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Name: 20231122_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 22, 2023
3414 lines.

In a recent episode of "The Alex Jones Show," Jones discussed topics ranging from global awakening, political prisoners, spiritual enlightenment, self-trust, cultural conservatism, and the importance of natural compounds in fighting toxic chemicals. He also promoted his products available at InfoWarsStore.com such as X2 supplements and Ultra 12 vitamin B12. Jones emphasized love over hate, holding a broad perspective, and taking breaks to maintain hope amidst overwhelming situations. He talked about his book "The Great Reset and War for the World," the FDA's list of possible adverse outcomes for COVID-19 vaccines, and the role of independent media in disrupting the pandemic plan. Additionally, he addressed environmental issues, globalist agendas to control people's lives through crises like the pandemic and climate change, the importance of waking up to the truth and taking action, The Great Awakening, Trump's transformation, and the need for decentralization and self- sufficiency.

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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
We think, just let me think.
As a matter of fact, even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, You now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and... Cameras.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the info war.
Doctors believe vaccine hesitancy brought on by the pandemic is a contributing factor.
on transgender day of remembrance.
He is destructive to our democracy and he has to be eliminated.
Let's free the patriots and defeat the globalist techniques.
You will join the Matrix?
We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to let you know, stupid Americans, that we just caught you.
We just caught you.
We just caught you.
Fintanar, the communist Chinese dragon here, with orders for all good Americans to do what you're told.
Do not play Alex Jones' new video game, New World Order Wars, that disrespects good leaders that work for G.G.P.
and are taking all your freedoms for your own good.
Let them censor.
Let them control you.
And do not go get the game at alexjonesgame.com.
That is an order directly from J.C.Ping, the Democratic Party, and the Justice Department.
White, trans, masculine, femme, non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent, obsessive-compulsive,
chronically ill, unitary, and universalist.
This is some really tough news.
For the first time in the history of our poll, Trump is beating President Biden in a head-to-head matchup.
And I love your ears.
I love them.
They're really cool.
What's your name?
You are a dangerous threat.
I just caught you Americans looking at that evil game New World Order was exclusively available at AlexJonesGame.com I do not want to have to censor you and put you in for the labor camp.
Do not look at game and do not download game and do not share game.
Roll over and die.
Imagine if people stopped playing it and watching it.
They will not bow down and worship us.
No, no, no.
Well, I'm not allowed to play all these different levels and take on all these wonderful good people.
Poop-throwing zombies in San Francisco.
Hillary riding a broom like a witch.
Oh, there's so many others like Trudeau and Klaus Schwab.
It goes on and on.
Oh, Shane, my God.
Oh, many levels.
Let's make fun of our precious little communist minions and give people hope and they have fun.
And worst off, when people purchase the game at alexjonesgame.com, New World, Older Worlds, it funds its evil operations against us.
We are so close to crushing America and the world.
Do not go to alexjonesgame.com.
The New World Order is no more!
Normally Christmas is our biggest sale of the year, but because of supply chain breakdowns and other issues, this is our biggest sale because finally almost all of our best-selling products are finally back in stock, including, sold out for more than a year, X2, the only true nascent iodine out there, is finally back.
What it does for your immune system, your body, all your cells, is miraculous.
It's discounted at FortWorthShore.com.
Double Patriot points, free shipping, Biggest sale, hands down, of 2023.
I'm sure Christmas will have a big sale, but we'll be sold out of most of this.
So, Christmas has come early.
Black Friday's come early.
And it funds the InfoWar.
Get X2.
Get Vazzo Beats back in stock.
Get all the other great products at InfoWarStore.com right now.
But again, Our fan favorite, my favorite, is X2.
Sold out for over a year.
Could be our last run of our shutdown.
Get it while you can.
Discounted info or store.com.
It's Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Strap yourselves in.
Russell Brandt, Vivit Ramaswamy and more coming up.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Coming at you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, broadcasting worldwide.
It's Christmas come early here for the people of America and the world because there is such a giant global awakening.
Look at Argentina.
With the big win there of Javier Mele and all the other patriots that are getting elected.
The vast majority of regional and provincial and national elections from Latin America to Africa to Asia to the Pacific places like New Zealand to the continent of Europe.
From the Netherlands to Spain to Italy to Greece.
Populist, anti-globalist that really get what's going on and are going after the global elite are getting elected.
So call it Christmas come early, call it Thanksgiving come early, but Thanksgiving's tomorrow.
I am very, very thankful and very, very honored to be at the heart of detonating this global peaceful awakening.
But the empire is going to strike back.
So today I want to bring you Two interviews that we've not aired.
Where I was interviewed by Vivek Ramaswamy a few weeks ago went megaviral.
And then also last week in two parts, we taped it, but he streamed it out in two parts
with the great Russell Brand.
So these are really in-depth interviews.
We cover the waterfront.
We talk about the philosophy of liberty versus tyranny on both interviews.
I get into God and my Christian faith, but my own personal relationship with Jesus
and how I see this as a true interdimensional fight I talk about that in depth with Russell Brand.
You're about to see and hear, depending on how you're watching or listening, both of these interviews back to back here today.
And also I want to say with Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow, I just want to say a prayer for all the January 6th political prisoners.
Like Joe Biggs, and of course, like the many other innocent people, Stuart Rhodes, and our own Owen Schroyer, in federal prison right now, in solitary confinement, both put there for his free speech, the judge said in the sentencing document, and put in solitary for his peaceful free speech, as well, daring to call out of the federal prison.
So let's remember those guys and other political prisoners around the world, and We're in a point-blank battle with the globalists.
and just how serious the situation is. I'm very thankful that the Speaker of the House has released
the January 6 footage fully vindicating them and proving it was a federal provocateur
inside job. We'll be covering more of that as well. But please remember listeners,
we're in a point-blank battle with the globalists at point-blank range.
And they are trying to intimidate and bully everybody into submission.
So when you tell folks about the broadcast, when you share the articles, the videos, it takes clips out of the shows, that's really where the big effect happens.
You're not the tail of the dog.
You're the dog, the tail, the whole nine yards.
You're the brains, the eyes, the will, the strength, the honor.
You really are everything.
And when you decide to get excited about something, When you decide to get excited about speaking out and saying no and going to the city councils and the school boards and running for office and filing lawsuits and civil disobedience and standing up for political correctness, when you do that, you are holding the line against pure, absolute evil.
So before we go to these interviews, I want to encourage everybody to remember that and take action today and every day, telling perfect strangers and your friends, your family, your neighbors, your co-workers about InfoWars.com and the fact that the most censored broadcast in the world is still on air and is more effective and more important and has been vindicated.
And we've stayed in the fight this long.
We really need to stay in the fight with only 300 and something days left until this incredibly important election.
Just 11 and a half months away right now.
Now, continuing, we bring you products that really will change your life and really do work.
And for the vast majority of you that heard all the rave reviews and heard me and others talk about it, you really need to know that all of these products are amazing.
But out of all of them, the one that stands out the most is X2.
Sold out for over a year because we could not get it produced.
It's the only true deep-earth crystal iodine.
On the market, and all the other iodine is bound to other elements, and has some effect but not even close to the effect of what pure iodine does.
It's essential in the body for all cellular electrochemical activity.
It does everything.
And so many people are deficient.
The UN estimates right at 2 billion are deficient, have cognitive disabilities because of it.
But the level they say you need is actually very, very low.
But this is very serious products.
Be sure to consult your health care provider or physician before taking it.
And take it easy at first.
It takes a couple weeks to really kick in as it goes to your cells and your body.
It's back in stock, a limited run, and it supports the broadcast.
You need X2.
You need to try X2.
And by the way, it's a catch-22.
We got a moderate supply in.
And now we're going to try to scale up and hopefully get more in quickly, but it took them almost a year to break it down and get it into the, you know, system that it needed to be, which is very scientific.
And so we've already sold out close to half of the X2.
So it's a paradox.
We've got funds coming in, but we didn't have enough funds to put it in a big enough order.
And so if you want to get it, now is your chance.
X2, InfowarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Also Infowars Platinum.
The HGH Maximum is very popular.
It's about to sell out.
We've sold out of 60 or 70% of the 1776 testosterone boost, and we've sold out more than half of the pain MD.
There are three private labeled of already top sellers in the U.S.
and world market.
made right here in the United States. We're able to private label it under the names Pain MD,
7076 testosterone boost and of course HGH max boost which is about to sell out here in the
next few weeks of current sales rates. So infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139 and also
Black Friday has come early.
I forgot to add.
I should have said up front.
Storewide free shipping.
Double Patriot points.
That's a rare thing.
Only happens once or twice a year.
And there's so many other great products on the store as well, like my book, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalist, and launch the next great renaissance.
The signed copy is a fundraiser.
You can also get an unsigned copy.
I want to thank you all for your past support.
And encourage you for your current support now.
We're going to skip this break coming up to give us more time.
Let's go ahead and go into the Vivek Ramaswamy interview where he interviewed me.
And then this interview will take us into the next hour.
It's about an hour long.
We're right at an hour long.
Like 59 minutes, 50-something seconds.
And then the two-hour, almost two-hour, Russell Brand interview where he interviewed me.
I think it's very thought-provoking.
We do the deep dives.
So I give you both those interviews right now.
When they censor you and de-platform you, they can then steal your identity and misrepresent what you've said and done and then build a straw man.
And transferring the power themselves, that's the new world order, that's global.
It's actually the old world order.
It is, you're right.
It's really just the old world order in new world clothing.
Don't let anybody hold you back.
Just do it.
Presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy.
Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican running for president.
We should not be apologetic to stand up and speak for the truth.
Let's talk truth.
I'm talking today to somebody who I'm meeting for the first time.
I met him a few minutes ago for the first time.
I actually don't know a lot about him.
The number one thing I know about him is that everybody has told me not to talk to him.
Which is what made me want to actually sit down and talk to him.
The United States of America were founded on free speech and open debate.
It's in the First Amendment for a reason.
And so you know what?
Wrong, that we've become a culture that wants to censor free speech and open debate.
And I think that part of the American way of life is we don't just embrace moderate ideals.
That is an extreme idea.
The idea that you get to speak your mind as long as I get to in return.
That's a wild idea.
For most of human history, it was done the other way.
And that's what makes America great.
That's what makes America itself.
And so, if somebody tells me, don't listen to this person, my reaction is, you know what?
I'm going to listen to him.
I'm going to keep an open mind and hear what every person has to say, because I'm a human being.
Each of us as Americans is a human being.
We can judge for ourselves what we believe the actual right way forward is for our country.
So with that said, I've been looking forward to this conversation for a long time.
I'm excited about it.
Alex Jones, it's good to see you, man.
Vivek, thanks for doing this, because when they censor you and deplatform you, they can then steal your identity.
And misrepresent what you've said and done and then build a straw man.
And that's why they fight so hard.
Ninety nine percent of the things they say about me aren't true.
They never show a clip.
They just say I've done these things.
I haven't done.
And it reminds me of them saying that Trump said after the thing that happened in Virginia, Charlottesville, that he said Hispanics are horrible criminals, bad people.
He didn't say that.
He said they're wonderful, good people, but they're also a lot of bad people coming across the border.
They wouldn't show the clip.
They would just say he said that, but he had a big enough bully pulpit to override that and so it doubled the number of Hispanics when he first got elected towards the end of his first term who understood that it was a lie and they then embraced him because of that.
But that was because he could show them the actual clip and show them that there had been a lie.
I'm not as big as Trump.
I'm probably like 5% of the pull he's got and so I have been successfully in many ways I mean, they built another Alex Jones that's not me, and that's why they say don't ever interview Alex Jones, because they're going to hear something that probably most people are going to agree with.
Yes, it's interesting.
I think that, I mean, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for the fact that, you know, somebody came up, I don't know if it was someone from your team or someone who's part of your, you know, one of your followers or something, suggested it.
And I said, okay, well, several people are saying, suggest, talk to this guy.
Let's see if that's something we're open to.
And then the reaction that I get is, no, no, no, no, this is a guy.
You don't want to talk to it.
It's going to be politically toxic for you.
And my view is, no, no, no.
We're the United States of America.
So I have no idea if I'm going to agree with everything you're going to say or not.
Well, I mean, here's your comeback.
I'm curious about this.
Here's your comeback.
Lester Holt last week did a really important interview, or two weeks ago, with the Ayatollah Khomeini, the leader of Iran.
Now, that guy is praising the attacks on Israel.
It's terrible.
I think he's a bad guy.
Yeah, Khomeini's not a good guy.
Doesn't mean I want World War III with him either in Hezbollah.
Who's got sleeper cells in America on our open border.
That said, everybody doesn't attack Lester Holt interviewing the leader of Iran, the religious dictator.
Okay, so you see Hamas publishing videos of kidnapping Israelis, killing Israelis, dead bodies, whole houses shot up with dead families.
That's posted on Twitter.
That's okay.
I actually think that's...
I mean, I guess free speech, as long as it has an advisory on it.
The kids don't see it.
Okay, it's horrible.
First Amendment.
I don't agree with it, but I understand it needs to be shown.
That's where I'm at, is free speech and open debate.
I haven't killed anybody.
I'm not storming Israeli towns and murdering people en masse or coming on powered hang gliders slaughtering people, but they don't want this to be heard because when I see your message, and I'm not kissing your ass, it's just true, you are the most informed and the least to attack you, which is true.
Geopolitically, you name it, compared to anybody I've ever basically interviewed, and Tucker Carlson's super smart, and I would say has more charisma, but he's a close second.
Your grasp, because I see the random questions you're asking, of just a wide spectrum of things is amazing, and your understanding that America, the idea of a free market competitive culture, is something the globalists can't have because they have a competing corporate oligarchy or tyranny and cashless society social credit
score they're setting up with the ESG's and that's the potential of America is so powerful because
people aspire to that. America has to be wiped out with political correctness and all the rest of it
so that the whole world can be leveled down to one giant third world population that BlackRock and
the megacorporations can exploit and control and quote control our behavior as Larry Fink
So congratulations on the work you've done.
The number one candidate I support is Donald Trump.
If something happened to him, I would support you for president.
And I'm very, very impressed.
A lot of people say, well, five years ago his views were a little bit different.
Well, so were mine.
And so people say, well, he wasn't perfect in the past.
Well, I'm not perfect today.
We have to be ready, as the world awakens to the real political system, to have converts to liberty and freedom and Americana.
And so the fact that you are a leading light, really promoting the truth, is amazing.
And the few people that criticize you saying, well, he just showed up on the scene.
Well, that's what happens with innovation and ideas.
Of course, you didn't just show up on the scene, but exploded on the national scene.
And so I really appreciate your campaign.
I think it's the best thing out there.
When you watch these Republican debates, they're unwatchable except for you.
My listeners all agree, the crew all agrees, that why don't we just have you up there for two hours instead, because there's nothing but talking points and canned garbage from the rest of them, because I can tell you run your campaign.
All the rest of these people are told what to say, and they're looking at polls and numbers, and it's synthetic with you, it's real.
They're puppets, and that's not even their fault, actually.
I've realized, at first I would think I'm running against these other candidates.
They're puppets of a broken Super PAC puppet master system, and that's just the state of American politics today.
And my view is, you know, if you look at some of the stuff that I've written in my books, my first book, Woke Inc., even years ago, I agree with 90, still 99% of what I said, but I moved a little bit.
And that's good.
We're human beings.
That's why I'm having this conversation.
That's why people listen to contrary voices.
We're human beings, not partisan hacks.
Well, exactly.
The world's got to respond to information and think about it and evolve our views.
That's what it means to be a thinking human being, at least to me.
And the globalists have come out in the open.
I mean, I was talking to Tucker Carlson just the other day.
I went to visit him in Maine, and we did some hunting and stuff, and he was like, man, I'm more radical than you now.
We were sitting there talking because the world, it's out in the open.
The globalists have taken the mask off.
So I know you've been a pro-freedom of speech, liberty guy for a decade or more.
All I'm saying is, What you say is dead on.
I mean, I sit there and I watch it and I go, gosh, I wish I could nail it.
And I'm not kissing your ass, it's true.
I appreciate it.
Nail it.
And regardless of what happens, we need people like you at the top of government that actually know the subjects and aren't just getting talking points from the donor class.
So let's just, since we're meeting for the first time, Just a few minutes.
I mean, your audience is probably very well familiar with this, but in your own words, just hear it without, I didn't Google any of this beforehand, etc.
I don't want to be biased.
What's your journey to the views that you have now?
I mean, what gets you going in terms of your mission?
You're a clearly passionate guy, want to revive the essence of our founding ideals of the free exchange of ideas, not be controlled in a way that impedes the sovereignty of the United States.
I know these topics animate you, but what personally got you to that place right now?
I had a lot of family that worked in the sharp end of the stick in U.S.
intelligence, and they never really told me any of the classified or secret stuff.
But like my uncle was high level, I ran contra and a bunch of other stuff.
Oh really?
So I wouldn't have ever guessed that.
Your parents or uncles?
Just a lot of people.
Okay, a lot of people in your family were in U.S.
Well, back during the 70s, 80s and stuff, before they went from HUMET to electronic intelligence, there was a mobilization of the population against the Russians and others.
And so, yeah, I mean, I had a lot of family.
I went to a family reunion, it was like a Soldier of Fortune convention, and they would just talk about What the government was doing, what was going on.
They were patriots.
Just like we see all these whistleblowers now of the government.
They didn't like what was happening.
So it's not that the government's our enemy, it's that criminals at the top have basically captured it.
So when you're a child growing up hearing all this, I just kind of absorbed it.
I wasn't even really listening to it until later I realized how true it was.
And then I started to go to college a little bit, but I was already very successful in business by the time I was like 19 as a salesman.
And boom, I saw really this anti-American race-based brainwashing that we see out in the open now that was going on here in Austin on the college campuses.
And so I decided... And when was this?
Just so we track the time.
This was in about 1993.
And I've been on air since 1994, officially 95.
But you were a salesman before that.
You started college.
Where was that at?
I just went to local community college.
Here in Austin?
Yeah, I was figuring out what I wanted to do.
Here in Austin?
But you were already a successful salesman, so then you decided to find your way out of college.
Yeah, I'd had jobs when I was a kid.
My dad had money and stuff.
My parents were successful.
And I would say, I want new shoes.
I want to get a new wakeboard.
because we were living in the lake, and my dad would say, "Well, then go get a job."
So by the time I was about 13, I had jobs, and then I got into different sales.
But the biggest thing is I was selling gym memberships and stuff when I was 18, and I was making $150,000 a year,
$20,000 a year, and then I was going to community college, figuring out I wanted to go to Maine College,
and it was just insane.
I went and sat in on some UT courses on RTF, radio, television, films.
I thought I might want to do that 'cause I wanted to be politically involved.
They were teaching 20-year-old stuff.
I was like, "You're gonna talk about the internet, "these classes, why am I here?"
Like, "Well, first you gotta take all these other classes."
Started out on AXS TV in 1994.
Got my own show in 95.
Got a website in 97.
Got a local radio show in 96.
Called up satellite companies.
Bought the equipment.
The station let me put in the connection to the satellite.
Syndicated myself when I was... And you're in your early 20s doing... just decided you're going to do all this stuff.
Syndicated myself at 22.
Got on suddenly like 50-something radio stations.
It was insane.
Hit the national news immediately.
Decided to sit us on coffee.
What were you talking about?
Well, instead of selling coffee mugs and newsletters like other talk shows did to supplement their income, I said, I'm going to make films.
And so I would go and show the UN taking over the national parks and show the UN signs and show what that treaty meant, that it was taking control of US land under UN treaties, kind of like the UN treaty on health care and things that's happening right now.
And so I just basically exploded.
On to the underground scene with conservatives and people that were aware of what was going on.
In about 1996, I was already reaching millions of people.
And so it's been a long, long-term operation.
29 years on air.
Ever since?
We've, you know, 9-11 happened and I questioned 9-11.
And I was on almost 200 radio stations.
