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Name: 20240101_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 1, 2024
3437 lines.

Alex Jones discusses his experience with censorship on major platforms, arguing that it is part of a larger attempt by the establishment to control information. He addresses topics such as war, COVID-19, immigration, environmentalism, vaccine mandates, spirituality, and synchronicity with guests. Jones criticizes policies promoting dehumanization and exploitation of workers through mass migration and argues that globalist agendas must be resisted for the sake of humanity.

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You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence, or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
We want to warn you now, this next story is disturbing.
Namely, in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
It is easier to kill than to control.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Pure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda.
To live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them, and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war.
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
If you want to stay rich and powerful, you'll have to do their dirty work.
They have their hands in everything.
A lot of these players simply love the spotlight.
Most of the celebrities, politicians, CEOs love the fame and fortune.
But the ones at the top of these groups are completely evil.
Many become unwillingly controlled by signing on into the club without knowing what they are actually involved with behind the scenes.
Most of humanity is asleep and distracted by meaninglessness.
The elite are warning us of a cyber attack, also known as a digital 9-11 event.
The economy would collapse if we suffered an internet shutdown.
The modern power grid relies on the internet to coordinate power plants.
Without it, each country's national grid will become unbalanced, and local outages escalate into a blackout for most of the world.
A society slipping into chaos will allow the elite to reset and rebuild a world for themselves.
There will be events leading up to a total collapse.
Domestic terror attacks, biological attacks, World Wars.
With each event, more and more control is gained.
Time is running out.
If society suffers from any of these trigger events, there might be no turning back.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
This is happening right now.
We need to reject the global agenda and know who the world rulers really are and what they are up to.
The fight for humanity is happening.
January 2024 is here and that means up to 60% off at Infowarestore.com, free shipping and double Patreon points.
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Get a copy of my book, Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and launch the next great renaissance.
And again, thank you so much for your amazing support in 2023.
But 2024, as everybody knows, is the big year.
So please support us and get great products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And tell everybody you know, and those you don't know, tune into the live show at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
God bless and we're going into 2024 together.
We're now in the year 2024.
(upbeat music)
And you know, all hell's already breaking loose.
It's just going to get crazier ahead of this election, only 10 months away.
It is January 1st, 2024.
And I am your host, Alex Jones, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
All right.
I did an interview last Thursday with hilarious comedian, but really smart political mind, Jimmy Dore.
And it was almost three hours long.
And we covered the waterfront.
He broke a lot of stuff that I didn't even know that deals with mind control being officially rolled out by the UN.
The World Economic Forum and Facebook, formerly Facebook, now Metaverse, where they're already going to set up computer systems that reportedly read your thoughts.
Of course, that's not even true.
And then your boss will then grade you in a social credit score on Your brainwaves and your heart rate and the rest of it, and the police will come to your house because your iPhone and your appliances will be scanning your body if your heart rate goes up.
I mean, they're rolling all this out.
And I knew they were planning all this.
I didn't know it's now gone operational.
So that's just 20 minutes of the three hours coming up.
First, he gets into mighty platforming, and we spend some time on the whole Sandy Hook thing, which I know everybody's sick of.
But you have to understand now, we know in hindsight exactly what happened with the attack on me and the PR firms, the Democratic Party, and how that PSYOP worked.
And Dora has a lot of knowledge on that, so does his co-host.
So that's the first part of this.
And I'm tempted not even to air that part, but you know what?
It's important.
We're going to get to it.
You definitely, once we're done talking about that, and that's only the first 30 minutes or so, it's the next two and a half hours.
We did like two hours, 50 minutes.
And it was fast-paced, clip after clip.
I mean, this guy and his crew know what's going on.
He used to be a big liberal.
He's still a liberal.
You know, I say Tucker Carlson's a liberal.
Liberal just means more freedom and anti-war and sovereignty.
Thomas Jefferson was a liberal.
Liberal today means an authoritarian, totalitarian, control freak working for big tech and this whole cyborg takeover.
So, we're going to go to this interview, and then if we have time later, I'm going to come back in with some more information.
You know, obviously there's a lot of breaking news, so look for... I may be cutting in here, you know, as things break throughout the day.
A lot of stuff's breaking right now, we're watching it.
But here it is, and I just want to tell you, We ended up recording a better digital copy on our side.
We had a little bit of audio issues here and there on their side.
You know, that's the magic of interviewing people at distance.
There's still issues.
I mean, I still get like a 95 quality.
But we had our own better recording that we've spliced in with his recording.
Uh, and so, this is, uh, something even better than what went out last Thursday.
It's gotten millions and millions and millions of views on X, tens of millions of views on other platforms.
It's a very exciting interview.
Some of you may have already seen parts of it, uh, but this is a deep dot.
And we cover all the current stuff going on and future stuff, and I make a lot of predictions, and I get into a lot of stuff dealing with reality and with the devil and God that I haven't really gotten into in full detail that we also spend time on.
So this is a powerful, must-see interview.
I'm extremely excited about it, and I want to encourage everyone To tell everybody you know, and those you don't know, that's how we get past the AI and the sensors.
Tune in now to InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And before I go to this, please remember we're a list for supporting.
So we have the New Year's special, it's an extension of the Christmas special, up to 60% off, store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points.
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All right, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, we go to the Jimmy Dore, Alex Jones
interview that's breaking the internet.
He's an Austin-based producer, director, writer, and documentary filmmaker, as well as host of the Alex Jones Show, which appears on both syndicated and internet radio.
He is also the founder of InfoWars, the multimedia enterprise.
He has been banned by many prominent social media outlets for a range of alleged violations, although his Twitter account was recently restored.
Welcome to the show, Alex Jones!
Wow, Jimmy, I've been a big fan of you for a long time, and you're one of the only men who's spit I've had in my mouth.
So I just want to say that also Willie Nelson spit in my mouth.
My mouth was open when you spit at me like a spitting cobra went right in my mouth.
So you and Willie Nelson have both been in my mouth.
No, I stand by... You put that on your headstone?
I put that on my headstone.
But I stand by that you were being funny.
Because you were being funny.
You said to Jake Ugar, I'm trying to be nice.
And that was funny to me.
Let's just show it.
I'll show it what happened.
Here it is.
No, Jake, relax.
Hold on, hold on, hold on.
We're against Saudi Arabia, you dumbass!
We talk about that all the time!
Oh, really?
We talk about that all the time!
You don't know what I'm talking about?
You don't know shit!
What, you think the loser people are in charge?
Is that what you think?
And your piss is what's in your ass.
Is that what you think?
You're the anti-liberal and you're pissed.
You know what I care about?
We're being nice here.
I care about the American people.
You're the one flipping out.
Anybody hurt?
I'm being nice.
I'm not hurt.
Everybody get the fuck off my stage!
Okay, so there was the Ice-T incident, and the ironic thing is that I thought this was going to blow up into a huge fight, fist fight, because Cenk Uygur was out of his mind.
And you had baited him correctly and professionally, and you got exactly... I couldn't believe he He was handling it that way.
He's a brawler.
I thought Jake's a brawler.
He likes to say he's a brawler.
But it did diffuse him almost immediately after that.
Everybody kind of walked away from that.
If you watch the full clip, it was one of the most viral things I ever did.
People thought I snuck on your stage at your offices.
No, it was at the RNC.
2016 in Cleveland, and it was a huge parking garage that they'd sealed up with big air conditioners in July.
And so we were all milling around.
I walked by, said hi to him.
I've been on the show a few times.
They said, yeah, maybe we'll have you on later.
And I came back by and they were on break.
So I went up there and gave him a Bill Clinton's Rapist t-shirt.
And he just completely blew up when he saw Roger Stone walking by.
And said, Roger, you're not going to crash my show.
And so then I thought it was all a joke.
And then he got madder and madder and madder and madder.
And then he went on air basically and said, we're here in our studio.
And he got into the building and it basically acted like I had like a James Bond snuck in.
Instead, it was out in the middle with with with other shows, 15 feet away, booths everywhere.
You guys had a big stage.
So that's the truth of that story.
And it was a lot of fun.
So no, obviously you didn't sneak into the building because there was security letting everyone in.
You had to go through security to get in and of course you couldn't sneak in with a camera crew.
And we had seen you.
I'd seen you walking back and forth earlier that day and so we knew you were there.
I didn't know that somebody had invited you on to that stage.
I know you had been on Jake's show before.
He had interviewed you at least a couple of times that I saw.
So I didn't know that was going to happen.
Let me be clear because I don't want to be I don't want to be deceptive.
You guys had the big, one of the main stages.
It was only like two or three in the whole building.
Everybody else had little booths.
Hundreds of broadcasters.
I walked by and I said, "Hey, you want me on?"
They said, "Yeah, come back later."
And so he wasn't like, "Get on the stage."
They're like, "Yeah, come back later."
I was like, "Sure."
I went and did like 30 minutes of more interviews, was walking back by.
He's like, "We'll be right back."
I thought, "Hey."
Jumped up to troll him a little with a T-shirt.
So it is true that I did jump up on the stage.
I wasn't invited, but I knew him.
It was during a break.
It was in the middle of the crowd.
So half of it's true, half of it's not what he said, but I certainly didn't cat burglar into the studio.
Very pro wrestling.
But. - Yeah.
And the crazy thing to me was that I went to play Austin, Texas.
My first time I was playing Austin and I was eating at that steakhouse across from the Westin.
And swear to God, you came in and you were seated right behind me.
And I was like, oh my God, Alex Jones is going to kill me.
Because you could.
You're much bigger than me.
You could crush me.
I thought it was funny.
Listen, I love your comedy.
You're going to get in trouble for this.
I love your show.
But I'm a big fan.
So is my wife.
We watch almost every episode.
Oh, that's very sweet.
Which is a lot.
And so, no, I think you're one of the best political brains out there.
And you're fair.
You're exposing the whole political system is rotten, controlled by big corporations like BlackRock, who are now starting World War III.
And you've really, the whole time, stood up for my free speech.
And I appreciate that.
You got it a little wrong what happened with the whole school shooting thing and what I really said and what I didn't say.
So I don't want to even say the name of it, but if that comes up, I can tell you what really happened there.
That was all PR firms taking one thing out of context, blowing it up years later as a way to try to take me off the air.
OK, so, yeah, I do actually want to talk about that.
But first, I want to show this.
You were on with Tucker Carlson and he said this.
Oh, wait, what happened?
When you got deplatformed, to this day, no one has ever been more aggressively censored, I don't think, than you.
I've apologized to you this in person before.
I was in Labrador on a fishing trip and missed the entire thing.
I was literally out of cell range.
I didn't know what happened, but I got back and I read about it.
I felt like it was a major moment in the history of the American media.
I don't think anybody defended you.
Wouldn't that happen to anybody?
With any kind of audience?
So, I just want to correct the record on that, and I actually did defend you the day it happened, and ever since.
Here I am in the Young Turks studio, and I couldn't believe that they did this to you, and that everybody at the Young Turks was going along with it.
They're supposed to be an independent news show.
Of course, now we know they're not.
They're corporate funded.
And so here, watch this.
Why are we so afraid that human beings can't decipher for themselves what to believe and what not to?
This isn't the first time there's been alternative publications spouting news that went against the establishment.
You get to do that in America.
You get to say, you know, I remember the biggest fake news story of the Washington Post published was that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.
That wasn't just some jag off in the Washington Post.
That was their editorial board.
Saying that.
So again, this is not a slippery slope.
We've already slipped.
Once you ban anybody, you're there.
They've already suppressed us.
They're doing that right now.
And now they're just going to go to full-out banning.
Are you struck that Apple took down all of his content?
I am struck.
That's pretty like...
So all along they were okay, all this time.
He has what, over 2 million subscribers or something?
2.5 on YouTube.
That's crazy!
So all of a sudden that they just go, we're done.
I, you know, I think it's the worst thing that could happen, you know, especially with the advent that we don't have, you know, freedom on the internet, that it's all going to be controlled and they're taking our voices away and they're really taking away access to unify people.
Through ideas, through information.
So it's interesting that we can be lied to to get in wars.
We can be lied to about that we torture.
But all of those, you know, those those presses, they can thrive and continue to take ad revenue and commercialize war.
Oh, no doubt about it.
The way to debunk Alex Jones isn't to suppress his speech.
That makes him a martyr.
It actually lifts him up and makes more people interested in what he has to say.
And then all his accusations of the establishment suppressing him ring true because it actually is happening.
This antidote.
For bad speech in a free, open society is not suppression of that speech.
The antidote to bad speech in a free and open society is more speech.
You don't all of a sudden start saying, well, I have a secret group of billionaires, Silicon Valley billionaires, and they're going to decide what's actually free speech and what's not.
They're going to protect us!
I don't need them to protect us.
I don't need some Danny State.
I don't need the government to protect me from harmful speech.
I don't need a billionaire in Silicon Valley to protect me from harmful speech.
I've been exposed to harmful speech my entire goddamn life.
So what else are you going to start banning?
What is fake news?
Because I'll tell you the biggest fake news story of my lifetime was Iraq possesses weapons of mass destruction.
That was the biggest fake news propaganda story in the history of my life.
Should the Washington Post be the platform then because they posted fake news?
You know, we just did a story a few weeks ago on the Jimmy Dore show.
Facebook took down a newspaper's Facebook page because the newspaper for the 4th of July posted the Declaration of Independence.
And they took it down because of hate speech inside the Declaration of Independence.
That's a fact.
That happened.
And they had only posted the first half of the Declaration of Independence, and their Facebook page got a strike, or temporary ban, and then they were afraid to post the second half because it might happen again!
So that's the world we're living in right now.
The antidote to bad speech is not suppression of that speech.
The antidote to bad speech is more speech.
That's been debunked, Jimmy.
So I just want to let everybody know that I'm sure Tucker didn't know, but I did defend you and I defended free speech and the First Amendment.
And to the point where I got into screaming matches on air with the executives at the Young Turks over this.
And I couldn't... My mind was blown that they were cheering on your censorship.
It was their take that was like, no... Their take was that, well, you can't post pornography so they should be able to... And I'm like, that is not what's going on here.
By the way, Jimmy, if I can respond to that, that's a great point.
We didn't talk before this interview.
This is unscripted.
I remembered, so I didn't even know you were going to play that clip.
I didn't know out of the gates.
That's the first thing I brought up was, I appreciate that you were one of the few people up front that saw what was happening.
They were exaggerating what I said out of context, demonizing me.
So that everybody else would accept me being taken off air.
So they then had the prototype to get everybody else taken off air.
And it later came out in government documents in the Wall Street Journal that indeed they chose me as a colorful, flamboyant person to get the public to accept that as basically training wheels to get everybody on board.
But you hit the nail on the head.
I've never killed anybody.
Madeleine Albright tripled the sanctions on Iraq, as if it wasn't bad enough when George Herbert Walker Bush did, and killed several million people.
She was in the middle of office as Secretary of State, and she gets asked by 60 Minutes, Leslie Stahl, a million people have died, half a million are children.
Is that a good price to pay for what you did?
She said, yeah, it's a good price to pay.
You know, basically, we knew it again.
We're proud of it.
Okay, she's lauded and worshipped, and then they knew they were lying about WMDs, and you get Colin Powell up there with Anthrax, and all of that garbage they knew wasn't true, and so they've killed millions of people, but then I am set up in civilization and society as the worst person who's ever existed, because I agree with a couple callers calling in once saying, yeah, probably is fake, and they literally cobble that together, have a PR firm, I wasn't the platform for that.
They needed something afterwards because it made me a martyr, what you predicted.
So they dredged up this earlier stuff, exaggerated it times 100, then defaulted me in court cases when I gave them all the stuff.
There was no case.
The judges found me guilty and then told juries that I was worth $400 million when I was actually broken upside down last year.
And now it's finally come out in court and my bankruptcy that I was upside down when the judge says, you're not broke, you're a liar, and your lawyers can't put on any evidence.
We're going to have a financial expert who hadn't even reviewed my documents get up on the stand and tell the jury I'm worth $400 million.
I mean, now Trump has a judge over his trial, his civil trial in New York.
This is what they're doing.
And even if you hate Alex Jones or hate The distilled clips people have seen, you know, that's really a straw man.
I'm the devil.
When you take my speech, just like old-fashioned liberals, we're smart.
They said, let the idiot KKK march.
We hate them.
But if we take these scumbags' rights, everybody else's is gone and our rights are too valuable.
They're horrible.
So, Jimmy, you're an old-fashioned liberal.
And I would say Tucker Carlson's an old-fashioned liberal.
We're friends.
I know him well.
We go hunting.
I've known him well for 10 years.
You're around Tucker.
He is a real old-fashioned liberal.
He's anti-war.
He's pro-free speech.
He's for populist.
He's against the big corporations.
He's for monopoly busting, just like you.
And that's why I got arrested for protesting George W. Bush.
I was against those wars.
I was against the Patriot Act.
I don't even really call myself a conservative.
I'm a populist.
Pro-human, American, and that's why they feared me and misrepresented what I actually said and what I did.
And so tell me the misrepresentation of your positions that got you banned.
When I was able to co-host a show for two and a half hours a couple weeks ago with Elon Musk on Spaces, just the main show had 20 million views, over 100 million views of the clips.
Biggest Spaces that Elon's ever done.
I hear we're going to do another one soon.
He was told by Tucker privately and others, hey, Alex was not the platform for Sandy Hook.
He thought that.
And he said on the air, he goes, no, I went to the log and I noticed it was for confronting Oliver Darcy, who had been taking my sponsors and getting me kicked off things and bragging about it.
So I saw him in D.C.
going in a committee hearing that they were talking about me at later.
And I confronted him and said, man, you're an anti-American person.
Well, they called that bullying, and that was the final strike that took me off of Twitter at the time.
And so then it only made me bigger for a while.
And so they now bragged about it once they won these court cases by rigging them.
A PR firm put out press releases when they won the Connecticut case, the second one in November of last year.
That'd be two years ago.
Or, you know, two years back.
And I didn't know what happened until later.
So yeah, Sandy Hook happens.
I think it happened.
It's real.
It's a terrible tragedy.
School shootings, you know, are real.
A bunch of academics and people start looking at anomalies.
It becomes this huge internet thing.
Hundreds of millions of views on YouTube.
