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Name: 20240103_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 3, 2024
2957 lines.

In this broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Jones discusses various conspiracy theories and antisemitic tropes. He talks about his interactions with Jewish supporters, accusing them of working together for nefarious purposes. He claims that Jews control American politics and money, mentioning Paul Warburg and the Rothschild family as examples of powerful Jewish financiers. He also discusses the relationship between Donald Trump and Jews, suggesting that Trump is tied to "Jewish money" due to his real estate business and his daughter's Jewish heritage. Jones then goes on a tangent about Warren Buffett, accusing him of funding "radical racial justice groups." Throughout the rant, Jones repeatedly claims that Jews operate as a collective and control various organizations and institutions. He also brings up Israel, arguing that it is a military dictatorship and that there are divisions among Jewish people.

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And so this is just one head of this evil, pedophilic, satanic monster that feeds on our children that's now taking the mask off of the transgenderism and all the attacks on our children's very biology.
Not to mention the Ritalin and the Prozac and all the rest of it that upwards of 30% of our children are on.
So we've got a big stack about the war on children and the war on innocence and the war on our future via our children.
That I'll be going over today.
Even before Jason joins us, I'm going to start plunging into it at about 33 after show, right after the bottom of the hour.
To set all this up, we need to do a deep dive because I've covered all this at Nauseam before, but sometimes to big audiences, sometimes to small.
You never know what gets picked up when it's big.
And so it's important to restate all this from time to time, because a lot of you have been tuning in for 25 years or longer.
Most of you have only been tuning in a few years, and so you don't know this.
And I've got to tell you, there's a lot of interest on X and other places in this, and that it's very important, and it's been the top story weeks running now.
Epstein's List and the rest of it, and the fact they're holding it back only makes people more enraged wanting to see it.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
There is a bulletin from CBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats.
The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on a cold floor.
It was almost as if it were a plan in motion.
It just can't happen.
We need to go into the Capitol!
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distraction.
You guys censored Harvard-educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
Soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools, If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
We are transferring power from Washington, D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about going up to the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
They are coming to my house!
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God from the front lines of the info war.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024.
Strap yourselves in.
We're going to have an incredible transmission with a wrath of important guests.
We're doing a deep dive on Epstein.
They just sealed the list again.
Stay with us.
It's Wednesday, January 3rd, 2020.
And we are... Twenty-twenty-four.
And we are... It's going to take some getting used to.
And we are hurtling towards this general election with 306 days, 12 hours, 33 minutes, 32 seconds.
Again, it is Wednesday, January 3rd, 2024.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Very blessed and honored to be here.
Okay, let's run down what we're going to be covering and more today, obviously.
I'm not going to mention everything we're going to be getting to, because you never know.
Stuff's breaking while we're on the air and we have a bunch of special guests joining us.
Epstein lists remain sealed until at least January 22nd.
I said yesterday, I bet they don't release it today.
I bet they seal it again.
We're going to talk about why.
There's a lot of blackmail going on behind the scenes and some big developments there.
But I had filmmaker and former InfoWars host Jason Burmas on yesterday.
He was hosting the fourth hour and I hosted part of it with him.
And just hearing him rattle off, he's really good at collating everything.
I was like, man, there's a lot of angles I've forgotten to restate about Epstein.
Because as Burmus points out, I've been covering Epstein for at least a decade, and he reminded me of so much information, and people obsess on flight logs, they obsess on his so-called black book, but the big enchiladas are Manifest and Manifold and Legion.
The FBI went and scooped up stuff out of his Zorro ranch, out of his New York sex dungeon, and out of his Caribbean rape island.
But they did take photos and admit that they have hundreds if not thousands, dozens and dozens of boxes full of videotapes and full of CDs and full of computer hard drives.
So when I say hundreds if not thousands, it's probably thousands of videos.
I mean, you've got buckets, boxes just full of hard drives and full of VHS tapes and full of DVDs.
It shows that it's going back many, many, many, many, many, many years.
Because you got the VHS from 20 years ago, 25 years ago, 30 years ago.
You got the CDs and DVDs from 20 years ago, 10 years ago.
And you got all the hard drives.
Box after box, closet after closet, room after room, and everybody is completely focused, including myself, even though I'm one of the first to ever talk about all this.
If not the first.
Only because I was already hot on the trail because of Ted Gunderson.
All those patriots that were exposing these networks, that's how I was aware of it, and I knew people in Hollywood, and was told some of the things they'd heard were going on, and also in the news, and a lot of this has come out in the news.
I mean, Prince Charles, now King Charles, was in massive scandals, not just with his brother, implicated with Epstein, and photographed there with young women and the rest of it, the prince But also, ladies and gentlemen, the king himself, when he
was the prince, the princeling, with Jimmy Savelle and a bunch of others, and the Savelle stuff,
devil worshippers, murdering children, having sex with their dead bodies, I mean, that's
mainstream news.
And in the Dutch Netherlands, there were cases 30 years ago and 25 years ago where they caught
judges and police chiefs and intelligence heads running dungeons with dead bodies of
children basically in coffins, in boxes, and living children in cages, emaciated.
And all the videotapes there got grabbed by the feds.
There was the finders case that the feds did do their job in the 80s and they go into this warehouse because they cops In Florida, state police, if I remember correctly, pull over a van with sharp-dressed men in suits, with six or seven little kids, some as young as three, the oldest nine.
You look up the case, Teddy Anderson exposed it, and just three years ago, the FBI actually declassified some of it on Twitter.
They put up thousands of pages.
And it led them back to a three-story, large warehouse that had satellite uplinks, camera production studios, and just rooms full of child rape porn.
That actually hit the Washington Times, even the Washington Post.
But then it got shut down.
Just like when the FBI went into Epstein, finally.
They were there to suck it all up.
And so this is just one head of this evil, pedophilic, satanic monster that feeds on our children, that's now taking the mask off of the transgenderism and all the attacks on our children's very biology.
Not to mention the Ritalin and the Prozac and all the rest of it, that upwards of 30% of our children are on.
So we've got a big stack about the war on children and the war on innocence and the war on our future via our children.
That I'll be going over today.
Even before Jason joins us, I'm going to start plunging into it at about 33 after show, right after the bottom of the hour.
To set all this up, we need to do a deep dive because I've covered all this at Nauseam before, but sometimes to big audiences, sometimes to small.
You never know what gets picked up as big.
And so it's important to restate all this from time to time, because a lot of you have been tuning in for 25 years or longer.
Most of you have only been tuning in a few years, and so you don't know this.
And I got to tell you, there's a lot of interest on X and other places in this, and that it's very important, and it's been the top story weeks running now.
Epstein's List and the rest of it, and the fact they're holding it back only makes people more enraged wanting to see it.
But that is a Faint.
That is a diversion within a diversion, making us chase after that when the holy grail of the evil they're involved in is the finder's case.
And the different House members, Democrats, Barney Frank, with sex slavery operations that came out in Congress.
He got up in Congress and said, if I go down for this, after they raided his townhouse, three-story townhouse, he goes, if I go down for this, this was like 15 years ago, he goes, you're all going down.
And they shut that down then.
And that was like 15-year-old boys they were having sex with, which is bad enough.
It's terrible.
But we're talking about babies, folks, in many cases.
Then you got to get rid of the babies.
And of course, you know what they do there.
And a lot of times they go ahead and sell them for organ harvesting.
I actually have a mainstream news on that I'll be getting to.
So it's going to be sick, but it's like lancing a boil.
It gets the pus out.
It makes it better having a bad tooth.
You got to get a root canal or get that sucker pulled or, you know, get it capped, get it fixed.
And there's a lot of pain involved, but it's better than the long term pain of that festering tooth.
It's quite a relief when you finally get the dentist chair and after an hour, the pain is gone.
So we're going to protect the children.
We've got to do this.
So I asked Jason Barmas to join me again in the second hour today.
And then I have a very interesting guy I've been watching for, I don't know, it's got to be more than a decade and a half on YouTube and places, and that's Brother Nathaniel Kaepner.
And I think the guy is very interesting and entertaining.
He's Jewish.
He's a Jewish Christian.
And he's mellowed a bit over the years.
And by that I mean actually puts his case out.
Attacking people and then so I thought we would hear from a Orthodox, I guess, or Messianic Jew today.
He's not too fond of Israel and I'm gonna get some folks on too who are pro-Israel soon.
Like the super informed, awesome folks over that run Rebel Media, Ezra Levant and others.
I just recently got invited to go over to Israel and see for myself.
I've also been invited to Egypt.
I've been invited to Russia.
But I haven't gone because there's just too much going on here in America.
But I'm tempted to go to all those places I want to.
I also want to go to El Salvador.
I've been invited down there.
The president's office, they say, is open.
I can get an interview with him.
I already had Bolsonaro offer me an interview three years ago.
I should have gone and done it.
But Brazil is a lot further away than El Salvador.
I get there in about three hours.
So just some side issues in the new year, which we're now in, 2024.
That'll take some getting used to, that you can look for some of that to be happening.
But Levant's, regardless, going to Israel with a crew, and so we'll be getting him on to give some of that perspective as well.
Speaking of that, there's been some big developments in Israel and Iran.
That's all coming up.
national debt rises above $34 trillion, a historic first ever.
A bunch of big news about the FDA now admitting that, quote, COVID shots were contaminated.
Well, that's why everybody's dying.
Yeah, right.
Contaminated what you put in there on purpose, all the secret ingredients.
They're not many were in there.
It's all coming up today.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
I'm going to come back, hit some border news and then right to the deep dive.
All right, we're doing the deep, sickening dive that's got to be done for the children and for all of us, because the deep state intelligence agencies are using these pedophile rings to control the population.
Hell, it even came out a few years ago, the CIA puts pedophiles in charge of Afghan towns.
And like somebody supplying Dracula with children, they supply little children to them because they find they're the most loyal.
They don't want money.
We'll do whatever they're told as long as they're supplied, little girls and little boys.
In fact, I always forget to print those articles.
Came out in mainstream news about three years ago.
Print me some of those.
I want to add that to the stack when we do the deep, sickening dive.
And understand, this deep, sickening dive will only be the surface.
It's worse than you can even imagine.
So, shifting gears, but it's all tied together, the Senate has heard from Mayorkas that, yeah, they've brought in this year alone, this was a month ago, 400, almost 500,000 children, hundreds of thousands handed over to random individuals and groups, sometimes they have fake identities, the people have fake identities, and they can't find 87,000 of them.
Just this year.
But one child gets kidnapped that's a citizen, black, white, Hispanic, it's all over the news and it should be.
But when it's the quarry, when it's the prey, when it's what the globalists are abusing and using for slave labor and sex slavery, you don't see the Amber Alerts.
You don't hear a damn thing about it, because the state at the top is running it.
Now the military and Border Patrol are criminally, along with the bureaucrats, facilitating this.
And look, this isn't about me being way ahead of everybody else.
It's about the fact that being censored, where you had to come to Infowars or my show on radio stations, To find the show that the system was censoring this information.
We were down at the border nine, ten years ago, six years ago, five years ago, four years ago, three years ago, two years ago, a year ago, this year.
We haven't been there this year yet because we're in 2024.
We're going soon.
And we would show the name of the NGOs, the same main NGO that ran the invasion of Europe the last decade, got the contract under Biden.
And there's a couple other big ones.
And you see 25, 30 year old College students or college grads who are in the NGO commanding the camps on the border.
And if you go down to the Darien Gap, they run the camps down there.
And there's UN signs, and we've shown them to you, and there's State Department signs, and they give them debit cards and money and brainwash them and give them leadership and then march them up in basically military formation to crash across the border and be springboarded, be launched, catapulted, cannoned, accelerated, Turbocharged, injected into the country.
So the border doesn't just exist, it's a magnet springboard.
It's a cyclotronic accelerator.
It's a flood system.
And so everybody's like, suddenly, all over the news, trending on X, oh my god, we caught liberal NGOs running everything at the border, and then they find some little camps, That are side camps for illegals that don't get to the right point.
So they get them together a few miles away and bring them to the right spot.
And they work with the coyotes.
And the media made jokes years ago before the public knew that coyote means smuggler.
That's what the Mexicans call it.
They go, Jones claims coyotes are out there helping humans cross.
He's a crazy right winger.
In hoping that listeners and viewers didn't know that meant smuggler.
So they're aiding and abetting them, they're helping them.
It's totally criminal.
And then they get in your face, when you're a reporter, and say you're being mean to them.
And we've got video of our own crew, but it's happened to Michael Young, everybody else.
Now National Guard walk over, they'll even aim guns at you.
They'll even bump you with trucks.
Because they want to get brownie points.
We promoted the new woke military.
You're not supposed to show Any of this, and the UN organizes them in all women groups, or all children groups, or all Chinese groups, or all Caribbean black groups, or all Venezuelan groups, or all Islamic groups out of the Middle East.
It'll be all military-age men, a thousand of them, or all women, a couple thousand of them, or all children with coyotes handing them over.
And they wink and nod and laugh, everybody.
Pole Patrol takes them, has no idea where they went, here's a new child.
And then the Senate says, where are they?
America says, we don't know.
There's a new clip in the Orcas we've got blames the Republican governors.
That'd be like Hitler blaming Winston Churchill.
Here it is.
Watch Guerrilla Camps set up by Lepus Groups assist cartels in southern border invasion.
There's a bunch of videos.
They're on Infowars.com.
They're lengthy.
And it just goes on and on.
Illegal alien invaders line up to receive free taxpayer-funded housing in New York City.
Shock video.
Driver's license.
This is a Jamie White article on InfoWars.com.
Yeah, you want to see that video.
After we do the deep dive on the PETA government run rings, we're going to do this as well later in the broadcast.
Watch guerrilla camp set up by leftist groups assist cartels.
And look, whoa, leftists caught directly aiding invasion at southern border.
It's not like they've been caught.
We have hundreds of videos where they order the military and border patrol around.
They're the bosses.
We the bosses, we the bosses.
And then look, look at the little, I mean, I think it's fair to say, if you ask the political persuasion of that guy, go back to him.
Go back to the little leftist with his little mask and his nose hanging out.
You want to bet that guy supports Karl Marx?
I bet you everything I got that if you get that guy to be truthful, he's probably got a hammer and sickle flag hanging in his bedroom.
I mean, and look at the other guy.
I mean, that's what's running the show down there.
And when you go down there and you literally see rat-like communists and rat-like globalists scurrying around ordering the troops around and ordering the border patrol, I'm telling you, that's in command right there.
Now, what do you, I don't know this, I'm speculating, what do you think that guy's got in his closet?
Think he's got an antifoul fit?
Does a bear take a dump in the woods?
Put them back on screen.
Now, we're almost out of time in this segment.
I'm going to come back to the deep dive, but we're going to get more into this.
It's going to be covered in the War Room, I know, today.
3 p.m.
Central with Owen Schroer.
I know Harrison Smith was covering it, but a message to the crew.
Whoever wants to do it, go back to Jakari Jackson 12 years ago.
Go back to me at the border 12 years ago, but not long clips.
Just get short clips of the NGOs.
And them giving the free bus tickets and controlling everything.
And then fast forward to them handing babies over with no IDs, and the same woman saying, this is my baby, I swear.
And then an hour later she's back with another baby she's handing over.
And then just go right through me confronting NGOs at the gate where I'm screaming at them.
They come over and tell me, get out of there.
I tell them it's the First Amendment.
I want to just, because, you know, what's old is new.
This is all stuff from three, four, five years ago when we were blacked out everywhere and we couldn't show you this.
You had to come here to InfoWars only to get it.
Now we've got a real breach in the enemy wall, in their Berlin Wall of Censorship, edX, at Real Alex Jones.
But I want a five-minute boom, boom, boom, boom, boom compilation today.
I just did one for Crowder's Show, for jonescrowder.com, last week.
It's like two hours long.
All we've got to do is take that list of videos, It was like a historical data dump we did.
And just get the NGOs in charge.
Breaking video!
NGOs in control of Border Patrol military at US invasion of the US.
I mean, people are like, well, this audience is like, we don't know about that.
Well, I know, but the general public still doesn't.
So now we got to tell them.
They're ready now to hear it.
We're able to get to them.
So it's much worse than you think.
And we'll show the name of the UN NGO running it.
The same one that ran the Europe invasion.
Stay with us.
All right, Vivek Ramaswamy is going to be popping in with some information and intel here in a few minutes.
Then I will go through the deep dive on the globalist pedo rings and how they're using it for blackmail and control of our hijacked government.
If you just joined us, Epstein lists to remain sealed until at least January 22nd.
The judges now decided to seal it again.
Right here with an overhead shot, you can see a copy of the judge's order right here.
Where he says it basically it's at the behest of some of the plaintiffs.
Very predictable that that would be happening.
And you can see here in my deep dive stack that we'll be doing with Jason Burmas coming up.
Epstein bombshell.
Forget the client list.
The FBI is hiding thousands of videotapes, videos, DVDs, hard drives.
Used to blackmail Epstein's twisted clients.
Meanwhile, a whole bunch of Epstein supporters and John Podesta supporters and mainstream media, CNN, ABC News, you name it, that came out and said, there's no pedophilia going on.
Well, they've been arrested for raping toddlers and you name it.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
John Podesta's friend who debunked pizza get arrested for raping toddlers.
It just goes on and on.
So we've got quite a lot that we're going to be getting into and going over.
And the first thing I wanted to open up with is that this goes beyond raping children.
They want full control of our bodies with the UN treaty to take control with their poison shots.
And they want to turn us basically into creatures that have no rights.