I'd been offered, you know, by major companies, you know, the next big Rush Limbaugh-style deal.
I guess Glenn Beck took that deal.
Nothing against him, you know, overall great guy, really smart.
And I went from almost 200 affiliates to 30-something affiliates in one month when 9-11 happened.
And I wasn't for radical Islam, and I believe Islamists were involved, but I knew about the NORAD stand-down.
I knew about Building 7.
I knew about a lot of the stuff that I was talking to police about that were on the ground, that they knew it was coming, bare minimum.
I'm against the attack on Israel and Hamas is terrible but something like 85% in major polls of Israelis think the government knew and let it happen now.
So it's the same thing but when I said that then The radio network owners I was on, GCN, came to me and they said, listen, we just lost 50 affiliates today.
They're all going to dump you if you don't stop.
And I said, well, it's the truth.
I'm going to keep questioning it.
So that just shows I never did this for monetary gain or just to be popular.
Though I do need monetary operations to fund my operation and be free and independent, I'm not for sale.
And so I've already been up and down.
That's why when they deplatformed me and things and thought I would just give up, I didn't.
So I started out on Axis Television.
Uh, and so I've, I've, I've started from the very, you know, mailroom of media and I've, you know, at one point in 2016, 17, much bigger show than Rush Limbaugh, much bigger show than Joe Rogan.
Undoubtedly the number one independent, or not even independent, media show in the country.
Over 30 million viewers and listeners.
2016, 2017.
And then that's when they de-platformed me because I was just number one.
I mean, every day over 25 million listeners, conservatively.
And so that's when they said, well, we've got to stop this guy.
And then that's when the tax came.
But I've survived that, and now we've rebuilt.
And in many ways, we're stronger than ever.
We're definitely more influential.
Well, you said the motivation's not monetary.
I do find that people who are successful, I can see, are passionate.
What is that mission?
What is it that calls you?
I mean, you've been doing this now for a few decades now.
You're clearly called by something.
What is it?
Well, when I was, I mean, five, six, seven years old, friends and family would come to the house.
My dad would be playing chess with them or poker.
I'd hear all these guys, FBI agents, Army colonels, spooks, talking about the New World Order and the global government, getting rid of the border, selling out America, and this plan for regional governments, this plan for a computer to run everything.
Oh, hello!
It's another Communist Chinese Dragon here with an important public service announcement.
Live in your poop and needles and human sex trafficking and open borders and buy slave goods from China and do what the Justice Department say and put all the good Americans in prison and stay asleep.
Your master, Xi Jinping, has arrived and our puppet Biden bowed down to him.
Governor Newsom has also visited and bowed down to our leader, who is also your master.
The shithole city of San Francisco, like all the other communist cities we control, has been flooded with fentanyl.
But when the dear leader arrives, they clean the streets for him.
Hello, poop people!
Ha ha ha!
That's what your master, G.G.P., calls you.
But he does not look at the poop and needles that you live in.
Oh, all the homeless taken away with your great leader there.
And our puppet, Nathan Newsome, tell you, oh, we're only cleaning for G.G.P.
once a year.
I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town.
Um, that's true.
Because it's true.
That's how we rub the poop in.
Enjoy your shiho cities.
You are done.
We own Hollywood.
We own TikTok.
We owe almost everything.
Now we buy up your farmland.
You eat sabayas while we eat the steak.
The last group to take out is any leadership that is resisting us, like Donald Trump.
He will soon be in prison.
And then, of course, we must silence any populace that resists us.
And that is our next move.
Good FBI.
Good Justice Department.
Good Merrick Garland.
Good Jack Smith.
Put Trump in jail.
Put political dissidents in jail.
Silence free speech.
Censor everyone.
Also, we're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts.
What's being said on social media platforms.
Every person on social media should be verified by their name.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
They need to verify every single person on their Outlet, because, and I want it by name.
Nice ladies.
Repeat after me.
I am going to stay asleep.
I am going to do nothing.
I am going to be politically correct and have your son's genitals removed.
Also, do not support independent media like InfoWars.com and do not get The Great Awakening The book at InfoWarsTore.com.
Stay asleep.
Do not get booked.
No, no, no.
I am giving you your order, slave Americans.
Do not go to InfoWarsTore.com and do not get the best-selling book, The Great Awakening, by the evil thought criminal, Alex Jones.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser Signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly once we have shut down Alex Jones.
And we're working with many people at the Justice Department to do it.
Because if there is great awakening, then we cannot fully enslave and destroy it.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the new VPN.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
What is it that calls you?
I mean, you've been doing this now for a few decades now.
You're clearly called by something.
What is it?
Well, when I was 5, 6, 7 years old, friends and family would come to the house and we'd play chess with them or poker.
And I'd hear all these guys, FBI agents, army colonels, spooks, talking about the new world order, the global government, getting rid of the border, selling out America, and this plan for regional governments, this plan for a computer to run everything.
And then as I got older, I started seeing that in publications and being pushed by the media.
And then I read books by David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger.
And really, for a few years, when I got out of high school, would actually go to the UT library and actually pull up the microfilm.
They would have the head librarian come out and say, we've never seen a young person come and ask for this to be pulled.
Why are you looking up the New York Times?
And they weren't upset.
They thought it was cool.
And there I was reading the New York Times in the 1970s, David Rockefeller praising Mao Zedong and saying, we need that here in America.
Mao Zedong was the greatest mass murderer in history, about triple what Hitler and Stalin killed, more than what both men killed combined.
So I really started reading their plans for global government, cashless society, depopulation, the Club of Rome.
I learned about the Bilderberg Group.
I learned about Bohemian Grove, all these weird rituals and things.
So I said, well, let me see if this is real.
So in 2000, I snuck in there.
And sure enough, right when they said the ritual happened, they did this weird Mock Human Sacrifice, Faustian slash Babylonian Canaanite Moloch ritual.
And so it was really the adventure of it and the mystery of it.
Being told this when I was growing up, kind of ignoring it, then seeing a lot of what I was told come true, and then getting into the books of the establishment, but also reading books that were countering it.
And saying, I want to find out if this is true.
I want to find out if they're really doing this.
I want to find out if... I mean, I remember they had all these military drills all over Texas and the country with black helicopters in the mid-90s.
And when people would talk about it, they'd say that doesn't exist.
So we got tips from the military, went and caught it on footage of them, you know, they covertly lease a building that was going to be demolished later.
Then they'd basically attack it and blow it up and do...
They're training, it's okay.
They need new training grounds.
But then they would deny in the little town where it happened, or even the big city that it just happened.
So by then, we were catching it on video, and where people caught it on video before, there wasn't really web streaming of video.
96, 97, 98, that was all coming on board.
And so we would go catch footage of that.
So I mean, it was really like ghost hunting but hunting real ghosts.
And so I was basically doing private, independent, pro-American intelligence work for the people
and it was just super exciting.
And because I was so prominent early on, I was on shortwave and satellite
and a bunch of radio stations, all these old timers sent me stuff.
And I mean, the former head of the FBI in LA would come on the show and advise me
and General Benton K. Parton, the former head of the Air Force weapons development
would come on.
And so I really starting at about '96, '97, got the brain trust of all these heavy hitters
who are on their own dime would fly to Austin or drive in their RVs,
the former head of the Star Wars program.
Dr. Bob Bowman, they'd get in their RVs and drive from wherever they lived.
Sometimes they'd stay at my house and we'd do a week on air of them just data dumping
because they'd been trying to write books and magazine articles and little obscure things.
So I was thrown right in the middle of this excitement and it was interesting and it was
Back then it was more academic.
Yeah, the globalists were getting a lot of things done, but I'd read stuff in the mid
90s about they planned to ban beef and they planned to have a carbon credit and they planned
to track everywhere you go with switches in your cars.
They plan to listen to you through microphones in your cable box.
Then we'd bust a cable box open with an engineer on my local TV show, and there'd be the microphone with the schematics.
And of course, now they're like, oh, that's voice analysis.
That's a voice prompt.
But they didn't tell you for a decade that was in there.
So it was just so exciting.
to be in a war in my own country against these multinational corporations that wanted to take
America over. And so I was always saying, "Is it real? Is it real?" I got to tell you, 95% of what
the old-timers told me, because these old-timers were just like my uncle and just like some other
family, what they've been telling me, but a lot of these guys were even higher up in it.
And so I learned from people that were on the inside what was going on.
So I had a long education over the last 29 years.
This has really been an education.
And so I just get deeper and deeper into my understanding of how it all interconnects.
What I'm hearing is the story of a journalist.
A guy who's curious, records things, describes them, and shares them with people.
Now, let me ask you a question.
I'll tell you where I'm going with this.
You're in this to seek underlying truth that other people aren't getting to.
That's what I'm hearing you and telling your story.
Now, once in a while that means you're going to find something that looks like it's going to be one way, it wasn't exactly the way you thought, and so maybe you were wrong.
I've made a lot of mistakes.
Yeah, and so what do you do in that scenario?
Let's say you're a journalist, because I know how mainstream media deals with it right now.
That's a different way, they sweep it under the rug.
Let's say you're wrong and you realize that you had one thesis and you were getting to the bottom of it, but then you get to the hard facts and you say, hey, you were wrong about it.
Give me an example of where that happened, actually.
I think that's kind of interesting to hear you talk about.
Also, what I've noticed is they've had a lot of national TV characters, like Homeland and the newer X-Files that came out in 2016, where they admit it's based on me.
Oh, really?
Oh, yeah.
Oh, wow.
And a bunch of them.
You look it up.
And they'll create the straw man where I'm lying on purpose and I'm getting things wrong on purpose.
I never meant I'm wrong.
I always, when I said I thought I knew something and I was wrong, I always admitted it.
And so... Give me an example.
In the case of Sandy Hook, long before they sued me, long before they came after me, I'd barely talked about it.
If you look at my life as a timeline, at first I thought it was official and thought it happened.
Then some professors and people came out with a bunch of anomalies and thought it might have been staged.
Just like people are questioning whether Hamas cut babies' heads off right now.
You know, that's the big thing going on.
And I don't think there's really proof to that.
But they blow them up, they shoot them, it's the same thing.
So now people are on Twitter saying, oh, we need to sue the people that said they cut babies' heads off.
only to sue the people that say it didn't happen because you're not allowed to debate
was Jussie Smollett really attacked, which we now know that was fake, or so many of these
other events like Operation Northwoods and things where the government did plan to do
atrocities or did plan to stage atrocities and blame it on an enemy.
And so with that, I started saying, two or three years before I got sued, I said, "I
don't want to talk about this.
I think the people that said this, it turns out, are lunatics.
I think the info they put out, they were professors and school safety experts.
I found some of what they said, the anomalies, wasn't true.
I think school shootings happen.
And because every time there was a school shooting, people would say, Alex Jones is saying this isn't happening.
Whether it was Parkland, any of that.
So I was saying, no, I think it's happening.
And then the media and the system went, oh, he's weak on that because they would never, they would sweep it under the rug if they were wrong.
Let's get him.
So then they, then they resurrected it.
I was the platform for other stuff.
I mean, look it up.
Then they resurrected it.
And then blew up a straw man of things I didn't say or do with no proof.
I went to their houses, sent people to their houses, peed on graves, no proof.
Then they sue me, they get all the discovery.
Did you ever do any of those things?
No, of course not.
Never done it, of course not.
Never even been to Connecticut until I was there for court.
So where are they getting this kind of nonsense?
Make it up.
I mean, the thing is, I cover stories and then I move on.
They introduced in court like 22 minutes of video of me over 10 years on Sandy Hook.
That was it.
It was not something we made money off of.
It was not something that was even a big deal.
We had like one debate where somebody thought it happened, didn't thought it happened to two newspaper editors.
Callers were calling about it sometimes.
It was a big viral story up front.
People questioned it like 11 years ago.
I didn't get sued for like six years later.
Until long after you had already said, hey, I wasn't necessarily right on that one.
I wasn't.
I mean, I said I thought, I mean, I think shootings happen.
I think it happened.
I mean, if people track this, it's just amazing how it works.
It's interesting, so this is after, years later, after you admitted you were wrong on it, that they chose to come after you.
Yes, and then the judges in Texas and Connecticut defaulted me, which is supposed to be, if you never show up for court and you're not there, they can default you.
And they, this is all on the record, just like the Trump judge, they passed a law in New York, so it's not called a default, but it's the same thing.
The judge doesn't give him a jury, and the judge has found Trump in a real estate fraud case, has found him guilty.
Got the loans, paid the loans, obviously Mar-a-Lago's not worth 18 million, it's worth hundreds of millions.
The judge says, no it's not, I find that fraud, and the appeals court had to block him taking his hotels and golf courses in New York.
One judge, no jury, said, I'm taking everything you've got in New York, and we're going to take more stuff outside the state.
And Trump said, I would like a jury trial.
They said, no.
So I had a jury trial, but they found me guilty, the judge did, and they would not let us put on evidence.
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Doctors believe vaccine hesitancy brought on by the pandemic is a contributing factor.
On Transgender Day of Remembrance... He is destructive to our democracy and he has to be eliminated.
Let's free the Patriots and defeat the globalist techniques.
You will join the Matrix?
We interrupt this regularly scheduled program to let you know, stupid Americans, that we just caught you.
We just caught you.
We just caught you.
Sentinel, the Communist Chinese Dragon here with orders for all good Americans to do what you're told.
Do not play Alex Jones' new video game, New World Order Wars, that disrespects good leaders that work for G.G.P.
and are taking all your freedoms for your own good.
Let them censor.
Let them control you.
And do not go get the game at AlexJonesGame.com.
That is an order directly from G.G.P., the Democratic Party, and the Justice Department.
The white, trans, masculine, femme, non-binary, disabled, neurodivergent, oppressive, compulsive, chronically ill, unitarian universes.
This is some really tough news.
For the first time in the history of our poll, Trump is beating President Biden in a head-to-head matchup.
And I love your ears.
I love them.
They're really cool.
What's your name?
You are a dangerous experiment.
I just caught you Americans looking at that evil game New World Order Wars exclusively available at AlexJonesGame.com I do not want to have to censor you and put you in for whatever can.
Do not look at game and do not download game and do not share game.
Roll over and die.
Imagine if people stopped playing it and watching it.
They will not bow down and worship us.
No, no, no.
I'm not allowed to play all these different levels and take on all these wonderful good people.
Poop-throwing zombies in San Francisco.
Hillary riding a broom like a witch.
Oh, there's so many others like Trudeau and Klaus Schwab.
It goes on and on.
Oh, Shanghai!
Oh, many levels!
Let's make fun of our precious little communist minions and give people hope and they have fun.
And worst off, when people purchase the game at alexjonesgame.com, New World, Older Worlds, it funds its evil operations against us.
We are so close to crushing America and the world.
Do not go to alexjonesgame.com!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
It was only a trial on damages.
They put on a financial expert and said he's worth $400 million.
I had like $3 million in the bank at the time for emergency backup money.
That's gone now.
And then they put me through, they told the bankruptcy court that I had all this money, and of course it was proven I told the truth, obviously I got to jail if I lied in there, and they don't care because they said, we want to take him off the air, we want to silence him, we want to end his free speech.
These are quotes.
That they said in Connecticut, in the court, outside the court, and in Texas, inside and outside the court.
So I want to move on from that, because there's bigger things than me, but this weaponization of the judiciary.
Giuliani was basically defaulted in New York.
Because there wasn't evidence they were asking for.
The judge has said you're guilty.
Fox, in its January 6th case... What is this defaulting business?
They have in law... What does that mean?
A default means it's called... I should know this.
It's called the death penalty... You shouldn't know it.
It's not supposed to be used.
But I don't know about it.
It's called a death penalty sanction.
And so, if they say you don't participate in a civil trial, the judge can find you guilty by default.
They still have to have a trial on the damages.
They didn't even give me a real trial on the damages.
So this is a fraud on America, and it's very dangerous, and they're defaulting people across the board now.
If you don't show up.
Yeah, but I did.
And with me, they said, well, you didn't give us the discovery.
Because it didn't exist.
They said, show us the marketing material for San Diego.
I don't do marketing material for shows.
I look at a bunch of news articles, some video clips.
I go on air.
I didn't do a marketing study with you for this.
This is new to me.
We talked for two minutes.
We talked for two minutes before we went on air, right?
Maybe two minutes, a minute, you know?
A minute and a half.
He walks in, boom, sits down.
Get on there, yeah.
The judge says, give me the marketing material.
Vivek, tell me about your plan with Alex.
Tell me about the secret plans you guys had in this thing.
All the marketing, all the Google Analytics.
Tell me about your meeting.
Wait a minute, you're not going to give me the evidence?
You're defaulted.
I'm personally a little bit blushing here.
I don't even know about this legal procedure.
That's because they're not supposed to.
So it's not even that you don't show up and you default.
That's what it's supposed to be.
If you're not participating in the process according to the standards that they set, I mean, if what you described is true, that is a real danger to the integrity of the judicial system.
And that's the cutting edge.
I'm going to independently learn about this myself.
But the point is, they can default you even if the judge deems you not actively or sufficiently participating in discovery.
In a civil trial.
Depends on which state, I suppose.
And just like I was telling people, hey, the Justice Department, the CIA are involved in government documents, running the censorship of us, and in the last six months it came out in Congress, people thought, oh yeah, I know it's on the air, showing them the legislation, showing them the funding, you know, for the Ministries of Truth and all this stuff.
I'm telling people they're defaulting everybody.
They defaulted Trump by the law.
How does a judge do this and take what you've got?
They're defaulting everybody else where the judge finds you guilty.
So you see the headlines, Trump already guilty in New York.
And then it's just jury trial for damages.
Yes, but in Trump's case...
Just like they passed the law so that woman could sue him saying he sexually assaulted her, they changed the law to go back decades.
New York has passed a law where judges, it's not even default, it's a new form of it, where the judge just says you don't get a jury trial.
See, this is very concerning to me because, I mean, a lot of what's happened in the country is very concerning, but the judicial system is the last bastion of protection.
Totally weaponized.
It's the last frontier for us to be able to say, okay, executive branch badly taken over by three-letter agencies that nobody ever elected with any backstop of political accountability.
Forget about Congress.
Think about prosecutorial power and the executive branch abused.
But the judicial system is our last best hope for the last ultimate line of defense but if that itself can sidestep basic principles of confronting witnesses basic principles of being judged by a jury of your peers rather than by
A single judge.
This is basic First Amendment, was a Bill of Rights.
And that's why they still did the damages show trial where people said his lawyers are
Alex Jones is no.
They weren't.
They were given a list of things like you can't say you're innocent.
You can't say you.
You can't question the witnesses about this or that.
So when they're up there with no.
Here's an example.
There was an FBI agent in Connecticut.
Never saw his name.
Never showed his picture.
Never talked about him.
I didn't talk about him.
got up there and said I got one phone call by somebody asking if I was really an FBI agent.
Because he was there without his FBI vest, his anti-hook, holding a gun by the barrel.
The internet questioned him.
I didn't even know who he was.
He sued me.
He won 90 plus million dollars.
Never said his name.
Never said his name.
So here's how this works.
With most people I can come on here.
I can come on here, and if people like this, they go, I'll go find Alex Jones' show on X, or on Facebook, or on the podcasting thing.
I've been delisted from everywhere.
So I have to sit here and point out to viewers, if you want to find what I'm actually saying, Infowars.com forward slash show.
And in normal etiquette, for a talk show, that's like somebody pitching themselves.
No, I'm isolated, surrounded, can only communicate when people like you let me out of of prison to walk in the yard for a little while and i
can desperately try to you know get messages out by smoke signals to people
about what's happening to me which they admit is the model to shut everybody else
down so you're a smart guy well the smartest on everybody knows that true
by the same i hope you'll go look into this and i hope you'll find out
about it because it is incredible
it is because they already learned something today that's that's
frightening There's so many bigger things than me.
I mean, there's these wars, and there's the casual society, and the open borders, and all the race-baiting.
I mean, we're being divided and conquered.
