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Name: 20231222_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 22, 2023
3687 lines.

In a podcast, Alex Jones interviews Vivek Ramaswamy on free speech, open debate, censorship, and American values. Ramaswamy discusses his book "The Great Awakening," which focuses on defeating globalism and promoting a new renaissance. The conversation covers topics such as the power of free speech, the importance of defending American values against globalist agendas, and the need to stand up against censorship in a world that seeks to silence opposing views."

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Wow, hard to believe it's Friday, December--
We're almost at 2024!
It's wild!
We're almost at 2024!
Ha ha!
It's wild!
Tomorrow's news.
All right, coming up, Vivek Ramaswamy interviewed me.
I thought it was really in-depth and informative and thought-provoking.
He just continues to impress me by how smart he is.
We're going to premiere that here on the InfoWars Network in a moment.
Coming up, Steve Bannon, Michael Malice, and more on this Friday transmission.
And you remember, you're the power, you override the censors.
When you get excited, nothing can stop you.
You are the Paul Reveres.
You are the answer to 1984.
1984. You are 1776.
When they censor you and deplatform you, they can then steal your identity and misrepresent what you've said and
done and then build a straw man.
And transferring the power themselves, that's the new world order, that's global.
But it's actually the old world order.
It is, you're right.
It's really just the old world order in new world clothing.
Don't let anybody hold you back.
Just do it.
Presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy.
Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican running for president.
We should not be apologetic to stand up and speak for the truth.
Let's talk truth.
I'm talking today to somebody who I'm meeting for the first time.
I met him a few minutes ago for the first time.
I actually don't know a lot about him.
The number one thing I know about him is that everybody has told me not to talk to him.
Which is what made me want to actually sit down and talk to him.
The United States of America were founded on free speech and open debate.
It's in the First Amendment for a reason.
And so, you know what?
That we've become a culture that wants to censor free speech and open debate.
And I think that part of the American way of life is we don't just embrace moderate ideals.
That is an extreme idea.
The idea that you get to speak your mind as long as I get to in return.
That's a wild idea.
For most of human history, it was done the other way.
And that's what makes America great.
That's what makes America itself.
And so, if somebody tells me, don't listen to this person, my reaction is, you know what?
I'm going to listen to them.
I'm going to keep an open mind and hear what every person has to say because I'm a human being.
Each of us as Americans is a human being.
We can judge for ourselves what we believe the actual right way forward is for our country.
So with that said, I've been looking forward to this conversation for a long time.
I'm excited about it.
Alex Jones, it's good to see you, man.
Vivek, thanks for doing this because when they censor you and de-platform you, they can then steal your identity and misrepresent what you've said and done and then build a straw man.
And that's why they fight so hard.
Ninety-nine percent of the things they say about me aren't true.
They never show a clip.
They just say I've done these things I haven't done.
Yeah, it reminds me of them saying that Trump said after the thing that happened in Virginia, Charlottesville, that he said Hispanics are horrible criminals, bad people.
He didn't say that.
He said they're wonderful, good people, but they're also a lot of bad people coming across the border.
They wouldn't show the clip.
They would just say he said that, but he had a big enough bully pulpit to override that.
And so it doubled the number of Hispanics when he first got elected towards the end uh... yeah uh... first-term
understood that that that that it was a lie and they didn't raise them because
of that that was because he could show them the actual club
and show them that that they're gonna lie i'm not as big as trump
and i like five percent of the police got and so i have been successfully in many ways
uh... destroyed me they built another alex jones that's not me and that's what i say don't ever interview alex
jones because they're gonna hear something that probably most
were gonna agree with Yes, it's interesting.
I think that, I mean, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the fact that, you know, somebody came up, I don't know if it was someone from your team or someone who's part of your, you know, one of your followers or something, suggested it.
And I said, okay, well, several people are saying, suggest, talk to this guy.
Let's see if that's something we're open to.
And then the reaction that I get is, no, no, no, no, this is a guy.
It's going to be politically toxic for you.
You don't want to talk to.
And my view is, no, no, no.
We're the United States of America.
So I have no idea if I'm going to agree with everything you're going to say or not.
Well, I mean, here's your comeback, though.
I'm curious about this.
Here's your comeback.
Lester Holt last week did a really important interview, or two weeks ago, with the Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran.
Now, that guy is praising the attacks on Israel.
I think he's a bad guy.
It's terrible.
Yeah, Khomeini's not a good guy.
Doesn't mean I want World War III with him, either, and Hezbollah, who's got sleeper cells in America and our open border.
That said, everybody doesn't attack Lester Holt interviewing the leader of Iran.
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And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
You've seen that we've delivered together.
You delivered supporting us.
I've delivered not giving up.
Praise God and pass the ammunition in the information war.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening.
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Take action!
Ladies and gentlemen, you are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Friday, December 22nd, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We've got something really special for you today.
Vivek Ramaswamy in studio interviews me, Michael Malice, author, great researcher, Steve Bannon knocks it out of the park.
This is going to be powerful information today.
So let's jump right into it now.
You see Hamas publishing videos of kidnapping Israelis, killing Israelis, dead bodies, whole houses shot up with dead families.
That's posted on Twitter.
That's okay.
I actually think that's... I mean, I guess free speech, as long as it has an advisory on it.
The kids don't see it.
Okay, it's horrible.
First Amendment.
I don't agree with it, but I understand it needs to be shown.
That's where I'm at.
Is free speech an open debate?
I haven't killed anybody.
I'm not storming Israeli towns and murdering people en masse or coming on, you know, powered hang gliders slaughtering people.
But they don't want this to be heard because when I see your message, and I'm not kissing your ass, which is true, you are the most informed, and that leads us to attack you, which is true, geopolitically You name it, compared to anybody I've ever basically interviewed.
And Tucker Carlson is super smart, and I would say has more charisma, but he's a close second.
Your grasps, I see the random questions you're asking, of just a wide spectrum of things is amazing.
And your understanding that America, the idea of a free market competitive culture, is something the globalists can't have because they have a competing corporate oligarchy or tyranny and cashless society social credit
score they're setting up with the ESG's and that's the potential of
America is so powerful because people aspire to that America has to be wiped out
the political correctness all the rest of it so that the whole world can
be leveled down to one giant third world population that BlackRock and the
mega corporations can exploit and control and quote control our behavior as Larry
Fink said so congratulations on the work you've done the number one
candidate I support Donald Trump if something happened to him I would support
you for president and I'm very very impressed let me will say well five years
ago his views were a little bit different well so were mine and so people say
well he wasn't perfect in the past well I'm not perfect today
We have to be ready, as the world awakens to the real political system, to have converts to liberty and freedom and Americana.
And so the fact that you are a leading light, really promoting the truth, is amazing.
And the few people that criticize you saying, well, he just showed up on the scene.
Well, that's what happens with innovation and ideas.
Of course, you didn't just show up on the scene, but exploded on the national scene.
And so I really appreciate your campaign.
I think it's the best thing out there.
When you watch these Republican debates, they're unwatchable except for you.
My listeners all agree, the crew all agrees, that why don't we just have you up there for two hours instead, because there's nothing but talking points and canned garbage from the rest of them, because I can tell you run your campaign.
All the rest of these people are told what to say, and they're looking at polls and numbers, and it's synthetic with you, it's real.
They're puppets, and that's not even their fault, actually.
I've realized, at first I would think I'm running against these other candidates.
They're puppets of a broken, super PAC puppet master system, and that's just the state of American politics today.
And my view is, you know, if you look at some of the stuff that I've written in my books, my first book, Woke, Inc., even years ago, I agree with 90, still 99% of what I said, but I moved a little bit.
And that's good.
We're human beings.
That's why I'm having this conversation.
That's why people listen to contrary voices.
We're human beings, not partisan hacks.
Well, exactly.
The world's got to respond to information and think about it and evolve our views.
That's what it means to be a thinking human being, at least to me.
And the globalists have come out in the open.
I mean, I was talking to Tucker Carlson just the other day.
I went and visited him in Maine, and we did some hunting and stuff, and he was like, man, I'm more radical than you now.
We were sitting there talking because the world, it's out in the open.
The globalists have taken the mask off.
So I know you've been a pro-freedom of speech, liberty guy for a decade or more.
All I'm saying is, What you say is dead on.
I mean, I sit there and I watch it and I go, gosh, I wish I could nail it.
And I'm not kissing your ass, it's true.
I appreciate it.
Nail it.
And regardless of what happens, we need people like you at the top of government that actually know the subjects and aren't just getting talking points from the donor class.
So let's just, since we're meeting for the first time, Just a few minutes.
I mean, your audience is probably very well familiar with this, but in your own words, just hear it without, I didn't Google any of this beforehand, etc.
I don't want to be biased.
What's your journey to the views that you have now?
I mean, what gets you going in terms of your mission?
You're a clearly passionate guy, want to revive the essence of our founding ideals of the free exchange of ideas, not be controlled in a way that impedes the sovereignty of the United States.
I know these topics animate you, but what personally got you to that place right now?
I had a lot of family that worked in the sharp end of the stick in U.S.
intelligence, and they never really told me any of the classified or secret stuff.
But like my uncle was high level, I ran contra and a bunch of other stuff.
Oh really?
So I wouldn't have ever guessed that.
Your parents or uncles?
Just a lot of people.
Okay, a lot of people in your family were in U.S.
Well, back during the 70s, 80s and stuff, before they went from HUMET to electronic intelligence, there was a mobilization of the population against the Russians and others.
And so, yeah, I mean, I had a lot of family.
I went to a family reunion, it was like a Soldier of Fortune convention, and they would just talk about What the government was doing, what was going on.
They were patriots.
Just like we see all these whistleblowers now in the government.
They didn't like what was happening.
So it's not that the government's our enemy, it's that criminals at the top have basically captured it.
So when you're a child growing up hearing all this, I just kind of absorbed it.
I wasn't even really listening to it until later I realized how true it was.
And then I started to go to college a little bit, but I was already very successful in business by the time I was like 19 as a salesman.
And boom, I saw really this anti-American race-based brainwashing that we see out in the open now that was going on here in Austin on the college campuses.
And so I decided... When was this?
Just so we track the time.
This was in about 1993.
And I've been on air since 1994, officially 95.
But you were a salesman before that.
You started college.
Where was that at?
I just went to local community college.
Here in Austin?
I was figuring out what I wanted to do.
Here in Austin?
But you were already a successful salesman, so then you decided to find your way out of college.
Yeah, I'd had jobs when I was a kid.
My dad had money and stuff.
My parents were successful.
I would say, I want new shoes.
I want to get a new wakeboard.
because we were living on the lake, and my dad would say, well, then go get a job.
So from the time I was about 13, I had jobs.
And then I got into different sales.
But the biggest thing is I was selling gym memberships and stuff
when I was 18.
And I was making $150,000 a year, $200,000 a year.
And then I was going to community college, figuring out I wanted to go to Maine College.
And it was just insane.
I went and sat in on some UT courses on RTF, radio, television, films.
I thought I might want to do that because I wanted to be politically involved.
They were teaching 20-year-old stuff.
I was like, you're not talking about the internet, these classes.
Why am I here?
Like, well, first you got to take all these other classes.
So I--
Started out on AXS TV in 1994.
Got my own show in 95.
Got a website in 97.
Got a local radio show in 96.
Called up satellite companies.
Bought the equipment.
The station let me put in the connection of the satellite.
Syndicated myself when I was... And you're in your early 20s doing... just decided you're going to do all this yourself.
Syndicated myself at 22.
Got on suddenly like 50-something radio stations.
It was insane.
Hit the national news immediately.
Decided to sit us on coffee.
What were you talking about?
Well, instead of selling coffee mugs and newsletters like other talk shows did to supplement their income, I said, I'm going to make films.
And so I would go and show the U.N.
taking over the national parks and show the U.N.
signs and show what that treaty meant, that it was taking control of U.S.
land under U.N.
treaties, kind of like the U.N.
treaty on health care and things that's happening right now.
And so I just basically exploded.
to the underground scene with conservatives and people that were aware of what was going
In about 1996, I was already reaching millions of people.
And so it's been a long, long-term operation, 29 years on air.
Ever since?
We've, you know, 9/11 happened, and I questioned 9/11.
And I was on almost 200 radio stations.
I'd been offered, you know, by major companies, you know, the next big Rush Limbaugh-style deal.
I guess Glenn Beck took that deal.
Nothing against him, you know, overall great guy, really smart.
And I went from almost 200 affiliates to 30-something affiliates in one month when 9-11 happened.
And I wasn't for radical Islam, and I believe Islamists were involved, but I knew about the NORAD stand-down.
I knew about Building 7.
I knew about a lot of the stuff that I was talking to police about that were on the ground, that they knew it was coming, bare minimum.
Kind of like, I'm against the attack on Israel, and Hamas is terrible, but something like 85% in major polls of Israelis think the government knew and let it happen now.
So it's the same thing, but when I said that then, the radio network owners I was on, GCN, came to me and they said, listen, we just lost 50 affiliates today.
They're all going to dump you if you don't stop.
Oh, you're so wonderful.
No, you're great.
You're wonderful for keeping us on the air and spreading the word.
Our real power is you, the audience of activists, the men and women in the arena.
And I thank you all and I salute you all for your support.
Look at the huge whistleblowers now going public on the COVID poison shots and on human sex slavery and trafficking.
The globalists are in deep trouble and that's because of good men and women in government in the private sector blowing the whistle.
And the only way the information gets Well, we are the good men and women and we are not doing nothing.
We are taking action.
So, Christmas 2023 is already here.
the articles, taking the videos. It really is changing the world. Thomas Jefferson said
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Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, we are changing the world together.
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But even if we weren't, We would still expose evil.
We would still fight evil because God is watching and that's our job.
We don't do this for other people.
We don't do this to look like the best guys around.
We don't do it to show off like we're heroes.
We do it because the children need to be protected and God is watching.
So for myself and the whole crew, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air the last almost 30 years.
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God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
See you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
Contact light.
Eagle was landed.
Oh, jeez, that's great.
Is the lighting halfway decent?
Visit infowars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
GCN came to me and they said, listen, we just lost 50 affiliates today.
They're all going to dump you if you don't stop.
And I said, well, it's the truth.
I'm going to keep questioning it.
So that just shows I never did this for monetary gain or just to be popular, though I do need monetary operations to fund my operation and be free and independent.
I'm not for sale.
And so I've already been up and down.
That's why they de-platformed me and things and thought I would just give up.
I didn't.
So I started out on Axis Television.
Uh, and so, I've started from the very, you know, mailroom of media, and I've, you know, at one point in 2016-17, much bigger show than Rush Limbaugh, much bigger show than Joe Rogan, undoubtedly the number one independent, or not even independent, media show in the country, over 30 million viewers and listeners.
2016, 2017.
And then that's when they deplatformed me because I was just number one.
I mean, every day over 25 million listeners, conservatively.
And so that's when they said, well, we've got to stop this guy, and that's when the attacks came.
But I've survived that, and now we've rebuilt.
In many ways, we're stronger than ever.
We're definitely more influential.
Well, you said the motivation's not monetary.
I do find that people who are successful, I can see, are passionate.
What is that mission?
What is it that calls you?
I mean, you've been doing this now for a few decades now.
You're clearly called by something.
What is it?
Well, when I was, I mean, five, six, seven years old, friends and family would come to the house.
My dad would be playing chess with them or poker.
And I'd hear all these guys, you know, FBI agents, Army colonels, you know, spooks, talking about the New World Order and the global government, getting rid of the border and selling out America, and this plan for regional governments, this plan for a computer to run everything.
And then as I got older, I started seeing that in publications and being pushed by the media.
And then I read books by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.
And really, for a few years, when I got out of high school, would actually go to the UT library and actually pull up the microfilm.
They would have the head librarian come out and say, we've never seen a young person come and ask for this to be pulled.
Why are you looking up the New York Times?
And they weren't upset.
They thought it was cool.
And there I was reading the New York Times in the 1970s, David Rockefeller praising Mao Zedong
and saying we need that here in America.
Mao Zedong was the greatest mass murderer in history, about triple what Hitler and Stalin killed,
more than what both men killed combined.
So I really started reading their plans for global government, cashless society,
depopulation, the Club of Rome.
I learned about the Bilderberg Group.
I learned about Bohemian Grove, all these weird rituals and things.
So I said, well, let me see if this is real.
So in 2000, I snuck in there.
And sure enough, right when they said the ritual happened, they did this weird mock human sacrifice, Faustian slash Babylonian Canaanite Moloch ritual.
And so it was really the adventure of it and the mystery of it, being told this when I
was growing up, kind of ignoring it, then seeing a lot of what I was told come true,
and then getting into the books of the establishment, but also reading books that were countering
it and saying, "I want to find out if this is true.
I want to find out if they're really doing this.
I want to find out if..."
I mean, I remember they had all these military drills all over Texas and the country with
with black helicopters in the mid 90s.
And when people would talk about it, they'd say that doesn't exist.
So we got tips from the military, went and caught it on footage of them, you know, they covertly lease a building that was going to be demolished later.
Then they'd basically attack it and blow it up and do it.
They're training, it's okay.
They need new training grounds.
But then they would deny in the little town where it happened, or even the big city that it just happened.
So by then, we were catching it on video.
And whereas people had caught it on video before, there wasn't really web streaming of video.
96, 97, 98, that was all coming on board.
And so we would go catch footage of that.
So I mean, it was really like ghost hunting, but hunting real ghosts.
And so I was basically doing private, independent, pro-American intelligence work for the people.
And it was just super exciting.
And because I was so prominent early on, I was on shortwave and satellite and a bunch of radio
stations, all these old timers sent me stuff.
And I mean, the former head of the FBI in LA would come on the show and advise me.
And General Benton K. Parton, the former head of the Air Force weapons development, would come on.
And so I really, starting at about '96, '97, got the brain trust of all these heavy hitters who
on their own dime would fly to Austin or drive in their RVs, the former head of the Star Wars program.
Dr. Bob Bowman, they get in their RVs and drive from wherever they lived and sometimes
they stay at my house and we do a week on air, them just data dumping because they've
been trying to write books and magazine articles and little obscure things.
And so I was thrown right in the middle of this excitement and it was interesting and
it was fun.
And back then it was more academic.
Yeah, the globalists were getting a lot of things done, but I'd read stuff in the mid-90s
about they planned to ban beef and they planned to have a carbon credit and they planned to
track everywhere you go with switches in your cars and they planned to listen to you through
microphones in your cable box.
And then we'd bust a cable box open with an engineer on my local TV show and there'd be
the microphone with the schematics.
And of course, now they're like, "Oh, that's voice analysis.
That's a voice prompt."
But they didn't tell you for a decade that was in there.
So it was just so exciting.
to be in a war in my own country against these multinational corporations that wanted to
take America over.
And so I was always saying, "Is it real?
Is it real?"
I got to tell you, 95% of what the old timers told me, because these old timers were just
like my uncle and just like some other family, what they've been telling me, but a lot of
these guys were even higher up in it.
And so I learned from people that were on the inside what was going on.
So I had a long education over the last 29 years.
This has really been an education.
And so I just get deeper and deeper into my understanding of how it all interconnects.
What I'm hearing is the story of a journalist.
A guy who's curious, records things, describes them, and shares them with people.
Now, let me ask you a question.
I'll tell you where I'm going with this.
You're in this to seek underlying truth that other people aren't getting to.
That's what I'm hearing you and telling your story.
Now, once in a while, that means you're going to find something that looks like it's going to be one way, it wasn't exactly the way you thought, and so maybe you were wrong.
I've made a lot of mistakes.
Yeah, and so what do you do in that scenario?
Let's say you're a journalist, because I know how mainstream media deals with it right now.
