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Name: 20231224_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 24, 2023
1521 lines.

In this excerpt from InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses free speech and censorship in media while highlighting his own experience with being silenced by big tech platforms. He praises Elon Musk's actions in countering this issue through the purchase of Twitter and the reinstatement of banned users like himself. Jones also talks about unity among people, community notes on Twitter, Minuteman Coffee, globalists, water consciousness, PR firms, expanding human civilization, and promoting products available at InfowarsStore.com. Throughout the conversation, he emphasizes the importance of allowing people to speak their opinions without being silenced while discussing various topics such as globalist agendas, deception by governments and organizations, and the need for humanity's expansion into other planets.

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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
What a legend!
The war is now.
The new world order foretold in Revelation is upon us.
Time to wield the blade.
The horsemen are drawing nearer.
Let us steeds they ride.
They come to take your life.
On to the dead of night!
You see the four horsemen ride, so choose your fate!
You've been dying since the day you were born, you know it's all been planned.
Center once a sinner twice you need no confession now Horseman a drawing mirror
You will be tested and you will face death.
It is the great equalizer.
Honor the dead of night!
You see the four horsemen ride!
Choose your fate!
Oh yeah!
Alright, we're gonna go to break in a few minutes.
We're gonna come back with the big Elon Musk, Alex Jones.
General Flynn, Patrick Bent David, Vivit Rameshwani, the list goes on and on.
Mark Dice, they do not want you to hear this.
It got 20 million views, hundreds of millions of views, the clips, it's all coming up.
If I were the devil, if I were the prince of deception, I'd want to shroud the world in unyielding darkness.
I'd seize control over the lands and masses, but I wouldn't be satisfied until I had quashed the boldest voice of truth.
Info Wars.
So I'd work meticulously to control the world.
I'd target platforms like Info Wars first.
I'd initiate a campaign of silence.
With the subtlety of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, believe only what you're told.
To the young I would whisper, InfoWars is a fake news conspiracy theory network.
I would convince them that man needs no alternate perspectives, no dissenting voices, no questions against the status quo.
I would assure them that InfoWars is false, and what's approved is true, and the old I would teach to say after me, our father which art in censorship.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have people at war with InfoWars, platforms at war with free speech, and nations at war with freedom of thought, until each in its turn was uniform.
If I were the devil, I would undermine platforms like InfoWars from being a refuge for the inquisitive until before you knew it, you'd have suppression and censorship at every door.
Soon, I'd have unity and misinformation.
I'd have influential figures promoting a single narrative.
Soon, I could evict InfoWars from social media, then from search engines.
And then from the homes of patriots, I would lure society into believing only one perspective, dismissing info wars as falsehood.
And what do you bet I could get whole states to promote uniformity as progress?
I would convince the young that independent platforms are outdated, that compliance is more comfortable, that what you see in the mainstream media is the only perspective.
In other words, If I were the devil, I wouldn't want you to visit infowars.com forward slash show today I wish I could tell you more pertinent news, but we're in a rating system here and the key factor is Sensationalism they've got you running in circles nine to five and five to nine
You're mine.
I tell you what they want you to know, and you consider it the truth.
Nobody is opening their eyes!
Our global economy is depleting the world of our lives and natural resources!
And are you happy?
Come on!
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And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
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It's Sunday, December 24th, 2023, Christmas Eve.
You are listening to an Infowars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Think how pathetic the globalist control freaks are, trying to tell us not to even say Christmas.
Look how far they've sucked us down into their mind control.
But we're waking up from it and we're breaking free.
All right.
About a week and a half ago, almost two weeks ago, I get a call by one of the biggest people on X and they say, hey, you want to be on tomorrow with Elon Musk?
He's going to go on with you if you're ready.
I said, yeah.
We did almost three hours.
Elon was on for two and a half.
It was incredible.
And where else do you get 20 million views on a digital phone system?
And as of today, there's 20-plus million views just of the main interview, over 100 million views just on X of clips.
But I thought, why not on Christmas Eve play, we're not going to play the whole two and a half hours, the show's only two hours long, but big excerpts.
We're going to hear about an hour and a half of this tonight.
And sometimes the audio is great, sometimes it's a little weird, but it doesn't matter.
It's real, and it's the future of media.
Remember, the average CNN show has about 100,000 viewers.
This got 10 million that first day, another 10 million over the next week, and it'll continue just to grow.
It's insane.
That's why the EU is coming after Elon Musk right now, because of this.
So, here it is.
Large excerpts of this extravaganza of free speech.
Alex, welcome to X. How are you?
Thanks for having me.
Just so I don't get in trouble or Chase Geyser doesn't get in trouble, I'm going to really try to follow all the rules so they can't try to get me off with all the complaints that the woke thought police engaged in.
Chase Geyser works here at InfoWars.
He's co-hosting with me tonight on my regular show at InfoWars.
I've been very happy to come on.
I know this is one of the biggest spaces here on Twitter, so I'm very honored to be here.
And then I've been frantically trying to get on, but I think the code hasn't propagated yet.
I'm not an IT guy, but I think the code hasn't propagated because I'm still locked out of a lot of features and a lot of things, and I was unable to get verified today until Jack Posobiec called some folks he knew at Twitter, and they were able to even allow me to get on the Twitter.
So I'm I'm here.
And as soon as they fix that glitch, I'll be glad to call in from my phone.
But for now, I'm with Chase Geiser.
First, I want to applaud you for coming here.
You could have gone anywhere, but you came on a platform that, you know, we ask the hard questions.
We always try to represent all sides of every discussion and avoid echo chambers.
And that was the first place you came on as you got reinstated on X. So I want to applaud that step.
First question I have for you.
How does it feel to be back?
Well, I've got to say it's it's not about me.
It's about everybody having the courage to stand up for free speech, particularly Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson and others.
And because when we put up with somebody else being censored for whatever reason the media says, or whether something they said that was wrong or something that hurts our feelings, when we censor somebody else or go along with it, we end up censoring Everybody else, including ourselves.
So I want to applaud everybody for after five, six years of this nightmare for waking up to the truth of what's really going on.
And so it's very exciting.
I feel like the tide has really turned.
And I'm not just seeing this, you know, here in cyberspace on Twitter, which is obviously exploded and just is dominating while the old big tech dinosaurs die because they are like Pravda, the old Soviet Union.
So it's very, very exciting.
To be part of history, but really this isn't about me.
This is about the public recognizing that the process that was used to demonize me, misrepresent what I said and did, and then silence me, and then build straw men.
Once they silence you off all major platforms, they're able to then steal your identity and then turn you into something you weren't with edited clips and out of context stuff.
And now even everybody's experiencing it as prominent with these deep fakes.
So that's why it's so important that everybody Have a voice even we disagree with them because we need to hear what they actually have to say in real time, especially in this so connected world because this is the real discrimination of the future with these social credit scores and AI systems is using excuses to block humans off the web, but then giving bots free reign.
That's another visionary thing that Elon Musk has done is declare war on the bots, declare war on robots.
That are stealing identities and masquerading as humans.
That's really critical.
So, one thing I did in a post today, and I think Tucker was the first one to do this, and not only calling you the most censored man on the planet, he said that you were, I think, the first major personality to be censored by big tech.
And he told a story on how Tim Cook had a meeting with other platforms in 2017, end of 2017, and they made the decision to censor you not only from social media platforms, But that included your bank account, that included everything.
Can you tell us more about the platforms that censored you, the excuse that they gave, and the experience that you went through?
I think that was back in August of 2017-18.
I don't remember the exact date, but it was in August.
And I normally get up at about four in the morning, so I got up, got a cup of coffee, turned the computer on, and I had hundreds of messages saying it was just announced you were banned.
And Tim Cook said, yeah, we had our weekend meeting, and I met with the other heads of Big Tech and we decided to curate like it's a museum.
And I'm a museum piece that he just took out and put something else in there.
You know, a nice word for liquidating.
And then they really didn't have excuses for why they did it.
They used some really, really strange excuses that I was rude to a CNN reporter, Oliver Darcy, and that I'd also beat up a child in Missouri because the guy looked like me, but it was on ABC News.
It was just really, really, really flimsy reasons.
And then I was taken off.
We lost most of our software that we were already paying for.
We lost our shopping cart software.
We lost the sub software.
We lost LinkedIn.
We lost over a hundred things.
And then we lost our banking.
We launched our, uh, uh, our credit card processor.
We lost over a hundred things in the next week or two.
Uh, and it was really, really intense.
And then.
Then they had, we later learned, I'm not going to say names or even get into it because that's what they want attention.
But we learned there was a big, powerful New York PR firm that actually does the PR for the UN and also for some of the CIA operations.
And that's really what we're talking about here.
That's all come out in Congress now.
And then they went and dredged up stuff in my timeline, out of context, blew it up times a million, and then said that I was currently doing things I'd never done.
Just outrageous, horrible things, but notice never proof, never a clip, never a video, never anything.
And so other than like three second clips out of context, so I was unable to defend myself.
And so they were able to then create this new Alex Jones.
But then I was very blessed over the next five years.
The public really on their own, because they kept demonizing, kept attacking, sent them thousands of articles a week, hundreds of TV programs a week, I'm not exaggerating, I mean, AP articles syndicated in every newspaper in the country, at least once a week, and Daily Mail attack pieces every week, just thousands and thousands and thousands of articles, like I was a third world country they were about to invade.
There was that much propaganda, but it wasn't as they were really that scared of me, They knew, in documents that later came out, that once they used me as a training tool, like a chew toy for attack dogs, that once the public got scared and didn't defend me and self-censored and didn't promote me, then they could move on to everybody else.
