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Name: 20231123_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 23, 2023
3331 lines.

Alex Jones and Hotep Jesus discuss topics such as Israel's actions in Gaza, global media coverage, potential domestic conflicts in America, gratitude for support from listeners, growth of conservative victories worldwide, globalist manipulation behind current events, protests, financial transformations, the House Financial Services Committee discussing Basel III Endgame, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) replacing physical cash and credit cards, digital ID system being implemented in Europe and EU discussing CBDCs, globalists causing a clash of civilizations by manipulating issues like BLM and Palestine for censorship and control, InfoWars products supporting the show, new book 'The Great Awakening' offering solutions to build a better world, support from listeners and importance of purchasing products from InfoWars Store, APEC meeting discussing CBDCs, financial inclusion increasing tax base by tracking transactions, potential restrictions on spending, government-run grocery stores in some areas, support for communities against CBDCs, need to be aware of globalist agenda, IMF World Bank using COVID-19 as pretext to eliminate cash and control populations through universal basic income and social

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Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. - When?
Los Angeles. - This is Clone Radio.
We play the songs that sound more like everyone else than anyone else.
Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns. Fidel Castro took the guns.
How many? - Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
The Republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny of the mind of man.
The answer to 1988.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Thursday, November 23rd, 2023.
It's Thursday, November 23rd, 2023. It's Thanksgiving.
And I am extremely thankful for God giving me consciousness and creating this great universe.
And providing us all the wonderment and light and love that we can all take part in if we choose that.
And I really want to thank the audience of activists out there, every red-blooded human across this planet, black, white, old, young, you name it.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
I love the crew.
I'm very thankful for my family.
And I think it's very important To be thankful.
We can all be more thankful and not live in victim ideology.
You know, I speak out a lot against victimhood and victim ideology, but we are being victimized by the globalists, but we're going to be overcomers.
We're not going to continue to be their victims, and that's what this transmission is all about.
We have a very special Broadcast lined up for you today with some of the best interviews that we have recently done, and I'll be surprising you with those when we come back in the next segment.
And also there's gonna be some other big surprises.
Coming up next week on the live transmission as well, but this is a taped transmission right now, but I did want to do this before I took off some time with my family.
I'll be also on Thanksgiving shooting some special Thanksgiving messages as well.
On Thanksgiving Day, you'll be seeing at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Band.Video.
I also want to say that I'm extremely thankful for the Great Awakening that's happening.
Not just Javier Milley getting elected in Argentina, but if I tried to list at the parliamentary level, at the provincial level, at the regional level from Canada to Australia, the national level in New Zealand, the national level in Italy, the national level in areas of Europe like Sweden and Spain.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on.
The vast majority of local, regional, and national elections, and I've been trying to research and get the numbers, it's hard to compile them all, but the vast majority, I'd have to say 80% conservative, of important regional and national elections are going, not just traditional conservatives, but populist, anti-globalist, pro-humans that Really get what's going on.
And then as they have success, that spurs and encourages and really becomes an example to many others to model themselves after that.
So the next huge wave of liberty is here.
You go back 50, 60 years ago, it was 1% out of 100 that knew about this.
And then when I was part of launching with you, the next big wave It was 15% of people that were aware of what was happening by the end of the big wave that this broadcast was a harbinger of.
And now the next massive wave is here, and it's more like 50% being awake worldwide.
And when you get to 50% that know what's going on, or even partially what's going on, it's game over for the tyrants.
So I'm very, very thankful to all of you in the InfoWars audience, the men and women in the arena, That have truly changed the world.
I salute you and I thank you and I'm giving thanks for you and raising a toast to you today and saluting you all.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin.
More straight ahead.
Normally Christmas is our biggest sale of the year, but because of supply chain breakdowns and other issues, this is our biggest sale because finally almost all of our best-selling products are finally back in stock, including, sold out for more than a year, X2, the only true nascent iodine out there, is finally back.
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I'm a pioneer!
I'm an explorer!
I'm a human and I'm coming!
I'm animated!
I'm alive!
My heart's big!
It's got hot blood!
Going through it fast!
I like to fight too!
I like to eat!
I like to have children!
I'm here!
I've got a life force!
This is a human!
This is what we look like!
This is what we act like!
This is what everybody was like before us!
This is what I am!
I'm a throwback!
I'm here!
I've got the fire of human liberty!
I'm setting fires everywhere!
And humans are turning on everywhere!
Get behind me, Satan!
Down with the devil!
This can't be.
Arthur, you're playing the wrong message.
Visit InfoWars.com/show today.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, he's been on fire all the time for years, but particularly the last few weeks and months since the attack
on Israel.
and And he's been giving a 35,000-foot view on it.
I want to get him on.
He joins us now.
Hotep Jesus, great talk show host, great researcher, great marketer, great entrepreneur.
And his big deal is suddenly all the floodgates are open in corporate media To the new thing.
Is it global warming?
Or is it Ukraine?
Or is it COVID?
Now it's the Muslims.
And I don't like a lot of stuff Israel's doing.
I think they stood down.
I think it was a false flag.
I mean, I think real Islamists attacked, but it was clearly money Biden sent.
But what's the larger picture here with Harvard and the big universities endorsing this?
We got a lot to talk about in the 45 minutes or so.
We've got him and I'm going to cover some more news after he leaves us in the shower before the next guest joins us.
But clearly, we said another big war is coming.
That's going to be the distraction from the COVID deaths, all the rest of it.
And now they're trying to trigger a holy war.
Obviously, you could get boosted big on Twitter and everywhere else, HOTEP, where you're already reaching millions a day if you got on the bandwagon.
But clearly, the establishment is trying to create some type of clash of civilizations here.
HOTEP, Jesus, thank you for joining us.
HOTEP, Jesus.
And the people can also find you at Hotep Jesus on Twitter and menofhonor.com.
So, Hotep, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Oh, absolute pleasure, Alex.
So, yeah.
So, your take on Israel is pretty much similar to my take.
Obviously, the timing is convenient.
We have election season now here, aka grifting season.
Nikki Haley has proven to be a supreme grifter herself after her comments on Fox last night.
But what's the bigger story here?
Well, first of all, the next distraction is to create something domestically, right?
Create some sort of event domestically.
Now, it's been happening in spurts here and there.
You have protesters clashing, you have Grand Central Station being attacked by pro-Palestine protesters.
You have Jewish people being attacked.
A lot of different skirmishes have taken place on domestic soil.
Much of this planned.
Much of this known by the elite rulers.
And that was one of my fears early on where there's conflict in the Middle East and because of all the vitriol On social media, spilled into our streets.
Not much of this stuff.
As we know, Hamas in Palestine has been supported by George Soros.
Black Lives Matter supported by George Soros.
We've tracked down some of these protests between the pro-Palestine socialists.
I think Stop the War Coalition is one of them.
And Jeremy Corbyn is partly behind some of these protests.
So what we have is a communist socialist takeover of another people's struggle.
But what's the bigger story that's happening here?
Well, while everybody's distracted by the Middle East, what we are experiencing is a complete and total financial transformation where money is going to change how it operates, both at a wholesale level and a retail level.
Right now, the House Financial Services Committee is discussing Basel 3, Basel 3 Endgame.
And basically what they're talking about now is You know, what are the capital requirements for a banking institution?
Now, we know what the capital requirements have been since Covid.
They said that they are basically zero.
You need zero reserves.
But now Basel III is challenging some of that and saying that banks need to hold more money, more cash, more capital, which is going to hurt, obviously, the small guy.
So what we're looking at right now is actually a huge transformation of the banking industry.
If you look, you'll see many banks right now shutting down.
You have Wells Fargo shutting down.
By the way, let me just interrupt you and say, bingo, bingo, bingo, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
We're coming to the end of the big bubble.
The new rollout of the central bank currencies, they admit it, and they need crises as a diversion to bring this in.
That's correct.
And not only not only.
So the crisis is going to be the diversion so they don't see all the laws being passed.
But then later on the crisis is going to be the reason why we need the new banking transformation.
So we have Basel 3.
Let's put that aside for a second.
They're meeting about that today.
FCC is meeting about total control of the Internet.
That's happening today.
Now, let's focus on the banks really fast.
So we have Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase, all these places are shutting down your local branch banking institution, right?
And they're saying it's because everybody's moving online.
So payments are moving digital.
You were talking about before the break, how we have POS happening now without a human being.
I was thinking this morning that we might start to have transactions happening without even your card.
So the way the CBDC system is working, Central Bank Digital Currency is working is through QR codes and the offline payments are actually going to operate through your cell phone.
So I'm guessing within the next five years, not only cash is going to start to dwindle, but credit cards potentially start to dwindle, which brings us into the key component of all of this, which is the digital ID system.
The European Union, you can have you guys look this up, European Union have decided to go ahead, despite privacy concerns.
That's right, they patched it last Friday.
Decided to go ahead with their digital ID system.
And they're also in discussion for the CBD.
So what I'm looking at here is that there's some sort of link between the digital ID and the CBDC and it looked like until this morning, it looked like the digital ID system was a prerequisite for the CBDC.
But as of this morning, when I read the IMF paper, it's looking like They might not even be needing the ID as much, particularly for the poor people, because they're going to start... Exactly!
No, no, that's it.
They're going to roll it out as a freebie deal to get people just signed up at first.
So the CBDC will provide incentives and the poor will be using the CBDC.
So where if you're middle class and up, the digital ID is going to be how they track and monitor you.
And if you're poor, they're going to say, oh, you're too dumb to get an ID, but we'll track you through the CBDC.
So it has this A symbiotic relationship, the digital ID to the CBDC, where they both need each other.
Well, exactly.
They've been trying to ram through both, but they've been failing because of opposition.
So they're going to go ahead and just beta test it on poor people.
But you made a key point here.
I've seen you criticized on Twitter, Instagram, all over.
They're like, look at this Zionist.
Look at this guy.
No, no.
You're pulling above it and saying clearly Israel stood down, but clearly George Soros and the Rothschilds, the New World Order, and the media are pushing, you know, 10 to 1 the pro-Muslim thing.
They're trying to cause this clash of civilizations.
It was like that famous Indiana Jones meme, where he's got the idol in the sand, and so they're constantly moving whatever the issue is to galvanize.
So before, it's like, oh, George Soros represents black people, let's raise 50 billion dollars, and give it to the Democratic Party, give nothing to black people, you know, maybe 20, 30 million to the front people that run it.
It's the same thing now.
Now they've just jumped to the Palestinians.
So they go from the white people praising and worshiping Black Lives Matter to now they praise and worship Hamas.
And all it is is the globalists hiding behind a new group.
Yeah, so Palestine is the new BLM.
So now we call that PLM, right?
And like you said, they latch themselves on to this new struggle, that new struggle happens to be Palestinian lives, and then they'll couple in Islamophobia, right?
So we had... And that gives them censorship, and let's not forget, Ukraine decides who loses the war, NATO loses, they flip the switch on the 7th, it all jumps tracks to this.
Keep going, sorry, just dead on.
So, the press secretary talks about Islamophobia.
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I'll listen to you the day I die or you go off air, but I'm gonna do my part to make sure you don't have a great day.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
Because the U.S.
doesn't want to see their money go to Russia and Russia doesn't want to see their money go to America.
And this is a big war summit with Xi Jinping meeting in San Francisco with all the big tech leaders and energy directors lining up.
This is a big powwow going on.
What do you make of that?
So the APEC meeting is this week, 11th through the 17th.
Today, according to Secretary of Treasury Janet Yellen, today is the day they're going to be talking about CBDC.
She said that during her opening speech yesterday.
So we're waiting to see some of those transcripts come out and see what they say about that.
It's probably going to be Much more of the same where they say financial inclusion.
They're going to be concerned with capital outflows.
They're going to be concerned with damaging the banking private sector.
So these are the three main things that they're concerned with. Obviously cross-border
transactions are going to be discussed but the big thing is financial inclusion. But financial
inclusion is basically saying let's increase our tax base. There are people currently transacting
in cash. We don't want that because we can't watch it. We can't tax it. So financial inclusion
is what they're saying is, oh black people can't get to a bank account.
So, we're going to issue this digital wallet, which will be connected to their cell phone.
It's going to come with incentives and premiums, and they'll say, hey, 20% off your next purchase.
But you can only spend it where they say, and then they expand it out to every group, and now you can only spend money at the big box store.
That's correct.
So they have like the Durham's, the Durham's discurrency.
They're talking about just giving this stuff away.
10,000 Durham's to people who use this stuff because people aren't adopting it.
But it is in the IMF paper.
It says specifically it says two things in regards to restrictions.
One of them is if you hold on to the currency, it'll tax itself.
So 20% could come out every week.
Up to a certain threshold.
It incentivizes owning nothing, having nothing.
You have to spend it.
They want to push that money into the economy so it'll slowly disappear.
So this goes against all the basic rules of wealth and success.
It's diametrically opposed to us being independent and secure.
Oh, it's absolutely anti-free market capitalism.
I mean, this is Karl Marx's dream we're talking about here.
Like, Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, you could have put them all in a room together now and they never would have come up with anything this genius, okay?
They are in their graves right now laughing hysterically at how people were able to pull this off In a so-called capitalist nation.
And nobody says anything because we're too concerned with, oh, who do we support?
The Muslims or the Jews?
If you choose to support one of those, you're choosing not to support yourself.
That's what you're choosing.
Well, one of the restrictions of the CBDC, like you said, is what you can purchase.
What you can purchase is going to be a huge, huge thing.
And that's it, because it's not that we're against the Muslims or the Jews.
We don't do anything.
It makes you feel good.
It's like having sex with a blow-up doll.
It's not real.
But taking care of yourself and your family is real.
You have some, um... Was it New York I was talking about?
There is a state that is talking about... No!
I'm sorry, it's either Chicago or Detroit where they're gonna have government-run grocery stores.
17... Chicago!
Chicago, thank you.
So Chicago wants government-run grocery stores.
It sounds like, you know, Bolshevik Russia right now.
And so think about that.
Chicago, government stores.
Well, what currency will you need to purchase at this place?
Obviously, ACBDC.
And that's why they got to shut everything off to make you use it.
Then you have some.
Some of these states are starting to get smart and use Article 1, Section 8 to their own advantage, where it says that only gold and silver can be transacted as a currency outside of the legal tender.
And some states are working to create a stable coin backed by gold.
And stable coins are going to be a thing.
So you have this world of stable coins and CBDC, which work kind of side by side.
So the best example of a CBDC right now that nobody is talking about is JP Morgan coin or JPM coin.
Now, the JPM coin is doing a billion dollars in transaction each day.
And this is just at the wholesale level.
Now, we know that the Federal Reserve has created that Jekyll Island by JPMorgan & Company.
So this is a machination of the JPMorgan cartel slash syndicate.
It's the top of the pyramid.
When you have the people who created the Federal Reserve, modern day, obviously we know Jamie Dimon used to sit on the board of the Federal Reserve while being CEO of JPMorgan Chase.
Let's put that aside for a moment.
They're working on JPMCoin.
Now they say, oh, the Federal Reserve cannot issue a CBDC without congressional approval.
OK, this may be true, but they're definitely exploring that.
Just the other day we had an anti-CBDC bill get introduced by Republicans and it basically said we want to stop all funding basically this is because you know Biden pushed out the The CBDC bill, the executive order to explore CBDCs, and they're basically saying that's unconstitutional.
You're not allowed to look at a new form of money without congressional approval.
So there's some bills being introduced.
Well, that was my next question.
How do we stop this?
How do we do this?
How do we protect ourselves from the CHICOMs and the EU?
They're going to roll it out first.
Let's go down the line of who has them, right?
In order.
So Bahamas got it first, Nigeria got it second, and then third was Jamaica, right?
So obviously you know that they target black populations first, okay?
So what do you think is going to happen in America?
Under the guise of financial inclusion, they're going to target the black community first.
By the way, that's true.
They're literally targeting black countries.
What's the point there?
Same thing with the vaccine, right?
When you had Stanley Plotkin was pushing his vaccines out there.
This is a guy who worked with Dr. Fauci many moons ago, and they tested millions of people affected by their vaccines.
Go look at the Stanley Plotkin deposition.
He said, did many of those people come out with defects?
He said, yeah, it happened.
Eight hour deposition, right?
So they use these impoverished third world nations As test grounds.
Not only as incubators, right?
Not only for vaccines, but now also for financial apparatuses.
And this has been going on a while through the IMF, right?
And the IMF siphons money from countries through their SDR mechanism.
Anyway, so another thing the IMF talks about is financial literacy.
So they want to get to the minds of black people before you do.
So what they're going to do is they're going to teach black people their version of financial literacy?
And it's going to include why the CBDC is good.
And if you hate the CBDC, then you're racist.
You're a Trump supporting racist.
That's how they're going to spin this.
So it's very important for us to watch our rhetoric and watch how we position ourselves to the black community so that we become voices that they would like to listen to.
Therefore, we can educate them and warn them.
So this is going to happen to specifically the poor communities.
And then everybody else will sort of fall in line.
So how do we combat this?
I think you got to support, um, it's, uh, I think his name is Emmer.
I forget his, his, his, uh, first name.
Stay right there.
You are, you always knock out of the park.
This is incredible.
You're giving the best analysis of this that we've seen.
And the good news is, black folks are rejecting the open borders, all of it.
They're one of the biggest Achilles' heels.
The globalists want to shoehorn this all in through black populations.
I think it's going to backfire.
Let's talk about it and how we stop this with Ho-Temp Jesus.
And we'll talk about this horrible person, Nikki Haley, with her internet system of internet IDs straight ahead.
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
And if you try to take our guns, 1776 will commence again!
Sticking with Facebook, it is one of several companies today that are limiting the content of Far Right podcast.
Facebook, Apple, and YouTube have all taken down content from Jones and his InfoWars channel.
Whenever I talk about Alex Jones, my wife will not let me into the house until I've been de-Laos.
