNC had been the target of an online hack by the Russians.
Which we both know wasn't true.
But I wasn't allowed to use forensic evidence or expert testimony to disprove that.
It's very similar with Donald Trump.
So now, essentially, Smith can make these wild accusations, confident that they're not going to fall poorly on the ears of a D.C.
judge, almost every one of whom is a, as Tucker Carlson used to say, leftist activist in a black robe. So it is only going to pick up speed when Trump trounces
DeSantis and Nikki Haley in the upcoming Iowa caucuses. DeSantis confounds me.
He's now saying that the people who went to Washington on January 6th were not marching for justice.
He's attacking Trump as if he was a leftist.
He's picked up the talking points of the Democrats.
When Ron DeSantis' campaign implodes, 8 out of 10 DeSantis voters move to Trump.
troubling tens of people.
There's very, very serious possibility here, Alex, that neocon Nikki Haley may actually
beat him in Iowa.
And that's good.
Let me explain why.
When Ron DeSantis' campaign implodes, eight out of 10 DeSantis voters move to Trump.
How ironic that Reid Hoffman, the man who financed the defamation lawsuit against Donald
Trump by this woman, E. Jean Carroll, who falsely claims that Trump raped her.
She just can't remember when and what day, so on, is now financing Nikki Haley's campaign for president.
He, by the way, is another Epstein associate.
You can't make this stuff up.
You really can't.
Well, Roger, you mentioned the federal filing by Jack Smith against Trump.
Word for word, the nation would have no recourse to deter President Trump's inciting his supporters during a State of the Union address to kill opposing lawmakers, thereby hamstringing any impeachment proceeding to ensure that he remains in office unlawfully.
He's putting filings out Saying with no evidence that Trump is in a conspiracy to murder members of Congress, like the Democrat tried to do at the baseball game.
I mean, that is just... How that... But I guess he has judges that won't sanction him, so he can just do anything, like this Secretary of State in Maine!
Yeah, it's delusional, but this is a perfect example of Trump derangement syndrome.
Look, that's the whole purpose of these prosecutions.
First of all, they want to make sure that Trump, because in a criminal proceeding, you must be present during the trial, unlike a civil proceeding.
They want to make sure that he is tied up in a federal courtroom.
They want to drain his campaign of millions of dollars, which have to be used for legal fees.
They want to further blacken his name with the electorate.
That part appears to be backfiring very, very badly.
But it's the full weaponization of our judicial system.
For strictly political reasons, because between the inability of Joe Biden to string together a coherent sentence or to avoid falling down, the disastrous impact of Biden's policies, rampant inflation, food shortages, gasoline prices, Meanwhile, we have 370,000 homeless veterans, but we're shipping billions more to Ukraine in a losing war effort.
And now you add to it Absolute evidence of the high crimes and misdemeanors of Joe Biden.
I have Elise Stefanik, the very valiant warrior congresswoman from upstate New York on my WABC radio show this coming weekend, and she points out that That evidence, they have hard evidence in the House Oversight Committee of Joe Biden taking bribes, essentially from China, that they end up in his bank account.
If that isn't a high crime and misdemeanor, if that is not treasonous, I don't know what is.
So they're desperate to distract all of us from that.
And even to a certain extent, Epstein becomes a distraction to that narrative as well.
Roger, I just keep saying this because it's how I feel as a father, as an American, and as a Christian, and as somebody who just wants to keep living and wants prosperity and justice and security and just a nice place to live with my family and everybody else's family.
I've studied world history, it's so fascinating, and I know you've been involved, you know, The 60s in politics and worked for all the major Republican presidents and were a confidant of Richard Nixon and Donald Trump.
I don't see a time in history other than Caligula marrying his horse or Nero burning down half of Rome to expand his palace.
I mean this is real crazy lunatic megalomania stuff going on mixed in with a bunch of fear and hysteria.
I just can't believe that the Border Patrol and the military takes the orders that smuggle kids in and just hand them over to convicted child molesters and the Senate admits it and nobody gets in trouble.
I mean, this country has spiritual cancer.
And so I just am sitting back going, if you watch the trajectory of the maniac behavior, I see a lot of people commenting, oh, Trump's way ahead, we're going to win.
No, they're going to blow his plane up or kill him.
Just like Tucker Carlson said to him.
And so you talk to Trump a lot, you talk about your private conversations, but I know he's committed and positive and doesn't care if he's decided to go all the way.
It's like Elon Musk said, he's willing to go to prison for free speech.
And he's been proving it.
They're trying to put him in jail now.
Where are they going to take us next?
And is there any way to get these people to realize we've won.
They may blow the planet up, but we've already won the hearts and minds.
I don't know how to describe this.
It's so surreal to watch them go against their own self-interest because they hate America.
And they hate Donald Trump and they hate you and they hate me.
And what is it they hate us so much about?
We're tolerant.
We're open.
So is Trump.
We just want prosperity.
We don't have a heart on to screw and fuck America over and literally rape children.
So because we're not pedophiles and devil worshipers, they're just going for broke.
Alex, there have been really a few times in American history when the future of our constitutional republic depended on one man.
It was true of George Washington.
It was true of Abraham Lincoln.
And today it's true of Donald Trump.
Is he perfect?
No, not at all.
Like all of God's creatures, he's flawed, but he's strong and he's tough and he's resilient and he's determined.
And now, most dangerously for them, he is fully and completely awake.
He clearly understands this isn't about Republicans and Democrats or liberals and conservatives, but this is an epic struggle between good and evil, between dark and light, between the godly and the godless.
And he knows that if he doesn't win this next election, that it's over for America, that we will step off into a thousand years of darkness.
Why are they doing this?
It's really very simple.
It's about the acquisition of power and money.
Power and money.
They want to strip us of our inherent God-given natural rights.
And they're so open about it through the World Economic Forum and these other globalist organizations.
They don't even hide who they are.
They say it right out front.
So I think the good news is The American people are getting onto it more and more, despite the fact that the legacy media still plays a giant role in terms of information flow to the American people.
