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Name: 20230830_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 30, 2023
2908 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including potential nuclear war, battles against globalist elites, promoting Infowars products, Mike Lindell's collaboration with Steven Crowder, Omega-3 fatty acids, biblical verses about the wicked and righteous, concerns over false flags, election interference, supporting small businesses, overcoming addiction, current COVID situation and Trump's stance against mandates, weather manipulation, environmental policy, and promoting high-quality coffee and survival supplies.

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Crooked Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent, I believe that he has gone mad.
A stark, raving lunatic with his horrible and country-threatening environmental open borders and DOJ-FBI weaponization policies.
He is a mental catastrophe that is leading our country to hell.
We'll end up in World War III because of this man, and for no reason whatsoever.
There was already civilizations before us, probably three of them.
We've blown each other off the map before, and the globalists run around constantly trying to cover that history up, because they think they're going to control the collapse this time, and then they're going to come out and survive, and then build their new super breakaway thing.
They're delusional.
They want the live extension technology.
They're using us as guinea pigs.
We cannot and we will not put up with it.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alice Jones.
So I think you've heard from the FDA and CDC.
They've made an announcement on the new vaccine.
So certainly they said that they will have an, there'll be an updated vaccine in September, mid-September, I believe.
So we know that, as you all know, vaccinations against COVID-19 remains the safest protection for avoiding hospitalization, long-term health outcomes, and death, which is why we are going to be encouraging Americans to stay up to date on their vaccines.
The criminal governments of the world are about to attack we the people again with the masks, lockdowns, and deadly vaccines.
And people are already masking up.
As a Weimar judge was just sentenced to two years in prison for trying to lift the last mask mandate, Germany is set to mandate the masks starting again this October.
Corporations are announcing mask mandates.
Colleges are announcing mask mandates and threatening to disenroll students if they don't get the clot shot.
The CDC admits the masks are useless and the NIH published a study saying that the N95 masks can expose people to toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer.
The mainstream media, like CNN, have been brainwashing these people to be under a spell of democratic stuff.
And it's making them wear these masks that are unnecessary and making them lose oxygen.
And it's bad, it's so bad for the community.
And we need to fight back.
I know I'm a kid, and to be honest, we need to be like Power Rangers.
We need to fight back!
We need to fight back against evil.
Because CNN and the mainstream media are evil.
They are trying to make us under a spell.
And we need to resist it.
We need to resist masks.
We need to resist all of it.
And we need to fight back!
The strange blood clots are still being found in the dead bodies of the vaccinated.
The vaccinated appear to be shedding the spike proteins and the nanotech that we know is in these lethal cocktails.
Nanotech that is growing inside the hearts and brains of the infected.
The shots have made millions infertile, and we know that Pfizer aggressively campaigned for pregnant women to get the shot, even after knowing it could kill their babies.
It is estimated that the shots have murdered millions, conservatively.
According to the CDC's data, the more COVID-19 vaccine doses in an area, the greater the increase in mortality and death.
The hordes of unchecked people being flooded into our country through the open border are not required to be given a COVID vaccination.
Lucky them.
But Joe Biden says a new vaccine is coming for every American, whether they've gotten it before or not.
We are being given a second chance to say no to these psychopathic criminals in our government.
You can stick your vaccine mandates up your arse.
You can stick your vaccine mandates up your arse.
You can stick your vaccine mandates, stick your vaccine mandates.
You can stick your vaccine mandates up your arse.
You can stick your vaccine mandates up your arse.
You can stick your vaccine mandates up your arse!
You can stick your vaccine mandates, stick your vaccine mandates, you can stick your vaccine mandates up your arse!
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reis.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will There is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object and think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you.
And in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order.
He promised you peace.
And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the InfoWar.
It's the broadcast that Big Brother fears.
It's the transmission that those that love freedom support.
It's the Infowar.
I'm your host, Alexander Emmerich Jones, coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas, Austin, broadcasting worldwide and amplified and boosted by We The People.
That means you.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've got a big transmission lined up for you today.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown, one of my favorite people, is going to be joining us from Embattled, Florida.
With another seasonal hurricane slamming into it.
The left saying it's the worst ever.
We've all got to have carbon taxes, but I have the meteorology reports here.
The last decade has been the slowest hurricane season ever recorded.
Now we are having record arson around the world that they're calling global warming.
But guess what?
It's hot in Death Valley, Nevada.
It's hot in Austin, Texas.
It's hot in Atlanta, Georgia.
It's hot in Jacksonville, Florida.
But I'll tell you where else it's hot with crime is all over the cities of this country.
Some of the highest crime ever reported in the blue cities.
But we just saw the saddening phenomenon of a rare, but still a problem, young white brainwashed lunatic over the weekend, as you know, going in and killing three innocent black people in Florida.
Now the Democratic Party would have you believe this is the biggest story in the world.
Not World War III developing a hot war with Russia.
Not the imploding borders.
Not the hundreds of thousands dead from fentanyl.
Not dozens of blacks being shot by other blacks and dying a night conservatively.
Not the 60-something million abortions.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's maybe once or twice a year some brainwashed white supremacist We'll march into a grocery store or a church and shoot innocent people.
And then it's all the white people's faults and we've got to do what the Democratic Party says so that we're not all guilty of this sin.
Now, of course, before his body was even cold, we had his white supremacist manifesto plastered all over the internet.
But they still won't release the manifesto of the trans shooter That didn't target innocent black people, but targeted innocent Christians, some of which happen to be black as well.
But that got swept under the rug real quick because it wasn't convenient.
And then the cockroach in chief came scurrying out from under his vacation rock to, say, the intelligence agencies, the same ones that lied about WMDs in Iraq and the same ones that said Trump was a Russian agent.
The same ones that coordinate with spying and censoring American people.
Well, they've now scurried back from under the rock and Biden has said the number one threat is white supremacism.
Even though, statistically, it is the rarest crime of violence in the United States.
I mean, look it up.
Ten people a year get killed out of 350 million.
Still, it's tragic for them.
I'm sad it happens.
I don't want to see anybody shot for what color they are.
Or their religion or anything along those lines, but I have no guilt in this.
I mean, if you're a black person and some crazy black person, by the way, just last week a crazy black guy went and shot and killed, because he was a racist, four white people.
Did you hear about it?
No, you had to know about the local news.
You had to know specifically where it happened and happened to find it in the local news.
Did we even cover it?
We mentioned it.
Did I compare and say black people are to blame because a crazy black man went and targeted and killed four white people?
It just shows you how people are insane.
Now crime peaked in 1992 and it dropped until about 10 years ago.
And now it's climbed about halfway up to where it was at its peak.
That's the numbers.
That's the facts.
In the past, crime was more distributed.
It is, most of it, happening in 20 key Democrat cities.
That's why starting last year, the FBI no longer counts crime statistics from those 20 cities.
It then created a new area of extremist crime Two and a half years ago, Biden did.
And then out of, quote, what they list as extremist crime, well, then white supremacy is the biggest out of a new little special area they created.
So in those statistics, it's the biggest.
They could say, well, we have crime statistics on people killed by ostriches.
And then they could say, well, this area of the country had one person killed by an ostrich.
It's actually happened before.
Deer kill people occasionally, not jumping in front of your car, that'll actually occasionally help people a year get killed by a big buck.
There's been cases in Texas where they just killed some lady a decade ago or so at a rest stop.
She just stopped to go to the bathroom and a buck saw her and just killed her.
Started stabbing her to death with his antlers.
But I mean, she could have an O. In the category of bucks killing humans, deer killing humans, we have one case and it's the highest threat.
So they're playing statistical manipulation here, and they know exactly what they're doing to create more division, and to stoke the idea that the number one crime in America, the number one threat is white supremacism.
Anybody sitting back has to go, hmm, when did that happen?
This happened this weekend, killed three innocent people, that's terrible.
What else did happen?
A couple years ago, a guy went in a Was it last year?
Went in a Buffalo, mainly black grocery store and killed, what was it?
Eight, nine people?
I forget, it was terrible.
But, but, I mean, where is it?
Where's the KKK?
Where's the cross burnings?
