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Name: 20230905_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 5, 2023
2747 lines.

The White House is implementing COVID-19 protocols like masking and social distancing indoors, as per CDC guidelines, after President Biden tested negative for the virus but had contact with the First Lady. Some view this as a sign of more vaccine mandates and restrictions to come. This follows claims by an InfoWars whistleblower about similar measures starting mid-September, which the White House denies. However, they continue to encourage vaccinations and boosters.

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The most insane crap, the Pentagon going, well, we're going to mind control all Americans for their own good and we're going to put chips in your brains and, you know, if we don't, the Chinese will mind control you.
That's always the excuse.
That's how evil works.
Well, the end justifies the means.
And they go, yeah, we may just have to hit the public with a weapon of mass disruption to break down society and medicalize them so people are so sick they can't resist us.
Because here at the Pentagon, we have our interests and they're the American people.
And, you know, we're our own group, and we're just going to go ahead and make them so sick with protein crystals that they can't even get out of bed.
Because we're going to stop violence.
Because what you're doing is horrible and evil, and you know we're going to finally resist having you take our sons and cut their dicks off.
And so the Pentagon's like, well, it's our job to make sure they don't ever resist that, so we'll just poison everybody.
And you get into their sick thinking, their self-appointedness.
And that's why they want a full drone military.
That's why drag queen story time, and critical race theory, and oh, the Gadsden flag.
You know, the Navy can't have that no more, even though it's its original flag.
First flag of the U.S.
Navy, Gadsden flag.
John Paul Jones.
It's to get the good people to quit, and then those that don't quit, they implant you with deadly shots to slowly kill you.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty, it's Alex Jones!
I'm glad I live in a country made of laws.
As Chris Gleason reporting for the Gateway Pundit reported, a bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fannie Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.
You know, she's raised 92% of her funding out of 44 states outside of Georgia and only 8%
came out of that local area so that tells you what's going on. The
investigation which spans across multiple states and multiple jurisdictions has
revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very
foundation of our constitutional republic and the rule of law. The first
local elected official identified as part of this ongoing money laundering
operation was New York DA Alvin Bragg.
We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct.
Exposed by James O'Keefe and his people at O'Keefe Media Group, Alvin Bragg received massive numbers of campaign finance contributions from this network of individuals who had been identified as Smurfs.
FEC data shows that some senior citizens across the U.S.
have been donating thousands of times per year.
You did donate to AdBlue, right?
Yes, once in a while, yes.
What about $18,850?
What about $18,850?
I doubt that.
18,672 different contributions that total an amount of $1--
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The investigation into Alvin Bragg also helped to uncover the use of prepaid credit and debit cards in the structuring of the campaign finance contributions and the payment to ballot harvesting mules.
Illicit campaign finance funds were also identified in the campaigns of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race of Janet Bratasewicz and Senator Ralph Warnock, and spread to states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state in the United States.
We have videotape of Jackie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, bringing in ballots, To be inserted into machines.
This is the opportunity to stop corruption and to stop fraud when it comes to elections in the state of Mississippi.
This is what Fannie Willis and the Democrats have created in Atlanta.
Boarded up and abandoned homes everywhere.
Crack houses for blocks and blocks.
Fulton County Jail in Atlanta.
Another inmate died in custody.
Five inmates in the last month, all black.
Now let me see here, you got a black mayor, you got a black prosecutor, you got a black sheriff, and black people are dying at the jail.
Where's Al Sharpton?
Where's Kamala Harris?
Where's Joe Biden?
Nowhere to be found.
Where's Black Lives Matter?
My father is a former, and I guess always, a Black Panther.
I take a lot of pride in being Black in America.
Do you think that you were personally singled out by Fonny Willis and others?
Just as an example.
Oh, absolutely.
She wanted to send a message to black folks.
You know, there's a huge trend amongst African American men leaning towards President Trump and looking more into conservatism.
And, you know, they definitely don't want that.
Some say he's racist and tweets like a kid while overlooking all the good shit that he did.
I ain't ashamed of my president a little bit.
I'd rather have an alpha male than a little bitch.
It was recently discovered that 222 contributions to Atlanta D.A.
Fannie Willis' campaign had zero donor information, while one of the out-of-state Fannie Willis
campaign contributors had made over 9,178 individual contributions just at the federal
level since 2018.
Meanwhile, this nationwide money laundering RICO enterprise is making more and more contributions
to PACs, and these PACs in turn are financing local candidates.
This RICO operation is at the heart of the Democrat Party's ability to retain power.
A full-fledged organized crime operation with strong ties to a myriad of Soros-connected organizations.
Operating within a one-world government agenda framework to destroy the United States.
Now delivered on a silver platter to an unwilling Congress ushering in its own demise.
John Bowne reporting.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, this weekend, a lot of big developments happened, as you obviously know.
A long weekend.
And we're going to be here laying it all out today on this Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.
2023 must watch transmission. One of the best political analysts out there, former
Naval Intelligence Officer Jack Posobiec is going to be able to spend a whole hour
with us coming up in about 25 minutes from now to cover the waterfront.
The Ukrainians have now admittedly completely collapsed on the battlefield despite all the NATO forces and weapons.
And so they've fired most of the command of the Ukrainians.
Zelensky has, that means NATO has, And things are deteriorating very, very quickly.
And we're also seeing a lot of the soldiers coming back to the United States who were sheep-dipped into the Ukrainian forces by the CIA.
And I would look for some of those groups to be some of the organizations that are going to stage some of the false flags here in America.
We know that they were heavily involved.
Some of the Azov people at the U.S.
Capitol on January 6 in Charlottesville So they're using them as cutouts, kind of like they used the Cubans from the Bay of Pigs that survived to be part of the Kennedy assassination.
So it's a rerun of all of that very, very dangerous time.
But I would look for some of these Ukrainian forces to launch terror attacks inside of the United States to be blamed on Biden's opposition.
That follows historic parallels.
And we also have the different synthetic Nazi organizations now popping up everywhere across the United States.
Ahead of, I believe, false flag terror attacks to be blamed on Trump supporters.
That's what the pre-programming of the narrative is.
We'll be looking at that in depth.
And Elon Musk has come out and said what I told you years ago.
The ADL is a multinational Mossad, CIA, MI6 group that has private intelligence officers in most of your police departments, even in small towns.
They put in a lot of the judges and their job is converting America into an absolute tyranny.
They're heavily involved in the new UN treaty that ends free speech as we know it.
I have a giant stack.
I've been promising a deep dive on that, but it's really ripened the last few days.
Elon Musk came out and said it looks like we have no choice but to file a defamation lawsuit against the Anti-Defamation League.
They discovered internally that the ADL was basically running Twitter as a go-between for the FBI and CIA.
Musk has promised to release those documents next week, but a lot of them have already come out in Congress.
This is totally illegal.
It also came out in mainstream news this weekend, like it was no big deal, that the ADL has AI chatbot systems installed under agreements with many of the telecommunications companies, right down to some of the top online video consoles, video game consoles, and is recording everything you say in your house and transcribing it.
So, that broke.
Can't make that up.
That is just the unbelievable Magnitude of this.
So while you're playing Call of Duty or World of Warcraft, it's listening to everything you're saying and creating a file on you.
Now we know a lot of other companies are doing this as well, but the ADL is the first to come out and admit they're doing it and say they're proud of it.
So the Alexa in your house is listening to you, the Google assistants are.
And it turns out the ADL basically programs it and controls it.
So that's why I say it's the most Nazi thing I've ever seen.
The Nazis surveilled people, censored people, boycotted people, put the Jews and other people in ghettos, wouldn't let them have businesses.
They debanked the Jews.
And it's, you know, I didn't do anything to the Jews or the ADL, and I don't deserve to be treated like I'm a Jew in Nazi Germany.
And so when people finally take the blinders off and see this, this is just insane.
But again, it's a globalist crime syndicate, it's a mafia that simply hides the entire New Order takeover behind a civil rights organization.
I mean, the crimes they're committing, folks, are, I mean, I gotta say, the chutzpah here is pretty spectacular.
But again, it came out in the 70s and 80s, the ADL got caught all over the country posing as white supremacist groups, and it came out in their own documents from lawsuits and criminal charges against the ADL, and I've got some of those articles here to review later, that the main Nazi leaders were mainly Jewish.
And of course it's the same today, ladies and gentlemen.
It's LARPing, it's live-action role-playing, And then they'll also get some mentally ill white prison gang folks to be on the payroll who are dumber than a box of rocks.
And they'll run around howling Hitler everywhere.
But it comes out in every case later that it's either Southern Property Law Center, let's not just blame the ADL, the ADL or the FBI and direct control or the CIA.
So I thought we'd review some of that after Jack Posobiec leaves us in about an hour and a half from now.
It's a very large stack.
And guys, the ADL came out last week and announced how proud they were of all of this.
So we're going to be going over some of those video clips and more.
And I've also dredged up some newscasts and things from the 80s and 90s where the ADL got caught commanding the white supremacist organizations.
Of course, Oklahoma City was run by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
That came out in federal court under sworn testimony by U.S.
informants and federal agents.
They were commanding the Elohim City white supremacist compound, where they, of course, helped McVeigh cook up the diversionary truck bomb with Larry Nichols.
So, very dangerous people.
Very dangerous.
And so people need to be aware of that and understand that.
But that's why they had German intelligence involved with them as well.
It's been even the one in Guardian that most of the white supremacist groups in Germany, it turned out, are led by the German government.
So this is how they divide and conquer us.
And it's truly disgusting.
And Elon Musk has come out.
I've got his tweets right here.
And he said, look, we got the documents.
They were already running Twitter and all the other big tech companies before it.
And they told us to do whatever they say politically and basically let them run the company still or they would destroy us.
And now they've got all the documents that they've lost more than half their sponsors at Twitter.
In the Western world, the Asians, must said, aren't intimidated.
They don't even listen to it.
They advertise something and it sells there.
They just advertise there.
But with U.S.
audiences and U.S.
companies, European companies, they don't want the ADL coming after them.
So the ADL calls up and says, hey, You're advertising with Elon Musk.
He's a white supremacist or whatever.
And the truth is, is that they were censoring hundreds of millions of people on Twitter.
Same thing on Google and Facebook.
Billions of posts about COVID.
And the ADL has now been caught, along with the feds and the CIA and the congressional hearings, targeting people to be shadow bans.
You don't know you've been banned, but you have been.
If you think the Afghan withdrawal was bad, or if you don't want new lockdowns, or you don't open borders, or you criticize Joe Biden vacationing too much, the ADL has AI algorithms that flag you, and then no one can see you.
And then they'll go further and just have you deleted.
You talk about racketeering.
You talk about criminal activity.
You talk about an intelligence operation.
But you notice that even the congressional hearings in the last few months about all this, they show the Justice Department, CIA documents, and they show different leftist organizations interfacing, but very little about the ADL.
And you know, Tucker, I love to death, came out and did an interview with Megyn Kelly and he said, Well, we can play the clip later, but he said, oh, it's such a wonderful organization with such a great mission, the ADL, and now it's run by a guy that's basically just a Democratic Party operative that wants to silence their opposition.
Sorry, the ADL's never been good.
The ADL is a protection racket, and it's been exposed by other Jewish groups that we'll play clips of later.
They want anti-Semitism and persecution of Jews, duh, because then they get more money.
So they're creating a dialectic and they're working for some very evil groups.
So if you love Hitler, you love the ADL.
Again, Jack Postobit coming up next segment.
You know, Jack is very, very popular on TV and very, very popular on Twitter.
And I think he's underrated and he's not really underrated.
I'm not saying he's underrated.
I'm saying he should be rated even better because he's one of the smartest people when it comes to really piercing through the propaganda and the noise and cutting right to the signal.
So I really look forward to him joining us for a full hour.
We're going to cover so many critical subjects with him.
And I remember when he tried to come to work here like five years ago.
And I just said, No, Jack, you're gonna be more successful not working here because I knew we were under such incredible attack and that he was so smart that That that would have damaged him.
And that's how I think big picture.
Now we've gotten back up on our feet.
We're going to be working with a lot of people and trying to actually expand things.
But I can see the trajectory we're going through at that time that I was about to be put through a meat grinder and anybody close to me would be hurt by it.
And that's really a great satisfaction I have now is to see not just people that are already awake, like Jack Posobiec being so huge now, and he's been big forever, ever since he showed up on the political scene.
Has been an advisor to Trump, you name it.
But to now see Tucker Carlson fully awake and so many others, again, that's a real bellwether to let everybody know just how close we are to beating this thing.
But that means the globalists are going to throw the kitchen sink at us.
And that means false flags, attempts at race war, new viral releases and so much more.
So I came across some research yesterday and went down a rabbit hole and have done about Probably six hours of research since yesterday afternoon when I discovered a little clip on Twitter that I'm gonna play when Jack joins us and we'll talk some about this subject with him because he's one of the few people out there that can really add a lot to
To the big picture.
There's not a lot of people know about this.
I talked to him this morning and I said, would you like to talk about this?
What's your view on this?
Just send him a clip.
Boom, boom, boom, boom.
All this cutting edge angles that I thought of and hadn't thought of that just totally clicked.
So we're going into race specific bioweapons, including down to the individual and head DARPA leaders and heads of neuroscience divisions of major universities.
Giving presentations on soon nanotech prions will be released that look like hemorrhagic fever that'll cause massive blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.
And these are clips from 2017 at the Pentagon.
I got a bunch of them right here from just one hour-long lecture that will Make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
And that's the thing.
I don't care if you are black.
I don't care if you're a Muslim, white, Christian, Jewish.
I love everybody as an individual.
And that's why I really grieve that we have organizations like the ADL.
That knowingly you're creating division, and they're knowingly breaking down society.
And when I refreshed my research last week as the ADL thing came to the surface like a cold sore, people want me to cover it, so we are.
We've been covering it forever.
We've been persecuted by it forever.
I've been persecuted by the ADL for at least 25 years, viciously.
And I started reviewing what they put out in colleges and in public schools, even down to elementary schools.
And the ADL is the main group that puts out the curriculum that is picked up everywhere that white people are inherently bad, that Christians are bad, and that, well, there's no whites getting killed in South Africa, and just all of it.
It's just so nasty.
A group operating on racial division, a group wanting tyranny, a group wanting censorship, a group spying on you.
When I said it's the most Hitler-like thing I've ever seen in the West, I'm not saying they actually hail Hitler or like Hitler.
I'm saying that they act the same and are just horrible, horrible organization.
And it's refreshing to see people stand up to it and say, you know, we're sick of being called things we're not.
I mean, Hitler was a loser.
Both my grandfathers dropped bombs on Germany.
And I'm sad for the Germans that got killed.
It was terrible for everybody.
But, I mean, just, I don't deserve to sit here as an American and have the ADL swing 80-year-old hatred of the Nazis from World War II that happened 80 years ago onto us, and that's my identity?
And then you can't shake a stick at the people around the ADL who aren't actually servants of Hitler.
Soros, of course, but there's a bunch of other, and that's the thing that real Jewish organizations have exposed.
We need to, I covered this decades ago, we need to bring it back up in the history of it.
Did you know there were rich, powerful Jews like Madeleine Albright's father?
There was even national news about this a decade ago.
She was on 60 Minutes and people saw all this famous art that was from famous Jews killed in the death camps that her father stole from them.
Because there was a whole enterprise of rich Jews, Soros down at the bottom, he was a bloodhound, he would go find Jews, up at the top, like Madeleine Albright's father.
So, yeah, I mean, it's just a man, like, you've got Nazi, you've got stolen art from murdered Jews on your wall, but it's okay because you're Jewish.
No, it's not.
Or your Madeleine Albright says, yeah, we killed 500,000 Iraqi kids, I tripled the sanctions, I'd do it again.
And say, oh, you're a Jewish woman, so you're allowed to brag about killing 500,000 kids.
I don't care if you're Jewish, German, Chinese, man.
You do crap like that, you're evil.
So the arrogance is disgusting.
And the truth is the ADL was not founded out of Nazi collaborators.
It was founded in a disputed case of a Girl that was killed in a factory and they said by the Jewish owner and then he got lynched and whatever the truth of that case was, that's how it got founded.
And then after World War II, all these rich Jews that had made a deal with Hitler to send the Jews to Palestine that never got fully implemented.
I mean, that was all agreed on.
And there were all these powerful Jews there, robbing the Jews of their money to try to get out of Germany and Europe.
And the ADL is a representation of those people.
They prey on Jews.
By listing all this tyranny as run by a Jewish organization, and the censorship and surveillance, and that white people are inherently bad, and that Catholic conservatives are bad people, and then there's all these conservative Christians in America that have been very pro-Jew, very pro-Israel.
I was brought up very pro-Israel.
I still don't hate Israel, but I don't lionize it and think it's perfect.
It's like our government's out of control too, but it's very offensive.
To grow up hating Nazis, and to grow up hating both your grandfathers in the Army Air Corps, and all the rest of it, and to then think of yourself as Captain America, and then have some group lie about you, and be mean to you, and persecute you, and Sacha Baron Cohen gets up and says, we're going to put Mark Zuckerberg in prison if he doesn't do what we say, and we're going to put Alex Jones in prison, and they're all clapping about it?
You want to hurt me!
You're hurting me!
I didn't do anything to you!
I know you know that, and you don't care, and you're cold-blooded.
But there are a lot of good Jews and other people that need to understand how the ADL is setting you up.
The ADL is very sophisticated, Hegelian dialectic, and there is massive resurgence of anti-Semitism because of the ADL.
They're the ones driving the whole thing.
Now you see how powerful they're going to get out of that.