Fortunately, more and more Americans More and more Americans are watching InfoWars.
More and more Americans are watching the Stone Zone, for example.
More and more Americans are watching Tucker Carlson, who's having a much greater impact where he is now, net-based, than he ever had at Fox.
And he was very powerful at Fox.
So the information is breaking through.
You're the guy who first said, this isn't InfoWars.
The good news is, the information is getting through.
People are getting it.
And it's why Trump is leading in the polls, and it's why with each attack on him, he doesn't get weaker, he gets stronger.
All right, let me hit a few final points before Jason Bermas joins us and we get some updates ahead of Jay Dyer.
Since you mentioned this, and I was aware of it, but I should have started the show with this, there's an InfoWars.com article, and I'm telling you, Jamie White's a great writer, but the headline's not even strong enough.
The headline is, Globalist Prosecutor Jack Smith Calls for Silencing Trump in Federal Filing.
Or, Jack Smith goes completely insane.
Claims Trump set to call for the murder of members of Congress If court proceedings made public.
I mean, what, what, actually, while you've been talking, I read it again and got the full document.
Look at this headline.
Jack Smith compares Trump to Boston Marathon terrorist.
An unhinged motion opposing TV broadcasts of the trial.
And then you get into it, and I just read this earlier, it says Trump is going to call for the murder of members of Congress.
I mean, it's over.
The trials are shut down.
And then it gets worse, Roger.
This just broke.
We have a judge-no-jury in New York, already said he's guilty before the trial begins.
New York AG, literal creature of George Soros, seeks $370 million from Trump after civil fraud trial.
So they've already said he's guilty, the judge says he's guilty, there's no jury.
These people... How do we... I think it's us that's bad.
How do we get in the hands of these maniacs?
I'd like to know how the Attorney General Letitia James in New York went from a net worth of $116,000 to $15 million overnight.
Where did that money come from?
I think she's gotten dark money that she never reflected by what she's required to do by law in her financial disclosures.
Soros money, I would surmise.
But again, they're held to a completely different standard.
Remember what the Trump trial's about.
It's about lying about your finances.
The person who's lied about their finances is Letitia James.
I also think she's jammed up in a in a illegal campaign financing operation that centers around a Bronx-based restaurant called Con Sofrito, where New York City Police brass hobnobs with convicted criminals in violation of the
law. My good friend Sal Greco, New York police officer, he was terminated. He's fighting for his pension, fighting
for his good name, when they violate that same rule every day.
Roger, here's the bottom line.
We expose the deep state.
We made them take the mask off by getting Trump in.
Now, imagine if they steal the election and they get back in power.
They've said, we're going after all his supporters, everybody.
These maniacs must be stopped.
I'm heartened by the Great Awakening, but still the big fight's ahead.
Roger, how's the big guy doing?
How's his energy?
I gotta tell you, I saw him on New Year's Eve.
It was an amazing bash, by the way.
Some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen.
A lot of great Marlago club members.
We were honored to be invited.
The President saw us at our table, invited my wife and I over.
Remember, he attended our wedding.
He loves my wife.
And he's very happy about her recovery from cancer.
He gave her a big hug.
And look, he was in a great, great mood.
You would think Given the weight that he's carrying on his shoulders, that he would be depressed or dejected or angry or even hysterical.
No, he is calm as a cucumber.
He's in an excellent mood.
He's resolute.
He's determined.
Now, is he a little angry?
He's a little angry.
I think he has a right to be angry.
No other president has been treated this way.
But he's supremely confident.
He sees victory.
He can taste it.
He can smell it.
And he knows what the stakes are.
I guarantee you this.
If there is a second Trump administration.
And I believe it will be.
It will not be staffed by neocons.
It will not be staffed by agents of the Uniparty.
It will not be staffed by people who don't share our America First agenda.
So you get the feistiness and the fight of the 2016 Donald Trump.
But you get the knowledge of the 2024 Donald Trump, who is now seeing firsthand how the deep state will use the levels of power in attempt to destroy him, because they know if they don't destroy him, he will destroy them.
As he said to me on New Year's Eve, it's not about vengeance.
It's about justice.
There's a big difference.
Alright, StoneZone.com.
You do your own weekday show.
You also do a great Saturday show on WNBC.
Best-selling author, StoneZone.com.
Roger, thank you so much for the time.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you and Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you.
All right, we got Jason Burmess a little bit at the next hour, then Jay Dyer takes over.
He's going to update on the latest, ferreting through all the FC stuff.
But this is such a big deal.
I want to show this to the viewers again, because I saw this this morning and so much happened, I forgot about it.
This is the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, United States of America versus Donald Trump.
And he says he wants basically the court sealed with no devices.
And he actually says, Jack Smith, because Trump will call for The murder of members of Congress.
And he says that's why he must be silenced.
Well, they don't want him to be president.
There's no evidence of that.
There's no proof of that.
That is just insane.
We indicted him because he questions the election.
That's why he can't be on the ballot.
It's like comic book, like when they go, we don't want 1.5 billion from Jones, even though he doesn't have any money.
We want 2.67 trillion, the GDP of India.
It's just bigger and bigger posturing to scare us.
But they do have nuclear weapons, and they've already started a war with Russia, and they're crazy!
And they're a bunch of pedophiles who have felt totally invincible.
You watch the smugness of Bill Clinton or the smugness of Jeffrey Epstein.
That's what makes them dangerous because they're already whooped, folks.
I don't just say that.
They're beat.
Doesn't mean evil's defeated and everything's fine or some utopia.
But I mean, this current crop of scum, everybody hates them.
They're discredited.
They're whooped.
But they can still drag us, like the Bulldog in Lord of the Rings, where Gandalf beats him and the bridge falls, and then Gandalf thinks he's done and lets down his guard, and the Bulldog throws that whip up and grabs him by the leg.
That damn whip's coming right up around our leg right now.
We got to jump back and not get in the whip.
I mean, folks, I literally think there's a good chance nuclear weapons are going to rain down on us, okay?
