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Name: 20230904_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 4, 2023
3893 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses political prisoners, censorship, and health products available at InfowarsStore. He also talks about his plans to investigate the Anti- Defamation League (ADL). Joe Rogan joins the show to talk about popular figures fighting against the new world order. The show covers various topics such as spiritual realization, current events, health, fitness, and politics. Alex Jones promotes several health products available at InfoWarsStore.com throughout the episode.

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Man, that video!
The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates
with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming.
But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words, we will not comply.
In New York, two captured states on each end of the country have officially rolled out new COVID protocols and mandates on their websites and said that indeed they're bringing back the controls.
But we really caught them with their pants down almost two weeks ago with the whistleblower info.
Ladies and gentlemen, I got a call yesterday.
An individual was in town and they are a high-level manager in the TSA. Tuesday we got called in, the managers, and
told that by the middle of September you all have to wear masks again and so will airport
employees. Then by the middle of October they are going to say that everyone flying has to wear a
mask. Well, I mean, why is this happening? They said, well, because of the new variant in
But people who have had the vaccine are more susceptible to BA.2.A6.
What the actual shit?
But I was sent by the whistleblower a link to the California website and it says the controls are back and here they are.
Right there in black and white.
They're gonna roll them out.
And through the institutions, the corporations, the hospitals, the hotels, through the colleges, the public schools, All over the country, they are shutting down public schools if there's one COVID case.
That's creating the lockdown by sending the children back home.
That's the beginning of it.
My sources, because I called around and confirmed what the first source said, said middle of September, Biden is set to start the rollout.
Now, five, six days later...
...request for additional funding for a new vaccine.
That is not necessary. That works.
Definitely, it is recommended that, or would like to be recommended that everybody get it.
Joe Biden literally saying, "Y'all need to come, they need to come up with a new vaccine."
And they need to come up with a way that people have to take it no matter what.
I'm willing to die about my freedom.
I'm willing to die about my medical independence.
So all I got to say to you in that video, try this.
Go around and find out.
The FDA and CDC, they've made an announcement on the new vaccine.
So certainly, they said that they will have an updated vaccine in mid-September.
There never was a COVID pandemic.
There never was a SARS-CoV-2 novel virus.
There was never any of those things.
This was a behavior modification exercise to fulfill the objective of the financial interests that were being served.
And let's remember, That the quote, until a pandemic is at emergency threshold, the public doesn't understand the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus or pan-influenced vaccine.
We need the media to create the hype.
We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.
Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.
That's a quote from Peter Daszak.
That's a quote that was made at the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published in 2015.
This is the admission of terrorism again.
Now what did I say they were told?
The beginning of the announcements begin September 15th.
This was just the warming up and getting ready that just so happened to begin right after I announced it literally six hours later.
They just opened up on the public, every controlled corporate outlet, and then the institutions to create the fear.
You can stop all flights.
You can lock down entire countries.
You can actually do that.
And this, I would say, may make us more open to radical ideas about how to deal also with climate change.
This has nothing to do with public health.
It has nothing to do with breaking any waves.
It was always about breaking people.
There's a path of resistance.
Or there is the path of total enslavement.
Come on!
Your ancestors were stronger than this.
You're stronger than this.
You can focus on the New World Order and its activities.
And you can ask God to lead, guide, and direct you with discernment.
And you do that, we're unstoppable together.
It's just a mask.
It's just six feet.
It's just non-essential businesses.
It's just non-essential workers.
It's just until we work it out.
It's just a bar.
It's just a restaurant.
It's just nursing homes.
It's just schools.
It's just to keep from overwhelming medical services.
It's just until the cases go down.
It's just to flatten the curve.
It's just to keep others feeling safe.
It's just for a few more weeks.
It's just gyms, salons, spas, and sporting events.
It's just churches and mosques.
It's just singing.
It's just travel.
It's just until we get a vaccine.
It's just for the greater good.
It's just fact-checking.
Not censorship.
It's just mandatory.
It isn't just at all.
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I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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It is 11, 12 Central Standard Time.
We are coming to you from the Austin, Texas studios of InfoWars.
It is Saturday.
September 2nd, 2023.
And for the next 45 minutes, General Flynn, one of the leading minds in the fight against the globalists, is joining us.
And then Joe Biggs is scheduled, if he can get through from prison, true political prisoner, to be joining us as well after he was sentenced to 17 years in prison two days ago for committing absolutely no crime.
And then I will continue on after he leaves, getting into the ADL.
And the censorship combine and how they play a key role as a multinational intelligence agency against the American people.
I have a large stack.
They directly are working for the UN.
We'll be laying that out.
General Flynn's a busy guy, he's a hard guy to get on, but I begged him a few days ago.
I said, I really think they're going to pull a false flag of some type.
I see them pre-programming it in the news.
I really need your expertise as the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and Trump's chief national security advisor, because you really have over-the-horizon understanding, unlike probably anybody else out there that's on our team.
The enemy knows what's going on because they're planning it.
Please come on and give us your views on that, on the lay of the land politically.
There is a big awakening.
People are figuring out this is a permanent coup happening.
Our enemies are in deep trouble at every level.
The indictments have backfired that they launched against Trump, but I don't think we should be too confident and we should talk about tomorrow's news today so we can get ahead of it.
And a sterling example of this is 15 days ago.
I went on air and told you that I talked to a high-level TSA manager who said they were told on the 15th they would start rolling everything out of September.
A week later, they began to roll it out just like we basically said.
Here is the New York Times.
New Yorkers told to mask up for Labor Day as new COVID variants sparks fears.
They're going to have drones watching people in New York with the borders wide open.
All these universities and high schools have been saying, you've got to have shots to go there.
They've been closing for a week.
They're trying to bring the masking back.
So we got ahead of that, though.
So there's massive political opposition by senators and governors and so many people.
We're not going to just accept their incremental rollout.
So just like we got ahead of that, We need to get ahead and do our best thinking on, if you're a globalist, what are you going to do?
You've got to get in their mind.
And General Flynn is the expert to be able to give us that information.
I appreciate him coming on on short notice.
I'm going to try as much as I can to give him the floor.
I said, I'm going to get your briefing, sir, what you think to the people.
He said, well, I'd like to hear yours as well.
So after he's done talking for a while, I'll kind of give a brief synopsis of what I think their next moves will probably be.
Again, because I see the pre-programming.
He has an amazing new book, How to Fight AI.
Find it all at GeneralFlynn.com.
He also has shared this on Twitter and a bunch of other publications.
So everybody else watching, you can force multiply this.
Show that not just a say a half million people are tuned in right now, conservatively.
And then this will be posted later as an archived video.
A million or so will watch it.
I'll air it on the main show next week.
Three or four million will see it.
But when listeners get excited, like you did two weeks ago on the TSA Lockdown 2.0 story, we take full control of the narrative.
And the enemy can't have that because now they're having to counter us instead of incrementally rolling out their brainwashing and weaponized mind control.
So General Flynn, thank you for being gracious enough to spend some of your limited time with us.
I see how busy you are and the prolific work you're doing.
So for myself and my family and the crew and the listeners and viewers, thank you, sir.
And God bless you for being here.
Alex, thanks so much for having me.
And this is a really important day.
I love the way that you you come on these on these weekend shows, particularly.
And I know you run these during the course of the week, but these weekend shows are really important because it gives people that don't that are working their tails off.
They don't have that kind of time to be able to listen to the to the depth that they that they should be an ability to be able to hear some things on on the show.
So this is super important.
And let me just lay out a few things.
And number one, I'm going to just state the obvious enemies that we have.
And I'm going to go Those that are not so obvious, but we've been talking about it.
I've certainly been talking about it.
You've been talking about it for, geez, maybe a decade.
I certainly have been talking about it for the last few years, four or five years.
But the obvious ones are, and I'll start right off the top with China.
China has infiltrated into every single institution in the United States of America.
Government, U.S.
government institutions, our entirety of our education system, especially our graduate and undergraduate programs.
I mean, they've been coming into our colleges and universities
for well over 25 years to the tune of minimum of about 100,000 a year, as high as 500,000 students a year.
And they basically are attending some of the most elite universities that we have in this country.
They are also in the institution of Hollywood, right, the moviemaking, the culturalization community,
I call it, the culturalization community of America.
So the Chinese have gotten deep, deep into that, and they've been in that for a long, long time.
And then they're also in the institutions of the cartels, right?
And I would call them the sort of on-the-street You know, teamed together where the Chinese have teamed together with the cartels and we know that that's a fact because they're already, we already have over 100,000 killed in action by fentanyl in this country.
So that's China, that's China, all right?
Now let's just, and there's some other things and I'll talk to China because I'm gonna jump to cyber in a second because I think cyber is something that everybody needs to Understand and they need to know what that means and how we are going to be affected by cyber.
You know, because the other part about China, and I am going to talk about the health crisis that we already see being forced down our throats again.
The second one is Russia, right?
Russia is aligned with China as a communist ideology.
The other element here is this BRICS, this BRICS alignment of countries, right?
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
They just finished their annual summit.
And actually that summit was the first one that they held since pre-pandemic, pre-COVID.
So it's been a couple of years.
And we need to pay attention to what's happening after that summit.
But Russia and China, there you go.
Russia and China now have been cutting energy deals, economic deals, military deals for years,
for the last, you know, certainly the last 20, 25 years.
But in the last five to six years, I've seen them increase their portfolio of arrangements,
economic to military and other arrangements.
Yeah, there you go.
that are well well past anything the United States of America has been able to keep up with. And
these last couple of years it's really really it's catapulted into a new level. Yeah there you go.
And now there's and they're purchasing you know the sale of oil is now going to be done not in
petrodollars meaning US dollars it's going to be done in the currency of the of the countries that
are purchasing it. The third so Russia. Russia and And of course, we have Russia right now in this war in Eastern Europe, which is a total distraction.
We, the American people, are being distracted.
We're being ripped off.
We're paying through our teeth over to something that we don't need to be part of.
And frankly, it's a losing effort.
It's a big-time loser.
Yet, the administration is going to continue to distract us with this losing war in Eastern Europe.
So, that's China, Russia.
The third one is Iran.
Yeah, the Iranian people, you know, I know a lot of Iranians and I have a lot of friends, but the Iranian government is still in coordination with the Democrat Party, right?
I call it the Democrat, the Marxist Party of the left.
So they are still negotiating and they are still going to allow Iran, we, the United
States of America, are going to essentially build a nuclear weapon.
And this is insane because this is still the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the
Iran still, you know, shouts from the from the from the tops of the buildings, you know,
death to America, death to the Satanists, death to Israel.
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With respect to Alex Jones or anybody else being censored from Twitter, if Twitter's a free speech platform, which is what Elon Musk's thesis for running the platform is, free speech means that there's no such thing as a wrong opinion.
We fought an American Revolution in this country for what?
For the vision that we the people Decide, in a constitutional republic, how we settle our differences, through free speech and open debate in the public square.
Now that old world monster rears its ugly head again, saying that, no, no, no, we don't trust the people.
I reject that vision.
The American Revolution rejects that vision.
That is what the World Economic Forum agenda is about.
It is a 1776 question.
I stand on the side of the Great Uprising.
Standing up and saying absolutely not, heck no to the Great Reset.
We the people decide as citizens of sovereign nations how we actually determine our future
through self-determination.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
North Korea is clearly aligned with China.
There's no doubt about that.
They are a nuclear power.
They will be used, so the North will be used by China to sort of do the big head fake.
So if we start to see Kim Jong-un of North Korea start to conduct things, do things over there, you know, in his sphere of the world, what we call the Near East, If he starts to do things over in the Near East, where he starts to fire missiles, test missiles again, you know, maybe test a space launch, which they have done in the past, then we're going to start to see other movements.
And we're going to have to be very, we're going to have to, you know, our country should be able to juggle more balls at the same time, multiple balls at the same time.
Under this administration, we are incapable of doing that right now.
North Korea is the fourth country.
So China, Russia, Iran, North Korea.
And then you have these other crises, right?
The border crisis, the narcotics crisis that I mentioned about fentanyl.
the rise of domestic crime in this country.
Venezuela, I mentioned Venezuela in a way because what is happening, as we've seen the
Chinese starting to come across the border, and we recently saw Uzbeks, a group of Uzbeks,
and Uzbeks are a strong member of ISIS and a strong member of Al-Qaeda.
And so we just had a group of Uzbeks cross the border down in the southern border.
And what's happening with Venezuela is Venezuela is being used as a conduit, being used as a conduit for some of these other nations around the world that aren't in this hemisphere.
So you're gonna see Chinese where we have we have seen an awful lot of Chinese to the tune of about a thousand a day coming up through that what's called the Darien Gap down in between Columbia and Panama and making their way up to the to the US border.
And thanks to Michael, Jan and others I know you're working closely with and thinking about going down there both of us.
I mean, he has the footage.
They built a giant U.N.
base down there in the Darien Gap.
And these are mainly military-age men, Chinese.
I mean, I can tell by the look of them, they look military to me, most of them.
These are military age men, of course they are.
And China doesn't just... And the good reporting by Michael as an example, when he starts to ask questions like, where did they come from?
These guys are coming from China.
The Chinese do not let refugees leave their country except for a specific purpose.
So we also have these other border, along our border, along the US border, these border posts, these military camps that have been built I've seen a couple.
I've been to one of them.
I've seen these.
These are huge, huge camps.
And these aren't camps for, you know, a couple of kids.
These are camps.
These are large, large camps.
And they are housing thousands and thousands, primarily military age men.
And then you have to start to think about where they're going.
So Venezuela, I mentioned Venezuela because Venezuela has not only given up their prisoners and their psychopaths, but they're also acting as a conduit to pass through Iranians, to pass through Uzbeks, to pass through Chinese and get them on up into the Central American isthmus there and head on up to the United States.
The other two areas that I wrote down here is financial and economic.
And I think that this is where I want to go back up to like the 60,000 foot level and really clearly identify the enemy, right?
And again, I think it repeats Pounding this, right?
We have to pound this into our audience.
We've got to pound it into American psyche because the enemy is real.
And when we talk about sort of an enemy headquarters, it's Davos, Switzerland.
And the name of the organization is the World Economic Forum.
And the name of the leader is here, Klaus Schwab.
And then there, like he says, he says there's about, you know, there's about 600 of the smartest people in the world, you know, in his very, very arrogant sort of way.
But actually, there's a couple of thousand that are part of this organization, and these thousand, a couple of thousand, are sprinkled all over the world in various governments.
Some of them are running governments.
Trudeau is one up in Canada, members of his cabinet, members of his government.
Same with France, Macron.
And there are other members of the World Economic Forum That are running not only governments and are parts of the bureaucracies and systems of many of these governments around the world, Australia is another, the United States is another, but there's also corporations.
There's corporations that are members of the World Economic Forum.
So when we hear about all this corporate wokeness, since 1972, essentially, there has been this organizing
of fact to basically culturalize the world, get the world ready to be globalized.
And these guys are no longer hiding it.
So now what we're seeing-- and this is going to happen financially.
It's going to happen in the economic system.
And we are going to see things-- yeah, you go great reset.
We're going to see things like another health crisis discussion, even though in this country,
we're going to start-- we'll start to hear more.
We will not comply, right?
Well, I got all that.
And we should not comply with any of this nonsense.
But I'm starting to see things like malaria.
You know, I pay very close attention to these indicators.
So in a health crisis in this country, which is going to strain the financial and economic system, and they're going to take advantage of it.
So this enemy force that I just laid out And they have subordinate organizations underneath the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, the United Nations, which you have always been highlighting and what they're up to.
And it's important that we understand where the U.N.
is at on a given day, particularly in this country.
But we've seen cases, small, small anecdotal numbers right now of malaria in this country.
We have never seen malaria in the United States of America.
Yet we've got a couple of cases down here in Florida, a couple of cases up in Washington, D.C.
I think that I just read about one out in Texas the other day.
I mean, these are anecdotal, but when malaria hits and you're not ready for it, it can spread very quickly.
The other one that is also a mosquito-borne type disease, and it seems like this is the Bill Gates thing, right?
The Bill Gates incursion.
Yes, and this footage is yesterday confirmed local news.
That is millions of mosquitoes being released by helicopter in Florida.
Yeah, and so you say, you know, because the other one that's up there, That we talk about is the West Nile virus, the West Nile virus.
I mean, these are deadly, these are deadly things.
So when you see that, what you're showing right there, I mean, this is, these are not conspiracy theories.
This isn't the bullshit that... Yeah, that's a literal black helicopter that Bill Gates funds spraying mosquitoes on Floridians.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
And, you know, again, I do want to, part of what I do want to talk about in some of the time that I have is the Republican Party.
Where's the Republican Party?
Well, sir, you've got the floor, but let me just interject here, because you're reading my mind.
I want to, before you have to go, get into I understand you're fighting for Americans.
The Chai Com Power Group, the Russians, the globalists incestuously work with both, but they're undermining America, trying to demoralize us, trying to bankrupt us, destroying our cities.
What is their... I mean, obviously, I believe you would agree the globalists are the most powerful bloc.
Here's their ultimate goal.
Here's their ultimate goal.
I'm sorry, Alex.
Here's their ultimate goal.
No, that's exactly what I was about to ask.
What is their goal?
I've said this, I've said this very publicly, that their original intent was eight years of Obama, right?
Steal this country, eight years of Obama, and then get Hillary Clinton in charge and have eight years of Hillary Clinton, and we would be done.
You'd be done, I'd be done, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
So, to your audience and to the American people, that was their plan.
Eight years of Obama?
And if you weren't on the Obama, you know, if you didn't get on board with Obama, you didn't get on board with his team, you were out.
You were out like I was out, you know.
And then the next step, the next stage was a controlled political person in the name of Hillary Clinton.
And keep her in there for another eight years.
And we were blessed, we were blessed that Trump, this warrior, stood up and using his own resources and putting his own life on the line.
And you, and then that helped derail...
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Promo code Alex, go.
Promo code Alex.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Oh, geez, that's great. Is the lighting halfway decent?
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Beautiful, just beautiful.
The order of business was to get rid of you.
Hey, Jackson, there you go.
There's the guy, there's the guy right there, Obama.
There's going to be some things coming out on him in the next couple of weeks, on Obama, that his relationships, you know, the type of person that he is.
Well, you said that six months ago, and now it has come out, you know, the homosexuality, the fact that he's blackmailed, just, you're saying, so you obviously knew, you're saying even more stuff's coming out.
Yeah, more stuff is going to come out, and I think that what we're going to find is that we've been lied to.
So that's in the past.
But we cannot forget that, Alex.
We cannot forget that we've been lied to.
We've been deceived.
This is how they do it.
And they have this globalist structure above them.
And so the big issue is, why?
Why do they want the United States of America?
They want the United States of America for one thing, and that's resources, right?
Energy, food, and people that we have, the innovation and the innovative people that we have.
I mean, if they could, China would turn the United States of America into a slave state.
The World Economic Forum would turn us into a slave state.
So General, what is the calculus to put their boot on our neck and cut off our resources, just bankrupt Americans, drive them into submission?
