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Name: 20231225_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 25, 2023
3383 lines.

In a special Christmas episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones talks about self-love, commitment to living in a free world, empathy, support and prayer, fighting against tyranny and globalism. He promotes his father's supplements and products and discusses various topics such as politics, relationships, family, water filtration systems, resistance against globalists, and spirituality. He emphasizes the importance of rejecting offers from people in power and staying true to one's beliefs. Jones also talks about independent media voices disrupting the establishment's plans for the pandemic through their audiences and credible sources highlighting anti-establishment viewpoints. He warns about the potential dangers of globalists who could make Earth unlivable for a long time and encourages everyone to keep fighting against tyranny and to support his new book, "The Great Awakening."

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It's Monday, December 25th, 2023.
And in this sickening, evil, politically correct run world, we're not even supposed to say those words, or mother, or father, or America.
We're supposed to hate ourselves.
But we don't.
We love ourselves, because God made us.
Thank you so much for joining us.
You know, I'm sitting here, and I'm thinking about Christmas, and, you know, I talk so much, that I mean everything I say.
But still when I thank you, and still when I say I'm thankful to the crew and my family and all of our supporters, it seems hollow because it can't express my emotion or my commitment to you.
Because I'm committed to myself.
And if I'm going to live in a free, open country and a free, open world, you've got to live in a free one as well.
That's what empathy is.
It's why when you're driving down a residential street Cat runs out in front of you and you can't help it and you run it over and you feel so bad and you pick it up and it's bloody and dying or dead and it's got a little name tag around its neck.
You don't throw it on the side of the road.
You find the address or you call the number on it.
This has happened to me once with a cat.
And you bring it to their door and you apologize.
Because you're valuing its life.
You're valuing their love of the cat.
I remember 20 years ago we had this tiny chihuahua named Conan.
He was a really sweet little dog.
He was a rescue dog.
And I remember the man came to the door.
He was one of that old 25 year old fella.
He said, I'm sorry I ran over your dog.
He ran right out in the middle of the main road.
We live by a major road.
But he said, I'm sorry, your dog's dead.
He had him in a little box he had in the back of his car.
He put him in the little box.
We went and buried him.
And that was a symbol of respect for the love we had of that dog.
Because that person respected himself.
And if his dog would have been run over, even though it was the dog's fault.
He's not smart.
He doesn't understand the danger.
You can escape out the back door anytime we open the door.
It was respect for life.
And it was respect for love.
So I bring up painful things to you because it is pain at the end of the day
that really defines who we are.
It's loss as well because to give someone life, to have a child with a woman or a man
is to give them death as well.
But we do it because we want to experience that love and that passion, and it's our drive.
And that's why God made us and gave us free will.
Even though we can make the wrong decision and be cut off from God forever, God made us because God wanted to have other creatures that had that incredible potential.
And that's really the secret of the universe, my friends.
So I just wanted on this Christmas day to let all the listeners know that I really do appreciate you.
And I really do hate having to come to you over the years and beg you for some support when I know many of you don't have the means to even do it.
But I love fighting tyrants and exposing the globalists more than I hate coming to you and groveling.
I mean, just last Wednesday and Tuesday, we had whistleblowers and Gaston who were there with the government's running child trafficking rings for sex slavery.
And it was painful to go on air and say all these terrible things, but it'd be more painful to deny it and hide from it.
And it's only you and your word of mouth and your prayer and your support that has kept us in attack.
And we are in attack formation.
We're real.
The enemy knows we're real.
And that's why they have all their operatives in the establishment, but also the controlled media, saying we're not real because they know damn well we're real.
But you don't have to trust me to know we're real.
Just trust Christ.
Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits, and this broadcast, and this crew, and our guests, and our family of freedom fighters have changed the world.
And our enemies are the top globalists, because we've had a big effect on them, and they know it.
So, for myself, and the crew, and everybody else, I want to wish you a merry, wonderful, heartfelt Christmas, and all the beauty that God can offer.
Thank you so much for everything you've done, and I want to salute you and thank you all.
God bless you.
We'll be right back.
Please do not forget that my book has gone number one on a bunch of the different subcharts.
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Roger Stone is about to lay out what really happened in Colorado yesterday and what it
means to America and the Deep State coup.
I hurt myself today to see if I still feel.
I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real.
The needle tears the hole, The old familiar sting.
Try to kill it all away.
But I remember everything.
What have I become?
The Democratic Party.
Is the greatest threat to planetary peace and survival the world has ever seen.
They've established judicial tyranny in many areas of the nation and they are the totalitarians.
They are the ones establishing a bureaucratic dictatorship.
They are the ones surveilling and censoring and targeting their political opposition.
They are the tyrants and everything they do Blows up in their tyrannical faces.
The problem is they keep doubling down.
President Trump was never convicted of insurrection, never charged with it.
How do you then get precluded under a Civil War law from running for office when you're the frontrunner and you're taking off the ballot when you've not been convicted?
Well, Roger went through kangaroo trials.
I went through them.
Leticia James just said last week, we'll cue it back up, that Trump was found guilty in New York before the trial began.
That's what the judge said.
No jury.
So we forced them to take the mask off, and even Frank Luntz came out and said, this will just turbocharge Trump.
I hope the Supreme Court overturns it.
But great political analyst back to the days of Nixon, Ronald Reagan, right through Trump, got Trump to run, is the consummate Trumpian, Roger Stone.
Roger, this is really brazen.
This is next level.
This is really blowing up in their face.
Alex, you're absolutely right.
I mean, first of all, I think it's important to note that this was not unexpected.
So this idea that the Trump campaign has been rocked or that there's some shock or we've been caught by surprise.
That's entirely false.
In fact, I'd have to tell you, as a veteran of 13 national Republican presidential campaigns, the Trump campaign is the leanest, most efficient, most effective, best organized, tightest presidential campaign I've ever been involved with.
And by the way, you were being honest when he first ran six, seven, eight years ago.
You said that this is a problem.
This is not being run well.
You're saying right now, this is eye of the tiger.
Yeah, he really has excellent people and they know what they're doing.
We're supremely well organized in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada.
We have excellent organizations in the works.
I say we as a supporter and the campaign doesn't leak above all.
So once the lower court in Colorado rejected this but laid the groundwork for the state
Supreme Court, basically that judge at the trial court level saying, well, Trump was
guilty of insurrection, but because of the way the statute is worded in the 13th Amendment,
but perhaps it doesn't apply to Trump, it's kind of obvious that this was coming.
Now, we understand a couple of things.
First of all, this decision is essentially toothless, meaning Trump's name remains on the ballot.
The Trump campaign will file an immediate appeal to the U.S.
Supreme Court and the court in Colorado, which is all 100% appointed by a Democrat governor.
Every member of the court is a Democrat.
But this still only passed on a 4-3 decision.
This is basically a toothless ruling, meaning the only way for President Trump's name to be taken off the ballot is for the Supreme Court to decline to hear the appeal.
Extraordinarily unlikely.
Or if it reaffirms the Colorado decision.
Even more unlikely.
I'm going to give you the floor to watch the technicals.
Let me stop you there.
We appreciate you being here.
For me, big picture is, yeah, it's toothless, but it shows the recklessness and the escalation curve.
So where do they go next?
To me, the craziness of this, the wildness of this, not convicted of something, the law says you have to be convicted, the law is very clear, a five-year-old can read it, and they do this.
It shows that these people are panicking, they are in total paranoia.
There's no question about this.
Look, I think that they are apoplectic.
They're near hysterical because it's not just this.
Everything they have tried has backfired exponentially.
In other words, this effort to destroy Donald Trump through a tsunami of lawfare has backfired very badly.
It's actually turbocharged his campaign in a way that nobody could have foreseen.
I mean, Alex, look, I've been around a long time.
I've studied a lot of polling.
I try to be dispassionate about it, even though I'm a strong supporter of the president.
I worked for Ronald Reagan.
He was one of our greatest presidents.
He was also extraordinarily popular, very popular at the grassroots.
But even he never enjoyed this level and intensity of support.
Back when the president first announced that he was running I was on board, but I was concerned that there would not be the kind of enthusiasm, the kind of intensity that it takes to pull off one of the greatest political miracles in the country.
Remember, we've only had one president who was elected, then cheated out of re-election, and then came back to serve as president again.
That was Grover Cleveland, a conservative Democrat.
Interestingly enough, like Trump, a native New Yorker.
The left has solved that problem and everything they throw at Trump just makes him stronger.
Now this recent appeal to the Supreme Court over the question of presidential immunity and essentially executive privilege to leapfrog the circuit court in D.C., which would have been stacked against Trump anyway, and go directly to the U.S.
Supreme Court Combined with this action yesterday, and therefore a new appeal to the Supreme Court, demonstrates that this is a growing hysteria.
The special counsel, Jack Smith, is desperate to have an election, pardon me, a conviction, or at least a trial, and presumably in a favorable jurisdiction, a conviction prior to this election in order to try to wound President Trump.
It's not working.
Let's be realist.
They are everywhere now saying Trump supporters are Confederates.
Mayors, Democrats, Senators.
They're saying Civil War.
They've got an Obama produced movie coming out about Civil War.
A bunch of movies about Civil War.
They're running around saying we're all about to start killing each other.
It's very easy to see the next move.
False flags, assassination attempts on Trump.
I mean, they are beyond hysterical.
So we should really sit back and say, OK, we're winning.
What is this entrenched, unelected, crazed, bureaucratic system that thinks it's insulated from any type of culpability?
What are they going to pull next, Roger?
I mean, let's do tomorrow's news today.
What are they going to pull next?
Alex, I think anything is possible.
I've said this on your show.
I say it on my own daily show every day.
It's essential that patriots not be goaded into doing something stupid or illegal.
No, we don't support civil war.
We're not for that.
And at every step of the way, Donald Trump has worked within the legal system now.
Technically, he doesn't have to prove his innocence.
They have to prove his guilt.
But in the court of public opinion, where there is a Democrat mainstream media cabal, I think we all know the effort here is to sully his name and further destroy his chances.
Oh, Trump is going to be an authoritarian dictator.
Who is it who's trying to lock up their chief political opponent?
Who is it who uses the intelligence services to work closely with social media companies to censor any political point of view that they disagree with?
Who is it that tapped into the 702 database millions of times to spy on average American citizens, at the same time they use 278... No, I totally agree with you, so let's pull back here, because everybody else is talking about how it's unconstitutional, he wasn't convicted, and it's a fraud, we know that.
Let's get in their sick little minds, because they keep escalating from little baby steps to huge jumps now.
Like Tucker Carlson has said, you've said, all they got left is assassination, or blowing up a black college and saying a Trump supporter did it.
I mean, they're not going to give up.
So let's just get that straight.
They claim Trump supporters are going to hack with Russia the power grid and bring it down.
No evidence of that.
That's preposterous stuff than a bunch of movies produced by Obama and Hollywood saying that exactly is going to happen.
So I'm not dumb when I see three movies come out in one week saying Trump supporters are going to cut the power off of the Russia and race war and then they're saying it at the FBI with no evidence that they're pre-programming that move.
I don't disagree with that, Alex, but notice yesterday there was a leaked story and sources said that former President Barack Obama is increasingly concerned about Joe Biden's ability to win re-election.
They are greasing the skids to switch out Joe Biden.
That's what I was going next.
You said it over a year ago.
Clearly they've allowed the indictments now and everything against Hunter to put pressure on Joe.
But as you said, Joe and Jill want to stay.
So what's going to happen there?
I think you have internecine warfare going on in the Democratic Party.
But at the end of the day, Barack Obama has more influence on the next Democratic National Convention than Joe Biden does.
The use of these superdelegates, which were used to kneecap Bernie Sanders, could be threatened to be used to kneecap Joe Biden if he insists on Trying to hang in and stay as a candidate.
Now, I've kind of revised my view.
I don't think there's any circumstance under which Joe Biden will resign.
But that's because I think he wants to retain the authority to pardon himself and his brother and his son and other key members of the Biden crime family.
But at the end of the day, he's not a viable candidate.
They know he can't stand up in a presidential day of debate.
Hell, he can barely stand up, period.
These efforts to knock Trump off the ballot are part and parcel of this current level of hysteria.
Let me point out, they tried this in Michigan, they tried it in Minnesota, they tried it in Florida, they tried it in Rhode Island, they tried it in Arizona, they tried it in New Hampshire, and legally it has fallen short.
This effort in Colorado will fall short as well.
I predict that the Supreme Court will reverse this decision.
And once that is done, this gambit, which is largely the brainchild of Norm Eisen and the people at Crew, will be over.
This will be a failed gambit.
What's next?
Could we have another pandemic?
Most definitely.
Could there be a terrorist attack on American interests on our own soil?
Given how many millions of illegals we have allowed into the country and our inability to track who they are and where they are, that's entirely possible.
Will it be real?
Will it be a false flag?
I suspect there'll be no way to know.
But the lesson of history, of course, is that people rally around a wartime president.
People rally around the president at a time that the country is... I was about to back you up there.
Biden said two weeks ago, if you don't give us 106 million for Ukraine, your sons and daughters will be dying within months.
Then Lloyd Austin said it.
Then the Secretary of State said it.
The members of the House and Senate, both bipartisan, said it.
So they're holding a threat of direct war with Russia at our head if we don't do whatever Biden says.
I mean, that right there is so reckless.
Doesn't the establishment see their own actions are the threat?
Don't they see that they can just back off and stop this?
I was actually going there next, which is I don't think that there's no possibility of formalizing an actual war with Russia as an excuse to somehow use the War Powers Act to postpone or delay the next election.
I've studied the act.
I think that would be a real legal stretch.
Let me stop you.
We know the OECD and the CIA still run Europe on record.
They've had the German Chancellor say he's about to declare a wartime emergency.
The new Polish leader just said they're doing it.
And so yeah, I already see them setting this up.
A big permanent emergency.
If you think COVID was bad, folks, or climate change garbage, they're now saying war Top EU think tank came back last week and then it was echoed by the EU leaders.
They said, permanent war.
We're a new economy.
Europe is a war economy with Germany at the center.
Where have I heard of this before?
I mean, you can't make this up.
No, and it is all driven by the fact that all things being equal, Donald Trump is on his way back to the White House.
I mean, every time they pull some gambit, it just ends up making him stronger.
He's going to vanquish the opposition.
Well, that was my next question.
That was my next question.
If every time they indict him or do this, his polls explode to just historic, above, way above, biggest ever since polling started, you're right.
Why do they keep doing it?
If it's not working, like a degenerate gambler, why do they keep betting?
Because they believe that it will work in the future.
In other words, what they would say in their own defense strategically is, well, it hasn't worked yet, but that's because he hasn't been convicted yet.
And when he's convicted, it will all fall apart.
This, by the way, was, let's face it, the underlying basis for Governor Ron DeSantis' decision to challenge Trump.
It's just turned out to be I think it's going to continue to be wrong.
People no longer think, which they once did, that the entire judicial system in our country is fair, and that justice is blind, and that the kind of things we see happening to the President can't happen in America.
Well, we've seen otherwise.
We saw what they did to General Flynn.
We saw what they did to Trump.
You trump me, so they've blown their credibility, but they're sequestered in little judicial bubbles.
Have they figured it out yet?
I don't think so.
I think that they actually will up their game.
I think that this decision yesterday, clearly driven by politics.
I mean, you had one judge on... Oh, it's mad dog rabies behavior.
Yes, I think it is illogical, hysterical behavior.
But Trump Uh, really does instill in these people what we call Trump Derangement Syndrome.
There's no question about that.
Why does he do that?
Why does he do that?
You know him better than anybody.
Because he's an existential threat to their entire uniparty control and their agenda.
Before he was a businessman from New York, who I think turned out to be a truly great president, achieved truly great things, yet he was not still, at that point, he was not fully awake.
And he really went to Washington.
Now he's like Caesar coming back from exile.
They're really scared.
Yeah, exactly.
He totally gets it.
He knows who his friends are.
He knows who his implacable enemies are.
No, this isn't about revenge.
This is about justice.
It's about having one standard for everybody.
Look, we saw this recently.
Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro were both charged with contempt of Congress.
They were quickly tried and convicted.
They both appealed their convictions.
Hunter Biden has denied a subpoena to testify before Congress.
It's pretty clear to me the House Republicans are going to send a referral to the Justice Department that he be held in contempt.
What will happen then?
I've been asking a lot of questions.
You're on fire as well.
I know you don't talk about your conversations with the big guy.
I don't mean Biden.
How is Trump doing?
What do you advise the listeners to do?
Where are we?
How can we save the country?
Well, first of all, as you know, I never get into the specifics of my actual conversations with the president, because if you if you were that indiscreet, well, before long, your conversations would end.
But in general terms, I must tell you, he's he is incredibly buoyant.
I mean, he's extraordinarily confident.
He's very determined.
He's he's very resilient.
He's in an excellent mood.
I mean, the level of stress on this man and his ability to handle that stress, having been in the meat grinder myself and having seen what you've been through, Alex, and what General Flynn went through and others, Trump is a superman.
He really is.
He looks younger than five years ago.
He's lost weight.
He says he feels good.
I mean, this is the Trump that I have known for 45 years.
He is the same person I met in 1979.
It's really quite amazing how he gets up every day and goes to battle and he's a happy warrior.
I honestly think that he's at his very best in crisis.
That is when he really shines and he totally gets it now.
I mean, look at his prepared remarks.
He's calling the Democrats out as Marxists.
This is something that would have been unthinkable in 2012.
This is the kind of rhetoric you only heard here on InfoWars.
But it is accurate.
They're establishing a permanent dictatorship.
They're tyrants.
They want to destroy you.
That's the truth, and they're used to victims that just sit there and take it.
They are apoplectic right now.
I think that is exactly right, and that's why you have this decision.
Look, Colorado has until January 4th to print their ballots.
As of this moment, Donald Trump is on the ballot in Colorado.
Now, will Colorado even be a competitive state?
I kind of doubt it.
It's not one that I have in my mental account.
They're trying to cause a chain reaction of other states to it.
I don't think that's going to work.
Actually, I think it's going to have the unintended consequences.
The exact opposite.
I think this whole line of attack is about to be vacated when the Supreme Court ultimately rules that Trump has not been convicted of insurrection.
Therefore, these statutes don't apply, if they apply at all, based on the wording of the 13th Amendment.
We're almost out of time.
We're almost out of time.
Biden, Biden, Biden, Biden!
I mean, how are they going to get rid of him?
Because if they want to get rid of him, who do they bring in?
I still believe that Michelle Obama will be their candidate.
I don't think that they can just bypass Kamala Harris.
She is, after all, at least on paper, next in line.
And she's a woman of color, which is important within the context of the modern Democratic Party.
So they offer her a Supreme Court seat in the election, if there's an election of a Democratic president and a Democratic Senate, to step aside.
And I predict yet again, right here on the Alex Jones Show, The ticket will be Michelle Obama for President and Governor Gavin Newsom for Vice President.
I stand by my prediction.
And when do they change those horses?
Well, that's the beauty of it.
Because of the Democratic Party Convention rules, they have the luxury of doing this late.
In other words, the fact that certain filing deadlines have passed, the fact that Joe Biden will begin piling up delegates committed to him, Early in the year is almost incidental.
Barack Obama can make this change pretty much whenever he decides to do so.
So Joe can go easily or Joe can go hard, but in the end, I think Joe will not be a candidate.