That's a different way, they sweep it under the rug.
Let's say you're wrong and you realize that you had one thesis and you were getting to the bottom of it, but then you get to the hard facts and you say, hey, you were wrong about it.
Give me an example of where that happened, actually.
I think that's kind of interesting to hear you talk about.
Also, what I've noticed is they've had a lot of national TV characters, like Homeland and the newer X-Files that came out in 2016, where they admit it's based on me.
Oh, really?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, wow.
And a bunch of them.
You look it up.
And they'll create the straw man where I'm lying on purpose and I'm getting things wrong on purpose.
I never meant I'm wrong.
I always, when I said I thought I knew something and I was wrong, I always admitted it.
Give me an example.
In the case of Sandy Hook, long before they sued me, long before they came after me, I'd barely talked about it.
If you look at my life as a timeline, at first I thought it was official and thought it happened.
Then some professors and people came out with a bunch of anomalies and thought it might have been staged.
Just like people are questioning whether Hamas cut babies' heads off right now.
You know, that's the big thing going on.
And I don't think there's really proof to that.
But they blow them up, they shoot them, it's the same thing.
So now people are on Twitter saying, oh, we need to sue the people that said they cut babies' heads off.
Only to sue the people that say it didn't happen, because you're not allowed to debate, was Jussie Smollett really attacked?
Which we now know that was fake.
Or, you know, so many of these other events, like Operation Northwoods and things, where the government did plan to do atrocities, or did plan to stage atrocities, and blame it on an enemy.
And so with that, I started saying, two or three years before I got sued, I said, I don't want to talk about this.
I think the people that said this, it turns out, are lunatics.
Alright folks, we're going to break, but more with Vivek Ramaswamy and your truly Alex Jones straight ahead.
Please stay with us and spread the word.
Remember, you are the Paul Reveres of the 21st century.
This Christmas, cuddle up with your loved ones while you enjoy a delicious holiday feast of new ferns and crunchy crickets and pop in a very special collection of songs.
The World Enslavement Forum presents Waxmas It's 23.
I'm dreaming of a great reset Like communism, just in smart.
There is gene selection, and eye detection, and tone surveillance everywhere.
Last COVID, I gave you my check.
But for every new stash, you had to refresh.
This year, a new pandemic is here.
Get ready for forced injections.
On the fifth day of lockdown, my government gave me five stinky masks.
Four COVID tests, three boosters, two sudden deaths, and attempted genocide.
Police at your door!
Police at your door!
Police at your door, throwing your own food is not allowed anymore.
You better not ask, or lift an eyebrow, why people are dying suddenly now.
Cancer Claus is coming to town I don't want a lot for Christmas
Just control humanity.
Maybe release new hybrid species.
Like a monkey-manatee.
Please kill me.
I just want to rule the world.
Every tree and every bird.
That is my goal.
All I want for Christmas is your soul.
Wait, what is this?
We don't want a lot for Christmas.
Just leave us the f*** alone.
Go hang out with your lizard buddies.
And have some fresh and brittle cream.
I see you in on me!
And I swear total resistance to you and everything.
I'm gone.
Go f*** yourself.
Is that fair?
Hey Bob.
This is a larger scion on the human psyche!
The vaccine coming straight from the fazolat.
A healthy body don't surrender to the jab.
Their business is done by murdering millions of people.
Oh, easy there, buddy.
I want everybody to stop dying.
All we want for Christmas is a global human resistance.
Stop using my son for this shit.
All we want for Christmas is to be free.
Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We interrupt this broadcast with a special report from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Attempts have been made to neutralize the InfoWarrior known as Alex Jones.
Countless attacks have been witnessed and reported in an effort to bring him down.
Alex Jones has been sighted on the battlefield fighting against the forces of evil.
We're not gonna go down and just shut our mouths and just put up with this.
We know where the bodies are buried, folks, and one way or another, we're gonna stay on here.
We're receiving reports that Alex Jones has broken through the front lines and is now heading toward the broadcast studio.
All efforts to silence him have failed.
Find the InfoWars transmission at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I think school shootings happen.
And because every time there was a school shooting, people would say Alex Jones is saying this isn't happening.
Whether it was Parkland, any of that.
So I was saying, no, I think this is happening.
And then the media and the system went, oh, he's weak on that because they would never, they would sweep it under the rug if they were wrong.
Let's get him.
So then they, then they resurrected it.
I was the platform for other stuff.
I mean, look it up.
Then they resurrected it.
And then blew up a straw man of things I didn't say or do with no proof.
I went to their houses, sent people to their houses, peed on graves, no proof.
Then they sue me, they get all the discovery.
Did you ever do any of those things?
No, of course not.
Of course not.
Never even been to Connecticut until I was there for court.
So where are they getting this kind of nonsense?
Make it up.
The thing is, I cover stories and then I move on.
They introduced in court like 22 minutes of video of me over 10 years on Sandy Hook.
That was it.
It was not something we made money off of.
It was not something that was even a big deal.
We had like one debate where somebody thought it happened, didn't thought it happened to two newspaper editors.
Callers were calling about it sometimes.
It was a big viral story up front.
People questioned it like 11 years ago.
I didn't get sued for like six years later.
Until long after you had already said, hey, I wasn't necessarily right on that one.
I wasn't.
I mean, I said I thought I mean, I think shootings happen.
I think it happened.
And I mean, if people track this, it's just amazing how it works.
So it's interesting.
So this is after years later, after you admitted you were wrong on it, that they chose to come after you.
And then the judges in Texas and Connecticut defaulted me, which is supposed to be if you never show up for court, you're not there.
They can default you.
And they, this is all on the record, just like the Trump judge, they passed a law in New York, so it's not called a default, but it's the same thing.
The judge doesn't give him a jury, and the judge has found Trump in a real estate fraud case, has found him guilty.
Got the loans, paid the loans, obviously Mar-a-Lago's not worth 18 million, it's worth hundreds of millions.
The judge says, no it's not, I find that fraud, and the appeals court had to block him taking his hotels and golf courses in New York.
One judge, No jury said I'm taking everything you've got in New York
and we're going to take more stuff Outside the state and Trump said I would like a jury trial.
They said no So I had a jury trial, but they found me
Guilty the judge did and then would not let us put on evidence
It was only a trial on damages.
They put on a financial expert and said he's worth $400 million.
I had like $3 million in the bank at the time for emergency backup money.
That's gone now.
And then they put me through, they told the bankruptcy court that I had all this money.
And of course, it was proven I told the truth.
Obviously, I got in jail, but I lied in there.
And they don't care because they said, we want to take him off the air.
We want to silence him.
We want to end his free speech.
These are quotes.
that they said in Connecticut, in the court, outside the court, and in Texas inside the court.
So I want to move on from that because there's bigger things than me,
but this weaponization of the judiciary, Giuliani was basically defaulted in New York
because there wasn't evidence they were asking for. The judges said you're guilty.
Fox in its January 6th case. What is this defaulting business?
They have in law... What does that mean?
A default means it's called... I should know this.
It's called the death penalty... You shouldn't know it because it's not supposed to be used.
But I don't know about it.
It's called a death penalty sanction.
And so if they say you don't participate in a civil trial, the judge can find you guilty by default.
They still have to have a trial on the damages.
They didn't even give me a real trial on the damages.
So this is a fraud on America, and it's very dangerous, and they're defaulting people across the board now.
If you don't show up.
And with me, they said, well, you didn't give us the discovery.
Yeah, but I did.
Because it didn't exist.
They said, show us the marketing material for San Diego.
I don't do marketing material for shows.
I look at a bunch of news articles, some video clips.
I go on air.
I didn't do a marketing study with you for this.
This is new to me.
We talked for two minutes before we went on air.
Maybe two minutes, a minute?
A minute and a half.
He walks in, boom, sits down.
The judge says, give me the marketing material.
Vivek, tell me about your plan with Alex.
Tell me about the secret plans you guys had in this thing.
All the marketing, all the Google Analytics.
Tell me about your meeting.
Wait a minute, you're not going to give me the evidence?
you're defaulted i'm just gonna say i'm
personally a little bit blushing here i don't even know about this legal procedure
That's because they're not supposed to use it.
So it's not even that you don't show up and you default.
If you're not participating in the process according to the standards that they set, And they set a bar you can't reach.
That's what it's supposed to be.
Judge, I'm going to go back and learn the heck about this.
Because if what you described is true, that is a real danger to the integrity of the judicial system.
And that's the cutting edge.
I'm going to independently learn about this myself.
But the point is, they can default you even if the judge deems you not actively or sufficiently participating in discovery.
And just like I was telling people, hey, the Justice Department, the CIA are involved in government documents, running the censorship of us, and in the last six months it came out in Congress, people thought, oh yeah, I know it's on the air, showing them the legislation, showing them the funding, you know, for the Ministries of Truth and all this stuff.
I'm telling people they're defaulting everybody.
They defaulted Trump by the law.
How does a judge do this and take what you've got?
They're defaulting everybody else where the judge finds you guilty.
So you see the headlines, Trump already guilty in New York.
And then it says jury trial for damages.
Yes, but in Trump's case...
Just like they passed the law so that woman could sue him saying he sexually assaulted her, and they changed the law to go back decades.
New York has passed a law where judges, it's not even default, it's a new form of it, where the judge just says you don't get a jury trial.
See, this one's very concerning to me because, I mean, a lot of what's happened in the country is very concerning, but the judicial system is the last bastion of protection.
Totally weaponized.
It's the last frontier for us to be able to say, okay, executive branch badly taken over by three-letter agencies that nobody ever elected with any backstop of political accountability.
Forget about Congress.
Think about prosecutorial power and the executive branch abused.
But the judicial system is our last best hope for the last ultimate line of defense but if that itself can sidestep basic principles of confronting witnesses basic principles of being judged by a jury of your peers rather than by
A single judge.
This is basic First Amendment for vermin was a Bill of Rights, and that's why they still did the stuff
That's why they still do the damages show trial where people said his lawyers are terrible Alex Jones's no
They weren't they were given a list of things like you can't say you're innocent
You can't say you yeah, you can't question the witnesses about this or that so when they're up there with no
Here's an example There was an FBI agent Connecticut never saw his name never
showed his picture never talked about him I didn't talk about him. He got up there and said I got one
phone call by somebody asking if I was really an FBI agent.
Because he was there without his FBI vest, his handy hook, holding a gun by the barrel.
The internet questioned him.
I didn't even know who he was.
He sued me, won 90 plus million dollars.
Never said his name.
Never said his name.
So here's how this works.
With most people I can come on here.
I can come on here, and if people like this, they go, I'll go find Alex Jones' show on X, or on Facebook, or on the podcasting thing.
I've been delisted from everywhere.
So I have to sit here and point out to viewers, if you want to find what I'm actually saying, Infowars.com forward slash show.
And in normal etiquette, for a talk show, that's like somebody pitching themselves.
No, I'm isolated, surrounded, can only communicate when people like you let me out of prison to walk in the yard for a little while and I can
desperately try to
you know get messages out by smoke signals to people about what's happening
to me which they admit is the model to shut everybody else down
so you're a smart guy well the smartest, everybody knows that's true, I'm just
saying it I hope you'll go look into this and I hope you'll find out
about it because it is incredible
it is because they... I've already learned something today that's
frightening now There's so many bigger things than me.
I mean, there's these wars, and there's the casual society, and the open borders, and all the race-baiting.
I mean, we're being divided and conquered.
That's why your message of coming together to celebrate our hard-fought American freedoms is so essential.
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I was on with Elon Musk for two and a half hours about eight days ago.
I said, he said, I don't know the term we should use for being against this depopulation New World Order.
And I said, how about Team Humanity?
He said, yeah, let's call it Team Humanity.
So I'm making some shirts.
I'm sending some to him.
They're getting printed right now.
You'll get them after Christmas, but pretty close after Christmas, probably before the new year.
Order them now.
It's a black shirt that says Team Humanity on the top, under it, InfoWars.com.
And it has a nuclear family in the middle.
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It's a fundraiser shirt.
Please go and get the shirt today.
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Also, please do not forget that my book has gone number one on a bunch of the different subcharts.
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The new book, The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalist and Launching the Next Great Renaissance.
The follow-up to The Great Reset and The War for the World.
This is the latest book by Alex Jones.
And man, you know, that one was a real focused dissertation about the Great Reset and the globalist plan for the corporate world government.
This goes even deeper into the phenomenon and gets into the cultural aspects, the artificial intelligence aspects, and so much more.
But also, how we the people can have a great renaissance In the face of it.
And so not only is this copy available at InfoWarsTore.com, you can get a signed copy by Alex Jones exclusively at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get your signed copy exclusively at InfoWarsTore.com.
And this basically operates like a fundraiser.
When you buy the autographed copy at Infowarsstore.com, that goes towards funding this operation and keeping us on the air.
Despite all the lawfare against us, all the censorship against us, they're putting me in prison for my speech, we will still be on the air thanks to your continued support at Infowarsstore.com.
So, when you buy the autographed copy, I've already got my autographed copy.
I might have an inside track.
Let's just say I got an inside track.
I got my autographed copy already.
But you can get yours exclusively at InfoWarsTore.com.
The Great Awakening.
This might be some prison reading for me.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Good evening.
I'm Eric Alas.
An unidentified man is being held for questioning by the FBI for suspected links to last month's biological virus deaths.
In local news, a dog named Hero takes the grand prize at the annual... I wish I could tell you more pertinent news.
But we're in a rating system here, and the key factor is... Sensationalism!
They've got you running in circles, nine to five, then five to nine, You're mine.
I tell you what they want you to know, and you consider it the truth.
Nobody is opening their eyes!
Our global economy is depleting the world of our lives and natural resources!
And are you happy?
Come on!
I want it!
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
One of the things that's true about the American way is that we're not founded on moderate ideals, right?
The ideals that set this country into motion.
I love that we have a map behind us, right?
Old World England had a different view.
We can say agree or disagree before we get to the agree or disagree.
And let's just smoke it out.
At least let's get the best version of the view on the table, which is that people, ordinary people, cannot be trusted to sort out their differences on climate change or racial injustice or whatever it was back in that era.
For their own good.
It's not just that the kings or the aristocrats say, hey, I want to enrich myself and do it at the expense of the people.
That's what many who are frustrated with monarchy might say.
It's an arrogance.
But it's actually an arrogance found in what they think of as benevolence.
Which is to say, no, no, we're not doing this for us, for our power.
And we'll come to the modern version of this in a second.
We're doing this for the sake of people who cannot be trusted and left to their own devices, because it's for them we're doing it, which is even more dangerous than somebody who comes in and says, oh, we're just doing it for my own rich, my own private personal gain.
No, no, no.
That's not the view.
The view is the people cannot be trusted to sort out their differences through free speech.
I mean, the idea that you get to speak your mind as long as I get to in return.
The idea that there's a republic where your vote and my vote count equally?
And that's why they can't compete.
Because the rest of the world starts aspiring to that.
You've got to bring that down so people stop aspiring.
So that British Empire model, now the Black Rock Global Banking Empire, which they admit with the ESGs and everything, you're absolutely dead on.
And if you expand on that... But I just want to get the view on the table so people understand.
Because there's a lot wrong with it.
But at least to understand, put yourself the way I am, Alex.
You could try something on like a set of clothes.
Any good general gets in the mind of the enemy.
I agree.
Here, I've got to understand why it fits.
I've got to really try it on.
Understand why it doesn't fit.
Then it doesn't fit, you put it back on the rack.
Then you understand your own views better.
That's right.
This laissez-faire competitive system is way more sexy.
And in 1950, we had half the world's wealth.
We were 4% of the population.
Now we've become globalists and crony capitalists.
Give me those facts again.
Sorry, you're going pretty fast there.
That sounds interesting.
In 1950, the United States had half the wealth in the world.
Because of our invention.
Is that right?
Immediately post-World War II.
Yeah, absolutely.
Post-World War II, we had half the world's wealth, and we were 4% of the world's population.
As measured by GDP, probably.
As measured by GDP.
So that's the GDP of the world.
What is it today?
I should know these things.
It's gone down a lot.
I think it's in the high 20s, early 30s.
Yeah, sounds about right.
Maybe a quarter to a third.
I haven't looked at it in a while, but what I'm getting at here is, what you said is so dead on.
In fact, I need to make that point more.
You can pull these clips up.
Remember when Obama Went to Latin America the last few months of his...
Then he went to a bunch of countries in Africa, and he gave the same speech in every country.
He said, quote, you can't have cars in air conditioning.
The world's going to heat up and burn up.
Now, here's a guy flying on a giant jet with dozens of aircraft.
After that, he has private jets.
He has houses at basically sea level in Martha's Vineyard in Hawaii, though he said we were already supposed to be underwater by 2017, though they keep just buying Al Gore, all of them, Oceanfront property, not up on cliffs or something.
They're bearing that cross.
They're bearing that cross for the rest of us.
Well, I mean, that's it.
They're on private jets.
People like Ted Turner has like five kids.
He says, I want to depopulate 90% of the world's population.
Look it up.
Him on Charlie Rose.
Well, he has five kids.
He has jets.
He has palatial compounds.
But you in Africa, you can't aspire.
You need to live in this, we'll eat the bugs.
W-E-F, rationing for the good of the earth, while the ruling class lives like kings and goes around in their giant superyachts.
To mountaintops in Davos.
With carbon footprints thousands of times an American, and an American's carbon footprint is 30, 40, 50 times that of somebody in Congo.
So in Congo, you don't get anything, and so it's the decision to not industrialize those countries.
And that's how they control third world countries.
And then they sit back and say, well, that's why you're in squalor, because you're not as good as us.
We're going to take care of you.
But now that same inherent elitism, beyond racism, is now being used against the West.
And they're now impoverishing the West as a political tool of control.
So this is the modern old world European ugly monster rearing its head again.
Which is fascinating, right?
Because we fought a revolution.
We thought that in 1776, we said, on this side of 1776, on this side of the Atlantic, we do things differently.
Where, you know what, we the people do sort out our differences in a constitutional republic, where every citizen's voice and vote counts equally with free speech and open debate.
That's what we thought.
And every little while, that ugly monster rears its head again.
World War I was, in some ways, the physical conflict of that old world European monarchical worldview.
Well, that was because the British Empire, who was the villain of that war, not in World War II.
Hitler was the bad guy there after the first side treaty.
They literally said the German problem, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, because it was dominant in industry, science.
It was taken over, not with the military, but with all of its inventions.
So it was kind of the new America, but it was run by another royal family, so they had to kill the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and start World War I, so you're dead on.
And so this battle plays itself out every century or so in different ways.
And I think right now we live in another one of these 1776 months.
Fourth turning.
Yeah, that's one way to put it.
I've heard, I'm familiar with the evolution.
It's dead on.
Let's use the analogy of America, the United States and India.
I call it, I've been saying this for 20 plus years, that's why they do want me off here, you ask what do I stand for?
Americana, freedom, soft power, people aspiring to be like America, making us the best.
American exceptionalism.
American exceptionalism.
Take India.
You know, controlled by the British, kick them out, now wildly successful, because you guys actually got control of your government, had your own resources.
Same thing, I would call that 1776 worldwide.
And that's not America controlling things, it's the idea of freedom, idea of the people, the idea of loving your nation, empowering the individual, and a meritocracy where... Meritocracy, what a word.
Well, it's a bad word these days.
Well, I mean, I go back and I look at World War II.
It is.
And almost all of our generals got there through meritocracy and grew up on little farms or in poor areas of cities.
And there was almost nobody whose dad or granddad was an admiral who was there.
In fact, it was almost discrimination against the aristocracy.
was what America was doing, because George Washington was being discriminated against
by the aristocrats, even though he was really, really part of it.
