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Name: 20231228_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 28, 2023
2883 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones talks about the dangers of Marxism-Leninism in America and warns of an impending crisis due to leftist subversion. He provides historical examples of Marxist-Leninists being killed by their own kind in countries like Nicaragua, Grenada, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. Additionally, he discusses how globalist forces are undermining traditional values through education and cultural globalism while promoting immorality and attacks on Christianity. He also warns about the potential use of technology to establish an authoritarian state and promotes products from InfoWarsStore.com, encouraging listeners to support him financially.

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Well, the communists, they want a civil war in Russia, they want a civil war in China, they want a civil war in Vietnam, they want a civil war in Cuba, and that's how they consolidate their power.
That's how the CIA overthrew over 100 governments in civil wars.
Real simple.
They're running the same playbook on us.
I believe that's what they want to do here.
When they get all this stuff ready, they want a civil war here.
We don't want it, but they do when they're going to try their best to get it.
You're damn right, and that's why I love taking calls, because you just crystallized down what it took me hours to say.
Give us some more knowledge, John.
I'll just... I mean, they lost some places.
They lost in 1919, Germany.
The Communists lost there.
They lost in 1936, Spain.
Franco beat them.
And they lost in Finland.
Mannerheim beat their rear end there when they tried to take over Finland, but they're running about 70%.
So they figured they could do it here and probably roll the dice and we could get it done here.
Man, and that's another point I meant to make the other day on this, is that the communists don't succeed every time.
The French Revolution got defeated after, you know, six, seven years of hell.
We also have seen their attempts here fail over and over again, but they have changed the culture over time.
So on the slow burn, they're killing us, but we're finally awake, so the slow burn's not going to work.
So now they want to finish us off.
And there's been many other places it didn't work, like Argentina for a time, and many other places.
And a lot of times, the response to the communist takeover is something nasty as well, but quite frankly, not as bad and not as lasting, because it doesn't destroy the culture itself.
It just throws the communists out of helicopters.
But the communist goal, when you're talking to General Flynn, the communist goal is that everything in there that's been done to this country is in there.
And I never played that Yuri Bezmenov club.
Get that ready, folks.
I'm going to play that next segment.
I meant to get to that yesterday.
John, we got two minutes left.
Keep holding court here.
Well, the Communists said a long time ago what they were going to do.
I mean, Lenin was sitting there saying, first we've got to debauch the currency, then we've got to get control of both political parties, we've got to lead the opposition.
And we're seeing that now in our political system right now, that a lot of people that oppose Republicans and that are actually working for the global government, which is what the Communists always wanted.
And let's be clear, just as British intelligence funded Lenin's train of gold in 1917, It's ultra-rich imperial money that sets up Mao, sets up Lenin.
They put them in there to exploit and control their population, like Armand Hammer working with Khrushchev.
This is the same thing over and over and over again.
So it's ultra-rich controlling and working with the Communists.
That's right.
And they live like kings and everybody else lives like serfs.
When I got a video about World War II, the German invasion of Russia, and they showed, they said, here's where the people live in this village with ramshackle huts and mud huts, and they said, well, here's the Party's, the Party's officials, and they have this big, almost palace on a hill, you know?
And that's what they want for us.
That's what Klaus Schwab and King Charles are literally telling us.
You can't have hot water.
You get three sets of clothes a year.
You live in a 200 square foot apartment.
I mean, just literally, you'll eat bugs, you'll drink sewage.
Bill Gates said a decade ago, I'm gonna make you drink sewage soon.
And now his company's being paid in LA to make people drink sewage water.
Toilet to tap, full of chemicals.
In the old Soviet Union, everybody had to, they lived in ramshackle apartment buildings.
They had to stand in line for hours to buy food or buy crappy clothes that fell apart within a month.
And that's where we're heading right now.
That's right. It's evil and oppression by design.
It's dystopia by design. Incredible call, John.
John's been calling for 20 years. We love you, John.
When the Soviets use the phrase "ideological subversion,"
what do they mean by it?
Ideological subversion is the slow process which we call either ideological subversion
or active measures.
Active Measures in the language of the KGB or Psychological Warfare.
What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions In the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.
It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and it's divided in four basic stages.
The first one being demoralization.
It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation.
Why that many years?
Because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students In the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the enemy.
In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.
The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years.
Actually, it's over-fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success.
Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards.
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore.
A person who was demoralized He is unable to assess true information.
The facts tell nothing to him.
Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom.
When a military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand.
But not before that.
That's the tragic of the situation of demoralization.
The next stage is destabilization.
This time, subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption.
Whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby doesn't matter anymore.
This time, and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation... Hey, pause!
Back it up ten seconds.
We're now in destabilization.
It's here.
Civil War, everybody fighting over race, jacking up the prices, inflation, fentanyl, $120,000 a year.
This is war.
Let's go to Bill in Iowa now.
Bill in Iowa, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate everything that you're doing.
Appreciate you.
I want to, you know, mention something about this election.
I honestly don't believe there's going to be an election.
The power structure the way it is right now, apparently the way it's set, I mean, look what they did for January 6th.
And there's no way they're going to ever let their power go.
Well, let me just interrupt you and say that's why I take calls.
I wrote a list of things this morning I was going to say on air and of course left them on the coffee table at home.
And the first thing I was going to say is they don't want us to get to an election.
They want the civil war they trigger.
As the pretext to cancel it, and I believe that's one of the main scenarios they'll use a cyber attack for, claiming things are so disruptive they can't do it, and so I should have said that right up front at the start of the show.
So take this little clip of this caller, and when we put the archive of it up on Bandot Video, put this call on the front of the whole show, because you just called in and said the key to everything, and my dumb ass forgot to say it.
So thank you, continue.
That's fine.
But no, I mean, the way you look at things right now, I mean, how they did January 6th,
and you figure all the censorship out.
You know, I was part of the people's convoy during COVID, when they threw those mandates there.
Of course, we get a lot of press attention because they didn't want to blow up
to be like the Canadian convoy and stuff.
But the American spirit is alive and well.
And that's about the only thing that we got going for us is the American spirit.
And the truth, truth is on our side.
And there's so much overwhelming support out there.
It's just that people are kind of lost right now 'cause there's so much bombardment
with so many things all at once.
And now everybody gets lost and don't know quite what to do.
And that's called the fog of war, and they all talk about that.
You're dead on again.
And you know, and one thing I want to mention real quick here, at the crescendo of what's going on with the new world order and everything, God reinstated you.
He put back on X so the information that you share gets out to a much larger audience, which is having a much Well, thank you.
Thank you and God bless you.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
time on your shout out to Elon Musk for stepping up and quite frankly having a
ball spook you back on X. Well thank you, thank you and God bless you.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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InfoWars Tomorrow's News.
It's the twilight of 2023.
It's dusk.
A new year will soon dawn.
It's Thursday, December 28th, 2023.
For 312 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes, 24 seconds.
For 312 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes, 24 seconds.
For the most important election in world history.
Alright, the stakes are so high, the uncharted, unprecedented situation we're in is so dire.
I think it's important for all of us to just breathe and for me today to try to be as calm as I can to go over all of this and really talk to the American people.
And talk to the millions of new people that are tuning in now every day because they can see the erosion of freedoms accelerating and the collapse all around them, the inflation, the open borders, the open Satanism and pedophilia.
It's just unbelievable.
All right, here's the deal.
We've been talking a lot about this.
We talked about it for two hours with General Flynn yesterday.
The Democratic Party deep state mouthpieces are all over every channel, newspaper that is corporate media, Decepticon media, dinosaur media, enemy of the people media, attacking every basic good value of America or humanity.
The Democrats unanimously on Christmas Day put out messages celebrating abortion as a Christmas sacrament.
They're just rubbing our faces in it.
Giant hordes of up to 20,000 each of illegal aliens organized by the UN are smashing across our border every day.
And that's just the big groups coming in.
We're in a war.
We're under attack.
It's all been planned by the globalists and implemented through the UN.
The right wing has always said, oh, the UN's ineffectual and a joke.
No, it's the arm of the globalists, their political takeover system.
They have the nation-states sign treaties with them to put them in charge.
Everything from our medical care and our bodies to our borders, to our militaries.
And that's where we are.
And the cancer inside America created the UN as an outside beachhead to transfer power to it away from the people.
So with all these movies coming out, Leaving the World Forever, produced by Obama, and Civil War 2024, $300 million budget, star-studded, where you have a race war, civil war, cyber attack, and the U.S.
military sniping and bombing and missiling The evil breakaway states who are the Confederates.
And then you see the New Democrat talking point everywhere that it's the Confederates we're fighting.
Trump's a Confederate!
Literally invoking the 1860s Chival War.
It's incredible.
And it was British intelligence that manipulated the South, both sides were in the wrong if you study history, into that war.
And the North was doing things that were wrong to the South on trade and one-sided deals.
And the South didn't like the bigger population in the North being able to pass laws federally to control them.
It wasn't about slavery.
The point is British intelligence manipulated the South.
That's on record.
And of course, Trump's a Yankee of a Yankee from New York.
The idea that he's a Confederate.
But facts don't matter, ladies and gentlemen.
Doesn't matter if Trump's Yankee doodled Andy.
He's now Jefferson Davis.
Robert E. Lee.
So we're gonna go to break, come back with all of this.
We're gonna put the phones up throughout the entire transmission on this one subject, the 2024 election, and what the globals are gonna do.
They're lining up, preparing the false flags to be blamed on 85 million Americans, and they're gonna actually attempt to outlaw being a patriot.
It's Thursday, December 28th, 2023, and the final moments Of an tumultuous year.
But if you think 2023 was insane, strap yourselves in for 2024.
The globalists are moving against populist movements worldwide and triggering civil wars.
It's official.
They plan to trigger a civil war next year, in the next 10 months ahead of the election.
But we know how to stop it.
And we, the American people, have our own independent media that reaches more people than the corporate press.
And so, we have a very good chance of stopping this disaster of disasters.
We'll cover every angle, the facets, how we can stop it.
And if we don't stop it, how they're going to pull it.
And then we'll stop it during the event.
But we hope to not get to that point.
First, Trump's given an updated speech recently on the snake.
And we've augmented it with live events happening as we talk today.
On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake.
Her pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Poor thing, she cried, I'll take you in, and I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, cried the vicious snake.
She wrapped him up all cozy in a comforter of silk, and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk.
She hurried home from work that night, and soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she'd taken in had been revived.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake.
She clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you truly would have died.
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed him and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake.
I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die.
Shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
Does that remind you of anything?
Be ready.
Be ready.
Because what they're allowing into our country is very, very bad.
Alright, let's just start with the facts.
tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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All right, let's just start with the facts.
We have a criminal multinational banking consortium, Allied Communist China,
that has openly transferred our military industrial secrets and capacity overseas.
They have abolished the border and now made it into a acceleration chamber to process and force in tens of millions of people per year.
That's the real numbers.
To further collapse the economy while they turn off the energy, while they turn off the police, while they turn off the services, while the inflation explodes, and Biden and the New York Times say inflation has been defeated.
Well, you don't need to even ask yourself whether that's true or not because you know it's a damn lie.
You're experiencing the inflation.
I bought a Crosman $55 BB gun last Christmas for a family friend's child.
And I went and bought the same BB gun for my six-year-old daughter this year at the same store, and it was $85.
One year, the price almost doubled.
Basically doubled.
A hamburger.
The price has doubled in one year, and that's official.
But there's no inflation.
They are at war with us.
Have you figured it out yet?
They don't want all these other countries to aspire to an open free country with a big middle class where you can be upwardly mobile.
The globalists want that over.
They want the Great Reset where everything you do is controlled by AI.
They're in the news today saying we want people to stop taking baths and stop washing your clothes for the earth.
That's because they're shutting down the coal power plants all over the world except China and India and Mexico for the globalists to their manufacturing.
They're building new ones there.
And then bringing on electric cars that literally hog to charge one car is more power than a house uses in a month.
You hear that?
To crash the electrical grid.
And they admit if more cars go online by next year, it'll crash grids nationwide.
They're already crashing.
Have you figured it out yet?
It's administrative war against everybody.
And these giant illegal alien hordes are victims, most of them, of a globalist policy to lock them down under IMF World Bank control, because they control those countries with debt like they control us now.
Through their policies for over two years they couldn't work in a farm, a ranch, a factory, anywhere.
And they've done big polls of them coming in.
96% say we're here because there's no jobs.
Everything fell apart in our countries.
But you notice the majority of them, over 80% in the U.S., 90% in Europe, are military-aged men.
Because they're Leaving their country and the women and children and coming here.
And the UN organizes who they will give debit cards to in the country of origin to then bring them to the refugee centers on Europe and the United States borders.
And they're coming from everywhere.
And a lot of them are Islamics.
And are in Hezbollah and Hamas on record and a lot of them are Chinese soldiers who come here to set up businesses and run scams and send the money back to China.
That's on record.
So when you see 500 Chinese males come in in videos last week caught at one area and they're all wearing the same outfits and the same shoes and the same bags and you see a bunch of Islamic men speaking Arabic coming in with the same boots and the same backpacks And they've all got fresh, new Christian tattoos on their arms.
We have the journalist here that shot the video.
Fresh, shiny, new tattoos of Mary or Jesus.
So they can pretend they're from Latin America and they tear up their documents before they get here.
That's military precision.
This is the end of the country.
And people can't believe it because you have a normalcy bias, and so do I, that America's just gonna go on forever.
If Trump is not re-elected, and if we don't deport all of these military-age men, I mean, instead of having the military at the border facilitating it, as they're doing now, have the military go and arrest every single one of them, There'll be no going back.
Europe, and I had the videos this week, I didn't play them, but we'll dig through Monday's list.
Guys, tell me what number it was.
It was like 50 videos yesterday.
And it's the Islamists burning Paris last week and other areas.
Channing, we have taken your country.
Faster than the Germans did.
And see, now Europe can't even kick these Muslims out that are military men, the majority, because they'll burn everything down.
It's checkmate.
It's all done on purpose.
The clergy plan.
We'll tell you about it all today and how to stop it.
But this is the UN takeover.
Yeah, there's the video on screen.
This is now.
This is going down.
There is absolutely no doubt that the Democratic Party controlled by BlackRock and the offshore banks is planning to trigger a civil war in America.
And we can talk about how they're planning to trigger that, the different ways it's going to unfold, the different scenarios, and hopefully how we can stop it.
I'm also going to talk about if they're able to trigger it, how we can defeat it.
But before I get into all the technicals on this, remember I've been telling you for years Even under Clinton and then under Obama, they were trying to promote this with law enforcement and the training manuals and they're going to have a war with the Constitutionalists and all the policing armored vehicles because they're going to pass gun confiscation laws and that's going to trigger a civil war.
But they've decided that's too frontal of an assault.
Everything they do is a covert operation or asymmetrical fifth-generational warfare.
And all those things I just said have meanings.
If you don't know what they mean, if you're a new listener, look them up.
Asymmetrical fifth-generation warfare.
And they brag about it.
The communist Chinese brag about it, how they fund TikTok in Hollywood, and work with Hollywood that hates America, too.
Two peas in a pod to promote anti-family and anti-Christian and anti-white stuff.
It's everywhere.
They've done it.
And they're trying to organize the country into racial pockets so that when they come against everybody and turn off our energy and devalue our currency, which they're doing, we'll all fight with each other instead of unifying against them.
So that's the big takeaway.
Let's start with the solution here.
We're Team America and we're Team Humanity.
We want America to be an open, free, good country.
That is successful and vibrant and good, and what people aspire to around the world.
We were never perfect, but we were so successful, so open, so free compared to other nations.
Even with our corruption and good ol' boy boss hog type stuff, everybody knew this was the land of opportunity.
That's disappearing.
In fact, things are so bad, a lot of the illegal aliens are leaving.
Unfortunately, they're the educated or hard-working ones.
So all we're getting is the criminals and the mentally ill people and the obese and women with children to get welfare.
And that's a fact.
In Europe, upwards of 90% of the illegals that are brought in never get a job, even in a decade.
They permanently get signed up on welfare and sit in their apartment, high-rises, and then go out at night and rape and loot and kill and burn.
And there's thousands of fires a night in Europe, thousands of rapes, thousands of muggings.
it's just hell.
And some of the people are from villages in Africa that can't even read or write, and
they'll grab your cat or dog out of the backyard and roast it right on the street.
There's hundreds of videos.
I'm not even looking for them, and it's like the Africans sitting there with a dog they killed on a spit.
on a major Paris or major Rome street.
So the Democrats have triggered all this.
It's by design.
And now they're acting like, oh, we're going to deport a few.
Oh, we know it's a problem.
Up until just a month ago, and I've got the Mayorkas clips and all of them, the press secretary, they said there is no border problem.
Hell, she said that last Friday.
Just last Friday, before he went to break for Christmas, the press secretary was up there saying there's no border problem.
So now there is one, and all these Democrats are saying it's the right-wingers, it's the Confederates.
They've been using Civil War terminology from the last Civil War in the 1860s.
It's unbelievable.
So, A, Republicans aren't going to assassinate Democrats.
