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Name: 20231231_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 31, 2023
1337 lines.

In this special end-of-year broadcast, Alex Jones discusses various topics including globalist forces attacking humanity, potential conflicts with Russia over Ukraine, COVID-related developments, situations at the US border, Elon Musk exposing a U.N. invasion, and free healthcare for illegal immigrants in California. He encourages listeners to remain informed and engaged in the political process while warning them about an even crazier year to come in 2024. The Infowars store offers discounts on selected products during their New Year sale, and Jones thanks his audience for their support throughout 2023.

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Well, here we are, the last broadcast of 2023.
Thank you for joining us on this Sunday, December 31st, worldwide transmission.
I have got five special reports that we're going to be airing here during the first hour.
Again, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And I just wanted to say before we get to all the news and information, I am beyond thankful And beyond humble for our great listeners and viewers and supporters who have stood with us in the last 29 years, but particularly the last five or six during unprecedented globalist attack.
You understood how important InfoWars was with our callers and our guests and our special
reports and the books and the films and everything we do to be the modern Paul Reveres to expose
the globalists when they made their move against humanity.
We have come so far together and now people understand that the anti-New World Order movement
is not some fringe group that's making something up, that we're the real populist population
that understands what's really happening and understands that we're up against very, very
sinister corporate forces that are going to use war and every other crisis we can imagine
and cutting off the resources and open borders to bring us to our knees and bring in a global
cashless society right out of Revelations.
And so, yeah, it's negative to know all of this.
It's very, very scary.
But overall, at the end of the day, it's negative-sounding.
But the globals who are doing this, whether people are conscious or not, it's much better to be conscious and aware of what's happening and not go along with it.
So it's been an insane year.
And if you think 2023 was insane, you don't need me to tell you.
2024 is gonna be, I'd say, five times crazier, and that is a conservative estimate.
So get right with God, get prepared, warn everybody you know that's not fully awake.
Realize everything you do, whether it's talking to somebody or whether it's being politically active, whether it's calling in to talk radio, whether it's praying, whether it's going to city council or county commission or school boards and standing up against the leftist agenda.
They can't get their program through unless they can scare us and bully us into submission.
But it's far scarier to go along with them.
It's far more horrifying to submit to this death cult.
And that's really the term I've been using for a long time.
I don't think I even coined it, but now I notice a lot of people from Tucker Carlson to Max Keiser to Joe Rogan to his guests, they all call it a death cult.
Because that's what the globalists are.
You know, six months ago, Elon Musk was back on Joe Rogan again, after years, and he said, this is a death cult.
And he said, if you see naked and afraid, that's what they want you to be living, those that survive.
If we shut off civilization for even half the population, it shuts it off for everybody.
So even if you think the world's overpopulated, you can't kill the third world, then you're actually gonna live either.
We are all tied together in this, and they're building a post-industrial world, a nightmare system, so...
That's the facts.
And at least we're not in the dark anymore.
At least most people aren't.
And exponentially there's an awakening.
So we know what's going to happen.
Yeah, we're starting to win the battle.
We haven't won the war.
The enemy is going to throw everything they've got at us in the next 10 months.
They are so scared of Trump getting back in control.
He already messed up their plans in so many ways.
Now he understands that what I warned him about and others warned him about about the New World Order isn't just some cosmology.
It is the heart.
It is the core of what's happening on the planet.
So, from myself and the crew, I want to thank you for an incredible year of support and pastures of support.
And I want to encourage you now more than ever, take the live show links from InfoWorks.com forward slash show.
Take the live links off of X while we're on there.
I'm not taking it for granted.
And I'm not taking it for, you know, given.
And just take the videos, the articles, the clips, and just get them out to everybody you know, because We are so effective right now because as the enemy makes their move, people are going to realize we told the truth.
Everything I said 20 years ago or 10 years ago has become solid gold now.
When it comes to waking people up.
Because they say, how the hell does he know all this word for word?
Because we're following the enemy battle plan.
We have their playbook.
And we can expose them and we can defeat them together.
I want to thank God for this incredible year as well.
For helping wake up so many people.
And to give us the guidance and direction to be even stronger next year.
We're going to go to this very important broadcast.
And then, of course, we've got a very special broadcast tomorrow on Monday.
Chase Geiser is coming up a little bit later.
So again, please spread the word.
You are the Paul Reveres.
You are the resistance.
You are what the globalists fear.
So I salute and thank you all.
Please stay with us.
I love you.
On March 20th, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq.
On March 20th, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq.
Exactly one year before the invasion, Alex Jones predicted it.
So now everybody's going, wow, it really was the Iraqis.
That's just because they're getting ready to invade Iraq.
What a beautiful setup.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit info wars.com forward slash show and share the link today
a month ago when the globalist puppet Joe Biden came out and
said If you don't give us 106 billion dollars for Ukraine
He told Congress your sons and daughters within months will be fighting Russians in Ukraine
He put a gun to our head.
People said, well, you know, he's a puppet.
He spoke out of turn.
He doesn't mean that.
Well, he came back out yesterday, and the video and statements are on Infowars.com, and said again, no, we're gonna have war with Russia if we don't have unlimited funding to Ukraine.
And then yesterday, a major Russian city 40 miles over the border from Ukraine, Belgrade, was hit with cluster bombs fired by vampire missile batteries.
That's what they're called, vampire missile batteries that NATO provided.
Now remember just a few years ago, oh, we can't give them long-range missiles, Ukraine will hit Russia, and that'll cause a full-scale war.
So whether you think Russia's good or bad or neutral on this, this is escalating into full-bore war with Russia.
And that's exactly what Biden and others want.
So now they're having an emergency UN Security Council meeting.
This is clearly a terrorist attack.
The Russians are not targeting civilian infrastructure.
When the Ukrainians shoot down some of their missiles, they hit civilian infrastructure.
Russia, all the experts agree, is not targeting civilians.
But now Ukraine is.
...as a desperate move to try to draw Russia in to hit civilian targets so they can be demonized, so NATO has an excuse to officially enter the war.
A lot of you want war, a lot of you leftists who can't even wipe your ass or even shoot a gun or skin a buck or run a trot line love war now.
You say, Sean Penn, let's have nuclear war, it's survivable.
You're playing tin soldier here with all of our futures.
No, we don't want a nuclear war with Russia, and that's where this is all going.
And NATO and Ukraine have lost this, so now they want to double down.
This is madness, and it needs to stop right now.
going into the year 2024, we all need to demand peace and demand a peace deal and stop this and shut this down,
as well as demanding a ceasefire and a peace deal in the Middle East with Israel and Gaza.
This is all out of control.
The globalists are desperate, their financial system's collapsing,
so they want a global crisis to smoke screen what they're doing.
We need peace now.
We'll be covering it live at Infowars.com/show.
Well, it's the final day of 2023, and there have been two massive COVID developments,
really the biggest of this year.
Officially, all over the United States, blue states and blue cities are announcing a return to mask, COVID protocols, all the same fair mongering.
And if you remember back in August, I was told that by TSA, whistleblower, and Border Patrol.
And now it's officially happening, and by the end of the year, they wanted to try to roll this out.
Now, the even bigger development is this.
They're now claiming a new strain is going around and that it causes myocarditis and heart attacks.
And that's why there's all these heart attacks and myocarditis happening.
It's been happening ever since the shots started in early 2021.
And it's in the mainline literature.
It's being caused by the shots.
Even the Food and Drug Administration has had to admit that.
So now they're spinning it all over the news.
Oh, dun-dun-dun!
Holiday Heart!
The holidays can make you get sad and have a heart attack, but now it's the COVID virus that's causing the heart attacks, but it's the new variant.
So the new variant caused the last two and a half years of death all over the world with people that took the shots.
This is the new cover for it.
They've got TV ads and PSAs in Europe, Canada, the US, Australia.
Hey, it's normal to have heart attacks.
Babies have them, little kids have them.
Yeah, it's normal that the numbers are increasing, we don't know why.
And finally they're saying it's COVID, and in a way it is.
The so-called vaccines make your body create the spike protein.
That's the part that hits the receptor site that does cause a viral infection of the heart.
So it is the shots causing a viral infection of the heart that can cause myocarditis.
And now myocarditis has exploded.
So they're telling you it's the wild virus when it's really the body producing the spike protein that's the delivery system of the virus.
This is incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
The new normal, mass heart attacks, mass deaths, millions dead, myocarditis, all these other health problems, strokes, blood clots, the coroners have come out and said record blood clots, the epidemiologists have as well.
This is the fact.
So, this is their power grab.
This is their depopulation operation.
We'll be covering it all live at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Don't fall for this crap.
Global heart failure pandemic.
That's the headline being pumped out.
Now we've already seen a global heart failure pandemic in the last three years since they rolled out the experimental COVID shots.