So they're already putting the pressure on him.
I agree.
Then they segue a few months before with no review of Big Mike, any of it.
They just slip, slip Big Mike in.
She's incredibly popular within the Democratic Party.
She's incredibly popular among the Democratic structure in the country.
She can command $100 million in campaign funds in about 48 hours.
She's sure-footed.
She's used to being in the public eye.
By the way, the more she says she's not interested and there's no way she'll run, that convinces me even more that, well, she'll be reluctantly drafted to be a candidate.
People who snicker about this are making a gigantic error, Alex.
She will be an extraordinarily formidable candidate, but I do think she can be tied to the disastrous policies of Joe Biden because this is, in fact, Barack Obama's third term.
That's right.
Their Hail Mary will fail.
Roger Stone, I hope you'll find your show.
They need to go to Rumble.com slash Roger Stone or StoneZone.live today at 5 o'clock Eastern, or just go to StoneZone.com and check us out there.
Roger, amazing analysis.
Thank you so much, my friend.
Great to be with you.
All right, there goes Roger Stone.
We're coming back with Vivek Ramaswamy, and he's saying he's getting out of the ballot in Colorado unless they reinstate Trump.
To DeSantis' credit, he's said that, you know, this is wrong what's happening to Trump.
We'll talk about all this coming up.
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And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
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I've delivered not giving up.
Praise God and pass the ammunition in the information war.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening.
Signed or unsigned, InfoWarsTore.com.
Take action!
Let's go to Highwaymen in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through a call.
And first, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's turmeric toothpaste is incredible.
I prefer to admit, I've kind of neglected my teeth.
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Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practice.
He still has his license.
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But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste with top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
Winter is coming.
It won't find the operation, but yeah, all three of his toothpaste, the turmeric, the
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I would thank you for everything you've done for the Infowarsstore.com but I know you're like me.
You don't want my thanks.
You want victory over the globalists and these devil worshipping child molesters.
And you want them off your back and off your children's back.
And you know what?
I'm the same way and that's why we're on the same damn team.
And it's why M4's has been delivering time and time again when it's clutch time.
Focus the people on taking action against the globalists.
Because I'm committed to a future for humanity.
And I know you are as well.
So thank you for standing with us, because you are the Infowar.
And I want to thank you for committing to stand with us however you can.
From the bottom of my heart, from my family, and from the great crew at Infowars, I want to thank you all because you are the Infowar.
And you know that's not just words, that's reality.
You have made history.
We have made history together.
Infowars.com only has power because of you.
And I suggest you use it.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
We are revealing the globalists.
We're forcing them out of the open.
The battle is joined.
We'll defeat all these Harvard lawyers and inbred pedophiles.
We'll defeat Bill Gates.
Senator Ramaswamy is connected with us right now, but I want to get to this breaking Bill Gates news.
Bill Gates is in a lot of trouble.
Yesterday, a federal judge in New York ordered the Epstein client list of men having sex
with children to be released to the world.
If this really happens, it's going to send shockwaves throughout the political structure.
Because we now know that Epstein was working with the CIA, MI6, and primarily Mossad.
Israeli leaders were caught going in and out of the building many, many times.
The King of England's brother is deeply implicated as well.
Now, the big question is, will Bill Gates And the Prince and others be on the list or is this just a partial list they're going to be releasing?
From our intel though, it looks like some of the really high-end people that were involved in this and being knowingly compromised may not have had their names on the list.
What really matters is the flight logs and Bill Gates and Bill Clinton and all these guys are all over those flight logs going On the Lolita Express to Epstein's Little St.
John's Island.
We're going to be breaking all of this down today at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We'll also put links up here on The Real Alex Jones on X. But I want to make something very clear.
Whether Bill Gates is on the list or not, Bill Gates was heavily involved with Epstein and denied it and lied about it.
And that was the main reason his wife said that she left him.
That was one of the main reasons.
But here's the facts.
Bill Gates, the AP, Reuters, they've all reported, funded the programs in different parts of the third world that have been proven to be the main cause of polio.
The majority of new polio cases are vaccine-induced.
This is the same guy that talks about, well, we just shoot experimental stuff right in the little kid's arms.
Things that are, you know, genetically modified organisms, and we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
We just shoot them right into the vein.
Who died and made Bill Gates our doctor?
Who made him the person over our bodies?
And now he's supporting the UN Treaty to turn control of our bodies and major medical responses over to the United Nations.
So I don't know if Bill Gates ever had sex or molested any children.
I don't know that.
There's no evidence of that.
But there is massive evidence of him trying to bring in a bio-medical tyranny worldwide.
And at the end of the day, Being raped by some experimental shot that gives you polio, I think is even worse than being sexually raped, but I'm certainly not lessening that.
But this is the reality.
This man, and the people that he has basically had working for him setting up this planetary medical dictatorship, are monsters, ladies and gentlemen.
They're not our doctors, they're not our bosses, they don't control our bodies, and we need a worldwide declaration of independence against Bill Gates, the UN, Klaus Schwab, and all of them, and this UN treaty, which the official draft is out right now, that literally takes control of our nation's medical responses and our bodies.
I'll see you at Infowars.com forward slash show, and I can't wait to see who's on that list when it gets released January 1st.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
All right, he's on the road fighting hard for America and our freedoms.
The second American Revolution is live.
Vivek Ramaswamy threatens to boycott Colorado primary.
If they don't put Trump back on, Supreme Court set to rule.
Now even DeSantis has joined, Ramaswamy saying it's wrong.
You talk about the dictatorship taking the mask off, but as I've said, Vivek, I've said before, we need you on the ballot in case the left is successful at taking out Trump.
So we'll talk about that.
And if you're off the ballot, the establishment wins as well.
Vivek Ramaswamy via phone.
So much to say here.
Super viral.
You're like the top story challenging this.
This is so naked, so outrageous, such desperation.
Vivek, give us your breakdown.
Well, my breakdown is this is a bastardization of our Constitution, Alex.
The 14th Amendment was never intended to apply to anything like this.
We're a country where the people of this country Choose our elected leaders.
That's what the American Revolution was fought for.
The basic idea that we, the people, choose who we actually run, have run the government.
And yet now, it's the old world European view.
It's the elites in the back of palace halls, in this case, unelected partisan bureaucratic judges in the state of Florida, in the state of Colorado this time.
It's going to be other states soon that are deciding that, you know what, the people cannot be trusted to let the actual selected person govern.
That's wrong.
That will end on my watch.
But, you know, as I heard about this, it was instantly, Alex, when somebody told me that this was happening, and I saw that in the news, I said, you know what, if Trump's not on the ballot, then I shouldn't be on the ballot.
No one else should either.
That's how you fight back against this, is to say that, you know what, if they're not going to try to let us have a fair GOP primary, if the, frankly, it's not just the left, the Uniparty, many in the Republican Party want this to happen too.
Let's not lie about that.
Many other Republican candidates would love to see Trump eliminated.
But the reality is, if that's what they're trying to do, we're not going to let them get away with that by saying that I won't be on that ballot either.
That way, this is a null and void electoral result.
That's what you do when there's election interference, is you call it out and you nullify that election interference right away.
Which is why I announced that if they're not going to put Trump on that ballot, then I will withdraw from the Colorado ballot as well.
The other thing, though, Alex, is this is just the beginning of what I think is coming in the next six months.
And, you know, a lot of people have, you know, will say things like, well, if you pulled your name off the Colorado, then why are you still running?
Do you think they're going to let, if Donald Trump were going to be the Republican nominee, do you think this system is even going to let that happen?
You've got to be living in some fantasy land if you think that's what's going on in this country today.
Well, exactly, once they... And they're obviously going to fight for our country, and that's what we're going to do.
Once they start making moves this brazen, it shows all bets are off.
Elaborate on that.
Well, look, I mean, I think that you have, it's like the equivalent of an immune system that's having a reaction to some sort of allergen to that system.
If Donald Trump is that allergen, this immune system is mounting an all-out response and it will destroy our entire system, our entire constitutional republic in its way.
You have four to five trials that are slated.
It's not an accident when they set these trials up for.
It was designed to absolutely be in the path to heading into that general election after Super Tuesday.
This is designed to keep one man out of office.
They have tried every tactic in the book.
Now they're resorting to even increasingly unthinkable tactics, which is what you see happening in Colorado.
And I think that we are really in the final stages of skating on thin ice as a country.
And by the way, Vivek, just to back you up, breaking now, California Lieutenant Governor urges Secretary of State to explore a legal option to remove Trump from California 2024 ballots.
So what you just predicted is now happening.
It's literally happening in real time right before our eyes, Alex.
And we've got to understand, we've got to get beyond the Republican Party's talking point.
Frankly, the Republican Party establishment is almost equally corrupt to the Democratic Party establishment.
So this isn't about Republicans and Democrats right now.
This is about the continued existence of our country, the United States of America.
That's why I don't sit here bashing Biden.
He's not really even the president of the United States.
He is a puppet of the managerial class.
They're going to trot out a new puppet about March of next year when Trump's trials begin.
That's exactly what's going to happen.
This is all an optical illusion.
The reason they're rolling out the Hunter Biden story now, the mainstream media is paying attention to it after seven years.
And the Biden documents case is they're ready to get him out of the way just as they're preparing to get Trump out of the way and trot out whoever their new puppet is that's going to do their bidding.
That's the game that's playing out in real sight.
So a lot of earnest Republicans, but good party soldiers, they're missing the point.
It's not about Republican versus Democrat.
It is the permanent state, the permanent government, the deep state that is actually pulling the levers of power in both parties today.
They're getting Trump out of the way, and actually, ironically, they're preparing to get Biden out of the way right around the same time.
That's right.
And that's why it's important for those of us who are willing to stand for the truth, and that's why I'm in this, to make sure that we're in this to save our country.
That's right.
Sadly, what it's come to.
Well, that's our real power, Vivek, isn't it?
Is that we know what they're going to do next, the public sees it, and every time they pull this on Trump, his numbers go up, but it shows their desperation.
How do we stop them?
What do we do?
Look, I think that we need, we talk about the America First movement.
What does it mean?
Okay, this is something that we haven't done a good enough job of Alex.
We have to define what our movement actually stands for.
It stands for two things.
One is the people who we elect to run the government should actually be the ones who actually run the government.
Well, if I'm president, that's why we're shutting down that entire fourth branch.
Shut down the administrative state.
Can't just reform this.
Shut down the FBI.
Shut down the Department of Education.
Shut down the ATF.
Shut down the CDC.
You go straight down that list.
We will get in there and shut it down.
And then the other thing we gotta do is those people who we do elect to run the government, they owe a moral duty to the citizens of this nation, not any other one.
Not fighting these foreign wars from Ukraine to Iraq to Afghanistan that have not advanced our interests.
That is a smokescreen.
To the Nikki Haley's or the neocons of the world that are trying to reclaim the Republican Party.
That is poison.
You could make an argument that's even more dangerous than what Biden or the Democrats are doing because it's disguised in a Republican veneer.
We have to stand for truth.
And so my concern, Alex, is that our country is skating on thin ice.
I don't believe that this system is going to let Donald Trump get to where he's trying to get to.
I'm in this race from the next generation with fresh legs.
To lead our country actually forward.
I think it's a 1776 moment.
Thomas Jefferson was 33 when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
There's a reason why these revivals, these revolutions, are led by the next generation.
Well, you know what?
I think we live in a 1776 kind of moment today that we need to revive those ideals.
And that's where I'm at.
Well, let me raise this, and I played the clip last week, but after you dominated, you know, that big scene in Town Hall, Van Jones, the race-baiting Ford Foundation CIA operative of Divide and Conquer said, to paraphrase, Vivek makes me shake.
You know, he's gonna bring in supremism, white supremism.
So ridiculous.
No, no, they're shaking because you're supporting freedom and the people.
And common sense.
But they said, oh my God, Vivek will be alive 50 years after Trump's gone.
That's what they're starting to get is there's all these new fresh people, black, white, old, young, Asian, doesn't matter, humans that want freedom.
They're starting to get this isn't just Trump you're dealing with.
And there's whole new armies of people that get it.
And they are so scared of you.
It's so simple.
I mean, I don't want to bring this guy up.
He's not important, but he should be removed from Congress by the voters.
Dan Crenshaw.
That's absolutely right.
And this rot, this swamp, it doesn't just live in the Democratic Party, it doesn't just live in Washington, D.C.
It lives and festers within the Republican Party as well.
absolutely right. This rot, this swamp, it doesn't just live in the Democratic
Party, it doesn't just live in Washington DC. It lives and festers within the
Republican Party as well. You know that guy Van Jones, he was saying, he says, "The
comments that I made, what did I say?"
I said that January 6th increasingly looks like it was the product of entrapment.
That's what the videos show us.
It's the hard truth and the reality, and I... No, you're right.
It's not purely staged.
It was entrapment.
It was a setup.
And so it was an intentional intelligence failure, and they were allowing people who, into the Capitol, Capitol Police allowed them in, who then later went on to be arrested and charged without full access to exculpatory evidence.
Those are hard facts.
You can't argue with that.
So when they can't argue with it, what does he start saying?
He said, I'm a demagogue.
I'm dangerous because I'm going to be alive 50 years longer than Trump.
That's what he said is that he was shaking as a consequence.
Well, you know what?
This is what the other side likes to do is they try to resort to name calling histrionics and censorship.
That doesn't work for me, Alex.
I'm going to show up on the other side's home turf.
And you know what?
I spoke the truth to CNN's own audience.
At their town hall in Iowa.
Now they cut it off five minutes early, even before it ended.
Because they were too worried that I was spitting hard truth.
Look, look, look.
I know you're for real because you panicked them.
And then Trump panicked them.
What about Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald John Trump panicked them?
Well, it's the fact that we can actually get it done.
See, it's one thing if you have a stooge of a professional politician that's in a stuffed suit that says the things that they don't appreciate.
They're not going to actually execute and do it.
But if somebody's coming in as an outsider with actual experience in building business as an executive with sharp elbows, they're worried they're going to get that job done.
And I give Trump a lot of credit.
You know, Alex, he rolled that log over.
We saw what crawled out.
But now it's time to bring the pesticide.
And that's why I'm in this.
We can't just stop at exposing this anymore.
We have to actually get in there and shut it down.
And in some ways the managerial class, they duped Trump where they said you can't fire those employees because of civil service protection.
Yeah, that was a big lie.
That's a lie.
Bill Clinton fired them all.
And we will.
And the President of the United States has the power to do it.
But that also takes the President who knows and understands the law and the Constitution of this country.
I do.
And that's why if I swear an oath to the Constitution, I better darn well know what it says.
I'm going to know what it says.
I already know what it says.
Now I'm going to swear that oath and keep it.
And that's what it's going to take.
And the America First agenda, I love the way you say it, Alex.
It doesn't belong to Trump.
It doesn't belong to me.
It doesn't belong to you.
It belongs to the people of this country.
That's who it belongs to.
And that's the spirit we're going to need, where I don't want America First to be a blip in our nation's history.
I want it to be the beginning of the next century of the direction of this country, reviving what George Washington talked about in his 1796 farewell speech, standing for the interests of the citizens of this nation.
That's the job of our elected officials.
I know you gotta go.
We got a few minutes left, Vivek Ramaswamy, but if they've escalated this far, gut level, you don't like to speculate, but what are they going to pull now?
They know this will boost Trump's numbers.
They still do it.
They're hysterical.
What do you think they're going to pull next and how do we counter that?
So look, I just think that you're seeing the warning signs come one at a time.
You saw that New York prosecution.
That didn't work.
Then you see two federal prosecutions.
Then the Georgia prosecution, then the civil suit.
Now you're seeing an effort even outside of the court system, outside of those cases, to keep him off the ballot.
Now in multiple states you're seeing it pulled out in real time.
I just think, Alex, what we are seeing is a system that I think has made a determination to people in charge that they will not, by one method or another, they will not allow this man to be president.
And you see them ratcheting that up until where do they go next?
Look, I think You can make a prediction.
Anyone can make a prediction of where this road ends.
But my view is, I think that they have made clear that they're not going to allow this man to return to the White House, one means or another, from the Colorado case to the prosecution, to every one of the other tactics they're trying.
Yeah, so there's no limit.
How do we restrain them?
Because they're maniacs.
They have no limit.
What do we do?
Well, that's why I'm in this, Alex.
I'm doing my part, right?
I think each of us has a role to play.
I'm in this to revive our republic.
They effectively want to eliminate Trump from Congress.
What do they want?
That's right, so you're Paul Revereing around exposing the tyranny.
We should all be doing that.
Every one of us, it's in our power to do it.
It's every one of our power.
You're doing your part.
I'm proud of you and I'm glad you're back and uncensored on access.
You know, we should live in a country with free speech.
But every one of us, it's not just me, it's not just you.
It's every citizen in this country has an obligation to expose that rot for what it is.
Right now, the plan they're trying to plan for is get Trump out, get someone like Nikki Haley that they can control in.
And that arguably is even more dangerous than a Democrat doing it.
Oh, Birdbrain is so dangerous.
He's as bad as Gavin Newsom.
So we go after Nikki Haley.
We go after Newsom.
We go after anybody else they're planning to bring in.
I think we need to understand, like you said, marks are going to change horses.
We've got to go ahead and just move past that and start exposing them now.
We have to shut down the administrative agencies in D.C.
We have to shut down the deep state.
But the only way we're going to win that is if we actually have success.
in actually taking back over in 2024.
And so that's vital right now.
I think there's many ways to change this country.
I mean, a lot of this goes beyond the United States as well.
This is transnational.
It goes beyond the political boundaries.
No, you're right.
It's tyranny.
It's Klaus Schwab versus 7076.
So in closing, I know you got to go.
I wrote this question I want to ask you, and I said it earlier, you kind of mentioned it, but I want you to respond to this.
We don't want to climb over dead bodies.
We want to pray for Trump.
We want him to get in there.
You're a great tail gunner, you know, great wingman in this.
But if something happens to him, Which we pray doesn't happen.
We need to catapult you in there because there's no other candidate even close to you.
So I've said it before.
We need, we need to understand this is a real issue.
So Vivek, I've said it before, but we need you on the ballot in case the left is successful at taking out Trump.
And literally, we hope the tire doesn't blow out.
But you are, I'm trying to lessen you, like a spare tire.
We need to make sure you're in there, you're pumped up, you're ready.
Because I mean, you know, you're, you're, you know, we got a star quarterback, but you're a great quarterback, too.
I hate to talk like this, but we need you ready to go into the game.
So how do we supercharge you?
I appreciate that, Alex.
Well, look, I'm going to keep doing my part.
People do theirs.
Help propel us to, even if we get a top three finish in the Iowa caucus, that shatters the media expectations.
I believe we're going to do that and then some.
And so people can go to Vivek2024.com.
Sign up, more than a financial donation, sign up to be a volunteer.
Spread this message.
And I'm not in this for me, Alex.
It's like what you said.
I have a moral responsibility to see this through for our country.
And God forbid I don't want things to go the direction of Colorado or anyone else, eliminating the competition.
I think that 2024 is going to unfortunately be a very chaotic, and I would go so far as to say frightening year for the country.
I agree.
But we're here to make sure we come out stronger on the other side of it.
So I'm here for the country, and you all do your part.
I promise you I'm going to do mine.
No, I totally agree.
Anybody that's bored right now is not paying attention.
