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Name: 20231208_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 8, 2023
3138 lines.

In a recent Infowars show, Alex Jones discusses globalist plans to reduce cattle populations by 80% by 2030 as part of their high-tech, cashless society agenda controlled by drones and robots. He accuses the UN and WEF of undermining societies through crises like fentanyl overdoses, open borders, and demoralization. Jones also criticizes Joe Biden's presidency, predicting that cars will require GPS and all citizens will need a cell phone at all times under this agenda. He discusses the military's role in enforcing the globalist plan, citing top defense officials influenced by the New World Order ideology for decades. Turning to politics, Jones criticizes Biden's presidency, citing reports of his senility and corruption. He also claims that Trump is being targeted by deep state actors because he has become a populist icon despite being indicted for election theft. Hunter Biden could face 17 years in prison after spending millions on lavish, hard-partying lifestyles while dodging taxes. Caravans of migrants continue to flood into the US border, leading to calls for more aid.

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Tucker on X after getting fired from Fox News.
McMahon's smiling.
Tucker interviewing Alex Jones on X. Oh, now he's really happy.
Elon saying he's considering restoring Alex Jones' account.
Ha ha ha!
This is the real world, folks.
This is the real info war.
And it gets better today.
Let's punch him up real quick before we go to break.
Look at that Moses beard.
That's Hillbilly right there, boy.
Solitary confinement.
They were keeping him there the whole time until the pressure.
They released him 15 days early.
Owen is on the highway, leaving Louisiana for Texas.
He'll be back next week.
And he's going to be on Tucker either Tuesday or Wednesday.
If his probation officer lets him get on an airplane, maybe he'll do it remote.
Maybe they'll let him do it remote.
You know, the judge said in his sentencing document he's going to jail for his speech.
Maybe Owen will get more prison time for what he's about to say straight ahead.
So Owen Schreier The Cut Destroyer, live, on air, straight ahead, big broadcast today, Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Band.Video, and my new book, The Great Awakening.
Get it at Infowarsstore.com and get a great book and fund the Infowar.
rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Infowars, tomorrow's news today.
So that's why the WEF and the UN are coming in in Ireland and in areas of Asia and in
and in areas of Asia and in the Netherlands and saying by 2030, 80% of your cows have got to be dead.
the Netherlands and saying, by 2030, 80% of your cows have So that's why the WEF and the UN are coming in Ireland
And they just banned like 30% this year in the Netherlands.
And it didn't matter people were 80% against it in polls.
It didn't matter they sent the military in against the peaceful farmers that were just protesting.
Just like the peaceful truckers in Canada got brutally attacked.
And so they're all WEF globalist alumni that the big banks on record brag,
they've penetrated the cabinets to quote Klaus Schwab.
They've put their operatives in to cut off our energy, demoralize us, release the hardened criminals,
put the political activists in prison, continue to cut off the resources to make an angrier world.
Klaus Schwab says, we're gonna make the world collapse, we're gonna have everybody turn against each other, we're gonna blame the political classes that we own and control, And then when we're done, we'll bring in our new solution.
But first, they have to demolish the cultures and societies that we had before with the fentanyl, with the open borders, with the demoralization, and then they bring in their next phase, which is a high-tech castle society, robot drone-controlled nightmare, more than half of the U.S.
in their official UN maps.
that they've had for more than 25 years, they're in some of my first films,
show half the US off limits to humans, all cars left to have GPS, everybody by law
left to have a cell phone at all times.
Australia just did this last year, tried to push it through.
And that's the admitted global UN standardized plan, where you don't leave your house without a cell phone.
Every car is robot kill switch, GPS controlled.
California is moving to ban all the quote classic cars.
That's any car that doesn't have a digital ignition and they admit it's for control.
So if people think things are bad now, the straitjacket, the ball and chain is going on.
It's all being militarily run.
Our military is great men and women, but at the top, our military has been globalist, trained, New World Order people for at least 30, 40 years.
They've got almost every general, every person under their control, and that's why it came out in the UK and Europe and also here in Canada.
You pulled the headlines.
Defense Department purposely scared public into lockdowns, masking, and taking inoculations.
UK headline.
British Ministry of Defense secretly brainwashed and terrorized public.
Canada, same headline.
They even let you know, oh, the military is here to do this.
And now the CIA and Justice Department is there to help surveil the public to stop disinformation.
And it turned out, of course, almost all the disinformation was true.
About everything.
We have to understand, our governments have been seized.
The big corporations want to get rid of the American idea.
You've got 50 acres, and your house, and a business, and a farm, and you can take care of your family, and you're independent.
They have to destroy all that because the rest of the world aspires to that.
Instead, they want 15-minute cities.
Central Bank Digital Currencies.
They want all of these systems that track and trace everything you do on the social credit scores and The plan for the rest of the public, we're talking 99%, is 250 square foot coffin apartments, 5G bathing you in them, literally eating bug protein.
You see the system, the media going after Biden, and he deserves it, but they were covering it up until now.
Now they're covering the laptop, now they're covering attacking the dog, now they're covering all of his senility, all the corruption, the Chinese spies.
Attacking a dog?
What a pig he is.
I'm sorry.
Well, I mean, I was told that by Secret Service and by people that, let's just say, work with them.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
But I actually have a contact for you.
You'll actually be able to hear it from them.
But when this is over, I'll let you actually hear it from yourself.
I think they'll tell you off record.
I think they're willing to talk to you.
But yeah, he is completely out of his mind.
He wanders around for the entire two and a half years, but it's getting worse, naked in the White House.
In the middle of the night, doesn't know who he is.
They had to give him a bunch of drugs, a bunch of amphetamines in the morning.
Then they've got a drug in.
Uh, at night, sometimes he's gotta, though, he'll like, be out for the morning for a while and then comes back out at night for a ball.
That's when there's a real problem.
He is on drugs.
I have established that.
I know someone who witnessed it.
I'm not guessing at this.
I know someone personally who witnessed him, uh...
It's Friday, December 8th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I want to welcome the giant new audience tuning in.
2020 election. So how's this gonna... that's huge I know you don't play games.
No I don't play games. It's Friday December 8th 2023 I'm your host
Alex Jones want to welcome the giant new audience tuning in the Tucker interview
that dropped yesterday is the biggest story on the internet right now really
affecting change and warning the planet about the globalist depopulation plan
and so much more Owen Schroyer got out of prison about 15 days early this morning.
Our crew picked him up in Louisiana.
He'll be joining us from the road via video link coming up at the bottom of the hour.
But here's the opening salvo from the Tucker Alex Jones interview.
You look at the trajectory of this, how they're escalating on Trump, whether you love him or hate him.
He's now a populist icon.
He's now the underdog.
The globalists are coming after him.
They're coming after our right to vote for who we want.
He gets 60% against all... Which is the fundamental right in a democracy.
The people rule.
I can vote for whomever I want.
And if you don't like that person, that's immaterial.
And he's been indicted for saying they're stealing elections.
They're stealing it trying... Oh, I'm aware.
And they're indictments of him!
It's election theft, but yes.
But despite that, he's got 60% against all other Republicans.
He's 15, 20 points ahead of Biden.
It's backfired, but the deep state's not going to stop.
So you said to Trump several times in that 400 million views, whatever you got, biggest show ever, you said to him, well, is it the next thing I'm trying to kill you?
And he's so confident he doesn't want to think about that.
He doesn't want to think about it.
Whereas I admire someone that's that confident.
You know, the deep state does kill people.
And that's their only next move because this is failing.
And I think they're going to kill Biden, too.
I think they're going to try to... What you said in a speech again, before the last one I talked about like a month ago, you said, I don't see Biden and Trump Being the candidates.
You see the system, the media going after Biden, and he deserves it, but they were covering it up until now.
Now they're covering the laptop.
Now they're covering attacking the dog.
Now they're covering, you know, all of his senility.
All the corruption, the Chinese spies.
Attacking a dog?
What a pig he is.
By the way, just to show how deceptive the corporate media is, a whole bunch of publications, I think I left them out there in the printer, those stories I printed out for online, give them to me guys, said Jones is making up that Biden is mean to his dog.
It's come out in mainstream news, and he's been caught on video kicking it, and that it attacks the Secret Service.
I mean, we talk about all these things that are real, and they sit there and deny that they're doing it, down to Biden.
The establishment's backing of Biden has come to an end.
Hunter Biden faces 17 years in prison after spending millions on lavish, hard-parting lifestyles while dodging taxes.
Yeah, a bunch of hookers and cocaine.
House Republicans unveil resolution to authorize Biden impeachment.
Inquiry on the Speaker says he's going to let that continue to roll forward.
We've got a lot to get into here today.
Western aid to Ukraine falls off a cliff, according to International German Monitor Group.
And the response is not just Biden two days ago saying, well, we'll just go to war with Russia.
Now the Secretary of Defense, Tucker Carlson, broke.
They have the sources, told a closed door meeting of Congress that our sons and daughters will die soon.
If we don't give them a hundred and six billion dollars.
So total blackmail by these criminals will be breaking all of this down today.
Studies show vaccinated more likely to suffer from ear disease.
That's what I keep reporting with tinnitus.
Blood disorders and hair loss.
It breaks your DNA, makes you accelerate your aging.
Big, prestigious studies out, but they just say conspiracy theory, disinfo.
They don't want to respond to any of the facts that we see all around us.
The plunging life expectancy of every country that took the shot, the plunging fertility rate of every country that took the shots, it's just Incredible.
The exploding cardiovascular situation.
It's just unbelievable they actually did it.
I mean, I find it hard to believe.
And that's what they're counting on, is it's so horrible, so crazy, so over the top.
The Netherlands.
Oh, by 2030, 90% of all cows will be killed in the Netherlands.
Killed 30% this year.
80% of people in polls are against it.
They roll tanks and troops in and beat and attack the farmers and just start slaughtering their cows.
And it's barely even on the news.
Now Ireland's going to kill their cows.
I mean, it's just...
It's just insane.
It doesn't sound real.
I remember like two years ago, the document came out of the Department of Energy.
They said, yeah, we're going to have regulations in 2023 to ban the new production of gas range stoves.
They went, oh, no, that's a conspiracy theory.
That was a real memo.
And now they're saying, yes, we want it.
And New York just banned them or began the process.
I mean, it's just It's always the same tactics.
Like, oh, we don't want illegal aliens to vote.
And then over 100 jurisdictions have passed laws that illegal aliens can vote.
All Democrat.
Oh, there's no caravans.
Remember just three, four years ago?
Oh, Trump's making it up.
There's no caravans.
Jon Stewart, there's no caravans.
Giant 100,000 person caravans slamming into the border every month.
Now it's every week.
I mean, it is insane asylum level.
Total complete.
Insane asylum level.
You know, I like to drive down to South Texas, but really I like West Texas.
And every three or four months, I like to drive out to Big Bend and just it's Old West out there.
If you're in a car wreck, cops aren't coming for two hours.
I mean, it's cool because you're all by yourself.
And they got a checkpoint 70 miles in to the country.
That's in the federal law.
They can do that.
And when they drive you through the checkpoint, They ask what you're doing, where you're going.
I just look at them every time and I go, you know the border's wide open.
And you know I'm a citizen.
I'm not smuggling any kids.
So don't ask me where I'm a citizen.
You can tell I am.
They go, you're right.
Just laugh and wade me through.
And I'm not disrespecting the Border Patrol, I'm just not going to sit there while they cut open the barbed wire fences and run bulldozers over it in front of us and have the federal courts order our governor to stop trying to secure it, and then they still want to ask me if I'm a citizen?
And the last time I was down there, the guy goes, alright Alex, have a good day.
Because they always know who I am.
And I'm like, yeah, why are you asking me if I'm a U.S.
citizen, and why are you asking what's in my car?
I'm just like, let's not keep the facade going here.
The charade.
This is a lie.
Now, if they were doing their job and actually securing it, they wanted to ask me questions and check or whatever, I'd be like, sure.
Because maybe I'm smuggling drugs or something.
But the damn thing's open at the border, so I don't want to be 70 miles into the United States.
Federal law, they can do up to 100 miles in.
I'm just not playing along with you, man.
If you don't want to get preached at, then wave me through.
Just leave me alone.
I'm not playing along with this game.
Now, they started actually arresting and executing fentanyl dealers.
I'd be like, yeah, pull me over, search my car, because I'm coming in out of the border.
Fine, I don't have fentanyl, but that's not going on, folks.
They're letting it all through, and I'm going to just, just, okay, I'm going to stop ranting.
Yesterday, I've been on air.
It'll be 29 years in April.
No, 30 years in April.
It's been 29 years.
It'll be 30 years in April that I first started getting on shows and going and speaking to city council and county commission and all the rest of it.
I was 20 years old.
20 years old.
And so, we should have some type of bookmarker I'm not a big guy into like celebrating things or having toast or a bunch of pomp and circumstance, but I think 30 years of this operation is a big deal.
25 years of InfoWars when he came up with that name and launched that.
Vic Vreeland, Deputy Fire Chief, had the idea.
Told me I should have a website and help me set it up.
That's his idea.
I always give credit to those two.
People are like, Jones must be an operative.
He had the perfect name, InfoWar.
Well, I mean, Vic Freeland was in Air Force Intelligence in Vietnam and did a bunch of stuff, and it was his idea.
And he said, we're the people's Infowar.
But that was the type of guys I got educated by.
There's so many of them.
They're the only reason We're here today.
All those great people.
I called Vic like five years ago.
I don't even know if he's alive now.
Bastrop, he's really old now.
Maybe he's not alive.
I don't know.
And I said, please come on.
He said, Alex, we love you, but man, we're retired and we're really old, buddy.
So we're proud of you.
Good luck.
And if you ever want to come out and have a glass of lemonade, go ahead.
And I should have gone out there.
I didn't do it.
All right.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
You know, I gotta say this before I plunge into all the earth-shaking news.
It really is surreal to be on air 29 years.
Almost 30.
And how true everything came.
And I gotta just hand it to my grandfathers and my father and my uncle.
Hell, even my dad's brother, too.
He was aware of all this.
He's still alive.
Great guy.
Jolene Jones.
But, man, were they dead on.
If it wasn't for All the patriots in America that were aware of the New World Order decades and decades and decades ago, I mean they knew about this stuff in the 50s and they've been holding it back and holding it back and we've been educating people and building infrastructure and just we got a real shot at beating these people now because all their gaslighting about how none of this exists isn't working anymore.
But then when I pull back and I see 40-plus percent increase in deaths worldwide over any other year before.
The worst years before that was like World War I, a 7-8 percent increase.
World War II didn't even kill as many as World War I. World War I mainly killed military.
World War II killed a bunch of civilians, so it's kind of apples and oranges.
But, I mean, they're really killing 20 million people.
High number, the low number's at 13 million.
Most come in about 18, 19 million, depending on the actuaries.
But man, that's just incredible.
And then the 80 plus million the UN admits starved to death because of the lockdowns.
I mean, these people are out to kill us!
And I just don't see how humanity goes along with this.
I have real trouble people buying this.
The problem is, as I said last segment, it's so horrible that it's unbelievable.
But it's really happening.
But if we'll just get over the fact that we would never even think of such things, but there are people that are thinking of it, and they run things, and they're trying to do it.
They really selfishly see us using resources and having kids and flying around and having a great time, and they're pissed, man.
They want all that to stop.
And I'm just saying, are we going to let these people do this?
I mean, are we really going to go along with all that?
You know, I can't say enough about Tucker Carlson.
He's admitted to it.
He came here 10 years ago and apologized to me.
He was a guy that bought into the system.
He really thought America hadn't been taken over.
He heard my show and thought that I was a terrible liar.
And then as he saw more and more things come true, he started to wake up 10, 11 years ago.
He was in town, came to visit, came on the show.
We got to know each other, became friends over the years.
And I've known Tucker a long time, I've been to dinner with him a lot, been to events with him, but I've never been to Maine.
I spent three days with him in Maine, where he grew up, and the guy is a super outdoorsman.
I mean, that guy knows how to run a buck, skin a buck, run a trot line, he can plow fields all day long, he can catch catfish from dusk till dawn, he can sharpen his chainsaw so fast it'll make your head spin and is a great shot.
And he's got all this cool property he's bought over the years out there.
It's just, it's like a wonderland.
And he's all like, hell, move up here, man.
Let's get on up here with me.
I mean, he's just the guy you see on TV giggling and laughing and having fun.
He's like Santa Claus or something, man.
I've never been around anybody like him.
And we'd be up at 7 in the morning and he'd be cooking breakfast, I was at his house, bouncing off the walls.
And then it'd be 11 o'clock at night and he'd be telling jokes and all this and I'm just like, how the hell do you have this much energy?
He's like, oh, a guy just shot a bear on my property.
Let's go look at this.
Oh, they just shot a moose on my property.
Let's go over here.
And so he's like, well, I guess it's time to record the interview.
In between running around, let's pull over here and shoot some skeet.
I got this piece of property on the river.
It's just like, wow, this is cool.
And I had all these military guys with me in security, great shots.
But he had this skeet machine set super hard.
And it was very interesting and just very impressive.
So with Tucker, it's not some outdoorsman act.
In fact, he doesn't even like guys with guns and shooting videos.
I said, dude, you ought to show people your fly fishing and your and your.
Grouse and pheasant hunting, and you're bear hunting, and you're moose hunting, and you're mule deer hunting, and you're all of this.
He's like, well, that's just my private life.
That's what I've been doing since I was a little kid.
That's what I do.
Because he would spend the summers there, but lived out in California.
And then his dad would send him back every summer there.
And his dad was a great guy.
He was a great guy.
Trained him in doing all sorts of construction, manual labor,
and all the rest of it so he wouldn't be ruined.
But I don't want to gush about Tucker Carlson.
There's so much big news.
It was just a lot of fun.
In fact, go to my wife's Twitter, because I don't have a Twitter.
So she put a few photos of Tucker and I.
And I've got a bunch of us.
We've got videos of us hunting and shooting shotguns and all the rest of it.
But it was definitely, definitely a lot of fun.
But Tucker was shooting better than the military guys, better than me.
I mean, I was second best shooter, nothing against the military guys.
They shot a lot of skeet.
But I mean, Tucker had this thing set really fast, going straight out on a line.
And I've never seen a skeet machine set that hard.
He was just blasting them out of the air.
And I'm like, dude, you ought to show people this.
This is what you ought to be showing people.
He's like, yeah, I built that cabin over there, and I'm clearing all this right now.
I mean, I know all that stuff.
I've done that stuff.
I'm not like a woodsman or a mountain man or anything, but I've definitely done it all.
I mean, I've dehorned a thousand cattle in a day.
I've done cesarean sections on horses and cows.
I've roofed houses and strung electrical wire and beat people's brains in.
But let me tell you, Tucker Carlson's a manly man.
He didn't put that oar off.
He's just this happy, jolly elf.
But the best way to describe Tucker Carlson is Santa Claus.
He's a young Santa Claus.
He's 57 years old.
But I'm gonna stop gushing about Tucker Carlson.
I'm gonna get into Elon Musk coming up.
Coming out, a whole bunch of tweets yesterday saying he's looking to unban Alex Jones, and it's bigger than me.
What does that signify with Elon doing that?
The huge Tucker interview, the whole globalist plan put out there, it's going to get 100 million views by the time it's done.
The clips have already gotten 50 million views or more on Twitter.
And that's a record of what they're going to do.
And so as they roll their plan out, that interview is devastating.
It's already damaged them, but it's going to really upset their apple cart in a big, big way.
So very, very exciting.
Mark Dice tweeted out this WWE meme.
I love Vince McMahon.
Tucker on X after getting fired from Fox News.
McMahon's smiling.
Tucker interviewing Alex Jones on X. Oh, now he's really happy.
