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Name: 20230910_Sun_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 10, 2023
1229 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics, society, and free speech. He criticizes the official story of 9/11, discussing Building 7's collapse and testimonies implying a controlled demolition. He also talks about attacks on First Amendment rights and Second Amendment rights in the United States today and promotes InfoWars Life's products. The host discusses Joe Biden's declining popularity, his cold welcome in India, and mispronunciations during speeches. Jones mentions the situation with increasing numbers of illegal immigrants in New York City and criticizes the favorable treatment given to them compared to citizens. He promotes Mike Lindell's deposition against evil lawyers, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, and scholarships offered by InfoWars at River University.

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It would take hours to go over all the evidence which proves that the attack on September 11th, 2001 was an
inside job.
And I suggest you look into it if you haven't already.
But to simplify the situation, all you need to do is look at Building 7.
What some people still don't realize is that there were three buildings that fell into their own footprint that day.
Three buildings that fell at free fall speed, indistinguishable from controlled demolitions, because that's exactly what they were.
As the towers came crashing down, we can see the signatures of a controlled demolition.
The official story is that Building 7, known as 7 World Trade Center, caught fire as a result of debris from the Twin Towers, which somehow caused a critical internal column to break, causing a cascading failure and collapse.
And if this nonsensical official narrative were true, it would make it the first and only steel skyscraper in the world to collapse from fires.
The building's owner, Larry Silverstein, took control of the Twin Towers just weeks before 9-11, and had them insured to cover terrorist attacks.
After Building 7 collapsed, Silverstein told the media that the decision was made to pull it, suggesting that the building was collapsed on purpose.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
This class seems to have pulled.
And they made that decision to pull.
And then we watched the building collapse.
This implies that they somehow rigged the explosives that afternoon while the building was still burning, which is ridiculous.
And so the media dismissed his comments and changed their story.
There were several witnesses who reported hearing and feeling the type of explosions one would expect from a controlled demolition.
You heard explosions, like BABOOM!
There's like a distinct sound.
Big explosion.
Blew us back into the 8th floor.
Somebody grabbed my shoulder and I started running, and the shit's hitting the ground behind me.
And, uh, the whole time you're hearing, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump.
So... I think I know an explosion when I hear it.
Do you know if it was an explosion or if it was a building collapse?
To me it sounded like... To me it sounded like...
An explosion.
The explosions were captured on video.
You want to call your mother or something?
In fact, we were just told by police that you should move out of your apartment, Fabiana.
You've got Carolina here.
They advised us to leave because you have--
oh, my god.
First responders were told that the building was going to be blown up.
Oh, my god.
Keep your eye on that building.
It'll be coming down.
The building is about to blow up.
Move it back.
We're looking back.
There's a building about to blow up.
And you guys knew this was coming all day.
We had heard reports that the building was unstable and that it eventually would either come down on its own or it would be taken down.
The BBC reported live on air that the building already collapsed before it did.
Television viewers could see it in the background still standing.
I was talking about the Salomon Brothers building collapsing, and indeed it has.
Apparently that's only a few hundred yards away from where the World Trade Center towers were.
And it seems that this was not a result of a new attack.
It was because the building had been weakened.
And the investigation never even investigated for explosives.
The Republican White House then signed into law the Patriot Act.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, I'm only interrupting this important Gregory's report because I urge you, I urge you to go to band.video.
Download it, share it, spread it as we are on the eve of the anniversary of 9-11.
Now certainly there's going to be more coverage of this and more flashbacks of what really went down that day.
But the reason why this is so important is More people are willing to question official narratives, government narratives, and are skeptical or outright distrusting of the government now more than ever before.
And so, a lot of people that might have never believed or always believed what they told about 9-11, now they might never believe it.
So, now is the time, folks.
Share that video at bandit.video from the Greece report.
Very important.
Ladies and gentlemen, It is a distinct honor and privilege to be here with you tonight on this Sunday, September 10th, 2023 live transmission from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Such an honor, such a privilege, really, I can't even put it into words.
But the fact that we're still here is a victory in and of itself.
Now, I am going to be with you, the InfoWars audience, for the next four hours.
We'll be hosting the Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to tell you what I have coming up on the Alex Jones Show.
All the important news, all the important video clips.
And then, for Sunday Night Live, we're going to have a lot of important and special guests coming up.
Christy Lee with a big report, Chris Emery with a big report, and then an individual that they call the Russian Alex Jones.
Oh, the Russian Alex Jones.
So that's going to be coming up for you tonight.
Four hours, live InfoWars transmissions.
Buckle up!
Now, let me lay out all the news that we're going to be covering in the two hours of the Alex Jones Show.
First off and foremost, you know there was one man who warned us all what was coming.
And now today, the very cornerstones, the very foundations of the United States of America are being Not just chipped away at, but I mean hacked away at.
I mean demolished so that the entire country will fall.
What am I talking about?
I'm talking about the First Amendment and I'm talking about the Second Amendment.
And the direct assault on these cornerstones of our Republic could not be more clear and present than they are today.
Now, I'm not just talking about local issues that I can discuss later.
I'm talking about, even now, the Fifth Circuit Court, the Washington Post, Washington Post, forced to admit that the Biden administration violated the First Amendment.
Think about that.
Just take a second.
The Washington Post forced to admit that the Biden administration violated the First Amendment.
free speech, a cornerstone of our republic.
That is equivalent to the Democrats, the Biden administration, the federal government.
putting a stick of dynamite, no, 10 million sticks of dynamite under the foundations,
the cornerstones of this country and lighting them up.
But that's not all.
Of course, we know the Democrats are also after your second amendment.
And the latest attack on the second amendment is so aggressive.
And so obscene that even some of the most far-left radical Democrats like Ted Lieu and activists like David Hogg are even saying, whoa, this might be too far.
David Hogg?
Supporting the Second Amendment?
Ted Lieu?
Supporting the Second Amendment?
What have the Democrats done?
Well, I'll tell you.
So, first amendment under complete assault, second amendment under complete assault.
Now, that right there alone, I should spend four hours on that.
Political activists from the left, political activists from the right, journalists, activists, everybody, center, right, middle, up, down, left, sideways, cross-eyed, blue, black, green, yellow, red, polka dot, white, everything!
This impacts all of us.
This is, I mean, like, red alert!
Red alert!
Red alert!
The sirens are going off!
The British are coming!
The British are coming!
But see, it's like we're so numbed it, we've been so sedated by the entertainment, by the culture, by the constant attacks, and now the chilling on free speech, and just the chilling of any political activity, that it's just like, oh, did you hear?
Did you hear the Democrats are coming for the First Amendment?
Did you hear the Democrats are coming for the Second Amendment?
You gotta like, oh, oh really?
Kind of a big deal.
It's kind of like, oh, Biden trying to start world war with Russia, kind of a big deal.
Oh, but Elon Musk is the bad guy because he's trying to stop it.
And we'll have that for you, by the way.
And it all ties in because Elon Musk is confronting the Democrats on their attacks on free speech.
And he has angered the military-industrial complex because he's not He's decided he's not going to be a part of increasing or escalating the war in Ukraine.
Who knows how many lives were saved because of Elon Musk's decision not to expand the Starlink connections so that the Ukrainians could attack Russians and kill them.
But see, our political class is so psychotic.
