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Name: 20230831_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 31, 2023
3106 lines.

This transcript discusses various topics such as COVID-19, political issues, conspiracy theories, and product promotions through interviews with Roger Stone and Alex Jones. The conversation covers subjects like the deep state's intentions, weaponization of social media against conservatives, possible rigging of the next election, threats to Trump and his family, justice, perseverance in the face of adversity, political action, support for Trump, and prayer for his safety. Various products available on InfowarsStore.com such as colloidal silver, fish oil, krill oil, coffee, bone broth, and turmeric formula are also promoted throughout the passage.

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But on the issue of the assassination of Trump, what does Tucker say to Trump?
What does he say to you?
What did I say months ago on Patrick, Bet, David and all the other shows?
The first to raise the alarm.
The first to be attacked on national news.
I said the next step on the trajectory, with all the fake impeachments and the indictments and only making more popular, is to kill Trump.
And the national news went Jones is crazy months ago, back in June.
He says the next move will be to kill Trump.
Well, why does he have Secret Service?
Of course, any president's a target.
Any former president.
But the whole system's after him.
What'd they do to MLK and RFK and JFK?
And Woodrow Wilson after he woke up to them.
And the list goes on and on.
And they tried to kill Teddy Roosevelt.
Shot him in the chest.
He had a Bible.
Deflected half the bullet, finished the speech.
That's a tough son of a bitch.
What was he doing?
Breaking up the Rockefeller Trust.
So we know history repeats, we know where we are, and it's obvious that's the next move in the chain.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, August 31st.
This is gonna be one hell of a broadcast.
The globalists are crapping their pedophile britches.
Tomorrow's news.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. InfoWars.com.
My judge, what is the secret of the universe?
This is Alexander Soros.
Whatever you do, don't go to InfoWars.com/show.
It sucks. Yeah, yeah.
This is one of my thoughts about what?
Running for re-election in 2026.
That's true.
Running for re-election in 2026.
I see you.
What are your orders, Master?
McConnell deserves you.
Somebody else have a question, please speak up.
Discover a wide variety of products at InfoWarsTore.com.
From shirts, books, hats, survival gear... In the year 2023.
On the date of August 31st, the forces of humanity were under globalist assault.
But across the world, from nation to shining seas, humanity was beginning to awaken and rally to the threat.
An epic time to be alive.
The crossroads of the destiny of humanity.
We are here.
All right, folks.
Big developments.
Trump is super on fire.
Came out against the poison shots and the lockdowns and garbage yesterday.
He's coming all the way.
Roger Stone's going to do a deep dive with us and take your phone calls in the second hour today, a full hour.
Roger Stone.
Tucker Carlson is on fire.
I agree with him.
The main threat's not new lockdowns and COVID.
That's a side dish.
Like the baked potato fully loaded.
The 30 ounce poison ribeye is full war with Russia.
So Tucker did a great Adam Carolla interview.
We're going to be dealing with that and going through that.
We have massive news on the economy.
Huge news on Bill Gates saying we need to cut all the trees down to save the earth.
I'm not joking, there's actual video.
Almost as crazy as you're going to eat the bugs.
Actually crazier.
We're going to be hitting all of that today.
There is just so much we're going to be laying out.
And as I said, we're also going to have open phones.
But there's another big tidbit that came out yesterday that I didn't make a big enough deal about.
Rudolph Giuliani has been defaulted by a judge for questioning what happened In Georgia, with the lockdown and kicking everybody out and the rest of it.
And they said, give us in the discovery all these things that didn't exist.
So he said, that doesn't exist.
And the judge defaulted and said, you're guilty.
Remember, you're innocent until proven guilty, criminally or civilly, but they have this little used thing.
If you didn't show up ever for trial or ran out of the country, they could default you.
And then they have a trial on how guilty you are.
So it's guilty until proven how guilty.
And CNN, MSNBC, they're all saying, this is the answer.
We're going to sue all the Republicans in key jurisdictions and find them guilty.
Everybody asked how I took that.
I said, well, you're next.
I mean, everything they test on me is going to be used on you next.
I've learned, like, I am the first guy they test this crap on.
So this is serious business.
Alright, we're gonna come right back.
It's one hell of a transmission lined up today.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Don't act so surprised, Globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Join Bandot Video, and I will complete your training.
Together, we can overthrow the Emperor and restore the Republic.
Go to hell, New World Order.
Protect us.
We, uh, ran into some old friends.
Is your boy alright?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit infowars.com forward slash show now.
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is going to be a real short trip.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show today.
Stay in attack formation.
It's Thursday, August 31st, 2023.
Well, I know the inside baseball on the clip you're about to see.
And it's not just about knowing the inside baseball to be, oh, hoity-toity.
It's about letting you know why I know Trump's real.
A real pig-headed guy sometimes, but he hates the globalists, he loves America, he's fighting them, you see how much they hate him.
Well, Roger Stone joins us in the next hour, a full deep dive on the world and what's happening, and the crisis this country is as the deep state tries to complete its permanent coup over our nation.
But it's been put in front of Trump a lot that the lockdowns and the shots and all the garbage is wrong.
And he came out against a lot of it in the middle of his administration when all this broke loose, but he went along with some of it.
Now he's come out against it.
And that's a good thing because even though it's super unpopular, the average billionaire doubled their profits during the COVID tyranny.
The globalists want their global UN treaty.
And so, They really are trying to relaunch it.
This morning, and it'll air tomorrow at noon central, will be posted at the Mug Club, larrywithacrowder.com.
I went out with Steven's permission and did a change my mind.
And we were out there for over an hour on the pedestrian bridge.
It's a beautiful, big, wide, You know, 60, 70 foot wide, beautiful bridge.
By beautiful, it's got all these plants and trees and really nice benches.
I mean, it's a world-class project, built many years ago.
And I thought we should go there and do a... Changed my mind.
And we were there.
We got there at 8 a.m.
And by 9.15, I'm like, well, it's time to go.
95% of the people that came by said thumbs up, we love you Alex, you're absolutely right, screw Fauci, screw Bill Gates, black, white, Hispanic, old, young, you name it.
Asian, Indian, everybody was out there.
But about of the hundreds that went by, maybe 15 people, almost all white women, a few were I couldn't tell, you know, Hispanic women are, you know, beautiful, they were pretty.
Darker skinned women, but they weren't black.
But mainly white women.
I'd say ten white women and maybe five other women.
And then, this is interesting demographics, and then one older guy said, F you, go to hell, we should take all the shots, we want masks back.
And we have the raw footage.
We have, from three cameras, like an hour and 20 minutes or so we were out there.
People coming by, and it was just 95% love.
I'd say 200, 300 people.
I mean, we have to go count it.
Maybe the video's being put together right now.
Maybe you have a ding, ding, ding, ding.
Everybody said, you're right.
Screw masks.
Screw new shots.
Most people didn't come over to the table.
They just saw the sign and said, yeah, Alex, we love you.
Screw them.
We don't want more lockdowns.
We don't want more mandates.
Yeah, we want Fauci in jail.
I'd say, time to put Fauci in jail, and they'd say, yeah, we agree.
But about 15 people or so would come by and start flipping me off, saying, more shots, yeah, we want them.
What a group of Stockholm Syndrome idiots.
So, that's going to premiere tomorrow at jonescrowder.com.
Anybody that's a member of Mug Club, just use promo code ALEX to get a free month and it also funds our operations.
If you want to support us, go to jonescrowder.com and sign up with promo code ALEX right now.
You don't just get my show, Steve and Crowder's, a bunch of other shows.
You're helping fund us, build a new infrastructure with reporters and crew to do so much more on the street.
PowerPoint, special events, you name it.
But we'll have some excerpts of that for you as well tomorrow.
We'll probably just put it out pretty much raw, interspersed with the last three and a half years of tyranny, as a review of what we've all just gone through.
So this is going to be a really powerful report, and the good news is we're not being caught flat-footed, where they're just going to roll out incrementally the mask, and then the shot mandate, and then close the schools, as they're doing now in many parts of the country, weeks after I told you it was coming.
But because we weren't caught flat-footed, all of us together have nailed it.
So, two weeks ago, you listened, you got excited, you shared the article, you shared the video, you shared the report.
It went mega-viral.
The Globalists still rolled out their operation to implement this again, and it blew up their face because you took action.
So, the whistleblower gets the credit, you get the credit, the crew gets the credit.
I'm just the focal point, and I'm very blessed to be here.
Congratulations, as they say.
So, let's go ahead and go to this clip.
This is Trump yesterday on the attempts to bring back the COVID tyranny.
Here it is.
The left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming.
Gee whiz, you know what else is coming?
An election.
They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship,
more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their
political allies heading into the 2024 election.
Does that sound familiar?
These are bad people.
These are sick people we're dealing with.
But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words.
We will not comply.
So don't even think about it.
We will not shut down our schools.
We will not accept your lockdowns.
We will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.
They rigged the 2020 election, and now they're trying to do the same thing all over again by rigging the most important election in the history of our country, the 2024 election, even if it means trying to bring back COVID.
But they will fail because we will not let it happen.
When I'm back in the White House, I will use every available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate.
Thank you very much.
Man, that's a Ric Flair moment.
Show, it's on like Donkey Kong.
All right, we're going to go to break and come back because Tucker Carlson is smart as a whip and as sharp as a tack.
And now that he gets how things work and is not being naive and putting that blanket on his mind to block his instincts, he's on target.
I agree with him that the big enchilada is not the mask and it's not the new mandates.
That's big.
Like I said earlier, the side dish is the fully loaded baked potato of poison.
That's the cupboard rollout.
The 35, 40 ounce or 50 ounce porterhouse, getting hungry, this is poison though, is war with Russia, which is already in full tilt boogie.
In fact, if Carlson's wrong about anything, he's saying we'll be in a hot war in a year.
Sweetheart, we're already in a hot war, but an even hotter war.
Like the stove is on 60%, they're about to go to 100%, and that is their big October surprise.
Meanwhile, the average globalist leader, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, all of them can hardly even talk.
But look at Mitch McConnell and Fetterman and that idiot, pedo, Chai Com agent, Obama's minion, Biden.
As negative as a lot of things are, I'm just extremely proud of humanity.
I'm proud of you, because I instinctively, at a spiritual level, have been betting on you, because I believe in you.
I believe in myself.
You know, I've told stories here on air about my earlier life before I was a public figure, and the media makes fun of it, they make jokes about it, but it's all true.
Because everything else you've seen we've done together has been fantastical.
Because truth is stranger than fiction.
And all the success I've had and the attacks I've been under since I was a child was because the devil isn't omnipresent.
But the devil has long-range understanding and knew God had something special planned for me.
And God has a destiny for you as well that's special.
And that's why you've been through trials.
tribulations but realize that we are in this infinite universe that is just a
spark in God's mind and that all these attacks are just preparing us for the
next level and that God is in control and in that he will find the secret to
the universe in my humble researched documented opinion okay so they're
trying can't blame them They got power, killed a bunch of people, sterilized a bunch of people, shut down the third world, flooded us, doubled their profits, setting up a world UN treaty, taking over our bodies.
Yeah, it caused major opposition, but they gave us about a year off, halfway, now they're back.
But I agree with Tucker Carlson that that's the last attack, for now, with the bioweapon.
More is coming.
And that this, but in the future, but that this is a major echo or reverberation of the attack we've been under for three and a half years.
And that war with Russia to trifecta, expanded hot war with Russia, false flag stage terror attacks,
I'm doing a whole special Saturday live show on, economic collapse, race war,
and then they've got the virus and the fear there's the sub-issue.
But if we're conscious of how the enemy rolls, what are they going to do?
I mean, imagine.
For an hour and 20 minutes, I went and got in the middle of the hiking bike trail in downtown Austin, with the Colorado River going right through the middle of it, on the pedestrian bridge, And sat there, and 200-300 people, I mean I didn't count, it was hundreds, gave us thumbs up and said, you're right.
And about 15 said, screw you, go to hell.
Shut up.
Or came by and told folks that were talking to us, don't talk to us.
That's a real on-the-ground sample of what's going on.
In what is they call the new California here.
Austin, Texas.
People ask Californians that have been there for generations, why haven't you left?
Well, it's where they're from.
It's their state.
I get why they stay.
I gotta get out of this town, because the jurisdiction is totally controlled.
You saw them default Giuliani, no trial, judge found him guilty.
You're like, what?
Judge found him guilty?
That's the new way, folks.
So, it's serious.
These globalists mean business.
Tucker Carlson's been on fire for about ten years.
He's really been double on fire for about five.
Now he's quadruple on fire.
And people say, well, where's Tucker on your show?
Or where are you on his?
All in good time.
He's doing his big interviews, establishing his show then.
That doesn't matter.
Because Tucker Carlson knows the truth, so we don't need Alex Jones on there to say it.
But that'll come very soon.
It already happened if we wanted it to.
But the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
Now, let's go to this first Tucker clip.
Tucker Carlson, the ruling elites will launch a hot war between the US and Russia in the next year in order to assume war powers to maintain control.
They're testing the nuclear attack program next week.
In another month they're going to have a EAS, National Emergency Alert takeover drill.
Every device that's hooked into the internet from your car to your quote smartphone to your desktop is going to be taken over by them.
And if anything Tucker says is not completely accurate, I'd say it's 99%, not that I'm the arbiter of truth, but we're already in a hot war.
troops have been there for eight years.
the Ukrainians are losing, now they're sending F-16s, but he's absolutely right about the
fact that we're already in a hot war.
He says a hot war is coming.
We're already in a hot war.
It's going to get a lot hotter.
So listen to his words because this is important.
You know, here's my view of it.
I think the lies are unsustainable.
Lying is always unsustainable.
You're always found out in the end, whether in your lifetime or posthumously.
But your lies are always revealed by their nature.
These lies are so big and so obvious and so stupid that it's going to be very clear to the majority of voters before the election that the Biden administration has no idea what it's doing, that Joe Biden is not running the government and that it's not working at all.
And I think by that point, we're going to have a real economic contraction.
I think we're going to be in the teeth of a very tough recession, and that makes everything much more intense.
And so if your goal is to maintain power, and if you think once you relinquish power, the problem with criminalizing politics is the people who do it imagine or know that it will be done to them.
So once you start indicting your political opponents, you know that you have to win or else they're going to indict you if they win.
And so they can't lose.
They will do anything to win.
So how do they do that?
They're not going to do COVID again.
I know everyone on the right's afraid they're going to do COVID and mask mandate.
They're not going to do that.
They can't do that.
If they've already been exposed, that won't work.
There's going to be... No.
What are they going to do?
They're going to go to war with Russia.
That's what they're going to do.
There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in the next year.
Yes, of course.
They want it anyway.
I don't think we'll win it, but that's a separate analysis.
But I think it's a political matter.
They need to declare war footing in order to assume war powers in order to win.
I believe that.
And I think the evidence suggests that's true.
So if you're worried about our politics getting even more vicious, Then it already is.
And people being hurt in our politics, which is entirely possible, you should be worried about the prospect of an open war.
We're already at war with Russia, of course.
We're funding their enemies.
So we're fighting Russia.
But I mean, an open battle with Russia, where we say we're at war with Russia.
I think that could easily happen.
You know, I think we could, Tom can gulf our way into it, where all of a sudden missiles land in Poland, the Russians did it, our NATO ally's been attacked, we're going to war.
I can see that happening very easily.
So if you're worried about that, you need to put as much pressure as you possibly can on the Republican-held Senate.
When they said Trump couldn't stop the war, the U.S.
The United States could force a peace in Ukraine tonight.
We're funding one side.
There is no Ukrainian army outside of NATO.
If NATO withdrew its support for Ukraine, Ukraine would crumble in a day.
So we are the only power in the world that can bring both sides to the table to
force a peace, which will be unsatisfactory.
When they said Trump couldn't stop the war, the U.S.
is running the war.
So this is disastrous.
This is so dangerous.
And you look at the global thrilling elite, the Feinsteins and the Petermans and the Bidens and the McConnells, they can't even talk.
I mean, this is the stuff of destruction.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
While the mainstream media lies to you about the news unfolding today, we tell you the truth about what's coming next.
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Okay, I want to be very clear here because this is a fine point that's connected absolutely to victory against the enemy.
And I'm very blessed and honored for this crew and the listeners and the family here and the 29 years on air that now the leaders of Europe are listening, the leaders of North America are listening, the leaders of Latin America are listening, the leaders in Africa, Asia, Asia, Middle East are listening.
That's a fact.
We have now, thanks to all of our work together and God's blessing, reached a really important point.
So I don't want to just sit here and play profound Tucker Carlson clips and say, oh, he's right about this.
Why is he not just right about the information, but what is more important in that?
Understanding how the enemy operates.
And not that I'm a great pool player, but I like to watch it on TV and understand how the masters do English, where they can hit a ball and have it spin around another ball and hit the other ball into the pocket.
You can't just take on agendas piecemeal like, oh, the agenda to sexualize children, or the agenda to transhuman them and sterilize them, or the fentanyl, or the open border, or the attack on the family.
You have to understand who runs the agenda and what do they actually say in their white papers about what their agenda is.