Elon saying he's considering restoring Alex Jones' account.
Ha ha ha!
This is the real world, folks.
This is the real info war.
And it gets better today.
Let's punch him up real quick before we go to break.
Look at that Moses beard.
That's Hillbilly right there, boy.
Solitary confinement.
They were keeping him there the whole time until the pressure.
They released him 15 days early.
Owen is on the highway, leaving Louisiana for Texas.
He'll be back next week.
And he's going to be on Tucker either Tuesday or Wednesday.
If his probation officer lets him get on an airplane, maybe he'll do it remote.
Maybe they'll let him do it remote.
You know, the judge said in his sentencing document he's going to jail for his speech.
Maybe Owen will get more prison time for what he's about to say straight ahead.
So Owen Schreier The Cuck Destroyer, live, on air, straight ahead, big broadcast today, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Band.Video, and my new book, The Great Awakening.
Get it at InfoWarsStore.com and get a great book and fund the InfoWar.
Better learn how to live off the land, folks.
They're shutting off everything.
We can do it.
We can come together now.
We're going to beat these people.
We're strong.
They're weak.
We've been asleep.
Now we're awake.
I'd like to spit some beach nut in that dude's eye.
Because you can't make us run!
You can't starve us out!
Alright ladies and gentlemen, Owen Schroyer, the great patriot, the great talk show hosted
journalist has now been sent to prison as a message to the world.
The judge said, because you still say the election was stolen!
And he was thrown in solitary confinement.
I talked to him this morning right when he got out.
It was the pressure you put, you, that ended up letting him go early and getting him out of solitary confinement.
And he's going to be back Monday.
I told him to take a few days off.
He was ready to come back on tomorrow.
I said take a few days.
He's going to be on with Tucker next week.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Very exciting.
Appreciative of Tucker putting attention on this because it's all of our free speeches are going after.
Owen's on the side of the road talking to us.
Owen, my friend, this is going to be a quick boil down.
We're going to talk more about it on Monday on your show, 3 p.m.
Central, The War Room, and then with Tucker.
But, Owen, good to see your face, my friend.
Well, it's great to hear your voice.
It's great to hear from the crew again.
And you know, so many times, Alex, over the years, I feel like we are telepathically communicating and synced up with one another, because as soon as Hank Williams hit coming out of that break, I was like, man, Hank Williams never sounded so good in my life.
I hope he lets it play.
And you let it play for about 60 seconds.
And damn, Hank Williams never sounded so good.
You know, um, It was an experience that I think God wanted me to go through these last 48 days in jail.
There's no doubt.
And while it was not something that was pleasant, I certainly went through the worst of it.
I went through lows.
I got through the worst of it, but there's a lot of things I learned in there not just that need to be known to the world about how the BOP works, how the justice system is the injustice system, and so many other things.
I was also able to read.
I read 15 books while I was in there, so I learned a lot.
I sharpened my mind, but you know you mentioned this coming in Alex.
There's no doubt that Not just the political pressure that was applied from the outside in regards to my case that helped me get out of solitary confinement, or it's called the SHU.
For people that have been in federal prison before, you know what the SHU is.
I was in the SHU.
I spent the majority of my time actually in confinement, in lockdown, treated like a high security prisoner.
But there's no doubt that the power of prayer As it said in the Bible, I read the entire Bible cover to cover and there was one passage from the Bible that really stuck with me as I was reading it and it was when Paul and Silas were in prison and they talked about the power of prayer and of course Paul and the Apostles were wrongfully imprisoned many times as well and they talked about the power of prayer and how at one time when Paul and Silas were in prison
It was their prayers every day to God that rocked the foundations of the earth and caused an earthquake which led to the prison doors being opened for them in which case they walked out.
And I do believe this happened for me not once but twice.
First it was the power of prayer and The prayers coming from this audience and God hearing your prayers that first opened up the doors of the special housing unit known as the SHU or solitary confinement, the prison in the prison, and then again opened up the prison door so that I could be released early serving 47 days of my 60 day sentence.
So, you know, and I'll just say this, and I cannot, I cannot state this strongly enough.
My faith in God has been solidified.
And my faith in the American people has been reaffirmed.
And I'll have a lot of things to say about that in the coming days and weeks and months as we gird ourselves for this, what is going to be an epic 2024 year presidential election.
But I think the spirit of humanity, I think the soul, our consciousness is starting to get reattuned with our divine creation and the future that we Have our manifest destiny set to?
We are not destined to be slaves in a global corporate government.
We are not destined to be destitute and desolate and desperate on this creation, this earth that God gave to us.
No, our destiny is something much brighter.
Our destiny is something much more prosperous and expansive.
And I think we're in a turning now, Alex.
I really, I really do believe that.
Oh, and when you got that one phone call out, you reported the same thing that we heard from Joe Biggs, everybody, until they totally silenced him, that you were overwhelmingly supported by the inmates and that they knew that you were a political prisoner and they really support President Trump and so they see many of them that have been set up while they release really hardened criminals They really resonated with you, so it shows from the highest levels to the lowest levels, people really know what's going on.
I hope when you go on Tucker next week, because it'll reach tens of millions of people, that you don't just talk about your experience, Owen, but this is a larger persecution going on.
They're trying to put Trump in prison, they're trying to put everybody else in prison, they're trying to put me in prison, and people need to understand that the judge said, and I want you to send that to Tucker, I got you on the phone with the producer today, because they called me and wanted you on.
To show people the sentencing document where the judge says, well I have three examples the FBI gave me.
Or the Justice Department, where Owen in the last few months said the election was stolen.
So because he's not remorseful, you're at the Capitol trying to stop people going in, but because you believe it was stolen, which is overwhelming, and the majority of Americans believe in major polls, they're sending you to jail.
They want you to say, to know, we're criminals, we're going to put you in prison for your speech.
I mean, they have indicted themselves.
They are tyrants naked, wanting us to know they are, seeking that will then intimidate us, Owen.
And that's really the gauntlet they've thrown down here.
Well, and of course, in the sentencing memo and part of my sentencing was, well, if not the majority, was my speech.
And one of the speeches cited was me saying, death to tyrants, which, by the way, is the logo on the Virginia state flag.
So what are they going to ban that next to?
But I mean, it's a pretty simple question and answer.
Who would be offended by saying death to tyrants?
Well, tyrants.
Would be offended by that.
Now, I would suggest if people want to get the background, if you're just hearing about this for the first time, go look at the press conferences my attorney and I, Norm Pattis, have done.
We did another sit-down.
We did an interview with you, Alex.
We did another long-form I don't know.
Trump just gets 30, 40, 50,000 people at a rally.
Joe Biden can't fill a broom closet.
But hey, let's just go ahead and go with that.
Joe Biden gets the most votes of all time.
Morseful for not believing that the 2020 election results were legitimate.
Oh yeah, I don't know.
Trump just gets 30, 40, 50,000 people at a rally.
Joe Biden can't fill a broom closet, but hey, let's just go ahead and go with that.
Joe Biden gets the most votes of all time.
We won't pontificate on that too much, but when people read this sentencing
memo, it's exactly what you said.
This is a speech crime.
We are now living in an age in America where speech crimes and thought crimes are being punishable.
They don't just want to say, oh, we're going to throw you in jail for your speech.
They want to be able to make you change your speech in a 1984 Orwellian news speak manner to say, no, no, no, no.
Not only are you going to go to jail, we're going to force you to apologize and retract your statements, which, by the way, Sad to say, a lot of Trump's attorneys and a lot of Trump's team did just that, in case you didn't notice in the last months.
Well that's because they all know they're going to be disbarred or put in prison.
They did that to all my lawyers.
That's how they control it.
My point is, Owen, and I know you know this, but People know you in person for your speech.
Now they want to hear your speech about your views on the world, about the globalist, about the New World Order.
So I'm just telling you what I'll tell you privately right now, recounting solitary confinement, them being mean to you.
I talked about this morning.
That's all important.
It's a microcosm.
But the big issue is what was it Owen was doing?
They don't want to be heard.
And so I would make it about that because you're going to have a really bigger voice now.
And again, the enemy didn't think about that.
Now, you were already popular in a lot of interviews, your show was popular, but now we have people lining up to interview you, and I just hope that it's, you know, 10% about what happened in prison, how you were persecuted, and 90% this is what they didn't want me to say.
Because Trump Made one big mistake, and this isn't for Owen, this is for me to know this, it's for the audience, because I do this too.
They sue us, they attack us, it's leaked, memos have come out, to get us off balance.
So, they kept accusing Trump of being a Russian agent, so he would spend all his time defending that, saying I'm not a Russian agent, instead of being on offense.
Does that make sense, Owen?
Of course.
And of course, not only did I get sent to prison for my speech, I then got sent to the prison in the prison for my speech.
So these people really don't want us talking, Alex.
It's the same reason why they censored you off the internet, censored me off the internet.
You're still fighting to get reinstated on Twitter.
Maybe Elon Musk will let you back.
Maybe he'll let me back on there as well with my original account.
But I want to expand on something else you said.
Not just the inmates that all were very supportive of me and my cause and they feel like now, you know, many of them who are wrongfully incarcerated as well may have a voice on the outside.
Folks, a lot of the people that worked in there I mean, I don't know how else to say it, but they're fans of us as well.
They're like-minded people as well.
Many of the people that work there didn't know who I was, but there's obviously a bunch of hubba-valoo about me going in there, all the letters, all the political pressure.
They went and looked me up, and then a lot of them were like, hey, I just looked you up, and your stuff is good.
So it's just like everywhere else.
You've got people that hate our message, and you've got people that love our message.
But the point is, People are curious.
What is it that they don't want us to hear?
Oh, they don't want you to question the 2020 election?
Well, that's odd.
Maybe I should look more into that.
Oh, they don't want you to question the nature of the COVID vaccines, the mRNA injections that they forced you to take?
Oh, maybe I should look into that.
And it just so happened I was able to see some of the clips from the Republican primary debate.
And what are Vivek Ramaswamy and Rhonda Santos talking about?
How bad the vaccines were?
How people got harmed by them?
How the mandates were bad?
We would have never heard that before!
We would have never heard that on such a national and important political stage as we hear now.
That's us hitting the ground, that's us breaking that window, breaking that door down so that other people can talk about it.
And now you're saying it's so key.
And it's not like the audience is the bottom, they're at the top.
The audience supports, gives us intel, spreads the word.
Supports us and then with the guests and all of what we do we're able to get this out and you can see the enemy admits this and CIA memos that have come out just department Info Wars nine times out of ten is the progenitor of people then looking into things like two weeks ago We're talking about new memos that came out with the CIA and Defense Department Censoring America's being behind it now.
That's mainstream news on Fox.
So that's why we're important.
We're the incubator That's what God put us in charge of that's our Destiny, that's our great commission.
You're absolutely right.
So Owen, what is your main mission going to be now that you have been... Because again, think about their mindset.
Put him in jail, that'll intimidate people, but it only made you bigger.
Again, they only play one-dimensional.
They don't think second, third, fourth, fifth magnitude order developments.
Well, it is the Streisand effect, there's no doubt, because As far as we can tell, and my attorneys and I are still looking into this, I think I'm the only person ever to be in a federal prison with a misdemeanor.
Nobody has ever heard of somebody with a misdemeanor in a federal prison.
None of the inmates that did long time, none of the guards, none of the... Nobody's ever heard of that.
So what happens is people say, huh?
Why are they putting this guy in prison?
I want to look into what he's saying.
So there's no doubt that is going on.
When they put me in solitary for the phone call, nobody had ever heard of that before.
So they said, hmm, why are they putting this guy in solitary for his speech?
I want to go find out what he's talking about.
So there's no doubt the Streisand effect is taking place.
As far as what I'm going to do in the future, Alex, I want to do what I've continued to do.
I want to continue to expose the corruption in our government.
I want to continue to expose the corruption in our media, our mainstream media.
I want to continue to expose the propaganda that exists everywhere in Hollywood, mainstream media, news media.
I want to expose the corporate world government enslavement program that they have us all going into towards the mark of the beast.
But I will say this, there's an issue that I'm definitely going to be taking up now and as far as the capacity or the The level of it I'm not quite sure yet but prison reform is a major issue that we need to address immediately in this country and I know that my name got brought up during the BOP hearing when they're requesting two billion more dollars and it didn't go so well for them because the whole thing is incompetence, ineptitude, and I would say
At least half the people that are in the prisons right now probably don't even belong there.
You mentioned this earlier.
You go into major inner cities, Democrat cities, Soros DAs, they release the most violent criminals in the country back out onto the streets.
But they have all kinds of political prisoners rotting in jail cells every day that most people don't know about.
And now I'm going to be able to have their voices be heard, and a lot of people inside are really encouraged by this, because nobody's gotten this much attention that's been put away like they have.
Absolutely, because what they're doing is they're releasing violent people, but not the non-violence, so then it discredits prison reform, and then they defund the police at the same time, and then make us want more prisons.
This is all Hegelian dialectic.
The people running this are very sophisticated.
Now you're going to do the deep dive with Tucker Carlson on Tuesday.
You're going to be back on Monday hosting your own show, but we're happy to give Tucker the big exclusive where you go through all this.
I'm not sure we're going to call in to the War Room at 3 p.m.
today with Chase Geyser hosting it, but I know you hadn't had a haircut.
I talked to you this morning.
You said you're exhausted, but I have just a few little tidbits I wanted to add.
Just to be clear, they didn't just put you 23 hours in solitary confinement today.
When your letter got out and your lawyer couldn't talk to you anything, you said that three days a week they'd let you out for a 15-minute shower.
And that happened to me once in juvenile, but I wasn't in there long, but I got one shower a week.
And let me tell you, when you're in a room for six, seven days, you get out for 20 minutes, and then the jail guard watches you and says, you got a pretty ass.
That actually happened to me.
And it wasn't my fault.
Charges got dropped, but I put a guy on a comma, so they put me in the dangerous area because I'm a dangerous guy.
Well, I reached a low point about halfway through my solitary, and I won't get too much into the details, but there was a moment where I really hit my low point.
And I wouldn't say I was near a breaking point, because I always remain steadfast, but there was definitely a low point that I will never forget being in there.
And I mean, it's hard when you never see the sun, when you aren't allowed any movement.
The only movement I got was 15 minutes to shower.
They cuff you every time you move.
You get three meals of prison slop every day.
You're always hungry.
You're never sleeping because the lights are always on.
It's always noisy.
And so there was a low point, but Like I said, I always remained steadfast.
I always kept my faith and my strength in God.
I was always praying.
I know people were praying for me.
And after that valley of the low point, things started to turn around.
Like I said, the foundations were shook.
The prison doors were open.
And you told me this morning that you learned the pressure of the listeners and people is the reason that they let you go early.
They were like, okay, get rid of the problem.
100% without a doubt.
I would have been in solitary.
I would have been in confinement.
The entire sentence probably would have served over 50 days, all in confinement, if it wasn't for the political pressure and the prayers on the outside.
110% no doubt about it.
Well, again, nobody with a misdemeanor is ever put in prison.
People say, oh, he only got two months.
What's the big deal?
Grow up, suck it up.
It's the press.
He was there at the Capitol with me, and they said the charging document.
Owen has lied.
He perjured himself.
He doesn't work at Infowars.
He's never worked there.
I'm reading this in a federal document, the level of their deception.
These criminals just think they've got free reign.
Now Biden says we're going to send troops in to Ukraine if we don't give him another $106 billion to launder.
I mean, these people are maniacs.
It's Twilight Zone stuff when you deal this, and I don't know if the transcripts ever got released from my sentencing, but the prosecuting attorneys, they get up there, because our argument is, hey, this is free speech, this is First Amendment.
And the attorneys for the U.S.
government get up there and they say, this is not about Owen Schroer's speech, but here's what he said.
This is not about Owen Schroer's First Amendment, but here's what he was reporting.
Here's what he did on a video.
So it's like, Twilight Zone stuff, you almost can't even believe that this is real world stuff.
You think you're in like a movie or some sort of a simulation and these are like non-player characters that are just repeating whatever they're programming.
That's how I felt in federal court, federal bankruptcy court two weeks ago.
The other lawyers, like eight of them, nine of them, they were just, they looked like robot NPCs.
They were just, everything they said was a lie.
And I was like, thank God, these people don't even look real.
It was like, what the hell's going on here?
Well, Alex, I know we're running short on time here, and I kind of want to turn this around and boomerang this on you for a second, because like I said earlier, I think that we're really at a turning point now.
I'm not guaranteeing victory or anything.
This is all in God's hands.
No, I totally agree.
Everybody agrees that the turning is happening.
But your life's work, Alex, 20 plus years of doing this, I've seen you go through highs, I've seen you go through lows, I've seen them try to destroy you and still you're here on air today giving me this platform for my first statements.
I mean, how do you feel seeing this?
Do you feel like your life's work is starting to finally be manifest and the fruits are starting to grow?
I definitely see it, and I know it, but it really means we're just waking up now to the fight we were already in.
We're getting beat up in our bed, we're waking up and are finally starting to throw our first punches, and we're landing our first punches.
So we're already bloodied and stabbed, but we're a lot tougher than the enemy, and so yeah, we're going to be on top of them very soon, throwing elbows right into their eye sockets, and basically we're going to tear their head off, nonviolently as a metaphor.
But no, we're about to bash their brains out, and knock their teeth out, and break their ribs.
pull their eyeballs out. Politically. Politically. I mean literally. We just now woke up, we're
getting beat, we're bleeding, we start getting up fighting, we throw a couple shots and they
already ran up against the wall and are like "Whoa!" and we just gotta get in there and
just get going and we're gonna win this thing brother. Well and let me just make this as
kind of proof positive of what we're talking about. Folks, I was in solitary confinement
for quarantine for seven days.
No access to anything.
I got out.
I made one phone call.
They immediately put me back into solitary confinement where I remained for the first 26 days of my sentencing.
Now, because of the political pressure, I was able to have a meeting with the warden.
And I will give a shout out to the warden.
I think he treated me fairly and did as much for me as he possibly could given the circumstances.
I think he's a good man and a good American.
But when I sat down for that meeting, still cuffed, he looked at me like he was looking at a ghost or like some sort of a spirit or an apparition because he sits me down and he's like, what's going on?
What are you telling the people?
What is your message?
What are you doing here?
What's going on?
And I'm just sitting there because I...
I have no contact with the public!
Hold on, hold on, I gotta go to break.
I gotta, we, five more minutes.
I gotta hear this story.
You're like, what have you done?
A loving thing, oh, the prison's fine, thanks for the crew, thanks for the letter of support, love you all, God loves you, I love Jesus.
They're like, what did you do?
Cause you know, the feds called and said, throw that son of a bitch in a dungeon.
I haven't heard this yet, we only talked like 10 minutes this morning.
Let's come back and talk about that.
I'm gonna get into the Elon Musk, the Twitter, the wars, Biden nuclear blackmail.
I mean, it's totally insane, but I gotta do this or we won't be here.
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And was forwarded by Stephen K. Bannon.
I'm not going to get into the whole story explaining it, but the federal judge in the bankruptcy makes me pay up the legal bills.
I have no money.
I'm upside down.
So that's the only chick in the armor.
Infowars, bankruptcy's going through.
We're going to stay on air, except I can't pay my bills.
I'm selling extra carb, guns, everything.
It's nothing.
I'm counting on you to haul us out of this, just like they have the IRS tapes of Willie Nelson, you know, and people saved him.
I'm asking, if you believe we're doing something valuable, go to InfowarsTor.com right now and get the Great Awakening.
We'll be right back with Owen Schroer, fresh out of the Federal Hooscow for speech.
The bullets we're talking about aren't lead.
Their information, their truth of the Holy Spirit!
Give me back my Holy Spirit.
Give me back the truth.
I'm done playing games!