I mean, that's how you can smell death on this, man.
These people have got to be restrained.
Jason Bermas, thanks for popping in with a quick update.
Super viral reports this week.
You've had more time since we talked 24 hours ago to go through all this.
What's your latest update on this?
Super burger!
I would not call it nothing burger, but compared to all the videotapes, and the documents, and the houses full, the other reporting of cameras and computers, and now mainstream news says he was an intelligence op, and he was recording everyone.
Suddenly that's in mainstream news, Jason!
That's a big deal!
It is, Alex, and really there weren't huge surprises, but there were some elaborations and just like you said, stories that reminded me things that I didn't cover this week.
So let's talk about the Clinton story, probably the biggest one, if true, but it almost doesn't matter if that part of the story is not true.
So, the allegation which has now been denied by the individual implicated at Vanity Fair is that in 2003, when this article was going to come out, remember, prior to any of the allegations over in Palm Beach, that Bill Clinton literally went into the offices of Vanity Fair and told them to pull the story.
Vandy Fair does not deny, and it was previously released in these same court documents.
Again, a lot of these are new unredactions, if you will, that they did pull that part of the story, but they have claimed that it was due to deadlines and they weren't able to solidify that information.
But then they never reported on it for years and years and years.
This is key, Alex.
Because we focused on the fact that the NYPD and the FBI knew at least in 1996.
Now we know that the mainstream media had that same idea all the way in 2003.
And Vicki Ward is the one that came out initially from the mainstream and said that the reason that Alexander Acosta, we did feature some of that yesterday, Uh, was forced to make that sweetheart deal is he was told that Epstein was intelligence and she also talked about the fact that Adnan Khashoggi was one of the people working with Epstein.
Well, Adnan Khashoggi was a notorious arms dealer and heavily implicated, although he denied it, in Iran Contra.
Now I want to move quick to, uh, one of the big other allegations that has been fleshed out.
With Prince Andrew.
Now, when I first saw this, it did remind me the story had been out.
So the story was this, that Prince Andrew had this spitting image doll.
I didn't realize it was one of the dolls that was on these TV shows back in the day, Alex.
And, you know, you remember the Genesis video, Land of Confusion, that doll, Glenn Maxwell actually bought that doll, according to documents.
And then made Prince Andrew pose with that doll as each of them grabbed a breast of one of the victims provided by Epstein.
Harrison Smith did a great breakdown of that.
But again, that had been out there years ago.
Now, the Rolling Stone also points out another big revelation.
Was that a 15 year old girl was held against her will and her passport.
Again, a little bit fleshed out, but all of that has been in the arena since 2019.
And quite frankly, this is one of the most disturbing incidents where a Swedish girl was basically drugged, or she believed she was drugged, because she woke up in New York City after being on the island, Alex, her phone taken, her passport taken.
Glenn Dubin and his wife, they're in attendance.
And by the way, DynCorp, the UN, thousands of documented cases, they've settled cases doing this.
This is a standard operation.
Well, the other thing is that Glenn Dubin's wife was said to be one of Epstein's ex-girlfriends.
Now remember, we discussed how a lot of these people get pawned off via these networks.
Now the other thing is, we've talked about Sarah Kalin, Leslie Groff, and Nadia Marcinkova in particular.
Sarah Kalin is mentioned in these articles and these documents as the one that actually took the phone and took the passport on behalf of Ghislaine Maxwell.
Now, we have this document here that has now been unredacted, which again Shows Epstein also trafficked Jane Doe 3 for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, that's probably Ehud Barak, and other world leaders.
Epstein required Jane Doe to describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially blackmail them.
Again, bringing the blackmail scenario.
Oh, Jason, stay there.
You'll do a little bit more with us and I gotta go take care of family and some stuff.
And then we got Jadar coming up.
We're going to go to break.
Come right back to you.
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Last segment with Jason Bermas.
I'll host a little bit, introduce Jay Dyer coming up.
War Room 3 p.m.
today and tomorrow 6 p.m.
the big January 6th debate, hosted by InfoWars, run by Zero Hedge.
And the very private Grand Poobahs of Zero Heads are going to be here, but they're not going to be on air.
And there'll be some other surprise guests that are saying they're planning to attend, unless they have any emergencies or anything.
A lot going on.
So, Jason Burmess.
Let's talk about the view from space here.
Not 35,000, but the view from about 10 million feet.
I was talking to Roger, I was talking to Trump every day.
Trump smells victory, I smell it.
But these guys will blow the world up rather than have us win.
So just your big view, because you've been, I've known you, hell, you guys produce Loose Change.
I've known you like 19 years.
We've worked here for years, made films together.
You've been on this like, you know, white on rice.
So have I.
And the media coming out and defending Epstein and defending Clinton and trying to cover this up now, I mean, as if they already weren't hated enough, this just seems like a Waterloo moment for them.
Well, I got to tell you, I'm worried over the next 10 to 11 months.
I'm not sure we're going to have a 2024 election.
I've highlighted the fact that if you go back in history and you look at World War I, World War II, a lot of the same players, pieces and global conflicts that are popping off could have the global conflict of all global conflicts.
And I've said, you know, I agree.
His new report is they're getting ready for a false flag, probably naval.
I mean, they're thinking maybe nuclear war.
All I can say is this, Alex, if a nuclear weapon were to go off anywhere in the world, especially anywhere in the Western world, whether it be Europe or here, the entire globe changes immediately.
Martial law would be extremely easy to implement.
The fear would be at a heightened level like we've never known before.
And I'm really not sure what happens after that.
So that's something that I am concerned about.
But I don't know where this goes.
I am happy.
That this information is getting out into the mainstream and people are realizing it.
I am happy that the Clintons are being featured, but as I want to point out quickly in these
last couple minutes that I have, we talk about the island, but the truth of the matter is
that these guys had an exclusive spot at Zorro Ranch.
Here's the facilities.
There was actually a little cowboy ranch that was built just for the Clintons when they
would stay with Epstein at Zorro Ranch.