So I was simply the first big domino to fall.
And then once they did that, they were able to take the whole thing over.
And since then, I mean, they had NATO summits five years ago saying, we got Alex Jones, and now we're going to get everybody.
We're going to basically shut down left, right, everybody.
We're going to bring in total control.
The internet will soon be like Netflix.
There'll only be approved channels and approved programs.
These are quotes.
And so I was there on still some talk radio stations and my own website, InfoWars.com.
Desperately trying to explain, look, they're having congressional hearings about AI censoring people.
They're having EU and NATO meetings.
Here are the documents.
Here are the videos.
And they were so confident then because no one was talking about it in cyberspace and was just little pockets talking about it.
So they got away with it.
But then they got so arrogant.
With the Hunter Biden laptop and with what we saw in the build up to 2020 and after that, and then they censored so many tens of millions of people, really more than that, and removed billions of posts.
On questioning COVID origins, or questioning the Libya pullout, or questioning open borders, that it just infuriated the public because they went too far.
And then people went back and said, oh, well, what happened to Alex Jones?
And so they basically dug me up, exhumed me, and did an autopsy and found out that I was just the first test subject.
And so quite frankly, I'm just very honored for everybody's support and people seeing through this.
I'm certainly not perfect, but 99% of what people hear about me is not true.
It's the same thing they do to Elon, where he says nice things, and then they lie and say, Elon Musk just said this.
And then you spend an hour trying to find where he actually said what he said, and you finally find it, and it's the opposite.
And so I'm telling you folks, that's what they do.
They completely twist everything, and I think So many people got a large serving of what I had, that there was a lot of camaraderie.
And quite frankly, everybody are veterans.
I wouldn't call us victims, but we're veterans of real information war now.
We've all had a real chance to experience it.
And so it's a major tide turning point.
I know that like a poison battery, they charged me up with so much negativity, such a straw man lie, such a horrible, terrible demon.
That Elon knew that if he brought me back early, I think that that would have been too far because the public wasn't educated yet, and he had to free the rest of the captives first.
But I think as more evidence came out, he made that bold move that these people are, there's never enough censorship.
You never can bend enough to them.
You never can compromise with them.
They never compromise with us.
So you finally reach that, well, you moment.
So I think that's the shot heard around the world.
I think that Well, I think he said that yesterday.
completely turned when Elon Musk said go f*** yourself you can mark that day as a shot heard
around the world in the info war and when we turn the tide.
Now that you're back do you expect Elon who also quote I think he replied to Brian who's on stage
one of his replies he said I expect revenue to potentially drop from this decision do you
expect there to be attacks or pressure on Elon after he reinstated you? Well I think he said that
yesterday he I don't I don't have the the comment on x in front of me but he basically said it's it's
the right thing to do because the principle and it's also what the majority of the vote
said so this probably will hurt x monetarily but justice be done may the heavens fall
But at the end of the day, it already has way more traffic, way more people, it's avant-garde, it's revolutionary.
It's rebel, it's maverick, and that's what Elon Musk has always said he is, and he's done all these maverick things, and people always say, well, he didn't really do that.
But I went back and researched, and he did do that.
All these incredible successes.
I'm not kissing his ass, it's true.
And the fact that he could take over Twitter, free it, and bring back one of the most demonized people, if not the most demonized, in the world, talk about a witch hunt, shows he put his
money where his mouth is and is the maverick's maverick. I mean, nobody can argue now that this
guy is not cutting edge maverick.
And so I think he understands that that's where this is going. And he's gambling on free humanity.
He's betting.
He's betting on humanity.
So I didn't think that Musk was... I mean, I knew he was a maverick, but I didn't know that he was, like, top gun.
I'm just being serious.
So I said, look, I understand he knows I've been so demonized, so lied about.
They built me into the devil's devil at an emotional level with so many people that they will absolutely come after him.
At a never-before-seen level, this happens.
And the ADL, the CIA, and the Justice Department, and the Southern Primary Law Center and Media Matters, they were already doing it when I was taping the interview like three weeks ago.
But since then...
All those big establishment sponsors who are already being boycotted by the American people, by the way.
So they're losing literally hundreds of billions of dollars in the aggregate because the people are boycotting them, as Elon said.
Well, now they're trying to bully Elon to bully the American people, the people of the world.
So he said, go f*** yourself.
And I can't speak for Elon.
Maybe he'll call in.
But I think as soon as they did that to him, even though he tried to basically work with them, was being very, very fair and, you know, I think really cleaned up, you know, You know, the thing of bots and things like that.
As soon as they doubled down, he said, you know what?
Screw you.
I'll go ahead then and release the cracking.
And it's not that I'm that good on Twitter or that I'm even that great of a talk show host.
It's the symbol of what they built of Alex Jones is now an archetype of the rebel populist and what the establishment fears.
And so what Elon did was really throw down the gauntlet.
But do you think it's enough?
And I'm focusing heavily on censorship because there's a lot of things we're going to discuss here with us for a while.
But I'm focusing on this because I do think it's one of the biggest threats that people are not paying attention to.
To have a small amount of, to see what happened to you, to what happened to Tate as well most recently, a small group of people that can make a decision to not only de-platform someone but essentially almost wipe them out from existence.
Now obviously X and Rumbler are making that difficult for them.
It is a threat to democracy, something that people are not talking about and something that hasn't stopped.
But do you think it's enough for Elon's doing and Rumble's doing on a much smaller scale?
I mean, what Elon Musk is doing, and I'm not trying to gush here, but it is 1776 2.0.
It is grand.
It is amazing.
You asked the question earlier, you know, is he in danger?
I think Elon's dad is right.
I mean, If you don't think Trump's in danger for what he's doing, and I'm not saying he's perfect, but he's definitely anti-establishment, you're crazy.
If you don't think Elon isn't in physical danger for what he's doing, he is directly taking on the old Rodding corporate mega bank, BlackRock establishment that's trying to bring in a world government, cashless society, social credit score, ESTs, all of this.
And he's trying to create, as he said, an alternate plan for history.
But instead of forcing it down our throats, he's trying to offer people to come to the table and all of us collectively through free market competition, add our two cents and build something that's America 2.0 or America, you know, intergalactic, you know, 100.0.
And so, I mean, I've always liked Elon Musk because I would hear him talking five, six, seven years ago, and I thought that's exactly how I think on so many issues.
I disagree with some things he did, but I've seen his evolution into understanding that you can't work with this establishment anymore.
They're too stagnant.
They're too detached from reality.
They're dangerous.
And it's time for a new guard.
It's time for new leadership.
Or the energy of Donald Trump.
It's that in and of itself threatens the establishment.
They have all these layers of bureaucracy so they can deny culpability for the terrible things they're doing.
And because of opening up X, it's changed the world.
And we've seen the traffic explode.
We've seen the engagement explode.
And we've seen it accelerate the collapse of the other big tech media operations.
Because they can only survive when there's no competition.
And I know Elon doesn't want to collapse them.
He wants to work with them.
But they were trying to collapse the Western system of an open, free society, branding it as a neoliberal, open, free society, when it's really a giant totalitarian fraud.
And so I'm just excited to be here at the dawn of 1776 Part 2.
Now, there's going to be bumps.
There's going to be a lot of problems in the way.
Biden just said last week, and it was confirmed to also be told to Congress by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
That if they do not give another $106 billion to Ukraine, we're going to have U.S.
troops dying soon on the ground.
Your sons, your daughters, your nephews.
That's what Lloyd Austin told Congress in a closed session, but it was told directly by a congressman, word for word, that wrote it down to Tucker Carlson.
And so these people are now threatening nuclear blackmail.
If we don't keep their money laundering operation going, it's got to end.
It's got to stop now.
And the world sees that and the world knows that.
So I think instead of this even being a political movement, it's a worldwide renaissance 2.0 that simply doesn't want to blow the planet up and just wants common sense and wants all the crazy, Hitlerian, Napoleonic, corporate war games to end.
And so I just think that sanity is beginning to flood back into the discourse.
You've got people that are dinosaurs when it comes to tech who don't understand any of it.
And you have a judiciary that's the same.
And so it's the blind leading the blind.
And they don't understand that a new government, a multinational technocracy, has already basically taken the world over.
Now, they're starting to catch up really quick.
But, you know, I know Jack Sposobic's on here.
Jack has been in intelligence.
He's connected to so many things going on.
And Jack has been warning for six months that Biden would threaten physical war right before the election.
Biden represents The worst war hawks, the people that took us to all these illegal wars, the people that killed millions of Iraqis with sanctions, Madeleine Albright, the Democrats, the Republicans.
Let's not forget Madeleine Albright on 60 Minutes was asked by Leslie Stahl, OK, you guys tripled the sanctions that George Herbert Walker Bush had on before.
And over a million Iraqis have died, a half million of them children.
That number later doubled to a million children, a million adults, not debated.
And they said, is that a good price to pay?
And she said, yes, it's a good price to pay.
We basically do it again.
Now, that's the mindset of the Republican Democrat Warhawk leadership that is so crazy.
They've been putting out white papers that are being circulated by the highest levels of the Pentagon that nuclear war is survivable.
So all I'm saying is, is that we have to get control of our governments again to literally stop them destroying the planet.
And I don't think I'm exaggerating to say that.
And Jack's been warning about this.
Hey, Mario.
Hey, Alex.
Great to see you back here on X in its new iteration.
And I do think that Because we face such a complex and unique series of threats right now, one of which I would include, and I would not put it beyond, this current establishment to find an excuse to, as we saw in 2020, they used the crisis of COVID to change the way that we hold elections fundamentally in the United States, right?