Almost every cross burning turns out to be the left staging it.
So this is a little more important than that, though, because even though it's not really a real statistic, I can tell they're getting ready to launch some big false flags to get a civil war going.
I think that's a foregone conclusion.
That's the next card to play.
So we'll be talking about that today.
Let's go ahead and go to a short clip as we got a break here of Biden putting out absolute BS.
To the point where the intelligence community is determined, the U.S.
intelligence community is determined that domestic terrorism rooted in white supremacy is the greatest terrorist threat we face in the homeland.
The greatest threat.
You can barely even talk.
It's not the hundreds of thousands a year dead from fentanyl.
It's not the massive crime.
It's not war with Russia.
It's not the plunging dollar.
It's not the destruction of our currency.
That's in the news.
No, it's white supremism, ladies and gentlemen.
The same intelligence agencies, I guess, are about to tell us that Santa Claus is real and comes down your chimney on Christmas night.
And then eats milk and cookies.
Absolute hogwash.
We'll be right back.
The bad news is Satan's made his move.
The good news is Satan's not in control.
God is, ladies and gentlemen.
And the people, not just of America, but the world understand.
That there is a global corporate cabal, the kings of the earth, as the Bible said would be in control at this time, bringing in their one world government.
But humanity is waking up very, very fast and it's all over the news, it's all over different world leaders, lecterns, they are all speaking about this evil global anti-human cabal.
Whether it's Orban over in Eastern Europe, or whether it's the Republican leadership here now, it sounds like Infowars.
Because people are recognizing that we have a one-party state forming, just like Venezuela did, and that they're using communist tactics.
Now, that's scary to know that's happening, but they've totally weaponized the media.
But being aware of it is half the battle, as G.I.
Joe says.
Now I'm going to show you some news articles here in a moment from weather.com, you name it.
Going back a decade ago, for the last 15 years, we've had record low hurricanes.
They still seem bad.
We still get hit by five or six a year.
But until About 2,000 or so, they were actually intensifying.
But since they've been recording them with accurate meteorology for over 100 years, we are in a lull right now.
But every time we get hit, they say it's the end of the world.
Well, newsflash.
You live on the coast of an area that gets hit by typhoons in the Pacific, or hurricanes in the Atlantic, and they can also go into the Pacific, then you're going to have that happen.
And it's a serious situation.
Well, Edalia has now hit Florida.
Pastor Brown is right there in Tampa, the River Church, River.com.
Of course, Revival.com is the main site, Revival.com.
And he predicted it would not hit Tampa, and it did go north of Tampa, but still caused some problems.
But it devastated many of the towns north of there, so we're praying for everybody.
But he's about to go on a huge, important mission to at least 10 African countries.
He has graciously said with his crew that even though he works Twenty hours a day I've been around him.
I've never seen so much energy that he will bring his technical people and he's going to be popping in with reports from South Africa, you name it, and he leaves this Sunday.
So pray for him.
He's with us for the balance of the hour, not just to hit the hurricane, we'll hit the other big political developments and we're trying to roll out the Mandates, the COVID tyranny again, we told you about that.
Now it's all official.
They've got the new, quote, vaccine for the middle of September.
Just exactly what my TSA source said.
And so again, by the grace of God, we are getting ahead of this, this time and discuss it with us is Pastor Rodney Howard-Brown.
Pastor, great to see you from your wonderful studios there at the River Church.
Again, Revival.com.
What's going on in Florida?
Hey, Alex, good to see you as always.
Yeah, look, they're hyped the whole thing out now.
So Tampa did get hit with flooding on Bayshore, but it's low if you go there.
But I've got people living between here and Clearwater.
We've got people in Clearwater.
They're nothing.
The winds were probably 20, 30, 40 miles max.
I think maybe 47 miles.
I live an hour north and I watched the track of this hurricane.
They kept saying it was going to hit Tampa.
And I could see just from the track that it was not going to hit Tampa.
That it actually was tracking more to the left.
And unfortunately now, Stein Hatchey just got slammed.
And they kept labelling this as a Cat 4.
I think if it was a Cat 4, it went to Cat 4 for probably 10 minutes.
The thing was a 2 most of the time.
And they lied about the strength of the winds and stuff like this.
So I mean, obviously when you see a meteorologist like that, it looks like the whole world's coming to an end.
This is Bayshore Boulevard here in Tampa, but the water's just below that any time on any day.
The tide comes and goes.
We've got the big blue moon, which had meant the tide was extra heavier.
But I've got people living in flood zones, and their houses were not flooded.
So, you know, obviously it's a low-lying area.
But other than that, there was no devastating wind.
Nothing hit us here.
And I live an hour north.
I came down the highway this morning.
All the linesmen Last night, we're headed south.
And I was shouting to them, don't go south, go north.
It's gonna hit north.
This morning, coming down, all the lines are gonna hit it north.
They're all headed north to go... That's right, we talked this weekend, we talked this weekend and you predicted to me that, in fact you texted me that it was going to go north, so you're more of a meteorologist than they are.
What do you make of the incessant, constant fear-mongering and how it ties into the global warming, carbon tax agenda, versus the real crisis we've seen in Lahaina, Maui they don't want us talking about?
I mean, here's the problem.
So obviously there were several things affecting you.
They want to make the governor look bad.
They want to make Ron DeSantis look bad.
We had a problem with fuel in the Port of Tampa.
That's Stein Hatchery that's playing right now.
That's actual water time-lapse photography of what happened and took place in Stein Hatchery, which is right up just south of Tallahassee on the coast.
So there was a fuel mix-up that took place where they mixed diesel into petrol.
I don't know how they... This is a major port for gasoline.
And so how did they get the thing mixed?
So then Citgo and apparently Circle K's were just saying, we're out of gas.
We had Chrisann Hall who was filling up with gas at the Circle K right here by the church.
The guy was coming to put yellow tapes on it.
She said, look, I'm still filling up.
There's no empty.
He said, I know, but we've been authorized by our headquarters to shut down all the pumps in Tampa.
So then on the one side they're saying it's because fuel's contaminated, and then the other side, is it really?
That in the unlikely event, let's say the storm did duck to the right and hit Tampa, then nobody would be able to leave.
Nobody would be able to leave, because the fuel's contaminated.
So you, you know, and then they talk, oh this is so bad, this is, this is all global warming is doing this whole thing.
And as you said Alex, we haven't seen Storms coming through like this.
I mean, last year we had the one that we had to deal with, and then another one, two hurricanes.
But for the most part, I mean, it's very quiet.
It's not like it was 15, 18 years ago.
Well, the Spanish that basically colonized that area 450 years ago, in all their letters, in all their history books, they talked about hurricanes hitting all the time.
That's why you build houses on stilts.
But the left tells us now, don't go to Death Valley, it'll kill you.
Because it's too hot.
It's too hot because of global warming.
It's always been called Death Valley because it gets up to 130 degrees.
And Florida gets hit by hurricanes.
Everybody knows that.
Well, we got the university, the place was packed yesterday morning.
I went to speak to him.
I said, I walked out.
I said, Alex, I looked at him.
I said, you're all going to die.
And I paused.
The whole place cracked up laughing.
And I said, not today and not tomorrow.
And I said, we're going to pray.
I said, obviously the storm's going to go some way, so it's going to be devastating for some.
But we have some of our church members, their mother lives right in the path of the storm when it took, when it landed.
She's without power, but she's safe.
Everything is fine.
She's doing well.
And, um, but what I'm saying is, so they hype everything up to the max, evacuate.
I told everybody, if you're going to evacuate, where are you going to?
Do you run north or do you run south?
What if the storm suddenly makes a right turn and runs south?
That's what happened last year with everybody that ran south from Tampa because they said it was going to hit Tampa.
They all went to Naples and got slammed.
So, Ultimately, you're going to have to, you're going to have to stand, and of course, we've got a men's conference starting tonight.
I've got thousands of men coming in here.
People were texting me.
I said, listen, real men wear the storms.
And I said, I'm not asking you to come and risk your life.
But if you're afraid, stay away.
This is not for soy boys.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, Pastor.
All right.
Pastor Rodney Howard Brown is about to go on a very important trip to Africa.