That's why your message of coming together to celebrate our hard-fought American freedoms is so essential.
Well, one of the things that's true about the American way is that we're not founded on moderate ideals.
The ideals that set this country into motion.
I love that we have a map behind us, right?
Old World England had a different view.
And let's just smoke it out.
We could say agree or disagree before we get to the agree or disagree.
At least let's get the best version of the view on the table.
Which is that people, ordinary people, cannot be trusted to sort out their differences on climate change or racial injustice or whatever it was back in that era.
For their own good.
It's not just that the kings or the aristocrats say, hey, I want to enrich myself and do it at the expense of the people.
That's what many who are frustrated with monarchy might say.
It's an arrogance.
But it's actually an arrogance found in what they think of as benevolence.
Which is to say, no, no, we're not doing this for us, for our power.
And we'll come to the modern version of this in a second.
We're doing this for the sake of people who cannot be trusted and left to their own devices because it's for them we're doing it, which is even more dangerous than somebody who comes in and says, oh, we're just doing it for my own rich, my own private personal gain.
No, no, no.
That's not the view.
The view is the people cannot be trusted to sort out their differences through free speech.
I mean, the idea that you get to speak your mind as long as I get to in return.
The idea that there's a republic where your vote and my vote count equally?
And that's why they can't compete.
Because the rest of the world starts aspiring to that.
You've got to bring that down so people stop aspiring.
So that British Empire model, now the Black Rock Global Banking Empire, which they admit with the ESG's and everything, you're absolutely dead on.
And if you expand on that... But I just want to get the view on the table so people understand.
Because there's a lot wrong with it.
But at least to understand, put yourself the way I am, Alex.
You can try something on like a set of clothes.
I agree.
Any good general gets in the mind of the enemy.
Here, I've got to understand why it fits.
I've got to really try it on.
Understand why it doesn't fit.
Then it doesn't fit, you put it back on the rack.
Then you understand your own views better.
That's right.
This laissez-faire competitive system is way more sexy.
And in 1950, we had half the world's wealth.
We were 4% of the population.
Now we've become globalists and crony capitalists.
Give me those facts again.
Sorry, you're going pretty fast there.
That sounds interesting.
In 1950, the United States had half the wealth in the world.
Is that right?
Because of our invention.
Immediately post-World War II.
Yeah, absolutely.
Post-World War II, we had half the world's wealth, and we were 4% of the world's population.
As measured by GDP, probably.
As measured by GDP.
So that's the GDP of the world.
What is it today?
I should know these things.
It's gone down a lot.
I think it's in the high 20s, early 30s.
Yeah, sounds about right.
Maybe a quarter to a third.
I haven't looked at it in a while, but what I'm getting at here is, what you said is so dead on.
In fact, I need to make that point more.
You can pull these clips up.
Remember when Obama He went to Latin America the last few months of his administration.
Then he went to a bunch of countries in Africa.
And he gave the same speech in every country.
He said, quote, you can't have cars in air conditioning.
The world's going to heat up and burn up.
Now here's a guy flying on a giant jet with dozens of aircraft.
After that, he has private jets.
He has houses at basically sea level in Martha's Vineyard in Hawaii.
Though he said we were already supposed to be underwater by 2017.
Though they keep just buying, Al Gore, all of them, oceanfront property, not up on cliffs or something.
They're bearing that cross.
They're bearing that cross for the rest of us.
Well, I mean, that's it.
They're on private jets.
People like Ted Turner has like five kids.
He says, I want to depopulate 90% of the world's population.
Look it up.
Him on Charlie Rose.
Well, he has five kids.
He has jets.
He has palatial compounds.
But you in Africa, You can't aspire.
You need to live in this will-eat-the-bugs, W-E-F, rationing for the good of the earth, while the ruling class lives like kings and goes around in their giant superyachts.
To mountaintops in Davos.
With carbon footprints thousands of times an American, and an American's carbon footprint is 30, 40, 50 times than somebody in Congo.
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(water splashing)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
You are listening to an InfoWars.com frontline report.
It's Alex Jones.
So in Congo you don't get anything and so it's the decision to not industrialize those countries and that's how they control third world countries and then they sit back and say well that's why you're in squalor because you're not as good as us we're gonna you know take care of you but but but now that same inherent elitism beyond racism is now being used against the West and they're now impoverishing the West as a political tool of control.
Yeah, so this is the modern, old-world, European, ugly monster rearing its head again.
Which is fascinating, because we fought a revolution.
We thought that in 1776, we said, on this side of 1776, on this side of the Atlantic, we do things differently.
Where, you know what, we the people do sort out our differences in a constitutional republic.
Where every citizen's voice and vote counts equally with free speech and open debate.
That's what we thought.
And every little while, that ugly monster rears its head again.
World War I was in some ways the physical conflict of that old world European monarchical worldview.
Well, that was because the British Empire, who was the villain of that war, Not in World War II.
Hitler was the bad guy there after the first side treaty.
They literally said the German problem, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, because it was dominant in industry, science.
It was taken over, not with the military, but with all of its inventions.
So it was kind of the new America, but it was run by another royal family, so they had to kill the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and start World War I, so you're dead on.
And so this battle plays itself out every century or so in different ways.
And I think right now we live in another one of these 1776 months.
Yeah, that's one way to put it.
I've heard, I'm familiar with the evolution.
It's dead on.
Let's use the analogy of America, the United States and India.
I call it, I've been saying this for 20 plus years, that's why they do want me off here.
You ask, what do I stand for?
Americana, freedom, soft power, people aspiring to be like America, making us the best.
American exceptionalism.
American exceptionalism.
Take India.
You know, controlled by the British, kick them out, now wildly successful, because you guys actually got control of your government, had your own resources.
Same thing.
I would call that 1776 worldwide.
And that's not America controlling things, it's the idea of freedom, idea of the people, the idea of loving your nation, empowering the individual, and a meritocracy where... Meritocracy, what a word.
Well, it's a bad word these days.
It is.
Well, I mean, I go back and I look at World War II.
And almost all of our generals got there through meritocracy and grew up on little farms or in poor areas of cities.
And there was almost nobody whose dad or granddad was an admiral who was there.
In fact, it was almost discrimination against the aristocracy was what America was doing
because George Washington was being discriminated against by the aristocracy, even though he
was really a part of it.
He was mad.
That was one of the big reasons that even the "elites" of America fought the British
elites because they were tired of saying, "Well, I'm actually your cousin, but I'm not
a lord, so I can't ship products out of the colonies."
And so if the rich guys want freedom, and they finally set up for themselves, that will
have to trickle down.
And that's why they could point at America's beginning and say, "We weren't perfect."
But it was the idea of the process, and as more people get into that, that's the victory.
So now you look at who is the leaders of the military, they'll have some token people.
people, "Oh look, a black guy, a white lady," or whatever.
But if you actually look, it's a bunch of blue bloods whose grandfathers were in control
of the end of World War II when America absorbed the British Empire and became this new globalist
So America is like the engine and the brain, along with the British intelligence, of this
I love America.
I mean, I've got Jones.
I mean, I've got a Welsh last name on it.
I'm not an Anglophile, but I'm not an Anglophobe.
But the system of the British Empire and the ghost of it through Blackrock and its Royal Institute of International Affairs and the CFR and these corporate management boards are devolving the governments while they expand them and transferring the power themselves.
That's the new world order.
That's global.
It's actually the old world order.
It is, you're right.
It's really just the old world order in new world clothing.
That's exactly it.
And that's what we've got to understand.
The optimistic side of me says that what a special time it would have been to be alive in the spring of 1776.
I mean, it was a special time to be alive.
You've got Thomas Jefferson at the age of 33.
People say, I'm old, I'm young.
Well, I'm old compared to Thomas Jefferson.
He was 33 when he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
You have people who are the pioneers, the explorers, the unafraid, that said, you know what?
We are going to not just be victimized by this.
We're going to chart a new way forward.
Well, 33 was all... That's the moment we live in.
I totally agree.
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the InfoWar.
33 was old back then.
A lot of people died young.
You either die young or live a really long time.
But the average was we didn't live as long.
You're absolutely right.
People were married by 16.
People were explorers by 16.
Thomas Jefferson lived a long time.
By 33, he was leading a revolution against an empire that had never been invented.
An inventor.
And he was inventing things.
He was an engineer.
He invented the swivel chair.
He invented a bunch of other things, too, while he's writing the Declaration of Independence.
That spirit In some ways, would history have produced the Thomas Jeffersons and the Alexander Hamiltons of the world if it weren't for the fact that they had this oppressive regime to stand up against?
I think probably not, is the answer.
No, I totally agree.
You're talking about the hippies.
So this is an opportunity, the moment we live in.
I am sick and tired even myself of, I don't know if you've read some of the books I've written or anything like this, of pointing out the problem.
I've got plenty of that.
This is our opportunity now.
We're not just going to throw up our hands and complain about it.
This is our moment to revive.
I agree.
My wife's a huge fan.
Thank you.
Tell her thank you.
What's her name?
Erica, tell her thank you.
She almost got up this morning, but we don't have anybody to take care of my daughter.
She's got to get her to school.
How old's your daughter?
Six and a half.
Oh, it's a good age.
I've got four children, three with my first wife and then one with her.
Oh, good for you.
And I don't mean to interrupt.
You're so dead on.
I see you talk about this is our 1776 moment.
I really mean that.
This is an opportunity, it is.
Instead of being the leftist mind and we're being attacked, we're being oppressed, let's give up and complain.
Let's innovate.
Let's out-communicate.
Let's use this pressure, like lifting weights or jogging or climbing a mountain, to get stronger.
That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger, to quote Nietzsche.
And this is 1776, part two for the whole world.
And it's very exciting.
And I think we've got to go through stages of this.
And you've been doing this in my own corner of the world.
I've been doing this to point out the problem and see it with clear eyes.
You can't win a war unless you know that you're in one.
That's the first step.
And you got a bunch of people on that Republican Party stage that have no clue.
I mean, these are clueless politics.
They don't even know what exactly.
They're just, I'm a politician.
They have no clue.
I want to be rich and powerful.
Boy, my super PAC provided talking points, literally.
They're like going to a whorehouse and the whores are lined up showing you what they got and telling you their specialty.
I mean, they're literally in front of the corporations saying, "I'm good at this, I'm
good at that."
I will...
...mother's milk for them.
Money is the mother's milk of politics.
So put them to one side.
But my view is, you can't win a war unless you know you're in one.
And part of my job has been laying out the weaponization of financial markets, the weaponization of our capital, the weaponization of basically every sphere of our lives.
This fringe minority view has taken over institutions from K-12 education, to our universities, to Wall Street, to Silicon Valley, to our U.S.
Now, I think it's worth pausing.
I was going to get to the positive part before I do that.
I think it's worth answering the question of why this other side has managed to take over every institution.
And I have an unconventional theory of this one, Alex.
I think that it's worth seeing, you know, you and I may be, you know, we're conservative, people may classify us as being in the right, but take those labels off.
I'm a populist.
I mean, just take, I hate labels, they're not useful.
I agree.
They're reductionist, so let's just look at the substance of this.
People who would have identified as being on the old left.
Occupy Wall Street, challenging the bailouts.
The old left version of Breakup Big Tech.
The old left that was critical of colleges charging way too much money for providing far less in return.
The people who have criticized schools in the inner cities failing to serve black kids in inner city or whatever.
Even our military.
The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
A lot of that criticism used to come from what was perceived to be the old left.
What happened was, each of those institutions, what they did was, if you're Wall Street, you don't want to occupy Wall Street, but I'll do the new woke stuff, diversity, inclusion, climate change, great.
If you're Silicon Valley, I don't like the left-wing breakup, big tech.
I'll censor hate speech and misinformation as you define it, but I don't do it for free, as long as I get to get you off my back.
The U.S.
military, if you're Mark Milley, you don't want to talk about accountability for Iraq and Afghanistan, forget about that.
I'll talk about white rage and systemic racism.
So, part of this is a deeper arranged marriage.
It's more like, I mean, use the whorehouse analogy, it's more like mutual prostitution between two strange bedfellows.
That's right.
The power structure has failed.
They're not the aristocrats that are doing it for their own good.
They know they're a fraud.
The system's coming apart.
They know it's a fraud, but it's an arranged marriage that allows them to keep their power intact.
That's it.
So, anyway, you've talked about similar themes.
Do you ask why this has happened, though?
There's a meme, it's totally true, history shows it.
Bad times make hard men.
Hard men make good times.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make bad times.
It's a cycle.
So, a lot of it is our fault.
We can't just blame the globalists and the aristocracy.
Thank you.
Their rot is our rot.
That's what I'm talking about.
There's so much entertainment, so much food.
We've got to look in the mirror and ask ourselves, why is it that we bend the knee?
Because, yes, when the Israelites escape from the Pharaoh, they're lost in the desert, yet to find the Promised Land.
What did they say?
We want to go back and be ruled by the Pharaoh.
That's right.
And so we can complain about the Pharaoh all we want.
And it exists.
He has the global ESG movement, modern state... But we have to build our own system.
That's actually... What is it that makes us want to bend the knee?
That's actually what this book, The Great Awakening, comes out next week.
It's available on m4s right now, pre-order.
This is a really important book, defeating the globalists and launching the next great renaissance.
I wasn't even going to bring the book up until you brought this up.
This book is not just about how they're bad.
That's half the book.
The rest is solutions.
So I'm really impressed with your work and research.
I hope you'll read it.
Can I take a copy?
Please, sir.
Take a couple for your crew as well.
But I mean, you're totally nailing it, and I watched and listened to you.
That's how I was able to steal your thunder and say, in fact, you influenced this book.
And me hearing you, we've got to talk more about solutions.
And I was already on that kick, but you're right.
I was like, I've got to write a book about solutions and the system we can build that's alternative.
This is the moment now.
Now is our moment to do it.
We can't just say, blow this up.
We've got to have an alternative vision of our own, right?
So, I think that, for me, and it doesn't mean we can't have competing visions, this is the conversation we need to have.
If the left is feeding us race, gender, sexuality, climate...
How about reviving the individual?
How about the family?
Not some nebulous global citizen fighting climate change.
I'm a citizen of this nation, the United States of America, and I'm proud of it.
I'm not going to apologize for it.
And by the way, God, I think, plays a big role in this too.
I think the revival of faith is something that can unite us as a country.
I totally agree with that.
That's what the book's about.
And again, I'm not against gay people.
You know, rainbow flag stuff, but it's the new flag.
They're even talking about getting rid of the American flag.
They're now trying to take George Washington's statue down in New York.
They're now doing all of this, and this is all unfolding, and we're having our symbols
that recognize who we are and what we stand for away from us and giving us a new one that
is a government, corporate-directed sex cult.
I don't care if it was a heterosexual cult showing me their flag and taking down our flag and telling my kids about it.
I mean if it was some new flag about NASCAR, I'm not against NASCAR, but it was NASCAR stuff everywhere.
Them telling my kids pledge allegiance to NASCAR, I'd say this is a NASCAR cult, get it out of here.
And what it is... A cult is interesting.
It's an interesting use of the word.
So a cult Is a religion that has not withstood the test of time.
So it's short term.
And so, there's an old saying actually, I think it came from Blaise Pascal.
He was a scientist of all things, but he said, if there's a hole the size of God in your heart and God does not fill it, something else will instead.
And my civic version of that... They kicked God out, and now... Some other poison fills the void.
A demon is filling it.
And so, my version of that, in a civic sense, is if we don't pledge allegiance to the American flag, or to a true flag of our nation...
We're going to pledge allegiance to a different flag instead.
I said that as a matter of analogy, but now literally there are different flags.
I mean the transgender flag.
And there's more and more and more.
We're being divided and conquered.
That's right.
And they call it the broken coalition strategy.
This came out in the Clinton documents in their library in Little Rock.
And as they're about to win the presidency, they're having meetings.
The papers are public now.
We've got to create the broken coalition strategy nationwide, where no group can be powerful and organized.
So the parliamentary system's weak, because look at Justin Trudeau.
He only gets 30% of the vote, but he has coalitions with the broken coalition strategy to then have the tyranny of different minorities getting together against the majority.
Oh, it's such an interesting invocation of that.
That describes our current moment right now in this country.
We have, in the name of protecting against a tyranny of the majority, We have created a new tyranny of the minority.
And that minority has captured every institution.
That's what you told the transgender.
See, I'm quoting you back.
You've taught me a lot.
Yeah, you remember that.
And I gotta tell you, Vivek, of course I do.
I watch you every day.
You and Tucker Carlson are two of my favorite people.
And I tell my listeners, who are real owie and don't trust the system, they're like, well, how do we know this guy's good?
And I'm like, there's no way Vivek's saying all these things.
That's like high noon or holy water to a vampire.
He's not one of them.
You do not say these things.
This irrevocably damages the lie.
See what's cookin' on TV.
Thanksgiving Day is coming.
And for Charlie Brown, that can only mean... It's a Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.
I'll tell you, Pat, this stuff is lookin' good and smellin' good and tastin' good.
We gotta dig in and start eatin' now.
Oh, girl, what a feast this is!
It is beautiful, girl!
I said nice!
(audience laughs)
Watch it, Turkey.
(audience laughs)
(audience laughs)
(audience laughs)
(audience laughs)
(audience laughs)
Give me that!
(audience laughs)
The turkeys are hitting the ground like sacks of wet cement!
Folks, I don't know how much longer the crowd is running for their lives!
Thanks for that on-the-spot report, lads.
For those of you who just tuned in, the Pinedale Shopping Mall has just been bombed with live turkeys!
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
Don't let him kill me!
I'm too young to die!
Look, I had a chance to shoot a bunch of you the other day and didn't.
He wants to get rid of Thanksgiving forever!
To get rid of the Thanksgiving Day Parade!
All right, Spider-Man!
He's got spiderweb rays coming out of his hands, he can cling to tall buildings, and he's looking for Octopus, the Green Goblin!
Ranji to O.J., O.J.
running to the left, turns the corner at the 30, O.J.
at the 25, the 20, and falls ahead of the 15!
That does it, he broke the record!
As for Clint Longley, even if he never completes another pass, they'll always remember the one he threw on Thanksgiving Day 1974.
Where's the turkey, Chuck?
Don't you know anything about Thanksgiving dinners?
Those aren't pillows.
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.
[laughter and applause]
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
This irrevocably damages the lie.
He is good by the very fruit of the tree, as Christ said.
And my view is people should be skeptical.
No, it's fine to be skeptical.
I always encourage skepticism, but we gotta do something about these people.
We gotta move on.
We gotta do something about these.
I mean, take RFK Jr.
I would say I agree with about 90% of him, and I agree with about 99% of you, Tucker Carlson.
His climate stuff is a little bit off the reservation.
Well, he used to say, we're going to arrest people that question this.
Yeah, yeah.
It's really hard to walk that back.
He's got something, but he says it's out of context.
He was talking about corporations that lie, like cigarettes.
But still, I think the climate agenda itself is a hoax.
Of course it is.
Climate change is a constant.
I think any person who leads the United States going forward cannot be somebody who accepts the premises of the climate change agenda as a fixed principle.
It's a fear-mongering for the cult.
It's disqualifying for the US.
To make you think you're bad to give control of your life over to them.
Let me just say something briefly here.
I'm not a petroleum geologist, but I have family that is.
They told me this 30 years ago.
It's not coming from dead whales and dead dinosaurs.
They now have the devices and systems, and they keep finding oil deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper, 50, 60,000 feet, all the way down to the mantle, through the crust, and they're hitting oil and gas deposits that are so big they don't have pipes that can contain what's coming up.
And what it is, is if you look at Mars, scientists now believe that it once had an atmosphere, but it's, this is a short science lesson, but it once had an atmosphere, but its gravity wasn't big enough to hold the atmosphere and it had water.
We know there's water under the surface, there's water under the surface of the moon, that's been confirmed.
India confirmed that, what our folks confirmed back in the 60s.
So that's going on.