And remember that FDA document from October of 2000, where they predicted that one of the quote,
adverse reactions would be an increase in myocarditis and other forms of heart trouble, blood clots, strokes.
They knew because they tested similar so-called vaccines, gene therapies on rats and other rodents.
And this had happened.
So now they're telling you that the global epidemic in heart issues is being caused by a new variant
that just showed up in the last month and get ready for even more massive heart failure
This is coming out of Japan, it's coming out of Europe.
This is a cover story.
I've interviewed top heart experts, top researchers, you know their names, Dr. Peter McCullough and many others.
And very little evidence that the normal manufactured lab-grown virus caused any increased heart problems.
But then with the increased heart problems we saw in the last few years from the shot,
Fauci, remember, tried to say, "Oh no, it's caused by COVID."
And quote, "Any heart problems caused by the shot are overshadowed by COVID,
so it's a better cost-benefit analysis."
But if you read the stories from Zero Hedge others to do a really good boil down of it all, they show
there's no evidence of that.
No, no.
It is the spike protein that the so-called vaccine makes your body produce that attacks the heart, causes something similar to a viral infection, and half the people that come down with this type of myocarditis will be dead within 10 years according to the real studies that are out there.
So this is devastating.
This is their cover story for what they've done.
It is so sickeningly transparent.
Now they're trying new mask mandates and lockdowns again in blue cities.
As I told you in August, we're coming from our sources.
This is criminal.
Let's mobilize again, like we did the last three years, and expose this next push.
We've got to do it to save lives.
The UN treaty they're trying to pass will take control of our bodies.
We've got to stop this UN power grab now.
Hard to believe that we are here at the end of 2023, the final transmission of 2023, and I want to bring up one of the most important issues in the world right now.
Elon Musk illustrated it perfectly a few days ago, and more than 30 million people have seen the graph from official federal numbers.
So keep in mind, this is the number of illegal aliens that they quote apprehend and then ship across the border into the United States.
It's estimated that up to three to four times more never even get officially enrolled.
So the number is actually much higher.
When you look at the graph from federal numbers, remember it's much worse, you see there are more illegals crossing the border than Americans had children in the last few years.
And these illegals on average are going to have more than Five children.
It's about 5.3 children, it's estimated, per group that comes across, per family.
So ladies and gentlemen...
This is the end of our country as we know it.
They're bringing in people that are being indoctrinated, being signed up for welfare, who are brainwashed at U.N.
refugee centers into leftist Marxist-Leninist ideology before they come in.
And once they get here, they're allowed to vote, they're allowed to get a driver's license, they're allowed to be in the military, they're allowed to be police officers.
This is Red Dawn.
It was in slow motion, now in fast motion.
This is a U.N.
We've got to expose it.
And I got to say, Elon Musk is doing more than even Trump or myself when it comes to exposing this because he has the biggest platform.
I asked Trump personally and said, don't just give speeches.
Do fireside chats and show graphs, show clips, show statistics, show numbers.
Kind of a 2.0 of what Roosevelt would do.
And Trump's never done it.
But Elon Musk has really stepped in right now.
And we know Biden's a puppet.
And the real president of the American people and of the resistance against the globalists, who's actually standing up for our borders, our sovereignty, our technology, is Elon Musk.
It's just true.
You judge a tree by its fruits.
And so I look forward to seeing Elon putting out more illustrations.
I have another one coming up later in the broadcast today.
of what's really happening in the world.
He put out that shot at night of North Korea and South Korea to illustrate how bad communism is versus liberty.
So again, these statistics are real.
They're key.
Please get them and please share them.
We can save this Republic.
I want to show you a photo that Elon Musk posted on X yesterday.
It's a well-known photo.
In fact, there's thousands of these out there from satellites, and they all show the same thing.
You have North and South Korea divided up during the Korean War between the two different sides.
One side is communist, one side is free market.
And it's incredible.
South Korea, per capita in the world, is the richest nation in the world, the most productive, the most wealthy per person on the planet.
And then you look at the North, they're hands down the poorest and most enslaved of the planet because they're under a communist regime.
And the people promoting communism, even some of the big banks like BlackRock, know that.
Because they're never controlled by one nation.
They're never enslaved by the communism.
They use the communism.
The communist dictators they work with to exploit and use the people.
Communism was sold 150 years ago to empower the workers.
But all it's done is enslave the workers over and over and over again.
So this image that Elon posted, it got over 30 million views, needs billions of views
so that people wake up to this nightmare of communism and reject it.
Because communism, it is just promoted by the Fidel Castros, the Hugo Chavez's, and
the Joe Stalins, the Mao Zedong's of the world.
It's supported by the big, large mega banks, by the George Herbert Walker Bush's of the
By the Henry Kissingers.
Because it gives them giant slave populations they control.
Kissinger wrote about that in his books.
So does Zbigniew Brzezinski in his books.
I've read their books where they talk about how they set up totalitarian systems.
They'll work with fascists, they'll work with communists.
As long as it's centralized so they have one person to deal with.
And they've used communist China to de-industrialize America and the rest of the West.
So this illustration that's real world between North and South Korea is so important.
So I hope everybody in this new year we're going into, I'm shooting this with just hours left in 2023, we'll share this so we understand that totalitarians love communism and the people should hate it and resist it at every level.
I'm very thankful for Elon Musk for putting this out.
I want to encourage all of you to share it as well.
I'll see you live at InfoWars.com.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Chase Geiser, your host for the remainder of the show this evening, this New Year's Eve.
Thank you so much for being a part of the InfoWars story over the course of 2023.
I'm very excited for us to be going into the new year, 2024, which I adamantly and sincerely believe is going to be the most consequential year in the history of our nation.
It's now more important than ever that you support the InfoWars by going to InfoWarsStore.com, that you get involved in the political conversation, and that you advocate for all that is good and right and true in this coming year because it's gonna be really ugly.
And frankly, I'm a little freaked out about it, you know.
There's nothing wrong with being scared.
He just should never be a coward.
It's irrational to be afraid, to be fearful, to be concerned, worried about what's going to happen.
Because we know that if Trump wins the election, there's going to be violence.
And we know that if Trump loses the election, there's likely going to be violence too.
I think if Trump loses, that violence will be catalyzed by false flag operations similar to January 6th.
I don't think that the right is inherently a violent political movement by any means.
But this is going to be a very, very controversial, ugly, tumultuous year.
You will lose friends.
You will lose relationships with family members.
You will see things become more intense than they ever have before.
And it already started happening.
We've seen this happen over the last five years as well.
And it's always this antagonism from the left more than from the right.
I've never heard of a Democrat being disowned by his friends or his family because he went to a Biden rally.
Frankly, I've never heard of anyone going to a Biden rally, so maybe that's why.
But I've heard of countless people being disowned by friends and family because they support Trump or they listen to InfoWars.
And if you think that's as bad as it gets, the worst that it gets, then I think we're going to be in for a big surprise this year because things are going to get incredibly heated.
And I don't know if it's because our society is weaker or losing character or if it's just because of this sort of psychological operation that we see happening on the masses by the mainstream narrative, of course, funneled, funded, fueled by the deep state and the intelligence community.
But when I see videos like this escape from Ventura, these panicked Californians fleeing a mini tsunami, I'm thinking that maybe we're just a bunch of Cowards, as a nation, for lack of a better term.
Let's run clip three here in a second.
Watch these Californians freak out as they get swamped with a puddle.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, The screaming in the background.
There's about, I don't know, what, four inches of water just sort of creeping and crawling up.
Just unbelievable.
Because a little bit of water gets on the street.
And that's just the nature of California.
It's not just that.
They're scared of everything from water to this new variant of COVID.
But they're not scared of things like fecal matter being in our tap water.
They're just scared of a little tsunami and this new round of COVID.
Let's look at this mask mandate in LA County.
Thank you.
Now, this is clip number seven.
In clip seven, you're going to see how grateful people are in LA County that mask mandates have come back into effect.
For the sake of the immunocompromised and frankly everyone, because everyone is vulnerable to this new virus.
Go ahead and run, clip 7.
Hey guys, great news!
After all the work we've done, mask requirements are back in healthcare settings in L.A.
So thank you for delivering this letter to Dr. Ferrer and thanks for doing this.
This is important for the immunocompromised, for everyone who is vulnerable to SARS-2, which is everyone.
So thank you so much.
We did this.
We did this together.
See you out there.
Thank you.
So they want you to wear masks, but they're okay with you drinking fecal water.
They're terrified of these tsunamis.
Let's just go straight into clip six here.
This is from Toilet to Tap.
California is trying to boost its water supply by mixing wastewater back into the water that is consumed by the average Californian.
Let's go ahead and run six.
From toilet to tap.
That's what some call the process of turning wastewater into drinking water.
But in California, they're now trying to change that narrative.
The item is adopted.
The vote is unanimous.
After facing extreme drought that brought reservoirs down to historic lows, California has approved new rules to allow water agencies to treat wastewater for public consumption.