He was mad.
That was one of the big reasons that even the "elites" of America fought the British
elites, because they were tired of saying, "Well, I'm actually your cousin, but I'm not
a lord, so I can't ship products out of the colonies."
And so if the rich guys want freedom, and they finally set up for themselves, that will
have to trickle down.
And that's why they complained in America's beginning and said we weren't perfect.
trickle down and that's what they can point to America's beginning and
say we weren't perfect but it was the idea of the process
But it was the idea of the process, and as more people get into that, that's the victory.
and as more people get into that that's the victory so
So now you look at who is the leaders of the military, they'll and they finally set up for themselves that will have to
now you look at who is the leaders of the military they'll have some token people
oh look a black guy you know a white lady or whatever but that's... but if you actually look
it's a bunch of blue bloods whose grandfathers were in control of the end of World War
II when America absorbed the British Empire
and became this new globalist system so America is like the engine and the brain along with the
British intelligence of this very evil thing I love America
I mean I've got Jones I mean I've got a Welsh last name on against
I'm not an anglophile but I'm not an anglophobe but the system of the British Empire
and the ghost of it through Blackrock and its Royal Institute of International Affairs and the CFR
and these corporate management boards are devolving the governments while they expand them
and transferring the power themselves That's the New World Order.
That's global.
It's actually the Old World Order.
It is, you're right.
It's really just the Old World Order in New World clothing.
That's exactly it.
And that's what we've got to understand.
The optimistic side of me says that what a special time it would have been to be alive in the spring of 1776.
I mean, it was a special time to be alive.
You've got Thomas Jefferson at the age of 33.
People say, I'm old, I'm young.
Well, I'm old compared to Thomas Jefferson.
He was 33 when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
You have people who are the pioneers, the explorers, the unafraid, that said, you know what?
We are going to not just be victimized by this.
We're going to chart a new way forward.
Well, 33 was old.
That's the moment we live in.
I totally agree.
33 was old back then, because a lot of people died young.
You either die young or live a really long time, but the average was we didn't live as long.
You're absolutely right.
People were married by 16.
People were explorers by 16.
And, you know, Thomas Jefferson lived a long time.
By 33, he was leading a revolution against an empire that had never been invented.
And an inventor.
And he was inventing things.
He invented the swivel chair.
He was an engineer.
shared a bunch of other things to while he's running the declaration of
independence alex
the the Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and it's almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset, The War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air.
A signed copy at mfolwarrestore.com exclusively, or an unsigned copy at mfolwarrestore.com.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon.
It was like number 25 yesterday.
We can do it together at Amazon.com.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk to do the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech, the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at the Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
Please follow us there at the Real Alex Jones.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the really Z-Pin.
Do not visit importwarshow.com!
Do not, do not, do not.
Go to hell, New World Order.
What kept you?
We, uh, ran into some old friends.
Is your boy?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com/show I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is gonna be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
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That spirit, in some ways, would history have produced the Thomas Jeffersons and the Alexander Hamiltons of the world if it weren't for the fact that they had this oppressive regime to stand up against?
I think probably not.
I totally agree.
So this is an opportunity, the moment we live in.
I am sick and tired even myself of, I don't know if you've read some of the books I've written or anything like this, of pointing out the problem.
I've got plenty of that.
This is our opportunity now.
We're not just going to throw up our hands and complain about it.
This is our moment to revive.
I agree.
My wife's a huge fan.
Tell her thank you.
Thank you.
What's her name?
Erica, tell her thank you.
She almost got up this morning, but we don't have anybody to take care of my daughter.
She's got to go to school.
How old's your daughter?
Six and a half.
I've got four children, three with my first wife and one with her.
I don't mean to interrupt, you're so dead on.
I see you talk about this is our 1776 moment.
I really mean that.
This is an opportunity, it is.
Instead of being the leftist mind and we're being attacked, we're being oppressed, let's give up and complain.
Let's innovate, let's out-communicate, let's use this pressure like lifting weights or jogging or climbing a mountain.
you get stronger that which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger to quote me
yes yes and this is 1776 part 2 for the whole world it's very exciting you know
and I think we've got to go through stages of this and you've been doing
this in my own corner of the world I've been doing this to point out the problem
and see it with clear eyes you can't win a war unless you know that you're in one
that's the first step alone and you got a bunch of people on that Republican
Party stage that have no clue I mean these are clueless they don't even know
what they're just I'm a politician no I'm gonna be rich and powerful here are
my my super PAC provided talking points literally they're like
They're like going to a whorehouse and the whores are lined up showing you what they got and telling you their specialty.
I mean, they're literally in front of the corporation saying, I'm good at this, I'm good at that.
Money is the mother's milk of politics, so put them to one side.
My view is, you can't win a war unless you know you're in one.
And part of my job has been laying out the weaponization of financial markets, the weaponization of our capital, the weaponization of basically every sphere of our lives.
This fringe minority view has taken over institutions from K-12 education, to our universities, to Wall Street, to Silicon Valley, to our U.S.
Now, I think it's worth pausing.
I was going to get to the positive part before I do that.
I think it's worth answering the question of why this other side has managed to take over every institution.
And I have an unconventional theory of this one, Alex.
I think that it's worth seeing, you know, you and I may be, you know, we're conservative, people may classify us as being in the right, but take those labels off for a second.
I'm a populist.
I mean, just take, I hate labels, they're not useful.
I agree.
They're reductionist.
So, let's just look at the substance of this.
People who would have identified as being on the old left.
Occupy Wall Street, challenging the bailouts.
The old left version of Breakup Big Tech.
The old left that was critical of colleges charging way too much money for providing far less in return.
The people who have criticized schools in the inner cities failing to serve black kids in the inner city or whatever.
Even our military.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A lot of that criticism used to come from what was perceived to be the old left.
What happened was, each of those institutions, what they did was, if you're Wall Street, you don't want to occupy Wall Street, but I'll do the new woke stuff.
Diversity, inclusion, climate change.
If you're Silicon Valley, I don't like the left-wing breakup big tech.
I'll censor hate speech and misinformation as you define it, but I don't do it for free.
As long as I get to get you off my back.
military, if you're Mark Milley, you don't want to talk about accountability for Iraq and Afghanistan.
The U.S.
Forget about that.
I'll talk about white rage and systemic racism.
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Part of this is a deeper arranged marriage.
It's more like, I mean, use the whorehouse analogy, it's more like mutual prostitution between two strange bedfellows.
The power structure has failed.
That's right.
They're not the aristocrats that are doing it for their own good.
They know they're a fraud.
The system's coming apart.
They know it's a fraud, but it's an arranged marriage that allows them to keep their power intact.
That's it.
So anyway, you've talked about several themes.
You know why this is happening, though?
There's a meme, it's totally true, history shows it.
Bad times make hard men.
Hard men make good times.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make bad times.
It's a cycle.
So, a lot of it is our fault.
We can't just blame the globalists and the aristocracy.
Thank you.
Their rot is our rot.
That's what I'm talking about.
There's so much entertainment, so much food.
We've got to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, why is it that we bend the knee?
Because, yes, when the Israelites escape from the Pharaoh, they're lost in the desert, yet to find the Promised Land.
What did they say?
We want to go back and be ruled by the Pharaoh.
That's right.
And so we can complain about the Pharaoh all we want.
And it exists.
He has the global ESG movement, modern state... But we have to build our own system.
That's actually... What is it that makes us want to bend the knee?
That's actually what this book, The Great Awakening, comes out next week.
It's available on M4's right now, pre-order.
This is a really important book, defeating the globalists and launching the next great renaissance.
I wasn't even going to bring the book up until you brought this up.
This book is not just about how they're bad.
That's half the book.
The rest is solutions.
So I'm really impressed with your work and research.
I hope you'll read it.
Can I take a copy?
Please, sir.
Take a couple for your crew as well.
But I mean, you're totally nailing it, and I watched and listened to you.
That's how I was able to steal your thunder and say, in fact, you influenced this book, and me hearing you, we've got to talk more about solutions.
And I was already on that kick, but you're right.
I was like, I've got to write a book about solutions and the system we can build that's alternative.
This is the moment now.
Now is our moment to do it.
We can't just say, blow this up.
We've got to have an alternative vision of our own, right?
So, I think that, for me, and it doesn't mean we can't have competing visions, this is the conversation we need to have.
If the left is feeding us race, gender, sexuality, climate...
How about reviving the individual?
How about the family?
Not some nebulous global citizen fighting climate change.
I'm a citizen of this nation, the United States of America, and I'm proud of it.
I'm not going to apologize for it.
And by the way, God, I think, plays a big role in this too.
I think the revival of faith is something that unites us as a country.
I totally agree with that.
That's what the book's about.
And again, I'm not against gay people.
You know, rainbow flag stuff, but it's the new flag.
They're even talking about getting rid of the American flag.
They're now trying to take George Washington's statue down in New York.
They're now doing all of this, and this is all unfolding, and we're having our symbols
that recognize who we are and what we stand for away from us and giving us a new one that
is a government, corporate-directed sex cult.
I don't care if it was a heterosexual cult showing me their flag and taking down our flag and telling my kids about it.
I mean if it was some new flag about NASCAR, I'm not against NASCAR, but it was NASCAR stuff everywhere.
Them telling my kids pledge allegiance to NASCAR, I'd say this is a NASCAR cult, get it out of here.
And what it is... A cult is interesting.
It's an interesting use of the word.
So a cult Is a religion that has not withstood the test of time.
So it's short term.
And so, there's an old saying actually, I think it came from Blaise Pascal.
He was a scientist of all things, but he said, if there's a hole the size of God in your heart, and God does not fill it, something else will instead.
And my civic version of that... They kicked God out, and now... Some other poison fills the void.
Demon is filling it.
And so, my version of that, in a civic sense, is if we don't pledge allegiance to the American flag, or to a true flag of our nation...
We're going to pledge allegiance to a different flag instead.
I said that as a matter of analogy.
But now, literally, there are different flags.
I mean, the transgender flag.
And there's more and more and more.
We're being divided and conquered.
That's right.
And they call it the broken coalition strategy.
This came out in the Clinton documents in their library in Little Rock.
And as they're about to win the presidency, they're having meetings.
The papers are public now.
We've got to create the broken coalition strategy nationwide, where no group can be powerful and organized.
So, the parliamentary system's weak, because look at Justin Trudeau.
He only gets 30% of the vote, but he has coalitions with the broken coalition strategy to then have the tyranny of different minorities getting together against the majority.
Oh, it's such an interesting invocation of that, because that describes our current moment right now in this country.
We have, in the name of protecting against a tyranny of the majority, We have created a new tyranny of the minority.
And that minority has captured every institution.
And that's what you told the transgender.
See, I'm quoting you back.
You've taught me a lot.
Yeah, you remember that.
And I gotta tell you, Vivek, of course I do.
I watch you every day.
You and Tucker Carlson are two of my favorite people.
And I tell my listeners, who are real owl-y and don't trust the system, they're like, well, how do we know this guy's good?
And I'm like, there's no way Vivek's saying all these things.
That's like high noon or holy water to a vampire.
He's not one of them.
You do not say these things.
This irrevocably damages the lie.
He is good by the very fruit of the tree, as Christ said.
And my view is people should be skeptical.
No, it's fine to be skeptical.
I always encourage skepticism, but we gotta do something about these people.
We gotta move on.
We gotta do something about these.
I mean, take RFK Jr.
I would say I agree with about 90% of him.
I agree with about 99% of you.
Tucker Carlson... His climate stuff is a little bit off the reservation.
Well, he used to say, we're going to arrest people to question this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And it's really hard to walk that back.
He's got to... something... but he says it's out of context, and I kind of... he was talking about corporations that lie, like cigarette... But still, I think the climate agenda itself is a hoax.
Of course it is.
Climate change is a constant.
I think any person who leads the United States going forward cannot be somebody who accepts the premises of the climate change agenda as a fixed principle.
It's a fear-mongering for the cult to make you think you're bad and give control of your life over to them.
Let me just say something briefly here.
I'm not a petroleum geologist, but I have family that is.
They told me this 30 years ago.
It's not coming from dead whales and dead dinosaurs.
They now have the devices and systems, and they keep finding oil deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper, 50, 60,000 feet, all the way down to the mantle, through the crust, and they're hitting oil and gas deposits that are so big, they don't have pipes that can contain what's coming up.
And what it is, is if you look at Mars, scientists now believe that it once had an atmosphere, but it's, this is a short science lesson, but it once had an atmosphere, but its gravity wasn't big enough to hold the atmosphere and it had water.
We know there's water under the surface, there's water under the surface of the moon, that's been confirmed.
India confirmed that.
What our folks confirmed back in the 60s.
So that's going on.
So there's actually giant reserves and they're saying these gases are bad.
The Earth used to have way higher concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, all these things.
But it's off gas in the space and it has retreated underground.
So if you look at millions of years ago, now what carbon dioxide is You know, zero point whatever, four.
I mean, it's a fraction of a percent.
And things used to be healthier.
Plants can take ten times the carbon dioxide.
They grow faster, need less water.
We need this.
So it's really a magic moment.
Talking about God existing, that right as the Earth starts to slowly lose its atmosphere, and it'll probably still be a few million years, we come along and are digging all this up and terraforming, geoengineering, putting it back up.
It's good, folks.
They want to ban cows because they off-gas methane.
So do you.
Methane helps hold heat in.
We're due for another Ice Age, a 12,000 year cycle.
You know what's funny, Alex?
You probably know this, but if you go to the Newsweek cover magazine or Time magazine in the 1970s... Freezing.
Global Ice Age.
And if you don't abandon our modern way of life for that, in a different direction, we're going to have a global ice age.
That's what they were saying.
More people are going to die this year, eight times as many people, actually, this year, are going to die of cold temperatures rather than warm ones.
So, these are facts you don't hear in the ordinary climate discourse.
They also lie.
They say, hottest time ever in Death Valley.
They also lie.
No, it's 134.
It hit 131 this year.
They said, Texas.
Hottest ever.
Longest spell.
And then I went back and looked at the books, because I remember playing football in 1990, and they had to cancel two-a-days, because it was 112, and people were dying all over the city of Dallas where I lived.
And it was also in Austin.
They're just lying.
But I look at the records.
So, I think that's what our pro-American movement needs to learn is we've been lied to 360 degrees so much that it can create, first, the first form of laziness is Just believing what you're force-fed.
But now, our movement understands that you gotta reject whatever you're force-fed.
And I don't care if it's even force-fed by mainstream establishment on the left or on the right or whatever.
Reject what you're force-fed.
Question everything.
Question everything.
It's phase one.
But then, at some point, you're not gonna get anywhere just by sitting and questioning.
That's the first step.
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I would thank you for everything you've done for the Infowar, but I know you're like me.
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We've seen the problem with clear eyes.
We understand the Pharaoh.
We understand to be skeptical.
Now, I get this.
I'm not coming from a place of personal frustration, but when I'm coming on the scene aiming to lead this nation forward, people say, well, you came out of nowhere.
Didn't you work at a, you know, start a biotech company?
And at some point, I'm going to say, listen people, once we see the problem with clear eyes, we can't just spin our wheels and throw our hands up.
We need competent leaders who share our understanding of the problem to actually move this country forward.
Plus, the whole power structure came after you.
Then they did that whisper campaign that you were really secretly establishment because you're going around networking.
I mean, I've met with Bilderberg Group members.
I've met with people that are in Davos.
It doesn't mean I agree with them.
And you're not endorsing their system.
Hell no!
But the system has come after you.
You've been the main target the last two debates.
That's the endorsement.
Just like people go, wait, they're indicting Trump for no reason.
That endorses him.
You are the next biggest targeted person.
Did you see this Hannity interview last night, by chance?
No, I missed it.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Yeah, I mean, look, I'm making the case... I think it's sane that, on one hand, absolutely Israel is our ally.
What happened to them was wrong.
It was barbaric.
It was medieval.
And, of course, they have a right to national self-defense.
But I've also said that we should not want to enter a broader regional conflict in the Middle East that doesn't advance U.S.
interests, because we have to learn from our prior mistakes in this country.
And that's arguably not good for Israel, but it's definitely not good for the United States.
And so I also pointed to others in the Republican Party, like Nikki Haley, who screech, Finish them!
Finish them!
Talking about Hamas and Iran as though there's no distinction.
Finish them!
What are the consequences of that for the United States of America?
I don't see it.
Well, here's the problem.
So, interestingly, this guy, Hannity, I was very disappointed, comes after me for pointing out that Nikki Haley has made $8 million after her time as the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
as a military contractor and otherwise.
That was the wake-up call for me, to see even a purported Conservative voice buy into what is the captured establishment Super PAC puppetry last night.
You should watch this one.
I will.
Let me say something.
It was unbelievable.
Let me say something to Sean Hannity because I know him.
Hey, Sean.
The border's been completely wide open for two and a half years.
The Border Patrol admits tens of thousands, conservatively, of Hezbollah and Hamas fighters have gotten across.
They've caught a bunch of them.
These are 90% military age men.
Do you know what Hamas will do?
They're here in our country.
You know what Hezbollah will do?
It's in the United States of America that we need to worry about it.
Look at Black Lives Matter endorsing the attacks on Israel.
So we have this problem, and Iran has a high-tech military, and it's not that I'm, quote, scared of Iran, but we need to support Israel, but obviously not have our aircraft carriers attack Iran, and then now we're fighting Russia through NATO, and we're fighting Iran.
What's going to happen, Sean?
Use your head.
This is how World War III starts, just like World War I and World War II.
Once World Wars start, other people say, hey, they're tied down.
China is going to go into Taiwan, dummy, and we can't take on China, too.
And the saddest part of this is that if there are Republican presidential candidates who stand to make money off of it because they're on the boards or have been on the boards of Boeing and are collecting stock options while they're running for president and have had family military contracting businesses and made a habit
of making money off their time in government. This is why we have one crime family right now
in the Biden family that has sold off our foreign policy to make their family rich. I could care
less if you have an R after your name and you're going to do the same thing. And that's why it's
so refreshing when you're on the stage because literally you've said this on air we've covered it
live I was doing it super crowded I'm like Vivek's the only guy let's do this.
This is all talking points crap.
They're all going to do what the military-industrial complex says.
And again, military-industrial complex, they said a year ago with Biden in December, we can't give tanks and F-16s and cruise missiles.
That'll escalate to World War III.
But they went ahead and violated their own RAND Corporation threat escalation boards.
So, see, your money's not going to be worth anything in your golf course stock options if we have World War III cuckoo.
And now China is messing with India.
India's got aircraft carriers out there about to go to war.
Pakistan... We are marching our way to World War III.
I am increasingly worried that there are people in the United States rooting for it.
And this is our moment to say, hey, We can actually, now we've seen the problem, we can't just spin our wheels and complain about it.
We have a chance to lead this country, to shut down the deep state, declare independence from China, end World War III and our path to it, protect our own homeland, because that's our job and the moral obligation of the next president.
Peace, prosperity, American way.
And provide pride in this country.
And then pride.
And I think that we have a chance to do it.
Well, you know the International Bureau of Atomic Science, I forget the exact name, with their doomsday clock.
They've never moved the clock this close.
We're very respected.
I mean, folks, China and India are basically already at war.
Pakistan's ready to go.
Iran is already in a proxy war with Russia against us.
China's getting ready to move into Taiwan.
China's moving all the way down to the Philippines.
They're in gun battles with the Vietnamese, trying to take their waters and oil fields.