Yeah, so here's what I think we're going to see.
And it's already been stated, Schwab has said some of this.
I think we're going to see something in the world of, you know, and we've just finished with this book, this artificial intelligence book, but I actually think that we're going to see a cyber attack.
Or a cyber disruption that is so vast, that is so vast, Alex, that it's going to do it's going to basically disrupt the entire Internet.
And I mean, to the point of.
Of where it's going to shut everything down.
And we are we have become so connected as a society.
And so if you I mean, we were joking on the back prior about generators and, you know, you have a you have a hundred thousand dollar generator, but you've got a 50 cent piece that that's missing.
And so the whole thing goes, you know.
I mean, but we have a government, the United States government, has great control over the internet, great control over the internet, great control, and has great and strong and powerful weapon systems in the world of cyber, cyber weapons, right?
Lasers, things like that.
Let's stop and slow down, and I want you to start over.
actually think that that we're going to see some type of cyber attack that's so
vast it's going to potentially disrupt or disconnect the Internet.
Let's stop and slow down and I want you to start over. This is so important and explain to me
from your expert perspective why did the globalist telegraph like
People ask how I'm able to predict stuff.
They telegraph what they're going to pull next.
A virus is going to hit.
It's going to disrupt Trump.
A virus will defeat Trump.
It's basically what Fauci and Schwab said a year before.
And then it happens.
I guess they want to brag to their minions to show off or they're pre-programming their people.
Because if I was going to do something evil like that, and of course I wouldn't, but hypothetically, I wouldn't telegram it.
They're telegraphing that the cyber is the next big move.
It'll make COVID, you know, look like nothing in Schwab's words.
So why are they telegraphing and then lay out how serious this is?
Okay, so for everybody, right?
My whole world for three and a half decades in the military was to think like our enemy you know, was going to potentially act. So I had to think
about and then provide scenarios to those that I was supporting, the infantrymen or the armor or the
aviators or the, you know, the guy, the operators who were going to go out and do a mission to
put their own lives on the line.
So for many, many years, three and a half decades of my life, I had to think about what was the enemy going to do.
So I studied the enemy.
I studied him relentlessly.
And what I learned, one of the big lessons that I learned is what you just said, that the enemy will typically telegraph what it is that they're going to do.
And if you If you learn enough about your enemy, enough about them, and you don't have to know every single deep, dark secret that's in their heart, because that's hard to say, but if you know that they're evil, then you better understand how evil operates.
But what they typically do, And what they've always done.
They've always told us what they were going to do.
And people used to say to me, Jesus, Flynn, you know, you're, you're a madman.
Some of the, some of the things that you come up with that you say to the enemy.
For those that don't know, you never toot your own horn.
You were the first major general, and by major, you don't mean a major person in the staff, to say China's going to break and double cross us.
I mean, you basically laid all this out a decade before it happened.
So why, why do bad guys telegraph?
Answer that for me and then get into what you think's next.
Yeah, they telegraph because they don't have all of the resources that they need at their beck and call.
They need to rely on other aspects of the, sort of, the geography and the landscape.
Just like the average antifa isn't getting orders to burn things down.
They just know, go out and burn stuff down.
So they're calling on their militia, basically.
It's like I've got to put that.
It's a dog whistle.
It's a bit of a dog whistle.
But they need to be able to rally because when they do these kinds of from an enemy perspective, that's why they do it.
They let it be known what they're going to do.
They get the word out.
And if we're good, right, guys like you, especially guys like you and people like myself and others, if we're good and we're paying attention and we're listening to what they're saying, they're going to tell us And you have to connect a few dots.
You've got to do some some some analytics.
And sometimes in some cases, you've got to do deep analysis and some link analysis.
Some of your listeners would definitely know what I'm talking about.
And you've got to put the picture together.
It's like I say on the battlefield in warfare.
You know, you're not going to be handed a, you know, a thousand piece puzzle with all thousand pieces.
You're going to be handed a thousand piece puzzle box.
Maybe you're maybe not even the boxed up and you're only going to be handed maybe, you know, 750 pieces of the puzzle and you're not going to have the whole picture.
So what we have to do is we have to put the rest of it together.
And to me, there is so much noise that they will put.
No, they'll have all this noise out there, all this deflection, They're their operations all while they're planning their big their big ticket thing like even going after Trump all day all of these indictments.
I mean I I was reading a thing this morning, I think it's, we're up to like 74, 75 felony indictments for, you know, 700 and something years.
It's insane.
If they had just given them, if they had just given Trump like one or two felony counts, I'd be worried.
I'd be worried about that.
I ain't worried because they, because they know that they have nothing.
They went into overkill, which shows they're not confident.
So one of the other aspects of an enemy and this enemy that we are facing is arrogance.
Their arrogance because they just are so arrogant.
And this is how evil operates, right?
The arrogance of evil is something that is so profound and it is something that we have to pay attention to.
Well, we know from the Bible that's the big sin is pride.
That's the devil's makeup.
Right, right.
So, you know, we have to, we just can't look at these people and go, they're just a bunch of arrogant bastards.
These people, their arrogance will be one of the main telegraphing features of what it is that they are going to do.
So, I go back to this potential cyber, because cyber is something that Few people understand, even fewer know what to do about it.
If your phone's shut down, if the internet's shut down, you know, if you have your own servers, let's say, you know, if you're a media company and you have your own servers, you have your own ability to project, you have, I mean, little things.
So here's a little thing that people aren't paying attention to.
They're going to remove AM radios, AM radios from cars, right?
The big car manufacturers who are all woke corporations, they're taking AM radios out.
They're going to stop, the Federal Communications Commission is going to start to minimize or limit the use of AM radio.
AM radio is one of the most powerful communications means in the world still, other than maybe a ham radio.
And there's fewer and fewer ham radio operators around the world.
So if you don't have your own server, like you may have, or I know some other small media outlets or bigger--
some of the other bigger ones have their own server farms where they're able to operate.
They have their own generators.
But then generators need to run off of electricity or fuel, and then you run out of fuel.
If you don't have those things, then the US government is going to go to what they'll tell us
emergency broadcast system.
And by the way, they're doing a huge test.
I know where you're going with this, exactly.
Think about just 20 years ago.
AM, FM, UHF, VHF, media didn't watch you.
Now, by phasing out all the old broadcast systems, starting with AM and shortwave, and our military's moving even away from it, everything now is on the web, which makes it all targetable.
I'm not a military mastermind like you, but common sense means our military should be always, 100 years from now, still back up shortwave, still back up AM, still back up, you know, all those other secret systems that transmit to the Earth.
But instead, they're moving away, making us vulnerable is what you're saying, putting us on one... I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
And if you try to take our guns, 1776 will commence again!
Sticking with Facebook, it is one of several companies today that are limiting the content of Far Right podcast.
Facebook, Apple, and YouTube have all taken down content from Jones and his InfoWars channel.
Whenever I talk about Alex Jones, my wife will not let me into the house until I've been deloused.
Anyone who believes in Alex Jones and believes these theories, you really gotta go get help.
Alex Jones has been ordered to pay 965 million dollars.
Look how they've moved the control information.
It's always been.
And it ought to scare people that you've got a move to indoctrinate the children of America.
If they can get you to be part of a group, an environmentalist, or part of your minority group... Black, Latino, and indigenous people are suffering and dying just for... The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.
They'll have their little tailor-made people that they're bought and paid for to claim to be your leader.
We're looking at a giant war in February right now.
Currently, that's the projection.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical
treatments, namely vaccines.
In 2002, there is a tyrannical organization calling itself the New World Order, pushing for Worldwide government.
A cashless society.
If any terrorism comes, it's from this government.
And if there was an outside threat like a Bin Laden, who was a known CIS in the 80s, running the Mujahideen War, whose family builds all the military bases over in Saudi Arabia right now, this isn't the board of Iridium Satellite.
He's the boogeyman they need.
I've been shadowbanned.
I've been called a liar.
I've been silenced on virtually every platform created by man.
My life has been threatened, repeatedly.
They've tried to destroy me, but I've survived.
And that's why I'm joining the club.
You should go and sign up right now at jonescrowder.com and you get a free month for all the shows with Steven Crowder and all the other programs that are being launched and the Hodge Twins and more and then that builds the infrastructure because imagine imagine if instead of just a boycott 40-something billion that Anheuser-Busch lost with the Bud Light thing imagine a billion dollar boycott Hey folks, if $50 million comes in, this will dwarf everything.
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Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code Alex at jonescrowder.com Let's play Big Daddy!
I love Alex Jones.
A lot.
He's been right about everything.
Alex Jones is always right!
Don't miss your daddy.
Alex Jones is daddy.
Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? Alex Jones.
Who's your daddy?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Entirety of our country is being put in such a vulnerable spot right now.
And this is going to continue to, you know, from their perspective, is going to continue to make progress to get to a place where we cannot control anything.
We will not be able to control our phones.
We will not be able to control, hell, the light switches in our home.
I mean, I want people to realize, you know, they're going to call me nuts about this stuff, but I want people to realize that The sobering reality is that evil exists.
And these people, when Klaus Schwab says and writes about that you're going to own nothing and be happy, he's not joking.
This is not a joke.
This is a man that doesn't joke.
This is a man who has his hands on every single major nation state on this planet, to include the United States of America.
His circle of leaders You know, and these are... Remember General Petraeus 12 years ago said, said, soon your dishwasher will be watching you and listening to you.
Well, now that's been here a while.
You know, we have something called the Internet of Things, right?
People understand the Internet of Things, for those that know what I'm talking about.
So, I go back to, you know, what are the potential things that could happen, right?
And one of the ways, you know, in warfare, You know, Sun Tzu used to say that, in fact, he wrote about it, and I've studied it for
Ad nauseum.
But everything in war is deception.
I want people to understand what I just said.
Everything in war is deception.
We are in a war right now.
There are some physical components out there, clearly physical components over in the in Europe.
There's clearly physical components still in Afghanistan, Iraq, you know, around the world.
There's physical components in every single major city in this country.
And it's called, you know, things like defund the police.
The defund the police That goes back to the Bolshevik Revolution under the era of Stalin.
So, you know, the Democrats are... Oh, that's the State Department memorandum 7277 from 1962 to disarm the police and then our military and only have a UN force.
That's the official policy.
So I want people to understand that the rise and fall of nation states is very real.
It's a fact of life.
I joked the other day with some friends that I was with.
I said, when was the last time you met anybody from Byzantine, from the Byzantine Empire?
And they looked at me like I was cross-eyed.
And I said, because they don't exist anymore.
So the American empire, you know, it's just we're at, let's say, 250 years.
So where are we in that sort of rise and decline of this nation, this beautiful experiment in democracy called a constitutional republic?
Where are we?
And I will tell you, these people are going to work overtime.
And those are the ones that I just laid out to include those in our own government.
I mean, you know, there's no way in the world that Joe Biden is in charge of anything.
He could barely go to the bathroom.
I mean, Jesus, this guy This guy can't walk up two stairs, I mean, without help.
So how do we get here?
We got here because we have been complacent, we've been lazy, we've been apathetic about our political system, we've allowed a culture of corruption to just be Yeah, I mean, just bleed into every single aspect of our country.
And this is where I want to jump a little bit and talk about the Republican conservative party.
That's exactly where I want to go, because we have the incestuous globalists double dealing with the other power blocs, but then they're trying to degrade and demoralize the United States.
I see a great awakening.
How would you describe just in the, and then you can get into your details.
In general, the battle space where we're at right now.
And then obvious questions listeners want, like, I can look at the graph.
I can look at the trajectory.
Tucker Carlson's right.
I mean, I think that they will try to kill Trump.
I think that's a very reasonable statement.
I think that they're trying to outlaw their political opposition.
They're trying to create a one-party state.
Even Senator Josh Hawley gets that.
So I see it positive that people realize how much trouble we're in.
But is it a dollar short and a day late?
Or what can we do?
Yeah, I, what you just said at the very last point, I hope that that's not the dollar short in a day.
I hope, you know, I pray that we're not there.
I think right now they're trying to kill Trump by narrative, right?
I mean, the narrative is just constant, constant narrative.
It's been going on for years.
And, you know, this latest, these latest indictments are just part of the narrative assassination, I would say, because of who he is and what he represents, which is a major, major component of the opposition to what it is that we are
And this takeover, this continued takeover, you know, as Lee Smith, the great author,
wrote about the permanent coup, right? We're in the midst of this permanent coup.
So I think that Donald Trump needs to be very careful. And I think those that are around him
need to be very careful. I think the Secret Service that protects his life need to ramp it up.
And they ought to actually be asking for more help.
They should be asking for more help.
As those of us that run in those same circles, we need to be doing the same thing.
Because these people, they are not without that type of level of action, of activity, if they feel so threatened that what you're doing is going to stop their ability to be able to continue to take this country over.
Because the rest of the world right now is waiting on America
and Americans to stand up and step up.
And they really-- we just fought tooth and nail to get leadership back in at least the House
of Representatives.
And all I see out of them is more and more bullshit.
Excuse me.
I mean, more talk.
They're still on fricking vacation.
Come off vacation.
Quit talking about impeachment.
That's right.
And I want the audience to get a sense of urgency, because I'm not a military trained tactician like you or
combat veteran.
I'm just a veteran of 29 years fighting these people.
And I see a mixture of arrogance, but that's hiding their desperation and the fact that they're all in.
And I don't think people realize I can feel it.
I can see it.
Just what you just said, General.
I have never had such a sense of urgency.
That's why I have you here.
What can we do?
So and again, I appreciate everything you've done for years.
There's a sense of urgency that we all need.
And like I say, I A weakness of mine is anxiety.
I get anxious sometimes.
I wake up like I woke up this morning at about 3 o'clock in the morning and I started reading and writing.
Me too.
I woke up at 3.15 and was just... I don't have the anxiety during the day.
I wake up because my brain's working while I'm asleep.
I went to bed about 10.
I woke up at 3 and I was like, I've got to do something.
And so to me, I want people to, you know, I have a platform, you have a platform, I have a national platform and an international platform, and I'm going to continue to use it.
I'm going to speak out.
I'm going to move around this country.
I'm going to get in the faces of these people.
I'm going to let them know that we got your number.
I'm going to let Americans know that we're with you and you've got to be with us.
You've got to stand behind us.
There will be those of us that will be that pointy end of the spear.
But I need every American now.
I need every single person to get into their communities and to get into the faces of their local politicians.
I mean, that's why we've seen particularly women, Alex, getting in the faces of these school boards around the country.
You know, we haven't really talked about the educational immersion that they're taking our children through.
And this is actually part of the Chinese plan, too.
So, you know, people don't know Well, in 1949, when Mao came to power, he created a 100-year plan, and by 2049, China would be the dominant world power.
Well, when Xi came on board, which Xi's only like the fifth or sixth leader since Mao, I think the fifth leader since Mao.
And I think you hit the key here, though.
You could himself, you know, president for life.
And he is going to move at a pace that's much faster because he knows he's not
going to be around in 2049.
So he's going to get it.
He's going to make it happen by 2029.
And I think you hit the key here, though.
People have to know who the enemies are.
And it does.
I am seeing a real acceleration in the learning curve.
I mean, if I tried to list all the people now that sound, quote, radical like you and I, but we're not radical, we just are aware.
That's got to really scare.
I mean, even James Woods sounds like General Flynn now.
Russell Brand, Tucker Carlson.
I mean, the list goes on and on.
I mean.
Right, RFK, so RFK Jr.
And the other thing is, don't listen to Alex Jones.
Don't listen to Mike Flynn.
Go and do your own damn critical research, and you're going to find that we're only scratching the surface.
Nothing that we've said is stuff that we're making up.
This is stuff that we're just scratching the surface of what these people are capable of doing.
So, where's the Republican Party?
Where's the leadership?
It's non-existent.
So, where's the impeachment of Biden?
Where is it?
Well, I know that one congressman has put in impeachment proceedings to initiate them, but he did that, like, almost a month ago, Alex.
And yet, McCarthy is still on vacation.
He's still got the entire House on vacation.
MTG, I should have announced it, is in the studio tomorrow night, and she says that it's going to be introduced in the next two weeks.
She says she's got his... I'm kind of breaking news here, but let's hope that's the case.
Yeah, well, so a guy by the name of Greg Stubbe, Congressman Stubbe from Florida, he did introduce impeachment proceedings already.
And he did it about four weeks ago.
So now it's like, I was like jumping through my skin when I heard that four weeks ago.
And I was like, great, let's get all these guys back, guys and gals back to work.
And let's start the impeachment proceedings now.
You know, you take a week, take a week's break, take a take a four days.
Yeah, we got to go on offense.
And instead, it's not work.
We've got to go, yeah, we've got to go on offense.
We can, we have got to get off of our heels.
We have got to start, you know, the only way we're going to score, the only way we're going to win is by... Okay, let's go to more callers.
Jeremiah in Washington.
You're on the air, Jeremiah.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, this is Jeremiah from Seattle.
God bless you, man.
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Thank you for everything you do, man.
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Go ahead.
I just wanted to say, after this helped out my family, you know, I started to hand this out to my friends.
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The globalist's worst nightmare and the Patriots' best friend, Alex Jones.
I mean, look at what, uh, what, you know, we know what Nancy Pelosi was able to do in really the first 30 days of her previous time as speaker.
She had 500 indictments out.
I mean, it was 500 subpoenas.
I'm sorry, 500 subpoenas out to people for her January, fake January 6th I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Where are we?
This speaker, McCarthy, as far as I'm concerned, is a rhino establishment figurehead.
And he doesn't deserve to be called speaker.
No, I totally agree.
And we should expand on that.
Obviously, they're scared of the Justice Department.
They're intimidated.
He should be removed.
He doesn't take action.
But that's another great example.
We need to see the impeachment of Merrick Garland.
They've caught him meeting secretly with Jack Smith, meeting at the White House with Jack Smith.
They've caught him covering up the Hunter Biden stuff.
We have all the whistleblowers.
Impeach the son of a bitch!
So I just want to take a minute to talk about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr., number one, they won't provide him Secret Service, which tells you everything that they plan on potentially doing to that guy.
Number one, I Or number two, Kennedy, every time I hear him, I'm like, Jesus, Kennedy, you sound like you're an America first guy.
You sound like a damn, an American who, you sound like either you're old school Democrat, and you're right there in the center of the country, or you're on the conservative side because of the way you're speaking.
And I would say that even some of the things that he's written about, so I like him and I know him.
And when I see guys like him, I mean, he gives me hope because the Democrats, the Democrats now are the Marxist party, right?
So the Democrats are not going to do a debate with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Because he represents something that they fear, which is honesty and the truth.
Why don't they want to have, why don't, why are they going after Donald Trump so hard?
Because he represents honesty and he represents the truth.
And yeah, you're showing some, you're showing clips of, I mean, of not only his father being assassinated, but, but his uncle being assassinated.
Nevermind Martin Luther King Jr.
Nevermind Malcolm X. I mean, Malcolm X, in one of the, one of the statements that Malcolm X said is, anybody that calls themselves a liberal, liberal Democrat, he said, Be very careful.
