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Name: 20231221_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 21, 2023
3422 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics, society, and globalist agendas on his show. He promotes Infowars Store products and encourages listeners to support independent news sources against tyranny. Jones highlights the need for human intelligence, action, and free speech in countering suppression of dissenting voices. In recent segments, he discusses a World Economic Forum white paper that could limit internet freedom, WHO's power grab plan, and New World Order manipulation tactics using fear and deadly pathogens."

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It's Thursday, December 21st, 2023.
Strap yourselves in.
Tucker Carlson's coming up.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
It really is incredible that this year has sped past us so quickly and that Christmas is just a few days away.
It's Thursday, December 21st, 2023.
We have a lot of news and information and important topics that affect the future destiny of humanity coming up today.
But the first thing I want to do, because a lot of people have asked me why I haven't done this, is air in its entirety The Tucker Carlson interview that dropped a few weeks ago and that precipitated Elon Musk, bring me back on X and then that was the final straw for the totalitarian EU and they're now moving to basically shut down X. It's just
Bizarre and surreal to so many times be right at the center of all these big controversies.
But the supporters and listeners of this broadcast are right at the center of the controversies because we're the ones exposing the real power, the real dimensions of the power structure and the real paradigm.
The power paradigm, I would call it.
And so Tucker Carlson interview coming up.
And then so much more today.
Charlie Kirk, this is going to be a powerful Thursday transmission.
Please stay with us.
You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence, or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
We want to warn you now, this next story is disturbing.
Namely, in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
It is easier to kill than to control.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Pure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda.
To live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them, and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war.
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
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Get it all at InfoWarsTore.com.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
You've seen that we've delivered together.
You delivered supporting us.
I've delivered not giving up.
Praise God and pass the ammunition in the information war.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening.
Sign or unsign.
Take action!
Big Brother. New Game. Now on Steam.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It is Thursday, December 21st, 2023.
I'm your embattled host, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
And before we get to Tucker Carlson and all the big key issues that affect our society and our world today...
and how we're able to predict what the globalists are going to do next, which is the real power we have
to stop them now that the world has awakened to a great extent to the threat of these individuals.
I don't want to just say this ahead of Christmas, and I want to be saying this
a lot over the next few days. I intend to really do a deep dive on it. I'm very thankful for the
crew, my family, our supporters, the listeners, the viewers, and all the people that love God
and love justice and love our children and want to have a good, decent future of prosperity and
security and enlightenment and discovery and creativity and, oh, what's the key word?
And that's what this is really all about.
That's what this consciousness is all about.
That's what it's all about, to be alive and to know you've been created by the creator of the universe.
So a lot of folks have said, why haven't you aired the Tucker Carlson interview, the big bombshell interview from a few weeks ago?
And there's just been a lot of breaking news and a lot of big developments.
We'll be covering some of that here today, obviously.
But I did want to just go ahead because it really was a thought-provoking interview.
And we again got into so many key issues to air it in its entirety over the next two hours.
Then we're going to come back and talk to Charlie Kirk and cover some of the latest developments in our world as well.
So here it is, ladies and gentlemen, the Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson interview.
Many people on talk radio didn't hear it or people haven't seen it.
If you weren't on X, About 25 million people did watch it on X. The clips of it got more than 100 million views.
It was a very, very successful interview.
I thank Tucker for having the courage to do the interview, which then really broke the ice with Elon Musk and helped bring us back to X, which now has triggered the European Union to literally try to shut down X. So this is an incredible time to be alive.
Here is the Tucker Carlson interview with yours truly.
We're here with the world's most dangerous man, the most censored man in the English language.
But honestly, when you get him in front of an outhouse in the woods, he doesn't seem so dangerous.
It's a fancy outhouse.
We have a ruling class in the United States defined by its hatreds, not its loves, not its hopes, but by its hatreds.
They hate all kinds of people, large groups of people, the deplorables, the bitter clingers, America's entire blue-collar population, the unfashionable people.
They're hated by the people who run our country.
But no one is hated more by them than a man called Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the single most censored man in all American history.
He was the first media figure in our history to be completely erased in one day.
Alex Jones was deplatformed before it was a common term.
And not just deplatformed.
They attempted to criminally charge him.
What did Alex Jones do wrong?
Alex Jones didn't rape anybody.
He didn't loot Macy's.
He didn't burn a police station.
He didn't invent a fake cryptocurrency and loot pension funds.
He didn't start a pointless war that made this country poorer and more disorganized.
He didn't open the southern border.
Alex Jones had opinions that deeply rattled the people who run America.
In fact, rattled a lot of us.
And I'll just confess that I first heard of Alex Jones When he questioned the official story behind 9-11.
And I, speaking for myself, was deeply offended by this.
I didn't take any time to find out what he was saying, but I was bothered by the idea that this defining event in American history, which changed the life of everyone who lived here then, might not actually have unfolded as we were told it did.
And that possibility was too destabilizing.
And I remember feeling resentment toward Alex Jones for saying that.
But several years later, I went up in Austin, Texas, and through a chain of circumstances, wound up meeting Alex Jones.
And I learned what everyone who has met him now knows, which is Alex Jones is not a crazy person.
Alex Jones has said pretty far out things on TV from time to time.
Not that far out.
He hasn't said men can become women, or Ukraine is a democracy.
But within the bounds of, say, cable news, pretty far out.
But fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things.
And in fact, that's why they don't like him.
Alex Jones has an uncanny, really an amazing ability to predict events before they happen.
He has called it and he's done it on tape again and again, to the point where it's a meme on the internet.
Alex Jones profit.
Not conspiracy nut, profit.
But when you dig into Alex Jones' predictions, they are so spot on that it's remarkable.
How does he do this?
We're guessing there's a kind of spiritual sensitivity to Alex Jones.
Maybe that's his secret.
He was displaying this years before the average person in this country even thought about matters like that.
Now it's pretty obvious to most people that the current war going on in this country is taking place in ways you can't see it most of the time.
But 10 years ago, people were not thinking that way.
Alex Jones was.
And so we thought it'd be interesting to sit down and talk to Alex Jones, the man.
He joins us now in our studio.
Alex Jones, thank you.
Wow, Tucker, it's great to be here.
Amazing studios, amazing, I mean it, amazing people.
And this is really going to be, I think, a historic interview.
So thanks for having me.
Well, I'm really grateful to be able to do it.
And it's just, it's one of the great blessings of my life and of my job is that I've been able to meet people That I've had preconceptions about, and sometimes find those preconceptions bolstered, and in other cases demolished.
And you're definitely in the second category.
So I want, for people who have made it this far, you know, the people who are in the country have really succeeded in making you disreputable.
And the whole point, of course, is people won't listen to you.
So we thought it'd be interesting to start with a series of on-tape predictions that you made, some of which are so precise and so prescient that it makes the hair on my arms stand up.
And I'm being sincere, and our viewers are about to see what I'm talking about.
Here is a list of things that you called ahead of time.
By the middle of September, that the new policy's being written, you all have to wear masks again, and so will airport employees.
It's happening.
Mask mandates are officially back.
We know the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to blow up airliners, Baltimore Sun, or if you let some terrorist group do it, like the World Trade Center, we know who to blame.
And if there was an outside threat, like a bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s.
This group and its leader, a person named Osama bin Laden, he's the boogeyman they need.
We're looking at a giant war in February right now.
I predict the Russians are going to roll in.
They're going to roll in.
They're already there.
With attacks across Ukraine, which is the size of Texas.
It really was the Iraqis.
That's just because they're getting ready to invade Iraq.
What a beautiful setup.
Those 9-11 clips are crazy.
I'm actually bothered by the precision of them.
I'm not accusing you of being behind 9-11.
But how could you, in July of 2001, Call that.
You said they're going to have airliners fly into the World Trade Center and they're going to blame a guy called Osama Bin Laden.
Leaving aside what actually happened, how could you have known that?
Well, in the longer clip, because it's a multi-hour show from July 25, 2001, I specifically walked through all the reasons and I knew they were hyping up that we were about to be hit by Osama bin Laden.
I knew that the World Trade Center had been attacked the first time and that the Fed's been involved helping cook the bomb and allowing it to go forward.
And I just saw a lot of the pre-programming that was happening in the media.
They were on the news saying, you know, life's about to change in America.
And I was reading what the Rand Corporation was saying and what the Pentagon was putting out.
I read the PNAC document from a year before, Rebuilding America's Defenses, that Dick Cheney had helped write.
And it said we need a Pearl Harbor event on the American homeland to be able to bring in this police state and this control and then expand the American empire worldwide.
So hundreds of pieces of data, hundreds of pieces of data went into that prediction.
But terrorists are going to hit the World Trade Center in July of 2001?
I lived in the United States then.
That was the last thing on my mind.
And I lived in Washington.
I know the guys who wrote the PNAC document, because I shared an office with them.
So I was more informed than the average person.
And that was the last thing that crossed my mind in the summer of 2001.
Like everyone else, I thought it was a Cessna.
But how convinced were you that this was going to happen?
I was completely convinced.
In fact, in the full clip, it's online.
You can find it on Twitter and other places.
It has been removed.
I explained to people that they need to call the White House and tell the White House, we know if you allow these attacks, that you're basically allowing it to happen.
And it was similar to all the data we had.
You said that on your show?
On my show.
And I gave the number out so people could actually call the White House.
Don't touch that dial and please share the link to the live show at
infowars.com/showandman.video. That's how we defeat AI, defeat the censors,
and awaken humanity. You are the Paul Revere's. So stay with us and share the links. We'll be right back.
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Any boffins died to bring us this information.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
Alex Jones has volunteered to lead the fighter attack.
Get a signed copy of the Great Awakening today at InfoWarsStore.com.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
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I was on with Elon Musk for two and a half hours about eight days ago.
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And I said, how about Team Humanity?
He said, yeah, let's call it Team Humanity.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We are back, here, on the broadcast globalist criminal satanist pedophiles tyrants hate above all others, the Alex Jones
(upbeat music)
A lot of new viewers tuning in.
A lot of people seeking the truth.
We don't claim to have all the answers, but we do our best to tell you the truth and to be accurate.
That's why we've got one of the best accuracy rates on the planet.
While the mainstream media lies to you about what's happening today, we tell you the truth about what's coming next.
Let's plunge right back into this Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones interview that has the deep state pulling out its hair.
Going back to October of last year, when the Russians went into Ukraine, I specifically said I think they'll go in by the end of February.
And there was a lot of data that went into that.
And then they specifically did go in on February 24th.
And so I was able to make that prediction as well.
But there was a lot of data and information that went into it.
I'm just, for the record, I miscalled that completely.
I didn't think they were going to do it.
I was wrong, not for the first time.
You were right.
But the 9-11 thing, I remember that really well.
Nobody was thinking like that.
So you called it in public, on tape.
Did the 9-11 commission... So if I'm the FBI and I'm investigating 9-11, you're like the first guy I would call.
Because you're the only person who said that out loud.
Did they call you?
No, they didn't.
But my most accurate prediction, going back over a decade, was when I read the Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep.
And they described using a virus to bring in world government, to bring in a world medical ID, that they would then build the social credit score off of, and that they would make people wear masks for fear, that they would shut down sporting events and things like that, and basically phase in this new tyranny.
So I was also able to specifically make that prediction over and over and over again, because I was going off their own battle plans.
Are you the only person in media who actually reads these reports?
I don't think a lot of people do read them, but I do read them. I mean, I'm currently reading
MIT reports from their top councils, Pentagon reports. They have a working group called the
Mad Scientist Group at the Pentagon that works with MIT.
And if you go watch their hour-long, two-hour-long, three-hour-long meetings they have on
YouTube with all the tops, I mean, we're talking hundreds of top scientists.
They admit that they're building a post-human world, that soon everyone's going to be mind-controlled, that they're going to put smart dust in our food, that they can electromagnetically control, and they just lay it all out right there.
And I've learned what these people said in the 50s they would do were done by the 70s.
What they said their plan was in the 70s for the 90s, they got done.
And then when they had their Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the Big UN Summit, they described everything they would do up until the year 2000, and they got almost all of that done.
Now they've got Agenda 2030, and we're going to ban your gas stoves, we're going to ban beef, we're going to ban single-family dwellings, we're going to ban private ownership of cars.
We're going to do all this, and now you see them rolling it all out.
So I'm not really making predictions in these high-level World Economic Forum and other large think tanks.
groups, they're laying out the future and they're high priests of the World Economic Forum.
It's a consortium of all these groups.
You all know Harari. You can read his quotes.
The future is not human. The human era is over.
The public is useless.
I mean, this is a very anti-human system. So that's how I'm able
to make predictions because they've given us a roadmap.
They tell us where they want to take us.
And so when the public wakes up, we push back on some of it, but they always come back.
And so I'm just following the trajectory of where they say they want to take us.
And there were a lot of white papers, not just the PNAC document from 2000, a year before 9-11.
Where they describe, we really need big terror attacks.
We really need Pearl Harbor events to get Americans to give up their rights.
I mean, take what just happened in Israel.
Totally tragic.
My heart goes out to all that have been killed or lost loved ones or been injured.
But there's no way that one of the best intelligence agencies in the world didn't know that was coming.
The massive buildup, the 5,000 missiles, the paragliding attacks, all of that.
And so there was clearly a stand down there.
And now the West will take more of the people's rights.
Israel will be able to crack down and take more of their people's rights, which is a big debate over there.
Hamas is being funded by Hezbollah, which is Iran.
We just had Biden a month ago give $6 billion to Iran.
And now the Mulas are bragging that they were behind the attack, Hezbollah funding Hamas.
So really, those aren't even predictions.
It's clear that Hezbollah and Hamas have tens of thousands of men and women as sleeper cells that are quote, other than Mexican, that the Border Patrol lists every month, tens of thousands coming across the Texas and Arizona and California sectors.
And it's an easy equation to predict that there's a wide probability That Hezbollah and Hamas at some point are going to attack sports stadiums, they're going to attack colleges, they're going to attack synagogues, they're going to shoot up mass gatherings if they're given the order by Iran, if we go to war with Iran.
And then when this happens, our government won't get in trouble for dissolving the border and letting these people come in.
Just like on 9-11, our government clearly had prior knowledge, there was clearly a major stand down that went on.
And the government got more power, more control, and now they're not pointing the Homeland Security apparatus at the Russians like they did in the Cold War, or the Islamists after 9-11.
Now they admit that their main focus is Christian conservatives, and the bitter clingers, and the people that live in rural America, that quote, white people, I mean it says that in the report, are the main terror threat.
And so this whole apparatus of the war on terror, It has now been turned inwardly against the people, not just here but also in Europe.
Where if someone criticizes transgenderism in the UK, they come to their house and arrest them.
If a journalist does that, they come to their house and arrest them.
If somebody says, I think these surveillance cameras should start getting cut down, they come to their house and arrest them for their free speech.
And so, this is a global movement by the megacorporations, by the Black Rocks, and the state streets and the vanguards that control 80 plus percent of world wealth to control our behavior.
And Larry Fink of Black Rock has said that today most repeatedly.
We're going to use our control Over all this finance and this global social credit score rolling out to control people's behavior So so that's really what this is and then they use the threat of global warming.
They use the threat of a virus They use the threat of radical Islam to take our rights, but we really are the target Even if I by the way, none of that seems implausible at this point I mean just you're a measure of how the world has changed if you'd said this to me 15 years ago.
I'd have been like You know someone's a crackpot and it's not me And now after COVID, nothing you said seems crazy at all.
I mean, you may be right, you may be wrong, but it's not out of the realm of possibility, obviously.
But even if I disagree with what you just said, I would think that's pretty interesting.
It's an interesting perspective.
Why do you think you've committed no crime?
You'd be in jail if you had.
Why do you think they hate you so much?
Because I do read their documents and I do read their books and we were effectively getting a lot of people in the military and the intelligence agencies who were compartmentalized and who tuned into my show and saw my films and read my books and things and they clicked with it and said, wow, I see all this going on around me.
He's not lying about it.
And then I would give them other pieces that I discovered or my other guests discovered.
And so it was giving them an operational awareness outside of their compartmentalization.
And so we had massive success in the military, in the police, and in the intelligence agencies not just here but around the world.
And so our penetration into those areas to When you got deplatformed, to this day, no one has ever been more aggressively censored, I don't think, than you.
I've apologized to you this in person before.
a lot of whistleblowers, was triggering a lot of people not going along with the program.
And so really my sin was decompartmentalization of the population.
When you got deplatformed, to this day no one has ever been more aggressively censored,
I don't think, than you. I've apologized to you this in person before. I was in Labrador
on a fishing trip and missed the entire thing.
I'm in a very paradoxical conundrum.
I am super thankful to our viewers and listeners for keeping us on air and your support.
We've changed the world together.
But at the same time, InfoWars is barely paying its bills.
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So I'm sitting here thinking, how do I explain to people that InfoWars isn't just some talk show?
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So I say to you, my friends, please do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTore.com.
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We're changing the world together, so please take a moment of reflection and realize how Great a job you've done, and then redouble your efforts, keep us on air.
Thank you so much.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream, and not make dreams your master.
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn out tools.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
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is humanity rising up peacefully cultural revolution to counter their communist operation
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please tell everybody about the AM and FM stations you're listening to
and support them. Back to the Tucker Carlson interview with yours truly.
I was literally out of cell range.
I didn't know what happened, but I got back and I read about it.
I felt like it was a major moment in the history of the American media.
I don't think anybody defended you when that happened.
With any kind of audience.
When Tim Cook admitted that he met on the weekend...
In August of 2017 with the other big tech heads and I made the decision to curate like it's a museum and take me off.
It was hundreds of platforms.
I mean it wasn't just all the big ones.
It was everything from LinkedIn to our bank accounts being taken away to everything ensuing that week and over the next month.
And I knew that I was a test case and I wasn't taken Uh, you know, off those platforms for any demonstrable reason.
It was the questioning the school shooting thing that came later.
They went and kind of dredged that up for my past, just questioning it a few times.
Blew that up after I'd been de-platformed and said I was de-platformed for that.
If you check the record, I wasn't.
And so, once they de-platformed me, it made the show in ways only get bigger, with people actually going to mfulwords.com and finding me on local radio stations and things.
So then they panicked and said, OK, let's look at his record and create more of a reason that he's being taken off.
So they took things out of context from five, six years before, blew them up as a current thing out of context, and deceptively reported on what I'd said to create a strawman argument to then facilitate the reason.
What's so crazy is if you asked just a cross-section of Americans who's responsible for the Sandy Hook massacre of kids at the school, no one remembers the name of the murderer.
Okay, thank you.
Adam Lanza.
I didn't remember.
Alex Jones.
They effectively blamed you for a school shooting that you were not present at.
I have people come up to me in the parking lot.