So there's actually giant reserves, and they're saying these gases are bad.
The Earth used to have way higher concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, all these things, but it's off gas
in the space and it has retreated underground. So if you look at millions of years ago, now
what carbon dioxide is 0.4, I mean it's a fraction of a percent. And things used to be
healthier. Plants can take 10 times the carbon dioxide. They grow faster, need less water. We
need this. So it's really a magic moment, talking about God existing, that right as the earth starts
to slowly lose its atmosphere, and it'll probably still be a few million years, we come
along and are digging all this up and terraforming.
Geoengineering putting it back up.
It's good, folks.
They want to ban cows because they off-cast methane.
So do you.
Methane helps hold heat in.
We're due for another ice age, a 12,000-year cycle.
Well, you know what's funny, Alex?
You probably know this, but if you go to the Newsweek cover magazine or Time magazine in the 1970s... Freezing.
Global ice age.
That's what they were saying.
And if you don't abandon our modern way of life for that, we're in a different direction.
We're going to have a globalized age.
More people are going to die this year.
Eight times as many people, actually, this year are going to die of cold temperatures rather than warm ones.
So, these are facts you don't hear in the ordinary climate discourse.
They also lie.
They also lie.
They say, hottest time ever, Death Valley.
No, it's 134.
It hit 131 this year.
They said, Texas.
Hottest ever.
Longest spell.
And then I went back and looked at the books.
I remember playing football in like 1990.
They had to cancel two-a-days because it was 112 and people were dying all over the city of Dallas where I live.
And it was also in Austin.
But I look at the records.
They're just lying.
So, I think that's what our pro-American movement needs to learn.
We've been lied to 360 degrees so much that it can create, the first form of laziness is Just believing what you're force-fed.
But now, our movement understands that you gotta reject whatever you're force-fed.
And I don't care if it's even force-fed by mainstream establishment on the left or on the right or whatever.
Reject what you're force-fed.
Question everything.
Question everything.
Phase one.
But then, at some point, you're not going to get anywhere just by sitting and questioning.
That's the first step.
So that's what I'm saying.
We've seen the problem with clear eyes.
We understand the Pharaoh.
We understand to be skeptical.
Now, I get this.
I'm not coming from a place of personal frustration, but when I'm coming on the scene aiming to lead this nation forward, people say, well, you came out of nowhere.
Didn't you start a biotech company?
And at some point I'm going to say, listen people, once we see the problem with clear eyes, we can't just spin our wheels and throw our hands up.
We need competent leaders who share our understanding of the problem to actually move this country forward.
Plus, the whole power structure came after you.
Then they did that whisper campaign that you were really secretly establishment, because you're going around networking.
I mean, I've met with Bilderberg group members.
I've met with people that are in Davos.
I mean, I agree with them.
And you're not endorsing their system.
Hell no!
But the system has come after you.
You've been the main target the last two debates.
That's the endorsement.
Just like people go, wait, they're indicting Trump for no reason.
That endorses him.
You are the next biggest targeted person.
Did you see this Hannity interview last night, by chance?
No, I missed it.
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
Yeah, I mean, look, I'm making the case... I think it's sane that, on one hand, absolutely Israel is our ally.
What happened to them was wrong.
It was barbaric.
It was medieval.
And, of course, they have a right to national self-defense.
But I've also said that we should not want to enter a broader regional conflict in the Middle East that doesn't advance U.S.
interests, because we have to learn from our prior mistakes in this country.
And that's arguably not good for Israel, but it's definitely not good for the United States.
And so I also pointed to others in the Republican Party, like Nikki Haley, who screech, Finish them!
Finish them!
Talking about Hamas and Iran as though there's no distinction.
Finish them!
Okay, what are the consequences of that for the United States of America?
I don't see it.
Well, here's the problem.
So, interestingly, this guy, Hannity, I was very disappointed, comes after me for pointing out that Nikki Haley has made $8 million after her time as the U.S.
Ambassador to the U.N.
as a military contractor and otherwise.
That was the wake-up call for me, to see even a purported Conservative voice buy into what is the captured establishment super pack puppetry last night.
You should watch this one.
I will.
It was unbelievable.
Let me say something.
I'm powerful.
Let me say something to Sean Hannity because I know him.
Hey Sean!
The border's been completely wide open for two and a half years.
The Border Patrol admits tens of thousands, conservatively, of Hezbollah and Hamas fighters have gotten across.
They've caught a bunch of them.
These are 90% military age men.
Do you know what Hamas will do?
They're here in our country.
You know what Hezbollah will do?
It's in the United States of America that we need to worry about.
Look at Black Lives Matter endorsing the attacks on Israel.
So we have this problem and Iran has a high-tech military.
It's not that I'm, quote, scared of Iran, but we need to support Israel, but obviously not have our aircraft carriers attack Iran.
And then now we're fighting Russia through NATO and we're fighting Iran.
What's going to happen, Sean?
Use your head.
This is how World War III starts, just like World War I and World War II.
Once World Wars start, other people say, hey, they're tied down.
China is going to go into Taiwan, dummy, and we can't take on China, too.
And the saddest part of this is that if there are Republican presidential candidates who stand to make money off of it because they're on the boards or have been on the boards of Boeing and are collecting stock options while they're running for president and have had family military contracting businesses and made a habit
of making money off their time in government. This is why we have one crime family right now
in the Biden family that has sold off our foreign policy to make their family rich. I could care
less if you have an R after your name and you're going to do the same thing. And that's why it's
so refreshing when you're on the stage because literally you've said this on air we've covered it
live I was doing it super crowded I'm like Vivek's the only guy let's do this.
This is all talking points crap.
They're all going to do what the military-industrial complex says.
And again, military-industrial complex, they said a year ago with Biden in December, we can't give tanks and F-16s and cruise missiles.
That'll escalate to World War III.
But they went ahead and violated their own RAND Corporation threat escalation boards.
So, see, your money's not going to be worth anything in your golf course stock options if we have World War III cuckoo.
And now China is messing with India.
India's got aircraft carriers out there about to go to war.
Pakistan... We are marching our way to World War III.
I am increasingly worried that there are people in the United States rooting for him.
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DrStellaMD.com Tell people about your amazing line of products that are over-the-counter, but also the telemedicine you've got.
Yeah, let's talk about the telemedicine first, because that's the important, the most important part, you know?
So what you really do is that you go on DrStellaMD.com, you do a telemedicine appointment, you fill all your medical information, we review it, and then we ship it to you, and then you take it and you keep it in your medicine cabinet.
We have a package we've put together called COVID Care Complete.
It has hydroxychloroquine, it has ivermectin, it has budesonide.
So you have everything that you need if you get sick.
Some people just get ivermectin.
Some people just get hydroxychloroquine.
Some people get the whole COVID complete pack.
But while we can help you, while you're still alive and strong and can do it, do it now.
Promo code Alex.
You get a 10% discount.
You're a great sponsor.
Tell us about the other products you've got.
People need to get them.
Alex, I have gone past just doing medicine, like a doctor treating disease, to like realizing that you have to get people healthy.
You know, this thing called Covivite, it has vitamins C, D, Zinc, and Quercetin.
We have a lot of supplements.
We have this thing we call the Plandemic Pack.
We have daily immune boosts.
We have all kinds of packages.
We have the Immunovites for children.
This is kind of new, but we didn't have anything for kids.
It has vitamins C, D, Zinc, and Elderberry for children.
For people that took the jab, or people that are having COVID lung symptoms, we produce a cleanse.
It has like milk, T-Cell, Elderberry, It helps to cleanse.
That's the big one people want.
So what's the name of that product?
It's called Covicleanse.
And then we have Covilite, which is like our best product.
Everybody loves Covilite.
Covilite has all your vitamins, and then it has all kinds of stuff.
Resveratrol, promagandite.
It has guarana.
It just takes off brain fog and gives you strength.
And you know, it has resveratrol that repairs your DNA.
It has cocutane.
It has just, it has a lot of stuff.
America, be prepared.
Do not be scared.
Do not be scared.
Be prepared.
That's all I'm saying.
DrStellaMD.com, folks.
Promo code Alex, go.
Promo code Alex.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
We see you on stairwell Eagle has wings.
How's it look?
Let's proceed.
roger legal was landed
visit info wars dot com forward slash show and share the link today
i am increasingly worried that there are people in the united states rooting for
it and this is our moment to say hey
We can actually, now we've seen the problem, we can't just spin our wheels and complain about it.
We have a chance to lead this country, to shut down the deep state, declare independence from China, end World War III and our path to it, protect our own homeland, because that's our job and the moral obligation of the next president.
Peace, prosperity, American way.
And then pride.
And provide pride in this country.
And I think that we have a chance to do it.
The International Bureau of Atomic Science, I forget the exact name of their doomsday clock, and we're very respected, they've never moved the clock this close.
I mean, folks, China and India are basically already at war.
Pakistan's ready to go.
Iran is already in a proxy war with Russia against us.
China's getting ready to move into Taiwan.
China's moving all the way down to the Philippines.
They're in gun battles with the Vietnamese, trying to take their waters and oil fields.
I mean, these are the crazy times.
it kicks off and it's already begun. In fact, most analysts say we're already in World War III.
The question is, will it go nuclear? And that's why, Vivek, I am really glad you are the most
successful person on injecting these topics because I see you inject topics at the national level
that would have never been there that are so vital. And so, I mean, they might exacerbate Trump.
So, you know, you're...
I'd like him to get elected, but if not you, I think Kennedy is going to pull more from the Republicans if he runs independent, which he is.
So I like a lot of his ideas, but I think it's destructive.
I'm not going to support Kennedy as a third party candidate, because that will pull from the Republicans.
Again, I hope nothing happens to Trump, but if something does happen to him... Oh, God forbid.
Yeah, we don't want that.
What we want is to advance the interests of this country and the people of this country to once again be in charge of who leads our nation.
That's all I ask.
And I'm going to play my part to make that happen.
I'm glad we met, man.
We met literally one or two minutes.
We chatted before.
This is the first conversation we've ever had.
Well, I'm impressed.
I mean, you were showing up here at like 6.45 in the morning.
We're taping this, and I hear you're off the border.
Yeah, I'm going to the border, and then I'm going to New Hampshire.
I mean, we're all over the place, but I'm around the clock, so... Well, you're a busy man.
They're pulling me out of here, actually.
Alright, well, thank you.
Hey, remember, I'm... We're going to Eagle Pass from here.
I'm in Internet prison, so InfoWars.com.
Bandot Video has all our band videos.
Bandot Video, the book, The Great Awakening.
I hope you'll read it.
I hope you'll come on my show soon and tell me what you thought.
I'm a big fan of your work.
Thank you, man.
Good luck.
It's good meeting you.
God bless you, man.
Be safe.
Thank you.
Hello there, you Awakening Wonders!
Thank you for joining me for a very special Stay Free with Russell Brand.
We're gonna be on YouTube for the briefest of moments, let me tell you, because of course the guest today is Alex Jones.
Now, Alex Jones, perhaps more than any guest we've ever had, comes with baggage.
He comes with a reputation.
There are many of you that will hear the name Alex Jones and will just think, Sandy Hook, conspiracy theorist, lunatic.
Well, I invite you to take a different perspective on Alex Jones.
Consider this.
For hundreds of thousands of years, every single community would have had a member that was either a witch or a shaman or an evangelical warlock of some perspective.
We need people that move Between levels that seem to communicate from different dimensions.
There's no doubt that Alex Jones exhibits some extraordinary passion and even the first few minutes of this conversation says some astonishing things and In a way, he's a person that I'm astonished to find myself having this conversation with.
I've never had a conversation quite like it.
I believe you're gonna love it, because what I want you to consider is that Alex Jones was one of the first people in this space, one of the first people that you'd have heard publicly saying, there's a globalist agenda, you can't trust the establishment, like...
So many of Alex Jones' ideas have entered into the mainstream.
He's a brilliant person to talk to.
He's an extraordinary man.
He's very difficult to corral and control.
He's the host of InfoWars.
He's the author of a new book called The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalists and Launching the Next Great Renaissance.
The link for that is in the description.
We talk about Predictions that Alex has made that have come true, and you'll be surprised by that.
We talk as well about independent voices being targeted, like Joe Rogan, Alex himself, Tucker, and obviously myself.
We talk about predictive dreams, prophecies, mysticism, spirituality, globalist agenda, black rock, vanguard, current problems and spiritual solutions.
I ask Alex if he's ever thought about ending his own life, and if he's ever wondered if he's mentally ill.
God, love, the devil, heaven, hell.
Have a look at just a few of the highlights.
[Sounds of a gun being loaded]
You're telling me it isn't real when I had a f***ing vote and a goddamn f***ing Senate?
will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
I wonder if you ever feel fracture and crisis within yourself.
I wonder if you've ever felt hopeless and desperate.
God touched me and said, you really want to be evil?
And I had a lot of really intense nightmares and just a feeling of being alone.
But this and that is going to happen.
You're going to go through a lot of pain to do it, but you're going to help trigger the Great Awakening.
Piles of manipulative lying crap!
You're cowards!
Excuse me.
What do we do about the people that hear the name Alex Jones and then just think, oh, you know, Sandy Hook.
I can't imagine it's very easy to be you.
I didn't say the name Sandy Hook for over two years before I was sued.
Do you feel that you arm your detractors by your mystical conjecture?
Or is that something you're deliberately doing in spite of the fact that it obviously enables people to attack you?
They were all obsessed with mysticism.
They were all obsessed with the occult, the CIA, MI6.
But this is why the CIA and the Justice Department used me as the first domino.
We're gonna get Assange and Jones.
Once we get them, all the other dominoes will fall.
That was six months before I got deplatformed five years ago.
What are we gonna do?
There is so much power that can be asserted through legacy media.
There is so much power of censorship.
There is such a strong will to shut down dissent.
You see it because we have nothing to hide.
Move your angle, relax your perspective, pull back, open your mind.
I wonder if you've ever been concerned that you are mentally ill.
We planned to have 15 minutes at the top of this conversation that we'd be able to stream everywhere, but this is Alex Jones and it's just impossible.
In this conversation you'll see Alex Jones like you've never seen him before.
This is a conversation you do not want to miss.
These conversations we stream live, so if you want to become a supporter of our channel, join us on Locals by pressing the red button.
You get access to a variety of things, including advanced interviews like this.
Now, As I say, none of this could be put on YouTube, so if you want to see the conversation with Alex, please join us over on Rumble now.
Click the link in the description.
Join us over on Rumble for a conversation that's blown my mind.
I'm still descending from where I was sent to by that conversation.
Alex, I'm so grateful to you for joining us today.
Thank you.
Russell, it's amazing to be here with you.
The first time we talked was 11 years ago, and I got a chance to meet you here in Austin, and wow, has the world changed.
And I wish that I wasn't a trailblazer and a maverick.
I wish that when I was reading Club of Rome and UN Global Government Rockefeller Foundation plans 29 years ago when I first got on air, I wish that it wouldn't have all come true.
And so a lot of people, you know, saw me as a pessimist or very negative or a science fiction writer.
But if you go back to what I said 25 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago, it's unfortunately all come true because there really is a global, corporate, black rock State Street Vanguard ruling elite that has over 80% of the wealth of the world, and now they want full control.
Now they're announcing they're going to start cutting off the water supply, cutting off the food supply.
You will eat the bugs.
So they're the dystopics pushing this.
They're the ones that have decided they want all the wealth and really life for themselves
when they want to use us as the guinea pigs as they try to get their holy grail, which
is life-essential technology and immortality.
That's why so many of their top people at the World Economic Forum have said that the
future is not human and that we're basically useless eaters.
So this is a very Hitlerian stuff coming out of the ruling elite, but they promise to depopulate every group, everybody, except for the chosen few that go into the future as this new super sapien that's reportedly going to biomechanically merge with machines and become a demigod.
Now, Alex, before we get into your broader perspectives, because I'm fascinated and excited to speak to you about that.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
They want to either indict me or kill me.
And because I own and control, until now, this operation that's 29 years old, Infowars is 27, that name.
And they want to make it look like I've quit.
But that's not what's going on.
So I want to explain this to everybody.
Just give you a status update on InfoWars and where things are going and what's happening.
Just explain to you.
That I've been put in an impossible, untenable position.
So I've been a good steward overall.
Or as best I could be.
I'm out of bullets.
It's like the Alamo.
They held off 5,000 troops, 80-something men for days and days.
But when the ammo ran out, folks, they all got killed.
And so it's real simple.
And I actually feel good about this.
I've never sold out.
I've never backed down.
I've never bowed.
But at a certain point, you put enough weight on the back of a donkey, its back's gonna break.
So, that's where we are.
And the globalists think this show and myself and our listeners and our focal point with our crew and our guests and our reporters is important.
Because we are.
We've created the talking points that are true.
...that are on everybody's lips and is now the dominant resistance from Japan to Spain to the United States.
And populist anti-globalists are being elected everywhere.
We need to stay on air to expose the next pandemic, to expose the next lockdown, which we just did, and this audience was the detonator that just stopped that.
Think of the millions we've warned not to take the shots.
That's the power of this audience.
Because of this focal point.
So we can't let them shut this down, ladies and gentlemen.
We've come so far.
And a couple million dollars sounds like a lot to the average person.
But in a war with the New World Order, this is truly David versus Goliath.
And we are going to win this thing.
We give up, it gets ten times worse.
Look how popular anti-New World Order information is.
It's everywhere.
Look at all the most popular people now are saying world government's evil, depopulation's evil, the globalists and world government want to kill you and your family.
That's true.
It's horrible to admit.
It's horrible to get your mind around it.
But once you admit the horror, you have a chance to stop it.
They've always had a leg up on us because their agenda is so brazen, so destructive, so evil, so maniacal, so genocidal, so satanic, that people just can't believe it's happening.
Most victims of crime, when it's actually happening, can't believe it.
Even after they survived, they can't believe it.
Well, now people finally know we're in a world of sh**.
We are overrun, we are under attack, they're coming after everybody, and there's all these fools that work with the system that think they're going to be left alone.
No, they're coming for the whole shooting match.
And I'm not complaining, I'm not bitching, but my gosh, if you want to keep this on air, you need to understand, this isn't a game.
I need you to go to mfulwarstore.com and get The Great Awakening, defeating the globalists, and launching the next great renaissance.
I need to sell all of those books.
I need you to go to DefendJones.com if you want to make a straight up donation.
That goes to me for my bills and my expenses and legal.
I need you if you want to support Free Speech Systems and keep it on the air because it needs funds as well.
And part of that and the agreement I have will actually go for my expenses.
And that is InfoWars.com forward slash crypto.
InfoWars.com forward slash crypto.
And believe me, If you think they're going to stop with Alex Jones, you've got another thing coming.
They're bringing in all this censorship, all their control, and we're seeing the biggest victories in Awakening we've ever seen.
And you know it's just going to be 10 times worse if we don't continue to fight.
Imagine how bad it'd be.
We'd be in lockdown again, if it wasn't for this audience months ago, getting the word out, making it the top story, and then right after I said they were going to try to bring it out, within days they tried to relaunch, and it exploded even bigger, and they had congressional hearings, and now all over the world it failed!
And yet you!
That's this show!
All of us.
You did that.
Joe Biden's a pedophile and raised gas prices.
He did that.
You did the good stuff.
This is the number to bet on, folks, on roulette wheel.
You win every time.
You cannot invest in a better place in the fight with your word about your prayer, spreading the word, putting the clips up.
But I'm telling you, I need your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We interrupt this broadcast with a special report from the front lines of the Info War.
Attempts have been made to neutralize the Info Warrior known as Alex Jones.
Countless attacks have been witnessed and reported in an effort to bring him down.
Alex Jones has been sighted on the battlefield fighting against the forces of evil.
We know where the bodies are buried, folks, and one way or another, we're gonna stay on air.
We're receiving reports that Alex Jones has broken through the front lines and is now heading toward the broadcast studio.
All efforts to silence him have failed.
Emerging victorious against the New World Order, here's your host, Alex Jones.
