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Name: 20231121_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 21, 2023
2750 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses the success of anti-globalist movements worldwide and criticizes mainstream media for resorting to violence and suppressing opposition. He covers various geopolitical topics such as Ukraine-Russia war, Israel-Hamas conflict, and US domestic politics. Jones criticizes NATO's inaction in Ukraine and shares his views on Israel's actions during the recent conflict. He also discusses private labeled products available at the Infowars store and news topics like insurance companies, CBDCs, Javier Mele, and agencies being eliminated. The episode includes calls from listeners discussing a pastor collecting donations for Israeli weapons, concerns about globalist agendas, and criticism of former President Trump's promotion of Operation Warp Speed. The hosts emphasize the importance of truth, freedom, and privacy in a society facing manipulation by government and media. They promote Infowars products to support their show and fight against the New World Order's lies.

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The real divide in our country, it's not between black and white.
It's not even between Republicans and Democrats.
The Republican Party sometimes behaves like it's a subsidiary of the Democratic Party.
The real divide in this country is between the managerial class, the bureaucrats, both in the public and private sector.
That's what I call the swamp not just in government but outside of government.
Between that swamp and the everyday citizens.
They're trying to impose on us the Great Reset, where they dissolve the boundaries between the public and private sector, between companies and the government, between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, for that matter.
Well, what we're standing up for is what I call the Great Uprising, where we say hell no in response to that.
We, the people, sort out our differences through free speech and open debate in the public square, where every citizen's voice and vote counts equally.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Strap yourselves in, my friends.
Tomorrow's news.
Now let's go ahead and show the George Soros funded response to the NRA.
Okay, let's lay out the facts to these useful idiots.
Let's look at these useful morons on screen for TV viewers.
I mean we're talking hundred and something blacks shot and killed by cops every year.
Most of the time it's actually black officers doing it because to stop all the race stuff they mainly put black officers in the black areas now.
So, you've got a hundred and something blacks being killed, some of them innocent, it's wrong.
You've got thousands of blacks killed in Chicago every year by blacks that aren't even on the radar screen.
You've got most of the blacks never getting born being killed by the globalists, by the liberals, by the abortuaries.
Then you've got the gangster black culture, rap music that pushes blacks to act like thugs and everybody else, so they're inducted into the prison system, so that the schools do become pipelines into prison.
That's one of the only true things that that ignorant woman said.
But again, now that they're going to try to get blacks to act more racist, act more violent, and Black Lives Matter groups are going to push killing cops, which are totally innocent, getting shot in the back of the head like this poor black cop got executed last week in New York, and then the mayor wouldn't even go to her funeral.
Or memorial.
Went and helped run the riots over in Germany, which CNN said weren't riots.
They're trying to start a revolution, and Black Lives Matter is the most idiotic, moron group, and is now bordering on terrorism, and is being sued for it.
So good luck, idiots.
Facts don't matter to people like Black Lives Matter, because they go out and find chip on the shoulder, arrested development, racist, who want to blame every problem in the world with white people.
And you see that in the news where major universities are teaching coast-to-coast the problem with whiteness.
Professors every day are in the news saying whites need to be exterminated.
White professors are saying if you are pregnant with a white baby, abort the baby.
Whites are inherently evil.
Genetically, they're inherently bad.
This is complete Hitlerism turned on its head and deployed by the left.
And everybody knows we're not exaggerating.
The left is so racist, so race-baiting, inculcating, wounding the minds of black people particularly, with such foaming at the mouth, anti-white black nationalism, it is meant to put them into their total minority group and prep by gangster rap for prison.
So the very conduit Of school to prison that Black Lives Matter was talking about earlier in that video.
That conduit, probably being produced by some liberal white guy, we don't fund it by Soros, is actually being run by them.
And that's the fact.
There are some bad cops that shoot people they shouldn't.
Everybody knows that.
The point is George Soros and the globalists know there's a rebellion against the corrupt government.
They know there's a mass awakening.
They want to short-circuit it with a bunch of race-baiting, race-fighting, and everybody killing each other.
It's in the WikiLeaks.
They're trying to start a race war.
And a lot of people are self-centered out there in the population.
They think, I'm against a race war because I'm afraid.
They think I'm against a race war because I'm scared I'm going to get killed.
No, it's the opposite.
I'm scared you're going to get killed.
I've got security.
I've got firearms.
I live defended, behind a gate, behind walls.
If there's a race war in this country, it's going to be the minorities that share the main brunt of the slaughterhouse.
And that's not a threat, that's a fact!
But why would I feel good if you got killed?
I'm trying to keep you from aborting your children!
I'm trying to tell Mexicans that they've got a five-year program to forcibly inoculate every Mexican girl at the age of 11, and it's been linked to sterilization!
But your La Raza, funded by the Fortune 500, your Mecha, funded by George Soros and the big foundations, wants to wound you with racist Chicano Brainwashing to keep you stunted under their control in your barrio!
Under the management of your local Mexican politico Don in the Mexican Mafia that keeps your people down and sells you drugs and pipelines you into the prison!
But nobody sells out their people like the black leaders and that's well known.
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Ha ha ha ha!
Populists and anti-globalists are getting elected all over the world.
More than 80% of the regional and national elections.
Well, it's Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm your host Alex Jones and it's 349 days 12 hours 53 minutes 30 seconds until the most
important election in world history.
More power!
Bang your head, ladies and gentlemen, right into the face of the New World Order!
Metal health will drive you mad!
It'll cure your crazy!
That's some poetry right there!
Ha ha ha ha!
All right, ladies and gentlemen!
The transmission is live.
I really wanna be overrated.
I ain't no weeper.
Alright, let's get serious.
I mean, I really can't talk enough about this.
I've been trying to compile the numbers.
I haven't gotten an exact number, but I spent about an hour this morning at about 6 a.m.
just scanning over the recent elections in the last year around the world, and around 80% of national elections and regional elections are very similar.
Provinces and states and jurisdictions are going to, not just conservatives, not just nationalists, but hardcore anti-New World Order people.
The problem is, every day, there are reports of leaders, or deputy leaders, of these movements being shot in the face, stabbed in the stomach, run over by cars, Beer bottles being broken over their heads while they eat dinner with their family.
And it just happened with the leader of the Dutch far-right anti-globalist populist party, who's a big listener by the way, with a bottle broken over his head.
And so, and he's in the hospital, fractured his skull.
So this is going on everywhere.
Meanwhile, we have Congressman, Representative Goldman issues apology after what he said must happen to Trump.
Trump must be eliminated.
So they're the ones pushing the majority of the violence while saying that populists and conservatives who are winning the hearts and minds are going to resort to violence.
Because we're winning?
No, they're the ones that are resorting to violence.
And I've got the new talking point you've seen everywhere that Trump is Hitler 2.0.
And I've got MSNBC, CNBC, CNN, ABC, I've got all the clips here saying Trump is going to jail and kill his political opposition if he wins the president in 340-something days.
No, it's you guys that are jailing your opposition.
It's you guys on that very show with Mika Brzezinski and Joe Psycho Scarborough You know, the dead intern?
Brains beaten out?
Friendly guy?
Her father was the top globalist for decades?
They're the ones saying they want to outlaw their political opposition, and then they flip it and say, we're going to put them in jail.
Trump said he didn't want to put his political opposition in jail when he first got in, even though they were trying to put him in jail, saying he was a Russian agent.
He said he wants them to just Get out of the way.
And they're the ones trying to outlaw their political opposition and create a one-party unistate because they are losing and losing big time.
We've got those clips.
I'm going to be getting to that coming up.
Despite the media, the corporate media, trying to outlaw the idea of saying elections can be rigged, there's just evidence of it massively all over the United States, but they can't beat landslides.
We'll be getting into that.
Really big news.
I mean, this is really the biggest news geopolitically.
The State Department's been putting out a bunch of statements that they want the war to end and that they want Zelensky to come to the peace table.
We've got clips of MSNBC and a bunch of other establishment mouthpieces saying Ukraine has lost the war with Russia.
And so I would look for them to be taking out Zelensky, they'll either say he's corrupt, which he is, and use that to have him be removed, or he'll die of a drug overdose, or somebody will kill him, and they'll blame it on the Russians, but they always hang out to dry their failures.
And I think they're not going to, you know, ever completely admit defeat, NATO.
But as of now, Russia did exactly what Russia said they would do.
They took Crimea, they took most of the South, they took a lot of the East, they took all the key infrastructure that Russia built, and where it's 98% Russian speaking, I mean Ukrainians Russian too.
Russia was founded in Ukraine a thousand years ago, but that's just history.
But since then it's been the battleground between Western Europe and Russia for hundreds of years.
And they now admit that Russia has won.
Of course we told you that six months ago.
The West, Glenn Greenwald points out, is now telling Zelensky more or less explicitly and right out in the open, it's time to wrap this up.
We are focused on setting the conditions for a just, durable and sustainable peace.
And the U.S.
mission to NATO put out another statement, Ukraine has taken back more than half of its territory seized by Russian forces.
Since February 2022, it is tough and dynamic battle.
Ukraine soldiers are fighting bravely every day.
They continue to inspire the world with the bravery and courage.
And it goes on to say that we will now be focused on setting an end to the war.
So that's a big deal.
And 68% of Americans in a Gallup poll of similar numbers across the board are against what Israel is doing.
And are against the carpet bombing of Gaza.
And so now Netanyahu is coming to the table to use a hostage release as a pretext, I guess, to start winding that down.
I'm not saying that's been winded down yet or will wind down.
And I want to be completely clear.
I don't sit here and try to make friends.
I don't sit here and try to choose sides other than just promoting basic human freedom.
The media has cherry-picked a lot of what I've said about Israel the last few weeks and said lovingly, I mean it's all over Twitter, it's all over everywhere, I can't even, I'm not even looking for it, I just see it everywhere, millions of views here, millions of views there, hundreds of thousands here, hundreds of thousands there, of like 30 second clips of me, when I'm blowing up the groups in Israel that want to ship The Gazans here, the Arabs won't take them, because they know how dangerous they are, and almost 80% say they're terrorists, say they want to blow stuff up, say they want to destroy America.
And I'm really mad at the Israeli politicians, including some American politicians, like, you know, I like Breitbart, but the main editor of Breitbart's, like, saying we need to take them.
And I mean, no!
So yeah, I blew up at some of the groups in Israel doing that.
I don't hate Israel.
I don't believe from the River to the sea, and I don't support Hamas, and I don't support what Hamas did on October 7th.
I mean, it's real simple.
I don't support what Hamas did, and I think Israel went way too far, and has gotten a major political black eye doing this.
But at the same time, they've gone and they've polled the Palestinians, and upwards of 80% Believe Israel doesn't have a right to exist and also hate America.
And you've had the head of Hamas, you've had the head of Hezbollah say they're going to start attacking targets inside the United States.
And then when that happens, we'll have our rights taken and they'll expand the TSA from groping our genitals at the airports to the bus stations, which is their plan.
So I am against Hamas and I'm against a lot of the things Israel's doing.
That should really be simple.
I don't hate the Muslims.
But they're always constantly fighting with each other, too.
The Arab countries won't take the Palestinians.
So I just say you stay right there in your sandbox.
And you're not my job, especially when you love the left and merge with it.
And the same thing goes for Israel.
Israel's in a civil war.
Netanyahu's unpopular.
It's not like there's one thing in Israel and, you know, it's one power block.
And I'm very upset at Israel as well.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're coming in here with some incredible AI.
And This is the type of dreams I've been having since I was about three years old.
Like this exactly.
Oh man, it's really tapping into the human group subconscious.
Give me back my bullets!
Ha ha ha!
I ain't gonna see more damage done.
Alright, so it's official.
Major insurance companies.
We broke it two years ago.
Now it's all over the news.
20 plus million killed by the shots.
Got a lot of big news on that coming up.
Also, IMF director says CDBCs will replace cash and will increase financial inclusion and control how you spend your money.
They're just throwing the gauntlet down in front of everybody.
That's why we've got to counter their global tyranny and have a transnational coalition of nations that work together in common good and respect for the people and their rights and sovereignty to challenge it.
And that's why Javier Mele, for people who don't know, it's important To at least mention this week, reading from Zero Hedge, that under the wild exterior, Malay has it where it counts.
He has two master's degrees and has been a professor of macroeconomics, economics of growth, microeconomics and mathematics, for economist, and it just goes on from there.
Successful businessman, the list goes on and on.
So they are really scared of him.
And it's sending shockwaves through the globalist power structure.
People deporte!
We absolutely must challenge these people.
Here's a little clip of him right after he got elected, with a board up on the wall speaking Spanish,
saying "Gone, gone, out, out,"
as he sits there and pulls the different agencies off the board that he's getting rid of.
All these agencies, globalist-trained, globalist-controlled, like the Office of Sustainability that's under the UN's UNESCO.
Here it is.
(speaking in foreign language)
Ministry of Sustainable Environment and Development.
Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.
Ministry of Public Works.
Even if you resist.
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Ministry of Tobacco, Employment and Social Security.
Ministry of Education.
Ministry of Transport.
Ministry of Health.
The thievery of politics is over.
Long live damn liberty.
All right, I want to do this.
It feels like a Friday because we have Thanksgiving coming up, but it's not.
It's a Tuesday.
And I'm going to open the phones up.
For everybody.
Any subject, any topic, anything you want to cover, anything you want to get into, there are no limits.
Just don't cuss and have a good phone line.
That's all I ask.
You agree, you disagree, you've got questions for me.
A lot of times I think I've got some decent answers, sometimes I don't, I'll be honest with you.
I want to take a lot of your phone calls.
But as Darth Vader says, You can dispense with the pleasantries.
I love you.
You love me.
Maybe you hate me.
Maybe I dislike you.
We don't need to get through all that.
Just get to the topic of what you want to cover.
And if you disagree and want to tell me you hate me, that's fine.
But as Limbaugh invented the term dittos, we don't want to spend the whole show thanking each other.
That's what The Wolf says in Pulp Fiction.
Let's not start, you know, wanting each other.
Just yet, we've still got a ways to go.
Woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I've got miles to go before I sleep.
By the way, guys, print me that poem, and then will you also reprint me the Bible verse?
I forgot to cover here.
Stay about a time a reap, a time to sow, time for peace, a time for war.
I want to read that.
So, without further ado, let's turn on the phone system.
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.
And we are going to take your phone calls, a lot of them, ahead of Vivek Ramaswamy joining us in the third hour today.
And he's always informative.
I just love the guy.
I mean, he's doing nothing but damage.
You say, well, he's probably not going to win or whatever.
He's winning by getting the truth out.
And I mean, the guy is hitting on all cylinders.
I like him.
I like him a lot.
So we're going to be having Vivek Ramaswamy on for most of the third hour today.
And then I forget, who do we have?
Oh, the great Mike Adams is going to be on with Maria Zee in the fourth hour today.
And then Owen Schroyer.
We'll be hosting the War Room 3 p.m.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He's in prison, the judge said in the sentencing document, for his speech.
And he's in solitary confinement for daring to call out of the jail, which is his right, and someone recorded it and put it on Twitter.
So, bye-bye to you.
And it's now confirmed.
It's because of that call.
Just remember what they do to him they want to do to you.
And that's why it's so important that we remember that.
Ladies and gentlemen.
All right, let's move into some of the other news here.
Elon Musk has filed a big lawsuit.
And he's got all the details in it here of why he's filed the lawsuit against Twitter.
I mean, against the group attacking Twitter and now X. And that, of course, is our good friends over at Media Matters, the Jordan Soros anti-free speech group.
And they're now spinning it, oh, Musk is trying to shut down their speech.
Musk has put forward the evidence in a lawsuit that they used a computer program to force thousands and thousands of re-upload or refreshes of the site until they finally were able to have it posted into categories of things they can call, quote, white supremacist or anti-semitic.
And then they can go to the sponsors and say, you don't want to be part of this, do you?
Well, Musk says they're presenting the evidence, and they've been pretty accurate so far, I mean, he's not really lied yet, that they have the evidence that Media Matters faked the impressions, and not just that they used a computer program to refresh and refresh up to 5,000 times per post to try to finally get a big advertiser on there, But that they also, it looks like, may have faked the posts themselves, or put the content up themselves.
No, Jussie Smollett would never do something like that.
And neither would Media Matters.
No, no, no, no, no.
They would, leftist, posing as white supremacists?
That's never happened before.
And fish don't swim in the ocean either, and birds don't fly in the sky.
You know, when they put the sky up, those little birdies wouldn't bump their heads.
What an incredible universe God's given us.
What an incredible consciousness.
We're so thankful.
I know I am.
I was going to read this but why not just have the birds I think is the band sing it.
They're trying, the globalists are trying to artificially trigger a collapse because
they know they're collapsing.
But it won't be our downfall, it'll be their downfall, because we're here, we're standing, we're fighting back.
All right, I want to get To your phone calls, I want to give the number out.
Wide open phones, any topic, any subject, but warning.
877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539. Wide open phones, any topic, any subject, but warning,
warning, Will Robinson. We're gonna move quick through your calls, 877-789-2539.