South Africa particularly, but he's going all over the continent, and he's going to be on the ground.
He's well known there, as he's well known here.
He's going to be giving us critical intel and reporting for us at InfoWars.com, and of course you'll find it all at Revival.com, not a very hard URL to forget.
Pastor, I don't like to just make a claim and then not show people.
You know, I love your weekly news roundup.
I always watch it.
Because that's what you do.
You cover so much news, but you show everything you claim they say.
If you say they said something, you show it.
Unlike corporate controlled media, the enemy of the people, they'll claim we said something, but never show it.
So here's the London Guardian headline.
Scientists say Atlantic hurricanes may be getting weaker, but critics disagree.
Well, there's no such thing as critics.
I have the NOAA federal government website.
NHC.NOAA.GOV and this year since they started recording the numbers of them and the strength in 1851 all the way to this year and we can put them on screen and we'll put that on screen the actual graphic and you can scroll down to the year 2022 there the latest numbers and you can see dramatic weakening in the last two decades.
So again, this is perception over reality.
And what did Project Veritas get a year and a half ago?
They said, well, we're going to end the COVID thing in about six months.
And we've been told the new thing is scaremonger about man-made global warming.
And we've got to cut the power.
And I've got articles here.
Millions of Brits told to not heat their homes to get to net zero.
They're cutting off our pipelines.
But the elites are still all flying in private jets.
They're heating their homes.
And this is a real reason It's all about population control.
they doing this from not just your biblical research, but you're also a smart businessman
and been around the world a few times.
What is their overall agenda and how do we stop it?
Well, it's all about population control.
So basically, you know, if, when you look at vast regions,
I tell you who's waking up to it, and even with what I'm doing now
with Africa and 10 countries, when we're talking at a governmental level,
They already know they're being smoked.
They know they're being lied to.
We had the King from Nigeria here, and he said, man, all this weather manipulation, they create droughts.
They're onto it.
And so people are waking up around the world, but it's all about population reduction, moving population from certain areas, getting them into smart cities so they can control them, and then also killing off mass extinction of the population.
As you know, they want to reduce the world down to, what, 500 million people?
Well, let me say this.
While we're alive, knock yourself out.
See how you're going to do.
You're not going to get it right.
Alex, when you broke the story even, was it 10 days ago, about the new lockdowns?
They're scrambling right now.
They're denying.
No, we're not going to do it again.
But they're still pushing the stuff.
But you bust that story wide open.
Now they're scrambling.
They're running behind, falling over their feet, running like a chicken with their head chopped off.
So you've been on it.
You busted.
Well, I called about 10 people after I met with that TSA senior person that Thursday.
You were the third person.
I called Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, you, and then a bunch of other people.
I called I called right after that.
I talked to Steven Crowder and his CEO and I was mad because I should have had more confidence.
The fact that we got the jump on them really did mess them up because they're still doing the rollout of the new COVID protocols.
But now we're forming opposition up front and it's a lot of troubles for them.
So praise God for that.
And when you see the left reacting, I mean, I've been laughing at all the internet posts of the left reacting.
I mean, people that voted for Biden, voted for the left, the Democrats, and they are saying absolutely not.
They say, we know what you're up to now.
I mean, these people from the inner city say, we know what you're up to.
This is about getting everybody to mail in ballots again so we can't vote.
You can see Target wanting to have situations whereby you can just pick up your stuff.
So they're going right back to that whole narrative where you can't even come to the store because I think a school in Kentucky, this I heard this morning, just closed the school for a week because they had an outbreak of COVID.
Oh, they're doing it in Texas.
They're doing it in New York.
Let's play a short clip in Vancouver.
This is happening all over the world.
The same Extinction Rebellion environmentalists, they're not blocking highways or running around setting fires.
They are now going around similar groups demonstrating and demanding lockdowns and masks again.
And if you show up at counter protests, they beat you up.
So talk about a cult.
Here they are.
So stay here with us, and let's continue, and let's continue to... Hey!
Guys, guys, guys, guys!
And it was reported on by the local news, and by Dan Dix, a great journalist, that they were beating him up because he wasn't wearing a mask.
So, they're really getting their marching orders, Pastor.
So, they're beating him up because he's going to injure people's lives, but let me injure you while, you know, the whole thing doesn't even make sense.
It's like that picture, that video of the, in Melbourne, Australia, where the police actually grabbed the woman was choking her because she didn't have a mask.
I mean, it's really clown world.
I mean, there's no, there's no other explanation for it.
I want to get your take on a bunch of issues now in the time we have left, about 15 minutes left.
I know you've been watching Lehena.
I know you've been watching Maui and what's happening there.
What is your view on what's really going on?
Well, I believe it was awesome.
You know, whether it was just set by my hand or they used something, you know, like a a weapon. The bottom line is when we've got people on the
ground that have been in there and they said you've got like a neighborhood here untouched, you've
got cars totally incinerated and then houses this side untouched. So how did those cars get incinerated
when nothing around it's burnt?
But really it was the Hawaiian people didn't want their property taken from them.
They didn't want to sell.
And so, they actually shut off the escape routes.
And even on the weekend, West Maui was burning.
Conveniently, just burning.
And I've been going to that island since 93, 94.
Every year.
I know every inch of that island.
And yes, they shut down that sugar mill, which then that became a fire hazard.
And I actually, when we were there four years ago, I said to my wife, this is not good.
This is a fire hazard.
If a fire comes down through here.
But there's no doubt that it was helped.
And there's no doubt that people were locked out.
Can you show your information there?
People don't have them.
When you say they shut down their sugar mill, they shut down the sugar cane plantations, but they're all still growing and dry.
So talk about a tender box.
One match or whatever, and then you have people got flamethrowers.
I mean, people are buying flamethrowers so they can torture anything they want to, but you could just see it.
I mean, there were people out in the ocean.
Now there's still a thousand bodies unaccounted for, Alex.
One thousand bodies unaccounted for.
Hundreds of children missing.
So you have to ask yourself the question, did they really get incinerated?
And apparently, according to firemen, according to medics that are on the ground, they said they've seen the burned bodies, the charred bodies that are still locked away.
So the government's not being truthful about what's actually taking place in Maui.
And then how do you get the sheriff, the same sheriff that was in Las Vegas for the Las Vegas shooting, how does he suddenly end up the sheriff in Maui?
So, I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
So it's all part of, I believe, the smart cities taking Maui to be the first smart island.
The governor's involved, the mayor's involved, and now in September, they're doing a big digital conference on the island of Maui.
I mean, for years I've been talking to the farmers there.
Monsanto's been growing everything known to man on that island.
They actually used Maui as a test case for new seeds and new...
I mean I've been watching this for a long long time and it's it's just horrendous you know and of course I've got my my my granddaughter just got married Monday and they had booked into Maui before the fires and there was a dream to go to Maui on honeymoon and she they were not gonna go but many of the locals called them up and said please come that the car the rental car place that they did and the place they're staying they actually called my my grandkids up and said please come on your honeymoon we need you here so while you've got some people said the island is closed
It was only certain sectors of it that was closed.
The rest is totally open.
And so then it's another ploy like the lockdowns to bankrupt everything where Maui businesses are struggling.
So a lot of them, a lot of the native Hawaiians are saying, no, please do not stay away.
While there was some hostilities at first with people coming, I can't believe you'd come here on a honeymoon when our island's burning.
It's not the people coming on honeymoon.
That's right.
You don't help the people on the island by not bringing your tourist money.
You hurt them.
So if anybody's wanting to go to Hawaii, the whole island is not burned.
It's the Lahaina area and then the west, on the western side towards Kapalua.
And obviously it's all to make room for what they've already planned that the locals would not sell.
I mean, some of those establishments have been there for long.
Long time.
And they wanted to buy them out.
And they said, no, we're not selling.
So what better way than if you torch the place?
Then suddenly you can, and here's the thing, they're even arresting people trying to get back to where the house was.
Oh, I interviewed people that live there yesterday.
They're being kept out when they have a house there, even though they were already there, they got basically kicked out because they're showing what happened and they're putting giant black tarps all around the town.