Mitt Romney said it last week.
We played the clips all week.
He said, it's a good thing that people are dying in Ukraine.
Well, first he said, oh, no one's dying in Ukraine, and he meant no Americans.
But then he said, it's a good thing Ukrainians and Russians are dying for our foreign policy.
What a sick, psychotic person would think like that.
Somebody completely disconnected from humanity and God.
But let me just pause, and tell you what else we got coming up.
But it's like, just right there, that's four hours of transmissions.
Right there.
First and Second Amendment under complete assault, very foundations of our country, the cornerstones of our republic.
And then, you've got the whacked out, psychotic military-industrial complex, with all of its weapons contractors, and all of its bought and paid for politicians, pushing to start a war with Russia, that could, in the end, kill millions of people?
A billion people?
Who knows?
I mean, what did Albert Einstein say?
World War III would be fought with nuclear weapons.
World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones.
That's how far this would set humanity back.
But these politicians in D.C., they love it.
And the Democrats love it, too.
Oh, and it's so perfect.
It's so perfect.
We'll play this clip today.
Woody Harrelson was asked about the war in Ukraine, and his response was just So we'll play that for you today.
But okay, because there's other news... Let's see, we got a wide open border...
Oh, but Joe Biden is saying we need to have a strong border.
But not, not the Mexico-U.S.
Joe Biden wants the border to be Texas.
And now the Biden administration is proposing that every illegal immigrant comes in has to stay in Texas, and they want to put ankle monitors on them to make sure they can't leave Texas.
Well, gee, why would they want to do that?
All these sanctuary cities that now say we can't handle the illegal immigrants.
Oh, but Texas can.
They're not trying to turn Texas blue, though.
Course not.
No, they've done the political math, folks.
If the Democrats turn Texas blue, they know that... I mean, that's like if you're playing a game of basketball in the NBA, and your team gets to start with 100 points before every game.
I mean, the average NBA team probably scores like 101 points per game, but you get to start with 100.
Oh, we've got the Democrats starting a new holiday, Transgender History Month.
Did you hear about that?
And now, they're gonna make your children's school principal a drag queen!
I've barely even gotten started.
Donald Trump had a busy weekend.
So did Joe Biden.
We'll juxtapose those two things, and then just all kinds of news, all kinds of video clips, and then I'm gonna make a bit of a personal statement.
In the second hour of today's transmission as well.
So we are loaded.
Buckle up, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what InfoWars was built for.
You know, it's an interesting day on this Sunday.
You know it's an interesting day on this Sunday.
Because most of America is still in a trance.
And the proof of this would be the fact that, and I'm sure, I haven't seen the numbers,
but I'm sure many Americans, probably millions of Americans, are innocently, ignorantly in
their trance, tuned in, watching football today.
And who can blame them?
It's fun, and they're in their trance, they don't know any better.
But, it's the allegory of the cave.
As you're sitting here staring at the shadows being cast For you to be entranced by.
You're getting ripped up, shredded, stabbed, and mutilated from behind.
And that's what's going on today.
Sure, it's nice.
Football's back on the air.
That's great.
But did you know that your country's under attack?
And there won't be any football anymore if they're successful.
You understand?
Remember the lockdowns?
That'll be permanent.
No, the very cornerstones of our Republic are under assault today.
And how about I do a little bookends here.
Let me just read to you, in case anybody needed a reminder, this is the First Amendment.
From the Constitution of the United States, the First Amendment, I read directly, Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press or the right of the people peacefully to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
That is your first amendment.
Your birthright.
Freedom of speech.
Number one.
Cornerstone of our republic.
How about the second amendment?
A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Shall not be infringed.
These are unalienable rights!
Now, does it seem like people take this seriously?
Does it seem like our own government politicians take these seriously anymore?
Well, let's review.
This is all breaking right now.
Now I have decided to give you first the Washington Post headline.
Washington Post!
Why do I decide to read the Washington Post first?
Everybody knows this is a Democrat rag.
Everybody knows this is a globalist rag.
A propaganda outlet.
And even they have to admit With their headline this morning, Fifth Circuit Rules Biden Administration Violated the First Amendment.
Washington Post.
The three-judge panel found that contacts with tech companies by officials from the White House, the Surgeon General's office, the CDC, and the FBI likely amounted to coercion.
Yeah, they just demanded stories get censored.
And they thought they could play this little game and they'd say, oh, we're just going to have a portal and we're going to submit stories and headlines and narratives to a portal.
And and that's just a suggestion.
And then when Facebook and Twitter and YouTube and all the other mainstream social media companies.
Acted on those quote-unquote suggestions.
That's just that's just their free speech.
There's no coercion Nobody's buying that Now there's another element to this which I think will be developed later So then if it's true that the federal government and the Biden administration and the Democrats violated the First Amendment and censored speech on the internet, well then what happened when Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and their lawyers and everybody else went under oath and said it never happened?
They said under oath they never censored at behest of the U.S.
That was a lie!
When is that going to be re-litigated?
But that's for the future.
Now, Jamie White from InfoWars has compiled a bunch of different headlines in regards to this story.
From past to present, Biden officials likely violated First Amendment on social media according to Fifth Circuit Court.
And then he's compiled all the different headlines admitting this, and then all the different headlines from the past With the emails and everything else that prove, nope, this is exactly what they did.
Great work!
Right there at InfoWars.com.
So there you go.
That's your first amendment.
Under attack, a cornerstone of our republic by the Democrat Party.
And then there's the second amendment.
I guess first, let's go to the short clip.
We do have the longer clip for context.
We can play it later.
But let's first go, this is Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, and listen to what she thinks about the Second Amendment here in clip 17.
If I can turn down the temperature.
You know, it's not illegal for a young person to have an automatic weapon.
Just a handgun.
I can't arrest that person.
If we tell the bad actors, and I realize it's a pinch and then some, on responsible gun owners, I'm clear.
It is.
It's a sacrifice that allows everyone else to get their arms around a growing, significant problem.
Well, let's listen to the logic here.
I'm just going to politely ask criminals to stop committing crimes, and every law-abiding citizen that suffers because of this, that's just the price to pay.
Second Amendment, be damned.
Do you believe you have the right to self-defense?
If somebody comes in your house to rob you, kill you, rape you, do you believe you have the right to defend yourself by whatever means possible?
Democrats don't!
Oh, maybe you can throw an ice cube at him.
Maybe you've got some hot water on the stove by some chance.
Maybe you've got a fire extinguisher.
That'll be fine.
Eh, throw a pillow at him.
Please, criminals, stop committing crimes!
New Mexico governor issues 30-day ban on carrying guns in public.
New Mexico governor announces she's unilaterally suspending the right to carry firearms in Albuquerque.
And this is such an egregious offense.
This is so clear and present against the Second Amendment that even Democrats are saying, whoa, I mean, hey, we're not supposed to come out and say this.
Like, hey, we are trying to take their guns, just like Hitler, just like Stalin, just like Pol Pot, just like Mao.
But we don't tell them that.
It's kind of like the Project Veritas videos with James O'Keefe and others, where they have Democrats on record saying, yeah, we definitely want to end the Second Amendment, but we would never have that as a public policy Uh, public statement, because that's not very popular.
New Mexico lawmakers call for governor's impeachment over 2A overreach.