I mean, these are the crazy times.
it kicks off and it's already begun. In fact, most analysts say we're already in
World War III. The question is will it go nuclear? And that's why, Vivek, I am
really glad you are the most successful person on injecting these topics because
I see you inject topics at the national level that would have never been there
that are so vital and and so I mean I they might exacerbate Trump so you know
you're I mean I'd like him to get elected, but if not you, I think Kennedy is going to pull more from the Republicans if he runs independent, which he is.
I like a lot of his ideas, but I think it's destructive.
I'm not going to support Kennedy as a third party candidate, because that will pull from the Republicans.
Again, I hope nothing happens to Trump, but if something does happen to him... Oh, God forbid.
We don't want that.
What we want is to advance the interests of this country and the people of this country to once again be in charge of who leads our nation.
That's all I ask.
And I'm going to play my part to make that happen.
I'm glad we met, man.
We met literally one or two minutes.
We chatted before.
This is the first conversation we've ever had.
I mean, you were showing up here, like, 6.45 in the morning.
Well, I'm impressed.
We're taping this.
And I hear you're off the border?
Yeah, I'm going to the border.
And then I'm going to New Hampshire.
I mean, we're all over the place.
But I'm around the clock, so... Well, you're a busy man.
They're pulling me out of here, actually.
Alright, well, thank you.
Hey, remember, I... We're going to Eagle Pass from here.
I'm in internet prison, so InfoWars.com.
Banned.Video has all our banned videos.
Banned.Video, the book, The Great Awakening.
I hope you'll read it.
I hope you'll come to my show soon and tell me what you thought.
I'm a big fan of your work.
Thank you, man.
Good luck.
God bless you, man.
Be safe.
I hear Alex talk about how, hey, if we don't raise enough money by January, then we're going to have a three-month wind down.
I'm like, we can't have a three-month wind down in the first half of the year of 2024 when we have this election coming up.
If you don't, Supportinfowarrestore.com, then we are going to announce, I would say in January, is the best dead reckoning, a three-month wind-down.
And then we will close it, and it will be gone, and all this will be taken.
It is just the way it is, folks.
We have to make it through 2024 if we can We can make it through 2024.
We can save this country.
That's why it's more important now than ever that you go to InfoWarsStore.com and buy Ultra 12 or that you go to DefendJones.com and help him pay for his legal bills because they're going to try to shut us down any way they can and this country needs this network and this audience especially more than ever.
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I'm not going to give up.
I'm just going to go as hard as I can and as strong as I can.
I need to sell 10,000 signed copies of my book.
I'm in your hands.
I'm not complaining.
I actually feel good about this.
29 years with a hell of a run.
I just can't believe we're going to shut this down.
If you want us to stay on air, now's the time to spread the word we need help and to get the products.
I want to thank you all for your support.
No, you're great, you're wonderful for keeping us on the air and spreading the word.
Our real power is you, the audience of activists, the men and women in the arena, and I thank you all, and I salute you all for your support.
Look at the huge whistleblowers now going public on the COVID poison shots and on human sex slavery and trafficking.
The globalists are in deep trouble and that's because of good men and women in government in the private sector blowing the whistle.
And the only way the information gets Well, we are the good men and women, and we are not doing nothing.
We are taking action.
So, Christmas 2023 is already here.
taking the videos.
It really is changing the world.
Thomas Jefferson said, "The only way that tyrants can flourish
"and prevail over humanity "is if good men and women do nothing."
Well, we are the good men and women, and we are not doing nothing.
We are taking action.
So Christmas 2023 is already here.
Hard to believe we're just a few weeks away from Christmas, and that means every year,
we have the biggest sales of the year.
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X2 for over a year.
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Another great product at InfoWarsTore.com.
They just both do it from two different herbal directions.
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, we are changing the world together.
We're having a massive effect.
But even if we weren't, We would still expose evil.
We would still fight evil because God is watching and that's our job.
We don't do this for other people.
We don't do this to look like the best guys around.
We don't do it to show off like we're heroes.
We do it because the children need to be protected and God is watching.
So for myself and the whole crew, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air the last almost 30 years.
It'll be 30 years in April of 2024, just three months away.
And I want to encourage you now, all, To go to InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of these amazing products.
I mean, up to 60% off on so many of them, like BrainForce Plus and BrainForce Ultra.
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If you've never tried X2, get it while you still can.
But I'm telling you, people know it's a great product.
It took us over a year to get it.
It's finally back in stock.
We should have been able to get more, but we weren't because of funding.
It's going to be sold out for five, six months now.
And if we just had enough X2, our funding problems would be solved.
But all I'm saying is, you will want X2.
You will want to experience X2.
X2 and Turbo Force are back in stock for a limited time.
I want you to have a safe and wonderful pro-family, pro-God, pro-America, pro-humanity Christmas.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
God bless and thank you for your support.
Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ha ha ha!
The New World Order's fallen apart.
The wheels have come off.
Humanity's turned the tide, but the enemy's striking back with everything they've got.
You were supposed to already be off air!
But we're not, ladies and gentlemen.
We're on air.
Recently, I was on Steve Bannon's show, and he said he thought it was the best interview I ever gave.
I don't know about that, but I think I did nail it.
So, I thought we'd air this for you here today, ahead of best-selling author, researcher, who's white-pilled.
He's got positive views for the future, Michael Malice.
But first, Steve Bannon.
Welcome back to the second hour of the morning edition of War Room.
It's Thursday, 14 December, the year of our Lord 2023.
We already passed a demonic NDAA that has all the demonic, and I mean demonic, parts of it to infect our military.
It was all taken out.
That is modern-day Holy War by Lady Nogrady, and of course you heard Jim Carville.
Alex Jones, join me.
Do you see what's happening here, Alex?
That MAGA and people that are of Christian faith are more dangerous than Al-Qaeda, and that the biggest problem we have in the church and the biggest problem we have in the country is that MAGA Republicans of faith, traditional Catholics and evangelical Christians, Love their country too much.
Alex Jones, your thoughts, sir?
Well, Steve, you've been hammering this since Biden stole the election.
Every time I've been on, we've basically talked about the FBI, the CIA.
As soon as Biden got in control, the first press conference that they gave with Jen Psaki was, what we saw on January 6 is all Trump supporters, all Christians.
They're the main terror threat.
We're going to use homeland security.
On them.
And then we've seen the talking points of, we need to use Homeland Security directly to basically outlaw the MAGA movement.
And now they're merging in to say, and it's the Christians, it's the conservative Catholics that are the majority.
It's the, it's the evangelicals.
It's all of these evil people.
And then they invert reality.
You've got Carville, it looks like a Southern Nosferatu, uh, up there saying they're going to destroy the country while it's the globalist controlled left.
It's dissolving the borders, bringing in record numbers of military-age Muslim men who really would create a theocracy and go after the left, and they actually hate the left.
They've got an alliance with them because the left's bringing them into the US, Canada, and Europe, and Australia, and other areas.
So they know exactly what they're doing, and this is prepping things.
You have Obama's new Netflix show that just came out, Leaving Forever, and it's all about Cyber outages, power outages, and how you can't trust white people.
They have a new movie coming out with a giant budget, star-studded, called Civil War 2024.
So they're getting it ready, saying that, oh, the South and Florida are going to secede, and Californians are going to revolt and take their government back, and the U.S.
military is going to crush them, and it's going to be white against black.
So they're literally trying to start a race-based civil war.
To distract from the black rocks and the vanguards allied with Communist China that have dissolved our borders, devalued our currencies, and now you have Biden saying, and if we don't get unlimited funds, we're going to have your sons and daughters fighting in a few months.
In Ukraine, because Russia has so far defeated NATO, in this proxy war, the German Chancellor came out yesterday and chillingly said, we're about to go to war mobilization, national emergency.
The new Polish leader said the same thing yesterday.
So we're entering the maximum season of tyranny, where this entrenched global New World Order corporate ally with communist China structure knows that all over Latin America, all over Europe, all over the world, globalist, nationalist, populist are getting elected and so
the State Department and others per country are creating different
class groups using the sociology and the anthropology of the areas and here in
America you heard them oh first first we told you first they tell you oh all
the MAGA people are terrorists three years ago and now oh we're merging that
They even said the same talking points on all those shows you play, those clips.
We're merging the right-wing Christians and Catholics.
They're now with the MAGA.
So first they teach a MAGA terrorist, and then they just segue that over into anybody that's Christian, anybody that's white, anybody that doesn't want drag queen pedophile time.
And that's their plan.
I want to go to something that Semaphore had, Ben Smith's new newspaper, Semaphore has the lead story, that Democrats are actually considering, and they don't like it, they're fighting it, but, you know, cosmetic changes to the asylum laws that'll, that'll swage, you know, the Fox News crowd to get this 60, 80 billion dollars in Ukraine.
That's just for this year.
It'll be another 60 next year.
Alex, just take a second.
With the NDA passing, That is going to drive out, you know, you're going to be 40 or 50 percent less in recruiting now, because hardworking traditional Catholics and evangelical Christians will not allow their sons and daughters to go into a military that's not just simply woke, but demonic.
OK, with all this transgender surgeries and, you know, all the, you know, the equity, inclusion, all of this.
Critical race theory.
Which is nothing but cultural Marxism.
Critical race theory, all of it.
Tell the audience, I've never seen an obsession like this in my life on Ukraine.
They bring Zelensky over here to talk to our military, to put him in the middle of a domestic political discussion, then waltz him around.
He has no support whatsoever among the Republicans.
We can't do this.
We don't want to do this.
We're $2.5 trillion a year now in deficits.
What is their obsession with Ukraine, sir?
Well, you know the answer, but thanks for letting me give my, basically, a repeat of your view, because your view is dead on.
They've been laundering money for decades over there, the Democrat establishment, but also the Mitt Romneys and some of the neocons.
So that's their bank accounts.
That's their...
That's their little piggy bank.
That's where they've been running many of their most successful scams into the billions of dollars every year.
We've all seen Biden famously when he said, you know, I called over there and said, get rid of the prosecutor investigating me and my son or you'll lose a billion dollars by this evening.
And son of a bitch, he was fired.
It's got a lot of layers, but when you get all the global Western elites aligned, when they all have an interest, that's when they get really, really dangerous.
So, George Soros and the EU, they want to, quote, win the war, or at least have some deal, and then, quote, have the rebuilding of Ukraine.
It'll be even more money over the next decade than what they've already laundered in the hundreds of billions through there.
They also want to use it as the trigger to cause a new Cold War bare minimum and be able to move NATO into other areas of Eastern Europe.
So you've got that strategy.
But it's also that they need the Ukraine crisis to continue on because they want to use it as a unifying Effective excuse to declare emergencies as they're now doing in Poland and Germany other areas And and so you've got all those countries lined up wanting to use it as a diversion You've got the u.s.
Wanting to use it for all those other reasons, and so we've got real alignment right now by a desperate establishment whether it's the Socialist globalist EU or whether it's the corrupt kleptocratic left and the dying neocons and the bird brains like Nikki Haley and Cheney and Liz Cheney and all the rest of them.
This is all they've got.
And in the past, these wars they cooked up would keep them in power and people bought it.
But the jig is up and people really are not buying.
These wars.
Sure, Americans got there's a radical Islamic threat, but of course what we went over there and did was just stir them up more than bring them here.
So now Americans look at the Russians and we're in their backyard and they see Zelensky went on Fox News.
We need to hear more from him.
And he says, you do not get the roads, you do not get the money, all money go to me.
Stop crying like babies.
I mean, these are quotes two days ago on Fox.
I probably put the clip five times on my show.
He's a dictator in his own country.
Sure, he got elected, but He's outlawed the Orthodox Church, outlawed all opposition parties, even loyal opposition.
He is taking over all the media and even the mayor of St.
Petersburg, who's anti-Russian.
So this guy's becoming a pure dictator.
So you have a disconnect of Zelensky, who's known to be a megalomaniac and reportedly on some serious narcotics, serious amphetamines, is just completely out of his mind.
And so you get him in a room with all these other neocons and leftists and We'll be right back with the conclusion of Steve Bannon interviewing yours truly.
Please stay with us.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist Deep State.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years, we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the products, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
This really allowed us to survive, and when it comes to exposing the globalists, thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners, and I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world, and I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us, More than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
I would try them out myself.
And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, The best films, really everything we saw on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
Whether it's the storable foods...
Whether it's the water filtration, whether it's the supplements, whether it's the books, the films, they're amongst the very, very best, and you're funding an operation fighting the globalists.
So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization An operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners, the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas, and a lot of products that have been sold out are now back in stock.
I'm happy to announce we have storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, 10% off when you sign up for auto ship on your next order, that way stuff that's sold out is held back for you so it's not sold out, and up to 60% off on these best-selling products.
And finally, TurboForce, 10 hours of clean energy is finally back in stock.
The top of the line, the strongest, the Godzilla of nootropics, of energy, of brain boost, turbo force back in stock.
X2, sold out for more than a year, got a limited supply in.
Unfortunately, it's about to sell out.
Despite that, we've got it at 25% off, but it's going to go to full price before Christmas hits, so take advantage of that right now.
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It's all there at InfoWarStore.com.
You can also call toll-free.
If you'd like to order that way, 888-253-3139.
But these are great products that enrich your life and to keep us on the air.
That's why I coined the term many years ago, 360 WIN.
This is a non-zero-sum game.
This is beyond symbiotic.
This doesn't just make us all okay.
This empowers us all together.
We work together.
So please do your Christmas shopping at mfootwearstore.com.
Thank you for your support.
God bless.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Sean Penn and Blinken, and you see them up there just believing that they're still in charge
and somehow this gives them value in the world when everywhere they're losing.
And the whole world, not just America, is waking up to globalists, waking up to the corrupt Justice Department.
Everybody's turning against Hollywood.
Hollywood's already collapsed.
So their system's going down.
So they need a Hail Mary to bring in their central bank digital currencies, to bring in their rationing and civil emergencies, and to smokescreen and just hopefully get it across the line because they've already basically failed unless they can create a cascade of global crises that are so bad they hope we forget what they did with COVID.
They hope that we, I mean, perfect example you just gave.
You have New York's Hochul and you have the mayor as well saying just six months ago, come here, we want you here, open borders.
We have Biden during the campaign saying, when I win the election, when I steal it, I want you to immediately surge the border.
We have the same UN NGOs running all that.
We have 12,000 a day pouring across.
And that's what they caught, okay?
So, I mean, it's probably 8, 9, 10 times that according to my board of control sources.
So this is their Hail Mary to flood us, bring in the new voting class, documents leaked out of the Newark legislature where they're planning to have the illegals vote, a bunch of other states and cities have already passed laws to let them vote in local elections.
Then they pop up and say, oh no, no, the border is broken, Majorca suddenly says.
And it's the Republicans' fault for not just legalizing them all to begin with.
So, none of this crap's working.
People used to be somewhat asleep.
Americans on average used to kind of be a decadent, not paying attention.
But because of inflation, because of the crime, because of all the danger we see, more and more Americans, it's a large majority now actually, are waking up or already awake.
And then the knowledge curve, they'll soon be as informed as Alex Jones or Steve Bannon.
And I don't say that lightly.
I mean, the knowledge curve, Steve, you and I a few years ago, and I'm not bragging, it's just true, we're one of the few people that got larger geopolitical understandings, understood different regions, could integrate it in historically, had read the leftist and globalist and black rock literature, understood it was multinational fascist on top, working with communist client states to leverage out US jobs and to dominate the West, and how they use communism low-level as their pop psychology that they control people with, but really it's a globalist crony fascist system.
Now, Everybody.
I mean, Joe Rogan sounds like you and I. Tucker Carlson gets it completely and is accelerating his understanding.
And so we're reaching a critical mass here that once people really get the full picture, there's no going back, no matter what they do.
Even a nuclear war is not going to save them now.
I'm going to get to the Fed and to what Yellen's doing, because this is the third element to have the administrative deep state on the financial side, not just biopharmaceutical, not just national security and lawfare, but the third element, which they're going to flood the zone with cash.
They've admitted this.
They talked about it.
It's happening.
We can point to the evidence.
But you have warned for a long time of 2024.
They're going to pull out all stops.
There's nothing that's going to stop them.
Morning console poll.
Carly Bonet put it up.
I want to thank Carly.
I ripped it off from her and put it up on my getter.
Over at Midnight Writer Channel.
The Morning Consult poll brother Jones has got Trump.
I mean these spreads in these battleground states and this is Morning Consult is the political polling group.
This is not Trafalgar.
This is not Gateway Pundit.
This is not Richard Barris.
This is a left-wing who don't even know how to poll MAGA.
With Trump with these huge spreads, 5 and 6 points in battleground states, 10 points some places, I mean, the polling is filthy and it's got him scared to death.
In Germany, sir, Alternative für Deutschland, which is basically the anti-invasion party to stop the mass migration or mass invasion of Germany, is polling at 30% as the lead political party, the lead political party in Germany.
and the German establishment, as all these guys have been in the last couple of days,
they're open about it. Financial Times is reporting on it.
They're going to shut down the party that polls the most. Do you see an analogy in
what Germany's doing in the deep state in Germany, the administrative state, to what's
going to happen here, Alex Jones?
The State Department, we know a year ago when Bolsonaro was really going to win, he only
lost by one city where they engaged in fraud in Brazil, ran the idea to have their government
outlaw Bolsonaro running for office for eight years.
They've indicted, you know, Javier Milley, but he's still the president.
Germany trying to outlaw the main populist party.
Same thing's happening all over the Western world as these small parties explode.
And we just saw in the Netherlands, you know, take over.
They are desperately, absolutely, just like with President Trump, doing what Venezuela just did.
Venezuela's been a hellhole since the communists took it over, and the opposition party starts to surge, so they arrest the leaders of the opposition party just last week, calling it treason.
But to go back to the cherry on top you put, you're asking me why they're all doing this, how it's all coming together, and why they're doing it, and I didn't finish, and I should have, but you finished it for me, showing we're, you know, simpatico.
You said they're going to flood the zone with cash, But to themselves in a military bailout, a banking bailout, because all the debt on the credit cards and on the home loans and the derivatives starts coming due tomorrow.
And so, I mean, the stuff coming out on credit cards is just really dangerous.
67% of people don't have money to even pay them.
They're about to turn people's credit cards off.
That's in the literature.
That's in the news.
But I've also talked to some insiders just last night that are high up in the banks.
And they say, yeah, it's all starting to cascade.
And so they need another excuse to flood trillions into the world economy to prop this zombie situation up.
This is after the Federal Reserve raised rates.
Another central bank's raised rates.
So they did that to try to clamp down on inflation.
It didn't really do anything.
And so now they're gonna flood it again.
So it's like shock therapy.
Turn it on, turn it off.
And that's it.
War is the health of the state.
It's the last refuge of any tyranny.
And so that's that.
And look, we're not trying to be negative here.
It's positive that we know the truth.
It's positive we're getting ready for it.
And it's positive to realize how criminal these people are.
So when they carry out all the false flags and cyber attacks and everything, we don't buy it.
We don't go out and riot.
We understand they did it.
We understand they exacerbated it.
We understand when the Islamists attacked, they brought them in.
I was saying that months ago.
Watch, it flood us with Muslims.
Now they're gonna, military men, now they're gonna say, oh, we didn't know when the terrorists strike.
And now the FBI is out there warning us about flashing lights.
We know down every part of the checklist, we have a criminal globalist elite
that's been strip mining this country politically, culturally, spiritually, financially,
and they have an instinctive hatred for the people they've robbed.
They're an arrogant, snot-nosed, Harvard ruling class.
And they are knowing they're losing their power worldwide, so they want to at least cement what's left of the U.S.
as a rump state for them to feed on and have a little gladiatorial games picking on Christians and Catholics and conservatives.
But it's not going to happen because we know who they are.
We know their whole battle plan.
