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Name: 20240102_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2024
3096 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses various topics including vaccine side effects, military recruitment, transgenderism, and defunding the police. He critiques globalists for attacking those who expose the truth and shares his concerns for the future. He also mentions the Globalist 2024 Black Swan event and advises listeners to stay informed and prepared.

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There is just so much we're going to be getting into here today.
But remember, while all this craziness is happening, and while all the New World Order stuff's taking place, Joe Biden says the number one threat to America?
The number one threat to life is right-wing extremism since June of 2021 with this report that's now been fully put into place.
And they're saying brace for white people and evil conservatives to engage in terror attacks and infrastructure attacks on the power grid and more and on the election systems in the next 10 months.
Absolute balderdash.
Like saying you found a leprechaun riding a unicorn and jumping over rainbows in your backyard.
Right-wing extremism.
Give me a break.
Almost done.
Almost non-existent.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
Alex Jones.
In trauma-based mind control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body's defense systems
in order to train a person's behavior.
This is accomplished in three steps.
In step one, the victim's identity is destroyed.
This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented.
In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside authority.
Step 2.
Through a strict system of rewards and punishments, the victim is imprinted with a new identity.
The new identity is trained to self-isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity.
And finally, with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim's new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses.
For this to work, the subject must remain oblivious to the fact that they are being trained.
This is accomplished by keeping them in a helpless victim state of mind with the use of trauma.
The entire method requires regular ritualistic abuse to keep the target in the victim state.
Declassified documents show how drugs and sensory overload are used to inflict trauma upon the public.
But high-level slaves are often procured from families with an established history of child abuse.
Intergenerational or multi-generational trauma abuse is when a person abuses their child, and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on.
This increases a person's susceptibility to trauma-based mind control.
Experiments with mice have shown that the offspring of a traumatized pregnant mother are born depressed and exhibit problems socializing with others.
A nurturing upbringing by a healthy surrogate mother did not reverse the abnormal behaviors, indicating an in-utero transformation of the brain.
And bioinformatic analysis revealed long-lasting alterations in the DNA.
This is why the CIA is known for targeting children from families of multi-generational child abuse.
They are easier to mind control.
This is why world leaders are all from the same bloodlines.
This brutal technique has been used and understood for centuries.
And if a group of people vying for power wanted a loyal army of soldiers, the easiest way would be by breeding them.
And the evidence shows that this is how our society was created.
From the middle of the 19th century and well into the next, hundreds of thousands of orphans were distributed and sold in the United States, and millions worldwide.
They were advertised, delivered by train, and sold at fairs.
In America, these orphans were being managed and distributed by a private organization from Britain known as the Odd Fellows, many of whom were orphans themselves.
The Ancient Order of Odd Fellows is an international fraternity whose members, such as Albert Pike and several U.S.
presidents during the Orphan Train years, were often members of Freemasonic Lodges as well.
With their first official lodge in the United States established in 1819, the Oddfellows are officially committed to educating orphans.
But they seem to have been procuring them and breeding them as well.
The Oddfellows' first female chapter, The Daughters of Rebecca, was founded right before the orphan trains began.
And a depiction of their work shows hints of mass breeding and surrogate motherhood.
They worked closely with the Oddfellows at large institutions known as Orphan Asylums and Foundling Asylums, where many members themselves were born.
The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums.
According to Philip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over 100,000 offspring, including Adolf Hitler.
This is why pedophilia is so prevalent among the families of world leaders.
While it is used for extortion, its primary function is for trauma-based mind control.
Because to the mind controller, trauma equals transformation.
And there is nothing more traumatizing to a person than pedophilia.
If you had a million mind control slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations.
But only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.
Greg Reese reporting.
We're live, first live show of the year.
Stay with us.
(upbeat music)
It's the first live Alex Jones broadcast of 2024.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
It's the first live Alex Jones broadcast of 2024.
307 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, 40 seconds, until the most contentious, dangerous election
And yes it is, my friends.
We made it into 2024 without a nuclear war.
And passed the ammunition and the info war.
Praise God.
All right, I've cleared the decks of guests today because I want to cover masses of news and developments and information and take your phone calls on this live Tuesday, January 2nd worldwide transmission.
I want to invite all the new listeners tuning in.
The show is exploding.
Thanks to all of your hard work and our hard work here together.
We have other great broadcasts.
Harrison Smith, Weekday Mornings, American Journal, 8 a.m.
Central, Owen Troyer, The War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, and a lot of other special transmissions.
Just watch that space at InfoWars.com and Band.Video, and of course, on The Real Alex Jones on X, formerly Twitter, and of course, the InfoWars Twitter as well, or X. Okay, wow!
We've got so much big news here on the military and the economy and the border that's now nothing but a UN-controlled invasion zone.
There's just so much incredible news today.
Sandra Bullock talking about using the tissue of children to stay young, and that ties into the whole underground of what's happening there that's now emerging.
You've got the Jeffrey Epstein, not flight logs, those have already been released, to a certain extent, not all of them.
But we're talking about the client list.
The Little Black Book, now supposedly going to be released on January 1st, 2024, but that's a holiday, federal holiday, New Year's Day.
And so we're sitting here at 1208 Eastern, 1108 Central, 1008 Mountain, 908 Pacific,
waiting, waiting, waiting, but this is just going to be the tip of the iceberg,
ladies and gentlemen, but we're going to be tracking that.
The good news is it's trending number one everywhere, not just on X, but on Facebook, you name it.
This entire evil group that's been using blackmail and pedophilia for control is being exposed.
We're going to be drilling into that.
Big developments on the whole COVID power grab front.
I told you this back in August, they were going to try it.
And now blue cities everywhere have reinstituted the mask.
And now they're saying it's about to start in the airport, so we backed them off three months, four months.
Supposedly going to start in September, and they tried to bring it back, but now they are really bringing it back.
They've got leftist cult members going around protesting, demanding it all over the place.
They're fear-mongering that when you get sick, it's unnatural, and you've got to have shots, and you've got to be put on a ventilator.
We've got some other big developments on that front as well that are just insane that we're going to be getting into.
Experts say new COVID strain will cause global heart failure pandemic.
Funny, we've already seen a heart failure pandemic in the old and young.
Insurance companies admit and never see anything like it.
I have a Fox News piece admitting the insurance companies and others admit record numbers of deaths since the shots began.
Didn't happen in 2000 in the peak of COVID.
Happened once the shots were introduced because they create the spike protein that attacks the heart.
We've got all of that information.
There is just so much we're going to be getting into here today.
But remember, while all this craziness is happening, and while all the New World Order stuff's taking place, Joe Biden says the number one threat to America, the number one threat to life is right-wing extremism since June of 2021 with this report that's now been fully put into place.
And they're saying brace for white people and evil conservatives to engage in terror attacks and infrastructure attacks on the power grid and more, and on the election systems in the next 10 months.
Absolute balderdash.
Like saying you found a leprechaun riding a unicorn and jumping over rainbows in your backyard.
Right-wing extremism.
Give me a break.
Almost done.
Almost non-existent.
But what type of terrorism is there really?
Overhead shot, please.
Balloons flew over JFK Airport during anti-Israel protest.
Possible threat to aviation.
Possible threat.
If you or I rig up a bunch of big balloons, and they were big, with things hanging off the bottom, hard devices, that's what it is, it's a weapon.
One bird going in the engine of an aircraft could knock the engine out and it brought down thousands of aircraft since aviation began over a hundred years ago.
One goose, one duck, in some cases just one crow, Goes into the engine, there's hundreds of these videos, and the plane or even the helicopter, if it hits the controller on the back, the rudder, can make you go down.
There's many foot shots of a plane taking off, bird goes into the engine, plane goes down.
Well, they launched, they're reporting a whole bunch of big helium balloons, you know, by big, we're talking about eight feet across or so, carrying, on the end of a rope, Some type of large device or weight.
Now, if that goes in your engine, bye-bye.
And so they did shut down the airport for hours there.
They shut it down across the country, as you know.
And they couldn't take off because they launched them right over the runways.
Now, that's terrorism.
And I guarantee, and I wouldn't do this, I wouldn't kill anybody.
If I went to the Austin-Berkshire Airport this afternoon, And I launched some of these out in the way of the winds blowing over the runway.
Within minutes, the police would be kicking my teeth in and dragging me in the back of a squad car.
And I would deserve it.
But no, ladies and gentlemen, the left blocks trains and blocks subways and blocks roads while people are having heart attacks and babies.
I mean, some of these things have blocked traffic for like five hours in L.A.
And literally shut down airports, and now they're launching balloons.
And they're attacking fine art.
Famous pieces of art.
I mean, you've seen it all.
You've had all these food production plants being blown up, and so much more.
But what else happened?
NYPD Transportation Chief mercilessly slammed after tone-deaf pro-Hamas protest warning.
And so, They're defending them and saying how great they are.
Here's another one.
Massive NYPD mobilization at JFK airport to protect travelers from pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas mob.
Here's another one.
Car filled with gas canisters slams in a crowd killing two police investigators.
Possible terrorism.
That's in.
That's in New York as well.
Right here is where I'll put the documents, guys.
Just shoot.
Right here and I'll move them to that place.
Thank you.
So, car filled with gas canisters slammed into ground.
Killing two.
Police investigate as possible terrorism.
That's the type of stuff we've got.
Oh, and there was more.
Not just that.
New York firefighters responded to a series of explosions in Manhattan that knocked out power to block areas in New York.
Are you starting to figure out what's happening?
Meanwhile in Japan, at least five dead as passenger plane smashes into jet and explodes as 379 rescued.
So it's no game to do this.
That's why they've got these fireworks.
They're like the old-fashioned ones.
It's not like a little cherry bomb that doesn't even do anything.
It's like the old-fashioned cherry bomb.
And if you've got a livestock you've got to take care of, or cornfields that crows are in or whatever, or if you have an airport, you just go out with a little pistol, and it fires about a tenth of a stick of dynamite out, a little bit less, and it explodes and runs the birds off.
Or they put owls up, plastic owls or eagles up to scare the birds away.
Predator birds.
But now it's okay.
Where are the arrests of the individuals that did this?
Launching balloons with ropes on the end, with large, heavy material, that if it got sucked into the engine, which is what those engines do, they suck things in, then you've got a bunch of dead people.
What do you want to bet if they'd have killed somebody with us yesterday, it'd have been covered up?
Because remember, the main terror threats, the evil right-wingers, they're everywhere, shutting down highways, driving trucks into people, screaming Allah Akbar, and, oh, I'm sorry, that's not them, that's the Islamicist ally with the left.
Stay with us, we've got a big broadcast lined up.
We'll be right back.
Alright, I want to get into the latest on the border that doesn't exist and has now become a Supercharger to pump illegal aliens into the country and destroy the republic.
And a lot more here in a moment.
But first, I want to go back to what we were talking about last segment.
Look at this headline.
Balloons flew over JFK airport during anti-Israel protest.
Possible threat to aviation.
Red state.
That's a conservative publication with a whitewash headline.
It's a whitewash.
They shot, they launched a bunch of these, they launched a bunch of these balloons while they had the whole airport shut down and thousands of people couldn't get on their planes.
And massive numbers of flights got cancelled for like the sixth time in two weeks.
It happened also all over the country.
And then large balloons hauling objects, heavy objects under them, were put into the air.
That's a weapon, ladies and gentlemen.
A three-pound bird can knock out the engine and have caused thousands of crashes since aviation began.
That's on record.
Bird strikes are one of the top causes, if not the number one cause.
They debate whether it's bird strikes or collisions with other aircraft, or wind shear.
But those are the top things, ladies and gentlemen.
High winds, bird strikes, and hitting other aircraft.
That just happened in Japan.
They took off in a Coast Guard aircraft was in the wrong place and the large passenger jet with 400 people slammed into it, exploding in fire.
It's a miracle almost everybody got out except for the pilots because they were in the front where the small aircraft collided with them.
So this is terrorism!
Blocking highways so you can't get to the doctor when you're having a heart attack or a baby or police.
And fire departments can't get to emergencies.
Blocking trains.
The list goes on and on.
We know the left's attacking trains and derailing them and burning up and blowing up food processing plants.
It's all part of the Extinction Rebellion slash PETA cult.
All funded by the depopulationist globalists.
And then they launched these balloons and it did shut down the flights that were able to take off taking off.
And it's called a possible threat to aviation.
You go launch balloons with the purpose of keeping planes from taking off.
That is an act of sabotage and terror.
You tie a rope to it with a big heavy, looks like sandbag to me, the shape of it, but it's heavy.
You can see it.
A bag.
Probably weighs 15, 20 pounds, we don't know.
That's a weapon.
When an aircraft's coming in going 300 miles an hour, or taking off going 80 to 100 miles an hour, they're going that speed.
So if you're going 80 miles an hour, and you run into a bag of sand, what's it do?
It breaks every bone in your chest, if it hits you in the chest.
If it hits you in the head, it kills you.
So yeah, the balloon's only going a couple miles an hour.
But hanging off of it is a bag of something.
Plane comes in at 300 miles an hour, it's gonna cut that wing right off, or it's gonna smash that fuselage.
So, if I went to the Berkshire Airport, and I'm not, this is hypothetical, I have no desire to do this, and I have no desire to kill people or go to prison, probably get the death penalty, it'd be premeditated murder, and if I launch some of these over the Berkshire Airport, I'm gonna go to jail for the rest of my life, and I should.
Nothing's probably gonna happen to them, folks.
Imagine if your family was on those planes.
But that just shows the entitlement.
And the transportation head in New York is defending it.
Now, we know you've got a legitimate protest, but please be nice.
It's beyond disgusting.
This is terrorism.
These are weapons systems deployed into the air to crash airplanes.
And I, for one, am disgusted.
And that's just a regular balloon.
If a balloon normally gets sucked in an engine, it's gonna get chewed up, probably not gonna cause a problem.
But if there's a big bag of sand and a rope, what happens when the aircraft hits that rope?
It swings the bag like a mace, like a wrecking ball, into the aircraft.
You see that?
Those are big professional grade weather balloon type systems.
Those aren't stuff you buy at the store.
They reportedly launched a bunch of these.
in the direction of the wind over the airport.
Thousands of flights cancelled in the last few weeks around the country.
LAX has been a nightmare.
But see, America's the target.
America's the bad guy.
Every single person in America, unless they hoist a Hamas flag, is bad.
And we've all got to pay.
We've got to bring the refugees here, says Benjamin Netanyahu.
But isn't it interesting?
And these numbers are accurate.
I've looked them up.
That's how Trudeau stays in power with 27% of the support.
Because they have a parliament and they're connescence of parliament just like Canada, just like the UK.
And so you can win with only 10, 15, 20% of the points because you can then cobble together a coalition of the other dozens of parties.
Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, polls find.
The majority of major polls believe Netanyahu knew it was going to happen and let it happen.
Think so?
Either that or he's totally incompetent and his military chief knew.
But whoever was in command knew.
We're going to be looking at more of that coming up here today.
And I've got more reports dealing with what's happening in the Middle East and what's happening in the situation in Ukraine.
But when I come back, I'm going to get into... We did it, Joe!
That's the Zero Hedge headline.
Monthly migrant encounters, you mean illegal alien encounters run by the UN, exceeds 300,000 for first time in history.
And that's just to turn themselves into them.
To be given more debit cards and more money and more concierge butler treatment with their baggage taken to wherever they want to go.
Here's some footage of one of the biggest caravans yet.
That's set to slam into Texas in the next 48 hours.
Let's roll the audio from this.
We're the international workers, staying with our blood.
We're not criminals.
This land is ours.
Classic communist slogans.
And if that isn't an invasion, I don't know what is.
Run by the UN, facilitated and greenlit by the criminal O'Biden, in the White House, right now.
We're going to come back, get more into this.
Latest on Epstein, the latest on them trying to bring the mandates back.
It's not official.
Told you we're right again.
Of course we're right.
We don't make stuff up.
Sometimes we can force them to change course and like, oh, it didn't happen.
That's the point of us learning about it is to stop it.
InfoWars.com forward slash show is the coordinates to find my show and the other great InfoWars broadcast with the live uncensored feeds.
Share those feeds.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Here we are, the first live Alex Jones Show of 2024.
Now that's going to take some getting used to, and I have a feeling by the time we're used to 2024, it'll be December of this year.
Ten months out from the election.
All hell's breaking loose.
Elon Musk came out and said he thinks 2024 is going to be a lot crazier than 2023.
I think that's an understatement, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to finish up with what's happening on the non-border, the enemy invasion port.
Here in just a moment, breaking GOP seeks congressional change, constitutional change to offset state electoral advantage from illegal aliens.
Yeah, that's the stated deep state Democrat plan.
But before we do that, I want to encourage listeners to take advantage of the New Year's Special Free Shipping Double Patriot Points.
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And X2 is selling out.
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Nobody else has it.
Some claim they do, they don't.
This is from 12,000 feet.
This is not from iodine salts.
One of our ads says that.
It's pure iodine crystals.
In fact, pull the B-roll up of that if you can.
I mean, it's bright, shining, looks like metallic purple.
You throw a piece of it on the ground, it shoots up purple smoke, it catches on fire.
But once it goes through this emulsion patented process, it's safe to take and goes right into your cells, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, we'll show you a little bit of it set out in the open air on top of a piece of glass.
Anything else it eats through.
Doesn't eat through porcelain or glass.
Pull the top off, purple smoke like I dream of Jeannie shoots out.
You on X2, it is selling out right now.
We should get more in three to four months.
And then it takes up to, it took the last batch almost a year to actually produce it and break it down into a level that you could take.
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It's just amazing.
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Infowarrestore.com X2.
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They've got a run of the silver toothpaste, but when it's gone, I don't know, my dad's gonna, he's getting tired of running the business, so this kind of is a liquidation.
