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Name: 20231127_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 27, 2023
3026 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses COVID-19 developments, global politics, recent election results, and economic issues. He covers theories about the U.S. government creating COVID-19 with DARPA and using the spike protein to sterilize people, supported by documents from Attorney Renz. The show highlights UN calls for COVID protocols, Bill Gates' announcement of measures, and a study suggesting 20 million deaths due to COVID vaccination. Jones also talks about election fraud, populist victories, and economic troubles in the U.S., criticizing mainstream media for not covering important topics like interest payments affecting government budgets. Lastly, he promotes his products X2 and Ultimate Fish Oil at InfowarsStore.com.

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This is... I'm getting chills so bad right now.
It feels like I'm under... I'm in sub-zero temperatures because I'm just... my whole body... I mean, I'm up here telling you the truth.
I know there's millions of shows and all this crap out there, but literally, I don't like being the show that's the most on target, the most hardcore.
You know how dangerous it is?
Not just for me, for all of you that this is not getting out to enough people.
The enemy knows it's dangerous to them because they know it's the truth.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, November 27th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very honored and blessed that you are here with us today.
And I always prepare for the show.
It's Monday November 27th 2023. I'm your host Alex Jones very honored and blessed
that you are here with us today and I always prepare for the show some but
being off for the Thanksgiving holiday having a great time with family doing
some hunting things I also probably did five hours of research per day every
Every one of these articles is bombshell.
Every one of these is incredibly important.
And there's going to be no way to even get to all of this today.
So there'll be more of this throughout the week with whatever new big breaking news is unfolding.
But first, I haven't dropped the ball.
But I've done what everybody else has done, a little bit moved on from the four years of the COVID attack and the lockdowns and the tyranny.
And then doing a review of it in the last couple weeks, really, I've meant to prepare the show I've got with you right now.
Now, Attorney Renz has incredible information.
He'll be joining us coming up in the next hour.
Tom Renz, with government documents, how the U.S.
government created COVID-19 with DARPA years before they released it, and how they've put it in the food supply, the spike protein, to permanently break our DNA and sterilize us, starting with the generation that's injected and passing it on to future generations.
Malone also has been reporting on giant mainline studies of a 17 to 22 million kill, depending on how you look at the studies, since the rollout of the injections, not from COVID itself.
But they're hitting you with the COVID that makes you create spike protein, but it's the injections that really allow it to colonize your body.
And we've done massive research, we have the studies, we have it all.
There's another huge piece to this.
I told you back in August of this year that my TSA source and Border Patrol source, sources, Border Patrol sources, TSA source in singular, said they're going to try throughout the fall to roll COVID protocols back out.
We got ahead of it.
It helped back them down some, but now the UN is calling for a return to COVID protocols.
Australia has already brought it back in many regions.
Canada is bringing it back.
I have all those announcements, all the videos, all the proof.
California's basically brought it back in.
All the major leftist stores in Austin, where I live, have brought it back in.
And they're using the fear of this new Chinese pneumonia virus that they're hyping up as the pretext.
Headline, WHO recommends China bring back mask.
Social distancing and lockdowns due to mystery outbreak.
Overhead shot on this, please.
And then I've got all the other announcements.
So they're definitely doing it.
Bill Gates announcing it.
All of it right here.
But the big one, It's the global impact on the first year of COVID-19 vaccination, a mathematical modeling study by a very prestigious group of scientists published in the Lancet, the most prestigious medical journal in the world.
17 million plus dead is what it found.
Now the insurance actuaries say at least 20 million.
And obviously they've got even better numbers than Lancet can put together.
But this is Shaking me to my very core.
And I was thinking a lot about this last few days and trying to quantify this.
Are we really going to let them get away with what they've already done and more?
Because they're coming back again, even more hardcore.
Are we really going to sit here and take this?
And are we really just going to act like this is something going on in the background?
This is a societal depopulation takeover.
And I have Some really important footage I'm going to show you coming
up in this hour of where they told you in mainstream culture they were
going to do this starting, well really before that in the 90s with 12 Monkeys, but in
2013-14 with TV programs in the UK then the US called Utopia and then of course The
X-Files, 2016.
This is a big deal, a big deal. It's all coming up today.
Tell everybody you know and those you don't know, however you can, tune in now.
This is a life and death situation. Tell everybody tune in now. Infowars.com/show.
It's Monday, November 27th, 2023.
And we are 343 days out from this incredibly vital election.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very honored to be here.
Very thankful.
Very humbled.
Again, thank you so much for joining us here today.
All right.
Let's get started, ladies and gentlemen, with what we're going to be getting into in great detail.
We have massive victories around the world by populist anti-globalists.
In every nation, they are making steady gains, depending on the type of government system they have.
Parliamentary or our type system as well.
Massive news on that front.
Gert Wilders, Conservative Party, Freedom Party, marked stunning victories in Dutch election.
They are now the most powerful party and are forming their parliamentary government with him as the new leader of the country.
And then a whole stack, because I kept saying I want to give you a list of the countries and the numbers, we went through and got the numbers around the world and also particularly in Europe.
Within one year, Europe is set to be majority populist anti-New World Order in the next set of elections that are happening in different areas.
This is a big deal.
Very exciting news on that front.
But the globalists have a lot of tricks up their sleeves.
Indicting, physically assaulting, killing.
Just last week, five European leaders, one of them the deputy head of the new party that's dominating Spain, the Conservatives, Bottle broken over the head, shot in the face.
I mean, it's just there are indictments all over the place.
And Javier Mele in Argentina is still indicted for saying the government evaluated the currency, which is true.
So they're striking back, but big stacks there and major predictive programming going on in multiple big headlines all over the place.
Media wonders what happens if Trump dies in 2024.
Business Insider, you name it, running with those headlines, we'll be looking at that.
Also, all over the United States, so many examples that I did a little bit of research, in the massive research I've done this week, I probably did an hour, and I found more than 20 examples of confirmed election fraud all over the United States by Democrats,
and a federal judge just ruled that indeed the electronic voting machines are a fraud in Georgia,
and that the election was not real, and that it is not a conspiracy theory,
that the machines are wide open to being hacked, and that there has been major
skullduggery and hanky-panky going on.
There's another one, this is out of the hill.
Iowa County supervisor's wife convicted on 52 counts of voter fraud.
It just goes on and on and on.
That's a huge stack right there.
Ex-officer Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison fighting for his life.
They say they think he might live.
Trying to tie up loose ends there as it comes out that George Floyd obviously died of enough fentanyl to kill several horses, literally.
He had about five times the lethal dose of fentanyl in him than a bunch of other drugs like methamphetamine.
So quite the addict to build up a tolerance to that level.
We have massive Islamic riots and physical attacks happening.
The Irish finally got pissed and fought back and the media tried to spin it like they were the criminals.
Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson showed up at a peaceful pro-Israel, anti-radical Islamic rally.
He didn't even talk, and the police arrested him, saying he's not allowed to be in public.
His mere presence is dangerous and evil.
The story is on Infowars.com.
There's video.
Tommy Robinson arrested in London for causing alarm and distress at March Against Anti-Semitism.
You can't make this up.
Oh, and remember, it turned out they suppressed the Nashville shooter, a woman that thought she was a man that wanted to kill white crackers and horrible blonde-haired, blue-eyed children.
They suppressed that.
Well, now the Louisville Manifesto has been released, and he was a big leftist, as we knew at the time.
That's why the story got shut down, and wanted to kill white people.
So we've got that for you.
But that's okay.
The Air Force came out last week and said you're not allowed to go to any conservative or even Republican Party rallies.
If you do, you could jeopardize continued service to the military and be given a dishonorable discharge.
The Air Force saw a big backlash and it's mainstream news.
They put out an official statement saying, yes, you will be punished if you are a conservative.
So if that's not election meddling, I don't know what is.
I mean, that's just a wow.
That's a wow.
It's all out on the table now.
It's just putting your Johnson right on the table.
I mean, it is in our face, and it just goes on and on and on and on.
Now we know why OpenAI, that in the last few years went from $0 to $80 billion in value, why they suddenly fired the superstar scientist that founded it and almost all the top scientists, over 80% at the company, they gave them an emergency letter two days before they fired the head of OpenAI saying, you cannot roll this out without testing it.
It's designed to take over.
and it could take over everything. And they gave a bunch of examples,
this is being reported on by Reuters, and they said screw you, we're rolling it out,
and they fired him. But then the majority, over 80% of the company, even below the 80%
they fired as a leadership, it's the same number.
80% of the scientists were gone and over 80% of the general employees said, we're quitting if you don't bring him back.
So that's wild.
And that ties into the Pentagon, says they don't care.
They're going ahead with full AI, weaponization of autonomous AI systems in a press release Friday.
We've got that information.
We've got major world governments, CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, ESG announcements.
I mean, Tony Blair, the head of the EU, the deputy head of the EU, Klaus Schwab's climbed out from under his rock.
You all know Harari, all last week announcing AI is to control you.
We're going to run your life.
Everything's over as you knew it.
We're going to shut down all the businesses that we don't like.
The end of humanity's here.
I mean, look how thick that stack is.
Each one of these is a video of him saying it.
I could do three hours just on this.
I mean, it's just impossible.
That's what's crazy is... You know, I said I probably did five hours of research over the Thanksgiving where I took three days off.
That's not true.
I did five hours a day.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
I mean, we are living in the most insane times Ever seen.
All this January 6 footage has been released, as you know.
And they haven't even released half of it yet, because there's so much of it.
They said it would take about a month.
And we're a few weeks in, they released half of the 44,000 hours.
And they're not even releasing the body cam stuff.
They've still got that from the Capitol Police.
But it's the police opening the doors.
It's obvious groups of feds breaking through.
It's the police opening fire on peaceful people to get them angry at the start of the riots.
The provocateurs had a way to stir up the crowd because they weren't breaking through.
When Ray Epstein was saying breakthrough, of course, I was there watching Trump give a speech while this was happening.
And by the time I got there, they'd already broken in.
But man, totally insane on that front as well.
And it just goes on from there.
I mean, I'm going to try my best.
To get to all of this, and the head, like you have the RNC head, the DNC head, the head of Zelensky's party at an international summit admitted what we already knew, that the Russians, two weeks after they invaded, almost two years ago, in February, two years ago, And he told the press this, he told others, he's definitely turning on Zelensky now, even his own insiders, that Russia said, all we want is the areas they now have, stand down now or we're going to obliterate you.
So Russia never wanted the whole country, never hit civilian targets, any of that.
And now the head of Zelensky's party, which shows Zelensky's on his way out, if this guy wouldn't stick his head up like this, I guess he probably wants to be the new puppet.
Said, yeah, no, the Russians wanted to end this, we wanted to end this, but, quote, Zelensky said, no, we're going to fight, knowing a country of 30-something million people was not going to beat a country of 260-something million people, whatever Russia is.
And so it's all just been a giant weapons sales, money laundering operation.
We've got that.
Uh-oh, an Israeli military intelligence knew a year ago Hamas planning attack.
It's all coming out.
Of course, you already heard all this here on the show months ago, but we are tomorrow's news today.
All right.
We'll be back, though, with the big enchilada.
Oh, it's the big one.
Stay with us.
All right.
For the rest of the hour, ahead of crusading amazing attorney Tom Renz joining us with the biggest developments yet in the whole COVID pandemic takeover we've been witnessing the last almost four years.
I want to give you some background on this and then get into some of the weeds on it before he joins us and then lays out all the new information.
So this is truly life-saving information.
I want to salute.
I want to thank all the listeners and viewers because you're the reason this broadcast has reached hundreds of millions of people.
You're the reason we are the tip of the spear.
So don't forget you are the tip of the spear.
Before I plow into this, Please remember that this broadcast is lister-supported.
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And keep the show on the air if you go to InfoWarsTore.com and get a signed or unsigned copy of my latest book, The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalists and Launching the Next Great Renaissance with Alex Jones and Kent Heaven-Linely with a foreword by Stephen K. Manon.
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Okay, let's stop there.
We're going to do a whole hour with Renz on this coming up.
And I'll probably have to come back in to the third hour with more of this.
And I'm not holding off on this because I'm wanting to build a suspense.
A lot of famous people that give oratory speeches, they'll write a speech over several months, they'll practice it for a couple weeks, and they're all nervous when they give it.
I literally just today, let's not exaggerate, I've spent three hours researching.
No, four hours.
Four hours.
Three hours at home and at least an hour and a half sitting here going over it all because I sent it to the crew and they printed it off for me.
And it's pretty much impossible to sit, you know, the brain works a lot faster than the mouth, to sit here and even get into this.
I mean, just one of these stories would take a whole hour.
So I think this is what I'm getting at here.
For God's sakes, for heaven's sakes, for the children's sakes, please, especially if you're a TV viewer, you can get screenshots of all this.
You can search everything I'm going to say.
I beg you, because you're how we're going to get out of this.
We've got to wake the general public up.
That means you, the most awake people to tune into the show, you've got to get fully informed and then inform others.
For heaven's sakes, please.
Do not take my word for this.
I've got U.S.
miscarriage numbers 50 times the previous record.
Over 50 times.
I've got Pentagon documents admitting that they created it and that it's designed to destroy our DNA.
I have major international Lancet published studies, most prestigious, that at least 17,500,000-something are dead from the shots.
Guaranteed, that's a low number.
Edward Dowd and others, it's over 20 million.
They're the insurance company experts.
They were the first to raise the alarm on the numbers.
They're the best at knowing that.
Obviously, if they don't know that, they're going to be out of business.
This is, I'm getting chills so bad right now, it feels like I'm under, I'm in sub-zero temperatures.
Because I'm just, my whole body, I mean, I'm up here telling you the truth.
I know there's millions of shows and all this crap out there, but literally, I don't like being the show that's the most on target, the most hardcore.
You know how dangerous it is?
Not just for me, for all of you that this is not getting out to enough people.
The enemy knows it's dangerous to them because they know it's the truth.
And so it's beyond a sense of fatalism or demoralization.
It's the opposite.
I want to resist them.
I'm angry.
I have energy.
I'm doing it because I love my family.
And by extension, love you.
Because if we don't love each other, we have no world to live in.
Empathy is a good thing.
A wonderful thing.
It's paramount.
After a relationship with God.
But I sit there and really focus and meditate on this.
And it's so hard to crystallize the words.
This is the central issue.
This is everything.
20 million people have been killed.
Conservative number 17 million.
That's Lancet Medical Journal.
By these jerks.
That's not even a word to describe them.
These monsters.
And then I'd never seen the British TV show that aired nationally in England in 2014,
13 and 14, until after they released COVID. And some other programs.
They made a U.S.
version in 2000, while they rolled out the pandemic, called Utopia.
Now, I saw Chris Carter in the news and talked to him some, and he told Variety and AP, the new character in the 2016 relaunch of X-Files on Fox, called The Lone Gunman.
The Lone Gunman was before that.
First it was X-Files, Lone Gunman, and then the relaunch of X-Files in 2016.
And he said, the character that discovers the government plan with a bioweapon is Alex Jones.
And I think Alex Jones is a good guy.
I think Alex Jones is a patriot.
He said that.
It's not about me.
But imagine, this clip's viral all the time.
People go, when was this airing?
It was a whole miniseries that they relaunched.
Now, Chris Carter got top ratings with this, but notice Fox didn't renew it.
But this was Chris Carter's emergency warning, and obviously Chris Carter's dialed in with the intelligence agencies.
Talk about white hats, this wasn't a warning.
Now, when you watch Utopia, that's the precursor to this, it's not a warning, it's a sales job to be part of it.
So, that's the level we're operating at.
And that's a whole other subject.
Why they tell you public what they're going to do to you.
Metaphysically, they have rules.
But when you see this now, in hindsight, you're going to notice everything that they talked about was actually done exactly like this.
And this is what you're living through now.
This is what they've done.
And they're planning more.
So we're going to come back.
We'll hit all the science next hour, but let's look at the propaganda, the pre-programming right now.
All right, I've been on air 29 plus years, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that I'm about to say you're on air right now.
It's the most important thing I've ever broken down.
We've already been through a lot of horrors together.
We're already living through a biological war launched by the private central banks that rule almost the entire planet.
They've decided to depopulate us, they've decided to kill us, they've decided to throw us onto the ash heap of history.
But I've talked a lot about trying to externalize or quantify the feeling I have after intellectually, mathematically, historically, spiritually studying this, and it's this.
It's one of hurt, one of sadness, and one of betrayal of our species by our own people.
And it's beyond demoralization.
It's not demoralization.
It is the fact that I am wounded.
And I go through life seeing the average people out there, even our better people that are somewhat awake, not realizing that what we're covering, what we're getting into, isn't some side issue, isn't the central issue.
It's everything.
The future of our species together.
And I've studied the globalists and how they operate.
For more than 35 years.
And I read their documents, they'd written in the 50s, and as I've said many times, they got their plan done by the 70s.
And then I saw their plan in the 70s for the 90s, and they got that done.
Then I saw their plan in the 90s for the 2000s, here we are.
And now we have front row seats to global government, forced depopulation, And a collapsed civilization.
And privately, I know basically all the top people that are resisting it.
And they're getting closer and closer to coming completely out with the truth.
But that's a day late and a dollar short.