Other people.
Covering it.
The professors in Florida and Wisconsin and a school safety guide, a bunch of people.
And it turned out some of the things they said were true, some weren't.
Turns out a couple of them are probably schizophrenic.
And I simply covered it on a few shows.
Had callers call in.
What they put into evidence was 22 minutes over.
Six years.
It was six years after, seven years after they sued me.
I hadn't talked about it when they sued me for over two years.
Barely ever talked about it, but they cherry-picked it.
The PR firm put the clips out, ran it, right as I was being deplat- right after I was deplatformed in 2018.
Suddenly, it's like they were invading a country.
The propaganda was in.
Sometimes every newspaper, almost every day, Nightline, that's already gone, PBS, CNN, every show.
Ted Koppel did chime in on other shows, but it wasn't Nightline.
Dan Rather, all of them come out against me.
I mean, the Old Guard, they had 60-minute shows about it.
They had NBC Dateline shows about it.
And they said, he's currently going to their houses.
He's currently sending people to their houses.
He's currently urinating on graves.
Again, folks, what we've covered so far is important.
It's historical.
But the Jimmy Dore interview gets better and better and better in the next two hours.
It gets 100 percent.
Some of the best information we've ever covered is coming up.
But I didn't want to hack off the front.
So more coming up right after this break.
Please stay with us.
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Winter Sun at MFORSTORE.COM.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I still can't get over it.
still can't get over it. 2024, January 1st, and we're still on air thanks to you.
January 1st.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I tell you, God is good.
God is great.
Your prayers have been amazing.
We're still on air, despite all the attacks.
And we're back in the saddle, reaching tens of millions of new people, conservatively, a day on X alone.
All these new radio stations are calling, TV stations, cable stations wanting to put us on, because people now know, going back 29 years on air, and they're digging up all that old footage that's going viral, too.
People are like, how the hell does this guy know all this?
Folks, the globalists have a battle plan.
And I'm just trying to get everybody else to realize that everything they said they'd do 30 years ago, they've basically gotten done.
And now they're accelerating it.
All right.
Continuing with the Jimmy Dore interview, and we're covering censorship and the lies and, you know, getting into how the PR networks and Deep State destroys people.
This is all important.
I'd give it a 90, you know, in info we cover.
But The 70% of the interview, and we're about to start getting into it, is gold.
And we really cover the waterfront, so please stay with us.
This is the Jimmy Dore, Alex Jones interview.
The first big show of the year, and it was so good, I thought we should just re-air this right now as our first show of the year.
They said he's currently going to their houses.
He's currently sending people to their houses.
He's currently urinating on graves.
None of that ever was put in court.
No one ever did any of that anyways.
And so then they sue me for years to get all these depositions.
We give them all the discovery.
There's nothing there.
And they go, you didn't give us everything.
You're defaulted.
So now we're going to have a trial on damages, but you're already guilty, and then the judges in both places wouldn't let us.
They had my phone because we gave them the phones.
When they go, oh, he actually gave us his phone.
No, no, no.
We've given them all my phones.
The real reason the lawyers got sanctioned is with the phones, They accidentally just gave them all raw, and they gave them some of the Sandy Hook medical records from those depositions.
So the lawyers did mess up, but they already had the phone, so I've given them all the phones.
How am I not giving them all my text messages, all my emails are getting defaulted, and then they have from my lawyers a whole phone?
And so, this is the type of crap, in the Perry Mason moment, they go, we got you, we got your phone, and you didn't give us the stuff.
And I went, you got my phone because I gave it to my lawyers.
And they're like, well, you gave us the raw phone, you son of a bitch!
So I'm like, yeah, my lawyer's messed up and did that.
I had nothing to hide.
I'm like, here's my three phones over the last seven years.
I kept them, take all the things off.
And the best they got was my wife taking a dick pic of me.
I'm like, I never took a dick pic.
And I'm like, look at that.
I go, oh my god, wife, because remember that time you were asleep?
I took a picture.
And so they have a picture of my ding dong.
So that's the type of weirdness that goes on.
Then the PR firms after they won came out and said, they got bought by the biggest PR firm in the country right after that.
They were already big, out of New York.
Who were they?
I forget the exact name, if you want I'll Google it.
It's not the ones that try to do Rogan, is it?
The scumbag, Midas Touch, Misles Brothers.
That's the ones who got that thing going at Rogan.
The big N-word Spotify controversy because he mentioned Ivermectin.
That's those guys.
Yeah, I don't want to get into inside baseball, because Joe's asked me not to, but let's just say you're hot.
I'm just curious, because I bet there's a couple of them.
There was a whole bunch of them.
I mean, I could search engine it.
It has a particular name.
They put out press releases when they, quote, won the case, saying, hey, we brought his evil to the attention of the public in 2018.
Then we got him sued, and now we're going to shut him down.
So what they did is, they went and cobbled together some stuff.
Blew it all up, exaggerated it times a hundred, and then I mean I had people in the grocery store going, listen you son of a bitch, you stopped going to their houses.
This is even like a year ago.
And I'm like, I never went to their houses.
I've never been to Connecticut.
I've since been there at the court case.
I'm like, I didn't, I didn't, no one ever went to their houses.
No one peed on, there's no proof.
They just get up on the stand.
Listen to this.
There was an FBI agent.
I never said his name.
Look this up.
It was in court.
They admitted it.
Never said his name.
No one ever covered it on my network at InfoWars.
Didn't know who he was.
The internet saw him with his gun pointing up the wrong direction with no FBI stuff on when he went in.
And he is an FBI agent.
And he sued me saying because a few people called his office to see if he was real.
That was his testimony.
He got $95 million.
I never said his name, didn't know who he was until he sued me.
And then my lawyer goes, has Mr. Jones ever said your name?
Well, what happened to you?
He goes, well, I had to take six hours of psychological stuff because one time a man called me at the office to see if I was really an FBI agent.
95 million dollars.
I mean, that is in the trial where I couldn't respond, and the judge gave us over 30 things I couldn't say.
Couldn't say I was in bankruptcy.
Couldn't say that I only talked about it in 22 minutes in all those years.
Never could tell people I'd apologized before they ever sued me, because I'm like, I'm not the Sandy Hook guy.
I apologize.
I apologize.
I think it happened.
I was just playing devil's advocate.
And both judges in Connecticut and Texas literally had the same list, I couldn't say.
And that's why when I did say, I'm in bankruptcy, she goes, shut it down, get the jury out, get off the stand, go sit down.
And she goes, Mr. Jones, you're a liar.
You're not bankrupt.
You're not broke.
And she goes, now, financial expert, and we could not respond, got up for a full day and said, this man, I've examined his books, never examined our books, is worth $400 million.
I was millions in the hole then, okay?
Millions in the hole then, and I'm like, here's my filed bankruptcy.
The judge said, you're not entering that.
And so again, whether you think I'm good or bad, folks, they murdered justice in a PR run operation, and then, I'm not supposed to get into this, but you were really, you weren't warm, you were white hot with what you said.
They then got the text messages, and imagine whose text messages are on there.
Innocuous stuff like, hey, let's get a steak.
Hey, what's going on?
Hey man, come to the club tonight.
And then there was a behind-the-scenes harassment operation that went on against somebody.
So, so, this is dragnet.
Just attack.
Go after whoever you can.
It's unbelievable.
It's what they do to espionage, like people for espionage.
So, and, and, you know, I'm ranting on that, but let me just throw this bookmark in and then I'll shut up, Jimmy.
I knew this when Obama left office in the, in the John Warren Defense Authorization Act, 2017, his last act, major act, was to sign the defense authorization.
He got $2 billion in there.
To set up the Office of Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act, which then started that Trump's a Russian agent, and now we can spy on his whole operation, and we can get General Flynn because he's a communist, and then now they admit with the weaponization hearings, off of that wheel, at the middle of that wheel, they built the spokes of the censorship, the surveillance, the FBI, the CIA, coordinating all the censorship.
I knew that.
That's all they did.
This would get no news coverage.
I remember Routine OSD platform four years ago, watching the House Armed Services Committee meeting, where they had the Pentagon's experts saying, Mr. Jones is a Russian disinformation agent, we're tracking him, and we're now working with big tech and AI to block his Russian influence.
I have the clip.
So what I'm saying is, exactly what your co-host just said, is that is what I was, and we know a three-letter agency use law firms, The top Democrat law firms in the country ran this.
Law firms, PR firms, but it was the Justice Department.
Listen to this, in my bankruptcy, and they were done up to send an email.
This is a year ago.
The Justice Department.
sent an email to my famous bankruptcy lawyer here and well-known super respected done some of the biggest bankruptcies in the country for like chemical giants and says Mr. Jones will not be afforded the bankruptcy system this is a hurdle he will not get across and then the Justice Department came into the case and when I'm in these depositions they have one to two federal agents In the room, hoping to find something.
And I've been so transparent, so real.
All the bookkeeping checked out.
Everything was true.
Remember all the headlines?
Alex Jones.
He's got secret accounts.
Alex Jones has offshore accounts.
Alex Jones has hundreds of millions of dollars.
You can go to Bloomberg.
I was actually covering it today.
You can go to the Connecticut News.
Alex Jones is broke, sold his car and his guns and his, you know, basically wife's jewelry.
I am $3 million in the hole right now.
You can read them.
Here's the headline.
Alex Jones is broke and selling his stuff.
Here's how he got there.
Alex Jones gets green light to sell his guns and cars.
They now admit that I'm three million in the hole.
I was, I was, so again, I have under penalty of perjury all this.
So now they flipped from, oh, we were wrong.
He didn't hide $400 million.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
InfoWars.com forward slash go.
If I was the deep state and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate.
One that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it.
I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots.
I would be in charge of the ballot counting machines.
I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.
If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me.
I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election.
I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.
If I was the deep state, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a
democrat ever winning an election.
I would imprison my foes.
I would use my corrupt DAs and blackmailed judges to destroy you.
I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened.
I would prosecute my biggest competition.
I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.
If I was the deep state, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good and
women are men.
If I was the deep state, I would own every politician that mattered.
If I was the deep state, I would push my pedophilia ambitions on you.
If I was the deep state, you'd question your sexual identity but not the medical establishment.
If I was the deep state, you would fear to ever resist me.
If I was the deep state, you would wish I was really the devil.
If I was the deep state, I would say mission accomplished.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But, despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and has almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening.
Part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air.
A signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon.
It was like number 25 yesterday.
We can do it together at Amazon.com.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk to do the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech, the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at the Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
Please follow us there at the Real Alex Jones.
This is Oda from CPP.
I am the CPP.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
January 1st, here we are.
All right, we're getting into the really powerful parts now as we get ready to end
this hour in the next 10 minutes, 12 minutes.
Then we're going to come back in the second hour, and it just gets more hardcore, more hard-hitting, more thought-provoking, tons of energy.
Great comments by Jimmy Dore and his co-host and others.
Great research.
This is critical information.
We're getting into the mind control, the globalists, the propaganda, how to stop them, how to take back both political parties, how to take back our world.
This is the Jimmy Dore, Alex Jones interview from last Thursday.
Oh, they also sued my dad, my mom, my family.
My dad spent his whole savings, who was a dentist for 49 years.
My dad has no money, can't even pay his property taxes.
My dad spent a million and a half dollars in the last couple, and they think it's funny.
They think it's funny, claiming my dad had hidden money.
I know I'm ranting, I'm going to shut up now.
So, and the reason why, so I had said that, well, first they come for Alex Jones, and then they're going to come for us.
If you're doing independent news and you're speaking against the wars, they're going to come for us.
And so that's why you have to stand up right now.
And of course, nobody at the Young Turks will ever go against the wars.
They're always for the wars.
They're always for whatever the establishment wants, whether it's smearing Julian Assange or pushing Russiagate hoax Or COVID lockdowns and demeaning Ivermectin and lying about that.
They're up for all of it.
So that's why they didn't care that you got banned.
Because they're never ever going to go against the establishment.
Well, they're giving talking points.
Nobody, I can tell, nobody gives you talking points.
Nobody gives me talking points.
And that's why they don't like us.
It's because, that's why they don't like Joe Rogan.
Joe Rogan says exactly what he really thinks.
And they don't like authenticity.
But the people like it.
So yeah, you were big back in the time you defended me.
You were big.
You're gigantic now.
So it's kind of fair what Tucker said is no huge show Defendant Jones.
No show he heard of.
So and so what it went from you and then it immediately went to journalists and then it went to leading journalists then it went to the leading doctors and scientists in their fields and then it went to the former president of the United States.
They banned everybody so it wasn't just Alex Jones.
They banned anybody and everybody including Anybody who had any counter-narrative to the establishment narrative around war, around COVID, around lockdowns, around January 6th, around anything.
Anybody who had anything to say that the CIA, the FBI, and the establishment didn't want them to say, they banned, they censored, and they discredited.
And I've first-hand have knowledge of that.
You know what one of the first bullshit testing on who we can like do this to was GamerGate.
There's people that work in real journalism that to this day still bring that up like that was a real thing.
It was the exact same kind of bullshit.
I had the whole media do it to me for a week.
Charlie Rose, I'll never forget that tweet.
Then he got me too later, that piece of shit.
Yeah, so do you think the reason why they went after you so hard and had to take you down, had to do all this nefarious stuff, twist your words to take you down, was so that they could set a precedent, so they knew what was coming, so they knew that they were going to want to censor anybody and everybody, and so they had to have somebody to start with, and that's what that was?
I actually know this, and I always forget the name of the article because I don't usually subscribe to stuff, but I had to get behind a paywall to find it.
About six months before I got deplatformed in August of 2018, when Tim Cook literally held a powwow meeting, he admitted, decided to curate me, and they wouldn't even say why.
Then they gave some fake reasons later, not Sandy Hook.
I remember six months before that, I don't remember the exact Wall Street Journal headline, but there was another article about it called, Hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones.
It was like Gizmodo.
Hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones.
You're about to be taken off the air.
And then it was a synopsis of the Wall Street Journal.
This Wall Street Journal article was one of those articles for the corporate elite.
And so it was like 25 pages long.
I go subscribe to it.
I forgot the exact headline, and it was NATO meeting with the tech heads in Europe and meeting with News Corp.
And they said in the article, don't worry when News Corp.
splits and sells its entertainment division, we're still going to be popular.
So this was to the shareholders of News Corp.
through the Wall Street Journal that they actually also own on the news division when it split.
And so I'm reading this 27-page article and it says, Soon the internet will be like cable TV.
I think they used Netflix as an example.
You'll have a thousand channels maybe, but that'll be it.
We're not going to let people go to all these old sites and alternative sites.
And we're going to do it by going after Assange.
When the left doesn't stand up for him and the journalists don't, we'll have the left.
We're demonizing Alex Jones.
He's a horrible person.
When we then take him off the air and the right wing doesn't stand up because they don't want to be next, then when we take off the next person, the next person, the next person, it's human nature, no one will stand up and we'll take them all, liberals and conservatives.
And it's, I've got to find that article again, but it was a 20-something page battle diagram.
So I go on air with it and I say I'm about to be taken off because that was a High-level article, not for pop culture, but for real business people to invest in News Corp when they split their entertainment division, and they explained, we're going to end freedom on the Internet, and we're going to use this punk to do it.
So, it wasn't that I was that important.
I was big, sure.
And I was populist, and they fear that.
And I was uncontrolled.
But they chose me because I did do clownish stuff a lot, and I still do.
I have fun.
I'm on the air four hours a day.
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And so I was just chosen as patient zero, along with Julian Assange.
It was me and Julian, is who was in the article, and it's very cold-blooded.
So yes, they admit that I was the first domino.
And the feds tried to take your cat, right?
Were you able to keep him?
It's actually true.
My wife, the cat's like four years old now, we got for my now six-year-old daughter, she wanted a cat.
The other cat we love so much had snuck out of the house and got down the street and got run over.
And so we heard that Ragdoll cats were really great.
Other Joe Rogan stories, this is the best cats ever, super smart.
So I get a Ragdoll and folks, they are amazing.
It's like a dog.
It's super smart.
We go on walks on the golf course.
It follows us.
I mean, it's amazing.
Listen, one day I walk in when the cat's a year old and it's on the toilet pissing.
Didn't teach it out.
It just saw us doing it.
Swear to God, strike me down if it's not true.
And so my point is, I'm in a deposition with the U.S.
Justice Department and like six lawyers, no, seven lawyers deposing me in the conference room.
They came here.
The Congressmen run through those doors, and they look at me, and the Federal Justice Department Says Mr. Jones, how much did your cat cost?
And I said, I think it cost $2,000.
And they said, all right, well, we're going to put that on there as an asset.
You're going to have to give up.
And I said, is that a joke?
And they said, no, we're serious.
But they're going to give me an opportunity.
My bankruptcy is almost over.
I'm selling everything right now, which I don't even care about, including this watch soon.
And I'm going to have to have my dad or somebody buy the cat for me.
So no, they are trying to take the cat.
Kind of unbelievable.
I mean, I know that doesn't sound real.
It sounds real to me.
I think they're pigs.
The news called them and they admitted it.
They think that's great.
It's like cancel pigs, but with the real full force of the U.S.
government behind them.
By the way, the Willie Nelson story is true, too.
Tell me about that.
I used to know Willie really well.
He used to go to his house and play chess with him outside Austin.
Because he was real anti-war, and he hated George Bush.
He saw my movies about the war.
And so he came to one of my movie showings one time.
And so for about two years, I hung out with him probably 10, 15 times.
And a few years, about 10 years ago, I went to dinner with him once.
But he's kind of, even then, his brain was not 100% what it used to be.
But I knew him when he was 74, 75.
He would invite me out to Maui and stuff.
I never went.
But the point was, we got to be decent friends.
I'd go out to his house and hang out at luck with him, and I'd smoke a lot of pot with him.
I'm not a big pot guy, but you smoke pot with Willie.
And he has those vaporizer volcanoes back before most people heard of them.
This was like, you know, in like 2000, 2007 and 8 and stuff.
And we would smoke pot till I couldn't walk.
And playing chess.
And he would just keep, and he would suck on it and keep saying, want more?
And he would just keep going.
I mean, when he says, roll me up and slow me.
But the point was, when Willie Nelson hands you that thing, it's dripping with spit.