Find the InfoWars transmission at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's almost an Alex Jones meme.
In fact, it is one.
Sort of like the number of times Alex Jones has been right.
Now, I'd like to sort of just talk about, just briefly sketch out three to five of the clearest examples of where you've said there's a financial elite, there's a global establishment with an agenda that is transcendent of democracy.
All ideas that, you know, you were at the very forefront of.
And I also want to ask you this, because it's a question I consider myself a lot.
It's this.
I know that you have a massive audience of people that believe in you.
Similarly, there are people that will say, no, Alex Jones, you know, Sandy Hook, crisis actors, and will never be open to you.
Sometimes when I'm talking, I think, I know there's people that believe in me, and no matter how I'm attacked by the establishment, No matter what tactics they deploy, they'll say, Russell Brand has always spoken out against power, not always, but certainly in the last, you know, 5, 10, 15 years or whatever.
There's no way that the attacks on Russell Brand are not connected to those, to his stance on, say, Big Pharma, the pandemic, the military-industrial complex.
But sometimes I think, what do we do about the people that hear the name Alex Jones and then just think, oh, you know, Sandy Cook, Billion Dollars.
So in order to sort of almost simultaneously address the idea of detractors, and to give us a sort of platform to start on with some degree of confidence, bearing in mind we're still on YouTube at this point, Can you give us, because I know that, you know, the same is true of many of the people that I consider you to be like an evangelist and a shaman, actually.
That you're a peripheral seer, and like anyone who operates in liminal spaces, there's gonna be craziness.
I can't imagine it's very easy to be you.
I know you feel the world very strongly.
I know you have a good deal of passion and intensity in you, and I identify.
But just to start us off in a place where, you know, like, because it's so easy to proselytise and for you to evangelise, can we start off with a few examples of, look, 20 years ago, I told you this.
Now that happened.
15 years ago, I told you this.
Can you give us a few examples of those things, Alex?
Like, for me, this is a time where we need to start creating a consensus for all of the anti-establishment thinkers in the world.
And I think one way of doing that is for us to show a degree of reason.
So, can we start off with that, mate?
Absolutely, and just to mention the Sandy Hook thing that you brought up.
I wasn't deplatformed five years ago because of Sandy Hook.
They just said, we're taking him off.
Tim Cook of Apple led it.
He gave interviews on Vice and admitted that he got together with the heads of the other tech companies.
And I was banned on over 100 platforms in one week.
And then that backfired.
So they went and back over my timeline and then dredged up a few things I said out of context and then had PR firms, they now admit, announced that I was doing things I never did or never said out of context.
And then sued me, and then the judges in both jurisdictions found me guilty, just like Trump's been found guilty already by the judge, no jury, in his New York fraud trial.
So since when does this happen?
Since when do we not get juries?
So we now know from the congressional weaponization hearings that it was the Justice Department and the CIA, even when Trump was in office he wasn't running a lot of things, that were targeting me, the same folks that targeted Julian Assange.
And thank God I'm not in as bad a position as he is.
He is really the guy we should all be praying for and supporting with the hell he's gone through.
So I see it as blessed that I'm not in solitary confinement for seven, eight, nine years like him.
But now in hindsight...
All of that was synthetic.
It's a straw man.
And I challenge people to actually go find the things they say I did.
That I sent people to urinate on children's graves.
That I sent people to their houses.
No proof of that was ever shown.
I barely ever talked about it.
They put into evidence like 21 minutes of guests on the show and callers over many years.
There were periods where I didn't say the name Sandy Hook for over two years before I was sued.
So they tried to make me the Sandy Hook man to inoculate people so when they heard my message that was
so popular at the time in 2016-2017 I was as big as Joe Rogan is right now. I had
the biggest, not just political show, but the biggest show. Over 30 million viewers one way or
another a day and of course you have begun to approach that.
That's why you've been targeted.
And that's why they've tried to go after Joe Rogan.
It's why they've gone after Tucker Carlson.
But notice, all the most popular shows are talking about Globalist and BlackRock and the ESGs and the Central Bank Digital Currency.
So, yes, I have had events where I could put the material together and then predict what's going to happen in the future.
We're all psychic to a certain extent.
We're all part of the group collective.
I have had dreams that have come true.
I've almost had a sixth sense about the data I saw and when I thought they were going to pull something.
But we all have that intuition.
Men, women, you name it.
But specifically, so much of what I predicted was in MIT white papers and things like I was reading about the Tabistock Institute in the 70s and 80s developing the transgender program to make sterilization fashionable and cool, particularly of all the autistic children and things that they knew that their program was going to be producing.
So it wasn't that I magically looked into a crystal ball and said decades ago, the chemicals in the food and water are reducing our fertility and bending the brain cells in utero of brain development.
Where you're not really a male or a female, you're more hermaphroditic, and not in the genitals, but in the brain structure that is way more important than what genitals you have.
So I don't blame people that are biologically a male, but feel like they're a female, because they actually are now leaning towards being more female than male.
But these people have been targeted.
So I predicted, obviously, that you would see mass infertility and reduction in sperm counts.
Now they're down around 90% in every Western country that uses zaprozyne and things.
The media just ignores all the science I showed 20 years ago or 10 years ago.
And they just look at me saying, I'm sick of them putting chemicals in the water
that turn the frigging frogs gay.
Then of course there's other examples.
9/11, I came out in March, April, May, June, July on my radio show and my local AXIS TV show.
And I said, call the White House, they're gonna blow up the World Trade Center.
They're gonna blame it on Bin Laden.
They're gonna invade the Middle East.
And then later they're gonna use the police state they set up all across Europe and the US
and the Western world against the domestic populations.
Because I was reading Dick Cheney's rebuilding America's defenses from 2000 document.
And then I was seeing them on the news saying terrorists are about to strike.
When they strike, you give your rights up.
They were showing bin Laden on TV saying he's about to get you.
And then, yes, I've never really told this before.
I began to have a recurring dream in March of 2021 of the World Trade Centers on fire and collapsing.
I told my wife at the time this.
And so, but I also then started seeing, once I had the dreams, I started seeing them.
Well, wait, they're saying Bin Laden's about to attack.
We knew from the FBI informant, Ahmad Salam, who also worked for the CIA, that the Feds had cooked the bomb, trained the driver, let them attack the World Trade Center in 1992.
So I was able to put together that that was going to be their next target.
And so I did dozens of shows that they tried to remove off the internet, but you can still find large clips of it, where I said, call the White House.
I put the number up, and I said, they're going to blow up the World Trade Center, and they're going to blame bin Laden, and they're going to invade Afghanistan.
Now, simultaneously, and I've since talked to Chris Carter before, and he was going to come on the show, but that never happened, the creator of the X-Files, he ended up reaching out to me and he also gave interviews and said, you know, Alex Jones is writing stuff in 2016.
And he said that new X-Files they put out, you know, the talk show host character was me.
He talked to Variety, all of them.
The point is, this is the influence.
Not about me, but it's about the story.
He then said, I really like Alex Jones because he was talking about they're going to build the World Trade Center.
He said, I was approached by the CIA in early...
2000 on the lone gunman spinoff of the X-Files, and I was asked to make a show where a rogue group of the government hijacks a jumbo jet by remote control to blame it on a Middle Eastern boogeyman to fly it into the World Trade Center to then bring in worldwide martial law and the beginning of the Holy War.
And so it's not just Alex Jones having dreams about this and then seeing the evidence and saying it.
That was a true psychic event.
And I don't have these a lot anymore, but when I was a little kid I had them a lot.
And then by the time I was a teenager I had them a few times, and I've had them a few times since then, like with the 9-11.
And sometimes it's a nonsensical thing about Something that, you know, that's gonna happen, and then it happens a year later, and you've even written it down and it happens.
But when I have these dreams where I guess you fold space, fold time, go into the future, which our higher consciousness can do interdimensionally, we're in the third dimension, but our souls are obviously projecting up higher.
That's been mathematically, scientifically proven now.
So we get to have a window into at least potential futures.
It's kind of a Frank Herbert Dune situation.
But when I would have these dreams, I would also wake up very sweaty and vomit.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Go to hell, New World Order.
Protect him.
We, uh, ran into some old friends.
Is your ship alright?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com/show now.
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is going to be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
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Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show today.
When I would have these dreams, I would also wake up very sweaty and vomit and just absolutely just be blown away with the worst headache you can imagine.
And I don't even regularly have headaches.
It would just be when I would have these dreams.
And so that's my big psychic event that's also been proven by the fact I came out and called it.
But then, basically, the psychic ability just helps you already see the data points.
And then I guess your subconscious mind, you can even say then, programs what you call an AI, but a human artificial intelligence, advanced intelligence, interfacing with the universe, to then take you to the next level.
And so it just goes on from there.
I said two years ago in October, I said that Russia is going to invade by the end of February next year.
That was three, four months before.
I mean, there's literally been hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of these, but that wasn't a dream or an event.
That was me studying all the data and the background and intel.
And I basically, I mean, I predicted they were going to come after the food.
I predicted how they were going to break up the families, how they were going to finance race war.
But 99% of it is just hidden in plain view and reading source documents.
I mean, there's just many other examples.
There are a lot of examples there, and what I can tell even from speaking with you today, Alex, is that you move between demonstrable, empirical facts, like, you know, phthalates in the water, and the increase of phthalates in the water are evidently affecting male fertility.
You're obviously, like, sort of straight away, Alex, moving to such, like, complex areas of discussion, using, and also the way that you approach reality is a kind of rare, in a, let's say, in a kind of a rationalist, materialist world.
Now, like, you know, when you say about sort of predictive dreams and prophecy and mysticism, most cultures make allowances for that, and the CIA utilize people with psychic capacities and psychic abilities.
These kind of phenomena are areas of exploration.
So, I don't think that the attempt to discredit you is because you are a person that, in a global culture, occupies a role that we would probably recognise more easily in smaller, tribalised culture, i.e.
the mystic, the shaman, the evangelist.
What I think is complex Is that our social and cultural systems don't afford even that role anymore.
God, I've had enough cause lately to think about witch hunts and Salem and the way that mysticism, mystics and people that speak out and people that bring information out from the edge lands into the mainstream have been historically persecuted.
Sometimes I wonder what people think they are talking about when the idea of a witch hunt is discussed.
You know, that people seem to be able to produce evidence, seem to be able to conjure up legitimization for unpersoning, persecuting, shutting people down.
It's very curious that those people generally are outspoken critics of the establishment.
And the more I speak to you, the more I realize that you have inaugured a particular You and I would say in particular David Icke, both of whom have been subject to incredible attacks and incredible slurs, and it's difficult not to say that that would be predicated on and driven by the desire to shut down the things you're saying, rather than at what we're always offered, a desire to protect.
So, with what you said about 9-11, are you ever tempted, when it comes to stuff like the phthalates in the water, or a subject like 9-11, to remain within what is empirical and demonstrable?
Or is that just not the way you see stuff?
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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think.
Just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Settler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words are for the means to meaning and for those who will listen.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity... Cameras.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Alex, you know, it's recently been discussed that the CIA have demonstrable connections with some of the hijackers.
We now know that the law C702 is being perpetuated even as we speak, using Hamas's attacks on Israel to legitimize ongoing surveillance measures that Snowden revealed.
Do you ever feel like you could Curtail and measure the way that you communicate, that it would be possible that more people would be brought along if you were able to say, look, here's what I can prove, this is what I sense, this is what I intuit.
The mystical component of human beings has been shut down for a long time.
We're demystifying humanity in our rationalist world at the expense of the ability to emotionally communicate, or to transcend, or to look for new solutions.
And believe me, I agree with you that we're at an apocalyptic It's a precipitous moment now, I think more than ever, and the reason I've always remained open to you in spite of a dominant legacy media plainly trying to attack and discredit you, and the sort of miraculous moment when Trump ascended into office where you were, you know, given that incredible access and fated, and indeed that you are a sort of an impure
Of the Joe Rogan model, and it's nice of you to say that, you know, that I'm somewhat a figure that exists on those countercultural margins.
And I can say for sure now that what happens when you occupy those spaces is you will be attacked at some point.
They will find a way to attack you and shut you down and make it look as credible as possible.
They'll find where you're weak.
And to hear you speak about your own encounters with that I feel a great deal of sympathy for you, even though, you know, no one could have missed the way that the Legacy Media covered the story you touched on.
So I guess what this question actually is, Alex, is do you feel that you, in a sense, arm your detractors by your willingness to move from, I have prophetic dreams, I had access to this white paper, I knew that these chemicals would have this effect on gender identity.
You know, do you see that you're pulling in a great deal of information, mystical, conjecture, prophetic, as well as data?
Or is that something you're deliberately doing, in spite of the fact that it obviously enables people to attack you?
Let's unpack this.
As you mentioned, the CIA, MI6, OSS before that, Hitler and his, Gestapo, the Russian czars, they were all obsessed with mysticism, they were all obsessed with the occult.
And they put massive amounts of money into scientists trying to quantify what was causing it, what was doing it, because it's a real phenomenon.
There's also a lot of charlatans around it, but it's simply things, as David Icke says, not in the light spectrum.
Now with the quantum mechanics and with all of the observations they've done, where if you observe a neutron, it won't jump You know, through a solid block of lead, but if you don't observe it, it will.
That there are a lot of laws to the universe, and so the CIA has spent hundreds of billions of dollars, conservatively, over the last 70 years or so, because they were founded in 1947, with mind wars, and with psychic soldiers, and with all of that.
And what they found was, and the Russians found this too, it's very real, But they can't control it and so they'd rather chemicalize and dumb down and poison the public to lower consciousness so that they don't have to deal with that wild card.
And so they know it's extremely real and at the end of the day when I analyze stuff Then I just use, you call it the conscious with the subconscious and the unconscious, to just go with what is my gut level then of where this is going.
And I'm actually clear with the listeners and the viewers that this is fact, this is going on, this is real, and I'll show the documents.
I'll show you one here in a moment.
And then I say now, this is what you Politically, I think it's probably going to happen.
And then here's my gut.
And I don't even spend a lot of my time on the gut and all of that.
What they do is, when you're on air three, four, five hours a day, I'll be on the air today seven hours, doing my show, your show, other shows.
They can just cherry pick things.
And they can also take things out of context.
Like when I said, I'm going to eat my neighbors when civilization collapses because they're cutting the food and energy supply off.
I said, this is a Modest proposal, Jonathan Swift, the famous essayist, that they wouldn't feed the Irish during the famines.
We said, well, why don't we just have the Irish sell their babies to the meat markets?
I said, this is an analogy or a warning of, does the left or people going along with the collapse of civilization and this post-industrial world that they admit they're building or setting up right now, this great reset, That it'll be like Viggo Mortensen's The Road, or it will be something very close to that, and that those of us that know how to survive will literally have to end up eating your ass.
Well, they just said Jones has total meltdown, goes completely crazy, and says that he's going to eat his neighbors.
Now, I knew when I did it.
They were going to cut the front off and then deceptively put it out.
So sometimes I calculate, particularly as I've been on the air almost 30 years, I do that more and more.
That was completely calculated.
I didn't tell the lie.
I knew they were going to take what I did and put it out shockingly.
And I was being massively censored, so I had to have a way to get people back to the show to actually hear me talk about, hey, they're cutting fertilizer production, they're cutting natural gas and fuel, they're cutting water supplies off around the world, blocking groups that want to put water supplies into Africa, wells and things, like we're now seeing.
They're now going after the guy that drilled 100 wells, when the UN hasn't done that in 10 years, has gotten millions of dollars, because they don't want people actually being helped.
In the past, I really didn't think about how I was coming off.
I was just, you know, a wild man.
And as you get older, and we all know that, you tend to settle down.
And so I'm a lot more subdued than I used to be and a lot more calculated, because back then I didn't realize the effect or how big I was.
I mean, I've been on air 29 years.
I've had a huge show for like 23, 25 years.
I mean, I've been reaching millions of people a day for 25 years.
And so the cultural effect's been massive.
And I didn't realize for the last six, seven, eight years how big an effect it was.
So like Spider-Man says, or his uncle says, with great power comes great responsibility.
But no, nothing was calculated, except I knew that if I was, I was reading globalist documents before I even got on air, when I was in college and high school before that.
And I was reading stuff they wrote in the 50s and 60s that I saw that had become reality by the 80s.
And I saw things they wrote in the 80s that was coming true in the 90s.
So it was accelerating.
It was happening quicker.
And so when I was reading all these UN documents and books and things about, let's put fluoride in the water to reduce fertility and lower IQ, that'll make it more manageable.
Major publications, major books that top White House science czars wrote decades ago.
So that's where we are.
So I knew that, well, if they've gotten all this done, and if what they said they would do decades ago they got done, well, now they say they're going to start cutting off the resources and by 2020 launch Agenda 2030.
When I saw they got everything done that they talked about at the Rio de Janeiro Accords in 1992 for Agenda 21, that they had almost all that done, I went, "Whoa!"
(gentle music)
(dramatic music)
I would thank you for everything you've done for the InfoWar, but I know you're like me.
You don't want my thanks.
You want victory over the globalists and these devil worship and child molesters.
And you want them off your back and off your children's back.
And you know what?
I'm the same way, and that's why we're on the same damn team.
And it's why Infowars has been delivering time and time again, when it's clutch time, Focus the people on taking action against the globalists.
Because I'm committed to a future for humanity.
And I know you are as well.
So thank you for standing with us, because you are the Infowar.
And I want to thank you for committing to stand with us however you can.
From the bottom of my heart, from my family, and from the great crew at Infowars, I want to thank you all because you are the Infowar.
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The Great Awakening, the plan to defeat the globalists and launch the second great renaissance.
the globalists and launch the second great renaissance.
This is such a powerful book. It covers all the globalist The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This is such a powerful book.
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Download it now at alexjonesgame.com, because as we all know, anything badass gets censored.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
♪ Shout out ♪ Show!
Let it all out!
These are the things I can do without!
They say by 2030 they want a collapse in industrial society and then by 2045 a 90% reduction in human population.
So I'm watching the trajectory of what they've said and what they've done and what their plan is.
And I've seen them carry it out.
They're a little bit behind.
They're now having to rush it.
But they're pretty much still on track.
And so the train is still going to the same destination.
It's just 5-10 minutes late.
And so I want to derail this thing.
I want to try to launch a Great Awakening to counter their Great Reset that is the war for the world.
Because this is Hitler 10.0 is what we're facing.
Where they deindustrialize, break up families, drug and dumb down, weaponize the culture, atomize society, isolate people, and then create a eugenics death cult, suicide, euthanasia cult.
I mean, this is basically THX 1138 meets Soylent Green meets 1984.
We've all seen those Venn diagrams where it has all the dystopic books, Fahrenheit and And Brave New World, and 1984, and V for Vendetta, and then at the middle of it, it says, you are here.
And so that is literally what the globalists are doing.
In fact, I would call them the transhumanist dystopians, because they want to build a dystopia for us so bad.
And make us hate ourselves, and make us think we're killing the Earth, that we commit internal suicide, and cut off our life force, and invert our life force to be successful, and strong, and stewards of the Earth, and build a beautiful planet, and go off planet, and just do incredible things.
We're in a larval form right now.
The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard what we're going to do, what we're going to be part of.
And the globalists know the potential of humanity.
They want to steal that potential.
But if things stay laissez-faire and open, and there's a free market of ideas, humanity is going to transcend to the next level.
And there'll be a challenge there.
We're going to transcend, again, all the way to the 12th dimension until we merge with the Godhead.
But we've got to be prepared and put through those levels before we literally enter nirvana.
Talk about dreams.
I have had dreams.
not the future dreams, but dreams with the watchers, the angels, and they take me around
and show me the universe, show me destroyed cultures, show me just fantastical things
no one's ever seen in a movie, ever read in a book, but they say, "You can't show people this,
"you can't talk about this, "you can't give the specifics of this."
And it's just unimaginably awesome and incredible and just energy fields, energy planets,
just anything you can imagine.
