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Name: 20231204_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 4, 2023
3061 lines.

On his show, Alex Jones discusses various topics including mistreatment of children at the US- Mexico border, supplements available on InfowarsStore.com, the war in Ukraine and Israel's operations in Gaza, NATO's role, January 6th congressional hearings, accusations of hate speech and anti-Semitism, his new book "The Great Awakening," mainstream media propaganda, doing research, supporting InfoWars through purchases from their online store, the decline of the US dollar, an increase in gold prices, currency values backed by gold, and Bitcoin demand.

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I'll never forget the day that we sat there and we read through the Senate report, realizing that they knew since 2014 that there was trafficking in the program.
And the Senate report that was, you know, led by this investigative committee, was led by Senator Portman.
His opening statements are online.
It's about the Marion Egg Farm trafficking case in Ohio.
And that is free on YouTube.
It's called Trafficked in America.
And it shows exactly how the children were trafficked.
How they were lured.
Because trafficking is force, fraud, or coercion.
And it told the story of how these children were lured from their home country.
Brought by smugglers, put in slave labor conditions on an egg farm in Marion, Ohio.
It shows the dilapidated trailer in Trafficked in America.
It shows where they were living.
They did not have a toilet.
They had a bucket.
The children were being threatened with their lives.
They were threatening their family back home.
They said, if you don't do what we say, we're going to put a bullet in your head.
And these children were in forced labor situations.
This was 2014.
And this is modern, modern slavery.
Trump kills it, pretty much, or correct me if I'm wrong, then it explodes once Biden gets in.
So this program has gone just absolutely, it is out of control.
HHS has lost control of their program.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
The chance of us being here is off the scale.
We are like, there are more stars in the known universe than the chance of us being here at this point in time.
We can't do this.
We can't keep doing this.
You have statistics, you have statistical expertise, but you see each of these as much as possible.
It's a human life.
I know a database administrator.
I've been one for 20 years.
It's just data.
This is different.
It's because we're seeing human lives being destroyed.
On this day, there's a river of tears, and I feel the pain.
I'm Liz Gunn and this is an emergency call around the world from New Zealand.
Today is Sunday the 3rd of December 2023.
The whistleblower who has put out the crucial information exposing the COVID lies, exposing the information that he had working for the Ministry of Health in New Zealand, has had his house surrounded by police at 2.15pm today.
The second person They're admitting he published secret data.
He redacted the names of the dead.
along with the whistleblower, has had her house now surrounded by police.
They're admitting he published secret data.
He redacted the names of the dead.
But only the government had that database to know who was dead and who was live in the National Healthcare Database.
Everything else he put out is public.
We will continue to be your single source of truth.
You can trust us as a source of that information.
You can also trust the Director General of Health and the Ministry of Health.
For that information, do feel free to visit at any time to clarify any rumor you may hear.
No one but him had control of all of them at the same time.
And he says he looked it up.
It's the only major Tier 1 country that's high tech.
Because New Zealand is a small country, I didn't get away with one database administrator to do this.
So I'm in a unique position in the world because New Zealand is a Tier 1 country with really good IT.
I was able to manage and build the system.
And as being the only database administrator needed to look after it.
In other countries like America or Britain, you'd need a whole team of people.
So it would be very difficult for one person to get access to all of this information.
But in New Zealand, because of the size and because it's got really good IT, I happen to be the one.
And I think the universe has put me here for this reason.
So New Zealand becomes a seminal example for the world.
We are a petri dish here.
The Pentagon with one hand has been pushing it all, but with the other we've got Pentagon reports saying mass death and a new Navy report confirming 900 plus percent increase in heart failure.
military they saw similar numbers 900 plus almost a thousand percent increase
so July undersecretary Cisneros acknowledged the D-Med data the database
working properly and also acknowledged things such as myocarditis rising 150
So what I did, I went in today.
I'm doing the same thing, five-year average.
However, I'm comparing it to 2022, and I only am using fixed-wing pilots and helicopter pilots, active duty.
So we got hypertensive disease, 36%.
Ischemic heart disease, 69%.
Pulmonary heart disease, 62%.
Heart failure, 973%.
Other forms of heart disease, 63%.
Cardiomyopathy, 152%.
So, he went and crunched the numbers because he saw the numbers from other countries, and he found the same numbers.
We have the insurance actuaries that Edward Dowd, two years ago on this show, said, soon I'll have top whistleblowers from the insurance industry go public.
Now, those whistleblowers in the last year have been testifying to Congress.
One of them is the recognized top insurance statistician in the world.
There's going to be 145% higher mortality, and if you were to take these numbers and just apply them to the United States, that ends up being something like 600,000 excess deaths per year in the United States from this higher vaccine-induced mortality.
World War II had a 4 or 5% increase in death.
World War I, about a 7 to 8% worldwide increase in death.
This is a 40% increase starting in 2021 with the shots, not the year before with COVID.
No increase in death.
Regular year.
As the custodians of this planet, if we do this to ourselves, then there's no future for us.
Whistleblowers, whistleblowers, you are our hope.
Whistleblowers, good men and women in private industry, in government, in academia, and in every major facet of our lives.
It's going to be whistleblowers inside the system, both at the low and the heights of the infrastructure that are going to bring down the New World Order.
We have the high-level DHS Whistleblower has been testifying to Congress, joining us for a full hour today, dealing with the mass sex slavery trafficking and slave labor trafficking of children, 400 plus thousand of them that have disappeared into a black hole.
Tara Rodas will be joining us from TruthTrench.org today.
Speaking of whistleblowers, the hero, head administrator of the New Zealand government's database on the poison lethal injections was arrested Sunday, Barry Young, and they are granting him bail.
The government asked for no bail, and he will get out of jail sometime today, which will be Tuesday in New Zealand.
It's Monday here.
But that hearing happened when I was on air last night with the Sunday Show because they're a day ahead of us.
We're going to be talking about how incredible that is and the spin machine saying, well, yeah, he was the head administrator, but he's not a scientist, so he can't interpret it.
So we want him charged.
They have charged him with disinformation, not just stolen data, though they erased the names of the people that died.
And they had lawyers and experts look at the names and confirm it.
And we already have the public numbers of the deaths exploding everywhere, including New Zealand.
We just didn't have the internal government database.
Then we have a Navy officer Who was very high up over the Navy's program of wellness for the fixed wing and rotary wing helicopter pilots for the Navy.
He's senior over that and he got the internal document where the Navy said we have a 970 plus percent increase in flat-out heart failure In the young pilots endangering the entire US military's capabilities and readiness.
They have blocked him as of Saturday announcement by the Navy from his computer systems and he is under investigation.
It's official Navy memorandum saying we've got a big problem on our hands.
Wasn't classified, but it was somewhat restricted.
And now look for them to try to court-martial him, Mr. Mays.
Absolutely incredible!
It was Edward Snowden that said, when the government arrests whistleblowers that are exposing crime, you have a criminal government.
And that's exactly what this is.
Edward Snowden's a whistleblower.
They want to put him in prison.
So here's some of the headlines.
Hero health worker turned whistleblower faces court after he exposed a shocking number of deaths linked to COVID vaccine.
Shouts freedom to supporters in the gallery, even the mainstream news in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Herald reported a standing ovation in a packed courtroom.
Barry Young, accused of stealing the government database data, denied bail.
The government database has a native name, Teh-Wa-Tuh-Ora.
Teh-Wa-Tuh-Ora, employee charged with COVID-19 vaccination data breach granted bail.
Here's the exact Edward Snowden quote, when exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are being ruled by criminals.
DoD blocks U.S.
Navy medical officers' computer access after he exposes alarming surge in heart issues among pilots following COVID-19 vaccination.
There's video.
And he reports on the 973, excuse me, I said 976, I'd like to say 76, like 76, 973 percent increase, 973 percent increase in heart failure!
That's dying!
And now they're trying to report, trying to arrest the reporter, Liz Gunn, so she's on the run.
So she can keep doing interviews and reportedly we'll have her on the show tomorrow.
Our producers have talked to her.
Absolutely amazing that that's where we are.
They're trying to spin it.
Oh, Barry Young, the head administrator.
He's not a scientist, even though he has a science degree on top of his computer science and engineering degrees.
So we're calling this information.
Funny, what about the Navy Medical Officer?
Who has a medical degree?
What about him?
Is he allowed to show you the memo from the Navy saying we've got massive heart failure, heart attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes?
Hundreds and hundreds of percentage increase just suddenly as the shots began.
And we already know that.
We see it in the insurance actuary numbers.
We see it everywhere.
Anybody can pull up a global death rate in Western countries that have taken the shots.
And right as they begin in 2021, the numbers just before that, the numbers of deaths go up a little, down a little, year to year, like a gentle ocean just riding along.
You'll see World War II, there's a spike.
World War I, there's a spike.
You'll see some other events, some spikes there, but nothing like this.
Every country just parabolic, shooting up straight like a Falcon Heavy rocket.
Unbelievable information.
So I want to open the phones up today, interspersed with all the other news, so you can tell your stories as medical workers, nurses, doctors, what you've seen in the hospitals around the world.
And did you take the shot?
Did it really make you feel good?
Or did it make you feel sick?
Or did it do nothing?
Or did it kill your mommy or your daddy?
Did it kill your brother or your sister?
Did it kill your neighbor?
Maybe it helped them.
We sure can't find it.
They admit it doesn't work.
It doesn't protect you from COVID, but it sure as hell erases your immune system and attacks your testicles and your ovaries and your cardiovascular system.
So coming up next segment, I'm going to give the number out and we're going to take phone calls.
Everybody can hear for themselves.
We don't screen your calls.
We ask if you have a good, clean phone line.
Tell us where you're calling from.
That's great.
Your name and stuff.
But we don't screen it where it's the topic we want.
If you love the shots, like I love pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving or Christmas, well, you're welcome to call.
Of course, no one ever does.
We've had one or two sarcastic calls.
But we're vindicated, the shots didn't work the way they said they would, they're liars, they're frauds, and now they're back trying to bring lockdowns and viral fear-mongering back in.
So, and we'll also review, this is, more information comes out.
Now, I've got a whole stack from just the last week, the latest is the Washington Post today.
Saying Trump's going to become a dictator, so we've got to stop him when the globalists are already setting up a bureaucracy of dictatorship surveillance, persecution and control, and a worldwide cashless society, ESG, central bank digital currency nightmare.
But I thought I would shoot some major holes in the info war in this mountain of lies for you.
That we have a tyranny.
that must be removed.
Also, without even looking for it, the New York Times, Cosmopolitan, CNN, Netflix, everywhere.
Cosmopolitan Magazine promotes satanic abortion ceremonies at abortion clinics where they conduct it as a satanic ritual.
Hmm, very liberal.
Of course, I told you that decades ago that a lot of these abortion facilities are actually run by Satanists.
Now it's mainstream news.
They say, well, what's wrong with that?
And we've got a bunch of other articles dealing with it being a human sacrifice.
Israel expands ground operations to the whole of Gaza seeking total victory.
Big news on the Ukraine front.
And so much more.
Big broadcast lined up for you on this December 4th transmission.
We've got a lot of video of the cop 38 event where King Charles and the globalists are calling for total world government.
We're going to be getting to that as well today.
The talking point that Trump's going to establish a dictatorship when we already have a globalist Homeland Security, Justice Department, New World Order, Rockefeller, Rothschild combine in control.
A Trump dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.
We should stop it.
We should stop pretending.
A Trump dictatorship.
They're trying to take him off the ballot so you can't vote for him.
But he's a dictator.
They're the ones stealing elections.
Hell, we can talk about that topic too, but I really want to focus on your reports, what you saw when you took the shot, when family took it, them blocking the therapeutics, the fact that they lied and said the shot worked, now they admit it didn't, the fact that only 3% of people are taking the new booster, the fact that they're trying to bring the new lockdowns back, it's now official, we're vindicated yet again.
But I don't like being vindicated that way.
I wanted to fully stop it.
And they're not doing too well bringing it back, but they're sure as heck trying.
So here is the toll-free number.
We'll fire up the phone system.
To join us today, we're going to take a boatload of your phone calls.
First-time callers.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex?
First time callers, long time callers, but I would imagine it's not going to be regular
callers that are going to call in because this is people that have their own personal
story and what they've personally witnessed to their family, to their friends, or to themselves.
And hey, if you took it and it made your hair grow back and made you get 20 years younger, which we know it didn't, you're welcome to call in and give your false testimony.
We're not screening your calls except it's on this topic.
877-789-2539. Okay, let me go ahead and do this because this is important and we
need to get going on this.
Guys, get the clip ready of Dr. Ron Paul with Glenn Beck, please.
And this is Ron Paul, Dr. Ron Paul, talking about the fact that we should abolish the
World Economic Forum.
It has been given, as of last year, UN authority, co-equal to the UN.
Of course, the UN is a fraud itself.
And it is standardizing with the Communist Chinese and others, out of the articles right here, a global ID to implement the Global Cashless Society central bank digital currencies.
The EU has passed it.
China already has it in place.
Australia is trying to force it through.
New Zealand is trying to force it through.
Canada is trying to force it through.
Trudeau has partnered with the UN to bring it into Canada.
This is not something that's coming.
It's here, and it is legalized surveillance, everything you do, and they can program and control everything you do.
I remember 20 years ago, plus, when DVRs came out, and you could set it to record whatever shows you wanted.
And I remember reading the fine print of the contracts on them and breaking articles that went national, and people saying I was a conspiracy terrorist.
They were hoping you wouldn't go actually read the contract.
And it said, we can categorize and watch everything you watch, we can sell the data to like Nielsen and other rating systems, but more importantly, we can erase anything in your DBR whenever we want to.
Now the reason I'm raising this is it's a microcosm of what's happening now.
And then remember, Jesse Ventura had his first season of Conspiracy Theory that I was an unofficial writer on, and I basically wrote two of the episodes and contributed to the other episodes quite a bit.
They wanted me to do the voiceover for it, but that got nixed, which is fine.
That other guy probably even better.
But the point is, I was heavily involved with that show.
So we predict they're going to release viruses and have lockdowns that would erase your immune system, all that, from their own documents.
And I had Dr. Rima Labo in the show because she actually treated some heads of state that confided in this information with her.
But they erased the martial law show.
And they erased, this is in the news, and they erased the depopulation episode.
So months after they aired, and they got top ratings for TruTV, top ratings that year, those shows were hits, they never re-aired again, even though the other shows they aired over and over again, and they then erased them off the DVRs.
And it even showed up in the news that, yeah, They've erased these off the DVRs.
Now, imagine when everything's digital books.
They can go in and erase digital books.
They've been doing that.
Or they can edit the books and change them as they're doing all over the world with children's classics.
Even Dr. Seuss is being edited.
Here it is.
InfoWars.com reclaimed the net article by Cindy Harper.
PlayStation to remove access to hundreds of shows even if consumers already paid for them.
So you think you go pay on Netflix or PlayStation or any of it, PlayStation's movies too now, and you think you say buy the Christmas Carol, the Muppets Christmas Carol, which I just bought on Amazon because that's where they had it for like $5 so we could watch it the other night, great classic.
Michael Caine, just great, wholesome show.
Couldn't be better.
Just wonderful.
Good wholesomeness.
That's why it's great we have all this past stuff because my six and a half year old daughter, she doesn't see the new stuff.
We can just go back and show her Treasure Island.
The remake with Charlton Heston and just good, wholesome things that build good morals and empower you.
Well, they're moving to basically remove all of that.
And they've got all the different reasons, but that's a microcosm of central bank digital currency, where we have the heads of all these governments saying, we can program it, we're going to program it, we're going to decide where you can spend it, who you can spend it with, we can devalue it or give it greater value depending on where you spend it, and we can social engineer you, as Larry Fink, the head of BlackRock, has said multiple times the last two years.
We've played those clips ad nauseam.
Don't believe me?
Just go to Twitter and type in Larry Fink says we control behavior.
Or anywhere else.
You can find it.
It's all over the place.
So, that's what this is about.
An unexpected notification released by Sony has raised eyebrows and sparked debates over digital ownership rights.
The tech giant disclosed plans to erase hundreds of TV shows from Discovery purchased via the PlayStation Store from all PlayStation platforms.
The sudden move has left many anticipating the shape of an increasing digital world.
Yeah, you can't even watch, in most cases, college football now.
And obviously, I got family around.
College football's still on.
Talk about being a diversion, but I mean, it's on at my house a lot of the time.
Family's over, hey, watch the game, eat food, you know, whatever.
Gotta go pay!
But see, that's the thing.
Just 10 years ago, TV didn't watch you.
You watched it.
They didn't know what you were watching.
It was a broadcast.
Now, it's all streamed.
They control it.
That's just a shadow of things to come with these digital currencies.
Siege is the oldest form of total war, cutting off the resources of your enemies.
And energy across the Western world has been massively restricted.
They're even shutting down nuclear power plants, hydroelectric dams.
The list goes on and on, but the big one is coal.
Coal, until Obama got in, was upwards of 90% of our electrical generated energy.
Totally clean with the new systems, nothing but water vapor and carbon dioxide comes out the pipe.
But people think carbon dioxide is carbon monoxide that'll kill you, so they agree, ban it for the earth.
They don't know where the energy comes from.
But China and India, A hundred and sixty-plus countries have not cut coal, they've massively increased it, but the globalists are invested there, so that makes their stock go up.
They make more money.
That's only one level, though.
They want to make you poor, easily controllable, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what this is all about.
Then they want your gas-powered stoves and your gas-powered water heaters, and they want everything.
Remember just two years ago, Biden, I don't want to ban your stoves, even though we had the memos, and now they're trying to do it.
And New York says, I'm going to do it.
California says, I'm going to do it.
It's preposterous.
Natural gas is totally clean.
So it just continues from there.
EU committees voted in favor of mandatory interconnected digital patient records for all citizens tied to the ESGs and central bank digital currencies.
Big article on that.
But let's first go to a bunch of these clips from the good guys and the bad guys.
Here's former Congressman Ron Paul, Dr. Paul, saying the quiet part out loud.
They are, I mean, truly frightening.
This is a group of elites that, you know, every conspiracy theory, every, you know, Star Chamber movie is, it's almost like a parody of itself.