Again, one of the places that was never investigated by anybody and what was supposed to be the
home for the baby-making ranch aspect of this.
The documents are talking about him emancipating a 15-year-old.
I'm talking about, of course, Jeffrey Epstein, but as we've been going over, Nadia Marcinkova
A third big dump's coming.
I meant to ask you about that.
as a 15 year old girl and would go on to really be one of his top lieutenants.
So we have names, we have individuals now, and by the way, the document dump far from done.
In fact, if you go over to CourtListener, a third big dump, a third big dump's coming.
I meant to ask you about that. What's going on with that?
Well, it's happening right now. So if you go over to CourtListener, 255-
2.55 p.m.
today, they dumped more documents.
Every time they start releasing them, they are updating the full database of Gouffre versus Maxwell.
So, we still need you info warriors out there.
We need the real stuff, the real screen grabs, the real research and what it coincides with.
And I'm just so happy that you've given me this opportunity over the week to take it from a meme, a list, to the true network and how wide this actually goes.
So thank you so much, Alex.
No, thank you.
We're all in this together, and I meant to get to that right when I went to you.
Another big data dump just happened.
How many more of these are going to happen?
And mainstream news is like, where's the videos?
Where's the hard drives?
I mean, this is unraveling very quickly.
You're right.
Will they use World War III as their distraction?
And are the people in the government this dumb to keep following these maniacs' orders?
Jason Burmess, how do people find your show?
They can check me out over at amnews.us.
I am live at 6 p.m.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
But just follow me over at X at Jason Burmess.
All my stuff is free.
All the documentaries produced with Alex Jones.
And that is Fabled Enemies, Loose Change, Final Cut, and Invisible Empire, A New World Order Defined.
Thank you again, Alex.
Back in 60 seconds.
Thank you.
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All right, Jay Dyer, best-selling author, great researcher, expert on the New World Orders here.
He usually just goes right through documents.
I would imagine today, though, he might be talking about Jeffrey Epstein.
I'm not sure.
Regardless, I'm going to take it and put it out on X. It'll probably get millions of views.
What an incredible time to be alive.
Big debate tomorrow that'll be on X at Real Alex Jones and Zero Hedge.
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And now, Jay Dyers of Jay's Analysis takes over.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, I did definitely want to talk about the revelations that have come out, which some of it was new.
Some of this we already kind of suspected in regard to the Epstein.
Supposedly client list was actually a lot more than that.
I want to give like kind of an overview of the history of sexpionage.
A lot of people don't know this is a real thing.
This is the idea that one of the easiest ways to control powerful people is to get dirt on them.
And then to blackmail them.
And so I want to go into some of the history of that, how it's very prominent in geopolitics, quarterly intrigue, and then into some of the background of Jeffrey Epstein that a lot of people haven't talked about.
I've been reading extensively on that the last week or so.
So I've brushed up on this and I'm ready to go.
So if you think back to The time of the Bolshevik Revolution.
We know that the Bolsheviks, in fact, engaged in all kinds of subterfuge.
They engaged in false flag operations.
Lenin famously engaged in false flags.
And they would actually blame it on the Tsar, blame it on the White Army, when it was, in fact, the Bolsheviks that were doing this.
But false flags, again, are nothing new.
This is the history of warfare.
But they also engaged in a lot of really aberrant sexual behavior.
And then they would blackmail people with that.
And then they would push, as they came into power, all of these same things to normalize it.
And what I find fascinating about that is that we're seeing the exact same thing now, where as this information comes out, the Epstein, you know, blackmail, the underage stuff, they're also pushing at the same time to normalize pedophilia.
So it's like, the aberrant behaviors, it's like, okay, yeah, the elite do this, absolutely.
Why do you have a problem with it, bigot?
Meanwhile, at the same time, the liberal publications will castigate the Roman Catholic Church for vast networks of pedophilia.
Also, by the way, which ties into blackmail.
A lot of the high-profile cardinals and perhaps even popes have been blackmailed by this kind of information.
But the media says, oh, you see, it's bad to do this.
But also, by the way, it should be normalized.
It should be okay.
So it's like contradictions, right?
So remember, we need to be able to understand and pick out contradictions as they come at us from the mainstream media.
Because really, mainstream media propaganda, it all relies on psychological warfare and gaslighting and intentionally throwing contradictions at you.
So like I said, the Bolsheviks, one of the guys in the Bolshevik apparatus was a guy named Gleb Boki.
And Gleb Boki was pretty high up in their power structure.
And he was actually into the occult.
And we find that a lot of the Bolsheviks, a lot of the what would become the apparatchiks of the KGB eventually, they were more than just atheists.
They were actually into a kind of a dark, kind of satanic, Luciferian nihilism.
I think Lenin had the same idea.
I think Trotsky too.
I don't think Stalin was a good guy, but what actually happens is As the Soviets realized the effects of the Bolshevik policies on their nation, they realized that the whole country was about to collapse, and it pretty much did.
And so Stalin, just out of pure pragmatic reasons, actually put a halt to a lot of these free love, totally open relationships, polycules.
I noticed Destiny is about to go to debate Alex or something.
Destiny just recently had his polycule collapse.
So he's actually living the Bolshevik lifestyle in real time, in live time, and that all just collapsed.
That generation of people without family, without fathers, would then be given over to a life of crime.
I'm talking about the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution when they introduced free love.
They introduced no-fault divorce.
They introduced mass white-scale abortions.
All of this was introduced during the revolution And in the subsequent years that followed, this led to complete destruction and chaos across Russia, throughout the Russian Empire.
And my contention is that this was by design.
This wasn't accidental.
They didn't know what was going to happen when they did this.
This was the 1960s counterculture revolution prior to the 1960s counterculture revolution.
And we know that in England, the Fabian socialists who were allied with and were fans of the Bolsheviks, they were doing the same thing in the 1890s.
They were pushing for Public art displays of bestiality, right, and this kind of stuff.