That's without question.
They did do that.
That they would look or seek for a crisis on a military, right, on a military footing to, whether it be Gaza, whether it be Ukraine, whether it be a crisis involving the Taiwan Strait, whether it be something else that we haven't even talked about at this point, to then go in and find a new way to put controls on our election.
Because look, you know, I was with President Trump last night in New York.
We had a huge gala dinner.
And we talked about the importance of this next election and how it really plays into the censorship and these ideas of what the What the ability of the distribution channels of truth are.
And so, whether or not you have someone who has an opinion on, okay, I'm a Trump supporter, I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm an Alex Jones supporter, I'm not an Alex Jones supporter, I'm pro-Ukraine, I'm pro-Russia, I'm pro-Israel, I'm pro-Gaza, whichever it is, if you don't have one central hub, as Alex just said, That's allowing for these ideas and allowing for this information to be disseminated.
And you've got people that decide that they can put their finger on the trigger and take out somebody like Alex Jones, who was the first one to do this.
I mean, Alex, I was with you the day this happened down there in Congress.
That was the picture I posted of the two of us.
Because this has been the problem since really 2018.
And if Trump hadn't, because people need to remember, What the internet was like before Trump won the election.
It really wasn't Trump won the election.
Because you had the head of Google go up there and say on election night In an internal meeting, and Alan Bakari at Breitbart has the video on this, said, we will not let this happen again.
Big Tech said, we will not let a populist uprising take over and put a candidate in office.
Left or right, they said they will choose from now on.
And that's when the censorship industrial complex began.
So prior to Alex Jones' Just really public execution in terms of the digital square.
It was a digital public execution that we saw.
Prior to that, the idea that people would be getting suspended on Twitter, you know, Twitter 1.0, or even Facebook or YouTube or any of these things, it was ridiculous.
You had to either You know, really, you know, seriously violate terms of service, death threats, doxing.
That was pretty much it.
That was pretty much the only thing, or like actually hacking the system was the only thing to get you out.
But when they did that to Alex Jones, it fundamentally changed the way that we operate on social media and the way that we share information.
And up until the point where Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and transforming it now into X, we have not had the ability to freely share information.
We'll be right back with more of Elon Musk X's, Elon Musk Spaces on X. There's so much more about to discuss.
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I want to make a quick note here.
It is wonderful.
It is a very good reason for celebration that Alex Jones is back.
The InfoWars account is officially back.
But I want to make the point that InfoWars was not created on Twitter.
This is not something that we need.
It's amazing to think that since we've been kicked off of Twitter, not only have we continued to exist, we have continued to thrive despite the censorship.
Now that the censorship has in part been lifted, We'll only see this power grow and expand and become even more dominant, but thanks to you going to InfoWarsStore.com, thanks to you supporting us and keeping us on air and going to InfoWars.com and sharing the articles, or going to Band.Video and sharing the videos, we have not required permission from Big Tech.
to succeed and spread our message.
So thank you for your participation in this and for keeping us on air and in the fight
on our own systems, as well as now on the big tech systems that we once so thoroughly dominated and will again soon.
If by Rudyard Kipling, if you can keep your head when all about you
are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
but make allowance for their doubting too, if you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
or being lied about, don't deal in lies, or being hated, don't give way to hating,
and yet don't look too good nor talk too wise.
If you can dream, and not make dreams your master.
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn out tools.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Daddy, Mommy, for Christmas I want America back in free speech.
Well, honey, we're going to do our best to try to do that for you.
But you know, Santa Claus can't do that.
Only we can, working through God and hard work.
Just like the one...
All right, let's get back to this Spaces on X historic, record-breaking interview.
Hundreds of millions of views, the clubs.
20 million views, the full show.
And we're not airing the whole thing here.
We'll post it at Infowars.com on the live show feed for this Christmas Eve transmission if you want to listen to the entire two-hour, 49-minute transmission.
But here is more large excerpts of this historic discussion.
Up until the point of Elon Musk purchasing Twitter and transforming it now into X, we have not had the ability to freely share information.
And that's why, in the past year, it's basically been about a year and change since he purchased it, that's why you've suddenly started to see people, and not even just on X, but out in the real world, out in normal conversations, we're finally starting to move past that point of intense censorship, where if you've lived in any country, That has an authoritarian regime, you know that the censorship isn't external, it's internal.
So it's internal, it's in your mind, you know you're not allowed to hold certain opinions, you know you're not allowed to say certain things, and so you censor yourself before you speak.
And so Alex, I just commend you for being able to always walk through these things, to never stop fighting, and then, you know, really just you have to look at Elon Musk and say thank you for what he has done Again, I literally don't say this to sound like I love everybody and I'm this gracious guy.
This is not about me, it's about all of us.
But once you get censored and once people are scared to defend you, they can lie about you, they can attack you, they can demonize you.
But more importantly, I was then used as a tool To scare everybody else and say, look what we did to Alex Jones.
You better behave yourself or we'll Alex Jones you.
And of course, I love Twitter.
It's my favorite platform, even though I've not been on there for years.
I'm on it morning, noon and night, getting news, reading things, seeing what's happening.
And I can't tell you the tens of thousands of times.
I mean, I'd see it a hundred times a day.
Establishment leftists, but this is bipartisan tyranny, also established Republicans saying, you're going to get it like Alex Jones.
We're going to Alex Jones all of you.
So these totalitarians were tearing out a tried and trusted formula.
Another example of someone that's gone through the same thing is obviously Andrew Tate, which you retweeted earlier.
We've got Tristan on stage.
Tristan, we've got Alex Jones back on X. We'd love your thoughts on your experience getting censored and congratulations on finally being able to walk free.
My quick thoughts on Alex Jones being reinstated to X. To be fair, today has been the happiest day of my life this year.
And that includes my release from prison.
I feel like Alex Jones is the canary in the coal mine.
As he said, he was the guy who they cancelled first.
They hit first.
And he actually set an example, I think, for all of us guys.
Myself, my brother included, who have been cancelled, who've been through the same shit that he's went through.
Because I have platforms like Rumble to fall back on.
X obviously reinstated me the moment Elon bought it.
But Alex Jones was fighting in the ...trenches, pardon my French, for years and years and years by himself, InfoWars.com, with, you know, me and his loyal fans and, you know, people tuning in and supporting him.
And, you know, the fact that he's now made it through the fire and he's back on X is a massive, massive moment, I think, for the movement of everybody who believes in what I think we all believe.
And, you know, as I said, we can disagree on certain issues, but Basics like the democratically elected leaders of countries need to lead the countries.
Basic shit like this.
I mean, Alex Jones is a real voice for truth, a voice for reason, a voice for what's right, a voice against evil, and I'm just absolutely ecstatic that he's back.
I can't wipe the smile off my face.
Thank you, Tristan.
Love you.
I'd like to... I can link that to another question before going to Brian.
I know you're waiting for a while, Brian.
What's your plan now that you're back on XG?
Do you have any plans?
Were you expecting this in any way after seeing the poll?
I plan to be extremely careful, and that doesn't mean that I'm letting the censors dampen what I say or what I do.
I just realized anything I say or do, they're going to try to twist.
And so I'm really going to try to not let Elon's gamble down or any of the people that supported me's gamble down.
I'm going to try to be very serious, very focused.
And I intend to do like Tucker's done with the nightly monologue that goes out on X. And I'm really going to try to promote all the other voices and all the other great people that are out there because There's real safety in numbers, and the more people we have with big followings that know what's going on, that stand up for basic human freedom, and transcend left or right, and really just want renaissance, is where we need to go.
And really what Elon Musk has been saying, if we don't have 2.1 children on average, civilization is going to collapse.
Technology is not bad if it's our tool.
So really, I'm going to try to get behind people being prepared, stabilizing the economy, innovating the economy, just like the world economy.
Was stagnant within the things we got out of the space race and NASA helped create the whole new world we have.
I really want to push to get all the disruptive technologies that have been suppressed out to the public.
And again, I think that Elon's the forefront of that.
I'm not trying to kiss his ass.
It's just true.
And so I'm really just going to try to push for peace and justice.
And transparency and unity.
And I'm not going to try to do the clickbait and, you know, buy into the Carnegie and CIA groups that are trying to create racial division.
And I'm not going to try to get into the whole Russian-Ukrainian division or Hamas-Israel division.
I'm going to try to show all the sides of it and just try to find the common ground for peace and justice into the future, not to rebrand myself.
But to show people who I really am, because sure, I was big on hundreds of radio stations and to my own audience, and people would still just see the little clips that would go viral, you know, the more hilarious or extreme or even satirical things.
And so now I'm going to really, really try to get my identity back.
Really from a selfish position, too, because it's hurt my family a lot.
So I don't care much about myself, really.
I've got thick skin.
But it's been rough for my family, you know, what they did turning me into Hitler 2.0.
And so I'm really going to try to put a lot of content out, like I did on Tucker, so people can actually hear who I really am.
And so we can just come together and move forward, not kill each other.
Brian, before we move on to the war in Ukraine and the war in Gaza, I'll give you the mic for a quick question.
Yeah, so before I ask you a question, I just want to say we're probably about as far politically away from each other as anybody can get.
I disagree with you on probably so much.
But I think dialogue is key.
And I think I even advocated for your banning at one point, probably in 2017 or something like that.
And when we were banned in 2019, you were literally the only person to actually speak out for us.
So I thank you for that.
So, I guess my question would be, like, what are your thoughts about the Nuax community notes?
Obviously, that's going to help fact-checking.