The cover-up tells you everything you need to know, but the good news here is, I'd say 99% of people online, liberal, conservative, doesn't matter, know this is some type of setup.
So the good news is people are paying attention now.
Yeah, and I think, I think you can only make people, you can only push them so far.
And I think the native Hawaiians are like really upset about this.
So it's going to backfire on them.
A lot of the police too were militarized.
They brought in outside police that had nothing to do with Maui, with the Hawaiian people.
And if you think about it, Alex, I mean just down the road in Oahu, they've got the major
military base.
They could have had military there within 45 minutes to help rescue people.
They could have had helicopters, they could have had air, or boats, gunboats.
They could have had, they got very fast boats.
And for those who don't have been to Hawaii, as you said, 30 minutes away, even less by helicopter, is one of the biggest U.S.
military-based complexes in the world.
No, they could have sent in huge rescue opportunities, used it as a major rescue, search and rescue.
They did nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
And then blocked off the exit roads so people had nowhere to go.
That would have made Biden look good if he had done that, but for a week and a half he wouldn't even respond.
Why do they have this attitude of total neglect?
$700 for families destroyed, and then $200 billion to Ukraine, and that segues us next into geopolitical The escalating Ukraine war, the Zelensky regime has lost.
Now we're going to send F-16s.
A lot of world experts are saying that we're already in a hot war with Russia.
It's going to expand into a full war with Russia.
What is your discernment on that?
Man, I don't think, I think, I think obviously NATO might try something, push, really it's a proxy war taking place.
I think they're going to make a big mistake.
I'm not a Putin fan, but then I'm not a Zelensky fan.
But I have friends that live in Russia and the Ukraine, so I've got friends on both sides.
I think they're going to make a big mistake, because if Putin really presses a button, it's not going to be good.
So I can't believe that I'm still trying to deal with will they really want to go to a war with Russia.
I just I can't see it because it's going to bring China into play.
It's going to bring North Korea into play.
It's going to bring Iran into play.
So I think I think somehow we're going to see a breakthrough.
I don't believe we're going to see a third world war.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I do know.
There's too much at stake, and I think there's good People on the inside of our military that are actually stopping many situations right now.
That's what I hear, that there are people on the inside that are stopping.
Absolutely, let me ask you this, from a biblical scholar, and someone that studies eschatology and revelation, World government, market the beast to buy and sell, social credit scores, open satanism, open pedophilia, everything the Bible describes now happening.
And then we have BRICS, India ditches U.S.
dollar in historic oil deal.
Yesterday, India saved $7 million by ditching U.S.
dollar for oil trade.
The globalists know they're positioning this to hurt America.
BRICS member India ditches dollar purchases.
Again, all that oil.
It goes on and on.
French President criticizes BRICS expansion, world fragmentation, and confrontation against the U.S.
That's where we are.
We know there's bigger players than just those that control the U.S.
Where would you say we're on the biblical timeline here?
I mean, I think, again, you and I talked about it when you were here in Matthew 24, we're in the beginning of sorrows.
I don't believe that we're at the end yet.
I believe that they, first of all, I don't believe they can just destroy the dollar like that because what people don't understand is not the petrodollar.
Everybody calls it the petrodollar.
The dollar's been the currency of the world because the dollar propped up Every other currency back in 1939, I write about it in my book, The Killing of Uncle Sam.
I even have the financial instruments in there.
Plus, the whole of Zimbabwe uses the dollar.
Ecuador uses the dollar.
There are many countries around the world that are using the dollar as a currency.
So, to just shut the dollar down, I can't see that happening, not at this juncture.
And I don't I've looked at it from every angle.
I just can't see it happening.
I think BRICS, obviously, is the other side, but you can see how the attack against Brazil, the attack against South Africa, the attack against all of these other places.
So, I don't know, Alex.
I think we're in for a fun ride.
I think it's going to be interesting to watch.
But I don't think we're right at that point of, you know, the Antichrist Running the show I believe the Antichrist systems in place and ultimately according to revelation the whole attack is the forces Russia and And you've got you've got Iran Saudi Arabia all making a move in on Israel I mean ultimately the whole attack is on Israel.
So I am I think we've got some time I And if not, we're ready to go home.
You know, we're not, we're not, we're not waiting for us to be rescued out of here.
We're not, I'm not, I'm not like a person, okay, Lord, please come get us out of this mess.
We have to occupy until it comes, and we try to get everybody to get their heart right, get right with God.
And I'm not talking about churches now.
I don't like this church world, but you need to have a personal relationship with Jesus,
ask him to forgive your sin, invite him into your life, and then live for him and serve him and make a difference.
Everybody watching can make a difference.
So, well, again, if it goes to a third world war, the thing, I don't believe it's gonna go to that right now.
And I've really prayed a lot about it.
I do know that the conflict was, they were trying to move the conflict from the Ukraine
to Africa with the whole thing with Niger and the pipeline that runs all the way to the mid.
And I'm actually going into Nigeria at a very critical time.
We've got two news articles that just came out Monday about me coming and they basically focused on the fact that this whole kingdom is resorted to spiritual, resorted to look to higher powers or God for spiritual answers to Nigeria's problems that are political and financial.
Let's see what happens.
I'll be able to report from the ground.
We leave here Sunday evening, and I'll be able to report from the ground to you.
I've tested out our equipment and stuff, so it should work.
And I'll let you know what's happening in each country from the ground, and we'll be keeping you up to date.
But, hey, let's see what happens.
Obviously, I agree with you.
The anti-crisis is not ready to come into play yet.
There's a lot more that's got to get set up and done.
The Bible says anybody that tells you the time this is coming is obviously lying to you because only God knows that.
But you look at it, 10, 20, 30 years, I think, and then you can really see we'll be deep into this one way or another and things are really being primed.
But I don't see it all in place yet.
So if people think stuff's crazy today, just imagine what it's going to be like when the Antichrist is slithering around in public as our Savior.
After we've been through decades of hell, he's going to make it all better for a while, and people are going to get on board because he's going to be able to, you know, with all this technology, do all these miracles, heal the sick, do all this stuff, be a counterfeit.
And then, just summing up a minute or two, when does Satan decide to flip and go from being the nice guy to taking the gloves off?
I mean, obviously, the Antichrist is going to set everything up to be, everything's going to be peaceful.
So everybody's going to be so happy he's come, he's going to answer to the Christians, the Jewish people, the Muslims, and everybody.
And so basically, it's a one world religion at that time.
And then once everybody's, you know, flowing in that direction, and then suddenly the true colors will be shown.
So, um, You know, one of the reasons, and Alex, let me just say this, one of the reasons I feel that that's still a little ways off, and I'm not saying things aren't racing towards that, but America's still here.
So as long as America's still here, he can't do what he's gonna do.
And that's just the way I see it.
That was my next question, so you read my mind.
There's a big debate by maybe scholars like yourself, Is America in Revelation or is it gone?
Does it fall?
I mean, no, I don't...
I don't say it's not there.
I mean, there's no doubt that the Lord put America where it is.
America didn't just come from anywhere.
I mean, the whole plan of America laid out in the Constitution by the Founding Fathers, the freest place on the face of the planet.
Obviously, we've been taken over.
It's the enemy within our gates and all that.
We understand that.
We are still here.
I'm talking to you.
You're in Austin.
I'm in Tampa.
And here it is, 2023, and we're still talking.
We're still alive.
We're still... Yeah, so America's still here.
I mean, I guess you and me would be canaries, especially you.
We're the canaries in the coal mine.
I mean, they arrested you for refusing to close your church.
Yeah, so the bottom line is, I believe we've got time.
Or what why you and I are here on the earth and our eternal purpose we've got to bring in the harvest of souls and preach the gospel and that's what we're doing and we are doing it with every fiber of our being so I I have to be careful because Otherwise you overwhelm yourself with all the stuff that's going on.
And you've got to see the other side too.
There's a lot of positive things that are taking place.
I mean, even in Scandinavia, where they said no more gender change.
I mean, you can see the flip back.
It's already happening.
The pushback is taking place.
I think it was Denmark or Norway.
They said no more.
Yeah, no more are we going to have children changing, you know, or taking hormones.