And I'm not going to wait while more damage is done!
More damage done!
Give me back my bullets!
All right Owen, in four minutes we got to break.
Restart your story.
You're in solitary.
I guess the warden's ordered to throw you back.
He calls you and he looks like he's seen a ghost.
He knows this is wrong.
He's stepping on the line and then tell the story.
Yeah, so obviously I get out of the solitary confinement quarantine.
It was seven days in there and I make one phone call thanking people for all their love and the support and the mail and the prayers, and then I get thrown right back into solitary in the SHU, as it's known, the Special Housing Unit, which is basically like a high-security prison situation.
No movement, locked up all day, three showers a week.
You get cuffed every time you go to the shower.
It's a whole thing.
And so I have no connection with the outside.
I'm not able to make phone calls.
I'm not able to talk to you or anybody.
I'm not able to talk to friends, family, lawyers, nothing.
I'm just sitting in there rotting away.
I have no idea what's going on.
And so after a couple weeks of that, The warden comes by and he pulls me out and I have a meeting with him.
And he's looking at me like he's looking at the reincarnation of Moses or something.
And I don't know what's going on.
And he's like, tell me, like, what's your agenda here?
What are you trying to do?
And I don't know what's going on.
And I just say, oh, well, I just made a phone call to thank people for the letters.
Like, did you hear it?
I wasn't trying to cause any trouble because I don't know what's going on.
And then I realized at that point, he's like, OK, he really doesn't know what's going on.
But then he brings up, he's like, I'm getting all this political pressure.
I'm hearing from lawyers.
We're hearing from Congress members.
We're getting brought up during congressional hearings and all this stuff.
And I guess they thought somehow I was running it from my cell.
I guess they thought somehow that I was the man pulling the strings on all of this.
And I had no connection with the outside world.
And I think it kind of hit maybe him at that point, like, oh, this is all organic.
This is the American people.
This is people trying to get the truth out.
And this man really has been treated extremely wrong.
And you know, that's right.
The left is in their bubble.
They always say the right's in a bubble.
No, we're not in a bubble.
We're out here running the country, actually plowing the fields, driving the trucks, taking care of the kids, stopping the criminals, you know, busting our ass.
And we're in the real world and the left And they're minions, and this guy's probably not allowed this, but he works for them.
They don't get, we know what's going on, we're watching, we're pissed, man.
They don't get that they brung the attack, we see the attack, the country's being destroyed.
When you're locking up journalists and filing fake federal filings that you did all these horrible things, people see that and they know they're next.
They have empathy because they care about themselves.
See, evil people don't have empathy because they're dumb.
Empathy is the most selfish thing on earth, folks.
When you have empathy, it's because you care about yourself.
And that's by extension, you care about others, but that's improgrammed in you so we all take care of each other.
60 seconds closing comment, Owen.
Well, I'm going to take some time to contemplate what I'm going to talk about from the inside as far as that's concerned.
But no, there aren't leftists that run this thing.
All the people on the inside, most of the people are good people.
They know that the problem is with the top down.
No, I'm not saying leftists run it.
I'm saying the policies of the government to throw you in jail was the left.
Yeah, and that's what I'm saying.
But let me just say this.
Before I left, I had another meeting with the warden, who I think is a good American, and he said, Mr. Schroer, in 27 years of working in the criminal justice system, I've never seen anybody get railroaded like you have.
And he shook my hand.
And so again, like, when I was sitting there and he was looking at me, he was like, how are you doing all of this?
Like, how is it possible for you to be causing me all this problems when you're sitting in the cell?
And then he realized it wasn't me!
This was the American people!
And so, it was really a message, to finish off what we started in the last segment, it was a message that folks, They can destroy Owen Schroyer.
They can destroy Alex Jones.
They can lock us up.
They can rip out our vocal cords.
The American people are alive.
The Holy Spirit is alive.
And our divine creation is manifest destiny in our future.
They'll probably come out to the warden because he didn't say you're redeeming.
Owen, can't wait to shake your hand.
Can't wait to go to dinner.
They're going to get back and take care of your family and your turtle and all the rest of it.
And we'll see you here back in Austin, Texas soon.
We love you.
God bless, Owen.
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[Music stops]
We're in the danger zone.
All humans on the planet Earth are in the danger zone.
Not just from solar flares or nuclear weapons or crime, but from the spirit of evil trying to invade our psyches and our will and break us and turn us towards darkness.
But, when evil launches its main attack, when evil comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord lifts up a standard against it.
InfoWars is the highway To the danger zone.
To the front lines.
The fight for our species' future.
There's no words to hype it up enough.
If you're some delusional leptist, you tune in and laugh.
But if you're living in the real world, you know we're going toe-to-toe with Soros and the Rothschilds and the New World Order.
And we're beginning to turn the tide.
Just like when Beowulf grabs Grendel by the arm.
It says you're not leaving.
I'm going to tear your arm out of its socket.
We got them.
They don't have us.
They're not going to win.
We got them.
We're not locked in here with them.
They're locked in here with us.
And I want to be clear.
When I say those are metaphors for violence, it isn't a proviso to cover for violence.
I mean it.
When I talk about will and action and use the analogy of fighting, I mean fighting culturally, fighting spiritually, fighting by the decisions we make.
That is a hundred times, at least, more effective than going and shooting people.
Because evil has a lot of depth.
It's got a lot of people on its bench.
And it's not like a human that gets two sets of teeth in our life, or an elephant that gets three sets.
It's like sharks.
They got a hundred rows.
You pull some out, they just roll forward.
New teeth.
You don't pull teeth off a shark.
You don't cut single heads off a hydra.
You attack the entire thing and what it stands for, and you starve it out, and you stab it in the heart with truth.
All right, I pontificated and covered some news the first hour.
And I do now want to open the phones up throughout the broadcast.
I will give the number out coming up here in about five minutes.
So we'll get the phone system fired up, get somebody at that communication desk so we can start doing that.
And we have the best calls when I say this is the topic.
I love the wildcard thing, but the listeners have actually told me, and we get feedback, we like it when you have certain topics and we stick to that.
So we'll still do wildcard quite a bit, but we're going to stick to three major, gigantic, huge topics.
So it's very easy.
Anything you want to talk about, you can work into those topics because it's all interconnected.
Biden wanting World War III, saying U.S.
troops are going to start dying, we're going to attack Russia with U.S.
troops if you don't give another $106 billion, and then it'll just be the same threat over and over again.
Once you feed the pirate, it never ends.
So we have that.
And the Secretary of Defense has now come out and told Congress, I'll read the quotes here, your sons and daughters will be dying within a month.
We'll be in full war with Russia if you don't do this.
I mean, wow.
Russia's going to invade all of Europe.
I mean, just made up horse manure.
But that's their crisis ahead of the election that Jack Posobiec and Steve Bannon and myself and all of us have, and Tucker Carlson have predicted for a year, their October surprise is full war with Russia.
And they're that frickin' crazy, okay?
I mean, they're nuts.
So to me, that's numero uno of the topics.
I want your take on that.
Then, the war for free speech, they already stole the last few elections, mitigated the last one, we would have had a landslide.
Manipulating the data, the stories you see, they admit that that's where the real election fraud happens, then the mail-in ballots.
What do you make of Elon Musk?
And I'll show you the tweets and all the rest of it coming out saying, yeah, he's looking very strongly at reinstating Alex Jones.
There are a whole bunch of polls upwards of 85% on average.
They're all in the 80s.
I saw dozens of them.
Some had hundreds of thousands of votes.
Some had like 20,000 votes, 10,000 votes.
But they're all above 85, 89.
None of them really crested 90.
But 80 plus percent say reinstate Alex Jones.
It's not about reinstating Alex Jones.
I was never even good at tweeting.
It's That all the ADL pressure, all the CHICOM pressure, all the New World Order pressure, is keep Alex Jones off Twitter.
It's that symbol of the populace they fear so much.
And so, let's bring Gavin McGinnis back on.
That guy did nothing.
Except be funny, and that's what they're scared of.
The guy's hilarious.
And I should be more funny.
People have told me, man, the most successful thing you did was jokes.
I've just gotten so serious the last five, six years, you don't ever see it because I'm just so damn serious.
Not as happy as I used to be, but I've been trying to get back to being funnier.
Believe me, I need to do it.
So, there's the topic of the Tucker Carlson interview and Elon Musk saying he's looking to bring me back as early as next week and a lot of other stuff's happening behind the scenes and how are they going to respond to that?
And then I want to talk about Hunter Biden and the impeachment of Biden, because here's the deal.
The Republicans could have impeached him for a long time.
But a year into them, they haven't done it, because at the top, they're still controlled to a great extent.
But now that corporate media has come out against Biden, and now that Hunter's been indicted nine times for all this money laundering and tax evasion, They want Biden to step aside for Big Mike and Gavin Newsom.
American Psycho.
Patrick Bateman, 2.0.
Hell, 10.0.
And so you can sit back and go, oh good, we're winning!
Biden, Biden!
And I'm not saying don't impeach Biden.
But make the impeachment about all his lackeys and the globalists around him and the Democratic Party and insider trading and Nancy Pelosi.
But a bunch of the Republicans are insider trading too.
That's why they don't want to upset the apple cart.
At the endangerment of the whole world.
It's not, oh, we sent 106 billion more to Ukraine to be laundered back, or we go to World War III.
They're already starting it.
Oh, the world's gonna end because of global warming.
No, the world's ending as we know it, because you're cutting off the resources, and there's 8 billion people, and that'll cause giant wars, and collapsing countries, and giant migrant flows.
So it probably won't end the world, but you'll think it's over.
The world as you know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
And I don't feel fine.
Let's come back with Neil Young next segment with that.
Because, again, it's so simple what they do.
You're killing the earth.
Give us all your power, roll over and die.
You'll all be dead soon because you're bad.
Well, they cut off the resources on purpose.
They're creating the global crisis.
This is going on.
This is happening.
This is the reality.
So, Tucker Carlson, the free speech fight, the nuclear war, Biden threatening invasion, U.S.
troops directly fighting Russians, which has already been going on.
They're talking about official war.
I mean, this is crazy.
And then, of course, The impeachment and all the rest of it.
So it's the Bidens and what's happening there.
It's the war being expanded massively.
It's the battle for free speech.
Three gigantic topics.
Phone system's now open.
Ladies and gentlemen, here's the toll-free number to join us for first-time callers.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539 are the coordinates to get live on air to millions
And we've always got millions of listeners a day that listen live and then millions that watch the clips after.
But today we've got millions of new people saying, I'm going to go to InfoWars.com.
I'm going to tap in to the verboten, the forbidden.
I'm going to find out what this is all about.
Why don't they want us to hear this?
And then you tune in and you're like, well, I already think that.
I already know that.
That's true.
Well, yeah, I'm just telling you what you already know.
And saying, let's organize and do something about this.
Let's not teach that black people are inherently evil because of what color they are, or that white people are inherently evil because of what color they are, that the left is teaching that white people are bad to create racial division and all this control.
Let's not accept 400 plus thousand missing children and sex slavery run by O'Biden.
Let's not accept the war.
Let's not accept the pedophilia.
Let's not accept the transgender mutilation cult.
Let's say no.
Alright, I'm going to get into Elon Musk and what he said and what happened with Twitter and more Tucker Carlson.
It's a big broadcast.
I'll still be on air for an hour and 45 minutes and then the amazing, informative, right from their own documents, Jay Dyer will be hosting the fourth hour out of the war room with Chase Geyser and then Owen's back Monday.
I said Neil Young, it's R.E.M.
I'm glad the crew's here to correct me.
World War III extortion.
Biden regime threatens to deploy U.S.
troops to fight Russia unless Congress passes $100-plus billion Ukraine war funding.
You like living under this?
Feel safe?
Like what's going on?
No, none of you do.
You got all these leftists that are conformists working for the system, pretending like they're the winning team.
What you are is a death call.
All right, we're loading the phone lines up right now.
We'll be going to your phone calls here very soon.
But wow.
The Tucker Carlson The interview dropped about an hour early.
They told me 7 p.m.
It dropped at 6 p.m.
It's gone super viral.
And the clubs have particularly gone viral.
Some of them have 10 million views.
And we did about a 95-minute interview.
and it's a benchmark and it's a roadside.
It's a marker of telling people the way we're going and what's going to happen.
And as everything I talked about in that interview begins to come true, because I'm not just here to tell you how I was right about stuff in the past.
No, we're here tomorrow's news today.
This interview is evergreen and will be explosively evergreen.
I mean, there's like certain movies that just are timeless and get better as the years go on.
The Wizard of Oz.
Christmas Story, things like that.
There's other movies that aren't good later.
They're not timeless.
This will be a timeless interview.
Because I laid nothing out but facts.
And the goal is not to be right when all those horrible things happen.
The goal is, I already told you these horrible things were going to happen.
They did happen.
Now you know we're telling the truth.
Let's talk about stopping this.
And as it begins to happen, then people are really going to wake up.
And that was the vision God gave me.
The understanding, I talked about when I've been on there about three years, so I guess about 1996, 1997, I don't remember the exact date.
I've talked about this 100 times, probably 200 times.
You're probably saying, please don't tell it again.
Well, we have new listeners.
I'm in a restaurant after a two-hour local TV show, then a radio show, eating a chicken fries steak, the place is closing, it's almost 10 o'clock at night, and it was like, you can feel the atmosphere change in like this 30 minutes of me just sitting there with God communicating with me and saying, Here's the plan.
You're going to lay out all the stuff they're planning, and then people aren't going to listen to you.
Some will.
And then when it all comes true in the first enemy phase, this is not my brain.
This is God.
And I'm sitting there.
It's way more powerful and complex and just so much data.
It's like the hair on the back of your neck is standing up.
You're getting chills.
You're like, like you stuck your finger in a light socket.
And God's like, but then, they're gonna listen to you once the stuff comes true, and then you can tell them the next phase, and we'll be able to mitigate that, and they'll be flesh spared.
So it's revelation level stuff, and I'm like, whoa.
And God's like, but there's a proviso.
You're gonna have to get really attacked and hurt, and it's gonna feel really bad for a long time, and you've gotta be ready.
At a certain point, you're gonna spur, and your audience is gonna spur, A whole movement against this.
You're going to see all these great new leaders pop up.
You have to be ready to support that and not want to be the leader.
And I was like, absolutely.
I don't want to be the leader.
God said, well, that's why I chose you.
You accept this mission.
I said, I accept this mission.
I said it out loud.
I said, I accept the mission.
And God went, all right, you think you just got to download?
Get ready for this.
Like an anvil, a thousand pound anvil got dropped on my head like Wiley code or something.
And then it just all opened up from there.
And I couldn't even understand the data I was being given.
It took me years to even be able to understand what.
That's how this works in like 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th order responses and how this would happen and how the enemy would hit here and it would do all this.
And I'm sort of like gibbering on air.
This is going to happen.
That's going to happen.
And I'm like, I don't understand this.
Because I'm just, it's like so much data and I'm here trying to explain it all to you.
How do you describe what you're now living in 25 years ago?
It just sounds insane!
But God didn't just give us free will and just throw us out there like His children and say, I hope you figure it out.
God has taught us, God has warned us, God has provisioned us for this.
And the best term I use is a cheat sheet.
And God doesn't cheat.
It's not a cheat sheet.
It's a manual.
It's training.
You go to the military and they don't, if you're a good military, they don't just give you a week of basic training and throw you into combat.
The best military is you get years of training.
And that's what this was.
And now I can see back the perfection of God and all the training I went through and all the weight where God tested me and made sure, even though God already knew the outcome, it was about my process.
And I know a lot of you have gone through that as well.
So now, you've all gone through it, but a lot of you know you went through it.
There's a better way to say it.
That's the more accurate truth.
Now you see it all opening up, just like the vision.
And I told people about this 20 years ago, and people would make fun of me, other talk shows would call me and say, you got a vision from God that you're gonna spark with your audience, the global resistance, and that they won't listen to you up front, but a remnant will, and then that will trigger the global awakening.
You're a megalomaniac.
And I'm like, hey man, you weren't there, so.
And God's done things like, here's a dream that's going to come true.
And a lot of times it's some nonsensical thing.
And like they're going to tear down the golf course.
and they're going to build a house right where the ninth hole was where I grew up in Dallas.
And like three years later, they say, we've decided to change the golf course and they bulldoze it.
And then I'm sitting there one day and there's the dream with only the scaffolding and the outside
of the house, the wood built and it wasn't built yet. And I'm sitting on the back porch, looking
at this house that's been built.
I'm remembering the dream, and I remember in the dream, a cat walks up to the top window of the house, and I'm sitting there, and then the cat walks up to the top window of the house, and I'm staring.
It's 50, 60 yards at a cat at night at 10 p.m.
on no drugs, nothing, and I'm like, oh my God.
And God's like, yeah, I am God.
I want you to know that that's how that works.
And God will tell me, it happens all the time, get up, I don't have a clock in my bedroom, get up and go look at the microwave clock in the kitchen, it's going to be 4.47 exactly, or 3.25, 5.22, hundreds of times.
But if you try to show somebody or duplicate it, it doesn't happen because it's like that Energy analysis they've done where it's been going for 50 years or 40 years where they'll have a particle and it's being observed it won't move through the lead block but if you stop observing it and then you turn the electron microscope back on it's past it it's like you're not allowed to see it.
Because it's God.
But it's God saying, alright, get up, go in the kitchen, or go in the bathroom, and then you go, and it's a digital clock, and it's always the exact number.
And that's God telling me.
You wanna know how real I am?
God doesn't send some angel, I don't see Jesus in my bedroom, none of that.
God just says, okay, get up.
Walk out there and you're about to, every time, it's like this, it just happens when I wake up and go,
"Okay, go look at the clock, you know the exact time." And God's like, "Yes, I'm God and I want
you to know right now, this is 100% real, do you understand?"
I'm like, "Yes, yes, I understand."
And I'm like, and I have faith now it happens, but before I would always not believe it, I'd walk
out, it would always be the exact same time, and then it would change the next minute.
Yesterday, December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy.
Intelligence knew that Japanese task force was steaming with Admiral Yamamoto to attack.
The United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
We have to expose this.
They admit that we allowed Pearl Harbor to be bombed.
The United States was at peace with that nation.
This outrageous claim that Roosevelt was this loving, pro-American individual, when in truth, he was a communist lover, he sold his country out to socialism, and he killed 3,000 plus of our men and women at Pearl Harbor on purpose.
The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian Islands ...has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces.
I want to remind the listeners that we're dealing with our own Pearl Harbors here in America today.
I regret to tell you that very many American lives have been lost.
Hawaii was surprised FDR was not.
I have directed that all measures be taken for our defense.
I'm just talking about the problem-reaction-solution paradigm.
I ask that Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire.
A lot of the evidence of government-sponsored terrorism in the past,
from Pearl Harbor to the World Trade Center in '93, from Waco to Oklahoma City,
are on InfoWars.com.
And it doesn't mean the Empire of Japan wasn't real.
It doesn't mean they didn't commit atrocities in China and Korea.
It doesn't mean they weren't doing terrible things or there weren't baton death marches.
But they knew they let the attack happen.
That was only 3,000 dead.
Now Biden says we're going to go to war with Russia officially with U.S.
troops if you don't give me unlimited money.
He's completely out of his mind.
He's being impeached.
His son's been indicted.
Let's recognize we are in a violent mess, and it is the out-of-control, inbred, crazy so-called elite we have that are a bunch of corrupt lawyers with BlackRock and these big banks that are just robbing and shutting off the world economy, consolidate power, and creating crises, just like Deepwater Horizon.
It came out in the court, transcripts of the phone calls, the emails.
BP was worth like $45 million there and they said, well, we're drilling all these deep wells in Gulf of Mexico.