Hell, if there was a new Nazi takeover of America, I bet you money the ADL would round up the Jews, help the Germans, help whoever, and then just take the money from them, and then the ADL would run off with the cash.
That's the type of people run the ADL.
You understand that?
We'll be right back.
Well, you can find his daily shows that are very successful and popular and informative at humanevents.com, and of course you can find him where he dominates Twitter, Jack Posobiec, He joins us for a full hour.
Very appreciative of that because he's one of the smartest people I know when it comes to geopolitical systems.
He has a wide knowledge of a lot of different areas and few people, few people have that.
So, Jack, your research is always invaluable.
I'm a daily viewer.
Great to have you here with us.
It's also been great to be on your show as well.
I talked to you during the break.
I said, what's front and center?
We talked a lot this morning about different topics.
You said obviously the, in your words, complete collapse of the Well, I said of the Ukrainian military, so it's a complete collapse of their system, period.
We've had the Democrats obviously try to deny that there's any corruption going on, but they're heavily involved, they ended up with their eyeballs.
Now it's coming out in the mainstream news, the New York Times, so a major, major shift here.
I'd like you to give us your analysis on that and what you think is coming next.
Then we'll look at the massive censorship wars and the ADL and this big fight with Elon Musk and the Weaponization Committee hearings that we've seen.
And then, of course, we're going to get into the latest on the Georgia Secretary of State testimony blows up in Fannie Willis's case.
Turns out it was all lies.
What Trump said was true there.
We're going to cover the waterfront literally here with Jack Posobiec today.
So thanks, Jack.
Alex, always a pleasure to be on, and Tanya asked me to say that we and the family are praying for you, we're praying for your family, we're supporting you, we're hoping that God is with you and on your side as you continue your fight to bring the truth, to bring freedom, and to liberate the minds of the American people, and really people across the world.
She asked me to say that to you when I was coming on today, so I wanted to put that out there.
Look, you know, and Alex, you and I sat next to each other.
At the Twitter hearing when Jack Dorsey came in five years ago now to Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.
and he claimed there'd be no censorship, nothing, but then you go and look at what has happened to Twitter X now that now that Elon has taken it over and it directly ties back to what we see going on in Ukraine on the battlefield now.
All of this is inextricably linked and I can explain.
So one of the ways that Twitter, under the old regime, was conducting censorship is they had all of these partners on their, essentially, censorship council, which they called the Trust and Safety Commission.
So on Trust and Safety, you would have people at one point that were actually from the FBI, so you had actual FBI agents that were coming to Twitter from Intelligence and law enforcement sources in Ukraine.
And then who are they targeting?
They were targeting journalists.
They were targeting activists.
They were targeting just random accounts, random people on Twitter and claiming, if you spoke out against what was happening in Ukraine, if you said, I got the photo of us.
If you spoke out about what was going on on the ground, if you said anything that was just different.
From the mainstream media narrative, whether it's New York Times, whether it's CNN, etc.
Remember at the time they told us it was all together.
Oh, they said, you know, Ukraine's going to be in the middle of this counter-offensive.
They're going to be taking Mariupol back.
They're going to be taking Malitopol.
They're going to be punching through the Russian land bridge all the way down.
The liberation of Crimea is at hand.
The actual truth of the matter is that it's been the complete opposite.
NATO has been dealt a crushing blow on the banks of this counter-offensive.
They attempted to use these Blitzkrieg-style tactics.
They've been a complete failure on the battlefield because why?
Well, the Russians know how to fight against Blitzkrieg.
They did the entire thing in World War II.
Maybe some people could look it up because I guarantee you the Russian generals definitely, when they go through their military academy, they study the battles of World War II where they defeated the Wehrmacht.
On this, by the way, on the very same terrain where they're fighting right now in the Donbass.
And so the fact that NATO is seeing this huge collapse of their forces on the backs of the Ukrainian people has left a lot of people, even inside Ukraine, looking around, pointing fingers, saying, Zelensky, where are the heads going to roll?
This is why we've seen Alex just in the last week.
Ukraine has arrested, arrested the main who was completely behind the rise of Zelensky to begin
with. All the way back in 2019 when he ran for office, even before then when he
had his TV show, the same exact oligarch Igor Kolomoisky was funding Zelensky's
TV show. He then funded his party, this party that he set up to run with all
the way back in 2019 when he decided that he's not going to be
a TV star anymore.
Now he's going to be a political force, makes up a new party.
The very oligarch, Igor Kolomoisky, has just been arrested in Ukraine over corruption charges.
Then what do we find out today?
The Ukrainian Minister of Defense has just been fired.
And he was the same guy that just four months ago...
He said, oh, we're not just going to push the Russians out in one month.
We're going to invade and roll into Moscow.
Just delusional statements.
No, all the way into Moscow.
Everything's coming apart.
Send us another hundred billion.
Everything will be great.
Well, it turns out that guy comes out and Alex, it's amazing how suddenly when the minute that somebody falls out of favor, the minute that somebody has a little bit of problems on the battlefield, when somebody becomes a little bit expendable, then they Suddenly discovered that this person's been corrupt all the time.
So now even the Ukrainians are admitting that this guy was essentially siphoning off money that the United States and NATO were sending to you.
And that was my next question.
How big is it?
It ain't just him.
It's all of them.
So what does it signify now from your research, your great sources, that the New York Times and the Biden regime is turning on Zelensky?
Zelensky's sacking all these different chiefs, having a major reorganization.
Does that signify that NATO is going to escalate support and they're trying to just get people in that they think will follow their orders?
Or does it signify they're going to start backing up and then maybe make a peace deal with Putin?
Well, Alex, NATO is going to continue, and John Mearsheimer, the great Professor Mearsheimer, has just published a very lengthy essay, I read it last night on his Substack, where he states, it's very simple what's going on.
Ukrainian soldiers, Ukrainian men, Ukrainian blood is being sacrificed.
so that NATO can take out Russian soldiers.
This isn't about Ukraine.
It's not about liberating the people of Ukraine.
They don't care about the women and children.
They don't care about the children being trafficked, that are being caught up on the borders,
and they've arrested people for this.
The organs being trafficked out of there.
They don't care about that, because it's about degrading Russia.
It is a proxy war on Russia being fought with the military.
Yeah, they said, oh, this is just a degrade Russia.
they will continue escalating in Ukraine until they don't think that
they're basically killing enough Russians which is something that you've
heard even even high member high-level members the Secretary of Defense said
so did so did Milley you just yeah they said oh well this is just a degrade
Russia so this isn't going for many years right so we need to understand
that when we when we talk about the the thousands of deaths of Ukrainians in the
counter offensive when they talk about potentially 400,000 heroes.
That's a Ukrainian.
One Ukrainian broadcaster recently slipped up and said, oh, we have 400,000 heroes since the beginning of Ukraine.
400,000 deaths?
Is that what they're talking about?
Almost a half a million people.
We're talking World War I scale numbers going into World War II scale numbers.
This is stuff that the United States has never seen.
But of course, we are the ones pushing it.
Because the elites continue to succeed off of it, they continue to benefit and gain off of it.
That's why you're going to see Alex, I actually predict that you're going to see now more direct NATO control of the Ukrainian government, more direct NATO control of the Ukrainian military, more CIA involvement, and yes, we are going to see more escalation, perhaps even escalation to the point of attacks like we saw the Nord Stream 2 bombing, that bridge that connects Crimea
to the rest of Russia, I predict that bridge will be attacked in the next probably two to
four months.
I totally agree and that's what I see from this is this is not NATO pulling back, this
is NATO reshuffling the card deck here.
Well that's right and in the same way and Jim hopped over at Gateway Pundit, it's funny
you mention that, has a story up today about how the FBI created a card deck of January
6th, defendants, not even defendants at the time, they were just suspects of 3600 cards.
You are now seeing the takedown of people who had power from the previous regimes in Ukraine.
Anyone who's installed now is going to be a complete puppet.
Anyone who's installed now is going to be someone that's only there at the remit of people like Victoria Newell, Newland, people like Jake Sullivan, people like Tony Blinken,
these guys are the ones actually running this thing and oh by the way they
were the very same ones who are running it all the way back during the Maidan
coup of 2014.
What should Republicans do as the impeachment begins to move forward
I think the money and the hundreds of billions and all the corruption should be front and center.
I see that as a good way of making the deep state back down, making NATO back down, and then making a deal with Putin.
Obviously, all he wants is that security zone that he already has, and then we can move back from the brink here instead of The clear escalation ladder that we're following up with F-16 pilots being trained with huge munitions factories being built in Poland.
And they're talking about a 10-year war, NATO is.
I mean, this is madness.
And the Russians, as you know, are just beginning to scale up.
So how do we put pressure to end this?
Do you think that'll be successful?
And then if we're not successful, how do you see this escalating?
What's the timeline?
Well, Alex, unfortunately, I think it's I think it's worse than people realize because I know you and you've done fantastic reporting on the reintroduction of COVID, this push to reintroduce COVID lockdowns.
Jill Biden coming out today and saying that she has tested positive.
You directly predicted through your TSA whistleblower that mid-September, and here we are, September 5, That these introductions would begin to take place.
However, Tucker Carlson also floated a new idea, and that is, could they possibly push for full-scale war with Russia, a hot war with Russia, to essentially claim war powers?
And we've already seen the normalization of this in Ukraine, where Ukraine has said, we will not hold elections because we are at wartime.
Is that potentially setting the stage to normalize the idea of even the United States not being able to hold elections because we're in a hot war with Russia?
Alex, the way I'm looking at things, that's exactly the way the dominoes are falling right now.
They follow a direct chain between the indictment of Trump, the attempts to remove Trump from the ballot, going after key Trump lieutenants.
The trial of Bannon, Peter Navarro goes on trial today.
The impeachment of Ken Paxton down in Texas is going on today.
The Freedom Truckers, that's going on trial today.
We are seeing full-spectrum legal warfare from the overstate, from the regime on the forces of populism today.
And it's setting the stage so that any of these high-level dissidents, any powerful dissidents, whether they're going after you, Alex, whether they're going after me, so many others, Charlie Kirk, The reason that they're doing this is so that any voice of dissent will be taken out before this potentiality can come to pass.
And if we let it gain critical mass, if we let it gain critical mass, then they will absolutely institute.
A hot war with Russia.
And I tweeted this last week and I got a lot of pushback on it from the neocons in DC.
Because not only would they want to go to a war with Russia for all those reasons, but at the same time, who are the people most likely to go and serve, even if there was a draft or the volunteers, it would be people that are more likely to be conservative, more likely to be libertarian, more likely to be Trump supporters, more likely to be dissidents.
They're going to be sending you guys all over to fight in Russia.
They're going to be sending you a fight over for the freedom of a state.
And there's nothing they love more than seizing conservative institutions and using us for their will.
And that's exactly my next point I wrote down before you went there.
Because, again, it's all interconnected.
So roll through this.
And Senator Josh Hawley, about a month ago, said, look, the Democrats are trying to outlaw the Republican Party.
They're creating a one-party state.
And now the Democrats are actually talking about the Republicans being like a vestigial, ceremonial, regional party.
Even though, populist-wise and numbers-wise, the Republican Party is exploding.
So the Democrat Party is in a desperate They're losing public support.
They're losing black support.
They're losing Hispanic support.
The world's seeing through them.
There's a global awakening against the globalists.
Their war's not going well, but they're not going to give up.
They're going to double down.
Hence the indictments.
Hence the censorship.
Hence the UN treaties on health.
And I totally agree with Tucker Carlson.
I believe COVID And then trying to bring it back is just to see if they can.
I don't believe they'll be successful.
Yes, they're now cancelling concerts and closing high schools and colleges, and they've got
a new booster route.
And now they're scaring people with, oh, you know, the View host wasn't there.
They're sick.
They're clearly trying to see if they can get it.
At least they'll get some more Pfizer shot money, at least able to lock down some more
Democrat areas.
They may try to do mail-in ballots in some key states because of kind of lingering COVID
That's second fiddle now to being all in for escalation with war, and I get this question on the street.
People ask Alexa this.
It came out last week, and Alexa's just AI that scrapes the common knowledge, and whether it's right or not, Alexa said, no, there will be no election next year.
Alex, that's exactly right.
a permanent one party system under the Democratic Party because of war with Russia and China.
And then we look at the real world, that's where they're shooting for is a crisis so
big what's bigger than an expanded war.
So break that down more.
And then what do you think our messaging should be to warn the people?
What should Congress do to get ahead of this madness?
Alex, that's exactly right.
And it is, you know, people will say, oh, it's just Alex Jones saying this.
It's just Jack Posobiec.
It's Infowars.com.
Strauss-Howe, when they did their generational theory all the way back in the 1990s, the
original book, even earlier than that, they talked about the concept of turnings and the
fourth turning of which we are currently in right now, the crisis phase.
And Neil Howe is out with a new update.
saying the fourth turning is here.
This book was just released a couple of weeks ago.
And in the new book, Neil Howe actually predicts that the end of the crisis phase will not constitute
for probably another 10 to 12 years.
We may not see the end of the fourth turning until 2030, 2032, 2035.
And by the way, the Rand Corporation has their own historical cycle template,
but it matches that one.
And the Rand Corporation, as you know, for people that don't know, is basically the highest level of the Anglo-American brain.
Oh, the Rand Corporation, that's all controlled releases.
When you're reading a Rand Corporation release, you have to understand they speak with the voice of the world brain, right, from Brave New World.
They are the world state.
And so what Neil Howe has predicted, that we have yet to actually see the beginning of the crisis yet.
And so when you look at 9-11, when you look at the post 9-11 wars, when you look at the liquid national gas wars that have gone on, when you look at the financial crisis.
So the financial crisis parallels the Great Depression.
The global financial crisis parallels the Great Depression.
However, the crisis itself has yet to actually begin.
and they predict we are either headed for a global conflict throughout the world or a civil war
inside the United States.
These are the people that do this, that have been doing this for years.
They predicting this cycle all the way back to the glorious revolution of England in the 1600s.
They predict that now to take place.
And so if that were to take place, it is incumbent upon us to be on the side that wins it.
Do you want, so you have two doors.
You have two doors.
One door is the door of freedom.
It is the door of liberty.
It is the door of a new American, the establishment of a new American Republic.
And over at Human Events, we go through the nuts and bolts of that every single day.
But the other door, Alex, this is the totalitarian super state, the overstate,
that you have been discussing for so many years here, walking through.
And I remember those great clips of Alex Jones from the 1990s saying,
"NATO is gonna be used as the world police force."
And they said that was crazy.
And they said it was tinfoil.
And now you look at what's going on around the world.
You look at every single push by NATO.
You look at the way...
That these regimes have pushed themselves around the world but then because of the rise of social media, because of the ability of social media to independent journalism, independent sites,
Infowars.com, Band.video, HumanEvents.com.
Now we have the tools to fight back.
And Elon Musk, love him or hate him, he's put $44 billion on the line
and is at least giving people a fighting chance.
And Alex, I think he should bring you back, but we're now also hearing stories
that Elon Musk is facing pressure to ban people, to have advertisers pull out of the site.
You have groups like the ADL doing this, but it's not just the ADL.
You have to understand that this isn't just one of these left-wing pressure groups.
You've got the SPLC, you've probably got the CIA and FBI pulling the strings back there.
All of these groups are doing everything they can to push back.
And it's interesting, isn't it, Alex, that suddenly, right when Elon buys Twitter,
all of a sudden these reports come out saying, "Oh, there's been a rise of extremism on Twitter.
"The hate speech is on the rise on Twitter.
"Hate is driving up.
"It's all coming up, it's all coming up."
And it's all Elon Musk's fault.
So then what else do they do?
Then they go after his other corporations.
Now they're going to go after SpaceX.
Now they're going to go after Tesla.
They got the Justice Department and the other agencies going after them all.
So let me give you a big piece of intel and give the listeners this intel.
And I learned this in the last few weeks and I just haven't been ready to talk about it yet because it's so big that I was really Postulating to myself how to explain it the best.
It'll probably take an hour to go through it all.
But I live here in Austin.
I know some people that know Elon Musk very, very well.
And I'm not going to say any names.
But let's just say this.
I've run into high-level Musk people.
I've had some meetings with some people.
And then I had a long conversation with one of his friends, who's a very well-known podcaster.
And I got just a lot of intel the last few months building up to this.
And then I saw news articles that basically mirrored what I was being told.
But they said no.
Elon is 100% pissed at the globalists.
He doesn't like the things they've done to him and other people.
He's really upset about it.
And he's got his people around him saying, back off.
And he's going, no, I'm not backing off.
These people are dangerous.
So just like we see Bill Maher sounding like Jack Posobiec now, or we see, uh, Turner Carlson sounding like Alex Jones now.
People that know him well go, no, no, no.
It's not an act.
It's not him trying to get both sides to like him.
They've messed with him a bunch and they're literally getting ready.
His firstborn son is converting to a girl.
He's tried to stop it.
They're getting ready to chop, chop.
So having your son's testicles cut off will piss you off.
Also, he had another baby that he believes died from sudden death syndrome that was really a vaccine.
His brother almost died from the COVID shot, and a bunch of his employees got sick from it.
And so I've had meetings, people that have had meetings with Musk.
I'm not going to sit with him at dinner, with him at his house, at his factory, and Musk is literally ranting and raving.
It was described by two people that, man, he sounds more wild than you.
They said he will now, he's not a guy that does this, start ranting and get red-faced about these people.
One description was, you know, hopping mad.
So it's not, it's not a joke.
And if they're going to kill anybody, I think Trump should really be saying his prayers.
And so should Elon Musk.