That's not what we do.
Everybody knows that.
We're not going to go shoot up a black church or shoot up a bunch of illegal aliens.
We're not gonna bomb them.
We're not gonna do any of that.
There's no history of that other than them tricking a few people to go into the Capitol.
They call it worse than Pearl Harbor and 9-11.
I mean, give me a break.
We all know that's a fraud.
And it was a fraud that day I was there.
So that's where we are.
And it doesn't matter if you're brown or you're black or you're pink or you're red.
Doesn't matter who you are, 99.999% of you of us are under globalist attack with the fluoride and the 5G and the poison shots and all the rest of it.
Unless you're an illegal alien, they don't have to take the shot because they don't want their goods damaged.
They're bringing in to sign up for welfare and sign up for slave labor and sex slavery and all the rest of it.
They're going to exploit the hell out of these people and sign them up to vote.
And the Democrats are now announcing at the congressional level, the mayor level, we've got to Stop the Republicans.
They're the reason the border is broken.
When Biden said surge the border, when the UN organized it all, just like Europe.
We gotta make them citizens.
That'll, that'll fix it.
That'll, that'll make us not have to give them all this welfare.
House them.
What does waving that magic wand do?
It does nothing.
Except let them vote.
Which the Democrats in over a hundred cities have already passed laws illegals can vote in local elections.
You know about all this.
And if we brought these people in and we had a booming economy and cheap energy, we could absorb a lot of people.
But not with a contracting economy and the energy being cut off and the resources being cut off.
And what this giant hoard is a mere trickle to what's going to come under the UN plan of over a billion people is in the official replacement migration documents 2000-2001.
Look it up.
Into Europe and into the United States.
650 million by 2045 in North America.
350 million into Europe.
In the U.S.
in North America, in the US.
350 million into Europe, 150 million in France alone.
So this is deliberate assault on the country The comments on X and everywhere.
Oh, send the military.
The military's there running it.
The military doesn't need to be sent.
They're there.
The previous record a year ago was 8,001 day under Biden.
That they actually made contact with and quote apprehended, turned themselves in.
Then the record a few months ago was 12,000.
Now it's 18,000 in one day.
Last week.
And that's just who they made contact with.
Previously, the illegals tried to evade Border Patrol, so they said about 80% would get away.
It's not that now.
The numbers vary, but around 60% are turning themselves in.
So you can add 40% on top of that.
And we're in the tens of millions since Biden got in.
About 8 million a year this year, 6 million a year before, about 5 million a year before that.
That's the good numbers I've got from Internal Border Patrol.
Do the math.
That's over 20 million people.
That's more than 20 Denver Coloradas since Biden got in.
That's 10 Austins.
That's 5 Houstons.
We'll be right back.
And they're just getting started.
Stay with us.
And we are back on this Thursday, December 28th, 2023.
And let's continue here with the destruction of the Republic and the plan for a staged civil war to bring in permanent martial law will then be like Venezuela and they'll have staged elections around the country.
They will arrest the leadership of the political opposition that's loyal Americans and they believe they will successfully convert this country into a totalitarian juggernaut that will then be used by the UN and others to invade the planet.
Because once these type of totalitarians take over, they always exploit a powerful nation.
And if you think we've got wars going on right now, you ain't seen nothing yet.
So the prognosis is nightmarish.
I don't think anybody can deny that.
It's got two brain cells to rub together.
I don't want to get back into the border and then talk about how they're going to trigger the shibboleth war.
But again, unity, understanding that they want to take our American rights
They want to bring in a permanent underclass that doesn't understand those rights, that's dependent on them,
and that can vote for them.
But they realize the awakening is so big that they can't do this long-term plan anymore.
That's the illegal aliens and the debt and the open borders and the globalism.
That that's not going to get them across the finish line fast enough, as populists and anti-globalists get elected everywhere around the world.
It's the same policies targeting patriots everywhere.
It's all run by this central corporate cabal, through the governments, as they penetrate the cabinets, as Klaus Schwab said, bragging at the Kennedy Center with David Gergen years ago.
So as we move to remove these people from the cabinets, legally and lawfully, with votes, and they know there won't be enough illegals on time, and they know their election fraud's being caught, they need something bigger.
And what's in those cards?
Mass shootings of minority churches, which are the majority now, of black and brown churches, majority churches.
Colleges, black colleges, historically black colleges.
Synagogues, they'll throw that in, the right wing is anti-semitic.
Government buildings.
Power stations, they're saying Trump people are going to blow up all the power stations and then lying and saying with no evidence they're doing it.
They're pre-programming who the bad guys are.
They've already dressed In the media, the Trump supporters up as the backup.
They've already cast us as the villains, but we're not really even Trump supporters.
We believe Trump is with us and is going to try to stop this.
He's riding in on that wave.
They try to say we're Trump supporters.
No, no, we're America supporters.
We're Constitution supporters.
We're Bill of Rights defenders.
We're free market capitalists.
We're America firsters.
We believe in the sanctity of life.
We believe in God and the right to raise our children as we see fit.
That's who we are, and Trump is saying he'll champion that, and he did to a great extent.
Certainly wasn't perfect.
So they're saying Trump supporters are going to cut the power off with cyber attacks.
They're saying it's coming with no evidence.
And we quote, work with the Russians.
Told you that was coming before they did it.
Because, again, we're not Americans rebelling.
It's not enough to have Americans shut down the power grid.
No, no, no, it's Russians.
But that's not enough, too.
People know that's bull.
Nobody really ever bought it, but now people know it's a total fraud.
It's been proven.
FBI reports, they've had to admit it.
The Durham Report and others.
So we're, no, no, we're racist confederates.
So they're going with the racial angle right now.
And then they'll sprinkle in that we're Russian agents on top of that as a added bonus.
Or a dessert.
And they're officially saying extremism, right-wing extremism, is the number one crime in America, the number one threat, when it doesn't even really exist.
Super ultra rare.
like finding a four-leaf clover.
It's a treasure hunt for them.
But they project this is imminent, this is ongoing, this is happening.
And we have to be ready for this.
We have to be aware of this.
And we have to get out front of this and say, we don't support offensive violence.
Like Obi-Wan Kenobi says, the force is for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
And it wouldn't help us to blow things up or shoot people.
That would make us the bad guy.
We're winning the culture war.
We're winning hearts and minds.
The Great Awakening's here.
No one can deny that.
The enemy admits that.
They admit they're scared.
Because they're criminals that have hijacked the country and committed all these crimes.
So we're being branded and set up right now.
Or this, and we are 10 months out from the most consequential election in world history being watched all over the planet.
312 days.
And then you mix into this tens of millions, 20 million folks.
It's a conservative number.
Illegal aliens.
They're everywhere.
You can drive anywhere in the middle of Colorado, the middle of Texas, the middle of Illinois, the middle of Florida, the middle of Connecticut.
I've been all over this country the last few years.
And everywhere you go, you'll pull into ghost towns with one gas station and a trailer park, and there'll be 20 illegals wandering around the street.
I live by a golf course.
I lived there nine years.
I go out and walk on it before the golfers are out there many mornings.
And I've seen them bring in, because I've talked to them, and I say, Caribbean?
Yes, yes.
And I've seen them hire people on the golf course that are Somali that don't even know how to rake the sand traps and just run around screaming and fighting with each other.
And they're there for about a month and they're gone.
And now they've got Muslim men who just park in their golf carts, do no work, and talk on their cell phones while the Hispanics and white guys do all the work.
Because you're out there before it opens.
I'm out there walking and I see them.
Sometimes seven days a week I walk.
I don't lift weights a few days a week.
I do some light stuff so I don't get tendonitis.
And that's what's going on.
One time about a year ago, there's a green belt back off the golf course.
Sometimes I'll duck down into there.
A lot of times my daughter's with me.
My other children are with me.
They would go.
And I'm walking back up, and this is the middle of nowhere, so there's not a lot of people down there.
You rarely see people.
And this African was about 200 yards back in the woods when I was coming up from the creek in front of a tree worshiping.
The other time, I was in another greenbelt.
And I saw Guatemalan Indians, Guatemalan natives, with tin cans and strings around them, catching crawdads in the creek and camping in the middle of nowhere.
We'd hike three miles in the middle of nowhere.
I go to places in the middle of nowhere.
The Austin Greenbelt's full of people.
I don't go where all the crowds are.
I know where to go park here on the side of the highway.
All these spots I go into.
And I'm seeing this in the middle of nowhere, folks.
And I know they're Guatemalan, because I had family that lived down there for a while, and I've studied the cultures, and I ask them, are you Guatemalan?
And they're wearing the little Native American knitted hats they like to wear.
American, it's there in the Americas as well.
Central America.
So, this is in the last few years, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll go to break, I'm going to come back and talk more about this, but that's about just sapping the country, breaking things down, overloading the infrastructure, cloward and pivot.
That's all part of the old strategy.
But that's not enough, quick enough.
Because they know we're about to get control and shut it down.
And so they're going to go with truck bombs.
And I'm going to tell you more, the Islamic and black lives factor when we come back.
All right, here's what I'm going to do.
I'm going to continue laying out how they're triggering the collapse of the country and the two different tracks they've got to bring us under permanent bureaucratic globalist dictatorship and how we stop it.
And we're unable to stop them launching what they're going to brand as a civil war.
It's not really going to be that.
How we deal with that in my view.
And then I want to open the phones up.
I want to give the number out right now and get your take, your view on what I've said.
Do you disagree?
Do you agree?
What angles do you want to raise?
How do you think we respond to all of this?
What can I do better?
What can you do better?
How do we make this front and center?
Because this is their game plan.
Just like Russiagate was to stop Trump.
And saying he wanted to control the border was racist and evil.
And all the fake quotes that he hates all Mexicans and they're all bad people.
Never said that.
There's a lot of good people coming in.
Also a lot of bad people.
Totally true.
That was their game plan then.
Now they're so desperate.
You've seen all the desperateness taking him off the ballot and all the criminal charges.
They've decided to go for broke.
They're dug in and it doesn't matter if they're being exposed.
They have decided to go all the way.
And DeSantis has come out with a very sickening statement.
Showing where he lies and he was doing really good before he got these neocon advisors, Republican rhinos.
Now he is like cyanide to this country.
He's come out and said Trump wants to be a dictator.
That's right.
Got the articles right here.
He's joined them in their BS.
I guess offering himself as an alternative if they assassinate Trump or Do something along those lines that everybody's sick of Biden and the Democrats.
Maybe he'll come in, the lawyer, and then I would predict now if he has these controllers, stab us in the back.
So DeSantis is a plague now.
DeSantis, Trump fine with weaponization if it's against the people he doesn't like.
Joining the Democrats saying Trump plans to persecute dictatorially the population once he gets into office.
Trump never did that when he was in office.
They're the ones doing it to all of us and to him.
They're the ones saying everywhere that we are confederates and that we're extremist and terrorist and that we all need to be reprogrammed and re-educated.
These are all quotes.
And that we need to have Homeland Security's main mission be to go up against Trump supporters because we're so dangerous.
I mean, these are all CNN, MSNBC talking points right out of Obama's mouth, right out of the globalist rear end.
That is Obama.
So, it's a big deal.
So what do they got warmed up for destabilization?
Civil War triggers, and it won't be a civil war.
If you defend yourself from rioting looters, you're a right-wing extremist if you're brown.
If you're white, you're a white supremacist terrorist.
That's how the media will dub it.
If you defend yourself while you're being attacked, you're a white supremacist.
If you're Brown and defend yourself while you're being attacked and you're
conservative, you are a right-wing extremist.
And the silver lining is we're seeing in the polls triple the support for Trump
of any Republican in modern history.
We're seeing double the support of any Republican from Hispanics.
So, Hispanic Americans and Black Americans that work, and are successful, and are Christian, and that know what's going on, they know this is tyranny.
They know this is Venezuela, American-sized, super-sized.
And they know things are bad, and they're gonna get a lot worse.
They're smart.
But these 20 million illegal aliens from all over the world?
They come from totalitarian regimes like Venezuela?
They just know they're told go work at this factory 15 hours and that part of their paycheck is taken by the Democratic Party.
That's in the news today, by the way, that the Democrats take a big chunk of it.
Totally illegal.
It doesn't matter.
It's racketeering.
The FBI loves slavery.
And the sex slavery and all the rest of it.
They just know they're captive and they've been told there's all this free stuff here and they come here like Mazda Flame.
So we're being told everywhere Civil breakdown is happening while they defund the police, fund the rioting, fund Black Lives Matter.
It's just a Democrat Party front group claiming they represent black people.
And then force fed on us.
So they got Black Lives Matter getting set back up and being paid by dozens of cities, tens of millions of dollars, because the police were, quote, mean to them, with no evidence.
It's enough to pay somebody who, on record, is hurt by the police wrongly.
But they said, well, we were mean to you as a group, so we're going to now have the cities give money to this George Soros 501c3.
Non-profit group.
It's raised billions.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
But it's a war!
And your taxpayer money pays for the illegals' lawyers, pays for the services, pays for Black Lives Matter, pays for shipping the illegals in here through the State Department.
This is run by the U.S.
The U.S.
government created the U.N.
The U.S.
government's hijacked by this cabal transferring the power to the U.N.
over our bodies, over our borders, over everything.
They don't send in U.N.
They just simply fire your old police and hire police that are woke leftists to implement the plan of UNESCO, of Agenda 2030.
We're already under Agenda 21.
Everything we told you 20 years ago, what happened by 2021 is in their plan.
It's in the Rio de Janeiro Treaty that we didn't ratify, but we're still under.
George Herbert Walker Bush, we're living it.
They got almost everything done they said they would do in 1992, and now they say by 2030 they're going to have stuff so hellish done, we've talked about it, it's even hard for me to believe, but then they're actually implementing it.
I said four years ago, a year before Biden stole the election, I said if Biden gets in, they will dissolve the border completely and bring in tens of millions of illegals.
And they did it because it's in the Agenda 2030 plan.
We have their playbook.
We have their battle plan.
It should be easy to beat them.
99.9% of us are going to be hurt by this.
But the leftists are on board because they feel like they're part of the power structure.
They've got all these worthless degrees and they're being promised That they'll have their tuition forgiven, and they'll have their college debt forgiven, and they'll get all this universal basic income.
They don't realize that's an austerity salary to control you and shut you down.
They're the ones that line up to take the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh injection.
They're victims of the mind control.
They fell to it.
Then they're organized against us.
I'm going to give the toll-free number out, and then I'm going to come back and talk about the Islamic angle and all of it.
I think I'm going to do it right now.
But they've got, now, tens of millions of Islamists in the country, millions of military-age men, tens of millions of Islamists in Europe, millions of military-age men, respiratory military-age men, And they run around bragging, I'll show you next hour, we rule you, and they can burn down whole cities in a night if they don't get what they want.
That was brought in as a detonator, as a globalist trigger they control, and now all their leftist, Ukraine War, white, academic types are blocking highways in Austin, Texas, in Houston, Texas, in Dallas, Texas, in San Antonio, Texas.
I don't have to go outside the state to see it.
My daughter got caught up in one a few weeks ago, trying to go home.
Then the gang members join in and start doing donuts in the street and running into people.
You've got the Islamists here with Hamas and Hezbollah and all these members of Congress saluting Hamas, which is a terrorist organization sworn to forces under Islamic rule.
People go, oh, you're defending Israel.
Israel's not even part of that equation.
Netanyahu now came out with documents, he wants to ship them here.
Hell no!
Israel, you take them.
But on the right wing, you've got some supporters of Hamas and Islamists right now, just because they're anti-Semitic, they like them.
Well, they don't like you.
You're an idiot.
The left, the universities are behind this Islamic horde, and we don't just have the left backing it, we've got a lot of people on the right backing it.
You know who does back open borders for Muslims?
The ADL.
You got all these people that are Jew-obsessed on the same team as the ADL wanting to bring in these Islamists.
Think about that.
Right in front of you, like you're an idiot.
Like you're a fool.
So how will they use these groups to trigger the big event?
How will the false flag terror attacks play out?
What are the scenarios?
I'll hit it next hour.
Let me give you the toll-free number to join us, 877 789-2539.
877-789-2539 on this one subject.
On this one subject.
Which is a huge subject.
7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 on this one subject on this one subject which is a huge subject
2024 what are the global is going to do what are your concerns
How can we stop it?
How do you see them hitting us?
Cyber attacks, power outages, truck bombings, mass shootings.
They tell you it's imminent.
They tell you we're gonna do it.
We gotta say no we're not.
You're the ones with the history of it and we're aware of what you're doing and we're not going along with your civil war that you're triggering.
We got a few days left into the new year of store-wide free shipping, double Patreon points.
Everybody needs Winter Sun to boost your immune system.
Get Winter Sun 40% off at InfoWarStore.com.
And we're selling out of HH Max Boost and X2.
If you want those, get them now.
Thanks for the support.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and has almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air, a signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively, or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon, it was like number 25 yesterday, We can do it together at Amazon.com.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk to the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech and the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at The Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
please follow us there at The Real Alex Jeffries.
This is Oda from CVP and The Real Alex Jeffries.
CCP and the...
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com!