So there is a very extensive advanced water treatment process, and it goes through three stages.
So microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light disinfection.
And the water is pure water at the end.
The water must be treated for pathogens and viruses.
Officials say the treatment is so thorough that it removes minerals from the water, which must be added back in to improve its taste.
In San Diego, there's hope that this recycled water could eventually supply nearly half the city's water.
Drought happens all the time, and with climate change, it will only get worse.
And this is a drought-resistant supply that we will need in the future to meet the demands of our communities.
Colorado is the only other state that's approved a similar process.
Hi everyone, George Stephanopoulos here.
Thanks for checking out BBC News' YouTube channel.
Absolutely unbelievable.
I lived in California for three years, unfortunately.
It was the worst three years of my life in terms of places that I lived and overall happiness.
You have to work 21 hours a day to afford to live there, so everything they tell you about the weather being beautiful and the landscape being beautiful and the beach being beautiful is baloney because everybody who actually lives there and pays taxes and works has to work 21 hours a day in order to afford to live there.
It was a nightmare.
I hated the feeling of writing a check to Gavin Newsom.
And frankly, I'm just freaked out that he could potentially be the Democratic candidate for 2024 because he's the worst governor in the history of governors in the United States of America.
He's totally corrupt.
He's related to Nancy Pelosi.
San Francisco is a total just crap show.
In the fact that anybody would ever advocate for him to move here is crazy.
But when I moved to California and I moved into the cheapest apartment that I could have find, which was 925 square feet and about $3,100 a month.
$37,200, I guess.
On top of that, you got to pay taxes on the money that you make to afford the rent.
$36,000 a year to live.
$1 a year to live 37,200. I guess. On top of that, you got to pay taxes on the money
that you make to afford the rent. So you're paying 36,000 plus 25% of whatever you had
to make to pay that.
It's just, it's insane living there.
When I moved into the apartment, they made me explicitly sign a piece of paper that said that the water was poisonous.
And that if anything happened to me from drinking the water that was coming into my apartment, that the apartment complex was not liable.
They just tell you, don't drink the water.
You've got running water, but you just can't drink it.
You can bathe in it.
But you can't drink it.
And now they're going to put this waste water back in.
Everybody in California drinks out of water bottles anyway.
It's like going to Mexico.
When you go to Mexico, they tell you, don't drink any of the water.
Use water bottles.
The water isn't good.
It's the exact same situation in California.
We're becoming a third world country.
The only reason people are going there is because they're offering everybody free health care in terms of illegal immigrants.
I don't know if you heard that news, but there are reports now that illegal immigrants are being provided with statewide free health care by the
state of California.
And any rational president of the United States, whether it's Joe Biden or Donald Trump or somebody
else from Timbuktu, would call up California and say, "Look, we got this border crisis. Please
don't offer illegal immigrants free health care, because if you do, that's just going to provide
more incentive for people to storm across the border into your state." Because now it's not just,
"Hey, go to America. The streets are paved with gold."
It's illegally across the border.
They're going to pay for your luggage to be transported.
They're not going to arrest you.
And if you go into California, they're going to provide you with free health care.
I mean, it's really like a paradise for somebody who's illegal.
The only place, the only person, the only group of people that it's difficult for in the United States of America are right-leaning American working class Civilians.
If you vote Republican, if you support Trump, there's strike number one.
If you're a small business owner, there's strike number two because you're going to be disproportionately audited by the IRS, disproportionately monitored, surveilled, chastised, ridiculed, persecuted in the mainstream media.
Yeah, if you're a white heterosexual male, small business owner with right-leaning politics in this country, things are about to get really tough.
And I know that, racially speaking, the country's over 60% white, but that's not going to be true by 2050.
And I don't really care about race at all, but there's correlation between race and culture.
Correlation not being causation.
And we have a situation in this country where the birth rate of Native Americans, and you are, I am a Native American.
I was born here.
So I'm not talking about Pocahontas, Elizabeth Warren-style Native Americans, but by definition, I am native to this country and so are you.
You are a Native American.
So Native Americans in this country have a birth rate of 1.7.
That means for every one adult in this country, that's a couple, every one couple, they have 1.7 kids on average.
And just like Jones said at the beginning of this broadcast, they're flooding the border with so many migrants that more people are actually coming into this country illegally than are being born in this country!
And you don't think that's going to have any problems for our culture over the next 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, over the course of this century?
Western culture is being migrated away.
They tax you so much that you don't want to have kids because you know you can't afford it.
Then they provide with your taxes all of the services that make it so easy for illegal people of different cultures to storm across this border and have five kids per adult.
They're literally stealing your money and using it to fund the breeding away of your culture.
Stick with us, folks.
more on the other side. Welcome back to the Alex Jones show folks I'm
I am Chase Geiser, your host this evening.
We will be taking calls in the final hour.
media, government cover-ups. You want to stop tyranny? Well, so does he. Live from the InfoWars.com
studios, it's Alex Jones. Make sure you call in in the second hour, the final hour of the
show today. I want to take your calls and get your feedback on everything in 2020.
What was the biggest news in 2023?
What do you think the biggest story is going to be in 2024?
What do you think is going to happen?
Do you think we're going to be okay?
We're going to talk about that sort of thing in the next hour.
You know, it's always crazy to me.
I covered the show for the American Journal on Friday morning and just two days on the weekend over a holiday weekend looking at the articles.
You can pull everything from InfoWars.com first for all the shows.
I always go straight to InfoWars.com, print every single article that we have since the last show, and then if I want more content, I'll pop over to like Citizen Freak Press or something and print them.
But this is how much news has come in 48 hours.
So much to talk about, and a lot more over the same story.
I got them kind of divided up in sections.
There's the Ukraine is real stuff, foreign policy, there's the economic stuff, there's Ballot issue.
So there's different angles on similar stories, but it just never ceases to amaze me how much the story of the New World Order takeover can develop in a 48 hour period of time.
And sometimes they're cute little stories about fecal matter in the water in California.
When you look at the 30,000 foot view, the overall narrative, the overarching theme, Is that the government is doing everything it can to mitigate your rights and expand its own powers.
And it's lying to you constantly about everything from domestic threats to foreign threats to whether or not we should be involved in these wars.
And basically everybody who is a so-called expert is totally full of shit.
Excuse me.
But that's the narrative.
That's the truth.
And I don't consider myself an expert.
I don't really know anything.
I've said that a million times.
I just consider myself a smart guy who pays attention.
And I get things wrong all of the time.
One of the biggest things that got wrong is I never thought Russia was going to invade Ukraine.
I thought that the Biden administration was lying about that, adamantly, up until, like, the day it happened.
I was like, no way.
No way.
They're lying.
Then it happened.
I was wrong.
Get things wrong all the time.
But the difference is, when I'm wrong, it's because I'm wrong.
And when the mainstream media narrative is wrong, it's because they're lying.
That's the beauty of InfoWars.
That's the difference.
That's the beauty of the Alex Jones Show.
It's the beauty of the American Journal with Harrison Smith.
It's the beauty of the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
First of all, we're right way more often than the mainstream media.
But second of all, when we're wrong, it's not because we're lying.
It's because we got it wrong.
But when you go to CNN or CNBC or ABC or NBC or NPR or any of these mainstream outlets,
the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, when they're wrong, most of the time
it's just because they're lying.
Because special interests have gotten in there, whether it's the pharmaceutical companies
or the deep state, they've planted people ever since Project Mockingbird into the major media outlets
and they literally just lie to you on purpose for money and political cover.
Constantly, about everything.
To the point where our society has arrived at a place of total moral indiscrepancy.
Total moral indiscretion.
Where we have Ohio governors vetoing trans surgery bans for children.
So there was a ban that passed that got vetoed by the Ohio governor.
Transgender activists are jumping for joy as the Republican governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, has vetoed a bill, HB 68, that would have banned the barbaric practice of performing so-called sex change operations on children in the state.
DeWine announced the veto in a press conference on Friday, the last day he could have vetoed the bill.
Bill would have also barred so-called hormone therapy and prohibited boys claiming to be girls from competing in state-sanctioned athletics.
He fell for the con that such surgery was life-saving.
So that's the argument, right?
That's the argument that the trans activists perpetuate.
Look, we know that the trans community, and I'm paraphrasing their argument, we know that the trans community is disproportionately inclined to suicide.
And if you don't cut off your child's wiener in this surgery, then you're gonna have a suicide.
The kid's gonna kill himself.
That's the argument.
So, although these surgeries may seem uncouth, they may seem barbaric, they may seem just sort of disturbing, frankly, macabre, to say the least, You gotta do it because these kids, these poor kids are gonna kill themselves if you don't do it.
And what was it from What is a Woman?
Great documentary.
It's not like 70% of trans suicides happen after transition surgeries.
So everybody thinks that this suicide problem is because there's not an access to these sex change operations for the general public?
