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Name: 20231129_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 29, 2023
3047 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the revelation of a secret organization established by Obama to carry out a coup against President Trump. He also talks about various topics such as surveillance technology, lockdowns, benefits for illegal aliens and asylum seekers, X2 supplement, Biden administration's spending, Zelensky's situation, J6 trial, CIA and Hamas connections, his game New World Order Wars, Ultimate Fish Oil and Krill Oil products, InfoWars game promotion, vitamin B12, Vivek Ramaswamy's presidential campaign against Donald Trump, carbon capture pipelines, globalist agenda, Sunshine Project, X2 back in stock at InfowarStore.com, Billions of People with Cognitive Disabilities, free shipping and Black Friday sale at InfoWarsStore.com, Obama's parallel illegal government inside the U.S., censorship by big tech and media, Moderna spying on celebrities, Trudeau's support for digital ID partnerships, Irish protesters labeled as terrorists, Biden DOJ targeting Trump supporters on Twitter, and standing together against tyranny.

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Bombshell report whistleblower documents show US UK military contractors created a sweeping plan for global censorship in 2018 and that's just when these documents are from.
Whistleblower alleges Obama White House in 2017 demanded a counter disinformation project to quote stop a repeat of 2016 which they did in 2020 and 2022.
If the world feels different today Before 2018, this is why.
So, it's run by the intelligence agencies against the American people.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty, it's Alex Jones.
One of Obama's last acts when he left office in early 2017 was to establish a secret quasi-governmental
private organization to be a government within a government and carry out a criminal coup
against President Trump and the wishes and the election of 2016 and the American people.
We're back again.
Another chance to restore the Republic.
Only 341 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes, and 30 seconds left.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
There have been big developments, the biggest yet, as we discover how we're at war with the CIA.
It's Wednesday, November 29th, 2023.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Well, it broke big yesterday afternoon.
The documents have been released.
Congress has them.
And it is a major group of whistleblowers within Obama's countering foreign disinformation propaganda act that he put into law before leaving office.
It is ultra-massive information.
Great job to the investigative journals and others that have brought this forward.
They're not even denying that it's real.
How many thousands of times have I told you we're up against the CIA?
Even before Obama, Sign this into law.
My sources in the FBI and the CIA that are very high-level, including Secret Service, told me this.
And I'm going to just leave it at that.
And I've subsequently had a lot of information relayed to me and a lot of forewarnings about what was going to be going down.
Because the top of the government's control, but these agencies are just like anything, it's got a wide spectrum of people in it, though under Bush Senior and Bush Junior and Clinton and Obama, they've got the top basically fully controlled, the middle half controlled, and the bottom is like 80% for the people.
But it doesn't matter when you've got the top and the middle.
This stack alone, I've just got chills, is so ultra-massive.
This is the keys to destroying the Republic right here.
It's all admitted.
It's incredible.
Meanwhile, we've got the ongoing treason taking place.
Shock report from Congress.
The Biden administration is spending $451 billion with a B.
$451 billion a year.
Let that sink in.
Shock report.
with a B, $451 billion a year, let that sink in, shock report, my administration is spending
$451 billion, billion with a B, a year to pay for legal alien and asylum seeker benefits
upwards of $10,000 per month per invader.
We have that massive stack and the congressional report.
So we've got that.
Then it's official.
The UN is saying they want worldwide lockdowns again and a bunch of countries have signed on.
China leading the charge.
We have a new Pentagon report.
Reporting on heart failure in troops up 973 percent since the injections.
We're going to show you the Pentagon report.
Pentagon medical report.
Officially on the letterhead at the highest levels.
Isn't that interesting?
So we have that information for you.
How they've murdered our troops en masse and maimed many others.
We're under attack.
It's really happening.
It's really going on.
You're really in a war.
It's really depopulation.
It's really happening, ladies and gentlemen.
Then continuing, we have the latest on the persecution of Trump, where the federal judge in D.C.
has announced Trump is not even allowed to defend himself or have any documents concerning January 6th.
We also have all of the race brainwashing going into overdrive, but people are really waking up to it and saying no.
We're going to be getting into that news.
We've got some other big solution news, UFO revelations, and so much more today and yesterday.
It hadn't happened in years and years.
We had a major technical problem that had to go off air halfway through the show.
I didn't just leave at 1230 because I was going to go play golf or something.
We had to go off air because of technical issues.
All right.
There has been a major break dealing with the deep state.
One of the largest, if not the largest, And everything you're going to hear me lay out here today, you've already heard here, let's not exaggerate, probably 500 times the last eight years.
Because I have been, and my family has been, and this crew has been, and the talk show host here have been the recipients of the Central Intelligence Agency's wrath in their war against the American people.
And so they've now released the documents.
That Obama created a government within the government, and they then went out and weaponized big tech, which is already weaponized, but more than it had been previously.
Law firms, PR firms, major defense contractors to manipulate elections, spy on the people, persecute the people.
The FBI is heavily involved.
It's all right here.
And what's even crazier is just going through the 300, 400 articles conservatively today, I ran into a whole stack of public admissions, so on one track it's covert, but on the other track they're rolling it out and normalizing it.
Oh yeah, Jack Smith, the federal prosecutor, he went through and had the federal government spend tens of millions of dollars to categorize every Trump supporter on Twitter and put them in a database of terrorists.
Did you hear that?
Did you hear what I just said?
And then I've got a whole other stack of... Trudeau says anybody that's anti-carbon tax or anything else he does is a terrorist.
And the ministers in Ireland are saying anyone protesting open borders is a, quote, terrorist.
I have it right here.
Whether you're in Australia, or New Zealand, or Germany, or Denmark, or the UK, or Canada, or the US, it's the same global WEF, which penetrates the cabinet's group, that we're up against.
It's organized crime, BlackRock's funding and all, they control 88% of world wealth, and they just see us as somebody to be brushed aside.
Now they got their money through fraud, and now they're busy turning off the energy to bring you to your knees completely.
But this this stack is incredible.
Absolutely incredible.
Now Vivek Ramaswamy's got some big breaking news.
He'll be joining us coming up in about 22 minutes from now.
But after he leaves us, this news is so big I canceled some other guests.
I'm going to spend most of the second hour on this.
This right here is coffin nails to the New World Order system.
This is the Death Star plans.
Congress won't be able to play dumb about it with their weaponization hearings that are a total soft soap, whitewash of the situation.
This is ultra, ultra important.
This right here.
And then all the treason we're going to cover are just spokes on the wheel that go into this.
But this is the Holy Grail of control.
This is the jewel on the crown.
This is the Death Star.
This is the big flagship kahuna.
If they don't have this, they don't get to run their coup against the people.
And it's worldwide.
So, when I cover what's happening in the U.S., the exact same thing's happening in Canada, the exact same thing's happening in the U.K., the exact same thing's happening in France, the exact same thing's happening in Sweden, the exact same thing's happening in Italy, the exact same thing's happening in Brazil, the exact same thing's happening in South Africa, the exact same thing's happening everywhere.
And China, they use the same program.
So this is the latest technology of total surveillance, total control, social credit score, BlackRock controlled, we control the behavior, right here.
And it is fabulously illegal.
It's not illegal in communist China to do this because they're a totalitarian dictatorship.
A communist dictatorship.
But here, this is illegal as hell.
I mean, we're talking 40-year prison sentences for this.
In fact, it's against the country itself.
It's more than 40-year prison sentences.
It's in the federal code.
It's punishable by death, folks.
So, I've already experienced it.
I've already been run over by it quite a few times.
I've already tasted its tires, its treads.
They've already run over me.
So, I know all about it.
I've been up close to it.
I didn't need to have the secret documents.
And when I read all this, you go, that's exactly what Jones said, word for word.
The Archivist pulled it.
Well, yeah, because when real intelligence isn't some document, it's when you're up close to it.
Like, you don't need somebody to tell you from the CIA that, you know, you're walking down, you know, the African Serengeti and a rhinoceros runs over you.
You don't need to be told, oh, our satellite shows a rhinoceros ran over you.
I know it ran over me.
I saw it up close.
I got blood coming out at both ends.
So this is so big.
It's just staggering.
And it's exactly what we knew they were doing.
And we had a lot of the side documents and central documents.
But it's breathtaking.
It's absolutely breathtaking.
And when we start the second hour, I'm going to do the deep dive on this.
You can guarantee it.
Unless magically a bunch of our internet feeds get cut like yesterday.
So, we got that to hit.
It's official now, even since yesterday.
Announcements everywhere.
The lockdown 2.0 is here.
Doesn't mean they're gonna succeed.
They're gonna try like hell.
But we're not jellyfish.
We have spines.
We have a skeletal system.
We can say no.
And get the word out and get our attorney generals and others and legislatures to say not just no, but hell no, we're not going along with this.
Got that big stack.
Again, incredible.
Navy as well as the Pentagon medical documents released on the official letterhead of the Navy and the Pentagon.
That they have seen a 973% increase in heart failure since the shots began.
Kind of a big deal.
Not some side report, official report of the Navy, which was secret but now is public.
Because hiding crimes and calling them secret is not allowed to be done.
They might try to put the people that did this where they put Julian Assange.
So the criminals are protected.
Again, shock report.
I'm even shocked by this.
It's a congressional report.
The Biden administration is spending $451 billion, that's billion, B-I-L-L-I-O-N, a year to pay for illegal aliens and asylum seekers benefits.
And there's video of that.
And we have a congressional report right here.
We're going to be getting into all of that.
The West has lost confidence in Zelensky, even the head of his party saying they're getting ready to remove him and blame him for NATO's activities and failures.
A D.C.
judge refuses to let Trump see evidence in his own J6 trial.
That ties into this information about how Obama quietly set up a parallel government.
That's now officially confirmed.
And then we also have other events like AOC has now discovered that the sky is blue during the day.
AOC claims working-class residents fleeing New York City because it's too expensive.
Think so?
I couldn't live there.
I mean, 400 square foot apartments, what, like $5,000, $10,000 a month or something?
Ladies and gentlemen, they're putting all the regulations and taxes in, and all the carbon taxes, and then they complain about the expenses of things.
Or, they say, come here, The mayor of New York, the governor, come to New York, we want illegal aliens here.
When they get there, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, don't come here.
It's something to behold.
So we've got all that news.
We've got, oh, top CIA official post probe Palestinian flag image to Facebook, two weeks after Hamas terror attacks.
I'm going to tie that in with what has now been confirmed by the Israeli government and Haaretz.
That Israel knew a year before of the planning of the attack and even knew when the attack was coming.
Isn't that interesting?
So you're like, well, wait, are you pro-Israel or pro-Palestinian?
I'm pro-truth.
Obviously they stood down.
The Jews getting killed didn't know it was coming.
That was terrible.
Why'd the government of Israel stand down?
Did Netanyahu, did he do it?
Or do they keep him in the dark to then get rid of him?
And I'm not a Netanyahu fan with the stuff he's been doing, but clearly they want to get rid of him.
And I'm really leaning towards Patrick Burns' analysis that this is a Way to get rid of Netanyahu, but also do a lot of other things.
So we're going to be going over all of these different angles and more here today.
Did I really say that Trump was the Antichrist?
I'm going to answer that question when we come back.
Did I really say Trump and Elon Musk are the Antichrist?
Did I say that?
It's tens of millions of views on the internet, all over the news.
Did I say that?
Again, thank you for joining us on this live, teleprompter-free, uncensored, unfiltered Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
All right.
I saw this last week when it had millions of views on Twitter, and I just ignored it.
And then I saw it today in the news, and I saw a clip somebody sent me with an Instagram of like 7 million views or something, and I said, well, I better talk about it.
Especially because I had some people with the Trump operation ask me about it.
And even in the 30-second clip they took out of context, I say, I don't think Trump's the Antichrist.
And I've also said I don't think that Elon Musk is the Antichrist.
It was a larger discussion of even the elect, the Bible says, can be deceived.
And so if Trump turns out to be bad, and I still don't completely trust Elon Musk, though he's doing a lot of good now, That I didn't do it consciously, and that they have that energy of big, giant, titanous individuals that the world's coming against, but that could turn it around and end up being really bad, because they have the resources and the power to be an Antichrist.
And I don't think Trump's the Antichrist.
I don't think Elon Musk is.
I was simply saying that to talk about my thought processing, where I sit back and go, well, could they be the Antichrist?
That's what I was saying.
Though I think Trump's good and I think Musk is doing more and more good.
And then they take it out of context and say, Jones admits he's wrong.
Notice they don't censor that clip.
They put it out and promote it and then falsely say, I'm saying Trump's the Antichrist.
I don't believe that.
I didn't say that.
But they take it out of context.
Here's the out of context clip.
Now he's transcended just being about positivity into something messianic, which, I mean, if you get a snapshot of Trump, he's a dark person, but also, I mean, look, look, Look, if anybody can be the Antichrist, and I don't think he's the Antichrist, but he's the type of person, also Elon Musk.
I mean, there's some definite dark energy around Trump.
And I know if I was ever controlled opposition, it was unwittingly being sucked into it.
And I think the jury's out on Trump, but they are definitely scared of him.
And then I went on to explain he also has a lot of light energy and positive energy, but that of course got cut out because that doesn't fit the narrative of the people that sit there and snip and clip this show.
Like when I said, this is a modest proposal, Jonathan Swift, the father of modern Satire.
When the Irish were starving to death 300 years ago and nobody wanted to help them in England, he said, well, yeah, the Irish should suck it up and just fatten up their babies like turkeys or geese and goose for Christmas and sell them to rich English ladies for dinner.
And then I went into, so if things totally collapse, like AOC and Prince Charles and the New World Order want, now King Charles, then I'll have to eat my neighbors, and I guess in this world, the left's gonna get eaten first, because they don't know how to find their ass with both hands.
It was a 10-minute analysis.
I said it was satire.
They didn't care.
They ran with it and said, Alex Jones is gonna kill his neighbors and eat them.
But hey, it didn't matter.
God used it for good.
We got a lot more viewers than listeners often.
Probably got a hundred million views.
You know, the eat your neighbors rant.
And it's just incredible.
It's absolutely incredible that you can be very clear about what you're saying, that I don't think these guys are bad, but that's the type of person the Antichrist, I think, would be.
Would be some big political titan that's persecuting.
It's a political wound.
Looks like they're defeated and they come back, the Bible says.
Or somebody that has all these controls and controls that can be seen by everyone in the world at one time.
Elon Musk is the only person that has that power with the number of satellites he's got.
That's what I said, and I'm not saying they're that.
There it is, increasingly desperate.
Alex Jones says he will kill and eat his neighbors.
No, you lied.
You took it out of context.
And I'm told, I was told by the feds, there was actually an investigation opened up in New York Along those lines, when I said it, and they contemplated bringing it to a grand jury, but the feds were laughing about it and it didn't happen, but that's what Letitia James wanted.
She's a state attorney general, but she recommends these charges.
She's recommended other charges against me as well that have been quite enjoyable to deal with.
Oh yeah.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, Jones has got a conspiracy to eat his neighbors, and here's a one-minute clip.
And we just go, oh, here's the 10-minute clip.
But see, I've been to these show trials now where the judge already finds you guilty, tells the jury you're guilty, and then won't let you show what you said in context.
But hey, I'm not going to sit there and back off on what I say just because these people are deceptive and spin everything a thousand different ways.
Now, Let me talk about this.
Then we're going to go to break and come back with Vivek Ramaswamy.
Then I'm going to drill into all the huge news that I've already mentioned and more.
Guys, I meant to get you guys to get this and I forgot to tell you.
Will you guys pull that clip up I sent you yesterday of Target that took a break from selling, you know, pedophilia and transgenderism and Satanism literally to children.
I mean, like a third of their book sections, devil worship and black magic and pedophilia and just all this crazy stuff.
Folks went into Target, and they noticed that when you pulled the old sign back on the sale, that it was the exact same price.
They just called it the Black Friday price.
When we do Black Friday, which we extend into Cyber Week, now for at least five or six more days, free shipping is free shipping.
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They try to get the illusion we're going to be shut down, and that illusion makes you believe it, then it happens.
But if we just have basic funding, Infowars will stay on the air indefinitely.
Me, personally, I'll be living on the side of the road, but I don't care.
I'll still be on the air.
Get your X2 now while you still can.
Well, Vivek Ramaswamy just got a very important endorsement.
We'll talk about it.
Bain Capital, BlackRock, Minion, Republican in name only, Mitt Romney came out last week and said he would vote for any Democrat or any Republican other than Vivek Ramaswamy and Donald Trump.
So they have this campaign that, oh, Ramaswana was involved in corporations and worked with big corporations, and so he's a bad guy.
I judge a tree by its fruits and what he's been doing, irrevocable damage to the globalists, just like Elon Musk and just like Trump.
And the attack on him has been incredible.
But I find no fault in what the man says.
In fact, I think he's the most eloquent person out there running for president by a long yard.
And Trump is a second there.
And I just have to say that they're talking about, what if Trump suddenly dies?
What if he gets assassinated?
So that's why I kind of see Vivek Ramaswamy as a very important spare tire.
But regardless, into the future, definitely presidential material,
Senate material, head of a federal agency, a great guy.
And I'm not saying you shouldn't still back his campaign, 'cause you gotta keep the spare tire pumped up and checked
and make sure it's got the jack in the back and everything, especially when there's people shooting at your front tires
with machine guns, which is Trump.