Do not!
Yeah, the New World Order is making their move on us.
There are a lot of fools thinking they're going to be part of the ruling class when this thing goes down.
All they're going to do is get injected with a bunch of deadly poison.
Have they survived that?
Put in a forced labor camp.
I don't say all this to scare you.
It's an absolute guarantee we're being taken to absolute tyranny.
Not to have absolute zero.
This is absolute tyranny.
Now, you notice last hour I did a 30-second plug, and yesterday when I had General Flynn on, I didn't plug for two hours, and we looked at the financial numbers, and we've just dug ourselves out of a hole into the black.
And I was talking to the shipping department.
They said, listen, can you please plug a little more?
We need money.
That's absolutely true.
Plus, these are great products everybody needs.
So I'm going to talk to you about Winter Sun here in just a second.
We'll go to break, come back, finish up the Civil War martial law news.
That's really what it is.
It's a trigger for martial law.
It's not a real civil war.
And then we'll go to your phone calls.
We're loading the phones up on that subject.
It's a huge subject.
There's a thousand angles.
So please, only on that subject.
Some exciting news.
You know, my dad runs drjonesnaturals.com, just drjonesnaturals.com, drjonesnaturals.com.
If you can, we'll just put the URL up there on screen for folks.
And it hadn't been available for years, but he got a shipment of it in and decided to produce it again.
It was very, very popular.
And it is super silver, the original non-fluoride toothpaste with patented nano silver in it.
It's got the peppermint and tea tree oil and iodine in it.
So nobody's got anything like this.
They did a limited run, drjonesnaturals.com.
There's a bunch of other amazing products there that are Running out that are limited edition.
There's a lot of great supplements there.
There's a lot of great toothpaste there.
There's organic natural toothbrushes and mouthwash and a lot of other great silver products that are not available at mfulworthstore.com but are available at drjonesnaturals.com.
Those are his products, ladies and gentlemen, and they're great.
And he is a sponsor of the broadcast, so it's a win-win to help support the broadcast.
SuperSilver non-fluoride toothpaste with silver, iodine, and more in it.
So be sure and get that.
There's all the other toothpaste are there as well.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Now, I want to talk to you about something that is incredibly important.
And there's so much chatter and so much stuff being said in the media and culture.
People are overwhelmed with information.
I am too.
And so when I say this is important, it really is important.
The number one cause of viral infection and replication, look it up for yourself, is lack of vitamin D3.
And people don't produce vitamin D in the winter because you're not getting sun.
Your skin produces it with sunlight.
That's the best type.
A lot of people don't have good absorption in the gut.
There's also genetic issues where you don't absorb the vitamin D3 you get in some foods.
If you take it under the tongue and let it sit there for a minute, you'll absorb it directly into the bloodstream.
And if you want to be healthy and you don't want to get sick, this is one of the number one things you can do to mitigate that and statistically make it a lot less of a chance that's going to happen.
Or if you do get sick, that it's not going to be as intense.
That's what the literature, the research information shows.
Vitamin D3 is essential.
Winter Sun has not been available for a year because of funds and supply chain breakdowns, and it's the highest quality in the country.
It's finally back, 40% off.
It funds the InfoWar, so it's a 360 win to get the product for yourself, your family, to give as a gift for neighbors, and even if you don't get it from us, get organic vitamin D3.
Make sure it's not the synthetic type, okay?
But it's a win-win to get it from us, because you know it's the highest quality, and it funds the InfoWar.
Winter Sun, back in stock, 40% off, and going into the new year, we're going to extend free shipping and double patriot points, but only for a week or so.
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Get them now, infowarestore.com.
I came to you today at the start of the broadcast an hour ago, and I told you that I was not gonna get upset
and that I was not gonna yell and scream.
But I don't know how I punctuate this information, how I underline it, how I highlight it.
Look around you and go back to one of my shows 29 years ago.
People now dug up stuff I didn't even know was still out there that I didn't even have.
I had a bunch of tapes and stuff in storage.
They're like 25, 30 years old.
They rotted.
They don't work.
People out there had me recorded, put it on disc somewhere.
Mike Hanson's doing a great job.
One of the first guys I worked with on AXS TV, going back 29 years ago.
And they're finding all that stuff from 29 years ago now.
There's 29-year-old clips.
They haven't found the 30-year-old stuff because I was going to City Council and County Commission and speaking 32 years ago.
I got on air 29 years ago and change.
And people are seeing this stuff.
It's getting millions of views on X and they're going, what in the world?
This is word per word what's happened.
This guy is Nostradamus.
I get mad about that because it acts like it's some secret that I just looked in a crystal ball and got.
I was reading the New American Magazine by the John Byrd Society and then I didn't just believe them, I would go to the library or I would order the books, not just the books they wrote about it or other people they interviewed, I would go and get the books written by the globalists.
I mean, I ordered At a bookstore and had it delivered and paid like $50, 30 years ago.
Back then that was like a hundred bucks for a copy of Tragedy and Hope by Carol Quigley, the Georgetown political science head and Bill Clinton's mentor, where he admits the world government and the plan to turn humans basically into biological androids, and he thought it was a good idea.
And I read about that in the John Birch Society.
I said, I want that book!
And I read, it took me months because it would give you a headache, all 1,100 pages of that sucker.
It's somewhere in storage or somewhere in my, I saw it like 10 years ago again, every page highlighted.
And that's the shows we haven't found from 30 years ago, my first shows, where I would aim a camera in the control room, because I was by myself.
So I wasn't in the studio, I was in a little access control room, and I'd wheel the cameras in there, and they'd bitch at me for doing it.
They're like, you can't have those.
I said, yeah, it's not hurting them.
I'd string them in from the little studio, and I'd be in this closet, and I'd have a light bulb hanging, and I'd aim it at it and show people.
And the reason I've raised that, and not about, oh, I've been doing this 30 years, It's a normal response.
When I'm at my uncle's house visiting my cousin in San Antonio, and I'm 15, and there's New American Magazines and John Birch Society books laying around, and I was a good reader, and I was reading it, and I said to my uncle, is this true?
And he said, you're damn right, it's all true.
I've been there.
I've done it.
I work for these very people.
It's all true.
And he was just a few years back from Iran-Contra.
As a boss.
And I think he was a little wild when he was, you know, oh, they're devil worshippers, they sacrifice children, they're pedophiles.
What until he was dying he told me he saw them smuggling kids, the US government.
And today you're like, well, God, we see that all the time.
He saw it in Guatemala and other areas of Central and South America.
But the point is, We're dealing with monsters, and they finally got us up to the point of a totalitarian French revolution meets Mao's revolution meets V.I.
Lenin's revolution, and they are planning on wrecking and ending all of this and destroying all the productivity so you get on your knees in front of them if you're allowed to live.
And you ask, how are they going to do that?
Wars, drugs, open borders, destruction of the family, devaluation of the currency.
What has Klaus Schwab said?
We're going to bring in the Great Reset by creating an angrier world.
The average person still doesn't know why this is happening to them.
They're starting to figure it out.
That scares the globalists.
And so they're like, well, we don't have time to bring in the third world and have a Tower of Babel.
That's not working.
It's not happening quick enough.
It is working, but it's too slow.
Okay, we're just going to say any Americans that oppose us, or any Europeans, or anybody, or extremists, and we're going to arrest them for their speech, and we're going to say they're going to knock the power out, and that they're racist, and what else do they need?
What have they done before?
Truck bombs, mass shootings, knocking out the power, poisoning water supplies.
That's their next move.
And they've got all the movies and all the shows saying it's going to happen.
And they know governors and legislatures are going to line up when there's total tyranny and they assassinate Trump if that happens or things along those lines.
And so they're going to send the U.S.
Army in to take over those capitals.
That's why they've got all these movies hitting theaters now.
The Obama thing hit two weeks ago.
The new movie's coming out in a few weeks and a bunch of others are coming out.
Where it's white southerners are not going along with the federal government, are basically Trump supporters.
They don't say Trump.
I've read the synopsis of a Civil War movie coming out.
The spoiler.
And the valiant good white people, led by the good black people, defeat the white supremacists.
And restore the Republic.
But they've got to kill millions of the white people in the process.
So Hollywood's putting movies out about killing millions of white people.
And the valiant Hispanic and Black and Asian troops killing the white people.
And the Chinese pilots dropping bombs on the right-wingers.
We'll get those white people.
We'll get those evil Texans, and we'll get Florida.
Meanwhile, we're winning politically.
They're trying to take us off the ballot.
They're the ones doing everything they say we're going to do.
They're the ones instilling their own people, the universities, that whites are inherently evil, and then the ADL only gets upset when They go, and by the way, since Jews are white, you're all bad too.
And the head of the ADL even bitched a month ago.
He said, you know, it's like Jews are at the bottom of the totem pole.
He played the clip.
White people are the worst and Jews are even under them.
This is wrong.
Well, I mean, you taught them this and you run it.
The ADL, a leftist Jewish supremacy organization that claims represents all Jews when it doesn't, Literally running around with their curriculum to law enforcement colleges.
They quarterback it.
Southern Provincial Law Center is involved, Carnegie Endowment, but they're at the center of it.
Literally teaching that white people and Christians are inherently dangerous and bad.
And the FBI plays to their sheet of music.
You see it everywhere.
Official national terrorism directive in June of 2021 by Obama, by O'Biden, says Right-wing extremists are white supremacists, and we define a right-wing extremist as not wanting open borders, not wanting lockdowns, forced injections, or questioning elections.
Oh, and, you know, obviously, want to deport the illegal aliens.
And I've showed that report probably 200 times on here.
You can just type it in.
Just throw the report up.
And then you see that everywhere.
So they mean business.
They're not making all these movies and saying this on the TV and putting it in the non-fiction stuff.
It is fiction, of course.
But putting it on the news, because they're playing games.
They had all those race war, burn down America, it's racist movies, right before the summer of rage in 2000.
Dozens of movies, hundreds of TV shows, you saw it.
They're doing this, okay?
They're doing it.
They're going to blow stuff up and blame white people.
They're coming for everybody, though.
You know, I believe in filtering my water, and I have the stainless steel filter systems, and I use that at my home, but I also like high quality Springwater from Arkansas.
And so I provided to the crew here.
And just when I was out during the break, I went into the kitchen to get a little bit of coffee.
I saw a nice black man that I've met before, a black man that comes every few months and takes out our old water bottles and puts in dozens of new ones and he was standing there while he was moving stuff with a TV with me on it where I was talking about they're about to try to trigger a race war and a civil war in America and he knows me and I said hi to him and I just hope he didn't just hear that part of that last segment, didn't hear the rest of it.
Black people aren't our enemy.
Hispanic people aren't our enemy.
White people aren't our enemy.
It's the ADL and the Black Lives Matter controlled by George Soros that's not a black organization trying to divide us, to control us, and the black community knows that about Trump.
They know he's not racist.
That's why triple the number of black folks voted for him last time.
But they stole the election.
So when you see all these movies about blacks and whites killing each other in civil war, that's Hollywood.
That's the CIA.
Desperate to keep us from getting our country back and lowering the inflation and controlling our borders.
If you really want to stop this, you got to go to city councils, county commission, school boards.
Those have big audiences and speak.
Then they go viral online.
You've got to go to black churches and ask to go speak at them.
They'll have you up there and tell them what's going on.
They already know.
So that when they try to trigger the Islamists to start blowing stuff up run by the white liberals and funded by Iran, who Biden's funding, And Israel stood down on October 7th.
Doesn't lessen the attack, but that's all come out now.
They admitted it in the New York Times.
They said, yeah, we stood down.
We're not going to say who told us to.
Think about how big that is.
And I saw comments all over X yesterday.
When General Flynn shot a special report with me about Israel standing down on October 7th, and he knows Israel well, been there many times, toured their facilities, toured their security, he said, we know they stood down.
The question is, did Netanyahu order it?
Or do they keep them in the dark?
There needs to be an investigation.
Those leaders should be relieved from command.
The Southern Zone Commander and others.
Until we know.
And like half the comments were like, we already know this.
And all these talk show hosts chimed in and said, here we are a month ago saying this.
Yeah, I said it on October 7th, the day it happened.
I made a play of the clip, and I said Hezbollah was behind it, funded by Biden.
People said I was wrong, it was Hamas.
Yes, I said Hezbollah ran it.
Now the Ayatollah Khomeini and the head of the Iranian military just came out yesterday
and they took responsibility for quarterbacking the whole thing.
I told you, but it isn't about who told you first.
General Flynn is the former head of Defense Intelligence Agency putting his name and his
gravitas publicly saying there should be an investigation.
Why hasn't there been one yet?
Yes, it's like saying two men can't have a baby.
You're like, we already know that.
Well, some people don't know that.
So we keep telling them guns save lives 20 plus times more than they're used to take
We already know that.
Well, a lot of people don't.
Or, oh, we already know the Federal Reserve is private.
A lot of people don't.
That's why the clip has been shared everywhere.
It's got like 10 million views.
Just on our site, 2 million.
But I saw copies everywhere with millions and millions and millions and millions of views apiece.
Because people didn't know that.
Because a few months ago, we were still censored!
And again, I bring this up because there's this real territorialism in people about the New World Order.
About, well, I said it first, or, well, yeah, tell us something we don't know.
It's crazy.
I mean, Building 7 didn't get hit by an airplane and have the CIA headquarters and FBI in it and had bombs in it.
According to eyewitnesses I interviewed, the deputy head of Newark Emergency Management.
That happened 21 years ago.
Gonna call in and say, well, I already know that.
Yeah, well, I'm the one that broke it at the time!
It is, I don't tell you that usually up front, because it doesn't matter!
Building 7 was blown up!
Tucker Carlson does a show about it.
People go, well, we knew this a long time ago.
Yeah, well, you don't have the audience of Tucker Carlson, and you're not in the danger he is.
The point is, people are ready for the truth now.
They weren't ready 20 years ago in the numbers they are now.
So we've got to tell all these new people that don't know what's going on what's happening.
And I love the white supremacists attack me all the time.
I see it everywhere.
Hot Jones are trying to get the black people and Hispanics on board.
Now screw them, they're the enemy.
No, they're people too, and they may have been organized against us.
How we beat the enemy is waking them up, and it's working!
If we all just totally divide into our groups and don't communicate with each other, the enemy can play us off against each other.
I'm not saying you got to adopt other people's culture.
I'm simply saying we need to force multiply and work with everybody to stop this dead in its tracks.
And that's why they want me off air because I'm a unifier, not a divider.
I'm going to go to break, come back with your calls, but I want to get more into this.
You're going to wake up in the next 10 months if we don't have a huge awakening and a huge pushback like we did when they were secretly going to push COVID protocols and lockdowns again, and you notice they tried it right after I said they were.
But it failed all over the world because we got ahead of it.
The story went mega viral.
You did your job.
You spread it.
But we did that together.
And we can get ahead of this, folks, if you call into C-SPAN, and call into Congress, and go talk to your police department, and go speak at the school board about it all.
Think global, act local.
That's what the left says.
We have to get ahead of this.
We have the means.
We have the communication systems.
We can do it together.
But they're going to continue to ratchet up the Islamists blocking highways and roads.
Notice they have the Extinction Rebellion.
No more oil people doing the same thing.
They're going to continue to blow up the food processing plants.
And they're going to continue to have regulations to shut down fertilizer and energy production all over the world.
They're going to continue to make people poor and starving and hungry.
They're going to continue to collapse the third world and flood us.
And then they're going to have right-wingers, patsies, carry out terror attacks, racially motivated and religiously motivated, to then brand, this is a civil war, Trump supporters are doing this, we can't allow Trump to get in and do this to more people, we've got to stop him.
To create a fear in their minions to go steal the election.
With the mail-in ballots and all the same crap again.
And to legitimize assassinating Trump by poisoning him or shooting him or bombing him.
Blowing his airplane or helicopter up.
And then staging more terror attacks and saying that right-wingers did it as the response to Trump being assassinated.
And or, they could do both, assassinate Biden to take a liability and turn him into a plus.
Cyber attacks blamed on us.
Attacks on the power grid with guns blaming it on us.
Racial attacks, bombings.
They're all saying it's going to happen.
They've got the movies, everything pumping.
They're getting ready to do it.
Admit it to yourself and understand it.
This is the end of the republic.
A criminal group was already in control.
We started taking control back.
So now they're coming in to clamp down ten times harder so they cannot be removed.
We're trying to remove the illegal coup.
They're digging in.
19 states have seceded.
The United States Army ramps up activity.
The White House issued warnings to the Western forces as well as the Florida Alliance.
The three-term president assures the uprising will be dealt with swiftly.
Let me know if you want to try anything.
I'm just aware there's like a pretty huge civil war going on all across America.
We just try to stay out with what we see on the news.
seems like it's for the best.
Citizens of America, the so-called Western forces of Texas and California
have suffered a very great defeat at the hands of the United States military.
Mr. President, do you regret the use of airstrikes against American citizens?
We're moving to D.C.
You need to go down there.
They shoot journalists on sight in the capital.
Every instinct in me says this is death.
What if... Every time I survived the war zone, I thought I was sending a warning home.
Don't do this.
But here we are.