When you look at the data, the vast majority of these suicides happen after these operations have taken place, after this hormone therapy has taken place.
Isn't it the surgeries that are actually killing these people in that case?
Couldn't we make the argument that when you cut off somebody's genitals or you render them sterile, their likelihood to want to kill themselves down the road is a little bit on the high end compared to the general population?
I mean, if you think about it, The left, who has somehow successfully branded itself as the compassionate political party in America, has somehow branded itself as the party that represents the trans community and their interests and actually cares about them.
Their official, state-sponsored, named position on the trans issue is mass sterilization.
We're going to help the trans community by mass sterilization beginning as early as the first signs, symptoms, or inclinations or hints that somebody might have some sort of gender dysphoria.
When has it ever been the compassionate position toward a group To sterilize that entire group.
I mean, they call us Nazis.
That sounds like the most Nazi damn thing I have ever heard in my entire life.
We love you, so we're going to sterilize you and your entire community.
And the interesting thing is, this is a thing that is going to be proven true in the next 20 or 30 years, that no one is ever going to admit is true.
Is that if this transgenderism is in fact genetic, if you're born in the wrong body with the mind of the opposite gender, then this mass sterilization after one generation should totally eradicate transgenderism off the planet.
I mean, let's just follow this logically.
If it's genetic and you're born with it because you inherited it from a transgender person, and we sterilize all the transgender people so they can't have any biological children, Then that means after one generation there will be no more transgenderism in this country.
But what you're going to find is only an increase because a very small portion of this actually has nothing to do with genetics.
This has everything to do with social psychology, with social media manipulating and reworking, basically brainwashing entire generations.
It has everything to do with leftist, critical theory, Marxist teaching in our schools.
Confusing and convincing children that they're something else.
It has everything to do with the desire to be unique and special and perceived as a special person in the eyes of everyone else.
Compromising your entire integrity and causing you to desire to be something abnormal so that you have this praise and attention.
And the more we celebrate that which is unhealthy, the more people will seek to be unhealthy.
It's just part of the vanity metrics of America.
It's part of people especially, just people in general.
That which is praised is performed.
That's why it's so important that we have this sort of Christian nationalist movement.
I'm not talking about Christian nationalism where we legally enforce Christianity at a state level.
I believe in the separation of church and state.
But from a cultural standpoint, we have to have Christian nationalism because that which is praised is practiced.
And if you praise anything other than Christ or anything other than God, then you're practicing some form of Satanism.
And that's going to culminate in the decline of our entire civilization.
Perhaps to the extent that it's irreversible.
Fortunately, we have a God that doesn't punish the innocent with the guilty.
And as long as there are those among us in America who seek some sort of path to the light, some sort of path to truth, some sort of goodness, then the nation won't be wiped out as a whole.
But those who seek evil, those who do evil in this country are a growing number.
And we're going to see more and more pain and suffering for ourselves as a result of this.
Stick with us folks more on the other side.
Visit InfoWarStore.com.
January 1st, California will become the first state in the nation to offer health insurance to undocumented immigrants.
Under the expansion, more than 700,000 people between the ages of 26 and 49 will be eligible for Medi-Cal.
CBS 8's Rocío de la Fe takes a look at the new law and how immigrant rights advocates are reacting.
Immigrant rights advocates call the expansion of health care for undocumented immigrants a major milestone in California.
This is a really major step in California.
Advocates for immigrant rights are celebrating a monumental victory in the fight for more inclusive health care.
I'm so grateful again.
I think it's really really important to think about how big of a precedent this is for the entire nation.
Nettie Velasquez is the Border Policy Coordinator at Alliance San Diego.
She's a DACA recipient who has been fighting and advocating for health expansion for years.
A lot of undocumented people and you know a lot of low-income people.
Because they don't have access to these resources, they wait until the very end to hopefully receive some care and by then it's too late and we shouldn't have to have people, you know, waiting until they're feeling ill to go to the doctor.
We should have preventative care and that's why this is so important.
Those who are eligible will be able to qualify for Medi-Cal, the state's health insurance program for low-income individuals.
Medi-Cal offers access to primary and preventative care, specialists, prescription medicine and more.
They also deserve a right to have access to primary needs that they don't generally have access to.
Undocumented people between the ages of 26 and 49 will be eligible for Medi-Cal.
Valeska says having access to health care is a necessity the immigrant community shouldn't have to put on hold.
I do think a lot of people for so long have literally been neglecting their health because it just hasn't been accessible to them.
California Republicans have argued that the state's Medi-Cal system could overload the state's budget.
Velasquez says she thinks the state is moving in the right direction, but believes there's still more work to be done.
That's because many undocumented Californians will still remain ineligible for Medi-Cal because they make too much money to qualify, but not enough to afford private insurance.
We really have to continue including more folks and to not kind of forget about the ones who just make a little bit over.
California will not use health care to share immigration information with federal officials.
It just makes me sick, folks.
It makes me sick.
And don't get me wrong, I feel bad for these migrants.
I feel bad for anyone born in a third world country, a second world country, a place where freedom isn't celebrated.
Frankly, I feel bad for anybody born in California because regardless of whether they know it or not, they've been born in a hellhole.
And this is going to be the decline of our country.
And I don't understand.
What blows my mind is that people don't realize that there's no such thing as free health care.
You either pay for it out of your pocket or you pay the government to pay for it.
So you're adding a middleman.
In what situation does adding a middleman anywhere ever actually make something less expensive?
And they've gotten to the point where they've negotiated with these insurance companies.
I'll tell you this story.
My wife went to the urgent care when we were in Illinois for Thanksgiving.
She got really sick.
I think she even threw up.
She got nauseous.
Terrible headache.
So she's like, I'm gonna go to the urgent care.
I gave her Tamiflu and something else.
So she goes in.
She feels better the next day.
Great, fine, no problem.
But get a bill.
Last week, guess how much they charged for her visit to the urgent care?
She was there for less than an hour.
She had a COVID test.
And a flu test.
She saw a doctor for a cumulative 20 minutes.
Guess how much they charged?
It was like $650!
Health insurance paid for $450 of it, and they wanted us to pay $200 out of pocket.
We called them and we said, what's up with this bill?
And they said it's negotiated with the state.
So, in whose mind Is the $650, I mean that's more than like the best lawyer's charge.
We're looking at $650 for 20 minutes of time with a doctor.
It's like $2,000 an hour for a doctor.
I don't know a lawyer that charges $2,000 an hour.
I don't even know if any of Trump's lawyers charge $2,000 an hour.
But it's a total racket!
When the state gets involved, everything gets more expensive.
The health insurance companies actually want healthcare to be more expensive because they can only make 10% more than the cost of care.
So the cost of care has to go up for their profit to go up.
That's how screwed up and backwards and stupid our laws are around healthcare.
And now we want to give it away for free to incentivize more illegal immigration and make it more expensive for everybody else that lives in California.
People will die because of this policy, which has convinced everyone that it's actually saving lives.
I mean, come on!
And now they're coming out saying that this new COVID strain will cause global heart failure
in this pandemic, claiming the quote experts.
Remember what we said about experts, first of all.
And so right as there's this new strain of COVID, this new heart failure pandemic,
somehow California simultaneously as a coincidence decides to pay for the healthcare of illegal migrants
at the same time, knowing that there's this new pandemic coming in.
It's a racket for the pharmaceutical companies.
Many of them based in California.
They want the state paying for this.
They want more people consuming their goods, their products, their services, their pills, their drugs.
So they make up these pandemics.
They even want you to get sick.
They can even inoculate you with these vaccines so you develop a condition that they patent the drugs for to treat.
The drugs are designed to make you sick.
You know what they say about chiropractors?
I don't know if it's true or not.
I'm not opposed to chiropractors, okay?
But what they say about chiropractors is every time you go in, they fix something, and then they create another problem so you gotta come back.
That's the old rumor, right?
I don't know if it's true about chiropractors or not, but it's definitely true about the pharmaceutical company.
You go in, you got high blood pressure, instead of telling you to stop being fat, they'll give you blood pressure medication and it'll cause some other problem.
And they're gonna treat you with that, and by the time you die, you got a box about this big, with Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday on it, with 8 million pills in each box, and you wind up rocking back and forth like Joe Biden at a press conference, or Mitch McConnell, spending thousands and thousands of dollars, sometimes a day, on medication, until you die.
And the only reason they want you to live longer is because they know that The vast majority of all healthcare costs are in the last 90 days of life.
So they really want you hanging on.
So that last 90 days is just brutal.
There's the box right there.
That's how they make their money.
I couldn't even eat a meal with that much in it.
Half the time.
It's absolutely asinine.
And in the context of this, we see This transgender Space Force officer saying that inclusion is a national security imperative.
So we're talking about screwed up healthcare initiatives, backwards thinking about what's healthy, what's good, what's acceptable, what isn't, what's mentally ill, what's not.