He talks about liberals, right?
He says, be very careful about somebody who says they're liberal.
And then a couple of days later, when he gave that speech, he was dead.
He was assassinated.
So, you know, at that time in our history, physical assassinations were much easier to get away with.
And then, of course, you could hide everything and classify it or it's under investigation.
Now, physical assassinations would be very, very difficult to get away with because everybody's got a damn camera.
You know, but... That's why they assassinate you now with lawfare and lies, but I really feel and see that's their desperation button is... I see political assassination coming roaring back.
That's... and my gut's never wrong, General.
Yeah, boy, you know, I mean, this is the time and I hope it is because I hate to think that.
But I will tell you that These people are not going to wake up tomorrow morning, Alex.
I'm talking about these people, the World Economic Forum or the White House.
They're not going to wake up and go, you know what?
We've screwed the American people so bad.
You know, let's let's turn the energy spigots back on.
Let's get rid of this cultural bullshit inside of our education system.
Let's stop with the CRT.
Let's stop with the drag queen hour.
Let's let's fund police.
Let's go ahead and build a wall.
Let's go ahead and stop this invasion.
Yeah, they could be in charge of a big win and have domination through American culture.
They'd be ten times more powerful, but they have, they have a needle dick.
Why do the globalists hate us so much?
Why do they have it out for us?
They hate us because they hate just authentic, honest people who they cannot control.
And I, you know, I mean, yours truly here, it's like, when I, in my, when I was in the tail end of my military time, You know, one of the, and this is public, one of the reasons why I was told to leave basically a year early from a job that normally would be three years was because I wouldn't toe the line for the talking points that ISIS was on the run, that Al-Qaeda was on the run and no longer a threat.
I just wouldn't toe the line because that isn't the truth!
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The show that breaks through the mainstream media's lives.
Alex Jones.
And, you know, when they offer you things, you know, they shine this light at the end of the hall, and the light is a very easy light to grab hold of.
They don't want to worry about it.
You know, you're going to get taken care of.
Wait till you get out.
You're going to be put on this board, that board.
You're going to be given all kinds of things.
And you're going to, you know, you're going to be taken care of, right?
I just, I'm like, that's bullshit.
We're talking about people's lives here.
You know, we're talking about- Of course, you were vindicated right after you warned that.
Al Qaeda through ISIS had a huge resurgence.
Oh my God, it was in 24 or 26 countries, if I remember right at the time, and they were exploding all over Africa, all over the Middle East, and all over Central Asia, as well as here in this country.
And that's one of the things that the Obama administration didn't want to do, so didn't want to talk about, and didn't want to have to admit to, right?
They want this country, and they're not going to wake up.
They're going to continue to triple down.
So we're going to see more of this same stuff.
You know, you showed the pictures of the mosquitoes, you know, the Bill Gates Foundation spraying mosquitoes.
We're already talking about masks again.
We're going to see corporations going to start putting the six feet, all this kind of madness again.
And the American people, we need to beg out of that.
We need to say, nope, we ain't going to do it.
And we need to find other outlets for us to be able to operate.
And isn't the resistance to that an example of victory?
In the few minutes we have left, any other key points you'd like to add?
My big concern is false flags.
In your research, obviously, a cyber attack can be blamed on somebody.
They're trying to say, oh, the conservatives are white supremacists.
I'm worried they'll attack a black church or a college.
They're really pushing that narrative.
What do you see in your false flag wheelhouse?
I don't want to get you back on soon, so I'm going to read the book.
I read your last book, How to Fight AI.
Tell us about that.
Yeah, so one thing on false flags, it's very easy to train a militia of a bunch of white dudes up in the, you know, up in the boonies somewhere in this country, and then get them out there to do something and make sure that, you know, that they're all taken care of, right?
It's easy to do that and make it appear as though it's some white, you know, Christian national Nazi group, right?
And then they blame, and they do something that really doesn't make sense.
He's telegraphing.
He says the number one threat is white terrorists with almost no... it's almost non-existent.
So, you know... We'll expand on that.
We've got a few minutes.
Expand on that.
Well, yeah, I mean, so these are easy things to do, folks.
These are these false flags, we call them.
These are easy things to create.
Now, if you have another element called a bunch of illegals, So nobody's looking for him in, you know, hometown USA, right?
Nobody's looking for their brother or their uncle.
It's just a bunch of illegals that are being trained.
And these are, we have people coming into this, coming into America from like 165, 168 countries.
Do you remember just six months ago they had three illegal groups in Texas commit mass shootings and they tried to say white supremacists did it, but it didn't work so they shut it down.
Is that what you're getting at?
Yes, that's exactly what I'm getting at.
And so they're going to try, they'll test, they'll test the waters and you're going to see these false flags.
We have got to be able to analyze them quickly.
We've got to be able to, if we still have access to the Internet, we have to be able to get the word out quickly.
We've got to use the influencers that we have to say, hey, you know, don't fall into this trap that they want.
They want this trap of They want it to where, you know, the American people start to become violent.
We have got to call for, this is non-violence, right?
This is, we have got to be so smart about what they are going to try to lure Americans into doing, okay?
And this is part of this false flag.
Now, if they also do cyber attacks, simultaneous, right, at the same time, where they're shutting down, and they can segment the internet, they don't just have to shut down the entire internet, they can segment the internet.
They can only send this to their sites, exactly.
They're going to hit with a cyber attack, claim it's the Russians, they've already said the right wing, Trump's going to work with the Russians to shut the web off, they shut it down to shut us up, and that's why they've been trying to get rid of every local talk show host that's on AM and FM that's a patriot, is because they're still worried about those systems.
And in the world of AI, this is how to fight AI.
In this world, which is really important, they could use false videos of you, of me, of Trump, of high-profile people.
It's making statements, right?
Crazy statements.
Or making statements that sound legitimate.
And it looks just like this background.
So a truck bomb goes off at a black college, and it's Alex Jones or Trump or General Flynn saying, good job, blow more stuff up.
We never said that.
Exactly, exactly, exactly.
And now what you have to do is, you're on the defense, and now you've got to go out there and fight some media thing, and you've got, you know, ABC, NBC, CBL, you've got all the big major networks, the cable news networks that are going, Did you see what General Flynn said?
Did you see what Alex Jones said?
Did you see what these people are talking about?
And it's none of that, right?
It's none of that.
The whole thing is fake.
The whole thing is a poser, right?
It's a poser.
Well, here's the microcosm.
I'm there on January 6, trying to get everybody over where Trump's stage was on the Northeast side by the Supreme Court.
And I get up and say, I've got thousands to not go in.
Wall Street Journal still ran headlines, I said attack the Capitol.
Now thank God we still have the internet.
I was banned, but other people got the video out.
They had to retract, but if we're not online, they'll be able to do that.
They'll be able to do that, and they will use, and they will be given, they will be given access to the emergency broadcast system.
By this administration, I can guarantee that.
So if we see, if we start to hear about the emergency broadcast system being tested and used, and I mean, I really think that we're, the real potential exists.
And it's, this is in Klaus Schwab's words, right?
How the enemy telegraphs, you know, he says, he used that a cyber attack so vast, it disconnects the internet.
Klaus Schwab's words.
So I actually, when he said that, it was like, He said it, and he doesn't say things just off the cuff.
He says things that are so, so prepared.
And when he said that, and then he didn't talk about it again, and nobody questioned him on it, like, what the hell is this guy talking about?
I thought the World Economic Forum was, you know, had something to do with economics.
It had something to do with our financial system.
It had something to do with, you know, there's nothing good about this.
No, it's the Corporate Intelligence Agency that's taking over every aspect.
General Flynn, incredible.
45 minutes with us.
Everybody should get How to Fight AI.
I'm gonna read it.
I'm gonna go order it today.
Thank you so much.
We now have Joe Biggs on the line from prison.
Would you like to do 60 seconds before we go to him, just on your view on what just happened?
Yeah, I do.
I mean, I think that what's going on with our people that are being held as political prisoners, this is madness.
This is sheer madness.
I mean, these people the other day, protested outside of a Planned Parenthood site.
Five of them are going to jail.
They've all been convicted.
I mean, one of them, I think, is a 61-year-old woman.
I mean, these people are out there protecting the life of babies and the unborn and the Planned Parenthood.
They're actually killing babies after the fact, and they knew it, after they were born,
after they were brought into this world.
I mean, they're going to put these people in jail for upwards of 10 years.
These are political issues, political prisoners, and we have got to stand against this.
And trust me, this is why they don't want us back in power.
This is why they're fighting tooth and nail to keep Trump out, and to keep guys like me from going back into government to help him.
Because I know Trump will pardon people like Joe Biggs, there's no doubt.
GeneralFlynn.com, God bless you, and thank you so much, General.
Absolutely, God bless, thank you.
Alright, wow.
Now, let's go to Joe Biggs, who was just wrongfully convicted and sentenced to 17 years in prison, former InfoWars reporter, totally innocent, charged with terrorism, terrorism sentencing, for being there when Ray Epps broke through the fence.
This is insane.
Joe, I love you, brother, and you're a political prisoner, and we appreciate you.
I know you only get 15 minutes per call, but you've got a call back at 15 again, so we've got about 12 minutes for you before they hang up on you, then we'll be waiting for you to come back on again in about 30 minutes.
But Joe, how are you holding up?
And you've got the floor.
It's all right.
My heart hurts.
This is ridiculous.
They said that shaking a fence was tantamount The judge told me that, and they want to send a message to Americans that if you go to these events, if you are part of political groups, they're gonna throw you in prison for a long time.
They want you scared.
They don't want you to go out and vote.
They want people scared before it's time to vote and that's why all this heat's happening right now.
I want to thank you all for your support.
I personally have to pay my legal bills.
The court has ruled I have to pay for half the bills.
Keep free speech on air.
I don't have any money.
And my back bills of the year are a little over a million dollars.
Sounds like a lot.
Trump's already spent almost $70 million this year alone.
You want us to fight the globalists?
Sounds like big numbers.
It's not, folks.
We need your support.
It's a decision you've got to make.
Buy products at ForSure.com that enrich your life.
They're great.
That funds free speech.
The judge has said I've got to pay half the legal bills and everything else.
I can't do it.
So this is our chain in the armor, and we'll have to shut down Pretty soon.
And then as soon as they're shut down, we'll get all the money.
Once you start this, you can't stop this.
So, I'm firing the bat signal.
I appreciate all your ongoing support.
We're in a major toe-to-toe battle.
Long-term war.
I'm sorry I gotta keep asking for support.
But I'm asking you humbly to keep us on air.
Then go to defendjones.com.
A give, send, go account.
I appreciate those that donated in the past.
I appreciate everybody that supported the show.
You know who you are.
We've raised like $25,000 in the last couple hours.
That sounds great.
I've got a million dollar problem.
I think in the next month, you're going to come through.
I think we'll raise it.
Unlike selling a million dollars of supplements, and we make $300,000 or $400,000, or we sell water filters, a million dollars of water filters, and we make $200,000.
I'm not complaining.
It's just we don't put a lot of markup in there.
They're high quality.
And we give you the best deals.
This is how my brain works.
People say, I just have bigger markup.
You don't have any problems.
I just, I can't do it.
But I'm separate from the free speech bankruptcy, and I'm out of money.
And we're actually winning these cases, as you see.
They're really freaked out.
So, I need your support.
It's a long-term fight.
We've fought so long.
You can decide whether you want to give up or not.
I know you don't want to, most of you.
But I wanted to read some of the great comments.
We've had some big donations, small donations.
They're all wonderful.
We appreciate you at DefendJones.com.
Anonymously, privately, give, or you can comment if you want.
This is anonymous donor.
One minute to go.
Bless you, Alex M. Forrest.
Bless you, too.
Taylor gave $30.
I am going broke, but the dollar won't be around much longer anyways.
Exactly, folks.
You've got to put money in to win.
Hope to see lots of engagement with this fund.
We'll stay on air.
That's what will happen.
Anonymous donor.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you.
Ralph from Ohio, $10.
Listing M4, 20 years.
95% correct accuracy rate of geopolitical diagnosis and cure rate.
Vincent, $250.
Thank you.
Alex, you woke me up in the early 2000s with 9-11 road to tyranny, and I've been a regular lister contributor since 2007.
Thank you.
You're the M4.
I'm praying for you and President Trump on a regular basis.
Stay strong, and thank you for doing What you're doing, brother.
Thank you, Vincent.
Opposition in all things.
Thank you, Alex.
No, thank you, Anonymous.
Thank you, Karma.
We love you, Alex and crew.
God's continuing blessing upon you and yours.
Mike Lennon.
Thank you, Mike.
Anonymous donor, $10.
The Bible says, if God is for me, who can be against me in the fight?
And with Jesus by your side, darkness, fighting darkness, you'll prevail.
The kingdom of darkness doesn't stand a chance because we already have the victory.
My prayers go with you, Alex, and may the Holy Spirit give you peace.
Thank you.
That's just some of the comments.
Thank you so much.
That means so much.
Please go to DefendJones.com and if you want to keep me in the fight, it's your decision.
I'm not saying you should.
I'm not trying to make you do it.
Beat this dog in the fight and donate now.
Action is victory.
Resistance is victory.
It is in your court.
It is your decision whether to pull the plug on this operation or not.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The man who stands tall against globalist agendas, Alex Jones.
You know, this is ridiculous.
We went there that day with no plan, with nothing.
We were there like every other American.
But it's because we're a political group.
You know, we knew that there was going to be a hit on us as soon as Joe Biden mentioned us in the first presidential debate.
I knew that there was something going on with this, and sure enough, even Enrique called it, they're going to put us in chains, and sure enough, they have.
You know, we went through a long, drawn-out trial, five months, and not once did the FBI ever have proof of a plan.
There was no intelligence of a plan.
Not one of the rats that came forward said that there was a plan.
Everyone said that there was zero plan of anything happening that day by us.
And yet they got us for conspiracy to plan this.
They said we had this meeting of the mind without ever actually saying anything.
And it happened on the fly at the first breach.
So apparently we all had this telekinesis power.
We all agreed that from there on out when this first fence went down and everyone walked forward, that we were all going to stop the certification of the election.
And that's what they Got the jury to say, and the jury would have convicted us of sorcery and witchcraft and murder if that was up for the, you know, up to vote on.
Well, Joe, you're right.
This is the Salem Witch Trials 10.0.
And what do you make of Ray Epps?
He was there actually saying, go into Capitol and picking up signs and ramming into police.
But he's the little darling that must be protected.
Well, they want, see, so this is the interesting thing about the trial.
They altered evidence.
You know, there was witness tampering, there was witness intimidation by the FBI.
They rigged this to a point where we had nothing that we could do.
They only allowed in a video of a fence that goes down in front of me, in my area.
And there's no video of me breaking the fence.
There's a video of my hand on the fence, then my hand comes off the fence, and then later on the fence breaks after other people have grabbed it and ripped it.
They only show that video, the real video.
Hey, well they charged Owen.
Owen is up for sentencing in two weeks.
One of your fellow reporters and friends.
And they said he should have known the fences had been knocked down.
So just because he walked onto the property, they charged him.
Sorry, go ahead.
So the fence actually goes down in front of Ray F. But the video that the government gets to be allowed in and the judge allows in shows a green glitch.
Where the fence goes down first, you can't see all the people rushing up on the stage, and it only shows the fence breaking around the area that we're standing at, me and my buddies.
So, it glitches out the part where it's in front of Ray Epps, where all the people are surging, and then they go in front of the judge and go, look, see, these guys are the first ones that broke it.
These guys are the ones that broke the fence and led the charge to the Capitol, and that is not the truth.
That is not what happened, and videos will come out.
This is insane, and they want to take me and put me in jail for the rest of my life.
I'm about to turn 40, 17 years.
I mean, really, what am I going to do when I get out?
This is insane.
There's no way that this can stick.
This is a travesty.
To say that the shaking of a fence, my putting a hand on a fence, is tantamount to terrorism.
They're putting me in the same category as Osama bin Laden.
So obviously you're going to appeal this, but let's talk about how we support you and your daughter and your family.
And I'm told you've only got 15 minutes until they cut you off.
Are you going to be able to call back in, or how does that work?
Yeah, yeah, I'm sitting right here guarding this phone like it's my life depends on it.
So no one's getting over here, no one's going to mess with me.
No one messes with Joe Biggs and his place anyways.
Do people see, are you saying people see through the fact that you're a political president?
Everywhere I go, I can tell you this.
Everywhere I go, people are praying for me.
Every officer I meet puts their head down and they go, I can't believe this is happening to you, son.
Every U.S.
Marshal has done that.
The only people who don't give a flying, you know, F about what's happening to me are the people that are in the FBI for the most part.
There are some good, I'm not going to get you wrong, but the FBI for the most part, those are the evil, stinky, you know, conniving scoundrels that want to just see us thrown in jail for the rest of our life.
But the U.S.
Marshals, the Air Marshals, the police, The sheriff, the people at every jail I've been to, everybody comes up to me and shakes my hand and goes, this is crazy what's happening to you.
This isn't right.
We can't believe this.
The prisoners even come up to us with respect.
The black gang members, they all come up to us and go, man, we can't believe this is happening and we hope Trump wins.
We hope he pardons you because you don't deserve to be here.
You're not a criminal.
Well, it's the arrogance of the globalists that has done this.
And have you not seen your support supercharged, I'm guessing, since all the indictments against Trump?
It's hard to see with the support in here, you know?
Like, you know, I'm limited on what it is I can and can't see, but I hear about it.
You know, I get messages and stuff like that.
I hear that there is support, but, you know, it's really hard.
You know, they really constrict what I'm able to see from inside.
Where are you right now?
Where are you going?
And obviously you need money for appeal.
People say, we're always asking for money.
Yeah, we're in a war against the clubless, folks.
How do people support you, Joe?
Well, right now I'm at the D.C.
Jail, what a lot of people call the D.C.
This is the one spot that had a, you know, were treating prisoners for that at one point.
Owen said when he was there that he would wake up and literally covered in roaches eating his skin.
Yeah, that's how it was in the building where they first originally had people.
Now we're in what's called the CTF and it's a lot nicer.
It's not as bad, but the food is horrible.
Like, you can't eat the food here.
It is not edible in any kind of way whatsoever.
Um, you know, to your second point, if you really want to help out, you know, I need money to help support my daughter.
You know, they have taken away my military retirement.
It says, I never even served in the military.
Uh, you know, the prosecutor gets up and starts, you know, before sentencing.
He goes, I just want everybody to know that I don't want to take away from Joe Biggs the fact that he's an American hero and that he served our country, but...
Basically him touching that fence is tantamount to terrorism.
His hand touching that fence was the same as an explosion going off and sending shrapnel through bodies and killing people.
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
And the judge has now said that in the Trump January 6th case.
She compared it to 9-11 and the Boston bombing.
So if you really want to help me, I need the help.
I mean, the appeals case, it takes years.
You know, I'm not getting out anytime soon.
I've already been in for three years almost.
You know, I'm about to come up with my three years.