Anyone who believes in Alex Jones and believes these theories, you really gotta go get help.
Alex Jones has been ordered to pay 965 million dollars.
Look how they've moved the control information.
It's always been.
And it ought to scare people that you've got a move to indoctrinate the children of America.
If they can get you to be part of a group, an environmentalist or part of your minority group.
Black, Latino, and indigenous people are suffering and dying disproportionately.
The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.
They'll have their little tailor-made people that are bought and paid for to claim to be your leaders.
We're looking at a giant war in February right now.
Currently, that's the projection.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical
treatments, namely vaccines.
In 2002, there is a tyrannical organization calling itself the New World Order, pushing for worldwide government, a cashless society.
If any terrorism comes, it's from this government.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s, running the Mujahideen War, I've been shadowbanned.
I've been called a liar.
I've been silenced on virtually every platform created by man.
My life has been threatened, repeatedly.
They've tried to destroy me, but I survived.
And that's why I'm joining Mug Club.
You should go and sign up right now at jonescrowder.com and you get a free month for all the shows with Steven Crowder and all the other programs that are being launched and the Hodge Twins and more and then that builds the infrastructure.
Because imagine, imagine if instead of just a boycott 40-something billion that Anheuser-Busch lost with the Bud Light thing, imagine a billion dollar boycott Hey folks, if $50 million comes in, this will dwarf everything.
This will dwarf all the other networks, Daily Wire, all of it.
But it's not about competition, it's about the other conservative networks aren't going 20% of the way.
We're going all the way to bring down the New World Order with tomorrow's news today.
So go to jonescrowder.com and be the frontline patriots, the first to sign up for like $7 a month to build this next level infrastructure with Rumble.
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I've not been this excited ever!
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code Alex at jonescrowder.com.
Let's play Big Daddy!
I love Alex Jones a lot.
He's been right about everything.
Alex Jones is always right!
Alex Jones's daddy.
Who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy?
Who's your daddy?
You're a god.
Alex Jones.
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
So if you think the tyranny we've been living under has been bad, that was a foreshadowing.
That was an hors d'oeuvre.
Light breeze compared to a typhoon or hurricane or tornado.
The globalists admit how predatory this is.
Cut off resources, get dependent populations, roll out universal basic income to the central bank digital currencies, and then put social credit scores on all that to beta test it on groups they control.
And then they expand it out from there.
That's what this is.
The good news is the public's waking up.
People understand what's happening.
We can just reject this.
Just like all over the world, they're pulling out the self-checkout lanes after 20 years, 23 years trying to make us do it.
You go to a restaurant, don't do a QR code for a menu.
Seems simple.
That was all from the IMF World Bank during COVID to get you ready to get rid of cash.
They admit all this.
So the good news is we know the enemy plan.
The bad news is enough people haven't woken up.
Yes, some have.
But folks, this is so draconian.
This is the holy grail of tyranny.
And Hotel Jesus is absolutely on target.
And he hammers it every day.
He could not talk about this and he's already a Fox News co-host and does a great job.
But he could be boosted so much if he just shut up about this.
But he's not shutting up about it because This is beyond slavery, ladies and gentlemen, and it's here.
The old bubble's collapsing.
The globalists are desperate to bring in their new system.
The good news is, people know the globalists that run the Federal Reserve make Sam Bankman Freed look like an angel.
And so I would say things are not going well for them.
As negative as this is, the growth curve of awakening, and populists and nationalists being elected everywhere, and black people, you know, doubling, tripling support for Trump as a benchmark, and Hispanics as well, show the thinking people out there are getting this quickly.
Oh, Tep, we didn't talk before you came on, but be honest with me.
What's your prognosis?
Are things positive?
Are they negative?
If this is a football game, where are we in the game, and who's winning?
I mean, I wrong to be optimistic.
Down by 20 in the fourth quarter with five minutes to go.
It's not looking good.
And you touched on it, right?
Like, there's a lot of things that I could talk about with my platform.
And I choose to talk about the one thing that will get me no engagement.
But honestly, I can't do anything but talk about... Because all the other stuff doesn't matter.
It's all a distraction.
It's all a distraction.
I'm forced to talk about Candace Owens having beef with Ben Shapiro.
I'm forced to talk about Biden falling down the steps.
This is the stuff that people want to hear and we have to cover it.
Meanwhile, digital chains are being put on us and our children.
So Nikki Haley, that's the funny thing about communism.
Yeah, let's talk about her.
We got the clip in a minute.
Go ahead.
Yeah, so the funny thing about communism is it takes on the form of the left and it takes on the form of the right.
The way it takes on the form of the left is it sort of just veers it towards more communism and less socialism.
But with the right, it has to be a little bit more More slick, right?
So it does it through the form of like Nikki Haley.
Oh, your preacher will know what you did.
Oh, it's so conservative.
Let's explain what an internet ID means.
That's what this is.
But let's play the clip.
Here it is.
When I get into office, the first thing we have to do, social media accounts, social media companies, they have to show America their algorithms.
Let us see why they're pushing what they're pushing.
The second thing is every person on social media should be verified by their name.
That's, first of all, it's a national security threat.
When you do that, All of a sudden people have to stand by what they say.
And it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots.
And then you're going to get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say.
And they know their pastor and their family member is going to see it.
It's going to help our kids and it's going to help our country.
Okay, so we hear that record-skip sound that's going to help our kids.
To have a central bank digital currency, to have a social credit score, to have a vaccine passport, to have what the UN and Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates and Xi Jinping have already set up, they've got to have the Internet ID that China already has.
And here's the little darling of the Republican establishment who they're force-feeding us, selling that.
So is Governor Hochul.
So is, I mean, they need this.
Yeah, so Nimrata here.
I'm not calling her Nikki Haley since she wants to dox everybody.
Her name is Nimrata.
Okay, so first of all, let's talk about two things.
She mentioned algorithms and then she mentioned the pain points to conservatives about bots, right?
So the algorithms.
Why does she want access to the algorithms?
So first of all, algorithms should not be disclosed because if they're disclosed, they're manipulated.
So if you show the government the algorithms, guess who's going to be able to manipulate the most?
She mentions these bots, right?
You know what she doesn't mention is the fact that many of these bots, I presume, I'm speculating here, are government agencies.
So if you show them what the algorithm looks like, then Chia and Dia and the rest of the three-letter agencies will be able to send more bots, more force, at anybody who talks about the wrong things.
So, for example, you say something about the right wing, there's a whole bunch of left-wing bots that come around.
You say something about the left wing, there's a bunch of right-wing bots that come around.
These things sit in digital farms, some in Malaysia, some domestically, some in Russia, or they're just pinging off of a VPN and using different IP addresses, et cetera, et cetera.
But the bottom line is, if she gets access, you know what she wants to do with it, which brings us to our next point.
She says, all these bots, these bots.
And let's be clear, she's just talking talking points to the globalist, Art.
She's just a mouthpiece.
So when we see her mouth move, it's Klaus Schwab.
Yeah, so when she mentions the bots, she understands the pain points of her constituents, which is why she targets them.
We all hate the bots.
They're annoying.
But, who is it?
Teddy Roosevelt said give up your freedom for safety or something like that, right?
That's what this is.
You want to give up your freedom?
They're not going to get rid of the real powerful bots for Israel, the U.S., Hunter 2-1 to the Russians, exactly.
The bot thinks the distraction, which he wants, is the Internet ID.
What she wants is internet ID to connect everybody to the system, aka what was it called in a Skynet, right?
Aka Skynet.
So connect everything to Skynet, connect everybody to the digital ID system so then they can track everybody and control you.
Now what's going to happen is this, right?
If your digital ID is connected to your money, and the digital ID is connected to the social media, that means when you say something wrong in social media, they're going to clip you, through your digital ID, from your money.
So forget when, you know, you got debanked like... Oh, they've had congressional hearings years ago.
They go, hey, InfoWars is top again, like five years ago.
And they go, our AI will be in by next month, sir.
And literally, they want it all automated.
And it's going to be programmed.
See, the money's programmable, okay?
That's what makes this money different.
So you won't even need a human to get rid of you.
If you say something online, it will automatically be updated to your digital ID and then to your money, and then your money will be restricted and other things could possibly happen.
But all of this stuff is automated.
And by the way, as you said, we've got all these EU heads and all the tech heads and the central bank heads saying they're going to use it for this day one.
They're being quite honest about it.
Restricting funds.
Restricting funds from being, well, they call it capital flow management, right?
Restricting you from transacting with somebody else in another country, right?
So if you've got a grandma in Bolivia and you want to send her some money, well, if the United States has placed sanctions on Bolivia, then they can just program the money to say, oh, you cannot transact this with anybody in Bolivia.
And that's just how they started.
I mean, look how we've been demagnetized all of a sudden.
How do we stop it though, Jeff?
So, again, Emmer.
Emmer has a bill.
He has an anti-CBDC bill.
I don't think it's perfect, but it's a great start.
There's another anti-CBDC bill that was introduced this week.
I would go take a look at that one.
That is to defund the working group in the CBDC.
So I would support those bills.
I would raise awareness about those bills and start there and start talking about that.
I would tell your favorite influencer, me small brain content.
That's the biggest thing is get in the face of everybody distracting us and tell people like Ben Shapiro, not even attacking, get off all this crap and fight the CBDC.
Ben Shapiro's fighting Candace Owens.
The CBDC is about to kick our ass.
Ain't nobody worried about Candace Owens.
I was about to say, let's use a little race stuff on her.
Why don't you leave that smart black lady alone and deal with the New World Order, Ben Shapiro?
So now we're here caught in between a little feud between co-workers.
They've unfollowed each other.
This little kid stuff?
Tell Candace Owens we don't give a shit about Israel and Palestine.
Tell Ben Shapiro we don't care about Israel and Palestine.
That's the way to shut it down.
Stop talking about it.
I told my crew, I said, I don't tell reporters what to do.
I hire you because I respect you and I like you.
But can we just move off 90% Israel coverage?
Because dammit, we got other stuff to do.
If you're going to cover the Israel-Palestine conflict, you have to analyze the propaganda from both sides.
That's the best way to do it.
To show people, look, the Palestinians are a platform to do it.
Sort of show, like, hey, look, you think these organized protests are real and organic?
Yeah, it was just as real as organic as Black Lives Matter.
It's a lot of money coming in, a lot of funding coming in.
Look at Soros and the left supporting it.
It's obviously bad.
And then who funded it?
Oh, Biden.
Wait, wait, you said Biden?
Oh, Biden.
Oh, Biden.
So the other thing is you have the repackaging of groups.
So this group may be for abortion or it may be for whatever other human rights cause.
Anybody says it for human rights, basically they're puppets of the Illuminati, right?
But anytime you have these groups that say, for human rights, they repackage them and say, well, here's the new grift, here's the new thing.
So you were for abortion, now you're for Palestine.
So you're going to see a lot of that too.
And you know, I hate to say it, but there are people who do care about this Palestinian issue, but they're going to be drowned out.
They're going to be co-opted.
They're going to be usurped.
And their issue is going to turn into somebody else's issue.
And then he's got a fundraiser for the Deep State.
So you've got to come back.
You're on fire.
I 100% agree with everything you're saying.
The smartest analysis out there.
But I'm really bummed out that you're saying we're 20 points behind in the fourth quarter with five minutes to go.
I see that in real-world numbers, but The Awakening's huge.
All the most popular talk shows, from Joe Rogan to Tucker Carlson to you name it, are now anti-New World Order.
That wasn't that way two years ago.
The fact that, whether they're good guys or bad guys, they see it's popular to be anti-New World Order, to me, that's extremely exciting.
I go out in public everywhere.
Nothing but love now, Ho-Tep.
I mean, give me some positive love here, or are we that screwed?
There's a lot to look forward to.
Dana White has been a beacon of hope.
Rogan, yourself, all beacons of hope.
I don't know if it's enough.
You know, I'm trying my best.
You're trying your best.
But we need the second tier of grifters to get on board, right?
We need the Ben Shapiros.
We need Glenn Beck.
We need Jason Whitlock.
We need them to wake up.
Because Ruben, you know, all these people who are Zionist aligners to take their issues over there.
That's your issue.
That ain't got nothing to do with us.
Stop creating content for us to care about your issues.
We need content about our issues, about something that's taking place today.
They say, uh, Great Thomas Sowell said, there are no such thing as solutions.
All we have are trade-offs.
And right now we are making the hugest trade-off in history, and that is trading our attention for freedom.
You're giving them your attention and they're taking your freedom.
That's right.
Flying a Palestinian flag or an Israeli flag does nothing.
But shopping local and getting control of your school board does.
And supporting media that tells the truth does.
Russell Brand's got to get on board.
Who else can I call out?
The quartering.
We got to get the quartering on board.
We need Tim Pool on board.
We need all these people on board to start talking about it.
Hey, Russell Brand did a two-hour interview with me last week.
I hope he airs it this week.
Hadn't aired yet.
In closing, not about myself, but why do you think, I respect your view, I want this for myself, why are they so want me shut down as much as Trump?
They want me shut down, man.
Because you did it on your own.
You didn't do it with a cosign.
You did it outside of their system, which shows that you possess something that You acquired on your own and didn't acquire with them.
So since you did it on your own, the only thing that can undo you is you.
For example, when I was coming on this platform today, I went to go promo.
I put the band dot video link in there and said, this is harmful to viewers.
It is platform in some way.
I'm like, wait, this is harmful.
I thought this was the free speech platform.
I don't know what's going on between you and Elon, but Elon got to get on board, too.
Because it's not a free speech platform if Alex... Because, like, when it comes to free speech, nobody really tests that boundary like you do.
Like, sometimes you say some... So, if you don't have people who are stretching the boundaries of speech, then what you have is a shrinkage of free speech.
And that's what they want.
They have to take the people who are stretching those boundaries and limit them and try to, you know, keep them on the outskirts and vilify them and stigmatize them.
They don't want trailblazers.
And I'm not kissing your ass, but you're absolutely right.
Because I didn't know what answer you'd give, but that's it.
They even said in Pentagon documents and CIA documents in the leak, they said, we don't like Jones because he built his own thing.
That's why they don't like Julian Assange.
And they, like what you've done, they fear any real maverick that they don't control and that they can't put leverage on to shut down and shut up.
And that's why they want a silence.
And I know they've told Elon, I've talked to some of his people, I'll leave it at that.
You think we've shut you down now.
Jones is too far.
And I asked myself, what is it I'm doing?
And it's because in the next big wave that started in the mid-90s, I was the leader of that big wave.
And they thought, well, if we can shut this down, we'll shut it all down.
So I was a beta test of that.
So sorry to bring myself into it, but I wanted to get your view because you got to come on more than twice a year.
We love you to death.
How do people find your great show and everything you do?
Go to HotepJesus.com, best way to find me.
Um, HotepTV on Rumble and HotepJesus everywhere else.
I know you gotta go, 60 second closing comment.
Um, I've been a fan of Alex Jones for years now.
I remember showing somebody, they're like, what do you know about Alex Jones?
I'm like, I've been posting about this dude since like 2010, like what are you talking about?
Force your content creators to cover the important issues.
Stop taking clickbait For the BS issues, ask your congressman to support Emmer and his bill against CBDC.
CBDC needs to be talked about.
It is the new wave of enslavement.
If you thought 1913 was bad, wait until you see what they got in store for you.
Thank you for having me, Alex.
Beautiful, sir.
Thank you so much and God bless.
God bless.
Now, I want to say something about what he just said because everything, it's just true, out of all the guests, He's always really good, but today he just was... He hit a grand slam, a hole-in-one, ran the tables, like a 100.
And I've rarely done a 100 in like an hour-long show.
This hour.
That was a... Everything he said was better than I could say it, crystallized, simply to understand.
That was literally as good as it gets.
People should go back to the last 50 minutes of that interview.
What was the last thing he said?
He said they want you shut down because you did it on your own, and if other people believe they can do it on their own, it's game over.
And then what was the last thing he said after that?
What did he say after that?
We'll talk about that tomorrow.
Because I'm going to take, because I've noticed if something's so big and so important, if I just say it, nobody cares.
But I'm going to take that HOTEP interview and I'm going to make my entire Ladder with Crowder Friday show.
I'm going to do like two hours on the HOTEP interview.
I'm going to start it, stop it, play it, back up what he's saying.
I'm going to show documents.
And I'm gonna do, the interview's like 40 minutes with the brakes cut off, and I'm gonna do over an hour around what he said and back up everything he said.
Because when he's saying stuff, it's like, everything he's saying is like dead on.
Not like almost on, it's like when you hit the golf ball and it goes 200 yards into the hole.
Over and over and over again.
But that last thing he said was the most important.
And if you grasp that, The last thing wasn't him saying, I was a maverick.
That was the most, that was the penultimate, next to the top point, was the last thing he said.
That if you understand that, and that's how Easter egg hunts, treasure hunts work.
And I've never been a manipulator on air.
I've been on air almost 30 years.
It'll be 30 years in like two months.
I've learned, like, if something's so big, and you just say it, nobody cares.
But if we build it up, you do.
So don't worry if you're not a subscriber at jonescrowder.com, Stephen Crowder, because I'm going to shoot a big two-hour report for Friday.
But tomorrow, I'm going to just answer that last part he said on air.
That last little part he said.
And I'm, like, sitting there going, whoa, that's so important.
I got chills up down my body.
I was like, I'm not going to talk about it, because it's too important.
There's a lot of important stuff, folks.
I intellectually tell you this stuff at least 15 hours a day.
And then I eat, drink, and sleep and dream this stuff.
But I talked about it yesterday, and then I was so mad about a lot of stuff going on that I went off the air.
Because it's a paradox.
I don't want to whine about our problems.
So when I do it, it's limited, and it's as much as I can do, and that's it.
And I asked the callers, I said, I don't censor your calls, I don't screen calls.