A top transgender officer of the US Space Force claimed that inclusion is a national security imperative.
Let's hear what they had to say.
This is going to be clip 12.
Inclusion is a national security imperative.
Man, she's got balls.
We fight today, and we are going to fight in the future using brain power.
And if that brain, who's going to revolutionize the way we fight in space and fight in cyber, just happens to be in a trans body, you should want them all serving alongside me.
And for your organizations, it's the same way.
Those perspectives that we get from a diverse set of individuals, it's been talked about on stage a lot regarding the science behind high-performing teams.
We need those perspectives.
But it's inclusion that actually drives that.
Because you can bring people in, and if they don't feel safe to speak up, if they don't feel safe to bring their full selves to work, You're not going to get the value of the diversity.
So for us, it is absolutely critical to drive our future success as an organization and potentially on the battlefield.
And I think it's the same way for all of you, because we can't leave that talent that is going to revolutionize the way we do business behind.
Let me ask you this.
When has diversity ever been a good thing for any civilization?
And I'm going to frame this to you in a very specific way so it can't be misinterpreted what I'm saying.
I'm not talking about racial diversity, gender diversity, any sort of diversity of immutable characteristics here.
I'm talking about cultural diversity.
When has it ever been a good thing for the original culture when a new culture comes in and expands?
You name it.
Name one time that's been great.
It's always a bad thing when a new people, new ideas, new cultures come in and refuse to assimilate or blend or mix.
When you have these two hardline principles.
And we've arrived at a place in this country where Americanism, traditional American values have been met with this Neopolitical philosophy, this neopolitical fascism, which is really stemmed from Marxism.
And I tweeted this the other day.
The only good thing about fascism was its opposition to communism.
But somehow the Democratic Party has created a neopolitical philosophy that has merged fascism with communism and called it democracy.
As if it's some sort of a great thing, now we've got this position where we're selling out our border, we're giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants, we're perpetuating terrorism in this country, and we're allowing mentally ill people into our military.
Folks, more on the other side.
Out front now, Basil Smikle, former Executive Director of the New York State Democratic Party, also former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who of course was a member of the January 6th Select Committee, and David Axelrod, former Senior Advisor to President Obama.
Congressman, to you first here, Trump's rivals, you've heard them, they're backing him, they're saying he should not be taken off the ballot for 2024.
Politically speaking, do they have any other choice?
No, and I think that's a great observation, is they have to say this.
I mean, I'm not saying it's not principled, I think about half of them or more aren't principled in anything, but in Chris Christie's case particularly, he's been very clear of his feelings of Donald Trump, so this isn't, you know, some weak-kneed approach, but if you're running against the guy to beat him, and you just come out and say that these cases are the way to get rid of Donald Trump, I think it makes you look weak, it does not help you with the base, doesn't help you with the election, and I think, you know, Aside from the legal question, because ultimately that's a Supreme Court decision, I think this is probably good for Donald Trump politically because he's a professional victim, a professional whiner and bellyacher, and this allows him to feed more into that he's such a poor victim narrative.
So I think his opponents are saying what they need to say on the campaign trail for now.
Yeah, well, to that point, let's listen, Basil, to Chris Christie, who is, as the Congressman notes, the exception.
As a rule, he does not pull punches with Donald Trump.
Let's listen to what he said about Trump when it comes to how this is helping him out.
It makes him a martyr.
You know, he's very good at playing poor me, poor me.
He's always complaining.
The poor billionaire from New York who's spending everybody else's money to pay his legal fees.
Poor me.
David, I wonder if you have any concerns about the flip side of this, that we could start to see Republican states trying to keep Joe Biden off the ballot in 2024, maybe other Democrats in future elections.
Look, every norm that you shred is hard to reassemble.
So, you know, there's always that concern.
But just generally here, I would say that I've always believed that Trump, a lot of the motivation for his candidacy was as a legal defense strategy.
He knew that he was in jeopardy of being indicted on a number of different things.
And he wanted to set up a construct that has worked very well for him.
which says that they're coming after him because he's running for president and they're trying to prevent him
from being president.
And this of course is the most blatant example in his telling that a state elected official in Maine can throw
him off the ballot that a court in Colorado can.
All of this is strengthening him in the Republican primary.
We've run this experiment.
You know, he's only gained since he started getting indicted.
You know, what you thought might be kryptonite for him has turned out to be battery packs.
And this is a big one for him.
Presumably the Supreme Court will deal with it fairly quickly.
And I expect that they will leave him on the ballot.
And yes, Brianna, I have very, very strong reservations about all of this.
I do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him.
I think if you're going to beat Donald Trump, you're going to probably have to do it at the polls.
David, what about the issue, you know, Ron DeSantis suggested again today he would pardon Trump if he's elected.
Nikki Haley also said yesterday she would pardon Trump to help move the country forward.
What do you think about that, when you're worried about things ripping the country apart?
I see the congressman shaking his head.
I want to get all of you in on this, but David, to you first real quick.
Well look, I think that it's good politics for them because they're both catering to the Trump base in saying that and I think that is a large motivation for them.
I saw Adam shaking his head and I understand why and I know how passionate he is as I am about what Trump did to the country.
I do think it's a real question as to what it would mean to actually imprison a former president and that's something that's going to weigh heavily on the And I want to get you all in on this.
mind of sentencing judges if he's ever convicted. But you know one thing we should say is that
he may never get there if he's successful in delaying these trials until after the election.
I think that's his strategy.
And I want to get you all in on this. So if you could answer quickly. Congressman, what
do you think?
Yeah, I mean, I just think, look, if you're going to pardon him, fine, whatever.
They shouldn't.
But the bottom line is, you know, Nikki Haley stressing that she would pardon Trump, not ruling out that she would be his VP.
Like, what is she running as?
Like, that's the point.
At least say, I'll give it some time and see the situation.
Don't just say, oh, yeah, I'm going to pardon him.
You don't know.
The last beacon of truth in a world of deception, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, folks.
I am Chase Geyser filling in for Alex Jones this evening.
He had a message for us the first 30 minutes of the show.
And I will be on the air with you until the end of the show in about an hour.
Throughout this hour I want to take your calls.
Make sure you call in 877-789-2539.
Again, that's 877-789-2539.
Again, that's 877-789-2539.
I want to hear what you think about the biggest news in 2023 or the biggest themes of 2023.
What will you remember about 2023?
And what do you think is going to happen in 2024?
Not just the election.
Of course, the election is always open for discussion.
But what do you think 2024 is going to feel like and look like?
Make sure you call an 877-789-2539.
And while the crew is screening those calls, I'm going to cover a little bit more news.
We're going to play clip one here in a minute.
As long as I can find the article that I wanted to talk about.
Here we go.
In a scene that is probably a small taste of what is to come, socialist activists and workers' unions carrying images of Che Guevara and Eva Peron converged on Buenos Aires to protest Javier Mele's impending austerity cuts.
And I don't know if they were carrying images of Che Guevara in support of Che, Or in protest of Che?
Probably in support of Che, given that he was a communist, despite the fact that he was a mass homicidal murderer.
Let's go ahead and run clip one and just see what's going on here in Argentina.
Keep in mind, Malay was elected.
By the people for saying he was going to do exactly what he did, but the left takes to the streets and totally disrespects and disregards the will of the people who have been betrayed by their country.
Let's go ahead and see it.
We have activists taking to the streets and I think that the captions might be cut off
There we go.
It's not because it rules out, see it does not comply with the Constitution's requirements.
He's saying that Malay's policies don't comply with the Constitution for necessity and emergency decrees.
It violates the Constitution because it destroys He goes on to say, the labor and social rights of most Argentines.
Well if that's true, then how come most Argentines voted for him?
There is a violation of workers!
Fundamental rights in Argentina, according to one protester.
They are attacking our wages, according to another protester.
People are being denied to protest against brutal adjustments against the poor.
Obviously they're not denied to protest, they're protesting in thousands.
Workers are suffering in decreases in their wages that favors the interests of the big business owners.
I just don't believe that.
If it favored the interests of the big business owners, then why would he be so antagonistic toward the central banks?
Measures introduced by the late government include reforms that have really radicalized the left, apparently.
They are very upset.
But, everything he's going to do is actually going to help the people.
Things like advocating for national sovereignty.
Things like advocating for the rights of a people, for the rights of individuals, against big government, against centralized banking, against massive spending.
And just betrayal of the people by watering down their currencies.
These things are ultimately going to help the very people that are protesting.
They're just upset because it means they're going to have to transition their work and efforts away from lobbying and manipulating and coercing the government to provide them with aid to actually doing business on a free market.
Let's hear from Hammer Hardy in Florida.
Hammer Hardy, what is on your mind this New Year's Eve?
Chase, good afternoon, man.
Happy, uh, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Thank you.