All right, folks, that's it for our number one, the first hour of the first show of the Alex Jones Show in 2024.
We'll be right back with our number two, three, and four.
Please stay with us.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and support the InfoWars.
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They may launch cyber attacks on our systems to create the crisis, the Hagelian principle.
The FBI has lined up a wish list, including measures that would allow the Bureau to convict roving wiretaps.
Roving wiretaps without court authority force telephone and internet companies to divulge information about their customers and seize personal property in both criminal and civil matters.
The FBI wish list, according to Barr, also would expand the agency's definition of terrorism to include domestic crimes, establish a permanent FBI police force, and loosen posse comitatus restrictions that prohibit military involvement in domestic law enforcement.
The U.S.
Justice Department this week gave Boeing Company the green light to proceed with its ill-conceived sea launch project, a multinational effort to blast satellites into space from ocean platforms.
30-story, by the way.
Earlier, the government formally suspended the program over concerns about leaks of technology to Boeing's Ukrainian and Russian partners.
Now, Justice says, Boeing can go ahead with the project after agreeing to pay a $10 million fine and more closely monitor information it gives to foreign participants.
Is Satan running this country?
You don't sell nuclear weapons systems, guidance systems, separation systems.
You don't give the enemy, Russian, Ukrainian, and Chinese company off your coast, 30-story multiple warhead delivery system launch pads.
They are so threatened by the information age.
They are so threatened by alternative information.
Their bubble is fixing to burst.
It's going to be one bloody saga.
I probably won't survive, but what a thrill to be a proactive human with my destiny in my hands.
We are winning this battle.
Battle, man!
We are winning!
People will remember this!
People will remember this forever!
Either we're going forward to the stars, we're going to evolve to the next level, we're going to get past these petty problems and not have some perfect world, but gain some equilibrium, or we're going down the tombs into a total technocracy of absolute hell!
And I think this government's in deep trouble.
We're not revolutionaries.
We are people upholding the existing Constitution and the existing Bill of Rights.
I support our constitutional government.
I am not anti-government.
I am anti-parasite, anti-corruption.
Lying to you folks, they're lying to you.
Oh, but we don't respect ourselves, Robert.
We're just supposed to accept all this fraud and lay down like good slaves.
Be a good slave.
Get on the cattle car.
That's it, buddy.
Yeah, pay for the cameras that control you.
Pay for having your kids dumbed down.
Yeah, and they'll chain you up electronically.
Oh, they love you.
They're gonna thumb scan you real good to buy and sell.
Don't listen to me.
Look at the Lockheed Martin Marietta commercials, the Visa commercials.
You want documentation?
You got it!
Now it's up to you to not be a coward.
Please listen to me very carefully.
If you don't have enough vitamin D3 in your body, which particularly happens in the winter months because sun and your skin produce vitamin D3 naturally.
If you don't have enough vitamin D in your body, you will get viral infections and the viruses will replicate in your body.
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God bless and we're going into 2024 together.
I'm not on team NFL.
I'm not on Team NBA.
I'm not on Team Olympics.
I'm not on Team Globalist or Wokism in the New World Order.
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Get your limited edition Team Humanity t-shirts right now at infowarestore.com and I thank you.
Now listen up She's a razor sharp!
Yeah, she's a cool, cool black!
She moves like a cat!
Now listen up!
She's a razor sharp!
And she don't get her way!
She is the last of her foes While she's a cool, cool guy
She'll move like a cat If you don't get the game
Well, you might not make it back Well, you might not make it back
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to hour number two of the first edition of the Alex Jones Show in 2024.
And the globalists hate this broadcast because they can see the look.
And it's got the look.
It's got the look.
It's got the number to take down the New World Order.
Number 13.
For the first 13 colonies.
You're going to believe me, my friend.
All right.
It's a number 13.
We are now into our number two and boy, we're getting into the really key parts of the Jimmy Dore Alex Jones interview.
Let's leap right back into it right now.
Let's turn on the juice.
Point was, when Willie Nelson hands you that thing, it's dripping with spit.
And I'm like, I'm not going to wipe this off.
It's kind of cool.
I'm not gay.
But I was like, it's Willie Nelson.
So it's just funny.
I always make that joke to family and stuff.
I had Willie Nelson spit in my mouth.
And then I was telling a story just the other day to family and some friends.
And I go, wait a minute.
Jimmy Dore spit into my mouth.
Because if you watch the video, I'm like, oh, yeah.
And all of a sudden, he goes, meow.
And I remember like, I was like, is that iced tea or coke?
I actually, I got so much up in my mouth.
Just a funny story.
It was called, it was actually called honest tea.
That's the irony there.
Anyways, I'm just fired up to be on and to actually get out of the Matrix because I am like in phantom zone on my own show weekdays.
I'm on some radio stations, a lot of folks come to InfoWars.com, but other than that, the worst part about being canceled and being de-platformed is they can now build this fake person however they want, and so they don't just silence you.
That'd be okay.
Go away like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
They then build this person you're not, and so, oh, it gets worse.
They'd run headlines, Alex Jones sends child porn to Sandy Hook families.
And I couldn't go on Twitter, I couldn't go on Facebook and say, that's not true.
They subpoenaed 9 million emails.
They said, no, it's not enough.
We want all, and we were dumb enough, because why are we even storing it, to have 15 years of emails on this email system.
And we said, screw it.
My lawyer said, nothing to hide.
None of me scheming against them.
We searched it.
None of me talking about them.
I have crazy sending me emails about Sandy Hook, which they later put in the court.
Look what this lady sent you.
Doesn't that sound bad?
Oh, that's the proof I'm bad.
And someone who was attacking me for questioning Sandy Hook sent me emails with embedded invisible links to child porn.
They just happened to scan the millions of emails And find the hidden links.
So we got a letter from the FBI in days saying Mr. Jones is the victim of this.
They were actually nice and did that.
And Jones is not a suspect.
These were unopened emails because they give it to the FBI.
These are unopened emails that he never opened.
He's the victim of someone sending it to him.
It's like swatting somebody but another form of So, so, so, but oh the headlines didn't say that.
The headlines said Alex Jones sends child porn.
Why am I not in jail?
So again, that tells you about these PR firms.
It's like you're running for office, but just to live your life.
Yeah, yes, yes.
So, let me just ask you just a general question.
How much of our reality do you think is manipulated by elites or intelligence tricks?
It depends on the person.
Some people are completely... Some people are totally oblivious and pay attention to nothing except for sports or sitcoms or whatever it is they're into.
Other people are political, both right-wing and left-wing, and think they know what's going on.
If they're establishment right-wing, they're in a facsimile of disinformation.
If they're establishment left-wing, they're really in a hologram.
And then you've got just normal populist-informed people from blue-collar workers up to academics that just really get the fact that The public trust has been broken.
The mainstream media lies on purpose.
They're very nasty.
They're trying to divide the country for social control.
That was in the WikiLeaks, emails from a head psychologist of a psychology department.
I think it was Columbia, but I forget the exact one.
And this is certified, real WikiLeaks.
And he says, we're losing because people aren't paying attention to us.
It's not that they Hate us, or even agree with us, or disagree.
It's that they don't even care about us anymore.
So we're going to have to go to culture war.
And this is in 2016 in the middle of the election.
So they're using, you know, that they legalized back in 2000 and 2010.
Obama, remember?
Smith-Muntt Modernization Act.
Legalized propaganda, exactly.
You guys have covered that a lot.
I've seen you do that.
And so, that's the CIA.
So they always planted stories overseas that came back on purpose.
They had Operation Mockingbird that came out in the Frank Church committees in the 70s, late 70s.
But this is directly the CIA going after you.
And look, I can speak to the CIA.
People always go, oh, he admits he's an agent.
He admits he's bad.
No, I had, my late uncle was high level.
in army special operations and like running stuff in major operations in Iran-Contra.
And I had a other family that was involved in back when HUMET was really big before it
was all digital.
And so growing up, I had family talking trash about the government, how they're lying, how
they're full of crap, how both parties are bad, how it's all big corporations about all
they did.
And then this is me listening around the corner to family where both people, you know, have been, you know, in this.
And I'm like, yeah, that son of a bitch.
All we did is go around paying off the mafia and then cracking heads and they didn't follow our orders.
And yeah, those bastards are smuggling kids out of Guatemala.
They ought to all be shot.
And like, I'm sitting around the corner.
This was both sides of my family, by the way, had people who were in this.
That sounds like, ooh, it's mysterious.
No, it's like working at Walmart.
Before the mid-90s, when signals intelligence and digital spying in the NSA really got to where it could grab every call and every email, It was 90% HUMET, 10% signals.
They phased that all out in the mid-90s.
But before that, the CIA didn't just have its regular budget.
It was, you know, dealing cocaine.
It was everywhere.
It's like saying, oh, I had family work for Coca-Cola, except it's a government criminal mafia.
And they recruit the best in their classes, patriotic.
You know, they had programs in the 60s.
Oh, you want to be part of NASA in the early 60s and kids would go who were top of their class, a recruiter would come into the school and say, oh, you know, you're top of your class and I see you, you know, do all this and you can shoot really good and you filled out this survey for NASA that you, you know, you camp out sometimes for a week by yourself when you were like 12 years old and, you know, you've done all this stuff.
We want you to join NASA.
And we want you to come to the University of Texas when you're 15 next year, and we want to put you in a program.
That happened to one of my family, very close to me.
And by the time he was about 19, he figured it out and was like, whoa, I'm not doing this.
OK, so I mean, but I mean, you couldn't shake a stick, swing a stick in the dark, you know, in Texas at that time and not hit these people.
And so, I mean, I've had I've had growing up, you know, Oh, a German, East German at the house for three months who's being trained how to do something.
I mean, so I'm telling you, that's how close I am to this.
I know all about this stuff.
So, okay.
Let me just get your take on the Ukraine war, because the American people have no idea what actually the Ukraine war is about.
They have no idea that there was a coup that the CIA instigated with the help of the Nazis inside Ukraine.
They don't know that there were two peace agreements that Ukraine violated, not Russia, and they think that one day Vladimir Putin just woke up and got a bug up his ass and decided to invade Ukraine, and that's his first step into invading the rest of Europe, which just seems mental, because it is.
And so, this recently came out.
Ukraine Ambassador Chalyi who participated in peace talks with Russia in the spring of 2022 because there was a peace agreement as soon as this war started there was immediately a peace agreement and member Boris Johnson was flown at the behest of NATO to talk to Zelensky to squash it.
Well here this ambassador is going to talk about that very thing.
Here it is.
I was in that moment in the group of Ukrainian negotiators.
We negotiated with Russian delegation practically two months, in March and April, the possible peaceful settlement.
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January 2024 is here, and that means up to 60% off at InfoWareStore.com, free shipping and double Patreon points.
This is one of the biggest deals of the year, and it supports the InfoWare.
And we're selling out a lot of these products.
It'll be months and months until more are back in stock.
Whether it's books, films, t-shirts, you name it.
You need to go to InfoWarsTore.com right now and take advantage of this 2024 New Year sale, double Patreon points, free shipping, and so much more.
Get a copy of my book, Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Next Great Renaissance.
And again, thank you so much for your amazing support in 2023.
But 2024, as everybody knows, is the big year.
So please support us and get great products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And tell everybody you know and those you don't know, tune into the live show at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
God bless and we're going into 2024 together.
(upbeat music)
Her pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Poor thing, she cried, I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, cried the vicious snake.
She wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk, and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk.
She hurried home from work that night, and soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake.
She clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you truly would have died.
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed him and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite!
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, side the vicious snake.
I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
Does that remind you of anything?
Be ready.
Be ready.
Because what they're allowing into our country is very, very bad.
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The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies!
I'm sick of it, and I'm not gonna take a bite out of it!
Do you got me?!
I'm here to warn people, you keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show today.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We see you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
Roger. Ignition.
Contact light.
Eagle was landed.
Ah, decent. Great. Is the lighting airplay decent?
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Beautiful, just beautiful.
I was in that moment in the group of Ukrainian negotiators.
We negotiated with Russian delegation practically two months, in March and April, the possible peaceful settlement agreement between Ukraine and Russia.
And we, as you remember, concluded so-called Istanbul communique.
And we were very close.
in the middle of April, in the end of April to finalize our war with some peaceful settlement.
For some reasons it was postponed. But to my mind, Putin, this is my personal view,
Putin in one week after started his aggression in 24 February last year,
very quickly understood he did mistake and tried to do everything possible to conclude agreement.
with you.
And Istanbul communique, it was his personal decision to accept the text of this communique, which totally far away from the initial proposal of Russia, ultimatum proposal of Russia, which they put before the Ukrainian delegation in Minsk.
So we managed to find a very real compromise.
So Putin really wanted to reach some peaceful settlement with Ukraine.
It's very important to remember.
So there it was.
That's an ambassador who was part of the negotiations in April of 2022.
They had an agreement, a compromise with Putin.
He's saying Putin really wanted to have peace.
He really wanted to end the war.
And of course, that all got squashed.
Now Putin has talked about this and we've covered this.
And it all got squashed because the United States and the UK, meaning NATO, didn't want it.
And so they had Boris Johnson go to Ukraine and tell Zelensky, you better not do this.
Plus, he also had the Nazis saying, in Ukraine, if you do it, we're going to hang you from a tree, which they probably would have.
So he didn't do it.
So he squashed the peace agreement.
So again, the aggressors are the United States, NATO.
The warmongers is the military-industrial complex.
And they have to make Putin out to be this caricature of a thug, even though, meanwhile, we're occupying a country right next door called Syria, a third of that country.
And which third do you think we're occupying the part with the oil?
So what do you say to this?
What have you told your viewers about Ukraine?
Well, I've told him the exact same thing you've said, because it's the truth.
If you go back to nine years ago, Victoria Nuland got caught on a release tape, she didn't deny it, the ambassador to the EU, saying, screw the EU, screw what they want, we're going to basically start a war.
And then seven years ago, a few years after that overthrow and that coup, where they attacked the government, killed all the police and burned down buildings and installed their new leader that was more anti-Russia, They then had a CNN report with Fareed Zarkaria where George Soros
Went on there and bragged that he got $5 million from the State Department and had done the coup a few years before, and then U.S.
troops and advisors began to come into the country and train the Ukrainian death squads.
Because, you know, the country's split between Slavic and kind of Germanic groups, and that was a split in World War II, but it's still where Russia was founded 1,000 years ago, and it's mainly Slavic.
But Europe's been pushing the Russians for hundreds of years, basically, back towards the Russian border.
And so they began to attack those 99% Russian areas.
And Putin kept saying, stop doing it, stop doing it, stop doing it.
And he said, if you try to bring them into NATO, I'm going to take Crimea, which he then did a few years later.
And he said, I'm going to take the Donbass regions and Donetsk and some of those other areas there on the western border.
of Russia as a security zone, and so it was a provocation by NATO.
I'm not defending Russia.
I'm not a Russia-phile, but I have studied the history of it, and then I knew, that's how I was able to predict, in October two years ago, plus before the Russians went in in February, that there would be a war in that area that Putin would go in by February if he was going to, because that was the intel I got from people I know in the military whose sons were over there already training Ukrainians, and they knew it was coming.
And so when the Russians lied and said we're not going to invade a few weeks before, and the Reuters reporter confronted the State Department CIA guy and said, you're Alex Jones now, claiming the Russians are going to do a false flag and invade or whatever.
But I was saying, no, no, the Russians are going to go in and they don't want people to know because NATO's moving weapons up against their border.
And if Ukraine joins NATO, they've said they're going to put nuclear weapons there.
And so this is a major escalation.
People don't know the human missile crisis that Kennedy put medium-range Hercules missiles in Turkey and what was the other missile the Hawk missiles with nukes in Turkey and so that's when the Russians then put nukes in Cuba.
That's why they don't make the point about that with Ukraine, because we've provoked it before and thought we should be allowed to do that.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, so Russia, Putin's told the truth.
By the way, you talk about this ambassador saying that, that you just mentioned he just played.
Putin at the time said, I only want a security zone, and I only want to make you sue for peace.
And he was never planning to take the capital.
He did that to pin down their forces while he secured those areas.
And so he said, I want a peace deal.
He gave speeches at the time saying this can end right now, say you're not going to enter NATO and say you're not going to attack these eastern areas and I'll completely pull out.
But he said if you don't pull out, I will take as much of Ukraine as we have to to secure our border.
Because remember, 90% of the Russians live in Western Russia.
And Putin said, we don't need more land.
We're the biggest country in the world.
We have more resources than even Africa.
It's like three USAs can fit into Russia.
He said, we don't want to expand.
We want to stabilize.
We want a peace economy.
He cut defense spending until this war started in the last decade.
So he's not in an offensive position.
The globalists controlling America are in an offensive position.
And that has to end.
Now they're going to conscript women?
Now, the former head of U.S.
forces in Europe last week just called for them to conscript women.
Zelensky's calling up 500,000 people and they know they've already lost.
So it's surely a political diversion and a money laundering operation and it is pure war profiteering at its most sick and most evil.
Yeah, it's just amazing to me how well the propaganda works.
We learned nothing from the Iraq War.
I mean, as a general people, we learned nothing from the Iraq War.
We learned nothing from 20 years of lies and the Afghanistan paper that showed that Afghanistan papers that showed Afghan was a 20 year lie, that we did learn nothing from Libya turning the most successful country in Africa and turning into a failed state with open slave markets.
We learned nothing from Vietnam.
We learned nothing from Syria and the lies about gas attacks.
We learned nothing from Yemen.
We've learned nothing!
And they could just pull off this Ukraine and you get these Rachel Maddow's and Sean Hannity's and Anderson Cooper's to go on and just lie about the war.
And you know they're lying because I know the truth.
And who am I?
I'm a comedian.
And so I know the truth about it.
I know they have to know about it because they have million-dollar staff.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
They committed these crimes and all the other tyrants and all the other would be psychos
and mad scientists need to see them jerking at the end of a rope
For the millions they killed.
So they understand we won't tolerate this behavior in the future, because humans come first, this is our planet, we value ourselves, and we're gonna go interstellar, and you're not gonna stop us, and we are a pro-human, human supremacist movement that wants to empower the species.