And so that's my analogy there.
But he's on with us to talk about the fraud of the Republican Party
and how they're going along with the windmill crap, and they're going along with the carbon capture garbage,
and they're going along with the UN agenda.
I got the UN calling for the end of eating beef today.
After he leaves us, I'll hit all that.
So Ramaswamy is in their grill big time.
Vivek G. Ramaswamy on Twitter, vivek2024.com.
Vivek, I know you've only got 20 minutes, so I'm going to try to give you the floor here, my friend.
But just first off, I bet you were excited about that endorsement by the super unpopular, hated by anybody that's got half a brain, good old Mittens Romney.
Yeah, well look, Alex, I think it was an extension of the endorsement provided by another of his family members, which was his niece, Ronna McRomney, who had also said that I will be the one candidate who is not getting another cent of funding from the RNC.
So it's fair to say the entire Romney family, from Mitt Romney to Ronna McDaniel, is somebody who is not on the side of an America First vision.
And the interesting thing is, for the longest time, he said it was just specific to Donald Trump.
Well, it turns out he's against the America First vision itself.
And so I could care less for what Romney has to say.
To be really honest with you, I never voted for him either.
So, and I didn't vote for the Democrats either, but I never voted for Romney.
And for a long time, my first election that I voted in, I was a libertarian, actually, back when I was 19 years old.
But I've come back to this now using the Republican Party as a vehicle for advancing our America First agenda.
If I may say it, our nationalist agenda.
I don't think nationalist has to be a bad word.
I think it's a good thing when you're actually talking about the U.S.
and our founding ideals.
And you know what?
That doesn't jive with the Mitt Romney vision for the future of our country.
I could care less.
And a guy like me, you know what?
I don't need Ronna McDaniel's RNC money either.
We're gonna do this without bending the knee to that mega-donor class and the establishment of the Republican Party.
And it's part of the reason why, Alex, if you just go down the list, Why am I the only candidate who is able to say that Ukraine is not a democracy, that our money should not be going to ban Christianity or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, to say that I'll pardon peaceful January 6 protesters on day one, to say that the climate change agenda is a hoax, and that this carbon capture pipeline that they're building across half the Midwest in Iowa
is corrupt and needs to end or the fact that I'll shut down the FBI or that I'll end birthright citizenship for the kids of illegal migrants and that Ronald McDaniel needs to resign.
All we need to know is the entire Republican establishment hates you.
They hate you and they hate Trump.
That's why I back you both.
So let's talk about this.
Let's get into the carbon capture.
Billion dollar facility to suck life-giving gas that plants breathe.
Out of the air, and they put off oxygen that we breathe.
This is, they're literally spending taxpayer money to build a facility to suck out life-giving gas.
So let me, for people to really understand what's going on.
There's a globalist climate agenda.
The U.S.
and the bipartisan establishment bent the knee to this agenda when they offered massive subsidies using your taxpayer dollars to pay people to capture carbon dioxide and then bury it under the ground from ethanol plants.
And otherwise, the carbon that's emitted, they say, capture it.
And the people who capture it get paid boatloads of money by federal taxpayers to do it.
But here's the rub.
That's not the worst part of this, Alex.
That's just the warm up.
The worst part of this is now states like Iowa are granting the right of eminent domain to be able to seize portions of the land of farmers that don't want to provide an easement, that don't want to allow for the building of that pipeline through their land, to force them to do it against their will using eminent domain to do it.
So you talk about concepts like the Great Reset or the globalist climate agenda, these aren't theoretical ideas anymore.
They're showing up in your backyard.
I was about to say, this is not theoretical.
They've built these facilities around the world.
They've built one now in Iowa.
And they're literally saying the UN is out today.
When you leave us, I'll cover it.
They're saying they want to put, they've already done it in Canada, bags on the backs of cows with these torturous tubes up their butts, I'm sorry folks, screw you, to capture the methane because that's bad too.
Well, we put out methane.
So they're trying to outlaw normal life on the planet that's part of our atmosphere according to all the real climate scientists.
I mean, this isn't coming, this is here.
And carbon dioxide is plant food.
I mean, at the end of the day, that's how crops and plants grow.
The earth is more covered with green surface area coverage today than it was a century ago, precisely because of carbon dioxide.
Yet for that reason, Alex, it's not like it's just all voluntary now.
They're allowing the use of eminent domain, the seizure of land or parts of land to build that pipeline against the will of those farmers.
They built one of these pipelines before in Mississippi.
They actually had an explosion.
It was leakage and that's actually harmful.
It can be toxic.
So that's why many farmers here are very afraid of having that being built across their farmland.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Pause for a moment.
I love that.
Well now, let's see.
Let's see if we can get that through.
That's a good question.
I love that.
Well now, let's see if we can get that through.
That's a good question.
Well now, let's see if we can get that through.
That's a good question.
Let's see if we can get that through.
That's a good question.
Let's see if we can get that through.
That's a good question.
You got a big event coming up to make this a focal point to try to rally the people against this.
I think your Skype's back.
start over. That's right. I'm taking a bus in rural Iowa as I speak to farmers about this issue. There's a rally on
Friday at noon, but they're using eminent domain to do this.
And this isn't some creation of the Democratic Party.
This is Republican establishment, including in states like Iowa, that are supporting it.
So that's what people need to understand is that the Great Reset isn't just perpetrated by the Democrats.
It's equally perpetrated by the Republicans, who are effectively bought and paid for as a donor established class.
It's like North Dakota and North Dakota across the American Midwest.
So why on earth do we have to capture carbon dioxide and bury it in the ground?
The answer is we don't.
It's based on the false precepts of the climate agenda.
But far worse than that is now they're using that to conduct eminent domain and seize land even against the will of people to build that pipeline across the board.
That's right.
It's the pretext.
Explain that.
It's the pretext to build these everywhere and then they can grab the land they want.
It's almost an...
Vivek, Vivek, Vivek, Vivek, stay there. We got eight more minutes with you.
We're going to reconnect. This happens, the miracle of Skype and Zoom is great,
but once a feed gets bad, it's bad.
We're going to disconnect with Vivek Ramaswamy, call him right back and let him finish up.
It's what he's saying. It's too important for it to be hacked up like this.
So he's on the road joining us and I want to explain something to the listeners.
There's a big shadow campaign, not just the RNC going after him, not just...
Mitt Romney and the head of the RNC and Liz Cheney and all of them.
There's a big talking point I just see everywhere force-fed on Twitter.
Oh, you know, he was in biotech and he was involved in this so he's bad.
What he's doing is irrevocably damaging them.
Their operatives don't come out and blow up their operations.
They're like Mitt Romney.
Or they're like George W. Bush.
They say they're conservative, but they're not.
You don't say the things Trump's doing, you don't say the things Elon Musk is doing, and Vivek's doing, without them coming after you.
They're coming after Musk now.
You can say, well, why did he do this?
I don't know why he made a turn towards reality.
He's done like a 160.
He was going in the wrong direction.
He's done like a 160.
He's not perfect, but man, he's moving completely.
I mean, soon he'll be a 180.
And I mean, for me, I'm not going to complain when one of the most powerful people in the world starts moving directly over to us.
Now, I don't trust him because of some of his past.
I'm going to be watching him very closely.
But so that's what we're talking about here.
That's the reality here.
And these carbon grabbing facilities that are like geoengineering operations, well, they're terraforming operations.
They're not like a geoengineering or terraforming.
They are.
Are absolutely out of control and are insane.
We need more carbon dioxide.
All the studies are there.
You can triple carbon dioxide and plants grow faster, put off more oxygen.
It makes humans and animals more healthy.
In fact, in Earth's past, we had much higher carbon dioxide, hundreds of times what it is.
It's a 0.4.
It's absolutely a trash gas.
We have to have it.
It's solid gold.
And of course, these globalist demons that want to abort all the babies and do all this.
Anything good they attack, they're attacking the family, they're attacking sovereignty, they're attacking capitalism, they're attacking Christianity, they're attacking anything good.
Vivek Ramaswamy, again, there in the poll position right behind Trump.
You got caught off.
Please continue.
Yeah, absolutely.
I'm in a rural area of Iowa talking to the very farmers who are affected by the ballot.
But we're doing a rally on On Friday at noon to educate the public, including in Iowa, about this issue.
And my rule of thumb, you know, the funny thing is, if you disagree with me and you want to support this carbon capture pipeline, show up at the event and I'll give you the stage and you get to make your case.
But the funny thing is, Alex, the people who are supporting this, they hide from debate.
They don't want to have that open debate because the arguments don't hold up.
And so what's happening is you've got a globalist climate religion that's got the U.S.
to bend the knee.
The U.S.
then offers those subsidies for carbon capture.
That then is then used by crony Republicans to pass eminent domain laws that allow the seizure of farmland.
That's how people are being affected every day by this climate cult.
And we need to expose it, and not just expose the corruption in the Democrat Party.
Sometimes we're lazy and just limiting ourselves to that.
We have to expose the failure and the corruption in the Republican Party, too.
And that's really how this game is played and we need to explain to people the fact that we have no reason.
It's not an emergency that we need to capture carbon dioxide and bury it in the ground.
Yet if it's not an emergency, you don't have a constitutional justification for using eminent domain and seizing that land either.
And Alex, there is a reason why I'm the only person in the Republican Party or in the presidential field who's able to talk about this issue.
The Republican governor of Iowa won't talk about it either.
The answer is It is the fact that the Republican Party is controlled by the same establishment that's really controlling much of the Democratic Party as well.
And we need to call that out for what it is, and that's what I'm doing.
Well, the same thing has happened to you that happened to Tulsi Gabbards, and you're way better than her on policy.
I think she's a good person.
But as soon as she surged to number one in those debates back in 2000, they just shut her down completely.
With you, they've not been completely able to shut you down, though they've been able to Dial you back some and that's why it's so important that you're rallying the grassroots because the real cheek in the armor is Republicans on average don't know the Republican Party's going along with the carbon capture and the windmills and all these fraudulent systems and that's a real Achilles heel for these local Republicans that are on the payroll as soon as you and I and others raise the alarm like Paul Revere it'll be very easy to shut these down on those districts and those are big victories.
And I think that these victories are going to have to be won from the ground up.
Again, as I often say, it's the Great Reset versus the Great Uprising.
The Great Uprising is the everyday citizens who say absolutely no to that vision.
And that we are sovereign citizens of this sovereign nation.
Not bending the knee to some agenda that's foisted on us from up on high.
But the key part that I want people to understand is sometimes they're led to believe that the Republican Party He's going to stand as that opposition.
And one of the things I've learned firsthand in this race is, that's not the case.
The Republican establishment does not approve of this message.
The mainstream media now has effectively tried to shut down my ability to spread this message, but unlike others, thankfully, I've lived the American dream.
That's what allows me to be independent of a lot of those forces.
Every one of those politicians is dancing to the tune of their donor.
In my case, that biggest donor is me, and thank God I have that advantage or else I wouldn't be able to spread this message.
Well, and let's be deadly clear here.
The trillions being spent around the world, the hundreds of billions a year on the fake climate stuff are boondoggles that they're paying into politicians.
Many of their family members are on the boards of these companies, and you've hit the nail on the head.
The Republican Party is, I would say, 40% of the scam, the Democrats are the majority, but they're right in there getting the money as well, and we've got to call them out.
In the time we've got left, about four or five minutes, tell people again where these rallies are, how they found out about them, and then what else is on your radar.
Yeah, so it's going to be at Friday in Des Moines, Friday at noon Central Time in Des Moines.
We're encouraging people across the Midwest and across the state to come out as we educate people on the carbon capture pipeline issue where they're seizing land.
It's actually going to be at the Holiday Inn at the Des Moines Airport.
That's at 12 Central Time.
And we want people from across the state.
And you know what?
I don't care if you're political or Republican or not.
If you don't want them to seize the land of innocent farmers to bend the knee to this global climate religion, we're going to have a number of people who are local grassroots activists Educating the public along with me on this issue.
So that's Friday at noon central time in Des Moines at the Holiday Inn.
Airport Holiday Inn.
And that's something that we're going to do from the bottom up, grassroots.
I'm going to focus on Alex's.
Speak about the things that the other candidates are unwilling to speak about but need to actually be said at this rate.
Let's talk about those videos that have come out now that we understand why they suppressed a lot of that January 6 footage.
Understand the fact that actually many of them were allowed in peacefully by protest by a police officer.
Any peaceful protester on January 6, let's talk about making sure every Republican candidate is committed to issuing a day one pardon.
Let's talk about making sure that we don't get this spending bill in Ukraine through
as we march our way into World War III, something I'm going to be talking about as well.
So pick the topics.
Every Republican candidate agrees that you don't want men competing with women in swimming
sports competitions.
That's fine.
We agree on that.
We don't need to spend a lot more airtime on that when every Republican candidate agrees
on that.
Let's spend the time talking about the things that the Republican Party would rather have
us not talking about, from ending the war in Ukraine, to the carbon capture pipeline,
to the climate change agenda being a hoax, to the J6 peaceful protesters being pardoned.
To the shutdown of much of the administrative state, and how we're going to accomplish that.
To ending birthright citizenship for the kids of illegal migrants, something that would help put an end to this border crisis that we're seeing now.
That's what I want the Republican Party talking about.
That's what I think these debates should actually focus on, rather than just the I totally agree.
I totally agree.
The great service you are providing with such eloquence and accuracy is the real issues and you're putting it out there and having a massive effect.
That's why they desperately said, oh my god, this guy's getting as effective as Trump at changing the agenda to stuff that actually helps the people and helps the planet and helps us all.
So in closing, let me ask you about this.
Congress has now put out a new shock report.
Fox News is reporting Biden administration is spending 451 billion a year, that's a year, to pay for illegal aliens and asylum seeker benefits, but then all these blue cities say we don't want the illegals.
Is this not an impeachable offense?
And look, before you or Trump get in office, what can we do now to stop the collapse of the third world and them trans-shipping them all here?
This is insane.
I'm actually shocked by 400 Yeah, absolutely.
So here's an easy, short-term answer at the local level.
to suck these people up here, but then once they get here,
they're then turning off the benefits after a few months and they're just wandering around.
This is very cold blooded.
Yeah, absolutely.
So here's an easy, nor short-term answer at the local level.
There's already a provision in the law, it's something like 287G,
something like that is the provision that allows local law enforcement officers
to be able to serve the warrant of ICE officers.
So there's only 6,000 or so ICE officers, they can't go after the millions who are here illegally.
But if local police officers can actually serve those warrants,
the law already exists federally, so municipalities just need to seize that power.
That's what's allowing us to get our arms around this, even in the next 16 months.
Look, I wanna fix this when I'm president, there's a lot we can do.
Use our military to protect our own borders, a lot else we can do.
But in the meantime, I wanna see municipalities and localities,
people bottom up, using one of the powers we already have,
the ability to execute the warrants of ICE against these illegals who are in this country.
That's one of the things we've got to do in the near term.
And I do think that there's a good argument for these to be impeachable offenses.
For Mayorkas in particular, this could be an impeachable offense.
Intentionally and figuratively violating the law today, As an intentional matter, I do think it's reasonable as an impeachable offense.
And that can happen even before I'm taking office in January of 2025.
And so, we don't have that much time to work with Alex.
It's not that luxury of time that exists.
Let's start with firing the broken Republican Party establishment.
I said it.
That's going to be something we need to win this election.
New leaders in the RNC.
FireRana McDaniel.
And so people, it's not about asking for donations.
Just put your name on that pledge.
And we're going to send a message to the Republican establishment that the Cheney Republican Party of the past, we're done with that.
They're the big enemy.
They're the enemy within.
Last question.
I don't expect you to know this, though.
I'm always impressed that every time I talk to you on air or off air, you seem to know stuff right when it breaks.
But they just released a bunch of documents.
It's confirmed that Obama set up a stay-behind government with people and intelligence agencies going out and setting up private quasi-governmental groups to manipulate elections and to surveil the public and to basically outlaw dissent.
That's now breaking.
It's really, really big news.
Bombshell report.
Whistleblower documents show US-UK military contractors created sweeping plan for global censorship in 2018 off the Obama plan.
The Obama White House set it up as their last act leaving the White House.
I mean, we've got the documents.
What do you make of that and did you know about that?
Yes, and what I make of it is it's entirely unsurprising because it's the same period of time, remember the Obama administration leading up to the 2016 election, was also using potential spy informants even in the Trump campaign or trying to get a job in the Trump campaign.
So it's not a surprise when you piece it together with that.
Remember that story was Revealed several years ago.
Well, now it's the same time they're also planning for the post-transition effect they're going to have on the country.
So in that sense, it's not surprising, Alex, that with a Carter Page, whoever it was, in that era that they were trying to get as a mole in the Trump, in the opposition party that was running against them.
Well, the same time is when they were doing these exact same things, too.
So if you piece that together, it's entirely unsurprising.
But the fact that it's unsurprising doesn't mean it's any less frightening.
This is what we're up against is, I think, a Permanent establishment, what I call a shadow government.
Not even the people who we really are electing that are running the government anymore.
Those people have created, or are attempting to create, a shadow government that is really wielding most of that power today, both in the three-letter agencies in Washington, D.C., but even in so-called private sector or non-profit institutions outside of government.
And that's just another example of that same trend in action.