Well, I think, uh, probably the biggest thing that happened in 2023 was our government said that they were going to send us to war, whether we like it or not, whether they can get support for these wars or not.
They don't care.
They just, they think they own us.
And they'll just send us to die if they feel like it.
It's like the slavery thing that Owen Schroeder was saying about California paying for illegal immigrants' health care.
That's actually not a new thing.
I'm from California, originally born and raised, and I believe... Sorry, man.
I understand.
I understand.
Yeah, I want to say it's been going on since at least 2020.
They actually passed a law requiring Californians to get health insurance Just so that they could pay for illegal immigrants because they had been getting free healthcare from the hospitals for a long time.
Now they're just adding them to the Medi-Cal system.
That's all it is.
So yeah, it's complete slavery.
They're saying you're going to work to provide benefits for other people, you're going to go to war, and you're going to die so that we can make money.
And I think really the only solution is bringing back Tarr and Feather.
I'm a big fan, a big supporter of Tarr and Feather.
You know, I think if somebody goes into public office and then betrays the people, you know, I think that we need to just go back to the wild, wild West.
Well, we need a judicial system that actually prosecutes and finds these people guilty.
You know, I'm with you on that, too.
I think that traitors should be given a traitor.
Treason should be should be responded to with the traitor's death.
But you've got to give them a fair trial.
The problem is we don't have a justice system that's incentivized to prosecute politicians because So many in the justice system are appointed by the officials that they would have to prosecute.
It's like an inherent conflict of interest.
It's so stupid.
Why would the head of the DOJ, why would the Attorney General of the United States of America ever prosecute the President of the United States?
Well, if you notice, you know, they have all these trials and they just get up on their stand and they just lie.
But I could give anybody a fair trial.
We're living in 2023, almost 2024.
I'll just play a video collage of all the crimes that they've done and I'll take screenshots of all the laws that they've broken and I'm going to say, case closed.
You're guilty.
I agree with that.
So how do you think World War III is going to, this war is going to start?
You mentioned that, you know, the big news of 2023 is that they're going to send us to war.
Do you think it's going to be on behalf of Israel first?
Do you think it's going to be Ukraine versus Russia first?
I mean, it's unfortunate that we've arrived at a place where there are so many potential ways in which the United States could get involved in another war with a number of different nations that it's hard to tell which one would happen first.
What do you think?
Well, for one, I think it's all, first and foremost, it's all on behalf of China.
China's the one orchestrating the vast majority of this.
I mean, we just had Xi Jinping I think so.
Newsome and Joe Biden have a meeting just like a couple of months ago and then Joe Biden
goes and says, "Oh, but if China, if they attack Taiwan, we're going to fight."
So it's all WWF make-believe.
I think what's going to happen is we're going to have something domestic happen here.
Most likely it's going to be cyber because you want to think about the art of war.
First and foremost, you want to have a cyber attack so that you can disrupt any kind of
communication and organization skills.
Then yes, absolutely, we will start having people that snuck across the border start
taking out political targets.
They're going to start taking out infrastructure.
I don't believe we're going to have a nuclear attack here on the United States because remember, China wants this land.
They've sent tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of their people into this country.
They did that so that they could secure positions.
China wants this land.
They're not going to nuke it.
They're going to try to take it over.
But they're going to use the people that they brought in here to take out their political opposition.
Then the federal government will say, we've got to go to war with, you know, they'll say it's the Russians.
They'll say, you know, it's Hezbollah.
They'll just divert blame onto somebody else who they want to go and fight.
And then while we're on that side of the world having a war, China is going to take over on their side of the world.
That's the last thing that's going to happen.
Yeah, I'm really concerned that it's going to happen with Israel.
Can we run clips 4 and 5 back to back because I want to show the audience what Blinken said about standing with Israel juxtaposed to the Intifada revolution protests going on all over.
Go ahead and run four and five.
From the river to the sea, and then allahu akbar.
And I'm not an advocate for Israel.
I think Israel's a tricky situation too.
Go ahead and run it.
And I'm not an advocate for Israel.
I think Israel is a tricky situation too.
Go ahead and run it.
The message that I bring to Israel is this.
You may be strong enough on your own to defend yourself, but as long as America exists, you
will never ever have to.
(upbeat music)
We will always be there by your side.
This, to me, seems like the path to World War III.
We'll see what happens.
Folks, more on the other side.
Thanks for your call.
We are going to be taking your calls throughout the hour.
Make sure you call on 877-789-2539.
And right out of the gate, I want to talk to James in Pennsylvania.
Solid name from a solid state.
James in Pennsylvania, what's going on?
James, Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, my friend.
Thank you.
Hey, I love kids, man, but is there any way you can get in a room where there's not a lot of background noise?
Thanks, man.
I appreciate you.
I'm glad you kids are having fun, though.
No, don't worry about it.
Go ahead.
The biggest story of 2023 is the covert start of World War 3.
Okay, tell me about it.
I mean, you have all the power players moving into position.
Putin's doubling down on Ukraine right at the start.
China obviously has Biden in their back pocket.
Do you think that we're already in World War 3 or do you think we're on the cusp of it?
Nah, I think we were in World War III with the bio-attack and the COVID.
I think you're right, man.
Yeah, absolutely.
All the forced vaccine.
They wanted China to successfully wipe out all of the, you know, fighting-aged Americans that just wanted a job.
And now we're here.
And no one can fight the war.
No one even wants to be here.
And your replacement migration is already here.
With Chicago and Detroit willing to hire police officers, you don't even have to be a citizen.
American Christians, please.
You have to see the writing on the wall.
They're coming for everyone.
I say Red Dawn, but we are on the cusp.
Canada has everyone.
Mexico has all the Chinese.
They're here.
They're waiting.
It's just like, when does the ground invasion start?
Will there even be a ground invasion?
I don't think they're going to launch nukes.
I think they're just going to starve us out of existence.
Well, you know, what's so crazy to me about this is when you look at the context of the
Cold War in this country, there was obviously a lot of fear about global nuclear war.
But there was never any question, at least at that time, that our political class didn't
-- it was a threat to them, too.
Basically the interests of the political class, at least seemingly during the Cold War, mirrored
the interests of the American people in that a nuclear war would be detrimental, devastating
to both.
Now we're in a position where we're on the cusp of World War III, which would be inherently
nuclear, but for some reason our very own political class doesn't seem to care at all.
In fact, they seem to be funding it and supporting it when you have the federal government coming out and actually threatening to sue Texas for arresting illegal immigrants for coming into the state of Texas.
Why is our federal government paying for concierge luggage services, paying for healthcare services, and then threatening to sue any of the states that actually defend the sanctity or sovereignty of their own statehood?
I don't foresee the next year being very friendly to people who don't want forced vaccinations from the United Nations.
I think that the replaceable immigration is going to become a United Nations Step in and we got to restore order and this is all crazy and we're all just trying to be peaceful.
But meanwhile, your rights, your beliefs as an American Christian are going to be thrown under the rug.
You're going to be treated like human scum and you're not going to be going along with the New World Order picture because the CBDC is coming, the forced vaccine, people already walk around with chips in their hands to pay for groceries.
I think that we're teetering on the end times.
I don't know.
That's just how I feel.
James, thanks for your call.
I appreciate it, man.
Happy New Year to you and yours, man.
I love you.
Jefferson in Virginia, what's on your mind?
Hey, Chase Geyser.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you.
Yeah, I would direct you to James Howard Kunstler's blog.
At counselor.com it's called cluster F nation He's predicting that should China try to engage in and kick
off World War three by invading Taiwan That it's not going to go very well for them domestically
and that their own population is likely to uprise against them in China
Yeah, Peter Zion is saying that the same thing that their economy. Yeah, but Zion has been like wrong about almost
everything All right, but you know what? I'm just saying to great
minds come here in Zion I'm glad you're aware of Zion being wrong about everything.
Well, I mean, yes, he was totally wrong about the Russia-Ukraine stuff on Joe Rogan just a couple of years ago.
That guy's a spook, man.
What was Stratfor, was where he worked?
He worked at Stratfor?
I don't trust that guy, man, as far as I could throw him.
I don't trust him on Ukraine at all.
Clearly, he's part and parcel of some sort of arms sale.
Something like that.
You know I love you.
I almost always take your calls, Jefferson, so I'm not trying to bash you for bringing up Zion.
I'm just very wary of him.
As am I, although he's a good salesman for his own argument.
He's smart.
You can be smart and wrong all the time.
The K-U-N-S-T-L-E-R is a pretty good writer and his prediction for 2024 is worth reading the forecast.
And two great minds seem to be agreeing that China could be in a precarious situation.
But like, what's crazy to me though, like...
Why do they think that China could have a revolution from within?
Because if you look at how bad things got in the Soviet Union, or if you look at how bad things are now in North Korea, after communism is established, you don't often see an overthrow of a communism, unless there's total collapse of the civilization.