Any subject.
And I love how it brings in all these amazing topics we wouldn't even think to cover.
Okay, before I plow back into the news and start taking your phone calls, It's always paradoxical, and that's the Catch-22 we've been in, with all the incredible expenses and deep state attacks and the platforming and debanking and the harassment and the infiltrators and everything we've gone through in this fight, which we're not victims, we're fighting the globalists, we knew we'd be attacked, and it's been quite informative and quite educational, and it's also shown people that we're telling the truth, because the enemy's coming after us, plus almost everything we talk about comes true!
Because almost all of it was already happening, the public just didn't know about it yet.
And a great example of that broke in New Jersey last week that the government since the early seventies has been keeping the blood of all babies and putting it in a secret DNA database.
Now, I broke that because of a whistleblower in 1997 out of Fort Sam Houston Medical Division in San Antonio.
And lawsuits were filed in Illinois, Texas, Minnesota back then and exposed it.
And they just keep doing it.
Just like they give you these poison shots that they know the FDA documents in October 2000 said they'll cause heart attacks, blood clots, strokes, infertility.
And then people are like, wow, it actually happened.
They know what they're doing.
And now they're spinning it.
Oh, well, we're cracking cases of, you know, sexual assault and murder decades later because we have a database on you.
The point is they created an illegal database in 1974 in the United States, and they store it at the United Nations.
And we broke that in 1997, and now it's just now hitting the news.
But I'm digressing.
It's a catch-22 here that we've not had the money to buy all the popular products, so that we don't have money to get the products, because we don't have the products.
It's a snake eating its tail situation.
So, in a year and a half of bankruptcy, we also couldn't get it produced.
It wasn't just a money issue, it was both.
Our best-selling product's been gone.
X2's been sold out over a year.
And I said, it's gonna sell really good.
We need to put everything in.
We've got to get a lot of it.
And it was decided to not get as much as I wanted, and that's okay.
But God knows how long it'll take to make it again because it's really hard to make it and get it down to the level where it's just so strong you got to get it to an allowable level.
You're breaking raw crystal pure iodine that nobody else is doing with a scientist into this.
That's why it works so well as the foundation of your whole body.
Really is the missing link.
Fluoride's the opposite.
That's why they bomb you with fluoride, bromide, bromine, and that whole area of the periodic table.
So it's the good halogen, everything else is bad.
You need a tiny bit of calcium fluoride, but the point is, almost all of it's really bad for you, other than iodine, which is essential.
And so it's finally back in stock.
And just research iodine deficiency, 2 billion people have it.
The UN estimates, I say it's much higher.
IQs, by the 20s, had dropped up to 15 points, particularly in the middle of the country, because they weren't getting, the soil was depleted, they weren't getting any fish.
Or any seaweed or anything like that, like the Japanese eat, that's why they live so long.
And still, that's out of the ocean, so it's got mercury and stuff in it.
This has none of that.
It's totally pure, totally clean.
Totally clean!
And so it just does incredible things.
So we got a run of it in.
Finally came in last week.
The truck arrived Friday.
We went to sail with it immediately.
And if we'd had a bigger order, our financial problems would be solved pretty much for the next six months, but we don't.
So here's the problem.
It's going to sell out in about three, four weeks of current sales rates, and it might be six months, a year, and we may not be here then.
So this could be the last time you can get X2.
You know it's our best seller.
Haven't had it for over a year.
We have X2 now.
It lasts a long time.
I would stockpile it if I was you.
It's 25% off despite the fact it's selling out.
And we've got free shipping storewide on every order and double Patreon points at Infowarsstore.com.
Also, we have the Infowars Platinum line that are three number one U.S.
bestsellers by a great pharmaceutical company actually makes it.
They make so many things that are on store shelves.
It's a huge company, but they're actually Patriots.
Compared to big ones, it's a small pharmaceutical company, but it's a multi-million dollar a year company.
The owner's a Patriot, so he's really helped us.
We're able to private label his three best sellers under the new names, HGH Max Boost, 1776 Testosterone Boost, and Pain MD.
That's available at infowarestore.com.
The HHH Max Boost is very close to selling out.
60% off on Brain Force Plus, Brain Force Ultra.
50% off Real Red Pill Plus, Green Fiber Capsules, Down Out Sleep Support, now back in stock.
Vazzo Beats, finally back in stock, 40% off.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, 40% off.
Vitamin Refusion Limited Supply, 40% off.
DNA Force Plus, about to sell out, still 40% off.
D3 Gummies, so important for your immune system and more.
Whole Food Multivitamin, all there, 40% off.
Survival Shield X2, back in stock.
All the coffee, all the MD products and all Enforce Platinum products, 25% off as well.
Free shipping.
Now is the time to do your Christmas shopping and not burn the gas and fight the malls
and deal with the crime or have the packages, you know, stolen off your front porch.
Now's the time to support InfoWars and get great products at the same time
by taking action at infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And I'm done talking about that.
I want to thank you all for your support.
But believe me, you want X2, it takes two weeks to trigger on average.
I was told this by the scientists that developed it.
I'm like, yeah, right.
They said those sunspots on your faces 10 years ago will go away.
You'll have incredible libido.
If it takes two weeks on average to hit, you'll kind of feel like you're detoxing or sick in about two to three weeks for a couple of days.
And then you'll just feel this incredible burst of energy.
And it was, I likened it to when my children were little.
There's a place called Mount Bedell in Austin that's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of steps up to the top.
And if you've ever put your child on your shoulders and gone up something like that, when you take them off your shoulders, and I'm still carrying my kids on my shoulders when they were 60 pounds, it feels like you're flying.
And that's what it was like.
About two weeks, just like they said, I didn't feel anything.
All of a sudden, I kind of felt queasy and crappy and took a lot of naps and felt tired.
And that was the shift in my cells once it all got into the cells.
And then I just woke up one day for the best sleep of my life and was just like, whoa.
And then the sunspots went away.
I mean, I had big ones.
Look at my face before 10 years ago.
Boop, boop, boop, you know, like liver spots.
They just went away.
And I was like, what?
And then I was like, all of a sudden, like raging.
And it's a family show, but let's just be serious.
I mean, raging.
Mourning wood.
Just like, whoa.
Not since I was 18 did it, you know, hurt.
I'm trying to be graphic here, but it's real.
I mean, I was telling you, like, you know, you get an erection so strong, it hurts.
Like, ah, ah.
And look, it affects different people differently.
But if you're really deficient and take it, you're going to probably really feel bad when it kicks in for a while.
So talk to your physician.
This isn't a game.
Just try it.
You'll be hooked.
It's amazing.
Stay with us.
All right, look, we got loaded phone lines.
We're going to go to Lee, Paul, Patriot, Evan, Joe, Kathy, Gary, Steve, Russell, Robert, you name it.
And I'm just gonna start taking one call after the next for the next hour plus until Vivek Ramaswamy joins us
and I'm gonna intersperse some news as well.
But I gotta get to this 'cause it's such a good report.
It's so informative.
I talk a lot about Aldous Huxley, a lot about his brother that founded the UN
and how Huxley wrote books before he died saying, no, this is our real plan for you.
So when you read "Brave New World" written in 1932, you look today like, wow, they're really trying this.
So you need to understand they got a plan And we're exposing it.
And they're almost in control of the planet.
That's why my predictions come true.
Because it's their architecture plans.
It's their game plan.
It's their battle plan.
And it's like they're painting by numbers.
And so we can try to resist them, and we back them off, and we fight, but we tend to fight one issue and then go away.
And then fight another issue.
You fight the globalists and their whole program, and realize they're the ones getting full control.
They're the bad guys bringing in world government, bringing in cashless society, attacking the family, getting rid of the borders, starting all the wars.
And then it's game over.
You kill the hydra itself.
You stab it in the heart politically, not violently.
You don't just sit there and fight.
It's different heads that are coming at you.
So here's that report and we're going right to your phone calls.
What's being said on social media platforms.
We have launched an effort to be able to counter some of the negativity and reach out to people when we see hate speech being spoken about on online platforms.
This governor of New York's statement about how they're going to surveil everyone and then thought crime you is a big deal because they've already been doing this.
But now the ADL that runs this lady wants it codified into law.
You've seen the EU say recently, oh, don't worry, soon we'll be censoring Americans.
The EU threatening to arrest Elon Musk.
This is a big deal.
Governor Kathy Hochul says New York...
Now conducting special media surveillance efforts to monitor hate.
That's government taxpayer money to monitor what you say.
And I always point this out about the censorship.
It's surveillance and censorship.
And the surveillance is just as bad as the censorship itself.
None Dare Call It Conspiracy and many, many others like Cleon Skousen's The Naked Communist.
And then reading the New American Magazine, predicting what the world government would look like from their own documents, and getting heavily into the UN's library, and thinking, man, this is really fantastical, this is really totalitarian, this is really transhumanist, this is incredibly dangerous, and looks like Brave New World.
And then I read Brave New World, then I read Brave New World Revisited, which is non-fiction, and there was Aldous Huxley, whose brother founded the UN, Julian Huxley, who was the head of the World Eugenics Society and later the first transhumanist, saying in the 50s, we're going to end the sexes, break up the families, and turn humans into factory farm produced creatures that we control.
So that you have more and more people living their lives out as subordinates in these hierarchical systems controlled by bureaucracies, either The bureaucracy's a big business, or the bureaucracy's a big government.
Now, the devices that you were talking about, are there specific devices or methods of communication which diminish our freedoms in addition to overpopulation and overorganization?
Well, there are certainly devices which can be used in this way.
I mean, let us take, after all, a piece of very recent and very painful history, you see, Uh, propaganda used by Hitler, which was incredibly effective.
I mean, what were Hitler's methods?
it, they used terror on the one hand, brute force on the one hand, but he also used a
very efficient form of propaganda, which he was using every modern device at that time.
He didn't have TV, but he had the radio, which he used to the fullest extent, and was able
to impose his will on an immense mass of people.
I mean, the Germans were a highly educated people.
And Huxley wrote in Rabin World Revisited 1961 that this was the actual plan of the technocrats.
So see, I knew that the founding scientist of the UN and his brother had told her by the battle plan and then explained this is not a joke.
And then I went and looked at what they were planning in the 50s that was done by the 70s.
What they were planning in the 70s was done by the 90s, and I said, well, if we continue down the trajectory, what they're saying they'll have done by the year 2000, Agenda 2021, then they're going to do Agenda 2030, which is 90% foresty population.
Then they're going to do Agenda 2030, which is 90% foresty population.
That's going to get really nasty, isn't it?
It is the inventory and control plan.
Inventory and Control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world.
And this is a plan that was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992.
It's a United Nations plan.
It's called the agenda for the 21st century.
And so they are attempting it.
That's the whole point of the broadcast is we know the enemy plan.
We know their operation.
Now we know the trajectory only goes down until we start not complying and then building alternate systems.
Society goes up and down in cycles.
And the globalists know that and now they want a final cycle with an organized scientific takeover of civilization so it's the end of history, the end of cycles.
Very important report.
It's on Infowars.com and Bandai Video.
We are dying in the Huxley Eugenics nightmare.
This is a fact.
This is the real world.
This is what they're doing.
So let's learn about it.
Let's get informed about it and just face it.
Because they'll talk academically how they're doing it and roll it out.
And then when you say I don't want that, they have the ADL and ABC News and everybody else come out and say you're a terrorist.
No, they're saying it.
They're doing it.
It's happening.
They just killed 20 million of us to see if they could give us a poison shot and get away with it.
And they've not been getting away with it so far in the public arena, but they have criminally gotten away with it.
They've not been put in prison for what they've done.
Now, two-plus years ago, we came out with an emergency report, SPARS 2025-2028, three-hour program, got like 5 million, 4 million views on Bandai Video.
Needs to keep going viral.
And it's the battle plan written two years before they released COVID in 2000.
It's not really set in the year.
Or 2020.
It's not really set in the year 2025, 2028.
It's set in the year 2020, 2023.
And they have tweets in there as an example that are the exact tweets.
They just changed the dates and the acronyms around that they then ran years later.
So it's a battle plan, but again, you can't have a battle plan to release a bioweapon and then give poison shots.
You'll go to prison if you get caught.
So they put it in a drill.
There it is.
Emergency Saturday Broadcast World Shocked by SPARS 2025-2028 document.
And the reason I raise that is this article right here.
And you see this everywhere.
And they said, you know, Year 3 and 4 they would do this.
New York Times makes damning admission about school closures during COVID.
They admit that the mask didn't work, that it made kids depressed, that it caused suicide, that it retarded their development years, and that it was a horrible thing to do.
In the sparse document they say, starting in year three and after, we'll admit we were wrong, but we'll say it was an accident.
So they war game psychologically how all this would go.
They didn't war game though that you'd figure out their war plan and understand that was stage two.
So they were going to make you think, oh we're sorry everybody's infertile now, we're sorry everybody's sterilized, your governments did that.
That will discredit the governments further and then the big four pharma companies, J&J, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer, well they'll basically skate free.
Maybe their CEOs will resign, but it's an accident.
But it'll be blamed on government to then create more civil unrest that government incompetently did this.
And then there's liability protection given to the big pharma, where then when they have losses, the governments then pay for their losses.
This was a weaponized attack program.
Hour number two straight ahead.
Lee is first, then Paul, then Patriot.
I'm going right in the order they are received.
So get ready.
We're going to break.
But this is life and death information.
This is the enemy battle plan.
We have it.
We can stop them if we act like adults.
The public's not even stupid.
They're in a trance.
They're distracted.
The average man knows all the college and NFL football scores.
They think it's manly and cool.
They know it.
But if you know about politics, that's, like, weird, you know?
It's like an idiocracy when the guy knows how to do basic math, they go, oh, that's gay or whatever, you know?
Oh, he reads a book, look, he's a fag, you know?
I mean, no, no, you need to know how the world works.
This is the real war.
This is the real thing, and we're dialed in, you're dialed in.
We're gonna come back, hour number two, and I'm just gonna take call after call.
Get ready, hour number two, straight ahead.
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It's epic in this time of great censorship and tyranny to still be on air, and what the audience has done as activists in the arena keeping us on air is epic.
So I give Thanksgiving to you, a few days out from Thanksgiving, my friends.
We're showing some beautiful art that's pulled from the human subconscious by AI.
AI aggregates billions of people's thoughts and dreams, shows us a reflection of ourself, and we think AI made it.
No, that is the human subconscious.
And finally, I've seen what I dream about every night, but even more intense and more powerful.
All right, let's go ahead and go to Lee in the middle of the USA.
Lee, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, thanks Alex for taking my call.
It's an honor and privilege to talk to you.
Same to you.
What I'd like to talk about is the 40 informants that the FBI had on the Bidens.
I don't think you guys are really focusing enough on that, and I think there's a lot of juicy stuff to read there.
You're right.
I meant to play the Fox News pieces on that.
That's incredible, because they're all part of it getting the money, too.
Well, yeah, they are, but here's the thing.
They were keeping an eye on the Bidens for years.
Now, the Bidens had these documents in multiple places, too, and include Joe Biden's home, the Penn Biden Center, and then also a place in Chinatown, Baltimore, I believe it was, but don't quote me on that.
And I want to know what they had to say, because if you connect all of these dots, I have a feeling you're going to find out that Hunter Biden was committing treason and espionage against the United States.
Well, no, he's on audio recordings on his laptop saying, I work for the head of Chinese intelligence.
And it's all right out there.
He partied in multiple cities, or did business in multiple cities, with Yi Jianming and Hou Chi-Ping of the CEFC.
Both of them are Chinese intelligence agents.
One of them's a billionaire, and they live that billionaire lifestyle.
Yeah, but I want to know what they found and why did the FBI cover it up?
Chuck Grassley's claiming that these informants reported on crimes that the Bidens were committing and it was all hidden.
Yeah, they're above the law.
Trump's being indicted for a crooked toenail and then Hunter Biden's just running around.
But they put him there because he's compromised, because he'll do whatever they tell him.
I mean, that's the reason Biden was put there.
Yeah, oh, Hunter's busy, you know, running around all these different court cases, but he's also dropping off cocaine, you know, next to the Situation Room, you know, just in case.
And these things are just so obnoxiously obvious, Alex.
Yeah, they're a bunch of pedophile, drug addict, complete maniacs.
Look at the press secretaries.
They're a bunch of traitors.
They're a bunch of scum.
They're a bunch of bad people that get off on doing nasty bad things.
They'd have ten times the power if they just empowered the United States, but they're just too scummy to do that.
Why are our elected officials not reigning in this government agency?
Because they're insider trading and they're on the CHICOM funding tit as well.
I mean, look.
Look at Mitch McConnell's wife, a CHICOM agent.
And so that's why they're not doing anything because they're part of it.
It's obnoxious and there needs to be some accountability in D.C.
because all you have to do is connect the dots.
It's so simple, and if a kid sitting in the middle of nowhere can figure it out.
Yeah, we have a two-layer justice system.
Like, they're not going to charge Biden for his house and a storage shed, which he got as vice president.