This is a revolution of ideas coming together, and we're going to decide the future.
Vivek, one more time.
A lot of people volunteer.
Where do they go?
Vivek, 2024.com.
Donation of your time is what I'm asking for, not your money, but your time.
Thanks a lot.
Vivek Ramaswamy, thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, man.
Man, this is so real, folks.
This is so hardcore.
I mean, every day I'm like pinching myself saying, is this real?
I mean, this is really going down.
The New World Order is out in the open trying to say you can't vote for Trump and indicting him for questioning.
The election they stole.
While they're stealing the new one.
And now California Lieutenant Governor writes the Secretary of State, Shirley Weber, to explore every legal option to remove President Trump from California 24-4 presidential primary ballot.
I mean, they are doing it.
saying you can't vote for this person because he claims we don't want you to
vote for him. I mean that is wild. That is just crazy.
Like, two men can have a baby, or a teacher, seven-year-old, and put them in a fast track to have their testicles cut off, or their breasts cut off.
I mean, who the hell comes up with people like this?
Where do they even think about that?
Oh, that's an eight-year-old kid.
I can convince them without their parents knowing to be fast-tracked to have their testicles cut off.
I'm gonna get that going right now so we make $500,000 off of it.
I mean, they're just pure evil, folks.
They just look at the world and say, Because here's the thing, I saw Bill Gates do an interview, I forget who it was, with Bloomberg or something, where he explained, well you notice all the jets look the same, because there's a perfect shape for a jet, and technology hits a certain point and stagnates.
But what they do then is invent stuff where we ban cows and give you synthetic bacteria-filled
cancer meat grown off the tumors of a dead black woman.
You heard me just say that. That's actually true.
You're like, well that sounds completely insane.
They're just inventing evil.
So he's like, well, I'll just ban farming and run the new thing.
Because he can't invent something new.
We've kind of hit a plateau here.
So they come up with AI that does what we do, but not even as good as, oh, it'll run things now.
It's all a lie.
Stop giving it your authority.
Stop giving it your power.
We're going to go on a break and come back.
Good news, folks.
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And you can also get a copy of my book, "Signed or Unsigned, The Great Awakening,
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It's already number one in a bunch of categories, but Christmas is the most competitive time of books.
It's gone as high as number 20 on the charts.
The last book was number one, but this book's even bigger,
but it's the way the market works.
But I want to thank you all for your support.
But whatever you do, tell people to tune in on the local radio stations you're listening to, local TV stations you're watching, or infowares.com forward slash show.
And a report on Bill Gates and the Epstein list coming out is at Real Alex Jones on Twitter.
Hour number three, breaking news, special guests, and more, straight ahead.
If, by Rudyard Kipling, If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too, if you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies, or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise,
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools, If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
Rudolph Steiner, whose teachings led to anthroposophical medicine,
biodynamic farming, and the Waldorf School, said that the heart is a seven-sided regular form
that sits in an imaginary box in the chest.
Regular means that all seven sides are identical.
Plato described five platonic solids, and Steiner said there was a sixth one.
He also said that the heart is not a pump.
This fantastic claim was vindicated by Frank Chester, who figured out how to design a seven-sided regular form.
This sixth platonic solid is now called the chestahedron, and it fits perfectly inside a cube at an angle of 36 degrees off-center to the left, the exact same angle that the heart sits in the chest.
When submerged in water and spun, two counter-rotating vortices are formed.
Recent scientific studies have shown that these two vortices facilitate the closing of the valves, and when the vortices don't form properly, blood clots will appear.
The man who unfolded a thousand hearts, Paco Torrent Guasp, discovered that the heart is a single muscular band folded over itself in a spiraling pattern.
The heart itself is a vortex of tissue.
It is not a pump.
It is a vortex machine.
For centuries, it was believed that matter can only exist in three states, such as water, which can exist as liquid, ice, and vapor.
Human cells are 70% water, but most of this water is not in any of these three states.
We have recently learned that with water, there is a fourth state.
This fourth state is called the plasma state, gel phase, exclusion zone, or structured water.
And this is what pushes your blood through the entire cardiovascular system.
Fueled by infrared energy from its environment, the water in our body becomes an electrical propulsion system.
A certain percentage of the water in our body becomes structured water, and the rest remains normal liquid water, or bulk water.
The structured water becomes negatively charged and forms the gelatinous outer walls of our capillaries, veins, and arteries.
These negatively charged outer walls continuously propel the positively charged bulk water within, carrying the blood with it.
This propulsion system will run indefinitely, so long as it stays charged.
And the way you charge it is with the Earth's electromagnetic field, infrared energy, and positive thought.
The work of Dr. Misaru Emoto has scientifically demonstrated that water exposed to loving human words and thoughts is transformed into its natural hexagonal shape.
It becomes structured at a molecular level based on our positive intention.
This new model shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart, not the other way around.
And in order to keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.
Victor Schauberger spent his life studying water, and found that in the natural world, water will always create vortices along its path.
Schauberger learned that this spiral action is what structures the water in nature, and that when subjected to modern man-made water treatment, it loses its structure.
Schauberger's work led him to believe that one could generate energy out of a vortex.
He described it as an energy implosion as opposed to an energy explosion.
Dr. Tom Cowan, who has written about this in Human Heart, Cosmic Heart, has an interesting theory which may explain the saying, a heart of gold.
Another recent discovery is that gold in its purest form does not appear to be gold at all.
Under the right conditions, normal physical gold can be transformed into a fine white powder known as monatomic gold.
This monatomic gold has been studied by multiple advanced laboratories, and it has very strange properties.
It can be made to levitate and disappear.
Monatomic gold is superconductive, and many would argue that this is what the alchemists were after.
One of the ways of turning metallic gold into monatomic gold is by putting it through a high-speed vortex.
When this transformation occurs, there is a flash of light and a 44% loss in weight.
Dr. Cowan believes that the trace amounts of gold in our blood is transformed into monatomic gold as it travels through the double vortices in the heart, creating the spark of life.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
I want to make a quick note here.
It is wonderful.
It is a very good reason for celebration that Alex Jones is back.
The InfoWars account is officially back.
But I want to make the point that InfoWars was not created on Twitter.
This is not something that we need.
It's amazing to think that since we've been kicked off of Twitter, not only have we continued to exist, we've continued to thrive despite the censorship.
Now that the censorship has in part been lifted, We'll only see this power grow and expand and become even more dominant, but thanks to you going to InfoWarsStore.com, thanks to you supporting us and keeping us on air and going to InfoWars.com and sharing the articles, or going to Band.Video and sharing the videos, we have not required permission from Big Tech.
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Dictatorship, despotism, and strong-arming results by a few powerful elites and oligarchs, that's the rule.
And so, ladies and gentlemen, we are in a perilous spot.
We seem to be spiraling towards something very dangerous.
And there's only one man that we would wish to invite on our program to talk us through what's happening now, what comes next, and where true evil actually lies inside of our government.
Joining the program now, Alex Jones of InfoWars.
Joining me now, a man who needs no introduction, the great Alex Jones, freshly back on X. Congratulations, sir.
Thank you.
You had a wild conversation with Elon Musk.
What was the most interesting thing that you learned in that live conversation just a few days ago?
He was basically agreeing with everything I was saying.
And then I said, what do we call this resistance to dehumanization, depopulation?
I said, I think we should call it Team Humanity.
And he agreed with that.
So we're launching Team Humanity Operation.
Is this going to be like an organization that's in favor of human flourishing?
Well, I've always talked about Team Humanity for years, but he said, no, I think that's the name of it.
So we launched a t-shirt.
But I mean, other than that, I'm going to keep hyping up.
We want pro-human unions, people demanding things be human-made, that any AI-run systems are pro-human.
A human union, not a business union, but a human union where we stand up for each other.
It's amazing.
It does seem as though we're kind of missing that.
It seems as though we're spiraling towards a post-human future.
You talk about that quite a bit.
One of the ways to get there would be civil war.
One of the ways to get there would be to get people to turn on each other and fight each other and kill each other.
And it seems like that's what they're fomenting with this decision in Colorado.
This decision in Colorado seems perfectly timed in order to try and get people to go at each other's throat right around the holiday season, right when a bunch of people are going to be gathering with families, and right when people are the most pissed off about what is happening to President Trump.
What's your make on this ruling?
Well, that's right.
They know it's going to be overturned by the Supreme Court.
Federal law says, the 14th Amendment subsection says you must be convicted of insurrection to be barred from the ballot. So a five-year-old
could know that. So it's clear to make Trump sound like he's a criminal and stir
people up. All these indictments have only boosted Trump in the poll numbers. This is already
boosting him. The numbers are already out.
And so, yeah, it's clearly a provocation.
The actual ruling itself, which is on the screen right now, seems to have its own escape hatch.
And it seemed to have been written in a way that it's not actually real.
So it's written for the headline.
I couldn't believe it when I went through the document myself.
It's written for the headline to say that Trump is barred from the ballot, yet the The ruling itself says if the review is sought by the Supreme Court, the stay expires January 4th, then the stay shall remain in place, and the Secretary will put Trump's name on the ballot.
Of course they knew that Trump was going to appeal this, and so this seems like a psyop.
Well it is, and now California is trying to introduce the exact same garbage.
And so this is about acting like Trump is illegitimate, Trump can't be on the ballot.
Wizard of Oz, man-behind-the-curtain attempt to make Trump sound illegitimate, but it's only going to backfire.
So, how does this actually play out?
This goes to the Supreme Court.
Does the Supreme Court make quick work of this?
Is this a 9-0 ruling?
What's your prediction?
I don't know if it's going to be 9-0.
It might be 7-3 or something.
But, I mean, you can't remove somebody from the ballot who's not been convicted of insurrection.
Yeah, it's in the 14th Amendment you can do that.
He's not been convicted.
So it's like saying if you're a convicted sex offender, you register as a sex offender.
But if you're not a convicted sex offender, you don't register.
Or if you didn't get a ticket for going 100 miles an hour in a 40 mile an hour, you don't go to court, you don't pay a ticket.
So there's no standing.
They're just saying, oh, looks like insurrection to us.
I was there when Trump was at the Ellipse.
By the Washington Monument on January 6, 2021.
I was there when he said, be peaceful.
We had a space there.
And we had permits and everything on the back side of the Capitol.
And so I witnessed the fraud that day.
And I witnessed them claim that Trump was willing to attack the Capitol.
That's the last thing, motive-wise, he would want.
We wanted to show our numbers and say, we don't buy this.
We want a 10-day investigation of the Senate, which is in the Constitution.
Donald Trump was impeached for insurrection, and of course he was acquitted for this charge.
He's never been charged with insurrection.
Not a single J6er has ever been charged with insurrection.
That's never been a case that anyone has caught.
Yet, they're going to take Trump off the ballot for insurrection.
You were there that day.
You have the footage to prove it.
We have a clip, actually, of you with the bullhorn.
Uh, talking to people at the United States Capitol that day.
Wanna play it right now.
We need to not have a confrontation with the police.
We're going to make that the story.
I'm going to march to the other side where we have a stage, where we can speak and occupy peacefully.
Tell everybody behind you, march to the other side.
March to the other side.
Can you can you unpack that?
The police are throwing trash bags.
We don't wanna have a tent stake here.
So I love you, we're saving the republic.
This is beautiful.
I tell you, everyone should march to the other side.
March to the other side.
So what was going on there?
Can you unpack that?
Because you were physically there.
Well, we were gonna have a rally like a month before on January 5th.
And we organized that.
And then the White House, for people who don't know, the White House, the federal government doesn't fund protests or demonstrations.
So they asked me the campaign.
So I got contacted by the Trump campaign people for 2020.
Even though the election was over, it was still Trump campaign.
And they said, Hey, um, We want you to basically spearhead and work with people to get permits for Trump on the ellipse on January 6th.
So you have a big demonstration and call for a 10-day investigation of Congress.
And I said, fine.
And right at that point, I handed it off.
I was like, why are you calling me?
So then a bunch of Republican donors and You know, the Republican Party took it over and I was done.
I put like $100,000 down to get the space set up and the permits for January 5th.
I was going to have a protest, you know, saying we don't accept the election, a peaceful protest.
And then basically they called me like I was the boss of everything and said, well, we want this big event.
And then I handed it off.
I'm told it was like $4 million or something from donors to put up the big Bulletproof glass, the big ellipse, about 30,000 got into that.
But over a million people showed up all around it, up to the Washington Monument.
So long before Trump even finished speaking, the Feds, Dresses, Trump supporters, and others started attacking the limited number of federal police, Capitol Police there.
And then they started flashbanging him and then they broke through and Ray Epps was there and all that's on record.
And then the Feds opened the doors up Let people in.
Well, I got there right after they'd broken in and I was like, whoa, they're going in.
And I was like 200 yards away, but the tear gas is hitting us like we see what's on the news.
We're like.
Don't go in.
It's a setup.
Kent State's gonna happen.
That's like an hour before Ashley Babbitt got shot and four other citizens were killed by the police.
No police died that day, contrary to popular statements from the media.
And so it was a no-brainer.
We don't want to attack the Capitol.
That made us all look like fools.
It was terrible.
And so we were trying to get a 10-day investigation by the Senate that's in the Constitution.
Democrats have called for that themselves.
And so, yeah, I was there.
But what's crazy is I was there.
So I didn't know about that evening.
I'm getting all these emails and calls from media.
Hey, Wall Street Journal, New York Times says you were leading the attack from on top of a statue.
It wasn't a statue.
It was a pile of chairs still in bubble wrap that had been unfolded for the inauguration to come up in a few weeks.
And I was cowardly outside ordering the attack.
So then I luckily found some folks like Jack Posobiec that had already tweeted the raw video that somebody got of me saying, don't go in.
I go around the Capitol.
And there's more.
I tell the cops to get on the loudspeakers that they have at the Capitol.
Tell folks to leave.
I go back up the back steps, say everybody needs to leave.
And a lot of people hear me, but the Bullhorn, there's hundreds of thousands of people there.
Probably 300,000 or so.
They can't hear me more than 100 yards away.
So we got a lot of folks not to go in.
But we failed to stop the overall deal.
And then...
They opened up grand juries.
They tried to indict me.
We learned the Justice Department later said, no, we're going to turn Jones into a martyr.
I've been on air close to 30 years.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the product, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
This really allowed us to survive and when it comes to exposing the globalists thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners.
And I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world.
And I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us more than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
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And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, the best films.
Really, everything we sell on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
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So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization and an operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show Funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners, the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now, Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas, and a lot of products that have been sold out are now back in stock.
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God bless.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
They indicted my co-host, who was with me.
Never went in.
Tried to stop folks going in.
They thought, well, that'll just be a lesson.
But that made him a martyr as well.
And they lied.
The federal indictment said he went at the Capitol.
They said he lied.
They called for perjury charges against Owen.
He'd already been working here, like, five years since all this happened.
Guy's been working here, like, eight years.
And they said, Owen doesn't work here.
It's a fraud.
I mean, so this is just, man, when you finally get the so-called criminal justice system, which I've never been in, Other than, you know, jail a few times in high school for fighting or whatever.
I didn't realize how corrupt it is.
I mean, the stuff they file is like, would put Stephen King to shame.
I mean, it is fiction.
What would have happened if Alex Jones had gotten to the Capitol first, right?
So what would have happened if you were standing there and you see a breach team, right, coming towards you and you were there first and you had a bullhorn?
What would have happened?
You know, the Capitol's so big, That they had people on like three sides protesting, and if I'd have showed up one place, I might not have been able to stop it because I wouldn't have been able to see it.
It's easy in hindsight to see what happened in the footage.
I mean, you show up with tear gas, rubber bullets being fired, people climbing over the parapets, and you're like, don't do this, this is bad.
But if I had known this was coming, I would have Got online and told supporters, come down here and stop this violence.
And the few dozen that first attacked the police, and then the, you know, ray-ups, ramming the sign of the police, and saying in a congressional testimony to the committee that he, quote, orchestrated it, because that was in his text messages, we would have been able to stop them.
So, if we'd have known up front, and had hindsight, we would have, A, told people don't go to the Capitol, and they would have called it off.
And if that didn't work, I would have physically gone and stopped the few dozen Feds and Antifa that started it.
It would have been very easy to stop if we knew.
But we'd had so many Trump rallies that were peaceful, we wouldn't imagine that they'd have the Capitol Police stand down the way they did.
So we walked right into a trap.
What's the way to prevent the next trap?
Because it does feel like this ruling against Donald Trump is set up to incite people, to incite a civil war.
They're releasing a movie about American civil war right now.
It's like this is what they're going towards.
They're praying and hoping that somebody listens to the Fed on the group chat and pops off, right?
It does seem like round two with this ruling.
Trying to piss people off.
You know, I mean, I agree with what you're saying.
You've got Leaving the World Forever, an Obama Netflix show about power outages and cyber attacks and then a race war.
Then you've got Civil War with a huge budget coming out with the same story.
And then a bunch of other shows.
Then I noticed after the ruling yesterday in Colorado, a bunch of Democrats came out on MSNBC, CNN, with a talking point, you know, where they all said the same thing.
They said, oh, this is the new Confederacy.
We must stop the Southerners.
So they're literally going, oh, you know, we beat them before.
But it was Democrats that were beaten by Republicans in the Civil War.
So it's like the Democrat revenge or something.
It's very weird.
They're saying, we're going to beat the racist Nazi Confederates.
I'm like, well, that was the Democrats before.
So I mean, I'm actually saying we're fighting.
The mayor of Chicago a few weeks ago was like, The reason we've got all this crime is the Confederacy.
And you're like, what?
It's so bizarre.
But that's what they're doing.
The Confederacy.
So ten southern states voted to keep Abraham Lincoln off the ballot in the 1860 election.
The last time this happened.
They're saying the Republicans, if you missed it, I saw three clips today, I never got to them on my show, where they're literally, I actually have the list right here, they're literally on the news saying the Republicans are the new Confederacy.
I've got the list right here.
Here's the clip.
Why are you standing with Confederates who betrayed this country?
And this is what they're standing with, is the spirit of those confederates rather than the americans who came together after a long and brutal civil war that was fought to keep the union together and saw clearly saw a threat in ex-confederates running for office so much so that they amended the constitution to prevent those traitors
So you're exactly right.
That's the new talking point.
That if you're against taking Donald Trump off the ballot, you are a confederate.
By the way, I'm impressed you have one of them.
There's three of them without me looking.
There must be like 20.
Without looking in the dark, these are everywhere.
But you said it perfectly.
Ten southern states took Abraham Lincoln off the ballot.
That's Democrats again.
The Civil War, the Confederates were Democrats.
And they're all over the news saying, we're fighting the Confederates because this insurrection 14th Amendment subsection is for that.
But that's convicted people.
So again, I mean, it's so cuckoo.
But the Democratic Party, the ones that ran the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis, They know their constituents, I'm sorry, it's true, are so historically illiterate that they now literally believe the Yankee, doodle dandy, Donald Trump, as Yankee as it gets, love to death, from New York City, is Jefferson Davis!
I mean, who could come up with a hallucination like this?
If Donald Trump is the president, how can he insurrect against himself?
It's always been a question I've had.
I mean, they now claim that the Republicans were the rebels.
They're hoping they're going to have a new civil war and win the same way.
They lost.
They think they can turn this around.
It's so bizarre.
We're not violent.
