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Name: 20231229_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2023
2684 lines.

InfoWars host discusses how the Maine Secretary of State has taken Trump off the ballot for the U.S. presidential election and accused him of insurrection without any charges or convictions. The show believes this is a form of election interference by an entire system with an "anaphylactic reaction" to Trump, and claims that it is a constitutional crisis and gaslighting. They also discuss the importance of individual actions in affecting the world during these times of change and evil demonstrating their power. Finally, they mention big changes happening quickly, such as matrix news, and urge viewers to actively engage and participate in cultural, spiritual, and economic aspects of life.

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Sensing your joy, your playlist shifts to your favorite song, sending chills up your spine as the music begins to play.
You glance at the program running in the background on your computer screen and notice a now familiar sight that appears whenever you're overloaded with pleasure, your state of brainwave activity decreasing in the temporal regions of your brain.
You mentally move the cursor to the left and scroll through your brain data over the past few hours.
You can see your stress levels rising as the deadline to finish your memo approached, causing a peak in your beta brainwave activity right before an alert popped up telling you to take a brain break.
Your mind starts to wander to the new colleague on your team whom you know you shouldn't be daydreaming about given the policy against intra-office romance.
But you can't help fantasizing just a little.
But then you start to worry that your boss will notice your amorous feelings when she checks your brain activity and shift your attention back to the present.
You breathe a sigh of relief when the email she sends you later that day congratulates you on your brain metrics from the past quarter, which have earned you another performance bonus.
When you arrive at work the next day, a somber cloud has fallen over the office.
Along with emails, text messages, and GPS location data, the government has subpoenaed employees' brainwave data from the past year.
They have compelling evidence that one of your co-workers has committed massive wire fraud.
Now, they're looking for his co-conspirators.
You discover they are looking for synchronized brain activity between your co-worker and the people he has been working with.
While you know you're innocent of any crime, you've been secretly working with him on a new startup venture.
Shaking, you remove your earbuds.
What do you think?
Is it a future you're ready for?
You may be surprised to learn that it's a future that has already arrived.
Everything in that video that you just saw is based on technology that is already here today.
Artificial intelligence has enabled advances in decoding brain activity in ways that we never before thought possible.
After all, what you think, what you feel, It's all just data.
Data that in large patterns can be decoded using artificial intelligence.
We're not talking about implanted devices of the future.
I'm talking about wearable devices that are like Fitbits for your brain.
The newest way to monitor attention is through a device like this one.
These are earpods that are launching later this year.
These earpods, much like the video you watched earlier, are earpods that can pick up brainwave activity and tell whether or not a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering.
Okay, well you might think, fine, but even if we can tell whether a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering, you can't tell what they're paying attention to.
You would be wrong.
It turns out that you can not only tell whether a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering, but you can discriminate between the kinds of things that they're paying attention to.
Whether they're doing something like central tasks like programming, peripheral tasks like writing documentation, or unrelated tasks like surfing social media or online browsing.
When you combine brainwave activity together with other forms of software and surveillance technology, the power becomes quite precise.
So what do we do with this?
What do we do with technology that enables us to monitor brainwave activity for attention?
Do we embrace it?
Do we resist it?
I believe that there is a pathway forward with such technology.
We might soon even use the technology to help people wake back up.
This is a haptic scarf that MIT Media Lab has developed, which uses brainwave technology in a responsive way to give a person a little buzz.
When their mind starts to wander to help them refocus and hone their attention.
I'm giving you the positive use cases because what I don't want the reaction to be is let's ban them.
Klaus Schwab said five years ago on French TV they're gonna first have wearables then chips of the brain by law.
Once you pay check, you do this.
Notice they say out of the gates, it's gonna control you and make things better, it's gonna direct you, it's gonna mind control you, it's gonna surveil you, and it's gonna put you in jail.
It's gonna set you up.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
visit Infowars.com/show and support the InfoWars.
Thank you.
presidential election, something the State Department put sanctions on foreign countries for doing, have done it again.
The Secretary of State in the most northern state of Maine has taken Trump off the ballot.
They didn't even have a fake court case.
They didn't even have the Supreme Court do it.
She did it for the first time in U.S.
history and she said he's guilty of insurrection.
Trump's never been charged with insurrection.
He's never been convicted of it on his face.
It's illegal, but they want to create this perception.
He's a criminal, just like all the false criminal indictments and Jack Smith and all the rest of them.
Remember they indicted Trump for questioning the 2020 election with all the massive evidence of fraud, but whether he was right or wrong, it was his right to do it, but he's never been charged with insurrection, much less convicted.
The constitution is clear.
You have to be convicted.
It's in the 14th amendment.
So these people are saying who you can vote for.
This is beyond election meddling.
If they're successful, it's stealing the election by precluding you from having who you want
on the ballot.
And again, that's what they did to Bolsonaro.
The State Department advised their government when he exposed election fraud to just take
him off the ballot.
He's banned for eight years.
They're doing this everywhere out in the open, but it's gaslighting.
Oh, we're not taking people off the ballot.
Oh, we're not stopping you from voting for who you want.
There's no election fraud.
You just can't vote for Trump.
And the Democrats in a bunch of states like Georgia try to take MTG off the ballot last year for Congress.
This is a constitutional crisis.
They're hyping civil war, claiming we're planning all this violence and we're racist, while they have Hamas and Black Lives Matter running around saying anybody conservative, Christian or white or Catholic is the devil.
They're desperate, ladies and gentlemen, and they're planning something big in the next 10 months, but the public is aware and the Great Awakening's here.
I'll be covering it all tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Central for The Friday Show.
12 Eastern at noon at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're taking our country back peacefully.
The deep state's scared, but we're going to win this together.
God bless and I'll see you at Infowars.com.
The Secretaries of States.
In 2020, Secretaries of States, one individual, would come in and wipe away the laws of the legislature and say, because of COVID, I'm changing mail-in balloting.
One person changing election rules.
That was 2020.
2024, one person saying, I'm disenfranchising Trump voters.
Your thoughts?
Well look, Kayleigh, I think you phrased it well, but I would say that this is not an action of one person.
This is the action of an entire system that has an anaphylactic reaction to one man.
And I think they're dropping the breadcrumbs, they're making it clearer by the day.
I'm concerned that they will not allow this man to get anywhere near the start line of the election, let alone the finish line.
And I say this as somebody who's running in the same race as Donald Trump.
This is not how we should want to win.
So I stand by the pledge I made earlier on the back of the Colorado decision, and I reiterate it today, that I will voluntarily, as a Republican candidate, remove myself from any GOP primary ballot where one of my competitors, Donald Trump included, is forcibly removed through this unconstitutional maneuver.
And I think one thing that the other Republican candidates can do, Kayleigh, is to fight against this.
To say that Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley and Chris Christie do the same thing, that if Maine is going to do this, we then take Maine out of the GOP primary process.
That's the logical way to handle this, and so I made that announcement tonight.
I challenge every one of my other competitors in the GOP primary to do the same thing.
To say that we will not stand by idly and watch this brazen form of election interference in the GOP primary itself.
And I think that that's not a left-wing or a right-wing issue, it shouldn't be.
This is about the Constitution and who we are as Americans.
And that's why I've taken the position I have.
I am so mindful, and I said this in my decision, Uh, that it is unprecedented.
no secretary of state has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access
based on section three of the 14th amendment?
well here we are friday december 29th 2023 one of the last live shows
I'm going to be doing in this insane year.
And if you think 2023 was crazy, think of a SpaceX launch and one of their Falcon Heavies, the biggest Rocket in the world can lift the most tonnage into space and when it first lifts off it's just going a few inches the first few seconds and then it's a few feet and then it's a hundred feet then it's a thousand feet a second then it's ten thousand feet a second and it just goes into orbit.
And the last few years was the liftoff of the tyranny and the launch phase.
And now it's in the upper atmosphere, going a couple thousand miles an hour, and it's about to be going 5,000 miles an hour.
That's where we are going into 2024.
And just brace yourselves.
I know I'm bracing myself.
I know I'm praying a lot.
I know I'm really getting right with God and with my family.
And I just tell my family and my crew, let's not sweat the small stuff.
Let's not worry about things that don't matter.
What matters is our relationship with God and our freedoms and our health.
And that's what we're talking about here today.
I've also discussed, and obviously all of you know this, you want me to tell you this, but that's good to remind everybody that We are able to affect the world.
There's not just evil in the world.
And we see evil demonstrating its power, and dissolving borders, and shipping in fentanyl, and starting wars, and promoting pedophilia, and saying two men can have a baby, and telling everybody that white people are inherently evil, and if you don't like that you're racist, and taking down statues of George Washington and Teddy Roosevelt now.
And now they want the American flag down.
Hell, they've had Facebook's taking down the Declaration of Independence saying it's racist.
So, because it says savages in it.
Well, I mean, that's what, that's what the Romans called the Germans.
It just means barbarians.
So, they're going for broke to try to make you think they're all powerful.
They're not all powerful.
And so we're in the quickening here.
And everything evil does right now has a big effect, and everything good does has a huge effect.
A great effect.
As Lenin said, there are decades where nothing happens, and there are weeks where decades happen.
He was an evil guy, and he was right about that, and we're in that time of times right now.
There's been big changes in certain times in history, but nothing like we're seeing now.
Anybody that's not super edge of their seat, anybody that's not trying to be on the field culturally, spiritually, economically, is not living.
One of the number one things when they survey people in the West is, how do you feel?
I feel lonely and I feel bored.
Well, that's your fault being on your phone or watching TV all day.
That's your fault not wanting to be around fellow humans.
That's your fault for inserting yourself into this matrix system.
Speaking of that, we got big matrix news today.
And we're going to be going over it.
Because what was theoretical is now operational.
The WEF is openly saying, and it's being rolled out now, computer systems that supposedly read all your physiology, your heart rate, your pulse, Your temperature, but also your brainwaves.
And they're going to put them in at the airports, not just scan your face, but claim it's beyond a lie detector.
And of course, it's quackery.
They can claim, oh, well, the dogs smell drugs.
We're going to search you.
The dog's just trained to alert when they jerk the chain so it gets a treat.
Now they have the probable cause of the reasonable suspicion.
It's the same thing with lie detectors.
They really don't work for people that know how to beat them.
You just go into the test completely looking normal, but upset the whole time, and then they can't even get a reading.
There's a lot of other ways to beat them.
They train the CIA how to do it.
You can go read about it online.
But the general public thinks it knows, so you get real upset when you tell a lie, and they can tell when you're lying.
Well, imagine that with these brain scans.
We have an incredible WEF video.
Coming up, it only had like 600 views when it was discovered by Jimmy Dore's producers a few days ago.
He showed it to me and I was blown away.
I knew about the project, but I didn't know that they were openly promoting it.
I knew Klaus Schwab had talked about it on French television six years ago.
Well, now they're actually pushing it.
So this is brand new, breaking yesterday.
We'll hit that start of the next hour, but let's hit the big enchiladas right now.
We have Vivit Ramaswamy in an hour and 20 minutes from now joining us on Trump being removed from the main ballot unilaterally by the insane Secretary of State and all of her bizarre statements we're going to be getting to and just how much that's triggered a mass awakening because it's so outrageous.
It's really gotten bipartisan people to freak out.
I've got CNN clips, MSNBC clips, I've got ABC clips.
I'm just saying this is insane, you can't do this, this is totally illegal because it is!
It's like Newsom saying, yeah, we didn't clean up San Francisco, the needles and poop, and we got $40 billion and didn't clean it up, and we had a surplus, and we only cleaned it up for Xi Jinping, so that's how it is.
Now they're like, yeah, this is illegal.
It's all illegal.
But why are they finally saying it's illegal?
Because they finally figured out it's backfired and only makes his points go up.
The real internal polls, Trump's leading Biden by 25 points.
He's leading all other Republican candidates by 70 points.
All the rest of them get 30%.
And every time they indict him, he goes up four or five more points.
I mean, this is insane.
So their quote, scientific twisted polls, where they 15% over survey Democrats and other things in the methodology to twist it, has Trump 15 points ahead nationwide, upwards of seven to 10 points in every swing state.
That's devastating.
That is mass awakening.
It's like when they indicted Javier Milley for saying the communists have devalued our currency and it's been being devalued for decades and it was devalued more after he said that because it was already shooting straight up.
They went, we're indicting you for discrediting the currency.
That's what they do in communist China.
We criticize the stock, you go to jail.
It's a state run thing.
So, this is crazy.
And here's the problem.
They're just gonna go more crazy.
Because you may have Democrats outside the bubble, realizing everybody's turning against them, but internally they're surrounded by armed guards, everyone pulls their chair out, everyone bows down to them like these judges.
And they're walking around in their black robes.
The robes of Saturn.
That's what it is.
And they feel insulated because they're a bunch of lawyers who've never had pushback.
And so, In 410, the German barbarian Visigoth, Ostrogoth hordes, out of what is Switzerland today, and Germany, and France, the Goths, the Gauls, had invaded dozens of times.
Because the Romans brought them in for hundreds of years as troops, and then put them in the Roman Senate, and then they would just go back and say, why don't we just take over?
But when Rome finally fell, When Rome finally fell in 410 to Alaric, leader of the Visigoths, they'd smashed the Roman army in the north.
They were marching on Rome and they were burning and raping and killing all the men and boys down about age 10.
And this is in the Roman histories that people then fled, went to the coast, some got away, that's what we have them, that they ran into the Senate and said, we've got to mobilize people, we've got to get ready, we've got to, you know, there's a hundred thousand barbarians marching on us, they're only 50 miles away, and they were, let's just party and have another orgy and drink some more wine.
And some of them were smart and fled and got on ships and ran off to what was Constantinople and then that was what was left of the Roman Empire until it was destroyed later by the Muslims when they took it over.
And that's siege.
But most of the Romans just stayed there and then the Barbarians came in and cut their heads off and took their wives and children and raped them.
And then burned everything down.
That was really smart.
Why'd they just take it over?
But, that's what's gonna happen to the globalists, okay?
That's how sorrowsome they are.
They are delusional.
If it keeps on raining, love is gonna break.
When the levee breaks, I have no place to stay.
It's going down, going down, going down to Chicago.
Well, they're coming up to Chicago.
By the tens of millions, tens of millions since Obama got back into office through his puppet three years ago.
And so I want to make a point here that no one else is making and it's extremely frustrating to me that I tend to be the person 90% of the time that creates the new talking points because that's dangerous.
That's a weak failure point.
We let the globalists control the language.
Under the law, when you call someone a migrant, that is under the Migration Treaty, signed on to by George Herbert Walker Bush, never ratified by Congress, but the presidents follow it and the State Department implements it and gives billions a year to fund all of this crap.
And they run the whole thing.
But that's been talked about.
Trump pulled out of that.
Two years into office, or a year and a half into office, and then O'Biden put it right back in three years ago when they stole the election.
But the thing that's not being talked about, and that's the UN, by the way, running our policy, they say who comes in.
They say who's a migrant, who's a refugee.
When you use the term migrant or refugee resettlement, that's under the treaty.
So that puts them in the driver's seat, just like the UN is trying to get a treaty through to be in charge of our healthcare.
And the former COVID czar for O'Biden, For Obama and his new administration here that we're in right now, this tyranny is openly not just dissolving the border, but they're putting the finishing touches and quarterbacking the new UN health care treaty that takes over our health care policy and our bodies if we let them.
I mean, this is rape of our bodies with these biological weapons.
So, define it as medical rape, medical tyranny, eugenics, lethal injection.
But that's been said.
Not enough, but that's been said.
What has not been said, and I'm thinking of the proper term for this, this is a big deal,
then I'll get into the whole main situation and more in the military news, the economy
news, the mind control news, and we got Max Keiser on the third hour, Vivek Ramaswamy
bottom of the next hour.
What is going on at the border?
For the last three years, until about two months ago, Biden would say, and his Secretary of the Press would say, and his Secretary of Health and Human Services would say, and the head of ICE would say, and DHS, Mayorkas, would say, when we said, the border's wide open, the border's broken, they would say, no it's not.
In fact, I have a clip yesterday I want to play that first.
Go to yesterday's clip.
It's like 14 seconds.
Majorca says that there's not a problem at the border.
The border is not broken.
Now see, we're into levels of lies here.
Because not only was the border broken ever since Biden stole the election and Obama installed him, but the border was opened Bi-Biden's saying immediately surge the border when I get elected.
And then when they broke the border, what did they set up on it?
They set up an accelerator.
Like putting nitrous oxide on the engine of a car, so instead of it having 500 horsepower, it has 800 horsepower.
So, if the police close a highway because of a chemical spill, it's closed.
You can't go down it.
That's a closed border.
If they open the road, the road's open, but you still have the speed limit, 75 miles an hour.
Or whatever it is.
But if the police open it up and say, by order of the governor, this 100 miles of highway has no law on it now, and you can drive 300 miles an hour on your motorcycle or whatever you want and kill yourself on it, it's Mad Max.
You haven't just opened the border, you've accelerated it.
