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Name: 20230919_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 19, 2023
2183 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses political persecution against individuals like President Trump and Julian Assange, who oppose the globalist agenda. Intelligence agencies use strategies involving data mining, false accusations, media manipulation. Matt Gaetz has taken a leadership role within the Republican Party due to Kevin McCarthy's lack of action. Pastor Rodney Howard Brown discusses how many people worldwide understand the Western military-industrial complex and its effects on countries like Libya. InfowarsStore is offering various health supplements, including DNA Force Plus, Real Red Pill Plus, and Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula at a 40% discount for a limited time. Owen Schroer appeals his case after being sentenced to prison for participating in the January 6th Capitol riots. The invasion of the US border by thousands of illegal immigrants raises questions about a possible darker agenda.

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Here's more footage of the trainloads.
And again, here's what happens.
Call them whistleblowers, but people that see this in real time, they see the trainloads of illegal immigrants coming in, they contact somebody in the media, they share with them the footage, they say, hey, do you want to see trainloads of illegal immigrants coming in?
Here's the footage, here's where you want to go check, here's where you want to go film.
And so now you're going to see this regularly.
There'll be new videos of the trainloads coming in.
Train loads of illegal immigrants coming into our country.
I mean, what in the hell is that?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, September 19th, 2023.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Tuesday, September 19th, 2023.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And the first major news I wanna break down is the completely
naked and out in the open political persecution of anyone opposing the globalist agenda.
Not just here in the United States.
The exact same formulas being used against President Trump and Julian Assange and countless others.
are being used all over the planet.
And it's never been more naked than it is now.
I want to play a clip for you of President Trump in a recent interview he
did with Meet the Press, where he simply lays out the facts that he is the
political front runner against the Republicans in the primaries and against
And this is not just election meddling.
This is election theft in front of the world while they charge him, amongst other things, federally, for questioning the 2020 election, which was as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
Here's the clip.
You are facing four indictments, 91 felonies.
If you would say it properly, I'm facing four Biden indictments.
He told the Justice Department to indict him, or Merrick Garland said, let's indict him.
Let me ask you this, Mr. President.
They indicted their political opponents.
I just want to hear from you on this.
I want to know what's in your head.
When you go to bed at night, do you worry about going to jail?
No, I don't, really.
I don't even think about it.
I'm built a little differently, I guess, because I have had people come up to me and say, how do you do it, sir?
How do you do it?
I don't even think about it.
These are corrupt people that I'm dealing with.
They're destroying our country.
I don't even think about it.
All I think about is making the country great, making America great.
Look, these are political.
These are banana republic indictments.
These are third world indictments.
The President of the United States sees how we're doing.
We have a movement, the likes of which has never happened in this country before.
And you see it with the polls.
I mean, I'm up on these people by 60 points and 59 points.
I don't mean I'm at 59.
I'm leading them by 59.
You almost say, like, why are they campaigning?
Asa Hutchinson, he's at zero.
Christie's at two.
Other ones are at one.
DeSanctimonious is at nine.
I just see a poll coming.
I mean, I'm leading him by Sixty points.
Mr. President... I'm going to say, why are they doing it?
But here's what they did.
They saw this happening.
And he went to the Attorney General of the United States and he told them, indict Trump.
There's just no evidence of that, Mr. President.
Oh, what?
Because you mean he's... Let's stay on track.
The corrupt establishment worldwide, run by BlackRock and its private shareholders, is using the same intimidation tactics.
But when they stop working and we simply call their bluff, like President Trump has done, it's game over.
Now, one of the other big tactics they're using is intelligence agencies, MI6, the CIA, NATO, they're all doing it, will go after any prominent man.
Who's opposing their wars, their open borders, their global currencies, any of it, by simply going out and data mining.
All the women that a man has been in contact with, and if a man has not been married in any type of dating life, they will simply contact the women and blackmail them, threaten them, or offer them money.
And most of the women still refuse the blackmail, the threats, because they take it out of their past.
But most of the women refuse.
But some of them, via threats or via money or both, will go ahead and go along with it.
So in just the last few days we've seen the head gentleman behind the amazing Operation Saving Children and of course the huge film The Sound of Freedom now being targeted with the exact same propaganda that we've seen with Russell Brand that we've seen just with basically anybody and everybody that the system opposes and that's how they get this job done.
So we're going to look at some of those cases when we come back in the next segment and
all the other big news that is breaking today.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
The only way this information gets out, the only way we circumvent the AI algorithm is
We the people, people power, human intelligence, human.
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I'd like to thank everybody for joining us on this live Tuesday worldwide broadcast.
It is the 19th day of September 2023.
We have a lot of critical news and breaking information to go over here today.
But first off, I want to look into political persecution, not just here, but around the world of anyone opposing the globalist corporate anti-human agenda.
And they're bizarre double standards that are becoming more and more evident on their face to the public.
Again, not just the United States, but worldwide.
It's the exact same agencies, the exact same tactics, the exact same playbooks.
The latest person that the system's coming after is Mr. Ballard.
And of course, Ballard is the individual that the entire movie is based on, the true story of human trafficking.
And that, of course, is the sound of freedom.
And now they are coming after him, claiming that seven women said that he made sexual advances on them over the last two decades, or that he had sex with them, or that he basically harassed them by coming on to them.
Now understand, they take small children all over the Western world, funded by Disney and BlackRock, and all the big corporations chip in and fund, not just Black Lives Matter, but Drag Queen Pedophile Time.
And they take children in, in many cases, to convicted sex offenders.
Have them sit on their laps, and have them shake their butts and their faces, and have small children put money in their G-strings, literally grooming them.
But then, somebody like Ballard, we're told, is just the ultimate evil person, because he's liked full-grown women, and has dated full-grown women.
And some of the women said that he pushed himself on them, including women he worked with.
Uh, in the field and then reportedly during the production of the film that was held up from release for four years.
So just understand how this works.
They can simply go out very, very easily and data mine who you've been around, who you've worked with.
And they can then do a background check on the women, find any dirt on them, find any problems in their lives, and basically threaten them with public exposure or with jail time, or they offer them money, or both.
Now what ties Tim Ballard of the Sound of Freedom in with Russell Brand, in with Elon Musk, in with Congressman Matt Gaetz?
In with Julian Assange, in with Donald Trump, in with Andrew Tate, the list goes on and on.
All of these men challenged key parts of the globalist larger operation.
And that's why they had to be destroyed, or the system attempted to destroy them.
You don't need me to list off the litany of what happened to Julian Assange.
They admitted two women, one of them worked for the CIA on record, As a reported sex operative, went out to a bar, picked him up, said they wanted to have a menage a trois.
He had a menage a trois.
Years later, when the system wants to go after him for releasing all the CIA corruption and war crimes, the woman goes and files a report and says, well, the condom broke.
So it was consensual but the condom broke and then he's caught up in the system and ten years later is still in solitary confinement.
So you can get past the allegation.
You can even beat the court case.
But once they come after you, they tie you up in all the red tape.
Ballard is exposing human trafficking of children and really breaking through the system.
So they're attacking him.
Trump's exposing the entire globalist system and of the open borders and the sellout of U.S.
industry and the whole hate America operation.
So now what's happened to President Trump?
This woman comes out, says decades ago he grabbed her in a clothing changing room at a mall.
There's no witnesses.
She didn't tell anybody at the time.
Her story matches that of a made-for-TV movie a few years ago.
And then she goes on Anderson Cooper and says rape is really hot and women love it, which they don't, at least in my experience or most people's experience they've told me.
And it turns out it's just a complete whack job online.
A New York jury, they changed the laws so they can get rid of statute of limitations, finds that Trump defamed her for saying he was innocent and that he thought she was lying.
They didn't find him guilty of raping her.
It was civil.
They just said, well, we didn't find that you raped her, but you're not allowed to say you're innocent.
So the list goes on and on.
And I know how real this is, because I've been contacted by women and people that I've just known, in fact not even sexually, that there was data mining going on the last five years, six years, where these big corporations and PI groups, that's who they use as the investigative arm, that's really government and major corporations funding it.
What they do is they go out, and you shake a woman's hand at a party, or you take a photo with a woman at a shopping mall because you're a well-known person, or you're some woman's husband, but you shook hands with them and took a picture.
They datamined that, and then they contact him and say, hey, do you know Alex Jones?
And sometimes they contact back and go, yeah, I met him once.
Oh, really?
Did he do anything to you?
And then they find out that you actually dated them.
Well, then they datamined for any corruption they think is there.
They start threatening them.
They start guilting them.
They start offering them money.
But I have not been Promiscuous really since college, early college, when I was really about 18 out of high school, 19.
And so they were unable to data mine that and do that to me.
And they didn't have a big enough pool to find some crazy person that would set me up.
But if I was even bigger like Trump, then there's going to be a lot of haters out there.
And you can obviously find a crazy person that is willing to say that that's the case or someone that wants fame or money or power.
So they really show you who they are.
When they're doing all of this.
And again, if they can't find women to say that you've done something, then they'll have the IRS come after you, or they'll find some quote, regulation you did wrong, or they'll find some business deal that they claimed that you filed something incorrectly.
And if that doesn't work, well, then they just continue to assassinate your character in the media.
And these are all shake-and-bake operations.
They're all very, very formulaic.
Once the story gets picked up, it's run by PR firms.
you will see in the same timestamp, in the same one or two minute period,
hundreds of articles published, whether it's about me or whether it's about Trump
or whether it's about Tucker Carlson, all in the same moment, everywhere.
And I've talked to some of the reporters involved.
They all agree with the PR firms to hold their story to an exact moment
that they all release them.
So quote, nobody gets the scoop on the other one.
And so that's another one of the telltale signs of how this works.
So it's completely synthetic.
And that's why we have a statute of limitations.
That's why it's five to 10 years, depending on the state you live in,
many crimes are two years.
But just pull back and think about for just a moment, how Democrat DAs, Soros DAs are releasing people
that have been arrested for rape, sometimes in a day or two.
Or people with armed robbery, sometimes the next day.
Or even, in the case of places in Texas, where they, gunmen shoot people on 6th Street, or in Austin, or shoot people in Fort Worth, on the side of the street.
And they just release them the next day.
So they want crime in the streets.
They want fentanyl in the streets.
They want homelessness everywhere.
They want crime running rampant.
But when they want to selectively enforce, oh, then it's the biggest story ever that 15 years ago Trump supposedly did this, or a decade ago this other person supposedly did that.
If you've been assaulted, if something's been done to you, well then you need to go report it, at least in the first few years.
You need to have some witnesses.
But the media, the corporate controlled media, has run the idea that We've got to listen to everybody that makes allegations if it's a woman against a conservative.
Especially if it's a man exposing human trafficking to children.
Well then, again, use this tactic like they're doing against Ballard.
We're going to go to break.
Break more of this down coming back.
There's a lot of other big news we're going to be breaking down today.
I want to thank you all for tuning in, but I wanted to talk about this tactic.
Now it's becoming incredibly obvious.
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And we are back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Tuesday Worldwide Transmission.
The next big story I want to look at is the completely dissolved borders In much of Europe and here in the United States, the very same NGOs, UN non-governmental organizations that run the European invasion, the refugee centers are the same ones that run the operations in Central South America and on the US border.
There is now more dramatic footage of gigantic caravans pouring up into Europe.
Huge flotillas coming into Italy out of North Africa.
Just massive train loads pouring up through Mexico up to the Texas and Arizona border.
Biden has gone and had much of the wall that Trump put in cut down.
This is replacement migration.
This is a giant third world population.
being brought in who will, almost none of them get jobs, will be put on welfare and will be another group that the left and the law firms, the Democratic Party and the Communist and Socialist parties in Europe sign up for welfare and then basically milk and farm because of our social system that basically has been set up as a magnet for this.
This is meant to break our society.
It's meant to bankrupt the social safety net.
It is The Cloward and Piven operation and that's why the ADL and other leftist groups come out and demonize anybody that talks about replacement migration because it's a real UN plan.
It's real UN documents.
It's real UN doctrine.
And it is completely operational.
2000 and 2001 document the UN said they want 600 plus million quote migrants here in the United States.
They want 500 million to be brought in by 2045 into Europe as well.
And that's how they are engaged in reverse colonialism.
If you go to places in Mexico or places in Africa, there are nice cities and nice people and even some middle classes.
But when you see who's being brought in from these hundreds of third world countries into Europe and the United States, it is the very dregs, the very bottom of society, criminals, mentally ill people.
Around 80% in Europe and here in the U.S.
are military age men.
The crime, the rape, the insanity, the road warrior level situation is absolutely stunning.
to behold and the globalists are just getting started.
Again, they had a couple years of lockdowns in Europe, a year or so in the US,
but the third world that went on for three years, three years of the IMF and World Bank
that control those countries through debt, has official policy saying,
you can't work on your farm, you can't work at the ranch,
you can't work at the factory, and the people were starving to death.
And so then the strongest, youngest military age men are able to make it up through the different corridors
up to the UN refugee centers.
They're given their debit cards, they're financed with the State Department, USAID,
and then they come in.
This is a mechanized, organized operation.
And finally, what I said under Obama, and now in the last two and a half years under Biden, is mainstream news, Congress is saying it.
That the Border Patrol is there with the National Guard to facilitate bringing the illegal aliens in.
That's why they call them migrants because that's a U.N.
The U.N.
is, quote, over global migrants.
Migrants is a different definition, like of seasonal workers that would come across Mexico for hundreds of years, stay in Texas or California.
That's different.
Or refugees from a war.
Migrants are not people.
That in many cases have money to fly her from China or fly her from Nigeria or come here in all these different ways and then get signed up to be brought into the nation.
Or who can travel up to the Darien Gap in Panama and come up into Mexico and get on a train and then ride right into Texas.
Right in the arms of the NGOs that set them up and bring them in to the globalist family.
This issue is literally critical in the globalist plan to break our back.
And that's why it's really important that we continue to hammer this.
And we're getting very close in Europe, very close here.
To getting new governments in, populist quote right wingers being elected everywhere, that will put a stop to this and then deport these people back to their countries.
Because they're not being brought here to enrich the nation like many of the people that have come here legally and who are the best of their nations.
Instead of a brain drain out of the third world.
to the U.S.
like we had in the past.
We are being given the dregs of society.
So we've got to keep pushing, keep exposing.
There's a headline up on Infowars.com about how, oh, members of Congress want their private intelligence briefings and their secret intelligence briefings to be made public so the public knows how bad it is.
You don't need an intelligence briefing to know how bad it is.
You can go to the Texas-Arizona border.
You can see it for yourself.
It is the end of our country.
You can go to the European borders, you can go to Italy, you can go to these countries and witness it for yourself.