You can ask my security guy.
He's been there.
When people walk up and go, why'd you kill those kids?
And then you go, I didn't kill those kids.
And they go, yeah, you did.
And so that is what this has turned into.
And this is bigger than me.
I want people to understand something.
That the mullahs in Iran and the Ayatollah are congratulating Hamas.
That just killed around a thousand or more innocent Israelis, many of them women, children, disabled people, in a vicious evil sneak attack.
They are on there, Hezbollah and Hamas, mainly Hamas, but it's Hezbollah funding it out of Iran, are literally posting videos of them cutting people's heads off and killing children and massacring innocent people.
They're allowed to have their Hezbollah accounts and their Hamas accounts.
The Ayatollah is able to congratulate what these people done and I am still banned. I'm not mad
Elon Musk. I understand I've been so demonized with the general public. He's barely able to keep
Twitter going right now. I really appreciate what he's done. I admire him. I think he's done
a lot of great work and I see him moving in the right direction. So a lot of people attack Musk on
Twitter. I trend all the time. Hey, if you're such an absolutist on free speech, bring back
Alex Jones. I understand that if he did that, the ADL and others would really be able to probably shut
down Twitter.
So I understand that he needs to go through a process before he does that.
So people get mad at Twitter for not... Why the ADL?
I don't... I mean, I'm not the world's expert on your career, but I know you.
I've never heard you say a single anti-Semitic thing and an anti-Israel thing.
Why would the ADL be against you?
I don't think anyone's even called you an anti-Semite.
Unless I'm missing something.
What goes on is, the left forever called everybody a racist if you were just a conservative, or pro-Second Amendment, or pro-life, or thought we ought to have a border.
And that didn't work anymore to call people racist.
And so the ADL gets all this big liberal donations, and so They go out and then police and take people's sponsors and target them just by the ADL calling up sponsors.
Sponsors get scared and drop.
That's what they've done to Elon Musk.
They took over 50% of Twitter's North American and European advertising in just the last year and bragged about it by saying he gives harbor Uh, to white supremacists, which he doesn't.
But at the same time, white supremacists are ridiculous.
They're goofy.
Most of them are usually working for foundations and are basically actors.
We're not supposed to say that, but there's many cases of that actually being the case and that they're just larping that they're white supremacists.
But let those clowns speak.
Whatever happened to the ACLU that used to support the KKK marching through a town or publishing their own newspaper?
I don't support the KKK.
I think they're a joke.
If you take their rights, you're taking everybody's.
But they're not even taking the rights of those people to post because they create fear and they get the ADL more funding.
But if they can target an Alex Jones or an Elon Musk or a Tucker Carlson, then they're going after the real populist leaders that are bringing America together.
And so what the left wants is to divide us all according to race and to come out and say fundamentally with critical race theory that inherently being white is bad and teaching five-year-old white children they're inherently bad because they're white.
That is wounding their brains and really creating racial division.
Why do people put up with that?
I don't understand why.
I mean, that's just, if you had told me 20 years ago, and I grew up in a world where judging people on the basis of their skin color was totally immoral, and I still believe that, but if you told me 20 years ago that we were going to live in a world where people get on TV and just be like, I hate white people, they're bad, no, it's totally fine.
Like, why do people put up with that?
Like, there should be zero tolerance for that.
I don't get it.
The Democratic Party Founded the KKK.
And when the majority were whites in the south of some areas, they played the race card for political power.
Now that the majority in most areas are not white, they're playing the good old-fashioned race card of tell whites, you know, stand down, let people take over your society, your culture, give up your culture.
It's embarrassing to be white.
And then now it's flat out bad to be white, and the left's trying to convert I totally agree.
these minority groups that are now majority in most areas into race-based
systems because that is a very effective system. But why do people put up with that? I mean like if
they were doing that to Malaysians or Filipinos or Hondurans I would say you
can't do that. You're not allowed to attack people on the basis of their race.
I'm sorry not in a country like this because the country will fall apart and
it's immoral. I totally agree. But nobody says anything. I don't get it. The reason
they've done it is most of the enforcers of this are white liberal women, 45 year
It's just a fact.
And they're cucked husbands.
And so, to them... Can I just say that the phrase, cucked husbands, is the best?
It really is true.
So, if you get around these white liberals, they live in the whitest areas, they're totally scared of anybody with brown skin, but they virtue signal constantly and then say, yes, the white people are bad, you know, the white people are evil, And, you know, these... I mean, I've even seen white people sit there and say, yeah, it's time to deal with these crackers, and they're a white person saying that, so... From Jackson Hole, or Nantucket, or Aspen, or Bethesda, the whitest places in America.
So shouldn't there be a law?
Super simple.
If you've got a BLM sign in your yard, you should be required to live in Gary, Indiana, or Baltimore.
Like, you should not be anywhere near I totally agree!
you should be made to live in East St. Louis. I totally agree. You should be made to live in Detroit.
Yes. And but of course they've done the studies, they look at the statistics. It's not just here,
it's in Europe and it's in the UK, like in London. The liberal areas are like 99% white. Oh I noticed.
Okay and there's a lot of rich people in London that aren't white but they're not even in that
area. They are the most insular group and then they point at white Christian culture and society
that actually outlawed slavery in most of the world, was the vanguard of stopping it,
and then they don't point at China which is the most homogeneous racist group in the world.
It's an ethnostate.
It's on Chinese, period.
Well, they teach, as you know on their news, that we are going to have Chinese superiority.
We are the Chinese supremacist.
Xi Jinping admires Hitler.
He is literally following a race-based operation that is taking the world over, that owns
the majority of Hollywood, that's paid off the Democratic Party.
And if you look at all these anti-white shows that you see funded in Hollywood, almost all of it
has majority literal communist Chinese government backing that is funding this.
So it's real simple.
China looks in and sees this diverse culture, and they say we're going to use that to split the country
up and balkanize it.
I'm not going to tell you don't touch that dial.
No, I want you to share that link to strangers, to people you know, to your email list, your text message list.
Take clips out of the show, post it, whatever you do, share the broadcast because the enemy recognizes this transmission as one of the most effective operations against their fraud.
We're promoting Team Humanity.
We'll be back with more of Tucker Carlson.
Hello. My name is Klaus, the Situation Schmop.
This Christmas, cuddle up with your loved ones while you enjoy a delicious holiday feast of mule ferns and crunchy crickets and pop in a very special collection of songs.
The World Enslavement Forum presents Waxmas It's 23.
I'm dreaming of a great reset Like communism, just in smart.
There is gene selection, and eye detection, and tone surveillance everywhere.
Last COVID, I gave you my jab, but for every new stash, you had to refresh.
This year, a new pandemic is here.
Get ready for forced injections.
On the fifth day of lockdown, my government gave me five stinky masks.
Four COVID tests, three boosters, two sudden deaths, and attempted genocide.
Police at your door.
Police at your door.
Police at your door. Going your own food is not allowed anymore.
(upbeat music)
You better not ask or lift an eyebrow.
Why people are dying suddenly now.
Cancer Claus is coming to town I don't want a lot for Christmas
Just control humanity.
Maybe release new hybrid species.
Like a monkey manatee.
Please kill me.
I just want to rule the world.
Every tree and every bird.
That is my goal.
All I want for Christmas is your soul.
Wait, what is this?
I see you enemies!
And I swear total resistance to you with everything I've got!
Go f*** yourself.
Is that fair?
Hey, Bob.
This is a larger scion on your human psyche!
The vaccine coming straight from the Pfizer lab.
A healthy body don't surrender to the jab.
Their business is done by murdering millions of people.
Go easy there, buddy.
I want everybody to stop dying.
Only one for Christmas Is a roll of human resistance
So I'm using my son for this shit Only one for Christmas
Is to be free *Sad music*
Ho ho ho ho Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
All right, we're continuing with the full Tucker Carlson interview with yours truly Alex Jones.
Thank you for tuning in on this Thursday.
Transmission Charlie Kirk and more coming up a little bit later, but we're going to continue into the next hour.
With this interview, if you want to find the full interview, it's also posted at Bandop Video and obviously over on Tucker Carlson's X account as well and on his new Tucker Carlson Network that, by the way, has been exploding.
It's very, very successful and is really an example to us all going into the future of new independent media replacing what Anasor Media.
Before I go any further today, I want to thank you all for your support, your word of mouth, and your prayer.
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dot com or triple a two five three three one three nine now back to tucker carlson
and so communist china along with the southern property law center
and the a_t_l_ all these groups see america's weakness
and they're literally coming in saying white people are inherently bad because
the color of their skin They inherently have cheated people.
They've hurt people.
White people invented racism.
None of that's true.
It's really just tribalism.
Then they organize all these other groups into race-based groups to then unify them under the Democratic Party to attack who is left that tends to be more conservative, and that is some white people in this country.
Though they're panicking because more and more blacks are voting Republican, more and more Hispanics are voting Republican, they're starting to figure this out.
So now they're in panic mode to bring in totally disenfranchised Third world populations who are refugees from the multi-year lockdowns in Africa, Latin America, and Asia and the Middle East.
They then bring them to you in camps, brainwash them.
Then bring them to our border, brainwash them more, then send them into the United States, and then literally hold them for years at facilities while they're indoctrinated to be this new political underclass that's then going to be turned loose on America.
And that's why you see Democrats giving illegal aliens the right to vote in their cities, giving them driver's licenses.
That's why you see them passing laws.
They can be police officers.
So they are importing A new enforcement class against the American people, and they're setting it up along racial lines, not us.
They're making it racial, just like Hitler made what he did racial.
So it's the left and the think tanks and the communist Chinese that look at the U.S.
and have seen our weakness as race, and they are exacerbating it.
So, I don't understand.
So, you're from Texas.
You grew up in Texas.
Your family's been there a long time.
Texas is changing really fast.
It's dirty, for one thing, I notice.
Because, physically dirty.
Garbage on the side of the road.
I never have seen that in Texas before.
So, your governor could have stopped that.
He commands the Texas National Guard, and he didn't.
And I feel like that makes him a traitor to the country, but what am I missing?
Well, I mean, Governor Abbott is, on a scale of 1 to 10, the best kind of Republican governor is a 10, and the worst is, say, a 1.
And like the Illinois, so-called Republican, that's really a Democrat.
I would put Greg Abbott as about a 5.
The state is overwhelmed.
There isn't really a state mechanism.
It's federal to kick people back and deport them.
So they have put up barbed wire.
They have tried to stop people.
They have tried.
But then they have to hand them over to the feds who release them.
But why don't you say the feds are committing a crime.
They're committing a crime.
This is not allowed under laws passed by the Congress in a democracy.
Congress passed laws.
And so you've got criminals running the country.
The Biden administration is criminal, which is true.
And we're not playing along.
And if you don't like it, come do something about it.
Meanwhile, every able-bodied man with a black rifle assembled at the border, and we're just going to stop this and save the country.
I don't understand.
That's not hard.
What am I missing?
No, I think you're absolutely right.
In fact, what the deep state fears would be a coalition of good governors, good attorney generals, giving them the findings and the rulings that they could indeed do that, and then declaring emergencies in the states.
And having a coalition of the states come in and do this and then instruct local police and everybody else to not have sanctuary cities.
But the problem is if you're in Texas, every single city, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, are Democrat Party run.
And so Texas is almost purple.
Because the California influx and all the other refugees from New York, many of them bring their leftist ideology with them, even though they're fleeing it.
Like locusts, they fly to the next field.
And so that's really the issue, is that The legislature is somewhat cucked, to use that word again.
And I think the governor has been cucked.
He certainly went along with lockdowns and masks more than really any other Republican governor.
And so I do think Greg Abbott needs to do a better job.
But I also wanted to list some of the things that the state is up against.
But I'll say this.
Austin fired a bunch of police and another third quit.
Crime everywhere.
Homeless everywhere.
Trash everywhere.
Ruin the city like everywhere else they are.
You live there?
That's where my family's from.
I've been there since high school.
But I'm going to have to leave soon because it's gotten more and more like Los Angeles every day.
It's very sad to see it.
People fleeing L.A., like my friend Joe Rogan, it seems great to him because he went from a really, really bad situation to a bad situation.
uh... but we've been there you can you can see the decline uh... you can see how fast it is
and uh... it's it's really really really really sad
and they're just illegal aliens everywhere and refugees from the rest of country all over the place
uh... and you see really the economic decline of most of the uh... mom-and-pop
businesses and So the same rot we've seen all over the country.
Austin was supposedly this big mecca, and it was going to be so great, and now sadly it's falling apart.
I mean, Tucker, you know the answer to all this.
You do the best job of anybody with a true Americana populist breakdown.
The ruling elites of the world, the black rocks, the state streets,
they're on record saying they don't want our consumer society, they don't want our capitalist
society, it's bad, it's ugly, it's gross, but they're the biggest consumers compared to anybody else in
the world.
Their, quote, carbon footprints are thousands of times bigger than the average person.
Leonardo DiCaprio or Klaus Schwab literally have carbon footprints thousands of times bigger than the average poor working American that they're telling you can't have a car or air conditioning.
Remember, before Obama left office, he traveled to Latin America, to Africa, the Middle East, and what did he tell them in speeches?
The clips are famous.
You can't have a car or air conditioning, the earth will overheat and burn up.
While he's telling people that by the year 2017, like Al Gore said, we would have areas flooded on the coastal areas while he bought a big house in Martha's Vineyard at one foot above sea level.
And of course, it's still there, and it hasn't flooded.
I mean, a chef died there.
He drowned, sadly.
But no flooding inside the house, just the dead chef.
So they're waging war against civilization and society to make us poor, to put us under siege, and to cut off our energy, Make the cost of living impossible to break our old system to bring in something even worse.
And that's the cloward and pivot strategy that the Democratic Party has adopted.
They've done the same thing in Europe.
This is a plan.
The central banks have unlimited money, but they can't buy all the infrastructure up because people aren't selling.
So they've got to crush us and make people so poor that everybody's forced to sell their business, their intellectual property.
Their physical property, but more importantly, to turn over our bodies to them.
We're a UN treaty that, uh, O'Biden right now is, that's what I call, uh, Biden is O'Biden, is trying to ratify, would literally put our bodies under the control of the United Nations and our medical care policy under it, so.
It's the pandemic.
Pandemic treaty.
So what this is, is really a breaking of our will, a demoralization, that's what the transgenderism
is and too many can have a baby and puberty blockers and castrating little boys and cutting
little girls' breasts off.
They've got such hellish stuff coming in this designed global collapse to bring in their
world government that they've got to just have all these horrors out there hoping we
just throw up our hands and run off to the countryside, which everybody's doing and in
in a way that's good, but at the same time then they've got full control.
That's totally right.
And they're going to march out of the countryside next and dig us out.
So that's, I mean, you look at the White House press secretary, who can barely speak English, who's one of the stupidest people I've ever seen, and a transparent liar, you wouldn't hire her to run your copy machine.
She's the White House press secretary.
Why would you do that?
And it's not because of her race or who she sleeps with.
I think the whole point is she's so obviously repulsive that it makes you feel bad about the country.
Elon Musk has valiantly restored myself back to Twitter.
We've received several million followers in just the last six hours.
I was able to interview him today for over two hours.
That interview drops tomorrow at InfoWars.com forward slash show at 11 a.m.
Clips are already all over ex-formerly Twitter.
But despite all this incredible news, the deep state, the CIA, has been coming after us and has almost shut us down.
We need funding to keep fighting.
And I make it easy to fund the operation with this new book, The Great Awakening, part two of my last book that was a number one bestseller worldwide.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Second Great Renaissance.
This book is incredible.
It lays out the enemy's plans and how to counter them.
You can get a signed copy that's a fundraiser to keep us on air, a signed copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM exclusively, or an unsigned copy at MFORWARSTORE.COM.
Or if you want to drive it to number one on Amazon, it was like number 25 yesterday, We can do it together at Amazon.com.
Get The Great Awakening by Alex Jones right now.
But regardless, join us weekdays at 11 a.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.video.
And now on X at The Real Alex Jones where my show Uncensored is now available thanks to all of you and Tucker Carlson pushing Elon Musk through the right thing.
This is the fight for our free speech and the fight for the future.
I'll see you all at The Real Alex Jones on Twitter right now.
Please follow us there at The Real Alex Jones.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the real VP.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com.
Do that, do that, do that.
You can feel it.
Something is off.
Things are getting stranger by the day.
Just a coincidence, or is something more sinister happening right under our noses?
We want to warn you now, this next story is disturbing.
namely in earlier times, it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people.
Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people.
It is easier to kill than to control.
I would like to reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us.
It's a planet of finite resources and we're using them up.
First we've got population.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
The true ruling elite are a death cult.
Pure evil.
The elite are extremely wealthy.
They have more money than you can think of.
So why would they want even more money, even more control?
It's because they use their wealth and power to execute their agenda.
To live out their evil.
If you think this is just conspiracy theory, think again.
Look around you.
Everything benefits them, and not humanity.
The globalists have a religion.
To the public it's sold as climate change or the global crisis.
What is the basis of the climate change agenda?
It's population control.
It's depopulation.
The elite look at us as parasites that need to be controlled and killed.
There is an unelected network that controls what the public sees.
Plausible deniability is their cover.
They are playing dumb on every level to gaslight us.
The same agendas throughout history are presented differently with the same goals.
The elite are becoming restless and are now out in the open with who they really are.
Corruption in the government is just the tip of the iceberg.
The upper echelon at the top have an anti-human agenda.
Threats of world war?
But behind the scene, it's more about control and backdoor dealings between world governments.
The open border, drug trafficking, human trafficking is covered up and controlled by our own government.
It's deeper than that.
There is a reason why most of these corruption networks never get shut down.
These anti-humanists control mostly everything.
You'd be shocked to know what the people in most power positions really think of the general public.
The Elite's corruption network operates like prison gangs, or like a mafia, but on a larger scale.
Money laundering.
If you want to stay rich and powerful, you'll have to do their dirty work.
They have their hands in everything.
A lot of these players simply love the spotlight.
Most of the celebrities, politicians, CEOs love the fame and fortune.
But the ones at the top of these groups are completely evil.
Many become unwillingly controlled by signing on into the club without knowing what they are actually involved with behind the scenes.
Most of humanity is asleep and distracted by meaninglessness.
The elite are warning us of a cyber attack, also known as a digital 9-11 event.
The economy would collapse if we suffered an internet shutdown.
The modern power grid relies on the internet to coordinate power plants.
Without it, each country's national grid will become imbalanced, and local outages escalate into a blackout for most of the world.
A society slipping into chaos will allow the elite to reset and rebuild a world for themselves.
There will be events leading up to a total collapse.
Domestic terror attacks, biological attacks, world wars.
With each event, more and more control is gained.
Time is running out.