So I'm here officially saying, from my intel and what I've seen in the globalist attack on Musk, I believe he's come fully over to our side, Jack Posobiec.
Well, and it really is amazing because you've also seen Elon Musk finally, I think, really start to open his eyes more towards the impact of ChatGPT, of AI, of OpenAI, these things that he's funded in the past.
He started to turn his back on it.
And really, I think when you're attacked by groups like the ADL, groups like the SPLC, groups like GLAAD, the ACLU, I mean, we all know the list, right?
We all know the list.
And it's these pro-censorship groups.
They're all part of the regime's censorship arm.
Them attacking Elon Musk was a strategic mistake on their part, because Elon has the resources, has the wherewithal, and more importantly, has the mass support, the critical mass of support out in the public because of his decade of goodwill that is out there.
And sure, he has his detractors.
And as you know, he just tweeted a week ago, they took my son away from me.
The communists took my son.
He is pissed.
What they've done is they've provoked him.
And so I think that he's now starting to open his eyes to a lot of these organizations.
I hope that he opens his eyes as well next to the Chinese Communist Party and stops dealing with them and is able to call them out on their abuses, on the way that they're completely tied into all of this.
And look, I get it, Alex.
I've seen people that were asleep that have now become woken.
And I'm hoping, I'm hoping that what we're viewing and potentially what you're saying is, is that he has gone through An awakening.
Has Elon Musk gone through an awakening?
And if he has, he could become the most powerful enemy of the regime and defender of freedom, champion of freedom since, dare I say it, the start of InfoWars.com.
Why don't the ADL and Democratic Party and people get soft powers a lot further?
Why do they come out and just attack people right off the bat that have done nothing to them?
I guess because it works on some people and they just bow down, but they've got to know statistically a lot of folks aren't going to bow down to threats.
Look Alex, this is what always worked in the past.
Before we had the ability to disintermediate universe. These were the masters of the universe. If they
wanted you to be, you know, before we had the word for it, if they wanted you
canceled, you were canceled. If they wanted a candidate that was gone, they
were gone. If you're Richard Nixon and you're saying you're not gonna, you know,
you're gonna pull out Vietnam, you're gonna do all this other stuff, then
done. Fine. He's out.
He's completely out and he's gonna be dirtied up by the Wall Street Journal,
the Washington Post, he's gonna be done by Deep Throat, who's the
assistant director of the FBI.
If you're JFK, well, we know what happened to him.
So, the same thing with Trump.
They are used to be able to taking out people using these practices that were perfected by the East German Stasi.
Because they realized that after the 1960s, that in the era of mass media, you can't just go around assassinating people or throwing people into the gulag.
So what do you have to do?
Assassination by character.
Assassination by destroying someone's reputation.
Destroy someone in the public eye.
And you have killed, by killing the idea of the man, then you have killed the man himself.
But now, we're about to go to break.
Jack Posobiec is our guest.
31 minutes.
But now, the globalist state is so discredited and so hated, everybody just thinks the opposite of whatever they say.
So in a way, they're running out of propaganda bullets.
They're losing their power.
And this is why you are seeing the full spectrum legal dominance on display right now.
Now they have to bring back the show trials because they've lost all of their soft power.
That's why Ken Paxton is on show trial.
Trump's going on show trial.
You had your show trial.
We're all going to be given.
Everyone's getting their show trial these days because that's all they have left.
Hard power to go after the American people and to go after patriots.
Jack Posobiec, same with us.
this will be right back.
It's just a mask.
It's just six feet.
It's just non-essential businesses.
It's just non-essential workers.
It's just until we work it out.
It's just a bar.
It's just a restaurant.
It's just nursing homes.
It's just schools.
It's just to keep from overwhelming medical services.
It's just until the cases go down.
It's just to flatten the curve.
It's just to keep others feeling safe.
It's just for a few more weeks.
It's just gyms, salons, spas, and sporting events.
It's just churches and mosques.
It's just singing.
It's just travel.
It's just until we get a vaccine.
It's just for the greater good.
It's just fact-checking.
Not censorship.
It's just mandatory.
It isn't just at all.
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All right.
I was just talking to Jack during the break, Jack Posobiec, HumanEvents.com, and I was saying, what do you want to hit next?
He said, I want to get into the Nazis, obviously National Front's Fed run, this new ridiculous group that's basically in Red Devil outfits.
It's got Fed written all over it.
But let's do that next segment when some states join us.
I want to get back into what you were talking about earlier, because the song Mission Impossible made me think of this.
This is not a Mission Impossible.
You're totally right.
We're at a fork in the road.
There's two doors.
And the Globalist, their own white papers, as you know, say they're in trouble.
They're losing control.
There's counter-narratives of freedom and liberty and renaissance and all of this.
They're not going to be able, during this liquification period, Where things are frozen in normal cycles, then for a decade or so, they liquefy politically, so things can be moved and changed.
A revolutionary period.
Well that, it's like Super Mario Brothers, when he gets the mushroom, he's like a Superman for a little while.
We're in that phase, the enemy has superpowers, we have superpowers, during this little flux phase, but if we just sit there and are passive spectators, they'll be able to rework the world in Klaus Schwab's ridiculous view.
But if we just challenge it, Then it's game over.
So I think it's important to give people some hope.
And can you elaborate on that thought?
And then what do we do to stop this?
Right, Steve, because keep in mind that the leaders of the globalist American order, the leaders of the overstate, as I call it, because it goes beyond government, right?
As you've outlined, it goes completely beyond government.
They are now considering at this point ways in which they can degrade the Russia-China alliance, the rise of BRICS.
This is all This is all precipitated by the decline of the petrodollar, the U.S.
dollar, the threats to the U.S.
And if you think the U.S.
government is corrupt and incompetent and incapable, okay, sure.
But watch what the U.S.
government does when the petrodollar is threatened.
Look what happened to Gaddafi.
Look at the way they bayoneted him to death.
Look at the way they went after Assad.
Look at by inadvertently creating ISIS.
This is exactly the kind of discussions that are going on right now behind closed doors.
Does the G7 essentially declare economic and then military war against BRICS?
And so when we talk about war against Russia, hot war against Russia, understand that this isn't because they believe that Russia represents some kind of existential threat to the United States.
They don't.
They're not threatening us.
I don't know anyone In my family or my area that's been killed by Russians, at
least not in this century.
But or you know, we can talk about World War II, but you know what I mean.
The point being is, the point being is, the Russians are not in an offensive, they're
not in an offensive posture.
They represent a threat to the order.
This is what I'm talking about.
They represent a threat to the order because you've got three superpowers in the world
You've got the United States, which is in decline.
West is completely in decline, and I'm sick of even arguing with people about it.
We are in decline.
Dollar's in decline.
We have inflation like absolute crazy right now.
You can go to Asia.
You can go to some of these countries where people don't have the inflation like we do, and you can see how people live.
It is not like it is here.
It's not.
It's just not.
Standard of living is so much higher.
Even across most of Europe.
Then you've got China and you've got Russia.
China, the most populous nation.
Russia, the nation that has, again, massive oil reserves and the world's largest nuclear supply.
So when you're in a situation like that, the situation for us, geopolitically speaking, is very simple.
And even Kissinger understood this.
Do you want the worst possible thing you could do?
Is have the two other superpowers aligned together against you.
The goal of United States foreign policy should be to separate those two powers, isolate them, and then be willing to work to number one, calm tensions, work with unilateral trade agreements in various areas, break apart a system of globalization, stop pushing this insane agenda of globalization.
But Steve, excuse me, Alex, what they're doing?
What they're doing is the opposite.
They're putting the West on war footing.
Why do you think they're taking control of the production lines?
Why do you think they want to introduce the COVID lockdowns?
I would even challenge you, Alex, do you think they're reintroducing the COVID mandates, reintroducing the policies, because it actually sets up the United States to be on war footing on a national level?
Oh, I think you're totally right.
And then that's what we see is is them bringing us into the permanent crisis ahead of a
major expansion of the war.
Back in 60 seconds with Jack Posobiec, HumanEvents.com.
Well, HumanEvents is an awesome organization, been subscribing to it for 30 plus years,
and they've done a great job launching their multimedia TV program,
and their main anchor, Jack Posobiec, is with us.
He's got a great political background advising Trump and really breaking so many big stories,
and of course, is also a naval intelligence that lived in China
and has had a lot of experience with what's happening.
He's dead on with what he sings.
We were talking about the fact that the West is declining, and instead of trying to make deals and work with people,
and trying to split China and Russia, which has always been the US policy
since the end of World War II, or since Mao came to power in '49,
instead they've aligned them.
Kissinger says it's a bad idea, General Flynn told him not to do it, so there's a lot of insane arrogance here, and then having Biden stumble around, even though he doesn't run things, the rest of the world makes sees that and thinks we're very, very weak. And then we see
pre-programming. I asked Jack during the one-minute break, I said, "Are you worried about false
flags?" He said, "Absolutely. They're going to pull something big and claim right-wing Trump
supporters are doing it with Russia." Now, there's no evidence of that, but that's the narrative. And
I immediately remembered, the FBI has come out and said, "Oh, white supremacists with
no evidence are attacking the power grid, and they're going to do it in
a cyber attack with the Russians."
Now, no evidence of that, completely ridiculous, but you can take down part of the power grid, blame it then on Trump supporters, or you can assassinate Biden and blame it on Trump supporters.
And they've really fired up the National Front and these other clearly synthetic Globalist, Fed, fake, faux, Nazi groups to the point of I've run into them twice in Austin in just the last three months doing a banner hang on 35, driving around recklessly yelling at people out of the backs of trucks.
Big groups of them, clearly, you know, obviously synthetic.
A lot of them have been connected to the Feds, proven to be Feds.
So we see them warming this up and firing it up to create the illusion that this army of white supremacist Trump supporters exist.
ahead of I believe a major false flag event what could it be Jack Pasobic?
Well Alex I think that's exactly right because what will happen is there will be a power grid attack
a cyber attack Remember that those power grids, the power generators outside of Fort Bragg, or whatever they call it now, were attacked last year.
Part of the base lost power.
And when they looked at it, they said, this thing has been shot.
This was an act of sabotage.
Now look, we have to be clear-eyed about this.
Russia wants to insert sabotage teams inside U.S.
soil and conduct attacks like this.
They're very capable of doing that.
They're very capable of hitting the U.S.
power grid.
And you've seen the Chinese have been hitting U.S.
bases for years now.
Wall Street Journal did a piece on this, but they've been doing it for years.
Coming on bases, oh, we're just a bunch of tourists.
We're not here scoping out all of your installations, all of your infrastructure.
We're not going after your Dyson networks.
We're not going after all those.
Of course, China's all the way in on our SIPR terminals.
China's all the way in on so many of the U.S.
intelligence programs, not to mention our bioweapons programs and everything else.
So there's no question that we are easily penetrated by China and Russia because we don't take our security seriously.
We don't take any of this seriously.
The problem actually, though, for if there would be some false flag, they blame it on Russia, they claim Trump supporters in Russia working together.
Of course, that has been predictive programming for about a decade at this point.
The problem for them is that prior to the current era if you will in the initial iteration of the
Maidan coup between uh with Ukraine and working with international groups like this Azov
group and white supremacists is that they were actually bringing in many of the same people
that you see associated with these neo-nazi groups Alex that you're talking about here
right sector and others that they were bringing them to fight not for Russia they were
bringing them to fight on behalf of Ukraine against Russia
And so this is where you're running into these problems for the narrative, which of course are being exploited by Russian TV and others to say, well, wait a minute, these neo-Nazis Are on the side of Ukraine.
They're not on the side of Russia.
They're they're actually being used by the US government.
And, you know, maybe we're seeing the regime reallocating assets to go from, well, the counteroffense has been a complete failure in Ukraine.
So now we're going to drag them all the way back to the United States.
And I would be skeptical, by the way, of any of the direct claims of these people as to when exactly they were there, what exactly they did.
But I would also say, Alex, That these are the very same people, the very same people that the feds love to work with.
You get somebody who's an extremist, somebody who's into online culture, LARPing.
This guy that you just showed there, Boneface, was a former rapper.
His rap career didn't take off.
He ended up catching some charges, went to jail.
That's exactly who you want to go after.
Someone that you have leverage over.
And then you go to them and make a deal and you say, well, if you do this for us, we'll get you out.
Well exactly, if you look at these guys, they look like a white supremacist gang out of a prison.
And that's what they do.
And then the currency the feds have is, we won't charge you or we'll drop charges if you go out and act like a complete lunatic and do this.
Yeah, they'll catch you for meth dealing, they'll catch you for whatever it is, and they'll say, okay, now you're going to be our guy, you're going to be our group.
And of course they'll do it in the name of saying, well, if one of these groups were to start... By the way, they did this with the Muslims all throughout the War on Terror.
All throughout the War on Terror.
So many of these cells were completely controlled by the FBI.
You can see the guy actually in the background right there.
So these are the same types of groups that the FBI loves to not only, and this will these groups. They are actually creating them in many cases
just like that militia up in Michigan. These are actually creations of the
FBI meant to they're called fed plants or fed pots. They're in this they
are created to bring in people that may otherwise not have done any of
these. And so what does this signify? That suddenly we're seeing a giant proliferation
of these groups with the pre-programming that Trump supporters or
white supremacists they're about to attack you.
But I see black folks on Twitter and everywhere.
I'm just a few of the majority seeing right through this.
So it doesn't look like it's working.
Well, Alex, remember, it's not about us buying it.
It's about whether or not we actually do anything about it.
Because the question then becomes, for the Republican Party, which many times is up there, we could put them in office, and the question is, what do they actually do for us?
Well, in the state of Texas right now, they're going after Ken Paxton.
rather than actually investigating any of these people for their crimes or any of these agencies
or people in high power.
Instead, what we see is the Republicans get in and aren't actually going after the money,
aren't actually putting out the receipts that we need to be able to lock up
the other side of the regime, because that's the only way the lawfare is gonna stop, Alex.
The only way it stops is if we put Democrats behind bars.
And it's as simple as that.
Well, that's my next question.
Oh, it's crazy.
But you have to do this.
And Republican DAs and Republican AGs, that's why they're going after Paxton right now,
because he would be the first one to step up and do this if he wasn't being impeached and on trial
right now in Austin.
Instead, you've got groups like this running around rampant because the regime will use them, and then they will claim this is all Trump supporters.
They will smear it the same way they incited a riot on January 6th to stop.
It remains to be said, and we have to say it over and over, the riot was incited by
the feds on January 6th because they did not and they could not let that debate take place
in the well of the Senate about the corruption of the 2020 election, the rigging of that
They couldn't let it happen.
And Alex, that's why I always post that video of you standing atop, I think it's a car,
you're up there telling people go away from the Capitol.
Do not give them what they want.
And all the times they try to smear you about it, and I just post that video over and over again.
Because you saw, you saw the psychological operation in real time.
Now we're trying to call it ahead of the, ahead of the actual operation itself.
We're seeing the pieces put in place for a massive escalation against Trump supporters, against conservatives, against patriots.
Tying us all directly to Russia and then using the power of the national security state against all of us.
So Alex, it's not about whether the American people buy it.
It's about whether or not the American people do something to stop it.
I agree with you.
So you brought up Ken Paxson, a great guy, done absolutely nothing wrong.
They're claiming a guy that was a donor, that's a builder, that he paid him to redo his bedroom or bathroom.
I mean, that's his best thing they've got here.
But we see a tactic by the Feds and by the Democrats To swarm Trump with a bunch of indictments, not just to pin Trump down, but to also so we can't just go investigate one of the DAs or one of the prosecutors who all have huge corruption, bad histories of being overturned, you name it.
And so we see their thinking.
They know Paxson's the only, other than now a few other attorney generals, Louisiana and Missouri, and I guess look for indictments against them or impeachment against them.
To actually go after the UN cutting off our power, go after BlackRock, you know, go after all the things the Democrats are doing and standing up for Trump.
So they say, hey, make an example out of him.
But if more Republican leaders, governors, attorney generals, you name it, said, you know what?
We're not cowards.
We're all going to have our own criminal indictments, our own investigations.
You can't get us all.
That's really the answer, because the Republicans aren't corrupt at one hundredth the level of Democrats.
Almost all these charges and investigations are completely made up and fake, as we know, with Trump and Paxton.
And so we just need to see some courage.
But it is the average Republican leader, even in Congress, is scared because they know the power of the Justice Department to set them up.
How do we get past that?
Well, Alex, that's where it's incumbent upon the members of your audience, of my audience.
We must face them with firm resolve in our hearts to understand that they're only doing this because we have brought them to the point of this desperation.
They are lashing out like this because our patriot movement has brought their anger, has brought their evil, has brought their corruption to the forefront.
They've gone full mask off, Alex.
Full mask off.
They're not the side that cares, they're not the side that's tolerant, no.
They're the side that wants to mutilate your children sexually, and the side that wants to groom them, plus put dissidents in jail.
That's who they are, that's who they've always been.
We know these people are scum.
And so in order to continue, Alex, all we gotta do is finish the job.
We are 85, 90% of the way there.
That is why they're lashing out, because they don't have anything left.
That's why, whether it takes us going and calling these Republicans, whether it takes us voting them out of office, primarying Republicans that refuse to do their job, I'm for all of it.
And I will always be harder on Republicans because that's my side.
That's the side that says, I'm going to get up and represent you and represent your beliefs.
And you're going to use my phrases.
You're going to use my words.
You're going to go after my people for contributions, for support, for the time, no more.
I say cut off all financial support to Republicans who refuse to go in with this.
Cut off all financial support to organizations that aren't on board with this, who don't understand.
No, Jack, you're right.
You're right.