Our executives say in the next month if we just stop having 20 ships a day with concrete show up to dump those in the holes after they drill, we'll save hundreds of millions a day and we'll be a $48 million company.
And they told the engineers in Houston to do it and they called the engineers on the drilling rigs and said do it.
And all the engineers said, this is mathematics.
The seawater under the pressure is not going to hold those drilling holes down, and the gas and oil is going to come out at pressure.
We're not sure at what level, but it's there.
We're drilling in rich areas.
30,000, 40,000 foot deep wells, it's going to explode.
And the email's like, we're a $44 billion company.
We're about to be a $48 billion company.
And it blew up.
The first one they did it on, they were planning to just say,
our executives say we don't put muds, what they call it, concrete,
on top of the hole above the drill.
As the drill goes down, they pump the mud in,
We're going to make four billion dollars not doing it.
and they said it will explode and when they first turned it on it didn't
explode for a few dollars they went I do the coon ass accent because the head
executive in Houston was a coon ass and he shows him testifying in court he's
like I was told to do we gonna make four billion dollars not doing it we did that for ourselves
Our executives have decided that mud is no longer needed Yes, sir, I'm gonna get that done for you right now.
So, a year and a half ago, Biden, or a year ago, it's December, a year ago, we can't sit in Abrams tanks and F-16s and long-range missiles.
That's World War III.
Now, like, you know what?
It is World War III.
Dammit, let's get this son of a bitch going.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls and we're gonna go all the way in the next hour so I'll get to every caller on the line.
Alvin, Nathaniel, Bill, JD, Joshua, Cindy, Vidal, Robert, Doug, Rusty.
I guess Vidal hung up or I was about to go to him.
We're gonna go to Doug and others here in just a moment for the balance of the transmission.
But I would be lacking if I did not just say, wow, how crazy is it to be right in the center of the fight for free speech worldwide, not just here, and have Elon Musk come out and say, all right, well, what does Twitter think?
Should we reinstate Alex Jones?
I mean, yeah, he's not calling for crime.
All the big tech's got Hezbollah on official websites.
Why don't we bring Alex Jones back?
They have all these polls of 80 plus percent, dozens of them, it's always over 80 percent, saying we want Alex Jones back.
Here's Elon Musk after he saw the polls.
Overhead shot.
I guess a lot of people want him unbanned.
They then showed him the testimony of the former head Twitter lawyer with Jack Dorsey with Joe Rogan saying we banned him not for Sandy Hook.
They dredged that up later and claimed that's why.
But because I was mean to Oliver Darcy of CNN who was running around getting me and others banned.
Musk will consider bringing Alex Jones back on X. Announces imminent poll.
Plans to watch Carlson interview.
And it goes on from there.
Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts provided they have not broken the law or engaged in agreed to spam?
And then it goes on.
I hadn't even seen that one, I guess, when they printed it this morning.
This poll, 72%.
That's the lowest poll I've seen.
I guess Musk actually put one out.
I hadn't been paying attention.
3,162,000 votes.
See, I had looked at this at 7 a.m.
this morning.
They just printed this off.
I hadn't looked at it at all.
Okay, I'm saying 80 plus percent.
I guess when they got to the full Twitter community, 3 million plus votes, 72% bring Alex Jones back.
So I didn't know Musk had launched his poll yet.
That's how seen-in-the-pants we are around here.
And, uh, there's another poll, 88, 86 percent, that, uh, Ian Miles, Chenong did.
So there's a lot going on here.
The question is, is Oliver Darcy really the former girlfriend of Sane Bankman Freed?
People look at the images and think it may be the same person.
I'm joking.
I'm not actually saying that, but that is fun from Mid-East Mom, Midwest Mom.
But I want to go ahead and go to your phone calls.
I want to see the full Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson interview, it's everywhere.
I mean, I could have just come in here today and just played the interview.
It's pretty powerful, but we're here taking your calls.
Let's look at some more of the Elon Musk stuff here before I go to your phone calls.
We're going to skip this break.
Elon Musk considers bringing Alex Jones back to X. We'll run poll to decide, I guess.
Hey, can you guys go look at the poll?
I didn't know when you printed that off to me 30 minutes before the show, hours ago, that he did the poll.
That's kind of big news.
We should probably put an article up on InfoWars.com.
Elon Musk now running poll.
And can I get that?
It's kind of a big deal.
Not mad.
I get you guys are busy.
I didn't notice either, but I'm like now reading it.
It's 3 million plus votes.
70 plus percent say bring Alex Jones back.
Elon Musk says he's bringing Alex Jones back to X. We'll run poll to decide.
Elon says he's ready to poll X users on the reinstatement of Alex Jones.
You know, there's one thing we're blind around this operation.
Myself is the worst.
We don't report on ourselves and we don't track what's happening with us.
Hell, I'll go to Twitter.
Where's my phone?
I guess I left it over there.
Can we just please sugar cakes on top?
Can we just go to Elon Musk Twitter?
Because I just showed you the poll from earlier today.
And can we just show that to people?
Triple, triple cupcakes on top.
That's somebody else's.
All right, I'll go to break.
I'll find it.
That's not the poll.
Let me show you the poll.
It's an Elon Musk poll.
Just take it down.
Just take it down.
Here, I'll show you.
His name's Elon Musk.
He bought Twitter, changed the name to X. And it's an Elon Musk poll.
Let me show you right here.
This is Elon Musk.
It's okay.
Let me just show you what I want.
This is what I want right here.
It's Elon Musk, at Elon Musk on Twitter.
That's where you go.
He's the guy that owns it.
And then, You go to his Twitter account, and you pull up the poll that's all over the news that they've launched, and you show it.
Should Twitter offer a general amnesty to suspended accounts?
Probably they have, and it's got 3 million plus votes.
So he's done the poll, but I was given this 30 minutes before I went on air.
I didn't look at it, okay?
Yeah, there's a screenshot of it.
I'd like to get Oh, it's from November, that's how I got confused.
I got it, so we haven't done it yet.
No, hey, I'm up here flying by the seat of my pants.
So I misunderstood it.
Okay, good.
So we haven't done the poll yet.
We'll sit there and we'll track that as it unfolds.
All right.
I got a lot of other news here.
Big national news says our IQs have dropped massively, our sperm counts are almost to zero, and our life expectancy is plunging.
But there's no depopulation plan going on.
Everything is fine.
Thanks for clarifying that, crew.
All right.
I'm gonna take a break here for a minute.
Because I forgot to eat breakfast this morning.
So I gotta run out there and eat some yogurt or a couple strawberries or something.
So I'm getting a little, uh...
Hangry, as they say.
But I'll go to your phone calls right after these clips.
Let's play clip 6.
And let's play clip 8.
And let's play clip 9.
And then I'll come right back to your phone calls.
Please stay with us.
And so the earth is being put into a countdown collapse right now.
And so I'm like the fisherman when the tidal wave comes in, and I'm like, oh my God, my wife and children are about to die.
And so I'm not really worried about me because I'm a man.
I did this.
I knew it was coming.
I've been proven right.
And I'm not happy I was proven right.
I wish we could have gotten ahead of this and stopped it.
Yeah, we have a lot of credibility now.
The people see that we were right.
So maybe we can stop the next phase of it.
But the globalists have gone from testing phase beta test phase into full operational now.
And they say, read their items, we are going to have a post-industrial world by 2030.
We will have no personal cars by 2030.
You will be eating bugs by 2030.
And we will start the depopulation of 90% of the people by 2045.
That is the official WF, official UN, official Club of Rome plan.
What do you mean the depopulation?
They want to bring the world population down to 500 million.
But I thought we were opposed to genocide, no?
Or no, I guess we're not.
Well, you know, we're told now, don't have children, it's bad for the earth.
And we're told all this, and Elon Musk is right, and is a hero for pointing out all the actuaries show, if you don't have 2.1 children, a man and a woman, people go, well a man and a woman can have 2.1, it's just in the aggregate folks, not billions.
If a country doesn't have 2.1, 2.2 replacement rate, then you don't have people to take care of the old folks, society collapses.
And so Japan's 1.3, Italy's 1.3, they're done as cultures.
America, without immigrant influx, is about 1.6.
That's not viable.
And so, and I'm always talking about white people only here, but white people are 7% of the world population.
Maybe eight.
And so I would be sad if the last of the Eskimos were dying.
I mean, I'm sad that the Japanese, within a hundred years, there might be 20 million of them.
But just to my previous question about, and without getting too personal, I mean, I feel a little bit enervated and down just hearing your dot connecting here.
Like, what's the effect on you over 25 years?
I mean, if you literally foresee 9-11 before it happens, and you did and it can be proven, we just proved it, like, what is that, what's that like to live with that weird ability?
Well, I mean, I know a specific clip.
I specifically say call the White House, tell them we know they're going to let Al-Qaeda attack us, bin Laden, and then take our rights.
I say call the White House.
I put the number out, so I put the money where my mouth was, and that's the only time I ever said call the White House and tell them to stop a particular event.
I'm now saying we need to call the White House and say, you've let tens of thousands of military-age men from the Middle East in.
We know a lot of them are Hezbollah and Hamas.
The FBI has confirmed that.
And so, when and if there's big terror attacks, which I believe will probably happen in America, We're not going to have Homeland Security get more funds and more power and grope us at the airports more.
I want prison time for the agencies and groups that have allowed this.
And I want, I want, oh, Biden.
I want Biden impeached now.
OK, that's why we got rid of McCarthy.
It needs to happen.
Leaving the border open when there is a clear and present danger of this going on.
And when we're very close to war with Iran, we go to war with Iran.
They're going to activate Hezbollah.
OK, and then they make Hamas look like choirboys. And so you want to hear a prediction here. It's
a probability, not a pure prediction.
But I mean, if we go to war with Iran, guaranteed sleeper cells activate,
it'll make what happened in Israel look tame in comparison.
I'm not blessing what happened there.
So I'm simply and then again, where's the logic? The government that allows that to happen
should go to prison. I agree. But instead, like 9/11, they're going to get more power when it
happens. Mark my words. I don't think we'll understand something that the mullahs in Iran
and the Ayatollah are congratulating Hamas.
that just killed around a thousand or more innocent Israelis, many of them women, children, disabled people, in a vicious evil sneak attack.
They're on there, Hezbollah and Hamas, mainly Hamas, but it's Hezbollah funding it out of Iran, are literally posting videos of them cutting people's heads off and killing children and massacring innocent people.
They're allowed to have their Hezbollah accounts and their Hamas accounts.
The Ayatollah is able to congratulate what these people have done, and I am still banned.
And I'm not mad at Elon Musk.
I understand I've been so demonized with the general public.
He's barely able to keep Twitter going right now.
I really appreciate what he's done.
I admire him.
I think he's done a lot of great work, and I see him moving in the right direction.
So a lot of people attack Musk on Twitter.
You know, I trend all the time.
Hey, if you're such an absolutist on free speech, bring back Alex Jones.
I understand that if he did that, the ADL and others would really be able to probably shut down Twitter.
So I understand that he needs to go through a process before he does that.
But the 9-11 thing, I remember that really well.
Nobody was thinking like that.
So you called it in public, on tape.
Did the 9-11 Commission... So if I'm the FBI and I'm investigating 9-11, you're like the first guy I would call.
Because you're the only person who said that out loud.
Did they call you?
No, they didn't.
My most accurate prediction, going back over a decade, was when I read the Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep, and they described using a virus to bring in world government, to bring in a world medical ID, that they would then build a social credit score off of, and that they would make people wear masks for fear, that they would shut down sporting events and things like that, and basically phase in this new tyranny.
So I was also able to specifically Make that prediction over and over and over again, because I was going off their own battle plans.
Are you the only person in media who actually reads these reports?
I don't think a lot of people do read them, but I do read them.
I mean, I'm currently reading MIT reports from their top councils, Pentagon reports.
They have a working group called the Mad Scientist Group at the Pentagon that works with MIT.
And if you go watch their hour-long, two-hour-long, three-hour-long meetings they have on YouTube, with all the top, I mean, we're talking hundreds of top scientists.
They admit that they're building a post-human world, that soon everyone's going to be mind-controlled, that they're going to put smart dust in our food, that they can electromagnetically control, and they just lay it all out right there.
And I've learned what these people said in the 50s they would do were done by the 70s.
What they said their plan was in the 70s for the 90s, they got done.
And then when they had their Agenda 21 in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the big UN summit, they described everything they would do up until the year 2000, and they got almost all of that done.
Now they've got Agenda 2030, and we're going to ban your gas stoves, we're going to ban beef, we're going to ban single-family dwellings, we're going to ban private ownership of cars, and we're going to do all this, and now you see them rolling it all out.
So I'm not really making predictions in these high-level World Economic Forum and other large think tank Groups, they are laying out the future and they're high priests of the World Economic Forum.
It's a consortium of all these groups.
You've all know Harari.
You can read his quotes.
The future is not human.
The human era is over.
The public is useless.
I mean, this is a very anti-human system.
So that's how I'm able To make predictions because they've given us a roadmap.
They tell us where they want to take us.
And so when the public wakes up, we push back on some of it, but they always come back.
And so I'm just following the trajectory of where they said they want to take us.
And there were a lot of white papers, not just the PNAC document from 2000, a year before 9-11, where they described, we really need big terror attacks.
We really need Pearl Harbor events to get Americans to give up their rights.
Alright, the entire next hour will be your calls.
I may even get to one now, but I've got a few other things to hit.
There's so much breaking news at Infowars.com that I haven't hit.
Like, take this article by Don Salazar.
Video, man sneaks into Bohemian Grove, finds side of bazaar begging ritual.
And I'm not lessening what this guy did, but I feel like I should make a public service announcement about this.
The Secret Service and all the rest of them are there in the second half of July.
So there's no one there during the rest of the year.
You can still get arrested.
There's still security.
But people say, well, where are they doing it?
They show up at the Idol.
There's no one there.
It's because they're there in the last two weeks of July.
Well, that footage that's coming up, though, it's still amazing.
He goes inside the Idol, shows the sacrificial area.
I mean, it's amazing.
So I'm not lessening what the guy did.
I just want people to know.
No one's ever snuck in and got out but us, and I wish others have been successful.
It's not about me saying I'm number one.
I'm not.
You do not.
Go in there when they're actually there, unless you think you're going to get arrested.
I'm just saying, know that.
It's still dangerous to go in, so kudos to the guy.
We'll get this out.
It's journalism.
I support it.
It's good.
I just want to warn people.
You go in there in July, because they're there a few weeks before the elites show up, you're going to have a big problem.
I mean, Prince Charles goes there, everybody.
So it's very dangerous when they're actually there.
Still a great coup to get that done.
Please support the broadcast for your new viewer.
I've got my second major book out.
I did one book before this, but in the last two years, I've done two books.
It's The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalist, launches in the next great renaissance.
There is a signed copy, limited edition.
It's a fundraiser.
Keep us on air.
Or an unsigned copy.
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I want to thank all those that did do that.
But I wanted to go to one of the crew members, Thomas.
Because he popped in my ear about 30 minutes ago and said, Hey, I've, I've had experiences where I haven't seen somebody in 10 years.
Well, he didn't tell the story and.
I have a dream about him, and then I see him the next day.
We all have those experiences, and that shows you there's a lot more than what we just perceive and see visually.
And that's where God comes in.
That's where such amazing things happen.
And the establishment knows that.
They don't want you to know that's there, so you're all alone and think they're God.
They're not God.
So, Thomas, tell us your story.
Yes, Alex.
So, when I was in high school, I had a very close friend of mine who was a phenomenal musician.
His father actually built amps for Dave Navarro, so he was trained very well and got me into playing music.
Um, but he did have some problems with addiction, so he was kind of in and out of my life.
He'd go away, um, you know, to rehab and get in trouble, and then he'd clean his act up.
So there was a point where maybe I haven't heard from him for about a year and a half, and then I had a dream of him, and I dreamt of him And the actual exact angle and place that I would run into him is where I saw him the next day.
And it was just so bizarre, and I think it's because when you have certain connections with people, or like with your story, that house that you referenced with the golf course, things that you have these personal connections with, they kind of expand It's a deep connection with certain things, so God can reveal certain things to you ahead of time.
And I think that's what was happening in my dream, because I was just thinking, hey, when's the next time I'm going to see this guy?
I'd love to play guitar with him.
And it was an answered prayer.
I got a heads up and said, hey, you're about to see this guy.
And the key is, it wasn't just a coincidence.
Then you saw him at the exact place, the same thing that you saw in the dream.
And with me, God didn't go, see, I'm real.
I did that just so you'd see that.
You see that?
And sometimes it can be a bit scary when you have a dream, maybe like a nightmare, and it's so nightmarish that you're like, oh my God, is this what I'm seeing?
Hold on, don't go off.
I'll come back to you to finish up, and I promise we're taking every call on the board, Doug's up front, coming back, hour number three.
Thomas, stay right there, I want to finish this story.
We're born into this fantastic universe of consciousness, able to interface with the eternal and God.
Look at these stupid politicians with their big marble buildings trying to act powerful.
They're a joke.
God will touch you.
Reach out to God.
God's real.
And I have a lot of these dreams that have come true.
Dreams I haven't wrote down.
You know, dreams that were amazing.
And some were good, some were bad.
I mean, I've told the story many times, and we'll go back to Thomas to finish the story, about I looked older than I was, and I wasn't a drug guy, but I was an alcohol guy.
And so even the 16-year-olds, when I was like 14, you know, they were my friends, but they'd come get me because I would go into the liquor store, and for whatever reason, they would sell liquor to me and not to them.
And so we drive into Dallas, because there weren't even liquor stores where I lived.
It was a dry county outside Dallas.
We drive in the county right next to Dallas, into Dallas.
We drive into the worst neighborhood, and I probably did this a hundred times or more.
And, you know, your kids, you know, have a lot of money, so you want it ever clear and Milwaukee's best or whatever for a party, you know, high school girls or whatever.
And I had a dream that I woke up all sweaty from where I'm getting beer and a guy comes up, pulls a knife on me and whatever, and he has a purple And, uh, polo shirt.
It was a white crackhead.
A purple and green striped polo shirt.
And I remember, in the dream, I was like, in an alley behind a building, and I had the beer.
For whatever reason, we'd pulled in behind it.
And sure enough, I walk around, the guy tries to mug me.
It happens.
I defend myself.
And I think it was God warning me, so when I saw the guy, I was ready.
I was able to not have him, you know, stab me.
and was able to get out of there with the beer and the Everclear.
But the point is, that was one of those dreams.
So I had a lot of those.
I don't really have those now.
Instead, I just get downloads of information.
But that shows you, like in the Matrix, where they see the black cat and it disappears,
like a glitch in the Matrix.
Finish up your points, Thomas.
Yeah, so I was saying that sometimes you'll have dreams that are nightmarish, that seem so real,
and you don't want to think, "Hey, this is our future.
"This is what's happening."
But I think maybe God is showing you a possibility that can happen if you're not, like you said,
aware and have situational awareness.
Like, I've had dreams of submarines showing up on the coast of the United States and launching missiles into buildings.
I don't want that to happen, God forbid, but I think it's like a subconscious collective fear that, you know, we're being invaded and, you know, we could have an invasion like that with such weak leadership in our country.
But I also, you know, have dreams of passed away loved ones that come and visit me and I have vivid, in-depth conversations with them and they're giving me, you know, instructions in life on how to, you know, carry on and carry on legacies and it's just so profound and I, you know, just give it all up to God that we're able to have that kind of extra sensory... Exactly!
I didn't talk about those.
I've had those as well.
So it's very cool and, you know, the whole Matrix thing with the cat, I think that is, you know, it's a big symbol for something that a lot of people experience, that kind of deja vu feeling, you know, that you're supposed to take something from that moment, like, hey, I've seen this before, so there's a lot to it.