So, in other words, the aberrant behavior of a lot of these Bohemians, a lot of these Fabians, a lot of these Bolsheviks, they were already engaged in, I mean, in the case of Gleb Boki, he was literally doing, quote, eyes wide shut style rituals and parties.
And they would even do it in a kind of a mock Christian service.
They were trying to mimic the liturgy and they were having these sort of aberrant sexual black mass type orgies.
As a way to sort of parody and invert the Orthodox Christian service.
And the Jacobins did the exact same thing, right?
In the first revolution, the Jacobins, who were all of the same spirit as these people, they went into Notre Dame and they put a whore on the altar of the cathedral and engaged in relations with her there as a kind of inversion.
And this is done intentionally to shock the people as a kind of spiritual cultural warfare. So it's
a form of aesthetic terrorism and brutalism which shocks the nation and then sort of
prepares them for realizing that, "Oh, I guess we ought to go along with this," because it's
now out in the open.
So I think the same thing happens when all the Epstein information comes out,
which I'm glad that it's coming out.
It's good.
But at the same time, the power structure is pushing on purpose the normalization of the aberrant behavior of the elite power structure to kind of, it's like a double-pronged thing.
They know it's going to come out, so they push the normalization and the acceptance of this as part of that massive psychological warfare that they engage in all the time.
So we're talking about the Bolsheviks, and there's a great article if you read, if you go to espionagehistoryarchive.org, My friend Mark Hackard has translated a lot of articles and essays from the KGB and from people during the Cold War writing about their exchanges with various people in the West.
You could say, well, it's the KGB, so maybe it's not all reliable, and that's certainly true, but In terms of declassified, you know, KGB colonel and operatives reports, they wouldn't really have a lot of motive to lie to their superiors.
In other words, we would expect that they would probably be pretty accurate in giving information to their superiors and so forth.
And a lot of those essays that he's translated, we find insights into the KGB's perspective on what was going on in the Cold War, maybe not the top, Not necessarily people who were, you know, Yuri Andropov or something like that, but people underneath that power structure, handlers and so forth, who were working to compromise people, who were working to try to find assets and connections in the West, in the Western power structure.
In many cases, they were very successful, so it's a good insight into How this operated, and we're going to see that there's a big puzzle piece with the figure Robert Maxwell there, Ghislaine Maxwell's father.
It was essentially running a kind of operation very similar to other operations that we've seen set up.
So we're going to find out that this isn't something new.
Robert Maxwell didn't come up with this.
This is an old power structure trick.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back to cover the Epstein drama.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Today's analysis, you can follow me on Twitter.
We're covering the history of these types of sexpionage operations or honey trap blackmail operations as they're known.
And again, this is nothing new.
We can go back to the French Revolution.
We can go back to the bullshit revolution.
But this really seems to become crystal clear, particularly during the Cold War.
If you don't know, there's a famous incident in British history known as the Cambridge Five, the Cambridge spy ring.
And this was a group of intellectuals and British intelligence operatives who were functioning as moles for the KGB throughout a large portion of the Cold War.
They had stolen secrets, passed them to the Soviets.
And this seemed to center around a network, particularly at Cambridge University.
And one reason this was the case is that there was a group at Cambridge known as the Apostles.
And there was a lot of sort of thought leaders, I guess you could say, at that time who were coming out of Cambridge and Oxford.
And the Apostles were really sort of an elite clique and club that, well, they liked to engage in butt stuff, let's say, right?
So they were famous for this.
And this became a very popular Sort of click for British intelligence and other intelligence agencies to blackmail people.
And so one theory that's really sort of been borne out as books have been written post-Cambridge spy ring, post-Cold War, is that the fifth member of this group, if you don't know, there was four famous people.
There've been movies made about this.
You could watch something like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with Gary Oldman.
You have Philby, Blunt, McLean, and Cairncross are the four known members of this Soviet spy ring passing secrets to the Russians, to the Soviets.
But what we find out is that there was a fifth member who was really seemingly able to bypass any investigation and kind of get away with all of it, right?
So the other ones are all known.
They ended up I think dying basically drunk in apartments in Moscow when they defected to the Soviet Union.
But nobody really knew who this fifth member was, but a lot of research has come out.
And as I said, my friend Mark over at Espionage History Archive has written a translation of one of the KGB colonel's diaries where he goes into talking about that he worked with and saw a lot of the operations that Lord Victor Rothschild was up to, who was famously amongst the Cambridge Apostles.
And was a famous British intelligence operative seemingly misdirecting a lot of people investigating this story like I think Peter Wright is the guy who wrote a book on the Cambridge spy ring and that book was fostered and funded by Lord Victor.
But it seems like Victor, all the people in his circles, a lot of them ended up dying, right?
So you had people that would end up dying Three of them, I think, through bathrobe choking deaths.
I'm not saying he didn't, I'm just saying that people in those circles ended up dying.
And then what we find out is that while he was also passing secrets to the youthful nation state of Israel, re-found the state of Israel at that point, it looks like Lord Victor was also engaged in passing secrets to the Soviets, as the KGB colonel notes in his translated Diary.
So in other words, it looks like perhaps Victor Rothschild was running a sort of blackmail ring, and that's why there's been speculation that, as they called them at the time, the Poofter Boys.
I'm not trying to be gross here, but that's what it was known as.
That was the essence of the spy ring, and some have even speculated that There might have been more than just the five, perhaps many, perhaps even up to 20 members of the British government and British intelligence at this time.
We're in fact compromised.
Now, the Apostles were not just homosexual, they were also engaged in pedophilic activities, and it included famous people like Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, so this is not a bunch of nobodies, right?
We're talking about, again, people like Keynes, Keynesian economics, right?
Again, a lot of the Fabian socialists, shocker, were also engaged in really wild, aberrant sexual behavior.
Many of them were, again, not heterosexual.
So that becomes ripe for the picking.
That becomes ripe for basically blackmailing all of these people.
And some even think that, I don't know if this is the case, but some have speculated that the same networks might have even blackmailed Winston Churchill, that perhaps Winston was also in some way compromised.