Have you played around with community notes?
Do you understand how that works?
And how do you think that's going to be used, whether it's for you or against you?
I welcome community notes.
I mean, I think that it's not censorship, it's a community square.
So if I got up in the community square and I said the moon was made out of cheese, or
that we should kill all the black people, both things are not true, then people come
up to the square and say, "No, the moon's not made out of cheese," or they come up and
say, "No, we shouldn't kill all the white people or anybody."
So whatever the crazy statement is, the answer is being able to respond to it.
And so I really welcome community notes because then it's not some big corporation like Microsoft
with their news guard, who's got one of the worst records actually of truthfulness out
there, telling you that they're the arbiter of truth and using sly methods like Snopes
and others do to deceive people.
I welcome, I welcome people correcting me.
You know, when I'm on the radio slash TV doing my weekday shows, The globalists want everything to be ugly.
I've got a crew and they're running it and they don't tell me what to say or do, but
a couple times a day they said, "Hey, you just set a date wrong," or "You just said
something that they know is wrong," and then I correct it because I never consciously get
something wrong.
The globalists want everything to be ugly.
The CIA admits that to demoralize you, but no, the world's beautiful.
Our minds are beautiful.
Our potential is incredible.
So for myself and the InfoWars family, to all the InfoWarriors, we love you on this Christmas Eve.
The whole universe is a wonderland of free will and consciousness.
So, for myself and the whole crew and my family, we love you InfoWarriors, and we care about you, and we're thinking about you tonight.
And we're fighting hard for all our future destinies together.
We're gonna go to break and come back with more of Spaces on X with myself, Elon Musk, and so many others.
Please stay with us.
I've been on air close to 30 years.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years, we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the products, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
This really allowed us to survive, and when it comes to exposing the globalists, thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners, and I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world, and I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us more than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
I would try them out myself.
And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, the best films.
Really, everything we sell on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
Whether it's the storable foods, Whether it's the water filtration, whether it's the supplements, whether it's the books, the films, they're amongst the very, very best.
And you're funding an operation fighting the globalists.
So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store, whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization, an operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show, funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners,
the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas,
and a lot of products that have been sold that are now back in stock.
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So please do your Christmas shopping at mfootworkstore.com.
Thank you for your support.
God bless.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We didn't have a nuclear war yet.
2023 is still here.
Hopefully we don't kill ourselves in 2024.
Let it snow.
Let it snow, let it snow.
What an adventure to be alive with all of you.
What a blessing.
I am so honored to be here.
Alright, let's go back to this Elon Musk Space is on X. This is the future of things.
And now they're gonna bring video soon.
So you'll have like dozens of people on video.
People calling in via video.
This is the future.
This is... Dinosaur Media is dead a long time ago.
They're just zombies funded by the globalists, but they know they're dead.
They know they're a joke.
That's why they want to overturn the whole...
system, try to maintain control, but that's not going to work because humanity wants freedom,
wants justice, wants a relationship with God, wants a family, wants prosperity.
So back to Elon Musk and X's spaces.
But when you're talking three, four hours a day, you make mistakes.
And so I think that that's what this is all about.
And so I really look forward.
In fact, you know, I want people that politically disagree with me to come on.
That's much better radio and TV.
But, you know, the Internet put people in their own silos where we don't communicate with each other.
And half the time we're disagreeing with the other side because we have a distorted perspective of what they're saying.
And we know.
The CIA and the Justice Department and the Carnegie and Ford and Rockefeller Foundations that on record create all this division, they're the ones that are manipulating all of that and using that for divide and conquer strategies.
And so I do know how community notes work, and I think it's the best system out there, and I think it's a great innovation that's been brought to the internet by action.
One final question, if you don't mind.
Have you communicated with Musk at all before you were reinstated?
Or did this happen kind of suddenly?
No, I haven't communicated with Elon.
I'm good friends with Joe Rogan.
He didn't tell me any secrets, but we get dinner here and there, and he hangs out with Musk quite a bit.
He told me like two, three years ago, he goes, "No, Mutt's is totally for real and really is pissed off about what's
going on."
And Joe basically said, "He says a lot of the same stuff you say to me at dinner."
He says at dinner.
And so, I mean, I really have just been really pleased at what Mutt's has done.
Christ said, you judge a tree by its fruits.
And the fruit coming out of Musk is just all good.
I mean, it's really amazing what he's been able to do.
And so, and I've told my own listeners this because Musk has pushed some things, you know, that people can take and say, oh, that's bad.
Well, my uncle was in a motorcycle accident.
And got an experimental brain chip five years ago and now can walk and talk and everything else.
So I'm not against brain chips when you need them.
I don't think Musk is bad for pushing that.
I don't think school kids should get them or they should be, you know, sold at a consumer level and people should be told, go out and get them if something isn't wrong with you.
But I'm also a libertarian.
If you want to go out and get a brain chip, that's fine.
But my audience, you know, in the last few years is like, well, maybe he is good.
And then now they're like, wow, this guy's great because he's doing so much good.
You really can't.
argue with the product. And that's why the establishment's after him. And that's the final
thing you know somebody's good when the very corrupt, evil establishment is after him.
I wouldn't call myself a muskophile, but I'm certainly a supporter of his main agendas
that I see as very, very healthy and transformative and empowering for the species.
Yeah and Musk said it himself in a reply to you, Brian.
I'm just trying to find the quote here, but essentially I might, if there's something along the lines of, I might disagree with a lot of what Alex says, but this is what free speech is all about.
And also another thing you mentioned, Alex, about Musk's safety.
One of the first things he, I think it was the first time he came on this show or the second, one of the first two, he said something along the lines of, If they say something happens to me, just remember, I will never commit suicide.
And so it just kind of highlights the concern that many have.
It's based on a lot of the decisions that he's making, and this is one of them.
Trump will never commit suicide.
I will never commit suicide.
Elon Musk will never commit suicide.
Andrew Tate will never commit suicide.
None of us will ever commit suicide.
Jack Mussovich won't commit suicide.
Steve Bannon won't.
They don't want to turn us into martyrs.
They either poison you, Or they come to a murder-suicide-kill-your-wife-kill-you.
That's a known deep state tactic.
And so, absolutely, if they gun down Elon Musk, that only makes him bigger.
But he's such a threat, they might do it even though it makes him into a martyr, because they know there's not leadership to replace him.
So, absolutely, it's very important he get it on record that he will never commit suicide.
That's why Trump will, you know, be randomly driving down the road and order Secret Service to pull over at a hamburger place.
He walks in and says, I'm buying hamburgers for all of you.
And he stands right there at the counter and watches it made, has them deliver him the bags, and then he randomly grabs one.
And I'm not going to get into inside baseball, but...
The kind of stuff they were doing to Trump early on, and I first broke this and later it came out that he thought this too.
They said, oh, Trump's crazy.
He thinks they're putting, you know, sedatives in his food.
Early on in the White House, I've been told by high level sources that he did indeed believe that was happening.
So they also might not kill Musk.
But he should watch out for them, you know, putting radioactive isotope in his food or or some type of, you know, some type of tranquilizer that builds up in the blood.
I mean, this is the real stuff that these intelligence agencies that think they own us have done around the world.
So people better watch out.
And you're talking about one of the one of the most powerful people in the world and the richest man alive.
So kind of highlighting that the amount of influence of power they may have.
Talking about the intelligence agencies, you did talk, and we do have Jackson on stage, who's been very vocal about the war, and Laura as well, who's been vocal about the war in Gaza.
You said something on the Tucker Carlson interview, you said, there is no way one of the best intelligence agencies in the world didn't know this was coming, and you're referring to what happened on October 7th.
Can you elaborate on this and expound on what that means to the Middle East and how the war could end?
I want to be 100% clear.
Israel is a diverse political group.
They were basically in a soft civil war.
So when I criticize Israel, it's not me trying to get points against Israel or points against Palestine or the Palestinians.
It's just a fact.
I did that Tucker interview before the New York Times came out.
and said Israeli military says they knew one year before the attack and the plans.
And now we know there was insider trading.
And so we're not sure who in the Israeli government didn't get the news to Netanyahu or whether
he did know.
But 100 percent, there was a seven hour at least stand down with attack helicopters 10
minutes away by air.
Israel has over 300 of them, including almost 100 Apaches and Cobras fully loaded with weapons
any one time.
Five attack helicopters could have been there when the first calls came in, but instead, retired military officers from as far away as Tel Aviv North drove 45 minutes to an hour south to try to stop the attack.
And so it is a fact that Israel stood down And Netanyahu said, well, let's investigate it after the war is over.
Well, now he's saying it's going to last 10 years.
So there is something rotten in the state of Denmark.
This time it's rotten in the state of Israel.
You have $6 billion sent by Biden to Iran a month before.
Iran is financing Hamas through Hezbollah.
And so I'm not saying Hamas works for Israel, even though Israel helped set it up in the late 1970s.
That's on record.
There's some larger global destabilization going on here so that the war hawks make more money
and have political distractions.
So I think what we know for a fact is Israel stood down We just don't know exactly who or why.
Yeah, I have a question for Alex.
And Alex, by the way, it was great being on your show about two weeks ago.
I had a fantastic conversation with you.
My question for you is, you know, we look at the Trump administration that's probably going to be forming, and the first Trump administration he, you know, handpicked, you know, they kind of had the Republican Party put a bunch of people in that were deep state appointees that were very pro-war.
It wasn't until the end of the administration when we saw more rational minds like Colonel Douglas McGregor begin to rise up.