Of that three years, I've been in solitary confinement for a year and a half.
Um, you know, and I'm, you know, praise be to God that I haven't lost my mind from that.
Everybody wonders how I can still keep, um, you know, my sanity and how I'm still able to communicate with people.
Well, I saw the left make fun of you that you cried when they said 17 years, but I mean, obviously you're not 17 years and you've been given this evil tyranny and can't see your daughter.
I would cry, too.
They are sick, evil people.
Well, actually, no.
The 17 years came after the fact that I cried.
I cried when I brought up my daughter.
The tears that I had were for my daughter and my daughter alone, not anything that the judge had to say to the prosecution.
After I spoke and I had gotten emotional about my daughter, I sat down and that's when the judge read the 17 years.
Oh, so they even spun that, that you cried after the sentence.
You cried for your daughter.
Yeah, I cried for my daughter.
That was it.
There was no anybody in that courtroom.
I got letters today saying it was emotional to hear you talk about your daughter.
It had nothing to do with the sentencing.
I sat there and took that like a man.
I looked at him and did whatever I had to do, you know, and I walked out of there with my head held high and I'm going to continue to fight.
It just shows Joe they lie about everything, don't they?
Yeah, of course.
We saw an article on our little prison tablet they gave us last night that was on Yahoo saying that Proud Boys cry at trial.
Not one of us cried about anything like that.
It was only when we brought up the fact the guys of us who have kids, which is most of us except for one of us, I think, when we brought up our children or saw our children in the pews, we got teary-eyed to think about that, to know that our children aren't going to see us again for a long time.
From here, you know, go to FreeJoeBiggs.com.
You know, help out, that money goes either to my appeals or it goes to my mother and daughter to help out.
I don't get any of the first way in any kind of way.
--shadows where the light don't ever shine.
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My name is Miriam Grossman.
I am a board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist, author, and senior fellow at Do No Harm.
I have been taking care of patients for 45 years.
Sex is not assigned at birth.
Sex is established at conception and it's recognized at birth, if not earlier.
To claim that sex is assigned at birth is without any scientific basis whatsoever.
Its language misleads people, especially children, into thinking that male and female are arbitrary designations and can change.
That is simply not true.
Kids don't need their development interrupted.
The girls don't need their periods stopped and their voices lowered.
And the boys don't need to grow breasts.
What they need...
And we're going to be talking to the author of Lost in Transnation, a child psychiatrist guide, Out of the Madness, Miriam Grossman, MD, medical doctor, forwarded by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson.
Incredible book.
I just got done reading it.
Skyhorse Publishing.
Great people.
You need to get it.
Parents need to be warned.
They're not going to hear what I'm saying from their pediatrician.
They're not going to hear it from the guidance counselor at school.
They're not going to hear it from our government officials.
The idea that a person can be born in the wrong body is an irrational belief.
We are teaching these irrational beliefs to children and children when they're taught things by authorities and they hear about it at school and on social media.
And through Disney and from our president, they believe it.
And so I see patients every day who genuinely believe that it's possible to be born in the wrong body and that the only solution for that is to change their bodies and get a new body.
So I wrote the book, A Lost Inn Transnation, not only for parents who are currently going through this disaster in their home, the disaster of their son or daughter coming forward and saying, I'm not your son, I'm your daughter.
I'm writing this book also so that parents who are years away from that possibility ever happening are given the tools to prevent it.
My book is practical and I give you all sorts of information and tools and conversations that you need to have with your child, with your pediatrician, and anyone else who's trying to hoist this belief system on your family.
So again, I wrote this as a doctor.
I'm a medical doctor.
You know, the title of your show is Info Wars.
Now, there are info wars going on all over the place, but what parents don't know is that there's an info war going on in the medical world.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The Patriots' choice and globalists' dread.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Go to JoeFreeJoeBiggs.com, you know, help out.
That money goes either to my appeals or it goes to my mother and daughter to help out.
I don't get any of this personally in any kind of way.
It's not going to help me.
We know that.
You don't need to put a proviso.
I think your goal is too low because, I mean, it's going to take... I know how these appeals work.
It's going to cost a million bucks over the next few years for your appeal alone, and you're only asking for $75,000.
Well, yeah, that was when we first had it.
But, yeah, we're going to re-up that and change some stuff and, like, redo some of the wording on it and ask for more.
That was just from... I've had this up for a little while.
Well, you're a great guy, brother.
I know they're about to hang up on you in a minute, but just say as much as you want before they disconnect you.
Well, I will say this.
The next place I'm going to, I put in for Coleman Lowe.
That's in Florida.
That's the same spot they sent Martha Stewart to.
Obviously not the female wing.
Um, I'm sure that'd be a lot more fun.
Um, but they're sending me to the, possibly the Coleman Low, uh, which is somewhere in Florida, north of Orlando.
Well, just say you're a woman, you can be in the female lane.
I think a few of us have tried that already, and they look at us like we're crazy.
I think, uh, you know, I think unless you have Democrat on your voting card, they don't believe it.
They'll just think that you're playing around.
Well, it's good to hear you with so much humor.
And we just keep asking listeners for help, because they're coming after everybody, folks.
We're here on the front line.
We're in a war for everybody.
And we're not complaining at listeners.
But if you don't support FreeJoeBigs.com, then, you know, then you're supporting your own destruction.
Yeah, I mean, look, first they came after me for shaking a fence.
What next is it?
You know, what's the next thing that's going to happen that they're going to say is tantamount to terrorism?
Um, you know, they blamed me for the very first breach.
The judge looked me in the eye and said, you have one minute remaining.
I was using a bullhorn further back.
There was a guy in front of me, close to the gate where Ray Epps was.
We call him Black Megaphone Guy because we don't know his name, but he was sitting there telling everybody, the men come to the front, get the women out of the front, we need to take the fence down, we need to push forward, we need to go after the cops, we need to get through.
I've seen the videos, the left showed up dressed up like Trump supporters with the DC police and they did it all and it's incredible.
Alright, they're about to disconnect you Joe.
FreeJoeBiggs.com, you're going to call us back in 15 minutes?
Yes I am, I will be.
Alright, keep talking till the end.
Keep talking, keep talking.
Well, like I said, I appreciate everybody's help, man.
Like, go there, help us out, and we would appreciate it.
You know, it's interesting to see how the government has spun this entire situation.
They have lied.
They lied to the American people.
The media helped it.
The media sat there day in and day out and refused to report on the facts that we brought up during our trial, and only... Thank you for using Global Telling.
Ruthless lawyers.
Ruthless Larry Fink.
Just ordering destruction of everything.
No borders.
Human trafficking.
Pedophilia with children.
World government.
World War III with Russia.
Sellout to China.
Political prisoners.
Total surveillance.
And they've got all these yes men and women that are just going along with their own destruction.
You know, a lot of listeners have asked me, where is Stuart Rhodes?
Been trying to get him for a year.
Where's Joe Biggs?
I have the same lawyer as Joe Biggs.
And the calculus was, it'll make the judge mad if you're on air attacking him.
And that's why.
And then listeners are like, why aren't you talking about it?
Well, I've been trying since he got sentenced.
Hit him on it.
Took us two days.
He's here.
And you can say, well, just don't listen to the lawyers.
I mean, it's his lawyer, Norm Pattis, and I get Norm's point.
And so all I can do is comply with what people want.
Because it's not my life, it's Joe's life, it's his lawyer, it's what they decided to do.
So we'll have Joe on all the time when he's able to call in now.
I've been trying to get, you know, they're like, well, just, we want to piss people off, and maybe that's the wrong strategy.
I'm the type of guy that's going to talk crap.
You saw me with these judges in my show trials.
I say, you're a crook.
You're a tyrant.
Because they're liars.
The judge is like, he's got $400 million.
I'm like, you're a liar.
He's like, no, jury, he's a liar.
No, you're a liar.
And so, that's where we're at.
But now, boom.
We're gonna get Norm on, too, about this.
This lawyer, who's also been my lawyer, who's a famous criminal lawyer and a good guy.
People say, oh, your lawyer did a terrible job at standing trial.
They didn't let us talk.
They gave our lawyers a list of, like, five things you could talk about for a show trial.
I was already found guilty.
They just found Giuliani guilty.
A judge did.
People are like, well, judges don't find you guilty.
Folks, we're not in Kansas anymore.
Have you figured that out yet?
So, during the five-month trial, I'm like, hey, I really want him on.
I want Joe on.
I want you on.
I want to support him.
And they're like, listen, we think there's some humanity in this judge.
And he's totally innocent, so we don't want to antagonize him.
So we want to just try to, you know, see if they've got... And they don't have humanity.
So, now I can talk about it.
And you're like, well, you should have talked about it.
All I can do is honor people that are in jail and do what they want.
I'm not going to sit there and make your decisions for them.
And plus, what does it do, saying the judge is a crook?
They love it!
They'll be promoted!
They'll be out playing, the judge is probably playing golf today.
Feels great!
Has no sense of injustice.
Ray Epps can run around and say, attack the Capitol, go into the Capitol.
I orchestrated it, he said in his text messages.
He's ramming signs into police.
Joe Beggs is like shaking a fence.
17 years, bitch.
After three years in jail.
Year and a half in solitary confinement.
I mean, it's just like... And you're around these people and you get... But I'll tell you the unifying thing about them.
Leftists and their minions are dishonorable, cowardly nobodies.
And the world's waking up to them.
The thing is, they're such crap that I don't even wish harm on them.
I just want them to get out of my life, leave me alone, go away.
Well, they're not gonna go away.
And they're not gonna leave everybody alone.
But listeners should use their heads, because it's not about me, it's not about Joe Biggs, it's about understanding things.
It probably was smart to not have Joe Biggs on my show a bunch while he was facing this kangaroo trial.
Because I get, you know, I think Norm's right.
I think if Joe had talked crap, And they'd all been on the show, talking smack.
That judge, you hit him on what the feds asked for.
years in prison. Because the left likes it.
They're like, oh, you don't like us putting you in jail?
Cockroaches all over you?
Well, guess what?
You hit 45, bitch.
But I just love the other patriots that are out there.
They're like, armchair quarterback.
Why isn't Alex Jones, and it's on so many shows, why isn't Alex Jones having them on?
Why he doesn't care about those people.
One former talk show host that worked here, who just kept saying I was censoring when I wasn't.
I was really upset that he was lying and saying I was censoring.
I never even, barely even watched the show.
I'm like, why are you saying that?
Oh, he doesn't care about his crew.
He's sent there.
I didn't send Joe Biggs there.
Joe Biggs hadn't worked here for years.
I didn't send anybody into the damn Capitol.
But Joe didn't do anything in the Capitol.
So the idea that I'm sending people, and I'm doing this, and I'm all this crap, it's ridiculous.
But I'm done talking about that.
Because it's not about me, it's not about any of this, it's about the big picture.
People sit back in their armchairs, and they think they know how stuff works, and they don't.
Now Joe's scheduled to call in about 7-8 minutes.
So let's do this.
Let's air Greg Reese's new report.
And some other little important promo pieces.
And then Joe should be able to get back in in about 6-7-8 minutes.
We'll go to him.
I guess technically 8 minutes from now I'll be able to call in.
And then I'm going to... I promise to do a deep dive on the ADL.
And I promise to...
Hit some of this other news, and so I'm going to do that, and I'm going to do it more tomorrow night, too.
4 to 6 p.m.
MTG is going to be in studio and a lot more, so look for that.
But I appreciate the crew coming in on Saturday, and I appreciate General Flynn being here, and I appreciate everybody else that's supporting the show and spreading the word, because we're in the situation we're in, and the globalists aren't going to go away without major opposition.
Go to hell new world order Protectors we are as all friends
Is your boy alright?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com/show now.
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is going to be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
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We sold out of Alex Jones for President shirt.
Told you, these are all limited editions now.
And we have a few of the Political Prisoner original mugshot, which is not the real mugshot, that you can get at infowarestore.com for $17.76.
But what we do have being printed right now, Is the real Trump mugshot Never Surrender t-shirt.
And on the front says Trump 2024.
On the back it says Never Surrender.
That's what he said yesterday.
So Trump 2024 in black and white and in gold with Never Surrender on the back.
That's a designer shirt, ladies and gentlemen.
High quality fabric.
High quality printing.
So when we're selling these for $17.76, we paid like $15 for these.
So we're just selling that one almost at cost.
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So the original Limited edition political prisoner shirt that is not the
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to do it didn't.
Then we now have the real mugshot and if you want those they're being printed right now.
Anybody tells you you've got the shirt and it isn't a two-week wait is full of it.
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They're making them right here in Texas and they'll be shipping out.
So get your orders in now and get a piece of history.
Trump 2024 in black and white, the real mugshot, never surrender on the back,
Infowars.com and we have the gold one as well. I think the gold will be the most popular.
But we will see.
All three shirts now available.
The original, ready to ship.
Limited edition, about to sell out.
And we also have a flash sale of X3.
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Both are selling out very, very quickly.
But despite that, they're 40% off.
That's what financed this operation.
I want to thank you all for your support.
It's Alex Jones.
And now for the truth only you can handle.
It's the Alex Jones Show with Alex Jones.
Here's Harari saying, we're gonna make aliens on Earth.
We're gonna merge the machines and be a new life form, a new ruling alien class on Earth.
See, they're building the aliens.
The biomedical AI merger with our flesh.
The raping of humanity.
It's the same story from Roswell in the late 40s.
With Colonel Corso, heavily promoted everywhere by the biggest publishers, by the biggest movie makers.
That was system funded.
Because they don't want you to understand the full spectrum of interdimensional contact.
And the fact that it's always been here, and these things actually aren't alien, they're part of our existence and part of our story here.
If anything's the aliens, it's us.
But here on this planet, by God.
And there's these things that were already basically here.
We've probably not been here as long as this thing's been here, if you really read the ancient text of the Bible.
So they don't want you to know it's far more complex, and they're not in control of it.
All they're doing is being demonically inspired by these creatures that will only give them Hellraiser visions.
It will only give them how to have technology for evil, because it doesn't like us.
This is just a training camp where our father has put us here.
We think we're only living on one life so that we're in this super scared position but having all these spiritual and ancestral, intergalactic, interdimensional memories.
It's all a giant, three-dimensional, real scenario war game.
And they don't want you to know that.
And they don't want you to understand they signed on to the wrong team.
They joined with the destructive force, the evil force, so they could have power during this third-dimensional simulation?
It's a three-dimensional, genetic, universal simulation.
It's a real simulation.
It's just that it's forever war.
You don't die when you die.
You're an electrochemical, multi-dimensional creature.
This is only one lowest manifestation of you.
You have glorified heavenly bodies.
There's this first heaven, the second heaven, the third heaven.
It's all right.
right there for you to understand. And again, what is the habit? A dimension. They are programming
that aliens are these little stupid gray things and they want to kidnap us at night and take
stuff from us. And there is some evidence for some lower level creatures. They're like
a biological android. This whole big UFO thing is a distraction that, oh, the aliens are
harassing our ships. The aliens are harassing our troops.
No, that's the globalists with their advanced technology playing games.
So they can brand contact with the angels and God as the devil.
When really, we're here with the devil.
We're not locked in here with the devil, the devil's locked in here with us.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
It's a Saturday, emergency broadcast.
General Flynn, myself...
Lay out the Globalist's next move and how to stop them.
Joe Biggs.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Locked up in the D.C.
Can only get in 15 minutes at a time.
You heard him about 15 minutes ago get cut off and waiting for his call again.
Right now.
The day we got Greenlit to get him on the show.
Because again, the political persecutors attack you when you defend yourself, so now that he's sentenced, he's ready to come on the show.
We want to get Stuart Rhodes on, all of them are political prisoners.
Remember a few months ago, oh, Rams is going to be indicted, they said in a lawsuit against Fox.
Didn't happen.
They just create that illusion to get us to stop talking about it.
Hey, all I know is he said he orchestrated it in his text messages, and said go into the Capitol and help Ram signs into people, and he says he'll sue you if you talk about it.
And I'm sure they'll probably sue and have me defaulted and the judge says I'm guilty and $85 billion to him.
So what?
He did it.
He said it.
It's going on.
I'm not going to shut up about any of it.
But I want to thank everybody that's gone to DefendJones.com.
Info wars have stabilized.
The bankruptcy looks like it's going through.
Everything I told the court was true.
Everything that media said was a lie.
You've seen all that.
We don't have $10 million versus $400 million.
And I've got a year of legal bills built up that I've gotten a really good crop of new lawyers last year.
They haven't been paid yet.
And that's because the judge got lied to and told that I had all this money.
So the judge said, well, he can pay his legal bills.
And now the judge is like, wait, he didn't have any money.
But I still have the old bill.
That's about to all get fixed.
The judge has signaled where he now realizes he was lied to.
But for now, I need to pay that million dollars.
That's a lot of money.
Not really in today's numbers, folks with inflation.
Trump has spent 67 million this year on lawyers with hundreds of lawsuits and all the rest of it and all
the criminal charges.
Great. Trump needs support.
Well, I don't need 67 million dollars.
I need a million dollars or we go off the air.
Because if they shut me down, I can't be here.
Infowarstore.com funds free speech systems, great products you need.
But DefendJones.com is where you can make straight donations.
And I want to thank the listeners for their support.
I'm going to be thanking more of you tomorrow on the Sunday Shub.
But you know who you are.
I think we've raised 60-something thousand dollars.
We can put DefendJones.com on the screen.
And I know I come to you and ask for your support.
And my eyes aren't that good.
What's the number there?
That's $65,000.
Sounds like a lot, folks.
No, that's just 6% of what we need.
But we're going to get there, and I appreciate your support.
And here I am saying support Joe Biggs, political president.
I mean, it takes money to fight these wars, or you can just roll over and give up.
Joe Biggs got back through from the D.C.
You've got now 13 minutes before they hang up on you again.
So, Joe, I'm just going to give you the floor, because I was interrupting earlier, because it's good to hear your voice.
I have a lot of questions, but you've got the floor to talk about the trial, what's coming next, the state of the country, just what you're witnessing.
Everybody wants to hear from Joe Biggs, political prisoner Joe Biggs.
Yeah, the trial was a very interesting process to go through.
You know, we had, you know, you're told that you're going to pick a jury of your peers.
These aren't our peers.
The people of D.C.
hate Everything that we stand for.
Anyone who's conservative, anyone who's right leaning in any kind of way, you're an outcast.
You're a hated.
They think that you are the scum of the earth.
So to say that you're going to get a fair trial in D.C.
is the most, you know, hilarious thing in the world.
These people convicted us.
They won.
They said so.
They said that we were guilty from the get-go.
They didn't care what was shown to them.
They didn't care that we showed how many times the FBI lied, how many times on video that we got the FBI.
We could see them.
Coercing and changing the words of their own witnesses to fit the narrative that they wanted, and still the jury goes, I don't care.
Still the judge goes, I don't care.
It was the most disheartening thing to go through because you watch, you know, and we're sitting there, we're bringing forth the truth.
But the truth isn't, you know, the courtroom is not a place for the truth, obviously.