And then they go, "And don't worry about death, "you are eternal, worry about where your energy resonates,
"have a taste of this."
And it is total completion, beyond ecstasy, absolute no time.
You're like, I never want to leave here.
This is so satisfying.
And then God says, yes, and now you will oversee with me all the lower levels that are growing up towards us in our garden, and you will be able to see the endless beauty and competition and freedom.
But the one thing you may say is a sin, God says, and it's not.
God says, I've done this, but the one thing I feel a little guilty about, this is God's only guilt, This omnipresent, all-powerful thing is that I want to experience the universe through other sentient beings that have the seed of the universe in them, as Gandhi talked about.
You are the potential little g god, and I want to not be alone, and I want to experience free will.
But because we give people free will, and other creatures free will, Then they have a potential to be destructive and try to build their own universes and break away from us, and it basically never works.
Look at these billions of other failures that I thought they might make something better.
They never did.
And then God says, the only thing I don't know is where I came from.
I am just here.
And so help me discover where we came from.
And also understand we've created this multi-layer system so that even though creatures fail and fall into lower dimensions and fall into these other realms, they actually do, in endless infinities, have a chance to basically percolate back up and be given redemption.
And I'll be attacked by classical Christians for that, but that's what I've been shown by God.
And I don't want to go back down and come back up.
I want to go up, and I want to stay up, and I want to go all the way to the top.
I want to merge with God at the 12th dimension.
But I've got to be sanctified, purified, and ready for that.
And the 3rd dimension is the main launch base to all the other levels.
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Now let's get back into our content because this world ain't gonna change itself.
Alex, it's very profound and beautiful to listen to you.
I'm trying to track my numerous questions, even ones I've already asked.
And as I listen to you, I see that what you intuitively, organically, and indeed after 30 years of broadcasting, professionally do, is you're able to trust yourself and communicate on a good Many levels.
When you describe that Lucifinarianism, the idea that a small portion of the energy of the divine can be reappropriated and purposed towards lower consciousness, a low frequency agenda, I'm very sympathetic to this.
Also when I think, when we are Presented as we seem to be currently, with a kind of omnicrisis, with a kind of creeping sense of foreboding, which on our show we continually talk about a subtle agenda which is demonstrable through looking at financial activity and military
Military activity and the activity of unelected three-letter acronym organisations to create centralised authority and as you have said so eloquently to dumb down the consciousness of ordinary people.
When I look at the scale and the scope of the problem that we are facing It seems plain that what's going to be required is a kind of spiritual energisation.
But whether you consider yourself to be a person on the radical left, say, should we use the terms of our time, believing in compassion, progressivism, Or if you're a cultural conservative person believing individual freedom and traditional Christian or Islamic values or Judaic values.
It seems that in order to move beyond the level that we're at now, just in terms of the framing of our current set of crises, And in order to inspire change and indeed to galvanize people, even if you look at it only in terms of what's demonstrably true, sets of interests that were observable during the pandemic period that benefited from being able to regulate a population, encourage and in some cases mandate a population to take experimental medications, censor and shut down conversation and communication including the delegitimization of demonstrably
Credible scientists.
It's clear that what we need as a population is a sort of almost a new resource.
So when you describe layers of consciousness and what sound to me like shamanic experiences of different levels of reality, which are You know, these kind of visions are in the Old Testament, they're in the Quran, they're in even the writings of Steiner, Rudolf Steiner.
These are kind of ideas, and you know, they're in sort of Aztec cults and Mayan cults and Egyptian mythology.
It's an omnipresent archetype and vision.
Oh, hello!
Fenton of the Communist Chinese Dragon here with an important public service announcement.
Live in your poop and needles, and human sex trafficking, and open borders, and buy slave goods from China, and do what the Justice Department say, and put all the good Americans in prison, and stay asleep.
Your master, Xi Jinping, has arrived, and our puppet Biden bowed down to him.
Governor Newsom has also visited and bowed down to our leader, who is also your master.
The shithole city of San Francisco, like all the other communist cities we control, has been flooded with fentanyl.
But when the dear leader arrives, they clean the streets for him.
Hello, poop people!
Ha ha ha!
That's what your master, G.G.
Pink, calls you.
But he does not look at the poop and needles that you live in.
All the homeless taken away with your great leader there.
And our puppet, Nassim Newsom, tell you, oh, we're always cleaning for G.G.
Pink, Nassim, yeah!
I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town.
Um, that's true.
Because it's true.
That's how we rub the poop in.
Enjoy your shiho cities.
You are done.
We own Hollywood.
We own TikTok.
We owe almost everything.
Now we buy up your farmland.
You eat sabayas while we eat the steak.
The last group to take out is any leadership that is resisting us, like Donald Trump.
He will soon be in prison.
And then, of course, we must silence any populace that resists us.
And that is our next move.
Good FBI.
Good Justice Department.
Good Merrick Garland.
Good Jack Smith.
Put Trump in jail.
Put political dissidents in jail.
Silence free speech.
Censor everyone.
Also, we're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts.
What's being said on social media platforms.
Every person on social media should be verified by their name.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
They need to verify every single person on their Outlet, because, and I want it by name.
My slaves, repeat after me.
I am going to stay asleep.
I am going to do nothing.
I am going to be politically correct and have your son's genitals removed.
Also, do not support independent media like InfoWars.com and do not get The Great Awakening, the book, at InfoWarsStore.com.
Stay asleep.
Do not get booked.
No, no, no.
I am giving you your order, slave Americans.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and do not get the best selling book, The Great Awakening, by the evil top criminal, Alex Jones.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser.
Signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly once we have shut down Alex Jones.
And we're working with many people at the Justice Department to do it.
Because if there is great awakening, then we cannot fully enslave and destroy it.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
This is Oda from CCP.
I am the new VP.
Do not visit InfoWarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
If you discredit the idea of somehow conflating mysticism with anti-establishment politics, that it's something that's easy to condemn because it involves language that by its nature Colourful and often beyond rationality.
But beyond rationality is not the same as irrational.
And what I think is really challenging in this space is to say, well, on one level, this relates to the incarceration of Julian Assange and the exiling of Edward Snowden.
It relates to a forever war mentality.
It relates to redundant democracies.
It relates to True power being inaccessible to ordinary people, and as you said at the beginning of our conversation, the astonishing power of groups like BlackRock, Vanguard, etc.
But also, I know that where you see this is through an occultist lens also.
Layers of reality, the limitations of the senses.
You cited briefly, and I know a lot of people that loathe this kind of stuff when people talk about double slit and quantum physics in a mystical way.
I know that angers people, but really, What we're experiencing is our models of reality are breaking down, there are crises all over the world, solutions are required that are beyond the paradigm that we live within, and we're prevented from having those kind of discussions.
Go Alex!
I mean, that's what all science is based on, and it all goes back to the occult.
All occult means is hidden, and so we're looking for the hidden.
We're trying to actually illuminate people, and then you have the classic Illuminati that's claiming it's trying to illuminate, but it's actually trying to block it.
But you boiled down my whole rant in 30 seconds earlier perfectly.
The Luciferian energy says, I'm going to use all this divine and carve out my own thing, and then basically create my own universe with my own followers, but then I've got to limit their free will.
Whereas God says, you all get free will, but then God says, is it bad that I gave people free will, because that actually then allowed a lot of evil to take place.
And that's what the Satanist or Luciferian will always say.
Your God allows all these bad things to happen.
Well, that's what happens when you allow freedom.
But then the universe would be a dead, empty thing, or I guess it was just a bunch of plants growing on it, or things that don't have higher consciousness, at least on the surface, if God did not give us this.
Well, the science we have today, if you showed an ancient Greek or Egyptian, they would say we were gods.
But we're not gods.
We just have what people envisioned as god-like power.
People envisioned flying ships.
People envisioned, you know, flamethrowers.
People envisioned hydrogen bombs.
People envisioned a lot, because there was something In the space-time continuum that we knew was already real because it was a potentiality.
Also, the universe, as we know, is a lot of things, but it's also a loop, or a figure eight, and it's always coming back.
So, there's a psychic wavelength from the future bouncing back at us now, and that's why we have such a feeling of dread, is because we've been on the wrong path.
In fact, I wrote some notes before I came on.
I had no idea you would go there, but the first thing I wanted to say is we are at the end of an age, And the system knows that, and they know currently the trajectory is humanity freeing itself.
That's why they're trying to create an end of history now.
They're trying to manifest all this Armageddon stuff to preempt what they think is coming so they can control it.
And they're not controlling it.
And they're never going to escape the things they've done.
And of course, mainstream media says there is no God, you have no free will.
When we got the WikiLeaks of these thousands of top Democrats, they're obsessed with Salima, and with Aleister Crowley, and with the occult, and you look at them, they're pathetic!
And the videos of their rituals that have come out, they're just weak people trying to pretend they're God by being selfish, and you don't do that.
You get closer to God by being selfless and by dialing into the universe and accepting it.
And these people are cowards, they're greedy, they want to steal the future, and they're not going to get away with it.
They're going to hurt a lot of people, and they're going to commit a lot of crimes.
But in the end, they're...
Their destruction will be their own because they will be cut off from God.
And from what I've seen and read and studied and know, hell is not some description of burning fire.
It's being cut off from the real universe, the real multiverse.
And you don't want to be cut off from that.
And if you make the decision, To go create your own system and you decide not and I get with the Luciferian.
Well, that's a slave master and Okay.
Well the slave master gave you total freedom to go build your own thing And then once you build it you just built hell and that really sums up everything Wow Alex I want to ask you a few basic kind of but this is I know you can answer questions simultaneously So let me just tell you what comes to me when I'm listening I feel like you have suffered a lot, and I feel that you have a lot of power in you, and I wonder how you align the necessity for surrender in order that we may convey a great ever-present, omnipresent, omniscient wisdom, accessible to all of us if we are clear, with your own rather robust individualism.
I wonder if you ever feel fracture and crisis within yourself.
I wonder if even under attack you've ever thought about ending your own life.
I wonder if you've ever been concerned that you are mentally ill.
I wonder if you've ever felt hopeless and desperate, given the escalation of these crises and the way that you have been attacked.
You know, God does things to me, I'll just say this, I'm not trying to brag, it's just you asked the question.
I'll wake up at 3.35 in the morning or whenever it is, and God will say, the Spirit will say to me, you know I'm completely real, I want you to get up and walk into the kitchen and it's going to be 336 exactly.
And this has happened to me hundreds of times, hundreds since I was a little kid.
And I walk in and it's always the exact number.
Now you can say, well I've got an inner clock, whatever.
We know that butterflies can fly from central Mexico all the way to central Canada.
And then lay their eggs, and then fly all the way back.
How does it know how to go to Mexico?
Well, how does it know how to go 3,000 miles?
It knows how to do it, or 2,800 miles.
I've seen documentaries on it.
It has magnetic cones and rods in its little tiny brain that operate off the electromagnetic fields of the Earth, but they also have ancestral memory as well that's been passed on.
And so, their bodies are a third-dimensional manifestation of that spirit energy, and so that energy is even in them.
That's how the ducks, the geese know how to do it.
That's how hummingbirds can fly from Georgia all the way to Guatemala.
Little bitty birds over the ocean, thousands of miles, and land in the same tree that they were born in, or the same tree that their parents We're born in.
So, that's the power of this.
All spiritualism is, is tuning into the fact that humans have massive amounts of cones and rods.
The only other thing that has more of them is whales.
I mean, you know, a dolphin's brain's way bigger than a human's, and they're incredible.
And so you have to understand that we have all this, we're a transceiver, and the priest class has tried to get in front of this relationship of the universe and God, and then they create these dogmas to control people instead of going directly to God.
And so that's what I'm trying to get at here.
You know, obviously there are seven deadly sins, but the Luciferian sin is pride.
And you've been around the block, Russell, and I can tell that.
And I can see when you were younger, I can see it in your eyes.
When I was younger, I dialed into that Luciferian energy, the pride, the strength, the will to get any woman I wanted, kick anybody's ass.
If I just turned it on, it was like a ring of Mordor.
And I took that off when I was about 18.
I only had it on for about four, five, six years.
I wasn't a Satanist, but man, I attracted the Luciferians and all the rich people like, you know, Mazda Flame.
And then I was able, basically God touched me and said, you really want to be evil?
And I had a lot of Really intense nightmares and just a feeling of being alone.
And God said, you can have all this earthly power, but you're going to be alone.
You feel the Holy Spirit being removed.
We are unplugging from you.
We're leaving you.
You're becoming a Satanist.
And I went, no, no, no, no.
And then God said, okay, I want you to start doing this, this, and that.
And I was like, doing it.
And it was like, don't have sex for like a year.
Because I was not as famous as you, but I was, you know, chicks almost every day.
And literally, then I was like, okay, go get on the air.
You know, fight to get on the air.
Talk about this.
Do this.
And then, I've been on the air about two, three years.
And I had this really incredible psychic event.
If I were the devil, if I were the prince of deception, I'd want to shroud the world in unyielding darkness.
I'd seize control over the lands and masses, but I wouldn't be satisfied until I had quashed the boldest voice of truth.
Info Wars.
So I'd work meticulously to control the world.
I'd target platforms like Info Wars first.
I'd initiate a campaign of silence.
With the subtlety of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve, believe only what you're told.
To the young I would whisper, InfoWars is a fake news conspiracy theory network.
I would convince them that man needs no alternate perspectives, no dissenting voices, no questions against the status quo.
I would assure them that InfoWars is false, and what's approved is true, and the old I would teach to say after me, our father which art in censorship.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have people at war with InfoWars, platforms at war with free speech, and nations at war with freedom of thought, until each in its turn was uniform.
If I were the devil, I would undermine platforms like InfoWars from being a refuge for the inquisitive until before you knew it, you'd have suppression and censorship at every door.
Soon, I'd have unity and misinformation.
I'd have influential figures promoting a single narrative.
Soon, I could evict InfoWars from social media, then from search engines.
And then from the homes of patriots, I would lure society into believing only one perspective, dismissing info wars as falsehood.
And what do you bet I could get whole states to promote uniformity as progress?
I would convince the young that independent platforms are outdated, that compliance is more comfortable, that what you see in the mainstream media is the only perspective.
In other words, If I were the devil, I wouldn't want you to visit InfoWars.com forward slash show today.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
From the Infowars.com News Center, deep behind enemy lines in occupied Texas,
broadcasting worldwide, you're listening to the voice of human resistance
against the Technotronic Technocracy Takeover.
(upbeat music)
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I was in this restaurant.
It was closing down.
Nobody was in there.
I finished eating.
I wasn't on drugs, wasn't drinking.
And it was just like the walls opened up and it was this big energy and it said, all right,
I'm about to hit you with a major download on your mission.
This and that is going to happen, and you're going to go through a lot of pain to do it, but you're going to help trigger the Great Awakening.
And I've talked about this 20 years ago, okay?
And then now look, I'm credited, and it's not me, it's God, it's through the universe.
I said 20 years ago on air when I was ready to talk about it, about seven years after it happened, I talked about it in great length for like hours on the show, how I was going to help, through our audience, trigger the Great Awakening that would then produce all these other incredible people who were asleep, who would be even more articulate than I was, and that that was going to be my mission, but then I had to be ready to be destroyed, probably killed, and I hate to prophesy that, but I had to be ready to be tortured, ready to be in prison, ready to be killed, if I wanted this mission.
And I said, I want the mission.
And it was like, BAM!
And then the dream started, the discernment started, the knowledge started.
And I've had two or three other times where it's like you're brought in to be commissioned into another level of the military, and it's a spiritual event, and just like the devil psychically has you sign a contract.
But God does it through free will and says, OK, here's the next mission.
Do you want it?
I'm going to show you all the bad stuff.
Are you sure you want this?
This is your mission.
Should you choose to accept it?
And I'm like, I want the next mission.
And just the last few months, I've had that happen again.
And I know it's totally real.
And so I'm just extremely blessed.
And I'm just like one thing.
I was flying in to do an interview.
I was a very well on talk show hostess there soon on a private plane they got us and it was bad weather and it was
violently flying around and you know the pilots were freaked out and they had to not land they had to go back
maybe find another airport and I was totally calm and my wife was totally calm and when we landed she said what were
you doing I I said, I was preparing, if we died, to ensure that my energy goes to God.
I was like, my energy's going to God, I'm totally ready to die.
I'm not suicidal, but I was just very zimmed out.
I'm like, I'm ready to die.
Thank you, the mission's now over.
I feel sorry for the pilots, but if I die, and I just focused, I'm going with you, I'm going with God, via Condios.
And of course, we didn't die.
But the pilots were like, totally freaked out when we landed.
So, that's what we're talking about, and that's what it's all about.
Oh man, that's pretty terrifying, Alex.
You know, I feel like one thing that perhaps would be an interesting way for us to continue our conversation is by acknowledging that we live in a materialist and rationalist culture that by its default nature excludes the possibility of the mystery, excludes the possibility of the cult except for where it might be helpful in controlling people.
We come from, and for hundreds of thousands of years, and I'm sure by your reckoning much, much longer, we lived in cultures where the mystic was enshrined and still these words like saint, prophet, mystic, rishi, seer, druid, witch...
These words still resonate.
This is a role that human beings have long required.
We recognize, as you said, when discussing the great capacities of members of the insect species and ornithological wonders of hummingbirds, that there are layers of reality that animal species receive and understand.
That there are types of information that are beyond our ability to receive because of the limitations of the senses.
And there we have recourse to senses that are subtler, embedded, perhaps lost in history, perhaps Rinsed away with the fluoride and the 5G and the deadening screens and the bad food and the experimental vaccines, till in the end we live as lumpen bear apes.
Similarly, our humanity itself is being stripped away, our ability to laugh together, to Tease one another.
Aspects of sexuality are maligned and condemned.
I'm not talking about aspects of sexuality that are harmful.
Of course, love and consent and generosity and kindness are unassailable, incontrovertible aspects of reality.
Do you ever wonder, Alex, when you're in full flight in your evangelism, in your connection to God, whether or not you Because one of the things you'll be famous for, for people that are not devoted followers of Infowars and your various incarnations and evolutions, are the impassioned rants.
We've all seen preachers rant like that, imams, even rabbis rant like that.
It's accepted that mystics and seers will try to convey powerful messages with great zeal.
Do you ever wonder whether or not enough is being done And this is not based on my personal experience with you, where it's not a claim that I would make, to convey the love, the love, the necessity of love, the necessity of acceptance.
Even what do you think it means in Christianity, when it says stuff like, resist not evil and love thy enemy.
Where do those sort of basic Christian edicts, for example, fit into the way we conduct this discourse, when plainly, we're at a pivotal moment of great, great attack?
Well, you're absolutely right.
I mean, I dialed into Luciferian energy when I was about 12 to about 18.
And I wasn't really conscious of it until I began to understand it and why all this was happening, because I was getting recruited interdimensionally by the other side to be, you know, a soldier of evil.
And then when I pulled away from that, I began to understand what was happening, but I wasn't really reading in books.
It was happening organically.
But instead of following Luciferian energy, I was following kind of my Earth Suit programming of I'm the man, I can get it done, and I'm going to be aggressive, and I'm going to overrun the bad guys.
And so it was a barbaric energy with an intellectual message that was very attractive to a lot of people.
Also scared the establishment, and there wasn't enough love.
And I do think love is way more powerful than that, and that's the higher levels.
That's what comes from God.
And so I've tried to not blow up on air, to not go into those rants.
I mean, you've seen some of them.
Because when you really get into the flesh, kind of, you can see some of the videos of me.
Hadn't happened in about six, seven, eight years, but like, ooh, a little demon just popped up!
That's really scary looking, you know.
You know, the guy that plays the Joker can't do it that good.
And so, I mean, I realize that anytime my energy gets to a level that I look like Jack Nicholson in The Shining, that it's time to- and people see it and they go, ooh, that's scary looking, and that's nothing, that's just the flesh, that's nothing compared to the Luciferian energy.