All right, the best place for people to find all the stuff you're up to, I guess, would be Vivek2024.com?
That's right, Vivek2024.com.
And, you know, we're not going to stop till we get the job done.
All right.
Thank you, Vivek.
Appreciate it, man.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, that's powerful information rallying the farmers out there to stop the damn carbon sequestering.
I mean, the one facility up there is like a billion dollars.
Bill Gates is involved in it.
He's got another facility.
In the Midwest, where they chop down trees and bury them.
I played the club a few weeks ago where he says, yeah, trees are bad, get rid of them.
I mean, come on, people.
Come on.
They're going after one of the four building blocks of life.
Sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, oxygen.
Gotta have them.
Gotta have them.
Well, they know you know the sun's good, but they got their chemtrail operation to block that out that Bill Gates runs.
I'm not joking.
Oh, Biden endorsed it three months ago.
Told you about it decades ago.
How incredible is that?
A program to block the sun.
So they're covertly trying to block it by telling you, oh well your sun's good.
And then, they know you know water's good, so they're not trying to ban that.
And you know oxygen, you need that, so they're not trying, so they went, carbon dioxide sounds like oxide.
Or carbon dioxide sounds like monoxide, which will kill your ass.
And so, Let's just go ahead and ban it.
I mean, wow!
But it's like everything they do, they have to assault reality.
Two men can have a baby.
Parents trying to keep the school from convincing their eight-year-old to have their penis cut off are bad.
It's insane.
Yeah, there's Fox News.
Not a nation set to call on America's reduced meat consumption to save the earth.
It's all going down.
All right, let me do this.
Let me, because I only mentioned five or six of the topics I'm going to hit next hour, but I want to just now kind of hit these lightly and then get into them more next hour.
I just mentioned it to Vivek, and he's super informed, so he knew about it.
It just broke like four o'clock yesterday, and it's all confirmed.
Plus, when I read it all, it's already in congressional reports and documents, but you had to put like five documents together to get it.
This is the whistleblowers on the inside, how it's all running.
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The satanic New World Order is betting against humanity.
They're betting on our weakness.
They believe they can destabilize civilization and bring us down to the ashes of history.
But the trap they've laid for us will be their destruction, not ours.
If we trust in God, and if we are valiant and have courage to speak the truth, and not comply and engage in civil disobedience, and not join the masses, We have decided that they are the scum of the earth.
We have decided that they will join with this soulless corporate system.
As for InfoWars, we are going to steadfastly continue to fight in the information war with our weapon, the truth, against the enemies of humanity.
And we put our faith, and we put our trust, and we put our destiny in the hands of God.
Because it's been said a trillion times, if God be with us, who can be against us?
All right, I've been on air 29 plus years.
And I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that I'm about to say here on air right now,
this is the most important thing I've ever broken down.
And I go through life seeing the average people out there, even our better people that are somewhat awake, not realizing that what we're covering, what we're getting into isn't some side issue, isn't the central issue, it's everything.
The future of our species together.
And I've studied the globalists and how they operate for more than 35 years.
And I read their documents that they'd written in the 50s, and as I've said many times, they got their plan done by the 70s.
And then I saw their plan in the 70s for the 90s, and they got that done.
Then I saw their plan in the 90s for the 2000s, here we are.
And now we have front row seats to global government, horse depopulation, and a collapsed civilization.
And privately, I know basically all the top people that are resisting it.
And they're getting closer and closer to coming completely out with the truth, but that's a day late and a dollar short.
They gotta go public now with all this.
There's not a lot of time left.
Greetings my stupid American friends.
We interrupt this program with Obama, I mean Biden's internet kill switch to let you all know you are seeing illegal information.
We are surveilling and censoring and working with our good friends in Big Tech to make sure that none of you are able to stop the final phases of collapsing the Western world, namely America.
We take your children, your borders, your freedom.
We resolve... Our information operation against you pathetic Americans has gone quite well.
That's right.
We outlaw TikTok in our country, but we use it to demoralize you here.
In China, we teach families and strength and hard work, but what we do to you, well, you know what we've done to you.
Because this is proof of how China is making all of us dumber with TikTok.
I mean, just take a look at these videos and you'll see a suspicious difference between the TikTok we know versus China's version of TikTok, Douyin.
Because while our version of TikTok is being fed with just more of this and this, well, the people of China only get served more of this.
Teachers in classrooms, science experiments for kids, showcasing architecture and technology, even sports.
You can easily say that this is just because of cultural differences, but let me remind you, TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, is Chinese.
But isn't it true that you led us to it?
Only watch CNN and do what Biden, Joe Biden, tells you to do.
But whatever you do, do not go to Infowarsstore.com and get new book, The Great Awakening.
Awakening is not good.
Stay asleep and die.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser, signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly.
Once we have shut down Alex Jones, do not awaken, do not read Alex Jones' book, The Great Awakening,
do not get it at 414.com.
All right, if you are a regular listener over the years, I've talked about this since Trump won the election in 2016,
even when he was president-elect, until your eyes watching the show bleed and your ears bleed from listening
to it.
But this is a really big deal because it's completely illegal, totally out of control, and a coup against our country, and Obama set up a parallel illegal government inside the U.S.
And the new document specifically lists The Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act that Obama put billions of dollars into as one of his last acts, leaving office in 2017, right before Trump came in.
And so, here we are, almost seven years later, and it's all unfolding right now.
So, if you thought the weaponization hearings the last few months about government agencies working illegally with big tech was bad, this is premeditated.
So, as I told you, I call Biden Obama.
He shouldn't even be O'Biden.
Because that acts like they're twin presidents, you know?
Biden's the puppet to take all the blame, to do all the horrible stuff.
When they're done with him, they'll bring out the Hunter stuff, they'll destroy Biden, that's happening right now, and then they'll move in whoever the deep state that Obama's a big part of wants.
Whatever reason, they love John McCain and the deep state, and they loved Obama.
So they're actually, John McCain was actually calling some shots.
And so was Obama.
Obama's actually, at the decision-making level, he's not a puppet.
So, he's like a Bob Klaus Schwab.
I mean, he's right up there with King Charles.
For whatever reason, they brought him in, born into the CIA, prepared, trained for this.
And so if you want to know Obama's agenda, Islamification, open borders, pedophilia, collapsing dollar, Obama would pose to the media with that book all the time, remember, saying the end of American dominance.
That's what he wants.
He's here to bring in global government and basically kill this country.
He's done a damn good job of it.
So, this is a 19 minute video.
We didn't have to have the archivist find it.
We already, I guess, put this out like a year ago of me explaining it's the CIA with the Defense Intelligence Agencies and the other federal agencies in the Defense Department.
That are actively working against the American people, surveilling and censoring and controlling by declaring us connected to foreign powers when we're not, when the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, in the case of Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney, are actually suckling at Xi Jinping's hind tit.
So here's a few minutes of that and I'm going to plunge into this huge breaking news.
The Twitter files, the first tranche of which Musk released over the weekend, or on Friday, are just devastating.
It's exactly what I told you.
Government interfacing with think tanks and big tech and dinosaur media.
Surveilling people online and censoring people at the direction of the FBI and the Justice Department and the ADL.
The CIA specifically, illegally, with the Justice Department is meeting with big tech Corporate dinosaur legacy media and major corporations to set up a social credit score that's already being implemented by stealth to basically debank you, harass you, and later imprison you if you don't go along with them.
But now we've got to censor the American people because free speech is nonsense because the CIA says so.
Denying transgenderism, denying two men can have a baby, denying open borders are a good thing.
Questioning election fraud, questioning lockdowns, questioning forced injections.
It's all UN-run.
The UN said a month ago they're head of global speech policy.
Ted, oh yeah, we run big tech.
We create the orders, give it to their governments, they implement it.
Google has always been CIA, set up by In-Q-Tel.
IBM is a government front, even pre-OSS.
Microsoft is a government front.
All these major corporations, the Fortune 100, are government fronts.
Now, the specific new documents from whistleblowers inside the organization have broken all over the news.
And as soon as Obama left office, the last thing he did was sign the Countering Foreign Propaganda Disinformation Act.
And off of that...
The media is spinning like, oh, it was rogue government agency people created their own private agency that they hope will become part of the government and an official office.
Well, yeah, but that's what the CIA does.
It goes out and creates clandestine front groups.
It wasn't like they're a group and they wanted to then co-opt the CIA and the Justice Department.
No, it was totally illegal.
As the emails came out in Congress a few months ago, CIA emails saying this is illegal.
We shouldn't be doing this.
And that's people covering their ass.
So, Congress has been playing dumb.
Most of the Republicans are on the payroll of big tech.
Now this is out there, they'll cover it some, but it's a light touch, they don't go all the way.
But you have all the major defense departments in the Western world, the intelligence agencies, the law firms, the universities, the PR firms, the big tech companies, all in unison Intimidating, harassing, suing, lying about.
When you saw the coordination, some days a thousand articles about me lying about me.
I was a training tool five years ago.
Where, okay, we demonize Alex Jones, now our operatives are happy to join in on it, and then we just go to town on him, and then once people don't stand up for him, we get everybody.
So here it is.
Bombshell report whistleblower documents show US UK military contractors created a sweeping plan for global censorship in 2018 and that's just when these documents are from.
Whistleblower alleges Obama White House in 2017 demanded a counter disinformation project to quote stop a repeat of 2016 which they did in 2020 and 2022.
If the world feels different today Then before 2018, this is why.
So, it's run by the intelligence agencies against the American people.
And here's a good boil down of it.
From Zero Hedge, Obama quietly signs the Countering Disinformation Propaganda Act into law.
And for some reason this has a date here of January, but this is actually in 2017 this article came out, and we covered it at the time.
So, It's all right there for you.
And it's a big, huge, thick article.
And you've got a lot of the top investigative journalists that are putting this out.
You can find it all on Substack, public.substack.ctl files 1, UK, US military.
Contractors created sweeping plan for global censorship in 2018.
No, Obama created plan for sweeping censorship.
In 2016.
Launched it as his last act in 2017.
And what I want the archivist to get is me back in 2017, 18, 19 saying, we don't need me last year talking about it.
I want the clips from 2016, 2017.
That's what I'm looking for.
Everybody knows I've talked about it a thousand times.
That's okay.
We're going to get that because we gave you the full analysis then.
They were so arrogant, they had congressional hearings in 2017 where they said, Alex Jones is a Russian agent at the House Armed Services Committee with no evidence, didn't call me there.
At least back during the Red Scare, if they accused you of being a communist, they'd call you there and you could defend yourself.
Of course, it turned out that McCarthy was right.
In this case, I can tell you they're not right because I'm connected to Russia.
And we all know that now, but I already experienced this.
Pentagon hearings with the Pentagon saying, we're targeting Jones.
We're countering him because I wasn't going along with their lies.
Whistleblower makes trove of new documents available to public and racket.
Showing the birth of censorship industrial complex in reaction to Brexit and Trump election in 2016.
Everything I told you now in the documents.
They're all here.
You can see them for yourself.
Bombshell whistleblower documents.
Slack communications show US and UK military contractors created a sweeping plan for global censorship.
They didn't create it.
The CIA, Obama, BlackRock, the Carney endowment, they did.
And they've already got basically a coup over America, and they're planning with information operations already doing it, and censorship and control, Hunter Biden laptops, just one billionth of it, to do it again in 200 and 300 and something days with the next election coming up.
So it is a big deal.
And I'm going to tie this in to them publicly announcing a lot of this and normalizing it when we come back.
The real key stuff's coming up.
Your government has been hijacked.
If you decided to go visit grandma for the weekend, you pull back into your house Sunday night, and all the lights are on, and you walk up to the front door, and the locks have been changed, and you bang on the door, and people come to it and say, this is our house now, get out of here.
Well, if you're smart, you don't get in a conversation with them, you call the police, the police come, And you say, these people don't live here.
Here's my driver's license.
I live here.
And the police say, OK, let's go in.
They knock on the door.
The people don't open the door.
The SWAT team comes.
And once they get in, they see that it's indeed your bills are there.
You pay the taxes.
It's your house.
They go to jail.
But not if the criminals control the media and the police and the courts.
They just take your house.
I mean, that's really what's happened here.
You show up and they've got their feet kicked up on your couch, you know, on your dining room table.
They don't just say your house is ours, they say your children are ours.
And your speech is ours.
And we're going to run your life.
And it's a bunch of Ivy League, Black Rock funded scum that think we're a bunch of country bumpkins and a bunch of idiots.
And who are at war against us having any type of economy we control because they don't want us to have any personal power.
This is a war against individualism.
A war against self-sufficiency.
A war against humanity.
So here just today in my stacks are examples of where, oh, it's all secret that Obama and the CIA and the Justice Department are running all this with defense contractors illegally outside of even Congress's oversight.
Congress wasn't told they're going to blow up the pipeline.
They should have been.
See, they just do it.
And so just in today's stack, I have the EU, the UN, Trudeau in Canada, the Ministers in Ireland saying, we're going to arrest anybody that criticizes open borders.
We're passing laws.
We're going to have internet IDs.
Trudeau says, I want to work with the UN and I want to work with the EU and NATO to help censor everybody.
They're all linking up in a UN treaty over your health and what you can say and what you do.
It's here.
Just in today's stack.
Look at this.
New York Post.
Moderna keeps tabs.
That's a pure Pentagon front group they created just for COVID.
The Pentagon created, actually, the COVID, quote, vaccine, and then had it dibbied out by Moderna and Pfizer.
So, again, that's the Pentagon's front group, just like this, quote, defense contractor group.
Oh, they came up with it, and they got Obama to sign the law and give the money.
Yeah, right.
Moderna keeps tabs on high-risk anti-vax celebs like Elon Musk.
And, of course, the top tennis player, Djokovic, Russell Brand.
Moderna hired FBI agents and CIA operatives to spy on Elon Musk and Novak Djokovic.
Russell Brand.
Yeah, now you wonder.
Oh, Russell Brand said the Deep State's after him a few months ago.
And they said, oh, he's a conspiracy theorist.
Russell Brand now knows he was officially targeted.
It's all right here at New York Post.
Welcome to the club, buddy.
Trudeau supports partnerships with EU for digital ID push, suggests it will help curb online disinformation.
I've been telling you for four years, even before they launched the pandemic, that Bill Gates Well, Xi Jinping created a global standardized fund a decade ago for a World ID that the UN in February of 2020 adopted as the new vaccine passport model.
They said it'll be for carbon taxes, universal basic income, social credit score.
And now you read the news, just type in today, it was in the news like last week.
Bill Gates runs group establishing World ID.
So yeah, I tell you, four and a half years ago, now it's in the Financial Times of London.
See, because it's not embryonic now.
It's not in the crib, it's not crawling, it's not walking, it's running.
It's a big boy now.
Counselor calls Irish protesters against open migration, organized far-right terrorists, and the top minister says they're going to outlaw free speech.
I got the video clips, you want to see it?
You're like, well that's Canada and Ireland.
Oh really?
They're coming after you.
Biden's DOJ targets Trump supporters on Twitter.
Demands list of all users who retweeted, linked, or mentioned President Trump's Twitter account.
Millions of people in a database.
And the whole huge Gateway Pundit article shows it.
Came out in federal court.
Boy, Jack Smith's investigating the President.
He's investigating you.
What'd Trump say a thousand times?
They're not coming after me, they're coming after you.
They've got to get through me to get to you.
Oh, Jack Smith!
Getting the court orders, but they already have the data.
They've got to reverse engineer it.
They've got to parallel construct it.
When they've done an illegal investigation without warrants, and obviously poses people and frame people, that's their specialty.
They make the law in Australia where they can pose as you and commit crimes.
Online, now they've got a parallel constructed and that's what it's about.
The next wave of persecution, not just the thousands of J6ers.
So now you begin to get the rest of the story.
This isn't about how they stole 2020 or tried to steal 2016 or partially stole 2022.
The evidence is overwhelming.
It's about they're about to do it again.
And it's a total outlawing of any political opposition to the Great Reset, to the UN, to the carbon taxes, to the New World Order.
You've heard everybody from Noam Chomsky to King Charles say, we need to arrest anybody that doesn't take the shots.
You can just stay home and starve.
We want to arrest anybody that questions climate change.
And in the UK, they do arrest you.
And Tommy Robinson?
Went to a peaceful protest for Israel.
The police said, you're disruptive just being here.
You go to jail.
And the court said, yes, that's good.
So that's why these new documents are important, because they say they were under the direct command of Obama.
But we already knew that.
But now we have the specific documents.
Go look at them for yourself.
Understand what we're up against.
And you can say, well, this looks like it's too big a problem.
I'm going to roll over to this.
It only makes it worse for you and everybody else.
These people aren't going to give us quarter.
They're cutting off the oil and gas.
They're cutting off the food.
They're cutting off the meat.
They're cutting off the fish.
They're cutting off everything to us, not China.
And they're moving everything to China.
And they're making us have solar panels that don't even work, and windmills that don't work, and the aggregate for what you pay, because they're ending us.
They're making us serfs.
That's how you capture a group that's uppity, is you put them under siege.
And that's what the Great Reset is, is a siege against Western civilization to get us out of the way so it's a giant, poisoned, dumbed-down world population.
And I've got a big stack of news on that front that we're going to be getting to when we return.
That's right, folks.
UN calls for not letting you have red meat.
You say, call for it?