They got to go public now with all this.
Because there's not a lot of time left.
We are all veterans of a biological warfare attack by the criminal elements that have seized control of our governments.
And you can talk about Simpson episodes that predict thousands of things that came true, and you can talk about the thousands of things I predicted that came true, but I was going off documents.
I wasn't predicting and then it came true.
It was the roadmap.
But when you see television shows like the latest X-Files, the last one in 2016, or a program that first aired in 2013-14, two seasons, in the UK called Utopia, that was then remade for 2000, Shot before the pandemic was even released.
And they literally tell you, word for word, what they're going to do to you.
And that's a whole other discussion of why they metaphysically have those rules and have to warn you as a shot across the bow.
And we'll talk about that some.
But I understand we all have a normalcy bias of going to the gym and going to church and going
out and eating with your buddies and your family and going out playing golf, things like that.
Go out on the boat, go fishing.
That's all wonderful and it's good to have those things.
But when there's this creeping death that's now a gallop and now a stampede, To cut off the resources, dissolve the borders, attack the family, inject us with poison shots, flood us with electromagnetic radiation, where they're hitting us from every side.
And they're doing it because they say we're overpopulated, and we're leading useless lives, and we're stupid, while they do everything they can to make us as dumbed down and stupid as they can.
And I just look at the Klaus Schwabs, and the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, and the Bill Gates, and the Barack Obamas of the world, and I see the worst people of our species, but at least they're self-appointing themselves to be God, and at least they know the deception they're part of.
They're attacking us.
They're at war with us.
We're in a war.
Those aren't just words.
That's the reality.
And they believe you're so stupid that it won't matter what I say or do.
And that this is your destiny to sit there and play on your iPhone while you slowly get cooked by 5G and take your fifth booster and get cancer next month.
Well, they roll out their global digital currency as they collapse all the other
infrastructures. So the only jobs be the jobs they can offer you that come with a
thousand strings attached. So a lot of people ask me, how do I take all the attacks?
How do I take the demonization?
And how do I seem to not care?
Because I don't.
I care about keeping the show on air.
I care about the crew and my family and you, but I'm simply going through a symptom of the disease.
I'm under attack just like you are.
And the main attack is what I just mentioned, the cutting off the energy, the fertilizer, the opening the borders, collapsing the third world.
The dominoes that have already been knocked over are going to cause bedlam, indescribable in world history.
Hundreds of millions are dying as we speak.
80 plus million, last numbers I got, starved to death from lockdowns, not the virus.
And as you see, it just rolls off the tongue.
87 million, the UN says, died from starvation from COVID.
No, from COVID lockdowns.
So we're being hit with 5G and poison shots and, you know, defunding of the police and open borders and all of it, but the third world itself is being starved to death en masse.
And then the survivors, military age men, the strongest, the criminals, they're brought here to then usurp us and become our new police officers.
A whole bunch of cities, like Chicago, passed laws to make illegal aliens police.
So this is not just a tyrant that wants control and power for themselves.
This is scientific tyranny.
Where their religion is tyranny and law.
And where it's done to be the most fantastical, brutal, full-spectrum attack you or I could even ever imagine.
And I face that.
I know this is real.
I know what I'm telling you is real.
Hell, look, it's all out in the open now.
And I've come to grips with the fact that, yeah, what they said they'd do in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro Agenda 21, they got that done, and now Agenda 2030 means a 90% world population reduction in internal documents, a 70-80% in public documents, and they're telling you the world ends in 2030 because the world as you know it will be over.
And I know this is real.
And I don't have a guilt, but it's still a thought you can't help but engage.
Wow, Henry Kissinger tried to get me to go to New York 15 years ago and join them.
Well, I got offered all those jobs to serve them.
But I know my children wouldn't be safe serving them.
I'd lose my soul and I'd get killed in the end anyways.
But then it's such an epic battle to be in the middle of this and you're all in the middle of it.
Whether you choose to fight this or not, you're slated for slow kill.
They're gonna suck every dime out of you while they slowly kill you.
And so...
All I can tell you before I get into this news is, get right with God.
And you should really pray for and feel sorry for the people that don't even know this is going on.
Imagine how they're going to be manipulated.
Well, everything they've got is taken away from them.
And they're given these options to, oh, get back where you were.
Get back to a good way of life.
Get back to your Netflix.
Just jump through all these hoops.
This is a civilization designed to destroy humans.
This is a civilization designed to contract everything we've got and transfer it to the globalists.
This is the most selfish, wicked, scientific plan the planet's ever seen, right out of the mind of Satan.
right out of the soul of an entity that hates us because we're made in the image of God.
So let me go ahead and start plowing through this.
There are hundreds of examples of this, so I'm not going to go to put two of them.
And you can discuss, were they trying to warn us?
Were they good guys?
Were they bad guys?
I think the case of Chris Carter, because he said Alex Jones is good.
I think he's right.
And this new character that warns everybody in the new X-Files 2016 is based on him.
He said that in Variety, AP, Reuters, everywhere.
Got high ratings.
They still didn't fulfill the contract.
Didn't get picked up.
And they tell you what was going to happen.
And then we got a little clip showing the 2016, one clip from the show, with some clips of what then happened the next few years.
But then I got a clip, when I look at it, and I can tell you, the people that wrote this in 2012, and it aired in 2013, 14, two years in England, then I have the remake they produced in 2019 that aired in 2020, is them pissing on you, and telling you they're doing it, and also trying to recruit people Who've been on the fence about this.
Once the dominoes start falling, they say, hey, here's your chance.
Now that we're eliminating most of the people, you know best though, don't you want to survive?
But of course, they'll get them too.
Because the more internal documents are, get rid of all the humans.
There'll be no humans by 2047.
That's even public.
You've all know Harari.
This is a post-human universe.
And then you'll say, well, maybe then I'll be some super machine.
As if they're gonna allow other competing AI systems.
Any child can go watch Tron in the 1980s.
With bridges and what's the AI want?
It wants all the other programs to be absorbed into it.
So that's what this is, ladies and gentlemen.
And all the globalist serving this, Our slaves, they will all be destroyed as well.
And I can look into the future and tell you, with all the nuclear weapons and reactors and populations, this is going to get out of control and the globalists themselves are going to be destroyed in the process.
The only question is, can we save any flesh to rebuild from?
So let's start getting to it.
Here it is.
This is a clip from the X-Files.
Augmented with modern clips of what then transpired, and then we'll get to Utopia.
be a heritage.
You're not saying you believe him.
Hold on, Agent Einstein.
You're talking to a scientist.
Forgive me, Assistant Director.
It may sound insensitive, but the suggestion is pure science fiction.
What I'm saying, Agent Einstein, is that the facts as I understand them cannot be discounted out of hand.
No one has the right or the ability to tamper with your DNA.
Unless we gave them that ability.
You say they're tampering with our DNA, that they're able to shut down our immune systems by the addition of something to our DNA.
Yes, but I don't know how exactly.
Or how it's being triggered.
I don't know that either.
Or why it's happening now.
What can we possibly do?
We need to act quickly.
You were right about that.
Well, I was wrong about the science.
I was wrong about what's causing it.
Dead wrong, in fact.
But it's clearly a widespread failure of our immune systems.
Through gene tampering.
A virus within a virus that was put there through the smallpox vaccine.
It's what these men are calling the Spartan virus.
We have to figure this out.
What's wrong with the science?
The Spartan virus removes the adenosine deaminase gene from your DNA.
It removes the ADA gene and your immune system will simply vanish.
Yeah, but I'm not getting sick.
It's only a matter of time.
So how does it work?
How does the virus remove the ADA gene?
A process called CRISPR-Cas9.
RNA and a protein cutting genes at exact locations.
But in this instance, used as a weapon.
The ultimate weapon.
The ability to depopulate the planet.
To kill everyone but the chosen.
By tampering with their DNA.
Through gene editing.
Why do such a thing and lie about it?
Our own government.
Your own government lies as a matter of course, as a matter of policy.
The Tuskegee experiments on black men in the 30s, Henrietta Lacks.
What are they trying to do?
That's the missing piece.
But it's not hard to imagine a government hiding, hoarding technology for 70 years at the expense of human life and the future of the planet.
Driven not only by corporate greed, but a darker objective.
The takeover of America.
And then the world itself, by any means necessary, however violent, or cruel, or efficient.
By severe drought, brought on by weather wars, conducted secretly using aerial contaminants and high-altitude electromagnetic waves, in a state of perpetual war.
To create problem reaction solution scenarios to distract, enrage, and enslave American citizens at home.
With tools like the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, which abridge the Constitution in the name of national security.
The militarization of police forces in cities across the U.S.
The building of prison camps by the Federal Emergency Management Agency with no stated purpose.
The corporate takeover of food and agriculture, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, even the military and clandestine agendas to fatten, dull, sicken and control a populace already consumed by consumerism.
And I encourage you all to go shopping more.
A government that taps your phone, collects your data and monitors your whereabouts with impunity.
A government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes.
And the final takeover begins.
The takeover of America.
By a well-oiled and well-armed multinational group of elites that will cull, kill, and subjugate.
Happening as we sit here.
It's happening all around us.
The other shoe waiting to drop.
It'll probably start on a Friday.
The banks will announce a security action necessitating their computers to go offline all weekend.
Digital money will disappear.
They can just steal your money?
Followed by the detonation of strategic electromagnetic pulse bombs to knock out major grids.
What will seem like an attack on America by terrorists or Russia.
An invasion of the U.S.
The Russians tried it in 47.
That's from 2016.
Now the FBI says right-wing Trump supporters are going to knock out the power grid with Russia imminently.
The spike protein goes into the exact gene to turn off your immune system.
That's all confirmed mainstream news.
The well-oiled global banking group, WEF, all of it, telling you exactly what they would do.
And then Chris Carter says, oh, the impetus for this is Alex Jones.
Not trying to put my name in it.
That's what happened.
Now, why'd he do that?
You can argue about it all day.
I was supposed to meet with him in L.A., the meeting never happened, whatever.
I was trying to reach out to him again.
Pretty much my fault.
I said, anytime, come to L.A., let's meet.
Never did it.
Now, that's what's going on here.
Now, let's move on to Utopia.
And I'm gonna play you the 2020 TV series version with some big quote stars.
And it's adopted from a 2013 British program that's exactly the same.
And explains it all exactly how they're doing it.
The side effects is it's so strong it's heart attacks and cancer.
It's sterilizing people.
That's all confirmed.
Here it is.
You used me.
You used my flu.
You desecrated all of my work.
You disrespected science.
What the hell did you put in that vaccine?
The Pfizer vaccine is contaminated with plasma DNA.
It's not just mRNA.
It's got bits of DNA in it.
We created a flu that sparked a demand for a vaccine that doesn't work.
After everyone in the country is vaccinated.
And the world.
Normalcy only returns when we've largely vaccinated the entire global population.
How much evil do you have to do?
This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix.
I knew it.
I knew it.
He created a panic and now everybody's begging for the vaccine.
No, no, no.
Demanding it with all the entitlement of a first world country.
A majority of Americans expect a vaccine to be available within two months.
And 65% of those polled are eager to take the vaccine, even if it's experimental.
And now we have exactly what we want.
Hundreds of millions of Americans lining up, offering us their arms and letting us give them our creation.
I'm pretty sure when every vaccinated person starts dying, they'll trace back to undetectable virus or not.
Tell me this.
What have you done today to earn your place in this crowded world?
Everything I do is a cure for our current situation.
We intend to stop human reproduction for three generations.
So, remember that medicine that many people were supposed to take, were obliged to take, mandated to take, or else they'd lose their jobs?
You know the medicine I'm talking about.
Something horrifying is happening.
More people are dying, and fewer children are being born.
The busy endless global assembly line of babies will grind to a halt.
They're sterilizing people?
In the first five years we'll start to see major birth rate declines as teenagers vaccinated today hit their childbearing years.
Australia's fertility rate is near historic lows and falling fast.
The number of babies per woman is generally 2.1 just for a stable population.
But Australia is currently 1.7.
Similar in most developed nations and in South Korea, a mere 0.8.
Globally, it's 2.3, falling from 5.3 in 1963.
You're controlling the future of human civilization.
Is that what they're calling it?
It's a very nice euphemism for a species that is replicated like a contagion across the planet, killing all other species in its wake.
You hate people that much?
On the contrary, I love people.
Why we're doing what our government or citizenry is too spoiled or self-indulgent to do.
We are saving ourselves from ourselves.
Halting overpopulation.
Now the world today has 6.8 billion people.
That's headed up to about 9 billion.
Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
A hundred years ago, the global population was 1.7 billion.
2011, it reached 7 billion.
Here we can see a chart that looks at the total world population over the last several hundred years.
And at first glance, this is a bit scary.
People live too long, die less often, fuck too much, shit hell babies like.
In 2050, they say it's gonna plateau.
We'll blow past 11 billion and then slowly begin to...
But by then, it'll be too late to save an Earth that bears any resemblance to a world we actually want to live in.
I love this planet.
So I decided to take care of the problem.
Global warming, mass extinctions, food-water shortages.
All these problems can be boiled down to one thing.
What do you see as the biggest challenges in conservation?
The growing human population.
At 1.7 billion, we can be as decadent, self-indulgent and sh** as we want.
At 10 billion, we have to live strategically.
We have to live modestly.
We have to live selflessly.
And as you know, we're not that good at it.
If we don't do something now, right now, in a decade, our world will experience extraordinary privations.
A war of all against all.
We'll go to war over water and the people who will die first are the ones without power and money.
The negative impact of population growth on all of our planetary ecosystems is becoming appallingly evident.
You can't just decide people won't have babies because... I can and I did.
Think of me as the stern parent who tells the children they can't play with the family gun.
What about what this does to people, society?
Salvation. We can form a new society.
It's an excuse for them to play God.
The globalists have 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 kids.
They have jets, giant, you know, they use more resources than 5,000, 10,000 people on average.
attorney Tom Renzon with the facts. It's an excuse for them to play God. The globalists have four,
five, six, seven, eight kids. They have jets, giant, you know, they use more resources than
5,000, 10,000 people on average, literally, look it up. And they're not trying to build a pre-human
They're building a transhumanist world.
They want to get rid of everybody.
Malthus said over 250 years ago, he followed Plato's idea, the world was overpopulated.
Then, when there was like 600 million people, he wanted to put disease into the areas of London where the poor lived to kill them.
So, this is going on.
You're living this.
We're in the middle of this project, and they're telling you, and this show obviously selling it.
Like it's a good idea.
Oh, the end of humanity.
Can't wait.
New York Times.
Rooting for the end of humanity.
Washington Post.
So you can pretend you're a liberal.
There's too many people you're in on this thing.
You're being hit, too.
In fact, it's the liberals that go along with this that are killing themselves first.
Now, they can't release a bioweapon that kills everybody right away.
That would make reactors meltdown and huge wars.
Everybody would go crazy.
No, no, no.
It's got to be very slow.
So it kills a bunch of people, but it mainly sterilizes folks.
We're going to go to break, start the next hour.
Remember, only your word of mouth gets this out.
Once it's archived at Bandot Video, please share it.
This is critical information.
People deserve to know the real world they live in.
Also, go to mfulworthstore.com and get a copy of The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalist, and launch the next Great Renaissance.
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We can do it all, but we can't have a welfare state that trains people to be lazy and stupid and then overpopulate the dumb people.
They've set it up, though, where the only way out is exterminating everybody.
And we're very close to that.
It'll be a tipping point where you're like, well, now we got to wipe everybody out because they're cutting off the oil, the resources, the energy, the fuel.
So the collapse, they'll blame on us.
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(dramatic music)
Stop being the ranker.
You know, we have to bring the nation together.
We have to treat it with a little bit of decency.
And so.
The whole nation, the Palestine and planet.
Hi, it's Luna, activist teacher here.
And I know that everyone is getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving in America,
but I want to remind people this is a white supremacist holiday for genocidal maniacs.
We can have different political views, but we have one view.
The one view is we're the finest, greatest nation in the world.
Stand up against the poison of white supremacy as I did my inaugural address to a single out.
as the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.
Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.
As the FBI and DHS ignore their sworn duty in order to fuel the narrative of white supremacy.
They broke the law, came in and occupied the Cannon Office House building, interrupted Congress, interrupted
Right here, Katrina Bleakley is the lead attorney for the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Were you aware of this?
I don't spend a lot of time on Twitter.
Well, you know, you should.
Oh, I'm sure you do.
Mr. Wray, you should be interested in investigating terrorism.
And this right here is proof that we had terrorists in our own office building.
Global Intifada.
And you rely on the Southern Poverty Law Centers.
Katrina Bleakley is one of the organizers.
I'll send this over to your office so maybe perhaps you can stop targeting innocent grandmothers and veterans who walked through the Capitol on January 6th and might actually go after people tied to Hamas, tied to Hezbollah, and likely Iran.
Our primary mission is a little group called Quiet Skies.
It's a mission called Quiet Skies that we're following people that flew into the National Capital Region in January 2021.
You did not have to go to the Capitol or the rally, and you've been put on a specific list that TSA now has assigned air marshals to follow these people who have not had any type of criminal investigation.
They haven't committed a crime, but yet three years later we're following the same individuals day in and day out.