And of course the deliberate destruction of the Western world's borders is all part of a larger plan to destabilize and finally collapse industrial civilization to force a six plus billion, actually we only want to leave 500 million people alive, so that's a seven and a half billion population I mean, it's just so unspeakable.
It's so over the top.
It's so amazing.
And the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the WUF are so public about it.
Bill Gates is so public about it.
Klaus Schwab is so public about it.
I played clips of them yesterday saying they hope they can depopulate us to 500 million in a civil way.
Well, that means they want you to civilly sit there and take it.
To lie down and take it.
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Attention projectionist adjust the lens so that your picture will be focused properly before the show starts
All right, we are now broadcasting live from the Info Wars world headquarters in
Austin, Texas.
An honor and a privilege to be here with you hosting the Alex Jones Show.
Let me just hit the reset button real quick as we are now live in studio.
We are going to get back into the illegal immigration story with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown coming up in about 30 minutes.
And we're so numb to this issue now from years of illegal immigration and illegal immigrants pouring over the southern border.
But it's actually reaching a level of such shock and awe The lack of response to it is also now a story.
When we have train loads and boat loads, and this is all on video, documented, and now the Border Patrol is going down to the border wall gates And there's thousands of illegal immigrants standing on the other side, and the Border Patrol comes over to the gate and opens it up, and then does a head count, like it's a nightclub.
And they say, okay, max capacity for the nightclub tonight, 200, and they sit there and they count them out, head by head, and then they say, okay, now it's gonna be a one in, one out, except there's no out, it's just in.
I mean, talk about shock and awe, talk about invasion.
So, we're going to have that coming up.
I've got a big stack of political news.
I've got a stack of crime news.
We've got a stack of health news.
Now, I'm sure it's happened before, but this week at NFL football games, It appears two men died from a heart attack at the games.
So obviously you can imagine where we're going with this.
Now there's a little more context to be added.
Don't jump to any conclusions, but we're going to get into that as well.
A new Elon Musk story, some more January 6th defendants news with a new charge coming down, and then I also have a bit of a legal update on my case that I want to let you know about.
And considering how supportive you have been in the audience, you deserve to know this latest update.
So we're going to have all that coming up.
But first, let's go to this political issue right now of the lack of leadership from Kevin McCarthy and basically how he has Not made good on his promises to the House Republicans that voted for him and to the American people who he's representing.
He really thought he could get in there, be an empty suit, have some decent rhetoric, and disappear into the night without anybody noticing.
Well, we are noticing, Kevin, and Matt Gaetz is really taking the leadership role that you, Kevin McCarthy, should have been taking up.
So this continued resolution to fund the government for the next 30 days, with all these misrepresentations, oh it'll secure the border, oh it'll stop funding for Ukraine, and all this other jazz, totally made up, totally BS.
Matt Gaetz is the only one telling the truth on the issue, everybody else is playing politics.
And that's what it's, that's kind of the, I think that's the real story here, is that And look, I understand there's a certain level of you got to play politics.
And I don't, I don't, I don't take it as offensively when Donald Trump doesn't want to answer if a man can be a woman and when Donald Trump Maybe changes his rhetoric on the abortion issue.
Still undoubtedly the most pro-life president there's ever been, but people took some shots at him for the responses on Meet the Press on the abortion issue.
That's Donald Trump playing politics, spoken like a true politician.
So, I'm not here to defend it.
I'll explain what it is.
I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I'm not a purist.
But that's playing politics.
But that's a TV interview.
That's a presidential campaign.
That's Donald Trump trying to get these votes in the middle.
What's going on in Congress with Kevin McCarthy and the Republicans playing politics with the Biden administration just to go along to get along?
We can't tolerate that anymore, and Matt Gaetz isn't tolerating it anymore, and what is basically a one-off of the Freedom Caucus now that is refusing to vote in support of this continued resolution, it seems is becoming hardened in its, no, we're not going to play politics with you anymore.
So we do have some updates on that.
We have 19 now.
We have 19 Republicans now refusing to go along with this.
Let's go ahead and give you the names.
These are the good Republicans.
Andy Biggs, Dan Bishop, Lauren Boebert, Ken Buck, Tim Burchett, Eli Crane, Matt Gates, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Corey Mills, Ralph Norman, Andy Ogles, Matt Rosendale, Victoria Spartz, Ana Paulina Luna, Paul Gosar, Tony Gonzalez, Bob Good, Wesley Hunt, Ronnie Jackson.
So this list has slowly and surely grown, and that's a good sign.
That's a good sign.
So instead of the no votes losing momentum, they're gaining momentum.
Now Matt Gaetz has been extremely active.
In more ways than one, actually.
I mean, he's really doing the good work.
He's done more in the last 48 hours than Kevin McCarthy has done in his entire role as Speaker, and the latest gauntlet thrown down by Matt Gaetz is crown-worthy.
But first, let's go to some comments from Gaetz.
Here's Gaetz on the House floor, just a brief response to this continued resolution for the American people.
Here's Gaetz on the floor last night in Clip 25.
Mr. Speaker, I'm not voting for a continuing resolution.
I'm not voting to continue the failure, and the waste, and the corruption, and the election interference, and in some cases, the efforts that could lead this country into World War III.
I oppose the CR authored by my friend and colleague from Florida, Byron Donalds.
The Donald CR continues the Ukraine policy negotiated by Speaker Pelosi and Mitch McConnell in the omnibus that conservatives were against.
The Donald C.R.
is a permission slip for Jack Smith to continue his election interference as they are trying to gag the President, the former President of the United States, and the leading contender for the Republican nomination.
And the Donald C.R.
abandons the principle that it is only a review of single-subject spending bills that will save this country and allow us to tweeze through these programs and force these agencies to stand up and defend their budget.
My friends, we are approaching the days where we're facing $2 trillion annual deficits atop a $33 trillion debt.
This is unsustainable.
And just to continue things with some facial 8% cut over 30 days that will lead to no programmatic reform, Is an insult to the principles we fought for in January.
I yield back.
Matt Gaetz then went on Steve Bannon earlier today and said this.
But let's get to this 8% cut, right?
It's for 30 days.
Is there a single agency of government where an 8% cut over 30 days is going to lead to any type of programmatic reform?
Not even the people who are in favor of the Donald CR believe that the 8% cut is going to lead to any programmatic reform.
It's just gonna be a month where nobody buys any new laptops.
Maybe they cancel a few subscriptions.
Is that what you won the Republican majority for?
Is that what you knocked on the doors for and made the phone calls for and donated the money for?
Because it's not why I'm here.
I'm also pretty down on these like horizontal cuts.
I think it is just lazy to say Okay, well every agency's gonna have the same percentage, 8%, 8% sounds like a good number.
Like, that's unserious.
There are some agencies that need far, far deeper vertical cuts.
And when you just do this homogenized percentage across the board, what it shows is that you're not able to go out and make the case for these specific things that you are trying to get rid of.
So I think that while it's a sincere effort to try to demonstrate that we care about spending cuts, it's a virtue signal.
It's not the actual work.
It's not the work.
I'm not sure who inside the Republican Party is exhibiting more leadership quality right now than Matt Gaetz, but what he has done most recently might be the most powerful gauntlet he's thrown down yet.
We'll show you on the other side.
So who in the Republican Party is exhibiting more leadership than Matt Gaetz is right now?
I couldn't tell you.
I would say it's Matt Gaetz and maybe Matt Gaetz alone taking this leadership role.
And he kind of threw the gauntlet down on himself two weeks ago.
He got called out by the public saying, hey, you know, Matt, you haven't done enough.
And instead of crying and complaining, instead he said, you know what?
You're right.
I haven't done enough.
And I redouble my efforts and promises to the American people to do more right now.
And he's followed through.
Now, one more comment from Matt Gaetz, or well, we'll say a couple more comments from Matt Gaetz on this issue of the continued resolution, and then I'm going to tell you what he's done more recently, throwing the gauntlet down on the empty suit Kevin McCarthy, and really just, quite frankly, embarrassing Kevin McCarthy.
Matt Gaetz says this in the Byron Donald's continued resolution, and he's somehow remaining amicable and friendly during this.
By the way, who would be against this?
Single issue voting bills, single issue spending bills.
with open amendments and spending caps.
We do that or we vote no.
By the way, who would be against this?
Single issue voting bills, single issue spending bills.
It's like, duh.
Because they load these thousand page bills with all this pork barrel, nobody can even
read them.
So why not have just single issue, single page, single line?
It's like, duh, let's simplify this.
But see, the government doesn't want you to understand.
They don't want you to see the single spending bills.
They want to load it all with pork.
We do that or the administrative state wins, possibly forever.
That was the deal written by far brighter people than me in January.
I'm not attacking Chip Roy or Byron or Scott.
I'm trying to convince them that Donald's continued resolution is a horrible strategy.
I just want to get our best players back on side so we can run winning plays.
He also responded positively to this from Gunther Engelman.
If I was Speaker, it would be really simple today.
Listen up, you Democrat and Rhino.
We are shutting the government down until we close the border.
January 6th defendants are released.
Ukraine funding is done.
The 87,000 IRS agents are fired.
And the FBI and DOJ are defunded.
Call me when you are ready to sign.
Matt Gaetz confirms he likes that message, says Gunther for Speaker.
Honestly, I'm really impressed by Matt Gaetz.
This next issue I'm about to get into here is really throwing the gauntlet down.
And here's what's upsetting to me.
There's no organization, there's no general management of the GOP.
Ronna McDaniel is out to lunch, probably literally.
And so, what we have right now is an individual, Matt Gaetz, who's putting forth a full and good faith effort for the American people, and doing the things that universally all Republican voters, I would imagine, support.
And where is his support inside the Republican Party coming from?
19 people voting no?
Kevin McCarthy still wanting a political standoff with him?
An empty suit?
Ronna McDaniel nowhere to be found?
There should be general management organizing and leadership of the Republican Party coming from the RNC Chair, Ronna Romney McDaniel, who's failing us miserably and is an embarrassment to Republican voters.
Because otherwise there's no incentive, other than I guess to prove your value and your integrity to the American people, otherwise there's no incentive.
This is like a rookie running back in the NFL who's maybe number three on the depth chart, coming out on a Sunday at noon and making 15 carries for 200 yards.
General management, the coaching staff says, that's talent.
Get him the ball.
Well, that's basically Matt Gaetz right now.
Now, he's not a rookie, but it's like, hey, that's the guy scoring touchdowns.
That's the guy catching passes.
That's the guy converting on third down.
Get him the ball.
This is our leader.
This is our guy.
That should be the movement behind Matt Gaetz right now.
But see, Ronna Romney McDaniel is out to lunch and she's in Kevin McCarthy's pocket.
So Matt Gaetz has thrown down the gauntlet in a way never seen before.
And what a better way to do this Speaker, excuse me, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Representative Matt Gaetz to Speaker McCarthy.
After eight months of inaction, I have taken the liberty of drafting a subpoena to Hunter Biden.
It simply requires your date and signature.
Millions of Americans are wondering if you're serious.
So now Matt Gaetz has just...
Ben, he took the ball, he ran it 99.9 yards down the field, he's standing on the goal line and he says, Kevin, all you gotta do is grab the ball and walk across the goal line and you get a touchdown.
And you watch, Kevin McCarthy won't do it.
And that will just prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Kevin McCarthy never wanted to score a touchdown and should never be handed the ball again.
Now, Let's read this draft, drafted by Matt Gaetz for Kevin McCarthy, doing all the legwork, running the ball all the way down the field, and then telling McCarthy he can take credit for the touchdown.
To Robert Hunter Biden, Dear Mr. Biden, in accordance with the House of Representatives' duty to investigate President Joseph R. Biden Jr.' 's alleged bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors, and in the furtherance of this House's impeachment inquiry, please find and comply with this lawful subpoena.
This subpoena hereby orders the production of relevant documentary material as set forth on the attached schedule, followed by your participation in one or more days of deposition testimony.
The deposition will be under oath and will be led by the professional staff of the Judiciary Committee as well as its members.
As with all witnesses who are required to appear before the Judiciary Committee, you may raise any relevant privilege objections to specific questions asked during your deposition.
If you intend to invoke your Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination for your testimony, please so inform the Judiciary Committee.
Likewise, for any document described in the schedule, you may make relevant objections in a privilege log, which shall be produced to the Judiciary Committee by the subpoena return date.
Any privilege assertion should be made with accompanying information sufficient to allow an informed assessment of the validity...
Of the asserted privilege.
The attached schedule is focused on records in your custody and control that are uniquely positioned to provide the Judiciary Committee in light of your role in President Biden's alleged bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Please respond to your earliest convenience.
The United States House of Representatives looks forward to your cooperation with this subpoena.
Sincerely, Kev McCarthy.
Written by Matt Gaetz for Kev McCarthy.
Carrying the ball downfield and then telling him he can get credit for the touchdown.
And then here are the 10 points.
In accordance with the attached definitions and instructions, you Hunter Biden are hereby required to produce all documents and communications in your possession, custody, or control.
All email correspondence including sent and received emails, attachments, and metadata between Hunter and Joe Biden from January 2008 to present.
All email correspondence including sent and received emails, attachments, and metadata between Hunter and domestic and foreign business partners from January 2008 to present.
All text message and multimedia messages, photos, videos sent or received by Hunter Biden or any mobile device or application that pertain to his contact with Joe Biden from January 8 to present.
By the way, this is even more relevant now.
That we know Joe Biden had multiple pseudonyms.
So it's not just between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, it's between Hunter Biden and J.R.
Beware and all of his other pseudonyms.
Why did he have secret names and burner phones?
All text messages and multimedia messages sent or received by Hunter Biden to any device or application that pertained to his contact with domestic and foreign business partners 2008 to present.
All records of phone calls, call logs, and call details including but not limited to date, time, duration, and participants involving Hunter Biden and Joe Biden from January 2008 to present.
All documents, contracts, agreements, financial records, communications related to domestic business partners or ventures in which Hunter Biden was involved from January 2008 to present.
All documents, contracts, agreements, financial records, communications related to foreign business partnerships or ventures in which Hunter Biden was involved from 2008 to present.
Any and all records, reports, or documents relating to Hunter Biden's ownership or involvement in any computer, phone, or application used to communicate with Joe Biden and domestic and foreign business partners during the specified time frame.
All records of applications or software used by Hunter Biden for communication purposes with Joe Biden and domestic foreign business partners.
From 2008 to present, including but not limited to messaging apps, email, clients, and social media platforms.
Any other documents, records, or information related to Hunter Biden's contact with Joe Biden and domestic and foreign business partners during the period of 2008 to present.
Now, again, Joe Biden had four different pseudonyms that we know of.
We already have at least one Hunter Biden laptop that they denied was his, and now Hunter Biden had sued twice, twice to keep the laptop from the public, which now confirms it's real.