It's illegal for him to have it.
Trump, it's legal to have secret documents.
And the feds are not going to indict Biden for it.
Of course they're not, because they're all part of selling out America, and they've done a great job of it.
It's very, very sad.
Well, Joe Biden should have never been on the ballot to begin with.
You know, Hunter was caught pre-election stealing from a military.
Wait a minute, are you saying the Bidens didn't win?
Should have never been on the ballot to begin with.
It's all a fraud, brother.
Appreciate your call.
All right, that's one call out of the way.
Great call.
We're going to break for one minute to join some stations, and I'm going to go right to your calls, Paul and everybody else.
So get ready.
But yeah, You know, the caller's like, why don't you spend more time with the Bidens?
It's known.
It's there.
Everybody knows.
The laptop was real.
All of it.
Yeah, Biden's a sellout.
Anybody will give him money.
I mean, there's new videos of him groping kids and hitting on six-year-olds.
I mean, yeah, he's a traitor.
He's a piece of garbage.
That's who the globalists chose for this moment.
Because he'll take all the blame for what they're actually doing.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Get your motor running!
Get on the highway!
Looking for adventure?
And whatever comes our way!
Explode into space!
You know, I told you a lot of years that I have dreams all the time, of stuff that I've never seen in popular culture or media.
And now they've released a bunch of AI that's trolling the human subconscious, and it's basically what I've seen.
Pretty amazing, but even more spectacular.
But still freaking me out.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see it.
Hell, just keep rolling it.
This is better looking than my ugly face.
Let's go to Paul in Rhode Island.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex, it's Paul.
Yes, sir.
Hey Alex, long time listener, first time caller.
I've been listening to you since the early 2000s when I was living in New York and handing out CD-ROMs, the 9-11 being an inside job, and it's great to be on your show.
I'm with you all the way.
There's one subject I want to talk about that I believe I have some specific knowledge that could be a great help to you and all the rest of the listeners.
And that is the science of food combining.
It comes from the Bible when Moses came down from the mountain.
One of the things he says in Leviticus is that the people of Israel should eat their breads and cereals in the morning and their animal flesh at night, meaning that to have the best health we possibly can, we should not eat animal flesh and carbohydrates in the same meal.
We can eat as much meat as we want, we can eat as much bread as we want, but we've got to separate them into different meals.
And also, fruits should be eaten alone, and as much fat as you want can be eaten with
And I incorporated this into my life, and within 30 days I lost 30 pounds, I wasn't
exercising, and I was eating as much as I possibly could.
Yeah, the 600-whatever-laws in Leviticus, I've looked at them, they all make sense,
Yeah, it was incredible.
I lost 30, 35 pounds in one month.
You can eat as much as you want.
You just, you can't eat eggs and toast.
You got to eat like eggs and avocado or just eggs and as much bacon as you can.
When you have a steak, you can't have a white potato.
You got to eat it with a, with a sweet potato or as much vegetables as you can.
So that's just one thing I wanted to share.
And you can find all the information in the, the towel of health.
I appreciate that.
Thanks for the call, buddy.
I appreciate it.
Let's go to Patriot in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Yes, Mr. Jones, man knows it all.
Good to speak with you.
I don't know about knowing it all.
I know that I know nothing, as Socrates said.
It's Patriot Rep, R-E-P, by the way, but that's okay.
Well, I'm sorry, I got it wrong.
What's your call sign?
Let's slow down and get it right here.
We're here doing this.
What's your proper call sign?
Hold on just a second.
Let's just slow down here.
What's your proper... Hold on.
Just have a ten second pause.
Just have a ten second pause here.
Everything's great.
My pet peeves get the names of the callers right.
What is your call sign again?
Patriot Rep.
Okay, go ahead now.
Yeah, I've been a long time supporter of you, Alex.
You know, like I said, we spoke before and I got your links directly on my campaign site at PatriotRep.com.
But I want to thank you and InfoWars and everybody out there for everything you do.
I'm praying for Owen.
But what I wanted to ask you was, did you see the Pete Santilli thing this morning?
That he put up.
Did you see that?
No, I didn't.
So, what is it?
It's a federal judge rule to prosecute the deep state.
So, I mean, it goes all the way back to the Oklahoma City bombing and carry on forth.
And some names were mentioned, some weren't, because there were still some sealed documents that he's going to release or he's going to expose.
But yeah, it's very, very interesting, man.
That's amazing.
So who's the federal judge?
What's going on?
I don't remember the Federal Governor's name, but you can go right to Pete Santilli on Rumble.
It's 3830.
It was 8 o'clock this morning.
He broke it all.
Alright, well I'll look into that. What else is on your mind?
Oh man, I just wish that people would support you more.
I know that, because you are, we are the resistance, Alex.
Well, I mean, it's not listeners' fault.
We haven't had most of the great products in.
We've had huge obstacles.
The listeners have done a great job.
But yeah, we're doing important work.
And God bless you, sir.
Sorry we got your name wrong.
Thank you so much.
Evan in California.
You're on the air.
Evan, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This is Evan, The Evangelist.
I've had the pleasure of speaking with you before.
I want to point out that in the Bible, 1 Timothy 6.10, it says that the love of money is the root of either all evil or all kinds of evil.
I notice that the deep state, what they promote is the love of money, because by doing that, they They take the power away from the people to do good things.
That's right.
Money is only a symbol of energy, and it's supposed to be a mode of exchange.
But they have unlimited through fiat, so they can literally buy anybody that doesn't have morals.
But if you have morals, then their money's worth nothing.
And that's why they want the Castle Society, it's why they want the ESG, the Central Bank Digital Currency, the Social Credit Score.
Because once they have that, man, we're in deep trouble.
I noticed when Andrew Tate was the number one Bugatti salesman on planet Earth, promoting that.
He was the most Googled man.
Well, he's no longer the most Googled man because they just changed the algorithm because he started to do good things.
And I want to point out that there's one or two or three big fat cat listeners listening right now that could pledge enough money to you single-handedly that you would be bankrolled.
You're not a Bugatti collector.
You're a guy doing good work.
I think people out there should Realize that when God gives you wealth, you use it for good, and then you're empowering the whole, you know, love of God with actually how you spend your money.
And you know, I'm an evangelist, so this is obvious that I would be thinking this, but people have to realize that I've noticed this over years, that the AI and the deep state, they promote people that love money.
I call it the Max Keiser effect.
People that Just say, "Hey, look, I collect money, I collect money."
Well, that gets other people to want to collect money, where we should be bragging about what we're able to do
with our money, and we should be pledging really to InfoWars.
I want to throw in that X2, when I started taking X2 iodine following your lead,
it lowered my blood pressure, made me a healthier guy.
So even though your products are world-class, I think there should be some fat cats really pledging to InfoWars and doing good work, and I think you'd be more effective if they did that.
God bless you.
I appreciate your support, brother.
Let's go to Florida and talk to Joe in Florida.
Joe, welcome!
Hey, thanks, Alex.
This is Joe Bender from Florida on X4.
I just would like Ramaswamy, when he comes on, to address however he would like to the issue of, you know, I saw these reports that he had his company Genovant worked on the lipid nanoparticles used in the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
And I haven't heard any, I've never heard him address anything to do with the vaccines.
So I would just like, you know, if he's listening now or if you could ask him when he comes on to comment on that.
No, that's a great question, and let me just, in honesty, explain this.
I interviewed him yesterday, and then we added a bunch of clips and made it like an hour-long documentary, so it's not going to be live next to how I interviewed him last night.
But next time he's on, he admits he was a nanotech company, a biotech company, that's what they were investing in.
I mean, I think he's not hidden from the fact that That he's been part of all that.
Definitely a very smart guy, and he's come out against the four shots and the lockdowns and all of it, but I promise you, don't let me forget, crew, next time he's on, maybe in the studio in a few weeks, I will bring up that.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate that.
Anything else?
Great work.
Well, a while back, this was actually the first time I talked to you, maybe a couple years ago now, but I mentioned space theory about the Black holes not existing and everything being, like the planets being connected to the sun, being connected to the galaxies and all the galaxies are connected via these, all these things are connected via these things called Birkeland's currents of electricity.
You could look into that.
I remember your call.
And you asked, you know, where do you think the energy is coming from?
And I kind of said, well, it's like a chicken and an egg thing.
I didn't have a really good answer for you.
And I think a good way to think of it is that it's coming from God.
Well, we know with the dark matter scans, it's five times more powerful outside of us, a higher dimension bleeding in.
Well, the thing is about dark matter is it's like a duct tape for bad theory.
It's kind of like you can fill in the blank.
Yeah, no, they don't know what it is, so they call it dark matter.
I totally agree.
So there's the Sun recently, theory about that, they've added that to patch in You know, how does the surface of the sun work?
Which, by the way, the sun is not a ball of gas.
It's condensed material.
Hold on, don't hang up.
I want to hear more of this when we come back.
Alright, we're taking your phone calls.
All sorts of stuff's being brought up.
And Joe's bringing up Theory of the Universe.
And we're told every new theory is a fact, and they keep changing it.
But you wanted to make a point about the sun, so just cut to the chase, Joe.
What are you saying about the sun?
You were talking about the surface of the sun.
Yeah, this guy, Dr. Pierre-Marie Robitaille, he is an expert on this subject, and he's done spectroscopic analysis, and he says that the Sun, and this makes sense from a gravity perspective, is not gas.
It's actually, plasmas can be liquid gases or solid.
And the Sun is a ball of either liquid and or solid Liquid, it seems to be on the surface, but it's not an illusion that it's a surface.
It's actually a liquid, he says metallic hydrogen, surface.
I was saying that the planets are connected to the sun via these Birkeland currents.
If the crew could pull up the cosmic web, there's these great photos of the cosmic web.
It's like the Birkeland currents going through Intergalactic space, and all the galaxies are positioned along these Birkeland's currents.
The arms of our galaxy are also Birkeland's currents, and the Sun is connected to the Earth via Birkeland's currents through the North and South Pole, and they acknowledge that there's these magnetic fields on Earth, but we know that magnetic fields and electrical fields always coexist.
They can't exist without each other, and so to deny that there's electric currents in space, but it acknowledges that there's
magnetic fields doesn't really make sense and Space is a perfect
Temperature to conduct electricity via these plasma currents because the colder we know superconductivity
on earth occurs at extremely cold temperatures and Well plasma doesn't have to be fully ionized to conduct
electricity And when it's fully ionized, you get, like, lightning.
It's fully ionized.
That's why it's bright and lit up.
But it doesn't have to be in that glow mode to conduct a lot of electricity.
And so the aurora borealis, Christian Birkeland, proved that the auroras were caused by electrical currents.
And these are called Birkeland's currents, after his work.
Sure, and I've had the head of ARPA on a minute.
They can even ignite the atmosphere.
All right.
Interesting points, Joe.
Thank you.
Gary in Missouri.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
It's such an honor speaking with you today, brother.
Honor to talk to you.
I want to talk about the rapid cancer and these injections.
Turbo cancer.
Turbo cancer.
So, my cousin, he passed away September 24th of this year, just almost two months ago, of cancer.
He first found out he got the cancer back in March.
The same month he turned 50.
He just turned 50 this year.
Well, anyway, he never smoked.
He didn't even eat red meat.
I mean, he took really good care of himself.
They first found the cancer in his lungs and his spine and his prostate, which is quite a lot just in a short amount of time.
But within just a couple of months, it spread all over his body.
Well, they admit that these mRNA shots literally turn cancer on.
That's in mainline science.
Everywhere they admit it's happening.
Pfizer admits it.
I mean, the life expectancy in every country that took the shots is going straight down.
He also got two strokes within a four or five month period.
And, you know, Alex, right after he passed... Did he take the shots?
Yes, right after he passed away, I learned that, well, he worked at Walmart too.
I don't think they mandate it, but he got two vaccines and then two boosters later.
So I'm guessing within between 2020 to 2022, he got, I don't know why he got so many shots.
And he was a Trump supporter too.
And I told him, I said, man, I have to take away from those shots.
And, but he just wanted to keep his job, you know, support his daughter.
I'm not a physician, Alex, but something smells funny in Philadelphia.
We've got all the studies.
They did it.
They admit it.
They just made a test in killing everybody.
I'm so sorry about that, my friend.
Yeah, cancer doesn't ruin our family.
Again, like I said, God bless everybody in this world.
I just hope to God that people can just realize that they're killing us.
They have 100,000 plus dollar bounties for every 200 children that they inject with it.
And it's the same all over the Western world.
You get a bounty for giving under two year olds a shot.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Now they have promo videos in the US, Europe, Canada.
I played one two days ago on Sunday where they're, oh, everyone has heart attacks now.
Little kids do.
You do.
It's normal.
You always had heart problems.
You just didn't know it.
It's so sick.
I appreciate your call.
Steve in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
I guess my question is, what are we going to get hit with next?
Okay, anybody that's been following your show for any length of time.
Alright, they hit us with the shots.
They're telling us that they're going to hit the internet, kill switch.
Trump supporters are going to attack the electrical grid.
And I honestly, in my personal belief, I think with all of these assets in the Middle East, history is going to repeat itself once again.
Problem, what does it cause?
Problem, reaction.
The Alien Dialectic, Problem, Reaction, Solution.
That's it.
That's it.
No, I think the question you raised almost when you first passed the order is what are they planning next?
I mean, they've already killed a bunch of us.
They're telling us what we're about to do, which means what they're about to do.
And with all of these assets in the Middle East, we've got submarines, aircraft carrier groups.
The Chinese got submarines.
That's where it's going to happen.
It has to happen over there because that gives them the place to do it, what they're going to do.
Something has to trigger off the Great Reset.
I mean... They've got to bring in the new currency.
It's like World War II set up the UN.
Now they're bringing in the big control.
And it's like a gun to their head to depopulate.
They just keep doing it.
Yeah, and you know, the other day I was going through my phone because I saved a bunch of stuff from BandBot Video.
And when you interviewed Andrew Huff, obviously I got his book.
I just got your book signed the other day.
Thank you.
I watched that whole video and it just blew my mind.
And that was in, I think, October of 21.
I may be wrong, but I know it was in 21 when you interviewed him.
And then when he started reading the book again, and it's like, I had a family member, I won't mention her name.
And I gave her these pamphlets from the Geoengineering Watch with Dane Williamson.
And there were four planes spraying us the other day over here.
And I says, do you see that?
I says, do you understand that they're spraying us with nanoparticles?
And she said, looked up at her and says, well, if that's what it really is.
And I'm just like, you know, like Ed Dowd said, we we can't waste our time with these people anymore.
They either have to be on board.
Get on board, and we just need to leave them behind.
That's right.
We have crazy mad scientists that believe they're God, literally killing the planet and telling us the Earth's about to die because we're bad, and civilization's about to collapse while they cut off the fertilizer, the food, the energy, the infrastructure.
I mean, this is it.
I don't know if they make deals with aliens, devils, whatever you want to call it, but they've made a deal to wipe us out.
And it's happening now.
And people pretend like they're part of the power structure going along with it.
You're not.
You're all destroying yourselves.
God bless you, Steve.
Thank you.
Russell, Nicholas, Alan, Jeff, Kevin, Bart, Frederick, Kathy, Lucy, Donna.
Boom, boom, boom.
Your calls when we come back.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
All right, so I'll give myself a B-minus getting the calls here.
They're great calls, but they're on too long.
We got to get to everybody.
So just be ready with your points.
I'm going right to you right now.
I'm going to California next to talk to Russell.
Russell, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
Happy holidays to you and your crew there.
One of the things that strikes us and some of my friends and colleagues and family members is that when Trump becomes president.
How is he going to implement all the things he wants to do, especially when you've got a deep state Justice Department, the Border Patrol, the media, and everybody who is going to rally against him?
Well, if he does what he should have done, he can fire every one of the directors and put people in when he gets in.
But how do you do that without force?
How do you do that?
Well, I mean, the presidency has the power to fire those people.
Well, I mean, I understand that he's going to wave a magic wand and they're going to leave their office and go on.
Well, I mean, under federal law, with executive positions, the president can fire all of them.
Every, the Justice Department head, all the U.S.
Bill Clinton fired all the U.S.
attorneys, or 98 of the 100, his first day in office in 1993.
Trump thought he could co-op them and have them work with him, and they lied to his face and he didn't do the background research he did on judges.
That's why we repealed Roe v. Wade.
It wasn't perfect.
But yeah, he can do that.
Yeah, but I can see the Republicans and the Democrats in the House and the Senate rally against him to make him lame duck and try and restrict him from doing it.
So what do you propose?
I'm just asking you.
Well, I hope so.
you I know I mean I mean they can even not confirm these people but they'll
still be basically recess appointments they'll still be acting well I hope so
you know we would like to see it without any kind of stacking body issues you
know yeah well they're trying to keep him out with all these fake indictments
and all the rest of it But no, Trump has said, I didn't understand before.
I didn't know they lied to my face.
He's going off their voting records and who they are.
He won't get everybody perfect in.
But if he gets in, that's why they're so scared.