They're not tracking terrorists at all?
Well, they didn't even have to be at the Capitol, Carly.
They could have just flown into the National Capitol region.
So if anybody was there for a job interview, to visit family, we even had a gentleman that was there for a funeral.
They put on this domestic terrorist list just because of their geographic location to Washington, D.C.
So these people did not even commit a crime.
They weren't even at the Capitol.
Do those people know that they're on this list?
Some of them do, because when they go to the airport, they get the quotas on their boarding pass, and then they have to go through enhanced security.
Then they're followed by teams of air marshals on any leg of flight that they have.
Those radicalized by state propaganda through the Mockingbird media, anti-American politicians, and funding by George Soros are morphing into their own cells of dangerous domestic terrorism.
I'm in U.S.
right now.
I'm in Manhattan.
is a fucking evil.
One day, we will take U.S.
All the Muslims will destroy U.S.
and we will rule the world.
I watch Israel people die and I masturbate with them.
What do you think about the Jewish people?
They're dirty.
I just like killing Jews.
I raid them first, then I kill them.
There's a difference.
The government appears to be going through the throes of a soft coup, where the Democratic Party foolishly intends on emerging as the saviors as future terrorism ignites a martial law state and unvetted illegal aliens are given the right to vote.
It's far more threatening to our republic if our own government facilitates criminal invasion And it is incredibly threatening to our citizenry if our government's highest levels of law enforcement coordinate organized campaigns of weaponized oppression, harassment, investigation, arrest, and prosecution, and imprisonment of free Americans.
That, Mr. Chairman, is a primary threat.
A homeland indeed faces today.
Simple math places the Uniparty and their fellow minions in the unelected federal bureaucracy as the greatest threat to the United States.
It is the Uniparty that has become radicalized.
John Bowne reporting.
All right, Tom Renz for more than three years has been exposing the COVID tyranny.
And he's been the preeminent lawyer actually getting things done at TomRins.com.
Now he's testified to Congress multiple times, state legislatures.
He's filed lawsuits to get to the bottom of what's really going on.
He's brought forward EcoHealth Alliance vice president, special operations warfare expert to blow the whistle.
This guy has literally done more than any other lawyer out there, and he doesn't want the accolades.
I'm just saying, I don't get excited to have, quite frankly, Kanye West in here, okay?
I get excited about Tom Renz because this guy's changing the world for my family and your family and our future, and this is life and death.
Now, I talked about this last hour, the fact that the globalists think we're going to forget what they did to us so they can do it again.
And now they're trying.
The lockdown's again.
The WHO's calling for lockdowns again.
Canada, Australia are trying to bring the protocols back.
California's bringing it back.
We told you that back in August.
They're trying.
Now look at some of these headlines before I go to him with the huge bombshells he's going to go over right now.
WHO recommends China bring back masks, social distancing and lockdowns due to mystery outbreak.
Mystery pneumonia tears through schools in China with many, many hospitalized in eerie echo early days of COVID.
This is Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA.
Not 14 million lives saved, but over 17 million dead from the mRNA COVID vaccine.
Infectious disease must retract the fundamentally wrong peer-reviewed manuscript.
But what happens when a Nobel Prize is granted based on a lie?
And here's the big study, global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccinations.
And it goes on.
Journalist Steve Kirsch laying it all out.
And the insurance companies say over 20 million.
Not 40 million lives saved, but over 70 million dead from mRNA vax.
And here's the study that actually shows it right there.
Global impact of first year of COVID-19 vaccination.
Mathematical modeling study.
And here's the Landsat study right here.
Now continuing, what else is going on?
Here's the Philippines.
By the way, the main Japanese government's now saying the shot kills.
Philippine Government Committee votes in favor to launch an investigation into over 327,000 unexplained excess deaths between 2021-2022 after they took the shots.
Are you kidding me now?
They're now running TV ads in the UK, US, Canada, saying it's normal for kids to have heart attacks.
Get used to it.
Children between six months and four years of age should receive two doses of the new COVID vaccine, says the Canadian government.
Got the video of that.
So they're rolling it out.
Here's another one.
New Family Law Act in Australia lets the government take your children, force inject them, lock you up indefinitely.
New York courts just backed Hochul, the governor, this is all globally the same operation, to take you away for any reason and put you in these COVID camps.
Here's the video of that.
Happening now, Newark Appellate Division has ruled in favor of government Kathy Hochul in landmark case of government overreach.
Isolation quarantine procedures.
No evidence, no testing, no nothing.
You disappear.
That's the reality of what's going on.
China hospitals at breaking point as new pneumonia strain causes 24-7 lines.
Pfizer sues Poland for bailing on COVID-19 vaccine, citing shady EU mega deal.
Never signed the deal.
They refused after they saw the first wave of injections kill so many of their citizens.
We're going to skip this break.
Coming up.
Sues Poland for bailing on COVID-19 vaccine, citing shady EU mega deal.
They didn't even sign the agreement, but the EU did, so they say they're under it.
It's not just the U.S.
Moderna also is spying on you.
And it goes on.
COVID vaccine not required.
Army advertising come back.
Over 300 CAF members launched 500 million lawsuit against military for COVID vaccine mandates.
That's in Canada.
And it goes on and on with record cardiac arrest.
Dr. Peter McCullough exposing that.
People who strictly adhere to COVID rules have mental health, bad mental health now.
Put the permanent Stockholm Syndrome.
And it goes on from there.
So, this is the reality.
We know what the shots are doing.
We know what COVID did.
We know it's causing blood clots.
We know it's causing prions to grow in our body.
And now joining us for the rest of the hour, is Tom Renz.
New DARPA unclassified documents confirm SARS-CoV-2 was created in EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, coordinated by Peter Daszak, and it was designed to be deliberately virulent and humanized, resulting in 6.5 million deaths from the release alone.
Anthony Fauci was involved.
And we've got the documents and the funding.
This is all public overhead shot, unclassified documents.
So this is mega massive.
I want him to respond to this information.
He's ferreted out with deep research with his huge team of volunteers.
And then we'll get into the numbers.
17, 22 million insurance companies confirming it.
It's in those that took the shots.
It's definitely going on.
That's why they wanted to inject everybody because they didn't want a control group who didn't take the shots like the Amish to show that they don't have autism.
They live 10 years longer than people.
Because they're killing us.
Life expectancy in every country that took the shots is taking a nosedive.
Fertility is taking a nosedive.
All right, Tom, that's quite the introduction.
I appreciate you holding while I went through that.
I'm going to try to shut up now and give you the floor as best I can to go over all of this, but this is just, this is insane because they're coming back with the same protocols again, trying to just slide it in there, shoehorn it in there.
Tom Rinst, you've got a lot of findings.
Biggest news yet in your three-plus-year investigation.
Yeah, well, you know, Alex, I love the way that you said that, because here's the thing.
On our side, and I would just, I'm glad you gave me the opportunity, because I want to open with this.
On our side of the freedom fight, right?
So you got our side, the people who want God, family, country, freedom, they want America to be the shining beacon on the hill.
And on the other side, you have global tyrants, the World Economic Forum, the CCP, all these monster globalists, just monsters that want death and tyranny.
On our side, there's a fundamental failure to understand what's going on.
And it's by design, I believe, right?
So I think the other side, you know, they're trying to isolate us into pockets.
And so we have guys who are working on exclusively election fraud.
And they'll say, well, if we don't have fair elections, we don't have a free country.
And they're right.
They're absolutely right.
Then you have guys who are working exclusively on J6.
Well, if we don't have a free court system or an equitable court system, we don't have a country.
And they're right.
They're absolutely right.
And then we got guys working on the border.
Well, if we don't have borders, we don't have a country.
They're right.
Then we've got COVID, right?
Cornerstone of the Great Reset.
You didn't have a stolen election if you didn't have COVID.
You didn't have all the fraud.
It was the kickoff piece of the Great Reset.
So we've got guys who are working on that.
One of the things that I want to open up with is I want to just absolutely beg everybody on our side to start understanding you're not fighting election fraud.
Or J6, or the southern border, or pick your thing, or COVID.
We're fighting the Great Reset, and we either fight it together and support each other, or we collapse, because the tyrants that we're fighting are coordinating.
And what we're seeing, and Alex, you've seen this, I've seen you talk about this, you know, they'll hit here, Then we'll make some progress fighting back and then they'll move over here and we'll make some progress fighting back and it's always a bob and weave thing and we never get all the way to victory anywhere because they're always moving the target.
Because we're fighting Hydra heads instead of getting the Hydra's heart.
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are.
So we've got to start recognizing that if we want to win this, we have to look at what the Great Reset is, and we have to hit it from all fronts.
So define the Great Reset.
A global post-industrial destabilization plan Defunding police, crime, open borders, all of it to collapse civilization.
I've got clips, new ones, from the WEF where they say, we're collapsing civilization to bring in the Build Back Better.
They have to collapse it to build back better.
I mean, this is the war against humanity.
You're dead right.
And one of the foundational pieces, and transitioning into what we're talking about, Is to control humanity, you have to control the governments, you have to control the elections, you have to control speech, you have to control health.
If we don't control health, you can't, I mean, that's that's the most foundational thing.
So what do you do?
What do you do?
Well, you roll out a fake disease that's really about as bad as a common cold, but then you poison everybody with a vaccine that's actually worse than the disease.
And that has permanent long-term permanent or at least very long-term health consequences.
And it just it creates a long-term dependency because the health consequences that come from these vaccines are things that they have new vaccines for.
I just wrote in a sub stack that I released this weekend You know, they're finding this SV40 gene in the COVID vaccine vials.
Now, for those of you that are... That's monkey cancer that's the number one cause of cancer.
Yeah, yeah.
For anybody not reading medical journals, it's a gene, right?
It's a gene from monkeys, from a cause.
And when you create these COVID vaccines, You have two parts of the vaccines, right?
So they talk about this messenger RNA stuff.
That's the genetic reprogramming stuff.
It's not actually messenger RNA.
We talked about this last time.
It was fraud.
They committed fraud on the people of the world.
It was always mod RNA.
And now it appears that it was almost intentional that there's DNA.
And I talk about that extensively because We know that they're pushing real hard on the DNA vaccines, and one of the things I just broke, Alex, is they now have, there are two approved DNA vaccines in animals, in salmon, in the U.S., approved.
So, when, these are DNA vaccines.
The purpose of a DNA vaccine is to enter the cell nucleus and reprogram your genetics, permanently, potentially.
So, you have to understand, What we found as we've continued going down this vaccinology wormhole, or rabbit hole, is that they're way farther ahead than we thought.
And it starts back at the beginning in this DARPA documents that we talked about.
These DARPA documents tie in And show how far back this is going, right?
So these documents, one of the things that's really interesting is last week, you know, I was down, I was testifying in front of Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene had a hearing and we were able to come down and testify and talk about some stuff.
And I brought with me, and I gave to you, I think Daria has some copies, of medical records From an individual, these were, these were, and I put my name on these under penalty of perjury.
So you'll see if you, right there, I, Thomas Renz, declare under penalty of perjury, right?
If you scroll down to the next page, and these are, you can find these on TomRenz.com, go to page two there, what you'll see is a table of contracts of these guys, this guy's medical records, right?
And this guy's medical records, right there, see what it says?
Right there, November 2014, at Irwin ACH, Fort Riley, Kansas, COVID-19 immunization, Moderna.
How did you get a Moderna COVID vaccination in 2014?
And here's the thing, if you look at the rest of this, there are five encounters where this guy got a COVID immunization.
November 2014.
November 2014.
And let's be clear, I've seen in other documents, 2017-18, World Bank documents where they talk about COVID-19 vaccines, so they were beta testing.
This, it appears that in 2014 that this guy was being experimented on, okay?
I'm not, it's a, I can't say anything about who it is.
I got to protect this individual Very, very deeply.
But in 2014, and I can assure you that I've done... Let's be clear, you brought out the most whistleblowers.
The vice president of Eagle Hill Alliance, you've done it over and over again.
You vet these guys, so you've got a proven track record.
Oh yeah.
Yes, I do.
And I'll tell you that I put my name, no lawyers do this.
Lawyers don't ever put their name on a declaration like this.
But I had to to protect the whistleblower, so I'm prepared to swear under oath.
That I did the due diligence necessary to verify that these documents came from a good spot.
I verified where they were from, how they were obtained, how they were given to me.
I went through the whole process.
And I have no problem, no qualms about testifying under oath or anything else that I obtained these in a way that I believe they would be admissible in a court.
The only problem would be is if I admitted them to court, someone's going to want to know who they are and what they are, and then I'd have to give the identity of the whistleblower away, and that would be a disaster.
So, you know, I've got to protect my people.
But at the end of the day, I stand by these.
Now, if you look at the DARPA documents, I highlighted some key points in those DARPA documents that I hope we can show them, because they back this up, right?
And they back up some other things that we were showing Alex, and this is critical.
Well, yeah, I can't wait to show you that one.
That's the COVID committee, and Johnson needs to get rid of this guy.
Yeah, here.
So, these documents, okay, the closer it is to final attenuated vaccine form, the more likely it is deattenuating.
Since August, we're escaping 2019.
So, this is DARPA admitting That first of all, that they were creating something that was going to be in an attenuated vaccine form, and second of all, that it escaped in August of 2019.
So anybody who is saying that it didn't get out until 2020 is a liar.
You know, or even December 2020 when they're first saying it.
The timeline's been a lie from the beginning.
We knew that.
Now, if you go to the next page that you have there, it starts getting into a couple other things, and all the rest of these tie together, right?
It is not practical to inoculate bats directly with shots, nor can bats get respiratory infections from droplets.
So, the team developed an aerosol to deliver inoculations directly into the caves to ensure that the bats... So, I want to explain what this is about.
They're talking about the creation of the COVID vaccines, right?
And they were testing this in and on and with and around these bats.
And by the way, let me just back you up.
This was the one to Telegraph three years ago, but just people admitting in their emails that they wanted to release this open air in caves.
So this is them covering their ass.
Now you've dug into, you've actually gotten the documents confirming all this.
Yes, well, what's happening in part is that these documents, you keep getting new pieces.
And so when you get new pieces of a puzzle, you start seeing a bigger picture.
And that's what's really happening.
So like some of these documents, some of the things that we find, they'll make sense.
But then you'll go back and read them a couple years later with all the new information you got.
And you're like, oh my gosh, look at this.
And what this is showing You know, you and I, Alex, we talked, I think the last time I was on here, I was talking about the fact that they were creating aerosolized vaccines, so they can just spray it in the air and you're vaccinated.
Well, that's exactly what they did.
They created these aerosolized vaccines, these aerosolized COVID vaccines, in the mid-20-teens, went and sprayed them around this bat cave, because that was the only thing they could do.
So this is aerosolized, and understand, what's the difference?
Let me ask you this.
If you create a virus, SARS-CoV-2 and it's floating around in the air.
And the only thing that that virus does is create spike proteins that make you sick, right?
And you create a vaccine that's aerosolized, so it floats around in the air.
And the only thing that vaccine does is make your body produce spike proteins.
Which Pfizer and Moderna admit the shedding, and so here it all is, yet again, caught red-handed.
They created it, they released it, and now it's mainline science at the Pentagon.
Created the Moderna and the Pfizer shot, they gave it to them.
That's how they quote, made it one day.
No, they had it years before I know you don't like to speculate, but what's the larger plan?
We know it attacks fertility.
We know it attacks all the cells.
We know it causes accelerated aging.
It causes blood clots, heart attacks, myocarditis, strokes.
I mean, this is insane.
Well, I mean, listen, everybody's been waiting for me to say that it's a depopulation effort.
And let me tell you what, if it's not, I don't know what else you could do to make it more of one.
Listen, you've got something that they knew attacked the reproductive systems.
We know that there are tremendous issues.
There's a huge spike in fertility issues.
Dr. Biss was with me when I was down in Washington in front of MTG and she testified, she's an OBGYN, she testified about a huge, huge spike in fertility issues, you know, just anything related to making babies, right?
So, and that's not a surprise.
We knew this was going to happen.
Further, You see that these things, one of the things I think is really important about this is to understand how many long-term side effects there are and it ties into this SV40 gene, right?
So the SV40 gene is something they know causes cancer.
They know it.
So again, it's basically, to dumb it down, it's DNA, it's a virus within a virus.
It's a payload.
So this is beyond mRNA.
It's not just the J&J that's a virus vector, or AstraZeneca.
You're saying, the Moderna is delivering a whole cocktail of payloads, just like Dr. Judy Mikovits has said.
It's delivering this sequence for cancer.
The way to think about this, the best way I could describe this is when you look at these vaccines, think of it as a cab, right?
If you get in a cab, you put someone in a cab, so you have two parts.
You've got the adjuvant, or the vehicle that carries the vaccine, and then you've got the passenger in the cab, which is the genetic material that they want to put in your body.
It's like a missile carries a thousand pounds of explosive in it.
It's the delivery system.
You've got the payload.
Yes, very much.
So you've got the delivery system is causing a lot of problems, but the delivery system that it looks like they're using in part of these SV40 genes, and sometimes they're in caps or SV40 Sometimes they're encapsulating these in these lipid nanoparticles, but they're using these viral vectors, these different things.