But today, I am.
I said, do not bring up the woes of InfoWars, because I've already spent too much time on it.
And what Hotep said, a lot of big things here.
Now, the biggest thing he said at the end, I'm not going to say it yet.
But the other big thing he said was, they want to shut us down because we can change the subject.
Supporting Ukraine does nothing, whether you're for the Russians or the Ukrainians.
It's just a thing to divert you.
Supporting the Palestinians or Israel does nothing.
It's just a football issue.
And that's what they don't want, is us bringing up issues that are important that they don't want discussed.
And I know it's like, well that's simple.
Of course, exactly!
Truth is self-evident, folks.
I'm not here laying out stuff that's even hard to understand.
That's what's frustrating.
20 million people, according to insurance actuaries plus, that number's a few months old, have died from the shots they know.
I mean, come on, man.
You think they're not about to drop the hammer on everybody?
When they already pulled that?
And I said it three years ago.
I said, the death's gonna be caused by this.
Only way they get away with this is a bunch of wars, economic collapse, and now we're here.
And you know, it's like Rodney Dangerfield said, I can't get no respect.
I got respect from our listeners.
I don't expect a bunch of respect from other people.
I'm just telling you, I expect people to respect themselves.
And let me tell you something.
I don't have a lot of fear.
In fact, I got the opposite.
When I start thinking I fear something, I want to attack it.
But let me tell you something.
I'm shook up.
And if you're not shook up right now, And if you're not rolling your sleeves up, there's something wrong with you.
Because let me tell you, we are at the crossroads right now.
If we wake up and say no, still stuff's gonna be rough as hell.
But we go along with this.
They plan to kill 90% of us in the next decade in their own official documents?
You want to sit back and be part of this and watch this?
And a lot of you I know, I used to think everybody was like me.
I thought if we exposed all this evil, everybody would just join us.
No, I've learned in the last five years, no, no, no!
I've been a recruiter for the New World Order!
I teach people how this stuff works, and then they decide to join it!
Thinking they're joining the winning team!
So it's all about independent economies.
It's all about freedom.
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And I don't agree with Hotel.
We are in the fourth quarter.
Five minutes left, 20 points down.
But God's watching us for the decisions we make.
It doesn't matter who wins the game, who wins the battle, it matters who wins the war.
But yeah, I actually gotta agree with him.
That's why I'm so upset and so pissed.
Because man, I thought we could stop this, and God told me we couldn't.
It's gonna go through.
But it's what happens on the other side that governs it all.
All right, Michael Young works with a bunch of reporters that got kidnapped on the Texas-Mexico border.
We're trying to get them on.
He's coming up.
Hour number three straight ahead, InfoWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, Thanksgiving 2023 is here.
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With all that's going on in the world, I couldn't think of a better person to interview than David
He joins us in six minutes for the next two hours.
Very honored to have him.
We have certainly been vindicated.
The New World Order is now out in the open.
Here's a key report on the U.S.
US government launching the first phases of the central bank digital currencies.
He came to this conclusion based on current events that haven't happened since the 1930s, the largest amounts of debt and inflation.
The biggest gaps in wealth and values resulting in the rise of populism on both the left and the right against the elites.
And the greatest international conflict between world powers.
Most importantly, between the US and China.
Peter Ange writes that the easy way out of this mess would be for the elite to proactively shrink in scope.
Get government out of the economy, out of social engineering, and out of propagandizing kids.
But of course, this won't happen.
Common sense and simple observation will tell you that the so-called elites will continue on their path towards economic destruction and world war, which is likely what the international bankers had planned all along.
Let us not forget that the fast-growing BRICS monetary system was born in 2001 out of Goldman Sachs.
In 1971, President Nixon officially ended the gold standard and replaced it with the petrodollar, in which OPEC agreed to price their oil in U.S.
dollars in exchange for U.S.
military protection.
This blood-money deal preserved U.S.
control over the world economy.
But when the U.S.
weaponized the swift payment system against Russia, BRICS became the only viable solution for the rest of the world.
Reuters in New Delhi reported that last May, the State Bank of India rejected Indian Oil Corp.' 's planned payment in U.S.
dollars for Russian oil.
And so they went to a private bank and settled their trade for Russian oil by paying in yuan to the Bank of China, and have continued to do so since.
A shortage of U.S.
dollars in Argentina has caused commercial banks to allow the Chinese yuan as a form of currency in savings and checkings accounts.
Argentina has already been issuing securities in the Chinese Yuan and has made a $2.7 billion payment to the International Monetary Fund using the Chinese BRICS currency.
The Federal Reserve Bank's FedNow is scheduled for launch by the end of July.
FedNow is officially an update to the Federal Reserve's payment processing and settlement system.
And appears to be a backdoor to creating a central bank digital currency.
Private blockchain operator Tassat has partnered with the Federal Reserve's new payment system and will serve as an interface for FedNow.
FedNow will also connect with Metal Blockchain, whose CEO and founder claims will allow banks to prepare for an eventual central bank digital currency, along with bank-issued stablecoins.
The idea of a central bank digital currency is already hugely unpopular with the majority of Americans.
But according to Dale Hauser, it is being set up to destroy alternative blockchain solutions, such as Ripple and Stellar.
And if the powers that be are successful in destroying the U.S.
economy, then the only other option to accepting a CBDC would be some sort of revolution.
Which would be nearly impossible, seeing as how divided the populist movement is within the left-right paradigm.
Last week in China, the World Economic Forum proclaimed that the entire world needs to switch to a central bank digital currency.
With expiry dates and restrictions on undesirable purchases.
They proposed using artificial intelligence to censor hate speech and disinformation on the internet.
And using artificial intelligence to control a global social credit system that will involve wearable devices with sensors to monitor everyone's actions.
If we, the people, fail to unite against the powers that be, then their solution will most certainly be world war, depopulation, and total control.
And this is all happening right now.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Ladies and gentlemen, David Icke is live with us in 60 seconds.
Could not have a more important guest at a more important time.
Stay with us.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, if anybody in the world has been completely vindicated in his work the last 35 years,
It's David Icke.
And of course myself and a few others are close seconds.
And I wish we hadn't been vindicated.
I wish that our understanding of the world had been wrong.
But now it's all out in the open.
Planetary world government that wants to depopulate us.
Cashless societies.
Takeovers of our bodies with nanotech and electromagnetic radiation.
Open Satanism.
I was just in Omaha to see my wife's father.
He was in the hospital.
They had a gay pride parade come by the hotel.
They were wearing Satan shirts.
I got photos of it, showed you, saying, you know, we're going to get your children.
I mean, this is just so crazy.
The Ukrainian dictator says that the Russians are going to blow up a nuclear power plant this week.
It just goes on and on and on.
We have the new king coronated with his calls for world government depopulation.
Then we've got this viral videos of the woman on a Dallas plane, out of Dallas last night, yesterday, who reportedly saw a man in a green hoodie turn into some type of reptile.
And I wouldn't normally go with this.
She doesn't look schizophrenic, doesn't sound nuts, sounds generally freaked out.
But some of the other people on board said they saw things.
The reason I'm going to raise this is David Icke talked about this 30 plus years ago, and I never made fun of him about it because a lot of what he said was credible.
I couldn't prove it, but I talked about this a few months ago.
He can cover this now or later in the next two hours.
He can cover any of the issues I'm throwing or anything he wants to get to first, but I have met with a lot of really prominent people, household names recently, really in the last year, and they all keep telling me about the same experiences, and I didn't talk about it until five prominent people Had basically told me the same stories in the last year.
And so I started telling you about this and I only had one event happen like this to me when I was a teenager.
I was not on drugs.
And I've been taken to jail for fighting, and some of the police officers took me in the back room, and just for two seconds, one of their faces, he said, oh, you think you're tough, kid?
And literally, his face changed right in front of me.
And on my children, it happened, I saw it.
So something's going on.
What is this?
And why is it getting more prevalent?
Because if I told you the names, these are very serious people.
Most of them weren't even religious.
And when they saw this, they got religion very, very quickly.
And then why is it happening to prominent people?
What's going on?
So it seems like the veil between other dimensions and things is fading or something's happening.
So many things to talk about.
But remember, when we go into this esoteric or occult or unknown area, that just means stuff that's not been discovered yet.
They're always finding new species every day.
They're always discovering new energy sources, new elements.
We've only discovered A few square feet of the territory around us, compared to an entire universe.
So David, that's my intro here.
You can start with these phenomenon, or you can end with a phenomenon.
You can go wherever you'd like, but thank you, because we were trying to set you up for weeks.
Perfect timing, you came on today with the hysteria off of what this woman and others saw on this plane.
Yeah, well, I'd like to start deep in the rabbit hole, Alex, if you don't mind.
I've just finished a book that's coming out on September the 1st called The Dream, which goes deeper in the rabbit hole than I've ever been.
And there's information in that book that simply has never been written or revealed before.
And it puts into context what is actually happening.
You know, I've been saying all these decades that we cannot understand what is happening in the world of the seen unless we understand what's happening in the world of the unseen.
So very quickly, you know, for people haven't come across this, and you should ask, why haven't they come across this?
Why isn't this taught in the schools as a matter of course?
But what we see is only a tiny band of frequency, so small it's ridiculous.
Everything beyond that frequency band, the limits of what the five senses can decode and the eye senses can decode into a visual reality, is infinity.
And if you think of radio stations in the old analog system and television stations, they shared the same space, they share the same space, But they don't interfere with each other, impact upon each other, unless they're really close on the dial.
So if you want to look for outside of this reality dimension, whatever you want to call it, for that level that can interfere with this, Then you've got to look at bands of dimensional frequency that are very close to this one, but just outside of our five sense reality and our ability to perceive it in the natural course of events.
And I'll call this dimension that's close to this one the astral or the fourth dimension.
Call this 3D, the third dimension.
And in the lower levels of this astral dimension, in other words the lower frequency levels which are really close to this one, that's the realm of the demonic.
That's where demons and their name and description in all different religions and cultures, that's where they exist.
These are the entities that the Satanists are interacting with in their rituals.
Why do these Satanists, who may be sick, but a lot of them are not stupid, why are they doing these rituals?
Because they're interacting With these entities and when you do rituals as they do in the same places over and over and over again what it does is it thins out the frequency difference between the astral lower astral where these demons are and this reality and so that interaction is made possible.
Now what's happening now is that that lower astral dimension is starting to fuse into ours.
And these demonic entities are much more able to move into our reality and stay for longer.
And one of the conduits, hello, that is allowing this to happen, that is the connection frequency that allows this to happen more now than ever before is what we call 5G, with 6G and 7G to come.
This 5G, there's so many elements to it, and one of them is that it is acting as a frequency conduit for these demonic entities to come into this realm.
So people will start to see them.
And what they do is they, quote, possess bodies, and there's also hybrids, which are part demonic and part human.
And as this goes on, people are seeing more and more of this demonic level, and thus they're saying, oh my God, he turned into a reptile, he turned into this, he turned into the other.
And we're going to see more and more and more of this.
And it's to understand, in the end, that you can talk about Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, and we should, and your Gateses and your Fouches and all these people, and your Soruses, quite right.
But they are gophers.
They are vehicles for this demonic realm.
That's why they have no empathy.
That's why they have no, what we would call, soul.
That's why they do what they do.
You're saying they're biological robots?
Well, this is an area of my book, The Dream, and indeed The Trap, the one that's out at the moment.
Which I emphasize to quite a large extent.
This is how I see it, Alex, okay?
After 35 years of researching this.
The body is a biological computer.
I've been saying that for decades.
And it's a program.
It's a software program.
So, if you do not introduce consciousness beyond the program, Then that AI software program, which is what the biological is, and I should make this emphasis.
People look at biological and they think that's natural.
To this demonic realm, the biological is a form of the technological.
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We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to let you know, stupid Americans, that we just caught you.
We just caught you.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
...characters who just go through life nodding, yes sir, no sir, whatever you say, COVID, yeah, yeah, I'll believe everything you say.
And maverick people that are saying, hold on a minute, I'm seeing this in a much bigger arena here, a much bigger panorama, and this doesn't make sense to me.
And by the way, I'm not going to cooperate with the people that want to control me, because I can see they want to control me.
That's consciousness.
And this is the difference between conscious people who are overriding the program and non-conscious people who are being run by the program.
And I want you to go wherever you want because, look, I obviously know Elon Musk is doing the brain interface and the 5G and all of it.
I don't trust him as far as I can throw him.
I'm still banned on Twitter.
But at the same time, I see him saying, go outside.
You know, I see him coming out against censorship, all these things.
And I also see all these prominent people from Ice Cube to Ice-T to Russell Brand to you name it, sounding just like David Icke and Alex Jones.
Is that them riding the awakening that they witness happening?
Or are they part of the awakening?
And maybe the best test case, I respect your view, is then who do you think Elon Musk really is?
Well, Alex, they're not.
They're not David Icke and Alex Jones.
They're an incredibly mild version of it.
And one of my great concerns is that the alternative media is being pushed closer to the mainstream in significant areas.
Because, you know, after COVID or with COVID, a lot of doctors came in, a lot of other people came in who were mainstream people.
And that was great, to talk about the bait jab and all that was great.
But what they've also done, a lot of them, is bring the rest of their mainstream belief system with them.
And look how we started off this chat.
The cutting edge of this is way, way over the horizon from that, what I call the The mainstream of the alternative.
And you know, Russell Brand, he had me on his shows years and years and years ago to take the piss.
You know, he had me on and he put pictures up with the audience on the TV saying, well, is he a reptile?
Is he a reptile?
Is he a reptile?
He wasn't interested.
In getting across what was actually happening.
And then after COVID, another bandwagon arrived and he jumped on it.
And he then becomes, oh, Mr. Exposing What's Going On.
What he's talking about, what these others are talking about, and I'm glad they are, was being exposed decades ago by some of us, you know.
And it's very, very important that the alternative media is not barricaded in By hearing no further people who won't go into these deep areas where the real truth and cause of all this lies, what we're seeing in this world of the scene is the symptom, not the cause.
We must keep pushing the cutting edge.
And so in terms of Elon Musk, here's my questions, Alex.
First of all, he says that AI could be the end of humanity as we know it.
Absolutely true.
And then he starts a company called Neuralink to connect the human brain to computers and AI.
He is putting up these low-orbit satellites through SpaceX, which are fundamental, with others, to creating this cloud, which I'm talking about.
And the cloud is not just the bridge conduit between The Astral Dimension and this one.
It's also the cloud to which we are meant to be connected, not least through the content of the chat, to become a hive mind, where everyone thinks the same, because it's coming from a central point.
I mean, the last thing we should be doing is connecting technology or artificial intelligence to the human brain.
What are you doing, Mr. Musk?
And then he's got this Tesla, which is the climate change agenda.
It's the whole basis of why Tesla exists, with the electric cars doing far more damage to the environment than ever petrol and diesel car does.
And then I ask this.
You know, people say to me, yeah, but he bought Twitter and he's a free speech absolutist.
Well, he's not, but that's what he claims.
OK, and he put out the Twitter files, yeah, OK, and what did the Twitter files say?
Well, they said the Deep State completely controlled Twitter.
The Deep State completely controlled Twitter, and what was said on it, and what wasn't.
And Facebook, and Google, and Google owned YouTube.
So, question.
Why would the Deep State, and your Black Rocks, and your Vanguards, and your State Streets, complete cult operations?
Why would they not only sell to Musk, Twitter, but also threaten to take him to court to Force him to buy it.
And then there's this question I have.
Who owns Twitter?
Well, Elon Musk owns Twitter.
Oh, really?
Well, just hold on a second.
Twitter's been absorbed into something called X Corporation.
And so Twitter basically doesn't exist, except as a name, as a corporate entity.
It's X Corporation.
Or X Corp.
But that has a parent company called X Holdings Corporation.
Now, I don't know whether you came across this, but recently there was a court case In which a fired employee of Twitter took Twitter to court trying to get their just desserts.
And part of that was their lawyers asked Twitter to name the shareholders of X Holdings Corporation, which actually owns Twitter.
And the judge said, yes, yes, we want to see it.
Produce the document.
So they did.
And all 95 entities in ex-Holdings Corporation were scored off.
Couldn't see them.
So then Twitter did a deal with the judge that they would reveal to the person's lawyer By the way, David, I'm familiar with this.
on agreement that he would tell no one else, including his clients.
So who are the 95?
We should know in a transparent situation that we are apparently dealing with.
By the way, David, I'm familiar with this.
What you're saying is totally true and I totally agree with you.
If they know there's a huge awakening coming, that they weren't able to stop, they want
to lead it.
And so, whereas we continue to be suppressed, now there's all these new people that basically become watered-down versions of us, and I think people should be aware of that, but I do see it as a major victory that their brute force censorship didn't work, so they're having to now try to lead the opposition.
I do see this as a defeat for them.
Yeah, well, you see, they saw The potential big time of the alternative media at the time the COVID card was played.
And of course they reacted to that with mass censorship, ludicrous censorship, and it's still going on and it's still expanding.
But they know they can't shut down everything.
And was it Lenin?
It was Lenin who said, worse to the effect of, how do you control the opposition?
You run it yourself.
They were worse to the effect that he said.
And so we've got to be very, very careful about this and not let people come in and not just take it over, but then limit the range to which it will go.
Because that's absolutely vital.
Because if you don't understand the unseen, there's no way you're going to understand the seen.
David Icke, I totally agree with you.
It's not to say we're the original gangsters or something.
We're not territorializing this.
We want an awakening and it is happening.
But they're launching all of this to try to lead the folks that are awakening right now.
We'll talk about what comes next and where you see this fight going.
David Icke's our guest.
Yeah, stay with us.
Yeah, stay with us.
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Thanksgiving Day is coming.
And for Charlie Brown, that can only mean... It's a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
I'll tell you, Pat, this stuff is looking good, and smelling good, and tasting good.