People speculate as well that Colonel Edwin Mandel House, as an operative of these same networks, might have even compromised Woodrow Wilson And that's actually why we have the Federal Reserve Act.
So when you go deep into the history of the Cold War, we find out that sex operatives, honey traps, this is very common.
In fact, if you saw the J-Law, right?
Jennifer Lawrence movie from a few years ago, Red Sparrow, that was based on an NKVD supposed sex school where they would recruit girls and ballerinas, right?
I mean, I think this is very likely.
And they would bring them into the sex work and train them how to be sex operatives for the Cold War.
I think that was based in Dagestan or Kazakhstan, somewhere like that was where they had this Soviet Cold War sex school.
But that was just for like heterosexual stuff, right?
So the real dirt comes when you get into this kind of stuff.
But what I'm getting at is that it's not just You know, are you cheating on your wife?
And there's pictures of you with some mistress.
Oh, are you gay?
There might be surveillance footage of you engaged in gay activities.
It gets even crazier than that.
And it was even that crazy back then is what I'm trying to say.
So I'm not trying to normalize or act like this is just, well, it's just what happens.
But it's the reality of how this whole world of compromise works.
I was watching some several documentaries on sex operatives during the Cold War and how they worked, how they operated.
And they're actually trained to really do whatever the mark was into, right?
So they would find a profile of the individual, figure out the dirt, right?
And then target that person with whatever their proclivities were.
This is very real.
Again, this is well known.
It's the history of espionage.
And to think that this doesn't go on is just really naivety and stupidity, ignorance, because it's part of warfare.
It's part of how countries engage in foreign intelligence and espionage and recruitment.
Again, it goes all the way back to the Bible, right?
You could even think about situations in The Bible where, you know, Caleb and the spies are going to spy out the promised land, right?
That's espionage.
You can think about all the intrigue in the Book of Kings with, you know, David and the Davidic dynasty, right?
There's a lot of intrigue and subterfuge and conspiracies going on there.
Even up to, you know, Salome dancing for Herod and trying to demand the head of John the Baptist.
You could say that's a kind of, you know, honey trap and entrapment operation as well.
So this is not new.
This is just classic Warfare.
You know, I say that because so many people still act as if this doesn't exist, and the mainstream media right now is acting like all the Epstein information is just ludicrous.
It's all MAGA conspiracy garbage.
It's disinformation, misinformation, which is utterly ridiculous.
This is fundamental history, fundamental warfare, right?
Again, you could look at it just as an aspect of military history, right?
I mean, to compromise the opponent's generals, president, king, etc.
Wouldn't that be valuable information for warfare?
Of course.
But you're not supposed to know any of that.
You're not supposed to think in a common sense way about this stuff, even though there's probably a thousand books that you could order right now on Amazon about the history of espionage and compromise in military and foreign intelligence operations.
So this is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
We have a big debate coming up.
On the January 6th incident, which was staged PSYOP in my view.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back as we cover the Epstein Saga.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Today's analysis, we're talking about the history of sexpionage, honey trap operations, ravens, swallows, all the above.
And how this is not anything new, but when we understand the big picture, we understand the context of this, we can understand that, of course, this is what Epstein would be up to.
Of course, what these networks would be up to is exactly what he's engaged in, including working for British intelligence, CIA, FBI, Epstein claimed at different times to be involved in all these kinds of things.
And it looks like now Israeli Mossad as well.
So Epstein seems to have been maybe even a Contract blackmailer person, right?
He claimed at one point to have been a bounty hunter.
So now I don't mean like a literal dog, the bounty hunter, but like a bounty hunter in some kind of high profile billionaire sense.
In fact, early on, he claimed to only work with and to recruit and work for billionaires.
So the first point I think that we should note when we get into the history of, well before we get to the history of Epstein himself, I'd like to mention a couple other cases where we find this popping up.
And that's during the Cold War, you know, we've covered Operation Gladio in great detail in multiple talks, multiple books.
We talked about the Paul Williams book, we talked about Ganser's PhD thesis on Gladio.
The reason Gladio matters is that this was A right-wing operation during the Cold War under the guise of safe, so-called right-wing, we'll say, so neoconservative, you know, Rockefeller Republican style operation during the Cold War run by Kissinger in terms of how Italy could be compromised and controlled.
And I think this is probably still how the US and the CIA still control the EU and the countries throughout The European Union, places like Germany and so forth.
Alex, as you know, covered the German, quote, experiment to place children, orphans, in pedophile families in an experiment for new family relationships.
We know that it's come out in the German news that the Roman Catholic Church there, many nuns were pimping out children for businessmen.
We know that In the U.S., we've had countless examples of that.
Jerry Sandusky, everybody forgets about Sandusky and that whole operation.
We know many Republicans have been implicated, going back to Famous cases where, you know, that people were entrapped.
Think about Craig Spence, the operation there to blackmail people at high-profile GOP RINO parties.
This came out in the Washington Times where they were bringing cowboys to parties.
This was all so that the lobbyist, Craig Spence, could film this stuff and then blackmail people.
So we start to realize, hey, wait a minute.
There's a ton of stories like this.
And there's a ton of blackmail on these kinds of operations.
And it seems like the blackmail people are the ones that rise up in the power structure.
On purpose.
Akistocracy, as it's called.
Where you're intentionally ruled by and controlled by the worst people.
That's by design.
It's not accident.
It's not just random happenings.
This is how the world is run by these absolutely wicked evil people.
So when we think about the Cold War, as I said, in Operation Gladio, the way that that was actually compromising and controlling the Italian Parliament and basically the entire government in Italy during the Cold War was through a lot of sexual blackmail.
So there were parties that were had, and the Grand Lodge there, the P2 Lodge, as well as other so-called right-wing, supposedly right-wing Masonic Lodges, were involved in recruiting and bringing in people through big orgiastic parties. And then they would bring them into
the power structure after they had engaged in all kinds of whatever their proclivities were.