And as I said earlier, once their battle plan has been externalized the general public,
there's nothing that will stop us.
But it's gonna be rough and people gotta get ready because it's just like a woman who's
had a drunk husband, has been knocking her teeth out and breaking her arms for years.
And she finally loads up that car and her sister's there to take her to another state
and he's gonna come out there and try to shoot her before she leaves.
And we're in the station wagon with the kids, bleeding noses, teeth knocked out.
And here comes the new world order in Hollywood and all these pedophiles and criminals and
they got a shotgun saying, "You ain't leaving."
So that's where we're at.
If and when we win, I mean the stakes are so high here and that's why I keep saying it, there's no negotiation here.
One side's going to win and one side's going to lose.
Understanding that you're having, and you talked about it, a great awakening.
And this awakening now, you know, Ben Burquam was in Chicago.
From New York went to Chicago reporting the streets African-Americans one after the other coming up and saying hey the sanctuary city The black political class in this in the city is destroying us working-class African-Americans with flooding the zone sanctuary cities that we can't tolerate anymore.
We're not going to tolerate it somebody today put up a resolution at the City Council, I think To reverse being a sanctuary city.
They can't afford to have working class people of every race, ethnicity, religion, join together and to combat this.
Because if they know now, and this is why they keep saying, oh these guys are fascists, these are authoritarians.
Although Alex Jones is one of the leaders in saying we can't have the renewal of FISA.
We don't want to surveil citizens.
That's a fundamental right in the Constitution and civil liberties.
Yet they want to do this.
They tuck it into this NDAA, the reason they want to jam this NDAA out.
Alex, they understand now, they even say it, that Trump's second wave are smarter, tougher, know about running government, know where the bodies are buried.
You listen to Alex Jones, you go to War Room, you listen to Tucker.
We know who the bad guys are and we know what has to be deconstructed.
How then can they even consider the possibility that we will win and we will take this over?
When you say 2024, how bad do you think it will get when they try to defend the last redoubt, which is the Deep State?
I mean, I think World War III is on the table.
Cyber attacks they're going to launch.
They've already claimed MAGA is going to launch with Putin.
Just preposterous crap.
You see them pre-programming it everywhere.
The good news is...
There are a lot of people in the federal government and in the corporations and all across this country and the world that know this is suicidal.
That know globalism is a death cult.
And so, they're blowing the whistle, they're speaking out.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I'm in a very paradoxical conundrum.
I am super thankful to our viewers and listeners for keeping us on air and your support.
We've changed the world together.
But at the same time, InfoWars is barely paying its bills.
Plus, I've got great products that will absolutely turbocharge your life.
So I'm sitting here thinking, how do I explain to people that InfoWars isn't just some talk show?
We're not some political movement of the thousands out there.
We are over the target.
We are proven to know what we're talking about.
So I say to you, my friends, please, do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTour.com.
Don't do it at Walmart, or Target, or Amazon, or the establishment facilities that are literally working against you and your family.
Go get great products.
My book, The Great Awakening.
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There's other brain boost formulas that work really great, but then you're going to have
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Not with TurboForce.
It's all available at mfullmorestore.com with store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points,
and up to 60% off.
Some of these deals we're losing money on.
So again, please do your Christmas shopping at mfullmorestore.com.
Go there.
Get Turbo Force.
Get Brain Force Plus, Brain Force Ultra 60% off.
Get Vazo Beats.
Get Ultra 12.
Get DNA Force Plus.
A lot of these products are about to sell out.
But despite that, they're still up to 60% off with store-wide free shipping at InfoWarStore.com.
We're changing the world together.
So please take a moment of reflection and realize how Great a job you've done, and then redouble your efforts to keep us on air.
Thank you so much.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
That's why Hunter finally got indicted, substantively, was because of the whistleblowers.
And that's really...
They're fear.
So the establishment's last tool is arrogance.
Hunter and AOC was swallows well at a press conference going, we complied with the subpoena.
This is a public press conference.
Meanwhile, they indicted people that didn't actually know one of them.
I think I'm talking to somebody who said this is all BS.
Their committee was not a real committee.
It was not bipartisan.
These are real Real subpoenas, and they're bucking those, but oh now they don't have to go to it, but Steve Bannon they want in jail.
So people see right through this crap, and if you go back to Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, and then later their protege Klaus Schwab, he's written books, you can pull the speeches up, most listeners here have already seen it, but for new viewers you need to know this is out there.
We are building an angrier world.
And they talk about destabilizing countries, Getting rid of the resources, getting rid of the police, getting rid of all the services, as more and more goes the debt to the private banks.
And then the globalists say, we're going to use this destabilization and blame capitalism and say it failed.
Cloud pivot, basically.
And then we're going to bring in the corporate fascist slash communist model on the bottom of build back better.
So we're going through the Great Reset right now.
But they need the public to not know they're behind the plowing over of everything, the demolition, that is the Great Reset, before they can build back better their technocracy and their social credit score and their ESGs and central bank digital currencies and vaccine passports and all the universal income crap that comes with it.
It's their new plan to replace their old giant bloated Practical Reserve banking fraud they had.
So now they're trying to jump the train from this track over to this track and they thought destabilization and race war would get us all to accept out of fear jumping over the next track.
But the next time they do a 2008 and tell people do what we say or we're going to take your bank accounts, we're going to say we're going to arrest your ass.
So people get we're being held hostage.
They get when Biden says give me $106 billion for Ukraine or we're going to war with U.S.
troops next month that he's got a gun to And they thought Americans were cowards.
When we were going along with this, no, we were asleep.
Now you got a gun to the American people's head, and we're not cowards.
People are pissed, and they know what the establishment's done.
But these people, these globalists, as you know, Steve, live in bubbles.
And they have disdain for the common hard-working people that actually know how to skin a buck or run a trot line.
And they are just now figuring out how much trouble they're in.
I don't know what's more dangerous, back when they were arrogant or now that they know we've got them.
Look, we've already won.
It's like the Terminator analogy from the 1980s, great movie with Schwarzenegger made by Cameron.
Skynet's already lost in the future.
Their one hope is to send a Terminator back to kill the leader of the resistance.
Well, instead of that, their only hope is to create crises so bad.
I know I've already said this five times, but this is the critical issue.
We're in the Fulcrum right now, we're in the crossroads.
We are at the heart of the battle where they're gonna pull out every damn stop.
And I want everybody watching who's worked for the establishment or been on the fence to understand,
you know in your gut that if you serve these crazy people, you're like supporting Hitler in 1944.
Okay, you're an idiot and you're crazy.
This thing is going down.
The globalists are already in their damn bunkers.
They're already selling that they're going to put us into a total crisis.
So we accept permanent totalitarian martial law.
It's not going to work.
It might work in a few countries like China.
The dog's not going to hunt here.
It's not going to hunt in Ireland.
It's not going to hunt in Germany.
It's not going to hunt in Spain.
It's not going to hunt in the UK.
It's not going to hunt Anywhere.
It's not gonna hunt anywhere.
We are taking the planet back.
The globalists just need to know, you can get sent to an island like Napoleon, or if you make us go all the way, you're gonna end like Hitler in that damn bunker in 1945, under the right chancellery in Berlin.
And that's not big talk.
That's real talk, right to the New World Order.
Because I'm willing to go all the way, and there's a lot of people that are willing to go all the way, and you globalists know, we're not playing games.
Alex, where do people go to get you?
We've got about 30 seconds.
Where do people go to get your show?
We've got the book, The Great Awakening.
We're going to push it out.
Where do they go to get your show?
Infowars.com is where people find the uncensored resistance movement and the battle for the future of the republic.
There's only two places that are this hardcore.
The War Room and my show.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
The new book, The Great Awakening.
We're trying to push it to number one on Amazon.
Thanks, Steve.
Field Commander Alex Jones, thank you sir.
That is bringing the heat as only Alex Jones can bring it.
Let's go to Highwaymen in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through a call.
And first, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's turmeric toothpaste is incredible.
I prefer to admit I've kind of neglected my teeth, and I started using your dad's toothpaste, and my gums stopped bleeding brushing my teeth.
And, I mean, it is dentist cleaning clean every time you brush your teeth.
It is incredible.
Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practice.
He still has his license.
He still takes care of friends and family and other folks.
But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste with top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
We don't really promote it a lot because the margin is so small it won't fund the operation.
But yeah, all three of his toothpaste, the turmeric, the tooth whitening, and the activated charcoal are all top of the line with no extra atoms or fillings, full of essential oils.
They will blow you away.
Thank you so much for the plug, sir.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Yeah, it was 40 years ago this album came out.
Good stuff.
My mama would take me to the record store.
I'd get home and put it on the turntable and crank it up.
That's what I shared with my parents.
A lot of things we enjoy together.
History and travel and hunting, but also good old-fashioned rock and roll.
Simpler, more innocent times.
Alright Michael Malice is a good friend of mine, really smart cookie, and he recently
And we never air these interviews.
We never air the stuff we need to.
That's why I'm doing this here as we approach Christmas so quickly.
Got some really special stuff for you coming up this Sunday with a Sunday broadcast 4 to 6 p.m.
and on the Monday show for Christmas.
But you'll see what we got for you then at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
But here is the Michael Malice Alex Jones interview.
Good afternoon, Michael Malice here.
Let that be your welcome for the next hour.
We have with us a man who needs no introduction, Alex Jones.
Alex, we record this Monday.
It's airing on Wednesday.
We were going to record on Friday.
We had a little bit of miscommunication.
And I had this very long intro for you about your book.
Since Friday, so many things have happened.
I saw you have another book.
You're back on Twitter.
You've done the Tucker Carlson Show.
Let's talk about the Twitter thing first, I guess.
Are you surprised that you're back?
What do you think this means, if anything?
I just want to hear your thoughts quickly.
I was surprised because they've demonized me so bad, even though 99% of it wasn't true, that I thought with all of Elon's problems, he wasn't going to do this.
But they've messed with him so much, I know you know him, that he said, go F yourself, as we all know.
And I was able to interview him, he interviewed me for two and a half hours yesterday, and we're like on the same page.
So I'm in twilight zone in a good way right now.
And so I'm very, very excited about what's happening.
You know, I've always been kind of taken aback that you're public enemy number one because here's the thing, it's very easy to caricature Alex Jones as, if there's one person or one type of people that you might want to ban, it's people who provoke violence, right?
Your entire MO is do not engage in violence because the government will take any slight bit of violence or display of force as an excuse to come down A hundred times harder.
You talk about this constantly.
There was a documentary that I saw about you.
At January 6th, you're like, guys, do not let things get out of control.
This is what they want.
And yet you're caricatured as this kind of violent insurrectionist.
Do you think that you being reinstated and do you think basically that so-called cancel culture has reached its peak?
Because now not only is it hard to cancel people, they're getting uncanceled.
Well, what's happened is the old dinosaur media ignored the public's voice on social media.
And it's not that Trump's support was perfect or Trump was perfect.
It's that until Trump won with that landslide fluke they didn't believe was going to happen, they were arrogant and said, we don't care about social media.
We're just selling advertising there.
When they saw that and Trump win, they came in with both feet to try to stomp on it and clamp it down.
So what?
And then their response, censoring not just me, but hundreds of millions of people here in the US and billions around the world, pissed people off and made them want alternative news even more.
So it's not that I'm perfect or some fount of all answers.
It's just that they recognize that I'm certainly not establishment.
So yeah, the worm has turned.
I think we've crossed the Rubicon.
The Great Awakening.
is here and now Biden comes out with the Secretary of State and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
and the Secretary of Defense and says, "Well, if you don't give us $106 billion more for
the Ukraine war, your sons and daughters will be dying within months."
So now they're holding a nuclear war gun to our head, which is so crazy I didn't even
see that coming.
So yeah.
And I talked to Elon yesterday.
He said, yeah, they're total warmongers.
They're insane.
I'm totally against the globalists now.
So, it's not us that's radical.
It's not us that are revolutionary.
This is a survival mechanism at this point.
Did you just say, whoa, we're done.
We don't care about liberal, conservative, all these labels.
We want peace.
We want prosperity.
We don't want World War III.
And then I've been so demonized.
I'm not even that good.
I mean, I'm OK.
But, oh, this guy's the most demonized.
Well, let's just hold him up.
Trump has the same thing going on.
He's not perfect.
He's way ahead in all the polls because people are like, well, if the establishment says I can't have this guy, I want this guy.
So the system has no support.
It's totally collapsed.
But now, like Napoleon or Hitler, they go to Russia to die and they're doing history repeats.
And now here we are again.
Yeah, one of the things that I think is very interesting, let's talk about your book, because I have this weird quirk where I read every book that I own, so when I was on your show you gave me a signed copy, gotta have that for the library, and I wasn't looking forward to it because a lot of these books are just copy and paste of someone's show, right?
So if I've seen the show, and I know what you talk about, I didn't think I was going to learn anything.
This book was absolutely excellent.
And I was surprised how much I learned.
I was surprised how much I enjoyed it.
You did a superb job on it.
And let me tell people why they should pick up this book and then we can talk about your next one in a second.
People, your show, you're very performative, and you have to be to some extent.
If you're talking about this kind of dark stuff day in and day out, and I had to do the same thing with my book on North Korea, if you don't make it entertaining, people tune out, because at the end of the day, it's just like, I can't handle all this demonic energy, and if any, it's also because, what could I do about it?
So, but this book, the entire tone of this book is, fine, I'm Alex Jones, I think Bigfoot did 9-11, I'm crazy, whatever.
The point is, this is what these people are advocating, using their own words.
So you don't have to like me, you don't have to think Alex Jones has any common sense.
Explain to me what you think it means.
And you're the opposite of conspiracy theorists in this book, because conspiracies, by definition, are done secretly and behind closed doors.
And you're like, this is out in the open!
They're publishing it in their books, on their website, and in their videos.
None of this is secret at all.
Can you talk a bit about that?
Well, I realize that I'm always very direct, and I was sitting back when he first wrote the book a year and a half ago, the first book, the new one just came out, and I was, I said, you know, I should do this the way I would talk to family or friends at dinner.
Not bombastic, not aggressive.
I never planned to do that.
Half the time I'm exhausted, so I'm on air.
It's easier to get hyped up than just be... It's harder to be enduring than it is just be bombastic.
My crush is just go Godzilla and bull in the China cabinet.
I said, look, I'll write notes, I'll record things that are positive, and then your ghostwriter, who's Ken Heckin-Lively, will kind of boil it down.
So the last book was like 800 pages, 600 pages long when it was done.
They boiled it down to 200 and something.
The next book's 400, boiled down from 800.
And I just did it in, yeah, more of, because my listeners all tell me, we love the old Alex that would make jokes and be fun.
I've been like that in five, six years.
So I tried to bring that to both books, and exactly what you said, say, hey, Tell me crazy, this doesn't sound too good.
This is what they said.
And they had lawyers vet all of it, double-check all the quotes on both books.
And so, you know, I'm just betting on humanity saying, this is crazy totalitarian stuff.
Forget who I am, but also using my controversy to sell books.
Am I the radical?
Because I don't have the nuclear launch codes.
And, you know, I'm not the one doing all this.
Will you please Help me save the world because I'm not going to save it.
We're going to save it together.
And so that's basically what we tried with the books.
So one of the things that I learned from this that, you know, I kind of had been naive about is you talk a lot about transhumanism, right?
And I thought to myself, OK, maybe this is one of those boogeyman words.
And when I thought of transhumanism, I thought of I saw a video not that long ago of people at Parkinson's and they couldn't eat a bowl of soup, right?
So they had this kind of spoon that even with a person shaking, the spoon is perfectly still and they can eat the soup and kind of have their quality of life and dignity back.
And things like eyeglasses.
You know, you're not born with eyeglasses, you put them on.
I'm like, what does Alex Jones have against transhumanism?
Maybe he's a bit of a Luddite.
But that's the thing, how these people work, right?
You and I are both anti-fascist.
America is an anti-fascist country.
We lost a lot of men fighting Hitler in World War II.
But being anti-fascist and being Antifa are not all the same thing.
So they will take a term that, in the context I said, is like, who's going to argue against technology helping someone with Parkinson's?
No one would be against that.
We'll be right back with more of Michael Malice and Alex Jones, right here on the InfoWarsTV/Radio Network.
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Matthew in Wisconsin.
Thanks for calling in.
Hey, I love you guys.
You're on the air.
First off and foremost, I need to pray for InfoWars.
I want to pray Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ the Messiah, pray blessings.
And power upon InfoWars, Harrison Smith, but especially Owen Schroeder and Alex Jones right now.
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I want to make a quick note here.
It is wonderful.
It is a very good reason for celebration that Alex Jones is back.
The InfoWars account is officially back.
But I want to make the point that InfoWars was not created on Twitter.
This is not something that we need.
It's amazing to think that since we've been kicked off of Twitter, not only have we continued to exist, we have continued to thrive despite the censorship.
Now that the censorship has in part been lifted, We'll only see this power grow and expand and become even more dominant, but thanks to you going to InfoWarsStore.com, thanks to you supporting us and keeping us on air and going to InfoWars.com and sharing the articles, or going to Band.Video and sharing the videos, we have not required
Permission from Big Tech to succeed and spread our message.
So thank you for your participation in this and for keeping us on air and in the fight on our own systems as well as now on the Big Tech systems that we once so thoroughly dominated and will again soon.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
If you want to know how I feel about the New World Order, I should just read the lyrics of Don't Tread on Me from Metallica, because that says it all.
Never starts the fight.
Once the fight starts, never surrenders with a terrible purpose.
Totally committed.
You are freed by commitment, not enslaved.
You are empowered by the decision to commit.
Let's go back to the Michael Malice interview right now.
So they will take a term that, in the context I said, is like, who's gonna argue against technology helping someone with Parkinson's?
You know, no one would be up against that.
But their definition of transhumanism is not at all What I was just saying.
Can you break down what they mean by transhumanism?
Yeah, I mean, you gotta go back to Aldous Huxley in 32, you're at Brave New World.
His brother was the head eugenicist, the head of the change in transhumanism.
My uncle was in a motorcycle accident, was having...
Seizures for years.
He was almost dead in a wheelchair.
He didn't just get a Vavik.
He got the nerve simulator first.
It helped him.
So about five years ago, he got an actual brain chip.
He's up walking around, looks 20 years younger.
It's wonderful.
If you've got a brain injury, baby, take brain chips.
It's wonderful.
I'm not against it.
I don't want school kids told you got to take brain chips, like Klaus Schwab says, to go to school.
He actually says that.
You'll all have chips in your brain to even have a job.
So I'm against this making us take brain chips, but I'm all, if I'm in a car wreck and break my back, give me a brain chip right now if I can walk.
In fact, I'm demanding it.
I'm all about innovation.
And then they lie and say, yeah, you're Luddites, you're against technology.
They're trying to replace us with this, not make us better.
No, no, no.
And so that's basically one of the points we make in the book, in both books dealing with transhumanism.
Transhumanism, the way they sell it, is a replacement of humanity, not an empowerment of humanity.
So I think that's basically what we're dealing with.
The other thing you talk about is who's the one who's going to have the control of the on and off switch.
So if we saw during COVID Jimmy Kimmel, who was crying understandably about his son having an illness and now, you know, treating his son.
He wanted other people to have socialized healthcare.
There's all that.
You can wrap your head around this.
But he's joking blatantly about, oh, you didn't get vaccinated and now you're in the hospital dying.
Well, too bad.
And everyone applauds.
And it's like, whoa, whoa, whoa.
You have people right in front of the camera telling you that if you're hesitant to take a vaccine that is new to the market, where it's impossible, it's impossible for any of us to say long-term it's going to be safe because it hasn't existed for long-term.
You know, the human beings are not gods.