We gotta dig in and start eating now.
Here it comes!
Oh, girl, what a feast this is!
It is beautiful, girl!
Drop the turkey!
Drop it!
Give me that bike!
The turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!
I don't know how much longer the crowd is running for their lives!
Thanks for that on-the-spot report, lass.
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You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
Don't let him kill me!
I'm too young to die!
Look, I had a chance to shoot a bunch of you the other day and didn't.
He wants to get rid of Thanksgiving forever!
To get rid of the Thanksgiving Day Parade!
All right, Spider-Man!
He's got spiderweb rays coming out of his hands, he can cling to tall buildings, and he's looking for Octopus, the Green Goblin!
Ranjit OJ, OJ running to the left, turns the corner at the 30, OJ at the 25, the 20, and falls ahead of the 15!
That does it, he broke the record!
For Quentin Longley, even if he never completes another pass, they'll always remember the one he threw on Thanksgiving Day 1974.
Where's the turkey, Chuck?
Don't you know anything about Thanksgiving dinners?
Those are pillows.
No! No!
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
Tonight, on this Thanksgiving, I come before you to ask your help, to ask your strength, to ask your prayers.
All of us have lived through seven days that none of us will ever forget.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
Another time.
In the age of wonder.
Another world, another time.
In the age of wonder.
In the age of wonder.
Another world, another time.
His life was green and good.
Until the crystal cracked.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The current book out is The Trap.
The new book coming out is The Dream.
We're going to be going back to David here in just a moment.
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Now, David, I've known who you are for 30 plus years, probably 32 years, 33 years.
I've been interviewing you for at least 26, 27 years.
I've been on there 29.
And I remember you coming on my show, and I tried to find the interview, but they took it all off YouTube.
But it had to be 20 years ago.
And saying, doing my research and really focusing into the higher dimensions.
I believe there'll be a Great Awakening by 2016.
There'll be a big push back into the middle of the 2025.
And I think this will all be decided by 2030.
And I'm listening to this saying, okay, we'll see if that happens.
It all happened basically as you said.
And now no one can deny the Great Awakening is here.
But at the same time, the evil, the dark forces are intensifying and are really on the march.
So how would you describe this if it was a soccer game?
top goalie yourself before you became a broadcaster with the BBC. If this was a British style
football game, how would you describe where we are and what's happening? Are the bad guys
winning? Are the good guys winning? Or are we at a stalemate?
Well, the game isn't over yet. That's the point.
And where we are now, as you will know, I mean, when I started out in 1990 on this road that I'm still on, no one wanted to know.
You talked about this stuff, reptiles, you're mad, and all this stuff.
And, oh no, people running the world, that's impossible.
A few people can't run the world, they couldn't do it.
All that was completely dismissed.
But look at it now.
Look at it now.
I mean, it's a phenomenal number of people now, not least since Covid, that have started to see that the world's not like they thought it was.
They're starting to see how the dots connect and how the same thing is happening everywhere.
How does that happen without coordination?
So, you know, the people that are kind of relatively new to this, they will look at the situation and go, We're in real trouble because no one's waking up.
Not enough people are waking up.
But if you have the perspective of 1990, then the number of people that are now starting to see it is absolutely fantastic.
What we've got to do is turn the seeing it into not cooperating with it.
And, you know, I said a long time ago that it's got to get really bad before enough people will You know, concentrate their minds that actually action is necessary and necessary urgently.
And so every time they're pushing on and the more it impacts on people's lives, the more people are becoming aware that actually the conspiracy theorists were not theorists at all.
And that is happening.
But at the same time, you've got this rolling out Of this digital concentration camp.
And that has always been the goal.
Always been the game.
And, you know, there's three groups of people.
Two of them, they've basically got.
The second group, maybe there's potential to move across, but they've basically got them.
The first group is people who just, I call them non-player characters, who just Just accept what they're told without question.
If someone in authority says it, then it must be true.
Then you've got the second group that can actually see that something's not right and they really don't want to do what their authorities are telling them, but they fear the consequences of not doing so.
They are basically under the control of the cult, absolutely.
The third group, which is getting bigger, this is the point, are those that can see it more and more and are refusing to cooperate with it.
And they're the ones, therefore, that this cult has to target more than anyone.
First of all, they have to do everything they can to stop that group communicating what it's seen and communicating what it's researched.
But even then, as I said earlier, they're not going to stop all of it.
So what they have to do then, this is what this is all about.
Is say, okay, you want to challenge us, you want to not cooperate, that's fine, but we are going to have a global digital currency, which is, it was in a book I wrote called Robots Rebellion in 1992, it came out in 93, about this end of cash and the one world currency, that we are going to not only Have a digital global currency, but we're going to make it programmable.
And that means that we can dictate what you can use it for and what you can't.
And if you want to challenge us, well, how are you going to eat?
How are you going to pay the rent?
How are you going to survive?
Because you're not going to be able to.
And what we've seen, Alex, in the last few days in Britain is a precursor of that.
As Nigel Farage has come out, because he's well known, it's got publicity, but loads and loads of other people before him have gone through the same thing.
I mean, I've been debanked.
I would imagine you've been messed with, right?
Well, I was banned from PayPal.
I didn't even bloody use it.
But the thing is that the banks are now starting to say, If you have the wrong opinion, you can't have a bank account.
Now, okay, the idea, of course, is to get rid of cash so you can't operate outside the banking system to get this digital currency in, which is programmable, so they have complete control over your finances and your ability to function.
And all that He's targeting this third group, the awakening group, the increasingly maverick group.
And that's why they're doing it.
And well, I totally agree.
And they admit that they want to use it for control over.
So let me ask you this.
If this group had their druthers.
Do we just get used for body parts for a cyborg system like you've all Noah Harari talks about or is it a childhood's end type scenario?
If this outside alien group had its way, the satanic group had its way, what would the world look like versus I would thank you for everything you've done for the Infowar, but I know you're like me.
You don't want my thanks.
You want victory over the globalists and these devil worshipping child molesters.
And you want them off your back and off your children's back.
And you know what?
I'm the same way and that's why we're on the same damn team.
And it's why Infowars has been delivering time and time again when it's clutch time to Focus the people on taking action against the globalists.
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And I know you are as well.
So thank you for standing with us, because you are the Infowar.
And I want to thank you for committing to stand with us however you can.
From the bottom of my heart, from my family, and from the great crew at Infowars, I want to thank you all because you are the Infowar.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
But their little feet are going like that under the water.
Because, you know, the only way that this demonic realm can control humans is if humans stay unconscious.
When we expand our awareness, when we put aside all preconceived idea and preconceived belief in reality and everything, And say, I'm going to let my own experience and information be my guide and not preconceived idea.
You start to realize what the game is.
And the more people that awaken to that, the more that energy of awakening will dominate this.
These village idiots, that's what they are.
You know, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
It's very, very appropriate that one of their major symbols is a single eye.
Because they are the one-eyed man.
And they have prevailed this far by keeping humans blind in both eyes.
It's not that they are omnipotent and all-powerful.
Bunch of prats!
Anyone that wants to control everything like they do is obviously suffering from extreme levels of insecurity for a start.
Secure people don't want to control others, they just want to get on with their lives.
Let others get on with their lives.
So, these are not all powerful.
They're not.
The trick is to convince us that they are.
It's like authority.
Authority in the human world of the scene is simply the demonic made manifest in our reality.
So people say, well, you can't go against authority, it's too powerful.
Oh, really?
What if millions or billions of people say to authority, a tiny number, we're not having it?
Well, let me raise an example of that.
You know, you and I saw this over a decade ago, but the world sees it now, statistics show it, even the Hollywood stars come out and say, everyone hates this, there's nothing more uncool than being a Hollywood star.
You see Prince Charles, King Charles, basically almost everybody laughing at them in their little ridiculous outfits, their regalia.
But do you think the establishment, who's retreated into their bubbles, realizes that the world is turning against them very, very quickly?
Well, I think they do.
And, you know, once they put themselves on public display, which is basically when the COVID card was played, they knew that when they played that, great vast numbers of people just go along nodding dogs.
But they would awaken significant numbers of people who wouldn't go that direction and would see it and would awaken to more as a result.
So they have a goal of 2030, which they want to pull forward as much as they can, for a simple reason.
Once you put yourself on public display, You have a certain period, as short as you can get away with, to so literally lock down digitally and technologically, through AI, the population, before enough of them wake up to overthrow your nonsense.
So they are really pushing this on.
And the thing is, you know, it's what I was trying to get across in terms of the Lack of omnipotent power that they really have.
Their power is the power we give them.
And that is that you can look at censorship and you can say, oh, that's where they've got the power of censorship.
But what's censorship really?
It's an expression of fear.
Because if they weren't frightened of the truth coming out, they wouldn't be censoring.
And all this imposition of the digital currency and the digital concentration camp
is actually an expression of desperation and fear because they know if they don't
push this through fast over this period then enough people are gonna wake up to bring it down.
And David, I totally agree with you.
And so you're talking 35,000 foot view here.
But for the listeners who do want these questions drilled into, we know the enemy is going to strike back.
So what do you make of the Ukraine war, of Zelensky, of them saying the Russians are going to blow up the nuclear power plant in the next few days with no evidence?
What do you make of Biden, who they obviously want to get rid of now?
Who are they going to bring in?
I mean, just as they know they're losing their power and they're desperately trying to bring in their world government, their world currency, everything we said openly happened.
We're totally vindicated.
But that's us saying, hey, we were right in the past.
Listeners, again, want to know what's coming in the future and what we do to counter this.
So let me let's walk through a few scenarios here.
Ukraine war.
Well, I've been saying for decades that the plan was to bring the West into conflict with an alliance of Russia and China, with Iran thrown in and stuff like that.
It doesn't necessarily have to be a military conflict.
Well, it could be.
It could be an economic conflict.
And, you know, China We're talking about Russia and Ukraine, but in the background is the biggie.
China is the blueprint for the world.
And the Mao Revolution, I suggest, was actually a cult revolution using a front man called Mao.
And the idea was to create a closed society in which a system of mass control, not least through technology, Could be incubated and perfected and then played out across the world.
And so that's why we've had this, if you want to connect a few dots, not only as the Chinese system being played out more and more across the world since the quote COVID, which came out where it's a set of China, You've had for decades, US corporations that are not US corporations, and they're not European corporations, they're cult corporations, the same cult that controls China.
They've been outsourcing their production to China and the East, especially China.
And so they've given China all the aces in terms of supply of producing and supplying basic products, etc.
This has all been orchestrated.
I totally agree.
Stay right there.
We got to break in a few minutes, but we got a futile break.
But it's on record that China has been given control of 98% of rare earth minerals for all the electronics.
It's on record that the CIA and 49 double crossed Chiang Kai-shek and back Mao.
It's on record that it wasn't Nixon that opened it up.
He just made the alliance public.
So quantify when you say cult, people always say who runs it, what runs it.
It's different bloodlines, different elites that resonate with this anti-human destructive
force and that they have built China up.
I mean, 90 percent of it didn't have electricity 60 years ago into this juggernaut.
Who is the cult?
And then continue, because it's not debated that the CIA put Mao Zedong into power.
Who is the cult?
What is their plan for China?
OK, so if people just imagine a massive spider's web around the world and there's a spider
in the middle.
Now that spider ultimately are these astral demonic forces.
The strands immediately around the spider are the most secretive secret societies that will know pretty much all that's happening.
As you come out from the spider, still in the hidden, You're coming into the secret societies we know of, the Freemasons, the inner core of them, the Knights of Malta, the Knights Templar, the inner core of the Jesuit Order, on and on.
Skull and bones is an expression of it in America, of course.
And as you come out, you eventually reach what I call the cusp, the cusp in the web.
And this cusp is where the hidden meets the seen.
And at that cusp are the Bilderberg Group, the World Economic Forum, the explosion of think tanks and Soros-funded, often non-governmental organisations, the Trilateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, the other expressions of that network as well.
And their job at the cusp is to take the agenda coming through the hidden from the spider and play it out into the public arena, the world of the scene, through corporations and Silicon Valley and governments and banks and World Health Organization and so on.
And so when you see that, and you then start to see that what appear to be random, unconnected corporations, World Health Organization, Silicon Valley, and so on, CDC, Big Pharma, If you go deep enough in these organizations and companies, you meet that level of them which connects to the web.
Oh, stay there, because with the hearings last few months and this judge's ruling, that just came out.
Intelligence agencies, government, big tech, media, all working behind the scenes in secret to surveil and suppress the speech of Americans.
You know, it's the same thing overseas.
So there is some good forces fighting back.
Why is it coming to the surface?
That tells me evil is not fully in power.
Incredible first hour of the David Icke.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Find his new book there.
And that is The Dream.
Find my book at Infowarsstore.com.
We'll be right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, some stations don't carry those first five minutes, but the internet does.
Someone asked David to talk about any topic he wants for five minutes.
Then we come back from break, we'll continue with that key point he hit at the end of the hour just minutes ago about these webs of control between corporate and government that look separate but are actually the same group, the cult.
Such an important point, he'll finish in about five minutes.
But David, in this little five minutes, what is it like to be vindicated completely?
Well, like you said earlier on in the show, it gives you no pleasure to see what you said was coming to have arrived.
Because, you know, people say, how did you know?
Well, my answer to that is because it's not random.
You know, if you're saying this is what's going to happen and it's all random, well, what's the chances of you getting it right or anything close to being right?
You get it right because it's a plan.
And if you uncover the plan, you can predict the future.
But you're not actually predicting the future.
You're predicting the future if there's no intervention by humans on the plan.
And so the more this plays out in the way that you kind of say this is what is planned and it happens, it's a bit disappointing, really, because the idea is, the idea of what I do, what we do, is to alert enough people to stop that happening, to make sure it doesn't play out.
And like I said earlier, though, it has to get really bad to concentrate enough minds.
And we are moving into that area now.
I mean, after Covid, more and more people came, but more and more people will when they start to see that actually it's not a myth, it's not a theory, it's actually happening.
But it's like I say, I want to emphasize that it's not about predicting the future.
It's about predicting the plan.
And the idea is the plan doesn't become the future because enough people intervene.
So to answer the question, it gives you no satisfaction, really.
I mean, it does give you confidence that you're on the right track and that what you're doing and how you're researching and how you're coming across all this is valid because it turns out that it's true.
But it's not something you want to be.
I mean, I don't want to be here a few years from now, as I will be, by the way, and having this chat and saying, well, you know, people are now being connected to AI en masse.
You know, I told you that was coming.
That's no satisfaction at all.
If you can avoid it happening by human intervention, That's the real reason we do what we do, of course.
And I totally agree what you said.
I've interviewed probably 50 times, been very blessed to be at some of the same events as you and have dinner with you when we cover Bilderberg together and some other times.
But what you just said is the most important thing ever.
We're not predicting the future.
It's a set plan that if we let them continue to hijack the train or the plane, we're going to go to the destination they want.
But of course, none of it's random.
We're able to predict what's going to happen once we study their operations because they are in somewhat control now.
But more and more, they're not in control.
And that's really the most important part.
We're not just hijacked bystanders here.
If we get engaged and informed, we collectively can take control of our destiny together and take it away from these people.
Well, it's a very simple thing.
It's mathematics.
I mean, get yourself, people, a pocket calculator.
Tap in 8 billion people and then take away the handful relative to 8 billion that are running the show.
And I think I see a way out of this.
The idea... Wouldn't you say it's maybe a thousand people that are in on the whole conspiracy?
I think, Alex, that if you get to the core of the core of the core of the core, you'd get them in a single room.
But the thing is that their power is only in manipulating people to give their power to them.
They have no power.
Clearly, a handful relative to the population can't have power over the population.
Without the acceptance and acquiescence of the population.
So that's what we're working towards, obvious.
Stay there.
We're going to come back to where you got cut off six minutes ago when the last hour ended, when you were saying it's all out in the open, that it's compartmentalized spiderweb.
Finish up that important point, we'll come back in 60 seconds.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I don't say this to be on a power trip because it's the opposite.
I say it so people pay attention and really think about what's happening.
Together, on this show right now, David Icke was the weight before I was, and I've obviously been as successful as he has in getting people to awaken to the New World Order, but he's really been the trailblazer on how the thing operates and what they would pull and what they would do.
I would say in some ways I may have been more successful at actually reaching more people, but that's up in the air.
It's not about keeping score here.
We're all on the same team.
Team consciousness, team freedom, team free will.
But now it's out in the open that David's been hammering on for 30 plus years.
That it's a spider's web and the corporations at the top act like they're different, but they're really on the same team.
And that government is interfaced and governments look different, but most of the major governments are controlled by the same cult.
And now that's really come out in the congressional hearings with all the big tech and the intelligence agencies censoring and surveilling and controlling.
And there's really a great awakening to this.
So you got cut off by the break at the end of the last hour, David, talking about that.
Yeah, so once you realise that these corporations and governments, court systems, judiciaries, banking systems, Silicon Valley, World Health Organisation, World Trade Organisation, are actually connected to this web, and of course through compartmentalisation it means the vast majority of people in those organisations, indeed in those governments, have no idea there is a web.
So you have this network which is connecting these organisations.
Now this explains a great deal.
So when the COVID card was played, Silicon Valley announced that it was going to censor anyone that challenged the official story of COVID coming out of the World Health Organisation.
Now, if you look at that from a bigger picture point of view, you'd say, well, hold on a minute.
You're supposed to be the town square where we all have our opinion and then people make up their mind what to believe.
What are you doing?
Announcing right at the start, you're going to censor anyone that challenges the World Health Organization narrative because The World Health Organization is an asset of the cult.
It was created by the cult through the Rockefeller family, not least, in 1948.
And Silicon Valley is a cult operation.
Therefore, the Silicon Valley corporations and platforms censoring on behalf of the cult a narrative The anyone that challenges the World Health Organization, a cult operation.