And the globalists are doing nothing but destroying our species.
This is an epic moment to be alive, and the globalists admit that what they count on is the general public having a low attention span and a goldfishish memory.
Should we forget about the last crime they committed, and the next crime, and the next crime, and the next thing, and the next war, and the next fraud, and the next scandal, until we just become acclimated and accepted?
And the answer is no, I don't accept it.
I see the trajectory that you're taking us on, and we refuse to go there.
We refuse to be part of this.
We say no.
And I'm not somebody that loves death.
I don't take any pleasure in that.
But they need to be executed, and you know they do.
You know they need to be executed.
Don't truck bomb them, don't shoot them, don't harm a hair on their head, because the media will spin it and it'll be turned against us.
No, we just get our people elected, we take control of the institutions.
Might take five years, might take ten, and we just blow the whistle on them, and we beaver away, and we don't buy anything they say, and we build our own communities, and then...
We start indicting them, and they start singing like canaries once we control the justice departments of the world.
And we let the people that blow the whistle just get 10 years in prison, and then the kingpins get marched up on a public platform, on international television, and we put a rope around their neck, and we pull the lever, and we break their neck in front of billions of people.
That's what happens when you kill children and innocent people.
That's what happens when you, when tens of millions of children now have heart attacks and myocarditis and they have TV ads going, it's normal for babies to have heart attacks.
Get used to it.
Defibrillators in school.
It's normal.
Everybody's got heart attacks now.
No, that's not normal.
A little kid having a heart attack and dying or living 10 years after they're given the shot with excruciating heart swelling and they finally die.
You know in the numbers, half the people that have this myocarditis will be dead.
Top experts agree within five to ten years.
They killed us!
They murdered our people and they're just getting started.
They did this as a test to see if they could manage it and get away with it and the people would buy it.
Remember, the UN won't give any migrants the shot.
They said, oh, it's too dangerous.
And we're just gonna sit here while these creeps are still in power?
No, we gotta get them.
And you watch.
You don't believe it because you're so arrogant, but one day, sooner than you think, you're going to be up on international television with that big cheering crowd right there, because you were anti-human, and you're so into death, and you decide who lives and dies, and you're going to depopulate us, and you're going to kill us, and you're going to get what you tried to make us live through, which you did kill many people.
Just like those Nazis at Nuremberg, you're gonna get that neck snapped real good and clean.
Nothing cruel and unusual about it, but you're gonna die on an actual TV, crapping your pants, jerking at the end of a rope.
We gotta, legally and lawfully, take over the system, and then they gotta be executed.
And look, that's the kind of thing that makes them come after me, because they know I'm a very serious person.
It's the kind of thing that gets me killed.
It doesn't matter.
It needs to be said.
They murdered 20 million people.
They need to die.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
January 1st, 2024.
January 1st, 2024.
You're living it.
You are listening to an Infowars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving...
I am Unicron.
I'm gonna do a fun little piece off the Transformers movie.
Coming up soon.
It'll be fun.
So I'm trying to relax and actually do the voice of Orson Welles.
I was doing it really good in the shower this morning, but I gotta relax and not tense up when you do it.
It's just, you're like...
Welcome, Megatron.
I am Unicron.
Who said that?
I have summoned you here for a purpose.
Nobody summons Megatron.
Then it pleases me to be the first.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, first show of the new year.
Remember growing up, little kid, I was like, imagine the year 2021 when we're in the new millennia or, you know, the new, all of this.
And I'm like, oh yeah.
And then now I'm 50 years old next month and we're in the year 2024 and man, it's a scientific dictatorship dystopia eating society.
Like, Unicron, you know, tries to eat the earth in the Transformers movie.
I'm just having some fun here.
Let's get back to the Alex Jones interviewed by Jimmy Dore.
And now we're in the really, really, really powerful parts.
Even more powerful stuff's coming up.
They're not just picking fights with third-world Muslim countries so they can just pump trillions in, like Afghanistan, and steal it.
No, ladies and gentlemen, and I know the Afghans aren't Arab, but I'm talking about the Arabs in Middle East and also the Pashtuns and the Afghans over there in Central Asia.
Now they're picking fights with the largest nuclear power in the world that lost a third of its population fighting Hitler.
So just like Napoleon went to destroy his empire, the American empire is going back to Russia to die.
I love America.
I'm a loyal American.
Putin isn't censoring me.
Putin isn't stealing elections.
Putin isn't taking my political front-runner candidates off the ballot.
Putin isn't dissolving my borders and telling people to come up here for free stuff.
Putin isn't shipping in, uh, fentanyl to kill 100,000 people a year.
He's not doing any of that.
And it's all our hijacked, crazy, out-of-control government that's run out of people to start fights with.
So now they're starting fights with the biggest nuclear power in the world!
Somebody needs to take the keys away from these maniacs.
So, speaking about, you know, how Americans are just, they're the most propaganda, I say, Americans are the most propagandized people in the world, and they don't know it, right?
At least in the old Soviet Union, when somebody saw something on the news or read it in the paper, they knew it was probably propaganda.
Same thing in China.
But in America, people literally think that Lawrence O'Donnell and Jake Tapper and Laura Ingraham are telling you the truth.
It's just mind-blowing to me.
I just went to a couple of Christmas parties, and it was like watching a wind-up cartoon doll of people just repeat propaganda back to me, whether it was about Fauci.
I was talking to a guy.
He just got his booster last week.
He just got his booster.
He has eight?
He has all eight?
I'm guessing he does.
Catches them all.
Anyway, and so just to speak to this, now people turn, now I used to be a big fan of Bill Maher's.
And so Bill Maher recently said that, now it's been clear to me since I started doing this show that Bill Maher is ignorant on purpose, right?
Either he's mind controlled or he's ignorant on purpose.
Because it's just so obvious.
Again, if I have access to this information, a guy who works at HBO with a million-dollar staff, he also has access to this information.
And he's either mind-controlled or... So listen to what Roseanne asked him this question.
This is very interesting.
No wonder I don't remember this.
No shit, you blocked it out, MKUltra.
Who's that?
Bill Maher doesn't know who M... who's that?
And I don't think that's a joke.
I think he's... Do you mean Martin Luther King Ultra?
Is that what he thinks?
It's unbelievable.
Can you believe he pretends not to know what MK Ultra is?
Or do you think he really doesn't know?
Or do you think he's actually a victim of it?
I think Bill Maher is lying there.
He also said he doesn't know who Klaus Schwab is, I think, in the same interview?
Here, let me play it.
That's the mind control program you're under, Bill.
Here it is.
So who's Klaus Schwab?
The head of the WEF.
What's that?
This is mind-blowing to me.
He doesn't know who the people are, he doesn't know what M.K.
Harari on.
The Igor of Klaus Schwab.
So not long ago, Bill had on someone named Bella Thorne on his podcast and she was offended because he mocked her pronouns.
So who the fuck is Bella Thorne?
She's a 26-year-old actress who, unlike Klaus Schwab, the W-E-F, M-K-Ultra, that's someone who Bill actually has heard of.
So he's heard of some no-name actress nobody's ever heard of, but he's never heard of M-K-Ultra, W-E-F, or Klaus Schwab.
Boy, he is the smartest guy in the room, as long as the room is filled with dumb shlibs, am I right?
January twenty twenty four is here.
And that means up to 60 percent off at InfoWareStore.com free shipping and double Patriot points.
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And we're selling out a lot of these products.
It'll be months and months till more are back in stock.
Whether it's books, films, T-shirts, you name it.
You need to go to InfoWarsTore.com right now and take advantage of this 2024 New Year sale, double Patreon points, free shipping, and so much more.
Get a copy of my book, Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and launch the next great renaissance.
And again, thank you so much for your amazing support in 2023.
But 2024, as everybody knows, is the big year.
So please support us and get great products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And tell everybody you know, and those you don't know, tune into the live show at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
God bless and we're going into 2024 together.
Well, well, that's right.
And now he's trying to act like he's more populous because he knows people are waking up.
Look, he's not stupid.
We know Leonardo DiCaprio and hundreds of movie stars get paid to go to the W.E.F., flown on private jets.
I bet a lot of money, I don't know this for a fact, that he's been invited to the World Economic Forum.
It's all over the news.
It's massive coverage during their events.
And I mean, people knew it was 20 years ago.
They certainly knew 10 years ago.
And then in the last three, four, The Liberty Movement, the populist movement, it trends on Twitter every week.
It's all over the place.
So, I don't believe that he doesn't know what MKUltra is.
I mean, even History Channel and Discovery Channel have had hundreds of programs, literally, since it's been on for 40 years, 35 years.
I mean, I've seen...
50 programs.
I don't even watch a lot of TV about MKUltra.
It's on PBS.
You know, Dr. Ewing Cameron in Canada.
Over 10,000 kids over 30 years taken from foster homes and stuff and electroshocked and given drugs and programmed into new personalities.
And they had congressional hearings on it in the 90s and the 2000s and in 1977.
And he doesn't know about MKUltra that Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was in, LA Times, Alexander Cockburn looked that up.
So, I don't believe, no, he's playing dumb because he knows these are the things you don't talk about.
I mean, come on, if the WEF and Klaus Schwab were real, I'm sure Bill Maher would have heard about it.
I don't believe in nonsense.
By the way, Jimmy, that's the old tactic.
Just ten years ago, they would have New York Times articles saying Alex Jones feverishly was having a schizoid event in Virginia outside a hotel conference center, imagining there were men with sunglasses and helicopters.
Meanwhile, The King of Spain's there, the head of the Defense Department, Henry Kissinger, world leaders.
They had Marines on top of the building with State Department security, literal black helicopters we got video of.
Okay, it's in my film Endgame and others.
And then the New York Times reviewed a film I was in called The New World Order and said it did not exist.
Now, by then, The Bilderberg Group was set up after World War II between what was left of the Nazis and the UK and America to kind of reconstitute Europe in the Marshall Plan.
Their own document's been released by the Congressional Records Office.
This is an official group, but they wouldn't cover it, and they would say it wasn't real,
even though the Bilderberg Group, as of 15 years ago, went public, started putting out press releases about who
would be there, but that it's secret.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I started becoming really fatigued and sleeping longer and then it switched and I started having sleepless nights.
She was feeling weak and a recent blood test revealed a vitamin D deficiency.
The stress was causing my body to not take in the nutrients properly.
There's really three kinds of people when it comes to this very important subject.
We found out that people who are deficient in vitamin D were more likely to have trouble doing daily basic tasks.
She says symptoms can include hair loss, memory or mood changes, and fatigue.
Many of us are avoiding the sun and we're wearing sunscreen.
That's great news for skin cancer prevention, not such good news for our vitamin D levels.
There's really three kinds of people when it comes to this very important subject.
There's people that don't know the information.
There's people that do know the information but don't act on it.
And there's people that do know the information and do act on it.
And that third group is who you want to be part of.
Now, you can do a search in 10 seconds and prove all this for yourself.
The number one cause of viral infection and viral replication, in fact, it's the vast majority of it, is people that have vitamin D deficiencies.
Now if you're not getting sun, everybody's going to be deficient in vitamin D unless you're supplementing.
Most people have problems absorbing it from food in the guts.
You want to get it into the bloodstream.
The way to do that is put it under your tongue.
If it's synthetic vitamin D, it has almost no effect.
We have the highest quality organic vitamin D3 available, winter sun, at InfoWarsTore.com.
It's 40% off.
Everybody should be taking a few drops out of the tongue, men, women, children, old, young, every day during the fall, winter, and early spring months.
And if you're somebody that doesn't get out in the sun during the summer, Then you should be taking it year round.
Winter Sun is back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com for 40% off.
And right through New Year's, we're going to continue double Patriot points and free shipping at InfoWarsTore.com.
I'll put a few of the articles, a few of the studies on screen, but please don't believe me.
Go research this.
Vitamin D.
is essential in the body.
Essential means if you don't have it, you'll die.
And deficiencies, not just of D, but so many other essential vitamins and minerals are the main cause of disease and issues in the world.
So, to all of you out there, I know most of you already know this information, You're in the second group, like me.
I'm not lecturing you.
I tend to forget to take vitamin D3.
And I'm asking myself, are you crazy?
You can tell I've gotten pale.
I'm usually pretty tan during the summer.
I've not been out in the sun in months.
I'm taking winter sun every single day.
And finally, there's another benefit to getting winter sun.
Not just boosting your immune system, not just being healthier, not just living a better life and also warning others around you to take vitamin D as well.
There's also the important caveat of funding the information war.
That's how we keep this broadcast on air.
And today, more than ever, people are tuning in because they know our credibility is so incredibly high.
Because unfortunately, most of the new world order we warned of has now come into play.
But we want to stop the final phases of the globalist operation, which is really devastating.
Now they're planning to accelerate the depopulation and the collapse of civilization.
And I don't want people in five, six, seven, eight years saying, oh my God, all the rest of it came true.
Alex Jones is always right.
I want us to be saying, we woke up, we were Paul Revere's, We warned Americans and people worldwide, and we stopped this thing.
It's a horrible tyranny.
You'll own nothing and be happy?
No, we won't.
You're not going to force shots on us.
We own our bodies.
And we are fighting these globalists now more than ever.
So thank you for your support.
Please go to MFORSTORE.COM today and get Winter Sun and other great products at the same time.
Winter Sun at InfowarsStore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, Infowars tells you the truth
about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and support the InfoWars.
The Bilderberg Group, as of 15 years ago, went public, started putting out press releases about who would be there,
Okay? So, even five years after they're publicly admitting they exist, and putting out where they're going to meet,
but that it's secret.
the New York Times was saying it does not exist.
So, yeah, I mean, I always, again, when I was, they made it seem like if you talked about the Bilderberg Group, you
were some conspiracy, crazy, tinfoil hat person.
There is no mafia.
Hey, the first rule of MKUltra is there is no MKUltra.
Am I right?
And so I don't think, maybe, I don't think Bill Maher is controlled by the CIA.
I think he's controlled by another three-letter organization.
It's called HBO.
That is what it is.
He does sound like Hannity when he's asked about Bilderberg.
Sean Hannity, watch him play dumb.
Oh, he plays dumb too?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, he always plays dumb.
So the Bilderbergs had a meeting in Washington, D.C.
It was maybe a year or two ago, and Max Blumenthal from the Gray Zone went and covered it, and that's how I know for sure it's for a real thing.
And he documented the people who were there and the people who were coming in and out.
Yeah, they meet three years in a row in Europe, and then every fourth year they meet in Chantilly, Virginia.
At this, uh, usually they meet at like five-star places.
This place is nice.
I've stayed there before they got in there.
It's like a four-star, giant conference center surrounded by defense contractors.
Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.
I mean, literally, it's a conference center with a golf course so they can play golf because they play golf the fourth day.
And it's surrounded, but something, your co-host, everything he says is key.
Notice he said, the mafia doesn't exist.
And that's the parallel I use with this.
It was until the mid-1950s, Congress and J. Edgar Hoover, who was being blackmailed by the FBI over his cross-dressing, that's come out.
He would testify to Congress, J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, look this up, I'm sure you guys know a lot of history so you know about it, that La Cosa Nostra and the Mafia was a myth and that there was not an Italian Mafia.
Of course, we now know there's a Mafia in all groups.
And it wasn't until some rogue FBI agents They planted a bug in a farmhouse, remember in Connecticut I think it was?
And they caught like the 15 mob heads, like in the Godfather, in this big palatial farmhouse, meeting around this big table carving up the country, and then suddenly we all know the Italians have a mafia.
I mean, it's the same thing, but they don't want us to know there's a global blackrock corporate Mafia that wants to control the world, that cloaks itself in liberalism and wokeism to give them political cover while they drive us into World War III, devalue our currencies, and just destroy us.
So speaking of that, the new mafia, which a lot of people, I'm one of them, the new mafia, Silicon Valley, the WEF, the military industrial complex.
Well, look at this story.
Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook of the future will be powered by telepathic thoughts.
Facebook users, and this is according to him, Facebook users in the future will share telepathic thoughts and feelings to each other, Mark Zuckerberg claims.
You're going to just be able to capture a thought.
What you're thinking or feeling in kind of its ideal and perfect form in your head and be able to share that with the world in a format they can get that.
He called on people to think less in nations but as a citizen of a global community using innovations and technology for progress.
Well, this sounds like exactly what every person who was claimed was deemed a conspiracy theorist.
Here it is.
Here's the head of Silicon Valley, the head of Facebook, Instagram, the billionaire himself, Mark Zuckerberg, saying, hey, don't think of just like, you know, you remember that movie?
network where Ned Beatty gave that speech where he says there are no
countries there are only companies in the international transfer of dollars
and you have upset the natural order of the transfer of dollars and you must
atone that's what this he's saying right there he's giving the Ned Beatty speech
he's saying there are no countries there are only companies.
You have meddled with the tidal forces of nature Mr. Neal and you must atone.
You get up there on your little bitty 18-inch screen and you talk about nations and borders and peoples.
There are no nations.
There are no borders.
There are no peoples.
There are only... And that's actually the globalist speech.
I've actually been in boardrooms similar to that and those are off-record meetings.
They were trying to get me to join News Corp and trying to get me 15 years ago to go to Fox.
And meetings just like, listen, this is all over.
It's a corporate global system, Alex.
You'll have more in effect joining us.
Come work with us.
Henry Kissinger, the head of his Kissinger Group, one time in front of my producer, And this wasn't off records, I've told the story.
Say, come to New York, we want you to work for us, you can lead the Liberty Movement, but that's how you'll have a seat at the table.
So, they go around and buy people up like they just buy up baseball cards, but go back to Zuckerberg.
He's literally saying, we're going to read your mind.
Facebook's going to read your mind.
Well, that's super creepy.
Well, how are you going to read our mind?
Again, but you also put 24 billion or whatever it was into the metaverse, which was a hellscape.
So, but it shows you where they want to take us.
They don't want just the Internet of Things.
They want us.
They want our minds.
They want our bodies.
You can order pizza with your mind.
You see that in 60 Minutes?
Yes, you can order- That idiot, the one guy, the guy who's like, did you just order pizza with your mind?
Like, he couldn't believe- It's the Matrix!
It's the Matrix!
It's the Matrix!
You're gonna be in a pod!