And then more court filings here in the subpoena.
So Matt Gaetz just did all of Kevin McCarthy's work for him.
Kevin McCarthy said he wanted to score a touchdown.
So Matt Gaetz ran the ball 99.9 yards down the field and is now handing Kevin McCarthy the ball, asking him to walk it over the goal line.
Will McCarthy do it?
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Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Alright, let me take some time here to slow it down, because I was speedboating through that last segment getting into, I mean really, this is Matt Gaetz not only putting forth the good fight for Republican voters and
What Kevin McCarthy said he was going to do when he was fighting to become Speaker of the House.
But this now, I would say, I mean, how long do you give Kevin McCarthy to respond to this or officially file this subpoena written by Matt Gaetz for him?
I mean, I would say 24 hours till the end of tomorrow.
But hell, we can give him to the end of the week.
I don't think it's going to make a difference.
So what does that say?
What does that say about Kevin McCarthy?
And then how do House Republicans respond?
Now we learned, well we've learned this really more so beginning when Donald Trump ran for president, how not all Republicans are Republicans.
Many Republicans are actually Democrats.
And then we saw another example of this.
I mean, basically, you know, it's your Bush, McCain, deep state military industrial complex Republicans that at this point just might as well be Democrats.
Because they're not with the American people.
They're not with the American agenda.
But we saw in the impeachment of Ken Paxton how he got stabbed in the back by Republicans.
That was Republicans that did that to Ken Paxton.
And they failed.
And Ken Paxton's attorney, Tony Busbee, who's now running for City Council in Houston, Texas, in his concluding statement said, this is the end of the Bush era.
This is the end of Bush politics in Texas.
Hope he's right.
Time will tell.
But in this impeachment case, he won.
Now, to get back to Kevin McCarthy.
Now you have At this point in time, a demarcation line, a threshold for Republicans in the House.
And I think you're going to find who the real McCoys are, and who the empty suits are, and who the Democrat operatives are, many of which we've already removed, like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and soon Mitt Romney will be gone as well.
If you don't get behind Matt Gaetz at this point, at least with this subpoena, on the continued resolution vote, that's kind of a separate issue.
But again, Kevin McCarthy said he wants to score touchdowns for the American people, and yet he hasn't moved the ball an inch.
And so Matt Gaetz said, hmm, Well, why don't I move the ball?
And so, Matt Gaetz took the ball 99 yards down the field.
He is now standing on the goal line and he has extended his arm with the ball and said, here you go, Kevin.
All you gotta do is walk it into the end zone.
And if Kevin McCarthy doesn't do that, well what else are we to assume about Kevin McCarthy except that he's playing for the other team and that he never wanted to score touchdowns for us?
Matt Gaetz drafts up the subpoena.
Matt Gaetz drafts up the documents.
Matt Gaetz drafts up the letter.
All Kevin McCarthy has to do is sign it.
So now Republicans that got behind Matt Gaetz during the Speaker process are going to scratch their head and they're going to say, well gee, I thought Kevin McCarthy wanted to score touchdowns for us.
I thought Kevin McCarthy was going to make good on his promises to the American people.
I thought Kevin McCarthy Was gonna do the work that the Republican voters wanted him to do, but now all he has to do is sign a piece of paper, the work's already been done, and he won't even do it?
That's interesting!
That's a really interesting one!
How will House Republicans respond to that?
So we have some of the most shocking footage when it comes to the illegal immigration, Biden open borders that you've ever seen.
I really don't know how much worse it can get, quite frankly.
We have multiple videos of train loads of illegal immigrants coming across the southern border.
We have multiple videos of bus loads, now boat loads, boat loads of illegal immigrants.
And the Biden administration called down to Border Patrol and they said, hey, Why don't you open up those gates down there so that the illegal immigrants can come in and it's like a nightclub with bouncers and they just do a head count and they say okay we're taking 200 in at this point and then they file in the illegal immigrants.
They don't stop them.
And then the Biden administration tells us the border is secure.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown is my guest.
He joins us now.
And so, Pastor, I really don't know how much worse it can get than what we're seeing right now.
Boat loads, train loads, bus loads, plane loads.
I mean, how does it get worse than this?
And then the Biden administration tells us the border is secure.
This is absolute lunacy.
Yeah, Owen, first of all, let me just say thank you for the fight that you stood, and we were praying for you like crazy.
Thank you.
Through your battle and everything.
I've just landed in Cape Town.
Just got off the plane, so I'm on Skype on my phone.
We're on a 10-country tour, but you said, how much crazier can it get?
I think it's going to get even more crazy, because these guys are so frantic right now.
They're ready to pull off anything.
I was watching the news on CNN, sorry if I mentioned CNN, but it was playing in the airport and they were stating that they're expecting major upheaval in Washington DC because Biden's gonna speak at the UN and all the dignitaries, so you don't even know what they're gonna try to pull off.
This is indeed the craziest times that we're living in.
Well, and since you mentioned that, Biden was speaking at the UN.
We do have some of those clips.
It's a typical Joe Biden fumbling, bumbling around, stumbling through the teleprompter.
You can't even make out half of what he's saying.
Zelensky was there as well.
Now he wants more money for this war.
And so, isn't this what it's really all about?
The destruction of the United States of America, first of all through the open borders, but they're destroying our standing in the world by just non-stop funding this war and supporting this war in Ukraine!
Yeah, no doubt.
I'll tell you what, I was talking to Alex yesterday, which I'm shocked about.
We started off in Nigeria, then we went to Ethiopia, then on to Kenya, and then in Malawi now.
I was in Janisburg, Cape Town, Durban, then I go to Swaziland, then I'm on to Namibia, I'll be in Zambia, and then Botswana, and then Uganda, and come home.
It's a six-week trip.
The African countries are onto what's going on.
I was shocked To see how many that were in total support of Donald Trump.
I mean, Africa's telling me he was the best American president.
Totally opposite of what you hear on the mainstream news media.
And then they are fully aware of what the UN is doing.
They're fully aware of what the World Economic Forum, they're aware of what the World Bank, the IMF, and Bill Gates, and all of this stuff.
I mean, I've actually got hope seeing what's happening here on the African continent.
And they just said, we're not good with any of this narrative.
And so, I mean, obviously, they're facing their problems.
taking over whole areas of Africa and of course the whole Islamic agenda.
But these, the Africans are, maybe there's a renaissance going to come.
It's going to come right up out of Africa.
Now we are only five countries into the 10 countries, sure, but I promise you, I'm,
I'm actually one, by the time I get back to America, I've got like hope.
Because there's people here saying we don't, and you will be shocked at how many people watch
and listen to Alex Jones and to Infowars.
It is ridiculous.
And the people that never took the vaccination.
So everybody says most of Africa is vaccinated.
Most of Africa is not vaccinated.
They're not stupid.
So, yeah, and of course they're praying for America.
They realize that this is a takedown of the United States as we know it, you know.
Uh, you just shake your head, but that that's a positive report coming in from Africa and I'm.
I've been with Presidents and First Ladies and Kings, and they're just saying, we're not buying into this narrative.
Well, let's expand on this.
This is something that doesn't really reach the American people, obviously, through the control of the American press.
There's a good understanding in the African nations, when the Western doctors show up, when the Bill Gates doctors show up, They know.
Hey, you know, we don't take their injections.
We've seen what they've done to our people.
They know about the Western military-industrial complex and what it did to Gaddafi and Libya.
So they have that understanding.
But how do you put your finger on the pulse of it?
Because, like you said, they care about America.
It's like people in Africa, people in Japan, hell, even people in China.
It's like they care more about our fate than American liberals do.
Yeah, because they realize that America has always stood for freedom, and they always looked to America.
Now they're shaking their head.
They, I mean, they talked to me about Biden.
They said, how can you have a president That doesn't even make sense.
If it was speaking maybe a foreign language and they didn't understand, they could say, OK, we don't understand the language.
But these people are educated.
Many of them have PhDs.
They went to university in England and Oxford and Cambridge.
And they're sitting and they're going, how do you have a president that can't keep a sentence?
So they're not stupid.
I think You know, obviously, and then they watch the news media.
They just see the media spinning it.
So they pulled off the news.
They said, we don't even watch the news because we know they're lying.
So, anyway, I am very excited.
I know this sounds crazy.
Obviously, we're praying for America and we're believing God for a breakthrough in the United States.
But our borders are open, as you were saying, a flood of illegals coming across, which we know that's the plan.
And you can see what's happening in Europe.
But I mean, I believe they're going to fail.
I've told Alex this.
I said, I believe they're going to fail.
I think they overshot the mark with COVID-19 and with the vaccines.
I think they shot themselves in the foot.
I said, I told Alex, I said, listen, these guys are so desperate to see their new world order come into place because most of them are so old and they're dying.
They want to see it happen before they leave the planet.
But they're going to fail.
I just feel that.
I feel they're failing on every side.
And we're winning the war.
And it's an Infowar.
So I thank God for Infowars and for you guys just daily talking.
And I think even when Biden was talking about masks coming back now in September and then going to lockdown in October, when Alex jumped on that and blew that thing apart, they're backpedaling.
Left, right and center.
And even here in Africa, they said, we're not going back to any of that stuff.
We're not going to do it.
Well, and you go around the world.
You were just explaining you're going to multiple destinations on a six-week trip.
You're working with churches, you're working with church leaders, you're working with missionaries.
But how much of your work in that endeavor ends up being centered around political movements and developments?
Okay, so this trip is actually a three-fold trip.
Number one, we're working with governments.
And actually to warn them of all the vulnerabilities of their countries, to protect the people, to protect their border, to protect their food, to protect their water, to protect their energy.
So that's what we've been doing.
And then we've been working with business people to raise up local business people and to get their farming up, their agriculture up, their mining up, make sure that the foreign companies coming in are not raping and pillaging their country.
Where I was in Kenya, they were telling me, the first lady was telling me that the Chinese are chopping down the baobab trees.
These trees take hundreds of years to grow, and they're cutting them down and hauling them off.
And then they just, after all their mineral, rare earth minerals, lithium, and whatever they can get their hand on, one of the locals who was driving me around, he said to me, he said, the Chinese coming here, they're taking all our jobs.
They don't pay us at all.
He said, this is affecting us.
The same thing was happening in Malawi.
And of course, I got to talk into the government concerning that and then speak to business people.
All right, Pastor Brown, I want to dig into this experience that you have from around the world and the awakening that you are broadcasting now to the InfoWars audience.
We'll be right back with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown is our guest.
He's traveling the world and sharing his experience with us.
And so, we don't really get much of this international messaging, Pastor Brown, where we don't really know what the global meter is like as far as what do they think about American politics, what do they think about Joe Biden, Donald Trump, what do they think about the culture.
And you're getting a first-hand account, a first-hand experience of this.
You're saying it's giving you hope, Uh, expand more on what you're learning traveling the world, talking to world leaders.
Well, when you see what's happening in America, which obviously is very concerning to any American, but then you come to countries and even like the King Kings in Nigeria, of course, they actually are higher than the politicians because they are, it's a hereditary throne and they don't, they're not elected.
So the kings and the chiefs are the highest authority basically in the land.
The politicians come to them.
And so, and then when you go to talk to the presidents and especially people say, you know, why did they do that to president Trump?
I didn't.
From what I spoke to, and even business people, I was talking to a billionaire in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and he's an Orthodox Christian who lives in Addis.
And he is, you know, one of the richest guys in the whole of Ethiopia.
We were sitting at breakfast talking.
That your president, he said, he's the one that was speaking the truth.
He said, everybody else is lying.
So, and this was on the ground everywhere.
I mean, I ask questions everywhere I go.
So what do you think of America?
They say, well, it's like very confusing right now.
We don't even know your president.
Can't even remember where he is.
He can't even walk properly.
And why do they do that to Trump?
So they're asking many questions, but they are asking about themselves.
They don't want The UN's involvement in their country.
They're tired of the World Bank dictating to them, giving them loans and then holding them captive.
If you, if we gave you this loan, then you're going to pass LGBTQ.
We don't want LGBTQ.
In Ethiopia, they do not want LGBTQ.
The same thing in Kenya and the same thing in Malawi.
So they are tired of being forced on by a globalist agenda to basically break down and destroy their culture.
So, um, what I was shocked there was even Ethiopians that were coming home.
They were moving back from America because they say we got time or tied all the same sex nonsense.
We don't believe any of that.
So, I mean, this is what's happening.
I mean, Africans are not, uh, they're actually, they're more civilized than Unfortunately, America is at this juncture.
You know, obviously there's a lot of church people, leaders, they don't want to get involved in politics.
I'm kind of, not really, because as you know, Republicans and Democrats are two heads of the same snake.
But I am involved in the issues that are affecting our congregation.
Oh, and if you remember, I'm the first pastor in America to get arrested in 150 years because I wouldn't shut the church down because of COVID.
And that was on the 30th day of March 2020.
And I happily went to prison.
I wasn't in long 20 or 40 minutes.
I got two misdemeanors.
They dropped all charges, of course, because they realized that the Constitution actually does work.
When the governor made church a central service, they dropped all charges.
Now, I've not spoken to our governor.
Of course, I don't know him.
He never contacted me.
I'm just saying, I think it sent a shockwave across America at that time that they would even arrest a pastor for keeping the church open.
But when I landed, and everywhere we've gone, we've been received like we were representing a government.
And obviously I said, well, we represent the kingdom of God.
We actually fly on an Airbus. I have a presidential Airbus that I'm using. I've got 19 people on board.
And I thought it would have an adverse reaction. Absolutely not.
Every place we go, they have a red carpet rolled out.
I'm meeting with all ministers, you know, deputy ministers, minister of mining and whatever.
And of course, we've got to talk to each one of them.
And they just say, listen, thank you.
Thank you.
We're coming to see you.
Thank you for not vowing.
And when you got arrested, there was a sign to us, do not take the vaccine.
And I was shocked.
I didn't realize that that little trip to prison was actually sending a message to all my brothers and sisters.
Because we're originally from here.
We came from South Africa to America as a missionary.
And I didn't know at that time the Lord had spoken to my heart that as Joseph went to Egypt, was able to help his people in time of famine, that I'm going to send you to America.
Well, I didn't understand how that is.
Who am I?
I'm just from The Eastern Cape of Southern Africa.
But now, in the light of everything that's happened, I've been doing this 43 years, I've been in 89 countries in the world, that when they saw me get arrested, they said, that told us, don't get vaccinated and don't bow.
And so people, their churches, yeah, they never shut their doors.
They're people that continued.
So even though they were under strict lockdowns or whatever, they just continued doing it.
So they told me that I was a ray of light for them.
And now I'm looking at all of them and they're standing up and saying, no, we're not, we're not bound to this.