That's why he says he's going to become a dictator, which isn't true.
It's because they're setting up a totalitarian system.
But no, the president I mean, I don't mean, I'm not even disagreeing with you, but it's just a fact the President can fire all these people.
right now he could fire Merrick Garland right now. Remember he fired the FBI
director remember that? Comey? Yeah. All right thanks for the call sir I
appreciate your call. I mean I don't mean I'm not even disagreeing with you but
it's just a fact the president can fire all these people so I don't you see why
do they refuse to leave? Well that's what they're accusing Trump of doing but he
Alright, let's go to Nicholas in Massachusetts.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, go ahead.
Hey, brother in Christ, General Jones.
Honor and a privilege to get through the airwaves.
Honor to talk to you.
What's on your mind, Nicholas?
I've been a listener right before the 2016 election.
Just dropped a buck-eighty on your outstanding products.
I try to support every month, you know, put your money where your mouth is.
You're the reason we're on air, brother.
Thank you, Nicholas.
Yes sir, thank you.
All I wanted to say is... YEAH!
The spirit of Massachusetts is the spirit of America.
I bought the Trump shirt that says, uh, support, uh, never surrender on the back, um, you know?
Hey, you're the one keeping us on air, brother.
You wanted to talk about, uh, what?
Uh, the products, they're just outstanding.
That's all I wanted to say, man.
Keep up the good fight, you know?
Brother, thanks for holding to say that.
It really means a lot to me.
That's why I hang in here.
We have a mission to complete.
Hope we can stay on air at least until the election.
Maybe for a lot longer, but it's you keeping us on air, so don't thank me.
I thank you.
Thank you, Nicholas.
Let's go to Jeff in South Carolina.
Jeff, go ahead.
Yep, go ahead, Jeff.
Hey Alex, listen, I do want to talk about the white supremacy comment that Joe Biden showed earlier you put on there.
But, on a personal note, I grew up without a father, raised by a single mom in China.
I remember asking her about my father and she said, quote, he was a fine American man, handsome.
He was called Fentanyl.
I was just thinking that might be you.
All right, brother, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, my six-year-old daughter loves Fentanyl, the Chinese communist dragon.
And so a few times in public and a few times when friends are over, she'll go, Daddy, let's look at Fentanyl.
People go, whoa.
So I named the dragon, the cartoon character Fentanyl, and then my daughter is always like, We were out with friends and family on 4th of July at some family's place, and we bought a little dragon that she wanted because she's not a fentanyl.
It shoots sparks out of its mouth and out of its tail, out of its rear end.
It's like a fountain.
And all the family's sitting there and friends are there, a bunch of people, like 30 people, and she's like, let's set off the fentanyl!
Let's fentanyl!
And I'm like, That's the power of a cartoon with kids, folks.
So she's only seen it a few times.
I just caught you, American!
And she... I didn't quite follow what you said about your dad, your mom, fentanyl, but wow, that's quite the call.
Thank you, sir.
Kevin in Colorado.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to ask you a question.
Joe Biden, during the first year of his presidency, I believe it was during a State of the Union address, He mentioned something really, really strange, and I've never heard anybody talk about it.
And sometimes when you talk about the vaccines and the possible cognitive issues due to prions, it reminds me of what he said.
And there was no segue.
He just spit it out of the blue.
And he said that there's going to be an epidemic of young Americans hospitalized And it's going to overwhelm our medical system.
I remember that.
Stop right there.
Guys, type in YouTube or Twitter.
Joe Biden says there's going to be an epidemic of young people who are sick.
And now Gates has been saying for a year the next virus will strike children.
I remember that very chilling.
What do you think he was slipping up and saying?
It was one of the most bizarre things I've heard from a guy that makes the habit out of saying bizarre things.
And I'll never forget him saying that either.
And this was during the, um, really the height of the pandemic.
That's Biden's State of the Union says, uh, what was the exact quote?
You said it right.
It was, uh, Biden says young people will be hospitalized with misery illness.
What was it?
It was, um, our medical system would be overwhelmed.
Like it was going to crash our medical system.
So Biden says an illness in young people will soon overwhelm our medical system.
I remember that.
Yeah, I was wondering if whenever you're talking about the vaccine and the Brian issue, maybe if you could play that clip.
Yeah, if this crew can't find it, we got other crew in the building.
Find me the clip, get it.
I remember he said it.
I think it's first or second State of the Union, right?
Yeah, yeah, real early in his presidency.
There it is.
Biden deploying military medical staff to help overwhelm.
No, that was him during COVID.
Just that this will, no, it's about young people in a mystery illness, overwhelming hospitals.
All right.
Anything else, Kevin?
No, keep on keeping on Alex.
It's going to be really weird going through the crash without you.
You know?
I've been listening a long time, brother.
And God bless you.
God bless you, man.
All right, let's go to Barton, Georgia.
Bart, you're on the air.
Yeah, sir.
I've taken time out of my busy schedule to go down to the post office, get stamps, write letters.
I've sent Owen two letters, and I heard The lawyer saying he's not getting his letters, and I don't want him to be abused further by my comments, but I'm calling out this abuse by the Oakdale facility, and whoever this incompetent warden is, he needs to be removed.
And I also got the X2 and Turmeric toothpaste.
Every drop counts, every dime counts.
Take advantage of the free shipping.
Look, Owen loves letters, but more importantly, just promote free speech and promote the fight against the globalists.
Letters are great, but of course they're not giving him the letters.
It's all about abusing him.
It's not an incompetent warden.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Yeah, well, I'm praying for Owen Schroeder.
I want everybody listening, I don't care what religion you are, pray for Owen right now and his safety.
Absolutely, and pray for all the political prisoners.
Thank you, sir.
All right, we're going to go break.
Come back with Lucy, Donna.
Elena and others straight ahead.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
The coordinates of freedom are band.video, just the word band, and then dot video, and not video, InfoWars.com, but they block Band.Video being promoted on any major big tech site, but the site to tweet out that takes you there is MadMaxWorld.TV, and all the sub URLs, MadMaxWorld.TV, MadMaxWorld.TV.
Please share it now.
It's all going to help us win.
We're racing through your phone calls here on this live Tuesday, November 21st transmission.
Lucy in California, welcome, thanks for calling in.
Hi Alex, I love you.
Love you too.
So I'm calling the power of prayer.
I know that you've You said that the power prayer for a global awakening so I think it's happening and we're seeing it and I think we should just continue to pray and for you know for the elections to come in next year for God to intervene and I know that you said that you want to pray more on air and I think millions of us watching and joining you in prayer I think we can move mountains.
No I agree and look as bad as things are if we don't fight back they'll just be much worse and so we have a responsibility to stand up against this Yeah.
Well, yeah, that's all I wanted to say and I hope that God intervenes.
I pray that God intervenes in the next year's election and that we win.
I pray that too.
Thank you, Lucy.
Amazing call.
Frederick in Indiana, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, a couple things.
I'm in my 50s.
I don't play video games, but I bought your game and the voiceovers are just hilarious.
People really need to buy it.
It's just funny.
Let me say something about that.
It's been a giant hit in the reviews.
It's been mega viral everywhere.
It hasn't made a ton of money.
We're trying to fund the operation with it, but it's been a success.
Monetarily, moderately so, but as for news, the top video game reviewers have said it's the best throwback game in a decade, and they're blown away by it.
The people that made it approached me like almost two years ago and said, will you do a game?
And I knew they'd make it.
Actually hit the wrong button here, sorry.
And so the game has turned out to be really great, and I'm very, very proud of it.
So I'm glad you liked it.
Oh, it's fantastic.
It's great.
I'm so glad I got it.
And people really need to buy it.
Another thing.
Shortly after President Turd in my pants took office, I had a couple dreams about Chinese troops on our soil.
And this was before Michael Yohn's reporting.
Of course, the Darien Gap and the Chinese military-age men coming across our border.
A couple questions.
Do you think they have sleeper cells in every state?
And how and when, in your opinion, maybe in your gut, do you think those sleeper cells will be activated?
They're totally normalizing.
The Chi-Coms run most of Hollywood.
They run most universities.
Thousands of public schools they fund and control.
And so if we get in a major war with China, they'll activate them however they want.
Mainly cyber attacks.
It could be physical attacks.
I mean, we're just... Our sovereignty, our space, our...
Territory Americans are taught to be walked on that's why the LGBT PS pedophile Satan groups literally are brainwashing elementary students and even Preschool students.
I mean, it's just all about walking on us, training us to be slaves, cutting our sons' genitals off.
I mean, we were already completely overrun.
I mean, it's not going to come with U.N.
It comes with U.N.
treaties over our health care.
We were already under a U.N.
emergency with lockdowns, and masks, and shots, and just all of the abuse.
We're already in it.
So you don't think they'll shut down, say, the grid, and you'll blow up the... Oh, no, no, no, no.
That's down the road.
They've got that planned.
But I'm saying we're already under UN treaties.
We're already under the new world order.
If they need to fire shots, they'll do it later.
We already have a Justice Department at war with the American people.
And with all the universities indoctrinating these students, how do you feel that will come into play in terms of all the youth Well, most of the colleges don't teach Z.G.
Ping's great, Mao's great.
They just teach malice ideology and the breakdown of society and fund Black Lives Matter.
That's why Antifa calls themselves a malice movement.
So when you look at it, it's malice because it's hand in glove.
With the Weathermen, with the Democratic Party.
I mean, half the Weathermen ended up in the U.S.
I mean, the government is run by super evil academics who obviously don't want freedom for people.
That's their pop culture communism.
It's all about absolute control for them.
One final question.
I know you got to go.
All the sources you've had throughout the years, particularly the ones that you really got to keep secret, Are there one or two or a couple things that maybe you've been told that you just cannot tell us?
No, I mean, everybody thinks intelligence agencies like Hollywood and James Bond are magic.
They're some of the most brainwashed control people ever.
Almost all of my research, almost all of my work is open source.
The world government, the Satanism, the pedophilia, the open borders, it's all out in the open.
I mean, yeah, like a TSA source, hey, they're going to try to roll out lockdowns again, and they tried it.
They've actually done it in Australia, mask, all of it again.
That's a source on a particular thing that's about to happen.
So those are very valuable.
I'm not saying this to act cool or something, but, I mean, the intelligence agencies listen to me.
I don't listen to them.
They're not telling me what to say or do.
There's a bunch of people in those groups that have tried to play ball with the system, and they've been put in power because they're yes-men and women.
Or they've got a chip on their shoulder.
But some of them aren't bad people, and they've now been de-departmentalized.
And so that's really where it's at.
I mean, I don't really get anything from these intelligence agencies and people.
There's nothing, there's nothing of any use, all a bunch of crap, a bunch of controlled
They just love their title and think they're secret agents.
They can't even find their ass in both hands, most of them.
And I had family back when things weren't internet intelligence, it wasn't signals intelligence,
it was mainly human intelligence who thought they were serving the country.
And you know, and they just, they came back and said, "We can't tell you, but the government's
evil and kidnaps children and are devil worshippers."
The whole government's evil.
And then all they do is go to church five days a week and just freak out and stay in their houses after whatever they saw.
So, I mean, that, that, but we can't tell you.
It's just the government's pure evil.
It's all over.
Better get Jesus.
You know, that's it.
Well, what?
On their deathbed, they kidnap children.
They murder them.
I saw it.
You know, it's like deathbed confessions.
Not people that did anything, but they just saw it.
Two things.
I want to inspire all of us during this dark time.
I mean it's just like so I mean that's it just total filth total trash totally
electric government. Let's go ahead Donna in Texas you're on the air go ahead.
Hi two things I want to inspire all of us during this dark time not only winter
but obviously the dark time that we're in to heed a call of our time and that
That is two things.
First, if you will be gracious to play my song, We Are One, that unites us, Alex, in the great I Am.
And then the second part of my message is that in the darkness of winter, also in darkness of time, we're called to do giving and charity.
And so I just want to encourage all of us to live a new charitable lifestyle.
It actually heals the mind, it heals the body, and it restores the soul individually and collectively.
To give charity to InfoWars, even if you commit 22 bucks a month, continuously.
And I choose $22 because 22 means completion.
It means fulfillment.
It means justice.
So I just had an idea and I emailed you for everybody around the world to commit to charity.
$22 to InfoWars.
And people in your community to InfoWars.
Well, thank you.
That'd be great if people want to support your great product at the same time.
And we're trying to stay on air, but at a certain point I'm tired of begging.
We'll just shut down.
I mean, look, but the point is, is that, is that Spreading the word about the truth and fighting the globalists is most important, and I appreciate your support, but I just don't want to squeeze people to support us if they want to.
That's great.
The big thing is we got products you need to enrich your life like X2 and others right now.
But tell us the name of your song again.
I think you called in like six months ago.
I think I saw your song.
It was pretty good, and I'm going from memory.
You called in before, right?
She dropped off.
Okay, I wanted to say the name of the song again.
All right.
The Vivek Raviswani interview I did last night is coming up.
We added a lot of clips, a lot of documents to it.
It's almost like a documentary.
And then There's going to be Mike Adams and more in the fourth hour today in the War Room, 3 p.m.
Central today with Harris Smith filling in for the imprisoned Owen Schroyer.
But yes, we're in very, very, very trying times.
So we're going to go to break, and I'm going to come back, and I'm going to go to Alan, and then I'm going to go to...
Elena, and I'll try to get to as many of these as I can.
But I need to go to the Vivek Ramaswamy interview, because that fills up the rest of the hour.
So we'll have five more minutes when we come back.
But yeah, X2's back in stock.
It's the purest iodine out there.
It's incredible things for your body.
25% off.
Shoreline free shipping.
Double paid for your points.
Black Friday comes early.
And that's it.
But if people...
Want to donate, you go to Infowars.com, up there at the top, and just donate.
We have the whole Democratic Party, you know, spending $50 million the last few years suing us, trying to shut us down.
Every dirty trick in the book.
Every lie you can imagine.
Just, I mean, I've seen how they lie and how they twist, and it'll give you a headache.
So I don't even pay attention to that, the attacks on us.
I just move forward, cover the news, cover the information, because if I just whined all day, you know, about what's going on with me personally or InfoWars, the show would be worthless.
They intend to attack us, so we just talk about the attack instead of the issues for everybody.
It's like Owen.
We can spend ten minutes a day on Owen, but if we spend the whole four hours, we lose the war.
And that's what I try to explain to people.
We'll be right back.
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Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Mr. Ramaswamy, let me turn to you.
Please make your case.
Why should you be the nominee and not the former president?
I think there's something deeper going on in the Republican Party here.
And I am upset about what happened last night.
We've become a party of losers at the end of the day.
It's a cancer to the Republican establishment.
Let's speak the truth.
I mean, since Ronna McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017, we have lost 2018, 2020, 2022, no red wave that never came.
We got trounced last night in 2023.
2022 no red wave that never came we got trounced last night in
2023 and I think that we have to have accountability in our party for that matter on if you want to come on stage
tonight You want to look the GOP voters in the eye and tell them
you resign?
I will turn over my yield my time to you And frankly, look, the people there are cheering for losing in the Republican Party.
Think about who's moderating this debate.
This should be Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk.
We'd have ten times the viewership asking questions that GOP primary voters actually care about and bringing more people into our party.
Do you think the Democrats, and we've got Kristen Welker here, do you think the Democrats would actually hire Greg Gutfeld to host a Democratic debate?
They wouldn't do it.
And so the fact of the matter is, I mean, Kristen, I'm going to use this time, because this is actually about you in the media and the corrupt media establishment, ask you the Trump-Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years.
Was that real or was that Hillary Clinton made up disinformation?
Answer the question.
Mr. Rahm, this is how we get our country back.
We need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election.
They rigged the 2020 election with the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Mr. Rahm, your time is up.
Let me turn to Governor Christie.
What happened on the night before the debate was the Republican Party, nationally, got trounced.
And everybody... Destroyed.
Totally destroyed.
I mean, Ohio.
These are red states, okay?
Oh, Kentucky and Ohio, certainly.
And so, I'm walking in, this is the morning after that trouncing.
This is the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee.
She's coming, she's like, hey, how are you?
I'm like, I'll give you a handshake.
She's like, how you doing?
I said, not that well, given that last night didn't go very well.
She's like, what happened last night?
Like oblivious?
Is she saying a joke nearly?
No, no, no.
She's saying it almost angrily, right?
Because I was like, did I send it well?
She's challenging me.
She says, well, what happened last night?
Oh, okay.
Like, what happened last night?
I don't know what happened last night.
Tell me what happened last night.
And I'm just like, this is the person who's accountable for running the Republican Party.
I said, we lost the election.
She said, we have nothing to do with that.
I run the National Party.
These are state races.
We have nothing to do with that.
So where's... and then starts to escalate her voice and says, I refuse to fall on the sword for this one.
I refuse to fall on the sword for this one.
This is not my fault.
And it's like, okay, clearly she's been criticized all day for this.
How many minutes before you hit the stage is this happening?
Oh, this is like early, this is in the morning, right?
Okay, it's pre-game prep, yeah.