You know, they've got a guy with a German accent that leads it, a bald Bond villain, and they They truly believe that they can take the world and violate all of human nature and make a new world.
What are your thoughts on the World Economic Forum?
Well, it should be disappeared, intellectually speaking.
Because, yes, it is a powerful force, and they're using the same tools that I'm advocating for liberty.
I mean, you take a guy like Soros and others before the World Economic Council have.
They got a hold of the educational system and then they moved along from there.
Our universities were there.
Even with COVID, it looks like they've taken over completely the medical profession, which is really sad.
But, at the same sense, a few people have awakened.
They know this, and more people know what's going on during the lockdown than they did before the lockdown.
And they're looking like the American people are ready to resist that.
They are the bad news, and the only thing I can think of is counteract it with the good news of what liberty is all about.
Now here's the head of the European Union, unelected.
They have a parliament, but it's advisory.
They're elected, but not the EU set up as a trade deal in 1947.
This is EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen.
Listen to this.
We all know if we want to keep global warming below the tipping point of 1.5°C, we need to cut global emissions.
And there's a way to cut emissions while fostering innovation and growth.
Put a price on carbon.
It is a market-driven instrument, and the message is very clear.
You're polluting?
You must pay a price.
You want to avoid the payment?
Well, then innovate and decarbonize.
Carbon pricing nudges the private sector towards innovation.
It makes heavy polluters pay a fair price.
And the revenues can be reinvested in the fight against climate change, in innovation, and in a just transition.
This is not only one of the most powerful tools in our hands, it is also one of the most trusted and the most tested.
Yes, trusted and tested, and you can only get energy from their companies that won't even supply the energy.
It's neo-feudalism.
Here's Hillary Clinton chiming in.
We're seeing and beginning to pay attention and to count and record the deaths that are related to climate, and by far the biggest killer is extreme heat.
I mean, even in Europe last summer, which has the ability to count and figure out what happened, they recorded 61,000 deaths because of the heat in Europe.
We don't have that kind of number yet from Africa, Asia, Latin America, but we know and estimate that we probably could measure about 500,000 deaths.
And the majority of those are women and girls, and particularly pregnant women.
Totally made up.
Can look up the heat numbers.
I saw John Kerry just the other day saying, oh, we had record heat.
Senator William Shatner at Death Valley, not true!
And we can show you a hundred clips of them saying, by 2007 we'll all be flooded, by 2010, by 2017.
All lies!
Same folks told you the vaccine, you take it, you'll be protected, can't spread the virus, can't get sick, you'll be okay, you'll be fine, 100%, just take it.
Here is Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts breaking it down.
Instead of working together to push Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum plan based on United Nations policies, work together instead for our country.
Klaus Schwab's life by subscription, quote, is really serfdom.
It's slavery.
Billionaire globalist corporations will own everything.
Homes, factories, farms, cars, furniture.
And everyday citizens will rent what they need.
If their social credit score allows.
The plan of the Great Reset is that you will die with nothing.
To pull off this evil plan, Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum will need to take more than just material possessions from Australians.
Senators in this very chamber today who support the Great Reset threaten our privacy, freedom and dignity.
Yes, they're in this Senate chamber.
One Nation vehemently opposes the Great Reset, the Digital Identity Bill, theft of agricultural land use, forcing farmers off their land, and all of the Great Reset.
One Nation has a comprehensive plan to bring our beautiful country back to sustainable prosperity.
And in the months ahead, we will be rolling that plan out.
Instead of Lib Lab pushing Klaus Schwab's Great Reset with the tagline, you will own nothing and be happy, One Nation advocates the Great Resist.
We stand for a world where individuals and communities have primacy over predatory globalist billionaires and their quizzling bureaucrats, politicians and mouthpiece media.
One Nation accepts the challenge to provide a better future for everyday Australians.
We have one flag, we are one community and we are one nation.
Now that's an official statement by the WF.
You will own nothing.
You will be happy.
Here's Ida Aukin, one of their spokespersons, explaining how wonderful it would be when you don't own a car, you don't own a cell phone, you don't own anything.
You rent it from them and they totally control you.
What a nightmare.
Here it is.
Every product is a service waiting to happen.
If you think about it.
I mean, your cell phone?
Why do you want to own your cell phone?
How many of you own your cell phones?
How many knows if the company owns it?
It's actually not a lot.
I mean, you want the function, you want the service, right?
Why do you want to own a cell phone if you can just lease it?
And if you lease, why shouldn't you lease your refrigerator or your washing machine or your dishwasher?
Why do you want to own it?
I mean, it's not like the plastic in the middle is like, you, I own a broke dishwasher.
I mean, wow.
No, why don't you want to go into a business model where the company owns it?
You know what happens when the company owns it?
Actually, they can bring down the prices because they don't have to buy new metal and new plastic.
They design a much better product.
It lasts a lot longer if they have to pick it up when it breaks.
They might even send somebody to fix it.
And in the end, they will do a better product and you will get a lower price.
It's much cheaper to lease a washing machine if you get the business model right because you don't have to own all of this.
So this change from product to service is pushing a lot of this, of the circular economy, because the second the business owns the products, they start designing in a way where everything can be taken out and reused.
And then you get the incentives rights.
Total lies!
Everybody knows only the poorest people have rent to own.
Because of so much wealth and prosperity with cheap energy, rent to own doesn't even hardly even exist anymore.
I remember growing up, A lot of people I knew were renting their refrigerator, renting their TV, and you would pay on average five times more for it than owning it.
But when they own it, it's all got chips in it.
Remember what the CIA director said 15 years ago?
General Petraeus, he was director, he said, your washing machine will soon be watching you.
So it's about total control, and then will those companies even let you have the appliance that you pay five times for?
Total screw jobs.
That's the name of the game.
Now, let's go to Bill Maher talking to Roseanne Barr.
Boy, she's been doing a great job making the circuit.
And she says, do you even know what the WF is?
No, he doesn't even know what it is, even though it's setting the standards for the world.
So the growth curve of our real government, people realizing who's running things is happening.
Once we realize this unelected Bond villain run by BlackRock and Larry Fink, it's game over.
Here it is.
You blocked it out, MKUltra.
Who's that?
That's the mind control program you're under, Bill.
So who's Klaus Schwab?
The head of the WEF.
What's that?
Google it.
And he just makes jokes about it, but even he is forced to talk about it now, because Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan are.
You see, we are the leaders.
Leadership is telling the truth when it's unpopular, when no one knows the truth, because you know the tyranny is so great, people will finally be forced to either admit they're slaves and be destroyed, or stand up with you, and I bet on you and have believed on you, and believed in you.
Here's Al Gore and John Kerry.
And by the way, I'm going to tell our great researchers, Rob Doon, Darren McBrain, the rest of the crew, create a file on the computer system and get me all the gloom and doom, end of the world, Beto O'Rourke, you know, all those Al Gore Prince Philip, all the clip, when I say all, we'll stop at about 50, there's thousands of them saying, we'll be in the ice age by the 90s, we'll all be dead.
Oh, it'll be global warming by the year 2000, we'll all flood.
Oh, 2007, 2013, 2017.
Senator Kerry on the Senate floor, I've seen at least 10 clips of him saying, it's desperate, do it now, give us full control, carbon taxes, or we're all dead by 2013.
And then they always move it forward seven, eight years.
Six, seven, eight years.
And now you see the same talking point from William Shatner, King Charles, all of them.
We're all dead!
We're all going to die!
If we don't do this right now, give us full control now!
Over your bodies!
Let us surveil you!
Over your children!
Here's a short clip of it.
Clip 17, play it.
There's a 75% chance that the entire North Polar ice cap during summer, during some of the summer months could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years.
You have sea ice, which is melting at a rate that the Arctic Ocean now increasingly is exposed.
In five years, scientists predict we will have the first ice-free Arctic summer.
By 2013.
We're gonna get those full clips for you, and there's so many of them, and we'll go to the Inconvenient Truth, and all the rest are crap, and I'm gonna shoot a special in the next two days, that I wanna shoot for Friday.
I'll do a 30 minute one for this audience, I'll do like a two hour one for Steven Crowder.
And then you're welcome to go get it and share it with everybody.
So these people are liars and we know that.
So what are we going to do about it?
That's the bigger question here.
I've got more of the World Government clips, but you know what?
I told you I was going to take your phone calls.
Because we have the big whistleblowers.
We have the Navy officer over the database with the memos that the 900 plus percent increase in deaths.
Heart failure.
Hundred, multi-hundred percent increases in myocarditis and blood clots.
I mean, it's all there.
And they've relieved him of his command.
We'll see what happens with that.
But I mean, they're arresting people in New Zealand, the head of the database, went public.
We don't even need to believe him.
He just had the government database that they were indeed dead.
We already have the overall death numbers that are public showing what he said is true.
They say, oh, he's not a scientist.
Oh, well, what about the Navy physician?
No, we know what's going on, but I want people to hear from you.
I want the public to hear from you.
We've got so much more we're going to be hitting coming up interspersed with your calls.
Please remember that we are running the biggest sales always of the year compounded.
We've been running sales as big, but a lot of stuff was sold out.
So because a lot of the stuff that's been sold out, we have the most products ever in the last three years finally back in stock.
This is the biggest sale in three, four years.
Because technically we've had stuff at this same discount, but most of it wasn't available.
So I was just thinking earlier, wow, this is the biggest sale in probably three years.
Because of supply chain breakdowns and other issues, we didn't have most of our products.
Finally, almost all of them are in.
Fish Oil just sold out today, but Christmas Super Sale, up to 60% off, plus free shipping and store-wide Double Patriot points.
That means you get 10% off your next order, not just the five.
Sign up for auto ship, get 10% off.
On top of that, we lose money on those deals are so good.
Christmas time is here again.
Defend the celebration of the holiday and support the InfoWars crew and our operations while getting the gifts you need for yourself and your loved ones at rock bottom prices.
Instead of getting your family members the same cheap gifts made in China, why not give them the gear, the preparation supplies, the supplements they really want.
And keep this broadcast on air.
Our powerhouse formula is up to 60% off, and the savings don't stop there.
We're giving you free shipping storewide, double pay 3 points on all purchases.
Shop now to get the massive savings at InfoWarStore.com.
25% off Turbo Force Plus, finally back in stock.
25% off Survival Shield X2, selling out quick, back in stock.
40% off Vazzo Beats, amazing, back in stock.
Creates the nitric boost effect.
40% off Balis, 40% off Vitamineral Fusion, selling out quick.
40% off DNA Force Plus, selling out quick.
40% off Ultra 12, the highest quality B12, another tongue, incredible.
50% off Real Red Pill Plus, 50% off Down and Out Sleep Support, 60% off Brain Force Plus and even Brain Force Ultra, and even more books, films, t-shirts.
I'll just be frank with you.
I saw this movie a month ago and was totally blown away by its quality and how piercing it was.
We only bought like 2,000 of them.
Only sold like 500.
I mean, what, you don't like your DVD player?
At least with this, you have it on the shelf.
They can't erase it or disappear it.
Yeah, you need Michelle Obama, 2024.
Only the truth can stop her.
The book and the film.
And I'll just be honest with you.
It's not selling well.
I don't know why.
She already knows she's evil?
Well, show it to your friends, your family, your neighbors.
Because they're really trying to sneak her in as the VP with Newsom.
Just watch.
And what is selling incredibly good is the supplements.
But we discount them so much, we've got to sell a lot to stay on air.
X2, over a year we didn't have it because we couldn't produce it.
Because it's so hard to get the ingredients and do it right.
Nobody else has this real iodine that's pure.
It's not bound to anything.
It'll be sold out in Two weeks of current sales rates?
We won't have more for six months, I'm told.
So, we need to fund our operation.
It goes back to full price in a week.
So, if you want X2, get it right now.
You're like, why don't you have X3?
Well, it's got some of the other two types, because some people can't absorb just the pure type.
Some people can't absorb the bound type.
So, it's probably overall, on average, the best for everybody.
It's so hard to make.
It takes three months in laboratory to make that.
Takes four to five to make X2.
Gotta have a DEA license.
Gotta have the DEA come sign off on it when you start it and make it, because the ingredient raw, you can make methamphetamine, you name it.
Not the product we sell that's put into the organic glycerin base or anything, but that's the point is to put something out like this that nobody else does, takes a lot of flaming hoops we jump through.
With both of them, X2 and X3.
So if you want it, you better get it.
And turbo force is something.
We went out to a top national.
He didn't want his name on it, obviously, but we paid him 15 grand to come up with the formula.
We said, if people didn't skimp on the quality, what would be the ultimate best product in the market for 10 hours of clean energy time released?
Because he's the guy that does that.
He said, OK, this is better than anything I've had anybody else produce because they won't put this much quality into it.
They want to mark it up four or five times.
We don't do that.
We made TurboForce.
TurboForce back in stock.
Or 888-253-3139.
Back in stock.
Experience it.
It is next level.
I see we have Kevin and Highwayman and Sally and Mike and Abraham and Holly and Andrew and Janet and Chad and Tammy.
I am going to try to give each one of you two minutes so we can get to everybody.
That means we'll be able to take two calls before we go to break.
Let's go to Highwaymen in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through calling.
First, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's turmeric toothpaste is incredible.
First admit I've kind of neglected my teeth and I started using your dad's toothpaste and my gum stopped bleeding brushing my teeth and like I mean it is dentist cleaning clean way and every time you brush your teeth it is incredible.
Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practicing, but he still has his license.
He still takes care of friends and family and other folks.
But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste with top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
We don't really promote it a lot because the margin is so small, it won't fund the operation.
But yeah, all three of his toothpaste, the turmeric, The tooth whitening and the activated charcoal are all top of the line with no extra atoms or fillings, full of essential oils.
They will blow you away.
Thank you so much for the plug, sir.
Yeah, they really are.
They are awesome.
You've been on fire last couple of weeks.
Last week with the X-Files thing.
I want to thank you incredibly for bringing to attention the vaccine The website that shows you how deadly the dose of the vaccine was.
When I heard that, I immediately called my aunt after my grandpa passed away in 2021.
Marine Corps veteran, just a great human being.
And I got the vaccine card from him and the lots were on there.
He got both Moderna and the first dose he took was the 41st Most deadly on the list.
And the second dose he got was the 102nd most deadly on the list.
And where do you think he got them from?
The Department of Veteran Affairs.
The VA hospital.
I was about to say, Moderna is the equivalent of four Pfizer shots.
It's the exact same material.
The Pentagon produced it.
And then yes, then it bombs the veterans.
That's how you don't pay for their health care with it.
I'm so sorry.
What happened to him?
Uh, he did have heart problems.
I'm assuming he probably had a heart attack.
They say he died of COVID.
Uh, when we were, uh, doing the, uh, the funeral planning, uh, my mother had asked the, uh, the funeral directors.
We live in a tiny town, uh, less than 2000 people.
So, I mean, we're personal friends with the guy and, uh, you know, asked about doing a, uh, a postmortem or an autopsy and his exact words were, Uh, I wouldn't recommend it.
It's very expensive and any more, all it's doing is causing more questions than answers.
And I was waiting for this day.
I really was with the, uh, with the Died Suddenly documentary.
And I was waiting for this day for the vaccine information to come out because it's on now.
I am, I am not going to stop until I get to the bottom of this.
They killed my grandpa, man.
And they know what they did.
And a lot of the coroners, I'm not saying it's all their hospitals, they get paid to cover up the death.
You know, Ernest Ramirez, they offered him a bunch of money, the CDC and FEMA did, to change the death certificate.
Because in Austin, they said, no, the shot kills your son.
They came in and tried to pay him to do that.
Thank you so much.
We'll be right back with hour number two.
Man, that makes me angry.
[Sounds of a car crashing]
[Sounds of a car crashing]
Let's go to Highwaymen in Illinois.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Long time listener.
First time actually getting through a call.
And first, I want to give a little plug on something that I don't feel that you plug nearly enough.
Your dad's tumeric toothpaste is incredible.
I, at first, admit I've kind of neglected my teeth.
And I started using your dad's toothpaste, and my gum stopped bleeding brushing my teeth.
And, I mean, it is dentist-cleaning-clean every time you brush your teeth.
It is incredible.
Well, again, my dad, I say he's retired.
He doesn't do a lot of practice.
He still has his license.
He still takes care of friends and family and other folks.
But yeah, he simply creates toothpaste with top toothpaste manufacturers that don't have fluoride, but that have all these essential oils, not just concentrated turmeric, but things like tea tree and a lot of other things in it.
We don't really promote it a lot because the margin's so small it won't fund the operation.
But yeah, all three of his toothpastes, the turmeric, the tooth whitening, and the activated charcoal are all top of the line with no extra atoms or fillings, full of essential oils.
They will blow you away.
Thank you so much for the plug, sir.
Yeah, the most deadly shot you can take that creates a spike protein in your body and so much more is the Moderna.
It's the equivalent of four Pfizer shots.
If you get a hot dose, only 10% on average get the actual injection.
Sally in South Carolina, nurse for 27 years on COVID shots.
What do you make of the situation, these whistleblowers, and what's your view on what's happening?
Can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Thanks for calling.
So, I've been an ER nurse and OB nurse for many years, and for the last 10 years, I've done telephone triage, where I take calls for doctors' offices all over the United States after hours.
And you would not... I'm just going to tell you more of what you already know.
Everybody is on Eliquis, like, you know, over the last two or three years, which is a blood thinner.
And I asked them, you know, usually people used to take Eliquis because they had, you know, atrial fibrillation or something like that.
And they were like, no, I have a blood clot.
I, you know, ask them, well, did it, you know, start in your leg?
No, I just had a pulmonary embolism.
And, um, and, you know, with no, so I, you know, we have to get all their history of all their meds they're on when, um, when they call.
So, you know, when I find out they're on Naloxone, um, and then I ask them, you know, did you have a broken leg?
Did you have a long plane ride or car ride?
Did you have a broken bone?
They just get these blood clots.
Two weeks ago, I had a man, um, call in and, uh, sorry, I'm like a little nervous.
I've never called you before.
Stop right there.
I'm gonna start over.
I'm not lecturing you.
I appreciate you and love you.
Listen to me.