So the border is not a border, The border is a catapult.
It is a delivery system.
It is a funnel.
It is a cannon.
It is a jumping-off point.
When you get here, you get free plane tickets, a new debit card, a bunch of money, signed up with a lawyer, all these services.
Concierge to carry your bags across.
That broke today.
I forgot to give that to you in the clips.
Rob New has it.
Get it from him in the articles.
I meant to start the show with that.
There's just so much.
I taped something for Crowder.
You know, for the Mug Club, and I did a whole deep dive on that.
It went, like, two hours long this morning.
So I've already been a busy beaver.
The videos, all of it.
That's in there.
So they, that's why all the illegal aliens have backpacks.
They're like, where's all their stuff?
They bring in all these bags, and then they're concierge on these fancy Provo, Prohost buses, coaches.
So, the border is not broken.
The border has been abolished, but that's not enough.
But they've still got us arguing on whether the border's broken or not.
We're already ten steps back.
While we're having a debate whether it's broken or not, now they've been, oh it is broken!
Legalize everybody and give us tens of billions more to...
Fund even more coming.
Now the official White House statement is we just need to legalize everybody.
So now it's completely legal and you can come join the military or the police and we'll pay you to come here and give you $90,000 a year and let you vote and let you have a driver's license.
And if you smuggle kids in, no ID needed, we'll give you money and we'll just ship the kids off God knows where.
I mean the level of this crime is startling.
The border isn't abolished.
The border isn't open.
The border is greased.
The border is a magnet to flood the country.
The border is now a weapon.
The border is now, just like the UN Refugee Camps where they organized them at first, is now a political military operation with the military and the Border Patrol as Concierge, as maitre d's, as butlers, as nannies, to anybody and everybody that can get to it.
And the State Department is paying most of the money to the UN Resettlement Migrant Refugee Program to ship these people here from as far away as China and Indonesia.
Call into every talk show.
Call into C-SPAN.
Call your Congress, men and women, and say, will you stop debating whether it's broken or not?
And play in that game, is there a new world order?
Is there a plan for carbon tax?
Is there a plan to tax and reduce beef?
They're doing it!
Hey, Bill Gates has a plan to make you drink sewage water.
That's a conspiracy theory.
Here's video of him saying it.
Now LA's doing it.
And we just keep debating what's already happened.
So I want to ask listeners, I'm going to put a tweet out, an ex-post out in a little while, they're in a break, and I'm going to ask people, hey folks, or maybe I'll shoot a video, hey folks, the border's not broken, it's a catapult, it's a cannon, it's an accelerator, it's nitrous oxide on an engine.
What do you call that when the border is now a weaponized gate to magnet and facilitate and funnel in people to invade the country?
It's the federal hijacked government's invasion point.
Invasion Accelerator, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here live.
Other great broadcasts as well, American Journal, Harrison Smith, 8 a.m.
weekdays, Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
Central, The War Room, and more transmissions as well.
Find them all at infowars.com forward slash show and band dot video.
All right.
Let me finish up with some of the border stuff, and then it all ties in with the other lawlessness by the Democratic Party, but the border has been abolished for three years.
And for really two and a half of that, it's been a pure funnel acceleration cannon attacking America with a new permanent underclass to replace us, lower wages, and Vote the republic into the dustbin of history.
All a bunch of NGOs and stuff get taxpayer money for handling all the illegal aliens.
And now the mayors in Denver and New York and Trenton and a bunch of other places are banding together to get with the Justice Department and sue Texas and Greg Abbott.
You're not going to ship these people here and Biden has proposed, they haven't signed it yet, an executive order to make the illegals, they'll tell them we'll deport you.
Not to give them a date, seven years in the future to see an immigration judge, that's the average.
Oh no, if you leave, well then we'll Deport you?
See, it's slaves they control.
Got them by the short hairs.
Got you by the balls!
Quote George Carlin.
They said they're going to make them stay in Texas and Arizona.
Oh, they'll go blue real quick.
And of course, Durbin announced last week, oh, they're going to accelerate putting them in the military.
It's already been going on.
And make them our police.
Folks, have you figured this out yet?
Bring in a majority brown people, teach them that white people are bad.
If you don't like it, well, you get censored, you get attacked, and in Europe, you get arrested.
In fact, I saw two news articles on Owen's broadcast desk this morning as I was shooting stuff in his studio, and I saw the article where a black man that raped a whole bunch of women and pled guilty to it got 18 months in jail.
Now, it wasn't 18 months, I think it was eight weeks.
Hey, Rob New had the article because he had my stack.
He was going to Go pull all the articles up for the video I shot.
Bring me those articles in.
Rob Dues got it.
Somebody grab that.
And then it showed a white guy who got eight years in jail, I don't know how that happened, for a racist public rant.
Now, I don't want to say mean things to people, and I don't agree with what the white guy said, but eight years in jail versus a few months in jail for raping people.
That's what's going on, folks.
In Europe, it's even worse.
So it's very important, I think you all agree with me, that we tell it like it is.
The border's not abolished.
The border's not collapsed.
The border's not dissolved.
The border is an enticement zone, a magnet, a lottery ticket, a payday.
The border is now a weapon system run by the federal government and the Pentagon to invade and destroy America.
The border is now a weapons system to cannon, to supercharge, to amplify, to put pressure, to accelerate the end of this country.
And that's it, replacement migration.
It's now a UN globalist weapons system to destroy the country.
But what's the term we use?
It's a cannon firing illegal aliens into the country.
It's a magnet sucking them up here.
It's the opposite of a border.
It'd be like, instead of having screen doors in Florida or Texas, so you can open the windows during the summer, but mosquitoes can't get in.
It's like taking the windows off, and taking the screens off, and then breeding giant ponds of mosquitoes outside your house.
I mean, what do you call that?
It's the opposite of screens.
It's creating a mosquito nest that you live in.
That you bathe in.
I mean, it's just... What's the opposite in firefighting of a firebreak?
Where a big fire's coming, so a road's a natural firebreak, or they can do controlled burns, or have bulldozers put a berm up.
Instead, it'd be like firefighters getting downwind and catching fires to make the fire worse.
Or destroying firebreaks.
And I know I'm harping on this because it's a big deal, folks.
Reality and facts are important.
So what do you define that thing?
It's not a border.
It's a wide open door through which illegal aliens are paid and enticed to invade the country with a bunch of kidnapped kids.
So I'm going to shoot a quick video for X here during the next break.
I'm going to post it.
I'm going to make this point like two minutes.
And say, what do you call it if it's not a border, if it's the opposite, if it's a funnel, if it's a cannon, if it's an accelerator?
It's a weapon system.
We got to get the right term for this, and I'm going to crowdsource the folks on X. That means you, the listeners, go to Real Alex Jones.
And we will do this coming up.
Let me play a few of these clips, then I'll come back and get into Maine, and then all the military news, and Vivek Ramaswamy and Max Keiser and more today.
Let's go ahead and play That clip I mentioned, this is just video of the concierge services loading the big bags up for the illegal aliens as their butlers.
Go ahead and roll that video.
That guy right there, he carries all the people's bags across so when they get here, they don't have to carry their bags.
That's his job.
And we've got officially, I've got articles where they pay for it, it's all run.
And now the feds are giving cities money to then run it.
And the mayor of New York now runs the buses with an executive order in doing it.
While he claims he doesn't like it.
That's how you fool your constituents there.
While they give them driver's licenses, let them vote, welfare, everything.
Way more welfare than a disabled veteran, by the way, I would add that.
Here's Mayorkas recently saying the border's not broken.
And then I'm going to loop Biden telling the illegal aliens to surge the border.
I want to be very clear.
Our borders are not open.
I want to be very clear.
Our borders are not open.
What I would do as president is several more things because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
I would change the order that the president just changed saying Women who were being beaten and abused could no longer claim that as the reason for asylum.
He claims it's beating and abuse.
They don't look at anything.
They don't DNA test.
They don't check who's with the children.
They just bring them in.
Total crap.
All BS.
As usual.
We're gonna go to break here in a moment.
I'm gonna come in a few minutes.
I'm gonna come back.
And I'm gonna shift gears into the globalist biting off more than they can chew.
With this situation.
Taking Trump off the ballot unilaterally in Maine.
Not even a jury, not even a judge, not even a Supreme Court.
We're gonna go to break.
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it's a very detailed decision we lay out why under main law the Secretary of
State has the authority indeed the obligation I'm duty bound to make this
We also I rather.
laid out that the record demonstrates that, in fact, the events of January 6, 2021, which were unprecedented and tragic, were an insurrection in the meaning of Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.
And finally, in reviewing the facts presented, the evidence, the law, the history, we determined under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment that Mr. Trump engaged in insurrection and therefore was disqualified.
Now, I have to say, not only is this an incredibly important decision, but it's a very brave decision.
The Trump campaign has already come out attacking you.
They have said that you are a virulent leftist and a hyper-partisan Biden-supporting Democrat.
First and foremost, it's important to know, my oath to the Constitution, my obligations to the Constitution and rule of law, come before any other consideration.
No other factors could weigh on that decision and did not.
I'm duty bound to both hold a hearing and make a ruling.
And under the law, there's a very compressed timeline in evaluating this.
I came to the conclusion that I could not, unfortunately or fortunately, wait for the United States Supreme Court to make a decision The main law required me to issue that decision, which I did today.
I smiled because we were number one in voter turnout per capita in 2022.
We are really proud of that.
And we have a really strong framework of election laws that encourage citizen participation.
We have same-day voter registration.
We have no... Back it up where she says, I smile because we have the best voter turnout.
We're so proud of our democracy.
We're so proud of everyone voting.
That's why we won't let you vote for who you want.
They know exactly what they're doing.
This woman is a criminal witch.
It's all going to be overturned by the Supreme Court.
But if they had control of the Supreme Court, they would forever, like Venezuela or some other banana republic, tell you who you can vote for.
This isn't election meddling.
This is election theft out in the open.
Everything we've been saying they've been doing.
And we have the evidence.
And they're trying to make it illegal to question these things.
They're saying it's extremism.
And the main threat, yeah, to their oligarchy, their totalitarian Globalist, blue blood, Ivy League, New World Order, America hating, Chi-Com supporting, World War III pushing.
Finish up with the witch.
To make a decision, the Maine law required me to issue that decision, which I did today.
I smiled because we were number one in voter turnout per capita in 2022.
We are really proud of that.
And we have a really strong framework of election laws that encourage citizen participation.
We have same day voter registration.
We have no excuse absentee voting up to 30 days prior to election day.
We make it really easy to register to vote, to cast your ballot and know your ballot will be counted.
And we're really proud of our national leadership in voter participation and citizen engagement.
In elections and in the democratic process.
Oh, we're so proud of the democratic process.
Oh, we're the best at voting.
Oh, we really care about you voting.
That's why we tell you who you can vote for.
Yeah, I'm a nice lady.
Every Travis County judge is now a woman.
Not against it being women, but they got rid of all the old judges and put in all these Antifa people.
And it's everywhere because you epigenetically see a woman as less of a threat.
If Hitler would have been a woman, It would have been, oh, it's okay, it's a woman.
Jeffrey Dahmer was a woman.
It'd be like, oh, it's all right, it's a woman.
And they've done this psychologically.
These are just puppets.
Look at this turtle.
It's like a female Mitch McConnell.
I mean, look at that mole.
Beavering into our republic, undermining it.
Totally illegal, no judge, no jury.
Trump's never been indicted for insurrection, never been convicted.
Under the Constitution, the President, Vice President, and Congress are exempt.
It was a Civil War law for the Southern states, after the Civil War.
That you could, a five-year-old can read that.
And even mainline, I've seen it all over CNN clubs, I've seen it all over even MSNBC, ABC.
We're all like, this is unprecedented, this is crazy.
And it only makes Trump more popular, you monsters.
The problem is, we can't start celebrating yet, like the wolf says in Pulp Fiction.
Well, he says something a little different.
We can't start, you know what, yet.
Because we're...
Still, living under these people who will do anything.
They've shown that.
They're mad dogs, drunk with power, megalomaniacs.
History repeating itself.
Here is, that's one of the clips I talked about.
Even CNN's senior legal analyst is saying this is crazy.
Here it is.
is were the processes, were these hearings fair?
Did they comport with due process?
And I think there's a question there with regard to what Maine did.
Because if you look at the hearing, and she details this in the ruling,
they heard from one fact witness, a law professor.
She based her ruling on a lot of documents, but also YouTube clips, news reports,
things that would never pass the bar in normal court.
She's not a lawyer, by the way.
It's a smartly written decision, clearly consulted with lawyers, but this is an unelected, she's chosen by the state legislature.
She's elected by the state legislature.
Chosen elected by the legislature, but not democratically elected.
Not enough, that's just the way it's set up in Maine.
And this hearing, look, it doesn't have to be a criminal trial.
We don't have to have all the protections.
But I think the argument you'll hear from opponents is one, not up to the states to do this.
This is why we have all different decisions from all different states.
And two, the procedures were not up to snuff.
So a judge in New York is deciding whether Trump is guilty or not of real estate fraud.
And he's judge, jury, and executioner, and judges found me guilty and then told juries how guilty I was.
So you're guilty until proven how guilty.
Supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent.
Now they go further.
You are guilty and we'll decide how guilty.
That's the only question.
And now, oh, it's a hearing with a woman that's not even a lawyer, but so what if it's a lawyer?
Oh, so the lawyer now gets to decide.
And they had one witness with some YouTube videos.
Remember what shut down the whole Impeachment deal with Trump, and they were trying to bring in January 6th, and then one lawyer got up for Trump and did a compilation video that we behind the scenes helped put together, advised on, said, get a compilation video ready, and showed five minutes of Democrats calling for insurrection, burning things down, and bailing out criminals that shot people, the vice president when she was a candidate, Kamala Harris, and it just shut it down right there.
They were like, okay, we're dropping this.
And the January 6th kangaroo committee that the Democrats placed, With Liz Cheney and a few rubber stamps.
Violated the law.
They've destroyed their tapes and transcripts.
Because it shows they ran the January 6th operation.
They're a group of naked criminals.
Here's Tulsi Gabbard talking about it.
Great to see you.
First your reaction to this move by the Secretary of State in Maine.
They want Trump off the ballot.
I think it's really important, Pete, for every single American who's seeing this news alert popping up to recognize how dangerous this is.
You have a Secretary of State who is a known partisan, who is known to be against Trump.
She supported the impeachment of Trump.
Single-handedly making this decision to say the former president cannot be on the ballot.
Taking away our right as voters in this country to decide who we want to serve as our next president and commander-in-chief.
You take away the party labels, you take away the names of Trump versus Biden.
Recognize how dangerous this is.
Where if this is allowed to stand, one person, one person gets to take away the voices and the rights of every single American to engage in our democratic process.
That is literally what is at stake here.
So whether people like Trump or don't like Trump or like Biden, don't like Biden, that's not the point here.
If you're a Democrat or Republican, now is the time that we as Americans must stand up for our democratic process in this country.
And our right and our voices to decide our future.
They're stealing the election in front of you.
They're trying to.
While indicting Trump for saying they stole the last one, there's massive evidence.
What's the bottom line?
George Soros has spent over 8 billion dollars on record, just his foundation, putting in district attorneys, county attorneys by the thousands, over 20 of the attorney generals.
This lady, The idiot Attorney General in Colorado.
The Secretary of State.
They're putting them in everywhere.
This is their takeover.
This is their operation.
This is their permanent coup.
Oh, we'll have elections, but we'll be like Venezuela.
That's why this election in 10 months is the most important in history.
We'll be back with hour number two straight ahead.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and has almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air, a signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively, or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon, it was like number 25 yesterday, we can do it together.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones, where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk to do the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech, the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at The Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
Please follow us there at The Real Alex Jones.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the real VPN.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com!
Do not!
You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence, or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
We want to warn you now, this next story is disturbing.
Namely, in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
It's easier to kill than to control.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Pure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda.
To live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war.
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
If you want to stay rich and powerful, you'll have to do their dirty work.
They have their hands in everything.
A lot of these players simply love the spotlight.
Most of the celebrities, politicians, CEOs love the fame and fortune.
But the ones at the top of these groups are completely evil.
Many become unwillingly controlled by signing on into the club without knowing what they are actually involved with behind the scenes.
Most of humanity is asleep and distracted by meaninglessness.
The elite are warning us of a cyber attack, also known as a digital 9-11 event.
The economy would collapse if we suffered an internet shutdown.
The modern power grid relies on the internet to coordinate power plants.
Without it, each country's national grid will become unbalanced, and local outages escalate into a blackout for most of the world.
A society slipping into chaos will allow the elite to reset and rebuild a world for themselves.
There will be events leading up to a total collapse.
Domestic terror attacks, biological attacks, world wars.
With each event, more and more control is gained.
Time is running out.
If society suffers from any of these trigger events, there might be no turning back.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
This is happening right now.
We need to reject the global agenda and know who the world rulers really are and what they are up to.
The fight for humanity is happening.