You kind of go through, they show you where you're going to be standing, here's your microphone, so that's where this happens.
So, it's not like I surprised her on the stage, alright?
She knew where I'm at on this.
She had already had a long morning with this topic.
Oh, of course, and should!
I mean, she- 2018?
No red wave.
Total drubbing for the Republican Party.
This is the individual who's the national chairwoman.
She runs the entire Republican National Committee.
Where's the accountability?
So I get on stage, and you're getting some, like, you know, standard, you know, beaten dead old horse Donald Trump question.
I said, forget that.
Let's talk about what happened last night, because the last two elections he's been out, Republicans have gotten trounced for different reasons, so stop blaming The boogeyman.
There's an accountability problem within the Republican Party.
And so, so I say on stage that Ronna McDaniel, if she wanted to come up on stage, and I meant it, if she did want to come up on stage, you know, debate stage time is valuable, but I would still yield my time to her if she wants to use the microphone, look the American people in the eye and say she resigns, which would be good for the Republican Party.
And I believe she should resign.
So what does she say?
So then the press reports, there's people apparently sitting in her row or behind her or in front of her where she is.
Think about this, the neutral arbiter of the Republican National Committee later in the debate, when I'm sparring with other candidates, booing when I'm speaking, clapping against other candidates when they're speaking against me.
She was booing?
Who was booing?
She's booing me at other points in the debate.
And I don't care about that, but think about your dereliction of duty.
You're supposedly the neutral arbiter.
Of the entire National Republican Party hosting a debate, it's like a referee cheering in the middle of a game between two teams.
It doesn't make sense.
If the referee is booing or hollering in favor of one team or the other, that's what that looks like if she's the arbiter.
Mr. Ramaswamy, let me turn to you.
Please make your case.
Why should you be the nominee and not the former president?
I think there's something deeper going on in the Republican Party here.
And I am upset about what happened last night.
We've become a party of losers at the end of the day.
We're a cancer in the Republican establishment.
Let's speak the truth.
I mean, since Ronna McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017, we have lost 2018, 2020, 2022, no red wave that never came.
We got trounced last night in 2023.
And I think that we have to have accountability in our party.
For that matter, Ron, if you want to come on stage tonight, you want to look the GOP voters in the eye and tell them you resign, I will turn over my yield, my time to you.
And frankly, look, the people they're cheering for losing in the Republican Party.
Think about who's moderating this debate.
This should be Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk.
We'd have ten times the viewership asking questions that GOP primary voters actually care about and bringing more people into our party.
Do you think the Democrats, and we've got Christian Welker here, do you think the Democrats would actually hire Greg Gutfeld to host a Democratic debate?
They wouldn't do it.
And so the fact of the matter is, I mean, Christian, I'm going to use this time, because this is actually about you in the media and the corrupt media establishment.
I ask you, the Trump-Russia collusion hoax that you pushed on this network for years, was that real or was that Hillary Clinton made up disinformation?
Answer the question.
Mr. Rothberg, this is how we get our country back.
We need accountability because this media rigged the 2016 election.
They rigged the 2020 election with the Hunter Biden laptop story.
Mr. Ramaswamy, your time is up.
this election accountability. Let me turn to governor, governor Christie. Why you.
It's Tuesday, November 21st, 2023.
And I got to say the smartest guy in the Republican and Democratic field is here.
Trump's a man of steel, a great patriot, incredible.
But visit Ramaswamy at the Republican debate a few weeks ago.
...went from platinum to like triple crown platinum, where he called out the media for lying, where he devastated the Republicans, where he told Joe Biden to just go ahead and resign right now, you're a puppet.
It was incredible.
So in the time we have with him today...
We're going to intersperse this with clips from the debate and kind of a Vivek Ramaswamy's greatest hits.
I want him to hit whatever he wants up front right now, currently on Tuesday, November 21st.
But then I also want him to just talk about what else he would have said at the debate where he already totally dominated if they weren't cutting him off.
So Vivek, congratulations on the incredible work you're doing.
You're definitely setting brush fires in the minds of men and women.
So I'm going to just try to shut up for the next 20 minutes.
You've got the floor.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I think that I will call out the corruption in the Democratic establishment.
In some ways, that's too easy.
Biden has sold off our foreign policy to make his own family rich.
The $5 million bribe paid to Hunter Biden by Ukraine is the reason why we're sending $200 billion of our taxpayer money to Ukraine.
So I'll call out that corruption.
I'll call out the corruption in the media establishment.
Frankly, Kristen Welker from NBC News Who the RNC hired to run that last debate has been pushing the Trump-Russia collusion hoax for years, has been pushing the idea of the Hunter Biden laptop story being Russian misinformation for years without a shred of accountability.
Well, my view is that we need to hold them accountable, but nobody else in the Republican Party has had the spine or ability to do it.
So I did that on that debate stage.
But you know what?
I can't hold the Democrats accountable.
And I can't hold the mainstream media accountable with credibility if I'm not also speaking truth about the Republican Party.
And so, the Republican Party deserves accountability as well.
You got Ronna McRomney-McDaniel, who has taken over the RNC in 2017, after which we lose 2018 and disasters in 2020, 2022, 2023.
which we lose 2018 and disasters in 2020, 2022, 2023, how many more times do you need to learn the same lesson
before you say time to get the person out?
And so I called for accountability with respect to her failures as well, saying she needed to be fired.
And you know what?
I would call her up on the debate stage to look the American voters in the eye and tell them that she resigns as well.
So whether it's the Democrats, the Republicans, or the media, we need to start speaking the truth again in this country.
And in many cases, they just continually prove my point.
Ronna McDaniel, what did she say?
Literally during the debate, she's booing me.
According to press reports, what she was sitting near the third row is actively booing while I'm speaking during other parts of the debate.
And then says that I am not going to get another cent of funding from the RNC as though it was her money in the first place.
It's like a squatter in a rent-controlled apartment who ends up thinking they own the place.
It's time to evict.
And so this is what's broken, Alex, is the real divide in our country.
It's not between black and white.
It's not even between Republicans and Democrats.
The Republican Party sometimes behaves like it's a subsidiary of the Democratic Party.
The real divide in this country is between the managerial class, the bureaucrats, both in the public and private sector.
That's what I call the swamp not just in government but outside of government.
Between that swamp and the everyday citizens.
They're trying to impose on us the Great Reset, where they dissolve the boundaries between the public and private sector, between companies and the government, between the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, for that matter.
Well, what we're standing up for is what I call the Great Uprising, where we say hell no in response to that.
We, the people, sort out our differences through free speech and open debate in the public square, where every citizen's voice and vote counts equally.
That's who we are as Americans.
I said I'd give you the floor, but I've got to interject here because you made so many
key points that were all so important.
It was the points I would have made, but you did it much better than I could have.
NBC News, Fox, all of them, CNN, they're squatters.
They just expect this.
Why would the Republicans go and want an establishment dead network when I was on Steven Crowder that night?
It had more viewers, over 2 million viewers, live than they had on that whole show.
And you knew that even before the numbers came out.
You said, why is it this on Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or Elon Musk?
The Republicans can't be that dumb.
They're propping up the old system.
And you're a symbol of the new system, the new renaissance, the relaunch of America, 1776 Part 2.
And you literally called them out and said, you're a fraud.
Do you want to apologize as the corporate media That has lied to us.
And if the Republicans would just do what you've done, they would take the country by storm, legally and lawfully, but they won't.
So are they that dumb?
Or are they blackmailed?
Or are they afraid of the Justice Department, Vivek Ramaswamy?
Why won't they figure it out?
Coming down to one factor, Alex.
That's the answer.
Money is the mother's milk of modern politics.
And you see, I'm an outsider.
I'm a businessman.
I'm not a politician.
I've learned a lot this year, though.
Every single politician in both political parties dance to the tune of their biggest donor.
That's the hard reality.
Now, in my case, that biggest donor is me, which is why I'm able to speak the truth without being dependent on them.
But the answer comes down to the same people who are pulling the strings in the Democratic Party, the same kind of people pulling the strings in the Republican Party as well.
It is old school, ancient form of corruption.
That's the answer.
And the Republican Party, it's funny, Ronna McDaniel, she's going on with Kristen Welker later that Sunday on Beat the Press after I excoriated and torched both of them.
They were in a mutual therapy session.
It's really interesting that this is the network and this is the anchor at that network.
Who has been pushing the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.
That was the first election that was stolen.
The 2016 election.
The one where Trump wasn't allowed to govern.
Because of that particular part of the mainstream media especially pushing that hoax.
And the lies they've pushed ever since.
From the origin of COVID-19.
All the way to the Hunter Biden laptop story.
All the way now to how our money's being spent in Ukraine.
That's the people who the Republican National Committee hires to ask questions.
On behalf of GOP primary voters?
It's a joke.
So right now we have a party that is badly out of touch with its own base.
It comes down to the corrupting influence of money in politics.
And I think we need to fix it.
But the sad part is, Alex, is right now it's... I wish it wasn't the case that only self-made wealthy people were the ones that could run for president and stand for the right values.
But until we fix this system, the reality is I'm in a position to do it because I've been able to achieve success in this country.
I've lived the American dream.
Now I want to give back to this country in a way that allows our kids to live that same American dream.
You are definitely a maverick in the Trumpian model, but I have to say, even more informed.
What do you make of the anti-globalist Javier Mille winning and what he's about to do?
That's another bellwether of the people are hungry, hungry for freedom.
Ministry of Culture.
Ministry of Sustainable Environment and Development.
Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity.
Ministry of Public Works.
Even if you resist.
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Ministry of Tobacco, Employment and Social Security.
Ministry of Education.
Ministry of Transport.
Ministry of Health.
Ministry of Social Development, out!
The work of politics is over.
Long live freedom, damn it!
It seems so.
(speaking in foreign language)
(audience cheering)
What do you make of the anti-globalist Javier Mille winning and what he's about to do?
That's another bellwether of the people are hungry, hungry for freedom.
Absolutely, and this is a transnational movement, Alex, right now, so really happy to see Javier take it over.
This is a guy who literally shares the same vision for his country's bureaucracy as I do for the bureaucracy in our own country.
He does not believe in incremental reform.
He believes in, really, a form of revolution.
The peaceful, through the electoral process, but The kind of revival of the American Revolution.
That's what I want to bring into this country's spirit and the ideals of the American Revolution.
I see him doing a version of that in Argentina.
This is a country that needs it.
I mean, Argentina has 125% year-over-year inflation.
The country that used to be top 10 economically, now it's floundering because of effective quasi-socialists that have run that country forever.
Well, this is a guy who's saying hell no to the vision of the Great Reset.
He's on the side of the great uprising.
Says that we, the people, in his country, are the ones that are actually going to- And look at Bukele in El Salvador, and they elected a patriot in Italy, and Sweden, and everywhere right now, populists are getting elected.
Can you speak to that and what that symbolizes?
Yeah, I think it symbolizes the fact that this isn't just about the United States of America.
This isn't about just Republicans and Democrats.
This is a transnational movement.
You know, even in 1776, we had the American Revolution.
1789, you got the French Revolution.
Now, theirs went sideways because they didn't do some things the right way that we did in this country.
But the fact of the matter is, when freedom things, it doesn't limit itself to just one nation when it happens.
It's the same international forces, the old monarchy in the old world, that Impeded free citizens and free people on both sides of the Atlantic.
Well, the same thing is happening today from the United States to Argentina to parts of Western Europe, even if you look at the truckers in Canada a couple of years ago before they wiped their bank accounts clean.
This is something that's bigger.
We live in a modern 1776 moment, Alex, in a good way and through this time in a peaceful way through the electoral process in Argentina this year and in our country next year.
We're going to revive The spirit that this country was founded on.
We the people create a government that's accountable to us, not the other way around.
And Vivek, as you know, as you know, Newtonian physics, every action is an opposite reaction, an equal reaction.
Just like there's the WUF and BlackRock with its global tyranny, people instinctively in an organic level all over the world are rebelling against it.
And that's what's so beautiful about it.
And we can see the leaders like Javier Mille, or you, or Trump, or so many others.
You've got, you know, just off one national debate, Gert Wilder's party has now gone to the pole position in the Netherlands.
This is very, very exciting time to be alive right now.
Yes, it is.
It's a very exciting time to be alive.
I think that imagine if you were alive in the spring of 1776.
Thomas Jefferson, he was 33 years old when he signed that Declaration of Independence.
And that's why I'm also in this, Alex.
And I think it's going to take somebody with fresh legs, somebody whose best days in life are still yet ahead.
To see a country whose best days can still be ahead.
That's what Thomas Jefferson saw.
That's what I see in this country.
And when you think about these great revivals, the revolutions, the revivals of history, it's always been people of the next generation who are leading the way.
And so I feel some sense of responsibility to do it.
Not because it's convenient for my family.
It's not.
But because if we don't step up and do it, I don't think anybody is.
And, you know, we each look ourselves in the mirror and ask ourselves, how are we going to make the best use of our own God-given talent.
Well, this is how we're going to do it to revive this country.
And I'm feeling really good.
My heart, my gut instinct says we're going to be successful in reviving this.
Let me ask you this question.
Because you're not a hyphenated American.
You're an American.
Just like I've got an English last name.
I'm not an English-American.
I'm an American.
But I know, because I run into him all over the streets of Austin, all over the country,
and I see the numbers.
What is the experience of people of Indian heritage, statistically, that are so pro-Trump,
so free market, so in the revolution.
I know you're an American, born here, raised here, you're an American, but you're also an Indian American.
What's up with the Indians really getting it?
They believe in merit.
I mean, I'm talking about, like, my extended family members and everybody else.
You can't speak for everybody, but in general, the people who come to this country who are of Indian origin, they've left a country where there's kinds of affirmative action and a lot of other broken systems to say, I want to go to a country that values meritocracy.
Where you get ahead, not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character.
Where you get ahead through your own hard work and commitment and dedication without anybody standing in your way.
Yes, you know, family is the foundation of a great society, and we're not going to apologize for that.
Those are values that I wish more Indian Americans learned were better embodied by our pro-American movement, the America First movement, than the Democrat Party.
So the sad truth is many of them did go for Democrats for the last 15 to 20 years, but I'm trying to teach immigrants from every country that if you stand for family values, you stand for actual meritocracy in this country, you don't want Somebody else getting in your way of achieving the maximum of your God-given potential, then actually there's a better way to do this.
I don't even talk about Republicans and Democrats that much, Alex, because I do think that the Republican Party is badly broken.
Of course, the Democrats are worse.
But I talk about this as to whether or not you're pro-American or anti-American.
And if you're pro-American and you stand for the values and the ideals of the American Revolution, Then we're on the same team.
Let me ask you this.
What did you make of the bowing down to Xi Jinping?
We love the Chinese people, great people, but Xi Jinping running slave camps, the most tyrannical country really in world history for numbers raw.
I don't think that's debatable.
What did you make of them blocking Elon Musk out of the meeting and then them just prostrating themselves before him?
I thought that was pretty disgusting.
Oh, it's pretty disgusting.
Yeah, this is the real master for so many American companies.
Tim Cook or Larry Fink, they're Xi Jinping's circus monkeys.
Xi will say jump, they will ask how high because it comes down to money.
Xi says you don't get to enter the Chinese market if you criticize the CCP, but Xi Jinping will roll out the red carpet if those same companies from BlackRock to Apple criticize the United States or apply emissions caps here in the United States.
Even if they don't apply those same emissions caps to China.
So I think we thought, Alex, we made a mistake in this country where we thought we could use our money to get them to be more like us.
Instead, what China realized is they could use access to their market, their money, to get us to be more like them.
I totally agree.
And look how they banned Jon Stewart's show that was successful because he criticized UGPing and the Uyghur slaves.
I mean, it's not Alex Jones being censored now, it's Jon Stewart.
What would you do as president with the China situation?
So I would sit across the table from Xi Jinping.
We'd have a very different meeting than the one by Pat.
I will tell him, you will not buy land in this country.
You will not donate to universities in this country.
companies will no longer expand or be allowed to expand into the Chinese market.
We'll kick you out of the WTO, and you will be held accountable financially using every financial lever we have available, including our national debt.
For unleashing hell on the world with the COVID-19 pandemic.
And we're not going to do business with China until China's playing by the same set of rules.
No intellectual property theft, no data theft, no turning our companies into lobbying pawns.
That's the hard answer.
Wow, in the time we have left, I want you to be able to make any other key points you want.
We're so honored to have you.
Look, they could assassinate Trump, God forbid, whatever.
I support Trump, and I think he's a good guy in many ways.
I think, quite frankly, issue-wise, you're more informed than Trump.
I'm just being honest.
I know he hears about the show, he watches it, he gets mad.
That's great.
Because we just want to encourage him to be even better.
But I'm really impressed overall, and I had good feelings about you, you know, a year ago, six months ago, read your book before you ran, one of your books before you ran.
But I want to throw a wild card at you.
I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
I know they killed his dad in front of him, killed his uncle on TV in front of him.
I want to think he's one of us.
