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Name: 20231103_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 3, 2023
2496 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Alex discusses various topics such as vaccine dangers, ongoing trials involving Trump, euthanasia in Canada, sleeper cells in the US, and potential presidential candidacy of Michelle Obama. He also promotes products available on Infowarstore.com. In addition, he raises concerns about prions being intentionally spread through vaccines and chemtrails. The show features interviews with guest Royce White discussing stand-down theory in Israel and Joel Gilbert promoting his book and film about Michelle Obama's life story.

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War has been declared upon the United States and the people of America by Hezbollah that is sock-puppeting almost all the other Islamic terror organizations, and they have millions of people in Europe that are military-aged men, and hundreds and hundreds of thousands that are military-aged men in the U.S., and they are saying they're preparing to attack us.
Do you understand?
The article's on m4wars.com with the video of the leader.
Speaking to the Iranian government, the Iranian parliament, laying this out.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is happening now.
This is an emergency situation.
The globalists are manipulating this from behind the scenes to bring in a global crisis so Biden can cancel the election.
And they can use the war as the pretext for claiming that that's why the economy has imploded, so the globalists don't get the blame.
They can be the saviors and bring in their new central bank digital currency, the ESGs and more.
This is an emergency alert.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Look, I can't do it all, folks.
I've done everything I can, every electronic crack I can find, to get my message out to people.
I just need you to go out and be leaders and warn everybody about what's going on.
And you're like, well, how do I do that?
Go to the CDC's website, print out how it can kill you and all the bad things it can do, and then show people news articles saying vaccines are safe and effective.
You'll see that everywhere.
And go show people.
Look, they say there's no side effects.
Here's 100 pages right here.
Here's the PrisonPlanet.com posting of Mike Adams' story, 10 outrageous but true facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to do.
You know what I want?
I don't even have time to tell the nightly news we're on the cover every night.
You know what I want covered tomorrow night?
I want this covered tomorrow night!
I want GMOs covered!
I want what's going on covered!
I want to fight these son of a bitches!
I don't want to have half measures!
I don't want to die and have them win!
I'm sick of their crap!
And I don't know how to totally beat them, but first, like Howard Beale says in Network, you've got to get mad.
You've got to get angry, you've got to find your humanity, and you've got to start kicking some New World Order ass in the Info War before this thing gets physical.
But I'm not going to sit here.
You notice it came out a month ago.
Oh, Virginia.
Oh, California.
We're still sterilizing foster kids.
First it was prisoners.
Well, they deserve it, so they're trying to sell it.
Then, oh, it was foster kids, too.
Yeah, well, after you rape them, they're already committing crimes everywhere.
And you notice, you know why they come out and tell you, oh, we gave kids in Guatemala syphilis too, and vaccines.
We apologize.
Remember that this year, Hillary?
They apologize.
They're telling you to just get you used to it, to psychologically inoculate you.
So that as all this comes out, it's like, so we gave a hundred million Americans, as estimated, all these new rare cancers in a cocktail of viruses and your polio vaccine.
The live vaccine we shoot up kids' noses.
What's the big deal, pumpkin?
Isn't dying young fun?
I mean, these people, these people are assaulting us.
Under common law, ladies and gentlemen, they could all be rounded up and hung.
Okay, but they've got Homeland Security geared up to try to keep the collapse down while they murder us slow!
They love the fact they're killing you and your family.
They enjoy it!
People tune into the show, they go, this guy's far out.
I'm not far out!
They're far out!
Here's Harari saying, we're gonna make aliens on Earth.
We're gonna merge the machines and be a new life form, a new ruling alien class on Earth.
See, they're building the aliens.
The biomedical AI merger with our flesh.
The raping of humanity.
It's the same story from Roswell in the late 40s.
With Colonel Corso, heavily promoted everywhere by the biggest publishers, by the biggest movie makers.
That was system funded.
Because they don't want you to understand the full spectrum of interdimensional contact.
And the fact that it's always been here.
These things actually aren't alien.
They're part of our existence and part of our story here.
If anything's the aliens, it's us.
We're here on this planet by God.
And it's these things that are already basically here.
We've probably not been here as long as this thing's been here.
If you really read the ancient text of the Bible.
So they don't want you to know it's far more complex and they're not in control of it.
All they're doing is being demonically inspired by these creatures that will only give them Hellraiser visions.
It will only give them how to have technology for evil.
Because it doesn't like us.
This is just a training camp where our father has put us here.
We think we're only living on one life so that we're in this super scared position but having all these spiritual and ancestral intergalactic interdimensional memories and it's all a giant three-dimensional real scenario war game and They don't want you to know that.
And they don't want you to understand they signed on to the wrong team.
They joined with the destructive force, the evil force, so they could have power during the third dimensional simulation?
It's a three dimensional genetic universal simulation.
It's a real simulation.
It's just that it's forever war.
You don't die when you die.
You're an electrochemical multi-dimensional creature.
This is only one lowest manifestation of you.
You have glorified heavenly bodies.
There's this first heaven, the second heaven, the third heaven.
It's all right there for you to understand.
And what is the heaven?
A dimension.
They are programming that aliens are these little stupid gray things and they want to
kidnap us at night and take stuff from us.
And there is some evidence for some lower level creatures.
They're like a biological android.
This whole big UFO thing is a distraction that, oh, the aliens are harassing our ships.
The aliens are harassing our troops.
No, that's the globalists with their advanced technology playing games.
So they can brand contact with the angels and God as the devil, when really we're here
with the devil.
We're not walking around.
All right.
Thank you.
We see me.
This is amazing.
I was watching on a separate screen, getting distracted by my own mug, and now I can see it in real time.
Good afternoon, East Coast.
Good evening, Europe.
And good morning, Pacific, you know, West Coast.
This is a first for me.
I've been a guest on the show a couple of times.
I've had Alex on my channel a few times.
And now I'm going to do a two hour segment.
And it's going to be beautiful because it comes pretty much at an amazing time when there's actual developing news.
And we're going to have something of a breaking sort of never before yet heard story involving something that's going along in the Trump trial in Colorado.
There's so many Trump trials going on right now that people are likely to get confused.
But if you're watching InfoWars and you're asking yourself, who the heck is this talking to me right now?
Viva Freiheit.
My real name is David Freiheit.
Some people were actually disappointed when they found out my name was not Viva.
Last name Freiheit, verbatim freedom in German.
There's an old expression, Nomen es Omen, something in the name.
I'm a lawyer by trade, was a lawyer by trade, now retired to the interweb's legal political analysis commentary.
Do a weekly stream with Robert Barnes, who is a reputable brain of a lawyer, is an understatement.
Every Sunday night, channel is Viva Fry on Rumble.
Well, and I cover the stuff that's going on in the world in terms of lost stuff, as we colloquially refer to it in the industry.
The stuff that's been going on this week.
I mean, the breaking news set aside the fact that the world seems to be on fire.
And hopefully, you know, on a geopolitical scale, things get brought back to a level of sanity sometime sooner than later.
Fingers crossed, hoping.
Trump is on not one trial, not two trial, two trials out of New York.
He's got the D.C.
trial out of D.C.
with Jack Smith, a Judge Chutkan that I think has just actually agreed to postpone the trial.
He's got a trial in Florida.
No, it was the Florida one that got postponed.
We have gone from 2016 election, Russians interfered with the election to cause Trump to get elected, to 2020, one cannot question or ask any questions, however innocuous, however obvious, about the integrity of elections.
To 2020, what are we now?
Heading into 2024?
And we're witnessing what I am calling, I don't think I've coined the term but I'm going to make it popular, institutionalized election interference.
We have gone from accusing Trump of colluding to interfere in the 2016 election that got him elected, to criminalizing, to some extent, and to a greater extent than less than we're going to see in a second, criminalizing Forbidding any discussion questioning the integrity of elections in 2020 to institutionalized election interference right now, as we're seeing in the Alvin Bragg persecution of Donald Trump out of New York for the hush money payment.
Leticia James persecution of Trump for alleged fraud.
We're going to get to that later on in the show after we have our exclusive.
Then we've got Jack Smith out of DC.
We've got another indictment in Florida as relates to classified documents.
We've got the Georgia Fannie Willis indictment, where we're seeing people cut deal after deal.
One is left to interpret why.
And now we are going through a current trial, not sure if everybody's following it out there, in Colorado.
A civil trial to have Trump's name not removed from, not included on, excluded from the ballot of both the primaries and the general in Colorado.
It's a legal theory that legal scholars, and I'm using that facetiously, glibly, I'm using that counter sarcastically, legal minds such as Lawrence tried, floated around to exclude from the ballot Not just anybody.
The leading political adversary, on the basis of the 14th Amendment third sub-paragraph of the Constitution, shall be excluded anyone who has participated in insurrection, aiding and abetting an enemy against the United States of America.
And although Trump Has never been convicted of insurrection.
Heck, he's never been charged with insurrection.
The only trial getting close to anything related to that would be out of D.C.
and that hasn't even gone to trial yet.
You got a Colorado activist group trying to have Trump excluded from the ballot of the election.
The trial is going on right now and we're going to talk about it.
There's a journalist whose name you've probably heard of now because it came up during the trial on day three.
Ashley Epp, not to be confused with Ray Epps.
No relation.
I've double-checked this.
Ashley Epp, a name that gets mentioned in open court for allegedly live-streaming the trial.
We're going to get to all of this, but Ashley has been covering this trial day in and day out, as have a number of other people.
Robert Gouveia watching the Watchers.
There's a couple of people live-tweeting it.
Ashley's going to come on and talk about what's going on in this trial and how the heck her name got brought up specifically during this trial.
I've got her in the backdrop.
I'm going to bring her up and see if this works here.
Let me see.
Add to stage.
And now what I'm going to do is remove myself so that I can see it the next, I can see the next break is in a matter of time.
Ashley, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Oh yes.
I can hear you.
Let me bring this in so we don't need to waste as much valuable real estate.
Ashley, Okay, we're going to get into a lot of this.
We're going to get into what is going on with you, potentially personally having your name mentioned in open court during a live stream.
I gotta ask you how that felt.
But look, before we even get there, you're a reporter.
You've been covering a number of things and we'll get to it, but you've been covering this trial day in and day out.
Tell the world who you are.
So, first of all, happy anniversary of the stolen election.
It's November 3rd.
It's the third anniversary of a stolen election.
So, happy anniversary, everybody.
The world's going well, isn't it, since that happened?
So, I am based in Colorado.
I am a contributor to Badlands Media, badlandsmedia.tv.
We cover We do normal news in the mornings and then we get into some of the counter-narrative, alternative news type stuff on more of our shows.
I loved the Alex Jones intro.
I'm actually working on a series right now of the 13 bloodlines connected to biblical chronology and world history.
So, what does the truth tell us from the Word of God?
Behind here, I have this whole giant map of bloodlines and whatnot, so that's why I have the curtain up, because it's very distracting otherwise.
For a second, it looked like a board game for a while.
I have no idea what that is.
Yeah, so it's a chart that maps world history against biblical bloodlines.
So we're taking that and comparing it to, you know, Illuminati bloodlines.
Good fun stuff.
All, you know, easy, simple topics to cover.
But I've been covering Colorado.
I write locally.
I have a column in a widely circulated, still-in-print newspaper covering Colorado politics.
I mostly focus on the GOP because the GOP in Colorado is establishment.
The America First people have been fighting the GOP before really even fighting Democrats in our state.
But I've been on Janet Griswold's radar since 2021 and there's a lot to get into about what happened.
There's a lot of players involved in this, so tell us, first of all, who are the plaintiffs in this?
Because one of the talking points in the media is that there's four Republicans, so this is bipartisan, this is just after justice, and it has nothing to do with partisan politics.
There's a term called the Union Party that I've gotten recently familiar with, but you'll get into it.
Who are the plaintiffs in this lawsuit?
So this is interesting because it's six voters that are allegedly suing Janet Griswold, the Secretary of State of Colorado, and Trump and the Colorado GOP are intervening.
So that's why you hear them referred to in the trial as interveners.
The six voters are four Republicans, allegedly, and two independents.
One of the Republicans is a woman named Norma Anderson.
She was a legislator here in the state of Colorado.
Her daughter-in-law is Pam Anderson, who was the executive director for the Center for Tech and Civic Life, the Mark Zuckerberg's organization that flooded Colorado elections with $400 million.
So they're Republican.
They have an R next to their name, but they are very much, in my opinion, very much establishment.
Okay, excellent.
And hold on, there's a bit of an echo now because I'm trying to make sure I can see when the breaks come because I'm not used to managing commercial breaks.
Okay, so those are the plaintiffs.
Griswold, who's she?
Griswold is the Secretary of State of Colorado.
So she's technically the respondent in this case, like the defense, right?
They're suing her to keep Trump off the ballot.
Now on the first day, her, well, the attorney for the petitioners stood up and said for Jenna Griswold, she's not going to present a defense.
She's going to go basically with whatever the court decides, but she will make her deputy elections director available for comment.
Before we cut to break, before we got to the answer, you were explaining how they're proceeding with insurrection removal in the absence of an actual criminal conviction.
All right, go for it.
So their case that they're making, that they've outlined for the judge and that they seem to be arguing towards, is that Trump led the insurrection on January 6th, but it appears that the legal standard that they're Trying to prove to the judge, for the judge to rule in their favor, is that Trump participated in the insurrection.
And they brought in a scholar from the, you know, a constitutional scholar to speak about the section three of the 14th amendment.
And that really seems to be where they're going from a legal standpoint, from a court of public opinion standpoint, they're all in on Trump led the insurrection.
And I personally don't believe there was an insurrection, except what happened on November 3rd or so.
Well, and now getting into that, we'll get into the trial before we get into the incident.
I've been covering it from day one, but what have been your highlights in terms of who are the witnesses, what they're presenting, what evidence has been adduced or not adduced, the potential bias of the judge in this case, refused to recuse herself notwithstanding having made a $100 donation.
To a political, an activist organization that has determined that it was an insurrection already.
So what have been some of the most important highlights that you've seen thus far in the week?
So I think that the most important for our liberty and for the legal precedence that the petitioners and really the lawfare organizations that are behind the petitioners, I think their most important witness has been Dr. Pete Seamey.
Dr. Pete Seamey is a sociologist who, he's an expert in far-right extremism.
Which appears to be a discipline that he's invented.
His takeaways were, so I'm going to just kind of read through some of the points that he made in his testimony.
He testified for almost an entire day.
It was very long.
Far-right extremists are those who believe that corruption is a significant problem and that special interests are running the world.
That's one of his takeaways.
Now, important on that is in October of 2022, the New York Times shocked themselves when they published their Siena poll, which showed 68% of likely U.S.
voters believe that the number one issue that we face is corruption and that the government works on behalf of the elites and not the people.
So that is apparently, according to this expert on far-right extremism, that is far-right extremism.
Is believing that.
Alex Jones, Enrique Otario, Stuart Rhodes, and Nick Fuentes, these are all names that he mentioned explicitly, are extremists that President Trump communicates to via coded message, coded messages and dog whistles.
We got that all caps, speaking in all caps is a sign of escalating far right extremism.
Speaking about 1776.
Generally in this environment means that you're an extremist and it doesn't matter.
This is the part that's really important is that it doesn't matter that Trump says, peacefully and patriotically, make your voices heard.
Or that he says, not the white supremacists and neo-Nazis, they should be condemned totally.
Those things are said to give cover to him and his extremists know this and it's a double speak.
Well, let me bring this up because it's like I called it TDS in one image.
know, peacefully and patriotically, the far right extremists know that that
means go take over the Capitol, go take over the Capitol building.
And President Trump just says peacefully and patriotically to give himself
cover and plausible deniability.
Well, let me bring this up because it's like, I called it TDS in one image.
Let me just see if we're looking at the same thing here.
This, oh, this is how Trump led the insurrection and I'll read it out loud.
Trump summoned and organized the mob, and they got summoned and organized in blood red.
Trump's lies gave the mob a common purpose.
Trump incited the mob at the Ellipse, knowing they were armed and dangerous, which I'm still curious about, because as far as I knew, nobody had any firearms.
I don't know what they mean by armed.
Trump commanded the mob to the Capitol, claiming he would go down with them.
Trump further incited the mob with his twister in the attack.
Trump helped the mob by refusing to mobilize resources.
I'm going to get to all of this, you know, I've talked about it at length over the week.
But first of all, was Simi, was there a, what they call a voir dire, was there anything to determine Simi's expertise as an expert?
He's written books, he's written articles, he's testified as an expert before.
They did credentialize him to some extent and she did allow it.
He's testifying as an expert witness on far-right extremism, not about the events of that day.
So he's not, he's not testifying that he knew what was going on in Trump's head.
Although in some of his testimony, he pretty much said that he knew what was going on in Trump's head.
Um, the, one of the best parts was when they played all of the Democrat politicians talking about, you know, get in, get in the streets, make sure they know that they're not welcome here.
If you see them, you know, at a, at a gap, gasoline, vaccine waters.
Yeah, gasoline station, as Maxine Waters says, you know, make them uncomfortable, all of those kinds of things.
And he justified, you know, he would need more context to know if that was far-right extremism.