You're right.
The real power we have is to clean up our own house and make Republicans do their job.
Which is starting to happen.
We only got about 10 minutes left, so I want to shift gears to something you're really an expert on, and that's race-specific and race, you know, individual bioweapons, and a lot of this big news coming out that I'm gonna be breaking throughout the week.
This is gonna be absolutely huge.
This is so incredibly important, but I want to go back to what you just said in closing on this subject.
You're not a guy, and neither am I, that's gonna tell people about pie in the sky or, you know, stuff that doesn't exist.
We're winning hearts and minds.
We have the initiative.
The globalists are masked off, they're desperate, they're doing this out of weakness, but it's so tyrannical, their gamble's so crazy, if we bow down or don't resist, they could convert us to a pure, permanent one-party dictatorship.
So, as you said, door number one, door number two, we're at the crossroads, but a lot of people go, well, then we better just shut up, we're not going to stop this.
What they're doing is so outrageous, so destructive, they're failing on every front, they have whistleblowers coming on everywhere.
And that's why I think you're right, and Tucker's right, they'll probably just go full war.
And that's their final insane card of death, ace card.
But just people need to know, it's bad any way we do it.
It's much better if we resist, still a rough road.
If we lay down historically, these people are not going to give us any quarter.
These are real scum.
Give me your view in 60 seconds before we hit this other big topic, on the mindset of these entitled Ivy League globalists.
Because they couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, but they can distribute responsibility where they never get individually held
accountable so they have this feeling of invincibility that is so dangerous
because they've never actually been on the street in the game anybody I know that's
actually been around the world done real things they have respect for the
how dangerous the world is they're not arrogant they're not full of hubris
but these Ivy leaguers Victoria Nuland can't probably wipe her ass but she's like
yeah let's have nuclear war it just smells of destruction well Alex
remember they don't care about our children
They don't care about our families.
In fact, they want our children and our families to be dead.
They don't care if they will go and enforce and incite violence against Republicans, conservatives, others.
They see you.
Remember, this is religious for them.
This is theological.
They believe they are Marxists pushing the vein of the progress of history.
They are the state-sponsored acolytes and priests and deacons of this global state that Marx believed in.
So it's not the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, right?
It is the state The idea and the social spirit, and so this is why to them they will say LGBT, they'll say this is a sacred, a sacred individual.
Trans is sacred.
It's all sacred to them because they believe it is all sacred.
And so when I say false flag incoming, it's very clear.
It's very clear.
White supremacists tied to Russia, conducting an attack inside the United States.
Remember, Joe Biden, the guys on vacation for 40-50% of the time, they come up, what was the one speech he gave last week?
Was to remind us that white supremacy is the largest threat to the United States.
White supremacy is a threat.
White supremacy is a threat.
Why do they keep saying this over and over?
You can look at homicide and say, wait a minute, no, there's all sorts of stuff going on.
There's crime on the rise, but there's lots of groups doing it.
And this one nowhere near number one.
And he says it over and over because it's predictive programming.
They will launch an attack.
It will justify the rhetoric about white supremacists being public enemy number one.
And they will smear all conservatives as dissidents, as racists.
And then this is the next part, Alex.
This is the crucial part.
Because if you are not willing to send your children, your sons and daughters, I'm talking about mobilizing women over...
In Ukraine right now they're going to say we have to liberate the Crimean Tartars and this is why they've just appointed a Crimean Tartar as now the new Ministry of Defense.
They always find one group and they say, oh it's about the Kurds, we've got to liberate the Kurds, we've got to liberate the Tartars, right?
It's all about the Crimean Tartars.
If you're not willing to mobilize your children, if you're not willing to take your children and send them to their death on the killing fields of the bloodlands of Ukraine and Eastern Europe, you are a traitor and you could be locked up and thrown in jail.
We know they're willing to kill kids, we know they're willing to do worse, and they will do so more because they don't view you as people.
They've been positioning us for war with Russia for a decade, and anybody that just wants to have a basic life and doesn't want to turn their kids over to them...
Well, they're the anti-Russians, so being in opposition to them with open borders or anything, oh, you're now with the Russians, and now we're going to lock you up because we're in a full war with Russia.
That's their plan.
I concur with you.
They will inter-patriots the same way they inter-Japanese in World War II.
This is life and death, folks.
We take everything from us.
We can't roll over to this.
We only got about six minutes left.
We can spend an hour on this, and I'm going to be talking about it more after you're gone.
It's a huge deal.
But we have original articles like this one.
Wuhan scientists plan to release coronavirus particles into cave bats.
Leaked paper reveals the London Telegraph.
But it's not.
It's nanotech spike protein.
That now we have top Pentagon, DARPA officials, and university heads, and all admitting before the virus that they were going to basically, and warning that this was going to be released as a social control to basically hit America and stun us and make us so sick that we can't fight back.
They actually say this in 2017, so just give us your gestalt of this story that we're going to be developing and breaking here in the hours and days to come.
Look, Alex, I mean, you're by no means the first person that's brought up this idea of designer Bioweapons.
So a bioweapon is hard to use and one of the reasons that they were so terrible in the most widespread use of chemical weapons that we saw of course in the battlefield was World War I. In fact, the same German scientist that created a lot of the artificial fertilizers also created some of the original chemical weapons.
And he said, well, in peacetime I'm a patriot, in wartime I'm a patriot, right?
We can see the same science is used for death and for life.
So in this instance, what we're seeing now is all the DNA testing that's going on out there.
We know the Chinese are conducting massive bio databases of genetic genomes.
They're working with 23andMe to collect your data.
Why do you think it's only 25 bucks, folks?
Because China's underwriting it so they can get your DNA.
The New York Times has reported this, has been widely reported.
We also saw at the Aspen Security Forum in 2021, where was that, 2021,
early 2022, where Crow and others were talking about the fact that China and Russia,
and this is what they always say, they say it's China and Russia,
but of course we're doing the exact same thing, that China and Russia are creating bioweapons
that are able to be targeted not based on Just a human condition, but actually targeting specific DNA.
What does this mean?
This means that I can ingest the bioweapon, and I can go around Alex Jones, and then I just breathe, like that scene in Dune where he cracks the tooth, and I just breathe, and I take out Baron Harkonnen, but it only takes out one person in the room.
It takes out you.
This is why, by the way, and you think up and you say, oh, that's nuts.
That's crazy.
That's it.
You warned of this three and a half years ago, and it's since then been admitted that they've been selling the covid swab test to DNA companies.
But the genomes, Emmanuel Macron.
When Emmanuel Macron went to Russia, remember the long table, the giant long table that Emmanuel Macron had with Russia?
And they said, why does he have the long table?
What's the long table about?
Why are they sitting so far apart?
And they said, Emmanuel Macron refused to take a COVID test before he met with Putin.
And he actually said, and this is Reuters.com has it up.
He refused to take the test because he was worried about Russia obtaining Macron's DNA genome.
Why did Macron not want Russia to have his DNA?
It's very simple.
Because he didn't want them to be able to design a bioweapon that could be used to take him out.
Now why would he think that the Russians have that?
Because he knows that the West has that.
It's very simple.
This is the biological arms race that is actually going on behind the scenes, and it spills out every once in a while in stories like this.
That's why they had the long table.
That's why he wouldn't take the COVID test.
Because these weapons are real.
This biological weapons race, biological arms race, At the same time, going on concurrently with the AI arms race is actually the new nuclear arms race of the 21st century.
Because it isn't about killing indiscriminately, it's about killing anyone you want, anywhere you want, anytime you want, and not having any fingerprints tracking back to you.
And exactly, and here I am watching these DARPA, these are DARPA leaders, DARPA heads.
I probably watched five hours since I found this yesterday.
And again, I already knew about some of it, but I didn't understand that this was 2017, 2018.
They're saying specifically, we now have rapid systems, this is not classified, that can gene edit something for a specific person.
That's total gain of function, it's illegal.
And then these head scientists go, you know, we are discreet, we're doing it here, because it's not really legal.
But in China, it's legal, so they're probably way ahead of us.
And they're there in these conferences at the Pentagon admitting it all.
The test centers are all in China, of course.
We only got a minute left.
Jack Massoba.
Which by the way, and I'm gonna throw it out again.
Why did you see, why did you see the murder of a researcher, a Chinese student,
killed a Chinese researcher at, I think it was UNC Chapel Hill last week.
Why did you see that last week?
The same time we saw University of Pittsburgh go after a guy who was directly tied to the COVID-19,
another Chinese researcher, murder-suicide they call it, murder-suicide, I'm just gonna leave it there.
I'm gonna just leave it there.
Jack Massoba, we're gonna find you with your great show every day at humanevents.com
They can follow you on Twitter.
Amazing interview.
It's hard to get you on.
I know you're a busy man.
So to your wife and family and everybody, we love you, brother.
God bless, Alex.
Always appreciate it.
Yeah, humanevents.com.
We'll be up in just a couple of minutes.
I'm also going to be on.
We're doing the Candace Owens Show on Friday.
She has a huge anti-Netflix documentary that's coming out.
I love it.
Convicting a murderer.
Can't wait to see that on Friday.
Alex, if you're around, we'd love to have you, man.
Have me whenever you want.
My producers will talk to you right now.
Jack Busobi, thank you so much.
Alright, we cover a lot of hardcore stuff here and we're risking our lives to do it because we know we're all going to get destroyed in the end if we don't stand up now.
But, uh, 16, 17 days ago, I came on air and I said I talked to a high-level whistleblower and then I made some other calls to confirm what I was told.
And I said, you're going to see the rollout of the testing and the cancelled concerts and the schools being closed again and them telling you to wear a mask again.
And it's all there, okay?
And of course they denied it because they don't want us to say, hey, we don't want it.
And we go, oh, we're not doing that.
We're not doing that.
Nobody's going to ban your gas-powered stoves.
And they introduce it, and now they've done it.
We're not going to ban your light bulbs.
Now they've done it.
We're not going to take your cows.
Now they're doing it all over the Europe.
So, my hope wasn't even enough opposition to it to get them to stop the rollout.
Instead, they're just continuing the rollout.
And you're like, well, that's incredibly unpopular.
Well, since when do they care?
So I have stacks of news.
Oh, Metallica cancels a concert.
Oh, First Lady tests positive.
Oh, all these other schools shut down.
Oh, these colleges say, you've got to have this new booster.
Or you can't go to school.
Now they're trying to make the military take it again, when we already beat that once.
It's experimental.
It's illegal.
Yes, under U.S.
law, you can make the military, one group, take shots.
It's wrong.
But you can't make them take experimentals.
That's a whole other subject.
The globalists are setting the president for total control.
So I got up here, two and a half weeks ago, and I said, for 45 minutes, I wouldn't tell you what the story was.
And I said, if I make a big deal about this, I told you in 45 minutes we'll publish an article, and if you make it go viral, it'll be the top story, and then it'll really hurt their rollout, which it has done.
Now, if I tell you this next story, which I just want to get to and cover, It's incredible.
It's horrifying.
But if I just get up here and cover this, a couple million people will see it.
But if you get excited, and you tell everybody to tune in, and once this is archived to Man.Video, if you share it, Like it's an event, because it is, then hundreds of millions will see it, and then we can start beating the enemy.
Because I'm not like the mainstream media that will say, coming up, shark attack, and then you watch like a 45 minute into a show, and they finally, last segment, show the shark attack.
That's how you people tune in and get to watch.
I don't do tricks.
I don't, that's why when I did the trick, I said, okay, I'm doing a trick here.
I'm the type of guy, just top stories, top story, and it's the start of the show, and I tell you whatever's most important.
But it's weird human psychology, it doesn't have as big an effect, not one-tenth as big, if I don't hype it up.
So you know what?
I'm not gonna cover it.
I have the most incredible footage, the most incredible documents, the most insane information.
I'm taking it, and I'm putting it aside, and I'm gonna cover it... Friday.
And then, $200 million will see it instead of $5 million.
That's what victory takes, that's what victory gets.
But actually, it's too dangerous for my wife, actually, to not cover it now.
Oh, this is the type of thing they might just go, you know what, that son of a bitch.
Say it's a carjacking, kill his ass today.
Roll the team.
I mean, they got a team sitting by right now in Austin.
We know that.
I'm serious, folks.
I mean, because they know this, you, they know you're too powerful when you take action.
They know when you get upset, They know when you get engaged that it goes mega viral and then we get ahead of the enemy and we win.
So I'm gonna split the baby.
I've got all this other incredible news that I'm gonna hit first.
And then, in about 50 minutes from now, we come in at the 20 after, So about 50 minutes from now, I'm going to play you the most insane stuff you've ever seen.
I mean, I found this yesterday and I already knew a lot about this, but man, I went down a rabbit hole.
I've done like six, seven hours of research on this.
And I mean, I've watched like five of these Pentagon briefings.
And, you know, you go to YouTube and it's got 5,000 views, 30,000 views, there's like no comments on it, no one even cares, that the most insane crap, the Pentagon going, well, we're going to mind control all Americans for their own good, and we're going to put chips in your brains, and, you know, if we don't, the Chinese will mind control you.
That's always the excuse.
That's how evil works.
Well, the end justifies the means.
And they go, yeah.
We may just have to hit the public with a weapon of mass disruption to break down society and medicalize them so people are so sick they can't resist us.
Because here at the Pentagon, we have our interests and they're the American people.
And, you know, we're our own group and we're just going to go ahead and make them so sick with protein crystals that they can't even get out of bed.
Because we're going to stop violence.
Because what you're doing is horrible and evil and you know we're going to finally resist having you take our sons and cut their dicks off.
And so the Pentagon's like, well it's our job to make sure they don't ever resist that, so we'll just poison everybody.
And you get into their sick thinking, their self-appointedness.
And that's why they want a full drone military.
That's why drag queen story time, and critical race theory, and oh, the Gadsden flag.
You know, the Navy can't have that no more, even though it's its original flag.
First flag of the U.S.
Navy, Gadsden flag.
John Paul Jones.
It's to get the good people to quit, and then those that don't quit, they implant you with deadly shots to slowly kill you.
So by means of elimination, you'll only end up having the biggest morons ever in the military, other than the controllers on top.
So here's the bottom line.
There's so many...
This isn't a big enchilada.
This is like 85,000 trays of enchiladas.
I mean, I've already cracked the code on this.
I went for like a five-mile hike this morning and I re-listened to one of these hour-long lectures and it was just...
Not even read between the lines, they were admitting it all, but if you don't know the words they're using, and I've been saying this for a long time and I barely could follow it, it's horrible.
I mean, they are sitting back, you know, head DARPA director, head neurology department, just, I mean, they are just talking about total destruction of everybody.
And it's just, it's funny to them.
And I get it.
To one of these guys that's got 170 IQ, but is missing a soul, you see people in traffic and dumb people at the grocery store, and you're just like, let me just kill all these people.
You know, that big old fat woman over there, just kill her ass.
You know, because if you can't figure this out, they think you deserve to die.
Well, here's a little news flash, you guys.
My children don't deserve to die, and I do.
I am as smart as you, and I know what you're doing.
I have something you don't have, though.
I got a soul on top of it.
So you want to sit there and play God and do all this stuff, and you think you're so smart, you do this stuff, it'll destroy the planet.
No one's ever going to get out of this if they go much further.
Any moron that knows history would know this.
So these people are their own worst enemies.
They can't help it.
And you know what's even more insane?
The main working group under DARPA in the U.S.
Army, do you know what their organization is called and what they call themselves?
Got a wild guess?
Just like the most horrible global ID bills, whether it's in the EU or the UN or the US Congress are always 666.
Just to let you know, you know, oh by the way, the name of this bill for global government and to buy or sell you gotta have his digital mark 666.
Guess what they call the main Pentagon consortium group between the different branches of the military that coordinates this stuff.
They call it the Mad Scientist Group.
They call themselves the Mad Scientist because they are stark, raving mad.
Just because you can do something doesn't mean you do it.
We can create a black hole now with fission fusion.
They can do it.
They know how to do it.
Let's just make one and destroy the planet because we can make it.
Go to hell, New World Order.
Protect us.
We are as all friends.
Did she bore us?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit infowars.com forward slash show now.
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is going to be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
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So, coming up in about 45 minutes, or less, about 40 minutes,
I'm going to take you to the DARPA command center, where they're openly talking about hitting you with weapons
to make you sick so you can't resist them with soft kill.
And they talk specifically about protein prion replicating nanotech.
In 2017.
And that's just one of the clips.
Oh, it gets a lot worse.
And again, Max Planck, 130 years ago, theoretically envisioned the equations for the atomic bomb.
They had equations by the 30s for the hydrogen bomb.
Though they didn't make those in the 50s.
Or the big one, as they called it.
The super.
They had equations in the 60s for creating strangelets and artificial black holes, but they didn't have the fission-fusion reactors like you saw China and Japan do in public the last few years.
The United States in the 80s did it.
I remember my dad one Saturday was very excited PBS was going to have it.
He literally had popcorn out, and some of his buddies came over.
And there was on PBS, they created an artificial sun inside this warehouse facility the Pentagon did.
And they thought, well, there's less than a 10% chance it'll explode and blow the U.S.
off the map.
There's maybe half a percent that it'll create a black hole and destroy the Earth.
But they still did it, just like Operation Fishbowl.
Look up Operation Fishbowl in the early 1960s.
Hundreds of hydrogen bombs detonated in the upper atmosphere to see if they could ignite the planet's atmosphere and blow holes in the Van Allen radiation belt.
So the reason I raise all that is The nanotech, the race-specific weapons, all the things they're creating, they go, well, because we can create it, we must create it, and if we create it, we must use it.