And they have patents now for beds you lay in, and the heat from your body powers the computers.
Wow, that's very Matrix-like.
That's unbelievable.
You know, originally, the Matrix, it wasn't supposed to be batteries, because humans are shitty batteries.
It was supposed to be they were hooked up as a neural network for the computer, but the dipshit producer said, no one's going to get that.
Say they're batteries.
Oh really?
And so that idiocy of it being batteries it was originally something much like not too smart just a good a good thing that battery thing scientifically doesn't hold up at all because a dumb fuck producer said that.
Oh yeah.
And that's true and so let me add a caveat there is a Wired Magazine article came out about 12 years ago We're talking about Eric Schmidt and the founding with In-Q-Tel and the CIA and the NSA who already had the search engine system that where they would grab all the data and emails and internet traffic and phone calls and create word messages and then if they wanted to search what we were saying, Google was the NSA
Search Engine for a program called Echelon.
This is all declassified.
And so Google at their first meeting when the Pentagon signed on said, we're going to create the first AI, but it's going to be a cybernetic AI where you're a neural network and we're going to get millions of people in live time dialed into us and then we'll be able to send messages back and stimuli to control them as the original inventors of the internet.
In an ARPA DARPA program in 1960 where a Pentagon psychiatrist, look this up, created the Intergalactic Communication System.
It was on paper and said there would be big TVs everywhere that gave you messages.
You would carry a handheld computer that would track everything you did and daily you'd download it into the system.
It was all theoretical and that they would then use the Intergalactic Communication System to program humanity.
So this is an original theoretical plan that they developed the theoretic blueprint for in 1960.
Look it up, you can't make this up. And that's what Google is today. And it is artificially
intelligent, because it's a computer interfacing with us. And it is AI. But the secret is AI is us. That's
why when you see AI art, it's just throwing what we've done, plagiarizing our
writing, our videos, our photos, our poetry.
And we go, this is beautiful because it's narcissistic.
We're looking at ourselves in the pool of water.
That's stupid shit.
I always thought Twitter seemed like a crazy, big, crazy brain.
When you look at the whole thing, I'm like, oh, how do we know Twitter's not already alive?
No, that's a secret.
Elon Musk is using it to program his AI grok.
And so they took everybody else off the internet because Google's training its system and didn't want anybody like us on there.
I've been told this by high-level people, believe it or not.
And so, yes, Musk actually bought Twitter to promote his stuff and politically be involved, but the real reason is to program his AI.
So here's something that's even creepier.
So Mark Zuckerberg says that this is going to happen in the future.
It's here.
Well, here's the W.E.F.
telling you that it's already here.
So this is a this is about a two to maybe a three minute video.
And watch what they have to say.
This is kind of mind blowing.
Sensing your joy, your playlist shifts to your favorite song, sending chills up your spines.
The music begins to play.
You glance at the program running in the background on your computer screen and notice a now familiar sight that appears whenever you're overloaded with pleasure.
Your state of brainwave activity decreasing in the temporal regions of your brain.
You mentally move the cursor to the left and scroll through your brain data over the past few hours.
You can see your stress levels rising as the deadline to finish your memo approached, causing a peak in your beta brainwave activity right before an alert popped up telling you to take a brain break.
Your mind starts to wander to the new colleague on your team whom you know you shouldn't be daydreaming about given the policy against intra-office romance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and support the InfoWars.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've got some really good news.
We're extending the Christmas sales from the end of 2023 into early 2024.
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Now, here's the bad news.
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It's been sold out for over a year.
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Hundreds and hundreds of products on the site.
Books, films, t-shirts, everything are up to 60% off.
Except for our new fundraising t-shirt that's Team Humanity that Elon Musk and I coined the term.
That's a fundraiser for InfoWars, so that's got a little bit of a premium on it.
Please get that shirt to support the InfoWars.
Take action now while the products are still in stock.
Double Patreon points, free shipping.
You'll find them all at infowarestore.com.
It's part of the 2024 January New Year's Mega Sale.
Thanks for keeping us on the air.
Plus, these are great products that will enrich and empower your life.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(dramatic music)
you The government says I have to have permission to breathe, so I'm gonna stop breathing.
And you turn purple and die because the government said so.
I mean, the government says I've got to pay a carbon tax to breathe.
They're actually doing that now.
So I better do it.
Getting back to the environmentalists here, who are not environmentalists.
That way they can toxify, genetically engineer, do whatever they want, and then only brand your private property as something they've got to take to save the earth and tax you for breathing.
But they're going to raise taxes on your breathing.
New York Times headline, a tax on breathing.
And then they endorsed it.
They said, this is good.
Carbon dioxide is what most of the water in the ocean is made up out of.
It's what the clouds are made up out of.
It's water vapor, basically.
It's what humans exhale.
It's what plants breathe.
But I see commercials on TV going, you know, waste management companies planting trees that clean the air of deadly carbon dioxide that's killing our Earth.
Four things make life on this planet.
Without these, it doesn't happen.
Without one of these, it doesn't happen.
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.
Well, they're taxing the carbon cycle by doing that.
And now they're proposing the taxes and ramming them down your throat.
And cities all over the place are passing these global greenhouse gas emission taxes.
And they're now saying they're going to tax all barnyard animals for their flatulence.
and now they're proposing humans be taxed for our...
well, for lack of a better word, our farts, ladies and gentlemen.
Please listen to me very carefully.
(dramatic music)
If you don't have enough vitamin D3 in your body, which particularly happens in the winter months because sun and your skin produce vitamin D3 naturally.
If you don't have enough vitamin D in your body, you will get viral infections and the viruses will replicate in your body.
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January 2024 is here.
And that means up to 60% off at infowarestore.com, free shipping and double Patriot points.
This is one of the biggest deals of the year, and it supports the InfoWar.
And we're selling out a lot of these products.
It'll be months and months till more are back in stock.
Whether it's books, films, t-shirts, you name it, you need to go to InfoWarStore.com right now and take advantage of this 2024 New Year sale, double Patreon points, free shipping and so much more.
Get a copy of my book, Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists,
and launch the next great renaissance.
And again, thank you so much for your amazing support in 2023, but 2024, as everybody knows, is the big year.
So please support us and get great products at infowarestore.com.
And tell everybody you know, and those you don't know, tune into the live show at infowares.com/show.
God bless, and we're going into 2024 together.
We also have storewide free shipping, double Patriot points.
We have X2 about to sell out.
We have Winter Sun, the best D3, finally back in stock.
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Turbo Force, discounted.
Get Turbo Force.
Get Winter Son.
Get it all at InfoWarsTore.com.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
You've seen that we've delivered together.
You delivered supporting us.
I've delivered not giving up.
Praise God and pass the ammunition in the information war.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening.
Sign or unsign.
Take action!
I'm not on Team NFL.
I'm not on Team NBA.
I'm not on Team Olympics.
I'm not on Team Globalist, or wokeism in the New World Order.
I'm on Team Humanity, ladies and gentlemen, that loves God and loves our families and loves humanity and knows that we're destined to do even more incredible things than we've already done together.
And so, inspired by my conversation with Elon Musk recently, where he agreed with my idea to call it Team Humanity, We've launched two limited edition t-shirts at InfoWarStore.com.
Let people know that, hey, it isn't about the football games or isn't even about the UFC.
It's about Team Humanity being under globalist attack.
You can wear it.
It's a great conversation starter.
And you know, it's supporting the InfoWar that is at the very tip of the spear in the fight for Team Humanity.
Get your limited edition Team Humanity t-shirts right now at InfoWarStore.com.
Thank you.
2001 Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
Sensing your joy, your playlist shifts to your favorite song, sending chills up your spine as the music begins to play.
You glance at the program running in the background on your computer screen and notice a now familiar sight that appears whenever you're overloaded with pleasure, your theta brainwave activity decreasing in the temporal regions of your brain.
You mentally move the cursor to the left and scroll through your brain data over the past few hours.
You can see your stress levels rising as the deadline to finish your memo approached, causing a peak in your beta brainwave activity right before an alert popped up telling you to take a brain break.
Your mind starts to wander to the new colleague on your team whom you know you shouldn't be daydreaming about given the policy against intra-office romance.
But you can't help fantasizing just a little.
But then you start to worry that your boss will notice your amorous feelings when she checks your brain activity and shift your attention back to the present.
You breathe a sigh of relief when the email she sends you later that day congratulates you on your brain progress from the past quarter, which have earned you another performance bonus.
When you arrive at work the next day, a somber cloud has fallen over the office.
Along with emails, text messages, and GPS location data, the government has subpoenaed employees' brainwave data from the past year.
They have compelling evidence that one of your co-workers has committed massive wire fraud.
Now, they're looking for his co-conspirators.
You discover they are looking for synchronized brain activity between your co-worker and the people he has been working with.
While you know you're innocent of any crime, you've been secretly working with him on a new startup venture.
Shaking, you remove your earbuds.
What do you think?
Is it a future you're ready for?
You may be surprised to learn that it's a future that has already arrived.
When I saw this, it was six months old.
Like at the end of Watchmen.
We did our plan a half hour ago.
So it's here, Alex.
I mean, I'm sure you're aware of this, right?
That this video exists.
Jimmy, I'm aware that they want to turn all the workspaces into giant re-education camps.
And this is MKUltra.
Being externalized to the public.
I had not seen this clip showing how much evil stuff the WEF puts out.
How they just normalize, you're gonna eat bugs, you're gonna drink sewage water, which LA's now doing.
You're gonna live in a 250 square foot 5G oven apartment, coffin apartment.
I know, you think Alex Jones would have seen this.
I had not seen this.
I'm like literally yelling at my producer, you know, I turned my mic off saying, get this, get this, get this.
And that shows why you're important, we're all important because this assault is so huge.
And notice what she said.
In Star Trek, when the Borg Cube arrives, they say, resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
And it's always a woman they hire.
They admit in their documents, so it's less threatening.
Siri, the Siri voice.
Yeah, don't be scared!
It's already here!
Don't be scared!
I'm sorry, Jimmy.
You guys are so good, though.
That's why I'm so excited to be on here.
Alex, so when I first saw that, it freaked me out because it had about 600 views.
That's it.
It had about 600 views.
And I watched it three times because I couldn't understand if she was for or against this.
I noticed the guy in the back giggling, like, while she's saying that.
But if you look her up, it's called brain transparency.
I still can't tell if she's for or against it.
She's for it.
She goes, well it's here so we have to have this discussion.
It's a discussion we're going to have to have.
We're going to have to have that.
But she certainly doesn't look upset by it or scared about it.
It's here already!
Well it's here, Jimmy.
Well it's here.
But you asked me, have I seen the clip?
No, but I do know about the company and I do know about her.
So let me tell you the rest of the story.
I'm sure you've seen this clip.
Six years ago on national French TV, he also speaks French, like any good super villain and German.
Klaus Schwab is on national TV and he says, first in French, the chips will all be in your clothing to buy and sell.
Then they will be in your hand.
Then they will be in your brain.
And he said this in a bunch of different subcompositing, like five, six interviews he's done.
And he says, soon to be part of society, you will all have brain chips and we will all think and we will all know what we are all thinking.
But of course, that'll all be hacked and controlled and garbage.
Imagine the schizophrenic, horrible world where people know what you're thinking or the things programmed because your brain's always thinking.
Every subconscious and unconscious is thinking of every scenario, every view.
You may be having your baby.
You know, wash him in the bathtub.
You protect him.
You love him.
But your mind's thinking, what if I drop him?
They'll drown.
That can be interpreted.
You thought about drowning your baby.
So the truth is the brain's looking at every aspect all the time at the subconscious and unconscious level.
And so this thing is all fraud.
It's all quackery.
It's all AI's real power is convincing you that it's better than you.
So you hand your authority.
Vivek Ramaswamy said something.
Two weeks ago, it was so smart that I've said in other ways that I haven't heard anybody else point out.
He talked about tennis when AI first came out two decades ago.
They first put AI in to see if a ball was out.
And they found it was way worse than humans calling it.
But everybody stopped arguing because they thought, oh, it's a machine, it's better than us.
We have to stop handing our authority over to this and just deciding, well, a master computer Klaus Schwab says this too, under a technocracy, will allot what I get and tell me what job I have.
They have cartoons shown in British UK schools a decade ago, it's called Plandopolis, that shows the future.
And it says, we track your brainwaves.
There's like five parts to it.
You eat bugs, you're told what you'll be, no one's allowed to have a car, you only get meat once a year, you're only allowed to travel once a year, but it's wonderful and it's good.
You watch it as an adult that grew up in some semblance of freedom, and you think this is dystopic garbage, but this is being shown to seventh and eighth grade students in the UK, called Plandopolis, it's on YouTube, and you watch it, you think it's a joke.
But for an unconscious person who just knows you get a bonus,
that's the message.
You get a bonus when your boss reads your brainwaves.
Of course, you don't get to read your boss's brainwaves, so they're also creating a class system.
So tell me what you think of this article.
It says, Obama-Biden Administration Legalized Neurological Surveillance After Trump's Election.
So, in 2016, the U.S.
federal government enacted another law to legalize the National Neurological Condition Surveillance System.
Now, neurological, I think of brain when I hear them use that term.
So the National Brain Condition Surveillance System is how I read that sentence.
The National Mind Control System.
Neurological conditions includes those of the human brain.
The 2016 law is partially provided as follows.
It's called the Surveillance of Neurological Diseases.
It says, in general, the Secretary of the Human Health Services, acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and in coordination with other agencies, as the Secretary determines, shall, as appropriate, enhance and expand infrastructure and activities to track the epidemiology of neurological diseases and incorporate information obtained through such activities into an integrated surveillance system.
Which may consist of, or include, a registry to be known as the National Brain Condition Surveillance System.
The National Neuro... And that, there it is.
There's the Trojan horse, your brain health.
What did I just say?
What did I just say 15 minutes ago before we brought this up?
For new viewers, I swear this sounds insane.
It's not.
It's called the Intergalactic Communications Network, or system.
That's what they said in 60.
They said, we don't have the computers yet.
But they said, we're going to have all these computers that surveil you, and then if somebody's heart rate goes up, we'll know and we'll send police to their house.
That's one of the things they put in the paper.
So yeah, this is not the Internet of Things, this is the Internet of Mind Control, and that's what they're all rolling out right now.
So they're all given a script.
And they're told, whether it's Zuckerberg, or Herr, or Klaus Schwab, or Bill Gates, they're all in this big combine, they're all in this mind-control, scientific, mad scientist cult, and they're all told, okay, now it's time to roll out the next phase, and this is going on right now.
They have the U.N.
Treaty, the latest draft, takes control of our national medical responses to any new disease.
Allows them to arrest or round up or take anybody they want away
Anybody that gets in the way of the lockdown and public safety can also be disappeared and the UN
Sets the policy who created the UN the military-industrial complex at the end of World War two to establish the world
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Get a copy of my book, Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and launch the next great renaissance.
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But 2024, as everybody knows, is the big year.
So please support us and get great products at InfoWarsStore.com.
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God bless and we're going into 2024 together.
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Bring us this information.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
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We're with the one and only Alex Jones and I wanted to show this clip from Tucker Carlson.
It's a very short clip and I wanted to get your reaction to it.
If you live in a society where the people in charge just want to sell you out to get rich, that's bad.
But that's not what we're watching.
We're watching something much darker than that.
So the objective of, I would say, the entire administration and its enablers in the Republican Party, which is most elected officials there, is to destroy the United States, the recognizable United States, the country you grew up in, the country you've been living in, say, ten years ago.
And that's kind of obvious to everyone.
But too few people pause and ask, well, what is that?
These people live here.
They don't all have secret island getaways, especially now that Epstein is gone.
And so if they succeed in their project of destroying the United States, where are they going to go?
It's a little bit like burning your own house down.
So why would you do that?
That's not just an act of destruction, it's an act of self-destruction.
So, is that a political program?
A political program is designed to help the people who institute it and their voters and donors.
Their program helps nobody.
So, I've been kind of developing my own theory on this, Alex.
So, if you remember a couple of weeks ago, Xi Jinping visited San Francisco.
And if you've ever been to San Francisco, there's homeless people everywhere.
Well, they cleaned that up!
For Xi Jinping to come there, and just like, so a couple of years ago, Gavin Newsom announced that there was a $40 billion surplus.
You can put Alex up.
There was a $40 billion surplus in California, and I was like, well I bet he's gonna clean up homelessness, and he's gonna give people health care.
They did nothing.
They did nothing with that $40 billion, and now they're saying it's all gone.
And I don't know, and no one knows where it went.
And so, we know that they could end homelessness in America for a fraction of the money that they sent to Ukraine at the blink of an eye.
And restart it and end it again.
That's right.
They could have fixed it four or five times over.
And they could have sent everybody to college for free.
They won't do any of that.
So I'm developing this theory that they're wanting us to be on edge.
And they want us, just like Tucker had talked about it when he was on our show, they want you to, when you go to the 7-Eleven, you have to step over a homeless person and everything's locked up behind cages.
And you're going to get a crazy person screaming at you so that you will welcome authoritarianism, right?
Just like with the terrorist attack on 9-11 did.
We became a surveillance state.
People gave up their freedoms.
By the way, the Patriot Act was on a shelf for years.
They were waiting to implement that.
And so people just forgot that every email, every text, every phone call they make is being recorded and taken and categorized.
and collected by the government.
And so, I've tried to, I'm starting to develop a theory like,
so, they keep saying that Trump and Trumpers are going to start a civil war.
The people starting a civil war are the corporate media, which are beholden to a handful of billionaires,
which are beholden to no country.
And they, it's like they want us fighting.
They want us at each other's throats.
They want homelessness here.
That's why they won't fix it.
They want everybody to be on edge and afraid.
And they're wrecking the country.
That's why the borders open for many reasons.
But we'll talk about that in a second.
Just go ahead and respond to what I said and what Tucker said.
Well, that's a profound clip by Tucker.
I've heard him say similar things, but I hadn't seen that clip.
And I really am an expert on this because I read the writings voluminously of kind of the high priest of these people that you all know are Hararis and folks.
And so a lot goes into this.
But at one level, you're 100 percent right.
And there's some other levels to it, in my view.
Klaus Schwab has said we want an angrier world.
So they want you to see dystopia and pain.