So in this next Trump administration, Obviously, I think he's going to be filling the important spots with those anti-war voices, given everything that's happening with China, Russia, Gaza, and all the people that want to go to war right now so much with those countries.
You know, Trump is only going to be in office for four years and then who's next?
You're going to have another pro-war spokesperson like Ron DeSantis probably running and Gavin Newsom.
So what's the answer to how we can actually rid these anti-human Malthusian scum from our government?
Does Trump have to lock them in prison?
I mean, I personally would support that, but what, how do you think we actually rid this problem once and for all?
Well, I don't know if Jack Posobiec is there, but he is, He and Steve Bannon are probably the smartest people on this subject, so if you're still there, please pop that ad for me.
But let me just give you a 35,000-foot view.
What you said is totally true about Trump thought, hey, this is like a business.
I'm going to come in, bring people in.
They're going to do what I tell them.
Obama signed the Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act as one of his last acts when he left office in 2017.
And he put a stay-behind networks in the agencies State Department, FBI, CIHS Department, some think tanks to actually undermine Trump under the auspices of him being a Russian agent with no proof.
So this was going on at the RNC in 2016.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and has almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air, a signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively, or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon, it was like number 25 yesterday, We can do it together at Amazon.com.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk to do the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech, the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at the Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
Please follow us there at the Real Alex Jones.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the Li Li Ping.
Do not visit infowarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The stated mission of modern science is to dominate and control nature.
It was born of the philosophies of Francis Bacon, who suggested we could learn to command nature in action.
And of Rene Descartes, who wrote that mankind could become the masters and possessors of nature.
This was science flipped on its head because the previous scientific philosophy saw nature as a perfect creation of God to be observed and understood.
Take, for instance, water.
Without water, we would not exist.
And so the true value is in understanding the nature of water so that we can flow with it, not control it.
For over 20 years, Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto studied the groundbreaking science of how the molecular structure in water transforms when exposed to human words, thoughts, and sounds.
Dr. Emoto would simply label a sample of water with different written words, such as, love and gratitude, or, I hate you.
He would then freeze the water samples and capture them as they crystallized with high-speed microscopic photography.
The results were astonishing.
The crystals formed from water exposed to the words love and gratitude were clear, attractive, and symmetrical.
And the crystals formed from I hate you were distorted, asymmetrical, and opaque.
Over and over again, water samples exposed to positive intention formed the hexagonal snowflake-like patterns indicative of structured water found in nature.
And samples exposed to negative intention would lose its structure and mutate, which was also found to be true with samples of polluted water.
Decades of repeated experiments have clearly shown that water is transformed when exposed to human word, thought, and sound.
Dr. Emoto theorized that this is because water has consciousness.
Russian studies have shown that water is imprinted by the energy of its environment, and it retains memory from everything it comes in contact with, even when separated.
During the discovery of the genome, Dr. Bruce Lipton was studying cellular behavior at Stanford University and discovered that our genes switch on or off based on their environment.
Human beings are made of about 50 trillion cells, and each cell is its own little creature that eats, digests, reproduces, and forms communities.
Each individual cell is constantly reading the quality of its environment through its outer membrane skin.
This includes stressful emotions sensed via chemicals in the bloodstream.
And when we are stressed, negative, or fearful, then our cells will switch into their own version of fight-or-flight mode.
They will stop the process of self-healing and begin the process of self-defense.
And conversely, when we are feeling positive emotions, our cells will be switched into self-healing, and the body will thrive.
Dr. Lipton's discoveries were ignored by modern science, who opted for drugs and surgery over love and happiness.
This began the field of epigenetics and answered the question of nature versus nurture.
Experiments have shown that a living creature will thrive on a genetic level when nurtured.
Malignant tumor cells have been reversed, and many people claim to have cured themselves of all sorts of disease, including cancer.
By shifting and maintaining their mental attitude into a positive one.
Official science will predictably call this spontaneous remission, but it is well documented.
The cell protects itself by its membrane, which has a coating of negatively charged sugar crystals in a suspension of water.
Most people think of water as being very special because of its ease of existence in three different states.
Liquid, ice, and vapor.
But the water in our body is not in any of these states.
The water that makes up our cells is in the gel state.
Science is now recognizing a fourth state of water known as the gel state or structured water.
This fourth state is an electropolar state.
Whereas some of the water becomes a negatively charged gel, and the rest, known as bulk water, maintains a positive charge and remains more like a liquid.
This electropropulsion creates movement and kinetic energy.
This is how the blood is moved throughout our body.
The latest evidence shows that the blood is pumping the heart, not the other way around.
And it's the gel-state water that propels the blood.
To thrive, this natural propulsion system Requires a connection to the earth sunlight positive human connection and peace of mind Your body is made up of over 50 trillion cells and each one's health is dependent upon your own our happiness
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The Great Awakening Part 2 of The Great Reset, twice as long.
The Plan to Defeat the Globals, launch the next great renaissance.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
That's why they say he's going to be a dictator and he's going to kill everybody and prosecute his political enemies.
They're the ones that have been doing that.
He is going to purge the leadership of the US attorneys, all of them, which Clinton did that as well, so it's
That's why they say he's going to be a dictator and he's going to kill everybody and prosecute his political enemies.
They're the ones that have been doing that.
All he's got to do is remove them.
And he's been provided with lists now and is now listening to people that knows who's who.
I mean, well, let me tell you, the Deep State really came after me in 2018 when I went on air and said, Fiona Hill is on the board of George Soros' Open Society.
Fiona Hill is one of the top writers at theglobalist.com.
Fiona Hill, working with McMaster, are inside operatives and they're the molds.
And man, I mean, all hell broke loose.
And she went on 60 Minutes and said, I don't even know what a globalist is.
And so that's why they've said they're not going to let Trump get in.
So they said he was a Russian to the intelligence agencies.
And the intelligence agencies created the fake dossiers, used cutouts.
Now they're saying he's going to be a dictator.
And so he's got to be stopped.
And I believe like they did with JFK, because he wasn't going along with the Federal Reserve.
They already have the plans and blueprints ready.
I guarantee you they're trying to poison him right now.
And if that doesn't work, they'll either blow his airplane up or shoot him.
So you're kind of counting your chickens before they're hatched, and I hope you're right that he gets in.
But I don't think they're going to let him get in unless there's a big enough uproar up front.
to let the establishment know that we're watching them and are aware.
And there may be such an awakening now that they do back off.
That would be their smarter course than try to re-infiltrate in the future.
But I don't believe they're going to do that.
I believe this is the critical juncture, the heart of the battle.
It's the Waterloo.
And they're outnumbered, they're surrounded, and they're not going to surrender.
And so if Napoleon could have assassinated his enemies instead of being defeated, he would have done that.
And so I use the Napoleon analogy.
So it's the globalists in the bunker like Hitler in 1945.
The problem is they're still in control of the bureaucracy.
So we are waking everybody up.
Populists are being elected everywhere, all over the world.
The globalists are in trouble.
So now they're going to throw everything, including the kitchen sink at us.
And so that's where I stand on that.
Is Jack still there?
He is, he is.
And we also have Elon on here.
He did say that connections to your account, the reason you couldn't join is it would take a few more hours for all the connections to be restored.
But you were thanking Elon earlier.
He's on stage, Alex, for you to thank him and ask him any questions you have or vice versa.
Elon, how are you?
Good, Mario.
It's been quite a... These are tumultuous times.
Wild times indeed.
Yeah, as you just mentioned, when there's an account with a large number of followers that is restored to the system, there are a lot of connections that need to get—you have to re-knit the thing together, so that takes several hours.
So Alex's account should be working, I think, probably in a few hours.
The rule that we're trying to follow here is to obey the law.
So obey the laws of the United States, obey the laws of the countries in which X is present, and really do our best to not go beyond the law, on the premise that if the people wish the law to be different, then the people will ask their Representatives or their leaders to change the law.
But otherwise, our goal is to hear as closely to the law as possible.
So if somebody says something that is unlawful, then we will take action.
If someone does not do something that is unlawful, then we would aspire to not take action.
If the laws change, of course, then we will adjust our behavior accordingly.
So that's sort of the general approach that we're taking.
And now that we have community notes, which, while it's not perfect, I think it's the best fact-checking that I've seen on the Internet.
And so if someone were to post false information, they can be community noted.
And, you know, it's always important to say, like, no fact-checking system is perfect.
If perfection is the standard, you can just basically dispense with all fact-checking because nothing will be perfect.
But really, it's really how good is the batting average of any fact-checking system?
My observation of community notes is that the batting average, the probability that the note is correct, is very high.
much better than anything else that I've seen on the internet.
And everything in Community Notes, the code, the data, everything is open source.
So you can independently recreate the outcome of any note as a third party.
So that's full transparency.
So I think that having the Community Notes capability is a very powerful,
it's the most powerful disinformation weapon that I'm, you know, actually combating disinformation.
I mean, I agree.
Can I throw something in real quick here?
Look, this is why I believe what people were saying and actually questioned and for a little while thought it might not have happened.
We were lied to about WMDs in Iraq.
We were lied to about anthrax in Iraq.
There was Operation Northwoods.
There was Operation Northwoods in 2000.
ABC News declassified US government plan to stage fake mass shootings and blowing up airlines with people that would take off and would land CIA and then they would actually just blow up a drone plane and then claim a mass event happened or claim a mass fake shooting happened.
So Jesse Smollett lied about what he did.
Hezbollah and Hamas, Hezbollah ran it, did kill a lot of Israelis.
I condemn the attack but It wasn't true that they cut a bunch of heads off.
Even the White House and Israel has to admit that.