And he said, you know, we all engage in doublespeak from time to time, but far-right extremists do it as a call to violence, and that's what makes them different.
If you pull up that image again, I can kind of walk through the evidence they've presented on each of those points.
Because it's very weak.
This is a very weak case.
I closed it.
But the evidence... Go for it.
So Trump summoned the mob, right?
That's one of the things that they've said, is that Trump summoned the mob.
That is his tweets leading up to January 6th.
And the big one that they keep bringing up is, be there on January 6th, that's going to be wild.
And wild is written in all caps, and that is a call for the far-right extremists to come to Washington, D.C.
and ostensibly take over the Capitol building.
That's the point on the first one.
I'm going to pull up the image because I know all the six points, but I don't know them in order off the top of my head.
Well, I've been watching.
The evidence is sparse at best.
They had one of the Capitol officers talk about how he was assaulted, which he was.
The question just becomes, was that as a result of Trump's insurrection?
And they're talking about a passive form of insurrection.
Trump didn't call in additional resources.
Hence, it's sort of almost a passive insurrection as opposed to actively engaging in insurrection.
Yes, that's, that's exactly right.
And, um, that's, that's their sixth point, which is a great segue to, uh, you know, what, what happened on Wednesday.
Um, Trump's lies gave the mob common purpose is their second point.
That is the lie about the election.
The, the, the, the big lie.
Right, that the election was the safest and most secure election in history and nobody should have any questions about the fact that five states unprecedented stopped counting all at the same time on election night.
That the election night voting, election night reporting system that the media uses to call the election results went down and when it came back up it was all zeroed out and then the The totals were inverted off of that.
All of these things are conspiracy theories.
They're well documented, but they're conspiracy theories.
And this lie about the election being stolen gave the mob common purpose.
The third point is the armed and dangerous...
Oh, go ahead.
Well, I just want to say one thing.
If the...
And we're going to probably end up going to break and then talking about how you came
up here personally in this trial.
But if the only thing that was done was intelligence lying about the Hunter Biden laptop, writing it off as Russian disinformation, social media censoring it and the links sharing it.
If that were the only thing that were done, that already there is definitive outcome affecting election interference.
So to write it off as an unquestionable lie, it's untenable at best.
All that said, we can argue the degrees to which and some of the more disputable stuff, but 30 seconds before we had to break, tell us about the armed and dangerous.
Armed, so the Capitol Police officers, they testified that armed meant they took the people at the Capitol, took things off the police officers, beat with their own batons.
On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
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To prove insurrection Go over this, Ashley, before we get into the part where you get called out seemingly in the middle of this trial for live-streaming the trial.
What was the armed and dangerous about?
Sure, so things they took off the police officers, and this is the testimony of the Capitol Police.
There were things that they took off the police officers.
Shields, batons, helmets, other things, so at the Capitol.
Um, there were barricades and, you know, uh, uh, like the fencing and whatnot.
Those were used as weapons.
And then they said sharpened flagpoles, um, which is, uh, they, they provided no evidence for this.
They showed no sharpened flagpoles, but that is apparently what the people brought with them from the Ellipse to the Capitol was sharpened flagpoles.
Now the, um, Testimony yesterday, the cross-examination of a man named Tom Bjorklund, who was at January 6th, they talked about weapons that were confiscated at the Ellipse.
So there were knives, there were tasers, pepper spray, those kinds of things.
So the fact that there was that at the Ellipse and then the sharpened flagpoles brought and then they used, you know, they found weapons at the Capitol is how they're saying that people were armed.
Alright, now Ashley, we're watching the trial and it was during Wednesday where the judge, at some point there's a break and the plaintiff's attorney says, it's come to our attention that someone is live streaming this trial and they have close to 10,000 people watching.
And then they drop a name, Ash Epp, or Ashley Epp.
Ashley Epp is what I said, yes.
Which I imagine...
Which I imagine has to be somewhat flabbergasting to be in the middle of a, you know, one of the biggest election trials, I would argue in American history, one of them, and have your name come up.
What happened?
How did they identify you?
And why do you think there's a little something more to what's going on then than just taking issue with someone live streaming this trial?
Sure, so the moment is important.
It was right after Kash Patel had absolutely wiped the floor with the petitioner's attorney.
Now, I was live streaming this trial for three days.
It wasn't a problem until after Kash Patel's testimony, and it was just about the first thing after Kash Patel's testimony that they wanted to shut down live streaming.
But why me?
There was loads of people that were live streaming the trial.
And I don't know if you have the clip, uh, that, that they play, but they, they misrepresent the Eric Olson is the attorney for the petitioners.
He used to work for the Colorado Attorney General's office.
I've given public testimony or public comment on, on bills and, and, uh, emergency orders and things in front of him before.
Jenna Griswold knows who I am.
All of these people know who I am, but they, they made it to the, to the court that some random person on the internet is, is live streaming this.
And then they said, my name, Ashley Epp, which is, nowhere in any of my content.
I was live streaming on Badlands, Badlandsmedia.tv.
The logo for Badlands was on the screen.
The channel that I was on was Badlands.
My name that I use is Ash or Ash in America.
My professional name that I used before this was Ash.
I don't use my government name.
The only place that my government name is, that these people know, is in government documents or in the lawsuit against me that Jenna Griswold is a witness in.
Well, now I want to bring that up just to share it because this might explain a little more.
You are a defendant in a lawsuit accusing you of voter intimidation.
This is from the League of Women Voters.
Just read the headline because the headline framing is everything.
Major voting rights victory.
Federal court rejects extremist attempt to defeat voter intimidation lawsuit.
So you are, you're a defendant to a lawsuit that is accusing you of voter intimidation and you think that there might be some personal grudge against the players involved in the Trump persecution as relates to your own personal, let's call it a prosecution.
So, Laura Loomer did a great article yesterday on CRU, the organization that's bringing this case against President Trump.
So I would encourage everybody to see the dark network that's behind Trump's lawsuit.
But two of the original parties to this case against President Trump was an organization, a law firm called Free Speech for People and a civil rights organization called Mi Familia Vota.
Both of those organizations are parties to my case.
Free speech for people is one of the attorneys and Mi Familia Vota is one of the plaintiffs.
The plaintiffs are the League of Women Voters, the NAACP and Mi Familia Vota.
This has been going on since March of 2022.
We've never spoken publicly about it before.
And it is because we canvassed the 2020 election.
We went door to door.
In a very statistically sound way.
It was peer reviewed.
Our methodology is above reproach.
We've completely complied with all discovery.
We've given them everything that we have in response.
They, in turn, really provided very little discovery.
Two of the plaintiff organizations provided no responses to our discovery requests.
And the League of Women Voters provided very minimal.
I don't recall, I think is the most common response that was provided during depositions.
There's no evidence.
It's completely baseless.
But the parties are the same.
And what really was interesting yesterday was in the afternoon testimony, the organization, USCIP, U.S.
Election Integrity Plan, that's the extremist organization that was up on that.
League of Women Voters.
USCIP has been dismissed as a defendant in the case.
So it's just me, Holly Kaysen, and retired Air Force Colonel Sean Smith.
We are the defendants in this case.
And USCIP was brought up in the questioning yesterday afternoon in Trump's case.
So very interesting connection points.
And the fact that they picked me out, used my full name, which again is nowhere in any of my content.
The Badlands logo was on the stream.
I was on the Badlands channel, but they called me out by name.
I don't think it's a coincidence.
Well, that and it's being broadcast on C-SPAN, CNN, everywhere.
They talk about a broader media net that's allowed to rebroadcast.
But, Ash, I'm going to finish up the segment just by briefly talking about the New York stuff.
But thank you very much for coming on.
And you're on Twitter, Ash in America.
That's correct.
All right.
Ashley, thank you very much.
And thanks so much.
Keep up the good work.
All right, now we're going to go, you know, back it up and go over to New York State, where we have the other part of the Trump persecution.
And everybody has to appreciate, I mean, it's clear for those who are paying attention, but everybody has to appreciate that this is the end of a system that had hitherto been a respectable system.
The system of justice, which has now turned into a weaponized, systematic system of injustice, where you have Alvin Bragg, New York.
Leticia James, New York.
A gag order out of New York, gagging Trump from what he can and cannot say.
And yesterday, in the Leticia James New York trial, we had the judge basically reprimanding Trump's attorneys for having suggested that there's a little bit too much discussion between Judge Engeron and his clerk, who Uh, who has been accused of being somewhat partisan.
And if anybody has any doubts, we have to go back and remember what Judge Engron once upon a time said about having tools to get the results in law that he wants.
Juries get it wrong a lot.
That's my own opinion.
I do only civil trials.
Personal injury cases, contract disputes, but I've had situations where like, oh my, my, heaven's sake, how could they have thought that?
Well, I have a, um, I have a tool that I can deal with that.
It's called jury notwithstanding the verdict, judgment notwithstanding the verdict.
We'll cut it there.
Everybody can go watch that interview.
It's a lengthy speech that he gives to a group of aspiring journalists where he discusses the tools that he has at his disposal to get to the results that he wants in law.
And at one point in that speech, he says, am I following the law or am I making the law?
Well, we all have our bias and I have some tools.
In the New York case, Trump has been gagged now.
Fined $5,000 for one alleged violation of the gag order.
$10,000 for a subsequent breach.
And the sanctions are going to keep going up and up and up.
And you have Leticia James, the Attorney General, taking to Twitter, exploiting of the gag order to give daily rundowns of what's going on in that trial.
Rundowns which I would say are arguably less than accurate.
And they've called up Trump's three children.
Ivanka made a motion to quash the subpoena.
That was dismissed by Judge Angaran.
All three are going to testify.
It's a perjury trap.
Nothing short of it.
And we are witnessing the wholesale weaponization of the justice system as a whole.
To be followed, these are important cases that everybody has to know about.
And with that said, I think we're going to be heading into a break in a bit.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Viva Frye filling in.
Even momentarily, because when the court announced a live streamer, live streaming a trial, which is being live streamed across various platforms, because she had 8700 people watching and was giving spicy commentary, that perhaps the powers that be did not much appreciate.
I don't know what's intimidation, but I know it would be intimidating to have a lawyer and a judge name you in open court, identify you for, as far as I can tell, not doing anything that was restricted because this is being broadcast, this trial, the Colorado trial, CNN, AP, Associated Press, C-SPAN.
So we've covered the Colorado trial.
It's a must, but there were a few more soundbites, quick clips that I wanted to highlight in order to bring out the absurdity of this.
I'm calling it a persecution because anybody who doesn't think what's happening right now to Trump, if they think it's anything less than a persecution, they have abandoned their principles of justice.
In Colorado, they're trying to ensure democracy.
By removing the leading candidate, or not allowing the leading candidate to be on the ballot.
The argument is that he participated in insurrection despite never being convicted of, never being charged with insurrection, and in fact no one in this entire January 6th I'll call it a kangaroo court sham of whatever, has been convicted of insurrection.
The closest we got, which is evidence that this was a setup, a let it happen on purpose, at best made it happen on purpose.
The best convictions they got were seditious conspiracy for members of the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers.
And do recall, I predicted at the beginning of 2022 that what this year was going to prove was that January 6th was a setup.
Either a false flag, something that was facilitated, allowed to happen, or just a happy accident.
And we have that evidence now.
They're going after Trump for insurrection.
No one's been convicted of insurrection.
They claim that he failed to prevent the events of January 6th and that he incited them through his tweets, which we're going to get to in a second, evidence lacking.
They are omitting or conveniently forgetting that to get those convictions of the seditious conspiracy against the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, there were FBI informants who had infiltrated those organizations, and so they knew of this plan, this plot, this seditious conspiracy to overthrow the government on January 6th, and yet somehow everyone was caught with their pants down, and it's Trump's fault that the National Guard was not called in.
During the trial, there was a clip Basically, let me see which one it is.
It's this one right here.
There was a clip basically blaming Trump for having not called in the National Guard when the alternative, had he called in the National Guard in violation of protocol, it would have been called a coup.
You do remember back in the day there was a fear that Trump was going to bring in the military in order to retain power.
Hence the fear of a coup.
Coup if he brings in an unsolicited National Guard, insurrection if he doesn't, and this is one of the highlights which I think is of the utmost importance, by the way, Kash Patel's testimony, eviscerating, destructive, case-destroying if we're dealing with any ordinary court, but any ordinary court would have already thrown this suit out.
Listen to this.
And so just to close this out, to your knowledge, did any senior DOJ leader ever state in words or substance
that they felt they needed more or different authorization from President Trump before they
could deploy National Guard troops to keep the peace on January 6th?
That's Kash Patel testifying.
Okay, so, um, Department of Defense, um, based on what you're telling us, felt they had authority
to use National Guard troops and President Trump had been clear that he wanted DOD to
do what was necessary to protect the American people.
So why didn't we have 10,000 National Guard troops suited up and armed guarding the Capitol on the morning of January 6th?
Good question.
What's the answer?
But mainly, under the law, as it was, as the Department of Defense has operated under, pursuant to the request of the General Counsel and the White House Counsel's Office, and probably the last hundred years of the National Guard Authority.
So, basically, under the law and the last hundred years of National Guard Authority, the punchline's gonna be, it needs the authorization from the President, but a request from the jurisdiction.
Jack Kwan was a commander in chief's authorization.
Step one, commander-in-chief authorization to deploy the National Guard.
Step two was a request by the governing body, the local governing body.
She's the governor, but in this instance, it's the mayor, since it's Washington, D.C., and or the heads of the Capitol Police Bureau, because we're talking about the Capitol.
So the bottom line of what we're listening to here is that there were a, Kash Patel served, had a function in the Department of Defense, assistant to the, assistant to the, oh, I'm going to forget the title, was involved in this, knows it, outlines the steps that needed to occur in order for the National Guard to be deployed.
He goes on in that clip.
I'm convinced the audio is bad on purpose to deter people from watching it, but he goes on in that clip to explain how even if you were to deploy the National Guard, you need to go get them.
They're reservists, they're doctors, lawyers, professionals, tradespeople.
They need to get summoned, amassed, put into action.
And what the trial is revealing, and we knew it at the time, but there were deferring narratives, Trump had offered or authorized, allegedly, the National Guard to be deployed, but they were never requested.
And so, had Trump come in with the National Guard in the absence of a request, it would have been a coup.
And the fact that he allegedly didn't authorize it, although he did, but they weren't deployed, well, now it becomes an insurrection through a mission of sorts.
This is a damned if you do, damned if you don't.
It's called motivated reasoning.
Arguing from conclusions as opposed to towards them.
The court wants to come to the conclusion that Trump insurrected.
Everybody does.
The plaintiffs do.
And so that's how you get there.
It would be coup if you did, insurrection if you didn't.
And speaking of the evidence, the contradictory evidence, y'all remember when Trump was booted from social media platforms?
Let's have a look at this other highlight.
Absolutely, well it's a terrible question in law, but also contradicted by the evidence which may or may not be in the possession of the plaintiff because it got very difficult to verify what Trump did say or did not say, did tweet or did not tweet, once they suspended him.
Permanent suspension from Twitter.
Listen to this.
Preventing President Trump from sending out a tweet between 1 21 p.m.
And 4 17 p.m.
Telling supporters who are at the Capitol to go home was there It's a it's a for any aspiring lawyers watching the double the double negative questions there was nothing forbidding that Trump could have tweeted out, go home people, between 1.15 and 4.15 on the day of January 6th, the day that will live in infamy, insurrection.
Did he do that?
I'll rephrase.
There's no authority that you're aware of, sir, that would have prevented President Trump from sending out a tweet between 1.21 p.m.
and 4.17 p.m.
telling the people to go home from the Capitol.
No, there was nothing.
Look at this.
You remember when Trump was booted from the platform on January 8, when the media was concocting its narrative?
There was nothing that would have prevented Trump between the hours of 1pm and 4pm from tweeting to tell the people to go home.
True, Mr. Lawyer, he didn't tweet for them to go home.
What he did tweet Which became virtually undiscoverable to anybody who was even looking for it because of his permanent suspension.
Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement.
They are truly on the side of our country.
Stay peaceful.
Was one tweet.
2.38 p.m., squarely in the window of what the lawyer is talking about.
I am asking for everyone at the U.S.
Capitol to remain peaceful.
No violence.
Remember, we are the party of law and order.
Well, that didn't play out too well for everybody, did it?
Respect the law and our great men and women in blue.
Thank you.
And that is it.
3.13pm, squarely within the time frame of what that lawyer was alluding to was Trump's inaction, for which he should be held responsible for insurrection and excluded from being on the ballot.
Now, admittedly, it might have been very difficult for people to hear Trump's words to stay peaceful, go home.
We're on the side of law and order because they booted him from social media platforms.
For inciting violence.
And if you go back and read the Twitter blog, that is to say the actual blog from Twitter explaining the action, they said, And I'm wondering if an expert in extremism, Simi, was advising them?
They said, given how the tweets are being received, and they might induce, incite violence, we've permanently suspended Donald Trump for two other unrelated tweets.
Or, unrelated to those.
This was a setup from the beginning.
And whether or not it was a setup, I've learned two new words.
Lee hop or me hop.
Let it happen on purpose or made it happen on purpose.
It was a setup from square, from day one.
And they're now using it to abuse of the courts in every jurisdiction across the country to prevent Trump from being able to run.