And I remember decades ago learning about out of China and other countries when they would force abortion or even infanticide a baby if a woman hit a second child.
They would then take the baby and render it down and sell the collagen and the blood and the rest of it to be put into cosmetics and things.
And people hear that and think it's crazy.
But I have mainstream news from AP And other reports and Sandra Bullock bragging about using the products that we're going to be getting into coming up next hour.
So this is very important.
I know it sounds hard to believe, but the Epstein list, the client list, the flight logs let us know who was going there, but that's only One of many facilities he had from Paris to New York to Zorro Ranch in New Mexico that was a huge facility and it went way further.
It gets into Peter Nygaard areas.
Women bringing babies even to term, then exsanguinating them, sucking all their vital juices out and injecting it into these old men.
And Nygaard bragged about that on TV.
He's now been convicted and is in prison.
All this stuff that sounds like it's out of Bram Stoker's Dracula, but it's real world, is hidden.
But it's actually been in mainstream news.
So we have the deep dive next hour.
It's a red herring, the little black book.
It doesn't exist.
He had dozens of these black books.
But he wants the hard drives.
And going all the way back to VHS over three decades.
He was working for Mossad, MI6, the CIA.
Mossad heads were caught there.
All of it.
All right.
Joining us now is Vivek Ramaswamy.
Super smart.
Love his analysis.
He's doing irrevocable damage to the globalists that have hijacked this country.
And we love having him pop in with updates and news and analysis.
He's got updates on ballot removals of Trump and how he's countering that.
Department of Justice says they will sue Texas for enforcing border laws.
Also, the U.S.
He has a response to that.
Also, Vivek's plan to shut down agencies similar to Argentina's Mille.
Also, Deep State won't let Trump win.
How we counter that?
Representative Steve King endorsement.
And we have another Republican congressman now who has also announced he's resigning today.
So that brings this really, really close.
The Republicans losing the House.
So we're going to get Vivek's take on that.
Breaking GOP representative Bill Johnson resigns from Congress, leaving Republicans with a razor-thin majority.
He goes to run a major university.
Now, I'm not saying the congressman did this, but this is getting a little suspicious.
A whole bunch of Republicans are resigning to go get huge corporate or educational or governmental jobs elsewhere and it's very very suspect. We
don't see a bunch of Democrats leaving. So this stinks of more of their
attempt to do the Supreme Court attacking it all of it's very
Vivek Ramaswamy, again the only other good Republican in the race. Thank you so
much for joining us. It's good to see you Alex. All right my friend we love it when you
pop in you're very gracious good to have you back with us for 24. Where would you
like to begin? I mean I was actually just came straight off of getting
Steve King's endorsement and getting excoriated by the media for it.
And it just shows how corrupt a lot of the media is, and frankly, a lot of the Republican establishment, too.
You know Steve King, right?
He's a true patriot.
And I think people ought to remember, when we think about all that Donald Trump did for this country starting in 2016, America First didn't start in 2016.
I mean, it got started in 1776, really, with George Washington, but even the modern version of it, it was the Pat Buchanans and the Steve Kings of the world.
I mean, folks like yourself, too, Alex, that paved that groundwork.
But in politics, Steve King was talking about building the wall before it was cool.
In fact, he was dismissed as a racist for saying that we needed to build a wall with spikes on top of it.
I think that actually would have been sensible policy.
And they call him disgraced, all because he said we deserve to have a border.
That's exactly right, because we deserve to have a border.
He also favors other policies that I like, making English the national language of the United States, and otherwise they denounce him as a white supremacist because he talks about Western civilization.
Actually, I've only gotten to know Steve King in the last couple of months, and I assumed he was going to support Donald Trump in this race, but he rode around Iowa on the bus with me.
Well, you know what?
We ended up spending a lot of time together.
I think what we realize is we have actually a lot of common cause on issues that nobody in this Republican primary other than myself, like literally nobody else, was taken up opposing eminent domain for the use of seizing farmland in Iowa based on a climate change cult that's based on a global climate change agenda that I will say it is absolutely a hoax.
And, you know, we go straight down the list.
I believe in certain nationalist ideas, positive nationalist ideas, like, I mean, I don't think nationalist needs to be a bad word.
English as the national language, I think, is a good thing.
Having a national identity is a good thing.
That I'd pardon the peaceful protesters from January 6th on day one.
But anyway, as we went through it more and more, we realized I think we had more common cause than maybe the media or anybody else would have expected.
And so I thought Steve was going to go in the direction of Trump this time again, but he surprised me and I was gratified that he came over and made a full-throated endorsement of me in this race.
And I think this comes amidst a moment in this race, Alex, where I worry that a lot of the Republican primary voter base, because the mainstream media is pushing a false narrative, is about to fall into a major trap.
And it's one that you've been calling out for a long time.
I think you have been way ahead of the curve on this.
I came around to this in the last couple of months as it became more obvious to me.
I think this system I hate to say this, because it's wrong and it's immoral, but this system is not going to allow Donald Trump to get anywhere near that White House.
If you think they're going to just let Donald Trump get back to the White House again, Open your eyes.
And I think that if I've seen what's happening in the last couple of months, the twist in this that I think really threw a wrench in this for me was I knew they were not going to allow a Trump versus Biden election.
There was something else going on here.
Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama, which puppet were they going to prop up?
But then you actually follow the facts.
You open your eyes for the last several months.
Who are the people that are supporting the lawsuits to keep Donald Trump off the ballot?
Who are they supporting?
Who's Larry Fink supporting?
It's not Gavin Newsom.
It's not even Joe Biden.
It's actually within our own party.
It's Nikki Haley in this race.
And so what they want to do is to narrow this down to be a two-horse race between Trump and Haley.
That's the plan, at least.
That's right.
And you've been targeting her astutely from the beginning.
She is very dangerous.
And I understood this since the very beginning, but I didn't understand that it was looking exactly like they've set it up.
They want it to be a two-horse race, eliminate Trump from contention one way or another, and then waltz into Dick Cheney 2.0.
And it allows the Larry Finks and the others of the world to claim, hey, we're not propping up Democrats.
See, we're even.
We also prop up Republicans.
And so it's the perfect foil.
And so for many people in this, in our movement, I got to say, do not fall for that trick.
We love and respect the hell out of Donald Trump because he got this fight started.
But it's our job to finish it.
And we cannot fall for the trap they've laid for us.
Vivek, let's unpack this.
We need to war game this.
And when I call you the spare tire, because I agree with your policies that you're a great guy, I think you'd make a great president.
Tires blow out, and then Trump, they could poison him.
He could die of natural causes, God forbid.
They could assassinate him.
And you see, as Tucker Carlson's pointed out, as I've pointed out, The trajectory of them ramping up, not caring about the law, not caring what we think, saying it was going to be a civil war.
You're a smart guy.
War game that.
How do you see them not letting him become either the nominee or the president?
Because I agree, the Democrats said three plus years ago, four years ago, they said we're not going to let him be the president one way or another.
We'll use the military to take him out.
Nancy Pelosi said that.
They were the ones talking about coups and go out and attack Trump supporters and burn down cities and all the rest of it.
The sky's the limit.
So you're right.
So what will the deep state do?
So I'm not God, and I, you know, am not going to only one person knows the future and only one one entity knows the future, and that's God.
But I can tell you, I'm not.
People say this conspiracy theorizing.
I start with facts, Alex.
Let's just look at the facts of the last 12 months.
A system that begins with vocal protesting, that then goes to civil lawsuits, that then ratchets that up to state-level prosecutions, that then ratchets that up to a federal prosecution, and then another federal prosecution, then abandoning the judicial system altogether and doing this extra-judicially through an arbitrary person, a state from Maine or otherwise, to take Donald Trump off the ballot without any judicial procedure.
That was just 2023.
What do you think is going to happen in 2024?
I think they've made clear that this system will stop at nothing.
And I think they're waiting for it to be a two-horse race between Trump and Haley.
For the people who have propped up the Democrats for a long time, the Democrats' brand is slightly tarnished.
And they have a problem, because if they take Biden out of contention, they have a Kamala Harris problem.
So avoid dealing with that altogether, and just find a Trojan horse that actually is far more effective than Biden at implementing the pro-war globalist agenda.
But also even more extreme than Biden at the surveillance state here at home.
Say on social media accounts, tied to your government issued ID.
Even Biden wouldn't have gone that far.
That's Dick Cheney post 9-11 world on steroids.
And that's why BlackRock, that's why she's Nikki BlackRock Haley, because they've got to have that for the central bank digital currencies, social credit score, the carbon tax.
When they get that of internet ID, they can get everything.
And then tie that to a central bank digital currency, it's the ballgame in this country, that's the whole ballgame.
And so, that's where I think that they have so far, I think, managed to dupe much of the Republican Party on this, much of the Republican Party's base, good for the Republican Party, much of our base, I would say our America First movement, forget even the word Republican.
Our own America First movement, I don't want to see us fall for this.
And I think there's a couple of different ways they could do it, right?
I mean, one is hear this talk about Nikki Haley as VP.
Maybe, maybe they dupe Donald Trump into that, right?
And you can, I mean, it's, it becomes pretty obvious what happens after that.
But put that to one side, then there's the other path where you make it a two horse race, you eliminate Donald Trump from contention a different other way.
Either way, that's the end of America First right there.
And I'm clear on this, Alex.
We have a duty to this country.
It's not to any one man, not to me, not to you, not to Trump.
It's a duty to this country.
America first cannot end with Donald Trump.
This has to go for the next 250 years.
That's our obligation to our founding fathers.
We owe it to George Washington.
We owe it to 17th Well, I do agree with this.
If we make the Make America Great Again, America First, New Renaissance, America 2.0, America Reboot, about Trump only, he'll get old, he'll die, he's 70, you know, 7, 78 years old.
No, he rode in on that wave, and I love him and he's great, and I think the Supreme Court's going to override a lot of this, but then I think you're right.
There's a very good chance, and I hope this doesn't happen, they're going to kill him.
God forbid.
If that does happen, be ready with you fired up and defeating Haley, because you're smart to go after her to position yourself if something happens to Trump.
What are you saying here?
But I'll be honest with you, I don't think with this argument, that I think it's a real argument, I don't think that argument's going to gain enough traction for you to be catapulted.
And I'll be quite frank, if they're willing to kill Trump, they're willing to kill you.
So, I mean, is it more like you're saying we're going to have a two-man kamikaze mission?
I don't need to be doing this, is the point.
Forget about me, okay?
Forget about any individual.
We've lived a good life and the easy thing for me to do would be to go, you know, buy a vacation house instead of an apartment in Des Moines.
Sure, so what do we do about it?
What do we do about it?
What do we do about it?
But I think we have an obligation.
So many people will ask me why I support so many of Trump's policies.
I respect the heck out of Trump.
We respect each other.
Why am I running in the race that Trump is running?
Why don't you just endorse Trump?
I get questions like this.
Open your eyes, people, because that's actually the plot that they've laid out.
Whatever we can do to make sure that the alternative exists to take our America First movement to the next level, that's what we owe it to the country to do.
So for my part, I will stay in this till the very end.
I think that this is not the way I want to see it play out.
I've done more than any other candidate in this Republican primary standing against this.
I think what you're saying is you need to be Trump's main challenger, not Haley, and I 100% agree with that, because it's almost like if you were his vice president, that would mean they'd never kill Trump because they're just as scared of you or more.
So what you're saying is you're like almost Trump's shadow candidate or his VP already, even if he doesn't pick you as the VP.
I think what you're saying is you need to be fired up and so strong as a close second that then they won't know what to do because then they got two targets.
It's about our country, right?
And I think that then it becomes very difficult for them to play the scramble in the way that they are trying to right now.
Listen, I know I'm interrupting Vivek, but on this I just want to say, that's why I've been supporting you is I've been quite honest with you about that, is I agree with what you're saying.
So talk to me like I'm five years old.
You've led us there.
I agree with you.
How do we make that happen?
So look, I think that each of us has to do our part.
First of all, the first step to solving a problem is naming it.
And you know that well, Alex.
You do it often.
I'm doing it right now.
First step to solving the problem is naming it.
Sunlight, at least.
Once you see it with clear eyes, then it becomes a lot harder to dupe you.
They're trying to sell you the rope that they're going to use to hang you tomorrow.
Don't buy the rope.
That's the first thing.
The second thing is, let's open our eyes to say, America first.
This is our movement about the next 250 years.
How do we protect against that outcome?
If this ends up being me versus Donald Trump left in the primary, that's a win-win for the country.
And I'll make the case for myself and the next generation, Donald Trump brings experience, whatever it is, that's a win-win for the country.
But that's what we need to be focused on rather than, I think, go in the direction that you're playing one-dimensional chess.
You would say, oh, well, let's, you know, people like me rally behind Donald Trump.
Do not play the one-dimensional checkers.
The other side is playing 3D chess or more.
We have to actually skate to where their puck is going and beat them in getting there.
And so my view is that this primary field is going to thin down.
It's good.
They're trying to make it Mickey versus Trump.
See through that.
I'm staying in this to the end.
I think that that's something that allows me to at least do my part for this country.
I think that there's a lot of ways this could play out over the course of the next year.
Now, my view is that the Iowa caucus You can say this is self-interested or whatever, but Steve King, I mean, he's America's first patriot long before either Trump or myself.
I think that those who ensure that I am strong in this race through the end, I'm asking for people's vote on January 15th in Iowa.
That's something that allows us to make sure that our movement is protected.
The America First movement is bigger than one man.
I think that once we remember that, and it's our obligation to this country, that's what we need to protect.
And a certain thing, Alex, I think that just to get philosophical for a second, what does America First mean, right?
We use this word, what does it mean?
I think it means the people who we elect to run the government are the ones who actually run the government.
And they should be the ones who actually run the government.
Well, it's not what the case is today.
The Deep State runs the show.
And the second thing is, the people who we elect, they owe an obligation to the citizens of this country, not another one.
And I think at a certain point, these movements, they tend to be led by the next generation.
There's a reason why I'm the only candidate in this race, not Trump, DeSantis or anybody else.
And I respect the hell out of Trump.
But if we're talking about taking this to the next level, we've got to talk about not just replacing Christopher Wray.
We need to shut down the FBI.
And I've offered a clear plan and a commitment to actually do it.
We can't just incrementally reform the deep state.
Fire 75 percent of them right out of the gate.
NASS firings, you've got to actually Effectively level the apparatus.
You gotta start on day one.
Day one pardons.
I'll pardon Trump on day one.
I'll pardon every peaceful J6 protester on day one.
I'll pardon Julian Assange, to Douglas Mackey, to Owen Schroer, to anybody else who was the victim of a politically motivated persecution through prosecution.
Get that done on day one.
Ronald McDaniel needs to step aside as this stooge running the RNC.
Go list by list.
The vaccine manufacturers have this special liability shield that protects them from being sued.
When every other manufacturer, if they sold you something that harms you, you could sue them.
You can't do that to a vaccine manufacturer, and that protects those who actually made the COVID vaccine.
Well, that's not justice.
That's crony capitalism.
But the thing I'm saying, Alex, is what's interesting is at this moment right now, in this presidential race, Why am I the only candidate who can say any of those things?
From shutting down the FBI, to stripping the vaccine manufacturers of their special liability exemptions, to getting Ronald McDaniel out of the RNC chair seat, to telling the climate change agenda is a hoax, that the carbon capture pipeline in Iowa is unconscionable.
Let me throw something in here.
I'll tell you why.
Go ahead, tell us why.
I'll tell you why.
I think that, A, every other candidate, save for Trump and myself, is bought and paid for by the system.
And between Trump and myself, I think that one of the things that they are trying to do, I think, and they did in some ways, is dupe Donald Trump to say that you get the Lindsey Grahams or the Nikki Haley's in there.
None of those people are going to come within spitting distance of my administration if I'm in charge.
And so all I'm asking people to do is open their eyes, think independently, and make the right decision for this country.
And at the very least, do not fall into the trap that they've laid.
Vivek, let me just say this.
That's why I have you on.
You're really a great guest.
You're really smart.
I know if somebody's informed.
You know your stuff.
And most of these other people really don't have any depth.
And if they do, it's not to be corrupted.
I totally agree with you.
We need to have two patriots who are getting all the attention.
Not a Haley versus Trump thing.
A neocon versus Trump.
And we need We need, if Trump really plays 3D chess, 4D chess, we need him to basically challenge you more, to elevate you even more.
I know you're already doing a great job in grassroots.
You're working harder than anybody I've seen other than Trump, and probably harder because you're younger.
So I definitely get what you're saying.
And what would you think about being a VP for Trump if he ends up, you know, getting the nomination, they don't kill him, we're able to push back the deep state, would you be Trump's VP?
I'm going to do whatever's right for this country, Alex.
I'm in this as a patriot for the country.
I don't need a special title.
I don't need anything.
And I don't need the title of president.
I'm in this though because, and I'm biased on this, but I'll tell you what I believe.
I think these revivals, they tend to be led by the next generation for a reason.
I think I'm going to be able to best lead this country from the front as the next president Because I bring fresh legs.
I think we are in the middle of a kind of war in this country.
When you think about wargaming this, as you said, if you want to win a war, pick the general who isn't yet wounded in that war.
They're going to come for me, just as they have for Trump, and I bear no illusions about that.
But I'm not yet wounded in that war.
I have fresh legs.
I also understand the law and the Constitution deeply.
And so I think I'm going to be best positioned to actually lead this country and lead our movement forward from the front.
And I'll take Donald Trump as my advisor and most important advisor and mentor.
I've said that before and I stand by it.
I want to know where the bodies are buried.