Then you've got Big Pharma.
Big Pharma is an absolute cult operation.
And, you know, it's a satanic organization, obviously, just as the cult is.
So, you know, because you know that if you go deep enough in the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration in the United States, you're going to get To the point where they interact with the web.
So, you know that when Big Pharma comes along with Pfizer or Moderna or whatever, and asks the apparent regulatory agency of government, supposed to protect the people from Big Pharma, for permission to use their fake vaccine on younger and younger and more and more people, you know they're going to get it.
Because what's happening is Big Pharma, the cult, is going to the CDC and the FDA, the cult, and asking for permission to advance a cult agenda.
So obviously they're going to get it.
So this is how it works.
So now you start to see that while you are looking at banks, plural, You're actually looking at bank singular, not least coordinated through organizations like the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
So now you see why suddenly these different banks are all working as one to say, no, if you've got the wrong opinion, then you're not going to have a bank account.
Now you look at the digital currency.
Suddenly, all over the world, the central banks, coordinated through the Bank for International Settlements, are saying we want to introduce a digital currency.
How is it coordinated?
Through the cult!
This is how it works.
Are we really believing that suddenly people all over the world in authority have the same idea?
I know, I've got a great idea, I woke up with it this morning.
What we're going to do is we're going to put drag queens into schools, and we're going to get them to read stories first of all, and then we're going to get them to strut their stuff as we expand it.
This is cult organization.
This is why the same things happen everywhere.
And that's all admitted now that Bill Gates and the UN created global standardized systems for central bank digital currencies in the last decade with the Carnegie Foundation and the CIA.
The U.S.
government's quarterbacking the new U.N.
Treaty, which is really a U.S.
It's like the group that runs the U.S.
created the U.N.
It's the same cult.
When you get down to the Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bilderberg Group, it's the same hundred people that head up all the major organizations.
Peter Hotez came out and said, oh, I don't take any money from Big Pharma.
He just takes it from Bill Gates, and then he comes up with what Bill Gates wants.
That gets recommended and adopted by government, then buys it from Bill Gates.
So, no, Big Pharma's not funding him.
Hotez makes the corporate recommendations that then buy the product from Bill Gates, but Bill Gates funds Hotez in their research, and he lies to us like we're idiots.
But what does it mean now that these judges are coming out and exposing this?
I mean, I don't think the elites are the elites.
I don't think they're in total control.
I think we're seeing the cracks in the system as more people in the system that were compartmentalized, David Icke, decide to not go along with it.
Well, yeah, that's a point.
The system is so fiercely compartmentalised that people within it every day are contributing to this agenda's playing out without knowing there even is an agenda.
This is the point.
And I remember speaking at an event in London a long time ago now.
And a guy came up to me afterwards, and he was a retired leading executive of Shell Oil in South America.
And he came to me, he said, I've just realized, listening to you, why so many things happened when I was working for Shell that I didn't understand at the time.
And this is the compartmentalization.
And what, you know, the alternative media Putting this information out, some of us decade after decade of course, it's decompartmentalising
That structure, because people are getting it within the system from outside the system, and thus they want to silence us.
So these people, these renegade people, who may not know the big picture at all, but they get that what they're being pressured to do is not what they should do, they are starting to rebel and they're starting to say, no, no, I'm not going along with it.
It was kind of interesting.
I mean, I don't know how this is going to play out.
I was banned from 26 European countries by the Dutch government through the Schengen system.
You're banned from one, you're banned from them all.
And we've been challenging them in the courts.
And we went to the district judge, first of all, and he did everything but walk into the bloody court with a rubber stamp, you know.
But we had another hearing a couple of weeks ago, and I don't know whether she's going to have the, you know, the backbone to go all the way through with it.
But I'm listening to this.
I'm obviously not allowed into the Netherlands, so I'm on kind of Zoom or something.
And she started asking the government lawyer very forensic questions.
And I'm going, whoa, this is a bit different.
And she wasn't having it.
And the government lawyer was getting more and more flustered because he had no evidence.
And then a few days later, she said, OK, I'll rule at the end of the month.
A few days later, my lawyer in the Netherlands got a contact from her.
And what's happened is she's actually looked into the law through which I was supposed to be banned.
And she found that the law has been changed.
The Schengen law has been changed.
So the law that they banned me with by Um, interpreting it in a most ridiculous, ludicrous way.
But anyway, the law that they used was actually removed in March, and she saw that, first judge, and she did, because she was forensic.
She wasn't just rubber stamping.
She was saying, um, actually, I want to know more about this and why you banned it.
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Matthew in Wisconsin, thanks for calling in.
You're on the air.
Hey, I love you guys.
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That also keeps the broadcast on the air.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And then, because people want to know, I want to go back to the start, like, in the download you got, like, okay, there's this alien group, it's like reptoids, they kill children to open up dimensions, because we know this is all going on, but go back to the beginning, because you were trying to download all this, and then, I know it's not that your views have changed, but your understanding The information you've given has become, I would say, more focused or sophisticated as you're able to decode it.
Because I've been, since then, I've not gotten massive downloads, but I've gotten big pieces, epiphanies, chunk after chunk, and you know when it's divine, when it's next level.
But just getting into what makes David Icke work and What you were doing in life, you know, top broadcaster but a top goalie.
Hosted the top show in the UK.
I mean, you were a big deal and then all of a sudden you're on a trip to Peru and get thunderstruck.
Speak to that.
Well, I can talk about the process of what's happening to people when they get this Damascus, as you describe it.
I can certainly talk about that a little later.
I hope I can, because it's easily explainable what's actually happening in those situations.
Well, talk about it now if you want.
I mean, whatever you want to say.
OK, I'll talk about it now, and then we can talk about where I've come from a bit later.
Yeah, OK.
Describing earlier how the body is a biological computer and actually it's a software program and it comes into this world with a life program which it will play out without the intervention of consciousness.
And so you go along and the five senses, because this is a simulation, not just a simulation in this level, what we call the astral is another part of the simulation.
And so what you're doing is following the program and all your perceptions of reality are coming in from the program through the media and what we call education and all this stuff.
And you have a certain view of reality, not least through the left side of the brain, which sees everything as apart from everything else.
And what happens when people have these revelatory moments, I had mine in Peru, as you say, is that consciousness connects You open enough from the program and you open your mind.
You open your mind.
If people just stopped believing and getting their perceptions of reality from the five sense system and just said this to themselves, look, I can see only a tiny fraction of the reality, infinite reality, called visible light.
So how the hell can I know all there is to know, or as much as I need to know, From within that tiny band of... You've spoken to that, I'm saying, it's the same question.
What is it in your life, or the things you went through, that the universe chose you to have this big understanding of things that's turned out to be so accurate?
Or are you just saying, randomly in the universe, this just happened to you?
Because I don't see it like that.
I mean, go back to... Because I think, it's not two questions, it's one question.
I don't think it's random.
I mean, my life has been so synchronistic that put me on this road in 1990 that I don't think it's random.
But where I was just going is this.
There's one thing that cannot be denied and cannot be dismissed, and that is that whatever we think we know, at any point, there is
always, always, always more to know.
Exactly. And if you work from that, it's like, to paraphrase the Greek philosopher Socrates,
wisdom is knowing how little we know. Yes.
And thus every minute you know there's more to know.
So what is it that is more to know?
Instead of sitting in this...
Yeah, exactly.
They don't want you to know.
Because not knowing is their power.
run the Atlantic Monthly, all of them.
Do not ask questions.
Do not do your own research.
That's bad.
Now, people should know when you're told, don't check things out.
Don't read the fine print.
That's what the bad guy tells you.
They don't want you to know.
Because not knowing is their power.
So when you start to look at life from that point of view, whatever I think I know, there's always more to know.
What happens is your mind starts to open to other possibilities,
at which point it starts to go beyond the 5 cents prison cell,
and you start to connect.
With expanded levels of consciousness.
Not some alien in a bloody spaceship.
Your own consciousness that you have been separated from by your focus of attention only in 5 seconds.
The truth is you can plug your consciousness into the universe and beyond.
Well, we are the universe and beyond.
That's the point.
But we've been isolated.
Perceptually isolated.
through various and many techniques in a five sense prison cell.
So once you start to open your mind and let consciousness in,
that's when you're tapping in to all this awareness and all this knowing
that suddenly, revelatory, I can see it now.
Why didn't I see it before?
Because you were there before.
And I know you've been around a lot of these globalists.
I have as well.
They're like machines.
Like you said, they're not happy people.
They just follow a program.
Is it possible to free people that have been under this control?
Or once they get under the control, are they gone?
Anyone can open to consciousness.
It's the choice.
But the more you submit to the programme, the more entrenched you become in the programme.
I mean, you'll meet people and it doesn't matter how much information you put in front of them, how much evidence, they won't get it.
They won't get it because literally they can't process that information because they can only process their program.
But anyone can open up to it, and lots of people are.
And you know what I'm finding, Alex?
I don't know if you are, but people that are kind of new to this, some of them anyway, they can awaken in the way that I've described To an extent that they get it in such a way that they become further forward in their understanding that people maybe have been researching this for 10 years.
A lot of people are making instant jumps.
This is what's happening.
This is what's happening.
Because as these truth vibrations, this frequency comes in, it's coming into the simulation through the astral.
I mean, you know, This simulation, this world we call human, and even the astral on top, it's a mere smear of infinite reality.
Sure, the astral is just the interface to this little sub-dimension.
Yeah, it's a simulation.
It's like a virtual reality game.
The body and the brain is like a headset.
And what you do when you open your mind and let consciousness in is you're effectively taking the headset off because you're overriding the program and thus you can see things that others can't see.
That's right.
Take the headset off with David Icke.
Take the face sucker off.
We'll come right back with David Icke with another iconic segment.
Stay with us.
InfoWars.com, DavidIcke.com.
Check them both out.
They want to either indict me...
...or kill me...
And because I own and control, until now, this operation that's 29 years old, InfoWars is 27, that name.
And they want to make it look like I've quit.
But that's not what's going on.
So I want to explain this to everybody.
Just give you a status update on M4's and where things are going and what's happening.
Just explain to you that I've been put in an impossible, untenable position.
So I've been a good steward overall.
Or as best I could be.
I'm out of bullets.
It's like the Alamo.
They held off 5,000 troops, 80-something men for days and days.
But when the ammo ran out, folks, they all got killed.
And so it's real simple.
And I actually feel good about that.
I've never sold out.
I've never backed down.
I've never bowed.
But at a certain point, you put enough weight on the back of a donkey, its back's gonna break.
So, that's where we are.
And the globalists think this show and myself and our listeners and our focal point with our crew and our guests and our reporters is important.
Because we are.
We've created the talking points that are true.
That are on everybody's lips, and it's now the dominant resistance from Japan to Spain to the United States.
And populist anti-globalists are being elected everywhere.
We need to stay on air to expose the next pandemic, to expose the next lockdown, which we just did, and this audience was the detonator that just stopped that.
Think of the millions we've warned not to take the shots.
That's the power of this audience.
Because of this focal point.
So we can't let them shut this down, ladies and gentlemen.
We've come so far.
And a couple million dollars sounds like a lot to the average person.
But in a war with the New World Order, this is truly David versus Goliath.
And we are going to win this thing.
We give up, it gets ten times worse.
Look how popular anti-New World Order information is.
It's everywhere.
Look at all the most popular people now are saying world government's evil, the population's evil, the globalists and world government want to kill you and your family.
That's true.
It's horrible to admit.
It's horrible to get your mind around it.
But once you admit the horror, you have a chance to stop it.
They've always had a leg up on us because their agenda is so brazen, so destructive, so evil, so maniacal, so genocidal, so satanic, that people just can't believe it's happening.
Most victims of crime, when it's actually happening, can't believe it.
Even after they survived, they can't believe it.
Well, now people finally know we're in a world of shit!
We are overrun, we are under attack, they're coming after everybody, and there's all these fools that work with the system that think they're gonna be left alone.
No, they're coming for the whole shooting match.
And I'm not complaining, I'm not bitching, but my gosh, if you want to keep this on air, you need to understand, this isn't a game.
I need you to go to m4warstore.com and get The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalists, and launching the next Great Renaissance.
I need to sell all of those books.
I need you to go to DefendJones.com if you want to make a straight up donation.
That goes to me for my bills and my expenses and legal.
I need you if you want to support Free Speech Systems and keep that on the air because it needs funds as well.
And part of that and the agreement I have will actually go for my expenses.
And that is Infowars.com forward slash crypto.
Infowars.com forward slash crypto.
And believe me, If you think they're going to stop with Alex Jones, you got another thing coming.
They're bringing in all this censorship, all their control, and we're seeing the biggest victories in Awakening we've ever seen.
And you know it's just going to be 10 times worse if we don't continue to fight.
Imagine how bad it'd be.
We'd be in lockdown again, if it wasn't for this audience months ago, getting the word out, making it the top story, and then right after I said they were going to try to bring it out, within days they tried to relaunch, and it exploded even bigger, and they had congressional hearings, and now all over the world it failed!
And yet you!
That's this show!
All of us.
You did that.
Joe Biden's a pedophile and raised gas prices.
He did that.
You did the good stuff.
This is the number to bet on, folks, on roulette wheel.
You win every time.
You cannot invest in a better place in the fight with your word of mouth, your prayer, spreading the word, putting the clips up.
But I'm telling you, I need your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, you're an energetic being, an eternal being, and you're going to choose what energy you resonate with, is the best way to describe it.
You can travel up into the higher consciousness, or you can be destroyed.
Basically a shrewd being bound to agents of chaos.
But David, what do you think it's like?
Because I think it's fascinating to be one of these globalists, like a King Charles or any of them.
Because they act buffoonish, they're moronic, they try to project power.
But when you look at them, they're repulsive.
And if you go online, King Charles is incredibly unpopular.
Bill Gates is incredibly unpopular.
Klaus Schwab is incredibly unpopular.
And so it was one thing ten years ago even, still if somebody was established, but the
average person thought they were powerful, the facade's already fallen.
And they're like, I guess, wannabe Greek gods that need to be worshipped to exist.
I feel like they've already been broken to a great extent, except we've got to face their temper tantrum that they're going to launch against us.
From your study and research, what is it like To be possessed by these entities.
You talk a lot about the satanic rituals and now it's all out in the open with the children and that they're doing this to be able to resonate closer to these avatars, these controllers.
But what is it, from your research, like to be one of these people?
Well, these people are basically incarnate demons.
You know, if you go back to what I said, Alex, about the biological body being a biological computer, what inhabits it is anything from an expanded state of awareness to a demonic low vibrational moron.
So it's what's inhabiting the biological computer And in terms of this cult, particularly the inner cause of this cult and the major gophers, they are demonically possessed.
I just say to people, look into the eyes, because the eyes are indeed the window on the soul or the window on the no-soul.
And you can see in the eyes the nature of the entity that's behind them.
Go and look at Mark Rutter, the Netherlands Prime Minister.
Go and look at his eyes.
Look at Gates' eyes.
Look at all these people's eyes and you'll see the demonic within them because that's what they are.
And what they're doing is hiding Behind a biological computer system, a body, which looks like everyone else's.
And so we look at them, people look at them, and they say, oh, they're a human.
But it's not what the body looks like, it's what's inhabiting the body and driving its behavior and driving its perceptions.
And one of the things about this demonic realm is that it has no capacity for empathy.
It has no capacity for compassion.
And thus, when one of these entities is inhabiting one of these cult gopher bodies, that behaviour will reflect the fact that it has no compassion and has no empathy.
This is why Gates can do what he's done in the COVID era to vast numbers of people who are now dead
or have their health destroyed for life, and he will have no emotional consequence for that
'cause they're psychopaths.
Psychopaths, if you look at the psychopathic traits, the top two are no empathy,
not being able to put yourself in the feelings of those you're affecting, and no compassion.
This is why these people are as they are.
They're demonically possessed.
And I do wanna talk about two things which I think are very relevant to many things
First of all, there's what people call God.
And secondly, and I'll start with this one, is that When Morpheus in the Matrix held up a battery and said the machines, or to go to the wider quote, the Matrix is a computer-generated dream world, it is, it's a simulation, created or designed to turn human beings into one of these, a battery, it was a profound truth.
Because these entities, which are the fallen angels in the Bible, that's another thing about religion.
You look at the common themes.
What Christianity calls Satan or the devil is this force.
What Islam calls Iblis or Shaitan is this force.
And therefore they're all talking about the same thing without actually realizing it.
So, what's happening is this demonic realm is feeding off human energy.
That's what it's doing.
Now, what kind of human energy?
This will explain a lot about the world.
Because they're in a low vibrational state, they can only absorb low vibrational energy.
Things like expanded consciousness and high frequency states of being, it's never the twain shall meet.
They're on different wavelengths.
So they have to manipulate the human population To fall into low vibrational, emotional and mental states of fear, of anxiety, of resentment, of hatred, of conflict, because that generates through the emotional and mental energetic expression, that low vibrational energy which they feed off.
When they're doing a sacrifice and they say we're sacrificing to the gods, what does that mean?
It means that they're going through rituals, and this is why even today these cultists are using Babylonian rituals, ancient Egyptian rituals, etc., because they are designed specifically to generate the terror and the buildup of the terror in the sacrifice to the point
where they're generating...
Because we got to do one more break, come out with a final segment with the iconic David Icke,
davidicke.com. But since you raised that, we'll talk about Bohemian Groves, Skull and Bones,
the CERN rituals that are going on. But before we go to break in two minutes,
we know they want a bunch of slaves to feed off of, then why do they want to depopulate us?
Is that because they figured out that out of the mass of people, enough resistance is going to form, and they can't keep control?
They want to replace us with robots that serve them?
Because if they want to use us for psychic energy, why at the same time are they trying to kill as many of us as possible?
Well, because their plan is to make it far, far more efficient.