Then there was blackmail, then there was compromise, and this included a large
portion of the cardinals during that period in the Roman Catholic Church were blackmailed. And it looks
as if, according to the Paul Williams book and other texts like Ganser's, that this large-scale
black ops operation in Italy was being run by a Kissinger who was contacting and was
essentially controlling and working through Licio Gelli, the head of all masonry in Italy, and then the
organized crime mob contact there, Michel Sindona.
This tied into the Vatican Bank scandal.
And guess what?
If you read Whitney Webb's book, which I do recommend, The One Nation Under Blackmail, Volume 2 is specifically about the history of Epstein.
If you read that book, you'll notice that a lot of that ties into, as Jason Bermas noted, BCCI, the front bank set up by the CIA for black operations during the Cold War to fund not just the Iran-Contra stuff, but to fund also Mujahideen.
A lot of the Epstein stuff ties into BCCI and Iran-Contra.
A lot of the same players, a lot of the same characters are involved.
And again, remember that it wasn't Epstein that came up with this operation.
He was introduced to Robert Maxwell via Ghislaine Maxwell.
It was actually Robert Maxwell and Ghislaine who had set up this sort of operation and then recruited Jeffrey into being kind of a face of it or a recruiter for this operation, to run this operation.
Because Epstein turns out was very good at mathematics.
He was kind of an early piano prodigy.
So he was good at talking people into stuff.
They said he was an excellent salesman.
So he was really good as a pitch man for this kind of stuff.
And that's why it's important to note that, as Burmese noted I think yesterday with Alex, that William Barr is the son, the CIA William Barr involved in all this, was the son of Donald Barr, who was from the OSS.
So it's the intelligence networks of the old period, of yore, of the Cold War and even World War II, That are really setting the stage for the operation that Epstein would set up.
It's also important to note that Jeffrey Epstein is not the one lone incident here.
This is not, this is a common practice, a compromise that goes on all the time.
And there are other operations still being run along these same lines, I'm sure.
So just because this network gets busted, it's not like there's not other ones.
And there have been many insights and windows into this kind of stuff.
Think about the D.C.
Remember Alex interviewed the D.C.
Madam years ago and she ended up disappearing.
Supposedly suicide, right?
Think about Henry Vinson.
Henry Vinson was running the homosexual compromise operations in D.C.
So my publisher also has put out a book on Confessions of a D.C.
Madam about the history of Henry Vinson's operations in D.C.
Think about the Finders case, right?
Well, Burma's talked about the Finders case.
This was children being trafficked and sold back in the 80s and 90s as a kind of cult or CIA front that was, again, connected to intelligence, probably used to compromise people.
So, when we think about Bronfman, when we think about the connections that Bronfman has to Epstein, it's not accidental that the Bronfmans are also connected to the NXIVM.
Incident, right?
One of the members of the family got, I think, convicted and has done some span of prison sentence for the NXIVM cult.
But again, that's another sex cult trafficking operation.
And that's the same people are in the background, in other words, of the Epstein operation.
And it connects, again, across, as Alex said, multiple intelligence agencies, multiple networks, multiple countries.
William Casey's law firm is another key player in a lot of this, if you read Whitney Webb's book, because a lot of the same people running interference, a lot of the same people fronting and trying to stop investigations into Epstein over the years, are the same people you might expect, like CIA-connected law firms.
And as Burmess noted, in the early days, it seems like Epstein was already a key player, kind of introduced into the intelligence world, because he was immediately in the circles of Adnan Khashoggi, who was a Saudi intelligence arms trafficker, blackmail trafficker.
He had a yacht that was apparently probably used, it seems like it was used for compromise operations as well.
They were filming orgies on this yacht.
And so, Epstein is running in the circles of Khashoggi very early on.
He's recruited to be a Wall Street trader for Bear Stearns for a while.
And as you can imagine, along with, he's in the circles, by the way, of other important people like Sir Douglas Lease, British intelligence.
So, right away he's in the circles of Wall Street, CIA, and British intelligence.
And it appears that Khashoggi was also working with Israel as well.
So, very early on, right?
You can see that he's in these circles.
And the first thing we notice is that Epstein is involved in a couple big financial scandals, and he skates free.
He gets out of this.
No shocker there, because it seems like all the way up until the end, he got out of a lot of stuff.
This is the Alex Jones Show as we go into the history of Epstein and his operations.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about the history of sex operations, sexpionage, the history of compromising Honey traps and so forth and how really the Epstein operation is a window into something that unfortunately does happen and shouldn't be seen as a one-off or just some you know accidental thing oh that's I can't believe that happened that's crazy no this is actually what happens throughout the Cold War
And it's really a big puzzle piece to understand how conspiracies are real and they actually relate to espionage.
So when we think about conspiracies and this kind of stuff, really what we're studying when we're studying the hard facts and the real versions of it, not the crazy, kooky, like alien stuff, but we're actually studying espionage.
We're studying foreign intelligence operations, warfare, and large scale psychological or social engineering.
And so we were talking about the history of these operations in terms of the Cold War with Gladio and with Compromise and the Cambridge Spy Ring.
And I mentioned the Finders case.
I mentioned the Franklin cover-up with Craig Spence and the Callboy operations.
But, you know, there's been so many cases of this, it's almost hard to keep up with, right, of these compromise operations.
And then, as I said, the compromise operations and all this spy stuff, then when it starts to come out, then they really push at a cultural level to normalize all this stuff, to make it seem like, oh, well, it's actually not that bad.
So why do you even have a problem with it, right?
The same entities that will go after the Catholic Church, On some high moral high ground will then push articles saying that pedophilia is actually a good thing and there's nothing wrong with it and and and even beyond that right people like Peter Singer pushing that well we should be able to pet animals and have animal relations too right so it always moves the the goalpost it moves the Overton window as this stuff comes out now I'm not saying it's saying it shouldn't come out it needs to come out but at the same time as it comes out they'll push to have it normalized
So we find that a lot of the global elite are in the same circles as we see of Epstein, and we find that a lot of the circles that Jimmy Sabal was in, I'm glad that Alex and Jason Burma's talked about that, because that's another key element to this type of operation that was happening in the UK, right?