If society suffers from any of these trigger events, there might be no turning back.
Humanity is at the crossroads.
This is happening right now.
We need to reject the global agenda, and know who the world rulers really are and what they are up to.
The fight for humanity is happening.
Please do not forget that my book has gone number one on a bunch of the different subcharts.
The Great Awakening, part two of The Great Reset, twice as long.
The Plan to Defeat the Globals, watch the next great renaissance.
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It's all there.
we're now into our number two the great Tucker Carlson or truly the battle
Dallas Jones Wouldn't be here without him.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I'd fight tyranny if we didn't have a chance to win, because God's watching.
But we're fighting tyranny and we're gaining ground.
That's why they're throwing everything at us.
Overrun borders.
Massive inflation.
They're trying to break our will, but we're not submitting.
Thank you for joining us on this December 21st Thursday transmission.
Let's get right back to the Tucker Carlson interview.
I mean, that's it.
We're at a beautiful ball.
It's prom night.
Everybody's dressed great.
There's wonderful food.
Big, delicious punch bowl.
And then they say, what can we do?
Well, just have Brian Stelter go take a dump right in that.
And then he's there laughing at you.
They're all there laughing at you to make you feel small, to make you question reality.
Why is everything so ugly?
I mean, that's why they tell people, hey, you can be homeless anywhere.
You can crap on the street.
Needles throw your garbage everywhere.
Drug dealers can sell you drugs.
We're going to give the homeless all this government funding.
Liberal groups come in and farm and milk each homeless person and skim a big cut of the money off the top.
It's a crop.
A cash crop.
But then we see that and we think it's all over.
There's nothing we can do.
To demoralize us and make us give up.
And even though I'm conscious of this, even though I know this, it's still at a DNA level.
I'm like, I gotta go to the country.
I've gotta separate myself from this.
I gotta get out of here.
But then, when they release this toxic, cultural, poisonous gas, They push us out of those areas and they get the main infrastructure to then organize that, cut off the food supplies to that group they have, and then tell them, the reason you're doing bad is not BlackRock and the WF and Bill Gates.
It's all those evil people in the countryside.
They're all white supremacists and terrorists and racists.
Let's go get them!
Because the last group they don't control is rural people that are self-sufficient.
And so I get Going to the countryside, protecting your children.
That's the holy grail.
The problem is you've got to have one foot in each.
You've got to go back and fight in the city for the infrastructure, for the government.
You've got to give people hope while also building a backup operation with farming and ranching and self-sufficiency.
So that's why the WEF and the UN are coming in in Ireland and in areas of Asia and in the Netherlands and saying by 2030 80%
of your cows have got to be dead.
And they just banned like 30% this year in the Netherlands.
And it didn't matter people were 80% against it in polls. It didn't matter. They sent the
military in against the peaceful farmers that were just protesting. Just like the peaceful truckers
in Canada got brutally attacked. And so they're all WEF globalist alumni that the big banks on
record bragged.
They've penetrated the cabinets to quote Klaus Schwab.
They've put their operatives in to cut off our energy, demoralize us, release the hardened criminals, put the political activists in prison, continue to cut off the resources to make an angrier world.
Klaus Schwab says, we're going to make the world collapse.
We're going to have everybody turn against each other.
We're going to blame the political classes that we own and control.
And then when we're done, we'll bring in our new solution.
But first, they have to demolish the cultures and societies that we had before with the fentanyl, with the open borders, with the demoralization, and then they bring in their next phase, which is a high-tech, cashless society, robot, drone-controlled nightmare.
More than half of the U.S.
in their official UN maps That they've had for more than 25 years.
They're in some of my first films.
Show half the U.S.
off-limits to humans.
All cars left to have GPS.
Everybody, by law, left to have a cell phone at all times.
Australia just did this last year.
Tried to push it through.
And that's the admitted global U.N.
standardized plan, where you don't leave your house without a cell phone.
Every car is Robot, kill switch, GPS controlled.
California is moving to ban all the quote classic cars.
That's any car that doesn't have a digital ignition.
And they admit it's for control.
So if people think things are bad now, the straitjacket, the ball and chain is going on.
It's all being militarily run.
Our military is great men and women, but at the top, our military has been globalist, trained, New World Order people for at least 30, 40 years.
They've got almost every general, every person under their control, and that's why it came out in the UK and Europe and also here in Canada.
You pulled the headlines.
Defense Department purposely scared public into lockdowns, masking, and taking inoculations.
UK headline.
British Ministry of Defense secretly brainwashed and terrorized public.
Canada, same headline.
They even let you know, oh, the military is here to do this.
And now, oh, the CIA and Justice Department is there to help surveil the public to stop disinformation.
And it turned out, of course, almost all the disinformation was true.
About everything.
We have to understand, our governments have been seized.
The big corporations want to get rid of the American idea.
You've got 50 acres, and your house, and a business, and a farm, and you can take care of your family, and you're independent.
They have to destroy all that, because the rest of the world aspires to that.
Instead, they want 15-minute cities, central bank digital currencies, they want All of these systems that track and trace everything you do on the social credit scores and the plan for the rest of the public.
I mean, we're talking 99% is 250 square foot coffin apartments, 5G bathing you in them, literally eating bug protein.
And I told people 10 years ago, they're going to push bugs in the public, because I read it in their white papers.
Now, it's already in grocery stores all over the US, all over Europe.
They're putting the cricket meal into the food, very toxic.
Undisclosed, yeah.
It's got chitin in it.
Yeah, they'll just give it a number.
It's got like a code.
And you ask again, why would you do that?
Because it's all about breaking our will.
They don't want people to aspire to open, free societies.
Yeah, there's a lot of waste, there's decadence, there's issues, but there's freedom.
They want to train us to live on carbon rationing, food rationing, a very dystopic world.
You'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, and you'll be happy.
These are quotes.
I have to say, I bet there are, I don't know how long into this we are, 30 minutes or something, I bet there are a lot of people watching who are thinking, Holy smokes, I can't believe I'm agreeing with Alex Jones.
I'm supposed to hate this guy.
Like, where's the lie in what you just said?
I'm not sucking up, I'm sincere.
Like, I'm listening to this, and even myself, I'm thinking, I can't believe I'm nodding along to Alex Jones and being like, you're absolutely right.
Like, what, what, where are you wrong?
Well, I just hope people realize that we're all under the gun.
So many of these leftists believe that because they go along with this, they're going to be given powerful positions in the system.
This is a technocracy.
There's almost no managers in this.
Almost nobody has power in the system except a very small group of technocrats who happen to be transhumanist.
And you said something really astute a few weeks ago in a speech you gave, and you've also talked about it on your show, that all of this stems from their fear and denial of death.
So one of the things I find so striking about you, having watched you on and off over the years, and this must be a burden for you personally, but your ability to see people at a deeper level or to see things in them that are not obvious to the rest of us.
And I want to give a specific example.
So there's a guy called Brian Stelter who had a media show on CNN.
I first met Brian Stelter when he was a high school student or a first-year college student because he would hang around The show I worked on at the time at CNN, this was 20 years ago at least, and I always thought he was awkward and weird and probably had a super creepy personal life, but I never took him seriously.
There's a pretty famous clip, and I want to play it right now, of you critiquing Brian Stelter, and you take him way more seriously than I ever did, and I think you're right to.
So this is a pretty famous clip of you on Brian Stelter.
Hell on Earth!
He wants to run your life.
He wants to control every aspect of your life.
Because he knows he is a cowardly, degenerate sack of anti-human trash.
I pledge before my Heavenly Father that I will resist them every way I can.
These people are the literal demon spawn of the pit of hell.
Look at him!
And you know what?
He is better than you if you keep letting him run your life.
He runs your kids.
He runs the schools.
He runs the banks.
This guy!
This spirit!
This smiling, leering devil that thinks you can't see what he is!
He is your enemy!
All the narcissistic, devil-worshipping filth!
I see you enemy!
I see you enemy!
You are my enemy!
And I swear total resistance to you with everything I've got!
A defiler!
A betrayer!
A backstabber!
A devil!
You don't think I don't see you, Stelter?
I see you.
You understand me?
I know what you think of me and my family.
I see you.
Right back.
You understand that?
You understand that, Stelter?
I've only watched that several hundred times.
And I laugh every time, but I also... There's something to... If Brian Stelter had absolute power, would you and your family survive?
Of course not.
You wouldn't.
You'd be... Of course not.
And neither would mine.
So there's a lot that's true about what you said.
How did you perceive that?
The rest of us just made fun of him.
Now, once they started the censorship and the platforming... Remember back then, they would deny it.
Oh yeah, we're taking people off air, but it's not censorship.
Now they admit, no, it's censorship.
We're doing this for your own good.
So he was really the face of that, and he was working for the head of CNN that was really in charge of it.
It later came out.
CNN currently is not in charge.
They've handed it completely over to the Justice Department to quarterback as Congress reported a few months ago with the documents.
But at the time, Brian Stelter and his mini-me, Oliver Darcy, his Popeye the We're going around calling up and harassing my sponsors, taking sponsors away.
And they were going around and organizing big tech to take, not just myself, but many other people offline.
And so he was destroying our free speech.
He was taking our sponsors.
But it's crazy.
I just want to restate, you are not promoting race hatred.
You're against race hatred.
You never have promoted that, ever.
Not promoting violence, you've never called for violence, and you've never even called for breaking the law!
And so that's why there's so much anger there, because I remember the day I did that and a few other clips that went viral.
I showed all the stuff he was doing, but then the media tapped me and just clicked it out of context, but still it reverberated with people, because people were sick of the corporate legacy media.
So people say, well, why is he so angry?
Well, it's because he's literally trying to take us off air, literally taking our sponsors, I mean, the equivalent of the Vikings a thousand years ago in England pulling up and burning a village down.
And so there he is, all sweet and liberal and cackling and laughing, but he's really an agent of anti-American totalitarianism.
And so he was the front man of that, and I wanted to just simply say, I see you, I know what you're doing.
So people see it out of context and think, why are you being so mean to him?
Well, I mean, he's literally trying to destroy my free speech, take me off air, and put my family on the street.
So I'm pissed off at him.
What's interesting is, and I don't know if you want me to reveal this, but we had dinner in our barn last night, and there were some drinks, and after dinner, you and my producer called Stelter on the phone.
And it was on speaker, so I listened to it.
What was so interesting was, you know, you've been very clear in a very direct, pretty masculine way, I would say, about how you feel about Brian Stelter.
There's not a lot of confusion about your views on Stelter after a clip like that, which doubtless he's seen because he Googles himself compulsively.
He was very kind of syrupy sweet with you.
And that's why I was sarcastic and told him I wanted to date him.
You did.
In fact, the exact line that you had was, Brian, I'm not usually gay, but I want you.
And he seemed a little bit, I'm not saying he's open to it or whatever, but he wasn't shocked by it.
And he's like, give me your phone number, give me, you know, I'll talk to you.
And then he hit your producer up, please give me his number right now.
Yeah, that was interesting.
But I was being silly with him.
But there was also a line, he goes, oh, Alex Jones.
I said, I want you to call my show.
He said, oh, you still got a show?
And I went, no, you're the one that doesn't have a show.
Sorry, I should've told the other line.
It's so boorish to, like, recount conversations people were with you.
It was funny, though.
But, you said, you know, you're off TV now, but you were a real star.
I mean, not on CNN, but on my show.
That's so good!
Anyway, but what was interesting was, if someone had talked about you that way, and then called you late night after a couple drinks, you'd say, you know, up yours, pal.
You know what I mean?
Like, buzz off, or I'm not taking your call.
But he kind of sucked up to you.
That's a very weird, passive-aggressive posture.
Well, I've said a lot of really mean things about him and attacked him, and when I watch the clips out of context, I feel guilty.
But he was going around with Oliver Darcy.
They would brag on Twitter and literally hitting hundreds of my sponsors.
And I say hundreds, I'd have like 20.
They'd take them all.
I get 20 more, take them all.
This went on for years.
So you go get a sponsor, you get them, they're doing great.
He takes it away from you.
And then he brags that him and Darcy... I was taken off Twitter, not for this Sandy Hook stuff that came later that they focused on.
Look it up.
They had...
The former head of Twitter and the lawyer on Joe Rogan about four years ago.
And Joe said, why did you ban Alex Jones?
Lawyer goes, OK, let me open my clipboard.
She goes, here's why.
He was mean to Oliver Darcy.
So I'm at the Capitol.
They're having censorship hearings.
Sundar Pichai is there.
I just confronted him in the hall.
Who runs Google.
And you guys are welcome to use that if you want.
And then that was at the Senate.
So now they were going over to a house meeting, and there's Oliver Darcy in the line.
He gets to get in.
I don't even get into a hearing where they then attack me.
They'd attack me at the last hearing, but I don't get to face my accuser.
And so I get in his face.
I don't threaten him, but I say, you are an evil man.
You're un-American, coming after my free speech, harassing my sponsors, trying to get me off the internet.
And the last place I was on was Twitter.
They'd held out.
And so, Jack Dorsey had held out.
And so, Jack Dorsey admitted, well, the last straw was, I bullied Oliver Darcy.
And so, that's why I was deplatformed.
Elon Musk thinks it was the Sandy Hook thing.
Do you know that in most cultures, bullying Oliver Darcy would be like a rite of passage?
Like, that would be a positive good, right?
Well, here's the thing.
He's literally on Twitter, taking my sponsors, calling for me to be silenced.
So he's been attacking me, attacking my speech and my living.
And then all I do is shove a camera in his face while he's waiting to go into the hearing for five minutes and say, man, you are un-American.
You, you, you got some evil eyes.
And I said, you really look like a piece of slime.
I mean, I told him that.
Fair, fair.
And so the point is, he's a man, he's a quote, journalist in the arena, he goes around harassing people and stalking them financially and in their free speech.
He'd already bragged that he'd gotten me taken off all this other stuff and that he was instrumental, which he was, and that he can't take me saying, man, you're a jerk.
So this is the classic posture.
You know, stop hitting me, he says, as he fires a gun through your windshield.
They can dish it out, but they can't take it.
So what's the effect on you?
And I don't mean even the lawsuits against you, and there was an effort to criminally indict you, I guess, just for having bad opinions or whatever.
A bunch of them, actually.
A bunch of them, yeah.
I've had four grand juries I've had to respond to, subpoenas.
When you've committed no crime, you're like one of the only people in the media who's not Ginning up race hatred, I would say, just to be totally clear, because it's very common to do that.
You don't do that.
So anyway, and then, of course, this billion-dollar judgment against you for having naughty opinions, which is insane.
I'm not even talking about that.
I just mean, what's it like to spend 25, 30 years connecting the dots and seeing this slow-moving storm come toward the country that you were born in?
What effect does it have on you?
Since you use the analogy of a storm, It'd be like if I was 100 years ago before they had radar, and I've read about the famous flood 120-something years ago in Galveston that killed tens of thousands of people.
Yeah, the hurricane, yeah.
Yeah, the hurricane.
They didn't have radar, and so they didn't know, but there are the fishermen out there catching shrimp or whatever, and then all of a sudden here comes basically a tidal wave, and If I was one of those fishermen, and I knew my children and my wife were on shore at school or work or whatever, and here comes a 40, 50 foot wave, I know it's about to kill them, I would not be thinking about myself watching this giant wave come in.
I'd go, oh my God.
My wife and kids are over there, and so it's not that I'm a hero.
It's not even a selflessness.
I realized that I was just out in front and ahead of some people in understanding this because of family and research and just, you know, things in my life that I saw that encouraged me to get involved in the media because I was aware of the globalism, some things that were going on because my uncle was high-level Iran-Contra, had some other family that, you know, worked in clandestine things.
So I kind of grew up Uh, just around folks that knew what was really going on, and you're a kid, you don't really pay attention to it, but you kind of get that education, you know, you don't know you're getting it.
And so I've just been out front.
So I would liken it to the old days when a dam would break, and they didn't have radio to warn people, and the dam breaks, and it's a 20-foot wave coming down the valley, and you are down below the dam as, let's say, a lumberjack, And you know your wife and children are two miles down, and you see the dam break and you're about to drown, but I guarantee the last thought you're thinking is, it's going to get my women and children.
And that's really, my grief is, this is really draconian.
This globalist...
Great reset.
New world order takeover.
It's a post-industrial world.
Cut off the resources.
90% forced depopulation.
Breaking civilization by design.
Massive wars.
They've already cut off a third of the fertilizer in the last year worldwide.
It's estimated that'll kill a couple hundred million people.
The lockdowns worldwide.
Knock the virus that you would admit has killed 87 million extra people in the last three and a half years.
And so when the first world collapses, the third world dies.
Then what's left of them floods us.
And so the earth is being put into a countdown collapse right now.
And so I'm like the fisherman when the tidal wave comes in and I'm like, oh my God, my wife and children are about to die.
And so I'm not really worried about me because I'm a man.
I did this.
I knew it was coming.
I've been proven right.
And I'm not happy I was proven right.
I wish we could have gotten ahead of this.
Yeah, we have a lot of credibility now.
The people see that we were right, so maybe we can stop the next phase of it.
But the globalists have gone from testing phase, beta test phase, into full operational now.
And they say, read their writings, we are going to have a post-industrial world by 2030.
We will have no personal cars by 2030.
You will be eating bugs by 2030.
And we will start the depopulation of 90% of the people by 2045.
That is the official WF, official UN, official Club of Rome plan.
What do you mean the depopulation?
They want to bring the world population down to 500 million.
But I thought we were opposed to genocide, no?
Or no, I guess we're not.
Well, you know, we're told now, don't have children, it's bad for the earth.
And we're told all this, and Elon Musk is right, and is a hero for pointing out all the actuaries show, if you don't have 2.1 children, a man and a woman, people go, well a man and a woman can have 2.1, it's in the aggregate folks, out of billions.
If a country doesn't have 2.1, 2.2 replacement rate, then you don't have people to take care of the old folks, society collapses.
And so Japan's 1.3, Italy's 1.3, they're done as cultures.
America, without immigrant influx, is about 1.6.
That's not viable.
And so, and I'm not just talking about white people only here, but white people are 7% of the world population.
Maybe 8.
And so, I would be sad if the last of the Eskimos were dying.
I'm sad that the Japanese, within 100 years, there might be 20 million of them.
But just to my previous question about, and without getting too personal, I mean, I feel a little bit enervated and down just hearing your dot connecting here.
Like, what's the effect on you over 25 years?
I mean, if you literally foresee 9-11 before it happens, and you did and it can be proven, we just proved it, like, what is that, what's that like to live with that weird ability?
Well, I mean, I know specific clip.
I specifically say, "Call the White House, "tell them we know they're gonna let Al-Qaeda attack us,
"Bin Laden, and then take our rights."