Uh, far-left radical David Hogg says she's gone too far.
Far-left Democrat Ted Lieu says she's gone too far.
This isn't the only time, by the way, that this Democrat governor has been in the headlines for corruption.
Flashback, New Mexico Governor Michelle Grisham caught using taxpayer money to pay for her groceries, her whiskey, and her tequila.
Well, was she drunk when she said that today?
Maybe she was just drunk when she said we have to ban the Second Amendment and the law-abiding citizens are just going to have to make a sacrifice.
What kind of sacrifice, Governor?
Are they going to have to sacrifice their lives?
I always wondered, for the liberals out there that want to take all the guns away, how many people have to die for you to accomplish your goal of disarming Americans?
Have you ever asked yourselves that?
Get this stuff up.
Believe me, I wish we were.
Believe me.
Believe me!
Believe it!
But when I get this info, I'm gonna tell you, no matter what happens, you can be guaranteed of that!
No matter what happens, I will go 100%, period!
And that's it!
Excuse me.
The reason I started yelling, folks, is this is life and death stuff, okay?
And my adrenaline just goes crazy, because at a subconscious level, I realize this is combat, ladies and gentlemen.
This is, this is, this is not a joke, this is not a game.
It's not good to serve evil.
All these globalists look like reanimated corpses, and they all just get off on destruction and power, and their empire's collapsing, sucking America down with it, and they're not gonna let it collapse without starting World War III!
That's what all this is about!
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So here's the deal.
Thunder! Sound of the drums!
Beating in my heart!
The thunder of guns!
So here's the deal.
Throw me a punch!
I'm not demonizing anybody that likes to watch football.
I like to watch football.
But you see, the day that Americans care more about their First Amendment, their Second Amendment, and the future of this country more than football is the day we really start to turn the tide.
And there was a meeting of these two phenomenons with Donald Trump in Iowa At the Iowa-Iowa State game, and folks, the juxtaposition between Donald Trump with the people and Joe Biden with the people, it's stupid.
It's just stupid.
It'd be like comparing Michael Jordan in his prime to, I mean, anybody.
To you in the audience.
It's ridiculous.
Michael Jordan in his prime.
Greatest ballplayer ever.
You in the audience, you probably suck.
Trump has support from the people the likes of which I don't think has ever been seen when it comes to a U.S.
And you might say, well what about Barack Obama?
I saw the support for Barack Obama in 2008.
It was a lot of my friends.
You know what?
Most Barack Obama voters Trump voters and now think Barack Obama is corrupt and the worst president they ever saw until Joe Biden.
So we're gonna do this juxtaposition.
From Donald Trump and his activities in public or just any of his activities to Joe Biden who's traveling right now and I mean crumbling and falling apart right before our eyes.
And it's so bad now, I mean, look folks, we got more than a year left of Biden's presidency.
I don't know how they're gonna put this thing together.
I mean, this thing is crumbling.
And it's so bad now that they're cutting Joe Biden's mic mid-speech.
And it's so bad now that Biden gets up there and he's like, you know what, I'm out of energy, I gotta take a nap.
It's crumbling so bad that Joe Biden admits when he's talking, yeah, I don't really control everything.
They tell me what to do.
What are they going to do?
And then there's some other developments as far as the Democrat race is concerned with Gavin Newsom and RFK Jr.
But we're going to get to that.
I mean.
And let me just start with this, because there's a popular Show Saturday mornings and it happened to just be a big deal because the University of Texas Longhorns football team was the game of the week versus Alabama.
And so they have this huge scene outside of the stadium in Tuscaloosa for the game and they pack it with thousands of people behind the broadcast booth and they hold up signs and it's a whole fanfare thing and it's been going on for decades.
Usually there aren't political statements made.
Well, I don't know what ESPN is going to do.
I'm surprised they even let Pat McAfee and AJ Hawk and these other guys on the air and Aaron Rodgers, because they bashed the vaccine, they bashed the mandates, and I don't know if they're conservatives, but they're damn for sure not liberals.
And now it's the top-rated show on ESPN.
Oh, what do you know?
The guy who's not a complete libtard Is the most popular show on ESPN.
And there's all these signs behind them as they're live on College Game Day.
And it's Trump hats.
And then there's one sign specifically that says Fauci lied.
And then there's Trump hats and USA hats and Trump won signs.
What is ESPN going to do about that?
Are they going to cancel College Game Day?
Are they going to say nobody can come in?
Are they going to check your signs before you go behind the broadcast booth?
Okay, but let's go to Trump's activity.
You won't even believe this.
In fact, guys, let's just roll it all back to back and I'll just do some commentary over it.
Let's roll clips two.
Let's roll clips two to seven.
Back to back to back.
Trump goes to Ames, Iowa.
Big college football game.
Iowa vs. Iowa State.
Big rivalry.
Huge crowds.
And just look at the reception from Donald Trump.
And let me ask you this as you're watching it.
What would happen if Joe Biden went to a college football game?
What would happen if Joe Biden walked out in front of a crowd of 80,000 people and the announcer said, here's President Joe Biden?
Do you think it'd be a positive response?
Of course we already know the answer is no.
That's why Joe Biden doesn't do it.
But Trump knows what happens when he goes in front of the crowd.
And so guys, go ahead and show the audience.
So here's Trump walking through the mobs of people at the concourse.
Everybody wanting a handshake, an autograph, a picture.
Just going nuts.
Can barely even get through the mobs.
It's just a sea of support.
Oh this is, I love this.
Now he's flipping burgers at a tailgate.
I love that.
He holds the burger up!
He holds the burger up!
The golden toad, drilling burgers.
Biden wants to cancel burgers.
All night!
Love you all, we'll be here.
At your home or house.
Fuck AU!
Fuck AU!
Now here he is outside of a frat house.
Again, thousands of people waiting for him to come out.
Trump signs everywhere, the cheering, the applause.
The love!
The patriotism!
Do you think Biden could do that?
Do you think Biden could do this at all?
Here he is walking into the frat house.
He goes right up to these men and he says hello.
What do you think would happen if Biden walked into the frat house?
He'd say, these guys are too old for me.
Here he is tossing footballs.
He was signing footballs and tossing them to the crowd.
Oh, look at that arm, too.
Trump with the arm.
Oh, that's a strike.
And now here he walks out into the stadium.
People notice he's there and start cheering him on.
Oh, he's not the president though.
He's not the most popular president of all time.
He did not win the 2020 election.
It's criminal to say he did.
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
[crowd cheering]
Now again...
Yeah guys, just keep this on the screen as we go to break.
Dude, I mean, come on.
We all know what would happen if Joe Biden showed up at a college football game.
In fact, it's exactly what happened to Emmanuel Macron at the Rugby World Cup.
We'll play that clip.
He would get booed out of the building.
You wouldn't even be able to hear yourself think the boos would be so loud.
So ask yourself, why doesn't Joe Biden go to a college football game?
Because everyone knows, from Joe Biden to everybody in his cabinet, to everybody in his administration, to everybody on his staff knows, A, Joe Biden couldn't even handle it, first of all.
He's not healthy.
But two, he would get booed out of the building.
But okay, Joe Biden was busy this weekend and we'll juxtapose Trump's activities with Joe's on the other side.
That's the reception of Emmanuel Macron at the Rugby World Cup.