There's some kind of misunderstanding here.
Mark, we're American, okay?
What kind of American are you?
You don't know?
The Western forces will reach the White House on July 4th.
Oh, my God.
Get in the car!
Get in the car!
Move, move, move!
You're gonna hang back.
I'm not hanging back.
One nation under God.
With liberty and justice for all.
Go, go, go, go, go!
God bless America.
Coming out in just a few months.
Oh, and USA Today!
This was going on for a long time and now they're expanding it.
Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve.
Already like 30% of it's basically illegal aliens.
And now they're hiring illegal aliens to be police all over the country.
Figured out how this works.
The real Americans are people that aren't Americans.
And anybody that loves America is bad.
The flag's bad.
George Washington statues are being taken down, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, because they're white men.
Figure it out yet?
It's a leftist, globalist, BlackRock funded uprising.
They're at civil war with America, but they're not American, so it's not they're a invasion force.
They're a collaborator group trying to overthrow the country.
And then if we aren't for it and are just peaceful and political and win, they plan to make it violent so they can overturn the chessboard.
It's very, very simple.
How do we stop it though?
And if it kicks off, We'll go through some of those scenarios more in the next hour after I get some of the calls.
And we'll continue with the calls.
How do we respond if they go ahead and somehow trigger this?
Because it won't be a real civil war, but they'll be calling it that.
Now you explain it's the coup forces destabilizing the country to bring it down.
They're the ones dissolving the country and its borders.
They're the ones starting all the wars.
They're the ones spying and censoring on the people.
They're the people weaponizing the law enforcement and the judiciary and the courts against the people.
They're the ones taking candidates off the ballots.
They're the ones stealing elections.
They're the globalists.
They're the people that hate America's very existence and want to use what's left of this country to empower their world government.
They wanna make us a cross between communist China and the Hollywood culture.
What a disgusting thing that is.
All right, it's time for your calls.
I'm gonna take calls right through to the end of the show.
The broadcast, Robert, Kevin, Brent, Mike, Bill, Savicks, Rick, Tom, John, Al, Justin, and others.
We'll just start at the top from the first call that came in from Florida.
That's Robert.
Robert, welcome to the Airwaves.
I'd like to talk about the Smith-Muntz Act that was repealed right before Obama left, hence all the propaganda that's been coming out now.
God gave us eyes to see and ears to hear, and people are oblivious to what's happening and what will happen in the next few years, if not months, of all these people coming over in droves.
I'm ready, I don't know what else to do, and I was explaining to my children last night about what's coming down the pipe, and these kids are 16-8 and 2-1.
I have no idea what they're in store for.
You know, I want you to talk about the Smith-Bund Act and why that was so important, because you're absolutely right here in a moment.
My 21-year-old son obviously knows what's going on.
My 19-year-old daughter knows what's going on.
My 15-year-old daughter is kind of the rebellious one and doesn't think I'm right about this stuff.
I would want to reject this, too.
And I get it.
It's frightening.
My 6-year-old's really dialed in, and I'm having to sit there and explain to her, well, the police aren't bad on average, but their bosses are, and bad men have gotten in charge of of basically the system and are trying to fool and get the good people to do bad things.
And I don't let her watch modern TV because it's so woke, but I let her watch old shows like Looney Tunes and Smurfs from the 80s.
And she goes, oh, like Gargamel sometimes fools some of the Smurfs to, you know, do bad things.
And so she already gets it.
And that's really, you could take it to a children's cartoon.
Gargamel, almost every episode, is trying to fool the Smurfs into doing something bad.
And I mean, that's really what this is, folks.
I guess, Robert, go ahead.
Well, just the whole Smith-Montauk was not being allowed to propagate propaganda against American people, and that's exactly what's been going on for the last five, ten years, or however many years it's been.
Yeah, if anybody wants to pull it up, you have to go to web because it's so old.
This is from like 12 years ago.
You type in, Obama legalizes using propaganda against the American people.
Obama legalizes using CIA against American people.
Congress legalizes propagandizing American people.
You can pull up Reuters, AP, all of it.
You're absolutely right.
Go ahead.
Anything else?
Thank you.
Yeah, I mean, the people are oblivious.
I was listening to a podcast on X last night where Stu Peters was on there and he made a comment about the people that are coming over aren't families from other countries.
I immigrated here when I was younger.
I did everything that I was supposed to do.
I had no choice.
I was brought here by my mother.
But these are military-age men and now you've got congressmen standing up or senators saying we should have all these people join the military.
When the SHIT hits the fan, All the people, the cops, all that, they're not going to be there to protect us.
They're going to go home to protect their family, and these people are going to step in their shoes, just like they're doing in Los Angeles.
You will be stopped, probably at gunpoint, and the minute you say anything they don't like, they're going to shoot you.
And if you're white, you're going to get shot first.
So, and I, and just, the Team Humanity thing, I'm no longer pro-Trump, I'm pro-nobody.
I'm pro-Team Humanity, because it's the only people who are going to save us are ourselves.
I'm not relying on one person to change everything.
He tried and he wasn't able to do it because it's so deep in the swamp.
You can't just come up and all of a sudden change everything and everything's going to go back to, you know, roses.
I appreciate your call.
And look, they started decades ago hiring illegal aliens, but a lot of them came here to sign up.
They did their tour.
They did it.
They became citizens.
That's fine.
They're now moving to make the majority of the military illegal aliens.
They've been announcing this, that the main force is going to be these military-age men.
Oh, and a lot of the videos were journalists talk to the, quote, migrants.
Now there's the headline, military turns to immigrants to fight recruiting shortfall.
They kick out The informed people, black, white, Hispanic, you name it, that are citizens because they don't want to take the poison shot.
And then now they bring in the illegal aliens from all over the world.
I mean, this is incredible.
And those very illegal aliens go and help cut down the barbed wire fences to let more illegals in.
But they got plenty of U.S.
citizens going along with it too.
Great call.
And if you're a TV viewer, radio listeners don't see this.
Everything he said, everything I said, from them legalizing, lying to the American people with propaganda, to accelerating hiring illegal aliens for the military and police, we put it on screen, mainstream news.
It's happening.
Cabinet in Ohio, thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Can you hear me?
Yes sir, go ahead.
Yeah, so, um, first of all, I was going to tell you where I see it from my background.
I live in a very small rural community of about 30,000 in our whole county.
Give me a favor, you're a little muffled.
Move your phone away from your clothes or talk right into the receiver.
Okay, is this better?
Okay, so I live in a small community of about 30,000 in our whole county and we have a factory and about 70% is Haitian right now.
I don't know a lot about the Haitian background and stuff like that.
They do seem very polite and very hard workers.
However, if you're here wrong, you're here wrong.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
These people individually aren't bad, and they've totally looted Haiti.
But I guarantee you, they're signed up with immigration lawyers, they pay a lot of that money into lawyers, they pay that money into Democratic Party slush funds, they get about half their check taken, they're also then signed up for welfare, part of that's skimmed, so they're farming these people, do you understand?
And then they're told how to vote.
Yeah, absolutely.
Because they actually seem very passive.
To be honest with you, I mean, if one of them, like, steps on the back of my shoe, they're apologizing over themselves.
And it's like, I can tell they're already beat down.
Well, Haiti is probably, other than like Somalia or North Korea, the worst place on earth.
And it never got under from colonialism.
You can look at a satellite photo of Hispaniola.
And it is.
That's the old name of the island.
And the Dominican Republic is on the east and Haiti is the west.
And it's split down the middle.
And you look at a satellite photo.
It's all deforested and destroyed in Haiti.
And it's beautiful in Dominican Republic.
Certainly not perfect.
And it's just it's it's an absolute hellhole.
And yeah, they're brought in here to be exploited.
It's disgusting.
Yeah, and I can confirm these are military-age men.
These are not older guys.
These aren't, you know, people that are not in shape.
These people are definitely in shape.
And of course, they're getting paid a lot less.
So what does that do to wages?
It lowers wages while inflation goes up.
So we don't raise them up, just like Ross Perot warned in those famous debates on CNN with Al Gore.
Open borders and all this doesn't raise wages, it lowers us towards the third world.
We lower, it doesn't raise them up, you see?
Yes, because they're forced to go through a temp service rather than getting hired on direct.
None of them get hired directly, it's all through a temp service.
And the temp service takes its cut, absolutely.
Anything else?
Yeah, if your people can actually take my information, I have something really, I can't say on air to you.
Something really I'd like to discuss with you.
Well, we get a lot of those calls, and I'm not saying tips aren't great.
Why don't you tell John Harmon, who's a great guy on the phones, real quick what it is, and then I'll decide if I've got the time, because I'm working like 15 hours a day, what the information is.
Or I'll hand you over to one of the reporters if it's something that I think is really important.
I'm sure it is important.
It's just that we're a small operation.
But yeah, I'll put you on hold.
John, please find out real quick what it is.
Thank you, Bill.
Thank you, last caller.
Let's go to Bill in Iowa now.
Bill in Iowa, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate everything that you're doing.
I want to, you know, mention something about this election.
I honestly don't believe there's going to be an election.
The power structure the way it is right now, apparently the way it's set, I mean, look what they did for January 6th.
And there's no way they're going to ever let their power go.
Well, let me just interrupt you and say that's why I take calls.
I wrote a list of things this morning I was going to say on air and of course left them
on the coffee table at home.
And the first thing I was going to say is they don't want us to get to an election.
They want the civil war they trigger as the pretext to cancel it.
And I believe that's one of the main scenarios they'll use a cyber attack for
claiming things are so disruptive they can't do it.
And so I should have said that right up front at the start of the show.
So take this little clip of this caller.
That's fine.
we put the archive of it up on Bandot Video, put this call on the front of the whole show
because you just called in and said the key to everything and my dumb ass forgot to say
So thank you.
That's fine.
But no, I mean, the way you look at things right now, I mean, how they did January 6
and you figure all the censorship out.
You know, I was part of the people's convoy during COVID when they threw those mandates
Of course, we get a lot of press attention because they didn't want to blow up to be
like the Canadian convoy and stuff.
But the American spirit is alive and well.
And that's about the only thing that we got going for us is the American spirit and the
Truth is on our side and there's so much overwhelming support out there it's just that people are kind of lost right now because there's so much bombardment with so many things all at once Everybody gets lost and don't know quite what to do.
And that's called the fog of war, and Klaus Schwab, and they all talk about that.
You're dead on again.
And you know, and one thing I want to mention real quick here.
But the crescendo of what's going on with the new world order and everything, God reinstated
you to be put back on X so the information that you share gets out to a much larger audience
which is having a much crescendo effect on the whole world itself.
And so you're right there where you need to be at this particular point in time.
I'm going to give a shout out to Elon Musk for stepping up and quite frankly having a
boss put you back on X.
Well thank you, thank you and God bless you.
Let me give people some of the inside scoop or inside baseball as they say on what happened because I know what happened now and I'm not going to get into all of it because some of it's off record.
But a whole bunch of people like Tucker Carlson, Jack Posobiec and a bunch of other people reached out to Elon in the last year and said listen Alex Jones is a good guy.
This was a setup.
These were fake trials rigged by the judges where he was already guilty.
This isn't true.
It isn't why he was banned on X. Please go look at the record and understand that this was all basically made up afterwards and was just a big media event where they claimed I was doing all these things I never did.
And why is he doing it?
Why won't he stop in present tense of things I never did?
And then he saw the Tucker interview and he went and looked at the logs and the research and he said this on air.
About checking the logs.
And he was told that I was taken off because of Sandy Hook and that wasn't even true.
They just dug that up later and blew it all up and lied about what I said and had show trials.
And so the final straw though was when he told everybody go F yourself about a week before this started happening.
He just said screw this I'm going full free speech as best as they can as long as something isn't illegal and I'm going to really try to defeat the Democratic Party and I'm going to vote for Trump.
And you can say what you want about Musk, but I know people that know him well behind the scenes.
And unless he's putting on a big act in front of his friends privately, this guy's completely awake and totally pissed.
And so, aren't we glad at least X has been freed up to a great extent.
I'm not saying it's perfect.
I'm glad Rumble's there.
I'm glad InfoWars is here.
I'm glad BitChute's there.
I'm glad all these other groups are there.
Let's talk to Savick in Seattle.
Thanks for calling.
Yes, Alex, thank you.
So, from all the people that have been coming in from Africa, from Asia, from Latin America, from all these different countries, now the responsibility comes to us, the migrants, the patriots that are already here for many years, that learned English, that became citizens, to educate these people.
Because What are you going to do, wait for them to get deported?
No way, that's not going to happen.
If they're going to come in from China, from all these places, all the people that are already here that know how the system works, we have to do our part to educate them.
I 100% agree with you, and that's why Hispanics are awake, black folks are waking up, that have been in America a while.
That's why they're panicking trying to bring in a whole new group that doesn't know what's going on.
But if we can educate the last group that came in, who is turning towards America, in many cases more than even people that have been here forever, we can really turn this around.
That's a great point.
Yeah, that's right.
The people that are already here, instead of trying to flee to another country, back to Mexico or whatever, you know what?
Do your part and educate these people.
You already know.
People that have been here for 20 years and can't even speak English, you already know they're within your circle.
Educate them.
Wake them up.
And that's pretty much my point.
The people that, the migrants that are already here for many years, that's our job.
Do your part and wake people up.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you so much, sir.
I appreciate your call.
Excellent points.
Excellent callers.
Mike in Kentucky.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
This is Mike from Kentucky.
I just want to thank you for the book that my wife got me this Christmas.
It's awesome.
Thank you.
We've got to just keep spreading the information.
I've been listening to you since 2005.
I happened to be in Army medic school at the time.
And me and my wife just we listen to you almost every day.
We appreciate you.
I think the issues in the Middle East and Israel and America are just going to take a lot of prayer and faith and we just need to let God's love explode on people.
And I just want to thank you for all you do and have a blessed day, sir.
Well, thank you.
What do you make of them hyping civil war?
I'm really concerned.
That has to do with the dichotomy of Creating disruption from within a country in order to overtake them from an outside source that's been used in the past.
That's right.
You destabilize and divide a country before you collapse it.
Correct, sir.
Yes, sir.
But just remember, Alex, Army veterans are with you.
We pray for you.
We love you, brother.
And just have a great upcoming year, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
God bless you.
All right.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
John, thanks for calling.
Hi Alex.
Just quickly, I've seen a bit shoot video on the computer the other day and it was a woman that her husband owns a gun shop and she said that her husband told her that the ATF agents came in there and they said if an illegal alien comes in to buy a gun, sell it to him.
You know, I saw a news article last week.
I forget what publication it was.
I need to pull it up.
It was out of Chicago, and it said the feds and the city are, quote, letting the migrants be armed.
And I even saw another headline, giving them guns.
Elaborate on what you were told.
Well, just this woman, she just was on a video, a bit shoot.
And she just said, my husband just called me and she said that he owns a gun shop, he's a gun dealer, and the ATF agents came in there and told him if a legal alien comes in to buy a gun, sell it to him.
Well, we know they shipped hundreds of thousands of guns out to give to illegal aliens, or I guess people in Mexico, but then it got, a lot of them are actually being stockpiled and shipped to ISIS.
That actually came out in federal court.
I'm not saying I don't believe that because things are so insane and the ATF's done that before.
Why do you think, because I did see the articles out of Chicago that they're arming the illegals.
I mean, at the end of the day, a lot of them are military men, a lot of them are criminals, a lot of them aren't.
I kind of see these women with children and wish they could defend themselves, but again, they're here illegally and the issue is they throw the book at citizens that don't dot an I or cross a T. What do you think could be behind that if it's true?
Well, I believe what I was going to talk about next is I think we're going to have a civil war and they want, they're hitting us with a full-scale armed army to bring them in here first and then arm them, you know.
I tell you what, stay on hold.
I'm going to, I got to go to break.
I'm going to come back to you, John.
I want to let you elaborate on this.
I want to talk to you more.
I'm going to go to Al and Justin and Jody and everybody else before we go to break.
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Bottom line, folks, the New World Order is making its move.
Everything they've done to take out Trump, the populist movements failed.
So, assassination's on the table And they're planning massive terror attacks to be blamed on
They're already saying we're imminently about to blow everything up.
Total crap.
Then we work for the Russians.
More bull.
I don't think they want this election to take place.
I think one of the callers earlier said that, and he was dead on.
So, we're in very dangerous waters.
We're in uncharted territory.
We're in a situation we've never been in before.
Let's go back to John in Texas.
John, finish your points about the situation.
Well, the communists, they want a civil war in Russia, they want a civil war in China, they want a civil war in Vietnam, they want a civil war in Cuba.
And that's how they consolidate their power, and they're going to do it here.
Yeah, that's how the CIA overthrew over 100 governments in civil wars.
Real simple.
They're running their same playbook on us.
I believe that's what they want to do here.
When they get all this stuff ready, they want a civil war here.
We don't want it, but they do when they're going to try their best to get it.
You're damn right.
That's why I love taking calls, because you just crystallized down what it took me hours to say.
Give us some more knowledge, John.
All just, I mean, they won, they lost some places.
They lost in 1919, Germany, the communist lost there.