I want to know actually what went wrong to build on where he left off.
Well, Vivek, let me say this.
I think that would be the right way to do this.
I want Trump to be president.
You're doing an incredibly great job educating people, and you're doing yeoman's work, but I pray you don't climb over his dead body to be president.
I pray the same for that, Alex.
That's not what we want, but if you name the problem A, and B, I'm actually in this race and it becomes a two-horse race between me and Trump, I think that's the best way to prevent that from happening.
I hear you.
Join us again soon.
We're out of time.
I wanted to get into ballot access.
I wanted to get into the border.
I wanted to get into it all, but we're about to go to break and start the next hour.
And it's great having you in the studio, not on the bus, because the quality sometimes is not the best, but the information is amazing.
But we've got to be honest, though.
Tucker said to Trump, he said, look, I'm looking at this.
They're going to kill you.
And Trump didn't really respond to that.
He's so confident.
But let's not lie.
I mean, he is going up against pure evil.
So are you.
We should pray for you.
And it says a lot about you.
They've been coming after you for six months and they can't dig any dirt up.
That's a really positive thing.
That shows a lot of vetting on your part that you are clean or it would be all over the news.
Vivek, thank you so much for spending time with us.
We'll talk to you soon.
I appreciate it, man.
Thank you.
It's a really sad thing we have to talk about this, but it's reality.
All right.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
We're going to do the deep dive on Jeffrey Epstein.
This just broke.
Jeffrey Epstein court document names unsealed today.
So now the judge put an order out this morning saying he wouldn't release to the 22nd of
this month.
Now they're saying they are.
I don't know what's going to happen.
We're going to be watching it as it unfolds.
But the FBI has all these hard drives, all these videotapes, all these DVDs, box after
box after box, closet after closet, shelf after shelf.
And that's the big cover up.
We're doing the deep dive next hour.
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Alright, Jason Burmess joins us in the next segment.
We'll go about 10-15 minutes to the next hour, then our next guest will join us, but I want more than an hour, because we've got, you know, 10 minutes of ads or so.
I want more than an hour with Jason, so we'll go a little bit to the next hour, because I've got a lot to cover, he's got a lot to cover.
Chase has done a great job co-editing this over the years.
He's made films about it that we produced with him, other films he's made, and he's really done a great job because I had him on yesterday and he was doing the fourth hour and I was just realizing, I forgot this, I forgot that.
Wow, because we've covered so much, it's like...
It's crazy because I've been covering the pedophile rings, the Mossad, CIA, MI6 operations, and King Charles and Jimmy Savelle for 29 years on air because I cut my teeth at the foot of Ted Gunderson and General Parton and all these experts, former FBI agents, former top generals that explained to me how they were controlling people.
And so I have forgotten more than most people ever know about this, but Jason's done a really good job at getting it all together with the documents.
That's coming up.
In about five minutes when we come back from this one little short 60-second break.
But right now, I want everybody to listen to me very, very carefully because just like our information is game-changing, this is incredibly game-changing information.
So, get ready.
I'm also going to cut an ad right now that will run on the show live here.
This is an ad I'm about to cut live on air with everybody watching.
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You need to.
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I can see for miles and miles.
I can see for miles and miles.
And I can see the New World Order very clearly.
They think they operate in the dark?
I've got night vision from research and the Holy Spirit.
And they can't win if we know their operations.
All right, joining us is Jason Bermas.
I want him to start over for the next 15-20 minutes to break.
I'm going to try to give him the floor.
I want him to run through everything condensed he hit yesterday.
How the list is a red herring.
How the flight logs are red herring.
What was really going on at Zorro Ranch in Paris, the breeding programs, the cloning, the secretly having babies, the sanguinating them, that's a medical term for sucking all their juices out, and having them injected into old men.
I mean we're talking about they suck the baby completely dry put gallons of this stuff into them over a few weeks
This is even nigar. Don't is a brag about this. Okay, and I told you this over a decade ago
I got all this stuff from Ted Gunderson and General Parton and former top generals former high-level FBI
They wanted to Gunnarsen to be the FBI director. That's a high level
He was give me how far the FBI is falling apart. And so I'm hearing all this. They don't just rape babies
They don't just have auctions of them. They don't just smuggle kids out of Latin America
But they actually murder them and the finders case and just all of this
And then after Burma's talks, we'll go somewhere in the next hour, there's another guest joining us.
I'm a little running behind, so the next guest is on the last 45 in the next hour.
I want to get into stuff worse than just raping them.
And then it's, I've got AP articles and mainstream news admitting they're killing babies and then turning them into cosmetics.
I'm going to show you AP videos.
I'm going to show you CBS News.
I'm going to show you Sandra Bullock laughing about it.
So if you can't handle them raping children, it's way worse.
I mean, 400, almost 500,000 kids since Biden stole the election got in here and they don't know where almost 90,000 are in the Senate report.
Mayorca submits it.
They should all be in jail now.
And yes, it's sex slavery.
Not just slave labor.
So if you think any of us as citizens are safe, well this is going on.
All the militaries down there with the Border Patrol run by NGOs, that's the UN facilitating it.
So Jason, you're going to be, you got your own computer system, you're going to be putting documents on, we'll be putting them up as well.
Start with what you were saying yesterday in the fourth hour.
I put it on X, got about a million and a half views just on our channel, a couple million more other places.
It's exploded.
A lot of folks are tuning right now.
So give people the real deep dive until we go to break in 19 minutes, and then I'm going to come back and get into the areas I want and give us, you know, the million foot view of the whole nasty thing and tie it all together and explain that this is how they control things.
The currency is children.
And now with the biomedical tyranny and the UN treaty, they don't just want our children, they want all of our bodies.
It's about rape.
It's about owning us.
It's about that power.
All right.
Jason Burmish.
Alex, you know I was going to begin with the Epstein saga all the way back to what we now know is at least publicly the first report to the NYPD and the FBI all the way back in 1996.
But you said something key.
You talked about the quote-unquote finders group and this was a group That had not only connections to the Central Intelligence Agency in the 80s, but the initial incident which if anybody looks at the local police reports that you can find on the FBI's own website, handwritten by the way, is so disturbing and egregious you have to wonder what was going on.
These children who were extremely dirty were playing in a park and the adults that with them didn't seem to be their parents.
When a law enforcement investigated, these people were connected to the internet before the internet.
So they had all of this high-tech gear, the kids were clearly abused, and I'm not going to even get into how grotesquely once they had medical examinations, but we're talking about young children being anally abused, I'm gonna leave it at that, and really this whole thing was covered up but it led into what was essentially an underage blackmail ring inside of DC and we actually put a portion of it in the film Invisible Empire A New World Order to find
Which you produced and what was so scary and egregious in that case is you had somebody who was sitting in Congress Barney Frank he was not out as a homosexual at the time but he had hired basically this young madam this male madam And this guy was running a brothel not only out of Barney Frank's apartment, which they had ethics hearings on.
Anybody can watch those on C-SPAN.
But it actually went to the local Chevy Chase Middle School and involved the vice principal.
This was all the way back in the 80s.
Now fast forward to again that first report.
On Epstein in 1996.
Now let me just stop you.
I'm gonna give you the floor in a moment, but since you got into Finders, they even raided this big warehouse that had all these satellite uplinks, all this high-tech equipment, where they were shooting child porn.
This all came out and again the FBI confiscated it all, shut it down because it was CIA, just like they did with Epstein.
And so now let's do the Epstein Deep Dive and then go through how this is a red herring.
It's the FBI having the VHS, the DVDs, and the hard drives showing decades of this.
Closet after closet full of obviously thousands of videos.
You know, just hundreds and hundreds of videotapes, DVDs.
This is insane.
Globalists going there and being blackmailed on purpose as part of some trust club.
Just like in Mafia, you'll kill people so they have control of you, they have dirt.
This is far beyond that.
And just briefly first, Now they're saying the judge is going to release it today after the judge put an order out saying he'll release it January 22nd.
What do you think's going on there?
We know there's a lot of blackmail behind the scenes and then let's do the dive on Epstein and then accelerate through all this.
So where do I think this is going to go?
I'm not quite sure.
I thought the date was definitely going to be January 21st or 22nd after I saw this stay.
This is Jane Doe 107 and really you're going to get a multitude of victims whose names have been blacked out.
You talked about the tapes, and this is why 1996 and Maria Farmer are so important.
I interviewed Maria years ago before her lawyers cut her off from individual interviews, but she stated back in the 90s Epstein literally brought her into a room.
That was a manned room.
In other words, there were not only monitors watching everything and taping everything, but somebody was sitting there watching them.
Maybe for the golden nuggets to edit out later.
That's purely speculation, but the house, which was Les Wexner's former mansion, That I believe he gave to Epstein for $10.
It was either a buck or ten.
It's something absolutely ludicrous.
This is a multi-million dollar mansion in the middle of Manhattan, and it was rigged up with cameras, according to her.
Now what gives even more credence to her story, again that nothing was done in the 90s,
is that her sister, Annie Farmer, is one of the women that recently won
one of the many legal cases against the Epstein estate.
And you're seeing big banks like J.P. Morgan and others bend the knee and pay out tens if not hundreds
of millions of dollars.
What does that tell you?
Now what you're looking at here are Maxster hard drives, and I'm a tech guy.
You know, those are old school IDE hard drives that you would see in either specialized system
or old school DVR recordings.
Now, I would imagine that that isn't just them taking each individual hard drive out
of whatever day and archiving them.
Although, since we're seeing boxes of them, that might actually be the case.
In other words, you can run it for so long and they'll ask you to erase.
Instead of erasing, they may have replaced the drives outright.
Or, those could be the select cuts.
We don't really know, but we do know that they were entered into evidence and nobody, I mean nobody, Would have those stacks of hard drives unless there was important information on them.
Now, what you're looking at, you can see right there, one of them actually says AV Shoot, whatever that means.
Those are burned DVDs that are also dated.
Now, if you are burning DVDs, this is going to go beyond PowerPoints or financial information.
No, you can see labeled photos and video shoots.
We've never seen what is on this material.
And then on top of that, when we talk about photographic evidence, because again, videos were not as prevalent, say, in the 80s, when Epstein could have well been running this operation.
Well, they have the photograph books.
They have the literal binders.
That they're not even letting you see what they're labeled as.
You know, give them credit.
We just saw those burned DVDs.
At least we were able to see the labels on those.
The binders, each of which looks about the size of a phone book, they don't even want to see you, have you see what it was labeled by Epstein.
And again, that's just one of the residences.
So absolutely, and there those binders are, this idea of a list is a red herring.
In fact, I'd like to go over really quickly several individuals that have already been named as close associates and not been prosecuted by Epstein.
Here we have Sarah Kalin who was criminally responsible in Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking scheme during the Ghislaine Maxwell sentencing hearing.
This is something that was said by a judge.
This is a mainstream individual that Has not been brought to justice.
There you have Leslie Groff.
She will not face criminal charges.
Both of these women are named again and again in some of the documentation that we're talking about today that will be further released.
Then you have Nadia Marcinkova, now Nadia Marcinko.
Now, And she's the one that set up what looked like this underage flight thing where they supplied stewardesses on private jets.
And just to throw in real quickly, remember all the new viewers, you're hearing nothing about all the DVDs, about the hard drives, about the VHS tapes, closet after closet grabbed by the FBI.
You're hearing nothing about that.
Again, the list is a total distraction.
What is on the damn videotapes?
Keep going.
Absolutely, and really, what else did they find at other locations?
Because everything you just saw there, and there's also a picture of a safe where they disclosed, yet again, there was not only valuables, jewelry, money, the passport in which Epstein had a fake identity, and a Saudi Arabian address, but also they found CDs and photographic evidence in there as well.
Getting back to Marcinkova, If people read the documents and again started to become available five, six years ago, it's alleged that Marcin Kowa was bought as a young teenager in Eastern Europe and basically sold to
So this is somebody that was indoctrinated into the system as a 14 year old if you believe these documents and really became one of the main people in the network, a trusted individual, and as you saw right there, a flight instructor.
You know, when we talk about the flight logs that are available, Alex, I think that this is important to point out.
That there were many different planes, helicopters, there's even talks of submarines that were in use that we have logs from or we don't have logs from.
There may be institutions in law enforcement that have those logs.
We've never seen them.
And then the black book.
That people may or may not be aware of.
You know, there's a lot of fake lists that I've seen on the internet that just name people down the line.
Well, I'll tell you what wasn't fake.
That black book.
And how did that black book get published?
Well, that was actually leaked via one of the staff, the butlers, at the Epstein residence.
You can call it ironic, a dark comedy.
He actually served way more time than Epstein did for leaking that information.
Now, mainstream outlets, I want people to think about the gravity of this situation.
A lot of people have seen that leaked video, Alex, of the individual on NBC saying, I had the Epstein story for years and they wouldn't let me report on it.
Well, how about most of the mainstream media, at least the print media, had copies of that black book
and refused to publish it.
It was in fact--
And let me stop this and throw it out at you.
We have Bill Gates' wife saying she wanted to find out who this guy was
he was hanging out with all the time.
He was the most evil man she ever met, but she didn't tell the public.
We have McCain's widow saying they all knew what he was doing, but did nothing,
and she runs a children's group.
So they're all now acting like, oh, we knew all about it and he was terrible,
but they did nothing when they knew it was going on.
Absolutely did nothing and knew it was going on.
And to the former publication Gawker's credit, they at least published it.
Nick Bryant, who actually authored a book on the Franklin scandal that we were earlier discussing, got that.
And this is a guy that had done tons of mainstream work.
Rolling Stone, you name it.
A real hardcore journalist.
No one wanted to print that.
Gawker did print it and eventually through Peter Thiel were sued into the ground over
the Hogan sex tape if you can believe it.
Just a very weird instance.
He was upset that basically Thiel funded that lawsuit.
He was upset that he had finally been outed because he was closeted before that and Gawker
went down.
But it took a tabloid rag to print those numbers and those names.
And getting into some of the stuff that isn't talked about a lot.
Yesterday Alex we talked briefly about Zorro Ranch.
Now I sent over some articles over there where people can see that this was a place where
Epstein wanted to facilitate a baby making ranch.
And this place, unlike New York, allegedly has never been investigated or raided.
In fact, it was sold earlier this year.
And, you know, I'm going to be careful when I say this, but Courtney Love was one of the people Inside that black book.
I ended up getting in touch with Courtney Love's father.
They'd obviously had a falling out by then.
She had made it.
He actually made accusations that she was responsible for Kurt Cobain's murder.
I'm not going to go here nor there, but he essentially told me he never came on air, but I have the logs and I've done videos on it that a lot of girls.
Didn't make it out of the system, and when they were used up, they were either taken out to that desert and basically executed or taken out onto the water and thrown overboard.
And he says he knows this because his daughter told him this.
And again, I'm not saying that's factual.
I'm just putting it out there.
That's how dark this really is.
But let's talk about what we know is factual.
We'll get into all the details and clips next segment.
The fashion industry that was really funding Epstein, Peter Nygaard having women have babies that he then drained of their blood and marrow that he had injected into his veins.
He's on video saying it.
We'll play the clip, folks, coming up.
I mean, this is a sick cult, and it's all about breeding a secret master race, something we know that European elites have been doing for a while.
Epstein and them were just catering to continue this on.
Well, the eugenics angle is 100% there.
You know, you discuss Nygaard and you're actually showing video, if you listen to the audio, where they're trying to buy their reproductive organs.
I mean, it's pretty wild.
Well, he wants them to get pregnant and have babies that he then... This is a Count Dracula that doesn't eat other people's babies.
He eats his own babies.
And you know, we didn't mention Jean-Luc Brunel.
This is an individual that is on a lot of the photographs that they used in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.
This is another guy in the fashion industry and through some of the predisclosed documents in the last five, six years.
You know, people talk about a quote-unquote client list.
Well, there is a post-it note that is very suggestive that they were getting multiple Young girls for Jean-Luc Brunel and the reason I bring up Jean-Luc Brunel is he was actually in a prison last year in Spain awaiting trial for other allegations of sexual misconduct and rape.
But let's go further.
Talk about the main guy, the main billionaire fashion mogul that was the guy supporting Epstein going back decades.
Yeah, no, we'll get to Wexner.
It's just that Brunel's no longer with us.
You can believe whether he took his life or not, and you can believe whether Epstein took his life or not, but this guy isn't even going to face trial.
And talk about not facing trial, yes, Les Wexner will not be facing trial.
This is a guy That despite a rather, I would say, effective and persuasive Hulu documentary on him, it is not really associated with Epstein in the mainstream media and really has pulled out all the stops in legalese.
But this is a guy that was behind Victoria's Secret.
He was also heavy into US and Israeli policy during the Iraq invasion.
In fact, there's a famous memo out there by Frank Luntz of the Wexner Group, in which they describe
that in order to--
now that basically we have gone into Afghanistan and taken out Saddam in short order,
how do we remain in the Middle East?
And they talk about filming pregnant women in tears, just pulling out all the stops to keep us
entrenched in this military industrial--
Well, Jason, from your research, because I know these agencies all do this, the CIA's been caught, MI6 has been caught, you know, heavily involved with King Charles, all of them, but this particular node or head of it seems to be predominantly Mossad.
And we have the former Mossad chief always being caught, you know, inside Epstein's compounds, photographed leaving and coming.
Well, let's look at Robert Maxwell, for instance, because this is, of course, not only the media mogul father of Ghislaine Maxwell, and Ghislaine being his protege.
Remember, he actually died, folks, falling off the Lady Ghislaine, the boat that he had named after her.