It's institutionalized intellectual, institutionalized election interference.
When we come back from the break, we're going to go over a little bit of the New York stuff, because there's still some fun stuff to look at there.
And we're going to talk about some Canadian stuff, because it's going to hell in a handbasket, not only in America, but also in Canada.
So that'll be on the return from the commercial break.
Viva Fry, filling in on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you all for watching.
And stay tuned, because it's going to be good.
going up north of the border to see the madness up there in short.
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They have filling in for the Alex Jones Show.
And look, I said we were going to be done with the Trump persecution, but we're not yet done with the Trump persecution because I realize now we have a couple of more minutes where I can actually bring up Leticia James's daily Twitter updates.
Everybody out there, despite what I look like, I was actually once upon a time a practicing attorney with... I had 12 plus years of active commercial litigation practice under my belt in la belle province de Quebec, sworn in 2007.
I don't often talk about my experience because I never much liked my experience as a lawyer, but I have practice in Quebec and I'm not just some dude talking without having had any meaningful experience in litigation.
That being said, I'm only Quebec certified and Canadian federal law, so I don't know the law of foreign jurisdictions, although I can sort of read and make myself understand it.
Looking at Laetitia, or as some of the other legal online commentators, Robert Gouveia calls her Tish.
If anybody doesn't know, Robert Gouveia, watching The Watchers, another great lawyer online doing the legal work for people to understand what's going on in the world, calls her Tish James.
I think that's also in her Twitter handle.
Laetitia James is the Attorney General for the state of New York.
She campaigned in 2018, literally on the platform of going after Trump, literally, verbatim.
I pulled up some clips and it's an amazing thing.
Go back and watch some of her talks at the time.
Her platform, I'm going to go after Donald Trump.
She called him an illegitimate president.
She suggested he was a Russian asset.
She suggested in one of her videos, one of her interviews, that he was involved in foreign money laundering.
She promised to go after him because it was a known fact that Trump couldn't get any domestic bank loans, which we now know is not only not the case, but she had to pivot her legal theory.
At one point in one of her videos, she says, we all know that Trump can't get any domestic bank loans.
So where's all his money coming from?
Suggesting it was from foreign money laundering.
She campaigned off a platform of persecuting Trump, got elected, and then is in the process now of carrying it out, going after Trump for the fraud of having allegedly, fraudulently, overvalued the value of his properties.
It's a legal case that is, as far as I understand it, So preposterous, so outlandish, that unless you are a partisan hack, you understand that it is baseless.
That it is effectively a victimless allegation of fraud, except Leticia James' claim is that Trump defrauded New York.
He defrauded the banks out of higher interest rates that they would have charged him had he properly evaluated his assets as though the banks didn't do their own valuations, whatever.
I don't know if it's improper, but I suspect it is.
Leticia James has been taking to Twitter to comment on, put out these daily summaries, which I think have been wildly inaccurate, of the evidence adduced during the trial.
Framing it, making accusations, bold accusations, although there has already been a finding of fraud in that case with Judge Engron, the judge who we saw the soundbite before, has all the tools to either follow the law or make the law as per his own personal biases.
There's been a summary judgment finding of fraud as relates to the valuation of the Mar-a-Lago property.
Uh, which Judge Engron, basing it on county appraisers, said is worth 18 to 27 million dollars, where fair market value for an empty lot on Mar-a-Lago is in the order of 100 plus million dollars.
Set all that aside.
Summary judgment finding of fraud as a matter of law.
The judge Engron, who has all the tools under his belt, imposed a gag order.
He issued sanctions in virtue of that gag order.
While Donald Trump is gagged, cannot comment on the staff, the potentially partisan, compromised staff of this judge, Leticia James is taking to Twitter.
to give daily updates of this trial. Now I've given you a longer summary of the trial for those of you who don't know
what's going on than I should have, because I'm going to play a bit of Leticia James when we
come back from the commercial break.
But it's her daily summary. It's your two minutes of hate from 1984. I'll play it after we come back from the break,
and then we're going to get into what's going on in Canada as relates to the euthanasia numbers.
Medical assistance in dying is Justin Trudeau's euphemism for it.
Once upon a time, they used to call it mercy killings.
13,000 Canadians killed by the government with medical assistance in dying.
That represents 4.1% of all death in Canada.
Alex Jones Show, Viva Frye.
We'll be back after the break.
Stay tuned.
It's going to be good.
I think I see myself live on camera now.
I do.
I wanted to play this in the last segment, but I talked for too long.
I'm often accused of that.
All right.
Here's your two minutes of hate, people.
Straight out of the... I forget what it was now.
Ingsoc, which was... Oh, forget it.
The Ministry of Truth.
Here's your Ministry of Truth two minutes of hate.
We just concluded day 22 of our trial against Donald Trump.
Sorry, I gotta stop there.
Day 22.
I mean... Okay, sorry.
You wonder bad things happen when judicial resources are wasted on persecutions?
They do.
Day 22 of the New York Attorney General... Okay, sorry, I gotta stop.
We just concluded day 22 of our trial against Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and other defendants.
Today, we heard testimony from Donald Trump's sons and co-defendants, Donald Trump Jr.
and Eric Trump.
As a trustee of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, Donald Trump Jr.
often made financial and business decisions on behalf of his father.
He testified that he signed multiple documents confirming the accuracy of Donald Trump's statements of financial condition and the Trump Organization's compliance with loan terms.
But those documents were not accurate and he knew it.
In fact, just a week after he was confronted with the truth that his father's triplex was three times smaller than the statement of financial conditions said it was, Donald Trump Jr.
continued to lie.
He certified to the family's accountants that all the information he sent them was accurate.
Including the value of the falsely enlarged triplex.
Next, Eric Trump took the stand and insisted that he had never heard about his father's statements of financial condition before our investigation.
He told us his job was just to pour concrete.
But his emails tell a different story.
On multiple occasions over the years, Eric Trump worked on his father's statements of financial condition.
And he was intimately involved in lying about the values of properties, like Seven Springs and Briarcliff, to make his father appear richer than he actually was.
Next week, Donald Trump himself could take the stand.
And while I am sure he will try to hide his wrongdoing behind taunts, threats, name-calling, we will not be bullied out of uncovering the truth.
Can you believe this?
I tell you, I don't know if it's inappropriate, but it seems like it's wildly inappropriate for an attorney general in the midst of an ongoing trial.
Now, I've been following the trial.
I've been following, I hope I'm getting his name right, Daniel Klossfeld on Twitter, who's doing live tweeting.
Leticia James, can you imagine the Attorney General, with the full backing of the government, of the institutions, is accusing Trump of bullying anybody.
Can you believe the confession through projection to quote the ever often quoted theme of my channel, confession through projection.
It's one of, no it wasn't Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, it was actually Joseph Goebbels' rule of propaganda.
Accuse your enemy of doing what you are doing so as to create confusion.
Leticia James, the Attorney General, with the backing of Judge Engron, who's got all the tools to do whatever he wants, is accusing Trump of bullying anybody.
Summarizing Don Trump Jr.' 's testimony as him having seemingly contradicted his statements that I didn't, I didn't know much about anything.
I signed off on documents and anybody following Daniel Klassenfeld's live tweet, they didn't get much, if anything, out of Don Trump Jr.' 's testimony, except, and I'll finish it with that potential perjury trap, which is all I think this is.
Don Trump Jr.
basically says, I signed off on what the professionals said was okay, what they said was good, and what's the victim in this entire trial?
Leticia James put up a graph the other day which showed how much the banks, the Deutsche Bank in particular I think, how much the banks would have collected in interest had they charged Trump the interest rate that they would have charged him had he been honest, had he accurately reflected the values of his properties.
And her discovering the victim, the banks would have made $168 million more had Trump accurately valued his property.
You got to hand it to Letitia.
She's out there fighting for the itty bitty banks who didn't collect as much in interest as they could have, ignoring the Outrageously apparent reality.
I presume the banks didn't just lend.
I don't know how much you have to lend in order to have missed out on profits of $168 million in interest.
I don't know how much you have to lend.
But one would have to presume unless the banks are, they are corrupt, but there's an old expression, everyone's a fool until it comes to their own affairs.
They might be corrupt, but they're not dumb.
The idea that the banks would have lent Trump however much money would have been required in order for them to have been denied profits of $168 million without themselves doing their own evaluations of the assets that they were basically securing their loans with, without doing their own evaluations and being satisfied with their own evaluations, it's idiotic to a point that even a child would understand.
But set that aside.
Don Jr.
comes in and says, I signed up, and that was it.
The banks did their own evaluations, and that's it.
And the victim in this is the poor bank that didn't get to charge as much interest as they otherwise would have.
Which begs the other question, who's to say that if they were going to charge Trump 4.5% interest instead of 3.5% interest so they could make that hundred, who's to say he would have borrowed that money in the first place?
But he enriched himself by not paying the interest of the bank because he evaluated Mar-a-Lago at several hundred million dollars where Judge Engron said, well, a county appraiser comes to 18 to 27 million dollars.
I was there two nights ago for the premier of Dinesh D'Souza's police state.
Very apropos.
Everyone should rush out and see it.
It's on Rumble.
Dinesh D'Souza, Police State.
Dan Bongino sort of co-hosts it, or co-documents it.
It's fantastic.
We're at Mar-a-Lago, and I'm walking around thinking, yeah, this looks like an $18 to $27 million property.
The patch of grass behind the pool at Mar-a-Lago is worth more than $18 to $27 million.
The little patch of grass in between four palm trees is worth more than that.
And they've called Don Trump Jr.
He testified.
He's out.
Eric is testifying now.
We're going to have to catch up at the end of the day.
Ivanka tried to have her subpoena quashed.
Judge Engeron said, no, no, no, no, no.
You're going to come testify.
It's a perjury trap.
Nothing less.
Nothing more.
And it's, um, it's a, it's a, it's an absolute bastardizing of the judicial system of the, the pillars of a free, uh, what I thought was a free and democratic society.
It's, We are weaponizing, it's one thing to weaponize prosecution, but you've weaponized prosecution justice system.
You have January Sixers going to jail for years, years for non-violent crimes.
You have Owen Schroer going to jail and now back in solitary for speech and You got some members of the GOP who are running for that nomination, who are not up in arms about it.
Because I think some of them think that they can benefit from it.
As if it can never happen to them.
As if the same system, which can find the crime if it finds the man, will not find the crime in them.
And Owen Schroyer, getting locked up for two months?
Having no bond posted, for anybody who doesn't know this, I presume everybody does, no bond pending appeal, so that by the time his appeal is heard, he'll have already done his 60 days in jail, was in solitary confinement for a week for COVID safety.
Now back in solitary, because apparently he put up a tweet that the system didn't like.
Solitary confinement is torture.
There is nothing that you can do to torture an animal more than solitary confinement in confined spaces.
You want to see torture?
Go look at She's no longer there because she died.
Lolita at Miami Seaquarium.
Go look at higher order mammals in captivity.
The greatest torture anyone can inflict on a human is solitary confinement.
And they're doing that to Owen Schroyer right now.
For speech.
Because he said 1776.
And I said, and I think Vivek Ramaswamy is sensitive to this.
If 1776 is offensive, violent speech, Vivek's got to worry about it.
DeSantis has got to worry about trafficking charges.
If they think this system, which might benefit them now, will not come back to bite them in the butt, they've got something else coming.
Coming back after the break, we're going to get into the Canadian stuff.
I promise.
Viva Fry, hosting for Alex on the Alex Jones Show.
It's going to get good.
We're going to talk Canada.
I think we've covered enough of the American stuff.
Coming back after the break.
Justice system.
If that hasn't upset you enough, Let's take a, how many hours did it take for me to drive from Florida to Canada?
Let's take a 24-hour drive to the north of the border to talk about what's going on in Canada.
There's something that, you know, I remember discovering, and when you discover something for the first time, you remember what it feels like.
When it's a good thing, you remember the beauty, the wonder of what it's like to catch a fish for the first time, what it's like to see the Rocky Mountains for the first time, what it's like to see the Grand Canyon for the first time, and to approach the edge of that cliff and hear the expanse of nothingness, and to hear it.
You never forget that.
Well, there's also not forgetting, there's also remembering what it felt like the first time you discovered something absolutely terrible.
And I remember, I think it was about two years ago, my brother, who's also on Twitter, who's also a lawyer, Lion Advocacy, shout out Dan, keep fighting the good fight, posted a tweet about the numbers of euthanasia people who were put to death is hyperbolic, but when you hear the reality of it, there's no other way to put it.
By the Canadian government under what they call medical assistance in dying in Canada.
The number was 10,064.
So whenever that number became available, that's when I discovered this.
And I texted my brother, I said, Dan, that can't be right.
It's not possible that Canada has euthanized 10,000 Canadians.
To put it into perspective, because numbers, you know, I think it was Stalin who said, one death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.
Sometimes statistics will actually make you appreciate how outrageous it is.
In 2021, the Canadian government euthanized or allowed for the euthanization, medical assistance in dying of 10,064 Canadians.
That represented at the time, 3.1% of all death in Canada.
Just understand that.
It was like one of the leading causes of death in Canada was euthanasia.
They don't call it euthanasia because every regime likes to go with their euphemisms.
A regime once upon a time used to refer to it as mercy killings of the mentally ill and the handicapped.
Uh, you know, euthanasia was the term for a long time, but I think it's got some baggage.
Trudeau's regime went with medical assistance in dying.
In 2016, 2015, 2016, there was a Supreme Court decision that said, uh, not allowing for euthanasia for terminally ill people was a constitutional violation.
People have the right to choose to die.
The liberal government passed legislation, uh, and during the debates for this, Unsolicited said, you know what, we don't want to deny the right to die to the mentally ill either.
You have to allow the mentally ill who, in law, mental illness vitiates contracts.
You don't want to deny them the right to consent to end their life.
And so they said, we're going to include that.
But there was a bit of ethical debates.
So they said, OK, well, we're going to exclude it for now.
But that exclusion comes to an end.
And it came to an end, give or take 2023-2024.
Canada has now, for those who don't know, expanded it even more to include drug addiction where there is no otherwise underlying terminal illness.
The numbers basically, I say doubled every year, they went from a couple thousand to ten thousand in five years.
It became an industry.
When I say it became an industry, if you haven't seen this commercial, Simons is a clothing store.
Ask what on earth they have to do with euthanasia, and there's a sick, twisted, demented punchline to this story.
They ran an ad.
Last breaths are sacred.
When I imagine my final days, I see bubbles.
This is a woman who chose, allegedly, to end her own life.
I see the ocean.
I see music.
Talk about turning euthanasia into a business, to glamorize it.
This also came out during the COVID era, where people, I believe, I believe it came out during the COVID era, where people were already somewhat distressed about the lamentable state of the world.
Even now, as I seek help to end my life, there is still so much beauty.
As I seek help to end my life.
I have to be brave enough to see it.
You have to be brave enough.
Jennifer, 1985 to 2022.
As she seeks to end her life, there's beauty in life.
You just have to be brave enough to find it.
You know what the sick punchline to that commercial was?
Simons is a clothing store making a tribute video to Jennifer who chose to end her life.
You know what the sick twisted punchline to that is?
She wasn't terminally ill.
You know what the even sicker twisted punchline to that was?
Allegedly, from reports, she didn't even want to die.
Woman featured in pro-euthanasia commercial wanted to live, save friends.
I feel like I'm falling through the cracks.
So if I'm not able to access healthcare, am I then able to access death care?
Hatch said in a CTV interview.
Jennifer Hatch.
She wasn't terminally ill.
She chose to end her life because the healthcare system in the socialized healthcare of Canada was so lamentable she couldn't get the treatments that she needed for a non-terminal illness.
And she took her own life with the assistance of government.
Whether or not that's euthanasia, medical assistance in dying, mercy killings, or state-sanctioned murder, I guess only depends on your perspective.
And now they're broadening.
They're broadening it to include drug addicts.
But the numbers, by the way, just came out for 2022.
If you didn't think the numbers for 2021 were shocking and obscene enough...
The numbers for 2022 are out, and spoiler alert, they're even more shocking and obscene, and that's if you can even believe these numbers, which I will unabashedly, unashamedly say I do not.
I do not believe the number is only 13,241, but the number being reported now, 13,241
Canadians euthanized in 2022 and it's rising.
You know what that represents by way of total death in Canada?
Of all the deaths in Canada, 4.1% come from the government.
We don't need to go through the whole article, the number is shocking.
Canada released its annual euthanasia report for 2022 and it's a bleak business depending on who you're asking.
And we're going to segue into another law that was just passed in Canada in New Brunswick.
Presumed consent for organ donning.
Not that I'm connecting all these dots, but at some point in time it becomes difficult not to.
More than 13,000 Canadians received lethal jabs representing 4.1% of all deaths in the country.
And listen to this, by the way.
In 2022, there were 13,000 made provisions reported in Canada.
That's medical assistance in dying.
Mercy killing, if you want to go by the older term.
And by the way, I say this on my channel all the time.
For anybody who might find it offensive to draw comparisons between this program and I think it was called Aktion 14 by Nazi Germany, mercy killings, go look up a Forbes article.
That says Trudeau's new policy echoes Nazi-era eugenics policy.
Go look up that article.
Forbes is saying it, not me.
Although I'm saying it as well.
But there's something else in this article which is unbelievable.
There are more than 93,000 doctors in Canada.
Thankfully, most do not lethally inject patients.
The total number of unique practitioners providing euthanasia was 1,837, up 20%.
Among physicians... Sorry, there was one part I wanted to get to here.
That's right!
Okay? Among physicians, sorry there was one part I wanted to get to here.
That's right, 95% of all made practitioners, 5% are administered by nurse practitioners.
4.1% of death in Canada is administered by the government.
In Quebec, it was the third leading cause of death, unless I'm making a mistake, unless I'm mistaken.
And it was so shocking that the government of Quebec said, we have to pull back this policy.
We're starting to get made fun of on an international scale. 4.1%.
all death in Canada and when you see how it all loops together now they want to
decrypt they want to extend it for the men for drug addicts while simultaneously
decriminalizing hard drugs in British Columbia if you don't put these dots together I don't
know who will coming back from the break Viva Frye on the Alex Jones show see you on the other side
oh I seem to be back on camera All right, everybody.
Welcome back.
Alex Jones Show.
Viva Frye doing a guest host, I guess we can call it.
Montreal litigator turned Florida rumbler.
Talking about the madness in Canada, because although I have left Canada temporarily for the time being, Canada will never leave me because it was my home and never in a million years in my, well, I should say never in my entire life, Did I ever think that I would be chased from my home?
But then again, never in my entire life did I ever think that the government would turn my home into an actual prison.
And I mean this literally.
You know, people go on house arrest as a form of punishment for having broken the law.
I'm in Quebec, where we went on house arrest because the government decided to slap a curfew on us for five and a half months in 2021 to fight a virus, even though they knew damn well that it had nothing to do with fighting a virus.
Don't get me started.
Get me started, I'm started.
Our government, even when they announced the curfew in Quebec to combat the virus, acknowledged that there was no scientific basis to invoke a curfew to combat a virus, but it would serve as a reminder to everyone how serious the situation was.
And it worked so well the first time, they locked us down for a month or so the year later.
Never in a million years did I ever think I would be chased from my country because my country would have been turned into a prison.
All right, but now we're looking at my country and what's going on.
And when I first found out, that 10,000 people were euthanized in 2021. Now it's 13,000.
And by the way, I should just preface this by saying my father-in-law passed away from cancer. I
have enough. I mean, although I think some people might even disagree with me on this, I do
believe that people who are terminally ill should have the right to end their lives with dignity,
without the inevitable, unavoidable pain and suffering that comes with whatever terminal
illness they have.
There is a world of difference between someone with pancreatic cancer and three months to live and all that that three months would consist of is pain and agony.
There's a world of difference between that.
And authorizing euthanasia for the mentally ill, which is now going to be the case in Canada.
Discussion about expanding it to children.
Discussing about expanding it to children who can't consent.
And so you'll have parents consenting to euthanize children on the basis that...
It's in the child's best interest.
There's a world of difference between that.
And where we're at now in Canada, by the way, an article just came out.
Again, the Daily Mail is doing some good work putting Canada on the worst kind of blast that they should be on.
Canada to legalize euthanasia for drug addicts with no other illness in March.
We're not going to read the whole thing, but we might read a little bit of it.
Canada is due to legalize euthanasia for people addicted to drugs next year in a move activists are comparing to eugenics.
I'm not an activist.
I'm comparing it to another era of time.
Whenever anyone asks me how could things have ever have happened that have happened historically, historical atrocities, I never need someone to ask me that question again.
I've lived through it and I'm seeing it in real time.
When the country's law around medical assistance in dying changes in March 2024, mental patients, including those with substance abuse issues, with no physical ailments, will be able to seek assisted suicide.
What could possibly go wrong?
And then we go to the stats.
Here are the stats, people.
A thousand in 2016.
To 13,000 in 2023, all under the Trudeau regime.
My goodness, I mean, I guess it's a mark of success to some extent.
And once upon a time when they were talking about the policy, CBC, Canada Broadcasting Corporation, the state-funded propagandist outlet in Canada, said, don't worry, people.
It won't cost the system any more money.
It might actually save the system money.
Wow, thanks.
I didn't think of that as a financial incentive to kill the ill and to kill those who are just a bit of a burden on the health care system.
Bear in mind, people, I won't pull up all of these articles.
There was a woman who received euthanasia because she had multiple chemical sensitivity and couldn't find proper housing that wouldn't aggravate her, what is a severe allergy, multiple chemical sensitivity.
Chose death and received it from the government.
Well, I'm sure that saved the government a lot of money.
There was a veteran who called in Veteran Services, suffering from PTSD, and they said, I'm paraphrasing, have you thought about killing yourself?
And then when that story broke, Trudeau has to tell us, oh, no, that's not what it's about, no, no, no.
It not only won't cost the system more money, it might actually save you money.
Oh, but by the way, above and beyond that, now we can, you know, we don't even have to terminate the terminal yield.
You could just choose it.
Addicted to drugs?
There was a poll that came out that said, like, two-thirds of Canadians supported euthanasia for the homeless.
Oh, what could possibly go wrong?
Let's just connect a couple of dots here, people.
Some of you may never have heard of this law.
Another one where I remember where I was when I learned this.
New Brunswick became the second province in Canada to enact legislation of presumed consent for organ donation.
Now, I'm not connecting dots, everybody.
I'm just saying they're there, and they all seem to be lining up.
It's called Avery's Law.
Makes organ tissue donation automatic in New Brunswick, with some exceptions.
Well, thank goodness there's some exceptions.
Province becomes the second jurisdiction in Canada, after Nova Scotia, to move to this model.
I've got to get the most outrageous part of this.
The purpose of this law was that apparently a 16-year-old kid named Avery, his last name was Avery, died in a car accident.
His parents wanted to give his organs, and they couldn't because there wasn't an infrastructure in place to allow for the willful donation of Avery's organs, including his eyes.
They enact this law, which is now presumed consent.
And when you realize that you don't actually have to be dead in order for it to work.
Let me see here.
Look at this.
What the new law will change on a daily basis is that everyone will be considered a potential donor in the event of a neurological tragedy.
You don't even have to be dead.
Leading to brain death and a declaration of physical death according to rigorous criteria.
It can also affect a neurological trauma without brain death, but with a patient in a vegetative state.
There's a bureaucrat, a medical professional that they may be, that can decide when someone is close enough to death to deem them dead for the purposes of organ donation.
What could possibly go wrong with that?
Take some wild guesses.
This is not going to impact the people with family members to fight for them in the hospital.
This is going to impact the most vulnerable members of society.
You're allowed to kill yourself now, even if you don't have a terminal illness, if you have a mental illness, a drug addiction.
And there's two provinces now with presumed consent for organ donation, and you don't even have to be dead, people.
Someone has to come in and say, yeah, you're mostly dead.
I feel like Billy Crystal out of Princess Bride.
Mad Max.
Was it Mad Max?
I feel like the Magician.
Max the Magician out of Princess Bride.
You're mostly dead.
You're close enough to dead.
Let's go harvest those organs.
My goodness, it sure is a good thing we got 13,000 people now.
To harvest organs from them.
That's assuming you even believe the numbers.
Extend it to the mentally ill.
Extend it to drug addicts.
Oh, and while they're passing laws of presumed consent in New Brunswick, I'm not connecting any dots here, what are they doing in British Columbia?
Decriminalize people who use drugs in BC.
Don't you love the framing of a government?
You're decriminalizing people, not the drugs.
Go down to the highlighted part.
What changes?
Let's hear what changes.
With all these new laws, presumed consent, extending euthanasia to drug addicts.
Under this exemption, adults 18 years and older in B.C.
are not arrested or charged for possessing small amounts of certain illegal drugs for personal use.
The illegal drugs covered by the exemption are opioids, crack cocaine, methamphetamine, and MFDA.
When does it come into effect?
January 31st, 2023 to January 31st, 2026.
Is it a coincidence?
What does Steve Bannon say?
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action?
I'm not connecting these dots, but I might be thinking that there might be some connection to a system that can't stand on its own and...
Instead of repairing the system, facilitate people removing themselves from their system.
You save the money on the sick people, you might save some money on the organs, and while you expand it to the drug addicts of the world, you facilitate the drug addicts to become drug addicts.
I don't know what to say other than to say, holy, sweet, merciful goodness, the world is going to hell in a handbasket.
Viva Fry, hosting InfoWars, Alex Jones, we are coming back after the break with a special message from Alex Jones.
Alright, Viva Frye hosting on the Alex Jones Show today, and I can't end without something of a white pill.
It's one thing to rage against the dying of the night, or is it rage against the dying of the light?
It's one thing to rage against everything that is going wrong, but at the end of the day, you've got to have something of a white pill.
My white pill, although I don't know if it's going to be much of a white pill, is listen to Ted Kennedy on Joe Rogan.
He just did a podcast and it's incredible.
Although it is dire and there's a bit of doom and gloom in it, it's empowering and the advice is of immeasurable, immeasurable value.
Prepare yourselves.
Educate yourselves.
Awaken others.
They say, you know, don't wake somebody who's sleepwalking.
Horse crap.
Throw a glass of cold water in their face.
Metaphorically speaking, because otherwise that's assault.
Wake them up.
Share the information with people around you.
People will know, they'll understand where it's going, and they will, at some point in time, they might have different thresholds, finally reach their own limit of what they are prepared to sit silently by and watch happen.
Viva Frye, you can find me on Twitter, TheVivaFrye, I'm a little angrier on Twitter.
RumbleVivaFrye, it's been a pleasure, and now stay tuned for a special segment from Alex Jones, and I'll see you all on the interwebs.
Peace out, everyone.
This is an emergency alert.
The leader of Hezbollah, who reports directly to the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran, in the Islamic dictatorship, the Islamic Shiite dictatorship, has declared war on the United States, and has said that the United States is behind everything Israel is doing.
Now, whether you think that's accurate or not, it doesn't matter.
War has been declared upon the United States and the people of America by Hezbollah that is sock-puppeting almost all the other Islamic terror organizations and they have millions of people in Europe that are military-age men and hundreds and hundreds of thousands that are military-age men in the U.S.
and they are saying they're preparing to attack us.
Do you understand?
The article is on Infowars.com with the video of the leader.
Speaking to the Iranian government, the Iranian parliament, laying this out.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is happening now.
This is an emergency situation.
The globalists are manipulating us from behind the scenes to bring in a global crisis so Biden can cancel the election.
And they can use the war as the pretext for claiming that that's why the economy has imploded so the globalists don't get the blame.
They can be the saviors and bring in their new central bank digital currency, the ESGs and more.
This is an emergency alert.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's news today.
It's Friday, November 3rd, 2023.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I come to you with some very, very grave news.
Now, I study different geopolitical systems and how the different blocks around the country fit together.
And if you go back to October 7th, and we're going to put a report together soon, reminding people and showing the clips, I went on air hours after Israel was attacked.
And I said, Hezbollah is behind this.
And Joe Biden gave $6 billion to Iran that controls Hezbollah just a few months ago.
And I said that this is going to turn into a three-front war where you have Russia fighting NATO and Ukraine.
You then have Hezbollah through Hamas launching the attack October 7th.
Israel over-responds.
goes in and then turns the entire Muslim slash Arab world against Israel and then they start attacking Israel out of the Gaza Strip as they've already been doing and also out of the West Bank and then out of Lebanon to the north Hezbollah's main base outside of Iran and that then Iran would say the United States was directly responsible For the atrocities going on from their perspective in Gaza And surrounding areas and that they would then activate sleeper cells Inside the United States and then this is very very serious situation They do have sleeper cells in the country.
They've put hundreds of thousands of people into the nation.
They have millions of military age men who are Islamists and different factions and groups and That are some of them boutique groups, you can't even track them, in Europe.
And that this will be an incredible destabilization, and that conventionally, the West will not be able to then win this war, while the, quote, homelands under attack.
Now, I'm an expert on false flags.
I'm an expert on 9-11.
I've literally studied, it's thousands and thousands of hours on each of these subjects.
And I've interviewed most of the top experts.
And I don't say that to brag, I say that to say, listen to me.
That's why when I said this a month ago, people thought I was crazy.
And national news attacked me.
And even some of the other conservatives said Jones is crazy.
Why would Iran attack and then take credit for it?
Because they're ready.
They're ready to move.
And China, I said a three-front war, will then move against Taiwan.
So, Europe, Ukraine, Israel with the Middle East.
And then of course China going in to Taiwan and also areas all over the South China Sea.
So that's where we are.
And this is very serious.
It also gives the globalists an opportunity.
If they want they can now stage false flags and they can say that Iran did it because
Iran's leader has now come out in the video and the articles on Infowars.com, Hezbollah
directly responsible for Gaza atrocities, will soon pay heavy price, and went on to say that they're going to strike U.S.
troops and others anywhere and that all options are open right now.
So they're saying they can attack anywhere, anytime, and that that is what they're getting ready to do.
So you got Netanyahu reading the Old Testament, end of the world stuff.
You got the Muslims running around doing the same thing.
This is crazy town.
And this is happening.
So please, to all my detractors out there, if you want to not be in a nuclear war, and you like the electricity turning on, and you like milk being on the shelves, and eggs at the store, and you might be able to go to the doctor and get medicine when you need it, listen to me.
The New World Order is above all this, manipulating this crisis.
To have this clash of civilizations on the ashes of it, bringing the world government, that's their own admissions.
This is the post-industrial world.
This is the 90% depopulation plan.
This is what they have to do to get us to this point.
As I said hundreds of times, they've covered up the COVID origin and the deadly COVID shot.
With the war, and wars, and I predicted that, and then the financial collapse happens, and it's already begun.
So that's why they're now accelerating into this endgame.
So get right with God, and get this information out, because for all the leftists out there that love war, and all the right-wing folks that think it's cute and fun too, this is the setup.
And humanity is walking into a trap.
And the Iranians think they're smarter than everybody else, and the Persians are extremely Machiavelli, but they're being manipulated by the globalists above that.
Unprecedented in world history, and it's a countdown to potential Armageddon.
But World War III has already begun, so the proxy wars, they're now expanding.
And again, it's because the end of the dollar hegemony is coming, and different globalist forces are jockeying for the pole position.
So please, please go back and listen to my show in the last month.
I've said this hundreds of times, and now it's happened.
Please understand how dangerous this is.
And please pray for peace.
And pray for a great awakening.
And please support him for worse.
All scenarios are open.
All scenarios are open on our Lebanese southern front.
I reiterate, all scenarios are open.
All options are laid out and we can adopt any, at any point of time.
We all together must be prepared, ready and available to all these scenarios and options
to come.
[crowd shouting]
I'm watching the midterms, then you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
Who in the president?
What's the point of (beep)
(audience laughing)
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
(upbeat music)
America's not perfect.
For instance, the colonies were founded, the US was founded off of tobacco and whiskey.
That's a fact.
Sam Adams didn't just produce beer, he produced whiskey.
He was one of the main Patrons of George Washington that war.
George Washington helped paint troops with liquor that he himself produced.
That's an amazing part of Americana, and we should use this responsibly.
You know, sometimes I go four months before I have a cigar, or before I have a glass of whiskey.
But I tell you, there's a lot of great whiskey out there.
But a few years ago, we ran into some great folks that are craft whiskey producers here in the United States.
We're big listeners.
And they said, we've got some of the best whiskeys produced in Kentucky, Tennessee, you name it, with people that won't turn over their whiskey to anybody else that they want to bring to you.
And these guys put out some of the top names in the country.
Some of the highest end specialties out there that sell for $500, $300 a bottle.
And they said, but because we support you so much, I looked it up, it was true.
We're going to let you sell this to people at a fraction of the price.
We're going to come out with a Kentucky bourbon that is high quality for a fraction of the price because we want to support your broadcast.
And that was about two years ago.
I said, great, let's do it.
Then about a year ago, they bottled it.
It was a very special bottle.
A collector's item.
Conspiracy bourbon.
And they tried to bring it into stores where they already had their other products.
And all hell broke loose.
And they went through so many attacks trying to bring this to the public.
And that made me go from just letting them use my name to promote this to me getting fully behind it because they're trying to stop us.
When we just launched this a day ago, they took away the banking of the company with the website ConspiracyBourbon.com, but they had it back up within just an hour.
So they are literally trying to shut this down.
They're so scared of us moving into the culture that the globalists control.
If you don't drink, that's great.
More power to you.
But if you like a good bourbon, you like a good Kentucky bourbon, a good Kentucky whiskey, this is amazing.
And folks, you've got to check out This bottle for yourself.
If you've got a blacklight, this bottle is very, very special.
No one that we've ever heard of has come up with a bottle like this, that when you put a blacklight on it, has all these secret messages.
Yeah, the CIA created the term conspiracy theory, tried to demonize people that questioned official narratives after they killed Kennedy.
But now we wear that attack like a badge of honor.
And it's absolutely blown up in the system's face.
So this is the first salvo in a whole product line to really take over the term conspiracy and use it to bring back our republic.
Think of this as the opposite of Anheuser-Busch and Bud Light and Dylan Mulvaney.
Think of this as the anti-Dylan Mulvaney and that's what it is.
There's only 10,000 bottles of this.
I would imagine when many of you see this letter you'll try to go buy it at ConspiracyBourbon.com.
You want to be able to get it.
This is exclusively available at ConspiracyBourbon.com.
It's the only place you can get it.
There's a lot of secrets about this bottle.
A lot of special things that are about to be connected to it.
Special reports, investigative reports, you name it.
So the folks that go and order this bottle of conspiracy bourbon dot com and give us
your email particularly will be basically brought in some very, very interesting, informative,
exciting things.
So share with yourself, your family, your friends and others a glass of conspiracy at
conspiracy bourbon dot com.
God bless you all and thank you for your support.
Yes in modern warfare, our military leaders are finding that words and ideas are highly
effective weapons.
In the course of the past 30 years, it goes beyond your wildest imagination, the extent to which the CIA has gone to manipulate public opinion.
Total control of the human will.
The U.S.
repeals propaganda ban, shreds government, paid, Have we ever tried to meddle in other countries' elections?
Oh, probably.
It was the CIA this time that got involved in the 2020 election with those 51 former intel agents who talked about the Hunter Biden laptop as total Russian disinformation.
Biden's secret email.
A really fishy story.
Obama quietly signs the Counter Disinformation and Propaganda Act into law.
That's 2016.
They may be related to a foreign intelligence operation.
Foreign intelligence operation.
Foreign intelligence.
Foreign intelligence.
Foreign intelligence operation.
We don't do that now, though.
I was the CIA director.
We lied, we cheated, we steal, we stole.
Trump's State Department uses taxpayer dollars, Facebook fact-checkers to fight misinformation and propaganda.
It all goes back to Operation Mockingbird, which was started back in the 50s.
Psychological operation.
There was a congressional hearing back in the 1970s that uncovered that the CIA was paying reporters to plant stories and also gatekeep.
Do you have any people paid by the CIA, who are working for television networks.
This, I think, gets into the kind of getting into the details,
but, Chairman, I'd like to get into an executive session.
And we would pick out a journalist.
I would go do the briefing and hope that he would put the information in print.
You know last week the Associated Press announced, so did Reuters, that they're now going to have domestic propaganda with the CIA and Defense Department targeting the American people.
Reports of possible illegal activity by a local militia group appears to have spurred law enforcement into action.
John Gleeson has our story.
They are attempting to keep the general mind in a subconscious state and to program the subconscious So that the subconscious will control the conscious, and to where the public will never wake up to just how out of control, obvious the tyranny has got.
It's not right, and you know, this freedom of speech is just nonsense.
Screw your freedom!
To establish the target audiences for any military psychological operations, all functional groups must be checked, and their reaction to the military establishment determined.
Remember, it's targeting unconscious people that are not aware of the psion.
Get the camera out of my face!
Remember, it's targeting unconscious people that are not aware of the psion.
And religious leaders.
Each will have a perspective that is peculiar to his own particular group.
The clarity would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us.
And the clarity's been intensifying, the evidence has been overwhelming.
But the point is, it's the depth of it.
This is a classic example of the right-wing media machine.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
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Yeah, Mud Club, baby!
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Hello everybody This is Joel Gilbert, the filmmaker here in Los Angeles, California.
And we're going to spend the next two hours talking about my new film and book called Michelle Obama 2024, Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power.
And this book and film are both in the InfoWars store.
I highly recommend you go to InfoWars store on InfoWars.com.
Get the book or the film.
It's a DVD and a book, both.
And we're going to spend the next two hours talking about Michelle Obama, her real life story and plan for power, my investigation into Michelle Obama's real background that nobody knows about.
And I believe her plan to run for president because no one wants Joe Biden.
The Democrats don't want him.
And we're going to pick apart everything to do with Michelle Obama in the next two hours.
So stick around and we're going to get right into it when we come back.
Joel Gilbert back with you from Los Angeles, California.
We're going to be talking for the next two hours about my film and book called Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
We're going to break it all down over two hours.
I will be taking your phone calls at 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-2539.
Like the Clintons, the Obamas are never going away.
They're here to stay.
And I make the case that Michelle Obama is ready to make her announcement to run for president.
And we're going to talk about her real life story that she doesn't want anyone to know.
Let's start out by watching the trailer for my movie, and then we'll get right into it.
Let's watch the trailer.
They could run Michelle Obama.
And if they do... Welcome Michelle Obama!
Michelle Obama is the most popular woman in America.
You know I hate politics.
You can forget about the disclaimer.
I'm convinced that Michelle Obama is running for president in 2024.
Systemic racism, pepper spray and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters.
She's following the exact same formula that Barack did to become president.
Michelle was the keynote speaker at the 2020 Democrat Convention, just like Barack was in 2004.
Barack once ran a voter registration organization.
Now, so does Michelle.
That's how we change America.
Also, Barack Obama based his candidacy on his personal story.
Michelle has done the exact same thing.
But like Barack, Michelle tells a life story that is more fiction than fact.
Maybe somebody's gonna discover that I shouldn't be here.
Now, come along on an investigation into the real Michelle Obama and her plan for power.
I found out Michelle's father worked for the Democrat party machine.
My father, he was a precinct captain in Chicago.
People would come for money.
It turns out Michelle was never a part of the black community.
In that household, there was fear.
You talk like a white girl.
You could get your butt kicked if you talk like a white girl.
What was going on in the 70s was what we called white flight.
The only person doing white flight in the 1970s was Michelle Robinson.
You're told by a school counselor you're not Princeton material.
You're black, maybe you're stretching.
Michelle was no victim of racism.
In fact, Michelle has been running from the black community her whole life.
And Michelle sold out the black community working for the mayor of Chicago.
This is turning into a ghetto.
We better run.
They just take our home like this shit.
And she sold them out as a hospital executive, kicking poor black patients out of the ER.
Yeah, I like that.
I learned that to get power, Michelle pretends to be part of the black community she exploited all her life.
Lo and behold, trying to pay your own rent.
Imposter syndrome.
All that war between the pigs and us.
And it turns out, Michelle's close friend and mentor was an anti-American radical.
The politics of fear.
Because of fear.
Your fear!
They want you to be afraid of change!
We're working to change the future of this nation.
We need you.
Are you in?
Fundamentally transforming the United States of America.
And to transform America, Michelle plans to rule America come Election Day 2024.
Okay, folks, that's the trailer for Michelle Obama, 2020 for the movie.
You can get the DVD in the Infowars store and you can call in for the next two hours.
We're talking everything Michelle Obama, 877-789-2539.
So I'm going to go through a series of questions about this film and what's going on politically in the United States.
So you can understand how Michelle Obama and Barack Obama fit in to the equation.
First of all, question, will Joe Biden be the 2024 Democrat nominee for president?
I think the answer is clearly no.
Nobody wants Joe Biden.
His record is terrible.
The Democrats don't want him.
Poll after poll shows that he's too old.
People are very upset with his record in office, the inflation, the wars abroad, the crime.
All the problems created from border policies.
Biden is clearly, I think, a figure to take all the heat, a transitional figure who we can blame for everything that's gone wrong.
And the Democrat down-ballot candidates especially don't want him.
They're afraid he'll drag down the ticket.
That means state senators, congressmen, governors throughout the country do not want Joe Biden.
Andrew Cuomo, the former governor of New York, just said in an interview, there should be more candidates running against Biden.
Because simply no one wants him.
Now, something happened that was pretty interesting when RFK Jr.
announced for president back in April.
You might remember that about a week later, Joe Biden released a video announcing that he would be a candidate in 2024.
And that was it.
Now that's not really a campaign announcement.
A campaign announcement is where you go to a huge crowd of followers and make this big announcement to cheering crowds.
And then you stop around the country and go to different jurisdictions and different cities, and you have the same type of speech to rally your troops, rally your people.
Well, Biden didn't do any of that.
He doesn't have a campaign office.
He doesn't have a campaign manager.
He's not campaigning.
So I think it's clear that Biden won't be the nominee.
I don't think there's any intention for him to be the nominee.
I believe that the Democrat Party has actually set it up for Michelle Obama to be their nominee, and I'll tell you how.
First of all, they moved the first primary out of Iowa, where historically candidates have to campaign in a hundred counties.
Saying that minority voters didn't have enough influence over the beginning of the primary process.
So they were going to move it to South Carolina where half of the Democrat party electorate are African American.
Now, South Carolina is also a state that Michelle Obama claims as her adopted home
state because her grandparents are from South Carolina and she used to vacation
there and go to family reunions when Michelle was growing up in Chicago.
On top of that, they've moved the Democrat National Convention to Chicago,
Michelle's hometown of all places, for what you could call a homegirl convention.
So I think it's clear that the Democrats have set it up for her.
Now, we've got a December 23rd deadline coming up.
December 23rd is the deadline where You have to get in all your signatures to get on the primary ballots in most states.
Now, Nevada already had a deadline back in October, but that's a relatively small, insignificant state.
So we've got till December 23rd.
So there's two theories here.
Number one theory is that Michelle will literally announce her president sometime in the next few weeks that will allow her plenty of time to get signatures together.
To get on the primary ballots in all the states and run a traditional campaign.
Now to do this, Joe Biden doesn't have to drop out.
He can run all he wants.
It's not like it matters.
He doesn't have any support.
Just like Teddy Kennedy ran against Jimmy Carter, Michelle can run against Joe Biden.
She's the most loved Democrat.
She's the most popular person probably in the country.
So she would trounce Joe Biden in a South Carolina, where half the Democrat Party primary voters are black and it's Michelle's adopted home state.
So that's one possibility.
And I think it's the most likely.
Now, Ted Cruz, Senator Ted Cruz, a few weeks ago offered up another theory.
He thought that Joe Biden would go through the primary process and that maybe when the primaries are over, The Democrat Party would tell him to step aside for any number of reasons.
It could be because he's being impeached.
It could be because of his health.
And that's when he claimed that Michelle Obama would parachute in to become the nominee at the Democrat Convention in Chicago next year.
That is a possibility, but I think it's probably more likely that we see Michelle announced sometime in November.
The Obamas have a A nationwide organization called Organizing for America.
They started it back in 2009, 2010.
And it's a community activist group run by the Obamas, ostensibly to create change all over the country.
They have these groups everywhere.
So it will be absolutely no problem for the Obamas to flip a switch and put their Organizing for America group behind Michelle Obama.
Uh, to help her get all her signatures and everything she needs to get on the primary ballots.
So, um, that's what I think is coming now.
What are the signs that Michelle Obama intends to run for president?
I'm going to tell you what they are, as you saw in the trailer, some of them.
First of all, I noticed from following the Obamas for years, that as soon as Trump got elected, Michelle Obama started following in the footsteps of Barack.
In other words, copying everything Barack did to become president, Michelle copied every step that Barack made before he announced her president.
And that starts with a voter registration organization.
Barack had a voter registration organization in Chicago called Project Vote that he ran for the Democrats before he ran for president.
Sure enough, Michelle started a voter registration organization called When We All Vote, and she got $26 million from the George Soros Group to fund this group that has, in 2020, did a tremendous amount of work Registering voters, putting on all kinds of crazy programs, like in Wisconsin, they would give $5,000 to high schools for their prom if they registered a certain number of voters.
So, When We All Vote is part of something called Civic Nation.
It's a Democrat Party Soros group that's run by Valerie Jarrett of all people.
So, Michelle has copied Barack's methodology of having a voter registration group and she runs around the country.
Promoting her voter registration group and giving speeches to register people to vote.
If you look at Michelle's Twitter account or Instagram and her Facebook, it's about 100 million followers.
Michelle has 100 million followers on social media.
And she regularly tweets videos and tells people to get registered, just like Barack did.
Now next, Barack was the keynote speaker for John Kerry at the 2004 Democrat convention.
The keynote speaker is the slot that introduces the candidate and it's typically the slot that they give to the person they think will be the nominee at the next convention because they want to promote that person.
So sure enough, Barack introduced John Kerry and four years later, Barack was the Democrat nominee.
So what happened at the Democrat National Convention in 2020?
Well, Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker.
She introduced Joe Biden.
She gave a very strong speech and she pretty much mimicked all the Democrat Party talking points, things like, The BLM protests were mostly peaceful and the police used rubber bullets and tear gas against them and there's systemic racism in the country.
So Michelle pretty much mimics whatever the Democrat Party line is.
She doesn't really have any original ideas ever.
She just copies whatever the far left progressives are saying.
So there was Michelle copying Barack and being the keynote speaker.
And finally, you know, Barack wrote two autobiographies before he ran for president, Dreams for My Father and The Audacity of Hope.
Now, when a relatively younger person writes an autobiography, there is a political goal behind it.
Usually an autobiography is written by somebody when they're 60, 70 years old.
They tell their life story and all the lessons and all the interesting insights they've had.
It's something people do in retirement.
When someone writes an autobiography when they're relatively young, it means they have an agenda.
So sure enough, Barack Obama had an agenda.
He wrote Dreams for My Father, which kind of told a story about his father, allegedly from Africa, named Barack Obama.
Who met his mother, a white girl from Kansas, who moved to Hawaii, and it kind of whitewashed his whole story.
Now, in his book, he did talk a lot about a guy named Frank Marshall Davis, who he worshipped and spent a lot of time with, and people might know me from my 2012 film, Dreams from My Real Father.
I presented a mountain of evidence that Barack's real biological father was not the Kenyan student Barack Obama, who he looks nothing like, but was His real biological father was the man who raised him in Hawaii.
And he looked up to so much and looks just like was Frank Marshall Davis.
So Obama kind of tells a different story though, claiming that Kenyon was his father and puts forth a real political background story.
And then he followed that up with the audacity of hope, again, to prepare to run for president.
So sure enough, I noticed that Michelle Obama wrote an autobiography called Becoming in 2018.
It was a number one bestseller.
She got millions of dollars for it.
It also ended up as a movie on Netflix.
They made a movie version of it.
By the way, the producer is the wife of Jack Smith, the prosecutor who's prosecuting Trump on January 6th charges.
His wife was the producer of Michelle's documentary.
And so sure enough, I got a copy of Becoming.
I went to the Barnes and Noble and there were just stacks of these books.
And by the way, next to these stacks of books of Becoming, there were probably 20 books that lionized Michelle Obama for kids.
They were books talking about How she grew up in Chicago, cartoon books about Michelle Obama, Michelle Obama quotations, like Mao's Little Red Book, all these books that kind of were making Michelle out to be this pop culture figure, this beloved pop culture phenomenon.
Anyway, I got a copy of Becoming, and sure enough, it, you know, it was a political document.
It told a story of Michelle kind of Going over a completely whitewashed history of her life story.
And in Becoming, it focuses a lot on her concept of South Side Girl.
I'm from the South Side.
Let's watch a quick video from Becoming called South Side.
From the South Side of Chicago!
Just another poor girl from the South Side.
I am from the South Side of Chicago.
That tells you as much about me as you need to know.
As you need to know.
So when I saw this quote from Michelle, that she's South Side girl, I'm from the South Side, there's nothing else you need to know about me.
That told me there's a lot more I need to know about Michelle.
So what we're going to get into today is, first of all, what is the life story that Michelle's been pushing for years?
Well, she has said things like, success was not meant for me, a little black girl from the south side of Chicago.
Uh, she tells all these stories of, uh, being discriminated against racially, being held back in life.
So I decided, uh, that all these stories kind of didn't make too much sense because she went to Harvard and Princeton and had all these accomplishments.
I decided to go to Chicago.
And, uh, the first thing I found out, which you'll, we'll talk more about is that Michelle had a terrible relationship with the black community in Chicago.
She had a terrible relationship with black people growing up and a terrible relationship where she exploited and abused the black community in her professional career.
So I realized that, and what you're going to find out is that Michelle tells these stories of suffering from racism in order to manipulate black and minority voters to get their votes and to get power.
She wants people to think, I'm just one of these ordinary black folks.
I'm just like you.
I suffer discrimination.
I had to overcome things.
People tried to hold me back.
She tells story after story of being held back in life.
And she says, I'm from the South side.
That's all you need to know about me because it has some kind of romantic image of being from a difficult circumstance.
Well, I can tell you first of all, You know, what did I do to investigate Michelle Obama?
Well, I did what no one else did.
Even though there was 15 years of positive publicity about Michelle in magazines, hundreds of talk shows, sitcoms, you name it, articles, I decided someone had to take a critical look at her whole life story.
So I went to Chicago.
I spoke to three of Michelle's boyfriends.
I spoke to elementary and high school classmates, teachers, and principals.
I spoke to Michelle's mother.
I spoke to her dance instructor.
I spoke to her Princeton University thesis advisor.
And a very, very different picture of Michelle Obama's life story emerges.
It turns out her life story is just as fabricated as her husband Barack's.
For example, Michelle's boyfriend and prom date, David Upchurch, he told me, I said, is it true that Michelle was held back in life and was suffered from discrimination?
He said, no, Michelle took full advantage.
She was class treasurer at her high school at Whitney Young.
Michelle went to Paris with her French class when she was in high school.
She was in the master singers group.
They would go and perform and sing all over Chicago.
He told me that no one held Michelle back, that she took full advantage of everything.
So that's the investigation I undertook.