I say, "Call the White House."
I put the number out, so I put the money where my mouth was, and that's the only time I ever said, "Call the White House
"and tell them to stop a particular event."
I'm now saying we need to call the White House and say, "You've let tens of thousands of military-age men
"of the Middle East in.
"We know a lot of them are Hezbollah and Hamas.
"The FBI has confirmed that."
And so, when and if there's big terror attacks, which I believe will probably happen in America,
we're not gonna have Homeland Security get more funds and more power
and grope us at the airports more.
I want prison time for the agencies and groups that have allowed this, and I want,
I want, oh, Biden, I want Biden impeached now, okay?
That's why we got rid of McCarthy.
It needs to happen.
Leaving the border open, when there is a clear and present danger of this going on, and when we're very close to war with Iran, we go to war with Iran, they're going to activate Hezbollah.
They make Hamas look like choirboys.
You want to hear a prediction here, it's a probability, not a pure prediction.
If we go to war with Iran, guaranteed sleeper cells activate.
My fellow patriots, we're going to go to break and come right back with more of the Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones interview with Charlie Kirk and a lot more coming up today.
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If we go to war with Iran, guaranteed sleeper cells activate.
It'll make what happened in Israel look tame in comparison.
I'm not blessing what happened there.
So, I'm simply... And then again, where's the logic?
The government that allows that to happen should go to prison.
But instead, like 9-11, they're going to get more power when it happens.
I agree.
Mark my words.
So, so... You can't have guns because we let in foreign sleeper cells to kill you.
And you asked the question.
This has really taken a toll on me.
Not the fake lawsuits, not the weaponization, not the deplatforming.
I was already getting exhausted five, six years ago.
And when I married my second wife, who's amazing, I have three children with my previous wife, and they're all great children, and one with her.
We were in Hawaii getting married like seven years ago.
And I said to her, I said, I want to just write books and make documentary films and maybe do an occasional podcast.
But at that time, I've been on air like 20, 22 years, six days a week, three hours a day at least.
And I said, I just don't want this burden, this big crew.
I love the crew, but I don't want to do this anymore.
I said, I want to move the country, and I want to just, you know, because it's taking a physical toll to every day, look at the stuff.
And now I've gotten to the point, which even though I say don't let them break your will, don't let them demoralize you, that's because I understand the process.
It's happened to me.
Used to, I'd have hundreds of incredible stories and clips every day.
I couldn't wait to expose the bad guys.
Now I look at it once, I'm ready, I study it, and then half the time I get on air and I just go, let's just take calls.
Or I start talking about some fun story just because I mentally cannot sit there and stare into the abyss and stare at Biden or their press secretary that's meant to enrage us and demoralize us.
And I think that's a defense mechanism that's healthy.
So I think we all have to be balanced.
I'm not asking people to only fight tyranny.
I'm asking people to get prepared, get ready, but wake up as many people as you can.
And then do whatever you have to to stay sane because this, we have record suicide, we have record depression, we have record drug abuse.
This country has been attacked.
And if you read deeper in the Globalist writings, they admit they're doing it.
And so we have to be aware of it.
If you're aware of an attack and aware of the manipulation, it doesn't give you full immunity from it.
No, it doesn't.
But it gives you a buffer.
Imagine people that don't know what's going on, and they really believe things are dangerous, things are bad, not because of the corrupt corporations that are running things, but because those evil people in the countryside that want to be left alone.
That's what they're saying on the news.
It's the people in the middle of nowhere that want to be left alone.
They're the bad guys, and it's the five-year-old kid that's white.
They're really bad.
They're all inherently really bad.
Demonic assault, and it really is good versus evil, but the key part you raised earlier in previous shows that I mentioned I didn't get into, because there's so many topics, is this.
When you said we need to brood on death, you talk about a simpatico or a synchronicity or a weird moment.
I don't usually watch a show when it first releases, one day, because I'm usually at work or doing something at night, but I'll get up at like 4 or 5 in the morning, hours before my wife and daughter get up, and I will start, you know, Get on the desktop, start doing research, and when I'm reading news and sending stuff to the crew for the show, I'll almost always go click on your show to watch it.
And, you know, that's the go-to thing I'll have on the background.
And I said, well, I'm going to click on the show.
I'm going to click on the speech you gave a few weeks ago.
And you talked about brooding on death.
And I'm sitting there that week, literally thinking about the fact that we've got to be humble.
We've got to be thankful.
We've got to realize that there's an infinite universe and consciousness and that focusing on what made humanity, focusing on the fact that we are spiritual beings, but that this life is finite.
These incredible experiences, all the people we've met and known, and all the ancestors before us that did incredible things and went through hell and were tough as nails to get us here, really ties us into our ancestors and the epigenetic instinctive knowledge that really makes us a colony or hybrid creature of all of our ancestors.
We have a soul, we have a spirit, we have our genetic imprint that they've proven mathematically is multidimensional,
even above the third dimension.
So we have a personal spirit, but really we also have a collective bodysuit that is a
collection of all of our ancestors and just the beauty and the wonderment and the spectacularness
of that dwelling on how incredible that is, but also leaning into eternity and leaning
in to this body and this incarnation.
And I'm saying reincarnation, incarnation.
But being so magical and that also that death is the great equalizer and that you will be humbled and you will get old and your teeth will fall out and your hair will fall out and you will get cancer or you will have a heart attack.
And no matter how powerful you are, you're not in control.
In that, it tunes you into God, and then what you said... So I'm heavily focused on this, and telling my wife this, and I meet with my dad, who's really my mom, and I don't see them as much as I should, but my dad's really always told me this, and I didn't really get it when I was younger, now I get it, you know, as I get older, and I'm sitting there just literally praying that morning, and drinking coffee, and just focusing on death, and just focusing on life, because when you focus on death, it makes life so much bigger, and focusing on what... I'm not a Hindu, and I'm not a...
Sikh, but the Sikhs are like a 500-year-old version of 3000-year-old Hinduism, and they
think everything's a manifestation of God in the universe around us, and then interfacing
and how we take every moment of how magic it is, is what's going to resonate in the
future to bring us close to God, so that we basically resonate into the higher dimension
with God.
And that's really been my instinctive understanding of it, spiritual understanding, the dream
understanding of it.
I didn't read books, and I didn't read what the Sikhs were saying.
It's basically, I was reading some of their writings just a month ago, and it was about focusing on death, so you also understand life, and being humble, and being a servant, and how that's what empowers you, so you're not an asshole, like your dad would tell you.
You know, focus on the fact that I'm an asshole, and shouldn't be.
We all have the asshole side.
You have a better quote, but your dad's quote is actually better.
The root of all wisdom is knowing what an asshole you are.
My dad always says the root of all things is being humble and appreciating things and not getting on a power trip.
And it really is.
That's what your dad's saying.
And so, that's wise men.
And so, I'm sitting there totally focused for like, I wouldn't call it meditation, but 30 minutes, just sitting there in the dark with the computer screen on.
And I go, no, I'm not going to watch Tucker's show from yesterday.
I'm going to watch this speech.
And I click it, and I'm like 10 minutes in, and you go, we've got to say everything I'm saying.
I haven't even said this on air.
I'm hearing you say basically the same thing, because it's a universal truth.
Then I want to bring the next piece to it, which you talked about.
You grew up in this super wealthy area of California when you weren't spending your summers here in Maine.
And speaking for you, because I watch your show all the time, and you read your material.
It's beautiful.
You were talking about how they're totally freaked out and neurotic and crazy because no one talks about death.
Everybody shelves away the old people.
They basically put them out on an ice float or, you know, burn them like the Vikings.
And that by doing that, that's what makes them not be connected to reason and God and the deeper things.
And that's why they're so lost.
That's totally true.
So let me now take you one step further in this.
The globalists are so scared of death.
They have all this money, all this power, all this control, so they're obsessed with finding life-essential technology, merging with machines, becoming gods.
That's their new religion.
That's the transhumanism.
And that's where all their funding goes.
But that's only one side of the coin.
The other side is that if you're going to be God, you've got to be in charge of death.
So because they fear death and they project their hatred, of themselves onto us, then if they can poison us, dumb us down, sterilize us, depopulate us, they believe that's more for them at a very greedy level.
So they want to be death, the destroyer of worlds, to quote Oppenheimer, I become death, the destroyer of worlds, and at the same time cheat death.
So it's a total subconscious obsession with death, instead of consciously focusing on it, getting over it, instead they turn it loose to their animal, lower alligator brain, and are now manifesting all this because they've not embraced the higher level of understanding.
I agree with that completely.
But it's doomed as a project, no?
I mean, it is the Tower of Babel.
Whenever you see in history the story of this, people drunk on their own power, overstating their control over things,
becoming convinced they're God, and then being destroyed.
People on the street, and also folks that call on the show, constantly give me credit and say, you're so great, you're
No, you're great, you're wonderful for keeping us on the air and spreading the word.
so wonderful.
Our real power is you, the audience of activists, the men and women in the arena, and I thank you all, and I salute you all for your support.
Look at the huge whistleblowers now going public on the COVID poison shots and on human sex slavery and trafficking.
The globalists are in deep trouble.
And that's because of good men and women in government, in the private sector, blowing the whistle.
And the only way the information gets out is we, the people, all of you, sharing the information, taking clips, taking the articles, taking the videos.
It really is changing the world.
Thomas Jefferson said the only way that tyrants can flourish and prevail over humanity is if Good men and women do nothing.
Well, we are the good men and women, and we are not doing nothing.
We are taking action.
So, Christmas 2023 is already here.
Hard to believe we're just a few weeks away from Christmas, and that means every year we have the biggest sales of the year.
But this is the biggest sale hands down ever because so many of the products that have been sold out with supply chain breakdowns and other issues are finally in stock at infowarestore.com.
So we have store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points, an additional 10% off when you sign up for auto ship on your next order, cancel anytime, and things like X2 and Turbo Force.
Sold out for many months.
X2 for over a year.
Finally back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
We have Vazzo Beats that has nitrous oxide.
It produces that in your blood that cleans out your blood and does so much just like Nitric Boost does.
Another great product at InfoWarsTore.com.
They just both do it from two different herbal directions.
Bottom line, ladies and gentlemen, we are changing the world together.
We're having a massive effect.
But even if we weren't, We would still expose evil.
We would still fight evil because God is watching and that's our job.
We don't do this for other people.
We don't do this to look like the best guys around.
We don't do it to show off like we're heroes.
We do it because the children need to be protected and God is watching.
So for myself and the whole crew, I want to thank you all for keeping us on air the last almost 30 years.
It'll be 30 years in April of 2024, just three months away.
And I want to encourage you now all to go to infowarestore.com and take advantage of
these amazing products.
I mean up to 60% off on so many of them like Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra.
People ask me which one's better.
There are two different formulas, get different people different.
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They're different formulas folks.
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DNA Force Plus, about to sell out.
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So if you've never tried Turbo Force, get some today while you still can.
If you've never tried X2, get it while you still can.
But I'm telling you, people know it's a great product.
It took us over a year to get it.
It's finally back in stock.
We should have been able to get more, but we weren't because of funding.
It's gonna be sold out for five, six months now.
And if we just had enough X2, our funding problems would be solved.
But all I'm saying is, you will want X2.
You will want to experience X2.
X2 and TurboForce are back in stock for a limited time.
I want you to have a safe and wonderful pro-family, pro-God, pro-America, pro-humanity Christmas.
God bless and thank you for your support.
Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Good evening.
I'm Erica Lost.
An unidentified man is being held for questioning by the FBI for suspected links to last month's biological virus deaths.
In local news, a dog named Hero takes the grand prize at the annual... I wish I could tell you more pertinent news.
But we're in a raiding system here, and the key factor is... Sensationalism.
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I tell you what they want you to know, and you consider it the truth.
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And I was about to say, in the past, megalomaniacs tried to control everything.
Order of the Firstborn, you know, killed.
Almost every kingdom would do that.
Whether it was Egypt or the Druids.
Oh, there's too many young men being born.
Kill them.
Depopulation has always been there.
At the time of Plato, 2,500 years ago, he thought the world was overpopulated.
So that's kind of where the eugenics comes from and where they get These ideas, you know, the greatest philosopher ever, who said a lot of great things, but also said there's too many Greeks, we need to kill most of them.
You know, they're animals, they're dumb, we need to control breeding, it only makes supermen.
That's where Hitler got all that, that's where all this comes from.
But the central issue here is, in the past civilizations would just fall apart when they got into a decadent phase.
You know, hard men make good times, good men make... Hard men make good times, good times make soft men, soft men Make bad times.
And so, instead of going through that cycle and the collapse of that corrupt system, now there's biological weapons, chemical weapons, nuclear weapons, all this other advanced stuff.
Instead, they're going to try to use the robots and all the control and the nuclear weapons to make us finally get under their mark of the beast, finally get under their unified system of control, finally get under their social credit score, which was predicted by these incredibly connected people 2,000 years ago, that this would be the ultimate tyranny that was coming.
Almost psychically seeing it into the future because of the great evil potential.
Time's really a loop.
It was looping back or bouncing back.
Real psychics seeing into the future what was going to happen in Revelation as a potential, I believe, and it's actually a warning that we don't have to follow that course.
And that's my own personal belief.
So instead, whether you believe Revelation or not, the evil globalists, the selfish globalists, are using it as a blueprint and literally building the market of the beast, casual society, where you don't just, oh, I agree to take this market and buy and sell now.
You have to worship the beast that can be seen by all on Earth at the same time.
It describes these big holograms you've got to watch and worship, and it tells you what to do, and it tells you how to live, and it says men become women, and women become men, and children are set upon their parents, and there's nothing but wickedness being invented.
And it describes everything that's now happening, and says when they roll this out, you've got to worship this world government, you've got to worship this system and do exactly what it says, or it doesn't let you buy and sell.
And so whether people believe in the Bible or not, believe in Revelation or not, it is now manifesting.
I don't see a lie in that.
I am a Christian, but I don't think you need to be one to arrive at exactly the same conclusion.
So you live in Austin, Texas.
You've been there since high school.
Austin's changed a lot.
And as you noted, it's been really overwhelmed by people from the West Coast fleeing the decayed societies that they built.
You live among liberals now.
What do you make of them?
What are they like?
I really feel sorry for them, because compared to, say, my dad's dad, like you were telling me about, your foreman or your manager knows how to do electricity, knows how to build houses, knows how to fish, hunt.
We just saw that big moose he got today.
These guys are impressive, and they can do everything.
My grandfather could do everything.
He could fix a combine with literally rubber bands and tin cans he'd cut up into pieces.
And my dad's the same way.
I'm a shadow of them in their can-do.
And compared to liberals, I'm like, Light years ahead of them.
They live in high-rises.
They get food delivered to them.
They're not in reality.
They don't have common sense.
They go out to the most dangerous areas that I wouldn't go into armed, in places like New York, dangerous areas of Austin, and get stabbed, raped, murdered, killed.
Then they defend the people, their families do, that killed them.
They just are like pod people.
They are just these obsolete creatures That most of them have, I guess, jobs because they work for big tech or the system, but they are just completely disconnected, domesticated, very, very politically ignorant, culturally ignorant, historically ignorant people.
And they think they're elitist.
They think they know a lot.
They think they understand a lot.
They're totally useless.
What do they do for fun?
Well, I was about to say, and they're the ones that want to depopulate.
They're the ones that think that Like Bloomberg said, oh, what's a farmer do?
It's easy to stick a seed in the ground and it grows.
Farming's incredibly hard.
You better know what you're doing.
You've got to have the weather on your side.
And it's an all-around-the-clock job.
I've had family that are farmers.
My dad grew up as a farmer and a rancher.
The summers they would send me to work on farms and ranches, best education I ever got.
It's rough.
It's tough.
But is it really essential?
Is food really essential?
Well, we're told by John Kerry in the last few months, he says we need to cut farming.
Now, organic farming... Is he still alive, John Kerry?
I don't think he... I think it's a corpse.
It seems... he seems like a corpse.
Like a rubber face.
An animatronic Chuck E. Cheese.
I thought he passed years ago, but somebody told me he's still alive.
I don't... I guess it's an open question.
He runs around giving speeches saying we've got to cut farming or people are going to starve.
I'm not joking.
I'm not joking.
That's what I'm saying.
Cut down trees, cut the food off, cut the fertilizer off to save people.
Well, speaking of starving, I mean, again, as I said at the outset, and I meant this, I've never seen a single person, I don't think there ever has been a person in the history of the United States, who was not criminally charged, but was punished to the extent that you have been.
I mean, they've really tried to drive you into the grave.
I think to be fair, it's been worse for Trump, but I'm the second.
That might be right.
He has much bigger resources, though, to back him up.
Oh, absolutely.
He's the head of a political party.
I've spent everything.
I'm completely out of money.
I'm still hanging on.
But yeah, Trump still has resources.
I don't.
They lied about my resources, too.
Said I had all his resources.
Now it's been proven it wasn't true.
So yeah, they've definitely... But it was more than a billion dollar judgment against you for saying something other people didn't like, I guess?
Well, let's be clear.
Misrepresenting what I said.
I was defaulted by both judges in Texas and Connecticut.
And the judge said I was guilty, then wouldn't let us put on defense, and had a jury decide the damages, then they put on experts saying I was worth $400 million, but I had a couple million dollars last year in my account during the last trial, now I have nothing.
I'm actually upside down right now.
And so, that's... So how are you... I mean, how are you... I mean, they've decided, like, you're not allowed to make a living in this country, you've been not just deplatformed, but depersoned, debanked.
How do you make a living?
Well, I have been maxed out personally.
I'm in bankruptcy, but I've done a chapter 11, some chapter 5 reorganization for Free Speech Systems, that is the company that owns InfoWars.
And so that company is barely paying its bills and is operating, but we're barely hanging on.
I personally never had that much stuff, contrary to what they said, so it really hasn't hurt me that much.
You're really into fancy things or a bunch of ostentatious lifestyle, contrary to what they've said.
And so we're funding the operation.
We're selling products.
What are you selling?
I mean, well, you know, we sell books, films, t-shirts.
We sell high-quality supplements.
Then they call it snake oil, but we sell the same stuff, private labeled.
The Whole Foods sells just, you know, high-end, high-quality stuff.
It's not just a fundraiser.
I've got the book, The Great Awakening, defeating the globalists and launching the next great renaissance.
My last book that came out last year was a number one bestseller on the USA Today and Wall Street Journal, but... Did they list it on their list?
Well, the New York Times, they did.
New York Times refused to even put it on the list, even though it was number one.
This is my new book that isn't just the bad stuff they're doing with a huge breakdown with all the proof at the back.
It is also Uh, solutions and how to counter them.
So, this book will keep us on air.
Plus, it's a great book.