We don't want violence.
Violence isn't the answer.
But they're framing it.
Oh, Trump's going to be a dictator.
He's going to prosecute his political opposition.
That's what they've all done.
So, we know what they're doing.
It's pathetic.
Everything they do turns to crap.
They don't have a Midas touch.
They have a crap touch.
So, I mean, your guess is as good as mine because The whole thing is like a lunatic asylum.
I have no idea what they're going to do next because they are so crazy.
At its core, and we looked at the backgrounds of these judges, the judges who went to the University of Denver Law School and who were grounded in Colorado, those judges sided with Donald Trump.
It's like, this is insane!
You can't take a guy off the ballot.
You can't disenfranchise a million people in Colorado.
But the judges who went to Ivy League schools, the Harvards and the Pens and the Yales, they said, oh, absolutely.
And they're the ones who cobbled together this asinine legal theory.
That says, of course, not only can you not be on the ballot, but if you're a politician, you don't have free speech rights.
You don't have the right to disagree with an election.
If we don't like what you say, then we can rip you off a ballot, and therefore no one can vote for you.
Which does seem like it really gets to the core of elitist No, you're absolutely right.
I mean, remember, they've indicted him in Georgia and in D.C.
rights and ultimately at the core of this ruling is we know better than you
and so we will actually to protect you we will strip someone from the ballot
that we don't like and maybe I'm off on my ruling here. No you're absolutely
right I mean remember they've indicted him in Georgia and in DC for questioning
election and they tried to get Marjorie Taylor Greene and Gozer and a bunch of
others off the ballots with lawsuits at the state level.
So they're trying to not let you vote for who you want.
So, Mr. Chairman, my plea today is for countries to come together to create the environment that enables every sector of industry to take the action required.
We know this will take trillions, not billions of dollars.
We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green.
Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector.
Here he is when he was the Prince Charles.
Now the king, the joke, Jimmy Savile's buddy in crime, said we're going to use the pandemic to save the earth and launch a military operation with a green recovery.
So they shut your economy off.
And then they give themselves trillions of your money to build boondoggles that destroy the infrastructure.
Here he is.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation to people's lives, livelihoods... Hey, pause.
Let's start over.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation...
Your lockdown killed 80-plus million people from starvation.
Your poison shot killed 20 million.
You released a virus that killed a few million.
You did it, and we all know it, chump!
Does it matter if your handkerchief and your tie match the drapes, your majesty?
The Green Recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live and do business.
Now, I've long believed that we need a shift in our economic model that places nature and the world's transition to net zero at the heart of how we operate.
Kid Pauls, I've long believed the Club of Rome plan to cut off the resources that starve you to death.
But they're not saving the Earth with the genetic engineering and all the toxic waste they're running for the electric batteries.
They're doing the opposite.
They're using up the planet to build their life extension system.
They're mad scientists using us all as guinea pigs.
I'm just translating what the Transylvanian Lord Master, the Dracul, the Dragon of the Carpathian Mountains is telling.
Increasingly, we are seeing more and more businesses, investors and consumers prioritizing sustainability.
Increasingly, we're seeing Blackrock with the ESGs take full control and shut down everybody but us!
It's so wonderful!
Though we've killed 80 million through starvation!
Sorry about that, Tim!
There is hope that we can transform the situation.
But, I'm afraid we are literally at the last hour.
And there is real urgency for action.
We know now what we have to do to rescue the situation, rather than going on talking about it.
I'm your hero!
The Princess Shining Armor to kill the dragon!
Though my coat of arms is literally the Dracul!
Let me kill you!
The resources are mine!
Mine alone!
I decide who lives and dies!
I am the King of England!
Oh, Jimmy Savelle!
You have a special delivery in your van for me?
Pull it in to the special garage.
I'll take the packages into the grotto and have some fun with them.
It's time to pull out the daggers.
Time to drink the blood.
Last thing a small child sees is "so delicious!"
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
The average leftist, the average globalist in our government is like a 65-year-old lawyer.
They're in a bubble, they have people groveling to them, calling them your honor all day, and they just sit back and they never get in trouble for all their failures.
So though nothing they've done has worked to stop the populist movement, they just keep doubling down.
Doubling down.
That only pisses the public off more, but they can't admit the failure because they're wearing black robes, an armed guard brings them in, everyone bows down to them, and they're in these Harvard, Yale... Again, I never used to hate Ivy League people.
I was dumb, I guess.
But the elitism of these people and the feeling of superiority, this is what we fought in 1776, where it was the royals and the lords.
I mean, George Washington was of royal lineage to the royal family, you know, of the Stuarts and all that.
He wasn't part of the German folks that had taken over with King George I, II, and III, but he couldn't sell land.
He couldn't sell products.
He had to go to a lord and have them sell it for him and make a bunch of the money.
He couldn't even go to royal functions to do business.
And so we had a war.
It was really what it was over.
It wasn't over tea or any of that.
It was over the fact that the general public couldn't do regular commerce.
That was the real complaint.
Even though George Washington was of royal stock, he wasn't an official lord.
So he had to go to these creeps and have them take a bunch of his money as middlemen.
And so now it's even worse, where if you're not Harvard or Yale or Princeton and have black robes and the nose, sorry, you're defaulted.
I mean, take New York.
Trump's Leticia James said last Friday, it was in the first ruling, the judge said, I find you guilty.
There's no jury!
But that's not enough.
He goes, you're guilty when this starts.
I find you guilty.
I will decide how guilty you are.
And it's all a show trial in my fake trials in Texas and Connecticut.
The judges defaulted me for discovery.
All eyes gave them everything for years.
They kept demanding more for three years when there was nothing there.
They went, OK, you're defaulted.
And then they made up all this stuff.
I couldn't put on a defense case.
People said, why don't your lawyers defend you?
The judge would call them behind chambers and give them a long list, which weren't supposed to show the public.
Here's 30 things.
Here's 20 things.
You can't say you're innocent.
You can't say you never went to people's houses or harassed their kids.
Didn't do any of it.
But then they could just get up for hours.
And they would let witnesses talk at me from the bench and say, you're a horrible person.
And it was all made up.
And so, people need to understand, this is a weaponized judiciary, ladies and gentlemen.
They have gone for broke, and they're all together giggling and laughing behind the scenes.
They screw over the citizens all day with the other lawyers.
They have nothing but disdain.
And so they go, screw the public.
Just take it off the ballot.
We're God.
Like Venezuela, you know, the State Department goes around the world and sanctions countries like Venezuela for taking political opposition off the ballot.
And a few months ago, they took Venezuela off that because they promised to not outlaw their political opposition.
As soon as the sanctions were lifted, they arrested their political opposition.
So the State Department goes around the world saying what the Democratic Party is doing is tyranny, and that those countries are not free, and they give them a listing as a totalitarian state.
Well, we are under a judicial coup by the Democratic Party and their camp followers, the neocons, but the good news is The Cheneys and the Mitt Romneys are thrown over the side now.
And even mainline Republican analysts say Trump is invincible now.
But again, that's the immovable object comes into the unstoppable force.
They aren't going to stop.
So we have to ask ourselves, if they're doing this now that's so brazen, so crazy that you can't vote for who you want, what are they going to do next?
What are they going to do next?
It keeps me up at night.
I got kids.
Like, what's planned next?
I know you do, too.
Suppose you could watch Obama's Netflix documentary, Predictive Programming, and sort of get a taste of what's coming.
Yeah, the Russians working with Trump supporters take down the power grid, and then the white people all get exterminated because they're men.
And like, again, the black folks aren't coming up with this.
Not that they aren't smart, it's only Hollywood and the left.
White folks don't come up with this.
Only the CIA comes up with this.
And, you know, Leaving the World Forever, Civil War 2024.
There's all these movies everywhere pre-programming this right now.
And so, yeah, their attempt, and then they're saying, we're fighting Robert E. Lee!
Donald Trump is Robert E. Lee!
And the Confederates and Jefferson Davis, and we're going to fight them down there in Georgia.
I mean, it is, it is just cuckoo, cuckoo.
And all Trump said was, it's incredible.
Over half the money, he said that he looked at the numbers, he went, wait, half the money goes to middlemen that do nothing that opened up China.
And so, 25% went to China on average, 25% to American companies and workers, and 50%, Trump learned on average, the deal Nixon set up, goes to the middlemen, the Charlie Mungers and the Bill Gates.
Of course, the Tim Cooks love China.
They get half the profit.
Because of all, and so they're like, oh, we can't have any power in America.
We can't have any coal power plants.
Oh, can't have factories here, because they got, because if Charlie Munger is dead now, or any of them open a factory here, they might make 10% if they were lucky.
Got to deal with China, baby.
You get guaranteed half the profit.
So, of course, business didn't open here.
Of course, oh, you're getting electric cars because they're made in China.
You're getting, you know, solar panels.
They're made in China.
But China runs with all the coal power plants.
When you realize they set China up with those smart people, used them as robots, because they didn't have robots back then.
They had robots, though they had Chinese.
And we have a robot army of biological androids.
That's how they see them.
I don't see them as that.
And the globalists are making half the profit that they used to buy up all the rest of the politicians.
So it's real simple.
That's all that happened.
And we're finally like, man, this sucks.
And even Xi Jinping, five years ago, six years ago, before Trump got in, eight years ago, told Joe Biden, Screw you, you get 10%.
And that's when our Navy went over there and all this happened.
Not that China was screwing us.
China's terrible.
They're terrible communists.
But they're nothing compared, like Trump said, to the middlemen.
The middlemen that get half the profit.
And Trump saw the numbers.
It's on average half.
Imagine, half the profit goes to middlemen that do nothing.
So, you want to know why this is all happening?
That's what it is.
And they use that money to buy up all the political influence.
And China, to Xi Jinping's credit, and I'm not a Xi Jinping supporter, but he did tell the New World Order, the last year of Obama's administration, go fly a kite.
And so that's why the globalists are crapping their britches.
Well, that was a world history lesson.
It does seem like the backlash is here.
The backlash is happening in real time.
There are multiple people in the states of Florida and Texas saying, hey, you know, Alex Jones lives here.
There's an invasion that's going on on our border.
That seems like an insurrection to us.
Maybe we rip Joe Biden's name off the ballot.
If this is the new rule, then not only do we investigate Joe Biden, but we also take his name off the ballot here.
And it's going to hurt a lot more because there's a lot more people voting here.
No, I totally agree with that.
In a first-order move, we should have Florida, Texas, and many other states pull him off the ballot because Congress won't impeach him.
The Republicans are blackmailed on average.
There's a few good ones, but most of them are cowards.
They're loyal opposition.
The second-order effect is, though, they want Biden pulled off, so they can bring in Gavin Newsom sometime in March, and maybe even Big Mike.
And so the second order is they're already indicting Hunter and all this to put pressure on Biden to segue out so they can bring in their replacement team.
But yeah, I mean, the answer is having the Supreme Court nix this totalitarian move.
This Colorado saying you can't vote for who you want.
I mean, those people have put a scarlet letter on themselves.
They didn't indict Trump with this.
They indicted themselves.
So, you would be for your state of Texas, because your lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick, is out there going like, nope!
A real insurrection is not following the American immigration laws that have been passed and ratified since the 1960s, saying it's illegal to be here as a foreign alien.
Joe Biden has insurrected by using our military to facilitate the breaking of our laws and flying criminal migrants.
There's no doubt, there's no doubt Biden should be impeached for the open border and the human trafficking and all that.
That's first order.
I'm saying second order is that they all, they've now, the deep state's indicted Biden's son.
They want him to step down.
He's not.
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It's Alex Jones.
Second order is they're going to use that to remove Biden and bring in their Gavin Newsom.
So we should be targeting Gavin Newsom right now for all his corruption to destroy him before, like shark teeth, Biden's old teeth fall out and then Gavin Newsom rolls forward.
I've seen some photos on Hunter's laptop.
It seems like many of the Biden's teeth have already fallen out and are already gone.
You think that they're going to replace Biden.
How will that mechanism work?
Will they finally go after Joe Biden himself?
Because they can do whatever they want to Hunter, right?
Will they finally allow the tapes to come out about Biden, the FD 1023, Ukraine bribes?
Will they just humiliate him into resigning?
They've already tried it.
I'd say 50-50 now.
A month ago I thought he would have to resign.
He's so arrogant.
Jill's so arrogant.
They've got so much dirt.
They may just leave him on the ballot.
But they're definitely trying to get him to step down.
Hell, they've had Axelrod and the Washington Post and the New York Times all tell him to resign.
They've all told Biden to step down.
But he's so arrogant.
He may not do it.
What happens next?
I heard you on a recent podcast say, hey, they may take both Trump.
It seems like we're barreling towards assassination levels with Trump.
They may take both Biden and Trump out because they're both so inconvenient.
Do you still believe that?
Yeah, well, I mean, the thing that the controlled left does that nobody watches or listens to really anymore that has an IQ above room temperature, they're like, oh, yeah, someone will kill Trump.
That assassination is part of statecraft throughout history.
And if they have somebody kill Trump, That can create division between left and right.
And then also, I think if they do kill Trump, they're going to kill Biden or try.
And then that makes Biden a liability, a martyr.
And so, yeah, if you look at the trajectory of everything they're doing, failing and getting more cartoonesque by the day, I mean, I think it is in the cards.
I mean, they got the head teams ready.
I mean, believe me, the deep state has got teams ready to kill Trump, ready to kill Biden.
Will they do it by poison?
Will they shoot him in the public?
Uh, they may go the poison round or they may just go spectacular public execution.
Claim a left winger did it.
Uh, then claim, oh, Trump supporters did a truck bomb in response.
I mean, we're not in Kansas anymore.
You look at that southern border, 15,000 a day coming across.
It was 12,000 a month ago that we know of.
80% get away.
So it's like, you know, many times that.
We're talking, you know, 100,000 or more a day.
I mean, this is this is America in collapse.
We're a ruling elite.
We're trying to fend off the Russians, the Chinese, everybody else while trying to keep their wives.
They've been breaking her arm and knocking her teeth out, slapping her around.
And now, you know, at midnight, the wife beating drunk wakes up and he sees his wife with the kids loading into her sister's car.
And we're already driving down the road.
So, I mean, there's, he can run out and kind of shoot at the car with a shotgun, that'll just give him a bigger prison sentence.
We're in the car, we got a broken nose, broken arm, and we're never coming back.
We're gone.
Democratic Party's over.
And, I mean, that's it.
They're a wife-beaten, literal child-molesting, devil-worshiping group of scum.
Uh, that's a perfect segue into what's happening with Jeffrey Epstein right now, because now there is a Quite literally, a group of individuals in Washington, D.C.
that are protecting the world's foremost preterist.
He's dead.
He's a pedophile.
I don't know why this should be remotely controversial as to who his associates were, who his clients were.
Yet, time after time, the subpoenas get blocked.
The FBI knows all this information.
Everyone's seen the videos of the raids on his island and his houses and the hard drives being taken out.
Why won't we ever, like, where's that information?
Why won't the FBI give it up?
And what's the plan to actually get that out to the public?
Because I don't care who's on those lists, like, you should not be allowed to show your face in public again if you were a client of Jeffrey Epstein.
What's the protection mechanism here?
Why is everyone so obsessed with still protecting a dead pedophile?
Well, because a lot of members of Congress are part of it, a lot of the federal judiciary is part of it, and let's be clear, They didn't go get set up by Epstein, who was recruiting thousands of women a year and underage girls and other things.
These people go, like when you join the Mexican Mafia or MS-13 or the Aryan Nations or the Crips of the Bloods, you've got to go rob a liquor store, shoot an old lady, shoot at a cop, you've got to murder somebody, make your bones.
They go to the New York Epstein facility to have a sex with a 12-year-old girl.
They go to Epstein Island to strangle a child.
That's the next level.
That's what you don't hear about.
They go to Nygaard's Island to have a woman get pregnant with your baby and at nine months kill it, suck its blood and then inject it in your veins.
By the way, Nygaard said that on TV.
So they actually sanguinate and suck their own children dry.
They have Zorro Ranch, human cloning operations, you know, all of it.
I mean, that sounds insane, but it's not clones that are your children.
I think it's better stem cells if it's your clone, or at least if it's your child.
Peter Nygaard.
I'm making it up, folks, in my book.
The Great Awakening just came out.
We have a transcript of him on TV saying it.
So this is full-on Island of Dr. Maru meets THX 1138 meets Brave New World meets 1984 meets Hell on Earth.
And so people go to the island.
And they go there to be part of this, like the owners of the Atlantic Monthly, Steve Jobs' wife, to be part of this as a club that they can all trust each other.
So they're not there like with hidden cameras behind the mirror when they're doing this.
They're going there to bathe in this.
They're going there to be part of this illegal operation, to be baptized in it.
And so, yeah, they're going to release a bunch of names.
They're saying on January 1st, I don't know if it's limited or whatever, but we don't need the names.
We have the flight logs.
Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, you know, the King Charles' younger brother.
And we know who went.
And they're not the head of the Mossad.
They're not going there because they don't know.
They're going there to do nasty things.
To say, you can trust me.
I can trust you.
We've all got footage of each other doing this.
Is this what you saw at the Heaney Grove?
No, I mean, Bohemian Grove is like a, uh, in any cult, there's outside groups.
So, you know, you can pull up with Nixon said it's the most goddamn faggoty thing I ever saw.
Uh, and, and, and the biggest thing there is gay sex is the compromise.
I was inside about five hours back then.
I was a lot better looking than I am now.
I was skinning in good shape.
And I had guys pinch me on the ass and coming after me.
I had to hide under a, under a One of the little cabins until it got dark.
And I was told on that date, they would have the ritual to Moloch and, you know, the ritual sacrifice.
It's really a bull.
They call it an owl, but it's a horned Moloch of the Bible.
Give not your children the fires of Moloch.
And I saw Danny Glover in there was the only black guy I saw.
I saw Clint Eastwood for a minute.
You're like, oh, that's Clint Eastwood.
I can't say anything to him.
And so a lot of them just comes, it's an art thing.
It was founded by Mark Twain.
But by about 1900, the Republican Party took it over.
Scalamones took it over.
And so it's a Men in Power's political retrospective.
It was written by Helmut Schmidt, former German Chancellor of West Germany before it unified.
He wrote that book.
He goes, I love the Groves.
I love our rituals in Europe.
But my favorite place, Jujuridic.
True Germanic death cult rituals is Bohemian Grove.
And so there's that whole other branch to it.
And they take it very seriously, but mainly it's drunkenness and drugs.
And the female prostitutes are in a little town about a half mile away.
They're just everywhere in private jets and prostitutes everywhere.
I'm not even a big porn guy, but I'm like, oh, I've seen that girl.
You know, I've seen that girl.
Famous porn stars are all the place.
But inside it's gay prostitutes.
And so that's kind of the first level of it.
Like Skull and Bones is The Republicans along... It's why the Republicans are kind of compromised by the Democrats, because there's a lot of Democrats there, too.
And they, I mean, they just go in there and the dudes all have sex with each other.
And they were pinching, they were hitting on you?
Yeah, you can pull up Alex Jones, Bohemian Grove, you know, Dark Secrets or something, Bohemian Grove.
You can see me, I mean, I'm, you know, I'm like 180 pounds, good-looking guy.
This is like 20-something years ago.
23 years ago, man, time flies.
And, uh, I mean, I was only there like five, six hours, a little bit of hidden camera with one-hour tapes.