Thank you so much for talking about that.
Yeah, and so everybody out there is like, yeah, I've had this experience.
So it's infinite, ladies and gentlemen, and time is on a line.
It's a loop, or a figure eight, and it's all interconnected.
It's incredible, and we're here, and it's just beyond amazing.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back, and I'm going to just bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
Take your call.
So Doug, get ready.
Rusty, get ready.
Robert, get ready.
Joshua, everybody, get ready.
We're gonna go to break.
We'll be back in 60 seconds and go directly to your phone calls.
But Satan is not God.
Satan is here to test us and Satan has already been defeated by Jesus Christ and God's sacrifice.
You think about, oh, what a story.
God sits down, his son, and says, God isn't gonna ask us anything God isn't gonna do.
God is perfect and honest and fair.
Isn't that perfectly fair?
Think about it.
God's real.
It's that powerful God made you.
Look at the universe.
Oh, you're just a blob of cells.
Oh, yeah.
Three billion years ago, you were some salts in the ocean that just got together and just made all this BS.
You know it's not true.
We're not even from here, folks.
We were put here.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through a call.
And first, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's turmeric toothpaste is incredible.
I prefer to admit I've kind of neglected my teeth.
And I started using your dad's toothpaste and my gum stopped bleeding brushing my teeth.
And I mean, it is dentist cleaning clean every time you brush your teeth.
It is incredible.
Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practice.
He still has his license.
He still takes care of friends and family and other folks.
But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste with top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
We don't really promote it a lot because the margin is so small it won't fund the operation.
But yeah, all three of his toothpicks, the turmeric, the tooth whitening, and the activated charcoal are all top of the line with no extra atoms or fillings, full of essential oils.
They will blow you away.
Thank you so much for the plug, sir.
Dialing into the universe.
Dialing into eternity.
And what we do in this life projects the pattern of the future levels we're about to travel and the adventures, my friends, your eye has not seen, your ear has not heard, your mouth has not tasted, but God has in store for us.
Bible says that, but I've been shown the third heaven, the 12th dimension.
I could not even tell you what I saw, because there's no words to describe it.
But God is real, and the angels were there.
All right, let's go to your phone calls as promised.
Appreciate you holding.
Doug in Florida, you're on the air.
Thank you so much.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
For a new listener, first-time caller, and just listening to you over the past two weeks, you've really helped me turn around my perspective and really get some more open.
and optimism moving forward.
Real quick, can I explain?
Yes, sir.
Up until seven years ago, I was a hardcore leftist living in California with my wife.
Trump starts running and I start watching some YouTube podcasters and realize that Marxism is a load of crap and they tear it apart, realize MAGA is right, I'm a conservative.
To the chagrin of my wife and who comes around, And then three years ago, she suggests we move to Florida.
I'm all in.
And even though I'm a member of the John Birch Society, over the past three years, I've just been really depressed, disgusted about the political process.
And then hearing you, after all the persecution you're undertaking, and after All the truths you've been revealing, you point towards, we need to elect people who actually represent us, to hold these people accountable, to bring them to justice, and let the guilty swing.
That's where you're pointing?
No wonder they're coming after you, Alex.
That message really resonated with me.
Because anything other than that, I don't want to think about.
It would be horrible.
So it's really given me hope that that's what we need to do.
I'm doubling down because if that's your, you're pointing that way.
I know I need to go that way, and we really need to get things together to make that happen.
I agree Doug, but just to be clear, people say a voting change isn't going to be legal.
They're stealing elections.
We have to overpower them.
We don't give up because they're cheating.
We double down and show the cheating, which blows up in their face even bigger.
You see, they want to dominate us and bully us and have us give up.
We don't give up.
We just get stronger, and we're going to win this.
That's what we gotta do.
I mean, it doesn't say that I'm not, you know, preparing for the just-in-case.
I've got plenty of lead and food and money and silver and all that, but... Well, listen, listen, when you say just-in-case, the collapse is gonna happen, whether it's a year from now or five or ten.
We're going to go through world government, Antichrist, Mark of the Beast, drones around everywhere, but mass death.
But then more people are going to join us once they get this.
Then it's going to be a total circus, because the globalists think they have us in checkmate, because they're going to have the resources cut off so it doesn't matter.
They believe we're all going to eat each other, the angrier world.
And a lot of people are going to die.
But out of that, we're going to rediscover who we are and become even stronger.
I appreciate your call.
Let's be 100% clear, folks.
Everyone listening to me, you're not going to get out of this.
You get that?
You're going to face Satan.
It's how it is.
It's going down, folks.
So just get ready.
But we're going to come through it.
And a lot of us are going to be dead, but our spirit goes on.
It's real, folks.
It's a decision you make right now.
God's testing you.
It's an incredible test, man.
You wake up in a world with the stars and the moon and the birds and the bees and the families and all the world, all this incredible crap.
People are like, oh, there's nothing made this, there's nothing.
No, folks, it's all been put here as a war game before you go to the next level.
You're not going to be given the incredible power you're about to get, next level, without a test, folks.
And let me tell you a little secret here.
It's not a secret, but what they teach in the mainline Christian church is, you go to heaven, skip the break coming up, we'll get all the calls, and you float around in a cloud and play a harp.
No, sir.
What happened?
Satan took one third of the angels, rebelled against God.
That's what's going on.
And that's just in this sector.
Christ said, I have many flocks in Israel, in Judea.
What do you mean?
This ain't the only rodeo, folks.
I've seen, I've been there.
This is not the only rodeo.
And basically, Hollywood shows you this, but creates an archetype.
Oh, we'll have world government, and all this unity, and the Starfleet with the UN symbol, and you're going to get, there's going to be this utopia, and you're in Starfleet and all this stuff.
Oh, you're going to be in Starfleet, all right.
But the point is, is that you're going to, you're going to go up to heaven.
You can always go for R&R, and be with God, and just be in total bliss.
But God knows you're not going to do that.
You're going to sign up for the next mission.
And that's all I'm trying to explain to you.
That is, this is a test, ladies and gentlemen, before we go in and save a lot of spirits, a lot of entities, a lot of creatures.
We're being recruited to go to the next level in a long-term intergalactic war.
And I've read this in a book, but seriously, where I've been there, I've been shown it.
And it's beyond even this dimension.
It's heavy.
This is just boot camp, folks.
This is level one, baby.
Level one.
We're on level one.
Let's go to Rusty in Colorado.
Rusty, you're on the air.
Happy 1776 to you, sir.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead.
Okay, so I'm a Community Notes contributor, and I'm going to go over a few things four ways.
You're talking about Twitter, so describe what that means and go ahead.
Community Notes is the New Age fact check system that Twitter uses to disseminate so-called disinformation and add context to somewhat informative information.
So, there's four ways to avoid getting a Community Note.
The first one is advertising.
Advertisements are very hard to put a community note on, especially if you have good reviews.
So if you can hear my voice, go to an InfoWars store site that you can leave a review on any of them and leave good reviews because that gives good contributors ammunition to fight the bad actors inside the system.
The second way to avoid a community note is to post memes as satire.
Satire is very hard to Place a community note on it.
That's right, AI has big trouble, and even humans do, categorizing it.
Yes, the joke, the jester is king.
Oh yeah, and it's a great way to frame a real discussion in a humorous way.
So, there's actually an option inside, for me as a community notes contributor, if I see something that has a pending note that is satire, I just click satire, no note needed.
Bam, done.
So, the third way would be Frame your discussion in the form of an opinion, okay?
Same thing, there's a way for me to say, oh, that's an opinion, no note needed.
If I say, guy's purple today, and some other bad actor inside the system says, no, no, it's actually blue, well, I said, at the front end of my comment, I said, no, this is my opinion, I'm not stating facts.
So, it makes it very, very difficult to put a community note on that.
Finally, you want to use, you want to form your post in the way of a question, right?
You could say, oh, I think this, these reviews from this water filter are great, or whatever.
Do you agree with me?
It's impossible to put a community note on a question.
There's a big section in the rules for community note providers to say, If you want to answer a question, you need to go into the comments, right?
So nearly all, 90% more, more than that, of questions get turned down for Community Notes.
And for those that don't know, Community Notes is a great revolutionary thing.
You don't censor things, you just let people then make comments about it, and that creates its own debate.
Yes sir, and if you do happen to get a community note that falls into one of those four categories, you can contest it.
There's a way to contest it.
You go to the post that has the community note.
Sure, so people should learn how to do it, not just leftists, and engage the info.
Or if you know leftists run like 98% of things like Wikipedia.
What do you make of Elon Musk coming out and this whole wild thing that happened with Tucker Carlson in the last 24 hours?
Oh sir, that's the whole reason why I'm calling.
He's already One of his early posts involving you, he said that he's going to turn community notes on you.
So if you can hear my voice right now, if you've been on Twitter for six months, if you have an account that's verified with a phone number and you have no strikes against your account, you need to apply to community notes.
Because we need like-minded people in there.
The community notes about four months ago got overwhelmed with leftist shill.
Because they're control freaks, absolutely.
How do people sign up for community notes?
You gotta be the six months and you go apply for it.
You need to be at least six month old account.
You need to verify your account with a phone number, a valid phone number.
And you also have to have no strikes against your account.
So it's to make sure you're not a bot.
Incredible call, Rusty.
All right.
Thank you.
I welcome Elon.
Put me back on Twitter if he wants.
And giving me community notes.
I love it.
My first post is going to be, the sky's blue.
They'll probably fact check that.
Obviously, you're right.
The sky's blue at high noon on a clear day.
Let's go ahead, because you can always say something's a lie.
That's the games they play.
Bill in Iowa.
Bill, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
Gotta say, 1776, brother.
Hey, real quick about that Tucker Carlson interview.
Smashed it out of the park.
It's gonna be the beginning of our new 1776.
You know, and I also saw Rameshwami yesterday, and I turned him on to a bottle of X2 and Brain Force Plus Ultra, so hopefully he uses it.
And then also my, uh, when I saw you smashing that bourbon, I thought to myself, Oh my God, my heart drops because I got two bottles sitting on my shelf, which I am going to take over to my buddy's house in celebration, which in celebration of Owen's release.
But not only that, I gave him a copy of your latest book.
He read it and he called me up.
He's like, Bill, we need to talk.
I think I owe you an apology for calling you a tinhead all these years.
So it's coming, brother.
Yeah, I know.
I just want to say keep up the good fight.
I love you, man.
That's all I've got to say.
Well, I love you too, but would you say the worm's turning?
We're winning?
Are we beginning to win?
Or where are we?
Oh, the tide's turning.
And also, I asked a very important question for Ramaswamy yesterday that you totally forgot about.
I asked him after the debate, did he actually go out and get Chris Christie a Happy Meal?
And if he did, was it a boy toy or a girl toy?
Thank you so much.
Appreciate that, brother.
Love you.
Love you too.
JD in Indiana.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Long time listener.
Good to have you here.
First time caller.
Thank you.
I just want to start off with what, I mean, first of all, I'm seeing a lot of things that you're reporting on every day that I'm at work.
It's, you know, different people having strokes every week and they're just like, Getting used to it, I guess.
I don't know.
But on the sort of what's coming down, I have to say we have to protect the children at all costs.
I believe that's the number one target of the New World Order because, you know, erasing us, you know, that's not going to help because we've got young kids coming up that are patriotic.
And I believe they're going to be the most patriotic generation we've ever had. What you're saying, I meant to
say this a week ago, and that's why God works through the listeners, just like
different leaders of the Jewish tyrant Herod when the first born Jews because you wanted to get Jesus
And we saw that with Moses, which is in the hieroglyphs.
People usually say, oh, that's in the Old Testament.
And then they dug up the pyramids, and it's like, Ramsey's the firstborn, and all firstborn Jews killed because they knew from their satanic sources that there was going to be deliverers in them.
And I agree, they want to abort and kill our children because they fear them.
They know the deliverers are in there.
My children, I am taking them, and they are practicing bowhunting, and they are doing the things that I did not do as a child because I didn't think this way.
They know more now than what I ever even thought about when I was their age.
So they are going to be stronger.
They're going to be the people that truly, I believe, free us, because they know so much more than what I did when I was their age.
Well that's right, let's be honest.
Young people around me.
But the millennials and stuff, they program with phones and TVs, they're wiped out.
Some good's gonna come out of them.
But it's the generation now being born that we're seeing explosive awareness in right
The spirit is really activating them.
You're totally right.
Young people around me, I'm in a business where there are some young people and I'm
in and out, but they know.
They know so much, and they're 20.
I mean, uh, and I just really believe in... Look, my 6-and-a-half-year-old daughter has been protected for all this knowledge.
She already knows and talks to me like a 40-year-old woman.
It's like frightening.
It's like, wow.
The most important thing you can teach them is to question everything.
When the news comes on in my house, which is very rarely because we don't watch mainstream, they're just like, oh, the liars are on.
And they change it.
The left said, don't teach your children any values because they want to teach them their satanic values.
Well, that's right.
If you simply don't even tell children what to believe, just say, hey, these people are lying.
Catch it for yourself.
They are off and running.
They want to be led.
And then empowered.
You're absolutely right.
Beautiful, beautiful testimony.
Anything else?
And read the Bible with your children, question everything.
Don't scare them, but just put it in them that they are American.
I'll tell you what's wild.
My six and a half year old daughter, I'm saying with my son, my only son, I have three daughters, she just begs to have the Bible read to her.
She just, I mean, even tell her it's like powerful or that, you know, she just wants to, she just wants to hear it.
Thank you so much for the call. She just knows. It's amazing. They're really turns toward God.
They're already pre like a satellite dish. They're already aimed folks ready for the transmission.
We're going to give it to him. Robert in Washington. You're on the air. Go ahead.
Hey Alex. First off, I just want to say I wish I was a part of your generation so badly,
especially after listening to you, which by the way was before episode 9 11 on Joe Rogan.
And I just want to say I felt the same way about 1255 and 55 you did, but he didn't seem to feel that way.
I don't know if it was a thing or not.
I don't know if you even remember that, but how are you doing, brother?
No, what specifically happened on Joe Rogan?
I mean, I know the episode you're talking about, what was said?
Which one?
No, what are you saying?
I'm not getting the gist of what you're saying.
Oh, you said, you said, I see that you had me on 9-11, 12-55, and 1-55, and you were like, is that a coincidence?
And he goes, no, just so happened to be the 1-55, and you were like, oh, I don't know, the 1-555, sorry.
No, I remember that now.
I remember that now.
Man, I've been following you.
First off, everything you say is real, and everyone knows that, but I originally was calling in, I wanted to say that You and Tucker Carlson together, I mean, it's better than bread and butter.
It's probably bread and garlic butter when you talk.
You balance each other out.
Just significantly and eloquently in a way where you combat each other sometimes, but you're both down to earth and you can see the respect and love for each other.
So I just want to say for anyone who hasn't heard them, you got to take a listen to Tucker and Alex.
Well, people always ask, is Tucker really that happy and that nice?
And it's even more so in person.
The guy, I say he's like Santa Claus.
I mean, he's just like in such a good mood.
I was going to say, everything you said about him seems totally true, even after he got off Fox.
I've been watching him since when he was on Fox.
And after he got off Fox, he kind of let loose.
And you could see his more genuine, goofy side and his laugh and more and all.
You could see it's real.
I agree with you entirely in that aspect.
In that aspect entirely.
As far as World War III, I just want to say, you know, it's time for not only the global elites, But everyone in the world to just start to view our entire world as more of a global society, as opposed to just a global economy, because sure, economy has things to do with society, but a society and a culture matters.
And there's individual cultures and societies that matter.
But ultimately, we're all human.
And if we all came together in the humanity aspect, Things would come together in the other aspects, and it would gradually, gradually grow.
And looking at it from a 30,000 point stand view, everyone feels that way deep down, whether it comes to their egos engulfing parts of their bodies and beings that disrespect the ultimate goal in life.
Whatever it is, everyone sees it as some pet particle inside of their bodies, and if we could just reach that and tap into it somehow.
I have some ideas, truthfully, but... Tell us!
Roger that.
Well, I developed kind of a business plan for some of the global elites in order to sort of not lose money and kind of create a way to still make money while not destroying everyone else in their path beneath them.
That would be a long topic.
Other than that, I think really kind of what you're doing and what other people are doing, but just kind of putting more feet and boots on the ground.
And I had an idea for what something you could do.
So you could create a little side project that wouldn't cost too much money, but it
wouldn't be so much classes, but it would ultimately be something that you overviewed,
maybe went to a few appearances here and there when you had time, but you put people in place
to teach people the right way to be.
Kind of like the traditional way mixed with the new modern way.
Yeah, well I'm trying to teach myself how to be, but no, no, no, I hear you.
It's a great idea.
We're actually talking about trying to do some things like that.
I appreciate you, brother.
Thank you so much.
All right.
I don't want to cut these callers short, so we're going to go to break.
I'm back with Cindy, and Alvin, and Nathan, and Joshua, and Jack, and Lewis, and everybody else here.
And then Jay Dyer is taking over.
But, here's a couple things I want to hit right now before we go to break.
Look at this headline.
It's on InfoWars.com.
It's like the CDC Director video and statements.
Here we go again.
CDC Director tells public to take COVID vaccines social distance.
And wear a mask.
So here we go again.
CDC director tells public to take COVID vaccines.
Social distance and wear a mask.
Now, we got ahead of it in August, so they backed off.
I said, they're going to come back again in a few months.
And I predicted.
And they did it.
So, I didn't make that up.
It's on record.
It's happening everywhere.
You've seen it.
There it is.
But it's not about being right.
It's about getting ahead of it now.
We know they're trying it and saying no.
Look at this.
I gotta go to break.
I'll hit this one, come back and go to your calls.
Alex Jones might be making a comeback.
Am I making a comeback?
That's Newsweek.
We'll hit that when we come back.
And then Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones crack up.
We're calling prank phone call to ex-CNN host Brian Stelter.
We did prank call him.
We did video it.
And I've decided to release it next week.
And I did make a joke to Brian.
I said I want to marry him.
And Brian was very excited, actually.
Tucker made that... I mean, I'm serious.
So, I was joking, folks.
I don't want to marry Brian Stelter.
It was a... We had a few drinks.
Tucker wasn't drinking.
We had some steaks.
The rest of the crew was drinking.
I, um, he goes, let's go down to the river, you know, the dark with flashlights.
They go, Hey, Brian Stelter keeps calling me.
And I said, well, let's call him.
So we called him and I had a few drinks.
So, uh, had a little bit of fun.
It's pretty stupid.
Uh, but, uh, we should invite Brian Stelter on the air.
Hey, Brian, you were a big star and on your show, but on mine.
Look for that next week.
It's going to be really hilarious.
Like a seven minute phone call with Brian Stelter.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow is his day.
More of your calls straight ahead.
Get your motor running.
Head out on the highway.
Looking for adventure.
And whatever comes our way, fire all of your guns at once and explode into space.
Then once you're locked into 50-minute cities eating bugs, oh, the left's so much fun till they get you where they want you, and then you're in a cage.
We're gonna break out of this prison planet.
We're going interstellar.
Nobody's gonna stop us.
We got God on our side.
We were put here as a launch pad, baby.
I can tell ya.
I've been up there with the high command.
I've seen it.
It's real.
Get ready, folks.
Join us now.
Sign up to go to faraway, incredible locations.
Like the one you're on right now.
Could it be any cooler?
And dangerous.
But real as hell.
You meet a woman, you're passionate, you get married, you have children?
A merger of you and her?
I mean, it just gets cooler by the second.
It's all fantastic!
But they tell you, oh, my new Netflix show, you know, hasn't come out.
I'm depressed.
The world's so boring.
Well, you ain't opened your eyes up and ain't opened your soul up.