They lost in 1936, Spain, Franco beat them.
And they lost in Finland.
Mannerheim beat their rear end there when they tried to take over Finland, but, but they're running about a little, well, 70%.
So they figured they could do it here and probably, you know, roll the dice and we could get it done here.
Man, and that's another point I meant to make the other day on this, is that the communists don't succeed every time.
The French Revolution got defeated after, you know, six, seven years of hell.
We also have seen their attempts here fail over and over again, but they have changed the culture over time.
So on the slow burn, they're killing us, but we're finally awake, so the slow burn's not going to work.
So now they want to finish us off.
And there's been many other places it didn't work, like Argentina for a time, and many other places.
And a lot of times, the response to the communist takeover is something nasty as well, but quite frankly, not as bad and not as lasting, because it doesn't destroy the culture itself.
It just throws the communists out of helicopters.
But the communist goal, when you're talking to General Flynn, the communist goal is everything in there that's been done to this country is in there.
And I never played that Yuri Bezmenov club.
Get that ready, folks.
I'm going to play that next segment.
I meant to get to that yesterday.
John, we got two minutes left.
Keep holding court here.
Well, the Communists said a long time ago what they were going to do.
I mean, Lenin was sitting there saying, first we've got to debauch the currency, then we've got to get control of both political parties, we've got to lead the opposition.
And we're seeing that now in our political system right now, that a lot of people that oppose Republicans and that are actually working for the global government, which is what the Communists always wanted.
And let's be clear, just as British intelligence funded Lenin's train of gold in 1917, It's ultra-rich imperial money that sets up Mao, sets up Lenin.
They put them in there to exploit and control their population, like Armand Hammer working with Khrushchev.
This is the same thing over and over and over again.
So it's ultra-rich controlling and working with the Communists.
That's right.
And they live like kings and everybody else lives like serfs.
When I got a video about World War II, the German invasion of Russia, and they showed, they said, here's where the people live in this village with ramshackle huts and mud huts, and they said, well, here's the Party's, Party's party officials, and they have this big, almost palace on a hill, you know?
And that's what they want for us.
That's what Klaus Schwab and King Charles are literally telling us.
You can't have hot water.
You get three sets of clothes a year.
You live in a 200 square foot apartment.
I mean, just literally, you'll eat bugs, you'll drink sewage.
Bill Gates said a decade ago, I'm going to make you drink sewage soon.
And now his company is being paid in LA to make people drink sewage water.
Toilet to tap, full of chemicals.
In the old Soviet Union, everybody had to, they lived in ramshackle apartment buildings.
They had to stand in line for hours to buy food or buy A crappy close that fell apart within a month.
And that's where we're heading right now.
That's right.
It's evil and oppression by design.
It's dystopia by design.
Incredible call, John.
John's been calling for 20 years.
We love you, John.
Hadn't heard from you in years.
Thank you, John.
We love you.
We'll be right back.
If we learn how tyrants and Machiavelli systems operate and work throughout history, we can see it happening again and we can stop it.
And all the manipulations are transparent then.
Yuri Bezmenov was a high-level KGB defector on record in the 80s.
He went around the country warning people that the leftist tactics he saw in America were exactly what the Soviets used to control their country and the satellites of the Soviet Union, the Russian satellites, Soviet satellites.
And this isn't a Russian conspiracy over here running things.
British intelligence, declassified, put Lenin in power in 1917.
Took them five years to consolidate the country.
And everything you see with Klaus Schwab with a Lenin bust, In his office, a bronze linen bust behind him is their plan.
Ultra-rich, they've got jets, they've got mansions.
You get nothing.
You eat bugs, you drink sewage, you like it.
And LA now put in Bill Gates' new sewage-to-tap system.
And now all the major brands, I mean, the seven or eight top food brands are going to put bug protein in the food.
It's already there.
Tyson, you name it.
They're just doing it.
You will eat the bugs.
You will lower your standards.
You will live in a dystopia.
And they want to cancel the election.
They want to trigger martial law with staged terror attacks and cyber attacks.
They're pre-programming it.
They've got movies coming out.
There's no doubt they're planning it in the next 10 months.
I don't know what combination or what timing it's going to be, but I had the former head of Defense Intelligence Agency in here telling you the same thing, and former top national security advisor.
You can't get better experts telling you that, ladies and gentlemen.
So it's all going down right now, ladies and gentlemen.
If you go to my ex-account, formerly Twitter, and scroll down to yesterday evening, we put a graphic up there that Jay Dyer put together that's dead-on accurate, and it shows you some of the top brands that are putting cricket meal, cricket chitin protein, very toxic, causes cancer, in your food.
So guys, go to my ex account and we'll show that.
It's not just them all over TV saying how great it is to eat bugs and Hollywood stars saying eat the bugs.
They're not going to eat the bug hamburgers.
The spider hamburgers.
You're going to eat the tarantula hamburgers.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, we gotta shut down cow production.
They're doing it in the Netherlands, everywhere.
It's really happening.
That's in my film, The Obama Deception.
It's an endgame.
They're gonna try to start restricting beef.
Now it's here!
I don't have to tell you about it coming.
Now you get to see it come.
You can see videos from me 30 years ago now!
Telling you this!
30 years in April!
Here's Yuri Bezinov, in one of his powerful interviews.
Yeah, there it is.
Hillshire Farms, Sarah Lee, Jimmy Dean, ballparked.
Take the bug off, I can't read it, thanks.
Hillshire Farm, Sara Lee, Jimmy Dean, Ballpark, Gallo, Perrier, State Farm, Original Philly, and others.
Crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers.
Look it up for yourself.
Now, let's go to Yuri Bezmenov.
You spoke several times before about ideological subversion.
That is a phrase that I'm afraid some Americans don't fully understand.
When the Soviets use the phrase ideological subversion, what do they mean by it?
Ideological subversion is the slow process Which we call either ideological subversion or active measures.
Active measures in the language of the KGB or psychological warfare.
What it basically means is to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions In the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.
It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and it's divided in four basic stages.
The first one being demoralization.
It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation.
Why that many years?
Because this is the minimum number of years which requires to educate one generation of students In the country of your enemy, exposed to the ideology of the enemy.
In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least three generations of American students, without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.
The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already for the last 25 years.
Actually, it's overfulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success.
Most of it is done by Americans to Americans, thanks to lack of moral standards.
As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore.
A person who was demoralized He's unable to assess true information.
The facts tell nothing to him.
Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he is going to receive a kick in his fat bottom.
When a military boot crashes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that.
That's the tragic of the situation of demoralization.
The next stage is destabilization.
This time, subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption.
Whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby doesn't matter anymore.
This time, and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation... Hey, pause!
Back it up ten seconds.
We're now in destabilization.
It's here.
Civil War.
Everybody fighting over race.
Jacking up the prices.
$120,000 a year.
This is war.
Now notice, all the destabilization stuff is now outlawed in China and Russia.
You don't teach two men can have a baby.
You don't teach, they don't get TikTok'd there, and I'm not even saying that's good, because I believe in freedom, but we should recognize it and reject it.
But instead, it's just open season on the people of the West.
The next stage is destabilization.
This time, subverter does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption.
Whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby doesn't matter anymore.
This time, and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation, what matters is essentials.
Economy, foreign relations, defense systems.
And you can see it quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas as defense and economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic.
I could never believe it 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.
The next stage, of course, is crisis.
It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis.
You can see it in Central America now.
Now they're flooding Central America.
They'd be stabilized into their crisis, making it our crisis.
And the Pentagon knew under Rex 84 that the communists could implode the third world in Latin America and flood us with hundreds of millions to bring us down.
That was the main threat the Pentagon believed.
They had a martial law plan to stop it called Rex 84, Operation Garden Plot, and Cable Splicer.
Look those up.
I don't just say these things.
Came out in congressional hearings.
So, they've been trying the demoralization.
They got a lot of it done, but not everybody.
And they've been trying the destabilization, but it's not moving as quick as they want.
So now they're going to the crisis.
Civil war.
Race war.
With the violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have so-called the period of normalization.
It may last indefinitely.
Back it up.
Back it up.
Back it up a minute.
Back it up a minute, go back to crisis. So demoralization?
Okay, they've done that.
And then crisis.
And now you're under the permanent martial law.
They don't call it that.
That's normalization.
And then after normalization, your country's captured.
Now it's exploited to take over other countries.
It's official KGB doctrine.
It's just globalist doctrine they were given to control them.
All right, it's what we're in going into crisis and then into normalization.
So, demoralization, destabilization, crisis, then normalization.
And in already leptin-controlled areas, you see the normalization.
Feces, death, 95% of the kids can't read or write, just turning us into animals.
Werther does not care about your ideas and the patterns of your consumption.
Whether you eat junk food and get fat and flabby doesn't matter anymore.
This time, and it takes only from two to five years to destabilize a nation, what matters is essentials.
Economy, foreign relations, defense.
Remember Obama tried this but he didn't get it done.
And you can see it quite clearly that in some areas, in such sensitive areas as... No, Biden's finishing it.
...an economy, the influence of Marxist-Leninist ideas in the United States is absolutely fantastic.
I could never believe it 14 years ago when I landed in this part of the world that the process will go that fast.
The next stage, of course, is crisis.
It may take only up to six weeks to bring a country to the verge of crisis.
You can see it in Central America now.
And after crisis, with a violent change of power, structure, and economy, you have so-called the period of normalization.
It may last indefinitely.
Normalization is a cynical expression borrowed from Soviet propaganda.
When the Soviet tanks moved into Czechoslovakia in 1968, Comrade Brezhnev said, now the situation in brotherly Czechoslovakia is normalized.
This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all these schmucks to bring the country to crisis.
To promise people all kinds of goodies and the paradise on earth, to destabilize your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition, and to put a big brother government in Washington, D.C., with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale, who will promise lots of things, never mind whether the promises are fulfillable or not.
Your leftists in the United States, all these protesters...
Back it up 10 seconds for Walter Mondale.
Oh, Biden, I'm going to forgive all the student loans.
Did that happen?
Oh, we're going to have reparations in California.
Oh, now we're not going to do it.
Oh, we're going to do it next year.
Dangling the carrot, putting the worm on the hook.
Czechoslovakia is normalized.
This is what will happen in the United States if you allow all the schmucks to bring the
country to crisis, to promise people all kinds of goodies and the paradise on earth, to destabilize
your economy, to eliminate the principle of free market competition and to put a big brother
government in Washington, D.C. with benevolent dictators like Walter Mondale.
Who will promise lots of things, never mind whether the promises are fulfillable or not.
Your leftists in the United States, all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion, only to destabilize the nation.
When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore.
They know too much.
Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power, obviously they get offended.
They think that they will come to power.
That will never happen, of course.
They will be lined up against the wall and shot.
But they may turn into the most bitter enemies of Marxist-Leninists when they come to power.
Beautiful civil rights defender.
He's talking about Trotsky now, how history repeats.
Trotsky brought him into power, was the mastermind behind it, then he got thrown out.
And then they came and set up the neocon movement in America.
All on record, continue.
These beautiful civil rights defenders, they are instrumental in the process of the subversion
only to destabilize the nation.
When their job is completed, they are not needed anymore.
They know too much.
Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power, obviously they get offended.
They think that they will come to power.
That will never happen, of course.
They will be lined up against the wall and shot.
But they may turn into the most bitter enemies of Marxist-Leninists when they come to power.
And that's what happened in Nicaragua.
You remember most of these former Marxist-Leninists were either put to prison or one of them split and now he's working against Sandinistas.
It happened in Grenada when Maurice Bichot, he was already a Marxist.
He was executed by a new Marxist who was more Marxist than this Marxist.
Same happened in Afghanistan when first there was Taraki, he was killed by Amin, then Amin was killed by Babrak Karmal with the help of KGB.
Same happened in Bangladesh when Mujibur Rahman, very pro-Soviet leftist, was assassinated by his own Marxist-Leninist military comrades.
It's the same pattern everywhere.
The time bomb is ticking with every second.
The disaster...
With every second the disaster is closer.
Let's find the whole G. Edward Griffin, Yuri Bezmenov interview.
We ought to air... I think it's like an hour long.
We ought to air the whole thing.
There's a couple more of them.
I know it so well I could finish the sentence.
I guess that clip's a little short.
Callers, I appreciate you holding while I spent ten minutes on that, but that's really important.
All right.
I've been saying I would air that.
I haven't aired that in years.
Owl Killer in Virginia, thank you for holding.
Go ahead.
Well, not why I called, but, you know, with that Yuri Bezmenov clip, you know, you You're missing the part where he says how these people are contaminated, the people that are already demoralized, and we're stuck with them.
We have to deal with them, the half-baked intellectuals.
But he also has another interview, it's not with G. Edward Griffin, where he talks about people studying gender studies and things like that.
And this is in the 80s, when the guys get there.
He knew the whole thing, because they wrote the plan.
Oh yeah, no, I mean, hate speech is a Stalin thing.
It was developed by Trotsky before that.
No, this is all Trotsky crap.
Yep, absolutely.
So, big ups yesterday for that interview with General Flynn.
I think Clay's a little off, you know, saying that Russia and China and Russia are going to attack Israel and all that stuff.
That's all modern 1800s dispensationalism.
I think... Yeah, I know.
Well, what it is is Christian Zionism.
Yeah, for sure.
But Clay's a good guy.
Yeah, he is.
But, you know, finding 666, pick up 6 everywhere you go, that's got to stop.
All that does is take us out of the fight.
Well, the globalists are obsessed with it.
They are, but you know, Nero, historical Christianity, you have J. Dyer on, Nero was the 666.
Okay, so you're a preterist.
Yeah, for sure.
Well, I don't agree with the preterist thing.
I mean, we're seeing the world government, the mark of the beast now.
I don't think this is a thousand years of Christ reigning on earth.
I don't think this is utopia.
No, no, no.
I don't think it's utopia, but I mean, going forward, there is definitely going to be an anti-Christ.
But the idea of, you know, that Israel itself in the Middle East and, you know, that the Gog and Magog, that's already happened.
That's already happened.
Christ looks at the Pharisees and says, before this generation's over, not one stone will be left standing in Jerusalem.
He was telling them that.
That was separately there.
I hear you and I appreciate your call.
Okay, let's go to another caller.
Let's go to Tom in Michigan.
Tom, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I've got a small question I'd like to ask you, sir.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Why don't I ever get a copy of my ballot when I vote?
Because they don't want you to have a record of it.
Yeah, why do you get a receipt when you buy a stick of bubblegum?
If we, the people, went in there and took a picture of our ballot like I did in 2002, after the 2020 fast-quake, and I've been trying to pass it on.
If we all took a picture of our ballot, then we would have a copy, so therefore there's no way that they could do any... Let me ask you a question.
Paper ballots counted at the precinct in front of people is the way to do it.
Then you all see them tabulated together.
That's the way to stop most fraud.
But if we all just had receipts, how do we then collate and pool those together to get the big picture?
Well, if we all had pictures, if we all took a picture... No, it's like fighting a hare on the ground, and you think it's from your dog, but you don't know the whole picture because you're only one hare.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, but see, that still puts the power of our ballot in the hands of the people, and then that way we do have a receipt, and collectively we can't put them all together.
How do you organize everybody to get together with their receipts and their tabulates, though?
Well, if people did it on their phone, it would be easy to do it by putting it into where you could text how you voted to a certain number.
Well, I mean, if we got everybody to participate in that, that might work.
It's pretty hard to get organizations and much less large groups of people going in the same direction, but we do need to go back to paper ballots.
They did that in Argentina and suddenly they got a right-winger elected, you know for the first time in decades So I hear you and I appreciate your call good interesting thought-provoking things you said Justin in Florida.
You're on the air.
Welcome Hey, Alex, great energy on the show today.
Awesome show Listen, here's where I see it.
I see it is the globalist can't take four more years of Trump and I They have to pull out whatever they can to stop us.
The only thing we have going for us is what we're doing right now.
Fighting in the information war and so they can't take four more years of Trump and we can't take four more years of the globalist rule.
We can't take four more years of Biden.
Yeah, so they're going to blow stuff up and to make us the bad guy and blame us and have a cyber attack to cancel the election.
That's all in the cards.
And so what do we do to stop them?
Because it's the immovable object comes into contact with the unstoppable force.
That anything they come up with, they're going to use it and then flood the zone with the information war aspect of it.
So we've got to expose the fact that we don't want to kill black people, and we don't want to kill migrants, and we don't want to kill Obama, Biden, and we don't want a civil war.
No, I agree.
This is not a civil war.
This is a globalist coup running the country in the ground that's trying to take our candidate off the ballot who wants to start a big It's destabilization crisis so that they can put in permanent martial law and call it security.
And that's where we're at.
I agree with you.
Anytime you see us being pitted against each other, whether it's Protestant against Catholic, whether it's Christian against Christian, whether it's this Nick Fuentes character, I believe he's a total psyop because he's obviously working to divide the Christian vote, divide and these people, they worshiped him for whatever reason.
And you can see, I think it's clear that the Jews actually don't have control.
I think the Jews were just used as a pawn by the atheistic Jews and the globalists,
the corporations that are...