One hour going in, reloaded it, got one hour of the ritual, then got out of there.
Nobody else ever did.
You can go there outside of July and kind of get in, maybe.
A few people have gotten it out, but you're in July.
It's Secret Service, helicopters, police everywhere.
And by the grace of God, I was able to get in, get out.
And yeah, I know I had people whistling at me, guys pinching my ass.
And I had a question about Secret Service, about the Sheriff's Department a couple times, so I went ahead and hid real quick underneath a Uh, the deck of one of the cabins.
And then all of a sudden it started to get dark.
And I heard, dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun!
Call the Mountain King, and I come down the hill, and there's like, there's footage of this.
And there's all these big tables, and they're eating, and they're all leaving to go to the little pond, and the 40-foot bull, or slash, owl.
And I'm like, oh, there's Eddie Glover.
And it's like, ooh, there's, there's, uh, you know, there's, uh, All these other big, famous people.
And again, most of them are just guests.
They're not... I'd say 80% of people there aren't even having the gay sex, but Richard Nixon said it was a gay cult, so that's what it is.
We have this clip, the closest that we've seen on national TV of what you're talking about, the nature of the human being that you're talking about, is when Bill Gates was asked about Jeffrey Epstein's death.
It makes my skin crawl every time we play this, and I just want to get your... No, he's dead!
What do you say about that?
Well, he's dead, so you gotta watch out.
It's a warning, right?
Here, roll it.
You know, I've said I regretted having those dinners.
And there's nothing, absolutely nothing new on that.
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You know, I've said I regretted having those dinners.
And there's nothing, absolutely nothing new on that.
Is there a lesson for you, for anyone else looking at this?
Well, he's dead, so, you know, in general you always have to be careful.
I mean, clearly you know this better than anyone else.
What's that reaction?
That's not the way a normal human with warm blood in their veins reacts to something like this.
No, that's a thug saying, cross me and you're dead.
So he says, you know, he's dead, so you gotta be careful.
Not about what he did to children.
Not about, you know, not, not, it's wrong to rape children or do blackmail rings.
No, he's dead, so you gotta be careful about the sneaky stuff you're doing.
He's like, wow, he didn't do a good enough job.
He wasn't careful enough.
He got caught, so now he's dead.
Perfectly psychotic, sociopathic statement.
Set on a corporate media morning show.
Set on a Sunday morning show.
Like, nonchalantly.
He shrugs it off.
It makes my skin crawl.
Well, why don't you look it up?
He spends billions a year, his money's tax-free, buying the media.
I mean, that was PBS, I think.
I mean, you know he spends over a billion a year just on North American media.
And it didn't stop the photos of him and a Jeffrey Epstein victim, abuse victim, coming out in the Wall Street Journal just three days ago.
Or his wife divorcing him, saying it's because he was too close with Jeffrey Epstein.
He liked Jeffrey Epstein more than he liked me, is what Melinda Gates says, right?
Yeah, that's why he's in a lot of trouble.
Because the Bible says everything hidden will come to light.
And so, I mean, Bill Gates is a monster, but his family, his father, his grandfather were eugenicists.
the head of Planned Parenthood, his father, I mean these are very, very, very serious people.
I'm a relatively young man.
I have little kids.
It's hard to wake up in the morning and do this career without some hope, right?
So what is our hope, Alex, as a society?
What has to go right for us to continue to exist?
Well, the hope is you're here.
I'm here.
The globalists are having to really reveal themselves and get out in the open.
They're in so much trouble right now.
And so God is real, and these cycles are real, and the power structure has all these old dirty tricks that have been used for thousands of years, and this current system is coming down.
And so you just got to move forward, and also not let your children be naive.
Let them know about evil.
Let them know about the system.
Let them know most of the doctors are controlled, and most of the schools are controlled, and we really live in an occupied country where powerful central banks have quadrillions in fiat money they created to buy influence.
And so we're seeing what evil does when it tries to run the tables.
And so, uh, and now evil is more dangerous than ever because it's cornered and it knows it's been exposed.
So the battle's on.
They're not going away.
I mean, you know, you mentioned an article before he went on.
Uh, that's, uh, you know, out there.
Can't find it now.
Uh, that just broke where they're admitting they cooked up COVID-19 as a spike protein.
Well, I already saw that in federal documents and, uh, World Bank documents that years before COVID, they had a COVID-19 with a spike protein and it was manufactured and the Pentagon had it.
And, you know, now that's in the news.
I mean, this stuff is all coming out.
It's all, but let me tell you the negative news.
They wrote the sparse 2025-2028 document put out by the big think tanks two years before COVID was released.
And they even war game that it's all going to come out, we did it on purpose.
And then how they're going to fry a few executives, but still move forward.
So they've really war game this whole thing.
But we can war game it too.
And then become aware of how they're operating.
Yeah, it does, it does sends a chill up your spine when you think about, wait a second, I've never heard this word insurrection.
Why are they saying this is an insurrection?
This is a riot at worst.
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Insurrection, because they're trying to pass the law or have a regulation.
That's right.
Now with the Colorado Supreme Court, you're starting to see the end result of that.
It's like, son of a bitch, these people fought through this.
It's chilling.
But that's what super villains always do.
They always over-plan stuff, but then we find out about their plan, and once you figure out their modus operandi, it just gets harder and harder for them to win.
We speak to a lot of young men on this program.
Your advice to young men as to how to resist this programming, how to live good, prosperous, and fulfilled lives?
Well, don't be like me and smoke cigarettes.
I quit for 14 years, and I'm quitting tomorrow.
I'm taking a few days off.
And take care of your body.
You're not going to live forever.
But just don't care what people think about you.
Don't care about all the signs of prosperity.
Care about your integrity and really who you are.
And don't think you've got to save the world or have some perfect plan like the psychos do of how they're going to take over or how you're going to beat them.
Just do good things every day, be honorable, and pray to God to lead God and direct you.
And I would just say in a relationship with God, you're going to find that in most churches, but pray to God to lead God and direct you, and God will reach out to you, and then God will decide where to put you, and then you'll be led via discernment for the mission you're going to carry out.
Do you recommend getting married?
Do you recommend having children as a man?
There's an entire generation of young men who won't date, right?
That's a phenomenon that's happening, right?
No one's getting married.
No one's dating.
Everyone's trapped, right?
Inside of these networks.
Yeah, because they have a relationship with their smartphone.
You've got to double down on life, even though the world's going to hell.
God wants to see us bet on life.
And so I've got four children.
I've got a six-and-a-half-year-old.
I've got a 15-year-old.
I've got a 19-year-old and a 21-year-old.
I wish I had ten more children.
I'm jealous of Elon Musk loving children.
So yeah, I would say get yourself in a position to have children.
It's a maturity thing and it empowers you.
And so yeah, that's the answer.
Look, watching porn is like going to get in a blow-up doll.
And you know, having it in your bed and talking to it and having sex with it, it's not real.
Dealing with women, dealing with what it's all about, getting skin in the game, that's the real deal.
Not virtual reality.
So, it's like the metaverse got rejected.
Young men need to understand that, yeah, you're bubble children.
Your parents let you watch TV and play video games all day.
I get it.
I'm not judging you.
I was half as bad as they are now.
But I was still outside six, seven, eight hours a day.
You've got to be fulfilled.
Go hike and swim and climb mountains and, you know, do all of that.
And then, then go get the woman.
And you need to do it.
Heart of a Warrior, which is, of course, the name of my favorite song that you've ever produced, Alex.
This unbelievable hit that I just, probably is in one of my top 10 songs ever.
I couldn't, I can't let you go without playing just a small portion of it and just getting Just getting sort of your reaction to this, the possibly one of the greatest songs ever produced.
And I know you love your Somalis.
Let's go.
The government store, the paradigm of absolute control.
And that's why we're just out here doing simple things, pointing out that we're meant to be in nature and be natural.
And this is where we find the source that God made to transcend the new world order.
And that's why they want to try to keep us out of it.
I've had enough of these people.
They're a bunch of Christian murderous scum.
They're on giant death factories keeping babies alive.
And selling their body parts.
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl out from under rocks.
They have green looking skin.
And they run around screaming we love Satan.
I wanna eat babies I have them on video
Hillary's in the creepy weird six-step man She sleeps in the same room with that creepy weirdo woman
Whose mother wears a full overhead What the hell?
That woman number one is ugly Imagine how bad she smells, man
I told her and Obama just stink [Music]
Obama and Hillary both smell like sulfur.
We're near the roof, vampire pot and the goblins are hobbling around coming after us.
My spirit gets close to that evil and I feel it go Ah, ah, ah
Real soft, self-centered crap We don't even know this hand itself rising up against us.
Millions of pointed people of the very worst type and I'm so pissed.
We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
Oh, oh, oh.
We're gonna stab your wife, your son.
I was watching Fox News as I worked out this morning.
is gonna say we love our Somalis, we love our Muslims, oh they're so good, oh they're
so sweet.
You know, I didn't do that.
Somebody else... Time Warner funded that.
It had like almost 30 million views.
And when I said I liked it, they pulled it.
But then it went on Spotify and got hundreds of millions of views and they pulled that.
But there's copies of it out there.
It's Alex Jones, Bon Iver song.
And I love it.
In fact, I've reached out to the guy that did it.
His name is Lesko.
And I said, we need to make the Alex Jones, Bon Iver album.
I'm ready right now.
We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims, too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
Gonna stab your wife at the mall.
Gonna stab your daughter, your son.
And then the police chief is gonna say, we love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims, too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
I couldn't think of a better way to end an interview.
Infowars.com, the daily show that'll let you know where it's at, folks.
My new book, The Great Awakening.
Thank you so much, and come on my show.
Alex Jones, Merry Christmas.
Tap water is turning the frogs gay, and it'll turn you gay, too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you notice at the end of that video, he advertises water filters.
I have an opportunity for viewers and listeners that is the best in my 23 years on air.
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I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Do you understand that?
Turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Screw this crap!
It's not funny!
Friggin' frogs!
I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
Won't you fight for your life?
(upbeat music)
♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪ Gay frogs!
Friggin' frogs!
I don't like a frog!
Gay friggin' frogs!
I'm gonna say it real slow for you.
Enough for yourself.
I mean, this is what they're... What do you think tap water is?
It's a gay bomb, baby.
And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings.
I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly.
I mean, give me a break.
You think I'm like, shocked by it, so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people?
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
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Tapwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
First off, gay people are awesome.
I don't think that's a problem at all.
And secondly, if you noticed at the end of that video, he advertises water filters.
I have an opportunity for viewers and listeners that is the best in my 23 years on air.
Obviously, water filtration is a great thing.
And I've had water filtration sponsors since the day I got on air.
It's a good thing.
And over the years, I learned a lot about water filtration.
I learned what the best was.
And Alexa Pure family of stainless steel gravity filters take the already decent and good systems that were out there and took it to the next level of quality, durability, customer service, replacement filters, you name it.
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This is the gift of life, the gift of health.
It's amazing.
Alexa Pure Pro at InfoWarsLife.com or InfoWarsStore.com or call 888-253-3139.
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay!
Do you understand?
Gay frogs, friggin' frogs, BOO!
It's not funny!
I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
Won't you fight for your life?
Gay frogs, friggin' frogs, I don't like 'em frogs!
Gay friggin' frogs, frogs!
Friggin' frog crap!
Won't you fight the frogs?
It's not funny!
I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
...for yourself.
I mean, this is what they're... What do you think tap water is?
It's a gay bomb, baby!
And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings.
I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly.
I mean, give me a break!
You think I'm, like, shocked by it so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people?
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
[Jazz music]
Well, Merry Christmas everybody.
It's December 25th.
2023 just it's amazing that this insane year is almost over and it's been a rough one but I really think deep down I know that we've turned the corner in 2023 now it doesn't mean things are gonna get perfect But we've begun to really get the initiative.
The Great Awakening is here.
I want to thank you all for joining us on this Christmas.
Very, very blessed that you would think to even tune in on this blessed day to remember our Lord and Savior's birth, Jesus Christ.
So I got something really special for you today.
We've got a Big interview that I did last week with Royce White.
Really a thoughtful, informative individual.
And then we've got Russell Brand.
It was an amazing interview.
And Elijah Schaefer.
That is all coming up on this special Christmas Day transmission.
So let's go ahead and kick it off right now with Royce White.
Today we have another incredible family and friends guest.
None other than the great Alex Jones.
What more can I say?
What could I even say?
It's Alex Jones, ladies and gentlemen.
It's Alex Jones on Please Call Me Crazy.
The OG of being called crazy and later on being proven true.
More true and more right than most of us would like.
And that's part of the reason why we allow the establishment to tell us that people like Alex are crazy or that we shouldn't listen.
It's not because they're crazy or not because they're not telling the truth.
It's the truth.
The truth is exactly what they don't want us to know.
I hope you enjoy the interview as much as I know I'm going to.
I always enjoy talking with Alex Jones.
It doesn't get much better.
I mean, as a young man who is now in the broadcasting and podcast world, Doesn't get much better than being able to interview somebody legendary like Alex Jones.
I think the conversation is going to be great.
I hope you enjoy it.
I hope you're getting ready for a great holiday with your family.
And I hope this sends you into it with a ray of hope, a beacon of hope, encouragement, guidance, leadership, all of the above.
So without further ado, the great Alex Jones.
Welcome back, Alex Jones, the great Alex Jones, for your second appearance on Please Call Me Crazy.
I'm sorry, we're happy to have you back again.
Reinstated on X recently was the huge news, but more importantly, every day we see more and more of what Alex Jones has talked about and predicted come true.
The latest news over the last 24 to 72 hours has been Trump being disqualified there in Colorado from the ballot.
Which we can't really say were surprised happened.
I was actually more surprised that in Minnesota They ruled to allow him on the ballot.
I thought for sure Minnesota would go in the same direction as Colorado but obviously we're seeing a desperate attempt from the deep state and the establishment and the globalists to railroad any chance for there to be a A nationalist populist movement here in America under the leadership or through the leadership of Donald Trump, or at least his candidacy, you know.
So, you know, welcome back on the show.
I want to get your take first on this ballot situation.
What do you think it means?
Where do you see it headed?
And let's go from there.
It's good to see you again, man.
Good to be here, Royce.
I mean, this is really a Rosetta Stone.
People don't know what the Rosetta Stone is.
Decipher a lot of the ancient symbols and hieroglyphs until they found the Rosetta Stone that was the code key to do it.
Or I liken it to a skeleton key, a key that opens a lot of different locks.
Or you can see it as a keyhole where you can look through and see what's going on.
So the Deep State's been going on for a long time in this country.
This country's far from perfect.
There's always been elites and secret societies and things, but now They killed Kennedy, they sold out our jobs to China, but now they've really revealed themselves.
And what the Donald Trump movement, he just kind of rode in like a surfer on a populist awakening of the Tea Party and Ron Paul and all the things that came before it, the John Birch Society.
He rode in on that, but it symbolizes really the Great Awakening and people becoming aware and not being naive.
And so the 90 plus indictments and all the fake impeachments and All the fake civil lawsuits, and Trump having trials where there's no jury, and the judge says, I already found you guilty.
That has really taken the blinders off, really taken the mask off, really revealed what's going on.
So this is the end of naivete, at least for thinking people.
And so that's where we are right now.
And like I said, Minnesota did not vote to take him off the ballot.
They got California trying it right now, and Colorado just did it.
And it's because they're such compromised individuals.
I wonder if any of those justices were ever on the Lolita Express or went to Epstein Island
or something like it.
And so this is not a symbol of their power.
This is a symbol of their complete desperation.
And the war they started nine years ago by overthrowing the Ukrainian government, George
Soros bragging about it.
I'm not saying Putin's perfect, but the West started that, they've lost that.
Total public opinion is turning against Israel.
And I don't support the whole Islamic deal either.
I'm just saying, none of the old power structure has any of its reach anymore, or, you know, any of its gas.
I mean, let's use a basketball analogy.
Let's say the New World Order of the 1950s and 60s and 70s was Michael Jordan during his heyday at the Bulls.
Uh, well, this is Michael Jordan at like 110 years old.
He can barely get out of a, you know, his, uh, his, uh, his his easy chair or or or his uh his uh you know bed so
these people are in wheelchairs and both literally and metaphysically henry kissinger just died charlie
munger one of the most evil people alive just died in the same week and so it's it's emblematic
of an old structure going down the problem is in the past usually when an old power structure
goes down there's giant wars and a lot of death around it.
Now we got nuclear weapons and bioweapons and other horrible things, so we really want to bypass that.
So we're in the most dangerous point, really, in human history up to this point because of all the weapons we've got.
We're not very, very careful.
We're all going to kill each other.
And so I've got four children, and they live in the world with your children.
I love everybody's children.
Black, white, old, young.
I believe in self-determination, what Martin Luther King Jr.
said, judge a person by the character of their deeds, what they stand for.
Well, if you judge George Soros and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and King Charles by their deeds, our problem is white people.
But it's not the average white person.
It's just like everybody else, hard-working and just a good, decent person.
Our problem is a bunch of old, rich elites allied with people like Xi Jinping and, you know, Benjamin Netanyahu, turned his whole population into guinea pigs.
And these guys have got a lot of chutzpah, and they need to understand that they've been defeated.
And it's all... Look, they could end up like Napoleon on an island if they play their cards right.
But if they don't, they'll end up like Hitler, It is.
in 1945 under the right chancellery in Berlin when the Russians were rolling in.
And that's the choice they've got right now.
There's not much time for them to choose.
But they think they're going to crash the economy and have power outages and they've
got all these race war movies, Obama's funding.
It's disgusting to see this.
And also, I'm not stupid, the floodgates have been opened for the white supremacist groups
that are fed run to try to capitalize on all this and then run the opposition movement.
They're going to get crushed in the end.
And so I don't want to play their game.
I see their game.
And I'm trying to get people to see the game, too, because I know I know what the game is.
I've studied the Hegelian dialectics.
I understand the game plan.
And there's nothing more frustrating than knowing what's going to come next, because I read stuff the globalists said they do in the 50s by the 70s.
They deliver.
I read stuff they wrote in the 70s, they do in the 90s.
They got it done.
I read stuff they wrote in the 90s, they said about the 2000s they get done.
They got it almost all done.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Hello, my name is Klaus, the Situation Schmop.
This Christmas, cuddle up with your loved ones while you enjoy a delicious holiday feast of new ferns and crunchy crickets and pop in a very special collection of songs.
The World Enslavement Forum presents Waxmas It's 23.
I'm dreaming of a great reset Like communism, just in smart.
There is gene selection, and eye detection, and tone surveillance everywhere.
Last COVID, I gave you my check.
But for every new stash, you had to refresh.
This year, a new pandemic is here.
Get ready for forced injections.
On the fifth day of lockdown, my government gave me five stinky masks.
Four COVID tests, three boosters, two sudden deaths, and attempted genocide.
Police at your door!
Police at your door!
Police at your door!
Throwing your own food is not allowed anymore!
(upbeat music)
You better not ask, or lift an eyebrow.
Why people are dying suddenly now.
Cancer Claus is coming to town I don't want a lot for Christmas
Just control humanity.
Maybe release new hybrid species.
Like a monkey manatee.
Please kill me.
I just want to rule the world.
Every tree and every bird.
That is my goal.
All I want for Christmas is your soul.