SV40 is really good for this, right?
So they use that and it carries whatever it is that they design, whatever genetic payload.
So in the case of COVID, it's the payload to teach your body to make the spike protein, which is a pathogen.
So they knew that this was going to cause cancer.
And let me speculate a little bit here, Alex.
If you put this SV40 gene in there, you know that SV40 has the potential to cause these turbo cancers.
Isn't it peculiar that Biden launched Operation Moonshot in 2021 to cure cancer with another mRNA vaccine?
Exactly, they're giving us an even bigger cancer epidemic.
This is so insane.
The problem is it's so complex, it's so evil.
How do you get the average person to realize this is the jewel on the crown or the center of the wheel that gets them everything else they want?
The world ID, the collapse of civilization.
We are absolutely.
We are under war.
Nobody can take care of all their sick family members.
I mean, this is it.
It's a post-industrial world.
They're not just cutting off our energy and our food and our fertilizer.
They're literally sickening, killing and weakening us.
We are under globalist assault.
We are absolutely, we are under war.
This is a biological war and a 5G war entirely.
That's right.
We're living in a biological war.
It's a fact.
So the people who control our Pentagon created this, rolled it out through EcoHealth Alliance, because the whistle got blown in 2015 against Obama.
They moved from North Carolina to China.
They released it there.
China's involved to play along with it, and here we are.
Yeah, absolutely.
Well, and understand, the DARPA documents specify that this was created in both U.S.
and Chinese labs.
And God knows which other ones.
I wouldn't be surprised if there are a few other labs involved as well, because typically these are designed in multiple places, right?
So, but you look at this.
I mean, look at this right here.
Vaccines work by targeting immune boosting via vaccine.
I mean, they're talking about this as a vaccine.
And at the same time they're talking about this, they created the vaccine and the disease at the same time, and I really don't know that there's much of a difference between the two.
And we even have the head of Pfizer Global, remember Jamie O'Keefe before he got fired, the head of Pfizer Global mRNA, saying we create the viruses to guarantee the business model.
We have him on damn tape.
I mean, we don't just have the documents.
Tom Renz, stay there.
We're going to come back and talk about what this means and the food supply.
They're bombing with this as well.
Folks, you're living in the middle of a depopulation bio-war.
We're just here faithfully warning you.
God help us.
And if you notice, Tom Renz and I are literally finishing each other's sentences.
Because this is all we do is research this.
And the biomedical takeover, the tyranny coming in the white lab coats, Hitler did that, the communists in Russia did that.
That's their tip of the spear.
And now they're trying to bring the lockdowns and the controls back into place.
And we've got 17 to 20 plus million dead, depending on which insurance actuary plans it, journal studies, you name it, from the shots.
And I know the average person cannot admit that to themselves, because it's so horrifying that every major Western government is captured.
From Canada to the U.S.
to Western Europe to the U.K.
and Australia and New Zealand.
The rest of the world said, hell no, we're not taking this.
Poland started taking the shots.
People died.
They said, we're going to stop.
And they even signed a contract with Pfizer.
Pfizer's suing them.
And of course, Tom Reynolds has been at the tip of the spear with major losses at the state level.
RNA and DNA in our food supply, it's worse than we knew.
He's got that information.
I want him to continue with these DARPA documents.
That are unclassified.
What's crazy is, all this over the last decade came out in news articles.
2014, bunch of scientists saying, we're making weaponized gain-of-function, SARS, bird flu, it's gotta stop.
So there's been good people in the system blowing the whistle.
So Tom, I'm gonna give you the floor.
We're skipping this break.
We got 23 minutes left with you.
I'm gonna try to shut up and let you talk.
And I don't want to get into these big insurance company numbers, the Lancet reports, you know, the real numbers of dead we're talking about.
But pulling back here, if this was a football game, people want to know.
The globalists don't seem happy.
I see the Clinton Foundation.
I see Bill Gates.
I see the U.N.
saying, hey, we're losing.
Now vaccine uptake of all these shots is way down to record lows.
I mean, it seems like people have figured this out, but only partially.
But just like Africa had the lowest COVID rates and lowest death, they figured out that this was going on so they didn't really die from it.
But then as you said, Bill Gates says, I don't care.
We'll spray it from planes.
We'll have biomedical crops that can grow these pathogens in them so you can't escape it that way.
We know when people, now they're coming out with a nasal COVID shot that they admit in the literature will shed.
We know the real explosion in COVID sicknesses, even in the unvaxxed, started with the shedding when they started the shots in early 2021.
So it seems like we're struggling and fighting back, but I wouldn't even say we're winning.
We've got a shot at turning this around.
Where are we in this fight?
And then how is the enemy going to hit us next?
And what happens if we don't stand up now and realize they're coming back for another attack?
Well, we got to start out with the recognition of The fact that there is hope, right?
So I mean, Alex, the first time you had me on, I don't know, a few years ago, whenever it was, you know, I was, I started out as a nobody, right?
And I'm still, you know, I mean, I live in Ohio, I got 12,000 people in my town.
And the one thing that I can never say enough on enough interviews, is that you have to understand the impact that I've been able to make through the grace of God has been big.
You don't have to be special to do something big.
You just got to be relentless and fearless and willing to continue fighting.
You know, this has been demonstrated.
And the reason that we're doing well, listen, 1.3% uptake on these new boosters, right?
That is nothing.
1.3% is a joke, right?
So that's a huge, huge, huge win.
And as a result, they're moving it into the food supply, the air and all these other places.
But You have to understand the foundation.
This is why the election, the COVID, all these different things, they have to be viewed together.
The foundation for the Great Reset was to make so many people so sick.
That the economy would collapse, elections could be stolen, they could make all these changes.
You have to have a major crisis.
The problem is that because of people like you, because of all the people out there who are pushing things in the alternative press, the word got out that this whole health collapse that we're going to be facing is coming from these crooks who put it on us.
So now they have to try and find new things because at the end of the day, if You know, we get to the bottom, and we will get to the bottom of this.
And as the public starts to recognize what Bill Gates and Borla and Schwab and all these guys did, they're going to be calling for heads, right?
These guys aren't going to go back to their billionaire lifestyle after a week or two in some posh prison.
They're going to be at the end of a rope, like if they did at the end of Nuremberg 1, right?
Which is probably where they belong.
So, this is an all-or-nothing thing.
Klaus Schwab's even said, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is a winner-takes-all game.
So, we either win on freedom, or we lose everything.
And they're not going to stop.
They've committed their lives, their fortunes, everything to this.
They cannot stop.
So, it's either we the people win, or we the people end up enslaved.
I totally agree.
Let me just say this, and then I'll give you the floor.
When you study the Club of Rome, the UN, the Davos Group, their religion is depopulating.
They believe they're saving the world.
And they've told us this in their own statements.
But it's really an excuse for them to play God.
And so they did this not just for power and money and control.
They're a death cult.
And they were hoping, and they want to get the UN involved, and they want to have all the government sign liability forms with them.
That's all coming out now.
So they would use this corruption of government and the big uprising that came from it That's a way to discredit existing governments and collapse those and bring in their technocracy.
They admit that.
That's even in the Spars war game document.
It happened a few years before they released it.
But if we externalize the method and the hierarchy and decompartmentalize it, that's the key, decompartmentalize it, they will get the blame because they're behind it.
It will be their Waterloo.
And that's why I see fear in them and their public reports and the leak reports.
They believe they're losing, and they are.
But the danger is they may skip from trying to get government to give them liability protection And roll this out to having drones to spray stuff even more deadly, or do a power outage, you name it, because a cornered demon is very dangerous.
Please continue.
Well, you're dead right about that.
And you know, one of the things that's interesting about this, I had several months back, I had some whistleblower documents given to me.
And they weren't something that I could ever make public, it turns out.
But they were from the Rockefeller Foundation.
And those documents demonstrated quite clearly, you know, every time you speak, Alex, your name was listed in these documents more times than I could count.
Every time you talk about them, they have a media response that they do.
So like this conversation, they'll have a media response.
They'll have a conversation.
They'll figure out how they're going to handle the fact that we're talking about the Rockefeller Foundation's long-term ties to eugenics and other such things.
And the fact that these guys are, you know, Definitely involved with this on a lot of fronts.
I mean, listen, they were listed as partners on some of the stuff that appears to be tied to the creation of SARS-CoV-2.
So, I mean, you know, these people that you're talking about, this isn't speculation.
I have paper trails.
And, you know, it's interesting because I see people talk about you like you're a conspiracy theorist.
And here's the deal.
I got receipts.
You know, and you said this before, this isn't because Alex and I are hanging out on the weekends having beers and planning what we're going to say together.
This is just, he does his research, I do mine, and I've become a Alex was right guy because it turns out that most of the time you are.
So, you know, this is absolutely indisputable what's going on.
There is absolutely a group of people working globally to push on these things and to facilitate New World Order.
They literally tell us about it.
They go on camera.
And it may be hard for an average person to look at this and say, really?
They're going to try and change the whole world?
And they're going to try and do this?
Well, what do you want me to say?
You can watch the video of them telling you.
Should I ignore the evidence?
Because it's uncomfortable or difficult?
I mean, evidence is evidence, right?
So, anyways, these guys now, they have to facilitate this Great Reset.
The health aspects of it are key.
Now, this actually goes back, and if you want to know how important tying this in was, and you want to talk about vaccine passports and all these things that they want to claim that they need to control travel, to control money, to control everything else, go look no further than Obamacare.
Why was it that with the Republican House and Republican Senate, President Trump was unable to roll back Obamacare?
Well, because the Republican rhinos wouldn't let him because they had been sold out and told by their globalist masters that they weren't allowed to.
I'll tell you why.
Not because of the single payer.
But because of electronic medical records.
Without electronic medical records, they wouldn't be getting all the data that they've gotten from COVID.
They wouldn't be able to do a vaccine passport in this country.
They wouldn't be able to do these things.
Electronic medical records were the foundation of Obamacare, and they were one of the secret things that they needed.
So, you've got these sort of things that are happening, and they're all based on destroying privacy, which the globalists have talked extensively about.
And, you know, essentially finding ways to control people.
And since health is so foundational to controlling the globe and to controlling people, what better way than to give people a cure that makes them sick?
Now when people quit taking that cure because they lose trust for you because people like me tell the truth, people like you tell the truth, we get out there, they have to come up with an alternative plan because it's all or nothing.
So now they're moving it into food.
They're moving it into other things.
And what I didn't realize, and I just found a new thread of research that I really started digging into in the last couple weeks, is how far along they already are.
You know, we talked about mRNA in food, and if you listen, you always got to listen to the counter, right?
mRNA in food.
Oh, there's no COVID vaccines in the food.
Oh, There's no COVID vaccines.
Okay, what about mRNA?
What about mod RNA?
What about RNA technology?
What about DNA technology?
There are gene therapy products in our food now and have been for quite some time.
The reason that people say, hey, why is it that I go to Italy and I eat bread and pasta and I feel fine, but when I come back to the US and eat it, it makes me sick.
Well, because we're modifying our food.
We're poisoning our food supply.
There's absolutely no question about this.
And this explains, Alex, you know, we did House Bill 1169 last year in Missouri.
And that's, by the way, we're going to reintroduce that bill this year.
And we have, I think, we're up to 17 other states introducing the same legislation.
So we're ready to fight this year.
But that bill That bill is, uh, we said, well, why are you guys so opposed to doing this?
I mean, so you say you're not putting the COVID shots into animals yet.
Why do you, why are you so worried about, you know, us saying that if you put gene therapy products in food, you have to disclose it.
The answer is they would already have to label all of our food.
It's already there.
And some of this is DNA tech.
And you've got to understand, you can make the argument that some of the RNA tech may not permanently alter your genetics, but DNA tech is specifically designed for that, typically.
Not always.
But, I mean, the DNA tech is usually designed to enter the cell nucleus.
I literally cite scientific studies on that in that sub-stack that I put out this weekend.
I mean, I don't know what else to say about it.
They are literally trying to change our genetics.
You've heard Yoval Noah Harari say that this would be the last generation of Homo sapiens.
Well, why did he say that?
Well, because they've put all this stuff in our food and elsewhere and understand Before anybody sends me a message that says, yeah, but it'll break down in digestion.
No, it won't.
mRNA, messenger RNA, would break down in the digestive process.
ModRNA, or DNA tech, is being specifically designed so that it can be ingested.
That's why you had a clip up there about the edible vaccines.
They're specifically designing this stuff so that it can be taken and you can eat it, It can get into your body, and then it can change you.
They're doing this intentionally, and they're lying about it.
There's no informed consent.
We've got a loophole in the Organic Food Act in the United States that allows them to... You know that they could give a cow a shot that made it grow three heads, and if it did, as long as they called that shot a vaccine, they could label it as organic.
There is no requirement.
Further, since there's no labeling requirements on food, Some of these DNA texts that are already licensed in other countries can be imported to the U.S.
and you won't know the difference.
So, you know, the food supply is right up there.
We've got aerosolized vaccines, and then we've got the mosquito vaccines, and we have all these mechanisms for modifying our genetics that they're creating.
And if you think that they're creating these and studying these without intending to deploy them, you're an idiot.
Let's talk big numbers here.
We've got Dr. Robert Malone linking to these studies.
They're talking about 17 to 20 plus million dead.
The insurance companies, the numbers are showing.
You've been digging into all this.
What's the best info you got?
Listen, that's a drop in the bucket.
That's a drop in the bucket.
So, you know, one of the things that you do, when I started doing this, I would study, and I would study, and I would study, and I would try and make sure that I could give you the most scientifically accurate numbers possible every time I spoke, and I never wanted to speculate on anything, because if you do, they call you out, oh, you're speculating.
Renz doesn't know what he's talking about.
They try to get your credibility.
Over time, what I've learned Is that sometimes you have to apply a little bit of wisdom to the numbers.
So those numbers will be as accurate as can humanly be.
If Malone and the insurance companies and those guys, if they can't back those numbers mathematically, scientifically to the T, then they wouldn't say it.
Here's the problem.
Those numbers are going to be conservative.
The way that they get to those numbers is through, you know, different observable things and there's a lot of stuff that they can't tie in, right?
So, if you're 75 years old and you've had a couple COVID shots and, you know, you're three or four months out and you have a heart attack, there's nothing in that that's going to correlate the vaccine.
They're just going to say you're 75, you had a heart attack, right?
Uh, but it's very possible that the reason you had a heart attack was because of vaccines.
There's no way to know it without, you know, doing some sort of a test and they're not doing it.
So honestly, the numbers are probably quite a bit higher.
And I have absolutely no hesitation to say about saying that I think before this is over, The COVID vaccines will be the single biggest human death toll causer in history.
I don't think there will be another thing that's good, including war.
I think that you'll see more dead than World War II from the COVID vaccines, without any question.
Because these things... And let's just slow down and say that again.
We have... You will see more... Say it again very slowly.
People hear this.
We have the insurance company, I'm sure he's the most accurate in the world.
We have them admitting that in the Western world, live expectancy is plummeting, record miscarriage, record cancer, turbo-cancer.
We're literally here calmly talking today.
About the greatest orchestrated mass murder in history.
And that's what's so frustrating.
You're right.
The open borders, everything else is a side issue compared to the globalists and their big move.
Cutting off food, cutting off resources, cutting off fertilizer, starting giant wars.
All of it is a war against civilization.
What does the UN say they want?
What does the WF say?
A post-industrial world.
So repeat what you just said.
Biggest crime in history happening now.
Yes, absolutely.
I have absolutely no qualms about saying that the single biggest cause of agent of death in human history, when we look back at the 21st century, will be COVID.
I think you will see more deaths, reproductive issues, birth problems, things like that.
Cumulatively, this will be the single biggest cause of death in human history from a single source.
I don't think there's any question about that.
I think it's going to exceed the numbers entirely of World War II.
I think that this is intentional.
I don't believe any more.
At this point, I'm willing to tell you I do not believe for a second that this was an accidental release or an accident.
You know, it just got out of the Wuhan.
See, I've moved past that.
Yes, they definitely created it in Wuhan and in America.
And they wanted plausible deniability.
This was a long-term plan.
Well, you know what?
I gave you that document that showed Brad Wenstrup, right?
So the head of the COVID committee in Congress, Brad Wenstrup, got $166,000 from Big Pharma in the 2022 election cycle.
And that doesn't count the other money that he got from GOP rhinos like McConnell and McCarthy who put him in charge of that committee.
Right there it is.
Brad Wenstrup, $168,000.
So he got $168,000, and you notice that the number one guy on there was another Republican, by the way.
But, yeah, Kathy McMorris-Rogers, you know, got $419,000.
Now that doesn't count the money that Winstrip got from the GOP that also got money from Big Pharma.
And then Bill Gates has spent hundreds of billions the last decade buying off the media.
All these shows worshiping him, they'll admit later he's an underwriter.
He's paying for that.
Oh yeah, the Poynter Institute?
Huge flounder.
And they're the ones behind all the fact-checkers, right?
So all the fact-checkers, most of them are tied to the Poynter Institute.
It's just nothing but a Gates Soros, you know, candy store.
So let's go back to this, though.
I don't think it's going well for them, though.
Well, because we're telling the truth, right?
Honestly, Alex, this is why.