I hope people get it at InfoWarsTore.com, or they can also get signed copies there, or they can go to Amazon.com.
But, uh, yeah, this is a way to keep us on air.
Plus, it really is an amazing book.
If people want to see a lot of the stuff I told you, but with footnotes, so you can go right to it, everything I say.
When I say Naval Noah Harari says the future's not human, and that the population, uh, is no longer needed, and the future's, you know, Well, there'll be no more humans.
You can actually go to where he said it.
When I said that Jeffrey Epstein was running a massage slash CIA MI6 operation to blackmail top scientists to control him.
We have links to that.
When I say Peter Nygaard is on trial right now.
was having women have babies, his babies, so they could abort them at eight months and then he could
suck all their juices out and inject them into himself. A real vampire that literally takes the
juices of his children, puts them in his body. We have a transcript of him saying that on TV.
Who is this?
Peter Nygaard is one of the big buddies of Epstein and all them. He was kind of running his own
Jeffrey Epstein operation, also in the Caribbean. So, I mean, this book is super, super hardcore.
It's got an amazing forward by Steve Bannon.
And they had a great researcher, who's also a lawyer, Kent Heckenliebly, went through and double-checked everything I said for the book, obviously, so they wouldn't get sued.
So this thing is well-researched.
Don't touch that dial, and please share the link to the live show at infowars.com forward slash show on band dot video.
That's how we defeat AI, defeat the censors, and awaken humanity.
You are the Paul Reveres, so stay with us and share the links.
We'll be right back.
I'm in a very paradoxical conundrum.
I am super thankful to our viewers and listeners for keeping us on air and your support.
We've changed the world together.
But at the same time, InfoWars is barely paying its bills.
Plus, I've got great products that will absolutely turbocharge your life.
So I'm sitting here thinking, how do I explain to people that InfoWars isn't just some talk show?
We're not some political movement of the thousands out there.
We are over the target.
We are proven to know what we're talking about.
So I say to you, my friends, please do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTour.com.
Don't do it at Walmart, or Target, or Amazon, or the establishment facilities that are literally working against you and your family.
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Get TurboForce.
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A lot of these products are about to sell out.
But despite that, they're still up to 60% off with storewide free shipping at InfoWarStore.com.
We're changing the world together.
So please take a moment of reflection and realize how Great a job you've done, and then redouble your efforts to keep us on air.
Thank you so much.
We see you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
Roger (Explosion)
Contact light [Music]
Eagle was landed.
All right, Jason, that's great.
Is the lighting here pretty decent?
Visit Infowars.com/show and share the link today.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
I mean, this book is super, super hardcore.
It's got an amazing foreword by Steve Bannon.
And they had a great researcher, who's also a lawyer, Kent Heckenliebly, went through and double-checked everything I said for the book, obviously, so they wouldn't get sued.
So this thing is well-researched, well-documented.
It is The Great Awakening.
Because The Great Awakening is the counter to The Globalist's Great Reset.
To destroy society and then build back better.
But it seems asymmetrical at best.
I mean, you have all the power on the globe arrayed on one side, and then the majority that doesn't like it.
So... I mean, like...
How do decent people prevail?
They believe they can push it by deception.
That's why if people are aware of why they're cutting off the fertilizer to collapse the third world, to then flood us with those giant populations, they will then control and give voting rights to.
And if you don't want to give them voting rights, then you're a racist.
That's why the lockdown's biggest crime wasn't just the 80 plus million the U.N.
estimates starved to death the last three and a half years, on top of the normal 15 million that starve to death each year.
You look this up.
They then use those giant masses of people that are fleeing total collapse as their new political underclass.
So that's why it's so vital to not just challenge the Great Reset and the New World Order eugenics operation of the transhumanists.
It's vital to then give an alternative plan and have an alternative debate about that plan.
And that's what the Great Awakening gets into.
So, but if you give up on that, you also sell bourbon.
Man, you are really being nice today, Tucker.
Well, you know what?
I hate selling products, but I like this product because I love the name.
Look at this right here.
This, my friends, is a gift to your crew because I know they drank.
I got some drinks for them last night.
Only called Brian Stelter.
Some of the crew doesn't drink.
Yes, that's true.
We've got a few other bottles for you out there.
So this is for you.
I can't even open this thing.
Maybe it got locked on the airplane.
It's sealed.
Anyways, can somebody open this?
I'm, like, here embarrassing.
No, hold on.
I think that the center thing... I don't travel with guns very often, so I don't know how to operate these.
I'm gonna smash this son of a bitch up!
Son of a bitch!
All right, goddammit!
Look at that.
It doesn't come like this in stores.
I'm gonna kill the people that come up with this.
We'll put that in the studio.
We're rolling.
Don't kill me.
All right, we're rolling.
I don't think that plug should be there.
Oh, my God.
I got a lot of points for you to get through there.
OK, that was amazing.
This whiskey does not come with a hatchet to open it or a black light.
But if you... Does it come with a black light?
No, but if you have one... But if you have a black light... By the way, I don't think I've ever sold a product on the air, but I'm proud to say that.
We appreciate your support.
I'm totally all about it.
Oh, dude, come on.
What does that say?
I'm going to let you read that.
It says, uh, thus to tyrants, meaning death to tyrants.
I recognize that phrase.
I think it was uttered in Ford's Theater.
Thank you, brother.
I didn't mean to turn it to who's describing it.
Well, enough of that.
The book is more important, but... The last topic I want to hit with you, I could go on for hours.
We're trying to...
We're trying to get the audience of the social media app to believe that you can have longer content, because it was, you know, originally designed for very short, you know, brain droppings.
Well, I think you've succeeded.
The biggest English-speaking show ever.
I mean, it's bigger than Jimmy Carson, bigger than Joe Rogan.
Congratulations, showing that freedom is successful.
Well, thank you.
Well, we're grateful that it's... No, I'm grateful to you.
You can say that.
We have free speech, but I... Anyway, here's my question.
All of the trends that you describe, I think very credibly, and I'm a little bit surprised, but not at all ashamed to say I agree with pretty much everything that you've said.
But I do.
And I think most reasonable people, if they just drop the kind of filter and stop lying to themselves and ask, like, where's the line?
What are you saying?
I think we've come to the same conclusion.
But all of those trends are being forced to kind of ahead, or they're going to come to fruition, or something's going to happen in the next 13 months, because we have a presidential election On the books, and you have this car crash, and I just do not see how it's resolved.
Do you?
Like what's gonna happen?
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Get TurboForce.
Get Winter Son.
Get it all at InfoWarsTore.com.
And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
You've seen that we've delivered together.
You delivered supporting us.
I've delivered not giving up.
Praise God and pass the ammunition in the information war.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening.
Signed or unsigned, InfoWarsTore.com.
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2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
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Really the only show I watch every day is yours when you have a new show because I don't just agree with you, I learn stuff every time.
And what you've been saying the last few months is dead on and a lot of people agree with you and I know I do.
That you look at the trajectory of this, how they're escalating on Trump, whether you love him or hate him.
He's now a populist icon.
He's now the underdog.
The globalists are coming after him.
They're coming after our right to vote for who we want.
He gets 60% against all... Which is the fundamental right of a democracy.
The people rule.
I can vote for whomever I want.
And if you don't like that person, that's immaterial.
And he's been indicted for saying they're stealing elections.
They're stealing it.
Oh, I'm aware.
And they're indictments of him!
His election theft, but yes.
But despite that, he's got 60% against all other Republicans.
He's 15, 20 points ahead of Biden.
It's backfired, but the deep state's not going to stop.
So what you said to Trump several times in that 400 million views, whatever you got, biggest show ever, you said to him, well, isn't the next thing them trying to kill you?
And he's so confident he doesn't want to think about that.
He doesn't want to think about it.
Whereas I admire someone that's that confident.
Confident you know the deep state does kill people and and and that's their only next move because this is failing and I think you're gonna kill Biden too or I think they're gonna try to what you said in a speech again before the last one I talked about like a month ago you said I don't see Biden and Trump being the candidates you see the system the media go after
biden and he deserves it but they were covering it up until now now they're covering the laptop
now they're covering attacking the dog now they're covering you know all of his senility all the
corruption the chinese spies hacking a dog what a pig he is i'm sorry well i mean i was told that by
secret service and by uh people that let's just say work with them and i'm gonna leave it at that but
i actually have a contact for you like to be able to hear it from them but when this is over
i'll let you actually hear it from yourself i think they'll tell you off record i think they're
willing to talk to you uh but yeah he he is completely out of his mind he wanders around for
the entire two and a half years it's getting worse naked in the white house uh in the middle of
the night doesn't know who he is they have to give him a bunch of drugs a bunch of amphetamines
in the morning and they've got a drugging uh
Uh, at night, sometimes he's gotta, though, he'll like, be out for the morning for a while, then he comes back out at night for a ball.
That's when there's a real problem.
He is on drugs.
I have established that.
I know someone who witnessed it.
I'm not guessing at this.
I know someone personally who witnessed him, uh...
You said the NSA spying on me, high level, and then a month later they went, yes, we're spying on Tucker Carlson.
Yeah, I know.
So you don't make stuff up.
And so what I'm saying here is, Biden's a liability for him, Trump's a liability.
is a makeup artist well you said you said the n_s_a_ spying on me
What do they do?
high-level than a month later they would guess what's by the girls and i know so
so i know you don't make stuff up and so i'm saying here is by the liability for a trumps liability what do they do
they have a right winger bill clinton
assassinated by and they'll have a left-winger assassinate trump
that then gets the country even more of a fight against each other
and then they put in gavin newsom
uh... and you know so i like my pants are who knows but i really think the next thirteen months is the most
critical time i was an american history but will it be free
because they can bring down america they're every other world and you've got the escalation
remember a year ago by said you can't give us sixteen's and and and
So dark.
tanks and cruise missiles to the Ukrainians, that's World War III.
Now they're doing it.
So as Russia wins that war, as Colonel McGregor documented a few months ago with you,
NATO is escalating. Well, that leads right to nuclear war.
So we're so close. That fundamentally makes me so mad.
This transcends politics. Since when do Democrats love war?
Since when do Democrats love the intelligence agencies?
They love them now.
And so really, the Democratic Party, just like the Republican Party,
is a beachhead for sanity and populism.
It's not perfect, but it's a beachhead.
The Democratic Party is totally turned over to evil.
That's why I thought RFK Jr.
was so refreshing.
But they're shutting him out of the primary process.
They're blocking him.
And so now he's going to run third party, which will take away from Trump, most experts agree.
I know Trump's people have looked at it and they think so.
Of course.
So that's very, very sad.
So do, I mean, do you think, I mean, normally at this, you know, so we're in October, I guess, um, in the year before the election, you can sort of see the outlines pretty clear.
I mean, in October of 1999, I was pretty confident it was going to be George W. Bush versus Al Gore.
I mean, you sort of know ahead of time, but do you think that we're going to see on election day 2024, a ballot with Biden and Trump on it?
I've been saying I think they may assassinate him or claim they had a heart attack.
But I was thinking about each one individually, but I think when you said that a month ago, it was prescient, that that's the next move.
If I get in their mind and I'm evil, I'm Machiavelli, that is what they have to do.
But the election just forces the point.
I mean, I guess I actually don't think that their preference is Well, that's what you're saying.
All their tactics of covert aren't working.
So as we saw with JFK in 1963 in Dallas, they will go over.
rather than overt, but I just think you know there's an election on the books
and like something's gonna happen. That's what you're saying all their tactics of
covert aren't working so as we saw with JFK in 1963 in Dallas they will go over
and so we have governors declaring emergencies to take the guns all of that
is it's only Democrats are against sanctuary cities when they're the ones
saying Governor Hochul and and and and the mayor of New York come here come here
And they're like, oh, we never said come here.
I think it's dawning on Democrats they've been betrayed, and maybe there's some point Where Democrats will have self-preservation, you know, the average voter, and say, no, we need to turn against this.
This is totalitarian.
This is dangerous.
This is evil.
But if that isn't the case, here's the problem.
Even if Democrats wake up, the system will know that from their internal polls.
The establishment will.
They're going to make a big move.
And is that a full-out war with Russia?
A full-out war with China?
Is it them allowing the jihadi sleeper cells?
They're in America, that are pouring across our border, that are waiting to let them activate.
I'm not saying our government controls them, but they've let other governments bring them in.
And they've given funding to those governments.
And now, if we don't see strong signals against Iran, I don't want war with Iran.
What I'm saying is, strong signals telling Iran, do not fund terror groups.
And we don't see strong appreciation of Joe Biden.
That will green light the security services to go ahead and let this new attack happen.
And a massive jihadi attack in America could be the way to bring in martial law and cancel the election.
Also, Klaus Schwab loves a telegraph, so does the UN.
It is imminent.
A cyber attack bringing down the power grid will make COVID look like absolutely nothing, is basically his quote.
I think I've got it almost exactly.
And so, Will they cut the power before the election?
I mean, the sky is the limit.
The sky is the limit.
So people need to be vigilant and understand that we want to let the system know we're aware.
We want to promote.
The values of free speech, and of family, and of self-defense, and of low control, and of free market, rugged individualism, and a competitive civilization, and a colorblind society that Martin Luther King Jr.
talked about.
We need to go back to the things that made us great, that threatened the CCP, and threatened the globalists of the UN, because they're selling tyranny, and eating bugs, and being locked down in your houses, and forced injections, and two men can have a baby.
We're selling normal human biology and success in culture.
And so I just think we have to give the alternate plan to their dystopia.
We have to challenge their dystopia, but also give the alternate plan, which enough people aren't doing.
But that's Trump's big sin is his optimism.
America's great.
Everybody's beautiful.
We have such potential.
And as soon as the world heard America was open for business, we saw trillions flood instantly in, because our leaders had said, America's not open for business.
Invest in China and India and Mexico, where the globalists have middleman deals to get all the money and all the power, instead of the people getting it.
It was Henry Ford, wasn't the perfect guy, but he said, the other auto manufacturers, this came out in federal documents and later antitrust suits, because he didn't get in trouble, they did.
They said to him, the other auto manufacturers, they said, why are you going to pay your employees three times what we do?
And he said, because I won't just, I don't want just rich people buying my cars.
I want my employees to prime the market to buy it.
They'll give me all the money back buying the Model T and then that'll supercharge it.
So that's the two different systems.
Build this illustrious, incredibly exciting, roaring civilization of laissez-faire or let these big guys already made all the money Centralized control shut us all down and vertically integrate so they're in control and then kill competition.
So we have to kill the globalist program that's anti-free market, anti-capitalist.
It's monopolistic.
It's anti-human.
It's a bunch of...
Degenerate, inbred, third, fourth generation elites who didn't make all this money, who didn't create all this stuff, but that have decided we don't even get to take part in it while they take part in it and live like kings.
So it's us or them, Tucker, and we've got to crush the globalists.
We've got to crush the New World Order.
We've got to challenge them or they're going to destroy the planet.
Please do not forget that my book has gone number one on a bunch of the different subcharts.
The Great Awakening Part 2 of The Great Reset, twice as long.
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I would thank you for everything you've done for the info war. But I know
You don't want my thanks.
You want victory over the Globalists and these devil-worshipping child molesters.
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And you know what?
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And I know you are as well.
So thank you for standing with us, because you are the Infowar.
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Where will you be in five years?
Are you going to stay in this country?
Can you stay in this country?
Speaking of escalation, again, I still never figured out what your crime is, but you have been persecuted for something in an escalating way.
I got two subpoenas last week.
I got subpoenas on January 6th, again, on a criminal investigation.
You didn't do anything on January 6th.
And I got subpoenaed at Trump's criminal trial in Georgia.
On what?
And then my lawyer called and said, what is this?
And they said, well, we don't just want him as a witness.
He's a subject.
I had nothing to do with Georgia.
I'm not saying it's bad they went and challenged it.
That's their right.
I mean, I went and protested there.
So it's just pure intimidation.
So I have a problem.
It's that I don't like to cut and run.
I'm not the toughest guy around, but growing up, Dallas was pretty rough people.
Some big guy started a fight with me, I just couldn't back off.
And I almost always won those fights or went to the hospital trying.
And so I decided to go down with the ship.
I'm not going to leave the country.
I'm not going to back down.
And I'm going to continue to fight with everything I've got.
I'll never sell out.
I'll never give in.
I could give out.
That's why support's critical and word of mouth.
Because Alex Jones is seen as a focal point, like catch the flag by the globalists.
If they can shut me down, they believe they can shut anybody down.
They've said that.
And so it's human intelligence and human action and word of mouth Talking about Infowars.com, my show, what I do, is a test case, almost like Stalingrad in World War II, where all these forces of the globalists keep thinking, we beat this guy at this city, at this point, at this battle, we win.
And so I don't think I'm even that important.
I've just been chosen as this main battle point.
So all these grassroots people and people like you and other great folks are supporting me through supporting the First Amendment.
And so I've got that backing, and that enrages the globalists.
So the more they throw against me, the more support I get, and it's really become a historic battle.
If I'm completely manned and demanned and shut down and can't operate, only then would I try to evacuate somewhere to try to keep my show on the air.
But I've looked at it, and I don't even think that that's the case.
Once they disrupt and shut down something, it's very hard to restart it.
The good news is, There are so many other great talk show hosts, so many other great people that now understand this, and even have perspectives better than mine, that I'm not obsolete yet, but thanks to you, and thanks to Russell Brand, they're trying to now set up, and you know, Joe Rogan's come a long way, and Steve Bannon, and countless other shows that I tune into that have high-level understanding, and teach me a lot, and I'm in my heads in the game.
So, you're our champion, Tucker, and there are other people, you know, Lester, I know you don't want to be the top dog, but you are, that's why you're under attack.
Thanks to you, I know no matter what happens to me, men and women are going to continue the fight forward into the future.
But this is an Alamo situation.
I'm not evacuating.
I'm not leaving.
I'm not going.
How'd they do with the Alamo?
Do you remember?
Everybody got killed.
Oh, okay.
But, but, but, but that example led to a big, you know, my mom's family raised Colonel Travis's son.
And on my dad's side too, they were heavily involved.
First Texas families, we have like Mexican land grants for our property.
We still have Mexican land.
We paid for 12 cents an acre, like 1825 in East Texas.
You know, you have business.
So it's not as cool as your place, but it's pretty cool.
And the last letter he wrote on that piece of wallpaper, Was to one of my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great
I don't have a death wish, but man, it gets me on its kite.
And so, I'm not doing what Colonel Travis did.
The only reason they got beat is they ran out of ammo, basically.
They had powder, but no more ball.
And they were fighting with swords at the end.
So, those are tough men, and I don't even measure up to them.
But I want to try to measure up.
And so it's very exciting.
It's instinctive.
It's spiritual to be defending humanity and prosperity and freedom and justice.