You had the Elm House, you had British intelligence compromising people in that case, that even made it into a lot of pop fiction at the time.
It made it into TV shows like the recent Sherlock Holmes installment the TV show I'm saying the BBC show where you had basically compromising pictures of the British royal family and then Sherlock Holmes was tasked with getting these pictures back from blackmailers so so even the fiction has told us what's going on but it's a lot darker than just people being into bonded or something like that it's actually
In the case of Saville, necrophilia, you know, just the worst stuff you could think of.
But that's, again, what was going on in the 80s, in the 70s.
The BCCI, for example, this cut out front bank that was created for intelligence operations for CIA networks.
They were actually involved in trafficking young underage prostitutes as well out of Pakistan to compromise people.
The Sultan of Bernay was involved in this, who, by the way, I believe Epstein rented a house or something.
He was Epstein's landlord for many years.
This immediately ties Epstein into the Iran-Contra-BCCI networks.
There was some group called The Company, which was a group of people from the CIA.
It wasn't directly the CIA.
That was running a lot of arms throughout the Cold War period.
There was a Chinese company called Norinco that was involved in these Epstein networks during that time.
And then you had Israeli former intelligence operative Ben Menashe come out in multiple interviews, RT interviews, and saying that no, actually it was also a Mossad operation.
And this is perhaps why Ehud Barak Visited the Epstein locations many times, and Epstein was seen with Barack in many cases.
So we find that other odd things pop up with Epstein.
He was issued an Austrian passport, which has not been explained at this date, which again suggests that there was an intelligence support for Epstein.
The address was a Saudi Arabian address that could suggest both CIA or Saudi intelligence perhaps through Khashoggi and other connections which granted him these passports or perhaps even Israeli intelligence as well.
And then the people in Epstein's circles, including people from the mega group, people like Leslie Wexner.
These were all higher level connections that suggest, again, that Epstein is not just running and doing this stuff on his own, but this is a bigger network that, again, goes back to Maxwell and to how Rothschild and others during the Cold War were running their operations.
Now, one thing that's, I think, surprising that people don't know about is that Epstein was already involved back in the 80s in financial Ponzi schemes, and he didn't get in any trouble, of course.
So he was tied with a partner named Steven Hoffenberg, and they worked together on Ponzi scheme operations through shelves and corporations that they had set up.
Powers Financial Corp, so FinCorp, Schemes where they ran two different Ponzi schemes in the 1980s and the Hoffenberg guy, I think, ended up getting in trouble.
He ended up getting arrested.
And then Epstein got out of that, of course.
There was another operation in 1988 that they set up involving the selling of $272 million in promissory notes, junk bonds, and then Epstein gets off, right?
So Hoffenberg ends up arrested in 1994, pleads guilty.
And so why is Epstein getting off in all these cases, right?
So he's involved in, when he was originally brought into Bear Stearns, they accused him at that time, very early on, he's first recruited when he was very young, being involved in insider trading.
But then he leaves Bear Stearns, making a really good salary.
Why did he leave?
Just because of an accusation?
Well, perhaps he left because he got offered a much better, higher paying job to compromise people.
Or to be involved in other scams.
But he eventually becomes, as I said, the financial advisor to Leslie Wexner and Wexner's circles, which includes, again, high profile compromising of multiple High-level politicians.
Epstein immediately gets involved with high-level real estate scams, the Gouletas real estate networks.
And I think the funny thing about this, which reminds me of the Gladio Vatican Bank operations, is that as you read through the history of this, you find just infinite shell companies that are created.
This is really key to the way these things work, is that These shell corporations are set up and then money gets transferred from this one to this one to this one.
And many of them probably don't even really exist.
They're probably just a P.O.
box in some, you know, Switzerland or something like that.
So this is done to make it harder to trace, of course, where the money is going.
But there's just countless examples of these shells and fronts.
And this seems to be actually modeled on how the mafia and organized crime would do things.
And so when Epstein gets involved in these real estate scams, Real estate networks.
He's tied to the Evangeline Goulitis, who is the wife of the governor of New York.
Now, this is back in, I think, the 80s and the 90s.
And then he's working with a mafia connected Um, lawyer by the name of Alan Tesler, who's also working with the Gouletas Network, who is also then connecting the mob and the Alan Tesler Network connects to the Vatican Bank scandals and to the CIA in the Cold War.
So this again ties us into all the all of what you find is that all these networks and all these scams, whether it's Gladio and the Vatican Bank stuff, the P2 scandal, or whether it's Epstein involved in these operations and this in the in the Cold War, And in these real estate Ponzi schemes, it's always the same people that keep popping up.
And I don't think that's accidental.
I think that what this means is that the same people that run these high-level, high-profile scams are also involved in all the other black market operations.
So essentially, you're dealing with people, I think, basically people who have a PhD in black market scams and operations.
So that's why it's very hard for people to get their mind around this and understand it is that you're dealing with PhD criminals, basically.
So you got, you know, low level criminals who, you know, hold up a bank or, or rob somebody or something like that.
But there's also people with PhD level criminal skills.
If you look into the, uh, the car wash scandal, this is the famous incident where the entire Brazilian, I think it was a Brazilian government is basically compromised in some Super intricate mega level scam which which compromised the entire government and I actually had lunch with somebody who was a a
A prosecutor a consultant on from the US to this to this to the Brazilian government during this whole incident to try to figure out map out how this giant scan it's like literally like you see in a TV show where you know the cops and the FBI have these you know the pins up on the on the the cork board and their string going to all these different So the conspiracy theorists, right, where they're satirizing the conspiracy theorists who's got the cork board and all the strings, that's actually because that's what it really is like, right?
When the FBI and the CIA and these other entities, when they're investigating and studying something, they actually have a cork board and string going, because it's a huge onion ring of scams and Ponzi schemes.
And that's exactly what happened in the Brazilian car wash scandal.
And you notice that it had the exact same structure of the Vatican Bank scandal and Gladio.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back as we break down the architecture of Epstein.
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