When you call in and you say, I'm not telling you something you don't already know, you are so important.
You're a nurse.
You talk to thousands of people.
You're a key eyewitness.
I'm just a talk show host.
I have the data here.
But new listeners are tuning in.
They're told I'm a liar.
They're not going to go check out the data.
I ask them to.
I show them the data.
They're hearing from you.
And the fact that you think I know or others know, most people still don't know this.
Your testimony here, but to anybody else you talk to, is key to stopping this.
So you're incredibly important.
Please continue.
Okay, so I had this guy like two weeks ago who had pulmonary embolism with lone eloquist.
And I asked him, you know, they used to dissolve blood clots with heparin.
And I asked him, you know, are they getting rid of your clots?
He said, no, they can't get rid of it.
It's going to be there.
It's rubberized.
He uses the word rubberized.
And, you know, I don't tell these people, like, hey, this was probably caused by your COVID vaccine.
But I get their, as soon as I hear they're on blood thinners, I get their vaccination status and find out, you know, that and how many boosters they've had.
And I make a note of it in the chart so that if these charts are audited five, 10, 20 years from now, they can put it together.
And we have coroners around the world reporting and Undertakers that they just pull out these giant
disgusting clots even out of young children now that had heart surgery or died and like you said it's
rubberized it's creating these spike proteins are creating a matrix in the body.
Right exactly I mean that was like and I don't know what his doctor like thought.
Like, you know, I just throw them out.
But, you know, I try to tell my mom, like, please don't take any more of these shots.
And she's just totally leftist.
Well, imagine what it does to the brain.
And let's be honest, the COVID was real.
It does this in people, but there's ways to mitigate it and knock it down and stop its replication.
Ivermectin, you name it.
Glutathione, the list goes on and on.
The stuff that's in things like Turbo Boost that naturally breaks this up.
But yeah, this was their big move.
Are other medical professionals around you waking up?
A lot of the people that I work with haven't taken the shot.
I don't know how many have, but I know that a lot of them have not.
Sally, incredible information.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Back in 60 seconds.
We want to ride back to your call.
Stay with us.
This is Real Uncensored.
Well, if you just joined us, we're on the heels of a high-level whistleblower, head administrator of the government of New Zealand's database.
Confirming at least a 17% death rate within one year of those that took the Pfizer shot.
It was 90 plus percent Pfizer taken in the country.
They've arrested him, charged him with stealing the data.
They're not denying it's real.
We also have this Navy medical officer who's got the official letterhead.
They're not denying it's real.
Saying that the military is crippled because they've got a 963% increase in heart failure and a bunch of other things from the shots.
Never before seen.
I mean, they hit us.
This is World War III.
We've been hit.
And they're just getting ready to release more attacks.
And by getting the medical system to go along with this, when they weren't really in on it, but now they see all the death, they start covering it up.
Now the President said for the medical system to cover up whatever they're told, whenever they're told.
But then you have the reports that upwards of 70% of the federal government won't take the shot.
More than half the nurses in the U.S.
are refusing it.
More than half the doctors.
Or they're falsifying the fact that they have taken it.
What does that tell you?
But they finally did it, folks.
And they knew it would come out.
That's in the war games they did.
The SPARS 2025-2028 document a few years before they released it in 2000, late 2000.
And they describe how it'll be used to break down society, but then they think the IMF and World Bank and the UN that did it won't get caught.
They'll make us think that, oh, the government was just stupid.
No, it was on purpose.
So that's how they'd hit America and the Western world, folks, with a bioweapon.
You notice India and China and all the place, they're refusing the COVID shots.
They're not having all this death.
Very serious situation.
And they tell us Trump wants to get re-elected and become a dictator.
The only bad thing Trump did was going along with this, and he's at least backed away from it, but still won't admit he was wrong.
I want to go back to your calls, but please remember, we're Lister Supported.
We have great products that enrich your life, so it's a 360 win, a win-win situation.
Please go to infowarestore.com, where we have the big Christmas specials now going.
Storewide free shipping.
Double Patriot points, up to 60% off.
Amazing products.
TurboForce, 10-hour clean energy, now back in stock.
X2 back in stock, selling out.
Bazzo Beats, so good for your heart.
Same thing as Nitric Boost.
Cleans out your blood vessels.
It's 40% off.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, so good for inflammation.
More, 40% off.
Everything is 60 to 25% off, with Double Patriot points, store and free shipping.
And if you want to support me, look us up in the news.
I am supposed to pay half the legal bills of free speech systems.
Well, I don't have any money.
I'm upside down.
But I've been authorized to get part of the sales of my book The Great Awakening, the plan to defeat the globalists and launch the next great renaissance.
The problem is selling for 20-something bucks a piece, which we have unsigned, won't get me enough funds.
So we have the fundraiser where it's $100, $99.
Signed copy, and just you know by doing that, you're the reason we stay on air.
Without the last book of the signed copies, we'd be gone as well.
So if you haven't gotten a signed copy or an unsigned copy, every little bit helps.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
If you buy it on Amazon and places, Yeah, like every six months I get paid, I might get like $100,000 or something, which sounds like a lot.
Taking on the globalists, it's nothing.
But selling thousands of books signed, that brings in some real money.
So I want to thank those that did get the signed book.
I want to encourage all of you that haven't, get a copy of The Great Awakening.
Infowarshore.com signed right now.
And I thank you for your support.
All right, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Really painful listening to this, but these are real people.
These are real stories, and it's going to get worse.
And now they're targeting the children if we don't do this.
We don't tell the truth.
We don't warn the people.
It's our job.
So I appreciate the callers that are calling in.
I know it's painful.
Kevin in New York, you're on the air.
It says your sister died.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me okay on speaker?
Yes, sir.
I can hear you good.
Go ahead.
So anyway, yeah, I mean, I have personal thing, you know, in the family with the right in the beginning of all of it.
I just want to say real quick about your supplements and as well as on coast to coast to show you've also been on.
Great product, but if you're in poredom like me, you don't have money to buy these products.
They're a little bit pricey for us with no money, and I'm just throwing that out there.
I mean, to really take advantage, you really need to get a lot of these things.
And wow, man, if I could, but anyway, enough of that.
My sister, at the beginning of this whole thing, February that year, caught it.
Went into the hospital at the wrong time to finally get that knee operation.
And then it wasn't long that my other sister, her twin, was calling saying that, yeah, she passed away of COVID.
That's when I was just starting to learn things about this.
But it stuck in my mind, they blamed COVID.
I said, mm-hmm, of COVID.
And then a couple weeks later, I started figuring things out.
I said, they must have put her on the liver The liver, remdesivir, going straight there.
That's what I'm imagining it was.
I couldn't know if it was a combination of that and the shot.
On top of that, around the same time, there was a friend that I know for years, like the report I got on him later, after feeling eerie about not having heard from him, I went to check about three, four months, and sure enough, the person on the other end was answering his phone, letting me know that he had a bad reaction to the first shot.
And then he went and got a second one, and that was it.
And so this is my experience at the beginning, but I had just started hearing enough about it to know to stay away from it, and I noticed anybody that hated Trump didn't have a chance.
Well, we know that they bombed red areas, the deepest red Republican areas, with the higher levels, because a lot of it was Well, it was actually sailing.
Around half of the shots were sailing, but they directed the ones that actually had it in it to Republican areas.
We've done deep reports, shown the documents.
We'll put Greg Reese's report on screen, but you're... Talk about the lot numbers, Alex.
The lot numbers.
Yes, the hot lot numbers.
That's exactly what it is.
And he just did an update on that this weekend.
It's absolutely critical information.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, sir.
CDC confirms the majority of fatal COVID vaccines were knowingly sent to red states.
That's the second report on it.
The first report's got a million plus views.
It's red states being targeted by deadly COVID shots.
But he did three reports.
But the point is, This is all coming out, but let me say something.
You mentioned the fact that getting high quality, the best supplements out there has a price tag on it, because it's costing us a lot for this stuff, because we put out the best.
We could put out crappy stuff and it'd be really low price, but it wouldn't have anywhere near effect.
But I was thinking about this as a public service announcement, and I'm going to cut ads in the next few days.
That means I've got to go to the store, I've got to research it, I've got to check it.
But a lot of Himalayan salt, if you get it out, And you look at it, and you got a piece of the Himalayan salt, it's in chunks, usually in a circular container.
If it's pink in the middle, that means it's got a little bit of iodine.
But the really good ones have purple in the middle, and that means it's got the same stuff that's in our X2.
Now, we show you the video of our X2, it's literally shining blue silver crystals, it's pure.
But it is in the Himalayan salt, little bits of it.
So it's not as good, but it's good enough.
And so if you can't afford X2 or X3, you need to go out and you need to get them, you know, because a lot of the brands don't have it.
They'll call it Himalayan, but if it's white, it doesn't have any of it in there.
If it's pink, it has a little bit, but you'll see some brands that you'll see purple streaks in it.
That's what you want, right there.
Guys, can you roll the B-roll?
That's what we put in it.
That's pure iodine.
You take a chunk of that, throw it on the floor, purple gas shoots up, it burns a hole in the floor.
And then once it goes into this special patented process, it's safe to take.
But that, there's little bitty tiny bits of that, though, in Real Himalayan salt.
So the decent stuff is pink.
And the really good stuff, because once I learned about this 10 years ago, I was like, oh, the brand I've got's actually got a little purple flex in it.
That's what you're looking for.
All right, so that's a public service announcement.
No need to get X2, folks.
Get the Himalayan salt.
You know what we should do to have a win-win so we can fund ourselves into it?
I'm going to find a major Himalayan supplier.
That's it.
And have it tested.
Make sure it's high level.
It's still slightly bound to the potassium, so it's potassium iodide, but it still breaks down pretty good, and then you get some of the pure.
But we're going to come out with the best potassium iodide.
I'm going to find out who's got the best Himalayan salt, and I'm going to private label it.
Another great idea.
All right, folks.
We'll be right back.
But regardless, get it for your family, especially your children.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tammy, stay there.
Well, if you just joined us, We got whistleblowers calling in.
A nurse seeing record-level weird fibrous blood clots.
The other experts agree.
Never seen it before.
It's being caused by the shots.
And we're taking your raw, uncensored calls right now as we start hour number two on this Monday, December 4th, 2023 transmission.
I'll continue with your calls to intersperse with them.
They're really pushing the narrative that Trump's going to be a dictator.
So he's quote, got to be stopped while they're establishing a oligarchy and a dictatorial totalitarian system over us.
We got big news on the economy, big news on Congress, big news on Israel, Ukraine.
We're going to be getting to all of it here today.
But right now we're talking to people out there.
We open the phones up.
You love the shots, you hate the shots.
We're hearing from you.
And of course, all we're hearing is about family members dying and nurses and others seeing total carnage, which we know from the numbers are there.
They've arrested and charged the whistleblower that was the head of the database in New Zealand.
He's out on bail tomorrow.
We're looking to get him on and his lawyer.
They got this Navy medical officer going public with their own documents.
It's not even just statistics that the Navy saying we have a 900 And 63% increase in outright heart failure in the pilots of helicopters and aircraft in the Navy.
And they are pissed at him.
They just want to kill us slowly and have us just normalize it.
They've got billboards up and on the sides of buses and TV ads running all over the world, from Australia to Canada, the US, from Germany to Sweden, from Hey Alex, you got me okay?
I do, thank you.
Alright, yeah, so I got a story for you and then I got kind of an alert, kind of a warning from inside my job after that.
So back when the boosters came out, I don't know which brand exactly it was, but my stepfather, he I got the booster.
It was, everything was still a little confusing during that time and I was trying to, you know, inform them and stuff and he went on his own and went and got it.
Long story short, my mom called me probably a few days later and said, you know, that he was not feeling well and I went over there and saw him.
Kind of looked like he saw a ghost.
It was a weird thing that I haven't really seen before.
And thanks to your show, you were having Dr. Zelenko on at the time while he was still alive.
Rest in peace.
I gave him Z-Stack, the product that Dr. Zelenko had, and within 3-4 days, he was right back at them.
So, I don't know how severe the injury was, but thanks to your show and the people you have on, we were able to solve the problem.
So, I'm thankful for that.
Second of all, I work at the Postal Service.
They're delivering these COVID home test kits like hotcakes.
They're going out hot and heavy.
And then that'll create hysteria.
That'll create people wanting to go get the shots.
That'll create more illness.
You got it.
And I want everybody to just protect your family.
Stay on guard.
Stay alert.
And just remember, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
Have a good day, Alex.
God bless you, sir.
Thank you so much.
Great points.
Abraham in Vegas.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Your mother took the shot.
What happened?
Yes, Mr. Jones.
1776 to you.
Basically, I'm starting emotional because about January 2021, she was doing great before that.
She lived with me in the house.
I took care of her for nine years.
I remember my brother, brainwashed by the mainstream media, the Alphabet Gang, told her, you need to take the shot, you need to take the shot.
And she's like, what should I do?
It's a mom stuff, you make the decision on your own.
She ended up taking the shot.
I swear, Mr. Jones, maybe a month or two later, she started having problems.
She had a hard time breathing.
It's a mom, what's wrong?
I don't know.
I think I had a heart attack.
I didn't know.
And I wish I'd watched your show before.
God knows if I'd have watched your show, I never would have done it.
And unfortunately, they made a hustle every day with her from morning to night.
And unfortunately, she passed away.
I'm sorry.
It's a modernity shot.
And she was a strong woman.
She was very strong.
She would fight in and out of the hospital.
Oh, that's the big daddy.
And she was a strong woman.
She was very strong.
She would fight out of the hospital, but unfortunately, I got that call.
It's a star.
She passed away.
Makes me brother.
No, no, no.
I lost family to the COVID and to the shots that didn't listen.
Almost killed Rob Due that is in great shape.
Plays basketball, cycles 30 miles at a time.
Almost killed Rob.
Almost killed my dad.
My dad was down to 86% oxygen.
And luckily I got doctors to him.
We got him on all the good stuff.
But the average person didn't even know that at the time.
I am so sorry about your mother, brother.
I haven't talked to him since Mr. Jones, to be honest with you.
I can't.
I can't forgive.
I'm sorry.
It's not a God thing to do, but I can't.
Well, I wouldn't forgive your brother, but I would, I'm not, I'm not saying
you're wrong.
I get being mad at family and I'm talking to him, um, believe me.
Um, but in hindsight, I think it was stupid.
The few family members I got mad at and talked to over things, I would challenge
him and I would inform him and I would send him information.
I know I should, but right now I just, um, well, what did he think?
What did he think while she was dying?
Did he put two and two together?
Oh no, of course not.
Very stubborn the way they're thinking and brainwashed by the mainstream media.
You obviously know about this.
Oh, that's it.
Well, they never want to admit they're wrong.
God bless you.
You'll meet your mother in heaven.
We appreciate you, brother.
Let's talk to Andrew in Montana.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Um, yeah, I just want to talk about, um, well, I told your screeners that I'm a veteran of the, uh, New Zealand lockdown BS, um, over there.
And I was trying, I was trying to come home, trying to come back to the States and the lockdowns came.
I couldn't get a passport.
Uh, because mine was expired, blah, blah, blah.
Finally got it, came back, and my dad got sick.
I came home just in time.
And, uh, he was, he was having kind of like flu-like symptoms.
Um, he was pooping himself.
He, he was out of it and, We finally, we're coming up on his two year anniversary, or not anniversary, but... It is the anniversary of his death, you're right.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
And so they took him away.
We called the paramedics and they came, they took him away and there was a whole, there was an army of them that came in the house and they were all in their Yeah, because back then they got 53 grand to kill somebody.
Yes, sir.
And, uh, you know, me and my mom were just like, we weren't wearing masks.
We weren't doing any of their protocol garbage.
Well, I see on the screen that he was vaccine injured.
Did this happen after he took the shot?
No, no, sir.
No, he never took the shot.
And he was actually on ivermectin.
He was on, and I don't know if he, uh, I'm starting to tear up.
I'm sorry.
Um, I don't know if he was given some fake snake oil or whatever, but... Well, the game people in the hospitals back then was Rendesivir that turns your organs off.
Do you know if he was given Rendesivir?
We're getting to that, Alex.
Um, so they took him away, right?
And we were waiting, we were waiting, we were waiting, and then we get a call from Logan Health, and anyone who's listening from the Flathead Valley in Montana, Logan Health killed my father.
They took him away, and then we got a call from the hospital saying, Okay, well, yes, we've got him on Remdesivir, which we did not consent to.
They put him on that.
And that's because Fauci said to do it, and when they knew it would kill people.
And from there, it was 14 days.
14 days.
And then they said, well, He's not responding.
He's not eating.
And now the next option is a ventilator.
And my mom, my mom, she's a boomer.
She trusts the mainstream, you know.
I'm awake.
I understand.
I'm not trying to cut you off.
I'm just finishing the story.
Did you read USA Today?
Admit it, they get 53 grand when they do that.
So they ventilated your dad.
Yes, I know that.
And we just finally just said... When they told me that they put him on remdesivir, I told my mom, I said, it's time to say goodbye.
It's time to start saying goodbye.
Uh, they put him to sleep with morphine and whatever else they gave him, I forget.
But you know what?
What's interesting, what's interesting, Alex, is that on his death certificate, it wasn't COVID, it was pneumonia.
Of course.
Sir, I'm not cutting you short, but I appreciate your call.
We've got to get to everybody.
I said about two minutes call.
That was five minutes, and I can talk to you for an hour.
I'm so sorry for your father.
We've got to get all the other victims on here, okay?
People need to hear this.
We're on radio stations all over the country and TV stations.
People need to hear what's going on because they're trying to bring it all back again and trying to have a U.N.
treaty to take over our bodies.
Notice I can finish the guy's sentences because it's a, whether you're in Europe or whether you're in the Pacific Ocean or whether you're here, they do the same play.
So I can finish the caller's sentences, but I want you to hear from them what they did.
And then it's our job to warn everybody.
Janet in West Virginia, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hello, kind of long-term listener, but lurker in the background.
My history is in animal sciences.
So, of course, when all this started out, of course, I started buying into, you know, needing the masks and so forth and, you know, was leery about it.