I mean, this is a place for You know, whatever they're allowed to put through, and the judge allowed the government to get away with everything and push whatever they wanted to through.
And it was, uh, it hurt to watch that.
You know, you go in there with your head held high, you go in there thinking that, you know what, we're just going to keep fighting.
You know, we're going to keep going.
And this machine is so big, they just don't care.
That's why people need to wake up.
People need to get off their butts.
People need to understand that there's a war going on in the sense that You know, they're coming after our rights.
They are doing everything they can to throw us in jail.
Oh, and war.
Let's talk about the word war.
Apparently, I say the word war too much, and I know you guys say that.
It's a war for your mind.
You've got to watch out, Alex.
The judge brought up the fact that I said war so many times, and they even brought it up to prosecution.
The amount of times I've said war before, that's a no-no.
You can't say that word anymore, because then that means you're waging war against the government and you're a terrorist.
Um, you know, the things that came out in this trial just... I don't understand it.
You know, you go in there with everything on your side, all that's right, all that's good, and they still don't care.
The judge still sits there.
Um, and the same video that they used, they showed, I remember when I first got locked up, they showed the judge, the government showed the judge of me shaking this fence or whatever.
And the judge, his first response was, I didn't see anything in there that shows Joe breaking the fence, so I'm not going to deny him bail.
And then he comes back like two days later and goes, that's terrorism!
Lock him up and throws me in jail.
Like, it was so weird.
His initial response... Because he clearly got his orders later.
You know, I mean, it was so weird.
It was night and day.
Because he sits there and he looks at it and he's telling the government, he's like, I don't see this.
You know, this doesn't make sense to me.
That's the same video that they played over and over in trial.
The same video that they used to get the terrorist enhancement.
The same stupid video that he goes, I don't see it.
It's not there.
You know, this doesn't really hold any water.
And by the way, we'll pull that video up.
I didn't think to do that, but I've seen that video.
It's just you at the fence.
Then we have Ray Epps picking the sign up, helping ram it into people.
That's fine.
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And overall, the whole--
This is just ridiculous.
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You need to do it.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Lighting up the darkness with truth, it's Alex Jones.
I saw so much crazy stuff happen in that day and we're the ones that have come out to be
the worst of the worst, they said.
They said that our actions were the ones that are, our actions were responsible for the
death that day.
Well they said you let it, they said you did it.
Yeah, they said that my military experience is what gave me the ability to lead an army against the government.
But is there video of you saying, we go into the Capitol?
Or video of you saying, or text message of you saying, you orchestrated it?
No, that's Ray Epps.
Yeah, there's none of that whatsoever.
They have a video of me going, oh my God, I can't believe everybody just stormed the Capitol.
Um, there's even a video of me where I'm walking and I'm filming it, um, and I'm going, oh my god, we've just walked over the barriers.
We've just walked over the barriers, not we've just taken them down or we've just busted them.
We've just walked over them because someone else had knocked them down.
We've just walked over the barriers.
Oh my God, I can't believe this.
People are storming the Capitol.
And there's a lady with a little, like, chihuahua going past me faster than I'm going.
And a guy in a wheelchair passed me.
But they said that I ran up and led the charge.
And I have people literally passing me as I'm walking and going, oh my God, I can't believe this is happening.
You know, I'm saying, oh my God, I can't believe this is happening.
And that's my initial response.
What does that tell you?
There's not a plan.
I'm literally shocked by what's happening.
You know?
And they go, well, no, no, no, no, no.
He knew this was happening.
There was a meeting of the mind.
It happened somehow between them, and they all agreed that this was going to happen, even though there's no proof that there was ever on paper that it was said, that there was no recording, and not one person's ever come forward, and not one FBI employee has ever come forward and said that there was a plan, that there was proof of a plan or anything like that.
No, no, no, we just somehow had this meeting of the minds that never happened, but that's what caused this conspiracy, and that's why we're now seditious terrorists somehow.
You know, if that can happen, what else can happen in court?
What else can they get away with?
And again, for some reason we can't find the footage of you just touching the fence.
We have Ray Epps there ramming it over the police.
What's the name of that video, Joe, so we can find it?
We'll edit and post.
We're live right now, but that's something we really want to air.
I know they hide all the exculpatory footage, but this is Ray Epps.
There he is, ramming it over the police and saying he orchestrated it and saying go into the Capitol, but that's okay.
Well, the very first, the very first, the very first, the very, very first January 6th committee hearing was on Donald Trump and me.
The very first one, if you remember, the very first one, they talked about Donald Trump for the first half and then Joe Biggs.
And the female cop that gets knocked over by Ryan Sample goes, Joe Biggs was in the crowd and he had his bullhorn and he looked at me and said, I don't like cops and cops are trash and everybody come and, you know, take out the cops or some crap like that.
And I'm like, I'm sitting here watching this from jail going, are you serious?
That never happened. And there's literally footage of another man with a bullhorn telling people to charge the
fence that he needs the men at the front for the women to get out
of the way to push that fence over.
And then she says that I lean into Ryan Samsel's ear and that he's the one who comes and takes out the fence.
No, that's not me. That's Ray Epps.
It's incredible. It's incredible. So we're showing the footage where you're standing at the fence doing nothing.
This is your terrorist now because of this footage we're showing right now.
You're standing against the fence. So how are the other guys doing? Do you see them or what's happening?
Yeah, yeah, they're all sitting around. Enrique's reading the paper in front of me right now,
but he can't talk because his trial, I mean, his sentence is not until Tuesday.
Um, but, uh, he would like to come on if you guys want to have Enrique Carrillo next week.
He said he'd be interested in coming on.
Um, you know... No, we want them all, because I've been waiting to get you on, but obviously we didn't want to stir the court up.
So when can Enrique come on?
Enrique, Enrique, when do you want to come on with Alex?
Next week?
You want to come on with Alex next week?
Like, Wednesday?
Okay, Wednesday, he said he can do it.
We're literally talking to American political prisoners.
We got four minutes left before they cut you off.
Anything else you want to add right now, Joe Biggs?
Yeah, so, you know, it was amazing, you know.
I walk out of the courtroom, you know, I'm sitting there, I'm going through my mind, after the sentencing, I'm like, you know, it's hard to take it in, you know, 17 years, that's a big number, you know, and your life kind of flashes before your eyes.
You start to wonder, like, you know, wow, like, Is this it?
Is this really it?
But then you have to pull yourself back up, and you have to go, no, this isn't it.
This is only the beginning.
This is where God starts to do His miracles, because when you're left with nothing, and you're sitting there, and your hands are tied behind your back, and you're in jail, and you're in solitary confinement, that's when God really comes through and works miracles.
And I believe we're gonna see miracles happen, and I believe God's gonna have something good come out of this, because there's just been so much bad going on.
We're seeing this country in such a decline.
And I guarantee you, soon, we're going to start seeing some miracles happening.
It's just a mask.
It's just six feet.
It's just non-essential businesses.
It's just non-essential workers.
It's just until we work it out.
It's just a bar.
It's just a restaurant.
It's just nursing homes.
It's just schools.
It's just to keep from overwhelming medical services.
It's just until the cases go down.
It's just to flatten the curve.
It's just to keep others feeling safe.
It's just for a few more weeks.
It's just gyms, salons, spas, and sporting events.
It's just churches and mosques.
It's just singing.
It's just travel.
It's just until we get a vaccine.
It's just for the greater good.
It's just fact-checking.
Not censorship.
It's just mandatory.
It isn't just at all.
Visit defendjones.com to help fight back today.
The program leftists fear and the man patriots love.
Alex Jones.
You know, it was heartfelt.
you know i i walked to the door of the japan into the president everybody ran
up to me gave me a hug everybody that they're blind and it came up and shook my
hand and no you could be the hurt their eyes
the here that you know i just got seventeen years ago and it was an
emotional thing you know to have all these men that have been here with you
have gone the same thing and you see him just go my god i can't believe it
happened to you but you didn't do anything everybody here knows that we
didn't do anything any the other people will even pay look i did this
I did something bad.
I was violent.
I did that.
But everyone agrees we didn't do a single thing worthy of it, and yet we're the ones being hated on the most because we're the only ones that were willing to stand up to Antifa.
We're the only ones who were willing to go out there and speak our minds and say what the government was doing wrong, and they came after us, and they want to shut us up, and they want to scare the American public.
by what they're doing to us.
And what they're doing to us should piss you off.
It shouldn't scare you.
It should get you to want to go out and stand up for your rights more, to not sit there
when it comes time to go vote and go, "Well, I think I just won't vote this time.
I think there's enough people who are going to go vote for Donald Trump this time."
No, you've got to get off your butt and go do it.
Because if not, I'm staying in jail forever.
Our lives depend on people getting off their butts and going out and doing the right thing
and putting good people in office that will help bring sanity back to this country.
My life depends on it.
My daughter's future depends on the American people to stop sitting around and stop being lazy, to pull your heads out of your butt and go to the ballot boxes and do the right thing.
Well, it sounds like you're buoyed by the fact that people know that you're innocent and that this is all a lie.
I mean, it doesn't matter where we go.
People come up to us and go, this is a Travis You shouldn't be here.
I mean, I have hardcore criminals on the bus ride back from the courthouse.
Back here to the jail, there's a guy sitting beside me.
He just got picked up for selling 13 illegal firearms in DC.
That should be five years for each weapon.
He got a two-year deal.
He got a two-year plea deal.
He's laughing at me.
He goes, oh my God, another guy goes, man, I just got like so and so many years for murder.
He goes, you could have killed someone and gotten out quicker than me, you know, because they put you in a bus with a bunch of prisoners.
They bring you back to the jail and it's different people from different walks of life.
They're there for different crimes.
You know, and everyone's like, oh my God, like, I can't believe that a guy who walked around who has no criminal record is now considered a terrorist.
Oh, people are pointing out that rapists that beat women up and torture them get two years and you get 17 years.
I mean, it's crazy when you see, like, hardened gangbangers, guys who've been, you know, their whole lives, you know, doing stuff like this, you know, going out, shooting at people, beating people up, beating them half to death, and they look at you and go, man, you don't deserve to be here.
You're not like me.
Like, I deserve to be in jail, they'll say.
They go, but you don't.
You should be at home right now with your daughter.
You deserve to be out there on the streets.
Not us, but you do.
And I guarantee you, myself, Ethan, Nordean, Zachary Real, Dominic Pozzola, or Enrique Tarrio will have similar stories from their experiences over the last three years at the jails they've been to.
No one thinks that we should be here.
No one believes that this is actually happening, but it is.
And people need to understand that it's time to do something.
Everything that's happening to Trump, it's happened to me already.
Now it's happening to him.
And then guess what?
It's going to happen to you.
Do you have hope that if Trump gets elected, despite all the challenges, he'll pardon you?
Oh, I know he'll pardon us.
I believe that with all my heart.
You know, the thing is, is hopefully getting him, you know, for him to be able to get into the position where he can at least be I think on the ballot to run, right?
Because once- You have one minute remaining.
Election interference, right?
It's election interference if they start trying to go after him once he's on there.
I have to understand the legalities of that, but I do believe that Donald J. Trump will pardon us, and he should.
We didn't do anything, you know?
We're his supporters.
We went there like he asked.
And things were wrong that day, and that's sad, and that's... Well, there's no doubt that they set us all up.
You were all patsies that day, Joe.
You've got to come back on any time you want on the broadcast.
Anytime you can get on.
11am to 3pm weekdays, Sundays.
Or we can always tape.
We love you.
People should go to FreeJoeBiggs.com and donate to support your appeal.
They want to grind us down.
They want to break our will.
Give me a 1776, brother.
1776 brother 1776 brother All right, man. Love you, Kyle.
Thanks for looking.
Look, I said they're not going to hold me down.
I'm going to keep my head held high.
I'm a warrior.
I don't give up.
This fight's not over.
It's only just begun.
And I'm telling you right now.
Thank you for using Global Telling.
So from a globalist gulag, Joe Biggs cut off.
That's America.
And if you don't think they're coming for your energy and your children and everything, I mean, it's full on takeover.
It's here.
And again, I was not having these guys on because their lawyers didn't want to get them in more trouble.
People are like, where's Jones?
I'm not supporting people.
Well, you didn't know the inside baseball, now you do.
So you can all feel morally superior and do the things you do.
I'm not talking to our general audience.
I just get so sick of it.
But now that the guys are ready to come on, we'll have them all on.
And I think they're probably right.
I think, I think the judges would have given them, you know, 40 years, 45 years that the evil globalists, they're not feds, they're people that have hijacked our government, were asking for if they would have done interviews.
So, this is quite a moment to be alive, but we've got to roll our sleeves up and admit the predicament we're in.
And do something about it, because it's not going to get any better bowing down.
Putting on the knee pads, like Kamala Harris isn't going to get us out of this.
Alright, here's what I'm going to do.
I want to take the ADL to the woodshed.
Because it's been the top trending thing for a few days, and people really get it now, and I've got a big stack here that ties into the UN, their whole operation.
And I've got all this other news too, so I'm really loaded for bear.
I'm going to come back tomorrow.
4 to 6 p.m.
MTG's in the studio in the second hour.
With the first hour, I'm going to do the ADL deep dive.
That's one of the things.
But I've got a few things I'm going to hit right now.
That's why I'm moving the ADL thing again to tomorrow.
And I'm going to hit it Monday and Tuesday because it is a... And I also now... I already knew the inside baseball of Elon Musk, whether he's good or not.
And he wasn't good before.
He wasn't totally bad.
But he's been a globalist, darling.
But he got power.
He got to be the richest man in the world.
And they took his son and are getting ready to chop his pee-pee off.
That'll wake anybody up.
His firstborn son.
They want that firstborn, don't they?
And another one of his children got killed, it looks like, by a vaccine with sudden infant death syndrome.
And again, Musk lives here in Austin, I'm not going to get into any, you know, stuff here, or what my sources are, but we have to be ready for Musk to come over to our side.
And Vivek Ramaswamy, sure he was a lot less before.
He's joining us.
The things he's saying are devastating them.
And they're coming after him on every front.
So I really want to caution everybody to not be Pharisees.
Because you know what happened in Christ's day.
There were these, you know, members of the Sanhedrin and the rabbis that said they were holier than thou.
Not all of them, but some of them.
And they were always talking about how they were perfect and they were good and everybody else was bad.
But Christ was talking to the tax collectors, the prostitutes, and people that actually wanted to be reformed.
Like when he was dying on the cross, or about to die.
And you got the thief, the murderer, and one of them believes in God, the other doesn't, so he says, you'll be with me today in paradise.
So it doesn't mean I turn my back and don't watch Ramaswamy or Musk, but I mean, look, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know, pun intended, that when you're... I mean, Musk came out today.
In fact, I didn't see the article.
I thought I sent it to you guys.
It's an Infowars.com article.
It's a Zero Hedge article.
He responded and tweeted it.
In fact, print it for me because I didn't see it.
You may have given it to me, but I missed it.
And he said, he said, yeah.
The head of my marketing has been meeting with him, just like you meet in a mafia war with the other side that meets with him.
He said the ADL has done everything they can.
Here's a quote.
ADL has tried very hard to strangle ex-Twitter.
Elon Musk responds to hashtag ban the ADL.
He says, just because I'm meeting with the extortionist.
You know, Don Corleone met with the guys that shot him in the Godfather.
It's all based on true story, different names.
Doesn't mean Mustard's with him.
No, they're getting ready to chop his firstborn son's penis off.
And if that doesn't wake your ass up, nothing will.
Another one of his children, the evidence is overwhelming, was killed by a vaccine.
His brother almost died from one.
And he's like, you know what?
I'm not.
Yeah, there's his son.
Captured by the enemy.
I don't care how rich and powerful you are.
If you're not pure evil, having your son getting ready to have his balls cut off will get your
attention real quick.
They realized that the shots were causing the explosion of chronic disease, asthma,
neuroimmune diseases like psychosis, ADHD, autism, cancer, cancer, cancer, autoimmune
So they realized in 2011 they caused it all.
So, we're in 2009, and when our paper came out, they realized that these shots were associated strongly, very strongly.
The chance of them not being associated, it was like being struck by lightning.
One in at least a million in a P-value.
And so they covered this all up, because of course they were liable now, because for the 42 million Americans who are asymptomatic carriers of HIV and SARS-CoV-2 and other XMRVs, other manufactured mouse, monkey and human viruses.
The game was premeditated murder of the 42 million people you're liable for their injury.
Premeditated murder.
If you give somebody who already has an antibody a shot, you will get antibody-dependent enhancements.
Oh, so they were getting rid of the people they'd already poisoned knowing that giving them a second or third or fourth dose would kill them.
Kill us, cremate us, add a mask, add a mask and isolation, and you'll blame the people for COPD or any of the other co-diseases.
You never inject an HIV-positive person with any vaccine.
We never did.
Never until now.
You do not drive the disease-causing entity through their body.
All over the world, the people that have had the COVID vaccine are testing positive for HIV.
Is that because the spike protein is from HIV?
It has GP120, glycoprotein 120, absolutely.
It also has the monkey, mouse, and manufactured XMRV.
So the spike protein is killing, you know, literally the 12%.
So you're saying it's a binary weapon where they already are preloaded with it and this triggers the next phase?
And the more vaccines you got, especially Gardasil, because that has the toxic synthetic lipid nanoparticles similar to the one in the COVID shot.
Prior to the COVID shot, the deadliest vaccine, we saw athletes dropping dead on the field, passing out, falling down, all the things.
Why is it particularly the athletes?
Um, because they operate at oxygen max, um, capacity max.
They're, they're operating at such a high level in their mitochondria.
This is an energy production, oxygen, um, necessary disease.
So they create, that's what they're finding.
They turbocharge the blood clots.
And ischemia, lack of oxygen.
So constricted blood vessels too, because athletes are running, they're constricted, they're working so that the blood flows and it doesn't flow, which is why your nitric oxide product, that new product, I hope you'll show it because that's a very important thing to have for acute events.
It dissolves under the tongue, gives you an instant relaxing of your endothelium, your vasculature.
You looked at our nitric oxide.
I saw it was the top rated.
They let us private label it.
It's the best seller.
You've looked at our formula.
You like it?
I did and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do creating nitric oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature.
So the clot will go through and not restrict.
It allows it to relax.
It lowers the blood pressure.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones.
you Prison's bad, but having your son's balls cut off is bad.
It's worse.
So... That's where this is.
And... No, I actually know people that know us very closely, and... It's too big a subject to talk about at this point, but...
Their words are, is, Musk is crazy because he's farting at people on our team completely.
These are very prominent people.
Musk is completely pissed and out of his mind at the new award.
Because they're getting ready to chop the sun's balls off.
That might piss you off.
Like RFK Jr.
Blew his father away right in front of him.
Killed his uncle on national television.
You think R.L.K.
Jr.' 's for real?
I don't know.
Somebody murders your daddy.
Do you like him?
Nah, come on.
This thing's a lot more important than money and power.
Like vengeance and vendettas.
So... I mean, the stuff they've done to me makes me... I'll never give up.