When Tucker gets up on air with Trump a few weeks ago, and again yesterday with Adam Carolla, And it reaches 100 million people.
There's so many layers to that.
The mainstream media is dead because they censored him.
He's seen as a truth beacon, which he is, which makes him bigger.
So instead of just giving up or being a failure, he thinks, or taking the Vox payout, he fights back so he gets stronger.
There's a lesson there.
To all of us, to myself.
And sure, we've already lived that lesson, but we're going to live it again and know that it's even more affirmed.
But on the issue of the assassination of Trump, what does Tucker say to Trump?
What does he say to you?
What did I say months ago on Patrick, Bet, David and all the other shows?
The first to raise the alarm.
The first to be attacked on national news.
I said the next step on the trajectory, with all the fake impeachments and the indictments and only making more popular, is to kill Trump.
And the national news went Jones is crazy months ago, back in June.
He says the next move will be to kill Trump.
Well, why does he have Secret Service?
Of course any president's a target.
Any former president.
But the whole system's after him.
What'd they do to MLK and RFK and JFK?
And Woodrow Wilson after he woke up to them.
And the list goes on and on.
And they tried to kill Teddy Roosevelt.
Shot him in the chest.
He had a Bible.
Deflected half the bullet, finished the speech.
That's a tough son of a bitch.
What was he doing?
Breaking up the Rockefeller Trust.
So we know history repeats, we know where we are, and it's obvious that's the next move in the chain, in the acceleration, in the escalation.
But more importantly, to go beyond Tucker, And beyond what I said in June, you don't just kill Trump.
I am predicting.
And I predicted more lockdowns than COVID will allow, which they're trying, because
It wasn't a prediction.
I said it so we could stop it, because they're going to try it, which they did.
So it doesn't mean it's going to happen.
I'm not saying Trump will be assassinated.
I'm not wishing that.
I'm not prophesying that.
I'm not a prophet.
I'm a researcher.
I'm an analyst.
But what else will they do if they kill Trump?
Which I think they're going to try.
I mean, I feel like I'm going to be proven right.
They'll probably kill him.
Blow his plane up, I think is the best way to do it.
Or they'll poison him so he has a heart attack.
They may just shoot him in broad daylight.
And I don't say it to be negative or mean or anything.
It's Trump knows that.
He's very federalistic.
He signed on.
He gets it.
He says it must be done.
Do what must be done, Trump.
They're not going to stop.
We can't stop.
They have a date with destiny.
But what else are they going to do?
I think they kill Biden first.
They'll kill Biden first.
A white supremacist will detonate a truck bomb at a Biden event while he's on vacation or while he's on the campaign trail.
I'm not sure when.
Of course, it won't be a truck bomb that does it.
That'll be the diversion.
Just like Oklahoma City, they repeat the same thing over and over again.
Because they want control.
They want a diversion.
So they'll shoot or truck bomb Biden to make him a victim, to cover up all the corruption he did, to bring in martial law basically.
And within one week, as a retaliation, they'll claim by some unknown group, President Trump will be killed.
Maybe they'll say it's the Iranians.
Maybe they'll say the Russians did it to get rid of their asset, which of course is preposterous.
But that's when I really pull back, look at all the pieces, and it's not a guesstimation, but you still have to dead reckon.
You look at it and you say, what would you do if you were the new world order?
And we're in the season of war, the season of collapse, the season of civil war, the season of race war, the season of pedophilia, the season of evil out in the open.
The season of global treaties and UN taking over our bodies.
What would they do?
And they will assassinate Biden.
And then they will assassinate Trump.
Or they could flip it.
But my discernment says they kill Biden first, which we do not support.
I think it's terrible.
It turns into a martyr.
We pray for Biden.
His bodily autonomy.
His bodily health.
But they can flip it.
They can kill Trump first, and then say as a retaliation, Biden's killed, and maybe they'll do that, actually.
But the point is, they're not even sure of themselves.
They've got everything set up, though.
You can better believe your bottom dollar.
And so that's where we are right now and they can't stand the fact we're on air discussing it.
They can't stand the fact we're on air getting people to think about it so we don't just receive the propaganda and the brainwashing off the event that they launched.
So let's do this.
Let's hear Tucker Carlson yesterday talking about Trump being assassinated.
After impeachment, indictments and slander campaign have failed.
And let's go to a clip because there's a whole bunch of these they gave me.
I asked for a few. They gave me like four of them.
Let's play a short clip of myself, June 25th.
First to talk about it tomorrow's news today.
I'm Patrick Bett-Damon show here they are back to back.
What do you think the future holds?
Is it?
I don't know.
I mean, are they going to let Trump be president?
Of course.
I mean, look, if, you know, they protested him, they called him names.
He won anyway.
They impeached him twice on ridiculous pretenses.
They fabricated a lot about what happened on January 6th in order to impeach him again.
It didn't work.
He came back, then they indicted him.
It didn't work.
He became more popular.
Then they indicted him three more times, and every single time his popularity rose.
So if you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work, what's next?
I mean, you know, graph it out, man.
We're speeding toward assassination, obviously.
And no one will say that, but I don't know how you can't reach that conclusion.
You know what I mean?
Like, they have decided, Permanent Washington, both parties have decided that there's something about Trump that's so threatening to them, they just can't have him.
I mean, they're putting him on trial in March of next year in the J6 case.
Which basically consists of trying to send him to prison for the rest of his life for complaining about the last election.
That's literally what it is.
Again, if this were happening in Moldova, the State Department would issue an all-hands-on-deck order to let the world know this is not a legitimate...
government. And yet our government is doing it. It's like it's it's really it's hard to overstate
how bad this is. And I'm not I don't I don't know where it's going. But there's a collision
that's clearly imminent. And by the way, the president is senile in a way that's impossible
to deny. Biden is not running the government, you know, so like, I don't know. I've never been this
worried about anything as I am about where this is going.
Are they going to succeed to prevent him from running? I mean, they're succeeding in a civil war
right now in Russia.
I mean, yeah, the global's hijacked the most powerful country in the world with all our ingenuity and all our money and all our power, and the world's in deep trouble.
And again, it's not like I'm saying China or Russia are good either.
It's just a monstrous situation.
And if people don't get serious and get out of their comfort zones, yeah, I think they're going to demonize him and dot him and dot him and dot him and dot him.
And then I think they'll blow his airplane up.
I really, at a gut level, believe they're going to kill Trump.
Who's this?
I mean, I believe the deep state establishment will murder him.
I mean, I believe he's going to steadfast go through all this.
He'll be 30 points ahead in the primaries.
Nothing's going to stop him.
And then they just, you know, he dies of a heart attack or they poison him or they blow his airplane up.
And Trump, by the way, has talked to Roger and others and said, I'm ready to die, I'm committed, I'm going all the way.
You think if they, you know, you're saying they're going to do that, they would have already done it?
Like, why haven't they already done it?
Because that turns him into a martyr and they'd rather assassinate the person.
They saw what JFK did to him.
I mean, this will be 50.
I mean, look, they are not, the higher ups and some of their smarter ones are not stupid.
They're like, if we kill him, it'll cause way bigger problems down the road.
Don't do it.
But, before they let him get in charge and prosecute him, which Trump said he will, he goes, I'm getting in, I'll be destroyed, and you'll be destroyed with me, or they'll be destroyed.
It's a death battle.
This isn't like some cage fight with Zuckerberg, and everybody's like, oh, Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, biggest thing ever.
Yeah, great.
Two modern emperors, tech titans.
When Rome was collapsing, they had emperors as gladiators.
The movie Gladiators, actually, again, a composite of a bunch of true stories.
That really happened.
And the whole point is, while we're all watching this stupid stuff in the submarine and the gladiators, literally, the president who, I believe, won the election.
I'm not supposed to say that.
Oh, he barely lost.
Trump, now to have them put him in jail so he can't vote for him or whatever.
It's just not going to fly.
It's not going to happen.
And so, but at the same time, you saw what Comey and others said on TV.
Well, whatever we do, we got to stop him.
He can't be allowed in because he'll put us in prison.
And remember, you can pull this clip up, Biden said, Last December, like December 13th, I played the clip last week on my show, he said repeatedly, Biden says we will not allow Trump to be president again.
And he says, we'll use whatever we have to with law enforcement, the constitution to make sure he's not president.
And he just laughs arrogantly.
He's like, People are like, hey, what about Hunter?
He's like, ha ha ha!
You know, it's just, it's lunacy.
But time's running out.
So they still have the power.
They're still the executive in control.
So if you're the guy with the doomsday button and you can hit it, you think you win, but you blow yourself up at the same time.
So they've already destroyed themselves.
The only question is can they take us with them?
Go to hell, New World Order!
We're coming for you.
We are as all friends.
Is she alright?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com forward slash show now.
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is gonna be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
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Visit Infowars.com/show today.
So, we are tomorrow's news today.
Roger Stone joins us next hour.
We're going to cover the waterfront and all the incredible developments that are unfolding.
He's obviously quarterbacking with Trump.
So now they're all over the news.
Indict Roger Stone because they don't want him advising Trump.
And I'll leave it at that.
But Trump is completely on board now and is going to be going after Fauci and others next.
Word is, I heard from some people, he's going to do what we've asked him to do, and the right thing, and say, I was lied to, these people are all criminals.
See, they pushed him into a corner, and that's why this is so explosive.
Hell, they could kill Trump tomorrow.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
We've never been in a position like this.
We've never been in waters like this.
When I tell listeners, you better say your prayers at night, and you better say them in the morning and at noon, I'm doing it myself.
I mean, do you need me to tell you how crazy stuff is?
Do you need me to tell you how wild stuff is right now?
I don't think you need me to tell you.
I think you know.
You're living through history.
Our country has been hijacked.
I mean, I sit back and see the insurance actuary numbers.
Those are super accurate, worldwide.
Every country took these COVID shots.
40 plus percent death increase, on average.
Some groups are over 100 percent death, depending on the age.
I mean, they literally cooked this up.
They knew they gave it to rats.
Obama ran this.
In the mid-2014-15, they moved it to Wuhan, and they released a virus that infects you and makes you sick at first, but like HIV, starts destroying your body.
And in the shots, ten times worse, I would guesstimate, of the same thing.
I mean, like, whoa!
And I see my enemies laugh at me and attack me and persecute my family, and these judges laugh at me, and I'm like, do you think you dumb bastards got a pass?
They're such schmucks!
They're so controlled, they go out and take the shots themselves and get sick and get cancer and die.
It's like it's why it's so freaky, because I'm not even the minions of the system's enemy.
I want them to have prosperity and freedom and security.
And I know I'm right.
And Yeah, there's a spin.
Oh, they fast-tracked it.
No animal testing.
They did all the animal testing under other mRNA tests.
They knew exactly.
That's why the famous FDA October 2000 report, public, on the website right now, said, we predict myocarditis, heart attacks, blood clots, strokes.
And I'm down there in downtown today with hundreds of people going by me every 10 minutes On the hike and bike trail.
And most people were awake and said, screw the mask, screw new shots.
But at least 15 people said, F you, we want more shots.
Doesn't protect you, massively causes problems.
And they think I'm the enemy, not big, crazy Pharma and Pfizer that's paid the biggest fines in history.
It's the Darwin Awards.
But the good news is, we were there and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people went by us.
I mean, I'd say probably a thousand people went by us in an hour and 20 minutes.
I'd say 70% just didn't respond, they all had earbuds in.
But of the people that responded, 200, 300.
Thumbs up, yeah, you're right.
50 or 60 came over to the table, said, you're right, talk to us.
And about 15 people said, screw you, F Alex Jones.
And then come over and people talk to me, oh, don't talk to him!
As they cling to the line, I'd say to them, well, why aren't you wearing your mask then, buckaroo?
Mr. Hero?
Wow, what a time to be alive.
Okay, we've covered three of the stacks.
I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 stacks.
And more stuff's going up on InfoWars.com right now.
The crew's bringing me.
I'm going to do my dead best to get to most of this in the hours that are left of the broadcast.
I mean the crime is just off the chart.
And the pedophilia, and state governments announcing we're going to take your kids and force transition.
I mean, we're in the hands of a wicked group of lunatics.
This is what happens when good people don't maintain control of civilization through free will and through communication.
We let the worst take control, and then we wonder in history, you read history and you're like, God, that's crazy.
Why'd they do that?
Or why'd they enslave that group?
Or why did the, why did, here's an example of a well-known one, but it's happened thousands of times in history that are on record.
Why did Ramses the first say I want every first born Jew killed?
For population control.
That's not just in the Talmud, which they've proven super accurate, they dig up everything the Jews said happened all over the Middle East.
It's on the hieroglyphs that Ramses I said, I want every first born male Jew killed next week.
And they went in with swords and stabbed their asses.
Up to 15 years old.
And you read that and you go, why would the Pharaoh just order all the firstborn males killed?
Well, here they just cut their penises off and put them on Prozac.
Or try to abort because they understand you don't want firstborns because firstborns get transmitted the Hereditary paternal and maternal instincts stronger than everybody else.
And I'm not knocking people who aren't firstborn, but it's well known that all the astronauts are firstborn.
They just, for some reason, pass all the tests, get everything done, for whatever reason, handle stress better, because they're given the transference of a larger instinctive Epigenetic imprint.
And that's why the globalists are bombing our children.
And some are Christian, and some are Jews, and some are white, and some are black, and some are Muslim.
But the point is, is that our children hold the seeds of our victory and our future, and the enemy is threatened by those children, and they see those children as the potential pool of spiritual, cultural, economic resources Well, we're waiting for some Messiah to come save us, and the Messiah will come, first the false Messiah, but the real Savior is in our children, and us raising them up and leading them to the light.
What's that song by the Highwaymen?
I forget the name.
I'm gonna live forever, I'm gonna cross that river, I'm gonna see tomorrow now.
What is that song by the Highwaymen?
Try to find it.
It's in the computer.
I want to play it.
Start the next segment.
Search Engine Highwaymen.
I'm gonna cross that river.
I'm gonna see tomorrow now.
That's where we are.
Please, as we got a break before Roger Stone comes on, understand we're doing the epic work here.
We have, by the grace of God, the victory here in our hands.
We are the future.
We have the template.
We have the decoding system.
We understand how to defeat the enemy.
We have the direct connection.
All of us do, but this is a well of it.
This is a fulcrum, a focal point, a burning bright star of resistance.
And I need your support.
And I need your word of mouth.
I need your prayer.
And I need you to get things you need.
I need you.
It's up to you to make the decision to get 95% curcuminoid, the strongest tumor out there that does incredible things for your immune system, your neurological systems, your joints, your bones, inflammation, antioxidants, the best there is, bodies, ultimate tumor formula back in stock.
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We've got all these fluoride-free essential oil, three different toothpaste, the turmeric and the tooth whitening and the activated charcoal.
And we've got all of it at InfoWarsTore.com and it funds this operation.
And it gives you something you need to empower yourself and your family.
Infowarstore.com, Bodies Ultimate Turmeric Formula back in stock.
And if you want to support infrastructure and new reporters and new crew and us in the field like you're about to see tomorrow, and us at all the major events and the board and everywhere, it's up to you.
You build it, we will come.
You have to build it with your support.
Go to JonesCrowder.com.
Sign up for a year.
Get a free month with promo code Alex at JonesCrowder.com.
And not just the new show I do weekly, but all the other shows.
Crowder's extra shows, all their subscription shows, all their comedy shows, live feeds of their comedy events, everything at jonescrowder.com.
Promo code Alex.
You want to support?
You want to fight?
Well, this is where you do it at jonescrowder.com.
Promo code Alex to get a free month.
It's up to you.
The ball's in your court.
We'll come back with our number two straight ahead.
I need financing to fight the globalist.
Plus, we've got great products you need.
These are historic.
They're one of a kind.
We sold out of Alex Jones for President shirt.
Told you, these are all limited editions now.
And we have a few of the Political Prisoner original mugshot, which is not the real mugshot, that you can get at infowarestore.com for $17.76.
But what we do have being printed right now, Is the real Trump mugshot Never Surrender t-shirt.
And on the front says Trump 2024.
On the back it says Never Surrender.
That's what he said yesterday.
So Trump 2024 in black and white and in gold with Never Surrender on the back.
And that's a designer shirt ladies and gentlemen.
High quality fabric.
High quality printing.
So when we're selling these for $17.76 we paid like 15 bucks for these.
So we're just selling that one almost at cost.
It's almost gone.
So the original limited edition political prisoner shirt that is not the accurate mug shot,
something we came up with, when they were originally gonna do it, didn't.
Then we now have the real mug shot.
And if you want those, they're being printed right now.
Anybody tells you you've got the shirt, and it isn't a two week wait, is full of it.
We put the order in this morning.
They'll be done in about a week and a half.
They're making them right here in Texas.
They'll be shipping out.
So get your orders in now, to get a piece of history, Trump 2024 in black and white,
the real mug shot, never surrender on the back, Infowars.com.
And we have the gold one as well.
I think the gold will be the most popular, but we will see.
All three shirts now available.
The original, ready to ship.
Limited edition, about to sell out.