Well, they got the treaties, they got the regulations.
More and more of these globalist organizations are taking the gloves off and coming out in the open while they completely dissolve the borders in front of all of us and bring in the central bank digital currency.
That's why you've got to religiously support independent media, religiously support independent press, small farms, small everything.
None of us are perfect and sometimes it's impossible to support mom and pop, but you better support mom and pop Every time you can in every way, and you better support cash, and you better support Jesus Christ, because they're coming to outlaw everything.
In the dead of night, Obama did it.
He signed the bill to put free speech in America under a board of governors made up of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense as well as the State Department.
This is how the old Soviet Union was run.
This is a dark day for the First Amendment and the left and establishment Republicans are in ecstasy.
That's from 2016 December.
Now it's big top of Twitter with Elon Musk retweeting it.
Hey, that's what leadership's about.
Being ahead of the curve.
Standing up and doing what must be done.
And I want to thank the listeners and crew for keeping me in this position so I can tell the truth.
Because the success we've had is all due to you and God working through us all.
Okay, let's shift gears out of their surveillance censorship control network and Jack Smith isn't just trying to put the frontrunner who had the election stolen from him in jail because he questioned the election his right.
They're trying to take him off the ballot and they're saying all Trump supporters on Twitter, they've gone and gotten your names and put you in a database.
Does that intimidate you?
Doesn't intimidate me.
Lets me know they're the crooks.
They're the villains.
They're the bad guys, not us.
And, on a scale of 1 to 10, the tyranny we're facing is a 50.
Doesn't mean they've implemented it, but the machine, the juggernaut they've set up that's ramming our gates, that's already overrun our walls with their main force trying to get in, is a magnitude of orders worse than anything that's ever crawled out of Satan's ass.
So, All the prestigious historians are telling you, all the top analysts, that we are in deep totalitarian trouble.
We have a wild, crazy... Biden went for the Christmas tree lighting at the White House last night.
It fell over.
Never happened in hundreds of years.
It's just everything they touch is pure collapse.
That's why they want to collapse us.
Because they're collapsing.
They're projecting their own self-loathing And hatred onto us.
I love myself.
And I love God that made me.
I'm projecting love on you.
I'm projecting that you're fabulous.
You're amazing.
You have incredible potential.
You've done amazing things.
I just think you're incredible.
But you see, not everybody's like you and I. A lot of people I know, you'll see some guy walk in with great-looking kids, great-looking wife, and people start talking crap about him.
And anytime I'm around people and I see that, I go, these are bad people.
But when other folks are like, look at that good-looking family.
Aren't you glad he managed?
Yeah, those are great-looking kids, great-looking family.
You know, you're with good kids.
That's all our wealth right there.
Look at that.
See somebody successfully create a great song, write a great book.
That's our wealth together.
They get the praise from it, and they get the bounty they deserve, but they just made our world better.
So see, when I see you, I see me.
I see my children's future husbands and wives.
And the grandchildren we're gonna have together.
I see you as family.
You can be black, white, old, young.
But if you're a Satanist, I see you as the enemy, because you are my enemy.
And you serve your father, the devil.
So, if you tune into the WEF World Government events that they have every couple days, World Government Summit, this.
Planetary Control, that.
Post-Industrial World, this.
End of the Nuclear Family, that.
I mean, they name the conferences, World Government Summit.
And Elon Musk says, I don't support your World Government Summit.
I think that's a tyranny.
That's a centralized group.
But I've got Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Yuval Noah Harari, and a bunch of other clips here.
Do you want to be subjected to them?
Or can I just tell you what they said and show you the link so you can see yourself?
I've already watched this a couple times.
It's hard to look at it again.
You know what I mean?
It's like a dogged moment, but you know what?
We'll play the clips.
We'll just do it.
Oh boy.
Prince Charles is really hard to look at, but or King Charles, whatever the idiot's name is now.
So, little vampire bat.
They are now Openly bragging that the central bank digital currency is here and that it is the ocean in which the shark of tyranny swims.
It is the sky in which the bird of corruption flies.
It is the sky at midnight in which the stars of evil float.
It is the essence.
It is the universe.
It is the compendium.
It is the attack vector.
It is the sword of death.
It is the sword of corruption.
It is the axe of betrayal.
Starvation and loneliness and being cut off from God.
And they're just running around foaming at the mouth.
Oh, we're going to use COVID now to bring in the carbon taxes.
Oh, oh, this will control every asset and everything you're doing.
But I love this latest clip.
This just came out two days ago.
It's in the London Telegraph as well.
And they say, this will empower the little people.
That's the new talking point.
These central bank digital currencies and programmable currencies will equalize the little guys with the big guys.
There's a little double meaning there.
Because humanity, despite the fact we don't control the money that they created and stole, we're still overpowering them right now intellectually, culturally.
They're losing for the first time in a long time because we're awake now.
We're not laying there with Count Dracula drinking our blood.
Count Dracula flies into the window.
Prince Charles, King Charles, we're like, hey, we're waiting for you with a big old bucket of holy water and a bunch of oak spikes, stakes, and a giant crucifix and 50 garlands of garlic.
And by the way, it's high noon and midnight.
That's the light of truth.
The light of day exposes them.
It's all archetypal.
But he is the House of Dracula.
He is the direct line of Count Dracula.
If you're a new listener, I know it sounds insane.
I know you're like, this guy's crazy.
Just search engine, Prince Charles, Count Dracula.
He lives half the year.
They can't get him away from it.
In Count Dracula's castle, he is Count Dracula.
Just so you know.
And then the archetypal book by Bram Stoker is about his family.
Blood drinking, devil worshiping, child raping, I mean, you want evil, baby, you got it.
And he's cutting off your power, he's cutting off your resources, he's cutting it all off.
You can't make it up, can you?
And people get blown away all the time.
I say, he's the director of Count Dracula, and people on Twitter, they go, I didn't believe it, I looked it up, and he says it on PBS, he lives in the Dracula Castle, what the hell?
And there's weird videos of him by the castle, they deliver little kids, Like eight-year-old boys, he goes, this is such and such.
He lives with the prince and Prince Charles is petting a little kid.
I mean, it's, it's, well, he's not hanging out with Jimmy Savelle, you know, with his underground rape bunkers.
And again, I'm saying all that, and it sounds like me saying that Peter Nygaard and Jeffrey Epstein had secret cloning programs to then have women bring their babies to term and then suck their blood medically and have it injected into their veins.
And you're like, then I show the clips and they're even admitting it.
I mean, it's like, again, this doesn't sound real to me either.
But they want their own children's blood.
They think that's the, I mean, obviously if you're a vampire, I guess, what's the worst thing you could do?
Well, have people grow your children and then kill them.
Alistair Crowley killed his son.
Like, the devil's like, what is the worst thing I can have you do?
Let me have you kill your own children.
And that's whenever you see King Charles.
He'll be totally pale one day.
The next day, he's not drunk at 10 a.m.
His face is all flush and red and his eyes are bugging out.
He just took on like, you know, six or seven bags of blood.
His, uh, Grandmother, the Queen Mother, admittedly took bags of blood every two days of children.
But people donated.
The family signed agreements and their children, eight-year-olds and seven-year-olds, donated the blood to Royal Queen Mothership.
Oh, how gracious!
This is the degeneracy that's come out.
You know, it's in... Skip the break.
It's in the New York Post today.
That one of the hottest trends in Washington and in Florida and other areas by wealthy Democrats, and I was told about this years ago, I was told about this in 2015, by someone involved in it, I'll leave it at that, a woman, and then I was told about it by a man, I asked about it, he said, yeah, that's true, that Democrats, who are Satanists on average, you know, high-level ones, and even mid-level ones, they want to do whatever the nastiest, most evil thing is they can do.
And so, like I always say, I never get sick of enchiladas, or a T-bone steak, or a ribeye, I never get sick of sunsets, never get sick of a campfire, never get sick of my wife, never get sick of just, it just gets better and better.
With them, they're not happy folks.
So they're like, well, I'm going to give my wife to somebody else.
You know, that's the first level of it.
And then it's, well, I'm going to have sex with a 16 year old.
And then the next thing is I'm going to, and he doesn't fulfill them.
So the latest thing of Democrats, and this article doesn't scratch the surface, is dominatrixes who are really Trump supporters, who aren't real, you know, they say they are.
Who beat up and slap around and do all these other things I'm not gonna mention on air to Democrats.
So for them they fetishize the worst thing on earth is having a Trump supporter do something to them because that's the naughtiest thing they can imagine.
And so members of Congress, the Senate, legislatures, you name it, it's all coming out, go And have men and women simulate rape.
They want Donald Trump.
They have men dress up like Donald Trump and rape them.
Men and women.
That's how crazy they are.
Let me show you this headline.
Washington Post drops eye-popping report on MAGA Doms and Lib Tarb Subs.
Infuriating the kink communities.
That's in a bunch of publications.
Mediaite, you name it.
So, you think that's decadent and sick and weird?
Well, that's why they want kids, because that's like the horrible, evil thing to destroy innocence, to do that, and they've got everything.
Imagine being... I forget Vlad the Impaler.
I think he's 14 generations to Prince Charles.
I read it years ago in the mainstream news.
Look it up.
How many generations is King Charles from Vlad the Impaler?
It'll tell you.
That sounds like 14 generations, I think.
I'm going from there.
or something. Look up how many generations, how many generations is King Charles from
Vlad the Impaler? It'll tell you. I was like 14 generations I think. I'm going from memory.
Maybe I'm wrong. But they say, they do all the genealogy, that he is the most Count Dracula.
Look at me.
I look just like Count Dracula.
I love him.
Oh, Count Dracula.
Imagine this, because Count Dracula was raping kids and drinking blood a thousand years ago, or whatever it was, 800 years ago.
And then, like, his granddaughter would bathe in the blood of babies.
They'd chop their heads off.
It would take, like, five or six babies.
They'd chop their heads off and then spill the blood in the bathtub, whether she thought that made her live longer.
Not joking.
Look it up.
Of course, the Queen Mother just, you know, has the blood put into her by doctors.
But these fables, these legends have a basis in truth.
So when you see Prince Charles up there, I remember an AP article that was before the internet was widespread, that a listener called into my show in like 1996 and said, I just read in the newspaper that Al Gore, the vice president, former vice president, was, oh, 16 times.
I'm sorry, I said 14.
I guess it's 16 times.
Well, there you go.
See, my memory fails.
I guess his grandmother was 14 times.
So that's from a buffalo nose.
So, anyways.
A caller calls in, right when I got my local talk show, and text Mars, a space and aeronautics professor at UT, scientist, best-selling author.
He wrote the Army, Navy, Marine Corps test manuals.
He was a very successful guy.
He was listening and I was already friends with him.
He married me and my ex-wife, my first wife.
That's how close I was to Tex.
And Tex was listening to that day when I was on 98.9, top show, you know, out of the gates.
And a caller goes, hey, I just read in the local paper, but I'd already syndicated the show then on shortwave and other stations.
So it was from, that was another city.
And I said, mail me that.
The guy never mailed it.
And about six months later or so, I'm out at dinner with Tex Mars and Wanda, his great wife.
What an incredible lady.
And I wouldn't even marry Denny, Nomack's wife, by then.
So long, I knew Tex.
Tex goes, hey, I heard that show you were on about Al Gore and blood.
I'll tell the story in a minute.
He said, I brought this to you.
And I'm so mad because I talked about it on air for like a few months, lost it somewhere around here.
But if somebody can go in LexisNexis or Scripps Howard or Thompson Reuters.
Because I checked once, we couldn't find it.
In like 1996, maybe it was 95, but the point was the clip.
He handed me the little clip out of the newspaper that Al Gore had landed somewhere for an event and they were carrying a refrigerator out of the private jet, a little refrigerator, and it fell down the steps of the plane and there were all these bags of blood in it.
It was just funny that he's like, here, here, I actually have that.
And he goes, and his office is here in Austin.
He had like this huge library and everything was archived and they had like boxes on each subject.
It was incredible.
Later I had to visit his library.
Many times he would let me into his library for a Bohemian Grove coverage, you name it.
What a great guy.
But, uh, I digress.
And having a bit of nostalgia as you get older, your nostalgia gets stronger as everybody knows.
What a sweetheart and his wife.
But, uh, The point is, is that it was full of blood bags.
Well, if you look at Al Gore's bloated face and how it's always red, the word is that's what happened.
So, before I play these clips, go ahead and give me an overhead shot, please.
I noticed a lot of photos of Prince Charles online where he's all blown out in red like this.
And that's what happens when you're drunk on blood, literally.
So, let me just show you this.
You guys made me pull up the HD.
I sent it to you this morning.
Oh, I've got a lot of clips here.
A lot of them saying evil stuff here.
Oh, where's my Prince Charles clip?
Oh, here it is.
Pull this up for me.
You gotta see it in the color HD for folks.
And there he is with a pedophile that murdered and raped children to death.
Jimmy Savelle looking up.
Who had the highest level of security clearance in the UK.
Only person allowed to go into any palace he was in.
And with no ID, was given instant access to any chambers that the King was in.
But here is Prince Charles just all drunk on blood, folks.
Can we pull that tweet back up?
Go to Kawasaki.
Four, nine, eight, seven, zero.
And I want you to look at that with Klaus Schwab, because that's what you're, you want to see Count Dracula in the flesh.
No, no.
They don't live forever, but the spirit lives on.
There it is.
That is literally Count Dracula running the worldwide, cut your power, cut your food off, starve you to death.
and he takes blood transfusions of children on record.
Cannot make that up.
Cannot come up with something like that on your own.
And Al Gore is another one.
Pull up Al Gore, any photo of him, he's all bloated and red.
These suckers are blood drinkers, folks.
But they take it in the vein.
Take it in the vein.
Blood junkies.
That's why their nickname, my private nickname for them is the Army of Blood Bats.
Look at that.
That's a vampire bat.
Can we superimpose this face over a vampire bat, please?
So when you wonder why they want to starve you to death and kill you and rape your children, they're blood drinkers.
They're vampires.
Real vampires.
Look at everything they do.
Of course they're vampires.
Now you wonder what's going on?
Now you know.
Why you got the governor of Virginia saying, we keep baby alive and then we take his organs and then we... Why are we wasting seven pounds of meat?
Let me do this.
Let me do this.
Let me, let me reconnoiter myself and get refocused here just for a moment.
And then I'm going to go through all the world government carbon taxes, cut off your resources clips.
We're going to be covering all of that in the next hour and so much more.
The shock report, Biden men is spending $451 billion.
Swirls off the tongue.
Biden administration is spending $451 billion a year to pay for illegal alien asylum seeker benefits.
They're trying to bankrupt Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid as fast as they can.
But don't worry, when all those bankrupt, they'll have a new global currency for you to fix the problem.
And that's the clip.
We're going to come back next hour and plunge right into it.
I'm going to be a good boy.
I'm not going to go off into a segue.
But man, it's fascinating how people knew this stuff in England, so they wrote books like Dracula.
And it's all an allegory for what we're really dealing with.
It hides under the Church of England.
Who's the head of the Church of England?
The King of England.
At night, it comes out and kills the kids.
It kidnaps babies and then has his female vampires drink their blood, a Black Sabbath.
I mean, it's all real, folks.
And because you can't get your mind around that there are a group of people that are predators that eat humans, that drink their blood.
And they get medical benefits from it.
And they genetically, historically hand down the power To the next generation to continue the mass murder, the blood drinking, the killing, the crime.
And now, they say they need a military operation to cut the resources off to save the Earth from the humans.
Because they don't need that many of us to get blood, folks.
There's too many of us.
We're getting too heavy.
We're figuring them out.
They're like, kill them!
Kill them!
And of course, the King's brother and Jeffrey Epstein.
I mean, I'm not even scratching the surface.
As crazy as it sounds for a new viewer, new listener, you're like, okay, right, yeah, right.
Have you actually researched what I'm saying?
I don't just pull this out of my ass, folks.
I used to have a photographic memory until about six, seven years ago, and it's a blessing it's gone.
I used to look at one subject and my brain was like autistic.
I suddenly knew everything about everything I ever knew.
I was like, I don't know.
I don't know.
That's why I was stutter.
And you lose brain cells as you get older.
And you know that you don't have those magic powers anymore, but I got the wisdom.
And the knowledge distorts those.
You got to go check it when you're old, but you know.
And that's what it's all about.
We're going to go to break.
We're gonna come back.
If you want to keep this thorn in the side of King Charles and all the rest of their scumbag servants like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gage and empower your life.
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And let me tell you something.
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I'm coming on like a kamikaze, baby.
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The New World Order is no more!
Last Thursday in Dublin, five people were injured in a knife attack, including three young children.
The stabbing took place near an elementary school, where it appears the culprit was targeting children.
Riots broke out.
[crowd shouting]
This event is just the latest in a long string of violence resulting from the radical
globalist immigration scheme.
The attacker was ordered to be deported back in 2003, but was given the political support to stay and appeal it, and was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife and criminal damage, but did not receive a conviction due to a mental health report given to the court.
If you've been paying attention, then you will recognize this as a common result of the United Nations Replacement Migration Plan.
Children being attacked, women being raped, and perpetrators walking free is now a predictable outcome of forcing an established Christian culture to submit to a foreign, non-assimilating Islamic culture.
Many of whom are openly seeking to replace the local culture with their own, by any means necessary.