And they haven't killed my family.
They might have tried.
So no, there's not just evil in the world, folks.
There's not just Larry Fink.
And the Rockefellers, and Obama, that joke.
They have the money and the power and the media, but they don't have much else.
And they don't have your soul.
They don't have your mind.
They don't have your will.
No, Tucker Carlson's now awake.
Joe Rogan's now awake.
We could talk for hours about all the people, the James Woods of the world, and the Tulsi Gabbards, Russell Brand.
Pretty much anybody popular is on our side.
Because humans have a way about us when we finally get down.
And we know we're about to go down.
We just say, you know what?
How about we just have a fight?
Because I've said this a lot.
I'll say it again.
I don't know how all this is going to end.
But we did start this fight.
And you New World Order people aren't backing down.
So I guess if you want to fight, you better believe you got one.
That's what you're looking for, you came to the right place.
The truth is, God has a sick sense of humor.
And I get God.
I don't judge God.
So many people look at God giving us free will, and they see all the bad things that happen, and they see all the persecution and pain, and they say, God's a sadist.
No, if anything, God's lonely.
God made billions of creatures with free will and an understanding of the universe and the ability to interface with infinity.
And I'm just thankful for the power I've been given and the will I've been given and the freedom I've been given to make that choice.
And I just say to the Creator, beam me up, Master.
You are so perfect.
You are so good.
I understand you.
At least I think I do.
I don't plan to understand God, but you know I understand God.
I got God fear.
And I just appreciate this.
I've been put on this gorgeous planet and all this wonderful universe and I can experience beauty and culture and everything and just be alive and have my family and just, dude, this is amazing!
What a ride!
What an amusement park!
What an incredible thing!
And then, yeah, I go do bad stuff and it's your fault?
Somebody else does something, so it's your fault for making us know.
You gave us free will.
Little g. Not a God.
Little God.
And some Christians don't like that.
Fake Christians are like, that's blasphemy to say we're God.
I didn't say I was God.
Genesis says we are made in the image of God.
Figure that out yet?
So I do appreciate being made in the image of the Creator.
And I'm not prideful about it, I'm very humble about it, but I'm like, uh, I'm gonna do whatever you're gonna tell me to do.
Bye-bye, just please take me with you.
Oh, I get it.
Oh, please.
Let me do whatever.
Oh, you don't like cowards?
Well, you just tell me whatever I gotta do to prove I'm not one of those.
Yes, sir.
You tell me, jump, I say, how high?
I'm gonna click my heels eight times.
I'm gonna do it.
You want me to get fed into a wood chipper?
You want me to spend a trillion years in a hellhole?
I'll do it because I've already had a little taste of the next level.
Total completion.
Total victory.
Total understanding.
Mastery of everything.
It's called God.
And I'm addicted.
But nothing worth anything is free.
Nothing that has value is easily gained.
And that's what this is all about.
So I want to play a disgusting clip, but first I want to take a piss.
It's Aeropromo, and I'm going to come back with one of the most disgusting people I've ever met.
And that's Sean Penn.
I mean, you talk about an arrogant husk of a creature, a demon, Who once World War III, who now just said the quiet part
He says the lockdowns are a mandatory rehearsal for things to come.
This sick creature wants to lock you up because it makes him feel powerful.
Where have we heard of that before?
And I'm going to tell you why Sean Penn, you're so obsessed with locking us up.
Because you're about to get your ass locked up culturally.
You're not going to get locked up in some cell.
You're about to get locked up with people like you.
You're about to be cut off from the source.
So that's why he spends all his time trying to claw us into his hell with him.
Because the man is a retarded joke.
I don't mean that meaning it's Down syndrome.
I've had dinner with Sean Penn.
The man, 16 years, 17, whatever it was, is a moron.
But aren't the servants of the devil morons?
He literally wants to starve you to death and make you eat bugs because it makes this goofus feel powerful.
He's a retarded drug addict.
[ Silence ]
But what does it say about us when we let retarded pedophile drug addicts like Joe Biden run our lives?
God doesn't like that.
So, you know who God hates more than cowards?
People that don't take their destiny in their hands.
People that don't love beauty.
People that don't love strength.
People that don't love the animating contest of liberty.
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
And if you try to take our guns, 1776 will commence again!
Sticking with Facebook, it is one of several companies today that are limiting the content of Far Right podcast.
Facebook, Apple, and YouTube have all taken down content from Jones and his InfoWars channel.
Whenever I talk about Alex Jones, my wife will not let me into the house until I've been deloused.
Anyone who believes in Alex Jones and believes these theories, you really gotta go get help.
Alex Jones has been ordered to pay 965 million dollars.
Look how they've moved the control information.
There's always been.
And it ought to scare people, but you've got to move to indoctrinate the children of America.
If they can get you to be part of a group, an environmentalist, or part of your minority group... Black, Latino, and indigenous people are suffering and dying disproportionately.
The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy.
They'll have their little tailor-made people up there that are bought and paid for to claim to be your leader.
We're looking at a giant war in February right now.
Currently, that's the projection.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical
treatments, namely vaccines.
to there is a tyrannical organization calling itself the new world order pushing for world
wide government a cashless society.
If any terrorism comes it's from this government and if there was an outside threat like a
bin laden who was a known CIS in the 80s running the Mujahideen war whose family builds all
the military bases over in Saudi Arabia right now it's just a board of iridium satellite
he's the boogeyman they need.
I've been shadow banned.
I've been called a liar.
I've been silenced on virtually every platform created by man.
My life has been threatened, repeatedly.
They've tried to destroy me, but I survived.
And that's why I'm joining Mug Club.
You should go and sign up right now at jonescrowder.com and you get a free month for all the shows with Steven Crowder and all the other programs that are being launched and the Hodge Twins and more and then that builds the infrastructure because imagine imagine if instead of just a boycott 40-something billion that Anheuser-Busch lost with the Bud Light thing imagine a billion dollar boycott Hey folks, if $50 million comes in, this will dwarf everything.
This will dwarf all the other networks, Daily Wire, all of it.
But it's not about competition, it's about the other conservative networks aren't going 20% of the way.
We're going all the way to bring down the New World Order with tomorrow's news today.
So go to jonescrowder.com and be the frontline patriots, the first to sign up for like $7 a month to build this next level infrastructure with Rumble.
It's not censoring.
I've not been this excited ever!
The re-platforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Let's play Big Daddy!
I love Alex Jones.
A lot.
He's been right about everything.
Alex Jones is always right!
Who's your daddy?
Alex Jones' daddy.
Alex Jones.
assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The man who pulls back the curtain on the deep state.
Alex Jones.
And I am just so thankful to God.
(upbeat music)
And I am just so thankful to God.
And I don't think our demonic enemies have any imagination.
In fact, I know they don't, because if they ever saw what I've seen,
if they ever felt for one millisecond, the third heaven,
it is, it is, it is, it is, it's heaven.
It's heaven.
That's why it's called that.
It's not completion, it's not satisfaction, it's not ecstasy, it is timeless, total understanding and love, and a feeling of contentment that is so transformative to just bathe in the consciousness of the Creator.
And it all makes sense.
And I'm just blessed, because I unfortunately know this, Most people have not been as blessed as I've been to experience.
I know there's higher levels, but what I've been given access to only five, six times is so good that I would spend trillions of years in hell to have one moment of this.
And I've already been given it.
Because I already experienced it when I was a very young child.
Old space, interdimensional level, that recurring dream was the gate being opened.
But it wasn't until I did the work and stood against the enemy that it interdimensionally created enough charge To then break the wall and go to the next level.
And that's why God does this, is because we've gotta be persecuted by evil so that we can recognize the opposite of it.
Because if you're just given something, you don't appreciate it.
Everybody knows that.
You've got to be shown the other side before you can be shown infinity.
All right, let's play this clip.
I'll come back and get to Sean Penn.
Go to hell, New World Order.
Protect us.
We are as old friends.
Is she all right?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com/show now.
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Infowars, the most banned network in the world.
This has been an important two plus hour broadcast.
And it's only here because of you.
So I humbly appreciate you.
I say that you should support the transmission.
Go to DefendJones.com if you want to donate directly to me for legal and professional fees so I can stay on air.
Free speeches.
Got about 5% gas.
Which is high.
That's the highest we've been in the black in a few years.
So, we're about 5% above the red.
M4 is somewhat halfway, barely stabilized.
I have no money to pay my legal fees.
The judge said I had to pay half of them.
I don't have any money.
They lied to the senator.
The judge said he's about to reverse that, or it looks like he is, but he signaled that.
But, you want me to fight somebody?
I mean, I'm taking on the Democratic Party, the whole New World Order.
Trump's already spent $67 million this year on lawyers.
I've been, in the last year, a million dollars in the hole.
I want to thank all of you that went to DefendJones.com and made donations.
Whether it's a dollar or a thousand dollars, you know who you are.
You're in the fight.
You've made the decision to take action.
So defendjones.com, but separately, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula for your joints, your bones, your brain, your immune system.
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1,000 mg topical salve.
It's all there and they're great products you need to fund the operation.
That funds free speech and the crew.
I have to come here and ask for your help because the court has still not approved my salary.
I've not been paid what I'm supposed to be.
I can't pay my legal bills.
And so I am in your hands.
You're making the decision whether to keep us on air or not.
We have amazing products at InfoWareStore.com, and you are literally changing history.
The globalists are so angry.
These aren't just words.
Listen to me.
They're so angry we're still on air.
They're so upset that they haven't silenced us, because they haven't broken your will.
They haven't gotten you to give up.
So spread the word, please.
Share the article.
Share the video.
Share the clips.
You're doing it.
I see it.
Intensify it.
Call and talk radio.
Plug the show.
Whatever you got to do.
It's having a big effect.
Info Wars and Alex Jones was right.
And I'm very humble about this because I'm not perfect.
But it's a rallying point that people are saying, you want to destroy this guy?
We got his back.
Thank you for myself, the crew, and my family.
But please get products to keep InfoWars on air, plus get great products that empower your life.
If you want to support me, go to defendjones.com.
And I also get part of the money from the new Steven Crowder shows we've started at jonescrowder.com.
You get a free month there, jonescrowder.com.
That's another way to support me.
So two ways.
Get a free month and get all Steven Crowder's subscription shows and all those other shows.
And there's a bunch of free shows, too.
But go to JonesCrowder.com there.
That's one way to support JonesCrowder.com.
JonesCrowder.com and DefendJones.com.
Thank you.
You are my champions.
You're the reason I'm here.
Thank you to the crew.
Thank you to everybody else.
I'll see you back tomorrow, Lord willing.
4 p.m.
Central, Marjorie Taylor Greene in studio, the ADL Deep Dive and more.
4 p.m.
Central, 5 p.m.
God bless and good luck.
On March 20th, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq.
Exactly one year before the invasion, Alex Jones predicted it.
So now everybody's going, wow, it really was the Iraqis.
That's just because they're getting ready to invade Iraq.
What a beautiful setup.
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I didn't realize this was back this week.
I thought it was next week.
I come in this morning, it's back in the warehouse, ready to roll.
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What can I do?
Okay, yes.
We're bored.
We're all bored now.
But has it ever occurred to you, Wally, that the process that creates this boredom that we see in the world now may very well be a self-perpetuating, unconscious form of brainwashing created by a world totalitarian government based on money?
And that all of this is much more dangerous than one thinks?
And it's not just a question of individual survival, Wally, but that somebody who's bored is asleep, and somebody who's asleep will not say no?
See, I keep meeting these people.
I mean, uh, just a few days ago, I met this man whom I greatly admire.
He's a Swedish physicist, Gustav Bjornstrand, and he told me that he no longer watches television, he doesn't read newspapers, and he doesn't read magazines.
He's completely cut them out of his life, because he really does feel that we're living in some kind of Orwellian nightmare now, and that everything that you hear now contributes to turning you into a robot.
When I was at Fyndhorn, I met this extraordinary English tree expert who had devoted his life to saving trees.
He just got back from Washington, lobbying to save the Redwoods.
He's 84 years old.
He always travels with a backpack because he never knows where he's going to be tomorrow.
When I met him at Findhorn, he said to me, where are you from?
And I said, New York.
He said, ah, New York, yes, that's a very interesting place.
Do you know a lot of New Yorkers who keep talking about the fact that they want to leave but never do?
And I said, oh, yes.
And he said, why do you think they don't leave?
I gave him different banal theories.
He said, oh, I don't think it's that way at all.
He said, I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they've built.
They've built their own prison, and so they exist in a state of schizophrenia, where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result, they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they've made, or to even see it as a prison.
And then he went into his pocket and he took out a seed for a tree and he said, this is a pine tree.
He put it in my hand and he said, escape before it's too late.
See, actually, for two or three years now, Chiquita and I have had this very unpleasant feeling that we really should get out.
That we really should feel like Jews in Germany in the late 30s.
Get out of here!
Of course, the problem is where to go, because it seems quite obvious that the whole world is going in the same direction.
See, I think it's quite possible that the 1960s represented the last burst of the human being before he was extinguished.
And that this is the beginning of the rest of the future now.
That from now on, there'll simply be all these robots walking around, feeling nothing, thinking nothing.
And there'll be nobody left almost to remind them that there once was a species called a human being.
With feelings and thoughts.
And that history and memory are right now being erased.
And soon, nobody will really remember that life existed on the planet.
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
So we came out here an hour ago and not one leftist would defend the mask from the shots
with a coherent argument.
None of them can change my mind about not wanting the COVID security protocols to come back.
Send me your non-binary robobags.
Captain, tell me why we need new mandates and new lockdowns and five masks.
I didn't take a shot.
And I'm thankful for you that I didn't do that, because you awaken me to a lot of things.
How are you doing?
Good, how are you?
Tell us real quick, would you like to wear a mask again or try to bring the mandates back?
I do not want to wear a mask.
So you're not?
Well, come tell us!
No, no, no.
You won't?
Well, fine.
You better speak up.
They're coming to do it.
So I'd say, what, five to one or against it?
More shots!
More shots!
You want more shots?
You need a hug!
You need more shots!
I do!
Come give me a hug!
Alex Jones turned out to be right and Bill Gates and Fauci and Klaus Schwab, they turned out to be wrong because they were lying on purpose and they need to go to prison for what they've done!
We have only begun to fight in the information war and we will never surrender!
Never surrender!
Have you seen the freaking train wreck that got live on MTV?
Fight like hell with familiar friends, streaming from the other end.
Everywhere you look, everywhere is a gun.
I'm out to hold on to you Everywhere you look
Everywhere there's a place A place of the land you drew
But you just can't take all these leaves anymore The island will crowd up
We'll carry you home Everywhere you look
Hello, this is Hank Hill And I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones
Yeah, yeah, yeah. InfoWars.com.
My judge, what is the secret of the universe?
This is Alexander Soros.
Whatever you do, don't go to Infowars.com forward slash show.
It sucks.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, in case you didn't know, the UN and the CDC and all the criminals like Fauci are planning to try to bring back the COVID protocols.
And all the fear and the mask and the mind control.
And I saw some women come by earlier and they scoffed at the no more mask.
Well, they should put one on their face and they should get the bacterial pneumonia they love so much.
So, right here we are in the center of captured New California, formerly Austin, Texas.
And I'm doing this with Stephen Crowder, who as the course of Famous Program changed my mind.
We're doing it right now.
We're trying to bring back the mandates.
They got their new quote, poison booster shot.
So I'd like to hear from people out here that either want the mandates to come back or don't want it.
But of course, I don't want it.
And I challenge anybody on the left to try to change my mind.
So we're out here to have a discussion with anybody that wants to try to change our mind.
That these shots are poisonous and don't work.
That the masks don't work.
That we've been dealing with serious tyranny.
So I'll be sitting right here, not on Bullhorn.
Anybody wants to come over and talk to us, is welcome to.
Sir, come on over.
How you doing?
I'm Alex.
How you doing here?
Have a seat.
What's your view on the mask and all the rest of it?
It's horseshit.
So I don't need to change your mind then?
Well, I guess you're not gonna be able to change my mind.
You know, they're trying to bring back the mandates and controls again.
I got COVID on purpose when it first came out.
Sure, you're talking about national immunity.
God bless you, man.
Take care.
You guys looking forward to the new mask mandate?
Oh, you are?
Well, come talk to us about it.
Why aren't you wearing your mask?
Hey Alex Jones!
I love you so much!
That's crazy.
Why would we do that?
It has no benefit to us.
It just has benefit to them.
Well you know how bad it is.
trying to bring back the mandates. What do you think about that? That's crazy. Why would
we do that? It has no benefit to us. It just has benefit to them. And what do you think
about the so-called new booster they got coming out? Well, you know what that is. Looks like
you're pretty healthy without it. I didn't take a shot and I'm thankful for you that
I didn't do that because you awakened me to a lot of things.
Well, give us 30 seconds on your view on it.
Well, you know, it's almost biblical, right?
People want to control people.
And it just seems to be a human nature to try to hurt each other.
What power.
We're separated from each other, and that's wrong.
We're not supposed to be separated.
We're one.
What's your name, brother?
I'm Mark Duke.
Nice to meet you, Mark.
Take care.
It was a pleasure.
See you.
Take care.
How you doing?
Man, why is your dog not wearing a mask?
I've been shadowbanned.
I've been called a liar.
I've been silenced on virtually every platform created by man.
My life has been threatened, repeatedly.
They've tried to destroy me, but I've survived.
And that's why I'm joining Mug Club.
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com.
This is not about somebody wanting to put on pantyhose and have their sexual organs changed.
It's about shocking our children.
A lot of these groups are pedophiles, let's face it.
They want to talk about sex with your kids.
In the name of tolerance, they're going to put your kids on Ritalin and Prozac, they're going to inject them with deadly vaccines full of cancer viruses, and they're going to really screw them up.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Go to the full wars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
A new craze has spread among teenagers and patriots all across America.
The mainstream media is calling it InfoWars Mania.
Millions of listeners are tuning in at InfoWars.com forward slash show to see what the buzz is all about.
Let's take a look now at what's going on everywhere InfoWars can be heard.
No life was saved by Alex Jones.
Despite all the imputations, you know you could just go out and dance to that InfoWars station.
And it was alright, if you know it was alright Checkpoint Corruption, Monsanto, Aspartame, Poisons in the
vaccines, Pump Scanners for kids to get their luck to taxless societies,
satellite tracking systems, cops in black ski masks, foreign troops, FEMA camps.
♪ She started dancing to that bad, bad music ♪ ♪ You know, like the safe by Holly Stones ♪
♪ Despite all the computation ♪ ♪ She could just dance to that info station ♪
♪ Baby, we're born right ♪ ♪ Yeah, all right ♪
♪ It was all right ♪ - New World Order, we're coming for you, you hear us?
Good evening.
I'm Erica Lost.
An unidentified man is being held for questioning by the FBI for suspected links to last month's biological virus deaths.
In local news, a dog named Hero takes the grand prize at the annual... I wish I could tell you more pertinent news.
But we're in a rating system here, and the key factor is... Sensationalism.