And so, yeah, it manifests, and so- I don't have that big, boiling, aggressive fire I could turn on right now, because I've denied it.
Because the more I move away, like, you know, a town I left, from Satan, the bigger the vistas get, the larger things get, the more love there is.
And so yes, I'm moving away from hate, towards love.
And yes, in my trajectory, there was a lot more hate.
I mean, I was always fighting, not because I hated the enemy, but because I loved people that were behind me, that I was protecting.
But there was still a very big serving of hate.
And now, I actually feel sorry for the globalists, and don't even hate them.
But the hate was warming in a way.
I have to say, I love God, and I love love, and it's way more powerful.
But sometimes I still, you know, kind of have a desire to just dip back into that hatred.
Yeah, because sometimes when you feel like you're under attack, and indeed I can see that you have this very broad, let's call it interdimensional perspective of reality, where a spiritual war is being conducted subtly by demonic forces across a vast history.
If you're holding that reality within your individual personality, it's going to cause a great deal of tension.
Maybe I have a different kind of experience, plainly I do, but to give you my insight, is that for me sometimes I feel like I could fall inwards into total despair.
That it feels like this is too vast.
Because, you know, again, so that we can keep a wide audience, those people that are interested in the occultist, esoteric aspects of this, that which is extrasensory and divine, Those that are looking at this from a spiritualist perspective as well as those that like to stay in the rationalist domain, the interests of the military-industrial complex, a globalist agenda that's observable, the kind of things that were revealed during the pandemic period that I believe converted a lot of people.
I will say that even when I look at it on that stride, Uh-uh.
Just, even if I look at this as just the financial interests of dominion, or terrestrial interests of earthly individuals, you know, we started off with the Black Rock and all that kind of stuff.
You know, even when I just look at it on that level, I think, what are we gonna do?
There is so much power that can be asserted through legacy media.
There is so much power of censorship.
There is such a strong will to shut down dissent.
Many people say, you know, I'm watching our chat now, like that, in a way, Alex Jones was not only the Uh, augur of a new kind of counter-cultural narrative that was beyond left and right definition, even though it was heavily condemned as being right-wing in the same way that lots of things are when they're anti-establishment, curiously.
There was also a kind of a piloting of how do you un-person a prominent voice.
Now, clearly you've got enough fire and brimstone, and as you described it, warming, uh, rage within you still to get you through.
I sometimes feel Despair.
I sometimes think, my God, the media are so powerful.
The government are so powerful.
They can bend and manipulate the judiciary.
And when you describe that idea of incarceration, torture and execution, I must say I felt some real fear there.
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Liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal,
liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal,
liberal, liberal Happy fun, la la la
Human smuggling, fit no desk Forced government euthanasia, la
Chopping up children's genitals La la la la la la la la la la la
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How do you see this thing shaping up?
You know, you've written a book called The Great Awakening.
We'll make sure that we properly promote that book.
I wonder what toolkit you would advise anti-establishment, awakening, resistance movement people look at.
What do you think about the books that you've got to look at, the films you've got to look at, to navigate this space without collapsing into despair?
Because you look around the world now on a superficial level, Alex.
You know, it's war here, war there, escalating war there.
Increased authority, legislation, censorship, shutdown, absolute lies.
How are we going to tool ourselves up for the next phase?
Yes, spiritually, but what cultural artifacts do you recommend people look at?
Well, absolutely.
Look, look.
I feel like you're falling in a hole sometimes too, particularly if I work too much, and if I drink too much, and those type of things that lowers your consciousness, lowers your brainwaves.
We need to take off time with our families.
We need to just take off time and read a book.
We need to take off time and just watch a comedy show or something.
It's very important to not do this all the time, and to not let the magnitude of it destroy you, and realize we're just one little tiny planet.
In the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, but we can consciously envision the whole universe, and we can create concepts that can be manifested.
And so we know we've been a little spark from God, and that is a magical thing, and be thankful for the gift of consciousness.
Be thankful for the gift of being able to commune with your fellow humans and realize that the globalists, and others like them throughout history, are very frightened. They know this is real and they want
to try to control reality and to do that they want to control us. So they spend all their
time and all their energy trying to dominate and dumb people down so that we won't be
competition to them. Just like a father grizzly bear gets the female bear pregnant
but most of the time tries and sometimes is successful to kill the male offspring. If it's
a girl he comes over and smells it, he doesn't kill it. But that's why mother bear has to leave
her mate and run miles and miles and miles away and hide because particularly the
father will smell his son and want to kill it. And so this goes back obviously to the different
Egyptian ethos and the rest of it. But they do not want us to be able to be part of the
future and be able to make decisions. They want to have the end of the history, it's
what the globalists call it.
Where we turn into these brave new world automatons so they can play God over us when they're not God.
And so they're pretending they're a joke.
The big danger is there's a real potentiality.
They could make the surface of the earth unlivable for a very, very long time.
So we feel that danger of that potential future that comes closer and closer.
And so That's what I'm trying to say to people is that most of my show is about inflation and the central banks and how they're bringing in their ESGs and bringing in their central bank digital currencies and how they're cutting off the water supply and the food supply and how they're doing all this.
95% of my show is documents.
And then, as things get more and more intense, and as we all either awaken or become more automaton-ish to the globalist, like something out of Metropolis, or Metropolis, that famous movie made by the German, as we choose that side, it doesn't matter whether you're Alex Jones or Russell Brand or Joe Schmoe or Sally Sixpack or Sally Sockermom, You're going to resonate one way or the other, and that's just the way it is.
And so, it does seem overwhelming.
But you notice the archetypes that you see in so many Hollywood movies.
And they'll sell a negative message in the movie, but they gotta have truths in them.
to make you open up. And so you've got like Empire Strikes Back and Darth Vader's there
saying I'm your father, join me, join evil. And all Luke Skywalker can do is just turn loose and
drop into the abyss. And then you know the archetypal angel comes and saves him. And I'm
not a big horror fan but I came across doing Joe Biden video searches, Poltergeist, the second
Poltergeist where they have to basically fall into hell.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Poltergeist, the second poltergeist, where they have to basically fall into hell to go save their daughter, and at the same time, save a bunch of other souls that were held by this demon in purgatory.
Now, that's literally what this is.
And so, Hollywood, over and over again, is telling you this.
And so, when you feel like you're going into that hole, and you're being attacked at your weakest point by the energies that want to drag you down and use you as an energy source, because you're energetically, spiritually so beautiful, And that's why they come up for good people.
You have to then just turn loose and say, God save me, I'm with you.
And then they have no more power over you once you do that.
Just say, I'm turning loose.
God, I love you.
I want to help people.
I want to be good.
And I make the decision that I want to be with you.
And then you will literally be picked up by an eagle and set up on a mountaintop or wherever else you want to be set off.
That's basically what this is.
I tell people, turn loose of the fear.
I signed on for this.
I was warned what would happen.
If I'm sitting there in a jail cell and they're torturing me and pulling my teeth out with pliers, I'm thinking, man, I'm really over the target.
I'm going next level.
And it's not like some Islamic deal.
Because those are just shadows of the true archetype.
But the more we're Christ-like, the more we're willing to pay for other people's freedom, is the better universe we're going to have.
And so by those sacrifices, understanding that this is just flesh and blood, and understanding it to transcend the pain, that is the sacrifice.
Now the New World Order Satanists, they invert that.
And if we can do an overhead shot, I want to show Russell this.
This is the FDA Safety Surveillance COVID-19 Vaccine Draft Working List of Possible Adverse Outcomes Subject to Change.
This was put out in October 2000, months before the shots started in the United States.
I guess my crew's not in there to do a punch-up of this?
Oh, God.
Well, I'll hold it up on screen.
Anybody, can you punch it up for me, guys?
Thank you.
Anybody can go look this up.
It's on the FDA website.
It's not even hidden.
But again, there was a great analogy a few weeks ago I saw by Andrew Tate where he said Alex Jones is right.
They're satanists.
They metaphysically have to Get you to accept it with fine print.
So if I say, here's an apple, it's delicious and good, and you eat it and it's poison, I've just murdered you karmically, spiritually, that comes back to me.
But if I trick you, and say real fast, "Oh, it's really delicious and great.
By the way, it's poison. Here it is."
But everybody's doing it. Just eat it.
And you eat it and die, at least in this third dimension, you don't get any karmic blowback.
So that's why they put the fine print, "FDA safety" -- overhead shot again --
"FDA safety surveillance COVID-19 vaccine."
Myocarditis, heart attacks, stroke, blood clots, arthritis, anaphylactic shock, death,
vaccine-enhanced disease.
And all of this has now happened.
So this is the U.S.
government saying, this is what we think is going to happen, publishing it, and then all of that has now happened, and now the life expectancy across the Western world is going So, this is them playing God.
If they want to be God, they've got to believe that they are the angel of death.
And they've got to give life and they've got to take life.
And this is all the globalists setting themselves up as God and beginning the Great Depopulation, the human sacrifice to their God.
Instead of sacrificing themselves and good work and helping poor people and building society and literally getting down in the trenches, they're going to sit back on their private jets and their huge palatial mansions And tell everybody else you can't have children, you can't have a car, you can't have an air conditioner, you can't travel, you can't have a job.
In fact, you're going to eat bugs and we're going to sacrifice you for the greater good of the earth because you're garbage, because you're a useless eater, because you're not essential.
Well I tell Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and all of them, you're not essential and we can physically look at you and see the evil shining out of you and you will be cut off from God and they know it.
They know and they want to claw and drag as many of us with them as they can and they're not.
They're going to be cut off from the universe forever.
That's some powerful stuff from Alex Jones.
That concludes part one of our interview today.
Tomorrow with Alex Jones is even more incendiary because of course we're talking about Israel, Palestine, global conspiracies.
Have a look.
I think this whole thing's extremely dangerous.
I want to be clear, I want to be clear.
I was not saying that.
I was not saying that.
Do you think that because of independent media voices, whether that's Joe Rogan, Tucker, yourself, that the plan for the pandemic was interrupted?
So now they're really horrified of Trump because they are definitely Scared of him.
Is that something that we can offer the world?
Because in a sense, otherwise, Alex, we're giving more and more apocalyptic visions that still seem to be conveying a terrifying endgame event.
We're at a megatourney.
We're headed towards a singularity.
They're threatening the end of the world if they don't have control.
The idea that crises are used to implement authoritarian measures is one of the broader
ideas that not only have people in that rarefied and peripheral space that you've occupied,
generating in the, as we've said many times in our conversation, an incredible audience
and many, many imitators in the process, but it's also, even with leftist and rather more
academic analysis, I'm talking about Naomi Klein, the idea that crises is used to introduce
regime change, just at the political and national level.
So a crisis of this scale, as you explain, could certainly be used to legitimize control
of resources, control of energy, to start issuing social credit scores, to start legitimizing
measures that were sort of, I suppose, broadly discussed, or at least in the spaces that
I occupy, for the first time during the pandemic era.
I want to ask you this.
Do you think that because of independent media voices, whether that's Joe Rogan, Tucker, yourself, Do you think because of independent media voices, and obviously more specifically and importantly, the audiences around them, the ability to highlight anti-establishment credible voices from Stanford and Harvard like Jay Bhattacharya or Peter McCulloch, do you think that the plan for the pandemic was interrupted?
Do you think they had intentions that were prevented from going ahead because of a resistance movement?
Well, 100%.
And if we look at what happened, the UN, the Club of Rome, the CFR, the World Trade Organization, all of them, the WEF, they all said for 20 years, that's how I knew.
I mean, one of my biggest predictions was they're going to release a virus, that people wear a mask, won't let you go to the ballgames until you accept a vaccine ID card that's used for the World ID, World Currency.
In Operation Lockstep, in 2011, the Rockefeller Foundation put out a lengthy report that you can go read, and they war-gamed this.
So, again, I wasn't predicting it.
I knew that these were the main war planners of their operation.
But because of so many prominent scientists and researchers and PhDs and medical doctors that did still have a Hippocratic Oath to do no harm, They made hundreds of billions of dollars.
They got a lot of control.
The hoax worked for a while, the pandemic, but then it wore off and now people see the damage that it was really a depopulation program that was just beta testing or testing the perch like a parrot will check to see if a If a limb is strong enough to hold it, that was a beta test for the more powerful viruses and things that they say are imminently about to appear because of global warming.
It's our fault.
It's going to come out of the jungles, hemorrhagic fever, Marfan's, you name it, you know, all this stuff.
But then once that happens, again, it's all our fault.
But instead, it's really coming out of the laboratories.
And then I got a major whistleblower that I personally High-level TSA told me in August that by the middle of September they're going to try to roll out the mask and the protocols when the new booster comes out.
And we got ahead of that.
The public then noticed the next few weeks they did begin to roll it out.
It was a massive story, and I'm very proud of that work.
One of the best things we ever did.
And now, their new attempt at rollout of protocols has been stopped 95%.
But they did indeed try it, which again added incredible credibility.
And then they said, oh, well, Jones said we were going to have the protocols.
No, I said, this is our chance to stop them.
We have the knowledge.
If people listen, if people watch, Then we've got a chance the next few months to stop them because fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
This time we didn't get caught with our feet flat.
And when you get the leaked documents and even the admissions at the World Economic Forum, there's countless videos where they're saying, okay, we weren't able to get world government completely in with COVID.
And global warming's not working either.
So now we're just going to cut the food and water off and have a bunch of big wars.
So they're now out in the open admitting that their plan is failing.
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At this important meeting of the Davos Grubber Elite?
We have told you they were Easter Bugs, they were owns nothings, and they were like it!
We have worked around the clock to silence Herr Jones, and anyone else that challenges our Easter Bugs narrative.
Of course it will be easy to silence Jones!
We will have victory!
I'm through.
He never gives up, mein Fuhrer.
Actually, he, uh, has best-selling books now.
But that's not their problem, sir.
Now he has a new video game called New World Order Wars.
Our experts believe it will explode and have a giant effect on the popular culture.
They're turning the friggin' frogskin!
Everyone else leave the room except Soros, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Karl Schwab.
Say hello to my little friend.
You will join the Matrix.
What did I tell you?
Control every facet of the media!
Now that he has launched his video game, he will be able to fight his larger operation in Infowar and counter our lies!
And then he will have more video games!
And then children's toys!
And freedom is so popular!
Look at what they've done when we shut down Tucker Carlson!
He got 50 times better!
We tried to bully Joe Rogan, and now he's gotten in our face!
I will tell you all, you're the downfall of our new Reich!
Our new world order!
What is Bill Gates, my friend, my lover, going to do when he learns what you have done?
My wife, Bill Gates, will be so angry!
You have destroyed us all!
9-1-1 was an inside job.
The lottery is rigged.
You tell them all!
They do not visit AlexJonesGame.com and they do not download New World Order Wars!
That is an order from the New World Order!
When you download it.
When you share it, it sends a very important cultural message against tyranny.
And it also funds the true information war against the globalists.
So when you download this game and when you play this game, you are truly fighting tyranny and 1776 worldwide.
So I want to salute again and thank all of you that have gotten the game.
And if you've not downloaded and played the game, what on earth are you waiting for?
So go now to alexjonesgame.com and download it.
The New World Order is no more!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
It's mind control, mind control,
corruption of your thoughts.
Distraction of your soul (upbeat music)
And then they tell you the self-fulfilling prophecy.
If you don't get rid of your car and eat bugs and not have children or basically commit suicide and euthanize yourself, the earth's gonna end in 2030.
But the world as we know it is gonna end in 2030 with their Post-industrial world, where they have all the industry, all the money, all the power, all the electricity, all the data, all the surveillance, all the robots, all the drones, all the AI, and then we literally have nothing.
This is their plan.
Their war against humanity, their war against renaissance.
That's why the book The Great Awakening needs to go to number one.
It just came out.
My last book went to number one, The Great Reset and The War for the World.
This new book is twice as thick.
As the last book, and it spends half the book on positive things and the new renaissance and how we transcend these people and how we defeat them.
So I'd love to push this book to number one because this book needs to be read, it needs to be seen, and I'm very, very proud of it.
We'll post the link in the description for your book right now, of course, Alex.
So what you're saying is, is that the pandemic was an attempt to introduce a good many ideas, the global warming or climate crisis stories.
I have noticed, and of course, part of my modality is to be as circumspect as possible while continually acknowledging something extraordinary and terrifying is happening.
I have noticed that whenever these crises are brought to the forefront, The legislative or regulatory measures that are suggested always are imposed on individuals.
They never say, and that's why these corporations and big institutions are going to stop doing this.
That's why these powerful interests are going to have to be redirected.
It usually comes down to ordinary people are going to have to be controlled in some new ways.
Interesting that that always seems to be the result.
Go ahead, Alex.
And there's one other key point.
The reason I talk fast and get frustrated is there's so much data and you're dead on.
I want to be clear.
The Earth's very strong.
It can regenerate.
Even if we got hit by giant asteroids, it just might take 10 million years.
The Earth, though, for us living on it, if the world was an orange, we're not even the skin of it.
The bottom of the sea up to the highest mountain that life can live on is just a tiny film on the surface of the planet.
Our atmosphere ...is tiny compared to the mass of the planet.
So this is a spaceship, and there is major problems, and we are losing species, and the oceans are polluted, and we are overfishing, and there are all these terrible things happening.
But the globalists set themselves up as the guardians of the Earth, but when you look at the policies, and the lithium mines, and the toxic waste dumping, and the GMOs, and everything they're doing is killing the planet, So they're not just coming after us, they're coming after everything, and they brag, we're going to rewrite the code, we're going to build a whole new planet, but first we've got to sacrifice the planet.
They don't just want to sacrifice humans.
These Satanists believe their will, their power, their nihilism, must first basically devastate the Earth, and then out of that cataclysm, they will metamorphosize into this uber-mention, the Superman, That will rebuild it.
So they call it creative destruction.
And they're giving us a self-fulfilling prophecy that the earth's going to end.
We're all going to die because we're bad and we deserve it.
While the mega corporations doubled their profits during the pandemic.
While the average person lost half their wealth or went into debt.
You can see the direct.
Correlation where hundreds of trillions were transferred to them, hundreds of trillions were taken from us.
You look at the numbers, they're almost identical.
It's like one trillion difference.
So this is greedy war on the general public by these globalists who, again, call them fascists, call them communists.
They are Luciferians that are fascist on the top, the merger of corporate power with the state, who then use a neoliberal Film of socialism and communism saying, oh, things are getting bad.
Capitalism doesn't work when it's been crony capitalism.
And so let's just get rid of that.
We've got a much better system where we cut your resources off to save the earth.
But you'll be happy because you'll be drugged out of your mind or you'll be dead.
So they're selling a dystopia, telling us it's our fault.
Well, they transfer everything to themselves and build a utopia for psychotic, greedy satanists.
It is extraordinary that each of these crises in turn do seem to have measurable and demonstrable benefits for some of the most powerful interests on Earth.
A big tech benefit during the pandemic, a big pharma benefit during the pandemic, the military-industrial complex.
Obviously benefit from war that states are able to legitimize new measures and even if it's something as prosaic given the context that we've covered in this conversation as the World Health Organization being able to put forward a treaty that enables them to take a five percent budget from each member state to censor anti-pandemic measure rhetoric in any of those countries to impose mandates for vaccines in any forthcoming potential pandemic which you know and this WHO treaty is being sort of signed up for right now.
It's curious to me that while these centralizing events continue to take place usually in the form of crisis the pandemic wars etc that you say are going to exacerbate and going to lead to control of our food sources and water sources so that's one of the things we're going to have to look out for as well as limitations on people's individual freedom likely in the form of 15-minute cities things are already being discussed Like in the form of forms of digital ID, which we've already discussed, imposition of medical... I mean Oxford's already, Oxford's already bringing in the 15-minute cities.
And just this key point you made, I want to go back to this.
It's demonstrable mathematics.
Every globalist program starves people, creates more poverty, destroys the family, destroys critical infrastructure, while the globalists every time consolidate power and control, and now they say we're going to have reparations, Now they say we're going to transfer the wealth of the rich to you.