But the more I The more I heard and the more it didn't make sense with all the biology and zoology that I knew and raising livestock and so forth, how reactions to vaccines and to viruses in general affect the system and nature.
So I was hesitant about it.
And of course, I was the black sheep of the family.
Everybody thought I was crazy nutcase.
My mother took the vaccine because my uncle was a family physician.
His wife was a nurse.
That's her sister.
And, of course, she worked at the doctor's office.
So, of course, everybody at the office had to have the vaccine, even though she was hesitant because she was listening to me in the background and knew kind of, I think, in her heart that, you know, what I was saying made more sense.
Long story short, she passed from a stroke.
You'll never convince me that part of her health problems in that last year didn't have 100% to do with the vaccine and how it started shutting her system down and so forth.
Within the same year, one of my best friend's mother-in-law took the vaccine and a lady in her early 80s that used to sit and do crossword puzzles in the ink pen because her brain was so intact and intelligent She just didn't do the crossword puzzles out of the paper without even thinking twice about what the answers were.
I saw within two weeks of her first vaccination, her mind start to decline and she couldn't remember what she ate for breakfast the day before.
Or she argued with us that Mother's Day was Easter because Easter hadn't been there yet.
Um, and it was memory issues to the point as to where she could no longer live on her own and was had to put into a nursing home situation.
Which again is a soft kill weapon that weighs down and collapses society, all part of their master plan.
And then their medical facilities that they own and control get all the money while we collapse.
And it was within a week of her having a booster of her passing.
Um, and within about six months, Of all this chaos, my mom passing, his mom passed the week right after mine.
He finds out he's got stage 4 cancer of the pancreas, kidney, liver.
Wow, and before you go on with the devastation, we have the insurance numbers.
40 plus percent increase in death in 2021, and it continued on with the shots.
Has any of your family that survived woke up yet?
Uh, I think my brother has a little bit to the point.
He still jokes around about it and still thinks I'm a little off the deep end, but I mean, he is starting to agree a little more with some of the things I've been trying to express to him.
Have you sent him the FDA document from October 2000 predicting at all?
Yeah, yeah.
He thinks that's funny.
And he's in the process of having heart issues himself.
Oh wow.
He had to go in just last week and had a procedure through his neck.
Well, it's because they can't believe what's being done to them.
And then by them doing it to the medical system, the medical system didn't know, on average, they're now corrupt so they're involved in covering it up, which sets the precedent for an even more deadly shot to be rolled out.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your call.
I'm sure you can go on with all the rest of the dead in your family, but we've got to hold it to a manageable number here, don't we?
To get to everybody else so we can hear from them.
Thank you so much.
And I'm not lessening your death.
It's just we have to triage this, don't we?
Tammy in Connecticut, you're on the air.
Tell us what happened with the shot.
Hi, Sir Alex.
First time caller.
My mother was a firm believer and she trusted the doctors and she took all the Pfizer shots.
And I have a vaccine record right in front of me.
And I noticed a rapid decline in my mother in her last two shots, 9/27/21 and 10/4/22, the booster.
That poor woman was strong, tough.
She was a fighter.
Her legs would swell.
She couldn't walk.
She got leg pain.
She was in and out of the hospital four times.
Yeah, I mean, it's real simple.
They don't want old people getting their social security.
This is like Logan's Run.
Keep going.
I agree.
I just wanted to call in and millions of people died from this.
I know.
But my mom is my mom and she's special.
She is.
And this could have been prevented.
My brother is opposite of me, and I love him immensely, but I just can't get nothing through to his head and then it hurt For him to know my mother was murdered would I don't know what he would do, but she was she was murdered She was murdered, sir Well, let me just say this to you Every life is special your mother to you is incredibly special and just we have the facts so I would encourage you To go anywhere that's on TV.
City Council, County Commission, School Board.
Show her vaccine records.
Talk about it.
And if all of you simply keep telling your story, we will save the next group of people.
That's our job and your mother wouldn't have died in vain.
But I am so sorry for what happened to her.
Do you know which lethal injection she took?
I have everything right here in front of me.
Right here.
The Walgreens COVID vaccine.
It's all Pfizer.
I have every code number and everything right here in front of me.
Well, I'll tell you this.
Nowhere else, Facebook or anywhere, won't let you.
I mean, they had like a college athlete get a heart attack.
The doctor said it was a shot.
And then Yahoo News said, well, the U.N.
runs U.S.
media and you violated a U.N.
So even though you're telling the truth, you can't say it.
That was in Yahoo News two years ago.
They're desperate to not hear from you.
They murdered your mother.
You have everybody listening.
goes to Twitter, and if you don't know how to use it, get a family member to help you.
Do a video, post what happened to your mother.
If everybody, or do it on Rumble, or do it at Truth Social, or call into C-SPAN,
like you're doing now, calling into a show.
Don't be, which you're not.
You're saving innumerable lives, 'cause this was just their first icebreaker,
what they just did, Tammy.
God bless you.
Anything else you'd like to say about your wonderful mother?
Just, I hope she's with Jesus right now, with her mother and...
And Mom, I love you so very much!
And Alex, I'm so thankful that I could actually get on here with you.
God bless you, Alex.
God bless you, Tammy.
Oh my God, we're being murdered.
They think it's funny.
There's too many of us, Henry Kissinger said.
I'm a random 200.
Henry Kissinger, look it up.
Hey Alex, how's it going bud?
Yes sir!
I mean, heart attacks everywhere.
It's epidemic.
Just like cancer didn't exist in children until the 50s and now it's everywhere.
Autism didn't exist, now it's everywhere.
Oh my gosh.
Coyle in Florida, thanks for holding and calling.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how's it going, bud?
I'm living in the real world, my friend.
Yes sir.
So, I live in a small town in Florida and I mean, we got people that are just dropping left
I mean, I personally know a guy that he was late 30s, early 40s, never had any issues, and he just opened after he got the shot because his work made him do it.
He came up with having lung cancer, I believe it was, and then was almost in remission for it, and went back for another scan, and he's got it just running through his whole body.
Yeah, the spike protein blocks the exact receptor site on the DNA that stops cancer.
And of course, they made X-Files and Netflix shows about it.
Did you see the shows, Utopia, how they told you what they were doing?
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
I've seen it right after COVID started, whenever it was all over social media and stuff, where everybody was talking about it.
It's crazy how they just put it out there and then everybody's just in complete denial about what's going on.
Isn't that incredible?
They love to rub it in.
Oh yeah, they gotta tell us what's going on.
What do you think about the whistleblowers?
I know that's their Achilles heel as more whistleblowers come out and they arrest them.
Do you believe that?
The more people that speak out against it, the more People that we tell about it, I mean, just like at Thanksgiving, I was telling my cousin about all the things that are going on with this, like with the VR and stuff, where they're trying to put us in these coffin apartments and all this stuff, and I mean, he had no idea.
He was like, man, you're just blowing my mind here with this information.
He's like, it's stuff that, because he was telling me that he don't pay attention to it because it doesn't affect him.
And I was like, well, it will.
If you don't start letting people know and start waking people up to this thing, it's going to happen.
Well, notice I played last night a bunch of clubs and today.
The King of England is saying we're going to cut your resources off.
They admit it'll kill billions.
It's happening.
They are dissolving the borders, flooding us with fentanyl, attacking our families, inflating our currency.
It's all happening.
Thank you so much, Hoyle.
Just keep warning people, brother.
All right.
I'm doing an okay job taking your calls.
You're doing a great job calling in.
If people love the shot, we're not screening the calls.
If you love it, go to the front of the line.
I want to hear from you.
We're gonna go to Kevin and Tammy and everybody else when we come back.
Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam.
We got a big whistleblower joining us.
The big DHS whistleblower on giant slave trafficking for slave labor and sex slavery.
All confirmed.
Four hundred plus thousand children in some type of slavery.
Eighty plus thousand they can't even find.
That's congressional testimony.
This is real.
This is going down.
People ask how I have courage to fight this.
How would I have courage to not fight this?
We're all dead if they keep winning.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is the coordinates of freedom.
Well, if you just joined us, we're on the heels of a high-level whistleblower, head administrator of the government of New Zealand's database.
Confirming at least a 17% death rate within one year of those that took, the Pfizer shot was 90 plus percent Pfizer taken in the country.
They've arrested him, charged him with stealing the data, they're not denying it's real.
We also have this Navy medical officer who's got the official letterhead, they're not denying it's real, saying that the military is crippled because they've got a 963% increase in heart failure and a bunch of other things from the shots.
Never before seen.
I mean, they hit us.
This is World War III.
We've been hit.
And they're just getting ready to release more attacks.
And by getting the medical system to go along with this, when they weren't really in on it, but now they see all the death, they start covering it up.
Now the President said for the medical system to cover up whatever they're told, whenever they're told.
But then you have the reports that upwards of 70% of the federal government won't take the shot.
More than half the nurses in the U.S.
are refusing it.
More than half the doctors.
Or they're falsifying the fact that they have taken it.
What does that tell you?
But they finally did it, folks.
And they knew it would come out.
That's in the war games they did.
The SPARS 2025-2028 document a few years before they released it in 2000, late 2000.
And they describe how it'll be used to break down society, but then they think the IMF and World Bank and the UN that did it won't get caught.
They'll make us think that, oh, the government was just stupid.
No, it was on purpose.
So that's how they'd hit America and the Western world, folks, with a bioweapon.
You notice India and China and all the place, they're refusing the COVID shots.
They're not having all this death.
Very serious situation.
And they tell us Trump wants to get re-elected and become a dictator.
The only bad thing Trump did was going along with this, and he's at least backed away from it, but still won't admit he was wrong.
I want to go back to your calls, but please remember, we're Lister Supported.
We have great products that enrich your life, so it's a 360 win, a win-win situation.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com, where we have the big Christmas specials now going.
Store-wide free shipping.
Double Patriot Points, up to 60% off.
Amazing products.
Turbo Force, 10-hour clean energy, now back in stock.
X2 back in stock, selling out.
Bazo Beats, so good for your heart.
Same thing as Nitric Boost.
Cleans out your blood vessels.
It's 40% off.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, so good for inflammation.
More, 40% off.
Everything is 60 to 25% off, with Double Patriot Points, store and free shipping.
And if you want to support me, look us up in the news.
I am supposed to pay half the legal bills of free speech systems.
Well, I don't have any money.
I'm upside down.
But I've been authorized to get part of the sales of my book The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists, and Launch the Next Great Renaissance.
The problem is selling for 20-something bucks a piece, which we have unsigned, won't get me enough funds.
So we have the fundraiser where it's $100, $99.
Signed copy, and just you know by doing that, you're the reason we stay on air.
Without the last book of the signed copies, we'd be gone as well.
So if you haven't gotten a signed copy or an unsigned copy, every little bit helps.
Infowarsstore.com or AAA2533139.
If you buy it on Amazon and places, Yeah, like every six months I get paid, I might get like $100,000 or something, which sounds like a lot.
Taking on the globalists, it's nothing.
But selling thousands of books signed, that brings in some real money.
So I want to thank those that did get the signed book.
I want to encourage all of you that haven't, get a copy of The Great Awakening.
Infowarshore.com signed right now.
And I thank you for your support.
All right, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Really painful listening to this, but these are real people.
These are real stories, and it's going to get worse.
And now they're targeting the children if we don't do this.
We don't tell the truth.
We don't warn the people.
It's our job.
So I appreciate the callers that are calling in.
I know it's painful.
Kevin in New York, you're on the air.
It says your sister died.
Go ahead.
Can you hear me okay?
On speaker?
Yes, sir.
I can hear you good.
Go ahead.
So anyway, yeah.
I mean, I have a personal thing, you know, in the family with right in the beginning of all of it.
I just want to say real quick about your supplements and as well as on Coast to Coast, a show you've also been on.
Great product, but if you're in poredom like me, you don't have money to buy these products.
They're a little bit pricey for us with no money, and I'm just throwing that out there.
I mean, to take a really take advantage, you really need to get a lot of these things.
And wow, man, if I could, but anyway, enough of that.
This, my sister at the beginning of this whole thing, February that year, caught it.
Went into the hospital at the wrong time to finally get that knee operation.
And then it wasn't long that my other sister, her twin, was calling saying that, yeah, she passed away of COVID.
That's when I was just starting to learn things about this.
But it stuck in my mind, they blamed COVID.
I said, mm-hmm, of COVID.
And then a couple weeks later, I started figuring things out.
I said, they must have put her on the liver The liver, remdesivir, going straight there.
That's what I'm imagining it was.
I couldn't know if it was a combination of that and the shot.
On top of that, around the same time, there was a friend that I'd known for years, like no report I got on him.
Later, after feeling eerie about not having heard from him, I went to check about three, four months, and sure enough, the person on the other end was answering his phone and letting me know that he had a bad reaction to the first shot.
And then he went and got a second one, and that was it.
And so this is my experience at the beginning, but I had just started hearing enough about it to know to stay away from it, and I noticed anybody that hated Trump didn't have a chance.
Well, we know that they bombed red areas, the deepest red Republican areas, with the higher levels, because a lot of it was Well, it was actually sailing.
Around half of the shots were sailing, but they directed the ones that actually had it in it to Republican areas.
We've done deep reports, shown the documents.
We'll put Greg Reese's report on screen, but you're... Talk about the lot numbers, Alex.
The lot numbers.
Yes, the hot lot numbers.
That's exactly what it is.
And he just did an update on that this weekend.
It's absolutely critical information.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, sir.
CDC confirms the majority of fatal COVID vaccines were knowingly sent to red states.
That's the second report on it.
The first report's got a million plus views.
It's red states being targeted by deadly COVID shots.
He did three reports, but the point is, This is all coming out, but let me say something.
You mentioned the fact that getting high quality DMS supplements out there has a price tag on it, because it's costing us a lot for this stuff, because we put out the best.
We could put out crappy stuff and it'd be really low price, but it wouldn't have anywhere near effect.
But I was thinking about this as a public service announcement, and I'm going to cut ads in the next few days.
That means I got to go to the store, I got to research it, I got to check it.
But a lot of Himalayan salt, if you get it out, And you look at it, and you got a piece of the Himalayan salt, it's in chunks, usually in a circular container.
If it's pink in the middle, that means it's got a little bit of iodine.
But the really good ones have purple in the middle, and that means it's got the same stuff that's in our X2.
Now, if we show you the video of our X2, it's literally shining blue silver crystals, it's pure.
But it is in the Himalayan salt, little bits of it.
So it's not as good, but it's good enough.
And so, if you can't afford X2 or X3, you need to go out and you need to get them, you know, because a lot of the brands don't have it.
They'll call it Himalayan, but if it's white, it doesn't have any of it in there.
If it's pink, it has a little bit, but you'll see some brands that you'll see purple streaks in it.
That's what you want, right there.
Guys, can you roll the B-roll?
That's what we put in it.
That's pure iodine.
You take a chunk of that, throw it on the floor, purple gas shoots up, it burns a hole in the floor.
Now then, once it goes into the special patented process, it's safe to take.
But that, there's little bitty tiny bits of that, though, in Real Himalayan salt.
So the decent stuff is pink.
And the really good stuff, because once I learned about this 10 years ago, I was like, oh, the brand I've got's actually got a little purple flex in it.
That's what you're looking for.
All right, so that's a public service announcement.
No need to get X2, folks.
Get the Himalayan salt.
You know what we should do to have a win-win so we can fund ourselves into it?
I'm going to find a major Himalayan supplier.
That's it.
And have it tested.
Make sure it's high level.
And it's still slightly bound to the potassium, so it's potassium iodide, but it still breaks down pretty good, and then you get some of the pure.
But we're going to come out with the best potassium iodine, I'm going to find out who's got the best Himalayan salt, and I'm going to private label it.
Another great idea.
All right, folks, we'll be right back.
But regardless, get it for your family, especially your children.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tammy, stay there.
Welcome back.
We have a big DHS whistleblower next hour, and I've got all these incredible callers here that I want to get to everybody.
So let's move quickly here.
Those I don't get to, I'll get your name and number if you want.
I'll call you back tomorrow, I promise.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tammy in Seattle.
Tell us your experience with the lethal injection.
I have two experiences.
My mother decided since I told her not to take it that she would go ahead and take two shots and a whole bunch of other stuff, flu shots.
Anyways, she was at the top of the stairs about a month later, 18 stairs.
She fell down backwards, broke her neck in two places, crawled to the office.
Anyways, they put her in convalescent care and that was in the state of California and I'm in the state of Seattle.
So it was pretty tough to get her out of that convalescent hospital.
But I have some advice for people.
You take hair samples and nail samples.
That way you know what they're giving them before and what they're giving them afterwards.
So you can follow their medical care.
That's a great idea.
And I had family with a great uncle in California who was totally healthy.
They locked him up for a year and he just basically died of not eating because they wouldn't let him see anybody in the old folks home.
They ran an exact plan to murder people.
Yep, I believe it.
Because of you, I believe it.
And so anyways, I don't want to waste time, but because of you, Peters, Bannon, McCullough,
artists and the Rumble Channel, my relatives are alive.
We used your fusion and your nitric boost.
Anyways, I kind of skipped over the topic.
They put my mother into convalescent care and me, I ran down the West Coast,
went to the convalescent hospital in 2020 and the nurses and stuff weren't going to let me in.
And I waited till the janitor came out the back door, packed up my mom, and they said that they wouldn't release
her unless she had a commercial oxygen at home.
So I called that Inogen company.
They delivered us oxygen to the convalescent hospital and I rolled her out of there.
And so then the next thing that happened after that, my husband, young husband, firefighter,
had to retire because he did the job because he has an older mother
and he wanted to be kind to her because he's such a kind, nice man.
Oh yeah, they guilt you, but it doesn't even protect you from COVID or spreading it, yeah.
And so he wound up taking it, a young man, 55, two heart attacks later.
And so when I went into the hospital the second time, I wore a mask because they demand that you wear one.
And my mask had an eagle, and in Italian, it was an American flag.
And I was told to cover it up and put a paper mask over that.
Total leftist cult.
Yeah, they are a cult.
Oh man, so with the husband, he's a little bit of a problem because I have awesome health care.
And so when you have awesome health care, you have to watch your doctors and nurses because they want to cut stuff out, you know?