You know, before his death, Seymour Hersh had put out information saying that Robert Maxwell was indeed involved in the Mossad.
He was an agent of the Mossad.
Now, fast forward to today, Alex, and we've got documentaries out there that point to him also working with not only British intelligence, but Russian intelligence.
Let's go back to Hersh for a moment.
Well, Maxwell sued him.
And after Maxwell's death, guess what?
All these papers in the Mockingbird Media, yes, even then, that had attacked Hirsch and said he hoaxed the whole thing and, you know, he didn't have real information, he didn't have real sources.
No, Hirsch was exonerated.
That absolutely happened.
They had to print small retractions.
Yeah, that's Seymour Hirsch, the greatest living journalist.
Yes, somebody who absolutely deserves, you know, the Pulitzer Prizes that he won and deserves to be heard even today when it comes to the pipeline, Ukraine and the United States.
By the way, he came on the show once and he is a listener.
We're going to come right back on the other side with Jason.
We're going to look at what this currently means and then go back in the history of it.
This is the deep dive.
So much, this is just scratching the surface.
But compared to everybody else, you're getting the deep dive.
Burmese and I are experts on this.
We're going to cover everything.
Nothing is off limits.
We're going to go down to the vampiric levels of this.
They drink the blood.
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All right, back to Jason Bermas.
Jason, give us your take on what's currently happening, and obviously the blackmail behind the scenes, and it seems like mainly Democrats implicated, and who is going to be on that list that isn't on the flight logs.
I feel like the flight logs are basically the list.
We know there's more than just that black book that he was scribbling names down.
That was just a fragment of this.
The real things, the videotapes, the hard drives, the blackmail, we know what's going on, and the FBI and Justice Department suppressing this.
It's not like Epstein wrote the book on this.
Blackmail's gone on for thousands of years, but in modern parlance, it's, of course, the founder of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, who did write the book for the FBI on blackmail, and now they're the king daddies.
They make Epstein look like an amateur, and now they've got all these goodies.
I wonder what they're doing with it.
Well, you know, I'm glad you used the term, write the book, because a lot of the names that I see being revealed are actually going to be revealed through what was essentially a book treatment of Virginia Gaffrey Roberts of her time with Epstein and on the island that had been put into evidence.
So some of this stuff, again, in the public arena, but when it gets to these individuals, they are indeed blacked out.
I expect I expect Bill Clinton to be on that list.
I expect Ahud Barak to be on that list because of previous reporting.
Where it goes from there, I'm not 100% sure.
But for those that are interested, as of this moment, they are saying that these documents, despite that injunction, You know Alex, there's so much to go over.
and all you info warriors out there that wanna get your hands on it,
courtlistener.com will probably be the first place that you can get those raw documents.
You know, Alex, there's so much to go over.
We kinda ended the last segment talking about Robert Maxwell
and his media and intelligence connections.
And I think that when you look at Epstein, he has those same type of connections outside of the media.
I think the intelligence connections are there.
And that's not only shown by the fact that, again, the FBI and the NYPD were aware of him in the late 90s.
But when his behavior became so egregious, and I want people to think about this because this guy didn't come from old money.
This is a new type billionaire.
I mean, he was being serviced.
Uh, if you will, by multiple underage teenage girls every single day.
And that doesn't even match the depravity of some of these people that come from old money and are above him.
So much so, Alex, that when he finally did so much of this, and so much had been reported to local police, that they had to do something in the Palm Springs case in 2007.
Somehow a deal was cut with him.
Let's remember, this was industrial scale, where every year in the documentaries they admitted, and also in the depositions, out of the Palm Beach area they would recruit hundreds of girls a year.
Epstein would complain of the exhaustion.
He'd have to have sex with up to five young girls a day, as young as 13, normally from poor houses, trailer parks, things like that, offering mom money.
And then they would go recruit more girls out of the schools.
He would complain that he had to test drive the girls.
And was just exhausted that he had to have so much sex with girls he was basically raping.
And remember, in that deal that he cut, he basically got immunity for himself, and we'll get to that in a moment.
But he got immunity for undisclosed, unnamed individuals.
Now, whether or not those are some of the individuals that we mentioned before, we still don't know because these documents have not been released to the public.
But let's talk about his incarceration for a moment.
Literally was able to leave at will he was followed by a private investigator somebody that was supposed to be in the prison system was leaving every single day going to private residences and again having females come in and service him throughout the entire time period that he supposedly served time in jail and then when he got out of The mainstream media essentially forgot about that instance and in many ways was trying to rebrand Epstein.
So you look at not only that but then after 2007 and this arrest that ends up coming up in 2017.
And this arrest that ends up coming up in 2017.
Why does this even happen?
Well, I would argue this happens because of localized pressure, the SDNY, because they
had just had so much information on this guy and there was slight pushback with some members
within Congress and the Senate.
And quite frankly, when we got to the 2016 election and people in the circles that had watched Alternative Media, had watched this broadcast, the Alex Jones Show, were just fed up with this network and Epstein and nothing being done.
Let me just add, we got you till 15 next hour and I want to finish up with Epstein now,
people kind of know about him and I want to get big picture and then I want to look at
some of the past.
I want to look at all these different women, Bill Gates' wife, John McCain's wife, TV news
anchors all saying, "Oh, we all knew but we did nothing."
Why the hell are they now admitting all of this?
Because they know it's coming out and they think that will curry them favor with the
public but this is how they've been controlling people.
Then you look at MI6.
If you want to talk about the King Daddy, I know the Mossad is really bad and so is
the CIA.
And of course the CIA...
would put all these mayors in Afghan towns, that was even in the Associated Press,
who were convicted pedophiles and give them children because they found they were the most
loyal. But when you pull back and you look at this, this is really their control system. I
want your view and your take and your expert view, and we produced films decades ago on this,
you and I, on how big this network is and how do we defeat them.
Because it's hiding in plain view that MI6, MI5, CIA, Mossad, Interpol's huge unit, there's been massive child kidnapping, rape rings that came out of the Netherlands and France, and Rothschild castles with kidnapped women and children found in the London Guardian reports, you know, 25 years ago.
I mean, there's so much!
UN worldwide, sex slavery rings in Europe and in Haiti, and thousands of kids kidnapped and shipped out of Hillary's Head of her foundation goes to prison for smuggling little kids illegally into the U.S.
that disappear, then the current open borders and the mass smuggling and sex slavery of children and Senate reports.
I mean, this is coming out!
Then the transgenderism and sexually targeting children to confuse them and move them to be sterilized.
I mean, it's about targeting our children.
So, give us your summation, then we'll get into more details of why they're doing this, what they're going to do next, how much danger the globalists are in, and how do we get attention on the Justice Department, not just suppressing Wiener's laptop, which you know is full of this, and tied to Hillary and Uma Abedin and, you know, Chuckie Schumer, but it's just, it's everywhere!
This is how they operate!
I mean, I would say...
What, half the Democrats are pedophiles, guesstimation?
Maybe 15% of the Republicans?
You know, look at Dennis Hastert.
I mean, you can't shake a stick in the dark and not hit one of these things.
Well, you know, these rings are vast and, you know, going back to where I was going with that, I just wanted to say that, you know, the spark that lit the fire under this coming out was really Donald Trump stepping up to the plate and making that initial comment about Bill Clinton and his relationship to Epstein via that Hannity interview when he was running.
In 2016.
So, you know, this is a guy that Trump absolutely had a relationship with Epstein, but was confident enough that that relationship was nothing like the one that Bill Clinton had had.
How big is this network and what is this network?
You know, Alex, I think that this is an international intelligence operation.
I think that it's absolutely outside of nation states.
We've used terms like diplomatic immunity to kind of funnel through the vast intelligentsia systems around the globe, and then we've used a lot of these corporations to kind of integrate them into what I would call is beyond phony capitalism at this point, into this techno-fascism.
And the way that they're able to do this is they do use the entertainment industry and the modeling industry.
You know, a lot of these young Let's go back.
that actually do make it through and into their 20s.
They do marry rich men.
You know, that's the case with people like Kalin and Marcinkova, for instance.
You know, they are in this weird circle of elitists that, you know, they'll marry a 60, 70 year old guy
or they'll marry a 30 year old.
And Jason, let's go back.
Every culture, when it goes through a decadence phase, in ancient Europe, ancient Africa, ancient,
all over the world this was done, Mesoamerica, all of them.
There's the famous guy that had sex dungeons, raped children, murdered children, had sex with dead bodies, all confirmed.
Best buddy, highest ranking guy in Prince Charles's entourage, had a total national security clearance, king level stuff.
Folks, you can't make this up.
There's Jimmy Savelle.
But before we do that, because I promised this, here's a clip A national news anchor saying they covered it up.
She doesn't even care that kids got hurt.
She just cares she couldn't break the story.
Here's the widow of John McCain admitting it.
Here's Bill Gates' now ex-wife admitting it all.
And then I'm gonna just play those three clips, and then I'm gonna segue into the Peter Nygaard clip
I talked about, and then the details in court documents said that he would pay the women to have it
first trimester for one procedure, suck the baby dry and inject it in his veins.
There's video of him doing it and bragging.
And then sometimes they'd have the women at nine months, and he would get underage girls pregnant as well, because he tells them the younger the better, and then he would suck the baby dry.
So his own child, he said, had better stem cells and inject it in himself.
So this isn't fabled Bram Stoker's, you know, Dracula.
Okay, this is... And not only that, Alex, he was drugging and raping a lot of those underage girls, and really one of the... We're going to get to it.
We're going to get to it.
We're going to get to it, but I want to play the clips.
People hear this.
It's in my book.
The transcript of this.
This is not a joke.
It's in The Great Awakening.
People read the book, say, is this real?
They go find the clip and are blown away.
So I want to play these clips.
Here it is.
You know, it was also widely reported that Bill had a friendship or business or some kind of contact with Jeffrey Epstein and that you were not, that that was very upsetting to you.
Did that play a role in the divorce at all in this process?
Yeah, as I said, it's not one thing, it was many things.
But I did not like that he'd had meetings with Jeffrey Epstein, no.
And you made that clear to him?
I made that clear to him.
I also met Jeffrey Epstein exactly one time.
Yes, because I wanted to see who this man was.
Did you?
And I regretted it from the second I stepped in the door.
He was abhorrent.
He was evil personified.
I had nightmares about it afterwards.
No, it's like everything.
It hides in plain sight.
Epstein was hiding in plain sight.
We all knew about him.
We all knew what he was doing.
But we had no one that was, no legal aspect that would go after him.
They were afraid of him.
For whatever reason, they were afraid of him.
I've had the story for three years.
I've had this interview with Virginia Roberts.
We would not put it on the air.
First of all, I was told, who's Jeffrey Epstein?
No one knows who that is.
This is a stupid story.
Then the palace found out that we had her whole allegations about Prince Andrew and threatened us a million different ways.
We were so afraid we wouldn't be able to interview Kate and Will that also quashed the story.
And then Alan Dershowitz was also implicated in it because of the planes.
She told me everything.
She had pictures.
She had everything.
She was in hiding for 12 years.
We convinced her to come out.
We convinced her to talk to us.
It was unbelievable what we had.
We had everything.
I tried for three years to get it on to no avail and now it's all coming out and it's like these new revelations and I freaking had all of it.
I'm so pissed right now.
Like every day I get more and more pissed because I'm just like, oh my god.
What we had was unreal.
Other women backing it up.
Hey, yep.
Brad Edwards, the attorney, three years ago saying, like, there will come a day when we will realize Jeffrey Epstein was the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.
I had it all three years ago.
They just wouldn't take it out.
It's egg white?
Yeah, it is, right?
Is it egg white?
And this is part of this genetic greatness that we don't see in any other race on the planet.
These curvy, sexy, Black women from Africa.
You girls have a kind of a monopoly on this genetic perfection.
And we want some of that.
So, girls, for $100, we'll pay you for your egg.
So how much do you want for it?
Let's bid.
I bid $500 for your egg.
Whatever I did, you cannot beat me.
That's wonderful.
$60,000 worth of eggs.
That's wonderful.
If you have a portion, that's very valuable.
And umbilical cord, you know.
And placenta, you know.
You know, your period blood is so rich with stem cells.
We regard it as waste, and it actually should be.
It should be captured.
It's recycled.
And it should go to waste.
It's life for somebody else.
And it's life for mankind.
The best things are 60 to 80 years old.
Those are the best things.
As you get older, your age gets weaker and weaker.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
So, you may not be our age.
No, that's fine.
I'm out of my business anyway.
Cloning yourself with the idea of making yourself immortal, I think, is...
It's science fiction.
And I think it's... Okay, let's stop right there.
But he did it all.
So it came out in court documents, the rest of it.
Notice they say, oh, it's just an egg.
And then like vampires, they start smacking it and exciting it.
Give us your egg.
Actually, if you have an abortion, and later he would have babies with the women.
These women are supermodels.
They're totally grossed out.
But they had young girls when they would escape from his compound.
On the Caribbean island, separate from Rep.
Epstein, another island, the police would bring them back.
So he's an evil vampire.
He's not living forever, but it's a spirit in him that wants to live forever that's literally creating a clone of himself or a baby with these women, they did both, and then sucking it dry.
So the Dark Crystals are a movie, but this is really going on.
Jason Burmess, Well, he also looks physically like Bram Stoker's Dracula.
He could look more physically like that guy.
And as you said, you know, it's actually a lot worse.
You know, the allegations are that he was drugging and raping girls as young as 14.
And it was actually his son, Alex, that was instrumental in finally getting the authorities to arrest him and put him behind bars.
recently convicted in just one of these cases.
There's another couple coming up.
I expect him to spend the rest of his life in prison.
And let me just stop you, 'cause we're short on time.
He hung out with Bill Gates, he hung out with Epstein.
So it's all, you got, you know, the main guy that funded Epstein connected all this.
So these are sick, sick people that hide behind intelligence agency credentials to do this.
Let me ask you before we go to break, come back and get to the actual killing of babies
and melting them down.
And Sandra Bullock, I don't think understands where she's getting it.
She thinks it's from four skins.
That's the cover story.
We're gonna cover some really sick stuff that nobody's talking about.
All documented, AP, CBS reports when we come back from many years ago.
But just in the few minutes we have, big picture.
Has this blown up in the deep state's face?
Are they really scared?
This trends every week all over the place.
Everybody's talking about it.
It's totally spreading the system.
They've been using it to blackmail and control the politicians.
But now we know who the politicians are, it seems to weaken them.
I think this is really devastating the globalists.
What do you think?
I think it's devastating to the narrative.
However, you know, in light of the fact that we know that they have all of this hardcore material, the tapes, the pictures, the logs, the burned DVDs, it seems like if they wanted to really take some of these individuals Well, again, that's now been in possession of the Justice Department for the better part of a decade.
Nothing has been done there, and we saw the same exact thing.
Yeah, so that's the bottom line.
Interrupt again, I'll give you the floor when we come back.
Bottom line, we'll do more shows on this.
People are now ready to hear it.
We're doing deep dives now.
We cover it all the time.
People say, why now?
Because people are tuning in.
People want to know now, so we're there to let them know this is key to bring down the system.
I cover what I want to cover all the time, but also when stuff comes back and the planets are aligned and people want to hear the truth, I do it.
The bottom line of what you're saying is it's true, is the FBI, the Justice Department, knows all this is going on.
They allow it to go on with the CIA.
When it gets caught, another agency comes and grabs it, just like J. Edgar Hoover did, and then they use it for power, and there's no doubt they're using it for blackmail and to control the government.
I mean, is the Justice Department really the dictatorship?
Are they really in control?
Is the real President Merrick Garland right now?
Well, I don't know if it's Merrick Garland, but I would argue that Bill Barr managed the Epstein situation throughout not only his arrest, but his eventual second suicide, Alex.
And then, after the fact, literally laughed about it on television.
And if you want, when we come back, we can cue up that clip when he's asked about the possible uh... suicide situation of the lane maxwell and he
literally burst all-news and i must say there are you can find him on rockfinn
adjacent vermus and adjacent vermus on x
and will also get another club uh... where gates makes a joke
you hear a feverishness to my voice were caught a deep dive and we'll be pretty
body else does but still just the service That's why I'm jumping over Burmese, he's jumping over me, because we've studied this, and it's just so deep, it's so out there.
It's so in your face.
Jason, I've been interrupting some, I did a pretty good job up front letting you talk, but obviously there's so much.
Give us five minute boil down, then we're gonna come back when some stations join us and get into the real bottom of the rat hole.
So let's talk Bill Barr before we even get to that clip.
Who's in charge?
Bill Barr is really career intelligentsia.
This is a guy that was in the Central Intelligence Agency before he actually passed the Barr exam and became a lawyer.
So he was CIA.
Then he becomes a lawyer.
Then he's in the Justice Department working with good buddies that will also come up in the Justice Department at the time, like Robert Mueller.
No joke, folks.
And then he is actually the youngest Attorney General ever under what I would consider the most outwardly deep state president of all time, George H.W.
So he comes from the ilk of Wolfowitz.
Cheney Rumsfeld.
Now fast forward to this Epstein incident and now this story was later retracted.
I want to make that abundantly clear but it was reported before Epstein's death that Bill Barr had allegedly gone to the jail.
In fact it was in this story and on the bottom is the retraction and apparently they got it from a mafioso individual but After the fact there is almost no doubt that Barr managed this and what they don't tell you about that Epstein suicide is in that same prison they held El Chapo and when they had the hearings and they had the warden under oath and they asked when the last time they had had a suicide in that prison
It was over 13 years ago.
Remember, the guards fall asleep.
Initially, they're charged with crimes.