And we also have a flash sale of X3.
Limited supply came in.
And Vitamineral Fusion.
Both are selling out very, very quickly.
But despite that, they're 40% off.
That's what financed this operation.
I want to thank you all for your support.
All right, folks.
We're gonna live forever.
We're gonna cross that river.
We're going to reach tomorrow now.
And perfect time that I actually played that song, because it maybe happens once a month,
is we don't have pro equipment that costs $5 million.
We have pro simmers that cost hundreds of thousands.
Our computer system has crashed.
So while we figure that out, we're going to get Roger Stone on with us to the deep dives.
So call everybody you know, tell them tune in right now because this is important stuff.
The Republic is in an incredibly deep crisis right now.
Look at that, HDMI 1.3 no signal source.
We need some of those big donors out there to help us out a little bit and everything else.
All right, so we're going to go to break, like I said, with Roger Stone here.
He's got so much to cover.
So much to break down coming up here with us today.
They're now hot on his tail, trying to put him back in jail.
And some of you may say, well, this is all just entertainment.
Trump being attacked, Roger being attacked.
When Trump says they're trying to get through me to get to you, truer words have never been said.
And man, did Trump not do an incredible job coming out yesterday.
He dropped like 30 videos.
The man is on fire, on fire, on fire.
And he said, this whole cupboard thing's garbage.
We're not going to stand for it.
The cupboard tyrants will be defeated.
So that is coming up.
Everybody tuned in on AM and FM and local cable and TV stations and everywhere else
WWCR for another week or so we know the money to pay for it's up 23 years on their worldwide service
100,000 watts worldwide got to go off that because man we are in battle of Giuliani being defaulted in the court case
The judge just says he's guilty. This is the tyranny, but at least the enemy is naked at least the mask is off
At least they're out in the open.
We're going to join a lot of radio stations and TV stations on the other side.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds for the full hour with the great Roger Stone.
Stay with us.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's news. Today's.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
My judge, what is the secret of the universe?
This is Alexander Soros, and whatever you do, don't go to infowars.com forward slash show.
It sucks.
(upbeat music)
You know, I'm not name dropping, but I remember about 15 years ago,
sitting in Willie Nelson's house, hung out with him many, many, many, many, many times.
And we were playing chess, smoking some really strong weed.
I'm not a big pot guy, but when you're Willie Nelson, you smoke it.
And he said, how about I play Silver Stallion for you?
And he put Trigger over his shoulder and played it for me.
And it was the sweetest moments of my life.
And that's the good part about being Alex Jones.
And fighting tyranny.
Because I get to experience a lot of things like that.
And that's the gifts God gives you.
And we're gonna ride.
We're gonna ride!
And I get to know great people like Roger Stone, really the brain trust that helped Trump run, and who is advising him heavily right now, and that's why he's being targeted and they're trying to put him in jail again for January 6th.
So we'll cover that at the bottom of the hour, but he's with us for the full hour.
We'll open the phones up as well.
We'll skip this network break so we get more time with Roger Stone.
StoneZone.com hosts a hit WABC show Saturday, hosts a great frank speech show, and joins us, of course, former co-host with Owen Schroyer, 3 p.m.
Central, The War Room.
Roger, the deep state is out in the open.
The polls show their latest indictments only push Trump up more.
Tucker's saying he fears they're going to kill Trump.
I totally agree.
World War III escalating.
I mean, this is an insane moment to be alive.
Roger Stone, my good compadre, what do you want to hit first?
Well, Alex, you're absolutely right.
Donald Trump is turbocharged at this point.
I don't think he's ever been stronger in his political career.
The American people see through this war of lawfare, this illegitimate effort to eliminate him and make him ineligible to be a president.
They feel the impact of the Biden policies, the highest gas prices, 76% increase in the average cost of groceries, the crime wave that is hitting America, the invasion of migrants in places like Staten Island, New York and New York City and every major city in the country.
The fentanyl crisis that's come across our southern border, the fact that the Biden administration has 118 doors welded open at our southern border, supposedly so the antelope can come and go.
We are being invaded.
And America is waking up in a way that I have never seen before.
I was in Las Vegas for the Reawaken America tour.
I was with the great Roseanne Barr, General Flynn, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Jr., so many other great patriots.
There is a fighting spirit out there, a resolve, a determination that the globalists and those who want to end America as a great place, People are energized.
I didn't detect depression.
I didn't detect negativity.
I detected resolve, determination.
People are ready to save this country.
You're right, there's a dauntlessness to this, because they're trying to set you up again, they're trying to destroy Trump, they're trying to set me up again, and we just can't give up.
Once we're in a fight, we're not looking for a fight, but once the fist starts swinging, it's kind of fun.
So you don't want to get into yourself, but I'm not going to play the whole MSNBC piece, and they've had a bunch, I haven't responded to this in the last few weeks, but it's Resha Crescendo, they've got this Cheeto guy, not saying he's a bad guy, Sounds like Cheeto.
One of the lawyers that Trump has, they indicted.
He was following me around.
I never met the guy.
I'm sure he's a great guy.
They're saying, you ran January 6th.
You need to be arrested.
Again, bigger than Roger Stone.
It's a microcosm.
The same way they indicted you to keep you away from Trump during the administration, they're trying it again.
That's exactly right.
Alex, this guy Ari Melber with MSNBC, I think he's deranged.
I think he has an obsession with me.
But if you would just look at the facts, you would know that both you and I were cleared by the FBI of being involved in any illegal activity on January 6th, way back in August of 2021.
That was reported by Reuters.
He would stop and know that Joshua James, who pled guilty to seditious conspiracy, one of the Oath Keepers, has testified under oath in the administrative trial of Officer Sal Greco in New York City, that I had no involvement nor advanced knowledge in any of the efforts at the Capitol.
He would know that the Washington Post has reported that at least three sources confirmed that I was not involved in Mayor Giuliani's effort to delay the certification of
the electoral college in the U.S. Senate.
He would know that I had nothing whatsoever to do with the efforts to examine the election
returns in Georgia, even though I happen to personally think all those activities are
perfectly legal.
Yes, I did say Article 2 of the Constitution grants to the state legislatures the authority
to authorize the slate of delegates of electoral college, electors to go to the electoral college
in Washington after an examination of the popular vote.
And Roger, let's be clear.
We had in August of 2020, Podesta in a New York Times article, Washington Post articles everywhere, bragging That regardless of what happened, they were going to ignore it, have the West Coast secede, have their own inauguration, have faithless electors.
Trump didn't go 10% where they went.
So there they all are saying they would do all of this that I do believe would be illegal.
And now they're blaming Trump and everybody else for what they tried to do when they knew Trump was going to win.
And so they went, no, no, hold my beer.
We're gonna have a red mirage.
We'll have mail-in ballots.
They said, when he looks like Trump wins, he didn't win, don't worry, we'll produce the ballots.
And then if you investigate that, they indict you.
I mean, this is crazy.
Yeah, it's absolutely true.
I actually never used the word fake elector at all.
Everything I said was both legally, constitutionally, and historically correct.
No, no, they said, they said faithless electors.
That was in the Democrat official plan.
There's no question.
Look, Democrat after Democrat questioned the elections in 2000.
In 2018, they've done it repeatedly.
Trump himself has put out a great video.
So let me put it another way.
It is perfectly, it's an egregious crime to question the anomalies or the irregularities or the fraud in an election.
It's a crime to collect documented evidence of that fraud if your name is Donald Trump or one of his supporters.
But if you are Kamala Harris or Hillary Clinton or Jerry Nadler or Jay Jamie Raskin, or Stacey Abrams, or Terry McAuliffe, or Howard Dean, or Al Gore, or Jimmy Carter, well then it's perfectly alright.
It is the two-tiered justice system.
What they're seeking to do is criminalize constitutionally protected political speech and constitutionally protected political action and activity.
It's outrageous.
There are no crimes here.
Why are they doing this?
Because Trump is leading in the polls.
Because despite the fact that they've dumped an enormous load of crap on him, and they've tried to accuse him of activities that are perfectly legal, but they try to make sound criminal, he's still leading Joe Biden because of the impact of Joe Biden's disastrous policies in this country, and the fact that people see through this.
They know he's being persecuted because he's running for president.
He's decimated the opposition within the Republican Party.
And now he's more dangerous to them, Alex, than he's ever been, because he's fully awake.
In a second Trump administration, you won't have this fifth column of quizlings who pretend to be Trump supporters while they're really just trying to dilute the America First agenda.
He has pledged to clean out the deep state.
He's pledged to clean out the intelligence agencies.
He's pledged to clean out the Justice Department and return us to the rule of law.
Roger, let's be honest then.
JFK tried that.
RFK promised it.
They killed them both.
And that's what Tucker's making the point.
If you follow the graph here, assassination.
Because nothing they're doing is working.
Let's just be honest here.
I know you talk to Trump a lot.
You talk about inside baseball, but clearly he's not stupid.
Tucker brought it up a week and a half ago.
Trump said, no, I know that's a real threat.
You said Trump's just committed.
He says, I've got to do what I got to do.
So let's not talk about what's currently happening.
Let's talk about tomorrow's news today.
What do you expect this floundering deep state to do?
Look, I think you're going to have additional indictments.
They don't seem to be buying the fact that everything they're doing is backfiring.
It is a counterintuitive.
Normally speaking, when a person is running for federal political office and they're indicted, their campaign collapses.
They drop in the polls, their money dries up.
But because this is such an obvious political persecution, because it is so obvious that Donald Trump has done nothing wrong, it's having the exact reverse effect.
Trump is taking in $20 million since the mugshot.
$20 million in small and medium-sized donations.
These are people who can give again and again.
So now that they know it failed, what do they do?
Well, they will never give up on their legal strategy, so I suspect you'll have some kind of superseding indictment, maybe in D.C.
Perhaps they bring an action against him, like the one in Georgia, in Arizona.
The harassment of people who stood as alternative electors.
People need to understand this.
In 1960, It was thought on election night that Richard Nixon had carried Hawaii.
The state legislature certified his board of electors, but John F. Kennedy filed an alternative slate of electors.
When all the absentee ballots were counted, it turned out that JFK had won.
So the legislature decertified the Nixon electors and certified the alternative electors put forward by Kennedy.
No one accused Kennedy of putting up fake electors.
Nobody accused him of a crime.
So they're just making this crap up as they go along.
And then they pierced the sixth amendment.
So a judge in DC orders a lawyer to testify against, about privileged conversations with his client,
unheard of in America.
A prosecutor in Washington, DC, takes testimony that is from a D.C.
grand jury and reads it to a Florida grand jury in order to get an indictment?
The grand jurors are supposed to be entitled to question their witnesses.
How do you question a piece of paper?
So they're apoplectic about that.
So here's the deal.
It's not going well for them.
What do you expect them to escalate to other than assassination?
Well, first of all, I do think that there's a high probability here that they can convict Donald Trump.
They convicted me, despite the fact that there was no evidence of Russian collusion, no evidence of WikiLeaks collaboration, and they could never produce a motive.
Why would I lie to Congress in my voluntary testimony if there was nothing to lie about?
It's an absurdity, and John Durham now proves that there was no Russian collusion to cover up.
But in D.C., as we have seen, certainly in Manhattan, he's not going to get a fair trial regardless of the charges.
Sadly, in the District of Columbia... So what everybody wants to know is, what is the timeline with them setting these trials for the beginning of the primaries and Super Tuesday?
How do you see that playing out, timeline-wise?
Because now they're admitting, oh my gosh, we're going to have an indicted I mean, look, it's not inconceivable that Donald Trump could win this election while sitting in a prison cell and then pardon himself and others when he is elected.
If they are stupid enough to do that, they will make him a martyr.
But there is no question whatsoever that he is not going to get a fair trial in D.C.
I hope his lawyers will fight to push the trial off, but just the fact that they've scheduled the D.C.
trial for the day before the Republican primaries select the largest block of delegates in their nominating contest shows that They are the ones engaged in election interference.
They are the ones that are seeking to affect this election.
And let's elaborate on that, because this is ridiculous.
I mean, you talk about beyond election meddling.
They're trying to disqualify the leading candidate.
The people see through this.
How do you see that unfolding?
Well, I think he does several things.
One, it is designed to distract him so he has to sit in a courtroom and go through trial when he should be out campaigning.
Secondarily, it's meant to drain his campaign funds because he has to pay for lawyers and, I presume, help pay for lawyers for his many allies who've been unjustly charged.
And thirdly, they use it to continue to try to blacken his name.
That's actually not working very well.
At the same time, they really don't understand that they're just pouring rocket fuel on his bid.
I think more and more Americans see through this, and he's never going to throw in the towel.
I was about to say, you've known Trump 45 years, and you talk to him all the time, without getting into inside baseball.
You can look at him, he looks better than six, seven years ago.
What is going on with this guy?
Because he's supremely confident that he's going to win.
The man seems to have no fear.
He understands they're trying to lock him up for a hundred years.
He understands that the system is... He thrives under pressure.
Let's talk about that.
Yeah, I think that's absolutely true.
I think he's at his very best in a crisis.
He's resolute.
He's determined.
He's angry, but he should be angry.
The way he's being treated is outrageous, particularly when no one ever charged Hillary Clinton and John Podesta when they tried to subvert the Electoral College certification.
Which they admitted that they did.
Nobody prosecuted the 100 plus Democrats who refused to certify the election of George W. Bush, which they most definitely did.
So people, they see the two-tiered justice system.
Meanwhile, you know this, Alex, they have in their back pocket the pandemic, the next pandemic.
So they use the last pandemic to justify the passage of mail-in ballots.
They take the machines, Trump wins in the machines, but they know from the results of the machines how many votes they have to falsify, and then they do it through paper ballots.
The dropping of 300,000 paper ballots at 3 o'clock in the morning after the Republican observers have been ousted from the counting centers in the polling places, this is not coincidental.
By the way, my saying that is not illegal, it's not unconstitutional, it's not seditious, it's not treasonous, it's Constitutionally protected free speech, but today you can be prosecuted for that because that's what they're doing to Donald Trump.
Now, you and I don't want to talk about ourselves, but we're microcosms of their game plan.
I don't want to play the MSNBC clips or CNN clips, but they're literally calling for your arrest with no evidence saying you quarterbacked January 6th, and you know this Chesbro or Cheeto guy.
I'm sorry to call him Cheeto guy.
I always get the name wrong.
And they're calling for my arrest as well.
And then meanwhile, Giuliani just defaulted by a judge.
Judge says Giuliani's guilty.
Where have I heard this before?
Yeah, that's exactly what they did to you.
So he doesn't get a trial, he's declared guilty.
Let me be very clear.
I don't know this guy Cheeseboro, I've never talked to him.
I don't know John Eastman, I've never talked to him.
I wasn't in touch with anyone at the White House.
They say that a woman named Cassidy Hutchison testified to the January 6th Committee that the President told Mark Meadows To call Roger Stone and General Flynn on the 5th to find out what was going to happen on the 6th.
Alex, I'm telling you, that phone call never happened.
There's no record of that phone call because it never happened.
I've never talked to Mark Meadows on the phone.
In fact, I've never communicated with him in any form.
I think I met him in a green room when he was a congressman at Fox many years ago.
So that is just a bald-faced lie.
This woman is perjuring herself.
And by the way, Roger, let me just interrupt you, because I've been there, I saw what happened with WikiLeaks, you told the truth, all of it.
Explain this.
They indicted you to keep you away from Trump advising him.
You are back advising him heavily to whether to indict you again.
You were not talking to Trump during your indictment, during all the issues.
I was there.
You were not talking to him.
You're talking to him all the time, every day now.
So the claim that you're quarterbacking whatever they say happened on January 6th is preposterous.
Yeah, I saw him, I bumped into him in a buffet line in Palm Beach at his golf club on December 27th.
I didn't talk to him or speak to him until March 24th of that year when he invited my wife and I to Mar-a-Lago because my wife had just finished a successful course of cancer treatment.
So I wasn't in touch with him or anyone on his staff.
During the period of January 6 before it or after it.
The whole thing is a canard.
And to be very clear, deranged Ari Melber knows that, but he continues.
This is how it works.
They beat a drum until it reaches critical mass on Twitter.
And then some prosecutor begins to believe that it is the truth.
No, I did not move seamlessly between the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys.
By the way, they both went to trial for seditious conspiracy.
There was no evidence against me in either one of those trials because I had no idea what they were doing.
Have I met individual members of those groups?
Do I know Donald Trump?
The point is they're going after all his lawyers, all his supporters, all his friends.
I mean, I've been told in these negotiations, just turn against Trump, we'll leave you alone.
I mean, this is what they did.
There's no question, but they did last time.
So last time they brought this indictment against me.
They were positive once they got my electronic devices, they would find evidence of Russian collusion or WikiLeaks collaboration.
They found no such thing.
So they decided to try to fabricate it.
Oh, here's a list of 26 phone calls between you and candidate Trump in 2016.
All you've got to do is say that this pertained to the Russians or WikiLeaks and we'll tell the judge to go easy on you.
And I refused and I prayed to God for a pardon.
I got a pardon.