Wait, what is this?
We don't want a lot for Christmas.
Just leave us the f*** alone.
Go hang out with your lizard buddies.
And have some fresh and criminal crap!
I see you, enemy!
And I swear total resentment to you and everything I've done.
Go f*** yourself.
Is that fair?
Hey, Bob.
This is a larger scion on your human psyche!
The vaccine coming straight from the Pfizer lab.
A healthy body don't surrender to the jab.
Their business is done by murdering millions of people.
Go easy there, buddy.
I want everybody to stop dying.
All we want for Christmas is a normal human resistance.
So I'm using my son for this shit.
All we want for Christmas is to be free.
Merry Christmas!
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
Well, we made it through another year without nuclear war.
It is Christmas 2023.
More with Royce White interviewing yours truly, Alex Jones.
We return on the other side.
Please stay with us.
♪ Later we'll have some pumpkin pie and we'll do some caroling ♪
By 2030, they want post-human, you know, depopulation.
You're eating bugs, man.
Folks, we gotta come together and say no to the New World Order.
You can argue who they claim.
That's Feds doing this.
It's come out of the Ford Foundation.
Oh, it's the Jews.
It's the Catholics.
It's the... No, no, no.
It's the Masons.
It's the Protestants.
It's the white people.
It's the black people.
No, no, it's evil corporate globalists manipulating all the sides against each other to bring in this dialectic and we got to get wise to it and say whatever Hollywood pushes, whatever the Democratic Party or the Republican establishment pushes, we need to do the opposite.
It's real simple.
I'm a big tent person.
And I don't want to make this about what color you are or any of that.
I want to make it about policy and what you stand for.
And we should oppose every ounce and every hair on the head of this Hydra.
And so it's simple.
My job's simple.
I oppose their entire new order.
I'm not going to get caught up on who runs it.
I'm not going to get caught up on how many people are this or that.
No, I'm going to oppose their agenda.
And that's why they want me off the air.
Because we're very effective.
I mean, I'm not going to brag, but I mean, I advise the top people to Trump.
It wasn't the case seven, eight years ago.
They said it was.
It became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But now I do advise those people.
And so the Globes have a big problem on their hands, because there's a lot of people now know how to cowlick the cabbage, and we don't want to blow the world up.
We don't want a race war.
We want prosperity.
We want security.
We want families, men and women, and children, and the regular way the world's supposed to work.
And we're telling the whole transgender, satanic Hollywood, you can take this whole thing and shove it up your ass.
And so I know the geopolitical angles.
Xi Jinping, the CCP, Mao Zedong put in power in 1949 by the CIA.
Heaven and Earth moved to send all our jobs over there and de-industrialized us.
As Trump said, the middlemen make 50% of the profit.
The US gets 25%.
China on average gets 25%.
That's a declassified CIA briefing to Trump.
And the middlemen that set those deals up 50 years ago, literally, I mean, I was literally suckling on my mother's breast when all this was going on.
I'm 50 now, next month.
They literally have done this.
So I actually am a geopolitical junkie.
I mean, people get into basketball, football, they know all the scores.
That's great.
I know the scores on this.
And so I'm trying to have an adult discussion.
And people go, oh, look, this guy talks like a fag.
You know, I got an idiocracy.
I'm like, no, no, listen, this is serious.
So China, Xi Jinping broke eight, nine years ago.
And he's his own guy.
And he's a tyrant.
But he's not going along with them.
And he's saying, have three kids now.
They were only saying, have one before.
And so I'm trying to study all the real movements and all the real things involved.
The truth is, the British Empire won World War II, but it basically destroyed itself in that war.
They were already basically done in World War I, but they really were done.
They merged with us.
They fell into our arms.
We became the new empire.
We were the world reserve currency.
That's all coming to an end.
And you've got this elite here, like Napoleon when he's outnumbered five to one, starting more wars, trying to project confidence, while they try to domestically control us and create a civil war against black and white to protect themselves from the retribution they deserve.
That's the real world.
That's the produced movies, the culture.
The Democrats are saying, oh, the Confederates are behind Trump.
He's a Yankee Republican.
The Confederates were Democrats.
But it doesn't matter.
They are literally Trying to run that same script again because they're so desperate.
I'm not even fighting the Globals anymore.
They're shot to hell.
They're inbred.
They're falling apart.
I want them to just put the whiskey bottle down and put the car keys down.
I want them to stop.
Because we're getting our asses kicked, because I'm not with the globalists, but I'm in the car with them.
I'm like a three-year-old in the car with dad when he's drunk a bottle of whiskey, driving 100 miles an hour down the wrong side of the road.
And so people better get serious about this, and they better get serious real quick, because these crazy people have indicted Trump all these times, and done all this other crap that only makes him more popular, and then they do this Supreme Court thing in Colorado.
No one's going to overturn, because they can't help it.
They can't admit their beat.
It's like in that Holy Grail movie with Monty Python.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where he cuts the arms and legs off.
The guy says, it's just a flesh wound.
No, your ass is kicked.
The problem is, I'd be glad for them to have their ass kicked.
They're still in control of the nuclear weapons.
They're still in control of the internet kill switches.
They're still in control of all these terror groups they can activate.
And they're still in their bubbles.
And they still, like that New York Supreme Court, or that Chicago Courts what they're doing, or Colorado, or any of these, they are, DC ones, they are in such bubbles that they can't even see what's going on.
They're like Marie Antoinette saying, hey they're starving to death, she's like, let them eat cake.
No one knows if she really said that, but they are saying, let them eat cake to us, and they think a race war?
is going to protect them from what they've done? I mean, Zuckerberg just built, I was told you this
a year ago from my sources, now it's in the news, a hundred million dollar bunker, a bunker with
robots and everything else. I'm the one that built it, okay?
I mean, listen, I was in Hawaii, I love Hawaii, I go like once a year. I was there two years
ago, they told me about it. I was there a year ago, I was there six months ago and I had top
contractors, the white guys, the local, you know, local Hawaiians, literally all told me the same thing.
I couldn't go anywhere.
They wanted to tell me what he had inside there.
They've got like big football stadium bubbles up over it, so you can't see what he's doing.
But now they admit he's getting it for the end of the world.
If the world goes down, I don't care if he's got 50 combat robots.
I don't care if he has 100 soldiers in there.
Everybody's gonna come take that.
So, so, Mark Zuckerberg's security is not in a damn bunker.
He'd be safer taking care of a local town and feeding people and being nice and building a society and farmers.
That would be Mark Zuckerberg's security.
But instead, he went and stole tribal land, thousands of acres, on record, pissed them all off, to build a giant underground bunker with combat robots and drones.
He doesn't own the beach.
When you go on the beach, they come and harass you.
It's on the news there.
Again, that's not his security.
That bunker's a grave.
If he had any humanity, he would know his safety is being in the community and people loving him.
Instead, he's built himself an open-air grave.
If there is a nuclear war, everybody's gonna go there, and he's the first person they're gonna go after.
And he's got an underwater submarine?
Nobody knows that.
I know the guys that built it.
He's got a submarine so he can come and go to his yacht?
I mean, this is like The Incredibles or something with the villain on the island.
They're crazy!
When we say that the globalist agenda and the globalist power or plan is crumbling, we see it before our very eyes.
That's where the desperation comes from.
It's like in a sports game, when you throw a Hail Mary, you throw a Hail Mary when you're down seven in your own end zone, right?
Sometimes you have the athletes and the receivers and the circumstance to be able to complete a Hail Mary or to go on a one-minute drive, right?
And I guess my question here is, When we say that the globalists are defeated and they've lost, are we talking about the narrative or are we talking about broad power?
Because I sort of believe that...
The narrative is breaking, but the brute power that they still control, like you said, the nuclear weapons, the electrical grids, the food supply, the broad belief, the broad desire and desperation for common people to believe still, In the expertise and scientific managerial competence of these people is still intact.
Are they, you know, what are we being herded towards?
Like, part of me believes when I see the controlled opposition right, I call them these neo-Nazi guys, like Nick Fuentes.
I was just saying the other day on my podcast, I want you to set up a debate between me and Nick Fuentes, because my opinion is the highest organizing principle of people for Christians is Christ, is faith.
And, you know, race is a matter, you know, and there are other things as well.
Culture, for sure, but the highest organizing principle for Christians is faith, and the highest organizing principle for Americans should be American citizenship.
Race should be a distant, distant second.
If you go back to the history like you're talking about with the crown, Darwin and these guys knew exactly what they were doing when they wanted to talk about race, right?
So what are we being herded toward?
Because when I see Obama and these guys try and spark this race war, And I hear it a lot because I'm here with Ilhan and some of the radical squad type politicians.
Some people in the conservative movement, let's say, they really believe that they're trying to cause chaos to keep chaos going in perpetuity.
I see the chaos as a temporary fix.
They want the chaos to ensue long enough for them to justify martial law.
They want us, the conservatives and Christians and libertarians and patriots who believe in individual rights, they want us to beg for the tyranny.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
So, Mr. President, my plea today is for countries to come together to create the environment that enables every sector of industry to take the action required.
We know this will take trillions, not billions of dollars.
We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green.
Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector.
Here he is when he was the Prince Charles.
Now the king, the joke, Jimmy Savile's buddy in crime, said we're going to use the pandemic to save the earth and launch a military operation with a green recovery.
So they shut your economy off.
And then they give themselves trillions of your money to build boondoggles that destroy the infrastructure.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation to people's lives, livelihoods... Hey, pause.
Here he is.
Let's start over.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation...
Your lockdown killed 80-plus million people from starvation.
Your poison shot killed 20 million.
You released the virus that killed a few million.
You did it, and we all know it, chump!
Does it matter if your handkerchief and your tie match the drapes, your majesty?
The Green Recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live and do business.
Now, I've long believed that we need a shift in our economic model that places nature and the world's transition to net zero at the heart of how we... It was, I've long believed, the Club of Rome plan to cut off the resources that starve you to death.
But they're not saving the Earth with the genetic engineering and all the toxic waste they're running for the electric batteries.
They're doing the opposite.
They're using up the planet to build their life extension system.
They're mad scientists using us all as guinea pigs.
I'm just translating what the Transylvanian Lord Master, the Dracul, the Dragon of the Carpathian Mountains is telling.
Increasingly, we are seeing more and more businesses, investors and consumers prioritizing sustainability.
Increasingly, we're seeing Blackrock with the ESGs take full control and shut down everybody but us.
It's so wonderful!
Though it killed 80 millions of starvation!
Sorry to that, Tim.
There is hope that we can transform the situation.
But, I'm afraid we are literally at the last hour.
And there is real urgency for action.
We know now what we have to do to rescue the situation, rather than going on talking about it.
I'm your hero, the princess shining armor to kill the dragon, though my coat of arms is literally the Dracul.
Let me kill you!
The resources are mine!
Mine alone!
I decide who lives and dies!
I am the King of England!
Oh, Jimmy Savelle, you have a special delivery in your van for me?
Pull it into the special garage.
I'll take the packages into the grotto and have some fun with them.
It's time to pull out the daggers.
Time to drink the blood.
Oh, so delicious!
The last thing a small child sees is "so delicious!"
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
You know, it's been a rough year.
But at least we've got each other, and we've got God, and more and more of our fellow humans are waking up.
So I just want to give thanks.
I know it's not Thanksgiving, but I just feel like I want to give thanks to the crew, all the great viewers and listeners, everybody that makes this transmission possible.
From myself, the InfoWars family, a very merry, merry Christmas.
Back to this very informative, thought-provoking interview with Royce White.
I want to talk more about the police state because you have been one of the biggest targets of the deep state, of this lawfare, of the police state, what's happened to Donald Trump, the outgrowth of a police state and government that gets way too big when individual citizens of whatever group get caught up in.
Talk to me about the police state and what you see this ballot situation for Trump and what you see the dangers of the police state going forward.
One of my all-time favorite clips of you and I think Perfectly paints the picture of somebody who is genuinely for freedom and an authentic and original thinker and genuine person versus somebody who plays like they want to hear both sides.
They play the moderate, you know, kind of in the middle position, but really their allegiance is pretty clear.
Piers Morgan.
And you tell Pierce Morgan, you guys have that debate about the Iraq War and you're talking about how false flags work and then the rise of a police state and it always ended up as a Second Amendment argument and the need for us to have the Second Amendment to defend ourselves against your average guy who wants to kick your door in and kill your family and steal your TV or, in the worst case scenario, a weaponized military and police state.
Talk about the state of the police state here in America and this lawfare taking place.
Well, the tip of the spear of the police state is disease X. The U.N.
said five years ago, we'll use a novel virus to take control.
We can't get the population's guns.
We can't get them to roll over.
We can't put our political opposition to camps until we release the virus.
And then it's this unseen enemy, and the government is the savior and the manager of how to respond to it.
And so, at the end of the day, That's really what this is all about.
Viruses and viral fear is the answer the establishment has to bring in their global government.
Blue Dobs sued with Judicial Watch back in 2007, and it's in my film Endgame, Blue Pimp for Global Enslavement, and they said, we're going to use four things to take over.
Viruses, migrant flows, war, and cyber attacks and power outages.
And we're now seeing that.
And so when they roll out a new virus, it hits everybody.
Well, they roll out power outages and cut off the power plants and boost our power prices.
Or cut off fertilizer.
That hits us all.
My main message is, hey baby, they got us all fighting with each other on what color we are.
But at the end of the day, we are all under globalist attack on our resources.
And that's why I'm so upset I'm so frustrated that, I mean, I don't brag about this, this is true, and it's the only story I can tell because it was on record.
The other ones, you know, if something isn't criminal, it's still off record.
You know, I have these meetings, I've had meetings with Bilderberg Group members and top people and, you know, billionaires, you name it.
But it was like 15, 16 years ago, John Harmon, the producer, he still works here, he's the affiliate relations guy, and he was the producer that day, and I had Rothkopf, the head of the Kissinger Group on, and During the break, he said, I'm going to hang up.
I thought you'd come here and all this.
I thought you'd join me.
And I said, what do you want?
He said, I want you to come to New York.
We'll fly up here first class, but you don't tell.
We want to meet with you.
You can lead the Liberty Movement.
You can lead the Patriot Movement.
But you need to understand you'll be at the table.
You'll have input.
But you'll basically go with our consensus.
And I said no to him.
And he said, I can't believe you're saying that.
I'm going to hang up.
I said, no, no.
Do one more segment.
He had one more segment.
We talked during the next four minute break.
And he repeated it.
John Harmon saw him.
It wasn't off record.
He didn't say it was off record, so I talked about it.
But I was offered by Roger Ailes.
The Fox Show, before Glenn Beck came on.
I was a replacement for Rush Limbaugh.
I was already on hundreds of stations, self-made, getting top ratings.
They told me, you'll be paid $50 million a year, you'll have book deals, but we're going to tell you what to do, and it's going to be so easy.
And I didn't take the deal.
That was separately meeting Roger Ailes, but also with the head of the biggest radio syndicator at the time.
They came 16, 17 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago.
They haven't come in 10 years because they know I'm not for sale.
But I know how real it is.
I'm not a sellout.
I've literally had them come to me because they can spot talent and say, we'll give you the world like the devil, you know, up on the hill with Christ, up on the pyramids with Christ, but it was like that.
I know how real it is.
And they also go, oh, Jones is discredited.
He admits his family was in Intel.
Like that's some magical thing.
Intel's the most lied to, abused, controlled, pathetic people.
Our military's great people, but they're so abused.
They're so lied to.
And my uncle was a football champ and a expert at Ham Radio and the world champ at 15 at Morse Code.
And he joined them and did all clandestine operations in Laos and everything.
And then he was a top guy in Narancondra.
And before he died, he told me, before he got put in the hospital and died of pneumonia 10 years ago,
10 years ago next month, he looked like Popeye, man.
He was a badass.
And he said, I wasn't part of it.
But they were smuggling kids out of Guatemala for sex slavery.
And that's why we got out of it and why we left.
And he got all the guys under him left that killed some of them.
I mean, it was, and then I tell that real story and they go, Jones admits his family is the CIA and he works for them.
No, my, my uncle told me they were evil.
He told me the government was bad.
He didn't tell me this till I'd been on air for 20 years, folks.
And I didn't know this.
And the point is, is that the people play the game.
We have to be ready to get the establishment to come over to us.
We shouldn't be worried about defecting to Henry Kissinger.
Why are we talking about Henry Kissinger or Clear Channel or Fox News trying to get me to defect?
Why are we talking about them defecting to us and telling the truth?
That's what I want.
And that's the thing.
You want truth commissions.
Yeah, we need to take a communist note, but use it against them.
I agree.
We need truth and reconciliation commissions, not with communist lies, but the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
So, people say like, they act like intel agencies are magical.
The average military person, they get the best and brightest men and women, and they run them through hell, and they abuse them, and they use them until they're done with them.
And people say, oh, who are your sources?
Who's your intel source?
My intel source is looking at what's going on in the real world.
I don't get any intel from agencies or groups.
They get intel from me.
They're slaves.
And my uncle said I was a slave.
I believed in it.
I did horrible things for America.
And it wasn't until I finally saw them smuggling kids out of Guatemala.
That I turned against him.
And that's the point, is that we act like Q is going to save us, and the White Hats, and Biden's going to be removed on Inauguration Day in 2021.
It was all a lie, folks.
Because they act like there's these supermen.
There aren't supermen, folks.
But there are men who do the right thing and tell the truth.
And that's what I'm trying to tell people is you're not going to save the world.
I'm not going to save the world.
But more of us telling the truth is going to change the world.
And we have to stop complying.
I've been taken up to the mountain.
And it was easy to turn it down.
These people are creepy, folks.
They're creepy.
I could feel, even having meetings with him, God leaving the room.
I could feel the oxygen.
I could feel my strength like I had kryptonite on me when I even entertained him.
I wasn't going to do it, but just listening to the offer, I could feel my strength waning.
I felt weak.
It's fun to fight tyranny.
You're meant to do it, people.
That's what I'm trying to explain to you, but most of you have not had the direct offer, but you've had it in other ways.
I'm telling you, reject it.
God's waiting on the other side.
How important do you see the spiritual?
I've seen you become, and I've put a few people in the audience to watch you over the last two, three, four years that didn't watch you before.
I've been watching for a long time, but they all come back with great reviews and We've all kind of talked about how you've become even more spiritual as your career has gone on.
Not that you weren't spiritually jacked in, but that the emphasis, the distilled down message is a spiritual one.
Talk about a little bit how important you see the spiritual being.
Can we actually, what's victory now in this next election cycle, let's say, but over the next four years?
What's victory for us?
What do we have to hold off?
Obviously we can't turn it around all in one fell swoop, because life doesn't work like that, the universe doesn't work like that.
But what should we be looking to hold off?
What things should we be drawing a firm line in the sand on and holding off from this globalist agenda?
When you're young, you've got so much potential, and you're like a new blade of grass that you just feel really powerful, the whole world's yours, and you tend to be arrogant.
But as you go down this path, and you try to be a good person, but you think you can beat the devil.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
If, by Rudyard Kipling, If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools, If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
And, I'm a man.
on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We see you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
Contact light.
Eagle was landed.
Visit Infowars.com forward slash show and share the link today How do you see this thing shaping up?
You know, you've written a book called The Great Awakening.
We'll make sure that we properly promote that book.