It's like General Jack T. Ripper and Dr. Strangelove, based on Curtis LeMay, a composite of Curtis LeMay and L. O. Lemitzer, and then in the 1980s, they had that great movie, Spies Like Us, that's kind of a rip-off of that.
But a good rip-off, great comedy, where at the end, the US government, a rogue group is sending these spies, but they all get captured or killed.
So the decoy idiots actually get in and launch the ICBM at the US, so that the Pentagon can go ahead and have an excuse for nuclear war.
And the head general saying, our studies show that an unused weapon is a useless weapon.
These are real statements.
That was back when Hollywood didn't want nuclear war.
Now they love it.
Sean Penn loves it.
It's fun.
So, guys, type in China creates artificial sun and they launch it at the beach.
This big sun just goes up, gets bigger and bigger and then dissipates.
Could have kept growing.
That was on the news like a year ago.
It was like, oh, this is a big giant artificial sun China just launched.
YouTube it, guys.
China launches artificial sun.
Well, there's a chance it might just keep expanding and burn the whole planet up.
Let's just go ahead and do it.
Oh, there's a chance we fire hydrogen bombs in the atmosphere, could ignite it and kill everybody.
Let's just do it.
Oh, there's a chance that Hadron Superconducting Super Collider is going to create a black hole and kill everybody.
Or a whole bunch of other little nasty things.
Like a strange loop that's on the top of a black hole.
It's like a mass Triggering implosion of matter.
And that's just who I am.
I'm sitting here going, you know, I could just for no reason, I would never do this.
Just like, you know, I could go over and kill my neighbors and hang them up by a chain and eat them.
When the last time I said that years ago, it went viral.
The media spun and said, Oh, Jones.
Really, you know, absolutely wants to kill his neighbors.
No, I said, you collapse civilization.
That's the type of world that you bring us into.
Yeah, fast forward to the actual Sunday launch.
Here it is.
Oh, here, let's just, we're going to launch rockets.
Let's create an artificial sun and just launch it in the atmosphere.
So they can create stuff trillions of times more dangerous than that.
And they're doing it.
You know, at least the, quote, US government did it in an underground bunker under a mountain a mile under stone in a warehouse with giant energy field compressors to try to hold the sun in control so that it wouldn't expand.
And it was still very dangerous.
The Chinese were like, oh, the communists were like, here, let's just go to the beach and create one.
Just launch it and see what it does.
And again, it gets enough gas.
Just like, you know, a gasoline fire or something?
You ever put too much lighter fluid on something and it blows up and burns your hair off?
Well, just imagine the mindset of these gremlin people.
These mad scientists everywhere that call themselves mad scientists.
There it is.
China's artificial sun breaks record, making latest milestone in quest for efficient thermonuclear fusion reactors.
And I always love how the media's like, China cloned humans for the first time.
China created fission fusion for the first time.
China created the first... No, they didn't.
The United States did it all 30, 40 years ahead of everyone else.
And then the crazy people at Los Alamos Laboratory in 1949 gave the Russians the how to do it!
I mean, look, if you're going to make something this deadly, how about you not hand it out to people?
But their argument is, well, if they can blow us up, and we can blow them up, then nobody will do it.
Yeah, yeah, right.
But then meanwhile, you're constantly testing it, admitting it will statistically at some point get out of control.
This is beyond playing with fire.
This is the definition of satanic lunacy.
And I'm not against progress.
In the future, if some big corporation or group, or some religious group who can raise the money, wants to, like, go off in a big orbiting space station that has gravity, and you want to fly off, you know, to 20 light years away and do this, you go do it.
But we should have our own government here on the Earth to tell anybody, you do any of this stuff here, we're gonna blow your ass out of the air.
You do anything like this in the solar system, you're... And you know what the argument is?
Well, then somebody else will launch the level 2 civilization, and they'll go out, you know, 10 light years or 5 light years out, and they'll build the weapons and come back and conquer us!
We're already conquered by our own insanity making all of this stuff!
And that's what's so frustrating.
I mean, weather modification's been around for a hundred years.
It's been declassified.
They're chemtrailing, manipulating the weather at the adult table.
But for kids, they go, oh, kids, it doesn't exist.
Just like all this nanotech and the stuff I'm going to cover next hour that they've released on us.
And they explain why they're doing it.
But they don't respect you because the general public goes, well, laser beams are movies.
We don't have those.
And they just have no idea.
We're going to break.
I've done two hours and haven't plugged.
If I don't plug, we won't be here.
I'm our biggest problem.
The listeners are great.
You want our products.
You buy our products.
You're great.
You need them.
But I'll get on the Jags and not plug for the whole show and the no funds come in and then we're going to shut down.
But that's not why you need the products.
That's part of it.
They're great.
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I've been shadowbanned.
I've been called a liar.
I've been silenced on virtually every platform created by man.
My life has been threatened, repeatedly.
They've tried to destroy me, but I've survived.
And that's why I'm joining Mug Club.
The re-platforming begins now!
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com I'm glad I live in a country made of laws.
As Chris Gleason reporting for the Gateway Pundit reported, a bombshell investigation has uncovered jaw-dropping connections between Fannie Willis and a sprawling web of election fraud and money laundering activities.
You know, she's raised 92 52% of her funding out of 44 states outside of Georgia and
only 8% came out of that local area. So that tells you what's
going on the investigation which spans across multiple states and multiple
jurisdictions has revealed a complex network of illicit operations aimed at undermining the very
foundation of our constitutional republic and the rule of law
The first local elected official identified as part of this ongoing money laundering operation was New York DA Alvin Bragg.
We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct.
Exposed by James O'Keefe and his people at O'Keefe Media Group, Alvin Bragg received massive numbers of campaign finance contributions from this network of individuals who had been identified as Smurfs.
FEC data shows that some senior citizens across the U.S.
have been donating thousands of times per year.
You did donate to ActBlue, right?
Yes, once in a while, yes.
What about $18,850?
What about $18,850?
I doubt that.
18,672 different contributions, the total amount of $100,000.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The investigation into Alvin Bragg also helped to uncover the use of prepaid credit and debit cards in the structuring of the campaign finance contributions and the payment to ballot harvesting mules.
Illicit campaign finance funds were also identified in the campaigns of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race of Janet Bartasiewicz and Senator Ralph Warnock, and spread to states such as Missouri, Maryland, Wisconsin, Arizona, and then into every single state in the United States.
We have videotape of Jackie Amos going into boxes, bringing in thumb drives, Bringing in ballots to be inserted into machines.
This is the opportunity.
To stop corruption and to stop fraud when it comes to elections in the state of Mississippi.
This is what Fannie Willis and the Democrats have created in Atlanta.
Boarded up and abandoned homes everywhere.
Crack houses for blocks and blocks.
Fulton County Jail in Atlanta.
Another inmate died in custody.
Five inmates in the last month, all black.
Now let me see here, you got a black mayor, you got a black prosecutor, you got a black sheriff, and black people are dying at the jail.
Where's Al Sharpton?
Where's Kamala Harris?
Where's Joe Biden?
Nowhere to be found.
Where's Black Lives Matter?
My father is a former, and I guess always, a Black Panther.
I take a lot of pride in being Black in America.
Do you think that you were personally singled out by Fannie Willis and others?
Just as an example.
Oh, absolutely.
She wanted to send a message to black folks.
You know, there's a huge trend amongst African American men leaning towards President Trump and looking more into conservatism.
And, you know, they definitely don't want that.
Some say he's racist and tweets like a kid while overlooking all the good shit that he did.
I ain't ashamed of my president a little bit.
I'd rather have an alpha male than a little bitch.
It was recently discovered that 222 contributions to Atlanta D.A.
Fannie Willis' campaign had zero donor information, while one of the out-of-state Fannie Willis
campaign contributors had made over 9,178 individual contributions just at the federal
level since 2018.
Meanwhile, this nationwide money laundering RICO enterprise is making more and more contributions
to PACs, and these PACs in turn are financing local candidates.
This RICO operation is at the heart of the Democrat Party's ability to retain power.
A full-fledged, organized crime operation with strong ties to a myriad of Soros-connected organizations.
Operating within a one-world government agenda framework to destroy the United States.
Now delivered on a silver platter to an unwilling Congress ushering in its own demise.
John Bowne reporting.
Get ready.
Lockdown 2.0 is here.
Alright, I got a lot of big breaking news to cover here before we get into the wildest stuff ever.
Coming up here in about 15-20 minutes.
I'm going to do it at the bottom of the hour.
So everybody you know, please go to InfoWars.com.
And please share the links because we're about to make some really big announcements and some big news here.
And again, a dog doesn't hunt without you.
You're not the tail.
You're the whole dog and the tail.
You're the tip of the nose, the ears, the eyes, its back and shoulders, its front legs, its chest, its back, its stomach, its back legs, its tail.
From the tip of the tail to the tip of the nose.
You're everything.
I just don't know how to explain that to you when you call in and thank me.
I want to beat these people.
Thank you for tuning in.
We're all in the same boat here.
All right?
And I'm not against being thanked.
Oh, I know you hate being thanked.
No, it's ass backwards.
We're all in this fight together.
I want to thank you.
I'm the one asking you for money.
I'm the one asking you for prayer.
I'm the one asking you to spread the word because I know I'm right, folks.
I knew when I got up here 16, 17 days ago.
And I said, they're bringing lockdowns back.
I didn't just believe somebody I've known for a long time that's high-level TSA.
I made other phone calls.
They said, yeah, how'd you know that?
We just got told yesterday.
It's coming back mid-September.
New shots, new masks, lockdowns, public events being closed, all of it.
And it's here!
They're canceling concerts all over.
They're closing public schools.
Colleges are demanding more shots.
They're telling New Yorkers, you know, this weekend, wear a mask.
But they came out and said, oh, Alex Jones is wrong.
The White House says he's wrong.
Oh, the CDC says he's wrong.
The NIH says he's wrong.
Oh, the TSA says he's wrong.
Nobody said that.
We're not bringing anything back because they didn't want us to hit them and point out it was BS before they did the fear campaign to try to get the sheeple to do it without having to debate.
And they're like, oh, look, there's masks everywhere.
See, it's real.
Well, guess what?
That's what I just got to hand her in the break.
The gaslighting queen.
Pierre, says Biden will be wearing masks indoors again.
We'll play the clip in a moment, but it's the psyop.
And through the corporations, through the colleges, through the power structure, through the hotels, through the Uber, they're all being told, wear your mask again.
And they are so angry.
That we got the jump on them and could get our people moving to say, hell no, they'd rather just slip it back in again.
And then a lot of people are like, oh Jones, they'll never do that, it's so unpopular.
In your conservative populist bubble, where you're around sane people, tuned into sane shows, you know that sounds ridiculous.
Well, so does them teaching millions of kids to sign up to be put on puberty blockers.
Or hundreds of thousands to have their penises cut off.
They're a cult, ladies and gentlemen.
So yeah.
And you know, I wish we formed enough opposition, like I said, 16, 17 days ago, to have them just back off.
But I said, you know, this is what'll happen.
It'll form our opposition.
We'll beat it.
They won't get it all done because of this.
But I said, they're not going to stop.
They've been given their orders.
They got their new booster rolling out.
They want to poison more people.
And I said, I believe they're still going to do it.
And then what's going to happen?
Credibility of the show goes straight up again.
Only way I'd lose would be not telling you the truth.
I knew full well when I came out and said that it was true.
And I knew full well they were still going to do it.
But now they're going to have to do the mind control that's from Germany to Canada to the U.S.
to Australia.
It's the same script.
Nobody ever locked you down.
Nobody ever made you take a shot.
And nobody ever said the shots work.
In fact, if you had the old shots, it makes you get sicker.
So you need this new shot.
The CDC said Friday.
I got that article.
How big of a whopper is that?
Did you just hear what I said?
I'll show you the article.
Hell, it's all over the news.
You don't need to be hiding under a rock, you know about it.
People that have been previously vaccinated for COVID-19 are at more of a risk for the new variant.
We already knew that, but what world is this?
They're using the fact that the last shot erased your immune system to claim this new one's gonna make it better.
Talk about gaslighting.
Like Pierre last week.
Biden did the most incredible response to Maui ever and did a perfect job.
Do you need me to tell you that's the biggest load of horse manure I've ever seen?
So, the good news is, as long as you resist them, they fail.
But if we just sat here and went, oh, I don't know, I don't know what they're going to do.
I don't know if Alex tells me the truth.
I mean, who knows?
As if I'd get up here and make a prediction that wasn't based on intel.
I want to be tomorrow's news today.
I want to be right.
I want to beat them.
I don't like them.
Truth makes you win.
Lies make you fail.
Now, I've made mistakes and I've been given bad intel before, but very rarely.
And even the stuff I thought was bad intel, now that I've been through a bunch of stuff, and you know what I'm talking about, now I'm like, actually... Once I experienced the CIA attacks and the whole thing, I'm like, wow.
They really got some big balls, man.
Like, Jesse Smollett got in trouble because he went and staged something without the full backing.
They're like, hey son, you don't go do freelance false flags.
You do them with us.
Let's do that.
That's it.
Colleges, public schools shut down.
Hospitals demanding masks.
Demanding you take a new shot.
Yeah, they're gonna do it all.
They're gonna start in mid-September.
We're not even there yet.
We're 10 days away from when I told you this was gonna begin.
And you see the build-up.
And you know they can't help it.
I told you September 15th they'll announce the new shot.
A week and a half later, she gets up there and says, on September 15th they start the new shot.
Because I got briefed by the feds that were in the meetings.
Like shooting a missile.
It's an analogy.
Down somebody's chimney.
Precision guided, folks.
Now can we admit they're trying it and say no?
Or we have to keep debating whether they're trying it or not?
I'll use a gross analogy.
It's like if your next-door neighbor, five years ago, for no reason, just tackled your wife in the front yard and raped her.
And then witnesses see it, the neighbor goes on trial, gets five years in prison, and then the son of a bitch moves back in next door.
Let's say his wife still lives there.
And then he says, I'm gonna rape your wife again.
And then you're sitting there when she walks out of the car and you're sitting there in your front room drinking coffee and you see the neighbor run over and tackle your wife again and pull his genitals out and put her legs back and punch her in the face.
You're like, he's raping my wife again.
Do you need him to get it done to know what's happening?
Joe Biden has tackled the American people again.
He's pulled down his pants.
He's got an erect penis sticking out and is trying to mount us again.
Do we have to have him do it?
Well, he's got an erection.
He punched my wife in the face.
He's got her legs back behind her ears.
I'm sorry about the gross analogy.
This was just because they're about to rape us with shots, folks.
They're about to rape us with our kids having to wear a mask again and do all the same biological medical rape!
I mean, that's the... Son of a...
It'd be better if it was just that, right?
No, they got their shots with their prions and their heart attack-causing poison ready to rape us again.
They got the shots out, they got a new one, they're wearing their masks, they're locking stuff down, they're cancelling concerts, they're shutting down schools, and they're shutting down football games, and they got the needle out again in their hand.
It's not Joe Biden's rotting pecker that's hanging out. It's a big old poisonous shot.
I gotta control myself. I'm so mad right now.
I'm sorry for being a little gross here, but I'm trying to get you in the mindset of rape here.
Because this is raping your rights, and they got a huge UN treaty to take over all your freedoms, I got a giant stack on that, ADL quarterbacking it.
I mean, it's just insane!
They're rapists!
They wanna own us!
They wanna run us!
They wanna control us!
How much of this are we gonna put up with, people?
On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're gonna crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit Infowars.com/show and share the link today.
I love this music from like 15 years ago.
They did a graphic cartoon of Beowulf.
But I think this energy signifies our energy.
Relentless against the storm.
With the storm.
Rowing into it.
Throw more at me.
I'm getting stronger.
You're getting weaker.
You'll kill a lot of us, but in the end, you'll fall.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us.
Well, the sick Machiavellian part of me, it was like 5% of me, and it's a little devil, and I'm like, shut up and stop it all the time.
I'm like, stop that right now.
But I mean, it's there, though.
And it's like, and when you come out and tell them there's a new lockdown coming, the globalists aren't going to stop, and you'll be proven right again.
I'm like, shut up!
I want to stop it!
But, throw me in the briar patch, they're gonna do the whole thing.
And again, if they lose credibility, we gain credibility.
And it just gets worse for them by the minute, because we don't give up.
Yeah, they harass our families.
Yeah, they harass us.
Yeah, they put us through hell.
But you know what?
I like it.
I didn't ask for it.
I'm not a sadist, but I kinda am now.
You see, if they make you stare into the abyss so long, It's Nietzschean.
What did Donna Brazile say over the weekend?
I played it on the Sunday show.
She said, there's never been a movement this powerful in modern American history.
Everything we do only makes him stronger.
We're in deep trouble.
She's literally going, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh.
That's right.
Wee-ow, wee-ow, wee-ow.
They're like, what are we?
You're piles of garbage.
We're done being your slaves.
And That's why I play that Danzig song.
We'll play it coming in the next segment.
If you want to bang heads with me, I'll show you what it's like till you're bleeding.
And I'll be bleeding too.
But you just seem to not know when to back off.
I don't want to run your life, New World Order.
I don't want to be in control of you, you clowns.
But you want to run my life, don't you?
So, If you want to find hell with me, I can show you what it's like.
If you want to bang heads with me, till you bleed in, then that's the way it is.
We didn't ask for the fight.
You can look for the fight.
But we're way more intelligent than the globalists.
We just don't want power because we're confident.
You're happy.
You're happy with your life and what you're doing.
You just want to be a normal person.
You don't want to run people's life.
You got your own life.
But see, that's because you're not a degenerate.
But I'll tell you this.
If you don't recognize this scum for what they are and start opposing them, you're worse than they are.
And that's all I ask people to do, is to not roll over to these scum.
Isn't that easy to ask for?
And yeah, they're going to come after you.
They're coming after you anyway.
Why not give them what they're looking for?
They want to bang heads.
I've banged heads plenty for real.
And almost everybody starts crying for mommy real fast.
Because when you're ready to break your bones on them, they've never run into somebody that doesn't have a governor.
And it's those of us that are good that do have governors.
We understand our dark side.
We're trying to be good people.
But you know what?
These aren't good people we're up against.
So stop laying down and living on your knees and at least let these bastards know, verbally, you're not submitting to them.
And in every way, in every day, you pull out your support from them.
Now we got I mean, this news we've got is so dizzyingly insane, and so documented, and so evil, and so ridiculous, that I just can't do it justice.
I just can't do it justice and I want to do it justice.
I don't even, it's something this, I mean, I've got five hours of Pentagon lectures at
the head of DARPA, the head of universities, the head of federal programs, the head of
Air Force programs, the head of Army programs, just literally saying the most evil crap you've
never heard.
And the problem is, if I even try to like play this, I was sitting there listening to it like an hour of it this morning.
I was like, I was like, I'll be stopping the tape every five seconds.
I mean, the admissions and what they're really saying is just insanely evil.
But it is what it is, because I'm here trying to tell you about trillions of dollars of mind control funding on a radio show, TV show.
I'm trying to give you the real depth of it, and my brain can barely even grasp the industrial giant, gargantuan, behemoth, colossus level of this.
And I mean, and it's such a conviction.
It's such a slam dunk.
It's so horrible.
And then it ties into everything else they've done.
And you're just like, what the hell?
I mean, do these people?
Do they realize what they've done?
And the answer is no.
They got a bunch of old, powerful, rich families that want to live forever.
They even admit that.
They go, when we create these biological crises, out of that will come incredible new technologies for us to basically live forever.
And we can put a simple, small chip in your brain, it's declassified right now, where you can see full spectrum and all the radiation in the universe, and it's going to be a great augmentation for the public.
And it just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
And on.
But I'll take my first lick at it when we come back.
But right now, I mentioned it, so let's just go ahead and play this clown.
The press secretary, Biden will be wearing a mask indoors again.
Ten days before I told you they were on the new shot, before they announced that.
Did I not deliver?
All glory to God!
I mean, the people that question me, like, I mean, anything I say, I think's the truth.
I'm wrong sometimes, but rarely.
But let me tell you something, there's something coming out of this mouth.
Who gets up here and says horrible things about themselves?
Horrible thing.
I've aborted babies.
I've killed my children.
Because I need to be totally truthful with you.
I'm repentant of that.
The point is, if I'm telling you something, I absolutely believe it, and I'm right 95% of the time.
Do you understand?
On my soul, on my children, on the souls of my grandchildren, I hope to have.
These people are out to destroy you and your family.
They think they're God, and somebody's gotta call them on it!
Go to the clip.
President Biden tested negative last night for COVID-19 and tested negative again today.
He's not experiencing any symptoms.
As far as the steps he is taking, since the President was with the First Lady yesterday, he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with CDC guidance.
And as has been the practice in the past, the President will remove his mask when sufficiently distanced from others.
On March 20th, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq.
Exactly one year before the invasion, Alex Jones predicted it.
So now everybody's going, wow, it really was the Iraqis.
That's just because they're getting ready to invade Iraq.
What a beautiful setup.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit info wars.com forward slash show and share the link today
Till y'all bleed in Bye.
Our species is destined to people of stars and beyond.
This is our great test before we graduate to a point one civilization.
And I want to put my full will into the people of Earth.
We are an extension of our ancestors and now their strength is shining through.
And I want to be a capacitor, just like you need to be, to bring God's will into the universe and do the incredible things we are destined to do together.
All right, we are live Tuesday, September 5th, 2023.
I'll be hosting some of the next hour before Maria Z takes over.
and I am fired up.
Alright, we kind of hit that break hard.
I didn't get to play all the clip and I want to play it again once without stopping it.
Then I want to play it again stopping it because they tell you everything in this clip.
She says, we're going back to the usual protocol.
We're the White House Press Secretary.
We're going back to the usual That we did in the last three and a half years.
The White House press secretary just said, it's no big deal.
Don't form an opposition.
Don't say no.
We're just going back to little kids wearing masks and poison shots and stores locked down and vaccine passports like the California state website announced last week.
While they gaslight and say, oh, you didn't like what happened the last three and a half years?
It's not happening.
We're just going back to the standard we did before.
I'll say it again.
New lockdowns, new COVID controls aren't happening.
We're just going back to the way it was before the last time we did this.
Let that sink in.
TSA, White House, AP Reuters, Alex Jones is a liar!
Nobody's coming out with a new shot.
Nobody's coming out with masks.
Nobody's coming back the way it was!
That's ridiculous!
We're just going back to the way it was!
We're not going back to the way it was.
We're going back to the way it was.
We're not going back to the way it was.
We're just going back to the way it was.
You understand?
We're not going back to the way it was.
My earpiece fell out here.
We're not going back to the way it was.
We're going back to the way it was.
I'm going to say that Trump had a great comment with Tucker.
An interview he did a few weeks ago, he goes, man, you gotta love the Vice President Kamala Harris.
She's like, the way she says things like, the bus is a bus, so the bus does what a bus does.
So it is a bus, because after all, you know it's a bus.
That's almost as crazy as, come on, we're not going back the way it was.
We're just going back the way it was.
Well, glad you told me.
Thank you very much for that.
Don't listen to the conspiracy theorists, though.
So go ahead and roll Raggedy Ann here.
President Biden tested negative last night for COVID-19 and tested negative again today.
He's not experiencing any symptoms.
As far as the steps he is taking, since the president was with the first lady yesterday, he will be masking while indoors and around people in alignment with CDC guidance.
And as has been the practice in the past, the president will remove his mask when sufficiently distanced from others indoors and while outside as well.
As he has done in the past, we will follow the past thingy.
It's so ridiculous.
It's so crazy.
You know, I had like big national talk shows call me up like two weeks ago.
They go, Alex, this is a really big story.
No one believes they're going to break lockdowns.
You really have a source.
I'm like, no, I just come on the air and say stuff.
I just, you know, I just make it up.
Yeah, right.
I was like, do you not already see him doing it?
Well, I actually am seeing that.
Yeah, I'm not making it up.
I'm gonna punch you in the nose.
I mean, I didn't enjoy what we just went through.
And at least most of us didn't die here.
Suicide, a lot of old folks getting killed.
But nothing compared to the third world that just enjoyed mass death, 80 plus million starved to death.
Those are real numbers.
Look it up.
So I am beyond pissed right now.
I am just in radoncula world.
I am, uh, but, but, but, you know, again, the talking point, I meant to play this last week.
I had the clubs together.
I think I had a Sunday too.
Can you guys go back to Sunday or Friday's clubs?
And, uh, I had a bunch of compilations.
From Australia to the U.S.
That's key.
Why do you keep saying from Australia to the U.S., from New Zealand to Canada?
Because it's global from the U.N.
They got a U.N.
I got it right here.
And it's all unified BS.
And I've got the UN treaty.
You know, I keep trying to get to the ADL because they're heavily involved in it.
I mean, I don't just have this stack here.
It's like, oh, look, he's got a big stack.
He's really informed.
This is a prop up here.
No, every one of these articles is totally insane.
Just like this over here.
I've got this entire stack of the most insane satanic garbage you've ever seen.
And I guess I got to control myself and get to it now.
The truth is I'm exhausted.
I'm so sick of looking at the head of the ADL.
I'm so sick of looking at Biden.
I'm so sick of these clips.
I'm so sick of these criminals.
I'm so sick.
I don't want to look at them.
You know, when you really hate somebody, you don't want to think about them.
You know what I mean?
Indifference is the greatest form of resistance.
Except when they're the ruling class raping the daylights out of your patootie. I
Know a lot of people tuned in to hear this news Peace.
And I'm not doing this to build it up.
I don't know if I can give this justice right now.
Because I'm beyond angry.
I just, I can't even do the show anymore.
Oh my God, I cannot believe it.
You know, I saw a meme, and I'm not saying do this.
I meant to show it on Sunday's show and I didn't.
Maybe you guys can dig through the stuff I sent you but I send these poor people like hundreds of things a day to print and get and they almost get me everything but sometimes they forget but they printed it and I didn't cover it Sunday and it was a woman with a cup of tea or a cup of coffee she's got a little cup and she says they're doing it again because you didn't hang them last time and you know I looked at that for a long time Sunday when I sent it and I was just like you know I don't want to hang these people because they'll turn that into a civil war and the public's not awake yet to fully do that.
We want Nuremberg trials.
I'm not a violent person, I'm not a vindictive person, but we do need to hang a bunch of these people that created a weapon, gained a function, released it, blocked therapeutics, did all this.
Yeah, they need to die.
But we need to do it by taking the system back because we don't want to turn them into victims.
Right now they're losing politically, they're losing culturally.
And that's some of the clips I've got from the Pentagon, where they're just up there calmly.
Go ahead and go to the break.
I'm not going to skip this break.
I need to take a few minutes off to decide whether I'm able to do this.
Because again, I'm not building this up, though I said I was.
I mean, I need to build things up, but it's not the reason I'm not covering it right now.
This stuff is so horrible and so insane.
And each clip of what they're admitting in each document is so bombshell.
It'd be like in Raiders of the Lost Ark, they show up to find the Ark of the Covenant, they find like 50 of them.
You see what I mean?
It's like it's so... It's like almost weird to be on air talking about this.
Like this stuff's so crazy, they've incrementally got us in this position.
It's just hard to even believe this is real.
I mean, I just, it's so nuts that they're bringing back all the controls while saying they're not doing it, and they got the Pentagon running around creating all these horrible bioweapons and bragging and saying, well, we may use it against the American people so that we make them so sick they can't stand up to us.
And that's the attitude.
Of the Ivy League scum that have hijacked this country.
They're like, well, they're fighting us and they're not doing well.
We'll just create a vaccine regimen with a spike protein protein crystal and then we'll just send poison shots to all the red areas.
Sure, it'll kill some Democrats in the area, but it'll kill them.
Yeah, they'll never know what we did.
It's so cool, man.
They just murdered 20 million people, and it's all funny to them, and it's like, what the hell?
And you're sitting here watching them murder everybody, and you're supposed to sit on air and talk about it.
And then in all their lawfare and lawsuits, they go, why don't you care?
Why aren't you upset?
And it's like, they're going to kill all you, too.
What the hell?
I mean, it's like literally watching someone cry over spilt milk while your house is burning down.
It's like you run out of your house and you trip over a six-pack of Coca-Cola and one can bust while your house is burning with your kids in it.
And the fire department gets there and you're like, got a Coca-Cola can.
You're like, I lost a Coca-Cola.
And you're crying and the fire department goes, your kids all just died in the fire.
You're like, I don't care.
I lost a Coca-Cola.
It's kind of like that.
It's like, it's just like, what?
And then you're kind of like, well, maybe we should just kill everybody.
Starting with the people that are doing it all.
I'm not saying do that, but I am kind of like saying, well, should God just go ahead and blow it up before we let him capture and torture all the kids?
I'm not saying do that.
Last time I said that Jones wants God to blow the earth up.
It's an intellectual discussion.
No, God shouldn't blow it all, but I don't want to blow it all.
We should change it, and we should stop it, and we should do something about it.
So millions are tuned in right now and they're saying, what is the big news?
Do you really even want to know?
Because if I just cover it, no one's going to care.
But if I sit here for three or four days and build it up, I can get more clips and do more research and be more focused and do a better job.
And then it's a big national story and a big world story.
And then we hurt them.
And what I'm saying there is the moral of the story is this.
We have to take ourselves more serious.
We have been right.
You have been right.
Backing this broadcast.
You've been correct.
We've been the folks that were truthful.
We're running out of conspiracy theories.
It all came true.
And so, I wouldn't have a swagger.
I wouldn't be arrogant, or full of bravado, or chutzpah, or hubris.
And hubris and chutzpah are the same thing.
But I would be aggressive, and I would be knowing you're confident you're in the right.
And I think that's the attitude you gotta have with all these globalists and all their millions of people, is this time when they're wearing the mask, this time when they're locking the schools down, this time don't put up with their crap, this time when they're blocking therapeutics, because here's the big secret.
These injections create the mutations of prions.
These are not regular viruses.
They turn the people that take the shots into giant shedding engines.
They're bombs.
And they admit that in the Pentagon report I've got right here.
From five years ago.
They're gonna inject you with a prion creation system and make everybody sick and no one's gonna know and they're gonna say it's a virus and that's gonna make the whole country sick so you're so sick you can't resist and then the government that hit you with the weapon is gonna pose as the savior and then I have the Pentagon bragging about it.
And why not?
They're mad scientists.
They talk to behavioral psychologists.
They war game it with the Rockefellers and Bill Gates.
And they go, let's hit these bastards.
They don't want to turn their guns in.
They don't want to cut their son's dicks off.
They don't want to worship world government.
They don't want to have drag queen pedo time.
Hit them with a bioweapon.
And we'll have our leftist minions be the bombs that take the shots and then slough all this off on us.
And it's all cute and funny to them.
Now what I just said is not rhetoric.
What I said is what they're doing.
How am I supposed to sit here and act normal on air and talk about this like I'm talking
about the price of tea in China?
You know what I'm kind of doing before I cover this?
I'm putting like 5,000 exclamation points up behind it.
I'm taking a big old yellow highlighter and I'm saying, this is important!
This is big!
Top neuroethics professor, the head of the program at Georgetown University, raises alarm on how the release of nanoparticles can cause stroke epidemics.
But he doesn't really do that.
You can cause him, you can say he's raising the alarm.
That's like calling the fire department after you douse your house of gasoline.
I'm reporting it. You know what?
I'm not somebody.
That doesn't deliver.
So I won't give it justice, and I'm going to spend a lot of the week on it and do special reports.
I'm going to do it all.
But just air a promo, air something, and I'm going to go splash some water on my face.
And then I'm going to come back and I'll do like 15 minutes the next hour and hit some of this.
I don't know if people are going to know what they're listening to, and I don't mean that because you're a bad person or you're not smart.
I've been immersed in this for 35 years.
I've been on air 29.
Hell, I've been immersed in it longer than that.
And when you know what they're talking about because you know the lingo, it's horrific.
And they're little scientists laughing and giggling on a power trip because they're playing with hand grenades.
They're like monkeys playing with hand grenades.
And that's really all I can describe it as.
And there's evil, powerful groups that will give them unlimited funding to do all this, and so they're doing it.
And we sit here while they talk about these Pentagon videos.
And of course we're gene editing viruses to make them more powerful.
Totally illegal, death penalty, just sitting there doing it, and then they lie in front of Congress while they have all these conferences and admit it, and we sit there and watch them.
Man, I got family, dude!
I don't like you doing that!
And they don't care their own families are going to get destroyed by this because there's the power trip like a moth to flame.
That's really what they are.
They're moths to flame.
They're not conscious.
You can't blame them.
But you've got a responsibility to stop them.
They're clowns.
From the Rothschilds all the way down to the bottom.
From King Charles to... you name it.
They're idiots.
Who believes you can break all these intergalactic rules?
You can break all these common sense things of chivalry and that you're gonna be protected?
Well, they believe they're insulated.
They believe they're all-powerful.
They believe they're God.
They believe their manifest destiny is to do all this to us.
And, again, anybody with half a brain can analyze the trajectory of this and know it's certain destruction for everybody, including them.
I mean, they're not going to kill all eight billion of us.
They're not going to.
And when they've done all this, they'll be hunted down no matter what.
I don't even care to hunt them down.
They're garbage to me.
God's going to destroy them.
God will destroy their souls.
God will contend with their essence, their energy.
Their bodies mean nothing to me.
I don't want to fight them.
I don't want to destroy them.
But I have to fight them.
I have to destroy them because they're not stopping attacking our people.
And they can kill our bodies, folks, but they can manipulate and get our children convinced to be led by them to the dark side, and that is what we cannot allow them to do, is corrupt the youth.
And they've done it, and we've sat there, and the deception and the evil being poured out, and the satanic energy is incredibly intense.
Believe me, I know.
I'm tempted by it.
But in the temptation, I get the devil cannot help it, but Contend, and try to force the will.
And staring into those eyes, we are able to get the enemy's operation.
By staring into the abyss, yes, you can become the abyss, but you can also stare into the abyss, and then you get the knowledge of the enemy by contending with it.
And oh, the Holy Spirit, do I have the power to do that, and it's not me.
But yes, I am able to tune in the frequency of the Luciferian force, and it is a prideful, out of control, It's a false messianic transmission, and it is alluring when you're young and don't have wisdom, but later becomes disgusting.
I hate tuning over to the Satan Channel, but I'm tuned into it right now, and that's why I can hardly talk, because I'm just like, ugh, oh my God.
It's just horrible.
And forgive them, Father, they do not know what they do.
They know not what they do.
*spits* Jeterra promo will go to break.
I'll come back and do my best to hit this.
Uh, separately, I need money to fight the war.
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We'll go to break.
I'll come back and I will start a prelude into what I promise you,
unless I get whacked today, you never know.
What I promise you is game-changing next level information.
But it's, you know, it's so many...
It's like all the videos we got of Fauci on C-SPAN with federal directors of agencies five years ago going, we're going to have a new virus, it'll blow up the system, we're going to have nanotech, we're going to take everybody's bodies over, we'll approve drugs in just a hundred days, and it's a whole new system, and we're going to have global medical IDs, and it's... I mean, you'd think, you'd think all that's bombshell too, right?
But it's just like, yeah, whatever, but this is particularly insane.
So it's all coming up.
And Maria Z takes over 15 minutes the next hour.
And Owen Shore is at 3 p.m.
And the great Harrison Smith, 8 a.m.
But that's basically that.
I want to thank you all for your support.
We'll be right back.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
We know the government's planning terrorism.
We know the Georgia Chiefs of Staff wanted to blow up airliners.
If you do it, we're going to blame you, because we know who's up to it.
The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies.
I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it.
Do you got me?
It's time to stop submitting to this charity.
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved.
I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
If you want them, come and take them!
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All right, I'm not going to do this justice right now, but I'm going to cover it.
Earpiece keeps coming unclipped.
And then I'm going to start the show tomorrow with this.
When I'm loaded for bear, ready to go.
11 a.m.
Central tomorrow.
I'm going to cover the waterfront on it.
Alright, so there's endless clips from the Pentagon and DARPA and MIT and their head groups admitting all this.
Now they were going to create new viruses and they'd be released and they'd take control and we've played a lot of that before.
And so the more I think about these stories, I go, I'm going to play that clip, I'm going to play this clip and just, we can make a 10-hour documentary about this.
We ran across a bunch of high-level DARPA meetings I did yesterday, just haphazardly,
where in 2017, 18, 19, they were talking about, "Hey, we're already microchipping
the troops."
We already can give them supervision to see full-spectrum stuff.
And we got to make them disabled after that because it brain damages them.
And we've already got these super soldier programs, which we already know about, but they're admitting all this at the Pentagon.
And I've never even seen all this stuff.
And that's just part of it.
I mean, it's crazy.
I think that's it.
It's like trying to watch five hours of this.
It would take you a year to write a book about it.
It's mind-blowing.
And they keep saying, and this is just what's declassified.
And remember, my dad, like in 1983, because he was a pioneer in implants and dental surgery, the Pentagon tried to hire him and a bunch of the top implant doctors to go work in Maryland at some underground base with some secret program in cybernetics.
And my dad, they never gave him the full thing.
My mom didn't want to go.
We didn't go there.
It was a lot of money.
He didn't do it.
I just heard about it at the dinner table.
So imagine how big this project is.
And that's my own personal experience.
But you don't need to hear from Alex Jones.
Here's the Pentagon admitting all of this.
I mean, just listen to these clips.
I've got dozens of these we just grabbed today.
You know what?
Let's play clip 9 first, where they introduce it.
At DARPA, and the Army, are running this joint deal, multi-quote level, highest level with the directors are there, and they call it the Mad Scientist Meeting.
Here it is.
So if you love the Army Mad Scientist team, because you're on it, I hope you do love it, you want to connect to past content.
And why is this related to our next presenter?
Because the way this works is, is we're connected every day to bright people who are thinking about things maybe the Army's not hearing all the time.
And that's how we came across Dr. Giardina.
And you saw it.
On the screen there, the Mad Scientist Conference.
So here's the head neurologist, neuroethics professor at Georgetown University, Gerardano, talking about weapons of mass disruption and how governments could release, he goes on, prion crystals and other things to make everybody sick Then you think it's a reoccurring virus, but really you've been soft killed.
They even call it soft weapons.
Well, here it is.
We can develop a variety of different drugs that can be used in warfighting scenarios.
Now, what I want to make sure you understand is that these drugs can not only enhance the warfighter with regard to maximizing their particular capability, but can also be used to maximize warfighting capability by then affecting others.
So clearly I can affect others by either what I'm doing, making me better, or what I do to them, making them, quote, less better, or at very, very least, not wanting to fight.
In the main, these are indeed weapons of mass disruption, not destruction.
And the reason that I mention this to you is that that absence of mass destruction has, in some cases, veiled them for closer scrutiny, but the disruptive effect can be huge.
So, for example, one of the things that we can do is we can use a variety of these new forms of drugs that target specific functions of the nervous system, such things like affiliation, amelioration, attitudes, behaviors, and cognitions, and we can target key individuals.
Earlier this morning, the head general spoke to all of us.
So here's one of the directors of major Air Force Pentagon operations, the head of the Georgetown University mine control operation.
And then there's countless videos of these.
I watched five hours of this since yesterday.
This is DARPA level, top level directors, okay?
At the Pentagon.
This is the Army hosting this.
And Here he's talking about in 2017, five years ago, six years ago, nanomatter in the brain that causes strokes that is a nanoparticle.
Well, what do they admit COVID is?
It's just a nanoparticle.
You can get it from the COVID, but much worse from the shot.
They just pollute everything with it, and then it degrades society and breaks you down.
They're bombing us with it.
Go ahead and roll the tape.
Moreover, you heard earlier about the idea of nanoparticulate matter that can be utilized in a weaponizable way, and here, too, we're looking very, very strongly at what nanoparticulate matter can do to the nervous system.
Some ongoing studies with our colleagues in the medical branches of NATO have, in fact, shown that the use of nanoparticulate matter in a scatter arrangement can be used to incur what looks to be broad-scale epidemiological stroke epidemics.
So what we're able to do here is infiltrate the brain space with nanoparticulate matter that aggregates in situ, on site, in the brain.
And there's one of two things.
Either it penetrates from the vascular space, gets in through the bloodstream, gets in through the nose, through the mucosa, or infiltrates the vascular space and clogs it.
What is the result?
What's called a nanoparticulate stroke, or a hemorrhagic diathesis, fancy word, for it's a predisposition to individuals having brain bleeds.
Oh, absolutely.
We're able to show animal models of same, and the Italian group has done a fair amount of work demonstrating that nanoparticulate matter can be highly disruptive, not only of brain vascularity, but brain function.
You may not necessarily incur a stroke, but you're going to begin to disrupt the network properties of the brain, and as a result, engage something more of a long wars effect through the use of these types of matters, where you now begin to influence the population in increasingly concentric circles of expansion.
And they go on to say, if a country's not doing what you want, you just release this and make them all sick.
So, I've got all the clips.
You know what?
I may just do four hours tomorrow and just play one of his one-hour events and just analyze each piece of it as we go.
Because that's how evil this is.
I mean, it's got to be looked at every aspect of it.
And believe it or not, they're going to like us looking at it.
Believe it or not, the alarms are going off.
They're not happy.
They think we're animals.
They're at the big person table.
We're at the little kid table like Thanksgiving.
We're not supposed to be hearing all this.
You're not supposed to be reading the white papers.
You're not supposed to know about it.
Notice what else he said there.
It looks like it's a biological virus, but really, we've sprayed people with a prion that may not kill you right away with a stroke, but is going to cause Alzheimer's-like effects.
That's a long war, long COVID.
And remember, I was sitting there when we went to like challenge the election in Arizona, It was in late November 2020 and I landed in Phoenix and I get out and I go protest at night and I go outside to shoot a report outside the hotel and a bus drives by saying young people now have strokes.
We got video of that and then another bus drives by three minutes later it says heart attacks are now normal in young people.
Then another bus drives by Nanotech soon will protect you from new diseases.
So before the shot even came out, just like it's in the December or October 2020 FDA report, they said, oh, it's going to cause myocarditis, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes.
They already had the buses out to subconsciously get ready.
Hey, kids have heart attacks now.
Kids have strokes.
It's normal.
You didn't know everybody has heart problems.
People never used to have cancer.
It was super rare.
Now everybody's got it.
So the buses are driving around like I'm in a Twilight Zone episode.
Heart attacks and strokes are quite normal in children.
But we've got nanotech to save you.
And I said, get the video.
So I made them sit up there for like an hour.
I'm sitting there drinking coffee and like, oh, there comes a bus.
Get it, get it.
Remember, we got the video.
And I'm like, look, look, look, see, see, they're telling you.
And then there was ads in newspapers, oh, it's normal to have strokes, it's normal to have heart attacks, oh, it's everywhere now.
So, they hit you with the weapon, and then they sit back and tell you, oh, it's normal, everybody has heart attacks now.
It's a conspiracy theory that people used to live to 70 or 80 or 90, no, no, you live to 20 now.
Oh yeah, it is true the sperm counts down 90%.
It is true most people are infertile.
It's just normal.
Enjoy the atrazine.
So, they know we're nice people.
And they know we would never think of something like this.
I mean, just even think about it.
It's just like, what?
But it's real.
I have five hours of this, and I'm telling you, it's all just as horrible.
I played like two minutes of it.
Are you not blown away?
Would you like to hear more?
This is just one of these people.
And what did Peter Daszak specifically go to the Pentagon in 2017 at the same time this guy's giving conferences to the Pentagon at the Army for DARPA at the Mad Scientist Conference?
What do they say?
They say the public will never know what hit them.
[ Silence ]
And it talks about how they're going to mind control us.
Because they're weapons of mass disruption.
Defunding the police.
Opening the borders.
Human smuggling.
Devaluing the dollar.
All weapons of mass disruption.
Because you were bad, folks.
You didn't want drag queen pedophile time.
You didn't want to devalue the dollar.
You didn't want war with Russia.
Well then, you've got to be hit, as he said.
He goes on the full conference to say you can hit armies, you can hit foreign countries, you can even target individuals that raise specific weapons, but the best thing is just to hit a whole population And then out of the crisis, we'll be able to study what happens to these people and get new advances for ourselves.
And he says, for military interests.
He doesn't talk about American interest or his children's interest or your interest.
He talks about the military's interest.
All right, here's what I'm going to do.
Let's play clip four where he talks about electromagnetic...
You know, he gets into, oh, we have microwaves, we're already mind controlling people with that.
I mean, they talk about weaponized insects.
And he says, this is not theoretical.
This is what's declassified.
This isn't what you got currently going on operational.
You've got classified and you've got theoretical.
He's like, oh, no, everything I'm telling you here, everything he says, you look up.
Is operational.
Go ahead, Blake, let four.
The idea of neurosensory devices and a whole host of trans and intracranial pulse stimulators.
And of course, these can be used for a variety of things with key individuals.
Once again, particularly when it comes to trans and intracranial devices, I'm not looking
for this to be weapons of mass use.
I'm looking to target key individuals who may then be influential to relative aspects
of their representative groups.
I can affect individuals' brain functions in a variety of different ways, both positively
and negatively, by engaging or disengaging nodes and networks of the brain that therefore
affect their cognitions, emotions, and ultimately their behaviors.
Moreover, by understanding the way the brain works as nodes and networks and not as key sites that are doing any particular thing, I can also utilize various forms of electromagnetic radiation and energy to be able to disrupt brain function.
The brain is an electromagnetic organ, and like any other electromagnetic substance, the integrity of those networks is reliant upon the electromagnetic pulses that flow in between them.
Utilizing electromagnetic sensory and disruptive devices in this way, with ever greater fidelity and with ever greater granularity, can be used as not only an organ against individuals, but against groups.
And in fact, this is some of the work that we've seen that has been conducted previously in what was a Soviet Union.
Union, now Russia, and also China is looking very, very deeply into what electromagnetic
pulse generation can do to the brain with regard to treating diseases and also incurring
certain disease states and individuals who may then be susceptible or may be exposed
to such pulses.
Yeah, so they can basically just give you cancer or make you think you have asthma or
Look, we only scratched the surface of this.
Tomorrow, 11 a.m. Central, we're going to lay it all out.
Everybody, you know, tune in.
This is really important.
Maria Z takes over.
God bless and good luck.
like. Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Z, coming to you live from the Brighteon Studios.
They've been gracious enough to give me a studio to use during my travels.
And let me tell you something, guys.
I work in the alternative media world.
I've met a lot of people that do independent media.
But there's very, very few that really stand out to me.
And of course, you know, this could be just my opinion, but I've seen the InfoWars team.
I've been there in studio.
I've seen how dedicated and hardworking these people are, how seriously they take this.
Brighteon is very much the same.
You all know Mike Adams and the team here.
I mean, just Hard-working people that are committed to bringing the truth in real time.
And I'm just so so grateful to be working alongside these amazing people that are working with integrity.
And when we say independent media we truly mean independent.
There isn't a board of directors.
There isn't a group paying them and telling them what to say when you're watching either Brighteon or InfoWars or ZMedia.
You are watching truly independent media.
So that is crucial.
That is crucial, especially because of the times that we are about to go into.
And I'm so glad that Alex played those clips from Dr. James Giordano.
I hope he plays more of that tomorrow.
He said he's going to.
I've watched quite a few of this man's presentations.
Let me tell you, it will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
And I think it's very, very timely that Alex is talking about this.
I mean, we've spoken, I've spoken about Dr. Giordano here on this broadcast in the past.
I think when I had guests Celeste Solomon, and he talks about the fact that they can essentially hypnotize entire populations, demoralize them, They can completely manipulate the minds of the population to even stop an uprising.
They talk about, he talks about being able to meet with the leader of a resistance movement, put something on the top of his pen.
That he just touches and then goes back to his resistance movement, changes his mind about the bad guys and completely dismantles the entire resistance movement.
This is the kind of stuff, as Alex said, that is declassified.
So you can imagine the classified stuff and what their capabilities actually are.
And I think that we have grossly Grossly underestimated just how far these people will go to stop the resistance but they have grossly underestimated how powerful the resistance is because do you know what happens when you crush people?
When you censor people?
When you make it near impossible for them to continue getting the truth out?
Those people become more resilient.
We haven't weakened under your tactics.
We haven't weakened under tyranny.
We've grown stronger and we're going to keep getting stronger and stronger as the days go on.
So you can't bank on that.
You can't bank on us giving up.
We are not going to give up.
That is a personal promise, from me at least.
And I believe I speak for everyone at InfoWars and Brighteon when I say that as well.
But today I want to talk to you about what's happening at Burning Man, the Marburg, Ebola, PSYOP, the imminent threat of a cyber attack, Nanotech in the injections, mandates returning.
Trump has actually come out with a statement regarding injection injuries and Twitter Is now admitting to harvesting your data.
We've got a lot to cover today.
I want to talk about what the WEF has said about the cyber attack.
But I want to break down the current state of affairs for you today.
As I'm traveling across the United States, I'm gathering intel from all of the various people that we're meeting with.
And becoming, it's becoming more and more clear how serious and dangerous the position that we are in right now is.
And when I talk about the danger of the position, it may seem like Like I'm contradicting myself when I'm saying we're not going to give up, we're stronger than ever, but we are in serious risk.
The two go hand in hand.
Because when you're a realist and you acknowledge the severity and just how serious the position that you're in and how real the threat is and you assess every threat from every side and you prepare accordingly, that is a stronger position than pretending that threat doesn't exist.
So we're going to break down some of those threats today based on what I'm hearing, what information I'm gathering and from what I can see coming down the pipeline.
And it's very different when you're on the other side of the world and although I've been screaming from the rooftops for years now and I know that many of Z Media's listeners and the InfoWars audience are aware of how serious this is and the fact that it hasn't calmed down just because you can go outside and have a picnic now without your death shot.
Doesn't mean the New World Order's just gone away.
They've just given you breathing space so that you can go and try and enjoy life as normal and not pay so much attention anymore.
Meanwhile, the laws that they're bringing in, the declarations that they're bringing in, Alex alluded to the UN declaration, they are signing the political declaration this month which will turn the UN into a world dictatorship.
That is what we are on the precipice of a one world government and most people don't even know it.
And in May of next year, we've got the World Health Organization, the military, medical, the medical military, martial law arm of the United Nations, wanting to finalize the international health regulations that in the initial proposal said that in the next pandemic, they will not consider your human rights, your dignity, Or your fundamental freedoms.
They'll do whatever it takes to get these death shots in your arm.
Which aren't just about killing you, by the way.
They're about controlling your brain.
And I've done so many stories on this, but if I can direct people, right now on the Stu Peters Network on Uncensored, I've got a four-part series airing called Agenda 2045 AI Apocalypse.
It's also up on zmedia.com.
Please go and watch it, because we have grossly underestimated AI and nanotechnology.
And that's all I'll say on that for now.
Everyone in the world needs to see that.
But what we have right now is the propaganda coming back thick and fast about mandates, new COVID shots, and this is converging with the timeline of the UN and the WHO when they want to become the dictators of the world.
We have just a few short months before the WHO becomes the medical martial law enforcers of the world.
And they have said, for countries that don't comply in future with their short requirements, they will send enforcement from other countries.
So what you have is the ones that are completely sold out, like Australia.
Yes, our government is, for the most part, The ones who are completely sold out to the New World Order, they'll comply, but what about the ones that don't?
They will send enforcement from the countries that do comply to ensure they do comply.
With punishments in tow.
This is out of the mouth of the World Health Assembly themselves.
So everything that you're seeing right now, the COVID propaganda, everything is preparing us for that moment.
I sent the team a picture of Jill Biden, an official statement, if they can bring up that statement.
She's got COVID again, apparently.
And we know that Joe Biden said he's going to release a new injection that works.
That actually works.
Statement of the first lady's communications director.
She's currently experiencing mild symptoms.
And will remain in her home and apparently Joe Biden does not have COVID.
None of these people have COVID.
Do you remember in the height of the mandates and the pandemic?
Thank you for bringing that up, guys.
In the height of the mandates and the shots, they were getting celebrities and politicians to come out all the time and say, oh, I tested positive for COVID with a fake PCR test.
It's going to return a false positive anyway.
And I'm injected to the eyeballs.
But here I am.
I'm positive.
To normalize all the people that were getting sick from the shots.
And we have a very serious situation where people could start becoming very sick.
And I'm going to talk about that on the other side of the break.