My mom and I and all of us have encouraged him to hang up his spurs, but he's got all this stuff in stock right now, drjonesnaturals.com.
And don't forget to get Turbo Force, 10-hour clean energy at infowarestore.com, or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
Great job to the crew!
They didn't even know I was about to plug iodine.
I did it and they found that B-roll super fast.
Great job, crew.
All right.
Let's finish up with the border situation.
Then give the number out and come back and take your calls interspersed with key news.
And we're also waiting for the Epstein client list, not the Epstein-Lolita Express flight logs.
We have those.
We know Bill Gates and Bill Clinton and Tony Blair and all of them are going there.
And Bloomberg.
Little Shoes, as Trump calls him, that's a nickname that I didn't know until I talked with some people very close to Bloomberg and they said he has four inch deformed feet.
I'm not being mean, it's just to show you out of the intel.
Four inch little deformed feet.
He wears a pair of quote, lucky socks that have holes all in them.
And he has to stuff size eight tennis shoes with newspapers to stick his feet into.
And that's why Trump calls him little shoes.
Just to show you, we have a lot more intel than just that.
What's going on with old, old Bloomberg.
But so when I tell you Biden's crapping his pants or Bloomberg's got tiny deformed feet, I'm just letting everybody know that we've got the scoop here.
especially those on the inside know that we're not playing around with them. So breaking GOP
seeks constitutional change to offset state electoral advantage from illegal aliens.
This is a Infowars.com article.
Congressman Warren Davidson of Ohio and Thomas Massey of Kentucky proposed an amendment to the U.S.
Constitution this week that would prevent states with large numbers of illegal aliens from being represented more in Congress and the Electoral College.
Because they already are, even though the illegals can only vote in the blue cities.
They passed those laws, they're unconstitutional.
They are not voting in the state elections.
They still do get caught under Democratic command and direction.
But the proportionment in the census of the number of people does go to give those blue cities and blue states more congressional districts.
So you see, they get election fraud.
I think it's still elections, though the illegals are years away from being able to vote unless they join the military.
So this is a very fast-moving plan.
Davidson posted on X today saying congressional districts should be drawn based on the population of U.S.
citizens only.
The census should specifically count U.S.
citizens for apportionment of representation.
Only U.S.
citizens represented by the U.S.
California has five to seven extra members of Congress because the census used the total population.
I have legislation that would end that practice.
And he goes on.
From there, Massey also issued a message on X, writing, "I have co-sponsored this proposed amendment to the
Currently, congressional districts are apportioned to states based on population of citizens and non-citizens,
which gives states with numerous illegal aliens an advantage in Congress and the Electoral College.
I have co-sponsored this proposed amendment to the Constitution."
It's on Infowars.com.
Let's make it go viral and let's point out people.
They don't have to wait until the illegals can vote.
They're voting in the names of dead people and they're already voting because they get new Democrat districts in those areas.
And then it's checkmate.
They've got us in check, folks.
We've got to put them into check and then checkmate.
Right now.
Now, I mentioned this earlier, but just let this sink in.
We did it, Joe!
Is the headline.
Monthly migrant encounters exceeds 300,000 for first time in history.
And they estimate that they're not even making contact with the majority of them.
So, we're talking 600,000 a month.
Yeah, look at the size of the caravans.
We were showing you that earlier.
They are just absolutely gargantuan.
Would fill sports stadiums, and they're slamming across the border every single day.
All right, when we come back, Biden just did something big with our energy supply.
We'll tell you about that.
We'll get to the latest on the poison shots.
We're here waiting for the Epstein client list to drop any minute now.
And so much more.
Oh, and wait to hear what Illinois is doing, coming after your kids.
Yeah, they're pervs, all right.
Stay with us.
If you're not on the edge of your seat, or not in the arena fighting for freedom, you're asleep.
All right, let's go to this next really important group of articles.
Look at this headline.
Biden administration ramps up domestic oil production.
Hopes no one notices.
Hopes his constituents that desperately only want foreign countries to have cheap energy don't get upset with him.
And desperate that conservatives don't notice that it's a political ploy ten months out from the election.
That shows how desperate they are.
For those that haven't followed us, let me break it down.
We were the third largest energy producer under Biden.
Before that, we were back and forth number one every year competing with Saudi Arabia and or Russia, but that was always the top three.
Under Trump, we became number one and then became the world's largest exporter, not just producer, and just dominated, broke records.
And of course, we had a booming economy, cheap energy and low taxes is the key to that.
Also, a informed, hardworking population.
We had all of those.
But the first thing O'Biden did when Obama got back into office through his puppet Biden,
first thing Obama did, let's just start addressing it as Obama and his controllers did, was cut
off the Keystone Pipeline, pull most of the oil drilling permits, kill drilling in Alaska,
and cut off thousands and thousands, over 2,000 spurs and smaller pipelines where they
had to be upgraded every 30, 40 years, they had to be repaired.
They pulled the permits so that that couldn't be done.
Then Biden drained, almost completely drained, there's a graph on screen, the strategic oil reserve of its 800 million barrels.
He drained over 360 million barrels or more out of that, down to a little over 300 million barrels.
Now, he then Lifted sanctions on Venezuela allowed them to become our second largest importer.
So we could import it in.
And that didn't work.
Because the prices were so expensive.
So he's having to have a communist dictatorship get some money.
He begged Saudi Arabia to increase output.
They didn't do it.
They thought they could cut off Russian oil.
That didn't work.
They just sell it through India and others.
And so now, Biden is quietly taking the controls off.
Remember two years ago when the power was out for a couple of weeks in Texas, and it was in the fine print that Texas, when the Blue Northern was coming in, said, hey, we have to be able to upgrade.
They can flip a switch and turn up the generation on gas and coal plants.
Most of them have already been shut down, most of the coal plants.
And the Fed said, no, we will not give you the permit.
And it's not just multi-million dollar a day fines per facility that does it.
It's also potential jail time.
So the producers weren't able to get the federal authorization until a few days into the blackout, and by then it took weeks to get it back up to capacity.
And I talked about it, they had national news say I was a conspiracy theorist, even though it was a fact, and I had the state letters and ERCOT and all the rest of it, asking to have the power turned up.
But ERCOT's private and under global control, so they didn't complain too much.
So it was the government turning off the power during the blizzard, and it's been the government the whole time cutting off the permits to drill for oil, drill for gas, and the permits to create new or repair or upgrade old infrastructure.
That's sabotage.
And the average leftist just thinks food just shows up in the grocery store.
They don't know where electricity comes from.
They don't know where their electric car is charged.
They turn their nose up at somebody that's got a gasoline or diesel engine.
They have no idea that it takes more carbon to build that car and to burn the coal to get them the power.
The amount of carbon that a gallon of gas uses for the amount of energy that it takes for electricity to generate power for the car.
And these are facts.
But the system doesn't want us knowing that.
I'm going to give the number out here in a moment.
Here's another headline, Fox News.
CCP-tied group is quietly fueling US-based...
Climate initiatives, tax filings show.
Yeah, because they want us to have to buy the batteries and electric cars and solar panels from them, where 92% of that crap is produced worldwide.
Here's another interesting headline.
UN predicts disaster if global warming not checked.
By the year 2000, major cities will be underwater.
Billions will be displaced.
Entire nations wiped off the face of the earth.
They say, oh, that's a fake.
Screenshot, that's not real.
The AP has their full archive online!
AP News!
1989, here's the article.
A senior UN environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth and rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000.
And they're doing the same thing.
Oh, by the year 2030 we'll all be underwater, we'll all be dead.
While Obama And Al Gore and the Rothschilds buy more and more oceanfront property at one foot above sea level.
All complete absolute crap.
So here's the actual shot of it back in 89 of the actual newspaper.
And then here is the AP article.
Digitally for you.
What a scam.
What a fraud!
I got some more news I'm going to hit before we go to break, before we start the second hour, but I want to open the phones up on a huge subject.
With 10 months left to the most important election in world history, what are the globalists going to pull?
What can we do to stop them?
They're hypin' civil war, power outages.
They've already collapsed the border.
Now they use it as a turbocharging system to pump the UN brainwash invaders into the country.
So they can tip the scales in the Electoral College by apportionment.
The number of congressional districts as we already covered.
What do you see happening in 2024?
And then we're also gonna be talking about the Epstein client list, not the flight logs.
Some people that flew on the plane didn't fly to Epstein Island and stuff like that.
They just flew from New York to Florida.
Trump flew on it once.
If I found any evidence of him going after kids, I would hate his guts, Commander, but there is no evidence.
But if you go to the island, that's kids.
But this is the black book of clients.
This is more important, more powerful.
It's set to be released any moment.
We're checking every two minutes.
As soon as it comes out, we'll be covering it live on air here today.
Toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
And we will get you up and on the air today.
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, and we will get you up and on the air today.
877-789-2539, and really this subject is so big with them trying to steal the 2024 election
and all the evidence of it, and it's just such a giant topic and area to get into, and
how they're going to try to shut down highways and roads and defund the police, and they'll
use Black Lives Matter as an excuse, they'll use the Palestinians as an excuse.
And Biden's running around saying that the right-wingers working with Russia are going to knock the power out or have a cyber attack on the internet.
So a lot of the internet won't be available.
You'll just get government websites.
Oh, isn't that terrible?
That's exactly what they want.
And now this from RedState.
Ex-CIA analyst warns about intel agencies being involved when he's running for election.
They've already been involved censoring and surveilling and blocking the Hunter Biden laptop and thousands of other stories.
They got rid of the law under Obama where the CIA can operate domestically.
According to CIA analyst, now professor at Georgetown University, Dr. John Gentry, he believes the alphabet agencies will try to interfere in the 2024 election.
Yeah, does a bear live in the woods?
Do fish swim in the sea?
My guess is the proverbial deep state within the intelligence community will reemerge because presumably a Republican candidate will again be seen as a threat to the internal policies that many intelligence people like.
Yes, they think it's their country.
It's an oligarchical coup.
Termed the effort to downplay the Hunter Biden laptop is clearly political and that in no uncertain terms it was done explicitly for the intent to help the Biden campaign.
He said he was already seeing signs.
I long have thought we are likely to again see former intelligence officers be politically active against Trump or whomever the Republican president is next year.
I'm expecting the leaking to resume.
Gentry said the activities of former have resumed already a bit before I expected.
We'll read more of this coming up next hour.
And your phone calls at 877-789-2539.
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Well, mine's a little dark.
I just feel a lot of concern that 2024 may be the year of a Black Swan event.
Black Swan.
It is the favorite New World Order term.
The New World Order would have us believe that a Black Swan event is an unfortunate event created by the Russians, MAGA domestic terrorists, or anonymous hackers.
Not a looming premeditated war game genocidal treasonous act by an establishment fueled by the insanity of a totalitarian eugenicist movement that is now careening off the tracks.
Like event 201 with its strategic vaccination culling.
The scenario you will be presented with this morning could easily become one a shared reality one day.
I fully expect that we will be confronted by a fast-moving, highly lethal pandemic
of a respiratory pathogen.
COVID-19 mRNA genetic injections have killed--
17 million people.
Absolutely stunning.
Can you please tell us more about the paper?
That's the global number.
We studied many countries in Latin America and in the equatorial region, so we have a representative sample of the world, we believe.
It's 10% of the world population, 9% of injections, or the other way around.
So the number we extract from our analysis allows us, we calculate the toxicity of the vaccine.
For all ages.
And the number allows us, given the number of doses that have been given worldwide, to conclude that 17 million people would have been killed by this vaccine.
And having it by time, like by week or by month, and by age group, means that you can actually see when there's a rollout of a booster, for example, which happens very quickly in time for a given age group, you can actually see immediately following it a maximum in the all-cause mortality. So an excess
mortality actual peak that's temporally associated with that rollout.
We see that repeatedly for each rollout.
Consistently across all countries? All the countries that have sufficient data
where you're able to look at it and you have both the vaccine data and the
mortality data, this is what we see. There's a little company called Seagant
that no one's ever heard of and they are developing a new type of cancer drug called an
It's like a chemotherapy drug that's designed to specifically target cancer cells while sparing healthy cells.
Well, this company's been losing a lot of money, and Pfizer just bought them for $43 billion and admitted that they expect over $10 billion in revenue due to a massive rise in cancer over the next coming years.
Now, gee, I wonder what possibly could be That Pfizer knows is going to increase the cancer rate.
It couldn't be the Pfizer vaccine for COVID that had so many cancer-causing agents, including the SV40 simian virus that was found in the old polio vaccine that gave over 100 million people cancer.
The globalists have already clearly telegraphed that they are behind an inevitable black swan event.
And the rabbit hole is deep.
But we also have to look ahead.
Because you know what?
Our opponents certainly are.
Right-wing extremists already have a plan to literally steal the next presidential election.
And they're not making a secret of it.
Larry Fink of BlackRock sent a letter out to the world saying that ESG is a priority for the asset manager and really was looking to encourage companies to embrace ESG.
I believe there will be a future, Eric, that all investments are going to be looked through sustainability.
The concept of providing Canadians with a universal basic income has sparked significant debate on if UBI is a viable solution for ensuring financial security.
The EU is investigating Elon Musk's ex, formerly known as Twitter, while the bloc's regulator is probing the social media platform for its suspected failure to counter illicit content and disinformation, a lack of advertising transparency, and what it calls a suspected deceptive design of the user interface.
The Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and law enforcement in the U.S.
They're not a... Alright, John Bowne reports are usually five minutes long.
This one's almost ten minutes.
It's very important.
I'm going to put it out on X in the next hour.
It's also a ManDot video.
Save some lives.
Get it out, folks.
They're getting ready to hit us again.
I've got some breaking news on that.
We come back.
We're going right to your phone calls.
Please stay with us.
The New World Order 2024 Black Swan Tell-All.
It's a very important lengthy report.
For John, it's lengthy.
It's only about nine and a half minutes.
This is so important to share.
It's Tuesday, January 2nd, 2024.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and I'm going to be broadcasting right through Sunday, every day.
I always do a Sunday show, 4 to 6 p.m., and I'll be live this Sunday, Lord willing.
But Saturday, I haven't decided, we haven't decided the exact time yet.
I think it's about six o'clock at night.
We're gonna have a very special live, commercial-free transmission with some very special guests, and believe me, you'll want to tune in.
And I'm gonna leave it at that.
It'll be a very interesting surprise.
Some big, big guests.
As big as, basically as big as you can get.
So, look for that coming up.
This Saturday, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And I'll tell you more about it very, very soon.
All right.
Some stations don't care that first five and a lot of stations do.
So we aired a John Bowne report.
It's more lengthy than most reports.
It's nine and a half minutes long.
We'll put it on screen for folks.
And that is the Black Swan event.
And how the globalists are basically in a tell-all concerning the Black Swan event.
And it's posted at Band.Video.
It's posted on the front page of mfullwords.com.
The New World Order 2024 Black Swan Tell.
And for those that don't play poker, they basically tipped their hand.
Very important report.
I'm going to have it posted as soon as we can in the next hour on X.
And we can only get to half of it during that short segment.
I'm tempted to air the whole thing here to millions because you need to see it, you need to understand it.
We have top scientists with the nations that have reporting data, so it's higher than that.
17 million conservatively killed by the shots.
The rest infected with prion crystals that basically create cancer and cut the DNA strand right at the key spot.
I mean, they have hit us and hit us hard.
With a soft kill, delayed reaction weapon.
I'm sorry to have to announce that to you.
That's why the illegal aliens are exempt.
They want them as the new replacement population.
But it's just the reality.
It's horrifying.
Here's some more of the news on that front.
And then we're going to your phone calls.
Mass mandates return to healthcare facilities across the U.S.
In blue cities and blue states, liberals celebrate.
And now they're saying they're going to bring it back to the airports.
I told you this back in August.
They plan to bring it in the fall and winter.
And we've held it back partially, but here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Pandemic forever.
County reinstates health care facility mask mandate.
And now the businesses and everything else are following suit.
Told you they were going to try that.
We have all these bizarre videos.
Mike Cernovich retweeted, reposted people out protesting, demanding the masks come back.
Very, very sad, mindless people.
Now here's the really big report.
Zero Hedge, it's also AP Reuters everywhere over the weekend.
Experts say new COVID strain will cause global heart failure pandemic.
Global heart failure pandemic.
And they go in and say, oh, scientists around the world and in Japan, They've looked at the new variant, it has a spike protein on it, they all do, the HIV spike protein, and it attacks the heart and causes viral myocarditis.
Well wait, if it's just the new strain causing it, why have we seen record heart failure, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes since the shot started in January of 2021?
Why does the EPA's own fact sheet in October 2020?
Months before the shot started, predict a list of probable side effects or adverse reactions.
Heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes.
And that's just the side effect of these babies going and attacking all your DNA and your testicles and your ovaries.
Big report up on InfoWars.com.
Experts say new COVID strain will cause global heart failure pandemic.
Oh, that's what did it.
231 current former US military service members demand military leaders be court-martialed over forced COVID vaccine, which was experimental and illegal by law.
Service members were significantly harmed by these actions.
That's what the letter first was put out.
Now tens of thousands have signed on.
That's making a big splash.
We're gonna have some guests on Thursday dealing with that.
That's good.
Here's a Fox News report, Dr. Mark Siegel on what's behind the decline in U.S.
life expectancy, mm-hmm, for the first time ever.
Up 25% among 35- to 44-year-olds, and up 90% among 25- to 34-year-olds.
But the vaccine which supposedly saved lives, nobody is studying what the long-term effects of the vaccine here are.
That's also an elephant in the room.
Didn't save any lives, it was all lies.
Congressman Matt Gaetz supports anti-vax mandate, declaration of military accountability.
That's important.
One month after receiving COVID jab.
Injection woman develops arthritis.
New study.
With safety concerns about the COVID shots arise.
New safety concerns about the COVID shots arise.