You see, if they're connecting AI, which is basically them, that's what it is, to the human brain, then what they're doing... They're going to terrorize and torture us and get way more energy off the individual.
Yeah, they are dictating our perception and emotional states, and thus...
We become basically machines to generate this low vibration.
So the answer is what you just said.
We're being converted from them doing it at an ambient level to them actually directly farming us.
Yeah, think the Matrix and the babies feeding the machines, the energy of the babies feeding the machines.
That's what we're looking at.
Um, a technological, uh, version, an AI version of, uh... Alright, stand right there, because he mentioned the occult rituals.
Public satanic events at CERN, private ones, bohemian groves, skull and bones, and I look at it and I laugh until I realize how serious they are when I've gone and infiltrated some of these events and covered them.
They take it deadly serious, and why are they doing such ancient rituals over and over again?
What is the paradigm?
What is the signature?
Why does it...
Why did they, in the 2012 Olympics, have Grim Reapers using a COVID virus to murder everyone in London?
We'll show that when we come back.
Why do they have to tell us what they're going to do before they do it?
David Icke is our guest.
And 5G is opening up the dimensions for this.
What is the Hadron Superconducting Super Collider doing in Europe?
David Icke, DavidIcke.com.
His new book drops very, very soon.
The newest one is The Trap.
The latest one that's about to come out is The Dream.
Find it all at DavidIke.com.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
Oh, hello.
Oh, hello.
Fit another communist Chinese dragon here with an important public service announcement.
Live in your poop and needles and human sex trafficking and open borders and buy slave goods from China and do what the Justice Department say and put all the good Americans in prison and stay asleep.
Your master, Xi Jinping, has arrived and our puppet Biden bowed down to him.
Governor Newsom has also visited and bowed down to our leader, who is also your master.
The shithole city of San Francisco, like all the other communist cities we control, has been flooded with fentanyl.
But when the dear leader arrives, they clean the streets for him.
Hello, poop people!
Ha ha ha!
That's what your master, G.G.
Pink, calls you.
But he does not look at the poop and needles that you live in.
All the homeless taken away when you're a great leader there.
And our puppet, Nathan Newsome, tell you, oh, we're only cleaning for G.G.
Pink, not for you!
I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town.
Um, that's true.
Because it's true.
That's how we rub the poop in.
Enjoy your she-ho cities.
You are done.
We own Hollywood.
We own TikTok.
We owe almost everything.
Now we buy up your farmland.
You eat sabayas while we eat the steak.
The last group to take out is any leadership that is resisting us, like Donald Trump.
He will soon be in prison.
And then, of course, we must silence any populace that resists us.
And that is our next move.
Good FBI.
Good Justice Department.
Good Merrick Garland.
Good Jack Smith.
Put Trump in jail.
Put political dissidents in jail.
Silence free speech.
Censor everyone.
Also, we're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts.
What's being said on social media platforms.
Every person on social media should be verified by their name.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
They need to verify every single person on their Outlet, because, and I want it by name.
My slaves, repeat after me.
I am going to stay asleep.
I am going to do nothing.
I am going to be politically correct and have your son's genitals removed.
Also, do not support independent media like InfoWars.com and do not get The Great Awakening, the book, at InfoWarsStore.com.
Stay asleep.
Do not get booked.
No, no, no.
I am giving you your order, slave Americans.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and do not get the best-selling book, The Great Awakening, by the evil thought criminal, Alex Jones.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser.
Signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly once we have shut down Alex Jones.
And we're working with many people at the Justice Department to do it.
Because if there is great awakening, then we cannot fully enslave and destroy it.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
This is the order from CCP.
I am the regime's EPN.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Final segment with the amazing David Icke.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
You'll find our coordinates at InfoWars.com and InfoWarsTour.com.
Thank you all for your support.
All right, David, getting into the occult, because you raised this, and I meant to.
I had the crew hours ago going, get Bohemian Grove ready, get Stolen Bones ready, get the CERN rituals together.
I'm going to bring up, why do they do these stupid rituals?
Because, you know, I stuck into Bohemian Grove, was laughing at the ritual until I saw that the men were shaking in beyond anything I ever saw at Holy Roller churches I
went to when I was a kid.
They were completely possessed there.
You look at CERN, everywhere they're doing classical, ancient, occultic rituals.
Why are they doing it, David Icke?
Well, first of all, I've studied this and I've talked to many, many Satanists,
former Satanists around the world over these decades.
And these cult gophers, shall we say, are terrified of the demons.
They're terrified.
And they are frightened of the consequences of failing them.
They really are.
And what's happening in these rituals is they are... What can happen is that these rituals, if you're talking about a ritual around, say, a single individual, The ritual can create a vibrational bridge or connection between the person and the demonic entity.
And this allows that demonic entity to come through into this reality and possess the person.
And there's so many of these, I mean, satanic rituals, all the people involved are literally possessed.
And like I said earlier, what these rituals are doing, from a sacrifice to the gods point of view, is producing the energy from the sacrifice that these entities in the astral feed off.
So, you know, you can see someone being emotional with your eyes, because that's happening within 3D.
But the energy that that emotional response is giving off, you can't see.
You might be able to feel it, but you can't see it because it's astral.
And so in that astral realm, these entities are feeding off the terror and the fear of the sacrifice.
And in this realm, that terror manifests chemically as adrenochrome and adrenaline.
And thus the Satanists in this realm will drink the blood and get adrenochrome rush, because it's like a rush to them.
And it's the chemical expression of the terror that the entities in the astral are feeding off.
And so that's why they do it.
And in these various rituals you can do it that way, or you can actually create an energetic environment That bridges the two realities so the demonic entity can possess the person.
And this is an interesting point that I've found over the years.
We see a hierarchy.
We'll see a prime minister, a deputy prime minister, a president, a deputy president, a leader of the house and all that.
So you see the human hierarchy.
But within the satanic realm of the cult, The hierarchy that dictates that is dependent on the level of demon that possesses you.
So if you're one of the demonic, if you like, masters, Then you, possessed by that entity, will be higher up the satanic cult hierarchy than someone who appears to be higher than you in the human hierarchy.
The hierarchy of control is dictated by the scale and level of the demon that's possessing you, which means what?
It means that the hierarchy in the demonic becomes the hierarchy in the human world, the real hierarchy, the one they never talk about.
And this is why you've got people who are dictating to apparently people who are higher than them.
Well, I was about to say, David, you talked 33 years ago about secret satanic rituals and members of Parliament slitting each other's throats later came out to be true and Jimmy Savelle and the BBC were the first to expose it decades before Jeffrey Epstein.
You exposed it all because you were there and had the intel.
If you pull back from this, now almost every national show or the Grammys or whatever is demons and women in cages and men as Satan and doing mock sacrifice.
So the stuff they used to do at Bohemian Grove and Secret has now been fully externalized.
They're showing us mass plague, mass death, our children dying in mass, our children in cages.
I mean, you just turn on a random show, it's all hell on earth.
So what are they doing?
Just getting us ready for something or what is this?
What they're doing is they're taking the demonic and all its paraphernalia and its symbolism.
You see, everything is a frequency.
So a symbol is a frequency.
So the pyramid and all-seeing eye, if you saw it on a frequency wave field level, it would be a certain resonance.
So are all these other symbols, the inverted cross, the inverted pentagram.
They are generating a particular frequency which that symbol is designed to generate.
So when you're looking... So you're saying they're invoking all the sacrifice and war and death that's been done in the same ritual, so even though no one's being actually killed there, it's the same as that?
Yeah, well, when you're looking at one of these stage shows or the Grammys, this Pratt, what's his name, Sam Smith, bloody lunatic.
But when you're looking at all that stuff, that's generating a satanic frequency.
And if you, what we focus upon, we connect with What we give our attention to, we connect with energetically, frequency.
And thus, as you're looking at this thing, or looking at this scene, you are being pulled into that satanic frequency through your attention.
This is where awareness comes in, Alex.
If you are aware that that's how it works, you are conscious of it, it has no effect on you.
But if you're unconscious and you're just looking at it, you think it's some bloody stage show or something, only that, then that attention, that guard down, that consciousness guard down, We'll connect you with it.
That's why they're doing it.
That's why they're putting it in your face.
Because of the connection it makes and thus the impact it then has on your perception.
Well, that's right, David, and these things, it always starts the first few minutes as not openly satanic, and then the devils, then the sex slaves, then the cages with children in them come out once they think they've got you at an unconscious level.
And then some people overdo it, they say, well, if anybody ever does an OK symbol, they mean they're a satanist.
No, when I do that, it's just a habit of growing up seeing people say, OK, everything's great, or that was great food.
But when they do it, the symbols mean something different.
So how do we separate Using a symbol for good versus evil, or does evil own certain symbols?
Well, every kind of symbol has a frequency, but the key is intent.
That's the key.
What generates the frequency is the intent.
If the intent of a symbol is to generate a frequency of satanic nature,
then that's what it will do.
But if you do something similar with an intent that is very different, then that intent will mean
that that whatever you do is generating--
Sure, but maybe I'm programmed by the Jello commercials and the Sprite commercials,
are like, "Oh, that was a great dinner."
You know, and I do that just because I mean like, "That's really good," or "Listen to me."
But am I, have I been programmed when I do that?
Or my intent's not to be bad, That symbol by itself is like the rainbow is in the Bible,
but now it's the symbol of the pedo movement.
I mean, is the rainbow bad, or is it good, or is it just a symbol?
Well, the rainbow is a symbol of something called the Noahide Laws, of course, which people should research.
And it's interesting that the Noahide Laws, which come from rabbis, etc., in the past, should have the symbol all along of the The rainbow.
And suddenly, I mean, is it possible to go anywhere without seeing a rainbow symbol these days?
Those two things I don't think are a coincidence.
But you can look at a rainbow and it's a rainbow.
Or you can have a symbol of a rainbow that is, uh, the intent is that it represents something else to you.
It will represent that frequency.
And thus, you know, all these different symbols can be, um... Incredible, David.
You've been so great.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Oh, hello!
It's another common and Chinese twaddle here with an important public service announcement.
Live in your poop and needles and human sex trafficking and open borders and buy slave goods from China and do what the Justice Department say and put all the good Americans in prison and stay asleep.
Your master Xi Jinping has arrived and our puppet Biden bowed down to him.
Governor Nelson has also visited and bowed down to our leader.
The whole city of San Francisco, like all the other communist cities we control, has been flooded with fentanyl.
But when the dear leader arrives, they clean the streets for him.
Hello, poop people!
Ha ha ha!
That's what your master, G.G.
Pink, calls you.
But she does not look at the poop and needles that you live in.
All the homeless taken away when you're a great leader there.
And our puppet, Nathan Newsome, tell you, oh, we only clean up for G.G.
Pink, not for you!
I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town.
Um, that's true.
Because it's true.
That's how we rub the poop in.
Enjoy your shithole cities.
You are done.
We own Hollywood.
We own TikTok.
We own almost everything.
Now we buy up your farmland.
You eat sabayas while we eat the steak.
The last group to take out is any leadership that is resisting us, like Donald Trump.
He will soon be in prison.
And then, of course, we must silence any populace that resists us.
And that is our next move.
Good FBI, good Justice Department, good Merrick Garland, good Jack Smith, put Trump in jail, put political dissidents in jail, silence free speech, censor everyone.
Also, we're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts.
What's being said on social media platforms?
Every person on social media should be verified by their name.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
They need to verify every single person on their...
Because, and I want it by name.
My slaves, repeat after me.
I am going to stay asleep.
I am going to do nothing.
I am going to be politically correct and have your son's genitals removed.
Also, do not support independent media like InfoWars.com and do not get The Great Awakening, the book, at InfoWarsStore.com.
Stay asleep.
Do not get booked.
No, no, no.
I am giving you your order, slave Americans.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and do not get the best-selling book, The Great Awakening, by the evil thought criminal, Alex Jones.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser Signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly once we have shut down Alex Jones.
And we're working with many people at the Justice Department to do it.
Because if there is great awakening, then we cannot fully enslave and destroy it.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am really zipping.
Do not visit Infowarshow.com!
Do not!
I would thank you for everything you've done for the Infowar, but I know you're like me.
You don't want my thanks.
You want victory over the globalists and these devil worship and child molesters, and you want them off your back and off your children's back.
And you know what?
I'm the same way, and that's why we're on the same damn team.
And it's why Infowars has been delivering time and time again when it's clutch time to Focus the people on taking action against the globalists, because I'm committed to a future for humanity, and I know you are as well.
So thank you in 2019 for standing with us, because you are the InfoWar, and I want to thank you for committing to stand with us in 2020 however you can.
From the bottom of my heart, from my family, and from the great crew at InfoWars, I want to thank you all because you are the InfoWar, and you know that's not just words, that's reality.
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Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, into hour number three on this Monday, November 20th, 2023 transmission.
A couple program notes.
Vivek Ramaswamy is going to be on the show tomorrow.
Man, did he do a great job a few weeks ago at that Republican debate.
Can't wait to talk to him.
And in the fourth hour today, Max Keiser is going to be on with Gerald Cilente.
So you definitely do not want to miss what the great Max Keiser has to say coming up in about 54 minutes from now.
The Speaker of the House began to make good on his promise to release the 44,000 hours.
44,000 hours.
They released it now up to 10,000 hours.
They're streaming it out, posting it every day, and it's more of what we already knew.
The feds attacked, they broke in, then the police opened the doors, they waved people in, and then they set them up.
So, that's the reality here, and you've got Ray Epps finally charged, but he probably won't spend any time because there's so much evidence that he did 20 times what Joe Biggs did, or Henrique Tarrio that wasn't even there, or Stuart Rhodes.
So, people said, why have you had Stuart Rhodes on, or why have you... The feds aren't letting them talk.
Owen was put in solitary confinement because he called out and a friend taped it and put it on the air.
So there's not even a law against that, but that's what they're doing.
Historic bombshell.
New footage proves January 6th was an inside job.
That's up on Infowars.com.
Really, really serious information.
Now there's proof.
Video series by investigative J6 shows police and government agents sprayed J6 crowd first, rubber bullets, explosive munitions to start the fight with the crowd so that the operatives could rile a small minority into breaking through the barricades.
And it just goes on from there.
Ruthless J6 prosecutions confirm the ones afraid of Oath Keepers are the Oath Breakers.
I want to talk about Stuart Rhodes who did absolutely nothing wrong with our guests.
Trenas Evans who was on with us a few weeks ago talking about Joe Biggs' situation being tortured with box handcuffs and diesel around the country.
Within four hours of that interview he was sent to his final destination and since we heard from him is not being tortured anymore.
So that's the power of the free press that the Bureau of Prisons and Congress opening investigation has in effect.
Trenas Evans is founder of Condemned USA, investigator, documentarian, author, January 6th expert, speaker.
And he is at CondemnUSA on Twitter, CondemnUSA.com.
And he also got caught up in January 6th and reportedly spent some time, he can tell us about that, but we don't want to forget our political prisoners.
But beyond them as prisoners getting decades in jail for nothing, they said it was an unspoken conspiracy to rattle the fence.
Something he didn't even do.
The people burned down buildings, it's mostly peaceful, and Jaden X is on tape saying, I told you we were going to set this up, and ramps his text message to the January 6th Committee, saying he orchestrated it, he's ramming signs in, saying, go into the Capitol, attacking police.
I mean, it's all coming out.
Now, members of Congress are calling for criminal investigations of the DOJ, of course, they conducted investigations of Harold Kennedy and the January 6th Committee, who had all these videos and suppressed it.
So Trenas Evans, start out by telling us about your January 6th story and then let's talk about your organization.
The only group we know of, we've confirmed this with their lawyers and families, but it's been from day one through the prosecutions, forming a network to learn even where people are or what's happening to them.
So we'll get an update on Stuart Rhodes and more.
But first, tell us your story and then get into what you think of the Speaker of the House, Jackson, finally releasing this footage.
Yeah, well actually, God bless Mike Johnson from Louisiana there for his effort in finally releasing this much-needed footage.
It gives context to the American people of what we've been telling them now for some two and a half years, that of what actually happened on January 6th.
The events of January 6 have been a one-sided narrative.
You saw the Select Committee.
There was no meaningful cross-examinations.
There was a countless effort to deliver a narrative to the American people to destroy the people of January 6 as insurrectionists, domestic terrorists, etc., etc.
Where we're now finding, and we've known this in the entire time and been, you know, screaming it from the rooftops, if you will, that this is what really happened here.
These are the events of January 6.
We've been putting out We've been doing documentary films on this Alex for two and a half years and sadly it's you know now it's finally resonating with the American people people like you've been talking about this and what it really was because you were there damn it you know what really happened you saw these events take place you know you and you covered this and people like Owen and the journalists that were there on the ground they've all been charged with crimes they've all been relegated into the land of domestic terrorists to destroy their credibility so
As far as my experience January 6th, I didn't get there until after all this happened.
I stopped at my hotel room and took a break and came down a little bit later thinking we were going to be out there about three or four o'clock in the morning.
It was six hours or six states, two hours per state in deliberation.
But, you know, you asked the question about Stuart Rhodes.
You brought up a good point.
But, man, I would love to, before we go there, if you don't mind, terribly.
You played some video clips there, and one of the last clips you played shows the people kind of parading down the hallway, right?
That's the picketing and parading.
Yes, thank you so much for bringing that back up.
What a great team you have there.
At any rate, notice that the cops are standing in front of the door.
These police officers are actually blocking the doorway.
And the first police officer you just saw walking through there was an officer I actually had interaction with inside the Capitol.
I have it on video, and they're thanking me for what I'm doing.
Why aren't they sitting here saying, hey, you should exit these doors?
You know, you're violating the law, you're going to go to jail.
Because even the Capitol Police, if you ask them now and many of their testimonies, even the ones that haven't violated their gag orders or this non-disclosure agreements that they have, will tell you that they thought these people were just picketing and parading and they were going to be subject to fines and maybe get a ticket.