You don't, you wouldn't know what the long-term effects are, what would have been in cars or any technology.
You have to wait it out and see what happens.
The thing is, if they're this glib about like, oh, if you don't get vaccinated, you're dying in the hospital, too damn bad.
It's not that much of a stretch to be like, all right, you've got this brain chip and we've got the remote control.
Well, if you're not being obedient, let's see how long you're going to have access to this brain chip.
And so let's unpack what you just said, because I have 100 points on that.
Under federal law passed a year ago, all cars being manufactured have a kill switch on them.
Now, you can say, oh, that's great for drunk drivers.
No, they're going to use it for bad.
So what I say is, if you opt in to a full spectrum of chips, if you've got issues, Parkinson's, whatever, that's great.
You deciding the chip.
We don't want one mandated chip.
That is controlling everybody, and that's what Klaus Schwab and the system is basically promoting.
So, that's exactly what they're doing, and it's a lie, but it's also a panacea.
They say, just accept this new global government, and we're gonna do all this, but let's go back to this.
It's a cult.
To say, we have an experimental shot, no testing, you open up the bottle of it, the data sheet is clear for the first time since the FDA was founded, there's nothing on it.
You're asking me to step into the dark, blindfolded, and wander around on the highway?
That's a cult!
And so that's why I reject it.
I know inoculation is a real science.
If there's a real disease out there, you've got some tested shot, or even if it's not tested, I make the option to take it.
That's my issue.
But to try to make me take something that they admit is experimental in the documents, but say it's tested and effective on the news three years ago when they rolled it out, when it wasn't tested, and now they admit doesn't protect you.
Is just incredible.
So what they want is mindless obedience through fear.
Because the old, that's why I love your book, White Pill.
I was even talking to the security guy here today, one of our armed guards.
He's like, oh, I loved White Pill.
It was yesterday.
You know, it's so optimistic.
It's so good.
And I was talking to some of the other crew.
I was talking to Chase Geiser about it.
It's true.
There are so many white pills out there.
If we take the white pills, but we can eat the black pill, the red pill, the blue pill, or the white pill.
It's our actions that are going to manifest which pill we take.
So if people wake up, I'm white-pilled.
If they don't, I'm black-pilled.
It's one thing to red-pill people.
You hope they make the right decision.
So many of you red-pill, become black-pilled instead of white-pilled, and realizing how much power they've got.
Yeah, let's talk about the car thing, because I think this is a great example of how people can realize how very... It's not even a slippery slope, it's an elevator shaft, right?
So let's go back to, you know, the Patriot Act, right?
So the Patriot Act was sold in the wake of 9-11 with the idea was, look, we promise the only people we're going to torture is terrorists.
And we're all going to torture terrorists when someone's got like a secret code and a nuke's about to go off in New York, and come on, you've really got to get that secret code out of him.
And it's kind of this, you know, the Show 24.
And that's never happened.
They were torturing people who they didn't even know were terrorists in Guantanamo Bay.
It was a mind game to get you to give up your values, because once you did, the floodgates are open.
Yeah, but then what I point out to conservatives since, and now it's clicked in their heads, is we live in a country right now where politicians and powerful people will tell you with a straight face, if you're a member of the NRA, you're a terrorist.
So very quickly, if the law says this will only be used for terrorists, they'll be like, alright, terrorist is someone I don't like!
And Biden, when he first got in, their first press conference was, MAGA are terrorists, they're the main threat, white supremacists are the main threat, then they define in that national security memorandum that's public, you look it up, it's like a blue thing with white stars on it, official policy of Biden, if you question elections, Uh, if you question lockdowns or forced inoculations and a bunch of other things, you are a white supremacist.
So we're like, oh, they're just saying white supremacists are the main threat, which they aren't, but I don't support them.
Then you say, okay, screw the white supremacists.
But then it defines white supremacists as anybody opposing the agenda.
And now they're claiming in FBI memos that came out three months ago, The MAGA white supremacists are going to hack the power grid with the Russians and bring it down before the election.
And I'm like, that is theater, that is fiction, the most fantastical load of bull I've ever heard.
But the fact that the Pentagon and the FBI is promoting that means that's on the agenda.
So they want to outlaw their political opposition.
Trump's not perfect.
I've got major problems with him.
But I got a bigger problem with them indicting him and trying to take him off the ballot and saying we can't vote for him.
And then I got a bigger problem with saying his supporters are the biggest terror group, when on average Trump supporters are one of the most docile groups there is.
Yeah, it's kind of interesting how you see this, all these progressives, you know, who are influencers, talking about they're scared if Trump becomes president that he is going to incarcerate his political opponents while literally he's facing multiple felonies.
And I think this is one that it's it's things are coming to a head historically where maybe possibly in my opinion because the news cycle is getting faster and faster that instead of having one story on Monday in January and the next story in February, right?
You have them within one day.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
One last breath, the four wind blows.
Better raise your ears.
The sound of hooves knock at your door.
Lock up your wife and children now.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I've been pretty good friends with Dave Mustaine over the years.
He's stayed at my house quite a few times.
I've gotten so busy over the past few years, we haven't hung out.
I didn't snub him.
He's invited me to concerts.
I just don't have time to do it, because I'm so committed to the fight.
Because the horsemen are drawing near, and leather steeds they ride, and they come to take your life.
You know, I was flattered, like, 15 years ago.
He says, I want you to write, because he wrote most of Kill Em All.
He wrote this song.
He said, I want you to help me write, basically, part two of The Four Horsemen.
And I said, Dave, I'm too flattered.
You just need to put your new album out.
And then it came out with it.
It was called Endgame.
And it was all basically stuff I said.
It's crazy how, and I was big then, but not as big as we are now.
We're 10 times bigger now.
And I was so humble.
And that's a good thing.
But as patriots, we are humble and don't realize the effect we're having.
You and your town, you and your school, you and your business.
But now, we didn't write the sequel to Kill Em All.
We've written the blueprint to bring down the New World Order.
And it couldn't have happened without your support.
All the guests, the crew, the reports.
It's not Alex Jones, it's all of us together that did this.
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And now, the conclusion of the Michael Malice, Alex Jones interview.
And then more is coming up.
No, I actually wrote notes.
That was the one thing I wanted to say.
It's right here.
Was, look at the projection.
Look at the inversion.
Trump has said he doesn't want to arrest Hillary against backhand.
And I'm not saying Trump's perfect, but Trump has said, I don't want to arrest my opponents, I want to make America great again, I want to turn the economy on.
They're the ones trying to take him off the ballot all over the country.
They're the ones with all the indictments.
They're the ones saying all of our political opposition are potential terrorists.
And then they say in the Washington Post and everywhere, we may have to assassinate him.
You know, what if he gets assassinated?
Maybe it's good, he's Hitler.
The guy's got Jewish family and is hyper pro-Israel.
That is not even real.
So he's Hitler and he's a dictator, but when we have an oligarchy, we already have a plutocracy, we already have a bureaucracy that is literally trying to cement surveillance, censorship, and control, and it's total inversion.
So if I saw any of that from Trump, I would be against him.
And I'm already pissed about the shot and, you know, Jared Kushner and a bunch of stuff.
I'm not, you know, with Trump I like hold my nose, I'll just be honest.
But I see the whole establishment against him while saying he's doing what they're doing
and I'm like, you want me to gaslight and drink the Kool-Aid?
I just can't do it.
So then I'm very frustrated because they almost forced me to support Trump when I just want
to support stopping the current regime from World War III.
What was your reaction to that?
Oh my god, he just mopped the floor with her.
He sat there and said, for those that didn't see it, because it's mainstream media, almost no ratings, but sure news sound like Michael Malice or Alex Jones.
He says, okay, name me three regions in the Russian-held areas of Ukraine.
Couldn't say Crimea, couldn't say Donbass, and she literally went, like, all scared, because she would have shot right back, for like 30 seconds, like...
And again, and he goes, you say, by the way, that I don't like you because you're a woman.
BS, man!
You are a corrupt defense contractor that had no defense background.
Talk about Hunter Biden being hired for gas pipelines with no, you know, no petroleum geology or background.
This is like hiring a eight-year-old to do brain surgery.
They're like, why are you on all these boards?
Why'd you make eight million in the last couple years?
And she just goes, And looks for the moderators to shut it down.
And that's how, and then that little donor corner over there, and Rahm Eswani would say, oh look, there's, I mean, he won all the first three debates.
But in that fourth debate, or fifth, or whatever it is, I think it's the fourth, he literally, like, grand slammed, grand slammed, grand slammed, royal flush, uh, hole in one, uh, it was, I mean, he, he, and people say, well, maybe he's not good because he was in biotech, whatever, he's a smart guy, he's in business.
The point is, you don't say the things Ramaswani said, Vivek Ramaswani.
And ever have the Globals leave you alone.
They're the most fickle, arrogant people.
He mopped the floor with them.
He devastated Chris Christie.
He devastated Rhonda Santos.
He devastated her.
It was devastating.
I was very shocked.
Not that long ago, there's a movie called Police State by Dinesh D'Souza.
I went to see the premiere at Mar-a-Lago.
I had him on the show.
And I got to tell you, Alex, I was completely shocked.
Because Dinesh is kind of like king of the boomer cons.
He's very much a mainstream conservative in that regard.
Very much within the margin of the Republican Party.
I saw this movie and it was straight up Alex Jones stuff.
One of the points he made, and this is Dinesh D'Souza, he told the story, which was true, there was some college kid who got radicalized, he became like a Muslim extremist, and I think it was FBI or CIA, I'm sure you know, they sat him down, I think it was FBI, and they were trying to encourage him to kind of make something happen.
They're like, "Look, we give you money, and we can help you recruit people."
And in Dinesh's words as the narrator, he's like, "Yes, this kid was like a crazy nut,
but they're the ones who empowered him."
First of all, to have a conservative just be like dismissing some crazy nut was just amazing.
But to have the idea of a conservative talking about how our own government
often takes these radical but powerless kids and tries to make them do something.
To have him say that with a straight face, to have that now be in the overtone when the Republican Party, does that give you a sense of validation?
Let me go back to this.
I was teasing you that time, and I've known you for a long time, when you actually got up and almost attacked me, when we were on Tim Pool's show.
And I'm like, no, the police are great, Michael, and everything they do is perfect.
And that was the day I did the, you know, I'm a gorilla.
And you got really pissed, because obviously I know that's not true.
They're just a tool of whoever's in power.
Some are good, some are bad.
And you were, like, really getting mad.
I was teasing you.
And I said, hey, I'm joking.
You turned red, you got up, because you liked me.
And you were like, dude, you're now a fascist.
I was joking.
But yeah.
I mean, Dinesh D'Souza, I haven't seen the new movie, but I've seen a transcript and some of the stuff in it.
This is the reality, and the truth is the federal police are against us.
Some are demonizing them individually, but to have mainline Republicans Have a come-to-Jesus moment, after he was put in prison for nothing, that, hey, no, the police aren't God, they're a tool of the state.
And like George Washington said, governments like fire, a dangerous servant, a fearful master.
And so that's why it's going to be incredibly limited as we wither the state, not in a Leninesque way, but a libertarian way.
And so, yeah, I mean, that's where we are.
And Republicans have finally stopped what the Q thing did, worshipping intelligence agencies, worshipping black ops, worshipping special ops.
Listen, a lot of my family on both sides were top of their classes, the top of their classes.
You know, they had, you know, quarterback positions in major football teams in college and volunteered for Vietnam and whole nine yards.
And they all came back.
And said force is evil, the government's evil, we need to limit the force, our government's run by evil, power corrupts absolutely, power corrupts absolutely.
And then I see this sycophantic worship, and I've had family in command of operations against Russians in Eastern Germany, in command of major operations in Iran-Contra, in command of hit squads wiping people out in the United States.
I'm not bragging, it's actually shameful.
And they all to a man told me, At the end, when they were on their deathbeds, that the government's evil, it was wrong, and they got out of it.
The lie is nobody gets out of the CIA.
No, most people do, actually.
And so, yeah, we have a rotting, out-of-control government.
The government is not America.
The ideals that made us great and made us better than the other countries, not that we were much better, but aspiring, what we were aspiring to made us great, and the sycophantic Q-crap that, oh, Intel and Special Ops, They're the most lied to, brainwashed people.
I don't get my... I have callers go, well what's your secret sources telling you?
Secret sources?
I can go out and observe what's going on.
I don't get any information from people in the military.
Nothing against the military in general, but the army special operations, any of that.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Hello, my name is Klaus the Situation Schmarrp.
This Christmas, cuddle up with your loved ones while you enjoy a delicious holiday feast of new ferns and crunchy crickets and pop in a very special collection of songs.
The World Enslavement Forum presents Waxmas It's 23.
I'm dreaming of a great reset Like communism, just in smart.
With his gene selection, and eye detection, and tone surveillance everywhere.
Last COVID, I gave you my check But for every new stash, you had to refresh Says here, a new pandemic is here Get ready for forced injections On the fifth day of lockdown, my government gave me five stinky masks.
Four COVID tests, three boosters, two sudden deaths, and attempted genocide.
Police at your door!
Police at your door!
Police at your door, throwing your own food is not allowed anymore.
You better not ask, or lift an eyebrow, why people are dying suddenly now.
Cancer Claus is coming to town I don't want a lot for Christmas
Just control humanity.
Maybe release new hybrid species.
Like a monkey manatee.
Please kill me.
I just want to rule the world.
Every tree and every bird.
That is my goal.
All I want for Christmas is your soul.
Wait, what is this?
We don't want a lot for Christmas.
Just leave us the f*** alone.
Go hang out with your lizard buddies.
And have some fresh and brittle cream.
I see you, enemy!
And I swear total resentment to you with everything I've done.
Go f*** yourself.
Is that fair?
Hey, Bob.
This is a larger scion on your human psyche!
The vaccine coming straight from the Pfizer lab.
A healthy body don't surrender to the jab.
Their business is done by murdering millions of people.
Go easy there, buddy.
I want everybody to stop dying.
All we want for Christmas is a normal human resistance.
Stop using my son for this shit.
All we want for Christmas Is to be free
Ho ho ho ho Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Go to hell, New World Order.
Protect us.
We are Renaissance friends.
Seems okay if we can get to it.
Is your boy alright?
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com/show now.
(electronic whirring)
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is gonna be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show today.
Nothing against the military in general, but the Army Special Operations, any of that, they are the most controlled, brainwashed people.
There are a lot of good people in there that leak stuff, but no, I get it from organic research and what's going on.
And my family told me, The government's hijacked.
It's our enemy.
We gotta abolish it 40 years ago.
Yeah, it kind of has parallels to the Catholic Church, where I have a lot of Catholic friends, and I'm sure you do as well, and, you know, they're very strong in their faith, and when they see Pope Francis, and the kind of crap he's pulling, and they see what's going on in the upper echelons of the Catholic Church, like, some of them can't even talk about it.
They're just so kind of devastated, because they have this ideal, which is a good ideal, of, you know, this kind of church that's been going on for thousands of years.
You have ceremonies, and when you say the Latin Mass, you know someone said this a thousand years ago in Rome, and you kind of have to... Oh, Latin Mass is beautiful!
Catholic ceremony is beautiful!
But when you look at what's happened now, they're just like, how is this, you know, the same thing?
And it's the same thing with the U.S.
You have this idea of George Washington, you know, liberating Eastern Europe and Central Europe.
And it's hard for people to reconcile this vision of the American government as this force of freedom, both at home and abroad, with what has happened now.
And I think more and more people, it's a hard pill to swallow, but they are swallowing it, especially older people.
It's tough for them to realize, wait a minute, this is not what it was when I was a kid.
And it's not America that's overall bad.
It's like if you're on a plane and a hijacker hijacks it and puts on a captain's uniform, he's not the captain, he's a hijacker.
America was the best house in a bad neighborhood.
We did change the world.
People did aspire to us, but we've not become that.
We're now a global corporate black rock empire, launching wars everywhere, human trafficking, all this evil, and it masquerades in the uniform of our country.
It's not Our country.
Stop worshipping it.
Admit it's a fraud, and then reform it, take it over, and cut it down to size, because it's a cancer.
Something else just about the Dinesh question, like, if you talk to people, even just 10 years ago, which is not that long ago, and told them that, you know, there was this plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer of Michigan, but this plot was fomented by agents of the intelligence community, and they're the ones at fault, that's Alex Jones tinfoil hat territory.
But now we're at a point where not only is that acknowledged, it's reported by mainstream outlets.
Are you gladdened to see How much people have come around to what you've been preaching for years?
Yeah, I mean, I'm gladdened to see it, but it's because we've been taken down so far.
I mean, they've been caught in so many lies.
Things have gotten so egregious that...
I don't want to be proven right anymore, because I know how bad it's about to get in my other predictions.
I want to be proven wrong.
I want to put the brakes on right now and say we're not having a nuclear war, and we're not collapsing the economy.
Because even if they try to stabilize things at this point, it's going to be a wild ride.
But the direction they're going is Napoleon, Hitler, I mean, you can just see it.
You can smell it, Michael.
I mean, I'm a tough guy.
This is not good.
I want to think I'm a tough guy.
I had nightmares about this.
I get stomach ulcers over it.
Because there's this thing of, you know it's going down, you see the totalitarian fingerprints, you see the totalitarian signature, and you got a family and people.
There's no reason.
And it's going to destroy the establishment.
I don't want to kill the elite.
I want them to stop it.
But they're just megalomaniacal.
They didn't get the power themselves.
It was given to them.
And so you realize, this isn't a runaway train.
We have crazy people driving it at 500 miles an hour.
Over a broken bridge.
And you're just like, stop.
They're like, no, I'm in charge.
Well, then at least slow down and just listen.
You just stop the train.
They're like, no, I'm not stopping.
And you're just like, all right, then you people are just I don't even know what to do at this point.
Because let me tell you, I got a lot of dread, Michael.
I'm not depressed.
I'm so alive now.
I've got all this optimism because I see the good.
But good is not driving the train, other than our decisions.
We're winning the culture war.
We're winning hearts and minds.
But still, the whole train looks up at the conductor and says, please stop.
And he says, no, Russian agents.
And you're like, dude, I'm not a Russian agent.
Or they say, no, white supremacists.
You're like, I'm not a white supremacist.
Well, no, racists.
You're like, just stop.
Just stop!
It's like this hard-on, oh, they gotta beat the Russians, oh, they gotta beat the Chinese, oh, we're America, the State Department, we're gonna show everybody, and they can't wipe their own asses.
Yeah, that's the thing.
I always say the enemy class is not composed of impressive people.
But the other point, to your point, is they're not going to go down without a fight.
These people have their status, they have their wealth, they have their power, they just have a sense of feeling important.
And to expect them, in the sake of good, a word which is often meaningless to them, that they're just going to be like, you know what, you're right, I want what's best for everyone.
This is not what motivates them.
And when people talk about conspiracy theories, I just put it in these terms.
I go, is it your belief That international elites, who are extremely wealthy and powerful, feel more allegiance to one another than their nation of origin.
And when you put in those terms, everyone's like, of course, that's like a textbook lefty look at the world.
And it's like, yeah, so why are you surprised that the people in charge in France, in Germany, in China, and in the United States would try to sit down and work together as they did during COVID, then think that like their big concern is America or the Chinese people, the French people, or just humanity in general.
It's just nonsensical.
And that's the problem!
is it is a classic leftist argument. You read Lenin, which I've read multiple times,
90% of it's genius and true. His solution is wrong. So the left's like, oh, we have powerful
elites together screwing us. Let's centralize control. Who do you think has control of that?
You just made it 100 times worse. So it's decentralization.
It's real competition.
That is the answer to this, and just admitting that this is crazy.
This is crazy!