That's quite the stack of news on that front, isn't it?
I've got more border news.
I've got articles and videos, mainstream news about the globalists consuming baby flesh.
We've got Sandra Bullock talking about it.
We're also going to get into more of that report.
From Boston, Georgetown University professor, former CIA, about the intel agencies already involved in stealing the next election 10 months out.
And so much more today.
But now I want to go to your phone calls.
We're going to skip this break.
Let's go ahead and talk to Paul in New Jersey.
Paul, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, I want to discuss Vivek Ramaswamy.
For one, Alex, in the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy, it says, Thou mayest not set a stranger over thee.
From your own people you shall choose your king.
Now, the fact is, Napoleon was born in Corsica of Italian heritage, and he went on to lead the French to disaster.
Hitler, he was an Austrian.
He wasn't a German.
And he went on to lead Germany to disaster.
And likewise, Stalin was a Georgian.
He wasn't Russian.
And I would argue he led Russia to disaster.
Now, the fact is, ever since Andrew Jackson, every president of the United States had at least one American-born parent.
And to me, that is the meaning of a natural-born citizen.
And yet, here we have Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States, without any American-born president.
We have Nikki Haley, a presidential candidate, without any American-born president.
And we have Obama, who's questionable, and all the rest of it.
So, what is your point about Vivek Ramaswamy?
Well, he likewise has no American-born parents.
So I would consider him not a natural-born citizen.
Now, the court might have.
And, you know, the courts are filled with hacks, and court cases get overturned all the time.
But the fact of the matter is, how do we know either of these people were brought up there from their foreign-born parents to be agents for their home country?
And I notice Vivek Ramaswamy is very bellicose towards China.
Alex, how do we know this guy isn't going to want to use America!
To wage war against China to benefit his real country.
I appreciate your call.
You made your points.
Look, Vivek Ramaswamy is not going to win this election.
Trump gets the vast majority of the Republican votes in the primary.
He gets 70% in national polls.
They're trying to prop up Nikki Haley.
Trump, I know, would never.
That's directly from Trump.
No way in hell he's going to bring her in as his vice president.
That's a rumor.
Trump laughed about it when it was brought up to him directly.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Ramaswamy is doing serious damage to the globalists when he goes on these debates and when he travels the country and does dozens of interviews a day.
I said I'm gonna skip the break guys.
All right, let me get back to where I was, okay?
I don't know enough about him because he hasn't been around that long.
And people have the ability to change as well.
Look at Elon Musk.
He wasn't born here.
Elon Musk isn't running for president.
And Elon Musk is devastating the globalist on every front.
I don't like his neural link, the way he first pitched it, like you just go to the mall kiosk and get a brain chip.
That's a terrible idea.
Now for blind people and people that need it, for paralyzed, there's going to be thousands of companies and chips.
My uncle was in a motorcycle accident and would be dead right now if he didn't have a chip.
And it's not controlling him, it just simply keeps him from having seizures.
So this whole thing of focusing on Ramaswamy, and you're welcome.
I didn't screen your call.
You called in.
I'm not mad at you.
I think you raised some interesting points.
It's food for thought.
It should be discussed.
But under the Constitution, if you're born here, and we have the law that if you're born here, you're a U.S.
citizen, and we can change that law with the anchor babies.
But Ramaswamy is not going to be president this round.
And certainly down the road, I think he's presidential material.
And I don't have a problem with somebody whose parents came here, became Americans, whose son is born here, being the president someday.
But it's all academic right now.
Trump's the guy.
He's going to get the majority of the votes.
He's going to win the general election.
They're going to try to steal it.
And so that's like the big football games going on and instead we've got a junior high game going
10 miles away and we're going to go focus on that. Ramaswamy is extremely smart. I've asked him all
sorts of complex historical questions that someone wouldn't know if they were just being given a
globalist script. I...
I've talked to him on the phone quite a bit.
I've been interviewed by him.
I've interviewed him.
I've watched him and I've watched the questions he's given and I've sat there and asked him questions.
He has a deep understanding of history and a deep understanding of systems And technology, and I think he's super smart.
Could he be some super deep sleeper cell guy?
People say that about me.
I mean, I know I'm not.
But hey, I'm here fighting the open borders, the AI takeover, the pedophilia with the kids, the wars.
I mean, that's real issues.
That's why I don't want to wade into things and make it about who runs the New World Order and who's in control.
We know financially it's BlackRock.
And it's the Rothschilds are the biggest owner of that.
I mean, name names, okay?
They're married to the royal family and the royals hide their wealth.
I mean, the Dutch royal family's worth trillions.
Elon Musk is not the richest man in the world.
But we just get off it.
And look, I took your call.
I'm not saying you're wrong to call in with that.
I'm giving you my response back that I just don't think that that's something that's even in the cards.
I just wondered if the next president is going to be able to handle the current American military weakness.
The media, they do not like him one bit.
All right, let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Peter in Washington.
Peter, thanks for calling.
Happy new year, Alan.
I just, uh, I just wondered if the next president is going to be able to handle
the current American military weakness.
Apparently the Martian weapons that we had to deploy against Russia haven't worked.
And if you've got Trump in videos that you've showed on your show, suggesting
intimating that nuclear weapons might be used, if China did something he didn't
like or North Korea didn't do something he liked, how's he going to handle the
fact that we're not conventionally ready to handle those peer adversaries?
Well, I want to be 100% clear.
We're never ready to have a nuclear war.
I don't care how good the munitions work.
And our nuclear missiles and bombs work just fine.
They've not been used in Russia.
They've not failed.
And 95% of the Russian missiles have been shot down.
But the fact is, is that we shouldn't be there and I'm against that war.
And look, I gave the topic out of what's going to happen in 2024.
And what do you think the deep state's gonna pull?
And so I guess these topics of Ramaswani and of Trump and nukes, you know...
I've heard Trump say we'd have peace overnight through strength because the U.S.
funds 80% of what's happening over there.
I agree with Trump's statement.
I didn't see any big wars under Trump.
I saw a major de-escalation and the Abraham Accords and the deal with North Korea and peace with Russia.
I did see Trump stand up to China on the Economic front.
I thought that was good.
I mean, we have Biden again last Friday saying, you better get ready for war.
If I don't get this $106 billion, we're going to be fighting the Russians.
And they're trying to bring Ukraine to NATO and then say they're attacking a NATO country.
And so do you think Biden or maybe Gavin Newsom would be better?
I mean, just go ahead and elaborate.
So you think you think Trump's not fit to be the commander in chief?
No, I think that he has an old school view of the military, he has an old school view of Big Pharma, and he has an old school view of American power.
And we're entering a phase where America's going to need to accommodate and get along a little bit, rather than just say, we're going to lock you down financially.
A bunch of new countries joins the Monetary Alliance of the BRICS today, and it's going to have a tremendous impact.
I just think The key is that the COVID shot weakened the military.
General Flynn just retweeted the letter from all the service members saying that we believe that this was designed to bring down the American military.
If you've got a commander-in-chief that won't accept that the shot was used to bring down our military, how's that problem going to get right?
No, I hear you.
The big elephant in the room.
Because Trump wanted to get the economy going and they lied to him and said it was safe and effective and it wasn't.
And then he won't admit he's wrong.
I mean, that's just something that's there.
What we know is the deep state doesn't want him re-elected.
He's awake now.
Behind the scenes he knows what's going on.
And so it's a decision the voters are going to have to make.
Except the deep state is trying to take him off the ballot saying you don't have the right.
Let me ask you this, Peter.
You believe the American people have a right to vote for who they want to, right?
I believe, just like if a parent told a child, though, there's a thing called psychological reactance, where the fact that somebody's telling you you can't do something increases your desire to do that thing.
And for someone like a rebellious teen, your parent says, stay away from illegal drugs, they might have fentanyl mixed in.
Sure, sure, but it's bigger than that, and I appreciate your call.
The economy was a lot better under Trump, and we all know it.
And people are sick of the corrupt judicial and criminal justice system, so they know a railroad job when they see it.
I mean, it's a lot more than just, you know, dad tells you don't smoke marijuana, so you go smoke it.
And you know, I'll say this for black people, because I've seen the statistics.
Guess what group of people, except for George Floyd, are the lowest group consuming fentanyl?
It's black people.
They hear, this will kill you.
The first time you take it and then they'll make damn sure they're not, you know, smoking dope that's got it or whatever.
A lot of these marijuana pens that are made on the black market have it in it, and it's killed a bunch of people I know.
It's family members.
I'm pissed.
So we all need to get like the black people and worry about something that's killed 120,000 plus people last year alone that we know of.
And that's the ones that were diagnosed by a pathologist, a coroner.
A lot of people never got tested right, so it's probably way higher.
I mean, this is a plague, folks.
You know, it's terrible that 1,500 Jews died in the sneak attack on southern Israel.
Okay, great.
Go kill the leaders of Hamas.
Don't just carpet bomb the whole area.
They did finally kill one of the leaders, finally.
But that's the biggest thing in world history and bigger than Pearl Harbor.
It's like saying January 6th is bigger than Pearl Harbor and 9-11.
That's insulting.
And so, what about the hundreds of thousands of Americans dying from these shots and from the fentanyl?
That's hitting everybody.
Jews, Gentiles, Asian, white, black, Hispanic.
I mean, you know, to me, I look at the big statistics and I talk about what's really going on.
Well, you shared a report earlier.
The Globalist Black Swantel.
It's up on Infowars.com.
With top scientists, national graphs, from the insurance companies, from the governments, 17 million people dead from the shot conservatively.
Most numbers are 23 million.
I mean, folks, that's not just some number.
That's real.
That means the globalists are going for broke.
They're getting ready to release some new virus.
And that's what I'm focused on, OK?
Remember, the illegal aliens are exempt.
They don't try to push it on them.
Nathan in Virginia, thanks for calling here on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for having me, too.
Great to talk to you.
Appreciate everything you're doing.
Appreciate you.
Hey, I called to talk about Epstein's client list because I got a feeling that it's going to be the RFK, Trump, all the people they don't like is going to show up on that and they're throwing Bill Clinton under the bus just so it looks fair.
Well, I will say this.
I will say this.
If it turns out Trump ever went to Epstein Island, I will remove any support from him.
But I know Roger Stone very well, and I know people that know Trump well, a lot of people, I'll leave it at that.
I know women that have dated Trump, prominent women.
I know friends of his, people that stay at his house when they go there.
Roger was his wingman in between divorces, and so Roger knows all about Trump's proclivity.
He gets devoted to one woman at a time.
It's totally obsessed with him.
Totally nice to him.
He's a neat freak.
He wants testing.
He puts Purell on his hands constantly.
And everybody that knows him, he's super cool, playing golf, everything.
He always thought Epstein was creepy.
Something like 15 years ago, he'd been on his plane once when they offered a flight from New York down to Palm Beach where they both live in that general area with Trump's Mar-a-Lago, and he told Roger he got invited to a pool party, or a party, and he gets there, there's all these teenagers, and he goes, oh, that's nice, he lets the neighborhood kids in there.
They go, no, no, no, these are the entertainment, and Trump left immediately.
So that's speculation, but if they put out a client list, and that's possible, then it could be fake, because Epstein's dead.
And that's something very possible.
So we'll have to decide, is it a fake list they put in?
Because the CIA was in charge of that with Mossad and MI6.
All three of those groups that come out were running it.
Would they put out a fake flight log list to get Trump, or did he really go there?
I think that's really an important question.
I mean, are you going to believe them if they put it out?
I personally am not, just from my past research and experience.
See, I've studied not really sociology or psychology, but I I don't have the terms, use the terms they do, I just see how it works.
And so Trump's type is bombshell imposing supermodels, which a lot of guys are intimidated by.
I'm not intimidated by a big, powerful, inner prime woman that just comes and jumps on top of you.
But these creepy old globalists, they're into kids because they like the evil of it, the power of it.
And they show pictures of, you know, Trump's daughters sitting in his lap.
And they go, oh look, he's a pervert.
I can show you pictures of my daughter sitting in my lap.
So it's just ridiculous.
And you know, my 20-year-old daughter, almost 20, 19, I was just hunting with her and hanging out at my dad's property.
She was constantly sitting in my lap and kissing on me.
That's my daughter.
There's nothing sick about that.
People have sick things in their head that think that.
So my daughters love me.
They're constantly kissing me and hugging me because I'm their daddy.
But elaborate on what, you know what, stay there.
Did he hang up?
Which caller is he?
It's Nathan.
Nathan, don't hang up.
I'm going to give you the floor when we come back.
I don't want to cut you short.
But I think that's why I take calls.
I don't think that's why I take calls.
That's why I like to take calls.
Because I think what he brought up is something I didn't even think of that.
And now that he says it, now that Nathan says it, we're all going, oh yeah.
I know this.
They filed fake stuff on me in court.
They got up there and said, we've examined his books.
Never examined the books.
Didn't put it in evidence.
He's got $400 million.
I had a couple million bucks in the bank and had bills of over that amount.
So I was upside down at the trial.
Hadn't paid the bills yet.
And I said, here's my certified bankruptcy.
Here's my certified tax returns.
And she said, nope, you've got a lot of money.
You're not speaking.
They put that fake guy up there on the stand.
So I'll tell you, unless I see forensically studied photos and witnesses seeing Trump there, I don't believe it.
And I think that's really what it comes down to.
I want to see witnesses, he was there, I want to see photos.
Well, Harvard, race war, New World Order, CIA, plant.
I'm not saying it's the CIA, but the whole race war thing is, admittedly, Carnegie Foundation, CIA run it about the country.
She's resigned.
Harvard President Gay resigns.
Harvard Crimson Student Newspaper reports.
What a horrible, plagiarizing, racist piece of crap.
But they're all like that, folks.
Weaponized against the country to make you hate yourselves.
More Jeffrey Epstein news.
Jeffrey Epstein's brother told medical records don't exist on day of mysterious death.
Yeah, because they broke his neck in three places.
Meanwhile, Hezbollah is threatening to target Tel Aviv in light of the assassination of Salah Al Arari, the one of the top heads of Hezbollah.
ID up in the north of the country.
Ramp up on high alert.
Anticipated of escalated hostilities with Hezbollah in the southern Lebanon is high.
Concerns include potential long-range rocket missiles attacks following the Beirut airstrike.
Hamas leader Abu Amir was allegedly among six killed in Beirut.
Suburb drone attack along with Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh
An attack announced against Israel.
So things are escalating very, very, very quickly on that front.
We'll continue to track all of that as it unfolds.
But let's get into some of these articles.
I'm going to go to Nathan in Virginia on his point about Trump.
Bill Clinton soon unmasked as John Doe, 36, has identified over 50 names on Jeffrey Epstein's client list.
Nearly 200 names of Jeffrey Epstein's clients expected to be made public today.
But you know the courts.
Might be a month from now.
Bill Clinton to be identified as previously redacted Jeffrey Epstein documents.
Fox News.
Here's some of the flight logs.
Tony Blair.
Mike Bloomberg.
Going to Epstein.
I mean, look at Tony Blair.
Think he's evil?
I mean, these guys are absolutely evil.
Evil incarnate.
Bill Gates, his wife, distancing herself more from him, his ex-wife now.
That's just some of the news.
But I wanted to go back, we just joined us, to Nathan, who got cut short by me interrupting in the break, bringing up what, this is a really important question, I should have thought of this.
What if Trump did go to Epstein Island?
And I'm not saying he did.
The media is going to run with that Jones ass, did he go?
I'm not saying that, I don't believe he did.
It's been years they've had this.
The CIA went in and cleaned up his Zorro Ranch in New Mexico, and his pervert sex dungeon in Paris, and his pervert sex dungeon in New York, and his pervert sex temple, child molestation, satanic temple in the Caribbean.
What makes you think they wouldn't put Trump's name on the list as a surprise?
But no witnesses ever said Trump went there.
They saw Bill Clinton, all of them.
Bill Clinton says, well, there are no witnesses that I did anything.
Nobody says anything.
Yeah, because they're all dead or paid off.
Of course, they're going to say King Charles's brother was there because he was.
But I'm not just going to defend Trump.
But I'll tell you this, if they bring out some document now, They've had years and years, and now Epstein's dead?
They could put Santa Claus's name on there.
Hell, they could put my name on there.
That's how these people operate.
Remember, when I was getting sued, they got all the discovery on us, including unopened emails.
They wanted all of them.
Court said give it to them.
Then they later said I didn't give them anything.
And then, lo and behold, hidden links, invisible links to child porn were found.
We never opened the email.
We didn't find it.
There was somebody attacking me for questioning the shooting.
And the FBI put a letter out saying Jones is the victim of this.
He had never opened or sent child porn.
But because the court ordered us to hand over the raw email, they scanned it, found the hidden links and national headlines.
Jones sent child porn to shooting victims' parents.
Not true, not real, but they'll do it.
I don't believe Trump.
Was ever there.
There's no evidence he was ever there.
But what do we do if they put him on the list?
Or are you actually saying you believe them over Trump?
Like, oh, there's photos of Trump.
There's photos of Trump with hundreds of thousands of people.
There's photos of me and Trump and video.
Does that mean Trump agrees with me on everything?
Or I with he?
He's a celebrity.
So that's all they got.
And we have The left funding transgenderism and funding sexualization of children.
We have them coming after our children in the schools, sexualizing them.
We have them trying to break up the families and put children on the fast track to be castrated.
We have the Democrats battling to put all this pedophilic stuff on school shelves.
We have Bill Gates wanting to rape our bodies with his shots, hanging out with Epstein all the time.
We have the real evidence of who's doing this.
And so this red herring I always see of Trump photographed a few times with Epstein at these big socialite parties, of course!
And so, I've been photographed with movie stars.
Hell, I'm in movies with Keanu Reeves and Robert Downey Jr.
and Winona Ryder and Woody Harrelson.