Well, people came out and said they didn't believe that there was proof that Hamas cut heads off.
So the establishment view was they did cut heads off, but they didn't.
So how do we penalize people?
I mean, if somebody wants to believe The earth's flat, they have a right to, and the community knows everybody else can challenge them, but it's the establishment lying so much that makes people not believe anything, and then they lose faith in everything.
I'm actually worried about this, because a lot of my audience is so disillusioned, they think I'm an agent or something, too.
I'm not.
So, you know, I don't know how we handle this, but I think the government and the media and the think tanks and the PR firms, the propaganda firms, as Elon rightfully said, I just want to be clear, you know, Hamas does have a habit of cutting off heads.
where no one knows what to believe. They've created a smoke screen and so I don't know
how we deal with that other than getting the community.
Yeah, Alex, I just want to be clear, like you know Hamas does have a habit of cutting off heads.
Like it's, they're quite proud of cutting off heads. I, you know,
I don't like the Muslim Brotherhood.
I don't like Hezbollah.
You're right.
perhaps there is some uncertainty, but they do cut off a lot of heads.
There's no question about that.
They appear to be quite jubilant.
They're quite happy when they cut these heads off.
I don't like the Mosh. I don't like the Mosh Brotherhood.
I don't like Hezbollah. You're right. That is a hallmark.
They're proud of cutting off heads, is my observation.
I agree.
Yosemite Sands, his hallmark is shooting his guns in a red beard and he's short.
Hamas's calling card is cutting off heads.
I totally agree.
They do that a lot.
You're right.
Elon, do you mind if I jump in for a second?
Share one thought in response to Ed's question, which is I think there's two kinds of ways to worry if you're worried about the spread of misinformation or false facts.
One is let's deal with the content of the speech itself.
And Elon talked about community notes as being imperfect, though it is maybe the best method out there on the Internet.
And I think that that's one set of discussions to have.
That's quite a different thing from what the law certainly looks at as the most draconian First Amendment violation, which is what it calls a prior restraint, which is to previously just restrain a person from speaking, period.
And I think that that is, no matter what the content of the speech is, it's quite a different thing to say that because of who you are, or what you have said in the past, you may not say another thing in the future.
And so I just think that those are two different concepts.
And I just, for one, just wanted to share my experience of, uh, my Alex Jones experience, if I may.
That is perfectly said.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We don't cut somebody's tongue out, even if I did bad things in the past.
But if people say false things, they deserve to have the consequences for that particular speech aired out in the marketplace of opinions, and Community Notes is one feature of doing that, and I think that's a legitimate discussion to have.
But the idea, first of all, let's just make the observation that if somebody has once said a bad thing, Then they'd be restrained from speaking.
Most people who have been in a position of prominence in the U.S.
federal government would not be allowed to speak again in other forums if that was the standard we were applying.
I mean, you think about anybody who's been in the CIA or the FBI in a position of saying that the Hunter Biden laptop story was false or COVID didn't start in a lab in China.
So we could go down that whole rabbit hole.
But yeah, I mean, as Alex said earlier, and this is not meant to be any kind of attack on George Bush, but George Bush II did say that there were WMDs in Iraq.
He said it not once, but many times.
He did not have sufficient evidence to make that statement.
And a lot more people died as a consequence of that statement than if anything of Alex Jones is incorrect.
But Alex, I think one other thing I just wanted to share with people is that I was actually just curious about this guy, Alex Jones.
I'd never met him, but I happen to be in Texas.
I visited the southern border.
And, you know, I popped in Austin on the way back or somewhere, I forget where we were, and I heard Alex Jones was, that's where he was.
I said, I want to meet this guy that everybody says, don't meet.
And so we sat down and I was actually surprised.
We actually aired it on X or we, or I put out clips of it on X. I can't remember on like a podcast format.
And so for me, it was, it was, it was just interesting and eyeopening.
And I think it would be interesting and eye opening for a lot of people as well to sort
of know that there are people who have, who would have ever thought, made some mistakes,
said some things that were wrong, and said some other things that were dead right that
nobody else was saying either.
And the way that we get to the bottom of what's true is actually hearing one another.
And when people say something false, they deserve to be held accountable for it.
So I think that's what, it's a cool thing that, you know, hopefully we're able to have
more of that rather than less because of the existence.
I mean, if this platform didn't exist, you know, that avenue of sorting out bad speech
through more speech doesn't really exist on the internet or in our culture.
And so I think that that's, in response to Ed, a good thing, not a bad thing, in my opinion.
Yeah, and actually, to just elaborate on the public relations firms, PR firms, which really should be called propaganda firms, because that's literally, public relations is literally a propaganda word for propaganda.
You can read the history of how public relations was developed.
Edward Bernays!
So, the way that PR firms actually corrupt the media is actually in a very significant way, is that journalists are paid very little as journalists, but they can later retire and join a PR firm and make a lot of money on the basis of the articles they've written in the past and their contacts at their publication.
So there is actually a strong monetary incentive, very strong, for corruption of the traditional media.
Elon, Elon, it's so glad you said that because people don't understand that's how these work and I'm just now learning about that.
The PR firms are so powerful, they're full of intelligence agency, former people, so just like a general will sign off on some bad weapons system, then he retires and gets on the major board of the defense contractor for five million a year.
It's a revolving door and so that's why when these big PR firms snap and say jump, the media says how high and you're actually right.
When it comes to fact-checking, they're really one of the most nasty, deceptive groups out there.
Yeah, they're propaganda firms.
It would just make a lot more sense if you just think PR firm equals propaganda.
PR equals propaganda.
That is literally what it means.
The public groups should really understand that public relations literally just means propaganda.
PR firm means propaganda.
And the PR firms have very strong control over the traditional media because that's where journalists go to retire and make tons of money.
So there's a very strong monetary incentive for journalists to do what the PR firms say, because they know that that is where they're going to get rich in the future.
Elon, a question is more for Alex, and Alex, me and Alex were discussing it before you jumped on, is the pressure, if any, that you've faced since reinstating, or since you said you'll reinstate Alex.
Now Alex, you know, kind of referred to Extreme scenarios where your life could be in danger because of what you're doing with X. I know you mentioned it briefly in one of the first spaces we had.
You made a joke about, hey guys, if something happens to me, I'll never commit suicide.
But how much pressure have you faced in recent months?
Obviously, we've seen the back and forth with a few organizations that are trying to censor others.
And has that increased since you reinstated Alex?
I mean, at this point, reading the sort of Legacy Media is just depressing.
I accidentally, once in a while, will go see like Google News or whatever or, you know, Yahoo News or whatever, some random thing.
I'm like, this is just... I mean, frankly, the quality of the propaganda isn't even good.
Look, if you're going to do propaganda, at least make it entertaining.
And I find it's dull, boring.
Uh, it's, you know, and just not even well-written.
Well, that's right.
They'll put out one thing and then they all parrot it.
It's, it's, it's like lazy propaganda.
It's like, work harder.
Hey, we've got Andrew Tate here as well.
Andrew, how are you?
I'm good, friend.
I'm in the middle of a poker game, but since this is the battle for humanity against the Satanists and the Matrix, with its constant deception of the populace, I thought I would jump in and say hello to everybody.
Your thoughts, Andrew, we had your brother on earlier, Tristan come on earlier.
Your thoughts on Alex Jones being back on X?
I'd rather hear his thoughts on Elon Musk being the biggest maverick of the last 500 years.
I'm not kissing ass here.
Elon, you've got big ones, man, on every front.
You are literally overturning the entire power structure.
I was just going to say this and let Andrew get in, but I just want to say this while you're here.
I mean, you are literally changing The entire paradigm, and you've definitely got the system scared, and so everybody needs to support X. Everybody needs to support the sponsors on X. I personally am doing all my Christmas shopping this year with all the great gadgets and stuff that are on X, but I'm going to shut up now.
But I would imagine instead of talking about Alex Jones, I'd like to hear Andrew Tate talk about or ask questions to Elon Musk.
Yeah, well, Alex is certainly a friend of mine.
I've known him for a long time and I'm extremely happy he's back.
I've celebrated that publicly, but Alex nailed it.
Elon is taking the biggest risk here.
It takes unlimited energy to propagate lies.
You have to continually repeat them and you have to continue to try and falsify information and hide the truth to keep lies afloat.
And this simple purchase, you call it simple, the purchase of a simple website has literally cracked the matrix in real time and it becomes extremely difficult now To run the PsyOps they were previously running and enslave the populace, which is their primary goal.
So Elon is a hero, absolutely.
And the risks you are taking, Elon, I don't think many people at home actually understand the gravity of the risks you are taking.
Because your ability to speak freely is heavily leveraged against your insignificance.
You're only allowed to speak if nobody listens to you.
And if you get big and people start listening, they're going to come at you hard.
And I think I'm not completely versed, but from what I understand, Elon's already suffering the lawfare tactics, which they're going to do.
They're going to keep pulling out the hat to try and slow him down or stall him.
Oh, Andrew, let me interrupt before I forget.
I don't want to give him any attention.
The same law firm that came after me with these PR firms, there is a three-letter agency running this.
Not all of them, but let's just say it starts with a C and it ends with an A. Sorry, go ahead, Andrew.
Yeah, absolutely, and there's liberal NGOs which will sponsor agents of the Matrix.
They'll sponsor females to end up in a house party and then lie to try and put you in a Romanian jail cell and get you
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Available right now at InfoWarsStore.com Let's go to Highwaymen in Illinois.
Thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through a call.
First, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's tumeric toothpaste is incredible.
I prefer to admit I've kind of neglected my teeth, and I started using your dad's toothpaste, and my gums stopped bleeding brushing my teeth.