One of the things I also learned from this book is you constantly talk about the globalists.
It's become kind of like, you know, the globalists, the globalists, Alex Jones, the globalists.
And I had you on my show previously, I asked you who the globalists were.
You break down so well in this book.
Who the globalists were, are, how they got to the position of power.
It's not simply people who have an ideology, like you could say conservatives.
That could mean anyone from you to Ben Shapiro to Donald Trump.
These are three different kinds of people.
This is a specific self-organizing population who identify themselves with one another, have meetings, and have policy papers and issue books.
Can you talk about the origins of globalism in the sense that you mean?
Because you break it down very well in this book.
Yeah, I mean, look, it's a long story, but this is all mainline history, folks.
At the end of World War II, there was a lot of Nazi power.
They robbed everything.
They had banks all over the world.
They were really a robbing organization.
It was all about money.
And so they had money in the U.S., all over Europe, all over Asia, all over Latin America, all over Switzerland.
And so they set up the Bilderberg Group to kind of make a deal with the British Empire.
They brought the Nazis over, Operation Paper Club.
It was not a Nazi conspiracy.
It was just a group of political cutthroat...
Like Specter and James Bond, they wanted to come over to us to fight the Russians.
And Ukraine's part of that today.
I'm not for what Russia's doing.
Russia's not perfect either, but it's literally the Nazi stay-behind networks from World War II that make up the Azov battalion, the SS officer getting praised in Canada, and we're like, why is this happening?
Well, that's who this is.
So these groups come over here, and the Bushes have a bunch of the hidden Nazi money, and there's all this other money, and you've got the Trotskyites run over here, and they create the neocons.
You have all these international groups that failed.
I got interrupted because this is something very important when you talk about... So I don't think conservatives understand that a huge branch of conservatism were formed by Trotskyites.
And what Trotskyites means were there was a big power struggle in Russia after Lenin died between Stalin and Trotsky.
Trotsky got exiled and his he died in Mexico, Stalin managed to assassinate him.
Many of these followers of Trotsky, meaning followers of like the second in command
of the Russian Revolution, hardcore Bolshevik communists later became conservatives.
But their version of conservatism is not your version of conservatism.
It's not the Donald Trump version of conservatism.
It's not even the Ben Shapiro version of conservatism.
It is a very specific thing, and to call it conservatism is almost kind of a misnomer.
But they're very much an entity with roots, ideologically, in the Russian Revolution.
And this is something that's kind of swept under the rug.
But this is a big deal because they're extremely influential with the Republican Party to this day.
And this is one of the reasons why they're so loose with their advocacy for war.
Because from the beginning, their idea was, you win by killing a lot of people and imposing your will upon them.
Well, perfectly said.
I'm glad you're a historian.
Everybody knows Michael Malice is that.
So for listeners, I want to explain.
The Nazis' last base was not Brazil or Argentina, it was Ukraine.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
We want to warn you now, this next story is disturbing.
namely in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
It is easier to kill than to control.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Pure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda.
To live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them, and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war?
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The Elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs, or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
If you want to stay rich and powerful, you'll have to do their dirty work.
They have their hands in everything.
A lot of these players simply love the spotlight.
Most of the celebrities, politicians, CEOs love the fame and fortune.
But the ones at the top of these groups are completely evil.
Many become unwillingly controlled by signing on into the club without knowing what they are actually involved with behind the scenes.
Most of humanity is asleep and distracted by meaninglessness.
The elite are warning us of a cyber attack, also known as a digital 9-11 event.
The economy would collapse if we suffered an internet shutdown.
The modern power grid relies on the internet to coordinate power plants.
Without it, each country's national grid will become imbalanced, and local outages escalate into a blackout for most of the world.
A society slipping into chaos will allow the elite to reset and rebuild a world for themselves.
There will be events leading up to a total collapse.
Domestic terror attacks, biological attacks, world wars, With each event, more and more control is gained.
Time is running out.
If society suffers from any of these trigger events, there might be no turning back.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
This is happening right now.
We need to reject the global agenda, and know who the world rulers really are and what they are up to.
The fight for humanity is happening.
Please remember, my new book, The Great Awakening, is going right to number one.
It's already number one on a bunch of charts.
Plus, it funds this operation.
It's twice the length of the last book.
It's full of solutions.
It's amazing.
The Great Awakening, the plan to defeat the Globos and launch the next great renaissance.
Get assigned copies of the fundraiser.
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That's the action point.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com and get a signed copy or unsigned copy at InfoWarsTore.com.
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In 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
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We're not fighting Nazis today, but it's politically powerful families with a bunch of stolen money, mainly from Jews and others, that are used to taking over and ruling.
So that's one group, and you've got Trudeau's deputy prime minister is like one of the main scions of this, and you've got, you know, all the rest of it.
Klaus Schwab's dad and grandfather were like the number three arms producer for Hitler.
They're not Nazis.
They're rich, powerful, global dominants.
Think of Dr. Evil or Blofeld.
That's what that's based on.
It's not art imitating life.
It is art imitating life, not life imitating art.
And so it's not a Nazi conspiracy or a Trotskyite conspiracy.
You have the guy running Russia, one of the main geniuses.
He gets kicked out by Stalin.
He comes to Mexico, sets up a movement here.
It's on record.
Even the New York Times admits it.
Has a plan to take over the U.S.
by being conservative.
And so what do the Trotskyites and the Azov battalion Nazis of Ukraine have in common?
They're two different groups, but they're Russophobes who are still fighting the last war and so can also make unlimited money.
All of that Cold War that got launched by Churchill and by others at the end of World War II.
And I'm not a Russophile.
I'm not saying they're perfect either.
So that's where all the money and power comes from.
So it seems like ancient history, but it's not.
And so it's the neocons that are Trotskyites.
And then you've got the left and everybody else allied with the literal Nazi stay-behind networks and Operation Gladio.
In Ukraine, and what they are is seasoned political dynasties with money that believe it's their goal.
Like, I'm against a lot of what Israel's doing.
Israel's not perfect.
But if you look at the Palestinians, none of the Arabs will take them in because the Palestinians are always just like the Trotskyites or just like the Ukrainian Nazis.
They believe they're going to take over because they've been in charge of Russia.
They've been in charge of Nazi Germany.
Okay, so they've already had the power.
So they're already used to this.
They have confidence.
And they've got stolen money.
So it's the same story.
These are revolutionary groups that anywhere you plant them are going to try to take over.
And now Zelensky is going to talk to the U.S.
military tomorrow.
Biden says if we don't get behind him and get unlimited money, we're going to have war within two months with our sons and daughters dying.
And these are the ghosts of World War II and the ghosts of the Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union infesting us because Americans are country bumpkins.
We had the good old boy George Washington that wanted to just set up a republic and be able to do his own business, not through a British lord.
He was a libertarian.
He couldn't do business because he wasn't a British lord.
He just wanted to do business.
So America's all about just do business, make everybody wealthy, get out of the way.
We're like Native Americans who've never been hit by smallpox.
So they died.
We've never been hit by Nazis or never been hit by communists for real.
And so they saw us as country bumpkins.
Since America was the new empire at the end of World War II, they politically migrated here.
to recreate this, and so it is the twin axis of the Trotskyites and the whole Nazi Bilderberg remnant, then you've got the British Empire remnant, and you've got all these other groups, and Americans really are, because despite our civil war and all our issues, we are still country bumpkins when we face These permutations from Russia and Germany and Europe that weren't just created there.
They were going back to Napoleon and Bismarck and, you know, all the thousands of years of wars and Machiavellian crap.
So we tried to get away from Europe with a free market system, but the ghost of Europe came into America and now we've become what we tried to leave.
Do you know what's written on the back of the first penny, which I believe was designed by Ben Franklin?
I have one in my kitchen.
I forget.
I've got one.
My grandfather gave me one.
It's worth like $10,000.
It says, mind your business.
But you've bounced around a little bit.
Talk about Take us from the Bilderberg Group to today, because it is a pretty much a straight line.
And what's interesting is as these organizations are getting more and more powerful, you can see simultaneously the media at the time is saying that any criticism of them, crazy person, tinfoil hat, it's all fine.
They just want us all to work together.
And that was how the UN was sold.
And now it's pretty much a given nowadays that the UN is at best a corrupt, ineffectual organization.
So can you talk us through from the Bilderbergers Foundation through to today?
Well, that's right.
I mean, they were having meetings right when World War II ended, but in the early 50s, the official name was Bilderberg, Oosterbeek, Holland, the hotel, and it was the remnants of the Nazis.
This is in their own papers.
It's not all out in the open.
You're right, until 15 years ago, the news would say it didn't exist.
Now they're like, yeah, okay, we were a post-World War II group to try to bring America, the Anglo-American empire, the British, in with the old European elites.
And it was Hitler's project for the EU, and that's all declassified.
Henry Kissinger was early on one of the gophers and kind of maitre d's at Bilderberg.
That's come out.
And so it was just getting all these big, powerful, rich people together.
It was about the Nazis had stolen so much stuff.
And so, because the Trotskyites weren't involved in Bilderberg until later.
And it was really an alliance between the most corrupt elements of the British Empire, And the stolen wealth of the Nazis to try to create a new world corporate government system.
And so, Henry Kissinger, State Department memorandum 200 and depopulation and world government and bringing China in and building them up and just all of this, just the average person isn't thinking global domination.
If we were, we'd be just as good as them, but we just want to live our lives and open a business and, you know, we're done because we're competent and we're confident.
But these are global dominators.
These are guys that play Risk every day, even in their sleep.
And so...
That extrapolates into the CIA in 47, extrapolates into the shadow government, and it just moves into the war on drugs with the CIA shipping in the drugs that make the answer to the drugs, and it just goes through the whole compendium, and now they've moved on to, you know, vaccines and, you know, viruses made in labs to create the crisis, and the answer's, you know, oh, and now there's racial division that they're hyping up, so the answer's reparations run by the UN, and the UN Was the second permutation of the League of Nations with Woodrow Wilson and the Federal Reserve.
And again, it's not a UN world government where people come and voluntarily vote together.
It's a totalitarian, centralized, really just rubber stamp for big corporations, as we've seen with the pandemic and the shots.
And that's just where we are.
We're dealing with all the old empires, all the king's courts, all the subterfuge, all the big money invested into taking over America, which they've done to a great extent, invested in creating a new international body, to have a clearinghouse, a casino, to compromise people and buy them off.
Now trying global domination again when you can't do it when there's nuclear weapons.
But they had this old instinct and now we're like, well, we can use nukes, you know, this time it's going to be okay.
And so it's a repeat of the worst instincts instead of, hey, let's expand into space.
Let's have free energy.
Uh, let's go laissez faire.
Let's make it all about prosperity.
Uh, but the defense contractors and all this whole money, they just can't hang it up.
And so their old instincts could destroy us all, Michael.
I don't know if you saw this, but our friend Roseanne Barr was on Bill Maher's podcast, Club Random.
I didn't see the clip, I just saw the headlines, but apparently Bill Maher had never even heard of the World Economic Forum or Klaus Schwab.
Bill Maher's not a dumb guy, Bill Maher's not poorly read, but I guess from the sources that he's in touch with, these names never come up.
On the other hand, You wrote a book called The Great Reset.
Charlie Kirk had a pamphlet called The Great Reset.
Glenn Beck had a book called The Great Reset.
On the other side of the aisle, it's like five alarm fire.
Hey, these guys are coming.
They're not joking around.
They're much more malevolent and dangerous than Biden or Kamala Harris ever could be.
I'm curious to hear your thoughts about this disconnect between something that you talk about pretty much every two minutes and Bill Maher not even knowing these names.
Well, I'm glad we just did the back story.
So I want to be 100% clear.
The World Economic Forum is not in charge of anything but their meetings.
They are the PR department of BlackRock, the big banks, the Federal Reserve, King Charles, who they're now openly pushing as the head guy.
And Charles is an incompetent.
We all know all that.
But his money, his power, it's all hidden.
But he's a real shareholder.
So, yeah.
I mean, until 15 years ago, they would say Bilderberg didn't exist.
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Tapwater is turning the frogs gay and will turn you gay too.
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I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Do you understand?
Serious crap!
Friggin' frogs!
It's not funny! I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
Won't you fight for your life?
Gay frogs, friggin' frogs! I don't like a frog!
Gay friggin' frogs!
Friggin' frog crap!
Won't you fight the frogs?
It's not funny!
I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
for you.
Enough for yourself.
I mean, this is what they're... What do you think tap water is?
It's a gay bomb, baby.
And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings.
I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly.
I mean, give me a break.
You think I'm, like, shocked by it, so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people?
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Their real policies are cut off the general public's energy, only allow certain corporations to have access to energy.
It's monopoly capitalism at its best.
And then they use Marxist-Leninist ideology to control the lower masses.
But the best way to describe its operating system is fascism at the top as the control arm, corporate interest above the law, tax exempt to a great extent, controlling governments, then using Marxist-Leninist ideology to control the lower masses.
And Biden Obama, when Obama was leaving office, famously traveled to Latin America, Asia, Africa, Middle East.
Remember, you can pull the clips up.
You can't have cars or air conditioning, the earth will heat up.
And he also said, you know, communism's good, but you need it to work with capitalism, a hybrid, like China's communist, but then we make money as free market with it.
Well, what you do is middlemen, like slavers, exploit the communist slaves to make your profits.
So they're even externalizing The method here.
So, you had a great question.
What was it?
Were you surprised that Bill Maher apparently never even heard of CloudFighterWF?
And I mean, I wasn't surprised because he reads the New York Times.
He watches Washington Journal.
And it's never in there.
And so they still have New York Times articles occasionally.
They're very schizophrenic.
Like, Alex Jones claims there's a world government, a new world order, and it's run by this, but... And then meanwhile, six months ago, Elon Musk is at the World Government Summit, where they're calling for chips in us, and the human age is over, and you're gonna eat bugs, and you're watching it.
And we're going to have central bank digital currencies, and we're going to control everything you do, and we're going to track whatever you can buy and sell.
They're saying it.
The worst that I could ever even say.
They're saying it.
And then they're like, well, actually, none of that exists.
And Elon Musk is like, I don't want world government.
It gets rid of firewalls or like bulkheads in a ship.
You hit one iceberg, you got bulkheads, it doesn't all flood.
There's no bulkhead.
Everything floods, and that was a perfect answer by Elon Musk.
And so they want to have this paradoxical game where there's no ruling elites, there's no powerful money that are monopoly men, but...
Global government's going to save you.
I think Bill Maher, some people that know him well, he really believes what he's saying.
He's a very smart guy.
But he's so caught as an old dog in the stream of consciousness he's in that he doesn't want to admit that above the political operation he looks at, which is very real at his level, But there's something behind the facade that's now out in the open.
But yeah, she says, do you know about this?
He goes, no.
But the fact that he didn't even ridicule her shows he knows how far behind he is.
And I think it says, the Bill Mahers.
When the Elon Musk begin to wake up, I think that's what's going to cause a renaissance.
Then the problem is they're trying to push Marxist-Leninist, you'll own nothing, you'll love it, everybody owns each other, brave new world crap.
They think we're so dumb, they're like, Democrats are like, now we got a broken border!
Terrorists are coming in!
We gotta totally, and again, I'm a libertarian, and we had freedom and open systems and neighboring countries that were free, we could have open borders, but we don't have that.
The point is, now they're suddenly worried about open borders, because they know people are pissed off about it.
They think we have no memory.
So it's the same thing here.
They think we don't know all this tyranny's going on, and they're gonna try to blame some other group for it.
We're all to blame at some level.
But the big corporations have been quarterbacking destabilization, crisis creation, for consolidation of power for hundreds of years.
And we have nuclear weapons and biological weapons and other things.
It has to stop.
It has to end.
We've got to have a new system.
And I would postulate, as you do, Anarchic capitalism, something along those lines.
But you've got to get to that.
So Lenin was trying to get to withering of the state the wrong way.
We have to get there by deploying systems that people then adopt, that then slowly phase out the old system.
Amen, brother.
One of the other things, and again, this book is really written for normies.
Can you explain, as best you can, and you talk about this constantly and I completely agree with you.
What's the problem with having a digital currency?
Because for average people, digital currency just means, hey, I go to the supermarket, I don't have to have a wallet, I just take my phone, I tap it on the screen, it's paid for, it's convenient.
So, you know, what's this crazy Alex Jones having concern with digital currency for?
Again, he just hates technology and he's a boomer.
Well, first off, there's no free lunch.
And then number two, because they're promising you a bunch of extra credit if you do it, I am for Bitcoin.
I think it's beautiful and wonderful, as long as there's a bunch of real alternatives.
I get we're in the wall all the less, so it's been a bunch of pump and dumps.
We're not transported to a state of liberty on a bed of feathers, as Thomas Jefferson said.
So, I want Bitcoin.
But I want a bunch of alternatives because I don't want a centralized system, i.e.
a Federal Reserve or a UN or a EU or a Communist China central bank.
So, out of the gates, the central banks are saying, we're going to have a global centralized currencies competing currencies that are all nexus together with Bill
Gates setting up the protocols that controls where you can spend it, values how
much it is, and you lose control and we surveil you. The answer to that is a
decentralized system where you'll end up getting a bunch of trusted
currencies and maybe there's a hundred of them, maybe there's a thousand of them
by the time we're done and then people decide what they're gonna do.
So I believe digital currencies are the holy grail, but decentralized digital currencies are what we need.
And so I oppose all the central bank digital currencies.
I oppose movements to have Bitcoin be the preeminent only thing.
I want legitimate, used, tested, diverse systems.
And it's the answer to the old tyranny.
It's like getting rid of apartheid.
So you get rid of the central bank, fractional reserve banking, federal reserve model, and then you bring in a central bank digital currency a thousand times worse.
No, no, no, no.
You don't replace apartheid with Marxist-Leninism.
You've got to replace the old fractional reserve system with a diversified system of private cryptocurrencies. Well, so yeah, so can you explain that's
what I was getting at. Can you explain to people what is the why you are opposed to and I would agree with
everything you say I'm sure what you're about to say What is wrong with a federal backed central digital
currency that instead of having dollars in your wallet You have a digital currency that the government controls.
I mean, it's like having one grocery store in the whole country
They're going to gouge you.
They're going to rip you off.
They're going to have fixing prices.
It's going to be controlled.
It's going to be a mafia.
It's going to be terrible.
You don't want one doctor in your town.
You don't want, you know, one movie production house.
Anything that's centralized is always the worst possible thing on earth.
Even if up front it's not, it'll be taken over.
It'll become where all the grifters go.
There'll be a big fight over it, maybe even a war over it.
You don't want governments involved in currencies, period.
I mean, I believe in the future, you don't want one corporation that can operate as a government.
That's where libertarians a lot of them get it wrong, like, oh, this corporation, well, it's bigger than the government and operates like a government.
It's just as bad.
So what I want is Elon Musk to have a currency.
And I want American Airlines to have a currency.
And I want the federal government to have 50 currencies.
And I want McDonald's to have a currency.
I want Michael Malice to have a currency.
And then they'll all have different values.
They'll all be out there.
And then it gives us all diversity.
And we can decide which one we like.
And over time, whatever gives the best service, whatever's the best, will become the basket of currencies we use.
And then that takes the power of money away, where you get everything just because you control the money.
Like I said, Romaine, now it's about the ideas, the culture, the inventions, and it empowers the individual.
What of your past predictions do you think you've gotten the most wrong?
They committed these crimes and all the other tyrants and all the other would be
psychos and mad scientists.
We need to see them jerking at the end of a rope for the millions they killed, so they understand we won't tolerate this behavior in the future, because humans come first, this is our planet, we value ourselves, and we're going to go interstellar, and you're not going to stop us, and we are a pro-human, human supremacist movement that wants to empower the species.