And so... That's right, our medical system has become incredibly predatory.
Has your husband and mother woken up now?
Well, you know what?
Because of your products and a naturopath that gave intravenous vitamins and oxygen and a little bit of a hyperbaric chamber, both of them are walking.
They don't have the jab limp.
They don't get their headaches.
And Dr. Artist with his nicotine patches.
You know, that really helped.
My dad's taking that.
It really helped him.
Thank you so much.
Amazing call.
So glad to hear you guys bounce back.
Rita in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
It's Rita in Texas.
And long, long, long time listener.
First time caller.
And I just wanted to share my personal story with you.
Um, it's not as sad as... Well, thank God it's not as sad.
We're blessed to have you.
So tell us.
Yeah, that's okay.
So, um, I, um, am in a senior community, and of course, most of my neighbors are jabs, and I attended a party, uh, one evening, a block party, and, um, and a few days later, I started having issues with my breathing.
And eventually, I did drive myself to the ER in Grapevine, but I don't know how I did it.
But I got in there, and both of my lungs were full of clots, and they said I was lucky to be alive.
And so, interestingly enough, the ER doc was keen on all that was going on, and he asked They were around people that were jabbed, I'm not jabbed.
And he talked about shutting.
So, uh... Oh, so you ran into an ER doctor that was awake?
And not only he, but, uh, some other people that were doing other, uh, things, I mean, trying to grumble in my heart and this and that.
And Rita, talk, Rita, talk right on your phone.
Rita, talk right on your phone for me.
Well, I'm trying.
There was one woman who was the admitting doctor, and she kept coming in and saying, you don't have COVID.
And I said, no, I don't have COVID.
I didn't have any symptoms of COVID.
But I refused the test in the beginning, but the ER doc said, if we admit you, you'll have to be tested.
Yes, they had to.
So Rita, Rita, long time listener, we love you.
What happened?
Well, they hooked me up to, you know, blood thinners and this and that.
I mean, I'm still able to talk to you.
Obviously, I made it through all that.
But that was during a time when everybody was ready to go to the hospital or doctor, and I just felt lucky to have Hey, how you doing Alex?
Long time listener, first time call.
There isn't a price too high, I'll pay it.
to a good daughter than you had to treat you and got you better 'cause COVID was very real.
Thank you and God bless you.
Let's go to Ali in Indiana.
Ali, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, go ahead. - Long time listener.
First time call.
There isn't a price too high, I'll pay it.
I feel like this, I feel great.
Anyway, this COVID jab has decimated my family.
Um, you know, I've got a few that are sick, but my uncle, he passed 15 days after receiving the Pfizer jab.
And I tried talking him out of it.
You know, he had, um, an aggressive form of leukemia and he was pulling out of it.
And his immune system was real delicate.
And the doctor was I feel like the doctor knew he wasn't in a state to take anything.
You know, he was still healing.
And he died 15 days after the shot.
Well, that's how most people die when they take it.
And we have the statistics.
It doesn't lie.
We know they're doing this, brother.
What do you think of the whistleblowers coming out and how scared they are of it?
I love it, man.
That's how we beat them.
They only win if we're scared.
Crawl in our holes and die.
You know, they force us into a corner and we have no choice but to fight.
But with that, they become dangerous because now I feel like they're in a corner and we need to keep pressing.
We absolutely do.
There's no other way.
Nobody's coming for us.
We gotta do it, brother.
We gotta raise the alarm.
Thank you for the call.
Chris in Kansas is a nurse on COVID vaccine.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I could probably bend your ear for an hour on so many different topics about the shot, about COVID and everything we've been through in the past four years from setting up a parallel medical economy here in Kansas to setting up Liberty Alliances in small towns and counties all through Kansas and working with the school boards, city commissions, county commissions.
Well that's right, we need medical militias of informed people led by doctors and nurses to warn people during their next pandemic, which we're trying to launch now.
Well, I'll tell you just real quick since you kind of grabbed a hold of that.
My wife's a nurse practitioner and I'm a nurse.
I grabbed her and removed her from the quote-unquote modern medicine, showed her the light, and she said her words exactly were, after seeing it, she goes, I can't go back seeing or knowing what I know now.
We set up a family practice, build her a new building.
She's out on her own and on a weekly basis.
It's unfortunate to see, but with our patients that have been used and abused by the old medical system that they left.
But your call is the key.
There are good doctors and nurses.
It's happening.
Start the new infrastructure again.
And get these people off all the crap that they've been filled with from the modern medical establishment.
Well, as a nurse, what have you seen from the shots?
I have literally held the cloth from a nearby embalmer in the area that he has pulled from vaccinated people.
He's never seen this before in his life.
I've held jars full of these shots, these cloths that have been caused by the shots that he's pulled from these people.
I've seen it firsthand.
Every single week we have a new patient that's had a heart attack or a stroke.
Or Dionne Baret.
Any of the side effects that went along with the shot that we've been telling people for the past three or four years since it's been out, don't take the shot, don't take the shot, but they were strong-armed and they were led astray by the medical facility.
Hold on, don't hang up, Chase.
As a nurse, I want to hear more about this from you.
What you've witnessed when we come back, we'll jam in a few more calls and the Big Whistleblower joins us.
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Alright, I want Chris in Kansas, who's a nurse, his wife's a nurse practitioner,
to spend a few minutes on what you witnessed in 2021 once the shots started versus what you saw the year before.
Go ahead and tell us.
Well, you know, at that time I was working in a nursing home and they had shut all the nursing homes down.
You couldn't go in, you couldn't go out.
It was worse than Fort Knox or a military facility.
And these elderly people, the quote-unquote greatest generation. We put them through hell that they never
deserved. We isolated them. These people were in their room and whether they had the mental
capacity to get out of their room and go and associate with other people there, inmates
I call them.
So you're saying they were put in solitary confinement?
They were because the people that had the wherewithal mentally to leave didn't have
the physical ability to go out.
And as a nurse, we couldn't take them out of their rooms.
They were supposed to stay in their rooms.
Their meals were brought to them.
They didn't leave for any reason.
They were kept there.
And then they just were given, when the shots came out, they'd go room to room and say, hey, we have your shot.
Take your shot.
Now this is going to keep you safe.
And I'll tell you, not a single person.
Now I know it's a nursing home and people are expected to be there long term.
I understand that.
I'm not naive by any means.
But these people were either killed by the shot or killed by despair because of the treatment that they received within that year time frame.
I'm going to put you on hold.
If you want to give us your name and number, we'll call you back tomorrow.
I don't want to cut you short, but I've got to get to some of these other callers.
The ones I don't get to, if you want to give us your name and number, we'll call you back tomorrow.
I'm going to do this again.
You'll be at the head of the line.
And I want to go to Cynthia and Julie and John and David and Robert and Chris.
We've got time right now.
For Dave, he says he's in Denver, Colorado, a medical worker, whistleblower.
We got two and a half minutes.
Go ahead, Dave.
Hi, Alex.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I'll jump right into it.
So, I don't necessarily come from a medical background, but I come from supply chain and consulting.
I worked at the large consultancies during COVID-19, and I had seen exactly what they were doing in terms of The contracts being handled to them, whether it's PR, whether it's quality assurance.
So you saw a 35,000 foot view on the logistics?
From the people the medical community hires to do their strategy.
And what'd you witness?
Um, well, uh, we were forced to get the vaccine.
Um, and a lot of the people within The company worked in Lifetime.
That was the top business consultancy during 2020 to 2022, and people were constantly chattering about how they were covering up the death rate, how they used consultancy tactics, statistical tricks, and whatnot to misrepresent things.
All of the same things that are out of the globalist handbook being applied to that.
And I've seen that happen in the medical community and I've seen that happen in the consumer
goods industry as well.
And the toxicity and whatnot that's going on there.
And they create a narrative, they create the propaganda, they prepare the response stories,
all of it's pre-programmed worldwide.
All of that.
And they help misrepresent the data.
They cook the books, you know, Deloitte, McKenzie, the NDBs.
Well sure, I mean, look at the PCR test, how they turned it up!
Absolutely, and it was all for profit, and it's all known for profit.
You could look at the companies that pay these consultancies, and the consultancies in turn pay them.
Well, Dave, I don't want to cut you off either.
So, we've taken an hour and a half of calls.
Put Dave on hold.
I promise you at 1130 Central, I'll do 30 minutes of news tomorrow.
Unless there's like a nuclear war breaks out or something, I'll have to cover that.
But we're going to go back to calls tomorrow because I've got a big whistleblower coming up.
We'll go to Patrick Right after Dave tomorrow, Cynthia, Julie, John, Robert, Chris.
We will call you all at 1130 tomorrow.
If you can't do it, we understand, but I do not want, I want to hear all your stories.
So, it's just the way this works.
We're out of time.
Incredible last hour and a half.
Thank you all for your testimonies.
We're going to go to break.
I'm back with the whistleblower, but everybody, the doctor hung up.
I want to get you guys on tomorrow.
Call me tomorrow.
We'll be right back.
All right, Tara Rodas is our guest.
She's having some Zoom problems.
We're going to connect it right now.
If she can't make it today, we'll go back to these incredible calls.
Tara Rodas was a federal employee for more than 20 years while serving at the Pomona Fairplex Emergency Intake Site in Ponoma, California.
She volunteered to help place unaccompanied children with sponsors in the United States.
She saw firsthand the lack of transparency, lack of oversight, flawed policies and deficiencies in the HHS unaccompanied children program resulting in children being placed with suspicious sponsors and suspected trafficking rings throughout the United States.
She's been testifying to Congress.
Here is a short five minute boil down.
The tax dollars of people who are listening are paying to put children in the hands of criminals.
And I said, look, I need to make you aware.
And they said, Tara, we don't get sued by traffickers.
A government whistleblower with the Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency has stepped forward.
In 2021, this whistleblower volunteered to assist HHS with the placement of unaccompanied minors and was deployed to the migrant emergency intake site in Pomona, California.
There, she witnessed the agency failing these children.
As she puts it, doing the work of the cartels on your tax dollars.
Rodas is recognized for five minutes.
Good afternoon Chairman McClintock, Ranking Member Japal, and distinguished members of the committee.
It is an honor to be here.
I thank you for the invitation to share my testimony.
My goal is to inspire action to safeguard the lives of migrant children, including the staggering 85,000 that are missing.
Children will work overnight shifts at slaughterhouses, factories, restaurants to pay their debts to smugglers and traffickers.
Today, children will be sold for sex.
These vulnerable children, we care for them, we clothe them, we feed them.
With your dollars and my dollars, we fly that product directly to the trafficker.
God forbid it's sex trafficking.
We have 44 unaccompanied children at that address.
We have 25 unaccompanied children at that address.
One case from Who sponsored you?
An auntie, but she ran me over.
Well, because she offered me.
I didn't like that.
She offered you what?
She offered me to be with the men.
But how many men did she force you to be with?
How many men?
Well, with many.
Or was it someone else?
Today, children will call a hotline to report they are being abused, neglected, and trafficked.
And we don't know if they're going to get the help they need.
For nearly a decade, unaccompanied children have been suffering in the shadows.
And I have to confess, I knew nothing about their suffering until 2021, when I volunteered to help the Biden administration with the crisis at the southern border.
As part of Operation Artemis, I was deployed to the Pomona Fairplex emergency intake site in California to help HHS Office of Refugee Resettlement reunite children with sponsors in the United States.
I thought I was going to help place children in loving homes.
Instead, I discovered that children are being trafficked through a sophisticated network that begins with recruiting in home country, smuggling to the US border, and ends when ORR I don't believe that this is something that HHS wants people to know.
Some sponsors are criminals and traffickers and members of transnational criminal organizations.
Some sponsors view children as commodities and assets to be used for earning income.
This is why we are witnessing an explosion of labor trafficking.
I don't believe that this is something that HHS wants people to know.
Now whether it's intentional or not, it could be argued that the United States government
has become the middle man in a large-scale, multi-billion dollar child trafficking operation
that is run by bad actors seeking to profit off of the lives of children.
I want to tell you some of what I witnessed personally at the Pomona Fairplex.
I saw vulnerable indigenous children from Guatemala who speak Mayan dialects and cannot speak Spanish.
That means they cannot ask for help in English.
They cannot ask for help in Spanish.
They become captives of their sponsors.
I saw apartment buildings where 20, 30, and 40 unaccompanied minors have been released.
I saw sponsors trying to simultaneously sponsor children from multiple ORR sites at one time.
I saw sponsors using multiple addresses to obtain sponsorships of children.
And I saw numerous cases of children in debt bondage and the child knew they had to stay with the sponsor until the debt was paid.
They are extorted, abused, neglected.
And that is why I blew the whistle in 2021.
I witnessed firsthand the horrors of child trafficking and exploitation.
My life will never be the same after what I saw.
I watched those regressional hearings a few weeks ago.
400 plus thousand in slavery, 80 plus thousand missing.
And the government knows they're placing them with cartels that bring them over, the cartels that control them later, the Democrat Party affiliated lawyers that have busted here where I live in Austin, control the children and make sure the money's paid to the different organizations.
Then they can work in factories by day and have sex slavery by night, many of them.
Tara Rhodes is a hero for going public about this.
You can find her at truthtrench.org forward slash defend the children.
And I'm going to try to skip a few of these network breaks so we have more time so that she can just break down what she witnessed and where she sees this going.
You talk about America losing its soul.
When Obama left office, the Senate put out a report and confirmed tens of thousands of children.
It was even the Washington Post back then.
Now they wouldn't report on this.
We're in sex slavery.
And then Trump basically put an end to it, 98%.
Then under Biden, the third administration of Obama, it has exploded.
And even the New York Times was reported on this.
So, this is out in the open, and Biden and the Orcas make jokes about it.
We can't even get him impeached in the Republican House, but they got rid of the other Republican, Santos, for lying.
Break it rid of him, but the guy had a crooked toenail compared to sex slavery or children.
So, Tara Rodas, we commend you.
We salute you.
We thank you.
I'm going to try to really give you the floor.
We've got a break here.
In about 15 minutes.
But I'd really just like you to go wherever you'd like.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Well, Alex, thank you so much for having me on your show.
It's a real honor and a pleasure.
And most importantly, I really appreciate you exposing what we now know is government-sponsored, taxpayer-funded child trafficking.
That is something I never thought I would ever say in my lifetime.
So Alex, if you or your listeners are not aware, the Biden administration at the beginning of 2021 made a call to all federal employees.
And they said, look, we need people for the crisis on the Southern border.
It's interesting.
Everybody knew there was a crisis in early 2021.
So they asked for volunteers from all federal agencies.
I myself have been a federal employee for more than 20 years.
And they said, look, we need vetted people to come work.
And what we actually need them to do is help place migrant children with sponsors here in the United States.
And they said it was a family reunification program.
They said that what we would do was be helping on the border, you know, make sure that these children were reunited with their families.
And so, you know, I thought, as a federal employee, it's not very often that you get to do a humanitarian issue.
And it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you're on.
I think all Americans agree that we need to take care of children who are here in the United States.
So I thought, you know what, that's what I'm going to go do.
My husband is from El Salvador, so I'm a Spanish speaker.
And I thought, you know, this would be something I could really do.
I could help these children.
I've traveled in El Salvador and Guatemala and Mexico.
And I thought, you know, I can do puzzles and color and help them feel safe after their journey until they can be reunited with their family.
So Alex, this was the sad, you know, sad moment is that about two weeks in to working in case management, me and the federal team working with some of the case managers there, we realized that something was dreadfully wrong.
The kids were in crisis.
They could not tell what their relationship was with the people that they were going to.
One of the little boys, and like I said, this is all in the first two weeks, starts telling the story about he's being recruited.
He and his sister were from Guatemala.
They were saying, look, we have to get out of here, we have to get out of here, we have to get out of here.
He ended up being on suicide watch.
Because the process, you know, we couldn't figure out, we couldn't get an ID that said where the children were actually going.
Every time we tried to verify an address, they would send us something different.
And so fortunately, you know, we knew something was wrong, but what we didn't know is that trafficking was going on in the program.
So we also didn't know that trafficking has gone on in this program, like you shared in the opening of your show, since the Obama administration.
So none of us knew that.
So when we show up to try to help these children, what we believe is family reunification, no one is even thinking, wow, there could be trafficking.
We need to really look into these sponsors.
Nobody was thinking that at all until this very first case two weeks in.
And by the end of that, me, the federal team, you know, this is a group effort.
Realized that we had a sponsor who had sponsored at six different addresses.
He and a group of people had sponsored over 18 children.
They had sponsored them from various emergency intake sites around the country over the course of a couple of years.
And then one of those who had been sponsored, who had turned 18, was now becoming a sponsor for another unaccompanied child.
So we turn this case in as suspicious sponsor.
I mean, we knew something was wrong.
We just didn't know what at that point.
So, our team, you know, we're looking at the news, we're trying to figure out what's happening, what's going on.
And that's when one of the other whistleblowers, Deborah White, she found the Senate report from 2016.
And I'll never forget the day that we sat there and we read through the Senate report, realizing that they knew since 2014 that there was trafficking in the program.
And the Senate report that was, you know, led by this investigative committee was led by Senator Portman.
His opening statements are online.
It's about the Marion Egg Farm trafficking case in Ohio.
And that is free on YouTube.
It's called Trafficked in America.
And it shows exactly how the children were trafficked.
How they were lured because trafficking is force, fraud, or coercion.
And it told the story of how these children were lured from their home country.
Brought by smugglers, put in slave labor conditions on an egg farm in Marion, Ohio.
It shows the dilapidated trailer in Trafficked in America.
It shows where they were living.
They did not have a toilet.
They had a bucket.
The children were being threatened with their lives.
They were threatening their family back home.
They said, if you don't do what we say, we're going to put a bullet in your head.
And these children were in forced labor situations.
This was 2014.
And this is modern, modern slavery.
Trump kills it, pretty much, or correct me if I'm wrong, then it explodes once Biden gets in.
So, this program has gone just absolutely, it is out of control.
HHS has lost control of their program.
And they've lost control because, just like us, You know, we're mobilized.
We go to a pop-up emergency intake site.
It's only open for six months.
We process over 8,300 children in less than six months, flying them out on planes in the middle of the night all over the country.