All right, I want to go back to your phone calls, but I've just got to hit this article because it's funny.
And you know, I've been talking to a lot of people.
I probably had, I didn't, probably had three people today.
And three or four yesterday and a bunch in the last week say, Jones used to be funny.
You've gotten so serious over the years that it's a bummer.
Can you be funny again?
The crew was telling me that last week when I was doing the English accent for like an hour straight.
And so yes, I'm going to try to be more funny here.
So we're going to dredge up old funny things we've done, but also do new funny things.
So we have Fartgate.
Before Jay Dyer takes over, after I take your calls, you want it, you got it.
It's a major scandal.
It doesn't just end or start with John Kerry blasting off at the COP28 event.
Oh, it gets more serious.
The answer is putting a giant fart bag on him like they do on the cows in Canada.
In fact, I demand John Kerry not just fly on private jets.
He should stop that.
He should put a giant methane bag on his back.
Because he's got a big fart problem.
I know that already happened a few days ago, but I was thinking about it this morning.
I'm like, you're so serious, you didn't even play this.
You don't have any Republicans, literally, on real foot.
They admit this is real.
He's like, we've got to stop cows and methane.
I mean, it's like you couldn't come up with comedy this good.
But they take themselves so serious, the unintentional comedy is just platinum.
Triple diamond.
Alright, let's stop right there.
I have a tendency to say coming up and then hit it all right now.
But I mean, he talked about, you know, you've heard of Falcon Heavies, man.
This guy almost took off, he farted so hard.
So, Mr. Botox.
Mr. Frankenstein.
So, continuing here, ladies and gentlemen, there's a Newsweek article, a bunch of others.
Alex Jones might be making a comeback.
Well, let me explain something.
As soon as the audience, when I got deplatformed and attacked in the last six years, decided to stand with us, we made our comeback.
We never went away.
We became more influential, which you one-dimensional thinkers that serve El Diablo can't seem to get your heads out of your butts and figure out.
So I love this statement.
Is Alex Jones making a comeback?
And the answer is no.
We already made a comeback because we never went away.
You guys declare victory and you don't even have a victory.
So you just keep thinking you dictate reality like you're God.
You're not God.
And Infowars never went away.
We were put through the fire.
And only because of God acting through the audience of activists are we still here.
So, pretty ridiculous.
And like I said, next week Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, crank call Brian Stelter.
It's true.
It's true.
It's ridiculous.
It's hilarious.
You'll hear it next week if we're still on the air.
I don't take any... I'm on the left that declares victory.
I think we're starting to turn the tide, but I'm not about to declare victory because there's always a new challenge.
The universe would be stagnant if God did not do that, and I just really agree with God.
I don't even pretend to be the judge of God.
I just agree with whatever the big kahuna says at yes sir.
I'm 100% on board whatever you say.
And God goes, then incredible justice and freedom and beauty and love and family and eternal life and everything's badass and awesome, but you gotta fight evil.
I'm like, wow, that sounds like a great deal.
Thank you for consciousness.
It really is great to exist and great to have all this power and freedom.
Thanks for making me.
Wow, thank you very much for that.
I'm gonna go against that.
I'm gonna get on my belly in front of it.
And then God says, yes, you've been given beyond nirvana, total completion in my presence, but now I ask you to choose, will you leave my presence to fight evil?
And that's the next level, and you have to leave God's presence.
You're still getting beamed information, God's still there like a warm fire to your back, but the storm, the freezing cold of evil is pouring in on you, and God's going to tie you to a rope and lower you down into hell to do work.
Yeah, folks, there isn't a Candy Land after this.
But you already know it's all real and have full, complete interface with God and consciousness and you will be begging to be put in enemy's face.
You'll be begging to be dumped into the operations.
You'll be begging to fight anti-life.
And you're going to spread life throughout this dimension and others.
You're going to do things you can't even imagine.
You're going to be building entire galaxies, universes.
It's unlimited, ladies and gentlemen.
You're engineers.
You're master builders.
You're the architects.
The Luciferians call Satan the great architect because God's called the great architect.
No, they're not the architect of anything but failure.
You want to work for the great architect?
Get in league with God right now.
And all God's offering is the truth.
And it is amazing.
I'm going to stop preaching.
Oh my gosh.
Alright, uh...
Fire all of your guns at once and explode into space.
Skip the break.
I'm going to use all these calls.
I'm going to stop preaching.
Cindy in South Carolina, you're on the air worldwide.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I'm going to, I guess, represent the potential atheists or people that have a different faith or non-faith.
But I've, for whatever reason, maybe the Tucker Carlson thing last night, but I was told I was told by a friend today is the day to call, and after three years, I finally got through.
I have a story that I should have told three years ago.
In November of 2019, I have a friend who is a private chef, a very high-end private chef out of Charleston.
This person gets hired by politicians and royalty.
This person was employed at that time in the Netherlands, feeding a large contingency of people who are politicians and royalty, including their children.
And at that time, at that event, it was at night.
They were offered a shot, and they believed it to be a flu shot initially, but it wasn't.
As the night went on, everybody was being inoculated with a virus that was to come.
An unnamed virus that was not the flu.
known that I should have told that story for whatever reason maybe it'll result in someone
else telling a story but that's my story and that's the end of it. Well I mean I mean I'm
you sound credible I don't know what you're saying is true I'm not saying you're lying but
it came out in the London Guardian about 15 years ago and um her Spiegel about 12 years ago
memory serves quote elites get special secret vaccines they get quote clean vaccines so
inoculations are real science and yeah whatever they're about to release on us or already have
they've already been given the protection that's why they caught Netanyahu and a bunch of them
acting like they give them the shots but everybody and it also happened with um
oh who's the guy that solves the lambs what's that British actor's name
Anthony Hopkins he got caught it was totally fake so yeah they've already that's the thing
you're in the club you get taken care of what else did they say about this what else did they say
about this um That was it.
It went on for hours.
It was a huge amount of people, including children, and they were offered it and declined because it seemed like a wise thing to decline.
And that was it, that it happened in November at a huge event, a private event of 2019.
And that person kept it on the down low, told a bunch of us.
We all kept it on the down low because It was dangerous not to, and my heart's racing telling you this now, so I'm actually, I just want to hang up.
I'm nervous about it.
Well, you say, Cindy, you don't believe in God.
You've never been touched by God, Cindy?
Not like in that you might traditionally say, but I just knew I was supposed to, you know, today was the day I got through to tell you this story.
And I'm going to go because it's... No, don't go, Cindy.
Let me ask you a question.
Have you ever been outdoors at night by yourself and the stars are out and just looked up there and felt that feeling of timelessness?
You ever felt that?
Yeah, of course.
Well, Cindy, God's real, but God is about free will, not some fake church.
I don't blame you for rejecting the church.
It's there to make you reject it.
And so I understand rejecting the establishment.
That's the system.
That's the priesthood.
But God's real.
If you will just pray privately or with me right now for God to touch you and ask God to come into your life and show you things, In my experience, God will show you things to show you how God's real.
You might get a visit by an actual angel, or you might, you know, be told, walk outside, there's about to be a car wreck.
You walk out, there's a huge car wreck.
That's the kind of stuff God does.
Would you like to know if that's real?
I respect that, but...
But there's a block.
Hold on, hold on, Cindy.
There's a block there, though.
I'm saying, what do you have to lose?
See, God will not do this if you don't ask for it.
You have to say, I have free will, governance over my soul.
I'm asking God to show God to me.
You don't want to see if that's real.
That's a hard, that's a big, for somebody that was scared enough to tell this story.
You know there's evil out there.
I'm asking you, what do you have to lose if it's all a made-up thing?
Why would you not want to say, God if you're real, show me?
Alright, I'll think about it.
But see, deep down, you know what's on the other side.
This is very real, Cindy.
This is the real universe.
You have to say, if you want to go beyond the stars, beyond everything you see that's already so fantastical, this is just nothing compared to it, you have to say, show me, I want you to show me, because God isn't like the devil that attacks you without permission.
God wants you to open the door and just say, I ask God every day to come into me and control me and lead God and direct me because I'm an imperfect vessel and I've got to get, you know, prepared for that so I can take it on.
I'm telling you, don't, I'm not asking you to even ask God into your heart, but would you ask God to show, to show you the miraculous?
Because God won't do it.
I'm open to anything.
I just hope that you're open to those of us that aren't.
That we know, we understand truth when we hear it, but we may not feel the same way faith-wise as a lot of your followers.
But I'm not asking you about me or my followers.
If there's powers greater than us in the universe, and God is the omnipresent creator, which I am postulating, why would you be scared to say, God, if you're real, show yourself to me?
I don't know if I'm scared.
I think it's just something I gotta do in private and think about.
I think you should.
But... This is a big journey.
This is a big step.
And I want you to experience it.
And I know that if you simply say, God the Creator, the God of life, show me.
God will show you.
You will see it.
And then you'll have to make a choice.
On whether you want to reject the Holy Spirit?
I know there's a bigger power.
I know that.
That's all I'm sure of.
But I don't know what it is.
But that higher power... Well, no one can... We're fine now.
We can only see God's backside, basically, like Moses.
But what I'm telling you is, you need to then, in my opinion, say, God, show me.
Because God will not push you around.
So it's about your free will.
God made you because you have free will, Cindy.
That's why God won't mess with your free will.
Do you understand that?
I do.
So God will not directly intervene in your life unless you ask God to.
I appreciate your call.
That's a decision for you to make.
I would suggest you launch yourself into a wider world right now, Cindy.
Thank you.
Joshua in New Mexico.
Thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Can you hear me alright?
I can, thank you.
Alright, yeah, real quick, I just want to do a quick plug for your products.
I started getting your products over a year ago, and the first ones that I got was X2, Super Mel Vitality, and Living Defense.
And I noticed right away after taking those, I just, I felt much more stamina.
I wouldn't say that I had more energy, I could just feel that I had much more stamina.
And so since then, I've just, you know, been a full-on believer.
Order as many things as I can.
I've tried all your products.
My personal favorite is, of course, anything with iodine.
X2 right now I got.
Well, I ordered some more.
I got X3.
I think X2 is better in my opinion, but they're both good.
I take them both.
I love 1776 testosterone.
Brain Force is awesome.
Also, I want to let a lot of people know out there, too.
that it's not just about how I feel, there's also real results that I've seen from your
products. I started giving my dad your products and like I said it started the same with him
as just iodine and living defense and then because you know he's had some heart issues
in the past I started giving him the ultimate krill oil and after taking that roughly on
and off for you know about a year's time or something whenever he went to the doctor
and took his checkups and they did blood tests and everything like that everything was improved
across the board essentially and so he didn't make any big you know lifetime changes he
didn't or lifestyle changes he didn't exercise more you know he did the same stuff the only
thing that changed were those products.
Definitely, definitely move the needle.
By the way, it's not denied that pure fish oil or pure krill oil is incredible for your brain, heart, cardiovascular.
The problem is the cheaper brands do almost nothing because they're homogenized.
They boil it because they boil down much of the fish or much of the krill.
It's got to be cold-pressed.
It's the medical-grade stuff we sell.
You go to any major doctor's office or any longevity office, they're selling the same stuff we sell.
The problem is it gives you terrible burps.
So I would take it with a meal.
It's not as effective with that, but I just can't take it alone.
But it gives you amazing energy, everything, and it's just, it's the essence of your body.
I mean, and I'll say krill is even better than the fish.
We have the best fish, the best krill, and it's amazing.
I'd order krill if you had it again, but I just settled for the ultimate fish oil.
But here's the funny thing, Alex, is that my dad never said that he had fish burps or he never saw Santa Claus when he went to sleep at night, but he's still got all these benefits.
No, I mean, let me tell you, if you want to have incredible dreams, take three or four fish oils or a couple krill oils before you go to bed.
It's definitely psychotropic.
I mean, it's not listed as that, but it does incredible things.
And I thought we had krill oil back in stock, I guess.
Both are sold out.
It's all insane.
But don't even get ours, folks.
Just get one.
Like, if people can't get X2, go out and get a Himalayan salt or a sea salt that's purple or pink.
That's got some of the real iodine in it.
So thank you so much for the call, Joshua.
Thank you so much for the plug.
What was the news?
Oh, they hung up on me.
I messed up.
Joshua, call back.
I apologize.
We can get back in.
I meant, like, what was your next point?
Hey Alex, great to talk to you.
God bless.
on you. My fault. Call back Joshua to make your news point there. Yeah, it all works
folks but they medically in the medical journals, like even the FDA doesn't come after you saying
fish oil and krill oil are good for your heart and cardiovascular, it's a fact. Okay, let's
go ahead and talk to Nathan in Hawaii. Nathan, thank you so much for holding brother, go
Hey, Alex, great to talk to you. God bless.
Quick plug.
Well, all your products that I've tried, they work.
They're all legit.
But wanted to plug HGH Max Boost.
Been sleeping far better, waking up more rested.
Lean muscle mass has just greatly improved.
And a kind of added plus that I wasn't expecting is the little man has gotten far meatier.
A lot more weight, a lot more girth.
So, very pleased with that.
For folks that don't know, this is the formula that the Olympic athletes are legally allowed to take.
In fact, quite frankly, I'm just going to be honest, 2.0 is a little weaker than the last one.
Part of it's stronger, part of it's weaker, because it was just too strong.
But yeah, this is a very powerful formula.
Yeah, well unfortunately I didn't get to try the other formula, but this one is worth it.
Well, if you think the new one's great, the other one was too powerful.
But, I mean, we beefed up some stuff less than some of the others, but yeah.
So, yeah, I just wanted to plug that.
I'm thoroughly happy with all your products, though, but that HGH Max Boost 2.0 has just been great for me.
Just wanted to speak to the Infowar family real quick.
I just wanted to remind everybody that it says in God's Word that God turns all things for good for those who love Him.
And so if you truly love and trust God with all your heart, no matter how dark and nasty this world gets, God is going to turn all things for good.
Absolutely, absolutely.
So I just wanted to remind everybody that.
No, I agree, but you've got to know, though, me or I may get tortured to death, but then
it saves 100,000 children.
So you have to realize it's long game.
God may sacrifice us for the greater good.
We've got to be ready for that.
Absolutely, absolutely.
So you might have to go through some trials and tribulation, but in the end, all things
will be good for you.
Yeah, read that passage.
I forget where that is in the Bible.
It's such a beautiful passage.
Say that again.
I don't have it on hand.
No, guys, pull it up.
God will turn all things towards good.
The Bible verse.
But say the verse again.
If we love God, if we trust God, He will turn all things towards good.
What's the exact quote?
He said He will turn all things for good for those who love God.
And that's true.
It's in the word.
It's true.
Well, I never even, I knew that, but I never really lived it.
I wasn't worried about it.
I was going to do what I was going to do.
But I've always noticed the worse the attack, the more painful.
I'm always like, wait, around the corner, something even 10 times better is going to happen.
So I've learned to almost enjoy it.
Does that make sense?
And that's because we're not building up treasure for ourselves here on earth.
We're building up treasure for the afterlife.
And so your treasures are in another place.
And they don't rot and rust away.
They're treasures for eternity.
And the treasure is closeness to God and wisdom to help others.
That's when you finally get the treasure.
It's not a car or a box of diamonds or gold.
It's literally consciousness.
And one more point I wanted to make, Alex, as we head into here to Christmas time.
I believe it's Micah 5.5 where it says, and he will be their peace.
And it's Micah prophesying about the coming of Christ, and that Jesus Christ is peace.
He is peace.
And so if you want true peace in your life, you need Jesus Christ in your life.
Well, that's what I was telling the lady earlier, is that the real God does not force himself on you.
She's got to ask God to come in.
That's true, because he's knocking at the door, and it's up to you to open the door and let him into your life.
And then he will move in your life like you would not believe.
And I love, though, she could feel it, but there was an evil thing blocking it right there.
She's like, I want to, I want to.
All she's got to do is say it.
She's just got to submit.
She's just got to make herself vulnerable and open that door and let God in.
And it's a big deal, because you will feel shamed, folks, if you've not had God in your life before and you open the door.
You're going to see who you really are.
And it's big.
But I mean, it's great, though.
It really is.
So hopefully that lady takes your advice.
Thank you, Nathan.
Beautiful call.
All right.
Let's jam in Calvin in California.
Go ahead, Calvin.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
This is Calvin.
Hey, listening to you this morning, you were talking about pure joy, which I understand the feeling over the last several years, what we've gone through, because I used to be the happy-go-lucky guy, too.
And I was just reading the Bible yesterday about that very thing, and it brought it to mind when you said it, so can I read it?
It's a quick scripture.
Go ahead.
Jesus said, when you obey me and you remain in my love, just as I obey My Father, and remain in His love, I have told you this, so that you will be filled with My joy.
Yes, your joy will overflow.
So anyway, it just brought me to mind that you... That's right, Christ is the circuit breaker that brings it into earth.
And if you're following Him, He will bring that joy back to you, and you'll be filled with His joy.
It'll overflow you.
It'll control your life.
You'll be one, like you said, with that God, the Father of the Universe, Jesus.
He'll bring that joy to you, and He's brought it back to me.
He's filled my life.
Not just there, but everyday things, and things I see, and His presence is always with me.
And it's even stronger now, I think because of all the tyranny we've come under.
So with great strife comes great power.
That's right, the beginning of knowledge is sorrow.
I don't want to cut you off, but I gotta go because I gotta get to Jack and Louis, and then I'm gonna have some fun.
People want jokes and have some fun.
We got Fartgate coming up, so stay with us.
The whole universe was built for us as a test beyond the infinite into eternity.
An infinity of eternity.
Jack in Chicago, then Louis in Massachusetts.
You're on the air, Jack.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Love you.
Real quick, while we're on the subject of testimonials, I personally, my mother died when I was six.
I took offense to God.
I thought that God took my mother away from me.
And so I grew up kind of a bad kid.
And I got sent to Maryville Academy up in Eagle River, Wisconsin.
And during that time, I was trying to, like, sort of get, like, bonus points, brownie points from whoever I could just to get out of whatever situation I was in.
And in that process, I joined a born-again Christian church thinking that this is a bunch of ridiculousness and I'm going to, you know, push this to my advantage to get out quicker.
So, what I did is I joined the Born Again Christian Church, and I said, I will give my life to Christ.
And I was sitting in a circle of a bunch of people from Eagle River, Wisconsin, and what happened was not what I expected.
I expected fallacy.
I expected nothing.
I expected nothing from this.
And all of a sudden, God punched me in the face.
As hard as he could, and he said, you know what?
I'm God.
You're not.
And guess what?
You just gave your life to me.
And I was like, born again.
I don't know what happened, Alex.
But you know what?
That is the message.
Well, you know, you opened the circuit.
You opened up to it.
Right, because I had no choice.
I thought, how was I going to get out of this?
How am I going to get out of my hatred for somebody who took my mother at age of six?
And there was so much anger and resentment.
And then all of a sudden, it was like a washing over feeling.
I've never experienced anything like this in my life.
Well, that's the comforting of the Holy Spirit.
It is, and I'm telling you, the point of my call was to tell you that you are the groundbreaker for the mainstream media.
You are going to be the mainstream media, not the mainstream media.
We are turning the tides, and I love you, and I cannot believe what is transpiring right now, and we are going to win.
No, I love you, too.
You called it about the Tucker interview.
What do you think of that?
Pretty powerful.
Well, I think, quite frankly, Quickly, I think that Tucker woke up himself, and I think that, you know, whatever definition of mainstream media is completely dissolved.
It's all lies.
Well, that's it.
I mean, I know all about his past.
I read his book.
He was a really sweet, smart guy that thought everybody was nice and was naive.
But once he woke up, now they got a big problem on their hands.
And he's really the archetype of what's about to happen.
I agree, and you know what?