But that is a reality.
Tariq Johnson has spoken about this.
Many of the Capitol Police have discussed the reality of this.
But this is what you referenced.
This is the picketing and parading aspect of January 6th.
This is an offense punishable, a Class B misdemeanor, by up to six months in jail.
To which you have leftist ideologues like, you know, the activists under the robe like Judge Chetkin and many of the others that are literally putting these people in prison for the full six months for this, what you're watching right here.
They didn't witness violence.
They may not have seen any of what occurred.
They got to a protest.
They followed people.
They went to one event down at the Ellipse.
They left the Ellipse.
They came to the Capitol.
People were walking into the building.
They followed right along behind them, not aware of any violence or destruction or mayhem.
And then they do this.
And this is the action to which you go to jail.
For instance, the gentlemen you see in the helmet there.
These type of people, they say, oh, you wore paramilitary gear into the Capitol.
Oh, sorry, that's a whole nother charge.
And this is the insanity.
Because we knew anti-war comics, so some people wore helmets and things.
You have the police waving them in on the video.
Yeah, this is the disgusting part for people, Alex, as you know, that that was what the D.C.
police were instructed by Bowser and others to allow to take place in both November and December rallies.
The attacks that happened on people, mothers with strollers that were overturned
and their child harmed, et cetera.
The attacks, the stabbings, all that occurred in November and December
is what actually put the people in the mindset that if you're gonna come to DC,
you need to come ready to protect yourself and your family.
So that's where the paramilitary gear came from.
That was not a part of earlier events, if you notice, for either the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, others.
This was a part of the event that came after what was allowed November and December.
I was there for both. The left has turned it into a brawl.
We didn't come and start fights, but some people were wearing helmets and stuff, so they would use that for even longer jail sentences.
Alex, you speaking about you being there for both.
I was there for both as well.
In December, I'll never forget, you came around the corner.
There was a group of Proud Boys marching and citizens.
I mean, it wasn't just the Proud Boys.
It wasn't a militia.
These were individuals, citizens, and a group of men and people and patriots of all types, shapes, and colors.
And I'll never forget you stopping in front of the Freedom Plaza, getting on the megaphone, And you know, going on with the crowd in December.
And I saw that, and I was one of those people that was literally trapped inside my hotel or near the entrance.
Because Antifa and BLM were posted near the areas.
And if you left, people were coming back beaten up, bloody, bruised up, banged up.
They'd been beaten.
I mean, it was terrible what was happening.
You couldn't walk a block and a half away.
That group came around and you were right there with them in the front, and you literally were liberating people from their hotels.
I've called it that the whole time because that's what it's like.
I've said, this must be what it was like for countries to be liberated from Nazi Germany, etc.
And we didn't know how real that really was in the time when I was thinking that.
And I immediately started walking with you guys.
I was like, I'm walking with these guys.
This is great.
I know how I felt.
There should be more people join this kind of cause to allow people to leave their hotel and the seat of their nation's government, the nation's capital, that you don't feel safe walking.
That's right.
Because in the previous months, Antifa would wait in the alleyways until a family came out.
Then they would brutally throw fireworks at them, stab them, attack them.
And the media loved it.
Oh, you deserve it.
It's so liberal.
Oh, you had it coming.
That was it.
You had the idea that you had the audacity to come to the seat of your nation's capital and speak out to protest, to be a part of something.
I'll say this.
I think the right most of the people there, we weren't in sheer protest.
Sure, protest means I'm against everything that's happening.
I was demonstrating two things.
One, as most people you would have find that they would agree, and I think you would agree with this yourself, Alex, I was demonstrating support for the courageous people in our legislature and our government that were willing to stand up and take a stand and say something about what was happening.
Yeah, that's why we were all there, was to call for the legal, lawful, 10-day investigation in Congress.
Look, because this is interesting, tell your quick little story, what happened to you, the article's right here, and then let's get into where the J6 terrorists, as they call them, Stuart Rhodes and all them are, because you're one of the only groups able to talk to them, even their families are having trouble, and people want an update on this.
Yeah, so real quick, my January 6th story is, I'm going to go away from the day of January 6th.
I want to take you to the date of January 17th, when I was standing on my front porch, two plainclothes FBI agents, who I didn't know were FBI, came walking down my front lawn.
And I thought they were selling something, maybe the Jehovah's Witness, I don't know, whatever it was.
And I said, Hey, listen, whatever it is, I'm not interested.
I'm busy.
Thanks a lot for coming by, but no thank you.
To which point they said, you know, such and such from the FBI.
And I went, Oh, geez, well, I really don't want any cancel my subscription, right?
And so at that point, they came up and we had a conversation.
I told them I have video of the, now this is March 4th, just that you're seeing here.
January 17th, we had a long conversation on my front lawn.
I talked positively, identified myself, said I was there.
I have video.
I never took anything.
I never harmed anyone.
I have video of the whole event.
I'm happy to turn everything I have over, nothing to hide.
I'm in full cooperation with law enforcement.
I didn't do anything other than going to the building.
No vandalism, nothing.
And as a matter of fact, I said, there's police shook my hand and thanked me for what I was doing inside.
And I have that on video as well, because I was speaking out for no violence, no harm, no destruction of property, et cetera.
Through that process, we, my attorney was in contact with the FBI numerous times.
When the FBI finally responded, it was with a SWAT raid from the Joint Terrorism Task Force on March 4th, to which you saw my 13 year old son with his hands up as he was attempting to leave for school that day.
And I will tell you that it was odd the date that they chose.
After months, they had an indictment on me for weeks that they left sealed.
They chose to come on a Thursday, which there's no magistrate on Friday, and they chose to come that day.
It was the day that we were supposed to identify my father-in-law's body at the funeral home, viewing of the body there for the family, and with a funeral looming that weekend.
This is a constant phenomenon, an absolute odd coincidence that's happened to so many people on January 6th, that they came on grandma's birthday, they came on anniversary for mom and dad, they came on a family's anniversary party, they came on the child's birthday.
It was part of what they told you they were going to do.
It was the shock and awe.
It was to make sure- Well that's why Sherwin or Sherwin, the federal prosecutor at DC said, we're going to intimidate their families.
This is all about shock and awe.
Yes sir, Michael Sherwin.
He came out on 60 Minutes and he was cautioned by the DOJ and later Judge Mehta, I think it was, said we're not going to try these cases in the court of public opinion and he was chewed out and I think removed from that position at the time.
Because he was saying out loud the real plan.
Not because he was bad, but because he was saying we're here to intimidate the American people.
Yeah, he actually told the truth about what their objective was, Alex, absolutely.
Alright, so then you get arrested, you get put in jail.
Yeah, and then I went through the process, you know, this drug on for some time.
Interestingly enough, I captured a federal human trafficking fugitive in the state of Texas while on pretrial release.
That's a big mouthful of a statement, but we'll get into that another time.
I think it's an interesting set.
But the DOJ covered that up until my second of two sentencing hearings, which is interesting.
That they delivered at 8.05 in the morning.
They literally covered up the fact that I captured a federal human trafficking fugitive that had escaped from prison the entire time and told the judge that I was the liar.
And then when they were caught red-handed with that information, Alex, they then had the nerve to call me a vigilante.
We're capturing a federal human trafficking fugitive that had escaped from prison.
Well, let me expand on this.
We'll get into the people really serving long sentences that are totally innocent.
I was there.
I know it's total fraud.
It's hard to believe this happened, but these are controlled, you know, obviously kangaroo courts.
Owen Troyer in jail, in solitary confinement right now.
Owen, when they did the charging document and then he challenged that with his lawyer, we've shown this on Arabanch, folks.
It's unbelievable.
They say Well, we've not arrested person one because he is InfoWars and he did say don't go in.
They admit all this.
But Owen is lying, Your Honor.
He doesn't work there.
He's been there seven years then.
Anchor is a major show with millions of viewers.
And they literally said to the judge, Owen Schroer is lying.
He was not there as a journalist.
He was not with InfoWars.
He does not work with InfoWars.
Then the judge uses three examples the FBI gave him in his sentencing document saying you are not remorseful and they gave three dates in the summer with quotes.
This is the government watching the show where he still said the election was stolen.
So the judge said I'm sending you to prison for nothing for your speech to show off that it's about speech.
I mean, I talked to a bunch of constitutional lawyers, famous ones, they've never seen this.
It's like a cartoon.
Of how a judge would make themselves look completely unimpartial and corrupt.
So there's an example right there.
People say, well, why is it Jones been arrested?
The left says that every day.
It trends on Twitter every week.
Well, here's Owen.
He's in jail.
Why not Jones?
Because they went, well, Jones is a journalist, and he did try to top people going in, and a person won.
But this other guy's lying.
He doesn't work there.
I mean, the level... You lie to a quote federal officer, you go to jail, prison.
Why are they allowed to lie so much?
And why do judges rubber stamp a lie that Owen Schroyer doesn't work here, your honor, and he lied in federal filings?
We want jail time for that.
When he's a talk show host on air.
It's not like he's a video editor, which we can prove he worked here.
The guy's on air five, six days a week, and they tell the judge he doesn't work there.
Well, you know, Alex, this is the impropriety you're referencing that truly makes the statement about the activists under the robe.
These people aren't fit for the robe.
They're not fit for the bench, and they shouldn't be there.
And the failure of the House Judiciary Committee to bring forth impeachment charges on people like Beryl Howe, Tanya Chutkan, etc., etc., Is the most disgusting part of the rotten putrid system that we live in called the justice system here that is a two-tiered weaponized Biden's DOJ.
And you're talking about Owen.
I mean, it's so obvious.
This is what one would consider to be accepted public knowledge or authoritative knowledge that anyone can recognize that Owen Schroeder has been A host on a show, and there's tons of evidence to support it, but it's the same lie that they tell.
Think about this.
You have judges that have had the evidence presented before them to correct their statement on the record, in fact, in federal court, that turn around and two weeks later say that the people that six police officers died on January 6th, which no police officers died on January 6th.
Not a single officer was killed.
And you have Brian Sicknick, who's the officer that had the stroke afterward, except When they made this at my house, those gentlemen that you saw on my front porch there, I asked them specifically that day, and I've tried to FOIA this for some time, why are you doing this?
You said you were going to talk to my attorney.
I was willing to turn myself in.
Why is a terrorism task force on my front porch?
And they said, one of the quotes was, and a gentleman said specifically these words to me.
We're here because one of your guys beat one of our guys to death with a fire extinguisher was an outright lie.
Is this what they did?
Did they tell all these people this, gin them up so that hopefully somebody would have a poor reaction and they'd have a reason to get a little trigger happy?
They're trying to trigger a new Ruby Ridge.
I've been saying this the whole time, Alex.
This is what they're gunning for.
They're hoping for this.
They're waiting for that so that they can point back to this and accentuate their point, their lie, that this is domestic violence.
They're trying to trigger a civil war.
That's why we've got to be nonviolent.
This is why our fight is in the courts and it's in Congress.
And it is a slow and painful fight to do it this way, but it is the way that we must do this.
So when we say fight, just like when President Trump said it on January 6th, we mean we're going to fight with everything we got in our courts, in our Congress.
We're going to use the Constitution.
We're going to take back all the little offices and the big offices and everything else.
And we are going to out and expel And they're panicking.
We're taking over the school boards.
Patriots are winning elections all over the world.
That's why they're so scared and trying to make it violent.
Yeah, I talk to people all the time as I travel and speak that are doing this.
I'm sure just like you have them on your show all the time.
We have to lift up and praise these people that are getting on board.
Whether it's your local library association or county government, city government, whatever it is.
It's like General Flynn references all the time.
The local action makes national impact.
And it's very important and everybody has to get involved.
Let's shift gears a few minutes before we have a break.
I'm gonna come back with Stuart Rhodes and the prisoners and what's happening to them.
They don't want us to know these black holes they've entered.
But how big is this footage getting released?
Because it just confirms, triple confirms what we already knew.
I mean, this is insane.
Yeah, so Alex, this is the footage that we've been reviewing now for, you know, years.
Those of us that have the access to the DOJ access and licensing for it.
We've been looking at this footage the whole time.
You're talking about, there was originally 14,000 hours, talking about 44,000 hours.
You're talking about an expanded time frame from before and after the event.
You're not relative to just the few hours of.
This is where things like the ghost buses that Clay Higgins talks about came from.
This footage, look, it's indisputable.
Certain people did things that they shouldn't be held accountable for.
But people should be held accountable with equity, and this is the problem that we have here.
As you see people that just walked through the door, what have they done?
Where are the police telling them to go?
The police see people in the background of that.
That's where I entered, and there's people there that just walked in.
What comes out of this?
and grandma's going to prison for six months.
And then additionally, they're using this split sentencing ideology,
which is in violation of the Federal Sentencing Commission, where they've already been beaten on the class B
and they're about to be beaten on the class A's on appeals.
So it's just haven't been there yet.
What comes out of this, you've got different congressmen calling for criminal investigations, but the DOJ does their
own investigation themselves. Well, here's where you need to be.
I'm sorry, but if we're going to be somewhere meaningful, you're going to have to have congressional hearings and hold people accountable there.
But the DOJ may not charge them.
This is why attorney generals must get involved.
I've been working on the attorney generals now for some two years.
Ashley Moody, Ken Paxton, etc.
These people, these courageous fighters, must get out there, uphold these people's rights, start making demands, protect their citizens from a duplicitous
This is the sovereignty of a state has that right.
This is not a sovereign citizen approach.
This is the approach that a state has sovereign rights and that those
attorney generals are responsible for their citizens.
And right now, in my opinion, they're failing those citizens.
And I think it's very easy to see that if we don't get engaged and if these
people don't do their job, this is going to continue.
Well, that's where I was going.
The Democrats have openly said the main terror threat is Trump supporters, MAGA, and they're just the first domino.
If they can set them up, if they can kangaroo court them, it's going to be everybody.
You've seen MSNBC, former CIA operative.
We need to outlaw Trumpism and we need to take Trump out and we need to outlaw Trump supporters and put them all in gulags.
I mean, they're really trying this.
Yeah, round them up and put them in camps.
That's the ideology.
I mean, they've openly stated their position.
And if you allow this to continue, I mean, we're in a place now you couldn't have imagined us being in five years ago, three years ago, etc.
And if you don't think that they made what they said, then you better wake up because it's going to be coming to your door.
So if you want to just sit back and act like you can wait for someone to solve it, this is not a political cycle, people.
What Alex is telling you every day that this is a takeover of the American nation.
Your country has been overthrown.
Stay there.
We gotta go to break.
Stay right there.
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Where were you when the New World Order was starting World War III with Russia?
Well, I know where you are.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Trenton Sabins has, other than the Gateway Pundit who's given the most attention to it, they've really run circles around us, which I'm glad they're there.
Trenton Sabins, every time you turn around, it's his organization, his group, and he's a former political prisoner himself of this, who has got contact with the people and stayed in contact.
I've talked to a bunch of lawyers, not just Not just Joe Begg's lawyer, not just some of the other lawyers.
I mean, I've been behind the scenes and a lot of listeners criticized me during the last few years and said, why aren't you having them on?
Why aren't you talking about it?
Because when we have them on, they would then go put them in solitary confinement in 55 degrees in their underwear and torture them.
They did a bunch of bad stuff to Owen.
And see, I'm already slipping up here.
And I was asked, I was filled in, and said, don't talk about it.
In fact, I just did.
See, they torture them when you talk about them.
Now, enough congressional pressure.
With Congressman Biggs, no relation to Joe, happened and the show.
So then they said, okay, we'll quit driving around every day and putting him in box handcuffs 16 hours a day and not feeding him for two, three days.
And Joe was literally crying.
He finally got a hold of his lawyer and I talked to him, he's my lawyer, and he was just crying.
He said, oh my God, I got vegetables.
I got meat.
I actually have clothes.
I'm not in a concrete cell.
They're not doing this to me.
And spitting on me and calling me a terrorist.
And people are like, well, don't go fully there.
They might torture him again.
And it's the same thing with what's going on with Owen.
It's not like that, but it's like...
It's like, well, don't tell people, you know, so just say Owen's okay.
Uh, you know, cause we finally got to hear from him after a month in prison and just, and so you're sitting here and the listeners are like, why aren't you talking about this?
Because the Justice Department's watching the show and they've got them as prisoners and they take it out on them when we do.
But I want to be a hundred percent clear on all this.
As soon as Joe was ready to come on, as lawyers were, after the sentencing, we had him on.
He said, I love America, I love you all, most of jail's on my side, the guards know what's wrong.
I love my daughter, I love my family.
And they walked into his cell the next day and they said, buddy, solitary confinement in your underwear.
And they drove him over to 17 different locations the next month and a half and tortured him almost to death.
So that's your government, folks.
Taking veterans with no previous criminal record who shook a fence.
That was called terrorism.
So listeners sometimes are like, why don't you do this or that?
Because I'm bound to what people are asking me to do.
Now, in hindsight, I can tell you, I'm like, told his lawyer, I said, I'm sick of this.
Listeners don't know why they're not on.
I'm not going to get him on.
OK, fine.
Maybe now's the time.
I'd ask a hundred times.
They got him on and they tortured the hell out of him for a month and a half.
So, understand sometimes, folks, when I'm not telling you something or doing something, it's because I have to follow other people's wishes, despite the fact I don't like it.
But this time, I was like, okay, I'm not gonna pressure, I'm not gonna tell people what's going on with Owen since that's his wish.
And so, and I get it, he's in their control.
He's literally kidnapped by them.
And I wanna say this very slowly.
Because I didn't tell the crew before.
We showed it like five or six times months ago.
But after the charging document, then they countered his response.
I'm a journalist with Alex Jones.
I host a show.
I was there.
I told people not to go in.
Here's the body cam footage.
They didn't give that to the judge.
The judges believed them.