They've got you running in circles, nine to five, then five to nine, You're mine.
I tell you what they want you to know, and you consider it the truth.
Nobody is opening their eyes!
Our global economy is depleting the world of our lives and natural resources!
And are you happy?
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Most turmeric is 5%.
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This is 95% cucuminoid, all naturally compounded, the strongest on the market, period.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(audience applauding)
The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming.
But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words, we will not comply.
In New York, two captured states on each end of the country have officially rolled out new COVID protocols and mandates on their websites and said that indeed they're bringing back the controls.
But we really caught them with their pants down almost two weeks ago with the whistleblower info.
Ladies and gentlemen, I got a call yesterday.
An individual was in town and they are a high-level manager in the TSA. Tuesday we got called in, the managers, and
told that by the middle of September you all have to wear masks again and so will airport
employees. Then by the middle of October they are going to say that everyone flying has to wear a
mask. Well, I mean, why is this happening? They said, well, because of the new variant in
What? People who have had the vaccine are more susceptible to BA.2.A6.
What the actual shit?
But I was sent by the whistleblower a link to the California website and it says the controls are back and here they are.
Right there in black and white.
They're gonna roll them out.
And through the institutions, the corporations, the hospitals, the hotels, through the colleges, through the public schools, All over the country, they are shutting down public schools if there's one COVID case.
That's creating the lockdown by sending the children back home.
That's the beginning of it.
My sources, because I called around and confirmed what the first source said, said middle of September, Biden is set to start the rollout.
Now, five, six days later.
Joe Biden literally saying y'all need to come.
They need to come up with a new vaccine and they need to come up with a way that people have to take it no matter what.
I'm willing to die about my freedom.
I'm willing to die about my medical independence.
So all I got to say to you in that video, try this.
Go around and find out.
The FDA and CDC, they've made an announcement on the new vaccine.
So, certainly, they said that they will have an updated vaccine in September, mid-September.
There never was a COVID pandemic.
There never was a SARS-CoV-2 novel virus.
There was never any of those things.
This was a behavior modification exercise to fulfill the objective of the financial interests that were being served.
And let's remember, That the quote, until a pandemic is at emergency threshold, the public doesn't understand the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus or pan-influenced vaccine.
We need the media to create the hype.
We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.
Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.
That's a quote from Peter Daszak.
That's a quote that was made at the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published in 2015.
This is the admission of terrorism again.
Now, what did I say they were told?
The beginning of the announcements begin September 15th.
This was just the warming up and getting ready that just so happened to begin right after I announced it literally six hours later.
They just opened up on the public, every controlled corporate outlet, and then the institutions to create the fear.
You can stop all flights.
You can lock down entire countries.
You can actually do that.
And this, I would say, may make us more open to radical ideas about how to deal also with climate change.
This has nothing to do with public health.
It has nothing to do with breaking any waves.
It was always about breaking people.
There's a path of resistance.
Or there is the path of total enslavement.
Come on!
Your ancestors were stronger than this.
You're stronger than this.
You can focus on the New World Order and its activities.
And you can ask God to lead, guide, and direct you with discernment.
And you do that, we're unstoppable together.
The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them.
But the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming.
The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow, to bring down the poor and needy, and slay those whose ways are upright.
But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
Better the little that have righteousness, than the wealth of many wicked.
For the power of the wicked will be broken, but the Lord upholds the righteous.
The blameless spend their days under the Lord's care, and their inheritance will endure forever.
In times of disaster, they will not wither.
In days of famine, they will not plunder.
But the wicked will perish.
Though the Lord's enemies are like the flowers in the field, they will be consumed, and they will go up in smoke.
Fighting the good fight in the Info War.
It's Alex Jones.
Fire all your guns at once.
Well, she's firing all her guns at once.
The mighty MTG.
And Texas is already 105.
We don't need somebody as beautiful and amazing as her.
She clashes with the heat down here.
This place is burning up now.
It is so great to have you here.
So great to be going to dinner tonight.
And we got an hour with you.
And you're just amazing.
I want to talk about the trumpet.
attacks, the indictments. I know you're helping quarterback get the impeachment
going. They now admit Biden's getting ready for it. As you promised
months ago, it's coming. They need to first have some of these hearings and
investigations. But you wanted to talk about, because I just talked to you a few
minutes ago before we went live, you want to talk about what's coming next, their climate
lockdown. So MTG, you are here. Thank you so much. Thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
Well, it's always what is the next thing, right?
What we see from Marxism, what we see from the left is any kind of movement that can
capture the masses, get them wrapped up so they have, they put the emoji on their social
media so they can share it.
Something they get behind.
They all donate their money.
They all get into the movement.
We saw it happen with BLM.
We saw it happen with COVID.
We saw it happen with Ukraine.
They tried it with monkey pox.
We made fun of it and it failed.
They're trying to bring COVID back.
But I really believe the next thing is going to be this climate change crisis.
They're going to create it into an emergency.
And Alex, I want to talk about Burning Man for a minute.
We are watching from a distance.
There are approximately 73,000 or 75,000 people in Nevada.
And they're locked in there from floods.
I was going to raise that.
They literally did a mock sacrifice and all this and then it flooded with these tornadoes.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, you know, God has a way of making sure everyone knows who God is.
I'll say that about that.
But let's talk about what is happening to these people.
There's 73, 75,000 people in Nevada desert right now at this Burning Man.
They're locked in.
They're not allowed to leave.
And they're basically probably being brainwashed that climate change is the cause of all of it.
It's the root of all evil.
And it's going to destroy the Earth.
And they're feeling the panic.
But maybe you're saying that, oh, this is because you didn't know about climate change.
So what's going to happen, Alex?
It's the same way they launch any kind of movement.
After this is over and Burning Man and these 75,000 people disperse and they go back home, they're going to have these stories to tell and how terrible it is and how we have to do everything possible to stop climate change.
It's caused by humans and it's carbon.
And it's the amount of carbon that we put out.
It's manufacturing.
It's our gas and diesel engines.
It's, you know, agriculture.
I mean, AOC wants to get rid of cattle.
Even population.
We have too many humans putting out too much carbon.
You're going to start hearing all this stuff and this is going to build.
And I believe this is the left's new lie they're going to put on the American people and try to get everyone behind and create it to where, remember AOC and the left and many others said that the earth is going to literally explode in a ball of fire, we're going to all die, it's going to be the end of the world.
This is what they're brainwashing people to believe.
No, I totally agree.
And now Biden says he's set to announce a new climate emergency that Klaus Schwab said three years ago they'd do after COVID.
So they literally cut our resources off and make it fancy.
Well, let's be realistic, though.
Yes, the climate changes.
It's been changing since the beginning of time.
Since God created the Earth, the climate has changed.
And that is the reality because we live on our planet is moving.
It's rotating.
It's moving through our air.
The only constant is change.
It always changes.
It rotates around the sun.
It moves through the galaxy.
Our galaxy rotates through the universe.
Of course our climate is going to change.
But does that mean people are causing it?
Does that mean we have to raise taxes to stop it?
No, absolutely not.
Does that mean we have to bow down to a globalist government?
Absolutely not.
As if they can stop it anyways.
They can't stop it.
It's all the sun, as you said.
So what's happening in Congress?
Because I know we're getting close to impeachment movements.
We know Biden's a puppet, but still we need to get them on the defense because that ties into these insane indictments of Trump, which even Donna Brazile admits has totally blown up in her face.
Well, so day one, when I entered Congress in January of 2021, on Joe Biden's first day in office, I introduced articles of impeachment.
And I introduced those against Joe Biden because of Ukraine, because of Burisma, because we knew the truth.
We knew the truth a long time ago.
And I introduced those articles of impeachment.
This has been a movement I have been pushing since the time I came into Congress.
This is why they kicked me off committees.
This is why they tried to politically destroy me.
But finally, through our oversight investigations, I'm on the oversight committee, we have been investigating Joe Biden.
Since the beginning of this Congress and the amount of evidence we have produced has become so overwhelming now that even our Republicans in Congress that don't want to have anything to do with impeachment, they are now, we believe, I believe, we have enough votes to vote for impeachment inquiry when we go back here next week in September.
Elaborate on that.
What about impeachment of Merrick Garland?
These people are a joke.
And then you've got Jack Smith meeting secretly at the White House?
That's right.
So if everyone wants to know more information, you can go to impeachmentteam.com.
By the way, I want to hear a record skip sound right now in everybody's mind.
Slowly give us out, because you're on the field.
You're a champion in the fight.
You are quarterbacking this.
You're getting this done.
You promised this months ago.
It's happening now.
People need to go to this site.
They need to tweet it.
They need to share it.
They need to get behind it.
So explain this to us.
Okay, so I've introduced articles of impeachment on Joe Biden.
I've introduced articles of impeachment on Merrick Garland.
I've introduced articles of impeachment on Christopher Wray.
Matthew Graves, who persecutes January 6th defendants, pro-life protesters, parents who hold their school board accountable.
That's Matthew Graves.
And I've introduced articles of impeachment against Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
Here's what's happening.
The amount of evidence, Alex, is becoming so overwhelming.
Just like, here let me say this, this is really important.
Just like we can truly say, at least I can truly say, I believe the Great Awakening is occurring because of truth.
People all over are waking up, and God is dividing people by the sheep and goats.
He is literally dividing us.
There's people that can't hear the truth right now, and then there's people that are waking up over and over.
The amount of truth that is basically Just coming out throughout Congress is forcing the will of Congress, forcing the will of Republicans.
Republicans that wouldn't act before are now becoming willing to act.
And so I have a lot of encouragement and hope where we are going forward.
But at the same time, I caution people at home to please have patience, even though that's the hardest thing to have, because I feel the same way as you do.
I want impeachment now and I want it on all these people.
But what we have to do is we have to continue to push.
So here's the good thing.
All of my colleagues that I work with, they've been at home in their districts, and they've had to hear from their constituents.
They've had to hear from the voters that sent them to Washington.
And I hope to God they have been yelling at them.
And you said that buzzword.
You said, we've got McCarthy about to do it.
He says now they're moving there.
He said he's ready.
So you delivered again.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
In a way, I get the point.
You've got to ripen it and have the investigations to show it all to make sure you have the votes.
So here's the process.
Let's explain it out in detail so everyone knows.
In the House of Representatives, we have 435 members of Congress.
Let's be clear.
In our system of three branches, federalism is done to make it slow so a dictator can take control.
So people get frustrated.
It takes time, but that's how our system works.
We don't want it fast, because imagine if it was flipped the other way.
We've already seen that.
They impeached Trump twice by abusing the system and abusing power.
So 435 members of Congress.
We have 222 Republican members.
Only 222.
We have to have 218 yes votes to do anything in the House of Representatives.
Without 218, we fail on every count.
We have to have 218 yes votes to do anything in the House of Representatives.
Without 218, we fail on everything.
So you've got to overwhelmingly nail it?
We have to overwhelmingly nail it.
Kevin McCarthy has been there.
He's already been there.
He has spent time, our Oversight Committee has spent time, Judiciary has spent time, Ways and Means Committee has spent time producing evidence, investigating evidence, and showing it through our committee work so that we can not only show the American people, we can also show all of our colleagues, everyone in Congress, to convince them, look, we have the evidence right now.
Not to impeach, literally just to ask the question.
That's what an impeachment inquiry is.
Can we just ask the question?
Separately, we got some really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really good news.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I will not vote for any appropriation bill that does those things.
I will not vote for a short-term CR that does those things.
And how amazing, though, has been them trying to roll it out again?
I mean, it's everywhere.
They're losing.
They need things to distract people, to suck them into fear.
That's why they need the climate change crisis.
That's why they want climate activists and protesters.
They're going to be rioters.
Just wait.
Then we may have lockdowns.
You're blocking roads and everything.
Of course they are.
Then we're going to have more COVID to increase mass hysteria and fear.
They need people distracted, and I'll go back to why.
The border's wide open.
Bidenomics is destroying people's ability to pay their bills.
They're putting us into a war that may lead to World War III.
They cannot win on these policies.
They're locking up their top political opponent, President Trump, who we remember four years with President Trump as some of the greatest years in American history.
The head of the DNC says this isn't working.
What did they think was going to happen?
Well, they did a good job with elections before.
We understand that.
But I truly see this as they're so arrogant.
Really, Alex, they're so arrogant.
They really believe that their policies are the best, that they know what they're doing, and that these little stupid peons and the uneducated people of America, You know, the deplorables, as they called us once before, that we don't know what we're doing, that they know better than us, and that they can just win, and that they'll just- And Marjorie Taylor Greene, that's the key.
The Black Rocks know it's to create an angrier world, destroy things, and consolidate power.
But you're right, the Democrats actually believe they're creating a utopia, and they're being given marching orders that are going to destroy everything.
They are.
Well, they're definitely doing that.
They're leading us down to a road of destruction.
But I'm telling you, Alex, people are waking up.
It's the most incredible thing.
Oh, that's an understatement.
I'm not saying you're wrong.
I'm saying I don't have a way to describe to people what I see on the street.
Because I live in liberal communist Austin.
I got hate a year ago.
No hate ever now.
I mean, it's total reversal.
That's wonderful because people know and they're suffering under the Biden administration or the Biden regime.
They've already been fooled.
People that really bought into COVID, they have come out of this thing so upset and angry.
Like, I can't believe I got these vaccines.
They didn't even work.
I can't believe I wore a mask all the time.
That didn't help me.
It didn't stop the spread of COVID.
People that are coming out of this are coming out and they're waking up.
And so they have no desire to go back.
They're also realizing that, oh, maybe there's some truth to this Hunter Biden laptop.
Oh, shoot, maybe Joe Biden has been doing that.
And they see Maui really piss people off.
It should piss people off.
Lahaina was a wonderful town.
I've been there many times.
Me too.
Yeah, it was one of the best places to go visit in Maui.
My daughter spent nearly every summer out there for like eight years.
The people there are wonderful.
It just was a great community.
And Biden, he said about the train deal, Roman, he said he's too busy to go there.
We have that club.
Just too busy to go.
Too busy to go.
Well, you know, Joe Biden, it's amazing.
He wants $24 billion more dollars for Ukraine, but wants to give a $700 one-time payment to the people of Lahaina that lost everything.
Then when he did go talk to him, he talked about how his kitchen fire and experience there is if somehow... Made about him.
comparable to what they went through. They lost everything.
They can't even find neighbors. They can't find kids. Their livelihoods are
gone. Their homes are gone. But yet he hasn't gone to visit East
Palestine. He hasn't gone to the border. But you better bet he's been over to Ukraine to
see Zelensky countless times. And he's set his ass on the beach in
Delaware I don't know how many times. I think at 44% of the time he's on vacation.
Yeah that's a lot of vacation time.
You know, if you work Monday through Friday, if you work Monday through Friday, that's about 26, that gives you about 26% of the year vacation time.
Think about that.
If you work Monday through Friday all year long, then you, Saturday and Sunday, Saturday and Sunday is vacation.
So that's about 26% of the year.
But Joe Biden has spent over 40%, 40, 44%.
It's incredible.
Well, he's also, he's too old to serve.
Well, that's my next question.
What are they going to do about him?
I mean, they got Newsom kind of getting warmed up.
They got Big Mike.
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure, actually.
Oh, Big Mike's got you laughing.
I tell you what.
They're going to save her.
If it's a real emergency, we'll definitely see her come out.
They're going to break in case of emergency.
She's in a case.
She's in a case.
She is.
She is there.
That's when everything is failing.
Donald Trump's going to win.
Joe Biden is a corrupt criminal.
No one can deny it.
Gavin Newsom can't win because he destroyed California.
They're going to run over there.
They're going to pull the hammer, break the glass, and they're going to pull her out.
Do you think Big Mike's a handsome man?
I'm not going to get in trouble.
I'm going to stop.
Well, you know, Joan Rivers might have said things that could... Yeah, wow, keep going!
Man, MTG, I love her.
Yeah, no, really though, that would be... I don't think she wants to run, I don't think, but we know Obama would love it, and actually that'd be their only way to keep going, and I think... Isn't this pretty much the third administration of Biden?
Oh, this is totally the third term.
Absolutely, it's the third term.
They've got all the same people back in there.
They're running everything just as if they never skipped a beat.
President Trump was like a speed bump for them.
They went right back to it, pursuing everything they were trying to pursue before.
And they want to continue that process.
And that's where we're at.
And yeah, Michelle Obama, she's definitely the one that will try to save the day.
Roger Stone talks to Trump every day.
He says the guy's got ice water.
He says he's only 40-something years.
He says Trump's on cloud nine.
What is your view?
You talk to Trump a lot.
This guy's incredible.
President Trump is remarkable.
I think, I talk to him a lot and I think what I can explain to people is, number one, he is such a real person.
Every time I talk to him he always asks me, how are you doing Marjorie?
He genuinely will ask about me.
He called me and my wife on our honeymoon seven years ago.
How did you even know this was happening?
Isn't that great?
That's the kind of man he is, though.
And there's several things that impress me.
One of them is the fact that he is such a successful businessman for so many years.
And there is no Ph.D.
that equals that.
There is no education.
You're a successful businesswoman.
You know that's the real streets.
It is.
That is it.
That's why you're so successful.
You never talk about it, but you've been very successful.
I have, and it takes hard work to be there.
It takes a lot of hard work to get there, but you learn.
You learn real lessons that you cannot learn with any college or university.
There is no master's degree or PhD program.
You learn on the spot, BS quick.
And so, President Trump has that.
That's how I view government.
My job in government, I only look at it with a business lens.
And President Trump sees it the same way.
The other thing I really appreciate about President Trump is the fact that he plays golf every day makes him extremely healthy.
You know, I work out a lot.
That's something that I'm dedicated to.
I love watching you do the power clink.
Thank you.
But health and fitness helps your mental capacity.
It keeps you sharp.
There's a whole, just everything around it between your health, your fitness, your mental capacity.
So he's stronger, would you say he's stronger now under attack?
I would say he is extremely strong under attack.
Because Brazil said, oh my god, this is a Nietzschean.
She said, that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
They're scared.
Don't you get it?
You're in a game of chicken with us.
They should be scared, because I rode down those same streets.
I went to the Atlanta jail, and I rode down there, down Rice Street, and I saw all the people coming out.
And they were out on the side of the road screaming.
Let's talk about that.
And guys, since she mentioned it, I think the clip's in there.
Make sure we bleep it.
This guy's on fire, this great American.
This is great American black man.
Joe Rogan sent me this like three days ago.
This is gone.
I'm not name dropping.
That's how viral this is.
We're going to come back and play this.
MTG is in the house.
We'll give you the URL too to get behind the impeachment straight ahead.
I personally have to pay my legal bills.
The court has ruled I have to pay for half the bills.
Keep free speech on air.
I don't have any money.
And my back bills of the year are a little over a million dollars.
Sounds like a lot.
Trump's already spent almost 70 million this year alone.
You want us to fight the globalists?
Sounds like big numbers.
It's not, folks.
We need your support.
It's a decision you've got to make.
Buy products at InfoWarsaw.com that enrich your life.