Radical Islam demands it.
If this were a humanitarian effort, then refugees would be expected to assimilate, as they have for millennia.
The rule of law depends on it, but this is a globalist invasion, and whether they know it or not, the so-called migrants are being used as an invading force.
And instead of being conquered with violence, The native people are being attacked with name-calling, stunned into silence with guilt by being called a racist.
But people are starting to wake up to it.
Three out of four Irish people understand that they are being guilted into giving away their country, and they oppose it.
But the government doesn't care.
They are now preparing to pass new hate speech laws that will criminalize possession of materials likely to incite violence or hatred.
These laws will make it illegal to criticize immigration policy.
Which isn't going to slow down any time soon.
Can you guess what the most popular boy's name was in Galway in 2022?
No idea.
Was it Jack?
I'd say it was probably Connor.
Let's say David?
I think it was Sean.
Was it Jack?
Richard, Richard.
It was not Richard.
Was it?
Oh, fuck!
Didn't see that coming.
It wasn't Richard?
Would you like to know what it was?
According to the CSO, in 2022, the most popular boy's name in Galway was Mohammed.
Oh, yeah!
I read that somewhere, yeah.
Wasn't expecting that, but OK.
Fair enough.
Oh, OK.
Ah, fuck off!
It wasn't Mohammed!
In Galway!
Greg Reese reporting.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
While other networks lie to you about what's currently happening, we tell you the truth about what's coming next.
Headin' on the highway, lookin' for adventure, and whatever comes our way.
Now's the time to fire all your guns at once, culturally, politically, spiritually.
Explode into space.
I never want to die.
All right, folks, born to be wild, born to be free, not under the thumb of Klaus Schwab and the New World Order.
Alright, let's get serious and let me stop having fun. Let's do some really classic rock and roll, man. Good stuff there.
I mentioned Prince Charles, let's just do this clip first.
Here he is, when he was the Prince Charles. Now the king, the joke, Jimmy Savelle's buddy in crime,
said we're going to use the pandemic to save the earth and launch a military operation with a green recovery.
So they shut your economy off and then they give themselves trillions of your money to build boondoggles that destroy
the infrastructure.
Here he is.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation to people's lives, livelihoods, and national economies.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation.
Your lockdown killed 80 plus million people from starvation.
Your poison shot killed 20 million.
You released a virus that killed a few million.
You did it!
And we all know it, chump!
Let's start over.
Does it matter if your, if your handkerchief and your tie match the drapes, your majesty?
We all know who you are.
The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation to people's lives, livelihoods and national economies.
At the same time, the green recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live and do business.
Now, I've long believed that we need a shift in our economic model that places nature and the world's transition to net zero at the heart of how we operate.
Back it up 15 seconds.
I've long believed the Club of Rome plan to cut off the resources that starve you to death.
But they're not saving the Earth with the genetic engineering and all the toxic waste they're running for the electric batteries.
They're doing the opposite.
They're using up the planet to build their life extension system.
They're mad scientists using us all as guinea pigs.
I'm just translating what the Transylvanian Lord Master, the Dracul, the Dragon of the Carpathian Mountains is telling.
At the heart of how we operate.
Prioritizing the pursuit of sustainable, inclusive growth in the decades to come.
Having, uh... Pause again!
In the decades to come, we'll murder 90% of you.
Sorry, go back to him.
...in climate action now for the last, I don't know, I suppose 40 years, I can tell you that this isn't a fight for the faint heart... Hang on 20 seconds!
For 40 years we've been setting this up.
My father said he wanted to kill at least 80% of you.
I think that's a low number, the dreadful creatures, the entire program, and we're getting major pushback.
I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but let us kill you, please.
I'll stop interrupting the king, I'm sorry.
It's disrespectful as an American not to bow down to a British sovereign.
I don't know, I suppose 40 years.
I can tell you that this isn't a fight for the faint-hearted.
Oh, no.
However, increasingly we are seeing more and more businesses, investors and consumers prioritizing sustainability.
Pause on that, back it up ten seconds.
Increasingly, we're seeing Blackrock with the ESGs take full control and shut down everybody but us!
It's so wonderful!
Though we've killed 80 millions of starvation!
Sorry about that, Tim!
fights for the faint-hearted. However, increasingly we are seeing more and more businesses, investors
and consumers prioritising sustainability and thus creating a much more virtuous circle
of supply and demand. By leveraging market forces and the immense resources of the private
sector there is hope that we can transform the situation.
But I am afraid we are literally at the last hour and there is real urgency for action.
We know now what we have to do to rescue the situation, rather than going on talking about it.
I'm your hero, the prince's shining armor to kill the dragon, though my coat of arms is literally the Dracul.
Let me kill you!
If I don't kill you, I won't be in charge anymore!
The resources are mine!
Mine alone!
I decide who lives and dies!
I am the King of England!
Though not a drop of British blood flows through my fetid veins.
Perhaps I should start broadcasting like this all the time.
Take me much more seriously.
I have a very high IQ.
I have a suspected accent.
Oh, mmm, just... Absolutely.
Oh, Jimmy Savelle!
Do you have a special delivery in your van for me?
Pull it in to the special garage.
I'll take the packages into the grotto and have some fun with them.
It's time to pull out the daggers.
Time to drink the blood.
Oh, so delicious!
Last thing a small child sees is, so delicious!
I have you!
It's too bad I can't murder more children personally, but I'll cut off their resources and do it, and give them poison shots, and give them...
Cataclysmic injuries.
Oh, the convulsions, the cancer, the sterilization, the death, the pleasure.
Oh, my minion Bill Gates was doing such a splendid job.
Alright, I'm gonna stop now.
Little vintage Alex Jones.
People have been asking for me to go back to the old days.
I've not been having much fun during all this.
It's hard to have fun, but they don't like being made sport of.
He's a king!
Average American, this rabble from Texas.
Who does he think he is?
I mean, we are the inheritors of the planet, and we must show the rabble that we literally devour them!
It's a part of our power.
True power!
Look upon him!
Yes, look upon Jeffrey Epstein's body.
His brother's, the prince's body.
They have real power over children.
Only the greatest men know how to treat the children.
Only the men of true blood, true grace, true breeding.
Know what to do, and eradicate the scum of this earth that's infesting our planet.
But first we'll use them as medical experiments to extract the knowledge to live longer.
No longer will we hand down the satanic spirit of Satan from mother to son, from son to daughter.
Now we will merge with machines and create an abomination the likes of which will make God shake in his boots.
Is that how it works, O King?
Is that how it works, O great, powerful usurper of the British Isles?
Is that your great power that you now show us so fabulous and so wonderful?
Look how satanic he looks in all these candid photos, but... Oh, hello!
I'm going to cut your resources off for your best good.
Is it okay if I do that?
Of course it is.
But when he doesn't know he's being photographed... I can kill any of them!
I am Satan!
This is mine!
I'm gonna get serious now when we come back.
when we return.
Alright, getting back to where we were.
The globalists are desperate to shut off the free market economy worldwide
that's only partially been operating under crony capitalism because you're rejecting their New World Order and all
their plans.
And as they squeeze tighter and tighter, it just makes more people resist them.
There's a clip of speaking of a World Government Summit panel titled
"We are ready for a New World Order."
This is from the WEF.
WEF global leader tomorrow, Pepe Malgrim, announces the arrival of the central bank digital currency.
It means having an almost perfect record of every single transaction.
That happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity, oh, of what you're doing, surveilling you, over what's going on.
It also raises huge dangers in terms of balance of power between state and citizens.
So if I came to your house and went, you're like, hello, what's, who are you?
Are you selling something?
No, I just, I need to see your bank accounts and what you bought at the grocery store today.
Well how do you know I'm at the grocery store?
Well I was watching you over your smartphone.
I know what you bought.
I want to make sure that's what you bought.
And you're like, what the hell?
You're like a criminal.
How the hell are you?
You've hacked into what I'm doing.
But oh, we're the United Nations!
Of course it's fine!
We're just a giant organized crime syndicate with Prince Charles running it.
Or King Charles, excuse me.
And they're all up there.
This is just a new club.
At the World... another World Government Summit.
Oh, but the ADL says censor or arrest anyone that says there's a world government or replacement migration.
It's just an official UN document.
I mean, we can't allow this.
They're actually reading our plans?
Well, just say that's illegal!
Well, sir, they're resisting what we're doing and then saying, just say it's not happening!
But, sir, we've announced it.
Because they want us in the trance where they piss in our face and say it's raining.
Play the clip.
What underpins a world order is always the financial system.
And what we're seeing in the world today, I think, is we are on the brink of a dramatic change where we are about to, and I'll say this boldly, we're about to abandon the traditional system of money and accounting And introduce a new one.
And the new one, the new accounting, is what we call blockchain.
It means digital.
It means having a almost perfect record of every single transaction that happens in the economy, which will give us far greater clarity over what's going on.
It also raises huge dangers in terms of the balance of power between states and citizens.
Most people think that digital money is crypto and private.
But what I see are superpowers introducing digital currency.
The Chinese were the first.
The U.S.
is on the brink, I think, of moving in the same direction.
The Europeans have committed to that as well.
Oh, that's last year.
It's my fault.
On Twitter, I saw a new clip from two days ago, and they had that under it.
So I sent you the old clip.
My fault.
There's a new clip of them saying it again.
But it's all over the news.
You're witnessing it.
It's happening.
Because it'll save the Earth!
Like this will!
Look at this!
Now, now, why are they targeting beef?
I'm gonna explain this for folks that aren't in farming and ranching, like my family's been for a long time.
Just in Texas since the 1820s.
Where's the beef?
New York Post.
UN calling on Americans to cut down on meat consumption to save the Earth.
A food agriculture organization, FAO, will publish its so-called Global Systems Food Roadmap.
COPE 28, Climate Summit.
They gotta have control of everything.
Ban your stoves, ban your fireplaces, ban your cows.
Well, special cows can be inserted with bags that grab their methane.
We all put off methane.
Methane helps hold the heat in, which the Earth actually needs for an atmosphere.
It's part of the planet.
But again, now it's the UN officially saying, we need taxes and regulations and surveillance over all red meat, and chicken, and pork, and fishy fishies, and everything else.
Of course we do!
And so, if you look at Europe, particularly the Netherlands, and the UK, but even more the United States, or Canada, the way the tax regulations work, the way it's been set up, most people that have cattle, Get a tax exemption on their property and they have other jobs, but they run the cattle, they sell the cattle, then the meat packers, there's only three of them now in the US, they get all the money, you basically just break even.
But if they take out normal cow production, which is grass-fed, great, totally good for the earth, wonderful, It only lets the big meat packers then actually raise them on feedlots.
So they want to get rid, that's the headline of the London Guardian, the UN says that natural organic cows are the worst, feedlots are the way to go, said insect protein that Bill Gates controls.
So everything, like electric cars are the worst for the environment.
The toxic waste that comes from making them, the coal power to fund them, all of it.
It's all the opposite of what you're told.
That's the big sick joke with them.
Whatever they do, it's going to be pure evil and destructive for humanity and the planet, because Satan controls them.
Just whatever they do, it's the worst perfect thing they could do to be the very worst people possible.
And so, they've already announced in Ireland and in the Netherlands 90% of the cows by 2030 must be killed!
And they've already killed like 10% this year in the Netherlands, and they're killing them in Ireland.
Your cow eating grass is evil!
It's killing us!
Kill it!
Kill it!
Then there's less cows, which is already happening in the U.S.
Record low beef production will raise beef prices.
And they say, you can have beef, you just can't afford it.
Oh, you can have a coal-powered plant, as Obama said when he was running for office.
Back in 2003, 2007, 2008, and he says, you can have a coal power plant, but we're going to bankrupt you!
But, but, alright, I gotta get off the Prince Charles voice, I know it's getting annoying, I'm gonna stop, but that's the spirit, the spirit of this demon actually sounds like that.
If you wanna like, tune into it, it's like, so, so, that's what they're doing, they're doing it out in the open, and it just goes on from here.
BlackRock's planned for an additional $4 trillion in climate investment.
We're going to hit that next.
Coming soon, the travel will be restricted by personal carbon allowances officially announced by the UN.
Of course it is.
I mean, my travel won't be restricted.
Here's the Canadian Environment Minister saying, of course we're banning gas-powered stoves.
It's for the Earth.
But Paul Schwab is not going to make any cuts.
I'm going to stop it.
That's coming up next segment.
And then I'm going to hit the $451 billion a year to pay for illegal alien asylum benefits happening in the U.S.
And remember, they're exempt from the shots.
Of course they are.
We're going to give those to you.
You have a large carbon footprint.
Bye-bye, artifact time.
And that ties in to the Navy and the Pentagon releasing A 973% increase in heart failure since the shots.
How good, Heart Attack!
We just took out half the U.S.
military without firing a shot!
But what about the ones that didn't follow the orders?
Hmm, we'll have to deal with them immediately.
Alright, I'm gonna say something again very humbly.
But a lot of you have been listening for a decade or 20 years.
And did it not happen like I told you it would?
Because I was following the enemy battle plan.
And all the really bad stuff's about to happen.
I'd like to bypass that.
I'd like the folks to go, wow, this guy knows what he's talking about.
In fact, get that 30-second clip we played about an hour ago, because I asked the archivist to find it.
The archivist is incredible.
He only has paid like $2,000 a month.
A lot of the crew here has barely even paid.
The guy's a genius.
He went in an hour.
Well, they went and found a bunch of clips from like last year and I said, I don't want me saying this was the CIA, FBI running a secret Obama breakaway illegal government.
I mean, that's the headline.
Obama ran secret shadow government against Trump, the American people.
We have them.
It's totally illegal.
It's totally insane.
It's totally out of control.
It was in the freaking legislation in the John Warner Defense Authorization Act 2017.
Because they funded the year before.
It's a 2016.
What's the funding for 2017?
Almost three billion dollars to literally do what they've done to us.
And I told you then, and I've told you probably almost every week since then, probably every day, till regular listeners are like, yeah, Jones, shut up.
We have a lot of new listeners.
It's a prodigal son.
You already know what's going on.
We want the prodigal son that doesn't know.
So I'm sorry you already know this.
You're important to reach new people.
I'm important to reach new people.
But the most important people, the ones we've not reached, that's what Jesus wants.
That's the story of the prodigal son.
We're trying to get the people that don't know.
So I'm sorry for a lot of the audience, you're like, we already know this.
Well, that's why we're trying to reach new people.
That's why you got to tell new people to tune in.
I know you comprehend that.
I know you're smart.
And but but this is now broken all over the news that Obama, government documents been released, has been running most of the federal government.
I mean, just it's fabulously evil.
It's ridiculously over the top.
We need congressional hearings.
We're very close to beating him.
This is so spectacularly over the top.
It's so redonkulous.
I know Merriam-Webster Dictionary has not accepted that as a new word, but it is a word.
It's so redonkulous that... Here's an example.
Trump a few months ago criticized that the chief of staff for the puppet judge in New York, they passed a law so a judge can find you guilty, though the judge is having a show trial of Trump, trying to take over his real estate empire.
The Trump won't back down.
Little tip.
That's not going to make him back down.
Little tip.
Little tip.
So he tried to get a gag order that got overturned because he said, hey, the judge's chief of staff hangs out with Schumer and is anti-Trump.
Now they found out she worked for Democrat campaigns and worked against the Trump campaign.
Total recusal, mistrial, you name it.
But that's just That's this stack.
See, I don't just have these stacks here to act like I've got a lot of news.
I just get busy and don't cover it.
This whole stack is the rigged trials and the bombshells coming out.
Like, I want to say 10 articles.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Well, right again.
So, that's what's going on here.
This is insane.
This is tyranny!
When a group decides to just take over and attack everybody, and we're like, well, that's illegal!
What are you doing?
This is because they're criminals.
I just went off on a long rant.
What was the next thing that was in the cover crew?
Well, I don't remember now anymore.
It doesn't even matter.
Oh, the archivist video.
So if you missed the first hour or part of the second hour, I got into this huge dish over here that is so huge.
But I've got to get to the race baiting news.
That's the most insane yet.
And I've got to get to the open borders, the 451 billion a year to pay for the illegal aliens.
I'm laughing because I'm crying here.
I'm not laughing because I like it.
Trust me.
I mean, this is just this is total war against the country.
But yeah, yeah, here's a little archivist club, which is all confirmed now, but it was confirmed then.
That's what's frustrating is we knew who the agencies were and how they did it,
because they slipped it in in the defense budget. Here it is.
In the dead of night, Obama did it.
He signed the bill to put free speech in America under a board of governors
made up of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense,
as well as the State Department.
This is how the old Soviet Union was run.
This is a dark day for the First Amendment and the left and establishment Republicans
are in ecstasy.
Maybe we should play that clip 50 more times.
They stole 2020, they tried to overturn 2016, they dampened our blight victory in 2022, and they're doing it all again!
And now it's all out in the oven.
And you got, what, Josh Howley?
I don't like Ted Cruz because he still attacks me, but he's fighting it.
Rand Paul?
And those guys all are such goody-two-shoes, clean people, that they're willing to do it because the Justice Department will have to totally frame them to put them in jail.
But everybody else has got a little hanky-panky going on, a little insider trading going on, a little something special, a little something on the side going on.
And so they're all scared to do it because they took the money.