And I'm not saying that they did anything wrong, no, I mean, Keanu's really nice.
Winona's nice.
Woody's great.
We're friends.
Been friends with Keanu.
Haven't been in contact with him in a long time.
He's a fan of the show.
Had dinner a few times.
He asked for more of my films, brought them to him.
Got to know him good when I was an advisor on the set and also in the movie, Sharon Dargley.
But if something comes out randomly about Rick Linklater, been good friends with him for like 23 years, 24 years.
Not saying Rick's done anything wrong, he's a great guy, but I'm just saying.
Or something came out I did that I didn't do, are they all guilty now?
So I'm not an apologist for Trump, but I am an apologist for due process.
And Trump's had a bunch of lies thrown at him and none of it's been true.
Nathan, though, you raised this point I should have thought of.
Is that what you're thinking is going to happen?
Yeah, I think the timing is just too perfect for, you know, all of a sudden, all these years later, after keeping it hidden so long, they've had time to doctor it up and put what they want in.
And now they're going to throw it out.
And I think it's going to take RFK's probably going to be on it because I think he was on some of the flight logs at some point.
They're going to get rid of two of one.
Are they think they're going to do?
But what I really think we need to be extremely careful of what I'm more scared of than anything is that, you know, Trump was easily influenced by his advisors before that were dead wrong.
And, you know, his ties with Bill Gates and stuff, he admits to that.
We really got to watch him hold his feet to the fire.
If he's going to be the next president, he needs to know What the deep state really is and what the swamp really is.
It's not just a catchphrase, but he needs to not help those people.
Not, you know, the stuff he did with the vaccines was bad.
The stuff he did with the bump stock.
That's the whole reason we're fighting the pistol brace ban stuff now.
Because, you know, he helped the ATF weaponize that.
Weaponize that agency as a legislative agency instead of an enforcement agency.
Well, he's got a better understanding now, but I hear you.
And he knows, he actually knows what actual deep state is.
And when you listen to Trump, he doesn't give any indication that he has, you know, much of an idea really
Well, he's got a better understanding now, but I hear you.
what's going on.
I mean, I'm not a Lester to Abel's guy, but we're not voting for Gavin Newsom and for Obama again.
Oh, Lord, no. But that's what I'm saying.
That's why we need to be the ones to clean our own house, hold it to the fire station.
I agree with you.
And I appreciate your call.
That's a really good point.
And we really should be thinking about that.
I hadn't thought, what if they forged his name on there?
There's nobody to stop him.
Because it was the feds that have had that this whole time and kept it sealed.
And all they got to do is blackmail the judge.
Or maybe the judge never got the real list.
They say there's a couple names that are redacted.
Who are the two names they're taking off the list?
People say, oh, I see.
Why'd he fly?
I think it was twice from New York to Florida because they live in the same place.
That's what rich people do.
They all fly on each other's jets.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Wild in Wisconsin.
Wild, you're on the air.
Hey, Mr. Crystal Vision.
Actually, I think it was New Jersey to Palm Beach, but in 2024 here, I think what we're observing is, you know, kind of like in The Wizard of Oz, the curtain being pulled back, and people like you and I have been ahead of the curve and beyond.
That's a great point!
If you think 2023 was the year the curtain got pulled back, 2023 has nothing on 2024.
We're going to see that sucker pulled all the way back.
Yeah, and the normies are going to recoil, you know, when they see what's behind the curtain.
And it's like how we spoke about before many times, a movable object.
And the unstoppable force then turns into the immovable force and unstoppable object, like a quantum fusion fission reaction.
You know, and with Epstein, I think, you know, there's a couple of possibilities.
What's in the cards could be a move to frame Trump, a slow drip control between hidden hands or victims forcing the judicial system, you know, but it's all part of this, like, you know, it's not built back better by Biden.
It's like, Biden's border blitzkrieg and you know it's like have you ever heard that song Crystal by Fleetwood Mac?
Yeah it's like that it's like that song you know and 2024 is like we're going into a trap but it's a trap known So then when it's a known trap, it's more of a showdown.
Exactly, exactly.
Before it was always a trap, it was covert.
Now it's a showdown because the enemy's up and got the mask almost completely off.
Excellent points, Wild.
Anything else?
No, you have a Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you, brother.
Appreciate you.
Thanks for calling.
Bill in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Yes, Mr. Jones.
Good to talk with you.
There are a couple of callers.
Uh, discussed Donald Trump and also our military.
Our civilian population has been bombarded with so much propaganda.
These people don't even understand what's going on.
We're at war.
I started following this guy by the name of Michael Yon when he was on your show and you interviewed him and He's covering the Darien Gap and all these people that are coming up into our southern border.
And the giant Chinese UN bases they built?
I talk to Michael every day.
He'll be on the show soon.
It's just insane.
Yes, sir.
And people don't realize it, but we are at war.
With the drugs, it was like a shot across the bowels, okay?
It's all asymmetrical.
It's all asymmetrical warfare.
People need to organize in their respective areas.
Yes, sir.
They need to check and recheck their supplies.
They need to do a weapons and ammo check.
And you ain't bugging out anywhere.
This is our country.
They need to stand strong.
They need to prepare to do battle.
That's what we need to do as Americans right now.
We're so far into this and people don't even know it.
Sir, I couldn't say it any better than you.
I mean, I'm not even afraid.
I'm more sad and disgusted because people are starting to wake up a little bit.
I mean, they know they're being screwed now, but they don't know how bad.
I mean, you understand, sir, they hit 17 million people conservatively are dead from the shots
in major insurance actuaries.
The standard of living, the life expectancy is plunging, infertility is off the chart,
cancer is turboed.
I mean, this is horrifying and we're living it.
And I knew this was coming.
I knew their plans.
But it's completely different to know a plan and to be living in the plan.
And yes, sir.
We just got to get with God.
We got to get serious.
We got to pray.
I mean, I used to pray twice a day usually.
Some days two or three times, you know, four times.
Some days none.
I am praying ten times a day now at least.
I mean, I am praying all the time.
And it's a feeling of like you're tied up on the side of a highway.
And then somebody pulls up with a group of 23-year-olds that are wearing blindfolds.
And turn loose in the middle of a highway with cars coming down the road at 100 miles an hour, and the people driving the cars have blacked out windshields.
And you're sitting there watching the school bus pull up, they're leading the children out, and they're just walking them one at a time out, and these cars are just smashing them and driving over them.
And it's just, it's so wild to then, say on X, get into the liberal areas and see their posting, and it's so delusional.
It's just that they are so mind-controlled.
It's really sad.
I appreciate your call.
I mean, I can't think of any other analogies.
It's like an asteroid's coming, and they know 10 years out that it's going to hit the Earth with a trajectory, and they've got plenty of time to launch some spacecraft with hydrogen bombs on it, and they've done all the math.
They know if they hit it with this many megatons, it'll blow the asteroid into so many pieces, or it'll redirect it off its course.
And they just decide to not stop it.
And then now it's a year away.
And they got photos of it.
Crisp, clean photos of it.
And they know the day it's going to hit.
And they just sit there and giggle and laugh.
And they tell you you're a traitor if you want to stop it.
Total death cult insanity.
But as negative as that is, I talk on air and off air to the most influential people in the media on earth, and they're on board.
They, they, and I'm not bragging when I say this, I want listeners to know this, they call me, they say, well Jones, what about this, what about that, what's going to happen next?
And I send them information, and then I see them talk about it the next day.
And it's not just some of the most prominent people.
I mean, I get a lot of stuff to Trump, I'll leave it at that.
I get a lot of stuff to Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, you name it.
I mean, I can go down the line there.
And I'm not going to, you know, like Fight Club, there's two rules, Fight Club, don't talk about Fight Club, the other rules don't talk about Fight Club.
I'm not going to talk about other stuff going on.
But there are a lot of really serious people that want a pro-human future.
And are saying we need to not destroy civilization because if the globalists turn it off and try to kill the majority of people, that'll cause mass war and the globalists themselves will be destroyed.
I mean, that's just common sense.
But people like Elon Musk don't have a death wish.
Bill Gates and other people are crazy.
But they just got away with killing 17 to 23 million people.
The low number is 17.
And that's just the beginning.
So of course he's on an airplane going to an island where they rape kids.
They're all about raping.
They don't just rape children.
They rape your medical freedom.
They rape your body.
They rape your life.
They rape your soul.
These are sick, committed to evil people that are dialed into a satanic force.
Turner Carlson last week was giving a speech.
I meant to send it to the crew.
I don't think I did.
It was when I was on Jimmy Dore.
They played a clip.
Will you guys find that?
Tucker Carlson clipped Jimmy Dore, I think it's like an hour and a half in.
Maybe two hours in, it was a three hour interview.
Tucker says, you know, I've grown up around Washington, I've grown up around the elites.
Yeah, you said they were greedy and bad, but you know, they were doing something because a political group paid them to do it.
It was about money and power.
The globalists are going out of their way to destroy civilization, even themselves, because they're a death cult.
And that's the term we've all really come to.
I'm not saying who coined it, because it's been used before to talk about Jim Jones and people, but this is a real death cult.
You see these headlines about Giuliani.
You see these women in there and what they were doing in Georgia that night in the footage.
And then the judge says, I default you, the women are innocent.
Tells the jury, you can't put any evidence on Giuliani, you can't talk, you're guilty.
Now we're going to see the damages, $147,000,000,000, I forget what it was.
Guys, look up the number out of that situation.
It's the same thing where they default you, and then they attacked him and said, and he's selling un-FDA approved supplements, he's a fraud.
Ladies and gentlemen, they tried to ban supplements in 1996.
They passed a federal law.
It's like Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the right of the press, or to peaceably assemble, or petition the government for redress of grievances.
That's the First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law.
Well, it's $148 million more.
$148 million.
I thought $147 million is what my memory told me.
So, sit back for a minute.
He doesn't have $2 million.
He's broke.
But the point is, is that you can buy those same supplements at Whole Foods.
You can buy them from me.
Nobody says Whole Foods or H-E-B or Piggly Wiggly or Publix or Safeway is running a scam when they sell vitamins or herbal teas.
But when we do, they, oh, unauthorized.
There is no jurisdiction of the FDA over supplements, so they're not approved.
They have a law, though, if you call it a drug, then they can come after you.
They don't want you knowing that almost all viral infections are caused by vitamin D3 deficiency.
They don't want you knowing that almost all cognitive disability is from lack of iodine.
That's a fact.
Government used to put it in salt.
Now they don't, since the late 70s.
IQs went up 15 points.
They sort of put it in the salt by law in the 1920s.
Deformities went way down.
And yeah, this is a plug mixed in with news.
Giuliani sold unapproved supplements, like an unapproved drug.
There is no jurisdiction.
Like, IRS shuts down unapproved church.
IRS has no jurisdiction over churches.
What do you think drugs are?
They're pharmaceutical copies of what was already there naturally.
You know, aspirin works really good.
That's just a plan.
You know, tea, coffee gets you stimulated.
It's a plan.
And they just sit there like we're morons, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, eucalyptus opens up your sinuses.
It's a plant.
But they can't patent a plant, so they'll find something in a plant, or fish oil, they're now patenting a version of that, they'll change the molecule, and then they say they own it.
So this is an example of how Jones sells unapproved supplements.
Because there's no jurisdiction!
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But that's a government globalist deception, not wanting you to know the power of organic vitamin C or D3 or B12.
Oh, they're selling that unauthorized stuff!
The FDA doesn't approve of that!
See how they manipulate the word like they don't approve, like you were bad to mommy.
You just don't know.
They don't approve because they're not in the department to approve.
It's not their business.
Thank God Congress did the right thing.
They tried to ban it.
Europe has basically banned supplements.
They're like, on average, one-tenth as strong as what can be sold here.
It's baloney!
One time I was watching like one of these doctor shows on ABC or Lister sent me a clip and I watched the whole thing.
And later I said, I bet Bill Gates funded that.
I looked it up, Bill Gates paid for the whole production.
And then there's an Alex Jones character that sells evil supplements, who's a talk show host.
Why don't they want you taking these, but they want you taking the COVID deadly shots that have killed 17 million people at least.
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Hour number three, and I'm going right to Daryl, Alan, Bev, Robert, Michael, Bart, Dylan, Mark, everybody.
Your calls are coming up.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Now into hour number three.
We're taking your phone calls.
And I hope the phone's up over an hour ago.
I threw out the point that I think they're going to try to really cancel the 2024 election.
One of the different false flags or scams you think they're going to pull.
And the callers really haven't called in about that.
They've called in about other topics that kind of fit into that larger discussion.
That's fine with me.
But I really am focused on that and on the 17 million dead at least from the poison shots.
Daryl in North Carolina, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
All right.
Hey, Alex.
So what I think they're going to do this year is what we've already seen.
So you've got some single communist in, I think it's Maine, who just decided she didn't want Trump on the ballot.
I think we're going to see more things like that. We've got just these individual communist
bomb throwers that are trying to, you know, harangue us into this civil war and all this
other stuff. And I think the smart thing we can do is just hold on, not overreact and get Trump
and the group behind them in, in less than a year, you've got your countdown going, which I love.
And I mean, think about our group we've got.
We've got Musk.
We've got Trump.
We've got Carlson.
We've got Brogan, Jones.
I could go on and on.
We've got Flynn.
I mean, we have got a great group of people who want America to stay sovereign.
And all we're battling is people who don't.
They want to take away America and get us into this global world order.
And all we gotta do, I think we're ahead, I think it's the fourth quarter, all we gotta do is run out the clock, get Trump in there, get the good guys in there, and we can put a stop to this nonsense pronto.
I agree with you, but they're gonna not stand by and just let Trump in.
Did you hear me read that article where a top former CIA operative that's a political science professor at Georgetown University, Dr. John Gentry, is saying he already sees the deep state trying to steal the election right now?
Yes, sir, and that's why we have InfoWars.
With you and the crew up, we will call out every time they try to do something down to the hour.
We'll call it out.
Everybody else, the independent media, picks it up.
They're going to have such a hard time trying to pull off these false flags.
We have got an army of Sherlock Holmeses out there who are all online, so unless they try to- No, you're right, you're right, and that's key that we have X, because They had total control except for Rumble, InfoWars, and like Gab and a few other places that were building and still doing a great job, and the Listers were doing a great job, but that was really not as strong as we needed.
With X now doubling the number of people using it, by the way, they're trying to defund it, but with Musk getting more hardcore as they try to bully him, they're going to have trouble pulling stuff off with X out there.
We got so many eyes and telephones out there, and as soon as something happens, it gets reported, people start picking it apart.
And these guys running the show right now, let's face it, they're not the brightest tools in the shed.
And pulling off a false flag ain't easy.
I've seen them trying to do it.
We had explosions in New York last night, and we're having little things go off, but they're not getting big, because I think these guys are incompetent, and also because we're onto them.
Can you believe they launched balloons with big bags that looks like a sand?
I mean, those are weapons to knock airplanes out of the sky and the media just spun it like it was no big deal?
Yeah, and people are on to that, too, seeing that the media, that they lie by omission.
You know, we see all these incredible events happening and they just act like, oh, no big deal.
Oh, let's look at, you know, Trump's maids, brothers, cousins, friends, tax returns.
People are on to him, but they're not able to fool us anymore.
Let's expand on that though.
Blocking all these highways and airports all over Europe and the U.S.
is probing to destabilize things.
And if the West strikes Iran, they're going to activate Hezbollah inside this country, and all hell's going to break loose.
I mean, they may do that, but what do they have to gain?
I mean, I'm just feeling like all the governments, whether it's Iran, Israel, any of the Western,
these guys are all having their strings pulled by these globalist puppets.
We know who they are.
The Rothschilds, the Schwabs, these people who are even having their strings pulled.
Now when you get down to the ground level, the local level, those strings are all going
to be clipped.
So whatever these professors have planned, it's not going to go the way they think.
That's my gut feeling.
I hear you, but that's even more dangerous in a way.
They're getting very incompetent because now they've been exposed.
I agree with you.
They're not operating in darkness.
It's now a confrontation.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're taking your calls in the order that they are received.
I love the listeners taking us in a lot of different directions and angles.
I've got a bunch of other news I haven't hit yet that I'm going to be getting into as well.
We're sitting here waiting for the Jeffrey Epstein client list to drop.
It might drop during Owen's show, The War Room, 3 p.m., or it might be tomorrow, it might be next week.
But we already know who flew to the island.
We already know what was going on.
A Mossad, MI6, CIA blackmail operation.
Kevin in Indiana, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Or Bevin, I'm sorry.
Bevin in Indiana, go ahead.
Hey Alex, grateful to be speaking with you right now.
I'm 25 years old and I'm in Gen Z and the way I see things is I believe my generation currently is completely gone and where I'm at right now is I'm at a point to where I see it's our job and it's our duty to stand up and come together as the people to Truly save the next generation of children because of all
Thank you.
the propaganda that they have being pushed on them I believe it's our job to protect them. But with the
election I also think they're gonna try and pull something with the
legal immigrants to maybe Do something crazy and have them fight against this
I don't know where you stand on that, but I'm just they're gonna weaponize the election some way somehow
Well, they're already doing it with Black Lives Matter again, with all these cities giving them money, claiming they were abused with no evidence.
They were actually given a red carpet to rampage and burn and kill and loot.
And they're hyping up the Hamas sympathizers everywhere and allowing them to engage in all sorts of sabotage.
So, no, I mean, they're definitely defunding the police.
They're probing while they give the police the main mission to go after the American people.
It's very obvious what's going on.
Right, and I just think people need to actually wake up and realize that nothing's going to happen if we don't come together and stand up and do something about it.
Well, I think people are coming together.
I think these massive caravans slamming in daily.
I think the inflation.
And then Biden saying in the last two weeks, we've beaten inflation.
I mean, let me ask you that question, Bevin.
Have you noticed prices go down or go up?