There's a major pushback.
Well, I can't wait for you to pop in and report for us.
I know that's totally different time zones, like eight hours ahead.
So, any time, or you have reports filed, send them to me.
Have your crew send them.
We can also air tapes of your reports, because I know you're going to 10 countries.
God bless you.
We'll be praying for you.
Thank you, Alex, and I'll text you, and I'll say a report coming, and we'll work it that way.
And if it works out, you can go live, and it'll be later in the evening.
You'll normally be preaching.
That's great.
Or if you're going to be giving actually a sermon on the world or anything, let us know.
We'll go to it live.
Thank you so much, Pastor.
Thank you, Alex.
We're going to start the second hour and cover all this other news that I mentioned and other
news I haven't mentioned.
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We'll be right back with hour number two.
I need financing to fight the globalist party.
Plus, we've got great products you need.
These are historic.
They're one-of-a-kind.
We sold out of Alex Jones for President shirt.
Told you, these are all limited editions now.
And we have a few of the Political Prisoner original mugshot, which is not the real mugshot, that you can get at infowarestore.com for $17.76.
But what we do have being printed right now Is the real Trump mugshot Never Surrender t-shirt.
And on the front says Trump 2024.
On the back it says Never Surrender.
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So Trump 2024 in black and white and in gold with Never Surrender on the back.
And that's a designer shirt, ladies and gentlemen.
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So when we're selling these for $17.76, we paid like 15 bucks for these.
So we're just selling that one almost at cost.
It's almost gone.
So the original limited edition political prisoner shirt that is not the accurate mug shot,
something we came up with, when they were originally gonna do it, didn't.
Then we now have the real mug shot.
And if you want those, they're being printed right now.
Anybody tells you you've got the shirt, that isn't a two week wait, is full of it.
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They'll be done in about a week and a half.
They're making them right here in Texas.
They'll be shipping out.
So get your orders in now to get a piece of history, Trump 2024 in black and white,
the real mug shot, never surrender on the back, infowars.com.
And we have the gold one as well.
I think the gold will be the most popular, but we will see.
All three shirts now available.
The original, ready to ship.
Limited edition, about to sell out.
And we also have a flash sale of X3.
Limited supply came in.
And Vitamineral Fusion.
Both are selling out very, very quickly.
But despite that, they're 40% off.
That's what finances this operation.
I want to thank you all for your support.
All you have to do is check out what I'm saying, and that's why they run the fake headline against myself and Tucker Carlson everywhere, every day.
Jones admits he's an actor.
Or Tucker Carlson says nobody would take me seriously.
Where do we say that?
We never said that.
They just say we said that.
But where's the clip?
Where's the article?
Where do we say that?
It doesn't exist.
Alex Jones is playing a character and is a performance artist.
Jones is playing a character on his radio show.
The radio rants of Alex Jones are just an act.
He's actually a performance artist.
He's a performance artist.
Alex Jones is a fake.
They're lying to you because they think you're stupid.
And it's all based on the custody battle with my ex-wife five years ago.
And she was trying to put into evidence me dressed up more than a decade before, like the Joker, being sarcastic, saying, take your Prozac, kids.
Take your illegal drugs, too.
You'll die.
It's fun.
So people wouldn't take drugs.
And they wanted to enter that in evidence and say, look, he's insane, telling kids to use drugs.
And my lawyer went, when Jack Nicholson plays the part of the Joker, no one thinks that's really Jack Nicholson.
So, yeah, when I've been Cobra Commander.
Ariel Cobra!
Or Optimus Prime.
Autobots, let's roll!
Or the Joker, because I can do imitations of them all really good.
Or Darth Vader.
Don't act so surprised, globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Do I really think I'm Barth Vader?
Do I think I'm Optimus Prime?
Bubble Commander?
The Joker?
And clearly, no reasonable person would think when I'm doing satire that what I'm saying is what I really think.
No one believes the Babylon Bee.
It's not trying to lie to you.
It's being sarcastic!
Buy the Vaccinate Me Elmo doll today!
It's required by the CDC!
But they play those games.
And that's why I don't joke around as much as I used to.
Even though I tell people, okay, this is a joke, this isn't serious, they clip it out, and they say, no.
This is what he really believes.
Every day when I leave work, I do this.
That man's a threat to this country.
And they go, look, he admitted in court he's an actor.
Well, yeah, I was an actor in Scanner Darkly.
I was an actor in Waking Life.
I was an actor when I was Cobra Commander.
But it doesn't mean that Alex Jones the talk show host up here reading news articles to you Isn't a real thing and isn't something I'm actually saying and you know that you're insulted right now I'm even explaining that to you and so am I but that's who these people are You don't know the power of the dark side Am I really Darth Vader?
I think Alex Jones seems really talented.
He's smart.
He's funny as hell.
He's truly funny.
I'm kind of retarded.
Now that I've done those imitations, those little jokes, do you now not listen to what I say about other things?
When I show you a powerful news article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on InfoWars.com
that has all the cited information?
The latest tragedy, sudden adult death syndrome?
No, that's a real thing!
That's something happening in the real world!
And that's what we're breaking down here today.
I am Alex Jones.
And I am the guy on this show every day.
I am an American.
And that's what I promote is freedom and justice and liberty and they can't stand it.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
We know the government's planning terrorism.
We know the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to blow up airliners.
If you do it, we're going to blame you, because we know who's up to it.
The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies.
I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it.
Do you got me?
It's time to stop submitting to this tyranny.
It's time to realize that we're being enslaved.
I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
If you want them, come and take them!
I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
Stay with us.
In a world of governmental deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
See, I don't have some maxi-value manipulative view.
Find Alex Jones and all of InfoWars, the most banned media outlet in the world, at Banned.Video.
With me, it's all straightforward attack.
It's all straightforward attack.
That's the real power.
Don't act so surprised, globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
Join Bandot Video, and I will complete your training.
Together, we can overthrow the Emperor and restore the Republic.
My plate is full of massively important information.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 stacks that I want to try to get to by the bottom of the hour.
So let's stop screwing around and let's dive into it right now.
First, let me take your attention to this out of California.
And whether you're in the UK or Germany or France or New Zealand or Australia or doesn't matter.
It's the same unified global program.
All these operations are run by the big corporations that create policy for the UN.
In Washington, they've signed a bill, as you know, to take children as young as seven years old from their parents and not tell them that the state took them.
Did you just hear what I said?
If the parents aren't letting them transition, so they confuse your seven-year-old Tell them to come with a state.
They then place them in a transgender home for kids, which then reaffirm the brainwashing and put them on the fast track for chemical and physical mutilation, sterilization.
Now, again, that sounds insane.
It sounds preposterous.
It couldn't be true.
It's all confirmed.
California in the last few years, Has lowered the consent age to 12 for boys.
Talk about abuse.
Talk about discrimination.
If it's consensual sex with an adult.
They pass the law, they can give 12-year-olds vaccinations without parental consent.
This is destroying parental consent and a predatory state taking our children over.
And there's thousands of other examples, but here's the latest.
And it's in the LA Times everywhere, they're very proud of this.
Look at this headline.
California AG sues Southern California School District for outing trans pronoun students to parents.
Now what came out in Austin last year?
What came out this year in Denver, Colorado?
It's the same all over the country.
It's the same thing in England.
Same thing in London.
Same global program.
Same group running it.
That's key.
Not just a few crazies here and there.
This is organized evil.
That they create files in the public and even private schools, part of the accreditation program, to try to tell a child they're in other sex, give them a new name like it's a superhero, the kid thinks it's a game, they get put in a database, and then they create a file on the parents, this has all come out, to see if they'll be supportive of the child's transition.
If they don't think the parents are, they have an intelligence bureau in these schools, Working with NGOs, pedo groups, heavily corporate funded by the Metzgers and others out of Illinois.
They will then watch, and if quote, the parents discover or out them, they move for CPS to take them.
California AG sues Southern California School District for outing trans pronouns students to parents.
So if the school says Jenny now says she's Bobby, or Billy now says he's Carol, or Pedro now says he's Margarita, we take your children.
Did you hear what I just said?