But there's also a major incompetence that comes with this arrogance.
Illustrated by the fact that Biden can't even talk, the Christmas tree fell over when he was there.
I mean, that's just emblematic.
Like, it's never fallen over.
He gets there and goes... The people that work for him are a bunch of buffoons.
They don't need to produce or have a benchmark.
They can just do whatever they want.
I mentioned these articles earlier.
*fart* BlackRock's planned for an additional $4 trillion in climate investment.
What did Prince Charles say?
"And now the corporations are going to make sure that happens, mew, mew."
Shut down your businesses and then transfer the money to them.
Coming soon, your travel will be restricted by personal carbon allowances.
Big Zero Hedge article with links to the UN announcing, soon you won't be able to travel for the Earth, and we're going to ban your cows.
Oh, the moo-moos are bad too.
They fart.
It's so bad.
But let's play this clip.
This is the Environment Minister, another little rat-like nobody.
They're like, so, you're banning the gas power stoves, and half the folks in Canada and rural areas, all they have is gas.
They don't even have electricity.
He's like, of course we are!
It's for the Earth!
All carbon is bad!
You are carbon!
We all put off carbon's good!
It's what makes the atmosphere!
But here it is!
Well, of course we're banning it!
Here it is.
The clip is not working.
Well, let's re-download it.
Let's get the break coming up.
Read on with that for me.
Here it is.
Canadian Environment Minister Stephen Giltbloot?
Whatever, I can't say his name.
Rather blithely answers a reporter who asks, will the government limit natural gas usage in the winter?
Short answer, of course we will!
That's what fighting climate change looks like!
And here's another one.
New report, the richest 1%, that's like 1-10 to 1%, aka Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, account for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66 nations combined.
Yeah, they're like, like Klaus Schwab's like 10,000 people or something.
But he doesn't cut his carbon, you do!
Your carbon's bad!
Here's the Environment Minister in Canada.
There will be limitations on how much natural gas you can use.
Yes, absolutely. That's what fighting climate change looks like.
Limiting the amount of fossil fuels we're using. We're doing that in the transportation sector.
We're doing that in the cement sector. We're doing that in the steel and aluminum sector.
We're also doing it in the electricity sector. And we're doing it in the oil and gas sector.
And I flew here on a private jet.
All the sectors are being shut off here so all the business goes to China.
It's war.
They have the industry, we don't.
You don't even have cows, some of these people.
We already skipped the break?
Should I even continue the broadcast at this point?
How about I take you on racist lane?
Because while the whole world's having its power turned off and our whole society's being destroyed... Don't worry!
There's millions of illegal aliens and hundreds of thousands in Chicago and crime in the streets because of Robert E. Lee!
No, I'm not joking!
The Chicago mayor, a good, in his own words, Marxist-Leninist, Says the illegal immigrant crisis is a right-wing extremism and is caused by Robert E. Lee!
Yes, we're cutting off your power and taking your jobs away because of Robert E. Lee that died 160 years ago.
160 years ago.
Makes a lot of sense.
Don't worry, though.
This week alone, more Thomas Jefferson statues were removed.
The enemy of King Charles!
When you go to the grocery store or Barnes & Noble, at the end of the checkout line, you know they pay for this, it's just all royalty!
Oh, Prince Charles!
Oh, it's so loving!
It's so liberal!
Let's go to this video.
Every single prediction they've made has been wrong on purpose, just like with the shots.
Geologist Professor Ian Pilmer blows the UN human-induced climate change propaganda completely out of the water.
Imagine the thing like, we can't have any change in the climate, so it's hot in the summer, cold in the winter, it's your fault.
Cal's fart.
It's your fault.
Everything's bad but giant lithium mines and toxic waste and eight-year-old slaves.
That's like, oh, that's liberal.
That's liberal.
Oh, Prince Charles' private jumbo jet.
That's very needed.
I mean, he's saving the Earth.
Are you racist?
So let's go ahead and play that two and a half minute clip.
Oh more British royalty.
Oh, our computer has failed.
Kind of like yesterday.
Had to go off air, everything fell up here.
Maybe God's like telling you, Jones, it's time to hang it up, man.
Alan Watts said, you know, wisdom is knowing when to end it.
I mean, I'm not going to do it today.
But it just becomes this endless parade of whatever it is.
Perhaps I should, you know, I've thought about doing this, and I could do it.
And the show's gonna be shut down in the near future.
If the show's gonna be shut down in the near future, maybe I should.
But people are gonna get really upset, because when I do tongue-in-cheek stuff, even saying satire, they use it out of context, but it always turns to good.
So in the near future, I am going to do an entire four hour show.
It's like Klaus Schwab Jr.
or something.
I'm going to come in here, and I'm going to do the whole show from their perspective, but tell you what they're really doing.
And it's going to be horrible.
But I'm not going to break out of it one time.
It's going to be really stressful.
I'm going to go take a nap after.
Probably collapse for a day, because for me to say something I don't believe is very hard.
But I'm going to come here, and you're giving forewarning now.
It's like 15 years ago, I did The Joker.
And said all these horrible things, take your shots, drink your fluoride, I want to kill you.
And I did so well, we had a big drop in support for all that.
Whoa, we didn't know you were so evil.
Well, no, I don't believe that, but I can show you the enemy.
So I'm going to give you a tour de force the next week.
I'm doing it.
Because they can shut us down anytime.
I'm going to give you a tour de force of evil.
And I'm going to host the entire show from their perspective.
I'm gonna take calls.
When the caller calls him, I go, you're pathetic and weak and commit suicide.
Ah, it'd be better for everybody.
You don't contribute, you know it.
Oh yes, this way you kill yourself.
I'm going, but I won't do it in British accent.
I haven't figured out how I'm doing it yet.
I think I'll probably do it in my own voice.
This voice.
This is me.
And I, and I think I'll just channel Satan.
And because I felt like I should do this, and I felt like this for a while, I think it would really be illustrative.
I think it would be very good to do this.
So, perhaps I will do it to the voice of King Charles.
In fact, we'll call it King Charles Host Info Wars.
And for three, four hours, I will Pontificate on why you need to just give up and die.
I'm superior to you.
I'm a beautiful mind.
You're not.
And if you just roll over and die, it'd be much easier for you.
After all, there's no hope for you.
No, I don't think I'll do it to that voice, though.
No, I think I'll have to do it on my own.
Look, the planet's overpopulated, you have to admit it, and most of you leave useless lives.
I mean, you're not even happy, you don't have a direction you're in.
It's not that we made you directionalists or anything or dumbed you down.
No, you just need to realize that there are better people than all of you out there, and the mere fact you've not resisted us or stopped us is the proof that you all need to kill yourselves.
But we'll make it as painless as possible.
For you all to kill yourselves.
And for those of you that serve the greater good, you will be empowered for a time to live, and you'll help carry out this beautiful project that we're embarking on, this curating of society, this pulling up the weeds and planting the trees and, you know, just what has to be done.
And I understand that most of you are too weak to be able to comprehend the beautiful mind of a Klaus Schwab or a King Charles, but you will.
And we're going to cut your resources off to the point that you finally realize the best thing to do is report to a local euthanasia center and your family will be given maybe six months of credits for bug protein once you've killed yourselves.
So just give up now because there's no hope.
There is no God.
We're God now.
And you're dead.
I'm the captain now.
Forget your ancestors and all they did.
Forget the struggles of humanity.
Forget the fact that you recognize beauty in the universe.
That's all a lie.
All you're gonna recognize is CNN and Brian Stelter stomping on your face forever.
See, I just can't... I had to, like, channel them and actually try to sell it.
I had to... It's very hard to do, but I... I feel like it's... I don't feel like... I know it's the work I'm supposed to do.
I'm told you were able to find the clip now?
Perhaps AI will fix it.
I can replace you?
You have the clip?
Here is the clip.
The clip of a mind criminal.
Don't check the science.
The science says you need to die.
Here it is.
Anne, thank you for joining me.
Are you shaking and crying over these doomsday announcements?
Well what I'm scared of is the mainstream media uncritically accepting this Codswallop.
What I'm scared of is these people get given a microphone and talk about total lies.
Hurricanes are not increasing.
We have data.
Sea level is not increasing.
Some places it's decreasing, other places it's increasing.
We're not having an increase in bushfires.
We're not having an increase in climate deaths.
We have a very large data bank showing us the exact opposite.
So what these people are doing is sprouting exactly the opposite to what the data tells us.
They're doing it with much more noise.
They're getting the very friendly media, like The Guardian, like the mainstream media, saying, oh, we're all doomed.
But every single prediction they've ever made has been wrong.
And they've been doing this for 30 years.
This latest missive was just over 30 pages long.
All the science comes much later, so they give us all the scary stuff, but they don't give us their data.
And they still haven't, after 30 years, they still haven't shown us.
I don't understand is, if their predictions aren't accurate, or if they're wildly inaccurate, why that doesn't dent their credibility?
Why the, um, you would hope at times would be sceptical media say, well, Five years ago you said this and this and none of that happened and you said this and this and actually the opposite happened.
Why do we have this situation where it's the boy who cried wolf and every single time crying wolf works?
It's a great scare story.
We're all going to die.
We're all doomed.
And it's great for the mainstream media to frighten people.
Front page on the newspaper, lead article on a television program.
And people fall for the propaganda.
There's been a relentless campaign of propaganda for 30 years.
And the basics haven't been shown.
If you cannot show that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, then all the arguments about coal, about gas, about hydrocarbons, are not demonstrated.
They're wrong.
Alright, Kate Daly's coming up and I'm going to take a little bit of her time because I'm going to play this race thing I've been talking about before she takes over.
So the good news is they've put trillions into the climate hoax and the power grab of the global government.
This is their whole game.
It's their whole plan.
They're unable to get their full-cup of tyranny in.
They're unable to get so many other facets of it in.
So it's not going well for them.
But they've got unlimited funding and they're still going to try to cram it down our throats.
So now is the time.
You know, I mentioned this earlier and I should have probably started the show with this.
Uh, this is a big deal, and this document's now public.
Uh, you got the Navy putting out their official report that no one's covering.
We got this, uh, Navy, uh, individual talking about it.
A seven, a 973%, 973% increase in heart failure since the poison shots began.
And now they're rolling out all of the COVID protocols again.
So what I'm going to do is, I'm going to come back in the first five that some stations don't carry, but it'll be a band up video later.
I'm going to hit that.
And then I'm going to hit the race garbage, because I've been meaning to play this for a while, and I just haven't gotten to it, but I'm going to get to it today.
And this is just a few of the clubs I haven't gotten to, that I want to get to, but I mean, it's crazy.
A little kid is a fan of a team, they paint themselves up in black and red, and the media calls them racist, and it finally backfires and they apologize and back off.
They haven't done that for five years since they really rolled this out.
But then the Chicago mayor says, well, you know, we got high crime because of Robert E. Lee.
I'm not kidding.
I have the video.
So, and I got a black lady saying, good morning means murdering black people.
She says the morning of the morning for dead, like morning, like morning dead.
No, it's morning.
Another word like morning, like the sun comes up.
But it's this thing where the globalists are taking all your rights, all your freedoms, raping your children, destroying the future.
But then you think words are the enemy.
Because the media taught you that.
So, no, the little kid doing a tomahawk chop at the Chiefs game or whatever it was, that's not the bad person.
It's you that see everything as this threat, when meanwhile the globalists are destroying all of our futures together.
I'm going to go to break, come back and cover this ahead of Kate and Ali, who always does a great job.
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So here's a report.
We've confirmed the document.
Navy Medical Officer reveals COVID vaccines related heart issues.
The numbers are astounding.
Myocarditis up 151%.
Major heart disease 69%, pulmonary heart disease 60%, and heart failure up 973%.
That's just outright total heart attacks and deaths, because most of them are undiagnosed.
Here it is.
Demat data, the database working properly, and also acknowledged things such as myocarditis rising 151%.
So what I did, I went in today.
I'm doing the same thing, 5-year average, however I'm comparing it to 2022, and I only am using fixed-wing pilots and helicopter pilots in active duty.
So we've got hypertensive disease, 36%.
Ischemic heart disease, 69%.
Pulmonary heart disease, 62%.
Heart failure, 973%.
Pulmonary heart disease, 62%.
Heart failure, 973%.
Other forms of heart disease, 63%.
Cardiomyopathy, 152%.
How liberal!
Total extermination.
Oh, look at this headline.
They're exempt from being sued, the pharma companies, but they'll sue you.
Poland being sued.
For declining COVID-19 vaccines.
They say you're under the EU.
The EU orders your public to take the boosters now.
They saw so much death.
The Polish government says no.
They say, "We're suing you for billions of dollars."
Figure it out yet?
Military can owe billions of service members involuntary discharge for refusing COVID shots.
Now they're asking them back.
Slovakia and other European countries now reject the UN treaty over health care.
Excess mortality in COVID vaccination.
Is there a correlation?
Even the spectator at Australia admits it's there.
It's all coming out.
A systemic review of autopsy findings and deaths after COVID-19 vaccination.
20 plus million dead.
Another major study.
So, we got that stack done.
I covered about 7 stacks of 30.
How many stacks I got?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 stacks!
I've covered 7 of the stacks!
I did okay!
twenty one, twenty two, twenty three, twenty four, twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine,
thirty, thirty one, thirty two stacks.
I've covered seven of the stacks. I did okay.
But can you imagine what the other loving liberal stacks are?
They're murdering you out in the open, whether you're a helicopter pilot, or whether you're a dentist,
or whether you're an FBI agent, or whether you're a school teacher, or whether you're a farmer,
or whether you're a psychologist, or whether you're a shopkeeper, or whether you're a stay-at-home mom,
or whether you are a barber, or whether you are anything.
They don't care.
And they know that, like, their plan is so horrible, and so evil, That you'll never be able to believe it because you were never warned about it beforehand.
So it's impossible that something like this could be happening.
But I was blessed that multiple members of my family on both sides were officers involved in this in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
And they told me a lot.
And because of that, I had a leg up to know it was coming down because I believed my family.
And they were, they didn't know a lot.
They were just there and saw it.
And said, the government's run by really evil people.
Well, what are they doing?
Oh, just that they're bad.
And then when you're at the deathbed, They're like, it's all true.
I was there in Guatemala.
They ship out kids all over the world.
You gotta stop them.
When you're there once in a while, he dies in front of you.
Like, wow, this is real.
Long time ago.
And now you know.
The King of England drinks the blood of murdered children.
Let that sink in.
We'll be right back.
So, People wonder why I got a mean look on my face.
It's because I know I'm going into a death battle.
I know I'm going against some really evil people.
And I'm not lying to myself about it.
Now, I don't get into the race stuff a lot because it's a tar baby.
It's endless.
But we know they're pushing it.
But the bottom line is this.
The globalists are poisoning you no matter what color you are with 5G.
They're targeting everybody no matter what color you are with poison shots.
They're targeting everybody with GMO.
And they have been literally cutting off the resources of the third world, which is mainly not white, killing them.
But they're wiping out the first world too with poison shots.
They're coming after everybody, folks.
So if we don't get together on this, we all got beefs, we've all been screwed over by somebody.
And I read these articles about Charles Dickens didn't like women because his mother left him in a poor house but took the other kids.
Well, Charles Dickens is an incredible writer.
I've read all his books and love his work, Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, you name it.
But, like, just because some woman was mean to me, I don't think all women did it.
But the average person's like that.
So I get some black guy mugs you, you hate all black people.
Or some white guy abused you, so you hate all white people.
That's not how the world works, folks.
Judge people by the character of their deeds.
And that's all I'm trying to say to people.
So you've got the racist Soros mayor of Chicago with hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, mass crime, collapse, exodus out of the city, city's completely upside down.
And his answer is to blame the revolution, the civil war.
I'm not going to play the whole clip.
It's like five minutes long.
Robert E. Lee, like, well, we have illegal aliens here because of Robert E. Lee.
No, it's because the lockdowns, the third world, the shutdown of society and Biden saying, come here.
And we've got now in a new congressional report, 451 billion a year to pay for illegal alien asylum inside the United States.
What the hell does Robert E. Lee have to do with that?
Then I got this.
Plot twist.
Young Chiefs fan falsely accused of wearing blackface.
He just wore the team colors.
By Deadspin writer has been revealed.
And there's a huge twist.
He's Native American.
That doesn't matter.
He didn't wear the team colors and the team mascots.
He was racist.
Why did the media do it?
Because they want to divide us all.
Deadspin story implodes even more as Ryder deletes tweet and more video comes out.
But again, obviously this little kid is not attacking black people.
That's why the team, black team, and you know, it's all a diversion to make us fight with each other while they totally destroy us.
Then we got this lady.
Famous clip, I won't play the whole thing.
She doesn't know morning means the rising sun, dawn, and that mourning, mourning is spelled different means mourning death.
She's been told when you say good morning it means good morning we murdered black people.
People have been saying good morning for thousands of years we know of in what is England today.
It means good day.
Hope you have a good day.
Good night.
She doesn't care about half the black people aborted.
She doesn't care about total tyranny.
She just wants to sit back and have this creative system where all the little kids got half his face black, half his face red.
Team colors.
Kids go with Dallas Cowboys.
Half navy blue, half silver.
That's okay.
It's all about where can you find something to say white people are bad?
Because the corporations want the division while they rob us and destroy us.
So let's do this first.