Those charges are dropped.
Now, if you look at this article right here, after the fact, Bill Barr allegedly questioned Jeffrey Epstein's cellmate after his suicide.
Now, this was the new cellmate.
I want to remind people of that because in the first incident, he was actually a somme
with a man named Nicholas Tartiglione, who was a former police officer.
And if you ever saw the pictures of him, roid rage would not describe his physical appearance.
Also, he was charged with the crime and I do believe later convicted of it was either
a triple or quadruple murder in which he took these people out to a upstate New York farm
in what they thought was a drug deal and it was really their execution.
That's the kind of guy they're dealing with and it was Epstein's lawyers after the quote
First suicide attempt that came out and conveyed that Epstein had said he had been strangled by Tartiglione and that's what actually happened in the first incident.
Now these are all publicly available.
Bring it back to Bill Barr who during the Trump administration in many ways said all the right things and made all the right denials.
But what we know That the Department of Justice had that Hunter Biden laptop well before the 2020 election.
Jason, there's so much to cover and I'm not criticizing you.
Everyone knows they broke his neck in three places.
The coroner said it looked like homicide.
So I think we're covering old ground here.
Everybody knows they murdered him.
They broke his neck.
He's dead.
He was a front man for the Mossad, CIA, MI6.
I just want, when we come back, to talk about where you see this going and what we can do to put pressure on the Justice Department and the FBI so it's not about the list, it's about the videotapes, it's about the hard drives.
To me, that's the big kahuna.
@JasonBermos on X.
I'm @RealAlexJones on X and at Infowars.com/show.
We're going to finish up there, and we have a little tidbits, and then we're going to
talk about who's the new Jeffrey Epstein.
Because you know there's a lot of these guys.
This is just one of the operatives, a high-level one no doubt.
He's more like a maitre d'.
He doesn't own the hotel or the restaurant, but he's the star of the whole thing.
He's the front man, he's the fall guy, he's the bag man.
And then we're gonna get to the real vampiric nature of this.
Stay with us.
Oh, we're bad boys!
Alex Jones and Jason Bermas doing the deep dive, which again, is just the surface of this.
It's crazy that we're doing the deep dive.
I gotta make a full-length documentary about this because there's so many out there, but they only hit one aspect or another.
Man, I cut my teeth with the former high-level section chief, or head of the LA FBI, who told me everything.
I'd be sitting there at dinner eating a chicken fried steak, drinking beer, with Ted Gunnarsson.
He'd be saying, they're Satanists.
They chop the kids up and they don't just suck their blood.
They put it in their veins.
And Al Gore takes children's blood every day.
And then like five years later, it's an AP that he's getting off a private jet in a small refrigerator, bust open with bags of blood everywhere.
I mean, and you're just like, what?
He's like, "You gotta go to Bohemian Grove.
"They worship a big owl.
"We find dead kids outside of it."
And by the way, he didn't know this 'til he retired, was out in LA, and then it was just all around him.
So we've been on this, folks, and I don't wanna be the guy that knows it all.
Neither does Jason.
We wanna stop this, but we have to admit it's going on.
So here's a clip of Senator Kennedy making a joke about there's three things that don't hang themselves,
Christmas lights, drywall, and of course Jeffrey Epstein.
And then we're gonna go right into the clip of Bill Barr, of the CIA and high-level CIA and the former head of the
Justice Department twice.
Nobody's done that.
Talk about insider, insider.
And then we'll get to a clip of Gates joking about Epstein.
Here it is.
How can I put this?
Christmas ornaments, drywall and Jerry Epstein.
And three things that don't hang themselves.
That's what the American people think.
That's what the American people think.
And they deserve some answers.
And I know that you're not in charge of these investigations.
Yes, sir.
But you talk to the people who are.
And I need you to take a very respectful message today.
Tell the American people what happened.
And don't rush it so that they don't do a thorough investigation.
But you and I both know they can make this a top priority and get it done more quickly than they normally would.
I want to make sure I pronounce her name correctly.
Jelaine Maxwell is now in federal custody.
Number one, can you ensure that she will make it to trial?
Jeffrey Epstein died.
Suicide situation.
Are you locked in on this to make sure that doesn't happen, sir?
Can you give me a sense of what you told the people in charge?
You know, we have asked them to tell us specifically the protocols.
Is there a lesson for you, for anyone else looking at this?
Well, he's dead. So, you know, in general, you always have to be careful.
And, you know, the, you know, I'm very proud of what we've done in philanthropy,
very proud of the work of the foundation.
All right, so he's dead, you got to be careful.
So he's just laughing about it.
He's dead.
Bill Gates was using him to blackmail people in the scientific community, we now know that.
Jason Burmiss, we got a few minutes left.
We have another guest joining us to talk about Israel and the world and Christianity and a lot more.
I've seen this guy for years.
I thought why not actually talk to Brother Kapner coming up.
That should be very interesting.
I got a few more clips I want to hit here before you leave us, but anything else you'd like to add?
And we obviously need to do a deep dive, some Saturday commercial-free for like three hours.
You can send me 30, 40 clips.
I think I've got more than that.
We can play some clips from your film about this, Invisible Empire, Defining the New World Order.
And I can have my clips.
And we'll just do two, three hours commercial-free and just blow people away because this is important.
It's how this deep state has this current coup d'etat against America.
They're using the same management system around the world.
Absolutely, and Alex, what I think that we do need to do is we've got to hold those guys right there that are laughing in our face in public accountable somehow, some way.
We have to bring back the spirit of at least Iran-Contra, which was the last time in this country the deep state, the continuity of government, the shadow government, whatever you wanted to call it, was at least exposed to the level where there was some accountability.
We need Some type of accountability, criminal accountability in this Epstein case that goes beyond Ghislaine Maxwell and into the arena of the compromised politicians, into the arena of the
Those that enable this not only in the intelligence agencies, but these private networks that we've discussing obviously in the arena of fashion and entertainment as well.
And that's what we got to do.
We got to drive this home and demand demand that this isn't over and that these criminals have to be brought to justice.
And let me do something here I meant to do up front with you.
I agree.
I like Aaron Rodgers coming out against the shot.
He's a great quarterback.
Friends with Joe Rogan.
Says he's a great guy.
I've heard he's a listener.
And I'm not trying to criticize Aaron, but Aaron's falling for what we fell for a little bit.
Where you have the WikiLeaks and they're saying we're going to do Aleister Crowley rituals to the Podestas.
We're going to have kids 7, 8, 9 in the hot tub for your entertainment.
Remember, they're kids.
They're well trained.
But I mean, it's clear what they're saying.
You know, tens of thousands of dollars of hot dogs being delivered to Obama's party.
That's not pedophile.
That's the code for, you know, male prostitutes.
I think it was $56,000 or whatever it was.
That all broke, and they put Assange in prison for it without a trial.
And they immediately had CNN, New York Times go, look at this pizza place!
It's a dungeon, that's where they're doing it to divert us off.
And I only covered what people were saying about it, then they acted like I made the whole thing up.
Okay, and then now Pizzagate isn't real.
Now, a bunch of the reporters that said it wasn't real have been busted raping children.
So there's a real civil war inside the government as well.
The government's not all bad, it's just got these agents in it, good guys and bad guys.
Rogers needs to know, and I'm so sick of it.
There's all these fake lists, and I don't like Tom Hanks.
He's a big liberal.
He's an anti-gunner.
But Tom Hanks is not, from what I've seen, involved in this.
And it's the same thing with Aaron Rodgers.
Aaron, those are fake lists, bro.
And now Jimmy Kimmel is probably going to sue you, and it's going to try to discredit you.
Oh, look, you know, Aaron Rodgers did that, and he got sued.
None of this is going on, and they're flooding the zone.
With these fake lists and things to create this confusion, okay?
That's all the list are a diversion, okay?
What we want is what's on the videotapes and the hard drives that say photos and video shoots.
And we know what they were doing.
We know.
That's what we want.
We know.
So it's lies within lies.
We obsess over the client list.
We obsess over the fly logs.
Gives us ideas.
You know, there.
But it's the... That's like knowing somebody is a suspect in a murder and a witness says, I saw John Doe shoot the woman in the back of the head in his yard and put her in the back of his car.
The police go there, open the back of the trunk, the woman's in the car.
And then they go and grab him inside and he, and you know, under her fingernails is his skin where she scratched him.
That's open and shut, murder one.
You're going to the electric chair, going to lethal injection these days.
So all I'm saying is don't fall for the trap of sitting there and when they spice this in with these people.
Look, Hollywood's so evil, I don't know what Tom Hanks is into.
But we need to actually go out to people that we have red-handed, like Bill Clinton.
You know, I couldn't agree with you more.
You know, I've spoken out a lot with the VAQ and nonsense out there, and I'm so glad that you brought up that Podesta email that involved the Lozado children that were named by age to be ubered to a farm For entertainment in a hot tub in an email that was addressed to John Podesta and a group of men.
Anybody who has children or has been around children would raise major red flags and this is just a small anecdote Alex but years and years ago when those emails first came out the New York Times contacted me And basically wanted to do a hit piece on you and had me speak out against you.
And I said, you know, I'd love to talk to you guys as soon as you publish this email.
And I sent them that email to Podesta and I never heard back from them again.
What a shocking surprise, Mr. Jones.
By the way, you should post on X that email and I'll repost it to X. Do that as soon as you can, Jason, and we'll do it.
I'm going to let you go, brother.
I'm going to play a few clips and go to our guest.
Thank you so much for being with us.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Powerful hour of broadcast time.
An hour 15 with, you know, the ads.
We're going to post this to X. Elon is out of the way.
He's letting us do it.
The system's coming after him.
This is so critical.
This is so important.
I'm going to go to our next guest in a moment.
I'll take a little bit of time from Kate Daly into the next hour so that our next guest gets a full hour with us.
I appreciate him coming on, but I forgot Vivek Ramaswamy was on and that screwed up my whole day because he was on for 25 minutes.
That's why we're behind some.
And that was some big breaking news with him as well.
But since I mentioned the vampirism, you saw Peter Nygaard hooked him with Gates and Epstein.
Shane, I don't just want your eggs.
I want you to have a baby and I'm gonna suck its juices out and inject it in me.
Okay, I showed you that.
This is Count Dracula stuff for real.
But here is a AP report covered by CBS News.
NBC covered it too.
ABC covered it.
I got a bunch of clips.
And then here's another clip of first of Sandra Bullock saying, oh, I get injected in my face baby foreskin.
No, sweetheart.
It's not baby foreskin.
And France is a big fence out of China.
Where they kill babies, some of them after they're aborted, many of them after they're born, with the one-child policy that's now ended.
They would come grab them up to six months old and kill them, and then suck all their juices.
So this is going on, this is real.
Let's play Sandra Bullock with the baby powder story from over a decade ago, back to back.
Okay, let's talk about this facial that you're obsessed with.
Did you get the whole cast of Ocean's 8 to do this?
Not everybody.
Okay, good, smart ones.
Just those that I thought would appreciate it.
Okay, explain what it is.
Well, it's this way in which one forces through micro-needling.
It's like a little roller with these, some of you, I don't think many of you know it, and it pushes through the skin and ruptures the collagen and then boosts it.
You look like a burn victim for a day, but then it pushes... What are you pushing into the skin, Sandra?
Carrie, what are you pushing into the skin?
Well, you push in whatever the facialist would like to insert into your pores.
But what is it?
It is an extraction from a piece of skin that came from a young person far, far away, and they somehow figured out how to extract... It's foreskin from a Korean baby.
That's what it is.
Who comes up with this?
I don't think.
I don't think.
It's not like I'm lying there with little pieces all over my face.
Who thinks of collecting it and having it for a week?
Okay, so she's saying it comes from four skins from far, far away.
That's not true.
It comes from dead babies.
They melt down.
That's a fact.
This is well known.
Whenever I cover this, the media says it's not true.
I have hundreds of reports.
It's on record.
Back when the mainstream media 10, 15 years ago still had some soul, here's just one of the clips.
South Korea reports seizing thousands of smuggled drug capsules containing an unusual added ingredient, the powdered flesh from dead babies.
Some people believe they can cure disease.
The Korea Customs Service says they were made in northeastern China from babies whose bodies were chopped into small pieces and dried on stoves before being turned into powder.
But they wouldn't say where they believe the babies came from or exactly who made the capsules, citing possible diplomatic friction with Beijing.
The contents, though, were identified by scientific testing.
When we analyzed it, the powdered material sequence is better than a 99.7% match with a human DNA sequence.
No one's been reported ill from ingesting them, but scientist Shin Woo Gi warns they have the potential to be dangerous.
We also see superbacteria and other germs and viruses harmful to a person if consumed.
Some of the capsules were carried in luggage, others were sent by international mail.
The smugglers told customs officials they believed the capsules were ordinary stamina boosters and didn't know the manufacturing process.
One official said no one's been punished, but a customs clearance director at Incheon Airport warned consumers should be careful about health food supplements where the ingredients aren't clearly marked.
Karen Sloan, The Associated Press.
Okay, so they're not just raping babies.
And all these harpies think it's sexy to have this done to them.
It's evil.
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A lot of products that aren't available.
All right, I have seen this guy for 15 years online, and Brother Nathaniel Kattner joins us.
He was born to two Jewish parents that raised traditional Judaism in a synagogue.
Having attended Hebrew school, Shabbat school, and regular synagogue services, he felt from his Bar Mitzvah days that something was missing in Judaism.
At the age of 19, he read the New Testament and the first time was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah.
Later on in his adult life, he felt necessary to start a real Jews news website and video to point of the dominant influence of Jewry in all facets of American life.
And this is part of a series I'm doing where we have Nick Fuentes on and then I'm going to have Ezra LeVant, who I think is awesome, on.
I love Jews.
I love Muslims.
I love everybody.
I want to be clear about that.
But I think we should hear what the different sides are saying.
And I used to see Kaepner, very entertaining, you know, kind of being aggressive and mad at certain groups.
I think now I've seen his videos, pretty powerful things he says about Christ and about the Orthodox Church.
And I'm not part of that.
I'm just a Christian with the Holy Spirit.
And I think it's important to have these dialogues and then ask him questions.
Here today that I have, like, okay, radical orthodox Islam is being major backed by the universities on the left.
Just because I don't like what Israel's doing with the bombardment of Gaza, doesn't mean I have to then embrace Hamas trying to launch balloons with big ropes and bags of sand trying to take down aircraft.
So there's a larger globalist manipulation going on.
I wanted to ask him where he thinks that's going.
Because when I had the last guest on, who I made a film with 15 years ago, called fabled enemies as a big part about the Mossad, you
know, involved in sex trafficking of children to control America. And then I say
also the CIA does it because they've been busted doing it. And MNI6 is like,
oh you're covering up for the Jews. Well I don't think Jews are guilty because their
intelligence agencies did a stand down on October 7th and now 15%
support Netanyahu over there.
And so I'm not an apologist for Jews or Muslims or Christians or anybody.
I'm simply trying to say evil is the issue we have that inhabits men's hearts.
So that said, we got him on late because I was late with Vivek Ramaswamy earlier, so that backed things up.
We'll go a little bit the next hour to make sure he gets plenty of time.
And so, Brother Nathaniel Kaepner, you can start wherever you want here.
I just thought you'd be interesting to have you on.
So thank you for accepting the invitation.
There's a war going on, and Sun Tzu says, in the art of war, you must know who the enemy is.
Or, we're shadowboxing, as St.
Paul says.
I know who the enemy is.
I can go right to the Bible, and I can go to the book of the Apocalypse, and our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ, said it twice.
The synagogue of Satan.
He said it twice.
It's a synagogue, it's universal, it's collective, and it's evil.
Jews are the enemy.
They run everything in this country, but they run internationally all the Western governments through money.
The famous saying, I'm sure you know it Alex, by Mayor Anne Rothschild, give me a control of a nation's money, and I care not.
Who makes its laws?
So the first thing Vivek has to do, if I'm pronouncing his name right, or Trump, which he won't because he's financed through all his real estate, through the banks, he can't do it, is to end the Fed, and I know Ron Paul, and I know his assistant, but we have to start with audit the Fed.
Let's find out where the money is going.
And who's ever the head of the CIA here has no clue.
Where all the money is going internationally.
I have some idea where it's going and who's doing it.
If you and I did it, Alex, it would be counterfeit.
But the Jews have the franchise to do counterfeit legally.
That's my opening statement.
Off the cuff.
Why, going back to the Middle Ages, would the kings of Europe only give the Jews the right to usury?
Because the Jews were in charge of the trade routes and the initial forex exchange rates began with King Solomon.
You want to talk about globalists?
King Solomon was the first globalist!
He's the one that opened up international trade.
And that's when the Jews started to control the trade.
There it was limited, but it did go as far as India.
Well, I mean, but the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Chinese, they all had the Chinese.
I mean, hold on here.
You were born Jewish to Jewish parents, right?
I mean, you think your parents were in on this conspiracy against humanity?
I wouldn't call it a conspiracy.
It's something the Jews had since the time of Solomon, and it expanded throughout the ages that they had control of the trade routes.
They had control of currency.
The prophet Hosea says the Jews are merchants.
That's what they are.
Now, as far as my father is concerned, he wasn't a conspiracist.
He was a very strong Orthodox Jew.
But he was not a Zionist.
So this is what I grew up in, with a father, strong Orthodox Jew, strong religious and racial identity, who was not a Zionist, who understood where the money comes from.
My dad knew it, because he played the stocks.
His brother, his younger brother, made over a million dollars in the stock market, never worked a day in his life.