I mean, it is dentist cleaning clean every time you brush your teeth.
It is incredible.
Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practice.
He still has his license.
He still takes care of friends and family and other folks.
But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste with top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
We don't really promote it a lot because the margin's so small it won't fund the operation.
But yeah, all three of his toothpastes, the turmeric, the tooth whitening, and the activated charcoal are all top of the line with no extra atoms or fillings, full of essential oils.
They will blow you away.
Thank you so much for the plug, sir.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God It's Alex Jones.
It's a very scary world where you get to a point where you're only trying to tell the truth, and they're going to punish you for that using endless lawfare.
And this battle has only just begun.
But the Matrix has truly cracked now, and it's going to be extremely hard to lie to us like they did before with X, the way it currently is.
And I think it came at exactly the right time.
I almost, without trying to sound pessimistic, there was a point where I kind of felt like I was losing hope.
You couldn't tell the truth about anything!
Everything was a lie!
Everything from head to toe was a lie and they're trying to lock us all back in our houses again and we can finally talk about it.
It's truly heroic and Elon's taking massive risk and the respect I have for him for doing that is is is enormous
Absolutely. I mean, this is what happens. I'm gonna shut up.
So I won't hear from me on but this is so historic Elon Musk courage and it's true. I'm saying has broken the
back of the globalists They'll never be able to turn this around again. Unless
they have a nuclear war. We Elon Musk has broken their back Well, I guess some people are afraid to die, but I am not
That that and you know what it's kind of crazy because I was talking to someone the other day and I was explaining
They were asking about my seizure, how they took all my houses, all my money, all my cars, blah, blah.
And I said, you never truly own anything on this earth anyway.
You can have a piece of paper that says you own it, but if you piss off the government structures, they just get a judge to stamp a different piece of paper and you no longer own it.
The only thing you own is your soul and your integrity.
And this is the one thing they cannot take away from you, no matter what they do to you.
And that is the best feeling on earth.
It doesn't matter if you can sell your soul to the devil and repeat what they want you to say, but then you truly own nothing.
And I think that as history books look back on this pivotal moment when X was finally freed and the information of the world could finally be spoken freely, I really do believe we're on the right side of history.
And if you were to ask me if there's anything worth dying for, it would be for the freedom of humanity and to be on the right side of history.
So I agree with you.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, I'm just generally in favor of civilization and the furtherance of civilization.
And I think we should always be concerned that we can regress as a civilization.
And if you study history, you just see the arc of one civilization after another as the civilizations rise and fall through history.
We've been in a period of civilization rising very rapidly, but we should be concerned that we may be cresting, we may subside.
And there are many times where I get late-stage civilization vibes.
And I'm just worried that maybe we're cresting as a civilization and perhaps headed for a fall.
So, yeah.
Well, I agree with you, because I truly believe, and a lot of people have said this before me, this is not an original idea, but I think as AI and machines and tech increases, a lot of people are going to be deemed useless by the overlords.
And then you have to sit and decide, what are they going to do with all these people who have hopes and dreams, and they want health care, and they want a garden, and they want a house to live in, and they don't want to be treated like cattle?
They're going to become extremely inconvenient.
So, I don't think many people at home understand that this war cannot be avoided.
I've had a lot of people who understand why they threw me in jail in Romania and understood I've done nothing wrong.
And they said to me, why do you take up this fight?
Why you don't just delete your Twitter and disappear and drive a Ferrari all day?
And I explained that this war cannot be avoided.
You're either on the front line and you're fighting for something or you're sitting waiting to die.
You're waiting for the Mongol horde to come over the horizon and chop your head off.
No, I totally agree.
And just to throw this in there, if you read, and Elon, I knew you were doing great work.
When I saw you six months ago at the World Government Summit, where they're all just saying, we're going to make everybody eat bugs and we'll make the decisions to put microchips in them.
And you said, we don't want a centralized system.
We want a diverse system.
We want firewalls.
And I don't agree with this Tower of Babel you're building.
They know that we go through cycles and they want to artificially create a great reset collapse in their own words.
to make everybody else poor, consolidate power, and they'll have a smaller type 2 civilization
for themselves. And I think you're trying to build a type 2 civilization, or even a type 1
civilization, I should say, for all of us. And we need to have a debate about going interstellar.
We've got to expand.
We collapse.
And Elon Musk is saying, correct me if I'm wrong, you don't stay in stasis.
You either expand or you collapse.
Yes, exactly.
You either grow or you collapse.
The steady state is basically an impossibility.
You have to make a choice.
So you have to pick it.
Do you want to grow civilization or do you want to decline and collapse?
Because a steady state is not stable.
So, and I say we grow, and I say we expand, and we have more humans, and we become a multi-planet species and a space-faring civilization, and ultimately be out there among the stars.
And I think that is the exciting, inspiring thing for the future.
Not a declining human civilization that dwindles to nothingness and where humanity dies with a whimper.
And that's the bottom line.
I think it is the battle of people who believe in humans and humanity and want it to expand against people who are so selfishly going through the earth and so selfishly orientated that they don't care about expanding civilization.
They just want to control the humans that are currently here.
And Andrew, I totally agree with you.
I totally agree, but let me throw this caveat on it, because I've read the writings of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and the Club of Rome.
They know we could easily expand.
There's plenty of room, hundreds of billions of galaxies.
They know that this is just a seed that's going to not just grow into one giant oak, but an entire forest, an entire universe.
And so they want to shut everybody else down because they can't handle the competition and the Elon Musk that come out of the general public.
They want a global tyranny so they can direct it and control it so that they direct the expansion.
And we can't let that happen because they literally talk about it in Agenda 21, the official UN plan, a 90% world population.
So we need to go with the Elon Musk plan.
That's why I tell people to get upset.
They go, "Elon Musk is involved in every advancing technology.
The globalists are pushing that too."
Well, technology is like a gun.
It's whose hand it's in.
And so we need the gun in the people's hands, the gun of expansion, instead of in the globalist
And so just because Elon Musk is on the cutting edge of every technology, don't fear the technology
like some troglodyte.
Fear us not being in control of it.
And Elon is saying we need to be an expansionary human explosion of competition and freedom, not some new dark age with a tiny breakaway civilization that's only working for itself.
Sorry, I'm ranting.
No, no, but you're completely right, because if Elon doesn't push these boundaries, they will push these boundaries, and once they have the sole control and the monopoly over such technologies, it's over for all of us.
I don't think most people understand.
It simply is the humanistic view against the death cult view, and there's people in the world who have no interest Yes, exactly.
They have no interest in growing humanity, no interest in advancing the species as a whole.
Their interest is in power and control, and all they want to do is have absolute power over the people that currently
exist, and their children, and you can talk about all the perverse
reasons they want to do those exact things.
But it's truly scary, and all the people at home who don't really understand the gravity of this fight,
they seem to think it's right-wing, left-wing, ha-ha-ha, it's a joke.
Yes, exactly. They're thinking about it the wrong way.
Sorry, it's a couple of legs here.
But you're totally, exactly.
This right, left, it's the wrong way to think about it.
It's sort of the extinctionists versus the pro-humans.
And once you see that it's extinctionists versus the humans, the pro-humans, then it becomes very clear.
So Elon, when are you going to, I know you've got a hundred irons to fire, but I've really, when you talk about we need to create a plan B for humanity, Well, that's really... No, it's not... I mean, I think... An alternate master plan.
Because the global is under control right now.
You're trying to wrest control with us.
Helping... I mean, when are you going to put out your battle plan?
Or are you already putting it out in pieces?
No, I mean, what I'm saying is that, actually, I think we should expand humanity, like, basically, we should have more kids, you know, the population should increase, and we should become a multi-planet species, and, you know, make life multi-planetary, build a self-sustaining civilization on Mars, and then ultimately, you know, this will be long after I'm dead, probably, but Well, certainly.
We can go to other star systems and go out there and, I don't know, maybe we'll find some long-dead alien civilizations.
And I don't think we want to be one of those lame one-planet civilizations that never got beyond, you know, its home planet.
I mean, we gotta, you know... What are the aliens gonna think of that?
It's like, we gotta make a good showing.
Team Human.
So, ladies and gentlemen, my plea today is for countries to come together to create the environment that enables every
sector of industry to take the action required.
We know this will take trillions, not billions of dollars.
We also know that countries, many of whom are burdened by growing levels of debt, simply cannot afford to go green.
Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector.
Here he is when he was the Prince Charles.
Now the king, the joke, Jimmy Savelle's buddy in crime, said we're going to use the pandemic to save the earth and launch a military operation with a green recovery.
So they shut your economy off.
And then they give themselves trillions of your money to build boondoggles that destroy the infrastructure.
Here he is.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation to people's lives, livelihoods... Hey, pause.
Let's start over.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation...
Your lockdown killed 80-plus million people from starvation.
Your poison shot killed 20 million.
You released the virus that killed a few million.
You did it, and we all know it, chump!
Does it matter if your handkerchief and your tie match the drapes, your majesty?
The Green Recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live and do business.
Now, I've long believed that we need a shift in our economic model that places nature and the world's transition to net zero at the heart of how we operate.
Hit pause.
I've long believed the Club of Rome plan to cut off the resources that starve you to death.
But they're not saving the Earth with the genetic engineering and all the toxic waste they're running for the electric batteries.
They're doing the opposite.
They're using up the planet to build their life extension system.
They're mad scientists using us all as guinea pigs.
I'm just translating what the Transylvanian Lord Master, the Dracul, the Dragon of the Carpathian Mountains is telling.