When you look at his record of wanting carbon taxes and arrest people that question global warming and he wants AI
to control everything.
And he needs to repudiate all that or say which Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. he is.
And I see him hurting Trump in the polls.
If Trump dropped dead of a heart attack tomorrow, I'm still supporting you.
You or Trump. I'd be happy with both of you.
And I've been honest. I say I'm happy with either one.
You're the two best candidates.
But if you were running third party, I'm not saying do that because you're not on the ballot.
And, you know, it's not going to happen.
But I would I would have a real problem who I was going to vote for.
It was Vivek Ramaswamy, third party or, you know, Trump.
We know Biden's propped up as a fraud.
Be honest here.
What do you think of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.?
Because I respect your opinion.
Yeah, so I think he is, I would like to think of it, Alex, as he's going through an evolution, right?
We're all human beings, right?
So I would like to give him some benefit of the doubt here.
But I'm going to need hard proof from him that he has evolved his own positions.
We're human beings, we're allowed to change our mind, but him saying that if you're spreading climate disinformation you should be put in jail, that's a concern for me.
Him coming out in favor of racial reparation, that's a concern for me.
And so my view is, I give him a lot of credit for standing up to the orthodoxy of the Democratic Party, for otherwise standing for self-governance, standing against the weaponization of the financial system, and being against the war in Ukraine.
I know from first-hand experiences, those are difficult positions to take, and I give him a lot of credit for that.
That being said, before I would consider him in any role on a cabinet in my administration, or even involved in any way, I'd need to make sure that his values on issues relating to free speech and not bending the knee to the climate religion, and I would say that his allergic reaction to the Second Amendment, I would want to spend some time with him, and I think I could persuade him.
Actually, Alex, I think he needs somebody who's actually sitting with him.
and actually debating him and persuading him.
And then I think we can actually knock some sense into him on some of those other issues
where he's been missing it.
So I see a lot of potential there, but we're going to need to do some work in terms of,
you know, I would say enlightening him on some issues where he might not actually have
fully grasp of it.
Vivek, that is a perfect, perfect answer.
I couldn't say it that well myself.
That is exactly where I am.
He needs to stay who he is because he needs to put out, he needs to put a platform.
I think he's still discovering who he is.
I think he's still discovering who he is is the truth, Alex.
He needs to put a platform out.
How do people find you?
How do people get behind you?
Because obviously the establishment hates you like they hate Trump, which is really the gold star example.
We've got three minutes left.
You've got to go.
What else do you want to add to the viewers?
What else do you want to add to the listeners?
And then how do people get behind your campaign?
I think one thing is go to FireRana.com.
I made that after the Republican debate.
Just put your name down on the list.
It's not asking for money or anything else.
Just say you want to fire Ronna McDaniel.
She deserves to be fired.
So go to fireronna.com.
That's your name.
Next one, sign the No to Neocons Pledge.
Okay, I made that at notoneocons.com.
Go there and say, you know what?
The job of the U.S.
policymakers is to look after the citizens of the United States of America.
And then if you like this campaign, great.
Join us as a volunteer.
I'll take donations, grassroots donations, even if it's a dollar.
We're sending a signal to the establishment.
That's great.
That's the website as well.
But I'll tell you this Alex, we're just getting warmed up.
I'd rather speak the truth at every step and lose some election than to win by playing some political snakes and ladders.
You know, we're doing this because we want everyone in this country to know what's true and what's right.
I'm going to tell you who I am and what I stand for.
It's your job to come out and support us if that's the vision you want to see for this country.
But America first.
I'll tell you this, it doesn't belong To Vivek Ramaswamy, it doesn't belong to Donald Trump, it doesn't belong to Alex Jones.
It belongs to all of you, the people of this country.
And that's what we gotta remember, is this movement is bigger than any one of us.
That's how we're gonna drive change on the scale of history.
I'm gonna do my part, and I'm gonna expect that you guys do yours.
Well, I totally agree with you.
And again, it's not selfish to say America first or family first.
If we don't stand up for ourselves and have our own identity and our own jurisdiction, then we have nothing.
So in two minutes that you got to go, you're on the debate stage, things you wish you would have said.
I mean, literally it was torture to watch all the other candidates.
Nikki Haley, all of them, it was like nails on a chalkboard.
And then you were just like a bright light in the middle of this darkness.
In two minutes, what else would you have said, but they cut you off?
Well, I would say some hard facts, right?
So it's no secret that I have a very different worldview than Nikki Haley, right?
She's a globalist, I'm a nationalist.
She believes in fighting foreign wars and she's bloodthirsty.
I believe we should stay out of World War III and my moral obligation as the U.S.
President is to U.S.
But let's go through some hard facts.
Just like I pointed out the Biden corruption, let's talk about how Nikki Haley Left her time at the U.N.
in debt, swimming in personal debt, and then starts a military contracting firm, and then makes secretive speeches to foreign actors getting paid sometimes seven figures speaking gig, and then joins the board of Boeing, whose back she's scratched for years as South Carolina governor, and then is now collecting corporate stock options while running for U.S.
And now, just like Biden, is a multi-millionaire.
That is corrupt.
It's corrupt whether a Democrat does it.
It's corrupt whether a Republican does it.
These people will send your kids to die so they can put more money into their own bank account.
Republican or Democrat alike, it doesn't matter.
That's what I meant when I said it's Dick Cheney and three-inch heels.
That's not what we deserve as the American people.
No one like that should get within spitting distance of the White House.
And so whether it's a Democrat or Republican, I don't care.
I'm going to call out the corruption.
The way we see it.
And for me, it comes down not just to histrionics, Alex.
It comes down to hard facts.
And that's what is going to guide me for the rest of this.
And I think the truth, you speak the truth, good things are going to happen for our country.
My one message to everybody is, say in public what you'll otherwise say in private.
We've got this culture of fear where other Republicans and even the consults will tell me not to say all of this because it's going to hurt me in some way in this election or otherwise.
You can't think that way.
You have to ask yourself, what is true?
What will I say in private?
Let me say that in public.
That's what gives other people courage as well.
So that's what this campaign is about.
And Vivek, let me throw that in closing, because I've been doing this almost 30 years, in three months it'll be 30 years, so I've learned how stuff works just from the grassroots.
People say, is Vivek for real?
And I said, when he took over and won the first debates, They gave him a chance to roll over and he got more
hardcore and then they totally tried to shut him down.
That is the proof right there that you didn't back down.
In fact, you doubled and tripled down.
And so I know you got to go, but just a minute on Trump.
People get confused.
They go, well, I'm not for Vivica, I'm for Trump.
Regardless, you're a standard bearer, like in the Roman legion here of the truth.
And so, regardless, it doesn't matter.
We should support both of you.
But what is your gut level on Trump?
It's backfired.
He's 39 points ahead in Florida and DeSantis.
He's dominating the field, 20 points ahead of Biden.
What is your gut level on how this ends for Trump?
Well, look, I think that I respect him, and he respects me.
We have a good mutual relationship of trust.
If he ends up the nominee, he will have my full, total support all in, and I expect the same from him if I'm the nominee.
But I think we gotta think at the next level here.
The America First agenda, this should be the future of this country.
It can't just be about one man.
It has to be about all of us in this movement.
And so, I will pardon him on day one, if I'm elected.
If I'm elected, I'll take him as my top advisor for that first year.
I want to know where the bodies are buried.
The system has an anaphylactic reaction to him.
There's a group of people in this country that has decided, by hell or high water, they will not let this man get near there again.
So, my view is, I'm going to do my part in this, take our America First movement to the next level.
I have fresh legs.
I haven't yet been wounded in that war.
I'm not going in naively, Alex.
I know they're going to come for me when I'm in that White House as well, but that's okay.
That's a sacrifice we need to make for this country.
And that's what a way I view the America First movement.
Trump is a vehicle for it.
He was a vehicle for it.
Now I'm a vehicle for it.
That's the way we're going to save the day.
All right, Vivek Ramaswamy, my gut tells me you're good.
Intellectually, I know you're good.
It's so good to know there are great men like you still in the world.
Thank you so much for the time and Godspeed.
Hope to talk to you soon.
Let's do it again.
Thank you, man.
Thank you.
All right, folks, there goes Vivek Ramaswamy.
That guy's 100 percent real.
And that's why they did whisper campaigns that he's a globalist and all this other crap.
No, that guy's real and they're scared of him.
And they're scared of Trump and they're scared of me because they're scared of you.
And that was powerful.
I mean, look, look, Elon Musk, he's for real.
I'm going to leave it at that.
I live here in Austin.
He lives here.
And I was told, I said on air two years ago, I said, Elon Musk wasn't awake before.
He's pissed.
He's getting ready to go after him.
And people said, oh, Jones BS.
And you see what he's done now.
Look, we are at the crossroads.
And Liberty is actually winning right now.
So a lot of people who are on the fence are about to join us.
We can't go after them once they join us.
I hope Kennedy's for real.
I got a bad feeling.
I can't believe they killed his dad in front of him, and he's more controlled by his wife than by his father being murdered in front of him.
Because here's the thing, I've seen recent statements by him with Democrats where he tells them what they want to hear.
I'm way past that, folks.
Oh, well, tell them what they want to hear to win.
No, no, don't tell people what they want to hear.
You can be guaranteed this here.
You're not going to be told what you want to hear.
You're going to be told what I think is right.
And maybe I'm wrong sometimes.
I don't claim to have all the answers.
I just know this.
I eat, drink and sleep this.
This is what I do.
This is all I do.
My buddies say, come play pool.
He used to play pool.
Sorry, can't do it.
Go to a movie.
Go to a rock concert.
Hey, we got a great boat out here on the lake.
Chef's cooking food.
Come out with us.
And I tell them, no.
And they go, why not?
You deserve some fun.
And I said, over and over again, my fun is hanging out with my family.
That's all I do.
I spend time with my family and I fight the New World Order.
And it's not that you're bad because you want to go to a ball game.
Or you're bad because you want to go to a rock concert.
It's that they just killed 20 million people with poison shots.
And we're not supposed to keep acting like everything's okay while it's going on.
I used the analogy yesterday on the show.
If it was 4th of July in your neighborhood, and let's say you live in a country club neighborhood, Like I grew up in Dallas and I live in now.
Got a golf course, got a hotel, got restaurants, great place, great nice people.
Got a swimming pool in your backyard.
And you're out there grilling steaks on 4th of July like 8 o'clock at night.
And everybody's drinking beer and everything's great.
And the phone rings, "Hey, have you heard there's 10 jihadis?"
You know, this is a hypothetical.
Driving around, shooting everybody in the neighborhood.
You don't watch the TV.
You go, "Well, maybe they're about to drive by my house."
So you grab your rifle, and I use this as an analogy, and you go outside, and maybe they drive down the road.
And sure enough, a Toyota comes driving down the road with jihadis in the back of it shooting, and you kill them.
Or at least you stay in your house.
You don't, while the house is burning down, have a picnic in the backyard.
And what I keep trying to explain to people, And you know, it gets to the point where I'm, you know, almost like celibate too.
Like, you know, my wife's like, Hey, what's going on?
You usually wouldn't have a good time.
I'm like, I gotta go.
Just my, our daughter's gone to sleep.
I gotta go read more documents.
She's like, do you love me anymore?
And I'm like, I love you more than ever.
I can't.
The point is, is that nobody likes a good time like me.
I love hunting.
I love drinking.
I love everything, folks.
I'll go to a rock concert with you and we'll be crawling around on the ground by the end of it.
The point is, we're not in that wheelhouse anymore.
We're not there anymore.
We are being overtaken.
We are being murdered.
And you've got to make this the main focus.
This is it.
I've said it a thousand times the last few years, I'll say it again.
InfoWars is the reality.
We told you the enemy plan because it was public and now they did it.
And the next part of their phase is so hellish.
I don't even have words to describe to you how bad it is.
So, I mean, we're talking death camps, mass starvation, power grids turned off, people eating each other.
I mean, that's really where we're going.
And I mean that.
I'm not trying to scare you.
It's not a hypothetical.
On our trajectory, I want my liberal neighbors to know that they're going to starve the third world to death.
When it happens here, you will get eaten.
And I don't want to go there, but in that world, If my daughter is starving to death, my others are grown up, but I've got a six year old.
I mean, I will eat you.
I'm not going to eat my conservative neighbors, but the people that ask for it, you're going to get eaten.
And so that's a metaphysical statement, but it actually is a, is a final end scenario.
Cause my daughter's not going hungry.
And I'll haul you up by a chain.
And I'll chop you into steaks.
And I know you think you're tough, because you run the courts and you're liberals and you got all these goons and stuff, but just listen.
I'll eat you.
And I don't want to do that.
And I've asked you over and over again to stop.
I'm trying to be as nice as I can, because I don't want to do that.
But metaphysically, as an archetype, we're going to eat you.
You put yourself in the cage with me.
And there's no food.
Just me and you in a cage.
You're getting eaten.
And I won't be guilty about it.
So you want to devour our children?
You think you run the tables?
You think you're all powerful?
You're not.
And maybe you're gonna fight me.
That's an even bigger joke.
You're not gonna fight very long.
I'm gonna overpower you.
And I'm gonna strangle you.
And then I'm gonna chop you up.
And I'm gonna consume you.
Because that's the world you put us in.
That's the place you took us to.
It's what you demanded.
It's what you wanted.
And God gives you everything you ask for.
So, that said, let's not go there.
Let's not be part of that.
Let's not enter that world where you make sure the lesser angels are in charge.
And let's change the world together and let's circumvent that.
But when I say those horrible things like the famous proposal, a modest proposal, which that just was,
I want you to understand something that 80 plus million people, the UN estimates, starved to death under lockdowns the last four years, almost four years.
Mommy couldn't get the food.
Daddy couldn't get the food.
And those children starved to death.
I know as leftists you think it's cutesy and everything, but it's not, it's not funny.
It's not funny.
And so what I'm telling you is, I'm not going to take on your karma of all those children you murdered.
In fact, maybe I'll save your children during all this, and I'll feed you to them,
and they'll never know what's being cooked up in that big pot.
Because you love Gigi Ping, right?
You think he's real cute?
That he's your big archetype, big powerful guy up there?
He proves communism works?
Did you know that they killed over 100 million people under Mao Zedong through the current day?
But about 80 million under Mao Zedong.
And for at least a decade, the Communist Chinese Army There's photos of this.
By the way, the Chinese government admits this happened.
The government admits they did this in official communist Chinese books.
They blame Mao Zedong's wife for it.
That they ate over 100 million people in big giant pots.
So when you were in the Communist Chinese military, and you got your rations every day, it was bowls of boiled human flesh.
So, when I come to you with that allegory, you need to understand that Soylent Green is made out of people.
And now you see the left saying, oh, we should have cannibalism and eat old people so we don't have more carbon.
It's all dehumanization and you're debasing yourselves.
You decide that newborn babies don't matter.
You decide you don't matter.
You decide old people don't matter.
And by not having standards, none of us matter.
And that's what I'm trying to get out here.
It's not 3 a.m.
Let me button my shirt.
So, that's where I met with all you people.
This is real barbarism.
And you don't have what it takes in that world.
You don't even know what it's like.
You look at the average leftist, they are the weakest, softest, most pathetic people.
Even if I'm old and not in the best shape, I can take on five big conservative men if I need to in my family.
Not five.
I can take them out.
With my bare hands.
I can take out a hundred liberals.
You people are a joke.
But I don't want to take you out.
But you're trying to take me out.
By the decisions you've made.
And I'll tell you again.
I will eat your ass.
And that's the metaphor here.
The allegory.
That you're entering a barbarous, insane world.
You're worshipping Xi Jinping who literally sold his father and family out to the communist Chinese who were tortured and killed.
And because he was so evil and sold out his own family, they chose him and Satan projected him up because if he'll betray his own father, he will betray humanity.
That's your spirit animal, GGP.
That's a piece of garbage.
All right, I'm going to end this transmission here in the third hour today on this Tuesday live transmission.
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The next big guest host is coming up.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee from zmedia.com, and it is an honour to be here with you today.
We'll have Mike Adams joining us in just a moment, but before he comes on, oh, here he is, I think he's with us now.
I just wanted to say a few words about the calibre of the people that are speaking out right now.
I think as we get closer and closer To the complete chaos and destruction that's being orchestrated by the New World Order, times will get more difficult.
And between now and then, it's really going to be a test of character.
And I think that these past few weeks alone have really, really shown who can be trusted and who can't moving forward.
Mike Adams is one of those people.
He joins us now.
Mike, thank you so much for your time.
Well, thank you, Maria.
It's an honor to join you today.
Great to be on the channel.
It's wonderful to see you.
For anyone that's not following Mike, please follow Natural News.
Follow him on X. Watch Brighteon.com.
He does a daily broadcast.
The Health Ranger Report.
Always spot on analysis.
Always spot on analysis.
Mike, I think, I guess I want to ask you about this The latest wave, obviously you and I spoke very early on with the Middle Eastern conflict.
We did an interview and we were kind of both perplexed by the emotional and irrational response from people.