I wonder what toolkit you would advise anti-establishment, awakening, resistance movement people look at.
What do you think about the books that you've got to look at, the films you've got to look at, to navigate this space without collapsing into despair?
Because you look around the world now on a superficial level, Alex, Absolutely.
war here, war there, escalating war there, increased authority, legislation, censorship,
shutdown, absolute lies. How are we going to tool ourselves up for the next phase? Yes,
spiritually, but what cultural artifacts do you recommend people look at?
Well, absolutely. Look, look, I feel like you're falling in a hole sometimes too, particularly
if I work too much and if I drink too much or any of those type of things that lowers
your consciousness, lowers your brainwaves.
We need to take off time with our families.
We need to just take off time and read a book.
We need to take off time and just watch a comedy show or something.
It's very important to not do this all the time and to not let the magnitude of it destroy you and realize we're just one little tiny planet.
In the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, but we can consciously envision the whole universe, and we can create concepts that can be manifested.
And so we know we've been a little spark from God, and that is a magical thing, and be thankful for the gift of consciousness.
Be thankful for the gift of being able to commune with your fellow humans and realize that the globalists, and others like them throughout history, are very frightened. They know this is real and they want
to try to control reality and to do that they want to control us. So they spend all their time
and all their energy trying to dominate and dumb people down so that we won't be competition to
them. Just like a father grizzly bear gets the female bear pregnant but most of the time tries and
sometimes is successful to kill the male offspring. If it's a girl he comes over and smells it he
doesn't kill it. But that's why mother bear has to leave her mate and run miles and miles and miles
away and hide because particularly the father will smell his son and want to kill it. And so this
goes back obviously to the different you know Egyptian uh...
ethos and the rest of it, but they do not want us to be able to be part of the future
and be able to make decisions.
They want to have the end of the history, is what the globalists call it, where we turn
into these brave new world automatons so they can play God over us when they're not God.
And so they're pretending they're a joke.
The big danger is there's a real potentiality.
They could make the surface of the earth unlivable for a very, very long time.
So we feel that danger of that potential future that comes closer and closer.
And so...
That's what I'm trying to say to people is that most of my show is about inflation and the central banks and how they're bringing in their ESGs and bringing in their central bank digital currencies and how they're cutting off the water supply and the food supply and how they're doing all this.
95% of my show is documents.
And then, as things get more and more intense, and as we all either awaken or become more automaton-ish to the globalist, like something out of Metropolis, or Metropolis, that famous movie made by the German, as we choose that side, it doesn't matter whether you're Alex Jones or Russell Brand or Joe Schmoe or Sally Sixpack or Sally Soccer Mom, You're going to resonate one way or the other.
And that's just the way it is.
And so, it does seem overwhelming.
But you notice the archetypes you see in so many Hollywood movies.
And they'll sell a negative message in the movie, but they gotta have truths in them.
To make you open up.
And so you've got like, Empire Strikes Back, and Darth Vader's there saying, I'm your father, join me, join evil.
And all Luke Skywalker can do is just turn loose and drop into the abyss.
And then, you know, the archetypal angel comes and saves him.
I'm not a big horror fan, but I came across doing Joe Biden video searches,
"Poltergeist," the second "Poltergeist,"
where they have to basically fall into hell.
Please do not forget that my book has gone number one on a bunch of the different subcharts.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Poltergeist, the second poltergeist, where they have to basically fall into hell to go save their daughter, and at the same time, save a bunch of other souls that were held by this demon in purgatory.
Now, that's literally what this is.
And so, Hollywood, over and over again, is telling you this.
And so, when you feel like you're going into that hole, and you're being attacked at your weakest point by the energies that want to drag you down and use you as an energy source, because you're energetically, spiritually so beautiful, And that's why they come up for good people.
You have to then just turn loose and say, God save me, I'm with you.
And then they have no more power over you once you do that.
Just say, I'm turning loose.
God, I love you.
I want to help people.
I want to be good.
And I make the decision that I want to be with you.
And then you will literally be picked up by an eagle and set up on a mountaintop or wherever else you want to be set off.
That's basically what this is.
I tell people, turn loose of the fear.
I signed on for this.
I was warned what would happen.
If I'm sitting there in a jail cell and they're torturing me and pulling my teeth out with pliers, I'm thinking, man, I'm really over the target.
I'm going next level.
And it's not like some Islamic deal.
Because those are just shadows of the true archetype.
But the more we're Christ-like, the more we're willing to pay for other people's freedom, is the better universe we're going to have.
And so by those sacrifices, understanding that this is just flesh and blood, and understanding it to transcend the pain, that is the sacrifice.
Now the New World Order Satanists, they invert that.
And if we can do an overhead shot, I want to show Russell this.
This is the FDA Safety Surveillance COVID-19 Vaccine Draft Working List of Possible Adverse Outcomes Subject to Change.
This was put out in October 2000, months before the shots started in the United States.
I guess my crew's not in there to punch up on this?
Oh, God.
Well, I'll hold it up on screen.
Anybody, can you punch it up for me, guys?
Thank you.
Anybody can go look this up.
It's on the FDA website.
It's not even hidden.
But again, there was a great analogy a few weeks ago I saw by Andrew Tate where he said Alex Jones is right.
They're satanists.
They metaphysically have to Get you to accept it with fine print.
So if I say, here's an apple, it's delicious and good, and you eat it and it's poison, I've just murdered you karmically, spiritually, that comes back on me.
But if I trick you, and say real fast, "Oh, it's really delicious and great, by
the way, it's poison. Here it is."
But everybody's doing it. Just eat it. And you eat it and die,
at least in this third dimension, you don't get any karmic blowback. So that's why they put the
fine print, "FDA safety," overhead shot again, "FDA safety surveillance COVID-19 vaccine,
myocarditis, heart attacks, stroke, blood clots, arthritis, anaphylactic shock,
death, vaccine-enhanced disease, and all of this has now happened.
So this is the U.S.
government saying, this is what we think is going to happen, publishing it, and then all of that has now happened, and now the life expectancy across the Western world is going So, this is them playing God.
If they want to be God, they've got to believe that they are the angel of death.
And they've got to give life, and they've got to take life.
And this is all the globalists setting themselves up as God and beginning the Great Depopulation.
The human sacrifice to their God.
Instead of sacrificing themselves in good work and helping poor people and building society and literally getting down in the trenches, they're going to sit back on their private jets and their huge palatial mansions and tell everybody else, you can't have children, you can't have a car, you can't have an air conditioner, you can't travel, you can't have a job.
In fact, you're going to eat bugs and we're going to sacrifice you for the greater good of the earth because you're garbage, because you're a useless eater, because you're not essential.
Well I tell Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and all of them, you're not essential and we can physically look at you and see the evil shining out of you and you will be cut off from God and they know it.
They know and they want to claw and drag as many of us with them as they can and they're not.
They're going to be cut off from the universe forever.
That's some powerful stuff from Alex Jones.
That concludes part one of our interview today.
Tomorrow with Alex Jones is even more incendiary because of course we're talking about Israel, Palestine, global conspiracies.
Have a look.
I think this whole thing is extremely dangerous.
I want to be clear, I want to be clear.
I was not saying that.
I was not saying that.
Do you think that because of independent media voices, whether that's Joe Rogan, Tucker, yourself, that the plan for the pandemic was interrupted?
So now they're really horrified of Trump because they are definitely scared of him.
Is that something that we can offer the world?
Because in a sense, otherwise, Alex, we're giving more and more Apocalyptic visions that still seem to be conveying a terrifying endgame event.
We're at a megatron.
We're headed towards the singularity.
They're threatening the end of the world if they don't have control.
The idea that crises are used to implement authoritarian measures is one of the broader
ideas that not only have people in that rarefied and peripheral space that you've occupied,
or generating in the, as we've said many times in our conversation, an incredible audience
and many, many imitators in the process, but it's also even with leftist and rather more
academic analysis, I'm talking about Naomi Klein, the idea that crises is used to introduce
regime change just at the political and national level.
So a crisis of this scale, as you explain, could certainly be used to legitimize control
of resources, control of energy, to start issuing social credit scores, to start legitimizing
measures that were sort of, I suppose, broadly discussed, or at least in the spaces that
I occupy, for the first time during the pandemic era.
I want to ask you this.
Do you think that because of independent media voices, whether that's Joe Rogan, Tucker, yourself, Do you think because of independent media voices, and obviously more specifically and importantly, the audiences around them, the ability to highlight anti-establishment credible voices from Stanford and Harvard like Jay Bhattacharya or Peter McCulloch, do you think that the plan for the pandemic was interrupted?
Do you think they had intentions that were prevented from going ahead because of a resistance movement?
Well, 100%.
And if we look at what happened, the UN, the Club of Rome, the CFR, the World Trade Organization, all of them, the WEF, they all said for 20 years, that's how I knew, I mean, one of my biggest predictions was, they're going to release a virus, have people wear masks, won't let you go to the ballgames until you accept a vaccine ID card that's used for the World ID, World Currency.
In Operation Lockstep, in 2011, the Rockefeller Foundation put out a lengthy report that you can go read, and they war-gamed this.
So, again, I wasn't predicting it.
I knew that these were the main war planners of their operation.
But because of so many prominent scientists and researchers and PhDs and medical doctors that did still have a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, They made hundreds of billions of dollars, they got a lot of control, the hoax worked for a while, the pandemic, but then it wore off and now people see the damage that it was really a depopulation program that was just beta testing or testing the perch, like a parrot will check to see if a limb is strong enough to hold it.
That was a beta test for the more powerful viruses and things that they They say are imminently about to appear because of global warming.
It's our fault.
It's going to come out of the jungles, hemorrhagic fever, Marfan's, you name it, you know, all this stuff.
But then once that happens, again, it's all our fault.
But instead, it's really coming out of the laboratories.
And then I got a major whistleblower that I personally, high level TSA, told me in August that by the middle of September, they're going to try to roll out the mask and the protocols when the new booster comes out.
And we got ahead of that.
The public then noticed the next few weeks.
They did begin to roll it out.
It was a massive story.
And I'm very proud of that work.
One of the best things we ever did.
And now, their new attempt at rollout of protocols has been stopped 95%.
But they did indeed try it, which again added incredible credibility.
And then they said, oh, well, Jones said we were going to have the protocols.
No, I said, this is our chance.
To stop them, we have the knowledge.
If people listen, if people watch, then we've got a chance the next few months to stop them because fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
This time we didn't get caught with our feet flat.
And when you get the leaked documents and even the admissions at the World Economic Forum, there's countless videos where they're saying, OK, we weren't able to get world government completely in with COVID.
and global warming's not working either.
So now we're just going to cut the food and water off and have a bunch of big wars.
So they're now out in the open admitting that their plan is failing.
I'm in a very paradoxical conundrum.
I am super thankful to our viewers and listeners for keeping us on air and your support.
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So I'm sitting here thinking, how do I explain to people that InfoWars isn't just some talk show.
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Thank you so much.
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All kids lie.
Even your beloved little Dylan, he lies, okay?
But they lie in a very specific way.
So you come down for breakfast, you open the cabinet, and like half the Oreos are gone.
And you say, Dylan, did you eat an Oreo?
And he's like, uh, no.
You ate an Oreo, didn't you?
Yeah, just one.
Dylan, there are 12 Oreos gone.
Well, maybe two.
You get it.
He's lying.
He knows he's lying.
He's ashamed of what he did.
You caught him.
He's trying to hide it.
He's doubly ashamed you caught him.
And so he's trying to hedge a little bit.
Well, it's not as bad as you think.
Not that bad.
A person only ate two.
He didn't eat 12.
And instead of, you know, smacking him and saying, you liar!
You get it, right?
If Dylan worked in the Biden administration, he would stare right in your eyes and smile and say, I didn't eat any Oreos.
You did.
You ate the Oreos.
You ate the Oreos.
And he would be so calm and unperturbed and so certain of your guilt that in your mind you would think, shit, did I eat the Oreos?
Maybe I did, maybe I sleptwalked.
And there's a child standing there with a cookie.
So you say, what are you doing?
Now this honest child looks at you and says, I was getting a cookie for you!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
It's mind control.
Mind control.
Corruption of your thoughts.
Destruction of your soul.
And then they tell you the self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you don't get rid of your car and eat bugs and not have children or basically commit suicide and euthanize yourself, the earth's gonna end in 2030.
But the world as we know it is gonna end in 2030 with their Post-industrial world, where they have all the industry, all the money, all the power, all the electricity, all the data, all the surveillance, all the robots, all the drones, all the AI, and then we literally have nothing.
This is their plan.
Their war against humanity, their war against renaissance.
That's why the book The Great Awakening needs to go to number one.
It just came out.
My last book went to number one, The Great Reset and The War for the World.
This new book is twice as thick.
As the last book and it spends half the book on positive things and the new renaissance and how we transcend these people and how we defeat them.
So I'd love to push this book to number one because this book needs to be read.
It needs to be seen and I'm very, very proud of it.
We'll post the link in the description for your book right now, of course, Alex.
So what you're saying is, is that the pandemic was an attempt to introduce a good many ideas, the global warming or climate crisis stories.
I have noticed, and of course, part of my modality is to be as circumspect as possible while continually acknowledging something extraordinary and terrifying is happening.
I have noticed that whenever these crises are brought to the forefront, The legislative or regulatory measures that are suggested always are imposed on individuals.
They never say, and that's why these corporations and big institutions are going to stop doing this.
That's why these powerful interests are going to have to be redirected.
It usually comes down to ordinary people are going to have to be controlled in some new ways.
Interesting that that always seems to be the result.
Go ahead, Alex.
And there's one other key point.
The reason I talk fast and get frustrated is there's so much data and you're dead on.
I want to be clear.
The Earth's very strong.
It can regenerate.
Even if we got hit by giant asteroids, it just might take 10 million years.
The Earth, though, for us living on it, if the world was an orange, we're not even the skin of it.
The bottom of the sea up to the highest mountain that life can live on is just a tiny film on the surface of the planet.
Our atmosphere ...is tiny compared to the mass of the planet.
So this is a spaceship, and there is major problems, and we are losing species, and the oceans are polluted, and we are overfishing, and there are all these terrible things happening.
But the globalists set themselves up as the guardians of the Earth, but when you look at the policies, and the lithium mines, and the toxic waste dumping, and the GMOs, and everything they're doing is killing the planet.
So they're not just coming after us, they're coming after everything, and they brag, we're going to rewrite the code, we're going to build a whole new planet, but first we've got to sacrifice the planet.
They don't just want to sacrifice humans.
These Satanists believe their will, their power, their nihilism, must first basically devastate the Earth, and then out of that cataclysm, they will metamorphosize into this uber-mention, the Superman, That will rebuild it.
So they call it creative destruction and they're giving us a self-fulfilling prophecy that the earth's gonna end, we're all gonna die because we're bad and we deserve it.
While the mega corporations doubled their profits during the pandemic.
While the average person lost half their wealth or went into debt.
You can see the direct...
Correlation where hundreds of trillions were transferred to them, hundreds of trillions were taken from us.
You look at the numbers, they're almost identical.
It's like one trillion difference.
So, this is greedy war on the general public by these globalists who, again, call them fascists, call them communists.
They are luciferians that are fascists on the top, the merger of corporate power with the state, who then use a neoliberal We've got a film of socialism and communism saying, oh, things are getting bad.
Capitalism doesn't work when it's been crony capitalism.
And so let's just get rid of that.
We've got a much better system where we cut your resources off to save the earth, but you'll be happy because you'll be drugged out of your mind or you'll be dead.
So they're selling a dystopia, telling us it's our fault.
Well, they transfer everything to themselves and build a utopia for psychotic, greedy satanists.
It is extraordinary that each of these crises in turn do seem to have measurable and demonstrable benefits for some of the most powerful interests on Earth.
A big tech benefit during the pandemic, a big pharma benefit during the pandemic, the military-industrial complex.
Obviously benefit from war that states are able to legitimize new measures and even if it's something as prosaic given the context that we've covered in this conversation as the World Health Organization being able to put forward a treaty that enables them to take a five percent budget from each member state to censor anti-pandemic measure rhetoric in any of those countries to impose mandates for vaccines in any forthcoming potential pandemic which you know and this WHO treaty is being sort of signed up for right now.
It's curious to me that while these centralizing events continue to take place usually in the form of crisis the pandemic wars etc that you say are going to exacerbate and going to lead to control of our food sources and water sources so that's one of the things we're going to have to look out for as well as limitations on people's individual freedom likely in the form of 15-minute cities things are already being discussed Like in the form of forms of digital ID, which we've already discussed, imposition of medical... I mean Oxford's already, Oxford's already bringing in the 15-minute cities.
And just this key point you made, I want to go back to this.
It's demonstrable mathematics.
Every globalist program starves people, creates more poverty, destroys the family, destroys critical infrastructure, while the globalists every time consolidate power and control, and now they say we're going to have reparations, Now they say we're going to transfer the wealth of the rich to you.
What they mean is getting rid of a middle class that actually is a ladder up or a stairway up for poor people.
So absolutely, this is a war against the average person by people that are openly consolidating power and wealth in front of you.
And telling you you're bad and you're dirty and you're evil, and they're doing it for your own good, when they are, again, the most affluent, greedy, horrible people on earth, who have that classic elitist selfishness of loving to recreate feudalism, which is neo-feudalism.
So this is really a neo-feudalistic system.
And if you go back to the movie Zardoz, with Sean Connery, everybody should go watch it in the 1970s.
The Earth's been 99% depopulated.
There are a few hundred globalist elitists who, thousands of years before, were given life-extension technology, and now they have these marauding group of barbarians that this giant floating head flies around above that they worship.
It will then disgorge machine guns and shotguns and hand grenades to these modern Huns.
Who then will go out and make sure that they enslave and depopulate.
But then finally, one of the enforcers for Tsardas decides to actually get on the floating head and go see what's going on, and he finds a bunch of degenerate pedophiles completely out of their minds.
And then that ends the whole cycle.
And so, they told you in that movie what they're going to do, because they've got to give you the fine print, just like the FDA told you months before the shots, everything it would do.
That's fascinating.
Do you think that there is, you know, because on one hand, I would, assuming that you imagine that the function of the mainstream media, including, and perhaps in particular, the Hollywood movie-making machine, is to introduce ideas that placate, distract, numb people, but you think also that sometimes ideas are introduced to normalize an agenda.
Do you imagine that?
There's a very sort of famous thing, I think Massive Attack made it, of the number of images of falling towers that preceded did 9/11.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years, we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the product, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
This really allowed us to survive.
And when it comes to exposing the globalists thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners.
And I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world.
And I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us more than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
I would try them out myself.
And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, the best films.
Really, everything we sell on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
Whether it's the storable foods, Whether it's the water filtration, whether it's the supplements, whether it's the books, the films, they're amongst the very, very best.
And you're funding an operation fighting the globalists.
So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store, whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization and an operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show Funding itself with direct sales and and now more and more doing it because they've been censored they've been shut down so For all the years we've been fighting together I want to thank all the info wars viewers and listeners the M4s family because we're still here because of you and now Christmas
2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas, and a lot of products that have been sold out are now back in stock.
I'm happy to announce we have storewide free shipping, double Patreon points, 10% off when you sign up for AutoShip on your next order.
That way, stuff that's sold out is held back for you, so it's not sold out.
And up to 60% off on these best-selling products.