Almost every government is run by able people now.
losing the war narrative in Israel, they're losing the information war, so obviously they
don't control absolutely anything.
Well, I mean, you know, where I'm at is this.
Almost every government's run by evil people now, and so I don't blame Chinese people because
I'm against the Communist Party.
You know, there are a lot of powerful Jews that are in positions doing evil things, globalism,
Larry Fink, you name it.
But I don't then say, oh, well, that's because the Jews are all in on this.
Just like when black people are committing way more crime against whites because the media has told them to do it and they bought into the racism, most black people aren't like that, so I don't then blame black people.
You know, that's where I'm at there.
I mean, I think there's been so much political correctness demonizing white people that when people try to criticize, you know, a Nick Fuentes going back at the ADL, I mean, I see the ADL as more, quote, racist and racial than Nick Fuentes.
And so, you know, I don't think Nick's a fed or anything.
We can't skip this break, so I've got to go to break.
Thank you so much.
We can't skip the local breaks.
The stations have those.
That's why when we do skip breaks, it's the one at 15 after and the one at 45 after, because that's when we can.
Anyways, thank you so much for the call, sir.
We'll be right back.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
All right, we've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 callers left.
I'm going to race through you now, because before this hour ends, I want to hit a bunch of the news I haven't covered yet, some of the geopolitical news and more.
So let's go to Brett in Nebraska.
Thank you for calling, sir.
Paul McCartney died 50 years ago!
You have a great show today, so let's connect some dots.
I called and want to talk about Vivek Ramaswamy.
I want to go quick.
I think he's an authentic candidate.
I went to go see him last Friday over in Iowa.
They're preparing for their caucus over there.
And the guy could speak to individuals in the audience and answer their questions and He gives me great hope.
Like I said, I think he's a very authentic candidate.
He's definitely smart.
And he's definitely hurting the globalists with what he's saying.
And that's why I think we need to support him.
And, you know, I heard some calls earlier today, you know, we're talking about Besnikov and the demoralization.
And I heard, you know, other callers call in and say, oh, well, I don't think that we're going to even have the race.
We're not going to even have the The elections.
I don't think we're demoralizing people to say that.
I think that the globalists really are planning that.
We've got to expose it and that's a good chance of them backing down.
I do.
We do have to expose it.
And I think my vacuum's doing a great job of that, amongst other issues.
Oh, he's coming out saying they totally staged January 6th and now they can do anything.
He's saying they're dangerous, they're totalitarians, which is true!
And you know, that's kind of scary to have a prominent person saying that, but you know what?
It is true.
So just because it's Horrible to admit it, it's more horrible to let it happen.
So we have to admit, we are in deep crap.
I mean, let's get down to brass tacks here.
Because of our youth and their mental illness, and how a lot of our youth, I want to say from like your average 30-year-old down to your average probably 15-year-old, I think hates the white male.
The old white male.
I think they just look at us like we're from a different planet, like we're the cause of everything wrong in their life.
And they don't realize that, you know, who we've been ruled by.
Well, if white males are so bad, why does everybody want to come here?
The truth is, whites aren't perfect like anybody, but the Renaissance was amazing.
We've contributed a lot.
And it is a bunch of old white males and globalists that are running this and getting us all to fight with each other.
We need to talk about that.
I appreciate your call.
Gotta move quick.
Let's go to the next caller.
Amanda in Arizona.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, thank you for taking my call.
Wanted to get your opinion about something possible to happen with the election.
It's a concern to me that maybe Hunter Biden will be used as a sacrifice to the left.
I mean, we have a major drug addict here.
Oh yeah, no, they're totally using him as the diversion.
Half of the news coverage on Newsmax and Fox is Hunter Biden.
They want to get rid of Biden.
They're allowing the indictments now.
It's a total distraction.
Hunter and his dad doesn't hurt the Democrats.
It doesn't do anything.
We need to be focused on Obama, on Klaus Schwab, on the open borders, on Mayorkas, on the bureaucrats, on the policies, and Congress needs to be defunding all these agencies that are engaged in criminal activity.
We should have a move to abolish the FBI.
We should get the spotlight on the coup forces.
Do you think they'll allow him to quote-unquote accidental overdose and then point the finger at the right and say look what you did you killed the president?
I mean I think they might kill Biden with some right with some right-wing patsy I mean yeah absolutely look look anything you can think of they're planning it okay I mean they are throwing the kitchen sink in here.
Yeah and you know that's what I appreciate about all of you at InfoWars is you've taught me to think in that direction of anything that possibly could happen may happen and it's good to consider.
Well, here's the key.
They always pre-program what they're going to do.
So, Matt, they got like eight or nine cards in their hand.
You can't see them, but they're telegraphing everything they're planning to play
so they tell you what cards they've got because they're pre-programming you.
They can't help it.
So they want to have the narrative already out there before they do it.
So the right wing will take out the power grid and knock out the Internet ahead of the election.
There may not be an election because the right wing works with Putin.
Total crap.
Like saying Martians are going to attack tomorrow.
It's made up.
And right wingers are going to kill the migrants and we're going to kill the black people.
I guarantee they got some schizophrenics in hotel rooms on methamphetamine that the feds are winding up to do it.
I mean, it's coming.
You can guarantee it and a lot more.
Well, if I can end on a positive note, I've been having conversations with my liberal friends.
They keep saying, I'm angry at Biden.
I don't know that I can vote for him.
And I'm really hoping that when they get to the top... And so take it one step further.
Biden's a puppet.
Be angry at the globalists that control him.
So that's the step one.
Almost every liberal I know has apologized.
All my family's hearing the same thing.
It's on the street, grocery stores everywhere.
Joe Rogan came out and said, everybody's waking up.
All his liberal friends have woken up.
The Great Awakening's here.
There's no doubt.
That's why the enemy's so dangerous.
That's why we're in clutch time right now.
Yes, and we're doing a good job at it, so I just want to keep everybody positive that they have to continue to talk to their friends, even if they're on the opposite side of the aisle.
Great point, thank you.
Think of Biden as a disposable shield, and that the globalists are at night with their sword, and then they put the shield out there, and everybody just attacks the shield.
When it's all bent up and got holes in it, they throw it down and get a new puppet.
Or think about like a matador with a red cape, and he's got the sword behind it, and the bull goes after the cape, not him, because bulls can only see black, white, and red, and red makes them really upset, because it's like a blood color, they think they're being attacked or whatever, and instinctively they go crazy.
And so, you know, they wave all this in our face while the sword's behind it.
But I want to say something here.
When evil really comes out in the open and emerges, which it's done when it's going into its final takeover phase, the crisis phase, into normalization and then exploitation, that's the phase that's enough to get into for time, I guess, you're going to see people we thought weren't on our side join us.
And we're going to see people we thought were on our side, like the Santas, coming out saying, yeah, Trump wants to be a dictator.
He wants to, you know, weaponize things.
You're going to see people turn against us.
You're going to find out who's who in the crucible.
You're gonna find out big time.
And the truth's gonna come out.
So, what Elon Musk is doing is irrevocably damaging the globalists.
They're legitimately criminally and civilly coming after him.
Joe Rogan, I know him well.
He's legitimately woken up the last few years and is super hardcore now.
And is doing the best he can.
Tucker's legitimate, super awake now, basically says, you know, you're the guru, you're the expert, and I mean, I'm not bragging, he says it on air, but he's, I mean, that's, personally, he's like, wow, you really have the best grasp on this out there, and I think God sent you to be doing what you're doing.
I mean, he didn't say that to make me feel big, it actually makes me go, whoa, I got a lot of awesome power, but God gave me that, and it's not that I'm that smart, I've been in this forever, okay, because I found out about it very young, thought it was very, very interesting, Had my family tell me about it.
And why would you not want to challenge this great evil you know is coming?
And now it's here!
So, all the magicness of the InfoWars is not magic.
It's just being ahead of your time.
And deciding, well, I want to be into this, not into football or not into hunting.
Nothing against football and hunting.
Hunting's, by the way, a lot better as you're out there doing it yourself.
It's great.
But I love hunting.
I love fishing.
I love camping.
I'm an outdoorsman.
I never really get to do it very much.
I'm gonna do a little bit of this weekend with the family but because I'm in the war against a very evil group that admits they have this plan.
Let me show you something and then we'll go to more calls to get back on the news but I want to just show you a Bloomberg headline and a Connecticut major newspaper headline and others here and I want you to remember What you've heard the last five years.
I have hundreds of millions of dollars.
I am hiding it all.
I have shell companies.
When I filed for bankruptcy, I have hundreds of millions of dollars.
I'm going to go to prison.
I'm hiding it.
And I knew none of that was true because I knew when I filed for bankruptcy, I had a couple million dollars in the bank and millions of dollars in legal bills, so I was upside down then.
I'm way upside down now.
And I knew that I never had that much money.
I bought an expensive house that Elon Musk, realtor, recommended because he was a fan.
He said, I could buy this right now.
It's not on the market yet.
The guy couldn't finish it.
He's out of money.
You can buy it for a million less than it's worth.
And I predict in three years, you'll double your money.
I did.
And I put it into this company.
All of it.
But it's okay.
I don't do this for money, but I want money so I can do more to fight them.
You understand?
It's like ammunition or fuel.
Now Bloomberg, all of them, admitted all that I told the truth, but they do it backhandedly and say, Jones has sold his car, which is sold, and Jones has sold his guns, and Jones is upside down millions of dollars.
And he paid for his lies.
Look at him.
He has no money to then try to scare people.
See, so now they flip on a dime.
He's hiding hundreds of millions.
He's going to prison.
He's got offshore bank accounts.
I have an accountant and a CPA.
I don't even deal with my bank account.
I just work all the time.
And so it means nothing to my ego to be $3 million in the hole.
It just means that I've got to really figure out, because I have to personally pay the legal bills folks, half of them.
And so I'm in quite the conundrum here, but that's okay.
God will figure it out.
If God wants me to stay on there, it'll come through.
Look at these headlines, and this is just some this week.
Alex Jones is broke and selling his stuff.
Here's how he got here.
Big article, braaaah, selling his guns for like $100,000, you know.
Oh, selling his Hellcat, ha ha ha.
Here is Bloomberg, bunch of others.
The price of Alex Jones' Sandy Hook lies.
Oh, he's a big loser, giant article.
Alex Jones gets green light to sell his guns, cars on talk shows.
I guess they put, I might have sold it on air in Oxford.
We didn't do it, we just sold it.
But that's Bloomberg.
Oh, the grim return of Alex Jones.
New States.
But the point is, oh, now I have nothing!
And there wasn't hidden money.
But you saw the financial expert that we couldn't count on.
The judge said, you can't even testify.
They put him up for a day going, Mr. Jones got $400 million.
I reviewed his books.
Never saw our books.
Never saw anything.
We're like, we have my bankruptcy filing under penalty of perjury.
We have my CPA.
Then I'm upside down.
The judge said, Mr. Jones, you're not allowed to say you're broke.
You're a liar?
And the reason you're here is because you're a liar.
We know you're not bankrupt.
We know you've got plenty of money.
And they get this guy up calling himself a financial economist.
Never reviewed anything.
Said he reviewed all these other famous people.
What he would do is read news articles about it.
And he gets up and says, Mr. Jones is the ultimate businessman.
Mr. Jones has $400 million.
And the jury in Texas said, well, we feel like he should pay 10% of his wealth then.
Forty-five million dollars, which was dozens of times the wealth I had.
But see how they operate.
Now, oh yeah, we have all his books.
They hired three outside big accounting firms.
They did forensic stuff, PIs, everything.
Sued my family, got all their bank account info.
Oh, Shell Corporations, his parents have hundreds of millions.
My dad, from work he did as a dentist and owning dental offices, has a half million dollars in the bank.
He had a couple million dollars in the bank.
He'll have nothing soon, but at least he'll have his house.
He's fine.
My family loves me more than ever.
They've taken my dad's savings, suing him for the last two years, saying hundreds of millions were there.
There was never any of that.
There was, over decades, hundreds of millions of dollars of products sold.
Hundreds of millions of dollars, where on average we made 30-40% on.
And that paid to run this place.
And yeah, I drove a decent car and had a decent house, a little pool in the backyard, and when I wanted a big juicy steak, I got it.
But I don't worship this crap.
I don't care about things.
I wear a Rolex because my dad gave it to me.
And I got attached to it.
I don't even like a wedding ring.
I don't like jewelry.
But that's how these Decepticons work, folks.
Oh, now!
And Alex Jones has nothing!
Hoping you don't remember the judge saying, Mr. Jones, you said on the stand earlier that you're broke and bankrupt.
That's not true.
And I went, well, no, I am.
No, you're not!
You're not allowed to lie!
Now, bring up the Economist for a full day.
You may not respond or your lawyers may not.
She'd already said I was guilty.
Told the jury how guilty I was.
But that wasn't enough for him.
The same tactics found me guilty.
Defaulted me in Connecticut.
They get experts up.
He's worth billions.
And the Democrat Party lawyers asked for $2.67 trillion.
$2 trillion.
670 million dollars.
Don't believe me?
Type it in.
Connecticut, Sandy Hook Families ask for 2.67 trillion.
The GDP of India.
It's all meant to scare you.
Like a giant projection in the sky.
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
People ask why I laughed when they came back and said he owes a billion and a half.
They said that's not enough, he's got more than that.
2.67 trillion!
$1.67 trillion. How about $85 quadrillion? All to scare the American people.
You don't do what we want.
You didn't ever even question anything.
We'll misrepresent what you said and lie about you in a kangaroo trial and we'll get 2.67 trillion.
Get it!
Good luck!
And everybody that's got a brain sees through it.
And it only made us bigger.
And that's how God works.
Not me.
None of it's Alex Jones.
It's all God.
And I pray to God to lead God and direct me.
I don't tell God what I want.
I do selfishly beg God to protect my children, but that's about it.
I just say, whatever you want, God, just tell me what to do.
And please give me the strength to do it.
Please, I'm weak.
Please help me.
I love you so much.
I love the people so much.
Will you please, just please, please, will you raise somebody up better than me so that I can stop?
I'm exhausted.
And God says, Watch what's about to happen and trust me, I'm going to take you right to the edge, and then I'm going to save you.
And then if you choose, there will be a time in the future where you can lay down your life, if you decide to really give it to Him.
I'm not talking about suicide, I'll never commit suicide, but God has literally told me, and is talking to me and preparing me, and when that choice comes, I know I'll make the right decision.
I am not Christ, but I want to be Christ-like.
And if I had the decision to be put in front of a firing squad right now to defeat the New World Order and save the unborn they're murdering and stop the GMO and the 5G, I would say, line me up right now and pull the trigger with pleasure.
I'm ready because it's worth it!
And when you've got that type of attitude and you've got God on your side, you're not invincible, but the spirit in you is invincible!
And when I think about Christ and what he did for us, when I think about being able to just in some little way walk in those same footsteps, it brings me so close to God.
Not a feeling of ecstasy, but a feeling of love and completion and understanding and peace.
That's why when Henry Kissinger tried to hire me, just thinking about it, I was entertaining it, but just thinking about it, I felt the Holy Spirit removing.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I would never even entertain it, God.
Please, no.
Stay with me.
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh.
Thank you.
Oh my god it's so good.
Oh god it's so good.
Now think of these people that serve evil.
They'll never taste of this.
Feel sorry for them.
Forgive them, Father.
They know not what they do.
Let's play this clip.
clip will come back with your calls.
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This game is mostly peaceful.
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Oh, big deal.
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Download it now at alexjonesgame.com, because as we all know, anything badass gets censored!
All right, I'm going to try to get to all your calls.
We got a big guest host coming up and I got a lot of stuff going on.
I'm going on Jimmy Dore's show and more today.
A little note, it's an incredible blessing of God.
This happened about two weeks ago, but I'm announcing it now because it's just now available.
Steam, the third largest video game platform in the world, the biggest online, 150 million users a week, has accepted New World Order Wars and is now available on Steam.
And this could be, I mean, if it goes big, it could fund not just getting me out of the hole, but energizing this whole operation.
So New World Order Games is not just on a platform now where you get it on a website.
It's been accepted by Steam.
They're talking about giving a Game of the Year award.
I mean, major gamers are.
This is a real blessing.
And so please go to Steam and get it today.
All right.
Look, I said I'd get to all your calls and I tried.
Let's go to Jody and then let's go to Ashley.
Jody in Florida, go ahead, thanks for rolling.
Yeah, hi.
I'm calling about Elon Musk's situation.
I think the next thing that they're going to do is go after his satellites.
The only saving grace is that he knows too much.
With his clearances that he had gotten to launch out in space, Um, one of the main things that they would have to do would be to, under some world threat, uh, using Obama's, um, uh, one of Obama's executive orders.
Well, that's right, because Obama got his kill switch in, meaning he doesn't just kill the rat, they can feed it all to one website, which is their Southern... In July 1st, 2016, he, Section 2 of that executive order, uh, going back to, um, uh, uh, use of, uh, uh, Force on civilian population.
Section 2 actually mentions the ambiguity of the using of force under the guise of national defense or something to that offense.