And my other brother was a stockbroker, his other brother was a stockbroker.
I think I understand some things that Here's the expression that Goyim could never understand.
Well, it was actually my ancestor, direct lineage paternal, who invented the stock exchange.
He was English.
His name was Gresham.
His symbol was the grasshopper.
You say the Jews invented the stock market?
Well, they did.
Okay, you want to say somebody, someone here invented it, but the one who internationalized it was Jewry, because it's the international Jew!
The Jews are expanded throughout the world!
Well, look, like I said, here's my deal.
We're going to go to break in a couple minutes.
I'm just going to let you talk.
I'm not doubting that there's powerful, you know, Mossad organized crime groups.
But I mean, are you saying they control the Chinese, the Russians?
I mean, really?
How in the world can China be doing all our corporate production without their Jewish money?
They're still linked into Jewish money.
Same with Trump, with all his real estate ventures.
You think he's going to dare to say he's in the Fed?
He's never touched it.
He's never said a word about it.
But somebody like Ron Paul, who I know you're friends with, did.
And it's a shame that he left Congress, because he's the only voice that could say, we've got to do something about the Fed!
He couldn't stand after 20-plus years.
He was in Congress once, then came back.
He lost his voice.
I know Ron Paul.
I know his assistant.
He's a devout Catholic.
We're friends, okay?
I'm not saying I'm friends with Ron Paul, but I know him.
He likes me.
I've met him.
And he's right.
But even his son's not saying this.
We have to go to the money power.
And I'm going to keep on saying it for maybe your audience and other people.
It's a drag.
It's a bore.
It's dry.
But Mayor Emshel Rothschild was right.
Give me a control of the nation's money.
I don't care who makes its laws.
And this is what Larry Fink of BlackRock is part of.
It's part of this whole Rothschild orbit.
Well, Fink did say we're going to control everybody's You control corporations, you control media, you can control every hack on Capitol Hill.
With money.
Larry Fink?
He will never go to jail.
I guarantee you, he will never go to jail.
Well, Larry Fink did say repeatedly, we will control everybody's behavior with money.
Oh, he does!
He owns large shares in Disney!
So he's part of this woke thing!
Because the whole, and I learned this from a child, the whole thing about Jewry is to destroy Christianity!
Now, if they can't destroy Jesus Christ, which is impossible, they'll do everything they can to undermine his teachings!
And one of the teachings of the Bible, okay, is that the male and the female come together for procreation and holy matrimony.
So they're going after that.
They're going after that first, and they're going after the youth.
Me and you, they're not going to get, Alex.
We're over 50.
The over-50 crowd, they couldn't care less about.
It's the 9-year-olds, the 10-year-olds, the 11-year-olds.
We've got to go to break.
Hold on, hold on.
I want to come back and debate you on this, because I just think... Well, let's just talk about it.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're skipping the next break so we've got about 27 minutes here and we'll do a little bit more in the next hour with our guests.
I don't want to call this a debate but a discussion because I'm very frustrated.
I'm a student of history.
I really like it.
I can tell Kattner knows a lot of history.
I've watched a lot of what he says and you know we talked about history and things.
I mean you have to do a lot of research to know what he knows.
I even hear some things I don't know about historically.
I look it up.
It's accurate.
But then I get accused by the people that obsess on Jews all day that I'm run by the Jews or I'm funded.
I've, to be quite frank with you...
I've had the ADL for 25 years trying to take me off the air.
And I've had Sacha Baron Cohen basically say I need to be arrested.
And I've been persecuted.
But growing up in Dallas, there was a lot of racial tension.
I never started fights.
I had a lot of black friends, by the way, and played football and everything.
But I got attacked quite a bit by black people because I was white.
I don't look at another black person and hate them because some other black person racially attacked me.
So my frustration is saying Jews, like if Jews didn't exist, we'd be in nirvana.
We'd be in heaven.
And then I see 15% support in Israel for Netanyahu.
I see the Rothschilds trying to get rid of him.
I'm not saying he's good.
There's a clear stand down.
I talk about that.
But then I go look at Islam that wants to conquer the West and the left's allied with it.
I see something bigger here.
And then we talk, he says, Jews are the problem.
And I'm going to shut up and let you talk.
But then we talk about, you know, the Old Testament, and people get mad when we say Judeo-Christian.
I mean, Christianity, you know, Christ said, I've come to fulfill the law, and so he did come from the line of David, and I'm not saying stuff that the Jews picked up in Babylon or other places, you know, some of those teachings isn't bad.
I'm simply saying, Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, it seems to me if we just say Jews are bad people, well that's like the left saying white people are inherently bad and the head of the ADL says, well wait, we're the one teaching that but not Jews.
So I know the ADL is a vicious, evil, anti-American, leftist, Jewish, supremist organization and I'm against them and the KKK.
The New Black Panther Party.
I want to just have a big tent and I see a lot of Jews that you know call in and on the street and support me that are just conservatives and are good people like your dad was and you know we had all these great Jewish people on over the years, doctors and scientists that are fighting tyranny and I just think it's not fair to them To say this is a Jewish conspiracy.
You can say there's an organized global, you know, different racial crime groups and we know that's real and I get opposed by those groups.
So that's all I'm trying to say.
I'm gonna give you the floor now.
I'm gonna shut up.
Go ahead.
Well, look, let's name some names.
Let's start with that.
And let's see what their race is and what religion they subscribe to.
But most Jews are secularists.
Who's the head of Disney?
Robert Iger and Alan Braverman.
They're Jews.
What are they doing?
Well, they get a lot of money from Larry Fink of Black Rock.
Who's into woke.
To destroy the youth.
To get them to cut off their penises and stick in uteruses.
They're Jews.
There's two Jews.
Let me give you another Jew.
Albert Bourla, I think his name.
Greek descent, ethnically, but Jew racially.
He is the head dude of the clutch shot.
A poison in your vein, the mRNA.
It's not a vaccine.
Is he Jew?
There's two.
Okay, medical, the Jew.
Culture, the Jew.
Disney, okay, Pfizer.
All right, he's the CEO of Pfizer.
Of course, he's a front man.
There's money behind it.
Jewish money.
And let's look at a third.
Let's look at the ADL.
The Anti-Defamation League.
I have to laugh.
Because they do everything they can to destroy me.
They can't.
I'm three steps ahead of these people because my father used to take me To the B'nai B'rith meetings when I was a little Jewish boy at the synagogue.
After every Shabbos services, my dad would take me upstairs to the big brunch, the gefilte fish, the lux and bagels, and it was a B'nai B'rith meeting.
These are the big boys.
And back then, I was told this is a multi-million dollar operation.
This is in 1957, 1958.
Now it's a multi-billion dollar operation.
The B'nai B'rith runs the ADL.
Okay, they're the umbrella group.
And what did I hear after the rabbi's sermon when we went upstairs?
Well, this one is running firm there, this goy.
It was never a Jew in the front, it was always a goy.
And is he good for the Jews?
What will he do for us?
Okay, that was the whole thing.
Not, is he going to be good for America?
Now, there was probably about 150 Jewish men up there, businessmen.
My dad was a businessman.
And this is what I heard.
Who's going to run for governor in the next B'nai B'rith meeting?
All right, there's Goy, that's Goy.
That's what the Jews call him.
That's what they call you behind closed door, Goy.
And your wife, okay, or anyone's wife who's not Jewish, she's a shiksa.
I grew up in this, Alex.
Okay, now, who's going to be the governor?
Who's going to do the best for us?
Not for America!
Now, this is my whole orientation that I grew up in, and my father wanted to expose me to this so I could understand a wider picture.
You want to look at a wider picture.
Now, I'm always going to go back to this, and it's going in one ear after the other, not with you, but with others.
Give me a control of the nation's money and I care not who makes its laws.
America lost its sovereignty in 1913 when the Jews from Europe, headed by Paul Warburg and his brother Max Warburg, who were connected to The Rothschild dynasty, those are the real big boys, and they took over our money printing.
And you, Andrew Jackson, wanted nothing to do with it.
He's the real hero.
Are we going to have another Andrew Jackson?
You're not going to get into it with Trump, because he is tied into Jewish money with all his real estate.
Let me ask you this.
Let me ask you this.
Trump's daughter is married to a Jew, so he's got Jewish children.
Well, she's a Jew because his first wife is a Jew, Alex.
I know this because she never went through the Mikvah service.
See, every Goyish girl who wants to convert to Judaism to marry a Jewish boy, Jared, has to go through the Mikvah.
These are something I understand.
Nobody else does.
She never did.
She didn't have to because Ivana is a Jew.
You look at her face, we all know!
Well, well, here's what I, here's what I just, here's what I just... They look at my face.
We know who, we know each other.
She never went through the mikveh.
She's already a Jew, because Jews trace their race.
And the race is everything to the mother.
It's everything.
To the mother.
Which genetically is accurate, because that's the mitochondrial DNA passed on.
The males only get one copy, the females get two.
Well, it never used to be, biblically speaking, if you want to go back to the Bible, when you brought up the Bible, Judaism today is not Judaism of the Old Testament!
Well, if you want to get into that, we can't.
I don't think people should hear... Well, you brought it up.
You brought it up about that.
No, I didn't.
I was just... Let me show you something.
Let me show you something.
Warren Buffett donation, top 2023 list of largest charitables.
This is Yahoo News, and it says he gave it to radical racial justice groups.
So is Warren Buffett Jewish?
Because he's funding the transgenderism, he's funding the race-baiting.
I mean, you know, MI6 basically developed the Tabistock Institute, the transgenderism.
I'm not an apologist for Jews.
I'm not saying powerful Jews aren't promoting it.
I mean, what you said is true, but is Warren Buffett Jewish?
He's a useful boy.
He's what?
He's a useful boy.
That's what we would call him growing up.
That's what my dad would call him.
He's a useful boy.
See, when Jesus said the synagogue of Satan, he is talking collective.
Jews operate as a collective.
You want to find out how many Jewish organizations there are?
You can't count them!
There's probably a thousand of them, because Jews operate as a collective.
Yeah, the Jewish guy next door, I see him all the time, he's a real nice guy, but he will never, never condemn the Pharisees for crucifying our Lord, God, and Savior.
He will never do that!
And he will continue to send all his money to the AIPAC, to the ADL, to the World Zionist Organization of America.
He'll continue doing it.
And it doesn't matter if Netanyahu's in or Bennett's in.
It doesn't matter.
Okay, so let me ask you this.
We see basically soft civil war in Israel.
The Supreme Court, with what it's doing, Netanyahu, 15% support Netanyahu.
I mean, I don't see some unified collective in Israel.
I see one of the most divided groups.
Of course it's unified.
It's a military dictatorship.
My dad told us this, just figured it out.
It started with the terrorism, the Jabotinsky Group, okay, the Irgan, and the Stern Group, and it started getting... The bombing of the Hinden Hotel, all that.
I'm asking now.
Israel used their people as guinea pigs.
We have high deaths from a shot there.
So if the shot is some Jewish conspiracy to kill people, why are Jews dying from the cloth shot as well?
Okay, let me just finish another statement.
Israel is a military dictatorship.
It morphed into the Haganah.
The military, if anybody knows journalism, they would say, yes, Brother Katner, you are right, it's a military dictatorship, because even HoloRats, they're under military censorship.
So let's just start there.
Why the military?
The military, yes, you're under military censorship.
So I don't care if it's Netanyahu or Bennett or Rabin or Sharon, it doesn't matter.
So what's the fight about?
If the Jews are a perfect collective, isn't it true that secular Jews are persecuting Orthodox Jews in Israel?
I mean, I'm just, come on, I see major...
Are you kidding?
You got Ashkenazi Jews, you got Sephardic Jews, you got all this?
And the government is funding, supporting them in dividing up the West Bank into fragments to help these settlers take over that land.
Sometimes I get very frustrated because I knew this stuff from a child.
Now I decided in 2007, the gig is up.
A Jew from the inside is now going to tell I'm their own worst enemy.
Hey, why don't you stop there?
Why don't you stop there?
The reason I got you on is I watch your videos because I want to see what all sides are thinking.
About your, first you become a Jew for Jesus, and then you find Orthodox, you go in there, you feel the different presence, another plane, like you were at a higher level, you know, like King David was talking about.
Spend a few minutes talking about your conversion to Christianity.
It's important because it's part of my whole worldview.
It absolutely is.
I grew up in Judaism.
Now, Our Shabbos teacher, we had a man teaching it, his emphasis was on Bible and Talmud, both, and a little bit of Kabbalah.
Okay, so I was exposed to it all.
Now, in our Bar Mitzvah class, they decided to give it to Mrs. Schechter because she knew all the world religions.
Most Jews don't, they couldn't care less, but she did.
So she goes through our Bar Mitzvah class, I'm a 12 year old Jewish boy, I was a very sensitive boy, very quiet kind of a boy, and she's telling us about Baha'i, Zen, we never heard of these things in 1962.
Now she gets to talk about Christianity, and I wanted to learn, because I'm a smart boy then, let's learn about what formed Western Civilization, and I knew it was Christianity.
She wouldn't teach it!
She says, it was invented by a Self-hating Jew.
I'm a self-hating Jew, you know, now.
Okay, somehow I'm a self-hating Jew.
Named Saul, and he hated his Jewishness so much that he changed his name to the Goetia name.
That's how Jews talk to each other.
And besides, she says he was a manic-depressant.
Now, imagine in 1962 hearing this word, manic-depressant.
I'm 12 years old.
It didn't exist, but Mr. Schechter knew the word.
So I go home to my dad, and I say, what is a manic-depressant?
He says, I don't know.
Where'd you hear this word?
Mr. Schechter says that Saul, who hated himself, changed his name to Paul.
I'm a 12-year-old kid.
He says, I don't know what you're talking about.
I said, she won't teach Christianity.
I want to learn about it.
My dad says, you were born a Jew?
You will die a Jew.
End of story.
Okay, that's my dad.
Yeah, he was anti-Zionist, but racially and religious?
Oh man, powerful Jew.
I said to myself, I'm going to learn about this.
So I see the rabbi.
Actually, the next day I'm visiting my grandmother at the Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged.
She had some minor operation or something.
There's the rabbi walking out the elevator.
I'm walking in, the nice shiny wax floor, sterilized everything.
I said, Rabbi, Mrs. Schechter won't teach us about Jesus Christ.
He spits!
Right on the floor, and he used the curse word, the Jewish word.
May his name be blotted out forever.
And he spit it again.
He says, don't you ever use that word unless you use it as I did, which is a curse word.
Well, I tell people, they ask me, how did you come to Christ?
I said, through my rabbi.
Oh, your rabbi believed?
No, he spit.
Because I thought, as a Jewish kid with a reaction like that, it must be true.
Now, we were forbidden to read the New Testament.
This was totally Off-limits, no-go zone!
So now I'm in California, I started to study music, I'm an accomplished pianist and composer and all that stuff, okay, and I decided I'm going to buy a New Testament.
I did!
I read the first chapter of Matthew and I was convinced, just from the genealogies, because we knew, with my Jewish education, which was so solid, that the genealogies were lost in 125 AD, that Hadrian destroyed them!
At the Second Revolt under Bacopa.
And I see these genealogies listed so specifically.
I said, yeah, he's the Messiah.
That convinced me.
Who reads Matthew Chapter 1 and gets convinced that Jesus is the Messiah?
A little Jewish boy like me who's got a good year to cook, okay?
That's how I came to Christ.
And I was with the Jews for Jesus Movement.
I handed out the booklets with them and all that.
And I knew all the time that there was something missing in Judaism.
So I joined forces with them, but not full-time.
Because I wanted to make money.
I was a good Jewish boy.
I wanted to make money.
And I became a salesman.
But I would hand out booklets with them.
Jesus made me kosher.
If you don't like being born, try being born again.
Let me stop you again.
Because I want you to continue your story.
Only Jews want to make money.
I mean, this is just... Come on, man.
I don't say that.
You say you're not... Listen, here's my deal.
Here's the deal.
I'm trying to have a little sense of humor.
I cannot... I cannot... I cannot sit there and say one group of people... Let me ask you this.
This is a serious question.
Let me ask you a question.
I understand.
It's like Eleanor is what said, Jews shouldn't apologize for being successful, okay?
The point is... I never said that.
I said, Alan Dershowitz said it.
Guys, it's on Twitter, it's on X, pull it up.
Alan Dershowitz says Jews should never apologize for being successful.
I'm saying nobody... Here's the deal, here's the deal.
I've been successful with my listeners supporting me, and I don't have any groups, not the CIA, not the FBI, not the ADL, tell me what to do.
So I know damn well my audience and myself built this operation.
So I'm just tired of apportioning magical power to Jews, and then if I slip on a banana peel tonight, then I'm gonna...
Money buys politicians.
So you think only Jews like money?
Answer my question.
I never said that.
You keep saying the Jews.
I was a good Jewish boy.
I wanted money.
It's one thing to make money.
It's another thing to print money out of thin air.
You and I would be counterfeits.
If we did that, OK?
That's where I distinguish it.
Yes, make money.
Yes, sell all your vitamins that you can.
I want you to make a lot of money.
It's important because you're doing a good job and trying to deal with the border.
Epstein's a lost cause.
Forget it, Alex.
No one's going to go to jail.
OK, they put the girl in jail.
That's it.
Yeah, let me ask about Epstein.
I think that was on my list.
Out of nothing!
And who can use that money to protect Menendez?
He will never go to jail.
Hunter Biden will never go to jail.
Let me ask you this.
Biden will never go to jail.
What do you make of the BRICS?
What do you make of the BRICS with other groups trying to issue the money?
It's just starting.