It's these globalist child trafficking monsters, the open border, all this evil.
I mean, so my cells tell me to do this.
My guts, my sinews say, you're ordered to do this.
And I don't feel good unless I do it.
And so the bigger the attacks get, it's the old World War II saying, when the planes were over the target, They didn't really have radar, but they knew the bases and the factories had flak, so they're shooting at them with artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, so you flew into that.
And so me, the best place I want to be is in the flak, but I also hate the flak because we could blow up and we're not in the fight anymore.
So there's that paradox, but 90% of me wants to be in the flak, 10% says maybe you should steer a little around it because you don't want to get knocked out.
And until just a few years ago, I felt really bad because it didn't seem the paradigm had been shattered and people didn't actually read the globalist documents.
Now there's been a paradigm shattering and I'm almost obsolete, Tucker.
And as soon as that happens, as soon as I see another couple hundred more prominent people that actually know what's going on, we've already reached chain reaction point, I'm gonna hang it up and disappear like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Alex Jones.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What a great conversation.
I really appreciate it.
Thank you, brother.
Thanks for your courage, Tucker.
Thank you.
I love your crew.
Great energy.
Thank you.
Americana, baby.
Alex Jones.
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too.
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting.
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies.
Or being hated, don't give way to hating.
And yet, don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
If you can dream and not make dreams your master, if you can think and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same, if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn-out tools, If you can make one heap of all your winnings, and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss, and booze and start again at your beginnings, and never breathe a word about your loss.
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them, hold on.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
(music ends)
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I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay!
Do you understand that?
Gay frogs, friggin' frogs, boo!
It's not funny!
I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
Won't you fight for your life?
Gay frogs, friggin' frogs, I don't like a frog!
Gay friggin' frogs, frogs!
Friggin' frog crap!
Won't you fight the frogs?
It's not funny!
I'm gonna say it real slow for ya.
...for yourself.
I mean, this is what they're... What do you think tap water is?
It's a gay bomb, baby!
And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings.
I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly.
I mean, give me a break!
You think I'm, like, shocked by it so I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people?
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The novelist's worst nightmare and the Patriot's best friend, Alex Jones.
I am on Team Humanity!
I believe in humanity.
When I see a neighbor with a gorgeous wife and great kids and an amazing car and house, I don't get mad at them.
I think that's part of our shared wealth is humanity.
Globalists don't like anybody doing well but them.
And that's really the easiest way to describe their mindset versus ours.
So again, thank you for joining us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I was recently interviewed by Charlie Kirk.
I thought it was a really, really good, informative interview.
I think we really nailed it.
Both he and I had hit some key points.
So we're going to air that interview right now from start to finish.
Please stay with us and share the links.
Very special guest this hour.
He needs no introduction.
Alex Jones, author of the new book, The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalists and Launching the Next Great Renaissance.
I love that.
Forward by Stephen K. Bannon.
Alex, welcome back to the program.
Thank you so much.
You're doing incredible work.
Thank you, Alex.
So, congratulations.
You are now back on Twitter on X. Tell us about it.
It's a big victory for free speech.
You were patient zero.
They took you out, and then Trump, and then so many others.
And now you're back.
This is a very surprising and promising development.
Alex, tell us all about it.
Well, remember that Time Magazine article that came out in February of 2021, right after they'd stolen the election from the American people and President Trump, with the headline, How We Did It, and how they had PR firms and worked with neocons and everybody to basically steal the election, and how they stole it even before Election Day, with the algorithms and big tech and blocking the Hunter Biden laptop story and all the rest of it's now Part of history with the weaponization hearings.
Well, they also bragged in a bunch of news articles and on CNN, MSNBC, how they basically chose me as the person to demonize for over two years before they then deplatformed me in one week off for over a hundred platforms led by Tim Cook of Apple, who actually gave interviews to Vice and others and bragged that he quarterbacked it.
Then they dredged up the school shooting thing out of context from things out of context I've said years before and said that that was the reason I was deplatformed after I was deplatformed.
So once I was off all these different systems, I was still on talk radio and still at Infowars.com every day, so I still had millions of listeners, but I was unable to get outside of that phantom zone with my core I had over 30 million subscribers on Apple to my podcast going back to like 2004 or so when I got into podcasting.
I've been on air since 1994.
So they annihilated all those networks, took my show from 30 million a day down to about 2 million a day, and then had rigged courts, judges already finding me guilty like we see in New York with Trump.
And then they would have juries on damages telling them I was already guilty.
And then they bragged on CNN, MSNBC, ABC News, and the New York Times that this is the model we're going to use on Tucker Carlson and everybody else.
And now we've seen them using this against President Trump, but at many orders of magnitude worse.
So the fact that the public's woken up to this, I really see as the Great Awakening, and it's about humanity realizing just how deep this corruption goes.
And so for all of you out there that defended me when I was first being taken off air, I want to salute you.
But most conservatives sat back and said, you know, let's not touch this guy.
We'll get banned next.
And they used that to when they banned the next person, the next person, the next person, and people didn't stand up for them.
Well, finally, they were able to shut down Trump.
Now, Trump did say what happened to me was wrong.
That was good.
I don't think he knew how serious the danger really was.
But now, thanks to Elon Musk and so many others and Tucker Carlson, we really have the initiative and we're beginning to win the war.
We haven't won the war yet, but it's like the last year of the Revolutionary War.
We were losing the first four or five years, but we start running the tables in the last few years.
The problem is the deep state is going to throw everything they've got at us, and Biden has said what Jack Posobiec and you have warned of, and Tucker Carlson the last six months, Daily, because I watch the shows and see the clips.
Biden's going to take us into direct war with Russia as his October surprise.
And the last week, Biden's come out and said, we'll be fighting and dying there if you don't give me unlimited money.
The Secretary of State said it.
Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary of Defense, he said it.
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs has basically said it.
They went to Congress in a closed briefing that Tucker had sources on and said, your sons and daughters will be dying within months if you don't do what we want.
Well, they're already positioning us for direct conflict with Russia.
We know through cut-out groups in NATO, we're already in direct confrontation.
So that's really the central issue that we're winning the hearts and minds on the home front.
We are really accelerating the Great Awakening.
But the deep state is so psychotic, an alliance of leftists and BlackRock and the neocons, But they're not going to go quietly into the night, Charlie.
Alex, I think that there's so much there to kind of unpack.
I want to just emphasize the Twitter aspect, X aspect, with Elon.
I loved your video, right?
You know, you did the interview with Tucker is great, and you appealed straight to Elon.
He said, look, I'm not even mad at you.
I'd love to get back on.
Elon did a poll, for those of you that aren't on X and all this, and overwhelming.
The people wanted you back on the platform.
And Elon really showed amazing courage to say, I am going to put Alex Jones back on.
That doesn't help him with his advertiser boycotts and all this.
Where do you think Elon plays into all this, Alex?
Because some people say, oh no, he's controlled opposition, he's Chinese Communist Party, Neuralink.
But Alex, I look at this, this is the world's richest man, or just about, depending on the day, who did something rather courageous to get you back on the platform.
How should we think about Elon?
That's a really important question.
There's a lot of data that goes into it.
I spent two and a half hours with him yesterday on Spaces and just came across as incredibly real.
He basically agreed with everything I said and I know behind the scenes Joe Rogan went to bat for me.
I know behind the scenes A lot of other people did, and said, you really need to look into this guy.
He wasn't even banned for questioning the school shooting.
He went and checked the logs and found out there was no mention of that ever, and that I was banned for criticizing CNN leading the behind-the-scenes censorship, taking conservatives' sponsors, and that I was banned for getting in the face Peacefully, but very directly with Oliver Darcy.
That was the final reason given that I bullied a reporter.
The guy was actually bullying me and was behind the scenes taking all my sponsors by harassing them.
And so, Elon...
Then was able to be basically briefed on what really happened.
I briefed him yesterday because he wanted to be briefed on it.
He said he, you know, wants me to brief him further on it.
So that's going to be happening.
But this is what went on with Elon.
For people that I know that know him very closely, that hang out with him all the time here in Austin, two very prominent people.
I'll leave it at that.
I mean, I've got some of this from Joe Rogan at dinner and some of them from other people.
And I know some of his top lawyers.
And I'll just stop there.
But this is directly for people that are very close to Elon.
He's very pragmatic, he wants to work with everybody, he wants to build new civilization, and he wants to be non-partisan.
But he's the type of guy, though, and he'll say he has Asperger's, but he's super high-functioning.
That when you mess with him and you lie about him, he then gets aggressive.
So he's like Trump.
If you hit him, he'll hit you five times harder.
And so he even worked with the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, the Democrats, did a lot of changes.
And that wasn't enough.
They kept trying to bully him.
Then they lied about him and said he said things he never said.
And so he just came to the point of saying, go f*** yourself.
And so he's in that mode now because he's not going to be bullied.
Yeah, and I gotta be honest, I think finally we have somebody with a lot of power and a lot of wealth that's willing to get in the arena.
I don't like all the stuff he does.
The Neuralink stuff is really weird for me, honestly.
You shouldn't play with the brain, and I don't like it, and some of the CCP stuff.
But getting in the arena and liberating speech.
So talk more about your book here, Alex.
We have a good amount of time, only about two minutes in this segment, though.
The Great Awakening.
What I love about your book is that it's hopeful.
Is that there's so much doom and gloom.
Your last book, Alex, I read it, and I said, my goodness.
You know, and then they're doing this, and then the World Economic Forum.
I said, geez, this one is a hopeful, though.
This is an anthem pointing forward of how we win towards the next great renaissance.
We'll talk about it more after the break.
Tease it.
It's about two minutes.
Tease the book.
My last book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, was about half the length of this and was just the enemy battle plan.
And yes, it was very depressing, but it's good news to have the Death Star plans.
This book is all about their latest crimes, but also where they're losing and how we have to create an alternate vision for the public of pro-human.
We're not overpopulated.
We can rebuild it.
We can have new technologies.
Humanity's good.
All right, we'll be right back with more of the Charlie Kirk Alex Jones interview.
Will you please stay with us, my fellow patriots?
I've been on air close to 30 years.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years, we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the product, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
This really allowed us to survive.
And when it comes to exposing the globalists thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners.
And I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world.
And I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us more than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
I would try them out myself.
And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, the best films.
Really, everything we sell on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
Whether it's the storable foods, Whether it's the water filtration, whether it's the supplements, whether it's the books, the films, they're amongst the very, very best, and you're funding an operation fighting the globalists.
So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization An operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners, the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas, and a lot of products that have been sold out are now back in stock.
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But these are great products that enrich your life and they keep us on the air.
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So please do your Christmas shopping at InfoWareStore.com.
Thank you for your support.
God bless.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We interrupt this broadcast with a special report from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Attempts have been made to neutralize the InfoWarrior known as Alex Jones.
Countless attacks have been witnessed and reported in an effort to bring him down.
Alex Jones has been sighted on the battlefield fighting against the forces of evil.
We're not gonna go down and just shut our mouths and just put up with this.
We know where the bodies are buried, folks, and one way or another, we're gonna stay on here.
We're receiving reports that Alex Jones has broken through the front lines and is now heading toward the broadcast studio.
All efforts to silence him have failed.
Emerging victorious against the New World Order, here's your host, Alex Jones.
Find the InfoWars transmission at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Humanity's good.
Let's be positive, kind of like a Ronald Reagan.
2.0 and getting back to God and realizing that's the source and having hope and having faith.
So I really tried to write it from a very optimistic perspective.
Kent Heckenlieve helped me do it.
When we were done with it, it was probably 800 pages long.
We cut it down to 400.
That was really my biggest frustration.
So we can't put an 800 page book out.
I mean, I had dozens and dozens of meetings with him.
I wrote hundreds and hundreds of pages, and we had to pare it down.
They also, at Skyhorse, fact-checked everything in here with lawyers, because they know I'm a major target.
And so this book, you know, the last book took like three months to write.
This book took basically a year to write.
This book was already being written when the last book was being written as well.
And so, The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globals, and Launching the Next Great Renaissance, forwarded by Stephen K. Bannon, is available at InfoWarsTore.com.
This is one of my only mechanisms to fund myself.
I'm in bankruptcy, and then the judges ruled that I have to pay the legal bills around here, even though I'm out of money, but I'm able to take the proceeds of the book and do that.
But I also want to send it to number one on Amazon.
It's gone as high as number 25.
Last time it went to number one.
So I would love just to stick it in their face, make the Great Awakening, because that's where we are.
Go to number one.
So get it at Amazon.com.
Get it at InfoWarsTore.com.
Whatever you do, please get the book because it is a real symbol of freedom and hope.
The Great Awakening, Alex Jones defeating the globalists and launching the next great renaissance.
We need to help Alex out, everybody.
They have thrown everything they possibly can at him.
And it's very similar to Trump.
Tucker, Trump, Alex Jones.
You look at this.
Look at what they've thrown.
Lawfare, smearing, slandering, ridiculous billion-dollar judgments, kicking off platforms.
And there's something unique about, you know, the American remnant, is that we will not surrender.
And that drives the elites nuts.
No matter what they throw at us, absent assassination attempts, which I want to talk to you about, Alex.
That's a real thing.
They're openly talking about taking people off the board using JFK-style type tactics.
It's not some sort of weird, crazy theory.
They're saying it out in the open.
Alex, I want to play this piece of tape here.
Here is Elon Musk going after Media Matters.
God bless him for this.
Play Cut 8.
Yeah, Media Matters is an evil propaganda machine.
So I just generally am against evil propaganda machines.
And so we are suing them in every country that they operate.
And we will pursue not just the organization, but anyone funding that organization.
I want to be clear about that.
Anyone funding that organization, we will pursue them.
So Media Matters is an evil propaganda machine.
They can go to hell.
I hope they do.
Elon Musk worth $248 billion at the recording this conversation here, Alex.
He's getting in the arena, going after Media Matters, going after all these groups.
What does that mean for the speech environment, the atmosphere?
What's amazing, Alex, is we would have predicted post-January 6, you were patient zero.
Where would we be in December 2023?
I think we would all agree we'd be in a worse place.
Our speech would be more restricted.
Our speech would be harder to get out, right?
Now we are in a place where we have rumble, we have liberated Twitter.
This is a sign of hope, Alex, in a time where we have overwhelming negativity.
Well, Charlie, you're a trillion percent right on that.
And again, this is a process of Musk being attacked, lied about, getting angry.
And he's a guy that's never failed, basically, in anything big.
And so they've got a formidable enemy on their ass.
You're absolutely right.
We would not have any hope in winning the next election despite all the numbers showing Trump's way ahead because the mail-in ballots and the fraud manipulation.
If we don't get a giant Landslide.
Only landslides, all the experts agree, can overwhelm the dead people voting, the people voting out of district.
You know, all the Facebook, $400 million getting a database to give the Democrats so they can produce that fraud.
But they will run out of dead people and illegals to vote at a 10-15 point, depending on whose numbers you look at, landslide by Trump, which is in the cards.
They're going to be defeated, and that's why they're now saying, oh, he's going to be a dictator.
He's going to attack his political enemies.
We need to liquidate this guy.
We need to take this guy out.
This guy needs to be eliminated.
These are quotes, and that's a historical fact that when corrupt bureaucracies and deep states of the past were about to be removed from power, they always move to the assassination technique.
Now, they don't want to make Trump a martyr.
I think poisoning is the number one threat. I told Elon that yesterday and I know his people agree
and they've got protocols in place. So I think the two most endangered men out there, well really
there's I would say three. They can't control Tucker Carlson and I think he's definitely on
the list. I'm just being honest. I've told him that in person. Tucker Carlson and then of course
Trump and Elon. And at a certain point I think they're more threatened by Elon than even Trump
he's a long-term issue they've got to deal with so this is an incredibly
dangerous time to be alive. Well yeah but Alex just the folks on Elon and I want
to keep getting into this throughout the hour. Elon is a creature of the regime
zone making a lot of his wealth is the electric vehicle, green energy, climate
So they propagandize us with the climate change stuff.
You find a quote-unquote solution, okay, electric vehicles.
Here's Elon, this entrepreneur, who made a vast majority of his wealth on...
you know, a really innovative approach to electric vehicles, regardless of your opinion on it.
And now they don't know what to do with him. They're like, hey, wait, we created this guy
with this huge green energy push. And so your experience, Alex, how do they take out people
like this? What are you what are you alluding to here? You're talking about outright assassination
attempts. Well, they're going to continue to try to take his sponsors and make him bow
and and make him become their creature.
And they do see him as Frankenstein.
And they're Dr. Frankenstein.
And they've created him now.
And I mean, it's true.
He jumped on the bandwagon.
He got a really great company that was way better than all the other electric cars.
And that was a decade ahead of all the crap they were putting out.
You know, the technology itself, the resources we have, you know, isn't feasible.
There's not enough of the ingredients that are in it.
Even Musk has said, "We need fossil fuels.
We need to continue to use them.
It'll take decades to segue away, even if we try."
And so this anti-carbon thing is a bridge to nowhere, a neo-feudalistic system by the globalists.
And Elon has now come out and said that.
So they're gonna try to get rid of him by demonizing him, by taking his sponsors.
But Twitter's basically doubled its engagement and users since he took it over.
So again, they're failing, but Elon also is really good at riding a wave.
Julius Caesar reportedly said, and then it was put by Shakespeare in his play on Julius Caesar, that there is a tide in the affairs of men when taken at the flood leads on to fortune.
And so whether Caesar said that or whether it was just That famous writer William Shakespeare that took a historical license with it.
Elon Musk knows when he sees a big wave to get on it.
And so he's been riding all these big waves.
Privatization of space, electric vehicles.
He knows they're coming out with all the brain chips and the links that are great for quadriplegics and great for blind people.
Yeah, but the Neuralink, we got to draw a line in the sand.
I'm not a fan of it.
Yeah, we'll talk about that in a second.
Alex, finish that thought on Neuralink, Elon Musk riding a wave.
We turned my mic on, sorry.
I want to be 100% clear here.
I have been a big opponent of Neuralink and the way he tried to roll it out three years ago, where he goes, oh, you go to a shopping mall and you get a brain chip and you can be on the internet.
The consumerization of cybernetics Is extremely dangerous and where the globalists want to take us.
And I think that's one of the most dangerous things he's involved in.
But he sees every trend.
That's what all the other big companies have been secretly working on.
Now it's out in the open.
Microsoft, Apple, the Communist Chinese.
He wants to dominate every field.
So now he's backed off and says, oh, it's for paralyzed people or people with epilepsy or people that are blind.