And that's why we're going to turn this around, and that's why we're going to win.
Well, God bless you, brother.
Any closing comments, Jack?
No, I don't, but you know what?
It's game over for the leftists and the New World Order.
We're not going to sit here and allow them to win.
We are going to win this fight.
With black, white, purple, green, it doesn't matter.
We are going to join together and we are going to beat these people.
I agree, though, but you're in a point of awakening, so you see the victory now.
It is coming, but it's going to be long and hard.
I appreciate your call.
I want people to know that, though.
The beginning of the victory has happened.
All right, I don't want to take time from Jay Dyer, but I've got to take one more call and hit this final piece of news.
So we'll skip both network breaks.
That's eight minutes.
He will get all his time back.
And so Jay Dyer does an amazing job.
Great author.
Goes right off their own documents.
What an incredible point in the universe.
What a time to be alive.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
[Sounds of a gun being loaded]
[Sounds of a gun being loaded]
Bill Gates, I'm throwing a little chicken egg.
You know how he walks?
Like a demonic elf.
Hey, Bill Gates!
And Angelina Jolie going, ah, children!
I am Arnold Schwarzenegger!
I'm Piers Morgan.
Ever seen a Choweenie?
My name's Glenn Beck.
That's Hillary.
Hold on, I'm Gary Johnson.
Hi, this is Barack Obama with Admin Teleprompter.
I was raised by the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Endowment.
Welcome to McDonald's, may I help you?
I'm ready to sign this.
Chris Hayes with glasses like he's a little smart guy.
Rachel Maddow!
Hey, hey, hey!
Thank you, Satan, for all her love.
Signed, Cheryl Sandberg.
Job of the Hut.
I'm the Amazing Randy!
I am Optimus Prime.
I am William F. Buckley Edison.
Visit InfoWarsStore.com today and be the reason we're still on the air.
Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, best-selling author, expert on the New World Order, takes over here in a few minutes.
I wanted to finish up with a call, hit one more piece of news, and then Jay Dyer is in command.
Lewis in Massachusetts, you're on the air.
Last caller, you're a telegunner.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
I'm doing alright.
I'm definitely in the middle of it.
Well, I always wanted to talk to you.
I mean, and I'm talking to you right now, sir.
You are?
Alright, so my thing here was, um, I did had a dream, right?
And I know you were talking about your dreams.
Um, my dream was very weird.
Um, it happened where I saw things falling from the sky and it looked like first birds, you know, like fiery birds, but I know that's not possible.
So it could have been, um, you know, firing rockets, um, um, war missiles or an asteroid, um, you know, breaking to pieces or whatever it is, but, The thing is, um, I was the third caller, um, other than you talking to Cindy, and I do have a cousin named Cindy, so when you do the three points, that is a, um, a pyramid.
It matches like a pyramid.
And the thing is that I had an accident where, um, a glass went through my, um, wrist, and when it healed, it has the shape of a pyramid.
What do you think about that?
Yeah, I cut my finger off.
One time, in an accident, when they sawed it back on, I made a pyramid.
Overhead shot, right there.
But listen... Yeah, but I did let it heal.
They didn't sew or anything, and it just imprinted like a pyramid.
Yeah, like a pyramid, you know.
A pyramid?
Yeah, a pyramid.
I could email you a photo, and you'll see what I mean.
I hear you, brother.
What do you want to get into real quick?
You know, birds are an archetypal symbol of harbingers.
So, fiery birds, you know, can mean a lot of things to the subconscious brain.
Sounds like a brain-derived dream.
Of course, there are dreams from outside the brain as well.
There's interdimensional projection dreams, a lot of different types of them.
The brain is quite the instrument.
But the thing about this dream is that people were dying.
So I'm dead.
And it hit everybody.
And the only one that it didn't hit was me.
So I saw a person coming from a cloud and he actually took my hand and then that's when I died.
Powerful dream, brother.
I appreciate your call.
A lot of wild calls today.
Thank you so much for the call.
Alright, the crew has told me, and I actually agree, we should have more fun.
So, three days ago this video came out, and I'm like, I'm not even going to play it, it's not serious, we got World War III, Biden said we're going to invade Russia, total insanity, the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff saying, you know, give us unlimited money or the U.S.
kids will die within a month.
I mean, this is crazy.
So I'm like, I'm not gonna cover John Kerry at COP28, letting off a giant fart.
And mainstream media admits it was the live feed.
Everybody kind of looks at him.
So he's like, greenhouse gases are deadly, they're evil.
This is a guy that wants to ban cow farts.
They're in Canada and other places hooking up giant bags with their butts, torturing them,
saying everything we put up.
Well, then John Kerry, I think, I'm being serious here.
If he wants all the cows to have these torture devices, he should stop flying on private jets, which he hasn't done.
He owns one.
And he should have a giant fart bag put on him.
And that's not the joke part of this.
I thought we put together a short compilation of Fartgate with Al Gore saying we are an open sir, and then Kerry, Biden, Swallow's Well, and Biden and others.
And then that's all real.
The first of it is he's real.
Then we put together a little joke reel of stuff that's augmented before the media runs with it and says we're putting out fake videos.
All these guys need giant fart bags, which was a joke, but they're saying you're bad too, folks.
Not just the cows that pass gas that make the atmosphere, methane's good for the atmosphere.
They're actually saying you're all bad.
Bill Gates has cut down trees now to save the Earth, so here's the compilation.
We're using the sky as an open sewer.
Those things that are killing people on a daily basis.
And the reality is that... A black man invented the light bulb, not a white guy named Edison.
The evidence is uncontradicted that the president used taxpayer dollars to ask the Ukrainians to help him cheat an election.
You don't have to cut those teachers and firefighters, police officers, and cut critical health care programs.
Or stop work on roads and bridges, so... That all really happened.
Now here's the joke part of the reel.
The scientists are saying this moment is alarming.
It's without precedent.
It is terrifying, some have said.
And others will say we are in uncharted territory.
So you want to have some fun?
Play the famous... They did this.
Tens of thousands of, like, 7X underwear more than 10 years ago that Obama ordered because they had so many millions coming across, they needed tens of thousands of pairs of underwear for that many fat people.
Here's that clip.
2,000 pairs, 6X, for the illegal aliens from south of Mexico that bus up on a train every day.
To understand, folks, you could wear this, I could wear this as a onesie, okay?
I could wear this as a leotard.
I mean, I mean... Oh my God.
Oh my God, we're being invaded by South American walruses.
The government is shimmying in 42,000 people.
That's bigger than Jabba the Hutt.
This country is so screwed up, man.
I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh, but it's reaching a proportion.
If you're a radio listener, you can't see him.
Oh my God, look at this.
I don't think I've ever laughed this hard on air.
Oh my god, it's so ridiculous.
42,000 pairs, 6x, of the illegal aliens from south of Mexico.
Actually I said 7x or 6x.
All right, so there's the fun bit.
They put the cows on screen.
They fed them with huge torture devices up their rear ends, and then they do this saying that they're bad.
That was not a joke.
Well, John Kerry, I demand John Kerry.
He looked good, actually, with that big pink bag on his back.
They would be embarrassed up there.
Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, author, researcher, great American, takes over.
Jay Dyer, thank you so much.
Wasn't there an AOC clip?
Thank you.
I don't know if it was real or not, but AOC was doing some SBD when she was letting it rip.
I don't know.
We're just having some fun.
Luke Rudowsky shared that clip, so I don't know if it was real or not, but I can believe it.
It seems like the Democrats got some irritable bowel problems, but I don't want to talk about it.
Shouldn't they put the cow bags on them?
Sorry, Jay, I had to have some fun in this crazy world.
Start over.
I'm going to be watching.
Start the show.
Go ahead.
So, uh, we just had the passing of Henry Kissinger, uh, again, passing.
I keep now farts are in my head.
That's all I can think about passing the death of Henry Kissinger this last week.
And he's one of the key global architects.
I know that this is, uh, was on your radar.
I listened to that show when you covered it this week, Alex, I thought it was really good.
I want to go into the history of Henry Kissinger because a lot of the public information was all these glowing obituaries and they didn't really go into his black ops stuff.
Henry Kissinger did a ton of.
Really hardcore black ops operations and there's a lot of books on this.
I've read some of those texts and so I'd like to talk about a few of those to give us an idea of how really at the government policy level.
It was really Henry Kissinger who was the architect of putting the United States government on an official Eugenics, depopulation, austerity policies.
So, you know, we've heard of State Department memorandum 200, which Alex talks about from 1974.
The next year, they gave to Carter this global 2000 report.
The Global 2000 Report was basically this unreadable, gigantic, four or five hundred page text about breaking down all the metrics of the different areas of Latin South America, the Global South basically, and it was arguing that we have to cut population in all possible ways, particularly through diet, particularly through making sure that other countries don't industrialize.
In order to control them, because if we don't, then there's not enough resources to go around.
So back to that whole Malthusian narrative.
But it was actually Kissinger who was key in getting this policy through.
And how was he able to do this?
Why was he such an important figure?
Well, I think if we go back to his background, in the 1930s, Kissinger fled Nazi persecution and actually joined the U.S.
But when he was in the U.S.
Army, he did intelligence work.
And this is a common pattern that we're going to see with a lot of the global elites, especially David Rockefeller as well.
David mentions in his memoirs, there's a whole chapter in Rockefeller's memoirs about how he's a proud internationalist, how he's going to create these entities like the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, that will go on to really steer the world, these steering committees.
And it was really the Rockefellers, especially Nelson, that took Kissinger under their wing to really mentor him to be the chess player agent, the grand architect of the Rockefeller plans for policy in the U.S.
So Rockefellers, of course, are the wealthiest family in the U.S.
as far as we know.
One of the key elements for aligning with the Rothschild power structure in the UK to join in the Anglo-American establishment's designs to create what we know of as the New World Order.
And Kissinger, his passing I think is one of the old guard.
It was really Kissinger who was the mentor to and the recruiter of Brzezinski.
It was David and Henry that recruited Zbig out of McGill University in the 1970s after Brzezinski had written The Between Two Ages text.
And so they said, this guy, he needs his own steering committee, put him in charge of something.
And they created the Trilateral Commission in the 1970s.
But how was Kissinger able to do this?
Why was he such a big deal?
Well, not only did he work in intelligence in the Army, he also did some counterintelligence work.
And when he Left the military, he went to teach at Harvard and actually tried to be in the FBI.
So we know from that that Kissinger had a really intense interest in counterintelligence, counterespionage work.
He didn't end up getting hired by the FBI, but he did end up basically leveling up far beyond that, running things way bigger than just being an FBI operative.
And so as he is recruited into these higher level operations, he really becomes the The front man, I guess you could say, for David Rockefeller, for Nelson Rockefeller.
And this is actually how we get the 1970s China policy.
If you heard Alex's interview with Roger Stone this last week, There was a lot of interesting insight into Roger Stone's take on how it was actually Kissinger and Alexander Haig that were the brains behind ruining the Nixon administration.
But when Nixon went to China, that was actually already organized and prepared via Henry Kissinger and David Rockefeller.
They'd already gone over this whole chapter in Rockefeller's memoirs on how he wanted to set up Chase Bank in communist China and that he loves communism and socialism because that allows for there to only be one central bank.
You know, Chase Bank in any country that's communist or absolutely socialist and centralized in that way.
So these are high-level key operatives that were involved in not just things like maneuvering and organizing big trade deals like OPEC.
It was actually Kissinger, according to Eflin Ingdahl, that was behind the OPEC oil embargo and the 70s oil crisis that was all masterminded by Kissinger and Bilderberg.
Well, again, a lot of people don't know the deep black ops background to Henry Kissinger.
And the reason I'm bringing that up is that there's this public sort of normie perspective that people have.
Oh, he was a great engineer of getting us into detente and solving the Cold War.
And he helped open up China and all this normie nonsense that has nothing to do with what was really going on.
Because Kissinger was actually a mega high level black ops operator.
He was running, according to Paul Williams and the Daniel Ganser PhD thesis on Gladio, it was really Kissinger
that was running Gladio, right? And so you might think, well, but we had to do that
to fight the Soviets and the communists.
But I'm going to let you in on a little secret that Kissinger, who a lot of times the global
elites as they get towards the end of their life, they start to reveal things. And I know that they
played, Alex played the clip this week of Kissinger saying that we didn't know that opening up the
borders would cause all of these problems.
What do you mean you didn't know it?
Of course you knew it.
You're the master architect of studying population control and population management for the last hundred years.
I mean, of course you knew what was going to happen by having completely open borders in Europe and in Germany, right?
So, but why he says that, I don't know, maybe he was getting a little, you know, flippant in his words and he accidentally let that out.
But he also accidentally let out at the end of his, I don't know if he accidentally let it out, but at the end of his last book, World Order, which that's a helpful title here that helps you know what he's talking about.
I mean, again, we live in an era where there's still people who don't think there's such a thing as the New World Order or world government, even though Henry Kissinger actually writes books on how to run the world and world order.
The very end of the book, very telling last chapter, he says that Past empires would run through a sort of unilateral policy, right, like ancient Chinese empire.
They would want to have everybody submitting to the Chinese empire or whatever other empire.
He says that the difference in today's world, at least I guess out of the Cold War is what he's speaking of here particularly, says that we've learned that the best way to manage and control the world is to have Uh, a dual balanced opposition.
So dialectical opposition is like the last page of the book.
And he says that's a much better way to manage and contain and control the world because this allows for there to be a dialectic that people are always sort of focused on.
And so balance of powers is actually a dialectical Hegelian and you could argue in Marxist philosophy.
I mean, Hegelianism precedes Marx.
Hegel was the key influence on Marx.
Marx was a young Hegelian when he was a student.
And so you can see that today's power elite, and especially David Rockefeller himself, being very interested in and very influenced by both Austrian economics, studying under von Hayek and being interested in and studying under Harold Lasky, the Fabian socialist.
We can see that combination of both in a key figure like David Rockefeller and in a key figure like Henry Kissinger.
So this is why a lot of people can't figure out, oh, is Kissinger a conservative or was he liberal?
It's because he's neither of those.
He's a realpolitik, pragmatic power player.
And so even when he was an undergrad, Kissinger wrote his undergraduate thesis on Toynbee, the British baby and socialist operative, Immanuel Kant, the Enlightenment philosopher who wrote a whole essay on how to have global government.
And he's actually, Kant's actually the key influence on Hegel.
And he wrote on Oswald Spengler, the Prussian theorist of how Civilizations have life cycles.
So even as an undergraduate, you know, Kissinger was very familiar with both philosophy and geopolitics and the relationship between the two.
And so he took a lot of that into how he would strategize for the power elite.
And it's really important to talk about him because I think that aside from Brzezinski, there's no other Brain in this power structure more important than Henry Kissinger right between Kissinger and Brzezinski.
I mean, they're pretty much up there at the top running things for the wealthy families.
So that's pretty much how it works.
And so to think that we don't live under a deep state deep state, which is utterly preposterous when these deep state people actually write freaking books about the deep state for everybody to read.
It's just absurd.
But rewinding and getting back to some of this Some of the scandals that Kissinger's known for, and partly why he's, I mean, you know, everybody's probably familiar with him being considered a war criminal.
I think he's, you know, he couldn't go to certain countries supposedly because they call him a war criminal or something like that.
But he's considered a war criminal for, by some people, for the bombing of Cambodia, as well as involvement in the 1973 Chilean coup.
And again, a lot of people, a lot of neoconservatives thought, well, but see, he's opposing the Soviets.
But if you look at what he actually says about detente and about balance of powers, never about opposing the Soviets.
It was about having a balance of powers.
A balance doesn't mean you beat the enemy.
It means that you balance them, you help them out, you aid them.
And that's why he's a key figure for understanding dialectics.
And understanding that the world order was always about having a counterbalance of China and or Russia or Eurasia against the West.
And so that's why Kissinger had all those comments about how China would be the future of the new world order.
China is really the future.
Well, that's because his masters, his his handlers were the ones that had decided a long time ago to build up China.
I mean, if you go to Arkansas, which that's where Walmart's home offices are, I mean, that's the Rockefeller State.
I mean, you go to Arkansas, it's the Rockefeller State, literally.
That's like their home state.
Rockefeller stuff everywhere.
I think Nelson, I think, was the governor of Arkansas at one point.
I mean, you also find Bill and Hillary Clinton stuff everywhere, because Bill Clinton comes from Arkansas.
So who was picking presidents back in that time?
Oh, Henry Kissinger and Bilderberg were picking the president, right?
I mean, Kissinger is one of the mainstays of Bilderberg for decades at all the Bilderberg meetings.
And of course, it was Bilderberg that chose Jimmy Carter, and it was Bilderberg that chose Bill Clinton.
Who picks the president?
The elections?
No, no, no.
The power elite.
And they tend to prefer the Democrats especially.
Now that doesn't mean you can't have neoconservative, you know, so-called fake conservatives.
I mean, Reagan, for example, attempted to talk about trilateral commission, the CFR, and all that.
And we saw what happened with Reagan.
I think a lot of people think that Bush Sr., who formerly was running the CIA for a year, he had a hand in putting Ronald Reagan in line when Ronald Reagan stepped out of Out of bounds, and then we didn't really see Reagan going against the real power elite after that.
So when you start talking about those real power elite, you get Reagan, right?
And I think Alex is right to talk about the dangers for Trump.
If he crosses certain lines, there's a lot of dangers that the power elite might roll out another kind of dangerous situation, right?
That's what they do.
And it's people like Kissinger, in my view, from my research, that organized and made a lot of those shot calls, right?
I mean, I've been interviewing Sammy the Bull Gravano for the last few months on his podcast, The Famous Gangster.
He was the shot caller, right?
He's the one that, when John Gotti told him who to take out, you know, Sammy the Bull would organize the hit and figure out how to take him out.
So, this is all real-world stuff, and when we go back, even before, The publicly known stuff, most people think, oh, well, Kissinger's, you know, involved in Cambodia or something like that.
Well, that's all true.
But before that, he was, he was actually, according to Paul Williams, running Gladio.
And there's actually a whole section in the Ganser book of how Kissinger was doing it.
He was the one calling the shots.
It was Kissinger that had made the connection with the highest P2 Mason in Italy, Licio Ghelli.
Who was the basically running the Italian government through all of this sexual compromise and blackmail and other operations in the Italian government in the 1940s and 50s.
And so Kissinger basically coddled and invited Licio Galli to the U.S.
They wined him and dined him.
And through this means, Kissinger was pretty much able to run Italy and, by extension, the rest of Europe because the U.S.
has always really called the shots when it comes to the EU.
In fact, the EU was the creation of Bilderberg and the OSS and the CIA.
I mean, there were similar plans drawn up by Tiny Mustache Man, by Hitler, but it was actually the OSS and the CIA that put into place the European project that would become what we know of as the EU.
And Kissinger, again, key player in the background of a lot of these operations, but particularly these black ops, sabotage, assassination, false flag operations of Gladio.
to save Europe from a supposed Soviet invasion.
Don't go anywhere, this is the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jason Alicis,
and we're talking about one of the key game players, one of the key chess masters of global geopolitics,
like Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, who just passed away.
And it's really important to understand his life and his operations, because it's a window into
how the deep state of the New World Order actually works with one of their key, well-known public figures,
who was himself an operative, a brain for the Bloods, the Blue Bloods and the power elite,
the banking elite, et cetera.
Especially the Rockefeller family, that's who really recruited and coaxed Henry into this high-level operation where he would be in charge of implementing so many of the plans of the power elite.
In fact, I just finished lecturing through, as you guys know, Dr. John Coleman's book, Committee of 300, and Coleman actually begins the book, as I think about it, way ahead of the other researchers like Ganser or Paul Williams on Gladio.