It's like impossible for me to live on my own.
I cannot live on my own.
It's physically impossible.
Well, I'm on a bankruptcy budget and it's still more than what most people are paying because I have a lot of functions that have to be paid.
The court knows that.
I mean, I have to like say, hey, let's stop eating out.
And then I do a lot of the shopping and I'm, I mean, it's exploded.
It's, it's absolutely insane.
I go to the grocery store and get like two bags of groceries and it's 150 bucks.
Exactly, and rent and everything else going into it.
There's just no way to live.
Like, I have to be living with four people at least just to get by.
Brother, God bless you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Allen in North Carolina.
Allen, welcome.
Hey, Alex.
I'm going to bring up the point that mass mail-in ballots are the key to this whole thing.
And I've been telling people that.
And that's why they want to bring the COVID scare with the new virus back in.
Have you noticed the blue cities and states are putting all the controls back in?
Right, but I don't think they're dumb enough to pull that again so soon.
And I've been telling people that I think that there's gonna be like a black swan, fox flag, something go down in Iran causing a 1970s style gas shortage, which would justify nationwide a mass mail-in battle. Already half the supplies in the
world come through that area and already they've been majorly disturbed. Ships are being attacked
daily. U.S. helicopters just blew up a bunch of hoothie boats. Now Iran says they're
going to strike. I totally agree.
Suez Canal getting blocked. Red Sea getting blocked. Strait of Hormuz getting blocked.
Cyber attacks. They claim Iran.
It's gonna be hard to do.
That's for sure.
actually do it who knows the Chinese or the deep state does it and they've been
pre-programming with all these movies and TV shows that it's going to be
Trump supporters doing it and even though that's asinine that we're Russian
agents they're really testing the waters right now what do you think? I think
they're definitely setting the stage that's for sure. I totally agree. How do
we counter that? It's gonna be hard to do. It'll be very hard to do. I don't know. Good points.
I'm glad you raised the point about oil.
That would be a way to totally shut things down as well.
Thank you for your time, Alex.
Yeah, girl.
Thank you.
Alright, appreciate you calling.
Let's talk to Robert in Florida.
Robert, you're on the air.
Can you hear me okay, Alex?
I can.
Lord give us and the Lord take us away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Two quick points.
First one, what do you recommend for anxiety and depression based off stuff that you guys have, your supplements?
Well I'm not a doctor and so I don't sit there and make diagnoses plus I don't do it over the air.
I know that if you have deficiencies of anything, that can lead to low energy and lethargy.
And so there are a bunch of vitamins and a bunch of minerals and a bunch of trace things
that are known to give you more energy.
But the biggest thing is getting out and exercising, hiking, getting in the woods, praying,
have all been shown in literally tens of thousands of studies to boost you mentally and spiritually.
And then I wouldn't eat a bunch of processed food.
I wouldn't eat things like aspartame, that's in thousands of foods
and even something supposedly not sugar-free has it in it.
Most of the candies and gums at the store have it.
So MSG, things like that.
I would not eat processed foods as much as I could.
I'd drink a lot of purified water.
And then absolutely, I would take something like Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I've gone ahead and had my blood tested.
I'd take X2.
And I wasn't deficient in anything and I didn't take any supplements for three weeks before I did it.
So I wanted to find out, I had my heart checked and like, you know, 18 things of blood taken and over 100 tests done
And I was good. I got my dad to go and he thought he ate enough food and he thought he was taking enough stuff.
last year.
He was deficient in a bunch of stuff and as soon as he literally got on my supplements and some others that the
medical doctor gave him...
He bounced back.
I mean, he was like he had Alzheimer's or something.
And so, he bounced back.
He had a whole... As you get older...
Your gut doesn't absorb as much.
So you may be getting a bunch of sugar and stuff.
That just gives you fat.
Just because you're fat doesn't mean you're getting all the vitamins and minerals you need.
My dad's not fat, by the way.
He's a lot lighter weight than I am.
But just because somebody has weight on their bones doesn't mean they're getting all the nutrients they need because, you know, crap, you know, cotton candy will make you fat.
But it won't give you vitamins and nutrients.
And so they put him also on some prescription souped up vitamins.
He's taking like eight or nine of them a day.
He's taking some of our products and he's like back.
It's great.
But he was like out of it, kind of sundown or stuff by nighttime.
Now we were hanging out midnight on New Year's by a bonfire and he was great.
So I mean, I think it's mental.
I would pray, I would ask God to energize you.
But again, are you hiking in the woods?
Are you hunting?
Are you going for a walk at night under the stars?
How much are you exercising?
Well, not for me generally, for my wife.
I think with a lot of what's going on in the world, my wife She has anxiety issues, but she allows things to get to her so easily.
And I've noticed magnesium, like there's some gummies you can buy at Sam's or Costco.
Oh, magnesium powder won't make you sleepy during the day, but at night makes you sleep so good.
Yeah, a lot of people are deficient in magnesium.
You're absolutely right.
That works great.
So my next question, what is your favorite caliber?
You know, that's a really good question.
I like 300 Win Mag.
I mean, if I could only have one gun, but then like for survival or whatever, and I only had so much ammunition, there's a lot of those good survival guns, over-unders, where you've got like a 12-gauge shotgun on the bottom, and then something like a Creedmoor round, or a .243, or .308 on the top.
Because then if you were in the bush and all you had was like two boxes of ammo for let's
say six months, you could survive with easily.
With 40 cartridges of .308 and, you know, 20 12-gauge shotgun rounds.
Both for protection and for game and everything.
And so, I had one of those.
It was a .410 on the bottom and a .223 on the top.
And man, I could, like, shoot a Tweety Bird at 100 yards right in the head with it.
With the little .223 on it.
I like 308.
I have a 6.5 Creedmoor, but I just purchased a Ruger Precision 308.
I'm going to go out and reach and touch something here this weekend, so we'll see what we can do.
What's your favorite round?
I like 308.
I have a 65 Creedmoor, but I just purchased a Ruger Precision 308.
I'm going to go out and reach and touch something here this weekend, so we'll see what we can do.
My next point is there's a new vaccine that they're promoting on TV now called Bovaxian,
B-O-V-A-X-I-A-N, that tells you if you're worried about the COVID vaccines to try this one,
but lifts all the complications, myocarditis, heart attack, and they've been pumping it on the TV.
Well, I mean, I can tell you what's causing the depression.
When you get on an iPhone or a screen, your brain only has so many decisions you can make in a day before it kind of goes into hibernation mode or daydreaming mode.
And people are, endless text messages, endless, you know, I have friends and family that'll have like 20 text messages about meeting in a movie theater.
Just call them up on the phone and say, hey yeah, it starts at 5.30, I bought you tickets, here's where it's at, and be done.
If they're not there, don't be there.
Just constant communication, constantly this and that, and then by the time three or four rolls around, your brain is totally exhausted, and your brain's trained that things are so easy on a phone, it likes those quick, easy decisions, and then starts hating everything else around it that's more complex and real.
But yes, you're right.
On the sides of buses and on billboards for three years, oh, heart attacks are now completely normal.
Strokes are normal.
Blood clots are normal.
They knew right when they rolled the shot out they were going to do it.
Now they have TV ads all over the world.
Oh, now little kids have heart attacks.
It's totally normal.
And now they admit all this is happening.
Now they're spinning it.
Oh, the new variant's going to cause the heart attacks.
There's an epidemic of heart attacks by a new variant.
No, there's been an epidemic from the damn shots that make your body create a spike protein that infects the heart and causes an artificial form of myocarditis.
Viral infection in the heart.
Go ahead.
Well said, well said.
Last thing I'd like to see, if you can play it, I don't know if you can.
Creed, are you ready?
Play it at 2 minutes and 14 seconds.
It's no longer Happy New Year, it's Prepare for the New Year.
So the song is Creed what?
We are Are You Ready.
And then you want us to play it from 2 minutes what?
2 minutes and 14 seconds around there.
Goes into it.
You don't have to play the whole thing, it's just a brief.
Alright, we'll see if we can pull that up.
But hey, God bless your father and your family.
I'm glad that they're doing better.
God bless everybody, you guys, your crew.
Thank you for all you do, man.
I don't know how you do it every day, but I'm thankful that you were there to spread the message because you woke me up in 2013.
Well, brother, I appreciate you.
Thank you, Robert.
I want to explain something here.
I'm under attack.
It's like I'm driving a tractor and it tumps over on me like the thing that killed trafficking at the congressman.
And I can't get it off of me.
I need your help for us to collectively get it off each other.
We're all under a tractor.
And we have to work together to get it off of us.
I mean, it's really that simple.
Or it's like a child's pinned under a weight and one man can't pick it up, but five or six could.
I mean, they are attacking us.
They are attacking me.
People ask, where's the energy come from?
How do you do it?
Why are you so focused?
Why are you so upset?
Well, I mean, they've killed conservatively 17 million people.
Any minute now, it'll be up on X. I asked them to post it.
John Bowne's latest report on the Globalist Black Swantel.
The Globalist 2024 Black Swantel.
Or the Globalist tell you what they're going to do in 2024 and it's not nice.
Watch it!
It's 9 minutes and 50 seconds long.
Watch it!
Share it!
Again, ladies and gentlemen, there it is.
The New World Order's 2024 Black Swantel.
Exclusive report.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's such an important report.
When I saw it this morning, I was stunned how good it was.
Jon Bowden's a great researcher, great editor.
So are the rest of the crew.
And again, if I lived in the forest, let's say in Washington State, there are 50 mile an hour winds, there's been a drought, and I hear on the radio, the Forest Service says in these neighborhoods evacuate, the fire will be in your area within two hours.
I'm going to load up my family and the animals.
And the heirlooms, and the guns, and I'm going to throw them in the car.
And if that didn't get it done in time, and the smoke starts hitting us, and the flames are a half mile away, I'm going to leave all the stuff behind.
And if people then said, oh, you're a hero, I'm a hero?
They just killed 17 million people.
People email me and call me, thank you for saving so many lives as opposed to the shot.
Thank you for caring so much.
Caring so much?
They just sabotaged our whole military with the damn thing.
Recruiting's down to 30% of what it used to be.
It's down 70%.
I have empathy, folks, because they want to get me too.
So, it's like, you hear about your neighbor getting robbed.
You have empathy because you like your neighbor.
But you also hear the thieves broke in, you know, at 2 p.m.
when they're at work and stole everything.
You get pissed because that means you're next.
And so many people in this modern sociopathic society, when you're nice to them, and when you try to do good things for them, they think, what's going on?
Why do you need me?
Why are you being nice to me?
Well, I need you for civilization.
I need you for my children to live with.
I need your children to do well, because I want my children to do well.
But these globalists think if they hurt people, they're insulated from it.
And they've been somewhat with their money and their power, but they're not insulated.
I look at the globalists.
I look at these different globalist families.
They have the highest transgenderism in their families.
They have the highest levels of suicide in their families.
They are the most unhappy people you have ever seen, ladies and gentlemen.
And they are in a hell.
And then they project their own self-loathing and their own hatred of themselves onto us.
So, yeah, I don't like the UN having a world treaty that's going to force control over our bodies.
I don't like them defunding police and then telling the criminal gangs to run wild.
Because I know where it leads.
They're destabilizing things.
I don't like a hundred plus thousand fentanyl deaths.
I want it shut down.
And I'm sad.
People I know's kids have died and families have died, but I'm worried about my children.
Because I know that, hey, El Salvador, most dangerous country in the world until two and a half years ago, the government turned off a crime like that.
These governments can do this.
You can tell people to be straight and be strong and be competitive and stand together, and almost any culture can get, but if you've got, I mean, look at North Korea.
Worst country in the world for oppression and tyranny.
Poorest country in the world.
Just south of it, per capita, the richest, most productive country in the world.
Because one's communist and one's quasi-free.
Now the Koreans follow orders, on average, like the Germans do.
Great people, but they do it.
They have the highest level of autism.
It's like 1 in 5 now.
It's like 1 in 34 in the U.S.
Because they line up and take every damn shot they're told to take.
And they are poisoned.
So, you know, there's issues.
Now take the Japanese.
They usually follow government orders, except When they do their own research, and they have the lowest intake of shots, period.
Because the Japanese know, you take a shot, you get sick.
The Japanese family gives their kid a shot, and they get sick, they never take them again.
Because they know.
Like, you eat a fish and get sick.
Don't eat that kind of fish again.
They don't need a medical degree to know and see the damn cause and effect.
It's like, I don't need to be a pathologist, again, if I see somebody shove a shotgun in their mouth and blow the back of their head off, that they're dead.
They fall over, they flop around, they bleed out, blood stops coming out of their head, they're dead.
I don't need to have a medical degree.
I don't need to be a coroner or a medical examiner or a pathologist.
It's like if I got pissed at somebody, And grabbed their head, and turned it all the way around.
That's not just in movies.
You get pissed at somebody, it's easy to grab them by the head, and... You know what?
I don't need to be a doctor to know I just broke your neck.
You understand?
So, I know what they're doing.
I know what's going down.
And I knowingly have taken on these people, because it's much worse not to.
So now they've tried to assassinate my name.
They've tried to destroy me financially.
And they thought, their own caricature, that they created the show Homeland, that it was based on me, that all I cared about was money, and I'd turn and run when they took money away.
No, I'd turn and fought, fought, fought, fought, fought, because I don't give a damn about money, except it puts gas in the car and pays for medical care, and gets us good food to eat.
But once I got my hierarchy and ease, Taking care of, you can't get me to sell out just so I can go on a red carpet or hang out with Hollywood.
That's all collapse.
That's all a joke.
And you notice those of us fighting the tyranny are now the most popular, biggest thing there is.
Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Alex Jones.
I didn't start doing this 29 years ago, 30 years in April to be famous.
I did it because I read the globalist documents from 30, 40 years before and saw they'd gotten done almost all of it.
And then I said, well now they're going to try the next leg.
And I warned people for 29 years, and they've gotten all of that done.
And now they're compressing it.
Now we're in the endgame.
Now it's accelerating.
And do you really want the rest of it to go down?
Because they just beta tested.
They tested the perch.
Like a parrot will check a branch to see if it's heavy enough for it to sit on.
This was just a beta test.
20 million dead.
17 million conservatively.
You think they just killed 17 plus million people and you think you're safe?
I don't care if you're the FBI, or a government lawyer, or a federal judge, or a barber, or a firefighter, or a school teacher, or a psychologist, or a farmer, or a rancher, or a pipe fitter, or an auto mechanic, or an 18-wheeler driver.
I don't care if you're a topless dancer.
I don't care if you run a minimart.
I don't care if you run a shoe store!
I don't care if you work at an old folks home!
Nobody's safe!
I don't care if you're David Rockefeller, or Zbigniew Brzezinski, they're already dead, or Henry Kissinger.
None of you are safe from God and the expiration date he put on all of us to face judgment.
Obama's not above his crimes.
Bill Clinton's not above his crimes.
King Charles isn't above his crimes.
They're not above anything!
Alright, I'm going to rampage through calls and cover news when we come back.
We're a few minutes out from break.
Please remember...
Has our information not changed the world?
Has it not delivered?
I'm talking to the majority of you that never ordered a t-shirt or a book or a film or a supplement in your life.
I'm on with Elon Musk a few weeks ago for two and a half hours where we interviewed each other.
And he said, I don't know what you call it when you're anti-destroy humanity and depopulation.
And I said, we should call it team humanity.
He said, I like that.
Let's call it team humanity.
I just got Elon Musk and he's now starting to use that term.
It's not about the sports team.
It's not about all those distractions.
It's about, are you Team Humanity?
Pro-life, pro-human future, or are you pro-death?
It's an image of the nuclear family.
A father, a mother, a little girl, a little boy.
Team Humanity.
Infowars.com on the front, Team Humanity on the back.
There's two different variants of it.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
Go there.
Get the Team Humanity shirt.
I want this to be a bestseller, and we need it for the funding.
I mean, here's an example, super high quality t-shirts that were, you know, soft and nice and good, just two years ago were $10 a piece.
Crappy, real quick ones, you know, I'm like, hey, this shirt we're selling at cost, cost us like six bucks.
Now a quality shirt cost us $15, $16.
And the cheap ones cost us $8, and you gotta print it costs another dollar or so or more.
So these shirts are costing us like $16 to print because they're quality.
We're selling for $29.
Should we get $15 in here to fund the operation to hold off all their lawsuits and all their garbage?
And we're winning!
But we need funds to win a war.
Get a Team Humanity shirt.
This is the shirt I want to see everybody wear.
Go get it now.
It says Team Humanity.
And I designed it.
There's two different variants.
That's the one I designed.
The other one's great, too.
I like it the best.
Get it and get Turbo Force and get X2 and get Winter Sun.
All discounted with free shipping right now.
Store-free shipping on the t-shirts, everything.
You'll fire musket, but I'll run you through as we plunge into certain death.
They're already slaughtering our women and children all around us.
They've already killed at least 17 million of us.
And that was the mere first bite.
They plan on feasting on us.
On their journey to becoming God.
But all they'll do is conjure their own destruction.
Welcome to the end of the New World Order.
It will live but for a short time.
And then collapse.
Thanks for keeping me on air to fight another day, folks.
All the credit goes to God and you.
None of it to me.
It's all about you, and never forget it.
Man, I'm 50 next month, and I got glasses two years ago, and they gave me a headache, but I don't know what I'm gonna do.
I used to have 2015 vision.
I can see ants crawling around the ground at like 20 feet.
And now, I can't read that name.
Is it Rhett?
Alright, man, I gotta get glasses.
I gotta wear the damn things, I guess.
Or contacts or something, man.
Alright, let's go ahead.
Rhett and Tennessee are on the year.
Go ahead.
Yeah, what's going on Alex?
Hey man, 2024 is the most important year.
Not only for Team Humanity and for the spiritual war we have against Yeah, I'm fired up.