So, lawfare.
I've talked to you about lawfare endlessly.
Legal, political, PR.
We push for legislation.
We file lawsuits.
We communicate with the public.
We've got to have the public awake.
They're using the system to control judges against us.
We've got to use the system in jurisdictions that are actually constitutional against them now.
Well, and not just that.
So, what I did was I looked at this from the beginning.
What did Soros do?
How do you go from a country founded by a group of people that had a tea party over tea tax And how do you get from there to where we are?
And so I studied what the Rockefellers did, what the Soros people did, what all these different people did.
And what they did was they manipulated the system by educating, mis-educating people.
They lied to everybody.
And then they use the outrage and the anger that they built through their lives to manipulate the judges, to manipulate the politicians, and to change the legal system.
So what we did was, my counter to this, here's my super secret sauce, I just tell the truth, right?
So when I tell the truth, People realize they were lied to and then they're mad.
Well, that puts just the same political pressure on the politicians and the judges.
So then when I go into court, it helps me when I have to meet that plausibility standard that they like to throw stuff out on.
It helps me when I go in front of Congress or someone else to say, well, you know, listen, I got, you know, you know, those 10,000 phone calls you got yesterday.
There's going to be 100,000 more tomorrow if you guys aren't acting.
So these are things that we have to do.
But you got to understand that when you ask a lawyer to free your country, a lawyer can only go to court and challenge Whether the interpretation of the law is correct.
Some of this requires legislative change.
All of it requires the people to be active.
So what we do is, that's why I keep coming back, Alex.
That's why I do so much media.
That's why I'm out here.
Because if I don't educate people and tell them what's happening and get them fired up and then say, hey, we're going to do this legislation.
We're going to do that lawsuit.
We're going to do this.
We're going to do that.
If I don't do that, We don't have the support necessary to overcome the buy-offs that these globalists are doing.
You know, luckily, it's a lot cheaper to sell truth than it is a lie.
So, when we tell the truth, you know, this is why you've had such growth on your show, but it's also why they attack you so much, because they're afraid of truth-tellers.
They can't have the truth out there.
The truth resonates with people, so we leverage truth To push legislation, to push lawsuits, to push all these different things, and to make sure that it's a lot harder.
You know, it's real easy to lie and cheat and steal when nobody's looking.
It's much harder when the whole world is shining a light on you.
So that's why that's what we do on this.
And you're right.
We are winning.
We're winning, though, because the people are waking up largely.
What began as a small, you know, little outside movement has really gone mainstream.
Everybody knows that these vaccines aren't safe.
Everybody knows they're not effective.
And I'll go back to, I mean, we're talking less than 2% have taken the new, in like 3-4 months, their new booster.
So now they're trying to make schools mandated for children.
This is, we need protests, we need demonstrations, we need more lawsuits, and we need to get control of our Justice Department, and we've got to indict Bill Gates.
Again, I'm targeted, you're targeted to do this, but as a man, I can't sit back while mass murder goes on.
And sure, some areas might be overpopulated, yeah, are humans lazy, yeah, but you can't put the most evil people the world's ever seen in charge of saying we're getting rid of everybody because they suck.
I mean, Hitler thought that too.
This is just, no, Hitler sucks.
Stalin sucks.
You know, Mao Zedong agreed to kill a quarter of their population to be given entrance to the New World Order.
And then notice Xi Jinping, as bad as he is, five years ago, ended the one-child policy, pays them to have three kids, broke with the globalists, now he's the enemy number one, because he won't take the shots and won't let them kill all their own people.
So that's a big deal that Xi Jinping broke with them.
Well, I think Xi Jinping, so that's really an interesting thing, because I got no love for the CCP.
No, no, I don't either, but I'm saying it looks like they're breaking with it.
Well, I think they have.
See, my analysis on this has always been this.
I think WFCCP have always been frenemies, right?
They both hate America because the shining beacon of freedom on the hill can't stand if you want tyranny, and both want tyranny.
But if you think that Xi Jinping trusts Klaus Schwab or vice versa, I got another thing for you.
How do you trust an atheist?
I mean, what, he's going to feel bad about lying?
I mean, you can't trust someone who openly kills people.
I totally agree.
Tom, Tom, Tom, Tom, do five more minutes with us in the next hour.
Then I'm going to get into all this other breaking news and this big Terry Carlson speech.
But I want you to be able to finish what you're saying.
But absolutely.
It's like Hitler and Stalin in the first World War II were on the same side.
Then they double crossed each other.
That's what's going on.
And that's the split.
And notice China came here a few weeks ago.
Xi Jinping said he was making a deal with the U.S.
And now they're basically attacking U.S.
We are entering a time of total insanity, and Tom Rindge is our guest.
Five more minutes with him, then a ton of more news coming up.
All right, final segment with Tom Renz.
Be sure to check out his site, TomRenz.com.
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All right, final segment with Tom Renz.
Be sure to check out his site, TomRenz.com.
Tom Renz with a Z, .substack.com, R-E-N-Z.
Tom, a lot of great points last hour, but think of anything else you didn't add
or any little key tidbits you wanna impart to millions of people right now.
Well, I think that the most important thing that we have to understand is that we're entering a period
where we're gonna see a lot more turmoil, right?
Between now and the election, everything's on the line.
Yeah, listen.
They can't have a Trump presidency.
Trump has a chip on his shoulder.
And well, you know, I'm not a huge fan of his approach on the vaccines or what he said or done with that.
He's definitely the best man for the job.
He's the guy, he's got my support because he's going to go in there with a chip on his shoulder.
He's going to put people like Mike Flynn in there.
The enemy is totally horrified of him.
They are?
Well, because listen, these guys now know It was the CIA.
It was the DOD.
That's the head of the Deep Snake in the United States.
Deep State in the United States.
No, that's a new word!
The Deep Snake!
The Deep Snake!
I like that.
Yeah, I might stick with that.
But understand that these guys...
They have immunity, governmental immunity.
You can't FOIA them because they call everything national defense, and they just do whatever they want.
There's no accountability.
They have an endless budget.
I mean, think of all the reports about them raising money off of drugs and all these things over the years.
These guys, they are the core of the public-private partnership.
They just call it national security and get away with anything.
They're untouchables that think they're above the law.
They are, and that's why I was very excited to blow the whistle on these scumbags down there with MTG last week.
So if we can start recognizing where the problem is, that's the first step.
I want to do one thing.
I want to publicly call on everybody.
Ask Speaker Johnson to remove Wenstrup as the Speaker of the COVID Committee.
His job there is to do nothing but to make it look like they're doing something.
They've accomplished nothing.
MTG had that hearing because the COVID Committee wouldn't ask real questions.
They wouldn't talk about vaccine injuries.
They aren't talking about the CIA, DOD connection.
If anybody asks whether she's for real, she's an angel.
She's totally for real.
Well listen, you know, I got a lot of people said, hey, you know, she owns stock in this or that.
Do you know what kind of a risk that woman took letting me come to Congress and speak?
I mean, no one lets me do that.
Ron John's the only other guy in Congress that's even considered it.
And, you know, hopefully we'll get more now.
But I'm going to tell you, that hearing put her square in the crosshairs of Big Pharma and The Globalist.
But when you own any mutual fund... Just interrupt.
When you own any mutual fund, you have thousands of stocks.
She's divesting them.
It's crap.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, well, yeah, and I just, I mean, listen, I don't care.
She gave us a platform to put truth out on a massive scale.
We dropped some major bombs, and now there's a whole bunch of Congress people that can no longer say they didn't know these things.
We need to have full, transparent investigations, DOD, CIA, FBI.
All of these different groups.
We need to know where the corruption is.
And basically, we've got to ferret that out of our government.
But it starts with getting rid of these fake committees.
Get rid of Wenstrup.
Put an actual patriot in charge of that committee.
Someone who's going to ask real questions.
And who isn't beholden to Big Pharma.
We've got to do that first.
And so I want to ask everybody listening to make sure that they're pushing for that.
You let Johnson know.
to actually investigate the realities of COVID and to quit just being a fake placeholder
so that they can act like they care.
While people are dying from these jabs, while they're continuing to push them on children,
while they're continuing, you know, they're still doing murders in hospitals.
They're still killing people in hospitals.
Less so, but it's still there.
We need real investigations to remdesivir, the vaccines, vaccine injuries,
all the lies, all the fraud, the DOD tie-ins, the CIA tie-ins.
How much of our money went to funding this?
And for God's sakes, will someone please investigate whether Hunter Biden made any money off of SARS-CoV-2 creation since he, through Rosamond Seneca, was invested into metabiota that was a partner on the project that appears to have created COVID?
Why is there no Republican asking whether Hunter Biden made money... And by the way, Google and Facebook were invested in Eagle of Alliance.
Oh, listen.
Google, Facebook, there's so many different groups that we can show the financial ties... They're a eugenics death cult.
It's a cult of death, a death cult.
Eugenics beyond Nazi cult.
Tom Rents, thank you for the time.
God bless you.
Great work.
We're praying for you.
Thanks, Alex.
Wow, that was an incredible hour.
Get it out to everybody you know.
This is life and death, folks.
We're not playing games.
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Yeah, if your car's got a scratch on it, or your golf game's not doing too good, it really doesn't matter when you understand you're living in a world government takeover, cutting off the resources, the energy, the fertilizer, injecting the public with deadly Nanotech proteins that cut your DNA, destroy your fertility, and accelerate aging and death.
And then you learn, oh, that X-Files reboot in 2016 that Chris Carter said was based on me, all over the news.
And I was like, Alex Jones is a good guy, not a bad guy.
And I took a lot of his work to make this new show.
And then it's the government releases a vaccine that doesn't work.
For what they say it does, but it actually goes and breaks your DNA?
And then that's what the real thing does?
And then people go, oh, you think that's bad, Jones?
It's based on a show from 2013 written in 2012 in England called Utopia!
Where they describe all of it.
It's exactly what they did!
And the sickness of how they just tell us out in the open why they've done what they've done.
Chris Carter wanted to meet with me.
He said, hey, come out to L.A.
Let's meet in 2016.
I said, yeah, I'm going to come soon.
I never did.
I need to find his email and get back in touch with him.
I'm not saying he's a bad guy.
I'm not just saying that because he reached out to me.
He did the episode where they fly the hijacked jumbo jet in the World Trade Center to launch war and invade Afghanistan that aired six months before 9-11.
You think I'm dialed in?
That guy's completely dialed in.
The British makers of Utopia, they're selling you, I've watched the series now, at least the key episodes of it, the end episodes of season one, season two, and they're selling you, we need to get rid of people, and this is the right thing to do.
And it's exactly what they did.
They got the Spars document, that came out a few years before they released COVID, and they described the whole thing there.
Meanwhile, Look at these headlines.
And of course, I said this back on October 7th.
Israel does have a really good intelligence network.
They have a small country to watch.
They pulled the private security guards off of the little towns there in southern Israel two months before the attack.
And now it's being reported by Haaretz newspaper, one of the biggest in Israel, Israeli military intelligence.
New Hamas plans year before escalation.
And then we see this video.
Mass graves in Gaza.
These innocent civilians are not just murdered.
They've been murdered by Western politicians and media who enable the ongoing indiscriminate killing.
But then they bring all these people that are pissed off, the survivors, here.
Instead of our politicians getting blamed, we get blamed, which is part of the larger clash of civilizations.
So I wanted to play a very, very poignant video here.
That illustrates this, because Stalin said, one man dies, it's a tragedy, 10,000 die.
It is a statistic.
So let's roll that footage first for TV viewers of just one of the many mass graves full of men, women, and children in Lebeld, Gaza.
And then I want to play you a clip just of a grandfather saying bye to his three-year-old granddaughter.
As she is loaded into the ground.
So there's the mass graves.
But that's just okay, mass graves.
But when you personalize it, when I look at the video of this grandfather, and they're putting a little boy in plastic right next to him, and he holds a little granddaughter, he opens her eye and look into her soul again.
He has such dignity.
When he then closes her eye, kisses her, and then lays her there, and he reaches his hand in one more time, one more time to touch his hand.
I was there when my father's mother died, and then I was there, you know, after she'd been embalmed and stuff, and we went in there, and she was very dignified, but she had plastic on her, naked on the table.
And I love that woman.
And I remember after I touched her and kissed her face, and I tried to pull the plastic back up, I just reached my hand out one more time.
I touched her hand.
So this footage, you know, is obviously going to make it viral, but listen, they're letting it go viral.
So understand, I'm not against the Palestinians, the Jews, anybody.
There's a larger evil force playing us all off against each other.
Then they bring these people over here totally pissed off.
They start attacking and killing us.
And then they bring in the control, just like a warden controls a prison.
By the different groups, they segregate and play off against each other.
So play this with audio, please.
This is the most poignant thing.
It's so powerful.
It really made me physically ill today, but I refuse to turn away.
Play the video.
Play the video.
Play the video.
translation [inaudible]
So saying goodbye is so sad.
This is the soul of the soul.
The soul of the soul.
This is the soul of the soul.
Everybody that loves war so much, there's the face of it.
And NATO shelled Russian populations for eight years to get them to finally attack back and kill tens of thousands of people as well.
Remember, that's the globalists that are doing all of this, ladies and gentlemen.
And none of the Arab countries will take those Palestinians because they're going to use them as a chess piece.
And it's sick.
But the people who run Israel are just as sick.
Because they stood down to get their own people killed too, so they can have this big firework show and this big political distraction.
It's disgusting.
There are hundreds of videos like that.
I challenge you to go watch them, but then think, I'm banned.
I can't sit here and talk on all these channels, but they'll show you that all day because they want to piss you off.
And I think you should look at it.
But think about the 20 million dead, millions of children from the shots,
whose parents kissed them before they got wrapped up and put in a casket.
I love my mom's brother a lot. And whatever kind of coffin they got was a nice gray coffin, but
Everybody leaves the cemetery, and they're getting ready to lower him in, and everybody leaves.
I stayed there about an hour, and there was a coffin they bought, I guess, meant for rapid decomposition.
It had a space about three quarters of an inch wide with the sunlight shining down.
I could see his hand, and I wanted to tear the coffin open and hold his hand, but I knew I couldn't do that.
I had to say goodbye, and then I watched them.
As the gravediggers lowered him in and started shoveling dirt, and I drove out of there.
But at least he lived a long life.
He was like 70 when he died.
Those children didn't get that.
And they say, oh, well, they're dehumanized.
You know, the children deserve to die too.
And the very Muslims, some of them string their kids up with suicide bombs.
I mean, The point is, is that you think that grandfather's pissed off?
What do you think he's going to do, folks?
They want to bring them here?
We didn't kill those people.
Our government was part of it.
That's why I say stay out of it.
If they're going to kill each other, we need to stay out of it and call for peace.
And not as some fear Muslims are going to kill us.
The point is, the globalists are bringing him here to start all this up.
And the left is backing it.
And the whole thing is a sick Hegelian dialectic.
Now Tucker Carlson knocked it out of the park talking about the nature of good versus evil.
In a recent speech I want to play coming up.
And he just says you have to admit they're doing evil for evil's sake.
Because to their God, that's real power, to be mean, to go against your human instincts, to go against God's programming.
And that's what we're up against.
And in the fourth hour, we've got a special guest.
Tucker Carlson is coming up.
I hope you share the link, so this is important.
It needs to be magnified.
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So we see the mass murder in Europe, in the Middle East.
We see the open borders, the human trafficking.
We see the death.
We see it all.
Last night on the Sunday Show, I covered Senator Josh Hawley with the federal government, the U.S.
government agency heads admitting A vast pedophile network run by Facebook.
I mean, you can't make this up.
It's just evil for evil's sake.
And as I went to break before we go to this Tucker Carlson speech, 30 minutes long, so we'll be sure to get to all this coming up.
I just realized that I can't quit.
I can't stop.
I have to fight harder.
We've got to stay on air.
We've got to go as long as we can.
But I was very honest with you in the first hour.
I am physically ill over this.
And I know that they know how to show you horror they want you to see.
But the bigger horror, and I'm not taking away from all the death and destruction around the world, But they'll talk about, oh, a million died of COVID when they released the virus, and then 20 million died from the shot, and then they cut off food worldwide, and 87 million people died.
That's a six-month-old number, 87 million starved to death from the lockdowns, not from COVID.
And they're doing this systematically.
And do they go show you the villages all over the world, in Latin America, Africa particularly, Asia, where people are starving to death because their food Was cut off because the IMF and World Bank control their countries through loans and won't let them run their factories or farms for years?
Then the survivors, military-age men, are organized and brought here, angry and pissed at us and being told we did it?
Don't you see?
They're killing them!
They're going to use them to kill us!
Not against the Palestinians, but I know they're like Americans.
They're like people.
They don't get the sophistication of it.
And that's why we've got to get the sophistication or it's over, people.
And Israel's trying to get rid of their government.
They don't like what's happening.
And then I see America's right wing, who are good people on average, but they just believe all this is black and white.
And the devil's black, and black and white's real, but the way the globalists operate from every angle, they make it gray.
They operate in the shadows so people can't figure it out.
So I was realizing, I was gonna come back with Tucker, but I realized, hey, we need to pay the bills.
So I'm gonna tell you again, The more money InfoWars has, the longer we can fight.