Although every single story written will only say Trump committed a sentence
because the folks at Google have buried the fact that I found got a full and
unconditional presidential pardon.
I only got it through the grace of God and through fervent prayer and through
the support of literally hundreds of thousands of people who donated to
I hate to have to go out and raise money for lawyers again.
There is nothing to find.
Ari Melber is a bald-faced liar.
The bottom line is, people hear us here in the fight.
They want people to fight for them.
We're doing it.
We're under attack.
You need support.
I need support.
I want to go to break.
And I want to give the number out, and I want to come back.
We'll take a few calls with Roger Stone, specifically about Trump, the world, what's happening in America.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
And we'll come back.
There's the number.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
And we'll come back.
There's the number, 877-789-2539.
But I want to talk big picture, war in Ukraine, attacks, big tech censorship, weaponization,
and what the American people can do.
And there's incredible videos.
Trump released 30 of them yesterday, and several on saying no to the COVID tyranny.
This is a big deal to the listeners and to me, and this shows Trump is the next level.
2.0 Trump.
Roger, what are your websites?
I'm going to find your show.
Folks can see me at StoneZone.live every day at 5 o'clock Eastern.
People can go to StoneZone.com to get my great merchandise.
People who want to help me legally can go to StoneDefenseFund.com.
I hate to have to start raising money for lawyers again, but I will if I have to.
Well, we shouldn't apologize.
People want warriors.
They want us to fight for them.
We're doing it, and we're willing to go through whatever happens, but we can't do it without you, listeners.
So go to InfoWarsTore.com, bodies, ultimate turmeric formula, back in stock.
Get a book, get a film.
Whatever you do, pray for us, because we're fighting for you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Live from Austin, Texas.
All right, we're taking a few phone calls specifically for Roger Stone on Trump and America and what's happening at 877-789-2539.
But Roger, just as an American citizen, as a father, as a grandfather, what would you call this American moment?
Because it may be rough for Trump and you and myself and people like Rudolph Giuliani.
But for the globalists, things are not going well.
I mean, the deep state's been revealed.
They are trying to gobble down a quesadilla during the break.
Everything they're doing is blowing up in their face right now.
And what do you think they're thinking or what do you think they're planning?
I mean, obviously, they've already floated trial balloons in multiple states like New Hampshire to try to disqualify Trump and take him off the ballot.
Well, on a scale of 1 to 10, that's a 20 when it comes to election meddling.
I mean, they've really revealed themselves.
Yeah, I think that is the next phase.
So they're going to argue, even though he has no conviction in any courtroom of seditious conspiracy, that he has acted seditiously and therefore some state bureaucrat will have the authority to just decide on their own that what he does was seditious and therefore he can't run.
I would argue then that a Republican official could determine that Joe Biden taking multimillion dollar payments from China, Russia, Romania, That's treasonous.
So he shouldn't be allowed on the ballot either.
This is an absurdity.
Great piece on this in the Washington Examiner right now.
But you have all of these woolly-headed left-wing law professors who have come forward and say, oh, he's not eligible to run again because he participated in a seditious conspiracy.
Where is a court finding that says that?
There is no court finding.
David Schoen, who I think is one of the greatest criminal defense lawyers in the country, has looked at the statutes and he believes it's a fake argument.
And even Jack Smith, the UN globalist disgrace prosecutor, the most overturned prosecutor, living prosecutor, he's not saying that this is a conspiracy.
No, he hasn't charged Trump with seditious conspiracy, but who knows what he will be driven to.
I mean, look, it's just like anything else.
You have these AI-generated deepfake videos of me floating all around the internet saying, oh, Stone is badmouthing Trump.
Does this make any sense?
If I were going to turn on Trump, would I not have done it when I was staring down the barrel of seven to nine years in prison?
Richard, don't you remember when you called me like a year and a half ago in the headline, New York Times, Jones to tell January 6th everything he knows?
Totally made up!
They just, they play these games.
So I think what we're going to have, the next wave here is to try to keep Trump off the ballots on a state-by-state basis through lawsuits or through pressuring local or state election board officials.
Then, of course, we have a second pandemic.
That's why I was so happy that Trump came out very strong against further COVID lockdowns, masks, and all that nonsense.
The bloom is off the rose.
The people are not going to be fooled a second time.
This is part of the effort.
They see Trump leading in the polls, and they think they can stop him by keeping him off the ballot.
That's election interference, or through another phony pandemic.
Don't think the people will buy it, frankly.
I agree with you.
Let's play that clip of Trump on the COVID tyrants.
And this has really excited people.
This is what he needed to do.
Sure, he was against lockdown.
Sure, he was against forced injections.
But now he's really coming out against them.
That's what people want here at us.
Left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming.
Gee whiz, you know what else is coming?
An election.
They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship.
More illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election.
Does that sound familiar?
These are bad people.
These are sick people we're dealing with.
But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, Hear these words.
We will not comply.
So don't even think about it.
We will not shut down our schools.
We will not accept your lockdowns.
We will not abide by your mask mandates, and we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.
They rigged the 2020 election, and now they're trying to do the same thing all over again by rigging the Most important election in the history of our country, the 2024 election, even if it means trying to bring back COVID.
But they will fail because we will not let it happen.
When I'm back in the White House, I will use every available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate.
Thank you very much.
Wow, that's a big deal for Trump to go that far.
What does that portend, Roger Stone?
That's the Donald Trump that I've known for 45 years.
That's the Donald Trump that I love.
Look, he's fully awake.
When he first came to Washington, he wasn't a career politician.
He had the quaint idea that the Republicans would support him, the Democrats would oppose him, and like Reagan, who was the last outsider to be president, he would be a successful president.
He never understood that there was a fifth column of rhinos working hand-in-glove with the crazed, lunatic, Marxist, socialist Democrats to We now know that the whole Russian collusion thing was a hoax.
We now know that the Ukrainian impeachment was a cover up for the crimes of Joe Biden.
Donald Trump was impeached for payoffs that Joe Biden actually took from Ukraine.
We know this.
Now we have evidence in terms of the Biden crime family of extortion, bribery, racketeering, illegal lobbying.
Influence peddling, and let's just say it, treason.
Multi-million dollar payments funneled to Joe, the president himself, from China, from Russia, from Ukraine, from Romania.
So let me ask you this, what is the deep state thinking?
Because don't they see they're being politically destroyed forever?
And I think that's what Tucker said, is that they do know that, so they're going to try to bring in a pure totalitarian state now.
How do they get there?
Well, first of all, I think they still believe they can rig the next election.
In other words, they don't care what the poll numbers show.
Given the current election machinery, given the current state election laws, given the fact that states like Pennsylvania, where mail-in ballots are very clearly, specifically unconstitutional, but their Supreme Court has upheld their presence, they think that they can cheat again.
Uh, and they intend to try, so they don't think it matters.
I think that if there's a free, fair, honest, transparent election, Donald Trump will win a solid victory.
I happen to think he won the last election.
By the way, no, it's not seditious or illegal for me to say that.
I have a constitutional right to say it.
So they believe at the end of the day that they can scare people through the pandemic fear-mongering.
The truth is, the only people who are going to go out and get this vaccination, the only people who are going to wear their masks, the only people who are going to stay home from school are liberals.
I've got a lot of questions, but what else is on your radar?
Look, I think that we are, this is, as Trump has said, this is the final battle.
This is it.
It is a time for choosing.
The absolute collapse of the Republican challenge to Donald Trump is obvious.
More and more people looking at Vivek Ramaswamy, who I like to call Big Pharma Swami, guy who has close ties to the World Economic Forum, close ties to George Soros, he was a Soros Fellow, a guy who's made hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions, in
Owning the patents on vaccinations for viruses we haven't even heard yet.
He's got a great line of rhetoric.
What really pissed me off, Alex, is when I saw the guy going like this.
I mean, he's now stealing my routine.
It's unacceptable.
I want to take some phone calls with listeners.
Specific questions about Trump 2024 for Roger Stone from Michael, Shelly, Justin, Steve, HB, and Ron.
But before we go to those calls in the last 16-17 minutes, we have left Roger Stone.
The censorship issue, as you've been saying for five years, if we don't have communications for six years, we have nothing.
And now we've had the weaponization hearings, it's all come out.
What do you expect Trump to do if he does get into office?
Look, I think that censorship remains either the one or two top issues.
Frankly, the extended use of artificial intelligence, I think, is up there with censorship.
You can make a video of someone saying things they never actually said, and there's a lot of gullible people out there who will buy it.
You reported, I think before most anyone, that the World Economic Forum is leaning on these big tech companies to have a list of banned websites so people can't get to Infowars.com.
Oh no, Google already announced they're doing it.
The UN's in charge of it.
They can't get to StoneZone.com.
They can't get to the StoneDefenseFund.com.
It's insidious.
Trump should have ordered his Justice Department to use the antitrust laws to break this up, and I'm highly convinced that in a second term, he will do so.
And he has the bully pulpit right now.
He's the real president.
I know you're talking to him.
You don't talk about your advice, but what should Trump be being advised to do right now?
What can he do right now?
Well, first of all, I was very glad to see him take the mugshot and place it on X. I know that some folks criticize Elon Musk.
I am not among them.
I'm very grateful to be back on Twitter.
You can follow me, by the way, at RogerJStoneJr, RogerJStoneJR.
Yes, I love true socials.
Yeah, I mean, let's not look a gift towards the mouth.
Musk isn't perfect, but we're having a big effect there right now.
Well, and he has exposed all their machinations.
We now know that the government was deeply involved in censoring people who didn't go along with the alternative narrative.
Whether it was about the election, whether it was about COVID-19, whether it was about Ukraine.
I mean, the greatest... And why did that mugshot scare them so much?
They freaked out about it.
Because Trump very skillfully used it as a symbol of the injustice to which he is being subjected.
The other problem, in all honesty for them, is the insurgent candidacy of Robert Kennedy in the Democratic Party is a problem for them.
Sure, they can bend the rules and they can kneecap him, but he is getting traction among thousands of Democrats and independents who want to seal our southern border, who are skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations, and above all, who do not want a war in Ukraine, don't want another endless foreign war.
No, I totally agree.
So let me ask this before we go to calls.
The big story, I talked about it months ago when I was in Florida, big story.
Now, Tucker's saying it.
If you follow the graph of what they're doing, the impeachments, the Russiagate, the indictments, it's failing.
Assassination is next on the list.
Or is there something else they could do?
Your view on that.
What happens if they kill Trump?
First, they're going to try to keep him off the ballot.
That's their next big push and initiative.
Frankly, as they say in the Godfather movie, anybody can be gotten to.
I pray for the safety of Trump and his family every single day.
They realize that there is no one else who can stop the new world order from moving forward.
He is a force of nature.
He is incredibly determined.
He's a fighter.
He's a warrior.
They know it.
They haven't dampened his spirits.
They haven't made him want to quit.
He's determined to Assassination has been, sadly, a part of our history.
They assassinated Kennedy.
They removed Nixon in a silent coup, but for the same reason.
It was about to tame the CIA, and they knew it.
They tried to take out Ronald Reagan on Iran-Contra.
Same people.
Same game plan.
They failed.
Then they tried to take Trump out.
This is a linear line.
These are the same forces.
They may not be the exact same people, but they are the same forces.
They're Wall Street.
They're the global elite.
They're the intelligence agencies.
They're big pharma, particularly.
And they know that if they have a fair election, Trump is going to win.
So their next move is to try to keep him off the ballot.
Every American needs to be praying, not just for our nation, But also for the safety of Donald Trump and his family.
Because he is the one man who stands between us and them.
He's the one man who stands between the New World Order, one world government, the end of American sovereignty, and a flourishing, free American society.
A society of prosperity and freedom and opportunity.
If you were inside the deep state right now and were on the calls, They've got to be freaked out because he's only gotten stronger.
They keep saying, oh, this new indictment will lower his polls, makes him go up.
They are in panic mode.
Never underestimate the arrogance of these people.
I experienced it firsthand in the Mueller investigation.
They're extraordinarily arrogant.
They have a certain of those in the federal judiciary who are in their pocket.
They're freaked out about the fact That on this ridiculous documents case, Trump's actually going to get a fair trial.
He actually drew a judge who's going to give him a fair trial.
So they disparage her.
She's incompetent.
She's a lightweight.
No, she's none of those things.
She's an honest jurist.
Her family came here from Cuba.
She was a very capable prosecutor.
She's a very capable judge, and she's not going to wilt under the criticism of Andrew Weissman.
Well, make no mistake, we're living in incredibly interesting times.
Nobody can deny that.
Let's go to Michael in California in Hollywood.
Almost all the callers are about planning to kill Trump.
Michael, go ahead.
You're on the air with Roger Stone.
Hi, Roger.
I'm a big fan.
I just want to throw out a couple of facts before I ask you the question.
I myself was framed and thrown into jail numerous times on multiple felony counts by these people.
And when they were unable to have anything stick on me, uh... even trying to charge me with all of them
colonies and give me a strike they are on the start trying to kill me with a binary
weapon palm
they've been using this weapon against the author of your search of a question
roger yes
uh... do you think that would they even care on
about killing trumper That's a good question.
Thank you, sir.
Those are quick questions, folks.
What would be the response if they did kill Trump?
I hate to think about it, but what would happen?
Well, we would have to choose someone to run in his stead, but that martyrship would be extraordinarily powerful.
I mean, there is no substitute for Donald Trump.
He is unique, but they didn't kill Nixon.
They removed him because they knew after killing Kennedy, the murder of Nixon, although there was an attempt on his life in Miami that failed.
That killing Nixon would be so too obvious.
They did try to kill Ronald Reagan.
I've written about this in my book, The Bush Crime Family.
I believe the Bush crime family and the- Oh, I met with him right before.
Shelly has the same question, but Shelly in West Palm Beach, where you're close to you, Roger, she's got a question.
Go ahead, Shelly.
Hi, I wanted to find out what you think if they did succeed in taking out Donald Trump.
Do you think that means Bill Usher and Big Mike or Gavin Newsom?
Where would the Republican Party be after that?
Would they try to send somebody in as the Republican Party's savior?
Or do you think the Republican Party would be done without Donald Trump?
I think it'd be very hard to find somebody who could replace him, but obviously those would be extraordinary times.
I do not think Biden will make it to the finish line.
I think that late November of this year, he will announce that he's not running again.
That's not removing him.
That's not resigning, just that he won't be a candidate.
At that point, I have predicted on the show and elsewhere that Michelle Obama is the likely Democratic nominee with Gavin Newsom for vice president.
I stand by that prediction.
The Republican Party would be in an extraordinary bind without Donald Trump.
He has remade the party.
We are no longer the party of global, globalist country club elites as we were under the Bushes.
We are now the party of working Americans.
The only serious criminal justice reform that we've gotten in the last 50 years came from Donald Trump.
And they see him now getting traction among African American and Hispanic voters.
minority voters and it is driving them insane.
But listen, I think we have to pray to protect the president because
he himself is the key to victory.
He's the most effective campaigner of his generation.
The party would be hard put to come up.
come up with somebody who could be.
We're not marrying Trump is everybody's obsessed with this because that's the
clear next step.
Uh, let's talk to another caller.
Let's talk to a South Carolina caller.
Let's talk to Steve in South Carolina.
Will Trump go after Fauci and the shots?
They already gone a lot of the way towards that.
Steve, go ahead.
Your question or comment.
Yes, sir.
Uh, God bless you, Roger, my brother and you, Alex, and your families and our
president, I, uh, my question, Roger, do you think Trump will come out and
expose the whole COVID-19 Wuhan coverup and go after Fauci?
Well, I think it is far more likely today than it was a week ago.
What I'd like to see is Trump win, and then appoint Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Attorney General, the same job that his father has, and let him conduct an investigation and make recommendations to the President as to what should be done to Fauci and Birx and so on.
Robert Kennedy is particularly well suited for that, having written a thick book about the fraud that is Anthony Fauci.
That's what I would like to see.
And he's a lawyer.
Anything else, Steve?
Amen to that.
I've read the book and again, God bless all of you and stay safe.
Thank you so much.
Let's talk to a caller in Texas.
Let's talk to Ronan in Texas.
You're on the air, Roger Stone.
Hey guys, how you doing?
I wanted to ask, this is kind of a question for both of y'all, but I wanted to say what do you think the probability is that all this Trump You know, that's easy.
all this is just a massive shy off and that Trump is actually controlled
opposition. You know that's easy I want Roger to respond, I'll respond first. I hear this
thing about people online like oh Jones control opposition Well, if I'm controlled, I don't know about who.
I run this operation.
I love America.
I love freedom.
I've been incredibly persecuted.
I had people on the Hike and Bike Trail say, we love you, but why are you still alive?
Well, I mean, I've been through hell.
Do I have to be killed to prove I'm real?
Does RFK got to be killed himself to prove he's real?
They killed his dad and his uncle.
Look what they're doing to Trump.
He's opposing their entire agenda, a massive PSYOP.
I mean, this is cut and dry, Roger Stone.
I've known him 45 years.
He's running because he loves the country.
He's not a psy-op for anybody.
Nobody tells him what to say.