It was declassified that since the 60s the CIA wanted ugly art, ugly architecture, ugly culture, so that you would accept an uglier world and just get used to it and wouldn't demand beauty and wouldn't go along with people that wanted a better world because they were about to end the experiment of America with all its problems and all the issues.
It was the Wild Wild West and people could come here.
It was the best house in a bad neighborhood and they could really aspire to be a maverick and to innovate.
Every other place had shut down innovation because elites didn't want anything to challenge their monopoly of hegemonic control.
That's why feudalism looks the same everywhere.
You keep people on tiny pieces of land In every culture in Japan, ancient Europe, you name it, the nobles were a foot or two higher than the serfs because they'd been kept at starvation levels for hundreds and hundreds of years.
It's a management system to keep people dumb and poor, you know, like the famous comedian George Carlin said, they want you dumb, they want you stupid, and, you know, just passive enough to do the work until you, you know, retire, and then they can steal your pension.
And so now, With robots and all the rest of this stuff, they don't even need people.
Life was always cheap.
Now it's seen as we're eating up their resources.
So, they don't want the world to aspire to a two-car garage and a vacation and health care and a small swimming pool in the backyard and access to medical care.
With all this technology and all this science, we should be working, they have all the actuaries, two, three days a week, living like kings.
But instead, they set up legal systems and corporate systems and tax systems that tax the middle class and the poor, give people benefits only for the social controls that come out of it, so they can manage us as serfs.
But then it gets worse.
When I've covered Bilderberg myself more than 10 times, my crew many other times, we get into the hotel a few days before they close it.
And I hand out a card and I say, when the Bilderberg Group comes here to the waiters and to the staff and to the bartender, to the bellhop, when they Come here, and you see how rude and evil and mean they are, and you hear what they're saying, here's my phone number, call me and give me information.
If you get any papers or things they throw in the trash, give them to me.
I learned that from Jim Tucker, an old reporter that had been covering them since the 70s.
And he's dead now, but he was a really interesting old-fashioned gumshoe.
And so they would then be so rude and so mean and never give a one-cent tip.
None of them give tips.
Hillary Clinton at a restaurant gives no tip.
A lot of times skips out on it.
And they're all like this.
Gavin Newsom, I've told people that know him, they're all like this because they are such sociopaths.
Slash psychopathic, they're all on that scale, that to them, they don't understand doing good to others comes back to you.
They don't get that if they crap in the swimming pool, they've got to close the community pool, because they're so rich and powerful, they're disconnected from ever being in a community pool.
So they feel so insulated and so disdainful, but deep down, even though their consciousness is evil, their body, even their genetics still has the old human there.
So they subconsciously hate themselves.
So they then project onto the public their own self-loathing.
And I've talked to top psychiatrists about psychopaths and serial killers.
They only feel alive when they're doing something bad or being nasty.
And if they do anything nice, they are so hyper-competitive that they feel like they're being cheated.
So they're doing all these destructive things.
What are their trillions in stolen money going to do when there's a nuclear war?
What's it going to do when there's no nice city?
to go spend the money in.
They, they, so consciously they go, yeah, we'll dumb everybody down and
make them stupid and poor to control them, but they're not even conscious enough to go, that'll blow
back because they have such little humanity,
they can't even understand that basic thing.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
(upbeat music)
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(electronic music)
If by Rudyard Kipling, if you can keep your head when all about you
are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream, and not make dreams your master.
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn out tools.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And which is more, we'll demand, my son.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
On March 20th, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq.
Exactly one year before the invasion, Alex Jones predicted it.
So now everybody's going, wow, it really was the Iraqis.
That's just because they're getting ready to invade Iraq.
What a beautiful setup!
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
Yeah, be hard in business, be serious, don't let folks push you around, but also realize you've got to not just give a homeless person $10, you've got to create a culture and a society that has things to aspire to and honor and competition to where people are brought up to believe in something.
But if you believe in something good, you'll become a high-functioning, successful person in your hierarchy of needs.
And the final hierarchy, after food and sustenance and medical, And family is helping others and being a pillar because you are connected to everybody.
I'm not a collectivist.
Government makes you collective and makes us collective.
No, we are collective as creatures.
But through individual determination, making the best decisions and proving what works best, we then collectively opt into the best system and the best collective mode.
We still own things.
We still have privacy.
But it's because we collectively agree on what's good.
They want a system That's tyrannical and centralized out of pure avarice and selfishness and greed at a overdriving level.
And so they are completely against the very civilization that has made them fabulously rich and powerful as parasites.
If cancer had a consciousness, It would say, I better not kill the body.
I better just stay this size because I'll die.
But cancer doesn't have a consciousness.
If it had a consciousness, it would be thinking, I'm all powerful.
I can't be stopped.
Look at me.
I'm taking over the brain, the lungs, the bones, the blood.
I'm taking over the skin.
But the whole thing dies.
So, they're like a conscious cancer that doesn't care it's destroying the host, and so they don't have that connectiveness with us, and so that's why they are the plague, and that's why humanity goes through cycles.
We all know that.
We're in a major turning right now, the fourth turning, and the globalists know that, so they want complete control and power because they know their old system's about to die.
They want to have the Great Reset that I cover in my book, The Great Awakening.
It's already a bestseller.
to have even greater tyranny out of the collapse of their old parasitic financial system.
And so we're now at that point where they're trying to double down instead of in the cycle
of hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men,
weak men make bad times, and then bad times make strong men.
Obama and others call it the end of history.
And they want such a scientific, factory farmed, dumbed down population that they even allow to be around.
They want 500 million.
That's official number.
So they want to get rid of 7.5 million people.
And they want factory farm people that they mind control, they control, they read the thoughts of, they control the thoughts of, and the dreams of, so they can play God.
This is the dystopic, mad scientist hell they're building, and that's why they're at war against the natural order, because the natural order isn't conducive to the cancer taking over.
And so, how would you define, when you say they, how do you define they?
Who is the they?
There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the Chinese government and corporations.
There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the German government.
There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the U.S.
There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the Israeli government.
There are sociopaths and psychopaths in the Russian government.
But they've already been through 80-plus years of this, so they're, in many ways, having a renaissance and trying to get away from it, whereas we haven't fully gone to the bottom yet.
Going deeper into it, but if you want to know who runs it, Blackrock is, you know this, you've covered it, Blackrock, State Street, and Vanguard, all controlled by the same group of less than a dozen managers, control 88% of world assets and wealth, and they've said we'll use this to control people.
They want to cut off our resources.
They're saying, you know, we can't take showers or wash our clothes.
It's, you know, Obama told Africans you can't have a car or air conditioning.
But he can have jumbo jets and, you know, palatial, you know, things, you know, all over the place.
And so it's a religion of, do as I say, not as I do.
I'm an anointed one.
I'm a priest class.
I rule over you.
You're a serf.
You have nothing.
And we know who runs it.
The handful of families and groups that control BlackRock, just like you mentioned, Network, their revelation of the matter, they're telling you right there.
They have a plan for humanity.
They want to just dumb us down and brush us aside.
And then they control the defense contractors, Big Pharma.
They bring up the politicians they control.
They penetrate the cabinets, as Klaus Schwab said.
The WEF's just their spokesperson group.
It's just their PR firm.
And they have stolen the world's wealth, and they believe it's owned by them, and they believe, like when you go into your pantry to get some flour, and there's weevils in it, you kill the weevils.
And they see us as just, I mean, they say this.
There's too many people.
We gotta get rid of them.
We don't need all these humans anymore.
Well, we don't need you, Klaus Schwab or Yuval Noah Harari.
And then some people say, well, is it this conspiracy or is it that group?
Klaus Schwab's family were Nazis.
Yuval Harari's weren't.
You know, Xi Jinping helped round up his own family in the Cultural Revolution and watches his father and family were attacked and his sister was tortured.
He agreed with it.
So he was rewarded by the parasitic system to be the leader of the country and a dictator to serve that ruling communist oligarchy because he literally stood by while his father was pilloried in the town square and while his sister was beaten to death and so he's so so committed to the party he was rewarded in the top slot and so he's just a manifestation.
So if you look at the brain of a Henry Kissinger and the brain of a Zbigniew Brzezinski One is Chinese, one is Jewish.
Or the mind of Adolf Hitler.
Hitler said everybody else is weak and dumb, survival of the fittest, social Darwinism, we're gonna kill everybody that doesn't go along with us, and some will be left as slaves, but really we'll get rid of them later.
And people said, well, why is Yuval Noah Harari saying we don't need humans, it's time to get rid of people, the future's not human?
Hitler just said the future isn't anybody but an Aryan, which is bad enough!
Yvonne Harari says the future ain't even human.
That's a quote.
He says humans are gone by 2047.
And you can read NBC headlines, the same thing.
A New York Times headlines, looking forward to the end of humanity.
I'm in the grocery store checkout lane, saw a similar headline last week.
It's telling you, you're garbage.
You're filth.
You killed the earth.
Don't have a life force.
Don't have a survival instinct.
You're killing everything.
Look at the garbage.
Look at the homeless.
Look at the everything.
Roll over!
Don't live!
Don't thrive!
Don't contend for the future!
Don't affect the future!
Because we have the Renaissance system of believing in humans, and egalitarianism, and classical liberalism, and really empowering people, but doing it through the classical human system.
That's the Great Awakening that we're in, that's countering the Great Reset, the war against the globalists, defeating the globalists and launching The next great renaissance and they can't compete with that.
They are a evil stinking witch that's literally trying to hand out poison apples versus Meryl Monroe in their prime.
Freedom in the renaissance and liberalism, real liberalism, is Meryl Monroe in her prime.
And the New World Order is like a Skeksis from the Dark Crystal.
They have to make everything ugly because they're ugly spiritually, culturally, Metaphysically, and they need everything ugly to camouflage themselves because they're so fallen.
So, I just learned recently that the AP, the news service, the AP, the owners of the AP, is it the Rothschilds?
They own a lot of stuff through Black Rock.
They also own The Economist magazine.
And yeah, the Rothschilds, and that's a whole other story, I'm sure you know it, but the British Empire was dominant until 1815.
But it was in complete control for a hundred years after that because the Battle of Waterloo was so decisive defeating the Continental forces of Napoleon Bonaparte for the second time with the Prussian-British pincer attack.
That the Rothschilds, this is on record, sent a carrier pigeon to a fast Corvette ship to race across and to tell everyone when the stock market opened that morning that Napoleon had won and that Lord Wellington had been smashed.
And the stock market went down 99%.
The Rothschilds then bought up 99%, this is on record, 99% of the stock market.
So they weren't just the richest family in the world up until that point.
They were the richest family in the world up until that point on record.
Okay, married into the British Royalty, everything.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
January 2024 is here, and that means up to 60% off at m4warestore.com, free shipping and double Patriot points.
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And again, thank you so much for your amazing support.
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God bless, and we're going into 2024 together.
You don't want my thanks.
You want victory over the globalists and these devil worship and child molesters.
And you want them off your back and off your children's back.
And you know what?
I'm the same way and that's why we're on the same damn team.
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And I want to thank you for committing to stand with us however you can.
From the bottom of my heart, from my family, and from the great crew at Infowars, I want to thank you all because you are the Infowar.
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And I suggest you use it.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and has almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air.
A signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon.
It was like number 25 yesterday.
We can do it together at Amazon.com.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk to do the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech, the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at The Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
Please follow us there, at The Real Alex Jones.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the VP.
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After 1815, the Battle of Waterloo, they owned the British Empire.
All the major stocks, they got it.
Of course, Napoleon really lost.
And they only had six hours.
Six hours before they came in and said, no, Wellington has won.
Wellington has won.
And then it all shot back up above where it even was.
So look for them to do this again with a cyber attack.
They're saying Trump supporters with no evidence, working with Putin, are going to cyber attack to cancel the election.
The election, he's 10 points ahead in or more.
So yeah, they'll use major crises and calamities to consolidate power and the Anglo-American establishment, there's a tripolar world.
There's the Russians, who are the junior, there are the Chinese that are the middle group, and the Anglo-American British Empire that Carol Quigley, Bill Clinton's mentor, wrote an 1100 page book bragging about from their perspective.
They all admit this at the academic level like we're dumb animals.
I'm just reading what they're actually saying.
And they, in mainline PhD history books, they admit all this about the Rothschilds.
Now I go on air and say it, they're all anti-Semitic.
It has nothing to do with Jews to say that the Rothschilds did this and are super powerful, or the Chinese, because Xi Jinping is bad?
Am I saying Chinese are bad?
No, I'm not.
But it really is true that that's how a German-Jewish banking family, who ran pawn shops basically in Germany, And loan money to people.
That's how they parlayed their wealth from 500 years ago, by 1815, to rule most of the earth.
The sun never set on the British Empire.
Then World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire got so dominant.
I don't mean to give a history lesson, but it's important to know.
That the British intelligence and the Black Hand assassinate Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke, the Germans all go crazy, because they were winning with all the new patents, all the new science.
The British newspapers were talking about the German problem.
So the British Empire was corrupt.
And so World War I was started by them.
World War II was Hitler.
He was bad.
But the Versailles Treaty and all that led to Hitler coming to power.
There's a lot of evidence British intelligence didn't control Hitler, but nudged him and funded him early on to have a new enemy.
And so that's really how this world has been operating.
It's how it's been done.
And so after World War I, the British Empire said, made a deal.
And even Teddy Roosevelt wrote about this.
It was Churchill.
Winston Churchill wrote the three-volume set, The Histories of the British-Speaking Peoples.
He was half-American.
He says in there, we came over after World War I, we set up the CFR, we merged British intelligence with U.S.
intelligence, and that is the Anglo-American Empire.
They call it themselves, and Putin says, I'm fighting the Anglo-American elite.
I have no problems with the Americans.
He said, I have a problem with your Anglo-American oligarchs.
He calls us the Anglo-Americans.
And who are they?
The Anglo-Americans come from a Norse tribe that later became William the Conqueror and took over France.
And they came and took over England.
So if you go back to all of this, they take the name of William the Conqueror's group from a thousand years ago.
Alex, have you seen, it is unbelievable if you ever see it, there's a movie about the Rothschilds, that's black and white, that's made by them to promote them and it looks like something Hitler made to smear them.
And it's their thing bragging about their family history.
It's unbelievable.
No, I haven't seen that.
Yeah, keep in mind, they made it themselves.
Is this great?
It's crazy if you ever, you'll find it.
Please listen to me very carefully.
If you don't have enough vitamin D3 in your body, which particularly happens in the winter months because sun and your skin produce vitamin D3 naturally, if you don't have enough vitamin D in your body, you will get viral infections and the viruses will replicate in your body.
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Well, I wanted to just touch on the immigration problem because I've totally flipped on this.
And I was always the more immigrants the better, which I still love immigrants.
We're a whole country of immigrants.
But I noticed that this situation is being manipulated and I couldn't really put my finger on why.
Why are they having an open border?
Which they are.
And right now you have cities, Eric Adams in New York is screaming that their whole city is going down the toilet because they can't handle the influx of all these immigrants that are coming to his city.
It used to be a sanctuary city, and now he's trying to find a way to get them to stop, but they're not stopping.
And I was listening to Dick Durbin, he's a senator from my old home state, Illinois, And listen to what he says.
Here's one of the reasons why they want to get as many immigrants as they can in here.
Watch this.
The presiding officer, my colleague from the state of Illinois, has legislation which addresses one aspect of that.
Her bill, and I hope I describe it accurately, says that if you're an undocumented person in this country, And you can pass the physical and the required test, background test, the like.
You can serve in our military, and if you do it honorably, we will make you citizens of the United States.
Do we need that?
Do you know what the recruiting numbers are at the Army and the Navy and the Air Force?
They can't reach their quotas each month.
They can't find enough people to join our military forces.
And there are those who are undocumented who want the chance to serve and risk their lives for this country.
They don't want to serve in their own military in their own country.
They want to go to a foreign country and serve in their military.
That's called mercenaries.
Yeah, this is kind of how Rome ended, no?
So he's giving the game away there.
He says it right out in the open.
We have to fill our military.
With foreigners?
We're cops and our farms.
And have them be our farm workers, have them be our medical workers, and our military, and have them be our cops.
This seems bad.
Well, it's so bad.
Here's what Eric Adams says about it.
We're seeing the erosion of the quality of life that we've improved on in such a short period of time of this administration.
We have been impacted.
For many months, we were able to keep the visualization of this crisis from hitting our streets, but we have reached a breaking point.
We're no longer able to do that because of the volume in numbers.
Just last week, we had 3,900 people that arrived here.
We are averaging anywhere from $2,500 to close to $4,000 a week.
And if you do the math, you see that's $8,000 every two weeks, potentially $16,000 a month that we must feed, clothe, house, educate children, and all the services that you would give a normal adult.
And we're seeing that play out on our streets of New York.
And that is what the breaking point looks like, what we are experiencing right now.
So he's saying that New York is at the breaking point, yet there's nobody that has a solution to this.
Nobody even wants to, seems like they want to do anything about it.
I can tell you exactly what's going on.
You're dead on.
Look, there's UN documents and before that there's a hundred-year-old called Kalergi Plan in Europe.
And the royalty got together and they said, our people are too uppity.
But if we bring in giant third world populations that we control and that we put on government jobs, government assistance, it'll be a new Praetorian Guard Force.
But it's worse than that.
If you go back to the lockdowns that only went on for like a year and a half here, or in Europe or Australia, they went on under IMF World Bank control over those countries that are in deep debt.
To the central banks.
They were under two, two and a half, three year lockdowns and they did big polls of the migrants.
And they said, there's no jobs.
The farms are shut.
The factories are shut.
I'm starving to death.
So they're victims of globalism being shut down.
I've got to come here.
And yeah, our country needs new people.
We're an aging population.
We're not having more children.
We're not having a replacement rate.
So I'm all for bringing people in, and immigration is what founded this country, absolutely.
But when you organize them in UN camps, give them debit cards to get here, and you bring in millions and millions and millions a year into an infrastructure that's already falling apart with The service is being cut with massive inflation.
It lowers wages.
It doesn't help the third world like Ross Perot said.
It hurts the third world.
They fall more.
We fall down.
And the globalists have this big population.