Well, my uncle was in a motorcycle accident.
and had convulsions almost every day for years, he finally got a brain chip that was experimental
and not just the vagus nerve stimulator and he's back. I mean he's like looks 20 years younger and
doesn't ever have seizures and is out of a wheelchair. So I mean if I'm in a motorcycle
accident, I don't ride motorcycles, it's too risky, but if I was and I could get a brain chip that's
wonderful. But I think it needs to be highly regulated.
And as a society, we should never allow it to be rolled out as a consumer thing.
Next, it's kids got to have brain chips to start kindergarten.
And that's where Klaus Schwab has said, we want everyone to be made to have brain chips.
This is what we're going to make you do by 2030.
So I agree.
I was saying one more wave.
He wants to dominate every innovation wave there is.
And so, I think from a position of an engineer who is self-described as extremely high-functioning Asperger's, that's how he works 20 hours a day at least.
I mean, I've seen it.
And, I mean, he's up at all hours, constantly.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
If, by Rudyard Kipling, If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too, if you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies, or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise,
If you can dream, and not make dreams your master.
If you can think and not make thoughts your aim.
If you can meet with triumph and disaster, and treat those two impostors just the same.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken, twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, and stoop and build them up with worn out tools.
If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch and toss And booze and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the will which says to them, hold on If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but a nun too much.
If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth of distance run, yours is the earth and everything that's in it.
And, which is more, you'll be a man, my son.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
We see you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
(dramatic music)
Contact light.
(dramatic music)
Eagle was landed.
Oh, geez, that's great.
Is the lighting here pretty decent?
Visit infowars.com/show and share the link today.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
And so, but now he's processing, you know, what the market will accept.
So I don't think he's going to save us.
I don't think Elon Musk is perfect.
I just think in the role he's entered, As bringing back free speech and innovating America and supercharging technology, we should embrace all the good things he's doing, not throw out the baby with the bathwater, because Jesus said, judge a tree by its fruits.
And without Elon Musk and what he's done, we would be in a lot of trouble right now.
So he has really Blown open the enemy gates for us and so I'm very thankful to God for Elon Musk and I see him coming way over to our side.
I'm going to leave it at that because I've talked to very well-known people, very well-known talk show host.
A lot about Elon Musk the last two years.
And I had, I'm not going to get into inside stuff I was told, even though it wasn't even told off record.
I'm just not going to do it.
But I was told by a very well-known talk show host who's very good friends with him here in Austin.
People could probably imagine who.
He said, listen, Elon Musk, he sounds like you now and is genuinely pissed.
And in a rage and now is against the globalists because they're anti-human expansion and they want to depopulate people and Musk has got 11 kids and understands we need 2.1 kids for every family at least.
We're just replacement level.
So I think he's coming over to us and I think if we continue to bring him towards us with open arms, he will be ours.
Yeah, and by the way, he's starting a wave of other elites, other very, very rich and wealthy people.
He's making it acceptable.
He's moved the Overton window of people with wealth and with status, all of a sudden to say, wait a second, I don't want to go along with this.
He's moved the window and created cover, you know, Bill Ackman And we just had an amazing fundraiser for Turning Point USA this weekend, Alex.
I can't tell you how many people they say, you know, I feel more comfortable giving money and speaking out because Elon is showing and he's leading the way.
And that really is a threat to the globalists.
You talk about this in your book, The Great Awakening.
Everyone go buy it.
The Great Awakening.
Defeating the globalists and launching the next great renaissance.
Is that, Alex, if even 5% of the elites defect, this whole ballgame is over.
They need complete harmony amongst... Yeah, please Alex, go ahead.
And that was my last point, because I tend to run on.
Thank you for making the key part of my point at the end that I forgot to make.
So he didn't just ride the electric car wave or privatization of space wave.
He wants to ride the wave of the new Renaissance and the Great Awakening and stopping all this totalitarian garbage.
And so, yes, he already sees that wave that you built and Trump built and I built and Tucker built.
And Joe Rogan's super hardcore now.
So exactly, he sees this giant New Renaissance Great Awakening wave, and if he wants to be the big guy riding that sucker in, and he helps us win, then more power to him!
That's so interesting.
Actually, I want everyone to just understand what we just said.
And it's a way of analyzing Elon in a way I've never heard before, but it's very hopeful in saying that Elon sees ways before they happen, super incredible brain power, right?
He saw EV before it happened.
He saw this boring company.
He saw, you know, SolarCity.
He saw all that stuff.
And what you're saying, Alex, is he...
Yeah, PayPal, exactly.
But are you trying to tell me that Elon, with his analytical engineering brain, is seeing a right-wing revolution happening before it happens, and he wants to get ahead of that?
Is that what you're saying, Alex?
He sees which way the wind's blowing, and has now joined with us.
And so, it's simple.
It's kind of like Lord of the Rings, where Saruman tells Gandalf, no one can stand against Sauron.
Join me.
And Gandalf says, no, I'm not going to do it.
Well, this is the other way around.
Elon sees the wave of liberty and says, you're not going to stand against this.
And he's getting on board.
And before he was hedging his bets the last three, four years, you know, beware those that worship AI gods.
You know, I used to hang around with the founders of Google and they want to get rid of the humans.
They don't care about our species.
You know, the of all Noah Harari crap.
And Musk has proven it.
He has 11 kids.
He's now externalized who he already was and said, you know what?
I'm on Team Humanity.
He kept saying it over and over.
I'm going to put t-shirts out that say this.
I meant to do this a year ago.
We never produced him.
Team Humanity.
Elon Musk says, I want to help lead Team Humanity.
And by the example he is, he's get all these other billionaires and people now have the courage.
And so you can't argue with the results.
So no matter what his motives are at the end of the day, he is playing 340 chess.
I want to make a quick note here.
It is wonderful.
It is a very good reason for celebration that Alex Jones is back.
The InfoWars account is officially back.
But I want to make the point that InfoWars was not created on Twitter.
This is not something that we need.
It's amazing to think that since we've been kicked off of Twitter, not only have we continued to exist, we have continued to thrive despite the censorship.
Now that the censorship has in part been lifted, We'll only see this power grow and expand and become even more dominant.
But thanks to you going to InfoWarsStore.com, thanks to you supporting us and keeping us on air, and going to InfoWars.com and sharing the articles, or going to Band.Video and sharing the videos, we have not required permission from Big Tech.
To succeed and spread our message.
So thank you for your participation in this and for keeping us on air and in the fight on our own systems as well as now on the big tech systems that we once so thoroughly dominated and will again soon.
Cast with a special report from the front lines of the InfoWars.
Attempts have been made to neutralize the InfoWarrior known as Alex Jones.
Countless attacks have been witnessed and reported in an effort to bring him down.
Alex Jones has been sighted on the battlefield fighting against the forces of evil.
We're not gonna go down and just shut our mouths and you just put up with us.
We know the bodies are buried folks, and one way or another we're gonna stay on here.
We're receiving reports that Alex Jones has broken through the front lines and is now
heading toward the broadcast studio.
All efforts to silence him have failed.
Find the InfoWars transmission at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I can play 10-D chess, quite frankly.
I'll just tell you politically, this is nothing but good for liberty.
This is devastating the existing globalist, combine, crony, capitalist, slash, communist, chi-com order.
And this is the new renaissance, baby.
But the enemy's gonna strike back.
The Empire Striking Back.
No, it is.
And I want to talk about that because you've been, your ability to predict things and see things before they happen.
I say this all the time.
Alex Jones is not crazy.
He's early.
You got to remember that.
He's early.
He's ahead of the curve.
You see it.
So 2024, I feel as if this is the crescendo year, Alex, right?
This is the year where all these, it's pent up COVID response.
Take it and run.
Alex, go ahead.
Think of it as like breaking in pool.
Okay, you know, the balls are in the triangle, it's ready, and you've got the first hit.
You've got the advantage at the start of the game.
And we are about to 2024, and in the end of 2023, this is that moment in time and civilization where we're at the crossroads and we're about to affect the outcome of the entire future.
So this sets the stage right now.
We're in a fourth turning at a massive jump point.
What is that? Tell our audience more. They're not as familiar with these terms.
I know what forth turning means. What do you mean forth turning? Jump point. Go deeper, Alex.
Well, this has been noticed by philosophers in China 5000 years ago and by Greek philosophers
3000 years ago and Roman philosopher 2000 years ago and Hegel 300 years ago and all of them.
That there are Lenin said this don't like Lenin, but he was a genius. He said there are a paraphrase
and people can pull the actual caught up. He said there are decades where nothing happens
and there are weeks where decades happen.
And so the Globalist, the Rand Corporation, the Carney Endowment, the Rockefeller Foundation, they're obsessed with this.
That sometimes you go a hundred years, it's usually about 87, 88 years is an actual cycle, and it happens over and over, but there's a hundred year cycles, And then there's super cycles that are every thousand years or so, okay?
And so we are literally entering a super cycle right now, where society has been like steel.
Culture, the future, how society's status quo is affected.
There are some innovations, but it's basically stagnant.
Even though you may have technological developments, still culture is the same.
We're entering a mega-turning, everybody can see it, approaching what I believe is a group of singularities, and then finally a potential singularity.
I don't think it's what Ray Kurzweil thinks in 2047.
So humanity is going 2.0 right now, but we're in the larval stage of that, and the globalists are obsessed with controlling the outcome right now, because they call it liquification.
So the rigid structure during these turnings Soften some every 80 or 92, on average 87 years.
They soften and they can mold it like a sculptor.
But in a super turning, it goes liquid.
Okay, and then now with all the technology, if you have a superturning, it's going to be the supernova of supernova megaturnings.
And so we are at the absolute crossroads.
I mean, humans discovering fire, the wheel, humans discovering God is one thing bigger, but the wheel and fire is a trillion times smaller in our jump point.
Fire was a jump point.
The wheel was a jump point.
Metal urgy, you know, out of the Stone Age was a jump point.
Agriculture was a jump point.
We are now approaching a cluster of thousands of jump points.
And there's a political jump point, which is what I want to talk about.
Trump, in some ways, whether he realizes it or not, I think he's starting to realize it, is the symbol of tens of millions of people who, at a level, they realize this is happening too fast.
Alex, go ahead.
That's why the globalists hate Trump.
They recognize him as the archetypal symbol or the figurehead of a populist, pro-human, renaissance-based jump.
And so we go into light speed now.
I mean, they usually use the hard versus the soft metaphor.
I like to use, let's use the Star Wars analogy or Star Trek.
Normally, society's going along like a 747 at 600 miles an hour.
And then when you have a regular turning, it accelerates for a decade or so to 5,000 miles an hour.
But in a mega turning, you go not to light speed, but to warp 100.
And so, they see Trump as everything they fear.
Big, strong, energy, pro-human, pro-America, pro-free market, pro-competition, isn't a monopoly man, doesn't like all these middlemen stealing America, and he even said to China, why are you letting the middlemen have half of it?
You can keep a bigger percentage, we'll keep a bigger percentage for our people, you can help your people, we'll help ourselves, we'll be the captains of the... It's what he told Kim Jong-un!
You know, with a video presentation.
You can have all these hotels and golf courses.
Your people will be free and happy.
Why do you want them starving?
You can be a hero!
And Kim Jong-un's like, yeah, yeah, yeah.
But then the chi-coms that control him said, no, we're going to keep you as a hermit state.
as a hermit dictatorship. So it's this, look what's the most common form of government in the last
7,000 years of human recorded history? It's serfdom, it's feudalism. They were always keeping
people on tiny pieces of land and telling how many kids they could have and you know and the
average person in England or France couldn't have a hunting dog and if you had to have one to herd
sheep they'd cut off you know half of the digits on the dog's foot so it couldn't chase the king's deer.
It's not just keeping swords from people or guns from people.
They don't want you to have jobs or land or money.
So there's centralized economies, feudalist economies.
There's renaissance economies.
And so, anybody that's pro-Renaissance economy, an Elon Musk, a Trump, is antithetical to the globalist and the centralized system that they've set up that is the remains of the British Empire, the mercantilist systems of Europe, through the Bilderberg Group, trying to create a global facsimile of capitalism.
But only ceremonial capitalism, where it's all centralized, as Larry Fink said, so they can, quote, control our behaviors through the money, through the ESG, through the central bank digital currencies, through the universal credit score, through the carbon tax, through the vaccine passport, through the UN treaties, controlling our bodies.
It's total, absolute, factory farming of humans.
It is THX 1138 that is based on the novel by Aldous Huxley in 1932, before he died in 1961.
His brother was running the UN, the founder of the transhumanist movement worldwide, the head of UNESCO.
He said in Brave New World Revisited, and in a speech at Berkeley before he died, he said, this book is real, and this is our real plan.
And he even said, you're too stupid to even know it.
I just want to flaunt it in your face.
So when you read Brave New World, folks, that's their actual plan for you.
As it says in Brave New World, everybody belongs to everybody.
We're not going to put up with that.
We're not going to put up with the Soma being introduced to medicate and to bring down the soul of a civilization.
Alex, marching orders.
Action, action, action.
We have thousands of jump points.
What are the marching orders for the rank and file, our audience right here?
Buy the book, but what is to be done?
I know your audience is the tip of the spear, so they need to be lectured about waking up and caring.
But it's not a burden to fight tyranny.
We're designed to fight tyranny.
Plants don't grow well in zero gravity because there's no wind, there's no rain, there's no birds, there's no opposition.
And humans don't do well when they're not under pressure.
So we need to admit we're under pressure, just like you're lifting weights or you're climbing up a mountain.
You're going to get stronger Not weaker.
They want a sedentary, mentally, spiritually, physically.
We need to realize this is exciting.
This is empowering.
We're in the zeitgeist.
We're in the decision-making fulcrum.
The bullet is in the chamber.
You know, the arrow is about to be fired.
Parents have had the analogy of raising a child till they're 14, 15, 16 is like putting an arrow to a bow, pulling and aiming it.
And when you By the time they're 12, 13, 14, it's basically already set.
Now you release them, and now there's that trajectory.
So we're at the point, and basically, I think the arrow's already been loosed.
We've done a pretty good job.
I think it's going to hit near the bullseye here.
So we have to understand that the globalists, though, need to be stopped.
We need people to defect more than ever whistleblowers you name it from inside the system to stop world war three
To bring many together to stop the identity politics to stop the separation in the name of unity
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And I want to thank you all for keeping us on air over the years.
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You delivered supporting us.
I've delivered not giving up.
Praise God and pass the ammunition in the information war.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening.
Sign or unsign.
Take action.
Let's go to Highwaymen in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for calling.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through a call.
And first, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's turmeric toothpaste is incredible.
I prefer to admit I've kind of neglected my teeth, and I started using your dad's toothpaste, and my gum stopped bleeding brushing my teeth.
And I mean, it is dentist cleaning clean every time you brush your teeth.
It is incredible.
Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practice.
He still has his license.
He still takes care of friends and family and other folks.
But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste for top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
Winter is coming.
Winter is coming.
won't find the operation. But yeah, all three of his toothpicks, the turmeric, the tooth whitening, and the activated
charcoal are all top of the line with no extra atoms or fillings, full of essential oils. They will blow you away.
Thank you so much for the plug, sir.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
By and large, not aware of the magnitude of the incredible danger they're under, but also the ongoing attacks and the magnitude of the death caused by the lethal injections, masqueradings, vaccines.
It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
And you realize ignorance is not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's...
That's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a dystopic reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around, because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We see you on stairwell.
Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
Contact light.
We need to, you know, own things and be free and be empowered and be independent.
Infowars.com/show and share the link today.
Beautiful, just beautiful.
We need to own things and be free and be empowered and be independent.
We don't need to own nothing and be happy, but there's a real collective in our free will,
our trillions of decisions then have a knowledge that is a collective, but it's a collective
directed by the individual, not directed by the elites.
And so we have to get people to come over from the establishment, realize they're not just
on a losing team, they're in a death cult, suicide cult of four, five, six generations of elites
Didn't even get the power, but have just been given it, and that we must stop people like King Charles, we must stop people like Alexander Soros, we must stop people like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates.
We have to remove the keys from them and say, listen, you can go to Alba, or you can take some of your stolen money and go play golf, but we're taking the keys of power.
They're not yours.
We're not going to eat bugs.
You're not taking the cows away.
You're not going to give us poison medicine to keep all the advanced life extension from us.
We're gonna get it all.
It's ours.
And you're not gonna destroy us.
So, get out of the way, like the rap song says.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Get out the way, bitch!
Get out the way!
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
That's what we need!
Alex Jones, everybody.
Alex, final question.
What do we have to be aware of the threats that we have not identified that they're going to launch in 24 and what can we do about it?
My big fear is Trump in leg irons at Mar-a-Lago Labor Day, not able to campaign because he's under multiple federal indictments where they literally suffocate his campaign with federal marshals having him on house arrest.
And then they staged terror attacks and claim that we did it because we support Trump.
None of us are for offensive violence.
If they do that, we cannot be violent, even throwing a piece of garbage on the ground or leaving our sign in a protest.
We've got to be ever watchful.
Like January 6th, I'm being set up.
I walked right into that trap.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on us.
And we need to be worried about them doing a cyber attack that they blame on patriots working with Russia.
They've already floated that at the FBI.
That's one I've heard too.
That's a big one.
I've heard that.
They're already pre-programming.
You can see it in the news.
They're already getting people ready.
They could release a new virus.
That's definitely in the cards.
They're saying that's going to happen.
They could have a stock market crash.
I mean, they could do anything, but they're signaling right now that they're looking to go to full war with Russia.
That's why I started the interview with that.
You just tell everybody, hey, we can celebrate that Alex Jones is back at Real Alex Jones on Twitter.
Please follow me there.
I hope you'll come on my show, Charlie.
Everything we're doing right now is mega viral.
But at the end of the day, people need to recognize the intense danger we're in.
And I think the most important thing is pray to God.
King David said, seek God, repent, get to that quiet place, the Most High, and just ask the Holy Spirit, ask God, lead God and direct us to be the men and women we can to save the planet, save humanity now, and also pray that God touch people's hearts like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.
And I believe that some of the most evil people out there that aren't fully conscious, but have been serving the system, they're going to end up having that moment and joining us.
And so it's not just going to be say he's an opportunist. I'm not saying that. People like
Musk that are going to join us out of just necessity.
He says, "I want a pro-human future." They're going to wreck society.
Once you shut down the industries, you can't turn them back on very easily.
They could create an extinction event by what the leftists are doing. He said that yesterday with me.
So, so, so, we need to have survival instinct turned back on and have the elites realize
they're going to destroy themselves on this path. They need to join us.
Alex Jones, everybody.
God bless Alex.
Glad you're back on Twitter.
We'll talk soon.
See you tomorrow, everybody.
God bless.
I've been on air close to 30 years.
And going back more than, wow, 15 years ago, we began to get massively censored and debanked and harassed in different ways by the globalist deep state.