They're great.
That funds free speech.
The judge has said I've got to pay half the legal bills and everything else.
I can't do it.
So this is our chain in the armor, and we'll have to shut down.
Pretty soon.
And then as soon as they're shutting down, we'll get all the money.
Once you start this, you can't stop this.
So, I'm firing the bat signal.
I appreciate all your ongoing support.
We're in a major toe-to-toe battle.
Long-term war.
I'm sorry I gotta keep asking for support.
But I'm asking you humbly to keep us on air.
To go to DefendJones.com.
A GiveSendGo account.
I appreciate those that donated in the past.
I appreciate everybody that supported the show.
You know who you are.
We've raised like $25,000 in the last couple hours.
That sounds great.
I've got a million dollar problem.
I think in the next month, they're going to come through.
I think we'll raise it.
Unlike selling a million dollars of supplements, and we make $300,000 or $400,000, or we sell water filters, a million dollars of water filters, and we make $200,000.
I'm not complaining.
It's just we don't put a lot of markup in there.
They're high quality.
And they give me the best deals.
This is how my brain works.
People say, I just have bigger markup.
You don't have any problems.
I just, I can't do it.
I'm separate from the free speech bankruptcy, and I'm out of money.
And we're actually winning these cases, as you see.
They're really freaked out.
So, I need your support.
It's a long-term fight.
We've fought so long.
You can decide whether you want to give up or not.
I know you don't want to, most of you.
But I wanted to read some of the great comments.
We've had some big donations, small donations.
They're all wonderful.
We appreciate you at DefendJones.com.
Anonymously, privately, you can give, or you can comment if you want.
This is anonymous donor.
One minute to go.
Bless you, Alex Nemfors.
Bless you, too.
Taylor gave $30.
I am going broke, but the dollar won't be around much longer anyways.
Exactly, folks.
You've got to put money in to win.
Hope to see lots of engagement with this fund.
We'll stay on air.
That's what'll happen.
Anonymous donor.
Thank you for your work.
Thank you.
Ralph from Ohio.
Listening to M4 for 20 years.
95% correct accuracy rate of geopolitical diagnosis and cure rate.
Thank you.
Alex, you woke me up in the early 2000s with 9-11 Road to Tyranny, and I've been a regular listener and contributor since 2007.
Thank you.
You are the M4.
I'm praying for you and President Trump on a regular basis.
Stay strong, and thank you for doing What you're doing, brother.
Thank you, Vincent.
Opposition in all things.
Thank you, Alex.
No, thank you, Anonymous.
Thank you, Karma.
We love you, Alex and crew.
God's continuing blessing upon you and yours.
Mike Linnum.
Thank you, Mike.
Anonymous donor, $10.
The Bible says, if God is for me, who can be against me in the fight?
And with Jesus by your side, darkness, fighting darkness, you'll prevail.
The kingdom of darkness doesn't stand a chance because we already have the victory.
My prayers go with you, Alex, and may the Holy Spirit give you peace.
Thank you.
That's just some of the comments.
Thank you so much.
That means so much.
Please go to DefendJones.com and he wants you in the fight for your decision.
Not saying you should.
Not trying to make you do it.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
On March 6, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
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Joe Biden literally saying y'all need to come.
They need to come up with a new vaccine and they need to come up with a way that
people have to take it no matter what.
I'm willing to die about my freedom.
I'm willing to die about my medical independence.
So all I got to say to you in that video, try this around and find out.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, the future president of the United States, and I'm not going to say that to piss up to her.
I feel it.
I think the first female president of the United States, I think in maybe four or eight years, is going to be MTG.
And I can't wait to support her for president of the United States if we save this country.
But MTG, you wanted to get to what's coming next today.
You said you can't wait to hear what's coming next.
This is what Infowars is all about.
All the main numbers show economy and free fall in reality.
We're going to hit that in a moment.
But first, this isn't entertainment seeing Trump being attacked like this.
This isn't like a boxing match, or a train wreck, or a soap opera.
This is our future here, and yeah he's confident, and yeah it's waking people up, but we can't underestimate our enemies and what they may pull, because as Donna Brazile said, they're cornered rats and they're losing.
gut level and with all your contacts in Congress MTG, what should we be worried about?
What should we be focused on? What should we be doing?
What should we be praying for because they now know nothing they've done has worked. What do they do next?
That's why I've said we don't hope this happens to Biden or Trump, but I'm really concerned
They could have some white supremacist kill Biden They say it's this epidemic that doesn't exist per capita.
And I'm really concerned about them going after Trump because logically, historically, that's the next move of the graph.
What I worry about, actually, is I worry about a hot war.
I worry about a very serious war.
Because, historically, if you look at our country, historically, whenever America has gone to war, the American people rally around whoever the president is.
We remember George Bush after 9-11.
October Surprise.
So we remember, then that's our natural instinct to rally behind our country, behind our flag.
So many people will sign up to join the military, and they rally behind the president.
The biggest thing I'm concerned about, Alex, is I'm concerned that they will go to the next level with Ukraine, put troops on the ground.
Russia will absolutely see it for what it really is.
They will go to war with us, and the United States and Russia will be in a hot war.
That is my biggest concern, and I think that would be something that the Democrats, the State Department, the Biden administration could move towards, because they will not back off of Ukraine.
And that's exactly what Tucker's been saying, and now they're sending F-16s.
We know U.S.
troops are there as advisors, and we know Ukraine's losing now.
So what are you hearing in Congress?
My amendment failed on that.
I had an amendment to block the F-16s going to Ukraine.
It failed on the House floor.
We didn't have enough members of Congress to vote for it.
That's the danger we're in, Alex.
Clear escalation.
There's not much levels left.
No, there's very...
From day one, I voted no for Ukraine.
I voted no for money going there.
I voted no to sanctions on Russia.
I voted no to all of it because the only solution there that makes any rational sense is for those two countries to come to peace terms, and that's between them.
That doesn't have to involve the United States.
And Trump says he can end it overnight.
That's true.
The media says he can't.
The U.S.
runs it.
Of course he can end it.
Yeah, it can end overnight.
You want to know how?
We cut off the money.
Zelensky even said it.
He won't even have elections unless America funds his elections.
I'll tell you how bad it is over there.
The United States of America, we send Ukraine one billion, I'm sorry, you watching, people at home, send one billion dollars every single month, every single month to Ukraine to fund their government.
That's not the war.
That's to keep the lights on for their government.
But $700 to people in Maui.
$700 one time for the people in Maui.
And that's outrageous.
That's unacceptable.
But I do believe what we could see is we could see them move.
Move us into a full-scale war in Ukraine, all in the name of protecting Europe.
They're always saying that Putin, his goal is to take Europe.
We have seen no evidence of that whatsoever, and I'm not defending Vladimir Putin.
I'm just saying, if you look at it black and white, and also... If Putin had hundreds of thousands of troops in Canada, I'd say go to war with him.
We're there starting this.
But think about this.
I mean, I'm old enough to remember.
You remember?
Every time we've ever been at war, didn't we watch it every single night on television?
Remember how we would watch on television the bombing of Baghdad or the bombings in Afghanistan?
It was like entertainment.
It was.
It was like sick, disgusting entertainment.
But they showed it nonstop on the news.
Let me ask you, when is the last time anyone has been able to turn on the television and watch the war that America is funding and fueling?
No, you never see it.
They say it's bigger than Vietnam, Korea.
I mean, it's hundreds of, 340,000 dead.
This is a full war.
Tell me where the CNN war reporters are and why aren't they in a bunker with Ukrainian troops?
That's what they used to do.
That's what we always saw.
That's what they used to do. That's what these were. That's what we always saw.
Now it's like it's a war on another planet. It's an invisible war.
You don't get to see it.
You're paying for it, but you don't get to see it.
You want to know why they're lying?
Ukraine is losing this war.
I'm probably the only member of Congress that will say that out loud.
No, you are.
And I love the meme, how you're not smart.
You're one of the smartest people I know.
You're so smart.
And I love that the left claims they're all empowered women, but they go, oh, MTG's dumb.
No, you're saying the truth that is complex and sophisticated, and it's just disgusting.
And since when did Democrats support World War III?
I guess they do now.
Absolutely they do right now.
They have to.
They have to support World War III because it supports their climate change agenda.
It changes the world.
If you support a massive global war, it completely shifts everything.
And that's what they're trying to do.
They're trying to make a full shift in the way, basically the way we live, the way governments work, trade policies.
They're creeping onto the most dangerous levels that will hurt all of us, and here's why.
Because we sanctioned Russia, Russia got smart and they went and made trade deals with China.
And then they started making trade deals with other countries.
That was my next point.
This is destroying America's soft power.
And I love our country, I love our empire, but I hate seeing America go way down in the world.
Well, look at BRICS.
Because of the war in Ukraine, they have created BRICS.
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
They've created this very powerful, growing international group where they can do trade, buy and sell goods.
The Indians just bought billions in oil.
Yeah, and they're going to tank our dollar because they trade in their own currencies, not the U.S.
They can trade in their own currency.
So what's the bigger 30,000 foot view?
The 30,000 foot view is war as an option for the Democrats in their minds to win the election.
Because they think it'll rally the people.
So you're saying what's coming next, and I agree with you, Tucker, is war.
Expanded war.
I see war.
I see war because I introduce amendment after amendment on the House floor and I cannot get my amendments passed to stop F-16s, to stop funding to go to Ukraine, even though the American people overwhelmingly do not support the Ukraine war.
And by the way, the Russians can shoot down a 5,000...
you know, mile an hour, you know, mock missile the British sold them. An F-16 only goes like
1,500. They're going to blow those up anyway. So what is the point? Well, I think if you're to
control the American people, number one, you have to make them feel afraid of something or multiple
things. It doesn't have to be just one thing. It can be the continuing threat of COVID. It's
continuing. It'll never go away. That's why they want new vaccines and more mask mandates and more
vaccines. And we have to keep fighting. Don't you love when they're like, yeah,
we want new mandates, but you're crazy. We don't want new mandates.
You seen that little mind control?
Oh, of course.
And then, and now it's climate change.
And oh, the poor people in Burning Man, and they're going to run out of there convinced, brainwashed, that that's what happened to them, was because man-made climate change nearly killed them in the desert of Nevada.
They're going to run out there and spread that.
It'll be multiple issues, but the ultimate one is a world war.
And I believe that's where we're going.
Let's talk about impeachment again.
You've got a website.
What do people do there?
How do they get involved?
Because we need to put...
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But what we do have being printed right now, Is the real Trump mugshot Never Surrender t-shirt.
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We have a lot of supplements.
We have this thing we call the Plandemic Pack.
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America, be prepared.
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Do not be scared, be prepared.
That's all I'm saying.
DrStellaMD.com folks.
Promo code Alex.
Got it.
Promo code Alex.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You can get this very easily from me.
It's going to click for you real fast.
Joe Biden is the best intelligence asset they have.
You can't get a better one.
You can't get a better president for the intelligence community than Joe Biden.
Do you want to know why?
Think about it.
He's completely controlled.
This is a man that was a Catholic that used to be against abortion.
Where is he at now?
He is for cutting the body parts off of children to change their gender.
Why is he this way?
Because he is controlled.
Why is he controlled?
Because he's a criminal.
And he's caught and they've told him, we'll protect you, we got you covered Joe, as long as you keep going down this trail.
So he gets all the blame and they hide behind him.
They don't want to get rid of Joe Biden.
He's the best.
Think about it like this.
Now, for the mass, the public, that doesn't really pay attention to politics, they don't know about the Hunter Biden laptop.
They barely, they might know about it a little bit, but they don't really know.
They see Joe Biden, he's innocent, sweet grandpa that stumbles his words every now and then, likes to get ice cream, and just wants to help America.
And he wants to help Ukraine.
That's how they see Joe Biden.
So they want to continue to keep that image of Joe Biden for the masses of people that are busy in their lives every single day.
Busy going to work, working two to three jobs, taking care of their children, maybe paying attention to sports, enjoying, just enjoying life, the great life we have as Americans.
They are not in tune to everything about Joe Biden and for For that issue alone, the best president that can exist in the White House, especially for the intelligence community, is Joe Biden.
They keep him looking innocent.
They protect him.
They allow him to stay in the White House.
They allow him to enjoy all the glory and they cover up his crimes as long as he's controlled.
He continues their foreign wars.
He continues to advance their Marxist agenda for America.
He's the perfect president.
He really is.
So as Donna Brazile and others admit that this is exploding Trump, as if they wouldn't know that would happen, what do they do as they get increasingly cornered?
Here's what they've done.
They've indicted President Trump too many times.
Think about it.
The more they indict him, the more they prove that all of this is political, and all of this is a lie.
And people pay attention more, and more, and more.
And the more people pay attention, they see it for exactly what it is, and it exposes everything they're doing.
And so the American people are rallying behind President Trump because under President Trump we had a $1.75 gasoline in November of 2020.
That's how much gas was in my hometown in Rome, Georgia in the election.
And you talked about this earlier.
We saw double black folks voting for Trump.
Usually 10% Republican, like 20-30% depending on the demographic.
Males, females.
Now it's just everywhere.
All the big rappers, all the big people going against the system.
They get it.
It's viral everywhere.
You live in Georgia.
I mean, it looks like they're losing the black vote.
I think Trump gets 50% now.
I think he will, but we have to pay attention to absentee ballot voter fraud.
Look at the case in Mississippi.
There's a Democrat in Mississippi.
Oh, I meant to play that video.
Explain that to them.
Yeah, so there's a Democrat in Mississippi.
He has the text messages.
He has the proof.
The absolute proof.
That his election was stolen with absentee ballot fraud.
They were coming in with thumb drives for the election machines.
They stole the election from him.
And he has the proof of it.
And he is yelling and screaming about it.
And we've known this is how they've always done it.
It has always been an issue.
Elections get stolen.
And Democrats even steal them from other Democrats.
It's not just Republicans they steal elections from.
It's absolutely against other Democrats.
Look at what happened to Bernie Sanders.
Hillary Clinton stole that election from Bernie Sanders.
So for President Trump to say my election was stolen, regular people are like, hell yeah it was!
Because everybody knows that we voted and elected him.
I'm not like a leftist that will overstate our position.
I'm seeing explosive awakening, like you think of any prominent talk show or figure, whether it's James Woods or Joe Rogan or Russell Brand or Tulsi Gabbards or R.F.K.
or people like Jimmy Dore.
They're all, Trump's great, the New World Order's bad, the globalists are evil, we're in a coup, screw the Democrats.
I mean, they've got hardcore liberals joining Trump.
This is huge.
It is huge.
But there's a lot of things that are happening that, you know, we don't talk about a lot on the news.
You've got five minutes left.
You're awesome.
You've got the floor.
Address that camera right there.
You tell them.
Okay, I'd love to.
You're hosting right now.
Okay, great.
Thank you, Alex.
Oh, thank you for being here.
Oh, my God.
So, here's something that I think is a major issue.
So, the Friday jobs report comes out.
1.2 million Americans.
And we have those graphics, guys.
Put them on screen.
Start over.
1.2 million Americans lost their jobs.
That was on Friday's jobs report.
But at the same time, over 600,000 foreigners, people from other countries, gained American jobs.
So put that into perspective.
1.2 million Americans lost their jobs, but we imported foreign workers and gave them American jobs.
And I want to talk about that, Alex, because this is what I see at home in my district, but it's happening all over the country.
So, tax credits.
We see state governments, we see county governments, but we see the federal government as well.
And the Biden administration has done this extensively, especially because of the Green New Deal.
They've given tax credits and given a lot of your hard-earned tax dollars to these foreign countries' businesses to bring them in to give Americans jobs.
Let me explain the danger of that for you.
So for example, you'll see maybe a battery company, because of course they love green energy, and they'll pay the battery company, they'll pay them by giving them free land, they'll give them tax credits to move in and build their site, build their manufacturing plant.
They'll bring them in and they'll help them get completely set up.
They'll even spend money, like in Georgia, they have a job training program.
That they will train workers for these companies that they bring into Georgia.
So that's paid for by Georgia taxpayers, which is so insulting.
And here's why it's insulting.
When a foreign country's business gets to move into, say, my state or my district or your state or somewhere around where you live, and they get the help from the federal government and the state government to move there with tax dollars, They are directly competing with the existing businesses that are already there.
And here's how they're competing.
We have a worker shortage in America.
We don't have enough workers on every level.
That goes from doctors, pilots, nurses, construction workers, plumbers, linemen, you name it.
Truck drivers.
We do not have enough workers in America.
So our government pays these foreign countries to bring their businesses into our country and then these foreign country businesses get set up and they steal workers away from the existing American companies.
That is the big problem that's happening right now.
So we're seeing job reports where we're seeing 1.2 million Americans lose their jobs.
Because of Bidenomics.
Bidenomics is destroying our economy.
It's destroying small businesses.
It's destroying many ways for people to keep up.
And so you see these American companies failing and faltering, and Americans are losing their jobs.
But guess what?
It's because of an unfair playing field.
That's right.
But think about how bad it is.
So I have the flooring industry in Dalton, Georgia.
It is a massive... And by the way, you're not talking out of your patootie here.
You're a very successful business lady on your own right.
That's right.
I've run a construction company for over 25 years.
I've been in business for a long time.
Here's what's happening.
So we have these massive flooring companies.
I'm talking about some of the biggest in the world are in Dalton, Georgia.
Well, we have Joe Biden bragging because he funded a solar panel company to be able to expand and build another manufacturing plant.
And they've also funded other companies to move into my district.
Well, guess what's happening?
This battery production plant, the solar, these are... I even saw their brainwashing employees into communism at the meetings.
Well, let me tell you what they do.
There aren't enough workers.
There aren't enough workers, Alex.
So they are stealing workers from the flooring companies' manufacturing plants.
They're stealing workers from other companies.
And no one can keep workers.
The people just aren't there.
So you know what they're doing?
They're importing them from overseas.
So in my district, they're bringing in thousands of foreign workers because they don't have enough labor.
Unfortunately, we're out of time.
Anytime you want the show, you can host it or take over.
You are awesome.
In closing, what do we do about this?
What we do about it is we have to fight like hell to fight for America First policies.
We get President Trump back in the White House.
You guys go to impeachmentteam.com.
We're going to impeach Joe Biden and we're going to, we are going to painfully, painfully make him go through this.
And that's why they're so scared because administratively, legally, we can end all this very quickly.
Could we end it right now?
No, but we had Trump in.
Oh, if we had Trump in, none of this would be happening.
That's why we want him back.
Well, what an amazing time.
Thank you for coming in studio and spending part of your weekend with us.
We can't wait to hear back in Congress in a week or so.
Can't wait to get dinner with you and just the great folks from Right Side Broadcasting are here.
So we are really excited.
MTG, other websites people should visit?
Oh, you can go to mtg4america.com.
I always appreciate your help.
Thank you.
MTG is our future president, and she is the lady we need to back.
Owen Troyer takes over in two minutes with Sunday Night Live.
Spread the word, we love you.
MTG, thank you so much.
Thank you.
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