We're now into hour number two, one of the final live transmissions from InfoWars of 2023 as we plunge into 2024 and beyond.
All right, I just spent the last hour on the fact that the border has been completely dissolved and it's now a UN globalist invasion.
A war zone where America is fighting for its life against the UN and the State Department globalist traitors that are openly trying to dissolve our sovereignty.
The UN is also moving in with the treaties over our health care.
They're coming in with a global treaty on a new world digital currency, cashless society, social credit score, universal basic income, salary austerity, hellhole.
They're shutting down farming from Sri Lanka to the Netherlands.
Fertilizers cut 30%, mass death is now estimated in the hundreds of millions in the next few years.
I mean, this is real what I'm saying!
That Jane Goodall's W.E.F.
saying we got to get things down to 500 million, that's 7.5 billion people they want to kill!
And I know people tuned in to me decades ago that this sounds crazy because we weren't there yet.
Now it doesn't sound crazy because you're going to get to see it happen and unfold now.
You're not about to be thrown in the quicksand.
You're in it.
I'm in it.
Then, of course, also got into the tyranny, finally waking up people.
I only played some of the clips.
A lot of clips I didn't even give the crew to put on the list here.
Of CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, Fox News, Tulsi Gabbards, CNN legal analysts saying, you can't have a Secretary of State have a hearing with one witness with some YouTube clips.
Trump's never been indicted.
He's never been found guilty of insurrection.
He's never been indicted for insurrection, but indicted for other stuff.
And he's totally innocent.
And then have a Supreme Court say he's off the ballot.
Or have a Secretary of State, he's not even a lawyer, just say, I watched some YouTube videos.
But oh, you can still vote, we're still free here in Maine.
What an incredible clip we just played last hour at the end of the hour.
I mean, this is amazing.
This is over the top.
I want to play a clip of Vivek Ramaswamy talking about this, then he joins us at the bottom of the hour.
Max Keiser joins us in the third hour with huge economic news.
Bukele News out of El Salvador.
It's all coming up, but I got something really crazy I'm going to hit after this Vivek Ramaswamy clip dealing with the next phase of mind control, the next phase of the globalist operation.
All right, here it is.
Vivek, the secretaries of states, in 2020, secretaries of states,
one individual would come in and wipe away the laws of the legislature and say,
"Because of COVID, I'm changing mail-in balloting."
One person changing election rules.
That was 2020.
2024, one person saying, "I am disenfranchising Trump voters."
Your thoughts.
Well, look, Kayleigh, I think you phrased it well, but i would say that this is not an action of one person
This is the action of an entire system that has an anaphylactic reaction to one man.
And I think they're dropping the breadcrumbs, they're making it clearer by the day.
I'm concerned that they will not allow this man to get anywhere near the start line of the election, let alone the finish line.
And I say this as somebody who's running in the same race as Donald Trump.
This is not how we should want to win.
So I stand by the pledge I made earlier on the back of the Colorado decision, and I reiterate it today, that I will voluntarily, as a Republican candidate, remove myself from any GOP primary ballot where one of my competitors, Donald Trump included, is forcibly removed through this unconstitutional maneuver.
And I think one thing that the other Republican candidates can do, Kayleigh, is to fight against this.
To say that Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley and Chris Christie do the same thing, that if Maine is going to do this, we then take Maine out of the GOP primary process.
That's the logical way to handle this, and so I made that announcement tonight.
I challenge every one of my other competitors in the GOP primary to do the same thing.
To say that we will not stand by idly and watch this brazen form of election interference in the GOP primary itself.
And I think that that's not a left-wing or a right-wing issue, it shouldn't be.
This is about the Constitution and who we are as Americans.
And that's why I've taken the position I have.
We're not going to skip this break coming up, guys, because we're going to skip the one when Vivek Ramaswamy is with us.
We're not going to be doing that, just so you know.
This next subject is really huge, and I had a TSA article here in my stack where they're announcing they're going to face scan and then start brain scanning with, quote, behavioral control systems, and I needed that when I covered this.
You guys had it in my stack today.
Do me a favor and Reprint that for me.
This is so big that I'm not going to hit it this segment.
I'm going to hit it next segment.
This is this is massive and this is not the only time I'm going to talk about this.
Obviously, I'm going to be doing a lot of special reports and more on this.
Because, well, there's a whole history, there's a whole background to this, and we need to go through the different facets of it and how they're going to be rolling that out.
But regardless, I think the headline was, I got so many articles, it got mixed in somewhere.
Headline today, I think it was like USA Today or it was Reuters, I had a couple of them.
TSA installing high-tech human-less systems, and they talk about behavioral systems.
They don't just look at your biometric walk or anything in your face, but they claim pick up brainwaves and heartbeats to tell if you're a, quote, terrorist while the borders wide open.
And again, the airport is the testing ground for all the police state measures that are being rolled out around the world.
And the robot, yeah, that's one of them.
Print that for me.
That's why you have these kiosks where you don't talk to a human and now some airports have where robots make the food.
They want this human-less.
They want you locked in your house.
They want you in a coffin apartment where you have to work, quote, online so many hours a day in the casino gulag that you never even go outside.
This is forcing us into the matrix.
But that's not even where I'm going with this.
That's just a little caveat.
So I'll have that when we come back.
They're printing me that article.
I guess InfoWars covered it.
I hadn't seen InfoWars cover it.
I saw the mainstream articles about it.
How great it is and how wonderful it is.
I remember 15, 20 years ago, I was like, oh, they're going to use drones for war and remove humans from the process.
That was in Pentagon documents.
They were already doing it.
And people are like, USA Today and AP.
Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
That'll never happen.
And then now it's just everywhere.
Now they're phasing out humans.
So they don't want you discussing and knowing what the plan is.
They say, oh, nobody will have private cars by 2035.
Well, because They're gonna lock you down in your house and the few cars that are there will be a car you call that's driverless.
Which again, makes us all cut off from reality.
It's not just that you can't skin a buck or run a trot line.
You don't know how to do anything.
And you get around some of the millennials and other people, all they're on is screens.
You go to a restaurant, the adults are talking, but the little kids, the teenagers are all got headphones on in their screens.
Why even have children then?
And I get it, you're on a long road trip, let them watch a movie sometimes or let them play a game.
But maybe 10% of the time, the average child now is like on screen six, seven hours a day.
And I get escape.
I mean, I'll go watch old movies because there's not as much propaganda in them.
And I love silly, sweet, goofy movies like Muppet Christmas.
I've talked about that or whatever.
When I was younger, I liked action, adventure, and scary stuff.
But now I've seen enough real scary stuff.
I want escapism.
But the globalists want you to escape into the matrix, into the meta, into the control grid.
And they've now officially announced the control grid and mind reading.
And it's already being rolled out in the airports.
It's already being set up.
It's already being done.
So I'm kind of preluding this now, but I'm going to get locked and loaded.
I'm going to get laser focused.
But first, one more thing.
If you go to RealAlexJones on X, I shot a video earlier.
I want your response, InfoWarriors.
What should we call the border?
It's no longer there.
It's now an acceleration battleground weapon system to suck illegal aliens from around the world by the billions, is the plan, and inject them into Europe and the United States and other Western countries, and then we're captured by the globalists because they'll control them.
What do we do about this?
Let's put that real Alex Jones tweet on the screen.
There it is.
no longer has a southern border.
The U.S.
It is a federally funded UN invasion zone.
What would you call the broken border?
A funnel?
An illegal immigrant cannon?
A magnet to suck billions from the third world and sink our republic?
What the border really is is a war zone where America is fighting for its very existence.
And the government is orchestrating it and running our destruction.
They're slitting our throats.
Stay with us at bullwars.com.
We'll be right back.
Alright, so the end game goal is to turn humans into factory farm creatures and those are the humans that are allowed to survive.
Officially at the WEF and UN want to cut our numbers to 500 million.
That's a cut of seven and a half billion people in current population numbers.
And if you go back to this London Independent article from years ago, Mark Zuckerberg says Facebook of the future will be powered by telepathic thoughts.
That's 2016.
And if you go back to the founding documents in 1998 of Google with the CIA and In-Q-Tel, they publicly said the plan was to get billions of people hooked into it and make it a cyborg interface with an AI computer neural network.
That was going to be the original plot of the Matrix.
We weren't batteries, but we were a neural network of the machine.
Now, the World Economic Forum recently came out.
Here's an article on it.
WEF promotes brain transparency that allows bosses to monitor employees' brainwaves.
And then they announce that it's already being done in tests around the world in government buildings.
Now, it doesn't really read your thoughts, but it allows them to get into your space and make them believe they have a right to your thoughts.
Not just to spy on your phone or listen to your phone calls or read your emails illegally, but now, just like they can lie and say a lie detector works and they're very easy to beat, but they can use that to sell a jury that you're really guilty when you're not.
Or innocent when you're not.
This is another level of quackery.
The good news is they put 24 billion into meta.
The metaverse became a hellscape.
Nobody used it.
They want to force us out of the real world into this false system.
And the screen time won't be 5, 6, 7 hours a day.
It'll be 24 hours a day.
So think about how dystopic these statements are, where you get bonuses on your social credit score if you allow your brainwaves to be monitored, and if you're a good boy.
And then, all the new appliances have these systems.
Your iPhone can monitor your heart rate, even when you're not even plugged into it.
And then the police come to your house at 2 a.m.
because they say your heart rate's up.
This is beyond a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
This is 1984 to the 10th power.
This is Brave New World on steroids.
So here's a clip of Nita Farahany at the World Economic Forum and here's the articles about her.
This is just recently and it got no news coverage of this new Promo video that the WEF financed and put out.
They put other videos.
You'll drink sewage.
You'll eat bugs.
You'll own nothing and be happy.
You won't live in cities.
You'll live in communes.
Those are all official statements.
We're gonna ban beef.
They're doing it now in many countries.
Germany just announced, get ready, you're not gonna have power most of the time.
See, it wasn't build windmills to get rid of the coal.
It's you don't get power now.
The dark ages.
So now they don't just want to own your body and put deadly shots in you.
Now they want to own your thoughts and then claim to interpret what those thoughts are.
Here it is.
Sensing your joy, your playlist shifts to your favorite song.
Sending chills up your spine as the music begins to play.
You glance at the program running in the background on your computer screen and notice a now familiar sight that appears whenever you're overloaded with pleasure, your state of brainwave activity decreasing in the temporal regions of your brain.
You mentally move the cursor to the left and scroll through your brain data over the past few hours.
You can see your stress levels rising as the deadline to finish your memo approached, causing a peak in your beta brainwave activity right before an alert popped up telling you to take a brain break.
Your mind starts to wander to the new colleague on your team whom you know you shouldn't be daydreaming about given the policy against intra-office romance.
But you can't help fantasizing just a little.
But then you start to worry that your boss will notice your amorous feelings when she checks your brain activity and shift your attention back to the present.
You breathe a sigh of relief when the email she sends you later that day congratulates you on your brain metrics from the past quarter, which have earned you another performance bonus.
When you arrive at work the next day, a somber cloud has fallen over the office.
Along with emails, text messages, and GPS location data, the government has subpoenaed employees' brainwave data from the past year.
They have compelling evidence that one of your co-workers has committed massive wire fraud.
Now, they're looking for his co-conspirators.
You discover they are looking for synchronized brain activity between your co-worker and the people he has been working with.
While you know you're innocent of any crime, you've been secretly working with him on a new startup venture.
Shaking, you remove your earbuds.
What do you think?
Is it a future you're ready for?
You may be surprised to learn that it's a future that has already arrived.
Everything in that video that you just saw is based on technology that is already here today.
Artificial intelligence has enabled advances in decoding brain activity in ways that we never before thought possible.
After all, what you think, what you feel, It's all just data.
Data that in large patterns can be decoded using artificial intelligence.
We're not talking about implanted devices of the future.
I'm talking about wearable devices that are like Fitbits for your brain.
The newest way to monitor attention is through a device like this one.
These are earpods that are launching later this year.
These earpods, much like the video you watched earlier, are earpods that can pick up brainwave activity and tell whether or not a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering.
Okay, well you might think, fine, but even if we can tell whether a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering, you can't tell what they're paying attention to.
You would be wrong.
Turns out that you can not only tell whether a person is paying attention or their mind is wandering, but you can discriminate between the kinds of things that they're paying attention to.
Whether they're doing something like central tasks like programming, peripheral tasks like writing documentation, or unrelated tasks like surfing social media or online browsing.
When you combine brainwave activity together with other forms of software and surveillance technology, the power becomes quite precise.
So what do we do with this?
What do we do with technology that enables us to monitor brainwave activity for attention?
Do we embrace it?
Do we resist it?
I believe that there is a pathway forward with such technology.
We might soon even use the technology to help people wake back up.
This is a haptic scarf that MIT Media Lab has developed, which uses brainwave technology in a responsive way to give a person a little buzz.
When their mind starts to wander to help them refocus and hone their attention.
I'm giving you the positive use cases because what I don't want the reaction to be is let's ban them.
Klaus Schwab said five years ago on Fringe TV they're gonna first have wearables then chips in the brain by law.
Once you pay check, you do this.
Notice they say out of the gates, it's going to control you and make things better, it's going to direct you, it's going to mind control you, it's going to surveil you, and it's going to put you in jail.
It's going to set you up.
Yes, we have bioweapons, we don't release them, even though Fauci did, because we know that's something that will destroy civilization.
We have nuclear weapons, we don't use them.
Yes, it needs to be banned, ladies and gentlemen.
For full deployment in the workforce.
If you have a medical issue, a problem, you want to have something like this, yes, it can be used for good.
But the evil people are deploying it.
Remember, just 15 years ago, you watched TV, you listened to the radio.
It was broadcast.
Now it's streamed into you, it watches you.
You don't watch it.
It's watching you.
Well, this is a system that doesn't just watch you.
It's a system that controls you and tells you what to do and that the upper new elite technocracy, technocrat class, rules over you with.
This is suicide to go along with this.
We all have to become aware of it and reject it.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is InfoWars.
Vivek Ramaswamy.
Trade Ahead!
Well, if you go back to the 2020 election, one federal bureaucrat came out outside of law and said we're going to have mail-in ballots now.
We know that's how they did a lot of the theft.
But mainly it was done with cognitive censorship and AI and the government blocking people seeing stories that would have exposed Joe Biden as a fraud.
We saw it in 2022.
The Hunter Biden laptop is just one of the well-known examples.
And now you've got Colorado, where the Supreme Court comes out in a partisan vote.
Democrats unanimously say 4-3.
He can't be on the ballot, never convicted of insurrection, not charged with insurrection.
In the Constitution, you can't even do that to the President.
Anybody can read that, but they don't care.
Now, this political partisan, Shinna Bellows, comes out That has a couple hour hearing with one witness, who's anti-Trump, who puts YouTube videos into evidence and says he is guilty of insurrection.
The Secretary of State's not even a lawyer, but Vivek Ramaswamy's a lawyer.
He would say he didn't have the right, if he was Secretary of State, to take Trump off the ballot.
And he's saying he will be off the ballot in any state that does have Trump off the ballot.
Now we just saw in Colorado, they've put him back on the ballot for now to see what happens on the appeals, but this shouldn't even be allowed.
Even CNN legal analysts are saying this is crazy and wrong and not due process, what we just saw in Maine.
So Vivek's here to talk about that and several other big issues.
He's barreling down the road in his, uh, tour bus barnstorming the country, doing a great job.
I mean, really not even second to Trump.
Trump's the leader, but I call Vivek the spare tire.
And Trump's been, you know, really under attack.
I agree with Vivek.
They don't intend to let him be the president.
They keep doubling down.
So even though this is all illegal and makes Trump more popular, they're not stopping.
You follow the trajectory, it just escalates into hell itself.
So Vivek Ramaswamy, thank you so much for joining us.
And let's plunge into this attempt to steal the election right in front of us.
And where do you see this going?
Alex, I'm sorry to say that, to speak the truth, sometimes it hurts.
But I think it is clear that this system has decided by hell or high water, they're not going to let this man get anywhere near the White House.
It is sad.
I'm the only Republican who's actually standing up against this.
I've said I would voluntarily remove my name from any ballot where Trump is wrongfully removed from Colorado to Maine.
The other Republicans know how they're actually very silent on that.
But I think there's a deep and devious game hiding in plain sight.
And I don't want us to be fooled.
They're selling us the rope today that they're going to use to hang us tomorrow.
And we can't afford to fall for their trap this time around.
And so you want to know what they did last time?
Got a man-made pandemic.
You had a tech-rigged and stolen election.
This time around, I think they're planning for whatever it takes.
And I mean, whatever it takes to keep this man away from the White House.
And so for many people saying, oh, you know, what's my plan in this race?
And I'm America first.
And so I'm in this race, but Donald Trump is.
Open your eyes, people.
Don't fall for their trick.
We need to make sure that our movement goes forward no matter what.
We can't be the generation that squanders what George Washington gave us.
And so, we respect and love the man because he got this fight started, but it is our job to finish it.