They're tired of Monsanto dictating to them, you know, the GMO seeds.
They don't want GMO seeds at all.
Their fertilizer has been destroyed, as you know, what's happening.
But I was able to take in, through our organization, 500 tons of No, I am encouraged.
and I donated it to the Kenyan government.
So that hit the mainstream media there.
And they just thanked me profusely.
They said, you don't know how this is gonna help our people because they're about three, four months
until they harvest.
And of course they're needing fertilizer.
So we actually helping some countries get fertilizer right now.
And no, I am encouraged.
And look, obviously we can take cases like California and where the borders are being.
And then New York and some of the other crazy places.
But there are, I think, and I told this to Alex, I think we're the globalists who have overshot the mark.
They thought America was one country that would just bow to me like England.
But they didn't understand, we actually got 50 countries on our borders, each has a constitution.
And what people don't even know, like the state of Florida's constitution is stronger than the United States Constitution.
So, obviously we've got to deal with rhinos, and we've got to deal with, you know, The typical American politician.
But I think people are realizing we can't leave this in the hand of politicians.
Even here in Africa, they realize we have to stand up.
We have to make a difference.
So we've got church leaders standing up.
We have business people standing up.
And we have governmental leaders standing up, drawing a line in the sand, saying, absolutely not.
We're not going along with this.
So again, as I said to Alex, I said, Alex, they're losing.
From what I can see, they're losing.
They think Bill Gates is a total criminal and he should be arrested.
And Fauci especially.
When I mention the name Fauci, they all laugh.
Everybody laughs.
It's like he's become a clown.
So, they hate Pfizer, they hate Moderna, they hate all of Big Pharma and everything.
So, I want to encourage all the Infowarriors out there.
These people around the world, they're not stupid.
And they also see through the whole Ukraine narrative, as many are testifying to new weapons showing up in the African theater, and they're all coming in through Ukraine.
So whatever they were sending to Ukraine is now being funneled into Africa because they wanted to cause a war between Niger and Nigeria because it's all because of oil.
And there have been some uprisings in Africa.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown, we're up against a break.
I want to continue this conversation for another segment.
We appreciate your time.
He's traveling and still dialed in to the InfoWar.
Talk about a true warrior for truth.
We'll be right back with Pastor Rodney Howard Brown.
Don't go anywhere.
We're getting incredible geopolitical international knowledge from Pastor Rodney Howard Brown, and there's two issues I want to dig into now.
And I want to start with the compare and contrast, the juxtaposition between Trump and Biden, because it's so hard.
The American political discourse and the American political understanding is so... I mean, quite frankly, half the discourse When we're dealing with the left is just completely out of their minds.
I mean, it's not even based in reality at all whatsoever.
So it's almost like it's not even worthy of analysis.
These people are lost.
But the international community sees the juxtaposition.
I mean, gas prices in California today, Pastor Brown, are now hitting $6.57 a gallon, compared to $2.53 when Trump was in office.
I mean, if the American people can't see that, and Biden's about to drain the strategic oil reserves, well then, they're just completely lost.
I don't want to say they're hopeless, but you understand what we're dealing with.
But talk about the international community.
They see the juxtaposition with Trump and Biden.
They see through it.
They see Trump a competent, confident, well-rounded, experienced, telling the truth businessman versus Joe Biden, a corrupt career politician who can't even read off a teleprompter.
Talk about the international community seeing that juxtaposition and shocked by it.
Well, I mean, they think it's a joke.
They think America's become a joke under Biden.
And they can see through it.
They listen to what he says.
Even CNN now is starting to call him out on all of the nonsense.
Like, oh, he was raised in a synagogue, but I thought he was raised by Puerto Ricans.
Then he was raised by African-Americans.
I mean, his story changes like a chameleon to whoever he's with.
And I mean, they even watch because, you know, the mainstream media is there.
They get to see Fetterman.
Who, he can't even dress properly in the Senate.
And now we don't even know the guy that's actually there.
Is he really Fetterman?
How did the guy go from a slurring, bungling idiot that got elected?
Now he seems like, did they give him a lobotomy?
Or, I mean, what, what happened?
So the whole, the whole world out here is asking questions.
They want to know what's going on and how can the American, I think that's the question they say, how can the American people not see through what's going on?
And I said, well, there's a lot of people disconnected.
They say, well, I voted and then they don't do anything.
But these guys realize that if, again, as we, and InfoWars is on it, about all that has to happen for evil to prevail is for good people to do absolutely nothing.
And the African people are crying out.
They're saying, we can't have America go down.
America's got to stand.
America cannot go down.
And this is what they're talking to me about.
And even the young people.
So I think there's a whole uprising amongst the youth.
Remember, they're the ones that have had access to the internet.
They've had access to TikTok.
They've had access to many of the YouTube clips and stuff.
So the young people are the ones that are actually asking the questions.
And whatever African country that's bought into the narrative, the young people know we're not interested in this lie.
They can see through everything.
If you start talking about the New World Order, One Money System, One World Religion Order, they could see it.
They could see it.
So, many say to them, please, please tell us America's going to make it through this.
Please tell us America's not going to collapse, because they realize that America is the last stand for freedom, and that as America goes, the lights go out around the planet.
So I said, look, I feel America's going to make it, which I know that sounds crazy, but I'm an optimist.
And I believe as long as there's Alex and Owen and Rodney, that we're going to make it.
We're going to turn this thing around.
Because they're already losing.
They're losing on every front.
I mean, my tour through California and I went before the service two hours and shook hands with thousands of people before they came into the venue and every one of them shook my hands.
These are Californians.
We haven't bowed.
We didn't take the backs.
We don't care what the governor says.
We haven't gotten rid of our weapons.
I mean, so there's many patriots out there.
I think Americans are just not, many of them not vocal.
I was laughing with my team because everywhere we've gone, we've had motorcades when you come in under presidential protocol.
I mean, they're taking you through the cities with vehicles and sirens and stuff like that.
That's how we move around.
And I was laughing when we were in Kenya because the vehicle they used is a tiny little car, but it had the worst sirens on it.
And I told everybody in my party, I said, you see, you don't have to be the biggest vehicle.
You just have to be the tiniest thing making the most noise.
And all the traffic stopped, and they moved this motorcade through.
So I said, that little vehicle there, with those two cops in it, with the sirens and whatever, all you have to do is just be a boy.
All you have to do is just be a boy.
All you have to do is just be a boy.
All you have to do is just be a boy.
All you have to do is just be a boy.
All you have to do He's making a noise for many, many, many years.
And again, we were, because my wife's family that she hadn't even met, she came to see us and we were talking and he said, man, he said, you know, if it was Alex, he said, you're kidding me.
I said, let me call him now.
So I put him on the, I put him on the phone.
The guy said, he said, Alex.
Pastor Brown, this is so funny you're saying this.
I still have a bunch of friends, because I came from sports media, and I switched to politics because I realized the situation our country is in.
I can't enjoy sports if we don't even have a country.
And so I still have friends in sports media.
And they do these things, they do field walks before football games, and they talk to coaches and everything.
And coaches are bringing me up to my friends and they're like, hey, did you hear about this Owen Schroeder who's getting sentenced for a speech?
And they're like, yeah, that's my friend.
I've known him forever.
I mean, the word is getting out.
And like you mentioned earlier, when they arrested you for opening your church, it sent shockwaves through the Christian body.
It sent shockwaves through the church.
And so let me just say, I've got some legal announcement I'm going to make.
I'll make it in the next segment considering this.
But let's just say, I mean, When they go after peaceful people, when they go after good men and women, that sends shockwaves through the body politic and they just say, wow, this is how evil it is?
They're arresting pastors who open their church, they're arresting journalists who call for peace, and it's, I mean, it's a major awakening going on.
And arresting little grannies with big gobs walking into the Capitol after the doors have been opened by the police.
Come on, come on!
And as we were laughing, because I was talking, I mean, we had thousands of people in the meetings in Kenya.
I was speaking to 16,000 people in attendance in the meeting.
And I said, oh, I said, in our country, we just had an overthrow of our government with little old ladies.
And the place roared.
The place roared.
I said, you guys have overthrown.
Grandma and grandpa overthrew their government with a 72-ounce Big Gulp of Diet Coke.
Yeah, yeah.
And because they really see overthrows, yeah, in Africa.
I said the worst Elvis show in the history of the planet involved old grannies and grandpas marching through the Capitol, and some of them have been arrested and never been let out.
And on a more serious note, I don't know if you saw this because you've been traveling, Pastor, the Department of Justice just arrested a 73 and a 74-year-old grandma for protesting at an abortion clinic.
The judge goose-stepped them into the gulag!
It's mind-blowing stuff.
It's mind-blowing, sir, but that just shows you the Communist takeover that's underway in America at this time.
In South Africa, what we're dealing with, all the courts have been set.
So you can't, if you file lawsuits, it's going to take 15 to 20 years, and they've rigged all the courts.
That's what I've been finding out while I've been on the ground.
So the people, the people are questioning everything, and that's what everybody should not tell our church.
I tell every member, question every single thing.
Don't believe anything I tell you, because I told you.
Check it, double check it, and then when you've verified it for yourself, then we move on.
Because that's what people are doing.
They just believe any nonsense that comes along.
One of the things too that they're asking me is how come more ministers didn't say it?
Where were all the preachers?
Why did they cave?
Why are they so afraid?
And I said, well, maybe they're afraid to die.
There's another way they're gonna go, you know, and that's why we preach this gospel.
Well, maybe thanks to your strength and courage, they won't be afraid if they try to do this again.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown, we really appreciate your time as you're traveling.
Revival.com to follow his work, and safe travels, Pastor.
Thank you, Owen.
Keep up the good work.
Bless you.
Praying for you.
Thank you.
That means a lot.
And in that note, I'll go ahead and give the legal update on the other side of this break.
Alright, we're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer filling in, and as I teased, I do have a bit of a legal update, and I feel that I need to stay up-to-date on this news with you in the audience, because of your continued support At DefendOwen.com and just the prayers and the words of support and everything else.
And so I just will give you the personal news to keep you updated real quick and then get into some other news that is relevant to the case.
We have officially filed our motion to appeal the decision a week ago today, hard to believe.
That was a week ago, that historic day in American history.
We have officially filed our motion to appeal as of today, and requested that I still remain on release under probation and pretrial services, as I have been for almost five years now, with perfect behavior.
Not good behavior.
Perfect behavior.
100% perfect behavior.
That's what the pretrial services and the probation officers filed to the judge.
And so that has been filed today.
We are expecting the response from the government by the end of the week.
That's really all that needs to be said about that right now.
Any other pontifications or rumors or anything else there in the news that usually gets this whole thing wrong?
Feel free to read it and judge it whatever you want, but that is the case.
We have filed our appeal, requested I stay out of jail during the appeal process.
This thing could take a year, potentially.
And so that's where it's at right now.
And now getting into some of the developing news around this.
The US Congressional Committee on the Human Rights of the Deaf is now in session.
The US...
government That has taken an extreme interest in my case.
More so than they originally had from the beginning.
So, the notion since 2019 has been, we have to make an example of Owen Schroer.
That was the US government stance, the Democrat Party stance since 2019, is that we are going to make an example of Owen Schroer.
They then redoubled those efforts.
In their sentencing memo that resulted in the sentencing a week ago today.
They have now redoubled those efforts because of Really, I would say the impact of this audience and just the fact that it was a top-trending news story, people couldn't believe that the US government would be criminalizing speech and be trying to incarcerate an American journalist for his speech.
And that is exactly what happened.
You can read the sentencing memo for yourself.
You can read the transcription of the hearing that day for yourself.
That's exactly what the US government argued and has done.
As I've said, and as we knew, and that's why this sent shockwaves through the American people, Owen Schroyer is now the test case.
It's always gotta be InfoWars.
Just like Alex Jones was the test case for censorship, and we saw what happened since, now even Russell Brand has just been taken from YouTube monetization.
Not R. Kelly, though.
Not Cardi B, though.
They still can be there and monetize, but Russell Brand gets shut down.
That's another story.
Alex Jones was the test case for internet censorship.
Owen Schroyer is the test case for speech imprisonment.
That's what's going on.
So now another journalist, another journalist, has now been charged by a DC jury, and that is Stephen Horn.
Now Stephen is not set for sentencing until January.
And I would say it's perfectly fair and reasonable that the outcome of Owen Schroer's case before and after is going to be precedent setting and may impact this independent journalist's case and sentencing as well.
Now, Stephen's legal strategy was different than mine.
He decided to go in front of a D.C.
jury, and so now he actually is facing four charges.
His case is obviously different than mine.
He did go into the Capitol, but he was there filming, documenting, as a journalist would do.
Labeled as a rioter, he did nothing but film inside the Capitol.
Now, going into the details of Horn's case is Revolver.News and many other people picking this story up as well.
But folks, it's not a coincidence that this follows my case.
It's not a coincidence that the sentencing It's going to be in January, and believe me, the precedent, just like Alex Jones with internet censorship, is Owen Schroer with speech imprisonment.
So that's why this is such a huge case.
We'll see what happens in the appeals process, but this could make it to the Supreme Court now.
This has had such an impact.
And again, I thank this audience.
I thank all the members of the media that have covered this case.
I thank all the Americans, not just for supporting me, but understanding the larger issue to support free speech and truth in journalism and justice in America.
They have now charged Ray Epps, one charge for Ray Epps, I got four.
Never went in.
Never encouraged anybody to go in.
Ray Epps did.
He now has one charge.
Now this saga is kind of unreal.
First Ray Epps is on the FBI's list, then he gets removed from the list, and they say, nope, nothing to see here.
Then his text messages and communications leaked, where he's bragging about, he says he orchestrated the entire thing!
Folks, they have my cell phones.
They have my electronic data.
I never said anything even close to that.
I mean, never said anything like that, never would.
And if I did, you'd know you'd hear about it.
Nothing exists like that.
Ray Epps, on the other hand, it does, in multiple occurrences, including the night before and the day of, encouraging people to go into the Capitol.
He faces one charge.
So what is this really about?
Well, it looks like a cover your ass by the government, doesn't it?
Could it be because of this tweet from Tim Pool and other coverage like it?
Tim Pool last week after seeing my sentencing.
Owen Schroer, quote, death to tyrants, 100 days in prison, recommended.
Ray Epps, we have to go into the Capitol.
No charges as of yet.
Defended by media and Democrats.
Folks, there was such backlash from my case, it is likely they've now been forced to charge Ray Epps.
This whole thing is so obviously injustice, it's unbelievable.
And that's exactly what's going on here.
This is injustice.
This is the injustice system and the American people see through it.
I'm still fighting just to stay out of jail.
But what are you gonna do?
When the government misrepresents the facts in their filings, what are you going to do when a judge misrepresents the facts in their filings?
Anti-Trump Obama Judge Tanya Chutkan called January 6th an armed attempt to overthrow this government.
She says in her filing, that's not hyperbole, it was literally an armed attempt.
No it wasn't, there was not a single person that's been charged that had any arms on them.
I guess I have two arms actually.
I guess I do have two arms guys!
I guess, is that what she's talking about?
Because I have arms attached to my body?
I literally have limbs with phalanges at the end of them?
Is that what she means with arms?
I do have an arm.
Here's a bicep.
Here's a forearm.
Here's a hand.
That's an arm.
No weapons though.
Nobody had any weapons.
Nobody had any guns.
And they know that.
So why did she say it was an armed attempt to overthrow the government?
Why did she say that?
Another interesting story.
A January 6th rioter was convicted and sentenced in secret.
No one will say why.
Now, as we approach the 2024 election, this is so key.
Not just for freedom of speech, not just for truth and journalism and justice in America, but my biggest fear at this point is If they can set the precedent to incarcerate and keep Owen Schroer on probation for his speech, that there's going to be hundreds if not thousands of journalists that will suffer the same fate in the immediate future, and now we're talking about an American country where the First Amendment doesn't actually exist as intended, and people on
All sides of the spectrum politically are going to be afraid to speak out against government activity and corruption because they know they could face jail time if they do so.
So we are now in a totalitarian, fascistic, authoritarian, corrupt government state
where speech can now lead to imprisonment.
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Alright, let's just revisit here in this short segment this insanity going on at the southern border because I mean, I just, it's so stunning at this point that the inaction... So how does it get worse than this?
How does it get worse?
Go ahead and roll clip 9.
And by the way, this has been going on for some time now.
These train loads.
And now you have the gates.
The Border Patrol opened up the gates.
Look at this.
This is like a bouncer at a club.
It's like, oh, I'm in line to get into the club.
And they say, all right, we're letting 20 in.
And then they just open the door and they let 20 in.
That's now the southern border.
It's like club, Club America, except everything's free.
Until you have hundreds, you have thousands of illegal immigrants sitting across the border wall.
And now Border Patrol just treats it like the door at a club, and they say, alright, 30 coming in now, and then they count the heads and they let them in.
Look at these guys, they all got new backpacks, they got some nice bling on their neck, they got their iPads, they got their iPhones, they got their new hats, they got some nice technology there, some nice equipment, brand new hat too, brand new bags, but they need more free stuff from us.
And then they just open up the door like it's a club, and they say, alright, 20 in now, and they just let them in.
It's not one in one out, it's just as many in and then they just keep moving it, keep
moving it, keep moving it.
I've got the videos.
There's more videos of train loads coming in.
I can't even keep up with it.
Here's more footage of the train loads.
And again, here's what happens.
Call them whistleblowers, but people that see this in real time, they see the trainloads of illegal immigrants coming in, they contact somebody in the media, they share with them the footage, they say, hey, do you want to see trainloads of illegal immigrants coming in?
Here's the footage, here's where you want to go check, here's where you want to go film.
And so now you're going to see this regularly.
There'll be new videos of the trainloads coming in.
TRAINLOADS of illegal immigrants coming into our country.
I mean, what in the hell is that?
How about the boatloads?
We've got boatloads!
They're coming in by the boatloads!
It's just like, what am I doing here?
What are we doing?
Train loads, plane loads, boatloads, open door policy like it's a club?
Of illegal immigrants?
And then the Biden administration, the press secretary says the border is secure?
How do you even... How do we live in such a clown world?
What is this?
What is this?
Now there's a story developing just outside of Houston, an illegal immigrant city, has been erected.
Colony Ridge.
And we've got all kinds of footage from this.
And there is a journalist who's flying around in helicopters and then traveling around on the ground documenting this.
I'm shuffling through my papers to find this Gentleman's name is Spencer Lindquist.
Spencer Lindquist, documenting this for the Daily Wire.
Folks, what is going on here?
I'm telling you right now, there is an agenda, obviously you know this, but I think this agenda is even beyond what we expect.
They're building a smart city.
They're building a new type of infrastructure that they're testing with this illegal immigrant smart city.
They want to turn Texas blue.
And it's boatloads, trainloads, plane loads of illegal immigrants coming in.
They're building brand new illegal immigrant smart cities on a circular grid.
So it's new infrastructure testing as well.
Do they have something planned to wipe out Republicans in Texas and replace them with illegal immigrant voters?
I mean, seriously, at this point, you gotta assume the worst when we're getting invaded like this, and it's being facilitated by the government.
It's just beyond all reason, it's beyond all logic, it's beyond all common sense, what's going on at the southern border, until you understand that it is an invasion, it is being facilitated by the Biden administration, and I think there's another layer to this that it might be even darker than we expect, folks.
We have an immigration process.
There's a legal process to become a citizen of this country.
It works and that way it builds our country the right way.
We're bringing in charity cases.
We're bringing in people that have no prospects.
We're bringing in people that just want a free handout.
And the Biden administration is facilitating the whole thing at record levels and then lying to you about it.
What is the final agenda here?
And is there more to this than meets the eye?
Elon Musk warns anyone from Earth entering the United States as thousands of illegal immigrants storm Texas border overnight.
Liberal Massachusetts town in Cape Cod protests when state settles illegal immigrants in their motels.
Yet you're being invaded.
Now I understand we don't live in archaic times.
We live in civilized times where land invasions Aren't translated as military invasions or an attempted theft of our future, our resources, because we live in civilized times.
But this is not civilized.
This is throwback invasions, not militarily per se, at least at this point, but this is a throwback invasion for our resources, our money, our land, and our future.
And we're just so numb to it and ignorant to it like a dodo bird that hasn't had a predator in its whole life that we just don't even know how to respond.
We don't even know what to do.
And so will we be wiped out like the dodo bird?
No, this is an invasion.
This is a theft of land.
This is a theft of resources.
This is a theft of our future.
And it's stunning.
To witness.
And I don't know what's more stunning, the fact it's being facilitated by our government, or the fact that the American people don't have the sense of urgency to realize that you are being invaded!
Now, we're gonna move on to some political news.
But first, we have a message from Alex Jones.
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And we are eternally grateful for it.
Not like Joe Biden supporters that get paid.
Joe Biden's TikTok army Received hundreds of thousands of dollars from George Soros to push left-wing causes and bash conservatives.
Soros Open Society Foundation shelled out five and a half million dollars to the non-profit Accelerate Action Incorporated, which then gives that over to the quote-unquote influencers.
On TikTok and other social media platforms, they have Biden paid for support on Twitter as well.
You've seen the teenage boys that they have, and it's hilarious too, because the community notes on Twitter always puts a little note every time these teenage boys that can't even vote, I don't think, I don't know, they might be eligible to vote in the next election.
And it says every time these guys are funded through middlemen by Major corporations for their support of Joe Biden.
It's literally paid for advertising.
So they pretend like it's organic.
They pretend like it's grassroots.
It's all astroturf.
It's all funded.
It's all fake.
And now they're finding new ways to pay their friends.
With your taxpayer dollars, no, not just NPR and PBS, Biden administration shells out over $5 million to give journalists trauma-informed support if they're getting trolled.
And I guess the case study here has to be Taylor Lorenz, who fake cries during interviews, but then doxxes people and shows up at people's front door herself.
Just the epitome of a leftist fraud.
The epitome of a phony liberal in the media.
Crying and whining.
And now these mental cases are getting emotional trauma-informed support by the Biden administration.
Aw, little baby.
Do you need a little binky too?
Do you need a little bottle of wormy milky?
Do you need a little crib?
Do you need to get tucked in with a little bedtime story?
A little pat on the back?
Oh, you need a nap time?
Yeah, you'll be okay, little liberal.
The little liberal needs some mental health support.
I mean, they couldn't make it obvious that they are mentally defective if they just came out and told you.
I need mental health support.
I get trolled on the internet.
It's so hard to be a liberal.
My brain is broken and nobody likes me.
Give me money.
Give me binky.
Give me blanky.
I crybaby, winebag, liberal, petulant child, arrested development.
Seriously, I'm not even kidding.
We should set up an entire fake government and just let liberals run it.
Like it's a Little Tikes kitchen set, you know?
You don't let children in the kitchen with the oven and the boiling water and the knives and everything.
You give them a little fake little kitchen set and they have the fake little chicken and the fake little plastic knives and the plastic plates and the forks and you say, oh yeah, you're making dinner in your little kitchenette.
We need to have a whole fake Plastic government for people like Taylor Lorenz and Democrats and Liberals to run so they can feel like they're doing something special in their mental disabilities, but really they're not ever a threat or a harm to anybody.
But YouTube has now suspended Russell Brand because of the sexual assault claims.
What happened to Innocent Till Proven Guilty?
Oh, that doesn't count if you're a common sense truth teller in the media, then no, you're just guilty as soon as the left says you are.
So the crew, a little sarcastically perhaps, but it's the real story, points out in the break, they say, so let me get this straight with the news I'm covering that the Biden administration wants government paid for shrinks for brain damaged mentally ill liberals.
They say, so wait a second, so liberals Get trolled and have their feelings hurt online and they get government paid for shrinks.
You get your digital identity stolen and you get lied about on the internet and you get a hundred days in prison.
Yeah, that's the caste system that the liberals have set up for themselves.
That's the double standard of justice or the hierarchy of justice that we currently have.
But beyond that, so John Fetterman Or whoever he is.
I mean, I don't even want to get conspiratorial with this thing, but it's just... Did the guy have, like, a head-shaped surgery, or some sort of a cranium-shaped surgery?
I don't... you know.
It's just insane.
You can't even... Now I sound like Fetterman.
But, so Fetterman drives 500 miles to attend this workers' strike, this union strike in Michigan, where Trump has decided He's going to be speaking next week during the second round of GOP debates.
And guys, do we have the clip ready?
Because I just sent it.
This just is breaking now.
So what did I say?
I said liberals should never be taken serious.
They need a fake government to run.
Just like you give your five-year-old or six-year-old a little fake kitchen set because you don't actually want them running around with real knives and boiling water and ovens and stoves.
That's dangerous.
Somebody could get hurt.
You give them a little fake one to play with and it's still fun for them.
We need a fake government for liberals to play with, just like children with fake kitchens.
And so in case you needed more evidence, John Fetterman drives 500 miles to say this at the union labor negotiations in Michigan.
My message to the CEOs is, you know, it's 74 million dollars, you know, collectively earning that.
You know, how many yachts can they need, you know, to yacht, to water, uh, ski behind it?
You know?
I mean, it's just crazy.
You know, I don't know.
This is my message.
No, no, go ahead.
Let's play it again.
My message to the CEOs is, you know, it's 74 million dollars, you know, collectively earning that.
You know, how many yachts can they need, you know, to water ski behind it?
You know, I mean, it's crazy.
You know, I don't know.
This is my message.
So, uh, you see what I'm saying?
So, they should have a little fake government.
We'll give them a nice little room.
We'll give them a nice little house or whatever.
You know, we'll give them a nice little fake government.
And they can stumble and mumble incoherently to one another and cheer each other on and shake each other's hands and act like they're doing a great job in their little fake government.
And that way nobody's actually getting hurt, and we don't have political speech prisoners, and we don't have political persecution, and we don't have the double standard of justice, and we don't have the border invasion, and we don't have vaccines killing people, and we don't hand our government over to the World Health Organization, and we don't start World War III.
Because that actually hurts people, you see.
When liberals get their hands on real government, like, how long do you think it would take If you let a group of five-year-olds, and you said, hey, go cook dinner, and you let them have knives and boiling water in the oven and the stove, how long do you think that would take before people get hurt?
Wouldn't take very long.
Somebody get hurt real quick.
Well, same thing happens.
As soon as liberals get in charge of government, people get hurt real quick and real badly.
So this is already happening.
So we need to give them a little fake government, and they can pretend to play government, just like children pretend to play kitchen, It's kind of like you give a kid a little baby doll.
You wouldn't actually let your five, six year old take care of a baby.
But you give them a little baby doll.
And they pretend like they're mom.
Or they pretend like they're dad.
And it's fun and they pretend, but no babies are actually harmed.
So liberals need a fake little government that they can run, and that way they can have their little thing and run government, but nobody will actually get hurt.
Because when they run government, people suffer, people get hurt.
I mean, even the policies of communism prove this throughout world history.
But it's not just Fetterman!
It's Joe Biden!
It's the leaders of the Democrats!
It's the leaders of the left!
This guy needs a fake government he can be president of.
I mean, listen to what he says here in clip 5, addressing the UN today.
Now as we evolve our institutions and drive creative new partnerships, let me be clear.
Certain principles of our international system are sacrosanct.
Let me be clear as he mush-mouths.
Play it again.
Now as we evolve our institutions... Alright, pause it.
Pause it.
Pause it.
What do you think he said there?
What do you think he said there?
I'm actually going to try to find this out.
What do you think Joe Biden just said there?
Let's play it one more time.
I'm going to listen very intently here.
Let's try to figure this out.
What did Joe Biden just say?
Go ahead.
Now he has the of all our institutions.
I have it.
And Dr- I- I- I realize of all the institutions?
Does anybody care to take a guess here? I- I- I- I'm at a loss.
Let me hear it one more time.
It has to do with our institutions.
That's not in the English dictionary.
That is not in any English lexicon that I know of.
Alright, play the whole clip here.
Now he has to involve our institutions and drive creative new partnerships.
Let me be clear.
Certain principles... And then they laugh because he can't talk.
...are sacrosanct.
And he stumbles and fumbles again.
Folks, the UN is laughing at this clown.
But that's fine, because he shouldn't be in charge of anything real.
It'd be like, again, it'd be like the little kid playing in the kitchen set.
And, uh, you know, they knock over the fake boiling pot of water and, oh no!
And you say, oh, that's cute.
That's like Joe Biden.
What did he say?
Oh, that was kind of cute.
These are not serious people.
Um, and then Joe Biden, I think he meant, I don't think he meant to say this.
Did he mean what he said here in clip four?
Together with China on issues where progress hinges on our common efforts.
Nowhere is that more critical than accelerating the climate crisis.
Than the accelerating climate crisis.
He wants to accelerate the climate crisis.
See, these people should not be taken seriously.
They're not serious people.
And now he just wants to give your money to the World Bank.
He doesn't even hide it.
Here he is saying that in clip three.
Under the new president of the World Bank, change is already taking root.
Last month, I asked the United States Congress for additional funds to expand World Bank financing by $25 billion.
And with the G20, we rallied the major economies of the world to mobilize even more funding.
Collectively, we can deliver a transformational boost to World Bank lending.
So, he wants to give money to the World Bank.
He wants to give more money to Ukraine.
Zelensky was there begging for more money for Ukraine.
These are just not serious people.
And so they shouldn't be running the real government.
Look, I'm just a solutions guy.
Honestly, I'm just a solutions guy.
And so what is the solution to these deranged Democrat liberals that are just so desperate to run government and run our lives?
You give them a fake government.
I'm dead serious about this.
We should set up a fake government, a fake Congress, a fake Capitol, and just let the Democrats run it all.
And that way nobody gets hurt.
New poll, 50% of independents support impeaching Joe Biden despite zero media coverage of his numerous criminal actions.
Nobody likes this guy.
And the Democrats are gonna run him again.
Or will they?
Or will they pull the switcheroo?
Because Joe Biden can't even talk.
Alright, let's get a little political here.
Dealing with the 2024 election and some other developments surrounding it implicating its outcome.
throws down gauntlet on rigged DNC promises to look at other option if Dem Party bosses won't allow fair and free election.
I think this is the only way for Kennedy to go.
Now, unfortunately, it's a sad result and representation of how corrupt U.S.
politics are, more specifically, how corrupt Democrats are, because RFK Jr.
should be the Democrat nominee.
Instead, they're getting behind Joe Biden, who is a mush-mouth in front of the U.N., has an impending impeachment coming up, and whose son eventually is ultimately going to be subpoenaed And I don't know how they keep it under wraps for another 12 months, the pay-for-play bribe schemes and everything else that we've seen from the Biden crime family.
And that's who they're gonna run?
So it's really just a mystery who's really gonna run the, or who's really gonna get the nominee for the Democrat Party, but we know it's not gonna be RFK Jr.
Now again, that just shows the Democrats aren't about winning, they're about corruption.
That just shows that the Democrats aren't trying to even find viable populist candidates.
They're looking for corrupt candidates that they can control.
Now, unfortunately for RFK Jr., that basically means an impossible path to victory, because I don't see how any third-party candidate wins a presidential election.
If he does decide to keep campaigning, which I hope he does, and he does decide to run third party, which I also hope he does, that's bad news for the Democrats.
And I think if nothing else, I think if nothing else, RFK Jr.' 's role in the 2024 presidential election might be the most important.
Because if he runs third party, takes all those votes away from Joe Biden, it does one of two things.
It either eliminates the Democrats' chance to win a presidential, a general election with the Electoral College, or you'll have RFK Jr.
probably getting more votes than any third-party candidate that we've seen maybe ever, definitely in modern American history, and then somehow Joe Biden will still get 90 million votes.
Even though nobody knows a Joe Biden supporter.
And then anybody that questions the election results will go to jail just like Owen Schroer.
If they get their way.
But you're not allowed to question election results.
B-roll clip one for me.
Connecticut police have launched an investigation after video evidence was discovered of a Democrat clerk dumping illegal mail-in ballots into a drop box at 5 a.m.
in the morning for the recent Democrat primary election.
That's right.
And they have her name and they have all the votes that she put in there.
It was more Democrat ballot stuffing illegally.
And so, you know, that's what's so frustrating about this stuff.
Because in these cases, you know, judges and even lawyers, we'll just assume the best about these individuals for the sake of this segment.
They're just all about the law.
And so they're not news aggregators or political commentators or journalists like I am.
They haven't seen the litany of evidence.
They haven't seen the litany of anomalies that went into the 2020 election, which makes us doubt or completely disbelieve the results.
They haven't seen it!
And so how can you really give a fair judgment In these cases, when they're criminalizing, denying election results, but you don't even know the evidence or the real story behind it.
You've never seen 2,000 mules.
You've never looked at the vote data in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia.
With the Biden vote Viagra, 300,000 votes at 3 a.m.
They don't know these stories.
They don't cover these stories.
They're involved in the law and the court process.
And so it's and that's where the American media is supposed to come into play.
But they bury these stories and they make sure nobody knows about these stories.
And they censor the individuals who try to get these stories to the public.
Newly obtained evidence shows key signatures are missing on Wayne County's 2020 general election certification.
They didn't even have the signatures to certify it.
But they did.
And Mike Pence didn't have the courage to investigate it.
And now the people that were there that were asking him to make that legal, lawful move that the Democrats have done before.
They get ignored, they get arrested, and then more evidence proves that that is exactly what should have happened.
Donald Trump to counter-program second GOP debate by appearing with striking auto workers in Detroit.
That's going to be an interesting one.
Trump vows to appoint task force to review cases of those he claims were unjustly prosecuted by the Biden administration.
Yeah, that's more important than 87,000 IRS agents, I promise you.
Vivek Ramaswamy commenting on the Michigan defendants, five of them all acquitted by the way.
So you had a situation, I believe it was 21 individuals plotting to kidnap Governor Whitmer and only five of them were not federal agents.
So it was like 16 or 17 of the 22, I forget the exact numbers.
But I think it was 17 federal agents plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.
Of course, they don't get any charges.
And then the five individuals that they were able to entrap in this crime all face charges.
All of them got acquitted.
Vivek Ramaswamy commenting.
Three more quote domestic terrorists who allegedly plotted to kidnap Michigan's governor in 2020 have been acquitted of all charges.
This brings the total number of acquittals to five.
This appears to vindicate their defense that the FBI entrapped them to do something they'd never have done themselves, validating yet another conspiracy theory.
Enough complaining about corruption.
Time to shut it down.
I like that.
Vivek Ramaswamy, shut it down.
Shut the federal government down.
It is clearly corrupted.
But at least jurors in Michigan saw through it.
At least jurors in Michigan said, wait a second, the FBI can't come together and plot to kidnap the governor and then invite you to dinner and say, see, you plotted to kidnap the governor.
And that's basically what they did.
Now, does this set any precedent for January 6th defendants?
Well, unfortunately, they'd face a D.C.
jury, and I would be surprised if anybody involved in that legal process even knew about that story out of Michigan.
See, and that's the frustration.
They don't know this stuff.
They don't follow this stuff.
Would it change their minds if they did?
I don't know.
Hunter Biden sues IRS after whistleblowers reveal he was given sweetheart deal for not paying taxes on million in illicit business deals.
Hunter Biden alleges agents tried to target and embarrass him.
But didn't you commit the crimes?
So this is... I don't understand... I've seen legal experts and analysis on this and they're saying this is this mind-boggling that he would do this because it really just opens himself up for more discovery.
But maybe there's another legal strategy here.
I don't know.
Lauren Bovert breaks up with Democrat bar owner who groped her during Beetlejuice date.
She then said she's going to have to do a political background check on future dates.
Don't blame her.
So was the whole thing a set-up?
Was the whole thing a set-up by that Democrat?
And then did Republicans do the Democrats' work by calling her to resign?
Nice going, guys.
Way to go.
But now it gets even crazier.
Lauren Boebert could face sex crime charge under Colorado's lewdness law.
Now, this is ridiculous.
It's not gonna happen.
The notion here that liberals and Democrats are pushing that Lauren Boebert facing a sex crime charge because she got felt up and had some handsiness at a Beetlejuice musical.
The law was written so pervert Democrats couldn't grope your children in the classroom, couldn't show your children pornography in the classroom, and couldn't read to them books about how to have anal sex.
And the Democrats want that all to be legal, but Lauren Boebert getting handsy at a musical in a dark theater, that they want charged.
I mean, these people are just out of their minds.
All right, now.
A couple odds and ends before Royce White takes over in the fourth hour of today's Alex Jones transmission.
On the Biden corruption, there's nothing there.
There's nothing to see here.
The White House has always been honest.
Corrine Jean-Pierre is a straight shooter and honest dealer.
Just listen to her on MSNBC and Clip 12.
And let me just say it is a no evidence impeachment inquiry.
It is baseless.
There's no evidence.
Even Republicans in Congress have said there's no evidence.
It doesn't exist.
And so that's the thing that the American people need to also realize.
There is nothing there.
It's just so frustrating, isn't it?
Is it just like standard for the recipe to be a Democrat that you have to be a liar?
Is that just standard recipe?
I mean, seriously.
Like, what's the deal here?
It's kind of like, you know, certain cooking recipes.
Like, some things are standard.
You might need butter, you might need starch.
It's like, just standard.
That's standard for the recipe.
Is it just standard Democrat recipe?
You have to be a liar.
Kareem Jean-Pierre knows she's lying.
But it's beyond lying.
It's inversion of reality.
Look at what they just tried to do in Ken Paxton.
That was an actual, no evidence impeachment.
And the individuals that brought the impeachment against Ken Paxton, when they were put on the stand, they had to admit they never had any evidence.
But Karine Jean-Pierre goes up there and lies for the Bidens and lies to the American people.
That is the White House Press Secretary boldly and confidently lying to the American people and MSNBC.
And the host, of course, doesn't say anything.
And so, here's the deal.
We can have debates all day long.
Should they impeach Biden?
Should they not impeach Biden?
There's a fair debate and there's fair considerations on each side.
But at this point, the impeachment has to go down and the evidence has to come out.
It has to, folks.
It just has to.
Whether that means Kamala Harris is the president for a week or whatever the hell else goes on.
I understand the issue with decorum and to just become regular in politics.
I get all the issues.
All fair.
But at this point, to have the White House Press Secretary go on national news and lie to the American people saying there's no evidence, now you've just got to do it and you've got to present the evidence in a courtroom.
Now of course the evidence is already out there.
But let's, no, no, no.
Let's get it in a courtroom.
Let's get people under oath.
Let's just go now.
Let's prove that Karine Jean-Pierre, beyond any reasonable doubt, is a known, bold-faced liar as the White House Press Secretary.
Now, the F-35 story from yesterday.
Now has the legend of the Skanksville, Pennsylvania 9-11 plane crash.
The non-existent plane that crashed into the Pentagon building is now the F-35 in South Carolina.
And they say, oh look, it crashed right where the pilot ejected.
And so nobody's buying this.
And here's the footage that's coming out.
Look, I don't even know what to think, quite frankly.
I'm not even... I'm leaving this one open for interpretation.
You can believe it, you cannot believe it.
But nobody believes it.
We've been lied to so much by the government.
The story doesn't add up.
They needed a hotline to help find the plane crash, and then it's right where they left it?
It's right where the pilot ejected?
Is anybody buying this?
So, I mean, folks, again, it's literally the Skanksville, Pennsylvania plane crash where there's no plane debris.
It's literally the plane crashing into the Pentagon on 9-11.
There was no plane.
So you might argue, well, maybe there's just not much left over from the plane crash in Pennsylvania.
Okay, fine.
Maybe there's not much left over from this plane crash, either?
Like, nothing?
And nobody could see it?
And there was no fire?
But if you believe a plane hit the Pentagon building, then you probably believe there's no evidence of corruption in the Biden family.
Here's what Nancy May said about this yesterday in clip six.
And you would think that they would know the amount of fuel when the plane
was refueled before takeoff.
You would know, you would think that because of the trajectory, they at least knew until the pilot ejected based on the fuel that the pilot likely had roughly how much time on autopilot the jet would have, but they didn't even have basic minimum information.
So you can imagine as a person who represents a low country where this event happened, that I am frustrated would be an understatement right now because our community deserves Basic minimum answers.
They deserve to know whether or not this is still a public safety threat or issue and what's going on.
So here's what we know since the quote-unquote missing F-35.
Here's what we know.
The military grounded all jets for two days.
Now why you would make that announcement public is beyond me.
I don't, I mean, that is just, like, what?
You're telling China, Russia, and everybody that you're not flying any jets for two days?
Seems like a bad idea, but this is the most incompetent administration of all time, so I guess that's how stupid they are.
And now we also know that they are claiming, the government is claiming, that the plane crashed right where the pilot ejected in South Carolina.
So, this just leaves, now, even more questions.
So, what took them so long to find it if it was right where the pilot ejected?
Maybe you don't believe that.
Why did they ground all other jets for two days?
Well, the belief, I think, the common sense logic would reason that they're afraid that this jet got hacked.
So, who hacked it?
There are Chinese parts in these planes.
There's also theories of corporate sabotage.
Lockheed Martin, the U.S.
government, engaged in contract negotiations.
Big money on the table.
Is somebody trying to... Is somebody trying to... move the needle a certain direction in those negotiations with this mishap?
Do you believe any of it?
But okay, so here's what we're supposed to believe right now.
The plane crashed in South Carolina right where it went missing, and the pilot ejected, and so okay, well then the plane just crashed, I guess.
It's not a threat, it's not like somebody stole it or anything, right?
Okay, they want us to believe that now.
And yet they're afraid of some level of compromising, or this technology being compromised, because they're grounding all other jets.
So more incompetence, though, from the Biden administration and from the Democrats at large.
These are residents of Chicago now.
They want the borders closed to Chicago.
Democrats said, give us all your illegal immigrants, but we really just meant keep them in Texas.
Here it is in clip seven.
I wanted to know if there is a capacity limit and what is that limit if there is one and
what is, why can't we close the borders of Chicago or the state of Illinois in the first
Why can't we close the borders?
I don't know if there's a limit.
I do know that when you are seeking asylum, you are granted protections from the U.S.
to not return.
So that is a process that folks are going through when they come here, when they get their interview, and then the Texas governor sends them to Illinois, and specifically Chicago.
Once they do an interview in Texas, they get to come regardless.
Texas says, you're an asylum seeker, you're being persecuted, so... Which is not happening.
That's not happening.
They're just coming here for free stuff.
Now for the sake of time, pull it down real quick.
Look at this liberal logic.
Again, this is why liberals need a fake government that they can play with so that people don't get hurt.
This is such illogic, you can't even believe that a full-grown adult human would possess it.
So, we want to close the borders of Illinois, we don't want any illegal immigrants, keep them in Texas.
Hey, there are illegal immigrants in Texas too!
Their status of an illegal immigrant is the same in Texas as it is in Illinois.
So why wouldn't you shut down the southern border?
What is that logic?
Hey guys!
Hey guys, I'm having a big party.
Everyone is invited to my party.
I'm having a huge party Friday night, show up about 8 o'clock.
Drinks provided, food provided, show up about 8 o'clock.
And then everybody shows up at my house and I say, no, no, no, the party's at my neighbor's house.
So then everybody goes to my neighbor's house and raids their fridge and raids their pantry and then cooks barbecue and brings beers and everything and has a big party and tears their house apart.
And my neighbors say, well, wait a second.
You were the one that said you were having the party.
Why are you sending them to my house?
I didn't have a party.
I didn't want these people here.
Oh, no, no, no.
That's my party.
It's just at your house.
That is Democrat liberal logic.
These people need a fake government that they can play with and feel special without hurting anybody.
Because they are destroying our country!
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It's time to return a little logic and common sense to our Congress, and making sure Democrats aren't in there would be an easiest step for that, because they clearly possess neither logic or common sense.
But here's a little bit from Senator Mike Lee in clip 8.
We're $33 trillion in debt.
For one reason.
We're doing it wrong.
This is how we do it.
This is how we spend in Washington.
We tie every single spending item to every other spending item, and then members of Congress are told, you've got to pass all of it in order to get any of it.
You want to fund the troops, you want to fund Social Security, you want to fund this, that, or the other?
Then you have to fund everything else in between.
With no opportunity for individual input.
This comes about usually as we approach the end of a spending period, as we now are.
On September 30th, we'll run out of money at midnight.
At some point in the days leading up to that, typically what'll happen is this.
A small handful of appropriators will write something up with a push from the law firm of Schumer, McConnell, McCarthy, and Jeffries.
And it'll materialize!
Just shazam!
Here you go!
From out of nowhere, here it is.
Usually there's just a few hours to go.
You've got to pass this thing.
And if you don't, there will be a shutdown.
If there's a shutdown, we will blame you for that.
But, hey, vote how you want.
You will have no opportunity to amend this.
You will have no opportunity to read it, to understand what's in it, to share it with your constituents, to object to it, to improve it, to cut it.
So the law firm of Schumer, McConnell, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, McCarthy, and Jeffries keeps changing the law firm.
It keeps running the bills.
And what happens is almost every member of Congress is cut out of that process.
And what that means is that the hundreds of millions of people that most members of Congress represent are in turn cut out of the process.
This process will continue.
And it's deadly deficit and debt ushering consequences will continue to devastate America until it no longer works.
But it will work as long as members vote for this.
It's time for the American people to expect more.
It's time to expect an actual process and for members of Congress to have a say.
So there you go.
Summarized quite well I would say by Mike Lee in that clip.
And so this is what we're up against, and they're going to try to do it again, whether they get this continued resolution or not, that's what the swamp is going to do again.
They wait until the final hour, they present the bill, and they say sign it, or veterans don't get money, and these groups don't get money, and these groups don't get money, so it's like a hostage negotiation.
And then, and then, members of Congress know, well, gee, if I don't vote for this, now I'm gonna get attacked by it.
The big Republican money machine, the big Democrat money machine, the big media machine, is gonna attack me saying, I didn't vote for veterans, I didn't vote for healthcare, I didn't vote for this!
And they're afraid that's gonna cost them.
So, they vote for it.
This is corruption in our Congress.
This is how it's been going for my entire life.
And who writes these bills?
How do they always appear just moments before the vote is needed?
The good faith fight and effort being put forth by Matt Gaetz in this exposure And this attempt to stop this from happening again needs to be supported.
And I'm glad, at least now, that he has a voting bloc in the House of 19 Republicans that are not going to vote for this continued resolution.
Because, would you rather shut down the government, which means it's not going to be shut down, folks.
They're still going to have wide open borders.
They're still going to fund the war in Ukraine.
It's like Zelensky today.
This is how absurd it is.
Zelensky is speaking to the UN today about how we need to stop man-made climate change.
This guy is causing more climate change than anybody else with his war.
Do you think war is good for the climate?
The productions of the materials and the tools and then the bombs and then the actual fighting and everything?
And the tanks and the airplanes?
Is that good for the climate, Zelensky?
So he asks for more money for war and then he says we need to do more to stop climate change.
These people are clowns.
I'm sick of our planet being run by clowns.
So let's give them a fake government that they can run so that they can stop hurting people.
Royce White hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
It'll be right back after this.
Royce White about to take over here on the Alex Jones Show.
I want to cover something real quickly.
This week at NFL football stadiums, we had two deaths.
One individual on Thursday night football from a heart attack.
And this stuff does happen.
We're talking about stadiums full of a bunch of people.
I mean, I'm not going to leap into any conclusions about the vaccine causing it, but OK, I think there's fair reason to be concerned.
You had then a fight at a game between the Patriots and the Dolphins, where there was a fight and an individual Who died a cardiac arrest, it's being reported, after getting hit in the head.
And so there's a couple tragic cases here where, first of all, why are we fighting at a football game and killing one another at a football game?
And then it's, well, why did this individual have to go into cardiac arrest after being involved in a fight at a football game?
So there's multiple levels of this tragedy, quite frankly.
And I said this and I learned this at a young age being in sports media that, wow, if we had the same passion for freedom and truth and justice and the future of our country as we do for sports, We probably would not be in the dire situations that we are in today.
And if we had professional athletes and others in the sports media that were willing to tell the truth, like our next host Royce White, we would probably be in a better position Defending our freedoms in this country as well now Royce White Joins me and takes over the show from here But I wanted to I wanted to be here to pitch it to Royce because first of all As far as I know Royce you're the only professional athlete that has voiced support for my case and so I wanted to personally Thank you for that and I wanted to kind of give you a little segue here and and get your knowledge out there for the audience because
Obviously, I came from sports media.
I still have a lot of friends in sports media.
As you know, sports media and athletes, they intertwine.
Sometimes there's even some relationships there.
And so, I was confirmed with multiple reports that there were some murmurs on football sidelines this weekend about my case.
There were some murmurs in broadcast booths this weekend about my case.
But you were the only individual that actually said anything publicly about it, so I wanted to personally thank you.
But I wanted to get your take on this as I hand the reins over to you.
Folks, there are patriots in professional sports.
There are.
They are on the fields.
They are in the locker rooms.
They are in the media.
You just don't hear from them as much.
So, Royce, you're one of the most outspoken.
We appreciate you for that.
And I hope other athletes, and maybe the younger generation of athletes, will take from your role and your leadership in the free speech and the fight for truth and justice in our country, Because I really think that that cultural impact will be felt to help save our freedoms and the future of this country.
So, Royce, thank you, and you take over from here.
Thank you, brother.
I appreciate it.
Godspeed to you.
The great Owen Shoyer, ladies and gentlemen.
This is your host here for the Hour, Royce White.
I'm glad to be introduced by a man who's put in a lot of work and a lot of effort to fight for freedom and speak the truth against the power of the establishment.
We wish, you know, Godspeed to Owen and everything that's taking place right now.
We're all living in dangerous times where the banana republics and kangaroo courts are just as dangerous to us as they've shown themselves to be toward him.
And I reject.
All of these court proceedings that have taken place in the January 6th situation, in the most general sense, just because I understand how duplicitous it all is, but Owen specifically, and we thank Owen for the work he's continued to do, and our prayers and thoughts are with you here in Minnesota, here in the belly of the beast, so to speak, and Owen, you know, what Owen's saying couldn't be more accurate.
Not only are there patriots in our professional sports, not only are there patriots who are leaders, natural-born leaders, leaders that could be a real force for good in our country and around the world, I would say there's a big number of them.
The gatekeepers, as Ice Cube called them, the gatekeepers have created a culture where athletes know instinctively The way we were groomed, the way we were brought up, the way we were trained.
When it comes to media, when it's the things we're told about the potential of success in our career, we were brainwashed and groomed to not say the thing that could cost us opportunity, professional opportunity or economic prosperity.
We were taught that.
Don't say anything that could potentially ruin your money.
Don't ruin the deal before the deal is even presented to you.
Give yourself a chance, right?
And that's really the pitch of this entire globalist establishment.
And it's no wonder they found such sympathical with professional sports and professional
athletes because nobody is incentivized through money and economic, individual economic prosperity
more than your professional athlete.
And even more so to double down on this point, understand that the hyper commercialization
of professional sports was the conduit for it being the puppet of globalism.
And so too is the case for the rest of capital markets, capital gains, corporations and the
entire economy.
The entire network of companies that make up this great American economy and the global economy.
And you see it with with CEI, right?
Corporate Equality Index, Corporate Equality Index.
You see what's going to happen.
The Fed and all of the financial institutions that preside over us are going to start to make it very, very difficult to find operating capital and funding for your business if it reaches a certain size, if you don't play ball with their political ideology.
And that's InfoWars, and InfoWars has been fortunate enough and courageous enough to stay out there in the void, in the wilderness, and find their way to fund their own campaign through your great contributions and for the InfoWars audience all around the world, and been able to sustain themselves that way.
And it's not by accident that the establishment, this mainstream media, liberal mainstream media industrial complex has demonized Alex Jones and the entire Infowars team, including Owen, because they've been able to have success and find success out there in the wilderness, away from the funding and influence of all of these corporate oligarchs.
And I pray every day and I minister every day to young professional, young athletes who are coming up.
Who may, in fact, become professional athletes in the future, but professional athletes that I still know today that are in there, that don't believe in this agenda, that don't believe in this ideology, but in some cases feel trapped, in some cases don't know enough information to feel confident to make a definitive statement on certain matters.
And I try and give them permission, just as an Owen Shoyer and Alex Jones have given me permission.
To speak out on the things that many people would say sound crazy.
That's why my podcast Please Call Me Crazy is titled just that.
Being called crazy in this generation is something we should wear as a badge of honor because we live in crazy times.
We're going to get into a lot of stuff over the course of today's show.
I really wanted to talk about one particular, one particular political poll that I think is definitive of the times we live in.
That would be when the Democrats, I think it was Rasmussen, this was 2022, late 2022,
so early last year.
We're headed into the new year, but hey, time flies.
That's another thing we got to be clear about.
Time flies, especially when things are crazy and chaotic.
But late in 2022, I believe, Rasmussen had a poll that stated 60% of Democrats who took the poll were in favor of locking the unvaccinated in their homes forcefully, forcibly.
Through government fiat.
That if you didn't choose to get vaccinated, you could in fact be jailed.
You could face criminal penalty.
Or, and we know where that leads.
You know, if you can face criminal penalty for leaving your home, then you effectively have created the pathway for the government to forcefully lock you in your home, right?
And we saw that in China where apartment buildings were actually boarded up and nailed shut.
And we saw the horrific videos there in certain provinces in China where individuals had been locked in their homes for so long, they were in fact on their balconies screaming and sort of Manic, manic hysteria.
So we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna look at that question about being forcefully locked in your homes if you're unvaccinated due to the fact that COVID is surely coming back around full tilt from the establishment.
See you on the other side.
Great afternoon, patriots and truth-tellers everywhere.
I'm your host, Royce White, for the hour here at InfoWars at the Alex Jones Show in the belly of the beast, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
I was fortunate enough to have the great handoff today from Owen Schroyer.
And before I talk about my central point for today's show, which was the The poll that Democrats, 60% of Democrats, said they were in favor of forcefully locking the unvaccinated in their homes, something that kind of flew under the radar for the mainstream, not by mistake, but has somewhat been underprioritized for us as American citizens and how we discuss this.
current political dichotomy or polarization as everybody wants to call it.
I don't really think there's a polarity at all.
I think people just aren't paying good enough attention and Owen was good enough to mention how sports has become a
great distraction.
And I'm a professional athlete myself still to this day and I support Owen in his case.
And it's not just because I know Alex and it's not just because I'm a co-worker or peer of Owen in this movement
and more importantly on this network.
It's because what's taking place with the entire January 6th narrative is completely and utterly dishonest in every single way.
I can't say it enough.
I can't say it enough.
It's hard to even talk about it so dishonest, really.
But effectively, what I said last week on the podcast, I think, can't be stated enough.
When it comes to January 6th, regardless of what took place on that day, regardless of who was intimately involved or had prior knowledge to the events that occurred, Despite whatever intelligence agencies were also involved in provoking certain situations on that day.
Despite the incompetence from the people who were set to be in charge of security and all of that.
Despite all of that.
Let's talk about the cultural essence of the message that came out of January 6th.
And this is your, I think his name is Bernie Thompson.
He was in charge of the January 6th committee.
I believe his name is Bernie Thompson.
His name is something Thompson.
Anyway, the narrative that came from all of our D.C.
elites that all American citizens should be focused on, that all American citizens should take seriously.
The message was very clear.
No matter what DC elites do, no matter what your elected officials do, no matter what the federal government does, no matter what the swamp does, no matter what congressmen and women or senators or presidents or vice presidents or anybody else does, never should they be afraid of the people.
This is fundamentally un-American.
This is fundamentally unconstitutional.
It's an unconstitutional view of American citizenship and American governance.
Our leaders, our elected officials, our government should always be afraid of the people, especially when there is a preponderance of A frustration and anger from the people towards their government.
When the people feel cheated, when the people feel wronged, when the people feel manipulated or misled, when the people feel lied to or exploited.
Yes, the government should fear its people.
Anybody who tells you anything different It's playing fast and loose with what it means to be American.
The American Constitution, American citizenship, and American governance.
Usually, and not shockingly, for their own gain, for their own advantage.
For their own advantage to retain the power of the corrupt status quo and their elitism within it.
That's what the message is to Owen Schroyer.
If you become big enough as a voice in alternative media that we don't work with, To create an accepted narrative.
If you become big enough in that and you have enough influence on people to help them understand the value of their citizenship, the true nature and power of their rights, and if that ever comes to be a threat to us, we will take you out.
It's under that level of manipulation and dishonesty that I'm in full support of Owen.
And there's no mainstream media liberal cuck That's gonna make me feel ashamed or tell me otherwise.
They can call Alex Jones crazy.
They can call Owen crazy.
They can call the entire Infowars team white supremacist.
Here I am, a black man, and they let me host all the time.
Now they'll say I'm the exception, that Alex is only using me because I'm a black man who will peddle the same narrative.
No, no, no, no, no.
Alex and I may agree on some things.
We don't agree.
We may disagree on some things.
We don't disagree on much.
But we may disagree on some things.
It's kind of a bastardization of the black man to tell him that the only reason he is aligned with white supremacists is because he'll peddle their narrative like I don't actually believe in it.
Don't get me wrong.
It's not that I don't think Jean-Pierre doesn't believe what she's saying.
I think she believes what she's saying.
I think Ilhan Omar believes what she's saying.
I think Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez believes what she's saying.
I think Cory Booker believes what he's saying.
I think Barack Obama believes what he's saying.
These people are communists.
They're globalists, but they're communists.
Or they're communists, but they're globalists.
However you want to say it.
They're secularists.
They're anti-Americanists.
However you want to say it, they believe in the ideology and we need to get very clear about that.
I think we're long past the point, you know, you reach a point where somebody has to be so committed to a thing that whether they truly believe in it or not, the net result is still the same.
I can say with 100% confidence here in front of you now, I believe in what we're talking about here.
I believe in the danger of globalism.
I believe in the threat of tyranny from global governance.
I believe in the threat of tyranny from dystopian technocratic governance.
I believe in the danger and threat of undermining the value of American citizenship.
I believe in the dangers of the threat of undermining the United States Constitution.
I believe in these things.
This isn't a gimmick.
This isn't an act.
This isn't a grift, as they would say.
I actually believe in it.
Yeah, I believe in having a country.
I believe in having fair court cases that aren't politically weaponized or, you know, targeting.
I believe in letting people speak their mind.
Hey, if you, you know, if you want to run out in the streets and talk about transgenderism, go ahead.
Go ahead.
Just don't tell me what we can say in response.
Just don't tell Owen what he can say in response to the tyranny of a federal government, an outgrown and grandiose federal government.
Some of us actually believe in the work that we're doing.
And some of us believe in it because the threat and the danger is very real.
And yes, I agree with Owen 100% when he says that American sports has become a stabilizing distraction to the American people.
And we should look at a game like Colorado vs. Colorado State and see that a team is down.
Even though they were picked to win, they were the favorite by about 20 points per day.
Predictions are only as good as predictions until the game is actually on.
The game was on and they ran into some adversity and they were down.
Colorado was down in that game, but they found a way to fight through the adversity and come back with some help from the opponent where they made some bad mistakes down the stretch.
We need to have the same conviction today, and that's what we can draw from American sports.
Surrendering the individual, surrendering the ego and the pride for a greater result.
And we need it now more than ever.
Stay through to the other side.
I want to talk about this idea more.
Welcome back.
I am your guest host, Royce White, here in the belly of the beast, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
And I am so honored to be able to have this hour and to be able to continue to share my thoughts and ideas on this platform with you all, the InfoWars audience, which is the most spiritually awake audience in the entire world, in my opinion.
And I'm thankful to Alex Jones for building this great, great platform, this great, great audience, this great conversation.
Thank you to Owen Shoyer for your continued work.
Free Owen Shoyer from the kangaroo court process in this banana republic.
Owen made a fantastic point and I want to double down on that point about sports being a distraction and that there are patriots that are in professional sports in our country, in America, that we need now more than ever to stand up.
You know, much, and this is why the conservative movement is losing.
This is why we've lost the country.
We've underestimated the importance and the value of celebrity, the importance and the value of entertainment, the importance and the value of leadership.
And make no mistake about it, what you see these athletes do from a physical standpoint, these people are spatial geniuses.
And I don't mean to toot my own horn, but if you've ever watched me play basketball, some of you don't even watch basketball, but if you've ever seen me play basketball, there's a certain spatial genius that is as surreal, as supernatural, as extraordinary as you can possibly witness.
Which is why so many people clamor to sports, because it's a God-given ability that brushes right up against the ceiling of divinity.
And I don't say that lightly because I'm a Christian and I run the risk of crossing over into what many would consider heresy when I say a thing like that.
But honest to God, I mean, if you see some of these athletes and the way they move and the things they're able to do, There was a God-given talent that was bestowed upon them and granted to them that truly is amazing.
And it's no wonder why people clamor to it.
And it's also no wonder why the globalist establishment has went out of its way to secure and monopolize these type of individuals to peddle and propagandize all of their political agendas.
Oh, and spot on, we need more athletes.
We need athletes now more than ever to stand up and speak the truth.
And if they do so, when they do so, I believe it's coming, I mean slowly but surely people are starting to break away from this agenda.
When they do so, we will have a pool of leaders unlike, you know, the likes of which we've never seen before.
Never before in history, and even if you go back to the 60s, Muhammad Ali was probably the best example of somebody who really spoke out against the establishment and used his spotlight, his celebrity, to affect the broader social narrative and dialogue at a global level.
When Muhammad Ali was at a global level, number one, we were in a war with Vietnam, but number two, boxing is a very global sport.
We have that ability, but even more so, there is a genius, a spatial genius, a sort of energetic connection that athletes have to have, especially those of us who perform in front of huge audiences of people.
I can't explain what the transfer of energy... I was just telling one of my family members the other day, recollecting my time at Iowa State University, the great Iowa State, where you saw President Donald Trump go on visit recently, and you hear the chants of USA, USA.
I'm happy to see that my fellow cyclone brothers and sisters there have some sense about them and are willing to speak their mind out in the public square.
We certainly support Donald Trump's presidency in 2024.
Not because of him personally, but because of the movement.
This idea of American nationalist populism and retaking our country back and rebuilding the value of our citizenship.
But I was talking about my time at Iowa State and what it felt like to hit a game-winning shot against Kansas State in Hilton, right?
And feeling that Hilton magic, right?
For lack of a better term, you know, magic is paganism and, you know, I understand that.
But the point is that when a community gets invested in the outcome of a certain endeavor, And everybody's in the same place at the same time, and their focus is tuned in on the same movements and the same moments.
The outcome is pandemonium.
And when you have that rare opportune time, To be hanging on to the ball dribbling the ball winding the clock down the game is tied and you're at the end of regulation and you get to take that game winning shot and you can feel the air you know you can feel the entire arena sort of hold their breath as the ball leaves your hands and you can hear that pop that explosion when it goes through the net and you realize how rare of a moment that is there's something special about that there's something incredibly special about that and it's something that only
Even musicians, you know, musicians, the difference between sports, professional sports and live concerts or music is that we don't know what the script is.
Musicians, they have soundcheck, they have rehearsal, they, they, they, over the course of, let's say, 60 live shows across a tour, they kind of have a sense of what's going to happen.
So they can manipulate, they can use their, their, their Their foresight or their predetermined role in the theater of the thing to spark a certain response.
Not athletes.
We don't know what's going to happen.
I mean, we seldom do we know when that ball leaves our hands.
Is it going in or not?
And nobody else knows either.
And that's why sports is so entertaining.
That's why people gravitate to sports so much.
And it's why we need to encourage our athletes to stand up and speak the truth.
That's why I was very, very happy.
To speak on behalf of Owen and supporting him against this kangaroo court.
And I encourage all the athletes to speak their mind.
And first, research.
Have the self-awareness to know what you don't know, but then also have the seriousness and the self-confidence to want to know more and believe that you can find the information you need to have a well-rounded opinion.
That's valuable.
That's valuable in the public square.
Much of what's happened to our professional athletes and many of our public figures across the spectrum, across industries, is they've all been made to believe that they shouldn't have an opinion or that they don't have an expertise that allows them to have an opinion.
And that's another gripe that they have against Alex and Owen.
You're not credentialed enough to speak about any of these things.
Well, how many times have the experts led us astray?
I mean right now these experts who say that they're working on behalf of our overall prosperity and well-being are hurling us towards a nuclear exchange with Russia.
I mean we're hurling straight for a nuclear war.
And their rationale is Vladimir Putin won't do it.
I mean they're literally playing chicken with countless number of around the world of this global community. They claim they're
trying to protect this global citizenship. They say they're trying to build up,
but in doing so, they have no problem running people all across the world into a
potential nuclear exchange, nuclear war. This is who we're dealing with.
This is the expertise they want you to trust in.
They want to tell you Royce and Owen and Alex and anybody else doesn't have the credentials to speak on matters this sophisticated or complex.
Well, what's so complex about this?
We don't want to go to nuclear war with Russia.
Ukraine is not a big enough or serious enough fight for us all to go to nuclear war.
It's not right.
It's not reasonable.
It's not rational.
It's not it's it's it's not.
It's not honest.
It's not honest and they they want to keep all of us in the in the in the Ferris wheel on the amusement park of dishonesty and the athletes leave the show, you know, don't don't think about nuclear war.
Don't think about the military-industrial complex or the role of the banks and energy and how this whole thing plays out on the world stage and the people that is sacrificed in the process.
Just focus on the game.
Well, the athletes can change that.
The athletes can use their spotlight, use their celebrity to stand up at the moment when everybody's watching and say, this is what's important.
And that's what I continue to do and it's why the mainstream media doesn't want you to know who I am.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host Royce White here in the belly of the beast, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Happy to be hosting this hour here on the Alex Jones Show on the InfoWars channel.
If you get a chance, please go and check out my, please call me crazy.
Page on Band.
Video if we can we can put that link in the description there in the control room.
I have a I have a I am fortunate enough to have the great Alex Jones allow me to have a page here on Band.
Video in case the the new technocracy feels it necessary to censor me which they've already begun to do.
I've been suspended from Twitter still even though Elon Musk has taken over and revamped the platform.
I was suspended on Instagram three times in the last two weeks.
All of which resulted in them saying you were suspended or disabled by mistake.
And they let me back on Instagram after I threatened to sue them for election tampering of a senatorial candidate.
And I've also had my audio platforms impeded, tampered with multiple times.
So Alex has been kind enough to allow me to back all my content up.
On band video so check that out if you get a chance if you go to Royce White you should be able to find my page if not we'll try and put the link in the description and there you can keep up with the podcast on band video if you want to also you can find the podcast on YouTube for now at 9 p.m.
Monday Wednesday Friday usually sometimes I throw in an extra day during the week if something comes up and I feel the need We're available on all audio platforms, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Google Play, and iHeartRadio, as well as you can catch us on
Which catches every evening that the podcast is streaming on War Room's getter page over there with the great Steve Bannon, Maureen Bannon and Grace Chong.
The War Room getter page and the War Room Rumble page as well.
Doing very well on the War Room Rumble page.
I think we're averaging like 75,000 to 100,000 views a show every night over on that on that platform.
So that's great.
I am running for Senate.
I made my announcement before but I'm making it again and hopefully Alex Jones will have me on the show in the near future when I get my launch video ready so we can have a huge day on the first day that the site is up and live.
The site is nearly completed.
It's under construction right now but it's nearly completed and almost ready to go.
We were touching up the last efforts on the video.
So that we can launch the site and get the traffic that we need to kick the campaign off.
But my campaign, my Senate campaign here in this great state of Minnesota against Amy Klobuchar is really going to be a door-to-door grassroots effort in the state of Minnesota, in the outstate, but also in the belly of the beast here in Minneapolis.
Dr. Scott Jensen lost his A gubernatorial race by, you know, 200 to 400,000 votes.
If you believe the count, which many of you are right not to, I certainly don't believe that the count is 100% accurate.
But even being even even so, these elections that are coming up now are going to be just as much spiritual as they are mathematical.
And I say that because, again, black people or the demographical makeup of the inner city in the metropolitan area has become the revolving door to justify rigged elections.
When the clock strikes 12 and the clock strikes midnight, any number of votes can come in from the metropolitan area and be justified as Democrat because, hey, all black people vote Democrat or all big city people vote Democrat.
So we as conservatives, as Republicans, as American nationalist populists and MAGA patriots need to understand our ministry is going to be more important.
It's going to be important More important this election than any other time in American history.
And we need to evangelize and we need to minister the value of nationalist populism in these big city areas so that if the elections are rigged, if the elections are tampered with, if the elections are not secure and you know, cheating takes place in 2024, that the American people will be left with that feeling in their mind and in their heart.
And I guess that that kind of sentiment and strategy also stems from my time as a sportsman because there are many there are many instances where you feel like you're being cheated by the refs and that the refs aren't calling the game straight and we've certainly seen that anybody who watches sports or has been to a sporting event you can you can certainly get that that feeling and in some cases The referees do have a personal vendetta against a given team or a coach or whatever the case may be.
And in those moments you can never quit because you're being cheated or because you're being officiated or governed unfairly.
The only thing to do is to fight as hard as you can and leave the people watching with no doubt that you were cheated.
Leave them feeling the same way that you feel.
That's valuable.
And that is how revolution, real, genuine, authentic, and fruitful revolution, bubbles up.
It doesn't bubble up by, you know, manufacturing, woke revolution in the universities.
That's really this esoteric and generic catharsis for revolution, right?
Where if we Can add up all the digits on our identity politics calculator or marginalized groups calculator, then somehow we've reached nirvana, as many of these Judeo-Buddhists would have you believe.
It doesn't work like that.
How it works is you fight against the momentum of tyranny until your last breath, and when you take your final breath, when the people that love you, that care about you, that believe in you, see you take that final breath, They are left with the feeling of being cheated and being taken from and being wounded.
And that is a basis in which real revolution can take place.
Good revolution.
Not all revolution is good.
Not all revolution is good.
But some revolutions are necessary.
Some revolutions are necessary.
We certainly seem to be living in times such as that right now.
So, you know, to end today, you know, I want to go back to my point, you know, from the beginning of the show and talking about this Rasmussen poll that sort of flew under the radar for a lot of people, or at least it hasn't been the focus of even conservative media outlets as time has gone on.
The further we get from a particular story, the more likely people are to just sort of ignore it.
The number one thing alternative media needs to do, which Alex Jones has done such a great job of and is why he's built an incredible platform and conversation at InfoWars, is to refer back to the material that's most pertinent.
It's not time sensitive.
There is no time limit on information that's pertinent.
We should double down, triple down, quadruple down on the information that matters the most until we get answers.
There is no news cycle.
I mean, the whole idea of a news cycle is kind of a fugazi to begin with.
There is no news cycle.
The news cycle itself is just a way to tell you, hey, that information that was important that you should have paid more attention to is now a thing of the past.
And this Rasmussen poll where Democrats polled that 60% that they were in favor of locking the unvaccinated in their home is the most important American political poll in recent memory, certainly in my lifetime.
But that I'm even aware of in the last hundred years, maybe.
I mean, they promote themselves as being such a sane and reasonable ideological movement.
But I think most people, in all fairness, can look at that type of poll and see with clarity.
Not only isn't it reasonable, but there's a majority, there's a strong majority of people who hold these unreasonable beliefs.
And they would say that we have the unreasonable beliefs.
That myself being unvaccinated is an unreasonable belief or an unreasonable way to live.
But the idea that you could lock an American citizen, a free American citizen in their home for not taking the vaccine is absolutely un-American.
And it's inhuman.
It's inhumane.
It's ungodly.
It's unfair.
It's, it's, it's, it's, It's completely and utterly wrong in every sense of the word.
And every, every adult in the room, as they like to say, you know, the adults are back in the room.
Every adult in the room should understand that this type of political ideology is not about democracy.
It's not about upholding or preserving democracy.
It's not about upholding or preserving the rule of law.
This is about tyranny.
This is about tyranny, and to end here, I want to say we have a decision to make in this country.
First, economically, do we want to live in a debt society or an equity society?
Not diversity, equity, and inclusion equity, but economic equity, ownership.
Do we want to live in a society where we are in debt, forever indebted, which effectively makes us slaves, or we have equity?
Equity comes from production.
We have to produce things.
We have to bring our manufacturing home.
That's what I'm going to be working on when I hit the Senate floor in 2024.
And the second question, and this maybe even more importantly, is what do we really believe freedom means?
We all have to ask ourselves now.
What do we believe freedom means?
Our founding fathers famously said, give me freedom or give me death.
Well, they promote freedom as the escape from death.
Freedom is the acceptance that death is an inevitable outcome.
And what do I do with my time being free?
Thank you.
[music playing]
[music playing]
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