Yeah, you're getting booed, bud.
And, uh, folks, there's all kinds of different videos from the crowd.
I mean, it was... That one almost doesn't even do it justice.
The strength of the boos.
The noise from the booze.
But he heard it.
He got the message loud and clear.
Similar to what would happen if Joe Biden went to a college football game, I'm sure.
And that's why he doesn't go.
But now we look at Joe Biden's activities from this weekend, and understand there is a build-up to this.
Joe Biden traveling this weekend and last week.
He arrives in India to barely any ceremony.
Barely anything.
They don't care.
Modi isn't even there to greet him.
And they have this little dance team there.
And that's all Joe Biden get.
No red carpet, no big ceremony, no big grand welcome.
Modi wasn't even there.
It was just a little dance team and some staffer that said, hey Joe.
And then he's confused walking around the tarmac.
He's like, what's going on?
He doesn't even know.
So that was the buildup to the G20.
And then, okay, you give Joe Biden a microphone and you kind of regret it, don't you?
I don't know if this has ever been done before, except maybe to Joe Biden.
They cut off his microphone, ladies and gentlemen, because they're afraid of what he might say.
This is the President of the United States, and he's having his mic cut off?
He's getting the hook?
Here it is in clip one.
We talked about, we talked about at the conference overall, we talked about stability, we talked about making sure that the third world, excuse me, the third world, the southern hemisphere had access to change, had access, it wasn't confrontational at all.
Thank you everybody, this ends the Calum Press Conference.
Thanks everyone.
Thank you.
What is that?
Mid-speech, mid-statement, they give Joe Biden the hook.
And now he starts screaming at me.
And now he won't take questions.
Now he runs from the press.
As they play him off the stage.
Nap time for Joe.
And actually, he did say, yeah, it's time for me to take a nap.
Incredible stuff.
And so maybe this is part of the reason why they cut his mic off, because they don't want him to say anything embarrassing or stupid.
He couldn't even pronounce the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia's name.
He became Mush Mouth, Marble Mouth, here in clip 12.
And I particularly want to thank Prime Minister Modi and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammed bin Salam.
So, excuse me, Mohammed bin Salam.
And President von der Leyen and the European Commission.
And since he's not speaking today, I wanted to... well, maybe he is speaking today.
I had a note he wasn't speaking.
At any rate, I'm going to stop there.
Yeah, you're going to stop there.
You've embarrassed yourself.
You've embarrassed the country enough.
And then he tells the ultimate truth here in Clip 20.
And, uh, let's see.
I'm just following my orders here.
Now, let's explain a little more what's happening here.
We've seen it before.
Joe Biden has cue cards, note cards, faces, names, outlets that individuals are with, because when he does have a press conference, or when he used to have press conferences, the whole thing was scripted.
And Joe would have a cue card, and it'd have the face of the reporter, the name of the reporter, the outlet the reporter is with, and the question he's gonna ask, and the answer.
And because there's cameras everywhere, we've actually seen the photo evidence of this.
And so Joe Biden, though, has dead air.
He has dead air.
He's confused.
He doesn't even know what's going on.
And so he's trying to fill the dead air and he just says, oh, I'm just supposed to take orders.
And oh, by the way, you know, every question and answer has already been scripted.
And so that's why I'm not calling on you.
I'm calling on him.
Why do you guys, why do liberals defend this man?
What is wrong with you?
Are you so committed to the lie?
Are you so filled with hatred?
Have you no shame?
Just a little, just a little icing on the cake because Joe Biden continues to tell this lie and he told it to the people of Maui.
Oh, I can relate to you.
We had a house fire and it was so bad.
So, so here's Joe Biden and I'll tell you what really happened.
Here's Joe Biden lying about his house fire in clip 19.
I see the firemen standing outside my house in a pouring rain and a woman firefighter and a police officer, a woman police officer, giving my wife a coat to put around her, taking their coat off because she was in her bathrobe and it was soaking through.
I can still see those guys in masks looking through the windows that I could hardly see into my home.
I see it when I see each of you.
Do you have any idea how bad this is?
First of all, the fire he's talking about was a small fire that never even left his kitchen.
So it'd be like if you had a small grease fire on your oven or maybe something happened and your microwave caught on fire and the fire department came and put it out before it reached any other rooms.
But as if that's not bad enough, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Biden was not even there.
He was not even present.
And so that whole story he tells you, that whole story he tells the victims of Maui, completely fabricated.
Completely made up.
And by the way, he's been fact-checked on this for decades!
For decades!
He's been caught in this lie for decades and he continues to tell it!
But why not?
He lies about everything!
What difference does this lie make to Joe Biden?
What else is Joe Biden up to?
Listen to this announcement from Kirby in clip 10.
I had a chance to ask part of the president's traveling party if he was going to ask MBS or anybody else for help bringing gas prices down at home.
Well, he'll have opportunities throughout the discussions here at the G20 to talk about a spate of economic developments around the world.
He's focused on making sure that the prices continue to come down for the American consumer.
That's why he has taken steps to shore up global supply, even if that means coming into the Strategic Reserve.
Oh, we're going to dip back into the strategic oil reserves, are we?
Which are already at record lows.
And it's likely that Joe Biden is being forced to do this by the Chinese communists that own he and his son's ass.
But let's just look at the bottom line.
Gas prices are hitting record highs.
And they're only going to go up.
So Joe Biden might drain the strategic petroleum reserves to either A. Satisfy the Chinese Communist demands or B. Try to keep gas prices as low as he possibly can so that they don't reach five, six, seven dollars a gallon, which is where they're going to be.
And then there's another issue.
And it's complex, but let's make it simple.
If there's three countries that consume oil, the United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.
Let's say those three countries consume oil, but only two of the countries produce oil, Russia and Saudi Arabia.
Well, gee, who do you think is going to pay the most for oil?
Who do you think is going to pay the most for oil?
And let's say Russia and Saudi Arabia, with the BRICS system, decide that they're going to have a new foreign policy geopolitical strategy to hurt the United States economically.
Well, gee, what are they going to do?
They're going to jack up oil prices, they're going to keep oil scarce in the world market, and if we want to get oil from them, they're going to make us pay a tremendous tax on that.
And that's exactly what's happening.
And then this lying administration with this lying press secretary tells you that gas prices are lower than they've ever been.
It doesn't matter that you know that's a lie!
It doesn't matter that you go to the pump and pay more than you've ever paid!
The White House says it's not true!
That's newspeak!
That's 1984!
That's Brave New World!
That's corrupt politicians!
So... You can only jack into the petroleum reserves so much, folks, until they're gone.
And I would tell you right here, right now, that by next summer, because Russia and Saudi Arabia already said they're done.
They're not putting any more oil into the world market.
Why would they?
Why would they?
Joe Biden's trying to crush Russia.
So you know what's going to happen, probably?
You're going to start seeing $4, $5 a gallon average by next summer.
And the White House will still tell you they're cheaper than ever.
So, it's quite hilarious.
The Democrats have to pay people to lie for them.
Like this one teenager that they pay to yell at a camera phone and upload it to social media.
Try to make it through this in clip 15.
A lot of people are surprised to learn how productive the Joe Biden presidency has actually been.
Unemployment is at a 54-year low.
He's created 13 million jobs.
Inflation has gone down for the 14th month in a row.
He's invested more money than anyone in infrastructure in the last three decades.
Did you even know that?
He passed the first meaningful voter form.
That's killing the economy, Jack.
more money in climate change than any president ever. Like half a trillion dollars. There's
a lot of misinformation about that one. New leases for oil drilling projects have decreased
97% under Biden compared to Trump.
That's killing the economy, Jack.
The list goes on and on and on and on. He's been inclusive.
He invests tons of money in health care. I mean, compare this to the other guy who's
being indicted one, two, three, four, I don't know how many times on RICO charges.
He's been impeached twice.
He's got a second defamation lawsuit.
He sexually assaults women.
I mean, what are we doing?
He's trying to keep himself out of jail.
Defamation suit coming?
You ever hear about Joe Biden?
They're like, Chris, Joe Biden is old.
Joe Biden is old.
I'm here to tell you right now, we don't care.
We don't care.
A lot of people are surprised to learn how productive the Joe Biden presidency is.
Is that the offspring of Patrick Bateman?
Look, here's the funny thing.
Look, it's a teenage boy.
You know, okay.
I'm not gonna swing low here, but what's funny is, it's like, these people can't even read the room.
Here's this teenager that gets paid by the DNC.
It's public information.
In fact, when he tweets, when he puts up these videos on Twitter, there's a community note every time that says, this individual is paid for by the DNC.
And he's in his car, this teenage boy is in his car, which appears to be a brand new Audi SUV, probably at least a $60,000 car.
Probably more.
And this is the guy telling you, oh, I know all about the economy, I'm a teenage boy!
I get paid by the DNC, I drive a fancy Audi.
Oh, so relatable!
So relatable.
And you're telling this struggling American that's struggling to even make a car payment, How great Joe Biden is, and you're a teenage boy that has no life experience, and looks like the offspring of Patrick Bateman, how great things are.
Really good stuff.
And so here's how great Bidenomics is though, guys.
Just B-roll clip 13.
Now, I've seen this coming a mile away.
Because this organized retail crime is not going to stop at robbing stores to steal shoes or jewelry or clothes or watches.
Eventually they're going to realize, well gee, we can steal food too!
And that's what you're seeing on the screen now.
A woman loads up a grocery cart full of food and steals it.
So get ready for this.
You've seen the bum rush at the jewelry stores.
You've seen the bum rush at the Nike stores.
You've seen the bum rush at the Targets.
At the Louis Vuitton.
You've seen the bum rush.
And no punishment!
So guess what?
They're going to figure it out pretty soon.
Well gee, I can just steal my food too.
And they just shut down a Nike store because it got so bad.
Nike permanently closed its factory store in Democrat-run Portland due to ongoing theft and safety issues.
These stories are across the country.
So yeah, get ready for the food retail theft to begin now, folks.
Guarantee it.
Now, here's a statement from Donald Trump on the state of the nation in clip 16.
So this battle that we're in is a battle for all of us, that is for history.
This is historic.
This is a big moment in our country because we're either going to go one way or the other.
And if we go the other, we're not going to have a country left.
We will fight together.
We will win together.
And then we will seek justice together.
We're going to seek justice today.
That's Donald Trump this weekend in South Dakota to a raucous, monstrous crowd.
I dare Joe Biden to have one rally.
Let's see one Joe Biden rally.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, as I said in the first hour, I'm gonna make a bit of a personal statement here.
And I would like to preface this by saying that I never got into the news media or the media at all to talk about myself.
I really don't like doing it and it's just not what I got into media to do.
I didn't want to be the story.
I don't want to talk about myself.
But it goes without saying that for about a week now, I have been all over the news and I have been a story.
And while I'm not going to be commenting on that story per se, there has been such an outreach of support, and I had a conversation with Alex earlier today, and so I want to let you know a little something that's going on, and then tell you how you can support me now.
Because of the situation we're in here at InfoWars.
Now, I am due in court on Tuesday.
This has been all over the news, the case.
You can read all about it.
And because of the situation we're in here at InfoWars, there's basically no money For us to support anything that I do, personally, outside of hosting the War Room, from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, at Bandop Video.
And I am eternally grateful for that.
I am extremely grateful that we're still able to do that, even though things are tight around here.
But, there's no money for travel.
There's rarely even money for security or for us to do anything outside of these studios because of what goes on.
And so, I'm talking to Alex earlier today, and he's asking me about travel and everything for me going to court on Tuesday.
And I had to tell him.
I was like, well, Alex, yeah, I mean, I don't have a crew.
I don't have any security.
I don't have the money.
The company doesn't have the money.
And so, I never got into the news media to get rich or make money or be famous or talk about myself.
But at this point, if I'm going to grow professionally, I will need support outside of InfoWars.
And so with Alex's blessing, we have decided to launch a fundraising account for my personal, professional endeavors.
And you can support that by going to DefendOwen.com.
We have just launched this.
Now, I want to be clear.
This is for personal expenses.
So that if I want to go cover a news story, I can pay for it.
Or if I'm going to build a home studio to cover breaking news when it goes live, I can do that.
But I have paid the expenses for my travel and my room and lodging for, I guess, about a year or so now.
And when Alex said, hey, what do you mean there's no crew going with you?
What do you mean there's no security?
What do you mean there's no camera crew?
I said, well, I don't have the money.
The company doesn't have the money.
So he said, well, look, you've got to do a fundraiser.
He said, look, I know you don't, you never asked for raises.
You never asked for money.
You just want to just, you just want to fight tyrants and tell the truth, speak truth to power, but you got to do this.
Or you're really just putting your career and your life in jeopardy.
And so, I took the sage advice from Alex, and I've started a Give, Send, Go fundraiser, and there's been so many people asking how to support, and I just said, look, just pray for us, support InfoWars, and that's going to be enough.
But the truth is, I can't get the money for crews, I can't get the money for security, I have to pay for all my travel and all my lodging.
And so, we've decided to launch this fundraiser, and you can support it at DefendOwen.com.
I'm always going to be right here and loyal to InfoWars, just to be perfectly clear.
If anybody's thinking this is some way, shape, or form me taking a step out the door, or somehow this is InfoWars announcing that they're going to separate ties or shut things down, that is not what this is about.
That is not what this is about.
This is about Alex saying, look, If you're going to go professionally, if you're going to be able to cover things and do what you need to do as a journalist, then you've just got to launch a fundraiser.
And so we've decided to do it.
And again, this is going to go for personal expenses that I have to take up now if I'm traveling or if there's a breaking news story or Because here's the thing, there's breaking news all the time.
The crew here already works 7 days a week, 10-12 hours a day.
I don't like asking the crew at a minute's notice when there's breaking news, hey, let's all go in the studio and get it set up.
That usually takes at least three people.
And they are already working every day, 10-12 hours a day.
So it's a lot easier if I can build a professional home studio, and if there's breaking news, I can just go live right there, professional sound, professional video, and be able to break news and cover it live.
And so, if you want to support me in these professional endeavors, go to DefendOwen.com.
And so, hopefully, the result of this will mean... And people always ask, you know, why aren't you traveling anymore?
Well, there's a couple reasons.
One, I've been on probation for more than two years, and there's a very strict travel probation involved with that, amongst other things.
I'll talk more about that next week.
And two, we are just at a point, and it's, you know, Alex talks about the bankruptcy stuff here all the time.
That's not my story to tell.
And I'm sure he'll have some stuff about it next week.
But because of that, I can't fund what we do here.
So if I want to go cover a hurricane, or I want to go cover an emergency, or I want to go cover a big event, the funds here are just, they're not there.
We're basically capped.
We can do what we can do here, and we're trying to just maintain that.
But if I'm going to get back out there and start covering things and getting on the road again, then I'm going to have to start funding that and doing that myself, which is fine.
I'm okay with that, but Again, I don't like sticking my hand out and saying, hey, help me out here doing personal, professional stuff.
But after speaking with Alex for a couple hours today, and with his grace, we've decided to go ahead and launch this fundraiser, DefendOwen.com.
This is going to be going to helping me in my personal, professional endeavors now, so that I can expand professionally and continue the journalistic work that I've been doing for almost a decade now in politics.
And I'll just say this in closing.
Obviously, there'll be coverage of my court case on Tuesday.
And depending on how things go, I might be able to start traveling and covering big breaking events very soon.
Now unfortunately, depending on how things go, I might not be.
And I'll just leave it at that.
But regardless, your support at DefendOwen.com is going to become a key factor, if not the factor, in supporting my personal professional work and helping me expand what I do as a journalist Outside of InfoWars.
Not that I'm separating from InfoWars.
That's not what this is about.
And I'll go around and I'll still give shoutouts to InfoWars and report for InfoWars and all that stuff.
That's great.
I intend to do that.
But, we just can't fund it here anymore.
And so, that was the conversation that I had with Alex earlier today.
And again, I don't like coming on here and saying, oh, I have no money for this stuff and everything else, because I know you're struggling out there too.
We're all struggling in Bidenomics.
The truth of the matter is, if I'm going to expand and become bigger in the media and have a bigger media footprint, then I've got to start doing this.
And so DefendOwen.com is the website.
This is not me separating from InfoWars.
I'm always going to be here.
I'm going to stay on this ship.
I'm going to continue hosting The War Room, Sunday Night Live, working with Alex, filling in for him, all those things.
But in order for me to expand professionally now, I'm going to have to fund it myself.
And you can support that by going to DefendOwen.com.
I thank you so much for your support.
God bless you.
I love you.
And let's do the news on the other side.
You know, I just gotta say, this audience is such a godsend.
I can't even put it into words.
And, you know, when I decided to make the pivot professionally from sports to politics, I knew there was only one team I wanted to play for.
And I knew there was only one organization where I could do what I wanted to do.
And once again, the audience has proved that my instincts were right.
And I'm right where I'm supposed to be right now.
But again, you know.
I didn't get into this business to talk about myself.
I didn't get into this business to get rich or famous.
And... I just, I, I, really, I feel so rich because the support of this audience, the support of my friends, the support of my family, the support of this crew, that's what makes me feel rich.
And I could have zero dollars in my bank account and I'd still feel like the richest man on earth thanks to this audience and this crew.
I really mean that.
So, uh, that's just...
That's just God, is what that is.
And that's this audience being the best audience there is.
Now, let me get back to doing my job here and hosting the Alex Jones Show.
And I will be with you the rest of the night on Sunday Night Live as well with some big guests coming up.
But, let's get back to the news.
And boy, I mean, I've got more on Joe Biden and maybe we should pick that up because there are some developments here inside the Democrat Party ahead of 2024 that they're going to have to deal with.
And so I already played the juxtaposition of Donald Trump this weekend in South Dakota to massive crowds.
Donald Trump in Ames, Iowa to massive support.
And then Joe Biden on the road fumbling, bumbling, forgetting where he is, getting cut off by his own staff, getting no respect in India.
But okay, let's get a little wonky here and let's talk about 2024.
Well, let's look at the lack of support Joe Biden has.
Joe Biden went live on Twitter and YouTube.
When he was giving his speech in Vietnam, where they cut him off the mic and they played him out with the music and they gave him the hook.
It's kind of like a bad comedian, you know?
And it's like, hey, you gotta give him the hook, get him off the stage.
That's Joe Biden.
Except it's not comedy.
and his live broadcast on Twitter peaked at 1800 views.
Ladies and gentlemen, I know a certain individual here, a big burly man, who could fart into the wind
and get more than that on the live stream.
But he's not running for president.
Donald Trump is.
Donald Trump's videos get millions of views every time.
Donald Trump has more people lined up outside of his speech in South Dakota ten hours before the doors even open than Joe Biden gets on a live stream speaking as the President of the United States in a foreign country.
So that's, let's not discount that.
As an indicating factor of where Joe Biden is at as far as popularity and political support is concerned.
But believe me, there are panic buttons being pushed left and right inside the Democrat Party.
Senate Democrats are freaking out over Joe Biden's terrible poll numbers.
In fact, in fact, Two-thirds of Democrat voters in a CNN poll would prefer anyone but Joe Biden.
The option was Joe Biden or anyone else.
67% said anyone else.
So, I mean, that could be the ham burglar.
They would vote for a ham sandwich over Joe Biden.
Believe me.
With the...
With the commentary and backlash that they're still getting from the 2020 election results, and them seeing the popularity of Trump surging, believe me, the low view counts on videos, there's almost no support from Democrat voters, is troubling for the Democrats.
And they got one more problem, folks.
Because, here's the thing.
It's not that the Democrats don't have a viable candidate for president, they actually have a great And that's Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Solid candidate.
But they don't want him.
Because he's anti-establishment.
Because he's anti-Big Pharma.
Because he's anti-military-industrial-complex.
Because he's his own man that tells the truth as he sees it.
The Democrats aren't interested in that.
They'd rather have mush-mouthed, oatmeal-brained Joe Biden up there fumbling, mumbling, bumbling around and then they give him the hook on the stage.
But what are they going to do?
And so now, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
has made statements and announcements alluding that he might be making a third-party run.
Now, I'd like to see RFK Jr.
team up with Donald Trump, but let's just say that RFK Jr.
decides to make a third-party run.
Do you realize that that's game over for the Democrats?
It's game over, folks.
will take so many votes away from Joe Biden that he has zero chance of winning.
Believe me, the Democrats know that.
So they've got a rock and a hard place that they find themselves in, don't they?
Do they go with RFK Jr.?
Well, of course not.
They don't want him in there.
Do they go with Joe Biden?
Well, gee, how can they go with Joe Biden?
He's unpopular.
So, who's up?
Well, Gavin Newsom was an option, but he's taking his name out of the hat.
Gavin Newsom declares he will not run in 2024, and actually says Kamala Harris is the natural successor.
Now, is that a joke?
Is he trolling here?
By the way, did you see Kamala Harris over the weekend?
Guys, go ahead and B-roll me clip 11 here.
No, no, no, give me the audio too.
Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
Hit it with the audio.
What is that?
That's Kamala Harris gyrating and humping.
And we're not even in Willie Brown's office.
We're not even on the Montel Williams Show.
And Kamala Harris, the Vice President, is gyrating and dry humping.
That's the successor to Joe Biden!
The Magic School Bus Lady!
The Venn Diagram Lady!
The bus goes here, the bus goes there, because that's what buses do!
What is that?
Surely the Democrats aren't thinking about running her.
So where are they going to go from here, ladies and gentlemen?
Is it going to be Michelle Obama?
Are they really going to run Joe Biden again?
What's that going to look like a year from now?
Do not take this issue inside the Democrat Party lightly, ladies and gentlemen.
Do not take it lightly.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to talk about the issue of the open borders and the... Well, it's ironic, but it's unintentional irony of the Democrats not wanting any illegal immigrants in their cities, but only in Texas, they say now.
That's amazing.
Wow, we've got a developing act of defiance.
Happening in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Just in case you're unaware of this, the New Mexico governor went full on Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Stalin, and said she wants to ban guns.
Issued a 30-day ban on carrying guns in public in Albuquerque.
An open act of defiance happening right now in Albuquerque.
Hundreds Hundreds of gun owners have showed up at a town square in Albuquerque with their guns, open carrying, in a public act of defiance against their tyrannical Democrat governor.
It's women, it's children, mothers, fathers.
So, wow.
I guess that sends a message loud and clear To the old corrupt Democrat tyrant, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.
And we'll be monitoring this, but as far as I can see, no law enforcement is making arrests.
No law enforcement is harassing these people.
And so perhaps the law enforcement in Albuquerque has decided they're not going to violate their oath, and they are not going to violate the Second Amendment.
You'll love to see it.
More of this, please.
Open defiance.
...of tyrants that want to destroy the cornerstones of this country, the First and Second Amendment.
You want to engage in an act of defiance right now, ladies and gentlemen?
Go to Infowarsstore.com and support these transmissions.
Believe me, it's a blessing that we have Harrison Smith on air every morning hosting the American Journal, that the legendary Alex Jones Show is still on four hours a day, and that I get a platform 3 to 6 p.m.
Central at Band.Video hosting the InfoWars War Room.
Believe me, it's a blessing.
And it's all thanks to your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
So if you want to engage in an act of defiance, just like what we're seeing there in Albuquerque, go to InfoWarsStore.com.
And the good news is you don't only support this broadcast in free speech, you support yourself with great products like Vitamin Mineral Fusion, DNA Force Plus.
I'm a product of the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
I start every morning with Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
Let me tell you why.
I've even got a canister right here, so I'm reading right off the supplement facts.
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And they'll love it, by the way.
And I've got to tell you about the flagship Elite product, and that's DNA Force Plus.
Again, I start every morning, actually I start every morning with this.
I chase DNA Force down with Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
And then I also like to take DNA Force Plus when I get home from a workout.
But this is the Elite Flagship Supplement at InfoWareStore.com.
You want to talk about telomere support?
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DNA Force Plus, ladies and gentlemen.
There's not much else, if anything else, on the market like it.
Other products have tried to enter the market.
They charge $500, $600, $700 a pop for products like this.
You support yourself, you support the broadcast.
All right.
We've got a wide open border.
Now, the Democrats have done something incredible here.
It's hard to even wrap your head around this.
The Democrats in Chicago and Seattle and Los Angeles and San Francisco and New York City and New Jersey and the list goes on and on and on.
They say we're a sanctuary city.
And this is all in response to Donald Trump.
Trying to stop illegal immigration.
And they say, we love illegal immigrants!
Bring them all here!
It's a sanctuary city, we love illegal immigrants.
Well, now, there's so many illegal immigrants in these cities, it's overwhelming the cities.
The Democrat voters there are ticked off.
But they've got a problem.
See, They always love to have their cake and eat it too.
So now, Democrat mayors in these sanctuary cities are saying, we can't handle the illegal immigrants anymore.
It's too much.
It's Greg Abbott's fault.
Even though it's obviously their fault.
But they can't address the open border issue because that would go directly against Joe Biden.
And that would go directly against the White House narrative that the border is secure.
So instead, Biden regime mulling a plan to force migrants to remain in Texas using ankle bracelets.
So all these Democrat mayors are calling the White House and they're saying, hey, our constituents are pissed.
And if you want the Democrat Party to stay in power in these cities and run them into the ground and steal all the money, well, you're going to have to do something about these illegal immigrants.
But they can't openly attack the Biden open border because that would be bad for party policy.
So instead, the Biden administration has cut a deal with these Democrat mayors and they've said, okay, we're going to make them stay in Texas.
And we're going to give them ankle bracelets in case they leave Texas.
Are you kidding me?
So you can come across the southern border illegally, but if you leave the state of Texas, now you're a criminal?
This is Democrat Party politics.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This is Democrat Party criminality.
This is Democrat Party insanity.
This isn't politics anymore, and we should stop referring it to, we should stop referring it to being politics.
It's not.
It's criminality, and it's insanity.
That's what it is.
This is not politics anymore.
But oh my gosh, can you imagine?
Oh, but this isn't an agenda to turn Texas blue.
Of course not.
They're not trying to have all these immigrants show up.
And then the Democrats give them free money, free housing, free food, free clothes, free education, question-free.
But all you gotta do is stay in Texas and vote Democrat.
That's not politics, folks.
That's criminality.
That's what that is.
And between all the money they give to illegal immigrants and all the money they give to Ukraine, where do you fall into this equation?
Well, it's Bidenomics, Jack.
And that's why more Americans today are living paycheck to paycheck than ever before.
Even six-figure earners living paycheck to paycheck.
Your grocery bill is higher than it's ever been, unless you're an illegal immigrant, then it's free.
Your taxes are higher than they've ever been.
Your energy costs, your price at the pump, I mean, it just goes on and on and on and on and on.
Unless you're an illegal immigrant, then everything is free.
And now they're going to spend even more money to make sure they stay in Texas.
And so listen to what Curtis Lewa is saying about this in clip 18.
We're gonna bring in the tractor trailers, trucks, cars, vans, wrecks.
We're going to block the bridges.
We're going to block the highways.
This is a war for the soul of our country, our state, and our city.
We the people are fighting this because our politicians have forsaken us.
I will use every measure available that is within the decency and means Now, I want to explain the political significance of this because these are not just conservatives or Republican voters out in the streets complaining about this, folks.
These are Democrats.
Big-time major Democrats, city council members, deputy assistant.
And they're all saying this is ludicrous, this illegal immigration problem.
And they're out on the streets.
And you know who's leading the charge to stop it?
Republican candidate for mayor, Curtis Sliwa.
And they're out there on the streets and they're seeing it.
And a lot of them are now putting videos up and making statements saying, gee, I wish I would have voted for Sliwa.
He might have done something about this problem.
We're going to have more about that on the other side and the latest out of Ukraine.
Don't go anywhere.
I want to go to the streets of New York City now.
(upbeat music)
Show you a little scene of what's going on there with the illegal immigrants and a breakdown from a Queens resident.
And then we're going to get into the situation in Ukraine and Elon Musk.
But first, let's go to the streets of New York.
A Queens resident breaking it down in clip 9.
I drive by here every day.
These guys party.
They're not partying tonight because we're here.
I mean, literally, they're partying, smoking weed, music.
It's insane.
He's talking about legally immoral.
Media doesn't cover this for some reason.
They just don't cover it.
I'm like, are you... I feel like I'm in a bizarro world.
They don't cover this, and I'm trying to understand why.
This is acceptable?
You've got to protect Biden.
You've got to protect the Biden administration and the Democrats.
This is the normal stuff right here.
Scooters on the sidewalk.
Mind you, this is a school right here.
This is just normal stuff.
This is the safe stuff.
There's other stuff that you would think a major news network would come here and cover.
Right across from the school, huh?
They don't cover it.
It doesn't happen.
They don't cover it.
He's right out here where we are.
The city put these bike racks just after they opened for the scooters.
This is the number of bike racks.
Now they're showing all the illegal immigrants hanging outside the school.
put these bike racks just after they open for the scooters.
This is a number of bike racks.
Look at this.
Where do we get the bike?
Now they're showing all the illegal immigrants hanging outside the school.
They get free bikes.
They give them bike racks to set up so they can make tent cities.
Look at this.
Look at this.
This is nice.
Is this nice right here?
This looks like... I mean, you gotta be kidding me.
And we're right outside the elementary school.
This is... I mean, come on.
This is... This is the playground right behind you, right?
This is rid... Look at this!
Look at this trash.
My daughter goes to school here.
It's a fucking such... The meanness of... What?
Is this... This is what we live in now?
This is acceptable?
Look at this.
Look at this.
I mean, this is, this is wrong.
They should come out here, clip all this and get rid of this stuff.
It's an elementary school.
I went to that school.
I went there.
There's their tent cities they got set up right next to the school.
Great work there by Frontlines.
And so...
Rebecca Brannon on the scene.
And so, there's two elements to this, actually.
And you kind of get a taste of it.
There's the element of the illegal immigrants taking over these cities, the illegal immigrants getting better treatment than the citizens.
That's one aspect.
But there's another less understood aspect that you start to see metastasizing in that video.
Locals are saying, they're scratching their heads, they're saying, why isn't this on the news?
See, and so, now the realization hits, for many it already has hit, Trump was a big factor in this, the fake news.
It's not news!
It's not news!
I would honor, look, I'll tell ya, there's about Ten percent of local news that is actually good at their job and actually reports the real news.
And you probably don't even know their politics because they're just reporting the news.
So they'll tell you about the illegal immigrants, they'll tell you about Hunter Biden and everything else.
That's about ten percent of your local news.
Your local Fox, your local CBS, your local NBC.
That's about ten percent that are actually doing journalistic work.
Ninety percent?
Just spend three hours in makeup.
They just like the prestige, the air of being on TV and being on the local Fox, CBS, NBC outlet.
Yeah, they're big tough stuff.
And they wear their hair up and they got their big fancy suits and studios and they just feel prestigious and they take their fancy cars to five-star restaurants every night and they get recognized and all they do is read a teleprompter brought to you by Pfizer.
That's all they do.
And that's 90% of your local news.
Let's not even get started on the cable news.
But see... I mean, how many in the audience have had this similar experience?
I remember having this experience.
It happened multiple times.
I remember going to Trump rallies in 2015 and 2016, and the local news wouldn't even cover them, or they'd say nobody attended them.
30,000 people.
I remember being in Ferguson, Missouri on the ground covering the Mike Brown riots and sitting there watching the media lie about the whole thing.
And you're just like, what is going on?
And you realize it's all fake.
And most people in local news are just airheads that read off a teleprompter.
Now, again, I want to be clear.
There are great journalists out there in local news.
There are.
But it's about 10%.
90% are airhead teleprompter readers that are just in it for the prestige.
That's it.
They don't have a clue what's going on.
Hell, you break the news to them that there's an illegal immigrant in Tent City.
They wouldn't even know!
Now, moving on.
Elon Musk sues California for censorship.
More wars for the First Amendment.
But let's get into the situation in Ukraine.
Zelensky on Starlink gate.
Elon Musk committing evil and driven by big ego.
Uh, no.
The Ukrainian regime asked Elon Musk to expand his Starlink technology so that the Ukrainians could attack and kill Russians.
And Elon Musk said, I'm not going to be a part of that.
Good for him!
Good for him!
And then they lied about it.
And now they're mad at him because he didn't want to facilitate Ukrainians killing Russians in an escalation that might lead to World War III.
And in fact, whether you believe The Russian military or not is up to you.
But the Russian military came out and said, if Ukraine would have launched that attack, we would have responded with a nuclear weapon.
Now, you can believe that or not, but that's what they said.
So you could reasonably say Elon Musk might have prevented a nuclear war or even World War III.
And Zelensky's pissed about that.
Well, what does that tell you about Zelensky?
You know who else is pissed about that?
Jake Tapper from CNN.
Jake Tapper from CNN.
I like world war.
I like nuclear war.
I'm mad because Elon Musk didn't let Ukraine kill Russians.
He didn't want more war.
He didn't want more dead.
He didn't want to expand this war and have a nuclear war and then we all die.
I have a death wish.
I'm Jake Tapper.
Does that pretty much do that?
that does that cover that and they want to give more money to Ukraine
America last.
Biden regime to send over $1 billion in new aid to Ukraine includes $520 million for green energy.
So that's just straight up theft.
That's just stealing your money.
And an additional $665.5 million.
So that's $666 million.
They're really telling you what they like.
For security assistance.
Security assistance.
How about some security assistance for us?
No, no, no, no.
They're going to take away your Second Amendment.
And Woody Harrelson, the great American Woody Harrelson.
I don't know if there's been a better response, because they tried to set him up, but he's not going to be like one of these punks in Hollywood.
So they tried to set him up with the Ukraine question, and his response, if not perfect, brilliant in clip 8.
You know, I'm the kind of guy who just thinks it's abominable.
When a superpower, with all this military might, with no provocation, attacks a country that is, you know, like, like, you know, Iraq, sorry, Afghanistan, I'm sorry, Vietnam, Korea, no, sorry, Ukraine.
I mean, does that say it or what?
But you know why that cuts so deep?
Is because it exposes the fraud of American liberalism.
And it exposes the fraud of Democrat Party foreign policy.
And it shows that what is the real Democrat Party foreign policy?
It's whatever, it's whatever it needs to be at the time.
So if it's George Bush in office, then Democrats are anti-war!
But if it's Barack Obama in office, then they'll turn their eye, a blind eye, and say, what war?
I don't see any war.
There's no war here.
Or now with the situation in Ukraine.
If George Bush was doing this and funding this and getting involved in this, they'd all hate the war in Ukraine.
If it was Donald Trump, they'd all hate the war in Ukraine.
But because it's a Democrat Party policy and a liberal war, then they love it and they can't get enough of it.
And Jake Tapper wants to see billions of people dead.
I mean, that's just brilliant from Woody Harrelson.
And it just cuts to the heart of faux American liberal foreign policy that's anti-war.
They're not anti-war!
They never were!
We're going to be coming up with special guests and some big news for InfoWars Sunday Night Live.
A couple odds and ends before I let you go here for the Alex Jones Show.
Have you seen Mike Lindell's deposition that just went public?
I mean, ladies and gentlemen.
If you liked Mike Lindell before, you're gonna love him now.
Mike Lindell goes off against evil and a-hole lawyers in heated deposition.
The story is at Infowars.com and you gotta watch this, folks.
This stuff is just great.
And so, it's just, this is the new energy.
You punk-ass Democrats.
You think you're going to push us over and turn us into peasants and slaves in a digital corporate world government?
You got another thing coming.
You got Mike Lindell who's gonna stand up to you and tell it like it is.
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