You see the bankruptcy news, none of it's accurate.
Remember, oh, Alex Jones has $400 million, he's gonna go to jail, he hit it.
New York Times, Washington Post, remember that a year ago?
You see that anymore?
None of it was true.
None of it.
And the new numbers they have that are revised down, 98%, those aren't accurate either.
You read this stuff, it's fiction.
None of it has anything to do with reality.
Free Speech Systems is going through bankruptcy.
If it has enough money to operate, it's going to stay on the air.
If I'm basically willing to work for nothing, it'll stay on air and it will.
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Because I believe in humanity, and I believe we just can't sit here and take this.
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And that's why they don't like me.
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And all over the world we're getting populists elected that are hardcore and know what's going on, and we're going to win!
We've got to continue to identify the enemy and their operations.
People didn't think I was telling you there were going to be new lockdowns?
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They're trying to give little kids this poison shot again.
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All right, we're going to go to the Tucker Carlson interview.
We have a few minutes in this segment.
We'll skip the next break.
So we'll get it all in in this hour.
But you're living in history right now.
So spread the word.
Take clips out of the show.
I want to thank those that are, you know who you are.
I see all the great work people are doing to boost the broadcast.
We're in our most important moment right now.
I want to thank you all and just say we double your efforts.
I want to say great job to the crew as well.
All right, let's go to Tucker Carlson.
Tucker Carlson!
I've never had an introduction like that.
And by the way, Every introduction should come with profanity, so thank you.
I didn't hear the introduction because I was backstage with an old friend of mine from television who's here.
I didn't expect to see him.
And he's probably the greatest financial analyst on television.
And so I said to him, jokingly, since he deals with markets and, you know, real companies, I said, what, there he is right there.
I said, is it crazy to bury gold in my yard?
He looked me right in the face, he goes, no, it's not crazy at all.
And that kind of, and by the way, I'm not giving investment advice.
I'm the last person.
You would never take investment advice from someone who's never had an actual job.
Don't buy real estate from a homeless person, et cetera, et cetera.
Don't hire a fat person as your trainer.
So I'm not doing that.
I'm only saying that to highlight what everyone in this room already knows,
which is that it's really a volatile moment.
I flew out here across the country this morning.
And spent five hours texting people, mostly people I know, but also the entire mentally ill community in America has my text, so a lot of crazies too.
But also a lot of people I really like, and who are smart and temperate and reasonable people who've been around, who are my age, I'm 54, you know, kind of seen stuff, and have measured opinions on things.
And I gotta tell you, every single person I texted with, with the exception of my wife, who's not on the internet at all, was angry and paranoid.
And these are not crazy people.
These are normal, good people with like kids and stuff.
With a vested interest in Americans' success.
These are not the burn-it-down caucus.
These are the, you know, these are the people you want voting.
And they were all angry and paranoid.
Every single one of them.
Some of them really angry and some of them really paranoid.
And I have to say, after assessing their views for five hours, I think they were justified in both.
I think they had every reason to be angry and all the evidence required to become paranoid.
And so I'm not mocking them at all.
I'm just telling you, once again, what you already know, which is, this is going to be, the next year is going to be, I think, I'd bet my house on it, really like nothing we've ever seen in the country.
And everyone can kind of feel that.
You know, most of our perceptions come through intuition rather than reason.
And if you have dogs, you know this, because they can't understand literally a word you say, because they don't speak English.
Hardly any of them.
But if you're close to your dog, you know the dog knows exactly what's going on, knows when it's time to go out, knows when you're going on a trip.
Why is that?
Because they don't hear anything, they just watch.
And they feel.
And people are very much the same.
And if something bad is about to happen, everybody gets jumpy.
And everybody's really jumpy right now.
So I'm not here to, you know, make your anger and paranoia worse, just the opposite.
I'm here merely to suggest a couple of things that I think you could do about it and that might be useful rather than pointless.
Like spending a ton of time on social media screaming at people.
Well, obviously, I do that for a living.
And I would never discourage anyone from doing it.
You know, probably aren't going to solve your problem.
So the first thing I think that's really important as you stare down the next 12 months is to accept the fact that all your senses are telling you the truth.
I personally think the governor of California will get in.
I have no evidence whatsoever that that's true, other than he's the single most ruthless and evil person I've ever seen in politics, therefore he has to come to the top of that party.
But I don't know that!
I don't know that!
All I know for a fact is that this can't be resolved in an orderly way.
And it won't be.
So how do you respond to that?
Obviously, bury gold in your yard.
It's Charles approved.
But what else can you do?
Well, the first thing you need to do is understand the terms and the stakes of what's going on.
The big lie that we tell ourselves and that I have told many times is that this is political.
This is not political.
What we're watching is not political.
This is not politics.
Politics is a human-conceived system whereby civilized people settle their differences without violence and by consensus.
Politics describes a negotiation.
You want this, I want that.
Neither of us is going to get exactly what we want, but we'll each come away thinking we didn't get totally hosed, and we can continue to live together.
That's what politics is.
And that's why nobody wants to watch it, because it's filled with horse trading and accommodations.
No one exits the process pure.
Everybody has given up something.
That's the nature of it.
And while it's unattractive, like watching heavy-set people have sex, it's absolutely necessary.
And it's kind of beautiful in its way.
In its way.
Everyone deserves love.
And everyone deserves to live in a country governed by politics, not force.
You say you hate politics.
What's the option?
You only get two options.
And we're past the political stage.
That's exactly right, whoever said that.
Nothing that is happening now, or that has happened for the last five or six years, can be explained through conventional political terms.
In a convention... And I hear people miss this all the time.
Whatever awful thing is happening, and I've contributed to this endlessly, you find out that someone's getting a vig on something.
Someone's making a little money on the deal.
And you're like, oh, it's all about the money!
Follow the money!
It's all about the money!
I've said this myself a thousand times.
Since I quit drinking, I say it less.
But still.
Follow the money!
And, you know, if it were only about the money, we'd be fine.
We'd be fine!
Because I understand that.
Just in the same way that I understand, being totally honest here, most crimes.
I understand most crimes.
I wouldn't commit them.
Because the penalty is too high and you try to be a decent person.
But when someone who is poor robs a bank, or even if someone who's greedy robs a bank, Or someone who's greedy and makes up a fake cryptocurrency and buys his parents' houses in the Bahamas.
I'm not pointing at you, Sam Bankman-Fried, but I'm just saying, I get it.
I don't approve of it, but it makes sense to me.
It's explicable.
If people do something for power, I understand it.
You cheat in an election so you can become president, even though you're senile.
That has happened, I'm just telling you.
Well, you want to run things.
You want to be in charge.
I get it.
The lust for power is ugly.
It's a sin.
But it's certainly not foreign to anybody who's alive.
We all know that feeling.
It's totally recognizable.
That's not what's happening.
What's happening is bad behavior for its own sake.
There is no upside to the great trends of our age.
There's no upside to pushing transgenderism on kids.
Not for the kid?
Not for the society at large?
Not for the parents who will never have grandchildren?
There's no upside.
So why are they doing that?
You've got to figure there's some percentage of the population, you know, decides I want to switch genders, whatever.
We've had that.
That's a long-standing thing.
But it involved, you know, a hundredth of one percent of the population.
If 40% of the girls in your kid's 8th grade class identify as non-binary, that's being pushed on them.
That's not an organic conclusion they have reached.
That is, someone has decided to tell them that there are more than two sexes, and of course there aren't.
But why is that person doing it?
Is it really a conspiracy from gender clinics?
I mean, maybe to some extent, but it's bigger than that.
What you're seeing is evil done for its own sake.
Hurting people done for the sake of hurting people.
That's exactly what you're seeing.
When you see a war like the war in Ukraine, and I think, and I have always thought since day one that good people can have differing views on that.
I have my own views.
I don't expect anyone else to share them.
I don't attack anyone for not having my views.
I've certainly been attacked for my views, but I think decent people can come to any variety of conclusions.
But in the end, No one really benefited, actually, from that war.
No one benefited.
I saw a video today of the latest class of Ukrainian army recruits.
They were older than I am.
And I'm pretty freaking old.
Close to death.
And these guys were at least as old and much closer to death.
And by their faces, you knew they knew it.
They looked miserable.
This is a country that's run out of men.
And they're not going to win.
So, you know, people win or lose wars.
I get it.
You make a bad bet.
You think this is going to work.
It doesn't.
I understand that.
I've done it many times.
But for American policymakers, for Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary, to announce yesterday that we must continue this war.
What is that?
A war with no hope of winning?
When the best possible outcome is a generation of grandfathers get slaughtered?
Because why?
What you're looking at is someone who is thrilled, and I mean Janet Yellen, our Treasury Secretary specifically, who is thrilled by the prospect of people dying.
Death is an inherent good.
You're watching death worship.
That's exactly what that is.
Make no mistake.
And I'm not attacking anyone who's for Ukraine or Zelensky.
That's not what I'm saying.
I'm merely saying at this point, right now, If you're rational at all, and you take 10 minutes to read about it, there's no other outcome other than prolonged human suffering.
And if you're endorsing that, you have to ask why.
And then there's the question of lying.
And the question of lying, since I'm in the media, though I don't admit it very often anymore, well I guess now I'm unemployed, but I was in the media, It's a big question.
I mean, when I started in this business, following my father who was in this business, in 1991, there was really just kind of one, well, the unspoken rule was, have an interesting life and learn how to tell a story at dinner and, you know, don't pass out till you get home.
But the explicit rule in journalism really was just one, which is tell the truth.
Tell the, we're in the truth business, that's it.
And of course we get it wrong.
When we get it wrong, we admit it.
The basic requirement of, like, seeking the truth is admitting when you don't find it, right?
That's how you know an honest person when he admits he was wrong.
And if you're dealing with people who never admit they're wrong, you're dealing with liars.
So there have always been liars, and there always will be.
But what we're seeing now is very, very different.
Because the kinds of lies, there are two things that make it different.
The kinds of lies that we're hearing are not conventional lies.
At all.
They're the inversion of the truth.
They're the exact opposite.
They're the mirror image of what is true.
And anyone who has kids knows exactly what I'm talking about.
If you... all kids lie.
This is how you know it's inherent to the human condition.
All kids lie.
Even your beloved little Dylan, he lies.
But they lie in a very specific way.
So you come down for breakfast, you open the cabinet, and like half the Oreos are gone.
And you say, Dylan?
Did you eat an Oreo?
And he's like, uh... no.
You ate an Oreo, didn't you?
Yeah, just one.
Dylan, there are 12 Oreos gone.
Well, maybe two.
You get it.
He's lying.
He knows he's lying.
He's ashamed of what he did.
He's trying to hide it.
You caught him.
He's doubly ashamed you caught him.
And so he's trying to hedge a little bit.
Well, it's not as bad as you think.
Not that bad a person only ate two.
He didn't eat 12.
And instead of, you know, smacking him and saying, you liar!
You get it, right?
If Dylan worked in the Biden administration, he would stare right in your eyes and smile and say, I didn't eat any Oreos.
You did.
You ate the Oreos.
You ate the Oreos.
And he would be so calm and unperturbed and so certain of your guilt that in your mind you would think, shit, did I eat the Oreos?
Maybe I did, maybe I sleptwalked.
Because we're not used to dealing with people who can lie without guilt.
That's why the polygraph works.
And everyone lies about the polygraph.
Irony of ironies, they lie about the lie detector test.
They're like, oh, it's not admissible in court.
It doesn't work.
Oh, it certainly does work.
No, it's not admissible in court.
I don't know why, but if you work for a big company, or CIA, or DOD, or if you work for any organization where telling the truth is a high-stakes matter, they will polygraph you.
And if you've ever been polygraphed, you know how effective it is.
And it's effective because people don't like to lie.
They do it because they feel they have to, because they're hiding the truth about themselves.
I get it.
But they don't like it.
And something in your body, literally in your body, rebels against lying.
You tell a lie, your palms will sweat involuntarily, your heart rate will increase, and you will breathe more quickly.
And that's what they're measuring, so they know you're lying.
So it takes a very rare person to lie in the way that we're being lied to.
And it takes a very rare moment to see lying at this scale.
But the final fact that makes this moment different is that they're not just lying, they hate the truth.
They're offended by things purely because they are true.
Even when they don't possibly threaten anyone.
I saw this today.
Somebody sent me a piece.
There's a group called Media Matters, which is a, you know, it's a censorship organization funded by Soros and a lot of other people who hate Western civilization.
Designed to prohibit people from saying certain things.
Well, the things that they're prohibiting people from saying are 100% true, and that's why they're prohibiting it.
Somebody sent me a piece today where Media Matters attacked a guy for suggesting that our historical timelines were wrong, and there had, in fact, been advanced civilizations in earlier moments in time, and that they had been eliminated somehow through climactic events, through natural disasters, and that we're not aware of them in any detail.
Well, that's a really interesting hypothesis.
I have no idea if it's true.
It kind of seems to be true.
I'm not emotional about it either way.
I don't, you know, I'd like to learn more because I think it's really interesting.
We have no idea how the pyramids were built, for example.
How could we not know that?
We sent a man to the moon and you can't replicate the technology that created the pyramids?
You don't even have good guesses to how they were built?
We don't.
We don't even know when they were built.
Those are facts.
So a normal curious person would say, well, why don't we know that?
And what does it tell us about ourselves and about the past that we don't know?
That's what I would think people would ask.
They were attacking this guy for asking that question.
I was like, why would Media Matters care about your opinions on the pyramids?
Why do they care?
Or whether they were big civilizations in Illinois 10,000 years ago, which there were, by the way, that used metal.
But why would anyone care?
Well, they care because that's true.
That is just true.
And the current version of history that we've been told is not only incomplete, it's just wrong.
It's just flat-out wrong.
Now, I don't know what the truth is, I don't know what it means, and I would never claim to.
But I know that what I learned as a kid is wrong.
And so, it is much closer to the truth to say, we have no freaking idea how they built the pyramids, and that's kind of amazing.
And media matters was offended.
Now why were they offended?
They were offended purely because it was true.
And that is across the board the case.
Every person, and I just by happenstance, nature of my job, know like 80% of the people who have been cancelled, which is to say had their lives destroyed by the censors, And I can't think of a single case where someone was destroyed for telling the truth.
For lying, rather.
For lying.
There's no penalty for lying.
If they had lied, if they repeated whatever dumb slogan they were told to repeat, whatever, we're in a climate crisis, diversity is our strength, or whatever, whatever the approved script is, if they just read it, like a good little robot, they would have ascended the ladder at NBC News.
They wouldn't be living in their weekend house.
But they didn't.
What they did was they told the truth.
And that is, that is the case everywhere.
And if you don't believe me, look back and do it when there's no one else around because everyone's afraid even to have unapproved thoughts now.
But go through like the last 15 famous people who were cancelled for saying the wrong thing.
And ask yourself, is the thing they said wrong?
You may not agree with it.
It may offend you.
Some of the things people get cancelled for are kind of offensive in my opinion.
But that's not the measure.
The measure always and everywhere has to be in a free society, in an honest society, in a decent society, is it true?
Truth has to be a defense.
And it used to be our first defense.
You would say, well, in fact, there was a guy who used to say, facts don't care about your feelings.
He's changed his views on that recently.
But that remains true.
The facts matter most.
And even more important than the facts, the truth of the facts.
What do they mean?
That's the most important thing!
And it used to be you could say, well, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.
I always say to my children, never tell the truth about other people in their presence because it can really hurt them.
I told my kids to lie.
The only lies that hurt people are the true ones.
The only attacks.
You know, don't call the fat girl fat.
That's cruel.
But in the end, that's a function of politeness.
I was telling my children to be polite, to care about the feelings of others, which I think is super important.
But as a legal matter and a cultural matter, you cannot punish people for telling the truth.
Or else you become an empire of lies.
In every sense.
Both in a literal sense and in a spiritual sense.
That is just true.
And if you are governed by people who actively hate the truth, And who lie for the sheer animal thrill of doing so.
You are living in a dark time under very dark people.
And the stakes are the ultimate stakes.
It's not about... It's not about who gets elected.
It's about what happens to the world in your soul.
And so my advice, like, you know, what can you do about that?
You know, it's a very...
Action-oriented, practical country.
So people are always like, what can you do?
I have no freaking idea what you can do.
Write your congressman?
He's not going to read your letter.
Go to your school board meeting?
You're going to get arrested.
I think you should do it anyway.
I think you should tell the truth anyway.
I think the only way to stay alive and fully human in a moment like this is to resolve that you are going to tell the truth in every and all circumstances.
And if you can't say it out loud, stay silent.
If it's going to hurt the feelings of someone you love, that's an absolutely justifiable reason to be quiet.
But in every other circumstance, whether you're standing in a carpool line with all the fashionable ladies in your neighborhood at the stupid private school... No offense, I sent my kids to one too.
I hate them.
Whether you're at a dinner party, or whether your wife's friends are over in their SoulCycle outfits talking about something and you disagree, there's a way to do it.
You can be gentle, you can be empathetic, and you always should be.
But you should never allow yourself to repeat anything that you know is not true.
That will destroy you.
That is the mark, not of a free man or a citizen, but of a slave.