And the globalists are doing nothing but destroying our species.
This is a epic moment to be alive, and the globalists admit that what they count on is the general public having a low attention span and a goldfishish memory.
Should we forget about the last crime they committed, and the next crime, and the next crime, and the next thing, and the next war, and the next fraud, and the next scandal, until we just become acclimated and accepted?
And the answer is no, I don't accept it.
I see the trajectory that you're taking us on, and we refuse to go there.
We refuse to be part of this.
We say no.
And I'm not somebody that loves death.
I don't take any pleasure in that.
But they need to be executed.
And you know they do.
You know they need to be executed.
Don't truck bomb them.
Don't shoot them.
Don't harm a hair on their head.
Because the media will spin it and it'll be turned against us.
No, we just get our people elected.
We take control of the institutions.
Might take five years.
Might take ten.
And we just blow the whistle on them and we beaver away.
And we don't buy anything they say.
And we build our own communities.
And then...
We start indicting them, and they start singing like canaries once we control the Justice Departments of the world.
And we let the people that blow the whistle just get 10 years in prison, and then the kingpins get marched up on a public platform, on international television, and we put a rope around their neck, and we pull the lever, and we break their neck in front of billions of people.
That's what happens when you kill children and innocent people.
That's what happens when you, when tens of millions of children now have heart attacks and myocarditis, and they have TV ads going, it's normal for babies to have heart attacks!
Get used to it!
Defibrillators in school!
It's normal!
Everybody's got heart attacks now!
No, that's not normal!
A little kid having a heart attack and dying, or living ten years after they're given the shot with excruciating heart swelling and they finally die.
You know in the numbers, half the people that have this myocarditis will be dead.
Top experts agree within five to ten years.
They killed us!
They murdered our people and they're just getting started.
They did this as a test to see if they could manage it and get away with it and the people would buy it.
Remember, the UN won't give any migrants the shot.
They said, oh, it's too dangerous.
And we're just gonna sit here while these creeps are still in power?
No, we gotta get them.
And you watch.
You don't believe it because you're so arrogant, but one day, sooner than you think, you're going to be up on international television with that big cheering crowd right there, because you were anti-human, and you're so into death, and you decide who lives and dies, and you're going to depopulate us, and you're going to kill us, and you're going to get what you tried to make us live through, which you did kill many people.
Just like those Nazis at Nuremberg, you're gonna get that neck snapped real good and clean.
Nothing cruel and unusual about it, but you're gonna die on an actual TV, crapping your pants, jerking at the end of a rope.
We gotta legally and lawfully take over the system, and then they gotta be executed.
And look, that's the kind of thing that makes them come after me, because they know I'm a very serious person.
It's the kind of thing that gets me killed.
It doesn't matter.
It needs to be said.
They murdered 20 million people.
They need to die.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
You know, I gotta be honest.
I'm following the arc of history.
It is not... I mean, I've gotten almost everything right.
I've been sucked in.
Here's what I got wrong.
WikiLeaks comes out a month before the 2016 election, and it's hardcore emails, no one's denying it, telling the top Democrats in upstate New York, we're going to deliver seven and eight year old children to you.
They're trained, but they may still give you a problem, but they're ready to entertain you.
And it's, it's bad.
And then the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN go, oh, look, a pizza place.
They got dungeons.
They're doing this.
And we all run to that instead of the real thing.
And then it discredits the real thing.
And it was the same thing.
They had the school safety experts and all these professors.
Oh, this mass shooting didn't happen.
I barely ever covered it.
But then they could go back and make that who I was.
So what I've learned is Anything that kind of, a lot of organic stuff's great.
But whatever the new kind of 4chan, Fed, we later learned it was the CIA.
Saying is usually a distraction.
Like, I mean, I was wise to this when Q came along and, you know, oh, Trump's invincible and Biden will be arrested on Inauguration Day.
And I went after it.
And, you know, they said, oh, Q rise up and all this.
That was the CIA.
We now know that.
So, yeah, they just anything too good to be true is.
The world's too complex.
Any panacea is a lie.
So we need 100 currencies, not all the one perfect one.
I love Bitcoin.
I'm just saying I don't want a central bank digital currency and I don't want Bitcoin to be the only one.
And the Bitcoin guys get mad, they go, oh, there's a problem, it's the best.
I don't want one thing.
I want at least five choices.
And, you know, a hundred's better, a thousand's even better.
I had Jake Angeli, who was the January 6th shaman on my show a couple of times, he's out on probation.
I wanted to ask, I was on the fence about something and I realized I have access to the greatest person on earth to ask, which is you.
As a former someone born in the Soviet Union, if he comes to Austin and I let him crash at my place, am I making a huge mistake in your professional opinion?
No, I don't think he's part of Operation Trust, you know, that's gone on before in the Soviet Union.
No, I just meant like as a Soviet me being suspicious.
Like, am I going to get on some list and I'm going to get audited or are they going to come to my house?
Do you know what I mean?
I mean, Michael, you're already on a list, good and bad.
I mean, everybody knows you're a really well thought out, smart guy.
No, I think Jacob Chomsky's a good guy.
I think like anybody that's gotten famous out of nowhere, he's a little bit having delusions of grandeur.
I'll say that to his face.
You know, I've had him like call up and say, hey, you got me on right now or whatever.
No, I think he's a good guy.
I think he's a funny guy.
He got set up that day.
He tried to shut it down.
I think you're totally safe hanging out.
In fact, let's go get dinner together.
I'd love to meet him in person.
Okay, that would be great.
I know you've got another question.
Tell me about the two books.
People, again, you're so radioactive, yet you got book deals with major publishers.
Can you explain what that process was like?
Because I know when you tried to do a book with Neil Strauss, it was huge news.
I think some even lost their jobs.
People got in trouble.
And it's like, no, no, this guy's radioactive.
And now it's front and center on Amazon.
When I looked, it was like number 27 on Amazon, which is no joke.
So can you explain how that happened?
Are you no longer radioactive in terms of corporate publishing?
Well, what happened is, it was okay with the media and the system when I was being beat up and intimidated.
But now, the arrogance has gotten so bad, it's like the French Revolution.
It was really popular the first year, but a couple years later, they were killing the leaders of the French Revolution.
I'm not saying do that, I'm saying that's what happened.
And so, yeah, Neil Strauss came, they had this top publisher, they had one of the most famous top five Agents and CNN had a mole inside the huge publisher and got him fired and others fired and basically blackballed Neil Strauss over it.
We're just trying to write a book about Alex Jones and the secret history of the world.
I mean, obviously, I'm the big black sheep.
I'm the guy to write a book about.
And then now since they've attacked so many people.
Tony Lyons and Skyhorse is an imprint.
I think it's Simon and Schuster.
He's been able to put some of the books out.
The first one is The Great Reset and The War for the World.
The new one is The Great Awakening.
I hope people all get it at InfoWars.com because I'm barely paying my bills even though the show's exploded.
And they're good books.
They're informative, but really it's just about being focused on the fact that we're all part of the new renaissance.
We're all part of the Great Awakening.
This is not some perfect battle plan like communists bean-couters create.
It's about us demanding change, being informed, demanding quality, and You know, demanding a free society, and so I hope people do get The Great Awakening, and I hope they tune into my show.
If they follow me on X, back on X at Real Alex Jones.
Yeah, I really endorse this book.
I'm going to get the new one, Alex, and when I read it, I'm going to have you back on to discuss it.
I know you've got a hard-out right now.
Alex, before I let you go, I want to encourage everyone to head over to malice.locals.com, where you're going to be answering questions from supporters.
Alex, we're running out of time.
What has been your favorite part of this interview?
Just talking to you, and I appreciate you putting up with me because I've been up since 5 a.m.
this morning, and everything's so hot right now.
I've done a whole bunch of interviews, and I'm cross-eyed, but you've got me excited, and I really look forward to having dinner with you and Jacob Chomsley, and maybe some of our other mutual friends.
And so, Michael, I appreciate you, and I think I'm going to come back tomorrow.
I'll put the same blue shirt on.
We're going to take some questions from the audience.
We've got some great questions in here.
Cameron wants to know, sorry, Raj wants to know, as a Texan, propane or charcoal?
Oh my God, that's like saying, am I tits or ass man?
They're both amazing.
Someone had tits or ass.
No, I mean, I'm more of an ass man, but I mean, it's like tits are a close second.
So I would say charcoals are ass, tits are gas.
Anson wants to know, when you're having a stressful day, how do you calm yourself down?
Because you have a lot of those.
And you get very hyped up.
How do you kind of relax?
Well, let's not lie.
I like a few drinks, and I like women.
I like my wife, so... Yeah, that'll do it.
Back to the same thing.
It all revolves around that.
Um... You mentioned, uh, Paneer wants to know, you mentioned The X-Files was based on your life.
What episode was your favorite?
Okay, well, I want to explain not the whole X-Files, and let me go back.
I actually like researching or reading a good book, even if it's non-fiction.
I've read your books, thought White Pill was great.
Just knowledge is an escape.
You'd think, like, getting out of news and getting out of things would be relaxing.
No, then it's actually depressing to sometimes unplug.
So really, my big go-to is research.
And you know, sometimes it's just cooking dinner or cleaning the kitchen or like my wife had family over the other day, huge messy kitchen.
I said, Hey, you just go to bed.
You know, after we watch a movie, I'm going to clean up the kitchen.
And I spent like 45 minutes.
I had that sucker spick and span like a, you know, deck of a Navy ship.
And so I like, I actually like cleaning, strangely enough.
I don't have a lot of time to do it, but I really enjoy it.
I like sweeping, you know, the back porch.
I mean, I just, I like cutting wood.
I like, I like work.
I like cleaning the garage, so.
It's a good way to like stop thinking and just do something productive and you don't have to kind of be like a hamster wheel in your own head.
You could just kind of do something and like, I'm getting something done, but I don't have to kind of stress myself out.
What was the next question?
Uh, the next question was you mentioned the X-Files was based on your life.
What episode was your favorite?
Okay, I was not a big X-Files fan because I wasn't a big fiction TV fan back when it was huge in the 90s.
Then they had a lone gunman spinoff that had a jet hijacked, a jumbo jet to fly in the World Trade Center to bring in Marshall Law.
That was right before 9-11.
And I thought that was important.
And then I said, man, is Chris Carter being told this by the CIA?
And then Chris Carter came out in a bunch of news articles in, I think, like, Variety, you name it, saying, actually, Alex Jones is right.
And I had some of the X-Files people contact me, some of the stars.
Then I talked some to Chris Carter, and he said, actually, my new spinoff, 2016, that was new then, The talk show host that warns the government giving you a vaccine that erases your immune system is based on you.
I basically talked about some of that because it was in Operation Lockstep.
I wasn't getting it from my own brain.
I was getting it from the Rockefeller Foundation.
And so I talked a little bit to Carter.
We never got that done.
He wanted to meet in LA.
But he admitted that a lot of that stuff came from my show and that that that relaunch, it was only a few episodes, I think five of them that aired.
It was a hit show, but they did.
In 2016, he said in the news that I was basically the main impetus or that I influenced that.
I've been on air close to 30 years.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years, we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the products, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
It's really allowed us to survive and when it comes to exposing the globalists thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners and I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world and I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us more than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
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And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, the best films.
Really, everything we sell on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
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So we kind of created the model of a political talk show Funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners, the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas, and a lot of products that have been sold out are now back in stock.
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Thank you for your support.
God bless.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Patty wants to know which do you think is more likely to happen first?
The U.S.
becomes a pure totalitarian regime or national divorce?
I think national divorce happens.
I think they'll try for the totalitarian and I think it causes the breakup of the country.
Yeah, I think there's enough people... I'm not saying either one of those is going to happen.
I'm not saying either one of those... I believe we're going to fix this, not have some utopia, but turn it around and kind of stop World War III and reorganize things.
But I mean, I don't want to have collapse like the Soviet Union.
That's another possibility.
But that's better than...
A national divorce or a civil war.
So that's the third worst option.
But you know, the lesser of evils.
I'd rather wake the hell up and just pull ourselves together and stop this.
Nolan wants to know what is the most unbelievable claim you've made that ultimately turned out to be true?
You know, 99% of the stuff I cover is already actually in the news.
It was in hundreds of studies that Atrazine was making male frogs be attracted to male frogs so they wouldn't have any offspring.
So that wasn't a prediction I made.
The fact that our government overthrew the Ukrainian government nine years ago and started a proxy war, or that the government blew up Nord Stream, which they now basically have met.
99% of the time, Michael, people think, because they're not researching, that I just magically guessed, the Russians will invade by the end of February.
That was the Pentagon's own public statement.
And I knew, I know people that were actually are over there, were over there.
So that wasn't a prediction again.
I did predict Trump would win a year before he won.
People thought that was crazy, but I could kind of pick up the zeitgeist.
So that was probably something where it was actually me making a prediction.
Yeah, that's the other thing.
The caricature of Alex Jones is that you're just sitting there and running your mouth and just, you know, again, like Bigfoot did 9-11, when most of your content is, here's documents that are public from these outlets and international organizations and powerful people.
These are their own words.
So it's the exact opposite of conspiracy in the fact that this isn't secret at all.
You give people the URL, they could go look it up themselves.
Well that's the frustration point is we've all been to Thanksgiving and there's the adult table and the little kid tables over here.
They're talking about divorce and cancer and stock portfolios or you know the NFL at the adult table and we're talking about Pokemon or you know Batman or whatever.
And I'm just at the adult table, and they write white papers and documents admitting, Klaus Schwab's like, by 2030, we will put brain chips in all of you, and we will make you... I mean, this is their crazy plan.
They've got a lot of power.
Doesn't mean it's going to happen, but if we don't admit they're planning it, we don't oppose them at will.
So I don't tell everybody this stuff to be desperate.
I think we're all going to be defeated.
I tell people this because I believe in them and say, hey, we should be captains.
You can't, this is the point I make all the time, you can't look at Klaus Schwab and be like, there's no way I can win against this guy.
He's much closer to a clown than to Darth Vader, despite his clothing.
Clown Schwab.
He is a clown, but it makes us the bigger clown if we let, if we abdicate our responsibility and just act like he's, like your book about white pill.
It's true.
We're way better than we were a hundred years ago.
The problem is we got a lot more dangerous weapons, so we got to knock it off, man.
And that's my message to the so-called elite, the trust fund babies, the billionaires.
Guys, come on.
You're not going to make the general public poor and create some dystopia and then you're secure and rich by new feudalism.
Feudalism won't work once people have already tasted freedom.
All you're going to do is create total destruction.
Matt wants to know if history, I don't say if, I'm going to change it to when, when history vindicates you and your name is uttered 100 years from now, what moment from your career do you most want it to evoke?
You know, I really, quite frankly, don't care about my name in the future.
I care about my children, since you have children.
Aren't dead in nuclear war.
So I'm so concerned about Biden saying last week, and now the Joint Chiefs of Staff head and the Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State all saying, let us have 106 billion or your sons and daughters will be dying in two months.
So I'm just I wanted to say Alex Jones helped save humanity.
And we all need to have that attitude.
And so I mean, I would want that basically.
That's a great answer.
Indy wants to know, what was the strangest thing you've ever experienced in your life?
I'm not going to say on air because they'll use it against me, but I mean, I've had spiritual experiences, interdimensional experiences, psychic experiences.
I mean, I just know there's a lot more, as they say, that are in your books.
And so I've had a lot of... I mean, I've said this 20 years ago, that I basically I was only about two, three years, and I was in a restaurant by myself at night.
It was closing at 10.
I was eating a chicken fried steak, drinking iced tea, and I just kind of saw the future and talked about it then.
And it basically came true.
So call it what you will, just we're all tied into the ether.
And a lot of times, our subconscious, if we're people who study a subject a lot, will click, and it'll feel like a vision or something, but it's not a vision.
It's that your brain just put two and two together, and now it's giving that information to the conscious part of your brain.
So it might feel metaphysical, but it's just really... Well, exactly.
I mean, you know, even if people don't want to believe in, you know, things we can't see exactly, the cerebral cortex Depending on what brain science you talk to, it's like 2% of our processing power.
It's the frontal lobes of both sides of the brain trying to communicate.
It's our limited focus.
But the subconscious is hundreds of times more powerful than the conscious.
Then the unconscious is, you know, it's incredible.
And so exactly.
We're like a giant complex of supercomputers, but we can only focus on one thing at a time.
But it's focusing on everything.
So I think real transcendence and real genius is being able to get close to the unconscious I agree completely.
first the subconscious and then to the unconscious and then that they all
that's thousands of times altogether more powerful than our limited vision in
in the cerebral cortex. I agree completely. Sean wants to know what do
you think is the most absurd and baseless conspiracy theory that you've
heard of? I mean I mean I would have to say the earth is flat.
Or there aren't satellites.
I mean, stuff like that is just preposterous.
Because, I mean, my dad would always never give me any money, unless it was for school or science.
And I was already out of high school, and I was into astronomy.
And I said, they just came out with Meade telescopes.
They were still university items.
And I said, Dad, there's a Meade telescope in San Antonio.
Like this big, like, reflector, reflector, I forget, it's the short ones, with like a 12-inch deal.
It's like $14,000.
They've now got robot control, where it'll follow the stars and things.
I know you got me into astronomy.
Can we buy it?
He said, here's my credit card.
So I drive from Austin to San Antonio.
I get it.
Well, my dad's really old now, but we spent years, you know, the next four or five years, we should dig that thing out of storage and use it again, where almost every other weekend we'd drive out to the desert two or three hours west of Austin where it's clear sky, because, you know, Austin kind of ends where it's green and it gets deserty out there, and we would drink beer and sleep in a tent, and for two days we'd put a 35mm camera, you know, we'd take photos of Hillbop, we would take photos of... and I've sat there Looking, and by then they even had digital lenses, we could watch it, put it in a hard drive.
I got, this stuff is somewhere in storage or something.
And I would watch over four hours, take photos on a 35 millimeter camera hooked into it, and then watch Jupiter over four or five hours turn substantively.
And so it's round.
And so I tell these flat earthers, like, I've looked at planets turning.
I've watched this, and they go, no, no, it's flat.
And you can look at the sun, it's round.
And then my dad bought a bunch of equipment.
The best thing is watching the sun during the day.
They put these big green lenses on it so it doesn't hurt your eyes.
It'll still heat the lens up super hot.
And I've sat there and watched, you know, the sun.
It only turns a little bit while you're watching it for an hour.
With sunspots and everything, watching it turn, it's round.
And so just because we've been lied to about so much, doesn't then mean everything else is a lie, and we go back to Copernicus or Galileo getting in trouble for saying the Earth's round and we're not the center of the universe.
So I mean, it's just, but I get it.
People have been lied to so much, they have no scientific knowledge, so they really believe the Earth's flat, and they just don't understand it.
So I think flat Earth is probably the most ridiculous thing.
By the way, I think that's great that you were so fortunate to have such great memories with your dad.
I think that's the kind of stuff that makes America wonderful.
Like, you know, me and dad are going to go to the desert, we're going to look at this astronomy, this is going to be our thing, we're going to hang out.
I think you're very fortunate to have had those experiences, and I hope you treasure them, as it surely sounds like you do.
Mark wants to know, will The Globalist need to crush Javier Millet?
Oh yeah, they're already coming after him, just like Trump, just like Bolsonaro, just like any of these people.
So yeah, they're going to come after him, and they already are, because they're scared of progress.
They're scared of everybody having a shot at success because out of that there's all
these up-and-comers that they can't control.
If, by Rudyard Kipling.
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream, and not make dreams your master.
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn out tools.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss.