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Name: 20231019_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 19, 2023
3154 lines.

In his podcast, Alex Jones discusses the need for balance in government policies, criticizing those who focus solely on one aspect while ignoring others. He argues against focusing only on Israel's actions without addressing other global issues and expresses concern about the influence of radical groups with connections to organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center and Jewish Voice for Peace. He also discusses media coverage of events in Gaza, the use of advanced surveillance technology by Israel, and promotes products available at the Infowars Store while encouraging listeners to take action to support the broadcast."

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What did I say five weeks ago?
I said, look for Islamic Jihad to be activated worldwide.
Look for a new war in the Middle East.
If I was Jewish, I would not be in Israel.
But hey, you want to be a sitting duck?
It's your business.
Islamic world urged to declare Jihad against Israel.
Even the King of Jordan is saying the red line's being crossed.
So, it's on.
And I don't know what Netanyahu was thinking when he had the military stand down on October 7th.
So that attack would be so big, did he just think the whole world was going to line up behind Israel?
This has been getting set up for a long, long, long time.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm an American and that's where I stand on this.
But to watch Black Lives Matter and the left everywhere celebrate
people on motorized hang gliders coming into a peace rally rave
with a bunch of delusional leftist Jews who are literally...
Thinking they're safe right next to Gaza, unarmed, is disgusting.
Both groups.
Obviously, Hezbollah 100 times worse, but also the delusional people at that party.
I mean, let me tell you, I'm a tough guy.
I'm not going to an all-night party under those anyways.
Next to two and a half million people who want to kill me.
Where they hear the music and the party.
It's absolutely insane.
But that's the delusion of the left.
You see everywhere going into the worst neighborhoods and getting stabbed and murdered because they promoted all this anti-white garbage that extends to Jews because they're white, according to the left.
And the Democratic Party's real anti-Semitism issue.
Do you regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to Hamas?
We're on federal property.
You can't do this here.
Congressman Ulrich, do you regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to Hamas?
Do you regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to Hamas?
And I've done nothing to the Palestinians and nothing to the Jews.
And I live in Central Texas.
And, you know, I mean, I feel bad for the Uyghurs.
Three million of them in a slave camp with, you know, slaves for Apple and other U.S. corporations.
They're Muslims, but I'm against what's happening to them.
And I'm against what's happening to these Jews being slaughtered.
And I think it's terrible what's happening in the carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians.
But it is not my dog. It is not my fight.
And I am American, and I am so tired of turning on the news.
(upbeat music)
And hearing about Saudi Arabia, and Israel, and Germany, and the UK, and France, and Russia, and China, and South Africa, and Nigeria, and Mexico, and Chile, and Brazil, and Timbuktu, man.
Our borders are wide open, hundreds of thousands are dying from fentanyl, mass suicide, I don't care what color you are, we're screwed as a country.
Today I'm also announcing $100 million in new U.S.
funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank.
And we've sent hundreds of millions to Zelensky, that cokehead, and we've got war with Russia, and I am just disgusted by all of it.
will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending their sons and daughters to war and they will have to fight because it's nature that we're talking about and they will be dying.
And I refuse to dance to the tune or be pulled by the strings of the Muslims.
Or whoever is in power at the time in Israel, not supposed to just salute the flag because I'm pro-Israel and do what they say, and then it's political?
I'm tired of it.
Because Israel's seen as the underdog.
When all the Arab countries ganged up on them, that was wrong.
Well, Israel's not really getting ganged up on now.
They got thousands of nuclear weapons.
But that said, I don't want war with Israel, and I don't sit back and go, yeah, give it to them Jews.
Boy, let's kill some Jews.
I'm disgusted by it.
I want to throw up.
A new bucket for monsieur.
But it's worse.
I'll just tell you.
I mean, I am disgusted by the politics in Israel.
So are the Jews over there.
Majority of them think they're in a dictatorship.
I think they are, basically.
Bibi is a murderer.
That's what the people behind me are chanting.
Bibi is a murderer.
[Speaking in foreign language]
But I mean, the Muslims...
If America's so bad, stop coming over here.
Stop coming here and signing up for welfare, then walking around in your nightgowns all day and bitching about me.
I'm not your enemy.
I don't want to kill you.
I don't want to run your life.
But let me explain something.
I'm not submitting to Allah.
Anybody trying to make me submit to your crap is, quite frankly, my enemy.
Don't sit here and tell me, choose a side, when Israel has become its own cancer to itself.
But you are stage four brain cancer.
And I just want you to know, I don't like any of your political leaders.
I reject it all.
And I'm not part of your paradigm.
Get it?
I'm not part of your sick, ongoing tribal warfare.
Got that?
Keep me out of your crap.
The truth is, I love little Muslim children.
I love little Jewish children.
I love little Christian children.
I love Hindu children.
I love Buddhist children.
I love children that are born to these horrible, atheist families.
I just want to stop killing.
Tomorrow's news.
Well, a big crowd of tens of thousands of people marched down Pennsylvania Avenue.
And then they took over the U.S.
And they went on the floor of the Capitol.
And they pushed past the police.
And they weren't arrested.
We weren't told it was the worst day since Pearl Harbor.
I'm sorry.
Worse than Pearl Harbor.
Worse than 9-11.
I wonder if they'll be getting Four-year prison sentences for walking through the velvet ropes.
Or Owen Schroyer that put tape over his mouth a few years ago when they would arrest conservatives for peacefully protesting silently, but let leftists throw fake blood on people, take over the offices of the House and Senate members.
He was charged for that.
And then they used him the next time he was on the Capitol grounds to say, well, that's it, we're charging you.
Even more because you were here before.
His problem was he wasn't supporting Hamas or Hezbollah.
And I've been very clear about this.
I'm America first.
I don't like a lot of the things Israel does.
I'm not an enemy of Israel.
I'm not an enemy of the Arabs.
But where's the Israel lobby trying to control our borders that are being flooded with Islamics?
We're hearing now out of the Israel lobby and out of even Breitbart editor that We need to take millions, at least a million people out of Gaza and stick them here.
So they can, I guess, take over our capitals and run around and shoot and stab and bomb people?
A few did get detained after they went in people's offices.
The vast majority were left completely alone.
Are they going to be spending 20 years in jail like people that got in scubbles with cops?
On January 6th.
But remember, just walking through the velvet ropes gets you four years.
Wow, a lot of big developments obviously today.
Every day gets crazier.
It's a big story up on InfoWars.com.
A worldwide terror alert.
A worldwide caution due to increased tensions in various locations around the world and potential for terrorist attacks.
Demonstrations are violent actions against U.S.
citizens and interests.
The Department of State advises U.S.
citizens overseas exercise increased caution.
And it goes through the issues.
Well, you should exercise extreme caution when you walk down downtown streets of any Democrat-run city, and that's basically every city.
Is there one city in America run by the left?
Not any big ones.
From Salt Lake City, Utah to Austin, Texas to New York City, New York?
To Miami, Florida, to Dallas, Texas, to Detroit, Michigan, to Chicago, to Los Angeles, to Portland, to Seattle.
A thousand plus cities.
A top thousand.
All run by Democrats.
And all running them right into the ground.
So, what did I say five weeks ago?
I said look for Islamic Jihad to be activated worldwide.
Look for a new war in the Middle East.
If I was Jewish, I would not be in Israel.
But hey, you wanna be a sitting duck?
It's your business.
Islamic world urged to declare jihad against Israel.
Even the King of Jordan is saying the red line's being crossed, so... It's on.
And I don't know what Netanyahu was thinking when he had the military stand down on October 7th.
So that attack would be so big, did he just think the whole world was going to line up behind Israel?
This has been getting set up for a long, long, long time.
And they've got their Islamic agents all over everything and in everything.
They had one of these little jihadis at the ADL, they've now scrubbed it off their website, who was caught pulling down pictures at NYU in New York of the Jewish hostages, including children.
Don't humanize the Jews.
And again, my job is easy.
People tune in here, they go to the website, I see the comments.
Well, this article's criticizing Israel, and this article's pro-Israel, and this article shows what Jews are saying, and this article shows what Palestinians are saying.
That's what I've told my crew to do.
I said, if it's got proof, it's interesting, it's informative, show it.
It's overwhelmingly true that Israel stood down and allowed their people to be killed.
Four or five attack helicopters would have dealt with that easily.
They stood down for seven hours.
The helicopters were, a big base of them was 10 miles away.
Could have been there in five minutes.
Fully loaded with weapons.
Hell, one helicopter fully loaded with hundreds of rockets and thousands of rounds of ammo could have taken out big portions of it.
But five of them, I've talked to a lot of military experts, they concur.
They said, yeah, five loaded ones took them basically all out.
But they had over 200.
And all sorts of fixed-wing and all sorts of jet aircraft as well, thousands of them.
Submarines, attack boats, everything, they're all there.
They let a tiny little group of people down there who were sacrificed, didn't know what hit them.
So that's a big zinger on Israel.
I'll just say it, because my job is to tell the truth.
But that hospital didn't get hit.
When the windows got blown out, it was an errant rocket that failed.
But 400 of them in the last couple of years, the Islamic jihadis admit, they launched out of Gaza that fell on their own people.
So I call that like I see it.
That's not a false flag in the classic sense, but the entire corporate media went with it within minutes and is still basically saying it happened, even though it's been verified in cameras inside the hospital, that indeed that didn't happen.
And a lot of people don't want to admit they were wrong who went with that.
Right when it happened, I looked at the footage and said, well, those look like real tapes.
tapes and it turns from local TV stations and time stamp that they fire a bunch of missiles
For just a few hundred yards South
West of the hospital and then you see one of them fail at 400 father yards in the air and go boom
And then there's uprisings all over the world and Talib is crying about it yesterday
Well after it's known that it wasn't Israel and
Then they stormed the Capitol and I still have Branches of the FBI
Trying to get me in doubt over January 6 even though it came out in the Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post
this year That the head of the Justice Department said
Clearly we've already got all Jones's stuff They got warrants, they got subpoenas, they subpoenaed everything.
Not the January 6th kangaroo committee, but the Justice Department did.
We found out about it from the banks.
From telephone companies and they told us, hey, this has been subpoenaed.
And they said Jones is innocent.
Because it's all in my text messages.
It's all there.
We try to stop it.
Obviously, attacking the Capitol is the stupidest thing ever.
Talk about destroying our cause.
We walked right into a trap.
And they're still trying to indict me.
The lower level groups, they had to have The Justice Department, not that Merrick Garland likes me, but said the top counsel headed by him said, nope, and that they killed the D.C.
investigation group from indicting me.
I would have already been on trial in D.C., folks.
That's how crazy these people are.
And I guess they thought they could still get a jury to commit, to convict me.
They need to commit me.
Maybe I'm starting to go crazy here.
And the reason I raise that is This is all completely out of control.
And it's extremely dangerous.
And as I've said, when they allow the jihadis to attack us, and there's terror attacks across the West that have already started in Europe, people getting killed, stabbed, bombed, fire bombings in Germany, shot.
It's just a footnote that it's an Islamic doing it.
And there's no discussion of why did the governments bring In the case of Europe, tens of millions of these people, and millions here, and Americans have a wake-up call when they turn on the news, whether you're in Texas or whether you're in Florida, whether you're in New York, and there's just Muslims boiling out all pissed, and they're overrunning military bases in Turkey.
I mean, it's crazy.
And of course, when they do it, it's peaceful, even though it's violent.
When we do it peacefully, we're supposedly violent.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
This is not our top story, but I've had probably six members of the crew come up to me.
My phone is blowing up.
And so later in the hour, before all these huge guests come on, I'll spend the last segment on this because it's informative when you know the big picture.
And that's exclusive.
Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant.
Now it's not my job to defend Peter Thiel, but he's been behind the scenes supporting Trump and America First type stuff.
But the idea that the establishment is leaking this on him now really shows you their game plan and how aware they are that the FBI is super toxic and not trusted and hated.
Because they want to limitedly go, oh look, this guy's an FBI operative, high level.
Oh, because there's a big program the last two years against Teal.
And the Deep State is definitely, at least a large segment of it, very unhappy with him.
So, I'll give you the inside baseball on that.
Coming up, people need to understand something.
All these tech moguls are above the FBI.
Of course, Peter Thiel designs and runs large segments of the NSA program.
So, uh, yeah.
Yeah, he's an FBI informant.
Sure he is.
Yeah, they give the FBI a ton of information.
And that's part of a public program, the details of which are secret.
Only one segment of it is called InfraGard.
So I'll do the deep dive.
It'll only take ten and a half minutes.
That's how long the fifth segment of the hour is.
But I'll spend ten plus minutes on it and just tell you what's going on with him.
Only because it's a leftist attack and you need to know what's going on.
Now, is he a good guy?
I don't know.
I mean, he definitely is involved in some of the main software That he designed that is used to surveil everybody.
And so, I mean, there you go.
I mean, here's a little nugget.
I'll get into Elon Musk.
Elon Musk is a secret officer in Space Force, and Trump made him the deputy head of Space Force.
Oh, top secret stuff there?
Hmm, look at the feds spinning in their graves.
They're cultural graves.
So let's just stop lying to each other about how the world works, okay?
They've been transferring power to the corporate leaders for decades.
That's the Bilderberg model.
You can pull up Bloomberg headlines a decade ago.
We need to get rid of elections in Europe and appoint technocrats.
We penetrate the cabinets.
They're phasing out elected governments and bringing in the technocrats.
Remember what Klaus Schwab said a few years ago about Bill Gates?
In your new incarnation, you will be over the medical system of the world.
Tell us about it.
And he's been chosen in this corporate board BlackRock system as he's the medical head.
With his deputy Fauci.
And it turns out Fauci commands the CIA.
So they're not working for the FBI.
The FBI is told when Peter Thiel says jump, they say how high.
He doesn't work for the FBI.
The FBI works for him.
So it isn't a defense of him.
It's like this is all hidden in the laws that have been passed and the regulations that are there.
I said it in the last segment.
I already am.
That's how I do it.
I'll tell you about it later.
Let me tell you about it right now.
But there's so much to this and people are just like, Whoa, my gosh, he's FBI informant.
But you see that bear?
It's got brown fur and I saw it pooping in the woods.
I saw salmon in the water.
I saw a bird flying in the sky.
The whole country's run by this.
The intelligence agencies run almost everything.
And what they're trying to shut down, they don't run.
And Trump tried to take control of it and they said, no, no, no, no, no.
And he got a bunch of people in the intelligence agencies to go with him.
That's why the deep state was so threatened.
And that's the internal fight that's going on.
And now the group that controls the Justice Department and controls most of the cities and is funded by BlackRock and the UN and the globalists, they're outlawing their political opposition right now.
They're now moving for criminal charges.
Greenlit by the Supreme Court of Brazil for Bolsonaro.
Because he's so popular.
For challenging the election.
Not allowed to do that.
They've indicted Trump.
Challenging the election.
They've indicted the frontrunner who's a super patriot in Argentina.
Because he's 20 points ahead and about to be the president.
We're winning hearts and minds.
We're winning elections.
So their plan is put us in where?
What do you do when you're a ruling class that's unpopular and evil and disliked?
You don't leave power, you try to stay in power.
But if you're culturally up against people that know the facts and are offering a better future that's non-violent, how do you stop an idea that's more popular and it's growing in popularity exponentially?
Well, you paint it as racist, you paint it as terrorist, you stage events or you allow events to happen that demonize that group.
And every day, without even looking, I see it on the news, or it's sent to me, or I read it.
White supremacist killer testifies he was radically radicalized by conspiratorial content like InfoWars.
That's vice.
So they say like InfoWars.
He said conspiracy theories.
And then by the time that goes out, the next article, Raw Story, white nationalist who killed Muslim family says he was radicalized by Alex Jones.
So see, the idea is I'm violent, I'm causing violence because I don't want to have unlimited immigration from Muslim countries of military age men so they can engage in all of this behavior.
But that's every day Alex Jones causes violence.
Alex Jones is going to kill you.
Alex Jones is going to hurt you.
That's a mini false flag.
The guy said he was on a bunch of drugs.
Ran over some Muslims, and now he's been convicted.
And Canadian national TV, I didn't even play this, but it was on every major channel.
I was on six or seven clips of it.
CBC, you name it.
Alex Jones made this man kill people.
What are we going to do about him?
He needs to be taken off air.
He's killing people.
Because I report that we've got hundreds of thousands a year, military age men from the Middle East whoring across, and is that a good idea?
And it's like the ADL worker just got caught out pulling down signs of kidnapped Jews.
Not allowed to do that.
The ADL is a censorship organization.
They're hardcore leftists that I've sent are allied with radical Islam.
How many times I've said that?
They're there to lead the Jews into the New World Order.
And now they've been caught yet again.
Or was it a false flag?
Oh look, leftists are pulling down these pictures and then her identity was found.
No, I know, no, no.
She's a super hardcore leftist.
I don't think it's a false flag.
Because they've caught leftists all over the country at libraries and universities pulling down pictures of kidnapped Jews.
So yeah, you got a guy on magic mushrooms and a bunch of drugs and he runs over people and it's like, oh, it's Alex Jones.
He did it.
Meanwhile, there's a worldwide terror alert issued by the State Department.
Brace for false flag attacks.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right.
I'm going to dive back into all this news and information right now.
I'm trying to move quick because there's a lot of it.
We have some really big guests joining us today.
I probably should mention that to you.
Peter St.
Onge is going to be joining us.
He was one of the best economists and incredibly well-spoken about the world economy and just the carbon taxes, cutting off the food supply, the whole New World Order, the wars.
That is in the second hour.
That is going to be amazing.
MTG was in the middle of the leftist insurrection by their yardstick, worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than 9-11, when they stormed the Capitol and tussled with police.
Again, that's worse than 9-11, worse than Just anything really in history.
It's just worse than anything we've ever seen.
Worse than Pearl Harbor.
Of course it's not, but the media is not making a big deal about this and saying it's totally normal.
Like peacefully protesting are mostly peaceful and they burn down billions of dollars of private businesses and homes and poor people's houses and cars and kill a bunch of people.
That is mostly peaceful.
So don't expect any big Present sentences for that, but she'll be joining us.
We'll also talk about the speaker fight and more.
Stu Peters is going to be joining us as well.
Always a firebrand and extremely insightful.
So that's what we've got, as well as Drew Hernandez joining us to give his take on all this.
He's always extremely to the point as well.
So look for all of that on this Thursday, October 19th.
2023 broadcast.
All right, I want to get into something really important here.
Really, really, really, really, really important.
Because while we're talking about war and open borders and famine and the globalist and the UN treaties and all the rest of it, what's in the UN treaties for the standardized global digital currency?
What's in the UN treaty?
on pandemic response. Well, it's the total takeover of our bodies, of our medical records,
and of our national policy. And the UN policy is camps, locking people up, forced testing,
masks, forced injections, a nightmare. And Trump gave a big speech on this yesterday.
It's on Infowars.com. Adon Salazar wrote about it.
I suggest you watch it and share it.
Trump blasts CCP-run corrupt globalist scam.
World Health Organization.
But it is the pretext for this.
We have famous clips of Klaus Schwab in French and in German on German TV saying, Within a few years, probably five or six, this is five years ago, we will begin putting chips in your body to buy and sell.
It will control everything.
Total transparency.
And there he is on TV saying it with the closed captioning.
I don't think I'm going to subject you to the clip again.
Just type in Klaus Schwab says the population will be microchipped to buy and sell.
You'll get the clip.
It's everywhere.
Well, now we have a WEF whistleblower, a high level professor who's a member of the group, warns of globalist plan to microchip the population.
The Global Elite plan to coerce people to take implantable microchips by requiring them in order to access digital currencies, universal basic income, and other services, a former World Economic Forum member has warned.
German economist and former WEF global leader turned whistleblower Richard Werner, who I want to get on the show, urged caution on the emerging technologies.
And he walks through how they plan to trap you by incrementalism or successive approximation.
Here is the bombshell clip.
The idea had been by central banks to introduce this, as we said, central bank digital currency.
But have you ever seen an article or a video or, you know, whatever description of what it actually looks like?
I mean, with central bank paper money, we know what it looks like, right?
Bank digital currency we know and, you know, we've used it ourselves.
We know what it looks like.
But what does central bank digital currency look like?
You see, so they never talk about that because people won't actually like the looks of it.
Because it apparently looks, and several central banks apparently, as I heard from my sources, have already fully developed the final stage of CBDC.
I mean, it comes in stages, initially likely through your mobile phone, but it's only an intermediate step.
And the final stage is, you know, it's small and it's the size of a grain of rice.
Now, why is that?
And that grain of rice is your entire wallet?
Yes, it's your digital ID, your wallet, can be your passport, your key.
Now, of course, what we found with our debit cards or credit cards is they've already now moved to the system in RFID chips.
Technology where you just wave the thing.
That is sort of the, you know, conditioning us in this direction that in the future you'll just wave your hand because you've got the microchip implant under your skin.
And because, you know, and each step there's a rational reason, you know, it's easier just to wave this, isn't it?
It's much faster because we always have to wait in the queues as everyone types in their numbers and all that.
So just waive it, it's quicker.
But the next rationalization would be, well, but you can lose your card, somebody can steal your card, and then you're just waiving.
That's kind of risky.
Well, wouldn't it be nice if you couldn't lose it and nobody could steal it?
But it's clear that that's sort of, it is almost a step too far for a lot of people because it is a violation of human dignity.
to actually inject something like that under the skin.
So that's where you need some more persuasion.
And it's interesting that this concept of universal basic income
has been around for around a century, where everyone should get some kind of
citizen's payment.
But the billionaire elites have so far not liked that.
But since 2015, they've all come out.
I mean, all the big billionaires and World Economic Forum have come out, oh, this is a good idea, universal basic income.
Well, why suddenly now?
Because now we have the technology for the microchip implant.
So in 2017, Bill Gates came out and said that universal basic income is a good idea, but it's too early to introduce it.
Now what was still missing, so we had the technology for the microchip implant, but what was missing was the digital ID hadn't been introduced.
Now this is where this whole COVID agenda had become very useful.
All right, so let's be one trillion percent clear on this, okay?
This is a chief economist, one of the top guys in Germany, who worked in the development of a new system.
I've looked him up, but I don't need to believe him.
I know it's true.
It just verifies it more, and it shows their own people are going public saying this is terrible.
Klaus Schwab said five years ago on French TV and German TV, First, it'll be a little chip on your wallet, then in your clothes, then in your skin.
And within five years, we'll start implementing it.
Well, here we are.
Bill Gates is now working with the UN and Communist China that developed the technology for the universal basic income, for the social credit score, and for the chip that carries it, a universal standard system, under the UN.
That's world government.
That's a cashless society that controls what you can do, how you can spend it.
And they admit all this.
You will eat bugs, you will own nothing, you'll have nothing, you'll like it.
And they're going to make everybody so poor and shut down so much the economy that people say, well, this is great.
At least I get a few taxi rides, self-driving cars, and I get a few extra meals a week, and I get $2,000 a month.
You get this little stipend, but then it controls where you can spend it, where you can use it.
So that builds up the global economy more, shuts down what's left the old economy more.
And the people that sign on to this can't see that it's destroying them and disenfranchising them by the second.
So this is how they bring in the post-industrial world.
They don't just cut off energy.
They don't just shut down organic farming.
They don't just shut down ranching, which the UN is doing all over the world.
Wrecking countries doing it.
They then shut down your ability to buy and sell, and only buy and sell with them.
Total 360 control over every facet of society.
Now just to talk about the mindset of these people, Patrick McDavid, and I'm glad he raises this because I've talked about this, but not enough.
I haven't talked about this in years.
That he told the LA Times, he told a bunch of other newspapers, it's in his book, one of his books.
George Soros said, I believe I am the Messiah, actually, in one of the quotes.
And later he went, well, you know, I'm delusional, but not really.
I actually became the Messiah, and I've lived it.
So, they want to put a chip in you, and they think, the guy thinks he's the Messiah.
He's a big part of the whole group.
So here's a short clip about the mindset of these people.
Soros' interview with 60 Minutes where he says, I see myself as a God.
Have you ever seen this interview or what he says?
He said he sees himself as a God.
Oh my God.
Jamie, do you mind pulling up the quote?
I think it's if you type in LA Times, Soros, God.
If you type in LA Times, Soros, God, when you hear what he says, OK, right there.
It seems that Soros believes he was anointed by God.
I fancied myself as some kind of a God.
If truth be known, I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise they might get me in trouble.
And then on the next line, when asked by Britain's independent newspaper to elaborate on the passage, Soros says, it is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of a god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.
So I thought I might be crazy because I thought I was God until I became God.
That's what Ray Kurzweil said, I don't believe in God yet, I'll be a God.
What does Yuval Noah Harari say?
What does Bill Gates say?
Figure it out yet?
These are some dangerous, crazy people.
But what's the big takeaway here?
You better support farmers markets.
You better support your local clothing manufacturer.
You better support your local independent schools.
You better support the little small church.
You better go to the mom-and-pop restaurant.
Because, sure, a big box store looks nice.
And I'm not saying you can avoid them at all times, but support the little guys as much as you can.
Because if you don't, you let these people get full control.
So a Walmart looks non-threatening, but it's as New World Order as you can get.
They're housing the illegal aliens all over the country in Walmarts.
And that's just a microcosm.
These are predatory corporations.
When you have self-checkout at a grocery store, that's not to speed things up, that's to get rid of humans.
This is a plan to make us obsolete.
That's why it's important to get high-quality supplements from the top independent manufacturers at InfoWarsware.com, like Vitamin Refusion that's selling out.
Despite that, it's still discounted.
Or, the sale's still going, it's got to end any day now.
After the show today, I'm going to go end the sale and come up with a new sale, but DNA Force Plus, Brain Force Plus, Real Red Pill Plus.
Up to 60% off at Infowarsstore.com.
Get a water filter system.
We have the highest rated systems out there at the lowest prices.
I didn't just say that.
It's true.
Highest rated systems to cut all the garbage out.
Lowest priced stainless steel filters.
Do your shopping at Infowars.
And we need to expand.
And whether it's chewing gum, I'm going to try to come up with chewing gum that just has regular sugar in it and none of these chemicals, because almost no one makes real sugar.
That's our next project.
I bring you storable food that's high quality, doesn't have additives and stuff in it.
We try to build our own market and our own system so you can support this show, yourself and your family, and companies that Are in America.
And this next one is based in Kentucky.
And they're great patriots.
And it's how George Washington funded much of the revolution.
With Sam Adams.
And so if this is the thing for you, be responsible about it.
This is a collector's item.
And... I've plugged it three times.
We've already sold out of 30% of it.
And it's a first run.
It's historic.
Here it is.
Now I'm about to talk about something really historic and very, very exciting.
There's a lot of angles to this in the limited time we have.
But America has been a special place because we aspired to liberty and freedom when nobody else was.
Aspiring to it.
We weren't perfect, we were far from it, but it was a place where experiments were allowed and where people could really try to prove themselves, not because of what family they came from or because they were from royalty, but a meritocracy based on what they could produce, what they could do.
There were two things that really fueled and funded the colonies and the launch of America in 1776, and both of them are interesting.
Both of them have dark histories, but both of them are something that you can enjoy responsibly.
That's, of course, tobacco and the Virginia colony.
And that's, of course, whiskey.
And Sam Adams with whiskey and beer was one of the main boosters and funders, in fact, probably the biggest funder, of George Washington and our troops.
So it was whiskey and beer.
Wine, the liberals love to drink, I'm not against wine, it's just a fact, that literally fuel the start of our country, along with this tobacco.
And I enjoy both, but I've really gotten good over the years at being responsible.
Sometimes I might go four months, that's the longest I've gone the last few years, with no tobacco or no alcohol.
But when I'm with friends, when I'm with family, when I'm with patriots, I enjoy both of them, and they go together like a horse and carriage.
Two years ago, I got approached by great patriots from some of my connections who are major craft whiskey producers in Kentucky.
So they brought me dozens of these amazing whiskeys that they had developed.
And it also procured.
And out of all of them, I like this Kentucky Straight Bourbon.
Again, I'm no whiskey connoisseur.
I just know what tastes good, what I like, what feels good, which doesn't give you that big hangover after.
I liked, out of dozens, over a dozen I tried, this whiskey.
Now, the bad news is they only had so many barrels of it.
And so it's a limited supply.
There's 10,000 bottles of this as of the time I'm cutting this.
And it is amazing.
And it's been ready for a year because of leftists trying to block it being in stores and behind the scenes harassment and debanking and stuff of this major whiskey company.
This has been in the warehouse for a year.
So it wasn't just aged for the years it was in the barrels, it's been aged by their censorship and went from amazing to incredible.
So, it's a very special bottle too.
That's why we have all these government documents here in front of me right here.
Because if you aim a blacklight at Conspiracy Bourbon, ConspiracyBourbon.com is the only place to get it.
It's got all of these hidden messages on it, on the front and on the back.
So like I said, this is really, really special.
Limited run, only place to get it.
We have the conspiracy imperatives, 10 of them, kind of the 10 commandments.
There's only 10,000 bottles of this at conspiracybourbon.com.
Destroy the tyrants.
It just goes on and on.
This is very, very special.
I would imagine that most people that get this are never going to open it.
Gut level, I think this is going to be a major collector's item.
We could have sold it for $200 in the market.
It's 60-something bucks instead, and it's a fundraiser for the operation.
We're really, really, really, really proud of it.
So while you're hanging out with your friends, your family, your co-workers, you name it, It's really important to remember what Americana is all about, and if you are somebody that likes a fine whiskey, well, this is it, and it funds the InfoWar.
A true 360 win.
From myself, the entire InfoWars crew, here's to you, and here's to America.
This isn't some Dylan Mulvaney, Anheuser-Busch, transgenderism, you know, Creepazoid targeting our children.
This is High quality American Kentucky whiskey, Kentucky bourbon, funding the second American revolution against tyrants.
So here's to all the past patriots, the current patriots, and future patriots.
This drink of conspiracy is for you.
One place to get it, conspiracybourbon.com.
And believe me, this is going to sell out quick, so if you want it, get yourself a bottle today at conspiracybourbon.com.
Yeah, it's a mistake not to get that.
That's going to be very valuable.
In my opinion, and I say opinion as a proviso, no doubt in my mind, bottles of this in five years will be going for $1,000 a piece.
Because it's the first run, limited edition.
And it keeps us on air, a 360 win.
All right, let's talk about Peter Thiel.
He's a Bilderberg Group member.
He developed a bunch of the key NSA technology in the last 25 years that runs the spy grid, reportedly for overseas.
We all know it's used against us.
Out of the crop of globalists, I'd say he's more of an enigma because he was heavily behind Trump.
He's been heavily behind a lot of other populist movements around the world.
Just like Elon Musk is doing now, but more behind the scenes, he has been battling the leftist New World Order.
He's more of a libertarian.
But it doesn't mean I trust him.
It doesn't mean that I know everything about him or what his mind is.
But there's been a large two-year campaign to go after Peter, and they've hit him from every angle and it hasn't worked.
And so now, they leak this big investigative report that's all over the news, that he was an FBI informant, because they know the FBI is super unpopular, super disliked now, and has like a 15% approval rating with the public.
And so how do you hurt somebody that's anti-establishment?
You go, well, he really is with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, since World War II, and really before that, anybody that is super powerful and involved in national security stuff Selling the NSA its main spy system and administering a lot of it is going to be hooked up with the Justice Department as well at a junior level.
So he's not just an FBI informant.
He has multi-star general level security clearances and positions at the National Security Agency.
He administers and oversees a lot of it.
And of course, then when they get the data, they many times will have the NSA reporting to the FBI because that creates congressional oversight.
They do it through Different interfaces in the corporation.
So, I'm not endorsing this.
I'm not saying it's good.
But the idea that it's an expose, that he's an FBI informant of the highest level, and highly trusted, is meant to blow his cover, so that he won't be able to have those security clearances anymore.
Just like the Trump people he tried to bring in.
What did the deep state do?
Try to not give them security clearances, or pull their security clearances.
So this is about pulling his security clearances, whether he's good, bad, or indifferent.
I think the jury's out, just like with Elon Musk.
It's not out with George Soros and people like that.
And so, oh, exclusive business insider.
Fish swim in the ocean.
Tech billionaire Peter Thiel was an FBI informant.
And then it goes into what's going to happen now and the fact that he was in the MAGA movement and should he even be able to have the security clearances now?
So it's about pulling his security clearance and also saying, oh, he's a rat.
Because if you are with the leftist Justice Department in the New World Order, you're a rat.
But let me go further.
There are a bunch of secret programs, but one they launched over 2001.
Is InfraGarde.
Tens of thousands of organizations and groups.
If you run a dam, or you run a chemical plant that if somebody didn't know what they're doing could blow up the whole city, or you're in weapons manufacturing, bomb manufacturing, nuclear weapons manufacturing, nuclear spent fuel storage.
I mean there's, when I say tens of thousands, that's a conservative number.
There are tens of thousands of companies and groups The big banks, the airports, all of them have InfraGard officers always on deck.
They have an FBI badge of InfraGard, they have an FBI security clearance card, they go to constant FBI meetings, they go to threat fusion centers, and that's their dual operation and many of them are paid.
And so, if you are at that level, in this whole national security apparatus, you are in InfraGard or several other groups above it.
So again, I just see ridiculous articles by Business Insider, like they're breaking something.
And Business Insider is a globalist, very nasty organization.
And they're using the heat on them.
I remember telling them when Rand Paul first won the Senate, and we were instrumental, he came on the show and stuff, and he admitted we were instrumental, he thanked the audience.
Like half his fundraising was from the audience.
He was an underdog, he won, they dressed up people in KKK outfits and said they were his supporters.
That got blown on this show.
Politico called me back when I was still talking to mainstream media.
They said, how could he have been beaten?
Why'd he win?
I said, well, if you would have endorsed him at Politico, Rand Paul would have won.
But the globalists are too arrogant to admit that.
But now they're starting to get it.
Oh, Peter Till's not going along with us.
He's secretly behind Trump again.
We'll just blow his cover.
He also wears a hat with the FBI.
Well, he doesn't wear it.
He has a general's.
Epaulette in the NSA, and so does Elon Musk.
But not at the NSA.
Musk is an officer.
You think they let people put 10,000 satellites in orbit and run giant heavy boosters, and that that guy isn't a crossover where they're transferring government power to corporations?
Elon Musk is a officer, deputy in command of Space Force.
And Trump was setting up a new agency so he could put his people in it because they blocked him and all the other branches.
So, Elon Musk is the deputy head of Space Force.
Peter Thiel is one of the top people at the National Security Agency.
And that's a fact, and that's the real world.
So, there you go, Business Insider!
You really scooped it!
You really exposed it!
We're really impressed!
Ha ha!
All right, we're going to be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Infowars.com forward slash show, band out video of the Court of Celebrity.
We have an incredible expert.
This guy is a genius, and I don't say that lightly.
Joining us next hour, we're going to cover the waterfront.
Stay with us.
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Onge is joining us, coming up for the hour in five minutes.
Everybody, you know, tune in.
Better hurry though, because these sales will be over in a flash at InfowarsStore.com.
Peter St. Onge is joining us, coming up for the hour in five minutes.
Everybody, you know, tune in. This is going to be informatav.
Well, it just shows how sloppy the Biden administration is.
Massive security breach, White House shares uncensored picture of Delta Force operators in Israel.
Well, yeah, the White House is full of CHICOM operatives and Islamic operatives, why not?
Just because you think the Biden administration can't be any more incompetent, they somehow find a way to lower the bar.
That's the story after the White House published a photo on Facebook of Delta Force operators that are on the ground level.
And then I noticed we're showing their faces blocked out.
It's too late.
It's all over the place.
By the way, those guys stick out like sore thumbs.
They're like Superman, you know, perfectly in shape.
They all look exactly the same.
I mean, I can walk into any crowd.
The craziest part is when you learn the different look of different military groups, you're like, okay, you're a Navy SEAL and you're an Army Ranger.
Oh, you're in Delta Force.
They'll all freak out and go, how do you know that?
I go, I just learned the look.
Of what those different things are looking for.
And it's just you stick out like a sore thumb.
There you go, Biden put it out without their faces blacked out.
Showing that they have absolutely no awareness of anything.
Now they've been advised by people that have awareness, like a year ago, or almost a year ago, in December last year, Biden said we can't send long-range cruise missiles, we can't send Abrams tanks, we can't send F-16s, that's World War III, the Russians will escalate and put nukes on their planes.
They've now done it.
And then somebody just said, hey, forget what the real war games and research and intel shows, screw all the people that actually do this for a living.
I mean, look at Biden.
And by the way, the Democrats have decided not to get rid of him.
They've been trying to.
He won't step down.
So they said, well, he can keep going.
I mean, what is wrong with that guy?
Nobody will meet with him in the Middle East, except the Israelis, because they don't want to meet with a puppet.
They all wanted to meet with Trump.
This is a guy that was taking on the deep state and actually trying to run America.
America had been closed for business for decades, and Trump said it's open again, and trillions flooded in instantly.
Everybody's like, yeah, we want to be prosperous.
We want to invest in you.
America's back.
It's like, yeah, OK.
And they put this guy in.
It's like a wah, wah, wah, wah, wah.
Well, look at Blinken peering around the corner.
I mean, these people are a joke.
They have no situational awareness.
They have no understanding of history.
They have no understanding of anything.
They don't know what they're looking at.
They don't know what they're talking about.
They don't know what they're doing.
He's a lawyer and a con artist and a KKK sympathizer.
He's a social climbing joke who was put into power and is now has dementia.
They got him on all these drugs.
He's on Air Force One.
They go, hey, he actually woke up.
He's able to talk for a minute.
You know, I didn't talk about this.
I talked about it a few years ago.
We got information.
I got more information from the Secret Service and others the last few weeks.
And I met with some folks and they told me that they don't know what the drugs are, but they inject him to get him going.
Then they inject him again.
That's why he shows up in the morning.
on amphetamines, they know it's that.
Then they put him down again for a few hours with other drugs.
They don't know exactly what they are, but the doctor's there.
And then they bring him back for galas and events that are needed.
So it really is elder abuse or pedophile abuse, 'cause he is an old evil pedophile,
but that is an 81-year-old husk of a man that they're risking his life every day
injecting amphetamines into his arteries.
Into his veins.
So they can wind him up and send him back out.
And that guy's in control of the nuclear launch codes.
And commanding troops in the field.
So that's how reckless these lawyers like Blinken are.
These are psychotics who are out of their depth.
And they'll kill us all.
Peter St.
Onge, PhD, is our guest for The Balance of the Hour.
I've known about him for years, reading articles he wrote, but I only started watching his videos six months ago.
This guy is amazing.
He's getting three, four million views per video, some more.
Very exciting.
He's an economist at the Heritage Foundation and Mises Institute fellow and former professor in Taiwan and ex-bartender.
He likes to make the point he's on regular jobs that's so important, or you're culturally I'm playing with a full deck.
He makes daily videos about economics and freedom.
And you can check him out on Twitter at Professor, or Professor Onge.
And he joins us now.
I'm sure he's used to people like me butchering his cool, famous name.
So, by the way, I looked up your name because I'd never seen that name before months ago.
It's quite the prestigious name there.
So, maybe probably related to King Charles or something.
Getting serious here.
Wow, you cover everything.
South Africa, the war, the devaluation of currency, the culture wars.
Just everything you say from my own research is spot on.
You just lay it out so beautifully.
So great to have you here.
Where would you like to begin as you school our audience that is very hungry for your amazing gravitas?
Yeah, well, thank you for having me, Alex.
I've, of course, been a fan for many, many years.
I saw you speak in San Antonio about eight years ago and still remember that.
That was at Doug Casey's conference out there.
In terms of what is going on in the world, you know, we are, I think all of us recognize that we are in a very unsustainable place.
You know, there's that good times create weak men, weak men make hard times.
And, you know, I think we are absolutely in that process now.
We're just watching things collapse all around us.
And really, what I think, put it in the Sort of first gear here was the COVID lockdowns.
I mean, they broke heaven and earth to get those totalitarian lockthroughs into place.
And as far as the economy goes, that broke everything.
It was a tremendous amount of spending that, you know, it both crippled the economy because you sort of suck resources over to the government, then it created the inflation.
To fight the inflation, they then had to strangle the economy, like we are just going through this, this series of catastrophes that all started with that one just fatal mistake.
And of course, you've been talking about all the other things that has broken in terms of society.
So really worldwide now, you know, we're just waiting for the next shoe to drop constantly.
And every single thing they do to try to fix it is making it worse.
So, I'm just amazed by your understanding of all this.
So, Professor or Doctor, where would you like to begin here in the world where we are today?
You can start any place you want.
Yeah, I think, you know, it all depends how far back you go, but there was really a concerted effort starting really about 150 years ago in the late 19th century, but culminating in the Progressive Era.
And the goal was to capture the government and then use that as a tool to create utopia, whatever that would be.
You know, World War I really sort of accelerated that.
It gave them a massive amount of power that was really unpopular.
And so, you know, people rejected it and they, you know, had to, it was called the return to normalcy under Harding.
But those guys, they had a taste of power and they were addicted to it.
And by the time World War II came around, they just, they dusted off the old playbook.
Actually, it started during the Depression.
They went back to that World War I totalitarian government that we had, totalitarian economy.
They put that back in.
That's how, you know, we got the Great Depression.
They then continued that through World War II.
Pulled back a tiny bit, but really we've been dealing with that ever since.
And then, you know, I think COVID really, I think it'll go down in history as something Pretty close to the scale of World War I, in terms of their seeing an opportunity to take more and more power over our lives, but over the economy specifically.
And that's the key, you're saying we're one of those historic inflection points, and the establishment knows that they're in this area where we're not frozen, we're liquefied in their description, and this is when they're going to make their move, it's when we make our move.
Yeah, yeah, I think they absolutely are.
And, you know, the saving grace is that they are so incompetent.
Like, if you're going to have totalitarians, you really don't want competent ones, right?
You don't want ones who are good at what they do.
You don't want Adolf Hitler.
Yeah, right.
Right, you want the trains to very much not run on time so that people will complain about it and they'll start asking, why are we giving these idiots control over our lives?
So fortunately, we do have incompetent totalitarians, but it does mean that, you know, there's some stormy weather between, or anyway for the next couple of years.
Yeah, because the danger is, yeah, they're incompetent, but they could blow us up because they don't even know what they're doing.
In fact, what's more dangerous?
That's exactly it.
A competent totalitarian or a competent one?
Yes, it's an interesting question.
Unfortunately, we're probably going to find out here, you know, the way they've been pushing the war in Ukraine, where, you know, World War Three, bring it on.
Let's see what happens.
And I think really they they learned sort of a dangerous lesson during COVID, which was that, you know, shutting down half the economy, that had never happened.
Even during wartime, you don't do that all at once.
And it was really pretty good for them.
They had a lot of fun with it.
They didn't suffer.
They, you know, got to crank out all this stimulus and buy the votes and sort of tranquilize the population into sitting down and shutting up.
And none of them got punished for it.
They channeled billions of dollars to their cronies, you know, their little pet projects, their net zero, you know, none of that.
Once COVID hit, it's not like anybody said, you know what?
You know, we got to focus on this.
Let's get rid of this Net Zero stuff.
We'll put that on the back burner.
No, that's not what happened at all, right?
I mean, an entire all-of-government approach to put as many resources as they want... Well, they admitted that COVID was the launch for the Net Zero Green Takeover.
Yeah, exactly.
So in normal times, if that was really a crisis, you know, if that was the equivalent of wartime, you know, that we were fighting this terrible virus, then he would have said, OK, well, let's let's, you know, take the foot off the accelerator on this social justice and on, you know, net zero and all this other stuff.
But that is absolutely not what they did.
They did the exact opposite.
And that's actually the pattern.
So if you go back to the 2008 crisis, so that was about, you know, mortgage backed securities.
And I mean, it was it was a purely financial thing.
Most interesting is that you can do a chart of federal regulations by, you know, subject area.
So you got regulations on finance and climate and labor and all these other things, safety, whatever.
And if you look at a chart for that, you've got all the regulations every year kind of bumping along.
And then 2008 comes and everything goes off the chart, even like You know, global warming regulations go off the chart.
You say, well, that's weird because 2008 crisis was not about global warming.
No, what happens is that whenever there is a crisis, the government expands.
People are scared.
People demand the government do something.
And there's a lot of different somethings you can do that involve a lot of crony profits to be made by the people involved in those decisions.
And so we see that every crisis.
I think COVID was just off the charts in terms of the opportunism.
Well that's right, that's why the billionaires doubled their money, like 6.9 trillion, and you see the chart, 6.8 trillion lost by the public, so it was very clear what they did.
Why did they have to back off of it though?
At a certain point the compliance wasn't happening, it was becoming too big a story that the shots were poisonous, that they didn't work, and they admit that the WFG, as you know sir, they said, okay COVID didn't work, Cost a lot of power and consolidated power.
And now they admit the carbon tax, end of the world, global warming, climate change thing hasn't worked.
Bill Gates has even said no more forcing this.
We've got to have the velvet glove approach.
So now they say we're going to cut the water off and use terrorism as a pretext in war.
And like a light switch got flipped, now we've moved on to that.
Yeah, so it's really a crisis industrial complex.
And you know, they're just running through the four horsemen one by one and seeing which one will stick.
You remember when they were, you know, during COVID, there was that meme with Indiana Jones swapping out the skull for the, you know, COVID for global warming.
And that's absolutely where they are right now.
And the reason is because all these crises are immensely profitable.
They're very beneficial.
These guys get more power.
They move up the ranks in Washington.
get golden parachutes out, you know, collaborating with industry.
So crisis is profitable and unfortunately that's been the case for a long time.
I think that really is sort of the story of the 20th century.
You know, World War I should have been disastrous for all the yahoos who, you know,
screwed up and caused it. It didn't have to happen.
And all those guys, that's not at all what happened. They benefited from it.
And let's be clear, the British Empire did that to stop the German problem,
the Austro-Hungarian problem, but it ended up destroying the British Empire.
It took 30 years.
So the lesson is the individuals get rich, but they in the end destroy their own power base.
So the next question is, after war, if we survive it, what's the next crisis?
I guess, as I said, cutting off our water, and can they be stopped?
The only way I think, there are two ways you can stop it, right?
One of them is that they continue, they screw things up so badly that the frog jumps, you know, so voters just completely reject them.
We saw this in China where the They had had elections in Hong Kong for a number of years, and the pro-China side and the pro-Hong Kong side were more or less neck and neck.
It was a horse race.
And then China starts cracking down, it starts arresting all these peaceful protesters, and public opinion just turned so strongly that...
Unwisely, they had like a last little legislative election, and it was like 92% against China.
I mean, it was just absolutely, everybody had completely rejected them.
And then, of course, they stopped having elections, as you would expect.
But that's one possibility, right, is that they screw up so badly, they piss people off so badly, that, you know, they're just completely rejected.
I think the problem is that screwing up so badly You know, you want to kind of walk through, like, what exactly that looks like, right?
Do we have depression-level unemployment?
Do we have, you know, companies collapsing?
Do we have hyperinflation?
Do we have, you know, some kind of nuclear conflict?
Well, that's my next question.
That's my next question.
Why is Jamie Dimon and all of them saying, oh my gosh, depression, emergency, when they've engineered it?
Why is suddenly Henry Kissinger saying, oh, we got to close the borders while they still keep them open?
They want to act like they're not behind all this because they know they're about to get the blame.
They know they're about to get the blame, and they can profit from the solutions.
You know, if we take the banks, for example, so Jamie Dimon going on about the coming depression, which he had a big hand in creating, so then he kind of sets them up as, you know, the the baby who we must all save and you know we're gonna have
to dump out a couple more trillion dollars to save Jamie Dimon.
Why? Because he destroyed the economy.
Right? And so, you know, it's very important to kind of switch horses at the right
time there where you're sitting here riding the public and fleecing them and
then when the time comes you want to jump on the other horse now and cry victim.
That's exactly what happened in 2008.
All the guys who caused that crisis, they got paid off.
It's weird, like, why are we paying people to create crises?
And I do think that, you know, a certain part of it, the Federal Reserve acts as a sort of venture capitalist for crises in general, right?
If you imagine, for example, so early in COVID, imagine that we didn't have a Federal Reserve, so the government actually had to spend tax money.
It couldn't print it.
All right, imagine early in COVID- So it would never have the money to pay people to stay home.
That's exactly right.
So some junior, you know, bureaucrat would have showed up at the planning meeting and we said, hey guys, I got an idea.
Let's shut down the entire economy.
Okay, the GDP is going to drop by half, tax revenue would drop by half, but that's okay because we can just lay off all the government workers.
All right, but we are going to have, you know, 50% unemployment.
That would be the end of his career, right?
But in fact, what happened was they had this gigantic money printer and they shelled out six, seven trillion.
So that allowed them to not only fire no government worker, but they could actually bribe, you know, they could bribe enough people that 51% of the population was on board with arresting priests and shutting down everything.
So that was, it was like venture funding, right?
Like, in a normal, healthy world, you could have never had that crisis.
They would have said, you're crazy, that young guy would have been exiled out of Alaska.
So they're trying to suspend the truth of market capitalism and bring in this new technocracy, but it's not working because inflation's out of control, despite the fact what Paul Krugman says, and the public's totally turning against him everywhere.
So then they move to war as the new way to pump out trillions.
I don't see this going well.
No, I mean, it's not.
And, you know, they've got an entire army of people who are looking for new crises to fund.
I mean, really, it's like a venture capitalist who's looking out in the world and trying to look for, you know, little companies to fund because he's hoping they'll get bigger.
And we do that, right?
We have military in 177 countries.
Why 177?
Well, because, you know, you've got to have a chip on every square on that roulette table in case you can grow one of them up.
It really looks like a venture capitalist where the government is creating crises, and that's financed by the Federal Reserve.
If we look at the war in Ukraine or what's happening in the Middle East right now, Americans, they don't feel like they're actually paying for it.
They know in the abstract that $100 billion went to Ukraine, but it didn't actually hit them in any way.
Because it's all financed.
But the price of eggs has doubled.
That's what happens, right?
So when you squeeze the balloon, where it pops out is inflation.
That's why inflation is such a key point for them.
And inflation gets the frog jumping, right?
It starts making the frog think, OK, things aren't bad enough yet, but I can see the water is getting hot.
And so that is why they fight inflation.
The Fed doesn't fight inflation because it's anti-inflation.
That's the purpose of the Fed.
Central banks are created to print money to create inflation. That is the only thing
they do. That's the only place inflation comes from.
So why does the Fed fight it? Because they know that the inflation is the leverage point.
If you cut off, or if inflation is high enough, then the people will cut off that crisis industrial complex.
So they'll have to, you know, trim down the deficits. They'll actually have to spend within their means.
Exactly. They want to strangle us in our sleep slowly, but if it's aggressive, we might throw them off of us.
That's exactly right.
Yeah, so, like, you know, when you take the wars, the goal is to hide the pain long enough.
See, we're just sending them old weapons.
You know, this is just stuff that, you know, we've just had mothballed for years.
This isn't really costing us anything.
So that's the line in the beginning.
And, you know, you sort of finance it until the crisis is nice and baked in.
You know, in other words, you've drawn enough blood on the other side that, you know, now it's a proper war.
They sleepwalk you into, oh, we need U.S.
That's exactly right.
And then, you know, at that point, it's too late.
So now people can see the cost, but I mean, we're already in the war.
You know, we have all these bloody shirts.
The other side has bloody shirts.
So every single crisis, that's the goal.
You tranquilize the public in the beginning until you can grow the crisis big enough.
The crisis, you know, it takes on its lobbyists and its champions and its, you know, bureaucratic guys within the government.
So it sort of accumulates, it metastasizes this entire little industry that is now committed to growing that crisis.
Problem, reaction, solution.
So how do you defeat that use of Hagel's dialectic?
Yeah, I mean, you've got to cut it off at the source.
And, you know, unfortunately, that is going to take convincing enough people, you know, they really have to open their eyes, they have to understand what this thing is, they have to vote for things like balanced budget amendments, for, you know, either controlling the Fed or getting rid of the Fed, ideally, to sort of cut off the sources of the power that this complex can use to, you know, sort of fund and nurture and grow all these crises.
Peter, let me ask you this question.
What do you think they're going to pull next?
If you look at the tools they've got in their little Swiss Army knife here, what's the next thing they're going to pull?
Yeah, I mean, they're really pushing it on all fronts.
I think terrorism really paid off for them in 2001.
And, you know, terrorism has the attraction that there's sort of this gray area where you can take very normal people, right?
You can take parents who are yelling at, you know, school meetings.
And I mean, you know, we just saw that.
So I think that's probably the direction that they're going to go.
They're going to try to criminalize domestic dissent, you know, sort of the terrorists under each bed.
And, you know, I mean, but they really are at this point.
They're pushing on all crises, right?
They're trying to maintain the tempo on every single one.
So they, you know, they've got the global warming, the equity.
They are trying to divide people one against the other because they figure they can get a coalition, you know, 51% of the population is women and, you know, 30% are this and 20% that.
And if you can put them all together.
So, I mean, it's really this electoral calculation to try to get everybody You just said it right there!
They've now given billions and billions to Hezbollah and Hamas.
They've opened the borders up.
The Democratic Party, the universities have incubated Islamic Jihad.
And then they allow them to attack and provocateur some stuff and then take our rights away.
I mean, I think you're right.
I think the next big thing, we've got the State Department terror alert saying, you know, terror alert, terror alert.
And then they think we're so stupid, we won't point out that they're the ones that did it by bringing them in.
Well, always.
And that's really how you do a good crisis, right?
Is that you set up everything for the crisis to happen, and then you sort of back up the last moment.
You kind of let, you know, some news headline hit.
Then you say, ah, that's what did it all.
So they've been doing this for 100 years.
They're very good at it.
You know, from the sinking of the Lusitania all the way to, you know, Lehman Brothers on the 2008 crisis.
You know, it was just some rogue employees.
I mean, they're constantly very good at that.
Well, since you raised that, sir.
Let's talk about World War I, the Lusitania.
I mean, it's always a provocative event.
Sure, the British didn't sink the Lusitania, but they sailed it back and forth in front of the Russian submarines, I mean, the German submarines, and they put ads in the newspapers, this is a ship carrying weapons, and then that was still used as the pretext, and then it just happens over and over again.
And, you know, World War II, I think, the notion that the entire Japanese fleet was sailing halfway around the world, we had spies all over Japan and we had no idea, they do this on purpose.
And, you know, partly I think it's because they know that when the crisis hits, if it's a big enough crisis, they're going to have control over the narrative, at least historically they have.
So if you were in World War I and you were saying that, you know, you guys caused this, you were all but inviting them, begging them to sink the ship.
You know, we had widespread censorship back then.
So I think historically they've been relying on that, that they can set up all the pins and just the very last piece Just look for some event to try to knock that over with.
And then, you know, they can sort of protect themselves from the narrative afterwards by censorship.
And so, you know, that is why I think you and I both agree that censorship is probably the most important issue right now.
Because if you don't have that, everybody, even the people who agree with us, they're going to get brainwashed.
They're going to get walked off a cliff.
Peter St.
Onge, PhD, author, researcher, talk show host, PeterStOnge.com, O-N-G-E.
You're absolutely right.
They need censorship so we can't point out the obvious, like Israel.
I'm not an enemy of Israel, but I'm an enemy of lies.
Seven hours, no attack helicopters, troops stand down, they let their people get killed to allow this all to happen for the larger global trigger.
They knew it was going on.
They have their quote amongst the Arab people that poses Arabs inside the West Bank.
They knew this operation was coming.
that's now come out but they still want to head with it and on the other side a hospital gets hit
the evidence is overwhelming that it was an errant missile uh... and they still don't care the west goes with that
because they're funding both sides
and and and promoting giving oxygen to the hysteria on both sides
this is a new place to stick trillions of dollars in a giant war
than the mullahs in iran who are unpopular and trouble
they get more power and all the arab states that are unpopular
they get more power, war is the health of the state so they're all not working together
but they're all wink wink coordinating to let it happen
yeah it's almost a dance where every single actor is benefited from the war
and you know that's that's dangerous
I mean, it's taking the world to a very dangerous place.
And, you know, sooner or later somebody's going to break it bad enough that it blows up on them or on all of us.
But you're absolutely right.
Every party involved in that.
Hamas is stronger than ever.
You know, they've got champions now all over the Middle East who are celebrating them as freedom fighters.
Every single side here is stronger because of the crisis.
Hold on, Mr. St.
Stay there.
We've got to go to break.
And then I want to shift gears out of the Galean Dialectic and just into all the other incredible stories you cover.
I watch your stuff every time you put a video out four or five times a week.
It's really some of the best analysis out there.
Alex Jones, a little bit of fun here.
the red, white, and blue. And with a bandway down to the key. They brought the candidate,
you know. It ain't me. It ain't me. I ain't no Senator Sousa.
It ain't me. It ain't me.
I ain't no Washington bomb. Some folks are bound, sealed off Sputinham. Now don't they
let themselves down. But when the tax man comes to the door, door to house, over like
a rummage sale. Yeah, no. It ain't me. It ain't me. I ain't no millionaire son.
You know the AI.
music only came out about six months ago and it was unlistenable.
It's getting better and better.
We've got next segment for you.
No more Mr. Nice Guy.
But I love the A.I.
image even as the bags under my eyes.
Very, very funny.
Peter St.
Onge, PhD, great researcher, great writer, Mises Institute, Heritage Foundation.
Look, there's so many topics I could raise, because I watch your stuff, as I said, a couple, three, four times a week.
You just cut right through it and show the hypocrisy.
But let me ask you this question before you go into any subjects you want to cover, whatever's front and center for you.
This crisis of the Western global elite, the Harvard establishment, they think they're invincible, but All they have is invincible arrogance and hubris and chutzpah.
I have this feeling of like I'm whistling past the graveyard of doom and it almost feels dirty to be on air chronicling it like we're just voyeurs or like snuff film connoisseurs.
I want to stop it and we have to laugh about it or we go crazy but I don't know how to quantify You're an interesting guy.
I'm sure you have similar thoughts or something like mine of just the horror of this and the ridiculousness of a mad elite with an asleep public going over the edge of Armageddon.
Yeah, I think you've absolutely nailed it.
And, you know, it's enraging.
Anytime, you know, if you see like a senior citizen getting hustled into, you know, some scam and losing their life savings, it makes you angry.
And that's really, I think, what's happening here.
You know, part of the reason that I make the videos is that So much of what they do, they hide it in, you know, jargon and the quote-unquote science.
And, you know, if you take the Federal Reserve, for example, the entire thing is structured to be difficult to understand.
So they can hoodwink you so they can get away with it.
And, you know, so for me, one of the most important tools we can use to fight that is to show people what exactly this is, what they're doing to you.
And at the same time, You know sometimes when I do the videos it'll be kind of a dark topic you know how we're all gonna be eating cat food and and I'll be sort of cheerful and people be like why are you so cheerful and the reason is because I am certain we will win right every time that the elite is put on an equal footing
Remember when Biden was first installed and there would be these YouTube videos where they were disabling the dislike buttons because they were so overwhelming.
Or you see this on Rotten Tomatoes, where you'll have some critically acclaimed movie that's scoring 98% because it's so woke and brave.
But then it turns out the actual public despises this thing.
Like, every time you actually have a little hint of the people actually saying what they think, they are universally against them.
And what's stunning is that that's after K-12 worth of brainstorming, right?
Another four years, maybe another six years if you did grad school.
I mean, the average American has been non-stop brainwashed for like 16 years.
And then they watch the media and they get Hollywood and they get all this garbage.
So after it really an entire lifetime of brainstorming, the fact that we can debate whether it's half, but it's approximately half the population completely rejects this.
And actually, you know, when you see little things like the YouTube dislikes and, you know, anytime people can express themselves, whenever Joe Biden goes to visit some town, you know, and you've got people lined up against the side of the road and they're not fans.
So what's astounding to me is that we are fighting them.
You can debate whether we're, you know, equal or but The fact that it's even a competition when every single kid has run through a propaganda factory, these madrasas of left-wing ideology for 16 years, to me is shocking.
What it tells me is that without the censorship, without the government funding, almost the entire institutional left is funded by your taxes.
Absolutely disgusting.
They say donations.
What they mean is that a little bit of seed money comes from government, right, to build capacity, they call it, which really just means to go into marketing, and then they're going to use that to basically, you know, dilute it with enough voluntary donations that it looks like it's... Sure, so let me back up what you're saying, Peter.
...making society better.
Let me back up what you're saying.
You're saying historically the tide always turns and you're betting on humanity.
So am I. My problem is a lot of times civilizations collapse to defeat that corruption and then we rebuild with the bioweapons, the chemical weapons, the nuclear weapons, and God knows what else.
You add that wild card.
I want to challenge the establishment to realize, yeah, you can destroy the British Empire, consolidate your money, move it to America and make us the new empire.
Or set up China as the new corrupt empire.
But if we all kill each other and we have a nuclear war, you won't be able to restart.
And so I think that's why we could be at the end of history if the establishment doesn't have some pangs of sanity.
And I think we're seeing that with an Elon Musk, and we're seeing that with the Peter Thiels, who aren't perfect, that's why they're being attacked, because they're actually smart enough to go, this is not going well.
And so can you speak to that?
Because here's an example.
They ran all the fake headlines like they would, you know, 30 years ago it's been released that a toy company would pay local news channels across the country to say, we're here at the mall, everyone wants the Cabbage Patch doll.
Well, no one wanted the Cabbage Patch doll, but there's all selling out.
They show two women fighting over it.
They did the same thing in the last three months.
Everyone wants the new shot.
It's selling out.
Long lines.
They stage fake videos like they did during the first COVID lockdowns of, oh, all the sick people in the mask.
It was theater.
And the hospitals weren't full.
So they did that and only 2% have taken the shot.
So that shows a flat line.
They hoaxed us.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
So the scams work that they've been waiting for.
Disease X, the big Carnegie Endowment, UN, Rockefeller lockstep plan for world government.
They launched it, worked for a while, blew up in their face, they had to pull it back.
And now each new trick only works shorter and shorter.
It's like when you spray poison on cockroaches, within three generations they become immune.
So comparing us to cockroaches, because the globalist sees that, it's not working anymore, Peter.
And so that's why they're in crisis mode.
Yeah, I think, you know, a lot of that I think has to do with the internet.
We do have a lot more ability to communicate.
We have sort of a stronger immune system against the BS.
You know, when you, the examples you're giving, you know, Radio Forever, you had payola where, you know, like every top hit is basically fake.
You look back at the BS we got in every single war going back through, you know, Vietnam, through the Gulf War, babies and incubators.
I mean, they've always been lying.
But I think really the world changed with the Internet, where we can now fact check, we can now get alternative views.
And, you know, you mentioned Elon Musk.
I think that, so the elite is not a homogenous whole, right?
You've got sort of like layers of the elite.
It's a wolf pack.
It's a predator class, and they're going to have ones that are smarter and don't go with the pack.
And you've also got sort of concentric circles, right?
So you have like the semi-elite and the quasi-elite and the hopes to someday become elite.
You have these sort of layers.
And a lot of those sort of secondary, or I don't know if you call them outsider elite, they're constantly trying to, you know, maneuver and get their way into the center.
Yeah, they're contenders to the throne.
Exactly, exactly.
So those guys are alert, I think, to public opinion.
So, you know, you have this process where something like the internet, like, we need some way to communicate and to frame things and to, you know, present alternative views.
And then there are all these, you know, people like Elon Musk, who are not quite part of the central elite, but they're close enough that they could definitely be a contender.
And they're, you know, alert to these other points of views.
And if they feel like those are Overwhelming opinions, and they sort of jump on that.
Now, I mean, I think, you know, Elon Musk, for example, I think that he's genuine in his opinions.
I mean, he's been really transparent.
Like, he's evolved on a number of topics, and he kind of does it all the time.
Well, let's talk about this.
He also senses this elite is out of control and illegitimate and dangerous.
He doesn't want to blow up the future for his children.
He believes in having children.
So you just said it.
Betting on humanity versus not betting on humanity.
But let's go back, give a prime example.
Al Gore did not invent the internet in 1994 with a Senate vote.
He just passed some funding to expand it.
It was developed by the technocrats.
In the 1961-62, by ARPA and DARPA, to be the, quote, intergalactic, we'll put it on screen, intergalactic communication systems.
And this big psychiatrist, super-brain at the Pentagon, said, we want to have central computers, we'll give people little computers, once we have that technology, where we can monitor our propaganda with a giant technocracy to control humanity to make them serve as one.
But then notice how it backfired on them.
So they built this and rolled this out, not to survive nuclear war with the Russians.
That was the public PR, but as an ultimate psychological warfare MKUltra program.
And now no matter what they try, it does build out, but not a Russian attack, but a censorship attack.
No matter what they do, it does keep living and surviving.
So that's betting on humanity.
They built this to control us.
as a worldwide web of control, but instead it's backfiring.
It absolutely is. And you know, we're going back and forth, right? So early on in the internet,
there was, you know, you had relative free speech, of course. I think 2016 was really a wake up call
for them, Brexit and Trump. Those two things happened so close that, you know, they'd really
been coasting ever, really for 100 years, ever since the, the progressive era, they'd been
coasting the assumption that they were going to win, that they were right, history's on their
side, all they have to do is kind of sit back and relax and they're going to inherit the
And, right, 2016, I think, really showed them that this Internet they created, that maybe they planned as... No, I totally agree.
They were totally arrogant and thought the populace were a joke, and they finally went, oh, we're getting our ass kicked.
And so that's why it was, you know, the Empire struck back and, you know, of course, censored you, censored a whole bunch of people.
They would have kept going.
I mean, they were going as as hard as they can, especially during COVID.
And that's that's because now they realize that the people are not with them.
And in a sense, that makes them sort of more dangerous.
Because At this point, I think where they are is they sense that the people are hostile.
Obviously, they think that's because the people are idiots that are, you know, brainwashed by disinformation.
But they do sense that the people are hostile to them.
And so that's why they're doubling down on the censorship.
And, you know, the next step after that is, I think, to be more physical about it and to do more about these people who do not agree with them.
So in a sense, it's more dangerous.
You know, it was less Uncomfortable in the old days, when they were certain they were going to win.
I totally agree, but don't they get by any real research?
Because you live in the real world, you're not just an academic, you're popular, and what you say reaches millions a day, which is the proof of concept.
They're not popular.
Oh, Biden has a press conference.
Oh, they're either Biden or Obama.
A thousand viewers.
You have one, five million viewers.
Same with us.
And because humanity does have a common deep Yes.
Independent, but also communal residents like we're independent.
But then once we know something's true, it chain reactions and that creates the collective.
But it comes from the individual.
It doesn't come from the central down.
It comes from the grassroots up.
So you're hitting exactly on what's happening.
Don't the globalists get look in the mirror, learn to be humble.
I know you're fifth generation wealth out there, but learning you're the threat, dummy.
We are responding to you.
We don't want to be aristocrats.
We don't want to have the power.
We just want to live, but you're forcing us to fight you and we will beat you.
That's exactly what's happening.
And that's sort of the saving grace.
They have just been so idiotic about it these past couple of years, you know, enforcing the issues.
The gender thing, for example, the public is nowhere on that.
Like, what the heck?
If I were advising them, if I were rooting for their side, I'd be like, just don't talk about that at the moment.
OK, look, you guys are doing great.
You're occupying new ground.
The CIA admits they lost the Afghan war over 20 years because they tried to teach Afghans to cut their children's genitals off.
And the Afghans totally turned against him.
I mean, any idiot could tell the Pentagon don't do that.
Yeah, yeah.
So in a sense, I'm encouraged.
It's like they don't have the guardrails.
You know, there was a time in the past where they were evil, but they were kind of smart about it, right?
You know, they were kind of moving step by step and they were kind of bringing the people with them.
You know, they would cooperate with Hollywood to get a movie to get, you remember Breaking Bad, how, you know, he didn't have a health insurance.
And I mean, that was amazingly well-timed for the Obamacare push.
You know, they were kind of smooth about it in the past.
And now it's like they just look panicked, like they just grab anything they possibly can, whether or not the people are against it.
So in a sense, in the short term it's dangerous, but I think it's excellent in terms of long-term prospects.
Like, what is the world going to look like for our kids and grad kids?
I think they're losing, they know they're losing, they still have all the power, they can do a lot of damage between here and there, but I am extremely optimistic.
I agree, you're incredible and I'm just jumping in because I'm so excited you're so on target.
We've got like 10 minutes left exactly.
Other topics, what else you want to hit?
Okay, probably the biggest economic topics are the debt and sustainability.
That's just completely out of control.
They're talking, you know, over $100 trillion by 2050.
They're doubling down.
The Wall Street Journal just came out and said that the deficit this year is actually a lot bigger than even Joe Biden saying, because they had, you know, a funny way to calculate student loans.
So we're like $2 trillion.
It just keeps growing.
They keep coming out with these unicorn farts.
They're going to spend trillions of dollars to break the economy.
So I think I think we've got stagflation in the future here.
The last time they really screwed the pooch was the 1970s, right?
They had this runaway inflation.
That came down and they were, you know, they sort of sounded the all-clear.
They said, okay, woo, you know, fix that.
And then it took off again, right?
So, you know, it ends up looking like a camel's back.
And the way they finally fixed that, and those of us who were alive in the 70s, it was a horrible time.
I mean, like, you know, the cities were collapsing.
You had all these movies about, you know, Charles Bronson and, you know, going through the cities.
They look like post-apocalyptic landscapes.
But the only reason that the 70s ended You know, that the economic disaster of the 1970s ended is because Jimmy Carter, I'm sure he regretted it, but Jimmy Carter put in Paul Volcker.
And Paul Volcker ramped rates so hard that he crashed the economy.
It was a horrible recession, but it killed inflation.
But here's the thing.
Jimmy Carter lost the next election.
And people in Washington noticed that.
So I don't think that we're going to get another Paul Volcker.
Because they know that if you put in somebody who fixes the problem, your career is done.
So they'd rather go the Mexico route.
They're going to devalue the currency.
Yeah, so I don't think they're actually going to fix it.
And, you know, we were talking earlier that inflation is sort of the lifeblood of the entire crisis industrial complex.
If inflation keeps, you know, ramping up, then they're cut off.
Like, well, either they're cut off or they have to double down and actually go into hyperinflation.
So that I'm very encouraged about.
But as you say, devaluing the currency, de-dollarization is a huge topic already.
At the moment, the dollar is getting strong because we have these global crises.
So that's sort of a short-term thing.
Whenever the world goes to hell, the dollar gets strong, right?
Even in 2008, during the 2008 crisis, the dollar went up like 40%.
Even though the crisis was coming from the U.S.
So this is weird, but the reason is because if you're the reserve currency, then whenever people get scared, you know, it's the same as gold, right?
People pile into you.
So in the near term, I think, you know, the dollar is going to hold up great because they're breaking the world as fast as they can.
But in the long run, that's the concern is that the dollar is doomed.
You know, countries are trying to switch away from it as fast as possible.
China is trying to bribe countries.
They spent about 125 billion a year on their development bank.
to try to bribe countries out of the dollar because they fundamentally want to cripple America, right?
They want to knock America off the world stage so that they can do whatever they want.
And, you know, the final thing, which is something that you've covered a ton,
to, you know, which has been really important, is the spread of despair among people.
And, you know, a lot of that, I think, is coming from the economy.
You see young people who say how they can't enjoy the lifestyle that they grew up in.
So they grew up in a four bedroom house and middle class neighborhood.
Here they are, 40 years old with roommates and no girlfriend and no prospect of ever having a family.
Right, so America has never gone through that.
We've never had a long period where the kids are poorer.
That's right, we've been growing, except for a short period in the Great Depression, we've been growing the whole time.
Yep, that's exactly right.
So it starts to look like, I remember years ago I was posted in Argentina, and I took a taxi, and the guy was saying he was a former philosophy professor, but his kid couldn't read.
That, I think, is the society that we're coming to.
And, I mean, that blew me away because normally it's the opposite, right?
You know, you go to a poor country and, you know, the kid is the philosophy professor.
Yeah, the goal is each generation gets better.
But no, it actually does go backwards.
So for the first time, we're breaking that chain.
That's exactly what's happening.
We're seeing it.
You look at cities all over America.
You've got these thousands of really walking dead.
Those people, they're not going to wake up one morning and say, you know what, I'm going to get my act together.
Those people are lost.
As you're saying, we only got there because we know you feed monkeys.
Squirrels or anything, whether it's in Japan or the U.S., they start laying around.
So it's really a product of the parents being so nice.
While the economy was cut out, these people will be forced back into production.
The problem is the infrastructure for this bigger population has been removed.
So even if they want to, it's not going to be there.
That is going to be cataclysmic.
Yeah, what's amazing, like, you look at cities, so you can go to an inner city and you'll see, like, on a former main street that used to have restaurants, bars, theaters, all this, instead you'll see, like, a gas station, a liquor store, a Chinese takeout with bulletproof glass, and a whole bunch of charities.
All up and down as charities.
It's the lighthouse, this, and the, you know, hope for the future, that.
And you look around and you're like, okay, I get it.
That's it.
There is an industry in this city.
It is creating poor people.
So it is shocking and you know even the relatively good parts of these neighborhoods.
I grew up in Philadelphia and you walk through like South Philly and you can see all the street corners.
They used to have stores.
At one point they had stores.
They had plate glass windows.
They look like they're built to be a store but none of them are stores.
They're all houses.
All the stores are gone.
They all got wiped out.
Because government made it so hard to run a business, you know, they would put new rules in, you'd have to switch out your ventilation system because of the global warming.
Just endless series of rules.
They finally just gave up.
Everybody now goes to big boxes out in the suburbs.
And then the cities are left to just fester like this.
I think that's really... And now they're living in the big boxes in the suburbs and they're closing.
So, at that point, right, you're down to Amazon, and you gotta hope that they don't rob the... No, no, no, we're now down to the U.S.
National Guard running the migrant centers in New York.
I mean, it's collapses here.
Look at this video, guys, show this to TV viewers.
This is, uh, National Guard has taken over the Roosevelt Hotel in New York.
They blocked out the name of the hotel on the sign, National Guard stopping Americans saying it's no longer a hotel, it is a migrant center for illegals.
So while we sink, Cloward and Pippen, they're bringing more on.
Yeah, absolutely right.
And, you know, you see that now reflected in the kids, right?
So, I think you probably know this statistic, but more than a third of children are on antidepressants.
I mean, you've got, you know, suicide rates, just absolute despair.
I mean, we are creating this society with no hope.
It's depressing to see, but it's also invigorating to be able to fight it, because if you show people what's happening, they flip, they get angry, they come over on your side.
No, I agree, but I think you hit the key, Peter, and that's that they used our Christian morals to help people to bring in these organizations and groups that knew they were farming a political group they could control, but during their takeover, it made them money and power, but now the whole house collapses.
It's like cancer.
If cancer had a conscience, it would say, I'm winning until the body dies.
And I think the left has to realize they are the cancer.
That's a beautiful metaphor.
Yes, exactly right.
That's what's happening.
Fortunately, you know, the frog jumps when the water's boiling, but the frog also jumps if you sit down and patiently explain to the frog that the water is getting hotter and that it's going to boil at some point.
So, I mean, I think that's what you and I both try to do, is to explain to people that the water is getting really hot, and if we don't do something about it, it is going to boil.
We try to do that before it actually boils.
Peter St.
Onge, very impressive as always.
Thank you, I feel like boosted brain-wise.
You are amazing.
Please join us whenever you want.
Come back on, come on our other shows.
We love you, peterst.onge.com, O-N-G-E, and you can find him on Twitter as well.
Most of you know who he is.
You've been viral for a long time, but man, you are like, you're just everywhere.
I mean, what, some of your videos are getting like 10 million views?
I've been shocked.
You know, I used to do these videos.
I used to teach at an MBA, and they would give me 9 a.m.
classes, so I had to get my hungover grad students out of bed, so I did these little schticks just to entertain them, and people like it.
People love it.
So, yeah.
What are you raising in a week right now?
$10 million?
$20 million?
I mean...
Uh, probably about 7 to 10 million per week, yeah.
And there's so many smart guys like you, that's what gives me hope.
If they put me in prison or kill me, I'm like, well, hey, 2.0's here, so whatever.
You're screwed, New World Order!
You're absolutely right, though.
Like, when I started the video, I've had all kinds of people reach out on our side who've asked, like, oh, I want to do videos.
How do I do this?
And, you know, I tell them, OK, here's my equipment.
Here's how you do it.
Here's the editing.
There is an army of guys who are joining the party.
So it is a really exciting time to be in this.
Peter, incredible.
Please join us again soon.
You are amazing.
I will.
Thank you, Alex.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
They're not going to stop us.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
There's a lot of angles to this in the limited time we have.
But America has been a special place because we aspired to liberty and freedom when nobody else was aspiring to it.
We weren't perfect, we were far from it, but it was a place where experiments were allowed and where people could really try to prove themselves, not because of what family they came from or because they were from royalty, but a meritocracy based on what they could produce, what they could do.
There were two things that really fueled and funded the colonies and the launch of America in 1776, and both of them are interesting.
Both of them have dark histories, but both of them are something that you can enjoy responsibly.
That's, of course, tobacco in the Virginia colony, and that's, of course, whiskey.
And Sam Adams with whiskey and beer was one of the main boosters and funders.
In fact, probably the biggest funder of George Washington and our troops.
So it was whiskey and beer.
Not wine, the liberals love to drink, I'm not against wine, just a fact, that literally fuel the start of our country, along with this, tobacco.
And I enjoy both, but I've really gotten good over the years at being responsible.
Sometimes I might go four months, that's the longest I've gone in the last few years, with no tobacco or no alcohol.
But when I'm with friends, when I'm with family, when I'm with patriots, I enjoy both of them, and they go together like a horse and carriage.
Two years ago, I got approached by great patriots from some of my connections who are major craft whiskey producers in Kentucky.
So they brought me dozens of these amazing whiskeys that they had developed and it also procured.
And out of all of them, I like this Kentucky Straight Bourbon.
Again, I'm no whiskey connoisseur.
I just know what tastes good, what I like, what feels good, which doesn't give you
that big hangover after.
I liked out of dozens, over a dozen I tried, this whiskey.
Now, the bad news is they only had so many barrels of it, and so it's a limited supply.
There's 10,000 bottles of this as of the time I'm cutting this, and it is amazing.
And it's been ready for a year because of leftists trying to block it being in stores and behind-the-scenes harassment and debanking and stuff of this major whiskey company.
This has been in the warehouse for a year.
So it wasn't just aged for the years it was in the barrels, it's been aged by their censorship and went from amazing to incredible.
So it's a very special bottle too.
That's why we have all these government documents here in front of me right here.
Because if you aim a blacklight at ConspiracyBourbon, ConspiracyBourbon.com is the only place to get it.
It's got all of these hidden messages on it, on the front and on the back.
So like I said, this is really, really special.
Limited run, only place to get it.
We have the conspiracy imperatives, 10 of them, kind of the 10 commandments.
only 10,000 bottles of this at conspiracybourbon.com.
Destroy the tyrants.
It just goes on and on.
This is very, very special.
I would imagine that most people that get this are never gonna open it.
Gut level, I think this is gonna be a major collector's item.
We could have sold it for $200 in the market.
It's 60-something bucks instead, and it's a fundraiser for the operation.
We're really, really, really, really proud of it.
So while you're hanging out with your friends, your family, your coworkers, you name it,
it's really important to remember what Americana's all about.
And if you are somebody that likes a fine whiskey, well, this is it, and it funds the InfoWar.
A true 360 win.
For myself, the entire InfoWars crew, here's to you, and here's to America.
This isn't some Dylan Mulvaney, Anheuser-Busch, transgenderism, you know, Creepazoid targeting our children.
This is high-quality American Kentucky, Whiskey.
Kentucky Bourbon.
Funding the second American Revolution against tyrants.
So here's to all the past Patreons, the current Patreons, and future Patreons.
This drink of conspiracy is for you.
One place to get it.
And believe me, this is going to sell out quick.
So if you want it, get yourself a bottle today at ConspiracyBourbon.com.
Alright, some stations don't carry this first five minutes, but the internet does, so it's a huge audience.
I want people to know what's coming up next segment.
NIH funds program matching LGBT teens and adults for mentoring without parental consent with adults.
That's pedophilia.
We're going to be going to that report.
We're going to get into more here on the leftist rioting all over the place for the Islamists.
Whether you like Israel or not, folks, the left's allied, the globalists are allied with Islam now.
We've also got John Kerry.
He's back out there saying cut off the food supply.
Now they want to give you meat allergies so you can't eat meat.
We're going to cover that coming up, coming up next segment.
I didn't see this on the list.
Maybe it's on the list, but make sure we have that clip.
I think we do have that clip.
And we're going to get into Sidney Powell, former Trump attorney, the Kraken, all the Q crap.
And I never disliked her, but just gut level, she came off like a fraud, like an idiot with a 20 IQ.
And I was like, it's mail-in ballots is how they're stealing it.
And it's election meddling, blocking the laptop and, you know, all this, that's how they're doing it.
But she's pled guilty.
And it's turned state's evidence, I guess, against Trump.
So there's the Q poison for you, man.
God, did I call that out.
I mean, it is just solid poison.
And the Q shaman, who was the Q shaman, he never was, the name of the media game, he's totally come out against it.
We're talking about it.
But Cindy Powell is a disgraceful person.
And she's now pled guilty because Trump wanted to investigate election fraud.
So we'll be looking at all of that coming up.
Biden is set to deliver a primetime foreign policy address to ask for $100 million tonight.
We'll be breaking all of that down as well.
Also Douglas Mackey, who I want to get on the show before he goes to prison, sentenced to seven months, The Daily Beast said seven years, in prison for sharing anti-Clinton memes.
During 2016, Elon Musk had something To say about that or some other great memes.
And you know, I disagree with this because I'm not in the cancel culture and I'm not into the social credit score.
You think I like Hamas supporting Hezbollah supporting drooling little rich kids at Harvard?
But if they want to support Hamas and stuff, that's their rights.
And to have These big CEOs say, we're putting you in a database, you'll never have a job again.
Maybe they changed their mind about politics.
I've changed over the years, I've evolved.
My basic views have been right.
A free market, Christianity, and rugged individualism, but I mean, I've grown up a lot.
I said stuff 30 years ago on air, 29 years ago.
20 years ago, I see now, I don't totally agree with that.
I agree with 80% of that.
Harvard students losing job opportunities over Hamas support is the actual violence here.
So they're now calling it violence against themselves.
They support the censorship.
So even though I disagree with them being blacklisted, the left makes all these Hollywood movies about The blacklisting that went on with McCarthy and he didn't do anything compared to what they've done and they were a real communist party trying to overthrow the U.S.
I think McCarthy did a great job actually when you're an outside funded GRU, KGB, real Russian operation, that's the Democrats, trying to take the country over and warning if they get control they'll censor and outlaw the family and all the stuff he said.
They have the documents.
Because the same globalist funding put Lenin and Stalin in, and now the Russians kicked that out.
It's here.
So the disease the Russians had, we now have.
And so I tell these diseased Harvard students who would shut me down, put me in prison, if they could punch one button, put Alex Jones in prison, they'd say, bloop.
But see, I can't be like them.
I can't turn into them.
Just because Hamas blows up the highway and blames it on Israel, doesn't mean Israel should let terrorists in to attack the Jews so they can then attack them.
You don't act like Hezbollah to beat Hezbollah.
I'm sorry, I know the big military planners disagree.
Well that's why you're Machiavelli and that's why I'm not.
I don't pull that crap.
My brain doesn't work that way.
You can just screw with me all day long, but it's a battle of the heart and soul, not whether you're a Jew or a Muslim.
Be right back, stay with us.
All hell's breaking loose, and things are just gonna get crazier from here.
But if we don't fight tyranny, things are gonna be much worse.
We can give up, we can roll over, we can get demoralized, and believe me, I feel like that sometimes.
But the great part about God and how He designed us is, I may work 14 hours some days and be totally exhausted, and I forget even getting in bed.
And I sleep eight hours, and I wake up, and it's a new sunrise, a new world, and God has rebuilt me.
I think about the children out there that didn't have parents like mine or grandparents like mine, because I used to look back when I was young, and I didn't appreciate my family.
God Almighty, they're good.
The best.
The best there is.
All my strength comes from them.
Of course, through God, through them.
I look back on my ancestors.
They were good people.
They were strong.
That's why America was respected.
Most of them are dead.
We're gonna resurrect that spirit, aren't we, together?
But you gotta stop being the nice guy.
You gotta stop caring what the left of the corporate system says.
Because doing that is going to lead to our destruction.
You've got to get down in the muck.
You've got to roll up your sleeves.
And you've got to fight.
Now, I started talking about this earlier, but I'm going to talk about it right now.
I have been invited many times.
It became such a protest and things.
I just got bigger fish to fry to universities.
And I've seen countless videos just like you have at universities around the Western world.
And it looks like the students, they can be old, they can be young, they can be black, they can be white, they can be Asian, they can be whatever.
And they look like somebody shot them with a mutation ray.
And they're shot, I mean, I went to Yale a few years ago to cover skull and bones while I was up there for the show trial they had.
And I mean, I walked on there and I was like, damn, these people look like hell.
And they looked stupid.
And they tried to chase us off the university.
And what was crazy about them is I had to go.
I've been there a couple hours.
A couple hundred people showed up.
Some were fans.
Some hated me.
But as soon as I got in the car to leave, they did this simulated victory where they chased the car.
I'm sitting right there talking, doing interviews.
But see, they didn't want reality.
They didn't chase Alex Jones off.
I had to get in the car and leave.
To go catch an airplane to fly back to Texas.
Barely made the airplane.
Barely made the flight.
And I'm sitting there for hours while some scream and yell and F you and more gathering and a bunch of supporters.
I'm taking photos.
There's video of this.
Let's look up Alex Jones visits Skull and Bones.
You'll see it.
And finally, my security guy, my camera guys go, hey man, there's barely time for the airport to catch the flight.
The airport's like an hour away.
And I went, okay, and I watched them all build up, and the whole way they said, oh, he's getting in his car, and then they chase the car for a simulated victory.
They're not just living in delusion unwillfully.
This is key.
They know it's a fraud, but want the image of them chasing my car, chasing the First Amendment.
Don't confront the global satanic elite at Yale.
Don't confront the ruling class that's doing all this.
We're the liberals.
We defend the ruling class.
We defend war, and torture, and surveillance, and poison shots, and lockdowns, and fentanyl, and open borders, and human trafficking, and pedophilia, and everything else they support.
So I said, pull the car over.
They go, really?
We're late.
Yeah, I pull over.
They all stop.
It was all about LARPing.
It's all about live-action role-playing.
But do you think I thought when I looked at that crowd of 100 people that wanted to attack me or more, I think I felt weak?
It was the opposite.
I felt sad for them.
And also, I was sizing them up.
Alright, I'm gonna punch that one right in the jaw and break his jaw.
Then I'm gonna break this one's nose.
Then I'm gonna body slam that one right in front of people and they're all gonna run.
And I was gonna do it.
It's not talk.
I turn it on, baby, it happens.
I decide, your nose is going off your face, your jaw is breaking, I order my brain, and then I destroy you.
But you think I felt powerful contending with enemies like that?
I felt weak that they'd done this to these people.
And I could give them a spectacle.
I could walk up in the midst of them, like I did with Andy Van Dallas famously, and said, go ahead and do it.
Because I was ready to go ape.
And a bunch of security guys, it would be three or four, but we're up against a couple hundred Antifa.
They're like, what are you doing?
Nobody does this.
I said, if you don't got what it takes, just stay in the back of the line.
I was ready.
But none of those Antifa, at the end of the day, swung.
And they hired a bunch of thugs.
It wasn't just meth-head professors.
It was a bunch of big criminals.
They were paying $200 a piece or whatever to be there at that Trump rally.
Trump was inside speaking.
And the man in me said, I'm going to go ahead and wipe these people out.
I'm going to go ahead and let them start swinging, stabbing, whatever they're going to do.
I just, I just was tired of running.
You know, that, that feeling.
I don't want to just be on air talking about it.
If I can get one of them to attack me, I'm going to wreck their ass.
And that video will go, but then they backed off.
It didn't happen.
And this isn't about acting tough.
It's not about acting powerful.
It's about saying that we don't have to go fight people.
We've got to fight them where we spend our money.
We've got to fight them when we pray to God.
We've got to fight them when we raise our children good.
We've got to fight them when we stand up for what's right.
Well, I looked at those people and how weak they were.
Because the thugs they had hired in Dallas were not weak.
There were a bunch of meth heads and crack heads and didn't know why they were there.
They were just told go out to Trump supporters, bully people.
They were bullying families walking in with their kids.
I saw that happening.
We're sitting in the truck watching it.
I said, let's get out and march into that.
We got out of the car, five, six security guys.
We walked right in the middle of those people because somebody had to call their bluff.
I'd say, what are you doing messing with families with kids?
I said, you're paid to be here.
They look at me, well how do you know that?
I said, you're, you ought to be on my side.
And some of the thugs they hired went, yeah that's Alex Jones, why are we here?
And that's why they didn't attack us.
I went, that's right, I'm here.
You want to attack?
I'm here.
And they went, I said, that's right, you're on the wrong side.
And now look at the support Trump's got.
You see?
But that's what you got to be willing to do is put yourself in it and say if you want it, you're about to get it.
Alright, two days ago we were told by the corporate media worldwide that Israel dropped a JDAM missile on a hospital in southern Gaza.
And then when the sun rose after all the riots around the world, it was a car park and what looks like a tiny mortar hit.
And now the international media has gone there, And the hospital's not blown up, the windows are blown out, and the car park's been hit.
They are crapping their drawers.
We're downloading the video right now.
And look, I'm going to explain something here.
My job is not to defend Israel.
I've had the ADL, who's busy pulling down pictures around the country of kidnapped Jews down, I've been nothing but tortured and attacked claiming I'm anti-semitic.
And that hasn't made me run around and just support Israel or Jews under that attack.
I'm a person of integrity that cares about everybody.
And I'm not going to be sat here and demonize or attack without responding.
That said, the footage is now there.
The international film teams are there from Australia, Germany, Russia, France, England.
We've got them.
We're downloading the videos right now.
There's a big article on Infowars.com.
And military teams have checked it, not Hezbollah, not Hamas, and said, yeah, it's a small missile, something like a mortar.
It burned some cars.
It didn't kill 500 people.
It's a lie.
So when something's a lie, we're going to say it.
People say, why aren't you siding with the Palestinians?
I'm not going to lie.
Israel clearly stood down.
I talk about it.
It's easy.
Stop looking at things through some perspective of what you want to be the truth and start looking at it.
I don't exercise enough.
I'm a big guy.
I should lose weight.
I've lost some weight.
I don't sit there and say it's somebody else's fault.
It's my fault.
That's a microcosm of this.
I'm an American, and that's where I stand on this.
But to watch Black Lives Matter and the left everywhere celebrate people on motorized hang gliders coming into a peace rally rave with a bunch of delusional leftist Jews who are literally thinking they're safe right next to Gaza.
Unarmed is disgusting.
Both groups.
Obviously Hezbollah 100 times worse, but also the delusional people at that party.
I mean, let me tell you, I'm a tough guy.
I'm not going to an all-night party under those anyways.
Next to two and a half million people who want to kill me.
Where they hear the music and the party.
It's absolutely insane.
But that's the delusion of the left.
You see everywhere going into the worst neighborhoods and getting stabbed and murdered because they promoted all this anti-white garbage that extends to Jews because they're white, according to the left.
And the Democratic Party's real anti-Semitism issue.
You regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to Hamas?
We're on federal property.
Can't do this here.
Congressman Allred, do you regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to Hamas?
Congressman Alred, do you regret calling for the release of millions of dollars to Hamas?
And I've done nothing to the Palestinians, and nothing to the Jews, and I live in Central Texas, and you know, I mean, I feel bad for the Uyghurs.
Three million of them in a slave camp with, you know, slaves for Apple and other U.S.
They're Muslims, but I'm against what's happening to them.
And I'm against what's happening to the Jews being slaughtered.
And I think it's terrible what's happening in the carpet bombing of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinians.
But it is not my dog.
It is not my fight.
And I am American.
And I am so tired of turning on the news.
And hearing about Saudi Arabia, and Israel, and Germany, and the UK, and France, and Russia, and China, and South Africa, and Nigeria, and Mexico, and Chile, and Brazil, and Timbuktu, man.
Our borders are wide open.
Hundreds of thousands are dying from fentanyl.
Mass suicide.
I don't care what color you are.
We're screwed as a country.
$100 million in new U.S.
funding for humanitarian assistance in both Gaza and the West Bank.
And we've sent hundreds of billions to Zelensky, that cokehead, and we've got war with Russia, and I am just disgusted by all of it.
will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending their sons and daughters to war and they will have to fight because it's NATO that we're talking about and they will be dying.
And I refuse to dance to the tune or be pulled by the strings of the Muslims.
Or whoever is in power at the time in Israel.
I'm not supposed to just salute the... Alright, we do have the report where National International News is showing it's a tiny crater, six inches wide, and it burned cars.
And they lied and said it killed a bunch of kids.
But obviously the Israeli bombardment is killing a bunch of kids.
And obviously it's a disaster and it's a terrible thing.
And what happened to Israel is terrible.
But I have that report.
MTG is set to join us.
Stu Peters is set to join us.
And we have all that information.
So I guess when I sent the clip to the crew, it had already jumped ahead.
That was the part I wanted where they were admitting the hospital wasn't hit.
They go inside the hospital.
They show it.
The windows are blown out.
There's a crater, tiny crater outside.
It burned some cars.
They lie.
And it's not about demonizing Hamas or the Muslims.
It's just I'm not going to sit there and say Israel dropped a JDAM on the hospital.
It's not true.
And I'm not going to sit there and play along with the mental illness.
So, I'm not going to say two men can have a baby.
I'm not going to say cutting trees down saves the earth.
I'm not going to say Klaus Schwab is a good person.
We're going to go to break.
MTG set to call in.
Stu Peters is coming on.
Much more today.
A bunch haven't hit.
A new peer-reviewed vaccine study shows how hearts get damaged by the shots.
So much on that front.
We're going to be covering it all here today.
Please remember, we only stay on air because of your prayer, your word of mouth.
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Well, it's very easy to Monday morning quarterback this or backseat driver it, but MTG Warren You get rid of McCarthy, they can throw things the Democrats control.
And now there's been a coup.
And look, I'm all for going after the establishment.
I'm all for shaking things up.
But now all hell has broken loose.
We've got her for the next 30 minutes.
I'm gonna skip the next break.
I'm gonna try to give her the floor.
Then we've got Tlaib and the Islamists storming the Capitol, getting in fights with police, attacking the White House, breaking over barriers.
Okay, give them six months in jail.
Well, if it was a Trump supporter, it'd be 20 years in jail.
Or 22 years in jail.
There's videos of her.
They're all over her Twitter account.
Representative MTG.
You gotta go there and see this.
She was in the middle of them attacking.
All of it.
I don't know where you want to go first.
You've got the floor.
Thanks for giving us time on your busy schedule.
Should we cover the speaker fight?
Or should we cover the quote insurrection?
Because if they say...
January 6th was worse than Pearl Harbor in 9-11.
Well, this was as bad as January 6th then, so this is the new Pearl Harbor, according to them, MTG.
Actually, let's get into what Rashida Tlaib did yesterday, along with this mob.
I want to explain who these people are, Alex.
This wasn't just a group of protesters protesting for peace in Israel and Gaza.
They weren't just asking for a ceasefire.
Even though that's what their sign said and that's what they were chanting.
My team was able to capture images of the leader's cell phones as they were texting one another and then we were able to identify them by their names and their chats and their messages.
Now, one of the group messages, title of the name of that whole group chat, was Global Intifada.
And Alex, you know exactly what Intifada means.
Anyone that looks that up, it means Arabic Uprising or Rebellion, which is the same as Jihad.
So they led a Jihad into the Cannon House office building yesterday, disrupted Congress, and they broke the law.
And it was led by a sitting member of Congress.
We also got other screen captures of their cell phones and identified their names.
And we found out that some of those names link directly to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Well, anyone that has been paying attention knows exactly who the SPLC is.
And their slogan is Make Hate Pay.
And that they do.
They slander us, they smear us, they lie about us.
Then they raise money and they fund their organization to try to take people like me out of Congress, fight President Trump, and fight great patriotic America First organizations.
They come after you, Alex.
They come after everyone.
Then there were other people involved.
There was the Jewish Voice for Peace.
Well, that sounds like a lovely name, but even the ADL labels them a hate group and an anti-Israel, radical leftist group.
And you can see from these videos how organized this group was.
They had orchestrated this.
They had practiced it.
They knew how to sit in a circle around the people inside.
They even deployed people, not only from the second floor up to the third floor, taking over where the press usually sets up to interview people.
They organized this march coming down the streets, and you can see from those videos, they look very much like Antifa and BLM protesters that turn rioters.
after dark. Now, these same people have been at the White House pulling down the bike racks,
attacking police officers. And then Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, and other members
of the progressive squad in Congress led these people into our office building and put us all
in danger. This was an insurrection, and these people have been arrested. They should be sitting
in the D.C. gulag, and they should be prosecuted to the highest level of the law by the Department
of Justice. And I'm also entering a censure resolution against Rashida Tlaib.
She must be censured and that's only the beginning, Alex.
We need a deep investigation into her ties with these radical groups and we need to take things further because we cannot have a hate America, hate Israel member of Congress and that is exactly who Rashida Tlaib is.
Well, they absolutely do hate our country, and we saw Black Lives Matter, you know, rioting and protesting and sitting down with Israel, but they went down with America as well.
They're now saying, I want to take down statues of George Washington.
That's right.
Well, I called this early on.
This is a new movement, and they were talking about Palestinian lives.
Well, we know they did Black Lives Matter.
We know they organized these movements.
And this movement that we saw yesterday is just getting started.
We're seeing an uprising of these anti-Israel, pro-Hamas, pro-terrorist groups.
Rising all over the world.
We're seeing them in London.
They're attacking our embassies right now.
We're seeing them develop on college campuses.
And I'll argue, Alex, that we'll see this movement grow bigger and stronger towards the 2024 election.
And I'll tell you right now, this will be the scariest movement because these people are part of the religion of Islam.
And we know what the religion of Islam says.
They hate Israel.
They hate America.
And they want death for any unbeliever.
And they have declared jihad against us.
And Rashida Tlaib brought them into the House Office Building and their group said global intifada.
So I am not going to be quiet about this.
I'm going to follow this, track it down as far as I possibly can.
And Rashida Tlaib will have to pay for the crimes that she committed yesterday.
Well, that's right.
She directed him into the Capitol.
According to that, this is worse than 9-11.
This is the ultimate crime on the planet and attacking police and overrunning them.
So, this is the new 9-11.
We've got to... Of course, the Justice Department, we shouldn't hold our breath.
They'll probably give them medals or something.
Right, well I also want to point something out.
One of the people, one of the insurrectionists, the anti-Semitic insurrectionists, a man lunged at me and was starting to attack me and I had to turn away from him.
He even made physical contact with me before I turned away and stepped back and some of my staff stepped in the way. The Capitol Police did not shoot this
man like Michael Byrd shot Ashley Babbitt. As a matter of fact, they hardly stood in his way.
They just told him to get back.
They didn't arrest him on the spot. They didn't throw him in the D.C. gulag. As a matter of fact,
I'm not sure where he is today. He probably he probably was processed, never sat in a jail cell,
and I'm sure just either paid a fine or had a no bail, able to get out of jail, get out of jail
free card.
But there's a clear difference in the way these people were treated and the way Trump supporters were treated on January 6th and continue to be treated.
That's right.
We're showing live streaming footage you shot.
It's on InfoWars.com.
It's on your Twitter as well.
They literally came after you.
So that just shows who these people are.
It's outrageous.
That's right.
They called me out by name so I stepped out on the balcony while I was doing that live video just so people could see what was going on and I stepped out on the balcony and was videoing the crowd below and the organizer who had the microphone and her voice was being broadcasted on a speaker system that they were moving down the street with them as they marched through the streets of Washington.
And she called me out by name and said, we see you Marjorie Taylor Greene.
And then they all started chanting, shame, shame, shame.
So she literally called the crowd out on another member of Congress.
So this looks just like January 6.
Then they go in the Capitol, but it's OK when they do it.
Oh yeah, it was totally okay and it was completely, apparently okay with the entire Democrat Party because none of them have come out and denounced their insurrection.
None of them have come out and denounced Rashida Tlaib and her anti-Semitism and her pro-Hamas, pro-terrorism views and actions.
No, the Democrat Party has done nothing.
And we haven't seen these people held accountable.
We haven't seen the FBI announce that they are a domestic terrorist organization.
We haven't seen the Department of Justice and Merrick Garland come out doing press conferences saying how they are going to track these people down, go into their homes in the middle of the night with flashbangs, drag them out of their homes, out of their beds in front of their families, terrifying their spouses and their children.
No, we haven't heard anything like that.
from the Attorney General of the United States.
We haven't seen Christopher Wray coming and doing a press conference talking
about the radical extremism of the Jewish Voices for Peace, which the ADL calls a radical anti-Israel group.
which the ADL calls a radical anti-Israel group.
We haven't seen them coming out declaring that they will hunt down global intifada.
We haven't seen them coming out declaring that they will hunt down global intifada.
We haven't seen the FBI and Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland coming out with joint press conferences
We haven't seen the FBI and Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland coming out with joint press conferences
along with Joe Biden putting out on his social media and doing speeches about how this is the most dangerous
along with Joe Biden putting out on his social media and doing speeches about how this is the most dangerous
group inside America that will threaten American lives and threaten our democracy.
No, we haven't seen any of that today.
You wanna know why?
Because Joe Biden will stab America in the back and stab Israel right in the chest
because he's planning to give $100 million to Gaza that they will in turn take that money
and fund more Hamas terrorism.
And that makes Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush and the rest of them happier than they could ever
be because that's exactly what they want.
They want Israel wiped off the map while they destroy America at the same time
by ripping our border open and allowing terrorists to come into our country and for us to be invaded
by millions of people from over 160 countries all over the world.
Well, that was my next point.
We have hundreds of thousands, conservatively.
Europe has millions of military-age men that say they're part of some giant Islamic, destroy America, rallies everywhere.
And then meanwhile, as you said, the FBI still says the main threat is Trump supporters.
And now the State Department put out a terror alert today.
How do you see this playing out?
I see this playing out horribly.
We're in a really bad situation, Alex.
You know, a lot of people didn't understand why I supported Kevin McCarthy back in January, but my point to everyone was he's the only one that could hold our conference together and had pretty much the support of our entire conference.
And I think people are seeing now that I was right.
And now that we've had our speaker ousted and Kevin McCarthy is out, we're a completely fractured Republican House majority, which is the most dangerous situation for our country in perilous times, Alex.
You see, our gavel, the speaker's gavel that we possessed By having Kevin McCarthy in there, whether you like him or not, it doesn't matter.
We had the gavel and the power and the control has been thrown to the floor and we have no power.
Congress has absolutely stopped.
So we can't, I can't enter my censure resolution on Rashida Tlaib.
It is very difficult to move forward in our committees with investigations and subpoenas.
We're in extremely dangerous times.
Now, I've been arguing with my colleagues all day.
We have got to select a speaker.
I've been supporting Jim Jordan.
I've been backing him.
I've been voting for him on the House floor.
But today he announced that he wants to back a resolution to make Patrick McHenry a temporary speaker, which I think is the worst, horrible thing to do.
Terrible, it's terrible.
I want to support Jordan, but your prediction that this would happen is coming true with the Democrats in control.
So lay that out.
That was my next question.
Jim Jordan is endorsing the establishment Republican.
Do they have a gun to his head or what's going on?
I think actually what's going on, Alex, is he's saying that he cannot get the support, can't get 217 votes, and are very fractured.
So he's trying to unparalyze things and now someone even worse is in.
The support against him has grown and grown, and it continues to grow.
I think if we had a vote today for Speaker, there'd probably be 30 more people against him.
I don't know why he did this.
I do not support it at all.
As a matter of fact, many of us do not support this resolution.
I will fight against it, and most of us are saying we will not vote for it.
We aren't going to make someone a temporary Speaker in agreement with the Democrats.
Absolutely not.
We have to get in our conference room and we have to settle our differences.
Sure, what is Matt Gaetz up to at this point?
Well, Matt Gaetz should be, he should be resolving these issues.
He needs to apologize to people, ask forgiveness.
They need to ask forgiveness back to him.
We have to unify as a Republican conference, and we have to come together.
Because, you know... Well, I have to say, your instincts are being proven right, even though I was like, well I support MTG and I support Matt, at the same time I'm like, let's see what happens, but this is not going well.
This is outrageous.
It's outrageous, and it's going to cost us the majority.
We need President Trump in the White House.
But let me boil this down very simple for people to understand.
Without a Republican majority in the House with President Trump in the White House, we can't do anything.
And the tax code expires at the end of 2024, and whoever controls the House of Representatives will be writing the tax code in January of 2025.
So, throwing out... Biden's already weaponized the IRS.
That's right.
The Democrats, if they control the House of Representatives, they will weaponize the IRS, worse than you've seen it.
They will pass Medicare for All, and they will pass more horrible things, and they'll make the American people pay for it.
And worse, we will be wasting our White House and power with President Trump.
We have to have a Republican majority in the House.
We have to have it to write the bills, write the tax code, and secure our border, gut the Department of Justice, gut the FBI, and establish our government back under control of the American people.
And that cannot happen under the control of Democrats in the House of Representatives or the Senate.
No matter who— Well, Congresswoman Green, I mean, I totally agree with you, and I'll be honest.
I said, I don't know the right answer.
I trust MTG.
You're really smart.
So what do we do to fix it?
it's the opposite. I know you're smart. I've seen what you've done. You've won by record levels.
That's what they're really scared of. They're trying to disqualify you from running like they're
trying to do Trump right now. So what do we do to fix it? I think you just said we should have an
emergency conference and try to get some alliance going because we don't want the Democratic Party
in control of the House of Representatives because of this civil war.
I mean, I won a fight, and I'll be honest, I was neutral on it.
I said, well, I see both sides, but this doesn't look good.
No, it's not good, Alex.
And here, let me tell you, there's going to be a time to fight.
And that's coming when we have President Trump in the White House.
But right now, we barely control one-third of the federal government.
That means that we have to set an example for what a Republican majority can actually do when we have full control of the federal government.
That means we have to realize that we have a Democrat-controlled Senate right now and we have an absolute insane dementia patient in the White House that will not sign any of our bills into law.
We have to hold the country together as best we can and that is only going to happen by a unified House Republican majority.
That is fighting for the American people, but we can't fight the Democrats if we're fighting each other.
So the only way that we can really try to save this country is Republican conference.
People have to get in the room.
People have to apologize.
People have to put their egos down and realize the only way to save America is to remember that our enemy is the Democrats, and we need to fight them with a full force.
That doesn't mean poking each other in the eye with our fingers.
Well sure, I mean Jeffries looked like he was having... Jeffries, that demon, looked like he was having an orgasm yesterday.
So, shifting gears out of that, the persecution of Trump has supercharged him, he's surging everywhere.
What's your view on the current weaponization of the Justice Department?
Well, the weaponization of government is a very serious issue.
I went to a hearing earlier this week.
It was with the Judge Tonya Chutkin.
This is the case that Jack Smith and the special counsel has brought against President Trump, and they're trying to prosecute him to the full extent of the law, the same way they have most January 6th defendants.
They would love to lock him up and have him die in a jail cell.
Well, I went to that hearing because the Department of Justice Special Counsel was trying to enforce a gag order on President Trump, and they were successful in that.
And I went to that hearing to hear what that radical leftist Obama-appointed judge would have to say, and I wanted to watch Molly Gaston And the rest of the attorneys on Jack Smith's special counsel and see how they orchestrate themselves.
Because, you know, our government exists in a balance of power.
But right now, these judges are weaponizing their benches, they're weaponizing their courtrooms, and they're attacking President Trump as much as they possibly can because he's winning.
And he's winning so big, just like you stated.
The more they attack him, the more they take him to court, the more they indict him, his support just grows and grows.
But let me tell you, this is a true danger to our country and to our republic because they did put a gag order on President Trump this week.
They did silence his speech.
He's not allowed to talk about Jack Smith and the special counsel.
He's not allowed to talk about the court and the judge.
And they even said he's not allowed to talk about any potential witness in the case.
Which, Alex, is the most dangerous thing, because there is no list of potential witnesses.
It's just a list of people, and he has to guess who that is.
Well, let's look at what happened yesterday.
Let me just throw this in.
I have the transcript, because they don't want cameras in New York in the civil trial for this crazy judge that is deciding no jury.
They put a witness on and Trump's lawyers went, we have emails of you that you certified this, but he just testified he didn't.
And then they tried to shut it all down because they were so panicked.
It was a Perry Mason moment.
I mean, this is a fraud.
It is a fraud and it's devastating and I spoke with President Trump earlier and what I tell him, what I'm telling him every time I talk to him is he is a hero for America.
He's a champion because he is standing, he's the only one standing up against it.
How incredible is it when he says I'm ready to go to jail for this country?
I mean it's so powerful.
It is overwhelming.
It makes you feel emotional when you hear him say that.
Because he is telling the truth and he means it.
When he says he's willing to go to jail, he's willing to lose anything to save this country.
And Alex, I have to tell you something.
I don't know anyone else that's willing to do that.
And that is what is so upsetting to me.
And so I'm very thankful to President Trump that he is fighting this with every ounce of energy and resources that he has.
I'm thankful to his family, to his staff, to his entire team, because these people are truly standing up against the worst forces in our country, and that is the weaponized government.
These are communists that are running our government.
America has cancer.
We've got to beat it.
Your staff is telling us you've got to go.
You're so gracious to come on in the middle of all this.
You've got so many websites and so many things.
You have great podcasts that reach tens of millions.
The system is so afraid of you.
Where is the best place for people to go?
Because you sent me a bunch of links yesterday.
Is that on your Twitter?
You've got several Twitter accounts.
Where's the best place to see the insurrection yesterday or to get your advice on so many things?
Where do we go?
Well, if you want to see the insurrection from yesterday, go to RepMTG.
That would be on X, which is formerly Twitter.
That's the best place to see it all.
And thank you so much, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
All right.
Thanks for the time.
I know you're busy.
What a great lady.
I mean, and look, McCarthy wasn't pervert.
He wasn't getting everything done.
I get it.
But now people warn you do this, the Democrats are going to take over.
And I'm like, well, screw it, let's ram them.
But I said, I'm not mad at MTG for not wanting to do it.
I said, we'll see who's right.
I said that about 15 times, at least.
And you see what's happening now.
So, look, none of us are God.
Only God's God.
We don't have all the answers.
We don't know.
And, you know, I admire what Matt Gaetz has done, but it's not going well.
It's not going well at all.
And, you know, and that takes the mask off, and that... They may win this round.
Down the road, it's bad for the globalists, but I want to have control of the House of Representatives while Biden's in there, and to at least block a lot of this crap.
I think it's too soon to say who's right, but I think MTG and what she said was heartfelt and really well thought out, and I think things are leaning towards what she said.
Again, Israel did a stand down.
Israel didn't blow up the hospital.
I'm just gonna, and maybe I'm wrong about both those things.
Maybe Israel did blow up the hospital.
Maybe they didn't stand down.
I'm just gonna look at it and I'm gonna say, from my research and historical understanding and political understanding, I think this.
And I'm right about 95% of the time.
And man, I'll be so pleased to learn I'm wrong when Israel stood down.
I'll be so pleased if a whistle didn't even hit the parking lot even.
I don't... I'm not God.
I'm not over there in the Middle East.
I can't see it.
But speaking of that...
Before Stu Peters joins us, we have like a four minute clip from Channel 4 that's super anti-Israel.
Leftist British TV.
And I got a bunch of others, but it's in Arabic.
And they went there and the hospital has some blown out windows.
And I already said that yesterday, you can see it, but they're in the hospital.
The hospital was not hit.
It was a lie.
But then you got to debate that all day.
You get sued if you question something.
Oh, you question a mass shooting, you question Jussie Smollett, you question, you know, any of this stuff, and most of the time it turns out the leftists are lying.
There's the so-called crater.
It's like six inches wide, eight inches wide.
Blown out windows.
Where's the 500 dead?
It's a lie.
The news crews have gone in.
The hospital.
It's had its windows blown out.
A rocket fell.
They launched it.
It doesn't mean you support what Israel's doing.
It doesn't mean you... Just don't support lies, people.
And look, it's one thing to try to figure out the truth.
It's hard.
But to just lazily decide something without evidence.
Israel's a tiny country with 200-plus attack helicopters, 50 of them at a huge base 10 miles away.
They didn't respond.
Israeli retired military officers, including their commanding general, formerly the head of the Israeli military, had to get in his car, he was a commanding general just five years ago, and drive to save family 45 minutes away, and he got there and nobody was there.
They were ordered to stand down.
You cannot, that is big.
But again, I go back to this, it's not about looking at an issue and saying what do I want it to be?
It's about what is it?
Israel didn't blow up the hospital.
Israel stood down.
And it goes from there.
Just report the facts.
We'll be right back.
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
[Sounds of a rocket launching]
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Last night, as every night, news agency cameras locked off in Gaza to record the explosions.
At 10 to 7, they pick up what appears to be a rocket above Gaza, apparently exploding
in midair.
Shortly after, two explosions.
The second, believed to be in the hospital car park, causes a large and immediate fire.
There's no proof that the mid-air and ground explosions are necessarily linked.
We spoke to one eyewitness.
I live very near to the hospital and we have seen, you know, the neighboring area have seen the bombs dropping on the hospital.
The explosion was so massive and so huge and the mountain fire rising up into the sky was so horrible.
We instantly knew that this is the Ahly Arab Hospital.
It's the Baptist Hospital, the oldest Christian hospital in Gaza Strip.
Dr. Mohammed al-Nakka said there was no warning and about 3,000 people were sheltering here.
He said, we don't know what it was, but we know what it can do after it targeted children who were cut to pieces.
Gaza's Hamas-controlled health ministry says 471 people were killed.
If so, that's by far the worst single loss of life for Palestinians in all the long wars with Israel.
Doctors held a press conference standing in the middle of a makeshift mortuary.
It is clear, scores of people at least, were killed.
Moreover, the Archbishop of Canterbury has said the hospital was attacked at the weekend, at least four civilians injured, and on Sunday, the Israelis phoned up telling everybody to evacuate.
Gaza today, damage caused by an Israeli airstrike.
Concrete buildings pancake, structural collapse over a wide area, splash marks of shrapnel.
Large craters are usual if the missile hits open ground as opposed to a building, like a car park.
This is what you see at the hospital today.
Small craters you'd expect from a mortar strike or artillery round, not a missile.
Surrounding buildings have only superficial damage, not structural collapse.
Some of the windows of an adjoining church remain intact.
This makes a ground-detonating Israeli missile strike unlikely, but it doesn't rule out an airburst munition, which could cause major loss of life, but would produce far less structural damage.
Alright, let's stop right there.
Again, I'm not taking sides.
If it airbursts, it'd blow up the buildings around it.
The buildings aren't blown up.
Where are the 500 dead?
They're storing the dead bodies at the hospital.
They have a press conference with the dead bodies to say that.
That's what I see.
It's not about defending Israel.
It's about defending the truth.
And it's about looking at the reality.
Israel stood down for seven hours, maybe longer.
That's a fact.
That should be investigated.
That's the big enchilada.
Why did Biden give $6 billion to the Iranians to give to Hezbollah and Hamas?
Why did they give them $87 million in equipment and weapons in Afghanistan?
Why have they opened our borders up to it?
Those are all the big issues.
But the media went with this.
If it was an air burst, it would still blow the buildings up around it.
The windows are blown out.
It was not a JDAM.
It was not a big bomb.
It was not a big missile.
And that newscast shows another missile being shot down by Israelis.
That's not it.
The Israelis have released the footage of Hamas firing a bunch of missiles over the hospital, and one fails and falls right there, and they have the markings of it.
So it's not about defending Israel.
It's about looking at the facts and being honest about it.
And we obsess over this all day.
It gives me a headache.
The whole thing's a disaster.
The $6 billion shouldn't have been given to Iran.
The $87 billion shouldn't have been given to Hezbollah and the Taliban and all the rest of them.
And that's the big issue here.
And we shouldn't be funding $100 billion, $20 billion or $15 billion to Israel and $80 billion to Ukraine.
And Israel told Zelensky, don't come here.
To grandstand and try to, they know he's about to get all the money.
It's disgusting and it's World War III out of control.
Alright, we're going to talk about it all when we come back.
And we've got Stu Peters, who's got his own positions on this that I respect.
Straight ahead, InfoWars.com.
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All right, Connecticut talk show host Stu Peters joins us.
Really appreciate him coming on.
And I want to get his take and his views.
I respect him on what's really happening in the world today.
They use the COVID lockdowns for control, the wars in Europe and Ukraine now they want to shut the water off now
Biden's funding all this the Middle East What does Stu Peters really think is going on? Stu Peters?
Thank you so much for joining us Hey, man. Thanks a lot for having me. It's good to be here
You know you said before the break that this whole thing just gives you a headache, and it's it's true because
Taking aside is is you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't guys
So I support Israel.
100% of the members of our U.S.
Congress are wearing these stupid lapel pins with a foreign government's flag on it.
You've got some congressman running around in an IDF uniform.
You have people on the internet, on X and all over the place, cheering on the flattening of these terrorists, these Hamas people.
Turn it to glass, cut off their water, cut off their electricity.
So it's important, you said, and I agree with you, to discuss the facts, to report the truth.
And here's the truth.
The truth is, is that in Gaza, there are 2.3 million people.
2.3 million in that really small area.
It's a very densely populated area.
2.3 million.
Of the 2.3 million people that are there, this is probably going to surprise a lot of people, 50% of 2.3 million people are under the age of 15.
2.3 million people are under the age of 15.
75% of those 2.3 million people are under the age of 25.
So the people that are on X and that are on, you know, all these other platforms cheering this on to cut off
the water, to bomb the bakeries, to cut off the electricity, to flatten them all.
They are advocating for ethnic cleansing.
They are advocating for the bombing and the murder of kids.
And by the way, I totally agree with you.
Something like 20% are under the age of 10.
So these are children, and we've seen Israeli statements that they're all terrorists, they all deserve to die.
An eight-year-old child, a five-year-old child cannot make choices.
They don't deserve to die.
And I've seen the heartbreaking video, so I agree with you why you're upset and why you're saying this is wrong.
I mean, why not kill the leaders of Hamas who aren't even in the country?
Why isn't Israel doing that?
Yeah, I mean, you saw Donald Trump go in that.
He went in and, like, killed one person, uh, you know, assassinated a person instead of carpet bombing an entire country, you know, and I know that there's not carpet bombing going on here, but whether or not the hospital thing, there was, you know, the hospital thing, there was 400 different stories on X all at the same time.
Old proverb, the first casualty in any war is the truth.
There is propaganda spewing out of everywhere.
You've got this Vladimir Zelensky blaming Putin for what Hamas did.
I mean, it's just insanity.
Uh, but What the real issue is that I have, Alex, is you said, you know, that there's false reporting and this and that.
Yeah, but you see, Israel is allowed to do that.
They get carte blanche.
They get a green light to report whatever they want to report.
And you know, no other platform out there that I'm aware of is giving a voice to any of the Palestinians.
I don't see the Fox News Channel or CNN or MSNBC talking to anybody in Gaza.
I respect that.
I'm a millimeter away from going your direction.
If I hate the establishment, I hate the corporate media, and they're going with the Israeli line, why not just be contrarian?
Well, and, you know, we spoke to a couple of Palestinians today and yesterday, and, you know, these are displaced people out of Palestine, out of the Gaza, you know, open-air concentration camp.
I mean, these people are kept and locked up.
The conditions of living there are horrible.
Imagine being a child born into this.
That is under the boot of Israel.
So if you want to report the facts, that's the truth.
And so what you have here is, and then also, journalists are being murdered, cameramen are being bombed and taken out.
Soon there will be no witness to the genocide that's happening there.
And we have to acknowledge, the fact is, this is ethnic cleansing, this is the murder, the sponsored, U.S.
taxpayers sponsored murder of children.
And I don't care what your ideologies are, and it makes no difference about your religious beliefs, because I will just tell you, like in this country, Baptists are great people.
Pentecostals, Conservative, Bible-believing Protestants in America are absolutely amazing people.
They have big hearts, they want the best for humankind, and that usually means that they want the people that they meet and know and love, even the people that they don't know, to go find Jesus.
And to have a personal relationship with Christ.
But somewhere along the line, we ran aground with our understanding of the Bible.
Whether it was an accident, or some bad actors introduced a bad Bible translation into the churches, somehow became adherence to some brand new religion, and that religion is Zionism.
And I will just tell you, there is a big difference between being an anti-Semitic person, and an anti-Zionist.
And I'm 100% anti-Zionist.
Because Zionism, Alex, has a very checkered past, historically, believe it or not.
So at most, Present times, a lot of believing Christians, whether they know it or not, have been duped into following this Zionism and not Christianity.
And Zionism is Jewish supremacy.
And so you have a Jewish supremacist genocide, an open-air murder of children, sponsored by the US taxpayers, carried out by the military-industrial complex.
And we have a perfect trifecta going on right now for these warmongers that want to enrich themselves.
for Raytheon, for Lockheed Martin, for Pfizer butt-slut Lindsey Graham and all these warmongers.
You've got the perfect trifecta because you've got what's happening in Ukraine, this proxy
war against Russia, which is not about Russia at all as you know.
You've got this thing that's ticking off now between Israel and Palestine.
You've got Iran right on the border there.
Hezbollah is going to get involved.
Lindsey Graham is saying that this will be a three-factor war if that happens because
the United States will definitely get involved.
And then, behind the scenes, you have China posturing at Taiwan.
No doubt we're going to send all kinds of money there.
So you've got all of these wars that are going on.
No, you're right.
World War III has begun, so let me just stop it.
I agree with your geopolitical analysis.
Let's bring in the other calculus.
Israel's clear stand down.
What Hamas did, I don't agree with slaughtering and burning families up in their houses.
So people see that, that's why they're upset.
I'm talking about real people, real Americans and others out there.
And then they pull back and they see the squad, the scum of the earth, storming the Capitol, being praised by the media.
They see corporate media Going with all these official stories, the hospital being blown up, and people go, whoa, what's that about?
So, I get what you're saying, that surely Israelis have done war crimes, they've done terrible things, I've covered it myself before, people say, oh my god, this old Alex Jones video, it's terrible.
No, no.
against Israel. I've always said that. I always say what Israel does is wrong. Then I say what
the Muslims do. See, I'm just trying to be fair about Stute.
Do we really want tens of millions of Muslims here? Do we really think they're compatible? We
know Islam wants to take over.
So what I'm saying is Israel's like the best house in a bad neighborhood. I don't want to
be involved with Israel. I don't want to aid Israel. I'm sick of it. And I don't know why
the Israel lobby wants our borders open. They're saying at Breitbart, bring in millions of refugees.
I think you'd probably say no, right, Stu?
So what I'm saying is there's other calculus beyond that.
You're a smart guy.
What's your take on it?
My take is we shouldn't be involved at all.
I agree.
At all.
There should be no aid going to Israel or to Taiwan or to Ukraine or to anywhere else.
Or to the West Bank.
And these people are allowed to say whatever they want to say.
And they can nuke you right off the internet.
You know better than anybody about being nuked off the internet.
Well, I mean, I've been nuked for criticizing China.
That's what Elon Musk won't allow.
So, this Zionism is how we get people like the ADL exercising supremacy in the media space.
They're better than you.
You can't say anything bad about them.
They'll punish you and deem you to be anti-Semitic.
And the term Semitic doesn't even mean Jewish, by the way.
It refers to many other people, not just Jewish people.
It simply means Palestine.
They've weaponized this word.
And that's something that we can come back to.
But the main point is here, before we go to break in one minute.
I'm going to skip the break.
I'm going to skip the break.
America is worshiping a false Christianity when it worships Christian Zionism.
And the Jews who... There's no doubt that there's a modern form of Christianity that is like a sycophantic worshiper of one version of Judaism.
And the Jews who push Zionism are followers of the Talmud.
They do not follow the Torah.
And what does the Talmud say?
Well, Alex, I just went over to check out the Princeton University Press on this subject just before coming on, and I found some pretty interesting things.
According to Princeton, the Talmud mocks Jesus' birth from a Virgin Mary.
According to the Princeton University Press, the Talmud strongly contests Jesus' claim to be the Messiah and the Son of God.
And, according to the Princeton University Press, the Talmud says that Jesus was rightfully executed because he was a blasphemer and an idolatry.
He was practicing an idolatry.
It even says, among other things, that Jesus is being punished right now.
No, and I saw that video you put out today from Israel where they're not letting Christians preach and saying you all deserve to die.
We'll play that clip in a moment, guys.
Get that clip ready.
Keep going.
Yeah, so then you have the Balfour Declaration, which was later written to Lord Walter Rothschild.
I'm not making this up.
This is well-known history.
Palestine was put under international control, and this happened right after World War I. The entire Middle East was carved up into territories.
Good plan, right?
No, not so much, because in order to convince Jews to go to the desert, the Zionist media industrial complex kicked into high gear, so they needed Agreed Jews to move them there.
Hitler even signed a secret deal with the Zionists.
He helped tens of thousands of Jews move into Palestine.
It's called the Havara Agreement.
It allowed German Jews to relocate their assets to Palestine.
The Palestinians have been suffering displacement ever since.
These people can't live there.
That's all historical.
What you're saying is on record.
So I'm asking you, Stalin had a plan to put Jews in another part of Russia.
I'm asking you, why is the globalist forces so obsessed with this?
What is their plan?
Why are they following the Bible with another plan?
Because they are obsessed with this.
They're obsessed with this because they get to siphon off trillions of dollars.
Think about every single military intervention that we've ever been involved with.
What do we do?
We spread democracy.
Well this democracy spreading crap is getting pretty dangerous because everywhere we go to spread democracy, we insert our Marxist ideologies, our transgender agendas, we stick our agendas and our policies and our beliefs and our Christian Bibles and our missiles in every other country.
And then we kill a whole bunch of people, we obliterate innocent people, Fallujah for example.
And we turn people against the Bible.
That's the larger plan.
That's absolutely right.
Think about Iraq, weapons of mass destruction, all the lies, the empire of lies, you know, the ties to Al-Qaeda, the babies out of incubators, the ghost of Kiev in Ukraine, the maternity wards being bombed.
They pull on your heartstrings, they make you believe that if you're a Christian you have to support Israel, but the Israel of today, these arbitrary borders that were like invented in the 1940s, are not the Israel of the Old Testament.
So why does America accept the lie that white Eastern Europeans from Ukraine are somehow now Bible Israelites?
If you're a run-of-the-mill African-American jailhouse Muslim, you're not Arab.
So why are white Europeans from Ukraine... Let me ask you this question.
Let me ask you this question.
What do you think is gonna happen?
Well, I will tell you this.
We are at the precipice of something incredibly historic.
You can feel it?
And, you know, as far as military interventions are concerned, We just, we can't support them anywhere.
No matter what, no matter what you believe, no matter how heart-wrenching it is, at the end of the day, if you support a military intervention or a regime change, or, you know, being involved with a war in a foreign land, where that war or that conflict does nothing to endanger you as Americans, unless you choose to get involved, it does nothing to keep us safer, it doesn't make us more prosperous.
Notice after we went to war with Islam, the last 20 years, they flooded us with them.
And what happened there?
It turns out Afghanistan would much rather have the Taliban than all of the corruption and death and bombing and blood and bullets that the United States murderous corporate crime syndicate that calls itself a government brings them.
I mean, we're talking about military intervention.
The only intervention that I will ever support at this point is the American people intervening with this government.
We have to stop them.
Because if we don't stop them, they're not going to stop.
And they will eradicate everything on the face of the planet.
Well, the federal government has declared war on the American people and Trump supporters, you're right.
So, let's move back to the beginning of this on the 7th of October.
What do you think of the Israeli stand-in?
I think it's very clear that happened.
The calculus is Netanyahu's in deep trouble, he can get power out of this.
But the Jews aren't buying it, so there's other equations here.
Israel's in a civil war when this happened.
I don't think Israel's one monolithic group.
Here's what I think.
I don't know about the stand-down.
I really don't.
I don't know, really, about any of it that's happening there because we get fed so much propaganda and so many lies.
But here's what I will say.
We're supposed to believe that a country, Israel, who has one of the most fortified, technologically advanced, enforced borders of any country on planet Earth, And who has this Iron Dome that, by the way, all of you watching at home, funded.
You know, a trillion dollars, whatever it is.
Totally successful at thwarting rocket attacks from Hamas all the time.
Because, you know, our taxpayer dollars went to Israel.
Israel formed Hamas.
Just like R.C.I.A.
funded and made up ISIS, Jihad, Johnny, all of this to piss you off so that Toby Keith could write a song so that you cheer on going and put a boot in their ass.
It's the American way.
No, it's not.
But we're supposed to believe that somehow these low IQ goat herders got on hang gliders and infiltrated this superpower, fourth largest, fourth most fortified military in the entire world and caught them by surprise.
Now, what was the first thing that the IDF said about this hospital?
You remember.
Okay, so now we know that the hospital thing was fake.
But what did they say?
They came out and they said, no, uh, we hit that place.
This is what the IDF said.
We're not making this up.
We hit that place, that hospital, because... Now you're talking next level.
Now still you're talking next level.
Israel first said that they hit it, and the whole corporate media that's globalist went along with it, and they allowed the rampaging, knowing Muslims would attack around the world, getting them even more support.
You just hit it right there.
And what did they say about it?
They said, we knew that Hamas was gathered there, and that they were using that as a staging area, and that they were having, you know, top secret meetings there, and we knew that because we used advanced surveillance technology, and we knew exactly what their movements were going to be, and we knew exactly what they were going to do, and we couldn't have it, so we blew them up.
That's what they said.
Well, if you have that kind of advanced surveillance technology, which now turns out that it was a lie because the bombing was fake, so their whole story was a lie.
That's what I'm saying.
I mean, the whole thing coming out of this whole thing, there's 400 different lies about it.
But, I do believe that they have advanced surveillance technology.
I know that because our CIA works with the Mossad, and we saw how they surveilled innocent Americans on January 6th and turned them into prisoners of war on U.S.
They knew where their phones were, they heard their conversations, they looked at their bank accounts, I mean, all that.
So, if Israel has this kind of advanced surveillance technology and these fortified borders and this Iron Dome, then shouldn't they have known in advance that this operation was going to be taking place?
Sure, so stay there.
Clearly a stand down.
And you're right.
Then they have the Muslims go crazy worldwide.
Israel agrees they hit the hospital at first, back off that, which is the truth.
And so there's a global destabilization using Islam as the next threat.
They use COVID, they use Ukraine, they use climate, they want to cut the water off.
What else are they going to pull?
They're going to steal everything.
This is a land grab.
You know what Israel is?
Israel is the front lines for the U.S.
military industrial complex.
It's an excuse because it is Israel.
For the military-industrial complex, and if you oppose it, you're an anti-Semite, and you won't be able to talk, you'll be kicked off of every platform.
And what happens when there's no eyewitness to anything?
Murderers can murder with impunity.
And so, they're gonna steal, what have we done everywhere?
We steal resources, we steal oil, olive trees, cotton, you know, poppy seeds.
Our government stole Hawaii a hundred years ago and now burned it down.
Burn it down with directed energy weapons.
This is a land grab.
700,000 Palestinians were forced from their homes when this secular pro-gay, pro-abortion, vaccine mandate, bioweapon, everybody in Israel's on their fifth shot because it was mandated.
This Zionist state was created.
That's what I would call ethnic cleansing.
So when you're talking about millions of Muslims coming to America, who's sponsoring that?
We are!
No, I agree.
I agree with you.
And going back to this, look at how they used Israel as guinea pigs.
And yet, Yahoo said, we're going to be guinea pigs.
I just think they're targeting... I don't think the Jews are the enemy, though.
I think the political class is playing us off against each other.
No, no, no.
Jews are not the enemy.
Neither are Muslims.
Neither are Christians.
I mean, Republicans, Democrats, Blacks, Whites.
No, no.
Jews are not the enemies.
Jews are not bad people, by and large.
No, what I'm saying is the Zionists are the enemy.
And if you look at every intervention where we spread democracy and we killed innocent people and we flattened buildings and we rebuilt and we did regime changes and we occupied these countries.
If you look at every one of them, where does the funding come from?
I'll say it, the Rothschilds.
That's where it comes from, the top of the Zionist lobby.
Everybody's so scared to say that on the internet because they don't want to get kicked off.
But no, you and I are Israel.
We, the Church, Christ's Church, are Israel.
That secular government that's killing innocent people is not God's Israel.
Israel doesn't even care about Israelis.
Look how they treated them during the pandemic, like freaking cattle.
Like Ben Shapiro, Israelis have no regard for life at all whatsoever, even the lives of their own countrymen.
Mentioning Jesus in Israel will get you arrested and possibly killed.
So if you want to know how this secular pro-abortion, pro-homo state of Israel treats Christians, all you have to do is look at Bethlehem, where Jesus was born.
The town of Bethlehem, where he was born, until recently was 80% Christian.
Before the advent of the secular Zionist pro-abortion, pro-homosexual state of Israel.
Now Bethlehem is 20% Christian.
By the way, since you mention it, guys, you have that one-minute clip in Israel.
People don't know this, but preaching the Gospel is outlawed there.
And I'm not anti-Israel or anti-Jew, and most Jews aren't like this, but there's laws in the books, here's Israeli soldiers, and they say, hey, we want to kill you, actually.
The Sanhedrin, once we're in charge, we're going to kill you, your idol worshippers.
Well, if Israelis watch football, that's worshipping an idol.
Stop it!
This isn't Moses and the Golden Calf, and, you know, that was a message God was sending.
this idea, here it is.
You cannot take us to jail.
If you are not involved, please go.
Shalom, my friend.
We bless you.
You're my country.
You come to the United States, you can say whatever you want to say.
That is a free world, yes?
You're not in the United States.
You're in Israel.
I understand.
You can't say whatever you want to say here.
Yes, you can.
It's legal.
It is legal to preach about Yeshua.
We preach at Damascus Gate, the police say it's okay.
We preach at Jaffa Gate, the police say it's okay.
Please stop.
I respect you, respect me.
He doesn't have to respect you.
He doesn't have to respect you.
That is the right thing.
Are you Jewish?
Do you want to honor God?
That is the godly thing to do.
We respect one another.
The godly thing to do is to kill you.
The godly thing is to kill me.
That's right.
That's what the Torah says.
The Torah says to kill us.
The Torah says that people who worship idols such as yourself, when there is a Sanhedrin, to kill us.
That's what the Torah says.
So we know how the Jewish people feel about Christians, yes?
That you discriminate against Christians.
Christians are idol worshippers.
You discriminate against Christians.
The Torah says that Christianity is idol worship.
Yeah, you got a cell phone in your pocket.
That's your God.
I mean, this is dangerous.
Stu Peters, thank you so much.
60 seconds for closing comment.
Look, there's zero doubt that the church is rooted in Judaism.
That it has Hebrew roots.
But this Zionism stuff.
Caesarea is not Hebrew.
Caesarea is not the Israel of the Bible.
Israel is not a nation state.
Israel is God's chosen people.
Those who accept God and follow Jesus are Israel.
Those who do not are not.
It's very simple.
So this secular geopolitical nation state created by Eastern European Bolsheviks, who are not Judeans, calling itself Israel, which is seeking to expand north, As part of this Greater Israel Project is not the Israel of the Bible.
There's all kinds of international relations stuff that we could talk about, but there's a fact here.
There's some guy calling himself David Ben-Gurion, the head of something called the Jewish Agency, who was the founder of Israel.
And that's that is the bottom line.
So when they're pulling on your heartstrings and they're trying to get you to go to your Bible and read about Israel and everybody's wearing the cute little lapel pins and dressed in foreign military garb on our US House floor to try to get you to support this when you do when you support Removing food, removing water, removing electricity, and flattening Gaza so that you can get these 25,000 Hamas terrorists in a population of 2.3 million.
What you are doing is unfetteringly, without bias, without prejudice, and without thinking, you are paying for and sponsoring and cheering on the death of innocent people.
And if you are a Jesus-believing Christian, you should be opposed to any military intervention by this military-industrial complex.
We have the most corrupt, murderous government on the face of the planet.
It is a corporate crime syndicate, and it must be stopped.
All right, Stu Peters, on fire.
Talk to me again soon, brother.
Appreciate you.
Thank you so much.
Drew Hernandez takes over.
And then Owen Schroer about to be put in prison.
He's up in 30 minutes.
Thank you, Stu.
All righty, guys.
Drew Hernandez here.
Guest host here for the remainder of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Going to carry you over to the war room.
We got Owen Schroer locking and loading, getting ready right now to fire off for the next couple hours.
But until then, guys, you know, I find it interesting, especially with the insurrection Yesterday in D.C.
with all these pro-Hamas, Palestinian, pro-Palestinian, you know, virtue signalers.
What I found interesting about it was you had these so-called U.S.
Jews calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
You know, number one, you know, I had two questions when I saw this yesterday, and the two questions I had were, number one, are these really Jews?
You know, it's because all we ever get are paid protesters, non-government organizations, Funded organizations that just send people in with t-shirts that claim to be something they don't actually have to be the something they claim to be They just need the public resistance so they can gain public support for another never-ending war or whatever it is They're trying to raise money for and pull the emotional You know emotional strings of human beings that are watching the narrative that are watching the news So number one when I saw that I immediately asked myself
Are those really Jews?
Jews calling for a ceasefire in Gaza?
Just calling for a ceasefire for their own destruction of their own people?
See, that doesn't make any sense.
That's when you start to ask the question, are they really Jews?
Are they really the stock of Israel?
Do they just think that they are?
Or are they Operatives that are bought and paid for, because that happens all the time in the United States of America.
You get political operatives that are bought and paid for to go hit the streets in order to preach a certain message to gain public support.
So when I saw that, I immediately thought that to myself, and if this is some kind of op, which it always is, Some kind of op, whether it's official or unofficial, whether it's backed, funded by non-government organizations.
But however, you get that dirty Rashid Tlaib out there, you know?
Does she even wear deodorant?
You know, she looks disgusting.
Like, does she even brush her teeth?
I mean, these people don't believe in using, like, you know, American cosmetics.
They don't believe in, you know, American sanitary, you know, cultural values or standards.
I mean, you look at Rashid Tlaib, she looks like she smells like B.O.
She looks like she belongs in the Middle East.
Totally disgusting.
You know, that's how I feel about it.
That's what I think about it.
So, whatever.
Take it for what it is.
But she's sitting there screeching and crying.
Did you see what they did?
Did you see what they did in Gaza?
Kids are crying and they should cry!
They tell them to stop, let them cry!
Did you see what happened to the hospital in Gaza?
Like, turns out to be debunked.
And all, like, these so-called Twitter journos that all they do is just spread rumors all over Twitter.
They don't actually, like, verify, check, verify, check, verify any of their sources, especially when it has to do with wartime reporting in a region like this in the Middle East, especially when it's Israel versus someone else in the region or someone else versus Israel in the region.
You know, they all get, they all just get checked.
I mean, I think it was Laura Loomer that came out and just totally checked all of these, you know, all these Elon simps.
It's the ones that Elon all, you know, that all, you know, massages testicles every single day and, you know, he props them all up and they just butcher everything.
I find it kind of hilarious, to be honest.
But anyways, um, you know, it turns out, oh, the hospital, it's actually still there!
It's like, are people shocked that Jews and Muslims are slaughtering each other in the region over land?
And religion?
It's like you see a bunch of Zoomers too.
Have you guys been seeing this?
Like a lot of Zoomers all over social media.
Maybe they're seeing war, you know, for the very first time.
They're seeing images.
They're seeing video clips.
It's ugly.
It's devastating.
It's not easy to watch.
There's casualties on both sides.
I'm like, whoa!
Are you surprised that Jews and Muslims are... They're fighting?
They're fighting over land in the middle... They're fighting over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem?
Whoa, dude!
Could you believe that?
I think a lot of Zoomers are getting their cherries popped with this one, to be honest.
It's like, wow!
Israel is retaliating.
Could you believe that?
And casualties are coming out of it.
Islamic terrorists are slaughtering Jews.
Just wait till you find out what they think about the Christians on both sides, boy!
You know what I mean?
But you know, people will come to their own.
They'll get their cherries popped eventually and they'll figure out, you know.
Not all is as what they think it is.
And there's evil in all humanity according to the Bible.
All have fallen short of God.
All have fallen short of the standards of God.
All have fallen short of the glory of God.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Jew, Gentile, this is the book of Romans, Jew and Gentile alone, which actually, if you're actually a Jew, the Apostle Paul, the ex-Jewish terrorist, okay, when he was Saul, Tarsus, okay, the ex-Jewish terrorist that came to Christ and repented, actually pins down in the book of Romans that the Jews are actually more held accountable By God!
Because they've been given the oracles of God.
I'm not talking about the commandments of men, which, by the way, Jesus, the King of Jews, condemned while he was here.
If there was anyone that was more aggressive against the Jews, like, just straight up, it was the King of Jews.
It was Jesus Christ himself.
Just read the Gospels, dude!
Just totally obliterating all of them, calling them children of Satan, calling them frauds.
Saying that their worship is fraudulent and fake and inauthentic?
Calling them whitewashed tombs?
You do not call a Jewish person that!
Like, Jesus!
You know what I mean?
What is he, an anti-Semite all of a sudden?
The King of the Jews is an anti-Semite?
Just read the Bible!
Anyways, the point is, the Apostle Paul made it very clear that you're actually Jew.
You're actually more held accountable by God, because they've been given the oracles of God.
They should have known who Messiah was when he came, but they rejected him immediately.
So you read further in the book of Romans, God has placed Real, okay, Jewish people, they are under a spiritual stupor.
This is all in the Book of Romans.
You read the entire thing.
And eventually they will see whom they crucified and they will have tears in their eyes.
They'll see the ones whom they pierced.
End of the seven year tribulation, there will be a mass remnant in that area as well.
The point is this, is that nobody is exempt from getting called out for their evil.
Nobody is exempt from getting, especially if you're a Christian.
You don't find that anywhere in the Bible.
The only one that is sinless is Christ himself.
No human being, whether Jew or Gentile, all alike, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
And I find it interesting because I did say this, you know, I said this immediately on all the shows when all this started popping up and I'm listening to Alex and Stu go over this whole thing and people questioning the state of Israel.
You know, it's not about anti-Semism.
It's not about, you know, trying to make people hate Jewish people.
If anything, if you are questioning the official narrative of the Israeli government, that's in the best interest of the Israeli people.
I mean, if you think about it, that's what we do here in America.
Listen, they came out the gate immediately.
And when they said that, I didn't trust anything of their official narrative of how it all went down.
Immediately, the American media, the Israeli media, mobilized alongside of the Israeli government and all of their operatives and talking heads.
Listen to all of them.
They all said the same thing.
What'd they say?
This is Israel's 9-11.
Oh, and what's the official narrative?
Well, the official narrative was an intelligence failure.
It was an intelligence failure.
So, huh.
My bad!
How come all the Jews in America aren't calling for resignations?
Whatever narrative you go with, okay, if the Israeli government comes out and says, well, our bad, it was an intelligence failure, it's kind of our fault that a bunch of Jews got slaughtered in the state of Israel, like, where's the uprising for that?
You know what I mean?
Okay, so they're admitting fault?
It was an intelligence failure?
Whether it was an actual intelligence failure or not?
Where are the U.S.
Jews calling for serious accountability of the Israeli government?
For the Israeli people?
That were slaughtered because of the failure of their own government?
You know, but you're not allowed to do that.
You're not allowed to say that.
Oh, you are not allowed at all.
Dude, even Charlie Kirk was asking these questions and they started calling him an anti-Semite.
It's like, what, you don't believe that, what, the deep state only exists in America?
What are you, retarded?
You know what I mean?
It's like a globalism only, globalism exists everywhere but Israel.
Yeah, dude, imagine being that retarded.
My gosh, we'll be right back.
Listen, man, I'm America first.
I'm concerned with American security, sovereignty.
I'm concerned with America success.
I'm concerned with American lives first.
This country is gone.
It's been gutted.
We don't have a southern border anymore.
We don't have a sovereign nation any longer.
And so the reason why this matters is because what's happening right there in the region Is happening here because you've been seeing that for the past couple weeks.
They're calling for a global jihad.
They call for death to Israel.
They call for death to America.
And we currently have a government that's going to sell us out entirely into another never-ending war in the region.
So, you know, I was listening to some Israeli former IDF, very prominent speakers in the media.
They always have intel whenever something's going down in Israel, their former IDF.
I think they're probably Mossad, but they always seem to have intel right when something goes down.
They have hundreds of thousands of followers on YouTube, on Telegram, all over, millions of views.
And it was interesting because he was breaking down what actually happened that day.
And apparently the official narrative, it was a colossal intelligence failure on Israel's part.
And he said Hamas strategically placed snipers all up and down that southern border.
And those snipers took out all the cameras.
And once they took out all the cameras, they took out all the Israeli security, IDFU name, they took them all out at once.
And then they paraglided in.
No one could see it.
They didn't get to Netanyahu in time.
They didn't think it was an actual threat.
And then they bulldozed the entire border.
They start massacring Jews all over the place.
I'm sitting there listening and I'm like, And then they say, this is Israel's 9-11.
I'm like, alright, dude.
Alright, yeah, I don't believe your official narrative.
I just don't.
Yeah, people got slaughtered, but I don't believe the official narrative of how it happened.
See, why is it you can't question this government, but you could question every other government on the face of planet Earth?
Because this is about the people.
This is about the citizens that are made in God's image of that nation.
So I would submit to you that questioning whether the Israeli government has the best interest of their own people is 100% legitimate and on the table.
I mean, false flags are happening all the time.
Governments selling their own people out for their own political interests, whether it's internally or whether it was an op done internally because there's all kinds of political division going on within Israel and their politics, left versus right, woke versus traditionalists.
Very similar to what's happening here in the West.
I mean, think of the ops that the Feds have pulled on us!
On Trump!
Come on, dude!
You think that can't happen anywhere else?
You have to be absolutely retarded!
Absolutely mind-numbed!
Void of thinking to think that that can't happen.
All I know is this.
I'm America first.
And that is a concern to me.
Because I get sucked into it.
You get sucked into it.
The Biden Secretary of Treasury of the United States of America right now, she's all over the media.
They're questioning her saying, well, can the United States of America sustain another war in the region on top of Ukraine?
Oh, yeah.
Yeah, we could sustain it.
She says Ukraine and Israel, now we can do the whole thing.
And at the end of the interview, if you guys didn't see it, you know what she says?
This is how you know it's total BS.
Great reset.
America last is destroying us and dismantling us.
She comes out and says, well, the American economy is doing great.
All right.
All right.
Here we go.
Great reset.
Build back better, baby.
Here we go.
More of my money going to another never ending war.
More of my money.
And I can't even confirm what's actually happening down there or what's not.
People are being emotionally manipulated on both sides.
You got so-called U.S.
Jews calling for a ceasefire in D.C.? ?
Is that even real?
You know what I mean?
I mean, if it is, it's total retardation.
And I wouldn't be surprised.
Because you get all these women out there in support of Palestine and all these Muslims that hate women and homosexuals down there.
You know what I'm saying?
It's like, for real?
I mean, I can absolutely believe that people are that stupid.
But at the same time, is it coordination or is it a mixture of both?
Or is it a mixture of both?
Because, quite literally, that's the definition of a useful idiot, correct?
So, I mean, that's why Americans have to be vigilant.
Don't fall for propaganda.
Don't get emotionally manipulated to choose a side.
You gotta put America first right now.
You wanna know why?
Because these people, these death squads get deployed in neighborhoods and cities in the United States of America.
You know what, husband out there?
If you're unarmed like a total retard and a beta cuck because you think guns are bad, Alright, when these terrorists and these death squads, they get deployed in your neighborhoods and they start dragging your daughter and your wife out by the back of their head and dragging them around, tied up to the back of a Tacoma, the last thing you're gonna be thinking about or virtue signaling about is, I gotta support Israel right now!
I gotta give all my money right now to Israel!
Oh my God!
I gotta give all my money to the Palestinians!
Maybe you are that beta cucked out and retarded.
Maybe you will be thinking that as you're dying, getting killed by terrorists.
You know what I'm saying?
I don't know, man.
Not me, dude.
Not me.
Not me and my family.
Not me and my home.
We can't sustain this.
This country's over $30 trillion in debt and you think we could sustain another never-ending war?
Two of them at the same time?
We ain't gonna be a blessing to Israel.
We ain't gonna be a blessing to anybody.
As we fall apart?
Are you kidding me?
And I've been saying this for the past few days.
Anyone that has such a heart on for Israel.
You know what dude?
Sell all that you have.
Right now.
You and your family.
Sell all that you have.
Join the IDF.
Get on a plane.
And go die for Zion.
And the same thing goes with these people like the Rashida Tlaibs.
Like, ahhh!
The Palestinian children!
Send them all.
Send all these queers for Palestine.
All these virtue signallers.
I mean, you see this.
You saw this yesterday in D.C.
Literally have all these butch lesbians with mullets running around chanting the chat to eradicate Israel.
You know what I mean?
Like, what?
And then you got these dudes, you got these homosexuals walking around.
I guarantee you they identify as women.
They're walking around and they're all pro-Palestine.
I'm like, what the hell?
Come on, dude.
It's like, it's a never-ending, alright, it's a never-ending episode of South Park.
It literally is.
Like, you can't write stuff better than this.
But, to those retards, put them on a plane.
They can go to the front line of Gaza right now and they can go fight Israel.
If they, you know, if they want to put a stop to all this.
And, uh, you know, when you question somebody like that point-blank, you know what they say?
Oh, well, I can't.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, what, what, what, what, what?
You can't?
You're not?
Oh, my God, what are you, an anti-Semite?
Oh, oh, oh, what are you, what are you, what are you, hate Palestinian children?
What's wrong?
You're not gonna go do it?
You're not gonna go do it?
That's what I thought.
Shut the hell up, dude.
I'm so sick of this virtue signaling on both sides.
I really am.
Ain't none of these people gonna get on a plane and go die for Zion or go die to protect Palestinian children.
Shut the hell up.
Like, just seriously, just shut up at this point.
You know, you're not going to, you ain't going anywhere.
And if you want to give all your money, then you write your paychecks out and just keep sending money.
Just keep doing it.
Why you got to suck all of us into it?
While we are, dude, we are, we are experiencing inflation on the verge of recession, possibly depression within the next few years.
If by some miracle Trump doesn't get in, or Trump, if by some miracle Trump gets in, maybe we got a shot at, you know, Pumping the brakes a little bit?
You think we can afford another multi-trillion dollar- two of them at the same time in 2023?
Give me a break, dude.
Yeah, you must really want to own nothing and be happy, I guess.
You must really want to just eat nothing but bugs!
You must really want this entire country to be plunged into never-ending debt so we become slaves.
We become absolutely slaves.
Well, I'll tell you how we're going to get there.
Launching another never-ending war in the damn Middle East.
While our military gets gutted, while we don't have a border anymore, or our police departments are all gay and woke just like the military.
We got the CCP, you know, invading our airspace and the Biden administration knowing about all that stuff.
Hi, everyone.
Everyone say, oh, you weren't supposed to see that.
Everybody look up and wave.
We are so scared.
I just I just have zero tolerance for like cuckservatives to.
That are just like so hardcore.
You know, you got Lindsey Graham and that nagger Nikki Haley that's always nagging, wanting war.
Like, let's go!
We're gonna go die for Israel!
Let's go!
Or the Palestinians.
Let's all go die!
More money!
Like, well, how come when it comes to Ukraine, you want... Well, no, they want for Ukraine too.
You know, I'm talking about a different sect of people.
I'm talking about people... Let me correct myself.
I'm talking about people That are total hypocrites that are like, we need to stop funding Ukraine.
We can't afford that.
That's hundreds of billions of dollars.
Oh, but you know, just give it all to the region.
Give it all to the Middle East, to Israel and the Palestinians, which by the way, that's what Biden is doing right now.
We're literally funding both sides.
Hundreds of billions of dollars, dude.
While we weaken and go poor.
Sounds great, guys.
Doesn't it sound fun?
Oh yeah, I love it.
I just love going poor.
Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, come govern me hard, daddy.
Yeah, pay all our debt, just plunge us into the never-ending abyss of debt, and it's gonna be fun while all the pedophiles take over.
But at least you cared about the Middle East!
Give me a break.
War Room's coming up in a couple minutes.
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