And in the film, you kind of come along with me on this journey to all these locations, Michelle's house, her dance instructor's place, her school, on and on.
And you get to hear from and see all these things that represent the true story of Michelle Obama.
Now, let's take a look at another false statement Michelle makes about her childhood.
She claims that she saw white flight, that in the 70s, white people moved out of her neighborhood because they were afraid of black people and they were afraid of the texture of their hair and the color of their skin.
So let's watch this video called White Flight.
You know, I want to remind white folks that y'all were running from us.
You were running from us.
And you're still running.
And so, yeah, I feel a sense of injustice.
And you notice when you're young, you know people are running from you.
And you can see it.
Okay, so Michelle claims she saw a white flight, that white people ran out of her neighborhood because they were afraid and she feels injustice that this was done to her.
Well, in fact, my investigation shows that the neighborhood Michelle grew up in was called South Shore.
Now that's your first revelation.
Michelle was not from the south side of Chicago.
She's from South Shore, which was an upper middle class community on Lake Michigan.
Jesse Jackson is also from South Shore.
He never said he was on the, you know, from the South Side of Chicago.
So Michelle blatantly lies, claiming to be from the South Side.
She's not from the South Side of Chicago.
Secondly, the white people, mostly Jewish, moved out of that neighborhood by 1965 from South Shore because of crime.
I spoke to people who live there.
I spoke to the people that sold the house to Michelle's aunt that they grew up in.
A white Jewish lady, she said they moved because her son was assaulted.
Another Korean family I talked to, they moved because their house was ransacked.
So the white people kind of moved out by 1965.
And the prices actually went up because black middle class people came in and snapped up the houses because they had good schools in the area.
So the prices went up.
Even Jesse Jackson said the prices went up in South Shore when the white people moved out.
So Michelle only moved into that neighborhood 1971 when she's six years old.
So there's no way she saw white flight or white people moving out.
In fact, it was Michelle Obama and her brother, Craig, who refused to go to the school one block away because it was all black.
Michelle was doing white flight.
She refused to study with black people.
Her brother refused to study with black people.
They went to a Catholic high school, even though they weren't Catholic.
Craig, her brother, went to a private, expensive school an hour away.
And Michelle went to a magnet school to avoid studying with black kids.
So there's a lot more to this story about how Michelle had a terrible relationship with the black community growing up.
She got beat up by the kids who accused her of acting white.
And talking white.
And she was afraid of them.
You saw in the trailer, she said, I lived in fear.
So we're going to get more into this and see some more videos when we get back.
Go to the InfoWars store.
In the meantime, check out the video, DVD and the book, Michelle Obama, 2024.
I want to welcome everybody back to this live Friday edition with Joel Gilbert hosting.
And Joel doesn't know I'm going to do this, but I want to apologize to him.
It had nothing to do with Joel.
I saw his film about a month ago or so and it was so powerful
that I was just completely blown away and so I wanted to make trailers for it I wanted to build
it up I wanted to do a you know huge production and our staff so cut back for
whatever reason we didn't get that done and that's mainly my fault because I didn't make it the main
focus and so I canceled him several times because I really wanted to fully endorse this film.
I haven't read the book yet, but I'm told it's got even more information.
Both the book and both the film are available at MFORESTORE.com.
But these are books and films, definitely the films, I've seen them, that you want to show to your church, that you want to show to your local community center, that you want to donate to the library, that you want to show at the Rotary Club.
Because this Michelle Obama deep dive, you can speculate all day whether it's a man or not.
This doesn't get into that.
This gets directly into the real history of this monster and why Obama is such a racist.
Because Michelle Obama is an absolutely out of control racist, Marxist, Leninist, Communist.
This film is incredible.
I mean, folks, I've seen a lot of great films, but I'm telling you, this one needs to go mega-viral.
Get the DVD, get the film, get the book, infowarestore.com.
And perhaps Joel, because I'm listening right now, can talk about the book some, because again, I haven't had the chance to read it yet.
I mean, I read like the first chapter, but I haven't read it yet.
But it's just incredible.
So get the film, support the broadcast, and then show it to everyone you know, because they are getting Newsome and Big Mike ready.
And so I'm going to hand the baton back to Gilbert.
I apologize to him for canceling him multiple times.
Had nothing to do with him.
It was that I didn't get my ducks in a row.
This was so important that I just kept canceling because I didn't want to just, you know, just get up there like this was no big deal.
This was so important that I wanted to put preparation into it.
Listeners know that when something is so important, so big, I try to, you know, Basically hit it right.
And so that's what's happening here.
And this film is so important to expose this monster and the evil forces behind her.
This is so important.
Imagine if you had a chance to stop Obama or Bill Clinton or Joe Biden in their tracks before they got launched.
And if you don't think somebody can just run for president for the first time and win, think about Trump.
So they've definitely got Michelle Obama ready.
Back to Joel Gilbert and the live broadcast.
Okay, folks, Joel Gilbert in Los Angeles talking about my new film and book, Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
Please go to the InfoWars store and purchase one or both of them.
You will learn so much, it'll change your life.
We're going to keep talking about the real life story of Michelle Obama right now, give you some of the taste of it.
So the main things about Michelle's childhood, Are that it's completely opposite of her story, that she suffered discrimination growing up.
She's not from the South side of Chicago.
It turns out Michelle and her brother refused to study with other black kids.
Michelle had no black friends.
Michelle went an hour and a half away to study at a magnet school.
Her brother went to a private Catholic school.
Even though it was a very good high school, South Shore, one block away, it was all black.
And the Robinson family refused to study with black people.
The black kids would call Michelle names.
They'd accuse her of acting white and talking white.
Michelle even writes in her book, Becoming, about getting in a fist fight with a girl named Dee Dee, who kept calling her an Oreo.
An Oreo is a racial insult.
It means you're black on the outside, but you're really white on the inside.
So Michelle didn't have any black friends.
Her only black friends were elite.
She was friends with Jesse Jackson's daughter.
Also from South Shore who went to Whitney Young and Elite High School.
And so Michelle actually spent a couple of years kind of growing up in Jesse Jackson's house when Jesse Jackson was running for president back in the early eighties.
So Michelle's been around politics her whole life.
Michelle's father was a precinct captain in Chicago.
He worked for the Democrat party machine.
He got a patronage job.
Michelle likes to tell a fake story about her father was a janitor, he worked for the water department, he was just a humble civil servant.
It's a complete lie and not true.
Her father had a patronage job.
That means that the Democrat Party machine gave him a cushy, easy job at the water department as an inspector.
So her father, Frazier, would show up to work for a couple hours and say, Oh, everything looks good.
You know, his main job was to politic for the white liberals in Chicago and to get the black voters in line.
Make sure they come out and support and vote for the white liberals and the Democrat Party machine.
Michelle would actually tag along with her father from age four.
She talks about going to people's houses.
They asked for money.
It was a very corrupt system in Chicago, which it still is to this day, of how the Democrat Party gives out jobs in exchange for politics.
And Michelle's family was in the middle of it.
But the main theme of her childhood is Michelle refused to study with black people.
She was afraid of black people and didn't want to have anything to do with them.
Now, another fake racial story Michelle tells to get sympathy and to manipulate black voters, she keeps telling this story.
It's in the trailer.
She's been telling for years about how her high school counselor racially profiled her when she applied for Princeton University.
She claimed her high school counselor told her, you're black, maybe you're stretching, going to Princeton, wanting to go to Princeton.
Well, I found out her high school counselor was a church-going black woman named Nan King, who passed away in 2005, and that's why Michelle gets away with that lie.
There's no way a church-going black woman would have racially profiled Michelle.
The worst thing she could have said is, Michelle, you know, you got very low test scores for Princeton.
Maybe you should apply to some backups in case that doesn't work out.
That's the worst thing she possibly could have said.
We've all heard something like that.
So, but Michelle continues to smear that black woman who passed away with that with that fake story.
Now, when she gets to Princeton University with her low test scores, and by the way, Michelle even talks about in high school, the only way she got good grades in high school was to study double time.
She had to study twice as much as everybody else to get A's and B's, mostly A's.
But she still couldn't do well on her tests like the SATs.
So Michelle gets into Princeton probably as an Affirmative Action student, because Affirmative Action was the rage in the Ivy League, certainly in the early 80s, and her brother was also a star basketball player at Princeton.
So what happens to Michelle at Princeton?
Well, in her first semester, she gets terrible grades in her beginning freshman courses.
So she runs to the sociology department to study and major in sociology because it's relatively easy.
It's pretty much a cop out.
And then to make it even easier for her to maintain good grades, she concentrates in African-American studies of all things.
So here's a girl coming from Chicago with a million black people who grew up in a black neighborhood.
Who spent her childhood running away from black people, who goes to Princeton, a pretty much a mostly white university, and she decides to study sociology and learn about black people.
So it was pretty much a cop-out to try to get good grades.
Now, people are familiar with Michelle's thesis a little bit.
Christopher Hitchens said that it was not written in any known language.
I actually read her thesis, and this is her Princeton thesis from the African American Studies program.
And it's very interesting.
I go into great detail in the book and the film.
It turns out what happened to Michelle at Princeton is she got a lot of radical, militant black theology, similar to critical race theory, which was kind of being invented in the Ivy Leagues at that time.
And it ended up overloading her.
Michelle knew that she could succeed in life if she studied hard and made friends with white people and stayed away from the black community.
But now here she was stuck in this African American Studies program.
So in her thesis, she actually writes, having been at Princeton, my goals are the same as my white classmates.
I want to get a job.
I want to get a good salary.
I want to go to corporate America.
Do I really have to participate in the black community?
So she takes a poll of Black alumni who graduated from Princeton and they agree with her.
They don't want to have anything to do with this whole black radical stuff.
So the thesis is really a cry for help and Michelle rejects all the radical black theology she's been taught in her sociology department, ironically.
And she goes on to Harvard.
She gets a job at Sidley Austin Law Firm in Chicago with 2,000 other lawyers, mostly white.
She, of course, she marries a biracial man.
She moves to Hyde Park, all white.
Michelle wants nothing to do with black people.
They always picked on her and made fun of her growing up.
And she ran away from this radical studies program, though she did unknowingly learn a lot about radical politics, which she would use later.
So we're going to talk about her relationship with Barack Obama and how she used her education to get ahead working for the mayor of Chicago and the University of Chicago Medical Center.
Go to the store in the meantime, Michelle Obama 2024, get the DVD and the book, and I'll be right back.
Sam Bankman Freed was just found guilty of the long list of crimes that the Justice Department charged him with.
There's no doubt he's completely guilty of it all, but this would be like Satan chastising one of his lower demons for convincing a mother to drown her child.
No, Satan would actually reward the demon with a medal in Hades.
But what's really happening here is they're covering their tracks.
George Soros was the largest donor to the Democratic Party in 2020 and to, of course, Joe Biden.
And Sam Bankman Freed was the second largest.
But if you added up all the other subcompanies they had and people that he directed to donate, he gave more money to the Democratic Party and to Joe Biden than George Soros did in 2020.
Let that sink in.
So they let him do the big giant pump and dump.
And then hung him out to dry.
And if he doesn't go along with his sentencing, and if he starts implicating almost every major Democrat politician that took mass amounts of money from him, including Joe Biden's campaign that got tens of millions, he will end up Epstein'd in his jail cell.
Now I know I'm stating the obvious here, you don't need me to tell you this, but just let it sink in that when you serve this evil, It will always betray you.
It will always hang you out to dry.
And that's what they've done here.
But now the bigger question is, what needs to be done?
Well, Congress still can't get around the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against Biden.
The open border, Biden telling the illegal aliens come here, the Senate reports admitting 400 plus thousand children that they know of came in in just the last two and a half, almost three years under Biden.
And 87,000 of them are completely missing.
Many others have been found in slave labor conditions rivaling China, many in sex slavery.
Why isn't he being impeached for bulldozers crashing across the Texas border, knocking down barbed wire?
Why is he being impeached for his communist Chinese dealings that are all now confirmed?
Or Ukraine, or Russia for that matter?
And it's because the Justice Department is 100% corrupt and evil and
quarterbacking the operation from the top.
They're not just blackmailing Joe Biden.
They've got their people in there and they're making money off the
scams and the deals as well.
There is double and triple and quadruple blackmail going on.
This house of cards is coming down.
*laughs* They're also, even though they're raping us and robbing us, they're even mismanaging that where it's going to blow up so bad it's going to bring them down as well.
We are basically in a bus with a suicidal driver who's about to take us over the edge of a cliff.
In fact, really, I think we've already gone over the edge of a cliff.
So let that sink in to all the fools and all the crazies that just think your corruption is going to go on forever.
I think that your hopium is going to defeat humanity.
I mean, I told you five, six months ago, even before the summer offensive began, it was going to fail.
And of course, I told you it failed.
Right when it started, it was completely smashed in three days.
Hundreds of Western tanks, hundreds of other armored vehicles, tens of thousands of men.
Just in a couple of days, they estimate 50,000 Ukrainians died.
In that so-called offensive.
But now U.S.
intel admits New York Times that...
Well, the offensive has now failed.
Real intel is observing the real world around you, what's going on.
And the real intel is, the globalists see the American people, the people of the West, as groups to be robbed, and then poisoned, and then, of course, killed.
And they'll make money while they kill us with the treatments for all the poisons and toxins they put in the environment.
This is a death cult.
Now, anybody with half a brain gets it.
We've been totally vindicated, but what does that do?
Well, at least people now will listen when I get into the rest of the story.
Folks will now hopefully listen when I tell you what else is going on, because here's what's frustrating, ladies and gentlemen.
I had medical doctors and scientists on my show 25 years ago, 10 years ago, over and over again, Dr. Group, so many others, laying out That they are basically putting prions, well not basically, they are a type of prion, but they're not the same as Mad Cow, in the shots.
Dr. Mickiewicz exposed it going back 15 years ago as well.
And it's not just the COVID shots, okay?
That's why neurological disorders are off the charts.
So let me just explain something.
On purpose, they cook up prions, growing protein crystals, and infected everybody.
That's why people at age 20 now are getting, quote, Alzheimer's.
It's not the aluminum pots and pans, folks.
It's the shots.
It's the chemtrails.
It's all of it.
I am out in the desert right now, and there's of course zero clouds.
Because there's zero air traffic.
And we have the patents where they add the different aluminum dioxide, barium salts, radioactive isotopes to the fuel, and then it just aerosolizes out through the engines.
And it's perfectly compartmentalized.
The pilots don't even know what they're part of.
It's not specialized spray planes, ladies and gentlemen, they have those too.
No, it's all the major jet fuel manufacturers are adding it under a Department of Energy strategic operation.
They beta tested in 93, they went fully operational in 96, but look, that's all side issues.
We're all being murdered.
We're all being killed.
We're in a giant death cult.
And the people carrying it out are killing themselves as well.
These people are completely turned over to the spirit of Satan that, as Elon Musk said, is being piped into the planet right now.
So, it's not ever too late in my view to turn back, even if the end of the world was happening in 10 minutes, and I'm not saying that's happening.
If we repent to God, and still have some connection to God, and you're able to feel the Holy Spirit, that means it's not too late for you.
But it is too late.
If the Holy Spirit's touched you over and over again, and you willfully blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and said, get away from me, I don't want to be good.
Because when God shows Himself to you in a limitless love, and You don't accept it.
And God will come back over and over and over again.
If God can even touch you and it feels you still have love and goodness, God will continue to try to work with you.
But when you're a Satanist and you know God's real and you literally poison people and hurt people and amass sacrifice to your God, you're cut off from God.
And so, don't fear the globals that can kill the body.
Fear God that can cut you off and kill your soul.
So, I love you all.
I appreciate you all.
We'll have a lot more reports coming up today.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
And I'm just taking a few days off to get closer to family and to God.
You've seen how upset I've been on air.
And that's why I take time off.
I've also been going out of town doing some big podcasts and things.
But I'll be back very, very soon.
And I just have been in this fight 29 years, and so I don't blame anybody out there that needs to cogitate or separate themselves from the system and try to get outside the cities.
Because that really is the answer, and that's where we all need to go.
And in the final equation, that's the easiest move.
It's not perfect, but we've got to get out of these 5G cities.
We've got to get our children out of them.
We've got to realize, again, this is a death cult.
So, when God reaches out to you and tries to touch you, please accept it.
And please know it's real.
And if you've never had an experience being touched with the Holy Spirit, you can reach out to God and ask God to touch you, and miraculous things will happen.
But in closing, Many of these people have been touched by Satan, and they like it.
They like the exhilaration, the pride, the feeling of power and domination.
And I've been touched by Satan when I was younger.
I understand what demonic influence is like.
And it's certainly alluring to people in the world.
People certainly pay attention to it.
But it will destroy you.
And it isn't one trillionth the power of God.
And it leads into your destruction.
So turn away from Satan, ladies and gentlemen.
Admit Satan's real.
Admit God's real.
And that is not our only hope.
It is the hope.
It is everything.
And just look at the evil around you and understand how it's manifesting.
And how the globalists admit they basically serve Satan now.
And they're setting up the Mark of the Beast system just as Prophecy said.
So, God bless.
Back to the live transmission.
Joel Gilbert back on InfoWars from Los Angeles.