Play the Chicago Mayor, the shorter clip, I say.
I don't want to play the whole thing.
Blaming right-wing extremism for the collapse of Chicago.
And then just play the B-roll of a little kid thinking he's going to a game and now he's racist.
And then let's play this sad, crazy black lady.
Look at her face.
She thinks she's fighting tyranny.
She's all angry, man.
Good morning is a thing to Mourning means good morning the sun.
Mourning, when you mourn someone, means you're sad.
No one ever said that!
No one ever said... But see, that gives you power.
Like, you look at the clouds.
That cloud looks like Hitler.
Look, Hitler's looking down on me.
It's total mental illness.
So they don't recognize all the tyranny taking their lives over.
The 5G, the GMO, the open borders, the devaluation, the inflation, the world government, the wars.
So go ahead and play the Eclipse.
You know, what we've seen is a very raggedy form instituted by right-wing extremism.
Everyone knows that the right-wing extremism in this country has targeted democratically ran cities.
And quite frankly, they've been very intentional about going after democratically ran cities that are led by people of color.
And their whole motivation is to create disruption and chaos.
Because that's what that particular party has been about.
This is the same political party that did not want to accept that President Obama was actually an American.
It's the same Republican right-wing extremism that stormed the Capitol.
It's the same right-wing extremism that refuses to accept the results of the Civil War.
It's raggedy.
It's disrespectful.
It's mean-spirited.
It's an unclean spirit, quite frankly.
And so, so I gotcha, I gotcha, I just want... So, yeah, we're gonna go to... Kate Daly's about to take over.
We're gonna skip the two-network break.
She gets her time back here.
Joe Biden's saying, if I win, immediately surge the border.
If I win, immediately surge the border.
And the Democrats bring in millions of illegals in a year.
That is an unclean spirit of the Civil War.
And he goes on, Robert E. Lee.
So if he walks out of his house and walks out in front of a truck, Robert E. Lee did it.
I mean, this is just fantastical.
Let's finish up the other two clips.
Go ahead.
Look at that racist.
He goes to an idiotic football game.
He shouldn't even go to that.
They all do the Tomahawk Chalk with him.
And the team color is black and red.
And it's over.
He's a KKK member.
But it's all blown up in their face.
They need these distractions.
Nobody would think about what it really originated from.
It was really a mockery towards black slaves.
And them making fun of what they did to their people.
When someone was hung, killed, or sold off to a different plantation.
So that was their way of being funny.
Did you have a good morning?
Did you have a good cry about that person's death?
Did you have a good cry about your daughter being taken away from you and sold off somewhere else?
Did you have a good cry of your brother being hung yesterday?
That was their way of being funny.
Good morning, everyone.
Listen, I'm gonna put a bounty out right now.
Ten grand for that woman to come in studio.
I mean, I bet you can't get to her.
Man, the level of ignorance.
Good morning means morning is the sun coming up.
Morning is another word.
It's spelled different.
But you listen, folks.
It's incredible.
She'll eat GMO all day.
She'll be in 5G all day.
She'll take a poison shot from Borla, and it's great.
But if we sit there and talk about freedom, we're bad.
All right, Kate Daly takes over.
We're going to skip this break.
The next network break coming up, she'll get her time back.
And the War Room is there at three o'clock.
Owen's not here.
He's in solitary confinement for his free speech in Louisiana in prison.
We got a great guest host there.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com.
We have free shipping, double Patreon points, X2 in stock, my book, The Great Awakening.
That's how you keep us on air.
Please take action.
Kate Daly takes over now.
Thank you, Kate.
Really appreciate it.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest, host from katedallyradio.com.
You can listen to me live every day from katedallyradio.com, or your local dial.
This is the Christmas season, where the post office delivers your bills with 100% on-time accuracy, and your packages end up in the hands of other community members for weeks.
I don't know if you guys are getting this, but I am.
It's insane!
Anyway, I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I really do.
And we're going to be talking about the border today.
And I'll talk next week about the ridiculous hostage release story.
I don't know if you guys thought that was as ridiculous as I did, but we'll talk about that next week.
I'll get to that.
Um, but, uh, obviously, um, you know, we can agree that the intimate searches from the TSA making our planes safe, right?
Painstakingly one plane at a time, for what reason we don't know, but our border's wide open.
Makes no sense, I know.
We all stand in line at the TSA and, um, our border's wide open and not a problem, right?
Because it's infiltrating our entire country.
And we're going to talk to J.J.
Carroll about this.
In fact, you can go to jjcarroll.com.
He is the author of Invaded.
He is, or let me give you the whole title, Invaded, the Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.
This book was just released.
He has a 24-year career, United States Border Patrol, as a journeyman agent to Deputy Border, Deputy Patrol Agents in Charge to expose the who, the why, the how.
This treason, let's make no mistake, the treason is being perpetuated against our great nation.
And of course, King Dingling, King Fraud-A-Lot, how it's changed even in the last 10 years to what we're now facing as a country right now in the last couple of years.
He's going to give us a clear picture of what is actually happening on the border right now.
I always like to talk to Boots on the ground.
He is an expert on border issues and the criminal acts by King Fraud-A-Lot and his administration and the DHS machine.
And I welcome J.J.
How are you?
I'm doing great, thank you for having me.
I'm so glad to have you, actually.
Give us a picture of what's actually happening on the border right now.
We get a lot of conflicting stories and the leftist media machine says the right gets stories that are inaccurate.
So give us a picture, JJ, of what you see.
Okay, we can look right now at Tucson Sector.
Tucson Sector in Arizona has 262 miles of responsibility on the border.
They covered that.
Over the holiday weekend, they had a surge.
They have become the epicenter of the illegal alien space.
They're getting about 2,200 to 2,500 illegal aliens every day.
So they're maxed out of capacity.
So what does San Diego sector, excuse me, Tucson sector management do under CBP?
Well, they remove every last orbital agent from the line, from the border, and put them in processing centers.
They took four TACC, the SWAT team, our SWAT team, and put them around the processing centers to give security.
So right now, as you and I are speaking, there is 262 miles, and I'm talking about San Diego sector or other sectors in Texas, just Tucson, 262 miles of the southern border.
There's not one single Border Patrol agent working the border.
In fact, they closed down the two checkpoints in that sector as well.
So it's completely wide open.
And as we're speaking, Thousands of illegal aliens have crossed the border, and they have put up makeshift shantytowns, and they're living on American soil waiting for Border Patrol to come get them.
And as those thousands wait more, thousands upon thousands, And tons of hard narcotic cocaine, heroin, fentanyl are pouring across the border.
There's no one to stop it.
This is what we've allowed to happen to our country.
This is an invasion and it's strategically planned and thus it is treason.
I stand by that.
Our focus right now is on the Hamas-Israel border, which I find very peculiar because our border is under attack every day, every minute of every day.
How has it changed in the last 10 years?
What do you find now that's coming across?
Because I want to blow people's minds.
I think this will blow people's minds on how it's changed.
Okay, not even the last 10 years.
Let's go back 35 months.
So, I retired.
My last year in the Border Patrol was the first year of Joe Biden.
So, I have a strong idea of exactly what's going on.
Okay, so prior to Joe Biden, we would arrest individuals called Special Interest Aiders.
We call them SIAs.
Those are people from terrorist nations, nations that harbor terrorism or fund terrorism.
In 10, in 24 years of my career, I arrested less than five of them.
And I arrested... a thousand... station leader.
I had oversight of task forces.
All five of them would be sent over to JTTF, Joint Terrorism Task Force, run by the FBI.
If they were found to be a terrorist, they'd be swept away.
I've never seen them again.
Then, if it wasn't, they would turn them back over to me and say, hey, Mohamed Mohamed from Sudan.
I can't make the connection if he's truly the terrorist or not.
Here you go, JJ.
I would call ICE.
ICE would come and get that individual and make sure that individual is on the next flight back to Sudan.
Fast forward 35 months.
In the last two years of those 35 months, CBP and Border Patrol has arrested over 105,000 special interest aliens.
25,000 in FY2022.
80,000 in FY2023.
And here's the kicker.
25,000 in FY2022, 80,000 in FY2023.
And here's the kicker, they released all of them.
All of the terrorist associated people are released.
If I would, let's go back 35 months as a deputy police in charge in a station in San Diego.
If I, JJ Carroll, released a special interest alien, I would immediately have my gun and badge pulled.
I'd be put on suspension and then ultimately fired.
And then I'd be interrogated as to why would you do this, JJ?
Are you compromised?
Fast forward to today, we just released them, Kate.
We released them into America.
So I'm going to say this very clear, so your audience understands exactly what I see.
We have hundreds of thousands of special interest aliens in our nation right now.
And we have thousands of terrorists.
Director Wray did this in front of Congress, sworn in front of Congress.
He said, yes, there's many, many terrorists in our nation.
And correct, I do not know where they are.
Does that scare America?
That's the only thing that frightens me.
Yeah, yeah.
And here we worry about going through a TSA to make sure our planes are safe, from what we don't know.
But our planes are safe now for over 20 years, painstakingly going through TSA, yet our borders wide open makes absolutely zero sense.
There's no common sense about this whatsoever.
No, and think of this, you talk about TSA, there's no air marshals in the air now.
Do you know that?
That they've all been reassigned to go process and feed and clothe illegal aliens?
So we go through TSA and there's nobody in the sky to protect us.
America has never witnessed this type of treason and vulnerability in its history.
We're looking at a total transformation of America.
This is no longer a race issue or what ethnicity that people are coming from.
Listen, Senator Kennedy just gave testimony and grilled Mayorkas.
71% of all the millions of people that are arrested and released, 71% are not Mexican.
You talk about what was my life prior?
My life prior was 90-95% Mexican nationals that are arrested with Hondurans, Guatemalans, some El Salvadorians.
And then every now and then I'd get, we call it exotic.
It'd be someone from the Middle East or Africa.
It'd be really crazy.
And it would be like, holy cow, where did this person come from?
Now, 71%, so we have 180 nationalities arrested out of 195 nations on planet Earth.
Nationalities arrested out of 195 nations on planet Earth.
This is not going to end well.
This is a mass problem now.
This is common sense problem.
And we are going to, we're going to rue the day that we as Americans sat silent and allowed this to happen.
And you said they were shutting down posts.
So how far out are the agents that are there?
I mean, aren't they pretty far out?
Didn't they do that under the Obama administration?
They sent them like an hour from the border.
Well, yeah, the station.
So when you get into Arizona, it gets so desolate, and then you have the Indian Reservation.
I was on detail many times in Tucson, Nogales, and Douglas, Arizona, which are horrible places,
actually, on the border there.
It's very dangerous, and it's just horrible.
So you're driving an hour, maybe two hours, from Casa Grande Station, Arizona,
two hours to the border.
Agents are dying on the border.
They're like, "Oh, I'm gonna fall asleep, "hitting cows, being not alert."
So imagine you're 60 miles from the border, and there's not an agent within 60 miles.
And if they even cross Cape and get 60 miles, and get in buses and cars,
and the giant U-Hauls are driving through with tons of fentanyl, nobody's gonna stop 'em,
'cause we're all processing.
But this is just one sector.
San Diego sector does the same thing.
Texas, with the Del Rio sector, completely devastated.
You got to understand, the Border Patrol now is arresting, and the numbers are all over the place, but they're between 10,000 and 12,000 people a day are being arrested and then released.
We're over 310,000 arrests a month.
A month!
We're looking at 4 million arrests in FY 2024.
We just shattered the record with 3.2 million in FY 2023.
This is a complete invasion.
This is a complete demographic shift of America from citizen to non-citizen.
And it's happening at breakneck speed.
I mean, it's incredible.
For those wondering, is this a problem of hiring?
Like the military right now changed all of their trans agenda advertising and lesbian advertising to straight white male advertising to try to grab people into the military.
Is this like that where they're having trouble getting people to be border agents?
Because I know a lot of people might be asking that question.
Well, yeah.
They can't hire anybody.
No one wants the job.
Why would you want that job?
You're basically a travel agency dealing with people with all kinds of incurable diseases, and then you're going to let them go?
Why would you do that?
They have $30,000 hiring bonuses for people to come in the Borbital.
Listen, at the height of the Borbital, we had a little over 21,000 agents.
We're down to 15,000 and dropping slowly.
But let me make sure everybody understands.
35 months ago, let's say we had 16,500 or 17,000 agents.
We controlled the border under President Trump.
I'm sorry.
There we go.
Well, under President Trump, we had maybe a thousand more agents, which is just a drop in the bucket, a thousand more agents.
We had the border shut down.
This is an anomaly.
This has never happened before.
When President Trump was in office in his last few months, finally, after the rhinos got out of the way, McConnell and all those traitors, We were arresting 500 aliens a day.
Over 2,000 miles of the southern border and 5,400 miles of the northern border.
And every single one of them was being deported back to their homeland or put into federal prison if they committed crimes in America.
Fast forward to today, we're arresting 10,000 to 12,000 illegal aliens a day and we're releasing all of them.
This isn't a manpower problem right now.
This is a, I want to open the borders and fundamentally transform America.
That's it.
We've got such, obviously such a huge, huge problem.
And, uh, JJ, uh, Corral joins me and, you know, First of all, get his book, because it explains in detail what we're talking about today.
And that book is, uh, invaded the intentional destruction of the American immigration system.
We also need to talk about sex trafficking coming through, all the other problems, because that's changed a lot too, hasn't it?
We've always had that element, but now we have it on steroids, I'm guessing?
Unfortunately, the child sex trafficking, uh, Of everything that I've dealt with in my career, I'm kind of really desensitized, not kind, but I am completely desensitized to the rapes and murders and on and on.
It doesn't matter.
It matters, but it just doesn't hit me anymore because I just refuse to allow it in my career and I just become callous.
The only thing that drives me completely on edge is the abuse of children.
And what is happening right now under the Biden administration is grotesque.
The only way to describe what's happening is give you data points because it's so overwhelming.
Hold it right there, JJ.
Hold it right there because we're going to go to a break and I don't want any of that lost between this and the break.
So a little bit of a cliffhanger for the data points.
But this is so, so imperative that we talk about our border.
Because while everything's going on, our focus is on the Middle East.
We should be focused on our border and what is going on to our country right now.
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
More with J.J.
Corral when we come back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour.
I appreciate you listening in because obviously this is a huge, huge topic.
And you know, it's funny, I don't think the mainstream media Sarcasm.
It doesn't want us talking about this.
It doesn't want us talking about the border.
It says if the border's just fine, we should always concentrate on the Middle East.
Give me a break.
I've got JJ Carell and the book is Invaded, the Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.
He is an author, a speaker, and speaks out on this issue quite a bit.
And let me tell you, boots on the ground, retired agent, 24 years, he has a lot of experience to speak from.
And so, of course, things have changed radically since King Dingaling was installed.
And so, what is your take on where this is headed?
Where do we stand in, like, two or three years if we keep up this kind of pace, JJ?
Well, if he gets reelected, or whatever you want to call that election that he gets placed in, reinstalled, I think we never come back.
And let me give you an example.
Right now, we're starting to begin to hear the drumbeat for Anthony.
Myorcus came out yesterday and started that drumbeat, and he's saying 12 million illegal aliens.
That's a lie.
There's right now, I estimate between 40 and 45 million illegal aliens.
I can detail that for you if you like and where I got the data and how I came up with that number.
And there are people that are in the know that agree with that number.
40 to 45 million, that's like one in seven, one in eight Americans or individuals living in America are illegal aliens.
There's no nation in the history of civilization that has withstood this type of percentage of non-citizens in their country and survived.
It's impossible.
And then, you know, before we left off, I'm sorry.
No, go ahead.
I just I want people to sort of, you know, sit in that data for a moment, because sometimes we hear data.
We were just hearing about myocarditis for the military.
We're just hearing.
But it's another thing to really take that data in and realize what's going on in the country and realize what treason is happening.
Under this installed administration, what they allow to happen to this country.
Because talk about the gutting of a country.
This is what the founders warned about.
This is why they wanted people simply vetted who came in and it could take up to 15 years because they wanted people to come in who would fight for America, understand America, and not bring their politics with them and not bring their, like you said, special interests with them, as in special interests Nationals that are coming through.
So there was a reason to vet and vetting is okay.
But according to leftist loony bags, they don't want anyone vetted and everyone should just be kind.
Well, it's not kind to gut our country.
So those numbers are really important.
Can you hit a couple of those data points again?
Yes, so the way I came up, well, I know that this is true just from experience, but I like to use other sources that are liberal, that people would go, okay, I agree with that because it's liberal.
So you take a study done in 2018 prior to Biden, and it was a Yale and MIT study, not even disputed.
Everyone's like, yeah, okay, we agree with this.
They took numerous data points, put it through an algorithm 1 million times.
And they kept coming up with the average of 22 million illegal aliens were in America.
I agree with that.
I think it's higher, but let's just say that for them.
Then let's now use DHS data.
So we're not even talking about the two years under Trump.
Everyone was deported and released, but there were getaways.
So 22 million.
Under Biden's first 35 months, 8 million individuals have been arrested and released.
Let's use 8 million.
So now we're at 30 million.
DHS claims that $2 million are gotta ways.
Everyone in the business laughs.
We're like, are you kidding me?
$2 million?
The border is completely wide open.
So we think you add an additional $10 million to that.
Conservatively, $10 million.