I'm fired up.
I want to tell you about the utility systems and the vulnerability that we have right here in Tennessee.
I don't need to tell you that Kinder Morgan is one of the largest energy infrastructure companies in the United States.
like whoa.
Yeah, I'm fired up.
I'm fired up.
I want to tell you about the utility systems and the vulnerability that we have right here
in Tennessee.
I don't need to tell you that Kinder Morgan is one of the largest energy infrastructure
companies in the United States.
There's an explosion on August 18, 2023 that wasn't really covered on mainstream media.
You know, they had a one mile radius where they had to evacuate.
And so just, you know, things like that are just going to keep on going on this year, I think.
Yeah, no, they've caught a bunch of leftists doing it, and they spin it that they're right-wingers.
Then the left openly says they're going to attack the power infrastructure, like they're trying to bring down airplanes in New York, launching balloons with big ropes on them with big bags of sand over it.
Yeah, exactly.
They're the ones attacking.
Total weapons system.
They're the ones publicly cutting off the infrastructure.
They're the ones behind the scenes doing it.
Yeah, but they also are blaming it on equipment failure.
So, for example, on August 18th of 2023, like I mentioned, they said it was equipment failure.
It really comes down to people just out of culpability, you know, carelessness, and the dilapidation of our... Well, that's true.
Civilization is very hard to build, and these companies cut back on staff.
They get... they're nepotistic.
There's a lot of nepotism going on, and we're seeing... I mean, look, look, nuclear power is great if it's done just right.
But almost every reactor is leaking.
They admit there's 460-something worldwide that aren't in submarines or ships.
There's well over another couple hundred after that.
But there's less than a thousand reactors, power-generating reactors.
There's a bunch of test ones, small ones, another hundred or so that I know of.
So there's around a thousand reactors worldwide.
And these things are managed horribly.
And again, why would the globalists, with all the money in control, Be not managing the nuclear reactors.
Because they're a bunch of inbred scum.
Eat the bugs.
You know, the FDA is not on our team.
The FDA is not on Team Humanity.
Oh, I hear that.
It's not zero.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
The FDA will try to tell you, don't take your vitamin C or vitamin D, but eat the chitin bugs.
On record, it gives you cancer.
Thanks for the call.
Bart in Georgia.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I want to talk about the broken border, bioweapons, and martial law.
This caravan of illegal aliens is here to steal, kill, and destroy.
I believe that they're going to slip in a bioweapon, something really scary sounding like mousepox or weaponized smallpox, release it in this group, put us into martial law, August, September, October, cancel the election.
Yeah, I mean that's what they've been pre-programming so they don't want to blame their little precious illegal aliens.
So they'll probably say it's some other group.
But no, I've seen countless videos.
Our crews even shot some of them.
I've had the reporters in here that shot the video.
They're literally chanting in Spanish famous communist slogans.
So they've been brainwashed in camps for months and months.
They're organizing the caravans as like artillery rounds and fired into the United States with chips on their shoulder.
Yeah, this must be stopped before the election.
We can't wait on Trump.
We've got to do something now.
Well, I've got to say Abbott's done not a very good job up until now.
He doesn't have a lot of power because it is the Constitution, the feds control the border, but in an emergency a governor can do something.
He is starting to arrest them.
And they've got laws on the books to do it.
The problem is when they give to the feds, they just turn them loose.
And I've talked to off-record federal judges, FBI, Border Patrol, ICE, federal marshals.
And again, that's why I don't say the feds are enemy.
It's an infrastructure.
There's some good, some bad.
It's like an airplane or a tractor or a car or a gun.
It's a tool.
And it's these offices are being misused.
But let me tell you, you've seen the whistleblowers, you've seen the congressional reports.
The vast majority of the Border Patrol is just sick to their stomach.
But more and more you're seeing young ones, because the old ones are retiring, and they're laughing and saying, yeah, it's our job, open border.
So they're more and more converting the Border Patrol to a woke institution, just like our military.
So it's not that the police are bad, it's who controls them and who picks them.
And they're putting bad people in.
Yeah, the final thing I have to say is I put up Alex Jones and everything from InfoWars on Rumble and Bitchute and everywhere else.
So go to Bart Fine on Rumble and Bitchute and watch the Alex Jones Show, please.
God bless you.
Yeah, can we pull up my ex-account real Alex Jones?
When I said we're getting 10 million views a day, we're getting 10 million views a day on that channel.
Pull it up.
And what's even crazier is, people then grab the videos we post, because people are still trained to not want to share info or they think it's being censored on Twitter or X. It's not.
So start scrolling down, show me some of these numbers.
And of course, the day's young.
You know, we've still got like, you know, 10 hours plus left here.
10 hours, 20 minutes left.
And there's multiple videos we put up with millions of views.
But what's crazier is, I just checked during the break.
The Epstein video we posted two hours ago has a million views.
A bunch of people copied it, and some of those have over a million.
So I love it.
Take our stuff, repost it.
That is what we are looking for.
And so yeah, look at that.
983,000 on that Epstein video.
And then look at this one.
This one right here is like 800,000 when I looked.
Now click on that.
Scroll back up.
Click on that.
And then go to the actual page for the guy now to scroll down.
Notice how it's over a million on his.
And then I looked and there's a bunch of new copies with millions of views.
1.3 million.
Which is the same video, it just has more views on that channel.
So, and he keeps scrolling down.
Just since I started posting at 7am this morning or 6am, we've already got, I counted up during the break, 8 million views.
And then everybody else is posting it, so I would take hours to figure it out, but today we'll probably hit 30 million people on X. That's pretty good!
Think the New World Order is happy about that?
I don't think they're very, very happy about that.
All right, we're going to come right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side of this transmission break.
And we are going to go right back to your phone calls.
I'm going to get to everybody.
Stay with us.
And then Jason Burmas is coming up.
By the way, that mugshot we just showed looks a lot like a skinny Burmas.
Ha ha!
He's having some fun.
Tyranny has risen many times.
It always uses the same tactics.
And it will be defeated again.
We're taking your phone calls right now.
Michael in Kentucky, thanks for holding her on the air.
Much love for you, Alex.
Back at you.
Can you hear me?
I can.
Alright, so I want to talk about Epstein a little bit.
However, it's a moot point right now because we're under attack, right?
So the distractions need to fall away and the veil is lifted, like you said.
So I just wanted to like throw a little bit of kind of a testimony out there and keep it short.
Back in the day, I lived in Hollywood, California, went through a bunch of stuff, negative stuff, discovered what that place was all about, born and raised in Southern California.
And it was clear and apparent to see the kind of elements that were there, sucking in children and all of that.
And it almost it almost sucked in me and my family.
And I mean, I witnessed straight up just Satanism happening, you know, a lot of a lot of spiritual attacks on me personally.
And yeah, I mean, I don't feel weak anywhere.
And I've been a lot of places in the world that have demonic influence.
But I feel as I'm landing in L.A.
as the planes coming in, I feel like there's a satanic force field that's blocking the Holy Spirit.
So at one point, the spirit compelled me while I was living there to map out the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
And in a period of 11 hours, I mean, I was on one without being on drugs, and I took a picture of every single star on the Walk of Fame in an 11-hour period, and I noticed that it's a giant open-ended cross.
It's kind of like a ley line thing there, and they got all these, like, metallurgy and stone elements and all this stuff that concentrates, you know, I guess, power.
You know, it's a pretty weird place.
It's a giant ritual.
Yeah, straight up, you know.
So, that, we faced all of that and, you know, I tried not to turn my back on there.
Jesus Christ pulled me and my family out of that.
No BS about it.
And now it's a complete joke.
The spell is lifted.
The spell is broken.
People know Hollywood's a joke now.
Yeah, man.
And the propaganda machine, you know, it's super easy to see.
So, I guess I'll just leave you with a small prayer, if I may.
Go ahead.
Heavenly Father, please continue to protect us during this.
Show us the truth that's being unveiled here and just keep the revelation on full force.
I pray for the spiritual sight and hearing of everybody that's listening and trying to follow a good path to be on fire.
On fire and higher up more than we've ever been before.
The enemy is now backed into a corner and the power that they worship, the Luciferian light, It's the same as the power of Jesus Christ.
But the thing is, they don't worship the sentience and love of the Lord.
And we know that.
We know you're alive, Lord.
And we're going to break down all strongholds and legal bonds that that enemy has set up.
God's going to break those down.
I appreciate your call, sir.
It's all about God.
God's going to do it, not us.
But we're going to do it.
Christ is going to work through us.
All right, let's talk to Dylan in California.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, let's talk about waking people up in 2024.
Also, spiritually, there seems to be a lot of worry that people have, even people who are in Christ.
Those who are in Christ are protected.
We have nothing to worry about.
Our focus should be on waking other people up.
You know, the Bible teaches that if God will even feed the fowl of the air, He will also feed you.
Well, that's right.
When you're in God's plan, if God decides to let something bad happen, it's for the greater good.
Trust God and be at peace.
Don't be in fear of the enemy, but you should also have a drive to oppose the enemy.
But it's not a spirit of fear, but a spirit of overcoming and victory.
Now, let's talk about some truths of next year.
There's some naivety too on the right as well as obviously the left, but they will kill Trump before he's allowed to be elected, in my opinion.
I think people who don't believe that are being naive and underestimating the enemy.
And, you know, if they can't steal the election next year, then, or this year, They're going to use the Civil War, in my opinion, as plan B under the pretext of... No, I agree with you.
All bets are off.
Cyber attacks, massive false flag, race war.
I mean, they got it all heated up and ready.
You can smell it cooking in the kitchen.
You can look, open the door in the kitchen and see they got the whole thing set up and they got waiters about to bring it out.
We have to also understand that the people who disagree with us are not our enemy, but we have to continue waking them up.
Politically, our biggest difference is not even doctrine, it's not policy, it's naivety.
I think you hit it first.
They're actually scared subconsciously, and in the spirit, they know the truth.
They don't want to admit it because it's too horrifying.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
We're going to move quick because everybody here.
Dylan in Colorado, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Hey, the synchronicity on this show is just unbelievable.
I just wanted to talk about, you know, some of the things that the last people have been saying, too.
You know, I think they're scared.
They're freaked out.
But, you know, what does a child do when it's losing a game?
It flips the game board over.
And I think that's what they're going to do, you know?
I mean, the predictive programming has reached a A crescendo between, you know, the Obama's new movie and all the television shows.
And, you know, once a week at least, I see a, you know, a news article come across my news feed about, you know, an X-class flare or something like that.
And, you know, I think they're going to flip the switch.
They're going to turn off the power.
And say that a solar flare did it.
Yeah, they may not even make it political.
No, they're definitely hyping power outages and cyber outages.
That's their main thing that I see them pre-programming.
And you say, well, why would they tell you the next move?
Because they've always acted like we're asleep.
So they're pre-programming their subconscious to get us ready for it.
And to answer your question about the nuclear power plants, why aren't they taking care of them?
The power goes out for three weeks.
Those power plants have three weeks worth of diesel fuel to run their cooling plants.
That's right.
They melt down.
You think those truckers are going to come and deliver extra?
And that's another modernization.
They've talked about stockpiling diesel for at least six months there.
They don't do it.
Everything is just enough to keep operating, which makes us incredibly weak.
Instead of having more, you scale up economies by having more, by taking care of people, by having new economies.
But no, they're like, oh, no, no, the less humans, the less jobs, the better.
No, no, that creates crime.
It creates depression.
We need to build a world for humans.
Team humanity.
Great points.
Thank you.
Daniel in Texas, go ahead.
Hey, I can't hear myself, so I didn't know I was on.
It's okay, go ahead.
Yeah, hey, I've been following you since you started.
I've been with you all along.
I got a lot to ask you to tell you about.
First off, Frostigard.
Best product you got.
I'm 64 years old.
Nothing works for the prostate.
That stuff worked the day I took it.
When I ran out two days later, I could feel it wear off.
I used your other product.
It worked.
But the Prostagard, if man, all these dudes that are getting poisoned with this estrogen stuff would take Prostagard, man, that's the best product you've got.
Hold on, because you mentioned something.
Let me say something.
There are three things the FDA admits work even though they hate supplements actually for.
Fish oil, Saw Palmetto, Iodine, and D3.
Because they have to.
It 100% works.
And yeah, we have a really strong Saw Palmetto that's got other stuff in it, that on record, just absolutely, people should start taking that at 40, and the numbers show it.
Like, they don't think anybody has any prostate problems if they just take Saw Palmetto.
So whether you get it from me or somebody else, of course our products are work, man.
But yeah, no, Saw Palmetto's amazing.
But I've taken all of them, Alex.
Nothing works like Frostigard, and you're out of it.
You've been out.
I usually have about six bottles, and so I've...
Screwed around, waited until I run out, now you've been out for months!
Well, that, that, listen, that's what I keep telling the listeners.
I'm gonna hold you over, stay there.
I told listeners, that's where we're at.
We got in this catch-up game with supply chain breakdowns, the bankruptcy and everything, where if we had all the products, then we'd have plenty of money, but we never have enough.
So, we barely have enough money to only order a few things.
And I'm trying to get us out of this.
It's driving me crazy.
Oh, it makes me mad.
Anyways, we will get Prostagard back.
We will get Prostagard back.
But yeah, I need people to go to infowarestore.com.
The problem is, you only buy when we discount, and there's so little profit.
I mean, some of these things are 60% off store and free shipping.
We're losing money.
You know who's kept us there?
People buying the books signed as a fundraiser and t-shirts that are fundraisers.
We get a good margin on that.
That's why it's, you know, $99.
You know, the book cost us $10.
We need the money.
Get an unsigned copy.
Get a signed copy.
And yeah, I want to bring all the products back, sir.
We just don't have the money.
Hold on, I'll come right back to you.
We interrupt our program to bring you this important message.
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I was about to go back to that last caller, but he hung up.
So he's been listening for 29 years.
Let's talk to Mark in New York.
Mark, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing, Alex?
I just wanted to know, with the Pentagon, how do we get the Pentagon to stop doing what they're doing?
How do we go about that?
Well, I mean, the Pentagon... People think the military is going to save us.
Military at the top is about the worst people in the country.
And General Flynn will tell you that.
They have hired globalists.
Flynn was unpolitical, just did his job.
That's how he got promoted.
He did a great job.
They have been vetting globalists that literally hate America and are part of the New World Order for at least 30, 40 years.
So, they've got almost all their people in the military at the top, the Justice Department, they attack our troops with poison shots.
Yeah, it seems like the logical things have the military on our side.
The military is captured by the enemy.
Everybody says it's the military on the border.
They're there bringing the illegals across.
My thing is, like, even with the troops, like, you know, they have families.
I mean, you think they're gonna go against you?
Yeah, but what do you do when you're in the military?
What's the number one rule of the military?
Follow orders.
Following orders, that's what they're going to do.
So we're going to have to conjure up and become our own military.
That's what you're saying.
They're going to get rid of the police, everything, to bring the country down.
Everybody keeps looking at the military, like the Q thing.
Oh, the military signal on our side.
Yeah, the average man or woman in the military are great people, on average.
They're good.
Most of them have family reverence.
But at the top, they're New World Order, Blue Bloods, Ivy League.
They see America as their enemy.
They are sick.
They are sick people and we need to get them out of there.
I do videos, Alex.
I put things online.
I do everything that I can to help.
I just bought the new shirt that you put out there.
I shop.
Well, let me say, with all the censorship, you're the people that make this show count.
You're more important than I am, because if you don't share the clips still on Facebook and YouTube, where they still get out, we're going to lose this.
But because of you, we're going to win.
Mark, thank you so much, and God bless you.
Happy New Year.
Let's talk to Brighton in Florida.
Brighton, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good afternoon, man.
Thank you so much for all you do.
Thank you.
I have a couple questions.
I just kind of wanted your thoughts on First of all, Team Human, all the way.
Love the shirts.
Just bought one for myself and my best friend, Breein Foxx.
My first question, we see obviously the shenanigans, the BS that happened in the 2020 election.
What actions do you know of that are being taken or maybe will be taken that we haven't really heard about to try and prevent the amount of fraud that occurred?
Because you see how long, I mean, you already see how long it took for You know, it's actually get litigated and even be viewed at, you know, the state judge level or the federal level.
Yeah, I mean, you've got the states doing stuff about mail-in ballots.
You've got people with verification going on.
The big thing is they get more congressional seats in Democrat areas with the illegals.
That's how they kind of win right up front.
We have to raise the awareness about it.
We have such a landslide that the fraud can't overpower and that's why they're actually scared right now is a landslide that's so big people voting in dead people's names or people that have moved out of district voting for them they just don't have the numbers that's why they're in panic mode right now I want to remove Trump from the ballot is because right now if they had the election today he'd win by 20 points 30 points and then but because of fraud he would win by five.
Yeah, absolutely.
We just had to have such a landslide.
Everybody's got to vote.
Everybody registered to vote.
Everybody vote for people.
Oh, I'm going to vote for JFK Jr.
Because he has better ideas.
That's a vote for Biden.
Vote for Trump if you want to piss off the globalists.
And Trump's not perfect.
Nobody said he was.
Yeah, absolutely.
The thing that's a little scary to me, and I think like somebody said earlier, man,
we just got to lift it up to God.
But I really think that it was a landslide.
You know, I've traveled across the country, and you've probably, you know, done tenfold what I even could imagine, you know, as far as traveling.
I've just never seen any type of real support.
Yeah, no, no, no.
He didn't have it.
Trump won big time, but not big enough to stop the fraud.
This time he's going to win in a landslide.
Thanks for the call.
Stay there.
I'm going to introduce Jason Berman straight ahead.
Well, I got to say this.
We get brainwashers only evil in the universe.
No, there's a lot of good.
But Thomas Jefferson said it best, all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing.
Well we're doing something here today, good men and women.