Yeah, but demographically, you've got, what, 40 million men that will never have a female companion over there.
They're a bunch of angry people.
Ah, interesting.
Is it 40 million of them that they're not lined up because of the one-child policy and everybody aborted or killed their female so there's a lot of just incels over there?
How are they going to fix that problem?
They're not.
I think you're right, man.
Interesting stuff.
So, 40 million of them could rise up just in the name of getting laid.
Yeah, unless they're going to ship them overseas to be the U.N.
troops to take over the United States.
You know, if we get signed on to this pandemic treaty in May, then our own sovereignty goes by the wayside and then the U.N.
gets to tell whoever wants to enforce the laws against us that they can put the blue helmets on and be the U.N.
troops if they want to.
What if China legalized polygamy but it had to be a woman married to two men?
I'm sure they'd want as many Kids as they can now.
They're trying to reverse their single child policy as best as they can, but it's too late.
Well, I guess to show how dangerous depopulation is.
Like, I can't believe people are still advocating for depopulation.
It's going to be a crisis.
Yeah, well, I mean, everything seems to be directing us into some sort of crisis or another.
I mean, how many different fronts do we have crises in the waiting?
You know, be brought up.
I mean, it's a house of cards about to collapse on all of us if we don't, you know, we've been attacked with this COVID thing.
So anything we do to try to get out of this paradigm we're in is a counterattack.
It's not offensive to counterattack when you're trying to defend yourself from what's already been done to you.
If you realize that your children have already been sterilized, you know, that was already an attack on your family.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, we were attacked by an engineered bioweapon funded by our own politicians and by our enemies alike, and nobody's revolting against that.
I mean, we've all, anyone who's gotten COVID has been directly the victim of a bioweapon, and anybody in the country, regardless of whether they got COVID, has been indirectly a victim of just the impact that it had on our country.
Did you see Seth MacFarlane talking with Bill Maher?
About the COVID pandemic and how they got me.
Only in passing.
What was it he said?
It was quite frustrating to see someone as smart as Seth MacFarlane just constantly saying, you know, they were doing the best they could, and they were learning along the way, and yeah, they got things wrong, but I'm sure there wasn't nothing nefarious in their intentions.
Just naive.
Yeah, but it was willful naivety.
Jeffson, we're cutting a break, man.
man. We're cutting a break, but stick with us because I want to keep talking to you on
the other side.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show folks.
I'm Chase Geiser, your host for the remaining 27 minutes on this New Year's Eve.
And Jefferson, who I love to speak with, was cut off by break just four minutes ago.
So I want to give him the opportunity to finish his thought on McFarland.
Jefferson, what's up?
I'm here.
I love you.
It's hard not to just almost start yelling at the television watching these two guys discuss The COVID fiasco.
And he's talking about 7 million people dying from COVID and Bill's going, well I don't know if the numbers are actually that high.
And they're talking about whether they died with COVID or from COVID.
And it's a discussion we had two years ago and never resolved and they're just sort of rehashing it.
Right, well I think it was pretty much resolved that the vast majority of people who died of COVID actually just died with COVID.
were killed by the drugs. Or the ventilation systems or whatever.
Yeah, it was malpractice all around by the public health and the
doctors and the nurses just following the protocol. But that never came up in
discussion. But it's just amazing that we can still be having this conversation
and people are saying that oh this was a debate.
I'm going, no, it was just two guys that don't know the subject matter very well, just going over stuff we've talked about, you know, many times before.
Right, and Seth McFarlane, he's the creator of South Park, right?
Family Guy, South Park, not South Park, but Family Guy.
Family Guy, that's right.
And does Family Guy air on Comedy Central?
I think it does now, yeah.
And how many pharmaceutical companies advertise on Fox?
There you go, right?
Thanks so much for your call, Jefferson.
I appreciate it.
Let's hear next from Kristen in Florida.
What is going on?
Hi, actually, I'm Kristen in Maricopa County.
I love it.
And of course, that's relevant because we are talking elections.
I personally found the 19-inch image ballot for the Maricopa County election in 2022 that was used in the Kerry Lake trial.
It was recently turned into a movie with State of Denial.
I still physically own that piece of paper.
And I've been working behind the scenes very hard for the last year, trying to find somebody who can help me confirm it.
It is obviously court evidence.
It's a lot of things.
Tell me about this piece of paper again, please, just for the sake of the audience and myself.
Tell me about it.
It's a spit to print ballot that Scott Derrick testified to in the Kerry Lake trial.
The two different image sizes for Maricopa County.
And essentially they blamed the whole failure of the election on this fit to print image ballot.
But my evidence shows that that's impossible.
So I've been working with the Cary Lake team.
I've been working with all kinds of people throughout the course of the last year.
And then at some point you just kind of end up on your own because They don't get it funded.
Couldn't get the court case.
It's been admitted to evidence.
What was the significance of the balance being the wrong size?
The tabulators can't read them.
I see.
So they just disregard the vote.
For example, 235% error rate.
In Maricopa County at my vote center, I physically took a video of it, which has also been picked up by Gateway Pundit back in November 2022, showing the ballot rejection rate.
How do you have a 235% error rate?
Couldn't 100% be the max?
There's a certain tolerance.
I see.
An error rate that's allowed by the Elections Commission.
I see.
And they said anything that's over what that number is, is bad.
So 235% over what the allowable rates are.
Okay, that makes sense.
Thank you for clarifying.
So essentially, I've created a GiveSendGo just this week.
I was able to find a paper ballot expert who was able, who was going to test my ballot coming up in January.
And I opened up a GiveSendGo, so I'm hoping that people will take a look at it and send it.
What's the link for your GiveSendGo?
GiveSendGo is my ballot counterfeit-2022.
Because I don't have it legally confirmed, I can't go around and say my ballot is counterfeit.
All of the home testing that I've done, which has been provided by Clay Parikh, by Kevin Longcook, by all of these election experts, Show that my ballot is not within the legal specs of Maricopa County ballots.
The legal spec is supposed to be a hundred pound text paper supplied by a company called Roland, and essentially it doesn't match.
So there's a lot more that's going on.
We just had the McGregor report, for example, come out and talk about this ballot.
Everything she said about it's wrong.
Rather than people guessing, I physically own the ballot.
It's here at my house.
It needs to be tested.
So, I'm raising funds to have it tested.
Thank you so much for your call and for your fight for our Republic.
That makes sense, Kristen.
I appreciate it.
Take care and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Next up, I want to speak with Shane in Colorado.
Shane in Colorado, how are you this evening, sir?
Doing well.
How about some crazy Loony, lefty judge that says that Alex Jones owes like a billion dollars.
And, uh, you get 50 million.
You get 50 million.
Just look under your seat.
It's right under there.
Yeah, it's like a bad episode of Oprah.
How disingenuous is this?
That the lawyer and the judge are saying that these people are going to get that money.
That doesn't exist.
You know?
It just reminds me of when Drudge came on your show and he said, they own the judges, Alex, you're done.
What did he know then?
That's fascinating.
I didn't realize that that happened.
Thanks for letting me know about that.
I'll have to find that clip.
When was it?
If you guys can find that clip, it's crazy.
Do you know what year it was?
What year?
Was it 20 years ago or was it 10 years ago?
Maybe like five.
Five, okay.
I'd love to look at that.
Shane, thank you for your call.
I appreciate it.
Let's hear next from Marcus in Idaho.
Marcus, what's on your mind?
Hello, Chase.
Hi, how are you?
Hey, when's the last time you dreamt?
The last time I dreamt?
I dreamt last night.
Do you dream often?
I do.
Okay, so that said, I have lived as somebody who is transgender in life, and one of the things that I learned from that horrible debacle that destroyed my life was that the dreams don't stop, that what I am As a human being, male, they come through.
So what do you mean?
You struggle with transgenderism or you identify as a transgender person, so you dream as the gender opposite of your birth gender?
Yeah, exactly.
Sort of like when you learn how to speak Spanish or something, you start to have dreams in Spanish and that's when they say you really know how to speak the language.
Well, no, it's like when you are something that you are, and when you try to change what you are, it doesn't stop the dreams from coming true.
And that affects everything that you are.
So I think that people saying that transgender people trying to kill themselves, that comes through their dreams.
Hmm, interesting.
So what do you think about what's going on in terms of the whole transgender narrative today about like kids and transition surgeries and hormone therapy for kids?
How do you feel about that?
Well, I think it started with the Philippines.
Yeah, I think it happened in the Philippines with the, oh shoot, there's an organization over in the UK pushing that.
Um, and it, it, it pushes things under, under, under people that, uh, they, gosh, it's tough talking about these sensitive topics.
I totally understand.
I mean, you know, you do that throughout life and you have that messed up thing inside of your head.
Um, and, um, people, uh, Put that information onto you and you go forward with that.
Marcus, thank you so much for your call.
I appreciate it.