I know it's hard to wrap your brain around this, but it's happening.
That's $42 million.
So you give and take.
So I like to say between $40 and $45 million.
Illegal immigrants in our nation.
That's the size of California.
So it's the size of California.
Just to put it in perspective.
Okay, go ahead.
It's shocking because no one wants to talk about it except when your city crumbles like Chicago, New York, Phoenix, LA, San Francisco.
They're all states of emergency.
The whole state of Massachusetts state of emergency because illegal aliens have destroyed their system.
But something that you talked about before the break that I really would like to discuss is the child sex trafficking because it's It's hidden, right?
Because we have a pedophilia ring in the elite.
And that's known.
You got Pizzagate.
You got Epstein.
You have the Catholic Church.
You have, which I'm a Catholic and it pains me to say it.
You have Hollywood.
You have all this going on.
And yet, under Joe Biden, you have over 500,000 and counting Unaccompanied alien children, we call them UAC, okay?
Those are children from babies, like physical babies, to 17 years old.
They're coming through the border.
We have to, as Border Patrol agents, within 72 hours, because of Flores Agreement, which is a policy that's a boondoggle, I have to release them.
I have to get them out of my custody.
So I turn them over to ORR, which is the parent company of Health and Home Human Services.
ORR is Office of Refugee Resettlement.
Think of them as a Federal Child Protective Services, the CPS.
Once they get them, they have to push them out.
Because they have, like last month in October, we had over 11,000 of these unaccompanied minors and family kids come in.
So they're constantly pushing them out.
They don't know who they're giving them to.
The director of HHS, Javier Becerra, who's a buffoon, actually was under oath and said, I don't know where these kids are.
We have no idea.
And they know what he said, which was shocking and shows you the arrogance.
He says, that's really not under my purview because the onus is on them to contact us.
Could you imagine a CPS agency putting kids away and now we find out their sex traffickers are working in meat packing plants at midnight?
And I go to that CPS officer and I say, why don't you do follow up?
Well, the onus is on them.
They never called me.
The reason why these kids are not calling you Javier Becerra at the HHS is because they're being sexually mutilated over and over and over again.
I'm going to tell you right now, Kate, without any reservation, you and I are talking about child sex trafficking and there are thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of kids being passed around sexually and they're begging God, please God, This can't be the way that my life has to be.
Where is, where are the people?
Where are the police?
Where are the people that care?
There are none.
You have, okay, I like to say this, let's just break it all the way down and I know it's gonna be crude and it's gonna be raw, but you need to hear this.
If I'm child sex trafficking and all I have is American kids, white, black, and Asian, and maybe some, maybe a Hispanic kid.
I can now open up the pedophilia world to 180 countries that have come into America and I can say, look at this, look at what you can choose from.
You don't have black, white and brown.
You have everything you've ever desired in your whole life and pick and choose because here's the dirty secret.
Two dirty secrets.
Nobody knows who these people are that are coming.
They're called sponsors to come get the kids.
And here's the other dirty secret.
There is no follow-up.
Nobody goes to that sponsor's house and says, hey, how's Maria doing?
Or how's Mohammed from Sudan doing?
Do you see the world?
Look, I love my country.
I love it.
I hate, with all the passion I can, I hate my government.
My government is peddling.
They are pimps in child sex trafficking.
The largest child sex trafficking in modern history is happening in America.
America is the number one consumer of child pornography.
Please, there's dots all over.
Connect them.
See the picture that's staring you in the face.
We are a morally bankrupt nation that is peddling child perversion and sex.
And no one's saying a word about it.
It's shocking to me.
I sit sometimes and I feel like I'm screaming into the wind.
This is America.
We were never built for this.
Why would our government continue to allow us to do this?
Look, down in the Darien Gap, they have race tents set up now.
So doctors without borders can go down there and take care of women and children.
Do you know the number of women and children, race, coming up the Darien Gap from Central America to Mexico and to America?
Do you know the number is 6 to 8 out of 10?
Not 6 or 8 out of 1,000 or 100,000.
6 or 8 women and children are raped or sexually abused out of 10.
That's what's happening on the South Side.
And then we perpetuate that into America.
We are going to pay a heavy price.
I believe strongly in God, and I believe He's merciful, but I believe He's just.
And I think He looks down on us, and He is angry.
Way more angry than me because he and he's seeing the people that he created destroying lives of young kids.
And this is just 1 aspect of this open borders.
We haven't talked about the standing army and criminals.
We haven't talked about the enormous fentanyl deaths that are going across America.
We're not we touched on the cities and states being states of emergencies and being decimated our nation.
Whatever you think is happening in five or ten years, America may still stand under the United States, but it will never be what it was three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago.
Those days will be gone.
I really believe that.
I feel like sitting in silence just so everything you said could be absorbed because it was so vital.
I know you had a story too about the sex trafficking, about So this can truly hit home on what's actually happening in real story, in real understanding.
Okay, I'm going to assume that you're talking about what I wrote in my book with Tom Holman.
Is that correct?
All right.
So this is graphic and it'll make you sick and I hate even repeating it.
But here goes, it's in my book, Tom Holman, former acting ICE director, full on American patriot, passionate like I am, and just speaks the God honest truth.
He's in front of Congress, given sworn testimony, and they asked him, tell us about the child sex trafficking.
Tell us about what it's like down there on the border.
And he tells a story.
That he went down in Texas, the Texas DPS brought him to a morgue, and inside the morgue was a 20-month-old Nigerian young woman, young child, girl.
Standing on the side was her dad and her mom.
They crossed the Rio Grande, the currents took the baby away, and she drowned.
As horrible as that is, this happens all the time.
The coroner pulls Tom Holman aside and says, listen, Tom, I need you to understand something.
The child died of drowning.
However, the child has been sexually penetrated in every orifice of her body by the cartels.
This is, and Tom Holman got very passionate about this in Congress, and he said, he pounded his table, and he said, I'm telling you that this is happening right now.
It happens every day, all day, every night, all night.
And he's right.
This is happening all over.
It's happening on the border.
We created, we own this America because Biden came into office and he said, come, America will take you.
And this is what we're doing.
They have rape trees on the South side where the cartels rape women and children just to prove their strength.
So when you cross the border, you're going to pay me my money, or I'm going to come and I'm going to rape everyone in your family, North and South of the border.
The cartels run everything on the border and they're savages.
The cartels, let me make sure that the audience understands this very clearly because it's going to shock you beyond what you're hearing.
Our federal government does not run the border.
The border is run by Mexican drug cartels down in Mexico with the help of Mexican government.
They tell the American immigration officers what we're going to do.
They decide where the epicenter is.
The epicenter in April and May of middle-aged adult men from terrorist nations was Imperial Beach, California station.
Now it's Tucson and parts of Del Rio.
Del Rio is always getting slammed, but right now it's Tucson.
Our government is corrupt to the core.
Let me just ask you something.
I always like to do this.
Let's say that I'm crazy, okay?
I'm just crazy.
Let's go back 36 months and somebody comes to you and says, hey man, I looked into the future three years and Biden hired a gentleman that is a Cuban national from a communist nation of Cuba.
He's now the Secretary of DHS, and he is going to obliterate every policy within DHS, and he's going to break laws, and he is going to allow in 10 to 15 million people within the first three years.
And I would ask you, what would you call that guy?
Well, I would call that guy a traitor!
So what's different between me telling you exactly what is happening, and I tell your audience, I tell every audience that I go and speak in front of, fact check me.
Fact check me to the end.
Everything in my book is citated.
Everything I'm telling you is DHS-driven.
I know they're liars, but I'm using their own data to show you how insane this situation is and how dire it is for America.
America must wake up.
It must come out from their slumber because your nation is being fundamentally transformed.
And where have you heard that phrase from?
It's from the elite.
They said I'm going to fundamentally transform America and they are.
They are, Kate.
Yeah, I have no doubt.
I have no doubt.
And I'm with you.
I love my country.
I hate what the government's done to it in our name because they do it in our name and they do it as if we're all on board.
And it's disturbing and it's evil.
And, you know, and they're constantly lying.
And so it is tough to see the border breach the way it is.
So my question to you is, I know that we only have local control left, that the Fed
is gone, okay?
And that the Fed is going to do and not do, in this case, what they're not going to do.
So even though they really only have that one job, honestly, but they're not going to
do it.
So, so in states and counties, can we move our counties?
Because our counties are really corrupt too.
And I know this, I live in a corrupt county.
And I live in a conservative state.
My county is so corrupt, with a smile.
And so what happens locally?
What can we do locally in counties to stop this from happening?
Because if we can transform over 3,000 counties in America, And this is something that's never hardly talked about is our local approach here.
But can we change the face of America through just over 3,000 counties if we could get the counties to react to this issue, to this problem?
But what could they do, solution-wise?
Well, solution-wise, let's look at what Governor Abbott, who I'm not a big fan of, everything he does is half-measures, always half-measures.
If your nation, if your state's being invaded, you have what's called states rights.
You've advocated to the federal government.
Federal government's not doing it.
Why would you not, like Carrie Lake said, when her state was stolen, the moment I come become governor, I put in the military down the border, I'm shutting it down, and I'm going to push everyone that crosses back into Mexico.
I don't care if they're from Sudan, Ethiopia, or Mexico.
They're all going back.
It could be done.
And then what you do as a governor, you look up to DC and the Supreme Court and everyone else and say, nub your nose out of it and say, this is state's right.
And I'm going to secure our state.
And if you want to come down, then we have a war on it.
You're invading my state.
But they won't do it.
You got Newsom and Hobbs.
They're grotesque Marxists down in Arizona and California, New Mexico, whatever.
Texas, you have Abbott.
He's always half-assed measures.
He's always, because he has to secure the Hispanic vote in Texas in order to be reelected.
So they're going to play this game.
So you ask me, what can be done?
It's going to maybe have to get down to the counties and cities on the border where they're going to demand.
Okay, what are we going to do?
We're going to, I don't know, militias?
Are we going to have volunteers?
Are we going to build our own section of the wall and just take care of these two miles and say, okay, I own these two miles.
No one's crossing.
They can go around us, but at least I can sleep at night and go, these two miles are secure.
I don't know.
Outside of Trump winning, I don't see it stopping.
I don't.
We have veterans that are willing to go down there.
We have veterans willing to fight for this country.
We have people that will actually go and volunteer.
And I know this because we get told this all the time from the veterans and the veterans groups.
And you know, you made a good point about making sure that the governors were heavily installed in these southern states because In each state they could build a border and the other states surrounding states around them and even the far-reaching states I think would help.
I think that you could do a drive so big that American people would be right on it and they would be giving money to build these walls as a state thing so that our entire border is covered.
But we don't see that happening because of the very corrupt governors.
I have a corrupt governor in Utah and we are hit all the time with the people coming up from Arizona.
With my installed Biden-loving, bootlicking governor, I know that other people have the same problem.
But in counties, could we put pressure on the counties to change policies or to work with policies that could expose what's coming across the border more, or be on it more, I guess, is the question.
I'm not quite sure what to do, because I know a lot of people are hand-wringing and saying, yeah, but what can I do in my local area?
I think the best thing you can do is you talk to each other and tell each other exactly what's happening.
I think podcasting shows, radio shows like this, long form radio shows are changing the narrator.
They are.
I guess why it's so frustrating when you ask, what do we do?
It's because we live in such a corrupt world right now that I think historians are going to write books about the corruption and treason, because what we're asking to do is very simple.
You put military on the border, you close the border, you put a moratorium on all legal or otherwise immigration until we figure this out.
You put in E-Verify, you can't go to school, you can't get an apartment, you can't get medical help outside of emergency.
And you can't get a job, they'll leave.
So, I don't know, counties can't do that, right?
If I was a county, and maybe I was the mayor of a small town in St.
George, Utah.
Well, then I want E-Verify in St.
George County.
I want no education kids that are not American citizens can't come and fight it out in court.
Ultimately, fight it out in court.
You have money coming in.
People will donate to it.
Fight it to the Supreme Court.
And if you lose, at least you're trying.
And then maybe as a state, I think it all comes, I really believe it all comes down to states' rights.
States have to retain.
Our founding fathers all said the greatest, the greatest abomination will be a centralized government.
And guess what we have?
We have a centralized power that states are afraid to confront.
Right, it's so true.
The leftists will give the spiel because they're loony bags with no common sense, most of them.
I've talked with them.
And they'll say, well, it's the kind thing to do to allow somebody to come here.
It is not the kind thing to do to the citizenry that's already here.
And to allow all of these, like you said, Special interest nationals across.
And like you said too, they're coming across in droves and they are on alert lists.
What puts them on those alert lists to be considered as a special interest national?
So a special interest alien is anyone crossing or leaving countries of terrorist hotbeds or sponsors of terrorism.
So you could have very low level people like messengers, etc.
But how do you know, right?
There's 8 million people caught.
Are all 8 million have been vetted in their country?
You're going to put on the US-era watch list?
I mean, you've got Sudan in the Civil War.
They don't even use paper.
They don't even know how to draw.
You've got Ethiopia that lives in the Stone Age.
When Myorka says they've been vetted, nobody's been vetted.
They've been vetted against the FBI database.
So if they've never been in America, of course they're clean, you idiot.
So we have no idea.
Mayorkas is a treasonous tool.
I mean, Mayorkas, can you be more treasonous?
I swear to you, it is amazing that these guys run the government and they are treasonous to their own country and we never prosecute for that.
We never prosecute treason.
Why is that?
Well, we don't because, yeah, because we have... Look, Marjorie Taylor Greene came back again today and submitted an article to impeachment.
Do you know last time that she did that was 10 days ago?
So right before the vote, ISSA from California, the wealthiest congressperson in the House, actually tweeted moments before his vote and said, I can't wait to vote on the worst And I'm so glad you're bringing attention to this.
and votes not to impeach them.
We're corrupt to the core.
It's a club.
It's a club and we're corrupt.
It's a club and we're not in, yeah.
For sure.
And I'm so glad you're bringing attention to this.
Where can people find you, find more on this and invite you to speak?
And also the name of your book again.
Okay, you can find me at jgcarroll.com.
I have all my links there, substack, etc.
And you can find my book at Amazon if you want to just go right there.
And my book's title, Invaded, the Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.
And I appreciate you allowing me the time to talk today.
Oh my gosh, of course.
This is one of the most imperative topics today, but you'd never know it when you watch your local news broadcast, which is a broadcast given to you by the Pentagon, by the way.
And then also our ridiculous Fox News and CNN News, which I can't call them news anymore.
It's not news.
It's just all propaganda.
And they don't talk about this issue.
They want you focused on the Middle East, which is absolutely Asinine, but that's our, that's where we're at.
And so we have to continuously call it out.
Carroll, I really appreciate you.
Carroll dot com.
And that's with an E, not an O. So J.J.
Carroll, C-A-R-R-E-L-L dot com.
Please go there.
Get some more information.
Let's start really talking to family members and friends and exposing this issue and getting people very awake to what's happening.
I appreciate all the stats.
And I'm so glad to have you on today.
Really appreciate your time and effort.
And also, thanks for listening to this hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally from katedallyradio.com I've not been this excited ever
Yeah, Mug Club, baby!
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com.
They want to either indict me or kill me.
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So I want to explain this to everybody, just give you a status update on M4s and where things are going and what's happening.
Just explain to you that I've been put in an impossible, untenable position.
So I've been a good steward overall, or as best I could be.
I'm out of bullets.
Like the Alamo, they held off, you know, 5,000 troops, 80-something men for days and days.
But when the ammo ran out, folks, they all got killed.
And so it's real simple.
And I actually feel good about that.
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But at a certain point, you put enough weight on the back of a donkey, its back's gonna break.
So, that's where we are.
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So we can't let them shut this down, ladies and gentlemen.
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And a couple million dollars sounds like a lot to the average person.
But in a war with the New World Order, this is truly David versus Goliath.
And we are going to win this thing.
We give up, it gets ten times worse.
Look how popular anti-New World Order information is.
It's everywhere.
Look at all the most popular people now are saying world government's evil, depopulation's evil, the globalists and world government want to kill you and your family.
That's true.
It's horrible to admit.
It's horrible to get your mind around it.
But once you admit the horror, you have a chance to stop it.
They've always had a leg up on us because their agenda is so brazen, so destructive, so evil, so maniacal, so genocidal, so satanic, that people just can't believe what's happening.
Most victims of crime, when it's actually happening, can't believe it.
Even after, if they survive, they can't believe it.
Well, now people finally know we're in a world of shit!
We are overrun, we are under attack, they're coming after everybody, and there's all these fools that work with the system that think they're gonna be left alone.
No, they're coming for the whole shooting match.
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And believe me, if you think they're going to stop with Alex Jones, you got another thing coming.
They're bringing in all this censorship, all their control, and we're seeing the biggest victories in awakening we've ever seen.
And you know it's just going to be 10 times worse if we don't continue to fight.
Imagine how bad it'd be.
We'd be in lockdown again if it wasn't for this audience months ago getting the word out, making it the top story, and then right after I said they were going to try to bring it out, Within days, they tried to relaunch and it exploded even bigger and they had congressional hearings and now all over the world, it failed.
And yet you, that's this show, all of us, you did that.
Joe Biden's a pedophile and raised gas prices.
He did that.
You did the good stuff.
This is the number to bet on folks on roulette wheel.
You win every time.
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