Nobody tells him what to think.
Nobody tells him where to go.
Nobody tells him what to do.
He's running because he loves the country.
He's doing this at great personal sacrifice to himself.
So the idea that he is some kind of deep stater, why then did he keep us out of foreign war?
Why then did he appoint scores of conservatives to the judiciary?
Why did he rebuild our military muscle?
Why did he secure our border?
Why did he move the jobs back?
Folks, this is a no-brainer.
The deep state is hurting itself election meddling and indicting him.
They wouldn't do this as a PSYOP.
This is revealing them.
This is taking the mask off.
Ronan, do you think I'm a PSYOP?
You think Roger is?
Tell us, Ronan.
Definitely not, and I'm not saying that I think Trump is a PSYOP either.
I was just wondering I don't think Trump is perfect either of mine.
We make mistakes.
But no, he's 100% real.
He makes the calls.
That's why they don't like him.
I don't think any of y'all are psyops, but sometimes just like the vaccine thing, which
I understand like he had like terrible people around him.
And like you said the other day, he didn't know how DC worked and he does now.
So I was just wondering y'all's opinion on the likelihood of him.
Well, I mean, look, I don't think Trump's perfect either.
Am I?
We make mistakes, but no, he's a hundred percent real.
He makes the calls.
That's why they don't like him.
Thank you so much for the call.
All right, we're out of time, Roger.
HB and Justin, I'll get to you next hour.
I'm going to open the phones up for any subject, anything people want to talk about, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, stonezone.com.
Roger Stone, thank you so much for the time.
We really appreciate you, brother, and we're praying for you.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you, and God bless America.
Yeah, folks, I was down there today for like an hour and 20 minutes in the middle of downtown Austin, the Hiking Bike Trail.
It's like you're at Disney World.
There's just crowds everywhere.
And I was asked twice, why are you still alive?
Because God's in control, folks.
But it kind of pisses me off.
I mean, I don't sit here and whine all day about what I've been through, OK?
You just saw what they did with Giuliani.
The judges said, you're guilty.
No jury trial.
You're guilty.
OK, I mean, I mean, do I got to get killed to prove to you how real I am?
You think?
I mean, I'm fighting the poison shots.
I'm fighting the open border.
I'm fighting the pedophiles.
I'm fighting everything.
And some of the right wing goes, oh, but you're nice to Blair White, so you love the transgenders.
People have been hit with chemicals.
I don't hate them individually.
She's not going after kids.
They're not going after kids.
He's not going after kids.
However you see it, I'm a real person that cares about people.
And I'm not the one trying to destroy your life and take your life over.
I'm opposing all their agendas.
Christ said you judge a tree by its fruits.
And quite frankly, I don't want to prove how real I am by them successfully putting me in prison or shutting us down.
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If you don't get a book or a film or a Trump mugshot t-shirt, then it's your decision.
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But if you don't spread the word, if you don't buy the products, if you don't pay for the broadcast, that's your decision.
A lot of you made the decision to support the broadcast, and I salute you, and I thank you, and I humbly appreciate you.
But for everybody else on the fence, Hey, start your own talk show, whatever you do.
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We've got a lot of news coming up next hour.
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I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners.
The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls!
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now, they're coming for your social security money.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
It's a big club.
And you ain't in it.
And you said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage I've given to, just so you understand, a lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
That's right.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Eisenhower said beware the military industrial complex, and I would say that that needs to be updated to beware of what
I call TIMP, technology, intelligence and media.
for humanity to stand up in the info war and say I don't know what's going to happen at
the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one!
Who is the most banned news network in the world?
InfoWars.com InfoWars comes to mind.
InfoWars.com InfoWars.
You watch InfoWars?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Nice guy.
You must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the greatest.
He knows who InfoWars is.
Quit playing this joke over here.
That's why the de-platforming didn't work.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, we're now into hour number three on this live Thursday, August 31st, 2023 transmission.
I'm your host Alex Jones, very blessed and honored to be here with you today.
Again, as I said, we have loaded phone lines.
HP, Jefferson, Barbara, Justin, Jim, Allen, Joe, Misha.
We're going to all of your calls right now.
Roger had to go, but I noticed when I said any question for Roger Stone, almost all the calls are on Trump assassination.
That's obviously the next step here.
But in what climate would the globalists try something like that?
They assassinate Biden first, then they kill Trump, same week.
I think that's the simplest, most probable equation.
I don't know if it happens next week or six months from now, or on the eve of election.
But we are in a time of total tumult.
We have an out-of-control so-called elite that is insane and they're extremely dangerous and are the biggest threat to themselves and us.
That's my view.
I don't think it's my opinion.
That's what's going on.
And we don't fix things in a civil war.
We fix things culturally, pulling out of BlackRock.
You see all these states saying, hey, we're not going to put state pension funds in BlackRock and State Street and Vanguard if you put in carbon taxes and social credit score.
And BlackRock went, whoa, we're not going to do that.
And they changed the name from ESGs to something else.
But at least they're responding.
So the real war is raising your children.
The real war is where you spend your money.
The real war is not just boycotts, but boycotts.
The real war is information.
Our government's hijacked.
But just because the planes hijack, you don't shoot holes in the side of the airplane to stop the hijackers.
You've got to get control from the hijackers.
That's my view.
We've got to cut government 80%.
We've got to get back to being rugged individualists.
But we are in the middle of a major global crisis.
Make no mistake.
We've got all these special interests.
In fact, we heard a little funny promo that Rob Doo did of That Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, not knowing where he is, not knowing what's going on, he's really looking at Soron getting orders for Lord of the Rings.
But if the crew can do this, I just thought of this, get me the raw footage of that.
And then let's play the raw footage of Fetterman and some clips of Biden.
I mean, there's plenty of them in there.
Any speech they give is just incoherent gibberish.
And ask yourself, since when did any country have this going on?
Not in modern times.
It's emblematic of the puppets the globalists have in control.
So they're just placeholders while the globalists destroy civilization and they want us to get angry and not know it's globalism doing it, so we tear each other apart.
Let's not do that.
Let's dismantle the larger globalist program.
So we're taking your phone calls right now on this, but let's play a clip of Mitch McConnell and of Fetterman.
Never hear about Fetterman anymore.
They told you he was, he was just like a triathlete or something.
He was going to win the Ironman.
You never hear about him anymore, but it's actually this mode of discrediting government, which the globalists say they want to do.
Not that government's perfect.
I'm not a cheerleader for it, but the libertarians say, oh, any corporation's good.
BlackRock's bigger than the U.S.
government when it comes to money.
So see, they're the new governments, that's what the new world order is.
There's no discussion about them, or there was a discussion, now there is more discussion, which they don't want.
So, you spotlight them!
The State Streets, the Black Rocks, the Vanguards.
It's game over.
Because they're the ones running drag queen pedo time.
And they're the ones promoting open borders.
And they're the ones promoting all these evil messages.
They're the ones buying up the farmland.
They're the ones saying you're going to eat bugs.
And boy, I'm going to finish these calls.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Nine callers on the board.
No more calls after that.
I'm gonna hit... Bill Gates came out, I told you this years ago, it was in policy papers.
It's now official.
Let's ban trees.
Ban your gas-powered stove.
Ban your gasoline engine.
Shut down that gas pipeline.
Get rid of your cows.
I've told people back in the Obama deception.
That film came out when Obama was in office two months.
How many years ago was that? 2009.
That's 14 years ago.
You watch that film today, it's free online.
It's more powerful than ever.
And I say, the plan is to tax everything, and to ban gas-powered stoves, and space heaters, and ban beef for the general public.
And people watched it and went, this is insane.
I showed the documents.
Now people go, oh, how did he know this?
This man's like Nostradamus.
That's really not good.
Why are people attributing superpowers to me when all I did was read their plans?
Which you can do.
Which Congress can do.
Which legislators can do.
Which authors can do.
Which anybody can do.
Think about that.
And now, here we are 13, 14 years later, and it's everywhere.
Biden just announced what the UK is already doing.
We're going to have a national app to track how much tobacco or alcohol you get.
And the goody two-shoes will be like, well, we need to control the alcohol and the tobacco.
But it's again, getting you into the app, getting you into the vaccine passport, getting you into the ESG, getting you into the control system.
So this is a big deal.
It's not coming.
It's here.
And I just respectfully ask, how much will we put up with?
Because I have the video.
It's coming up bottom of the hour after we take the calls.
Bill Gates funds scheme to chop and bury trees to fight climate change, close quote.
And I don't just have our article or him saying it.
I've got a bunch of articles saying world heritage sites may need to be cut down.
The redwoods are bad for earth because they produce a poison known as carbon dioxide.
It's not a poison.
It's not even 1% of the atmosphere.
We need more of it.
But, again, that gives them a total control mechanism.
They know you know water's good.
If they called for banning that, you wouldn't buy it.
They know you know oxygen's good.
There's four things that create life on the planet.
Sunlight, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water.
Gotta have those four things.
And now Bill Gates wants to block the sun out because it's bad.
And three months ago, Biden said, we're going to spend billions trying to block the sun.
Now, whether they can do it or not, it doesn't matter.
They want to block the sun now.
It's bad.
Carbon dioxide and the sun are now bad.
All that's left is water.
Let that sink in.
That's sunlight.
Let that sink in real hard for you.
And I mean, I've got an entire stack of them this week saying, we need to cut the trees down.
And I have video of them saying it.
I'll say that again very slowly.
They're now proposing publicly.
It was in the white papers decades ago, I told you about it.
It's in the Obama Deception.
It's in Endgame.
But now they're announcing trees are bad.
You are the carbon they want to ban.
And I know how preposterous.
If I went and set up a table in the middle of downtown Austin, like I did this morning, and I said, I don't think we should ban trees.
Changed my mind.
People walk over and say, you're a lunatic.
Nobody wants to ban trees.
And I'll have an iPad?
And I'm going to start doing change my mind all the time.
Crowder gave me the authorization to do it.
Now that we work with them.
I'm not going to steal somebody's ideas.
Unless I have permission.
Then it's not stealing.
I'm licensing it.
And I'm going to hold up an iPad and say, here's Bill Gates saying it.
And let that sink in.
We're going to cut the trees down.
Let me say it again.
We're going to cut the trees down.
Let's say it slower.
We're going to cut the trees down.
Trees are bad.
You're like, that's ridiculous.
Well, there ain't no trees without carbon dioxide, so that's even more ridiculous.
And imagine how dumb Bill Gates thinks you are.
Well come back, take your calls, cover it all, stay with us.
You will eat the bugs.
You will cut down the trees.
You will live in the 15-minute cities.
You will submit to the new world order.
Go to hell, new world order.
Protect us.
We are as all friends.
Is your ship alright?
Seems okay if we can get to it.
If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
Harrison, visit InfoWars.com forward slash show now.
I hope that old man got that tractor beam out of commission or this is going to be a real short trip.
Okay, yes!
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show today.
Wow, what an exciting time to be alive.
Loaded phone lines.
Taking calls.
The order, they are received.
I am an extremist.
I am an evil person.
I don't want to kill the children or cut their penises off.
I don't want the frogs to be given chemicals to sterilize them, and I don't want to cut the trees down.
I am the bad man.
I self-confess.
HB in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Go to hell, New World Order.
Yes, sir.
Hey, my wife Laura's listening.
She wanted me to tell you we love all the products and you, so I got that out of the way.
My big question is, how are we going to shut these bioweapons labs down?
Without a bioweapons labs, we don't have COVID.
Well, you're right.
Senator Paul said they've got, and they admit it, thousands of different pathogens we know of, hundreds of labs all over the US, all over Europe, all over Asia, all over Africa, all over everywhere, and they're just doing it while telling us we've got to have our testicles grabbed at the airport to make sure we don't have a bomb in there while the border is wide open and the illegal aliens don't have to take the COVID shots coming in.
It's all pure crap.
It's a clear and present danger.
It's insane.
And I would say the average bureaucrat in the government is compartmentalized.
The people that are your boss want to cut the trees down and want to cut little kids' pee-pees off and want world government and war with Russia?
It's just crazy!
It does no good to write congressmen and senators.
Marsha Blackburn is the biggest sellout in Tennessee.
It does no good to... I don't know how we're going to get... We don't have a Justice Department anymore.
I don't know where we're going to take it, how we're going to get rid of it.
Well, we got cancer, brother.
And I think admitting we have cancer is the beginning, but I hear you.
You heard the whole debate, and you didn't get to go on with Roger, and I apologize you had to go, but what do you think they're going to pull on Trump next?
I think the assassination card is what's happening.
Well, that's, you know, how are we going to protect him?
He's doing the same thing the Kennedys did, and look what it got them.
I know I hear you.
I can only admire it.
He's not perfect, but he's for real.
He's ready to die.
I'm not going to give the inside baseball, but Roger talks to him a lot every day.
I'm going to leave alone any things I've discussed, but Trump's just, he says, I don't care.
I'm going down with it.
So they're really freaked out by that.
Well, I know, but I just keep going back that we don't have elections.
We have selections.
And I was going to ask him, did he think there was a chance to win when no reforms in the voting process have been, you know, given to it?
Well, I wouldn't say no reform.
Some states have cleaned it up partially, but yeah, they're planning mail-ins again.
That's not going to get full COVID lockdowns again, but they'll get it in battleground states, swing states, the mail-in ballots.
That's why they're doing it.
Didn't you tell us that they don't even count the ballots from those, the big cities in the country anymore?
Well, they don't do something with it.
They don't report the crime.
No, no.
The FBI, starting last year, does not count crime in America's 20th largest cities.
It's ridiculous.
And they tell you, the FBI said last year, you didn't know, HP?
Crime went down 0.2%.
Did you know that?
Of course it didn't, it exploded.
And Biden also says, did you know inflation's down, HB?
Well, and the border's closed.
Well, all I know is, four years ago, a slab of bacon of a decent brand was $3.
A crappy brand is $8 in Austin.
A good brand's $12.
Milk was $2.
It's now $8.
A head of lettuce was $2.
Now it's $8.
Are you seeing inflation, HB?
Are you a conspiracy theorist?
Or do you believe Biden?
Inflation's been fixed.
Didn't you know that, HB?
Oh yeah, that's why when you go to buy a car battery now, they'll sell one, two, and three year batteries.
A two year battery is like 230 bucks now.
230 bucks now for a car.
Well, I mean, look, here's another one.
I'm a big red meat guy.
I'm not a huge steakhouse guy, but I go out to eat steak about twice a month.
Usually with Joe Rogan, not named Robin, it's just true.
And at the same place I've been going for 20 years, three years ago, the steak I liked was $50.
Still, you know, a prime, great.
It's $120 now, brother.
I don't even get that.
Just because I'm not going to spend that much money for a piece of meat.
Imagine that.
$120 at the same restaurant instead of $50, and it's the same everywhere.
Look at the cost of houses.
We messed up and we're renting a house now, and we missed it.
You know, now $150,000, like you said, $150,000 house is $350,000 now, at least.
And so the property taxes go up commensurate with value.
It's a no-win.
And of course, the Wall Street Journal says drought's causing it.
Inflation has caused beef prices to increase.
Well, everything's caught, you know, new world order.
I just handed out a couple of cards to a tree guy.
We had a big, a little tornado come through Knoxville a couple, three weeks ago.
I handed him out a Dane Whittington geoengineering card and another card that I get printed up that I got your email, Natural News and Gateway Pundit on, so.
We're trying out here, brother.
You're not trying, you're winning.
Word of mouth is going to circumvent him.
Thank you so much.
Believe me, we got the deep state panicked.
All right, I only went to one caller this segment.
I'm going to be a good boy.
I'm going to go bright in a couple minutes.
I'm going to come back to Justin and everybody else that's holding.
We're going to get to everybody in the next few segments because I've got to get to Bill Gates says cut the trees down.
And again, it was theoretical before.
Now they're saying it.
And you will eat bugs as well.
So that's coming up.
Separately, you want to support the broadcast?
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We'll be right back.
You know, if you tune into this show every day, I'm about to go to your phone calls, you'll notice there's a franticness to it.
There's an energy.
There's a fight.
And that's why the social engineers hate us because they don't want you to be in a conscious mode that you're under attack because you have so much power and you're aware of it and take action.
Then we used to lay down and let them roll over you.
But we're not doing that.
And so when you tune in every day, we're in a fight for survival.
So are you.
And the enemy knows they're attacking us.
They don't want you to know that.
It's very simple.
And you're like, we already know that, Alex.
Yeah, but are we all really having it burn into our brains?
of how real this is.
I mean, look, it's all out in the open now.
And I'm just blessed that I'm in a position to be fighting.
And so are you.
All of us are fighting tyranny, promoting freedom in different ways.
But together it changes the world.
Justin and Georgia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, pleasure to talk with you again.
I could see the writing on the wall about five or six months back with this Trump assassination thing.
In fact, I called your show, I believe it was the April 11th broadcast, basically addressing the Blackfield people in your audience who think Trump's a psyop or that Trump didn't do enough, and to basically say, what do you want him to do?
How hard do you want him to go after the deep state?
In him walking this fine line of doing what he needs to do and not getting shot in the process.