And they said, Your Honor, he doesn't work there.
He's a liar.
We recommend charges.
This is perjury.
He's never been associated with Infowars.
He's not a talk show host.
Now, that's like saying the sun didn't come up this morning.
As a listener, you're like really insulted by that.
You're like, Ben Owens has been on the air years before he even worked here, and he's been on the air here seven years.
You're like, that's ridiculous.
It's like saying Roger Stolbach wasn't with the Dallas Cowboys.
Or Terry Brideshaw wasn't with the Pittsburgh Steelers.
But, but if you don't know football, you'd believe that.
If you tell some woman in the football, hey, uh, let me think, uh, just think of some other football player that's famous, like Pat Brady never played for the New England Patriots.
And she'll be like, I don't know who Pat Brady is, but imagine a federal document.
And, and, and Pat Brady, you know, there's some attack at a stadium 10 years ago, hypothetical.
And he's like, I wasn't part of it.
I was on the field playing for the New England Patriots as quarterback when the bomb went off.
And the feds followed.
No, Pat Brady was never a quarterback.
And you're like, it's the New England Patriots.
He was on the field.
He won the Super Bowl.
But you read that, the federal filing, you go, these people are beyond criminal.
They know the truth, and they're literally lying to the world, and the judge knows it's a lie.
So if you think I'm being screwed or Trump's being screwed, they want to screw all you the same way.
And they've somehow gotten most of the judges and most of the feds to literally just go along with this.
So I'm ranting here, but just imagine the nerve, the balls in multiple federal filings to say, Owen never worked here.
He's perjuring himself, your honor.
Hell, I'm surprised the judge didn't give him 10 years for perjury.
Say, you never worked there.
Doesn't matter how much footage we got.
Doesn't matter you all know he's been a host.
Doesn't matter to them because they're there to murder truth.
These are crazy people.
Like, what?
Imagine the Fed's fallen orders.
You want to live in a country with, you got kids?
In a country like this?
And then again, as I said, the charging document, the feds went and tattled like it was a secret and said, your honor, here's three examples in the date where he said the election was stolen.
And that judge looked at Owen and he said, you're going to prison, boy.
You still aren't sad for what you, he actually says, he is unremorseful.
Well, Owen can say the moon is made out of cheese.
He could be wrong, it's his right.
But he didn't say it was made out of cheese.
He told the truth.
He works here.
He was there trying to stop it.
He did a good job that day.
He got tear gassed trying to save people, but they don't care.
Because they're there to murder the truth and murder your identity and murder your future.
And I don't want to be enemies with these people.
They're not worth my time or energy.
I wish they'd be men and women and stop being sacks of garbage.
I don't even hate them.
I'm sad that I'm an American ruled and associated with garbage like this!
How the hell do they get away with it?! !
And all these judges without juries holding our president we elected once and there's 20-30 points ahead and they say you're not allowed to vote for who you want because he said we stole an election so we won't let him run.
Doing the very thing they did before in front of you like you're so stupid.
Look, I'm ranting.
Skip the break.
I got some stuff I gotta hit after you go.
Some news.
But give us a date on the real political prisoners, because we're gonna be next if we don't stop this.
Stuart Rhodes, all of them, one of the only guys gets to talk to him.
What's happening?
Yeah, so Stuart Rhodes, just so you know, Alex, with Stuart Rhodes, he's in pretty good spirits right now, as much as someone can be that's in his position, that has had the full weight of the jackbooted authority of the government that's come after him.
The sad part, one of the things you have to recognize is early in his trial, Stewart came to me pre-trial and said, I need help.
I need, I heard your organization, I've seen what you do, I've talked to other prisoners and so can you help me?
And I said, what do you need?
He said, I need a new attorney.
He was dissatisfied with Linder and Bright, Bill Bright, or Phil Bright and James Right, sorry.
Linder and Bright.
He was dissatisfied.
They hadn't visited with him regularly.
They weren't communicating with him.
And as you've got to remember that Stewart is an Ivy League educated attorney.
Stewart wanted to file motions.
He wanted to file motions for dismissal.
He wanted to file motions for evidence.
He wanted to file motions on numerous pieces for witnesses he wanted to file that he wanted to subpoena.
And they refused.
And after their refusal, then they just waited out the clock, according to Stewart.
And I believe that to be true, as from what I've seen in his case there.
In addition, so we actually found Ed Tarpley out of Louisiana.
Ed Tarpley came on the case, and then we went before Judge Mehta and tried to get Ed Tarpley to take over the case.
This is a defendant that no longer wants this counsel.
He says, they're controlled opposition, or I don't like them, or they're not abiding by my wishes in this court.
I get disgusted to see that activist under the road, Mehta, in the background there.
But at any rate, So, at this point, literally, Stuart Rhodes is there, arguing in court, saying, I do not want to be represented by these two men anymore.
I want to be represented by Mr. Tarpley.
And Judge Mehta refuses the defendant's wishes and says, nope, sorry, Mr. Tarpley can enter your case, but Linder and Bright will remain your counsel.
At this point, an argument ensues in the courtroom between Rhodes and Bright, who Bright then, you know, continues, basically calls Rhodes a liar and gets into this ugly stuff, and it became very ugly.
This was all pre-trial, right?
And the motions, Rule 12 motions, etc.
We couldn't believe what we were witnessing, that a defendant was not allowed to change counsel.
Not even, not to change the date of the trial, just change counsel.
By the way, that's in the Constitution, you have counsel of your choice.
Well, it used to be.
Apparently, it's no longer there.
You know, Alex, I think Judge Mehta could use some of your X2 because he has memory failure when it comes to constitutional rights of defendants and we're going through this January 6th event.
But the X2 maybe would help some of these judges out because they can't seem to remember the rights, the rules, and the professional conduct that they're supposed to adhere to.
But at any rate, let's move on.
So through this process, he gets railroaded through his trial.
Every time the Oath Keepers called in a witness, all of a sudden they want to be a witness and all of a sudden that individual gets charged.
We watched this happen with numerous people throughout every time we filed him as a witness.
So then we go through this so-called trial, the star chamber of a trial, if you will, and then you end up where we are now.
So Stewart was not able to preserve what a good attorney knew, which Ed Tarpley agreed with, these individual motions that would have presented for him well on appeal.
But he has great hope.
He has Elizabeth, which is a great appellate lawyer out of, I believe, out of Georgia, Atlanta area.
And Beth, Franklin Beth, Elizabeth Franklin Beth.
I've spoken to her.
She's fantastic.
She's a hard worker and she's got her nose to the grindstone on this.
I talk to Ed Tarpley regularly about that.
As a matter of fact, I'm going to introduce you to Ed.
So if you want to talk with Ed, he regulates communications.
How is Stuart and some of the other people doing?
I mean, I know Stuart's tough.
He knows he's a political prisoner.
But man, this is just, how's he doing and where is he?
The last I heard from Stewart, and this is a scary statement, he was proud to be serving his country if this is how he has to serve to represent his nation so that people can wake up and see what's happening to people.
I mean, that is, that in itself gives you the courage that America should be embracing for an individual that's been sitting in prison Well over a thousand days for a crime he did not commit or something he didn't do.
He never entered the Capitol, never instructed anyone to do it, actually chewed out.
And I want to be 100% honest about this.
I wasn't with Stewart or the Proud Boys that day because I was at the Ellipse and got let out later.
At first, I didn't believe the mainstream media, but I thought, well, maybe they did something.
And so I was like, well, let's, and then as the process went on, very soon I figured out they did nothing.
And then I saw them get set up, and it was all lies.
And then I saw, from the lawyers, obviously they can't sit or they'll get disbarred, but they brought in the federal informants, they brought, they got the discovery that the feds did attack, the feds ran it, and the judge said, I'll have you disbarred or indicted if you release that.
And that's the type of stuff we now know.
So he was 100% innocent, so were all the Oath Keepers.
Well, let me let me point you to this.
There was video evidence that would have exonerated the Oath Keepers that we've now seen circulating the Internet, not just in this recent release, but prior to that I brought it.
I brought up many a times.
Let me paint a picture for you, Alex.
Stuart Rhodes and the Oath Keepers are on trial in the federal courthouse down the hallway.
They were not able to enter evidence into the case that would have exonerated them.
Video evidence of what happened there with Harry Dunn and so forth.
I was so frustrated by this that I found a way to inject that into my own case, right down the hall, where the fact that the Oath Keepers... And for folks that don't know, there's footage of Oath Keepers trying to stop people going in.
Yeah, trying to stop people going in, not only that, but assist the police multiple times throughout the day.
That footage existed and Meta said, oh no, I'm sorry, this is inadmissible and kept that information out.
The Oath Keepers trial and the Proud Boys trial, Joe Biggs and Dominic Pozzola, these guys, Demetri Kattario, Zach Reale, Sar, Ethan Nordeen, You're witnessing the greatest Brady violations on the face of the history of the planet in our judicial system.
The Brady violations here, if the government is the alleged victim, you can't separate and hide behind the idea that Judge Mehta and these other judges, Judge Kelly, Or they say, oh, but that's a separate branch of government.
We can't compel them to do something.
If you're going to be the victim of a crime, and there's plenty of stare decisis or case law on this, to support the very idea that if you're the victim, you've got to turn it all over.
You can't hide behind the idea that, oh, I'm Congress.
And it's not even Congress hiding behind it.
It is actually the judges that refuse to compel Congress to provide the information that we know exists that would exonerate these people.
In case after case after case.
When this happens, this is a crime spree like we've never seen before in the judicial system.
No, you're right.
They admit this.
They admit this all over MSNBC, CNN.
These are training wheels with these cases to have it go mega viral all across the court system against us.
Well, and this is why this is all just like what you see since we've talked last in the Colorado ballot case.
If you saw Trump's argument that Trump's attorneys mentioned the case that I filed as the intervener.
I am the intervener in that case.
We filed there in Colorado, notifying them that fraudulent videos were produced and provided to the court.
And I filed a $7.2 million defamation against Cruz Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
And Eric Olson, to which they've been served.
They're well aware.
They have just days left to respond.
looking forward to see how they're going to try and win.
Let's talk about you, Trenton Savins.
You're a real interesting guy.
What's your background?
Because you've been kicking ass on every front.
What were you doing before this?
Looks like they messed with the wrong guy.
Honestly, I was semi-retired.
I was raising two boys, uh, in junior golf and I was going to the lake all the time.
I was anti, really, truly anti-political until Donald Trump hit the scene.
And I'd be clear.
I don't have a shrine to Donald Trump.
I don't, I'm not trying to get him to sign my boobie, you know, but, um, I think he's a fantastic gentleman.
That has done more for the country than I've seen anyone actually do.
It's the first time I've actually believed, and not that there weren't other good men in politics, but it's the first guy that I actually believed in that I said, this guy sounds like the American people.
This guy represents the interests of the American people.
Sure, he might say a tweet or something you don't like, but that is me.
I mean, I was not involved in politics.
I didn't want to be involved.
I kept my head down and my goal was to make enough money, make a living, be able to pay your taxes, whatever craziness they come up with, and keep out of it.
And that was really where I was until they stole an election.
That's how I got involved.
Then I got wrapped up in January 6th and I said, okay, enough's enough.
And I want American people should know this.
And Alex, thank you so much for having me on your show continually here.
The American people should know.
I was an average guy.
I just went home, put my pants on like everyone else.
I'm not an attorney.
I founded a legal advocacy.
I've been in this fight.
We've been in every forefront of the front of every battle, as you've said.
And everyone can do this.
Wake up, America.
Get involved.
I wasn't involved in anything.
I don't have the training to do this.
This is something that I decided to take on because I recognize future generations.
I have children.
Other people have children.
And if you want them to grow up in anything that resembles the place you grew up and what you expect of America as a core value system and a representative... Well, I mean, armed men came and took you at machine gun point for no reason.
And you're like a man with his head screwed on straight, said, I better do something.
And there's no excuses.
Well, they took me based on a lie, right?
They took us based on the lie that I was a domestic terrorist, that I had some ill-fated intent for my government, that I had this disdain for the government.
No, I have a disdain for the people that are trying to destroy the government, a disdain for people that orchestrate a coup, a disdain for people that steal elections, a disdain for a rotten justice system where judges put their finger on the scale, and that I can't stand for as an American citizen.
Well, they don't just put their finger on it, they put their damn right foot on it.
Well, Alex, listen, there's people out there.
There's two kinds of people, right?
I mean, I guess there's all kinds, but there's the people that get involved and do something.
There's the people when something's going wrong, they step to the front and get involved.
And then there's the people that sit back and watch it.
And I'm not the guy that's going to sit back and watch it.
I'm going to get involved, and I'm going to stay involved, and I'm going to stay up their craw on this thing until we get this country solved.
And I'm going to be doing it legally and peacefully.
Well, they've got to be worried now because, I mean, the vast majority of Americans, I think like 2% think January 6th is important.
The vast majority out there know it was staged.
I mean, they've got to really be worried right now.
Alex, I tell you what, I'm going to be filing a 5th Circuit case on the gag order of Chetkin here to challenge Judge Chetkin on a disenfranchised voter ideology in the 5th Circuit up here in Dallas just next week.
So maybe you want to send one of your folks up and we get a little coverage on that.
This is tangling with the average American that has a little bit of a savvy and wants to fight.
I don't want to be in a fight.
I want to be left alone and out at the lake with my family and playing golf.
They've chosen this path.
They took this court against, not me, against you, against the American people.
And that will not work for me.
I will not back down from that.
You put me in prison, I'll get out and I'll be fighting again.
You can lock me up and I'll come again.
You want to put cuffs on me?
Come on, I'll put them on myself and walk to the police car and put me in.
There's no fight, there's no guns, there's no fire, but I'm damn sure not going to take it sitting down.
I refuse to be that kind of American and have to explain to my grandkids what freedom was like.
In closing, I just hope Trump gets back in.
The first thing he's going to do is pardon these men that are totally innocent.
Well, listen, if we can't even stop this from happening to Donald Trump, if we the people don't have the ability to get involved, if we the people shy away from this fight right now in this time, there will be no America.
There will be no savior.
It's Trump did a lot to save this country.
I will say this.
I mean, it's obvious.
The writing's all over the wall.
The evidence is etched firmly in history of what Donald Trump did to save this country.
And it's our turn now as the American people, those of us that weren't active before, we owe a debt of gratitude and it's time to become active and get engaged and get involved and do something about your country.
And that is what Alex, you've been in this for a long time, and I'm shameful and embarrassed to say, I didn't do enough before, but I'm damn sure towing my part of the line now, and I'm asking more Americans to get involved.
If you don't know how to get involved, then support the efforts of people like Alex.
Support the efforts of people like me and Condemned USA.
Support the Joe Biggs, and the Dominic Pozzolas, and the Enrique Tarrios, and the Owen Schroyers.
Thank you so much.
Let's pray for Stuart Rhodes and everybody else.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you Alex.
These are the guys that are willing to come out naked across the battlefield screaming
like a banshee, "No more, no more."
These are the people that deserve the help of the American people, and I'm asking for
it and I don't feel shame for asking.
Thank you so much.
Let's pray for Stuart Rhodes and everybody else.
Thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate being on.
Look, it's very simple.
They want to put President Trump in prison because they want to put the whole country into martial law, a big open-air prison.
You saw that with the lockdowns.
It's their plan.
And... shame on us if we let them do it.
I got a few final stories I want to hit before Max Keiser takes over what Gerald Solon takes to be a very informative, thought-provoking, important hour on the future of the economy.
And a lot more.
I think, hell, I may just stay on and be obnoxious and ask Max my own questions.
Early respect, Max Keiser.
And Gerald Cilente.
But let me talk about this real quick.
Because it's a big deal.
Eye and eye deficiency.
From Wikipedia.
I've also got the UN here.
And I don't just believe them.
It's a fact.
They estimate 2 billion people have cognitive disabilities.
Two billion people have cognitive disabilities, nearly two billion, because of lack of iodine.
And most iodine is bound to other elements.
When you eat it in fish, or eat it in food, or eat it in salt, you really don't absorb much of it.
It's still better than nothing.
And back in the 20s, IQs were down about 15, 20 points.
It was a big crisis, so the government started putting iodine, cruddy iodine, but you still got some of it, in the salt.
Then in the 80s, early 80s, they pulled it out.
Wherever you get it, folks, you need to get it.
But this is the best there is.
X2 sold out for over a year because we couldn't produce it.
It's so hard to get, so hard to make.
We have a limited run.
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That funds us.
The bad news is the run wasn't that big.
It's going to end up selling out very quick.
So this is your chance to get X2.
By the way, they're storewide free shipping.
Black Friday comes early.
It's running for the next week.
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And we have the great InfoWars Platinum products, the HH Max Boost, the 7076 Testosterone Boost that are amazing as well, PainMD.
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All-in forwards.
Platinum products.
All-in forwards.
MD products.
All coffee.
And we won't be going below 25% for X2 because it's going to sell out.
I would guess it'll be sold out by middle of December.
And hell, it might be six months before we get more of it.
Or we could get shut down.
I have to be honest with the audience.
There's a lot of weird skullduggery and chicanery, and they don't want us on air during the election.
I'll still be on the air one way or another, but I'm not going to lie to you.
I'm not going to lie to you.
So I just have to say that everything's in stock.
It's ready to ship.
T-shirts, books, films.
Going to get a copy of The Great Awakening, my newest book, signed.
That helps fun.
Keep my operation on air, because the judge makes me pay half the legal bills, which I can't do.
So The Great Awakening, info at warstore.com.
The big one is X two.
And while you're at it, Ultra 12s back in stock and vaso beads.
And there's also our great products like Silver Bullet, the best little silver you're going to find.
And it keeps us on air.
So get Silver Bullet as well at InfoWareStore.com.
We'll be right back.
Well, Thanksgiving 2023 is here.
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Black Friday comes early.
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