And it's got to do with what's being programmed into the shots.
Don't go anywhere.
This is a power pact next half an hour.
So Fauci has said that he really, really hopes that if mask recommendations return, he used the word recommendations, that people will comply.
First of all, why are you speaking?
You're done.
Your time is done.
You told us you were retiring.
And you're really, really worried about the fact that Americans won't comply.
People won't comply.
No, we won't comply.
We will not comply.
And here's the thing, people, and I want to make this really clear.
When Tedros came out with, if you recall, monkey pox, when we had the... COVID was done.
The scare campaign with COVID was done.
And so they said, we need something new.
Let's do monkey pox.
That was a test to test the public response and test the waters.
And what happened was people laughed at it.
And Tedros had an advisory board that said, we don't recommend that you declare this a public health emergency of international concern.
And he overrode his advisory board in a show as to what will happen in future if the IHR amendments go through.
He overrode those people and he said, I'm declaring it a fake anyway.
That's how you read out the abbreviation of P-H-E-I-C, Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and it's hilarious that it's read out fake because that's what it is.
So Tedros ignored the advisory board and made a dictatorial decision and that's what he wants to do in future.
But my point is, even though he did that, no one really went along with it and Monkeybox faded into oblivion.
And that's exactly what's about to happen with COVID.
If we do the right thing and keep it up.
And I'm seeing people all over social media mocking this.
And that is exactly the response that is required.
It should be mocked.
It's ridiculous.
It's ridiculous.
I understand some people got sick.
For the most part, the people that I know had nothing more than the sniffles.
Some hot chicken soup and some aspirin and they were okay.
And for the ones who were really sick, the reason that they maybe died or had long-term suffering was because they were put on remdesivir, which is designed to kill you.
I'm not downplaying when people get sick here and I'm not telling people not to seek medical attention.
But the scare campaign compared to the actual Problem with COVID, which I think is, it's under a 1% death rate.
It's 0.03 something death rate.
Was completely blown out of proportion.
So COVID's done.
As far as I can see with the public, very few people wearing masks right now, although it is happening and I know that some places are returning mandates.
But the public is not going to have it.
If we keep up that momentum and we laugh at this and we say, you've got to be kidding me.
No, we're not doing this again.
They will have to pivot to their new plans.
And that is a real possibility.
Very, very important to assess things critically from a position of understanding that you are at war.
So that's what we're doing right now.
Now, I want to talk about Burning Man.
I shared some reports that were being circulating, that were being circulated across social media.
Now, I'm not claiming any of these are fact.
I want to tell you what social media reports were saying.
So, what we were hearing was people, there was a particular text exchange where someone was saying that his friend was vomiting coagulated blood, that white coats were on scene, that people weren't being allowed in or out, that's correct, and that people were being told to stay in their RVs and signs, notices were being passed around that if you were experiencing nausea, vomiting from the nose or mouth, and all these other symptoms, do not leave your RV.
We also had a social media user who was at LAX at the time of an evacuation who claimed that this was because a private jet came in from Burning Man at the time when no one was allowed in or out.
And that is the reason that people were being evacuated while the media was saying no, no, no, it was a safety concern.
Any of these things are possible and they may not be true.
What I did notice was that the media and fact checker frenzy immediately commenced to discredit the information.
Well, what I want to consider is that it may not actually be credible information.
I think that what's going on here is that they're testing the waters and the public's response to a threat like Marburg or Ebola, and that there's a reason why.
The United States has already invested the money into a Marburg-style emergency with injections at the ready.
With the declaration of that emergency response expiring in August of 2025, it would be a huge waste of money if they didn't put their preparation to the test.
And what I shared this morning...
In light of the burning man situation, it was very, very interesting timing.
If the team can bring that up, NYC Health and Hospitals leads multi-agency training exercise for Marburg virus, an Ebola-like disease.
This was on the nychealthandhospitals.org website.
If you guys have got it, please bring it up.
If not, I'll just read it out.
Patients simulated symptoms of Marburg virus to test healthcare providers ability to quickly identify, isolate and coordinate transport to New York City Health and Hospitals Bellevue.
During the drill, healthcare and EMS workers donned appropriate personal protective equipment and followed strict protocols to protect against exposure to the simulated pathogen.
This is as of August the 3rd.
Now they did say that the risk of Marburg coming to New York City is very low, but I did find the timing curious.
Is it possible to create the symptoms of Marburg or an Ebola like a hemorrhagic fever?
Through what's in the shots, the skies, the food, the water, absolutely poisoning us from every single level, the nanotechnology that's coming into human beings from every angle, and activate it via the 5G weapons system?
Well, from the research that I've done, yes it is.
So I think this could have been a test to see how the public responds to that sort of a threat.
They may have also tested on those people there.
At Burning Man, who were sick, and told them that, oh, you know, you're vomiting because of the storm water or the rubbish, or, you know, if you've got an upset tummy, it's this.
But if you were a protester in Canberra, when we were told to go there and stay until the government lifts mandates and stops the injections, if you were a protester there and you experienced being microwaved, you would know.
The frequency attacks cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, burns under the clothing.
And we have confirmation that they did that to us now.
And I'll be speaking on that more very, very soon in an interview that's coming up.
So they are very much capable of inflicting this type of invisible weapon system on people.
And The technology that's inside of people can be programmed in real time from what I'm hearing and the research that I've been doing.
I interviewed Todd Callender and Lisa McGee, one of his researchers, quite some time ago who was looking through the patents and she was finding...
Cesium in the shots.
Various types of yeast and other things that create the environment for this virus, that virus.
And we think that there is a potential for AI to program in real time.
I know we're talking sci-fi stuff here, guys, but we're living in sci-fi times.
And it's not an understatement.
Look at what Alex was talking about earlier.
About the AI, the weaponization of AI by organizations like the ADL to pull down things that they say are offensive or they don't like.
And we have a similar thing with Twitter, which we'll talk about on the other side of the break, which I said from the start was a trap.
And it's proving to be true.
But we have a situation where there are invisible weapons that can be deployed at any moment against humanity.
On top of that, we have the potential of a cyber attack as people become more aware.
See, they're testing the waters now to see our response.
For the most part, people are saying, no, you're not going to get away with this.
And on top of that, we're aware of your directed energy weapons.
We're aware of how you destroy communities in order for BlackRock and Co.
to come and buy up the properties.
We're aware of your smart city plans.
I was just listening to a report about San Francisco insurance being cancelled.
Well, where did they just buy up?
All of that land, that shadow company, where did they just buy up all that land?
Just in San Francisco, in California, outside of San Francisco.
I believe it was.
So why is all the insurance being cancelled?
Because the area will be developed for that reason, very likely.
Just like they wanted to do in Maui.
We'll talk more about what's coming down the pipeline and the cyber attacks on the other side of this break.
It's very serious, people.
I really don't think they'll get away with another invisible threat, everyone, as in an invisible virus.
The next thing that we see may very well be something where the symptoms are visible and serious, which is why I mentioned the ability to create symptoms through frequencies based on the activation of what's inside people right now.
And I'm not just saying this to theorise here.
I have interviewed countless people, experts, scientists, researchers, who are confirming the same thing.
Not to mention the intel I've gathered on the ground while I've been here.
They may not go with that though.
And this is why we're talking about it.
Because when we discuss these things, we thwart their attempts like we did with Monkeypox.
We thwart their attempts.
Don't ever underestimate the power of information in this war.
It is an information war, and the whole point is to get you to a point where you can't see what's... you can't distinguish between truth, psyops, fake information.
But we're smarter than that.
So try it on!
The people are already aware of the different things that you may hit us with, and we are prepared.
That is the point of this broadcast.
Now I want to talk about the fact that Donald Trump, if the guys can bring up the Gateway Pundit article, President Trump addresses vaccine adverse events for the first time, calls on Big Pharma to disclose safety data immediately.
He did an interview with former gubernatorial candidate, Tudor Dixon, and I have to say, Kudos to her, out of all of the people that have interviewed President Trump, she's the only one that's had the courage to ask him about the shots.
And to that, I really do commend her.
And so Trump, essentially a lot of people, and the feedback that I'm seeing in my Telegram channel, which by the way is Z Media, Z triple E Media, one word, I'm in there almost every day except Sundays, but while I've been away I've been in there every day.
I want to stay in touch with people.
They've said, you know, his response was weak.
It was kind of evading the question.
She asked about whether he would be helping and standing with the injection injured victims.
In fact, she said to him, people are wanting you to support them.
These people are expecting and wanting to see your support in that.
And he said, we'll stand for them in many ways.
That was his response.
So I agree there needs to be a stronger response from President Trump.
And what I want to say is, if you care about your country, And if you care about your leaders, supporting them also means demanding a higher standard from them.
Hey, Alex Jones did that when he called out for President Trump and gave him a timeline and said, please come out against the shots.
That is the correct thing to do.
Some people who are Trump supporters get upset with me over that.
You shouldn't.
Because if you love someone and you want them to do well, you should hold them to a high standard.
And that does mean correcting them.
So he really does need to keep going on this path.
He needs to stop speaking about how great warp speed was and really start talking about the corruption of Big Pharma and what these injections have done to people.
This is a great start.
And for people who say too little too late, would you rather that or nothing?
I am very grateful to this journalist.
But another thing I want to talk to you... Going back to what I was saying before about the more the people wake up, and the closer we get to the globalists being exposed, the more danger we're in.
And I will go into that in a moment.
But first, Twitter can now harvest your biometric information, if you guys can pull up that article from the Daily Mail, including fingerprint, face recognition, eye tracking data.
Musk's site has quietly updated its terms and conditions for what they call safety purposes.
Now, I said this from the start, that this was masquerading as a free speech platform and Linda Iaccareno coming in saying, oh, freedom of speech but not freedom of reach.
That's censorship, honey.
It's the same thing.
If people want to hear what I'm saying but you won't let them hear what I'm saying, Whether you like the information or not, if you're limiting my reach, that is the same thing as deleting me.
And you know how algorithms work.
We have grossly underestimated AI.
And I think that it is much more in control of information right now than we realized.
Which means that we are very much Approaching the threat of cyber COVID.
If the team can play that clip from the WEF and then I want to dissect it before we finish up today.
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken our economies and societies to the core and shown us how vulnerable we are to biological threats.
In the digital world, similar risks are being overlooked right now.
A cyber attack with COVID-like characteristics would spread faster and further than any biological virus.
It's reproductive rate would be around 10 times greater than what we've experienced with the coronavirus.
To give you an idea, one of the fastest worms in history, the 2003 Slamma sapphire worm, doubled in size approximately every 8.5 seconds, infecting over 75,000 devices in 10 minutes.
And almost 11 million devices in 24 hours.
Fortunately, at least until now, cyber attacks have not impacted our health the way pandemics have.
But the economic damages, and therefore the impact they have had on our daily lives, have been equal, and sometimes even greater.
You see, the only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the Internet.
All of this in a matter of days.
A single day without the Internet would cost our economies more than 50 billion US dollars.
And that's before considering the economic and societal damages should these devices be linked to essential services, such as transport or healthcare.
As the digital realm increasingly merges with our physical world, The ripple effects of cyber attacks on our safety just keep on expanding at a faster pace than what we're preparing for.
COVID-19 was known as an anticipated risk.
So is the digital equivalent.
Let's be better prepared for that.
The time is now.
Alright, so that was a couple of years ago now that they released that.
But I have replayed that clip and spoken about this since its release.
And the reason is because at any time If too much truth comes out, if Trump starts speaking too much about the shots, or if independent media continues to explode with information and audience at the rate that it is right now, and it is growing, they could flick that switch.
And it is a switch.
And are we even at the point where AI is in self-preservation mode flicking the switch for itself?
We don't know.
We actually don't know.
We see big tech and governments using AI.
There was something about the UK government as well just the other day.
They deployed AI during COVID.
It was AI that was pulling information off.
We thought it was a bunch of university students in India somewhere.
Some of it was that.
Some of it was AI.
So we're already in a battle with AI.
That's a very challenging battle to defeat.
And if it was to go into self-preservation mode, or if the globalists were to go into self-preservation mode using AI, and they went ahead with cyber COVID, the landscape would look very, very different on the other side of that.
So very quickly, they say that the end result would be that millions of devices would be taken offline in a matter of days.
When they say millions, they mean billions.
They say the only way is to shut down all phones, all internet, all electricity, all communications so that you can't get the truth.
All you have is the emergency broadcasting system which they've been testing constantly to hear their propaganda.
You don't get access to the truth and I said this before.
So many people say to me, oh, your broadcast or InfoWars or whatever got me through COVID and helped me be sure of my decision.
What do you do?
Are you strong enough?
Ask yourselves right now.
Are you strong enough to withstand it?
If something like this hits and we do have real blackouts and all you have is the EBS feeding you propaganda, are you strong enough?
If you're not, you better get strong enough.
I'm not saying this is going to happen tomorrow.
But the risk is there, and this is what we have to do when we're at war.
We have to be real about the threats that we are facing.
And hopefully I've helped you with that today.
They say, and Yuval Noah Harari has said this as well, when this cyber COVID, which they could name it anything, when it happens, when it happens, the only way to get back online is with a digital vaccine.
This ties in very closely to the WHO Global Health Certification Network, Digital ID, CBDC and the AI World Society.
Please, I'm urging everyone, go and watch.
If you can't find it on Rumble, just go to zmedia.com.
Watch Agenda 2045 AI Apocalypse Parts 1, 2 and 3 on the interviews page.
You need to understand.
Where these people are thinking.
They're calling you objects.
They're calling you objects in their AI world society which they're contracting you into without your consent.
This could happen at any moment.
Please prepare.
Please share this broadcast with everyone.
Tell your loved ones.
Remain strong.
Push back.
Don't ever stop the pushback.
We can win this.
The New World Order always could have and still can be defeated by the people.
God bless you.
Thank you for joining me today.
I'll see you very soon.
Maria Zee, signing out.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com I want to thank you all for your support.
I personally have to pay my legal bills.
The court has ruled I have to pay for half the bills.
Keep free speech on air.
I don't have any money.
And my back bills of the year are a little over a million dollars.
Sounds like a lot.
Trump's already spent almost 70 million this year alone.
You want us to fight the globalists?
Sounds like big numbers.
It's not, folks.
We need your support.
It's a decision you've got to make.
Buy products at InfoWarsaw.com that enrich your life.
They're great.
That funds free speech.
The judge has said I've got to pay half the legal bills and everything else.
I can't do it.
So this is our chink in the armor and we'll have to shut down.
Pretty soon.
And then as soon as they're shut down, we'll get all the money.
Once you start this, you can't stop this.
So, I'm firing the bat signal.
I appreciate all your ongoing support.
We're in a major toe-to-toe battle.
Long-term war.
I'm sorry I gotta keep asking for support.
But I'm asking you humbly to keep us on air.
To go to defendjones.com.
A give, send, go account.
I appreciate those that donated in the past.
I appreciate everybody that supported the show.
You know who you are.
We've raised like $25,000 in the last couple hours.
That sounds great.
I've got a million dollar problem.
I think in the next month, you're going to come through.
I think we'll raise it.
Unlike selling a million dollars of supplements, and we make $300,000 or $400,000, or we sell water filters, a million dollars of water filters, and we make $200,000.
I'm not complaining.
It's just we don't put a lot of markup in there, and they're high quality.
And they give me the best deals.
This is how my brain works.
People say, oh, just have bigger markup.
You won't have any problems.
I just, I can't do it.
But I'm separate from the free speech bankruptcy, and I'm out of money.
And we're actually winning these cases, as you see.
They're really freaked out.
So, I need your support.
It's a long-term fight.
We've fought so long.
You can decide whether you want to give up or not.
I know you don't want to, most of you.
But I wanted to read some of the great comments.
We've had some big donations, small donations.
They're all wonderful.
We appreciate you at DefendJones.com.
Anonymously, privately, you can give or you can comment if you want.
This is an anonymous donor.
One minute to go.
Bless you, Alex Nemfors.
Bless you, too.
Taylor gave $30.
I am going broke, but the dollar won't be around much longer anyways.
Exactly, folks.
You've got to put money in to win.
Hope to see lots of engagement with this fund.
We'll stay on air.
That's what'll happen.
Anonymous donor.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you.
Ralph from Ohio, $10.
Listing M4, 20 years.
95% correct accuracy rate of geopolitical diagnosis and cure rate.
Vincent, $250.
Thank you.
Alex, you woke me up in the early 2000s with 9-11 road to tyranny, and I've been a regular lister contributor since 2007.
Thank you.
You are the M4.
I'm praying for you and President Trump on a regular basis.
Stay strong, and thank you for doing what you're doing, brother.
Vincent, thank you, Vincent.
Karma, $3,000.
Opposition in all things.
Anonymous, $1,000.
Thank you, Alex.
No, thank you, Anonymous.
Thank you, Karma.
We love you, Alex and crew.
God's continuing blessing upon you and yours.
Mike Linnum, $1,000.
Thank you, Mike.
Anonymous donor, $10.
The Bible says, if God is for me, who can be against me in the fight?
And with Jesus by your side, darkness, fighting darkness, you'll prevail.
The kingdom of darkness doesn't stand a chance because we already have the victory.
My prayers go with you, Alex, and may the Holy Spirit give you peace.
Thank you.
That's just some of the comments.
Thank you so much.
That means so much.
Please go to DefendJones.com and if you want to keep me in the fight, it's your decision.
I'm not saying you should.
I'm not trying to make you do it.
Keep this dog in the fight and donate now.
Action is victory.
Resistance is victory.
It is in your court.
It is your decision whether to pull the plug on this operation or not.