In the old days you were seen as a coward if you wanted the women to do your fighting for you, but now they're announcing they're going to conscript millions of women to fight in Ukraine.
Even the former head of the European Forces and the U.S.
General proposed that last week.
That is just so disgusting.
Jason Burmess, great filmmaker and talk show host, is about to take over here in the first live show in InfoWars.
I mean, I guess Harrison Smith it is this morning.
That was the first live InfoWars show.
This is the first live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
And then the War Room with the great Owen Schroeder is coming up in about 54 minutes or 53 minutes.
Infowars.com forward slash show, but I promise to go to all the callers.
We got one more left in Massachusetts.
That's Frank.
Frank, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Frank.
Hey, I just, I want to say I renounced Satan in his direction.
That's like on the Godfather.
Do you renounce Satan and all his pumps?
Yes, I do.
I just want to say here on the East, That people, they are already immunocompromised.
They're going like through two rounds of antibiotics, and they can't shake a cold for nothing.
Yep, that's what the shot does, brothers.
You see me read where they now say, oh, record heart attacks and stuff are caused by the new COVID.
But why has it been happening for three years?
Yes I have, and I didn't know if they had already released the new virus, or they're just immunocompromised.
No, they're totally immunocompromised.
They're totally... cancer's exploding.
Did you see the insurance actuaries?
At least 17 million dead from the shot.
I heard about it but I did not see the, I didn't see the report.
Well the report, we'll put it on screen for you.
We've also put it out on X at Real Alex Jones, everybody should get it.
It's New World Order and their Black Swan Tell.
And they basically tell you what they're doing.
It's very important.
Two questions really quick.
My belief on the election is that presidents are selected and not elected.
And that Trump, you know, really, you know, one of his last accomplishments, so to speak, was that, you know, he put Jerusalem as the base in Israel, like their main, you know, headquarters, so to speak.
He put the U.S.
Embassy there.
You know, Obama and Biden there, so to speak, are very, you know, anti-Israel and, you know, I don't want to say anti-Semitic, but, you know, he's... So what's your question?
Well, the question is, you know, it seems like the New World Order is anti-Trump, but it seems to me like he's next in line to be selected to be president.
They hate his guts, but they want him to be president because if he's elected, he will be the cherry on top of the Civil War.
Well, he certainly balkanizes things and polarizes them, but the media did that.
There's different power structures in the world, and so Moving the U.S.
Embassy to Jerusalem, I mean, Israel's not going anywhere.
They have nuclear weapons.
I'm not obsessed with Israel.
I have an allergy to it.
I'm just really sick of hearing about it.
It's a tiny country.
It's a big distraction.
I'm not against it, but I also don't worship it and think about it all day and all the rest of the stuff.
I got my own life, my own things I'm trying to do, my own Second Amendment, my own free market, my own Constitution.
I really didn't hear a question there.
I appreciate your call.
People that just woodpecker Israel all day, it's just, "Okay, great."
It's like every subject, "Oh, what about Israel?"
"I don't want to eat bugs." "Oh, you're coming for Israel."
"I think gas prices are too high." "Why are you coming for Israel?"
It's like an intellectual, I'm not saying the caller did this, but it's like an intellectual way to just turn the
chessboard over and say, "I'm not debating all this."
They gave the Israelis all the poison shots too.
They're under the same New World Order.
Netanyahu in a poll is 15% support.
And the left wants him out.
That's an inner battle, you know, over who controls Israel.
I'm not in the middle of that Jewish Civil War, or the Islamic Jewish Civil War, and just all of it.
I'm just like, I'm like Senator Rand Paul.
Cut off all the foreign aid to all of them.
Egypt, Israel, all of them.
And to hell with You know, Hamas and with AIPAC.
It's just, it's not, it's like I'm done.
It's like some, you know, ugly woman wants you to date her.
She tells everybody you asked her out and you didn't.
It's like, get out of my life.
I don't want to be around you.
Alright, we're going to skip this break so Jason Bermas gets his time back.
Great documentary filmmaker, produced some of his films.
Got a lot to cover here today in the first live Alex Jones edition.
Please remember, I need funds.
I've been so excited about being back on X. We're reaching tens of millions of people there today.
It's not really bringing funds in.
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So be sure and check out DrJonesNaturals.com and InfoWarshaw.com.
Ultra 12, Winter Sun, Turbo Force.
We're selling out at HGH Max Boost.
That blows people away.
And then we barely have the funds to even order it later and get it.
Guy earlier wanted Salt Palm Meadow Prostagard.
He said it was incredible.
He had prostate issues, went away.
We don't have the money to even order that product.
So yeah, just we want to get back on our feet.
We're almost there.
We didn't give up.
We held on by our fingernails.
It's like we just swam 10 miles from a sinking ship and I'm on the beach kind of like, ugh, ugh.
But now I got to get up, you know.
Wrecking order things.
So please support us.
God bless you all.
Spread the word.
Follow us on X at RealAlexJones.
Jason Burmas takes over now.
Happy New Year Alex Jones and Happy New Year fellow InfoWarriors.
We got to start with the Epstein Info.
What are we actually going to get?
Now, I've got to admit my journey into Jeffrey Epstein actually began with InfoWars.com well over a decade, closer to a decade and a half ago when the Florida story started to break and people realized That this quote-unquote billionaire had been trafficking in young girls, women, and maybe even beyond.
But we're not going to get there yet because I've really done mega research on the documentation that is out there and I don't think that there's anything brand new coming out in the sense that we're going to see new documentation.
I'll go over why.
And what we are going to see is unredacted names of documents that have been around now
for three, four, five, and even six years.
And Jason, let me just interrupt, and I'm going to skip both network breaks to get your
time back and more.
But you're absolutely right.
What we're going to get is unredacted from the client list, but X is there now.
It's not as censored as it was.
So now we're like, we already know all this, but the general public doesn't.
So it's kind of like a kid not knowing Santa Claus is real, and the adults know.
We're about to find out Santa Claus isn't real.
What's big is that it's all Breaking Bad.
Sorry, go ahead.
No, absolutely.
You know, Alex, I'm glad you're here because there's so much that's already publicly available that I think that people really have to understand.
For instance, in the Ghislaine Maxwell case itself, let's take a look at this, guys, because this is so important.
What we really got was confirmation that Jeffrey Epstein literally had hard drives full of videos that were never entered into evidence other than their pictures.
That's right.
That's the sex videos.
That's the real blackmail the FBI got.
And look, here we have burned DVDs and CDs that are labeled.
Again, we didn't get to see what was on them.
They were even blacking out, in what was publicly available, paintings that were there.
However, here's really the coup de grace.
You want a quote-unquote client list.
Well, it goes well beyond that.
What you're looking at are binders that are blacked out that more than likely have compromised individuals and photographs Of those individuals and that's just scraping the surface.
Inside the safe that they found we had Jeffrey Epstein with a passport under a different name and a Saudi Arabian address.
This is somebody That has really been involved in the quote-unquote deep state network for decades upon decades.
So when we're talking about a quote-unquote client list, what we really are talking about are associates, individuals that are indeed compromised, video evidence we will probably never get, and now a bunch of different names will be redacted.
Well, I'd also like to remind people that when a lot of these documents were coming out, There were names that were indeed named.
So three and a half years ago I did a video over 70 witnesses named in documents and on the air we read those names and there are certainly already people of interest that need to be discussed such as Leslie Groff and Sarah Kalin who by all means were hardcore associates and perhaps minions of, I want to be very careful here, of Ghislaine Maxwell and and Jeffrey Epstein when it came to regards of what?
The individuals that were actually being trafficked.
No charges have ever been brought against those.
In those documents, separate people that worked within the house were also named.
So, you know, I think that a lot of the names that are already out there, whether they be George Mitchell,
Glenn Dubin, Bill Richardson, who passed this year.
And by the way, Jason, I'm gonna punch you out and listen to you while I eat lunch,
but you're on target here and I'm glad you bring this up.
The videotapes, the safes, the FBI.
You should go through that.
I know you were.
That is, well, we're chasing lists and flight logs.
That's a distraction from what the FBI needs to release.
The videotapes.
They need to release the blackmail footage.
That's really what was going on here.
These people knew they were coming to do this as a ritual to be part of the club, whereas other mafias make you kill somebody so they can trust you and control you and have dirt on you.
These people make you have sex with children.
Well, absolutely.
And you know, Alex, there's another story that kind of coincides with this because we know that the FBI has been sitting on this information since the 90s when we had people come forward to them and the NYPD on Jeffrey Epstein.
But think about the Wiener laptop for a second.
A lot of people think that when Wiener went to jail, it was because of that laptop.
That laptop has never been looked at or disclosed to the public, to my knowledge, via the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, or anybody else.
And in fact, when you look And what actually happened to Anthony Weiner, what happened was the fact that you had one of his victims blow the whistle.
And she is the one who provided the Skype and the Snapchats.
And there she is right there.
They never went into that laptop in which Huma Abedin had access.
And of course, her relationship with Hillary Clinton would have been revealed even further.
Yeah, she's like the right hand lady of Hillary.
And then Weiner is the protege of Chuckie Schumer.
And what does he do?
He spends less than two years in a country club prison, and then he's put out in the media once again, even tried to give him a podcast with Curtis Silva or Sliva of the Guardian Angels in New York City.
That's how this really works, folks.
And let's talk about Trump for a minute, because I know that you were concerned, for instance, that he would be on the list.
These documents that we're actually talking about, first of all, I don't believe in a list, but the documents out there already named Trump.
So I don't think you're going to see him come up.
And what do I mean by that?
Well, they named him in a way that the media has downplayed.
And I'll show you these articles right here, folks.
Is that the unsealed documents detail Epstein's victim's recruitment at Mar-a-Lago?
Well, that victim was Virginia Gaffrey Roberts.
And in fact, right here, you can read it, Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey's.
That part is true.
He did not partake in any of any sex with any of us, but he flirted with me.
It's true that he didn't partake in any sex with us, but it's not true that he flirted with me.
So she's saying that He didn't flirt with her and he didn't partake in any sex.
Donald Trump never flirted with me.
Then the next sentence he'd laugh and tell Jeffrey, you've got the life.
I never said that to her.
So, we already know.
That his name is out there, but it's via the fact that he kicked Epstein out after this incident at Mar-a-Lago, where what?
He was trying to recruit Gaffrey Roberts and possibly others.
So I don't think that he's going to be in there.
RFK Jr., however, we already know he's on the flight logs.
He's recently addressed.
Jason, this is so huge.
I'm going to keep listening, but I want to invite you on the show.
What hour do we have open tomorrow, guys?
On the main broadcast, the fourth hour's main broadcast too.
Yeah, find out right now.
I want you to come on and do this, because again, we know about the videotapes.
I need to talk about these more.
I talk about them some, you're absolutely right.
The FBI got those.
We have the records when they raided it.
It shouldn't be, where's the client list?
That's what they just put together.
It needs to be, where are all the videotapes?
What was in the houses?
What was in the...
I'm going to let you know before this is over.
Hell, I'm just going to choose a time.
You're on at noon tomorrow, noon central.
Can you come on and do an hour with us?
Noon central should be okay.
Yes, sir.
All right, so you're good at noon tomorrow.
Yes sir.
Alright, I want to start over.
Everybody's watching now anyways.
I'm going to put this out on X today.
When you're done, I'm going to take this and put this whole thing out.
But I want you on tomorrow.
That's on Wednesday, January 3rd at noon to talk about this.
And you know, Alex, even beyond what you said, there seems to be more than one island.
Okay, so he actually talks about on tape before he was arrested.
No, everything you're saying is true because I've done the research too.
You're just so good at organizing it, so I can't wait.
You should put a new film out about this.
The definitive Jeffrey Epstein.
Jones, if I had the time, you want to do it, we'll talk about it.
Because obviously, InfoWars is back in a big way this year on X. I think it's extremely important, especially in this election year.
And this is like an election year of no other.
There are so many moving parts to this whole thing and what's going on in the globe post-COVID-1984 nightmare.
But this is a big part of it.
Because, you know, I really believe that when you dig down deep enough into that Epstein network, what you really get to is the click from the Iran-Contra network.
Because why?
Epstein was close friends with Prince Andrew, and what nobody discusses about Prince Andrew is he was their number one arms dealer.
That's what he did for the royal family.
He cut a bunch of arms deals.
And then why would Epstein have a Saudi Arabian address and a passport, really, to go there?
Israel was a major component in the Iran-Contra affair.
And again, there are these moving components, you were talking about it prior, where they would actually get the weapons that were smuggled via Czechoslovakia and the Ukraine and they would ship them down.
And it was then that we would ship up drugs and money and then pay them off.
It's this plausible deniability circle within networks that go beyond nation states, Alex.
And I know that you often talk about that.
And that's why the Epstein network, which goes well beyond just Epstein,
but other individuals say in the fashion field, because Epstein has that large relationship
with Les Wexner, Wexner never.
And then you got Peter Nygaard.
*awkward silence* And Peter Nygaard, you know, getting into the eugenics aspects.
In fact, on that tape I was discussing prior, it was recorded by Steve Bannon.
Bannon's sitting on maybe 18 hours of interviews with him.
Put out a short trailer that I was going to show called The Monsters, where he calls them islands of Dr. Moreau.
And then you find out that the New Mexico ranch that was never investigated, one that Bill Richardson apparently was visiting, according to these documents that we've been discussing today.
That's the former governor of New York, a close Clinton associate, a CFR member.
That was a quote-unquote baby-making ranch where you can see the mainline reports that what he was trying to have an island of Epstein clones or super Epstein's.
You can't make this stuff up.
So getting to Nygaard, Nygaard was just recently convicted of one of the many crimes.
He was having women bring babies to term to suck all their juices and inject them into himself.
So we're gonna, you're gonna cover it all now.
We're gonna cover it in depth tomorrow, 12 noon, Jason.
12 noon, sounds great, Alex.
Alright, see ya.
So many different aspects of it.
I mean, think about what just happened to Ghislaine Maxwell.
She should be serving a life sentence.
And the truth of the matter is, what?
There's an appeals process?
I don't think that she's going to spend the rest of her life in prison if, unfortunately, we keep the same type of infrastructure or system we currently have.
Because our constitutional republic has completely and totally fallen apart.
This is just a highlight of that.
And look, To Alex's credit, he was at the forefront of this in the late 1990s, making documentaries called what?
America Destroyed by Design.
And that is what's currently happening.
And that's why we have to get the correct narrative about Epstein out there.
You know, he mentioned Nygaard.
Alex was actually being really nice when he said women, because the accusations are that he was impregnating girls as young as 14.
Forcibly having them have abortions, then taking that aborted fetal tissue, converting it into stem cells, and having it injected into him, in what?
His quest to live forever.
The ultimate transhumanist goal, and really a goal of the elites throughout history.
If you think about it, the fables of the tree or fountains of youth, To live forever.
And right now, we have a class of people, a predator class of people, that truly believe not only that this is possible, but we are on the cusp of this technology.
And that's why transhumanism has been something that has been at the focal point of my work for some time and will continue to be in the future.
In fact, one of the clips that we're going to be showing today in this very important fourth hour is my question to Vivek Ramaswamy at a local town hall here in Iowa just a couple weeks ago.
In which I asked him about his background in biotech in the field of xenotransplantation, which is the chimeric process of having organs, human organs, grow in other organisms such as pigs.
Yes, this is not only a reality, but it's actually FDA approved through United Therapeutics.
Asking him about that and how far is too far and whether he believes the transgender movement Is a pathway into the transhuman one as I not only believe, but I think I have demonstrated time and time again.
So you'll get his response to that.
Then you'll get my response after the fact to that.
We got to take a break in about 90 seconds.
But when we come back before we get to Vivek Ramaswamy and that town hall question, I'm going to show you this clip from Steve Bannon.
I want to see this documentary, The Monsters, in which he sat down with Jeffrey Epstein on several occasions.
And really, I can't speculate what they talked about other than what is in this tape.
And what is in this tape is startling because he talks about not only one island, but two islands, and them being islands of Dr. Moreau.
Well, that is an open reference to not only eugenics, but chimeric eugenics.
In other words, the merging of human beings with animals and other types of biologies.
If you haven't read the books or seen the film, I would have you do so.
I mean, just to use that term is kind of horrific and frightening unto itself.
Before we take that break, I do want to say, it's time to support InfoWars.com.
Obviously, they, and I mean they, have been through a lot in the past, not only year, but several years.
Hanging on by the skin, I'll not only say of his teeth, but by their nuts.
And I hope they're coming back stronger than ever.
So InfoWarsStore.com, get the books, get the supplements.
We'll be back with this Bannon trailer after this.
And we are back!
It is the Alex Jones Show!
Folks, I know that we've been focusing on Virginia Giffrey Roberts, those documents, but there's other documents out there and other eyewitness testimony as the victims with Jeffrey Epstein.
I mean, when you look at just the public ones, you literally are talking about in the hundreds publicly.
I mean, even when they quote unquote arrested the guy and he was spending time in jail, he was leaving.
On almost a daily basis.
In fact, a private investigator would follow him.
He was able to go into other private residences and he was visited by young women, possibly even girls, as the investigator was not able to confirm what their ages are.
Again, all this stuff in the public arena.
Now, on top of that, when you look at another victim, Sarah Ronesome.
Now, She claims to not only have watched some of the videotapes of his wealthy friends having sex with female victims for blackmail, but says that she actually has copies stashed.
And she is another one of the more named, aka more prominent victims in this case.
So look, I'm waiting for all this stuff.
I think it's extremely important that we get it.
But let's go to this trailer of Jeffrey Epstein and let him tell you for himself that he had quote-unquote islands of what?
Islands of Dr. Moreau.
This month marks two years since the death of convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein inside a New York City jail.
We were underage.
We were little girls.
By the time I was 16, I brought him up to 75 girls.