And finally, TurboForce, 10 hours of clean energy is finally back in stock.
The top of the line, the strongest, the Godzilla of nootropics, of energy, of brain boost, turbo force back in stock.
X2, sold out for more than a year, got a limited supply in.
Unfortunately, it's about to sell out.
Despite that, we've got it at 25% off, but it's going to go to full price before Christmas hits, so take advantage of that right now.
We also have down and out sleep support.
A whole bunch of natural, known, strong, organic compounds that give you deep, restful sleep that's so good for your immune system, your body, everything.
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It's all there at InfoWarStore.com.
You can also call toll-free.
If you'd like to order that way, 888-253-3139.
But these are great products that enrich your life and to keep us on the air.
That's why I coined the term many years ago, 360Win.
This is a non-zero-sum game.
This is beyond symbiotic.
This doesn't just make us all okay.
We work together.
This empowers us all together.
So please do your Christmas shopping at mfootworkstore.com.
Thank you for your support.
God bless.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
A new craze has spread among teenagers and patriots all across America.
The mainstream media is calling it InfoWars Mania.
Millions of listeners are tuning in at InfoWars.com forward slash show to see what the buzz is all about.
Let's take a look now at what's going on everywhere InfoWars can be heard.
No life was saved by Alex Jones.
Despite all the imputations, you know you could just go out and dance to that InfoWall station.
And it was alright (alright)
And did you know it was alright?
point corruption, Monsanto, Aspartame, Poisons in the vaccines.
Pump scanners for kids to get their luck.
Just taxless societies.
Satellite tracking systems.
Cops and black schemers.
Foreign troops.
FEMA camps.
She started dancing to that bad, bad music.
If you don't like the safe, I always don't.
Despite all the computation.
♪ Protection to good just leads us to the infestation ♪ ♪ Baby, it was alright, yeah, it was alright ♪
New World Order, we're coming for you, you hear us?
The globalists, or these dark magicians, wanna be God.
And so to be God, they want to be 360.
They see the world like the Space Shuttle Control Board, where there's all these different political movements and organizations.
Most of them, they don't direct or control, but they can decide what to shut down or what to throttle back or what to promote.
So they're in a Hegelian dialectic manipulating this, so a lot of people in movies and culture, meanwhile, they see a dystopia, so they go make a movie about it, and the establishment doesn't care, because unless it's direct and hitting the conscious mind to activate the subconscious and unconscious, They believe it just predictably programs and normalizes it so that you will accept it and not worry about it.
In fact, I later learned, talking to some top globalists that I off-record have met with, they thought that I was basically doing revelation of the method, not for them, but unconsciously, and that I was more of a court jester, and that I was fulfilling a role to just kind of make everything a joke.
I wasn't doing that on purpose, but they thought I was a joke until 2016.
And so, now they realize they're not God, and movies like Zardoz, and Soylent Green, and V for Vendetta, and The Island, and just countless other ones, they put those out because they wanted to hit movies, and they know the truth of what they're building is going to resonate, because our unconscious and subconscious is hundreds, if not thousands of times more powerful than our limited cerebral cortex focus.
And so they're like moths to flame.
They can't help tell the truth even though they want to lie.
And a lot of them, like Chris Carter, said, hey, Alex Jones is right.
I was approached by the CIA to put out this show about attacking the World Trade Center, but Alex was talking about it in March when I was writing the script.
That's what he said.
He's like, whoa, Jones was saying all this.
And he reached out, like, did the CIA tell you this?
Because the CIA told me to do this.
And I was like, no, I just came up with it.
I mean, I just saw this.
So it was on a timeline while the CIA produced a show about this that airs right before 9-11.
And I'm literally just seeing it and saying it.
Before there were trailers or they'd even put it out.
It was in the ether.
So the globalists don't control it.
They know it's there.
And they're trying to control it, trying to use AI to then scan human consciousness and try to see the algorithms so they can get ahead of it.
But every time...
They try to squash one thing, it's like whack-a-mole, it pops up back here.
And so, that's why they tell the truth in the movies, is so they can also mix in the lies.
But at the end of the day, no one is pure evil, I think, at this level.
And so, people are rebelling against themselves.
That's why a lot of globalists actually kill themselves, or hurt themselves, or will actually turn against the evil and go public when they get killed.
When you're a member of this organization, you leave it.
They think they own you, that's when they kill you.
That's why I've been blessed.
I've never been part of it or ever signed on and ever made an agreement with them because it's metaphysical.
But they, uh, what they do is they basically capture people early for power, get dirt on them and control them, and so many of their minions Don't even want to be part of it now.
So there's a lot of rebellion going on as well.
So it's thousands of different factors, and it's this human struggle, and that evil is not all-powerful.
Evil is only an aberrance going against the main central vision.
And so, that's basically why you see that in Hollywood culture.
Well, that's cool.
That was a lot.
Bleedin' hell, Alex.
Right, so what about... There's a few things I want to say.
A few things I want to ask you about.
I want to ask you about controlled opposition.
It sounds like you were almost being accused of being that, or people assuming that you were sort of like a Jester figure.
I've certainly been accused of being controlled opposition before.
I want to ask you about that moment when like, you know, Trump hit you up from the White House and where you sort of stand on Trump now.
And I also want to ask you about, yeah, that idea of like, are you saying sort of like ethereal interdimensional contracts and decrees?
Oh, or are you saying like literal human politicians get put in sort of Epstein-like binds
where they've been off to some sort of sex island and committed transgressions and it's used to blackmail them
and how widespread do you think that is because I know that's sort of almost one of
the defining tropes of early Alex Jones.
Well, I mean this isn't a completely organized operation.
At the very top it is.
It's more of a philosophy, more of an art form.
So there's many ways they corrupt people.
They approach different people different ways.
And so, you asked something, what was the first part of your question?
I asked first about controlled opposition, then asked about the Trump moment, then I asked about getting politicians in.
Oh yes, the Trump moment, the Trump moment.
I'll go ahead, and again this isn't about me, but this is why the CIA and the Justice Department used me as the first domino.
They even wrote articles about the Wall Street Journal.
We're going to get Assange and Jones, once we get them all the other dominoes will fall.
That was six months before I got deplatformed five years ago.
So they, I mean, I remember seeing a Rand Corporation meeting six years ago at a NATO meeting in Germany.
They had all the big top people from the State Department there and the CIA, and they said, we're going to censor everybody, we're going to take control, we're going to do it in phases, we'll make it about a few figures at first that will demonize, and once people accept that, we'll go after them.
But when people ask am I controlled opposition or loyal opposition, 100% not.
That becomes a distraction so that people don't have to look at what we're actually saying and what we're doing.
But Trump is a very interesting character and he scares the current establishment because they think he's a usurper and he's everything they want to be.
And they think he's somebody even more evil than them that wants to take control.
So they see him as real competition.
But here's what happened with Trump.
And it's currently going on now.
And this is why the globalists hate me because they're reading the emails, they hear the calls.
There were a bunch of speechwriters and people around Trump and another branch, which wasn't the Q thing.
The Q thing was a false expression of this, but there really was branches of the intelligence agencies.
Groups that don't want to sell out to the Chinese model of the New World Order.
They want to have an Americana New World Order.
And there's a plan to not have an Americana New World Order, but have this European-Chinese globalist amalgamation.
And so there's struggles within the global power structure of who's going to be on top.
And so Trump was recruited into all of this.
And so up to like three years before he ran, Yeah, he was given briefings.
He was shown basically the script.
He already is pro-America and does believe in prosperity and doesn't like the globalist model of austerity.
So he's legitimate in that level.
And so that he was given basically The script to follow that was written, I don't know who wrote it, about 70% of what I say and what I do.
And so the globalist other arm figured out, and I was talking to Trump during the election way before he got out of the White House.
And I talked to the speechwriters and stuff that were there, and they listen to the show daily.
And right now, Trump's chief advisor, I'm not gonna say his name, nobody really talks about him and won't say his name, he's a daily listener.
And so they tune into the show, they create transcripts of it.
And then they also send me stuff, and I usually agree with it, and I'll talk about it as well.
And so, the media came out and said, Alex Jones is Trump's brain, and Alex Jones is this horrible demon trying to then hurt Trump.
And I really wasn't Trump's brain, but I was being used as one aspect to be able to sell the populist movement.
And I kind of figured this out right around the time he got elected.
And then I liked a lot of what he was doing, didn't like a lot of what he was doing.
(gentle music)
(water splashing)
People on the street, and also folks that call on the show,
constantly give me credit and say, Oh, you're so wonderful.
No, you're great.
You're wonderful for keeping us on the air and spreading the word.
Our real power is you, the audience of activists, the men and women in the arena.
And I thank you all and I salute you all for your support.
Look at the huge whistleblowers now going public on the COVID poison shots and on human sex slavery and trafficking.
The globalists are in deep trouble.
And that's because of good men and women in government, in the private sector, blowing the whistle.
And the only way the information gets out is we, the people, all of you, sharing the information, taking clips, taking the articles, taking the videos.
It really is changing the world.
Thomas Jefferson said the only way that tyrants can flourish and prevail over humanity Well, we are the good men and women, and we are not doing nothing.
We are taking action.
So, Christmas 2023 is already here.
Hard to believe we're just a few weeks away from Christmas, and that means every year we have the biggest sales of the year.
But this is the biggest sale hands down ever because so many of the products that have been sold out with supply chain breakdowns and other issues are finally in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
So we have store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points, an additional 10% off when you sign up for auto ship on your next order, cancel anytime, and things like X2 and Turbo Force.
Sold out for many months.
X2 for over a year.
Finally back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have Vazzo Beats that has nitrous oxide.
It produces that in your blood that cleans out your blood into so much, just like Nitrate Boost does.
Another great product at InfoWarsTore.com.
They just both do it from two different herbal directions.
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, we are changing the world together.
We're having a massive effect.
But even if we weren't, We would still expose evil.
We would still fight evil because God is watching and that's our job.
We don't do this for other people.
We don't do this to look like the best guys around.
We don't do it to show off like we're heroes.
We do it because the children need to be protected and God is watching.
So for myself and the whole crew, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air the last almost 30 years.
It'll be 30 years in April of 2024, just three months away.
And I want to encourage you now, all, To go to InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of these amazing products.
I mean, up to 60% off on so many of them, like BrainForce Plus and BrainForce Ultra.
People ask me, which one's better?
They're two different formulas, get different people different.
One's fast-acting, only lasts a few hours.
The other's not fast-acting, lasts four or five hours.
They're different formulas, folks, so different people like different ones.
Plus is great.
Rain Force Ultra is great.
Turbo Force is just over the top.
It's so strong, I can't even take it.
DNA Force Plus, about to sell out.
We've got Ultra 12, the highest quality B12, about to sell out.
40% off.
Still on sale.
Real Red Bull Plus.
40% off.
50% off.
Down on sleep support.
It's all there and so much more.
50% off.
So if you've never tried Turbo Force, Get some today while you still can.
If you've never tried X2, get it while you still can.
But I'm telling you, people know it's a great product.
It took us over a year to get it.
It's finally back in stock.
We should have been able to get more, but we weren't because of funding.
It's going to be sold out for five, six months now.
And if we just had enough X2, our funding problems would be solved.
But all I'm saying is, you will want X2.
You will want to experience X2.
X2 and Turbo Force are back in stock for a limited time.
I want you to have a safe and wonderful...
Pro-family, pro-God, pro-America, pro-humanity Christmas.
God bless and thank you for your support.
Ho ho ho ho!
Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
He's going the distance. He's going for speed.
She's all alone, all alone in a time of need.
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course.
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He's going the distance.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
When they actually came after him and tried to destroy him, Trump has now become a born-again Christian behind the
Has all these faith healers and preachers come in almost every day.
And they do these energetic meetings and Trump now literally believes in Jesus.
So they've radicalized Trump, okay, because he was, I think, Luciferian dialed in, but not fully under the devil's control.
So whereas I got out of the devil's control when I was like 18, Trump's trying to get out of the devil's control About four or five years ago.
That's why you hear him talk about God more and all this.
But I know the people behind the scenes.
I'll leave it at that.
I've been out to Florida.
I'll leave it at that.
But I mean, Trump is...
Not in a mainline Christian view, but in an energetic view, really awake now.
That's why he talks about the deep state, the new world order, they're planning to destroy you.
He knows he got set up with a shot.
He's halfway come out against it.
And so now they're really horrified of Trump because, you know, before he just wanted to be the turnaround guy, the corporate leader that saved America, saved the world, just did a great job.
And for him, he's really into optimism, really into Positive thinking.
That was the old Trump, you know, that listened to all those famous tapes and read all those famous books by, you know, people that were all about positivity.
But now he's transcended just being about positivity into something messianic, which, I mean, if you get a snapshot of Trump, he's a dark person, but also, I mean, look, Look, if anybody can be the Antichrist, and I don't think he's the Antichrist, but he's the type of person, also Elon Musk.
I mean, there's some definite dark energy around Trump.
And I know if I was ever controlled opposition, it was unwittingly being sucked into it.
And I think the jury's out on Trump, but they are definitely scared of him.
So, Russell, I wish I could give you a definitive thing, but Trump Looks like what a Luciferian wishes they look like.
The confidence, the unending energy, the masculine pride, the determination, the dauntlessness of it.
Trump is...
You know, got the Scott and German genes.
You know, he's got what it takes.
And he has been to the fire and he's not back down.
And he loves the energy he's getting.
And so, whatever's going on with him, it scares this current crop of Obama and the King of England.
I mean, what a joke.
And all these people that didn't build it themselves.
Trump really is a guy that never ran for office and won the presidency.
And so they just hate everything about him.
But I think he's extremely dangerous.
And I think this whole thing is extremely dangerous.
And I pick up some really pulsating energies from him, like good energy, God energy, Christ energy, devil energy, Lucifer energy.
And so there's like a vortex around Trump that I'm not able to pierce.
And that's what concerns me.
My God.
Alex, One of the things that's terrifying about this current time is that it's the constant tendency towards division.
The pandemic period created a lot of conflict and tribalism.
This war and the way that it kind of... I don't even just mean the war itself and its long history and all of its complexity, but the way that it's being rendered and reported.
Opportunities for people to unite and consider the potential that there is a global establishment that is creating a dominator class, pursuing an agenda that's at odds and antithetical to the interests of most people on Earth.
It's curious that as this situation escalates, as the world gets ever closer to, as you say, a dystopia and an apocalyptic vision, it's more and more difficult to find ways to unify people.
Find ways to put, to invite people to put aside their cultural identities, racial, religious identities and form new alliances.
Do you think that what has to be proposed are new decentralized models where it becomes accepted that different cultural groups are going to live differently as presumably we long did in Previous incarnations of civilization, and I'm not talking about Atlantis type stuff, I'm saying, like, earlier in our human trajectory, we would have lived more tribal lives, unified, but decentralized.
Is that something that we can offer the world when it comes to talking about solutions?
Because in a sense, otherwise, Alex, we're giving more and more esoteric and occasionally very brilliant and very vivid, lurid and livid Apocalyptic visions that still seem to be conveying a terrifying endgame event.
Oh, I want to be clear.
At the end of an age, I don't mean this is some new agey thing, but I mean, the fourth turning, all the scientists, sociologists, a political analyst, political scientist agree, we're at a
mega global realignment.
We're at a mega turning.
We're headed towards a singularity.
And so everything is compressed, everything accelerates.
And because of that, we're coming to the end of the old order.
Doesn't mean the end of the world, but for the globalists, they're threatening the end of the world if they don't have control into the next level, because the life extension, the incredible super sciences, the free energy, they want to cut all the energy off now and kind of create a feudal system where only city-states, that's their model, and they talk about that in Rollerball, came out in the 1970s with James Caan, excellent film, where there'll be no more nations, just cities.
Like 15 cities worldwide that have the resources.
We see this in Hunger Games.
That is actually revelation.
Of the method where they have super advanced technology, but then the public can't even have toilet paper or running water.
That is the new world order.
And so, yes, it's apocalyptic to see this all happening, but this is their attempt to bring in this dystopia.
But our psychic will and understanding has already understood this and has been ready for it for thousands of years before we make the jump to the next level.
And so I don't want to be apocalyptic.
That was your answer on the apocalyptic.
You say so many great questions.
What was the last part?
Can you offer a vision of decentralization where people have autonomy, democracy, personal... Yes.
Everybody instinctively knows this.
That's why all over the world there's an exodus out of the cities.
that are the control grid. Cities were crime, fun stuff, people, but cities were controlled by what
the public wanted and our desires. Now they become the incubation centers, the beta testing centers
for total enslavement, eugenics, depopulation. Everybody instinctively knows, I wish I could
get to the country. That's the instinctive thing, like the Bible says, when Antichrist comes,
run to the hills. So yes, we're epigenetically used to being around people like us.
It's not a racist thing in genetic studies, you name it, of rats, of dogs, of pigs, of whales.
They like things that are closely resembling them.
It's not like incest where they want to be with their sister or their cousin, but their third cousin.
And so people are more comfortable in their own groups.
It doesn't mean that other people don't then join other groups, and over time the groups will come together.
But any quick bringing the groups together will create cataclysm and destruction and total war.
Even Henry Kissinger admits that.
They're doing that for destabilization.
But I see us creating new tribes off of the basis of our old tribes of, I'm in the farmer tribe, or I'm in the mechanic tribe, or I'm in the locally built car tribe.
I'm in, and so people leave, they get self-sufficient, you don't have to be self-sufficient in everything, you know how to fix cars, you know how to do electricity, you live in the country, you then barter for beef and for vegetables and for, you know, You cleaning services, whatever it is, you learn how to grow a garden.
And so we need to become self-sufficient, do what the Amish have done, do what the Mennonites have done.
They're going to be the future.
It doesn't mean you're a troglodyte that isn't engaged in technology, but you limit it as dangerous.
Weapon system that you're plugging into the matrix.
When you go in, it's a serious mission.
But I would say 80% of average person's time should be spent on barefoot in the grass, planting crops, taking care of children, singing songs, staring at the stars, fishing, you know, passionate love with your wife and your husband, you know, passionate, you know, taking care of old people.
We've got to have empathy and love and that resonance of sacrifice and that everyone's going to want to sacrifice to us and it creates this feedback loop of total victory.
So absolutely the answer is respect people that want to be in their own group and then but no group then should be run over by the other group.
And that's why they're picking off because 93% of the world's not white.
That's why you hear whites are bad, whites are evil.
And it's a bunch of old white men saying that because they want to organize all the brown people to come pull down what's left of the West because that is a new renaissance ladder that could actually unify the planet.
And that model cannot exist for their dystopian model.
Uh, to be able to take over.
So, we're the cure, they're the virus, so we have love, and we reach out, and we have cultural exchange, but we guard our cultures, and defend it, and promote it, just like the Jews have done, and make our culture strong, because it's the strongest thing we have, is the connection to our ancestors, and that is really the brain trust, the genetic trust, and we celebrate that.
But if you choose, because you love somebody that's another color, another culture, do that!
But at the same time, recognize some people are going to want to be in their own group and celebrate that as well.
And then when someone wants to leave that group or be part of something or create a new group, we should also celebrate that as well.
As long as the new groups don't attack and say the other groups don't have a right to exist, that's genocide.
And the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the EU are literally teaching that white people are inherently bad because of what color they are.
That is Hitlerianism inverted.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But, despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and it's almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air, a signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
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