Dr. John Coleman actually said back then, the very first chapter, that it was Kissinger that was running Gladio, utilizing the networks of the P-Lodges to do all of the, you know, the false flags, the assassinations, the scare tactics, the strategy of tension.
That was a big part of the neocon Cold War operations against the Soviets.
Remember, it wasn't a Western free market capitalism versus Soviet war.
That was the, that's the fake version of it.
The real war was Fabian socialism versus sovietism and it was actually the Fabian socialist of the West which is the alliance of Marxism and monopoly capital that ended up Winning that Cold War and then in turn in the last several decades helping to prop up Deindustrialize the West and to create this balance of powers of China and again Kissinger was it was forever talking about how important China would be and
It was Kissinger and David Rockefeller that went to China and really opened it up to the West to set up this policy.
And again, you heard last week Roger Stone and Alex talking about how that was really something that they forced Nixon into.
And then they double-crossed Nixon, Kissinger and Haig, by doing the entire Watergate stuff.
John Coleman also had said that Kissinger and others were really the players behind Watergate back in the 1990s.
But Coleman was very ahead of his time in talking about Kissinger really running with people from the Club of Rome, the Committee of 300, that's the highest 300 power players in the world, basically modeled on the old British Imperial or the British East India Company's top 300 advisors, right?
So the British East India Company used to have this Committee of 300 that ran it when it was the most powerful corporation in the world.
It dominated anything.
It is way bigger than even Apple for its time.
And I did a whole talk on that.
You can go watch the whole history of the Illuminati drug trade lecture that I did here on the fourth hour a few weeks ago, or maybe a couple months ago.
So we're talking about Kissinger's black ops operations, and it was really Kissinger that was the mastermind with others in the CIA, like Ted Theodore Shackley, James Jesus Angleton, in terms of how to strategize utilizing the Roman Catholic Church and the Vatican Bank.
And so when you get deep into Gladio and the whole scandal of the Vatican Bank in the 1960s and 70s, this was actually, again, Kissinger in the background, going to the Vatican and setting up with people like William Colby these deals where the Vatican Bank, because it's the most secretive bank in the world, it would be a funnel for funding CIA black ops.
And so the Vatican Bank played a key role in arms trafficking, drugs trafficking throughout that Gladio period to fund Gladio.
And again, I'm not saying everything's Gladio.
It's just one of these key elements into how the New World Order runs things, how the Club of Rome, Committee of the 300, Kissinger Associates, how these people call these shots.
And so let's say, you know, David Rockefeller wants to do this.
He says, Henry, I'm going to put you in charge of doing blah, blah, blah.
Oh, yes.
Yes, master.
I will do what you command.
This is what Henry Kissinger would do.
He would put it into play.
And again, there's probably no other figure other than Brzezinski that's so important in this regard.
And again, it includes all of these black operations.
I mean, Gladio has its own amazing rabbit trail to go down to see all these connections and how deep it goes with the Vatican.
He said, well, why is this a big deal?
Don't we have to beat the Soviets?
We're not just beating Soviets for free markets.
You're beating Soviets to create the new dialectical synthesis out of that.
Which is where we are nowadays, again with Russia, right, China.
I'm not saying that China particularly isn't dangerous to the West, but the West, the power elites in the West built up China on purpose to create, as Kissinger says, this balance of powers.
Why would we want balance of powers?
Well, he argues that it's more pragmatic for running and controlling the world, but it's also for a long-term plan of where they want to take things.
And that's where I want to go next because In the 1970s, when Kissinger writes State Department memorandum, he didn't just come up with that.
He's again working for the Rockefeller Malthusian Dysgenics Operatives.
He's implementing their plans into government policy.
And that happens particularly under Carter, and then more gets pushed in subsequent administrations, right?
And so they sent to Carter this report, this Global 2000, and it wasn't written in 2000, obviously it was 1975.
The Global 2000 report was one of these Club of Rome created documents where Kissinger with Marie Strong and all these characters saying that if we don't put into place radical depopulation and deindustrialization agendas, we will not have enough food and resources in the West.
The third world will like, you know, Explode in population and then we won't have any food.
Because Thomas Malthus had flies in a jar and there wasn't enough food.
This is literally like the origins of all this, right?
But that's the basis for where we are now with the meeting that just happened with COP28.
So COP28 is the essence of this whole deindustrialization, shut down production, destroy the West agenda.
To create the balance of powers, right?
So, China would never have been some great power in the world had not the West shipped all of its production elsewhere, by design, helped to build up these foreign powers.
That's the nature of this game, and that's what most people don't understand that level of this game.
Building up and containing your dialectical opposition.
It's a form of controlled opposition, but on a much grander scale.
And so Kissinger was pushing all these agendas that again really helped to set the U.S.
policy to be an official eugenics policy, but it's no longer called that.
It's just the depopulation agenda.
So when Tucker's talking about the death cult, which is absolutely correct, you can't find anybody more archetypal of implementing this death cult, especially in the 1970s, than Kissinger.
It was a key decade for pushing the standard again right after not too long after Roe versus Wade, right?
Again, all pushed and promoted by Rockefeller interests.
And so what was Kissinger saying then?
We've got to control and stop third world production to keep them down.
And the only thing that's changed is that now that third world quote unquote strategy, which like Alex always said, it was always going to be turned domestically.
Now it's all just turned domestically.
Not so much about the third world.
It's how do we stop Western civilization and crush the U.S.
because that's the one sort of roadblock to moving into the full-on New World Order.
And so there's phases to this, right?
So the balance of powers, that's a phase until they're ready for the synthesis of these two oppositions.
The whole system, it all works on that thesis, antithesis, synthesis, everything.
That's the whole thing.
And that's why when you read Brzezinski, he talks about the Manichaean dialectic of the Cold War.
When you read Kissinger, he talks about the dialectic of the controlled opposition of balance of powers.
But there's a synthesis that occurs out of this smashing of the oppositions together.
And that's just basic dialectical philosophy that goes all the way back to Heraclitus in the ancient world.
Plato talks about it all the way up until, I mean, Darwin.
All the way up into Marx.
Marx talks about it.
Marxism is dialectics.
And then the application of that strategy and technology to geopolitics through people like Henry Kissinger.
And so Kissinger pushes all this austerity.
And that becomes a policy after many, many decades of propaganda and movies and pop culture and mainstream media to where we are now, to where It's all domestic.
It's all pushed on us.
It's all the same stuff.
Disney promoting Trans Agenda, that's not out of nowhere.
It's all this same policy.
It's one plan.
And even the big wars are part of that same plan.
So when you hear about GMO meat, That the global elite push.
Get rid of cows.
Gotta kill the cows.
Ireland is talking about killing 100, 200,000 cows because it's destroying the environment.
And if you read the Yahoo article on it, it actually says that we have to kill the cows because the cows are a threat to their own existence.
Welcome to Orwell Land.
It's like total contradiction.
Well, to save the cows, we gotta kill the cows because they are a danger to their own existence.
Because of what Alex was talking about with John Kerry, right?
and his farting it up at the COP28.
Now, it's all one plan.
And you say, well, why does COP 28 matter?
This is the exact same stuff that they did in the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.
You go back and watch that at C-SPAN.
You can watch the hearings or the presentations.
Bush Sr., Marie Strong, they're all sitting there saying the exact same thing that they're saying at COP 28.
That greenhouse gases, all this nonsense, it's all going to kill us.
We're all going to die in the next 15 to 20 years.
And they always say the next 15 to 20 years.
That's why it was Global warming, or excuse me, actually in the 1970s, it was the coming ice age.
There's going to be a new ice age.
And then they changed the PR to the hole in the ozone layer and greenhouse gases.
And then they changed the PR to global warming.
And then they rebranded it to climate change because that, that encompasses everything.
Oh, the temperature went up three degrees.
They all ask climate change as if the climate doesn't change.
So it's really just a giant scam.
And what you really learn is that I think that that's the intelligence angle of this, because a lot of people think like intelligence work is like, ooh, it's spies and it was James Bond saving the country and from queen and country.
Actually, it's a bunch of con men.
It's mastering the con at a higher and higher level.
That's a big part of it.
That and human compromise.
And so when you look at Gladio, for example, and you see that gigantic portions of the Italian government throughout that time period, those decades, they were all sexually compromised.
I wonder if Kissinger was running that?
I mean, nobody's talking about Kissinger basically being in charge of giant, you know, Epstein-style operations.
I haven't heard any of that in the glowing praises and eulogies of Kissinger in the last week.
But what about the Epstein-style operations to control and compromise not just the Italian government, but the Roman Catholic Church in Italy throughout the Gladio period?
I wonder, where have we seen something like that in recent times?
The compromise of the Roman Catholic Church.
Oh, like exactly what happens now.
And this was all, for example, rumored when Benedict XVI stepped down, is that he was sort of cajoled into that because so much clergy compromise, particularly the powerful clerics.
I don't care about some random priest some other place, but... And by the way, Archbishop Viganu is actually saying all the same stuff that you've heard me say.
So it's not just me, it's not just... This is well-known stuff.
But Kissinger is another example, just like Robert Maxwell, the father of Ghislaine Maxwell, big-time international player during the Cold War, playing both sides of the Cold War.
Henry Kissinger, you could argue, was doing similar types of things.
And especially if you look at Gladio and how that whole architecture of Gladio was structured through sexual blackmail and compromise, and utilizing international secretive banks like the Vatican Bank to fund and do black ops.
This is all on record, this all came out.
I was doing some podcasts, people had still never even heard of Gladio, they didn't even know what this stuff is, they'd never heard of the Vatican Bank scandal.
I mean, these are key windows into how this whole architecture of the New World Order works.
And that's why when we look at the life of Kissinger, I mean, there's probably no better.
I mean, we've seen multiple of these guys die in the last few years.
We saw Brzezinski die.
We saw David Rockefeller die a few years ago.
We saw Henry Kissinger die just recently.
Charlie Munger, another one of these guys.
I mean, these are all people on the same Game plan, you see.
That's why they always push the same stuff.
And they're above government, okay?
It's not just, Joe Biden's incompetent.
We're going to get rid of Biden.
Yeah, but what about Henry Kissinger?
Well, I know Henry Kissinger's gone, but what I'm saying is that the next Henry Kissinger, whoever that's going to be, maybe we can hope that at least Henry Kissinger was a competent evil genius.
So maybe we can hope that the next generation is basically just going to be a bunch of retarded people, right?
Then they won't be able to function.
So maybe the next generation, and actually Kissinger talks about in his book that they would be handing this over to the tech elite, right?
Remember Bilderberg about five, six, seven years ago?
They were saying, all right, it's time for these old geriatric goblins, David Rockefeller, Henry Kiss.
We're going to hand this over to the Silicon Valley overlords.
And they were saying, we're basically passing the baton to the tech elite because their time has come.
So maybe they think that a bunch of, you know, insane tech spergs, you know, dosing micro dosing LSD or whatever, can run the New World Order.
I don't know.
Or maybe they think that AI is, you know, sufficient enough that the AI Skynet system will run the New World Order.
We don't have to have somebody as competent as a Kissinger.
But Again, you know, if you're looking for perfect proof for all the stuff that we talked about for so many years, a good example, you need to look no further than somebody like Henry Kissinger.
And again, where do we get the COP28, the Davos?
Where does that stuff come from?
How does this arise?
Who ever thought up the World Economic Forum and Davos?
Well, guess who?
Henry Kissinger, that's who.
It was the CIA and Henry Kissinger and the Harvard Research Project, which produced the World Economic Forum.
Did you know the World Economic Forum is actually a Kissinger-CIA Rockefeller operation?
And not only that, we know that, of course, Klaus used to be at Bilderberg and then Klaus went on to be the main guy, the main Bond villain over at WEF.
But Uh, it was again, these are all steering committees committed, created by the same people, the same power structure.
Most people don't know that that was a CIA operation.
So again, this is a great window into understanding full spectrum dominance, understanding this attitude of our actual shadow government.
And I'm really amazed that John Coleman's, John Carpenter, John Coleman's Committee 300, because It's like, I just read the book, you know, again, I'd read it many years ago.
I read it again and I was blown away at how he's basically 99, 95% right on everything, right?
I mean, he's Alex level predicting the future stuff.
So I think that, you know, he has some detractors, but I think that vindicates the book because basically everything that he said about what we would expect to see by 2010, 2020, 2030, pretty much has rolled out.
And it's not because John Coleman had a crystal ball.
It's because most of this stuff was in their books.
Most of this stuff is written about.
And most of this stuff is done, not at the government level, but at the steering committee, super international committee power structure level.
And that's why people like Alex have been so instrumental in calling attention to that through Booking and Grove.
Again, one of these international confabs.
Uh, all the years covering Bilderberg, uh, you know, calling attention to World Economy Forum in Davos years before it was in the mainstream, right?
People really only paid attention to WEF and Klaus after the COVID nonsense and them really spearheading that scandemic.
But I mean, World Economy Forum in Davos have been here for a long time.
They've been having these meetings for a long time, pushing all the same stuff.
And it's not just about pushing.
Getting rid of cars.
Did you see that in New York, they're going to start charging people to go to work?
Because this will supposedly cut down the emissions and the congestion and blah, blah, blah, all this nonsense.
That's just a scam, obviously, because that doesn't work.
They tried the same thing in the UK, and it's just revenue for the government, for the state, right?
But it's more than that, because if you remember, they were talking about the cities, the New Cities Initiative, where they're going to have Proposed cities that will ban meat, ban cars, and ban dairy.
This is all the same plan.
The same Club of Rome, austerity, deindustrialization, smart city plan.
Kissinger ends his book with saying that whoever controls the tech will control the New World Order of the future because the New World Order of the future is a techocracy.
That's how he that's the last chapter in the book is controlling the tech.
And that's why they have to say we're going to get rid of fossil fuels.
Prince Charles was up there at the COP 28 and said, Do I have much respect for the indigenous worldview?
The indigenous worldview shows all connected together.
The indigenous worldview?
Who doesn't care about the indigenous worldview?
That guy wants to see all the indigenous people, the holy indigenous people that he pretends to worship.
He wants to get rid of them.
He wants them gone.
So he doesn't care about the indigenous people.
The indigenous people worldview means a worldview where we worship nature and you are seen as the virus in Mother Earth.
That's the indigenous worldview that he's actually talking about.
His indigenous druidic nature worship worldview is what he's talking about.
But that's why it's so important to bring all of this in now and to make sure that they destroy, quote, fossil fuels.
I mean, again, oil isn't dinosaur juice.
In my view, that's a bunch of nonsense.
But the getting rid of, quote, fossil fuels, it actually isn't even about destroying oil and oil production, because it's actually some of the biggest oil companies in the world that are behind the push to end, quote, fossil fuels.
What this is really about is de-industrializing the West, destroying the petrodollar.
By the way, I'm pro-Bitcoin, so I don't have a problem with the fiat dollar going away, because it's basically a giant scam anyway.
But as it is right now, at least, the world is still dollar-centric.
And that's gradually changing with the insane monetary policies of the Federal Reserve, and especially the Biden money printer going brr, brr, brr, right?
So what's the point of all this?
Again, why would they want to de-industrialize the West?
Why would they want to bring it down?
Well, because to raise up the East and Eurasia, you have to de-industrialize the West.
And then eventually the West and the East have to perhaps even collapse.
Maybe there's a global war coming.
Maybe it's a new scandemic.
Maybe it's a giant cyber false flag.
Who knows?
But the result is going to be some synthesis out of this, which will be the new austerity-based order of deindustrialization, zero growth.
That's what they actually talk about at the COP28 meetings.
Remember, did you hear Hillary saying that Hundreds of thousands of people are going to die from heat, right?
And supposedly, well, like 60,000 people died in Europe, she said, from heat.
It couldn't be.
I mean, there's no other possible things.
I mean, even if that number is even right, it's probably made up.
But even if it was right, like, really?
Maybe something that we were stabbing people with in the last three years, maybe that could have been a cause of... But no, it's the climate you see.
I saw an article not too long ago, there's more whores now because of climate.
I'm not joking, we're saying it.
Women are having to become whores because of climate refugees.
It's totally ridiculous, total nonsense.
But, I mean, if you believe that, then it's pretty much over, right?
You're never gonna come out of your trance.
But most of us, I think, we're awake, we're out of the trance.
We understand that this is an intentional plan to take down and destroy the West.
That's the only thing that makes sense.
Especially of the Biden administration's policies like that.
That totally makes sense if it's a siege tactic to destroy and take down the country.
Then everything actually makes perfect sense.
It's actually cunning geniuses behind Biden.
It's not just a bunch of incompetent idiots.
It's a plan.
And it's the same plan that's in all of these books that we read about.
Austerity, deindustrialization, zero growth, ZPG.
not just zero growth economically, but zero population growth, zero carbon emissions.
Getting rid of fossil.
This would destroy basically the whole Western world.
I think Alex was talking about this week that billions of people would die if you completely got rid of oil.
I mean, even that Saudi guy, or United Emirates guy, whoever he was, at the COP28 meeting was like, well, we can't really do this yet.
We can't actually get rid of oil.
So, whoa, we're getting way ahead of ourselves here by saying that let's totally get rid of oil.
I mean, this is just insane.
The world presently runs on that.
We're not in Star Trek yet.
We need oil at this point.
This is a giant scam.
I think Zero Hedge had the headline that the top 28 grifters want two or three trillion dollars to solve Earth's heating crisis.
Again, there is no crisis.
It's all belonging, and they're all just con men.
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This is Jay Dardoche's analysis.
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Yeah, Mud Club baby! Wow!
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Join MugClub and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Alright, I've been on air 29 plus years.
And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, that I'm about to say here on air right now, is the most important thing I've ever broken down.
And I go through life seeing the average people out there, even our better people that are somewhat awake, not realizing that what we're covering, what we're getting into, isn't some side issue, isn't the central issue, it's everything.
The future of our species together.
And I've studied the Globalists and how they operate for more than 35 years.
And I read their documents that they'd written in the 50s, and as I've said many times, they got their plan done by the 70s.
And then I saw their plan in the 70s for the 90s, and they got that done.
Then I saw their plan in the 90s for the 2000s, here we are.
And now we have front row seats to global government, forced depopulation, and a collapsed civilization.
And privately, I know basically all the top people that are resisting it.
And they're getting closer and closer to coming completely out with the truth, but that's a day late and a dollar short.
They gotta go public now with all this.
There's not a lot of time left.
Greetings my stupid American friends.
We interrupt this program with Obama, I mean Biden's internet kill switch to let you all know you are seeing illegal information.
We are surveilling and censoring and working with our good friends in Big Tech to make sure that none of you are able to stop the final phases of collapsing the Western world, namely America.
We take your children, your borders, your freedom.
We resolve it so young.
Our information operation against you pathetic Americans has gone quite well.
That's right.
We outlaw TikTok in our country, but we use it to demoralize you here.
In China, we teach families and strength and hard work.
But what we do to you, well, you know what we've done to you.
Because this is proof of how China is making all of us dumber with TikTok.
I mean, just take a look at these videos and you'll see a suspicious difference between the TikTok we know versus China's version of TikTok, Douyin.
Because while our version of TikTok is being fed with just more of this and this, well, the people of China only get served more of this.
Teachers in classrooms, science experiments for kids, showcasing architecture and technology, even sports.
You can easily say that this is just because of cultural
differences but let me remind you TikTok's parent company ByteDance is Chinese.
But isn't it true that you let us do it? Only watch CNN and do what Biden, Joe Biden
tells you to do but whatever you do do not go to Infowarsstore.com and get
new book The Great Awakening. Awakening is not good. Stay asleep and die.
And whatever you do do not get a fundraiser signed copy That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly.
Once we have shut down Alex Jones, do not awaken.
Do not read Alex Jones' book, The Great Awakening.
Do not get it at 414.com.