And, um, it's just like, you know, trying to address the black tail people in this audience.
I could see the writing on the wall back then.
My question I had for Roger is, uh, that, that I want to ask you is because, you know, not a lot of people talk about, you know, everybody talks about what's going to happen prior to the election in 2024 or that space in between the election and inauguration.
My question is.
What if Trump does win?
What if Trump breaks the algorithm, beats the cheating in the election like he did in 2016?
We come out in droves.
He increased his vote total at 15 million as an incumbent, which has never happened.
They're going to have to come up with 100 million votes to beat Trump.
So let's say Trump beats that algorithm.
Where are we at then?
What's your view of the waterfront then when Trump breaks the algorithm, gets into office?
What are some of the tools they'll have in their shed?
You know, obviously they came in with the nullification project day one when he got elected the first time with the Trump-Russia collusion, impeachment one, impeachment two.
What do you think is going to happen if Trump does get in between November and January, or perhaps if he does get inaugurated and is present?
Where are we at then?
Well I'll tell you what the Globals have done in the past is they've set up a bunch of truck bombs or mass shootings and blame it on Republicans.
But because they don't control the media now, they have the old media but not the real media, the dominant media, they're kind of scared to do false flags.
But I believe they'll go ahead and do them because they're so desperate.
They're not going to give up power.
And so I think they'll kill Trump before then.
But we've got to be steadfast, tell the truth, push through.
He'll be a martyr.
I think they're going to probably kill him.
I think Trump's dead before the election about a 65% chance.
And I'm not, again, predicting that.
I'm not saying I want that.
I think when Trump was asked by Carlson, you know, on his head, he said, yeah, they'll probably try that.
I mean, he knows.
I'm not going to get into the behind-the-scenes conversations, but he's committed.
Trump says, I've got to do this.
We have no choice.
It's the same with me.
They got grand juries out trying to indict me right now.
They're following me around with black SUVs.
They're harassing the hell out of my family right now and today.
I'm not going to get into the details of it, but I mean, it's serious.
That doesn't make me go, oh, I better pull back because, oh, they're bad.
No, I know they're bad.
I know they're evil, and they're just proving it more.
It's the immovable object comes into the unstoppable force.
God is in charge.
God doesn't want us to be cowards.
God hates cowards.
We've got to be as good as we can, as strong as we can.
Tell the truth.
Justice be done.
May the heavens fall.
I'm sure you've heard that saying.
I forget who said it.
Guys, look up.
Justice be done.
May the heavens fall.
At the end of the day, I'll intellectually analyze the enemy.
I'll spiritually analyze them.
I'll fight them.
At the end of the day, I'm going to do what's right no matter what.
I mean, I'm not a perfect person.
I'm on some high horse, but folks, you can't buy me.
You can't threaten me.
You can't get me to change course.
And in fact, I'm mad at myself every second that I'm not stronger.
I don't have more strength or will that I make mistakes, but I want to be good.
I love God.
I can't back down.
I won't back down.
And it's just like in a fight.
I'm not the toughest guy around.
I grew up in Dallas.
It was rough, man.
And I didn't start any of the fights.
And almost every time, a few times I got my leg broke or put in a concussion or, you know, body slammed and, you know, everything else.
I lost a few times, but most of the time I didn't lose because it didn't matter what happened, I just decided to win.
And I don't know when somebody walks up to me and starts punching me in the face, anything else to do but to just open up a can of whoop-ass on their ass.
And that's all I got.
And so I'm going to go 110% against these people.
And I'm just praying to God being, God, we're going all the way.
And we got everything on the line here.
We're just asking you to carry us across this.
Because we got Pharaoh behind us.
We got the Red Sea in front of us, folks.
And it's going to be God opens up that sea.
And everything they set up for us is going to destroy them.
Now, that means, though, the leaders People like President Trump and others are going to have to take the brunt.
And as long as we're willing to die, or be politically destroyed and demonized, we're going to win.
And so I think that's really the answer, brother.
Okay, Alex.
I sure appreciate your insight on that.
Hopefully, you know, God ultimately is in control.
And if we serve Him, if we honor Him, And as you say, justice be done as the heavens may fall, and that's all we can do.
And thank you so much.
And again, I forgot this, but print that for me, folks.
That's powerful.
I'm going to read this right now on air.
In 1800, in England, maybe 1% of people they estimate was an abolitionist.
And within 20 years, England was taken over by abolitionists, and England went around the world and fought more than 10 wars to end slavery, in most areas.
And you know what happened with the Civil War.
Maybe 5% of the North was abolitionists, maybe 1% was South.
By 1868, it was decided, wasn't it?
So it shows when you've got the truth on your side, nothing's gonna stop you.
Martin Luther King talked about it.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. King.
The universe bends towards justice.
So put that back on screen.
Justice be done or the heavens fall.
And in Latin, I guess it's, uh... Fight.
Lucidia ruta.
I'm probably butchering that.
I'm sorry.
I'm not good at Latin.
There's a Latin legal phrase meaning, let justice be done though the heavens fall.
The maxim signifies the belief that justice must be recognized regardless of consequences.
According to 19th century abolitionist politician Charles Sommer, it does not come from any classical source, though others have ascribed it to Lucius Calpurnius Piso, Sysinius, the concept is cited in Somerset versus Stewart.
But I think at the end of the day it's what so many people have said. Damn
the maneuvers, go straight at them.
Damn the torpedoes, go straight at them.
At a certain point, they want to castrate our children.
Open pedophilia, devil worship, open borders, nanotech, poison injections, mass heart attacks, World War III.
It's like, I'm not with these people.
So I'm not going to sit here and intellectualize it anymore.
I've already done all that to fight them, and we do that in our fight.
But the decision to not submit is in concrete.
It's as hard as steel.
The decision that we're not with these people is absolute and everything else flows from that.
It's like I said for 20 years.
I just came up with it in a speech 20 years ago.
It's a maxim.
It's super popular.
I see members of Parliament and the EU quoting it.
It makes me proud.
It makes me satisfied.
But I don't know how all this is going to end.
I don't know how bad this is all going to get.
But if the New World Order wants a fight, they better believe they got one.
And it's like, you're the one beating the hell out of me, man.
You're the one attacking us.
We didn't do anything to you.
So you know what?
If you want a fight, you got one!
All right, we're going to finish up some calls, get into the latest Cut Down the Trees to Save the Earth reports from our good buddy Bill Gates.
I want to say one more thing about Trump.
We had a caller earlier, the last caller we took, And he said something important.
He says, what do you want Trump to go so far?
They shoot him?
And I think this is what I've said, what Tucker Carlson said, what everybody understands.
Trump is now doing exactly what they'll kill him for.
You want all the way?
You want unlimited?
You got it.
And it's not about kissing Trump's ass or saying he's perfect, but let me tell you something.
That's the real McCoy right there.
I mean, if you don't know that, you got, you got your head turned around.
I mean, this is real.
Believe it.
So you're seeing there's not just evil in the universe, folks.
And there are people like Trump that aren't going to get pushed around or they're going to die fighting.
So I'm going to be completely honest with you.
I believe all of you that hate Trump.
Are going to be discredited.
I think there's a 65% chance he's dead within one year.
They're going to kill him dead in a hammer.
It can be stopped, but I'm telling you, I believe that there is a probability that it's probable.
You know, like when they go, oh, we think the Buccaneers are going to win the Super Bowl and they win it.
Buccaneers 65% chance gonna win.
65% chance.
I'm not saying this year.
I'm not actually handicapping football.
Using it as an analogy.
That guy's got bullet holes in him and he's gonna be in the ground within one year.
And there's a good chance we're gonna be in nuclear war.
So, we're not in Kansas anymore.
This isn't a game.
This is not entertainment.
And I love the folks who tried to have an award ceremony for us a few weeks ago and
tried to get me to go and I said maybe I'd go.
But at the end of the day, I couldn't go to an awards ceremony on the deck of a Titanic.
It's just, it's not, like, I don't know how to describe this.
I really have struggles.
I'm pretty articulate.
I've tried to come up with a way to describe, almost having a show talking about this is sick.
But there's a bunch of news I didn't even hit today, where the police confirm it, a guy in New Mexico caught 15 kidnapped kids in a cage at a truck stop, and now the story's disappeared.
Little kids kidnapped in a cage.
I mean, how do you even like it's the magnitude of the evil is staggering.
And I mean, I think that's really what people got to come to grips with here.
And everybody, not everybody, but a lot of folks see Trump as like some entertainment thing, like, oh, it's a gladiator fight and will he get killed?
Or, you know, will he succeed and get the popcorn out?
This isn't popcorn.
And for the leftists and the globalists that think it's funny, do they have any idea how dangerous this is?
No, they don't.
Because they've never lived.
I'm telling you, the average globalist is an inbred pedophile lawyer.
The average globalist is a 60-year-old woman or man.
They're white.
They're a pedophile.
They're a pervert.
And they've never been in a fistfight.
They've never grown tomatoes.
They've never wiped a baby's ass.
They've never paid a bill that was late.
They are just up there in control, screwing with everybody, and they think it's all funny.
And those of us that are around the block, we're like, do you have any idea?
You're doing some crazy stuff.
Like, you know this stuff never goes well.
They just laugh all day, because you look at them.
They're piles of garbage.
So we gotta stabilize ourselves, take care of our families, fight as much as we can, not get roped into a civil war because they want us all to kill each other, and just pray to God.
Because America's already gone, folks.
Now, it's not a person.
A person dies, they're dead.
It can be resurrected like the Phoenix, but let's just be honest.
Stick a fork in this country, it's gone.
You're like, well, let's just give in to Merrick Garland.
He'll make it ten times worse!
Cause see, we can resurrect a dead body.
But none of the buzzards come in and eat the flesh.
So America's dead.
And now the buzzards are landing to eat our eyeballs out.
No, we gotta get this thing up like Lazarus, folks.
We gotta keep the buzzards off the body.
But the country's dead.
Now like Frankenstein, we can get some Holy Ghost lightning in here and get this sucker back up.
But it's never going to be the same.
When we get the country back up on its feet, it's going to be tougher than it ever was.
But it'll never be the same, ladies and gentlemen.
So use whatever analogy you want.
But it's dead.
But your will and your support and your prayer and your political action can lightning strike this dead body and get it back up on its feet.
But the buzzards and the rats are coming in to eat the body.
And that's where we are right now.
The globalists are like a buzzard sitting on our chest and it's about to go right in for our eyeball and slurp it up.
Yeah, we're dead already, folks.
We're dead.
It's gone.
Country's dead.
But they haven't started slicing us up yet.
And we can still reconstitute.
It's a lot harder.
But we don't want them to chop it all up.
We can get it back up on its feet.
But you gotta admit, it's dead.
And you gotta put that antenna up to God, and you gotta string the cables in, you gotta have the storm come in, and you gotta fight the vampires off while we get those big-ass electrodes on Frankensteins.
We gotta hold them back and just wait for that lightning.
And then the new world order is going to be in a lot of trouble.
Look at Trump.
He's Frankenstein.
He didn't know what was going on.
He was naive.
Oh, he's Frankenstein now.
That's why they're so scared.
He's loose in the countryside.
But Trump's a baby Frankenstein.
Compared to the Republic once it wakes back up.
Gotta get born again, folks.
And I can put a few hundred watts into it.
You can put a few hundred watts into it.
Tucker Carlson can put a few hundred watts.
All of us put electricity into the Republic.
We can... Turn that sucker back on.
Use the cheesy analogy of the last Godzilla movie.
Which I don't like cheesy movies, but it was a good cheesy movie.
And Godzilla's dead, so they detonate nukes on him because he's a nuclear reactor, and that defibrillates him and he wakes back up.
And when he fights the big three-headed devil, man, he just detonates all that weaponry and blows it up.
I mean, we're at that point, but Godzilla is dead right now.
And we got to detonate politically the thermonuclear weapons that are going to energize Godzilla's cells.
We got to admit how much trouble we're in.
Got to take the defibrillators onto the heart and go, Right in there.
But only desperate measures are going to do that.
All right, I said I'd take your calls and I still got to get to the carbon tax news.
Maybe I should just start the show with it tomorrow.
I mean, you can't make this up.
Bill Gates wants to cut the trees down.
I mean, we already know.
Just come on, folks.
The trees are bad now.
Come on.
What space aliens are running things that they don't like are trees now?
And how do you get the average idiot left?
It's like, "Hey, your bosses want to cut the trees down."
But I promise to take your calls.
So let's do this.
We got four calls left.
Five calls left.
No, four calls left.
Jim and Barbara and Jefferson and Allen.
So let's just start taking the calls right now.
Let's go to Jim in North Carolina.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hey, Alex.
Are you aware if President Trump has like an organization or something in place to make sure the election is not stolen again?
Focusing specifically on the background... I mean, he tried to do that.
They've indicted him for it.
Yeah, but I mean, did he learn something specifically from last time that can be put in place?
Because I think you and me and all of us, we don't really have any faith that the election is going to be honest.
You're inspiring us very much, and there's a lot to be aware of, but do we honestly think we're going to get another honest election out of these people?
Well, the answer is a landslide is hard to beat.
He got 8 million more votes than he got last time.
Obviously, Biden didn't win.
They did it with mail-in ballots.
They're trying to get him into lockdowns.
We're fighting the lockdowns.
But you say an organization in place, he's completely surrounded.
He's not like a genie that can just do whatever he wants.
But yeah, I mean, we're just still fighting.
And sure, we're going into fraud, but do we just give up to the fraud?
No, absolutely not.
And it seems the tide is turning, and I feel like, you know, with your information from the whistleblower a couple of weeks ago, and then it coming right out, everybody I talk to seems awake.
And I want to thank you for that.
What you've done and done for this country, besides saving many of us from getting that vax, thank you.
Brother, don't thank me.
We are in the same boat together, Jim.
Thank you.
All right, let's take your phone calls quickly here.
I appreciate you holding.
Barbara in North Carolina, welcome.
Just wanted to ask you, Alex, do you believe in divine intervention?
I don't believe in it.
I absolutely know it's true and I depend on it, but we have to do the right thing and have a lot of courage.
Courage draws in, courage and sacrifice draws in divine intervention.
That's true.
I understand that, but I do believe that there are prophets out there today.
Some people say there are no prophets of today.
Kim Clement said that Trump was going to be in the White House.
He was going to get two terms.
He didn't say consecutive terms.
He said Clark.
Clay Clark stepped up to the plate, got into Jesus, and now he's doing the reawakened tours.
I mean, things are going to happen that are bad.
We're seeing it because we're in the end time.
We are in the end time.
So, what I'm asking is that, oh, please do not talk about Trump being killed because I believe that he is an anointed.
He's anointed by God.
So, I pray every night for you and for all of you.
Well, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, God's in control, but God works through us.
The globalists, if we don't make it a big issue, and if we don't let them know they're behind it ahead of time, they'll do it.
We have to know.
I agree with you 100%.
We have to let them know.
I passed that along, what you said.
But I do believe that if God is in control, then we have to do what God wants us to do by spreading that word, spreading His word, and also standing up for what is right and just and what He wants us to do.
I hear what you're saying and I don't disagree with you, but the next step in the grab is them to kill Trump.
And anybody with a political research knows that.
Of course, God's in charge.
But we need to understand Trump is in grave danger and pray for him.
I appreciate your call.
That's what I'm saying.
So this thing that like, I've heard the Q thing.
I'm not saying you're a Q person, but hey, it's invincible.
Trump's anointed.
You know, he can't be stopped.
And then we just sit there and think everything's fine.
It's not.
We're in an urgent situation.
Jefferson in Virginia.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Yes, sir.
You know, the globalist you were talking about that we should all see more often on your show is Dr. Meryl Nass, this white-haired, curly-haired woman from the European Parliament who basically is saying that the World Health Organization is going to use pandemics and biosecurity as an excuse to take over jurisdiction of everything, everywhere, in the future.
Well, yeah, that's the UN Treaty.
That's out in the open.
Right, and she's her own worst enemy.
If we put her up every day on a lead-in, just a video of her just being so happy about what they're trying to do to us, that'd be a great thing.
The insurance policy for Donald John Trump is Donald John Trump Jr.
He should be almost announcing that he wants to be on the ballot as an independent, just so the name Donald John Trump is there on the ballot, no matter what they do to his father.
And if they take his father out, his son obviously should step in and say, well, I'm going to Well, yeah, I mean, for the last lady, she's a great lady, but it's like not a movie.
It's Luke Skywalker for real in the trench trying to bolt the Death Star.
Trump is in grave danger.
We should be supporting him and praying for him.
And the fact that I'm saying that is not getting in the way of prophecy to say Trump's invincible.
Right, I agree with you, but like I said, the backup, it doesn't do the deep state much good to take out the father if the son is going to step in and replace him.
So if we just get on board with the notion that there's a backup plan for if they take out the leader, then they're less likely to bother doing it.
I think that's overall a good side plan, but you know, they killed JFK, so then RFK ran and they killed him.
I think the idea is, we know they did it or they killed Trump.
But what are we going to do about it at that point?