So when their total censorship and tyranny arrived, the last five years, we were ready to resist it as best as we could.
So, Nietzsche's definitely right that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger.
But really, it's been God working through the audience of viewers and listeners who've been steadfast supporters, spreading the word, praying for us, buying the product, sharing the clips, the articles, the videos.
This really allowed us to survive, and when it comes to exposing the globalists, thrive.
So as Christmas approaches 2023, I wanted to take some time out to say that I'm thankful for all the viewers and listeners, and I meet you all over the streets of Austin and all over the country and all over the world, and I really love you and I appreciate you.
And because they started taking our sponsors away from us more than 15 years ago, we began to move away from sponsors and sell products directly to the population.
And we always went out and tried to find hot, cool products that already had great reviews.
That way, we knew we were selling a good product.
I would try them out myself.
And over the last 15 years, we've gotten really, really good at bringing you amazing products.
And now, we have the best books, the best films.
Really, everything we sell on the site is very high quality, but at a very, very competitive price.
Whether it's the storable foods, Whether it's the water filtration, whether it's the supplements, whether it's the books, the films, they're amongst the very, very best, and you're funding an operation fighting the globalists.
So even if you bought this stuff at a big box store, whose owners are anti-freedom, anti-human, you'd still be getting a great product.
But when you buy these products from us, you are supporting an organization and an operation that's not submitting to tyranny.
So we kind of created the model of a political talk show, funding itself with direct sales.
And now more and more are doing it because they've been censored, they've been shut down.
So for all the years we've been fighting together, I want to thank all the InfoWars viewers and listeners,
the InfoWars family, because we're still here because of you.
And now Christmas 2023 is here, and we have the biggest sales of the year every Christmas,
and a lot of products that have been sold that are now back in stock.
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God bless.
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Benny Botham's died.
You can see here the Great Awakening orbiting the Great Reset.
Although the depopulation systems of the Great Reset are not yet fully operational, the Great Reset does have a strong conspiracy network.
It is protected by a satanic shield, which can be disabled by the Great Awakening.
The Great Reset must be deactivated if any victory for humanity is to be accomplished.
Once the Great Awakening deactivates the shield, InfoWars.com forward slash show will cover the truth while Info Warriors fly into the superstructure and attempt to knock out the Great Reset.
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All kids lie.
Even your beloved little Dylan, he lies, okay?
But they lie in a very specific way.
So you come down for breakfast, you open the cabinet, and like half the Oreos are gone.
And you say, Dylan?
Did you eat an Oreo?
And he's like, uh, no.
You ate an Oreo, didn't you?
Yeah, just one.
Dylan, there are 12 Oreos gone.
Well, maybe two.
You get it.
He's lying.
He knows he's lying.
He's ashamed of what he did.
He's trying to hide it.
You caught him.
He's doubly ashamed you caught him.
And so he's trying to hedge a little bit.
Well, it's not as bad as you think.
Not that bad a person only ate two.
He didn't eat 12.
And instead of, you know, smacking him and saying, you liar!
You get it, right?
If Dylan worked in the Biden administration, he would stare right in your eyes and smile and say, I didn't eat any Oreos.
You did.
You ate the Oreos.
You ate the Oreos.
And he would be so calm and unperturbed and so certain of your guilt that in your mind you would think, shit, did I eat the Oreos?
Maybe I did, maybe I sleptwalked.
And there's a child standing there with a cookie!
So you say, what are you doing?
Now this honest child looks at you and says, "I was getting a cookie for you!"
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The global cabal.
(upbeat music)
The satanic elite, they know that civilization works in cycles.
So every time you look at organizations like the World Economic Forum, or whenever the World Health Organization, or any type of NGO that is in cahoots or is in lockstep with any type of globalist agenda, they call themselves shareholders of the future, of what they believe to be the global utopia of the future that's perfected by humanity, which is never going to happen.
Humanity has fallen and we'll never have a perfect world apart from Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
And that is the heart of Lucifer to counterfeit what Christ is, what Christ will do, because he wants to be God and ascend above God.
So the global Luciferian cults, like I said, the death cult with all the climate change death cult organizations and NGOs with John Kerry, or whether you look at the World Economic Forum or the World Health Organization, the CDC, you name it.
Or the big ESG machines with the DEI machines discriminating against white people predominantly, especially in the United States of America because a woke, retarded black person will get a job before a high IQ intellectual white person based off of the color of the skin.
And so as we continue to see this, you guys, they No, very well, because they're empowered by these satanic powers, how civilizations work in cycles.
So when you take a look at the World Economic Forum, and we're going to go over this report today, because this has to do with our future, especially in terms of globalism.
That's why they come out and they've always done this for decades.
This is an agenda.
This is Agenda 2021.
This is Agenda 2030.
Agenda 2050.
By the year 20X, Y, and Z, there will be this.
There will be that.
And that's why Klaus Schwab is always emphasizing becoming masters of the future by mastering the technologies of today or the technologies of the future.
Because that is how they're going to control humanity.
Because they understand this and they fundamentally know this.
So when you take a look at the white papers, and which is interesting, and people should know this by now, on the World Economic Forum of these globalists they put their writings up, it's like their own satanic, you know, self-fulfilling prophecies that they want to roll out on humanity.
These people are absolutely serious about installing what they want to do technologically, which I think is pretty interesting because a new white paper came out early December, about a week ago, That has to do with the future of communication and information in our world, not just our country, but in our world.
This is InfoWars.com, the World Economic Forum likens misinformation To a cyber security issue and calls for more action.
This is a 16 page document.
People can read this for themselves.
A white paper by the World Economic Forum where they are redefining what cyber security literally is.
Now, according to a recent study by the World Economic Forum and allied organizations, cyber security concerns are taking on new dimensions.
Misinformation and disinformation disseminated via the internet are now being framed as a key challenge in ensuring cybersecurity.
The troubling report was launched on December 5th and designated as Cybersecurity Futures 2030 New Foundations.
The study in depth goes over the future of cybersecurity lies rather in safeguarding the integrity and source of data.
This introduces a novel perspective on the significance of locating and quashing fabricated information, cynically tagged as mis- or disinformation, held in the cybersecurity domain.
Now, when you go over this report in detail, one of the main highlights that I really want to emphasize in this report, in their own words, is that the World Economic Forum is now looking to the year 2030.
And they talked about this in Davos 23.
They talked about a massive cyber security, excuse me, a massive cyber attack going on in our worlds within the next two years.
And now this white paper has rolled out by the World Economic Forum, where they are wargaming and they are planning and they are preemptively preparing, as Bill Gates likes to say, with the Cyber Security Futures 2030 World Economic Forum white paper document.
This is pretty fresh, fresh off the New World Order press.
And within this document, they talk about what cybersecurity looks like in our future.
And you and I will know cybersecurity as protecting our private data.
And you and I would think of cybersecurity as protecting Intel information, whether it's our medical history, or whether it's our family history, or whether it's our credit card, bank accounts, private information, Social Security, you name it, or whatever you have on your own private home computer.
The protection of information Also, in a militarized national security perspective as well, you would probably think of it the exact same way.
Cyber attacks that are meant to infiltrate American digital infrastructure, power grids, etc.
You name it, right?
But what the World Economic Forum is now doing within this new 2030 report, they have now redefined even what cyber security even means.
So they have taken that from making sure that data is protected, but in the future, New World Order, in the mind of the globalist World Economic Forum, they are now pontificating and redefining that cyber security also means the integrity of the information that's being protected.
These are their own words.
So they are taking it from just not only protecting information, but we want to not only monopolize information, we want to monopolize the integrity of the information.
So that's why now in the name of cyber security, it's the same thing they've done with 9-11, with the Patriot Act, it's the same thing they've done post-2020.
Stay home, save lives, wear 10 masks, save lives, take 10 jabs and 10 boosters, save lives in the name of safety and security, sacrifice your freedoms for the sake of safety and security, etc.
And now they're taking it in a technological dimension because that's the future.
And they expect, even in this report, They talk about making sure that companies and governments and elected officials re-educate individuals when it comes to the new defined terms and the new defined world of what cyber security actually looks like.
And they will build an army, re-educating armies of people in various different companies.
That are aware of what cyber security and fighting against cyber attacks is truly supposed to look like and educating them on what, what does disinformation mean?
What does a disinformation campaign look like?
What truly is misinformation?
While the context of this report as well, they are now redefining saying, well, we have to protect the integrity of the actual information itself.
So we all know what that means, right?
We know that it is just another ESG DEI program that is going to be all gay, woke, New World Order, and everything is going to be judged based upon this SJW social justice mindset, communist, cultural Marxist ideology that's already infiltrated corporate America and the governments of the world.
So now they're going to roll that out in a cyber security context?
You see, this is how they're going to weaponize and harness the entire internet across the entire world.
And they're going to continue to push this further and further and further and further and further, where now it will give them a right, okay, well, we are Big Brother, and we will be the ones to offer you cybersecurity.
We will protect your data.
Oh, but by the way, We have to make sure that your data is up to par because the fact checkers and all the homosexual BLM fat black women are going to sit there and they're going to sift through all your information and if it's not up to par, if we declare that this is hate speech, well then they are going to go after you and consider you probably one of the misinformation and disinformation agents.
This is the Trojan horse to even further out in the open.
Guys, we already know.
We already know that the NSA, the CIA, intelligence agencies, they're already breaching.
They're already breaching American privacy.
These people can look at all your intel, they can hack all of your phones, they can do anything they want, they can literally look into every aspect of your entire life.
If you have security cameras like Ring in your home, they can look into that too, and watch you and your wife walking around at home, right?
And your children.
But this is coming in the form of, well, we're here to protect you.
So not only do we have to protect your info, but we have to make sure that your information is actually up to par according to our standards.
So yes, yes, this is how the neural Well, we will prop ourselves up as your protector, because you are too low IQ and a stupid human, so you need us to re-educate you.
It's literally the Matrix, ladies and gentlemen.
The World Economic Forum is wargaming a future out in the open.
No lie.
Hello, my name is Klaus the Situation Schmab.
This Christmas, cuddle up with your loved ones while you enjoy a delicious holiday feast of new ferns and crunchy crickets and pop in a very special collection of songs.
The World Enslavement Forum presents Waxmas It's 23.
I'm dreaming of a great reset Like communism, just in smart.
There is gene selection, and eye detection, and tone surveillance everywhere.
Last COVID, I gave you my check, but for every new stash, you had to refresh.
This year, a new pandemic is here.
Get ready for forced injections.
On the fifth day of lockdown, my government gave me five stinky masks.
Four COVID tests, three boosters, two sudden deaths, and attempted genocide.
Police at your door!
Police at your door!
Police at your door!
Throwing your own food is not allowed anymore!
(upbeat music)
You better not ask, or lift an eyebrow.
Why people are dying suddenly now.
Cancer Claus is coming to town I don't want a lot for Christmas
Just control humanity.
Maybe release new hybrid species.
Like a monkey manatee.
Please kill me.
I just want to rule the world.
Every tree and every bird.
That is my goal.
All I want for Christmas is your soul.
Wait, what is this?
We don't want a lot for Christmas.
Just leave us the f*** alone.
Go hang out with your lizard buddies.
And have some fresh adrenaline.
I see you in on me.
And I swear total resistance to you with everything I've got.
Go f*** yourself.
Is that fair?
Hey, Bob.
This is a large asylum on your human psyche.
The vaccine comes straight from the Pfizer lab.
A healthy body don't surrender to the jab.
Their business is done by murdering millions of people.
Oh, easy there, buddy.
I want everybody to stop dying.
All we want for Christmas is a global human resistance.
So I'm using my song for this shit.
All we want for Christmas is to be free.
Merry Christmas!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Drew Hernandez.
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2024 is gonna be huge for InfoWars.
Just gonna predict it!
Just gonna predict it now, but let's get back into the information.
Ladies and gentlemen and info warriors, like I said, speaking of these globalist proxies and arms and institutions of Satan himself, World Economic Forum, Wargaming for 2030, like I said, to monopolize information, redefining what cyber security actually means as a breach of your information to control your information, but also The World Health Organization is making strides as well for the year 2024 to seize full power by the year 2026.
Here's another article at Infowars.com.
These amendments would open the door to a dangerous global health bureaucracy.
So they are seeking to add amendments to a 2005 accord here in the United States of America that will give The World Health Organization even more broader powers, not only across the globe, but in the United States of America currently.
And these amendments are to be negotiated on and decided by the year 2024.
And according to the report, it's looking they will be installed by the year 2026 as of right now.
But this is being pushed in our world.
And some of these amendments are very concerning.
One of them including a consolidation of a global health bureaucracy, including states in the United States of America.
Each state, they want To nominate a national IHR focal point for the implementation of health measures under these regulations.
These focal points could avail of World Health Organization capacity building and technical assistance.
IHR focal points, presumably manned by unelected bureaucrats and experts, would be essentially nodes in a new World Health Organization-led global health bureaucracy.
So, some kind of World Health Organization headquarters in each state?
Appointed by a World Health Organization individual or governor in each state that will be in total obedience, that will be the experts giving advice during a pandemic by the World Health Organization in the United States of America, unelected.
Unelected, not chosen, placed there by a global entity.
We all know how 2020 went down with the World Health Organization and the CDC.
So essentially a bunch of Dr. Fauci's in each state overriding each governor of the United States of America.
I mean, this is what I'm telling and what InfoWars and Alex Jones has been telling the entire public for decades, how these people coordinate and they're very strategically scheming and calculated where they even geographically put people before they launch a pandemic, before they launch the kill switch, or they launch another pathogen or a bioweapon on humanity.
And these amendments also include the World Health Organization having the ability to seize global martial law powers essentially.
They get to decide what a pandemic is.
They will get to decide how long a pandemic lasts.
And they will get to decide just exactly how that country or that civilization or that state and what measures they will take necessary according to medicine in order to thwart The spread of a virus according to the World Health Organization.
They will seize these powers in order to be able to dictate this.
And we know exactly what they wanted in 2020 and 2021.
That's why I believe 2020 was a beta test of things to come.
They will launch worse pathogens.
They will launch worse bioweapons.
And they will start to geographically coordinate because all of these amendments are to be discussed 2024 to be decided and fully implemented At the latest, the year 2026.
Like I said, they operate in cycles.
Like I said, they operate on a timeline.
And like I said, they are strategically calculating how they are going to geographically take ground and territory before they launch these operations.
So 2020 was a huge testing ground, not only for the CCP, but for the CDC and the World Health Organization and the globalist powers out there that will, in the name of medical health, We'll push their medical tyranny and their psycho mad scientist experiments on humans probably for the next 40 years if nothing is done.
Not only do we have to talk about this but some serious legislative strides and actions need to be taken immediately and I would like I mean I don't think we're gonna get it because I think our government, the House just went on vacation until January, signing another hundred million, billion dollar, you know, deal for every other government in the world except for us while, you know, people are struggling over Christmas.
But I think our so-called elected officials need to seriously take a look at the World Health Organization and the CDC and the World Economic Forum and truly see them for what they really are.
Threats to the Republic.
Threats to the Union, threats to humanity, and threats to our God-given freedoms, and an ultimate, overarching threat to the Constitution of the United States of America.
These amendments will bypass our free rights.
Even in these amendments, even in these amendments, they are considering even redefining and removing statements regarding that this advice should be given In the sense of free humanity or, you know, every single human being having the freedom to be able to make decisions for themselves.
I'm paraphrasing.
And they want to remove that and replace it with all kinds of ESG, SJW talk.
So they don't believe in the free will of humanity.
They don't believe in the free choice of humanity.
They don't believe in human beings making decisions for themselves.
They don't believe in humanity making choices because what they need is a bypass of your free will.
And at first they will attempt to do it in the name of a legislative.
They will at first do it, attempt to do it in a name where it appears to be legal.
At first they will attempt to do it in a way where it looks like the people chose this.
And they'll call it a democracy.
They'll call it a democracy.
They say that, well, the people chose this and this is what the people want.
When in reality, they will bypass all of that.
They will bypass all free thought.
They will bypass all free choice.
And they themselves will impose this.
And then they will have mass hysteria because when they do launch a serious pathogen, a more deadly bioweapon, they know that people will be begging for this.
You and I, the Infowarriors, will resist.
Put your faith in God.
I'm gonna go down with the ship, dude.
I'm not gonna die in fear.
I'm not gonna live in fear.
You know what I'm saying?
But they know, through their fear hysteria and their propaganda, they've already tested, okay, the psyche of the public has been groomed post-2020.
You understand that, right?
The fear, the paranoia, the mass formation psychosis, The psyche of our world has already been primed and groomed for something worse.
And they know that.
And that was the beta test.
And as this goes forward, as this continues to get more serious, as they start to launch more of their deadly biological pathogens, viruses, weapons against humanity, well, they know that they've psychologically primed millions of people on planet Earth To live in absolutely fear and hysteria and beg.
Beg for a way out.
Beg for some kind of alleviance.
Beg for some kind of relief.
Beg for some kind of savior.
Beg for someone to come and help them and pull them out through fear, through manipulation.
That is the tactic.
That is exactly the tool of war that they use.
The number one tool that this New World Order will use.
Against free humanity is fear.
Because it's effective.
Because it works.
And through people's fear, and their phobia, and their paranoia, and their fear of death, ultimately.
Their fear of death will be the number one way that they continue to control technology.
The number one way they will continue to control the world of science, medical health, politics, government, education, everything.
Have you ever stopped to think, why do they call everything a phobia?
Why is everything Islamophobia?
Why is everything homophobia?
Why is everything xenophobia?
Why is everything a phobia with these people?
Because this satanic death cult effectively knows that operating through manipulating the psyche of the public and their conscience through fear and paranoia and the fear of death, the fear of dying, You can grab them and you can control them and get them to do anything you want.
Sacrifice their freedoms.
They'll sacrifice their freedoms if they believe they're gonna die.
They'll sacrifice their children if they believe that they're gonna die.
They'll sacrifice their world.
They'll sacrifice their house.
They'll sacrifice their state.
They'll sacrifice their country.
They will sacrifice everything if you bring them on the verge of death.
That fear will grab them by the balls and control them forever.
Don't let them do that to you guys. Stay based.
I'm in a very paradoxical conundrum.
I am super thankful to our viewers and listeners for keeping us on air and your support.
We've changed the world together.
But at the same time, InfoWars is barely paying its bills.
Plus, I've got great products that will absolutely turbocharge your life.
So I'm sitting here thinking, how do I explain to people that InfoWars isn't just some talk show?
We're not some political movement of the thousands out there.
We are over the target.
We are proven to know what we're talking about.
So I say to you, my friends, please do your Christmas shopping at InfoWarsTour.com.
Don't do it at Walmart or Target or Amazon or the establishment facilities that are literally working against you and your family.
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