And we cannot fall into the trap that they're laying for us.
That's my number one takeaway as we head into the end of this year.
And I worry, Alex, there's just going to be a preview of far worse to come in the next six months, unless we open our eyes to this.
You've been making that point and saying, if they'll basically stage January 6th, they'll do anything.
And we follow the threat escalation and the trajectory, they just always double down.
So you're a really smart guy.
You've made a lot of predictions that have come true.
I respect your analysis.
What are you thinking they're going to pull next if we get in the bad guy's brain?
Look, I mean, sometimes it's too hard to occupy.
The other side, say what you will, they're always one step ahead.
And I think the permanent state in this country, The fundamental thing you've got to know, Alex, is they're not actually even partisan.
It's not a Republican versus Democrat thing to them.
To them, it's deeper than that.
It's about keeping the continual war machine turning, the military-industrial complex getting its take, and getting their interests taken care of.
Supplicated people turn the nation into a nation of sheep.
And so if they can use a Republican to do it, they'll be just as happy to use a Republican to do that as they would a Democrat.
And so that's why sometimes when we fall into this trap of saying that, oh, this is about defeating Biden, you're missing the point.
Biden is a puppet.
I think they've lost their use for Biden.
It looks like they're beginning to sideline him too.
I think what they're planning is for something far more devious than that.
So I'm not going to be, you're right, I've predicted some things that have come true, but I'm not going to be in a position to tell you exactly what move they're going to pull next.
All it is, is logically follow the facts.
They're not going to let this election play out to let Trump get anywhere near the finish line.
I think they're not going to let Biden get anywhere near the finish line.
I think they've lost their use for him too.
And I think 2024, unfortunately, is going to be, I think, set up to be an unprecedented year.
And it's what gives me my purpose in this.
We got to stay in this to the very end, because this is about our country.
Our movement is bigger than one man.
It's bigger than you.
It's bigger than Trump.
It's bigger than me.
It belongs to the people of this country.
And I think if we don't get this right now, I think we may not have a country left in another 10 years.
And so that's what we have to open our eyes to see and make sure that we don't get fooled and falling and walking into the trap that they've laid.
Vivek, I totally agree with you.
And people say, oh, Vivek's so smart, he's so well-spoken, but he just kind of just appeared on the scene.
How do we know he's good?
You wouldn't be doing the things you're doing all over the place if you were one of their operatives.
You're devastating them, second only to Trump.
And Elon Musk, of course, even overshadows really you and Trump at a certain level in what he's doing.
And they're coming after him criminally.
The EU is coming after him.
This is irrevocable damage you're doing to them.
So you've got a lot of courage and deserve our support and prayers as well.
But there's something about Trump that particularly triggers them.
I want to get your view on that.
But also you.
They have been mad dog after you for now two months everywhere.
Both the Republican establishment and the Democrats.
That's how I know you're doubly good.
And for anybody out there, because they have their talking points where they attack you from the establishment and fake grassroots saying, oh no, you can't trust this guy.
What do you mean?
Judge a tree by its fruits, as Christ said.
But what is it about Trump that triggers them?
What is it about you that triggers them?
And then I want to segue into even CNN, MSNBC, even ABC News is saying, this is unlawful.
This is crazy.
One woman taking him off with a two hour hearing with one witness.
He's not been convicted of anything.
This is insane.
And what does that say about their mindset that they don't care that it's so insane?
She was obviously given orders to do this.
We know Soros and Obama are quarterbacking that, so that's a lot.
What do they fear about you and Trump?
I know the general audience gets it, but it's important to talk about what the enemy fears because then you know their weak spots.
It seems that all these indictments we know have blown Trump up.
There are attacks on you.
People recognize that's blown you up more with the people.
So what are they thinking?
What's the calculus here?
Because you know that they think they're one step ahead, but it seems like they're blowing their feet off.
Well, I think that, I think there's two things I would say here, Alex.
The third rails are, one is the federal bureaucracy and the deep state.
Touch that, they're fine with the woke stuff.
You want to talk about debate transgenderism or racial issues, that's not really the third rail.
And I'm dead set against all those agendas.
But the third rail is if you're coming for the bureaucracy or you're coming for their pro-war foreign policy.
That's the real third rail.
So that's what really ticked him off with Trump, when he said, we're not going to fight those future Iraq wars, or he actually even threatened to remove our troops from Syria.
Wait, that's the third rail.
That's what the military-industrial complex cannot tolerate.
If you're actually going to come for that bureaucracy, now you're hitting those third rails.
And that's what I'm saying gets to the heart of that.
Yes, I'm anti-woke, but in some sense, the woke debate is a little bit of a distraction because they're fine with that.
But as long as you actually don't come for the permanent state, as long as you leave their foreign policy globalist goals intact, then they're fine with you.
But if you're hitting those third rails, then all bets are off.
And I want to say something about your point about CNN and MSNBC, Alex.
So I think what's going on here is a layer deeper than this.
These unconstitutional attempts to remove Trump right now off the main ballot, for example, one person literally just making up a myth and saying that Trump can't be on the ballot.
That is so flagrant that in some ways I worry that this is just a feigned retreat, actually.
Because then you get the left building up its own credibility to say, oh wait, maybe that isn't the right way to do this, paving the way for whatever it is that they actually do have planned for 2024.
So I think that they are actually in some ways very clever in the way they play this game.
They're rebuilding the credibility of some of the media to say, oh, well, Colorado, that was in a court.
But Maine, this was just one person and a Secretary of State.
Maybe that was an overreach.
I mean, that is so obviously an overreach.
It's laughable.
No, no, I totally agree that they're doing that because they've totally lost credibility.
I totally agree.
So they're just providing air cover for their own credibility, Alex, but for what's about to pave the way for what's coming in 2024.
And so in some ways, when you're seeing MSNBC saying that, that's just buying their own credibility, the calm before the real storm, which says to me, the next step is really just yet ahead.
And what we're seeing in Colorado and Maine, that's just a bit of a deflection because it allows them to say, oh, well, maybe that was unreasonable for whatever the thing that they are going to defend as reasonable.
That's what's coming next.
But this is a system.
They have decided this man will not get anywhere near the finish line, whatever it takes.
These people are going to stop at nothing.
And I mean nothing.
That's what I believe.
And I think that we have to open our eyes to skate to where the puck is going.
The same people who created a man-made pandemic.
Same people who told you that Hunter Biden laptop story was false on the eve of that last election.
The Trump-Russia collusion hoax the election before.
This time they will stop at nothing.
And so I think this is all part of the game.
It's really just leading up into sort of the final gauntlet that they're going to throw.
And I don't know what that's going to be, but I can tell you a lot of what you're seeing right now is just the fake debate that's buying their credibility for what's actually coming ahead.
Vivek, incredible analysis.
I 100% agree with you.
But they are six, seven, eight steps ahead.
I want to bring up that point.
But we can do that as well.
We can play chess.
We can play chess as well.
Lindsey Graham came out.
Get the clip ready, guys.
It's very short.
But I watched the full clip to make sure he said it.
He went on, we should blow up Iran, attack their military, bomb their bases.
Well, Iran has shipped in all this Hezbollah.
into Europe, the US. They've said that they will give us terror attacks that'll make,
you know, what we saw in 9/11 pale in significance. He knows. Well, so he's talking one-dimensional.
We could see him from space. Let's just blow up Iran. Well, then now the whole Middle East
goes crazy. They mine and block the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez Canal, half the world's trade
grinds to a halt. They attack a bunch of stuff. And then the deep state gets more power and sets
up a police state here, but then another order of magnitude.
They program us with these movies There's a whole bunch of movies and shows like Civil War 2024 and Leaving the World Forever, produced by Obama, about cyber attacks and civil war and the southern states.
Now Democrats are calling Trump supporters confederates all over the news and civil war.
So clearly they're pre-programming.
I've seen this before.
A domestic crisis and anyone opposing them stealing the election or whatever they do or assassinating Trump as the enemy.
It looks like they're going to go full military totalitarian and I hate to say that but you say there's no limit.
I agree.
I've watched them for 29 years on air pre-programmed things before they do it.
They're now crescendo at the highest decimals.
Pre-programming Civil War coming into this year and saying it's going to happen both in fiction and non-fiction on every establishment, dinosaur media platform.
What's your analysis of that?
I mean, George Orwell analyzed this for us.
To control the mind of a society, control its language and its culture first.
And so they're paving the way.
And part of the problem, Alex, is we've become a nation of sheep.
So half the problem, people like me need to go in and fix that problem in the deep state.
That's a top-down issue.
But some of this is a bottom-up issue as well in our culture, and this is why people hearing from folks like you is important, Alex, is we've become this nation of sheep that just swallows what we're force-fed, and a nation of sheep then breeds a government of wolves.
So it's true, they will stop at nothing to accomplish their objective.
And the Lindsey Grahams of the world are just the listless vessels, to borrow a different term.
That's the Lindsey Grahams of the world, who are really the listless vessels.
Who are just pawns in this broader game.
But it's to keep that war machine humming.
It's to keep the same agenda running to ultimately bring the justification for a totalitarian state of control here.
It's the post 9-11 playbook from the Bush-Cheney era on steroids.
That's what they're planning for.
I think that's what Nikki Haley represents, frankly, in the Republican Party presidential primary field.
There's a reason why the same people who are propping up the Reid Hoffman's of the world who are trying to
Oh she's their girl!
Oh absolutely, right? And this is somebody who wants your social media profile
tied to your government issued ID who also wants to be
bombing the Middle East to actually send in more money to Ukraine. Why is it
that that establishment is now propping her up?
Why is Larry Fink I don't know if you're aware of this Alex, but
Larry Fink is actually supporting Nikki Haley at her own events
on the day before she comes out in favor of social media accounts
being tied to your government issued ID.
So it's not about Republicans versus Democrats.
I want people to really wake up to that.
And let me stop you right there, because you're so on target.
The UN with Bill Gates and Larry Fink running the project with Xi Jinping in the last five
years have codified a new global ID, the new global cashless system, the standardization
for the social credit score.
And you're right.
Fink and his companies control 88% of all the investment and resources out there.
He says he's going to control our behavior.
So they've got all their operatives suddenly pushing the Internet ID, which is the key to the social credit score digital prison.
So when you're saying this, you know of what you speak.
She is horrible.
Oh, I mean, I think she's a worse threat than many of the Democrats, but it doesn't matter.
They all need, they need is their puppets.
And so I think what they're really playing for Alex, actually, well, maybe we should, you know, I know we're running a little short on time.
We could go an hour on this one, but I want people at home to do the math.
State to where the puck is going.
Don't take it from me.
Think for yourself.
Don't take it from Alex or anybody else.
Think for yourself.
Are they really going to let this man anywhere near the White House?
And if not, who are the people who are trying to keep Donald Trump out?
Who are they trying to prop up?
And how does this actually end next year?
And to what end?
You do the math for yourself.
Think for yourself.
Don't buy what the mainstream media is feeding you.
Don't buy what you're listening to on any program.
Not this one, not any other one.
Think for yourself, people.
We can't be a nation of sheep anymore.
And if we do, then you realize we gotta be one step ahead of this.
We can't fall for their trick.
That gets to the heart of why I'm in this race, Alex.
I'm really worried about what's going to happen next year.
And I think it's going to take, you know, a lot of people will say, oh, well, if there's America first, well, Donald Trump was America first.
Why don't we just consolidate there?
Open your eyes, people.
There's something more devious going on, and it's going to take leaders who can see that to stand.
For our movement to take it forward to make sure that the puppets in both parties aren't used by, you know, the Larry Fink woke industrial complex all the way to the deep state to be able to shut down our movement.
That's what this is about.
Vivek, we've only got a few minutes left.
I know you've got to go soon.
So let me ask you this question.
Definitions are important.
It's over three years, Republicans have debated, Mayorkas, about whether the border's broken or not.
Well, it's been totally broken.
Biden said, when I win, surge the border.
So it's not even a border now, it's a springboard.
It's a UN invasion zone, but our Pentagon's facilitating it.
The Secretary of State's facilitating it.
The State Department is funding with US taxpayer money the UN refugee centers to
take them from countries of origins to Central America and then catapult
them to our border and then fire them across with all the money and the cards and
say they can join the military and they can be police and and giving a more more
welfare than even disabled veterans get. What do we call the border now when
there is no border it's just an facilitation point to inject replacement
migration in not with skilled people from around the world but mainly military-age
men and then unaccompanied children.
I mean, what is the border now?
Because it's not just not there.
It's not just been abolished or dissolved.
It is a weapons system now.
And so I put an ex-post out earlier today asking People, what do you call that?
I said I was going to ask you what you thought it is, and I saw people say UN invasion zone, Biden's army, it's a globalist beachhead.
What would you call the thing that was the border?
A frontier for invasion.
A frontier for invasion of our homeland and our nation, the United States of America.
That's what this is.
And, you know, this is supposedly a conspiracy theory if you say it.
It's actually just a basic statement of the longtime Democratic Party or the longtime establishment agenda, which is mass undermining of the existence of our nation.
A nation without borders is not a nation.
And an open border is not a border.
That's fundamentally what we have right now.
It's a mass invasion in our country.
I'll tell you this just for people to wake this up.
Let's say China were sending 3 million people onto the shores of California via the Pacific border that we have with the ocean.
We would call that an invasion.
Well, why on earth, when there's 3 million other criminals coming across our southern border, that we call it anything different?
And the worst part is, our own government, DHS, under Mayorkas, is facilitating it.
If you look back about 10 years, Biden was sitting with Mayorkas by his side, effectively asking, what's so wrong with the displacement of existing native populations, the native stock of the United States?
Mayorkas was sitting right by Joe Biden.
If you say that same thing today, they call you a conspiracy theorist.
It's not a conspiracy theory, it's just a basic statement of incentives of one movement in this country that has now accomplished its goals.
So think about if that were happening from China or Japan or any other country, doing that with three million people on the western border of this country, it should be no different when we have that happening on our own southern border as well.
It is an invasion of the United States of America and that's the battlefront in that invasion, which is why I've said we will, yes, use our own military I wouldn't say secure or seal.
I would say to defend our own southern border.
That's what the military does.
They defend this country.
Well, I will use our own military to defend this country against that invasion.
And that's what it's going to take as a president, as commander-in-chief, who's actually willing to stand for that with a spine.
And a usual milquetoast Republican isn't going to bring that to the table.
I think it's going to take somebody from the outside to get this right.
And I think that's what it's going to take.
Ultimately, actually re-create a nation, otherwise we're really at risk of losing forever.
And your Zoom just cut out when you made that last key point.
And I've got to say, I'm not gushing, but I am gushing.
You are hands down the most articulate person crystallizing this, of even me or Trump, because I couldn't come up with a term.
You're right.
It is a UN invasion frontier.
It is the invasion frontier.
It is the frontier of the New World Order capturing America.
That really is the best definition, and you just totally nailed it.
Existential battle for our very existence, coordinated by globalist traitors in our own government, with the UN.
In the third world, they collapse with lockdowns.
It's a systematic replacement migration official plan.
And this is World War III.
And if China was putting 3 million people into San Diego, we would call it an invasion.
But instead, it's the UN doing it.
And it's our own government, so it's okay.
We don't need to secure the border.
You're right.
We need to re-establish it and defend it.
Sir, in the last two minutes we have left, any other key points you'd like to add?
And with that, his Zoom went down.
We're lucky he even works while he's running down the highway at 80 miles an hour, and that Provost badass coach he's in.
So we'll see if we can reconnect so we can have a final comment, but he just nailed it right there.
Let's put his lower third up so people can find his website.
Vivek Ramaswamy.
That guy is coughing nails to the New World Order.
We don't need to reconnect.
He's gone.
You did a great job.
Tony nailed it.
Did it perfectly.
He didn't get to finish that exact point he was saying at the end, but I could hear him, so I repeated it for him.
We're going to take the full interview later.
It'll be up on Bandai Video.
But don't wait for us, folks.
Grab everything.
Put it out everywhere.
You're Paul Revere.
And I'm going to take just that last question in that and put it out immediately on X. And then, folks, let's get 10 million views, okay?
Alright, I'm risking my life to do this because I know we're going to lose everything if we don't do this.
So, Infowars.com forward slash shows where you'll find the broadcast.
They're flashing up articles.
Print me that last article you just showed.
I haven't seen that.
Yeah, Zuckerberg's mind reading machine.
I haven't seen that new one.
So, just please listen to me, ladies and gentlemen.
This is pure evil we're up against, but if we recognize it and reject it, like it's Martians landing and attacking, and just say no to everything they push, we can turn civilization around, and when we learn from this, we're going to be stronger than ever, just like Trump is.
And man, if something happens to Trump, we got Vivek, we got all these other great people.
I'll just say, even though we live in severe times, and I think we're at risk of our nation no longer existing, I still believe, Alex, we live in a moment where it can be morning in America again.
got caught off about how America hangs in the balance.
Closing comment, one minute.
Yeah, I'll just say, even though we live in severe times and I think we're at risk of our nation no longer existing,
I still believe, Alex, we live in a moment where it can be morning in America again.
It's not morning in America now, but I think this is our last chance to say that it can be.
And so if we do our part, I don't want people to lose hope.
I want people to understand that you want people like Alex, people like me, to tell you the truth when it's harsh, because we're not going to lie to you about how dire the situation is.
But I don't want people to lose hope.
I think that this is still our last chance to make sure that our best days can actually still be ahead of us.
And so I wanted to end on that, Alex, is that our founding fathers would tell us the same thing if they were alive today.
Don't lose hope.
Our best days can be ahead.
It's not going to happen automatically.
But you gotta wake up to what's staring you in the face first.
So don't fall for their trap next year.
Open your eyes, people.
Alex, you and I will be talking more in the new year about how this next year is going to unfold, and that's why I'm in this race.
Vivek, 2024.com, incredible, dead-on, 100% accuracy, and it's not just hope.
We have to beat this, and we will beat it.
We're betting on humanity.
Vivek's betting on humanity, and we know this audience of activists as well.
Vivek, God bless you, and I'll see you next year, my friend.
We're going to do it.
Thank you.
There he goes.
Max Keiser coming up.
Hour number three, Critical Intel, straight ahead.
I'm not on Team NFL.
I'm not on Team NBA.
I'm not on Team Olympics.
I'm not on Team Globalist or Wokism in the New World Order.
I'm on Team Humanity, ladies and gentlemen, that loves God and loves our families and loves humanity and knows that we're destined to do even more incredible things than we've already done together.
And so, inspired by my conversation with Elon Musk recently, I already agree with my idea to call it Team Humanity.
We've launched two limited edition t-shirts at infowarestore.com.
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Wear it, it's a great conversation starter, and you know it's supporting the InfoWar that is at the very tip of the spear in the fight for Team Humanity.
Get your limited edition Team Humanity t-shirts right now at InfoWarsTore.com and I thank you.
All right, Max Keiser's coming up with huge news and global analysis.
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I thank you all for keeping us on air.
All right.
We're going to go to break here in about 45 seconds.
We're going to come back with Max Keiser.
We're going to get into the revolution of liberty all over the place in Chile and in Argentina and in El Salvador and what's happening in Europe and just all over and how the globalists are going to strike back.
Max Keiser predicted the digital gulag casino decades before it was ever officially set up.
It's all here now.
And we're going to get him to tell us what he thinks is coming next.
The Bitcoin guru, Max Keiser, straight ahead.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
Everybody can share that link.
Keep doing it.
That's where you find the forbidden show.
We'll be right back.
On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake.
Her pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Poor thing, she cried, I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, cried the vicious snake.
She wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk, and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk.
She hurried home from work that night, and soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake.
She clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you truly would have died.
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed him and held him tight.
But instead of saying, thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite.
Take me in, O tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, O tender woman, sighed the vicious snake.
I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
Does that remind you of anything?
Be ready.
Be ready.
Because what they're allowing into our country is very, very bad.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
We are plunging like we're strapped to a Falcon Heavy SpaceX rocket into 2024.
We are plunging like we're strapped to a Falcon Heavy SpaceX rocket into 2024.
As Lenin said, and he was right about this, there are decades where nothing happens and
weeks where decades happen.
We are in the fourth turning.
Max Keiser and his intrepid wife is with us, Stacey Herbert, to break down what is happening in the world today.
We have the neocons and the Democrats wanting full war with Russia.
We have them pushing a new global digital currency.
It is all happening Right now.
You can follow Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert at OrangePillDailyDose.com and also all over the place at Orange Pill.
They're with us for the rest of the hour.
I'm going to skip both the network breaks so we get an additional eight minutes here with them.
There's so many places I want to go because Max Keiser has been coming on my show 17, 18 years.
And he talked about the casino gulag and how they're going to put you in coffin apartments and make you play government games all day to get your credits and basically make you eat bug protein.
He predicted it all, and now they're coming out with mind-reading machines, the WEF, where your boss scans your thoughts.
I mean, it is such a dystopia.
It should be easy to reject it.
Max, Stacey, great to have you on.
We've covered Bilderberg together.
I've known you guys.
I consider you guys great friends.
And, wow, where do you guys want to start here?
Because this is such a critical time.
Well, I did notice there was a very long pause after you said his intrepid, and then there was a long pause where you could have had beautiful or intelligent or charming wife, Stacey, but instead you just chose wife.
There was no other qualifier.
No, I was trying to think if I should say his boss.
That is true.
Yes, that is true.
Well, I guess we could start with a positive, which is El Salvador and the Renaissance era.
El Salvador, of course, translates to the savior.
So I think, you know, if in your conversation with Vivek, and he's talking about a crisis of humanity, I think El Salvador is the arc.
It will save humanity.
And That is because we have a policy here, President Bukele has a policy here, of economic liberty, of freedom at the heart of all his policy, and securing the blessings of liberty, like life, liberty, and property.
So, this is the place to come, Alex, if you want to, you know, rescue humanity.
Well, you've invited me down, and I'm planning on coming down very, very soon.
My wife's dad's been very, very sick and close to, like, that was, I actually paused because my wife was calling me during that.
I was like, oh, she's telling me to call her right now.
She didn't normally do that.
So that's actually why I was pausing.
It didn't have anything to do with you guys, but with the ongoing stuff with her dad.
I'm going to leave it at that.
That just happened.
He's back in the hospital, but I'm going to stop there.
What Bukele has done is simply incredible in just a few years.
Why don't you give people the numbers?
Crime from the worst in Latin America to the lowest, lower than ours in the U.S.
Massive tourism, the economy totally turns around and how that translates into what we see happening in places like Argentina as well.
Well, El Salvador was the most dangerous country on earth.
It had the highest homicide rate in as recently as 2015.
And now it's considered the safest in the Americas, certainly about equal to Canada, which is in the two to three homicides per 100,000 range.
This has happened because, like I said, you know, first, President Bukele had a policy of economic liberty, and Bitcoin falls under that policy.
Uh, under that also comes his security regime, which is, like I said, securing those blessings of liberty for everybody in the country, not just the wealthy.
And that was really important because the gangs, MS-13 and Barrio 18, they controlled Huge sways of certain parts of the city where poor people lived.
And we could probably get into that.
Of course, you know the story of MS-13 and Barrio 18.
They were created in Los Angeles and California and the prison system there and sent en masse here to El Salvador from the mid-90s under Clinton.
So they came to terrorize huge parts of the population here.
But that's all over now, right?
That's gone.
And it's been a radical, fast, revolutionary transformation that's happened for the good.
And this is why President Bukele is now on over 90% support in the country.
And in the region, he is by far the most popular leader in the world, especially in Latin America.
Everywhere you go, people know El Salvador's name now because of him.
They call it the Bukele miracle from his security regime to his economic policies.
So I think he's a transformative figure for the positive and he'll be remembered in 500 years.
And by the way, Stacey, you're not just hyping that.
It's a beautiful little country.
It's totally turned around in just a few years, like two years.
That's a microcosm.
If we got rid of the Klaus Schwabs and the Globalists and the New World Order and just removed their crime syndicate from Bauer, the whole world could turn around quick.
We have such resources.
We have such technology and ideas.
But we really have these globalists that are crisis managers, these suicide bankers, that I know Max Keiser coined that term, or suicide traitors.
I mean, they're deliberately creating crises in their own NATO documents and other documents to keep us under their control.
Well, they had a great example at Alex recently.
The leader of China, of course, visited San Francisco.
And in 48 hours, the entire city was cleaned up.
All the vagrancy was gone.
Nobody was smashing windows.
And then he left and went back to the fentanyl-addled zombies roaming the streets, stealing and looting.
So it tells you that the crisis can be fixed quickly.
And President McKinley has shown that in two years' time, three years' time, you can take the most violent country in the world and make it one of the safest in the hemisphere, the safest country in the hemisphere.
And the feeling of optimism here is palpable.
People are genuinely excited, like being liberated after victory in Europe Day.
And I make the point that As you said earlier, Alex, about the fourth turning, right?
The fourth turning is this idea that history goes through these cycles of plenty and then disaster.
And certainly we're heading into what looks like a disastrous cycle.
But not everybody is going into the fourth turning or coming out of the fourth turning at the same time.
I would say that El Salvador has been in that period of disaster now for 40 years because of a civil war and then the gang war.
And now, starting with President Bukele, they're the first to come out of it.
So, El Salvador, in a lot of ways, is the new Statue of Liberty.
You know, I say that this new Statue of Liberty is a volcano in El Salvador.
People are coming here now to experience freedom, which they no longer are experiencing in the United States.
And a large percentage of people arriving here are from Canada.
And Canada has really fallen.
And we see that in the numbers.
And also, at the border, the southern border, you had a piece with Vivek Well, the actual number of Salvadorans going north is reversing, and you see more Salvadorans leaving the United States and going to El Salvador.
You have reverse migration.
And this is really a phenomenon that has caught the attention of folks in Washington, D.C., who are like, wow, this is really something.
And then meanwhile, El Salvador gets all the brains from all over the world, and then now we're getting all of the criminals and the mentally ill people and the disabled.
I mean, what do you think the Democrats, I know you want to focus on something negative, but I don't call this a border anymore.
I call it a war zone, Vivek called it the UN invasion frontier.
I mean, it's not a broken border.
Biden said, come here if I win, and he's paying them to come here, obviously to be a new voting bloc.
Where do you see this ending?
What do you think about the prognosis for Trump and the election here?
And then I want to talk more about El Salvador and then the wars and just big picture, because I know both you guys are really smart.
Of course, President Bukele tweeted recently about President Trump and him being excluded from the Colorado ballot that the U.S.
can no longer lecture any other country about democracy because of course that is a grave threat to the republic that a candidate could be struck off like that just based on political hatred.
In terms of the reverse flow of brains, you know, to El Salvador, You know, we always say that we are targeting, you know, what Max and I do here in the Bitcoin office is we end with our new immigration reform where we're seeking the best and the brightest actively.
We're actually going out there to the world and saying with our freedom passport that we now have available.
That, you know, we're seeking out the very best and the very brightest.
And the natural filter is if you want economic liberty, right?
If you want that, we are offering that.
That's what we're offering you.
We're not offering you all those socialist benefits that, you know, some might migrate to other countries for.
We're offering you economic liberty and the chance to live in a society where You know, your rights to life, liberty and property are protected.
They are crucial to the government.
And it's a place that is a renaissance here.
You're seeing that rapid transformation that I talked about.
And you could be part of building that with our new immigration reform.
You can come here and, you know, seek that.
Well look, you've sold me.
I'm coming soon.
You guys have given me a lot of gracious invitations the last few months and now you're doing it to the world.
Since we're on that, why don't you talk about what you guys are doing as ambassadors down there.
I remember Max coming to visit me like five years ago and saying, or longer, there's a volcano and they're powering Bitcoin off of it.
hydrothermal and this is the future and and and and then I'm like okay El Salvador I respected
Max so I said okay I believe you he tried to you know give me a 10,000 bitcoin you know as we all
know like 13 14 years ago and I was too dumb to know how to set up a wallet on the laptop but
now it's really happened Max.
So I'm kind of like, okay, great.
You're right about that.
Tell us a little bit more about that.
But then with your great mind's eye, both of you as a team, Stacey, tell us what else is coming good and bad.
Other things to watch around the world.
Ukraine, Israel, the Middle East.
They're trying to push civil war as a talking point with movies and television and the news.
So clearly they're planning that.
I mean, I may have to leave the U.S.
It may just completely blow up.
Well, we call it what is happening here in El Salvador.
We're entering a Renaissance 2.0.
And of course, the Renaissance 1.0 happened in Florence, and that was at the end of the Dark Ages that heralded the end of a long Dark Ages.
Now, while there was a Dark Ages in Europe at the time, Prior to the Renaissance, there was, you know, there was still hope for humanity.
Knowledge kept spreading and building and progress kept happening because of the Arab world at that time, the current, the Mesopotamia and the Middle East, as we would call it now.
I don't, I don't know what they called it back then, but, you know, knowledge kept growing and this is what we have here.
It was called Arabia.
It was called Arabia.
Arabia, okay.
So what we have now is we believe it's a fiat Dark Ages and it was inevitable to happen.
Just based on the structure of all fiat economy, it was inevitable.
The creators of this all fiat system knew it was inevitable.
They had, you know, economic terms for it.
They saw that they were going to create so much debt and they would ultimately collapse.
That was the inevitable outcome of it.
So that is just the process that we're entering.
The hope for humanity is always that, you know, Humanity always survives.
We've survived many, many things throughout history.
And this is not one of the worst of them.
This is just one of these periods of time, a cycle of history, the fourth turning that happens.
And, you know, weak men Create bad times.
And President Bukele always says that strong men create good times, and that's what we're having here.
And it's, you know, strong men, to be a strong man, it's not just, you know, it's not just strength like that.
The strength of character is the most important.
To be a strong character, to have all those things like prudence and temperance and fortitude, to be a leader, to be able to You know, stand for your principles is a very difficult thing, especially in a fiat world that they created.
Yeah, I mean, I see the term Renaissance 2.0, of course, you would need a Renaissance man and a Renaissance man.
And this is what distinguishes President Bukele from everybody else, is that he has these values such as virtue and honesty, and he goes after the white collar corruption.
He goes after the gang corruption.
He is incredibly transparent in everything the government is doing.
And as a result, they're doing a lot of infrastructure build and when they asked him, where do you get the money?
He said, there's plenty of money if you don't steal it.
So, he understands that this economy, it's a self-feeding flywheel.
It's a virtuous circle.
That the more opportunity he gives the population, the more the growth that you'll have in the economy, which will provide more economic opportunities.
You know, as Stacey was saying, it's remarkable that countries like the United States or Great Britain have to bribe immigrants with free money and free goodies and free phones.
But here we're getting huge influx of folks by just giving them an opportunity to be their best selves.
We don't give them anything except freedom.
And we are attracting the best and the brightest.
And the people who are just interested in freebies and they just want to get on the social welfare system in Canada or the UK or the US, that's where they end up.
But we only want doers.
We only want builders in El Salvador.
We don't want leeches.
Okay, so I'm sold.
Very, very exciting.
Now let's get into the rest of the world, okay? We're not all as blessed to be
as you in El Salvador.
And I know it's, you know, boomtown doing great, super low crime. It's all over the news,
they can't even deny it. Total turnaround, just like you said, San Francisco, total turnaround.
Flip the switch on, flip it off. But now, what's going on with the election in the U.S.? What's
going on in Ukraine? You've been all over the world, lived everywhere.
You've got feelers everywhere, Stacy.
Everywhere, Max.
The Middle East.
You make stunningly accurate predictions.
I'll say almost as good as me, but I've got to be honest, as good.
You've got your expertise.
I have mine.
I've got my blind spot.
You've got yours.
But just when it comes to all sorts of technological trends, military trends, election trends, you guys are as good as it gets.
And that's just true for listeners that just tuned in.
I want people to know that.
Give me the data download on Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert.
What's going on?
Okay, we came up with a theme a couple of years ago, the three Ds, de-dollarization, de-globalization, and de-population.
And so that's what we're seeing going on.
And the area of de-globalization, so for 40, 50 years after World War II, the U.S.
banking system expanded globally, and everything was done on credit, and credit was cheap, and globalization hit a zenith.
Up until a few years ago, and there's huge benefits to that cost of things went down, cost efficiencies went up.
But once you started to see globalization kick in, principally at the moment, you have the Ukraine, Russia conflict begin.
Then all of those economies of scale fell apart and you're seeing globalization.
The bottom line there is basically inflation.
So inflation was predictable.
We're seeing the inflation.
There's no really going back from being in a inflationary period now for many years.
We're in a cyclical inflationary time, and that means higher rates and higher prices and economic contraction for the world, because the whole world is on a fiat money, hyper monetized system now for 50 years.
In the area of de-dollarization, Okay, you see every single day the news is out.
You've got Russia, China, Iran, all doing deals outside of the U.S.
The big energy producers and the biggest commodity producers, that would be in the Middle East and Russia, they're getting out of the dollar.
Up until a few years ago, all commodity trades and all oil trades settled in U.S.
This was a huge way for the United States to get an override on the global GDP.
Well, these countries have now said, you know what, forget it.
We're out of the dollar.
That means that the value of the dollar as a unit of exchange will decrease because it's being used less.
It means they're going to have to print more to overcome the deficit of not being used, which means more inflation and more downward pressure on the economy.
And we see that playing out as well.
As far as depopulation goes, you know, you see life expectancy in the U.S.
is going down.
Infant mortality rates are going up.
There's something very wrong with the health system in the U.S.
You can look at a number of different ways this is happening, but the bottom line is You've got this kind of sickly population dying earlier than has been in the past and depopulation is also kind of in the mix as well.
So I think those three things seem to be playing out pretty nicely.
We did come up with that a few years ago before we moved to El Salvador.
And since moving to El Salvador, I am out of my U.S.
bubble, right?
and European bubble.
A U.S.
And I have a bit more of an optimistic, very positive outlook on where we are at the moment.
Like de-dollarization and all that stuff, it doesn't really matter because just like weak men create the bad times.
But it's the bad times that create the strong men, right?
So that's the positive in a bad time that you're entering.
The bad times in El Salvador have been going on since 1979, right?
Since their civil war.
We've had bad times all the way up until really a year ago.
It's not even a year now that it's March 2022 that President Bukele, I guess, so it's almost two years, right?
So President Bukele started the war against the gangs.
So the bad times created a strong guy like President Bukele, a strong character.
The same could be said of money because everything we create as men, including women, that mankind
creates all around him a reflection of his inner wants and needs himself.
So money is the same thing.
So weak money creates bad times as well.
And we've had a weak money running the global system, especially since 1971.
It all was inevitable that it would fail.
Cycles are, there's an inevitability.
Stacey Herbert, stay there.
Stacey Herbert, we're gonna come right back to you and Max Keiser.
On the other side, the Bitcoin king and queen are our guests.
Stay with us.
And we are under a globalist dictatorship.
They're trying to keep us from getting a president in that will actually turn this around.
You can't overstate the dire situation.
Stacey Herbert and Max Keiser are really smart, great people.
I've known them both for, gosh, it's hard to believe.
I've known Max for about 17 years.
I've known Stacey for about 15.
We've gone and covered a lot of the same big global events and political events together.
We've been to dinner many times.
They've come and visited.
They're really smart people, and so I think it was kind of tongue-in-cheek, Stacey, but I want to go back to your point you were making when you said, oh, I'm kind of in the bubble down here in this renaissance.
But if there's a nuclear war, you won't be in the bubble.
And you've already got Venezuela starting wars and all the rest of it.
I think the world crisis we're going into and the world depression we're going into is going to be devastating all over.
I agree, though, places that have already been at rock bottom are going to shoot up even more.
And then there's all the issues that come with success.
And, you know, come out of that, that'll take decades for the successful people and El Salvador to then become decadent and their kids will vote for communists again.
Or some country will invade because they don't have a big military, and that's why the libertarian argument doesn't work.
Yeah, if you don't have any other tyrannical governments, you can have an anarchic capitalist system, but not when you've got some communist country or fascist country next door to you, and there's a necessary evil of a defense system against it.
Unless you're like, I guess, the Swiss, and everybody's got rocket launchers in their, you know, in their basement, and heavy machine guns.
So, maybe a mix between Switzerland and, you know, El Salvador or something.
Seriously, I mean, this is a confluence of crises that even the establishment, the Rand Corporation, they all admit.
Mass war, mass starvation, while the Black Rocks of the world, through the WEF, cut off the pipelines, cut off the fossil fuels, cut off the fertilizer for the plants.
They're estimating hundreds of millions are going to starve to death in the next few years from a 30% world Cutting fertilizer.
Sri Lanka and other countries in the last decade did the WEF, you know, cutting down the farms, saying that's bad for earth, trees are bad.
All these big countries like the Netherlands, second biggest food producer in the world, I thought it was the third, second, is being cut massively, saying plants and cows are bad.
I mean, we have an austerity system where inflation's there, they're trying to shrink the economy so they can buy it up, the globalists, while they do it, stagflation, the worst possible combinations, And they're such villains, and the public's kind of awake but doesn't get this is going on.
Why would the Black Rocks and others be so vicious and destroy the world where they can't even spend the money they've stolen because there's no infrastructure left?
And I think it goes back to Max on my show.
I mean, like 17, 18 years ago, the first time I interviewed him, he said, They're suicide bankers, Alex!
And you told the 9-11 story where they're at their terminals, one tower's already collapsed, but they're making $10 million a minute so they don't stop typing even though they die.
And I think that's really what it is.
So can you elaborate on that, Stacey and Max?
Well, I believe I'm going to keep on bringing the lightness here to you and Max's doom.
Okay, I believe there is lightness in the world as well as the darkness.
Okay, so the Fiat world may be entering a dark times, but El Salvador is entering a time of lightness and I think President Bukele is a leader and we haven't seen that for hundreds of years, maybe since the founding of America, right?
The sort of quality of leadership and the actual transformation of what he's brought to the country.
But it's not just El Salvador.
It's like he doesn't stand alone in a vacuum in the middle of nowhere.
His message is getting out through, like, this broadcast right now, right?
People hear of him.
They look to him.
They are inspired by him.
Other leaders, like in Argentina, like in Mexico, some of the candidates running for president.
Just like Trump spurred Bolsonaro and all this other stuff, there's going to be a chain reaction.
Yes, I'm saying that there's a chain reaction on that side.
The thing about the darkness The entropy, the collapse goes pretty fast, so you don't need to worry about them for too much longer.
You know, when Bastiat had written in the law, his pamphlet, the law, you know, when plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, okay, and that's what we've had over the last, since 1971.
Plunder had become a way of life for a group of men in a society controlling the world, right?
Over the course of time, they create a legal system for themselves that justifies it, that sanctions it, and a moral code that glorifies it.
And that's exactly what we've had.
But at the end of the day, it all collapses because that sort of system is designed to collapse because The cycle is the weak men create the bad times, and the bad times are here and then what happens with the bad times they create strong men and then the strong men rise up and fight back against the weak men, not necessarily like physical fights because obviously.
El Salvador has no interest in that, but we inspire, right?
That's what a leader does, is they inspire and persuade.
And President Bukele has inspired and persuaded many people around the world.
He's one of the most famous leaders in the world.
El Salvador had been barely known of outside of the U.S., maybe Quite a few people in the U.S.
might have heard of it, but certainly in Europe and around the world, they haven't ever thought of El Salvador until now.
Now everybody knows our name, and if everybody knows our name, then they are open to hearing the message and becoming inspired and changing their own method of leading a country.
We see, at least people with the rhetoric wise, in New Zealand, you know, anti-lockdown Vaxxer guy, conservative in there.
We see in Italy a lady saying she's anti-globalist, New World Order, and has done a lot on the surface.
We have the Netherlands, you know, electing an anti-globalist, anti-open border guy.
We see Sweden doing the same thing.
We see what's happened in Argentina.
We see them having to take Bolsonaro off the ballot so he can't win for eight years.
Another tactic that they're now doing here with Trump.
And we see Trump surging massively despite all the attacks.
So yeah, there's definitely a survival instinct kicking in to get back to what works.
So yeah, that's going on.
I just see the Black Rocks, the military industrial complex so crazy.
They already released a virus.
They're already in lockdowns.
They're already starting World War III.
And I just look at Lloyd Austin and he's nuts.
And I just ask myself, yeah, in the past when entropy happened and collapse happened, Bitcoin.
you know, just it moved on another civilization, things restarted. Now, I'm, I mean, I'm just
saying, Max, what do you think of that statement? And then how do we politically, without getting
violent, because they want that, how do we stop the crazy mental syphilis that is in the western
government's leadership? Bitcoin. Yeah, let me elaborate a little bit. So what is fueling
everything that you just described.
And we talked about it.
Fiat money for the globalists.
Right, so in 1971 the world went on an all-fiat standard for the first time in history.
It was an experiment.
No currency anywhere would be backed by gold or anything like that.
It was all fiat money.
And so the kleptocracy, the kakistocracy, the worst amongst us, became powerful.
And they print a lot of money for themselves.
And they engage in decadent wars of convenience and all kinds of social unrest.
And they create a dystopian nightmare with all that free money that they print for themselves.
And we have in 2009 the appearance of the counterbalancing force to all of that.
We have Bitcoin.
And part of the reason why El Salvador is the success that it is today is because they made Bitcoin legal tender.
And when you make Bitcoin legal tender, it also means that you're bringing with it the ethos of Bitcoin, the aesthetic beauty of Bitcoin, the liberating factors associated with Bitcoin.
Here's one simple fact about Bitcoin to tell people, put it into context.
Bitcoin allows anybody of any wealth status whatsoever, from the poorest in the world up to the richest, To secure their property for virtually no cost.
This is something that's never happened before in history.
And what we have before Bitcoin is that the people who have a lot of money tend to pray and confiscate the money from everybody else.
But everybody has no cost way to store their property in Bitcoin and it's impossible to get that property from them.
That's a game changer.
That's the first time in humanity that's ever happened.
And it changes the dynamic between the powerful and the powerless.
Because if the powerless cannot confiscate your wealth, no matter how many guns they bring, then the level, the playing field is level in a way that has never ever been before.
And we see that happening here.
We see it happening now spreading to the region and the world.
And you have the Dynamic leadership plus Bitcoin equals Renaissance 2.0.
Just like the Florin in Florence, Italy fueled the Renaissance under the Medici period.
They brought in the best artists because they had the best money.
The gold Florin was the standard money of the world.
It attracted the best talent and created the Renaissance.
Renaissance 2.0 in El Salvador is because they have Bitcoin as legal tender.
It's attracting the best and the brightest in the world.
And it's having a compounding virtuous cycle effect.
To Stacey's point, just focusing on the light, there's nothing wrong with that because the light is going to now shine everywhere in the world through social media and the collapse of the fiat money system is upon us.
You know, we have a saying on Wall Street that stocks climb the escalator and then fall down the elevator shaft, right, is the pattern of a stock price.
Well here, you know, we've been climbing a while with this post Hard money world until we've now entered the dropping down the elevator shaft moment, but none of these economies that are fiat money based are going to survive.
None of the central banks will survive and we're entering into a new historical period led.
By El Salvador, just like the United States led after World War II.
Today, in the Bitcoin era, El Salvador is the new beacon of freedom, the new land of the free, home of the brave.
It's here, not the United States.
Okay, when I come down there, which I'm going to come soon because I'm fascinated.
It's so close.
I love you guys.
When I come down there soon, I'll pick a time when you always have some time.
What are you planning to show me?
What are we going to go do?
Uh, you know, I'll tell you a story about a photographer that we know we just met recently, and he's like a war zone reporter and photojournalist.
And he said he came to us, you know, he was just here in El Salvador a few weeks ago, and he went downtown to the historic center, which has been totally revitalized.
That was the beginning of President Bukele transforming El Salvador, because when he was mayor of San Salvador, downtown San Salvador, the capital city, which is so beautiful.
But at that time, it was a no-go zone, especially at night.
Nobody would go down there.
Now it is thriving, right?
So this photographer went downtown to look to take some photos and he had all his photo equipment all over him.
That's part of the process of getting a photograph is going down, going into a crowd, And showing everybody, they clearly see you're a photographer and you're looking for a photo.
He said in most situations that he's ever been in, it's always the same.
And El Salvador was very unique, his own unique experience that he's ever witnessed.
And that is in most places, he has to search for a very long time in the crowd for one person that is willing to have their photo taken, that is willing to give their light, you know, to the photograph.
Where he said when he went downtown, All the Salvadorans wanted to tell their story, wanted to present themselves to the camera.
They wanted to be heard.
And he said he had never experienced that in all his travels around the world, in every part of the world.
Well, yeah, people are very jaded.
When I was a kid, people, because I've been a photographer most of my life, people wanted to be photographed.
Maybe I was a sweet little kid, so we'd do it, but I had cameras when I was like seven, eight, nine.
But now people are just so afraid of everybody.
That's another reason.
But shifting gears, I'm going to come to El Salvador.
All I want to know is this.
What is your advice to Trump?
How can we try to get the deep state not to go to all out nuclear war?
Israel, those zones, China.
I know you're looking at the rest of the world, guys.
Max, Stacey, give us your intel.
Look back to the founding fathers, look back to the, you know, the great leaders of history, I think, and just have resolve and fortitude.
Those are very important to stand up.
To your principles, right?
People, the population always flops to it and they always, that's what they want.
People all over the world want the same thing and they want life, liberty and property.
That's it.
That's in our founding documents.
This is what people want.
And if you can give that to them, that's all you need to do.
Leave everything else alone because let the individuals get on with their life.
Nobody wants war.
Nobody wants war.
They want to be with their families.
They want to live their life.
They want to experience life.
They want to love their life and their family.
And nobody wants to go to war.
So, you know, just pitch that to them.
Vivek, right before us on the show, he was quite, he's a great speaker.
I had a chance to meet him in Miami at the Bitcoin Conference there in April.
And he's the closest I've seen really to being the same sort of orator At the level of, say, President Bukele, that he could be that sort of good in speaking.
He just needs to get the crowds behind him now.
Trump, yeah, I think he should keep on fighting because it's really important at this point that we maintain the integrity of the Republic, that he is included on the ballot.
No matter what you think of him, he needs to run.
And Max, doesn't that show the desperateness of the deep state?
That there are all these indictments and the Secretary of State taking them off the ballot, totally outside the law.
I mean, they're really having to come out of the shadows now because they've been so exposed and now they're having to take the velvet glove off the iron fist.
I really see this as latter, latter stages for this global cabal.
Yeah, because there's no point in staying and fighting against an enemy that has really resorted to really no No, no, no moral consciousness whatsoever.
You're fighting a death cult, essentially, in the United States.
So, the point is, leave.
You can leave.
Take America with you.
America is an idea.
It's in your head.
Don't, don't, why fight that fight?
It's, it's, it's, what happened, and now I'm not going to go on a huge digression about this, but in my belief, After 9-11, the mentality of the foundations and the richest people in America was, loot as much as you can and leave.
And how did people like Nancy Pelosi and others make hundreds of millions of dollars?
Because their switch was flipped and they said, you know what?
They don't believe America is going to last 50 years.
If Joe Biden doesn't believe it, if nobody in Washington believes America is going to be around in 50 years, and they're just focused on stealing as much as they possibly can before the lights are turned out, That's a fight I'm not, I'm not interested in fighting.
I'd rather just leave and go to a place where my ideas... There are a lot of Americans that can't do that.
But I mean, I hear you.
They made the decision to just destroy the country and make as much money as possible.
And I mean, I can't believe that there aren't... I mean, look, Elon Musk seems to be fighting him.
He seems to not want to do this.
It's important that you understand this is a sign of weakness.
Not strength that they're doing.
They're weak people.
They're weak men.
Their money is weak.
And that's important for you to realize that no matter how menacing and dangerous your enemy looks, they are weak.
This is not strength.
So it's important.
No, you're right.
I mean, they are, they are, they are Sam Bateman Freed and Bernie Madoff and Ponzi to the next dimension or to the 10th power.
And that's why they're so scared and so vicious is because they know they're a complete fraud.
So why be afraid of that?
Why be afraid of that?
Just win.
Well, I'm fighting.
I mean, I'm afraid of them succeeding for the future, but I'm definitely fighting them.
El Salvador is winning.
I say that all the time.
I tweet that constantly because we are winning.
And that's, that's, that's, that's the thing that exposes that they are losing.
You have to have somebody winning so that everybody could see clearly that others are losing.
You could see even the, the many of the Democrats and left-wing naturally inclined people in the United States.
See that it is wrong.
What is happening in cities like San Francisco?
Nobody can go there and think, hey, this is awesome.
All this human defecation all over the place.
All of this plunder.
That's awesome.
I love this sort of place.
I want to live here.
I want to build my family here.
I want to build a company here.
Nobody goes there and says that, right?
Because they see that it's weakness, that it's ugly, that it's decadence and decay.
Nobody walks into the decay.
But let me rephrase kind of what I'm getting at.
So in a country of any country, it's a bargain being struck between government and those being governed.
Something around the social contract, right?
And the United States invented government buying for the people.
It was a reinvention of the social contract and it did very well for a number of years.
If people who have any experience in negotiating contracts, and I think Donald Trump would tell you the exact same thing if he were here in this room, one of the negotiating tactics one uses when negotiating a contract is to walk away.
You'd have to be able to walk away or you'll never win that contract.
You'll never win that negotiation.
What I'm saying is America and the social contract it represents is at a point where everybody should exercise their right to walk away because the government is not fulfilling their side of the bargain and there's no hope that they will.
They're acting in bad faith.
Therefore, I'm walking.
I'm doing a John Galt.
I'm doing an Ayn Rand.
I'm saying, you know what?
I'm walking.
Good luck, but I don't live here anymore.
To Max's point there... Well, that's California.
I mean, that's... Sorry, go ahead.
That's what happened to El Salvador for 30, 40 years.
40 years now, they've had mass migration out of this country.
20%, 30% of the population of Salvadorans live in America, right?
Or in Europe.
They have European citizenship, U.S.
But mostly in America, right?
They fled.
Because they were walking away from their corrupt leaders and the violence that they engendered through their corrupt policies.
Every government before President Bukele plundered the nation.
They stole everything and they left nothing behind and they abandoned the country.
So the people abandoned the country.
The leaders abandoned the country first.
I don't want to call them a leader because President Bukele is a leader.
The politicians abandoned The thieves, the kleptocratic class.
So it's renaissance economy versus conquest economy.
But now all the people who fled, all the Salvadorans, there's 3 million in America, they're coming
Because now the good times are back.
Because there is a leader who has said, basta, no more.
Like, we're not stealing.
No one steals.
Before President Bukele just had to take a leave of absence for a bit, you know, he told his cabinet, he said, don't you dare steal, right?
Because you'll end up in prison.
All right, let's stop right there.
We've got to end this.
45 second closing comment from Max Keiser and then from Stacey.
Well, thanks for having us on.
Great to see you on X. And we've always been great friends.
You've always been a big supporter of ours.
And we support the freedom movement and the Info Wars.
We've been a big part for years, Alex.
So we encourage you to come down to El Salvador and taste what apparently has been lost to all Americans.
And that is freedom.
All right.
I thought Max was going to say taste pupusas and coffee.
They have the best coffee in the world here.
But I'm going to say also go visit adoptingelsalvador.gob.sv and you'll find some information about our immigration availability to come join this Renaissance 2.0.
So we want the best and the brightest in the world to adopt El Salvador as their new home.
And this is your opportunity to do that.
Very impressive.
All right, guys.
And again, the best website to visit?
And I want to get you back soon about Argentina and more and where you see that going.
Thank you so much, you guys.
I'll see you next year.
All right.
Next hour is coming up.
The mighty Jay Dyer, right from their own documents, is coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
And hey, I say, El Salvador, more power to them, that's great.
It's going to spread everywhere.
But we're going to get the Republic back.
And this is my fight.
But, you know, if they shut everything down and there's no more media or anything, then you go to El Salvador.
But I'm going to stay here and I'm going to fight hard because a lot of people can't even get out of here.
We're going to have a nuclear war if we don't get these crazy globalists out of power.
Let's play that Lindsey Graham clip I never got to.
Listen to this maniac.
And understand, he knows you don't, or he thinks you don't know second, third, fourth order of what will happen if they did this.
They'll activate Hezbollah that's been brought into the country in Europe.
They'll shut down the Suez Canal.
All out war will break out and that's what the warmongers want because then they'll take our rights during that crisis here in us.
I've been saying for six months now, hit Iran.
They have oil fields out in the open.
They have the Revolutionary Guard headquarters you can see from space.
Blow it off the map.
We need to pray about this.
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God bless, and we're going into 2024 together.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Glad to be back.
Love hosting the Alex Jones Show.
Glad to see Max Keiser and Stacy on the third hour there because they're big promoters, as you know, of Bitcoin.
And I think that when we look at the economic situation, the economic collapse that has a lot of potential in the next few years, maybe even next year, we need to look at alternatives for the future.
Of course, I think Bitcoin also is one of those alternatives, one of the key alternatives, in fact, Max Keiser that convinced me to get into Bitcoin back in about 2017.
And it's been a good thing.
So I think that this is crucial.
People really need to understand that it is the future of money.
It's ethical money.
And the reason that matters is that I think there's a certain amount of scenarios that the global elite might try to throw at us in the next year.
Some of these are very, I think, disastrous.
We could look at a postponing of the election.
We could look at the possibility of a cyber polygon.
We could look at the possibility of an economic collapse, a war.
So we're going to run through some of these scenarios, the ones that I think are the most likely.
There might even be a couple of those.
And we want to look back at previous examples of these when we've had economic problems, when we've had pandemics.
What were the effects?
The effects were always That the establishment got more power out of these managed crises.
And another one of these is overlooked is the alien scenario.
I know that might sound a little far out, but hey, Tucker is talking about aliens and UFOs and even saying now that he thinks that there's a good chance that this is a dark spiritual force at work here when it comes to the alien scenario.
And I've been saying that for a long time, so we're going to look at Some of the writings and books that have been arguing and saying for a long time that the alien scenario might be actually something demonic.
There's a classic book by a famous Orthodox priest, Fr.
Seraphim Rose, called Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future.
Seraphim Rose notes that there's a lot of parallels between what we see in the so-called alien ET UFO phenomena and the ancient gods of the world religions.
And in that book, Fr.
And that if you have a biblical view, that translates into something demonic.
Now, I'm not saying that every manifestation of aliens and UFOs flying around is demons.
I'm not saying they're all real.
I think there's a large component of it that is actually psychological warfare, black ops.
We've talked about that before.
But the reason we're talking about this is that this is really being pushed by the establishment.
Why do they care so much suddenly about Convincing us of alien non-biologics and craft and this kind of nonsense.
Well, the reason for that, I think, is that it has a potential use for future psychological warfare operations, for future technocratic designs.
The alien mythos fits perfectly into the technocratic agenda.
And they might try to throw some alien stuff at us in the next year, or in the next couple years.
Remember the World Economic Forum's Ten Things to Expect, or Eight Things to Expect, I guess, in the year 2030?
One of those included the possibility of alien life, which would revolutionize our worldview, supposedly.
We would give up our old, archaic, fossilized worldviews of the Bible.
We would see how superstitious that was, and we would turn to something more scientific, like panspermia, that we were all seeded here by alien beings.
All of that really is to distract us from our God-given position, our God-given rights, the Ten Commandments, the moral law, to transition us into something more amenable to a technocratic global morality, which Klaus in his books calls the New Covenant.
He actually uses that terminology.
We need a new covenant, a new morality, for the world order.
Something that's no longer tied to being made in the image of God, but rather as a manifestation of nature itself.
Kind of a pantheism idea where you're just a piece, a part of nature, and therefore you can be put back in the nature.
Predator-prey relationships, you see.
So you go back to nature if you're a problem for Mama Earth.
Mammy Earth.
So we want to talk about that scenario as a possibility, as well as these other possibilities like war, like economic collapse, how that might give way to a CBDC, or they might try to push a CBDC.
We'll look at all of that when we come back on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Jay Dyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, Jason Alsis, and Jay Dyer on YouTube, and Jay Dyer on Rockfin, the great free speech-based platform, as well as Three years now of content on Band Up Video hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about the potential scenarios, the cards that the elite might throw at us in the next year, 2024.
What might those be?
Well, we know that if you look back to the integrity leaks out of the UK, do you remember that?
Some time back, a couple years ago, when the integrity leaks were saying that we must do everything we can to prevent a new Donald Trump administration.
And that was in reference to the last election.
And so that's a key indicator that they were interested in doing anything and all things possible and necessary to make sure that there wouldn't be another Donald Trump administration because that would lead to awakening worldwide to the global power structure.
That, of course, was tied to the whole story of the Russian hackers, the Moldovan hackers, and all this nonsense, all of which was fake.
But that provided the justification, supposedly, for all of the big tech platforms to collude with the intelligence agencies to shut down all dissent.
That then allowed the tech companies to exercise that shutting down power throughout the COVID nonsense and the scandemic.
So, they were intentionally prepping us and preparing us for this bogus election last time through a lot of pop culture, through a lot of fiction.
Remember all the stories that we've seen, not just in the Cold War, but in the last 20 years of evil Russian villains that sabotage and destroy America.
The Tom Clancy reboots, right?
This was about Russians working to destroy America, take down the stock market, right?
All of that turned out to be psyops.
It was all deception.
It was all a lie.
The Steele dossier, the Peagate, all that stuff was nonsense.
It collapsed right away.
It was fake.
And they kept pushing it, even though it collapsed right away.
And it collapsed about 16 times, but they kept pushing it anyway.
But that was the justification for, well, we have to collude with the intelligence establishment to shut down all of the social media.
Because disinformation and misinformation is everywhere.
So they just came up with this new program to combat and target globally misinformation.
And all of those programs appear to still be in place except for perhaps some of the relaxation on Twitter.
And a little bit of relaxation in a couple other places just because of the relaxation, I think, on Twitter.
It's very unpopular.
If you notice, for example, Instagram's engagements are far down compared to The engagements over on X. So they're losing their people because everybody's kind of seen through this now.
But the controls are still in place and we have to be ready that it's not because we've got a little bit of freedom on X.
That doesn't mean there's not going to be another crisis that justifies the next clampdown, the next mass banning, the next deplatforming, and perhaps even moving to the next phase of getting rid of everybody's bank accounts, introducing social credit scores.
That's where they want to go.
And also remember the attack on food and diet.
What did we see a couple weeks ago?
We got to kill 100,000 cows in Ireland because meat is bad for the planet.
What does gorillas in the mist Jane Goodall say up there with Klaus?
We got to get rid of cattle.
Cows are destroying the earth.
Well, cows are part of nature.
How are they destroyed?
It doesn't make any sense.
Oh, they're destroying the earth because, you know, they fart or whatever.
This is ridiculous.
What they mean by ZPG?
And no growth is zero population growth, right?
There's an old 70s dystopian maybe ZPG, which is about making sure that there's no more new humans.
That's really what All of this control is about in the long run, but a lot of things have to happen to get to that end game.
And that's what we're looking at is today, the possible scenarios to get to that end game.
So the first one that I want to talk about, which we've done, I've covered this a two or three times in the fourth hour.
They've gotten a lot of views.
If you go back, they, some of them had two, 300,000 views is the alien scenario.
They're not pushing all of this for no reason.
They're not coming out in these hearings and talking about finding craft and bodies, by the way, none of which is new.
They've been claiming to find bodies and craft going all the way back to Roswell.
And if you look at the pictures of Roswell, you've got, you know, military guys standing there holding big chunks of tinfoil, aluminum foil.
It looks ridiculous if you look at it now, right?
Think about in the 90s.
Fox TV ran the alien autopsy episode, and this is all ridiculous.
It was presented as if there was a real alien autopsy, and they're like bleeping out the, you know, alien vajayjay.
They're bleeping out the body parts as if this doll laying there has human, you know, sex organs.
It's ridiculous.
And some of the people, by the way, involved in this are still saying that Fox Alien autopsy video from the 90s is real.
I mean, it's that ridiculous, right?
Everybody saw probably the look like a dried-out tamale if you saw him.
The alien that the body that was found in Mexico, right?
This rubber doll that looked like a look like a dried-out tamale if you saw that.
I mean, this is what they're pushing as the evidence of this nonsense as well as these intelligence officers, you know, saying that we found bodies and I mean intelligence officers are Classically, oftentimes liars.
I mean, they're sort of trained in lying and deception.
So why are we believing these people about bodies of alien craft and all this nonsense, right?
I think it's ridiculous, but it does make sense if it's a bigger scale deception.
And that's precisely what we see from the very origins of the whole alien mythos and alien narrative.
I've covered it many times.
I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time on it here in the fourth hour.
Just kind of brush up a little bit on the basics.
If you remember in the 1940s and 50s, this really starts to kick off and immediately the intelligence agencies and people from the intelligence agencies are right there on scene involved.
People like Alan Doss, people like C.D.
Jackson, the father of the doctrinal warfare program of the CIA to utilize the Roman Catholic Church and other religions as a version of American soft power, which then converted the Roman Catholic Church into essentially an Americanist CIA deep state tool.
That's why Francis the Pope now has said to bless gay unions.
Okay, it's fine to do that now.
Because he says the same stuff Klaus says.
Because both he and Klaus are subject to the same power structure, which is the power structure that runs the Western world.
The Anglo-American establishment.
And that also includes Israel as well.
It's the Anglo-American-Israeli establishment of the West.
That power structure can say and tell people, like Francis, what to do.
In my view, he answers to masters above him.
And so now you're getting the Roman Catholic Church moving over into outright just sort of saying, OK, there's nothing wrong with, you know, homosexual relationships.
They're just couples like everyone else.
Maybe not exactly the same as men and women, but it's still a couple and there's still positive aspects.
So the point being is that there's a vast change.
Well, Francis isn't just doing that out of nowhere.
He answers to other masters.
And his mentor, A Liberation Theology Bishop is one of Klaus's closest associates.
And where does Klaus from the World Agami Forum and Davos come from?
From Henry Kissinger and the Harvard Project to set up another type of steering committee like they set up for Zbig with Trial Hour Commission.
So you see that the same tentacles, the same connections, it always kind of goes back to The same Kissinger, Brzezinski, Rockefeller, the same steering committees, the same power players, the same brains.
And likewise, the Vatican has even said, well, when there is the discovery of aliens, we'll baptize them.
We'll make them papists.
Well, the aliens are always doing, you know, probing of butt regions.
So I guess now that you can bless that in the Roman Catholic Church, They're all the more apt to baptize the aliens, right?
Because aliens are fake and gray.
But also there's, by the way, I think a demonic element to the alien scenario.
So I think that might even tie into this wild Pope and his, I mean, the whole Roman Catholic world this week been just in an uproar over Francis's decision that you can now bless gay unions.
This is all preparing us for some big revelation and some big move in the next few years, I think, And that's what we're talking about today.
Will it be the announcement of alien life in some manifestation way, some blue beam hologram way?
I don't think they have to do that.
They could just claim it, right?
This is all we have found and it is real.
What are the other scenarios that we might see next year?
This is Jay Dyer.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We were talking about the possible scenarios that we might see next year or in the next couple of years as to what the elite might throw at us.
We know that they threw the curveball of the KUF Scandemic, which was planned out, strategized in a number of white papers and drills, Event 201, the SPARS document, Claydax, Crimson Contagion, all these documents really prepared the way for rolling out this live exercise.
Which would then allow us to give up a lot more of our liberties to move into more of a heavy-handed, more of a globalist, UN-run, bio-warfare state, or excuse me, biosecurity state, where everything now revolves around the arbitrary dictates of so-called experts and the world of medicine.
But I wanted to talk about how That might not be what they throw at us next year.
It might be.
It might be a scandemic too.
We know Bill Gates and others have talked about the next big pandemic.
But another scenario that might come about is a cyber pandemic, as Klaus himself said.
Let's not forget Cyber Polygon that they ran a few years ago, talking about this World Economic Forum in Concord with a bunch of other big tech companies and other nations.
This was the idea of a digital pandemic.
So Interpol, WEF, they were Together in this pandemic to figure out what would happen if there were large scale global cyber attacks.
And they had in this drill a red team and a blue team, red team on the attack, blue team on the defensive.
The cyber attack was also funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Partners included IBM and ICANN.
And in this situation.
On page 21 of their their drill, Because I went and read the slides and the pages on the drill.
It said, after this event, it was so big that the entire world completely changed.
I remember Klaus said it would be worse than the COVID pandemic.
Now, we already saw the world change quite a bit from the COVID pandemic.
This would change it even more to the point where it would never be the same.
The world would not be recognizable prior to the pandemic, they say.
And much like COVID allowed for the AI, attempted AI take over a lot of domains, the centralization of a lot of mom and pops transferring their business over to the big tech companies and to Amazon and other, you know, Fortune 100.
Likewise, Cyber Polygon would allow tech and AI to completely take over.
Now, remember, they haven't been pushing and promoting AI in such a heavy way for so long.
And even people like Elon Musk have warned about what AI could do.
They weren't pushing this and doing this for no reason.
And so if we do see, for example, power grids go down or something like that, which is very possible.
We'll talk about that in a little bit.
It's not ultimately to send us back to the 1800s and Little House on the Prairie.
They didn't build Skynet to not use it.
So if there was a power grid, you know, meltdown or whatever, that would be for a time.
And then all of that would come back, and perhaps they would say, oh, well, now that it's back and the economy is wrecked, we're going to give you, you know, a wallet, you know, a government Fed coin wallet, and we'll put Fed coin in your in your wallet every month, a UBI, something like that, right, that might sell very well after some collapse scenario.
And again, we know that the Solutions that they offer after the managed and promoted and allowed crises, all of those things are possible.
The solutions are always the things that they wanted from the outset.
So where I want more control, I want more power, more centralization of everything, education, media, tech, economy, religion, what do we do?
Allow a crisis and then we offer our solution that gives us more control.
It's that simple.
That's the whole thing.
That's what they always do.
And they just do this like on and on and on and on.
Walk, it's like a two-step, all the way until the end goal, until it's achieved.
So keep moving the Overton window through the crises.
Crises are the key.
And it's always their answer, which is more centralization, more power, more control, less freedom for you.
And in this scenario, they even said that the desired end goal would be that now AI and tech would basically be in control of everything.
The key would be to have complete 5G rollout, Internet of Things everywhere.
So it actually talks about Internet of Things as a result of the cyber, the global cyber pandemic.
All governments would be forced to adopt this Internet of Things.
In this scenario, cyber hackers attack everything that you can think of.
They attack hospitals, infrastructure, They use ransomware and they do this through the back doors in all of the tech everywhere.
Now, wait a minute.
How is there back doors everywhere?
Why would there be back doors everywhere?
Maybe it was built with back doors on purpose for these kinds of future scenarios.
In fact, it even says that the back doors that were there in relationship to the NSA and things like that.
Remember the PROMIS software that was talked about?
These back doors allowed for very savvy hackers.
I wonder who the hackers were.
Right, to get into the back doors and to take down all the infrastructure.
Now, the interesting thing about cyberpolling is the result was that there would be the labeling of anyone who questioned the narrative.
Anybody who thought that the government might be involved or shady WF institutions might be involved.
They are now labeled as participators in cybercrime.