And none of us are trained to look for trafficking.
They don't tell us.
So we didn't even realize until like mid-June that they're trafficking the kids.
So then we start reporting.
We figure out what the red flags are.
We figure out how to use the database.
Well, gee, if somebody sponsored multiple children, well, that could be a red flag.
Hmm, if somebody's sponsoring at more than one address, maybe that's a flag.
But the sentiment on the site was, uh, you're not here to investigate sponsors.
You're here to reunite children with the sponsor.
By the way, let me just interrupt you.
I said I wouldn't, but we have footage, two years ago we shot, of literally,
we had an undercover police officer inside who wanted to work with us, a lady, I'll leave it at that.
Her husband was one of the head guys in the town.
She's in there listening in Spanish where these Caucasian men are in there.
One of them came out in front of us and are saying, "I'm here to take these girls.
"I don't want any men with them or any women.
"I want little kids.
"You promise me a bunch, I'm their sponsor."
Like, "Yes, sir, we'll get 'em to you."
He has a white van outside, and then he sees the lady, he starts talking to her,
he follows her out, our guys are out there.
He goes, "I'm here, what's wrong?
"I'm here to get these kids.
"I'll show 'em the way of the Lord."
I mean, it's like something out of Deliverance, and you're, of course, you were immersed in this.
I was just there off and on a few times, and I have nightmares about it.
I don't know how you guys can even deal with this, but sorry, I'm digressing.
It's just, I've seen it myself, the full horror, and then I've been contacted by federal judges
and others, I'll leave it at that, federal agents that are upset,
where the DHS will not indict a four-time convicted pedophile they caught driving a school bus
for disabled kids in South Texas.
And then when they try to charge him, the Justice Department will not even allow it.
I mean, it's just, so it's not just they've lost control, they're protecting him.
Please continue.
And Alex, that's a very good point.
That's a very good point.
They are protecting, which is what I find the most horrific.
And so I, as I mentioned, we started discovering what the red flags were.
We were training other people.
We had some great partners with USCIS.
On the team who got us into Polaris and got us OTIP training, which is Office of Trafficking in Persons.
They help us understand, you know, what are the different types of trafficking, right?
Because there's labor trafficking, there's sex trafficking, there's all different kinds, and it requires force, fraud, or coercion.
And so we were trying to discover from the children, tell us about your journey, tell us exactly what's happening, so that we could document At least when we left the site, nobody there was listening, but at least when we left the site that we could say, hey look, these are the addresses and these are the places... Yeah, because if human traffickers are bringing them to the border, they're going to be handed off to traffickers.
Oh, absolutely!
And that is when the bombshell hit at the end of August.
The end of August, a brave whistleblower, Aaron Stevenson of DHS, Who is a Marine who, you know, did tours in Iraq, and then he was a DoD contractor, tours in Afghanistan, and then he went on to work for DHS, and he was part of USCIS, and his mission was the TOC mission, which is Transnational Organized Crime.
That was his mission, looking for bad guys.
And he, when he could get no resolution at DHS, he's sounding the alarms.
Members on the talk.
So I need your listeners to really get this.
Members on the Transnational Organized Crime Watch List.
So we're talking MS-13, 18th Street Gang, Russian Balkan Crime Syndicates, etc.
On the watch list.
That they're getting notified.
DHS is notified.
FBI knows, you know, DOJ knows, DHS knows.
Aaron is sitting there trying to tell everybody, guys, we have a new and emerging threat.
We have these serious high-level actors and they're from different countries because sometimes you might have an MS-13 person who's operating out of Mexico or Guatemala and he's seeing these bad guys from El Salvador and Guatemala and Mexico and they weren't all part of the same clique.
So he starts seeing every three or four weeks another one, another one, another one, and he shows he has the bravery after he could get nowhere to go to Project Veritas, which I had never even heard of until Deborah White showed me the video on the site.
And I will never forget that moment.
I was, if you can imagine, we're working in a huge ballroom.
I mean, if people could just picture this, it's hundreds of case managers.
We have rows of tables, case managers on one side and then children would file in and sit on the other side.
This place, Myra Moreno, one of the other whistleblowers, she described it like the New York Stock Exchange.
I mean, papers are flying and people are yelling and, you know, it was pure pandemonium with just hundreds of people in this massive ballroom.
And I will never forget that moment when I saw his disclosure and I saw, you know, he flashed up the face of an 18th Street gang member as a sponsor and said that these people were getting sponsors.
I mean, getting children.
And I thought, you know, my husband's from El Salvador.
And, you know, I've traveled there a lot.
MS-13 and 18th Street Gang are known for being violent, right?
Drug traffickers, sex traffickers.
We know about El Salvador until Bukele came in, the most dangerous country in Latin America.
Yes, exactly!
Everybody loves Bukele!
You know, Naive Bukele, see, he thinks smart, right?
Which is, the number one priority of government is to protect its citizens.
So if you can't do that, you get an F. I mean, that's just my simple way of thinking about it.
And they're now the lowest crime rate in Latin America in only two years.
And so Bukele, he built the largest maximum security facility prison in Central America.
So guess what?
Yeah, there we go.
So MS-13's not operating in El Salvador.
But they are operating here.
And we've known about it since February of 21.
And let's be clear, now we know they're going into sex slavery and also manual labor slavery, even the New York Times admits it, run by these groups with Biden basically overseeing it.
This is... Why aren't we impeaching Biden right now?
You know, that is a good question for people on Capitol Hill.
And what I want to know is why, in 2021, there have been whistleblowers since 2015 in DHS.
2015, a whistleblower came forward and he was with Homeland Security Investigations So, he was DHS, HSI, Jason Piccolo.
He came forward in 2015 to say, we are giving children to criminals and traffickers.
And here we are eight years later and it's still ongoing.
We're going to go to break in a minute.
I'm going to try to, again, give you the floor to talk about your personal experiences, testimony to Congress, where you see this going and what we can do.
Because I've seen the Orcas, they throw parties for him on TV and say he's done a great job.
They say the border's under control.
Yeah, under their control to carry this out.
And I'm going to ask you, we're going to break in one minute, but what's their endgame?
I mean, why are they, why did Nancy Pelosi call MS-13 God's Children?
Oh, wow.
You know, people are making a lot of money on this, Alex.
This is hundreds of millions of dollars a month to some of these contractors.
I can speak from my own personal experience at the Pomona Fairplex.
The contract for a six-month period, it was over $700 million.
The contractor is making a hundred million dollars a month.
So it's they have no vested interest in saying, hey, Except their soul and their own children.
Does anybody think our children are safe while this is going on?
If you think crack was cool just in certain neighborhoods, look at it now.
This is pure evil.
We'll be right back with our special guest, Tara Rodas.
Stay there, Tara.
We love you.
You're a hero.
Well, we have a really precious lady on with us, and she's offered to help us get these other amazing whistleblowers on.
We want to talk the micro and the macro view here.
And understand, this is official U.S.
government policy.
They've been confronted since the 2014 Senate report.
There's been other Senate reports.
But I've talked to head federal judges, I'll leave it at that, in meetings with FBI agents, Homeland Security, federal marshals.
They're completely upset.
They're asking me what I think we can do.
And asking me, can we get in touch with Joe Rogan?
And they know this is being done on purpose.
And so now we have where the children are, slave labor in factories, part of the day sex slavery by night.
I mean this is modern slavery.
This is going on now.
And you look at the poison shots, the open borders, the wars, all of it is a demoralizes.
It's a criminal direct action by the Democratic Party in my view.
To just set the precedent, we're so overwhelmed, we just roll over and have mass Stockholm Syndrome.
Now there's a lot of footage, and I mentioned this clip, it's not even the most powerful, but we have an undercover police officer from the town there.
She comes out and says he's in there trying to get a vanload of little girls.
He doesn't want, you know, adults there.
And then he comes out and confronts us.
By the time we get the cameras on, we get, you know, part of it.
But this is what's going on.
The same woman all day, this is just in one town in South Texas, the same woman takes a baby every hour to the airport, six months, a year old, and says, this is my baby, no paperwork, hands it over, it disappears.
This is a couple years ago.
You go down there right now, anywhere in South Texas on the border can witness this.
It's not like you're deer hunting or something and wait for two hours, you know, in a blind to see a deer come out.
You will pull up to the border.
It's, you know, like...
Tara Rodis said, it's like an anthill.
It's everywhere.
Ballrooms full of kids.
And now they're trying to vet them and protect them and get them to somebody real.
One of them had been brought there by smugglers, about to be handed over to smugglers.
God help them.
But here's a short clip since I mentioned it.
Here it is.
I was just parking it.
And they'll grab me for a minute.
Because we're not in control of that.
We can't stop them.
So we can either pay for it or pay for it.
That's the way I look at it.
We'll pay for it.
I know, that's what I'm trying.
I mean, because we're stuck paying for it.
One way or another.
Yeah, but they feel privileged.
They feel entitled.
And after speaking to people in there, they're not, they don't, they don't care to clean up after themselves.
They'll do everything for free.
And they don't care to pay.
No, so we have some that are already in Pennsylvania.
We're building this belt.
We're pushing this belt.
It's constantly creating new businesses and we can't find people that can staff them.
So we provide the official affidavits of support.
So therefore, but they gotta work.
He goes on to say, we'll post a little video on him forward, it's been up for years,
that he wants underage girls, no men, to teach them the way of the Lord working in restaurants.
So, child labor.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is trying to shut down family farms, people's children working on a farm, under their parents' eye.
That's good.
So I'm going to shut up, Tara.
We're going to skip this break coming up.
You made a lot of great points.
Just start wherever you want.
But I think a good place is also where we are currently now, how bad this is.
Yeah, well, what's interesting, Alex, is that we really don't know what the actual total is at the moment because HHS has failed to release the FY23 data of how many children are unaccounted for.
So what we do know is that in fiscal year 21 and 22, 85,000, okay, 85,000 children,
they are unaccounted for.
They cannot make contact with them.
Okay, 85,000 children in two years.
So that is astounding.
What I do not understand is when Hannah Dreyer of the New York Times, okay disavow the New York Times, but Hannah Dreyer of the New York Times has gone state to state.
She has documented the horrific stories of the children, middle schoolers with chemical burns, A little boy in my own state of Virginia, he was pulled into a Tyson chicken de-boner.
His arm was shredded.
Fortunately, they medevaced him out and he's alive today.
He was 14 years old.
And he's maimed for life.
Because he thought he was coming here for the American dream.
And so there's children like this all over the country who are being abused, neglected, and trafficked.
And how do we know that?
Because they are calling a hotline every single day, Alex.
Today, there are children calling a hotline saying, help me, I'm being abused, I'm being neglected, I'm being trafficked.
Sometimes it eclipses like 250 a month.
Those are the calls they're getting in.
And those are the children, despite language barriers and everything, that find out there's a hotline.
It's probably one out of a hundred.
So we know this is, we know it's a crisis.
They know it's a crisis.
They continue to be called to Capitol Hill with no answers whatsoever.
They can give no responses.
You know, the director of ORR, Robin Marcos, she has no response.
That's where the children are.
How would any political party, I know I said I wouldn't interrupt, but how would any political party, is this driven by the Democrats?
Republicans though are part of it because they've not impeached him yet, either Biden or Mayorkas.
How would anyone want to be part of something so historically criminal?
I mean, why are they not even worried about the greatest human trafficking operation in modern history of little children?
And I mean, how the hell are they, what's wrong with them?
Yes, well Alex, this is probably one of the most chilling things that occurred.
So we, and I can tell you exactly what their mentality is because this is what one of their attorneys told me, my boss, okay, my boss.
She, she was the director of the federal case management team.
She had appointed me to be her deputy of the federal case management team.
We had identified a location in Austin, Texas, where there was trafficking and I'll explain that story a little bit later because I know we need to go to a break soon.
No, no, I'm skipping the break.
Oh, you're going to skip the break.
Go ahead.
Okay, all right.
So, in this particular case, we had a Guatemalan national who was living in Austin, Texas.
He owned a coffee farm in Guatemala, and he had boys working on his coffee farm in Guatemala for $2.50 a day.
And he tells them, you know what?
You guys are special.
He said, if you come here, now I'm going to pay the journey out of the goodness of my heart.
You'll have to pay me back.
You got to stay with me and pay back the debt.
But if you come here, work for me, I'm going to pay you $6 an hour.
These four boys, one at our site, the Pomona Fairplex, three at the Pecos Emergency Intake site, all told the exact same story in separate interviews so they could not be tainted, that that was the plan.
So these little boys thought, I'm going from $2.50 a day to $6 an hour.
I'm going to be Elon Musk rich.
So that's the forced fraud coercion.
So we get permission to turn this case over to HHS Office of Inspector General.
Less than two weeks later, a case manager comes up to me and says, Tara, Tara, the same address on that same block where we've got 109 children.
Okay, there were 109 children on the block in four apartments.
We had evidence of one guy who was sponsoring into both apartments.
Okay, there's seriously shady stuff going on.
And she's like, they're sending my child to that place.
I said, there's got to be a mistake.
We just turned that over.
I picked up all my stuff.
I go running down the command center.
And my, like I said, my boss is an attorney.
So I just said, hey, look, you know, I work for you.
But I've always been taught to say, hey, you know, maybe we need to have a moment to think.
Are we really going to release a child?
To a place that just two weeks ago we turned over to investigation?
I mean, you know, we could end up on the front page of the LA Times, the Washington Post.
Do we really want to do that?
This was my boss's response.
Remember, she's an attorney.
She said, Tara, Tara, we only get sued if we keep kids in care too long.
We don't get sued by traffickers.
Are you clear we don't get sued by traffickers?
Wow, say that again.
Literally saying the criminals are working with us.
Yes, we don't get sued by traffickers is the response of your federal government spending billions of your federal dollars to traffic innocent children.
This is If I had not witnessed this with my own eyes, had I not then later come to know Aaron Stevenson, Marine, Six Tours, Intel,
My other federal partner, Deb White, and the case managers, the contractors, had I not come to know them, and there's countless others.
Carlos Arellano, who works for MVM, who is the delivery side, right?
He takes children from point A to point B. Once they go through our process, then we hand them over to MVM, and then they lie them in the middle of the night, under the cover of darkness.
Carlos has moved children as young as three months old.
Well, let me just interrupt again.
Isn't that the Achilles heel?
Because, I mean, if head federal judges are meeting with me, with FBI and federal marshals saying, what do we do?
I mean, in a meeting with them, At other meetings.
And they're desperate.
It shows our whole government's not evil.
These are high-level people that have their hands tied.
They're asking me what to do.
I don't know.
I'm asking them what to do.
That's got to really worry the Biden administration.
I'm getting chills right now.
They're committing mass human smuggling, sex slavery.
We know a bunch of kids have ended up being found dead.
They're found dead every day.
And they don't care.
This is maniac-level behavior.
I mean, is there a... Why did they do the tunnel here?
Because I know the government at the top is pure evil, but the rest of the levels seem really upset, but they're compartmentalized.
How do you see this going for the people that pulled this off and Biden saying, if I win the election, immediately surge the border?
Okay, so Alex, this is where your audience And where I believe you're going to make the difference and pull us over the line.
So HHS, knowing they've lost 85,000 children, decided to submit a rule change in October.
On October 4, they said, here's what we're going to do.
We're going to no longer have such a strict system that delays children from getting to their sponsors.
We're going to make it easier.
So that's their answer.
They don't have any surveillance, so there's no record.
Oh, no.
Well, no one at HHS is an investigative or law enforcer.
Just like Mike.
Three months ago, remember, he ended the DNA testing.
Yes, yes.
What sane person says, I'm going to stop DNA testing, when they know what's happening to the children?
Somebody needs to ask that question.
Because all I did, when I came forward, is I gave some addresses to the undercover reporters at Project Veritas and James O'Keefe, and they went knocking on the doors.
So, all they need is the information.
And found 12-year-old girls saying they were in sex slavery.
Helped them.
The first door they knocked on.
So, I interrupted.
What do we do?
Yeah, what do we do?
We need to go to TruthTrench.org And I'm going to tell you why.
Because HHS knows they have a problem and they know they have whistleblowers running around calling law enforcement and coming forward.
So what they have done is they have entered a rule change.
So the administrative state, some people call it the deep state, right?
They pass laws without Congress ever voting on it because our elected representatives delegate to agencies the ability to create the rules for their program.
And in some instances, you know, that makes sense.
But the only check on that is we, the people.
Which is why we need your audience.
Our goal is 85,000 comments opposed to this rule change that is going to make it easier to traffic children.
That's the goal of their rule change.
So, for example, if I have a sponsor, I'm not supposed to try to investigate the sponsor to find out how many kids they have.
So I can't say, well, gee, it appears to me that you've sponsored 42 children.
Where are they?
How are they doing?
Are they enrolled in school?
Have they been to their immigration hearings?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
We're not supposed to be investigating the sponsors.
And let's be clear.
Thousands of children are thrown over the fence, are drugged through barbed wire, not with their parents, and then they don't even want to have any record who they're even handed to now.
Yes, yes.
And Carlos Arellano, who worked for MVM, Mike Victor Mike, the transportation company, he, you know, he has an email that shows where they were handing the kids off to the wrong person.
So, even right now, if we had the data, it would be very difficult to find all of the children.
And then, of course, as I talk to law enforcement and have learned things that I wish I never knew, you know, I thought I was going to color with kids.
I had no idea this level of evil.
I didn't know what somebody would do to a toddler, to a 20-month-old.
I didn't know that people were capable of this level of evil.
And then that there's people in the federal government who are unwilling to stand up and say, I will not allow this on my watch.
But instead, well, you know, we don't get sued by traffickers.
So move the kids 10 to 14 days.
That's why it's so critical that your audience, you can see here we have nine hours, nine minutes, and 36 minutes to tell HHS, Office of Refugee Resettlement, no, we don't want this rule.
No, we want to protect children.
We need to contact Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz.
We need to get Trump on this.
We need to make this the number one issue.
Because I didn't know they were doing this.
I didn't know they got rid of the DNA testing.
They're literally covering their tracks in front of us.
Yes, they are.
Yes, they are.