That is the difference between freedom and slavery, is the right to say what you actually think.
That is the line.
And anyone Who is trying to force you to lie is A, your enemy, and B, believes that you are subhuman.
Because that's not the way you treat adults, by definition.
You have to deal with adults.
They may have different views, different interests, different goals, and you have to contend with them through the aforementioned process of politics, through negotiations.
I want this, you want that.
Let me convince you.
You are not allowed to say to a free adult citizen, shut up, you must do this.
Under no circumstances can you do that.
You can't do that in the middle of a pandemic!
You can't do that in the middle of a war.
You can't do that under any circumstances or else you are no longer a citizen.
You are a slave.
And worse than that, you have degraded yourself.
And that's the real cost.
Clearly the people who run things see the rest of us as slaves.
That's obvious to me.
I can't imagine how it could be more obvious.
It's crystal clear.
They don't seek consensus.
They're not interested in the public's opinion.
The overlap between the list of things that people care about in this country and the list of things that Congress and the White House actually do There's none.
There's no overlap at all.
And by the way, this is not my opinion.
This is Gallup public opinion polling.
Go look at the last ten Gallup polls on what Americans care about and compare those to the policy priorities of your government.
They're not the same.
They don't care what you think.
They're not interested in what you think.
That's publicly available information.
They're not reading it because they don't want to.
Because it doesn't matter to them.
They're in charge.
You're not.
So the truth is, it's very hard to fight that.
I'm not exactly sure how, but I know that it begins with the strength inside you.
If you are weak, you will never prevail.
And that explains their determined effort to make you weak by feeding you poisonous garbage, by trying to make you take medicine that is not at all medicine, by their insistence that you shut up and hate yourself.
By their claim that your children are not your own.
They have no interest in you having dignity.
In fact, your dignity and strength is a threat to them.
That's why they closed the gyms and kept the weed dispensaries open.
That's why the churches were shut down, but the strip bars weren't.
And I'm not attacking strip bars in Vegas.
I'm merely saying...
What is that?
And of course, it's a determined, systematic effort to weaken the population in order to limit their resistance to what they plan for us.
Obviously, oh, you're a conspiracy nut!
No, I just have lived here for the last four years.
And that just could not be more obvious.
And so I'm not calling for armed insurrection.
I hope it doesn't get to that.
I'm calling instead for a population that becomes stronger inside.
And also outside.
You know, physically stronger.
I think that's worth it.
But it's more than that.
It's retaining your dignity and your self-respect.
And by the way, when you allow people to lie to you without saying anything, when you're too afraid because of whatever you're... And I've been there.
I had four kids, young.
And I've been fired a bunch.
You may have heard.
Not the first time I've been fired.
At all.
And I had to sell my house because I ran out of money.
I'm not, you know, I'm not doing the woe is me thing.
I'm just saying, like, that happens.
It's not the worst thing.
It's fine, actually.
As long as you're married to someone who can handle it.
And if you're not, that's probably your fault.
You know?
You should try harder to explain it and rally the troops at home.
But the point is, you know, getting fired, being unpopular, maybe even getting arrested, those are not the worst things that can happen to you.
The worst thing that can happen to you is becoming a slave inside.
And I will quote the great Jimmy Cliff.
I would rather be a free man in my grave than live as a puppet or a slave.
And I think we should all want that.
And it's not hard, actually.
You don't need to, like, start a rebellion or order ammo on the internet, though you should.
No, it's much more fundamental than that.
Don't let them take your dignity.
And your dignity is rooted in your sense of self as a free person.
I'm a free person.
You may not do that to me.
You don't have to shout.
I'm not going to do that.
And there's literally nothing you can do to make me do that.
I don't want to be killed, but I'm willing to be.
Because I don't want to live like that.
In fact, I won't and I've already decided.
And if you actually make that decision, and if you mean it, a couple of things will happen.
The first thing that will happen is that your marriage will improve.
Especially if you're a man.
No woman, and I know there are women, I don't have my glasses on, but I know there are women here.
No woman wants to be married to a man who will take that kind of abuse.
I'm sorry.
Just doesn't.
There's no woman who wants that.
No, it's true!
And most of them are pretty nice, and so they won't say anything about it.
But their respect for you will diminish, and why wouldn't it?
And the same with your children.
Same with your children.
So that's the first thing that's going to happen.
And the second thing that happens is the more you tell the truth, the stronger you become, and you can feel the change happening inside.
And you don't have to believe in the supernatural.
I happen to.
But you don't even have to understand, and I don't really understand, where that comes from or why, or where that power emanates from.
But I've experienced it, and anyone who has told the truth experiences it, too.
In the same way that lying and crappy behavior and being drunk all the time, I've been there too, makes you weaker.
Telling the truth makes you stronger and you can feel it.
It's like a superpower.
Did I just do that?
And other people can feel it too.
They can smell it.
Dogs can smell it.
The person who tells the truth is strong.
Other people respect the strong.
And then it just increases from there.
And the third thing that happens over time, if you tell the truth persistently, quietly, gently, politely, not spray-painting it on buildings, just, no, in a dignified way, no, not doing that, sorry.
And here's why.
If you're interested, I'll tell you, but I'm a free man and I'm not doing that.
The third thing that happens if you adopt that posture is that they will back off.
Because liars are weak.
They are weak and afraid.
They can't even admit that the president's senile.
They are hiding behind a facade of lies.
But the operative word, the verb in that sentence is hiding.
They're hiding.
Who hides?
Weak people hide.
Scared people hide.
People who can't stand sunlight hide.
That's who hides, and that's exactly what they're doing.
They are weak, and they are afraid of the population.
And I'm sad to say the population has given them very little reason to be afraid.
But they're still afraid, because they know they're doing wrong, they know they're serving lies, they know nothing they do or say is justifiable, can withstand scrutiny.
And on some animal level, they are terrified of the day that the average person, not some stupid talk show host, but the average person who works at some big dopey company and shuffles to work every day in some pod with a drop ceiling and fluorescent lighting, that that guy is going to be like, nope, I'm not going along with it, sorry.
I'm not going to the DEI meeting today, because I don't think you should discriminate people on the basis of their race.
How's that?
Because it's immoral, actually.
And we've got a monument on the mall that shows that it's immoral.
It's to Martin Luther King.
And that was his core message.
We're not going to discriminate against people on the basis of their skin color.
For any reason.
It's always wrong.
This is immoral.
I'm not participating.
If enough people do that, and things like it, this whole nonsense will end immediately.
That's the one thing they can't handle.
You don't have to take to the streets.
You don't have to take Saturday off to hold a candle, carry some stupid spray-painted sign on a bed sheet.
All you need to do is tell the HR lady, I'm opting out.
And here's why.
And I hope you will.
Thank you.
What's amazing about this game is, it's not just a game you play.
When you download it, when you share it, it sends a very important cultural message against tyranny.
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The New World Order is no more!
*Dubstep Music* *BOOM*
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show!
Yeah, that spirit of 1776.
I went to PS 76 in the Bronx.
Born to be free.
All different time.
And having the spirit of 1776 and going to PS 76, I ran away from kindergarten at four and a half years old.
And Cross the Boston Post Road in the Bronx.
And the Boston Post Road was connecting New York and Boston before the highways.
Yep, I escaped.
And my mother and father made their souls rest in peace.
They took me out of kindergarten because they know I'd be dead.
I was the youngest of five, born at the perfect time, right after the war.
The spirit, the happiness of the people, the joy, the spirit.
Man, you listen to the music, you listen to the upbeat, and now it's one bad rap.
And it's watching this economy go down, and the government go down, and little clowns running our lives.
Put on that mask when you walk into a restaurant.
Put it on when you walk into a airplane.
But when you sit down, you can take it off and you can eat a drink.
Look how low this country's gone.
Spirit of 1776, and that's what InfoWars has given you.
Because man, it's hard to find any... Oh, I can't say man anymore.
How about a transgender?
Yeah, transgender.
You know, I don't care who you are, what you've become.
Anyway, InfoWars is one of the few places, and of course we give it to you in our magazine, The Trends Journal.
You're not getting what we're giving anywhere else.
There's an article to show you how bad things are and how they're going to get worse.
And why you need to support InfoWars, and I want to talk about it where Alex was talking about people's health, just before I got on.
It says, Irish MP, this is on InfoWars, says, quote, we're restricting freedom for a common good with new hate speech bill.
So, the N- what is it, NP?
Miss Puke, NP.
Hey Miss Puke, keep your crap in your own mouth and don't you tell me what I should listen to or believe.
F you.
What a bunch of clowns.
So, they took down my last This is why you have to support InfoWars.
They're putting up these articles.
I go there every day.
I pick up some good stuff from it.
And you get in a magazine, the Trends Journal.
It's like 170 pages.
There's 78 pages this week.
No ads.
And you can listen to it.
And you read what you want.
It's a magazine.
You don't read everything.
You read what you want to read, but you want to read most of it.
And you go to jonestrends.com and you get it for basically nothing.
You get a big discount and it's only less than $2 a week.
Lousy cup of coffee.
So going back to the hate speech, I, they took down my, there it is.
They took, look at it, a clown show, a clown, little pieces of nothing.
Could you imagine a little Chuckie Schumer coming here and telling me what to do?
Or a little Andy Cuomo?
Hey, oh, somebody else said you try to feel, oh yeah, another.
Look, one little, a little Georgie Bush.
Hey Slinty, come over here.
Who the hell you talking to?
When are people gonna grow up?
So going back to this hate speech, they took me off because it was an article that said Russia's killed 10,000 civilians since the beginning of the Ukraine war.
I said, man, they're way behind Israel, man.
They got to catch up.
That's 21 months.
Israel's killed almost 15,000 in a month and a half.
That's hate speech.
They hate freedom.
Stay tuned.
They hate great being on the Alex Jones Show.
As he said, you know, get these products because you really need them.
Here, these are some of the articles coming out this week.
It'll be in the Trends Journal.
Nearly 40% of conventional baby food contains toxic pesticides.
Oh no!
Oh no, you little clown over there in Ireland!
That, that, that has hate speech!
This is from The Guardian.
You're not allowed to tell the truth.
You're only allowed to swallow government crap.
Government crap!
Go to the Cartoon News Network!
How about MSNBC?
How about FUC?
You know what?
A clown show.
So there's the facts.
And again, we've been writing week after week.
The poisons.
Are you worried about climate change?
How about those forever chemicals?
They're forever everywhere.
So anyway, that's why you need some of these products.
And here's another one.
You ready?
Oh, by the way, none of the organic products sampled contain the chemicals.
So I eat organic all the time, and I don't know how people could afford it.
I go to the health food stores, they say, how the hell could people afford this stuff?
So expensive, $2 for an orange.
Diabetes and obesity rising in young Americans' study finds.
Published by the Journal of American Medical Association.
So you go back to my generation.
And let's see today's Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
77 years old.
You look at my generation, look at the Woodstock pictures.
Everybody's thin.
Obesity rates are nothing.
There were a couple of fat kids in school.
There used to be Fats Domino.
They called me, they called me the fat man, cause I weighed 200 pounds.
200 pounds, man.
Chicks are weighing 200 pounds now.
If I get elected, I want a fat tax.
The more you weigh, the more you pay, because we got to pay for this stuff.
This is driving up the medical costs everywhere.
And again, it goes back to eating healthy.
And by the way, I just don't talk about it.
I do it.
And the first book I worked on many years ago, back in the 80s, Natural Healing, when no one was talking about it.
I'm a trend forecaster.
I look for the current events forming future trends.
I coined the term clean foods.
That's right.
New York Times had a report on it when I did it.
I was the guy that talked about organic foods before most anybody, and how that would be a very profitable market to get into.
So, going back, as I said, you get these products because you really need them.
So going back to obesity, why did it change?
Oh, they hate me for this.
It's when women went into the workforce And stopped raising their children.
And had a low-paid, paying stranger.
Feeding the kid as he's screaming their brains out.
You want your mother.
You want the family you love.
With other screaming kids eating crap.
Got it?
And then mommy comes home like 6.30 at night.
And feeds the kid prepared meals, ultra-processed, with a load of chemicals and dyes into them, and other crappy ingredients.
Can't figure out why America's blimped up.
Matter of fact, it was one of the covers of your Trends Journal recently.
So again, you know, people ask me, what could you do?
I said the first thing you have to do is you got to get in the best shape you can.
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Because that puts you in a strong position.
And when you're in a strong position, you listen.
You look.
You watch.
You learn.
So anyway, the products that they have there, you really need them.
I want to stay on the markets for a bit.
You know, markets are down a little bit.
You go back to your Trends Journal.
Last November, we said the S&P 500 would go up at least 16.3 percent.
It went up almost 20.
That came down.
It's up about 17 now.
Then in July, beginning of July, we said that the markets would go down in August, September, in September and October.
And they did.
Now we're saying, watch out what happens in December.
The numbers are coming out for the Black Friday retail sales, which I find as very racist calling it Black Friday.
Yeah, let's call it money making Friday.
When they sucker the people in to buy all this crap.
Celebration of Santa Claus.
You look at the numbers of people being hired for holiday jobs, they're way down.
We've been reporting the numbers week after week.
Yes, online sales went up pretty strong.
And today's another day they'll go up, but in-store sales are basically flat.
They're flat and then you put the inflation numbers into it.
In other words, it costs more to buy less.
It's down.
It's not up.
So we, we, again, there's always the wild cards.
I always say, I'm not a futurist.
Nobody can predict the future.
There are too many wild cards, whether they're made by nature or humans.
So you don't know.
But we're forecasting a market decline in December.
Again, minus a wild card.
Like coming out, the Fed's saying they're going to lower interest rates.
Which we said they're going to definitely do in 2024.
And, as you read your Trends Journal, We call the bottom of gold about five months ago.
And now as I'm on the air, it's $2,012 an ounce.
My first buy of gold was in the late 70s when I became a trend forecaster.
$186.50 an ounce.
I started playing the equity market, the markets, oil and gold prices, the futures markets, didn't know what I was doing.
Yeah, there it is.
213 went up even more.
So by the way, I didn't know what I was doing, but the Iranian conflict was going on.
And as everybody taught everybody to hate Iran, not knowing that the United States and the CIA and the MI6 overthrew the democratically elected government of Mosaddegh in 53 and I don't know, That's when I became a trend forecaster.
$5,000 bet in each market, that puts almost three quarters of a million.
And that's when I left my job as the number two guy running a major trade association.
So going back to where this is going, and I was the one with Max Keiser, and he's very bullish on Bitcoin, and so am I. And Max says, you know, Bitcoin is going to go up way, way more than gold.
And oh, he's probably right.
But for me, and I do not give financial advice, I want diversity in my, where I'm going with it.
So one of the diversities, I like real estate.
I like Bitcoin and I like gold.
Because this global economy is going to go down big time.
You're going to start seeing interest rates go way down.
Again, they're going to do it in the run-up to the presidential reality show.
That morons and imbeciles call a presidential election.
Look at the clown show.
Look at the clown show.
So they're going to lower interest rates.
The lower interest rates go, the weaker the dollar gets.
The weaker the dollar gets, the higher gold goes.
And it's not only in the United States.
As the dollar goes down, gold is dollar-based.
They could buy more in other countries at a lower rate.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, we're at a very perilous time in our lives.
Alex mentioned about, you know, World War III beginning with the Ukraine war.
That was the cover of our magazine, The Trends Journal, on February 22nd, two days before Russia invaded.
COVID war, Ukraine war, world war.
And now the Middle East war.
This is serious what's going on over there.
This is deadly serious.
And again, I got hate speech because I said, I read the UN article that came out recently.
Let me find it here about the... Where is it?
Anyway, about Russia killing... Here we go.
More than 10,000 civilians killed in Ukraine since Russia's invasion of the United Nations.
And all I said was, man, only 10,000 in 21 months?
Israel's killed, now it's up to 15,000.
Mostly women and children in Gaza.
They got a long way to catch up, man.
Ratchet it up!
Of course, I was being sarcastic.
They call that hate speech.
How about peace speech?
You're not allowed to talk about peace!
Because if you are, you're nothing more than a piece of crap.
When I had my Occupy Peace rallies over here, stores closed down because of a political rally.
That's right.
By the way, I was taking care of one of my plants.
I have over 300 plants in my office over here.
And I take care of all of them.
And I was taking care of one this morning.
And a woman walked by, she said, Oh, Charles Salenti!
She said, I can't believe it's you.
I see you on Alex Jones.
And it was Katie from Pine Bush.
And she said, I'm shouting out to all the people.
Open your eyes.
Open your ears.
See what's going on.
Yeah, we need to do something.
You just don't talk about it.
Again, I have peace rallies.
I'm doing everything I can.
And again, the whole world has changed from when I was a young guy.
The Wall Street Journal survey last week came out.
36% of Americans, only 36% of Americans believe the American dream is achievable.
When I was a kid, all the polls up until God, my 30s.
The future was always going to be better than the past.
And better than the times that were going on then.
And these were happy times.
This is rock and roll.
This is mini skirts.
This is woo!
Wild times.
Loads of mom-and-pop stores.
You know why the people hate what's going on?
Because all we've become are nothing more than plantation workers of Slavelandia.