Polygon, cyber polygon exercise use the term fake news by which they mean anybody who dissents or questions any authoritative establishment narrative as to what's happening in the cyber polygon event.
In this situation, alternative media people are then called terrorists.
And websites, domains are seized.
As a result of this scenario.
So that's the basic rundown, a reminder of cyberpolling on.
And the only reason I'm really talking about that is that if you watched in the last few weeks, if you follow the profile on Twitter, Camu, after the existentialist philosopher, Camu.
Camu is always posting clips of people from the WEF, people from World Economic Forum, Davos, people from, you know, all of these big white, these big think tanks, people that write the white papers, right?
And there was an interview with Larry Fink of BlackRock saying, well, what we're really thinking about now is the security of the logistics and what's going on in the market.
We're not really thinking about how to make products cheaper.
And he says, this is what I hear when I talk to various heads of government.
Nobody's talking about the classic market idea of how do we get cheaper products to the people.
Now it's all about logistics and security and supply lines, which is an odd It might be an odd thing to say, because that could suggest that maybe there could be or there's knowledge of a coming supply chain supply line problems that could relate to whatever event comes.
Right now, again, we don't know what that is.
Might be Scandemic Part 2.
Could be Cyberpolygon.
Could be the Power Grid.
Could be EMP.
Could be war.
Who knows, right?
All of these are potential scenarios and cards that could be used.
But what we do know is that whichever of these scenarios or combination might be two or three of these, right?
Whatever scenario or scenarios come about, it will ultimately be a controlled chaos, a managed chaos to steer us in the direction of the greater control And greater lockdown that they've desired from the outset.
So remember, one way you can identify this as a bunch of baloney is that the solutions are always going to be more enslavement, more economic control, more big tech social media control, and less freedom for you.
That's the key.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're talking about the potential scenarios they might roll out.
The psyops, the tricks, the scams, the deceptions, the fake flags, the false flags they might throw at us in the next year or the next couple years as humanity is on a mass scale waking up to the New World Order largely through broadcasts like Alex Jones.
And now Tucker, other people coming out and talking about so much truth, so much legitimate information to counter all of the establishment disinformation.
We're talking about the strategies and the techniques that they use so that we don't get duped again.
A lot of people got duped by COVID, especially March 2020.
A lot of people got duped back in the day by the Steele dossier and Peagate and all that nonsense.
On the Russian hacking story.
All of that was deception.
All of it was lies.
But they were lies that were good enough to justify the establishment moves to lock down, to clamp down, shut down free speech, to shut everybody off from being able to, you know, share legitimate information, to question what was happening.
As the CDC, you know, basically handed things over to the United Nations, the Rockefeller Foundation, in the midst of this crisis of COOF.
The COOF pandemic.
So, in other words, the crisis, which scared the crap out of everybody through a lot of fake news reports, a lot of mainstream media, allowed for the solution, which was, of course, the government inoculations.
Pushed by, you know, the Pentagon, ultimately, and Big Pharma, which those are pretty much all the Senate.
We're ruled by these Fortune 100, right?
That's who really controls the government in the background.
It's not this libertarian story of, like, the free market versus the government.
We were run by a corporatocracy already and have been going back to the private Federal Reserve taking over the country.
So what might we see in this controlled chaos scenario?
What are the chaos elements they might throw to bring in their solution?
We're talking about the alien scenario, which I said would be a bunch of deception.
It's ultimately demonic, as now Tucker is saying in multiple interviews with the Redacted, with Temcast.
Tucker said, hey, this looks like a demonic spiritual battle going on here.
Totally agree with that.
Glad he said that.
But remember, All of this functions on what we call dialectics.
Dialectics is a philosophy idea that goes back to ancient Greeks, goes back to the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, but it's really systematized and formalized by Hegel, the German idealist.
As a result of Hegel's philosophy, you get people like Karl Marx, For your buck and others who take this idea and bring it out of the realm of the ideal and put it into the here and the now and say really all of reality all of life is just Matter in motion.
It's just molecules bumping up against one another and that's all just friction and chaos and that's what reality reality just is chaos and so the revolutionaries or the communist socialists or the technocrat and technocrats are essentially socialists and They believe that they are the controllers and the high priests of the dialectical chaos.
They can steer the chaos, steer the evolution.
So remember going back to Lenin.
Lenin understood this very well.
Trotsky understood this.
They understood that controlling and managing and steering chaos was the essence of the revolution to bring about The end state or the end goal, which was either total destruction or the withering away of the state, right?
Whether it's Lenin or Marx, it's a nihilistic sort of pseudo-libertarian thing where there's no longer a state.
We're all going to be supposedly free.
But in order to do this, what Lenin would do is use a lot of techniques and strategies and tactics like false flags.
He would control supply lines to bring about starvation and austerity.
And we see the same thing going on in other countries where, for example, there's rolling blackouts, right?
In certain countries like Latin South America, they have rolling blackouts.
We might see rolling blackouts in our country, right?
And here's the thing.
I think this is the next likely scenario.
When we have a very likely power grid shutdown or rolling blackouts or whatever, we already know through the predictive programming they're saying that, oh, it's the MAGA people, Trump people.
MAGA people!
They've hacked the power grid!
They got on their keyboards!
Like, you can hack into the power grid.
Like, it's all like a big thing connected together.
And, like, you put it in a USB drive.
Like, it's a, you know, a 90s movie called Hackers, right?
And then you could just, like, push the- you get in there.
I got into the motherboard!
I've gotten into the motherboard of the power grid!
I'm gonna flick the- I'm gonna turn it off!
Like, that's how it works.
As I understand it, power grid's not even on the internet.
Doesn't even make any sense.
But they'll just throw out some of these nonsense news stories and then people will believe it, right?
Boomers will eat it up.
It's the Trump supporters that hacked the power grid!
And they're working with Russia!
Putin put them up to it!
And they'll put out some fake document of, we found an internet chat room where the hackers were on Discord talking to operatives of Putin, figuring out how to hack into the power grid.
You know, some nonsense like this, right?
Then those power failures will result in, well, in order to combat the dissidents in our country, the traitors, we're going to have to have new large-scale internet controls.
We're going to have to have new large-scale smart meters.
I mean, who knows what they'll come up with?
I mean, just anything that would increase the ridiculousness of the system's clampdown, right?
They'll roll out something like that.
Let's not forget other movies, by the way.
Movies are always key to look at.
They're not infallible prognostication divination techniques, right?
We're not going to do divination with movies or something, right?
But movies are good to, and fiction is good to see what scenarios they might throw out and what propaganda they might be conditioning us for.
So we saw the Obama produced Leave the World Behind.
Don't worry, all you white colonizers, we're gonna put you in your place, right?
That's what that movie is about.
The white people are bad.
They're stealing from the black people.
And if we just, you know, allow for the government to solve all... If you watch the film, you know what I'm talking about, right?
So ultimately, the narrative is that the government Really knows what's going on and when the collapse happens, and the collapse happens in that movie through a series of events that unknown infiltrators and moles within the government have perpetuated.
And the movie is unclear whether it's Iranians or whether it's North Koreans.
They kind of leave it ambiguous.
We don't know who's behind this collapse, but they had people within the government that says that the only way they could do is to have moles inside the government.
But the bad people in the movie are the gun owners, the preppers, right?
Even though they were correct, ironically.
Kevin Bacon plays the evil prepper who won't share his blue pills.
I like how the movie doesn't even tell you, like, what the antibiotics are.
I need the blue pills that you have.
Like, you just take any pill.
I'm sick.
I need the pill, right?
It's ridiculous, but that's how the movie presents it, right?
So, the preppers are right, because there's a big collapse.
In fact, Kevin Bacon even knows, like, who's involved in it or whatever, right?
He knows what's going on.
But he's evil, right?
Because he's a white guy with a Texas hat.
So he's the worst possible human being.
And probably, the preppers were involved.
They probably did it, right?
They probably took the country down somehow.
Which is ridiculous.
Veterans and preppers don't want to destroy the country.
They're the ones saying the country... So they're the perfect people that the system will blame.
Oh, these are the people that did it.
No, not Davos-type people, right?
No, it's the preppers, sure.
That's what you basically get in the Obama movie, and it has a scenario of multiple things going on at once.
There's EMPs, weird signal attacks that are going on, there's, you know, taking down of the satellite networks, the internet goes down, cyber polygon, right?
And supposedly the guy that directed this, right, he's the same guy that directed that TV show, Mr. Robot, and supposedly the Obama movie takes place in the Mr. Robot Universe it's the same world where this is happening. Mr.
Robot was all about hackers and hackers working with China and this kind of thing
right, so maybe that's What's going on in the story, but regardless it's a fiction
story is Programming us to think oh, it's gonna be the Trump people
just like the trailer for the new ask out girl Alex Garland movie
Civil War.
If you watch that trailer, as Alex played it, right?
Alex Jones, when he played it, it shows the MAGA people are the ones that are really, you know, the bad, the bad guys.
And this is just utterly ridiculous.
But, I mean, to the Hollywood mind, like, this is, this is really how it is.
Like, Trump supporters are the ones that are taking down the country with the Russians.
Even though all of that has been debunked.
It's totally collapsed for seven years now or so.
They still believe this.
And they will believe it when the country collapses.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're running through the possible scenarios of the things that the elite establishment might throw at us, especially in this coming election year when it looks like Trump has such a significant lead that there's no way that Biden could really do anything unless there was some Big national crisis, right?
And what might those crisis scenarios be?
Well, we're looking at the possibilities, potentialities, the different scenarios.
You know, I just remembered something on a, I was being interviewed on a show the other day and I, I remembered Jade Helm.
I remember Jade Helm.
A lot of people have forgotten about Jade Helm.
Of course, it was a big deal back at the time.
Alternative media was very concerned, legitimately and with good reason.
This was 2015.
And these were Pentagon military exercises, special forces exercises.
I think it included, says 1,200 personnel from all different branches of the military throughout multiple states running an exercise for some sort of big national crisis.
And a lot of it involved population relocations.
Of course, Alex covered the document many years ago, I think maybe even 15 years ago, where it was declassified.
It was given to Alex, or no, excuse me, it was leaked.
It was given to Alex, and then they admitted that it wasn't declassified.
It was an actual document that talked about reorganizing populations, moving them around the U.S.
in case of a Civil War scenario.
Uh, we know that the military has done drills and exercises for civil war scenarios for a long time.
So we know that that exists.
We know that they have these contingency plans.
So whether they'll roll that out, I don't know.
But it could be the case that maybe some of those exercises, like Jade Helm, Or four things that we might see rolling out in the next year, right?
So what, nine, ten years later after Jade Helm, maybe that will now come to fruition.
So it's really only retroactively that we look back and see the importance of these kinds of white papers and drills and exercises.
And we know the drills and exercises always prepare for the real thing, right?
And they oftentimes work as cover.
So there'll be a new drill or new exercise that might be the cover for whatever rolls out next.
But in my, and again, I'm going from memories nine years ago, I was very much attentive to watching and reading and studying and seeing what was going on potentially with Jade Helm at the time.
And if I recall, it had to do, I think, with AI.
So it had to do with a lot of tech and mapping large population groups reactions to drills and this being public and put on the Internet.
And so but how would people react?
They were probably studying the Uh, large movements of what people would do through social media and so forth.
So, that doesn't mean, though, that they won't try to utilize some kind of a scenario like that.
So maybe Jade Helm was preparing us for something coming in the near future.
I mean, I'm not saying, I'm just speculating.
This is my, these are different theories.
Everybody's forgotten Jade Helm, right?
But it's just like when the COVID rolled out, right?
Then we thought, hey, wait a minute.
There was Klaydex and there was Crimson Contagion.
There was Dark Winter, right?
Then the exercises became important and things to look back to and figure out how this might have been something that was planned.
And I think that maybe, you know, depending on what rolls out, depending on what happens, they try to put us into a civil war scenario.
Remember, Alex has been talking about this for so long.
I mean, even probably going back to, you know, Alex's oldest documentaries where he talked about America destroyed by design, right?
Again, and the open border, that's an obvious situation here where perhaps we could get a force in the country large enough to actually help take down the country, right?
That's another obvious possibility as well.
And maybe Jade Helm and population reorganization, relocation, maybe that fits into the open border scenario.
Because remember, Jade Helm is about population relocations in some event.
Who knows what event that might be?
I'm speculating.
I don't know exactly what Jayden was about, but remembering all the events and the news and the coverage at the time of 2015, this was kind of the overall idea that ultimately this will result in A big military pentagon taking over of everything in the event of some big crisis scenario.
So remember, punishments always occur in these cases on the part of the government as a way to punish people who don't go along, right?
So if you're not going along, what might the punishments be?
Well, you're not going to get the government solutions doled out at the end of this, right?
You're not going to get the UBI put into your Fed coin wallet, right?
You're you're you're doled out UBI that the by the way, the Fed coin will probably be worthless just like the Fed dollars are worthless, right?
By the time the country collapses and they put, you know, a million Fed coins into your wallet.
Well, it takes a million Fed coin to buy a loaf of bread or, you know, roll a toilet paper, right?
So so FedCoin, right, will not be the solution, even though they'll offer it as a solution.
And again, remember, there's been a lot of white papers and documents beyond things like the declassified document that Alex has talked about for so long about military relocation and internment camps.
There's also documents like the British Ministry of Defense, the flash mobs, the Marxists, and the brain chips.
So they might even try to roll out, well, it's time to get a chip.
That way we can track and trace you and figure out, you know, whether, you know, you belong in, you know, District 10 of the Hunger Games of Pan Am America that we're going into.
Remember Hunger Games is another one too.
Hunger Games is all about this uprising that people tried to take over America and it collapsed and then it was rebuilt into this socialist empire.
Known as Panem, out of the ashes of old America.
It's another kind of maybe we're going into a Hunger Games scenario.
In fact, I watched the new Hunger Games film recently, and it had a lot of the same ideas there.
I mean, it wasn't super woke.
It was actually okay.
I mean, it was a pretty good movie.
But the idea there was that they were telling the backstory of what happened when, you know, the capital and the socialist order really, really came to power.
It's telling that background story.
But Hunger Games, right, emerges out of this old Roman gladiatorial scenario where after the Socialist America's created Pan Am, the new order.
They have to give people these sort of, you know, bread and circuses, gladiatorial games to keep them pacified, kind of like The Purge, right?
You get the same scenario in The Purge as well, where the country collapses and it's rebuilt.
They call it the New America or something like that, where they have to have these bloody gladiatorial games.
And of course, as you can imagine, Purge turns into a big, you know, sort of woke race thing.
So that's where the fiction is pushing us, right, is into these reset scenarios.
Remember, who had the idea of a reset?
Pol Pot, Mao, the Jacobins in the French Revolution.
When society gets to a certain level, the elite believe that it's necessary, it's good, it's right to intentionally accelerate, accelerationism, the destruction and the chaos to start over.
And they think that this is a good thing because, well, that's just what happens in nature, right?
Nature works in cycles.
It's good to just start over.
And then we can rebuild a tech utopia out of this.
And they get the hordes of brainwashed, mindless people to actually buy into this, who think that they're going to get the socialist utopia, the technocratic utopia, the UBI utopia out of this fall, this collapse, this war.
That's the lie of all the revolutions, the revolutionary philosophy for so long is that you're going to get this great thing.
It's all going to be freebies.
If you join in this and you stamp out, you know, get rid of the MAGA people, put them in camps, do this, do that.
Remember, they were saying this in the coup era.
Anybody who supported Trump, anybody against, you know, inoculations that were important, they need to be put in camps.
They need to be banished from society.
They need to be forcibly inoculated.
I mean, the craziest stuff.
Right from those people.
And then, of course, when that all collapsed, they said, oh, give us amnesty.
Don't hold it against us.
Sorry that we're hardcore Marxist revolutionaries who want everybody to die for our revolution.
So you see the austerity narrative, the Marxist narrative.
The Year Zero, Great Reset.
Alex's book, Great Reset.
It's the same story.
The elite will collapse things and give you a solution to help you out.
We'll give you UBI.
We'll give you CBDC.
We'll give you all the things that will make you happy.
You'll own nothing.
You'll have nothing, but we'll make you happy.
But it's a lie.
They're not going to make you, they're not even going to be happy.
You just won't be here.
Right, because ultimately this is an austerity slash depopulation agenda.
So those are the scenarios they might throw at us, and it could be a combination of it could be a war.
Looks like the reason I think that they might not push for a global war, which it's could happen could get out of their hands, right?
Is that Biden probably doesn't want that as an elect.
I mean, it's not he's not gonna look popular or be if the country's embroiled in a war.
Right, so he wants to give the impression of, well, the stock market's up and we're doing well.
And so I think that it's going to be something else that might postpone the election, in my view.
It could be a war.
Could be a war and a bio attack and cyber attack.
And they say the Russians did it and the Russians are working with Iran.
Right, who knows?
But regardless, if you want to support my work, you can go to Jason Alice's internet shop.
You can buy my books where I talked about these things a long time ago through the fiction.
Also go to the InfoWars store and buy those products to support Alex.
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