And so I have to give a shout out to a great prosecutor out there, you know who you are, for alerting us to this rule change so that some really great people with the DHS whistleblower, Aaron Stevenson, leading the charge with some of the developers, you know, over at TruthTrench to make this site.
Because here's the one thing, when the public makes a comment to the Federal Register saying, hey, agency, we don't like the rule that you're trying to implement, It has to actually address a specific part.
You have to say what part of this 300-page document, it's 296 pages, what part am I referencing and then why is that a problem or why is that something that we should do or shouldn't do.
And that's what it does.
They publish it like in the newspaper to let you know and act like, hey, you're part of it too.
So tell us slowly where we go and what part we protest and say we don't like.
Yes, so if you go to truthtrench.org slash defend the children, the beauty of this is it's already done for you.
So, 94, Aaron Stevenson and team took 94 of the most egregious things And wrote the policy and then the response to that policy.
All you have to do is scroll down on that page.
You will see copy.
button next to a comment and then you will see the red link so if you scroll down just a little bit further okay keep going keep going all right stop right there for me perfect you will see on the right hand side that little red button right there says copy and then you will see under comment one you will see that little red link and all you have to do is copy click that red link And then do you see where it says comment box?
Yep, right there.
You just hit paste.
Scroll down.
Just scroll down a little bit.
Hit anonymous, because you don't want them to know who you are, right?
Just hit anonymous.
And under federal law, then, they have to look at this.
So here's why they were going to win this.
Tara wrote us.
We're going to win this because they're people like you.
And I think the establishment's bit off more than they chew.
I don't know how they ever thought.
They've gotten away with it so far.
But this is, this is rivaling the transatlantic slave trade, or bigger.
I mean, per capita.
This is insane.
Well, it is insane, and it's actually evil because they know.
They know 85,000 children are gone.
They know that hundreds of children a month are calling a hotline to say, I'm being abused, neglected, and trafficked.
They know this.
They know that when the undercover reporters are knocking on the addresses that they're given, children are saying, look, I don't know my sponsor.
She tells me she's my aunt, but she's pimping me out for sex in the house that I'm living in.
This is what the children are saying.
I don't care what Secretary Becerra is saying.
Oh, all the kids are safe.
It's fine to send 100 children to one home.
No, no it isn't.
No, no it's not.
I don't care what the director of ORR has to say.
You know, Robin Marcos is like, I don't really have any answers for where the children are.
No, that's an unacceptable answer.
And what about this number I saw in your hearing where they talk about 400,000 that have an issue though?
87,000 missing, but what was that 400,000 number?
missing but what was that 400,000 number? So over 400,000 children have crossed
the border. 400,000 just in the unaccompanied children program.
So that's only one way that they're coming across the border.
I was about to say, because I've had Border Patrol senior tell me in person, they're only catching 20-30%, so that number must be exponentially bigger.
Oh, it is wildly bigger than that.
This is only the children who are coming to turn themselves in specifically as unaccompanied.
But imagine, you hear one little girl or boy gets kidnapped in your town, everybody freaks out, that's good, we should.
Or of a crocodile at Disney World, each one child, or an alligator, we still talk about it, and now they're killing all the alligators there.
But this is like massive numbers, and also it'll be a blip on the radar.
Oh, they found a dead two-year-old.
They found a seven-year-old girl raped in an apartment.
I mean, these little bleeps here and there every day of these dead kids, and then the feds aren't even... We hear white supremacism is the number one crime by Biden, which doesn't even really exist.
It's very rare.
It's terrible, but it's rare.
I mean, this is like crazy.
It is crazy.
It is crazy and it is wicked.
You know, like I said, my husband's from El Salvador and they tried to pull that on me because, right, we're all mobilized there.
Nobody knows each other.
We're all meeting for the first time and everything seemed to be going fine until the El Salvador case.
And when they didn't want that to get out, they did not want the American public to know that their tax dollars We're putting children into sex slavery with 18th Street Gang, MS-13, and other high-level criminal elements.
They did not want it to get out.
So they know it's happening, they don't want it to get out, and they will do everything they can to try to shut it down.
But so here's the other thing.
I realized, you know, this isn't just a horror against these children.
This is a national security threat.
And FBI is aware.
They're part of the top working group.
Transnational Organized Crime Working Group.
So FBI knows.
Where are they?
Why are they not going after this new and emerging threat?
So, Alex, something really important that I want your audience to know is never in the history of the TALK program had one of these aliens attempted to sponsor a child.
Until February of 21.
It began.
Because they've been given the green light.
One more time, give us all the, we know they are, but please give us the info with the Weather Whistleblowers.
Love to have you back on my show soon for an update on this.
This is massive, but one more time, they got public comment going on right now to totally ghost these children, so there's no screening, because they realize the first level of screening is actually exposing their crime.
How do people again save these children and save future children?
Yes, so they want to go to truthtrench.org slash defend the children.
You'll scroll down to comment one, you'll hit copy, and then you'll click on the link and hit paste.
Once you paste your comment in, you're going to hit anonymous, And then, I'm not a robot, and submit.
And that's it.
Then you'll go to comment number two, comment number three.
Alright Tara, we gotta get you on Joe Rogan, we gotta get you on Tucker Carlson, we gotta save these children.
I'm gonna put you on hold, I'm gonna come back and cover some other news and finish up things for Joe Slint, it takes over, but thank you so much, God bless you.
Please, I'm going to put you on hold.
I want to set you up for next week if you can do it.
And then we want to have the other whistleblowers on.
You're the most articulate person we've had on.
God bless you.
Bill Gates, I'm throwing that little chick in there.
You know how he walks?
Like a demonic elf.
Hey, Bill Gates!
And Angelina Jolie going, ah, children!
I am Arnold Schwarzenegger!
I'm Piers Morgan.
Ever seen a Choweenie?
My name's Glenn Beck.
That's Hillary.
Hold on, I'm Gary Johnson.
Hi, this is Barack Obama.
We've had my teleprompter.
I was raised by the Ford Foundation and Carnegie Endowment.
Welcome to McDonald's, may I help you?
I'm Benny Sanders.
Miss Hayes has glasses like he's a little smart, I think.
Rachel Maddow!
Hey, hey, hey!
Thank you, Satan, for all your love.
Signing, Cheryl.
Job of the Hut.
Ho ho ho.
Ha ha!
I'm the amazing Randy!
I am Optimus Prime.
I am William F. Buckley Edison.
Visit InfoWarsStore.com today and be the reason we're still on the air.
Well, people like Tara wrote us, give you hope.
And I gotta tell ya, that's why I said the Feds aren't our enemies.
It's the top that's been seized.
I have been at the border a bunch.
I have met with the Feds a whole bunch of times and they have tears in their eyes.
They're watching the human trafficking.
They're being blocked by Biden from stopping it and they are disgusted.
The mid-level and low-level ranks are good men and women on average.
The Feds have special units that really commit the major crimes against us.
I'm not here to kiss the Fed's ass.
I just can't lie and say that they've got the whole country.
No, the good news is they don't.
And they got so many whistleblowers on them right now, they don't know what to do.
Like the whistleblower in the Navy exposing all the 963% increase in heart failure from the shots and the big whistleblower in New Zealand who got a standing ovation at the court hearing and they did grant him bail.
I mean, we're just going to have to take it for humanity.
We're going to have to get attacked.
That's fine.
In fact, it's a real honor and pleasure to be attacked.
You get to find out who's good and who's bad.
I'm going to say something right here.
I'm going to hit a few final news stories next segment.
I'm going to hand the baton to Gerald Celente, but I'm going to say something right now.
I've been doing this 30 years in April.
And I was politically active four or five years before that, so 34 years.
And I see a lot of people waking up, I see good things happening, and I think, hey, I've run my course, I've done my missions, and a big part of me just wants to disappear.
And I got a family that owns property in the middle of nowhere, and they run cattle and they grow pine trees.
Grow some crops, and that's really what I always like to do.
I'm high as a kite out on the land.
I just like to be out there all day, out under the sun, out under the trees, out under the wind.
But we've got so much more important work to do that I'm never going to stop.
Not until I die.
Because even if we back off as currently, well, there'll be more to deal with.
Because those of us that are already awake just can't engage in half measures.
But I'll never give up, I'll never give in, I'll never sell out, but I could give out.
And I didn't plug last hour the products, and it's real simple.
All the lies you saw on the news, that I'm worth hundreds of millions of dollars, no, she don't hear that anymore, none of that was ever true.
They wanted you to believe that, she wouldn't support us.
We know it's now come out in Congress, the CIA is attacking me and my family.
I'm not a victim.
My family says they accept it, but they've been messed with really bad.
And they told me at Thanksgiving, they said, they can kill a son.
Don't give up.
And the rest of my family, I talked to them.
They said, no, we now know it's all out in the open.
We knew you were right years ago, but we want you to not back down or give up.
So I'm not going to back down or give up, but I can fail.
I can give out.
And it's, it's really a shame.
That, uh, back when we were making money hand over fist in 2016, I made PrisonPlanet.tv free because I had plenty of money.
Why not?
I have the subscription site free and I did a bunch of stuff and, you know, thought, I don't even really need money.
I built the operation up, but since then we've been reduced down to literally operating on fumes.
And I drive around in this tank against the New World Order, always on empty, and I watch God.
Every time we're about to, like the widow's mite, every time we're about to run out of funds, a little bit more goes in there.
And if that's God's plan, and that's how God's working through you, that's fine, but I'd like to have a lot more money to hire a bunch of more reporters and really get aggressive and not just sit here at idle.
So, we've got store-wide free shipping, double pay, three points.
Christmas specials are up.
Why wouldn't you buy your Christmas presents at m4store.com?
X2 back in stock.
Turbo Force back in stock.
Everybody needs colloidal silver for internal or topical antibacterial viral use.
It's in stock.
30 parts per million.
What they recommend is the safest, best.
You can get even stronger that works better, but it's toxic after that.
Hell, you drink too much of it, it's toxic, 30 parts per million, let's not lie to you, it kills viruses and bacteria, it ain't playing games.
The point is, is that it's all at InfoWarsTore.com, the Ultra 12, the turmeric toothpaste, the books, the films, copy of my book, InfoWarsTore.com, The Great Awakening.
I can't do this without you.
And we can do so much more if we had more support.
Free Speech is doing okay paying its bills, but not able to expand.
And me personally, I'm up against the wall.
So I need you to get the book, The Great Awakening.
That funding helps me pay for all my legal bills.
Please go get the book now and enforce to her.
Well, there the great trends forecaster sits, Gerald Cilente in Kingston, New York.
What a patriot, what an American.
I'm proud to be fighting side by side with him.
He takes over here in just a few minutes.
But we had one incredible three hours so far.
And I didn't even get into these headlines.
Let me just mention them.
The War Room's coming up today, 3 p.m.
Got a guest house hosting it.
And I got some really good news this morning.
It's 7.30 in the morning and Fuller's broken.
After a month plus in solitary confinement.
He's been there a little more than a month and a half.
It'll be a month and a half when he gets out.
According to the federal prison system on their website, Owen will be released Friday from federal prison for thought crimes.
So Owen should be back in the chair of the war room Monday, 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Owen Schroeder will be released early from prison Friday, December 8th.
Now pray for him, cross your fingers, who knows what shenanigans they'll pull, but that's on the federal registrar.
So we'll see if indeed that happens, so pray for Owen.
Look at these headlines.
We are out of money.
White House begs Congress for more Ukraine aid.
to quadruple munitions production for Ukraine.
So Russia's won the war, and now Zelensky's announced they're going to dig in permanent trenches and are preparing for another decade of war.
Time to say goodbye to Zelensky.
Ukrainians sick of war.
Kiev mayor supports general.
Zalzany over Zelensky, which I said a month ago they're planning to replace him with him.
So NATO wants to blame him for their failures.
Meanwhile, Israel expands ground operations to the whole of Gaza, seeking total victory.
Operations in South Gaza will be no less powerful than North, says the head of the IDF.
Just gets crazier and wilder.
And more out of control on that front.
And then, of course, we now learn they've erased all the depositions in the January 6th show congressional hearings because it showed it was a federal operation.
That is absolutely over-the-top insane and so much more from there.
But it's going to be the good men and women, it's going to be the whistleblowers all over the world in the system, in the federal system, in the local system, in the corporate system, They're going to say no.
Because Thomas Jefferson said, all that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing.
Well, we are trying to do something.
We're having a big effect.
So I ask you all, tell everybody you know and those you don't know in your text message or email or word of mouth, tune in now to InfoWars.com forward slash show to hear Gerald Cilente for the next 52 minutes.
And to tune into The War Room today and American Journal 8 a.m.
We're fighting as hard as we can.
I think how hard it would be and how bad a shape we'd be in right now if it wasn't for all of you supporting freedom and it wasn't for us fighting so hard.
So we're in the fight, ladies and gentlemen.
I just want to thank you all and salute you all because as a tale of two cities begins, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
It's only in the worst of times we find out who we really are.
Gerald Cilente, the top trend forecaster, takes over now.
Alex, thank you so much.
And you know what you said about Owen, you know, the guy goes to jail for not speaking the truth or not repeating the lies.
And everybody listening, you need to support InfoWars because everything is about censorship.
If you don't believe government crap, then you have no right to believe in anything.
And you don't have to believe me.
The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television.
That was from Richard Nixon.
All right.
That's what the American people believe.
And we'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
Oh, who said that?
No, maybe that little J.K.
Look at the little freaky boys, and I'm not sure if they're girls, that are the spokespeople for the White House.
Garble's great grandkids.
Oh, that was William Casey that said, we'll know.
Our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
When the American public swallows the crap that spews out of the mouths of little, jerky, nothing boys and girls, that's called America.
And if you don't believe it, well, you believe in disinformation, misinformation.
So that's why you got to support InfoWars.
Because this is really serious what's going on.
And this warmongering just keeps going.
And to show you the crap that they spew down your throat.
Ukraine war.
Kiev could gain upper hand in 2023, says US think tank.
Oh, where was that from?
Oh, Euronews.
February 2nd, excuse me, February 21st, 2023.
Beginning of this year.
Ukraine has the potential to take control of the war, thanks to the sufficient and timely backing from the West and the US think tank, the Institute for Study of War.
How about Stink Tank?
How about a bunch of stinking pieces of crap?
How about warmongering pieces of scum that get paid off to sell their crap?
You don't want to support InfoWars.
And you don't want to subscribe to the Trends Journal.
You don't want to go to Jones.
Trends.com and get it for almost nothing because you want to listen to the mainstream news and the stink tank crap that the CIA who controls the media throws out.
ISW said the timing of Biden's trip To Europe clearly signals continued Western support for Ukraine.
Ukraine's officials, official pieces of crap, continue to respond to statements made by unspecified U.S.
defense officials on pace and prospects of the war as it approaches one year mark.
Ukraine President Vladimir Zelensky Who plays the piano with his penis before he became president.
And I'm not making that up.
You could Google it up.
A penis piano player who becomes the president of Ukraine.
It's perfect!
It's perfect!
Because that's all it is, is a clown show in a country near you.
He said, Ukraine will continue to defend Buck Mott.
At any cost.
Get the Trends Journal.
We said Ukraine was going to lose the war before it began.
Hey, Stink Tank!
Hey, all you little boys!
And all you little girls that kept paid off!
Oh, I know, you were formerly in the military!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, you're like a cottonmouth!
Oh, he's a tough guy over there!
Yeah, in America that wants more war!
Save it, man!
Save it!
You're paid-off little hacks!
And all you love is war.
Hey, where are all you Catholics?
Where are all you Baptists?
Hey, where are all you Seventh Day Adventists?
You're waiting for the eighth day?
Hey, all you Quakers, would you all die in earthquakes?
How come you're not coming out for peace?
Oh, no.
Just pass the basket for donations.
Pass the basket for donations.
Where are all the religions?
How come you're not coming out?
How come you're not coming out against the genocide in Gaza?
How come you're not coming out against the murderous Ukraine war and the United States sending more of our weapons to keep killing people?
Where are you?
Oh, by the way, He accused me of hate speech.
I took down my site for a week.
You know why?
The hate speech was the United Nations report that Russia killed over 10,000 Ukrainians.
I said, man, they better catch up, man.
Only 10,000 in 21 months?
Israel's killed like 15,000 in just a month and a half.
You guys better step up the action.
And again, don't call me anti-Jewish.
Don't call me an anti-Semite.
I'm not anti-American because I hate America's wars.
I don't hate Germans because I would have hated Hitler.
I wouldn't hate Italians, and I'm a Paisano, if I hated Mussolini.
I hate Netanyahu.
That doesn't mean I hate Jews, and it doesn't mean I'm an anti-Semite.
And as I said, three of my last four girlfriends were Jewish, so take it easy, my best friends are Jewish.
That's the lie they throw out there, so you can't speak free.
And you're caught, it's called hate speech.
Hate speech.
They keep branding anybody that comes out against a murder.
You look at that, there was a thing on, what is it, Mondoweiss, M-O-N-D, Mondoweiss, M-O-N-D-O-W-E-I-S-S, the site.
In Middle East Eye.
I went on there, and they showed this huge stretch of apartment buildings, One after another being bombed by Israel over the weekend.
One after another, you're poof, and people running, poof, running.
Hey, what does destroying Gaza have to do with getting Hamas?
Tell me.
What does destroying and killing all these people have to do with getting Hamas?
Who are you talking to?
Oh, we're talking to the American media that shovels out our crap.
You go to the New York Post.
New York piece of crap.
A little crappy nothing of a clown newspaper.
You know what the headlines are about what's going on over there in Israel?
The headline.
Look it up.
Go to the New York Post.
Scroll down.
Israel under attack.
Israel under attack?
Who are you talking to?
Who are you talking to?
Oh yeah, and you know, when people say, you know, we don't like your language, Salenti, you know, go fuck off.
We don't like that language.
You have to speak properly when you're murdering people.
Look at the garbage!
That little boy Blinken, the daddy's boy, the little daddy, I went to Dalton, you know who my daddy was?
I'm a member of the club!
I went to Harvard, picture that!
I'm a member of the club!
Oh, we can't, you have to be careful about killing these Palestinian people.
As the United States is sending more weapons of death, the IDF, the Israeli Defense Force, on Sunday said over 10,000 Missile strikes into Gaza.