They want to develop their own SWIFT.
But I guarantee you, China, which is a large part of BRICS, is still in the SWIFT system.
They have to be.
They make all our products, Maytag.
Cooper tires, Nike shoes.
So let me ask you this.
They have to be in the Jewish system.
So China is not the enemy.
I know.
Nobody's stopping you saying Jewish system over and over again, but there was a fetishized deal.
When I have Kanye in here, they just say it over and over again.
I want to talk about topics.
I know you said that that's the source of all.
We understand what you're saying.
Let me ask you a big... Then we have to look at the players.
Let me ask you this.
I want to create a system where it's based on meritocracy and what you produce, like Martin Luther King Jr.
Because I go to a restaurant because the food's good, not because Chinese own or black people or Jews or, you know, hillbillies or whatever.
Let me ask you this.
How do you see the world divided right now?
What do you think is about to happen?
We can see that the world is going to a major tumultuous period.
Looks to me like globalist powers are in trouble.
Do you agree with that?
Do you disagree?
Let me ask you, from your perspective, who runs things, how is things going for the ruling class?
So far, it's going quite well.
Now, they got rid of somebody who wanted to stop it.
His name was Saddam Hussein, because he wanted to coin his own money.
They got rid of him.
Gaddafi wanted to start the African Dinar.
That's right.
Because these fellas finally got on to it that the money is what controls.
Now the one who knows this is Vladimir Putin.
By the way, I'm going to stop you again.
I'm going to stop you again because you read my mind.
The globalists, whoever you say runs it, go after anybody trying to create their own monetary system.
Gaddafi, Saddam, you're right.
They always start a war.
So are you expecting a war to start over?
They can't get rid of Vladimir Putin.
They would love to, they're using Ukraine boys, these poor Christian boys, to get rid of Vladimir Putin, because they've got this crazy woman who was born Noodleman, her name is Victoria Noodle, Noodle, uh, Newland now.
Newland, yeah.
Yeah, a Goyish name, that's Goyish, Newland.
She was born a noodle man, okay?
Because I know this.
We all know this, okay?
She's the one that wants to destroy Putin.
Jews hate Russia because Russia is now revitalizing what is known in common parlance the Byzantine Empire.
By the way, stop there.
It's true that he's revitalized the Byzantine Empire, and it is true that Trotsky was kicked out by Stalin, and so that's where the neocon beef comes from.
Keep going.
Okay, so Putin is the main archenemy now to the Jews.
Not China.
They're in the system.
So what Putin has done, he has loaded up in gold.
He is the main motivator of BRICS.
I think he's now the president.
He wants to start a secretariat, too.
And he's bringing in Saudi Arabia.
Iran, I think, is now in.
Saudi Arabia officially joined today.
Okay, so I'm pretty much on top of things.
I think Iran is already in.
But it's just in their nascent state.
They want to create their own SWIFT, which is transfer of money from one trading group to another trading group, or from one nation to another trading group.
They want to start their own currency exchange, their own letters of credit.
They want to create their own system.
But this is going to take time.
It's not going to happen tomorrow.
It's not going to happen in 2025.
Putin looks at the long range.
That's how he's operating his military operation in Ukraine.
Not to just go in and destroy and destroy.
He's looking at the long range of attrition.
He's a very clever man.
I know people in my Orthodox Church who know him personally.
And they tell me things that no one else is going to know about him.
I know how he operates.
So he is in it for the long term.
Now, 2024 may be a lousy year for us.
Alex, and I include you with us.
I do.
OK, because you're fighting for a sovereign America.
And I am, too.
But the difference between you and me is I name the names who are the real enemies who are really controlling these things.
Because this is the whole Jewish mind I grew up with.
How are we going to try to control the goyim?
Because the Jews look upon the goyim as stupid!
If I ever said something as a Jewish kid that was stupid, Omyopoulos would say, you have a goyim she'll cook.
Which means you think like a goy.
Okay, so this is the whole thing of the Jews.
We have to control the goyim.
So they don't like an Alex Jones who comes out and says, hey, this is what's going on.
This is what Epstein's doing.
It was a sting operation.
They don't want to hear that.
And they certainly don't want me to hear me calling out these names.
So the globalist picture still looks good for 2024.
I don't see it getting any better.
But we gotta go to break.
We're gonna come back.
People can find you.
What's the best place for people to find you?
We'll do 50 more minutes, but where do people find your reports?
Real Drew News.
I do videos.
State-of-the-art videos.
My graphics will blow people away.
I've seen them.
I just want to open a dialogue with everybody and listeners.
Alex, I want to tell you, they banned Bible with Brother.
I wanted to just do the Bible.
I was reaching the kids, 16, 17, 18.
Hold on, we gotta go to break.
We gotta go to break.
And speaking of making money, I gotta make money to fund this operation, the crew, the satellites, the legal stuff.
There's a system that's coming after us.
It's coming after Trump, too.
I think Trump's great.
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Some of these are lost leaders, but we need the funds to operate.
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We're going to come back with a couple more segments with Brother Nathaniel Kaepner.
Stay with us.
Well, I'm a big student of history, so I know every group, from the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Romans, the Greeks, to the Babylonians, to the Huns, to the Chin, all believe they were the master race.
And yeah, you can read the Old Testament, and you can see God saying, go in and wipe all these ribs out.
I don't think Kepner's going to say that was a false teaching, and then Netanyahu quotes it.
But what we cannot deny And so I'm not somebody that just hates success outright, and just say Jews are evil, because then why is our world of the Abrahamic religion going back to that?
And I understand the Babylonian captivity and all that stuff.
I've studied it.
But I just think that, let me ask you this one at the time we have, and we'll have you back, because I know you're a historian and I want to pick your brain.
Some stations join us in a few minutes.
We've got to go to break again in a second for 60 seconds, but let me ask you this.
When we pull back, I see the transhumanists as just this evil force that's inhabiting people of every color, religion, you name it.
I just want a big tent where we can get Jews and everybody else, you know, regardless of what group they came out of, to see an open tent for team humanity and a pro-human future that Elon Musk and I talked about a few weeks ago.
And I just think that To sit there and deny that so much of... because people hate this on the anti-Jew side.
Western civilization, you can say what you want, but it's been intricately entwined with Jews.
And so, you know, are you saying... do you believe the Khazarian thing?
That Ashkenazi aren't Jews?
Or is it the Babylonian captivity?
Or Sephardic's the real Jews?
Are you saying they're all Jews?
I mean, there's a lot of questions.
We laughed at the Khazar theory as kids.
This was a theory by some scholar, it was made popular by Arthur Kessler, called the Thirteenth Tribe, to get Jews off the hook for deicide.
So it wasn't Jews today, because everyone's a Khazar, they didn't crucify Christ as a collective.
So, it's just a stupid Kazarian myth.
It's totally ahistorical.
No historian worth his word.
If Jews are a collective... Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Let me ask you a question.
If Jews are a collective, I'm asking you a question.
I'm asking... Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Okay, hold on, hold on.
Let me ask you a question.
Let me ask you a question.
Is it the Sanhedrin?
And is the Sanhedrin secretly operating?
Jews don't need a Sanhedrin.
They don't need it.
It's called the Synagogue of Satan.
They're all connected to it through money, through culture, for the destruction of Christian mores.
Now, you want to bring out transhumanism, transgenderism, the main money makers are Jewish surgeons.
The main pushers of transgenderism are those who own the media.
I used to live near the owner of CBS.
His name was Murray Rothstein.
He changed his name to Sumner Redstone like he's some blue-blooded Yankee?
We laughed at him.
But the goyim don't know.
And he started this MTV to destroy the youth.
Now I wanted to just talk briefly about my Bible with Brother.
I decided I'm gonna just do Bible with Brother on YouTube.
I'm not gonna do any politics.
But I wanted to be really cool and I wanted to reach the youth.
I wasn't interested in preaching to the choir.
Okay, now what happens?
I get 3,000 or 4,000 comments from kids.
You don't think the kids don't know who's going to comment section?
They have a profile on everybody on YouTube.
Okay, everybody.
They see that and all of a sudden, after I get a million views per month, Shut me down!
For what?
I thought this must be an algorithm, because I'm using Biblical language, maybe they thought it was political language, they would not tell me.
Now they got some Hindu that take place of Wachitsky, okay?
Wachitsky still runs it.
They put some brown-skinned Hindu on, like Ravi Shankar on Google.
I know who owns it!
It wasn't Larry Rabinowitz, who changed his name to Bryn, and it wasn't Sergey Rabinowitz, and it wasn't Larry Page, there were two boys at Stanford, and someone from the Mossad who is connected with the CIA, because they are interlinked, All right, it's all exhausting.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
where they didn't need him anymore, they got rid of him.
So I know who got rid of Bible with Brother.
It wasn't the Hindu, okay, the brown-skinned dude, the window dressing.
I knew who it was.
It was Susan Wyschynski and the tribe, the synagogue of Satan, the collective.
All right, it's all exhausting.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
Well, you might not make it back.
katendallyshow.com Coming up, Kate Dowling, brother to Daniel Kavner, is our guest right now, and I wanted to get him up to have an open discussion about what's happening.
We've got about 10 minutes, we've got a break, and the next guest host takes over at Owen Troyer in about 53 minutes from now with The War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, and fullwords.com forward slash show.
How do you see this election going?
And you're saying it's going to be a rough year.
We're ten months out.
You seem like a heady guy.
What do you think is going to happen?
Well, it'll be rigged.
It's either rigged at the ballot box, or it's going to be rigged at the White House.
So either way, it's going to be rigged.
Now, Vivek's got some great things.
He's never going to get in.
We know that.
They're not going to let some Hindu in.
That's not going to happen, okay?
So whoever gets in, they may allow Trump to get in.
They may allow that.
Okay, but you see, with Trump, it's not that the Jews hate Trump.
They don't.
They fear his followers.
They see with them the American flags, okay?
This is nationalism, okay?
The meme.
Where there's nationalism, the Jew sinks down, okay?
So it's not Trump that the Jews hate and try to destroy.
They despise, they fear, his followers, because those are the white Christians, the patriots, who in a drop of a dime can turn against Israel and say, hey, why are there so many Jews running everything?
Why are the Jews able to put this money out of thin air?
Why are the Jews pushing Woke?
Why is the media pushing transgenderism and homosexuality?
Why are the Jews putting all these lesbians in charge of a marriage?
You're saying they fear the Great Awakening.
So let me ask you this.
We've got a little bit of time here.
They fear the people of the Great Awakening.
I don't go into abstracts.
Jews don't go into abstracts.
That's not what Jews do.
They go, who are the people?
Is there a large following?
They see USA!
White faces!
God bless America!
Merry Christmas!
We've got to get rid of this guy.
Ivec, they could care less about him.
He's nothing.
Trump is the one they're scared of.
You know, I've sat here and debated a lot of the people.
Can I just say something real quick?
I've sat here and I've debated some of the most prominent names that obsess on Jews all day.
And you've not done this, so I think you're being fair, but they always describe that I'm controlled by Jews.
I'm controlled by me.
I'm in charge of all this.
I really believe in what I'm doing.
I'm trying to create unity around ideas that transcend all this.
You became a Christian, and you, you, you know, and I believe you're right about, you know, Christ is obviously the Messiah, you can feel it, you can see it, it's incredible.
Any demonic attacks, Christ's name is all powerful, it's real.
People I know that aren't even Christian get attacked spiritually, they ask for God's protection, it happens.
Again, it's baby out with the bathwater.
Why don't we have an outreach to everybody, the Hindus, the Jews, the Muslims, everybody, because I pull back here and I see the left, the universities, Google, the CIA backing Islam right now, and I see this weird right-wing anti-Jew alliance with Islam attacking Israel, and you say, you know, what if Israel went away today?
That's a tiny little country.
What would that do?
I see it as a cop-out.
I think the hearts of men are desperately wicked, as the Bible says.
And I don't think Jews have a monopoly.
And I don't think they're immune from it either.
But I really don't prescribe and ascribe mythical powers.
I don't prescribe mythical powers.
I think you're an interesting guy.
Captain, you're very likable.
I mean, like Larry David, super funny, likable.
I mean, I'll be point blank.
I think Jews are pretty funny, likable people.
He's eating on a picture of Jesus Christ!
That's despicable!
Now, there's no such thing as a good Jew.
It's oxymoron.
Because if you identify as a Jew, you identify with the Christ crucifiers.
You identify that Christ is not the Messiah.
That's the spirit of Antichrist.
John said it twice.
Whosoever denies that Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, has come in the flesh, incarnate, is of the spirit of Antichrist.
Let me ask you this.
I never got to my point.
I've had Kanye West here.
I've had them all.
And literally, I'm like, can I just finish something?
I'm like, literally, both my grandfathers were in World War II.
Both were in the European theater.
One, God bless him.
shot down and wrecked very early in his missions or he'd be dead and I wouldn't be here.
The other did his full missions and then more.
Wouldn't talk about it.
He died.
We read it all.
Out of North Africa, into Italy, into Germany.
After that, they said, "You're done with your missions.
You're now an officer in charge of the mess hall into Germany."
He was there.
He saw it.
He would barely talk about it and just piles of dead bodies everywhere.
Blackbirds eating people's eyes.
Death camps.
He saw it all.
And I tell people this thing, oh shut up, that's Jewish propaganda.
My grandfather told me that.
He saw it with his own eyeballs.
It messed him up.
And so all I'm saying is, just because you say there's some evil over here, any powerful group is going to become corrupt.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Then what do you think of Adolf Hitler?
Because I think Adolf Hitler was power mad.
You could look at him.
He glowed with satanic energy.
I mean, you could just look at him.
He's powerful, but you're like, whoa, that's evil.
I mean, he exudes satanic energy.
You have the sermon.
You look at a speech of Hitler.
You look at his eyes, and you're telling me that's not Count Dracula?
I think I look at his pictures with children.
That's what I do.
Oh my God.
I look at body language.
I study body language.
I was a street commission salesman for 25 years.
I know body language.
The children love Adolf Hitler.
Now I just did.
Oh yeah, it says a lot.
I don't see any evil.
They did see any evil.
You know who can pick up evil?
Like that.
Children love me, okay?
They just look at me.
Other people, eh, children, they want to come up to me, they want to hug me, they want to talk to me, whatever, okay?
But I'm very careful I don't touch children, okay?
So I... So you think Adolf Hitler was good?
Okay, what is... I'm not saying anyone is perfectly good.
I would never say that because we're human beings, okay?
We all have shades of everything.
Now, Hitler's main concern... But he was anti-Christian.
Hitler was anti-Christian.
He was a pagan.
Okay, I'm not even going to go there.
I'm going to go with what he wanted to do for Germany, like other people want to do for their own nations.
He wanted to do something for Germany.
He saw that the Jew who controlled the press, who controlled the arts, who controlled theater, who controlled politics, the Weimar regime, okay, and who controlled the stock market, Okay?
Because his teacher was Gottfried Fetter, who I've read backward and forward many times to try to understand the economic scenario that Hitler was trying to... Yeah, no one's denying Germany got shafted in World War I, which Britain started.
Okay, now Hitler was a speaker, and they propped him up, this guy can speak well, so when he gets up, he's going to be the speaker.
I do the same thing when I do my videos.
I've got to speak, I've got to make sure people are listening.
So I don't go by what his eyes look like when he speaks, I don't go by that.
I go by what was his agenda?
What did he try to do?
Do you know there would be no Israel today if it wasn't for Hitler?
Because he established all these emigration, emigration No, I know, he supported sending Jews either to Russia or Israel.
What, you say Israel's super evil?
Hitler helped create Israel, and now he's good?
He's bad?
But he did it through the immigration that he funded, that Jews could go anywhere really, but there was a strong Zionist movement, it was called the Havara movement, that he funded, that Jews could take everything out of Germany.
What do you make of the George Soros's and like Madeleine Albright's dad that was Jewish, that helped round up Jews and sell them to Hitler?
Well, that's what he did.
That's one person.
But he also is connected to the whole Rothschild orbit of central banks, that you can create money out of thin air, as Ron Paul puts it.
He puts it very succinctly, as we can remember.
He's part of that whole system.
All right, now, Samuel Kaepner, come back on again.
I want to be back on, because we can have a talk next time.
And maybe I'll be a little calmer, OK?
This is my first shot here with you.
Don't worry, I'm always wound up too.
And the ADL says white people are inherently evil, so they've opened all this up, so I think we should hear from everybody.
And so that's where I'm at.
I mean, I agree with you, the ADL's pure evil.
I mean, look, the damn head of it looks like Nosferatu.
Listen, I appreciate the debate and the discussion.
I don't agree with a lot of what you have to say, but I think it's open for discussion.
I want to thank you for coming on and having a debate.
We'll be right back with Kate Dowling.
Stay with us.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kay Dally, your guest host.
If Alex's show isn't on fire enough today, wait until you hear about this.
The most devastating act of gutting this country since the inception of this country is about to take place this month.
And of course, the story just came to light during Christmas time so that nobody would be paying attention, of course.
Yesterday, the headlines were all about who leads Harvard.
No real concern to America, right?
Who cares?
Who cares who takes the reins at Harvard?
I could care about anything less.
The mainstream media wants you to focus on absolutely ridiculous stories while the gutting of America, the biggest land grab in America, is about to take place in this great land, selling off our public land and then private to the biggest bidders like BlackRock or any foreign country, any foreign interest.
And on the Alex Jones Show today, to explain the details and how to stop this from happening is Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks.
He's one of the few speaking out on this.
You haven't exactly heard from any senators or congressmen out there, have you?
Ringing the alarm bells on this.