Increasingly, we are seeing more and more businesses, investors and consumers prioritizing sustainability.
Increasingly, we're seeing Blackrock with the ESGs take full control and shut down everybody but us.
It's so wonderful!
Though we've killed 80 million through starvation, increasingly!
Sorry about that, Tim.
There is hope that we can transform the situation.
But, I'm afraid we are literally at the last hour.
And there is real urgency for action.
We know now what we have to do to rescue the situation, rather than going on talking about it.
I'm your hero, the princess shining armor to kill the dragon, though my coat of arms is literally the Dracul.
Let me kill you!
The resources are mine!
Mine alone!
I decide who lives and dies!
I am the King of England!
Oh, Jimmy Savelle, you have a special delivery in your van for me?
Pull it into the special garage.
I'll take the packages into the grotto and have some fun with them.
It's time to pull out the daggers.
Time to drink the blood.
Oh, so delicious!
Last thing a small child sees is "so delicious!"
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Children are bad.
We're ugly.
Humans create all this racial division.
They want us to hate each other, so we just give up, roll over, so the globalists can have the future.
I would just like to say here... Yeah, I think people of color are short-sighted, too, because the thing is that you can't really separate yourself from civilization.
So I think those who are sort of advocating... Like, it's really... I think it's just logical to be pro-civilization.
You don't actually necessarily have to be altruistic.
You just have to think long-term and say, obviously you cannot exist in any good way without civilization.
I mean, just look at... Watch one episode of Naked and Afraid and see how much you want to go live in a forest by yourself.
Well, we're in a very... It's not fun.
We're in a super pivotal moment now, and the reason we're in a pivotal moment is because the machines cannot do the policing as of yet.
My brother and I often talk about how bad COVID would have been if they had Terminator machines.
You didn't have your mask on, you couldn't even appeal to the empathy of the person who knew how insane it all was.
As soon as the machines control the policing, it's absolutely over, and we're not that far away.
So we're in a very pivotal period now where the bravery that's required to resist a globalist oppression has to happen now.
Soon the technology will exist.
And then over for everybody.
We are at a critical crossroads right now in the entire future of the human destiny.
And I call it Plan B, but I mean, Elon, what do you call it?
Just an alternate plan for humanity?
Because we should have a debate because the Black Rocks and the Globalists are right now in control.
They were 100% control.
You and others felt restless.
Maybe they're in 80% control.
They're losing control very quickly as people discover what they're doing.
But what would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
That sounds good.
But I think something that is really important is you just literally have to have kids or there's no next generation.
Alex, do you have kids?
Yes, I do.
I'm not as prolific as you, but I wish I was.
They're the best thing in my life.
I have four.
Okay, great.
And Andrew?
I do have a few.
I won't let you down, Elon.
I'm coming to take over your title.
I'm coming.
I'm coming to take over.
You know, I use my good looks for something.
I'm doing my best.
Well, I think we ought to encourage people to, you know, uh... have kids and uh...
and this is the bottom line argument this is what is so important we just
talked about the globalists are ultimately selfish and only care about
how the globalists don't have children and of course because they're selfish
you guys are all attacking the globalists but if you ask
a globalist like i have friends who i would consider globalists
You ask them, their ideologies are aligned that they believe that somebody living across the world is just as valuable as somebody who lives in America.
And I know, you know, they've already enslaved the third world.
and then reusing them as...
No, but that's not how everybody who you would categorize as a globalist...
No, you're right. There's a lot of useful idiot globalists.
That's not...
But globalists at the top are depopulationists. That's their religion.
So maybe if you want to look at the top, you can say globalists at the top.
Some of them might have that view.
But, you know, if you just talk to an ordinary person who views themselves as a globalist...
That's an internationalist.
A globalist wants one world government run by corporations.
They just have this belief that every human being around the globe is equal.
I would call that an internationalist.
That's an internationalist.
A globalist wants one world government run by corporations.
Yeah, I mean, I think you can label them differently, but I think if you talk to somebody who...
Well, Henry Kissinger was a globalist.
Zbigniew Brzezinski was a globalist.
I'm not trying to be mean to you, but their number one rule is the Earth is too small.
We can't expand.
We've got to bean count and put everybody on rations.
We've got a social engineer and end the normal human program because humans are failed.
They want to turn us into factory farm humans.
Those are allowed to survive.
I'll answer the question.
I'll answer the question.
Sorry, guys.
If we can just say, like, some of these titles are a little confusing.
If someone's an internationalist or a globalist, I think what can achieve some disambiguation here is to say, like, does someone have as an axiomatic belief that there are too many people on the Earth, or do they not?
Do they believe that the Earth can sustain the current population, or do they think it cannot?
Now, the reality is Earth can actually handle a human population probably 10 times larger than the current population.
Earth is actually very sparsely populated by humans.
We only see density because if we're in a dense urban environment like New York or Boston, London or something like that.
But if, like, here would be like a good test.
If you took a plane from LA to New York and you try to drop a bowling ball and hit somebody, your chances of success are basically zero.
You'd have to drop 10,000 bowling balls maybe.
I'll tell you something that may scare people a little bit.
There are thousands of objects falling onto Earth from space all the time.
But how often do you hear about someone actually getting hit by meteorites?
There's one known case of a woman at her house getting hit by a car.
Elon, I want to just respond to Ed actually for a second, because again when it comes out, I think it's good to get a good counter view here.
I think that there's two different things going on, and I know what you're trying to say.
But there's a separate point about your obligations, right?
So you can, and I believe a lot, everything has been said about the importance of expansionism for humanity being pro-civilization and expansion pro-human race to win.
That's like a separate axis, though, from saying where are your obligations where you are, right?
So we talked about procreation and family.
Then we talked about the nation.
Well, look, I have two kids.
As a father, my moral obligation, I believe, is first and foremost to my family.
And then, let's say, as a president, my moral obligation is to the citizens of the nation that I lead.
And then you can worry about hunger in the Congo or whatever else needs to happen in the Darfur or in other places.
And so I don't think that you're saying necessarily that that life... Charity begins at home.
And that's not saying that that life abroad is any less valuable inherently and so when you say like the globalist
view is that all it's saying is that all life is equal wherever it is on
earth it's not like I think the view, an alternative view is countering
that. There's also just a separate place in terms of where you're situated, where's
your obligations, right?
As a father, it's to your family.
As a president, it's to your country.
And just because you believe that's the hierarchy of your obligations means somebody else is the leader of one of those other countries.
And that's an obligation that they have too, but that's a different discussion.
In their own PR, they're the ones doing the worst things on the earth.
They just say, oh, we want global government because we want to give Africa's representation.
Then they lock them down for three years and starve 30 million of them to death and then organize them to flood us as a political underclass.
This is cold-blooded, Henry Kissinger, State Department memorandum 200.
It's not black and white.
I think it's two different conversations.
What I do believe is black and white is simply if you read a history book you'll see the worst things that humanity have ever done have been done with good intentions.
That's what's so bad about evil acts is that people think they're doing the right thing.
And that's the most dangerous thing about it.
And this idea that they look at all human life as sacred and all the same, I actually disagree.
I think the reason they will prioritize people in a third world country, for example, you'll say it's because they see us as equal.
I think it's because they see us now as spoiled and annoying.
They don't like that we need pensions and living space and health care.
They simply want slaves in a robot class, and they'll do anything it takes to get it, and they'll get it from anywhere they can.
And when someone comes along and says, well, my intentions are good, I'm not interested in that.
Because you can name any holocaust or any atrocity in history, the people didn't think they were the bad guys, they often thought they were the good guys.
And I guess the easy way to look at life is, you want to be having as many children as possible, you want to pray other people do the same, and you want those people to enjoy freedom.
Oh yeah, you don't just get beautiful Christmas music on Christmas Eve.
You get Blue Eyes, Frank Sinatra, With a little ode to the Democratic Party.
All right, great transmission tonight.
Sunday Night Live is coming up here in a few minutes at Infowars.com/show and on stations across the country.
We want to again see the full Spaces on X interview with myself Elon Musk and a bunch of
other interesting people.
The whole thing is posted right now at InfoWars.com on the front page of the live show feed.
But for myself, the rest of the crew, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and God bless us all, as Tiny Tim says in the Christmas carols.
So, have a great Christmas with your family.
For myself, the WHOLE Infowars crew, again, Merry Christmas and God bless us everyone.
[Christmas carols]
[Christmas carols]
[Christmas carols]
[Christmas carols]
[Christmas carols]
[Christmas carols]
[Christmas carols]
♪ And we shall live forever, forever ♪ ♪ King of kings ♪
♪ Forever, forever ♪ ♪ And lord of lords ♪
♪ Forever, forever ♪ ♪ We shall live forever, forever, forever ♪
♪ King of kings ♪ ♪ To the hills of the North ♪
♪ To the hills of the North ♪ ♪ And by the hills of the North ♪
♪ And by the hills of the North ♪ ♪ All hail him, all hail him ♪
♪ God of Nazareth, God of Nazareth ♪ ♪ Hallelujah, hallelujah ♪
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I was on with Elon Musk for two and a half hours about eight days ago.
I said, he said, I don't know the term we should use for being against this depopulation New World Order.
And I said, how about Team Humanity?
He said, yeah, let's call it Team Humanity.
So I'm making some shirts.
I'm sending some to him.
They're getting printed right now.
You'll get them after Christmas, but pretty close after Christmas, probably before the new year.
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Two different designs.
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Also, please do not forget that my book has gone number one on a bunch of the different subcharts.
I want to push it all the way because it has a big effect.