Type it into the search engine if you don't believe me.
California AG sues Southern California School District if they tell parents about a child's decision to transition.
California Attorney General Bob Bonta has filed a lawsuit against the Southern California School District over a recently adopted policy that requires schools to notify parents if their Children change their gender identification or pronouns.
So if your child needs to take an Advil, you've got to get a note from the parent saying it's okay.
If your child skins their knee, they're supposed to tell them.
If your child's seeming upset and acting out, they're supposed to have a teacher-parent conference.
But if your child, under the cult of the school, has changed their name and their identity secretly, the school says, We're going to tell you.
This is the school board fighting the woke teachers that are doing this.
Remember that meme?
Shows a pregnant woman at like nine months.
The doctor puts a stethoscope to her stomach.
She says, doctor, is it a boy or a girl?
The doctor says, silly lady, we're going to wait until the elementary school teacher decides.
California sues Southern California School District over parent notification policy of their kids change pronouns.
That is the state coming in like a bull in a china cabinet to say your children belong to us.
Absolutely devastating.
ACLU won't stand up for the January 6th people.
They won't stand up against folks being spied on by the CIA and the CIA directing the Justice Department who's censored.
They won't stand up for me since Soros bought them out.
But ACLU files lawsuit against Indiana for banning inmate sex change that cost $40,000 on behalf of a man who murdered 11-month-old stepdaughter.
What a nice Group of people.
That's just two articles.
They all get worse.
Let's move on to this stack.
CDC now refusing new COVID vaccine adverse event reports in the v-safe program that ties in To the VAERS program.
So they set it up in 1986 when Reagan did something terrible.
He gave vaccine immunity to any vaccine company.
That means anything they inject in you and call a vaccine is secretive, and they've paid out $3.4 billion.
If you jump through 100 hoops, paltry sums.
Oh, your kid can't talk again, or your child had a heart attack from the shot.
You know, you fight for years in court.
Here's a million bucks.
Remember, save and effective.
Nobody's ever got sick from the shots.
And now, oh, we're just going to block you from reporting that.
Oh, don't worry, they said in 86, we'll have a vaccine adverse reactions report.
That if you knew somebody that knew somebody and you jump through again a bunch of hoops, you can file a report and they estimate one out of a hundred adverse reactions gets reported.
So it's a broken system, but still it gave an alarm signal.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the safe website, quietly stopped collecting adverse event reports with no reason or explanation.
That's right.
Isn't that just sweet?
Of course, we have the insurance company numbers in.
You've seen it, no doubt.
20 million dead around the world from the shots.
Heart attacks everywhere.
Blood clots.
Three wrestlers have recently died.
A whole bunch of others have had heart attacks.
Some of them 30-something years old.
Used to be big news if one wrestler, you know, they were 75 years old, had a heart attack.
It was like still news.
Now it's just, oh, you're 30-something, had one, oh, you're 40, had one.
It's no big deal.
Report, WWE Championship wrestler, Bray Wyatt, 36, dead from heart attack.
Oh, but there's photos of them all rolling their sleeves up, and the WWE saying, do your part, take your shot.
Here's another one.
First, COVID deaths were fully jabbed.
Australian state records reveal.
So do the UK records reveal.
And it goes on from there.
Do you see a correlation here?
Triple H suffers a heart attack, Jerry Lawler suffers a stroke, and now Bray Wyatt dies suddenly after dealing with COVID-19 for the last five months.
They all took the Pfizer shot, and yet this will be swept under the rug and completely forgotten.
Two other major wrestlers have also died.
Triple H says he will never wrestle again after a life-threatening heart issue.
I'm done.
WWE Hall of Famer Jerry Lawler recovering after massive stroke.
Some people question why I waited so long to get vaccinated.
It's because I already had COVID back around the first year.
I had antibodies and didn't feel I needed it.
But then he took the shot and almost died.
That's Lawler.
But don't worry, here's the one in Guardian.
Lockdowns and face masks.
Unequivocally cut spread of COVID.
Report finds.
Yeah, right.
And then if you try to protest it in Canada where they want lockdowns again, they'd beat you up.
Violent left, wear a mask or we will kill you.
That's a quote.
Because they'd beat the man up.
High level of exposure to COVID-19 virus may reduce protection provided by vaccine.
Shots don't work, never did, but don't worry.
Biden says the new one, Biden says the new shot will work.
Safe and effective.
My butt.
All right, let's continue.
Just in, House Republicans launched investigation into Jack Smith's Office meeting with Biden White House they tried to keep secret.
They also had other meetings with the other prosecutor who was investigating Hunter.
Now he's been made the special counsel, which under federal law is illegal.
But hey, they control the Justice Department, so they don't care.
But at least Congress Has started an investigation, but they don't have prosecutorial power.
The way to get them is to impeach the Attorney General and to impeach Biden and to impeach Jack Smith.
He's the most overturned federal prosecutor in living history.
There was one like 150 years ago that was more overturned.
He is one of the most overturned prosecutors.
The man is a walking fraud.
They've indicted Trump for tweets!
Get ready with a clip of Trump on Glenn Beck, please.
You have no choice.
Trump vows to lock people up upon return to the White House.
Trump vows to lock up very sick people, try and destroy them.
See the full video with Glenn Beck on InfoWars.com.
Notice I have no problem with Glenn Beck now because he's not running around saying That I was wrong about everything.
He now tells the truth.
So, I like Glenn Beck.
No hard feelings.
He attacked me first many times.
I attacked him.
And they'll admit, I don't like doing this.
Our audience devastated Glenn Beck.
He went from being the number one guy, which I'd be happy.
He's very talented.
To, you know, not being so popular.
He's coming back again, by the way.
Because he's telling the truth.
So great.
Now am I going to totally trust Glenn Beck or trust Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy who's got some issues?
No, but I mean when they start joining the team, then you've got to invite them in.
Just watch them.
And I'm not up here, like I don't make mistakes either.
I don't think Beck's a bad guy and he could have sold out to the system.
I don't think he sold out.
I legitimately think, I know folks that know Beck well, he really did think I was crazy.
And I get it.
You're listening to me 20 years ago, 10 years ago, before all this stuff came true.
So I'm not going to judge Beck.
It's not like I pass judgment.
I'm his boss.
I just, people say, why are you being nice to Lin Beck now?
Everything I see from him is spot on.
I mean, I'm not going to tax him.
He's doing a great job.
Here's a clip of Lin Beck interviewing Trump yesterday.
You said in 2016, you know, lock her up, and then when you became president, you said, we don't do that in America, that's just not the right thing to do.
That's what they're doing.
Do you regret not locking her up?
And if you're president again, will you lock people up?
Well, I'll give you an example.
The answer is you have no choice because they're doing it to us.
I always had such great respect for the office of the president, the presidency.
And, uh, but the office of the president and I never hit Biden as hard as I could have.
And then I heard he was trying to indict me and it was him that was doing it.
You know, I don't think he's sharp enough to think about much, but he was there and he was probably the one given the other, but he would, you know, hard to believe that he even thinks about that because she's, she's gone.
But then I said, well, they're actually trying to indict me because every one of these indictments is him, including Bragg.
You know, Bragg put his, He put his top people, I don't know if you know this, he put his top person into the office of the Manhattan District Attorney.
They've been in total coordination with Fannie Willis.
The woman that I never met that they accused me of rape, that's being run by a Democrat, a Democrat operative, and paid for by the Democrat Party.
You know, so many of these things, I have a couple of other lawsuits, all funded against me by the Democrat Party.
These are sick people.
These are evil people.
They are sick and evil people.
More Trump news.
Post-indictment poll.
Trump holds enormous lead over GOP rivals in Georgia.
Rhonda Sanders' slide continues.
John Voigt slams Biden's corrupt administration.
Disgusting scheme.
The globalist at war with America.
This is a civil war.
People are getting it.
That's what it is.
Trump could clench the nomination before the GOP knows he's a felon.
And that's what they're going to try to disqualify him from being on the ballot in those states in the general election.
On a scale of 1 to 10 of election meddling and election theft, that's a 10 and a half.
I mean, that's a 12.