Because of scum, rotten, low-life pieces of garbage called presidents, Who did away with the Robertson-Patman Act, Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act, Glass-Steagall Act, brought China into the World Trade Organization, brought us NAFTA, little Billy Clinton that every time he got caught with his pants down bombs way over Baghdad.
You're that lousy little piece of scum.
Oh, and how about Jimmy Carter?
The way usury laws let banks become interstate, they're only intrastate.
Oh, deregulated the airline industry so the bigs can own everything.
Every time I go into a Home Depot or a Lowe's, I never go into a Walmart.
Places are so ugly.
When I was a young kid, all these department stores were so classy.
My heart breaks when I see the people working there.
Of course people see no future.
Can't afford to buy a house.
I mentioned before about real estate.
We are the only ones talking about it over and over again.
And it's the office building bust that these little prostitutes get paid for not to talk about it.
Your office occupancy rate is only about 50% according to Castle Systems with a K. Your office vacancy rate in the major cities in America is almost 20%.
Fake it!
How are you going to pay your loans?
What's this going to do to the banks?
How about all the businesses?
The dry cleaners, the shoemakers, the hairdressers, the restaurants.
How about all the people, the businesses that used to depend on commuters, that aren't commuting anymore.
Foot traffic in New York City, down 33%.
Homeless, everywhere.
percent. Homeless everywhere. Refugees everywhere. Oh. And tax dollars going way down because
businesses are going way down.
By the way, where I am up here in Kingston, New York, I call it like it is.
Says when it did, but whole vibe changed within the last three months.
You're flooding out of New York.
Flooding out of New York income.
This is beautiful up here.
Again, I have the most historic buildings in America.
The only corner, the only place on four corners with pre-revolutionary war stone buildings.
And I got three of them.
They're coming up here like crazy.
And you know who's coming up?
Young people.
In their mid-twenties to later thirties.
With kids in baby carriages all over the place.
Office building bust is going to crash this economy worse than the panic of 08.
The domain name that I took out in 2007.
We're not going to go through stagflation.
It's not going to be stagnant.
It's going to be dragflation.
Economy's gonna drag down and inflation's gonna stay high in a lot of areas.
Oh, and if this Middle East war goes on?
We're gonna talk about that when I get back.
I'm gonna take a break soon, but... Israel just bombed, closed down Damascus Airport in Syria.
What are you doing over there?
United States is complaining that troops are getting bombed in Iraq.
What is the United States doing with troops over there?
If the United States and Israel go to war against Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, you're going
to see oil prices skyrocket to above $130 a barrel.
And that will crash the phony propped up equity markets and crash the global economy.
Brent crude's only at $80.
If this Israel war continues, which they escalated again after this Ceasefire.
You might see the Arab nations joining to cut off oil like they did back in the 70s.
And I remember that very clearly.
Before that, gas was like 25 cents a gallon.
Oh, started going up and never stopped.
Oh, there's no inflation.
Drag down economies and rising inflation brings you back to gold.
And real estate, certain real estate.
We'll talk more about that when we get back.
So stay tuned.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I enjoy doing it.
Love everything that the staff is doing.
They really work hard to give you what they've given you.
And again, you know, we cover the world with our trend forecasts and we look all over the world from IRNA, the Iranian news sites, to Al Jazeera, to the Times of Israel, to Jerusalem Post, haha that's, you know, we don't take sides, we look for facts.
And the facts that they're putting up and the articles they're putting up on InfoWars, very informative.
At a time when journalism, by the way, is dead.
And again, we're giving you a magazine, the Trends Journal, like you won't find anywhere in the world.
If you can, let us know.
It gives you in-depth trends analysis and trend forecasts of what in the world is going on and what's going to go on.
So here's an article from the Wall Street Journal this Saturday.
Some newspapers don't have a single reporter.
Many newspapers are so depleted in staff, or maybe have no staff, that they're not able to provide the sort of communication the community needs to make wise decisions.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Northwestern University.
The Annette News has laid off around 600 employees.
And one after another.
Firing, firing, firing, firing, firing.
So, it's the death of journalism.
It's gone.
There is no journalism.
Oh, and you can thank that piece of scum crap again.
Little Billy Clinton.
I didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
She only did my... I can't say it on the air.
There's the guy that gave us the Federal Communications Act in 1996.
That allowed the bigs to buy up everything.
It wasn't allowed before.
Why do you think they pay that garbage mouth $300,000 for an hour's speech?
Why do you think he's become a multi-millionaire?
You can listen to him spew out crap for free.
You're gonna pay him $300,000 and hit Marie as well?
To hear their BS, when they're BSing non-stop, it's called payoffs, and you pay them off cheap.
The millions that the Clintons have made with their phony fraud, garbage, crap, institutes that they developed, Nothing.
Nothing compared to the billions and trillions that the bigs make.
Because they sold us out, and that's why only 36% of Americans see a positive future.
And it's up to the people to change it.
Up to the people to change it.
It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men since Samuel Adams.
You ready?
Interest payments are walloping government budgets.
Wall Street Journal.
Yeah, no kidding.
Not only interest rates walloping government budgets, high interest rates.
I mentioned before about the office building bust, one of our top trends.
Oh, by the way, what happened in Israel now with the Gaza war and everything, we warned about this.
It was one of your top trends for 2023.
It came out on January 3rd and I was on Alex Jones with them.
Middle East meltdown.
This thing was building up to it.
Again, we saw it coming.
So, interest payments aren't only walloping government budgets, they're walloping businesses.
They can't afford to get new loans.
The interest rates are so high.
You ready?
Landlords can't get loans for struggling office sector.
This is the Wall Street Journal on November 23rd.
We've only been warning about this for three years, office building bust.
And now it's just becoming news.
ECB warns of early stress among banks after rise in loan defaults.
What are you telling me this crap for?
What's Taylor Swift doing?
What kind of sex do they have?
That's the kind of crap that the mainstream media puts out there.
And by the way, I put on a concert with Ella Fitzgerald at the Atlantic Convention Center.
Went backstage, she said to my former wife, you remind me of my goddaughter, Carmen.
Ella Fitzgerald compared to Taylor Swift.
What are you kidding me?
Oh, by the way, took over the Superdome and put on a show with Don Walling.
It's a clown show today.
Not so swift to me, babycakes.
You're looking at the numbers.
S&P Global said on Friday that Flash US Composite PMI Output Index, which tracks the manufacturing and service sector, was unchanged at 50.7.
Manufacturing sector.
Manufacturing sector.
Got it?
Not consumer, that's not where the dough comes.
Manufacturing, 50.7.
Anything below 50 is negative.
So there's barely any growth at all.
Survey flash manufacturing PMI dropped to 49.4 this month.
That's there.
What else we got?
got it. French business activity contracts again in November.
Thursday's Flash Composite Purchasing Managers Index contracted 0.1% in November.
The downturn in the eurozone business activity is at 47.1 in October.
Again, anything under 50 is negative.
In the service sector, 48.2.
Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world.
The largest economy in Europe.
The PMI 47.1.
So, but don't worry, when all else fails, they take you to war.
I have been warning that, again, you read your trends journal.
We said there was absolutely no way in the world That Ukraine was going to defeat Russia.
If Napoleon couldn't do it when in 1812 sent 420,000 troops out of Poland to attack Moscow and came back with 10,000.
If Hitler couldn't do it with Operation Barbarossa that killed over 25 million Russians.
And according to JFK in his speech in June of 1963 to the graduating students that American University said the Soviet Union lost farms, factories, homes, and land, the equivalent of Chicago East, and they killed 25 million.
He said over 20 million.
If Hitler couldn't do it, what makes you think Ukraine's going to do it?
Oh, by the way, the Russians were the first to defeat the Germans, not the Americans.
So now.
You see what's going on.
The worst is yet to come, because Ukraine is going to do everything they can to get back in the news.
And now they're doing it, they're starting, and we warned about this, there's going to be a major fails flag, where the American people will rally around them again, so we can send more money to keep blooding the killing fields, or they'll attack something in Moscow.
It's going to escalate.
We need peace.
Christmas time, principally.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, because you need that great awakening, because everybody's dead.
Again, journalism's dead, the people are dead, but again, it does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men, since Samuel Adams, one of our founding fathers, that little clown boys and girls running the world in America, or I should say America, can't stand, and they have done the exact opposite of what our founding fathers fought for.
And they were fighters, unlike these little boys that couldn't fight, they would have a paper bag.
A catnip by the name of George Washington crossed the Delaware with him.
Yeah, who warns the American people not to get involved in foreign entanglements.
When you got a little fat boy like Lindsey Graham, or Chris Christie, a blob of blobs, a little Chuckie Schumer who couldn't fight, he would have a paper bag and they want war.
They keep supporting wars, all these cotton mounds over there, why are we in the military?
Yeah, so the Great Awakening, we got to awake.
And one of the ways I keep saying, people ask me, what do you got to do?
You got it in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
And on the physical side, the health side, InfoWoods has a lot of great products.
And they got a lot of great deals.
And they have a new one that's could save some dough in getting a wonderful product is VasoBeat.
And it's available now and you get like 40% off.
So it's really a great product.
And you also get free shipping.
And you get double Patriot Points.
So you know the deal.
You're healing yourself and you're helping InfoWars.
It's a 360 win.
And it's again, you grab the bottle, it's VasoBeat.
It's 40% off and You want to get it before it runs out because the stuff goes quick.
And of course, my favorite, my favorite is, boom!
Super Male Vitality!
Gives you that male vitality when you need it.
And the older you get, the more you need that super male vitality because it ain't what it used to be.
But, brings it back up.
So there you go.
Cyber Monday.
You know, take care.
Get this, the products that they have.
They're really very valuable.
So, moving forward here.
I got this thing today.
Look at this.
Nikki Haley for president.
I'm the candidate Joe Biden fears the most.
Nikki Haley.
How about Nikki Mouse?
What a little clown, like, just like the rest of them.
An arrogant, warmongering nobody.
Hey, Nicky!
Big Mouth Nicky!
You love war?
All you war whores that love war, shut your mouth!
If you don't go over there and fight.
You little fat-mouthed cowards that are bought off By the military-industrial complex and the other groups that make you say what they want you to say because they pay you off.
That morons and imbeciles call campaign contributions.
By the way, I no longer support RFK Jr.
And in January, I was on Alex Jones, I said he would be the best presidential candidate.
Because I thought he was anti-war.
And talking about donations, I donated the maximum amount I could to RFK Jr.
And I asked for my money back.
I got it back.
Because he supports Israel's genocide.
Yeah, I'm not calling it genocide.
That's the definition for it.
I'll read it to you.
Where is it here?
Where do I go to the definition of genocide?
Where is it?
And you got these people there in Israel saying that, yeah, genocide.
The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying the nation or group, which Israel has done perfectly.
And you got this again.
Public opinion shifts on the Middle East.
This is from Financial Times.
Well, the three quarters of Germans said it matters little to them.
Even in the U.S., 55% surveyed in May said they did not feel strongly.
Traditionally, blah, blah, blah.
And Spain denounces indiscriminate Gaza deaths.
And so, it's right there.
And then you had that guy, that former Obama administration official.
That guy, um... Selderwitz?
Hey, Krapowitz, you arrogant guy with your big smile!
Yeah, you saw the video.
Selderwitz was asked to leave as a vendor.
He accused the vendor of supporting Hamas.
Selderwitz said, you support killing young children?
You kill children, not me, said the vendor.
I didn't kill children, said Crapperwitz.
Oh, Selderwitz?
I can't say the right word, but then not take off the W on the witch and put an S in there.
Said, I didn't kill children.
If we killed 400 Palestinian children, it wasn't enough.
And this little fat-mouthed clown was in the State Department for years.
Those are the murderous little scum running and ruining this country.
One after another!
Searches the sale of Swift ornaments exploded by 1,150% following the singer's latest, by the way.
Isn't that great?
And again, genocide.
Here's from your Trends Journal.
This week's Trends Journal.
The new one comes out, of course, tomorrow.
And what do we got here?
Top Israeli politician.
Burn Gaza now.
Nothing less.
And stop stealing the land and saying they're settlers.
They're stealers.
In violation of the Geneva Conventions and Article 242 of the United Nations.
And don't say that I hate Jewish people.
Has nothing to do with that.
I hate war.
I'm not anti-American because I hate Americans' wars.
And my best friends are Jewish.
And three of my last four girlfriends were Jewish.
And I'm not an anti-Semite.
The people running Israel are Ashkenazis from Eastern Europe.
They're not Semites.
the Palestinians are. Since 1967 Israel is considering Palestine land be right with no punishment.
Again, United Nations Council Resolution 242 calls for the withdrawal of Israeli troops and occupies
others from occupied territories. It's right there. And again, yep.
Atsma Yehudik, MK Limor spoke at the conference on Wednesday calling for the future settlements
of the entirety of Gaza Strip at the end of the war.
Returning to the Gaza Strip, she said, there is no escape from returning and fully controlling Gaza.
The deliberate killing of a large number of people from articulation of group with the aim of destroying the nation or group.
Got it?
See, you got it.
Israel leading Gaza's economy in ruins.
No kidding.
We need peace.
Because we got a bunch of People at APEACE that are in war, and Biden's sending more of our weapons.
They're using 2,000 pound bombs to blow up Gaza.
American weapons, and he wants to send more of them.
I want peace.
All men are created equal.
So say this other stuff.
And women.
And transgenders?
I don't know.
So listen.
Support InfoWars, get their great product, and if you want that extra vitality, Supermail Vitality does it for me.
Thanks for tuning in.
See you next week, and again, the future's in your hands, don't drop it.
Get in the best shape you can, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Thank you.
I've not been this excited ever!
Yeah, Mud Club, baby!
The replatforming begins now.
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They want to either indict me or kill me.
And because I own and control, until now, this operation that's 29 years old, InfoWars is 27, that name, and they want to make it look like I've quit, but that's not what's going on.
So I want to explain this to everybody, just give you a status update on InfoWars and where things are going and what's happened, and just explain to you That I've been put in an impossible, untenable position.
So I've been a good steward overall.
Or as best I could be.
I'm out of bullets.
It's like the Alamo.
They held off 5,000 troops, 80-something men for days and days.
But when the ammo ran out, folks, they all got killed.
And so it's real simple.
And I actually feel good about that.
I've never sold out.
I've never backed down.
I've never bowed.
But at a certain point, you put enough weight on the back of a donkey, its back's gonna break.
So, that's where we are.
And the globalists think this show and myself and our listeners and our focal point with our crew and our guests and our reporters is important.
Because we are.
We've created the talking points that are true.
...that are on everybody's lips and is now the dominant resistance from Japan to Spain to the United States.
And populist anti-globalists are being elected everywhere.
We need to stay on air to expose the next pandemic, to expose the next lockdown, which we just did, and this audience was the detonator that just stopped that.
Think of the millions we've warned not to take the shots.
That's the power of this audience.
Because of this focal point.
So we can't let them shut this down, ladies and gentlemen.
We've come so far.
And a couple million dollars sounds like a lot to the average person.
But in a war with the New World Order, this is truly David versus Goliath.
And we are going to win this thing.
We give up, it gets ten times worse.
Look how popular anti-New World Order information is.
It's everywhere.
Look at all the most popular people now are saying world government's evil, depopulation's evil, the globalists and world government want to kill you and your family.
That's true.
It's horrible to admit.
It's horrible to get your mind around it.
But once you admit the horror, you have a chance to stop it.
They've always had a leg up on us, because their agenda is so brazen, so destructive, so evil, so maniacal, so genocidal, so satanic, that people just can't believe it's happening.
Most victims of crime, when it's actually happening, can't believe it.
Even after they survive, they can't believe it.
Well, now people finally know we're in a world of sh**!
We are overrun, we are under attack, they're coming after everybody, and there's all these fools that work with the system that think they're going to be left alone.
No, they're coming for the whole shooting match.
And I'm not complaining, I'm not bitching, but my gosh, if you want to keep this on air, you need to understand, this isn't a game.
I need you to go to m4warstore.com and get The Great Awakening, defeating the globalists, and launching the next great renaissance.
I need to sell all of those books.
I need you to go to DefendJones.com if you want to make a straight up donation.
That goes to me for my bills and my expenses and legal.
I need you if you want to support Free Speech Systems and keep it on the air because it needs funds as well.
And part of that and the agreement I have will actually go for my expenses and that is Infowars.com forward slash crypto.
Infowars.com forward slash crypto.
And believe me, if you think they're going to stop with Alex Jones, you got another thing coming.
They're bringing in all this censorship, all their control, and we're seeing the biggest victories in Awakening we've ever seen.
And you know it's just going to be 10 times worse if we don't continue to fight.
Imagine how bad it'd be.
We'd be in lockdown again if it wasn't for this audience months ago getting the word out, making it the top story, and then right after I said they were going to try to bring it out, Within days, they tried to relaunch, and it exploded even bigger, and they had congressional hearings, and now all over the world, it failed!
And yet, you!
That's this show!
All of us!
You did that!
Joe Biden's a pedophile and raised gas prices.
He did that!
You did the good stuff!
This is the number to bet on, folks, on roulette wheel.
You win every time!
You cannot invest in a better place in the fight with your word about your prayer, spreading the word, putting the clips up.
But I'm telling you, I need your support.