I said they're going to push us into a civil war years ago with you and Jason Jones on the air.
I said they're going to push us into a war and even if we win it, we're not going to come out of it very well.
We're going to be like the Frankenstein monster.
We're going to need resuscitation.
And you've been on target all day about this.
Cutting down the trees, it's just a silly thing.
They're going to set fire to the trees they cut down and burn them in Germany and England anyway.
They're going to create more CO2.
You know, when you sequester CO2 in the earth, you're putting twice as much oxygen into the earth as you are carbon.
That's the real secret is that they want to sequester oxygen in the earth and get rid of it.
And oxygen is the lowest level ever recorded on Earth.
Perfect point.
Thank you, Jefferson.
All right, one last call.
Allen in New York, and then the great Derr Hernandez, great pastor, great talk show host, hosts the show over there at Censored TV with Gavin McGinnis.
He's coming up right now, back in 60 seconds.
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We salute you all.
I see what you're doing, listeners and viewers.
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Drew Hernandez, popular talk show host for multiple platforms, will be hosting here in a few minutes at Drew H. Live on Twitter.
So tune in right now.
Can't wait to hear what he's about to talk about.
But finishing up with Alan in New York.
Thank you for calling.
Thank you for holding.
You're our telegunner.
Hey, Alex.
On behalf of all the shortwave listeners that are listening to you on WWBR, I want to thank you.
I started listening at the beginning of the pandemic, and you know, your best guess was Dr. Boyle.
He hit it on every point.
He was fantastic.
I think what people should realize is all these documents, top secret documents on the JFK assassination, RFK assassination, all this stuff was set to be declassified.
And Trump was probably going to do it.
And I think that this is what it's all about.
A politician, I'm not going to mention his name, but you can look it up on YouTube, a quote from him.
The intelligence agencies have six ways to Sunday to get even with people... Chuckie Schumer!
...that don't agree with them!
You're right.
That's right, Alex.
And, Alex, I hope to hear you again on shortwave.
You made shortwave radio worthwhile again.
I went to the Gerald Cilente rally.
You would never have known about Jerry Cilente, but I went to the rally.
Because of your show.
I heard about Jerry.
He was fantastic on every Monday.
But Alex, you're doing God's work, man.
God bless you.
I'm trying, yeah.
I've been on the air 29 years.
I've been on shortwave 27 years.
And we've been for 23 years on WWCR.
100,000 watts.
You can hear it in Antarctica.
You can hear it in Africa.
You can hear it in Japan.
You can hear it in Russia.
You can hear it in Costa Rica.
You can hear it in Chile.
It's $11,000 a month, we're on four hours a night, and it has a huge audience, and we're in bankruptcy, and you can't prove to the court that it's bringing money in.
We just do it as a service.
And so, I tell everybody, you count on us being here, doesn't mean that's going to be the case forever, ladies and gentlemen.
So we've had major complaints when WWCR, I didn't even make an issue out of it, I decided we couldn't pay for it anymore a month ago.
And it's $11,000 a month.
It reaches millions around the world.
And so I, you know, that's just the way it is.
And hopefully we get through this bankruptcy and move forward.
We can do it.
But we are on the knife's edge of staying on air.
And I'm exhausted.
So 20% of me wants to just kind of fade back and do a podcast, write books.
I got all these endless guests I could do.
Endless talk shows I can go on.
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But you're going to see that out tomorrow at noon and we're just fighting with everything we've got and we appreciate your support and we respect you and we thank you.
All right, the great Drew Hernandez takes over now.
Alex, thank you so much.
I want to continue this conversation.
And by the way, guys, welcome to the fourth hour of the most banned transmission in the universe.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
I just want to get right into this and continue to talk about this Trump assassination talk that we're hearing everywhere.
And I think Tucker's spot on.
I think Alex is spot on.
Even the callers are 100 percent spot on, because that would be the next phase of everything that we're seeing in continuation with all the building blocks that the New World Order has been establishing for the past few decades.
I mean, we could just point back to 2020 particularly, or even go a little further back to 2015-2016, the advent of Donald J. Trump.
Look exactly what they've been doing.
And look exactly how they've been building.
And I think we've been hearing this term, systemic racism, for the past few years.
It's become popularized by BLM and Antifa, and all the woke, tarred SJWs on the ground with the blue and the green hair that, you know, are obsessed with homosexuality.
But, you know, there really is systemic globalism.
And you see them roll out their plans systemically.
Sometimes like 2020, for instance, they rolled that whole thing out immediately worldwide.
Huge wave that came out.
But, and I know Alex knows this and anyone that's a viewer of InfoWars understands that they will roll these plans out systemically as well.
They'll wait a few years.
That's why they always come out.
Agenda 20, 20, Agenda 2021, Agenda 2025, 2026, all the way to 2050 and beyond.
They have these plans that are all systemically getting rolled out.
Very, very strategically.
But in terms of an assassination of Donald J. Trump, I think is 100% probable because why wouldn't they?
I think that's the real question that has to be asked.
Not would they do that, but why wouldn't they do that?
You know, that's kind of what I've been asking myself for the past few years.
I don't think that's too far-fetched to really speculate or think about or talk about live on air.
And I think this kind of talk that everyone is experiencing right now I hate talking about it because that's the last thing that I would want to wake up to is news breaking all over the world that Donald J. Trump has died of a heart attack.
I don't even think they would go with a shooting.
That's too dramatic for these people.
I think they would, some kind of CIA low-key poisoning, some kind of infiltrator that's in Mar-a-Lago.
Maybe some of the, you know, the feds will get to a chef in Mar-a-Lago.
You know what I'm saying?
The feds will have some kind of infiltrator that's a worker in Mar-a-Lago that's walking around with, you know, serving the food, giving Trump his dinner.
I mean, this is...
This is the real deal, you know?
Like, this is literally the real deal.
And I think that might be the direction they go.
And then we will all know what it is.
We will all know what it means.
But I think they might want that as well.
But before I get into what I think the final showdown of the Trump assassination might exactly be, is I think what they're going to do And I think these incoming lockdowns, restrictions, have everything to do with that.
Because if you take a look at the wavelength, they're gonna go with what they already know works, and what they know works right now, because they know they have a short amount of time.
There's no room for error here.
They're not gonna test with the climate lockdowns, they're not gonna test with anything else right now.
Other than Tucker might be right, I think They might just go with some kind of nuclear war threat and the whole world has to lock down.
And maybe not even the whole world.
They could just isolate it to the United States of America.
Well, there's a nuclear threat.
I mean, they've already been putting the PSYOP into the minds of millions of people that Vladimir Putin, you had a stomachache.
It's Vladimir Putin's fault.
You know what I mean?
Like someone rear-ended you on the freeway.
It's Vladimir Putin's fault.
Putin is the bad guy, the fall guy, the villain.
And that's been installed in the minds of millions of Americans.
The RINOs are doing it.
The Democrats are doing it.
The Uniparty is doing it.
And they do it in unison every single day.
So they don't even have to launch a hot ground war.
They could just say there's one.
And there's an imminent nuclear threat because Vladimir Putin is strategizing and he's getting his nuclear arms ready to launch to New York any day now.
Or he's getting close to Alaska and California is going to be obliterated.
So we need full nuclear lockdowns or else you're going to experience a nuclear holocaust.
Get underground.
Don't go outside for the next six to...
10 months and beyond.
I mean, that could easily be rolled out simple.
While at the same time, they could continue with the variant.
For God's sake, I don't know if the crew wants to pull it up.
It's somewhere on my Twitter, maybe like the third tweet down.
They're getting so desperate that in New York, the so-called leaders, they're literally digging through feces.
Okay, they're saying, well, we're finding the new COVID variant in the sewage of New Yorkers.
They've got to crawl through feces to try to give you fear porn to shut down the world, okay?
So like, they will go to the furthest, they will go to the furthest extent to get this done.
But I think the combination of all of them could very well lead to a Trump assassination.
And the reason why I believe that is because if you have all of these things moving together at once, especially with the PSYOPs that we've been experiencing for the past few years, everything's white supremacy.
Everything is right-wing domestic terrorism.
Everything is mega Republicans, a threat to democracy.
J6 was the worst thing.
J6 was the worst attack on our democracy since 9-11, since Pearl Harbor.
You think they're just saying that just to say it?
It's a PSYOP.
It's a psyop for millions of people that are not thinking for themselves to buy into it and believe in it!
Because when they finally roll out their false flags, or they finally roll out a assassination to trigger some kind of mass destabilization in the West... Listen, this is where I'm getting to.
Don't miss this.
If they have some kind of... It doesn't even have to be worldwide, like I said.
It's like North Korea.
We're getting into North Korea territory.
Those people are shut out from the world.
That's where they want to take us.
They don't need to roll COVID lockdowns throughout the entire world again.
They could just isolate us, shut down the internet, shut down all communications from anyone on the outside, and they could North Korea us, and just get the entire public to believe that, oh yeah, here we are facing another worldwide lockdown.
Oh, Vladimir Putin is launching nukes all over.
They nuked North Korea!
They nuked Ukraine!
Everyone's getting nuked!
Everyone's locked down and go underground!
You see how easily they could do that?
So easy, dude.
I know you and I wouldn't fall for that.
But what happens when that gets rolled out sometime next year?
They roll out the COVID restrictions.
They roll out the COVID lockdowns again.
We go back to, you can't go to the gym.
You have to be inside by your curfew.
All that same crap, right?
All the same crap.
You're seeing mothers arrested at parks again.
You're seeing police officers just obeying orders because they have to.
That's what they say.
Violating constitutional oaths.
You've seen mom-and-pop shops again getting shut down while Bezos enriches himself, Walmart stays open.
And it is a crime to go outside again.
It is a crime to go to the gym.
It is a crime to go somewhere in public.
They shut down the airlines.
It is a crime to not wear a mask on an airplane again.
And if you go outside, they'll take it a step further like they did in 2020.
Well, that's a crime too.
Because it'll no longer just be curfew, it'll just be, well, you're unauthorized to be outside.
Because there's a nuclear threat imminent, and also, you're spreading COVID.
So no matter what you do, you're a threat to democracy.
And do you see how that term will be thrown in again?
This is the PSYOP, guys.
There's a reason why they've been saying this.
That's how propaganda works.
They've been saying this over and over and over and over again.
Right-wing domestic terrorists.
Threat to democracy.
Threat to democracy.
But it's nonsense.
They say it over nothing, right?
They say it over nonsense.
Of course.
Because the millions of people that refuse to think for themselves, they'll buy it.
They'll believe it.
These retards out here that actually believe that if you support Trump, you're a right-wing domestic terrorist, but they don't bat an eye when Antifa's burning and BLM is burning buildings down.
They believe the PSYOP.
They actually believe that the greatest threat to democracy was J6 and anyone with a Trump hat on.
That's why everything has been white supremacy, everything has been right-wing domestic terrorists.
Because now they have that narrative to launch, especially, particularly, they did it in New Zealand as well, remember?
What were they calling the people that were against the lockdowns?
Those are acts of terrorism.
Those are acts of domestic terrorism.
And you need to report that as a good citizen in New Zealand, in your city or in your town.
Same thing in the United States.
The same thing in the CCP.
If you oppose the government, if you oppose the lockdowns, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, threat to democracy.
And they'll probably even take it as far as this.
If they come out and say, well, we're in a nuclear war with Russia and you're not locking down, that is an act of war against this country and you are supporting Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin and the Russians by going outside.
Guys, like they could go so far with this.
But what happens when they do all of this?
And they assassinate Trump in the middle of it.
Because I think the response to a Trump assassination will be mass Protests, peaceful and patriotically.
The Patriots will carry that on in Trump's name, just like he called for at J6.
Peacefully and patriotically.
I think there will be mass demonstrations.
You think J6?
You think that Million Man March was huge?
You're gonna see not just Trump supporters hit the streets.
You're gonna see Americans hit the streets by the millions.
Why do you think all the blacks, okay, the hood, is all coming out and supporting Trump?
Because they see just exactly what the deep state is and what they're... The black community's been dealing with the deep state for years!
Just ask Lil Wayne, always having run-ins with the feds.
Just ask all these rappers that are constantly and consistently always having run-ins with the feds.
It's nothing new to these people.
But hey, I guess this was the red pill they all needed!
But what happens when they assassinate Trump in the middle of these lockdowns?
You can't go outside.
It is a violation to go outside.
You are unauthorized to go outside.
And then what will they call you?
You see all... This is just my theory.
I don't know if this is going to happen.
I could be totally wrong here.
And I hope I am, because the last thing I want to see is the assassination of Donald J. Trump.
I don't want to see that, you guys.
The words coming out of my mouth is just like, I can't believe I'm talking about this, but here we are in a banana republic.
Here we are with kangaroo courts.
Here we are in third world country behaviors when it comes to our government.
It's like we're in freaking Haiti right now, to even have a so-called parliament.
It's like we're in some kind of third world Venezuelan system right now.
Hey, look at the direction they've gone in Brazil.
Populists will be persecuted, attacked, and assassinated.
That's the future, okay?
Just like Jesus Christ.
Persecuted, targeted, murdered, assassinated, right?
You stand for truth, you stand for righteousness, you take a stand against Satan?
That's your fate.
But we accept our fate.
We accept this mission.
We've chosen to accept this mission because we know that God is with us and will not forsake us.
You see, but here's the thing.
I think that's very probable, because if that happens, they assassinate Trump, whether they're open about it.
I mean, at this point, you know, I might even be wrong about that.
Maybe they will do it low-key, or maybe they'll just be out in the open like, ha ha ha, we got him!
We got that terrorist!
Do you see how that word, do you see how that terminology gives them the justification to kill anybody?
Who has an issue with assassinating a terrorist?
Who has an issue with bombing and nuking the hell out of ISIS?
Who has an issue with that?
Unless you're a part of them.
Unless you're a part of that caliphate.
Unless you're a part of that terror organization.
Unless you're a part of those sleeper cells.
Unless you are a part of them.
You take issue with it, but you don't take an issue if someone comes and obliterates ISIS.
Do you?
I don't.
Let's go!
No matter where it is.
Take them out!
Terrorists should be eradicated!
You see, they have that mindset, and they've applied it to MAGA.
They have that mindset, they've taken that terminology, that's the PSYOP for the past few years.
They've taken that terminology, they've applied it not just to right-wingers, not just to conservatives, even people like Alex Jones.
That always identifies as a classical liberal, right?
Even people like Tim Pool.
Okay, this is how far the PSYOP really goes.
Well, you are a right-wing domestic terrorist because you remotely support Trump.
You remotely support America.
You remotely support the Don't Tread Me flag.
Why do you think the FBI has been classifying all these people, even Catholics and Christians, to the extent of being pro-life?
So in the midst of another lockdown, and you know, I might even just, I don't know, maybe I shouldn't be talking like this on the air.
The last thing I need is one of these psychopaths to listen to what I'm saying, saying, you know, that's a pretty good idea.
Why don't we do that?
God forbid.
It's the last thing I want to see.
But I think that's very probable.
I think if they lock down the world, we have all these mass restrictions again, they will punch in.
They love this.
That's why they've been doing it.
That's why they call you a terrorist.
No one's gonna bat an eye if they believe you're a terrorist.
And the feds come after you, the military comes after you to eradicate you and all connections to terrorism!
That's why they've been calling Trump the chief terrorist, Adolf Hitler 2.0!
That's why they all call you Nazis!
That's why they all call you the SS if you had a red MAGA hat on!
It's all for this moment, you understand that?
It's all for this!
They probably will assassinate Trump and then lock down the world in the process.
And if you go outside to peacefully and patriotically protest that, terrorists, terrorists, you're a threat to democracy.
You're going to get people killed.
It'll be next level 2020.
National Guard rolled out.
Well, you are an affiliation with the Russians!
Remember when we told you that Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election?
Now we're at nuclear war with Russia, and you are not obeying the United States by staying locked down in the middle of a war with Russia?
You must be a traitor, and you must be an agent of the Kremlin!
I don't know, man.
Listening to Tucker talk, listening to Alex talk, I put them all together.
And this is what I see based off of this entire formulation taking place.
Start right there.
I mean, it goes further, further back, right?
Let's just start at 2015.
The day that man comes down the escalator.
I'm watching all these pieces come together right now.
And I think Roger Stone is right as well.
If they fail to take him off the ballot, that might be the next stop.
Because these indictments, I mean, if he does get a fair trial, obviously in Florida, it's looking pretty good for Trump.
Is he going to get a fair trial with all the riggers in Georgia?
I mean, we got to do something about these riggers.
These riggers just keep rigging these damn elections.
Is he going to get a fair trial with the riggers in Georgia?
I don't know.
Do you think so?
But if they fail to remove him from the ballot, I think that'll be the next step.
I think Roger Stone is right about that.
Which they will fail.
They will fail.
We've already seen some RINO Republicans that were attempting to get that done.
They wanted to remove Trump from the Republican primary ballots.
Upcoming votes.
But they backed off because they saw the massive... See, but this is where InfoWars is important.
This is where the American Great Awakening... Guys, you want to know the Great Awakening is already here.
It's already functioning and mobilizing.