He lived essentially like he was Gatsby.
He was an absolutely terrifying person to encounter.
You own an island.
The islands of Dr. Moreau?
Two islands.
Jeffrey Epstein was a billionaire New York businessman whose vast wealth bought an arrogance that knew no limits.
He acted as if he could have anything he craved.
Reporting, the FBI is now looking into how it can interview Britain's Prince Andrew over his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
I made my living from old thinking, but the future is for the way women think.
The way women think.
Is that not a SOP because of all the depravity you've done against young women?
That's correct.
Your new SOP is that women's thinking is the future?
No, I've always believed that women would in fact be able to take over.
I'm a firm believer and supporter of Time's Up.
Federal prosecutors said yesterday video of Epstein's jail cell when he made his first suicide attempt no longer exists.
I'm Jeffrey Edward Epstein.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
Epstein got away with his crimes because nearly every element of society allowed him to get away with them.
This morning, we're learning new details of the exact cause of death of former registered sex offender and financier Jeffrey Epstein.
The greatest threat to people put in solitary confinement is they try to kill themselves.
Imagine that.
You're only in a room for 24 hours, you start to go crazy.
So there it is.
That is the trailer for the monsters.
I'm going to shift gears, although I don't think that we're shifting gears far because again, the baby making ranch, the islands of Dr. Moreau.
At the end of the day, what are we talking about?
We're talking about eugenics and There's a book that we're going to get back to.
This is by Martine Rothblatt, formerly Martin Rothblatt.
This is from 1997.
Unzipped Jeans Taking Charge of Baby-Making in the New Millennium.
And this person is going to come into play after we play this rather long clip of Vivek Ramaswamy giving his answer Thank you for coming out today, guys.
God bless you.
lot of what Vivek is doing and I'm very encouraged that he has brought many of
these issues to the forefront but as always we should ask relevant questions
of everybody out there especially those that are seeking power.
Thank you for coming out today guys. God bless you. God bless your families and may God bless our United States of
We're just getting warmed up.
We're going to practice what we preach a little bit.
We're not going to stop in this race till we get this job done.
I want to open this up.
I want to have a conversation.
Take the filters off.
I'm going to sit across the table from Xi Jinping and I will.
I better be willing to sit across the table from our own fellow citizens in this country.
And so I don't give up.
We got a microphone.
We got a couple of them.
Let's open this up.
Should I wait for the mic?
You seem like you've got it built in.
I don't necessarily need a mic.
You come from a background in biotech and basically right now we're at a point where United Therapeutics, for instance, has gotten the FDA approval on xenotransplantation.
How far is too far with transhumanism?
And then the head of that company is a person by the name of Martin Rothblatt.
Used to be Martin Rothblatt.
Also the most powerful transgender person on the planet.
They're the author of Virtually Human, Unzipped Genes, and From Transgender to Transhuman.
Now, I see transgenderism as a pathway to transhumanism.
I'd love to get your take on that.
Yeah, I mean, this is, I gotta say, this is the first on the campaign trail.
I like this.
I like going into new territory.
So, you're right, my background is developing medicines.
I oversaw the development of a number of medicines, five of which are FDA approved today.
The one I'm most proud of is life-saving therapy in kids, actually.
20 kids a year are born with a genetic disease where 100% of those kids die by the age of three.
I worked on a therapy, I had the honor of working on a therapy where a majority of those kids now live lives of a normal duration.
Another one for prostate cancer, another for endometriosis and uterine fibroids, women's health conditions that were ignored by much of Big Pharma.
So that was my background.
But I'll actually take you back to the question about the chimera, which is part animal, part human.
My senior thesis in college, actually, in 2007, was about the ethics of creating human-animal chimeras.
And the core conclusion I came to is And that was at the embryonic stage.
Whenever something assumes the qualities of humanity, that's when it creates fundamental ethical quandaries we don't necessarily want to cross.
And so I think sometimes what's happened is we're pushing the boundaries, not because that's necessary, but for the sake of pushing those boundaries.
And I don't think that that's pro-human.
And whether you're talking about this issue or whether you're talking about even very different issues, like the anti-fossil fuel agenda as it relates to the climate agenda, I think the question we should be asking isn't, are you measuring carbon dioxide emissions, are you measuring some quality, what percentage of human cells or not?
The question we should be asking is, what advances human prosperity?
What advances American prosperity as an American, but what advances human prosperity?
That's the question we should be asking, and I think that that's what's going to guide us going forward as well.
As it relates to the transgender point, I think these are, I know the word trans is in both, but I think they're basically two different subjects.
But since you brought about it, I think it's worth touching on.
I know this is a little controversial for me to say, but I'm going to share with you my view.
I think that transgenderism, especially in young people, it's a mental health disorder.
It's been treated that way for most of our national history, and I don't think it is compassionate.
To affirm that kid's confusion.
Usually when a young person is saying that, hey, my biological sex doesn't match my gender, what they're really saying is, I need, I need some help.
I'm going through a difficult time.
Figure out, you're allowed to ask what's going wrong.
But today, in today's culture, you're taught, no, you're transphobic if you ask that question.
I met two young women in this, I can't speak to the individual you mentioned, but I met About what the circumstances were or gender conversion or anything else, but I met two young women this race.
They're in their 20s now.
Both of them had double mastectomies.
Both their breasts cut off.
Another one of them had a hysterectomy when they were teenagers.
Now in their 20s they regret it.
I think it's barbaric that we allowed that to happen.
That's not compassion, that is cruelty to affirm a kid's confusion.
And so I think sometimes you have to speak the truth, not just when it's easy, but when it's hard.
There is such a thing as objective truth.
And I think the more we start wavering from our commitment to truth, the more lost we are in that wilderness.
So you see, I think, I mean, as many of you know, I'm Hindu, but I went to a Catholic high school.
I can tell you from, and I'm proud of my faith and I'm happy to talk about that.
But I think that our shared foundational values actually overlap heavily with the Judeo-Christian values this nation was founded on.
But the thing I was going to bring up was actually a reference from the Book of Exodus.
Where, when the Israelites are lost in the desert, yet to find the promised land, that's when they say, we want to go back and be ruled by the Pharaoh.
So in some sense, that's what I see in America right now, is we're lost in that wilderness, yet to find a promised land.
When you have a hole the size of God in your heart, another scientist said this actually, Blaise Pascal, if you have a hole the size of God in your heart and God doesn't fill it, something else will instead.
You don't pledge allegiance to that flag.
You're going to quite literally pledge allegiance to a different flag instead.
That's where the trans flag came from.
It's out of a human need to believe in something bigger than ourselves.
And I think the right way we win is we dilute a lot of that to irrelevance.
By reviving the real thing.
Individual, family, nation, God.
And as the U.S.
President, my job is to revive our national identity.
I believe that's half the job of the U.S.
Not just policy, but to stand for our national character.
And I think that dilutes a lot of these other temptations to irrelevance.
And so that's where I stand.
Great question, man.
I appreciate you being here.
Well, let's just talk about that for a second.
Now, number one, I'm six years older than Vivek Ramaswamy, but I appreciate the young man comment.
I totally and completely agree that when you do have a hole in your heart, whether it be
for God or really humanity in general, when you're looking for something, when you're
not comfortable with who you are and what you stand for, when you're constantly confused
because of the barrage of misinformation, disinformation, garbage culture, garbage in,
garbage out, you are going to go in those directions.
Now let's take it all the way back to xenotransplantation for a moment.
For those that are unfamiliar, United Therapeutics has now gotten the FDA approval, now for some time, maybe close to two years, in which what?
Organs are being developed for different types of failures, whether they be your pancreas, kidney, or even skin.
Now, I'm all for that which empowers humanity, in the sense that yes, technology is a double-edged sword.
Now we have to agree on that.
Now, I have not yet read his thesis on chimeras, but the question is, when is it too far?
I would already argue That this country and many others through black programs have gone much farther than we can now imagine.
I often reference, for instance, Annie Jacobson's book Area 51, in which her explanation for the Roswell crash is that Stalin was able to get a hold of a team of brothers, the quote-unquote Horton Brothers, the people that really brought us the stealth type technology.
They're the ones that invented the flying wing all the way back in the 40s and they were able to create quote-unquote UFOs.
She then goes on from her source to say that Stalin was also able to get Well, a lot of these Nazi scientists, you know, the ones
that didn't get absorbed into paperclip absolutely did escape to South America and
absolutely even Russia was divvying up who they could get in their own type of paperclip programs.
And she says that basically the quote unquote aliens that we saw were genetically modified
humans, ones that were taking that appearance.
Now you can dismiss that, but the response to why we didn't blow the whistle on that and explain it is because quote-unquote we were doing it too.
Now if this has been taking place now for the better part of almost a century, how far are they?
How far have they gone?
And why hasn't the vast majority of humanity benefited from these programs?
Now, let's take a look at Martine Rothbie, who owns that company, United Therapeutics.
And here's where we're going to make that link a little bit more prevalent and a little bit stronger.
Martine, in 2012, actually authored this book that we're going to go to right here.
It is From Transgender to Transhuman, A Manifesto on the Freedom of Form.
Now to Martine Rothblatt, this indeed is a pathway and before We let Martine talk about transgenderism into transhumanism themselves.
I'd like to point out just some of the outright similarities.
Number one, you are to reject your biology.
That's the biggest thing with this gender movement, is that you are fluid.
And therefore your identity is no longer based in reality, let alone your biological reality.
They continue, when I say they, I mean the mainstream media, politicians, popular culture, to push a quote-unquote metaverse Billions upon billions upon billions have been thrust into this system that is being promoted by the WEF and other globalist organizations.
It has not turned any type of a profit.
People are being fired left and right.
And guess what?
The stock continues to go up.
Because this is part of the plan.
They want you to identify as a leprechaun riding on a unicorn over a rainbow of sunshine and gold, folks, and believing that's closer to reality because they want you to disassociate from what?
Your humanity in general and that is why this is so important because once we no longer have actual biological roles in society and they tell you you can create your own biology and you can merge with machines on top of that and identify as anything in these virtual wonder versus well they'll also try to convince you to euthanize yourself and upload your consciousness.
While they Experiment on us and try to attain what?
Biological, that's biological immortality.
But let's start here.
Let's go to the Transformers Conference with Martine Rothblatt kind of joking about their role in this LGBTQ movement and community.
...is also the recipient of this year's Billie Jean King Leadership Initiative Award, which is devoted to LBGT issues, and puts her in an interesting issue because she has a company, or part of the company is based in North Carolina, which, as you know right now, she might get arrested for going to the bathroom if the governor had anything to do about it.
Ladies and gentlemen, Martine Rothblatt.
Martine, one of the basic concepts that you're interested in,
it's not just improving life, but it's actually immortality.
That we're all going to live forever.
And Martin, I might mention, has founded a religion, as one does, known as...
So, again, going back to Vivek Ramaswamy and what he was talking about, and the quote-unquote transgender flag, and believing in something else when you have that God-sized hole in your heart?
Well, think about what was just said there.
Terrasim is a real thing, and it is also predicated on Martine Rothblatt, Digitally duplicating, creating a digital doppelganger, which our team will get into, of their wife, which they stayed with, and creating a automated robot that hopefully one day, in their vision, will pass the Turing test called BINA48.
But let's continue.
That we're not just going to live a long time, but we're all going to live forever.
Tell us your concept of immortality and how that actually would work.
Thanks, Nealey.
It's a great pleasure to be here.
The idea is one that has been percolating up from lots of people in the information technology industry for a while.
Perhaps Ray Kurzweil, who is a prolific inventor, is best known for the idea.
That as our abilities in the information processing industry, computer software, storage of more and more of our thoughts and our ideas outside of our body becomes easier, more automatic, less expensive, That ultimately we're going to have sort of digital doppelgangers of ourselves that are stored in the cloud and are able to present themselves to any manner of devices.
And that as thousands and thousands of software coders and hackers and people in the maker movement work to make the software that runs these digital doppelgangers ever more lifelike, ever more human-like, there'll come sort of a tipping point when people begin to claim that these digital doppelgangers have achieved what we call consciousness, an ability to have a sense of themselves, hopes, fears, and feelings.
And at that point, I think the activity will move to the legal arena as to whether or not these digital doppelgangers really are conscious, really do have an independent legal identity.
And kind of the trend of progressive thinking is once there's a scientific consensus, And in this case it would be the science of psychology, that being the science of the mind, that these digital doppelgangers are in fact cyber-conscious.
Then they'll begin to acquire the sorts of rights and protections that we assign to even our pets, laboratory animals, and to quite a high extent to primates like chimpanzees.
And so in this way, ourselves will kind of morph into a sort of digital consciousness that is recognized by the law.
A digital consciousness that is recognized by the law, but don't think that they're going to stop there.
At this same conference, again, this is all the way back in 2016, an individual who has already gone through some of the most bizarre transhumanist surgery that I've ever seen, Neil Harbison, talks about how, well, you can become trans species and just like Uh, these transgender operations were going on in the 40s and 50s and 60s underground and became more mainstream.
This will as well.
Have, but that humans don't have.
So we are in a stage in history that we can actually design what species we want to be.
I consider myself a trans species because I'm adding senses and organs that other species have.
And you can add many, many more senses that other species have and organs that other species have.
And we'll start seeing this in the 20s, 'cause it's now growing, it's happening underground.
There's already many surgeons that are willing to do the surgery anonymously,
in the same way that in the 50s and 60s, transgender operations were being done a bit underground.
Now, cyborg surgeries are being done a bit underground, but in the end, bioethical committees will also accept
that cyborg surgeries should be allowed for everyone that wants to extend their perception
of reality, at least to the level of.
In the end, we will just all accept it.
That's what is absolutely going on right now.
And it's not a slow crawl anymore, all right?
The movement into digital currency, into blockchain slavery.
Look, I'm not against Bitcoin.
I saw Max Keiser on here earlier in the week.
I'm interested in El Salvador.
I'm But the blockchain has already been utilized by what the IMF and the World Bank to create block chain people.
We got just a just enough time to show you this video as well.
So this is a refugee camp that's running on the blockchain, everybody.
And basically, you have your biometrics scanned into cameras.
This was beta tested during the War of Terror.
And now you're in the World Food Program account.
And don't worry, they're going to find you all work while you what?
Sleep on the ground and have your identity confirmed.
It has all your different types of records.
Your passports, your exam certificates, and your financial history.
Not to mention biological information.
And more areas than ever are being destroyed.
So hey, this will go on right now.
And don't worry, it's going to cut out a lot of those banking transaction fees.
So blockchain people are a Reality right now.
And that's what blockchain people look like.
Take a hard look.
No need for cash or a bank account or owning anything you'll own.
This is literally from the same people that told you you will own nothing and be happy.
See how happy you're going to be on the ground in a refugee camp with your biometrics being scanned and the promise of digital immortality?
Give me a break, folks.
It's Team Humanity over here.
I want to thank you and I want to thank Alex Jones for giving me the opportunity to do the fourth hour.
I will be back, I guess, tomorrow to discuss the Epstein case in much more depth.
And folks, I promise you, I'm going to have a lot more articles, a lot more slides, a lot more information than we even went over today.
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And folks, remember, it is not about left or right.
It is always about right and wrong.
I absolutely love you guys.
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Thanks for having me.
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We're extending the Christmas sale, the New Year's Mega Sale.
Everything is 25 to 60% off, storewide free shipping, double pay for your points.
That's the good news.
The bad news is a bunch of the best-selling products like RainForce Plus, RainForce Ultra, DNAForce Plus, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, the strongest turmeric out there, incredible for inflammation, joints, everything, your whole body.
They're all about to sell out or close to selling out.
Most of these will be sold out within a week or two and then we got to put the money back into buy more and it takes three to six months to be able to probably get them because they're all top flight, triple tested, the very best.
So, if you want DNA Force Plus or you want HGH Max Boost, it's about to sell out.
If you want these great, amazing products or you haven't tried them, you really should try them, go read about them.
We have a lot of stuff that's come back in that we have plenty of for now.
And that's Vazobeats that does the same thing.
It's nitric boost to clean out your blood and to help your cardiovascular system.
And overall, that's Vazobeats.
Super concentrate.
Really amazing.
We've also got, back in stock, Ultra 12, the highest quality organic B12.
It's back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's discounted.
InfoWarsTore.com or AAA-253-3139.
And it is these products that again enable this total resistance against the globalists.
I could just say give me straight donations.
We have a donate button and a support link at the top of infowarestore.com.
And that's great.
I think those that have, because then we get 95% of the money out of the credit card fees or debit card fees.
This, ladies and gentlemen, are products that you're going to love.
And if you'll just try them, I know you're going to love them.
Most of you never order the products.
Less than 1% of our audience we know ever order something.
At least spread the word about the broadcast.
At least pray for us.
At least take links out and send the people on email and text message.
The censors at Facebook and Google and the rest of it.
X isn't enough.
X is great.
We're reaching conservatively.
10 million people new a day.
That's very conservative, okay?
We're getting 20 million views a day, but we know that's just people that see it.
About half of them actually watch it.
So 20 million a day, but it's really 10 million.
10 million people a day.
It's your parts of the products that allows us to weather the storm, the legal attacks, the demonization, the dirty tricks.
And then you also get amazing products at the same time.
At InfoWarsTore.com.
Down and out sleep support.
Back in stock.
Super strong, super natural.
Talk about good immune system.
Deep sleep's one of the most important things.
We also have winter sun back in stock.
The highest quality D3 organic, take another ton.
Most infections with viruses and replication, it's from lack of vitamin D3.
This is so important during the winter because you're not getting it from the sun.
Your skin isn't producing it.
Get Winner's Son.
Everybody should get it.
That's a no-brainer.
It's absolutely essential you do that, and it keeps us on air.
Winner's Son, back in stock.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
I thank you all for keeping us on air.