Now a few weeks on, do you think that's settled?
Do you think that now people are starting to be able to sift through the facts?
Well, I think you just mentioned something really critical to understand here that globalists are orchestrating events right now in order to destroy humanity and to cause chaos that will give them power.
And what happened on October 7th is no different.
In fact, I equate October 7th with January 6th.
Both events were in many ways orchestrated by governments in order to justify the actions that they wanted to take against certain people that they are targeting.
Of course, January 6th now, the truth is coming out.
It was a staged insurrection.
It was orchestrated by the powers that be so they could cover up a stolen election.
And it was successful in that way.
They shut down the alternate electors wave that was building momentum and people questioning that election.
But October 7th in Israel, and of course Hamas was originally funded in part by Israel, and it's a creation of Mossad and other intelligence agencies.
Hamas was allowed to attack on October 7th, carry out its bloodshed, its acts of terrorism against Israeli civilians and military targets, so that Israel could have its justification for what it's doing now.
So, Maria, I mean, that's the big picture here.
We're all being played.
Real people are dying.
There's too much suffering.
We don't need this.
I'm calling for peace, but on a global level.
Peace is the only way to defeat the globalists.
I absolutely agree with you.
I just want to let people know about an observation from my end.
I watched a pastor that I really do respect and he had a guest on recently and that guest was talking about collecting donations for weapons for the IDF.
I simply cannot understand.
First of all, US tax dollars, tax dollars of many, many people around the world are already going to the IDF to be collecting donations from churchgoers for more weapons.
To kill innocent civilians.
We're not just fighting Hamas here.
We're talking about killing innocent civilians, bombing churches, bombing hospitals.
Another school was just bombed as well, where refugees and innocents are being sheltered.
Sorry, but the key here, and I know we'll talk about this on the other side of the break here, but What's happening, what you just described, is making our world more dangerous for Americans and more dangerous for Israelis.
So if Israel is to survive, they have to change course, and we need to talk about that in more detail.
Because if we are pro-Israel, and if we support Jewish people and Judaism, we must call for a halting of what is happening right now, because that is a path of destruction of the State of Israel, I believe.
I absolutely agree with you.
I want to read a portion of a letter that was sent to me by a friend from Israel, which absolutely backs up what you're saying.
We'll be back on the other side of this break.
Don't go anywhere.
Well, I'm so, so grateful for InfoWars and for Alex Jones.
This platform is so vital, having the most important conversations really on earth about things that actually matter and things that can change the course of history.
So please support InfoWars.
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And support them to continue getting these conversations out there.
Like I said, changing the course of history.
We're here with Mike Adams.
Mike, just before the break, you said that what we really need is to basically all be calling for a ceasefire.
Not for any other reason.
If you really are a supporter of Israel, Number one, you'll share the gospel with the Jewish people.
Number two, you will not want any of them to be in any further danger.
Not collecting donations and arming the IDF for further escalation.
You are angering the entire world.
Your comments, Mike.
Well, there's a key factor here that I think everybody is forgetting or just neglecting to recognize.
And you, Maria, you've interviewed many guests about the coming de-dollarization that's happening in our world.
And, you know, the BRICS nations next year are about to roll out their BRICS settlement currencies between nations.
And you will see global use of the dollar absolutely plummet.
And Saudi Arabia is one of the nations that's joining the BRICS Plus group, as you know, in January, I believe.
And there are many other nations as well.
We're rapidly approaching the point where a hundred major nations around the world will stop trading with the dollar.
China is already selling off dollar debt, their treasuries, and other nations are doing that as well, as their central banks are buying physical gold.
Now, what does this have to do with Israel?
It has everything to do with Israel.
Because Israel is only propped up by United States funding and the U.S.
If the U.S.
Navy were not there in, well, the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, and also I think near the Red Sea right now with the Eisenhower Group, Israel would probably already be overrun by Hezbollah, by Turkey, By Syria, by the Arab nations that surround Israel.
There is an ocean of angry Arabs surrounding Israel, a relatively tiny nation that appears to be, in my opinion, carrying out a level of atrocities against Palestinian civilians that are designed to provoke a wider war because the United States is asking Israel to escalate this to the point where the U.S.
can justify bombing Iran.
That seems to be the real narrative behind this.
But the dollar, when the dollar loses its value and really collapses, and this can happen in an accelerating way due to the mad money printing and the abandonment of the dollar globally, when the dollar goes down, how will the U.S.
support Israel?
When the dollar dies, Israel has no more U.S.
support, and Israel then is so vulnerable and will probably Potentially be attacked and maybe even overrun by those Arab nations.
So Israel's fate is tied to the fate of the dollar.
Everybody's forgetting that.
And the fate of the dollar is that the dollar is going to zero, folks.
It's going to zero.
We don't know when, but that's about to happen.
So maybe, just my opinion, maybe Israel should figure out how to get along with its neighbors instead of provoking them into bloodlust and war.
That's just my take.
Yeah, I absolutely agree with you, Mike.
I want to read a few excerpts from this letter that was sent to me by a Jewish friend in Israel.
I have to keep them anonymous, Mike, because now, in Israel, if you speak out and the government doesn't like it, they take you to prison for two years and they seize your house.
Police also have the go-ahead to kill protesters.
So it's absolutely dangerous for the people there right now.
If they disagree with the government.
But this person said, this was never about an Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
It was always a globalist agenda to control the entire planet.
Regional conflicts have been built in by the globalists into several regions of the world so that they could invoke them whenever their globalist agendas required them.
This person goes on to talk about how this is a regional conflict that's been built into Israel since 1948.
And they acknowledge that the land of Israel must have some profound spiritual significance for the globalists.
It does, absolutely, for Satanists.
It has a huge spiritual significance.
I'm not saying that Jewish people are Satanists.
I'm saying that the Satanists in controlling the world have a tie to that land.
He says, the New World Order is coming to all parts of the world.
Sadly, it is tragic that the epicenter of this tsunami should be in Israel.
And goes on to talk about Netanyahu creating the lab for Pfizer.
And then, when the dust settles, I don't know what will remain here.
Well, whoever remains, no doubt, will face ruins of society, economy, buildings, infrastructure, and shall face the harbinger of a global great reset with permanent lockdowns, mandatory vaccines, and a social credit system and CBDCs.
I think people, Mike, may have forgotten That every single government thus far has been working in collusion to inject people, to poison them, to bring in CBDCs, to bring in social credit scores.
This is every government working together on this and these types of crises escalate their ability to do that and I'll comment more on that but I'll get your uptake.
No, that's exactly right.
This feeds right into the globalist agenda.
And remember that the globalists celebrate the deaths of human beings no matter who is dying.
So, you know, if tribe A is fighting tribe B, the globalists don't care as long as there's blood in the streets.
And really, and I think David Icke has said this before, that all wars are a satanic blood ritual.
It's a human sacrifice ritual.
And we saw that in Ukraine.
I think, you know, according to reliable estimates, At least 400,000 Ukrainians, maybe half a million, have been killed in this conflict with Russia.
That's a blood sacrifice to Satan.
It did not have to happen.
And that did happen because of the U.S.
Empire pushing the expansion of NATO and provoking Russia.
But this is what the U.S.
does as the world's bully, running around the world with coercion, with weapons, with weaponization of the currency, the dollar, cutting people off from the SWIFT system, which they did to Russia, and then bombing civilian infrastructure such as the Nord Stream pipelines, which is destroying Germany's economy.
By the way, which makes it insane that Germany is giving more weapons to Ukraine, you know, to continue to carry this out.
The U.S.
weaponizes everything against we, the people, right now.
And it doesn't have to be this way.
You know, I love America.
The founding principle is what America is supposed to stand for.
And I want to see that come back.
But the globalists that are currently in charge of the United States of America, they do not represent the American spirit or the American people.
And they are running around the world trying to destroy everything.
Basically pillaging, bombing, pillaging, assassinating, carrying out regime change to other countries around the world.
And the more conflict there is, the more power they have over all of us.
We should expect there to be another pandemic, another war, and domestic terrorism.
Maria, I just did an interview, literally 10 minutes before I got on with you, of a man who is working with the military in Texas, and I couldn't show his face, so it's an audio-only recording.
He just told me, he works with intel groups, He's on calls with the FBI, with the CIA, with DHS, with Homeland Security.
They are expecting over two dozen U.S.
cities to be hit by domestic terrorism carried out by outraged Middle Eastern terrorists who have reached the tipping point because of what's happening with Israel.
So the U.S.
is going to be hit with bombs, infrastructure bombs.
We're talking refineries, railroads, bridges, maybe government buildings, ports.
Because of what Israel is doing in Gaza.
Right now, we are less safe in America.
Not just Israel.
Not just the people living in Tel Aviv.
We, the Americans, are less safe.
And the fact that we have U.S.
Navy there, and we are giving Israel money to keep bombing Gaza, this is a suicide mission of the West.
We are going to be the ones that are hurt by this.
Wait until the bombs start falling on we, the people, in America.
Then, will you call for a ceasefire?
Those of you watching who want to keep the bombs going, you will.
You'll beg for a ceasefire when that day comes.
Trust me.
Those are my thoughts, Maria.
Absolutely agree with you.
I agree with you, Mike.
Tim, if you can pull up the clip just as B-roll of the Canadian Parliament and how it's fine.
An insurrection is absolutely fine if it's a pro-Palestine rally.
We already know that Soros is funding, well, according to the latest figures, $14 million into pro-Palestine rallies.
And so further invoking the anger of the Arab world, of the Muslim world.
And then this is allowed.
This is allowed.
We're allowed to keep raising the anger and the tension.
But January 6th landed you in prison.
We'll be right back.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back.
We're here with Mike Adams, the Health Ranger.
Just before the break, we played a clip of the Canadian Parliament, of the insurrection in the Canadian Parliament.
And of course, that's allowed, but Owen Troyer's in prison.
Mike, absolutely unbelievable.
But the point of me playing that was they really are, and you made a very valid point, I say Soros funded pro-Palestine protests.
Yes, they are stoking the fire.
Right now, they are pushing the Islamic world, which does have an underlying ideology that's ready for jihad, and is being angered by Israel.
They are really pushing them.
How far do you think they'll really push them, Mike says, all the way to terrorist attacks on US soil?
Yeah, that's exactly where this is going, and to our audience here, all the InfoWarriors, you know, understand that if you pick a tribe, you've already lost.
You're being manipulated by the system.
They want you to pick a tribe and call for the total destruction of the other tribe.
That's it.
The way to win the game is to not play within the confines of what the globalists have set for us.
Do not play that game.
Instead, transcend that and say, wait a second, wait a second, how do we actually de-escalate and not have violence and not have another crisis and not have another emergency?
Remember what they did during the COVID emergency.
They took so much power away from the American people and they pushed mandates.
And by the way, They push mandates on our soldiers.
And right now the U.S.
Army is begging for unvaxxed soldiers, right, to come back and ostensibly to die for Israel in an expanded war in the Middle East.
So, you know, where's the apology, by the way, to our veterans and our soldiers who said no to the vaccine?
Over 8,000 were kicked out of the Army alone for saying no to the vaccines.
There should be an apology.
They should get back pay.
They should have their rank reinstated.
if not, you know, some kind of financial award of some kind.
They had the right answer.
There should be an apology to our military personnel and, by the way, and I know I've
taken some heat for this, but I believe that Trump should come out and apologize for pushing
Operation Warp Speed on the U.S.
troops as well, and pushing a vaccine without proper testing.
We now know the aftermath of that.
How many millions of Americans have been disabled and taken out of the workforce.
They've suffered vaccine injuries and many Americans are dead now because of these vaccines.
And in Israel, Netanyahu pushed the vaccines on his own people with an uptake rate that's through the roof, like 98% or something close to that.
How many Israeli civilians were killed by the vaccines?
I say, Maria, that number is higher than the 1,200 or 1,400 that are believed to have died on October 7th.
I think Netanyahu killed more Israelis than Hamas did.
And that is a fact.
That is a fact.
And Netanyahu needs to be Peacefully removed from office because he is driving Israel through a suicide mission that will harm more Israeli people and will ultimately harm America as well.
Yes, you're absolutely right, Mike.
In fact, I recall speaking with people in Israel at the time of, I think it was the third or fourth injection, and the hospitals were overrun, the funeral homes were overrun with injected victims and people that have died as a direct result of the injections.
This has been a catastrophic catastrophic result of these depopulation shots and Israel's
government absolutely decimated its population with them and so Netanyahu as far
as I'm concerned is a murderer of his own before he's a murderer of anyone else.
So you're right. He's a war criminal against his own civilians.
I mean not to mention Gaza.
I mean, take Gaza out of it.
Netanyahu is a war criminal against the Israeli people.
Yes, absolutely.
And I know this letter that you're talking about, the US Army sent a letter to former service members dismissed for refusing the injection and they can now request corrections of their discharge records because they're struggling with recruitment.
Fancy getting rid of your most respected service members in the country because they don't want to play Russian roulette with a COVID death shot.
And then because you don't have enough people to go and die for a foreign nation, inviting them to come back and die some more.
I mean, this is surely no one, surely no one, Mike, wants to go and fight in these bogus foreign wars anymore.
This has nothing to do with protecting your own soil and everything to do with advancing a globalist agenda.
Well, and also, you know, enriching the corrupt corporations that control our elections and control our media, right?
So, in fact, this hundred plus billion dollars that was supposedly sent to Ukraine, only a small fraction of that actually went to Ukraine.
Most of that went to the U.S.
weapons manufacturers, companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin and Boeing and so on.
And those weapons will never be manufactured in time to do anything in Ukraine because that war is already lost.
And by the way, even the mainstream media in America is finally coming around and using terms and saying, well, it was magical thinking to think that the U.S.
and Ukraine could beat Russia.
Yeah, it was.
It was delusional.
Russia has won that conflict.
Ukraine has lost.
And now it's only a matter of time before there's going to be terms of a peace agreement or terms of surrender, you could call it.
Russia's probably going to get Odessa.
And all that money that supposedly went to Ukraine is just going to end up in the hands of the weapons manufacturers with more of those weapons eventually coming off the assembly lines over the next two to three years.
And not helping Ukraine.
So, none of that money went to the Ukrainian soldiers, by the way.
And my heart goes out to the Ukrainian soldiers, because they acted with courage themselves.
I mean, they went up against Russia, for God's sake, on the battlefield, and hundreds of thousands of them died.
And that takes bravery and courage and dedication.
And my heart goes out to them.
Those young men should not have died.
They should be coders and engineers and attorneys and doctors and whatever.
They should be members of society of a thriving Ukrainian country.
But it was destroyed by the United States of America because we wanted to use Ukraine as a proxy puppet nation to weaken Russia.
And it backfired.
It backfired on Ukraine, it backfired on the United States.
Russia is stronger than ever with its domestic economy, its industrial output, its weapons manufacturing now seven times higher than all of NATO combined.
And the U.S.
can't even recruit people because the Pentagon has gone woke trying to push, you know, rainbows and push-up bras and high heels for soldiers instead of saying, hey, let's defend America.
I mean, the world has gone freaking insane, Maria.
I'm gonna control myself here, but this situation is out of control.
It's bad.
I agree with you, Mike.
Every single day it's becoming more and more insane.
By the way, Germany's just given another $1.3 billion to Ukraine in the greatest money laundering operation seen since the dawn of man.
You know, the whole world is acknowledging that this is over.
You know, Zelensky's out there asking for loans.
I mean, we'll pay you back, I promise.
It's just embarrassing.
It's embarrassing, but he's been embarrassing from the start.
And so Germany's just pledged another 1.3 billion taxpayer dollars to what?
To Ukraine 24, the new HQ of the fully, fully AI-run government, where the new world order is at the top and all of the middle levels of government are removed, and you just have AI running everything.
And this is where, after the break, I want to segue into Javier Millet, Mike, because I know you have some thoughts, and so do I, and I think that I can offer, and maybe you can too, a different perspective on why he's ripping down all of these areas of government.
The team can get that clip ready for after the break.
What he's actually doing, and who the hell waves a foreign nations flag as part of their victory.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back.
We're here with Mike Adams from Brighteon, really should be one of the top people that everyone is listening to.
I think that as times get more difficult, as I said at the start of this show, people's true characters really will come out.
And Mike has been consistent for many, many years.
Micah, I want to talk about Javier Millet.
Most conservatives are absolutely celebrating this guy.
Less than one second Google search will show you his history with the World Economic Forum.
Very long history of all of these organizations he's been involved in.
But I will say that he's come out and said, you know, I'm really opposed to Agenda 2030.
That was some time ago.
I want to be fair about that.
But Tim, if you can play the clip on B-roll of him waving an Israeli flag as part of a victory that he's celebrating.
That to me is absolutely terrifying.
Imagine the Australian Prime Minister at his victory speech waving another country's flag.
Doesn't matter which country.
That does not make any sense to me.
Mike, what's your take on this guy?
Well, you make a really important point.
Where do his loyalties lie?
That's the question.
Is he loyal to the globalists?
Is he loyal to Israel over his own people?