And then all these blue cities have passed laws for illegals to vote in local elections.
They're under the control of the local community organizers.
They're told how to vote.
Now they get fast-tracked in the military.
They purge the military with the shots.
And critical race theory, and so all the professionals get out.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit Infowars.com forward slash show and support the InfoWars.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've got some really good news.
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Books, films, t-shirts, everything are up to 60% off, except for our new fundraising t-shirt.
That's Team Humanity that Elon Musk and I coined the term.
That's a fundraiser for InfoWars, so that's got a little bit of a premium on it.
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You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence, or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
We want to warn you now, this next story is disturbing.
Namely, in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
It's easier to kill than to control.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Pure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda, to live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them, and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war.
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
If you want to stay rich and powerful, you'll have to do their dirty work.
They have their hands in everything.
A lot of these players simply love the spotlight.
Most of the celebrities, politicians, CEOs love the fame and fortune.
But the ones at the top of these groups are completely evil.
Many become unwillingly controlled by signing on into the club without knowing what they are actually involved with behind the scenes.
Most of humanity is asleep and distracted by meaninglessness.
The elite are warning us of a cyber attack, also known as a digital 9-11 event.
The economy would collapse if we suffered an internet shutdown.
The modern power grid relies on the internet to coordinate power plants.
Without it, each country's national grid will become unbalanced, and local outages escalate into a blackout for most of the world.
A society slipping into chaos will allow the elite to reset and rebuild a world for themselves.
There will be events leading up to a total collapse.
Domestic terror attacks, biological attacks, World Wars.
With each event, more and more control is gained.
Time is running out.
If society suffers from any of these trigger events, there might be no turning back.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
This is happening right now.
We need to reject the global agenda and know who the world rulers really are and what they are up to.
The fight for humanity is happening.
January 2024 is here, and that means up to 60% off at InfoWareStore.com, free shipping and double Patreon points.
This is one of the biggest deals of the year, and it supports the InfoWare.
And we're selling out a lot of these products.
It'll be months and months until more are back in stock, whether it's books, films, T-shirts, you name it.
You need to go to InfoWarStore.com right now and take advantage of this 2024 New Year sale, double Patreon points, free shipping, and so much more.
Get a copy of my book, Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and launch the next great renaissance.
And again, thank you so much for your amazing support in 2023.
But 2024, as everybody knows, is the big year.
So please support us and get great products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And tell everybody you know and those you don't know, tune into the live show at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
God bless and we're going into 2024 together.
It's about shocking our children.
A lot of these groups are pedophiles, let's face it.
They want to talk about sex with your kids.
In the name of tolerance, they're going to put your kids on Ritalin and Prozac, they're going to inject them with deadly vaccines full of cancer viruses, and they're going to really screw them up.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit Infowars.com/show and share the link today.
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Visit Infowars.com/show and share the link today.
So you nailed it.
History doesn't just rhyme, it repeats.
Rome Started doing this, and in a couple hundred years, they collapsed because the enforcers they brought in said, hey, we're the bosses.
Well, this won't take hundreds of years.
Everything now is compressed.
Everything is accelerated.
There's more change now in a year than, you know, happened in the previous 10.
And that's going to get more accelerated in a type of singularity.
I don't believe in a pure singularity or a total singularity, but it's definitely going towards that.
So they locked down the third world.
And then Al Gore says, man, climate change is what's making a billion people, he said last week on TV.
Well, it's funny, in the UN replacement migration document that they say doesn't exist, you're racist if you point it out, from the year 2000 to 2001, there's several of them, official UN policy, is to bring the third world here.
Come here.
And they say climate change will be the reason, then we'll bring them here.
No, the policies of shutting those countries down and then flooding us You know, tens of millions extra starved to death, the UN admits, during the lockdowns.
They blame the virus.
It was the lockdown.
So they destroy the third world, and then do reverse colonization, bringing these groups in, and then they put many of them, as you know, Working 15 hours a day as young as 12 years old in tire factories and cereal factories and kids get caught in the machines and their fingers and arms get cut off and it's back of the newspaper and then you've got all the sex slavery and they've lost track of 87,000 children, 400 plus thousand, they don't know where they're at either.
I mean folks, this is the jungle 2.0.
This is absolute dehumanization and this is lowering the standards Not helping the third world, but lowering them and lowering us again, so no one can aspire to the big carbon footprint.
Austerity's good.
Humans are bad.
Cows are evil.
We've got to get rid of them.
The cow farts are bad.
Well, we fart too.
And I said that years ago.
I said, when they're done going after the cows, which they've started, Netherlands is getting rid of a bunch, Ireland, you name it, Sri Lanka, massive starvation, riots in Sri Lanka.
Notice what I said, next will be our breath is bad.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today, London Guardian, all two weeks ago said breathing is bad for the earth.
No, the gases we put off hold actually in.
The sun.
We're off gassing into space.
We have to continue to put gas into the atmosphere.
You can debate this all day, but they know that's how it works.
So now they've officially said breathing is bad.
Well, whales breathe.
Dolphins breathe.
Chipmunks breathe.
Birds breathe.
Lizards breathe.
Insects breathe.
So imagine the mania.
Two men can have a baby.
There are no longer Y and X chromosomes.
Bill Nye the Science Guy teaches that officially.
And your breath is evil.
Also human farts.
They all say about human farting.
Not just cows.
You have to buy fart credits.
I have fart offsets I buy for the year.
And I know this is all exhausting, folks, but that's why I'm so freaked out.
I've been... I've known about this 40 years because I had family that told me about it from the inside.
And now I'm just some guy up here trying to warn people I'm not perfect.
And I'm just telling folks, I'm not the threat.
Jimmy's not the threat.
Tucker Carlson's not the threat.
We at least know we live here.
We at least know that you can't have nuclear reactors, almost all of them, leaking while you cut off all the coal power.
I mean, we know the ship is sinking, and they think they're going to sink it with the Great Reset and then build back better their new system.
And so, again, I'll plug it, because they're trying to shut me down.
I need the funds, and I appreciate you letting me do it.
Plus, these are really good books.
This went to number one.
New York Times wouldn't put it in their bestseller, but it went to number one, Wall Street Journal, USA Today list.
This book has been the top of the charts.
It's part two.
It's twice as thick.
You've got the Death Star Plans, the Great Reset, and the War for the World.
And then you've got the great Awakening, defeating the globalists.
This gets into it, and this lays out an alternate team humanity program.
I was on with Elon Musk again a few weeks ago for two and a half hours, and he said, yeah, the globalists want to depopulate us.
They want to destroy civilization.
We may never be able to restart it once they cut it off.
Fossil fuels aren't perfect.
We need to phase them out, but they're a bridge.
It'll take decades to do it.
What they're doing now, I've looked at the numbers.
Elon Musk will cause billions to starve to death and that'll cause giant wars.
We can't do it.
And I said, what do we call this?
He said, we should call this team humanity versus team death cult.
And he said, I agree.
Let's call it team humanity.
Well, team humanity is in this book and I hope people will go to Infowarsstore.com and
get it.
And that'll help keep my broadcast embattled on the air because contrary to what they're
saying, we're more influential now than ever.
Thanks for coming back on X. We've exploded.
Thank God for that.
You've exploded.
Anybody telling the truth is exploding.
But we are trying to build back.
We're trying to get more reporters.
We're trying to really, in this election cycle, be on the ground.
So I hope people will get the books because they're really powerful.
Who is the co-author of that Great Awakening?
Kit Heavenlive, heckin' lively, great guy.
I mean, what happened is I recorded a bunch of stuff, gave him hundreds of articles and documents, really thousands.
It was 800 pages long when I'd written it.
And then Kit and their lawyers, he's a lawyer too, because you know, I'm Alex Jones, they fact-checked everything.
And there was one thing I put in the book that they couldn't prove.
It was theoretical, the story of you put fleas in a jar and they learn they can't jump out of it.
And then once you take them out of the jar, they never jump higher than the jar.
And I thought it was a good allegory, but I put it in the book like it was true.
Turned out no one can prove it ever happened, but it's a good theoretical analogy.
That was the one thing out of 800 pages.
Uh, that they couldn't prove everything else.
They vetted everything.
Of course, that got cut from the book.
Uh, but, and it got cut to 400 pages.
Uh, but, this is kind of stream of consciousness.
Alex Jones, The Great Awakening.
And this is what I actually say.
A lot of people are going to watch this.
I bet 10 million people watch this the next week.
And they're going to say, I never knew this guy talked about all this.
Because all they see, and then they're going to do this.
They're going to take, they're going to take me talking about Willie Nelson's spit.
And that'll be the story.
Instead of, You know, Zuckerberg and the WEF say we're going to control you in the workplace reading your thoughts.
I mean, people should know that they're collectively building a digital prison.
We're already in it.
And now they're thickening the bars and the walls, and the walls are closing in, and we should all say, Doesn't matter if you're black, white, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, agnostic, atheist, gay, straight, I don't care.
If you want to have a future, and if you don't want to live in a dystopia where you'll own nothing and, quote, be happy, then for heaven's sakes, get educated on this stuff now, folks, because it's real.
Jimmy just showed everything he said.
He showed you a clip or an article.
And I try to do the same thing on my show.
And maybe our interpretation's wrong.
The point is, we're right about more than we're wrong.
I would say, I watch your show all the time.
95% accurate.
I'm 95% accurate.
And that's really a pretty accurate number, folks.
Because stuff's so wild, I wouldn't even need to think about making stuff up.
I mean, here's a quick example.
Three years ago, Bill Gates files a patent for this nanotech that puts little microscopic spikes into your skin to track you and/or deliver vaccines.
They had articles saying it wasn't true and they weren't planning that even though it was official.
He came out last week and officially said they're launching the technology but spun it like it's no
big deal. And he says, you know, the thing is we're going to put vaccines in your food so you
basically will comply because you won't know any better.
Like a cow. So again, this is real.
Max Blumenthal told us about it.
So yeah, he did.
Bill Gates was talking about putting mRNA into our plants, and so you don't have to worry about vaccines.
That's what he was saying.
That's not what I'm saying.
And now the EU just announced a new initiative where they say they're getting ready for, just like with the last COVID rollout with mRNA, I've got the article right here, it's called Fast Track, and they say Oh, we're gonna have new stuff for everything, hundreds of new shots a year, but it's gonna be in stickers and in food, and just like you get a flu shot quote for free, they're only being paid to give it to you by a government fund, now you're gonna get social credits when you take all these shots.
I mean, this is literally them raping our bodies.
I mean, physical rape is bad enough.
I'm not on Team NBA.
I'm not on Team Olympics.
I'm not on Team Globalist or Wokeism in the New World Order.
I'm on Team Humanity, ladies and gentlemen, that loves God and loves our families and loves humanity and knows that we're destined to do even more incredible things than we've already done together.
And so, inspired by my conversation with Elon Musk recently, where he agreed with my idea to call it Team Humanity, We've launched two limited edition t-shirts at infowarestore.com.
Let people know that, hey, it isn't about the football games, or is it even about the UFC?
It's about Team Humanity being under globalist attack.
You can wear it, it's a great conversation starter, and you know it's supporting the InfoWar that is at the very tip of the spear in the fight for Team Humanity.
Get your limited edition Team Humanity t-shirts right now at InfoWarsTore.com and I thank you.
Please listen to me very carefully.
If you don't have enough vitamin D3 in your body, which particularly happens in the winter months because sun and your skin produce vitamin D3 naturally.
If you don't have enough vitamin D in your body, you will get viral infections and the viruses will replicate in your body.
That's the number one cause of viral infection and viral replication and illness.
Vitamin D3 is so incredibly important.
We have the highest quality organic vitamin D3 back in stock, winter sun, for 40% off with free shipping and double Patriot points for the new year.
So this 2024, do the right thing.
Protect yourself, protect your family.
Get Winter Sun at InfoWarStore.com and then more importantly, take it.
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Winter Sun, 40% off, free shipping, double Patriot points, InfoWarStore.com.
But whatever you do, get vitamin D3 organic and take it.
Vitamin D3 is beyond critical.
Get yours at InfoWarStore.com today.
We brought in a non-globalist paid actor and did a blind taste test between the mac and cheese from Storable Foods at Infowarsstore.com and one of America's leading brands.
These are the results.
Now go ahead and try the first macaroni and cheese to your right.
It literally smells like nothing.
What were your first thoughts?
Takes me back to when the babysitter doesn't quite know how to make it like your mom makes it, so it's just not... Let's move on to the one on your left.
See, this one actually smells like cheese.
Alright, do I have any on my fork here?
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I was on Joe Rogan a few years ago and I said the majority of polio is caused by
the polio vaccine and Joe said Alex I'm fact-checking that right now that's I
can't believe it. Pulls up AP Reuters headline.
Again, I'm not saying rape is good of children.
It's terrible, it's horrible, we fight it all the time.
But if I was a child, I would rather be raped.
Then be given polio and paralyzed for life or killed.
So, they're raping people with stuff that's killing them.
So, this is rape.
And the UN treaty to take over our bodies and our medical system is rape.
And systems to scan our brains at the office is invasion of privacy and rape.
If your boss wanted to stick their finger up your butt, he would go to jail.
He would be sued.
But if they want to Stick their fingers in your brain, it's okay.
Well, I think I have to say that the polio vaccine, Kurt, is safe and effective.
All vaccines are.
All vaccines are.
Especially the COVID vaccine.
It slows the spread.
And it certainly does slow the spread.
Oh, look at that spread slowing.
Look at it.
No, no, actually, no one search engine Majority of new polio cases caused by vaccine.
That's not, that's, no, it's actually true.
But you're right.
You can't even say something's true because we're not a Dr. Fauci.
Did you see the clip of him that resurfaced where he said, we're gonna get past all the BS.
He said, he spelled it out.
He said, we're gonna get past the BS by locking people down.
And that'll teach them and then they'll drop the BS and take the shot.
It's all coercion, people.
And that's called bullying.
So, uh, yeah, I mean, I can't say anything that contradicts the FDA, the CDC, or the WHO.
And that's normal in a democracy, by the way.
And that's normal in a democracy.
Well, I look down on China, frankly, because they don't have freedom.
I just have to say that.
Hey, right.
I apologize.
That was a joke.
Every shot works perfectly.
The swine flu shots in the 70s didn't hurt anybody.
The anthrax shots did not get pulled by the Pentagon both times because it killed a bunch of people.
Everybody loved the anthrax shot.
That's right.
It was perfect.
The mRNA shot works perfectly.
It actually cures myocarditis.
There might be side effects.
It's climate change doing it.
But they are rare and it will keep you from getting seriously ill, hospitalized, or dead.
Did you hear about Holiday Heart?
All the articles that everybody's suddenly having heart attacks.
It's quite normal.
He got a holiday heart?
It's probably from the holidays.
That's what the Grinch got at the end?
He got a holiday heart?
I just have to show you the reach of Bill Gates, who funds the WHO, and I'm on YouTube and Google, and I'm not allowed to contradict them, which means I'm not allowed to contradict Bill Gates, who's just a simple farmer.
Hey, Bill Gates is my doctor.
I love the fact that he used to sell crappy software and got busted for running a monopoly and was loading stuff onto it to control it.
I mean, no, I want him to be in charge of my life.
I love Bill Gates.
I think it's good that he spends $2 billion a year on U.S.
media and then they underwrite it and don't even tell you that he's paying for these programs about how great he is.
I think that's totally normal.
Not only does he fund the journalism schools, he then funds the journalism outlets, and then he funds the products that the journalists that he fought and fayed for are now going to cover.
It's quite a scam that he's pulled off.
No, it's not a scam, Jimmy.
Bill Gates was going to Epstein Island all those times to hang out with Amelita Express to save children.
He's actually a superhero.
And it was actually Bill Gates, you know, that went in there, into the prison.
Try to tell him to be more careful next time.
Yeah, he's trying.
Like those guys on To Catch a Predator.
Like, I just want to warn him it's dangerous.
Well, do you remember what happened when they asked Bill Gates on PBS?
They said, you know, he said, well, he's dead now, so you got to be careful.
Yeah, that's what he said to Judy Woodruff because he did not expect her to press him on that because he funds that show.
That that's another thing.
They didn't have a science and medical department at that show until he funded it.
And then he couldn't believe she was pushing back on him.
And I just have to say once again that the vaccines are safe and effective, especially the polio and the COVID one.
They're fantastic.
The WHO, CDC, and the FDA endorse them.
I'll take it a step further and say the lockdowns worked.
And not only that, masks worked.
Masks worked for sure.
WHO said they didn't, by the way.
But I say they do.
Let me just say this real quick.
This is important.
I want to say that when President Biden said, if you take the shot, you can't get it or spread it, was true.
When Rachel Maddow says, when you get the shot, you can't get it or spread it.
That's all true, folks.
That's why they want you to take eight of them, because one works so well.
I want to show you this.
Tucker Carlson said this, and he was talking about UFOs.
And I want to get your reaction to what he says here.
These are my views, okay?
They can't be proven.
But I think they're informed views.
The phenomenon is real, it's been recorded for thousands of years, we know that.
There's something buzzing around us in the skies, but also under the oceans, we now know, and probably underground as well.
Um, so it's real.
Uh, the government's lied about it a million different ways, probably for a million different reasons for at least 80 years.
That's also confirmed.
They're lying about it now.
Who knows what their motives are?
And they're also trying to keep a lot of this stuff from being disclosed.
That's true.
So to those people, it's like it's a PSYOP.
Well, yeah, everything's a PSYOP, but I know for a dead certain fact that it's provable That's a Mitch McConnell and Speaker Johnson and a couple committee chairmen who should all know better are trying to prevent the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023 from taking effect in a meaningful way.
So they are trying to hide it still.
That's a fact.
My own view is that these are not aliens.
There's no evidence that they've come from somewhere else.
We would probably know.
We've got a lot of technology that's watching what comes in and out of the atmosphere and there's no evidence of that.
This is my view.
Again, it can't be proven, but I'm just telling you after a lot of conversations, I think it's likely that the U.S.
government has had contact with these, direct contact, and over a period of years.
I find that really disturbing.
And a bunch of other things that are highly distressing that I can't prove, and so I'm not going to throw them out there, but I'll tell you this.