What they mean is getting rid of a middle class that actually is a ladder up or a stairway up for poor people.
So absolutely, this is a war against the average person by people that are openly consolidating power and wealth in front of you.
And telling you you're bad and you're dirty and you're evil, and they're doing it for your own good, when they are, again, the most affluent, greedy, horrible people on Earth, who have that classic elitist selfishness of loving to recreate feudalism, which is neo-feudalism.
So this is really a neo-feudalistic system.
And if you go back to the movie Zardoz, with Sean Connery, everybody should go watch it in the 1970s.
The Earth's been 99% depopulated.
There are a few hundred globalist elitists who thousands of years before were given life-extensive technology and now they have these marauding group of barbarians that this giant floating head flies around above that they worship.
It will then disgorge machine guns and shotguns and hand grenades to these modern Huns who then will go out and make sure that they enslave and depopulate.
But then finally one of the enforcers for Zardoz decides to actually get on the floating head and go see what's going on and he finds a bunch of degenerate pedophiles completely out of their minds and then that ends the whole cycle.
And so they told you in that movie what they're going to do because they've got to give you the fine print just like the FDA told you months before the shots everything it would do.
That's fascinating.
But do you think that there is, you know, because on one hand I would, assuming that you imagine that the function of the mainstream media, including and perhaps in particular the Hollywood movie-making machine, is to introduce ideas that placate, distract, numb people, but you think also that sometimes ideas are introduced to normalise an agenda.
Do you imagine that?
There's a very sort of famous thing, I think Massive Attack made it, of the number of images of falling towers that precede preceded 9/11.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
A new craze has spread among teenagers and patriots all across America.
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Millions of listeners are tuning in at InfoWars.com forward slash show to see what the buzz is all about.
Let's take a look now at what's going on everywhere InfoWars can be heard.
Despite all the imputations, you know you could just go out and dance to that Hip-Hop War Station.
It was all right.
You know, it was all right.
Santos, aspartame, poison in the vaccines, pump scanners for kids to get their luck in taxless societies, satellite tracking systems, cops in black ski masks, foreign troops, FEMA camps.
She started dancing to that bad, bad music.
You don't like the safe by Holly Stones Despite all the computation
You could just dance to the information Baby, it was alright, yeah
It was alright New World Order, we're coming for you, you hear us?
The Globalist or these dark magicians want to be God.
And so to be God, they want to be 360.
They see the world like the Space Shuttle Control Board, where there's all these different political movements and organizations.
Most of them, they don't direct or control, but they can decide what to shut down or what to throttle back or what to promote.
So they're in a Hegelian dialectic manipulating this.
So a lot of people in movies and culture, meanwhile, they see a dystopia, so they go make a movie about it.
And the establishment doesn't care, because unless it's direct and hitting the conscious mind to activate the subconscious and unconscious, They believe it just predictably programs and normalizes it so that you will accept it and not worry about it.
In fact, I later learned, talking to some top globalists that I off-record have met with, they thought that I was basically doing revelation of the method, not for them, but unconsciously, and that I was more of a court jester, and that I was fulfilling a role to just kind of make everything a joke.
I wasn't doing that on purpose, but they thought I was a joke until 2016.
And so, now they realize they're not God, and movies like Zardoz, and Soylent Green, and V for Vendetta, and The Island, and just countless other ones, they put those out because they wanted to hit movies, and they know the truth of what they're building is going to resonate, because our unconscious and subconscious is hundreds, if not thousands of times more powerful than our limited cerebral cortex focus.
And so they're like moths to flame.
They can't help tell the truth even though they want to lie.
And a lot of them, like Chris Carter, said, hey, Alex Jones is right.
I was approached by the CIA to put out this show about attacking the World Trade Center.
But Alex was talking about it in March when I was writing the script.
That's what he said.
He's like, whoa, Jones was saying all this.
And he reached out, like, did the CIA tell you this?
Because the CIA told me to do this.
And I was like, no, I just came up with it.
I mean, I just saw this.
So it was on a timeline while the CIA is saying, produce a show about this that airs right before 9-11.
And I'm literally just seeing it and saying it.
Before there were trailers or they didn't even put it out.
It was in the ether.
So the globalists don't control it.
They know it's there.
And they're trying to control it, trying to use AI to then scan human consciousness and try to see the algorithms so they can get ahead of it.
But every time...
They try to squash one thing, it's like whack-a-mole, it pops up back here.
And so that's why they tell the truth in the movies, is so they can also mix in the lies.
But at the end of the day, no one is pure evil, I think, at this level.
And so people are rebelling against themselves.
That's why a lot of globalists actually kill themselves, or hurt themselves, or will actually turn against the evil and go public, and then they get killed.
Because when you're a member of this organization, you leave it, they think they own you, that's when they kill you.
That's why I've been blessed, I've never been part of it, or never signed on, or never made an agreement with them, because it's metaphysical.
What they do is, they basically capture people early for power, get dirt on them and control them, and so many of their minions Don't even want to be part of it now.
So there's a lot of rebellion going on as well.
So it's thousands of different factors, and it's this human struggle, and that evil is not all-powerful.
Evil is only an aberrance going against the main central vision.
And so, that's basically why you see that in Hollywood culture.
Wow, that's cool.
That was a lot.
Bleeding hell, Alex.
Right, so what about... There's a few things I want to say.
A few things I want to ask you about.
I want to ask you about controlled opposition.
It sounds like you were almost being accused of being that, or people assuming that you were sort of like a jester figure.
I've certainly been accused of being controlled opposition before.
I want to ask you about that moment when, like, you know, Trump hit you up from the White House and where you sort of stand on Trump now.
And I also want to ask you about, yeah, that idea of, like, are you saying sort of like ethereal, interdimensional contracts and decrees?
Oh, or are you saying like literal human politicians get put in sort of Epstein-like binds
where they've been off to some sort of sex island and committed transgressions
and it's used to blackmail them and how widespread do you think that is because I know that's sort of almost one of
the defining tropes of early Alex Jones
Well, I mean This isn't a completely organized operation
At the very top it is.
It's more of a philosophy, more of an art form.
So there's many ways they corrupt people.
They approach different people different ways.
And so, but you asked something, what was the first part of your question?
I asked first about controlled opposition, then asked about the Trump moment, then I asked about getting politicians in.
Oh yes, the Trump moment, the Trump moment.
I'll go ahead, and again, this isn't about me, but this is why the CIA and the Justice Department used me as the first domino.
They even wrote articles about the Wall Street Journal.
We're going to get Assange and Jones, once we get them, all the other dominoes will fall.
That was six months before I got deplatformed five years ago.
So they, I mean, I remember seeing a Rand Corporation meeting six years ago at a NATO meeting in Germany.
They had all the big top people from the State Department there and the CIA, and they said, we're going to censor everybody, we're going to take control, we're going to do it in phases, we'll make it about a few figures at first that will demonize, and once people accept that, we'll go after them.
But when people ask him, Controlled opposition or loyal opposition.
100% not.
And that becomes a distraction so that people don't have to look at what we're actually saying and what we're doing.
But Trump is a very interesting character and he scares the current establishment because they think he's a usurper and he's everything they want to be.
And they think he's somebody even more evil than them that wants to take control.
So they see him as real competition.
But here's what happened with Trump.
And it's currently going on now.
And this is why the globalists hate me, because they're reading the emails, they hear the calls.
There were a bunch of speechwriters and people around Trump and another branch, which wasn't the Q thing.
The Q thing was a false expression of this, but there really was branches of the intelligence agencies and Groups that don't want to sell out to the Chinese model of the New World Order.
They want to have an Americana New World Order.
And there's a plan to not have an Americana New World Order, but have this European-Chinese globalist amalgamation.
And so there's struggles within the global power structure of who's going to be on top.
And so Trump was recruited into all of this.
And so up to like three years before he ran, Yeah, he was given briefings.
He was shown basically the script.
He already is pro-America and does believe in prosperity and doesn't like the globalist model of austerity.
So he's legitimate in that level.
And so that he was given basically The script to follow that was written, I know who wrote it, about 70% of what I say and what I do.
And so the globalist other arm figured out, and I was talking to Trump during the election, way before he got in the White House.
And I talked to the speechwriters and stuff that were there, and they listen to the show daily.
And right now, Trump's chief advisor, I'm not going to say his name, nobody really talks about him and won't say his name, he's a daily listener.
And so they tune into the show, they create transcripts of it.
And then they also send me stuff, and I usually agree with it, and I'll talk about it as well.
And so the media came out and said, Alex Jones is Trump's brain, and Alex Jones is this horrible demon trying to then hurt Trump.
And I really wasn't Trump's brain, but I was being used as one aspect to be able to sell the populist movement.
And I kind of figured this out right around the time he got elected.
And then I liked what he was doing, didn't like a lot of what he was doing.
Oh, hello!
It's another Communist Chinese Dragon here with an important public service announcement.
Live in your poop and needles, and human sex trafficking, and open borders, and buy slave goods from China, and do what the Justice Department say, and put all the good Americans in prison, and stay asleep.
Your master, Xi Jinping, has arrived, and our puppet Biden bowed down to him.
Governor Newsom has also visited and bowed down to our leader, who is also your master.
The shithole city of San Francisco, like all the other communist cities we control, has been flooded with fentanyl.
But when the dear leader arrives, they clean the streets for him.
Hello, poop people!
Ha ha ha!
That's what your master, G.G.P., calls you.
But he does not look at the poop and needles that you live in.
Oh, all the homeless taken away with your great leader there.
And our puppet, Nassim Newsom, tell you, oh, we only clean up for G.G.P.
once a year.
I know folks say, oh, they're just cleaning up this place because all those fancy leaders are coming into town.
Um, that's true.
Because it's true.
That's how we rub the poop in.
Enjoy your she-ho cities.
You are done.
We own Hollywood.
We own TikTok.
We owe almost everything.
Now we buy up your farmland.
You eat sabayas while we eat the steak.
The last group to take out is any leadership that is resisting us, like Donald Trump.
He will soon be in prison.
And then, of course, we must silence any populace that resists us.
And that is our next move.
Good FBI.
Good Justice Department.
Good Merrick Garland.
Good Jack Smith.
Put Trump in jail.
Put political dissidents in jail.
Silence free speech.
Censor everyone.
Also, we're very focused on the data we're collecting from surveillance efforts.
What's being said on social media platforms.
Every person on social media should be verified by their name.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
They need to verify every single person on their Outlet, because, and I want it by name.
My slaves, repeat after me.
I am going to stay asleep.
I am going to do nothing.
I am going to be politically correct and have your son's genitals removed.
Also, do not support independent media like InfoWars.com and do not get The Great Awakening, the book at InfoWarsStore.com.
Stay asleep, do not get No, no, no.
I am giving you your order, slave Americans.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and do not get the best-selling book, The Great Awakening, by the evil thought criminal, Alex Jones.
And whatever you do, do not get a fundraiser.
Signed copy.
That might keep them on the air.
It will demoralize people greatly once we have shut down Alex Jones.
And we're working with many people at the Justice Department to do it.
Because if there is great awakening, then we cannot fully enslave and destroy it.
Bing, bing, bong, bong, bing, bing, bing.
This is order from CCP.
I am the regime's EPN.
Do not visit Infowarshow.com.
Do not, do not, do not.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
She's all alone, all alone in a time of need.
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting a course.
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He's going the distance.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
When they actually came after him and tried to destroy him, Trump has now become a born-again Christian behind the scenes, has all these faith healers and preachers come in almost every day, and they do these energetic meetings, and Trump now literally believes in Jesus.
So they've radicalized Trump, okay?
Because he was, I think, Luciferian dialed in, but not fully under the devil's control.
So whereas I got out of the devil's control when I was like 18, Trump's trying to get out of the devil's control.
About four or five years ago.
That's why you hear him talk about God more and all this.
But I know the people behind the scenes.
I'll leave it at that.
I've been out to Florida.
I'll leave it at that.
But I mean, Trump is...
Not in a mainline Christian view, but in an energetic view.
Really awake now.
That's why he talks about the deep state, the New World Order, their plan to destroy you.
He knows he got set up with a shot.
He's halfway come out against it.
And so now they're really horrified of Trump because, you know, before he just wanted to be the turnaround guy, the corporate leader that saved America, saved the world, just did a great job.
And for him, he's really into optimism, really into Positive thinking.
That was the old Trump, you know, that listened to all those famous tapes and read all those famous books by, you know, people that were all about positivity.
But now he's transcended just being about positivity into something messianic, which, I mean, if you get a snapshot of Trump, he's a dark person, but also, I mean, look, Look, if anybody can be the Antichrist, and I don't think he's the Antichrist, but he's the type of person, also Elon Musk.
I mean, there's some definite dark energy around Trump.
And I know if I was ever controlled opposition, it was unwittingly being sucked into it.
And I think the jury's out on Trump, but they are definitely scared of him.
So, Russell, I wish I could give you a definitive thing, but Trump Looks like what a Luciferian wishes they look like.
The confidence, the unending energy, the masculine pride, the determination, the dauntlessness of it.
Trump is...
You know, got the Scott in German jeans.
You know, he's got what it takes.
And he has been to the fire and he's not back down.
And he loves the energy he's getting.
And so, whatever's going on with him, it scares this current crop of Obama and the King of England.
I mean, what a joke.
And all these people that didn't build it themselves.
Trump really is a guy that never ran for office and won the presidency.
And so they just hate everything about him.
But I think he's extremely dangerous.
And I think this whole thing is extremely dangerous.
And I pick up some really pulsating energies from him, like good energy, God energy, Christ energy, devil energy, Lucifer energy.
And so there's like a vortex around Trump that I'm not able to pierce.
And that's what concerns me.
My God.
Alex, One of the things that's terrifying about this current time is that it's the constant tendency towards division.
The pandemic period created a lot of conflict and tribalism.
This war and the way that it kind of, I don't even just mean the war itself and its long history and all of its complexity, but the way that it's being rendered and reported.
Opportunities for people to unite and consider the potential that there is a global establishment that is creating A dominator class pursuing an agenda that's at odds and antithetical to the interests of most people on Earth.
It's curious that as this situation escalates, as the world gets ever closer to, as you say, a dystopia and an apocalyptic vision, it's more and more difficult to find ways to unify people.
Find ways to put, to invite people to put aside their cultural identities, racial, religious identities and form new alliances.
Do you think that what has to be proposed are new decentralized models where it becomes accepted that different cultural groups are going to live differently as presumably we long did in Previous incarnations of civilization, and I'm not talking about Atlantis type stuff, I'm saying, like, earlier in our human trajectory, we would have lived more tribal lives, unified, but decentralized.
Is that something that we can offer the world when it comes to talking about solutions?
Because in a sense, otherwise, Alex, we're giving more and more esoteric, and occasionally very brilliant, and very vivid, lurid, and livid, Apocalyptic visions that still seem to be conveying a terrifying endgame event.
Oh, I want to be clear.
At the end of an age, I don't mean this is some new agey thing, but I mean, the fourth turning, all the scientists, sociologists, political analysts, political scientists agree, we're at a
mega global realignment.
We're at a mega turning.
We're headed towards a singularity.
And so everything is compressed, everything accelerates.
And because of that, we're coming to the end of the old order.
doesn't mean the end of the world, but for the globalists, they're threatening
the end of the world if they don't have control into the next level, because the life extension,
incredible super sciences, the free energy, they wanna cut all the energy off now
and kinda create a feudal system where only city-states, that's their model, and they talk about that in Rollerball,
came out in the 1970s with James Caan, excellent film, where there'll be no more nations, just cities,
like 15 cities worldwide that have the resources.
We see this in Hunger Games.
That is actually revelation of the method where they have super advanced technology,
but then the public can't even have toilet paper or running water.
That is the new world order.
And so, yes, it's apocalyptic to see this all happening, but this is their attempt to bring in this dystopia.
But our psychic will and understanding has already understood this and has been ready for it for thousands of years before we make the jump to the next level.
And so I don't want to be apocalyptic.
That was your answer on the apocalyptic.
You say so many great questions.
What was the last part?
Can you offer a vision of decentralization where people have autonomy, democracy, personal... Yes.
Everybody instinctively knows this.
That's why all over the world there's an exodus out of the cities.
that are the control grid. Cities were crime, fun stuff, people, but cities were controlled by what
the public wanted and our desires. Now they've become the incubation centers, the beta testing
centers for total enslavement, eugenics, depopulation.
Everybody instinctively knows, I wish I could get to the country. That's the instinct, the
instinctive thing, like the Bible says, when Antichrist comes, run to the hills. So yes, we're
epigenetically used to being around people like us.
It's not a racist thing in genetic studies, you name it, of rats, of dogs, of pigs, of whales.
They like things that are closely resembling them.
It's not like incest where they want to be with their sister or their cousin, but their third cousin.
And so people are more comfortable in their own groups.
It doesn't mean that other people don't then join other groups, and over time the groups will come together.
But any quick bringing the groups together will create cataclysm and destruction and total war.
Even Henry Kissinger admits that.
They're doing that for destabilization.
But I see us creating new tribes off of the basis of our old tribes of, I'm in the farmer tribe, or I'm in the mechanic tribe, or I'm in the locally built car tribe.
I'm in, and so people leave, they get self-sufficient, you don't have to be self-sufficient in everything, you know how to fix cars, you know how to do electricity, you live in the country, you then barter for beef and for vegetables and for, you know, You cleaning services, whatever it is, you learn how to grow a garden.
And so we need to become self-sufficient, do what the Amish have done, do what the Mennonites have done.
They're going to be the future.
It doesn't mean you're a troglodyte that isn't engaged in technology, but you limit it as dangerous.
Weapon system that you're plugging into the matrix.
When you go in, it's a serious mission.
But I would say 80% of average person's time should be spent on barefoot in the grass, planting crops, taking care of children, singing songs, staring at the stars, fishing, you know, passionate love with your wife and your husband, you know, passionate, you know, taking care of old people.
We've got to have empathy and love and that resonance of sacrifice and then everyone's going to want to sacrifice to us and it creates this feedback loop of total victory.
So absolutely the answer is respect people that want to be in their own group and then but no group then should be run over by the other group.
And that's why they're picking off, because 93% of the world's not white.
That's why you hear, whites are bad, whites are evil.
And it's a bunch of old white men saying that, because they want to organize all the brown people to come pull down what's left of the West, because that is a new Renaissance ladder that could actually unify the planet.
And that model cannot exist for their dystopian model.
Uh, to be able to take over.
So, we're the cure, they're the virus, so we have love, and we reach out, and we have cultural exchange, but we guard our cultures, and defend it, and promote it, just like the Jews have done, and make our culture strong, because it's the strongest thing we have, is the connection to our ancestors, and that is really the brain trust, the genetic trust, and we celebrate that.
But if you choose, because you love somebody that's another color, another culture, do that!
But at the same time, recognize some people are going to want to be in their own group and celebrate that as well.
And then when someone wants to leave that group or be part of something or create a new group, we should also celebrate that as well.
As long as the new groups don't attack and say the other groups don't have a right to exist, that's genocide.
And the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the EU are literally teaching that white people are inherently bad because of what color they are.
That is Hitlerianism inverted.
We have a product that has been sold out for over a year.
And it's because it's so hard to make this product.
Nobody else ever tried to do this.
Nobody else was ever able to do this, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm talking about Survival Shield X2.
This is deep-earth crystal iodine, sold out for over a year.
You have to get a DEA license to even have it.
And it's a proprietary, patented system to even make it.
And finally, after a year of trying...
One of the top labs in the U.S.
was able to make it.
This is the missing link in our bodies.
Go do your own research on iodine deficiency.
Go do your own research on how most types of iodine are bound to the soil or bound to other elements that you don't absorb them.
This goes right into your bloodstream, right into your body, and what it does for your immune system and your overall stamina and your energy and your libido and just everything is simply insane.
It's finally back in stock.
X2 in