That's a... Hell, it's a 20.
I mean, it's just so naked, so brazen.
This is beyond what third world countries do.
I mean, this is remarkable.
At the same time, we have this Obama kook judge in D.C.
Calling her January 6th case against Trump a terrorism case and likening it to 9-11 and the Boston Marathon bombing.
It's a terrorism case.
Trump challenging an election with about one-third the strength Democrats have challenged him in the past.
Just simply mind-blowing.
And remember, they coordinated the whole thing with Jackie Smith.
At the White House.
And Biden said, oh, I know nothing about the indictment.
Oh, no.
I'm just there as the coach giving the orders to the quarterback, Hare Smith.
But don't worry, Biden's got his new enemy.
Number one terror threat is white supremacists.
They're going to attack any minute.
Well, we finally got a crazy person that went and killed three innocent black people.
It's terrible, but in the scheme of things, doesn't show up on the Richter scale compared to other crime.
I've done a pretty good job here, going through four of the eight stacks I said I would hit.
These others, though, are really important.
Hmm, should I hit the World War III one first?
Or should I hit cutting Britain's power off?
You're like, I don't care, I'm not in Britain.
You know, I love that attitude by some people, like, I don't care how the stock market plunges, I'm not in the stock market.
You may not be interested in the stock market, it's interested in you.
Almost everything runs and is capitalized by it, and if it plunges, you're not gonna have food on your table unless you're a farmer.
I know our general audience gets that, but man, I just see other conservatives, I don't care, I hope the stock market crashes, you know, I hope it's a fraudulent, blown-up system.
Am I puffed up a bubble that's gonna blow up or implode in?
But we're riding this sucker.
So, I'm not the left that wants to collapse the civilization and cloward and pivot and let it get worse quicker and there's all these accelerationists out there.
Oh, let's accelerate!
I hear about the libertarians and some of the anarcho-capitalists.
You haven't really studied history much, have you?
Nine times out of ten, an angrier world means the dumb mob is manipulated by the elite to bring in a tyranny ten times worse.
We don't want burning buildings.
We don't want collapsing stock markets.
We don't want open borders.
We don't want accelerationists.
I am a de-accelerationist.
You think a bunch of dead feds is going to make us in a better position or a worse one?
The globalists are technocrats.
They're in control of all the buttons, the power, the energy, the food.
And yeah, they're already shutting it off.
But if we don't expose, they're the ones already doing it, and they let us get in a civil war, and we help tear it all up, or they can at least blame us for being involved a little bit, they're gonna win.
And I'm gonna talk about this when we come back, get these other pieces.
But I really cover a lot of important stuff, as you know.
We have a lot of important guests, a lot of important callers, a lot of very important reports, but I just really, really, from the bottom of my heart, Hope everybody listens to me real carefully.
And I want it to really sink in deep.
And I'm telling myself this right now, because a lot of times I'll be sitting there at night, very calm, early in the morning, having a cup of coffee, and I'm leaning back in my chair, looking out the back door over the Texas Hill Country, looking out the back window, watching the hummingbirds fly around the backyard.
And I think, what are they going to pull next?
And I look, okay, what's the pre-programming?
What are they mainly hyping?
And it's completely clear.
Like it's a computer.
You put in numbers and tabulation, and the answer comes back out.
As long as you give it good, accurate info, you get the answer.
And we know what the answer is.
And we really should be talking a lot about it.
And we should really be getting ahead of it.
And of course, I'm talking about false flag terror attacks.
That is the flavor of the month.
And they're not just going to count on a few mentally ill white people to go around and shoot some innocent black people to get the party going.
They're going to do it themselves.
And just as sure as you get up at 6am and you know the sun's coming up in 30 minutes, it's going to happen.
And we should be having a discussion about how we respond to it when it does go down.
Sure as hell.
Not be involved in it in any way.
And folks, I have been in the middle of this repeatedly.
I've had the feds try to set me up.
And I forget all the stuff we've been through.
It's super interesting, too.
Maybe I should tell you a few stories you may have never heard.
I've told the story before, but not many times.
Very honored.
Very blessed.
Very humbled.
To be in this position?
To be able to take on evil and have a big effect.
But none of this happens without you.
Alright, we're going to plow back into the incredibly insane news.
But I was sitting here thinking about how I got a really bad sore throat about a week ago.
Got COVID tested, didn't have it.
Took a bunch of turmeric, took a bunch of X3.
And then I'm like, wait a minute, we've got Silver Bullet.
300 parts per million from the highest quality lab in the country, private label by us, the name Silver Bullet, finally back in stock, and I took a bunch of this, knocked it right out.
I was like, why didn't I take my own advice?
I just don't think about it.
So, ladies and gentlemen, every medicine cabinet, for topical and internal use, this works topically on cuts, burns, you name it, scratches, ingrown toenails, whatever, it's just a natural Antibiotic.
And you know more and more of the antibiotics that the doctors have don't work.
So it's just another thing God gave us.
It's why the elites always ate off silver platters.
They could have eaten off gold platters.
It was a well-known thing with the wagon trains to make your buttermilk last twice as long.
Or your milk, they'd throw silver dollars in the milk.
They just knew that it, whatever reason, it was lucky.
You kill a werewolf with a silver bullet.
We're not saying werewolves are real, folks, but vampires don't like garlic.
Garlic's really good for your immune system.
People knew garlic was good for you, so it got added, you know, into the lore of, oh, put garlic above your door, vampires don't like it.
Because people knew it was so good, they didn't know why.
Now we know all the health benefits.
Well, what do werewolves like, don't like?
So, that's what the ancients knew.
Well, this is the highest quality, best parts per million experts scientists believed.
Everybody needs to support the show.
Everybody needs to have it in their medicine cabinet.
Everybody should go now to infowarestore.com and get a bottle or several bottles of Silver Bullet high quality colloidal silver.
Also, we're getting close to selling out of Super Female Vitality.
We've been sold out for months and months of Supermail.
It is cold-pressed, known herbs, everybody else uses dry ones, and we sell the dry herb formulas, and they're great, and on paper, stronger, but nothing like He's cold-pressed because it takes three to four times depending on each batch they run.
It's a big famous group that doesn't want to say their name.
We've been working with them for 12 years because they get attacked, but they're in Utah and they make the top tinctures in the world.
And Super Male, the doctor group came up with, he told me when I first met him like 12 years ago, he says, try this formula we're coming out with.
We'd like you to private label it.
He said, you'll love it for libido.
And I said, well, let me be honest with you, I don't have any problem with the libido department.
He said, yeah, just go ahead and take it for a couple of days.
And I was like, whoa!
I'd kind of forgotten that I had more energy when I was 18 than I had then at 35 or whatever it was.
So we sold out of that.
We're going to do another batch of it.
We haven't got the funds yet to do that.
Superfemale is the same formula, it has a pink label.
And I want you to experience it.
It's almost sold out.
Despite that fact, it's 40% off at InfoWarsTore.com.
Be sure and check out all three of the toothpastes as well that are all fluoride-free, full of essential oils.
We have the Coral Calcium Tooth Whitening Toothpaste, all natural.
We have the Activated Charcoal, all the essential oils, amazing.
And we have the Turmeric that's so popular with the other essential oils as well.
All at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
Also, our ultimate turmeric formula, bodies, 95% humanoid, the strongest on the market, incredible things for your neurological systems, joints, bones, everything, is pack in stock finally for 25% off at InfoWarsTore.com as well.
And so many other great products.
We're almost out of the first Trump mugshot shirt that's in stock but almost sold out.
It's not the real mugshot.
They were going to do it in New York, remember, with Alvin Bragg.
But they didn't take his mug shots.
We still put one out.
Political prisoner.
That's almost sold out.
Limited edition.
You want to get it.
The other shirts being printed in Texas right now that say Trump 2024 on the back.
Never surrender.
Two different variants of that.
It's limited edition.
One run of each.
That's it.
And it supports the broadcast.
So get yours now at InfoWarsTore.com or AAA-253-3139.
But whatever you do, please support our local Eminem affiliates and spread the word however you listen to everybody you know, because that's how we reach new people, and you're doing it, so I thank you, and you know who you are out there.