I've talked to a lot of people about this now because I've never been interested in UFOs until like five years ago and I was like wait this is real what is this why aren't we talking about this I'm just like coming at it from a totally idiotic I don't know anything curious position which is my normal posture on everything and so I've talked to a lot of people and my view is that There, you know, this is my opinion, that there are things about this that are really disturbing.
And while I hate any kind of government secrecy, and if I could prove any of this, I would say it immediately, consequences be damned, I do sort of understand why they don't want to let this stuff out.
It's not about, oh, we've got fragments of one of these crafts at a Lockheed, you know, facility in California, and we have biologics from the, you know, everyone knows that that's likely true.
Well, it's certainly true that they have the, you know, pieces of this stuff. But I think it's likely that it's
darker than that and that the U.S.
government is, I said the U.S. government, people in the U.S.
government, not the U.S. government, but you know there are parts of vast, it's the largest
human organization in history, parts of it you know have knowledge that is very, very disturbing.
And I personally think, strongly think, that there's a spiritual component to this that I don't understand and will not pretend to understand.
But I think it's very clear that there's a spiritual component to this.
That's one of the reasons the Vatican, and again, I'm not Catholic, So what do you think he's talking about there?
Go ahead.
over a hundred years has an observatory etc etc I mean it's it's it's pretty
obvious that these are not men from Mars that I think that was a psyop because I
think the truth is a little bit wilder and has deeper implications just than
than that so what do you think he's talking about there he's go ahead well I
have to be really careful here because you know I'm friends with Tucker
I hang out with him, go hunting with him and shooting and go visit him and things like that.
In fact, I invited him to come out to Florida sometime next month and I just love Tucker, love him to death.
I started becoming really fatigued and sleeping longer and then it switched and I started having sleepless nights.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
This is not about somebody wanting to put on pantyhose and have their sexual organs changed.
It's about shocking our children.
A lot of these groups are pedophiles, let's face it.
They want to talk about sex with your kids.
In the name of tolerance, they're going to put your kids on Ritalin and Prozac, they're going to inject them with deadly vaccines full of cancer viruses, and they're going to really screw them up.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link Basically, the aliens don't come in flying saucers from Mars.
They don't come up out of the, you know, the Pacific, you know, rim, you know, from the hollow Earth.
They come through the interdimensional vortex and then communicate to our brain that is operating in the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th, and even 11th and 12th dimensions.
And so the invasion Ancients would call it spiritual, but it's not spiritual in every culture.
I mean, they got the Dugan tribe, and you know, tribes in Africa, that said, up there in the sky is this pole star, multi-star, and it's got seven planets around it, and they came from this one.
No telescope until like 70 years ago could even see it.
And then it's what the Africans said that was, and they say aliens came from here and taught us about all this stuff, but they also told us about these other interdimensional things that are here to destroy us.
See, I don't know, but all I know, and then you see Prometheus, the movie, they find the cave drawings of Sirius and all that, and tell you the story.
None of the globalists really believe that some salts in the ocean turn into a cell, turn into a sponge, turn into a fish, crawled out on the land, crawled back in.
These are designs that have been made before.
These are manifestations of the universe.
So just like in leaves or in, you know, crystals, you see the same designs.
And then in our bodies, you see the same designs.
And there was a French mathematician, I forget his name.
Quantum mechanics Express also PBS was a little kid. I looked up later. It's true
He postulated before we were even in space like 80 years ago that when we finally were able to fly a probe
over Saturn either the North or South Pole that an interdimensional
Size of the gas giant this is quantum mechanics stuff I don't understand it would manifest a hexagon on the top
and he predicted that It would be ice on the top with the frozen gas and when
they flew Voyager over it There was a perfect hexagon on the top
And then when another probe came back later, because it went on past, and went under it, there was exactly what the quantum mechanics physicists said, and it gets into The observation where they'll have a lead block sealed and they'll have a neutron or a particle
And if you're observing it, it won't go through, but then for some reason, this has been duplicated thousands of times, if you're not observing it, it suddenly jumps across.
It wants you to know something.
And then they've also noticed that if humans observe electrons and quarks, that literally, so it's kind of like George Lucas, but not in a cheesy way.
Because it's so subatomic that it changes observance, changes what's happening.
I mean, it's absolutely insane.
And they've hooked up electron microscopes and spectrometers in Japan to say, well, maybe it's because there's humans near it.
And then they'll hook it up, and then they'll have all these humans in the room around it, but not looking at it because they can't see it.
And then as soon as somebody in Russia or Japan or America, back to Japan, looks at it through the electron microscope, Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, I'm not the quantum mechanics person.
I just know that's what's going in and unified field theory, I've read a lot of books on it, into all of this.
And so it's there.
There's a whole, and look, maybe our archetypal development is we're scared of big cave cats and cave bears that used to eat our ancestors.
And when you notice a kid at night, he's more scared in the room than out in the street around thugs because Where did primates usually get eaten?
It would be in their nest or in their cave, coming out of the cave mouth, because that's usually where, so kids are always, little kids that have good instincts are always at night, I'll close the door, oh, what's in the door?
As a kid, I remember like doorways at night, we're going into it because that's our instinct.
So maybe these things don't look like big demons with teeth and eyes and all this.
Maybe that's the only way our brain processing it When it has a wider spectrum, we're taking in and only processes a tiny bit, but we're getting it all.
The subconscious and unconscious is actually decoding it all.
So that's what, what's a cat seeing?
How does it decipher it?
Because all we have is the archetypes of our genetic ancestors imprinted on us to be able to decode things.
So again, maybe demons really don't look like demons to themselves, but to us, that's the only way we're able to see them.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, I follow what you're saying for sure.
Have you done DMT ever?
Here's the deal.
I don't want to take it.
Because I remember reading about DMT and Ayahuasca experiences and going, well, I have those experiences every night.
Crystal cities, floating pyramids, beautiful stuff like big Watchmen angels that like, it didn't happen all the time.
It happens, you know, maybe once a month that tell me what's going to happen and just give me profound knowledge and profound sense of Of completion and peace, and it's that archetype of the Watchmen or the Angels, and everybody, and you know, the ancients saying, this angel came to me and told me this, so...
I have DMT-like experiences, and before I knew how to control it, a lot of it was bad stuff.
I've seen, when I read the books about it, well, I've seen that in my dreams.
Well, I just made the decision that I'm with the higher power, I'm with God, I control my spirit, I control my energy, I change the channel.
I'm gonna go to Valhalla.
I'm gonna go see stuff that looks like a thousand times more powerful than Hawaii and the most beautiful rainbow you ever saw.
And I know it's real.
Because, because, and again, it's just like observing a particle.
If you're watching it, it won't do it.
Hundreds of times in my life, God, the universe, whatever you want to call it, when I was a kid, I'd have a digital clock in the kitchen.
I'd wake up and I'd say, It is 7.15 and I would run down to the kitchen every time it was whatever time it was and maybe I wake up at 5 a.m.
and I'd say it's 5.04 it was always it was always this thing saying go look at the clock I'm here I want you to know this is real and then I had dreams of getting mugged and about six months later I did get mugged by the same homeless white guy in the purple and green striped shirt he had a knife maybe I was gonna get killed interdimensionally the angels warned me so I knew when it happened I was a teenager, wasn't on drugs, but I was on a beer run to get beer in Dallas where they'd sell it to underage.
And you know, this happened, and I had a lot of other dreams of things that came true.
And so I guess I'm starting to share a lot of this because people need to know there's things bigger than the New World Order.
They want you shuttered, hating yourself, not knowing what a beautiful creation you are, not knowing you have free will, so you won't use your potential.
And Tucker Carlson has had an awakening.
He's had an awakening that good and evil exist.
And before he wasn't sure about that.
And so he's had experiences now that have shown him how real this is.
And other people are going to have it because Because there's something big, and you know, is it us?
They've proven the sixth sense.
I mean, that's how you know when somebody's looking at you.
You're walking through the forest, nobody's around, you feel somebody looking at you, you turn, you look, 20 yards away, a guy's standing there looking right at you, or... I mean, everybody knows that, and they've proven, you know, that's how butterflies can fly from...
Canada all the way to Mexico, even though they were hatched in Canada and never been to Mexico, and fly to the same tree that their ancestor was laid in, and then they fly back up to Canada, die, you know, lay the eggs, die, and fly perfectly back to the tree.
Scientists don't know how to do it.
Well, no, they have a... they do know now.
They have magnetic...
Cones in them, little bitty tiny magnetic cones in their brain that operate off of electromagnetic lines.
And now we know the ancients were into that and we know that humans have hundreds of times per density the magnetic cones of a butterfly.
Not just that their brain is so much tinier, per brain structure we have way more than that.
Well, why do we have that?
A butterfly has a tiny bit and can navigate 3,000 miles perfectly to the exact tree that their parent was born in.
How do they do that?
Well, it's the same thing.
How do ducks fly from Canada all the way down to South Texas and then land in the same pond where their parents were born?
How do they do this over and over and over and over again?
Because the cones aren't just following the lines, the cones are pre-programmed to carry out an operation.
So instincts aren't just some vague thing, it's a compressed knowledge.
But you can't handle all your ancestral knowledge that Frank Herbert wrote about in his first book that's excellent.
An average person cannot handle that.
All that knowledge of all your ancestors, it would be too blinding, too much.
And that's proven, that's there.
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This is Jim Brown, the most devastating ball carrier in the history of football.
We'll meet again Don't know where Don't know when But I know we'll meet again Some sunny day Keep smiling through Just like you always do.
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.
And will you please say hello to the folks that I know.
Tell them that I won't be long.
And they'll be happy to know that as you saw me go I was singing this song
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Yeah, we'll meet again, kinda like we used to be, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day
I don't know where and I don't know when, but I do know that we'll meet again some sunny day.
So honey, keep on smiling through, just like you always do.
Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away.
Would you please say hello to all the folks that I know and tell them I won't be long.
They'll be happy to know that as you saw me go I was singing this song.
We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day.
Some sunny day.
Some sunny day.
Some sunny day.
Some sunny day.
(dramatic music)
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We see you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
Contact light.
Eagle was landed.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
So all this stuff surround us, where we're like a larval egg of what humans are about to become, of the butterfly analogy, we're in a pubescent or larval pupa stage, swirling around in the universe, and not aware of all the danger and things that are going on, because we can't handle it.
Okay, wait, I have a question.
Why would it just be interdimensional?
Why wouldn't it be yes and?
Because people say, oh, it's preposterous, it would come from other planets.
How is that prepo... I'm sure the interdimensional thing could possibly be true.
But the interplanetary thing is crazier than that?
I'll go back to Frank Herbert, which is out of quantum mechanics.
How would that be?
This is actually what the quantum mechanics experts believe.
Let's take this piece of paper and say, Right here is Betelgeuse or some star, you know.
Is this the tunneling thing?
We all know this.
I'll show people.
Let's say there's a galaxy 50 light years away, okay?
Okay, and here's Earth, and here's, you know, this planet that we want to go to, okay?
Now, if you're trying to go 50 light years with current technology, even though we have light speed, it'll take you 50 years to get there.
Now, interdimensionally, all you gotta do Is fold the piece of paper interdimensionally, if you're able to do this.
And that's the theory of the third dimension.
There's higher dimensions.
And then all you do is punch a hole, and you're basically instantly there.
So that's like somebody, before they invented the wheel, looking at a chariot and saying, what does that do?
So see, it took you 50 years to get there with the technology we don't even have yet.
But if you interdimensionally travel there, you're there instantly by folding.
That's fold space.
How's that different?
So before we go, you tweeted this out and I wanted to end our conversation talking a little bit about Israel.
You said, breaking exclusive General Flynn responds to Netanyahu's leaked plan to ship Gaza war refugees To Western nations.
Former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, General Michael Flynn, gives his analysis of this extremely dangerous development and also calls out Netanyahu and the Israeli military leadership for clearly standing down during the Hamas attacks of October 7th.
So go ahead and speak about that.
Well, I mean, I'm not telling anybody anything that they didn't know.
I've seen you talk about it.
I talked about it on October 7th.
Israel, a couple days ago, in a 60-second rescue, grabbed a bunch of hostages while they were being shot at, flew into Gaza from Israel in 60 seconds, saved them, and got out.
So Israel probably does have the best border defenses in the world, hands down.
General Flynn's been there.
He's toured it.
He said clearly they probably got the best.
And they've got multiple 3-4 layers and all these cameras and all these weapons.
And Israel is tiny.
And you can drive from end to end of Israel, even on the windy roads, in like an hour.
And from the Golan Heights in the north all the way down to the south by Gaza and the southern zone.
And so a bunch of Israeli retired soldiers who were in the north got down there in 45 minutes in their cars and they helped.
But they, somebody had had a bunch of the troops stand down and Flynn says the head of the southern district should be removed, the head of the military should be removed during the investigation.
And the New York Times comes out and says, actually the army says they told Netanyahu a year before of the plan.
But then nobody's blaming who did it, so I don't know if it's Netanyahu or they didn't tell him.
But the point is, they have hundreds of attack helicopters.
I've looked it up.
They have over 170 Apaches.
They've got hundreds of attack helicopters.
I looked it up.
Ten miles from where that rock concert or rave happened, where everybody got killed, tragically, they had a whole bunch of attack helicopters, fueled, ready, pilots sitting around drinking coffee.
So, a helicopter could have been there in minutes.
A few helicopters, when they break through the first fence, With bulldozers, could have been there and stopped them.
Instead, they let them break through, overrun, go in, kill thousands, grab hundreds, drag them back across, right after Biden gives Iran $6 billion, right after Iran.
Hezbollah's now taking credit for Hezbollah advising Hamas.
They go in, and then Hamas gets elevated around the world and get to be these heroes.
Israel gets to get the oil and the gas and push people out of Gaza, send the refugees here.
Netanyahu gets a new 9-11, a political distraction.
Iran gets to flex their muscles.
Wars help the state.
I'm not saying they all work together, but there's a lot of back-channel wink-wink going on here.
And so, bottom line, we know Israel stood down.
That is a fact.
Seven hours is conservative.
Most estimates are eight and a half hours.
So you have to understand, the most militarized per square inch country in the world with, the word is a thousand nuclear weapons, submarines, gunboats, tanks, giant military, huge militia, And it gets worse.
One month before the attack, the Israeli government disbanded the local security companies that the kibbutzes were paying for in the area.
I mean, this is 9-11 all over again.
A definite stand down and it's disgusting.
And I'm not an anti-Israel guy.
Okay, I don't think Israel should be destroyed.
I don't believe from the mountains of the sea stuff.
And I don't believe in Hamas or Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood.
What I'm saying is, this is some very sophisticated crap.
There's no way Netanyahu sees the attack 30 minutes in, an hour in.
You know he's told.
He doesn't order military.
Default drills is launch helicopters.
Launch jets.
None of that was done.
As it took them, it took them, it took them, sorry, go ahead.
No, no, so, so that, what we've postulated here is that they wanted, the reason why they funded Hamas in the first place instead of the PLO was to divide and conquer because their plan was always to take over that land.
Israel said that, Israel said in the 90s, you're right, I'm just backing you up, Israel said.
No, he said it in 2017, Netanyahu.
Yeah, he said it.
But the seven hour thing, hold on, I, I, no, I was just, it might have been Burmese that told me or someone on this show.
I thought that, oh, they didn't do anything for seven hours.
That's clearly set up.
But what I just got told, and now I'm not sure what's true is, no, they showed up on there, they got their ass kicked, and they shot each other.
Because the IDF actually isn't that good.
And that's the thing you have to cover up.
Let's be clear.
Some IDF showed up.
There was some people there.
But Hamas knew the codes.
And where the Shin Bet and Mossad sub-bases were hidden in houses and then killed the Shin Bet people hiding under beds.
Remember that?
Those were Shin Bet?
I'm not going to disagree with you.
But it's also true.
It is true that the Israelis did blow up some of their own buildings and kill some of their own people.
That's true.
Sorry, go ahead.
So you would agree with our assessment then that this was all kind of a plan that Netanyahu has had and the Israelis have had to go out and take over Gaza and take over the West Bank and part of that is because there's a half a trillion dollars in gas and oil underneath but the other half is they just want it.
And they want to get rid of those people, and so they set this up.
That's why they funded Hamas.
That's why even the New York Times headline is, uh, suitcases full of cash.
They used diplomats from Qatar to do it.
And so, and people don't know this, that that, they go, oh, you support Hamas?
No, I don't support Hamas.
Israel supports Hamas.
Netanyahu's literally supporting Hamas with, uh, with, uh, again, suitcases full of cash.
And why would they do that?
Let's be clear, let's be clear, let's be clear.
You are 100% right.
We don't support Hamas.
The Israeli government supports Hamas.
And that's on record.
And in the 1970s, the Palestinian Authority was getting its act together.
They wanted a group to be more radical, this is admitted, to discredit the whole thing.
And so, Israeli intelligence created Hamas, just like our government in the early 1980s, and really 1979, created Al Qaeda, created the Mujahedin.
So it's the same story.
You gotta create.
Yeah, so a lot of people, so if you I mean, so there's no disagreement then on exactly what's going on.
And so, what would you say the solution is then?
I mean, is there a solution?
Because my solution would be the United States pulls the plug on the funding of that, and then it's over.
Israel has to become a good neighbor to the other Arab states, instead of what they have been now, is genocidal, ethnic-cleansing maniacs, and doing it under the guise of that we were attacked.
Well, I mean, I would say Israel's just taken a page out of all the other colonial governments.
And I'm not saying Israel doesn't have a right to exist, but yeah, it's just like Ukraine.
It's good for the Israeli defense contractors.
It's good for the U.S.
defense contractors.
You just have an endless war, endless taxes, just like Ukraine.
That's all this is.
And it also gives all the Arab countries somebody to point at.
And so these governments all need a boogeyman.
And so the Muslims and the Arabs need the Jews, and the Jews need the Arabs to keep control of their own populations.
And I agree!
The people say I'm anti-Semitic when I say this.
I agree with Senator Rand Paul.
I don't want to send a...
To Israel, I don't want to send aid to anybody for military issues.
If somebody gets hit by a hurricane or a typhoon or an earthquake, let's send aid.
Let's send humanitarian aid.
Watch this video in its entirety right now at Banned.Video.
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