Happy New Year to you and God bless.
us. More on your side, folks. Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show. I'm
I am Chase Geiser, your host this evening.
This is the final segment.
I will be taking your calls, and we're going to end the segment with a brief message from the great Alex Jones regarding the end of 2023 and the beginning of 2024.
First up, who should we talk to now?
How about... Tim in Seattle.
What's up?
Hey, Chase.
Happy New Year.
Happy New Year, my friend.
America, Happy New Year.
I'd like to see 2023 never again.
It was probably the worst year as an adult walking around with all of the leaves The strategic campaign is waged against Americans and humanity itself.
And I think the biggest story of 2023 is the lack of response to it.
I think you're right, man.
And 2020 as well.
2020 and 2023 are kind of mirrored.
We're in an era, right?
Kind of like these years are getting like sandwiched together.
So we might have to rearrange the calendar based off the tyranny that we're experiencing.
I know.
So what do you think is going to happen in 2024?
I mean, given that we've just had potentially the worst year in terms of political integrity, what do you think 2024 is going to look like?
You know, there's a duality to it.
It hasn't happened yet.
So it could either go the way of Klaus Schwab and they fully succeed, or it can go the way of Team Humanity.
And we just move the culture, we move the narrative.
And we move ourselves away from even considering what they're talking about to be relevant whatsoever.
We have to remind ourselves that we pay attention to what they're saying and what they're thinking more than we should.
And that right there gives them more... It's like we're in a hostage situation still.
Even though they're the most evil of evil, we're still giving them credibility because they're talking.
And I don't think that they deserve it anymore.
I think they should be shunned.
In all ways possible.
I don't think that these, the COVID eugenicists in all shapes and forms, all the way up to the DOD, the highest forms, dig in the crates, never let them hear silence.
They should always be hearing outrage until we actually have justice or Klaus wins.
Yeah, I think you're right.
Tim, thank you for your call.
I appreciate it.
Let's hear from Andy in California.
Andy, what's up?
I want to talk about Vivek.
Let's do it.
Alright, so, Vivek.
He's there specifically as Trump's spokesperson.
I think Alex has been right about the guy.
He's a good dude.
And so if you look at the debates, if Trump was there, he would have upstaged Vivek.
Vivek is out there making it safe so Trump can start saying the things he needs to say.
And I think he's de facto Trump's spokesperson.
That's interesting.
I like it, man.
I mean, it makes total sense to me.
He never attacks Trump.
He criticizes him, which is fair, right?
He never goes after him.
And he's on our team.
He's woke.
We have to wake him to what we understand.
Yeah, wake is not woke.
Yeah, exactly.
I think that's exactly what he's there for.
So anyhow, I just thought for 2023, Vivek came out of nowhere.
I believe he has a purpose and what's going on and I think he'll have a place in the administration.
Yeah, what do you think is going to be his appointment in 2025, if any?
I'd like to see him as Attorney General.
Attorney General?
Yes, sir.
I don't think he's even a lawyer, though.
I do believe he is a lawyer.
He is?
I could be wrong.
I could be wrong, too.
He had an interview where he said, I should have known that.
And when he's talking to Alex, he's like, I'm a lawyer.
Oh, can we verify that with the crew?
I just love to hear it.
I knew that he was a pharma.
I knew he was a pharma executive.
Like he was very successful in terms of.
Maybe I should have known that, but maybe, maybe I'm off on that whole part.
So forgive me on that one.
You probably don't even have to be a lawyer to be attorney general, frankly.
I'm sure that anybody could be appointed.
We need a bulldog like him that can go in there and cut through all the structure and see clearly what needs to be done.
And whether it's him, or I would take RFK as Attorney General at this point.
I'm scared of RFK though, man.
I think he might be a leftist plant.
Well, except for the fact that Alex's analysis is correct that he went hard left to not take away from Trump.
So he knows who killed his family.
But more of his campaign donations are coming from former Trump voters than from former Democrats.
Well, he's going to have to change some of that.
He was on the Lolita Express a couple of times.
There's a lot of problems with that guy.
He forced people to prove that they were either vaccinated or had a negative COVID test in order to go to his holiday party a couple of years ago.
He moved his suicide wife's body from the JFK plot to another section, a remote unmarked section of the cemetery, like a day after the photo shoot at her funeral.
He's a shitty guy.
I wasn't aware of these things, my friend.
I know, man.
Neither was I until I was, and I was like, what?!
Isn't that crazy?
I mean, we're trusting as Americans and as Christians, and we look at things and we try to accept them for face value.
Yeah, I know.
And good people often underestimate the audacity of evil men.
Yeah, and then the problem here, too, is that the enemy wants to also put Bad things on these people so that we go, oh, I can't be associated with Vivek.
Yeah, I understand.
I understand.
And it's possible I'm wrong about RFK.
I'm just very wary.
You know what I mean?
If you prove me wrong, I'm totally... And I'm honestly wary of Trump because don't forget the Antichrist is going to fool the people.
And the Antichrist is going to pull this game.
So we need to trust in Jesus Christ at the end of the day because he's the only thing that is real.
He's the only thing that is true.
Anything else of man can change on a daily basis or a moment basis.
It's true in that, so we keep an eye on each one of these people, and I think Alex is right in that, you know, if they're in a fight with us right now, you know, your enemy's my enemy, and let's get together and stop this thing, because at the end of the day, it is satanic, evil cults that are driving all this stuff, whether it be the Illuminati or, you know, such, but that's what's driving all this.
It's all satanic.
I'm in any.
Thank you for your call.
Let's go ahead and run Alex Jones's message.
I know it's only a couple of minutes long.
I'll finish up the segment after the message, but let's go ahead and hear what Alex has to say is his final message of
2023 into 2024 and then we will call it a happy new year after that
Again I want to thank you all for joining us tonight More importantly, I want to thank you for all your incredible support and your prayers and everything you've done, not just the last year, but in the years previous to that.
I am just beyond humbled, and I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I want to stop the globalists.
I know they're evil.
I know that God hates them, and I'm just absolutely committed to fighting these tyrants in 2024.
So in just a few hours, we will hurdle into 2024.
We're going to have the leftist-funded Islamists just rioting and burning things down across the U.S.
and obviously Europe tonight.
That's just them testing one of their other destabilization arms, but I pray for them to wake up and realize they're being controlled as well.
But regardless, we're going into very, very extreme times, but at least we're not wearing blindfolds.
At least we know what we're up against.
At least a lot of us do.
So from myself and the entire InfoWars crew, I want to thank you all again.
I want to thank the crew for an incredible job.
2023, it's been very stressful, very hard, but The best crew I've ever had, times 10, for the times we live in, and that's what's been pointed out in history over and over again, that you really don't know who people are until you're in the crucible, until you're under fire, until you're in the furnace.
And the InfoWars crew are amazing people.
So again, I want to thank the listeners, the viewers, everybody for supporting InfoWars, going to the InfoWars store, because you don't just support the incredibly important message, and what I do, but you also support the crew.
And it's such a thorn in the side of the New World Order.
They cannot stand the fact That we're still on air.
They cannot stand the fact that we've been vindicated.
They cannot stand the fact we're back on X and reaching tens of millions of new people a day conservatively.
They cannot stand the fact that so many of you have started your own websites or your own accounts on Rumble and so many other great places.
And that the sleeping giant really is awakening.
So I'm very optimistic, though I also know at an intellectual gut level Also, spiritual level, that we're up against some very, very tough attacks.
But again, we were born for this, we were built for this, and if God's for us, who can be against us?
So, thank you all in 2023, and I will see you in 2024.
Prepare yourselves, my friends, because this is going to be incredibly insane.
God bless and good luck.
Well, that's almost a wrap of 2023, folks.
That's Romans chapter 8, verse 31.
If God is with us, who can be against us?
I've been hearing that a lot on this network the last year.
It's funny, it's one of my favorite Bible verses.
It's been my favorite for many years.
And I just want to mention, Andy was right.
We have to turn to Christ.
We've got this anti-Christ problem.
We're not going to know who it is.
We're going to be deceived by him.
That's why I fundamentally believe in this network and this country.
Not because this network is necessarily explicitly Christian or this country is, though I would say that this network probably is.
I haven't met anybody here who didn't at least outwardly identify as Christian.
But because the freedom of speech is so imperative to God's plan.
Because you can't have the truth, you can't pursue the truth, you can't know the truth without freedom of speech.
And that's fundamentally why I believe the United States of America has been protected by God, despite the fact that it's a secular nation, a secular government, a separation of church and state.
That's why I think this network has been protected by God, despite the onslaught against it.
That's why I think Satan and the Antichrist come against this network, because the attack on freedom of speech is an attack on the path to truth.
And the path to truth always leads to Jesus Christ.
Happy New Year, folks.
Thanks for sticking with us through 2023.
I'm looking forward to being with you for 2024.
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