But several state treasurers from several different states are speaking out about this and trying to let the American people know about a vote that is coming up and was actually supposed to take place yesterday.
But he'll explain this.
I got delayed a few weeks because of the outcry.
Mainstream media?
Completely silent.
Of course.
Completely silent.
So Marlo Oaks is Utah's 26th state treasurer.
He was appointed in July 2021 and then elected in November 2022.
And Marlo spent most of his career in money management and is one of the only two state treasurers with institutional investment management experience.
And because of his knowledge in the capital markets, he's the leading national charge to protect economic freedoms.
We're about to find out what's going to happen in this country that will change the trajectory of this country deeply.
Marlo, welcome.
How are you?
Thanks for having me on, Kate.
This is such a huge thing.
It's such a huge topic.
And if today's show wasn't hot enough, I hope people really take this in what you're about to say and really listen.
And please explain the details on this.
You started sounding the alarm bells probably a month and a half ago.
And this is insane.
Can you please explain what's going on with the SEC?
So back in September, September 27th, the New York Stock Exchange went to the Securities and Exchange Commission and said, we need a new rule that will allow us to list a company, a type of company whose purpose isn't to create economic profit, but is to generate ecosystem services.
And the reason they had to go to the SEC for that is because it contemplates an entirely different kind of accounting system.
So our GAAP accounting standards, the generally accepted accounting principles that are used in this country, are based on economic activity of generating profit.
It's very objective.
And this new accounting system is based on the United Nations essentially trying to place value on Mother Nature.
So what are ecosystem services?
That includes things like clean air, water supply, flood protection, productive soils for agriculture, climate stability, habitat for wildlife.
We are now these natural asset companies would manage those kinds of things and trying to maximize those instead of creating economic value.
And in fact, because the natural asset company's purpose is sustainability, it would not allow unsustainable activity to take place on the land.
And that includes things like mineral extraction.
Grazing, oil extraction, even certain types of recreation that happens on land.
And so it also would impact not just private land, but public land.
It could be federal or state.
And so we're talking about a massive amount of land that could be essentially locked up from extracting natural resources in this country.
And so it's very simple, it would be very easy to, for a natural asset company to look at land
that has been identified with large amounts of natural resources,
and then that natural asset company goes out and either attempts to secure the land itself
or manage the land.
And that's all it would have to do is just have the management rights to that land,
not even own the land.
And so we're really trying to segregate or differentiate between land ownership and the management of that land.
So managing that land then to not provide any economic benefit, but to increase sustainability, which is essentially letting the land sit fallow.
So we could have foreign countries want to purchase or manage, want to manage, want to come in and obtain this natural asset now, this natural asset company.
And they can take a public property, a public land here in America, and they could manage it, sit on it, make sure that nothing takes place on that land, all in the name of climate change, all in the name of Gobbledygook climate change in order to say that they are doing something on this land that's a benefit that people will buy.
People will buy that explanation.
And then basically eliminate our ability to use it, utilize it, see it, be around it, anything.
Yes, that's right.
And so, you know, if these companies are allowed to list on the New York Stock Exchange, They would create a charter that would say, here's the purpose of this company.
And then they would raise capital from investors globally.
And that could include from sovereign wealth funds like China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc.
And use that money then to go out and attain the management rights to land across this country.
And the goal again, because it is absolutely driven by the climate crisis narrative, And also biodiversity and saving biodiversity that they could then attain the management rights to the land and not allow economic activity on it.
And initially, while there may be some recreational opportunities over time, it's very easy to see a movement toward very restricted recreational opportunities and essentially turning these lands into essentially like our national parks where it's difficult to To access them, you have to get a permit in some cases, and really ratchets down the use of our land across the country.
National parks, state parks, mineral rich areas, all kinds of farming, grazing, we all eat, right?
Farming, grazing, energy extraction, all of it.
Yeah, we've seen what's happened with agriculture across the world.
You know, the Netherlands has been in a war on their farmers over the last year or two.
And it's insane because we're talking about the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Well, goal number two is world hunger and goal number 13 is climate change.
Well, which one wins when they're in conflict?
Clearly, climate change wins.
The Netherlands is the number two exporter of agriculture in the world.
And so when we're talking about going after agriculture, this is a very serious problem globally.
And now it has come to our shores in this natural asset company because only regenerative farming would be allowed.
And what is regenerative farming?
It means no synthetic fertilizer, no traditional machinery.
And so you're talking about something like what happened in Sri Lanka where they went to organic fertilizer and crop production fell drastically.
Prices increased dramatically.
We're going to come right back.
Marlo Oaks, I'm with Marlo Oaks, Utah State Treasurer.
We're going to come right back about these NACs.
You're going to want to hear about this.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for this hour, katedallyradio.com, The Kate Dally Show.
So glad to be with you at such a huge and important topic.
I don't really, I'm at a loss for words because this is the biggest land grab we've had since the inception of this country.
We've had, this is the biggest thing that's happened to this country not talked about.
Congressmen not talking about it.
Your senators not talking about it.
No one is talking about it.
And Marlo Oaks, thank the Lord, is out there talking about it.
And obviously this caught your eye, Marlo, and I so appreciate you being here.
Thank you for that.
This caught your eye with what you know about what's happening with the SEC, the Security and Exchange Commission, that would allow for the creation and the listing of a new type of company called a natural asset company.
The vote was set for yesterday, but it got delayed a couple of weeks because of the outcry?
Several comment letters that went in.
We had a letter from Congresswoman Hageman of Wyoming and several Congress representatives signed that letter.
We had a letter from 22 states financial officers that I helped spearhead go into the SEC and that prompted them to open up the comment period for an additional 21 days.
And so we have until January 18th for people to submit comments to the SEC on why this rule would be a terrible idea.
And really hoping that people will do that, that people will reach out to their representatives in Congress to let them know about natural asset companies, that these should be opposed, and even their governors.
And this affects not just the West where, you know, more than half of our land is owned by the federal government.
This also Affects the East and private land, particularly if it has a conservation easement on it.
And I'm happy to talk about that as well.
Yes, please do.
Please go on.
I want to hear about this.
Yeah, so conservation easements, you know, it's really this idea that you can prevent development in the future if you wanted to keep your land kind of doing what it's always done.
For example, farmers are often Look at a conservation easement where they could get a tax deduction or a state tax reduction by putting a conservation easement on their land, which is essentially preventing future development, actually in perpetuity, no future development on that land.
And importantly, placing a lot of restrictions on any future activity On your land.
So if you once you enter into a conservation easement, you give away those development rights in the future, but you're also locking in the activity on the land as it is the day that you enter the contract.
And so you can continue to do your farming activity at that same level.
The problem is, is that technology changes, economics change.
And the way of doing things changes, but you're now locked in on what you can do on your land.
That conservation easement is filed with the IRS to get the tax deduction, and then often ends up in a land trust, and that land trust can then actually enroll that conservation easement in a natural asset company.
They don't allow transferring, but contracts are silent on Enrolling and so your land without knowing it, if you have a conservation easement on your land, that conservation easement could be enrolled in a natural asset company.
That natural asset company, the purpose is sustainability and you could find yourself in a situation where they say, yes, you can continue to farm, but you have to do it under regenerative farming practices, which means organic fertilizer and no machinery.
And you know, your yield could drop and it could be very uneconomic suddenly to farm your land.
And then you may end up having to sell just to realize any kind of economic profit from your land.
Conservation easements are being pushed heavily right now by this administration.
They're going around and trying to enter as much land as they can under conservation easements because in the future, if a natural asset company is possible, Those conservation easements would end up in a natural asset company and essentially be managed for the purpose of sustainability.
Marlo Oaks is with me, Utah State Treasurer.
I'm so glad that you're with me right now talking about this, letting people know so they can get these comments in and fight this and ask why your senators and congressmen, which heard about this a while ago, have not said a word about it.
I haven't seen a single word.
And two things come to mind.
Number one, the Rockefeller plan from 2010, where the scenarios inside the plan is where they cordoned off bodies of water and told people that they could not go around them, utilize them, see them without being thrown into a penitentiary.
This was one of the scenarios that played out in the 2010 Rockefeller Plan where they could do that for 20 years based on the idea, based on no evidence at all, that something was wrong with the water or something was wrong with the land and they could just cordon it off for a specific amount of time.
So that comes to mind.
The other thing that comes to mind is about a decade ago when our guys on the right actually pushed through the Conservation Act and helped that go through.
So both sides working as one behind the corridor.
And the contract that they're giving the farmers at the very, very bottom said that you were giving control of the land to the Conservation, right?
It's the part of the Conservation Act that you were giving control of your land to the United States and its successor.
And now this makes a lot more sense as far as who that successor would be, and they could be a multitude of companies, a multitude of foreign interests, correct?
And we're talking air and water.
You might want to explain that with the air, with the minerals underneath the land, and everything that has to do with these properties, our public lands.
Yeah, so if you're thinking about a national forest, for example, you have trees that perform photosynthesis, you know, they absorb carbon and convert that into oxygen.
What is that value?
So we're talking about financializing the ecological services, essentially financializing photosynthesis.
What is that worth?
What is the, you know, a certain amount of oxygen worth putting a price tag on it?
And once you start putting a price tag on something, then you can sell it.
And it's not that far down the road then when you start demanding that companies and individuals
offset their carbon footprint by investing in a natural asset company that converts their
carbon footprint back into oxygen.
Water, you know, the supply of water.
And managing the land so that you maximize water and clean water in the aquifers below
You don't even have to own the land.
It's just what kind of plant life is on that piece of property to maximize water intake and even flood protection and how water runs off of land, things like that.
You know, it really is the financialization of Mother Nature.
And if you think about our economic assets, those are valued at 1.5 quadrillion.
They have estimated, the people, Intrinsic Exchange Group, that is the group that is in partnership with the New York Stock Exchange on this, they've estimated that the value of Mother Nature processes is five quadrillion dollars.
And by the way, the Intrinsic Exchange Group was funded and is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
And so we are seeing some common threads there.
It's very troubling what is going on with this.
It reminds me of a clip I was actually viewing yesterday from Pastor Parsley where he was talking about, this was 20 years ago, when he gave a sermon to his church and he was talking about the fact that if you took America right now with all of its buildings and its land and everything, you would actually have to sell that And do it twice more to get the value back for America.
This is how much we've lost.
When we talk about debt and we talk about all these things and letting these people come in and the financial position that we're in right now, when we're talking about that specifically, you would have to sell everything that we own three times over and that was 20 years ago.
Can you imagine what it is today?
In order to retrieve America back.
So, of course, selling it to the highest bidder.
I'm not shocked by this.
You know what?
And it's sick.
It's evil.
And we must stop it.
Make sure and get those comments.
And we'll be right back more with Marlo Oaks.
Don't go anywhere on the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
So good to be with you today.
This is such an important, important topic.
And of course, it's one thing to be sold out by communist globalists who you know want to destroy the country, okay?
If we're going to talk sides.
But it's another thing to be sold out quietly by our own Congress and Senators who have done nothing to stop this or even raise a single alarm bell about this.
I find that alarming.
Not unusual, given the circumstances of what's been happening in this country for a long time, but it's so sad to me.
And of course, You know, usually public comment periods, it means that the decision's already been made, but it's for good optics.
What is your position on that?
Do you think that outcry from us, and of course, outcry from us should happen either way, because I think we're still responsible to fight for these things, but what's your take on this?
And then, of course, was there anything leading up to this, this proposal that was given to the SEC, and who is exactly behind that?
Marlo Oaks, Utah State Treasurer?
Yeah, thank you.
No, this is important.
And I think really the SEC was trying to keep this under the radar.
The New York Stock Exchange or neither the New York Stock Exchange or the SEC
came out with any kind of press release talking about this and the initial
comment period was 21 days.
Nobody really knew about it.
When I was back in D.C.
in October, right in the middle of the first comment period, nobody in Congress was talking about it because I don't think they knew about it.
The SEC was purposely very quiet.
And a letter on November 2nd went to the SEC from three senators and basically Asked several pointed questions about this and they were initially supposed to the SEC had targeted November 18th for their decision they didn't reopen the comment period but they did extend the decision to January 2nd just based on that letter from those senators and then and then that's when you know I had a Wall Street Journal op-ed come out in the middle of November and then more people started submitting comments and
And I think based on some of the letters and the comments that the SEC received on December 21st, they came out and said, we're reopening the comment period for 21 days.
And something unusual, they added a rebuttal period for two weeks after that, that allows anyone to rebut any of the comments that are sent in to the SEC.
And so that period ends February 1st.
Um, so there are some, you know, hopeful signs that, uh, you know, they've had two or three delays already.
They've reopened the comment period.
There's a lot more attention being drawn to this.
Uh, we're, we're seeing, uh, members in Congress getting more up to speed on this.
Um, and, and so, I mean, there's, there's definitely some good signs, but we have to keep the pressure up.
We have to have our voices heard.
And representatives have got to understand what a terrible idea this is.
And frankly, it's not, in my opinion, this is not a right or a left issue.
This is just an American issue.
And saving our resources for ourselves and managing those appropriately.
This is, it really is insane what this contemplates.
Did the SEC create this proposal or was this proposal given to them for consideration?
Um, so it's, I believe it was, um, the New York Stock Exchange that, that went to them and, and asked them to approve a change in their manual.
Um, but of course the SEC, uh, had to, um, you know, put this out on the federal register and they did it rather quickly and very much under the radar.
So I have to believe that, that they were, uh, they were in conversation Um, at some point, uh, talking about this and, and really it's, it's, it seems like it's all part of this whole of government approach to address climate change and the climate crisis.
Um, I think there's another interesting element to this and you were touching on a little bit, the, the amount of debt that we are in, um, as a nation.
And this, if we're talking about financializing our natural processes on our land, this is another asset that could be listed on our balance sheet as a country that would then potentially allow us to borrow more money.
And so it could be actually used to leverage even more borrowing as a nation.
It's crazy to contemplate that.
But if you're suddenly, if we're suddenly saying, you know, here's what the natural processes are valued in North America, and this is an asset on our balance sheet, now we can borrow against it.
Or we could, you know, the government could say, well, we're going to lower our debt by selling our federal holdings of land.
And we're going to sell them to natural asset companies because we want to make sure that that land is not exploited for, you know, for natural resources.
I mean, it's a double whammy.
Yes, you could sell it to people.
People could latch onto that and say, wow, this is a great way to reduce our debt burden.
But the reality is, is you're giving up our natural resources at that point and essentially crippling the country even further.
It's like selling the rooms in your home to somebody, not just renting them out, but really selling them and having them managed by somebody else.
At what point does it become not your home anymore?
Then Russia, Chinese, Saudi interests, all kinds of interests can come in and see that particular value for locking up our natural resources and owning and really managing is what you're saying because it's really devastating either one.
Managing the property means they get to call the shots.
They get total control in perpetuity, which is forever and ever, which is actually really illegal in these contracts too, isn't it?
That's right.
Well, and what's interesting though, that there is a provision that the natural asset company could be delisted from the stock exchange by not, I'm trying to remember the exact terminology it is, but essentially if they don't follow their sustainability practices on that on that land, then the NAC is delisted.
But that's it.
Then whoever owns the NAC, they can exploit those resources themselves.
And so you could have a situation where, you know, these natural asset companies essentially lock up the natural resources, delist and then they exploit the resources for their own benefit.
How do people How should they react to this?
What's the best way?
Who should they be contacting today, right now?
So definitely your congressional representatives, your governor, and people need to understand even county commissioners.
There's a push, like I said, to get land into conservation easements, and that often will happen at the county level.
We've got to be very smart about retaining private property rights.
And you're exactly right.
Once you give up your rights on your land, you essentially don't own it anymore.
It's destroying private property, the whole concept of private property.
And that's one of the key freedoms that we have.
And the reason why the Founding Fathers saw property rights as a critical freedom Because it allows us to have some control over the government.
If the government controls all the land, then you're really not a free people.
So definitely reach out to your representatives and governor, even county officials, and educate them about this.
And certainly, you know, there's their resources now out there.
But we've got to be smart about this.
You know, and I so appreciate that.
I don't have any faith in feds anymore.
I don't have any, I really don't.
I'm that cynical now, I guess, after doing this for 13 years.
But let me just say that, I mean, we should be commenting to them, putting pressure on them for sure.
But we have just over 3,000 counties in America, and you can put pressure on your county commissioners.
Now, they haven't done anything about voter fraud, which they should have been doing all along.
But they haven't. They've not only dropped the ball, but I think it's more intentional than that.
But then when it comes to this, this is the gutting of America.
We could prevent this by putting pressure on local representation all across America
because that makes up this land.
So if we put that kind of pressure on those that are closest to us,
those that know, and those that you can actually see up close and personal,
That might be even better than the feds.
Because at this point, with the feds not raising any alarm bells, it worries me that we're not getting a whole lot of action there.
But maybe with county commissioners we can.
Yeah, there are comments from counties, like there's a county in Utah, their water conservancy district submitted a comment to the SEC.
People can go on to the SEC website, and I'm happy to share those links with you, Kate.
They can look at some of those comments, they can submit comments themselves, you know, make arguments as to why this is a bad thing.
So yeah, I'll share some of those links with you.
Thank you so much.
Really appreciating you.
You can go to katedalleyradio.com.
We'll share them on the Alex Jones Show as well.
Thank you so much, Marlo Oaks, Utah State Treasurer, for coming on.
There's several state treasurers that are raising the alarm bells on this, the NACs, Natural Asset Companies.
Make sure and get those comments out, everybody.
Make sure and raise the alarm bells.
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