We're talking about my new book and film, Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
Please go to the InfoWars store and get the book and the film.
It's an incredible amount of information about Michelle, the real Michelle Obama.
We've talked a little bit about so far how Michelle has this public story that she's one of these ordinary black folks from the south side of Chicago.
My investigation shows that Michelle is someone who had a terrible relationship with the black community as a kid.
She refused to study with them.
They beat her up.
They called her an Oreo, meaning you're black on the outside, but white on the inside.
She would not go to school with them.
And we're going to talk about after the break, how Michelle got her revenge on the black community as a professional in Chicago.
When white liberals had problems with black people, they couldn't hire a white person to kick them out of their homes.
They couldn't hire a white person to deny them access to healthcare.
That's where Michelle Obama came in.
She had such a bad relationship with the black community that she took jobs making a ton of money to exploit and abuse the black community in order to make a lot of money.
That's why Michelle is so insecure about her relationship with the black community.
And that's why she tells all these tall tales and stories about having suffered racism.
Michelle was an elite kid who didn't want to have anything to do with the black community and ended up exploiting them in her career.
And when we come back from the break, a couple of minutes, we're going to talk about what she did working for the mayor of Chicago and the University of Chicago Medical Center.
In the meantime, call in 877-789-2539.
call in 877-789-2539. We'll be right back.
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I'll listen to you the day I die or you go off air, but I'm going to do my part to make sure you don't have a great day.
Former NBA player Royce White recently went on one of the better shows on the Blaze and laid out the fact that
clearly there was a standout in Israel.
The question is who did the standout?
Upwards of 90% of Israelis in polls, we've showed them on the air, you can look them up, believe there was a intentional standout.
So Royce White goes out and lays out those facts and there's a big campaign on Twitter of people trying to get rid of the talk show host on The Blaze for having Royce White on.
How dare he talk about the fact that governments sometimes allow attacks to happen.
They had attack helicopters 30 miles away.
That takes them like 5, 10 minutes to get there.
A few attack helicopters, estimated about 5, could have taken out all those Hezbollah people.
But for 7 hours, they let them run around like maniacs.
Again, I'm calling them Hezbollah, because they were Hezbollah Hamas operatives.
And that now, of course, has officially come out.
And I told you on the 7th, that's the case, because I know who does the training.
I understand the training.
I've seen the training.
I've studied it.
They're the main capable force in the Middle East that's on the, what you call, bad guy team.
For some people on the left, they think they're the good guys, even though they are diametrically opposed to most of what the left thinks.
But that's a side issue.
Here is Royce White laying out the facts.
And for this, people want the talk show host that had him on canceled.
Absolutely outrageous and very, very dangerous.
But they can't handle the truth coming out, folks.
If there was a stand down, don't you want to know who ordered it?
And of course you know there was one.
I mean, are 87% or 97% of the Jews bad too?
Because they think something's going on?
Come on folks, let's not be chumps.
Here's Royce White.
But the question now is for American citizens, in response, we're going to level Gaza?
We're going to turn it into a parking lot?
And our hostages are still there?
Or you're going to tell me that the intelligence failed?
In one of the most protected places in the whole world, the intelligence failed.
And now you have the counterintelligence to be able to go...
Precisely identify and locate these Hamas terrorists.
I mean, you could run that stuff on somebody who watches David Letterman back in the day.
I'm a 90s baby, so David Letterman was on.
You could tell that somebody who watches Trevor Noah or somebody who watches Sean Hannity, for example.
You can't tell that to nobody who watches Steve Bannon.
You can't tell that to nobody who's been watching Alex Jones for 25 years.
You mean to tell me the intelligence in the most protected nation in the world was dark, And all of a sudden, when we go back to Counter-Strike, we have high-level intelligence to precisely locate the specific people we want to?
No, you're gonna go cleanse Palestine and Gaza because you think it's your right.
And many people are making the case that it's their right.
And all I have to say to it is, don't do it in our name!
Joel Gilbert back with you from Los Angeles, talking about Michelle Obama 2024, her real-life story and plan for power.
Going through Michelle's life history here with you today, up to the top of the next hour, Michelle meets Barack Obama working for the Sidney Austin law firm.
And the attraction I believe was that Barack broke up with his Asian girlfriend saying he needed a black girlfriend or wife for politics.
He wanted to find a black person to make him feel more black and be more black and have a connection to the black community, which he had none.
Michelle Obama wanted nothing to do with black people her whole life.
They picked on her.
They beat her up.
She refused to study with them.
I think the attraction for Michelle with Barack is because he was biracial.
He made her feel more white.
So I think that was the initial attraction between Barack and Michelle Obama.
And we're going to talk about after another short break is that Michelle went on to work for the mayor of Chicago, where her job was to kick black people out of their homes.
She made 20,000 black people homeless at the projects of Cabrini Green.
This is where they wanted the land to give away to Tony Resco and the Democrat donor developers.
So Michelle was used to kick them out of their homes and tell them it'd be good for them.
Michelle always had jobs exploiting the black community for white liberals and that was her first job.
Having done the dirty work, after the break we'll talk about her next job.
Joel Gilbert back with you from Los Angeles.
We're talking about Michelle Obama, 2024, her real life story on Plan for Power, both a book and a film in the Infowars store.
Please go there and buy the film and book to support Infowars.
We just talked about how Michelle exploited the black community on behalf of white liberals.
The white liberals wanted the land at Cabrini Green near downtown.
So Michelle was hired as assistant planning commissioner at the mayor of Chicago's office, and she made 20,000 blacks homeless.
Having proven she could do the dirty work for white liberals to exploit the black community, Michelle was hired by the University of Chicago Medical Center.
They were having problems with black people because the South Siders were showing up at their emergency room and a lot of them didn't have good insurance.
So they were losing money.
Now they couldn't hire a white person to kick black people out of the emergency room and deny them access to health care.
That's where Michelle Obama came in.
She started something called the South Side Health Collaborative.
And what they would do is if you showed up and you were black from the south side, didn't have insurance or didn't have the proper insurance, Michelle would put you in a white van and dump you back on the south side.
They would drop you off at these crappy clinics and in strip malls with terrible health care.
I visited those clinics in the movie.
They wanted to preserve the beds in the hospital for essentially white people and rich people.
So Michelle made $300,000 a year denying access to healthcare to the black community.
And Michelle put out these flyers and she said, it's going to be good for you.
This is better for you if we deny you access to good healthcare.
So Michelle got her revenge on the black community for what they did to her growing up when they beat her up.
And accused her of acting white and they knew she didn't have any black friends and refused to study with them.
So Michelle got her revenge on them in her professional career.
Now, uh, who are Michelle's friends at this time?
Well, I found out her best friend from her Sidley Austin law firm worked there for two years with her was none other than Bernadine Dorn.
Bernadine Dorn was the head of the Weather Underground Domestic Terrorist Group, was responsible allegedly for killing policemen.
And she used to talk about something called the politics of fear, how we're all afraid of each other.
And it turns out when Michelle went on the campaign trail in 2008, she was copying Bernadine Dorn word for word.
That's where she got all her anti-American rhetoric from, from a 1960s terrorist.
Michelle said things like, You can't afford to pay mortgage.
You can't afford food in this country.
You can't afford child care.
Don't get sick in this country.
On and on.
All these things trashing the country all came from Bernadine Dorn.
Let's take a look at the video called Fear, where you're going to see how Michelle copied Bernadine Dorn.
When you are afraid of everyone and everything, it's hard to see past that fear.
It must have been Bernadine Dorn who taught Michelle about fear.
The politics of fear.
The politics of fear.
Because of fear.
Your fear!
We... Yeah, so Michelle copied Bernadine Dorn.
That's her mentor in Chicago.
Barack and Michelle would go to the house of her and her husband, Bill Ayers, who was a big friend of Of Barack, weekly for years in the nineties.
So you can't overstate the amount of influence these domestic terrorists had on the Obamas.
Next, a lot of people don't know that Michelle was a community organizer, just like Barack was in Chicago.
She headed up something called Public Allies.
And this was a radical group that would take people down on their luck.
If you got out of prison, if you got kicked out of high school.
She would hire you to work in the bureaucracy in Chicago for 10 months and then one day a week you would come to their offices and be radicalized.
Michelle's first guest to lecture her subjects of Public Allies was Bernadine Dorn.
So Michelle was in on building this kind of deep state where you infiltrate the bureaucracy with these radicals who over the years, you know, work their way up.
So one more item.
You might remember that Michelle is famous in 2008 when she was running around the country trashing America.
She went over the top one night and said, for the first time in my life, I'm proud of my country.
Now, she said a lot worse things than that, but it's because Barack won a primary and the media picked up on that.
And all of a sudden it was a problem.
People were now paying attention to what she was saying.
And the Obama campaign told us, said, look, we could lose because of you.
So you can't talk like this anymore.
So Michelle got a speech writer and the next night she said, Oh, I hate politics and I just want to be the mom in chief.
So she's kind of taken a step back to pretend to not be interested in politics, but she's a very political.
She's a better politician than Barack.
She's a better speaker.
She's from a political family.
She grew up in Jesse Jackson's house.
So Michelle is kind of like, uh, Hillary Clinton.
Obama is similar to the Clintons.
The husband is a real friendly guy who is a good speaker and has a lot of people like him, but he's disorganized.
And the woman in the relationship is the one that drives it and has her own political ambitions.
Let's go and take a call from Jefferson in Virginia.
Let's take a call before we continue.
Hey, Joel, thanks for doing this.
Yeah, the Democratic Party seems to be full of imposters.
We really should look into Kamala Harris being a Jamaican citizen at birth because her father was a Jamaican citizen and she's not eligible.
I don't know if that's something they're counting on using later to get her out of office so Michelle can drop in at the last second.
I don't think she's going to be willing to run in a primary against Biden and Kamala.
She's going to want to be drafted in the convention at the last second.
OK, well, let me comment on Kamala.
Look, most commentators mistakenly think that the black community and black women have some connection to Kamala Harris, and they really don't.
Kamala Harris is not African-American.
Her mother's from India.
Her father's from Jamaica.
And Kamala grew up in Canada.
She has nothing in common with black community, no common experiences, and never even made it to the first primary in Iowa.
If Kamala wants to run for president, she can run all she wants and no one's going to support her.
So I really don't think she's an obstacle.
Some people like to talk about Gavin Newsom as a possibility, but he's been a terrible governor here in California.
He's relatively new to the national scene.
People don't know him.
When you start paying attention, you realize he's kind of like a younger Joe Biden.
He's very snarky.
He's kind of sleazy and he'll say anything.
So I don't think he's a serious candidate.
For president for the Democrats now, but also especially because he's a white heterosexual male.
The Democrats have abandoned white males, especially because of Donald Trump's inroads that he made with the black community as president.
Donald Trump delivered to the black community what the Democrats had promised for 60 years and never done.
delivered a robust economy, school choice, prison reform, and good race relations.
And that was the biggest threat to the Democrat party.
That's why when Biden got in, his handlers appointed blacks to so many
high profile positions like UN ambassador, press secretary, head of the
joint chiefs of staff, defense secretary, Supreme court justice, you name it.
They're giving a rather insulting message to the black community.
It shows you what they think of them.
Their message is, we look like you, so you should vote for us.
That's how shallow their message is.
But Michelle Obama certainly checks those boxes.
She brings on that coalition they think that will That will succeed and keep the black vote.
The Democrats need about 90 to 95% of black voters to maintain their candidates and get them into office.
If I was Donald Trump, I would start right now by tweeting and saying things like, Michelle Obama, are you going to apologize for what you did to the black community in Chicago?
Michelle, how much money did you make kicking black people out of the emergency room?
Michelle, are you going to apologize for making 20,000 blacks homeless?
That would open a whole can of worms because black voters are no fools.
If they understood that Michelle Obama exploited them and abused them to make money, I don't think, I don't think they would support her.
So, uh, let's take one more quick call from, uh, let's go with Tony.
Tony, are you there?
Yes, Tony, go ahead.
Yes, I'm here.
Yes, I just want to corroborate with what you've said with regard to Michelle Obama and when she was at Whitney High School, okay?
Because I have a personal friend, he's Polish, and he sat right behind her.
He actually stole the election for treasurer, the class treasurer from him, okay?
And she, of course, her best friend in the class was Santita Jackson, the daughter of Jesse Jackson.
And my friend told me so much about Michelle Obama that you are right now bringing out to this world that I just want to thank you.
And I want to praise God and know that the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth will ultimately come out on that.
All right.
Thanks for your call.
We're heading up to another break.
We've got a lot more to talk about Michelle Obama.
In the meantime, please go to the InfoWars store.
Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power, the book and the film.
And we got a lot more to cover and more calls to take for the rest of the hour.
So stay tuned to InfoWars and we're going to learn a lot more about Michelle Obama that you never knew.
Okay, we're back.
Joel Gilbert, filmmaker and author of Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
Please go to the InfoWars store and get the book and or DVD.
Your life will never be the same once you learn about Michelle Obama.
I believe she is planning to run for president because no one wants Joe Biden and she's been preparing for this.
We're going to keep taking calls the rest of the hour, 877-789-2539.
Now, Michelle Obama, as we've talked about, is a total phony.
She spent her childhood running away from black people, afraid of them.
She spent her professional career exploiting them.
So she creates phony stories to manipulate black and minority voters, to make them think she's one of them, to get power, to get their votes.
In the 2008 campaign, Michelle did something pretty interesting.
She used her fashion to manipulate voters.
Michelle was a huge fashionista growing up.
She had a celebrity hairdresser named Michael Ronnie Flowers from age 18.
I interviewed him in the film.
Uh, she went to the Miracle Mile in Chicago and brought all the fancy fashionista clothes from fashion designers like Maria Pinto and Ikram Goldman.
I visited them.
And Michelle in 2005 was on the top 25 best dress list, uh, for Vanity Fair, for Vogue Magazine.
International best dress list.
Only wears super fashion and the best hairdos.
Then Michelle shows up on the campaign trail for Barack Obama in 2008.
And she doesn't show up as a fashionista, like who she is, and say, Hey, I'm another Harvard lawyer, like my husband.
She pretends to be some kind of, you know, housewife from a suburb from the 1950s.
What she could imagine a black person might look like in the 1950s.
She doesn't comb her hair and she wears t-shirts and doesn't wear makeup.
And she looks like a homeless person.
So all this effort to show up on the campaign trail as a homeless person, To trick voters, manipulate them into thinking she's just an ordinary person like one of them.
So Michelle is a big manipulator.
So much so that when Michelle spoke to a black audience, now remember Michelle speaks perfect English, no urban dialect at all.
She talked about how her parents made her and her brother speak beautiful, perfect English.
She even got made fun of by the kids for talking like a white girl.
But when Michelle speaks to a black audience in 2008, she puts on a phony urban accent to try to trick them into thinking she's just an ordinary black person like them.
She didn't, you know, she didn't come from a political family where her father manipulated black voters.
She didn't run away from them and refuse to study with them.
She didn't exploit them.
No, she wants you to think she's one of them by putting on a phony urban accent.
So let's take a look at the urban talk video from the 2008 campaign.
Let's watch that.
Nothing had happened.
I'm proud of her.
Lo and behold, church lady sending in three dollars in envelopes.
You couldn't spend that.
Way back when, I'm not that old.
Cause we know, all know kids like me.
We are just three years outside of paying off our educational debt.
All of that going on.
If you're still trying to pay your own rent.
So I can't think of anything more disdainful of the black voters in the black community.
Today, you'd be arrested for a hate crime, for going and putting on a phony accent to try to trick people.
But that's what Michelle is.
She manipulates people with her way she talks, the way she looks, and by creating a completely fake background story.
She's not from the South side of Chicago.
She never had any black friends and she spent her career kicking black people out of their homes and kicking them out of healthcare.
Let's take another look now.
I get asked this a lot and I want to clear this up.
Michelle is a total phony, but she is not transgender and she's not a man.
Now this came up because of a Joan Rivers interview back in You know, 10, 12 years ago.
Let's take a look at the Joan Rivers confrontation with TMZ.
You made a ton of news officiating the wedding in New York yesterday.
Is this like a new cottage career move for you?
I am so excited.
And I should do very well because I don't show it.
And do you think that the country will see the first, the United States will see the first gay president or the first woman president?
We already have it with Obama.
So let's just calm down.
Got it.
No, Michelle is a trans... I'm sorry, she's a what?
A transgender.
We all know.
Oh my gosh.
Oh God.
Okay, so I get asked about this a lot by people.
I was at the Reawaken America tour, for example, in Miami, and I had a booth, and several hundred people came up to my booth with the Michelle Obama film and book, and every single one asked me if Michelle was a man.
And it's not true.
She's not transgender.
She's not a man.
The reason people picked up on this is, first of all, Joan Rivers, that's her sense of humor.
She's a comedian.
She likes to say outrageous things.
I think it's because Michelle had 15 years of all positive publicity.
No critical anything.
I think people picked up on that as a way to kind of make fun of her.
For instance, here's a picture of Michelle.
This is her yearbook photo from a dance class at Whitney Young when she
was in high school, 16 years old.