Will he represent his own people?
Or will he sacrifice their interests for the sake of Israel?
Now, the same question comes to the United States.
We have many people in positions of power who are dual citizens.
They have Israeli citizenship and United States citizenship.
And many of those people made decisions about the pandemic, by the way.
Many of those people are in the CDC, the FDA, the NIH, and so on.
And you do have to reasonably ask the question that when these people make their decisions, who are they representing?
Whose interests are at stake?
And increasingly, as you find, they don't represent us.
Even the Pentagon doesn't represent America.
You notice they rush to defend Israel's borders, but they do nothing to defend America's borders.
When do America's borders get two carrier strike groups, you know, one in the Gulf of Mexico, maybe one off the coast of California?
When do our borders get supported by our military?
The answer is never!
In fact, our federal government sends soldiers to our border to cut the fences and lift the fences and help illegals across.
So it's very clear That our representatives, by and large, although there are a few exceptions obviously, but by and large, our representatives in Congress, in the State Department especially, and in the White House, absolutely do not represent the interests of the American people.
This is a legit question to ask.
And Maria, can I interject one more thing here real quick?
Elon Musk has announced this thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters.
This is good news.
To say that X or Twitter is a free speech platform, give me a break!
Where is Alex Jones on Twitter?
Where is the official InfoWars account?
It's Shadowband!
My account, Health Ranger, Shadowband!
I actually get more response posting on my own platform, which is a fraction of the size of Twitter, obviously, than I do on Twitter.
Because I'm shadowbanned.
I don't know if you're shadowbanned, but we're all still shadowbanned.
So Elon, if you're gonna sue Media Matters, why don't you start by just unleashing the power of the freedom to speak For the key people who can make Twitter more successful.
That's people like Alex Jones, and like myself, and like you, Maria.
We can reinvigorate Twitter, or X, as it is now.
So stop silencing us, for God's sake.
Yeah, I've spoken about this before, but I'm going to say it now because I told X at the time.
I'm going to make sure I continue to mention this.
I have an impersonator.
I have to have it pinned on my page.
This is my third account.
I haven't had my former two accounts reinstated.
I have an impersonator engaging people in financial scams on X. I notified X about this.
And they said, oh, well, we need you to email us from your official business domain.
So I did that.
I emailed them from the Z Media domain.
Then they said, that's not enough.
We need your government issued ID.
You need what?
Sorry, someone else is impersonating me.
I am active on this account.
They're not.
I'm engaging with my audience.
They're not.
But you want my government-issued ID, you can shove it.
And X still hasn't done anything about that.
So, you know, my point is, Mike, and you can see there are Some people are very, very shadow banned.
Still on there.
You're one of them.
I'm definitely one of them.
It's not what people keep claiming it is.
Certain accounts are elevated.
Certain accounts are silenced.
And from what I can see, the actual truthers, the ones who hit the nail on the head, are still suppressed.
Yeah, that's right.
I mean, you know, Ben Shapiro has unlimited reach, but somebody like me or Alex Jones, who is actually uncovering a far deeper truth or a higher truth, we're completely shadow banned or completely banned in the case of Alex.
So, yeah, look, you know, Tucker Carlson has done a lot of great things with Twitter or X and reinvigorating it, and that's wonderful.
But Tucker Carlson, as much as I admire his work, he is not the only person who can attract hundreds of millions of views.
Alex did that with his documentaries before he was banned by YouTube and others.
In fact, Alex's documentaries have over a billion views on YouTube before they were banned.
So, look, you put Alex on X or Twitter, Man, the sky's the limit.
And, by the way, I'll be happy to advertise on X. I'll spend easily $100,000 a month advertising on X. If Elon is afraid of losing his advertisers, I will commit.
I'll spend $100,000 a month advertising on X right now for my store.
And I'm sure there's a lot of other people who will support X financially that way as well.
So I just wanted to get that in there and mention that.
It has to be mentioned.
X is not a free speech platform.
Not yet.
Yeah, I agree with you, Mike, and very noble of you to support that.
I think a lot of conservatives are actually saying that right now.
They're saying, we will foot that bill if we can continue to have a free speech platform.
But these people are under the illusion, many of them, that it's currently a free speech platform when it's fully not.
But in any case, it is better than what we've had thus far.
I'm personally not happy with just settling, Mike.
We're at a point where the world does not want leftist Derangement syndrome and globalism are wildly unpopular.
Even when you talk to normies about this stuff, they're terrified.
They don't want it.
You describe the dystopian future, and I do this as often as I can.
I talk to regular people, you know, on the street, in the shops, whatever.
I can't keep my mouth shut, Mike.
And so you talk to them about this future that they're building and they don't want it.
It is so unpopular.
And so the solution now, Cathy Hochul, I want to play this clip from Cathy right before the break and then we'll continue on the other side, team, if you can line that up.
The solution is really to indoctrinate people, children, from K-12 to make sure that we inoculate them against hatred.
Today I'm directing the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to develop Media literacy tools for K-12 in our public schools.
This will teach students and even teachers to help understand how to spot conspiracy theories and misinformation, disinformation and online hate.
Start talking about what we're seeing out there.
Give the teachers the tools they need to help these conversations in school.
And by teaching younger New Yorkers about how to discern between digital fact and digital fiction, we can better inoculate them from hatred and the spread of it, and help prepare them for a very fast-moving and often confusing world.
We can turn this off, team.
So basically, the awareness is rising so much, everything we're saying is so unpopular, now we have to indoctrinate them, starting even younger.
Yeah, well, according to Hochul there, you know, digital hate is anything that she doesn't want people to be able to say.
Digital hate would be criticism of her governorship, by the way, and her policies, which I would describe her policies as hateful against the human race.
I mean, she's spewing hate every day in her vaccine mandates and trying to take away the Second Amendment rights of the people of New York and also surveilling and spying on the people of New York by monitoring their social media accounts.
That's a form of government hatred against the people.
She is Queen Hate of New York City, but she would say that I'm spewing hatred to even criticize her on that.
So, hey, the truth is going to come out, but I know we've got to go to break here.
Yeah, yeah, we'll go to break and we'll talk about the potential consequences of all this truth coming out.
Don't go anywhere.
We're here with Mike Adams.
We're on our last segment here with Mike Adams.
So, so value your time, Mike, today and all of your input.
I want to talk about, so just before the break, we played that clip of Cathy and basically the response of government is, things are getting too out of control.
There's too much free speech, too much free thought.
That speech that she gave was actually a response to the viral trend this week on TikTok of people reviewing some literature from Osama bin Laden.
And so this was kids looking, having their worldview rocked by reading historical fact And all of a sudden saying, oh my goodness, we can't trust the government.
And in comes Cathy, you know, saying, oh, all these kids are being groomed to be terrorists.
No, they're not.
They're just realising that the government can't be trusted.
Well yeah, when the government says you're not allowed to read history and they start actually removing historical documents like that letter from Osama Bin Laden, which I think is 21 years old, that tells you something right there.
So, I even commented on this in my own podcast.
I said, what's so dangerous about Osama Bin Laden's letter that no one should be allowed to even read it in America today?
Why are they pulling it off everywhere?
And actually, if you read the letter, number one, you realize that Osama bin Laden, even though, of course, I do not endorse his actions, and, you know, he is clearly radical in many ways, but he's not just some low-brow, low-IQ cave dweller as he was portrayed by the media.
He is thoughtful in his own way.
He has his own internal justifications for his actions and his own observations.
Again, I'm not justifying anything he did, just to be clear.
But he is, in his own way, a thoughtful person.
And his commentary about the U.S.
economy at that time was, I think, completely 100% right on.
That the economy is driven by these warmongering corporations, while the American people are suffering with homelessness and debt and internal economic destruction.
And think about how much worse we are now compared to where we were 21 years ago.
So, you know, if anything, the Osama bin Laden letter was almost prophetic.
About where America was headed today.
So yeah, we should have a right to read it.
Doesn't mean we're going to believe everything the man ever said or become a terrorist or follow in his footsteps.
I mean, you're supposed to read the ideas of different people, including those with whom you disagree.
That's the very nature of free speech in America.
Well, I actually think that it's vital to do so.
I listen to a lot of people that I really disagree with, Mike, just to get an understanding of their worldview and really to remind myself of what's immoral and something that I would never do and how to protect myself from ever becoming an immoral person.
When you read through, you know, dictators of the past and you think, OK, if I have any sort of leadership in any way, I have to avoid these steps because that's what dictators do.
I mean, this is This is healthy.
And the fact is that the government doesn't trust people to have independent thought, to look at, you know, the most outrageous literature or the most outrageous speeches and make a decision for themselves about what is moral and what is just.
And of course, you know, I think that this is because we've pushed God out of society, Mike.
So in many ways, people Can't be trusted to make moral decisions.
However, the answer is not an atheistic government or even a satanic government telling you how to think.
Really quickly, I want to give you an example out of what's just happened in Australia.
We've had this tragedy, a police commissioner's child I believe has been injured in some sort of an accident.
And of course, that's tragic and our hearts go out to the family of this police commissioner.
But what they're suggesting is a reward system now for people that don't do the wrong thing on the roads.
So I wanted to get your take, Mike, on this social credit conditioning that's happening.
On one hand, you have someone like Kathy Hochul who wants to indoctrinate you from K to 12.
She used the word inoculate.
And at the same time, you have rewards for doing what the government wants in society.
How do you think these two will merge in the dystopian future that they're building?
Well, can I ask you in Australia, what's the structure of that reward system?
What do you actually get if you don't violate laws of the road?
I have to look at all of the details, Mike, but from what I understand, it's maybe discounted tolls or, you know, discounts on your tolls or discounts on fuel, for example.
I see.
Well, um...
I would just prefer as an American to drive on the right side of the road in Australia and see how far that gets me there.
I'd probably end up in an Australian prison actually acting like an American on the roads.
But you should try driving in Texas.
I know you've driven through Texas where you have illegals all over the road that think the shoulder is a third lane and they have no driver's license and no insurance and the state highway patrol won't even write them tickets because it's pointless, right?
So that's a whole issue right there.
But to your point, this is obviously a social credit engineering system that's being rolled out, attempted to be rolled out all over the world.
Once they tie that, or I should say in Western nations, once they tie that to the CBDCs, which is the financial leash or noose around your neck because we will all be slaves under that system, then they have complete control.
And they'll have GPS trackers in your cars.
They've already passed the bill in the U.S.
Congress to have the automatic kill switches on your cars.
As I said earlier, making you a prisoner in your own vehicle.
And it won't be long before they can summon your vehicle to imprison you and drive you to the nearest police station to be arrested because they think that you've said something wrong on social media.
And by the way, when Governor Hochul says that young people have to be taught to discern fact from fiction, The government that she runs is the number one purveyor of fiction in the state of New York.
And at a national level, it's the U.S.
government that spreads more fiction than anyone else.
Practically everything they tell you is fiction.
Oh, we didn't blow up the Nord Stream Pipeline.
Oh, we didn't have anything to do with the pandemic.
Oh, we don't build bioweapons.
Oh, we don't have bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
Oh, the dollar is strong.
The border is secure.
You know, I mean, it's just lie after lie after lie.
And yet they claim to have a monopoly on the truth.
Of course, you know, thankfully, your audience, my audience, the InfoWarrior audience, they know they can sense the real truth when they see it.
And they're not fooled by any of this.
There's going to be a major pushback against the social credit engineering system.
Yeah, absolutely.
So I want to ask you then, Mike, because I agree with you, there is a huge pushback already and people, you know, being debanked, Australia's now freezing bank accounts, one of the major banks, if you say something offensive online, that's sort of indirectly where this is heading.
And so it's gotten really out of control already and people just haven't felt the full force of it yet.
But when they do, Mike, I mean, where do you see this going?
In the next three minutes, where do you see the people going, the globalist reaction?
And my opinion is that really only the strong will survive.
The people that don't emotionally react to every manufactured crisis, and believe you me, more of them are coming.
We're going to have parallel systems, parallel economies, parallel currencies, cryptocurrency, privacy currency, you know, Monero, Bitcoin.
You notice that the SEC just got a settlement with CZ and like a $4 billion settlement with that exchange, Binance, because they're trying to punish crypto.
You notice Kraken has just been sued by the SEC, but Kraken is going to fight back and defend their 10 million plus customers.
And I'm one of those customers, by the way.
I love Kraken because I can buy privacy crypto directly on that exchange.
Once I have private crypto or physical gold or silver in my hands or garden seeds or legal ammunition, the government can't track it.
They don't know where it is.
They don't know where I put it or if I gave it to somebody.
You know, if I'm giving somebody a silver coin or a gold coin or I'm at a farmer's market and I'm buying food with silver, the government Doesn't know that, and they don't have a right to know that.
It's my business.
If I'm buying, you know, organic biscuits at a farmer's market with junk silver coins that are pre-1965, that's my business.
Or if I'm using Bitcoin, that's my business.
So, you're going to see so many people reject the system, the CBDCs, and the failing banks, and the failing currency, which is the dollar.
And those people who are stupid enough to stay in the dollar system, they're going to lose everything.
Because as I said earlier, Maria, the dollar is going to zero.
And those people who are still holding on to the dollar, they're going to lose everything financially.
Whereas those in gold and silver and crypto and land and things that have real value, they're going to be the new wealthy of the next society that rises up out of the ashes after the collapse of this broken system that we're currently suffering under today.
I truly believe that.
And that's why it is a responsibility for each and every one of us to position ourselves to protect our assets and protect our voices and protect our health so that we can rebuild a society rooted in truth, liberty, freedom, and real justice after the collapse of this system that is in its last chapter right now.
That's kind of my summary, Maria.
Truth, liberty, real justice and actual prosperity, Mike.
One where we are not indebted to globalist bankers.
One where we support one another to prosper and live well and be blessed with our children and our gardens and abundance.
And these are things that absolutely everyone wants.
I've read some statistics about Gen Z being pro-socialist.
I think that if people, if the world sees this model that you're talking about, Mike, they will flock to it.
And you are doing such an amazing job in building that, Mike,
in being a true pioneer for that.
HealthRanger, Brighteon.com.
Thank you so much for your time today, Mike.
Everyone, please support InfoWars and share this everywhere.
God bless you all.
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at jonescrowder.com to how the globalists control and manipulate us.
And I remember my dad's brother, my uncle, when I was a little kid, showed me how to capture quail in East Texas and other birds, but really most of them aren't good to eat other than quail.
And I remember the magic of him building one of these in the backyard And just about six hours later, we went out there and checked, and there were quail in the hole.
And all you do is take like a sharpshooter shovel and dig a hole, just like you see here.
This is in another country than the U.S.
You put a little bit of rice or a little bit of grain out, and then when the birds start eating the grain, They get greedy and decide to step onto the platform and fall into the hole.
And for whatever reason, most ground foraging birds will just basically stay in the hole at least for a while.
You can also put bells on it or whatever, so you hear a ding and you go out and get them.
And then they're really delicious birds to eat.
This is some other type of ground foraging bird.
This is in Asia, looks like some type of quail.
But regardless, they make pretty good, pretty good eating.
You can fry them, you can cook them over a fire, you name it.
But this is what the globalists do to us.
With welfare and reparations and all the rest of it.
You notice, we go back to the video, almost all the birds, but one of them falls in.
And so it sounds great.
Oh, we're going to get something free, but You take the universal basic income and the social credit score, then you are totally trapped in their system and it is designed to completely trap you and control you.
You know, there's a better parallel, and that's a little piece of cheese.
Got a house full of mice you want to get rid of?
Just go buy like a, you know, dollar piece of cheese.
You can capture 20 mice with that.
Set out a mousetrap, put the cheese on it, the mouse comes and gets it, boom, breaks its neck.
So for a 15 cent piece of cheese, you just killed the mouse.
So we have to be aware that all these globalist handouts, ladies and gentlemen, are not a free lunch, they're meant to enslave us.
And that freedom itself is not free.
Things that are worth attaining, things that are valuable, take time and energy and investment.
And I've been investing 29 years in the fight against the globalists.
And we have gone through hell, we have been persecuted just like President Trump is, because they're trying to get through us to get to you.
And that next one said a thousand times, you know that to be true.
Quite frankly, InfoWars now more than ever needs your support.
We've been so close to being shut down for five years, but now is the most intense.
And so it's very simple.
I know that if we get shut down, we'll suddenly have massive support.
But once this infrastructure is shut down, with the building and the contracts and the equipment and the crew, it'll be very hard to reconstitute that once this is shut down.
So we need the support now.
But instead of putting out some grain so you fall in a hole and we eat you for dinner, We're simply asking you to go to InfoWarsTore.com and get stuff that empowers your life and makes you healthy, like Ultra 12, the highest quality B12, taken out of the tongue for better absorption, that's back in stock for 40% off.
It enriches you and empowers you.
You get a great effect, so you come back and order it again.
We stay on air, you're healthier, you're wiser, you're better.
It's a 360 system or a 360 win, a non-zero-sum game.
So it's not a predatory globalist system where we want to capture you and eat you one time.