That's the thing that they're going to use on us.
He already set that up.
I totally agree.
And again, Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits.
Musk isn't perfect, but he's going in the right direction.
So, all these people that want to criticize him, I mean, do they wish?
All these people weren't let... I mean, we're reaching... When I say this, I mean conservatively.
I said 10 million earlier.
No, no, no.
20 million a day on there.
But that's just if you click on it or see a little bit of it.
Let's say half of them actually watch the videos.
10 million a day.
10 million new people a day, brother.
And it's, I mean, I'm at that.
You think you think they like that?
No, they don't like that.
No, that is a radical move to put me on the game.
Elon Musk.
We were already in the game as listeners boost us and get around the AI, but we
just got put in the quarterback position.
Um, there's a woman in the Mitch McConnell thing too.
There's a woman in green that makes him freeze.
There's um, I have a lot of information on how they're doing it.
You can see it on video.
A woman in green taps him on the... I've seen the video.
It's very, very bizarre.
Alright, I'm out of time.
Got a big guest host coming up for the next hour.
The Great Owen Schroeder, 3 p.m.
with the war room, info wars.com forward slash show.
Those are the coordinates of resistance to tyranny.
The coordinates of victory, info wars.com forward slash show.
Let's not pretend they couldn't kill Elon Musk tomorrow and take us off.
So while we're on X, tell everybody, info wars.com forward slash show.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
Great job, crew.
Great job, callers.
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I think it's pretty clear with the rise of Satanism, the occult, and Luciferianism, and this anti-Christ machine that you're watching on a global scale, not just a national scale here in the United States of America.
But no matter where you look, you see these fingerprints of Satan and demonic legions targeting the youth, targeting the innocent, targeting those that can't defend themselves, speaking on behalf of the population and leading people.
To obedience and to submission to the devil himself.
And I think people are starting to realize that very clearly that this is not only this is not a conspiracy theory, but this is beyond reality.
It's becoming very tangible and very real.
And we're going to talk about this.
Here, welcome to the fourth hour of the most banned transmission in the universe, The Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
Make sure to follow me on Twitter, Getter, True Social, whatever, at Drew H Live.
Follow me on Rumble.com slash Drew Hernandez.
But I think as we go into 2024, as we go into the future, Especially Christians, if you truly are born again, with Bible in hand, Bible right in front of you, discerning as a blueprint, a filter, with what people are saying around you, with what you are experiencing, whether it be some kind of claim to acts of supernatural wonder or powers, because these are things that the Bible says will be taking place in the last days, whether you're seeing it cosmically in our atmosphere, in our skies, or whether it's a human being,
That claims to have supernatural abilities.
I mean, this is nothing new.
It's just in American culture, we are so far removed from that because, yes, we were planted as a Christian nation with Christian values, Christian foundation.
I mean, that's why it's on our money.
It's on our currency and God we trust.
The Founding Fathers understood this, that a nation must be led by a higher power via the one true God.
So it makes total sense to me that as we are, you know, hundreds of years into our history, that that's being totally flipped.
It's being, yes, subverted.
Everything is inverted.
Everything is perverted.
And that's not to say let's all be blackpilled and nothing can be done!
But we have to start with addressing some serious degenerate immoral problems in our culture because this goes way beyond politics.
This goes way beyond government policy.
I mean, that's why they want separation of church and state, whatever the hell that means.
It means absolutely nothing to me as a Christian.
There's the separation of the church and nothing.
Because the born again should invade everything on planet earth, because that's where this is all going to end.
The total end game is the 1,000 year supremacy of Jesus Christ that nobody can get away from.
Every knee shall bow, every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
There's no getting away from that.
And just the eternal rule and salvation of Jesus for all of eternity.
So I hold the view that That's my view now.
That's where I'm going to live in eternity.
So that's going to be my view now currently in this world where God has placed me in the timeline and the culture and our nation or wherever you're planted.
Your Christian values don't change just because you're in a different generation.
Your Christian values don't change just because you're geographically placed somewhere different.
Your values don't change just because There's a language barrier.
Your Christian values don't change because there's a popular political movement that seems to be succeeding without honoring Jesus Christ and obedience to the Word of God.
And you're going to continue to see this.
I'm glad Alex mentioned this earlier because one of the factors that people are going to start identifying, especially in so-called right-wing, conservative, traditional spaces, One thing you're gonna start to really see pop its ugly head out is how many people have truly infiltrated, I would say MAGA, and like I said, right-wing conservative so-called traditional spaces.
You're gonna see them rise their ugly heads and push their feminism, their homosexuality, their degeneracy, their transhuman agenda, which is the worship of the depiction of Satan, Baphomet part beast part female part man, all wrapped in one, which is taking God's creation, tying it all together, That's the abomination, and that's the agenda of Lucifer.
You're gonna see this, and you're seeing it to an extent, because the infiltrators are already here.
And they get protected, actually.
You're not allowed to call them out, because you get blacklisted in these so-called right-wing traditional spaces, but they're gonna come out even more, like the Nikki Haley's.
We'll be right back.
We have a lot in store for you guys.
The rise of cultural Marxism, and the reality of it with the Absolute rise of Black Lives Matter in 2020 and the race riots because of Fentanyl Floyd.
I think people started to wake up to the reality that there were communist subverters, and I think a lot of people woke up to the reality that we do have a serious problem in our universities and our Ivy Leagues with the diversity hires, including the affirmative action programs that Raise up woke low IQ blacks or minorities that absolutely have no merit or no intellectual ability to get any job done.
But they're simply there because it's a racist platform and it's a racist ideology that's a system that's meant to uphold another race over another.
But they call it equality and they call it Diversity, you guys all know, correct.
But people, when they start to experience it, that's humanity's problem, is why did it take race riots in 2020, why did it take American businesses burning to the ground, and you got a bunch of, you know, communists, yes you have Antifa, and you have these New World Order, you know, Proxies and these paramilitary, you know, unofficial organizations that are all funded through NGOs, that are all funded through Soros proxies, running around and dismantling the entire country, burning down buildings with the fake news media cartel at the same time, in unison as a propaganda arm of this operation, claiming that it doesn't actually exist.
You've heard this about Antifa, you've heard that BLM is just a peaceful organization, and every now and then there's a couple radicals that run around and assault people, they kill people, and every now and then, you know, they just damage private and public property.
But, you know, it's all for the cause, because the black people are suppressed, and it's all for the cause, because the black people are oppressed.
So you have to tolerate it, because if you don't, you're a racist.
That's the PSYOP right there.
That's the culture of Marxism, because it's... The Trojan horse is the blacks.
And the ideology is the cultural Marxism where it's a total subversion of freedom.
It's an attack of the freedom of speech, the constitutional rights of Americans.
It's the total attack and the suppression of anyone that takes issue with your federal government creating specialized racist programs that elevate another race over another.
And we saw the installation of the Biden regime in 2021 that upped the ante on this, especially in the world of farming, where they literally have policies Where farmers of color get priority to special government programs over black farmers.
And so the culmination is...
When people start to experience what we talk about, when people start to experience these devastating doctrines of demons, these operations, these ideologies, these plans that globalist proxies have in their white papers or these UN agendas, when people start to experience, yes, a city falling, the federal court buildings and federal buildings in Portland burning down and the deterioration of that city in that state, Where you're watching in Oregon, in Portland, Oregon especially, when people start to experience the impact of race riots and the flooding of fentanyl and drugs that are killing people on a daily basis, when people start to experience just how devastating these operations truly are, people start dying, people start falling, people start losing everything they possibly have.
Only then do people start to listen.
And if people are not going to listen, they're not going to do anything about it.
But that's exactly where this satanic cabal needs people to be.
That's why they run their psychological operations.
That's why the CIA was obsessed with understanding psychic operations for the purposes of, yes, infiltrating foreign governments with remote viewing, and yes, running psychological operations to Change the opinions in the minds of the media in foreign countries in order to thwart wartime propaganda.
This is Cold War, etc.
But also, it's weaponized against the American people.
And you see all of these psychological operations with the predictive programming that's already coming through for the Obamas in their movies on Netflix.
Dude, there, that, listen, listen, 2023 in Davos, These globalists openly said that we will see within the next two years, this was in January of 2023, within the next two years, we will see massive cyber attacks, massive cybernetic attacks on global infrastructure, and we need to be prepared for that.
And so whenever, and I hope you guys have learned this by now, is whenever these people in their writing, or whether it's audio, they're giving a speech, or they're on a panel, and they're You know, foreseeing and what they're doing is they're broadcasting their vision of the future.
And everything they talk about is their vision of the future, their vision of the future, the 2023.
That's why they have timelines.
It's the 2020 agenda, the 2021 agenda, the 2030 agenda, the 2050 agenda.
They got this planned out for decades and hundreds of years.
You see, where people need to really start to pay attention is you have to take them for their word.
Because they are fully funded and they are fully operational and they are fully about suppressing humanity for their totalitarian control.
The only difference between now and I would say maybe the past 100 to 200 years is that this globalist antichrist machine has technology that makes things easier for them to run their psychological operations So they can put out into the public, they can put out into the psyche, that's the psychological operation because through fear, if you get people all wrapped up in their minds, fear, hysteria, the oncoming threat of death, imminent death,
Not only for the individual, whether it's through some kind of virus, or whether it's through Putin, okay?
Or whether it's through a right-wing mega-extremist, or whether it's Donald J. Trump, the oncoming dictator that's going to rule the United States of America.
The one identifying key factor, the common factor, invariable that you see with every psychological operation, I mean, it doesn't matter where you look.
Whether it's run through the Soviets, or whether it's run through the CCP, or North Here, in the United States of America, we're running it on our own people.
The common factor and variable will always be fear, because that is how you will psychologically manipulate the individual to accept whatever it is that is the solution.
You offer the problem, you offer the threat, you stir it up and you cause mass fear and hysteria, and people are selfish.
And because people are selfish, The number one thing that they hold near and dear to themselves is their own lives and their own existence.
So the New World Order and these globalist proxies, you look at the CDC, you look at the UN, you look at the GOP with Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis and the Uniparty, obviously the Democrats are involved with this.
And you take a look at the current FBI that's been absolutely weaponized against the American people.
It's all the same thing.
Like I said, whether it's coming through Fauci, whether it's coming through Dr. Birx, or whether it's—it doesn't matter who it is.
Joe Biden, if he can actually get a sentence out.
Kamala Harris, the reason why they're there is because they are simply there as puppets.
That's it.
And that's part of the reason why I think they're attempting to really prop up Nikki Haley.
Pay close attention to Nikki Haley, because Nikki Haley is, I would say, maybe the equivalent The only thing she's missing is she's not a woman of color being black.
She's the equivalent to Kamala Harris, in my opinion.
And the reason why I say that is, yes, Kamala Harris is a total retard.
Kamala Harris absolutely knows nothing.
Kamala Harris does not have a high IQ.
Kamala Harris probably got to where she's at.
Yes, because she got on her knees and, you know, smoked.
She smoked a couple poles to get where she needed to be.
You guys know what I'm saying.
But at the same time, the only reason someone like that, a diversity hire, is in that position is because they are meant to be obedient and take orders and not even have the ability, the intellectual ability, to question them.
I would argue maybe Nikki Haley is at that equivalent or maybe a little more advanced to an extent.
You see, the common factor is the installation of puppets.
That is history with communist authoritarian regimes where you don't have votes, you don't have the voice of the people, you don't have selections based off of A plurality of different voices within a nation or a civilization.
You don't have a say in any of that.
Yeah, they'll give you the illusion of that.
They'll give you, you know, smoke screens, all smokes and mirrors.
Like, oh yeah, you have an election, but we're just gonna, you know, rig it from, you know, behind the curtain.
But I think they really are propping up Nikki Haley.
You're seeing a lot of globalist donors get behind her.
Yes, I would say maybe to take away votes from Trump, to sabotage votes from Trump on the right side of things.
But Nikki Haley calling for social media companies to demand private information so we could see who is who on social media.
She will not denounce at all.
She will not denounce at all parents taking their children to chop their penises and their breasts off.
She's literally, she's the same.
That's the Uniparty.
Pay very close attention to these people because we are going into the future and it's probably going to get more intense.
We'll be right back.
Through the cultural Marxism, I use the example of 2020 and Black Lives Matter and the rise of the normalization of communism and the rise of the normalization of Marxism in our nation and our culture.
You saw it in the NBA and the NFL, obviously in the music industry and all over education, all over universities, K through 12.
You start seeing BLM flags and kindergarten classrooms everywhere you go.
The black squares posted everywhere, people not even understanding what any of this is really about, even cucked out churches, so-called churches that are bending the knee to Black Lives Matter, a communist organization, trained Marxist organization that has anti-biblical values.
I bring that up because I think cultural Marxism and that operation that's been exposed, I think we need to start talking about new terms like cultural globalism.
And the reason why I bring that up to the psyche of the public is because you are beginning to see that very quickly.
You are beginning to see the rise of cultural globalism, and it's the infiltration, it's the subversion, it's the ideas implemented in society in order to get society to accept what these agendas are, but also what the ideologies and the doctrines that come alongside of the agendas truly are as well.
And that's why you're seeing the predictive programming in these movies, Of oncoming cyber attacks and what the world will look like.
You're seeing these woke movies of civil war and just exactly, you know, what civil war will look like here in the United States of America.
And it'll be the white supremacists first.
The minorities that just want to live their lives.
You know, all of this is the culmination of what they plan on doing in the future because they put that into the psyche.
They present that idea to the public.
And it's something that they're familiar with.
So that it's not too far off.
It's psychological, because you've already seen something, you've already become familiar with something, you've already seen it manifest into reality, whether it be a sci-fi movie, a sci-fi TV, or whether it be some kind of non-fictional piece of artwork.
And they do this with Hollywood, they do this with Netflix, they do this in the media.
And so when it finally happens and they roll it out, It's accepted in the psyche of the target.
And so the target doesn't have to really think twice about it.
And the target doesn't really have to question it.
And the target doesn't really have to open up their mind to even think one time as if This is being done to me intentionally.
And this is being done with absolutely everything.
This is being done with absolutely everything.
And I think 2020, with the launch of the bioweapon out of Wuhan, was a test run for this exact type of cultural globalism.
Because the cultural globalism, it goes beyond the United States of America.
Because we've seen cultural Marxism.
There's been a shift.
Because the cultural Marxists, they do have somewhat of like a sense of nationality, but it's like an authoritarian, you know, police state.
It's very similar to North Korea, where they just cut the rest of the world off.
They still have a sense of sovereignty and borders in order to lock their people in.
Not keep invaders out, but lock their people in, and yes, keep those unwanted out.
But the cultural globalism and the subversion and the ideology is slightly different.
This goes back to like the Tower of Babel, because with the cultural globalism, it's a total dismantling of the fabric, the moral fabric of our society.
It's the attack of biblical views.
It's to collapse the moral fabric of every single family, every single individual, every single institution, and to replace it with something that is Destructive, that is satanic, that is degenerate morally, and also it's an attack on every, I would say, heavenly institution, or I would say every single marriage, for an instance.
Every single thing that God himself has instituted or created for humanity will be subverted, it will be attacked, And it will be replaced with the opposite, which is the Antichrist agenda, which will usher in mass global thought and acceptance.
Every single institution that God has created, you take a look at marriage, the attack on marriage, you're not even allowed to oppose gay marriage.
Obviously not in the left, but in the so-called traditional right side of things.
You are not allowed to come out and say gay marriage is an abomination.
And it must be resisted and it must not be tolerated in our society.
You're not allowed to say that.
And yeah, it's the left that loses their mind when they say that, but it's the cucked out right that claims to be, oh, we live in a Christian nation, hoorah, let's win this thing back for God.
Okay, well then let's start taking back the God-given institutions, the pillars, that's the word I'm looking for, the God-given pillars for a society to function and thrive.
We could start with marriage to begin with.
You're not allowed to call that out.
And that's why we're losing, by the way.
That's why we are losing, because we have handed over, we have been globally subverted, this globalist subversion has taken over the minds, has subverted the minds, and has hijacked even those that claim to be the traditionalists.
So you're not allowed to even take a stance for traditional marriage without even being called a bigot or a homophobe, not by the left, but by the so-called traditional right.
That's the subversion right there.
That's the problem right there.
Because you have wolves in sheep's clothing that are walking around claiming to be something that they're not.
And they are the reason why we are losing this stability, the moral stability of this nation.
The family, the total attack on the family.
Who created the family?
God created the family.
That's Trinitarian.
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
That's the original family unit right there.
And we are made in the image of God.
So of course, with the cultural globalism and the satanic anti-Christ agenda, that will be attacked, that will be subverted, and that goes beyond a sense of national communism.
This goes way beyond.
This is anti-Christ worldwide.
Our institution's a family.
Recent story has come out.
Where a Christian mother... I think this is in Oregon.
This is just coming to mind right now, guys.
I'm going off of memory.
If you guys want to find this, it's a huge story right now.
I'm sure you guys have covered it.
I'd be shocked if InfoWars hasn't covered it, but it's coming to mind right now.
A Christian mother in Oregon, I think her name is Mrs. Bates.
Her first name, I'm lost.