She's very obviously female. So I just want to assure all you folks, Michelle is a total phony,
but it has to do with her pretending to care about the black community, pretending she had
anything to do with them, and her pretending that she didn't exploit and abuse them in her career,
and her trying to trick them into getting political power from them by pretending to be
just one of these ordinary black folks.
So that's Michelle's phoniness.
It's not that she's a man or she's transgender, which I assure you she's not.
Michelle comes from a family.
Her father was a precinct captain.
He got a job.
He made money from the Democrat party machine.
He had an easy job at the water department in exchange for exploiting the black community, tricking them to voting for the white liberals who did not do anything for them.
So Michelle is very much like her father.
She tries to trick the black community into voting for Barack and her.
You might remember in 2008, Black people didn't think Barack was black.
They weren't on board to vote for him.
He was from Hawaii, a biracial family.
He grew up with white grandparents.
He had no experience with black people.
He didn't know any black people.
His roommates in college were Pakistanis.
So it took a lot of work from Michelle Obama in 2008 to trick the black community into thinking that Barack Obama would have their interests at heart.
And in fact, Obama did nothing for the black community.
He exacerbated race relations.
He brought in illegals that took jobs and drove down wages.
And he drove the black community away from, uh, from their neighbors.
White and black relations were 70% of both sides agreed it was positive when Barack became president.
When he left, it was opposite.
Only 30% thought race relations were good.
And it was all because of the Obama's ruining race relations to get power.
Obama wanted to be reelected in 2012.
So he embraced the Black Lives Matter movement.
Uh, and made up phony racial stories.
So did Michelle Obama.
There's a story where she told David Letterman how she had such a great time going incognito at Target because a short woman asked her to get something off the top shelf.
And she had such a great time doing it.
Then for People Magazine, years later, she says, oh, it was a racial incident.
The woman asked her for help because she was black.
So Michelle is one of the biggest race fakers and race hoaxers in politics.
And her intention, I believe now, is to manipulate the minority community once again into supporting her.
Based on her phony background, but my film and book, go to the Infowars store.
We're going to talk for another half hour about Michelle Obama, her real story, and her plan for power.
Get the book and film in the Infowars store.
Bill Gilbert back with you, filmmaker, author of Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
Please go to the Infowars store, support Infowars, and you'll learn so much about Michelle Obama's plan.
I believe that Barack Obama, as most people do, is still running things in the White House.
70% of Joe Biden's staff, including Biden himself, were part of the Obama administration.
Obama, despite the fact that he has a climate denying home in Martha's Vineyard for the summer on the beach, Obama still has a house in Washington, D.C.
No president has ever stayed in Washington.
But Obama is known to meet regularly with his former staff members, with Congress.
He clearly still runs the Democrat party.
He releases statements on Twitter that suddenly become policy.
I think the Obamas are itching to get back in the White House.
If you look at Michelle Obama's Twitter account, it's very interesting.
I've been tweeting about this every day.
Ever since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th, Michelle Obama has not tweeted at all.
Not at all.
She usually tweets three times a day on everything.
Politics, outreach to minorities and women.
She's only tweeted one time, which was actually a retweet, a repost for when we all vote.
But for the first time in years, she has not tweeted for 27 days.
So I think she's up to something.
I think she doesn't want to offend any particular voting bloc on the left or right.
And she's preparing for an announcement.
Let's go ahead and take some more callers.
I want to talk to James in Michigan.
Let's talk to James.
Hey, Joe.
I enjoy your work on the Fifth Beatle and also on the Dreams of My Real Father.
You know, Barack's mom and those Betty Boop risque photos you found in the Bronx is nothing but stellar research.
I have two things here.
One is, I want to get your take on Michelle possibly getting a male organ installed for Barack's pleasures, or if she had played into the ruse of pretending to be a man to ensnare the alt-right into a trap, yet still captivating the alt-left into liking her even more.
Okay, well look, as I said in the earlier segment, The idea that Michelle is a man was a joke made by a comedian and the internet kind of picked up on it because there had been no negative anything about Michelle Obama for 15 years.
She's had hundreds of magazine covers, hundreds of interviews, all a positive fawning media, whatever Michelle does or says they agree with.
Same thing.
That's why she wrote two autobiographies because she doesn't have to say anything.
The media just repeats whatever she wrote.
And that's the end of the story.
So I can assure you that Michelle is female and has always been female.
And that's just distracting.
She is a total phony in that she pretends to be part of the black community.
She pretends to be from South Shore.
She pretends to care about black people.
But in fact, Michelle exploited the black community and abused them in her career in Chicago.
She was afraid of them growing up.
They beat her up.
They called her an Oreo and Michelle wanted nothing to do with the black community and that's why it's adding insult to injury that she's pretending to care about them.
Let's go to Catherine next on the phone.
Hi Catherine.
You kind of were on the topic that I've been interested in because Looking at her structure, it's definitely a structure of a man, and I did see a whole long series of a man who had shown where she had genitals showing, the penis showing, and so on.
Yeah, look, I hate to cut off you guys.
Again, I went to the Reawaken America event, and 200 people came up and talked to me, and all 200 asked me if Michelle was a man.
And I can assure you, uh, having seen hundreds of pictures and talked to all her friends and, uh, everybody, you know, there, you can see for yourself, that's Michelle's picture.
If you're watching on video, that's her in dance class in 16 years old at Whitney Young.
She's clearly female.
So it's something that's kind of silly and funny.
And what I really want you to learn about is what a phony Michelle really is.
She's a phony in terms of the way she manipulated the black community.
Uh, as a kid, she was afraid of them and she got her revenge on them, kicking 20,000 blacks out of their home when she worked for the mayor of Chicago, denying access to healthcare to black people.
So when Michelle makes up these stories and says, Oh my, My guidance counselor, you know, racially profiled me.
That's a lie.
Her guidance counselor was a black lady.
When she says she's an ordinary person from the South Side.
No, she's from South Shore.
That's Michelle's phoniness.
And I think black voters are no fools.
When they see this film, they learn about her.
She's not going to get that 90, 95% vote that the Democrats need to get their people elected.
Let's go to Sue.
Sue's next.
I've got kind of a long question here.
Okay, Bernadine Dorn created the, what was it, You Don't Need a Weatherman to Tell You Which Way the Wind Blows, something like that.
And she was also all about communism.
Bill Ayers also wrote about getting all the farmers as a pathway to communism.
And Bill Ayers studied at Summerhill Schools.
Have you ever looked into A.S.
Neal, who created Summerhill?
And also could Could Dorn, Ayers, and Obama create a pathway to digital ID and technocratic society using the lunchroom and education to put tech in the schools and healthcare?
So kind of a power grab for tech.
Well, let me talk about them.
Look, the Weather Underground was a domestic terrorist group.
Uh, the slogan, you know, you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows, is taken from the Bob Dylan song, Subterranean Homesick Blues.
That's where they got the weatherman line from.
Uh, the Weather Underground was a terrorist, communist, Marxist group that wanted to overthrow the United States.
American communists since the 30s have always pretended to be interested in something else because Americans would never buy into their socialist nonsense that all the property is now owned by the government.
You, you know, you have to do these jobs.
Everyone has to look alike and sound alike and dress the same and you're all going to be happy.
This is a theory of Marxism.
You're all going to, everybody's going to live like a, like an anthill and you're going to be happy.
Throw away the constitution and let's go with Marxism.
Americans would never buy into this nonsense.
So that's why in the 1930s, American communists said they were anti-war.
We're just against going to war in Europe.
After the war, they were, in the 60s, they were anti-Vietnam and anti-draft.
But below every movement was a radical Marxist worldview that wanted to replace the Constitution With the Communist Manifesto and end the American experiment.
Starting in the 1980s, communists started hiding behind the idea of anti-racism.
We're just against racism.
Well, everyone's against racism.
So yeah, I support that.
Black Lives Matter.
Oh, I, of course, Black Lives Matter.
That sounds good.
We all believe that.
But underneath it is a radical Marxist worldview that wants to destroy the United States.
And Michelle Obama was heavily influenced by Bernadine Dorn.
You can see it in the film.
She talks about the politics of fear.
Michelle criticizes the United States.
She was radicalized by Bernadine Dorn in Chicago, similar to how Barack was radicalized, I think, by Frank Marshall Davis, who I think is his real father in Chicago, an American You know, I'm sure that the Ayers and Dorn were thrilled to be able to influence this couple and have so much influence on American politics.
was also close to Bernardine Norton's husband, Bill Ayers.
The Obamas had dinner at their house for every week in the nineties.
What do you think they talked about?
You know, I'm sure that the Ayers and Dorn were thrilled to be able to influence
this couple and have so much influence on American politics.
So, there's a lot in there about the communist influence of these two
radicals on Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.
So again, if you go to the Infowars store, it's both a full length book and it's also a movie on DVD.
Michelle Obama, 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
I think she's been preparing for years to run for president by copying everything Barack did.
She was the keynote speaker at a Democrat convention like Barack.
She wrote two autobiographies just like Barack did.
And Michelle has a voter registration organization called When We All Vote, Barack had Project Vote.
So the Democrats, I think, have set it up for her.
They moved the first primary to South Carolina, where half the Democrat voters there are going to be black for the primary.
And the Democrat National Convention could not be more obvious is in Michelle's hometown of Chicago.
So we're going to do one more segment when we get back, take some more calls, 877-789-2539.
And we'll talk a little bit more about Michelle Obama, her real life story and plan for power.
Bill Gilbert back with you, filmmaker and author of Michelle Obama 2024, her real life story and plan for power.
Please get the book and DVD in the Infowars store.
Now, what I want you to understand, Michelle Obama brings to the table for the Democrats is something called plausibility.
If they say Joe Biden is winning the election in all the swing states, he's way ahead, no one's going to believe it.
On election night, if they say, yeah, Joe Biden beat Donald Trump with his record in office compared to what Donald Trump accomplished, no one will believe it.
But if Michelle Obama wins, we'll say, well, I guess she's so popular, we believe it.
So Michelle brings plausibility and solves some of the doubt that people have because of voting machines and ballot harvesting and all that stuff.
Michelle accomplishes a lot.
She checks all the boxes.
Now, one interesting thing you're going to find out in the film is regarding the kids of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Michelle writes in her book about using IVF treatment to get pregnant for both kids.
I believe that Malia, the older daughter, is the child of Barack and Michelle.
However, they don't look anything alike at all.
And I believe I've identified the father of the second child, which is a close friend to the Obama family.
And I believe this, uh, there was an affair that Michelle had with this close friend when her and Barack were not on speaking terms.
Uh, I actually asked Michelle's mother on tape in the movie about this, and she did not disagree.
So you got to watch the movie and, uh, find out who, uh, Michelle had an affair with.
And the fact that the second daughter is probably not Barack's daughter.
Uh, let's take a couple more calls.
We'll go for Mike.
Mike, please.
Good morning, sir.
Hi, Mike.
And I don't mean that in a racist way.
Uh, I want to talk about, uh, Michelle for a minute.
You know, thank you for all your research.
It's very eyeopening and it's wonderful.
Somebody is following it.
Uh, this whole tranny thing.
I mean, the fact is that Joe Rivers was a friend of hers and ever since she made that claim, it's been an issue.
And all Michelle's done is be coy about it.
She hasn't responded.
She hasn't admitted or denied it.
Hey, if it'll get her votes, right?
We can't, we can't, we spent some time on this already.
I can't spend too much time on it.
I assure you it was a joke by Joan Rivers.
I know a lot of people are disappointed, but it's just not true.
Michelle has always been female.
She is a total phony in that she claims to have Uh, any interests of the minority community at heart.
Michelle really is an Oreo, what the black kids would call her growing up.
Black on the outside, but white on the inside.
Michelle writes about how her hero growing up was Mary Tyler Moore.
She watched the Brady Bunch every day.
Barack said when he met her, she reminded him of his white grandmother.
He said the family was like, leave it to beaver, like the 1950s, you know, typical suburban white family.
That's Michelle's real problem.
And she's very insecure about her relationship with the black community because of how she was so afraid of them and got abused by them as a kid.
And then she went on to exploit and abuse them in her career to make money.
So that's her real phoniness.
It's not the gender issue.
So let's go on to Rich.
Let's talk to Rich, please.
Hey, Joe.
How are you, buddy?
All right, thank you.
Hey, I loved your first one, Dreams of a Real Father.
When I told people about that, their mouths dropped.
They couldn't believe it.
The information you provided was awesome.
So I'm excited about getting your book and DVD.
But just to top off, I think this whole transgender thing with Michelle Obama is the birth certificate for Barack.
It's the same thing, just like you just covered everything where she's going step by step.
They're using the transgender thing like they did for Barack with the birth certificate.
Same thing.
It's a distraction.
Here, look over here at this gender thing.
Yeah, it is a distraction.
Uh, I think I've revealed a real life history of Michelle Obama that no one else has ever done.
No one went to Chicago and talked to all the people that I did, including her elementary and high school classmates, teachers, principals, friends, dance instructor.
Michelle went to a dance school called Mayfair Academy, exclusive dance school from age seven.
She was performing all over Chicago.
That's why you see her dancing on, you know, Jimmy Fallon.
She's got some good dance moves because from age seven, Michelle was professionally dancing in Chicago and performing jazz and tap for years.
So she had a very privileged childhood and she doesn't want anybody to know that.
Even in her book Becoming, it's very funny.
She talks about going to Princeton University And then instead of being proud of it and saying, hey, I went to Harvard Law and something about Harvard, she doesn't.
She says, after Princeton, I went to law school and then I moved to Chicago and got a job.
She doesn't even tell us she went to Harvard because she doesn't want you to know what an elitist she is.
But Michelle is from an elite family.
Her uncle, named Nominee Robinson, went to Harvard Business School.
Um, you know, he was a franchisee of McDonald's and had car dealerships in Rochester.
Michelle is the real American dream.
I mean, she had a, she's an American success story.
She got out of schools that wouldn't benefit her.
She went to good schools.
She went to Princeton and Harvard.
She got great jobs, but she doesn't want you to know that she wants to trick minorities into thinking that she was discriminated against and had to overcome.
So they'll think that she's one of them, but, but she really is not.
Let's go for Kevin, please.
Let's talk to Kevin.
Yes, I'm right here.
Okay, Kevin, question.
All right, you know, you kind of dispelled what I was calling in about.
The way I understood it was Michael played college football for Oregon, University of Oregon, okay?
I know, I know.
Look, these are the jokes people made because the media Gave Michelle 100% uncritical coverage.
Melania Trump is a professional model and they never gave her any gig to be on the cover of a magazine.
There was Michelle Obama on the cover of hundreds of magazines.
So I think it's the transgender thing they picked up on this joke from Joan Rivers kind of because there was nothing else because Michelle was so anti-American.
She bashed America so much on the 2008 campaign trail.
I think it was the only thing that people picked up on to try to make something of it.
But let's watch the movie trailer one more time.
And everyone, please go to Michelle Obama 2024 on the Infowars store and get the book and the DVD.
You'll learn so much because I think Michelle will be declaring for president sooner than later.
Let's take another look at the trailer.
They could run Michelle Obama.
And if they do... Welcome Michelle Obama!
Michelle Obama is the most popular woman in America.
You know I hate politics.
You can forget about the disclaimer.
I'm convinced that Michelle Obama is running for president in 2024.
Systemic racism, pepper spray and rubber bullets on peaceful protesters.
She's following the exact same formula that Barack did to become president.
Michelle was the keynote speaker at the 2020 Democrat Convention.
Just like Barack was in 2004.
Barack once ran a voter registration organization.
Now, so does Michelle.
That's how we change America.
Also, Barack Obama based his candidacy on his personal story.
Michelle has done the exact same thing.
But like Barack, Michelle tells a life story that is more fiction than fact.
Maybe somebody's gonna discover that I shouldn't be here.
Now, come along on an investigation into the real Michelle Obama and her plan for power.
I found out Michelle's father worked for the Democrat Party machine.
My father, he was a precinct captain in Chicago.
People would come for money.
It turns out Michelle was never a part of the black community.
In that household, there was fear.
You talk like a white girl.
You could get your butt kicked if you talked like a white girl.
What was going on in the 70s was what we called white flight.
The only person doing white flight in the 1970s was Michelle Robinson.
You're told by a school counselor you're not Princeton material.
You're black, maybe you're stretching.
Michelle was no victim of racism.
In fact, Michelle has been running from the black community her whole life.
I bargained with a neighborhood.
And Michelle sold out the black community working for the mayor of Chicago.
This is turning into a ghetto.
You better run.
They just take our home like this here.
And she sold them out as a hospital executive, kicking poor black patients out of the ER.
Yeah, I like that.
I learned that to get power, Michelle pretends to be part of the black community she exploited all her life.
Lo and behold, trying to pay your own rent.
Imposter syndrome.
All-out war between the pigs and us.
And it turns out, Michelle's close friend and mentor was an anti-American radical.
The politics of fear.
Because of fear.
Your fear!
They want you to be afraid of change!
We're working to change the future of this nation.
We need you.
Are you in?
Fundamentally transforming the United States of America.
And to transform America, Michelle plans to rule America come Election Day 2024.
Okay, everybody, please go to the Infowars store.
Michelle Obama 2024 for the book and film.
Thanks for being a great audience, and I'll see you next week.
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