When Alex dropped that story with the whistleblowers, that they're coming out with these restrictions and possible lockdowns again, immediately the news... There were a few articles out there calling them a conspiracy theorist, but they attempted to get ahead of it.
Because that was the battle plan.
The New World Order is going forward with this.
But at the same time, look at the response.
Getting ahead of this, with the information, and it makes sense why everything gets censored, de-boosted, and shadow banned.
Because if we get ahead of their plans, and we start blowing the trumpet, and we start warning the city, From within the gates that, hey!
As watchmen and watchwomen.
Enemy inbound!
Enemy inbound!
These are their plans!
This is the playbook!
Get ready!
We can get ready.
We can expose.
The public is waking up.
I've been talking to Normies, dude.
Some of my friends that are not political.
Even they got the AJ news.
And I didn't even give it to them.
They just come to me and say, dude, are we really going to do this again?
They're going to lock, they're going to, they're going to do it again.
They're like, hell no, I'm not doing, you're seeing YouTubers.
You're seeing all the, this is a good thing.
And this is why they censor.
This is why they de-platform.
And this is why they de-boost.
This is why a platform like this is 100% on the front lines and essential to combating not only these fake news narratives, but these New World Order battle plans that are coming after not just us, the info warriors that know what's up, but the normies out there.
That need to wake up and get plugged outside of the matrix.
Support InfoWars.
Support the broadcast.
Don't let the broadcast die.
That is a perfect example of how imperative and important, imperative and important this broadcast really is.
We get ahead of this.
We expose it.
When I say we, Alex comes out, breaks the story, and we just spread it, spread the links all over Twitter, worldwide, wherever you could post a link.
Waking people up.
This is how we win.
We'll be right back.
All right, guys, you are now watching the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez, the most banned transmission in the universe.
I want to thank every single one of you guys.
I'm breaking down how I think this Trump assassination could go.
I think to sit here and say it can't happen, you'd have to be in denial, to be honest.
And of course, there's always divine intervention.
There's always the God factor.
But there's always God's will.
There's always God's permissive will.
God's perfect will can be executed through perfect obedience.
But we're not always perfectly obedient.
But God will use evil for good in the end.
And we have seen revolutionary figures murdered, assassinated, not just in recent times, ancient times.
There are many figures that took a stand against tyranny and lost their lives because they were too dangerous.
I mean, the ultimate revolutionary, Jesus Christ.
I mean, calling him a revolutionary is kind of disrespectful in my opinion as a Christian.
I almost want to repent of that because he's God in human flesh.
But I guess you could say that.
The ultimate rebel.
The ultimate considered insurrectionist.
Rome saw him as a threat, obviously.
The Jewish people of the day saw him as a threat because he was claiming to be God, but those who desire to live godly lives in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.
You take that stand, that's not just coming in the form of, well, I don't want to bake a gay person a cake.
I mean, yeah, stand your ground.
That doesn't just only come in the form of, well, I'm wearing a controversial flag on my backpack and the school's getting mad at me.
Take a stand for that.
But this goes as far as to, we're going to chop your head off.
Deny Christ.
Or we're going to incinerate and rape your wife in front of you.
That's the kind of persecution the Apostle Paul was talking about, okay?
Because that's what was happening in Rome at the time.
Nero was staging false flags.
Attempted to burn down Rome?
Blame it on the Christians?
Think about it.
That's history.
Attempted to make Christians look like what?
Threats to democracy!
Threats to the regime!
Threats to peace!
That still is happening today.
And like I said, of course, we need God.
We need divine intervention.
Well that's going to come through some obedience.
Laying off some of the old man.
Repentance personally of some personal stuff.
But also nationally.
We're going to come back to God.
We literally have to come back to God.
And obviously the Christians know this.
And the people of faith know this.
But we still have a huge population in this country.
And you know the degenerates are going to degenerate.
But you know what irritated Christ the most when you see him walking the earth in his public ministry?
He knew that degenerates were degenerates.
He preached the gospel to them, but he was extra aggressive to the Sadducees and the Pharisees, the Jews of his day, his own people.
Because he told them to their face, you have had the law, you have had the oracles of God, yet you still deny me and I'm standing right here in front of your face.
To whom much is given, much is required.
Those who do know better, those who do have the intel and do have the information and know what's expected of them as Christians, Receive a stricter judgment in terms of God is holding you accountable.
It doesn't mean that you know, I'm not talking about in terms of salvation.
I'm talking about in terms of how God decides to discipline a nation or how God decides to discipline a church or his people.
If you know more than the average God is going to deal with you and you see that in of itself.
I think is a judgment that we are experiencing as well.
Church has to repent.
I mean, look around you.
It's nothing but prosperity gospel.
Look around you.
It's nothing but, you know, grab it, blab it, and grab it.
It's nothing of self-help nonsense.
Nothing remotely close to the Bible.
All kinds of attacks on traditional biblical marriage.
The inversion thereof.
Supporting anything outside of that.
All these cucked out, limp-wristed pastors and Christians that are afraid to come out and speak anywhere remotely as close to where the Bible has to say?
It's all seeker-friendly?
We all have something to repent of.
But what I will say, coming back to Trump right now, is I think that what we're experiencing, we are experiencing a time in American history where this is a revolutionary moment.
Trump knows it.
Trump is fully aware of what he's walking into.
Trump is fully aware of what this means, not only for his legacy, whether it's selfish intentions or not, he's definitely going to go down as one of the great American heroes or villains, depending on who wins.
Because the victor ends up writing the history, correct?
And obviously if all these liars and degenerates and Satanists and globalists that have been calling everyone a Nazi and a right-wing supremacist, White supremacist.
We know how they're going to write this history.
It'll be very similar.
Probably, like I have always said, Trump is Adolf Hitler 2.0 and all of his supporters were the resurrection of the SS.
It's literally probably what they'll communicate to generations to come if we lose this thing.
And you know, I've been very open about my criticisms of Trump.
I've been very open about my support for Trump.
I'm Trump 2024.
And when I criticize Trump, it's because I want the man to succeed because we all succeed.
But at the same time, I've been saying, I don't think, and I don't say, guys, there's grifters in right-wing spaces all over Twitter, like, they want to, like, tweet consistently to get, like, Elon's attention, and then Elon listens and does something like, yeah, look, go on, look, look, Elon, listen to me!
Or they constantly tweet something to Trump and the Trump campaign in orbit, look, look, he listened, he listened, like they don't really care.
They just want to be able to say, well, look, see, they listen, they listen.
Look how, look how much popular influence I have.
And I'm not saying this because I want that.
I, I, none of that means anything to me, but I don't think this is Trump 2024 make America great again.
It's really not.
It's really not.
There should be memes.
It's like you.
It's America 2024, do or die.
America 2024, do or die.
That's where we're at right now.
This goes beyond the man.
This is the movement.
And the movement isn't even Make America Great Again.
We've transcended.
I think Trump and MAGA was the vehicle.
But everybody knows that all of these values that make up MAGA consist of what America has always been.
The very DNA, the veins and the blood running through those veins that energize the body known as the USA has all been systemically attacked from inside.
Viral disease, attacks from outside, physical assaults.
Attacks to the mind of this body known as the United States of America, PSYOPs, lies, manipulations, deceptions, CIA, FBI, weaponized operations on the people, the deep state, the shadow government, people waking up to the red pill, the God pill, and the Christ pill.
And I think the good thing here is that as much as we continue to get ahead of this stuff, it does have a good effect.
It does kind of unmask what these people will do.
I mean, I don't hold anything, I don't hold anything back.
I don't underestimate these people at all.
Maybe I kind of used to like, ah, they're, you know, if we expose it, they're not going to, well, it's good that we expose it.
We can get ahead of it.
And if there are millions of people out there that are anticipating what's about to happen, we know who did this.
See, that's the problem right now.
But I've kind of gotten to the point where I'm like, man, these people are so arrogant.
Satan is the embodiment of pride.
He is pride.
Lucifer, evil himself.
And these people operate in arrogance.
These people function as if no one will hold them accountable.
Hunter Biden can, you know, allegedly walk into the White House with cocaine and no one's going to say a damn thing.
Biden can sell this country out to the CCP in Ukraine.
No one says a damn thing.
Hillary Clinton, classified info, in her house?
FBI says it's real?
Nothing happens.
Well, God is vengeance, not Batman.
And God'll have his day.
We'll be right back.
Hi guys, we are back.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez, here on the fourth hour of the most banned transmission in the universe, the Alex Jones Show.
I want to invite you guys to follow me on Twitter, at Drew H Live.
You guys can watch my nightly show on Rumble, Drew Hernandez Live, Monday through Friday at 8 p.m.
That's 11 p.m.
Eastern Standard.
Rumble.com backslash Drew.
Also launching a new show called Unauthorized with Drew Hernandez exclusively on Censored.tv this Friday at 9 p.m.
Eastern Standard.
Gonna be bass, gonna be great.
A total pushback on all the gay late-night shows.
We're doing something new and I'm super excited about it.
So and also guys make sure to support the broadcast.
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So make sure you guys support the broadcast, InfoWarsStore.com.
Well, let's get back into what's going on with Trump.
I mean, take a look systemically what these people are doing.
They're rolling back out the COVID fear porn hysteria and they're doing it for a very specific reason.
And the reason is, just like Trump said in the video, here we are just a year out from the next election.
A year and a few months from the next election.
And you know another thing that I think they might do?
Because it seems like the GOP and conservatives and Republicans, their solution, which I think should be some serious election reform.
We've seen it in Florida.
We've seen it in some other states.
Arizona, Is a state that I don't understand why they rejected the serious election reform that probably could have got Carrie Lake to win.
And that was happening in like 2021.
No one wanted to touch it.
No one.
It was very weird.
I think she probably should have been the governor and she probably could have been the governor had that election reform bill been passed.
It was one day, one vote, on paper, no machines, statewide.
Uh, and the results would have been announced that night.
No internet involvement, but no one supported it.
It's very weird.
But I think since Republicans and the GOP have come out and said, well, we're just going to get into mass, uh, we're going to get into mass, uh, mail in ballot harvesting, ballot harvesting as well.
We're going to, we're going to play their game.
It's the same mistake that the GOP always makes.
It's the same mistake that conservatives make.
It's the same mistake always, always, always.
And it's the equivalent to what Mike Pence did to the nation on January 6th.
What are you talking about, Drew?
Well, what did Trump tell Tucker in the, what is it, over a quarter of a billion views now on X interview, Tucker and Trump?
Trump came out and said, well, you know, the lawyers were divided whether Pence could send the votes back to be checked and vetted before solidifying that thing on January 6th, because we weren't 100% sure.
Half the lawyers said you can do it.
Half the lawyers said you can't do it, right?
And Trump says, well, Pence decided to listen to the lawyers that told him he can't do it.
So obviously we know Ukraine erection, you know.
Activation expert Mike Pence decided to take his little 30 pieces of silver on January 6th.
We've all seen the infamous clip of taking his little coin and solidifying that election on that day.
That was the greatest threat to an attack on our democracy since Pearl Harbor in 9-11.
We know that he sealed that election.
And then Trump comes out and says, it was interesting.
Because the Uniparty, right after, got together and they put an end to the Vice President ever being able to do that ever again.
Whoa, would you look at that?
Of course, because that's what the Deep State does, right?
They will only allow themselves to do something, but you think you're gonna be able to do it?
And if you do, they will criminalize you!
And that's why Pence didn't do it, because he's Deep State.
But that's why after the fact, they said he couldn't do it.
Well, we're going to shut that ability down.
Now you can't do it.
Because the whole time you could have done it?
You see, their hypocrisy is not just hypocritical.
It's all by design because it's a power grab.
They, the elites, they are allowed to do things that you cannot do.
So if Republicans think they're going to fight this ground game, With spending ridiculous amounts of money, like hundreds of millions of dollars on mass mail-in ballot, ballot harvesting operations to meet the Democrats and fight them at their own game.
I can assure you that's going to happen.
They'll spend hundreds of millions of dollars.
They'll start doing it.
And you know what's going to happen probably the next day after the election?
Indictments, impeachments, criminal prosecutions, they will prosecute.
This is what they've been doing, okay?
This is what they've been doing for the past eight years, okay?
Everything that they are doing, they accuse you of doing, and everything that they do, you do something remotely close to it, well, you are put on the FBI's most wanted watch list, okay?
So I just think it's a stupid strategy.
I really do.
I don't view that as producing some kind of result where you're not going to end up in a kangaroo court and criminally prosecuted.
But I mean, we can push back, obviously.
We get our guys in, we get our people in.
And if right-wingers actually find a spine and start criminally prosecuting those that deserve to be criminally prosecuted, go on the offense and put these people on their heels, put these people on their toes for once in their lives?
Got the FBI, got the CIA, got all the three-letter agencies, intelligence agencies, need some serious reform.
If at that, you know, they're so compromised.
There's so much.
There's so much gangrene and everything.
It's all dying.
It's all dead.
It's like Alex said earlier, like it's just, it's a dying corpse.
We need revival from God or some kind of mass surgery from God.
Cutting all the gangrene.
We need some kind of Healing agents to the nation are we just need we need Jesus.
Yeah, what I'm describing is Jesus You know, we need a miracle is what we need.
We need Jesus.
We need divine intervention and We need to be ready and on the offense to righteously peacefully, but aggressively go after evil.
That's what needs to happen right now Because if you don't have the heart to go after evil, if you don't have the heart, whether it's politically, legislatively, whether it's culturally, whether it's in the media, it doesn't matter.
If you don't have the heart to go after and not only expose evil, but eradicate it by any means necessary, peacefully to start, you're going to lose everything.
You cannot have a society that's fully operational by evil.
You can't.
It's not going to work.
There has to be a level of morality.
There has to be a standard.
There has to be lines drawn and everything, for everything!
Because if you don't, evil takes an inch.
And they will, you give them an inch and they take an entire mile, a light year on you.
And I think that's why we're experiencing a lot of what we're experiencing right now.
And like I've been saying, InfoWars, Alex, everyone, Stone, everyone's at the tip of the spear.
Everyone's right here dealing with it, being surveilled by the feds, being watched when you're flying around the country.
But people need to take a serious look in the mirror and understand this has gone far beyond Trump 2024.
This is you 2024.
This is America 2024.
This is your future.
These mugshots, these indictments, this is your future.
These political witch hunts and persecutions, this is your future.
Don't think for one second, well, I'll never be on the level of Trump.
I'll never be that popular.
I'll never be that famous.
I'll never be that powerful.
It doesn't matter.
The power that you have, you want to know what the secret is?
That the New World Order is desperately, people like Noah Yuval Harari, with all their VR technology, jacking your mind into some kind of AI hive?
You know what they desperately want and they desperately need?
If there's one thing the New World Order wish they could tap into immediately without any resistance, it's your God-given free will.
That's it right there.
Because if they Could tap or hack into that, bypass your free will to control you consistently every single day without any resistance, zero resistance.
This is why tyrants take issue with freedom.
This is why they take issue with civil, free, God-given rights, because they can't bypass your free will.
They can impose their tyranny on you.
They can impose their tyrannical will on you.
But they can't take your spirit.
They can't take your free will.
They can't take your freedom.
And they know it.
And they hate it.
And they won't get it.
They can't have it.
Trump knows it.
You know it.
It's not make America great again.
It's Trump 2024.
It's America 2024.
Do or die.
Do or die.
It's America 2024. Do or die. Do or die. It's do or die.
I've not been this excited ever.
Yeah, mudpud, baby!
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Now we're about to play you a clip from a well-known prestigious doctor, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, laying out some of the latest numbers.
These are hard, cold numbers.
See this for yourself.
One of the big pieces of news over the last couple of days has been a substack by a gentleman called Peter Halligan.
Peter Halligan.
He's a most experienced analyst in the financial industry, extremely used to looking at statistics and translating them into a summary statement.
And this is the summary statement, and I hope your leaders are sitting down, holding themselves, because what I'm going to tell you intuitively sounds ridiculous.
That's why it's so Incredibly important that I say this.
These numbers are best estimates at this point in time using government data for the global consequences of the clout shot in terms of death and morbidity, otherwise known as serious adverse events such as heart attack, strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc.
We've been focusing for good reason on North American statistics during the last two and a half years.
But this man has extrapolated that into the total effect, negative effect, of the clock chart.
And these are the numbers.
Deaths, global deaths, directly attributable to the vaccine, 20 million.
Two zero million deaths due to the plot shot.
And two billion, big B, two billion serious adverse reactions of the type I described.
Now these numbers are beyond staggering.
They, to contrast that with history, Vaccines have typically been pulled from the market when the last one, the birth of the vaccine was pulled with only 35, 3-5 deaths.
I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here.
An unimaginable carnage.
Which isn't over.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw is literally the tip of the iceberg.
Go to Infowars.com.
The full videos are there.
We're playing them on the regular weekday show, 11am to 3pm.
This is a covert holocaust.
This is global depopulation.
So please, tell your friends, your family, strangers, your neighbors.
If they want to know the truth, go to Infowars.com so you can see these full reports for yourself.
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We're barely hanging on right now.
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