I'm losing it right now.
She wants to adopt a child.
But now the state is coming out and saying, well, your Christian views are unacceptable and you are not allowed to be a foster mother.
Because you have Christian views.
And the state is taking it a step further, by the way, and she's suing them back.
She's suing them back because that's what base Christians need to do right now.
She's suing the state back because the state is violating her civil rights, particularly the First Amendment, and saying, well, if you are going to be a foster parent in this state, you have to affirm the self-identifying gender pronouns of the child, and also, you have to take your child To LGBTQ affirming events such as pride events.
Christian mom defends her faith, sues Oregon for perverting adoption because of Christian beliefs.
This is it right there.
And part of what the state is telling her is that you, you must take the child.
If you want to be a foster parent, you must take the child to LGBTQ affirming events.
So all these 65-year-old homosexuals walking around with their penises dangling, you have to take the child to that if you want to be a foster parent to that child.
Sacrifice your Christian views.
Sacrifice morality.
Sacrifice what you believe about marriage.
Sacrifice the innocence of a child.
For what?
For what?
You see, if the church doesn't take a stance, screw the right and screw the conservatives.
They don't have the power of God.
You must be born again, and then you could put up a fight.
I'll tell you that.
We'll be right back.
Oh man, I'm lit.
The cultural globalism goes even further.
Like I said, with the dismantling of the God-given pillars for mankind to thrive in obedience to God, to have serious success as a civilization, Those have to be dismantled.
Those have to be attacked.
They have to be removed.
There has to be a controlled demolition of all of this.
All the institutions in society have to be subverted with globalist, anti-Christ doctrine, think, ideology, and lifestyle.
And you're seeing it.
And you are absolutely seeing it.
Like I said, with the attack on marriage, totally perverting and subverting marriage, be fruitful and multiply with what?
How's that gonna work?
Oh, they're gonna have to abduct heterosexuals' children.
Oh, wow, look!
They're starting to do it!
Would you look at that?
That is antichrist.
It's satanic.
It goes against the God-given pillar and foundation for mankind to successfully reproduce.
There's no getting around that.
There's no getting around that.
I don't care what anybody says.
People could say, whether left or right, that's bigoted, or I have, like, a gay brother or sister that doesn't like how they go after children, so they're one of the good ones, or they have a MAGA hat on, so they're one of the good ones.
Like, what are you talking about?
I don't care what your opinion is.
I don't care if someone slaps a right-wing political label over their degeneracy and somehow that makes it okay.
The King of Kings, let God be true and every man a liar.
The King of Kings, his word will reign true and supreme forever.
Above your feelings, above your political opinion, whether it's a, you know, infiltrator, liberal, and right-wing spaces, or it's just some SJW out there that just loves spreading AIDS and STDs.
That's definitely a W for civilization, and that's definitely not part of the agenda of depopulation, isn't it, guys?
Course it is.
You're not gonna have a population of sodomites thriving.
Name me one civilization in human history that has succeeded, to this day, hundreds, thousands of years, That is full-blown homosexual and thriving and succeeding.
Well, look at America!
Oh yeah, look where America's going!
We are not gonna last long, ladies and gentlemen!
Just read Romans chapter 1.
I'll leave it at that.
But the attack of the family, the dismantling of traditional marriage, the genesis of mankind?
It's antichrist!
It's satanic!
And then they take it a step further with the transhuman agenda.
And let me be honest, let me be clear here, especially on Infowars, I don't go along with that PSYOP.
I think it's a PSYOP.
I think it's a satanic psychological operation to get the church, and also to get mankind, to use terminology that goes alongside of the worship of Baphomet.
Because that's what the so-called trans Community is.
Whether adults or childs, it doesn't matter.
There's no such thing as a trans person.
That's satanic.
That's transhuman.
That's taking God's creation, male, female, and even animal.
That's baphomet, wrapping it all into one beast.
It's all one.
What is that?
It's an abomination.
Listen, if we're going to stand with God, then we have to hold the line and we have to defend the institutions that God has given for humanity at the genesis of our existence to thrive.
If we don't do that, we will lose everything.
We will lose the Infowar.
We will lose America.
We will lose every institution that we have.
This will not be solved with a political solution.
This won't even be solved with an armed uprising.
God will let you lose that too.
This is only going to be solved by the King of Kings and being obedient to him and his word.
And until civilization and culture decides to do that, especially conservatives that will not address these things, nothing is going to change.
And I'm not being blackmailed, I'm being honest with you, because I will not be like the false shepherds of Israel in the Old Testament that were just preaching hope and everything is fine and God is happy with everybody and all is going to be okay.
When in reality, God's wrath was about to destroy the people in multiple occasions, sending foreign invaders, sending his own people into slavery so that they would wake up to the realization that they are worshiping idols, they're worshiping demons behind those idols, and they worship everything but the one true God.
If you think America is any different, or you think America itself is immune to that, then You are literally, probably just plugged into the matrix that is ruled by Satan, the Prince of Darkness.
The Kingdom of Darkness.
Because that whole ideology of thinking that, like, while we live in a total degenerate, moral decayed society, that like, this is all just gonna change without any serious of repentance is what I'm calling for here.
Calling for a national repentance in the media, in the church, And right-wing organizations, left-wing organizations calling for repentance.
I'm talking about the ADL.
I'm talking about Bill Gates.
I'm talking about people like Elon Musk that need to give their life to Jesus as well.
I'm talking about people like Vivek Ramaswamy.
Give your life to Jesus as well.
Everyone bend your knee to the King of Kings now or it's gonna happen later!
And people want to sit here and wonder why we're losing everything.
We're losing all of these institutions.
It's globalist subversion and cultural globalism.
It's antichrist.
It's satanic.
And if you remove God from everything, now look at our schools!
You take God out of the school.
You take prayer out of the school.
There's another globalist subversion.
There's another globalist takeover.
They're infiltrated?
You remove prayer from the schools?
They've been infiltrated?
You remove the Bible from the schools?
You remove even the Pledge of Allegiance from schools?
One nation, under God, indivisible.
You're not even allowed to say that!
That's bigoted!
You're not even allowed to say that because that's oppression!
Anything remotely close to the one true God, Jesus Christ, you remove that, there will be serious consequence.
And now look at our so-called education system.
Flooded with LGBTQ homosexual groomers targeting children K through 12.
You got the UN and the EU all getting ready, funded through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to, you know, teach little children that they're sexual beings and that they should give consent to sex to whomever they want.
You remove God with that and replace it with that.
It makes total sense.
You want to push God out of all these institutions?
You want to call that fascist?
You want to call that Christian nationalism?
I just call it Christian supremacy.
I believe in the supremacy of Jesus Christ.
I am a Christ supremacist.
I believe He is supreme in my life.
I believe He is supreme in this world, in this universe.
I believe He is supreme in the multiple-dimensional world that we cannot see.
Jesus Christ is supreme overall.
I don't care.
Let the media say what they want.
That's totally fine.
That's fine.
I will die on that hill.
I will die on that hill.
The media, whatever they want to say, if they want, oh, well, now he's claiming to be, you know, a Christian supremacist or a Christ supremacist.
Well, you know, yeah, I do.
I do.
And you know what?
I'm going to stand on my own two feet and I'm going to wear that crown with honor because that's the hill that I'll die on.
I gotta sit here and cuck out and be like, oh my god, I can't, please, I don't want you to identify me as like, you know, a bad person or I'm gonna sit here and say, well, you know, I just, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I'm gonna stand on the word of God and spit in the face of Satan and all of his globalist proxy organizations because that's what we need right now.
Otherwise, quit complaining as to why we're losing absolutely everything in the culture.
But our children, our so-called education, What are the kids learning?
That white people are bad, black people are supreme, and that, you know, homosexuality is your future.
Oh, and by the way, if you're a biological little boy and you feel like you're a little girl, or you're a biological little girl and you feel like you're a little boy, well, that's fine.
Because you could just chop your penis off, little Timmy.
That's great.
We'll just chop that penis off.
That's great.
That's fine.
Oh, yeah, Emily.
Come here, Emily.
Let's chop those boobs off.
Let's chop, let's chop them off.
Just chop them off and you can dance all over TikTok with giant scars on your chest and be totally accepted and that's awesome!
Transhuman, man.
It's Baphomet.
It's a total inversion of God's creation.
It's satanic.
We are made in God's image.
So, of course, Satan is going to what?
Pervert, invert that, subvert it, and destroy it.
And it's all an act of worship to him.
It's all an act of worship to what he wants for humanity, to what he's prescribing for mankind, to what he is dumping these doctrine of demons into the minds of civilization.
And it's done through subversion.
I mean, how the hell have we gotten K-12 children to get on board with an agenda like this, to just hack their bodies?
And don't even get me started on abortion, dude.
I'll get started on that when we come back from the break.
You know what?
We have been totally subverted by globalist, satanic entities.
Because I'm breaking this down.
Alright, we are back!
You are now watching the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
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Rumble.com slash Drew Hernandez.
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We're going up against the DNC.
We're going up against the cucked out Uniparty GOP.
These are hundred billion dollar organizations that are meant to subvert you and your family and to psychologically warp your mind, especially the deep state fake news media cartels.
So support the Infowars.
Let's continue with what I've been calling cultural globalism and this takeover in our culture.
I've given you guys all kinds of examples, and these are the pillars.
I would argue these foundational pillars that God has given humanity, especially when it comes to marriage, when it comes to the family, our children, gender and sex identity, the inversion of those institutions, Invading education, invading the minds of children with those doctrines of demons to attack those pillars in society.
This goes back to Genesis, man.
Family, traditional family, marriage, you name it.
But even with the results, even with the results of procreating for mankind, babies, it's having children.
I mean, we have really gotten into a place where, you know, we're not only watching a A political group or a, you know, religious, it is a death cult, I mean, at this point.
But we're not only watching, like, individuals advocate for abortion anymore.
It's gotten to the point of just celebrating out in the open, just straight blasphemy and mocking the slaughtering of children.
It is infanticide and it is human infant dismembering.
Human sacrifice of their blood, babies, infants.
And it's these selfish, you know, these selfish women and feminazi type minded and these cucked out men that don't want to be responsible, but they want to stick their penis in anything.
But whenever a baby comes out, they don't want to deal with it.
You know, that's the sacrifice.
Because you always hear, well, I'm not ready to have a baby.
I want to live my dreams.
I need to live out my career.
Screw your dreams.
Screw your career.
If you care so much about that, then close your damn legs.
It's as easy as that.
But that's the sacrifice.
That's the blood sacrifice.
You slaughter the baby.
You slaughter the infant so you can offer that up.
Oh, and then you could live out your dreams.
You're free to carry on and not be responsible.
Of course, through the gospel, one can be healed and reconciled to God for their severe crime of abortion and committing that multiple times.
The gospel offers forgiveness for that.
But without that, I mean, that is the ultimate right now, I think, in the United States of America, in our world, in our modern age.
I mean, we make like these Aztecs, these Mayans that were into like human sacrifice, we make them look like You know, like puppies, okay?
Like, we make them look like, if you could actually see, what a visual.
Like, if you could actually see the amount of dismembered and murdered infants in America, let's just pick America's history for the past, I don't know, 60 years.
What would that look like?
How grotesque would that look like?
How sick and twisted You think the movie Saw is bad?
You think Jeffrey Dahmer was bad?
You think guys like Ted Bundy?
I mean, these guys are like the freaking Easter Bunny compared to what these serial killers, so-called abortion doctors, and nurses, and these organizations like Planned Parenthood, what the United States of America has facilitated.
The absolute murder of life and infants That is a Luciferian attack and that has been an act of global subversion and global cultural globalism as well.
Because it's a deterioration of morality to get people to not even think that that's a human life.
To get people to not even think about the fact that that is a baby in the womb that has the potential to live a life outside of the womb.
I can feel pain, I can feel fear, that I believe, because when you watch some of these abortions that are practiced on women, that are just straight up murder, you see the baby squirming in the womb, the baby's biting away the utensils, and then the baby gets its head crushed!
It's demonic, it's satanic, right?
But again, that's an attack on the pillar, one of the foundational pillars that's being subverted, be fruitful, multiply!
God has encouraged mankind to do that.
God has encouraged mankind to be fruitful and to multiply.
That's the blueprint.
Homosexuals can't do that.
Like, alright?
It's never gonna happen.
It must be done heterosexually.
But the total slaughter of life.
God is life.
God loves life.
God has created life.
God is a defender of the innocent.
God encourages the visitation of orphans and to make sure that you have that heart that He does as well.
So this issue of abortion, God, before, like there are several verses, before you knew me, before I was even in the womb, you shaped me, you created me while I was inside, like you knew my entire being, my inward parts while I was an infant.
God is involved.
God is totally involved with that.
And that's a tampering.
with God's design.
And there will be a punishment for that as well.
But of course, Satan has to get in because he wants to be God and be above God.
This is the globalist mindset.
So that will be ushered into humanity and be normalized so that people accept.
You guys do realize in the United States of America, we have openly tolerated and normalized the act of murder just because it's inside the womb.
Somehow that's okay.
And also they want to do it outside the womb.
But there's another example.
And everybody knows.
Everybody knows, even when it comes to our financial institutions.
Look how closely we are being pushed further and further.
And I'm not saying that technology is satanic, okay?
I'm not saying that any form of technology is coming from, you know, the devil.
Not like the Waterboy's model.
Like, everything's the devil!
Vicky Valencourt is the devil!
Like, technology is the devil!
Like, no, dude.
It can be used by the devil, but it's not the devil.
But look at Our current age and state of technology and how it's being weaponized.
It is being harnessed for a technocracy, an authoritarian, futuristic, fascist regime.
All AI-driven, all hive-mind, grid-driven, cloud-driven.
But what is that infrastructure meant for?
I would argue, biblically, you see, again, in the Book of Revelation, when the Antichrist is on the scene, they will cause, it will be a one-world religion, a one-world militarized system, Where you must take the Mark of the Beast in the right arm or the forehead as an act of worship, of pledging your allegiance and obedience to him as God.
That is what the Mark of the Beast is about.
And if you don't, you lose your head, you get killed.
And you don't get access into the economy.
Because he as God will attempt to perform an all-sovereign, all-sovereign, this is the police state, an all-sovereign This act of dominance by pulling your essentials of life, water, buy, sell, trade, food, be able to have a job, be able to be in the economy, be able to make money.
No, he as an act of satanic sovereignty, and I think it will be used with technology, with AI, you name it, cloud technology, to be able to surveil and enforce this across the entire world.
You don't take the mark, well, you get pulled out of the economy.
You can't survive, you'll just die.
You don't want to worship me as God?
Well then you'll just die.
Either we'll go decapitate you, or you will not be able to survive, you and your family.
Does that sound familiar?
You see, the infrastructure already exists.
The technology is there.
And in my personal biblical belief, I believe that that is all wrapped into the culture.
It's the cultural globalism to get us to accept these grids, to get us away from physical currency, get dependent on digital currency, so then they come in with a cashless society.
Even our economy is wrapped up in this Luciferian globalist anti-Christ takeover that will take place.
Does that mean we don't fight and push back?
No, we do.
Because God calls us to fight and expose and resist evil at all times.
But you gotta be really paying attention and like Alex said in the third hour, you're gonna really see who is who.
You're gonna really see who is who.
The masks will come off.
Alright guys, War Room is coming up next.
After this break, do not go anywhere.
I'll see you guys next time.
I've been on air close to 30 years.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the product, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
It's really allowed us to survive.
And when it comes to exposing the globalists thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners.
And I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world.
And I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us.
More than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way we knew we were selling a good product.
I would try them out myself.
And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, The best films, really everything we saw on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
Whether it's the storable foods...
Whether it's the water filtration, whether it's the supplements, whether it's the books, the films, they're amongst the very, very best, and you're funding an operation fighting the globalists.
So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization An operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners, the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas, and a lot of products that have been sold out are now back in stock.
I'm happy to announce we have storewide free shipping, double Patreon points, 10% off when you sign up for AutoShip on your next order.
That way stuff that's sold out is held back for you so it's not sold out.
And up to 60% off on these best-selling products.
And finally, TurboForce, 10 hours of clean energy is finally back in stock.
The top of the line, the strongest, the Godzilla of nootropics, of energy, of brain boost, turbo force back in stock.
X2, sold out for more than a year, got a limited supply in.
Unfortunately, it's about to sell out.
Despite that, we've got it at 25% off, but it's going to go to full price before Christmas hits, so take advantage of that right now.
We also have Down and Out Sleep Support, a whole bunch of natural, known, strong, organic compounds that give you deep, restful sleep that's so good for your immune system, your body, everything.
Real Red Pill Plus, Vitamineral Fusion, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
It's all there at InfoWarStore.com.
You can also call toll-free.
If you'd like to order that way, 888-253-3139.
But these are great products that enrich your life and to keep us on the air.
That's why I coined the term many years ago, 360 WIN.
This is a non-zero-sum game.
This is beyond symbiotic.
This doesn't just make us all okay.
We work together.
This empowers us all together.
So please do your Christmas shopping at mfootworkstore.com.
Thank you for your support.
God bless.