10,000 of our missiles, your money, my money, stolen from us.
Israel gets $3.8 billion a year.
Look at this.
Could you imagine living there?
Could you imagine living there, what your life would be?
Oh, according to the reports of the over 15,000 people that have been killed, 40% are children and 30% are women.
All right.
What could your life be?
So, Israel gets $3.8 billion a year.
They're the 18th richest country in the world.
Why are they getting $3.8 billion of our money as our country's rotting in front of us?
Homeless everywhere.
Streets filled with migrants.
Crime, violence.
Potholes everywhere.
Bridges rotten.
A third world rail system.
Take the subway in New York.
It's a night in Calcutta!
And they're stealing our money to go murdering people!
Calm down, Selenki!
Be a good piece of crap!
Support wars!
Speaking of wars, in InfoWars, there's an article up on InfoWars.
I went there this morning.
I always go to InfoWars.
As Alex said, if they had more money, they'd have more reporters.
And what they're doing, the people are working very hard to put out what they're putting.
And there's an article there, U.S.
to quadruple munitions production, Pentagon chief.
Spending on the production of artillery shells by the Pentagon has almost doubled in recent years, and will be increased even further, U.S.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has said.
You look at this guy!
Who would follow this guy?
Oh, a guy that did murder in Iraq?
Hey, Austin, what was your last job?
Oh, I sat on the board of directors of Raytheon, the second largest defense contractor in America.
And he brags, he brags about how wonderful it is to keep making more munitions.
Yep, not making it up.
Again, you go to InfoWars.
And you can see the article, but I'll read some of it.
Spending on the production of artillery shells by the Pentagon has almost doubled in recent years, right?
Ukraine's high burn rate for artillery has hammered home the need to invest even more munitions, Austin told the participants at the Reagan National Defense Forum.
Ukraine's high burn rate For artillery?
Burn rate?
How about murder rate?
How about dying rate?
How about the country going to crap?
How about its economy in shambles and the people even more miserable than the misery of what used to be life, liberty, and a pursuit of happiness in America?
He said, quote, compared to the defense budget from five years ago, we're putting nearly 50% more money into munitions.
And during this administration, America's production of artillery shells won't just increase!
It won't just double!
It will quadruple!
Heil Austin!
Got some!
I don't want my money going to murder!
You got it?
He goes on.
Boston said the U.S.
military has launched, you ready?
The most ambitious modernization effort in nearly 40 years of our defense industrial base.
The defense industrial base that I worked for, that I made several million dollars from, for sitting on the board of directors of Raytheon.
Oh, you didn't say that in your speech!
What, he got locked you about that?
Because he got some big jaw, man.
Carries a lot of weight.
You ready?
You'll see some $50 billion allocated to the sector, supporting tens of thousands of good American jobs in more than 30 states.
Good American jobs.
Good American jobs!
Those aren't good American jobs!
Good American jobs!
Yeah, this is the guy.
This is the guy.
Who, who, who with a mind bigger than a pea, who with a mind bigger than a pea could swallow this crap?
Oh, and I'm tired of the crap of black, white, of black, you know, if only women were in charge.
Good and bad comes in every race, creed, and color.
Remember, remember the guy with a I'm an Italian.
I got pretty dark skin, but the cat had a lot darker than me.
Colin Powell?
Oh, you remember when Colin Powell holed up his colon of crap, saying that this was evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and ties to al-Qaeda?
Again, I'm tired of hearing this race, creed, and color.
Oh, if only women were in charge, there would be peace.
Oh, yeah, like the warmongers over there in Europe?
That Vanderland and Baerbock?
Oh, and I forgot, Hillary Clinton.
Oh, and Samantha Power, Susan Rice, Condoleezza Rice.
Oh, I forgot Nikki Haley!
A Little War Monk!
Oh, if only women were in charge.
Save your crap and shove it!
He goes on.
Artillery shells will be produced in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas as part of the modernization assuring, right?
Ready for this?
Greater prosperity at home.
And greater security around the globe.
Who are you talking to?
Who are you talking to?
Don't talk to me like that!
Oh, and guess what?
Don't talk to the people on InfoWars like that.
Because you know what?
They tuned into InfoWars because they're not crap swallowers.
And that's all the media is.
The mainstream media is nothing more than prostitutes.
Media whores to get paid to put out by the corporate pimps and their government whoremasters.
That's Susan Charge.
And when we get back, you know, I have bestselling books.
Trends 2000, ba ba ba ba.
Trend tracking, far better than Megatrends, Time Magazine.
And the weekly trends journal.
You go to jonestrends.com and you get almost nothing.
You get to discount.
I'm the only one that teaches trend forecasting.
I've been at this for 43 years.
I've been publishing the Trends Journal since 1991.
So when we get back, I want to show you how to forecast trends.
We're going to give you a trend tracking lesson from now on, every time I come on to InfoWars, so that you can see the future.
So you understand how the current events are forming future trends.
How to do it, how you look at the language and where you have to look.
I read about six hours a day at minimum.
The magazine is over 170 pages on average.
From high-tech science to Joe Duran, the technocracy king, who talks about technocracy, writes about it in detail.
Best-selling book in the technocracy.
Ben Davis on high-tech science, AI.
So when we come back, we're going to show you how you can prepare, prevail, and prosper By forecasting trends.
And most important, or equally important, support InfoWars, because they're supporting you.
United we stand, divided we die.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, as I keep saying, and will always say, but you're getting at InfoWars is hard to get anywhere else.
The information that they're giving you in this age of censorship Misinformation.
Can you imagine making up a word like misinformation?
If you don't believe government crap, then you have no right to think for yourself.
Again, you're brainwashed since kindergarten, and it doesn't stop.
And people, as my father, when I started learning about stuff, I'd get upset.
May he rest in peace.
He'd say to me, son, take it easy.
People have little minds.
And when I'd repeat what I used to hear on the media, he'd say to me in Italian, Pappagallo, parrot.
Stop repeating what everybody else is saying and think for yourself.
So InfoWars gives you to think for itself information.
And again, we do with the Trends Journal and you go to jonestrends.com, jonestrends.com and you get a real break.
It's less than $2 a week.
And that's why I want to show you how to forecast trends and how you're being brainwashed.
This is brainwashing session.
This is the Wall Street Journal.
Again, I said it's like $2 a week for the Trends Journal when you go to Jones Trends.
This is $5 a day.
$5 a day and this is the big headline.
Investing legend monger Buffett's partner dies at 99.
at 99. Big story. Big story.
Page 2.
Look at this.
Then, again, $5 for this.
This is this Saturday's paper.
That was when?
November 29th.
And this Saturday.
Saturday, Sunday edition.
Look at this.
Charlie Munger's reflections on his life, luck, and success.
And it goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
This isn't news.
None of this helps you for anything.
It doesn't enrich your mind.
It's nothing but stupid crap.
Hey, Mungo, how much money did you leave for peace?
How much money did you leave to boost life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Multi-billionaire, but how stupid am I?
Munger took it with him.
Munger built the biggest, biggest casket ever.
It took all the money with him.
These are the billionaires that are giving crap back to this society.
We should bring back the 90% tax rate that used to exist for these clowns when they weren't billionaires but multi-millionaires under the Eisenhower administration.
Now they pay nothing.
It's a scam.
Oh, and Trump, by the way, all the Trump fans, he made the scam worse with his bill that he passed in 2017, of which the Tax Policy Center said 64%, excuse me, 1% got 64% of all the benefits.
It's for the rich.
said 64% excuse me 1% got 64% of all the benefits. It's for the rich. Munga. What'd you give
All right, so that's an example.
Then, to show you how they sell what they want and how they're selling their program, this is the Wall Street Journal on Friday.
See that picture?
In Gaza's wars lull Bye bye.
Hints of normal life emerge.
Hints of normal life?
Who are you talking to?
They haven't had normal life since 2007 when Israel made it officially an open-air concentration camp that you couldn't get in and out of.
What are you talking about?
The place has been held for well over a decade and a half.
And now he's been bombed, up to this point, some 14,000 people have been killed.
And they call it, they call it, hints of normal life emerge.
This is how they sell propaganda.
This is how they sell propaganda, and that's how the people sell it, buy it.
Ready for this?
Wall Street Journal again.
Again, $5 a day.
$5 a day for this.
O'Connor, first woman on high court, dies at 93.
Page after page after page after page of Okada dying.
Page after page after page after page after page after page after page after page after
We go to the New York Times.
Refugee from Nazi, he shaped world history.
Henry Kissinger from 1923 to 2023.
1923 to 2023. Page after page after page of Henry murderer Clint Kissinger.
Kissinger, Clinton, Greenberg, Iceberg.
What's the difference?
A lousy piece of scum.
Even the Rolling Stones did an article on all the crimes that this clown committed.
Page after page after page after page.
I'm not making this up.
After page after page.
Of Kissinger.
For the grand total of $4 a day.
$5 on the weekend.
Here's another one.
New York Times.
First female justice shaped the court's vision from the center.
Page after page after page.
But she's dead!
She said, what difference does it make?
How's this going to shape?
Tell me the current events forming future trends.
They're not giving us anything.
All they're giving us is what they want to sell.
You go to the Wall Street Journal, which I have to read.
And I there's days I get not one trend worthy story out of it because I'm looking for data.
I'm looking for facts.
On this special edition, when they talk about Charlie Munger, In the exchange section and they give a review of the markets what happened on Friday and over the week.
Zero about what's going on in Europe.
Zero about what's going on in Asia.
So what you have to do is you have to do your own research to find out what's going on.
So we look around the world.
And that's what you have to do.
Again, we're doing it for you with the Trends Journal Magazine.
JonesTrends.com to get a big discount on it.
And again, you have to support InfoWars if you want to get the other information that they're not putting out there and their analysis of it.
Because all you're getting is one side.
They're prostitutes.
Again, they're media whores.
And you can thank Bill Clinton.
Federal Communications Act 1996.
Destroyed the small companies, gave it all to the big so he could speak to $300,000 an hour.
It's called payoffs.
We'll be right back.
Hey, great being on InfoWars.
And as I keep saying, you better do all you can to support InfoWars because they're doing all they can to support you.
And it's Christmas time coming up and they got great holiday sales.
And again, it's a 360 win.
They got great products that could help you and you're helping InfoWars.
So do what you can and take advantage of the super sale that's coming up.
It's on now.
You get up to 60% off and plus your free shipping and double Patriot points and we're Patriots here.
And so it's a Christmas time.
It's again, you know, and Rather than getting these cheap gifts, you know, the stupid crap that you could buy, get them gear, preparation supplies, supplements, get stuff they really want.
And their powerhouse formulas, they're up to 60% off, as I said, and the savings keep going on.
Again, you get free shipping and double Patriot points.
These are some of the incredible products you get off You get 25% off Turbo Force Plus, 25% off Survival Shield,
40% off VasoBeat, 40% off Bodies, 40% off Vitamin Neural Fusion, 40% DNA Force Plus,
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off Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra, and there's even more.
Again, why do you want to go to these big box stores and buy junk box stores?
You did away with mom and the pops.
So take your support where it counts.
Support InfoWars.
Support their crew in the fight against tyranny.
Life Liberty.
Bring it back in the pursuit of happiness.
And you get these products for a lot less.
And of course, You know, my favorite is Super Mill Vitality.
Keeps that energy going.
You gotta boogie before the lights go out because tomorrow is iffy and these products keep that boogie going.
So, do what you can to support InfoWars because you're supporting yourself as well.
Great stuff.
You know, there's another article in the business section.
Again, it's $5 for the Sunday... Look at this stupid picture they put up here.
Look at this stupid crap.
$5 for this junk.
You're not giving your news anymore.
Not giving your news anymore.
Look at this stupid stuff.
Look at this.
Rather than putting news, because...
Journalism is dead.
This is the kind of stuff they put up there.
And they have an article buried down here.
Handing back the keys.
Office landlords hit hard by the work-at-home revolution are resorting to desperate measures in the real estate world.
Handing back the keys.
When this happens, the landlords stop paying the mortgage.
What are you talking to?
A six-year-old over here?
Who are you talking to?
Who are you talking to?
Shop Talk by Peter Avis.
We warned about the office building bust three and a half years ago when they locked down the country.
We said this was going to happen.
They're barely reporting this because this is another trend tracking lesson.
Nowhere in this article are they talking about the implications of what's going to happen here.
Handing back the keys?
Handing back the keys?
You have an office vacancy rate of around 20% in the largest cities in America.
And not only in America, it's happening throughout the world.
You have an office occupancy rate, meaning people going back to the office.
Remember, 20% of the buildings are vacant!
Occupancy rate.
They're going back two or three days a week.
Go to Castle Systems.
It's around 50%.
All the businesses that depended on communities going out of business.
No one's talking about the office building bust.
It was one of our top trends for 2023.
We warned that this is the year it's going to hit.
You're just starting to talk about it with kiddie talk.
With stupid little kiddie talk like... Some of the biggest names in commercial real estate like Brookfield and Blackstone have defaulted on mortgages and have started a complete prod... Rather than saying how bad this is going to be and how bad it's going to hit the banking system...
Banking bust is going to happen in 2024.
You have, depending on whose numbers you look at, several trillion dollars worth of debts coming up in the commercial real estate sector.
And they're not going to be able to pay their mortgages.
The banks, when all the big boom happened, when they lowered interest rates next to zero, all the treasury bonds that they got, they're not worth anything that they bought with all this extra money.
The Silicon Valley Bank was a tiny bust.
First Republic, tiny bust compared to what's going to happen.
So now what's going on?
It's going to be The cover of tomorrow's Trends Journal.
It's a weekly.
Death of the dollar.
The future will be paved with gold.
Gold hit over $2,100 an ounce.
Took a big hit today.
It's down about 40-something bucks.
But it's still $2,040 range.
You go back to the Trends Journal, we called every bottom and we told you when it was going to go up.
This isn't, this, no one, no one, no one anywhere in the major media is talking about this.
Oh, there are people like Peter Schiff and others, you know, myself and, and, you know, people that understand it, Kiyosaki, Robert Kiyosaki.
Again, you're not getting this in the mainstream media.
First of all, we said they were going to lower interest rates in 2024.
And now the bet on the street is they're going to lower them.
But they're saying by May.
We're saying no, it's going to happen sooner.
They want to keep the gang in place in place because the Fed head, former Fed head Janet Yellen is our Treasury Secretary, controlling our dough.
All right, so that's who runs the show.
It was one of the magazines, let me see if I can find it.
There it is.
Trends Journal.
Back in 2012, alright?
Nothing's changed.
They're going to lower them right away.
Keep boosting the market for the presidential elections.
The street says they're not going to lower them until May.
Going back to gold.
The lower interest rates go, the deeper the dollar falls.
We have nearly $34 trillion in debt.
$34 trillion in debt.
I wrote a great article this week, too, in the Trends Journal from Gregory Manorino about this and more.
So as the dollar goes down, gold prices are going to go way up.
Again, the future will be paved with gold.
When the dollar goes down, you're going to start seeing more and more currencies become gold-backed.
And as the dollar goes down, now the currencies that were weak because the dollar was high, their currencies go up.
Now it costs them less, people less to buy gold in other countries.
And staying with Max Keiser, he's right on with Bitcoin.
Because what's happening in these countries where inflation is skyrocketing, people are going into the Bitcoins.
It's easy for them.
It's what they want.
It's a whole new generational thought.
If there wasn't Bitcoin buying right now, gold would be in the $4,000 range.
Well, you're seeing Bitcoin going way up and again, you know, Max is the king of this, but we forecast this as well in the Trends Journal.
We gave the bottom, we said when it would go up and it's going up.
And it's going to go up much higher as things go down much deeper.
And if this Israel war escalates with Iran, Oil prices will go up to $130 a barrel.
Gold prices will spike.
Economies and equity markets will crash.
So, support InfoWars.
InfoWars is supporting you.
I've not been this excited ever!
The replatforming begins now!
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Alright, I've been on air 29 plus years and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that I'm about to say you're on air right now.
It's the most important thing I've ever broken down.
And I go through life seeing the average people out there, even our better people that are somewhat awake, not realizing that what we're covering, what we're getting into, isn't some side issue, isn't the central issue, it's everything.
The future of our species together.
And I've studied the globalists and how they operate for more than 35 years.
And I read their documents, they'd written in the 50s, and as I've said many times, they got their plan done by the 70s.
And then I saw their plan in the 70s for the 90s, and they got that done.
Then I saw their plan in the 90s for the 2000s, here we are.
And now we have front row seats to global government, forced depopulation.
and a collapsed civilization.
And privately, I know basically all the top people that are resisting it.
And they're getting closer and closer to coming completely out with the truth.
But that's a day late and a dollar short.
They gotta go public now with all this.
(upbeat music)
Because there's not a lot of time left.
Greetings, my stupid American friends.
We interrupt this program with Obama, I mean Biden's internet kill switch,
to let you all know you are seeing illegal information.
(imitating alarm)
We are surveilling and censoring and working with our good friends in Big Turk to make sure that none of you are able to stop the final phases of collapsing the Western world, namely America.
We take your children, your borders, your freedom.
Our information operation against you pathetic Americans has gone quite well.
That's right.
We outlaw TikTok in our country, but we use it to demoralize you here.
In China, we teach families and strength and hard work.
But what we do to you, well, you know what we've done to you.
Because this is proof of how China is making all of us dumber with TikTok.
I mean, just take a look at these videos and you'll see a suspicious difference between the TikTok we know versus China's version of TikTok, Douyin.
Because while our version of TikTok is being fed with just more of this and this, well, the people of China only get served more of this.
Teachers in classrooms, science experiments for kids, showcasing architecture and technology, even sports.
You can easily say that this is just because of cultural
But let me remind you, TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, is Chinese.
But isn't it true that you led us to it?
Only watch CNN and do what Biden, Joe Biden, tells you to do.
But whatever you do, do not go to Infowarsstore.com and get new book, The Great Awakening.
Awakening is not good. Stay asleep and die.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser, signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly once we have shut down Alex Jones.
Do not awaken.
Do not read Alex Jones' book, The Great Awakening.
Do not get it at 414.com.