I don't wanna single out other talk show hosts or other Twitter people or Instagram folks that are literally getting us together, millions of views.
I mean, some channels alone, millions of viewers a week.
But if I single you out and give you credit, They'll ban you.
So I'm not going to give you any credit.
It's kind of like Fight Club.
There's one big rule about Fight Club, and there's another rule as well, but the first big rule of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club.
And you know what the second rule is?
Don't talk about Fight Club.
There's a third rule, third one and fourth one as well, and it's the same rule.
Don't talk about Fight Club.
So, you get excited about freedom like you did almost two weeks ago?
And you expose the fact they're rolling out new lockdowns and we say no.
Now their whole program's in shambles because for once in a while, we didn't get caught with our peckers in the light socket.
Excuse my French.
We were engaged.
We were informed.
We were aware and not just reacting to whatever new garbage they spew at us.
Now, I've already skipped too many breaks, I can't skip this one, but a long segment's coming up.
I kind of did a long plug there because I'm getting excited.
We have dug our way out, thanks to your support, out of the red, into the edge of black, and thank goodness some of the old products are coming back in that are so popular.
And if I can get a budget, we're going to make it through this bankruptcy and reorganization.
I'd say 90% chance now, thanks to your support.
Even if they decide to shut us down, it'll take probably six months to a year to wind us down, so there won't be any surprises to anybody.
But the more probable the company is under federal law, the more they won't shut it down.
And the judge was just in the news yesterday in Bloomberg saying, Basically, okay, the plaintiff said they want Jones silenced.
The law doesn't say you silence people.
You've got these judgments and he has a plan to try to pay you something in the future.
Why wouldn't you want that?
That's why you sued for money.
And they go on to point that out and say that the judge said he was open to Jones having a $1.5 million salary.
That sounds like a lot of money, doesn't it?
Do you know what my lawyer bills were in the last 12 months in the free speech system fight with the globalists?
list. 2.4 million dollars. Now, soon in court I'll point out to the judge either I can take
no pay to be here or you can pay me the millions I need to pay the bills.
You see, what I did is, rode this roller coaster and spent everything I got.
I am negative money-wise.
Every dollar I've got is pledged to pay lawyers.
And by the way, we finally got some good lawyers.
This is interesting inside baseball.
The other side, Democrat Party top law firm, is spending $1.2 million a month.
They followed the court trying to shut us down.
We're beating them with $150,000 a month.
So, I'm basically working for free, never been happier.
Just keep me in the fight, okay?
All right, let's dig into the rest of the news here.
Head of Mike Lindell with Big Breaking News.
He's got a great election plan to safeguard the election.
They're gonna call it hacking and try to put him in jail, but we'll be talking to him next hour.
Let's get into World War III right now, then we'll get into the real war going on to cut off our energy that we're already deep into.
This is a football game.
We're about to go into halftime.
Tucker, U.S.
in hot war with Russia within a year.
Is he right?
Full interview with major Asian-European leader Viktor Orban of Hungary.
A very dangerous moment.
Trump agrees and said basically the same thing.
We're going to play both clips in a moment, but let me say something respectfully to my good friend Tucker Carlson, and that's that he's wrong.
We're already in a hot war with Russia.
troops have been there for eight years.
They've been dying by the thousands.
We told you this before anybody else told you.
It's on record now.
And now they're sending F-16s.
And every day, drones and missiles are slamming in to Russian cities.
And because they haven't been able to manipulate Putin into shifting his military attacks off military targets onto civilian targets, like they tricked Hitler to do, The beginning of World War II, with the Blitz, they're intensifying now attacks on Russian civilian apartment buildings and things like that.
So, we are in a hot war with Russia, we're on the stove, it's turned up about halfway, and now they're slowly turning the dial all the way up to high.
To full boil.
Or was it an oven?
To broil.
And I know it's hard to believe we could have a nuclear war, but if you follow this escalation, reincorporation diagram that I tend to agree with, I totally agree with, it's dead on, then we're in a nuclear war in less than a year.
Tucker says, and Orban says, full war in one year with Russia.
We're already in a full war.
It's a big ol' fat war.
Fighting a real military, not a bunch of Muslims running around with AK-47s in the desert.
And it's bad.
It needs to stop right now.
And I'm glad Congress is trying to bring in the former Ukrainian prosecutor that Biden famously fired.
When he was vice president, he said, you investigate me and my son, I'll hold back one million dollars in a few hours if you don't fire him and son of a bitch, they fired him.
You've already heard the clip a thousand times.
I'm not going to play it again.
You know what?
Cue it up.
Find it.
We'll play it again.
It's too powerful.
Him at the CFR with Richard and Oz and the rest of these white shoe boys.
Who think because they went to Harvard, they can do stuff that won't cause World War III, when any real historical tactician and futurist and military planner would tell you, you got a 7 out of 10 chance of starting thermonuclear war in the next 12 months on this current trajectory.
That's where this is going.
That's where the bullets are going.
That's where the missiles are going.
That's where the future's going.
We need to abort this thing right now.
Now that said, earlier I went to break.
I said when I come back I'm going to talk about the big enchilada and that's false flag.
But I don't think a subject like this can just be covered in three or four minutes.
I was planning tomorrow to go out on the street And do something really special for the special Friday edition of the Mug Club I do with Steven Crowder.
And I'm still gonna do that.
But then I'm gonna come in here Saturday at noon live for two hours.
And I think the guy I want, on short notice you probably can't get him, he's already on last week.
I want to see if we can get General Flynn on.
I know we're on the same page on this.
I'll think of a few other guests we should get on.
But we need to war game this and make a focal point about how do we try to stop it and if we can't, how do we respond to it?
And obviously get out ahead of this and say, I don't want anybody to kill Biden.
I don't want anybody to kill Trump.
Because if you look at times like this in history, before World War I or World War II, and other cases, this is when the assassinations happened.
The last time this went on was in the 1960s.
With JFK and Martin Luther King and RFK and the rest of it.
So, we better get focused on this.
Because the government's been hijacked.
It says the American people are terrorists.
It says we're the enemy.
It says the number one threat's white supremacists.
Hypes up an almost non-existent threat.
Like unicorns don't exist.
White supremacism does, but it's almost in unicorn territory.
So they wouldn't be hyping that from every rooftop.
Like a bunch of parrots on methamphetamine, if they weren't planning something.
So we shouldn't sit here flat-footed, so that's coming up.
But go ahead and just back-to-back, play clip 12 of Trump, and then Trump after that, Tucker talking to Hungarian Prime Minister.
about World War III here in us.
Look at Joe Biden is not only dumb and incompetent.
I believe that he has gone mad.
A stark raving lunatic with his horrible and country threatening environmental open borders
and DOJ FBI weaponization policies.
He is a mental catastrophe that is leading our country to hell.
We'll end up in World War III because of this man, and for no reason whatsoever.
Thank you.
Given the manpower imbalance between the Russian and Ukrainian armies, and the attrition of the Ukrainian army, hundreds of thousands dead, Many Hungarians as well.
Nobody knows it.
But we have a minority, a strong minority, more than 150,000 people in the territory of Ukraine, which was earlier part of Hungary.
So it's a historical minority living, community living there.
They are part of the Ukrainian state, and they are conscripted now to the army.
And they die.
They fight for Ukraine, and Hungarian soldiers dying for Ukraine, At a certain point, they're going to need more men.
They're going to need more soldiers.
Where are they going to come from?
That's the most risky question.
So if any Western country would send any boots on the ground, that would mean a direct war between the West and Russia.
And we are in a third world war immediately.
So it's a very dangerous moment now.
That's obvious to you?
Not for me.
Everybody on the street.
All the ordinary citizens are aware that we are living in a very dangerous moment.
So the Third World War couldn't be knocking on our door.
So we have to be very, very careful.
And that's my message always to America as well at NATO Summit.
Be careful.
Meanwhile, the left is obsessed with taking children away from their parents so they can put them on puberty blockers and chop their pee-pees off.
Can you smell the destruction?
It's biblical.
The people become corrupt, they become satanic, they become pedophilic, they get destroyed.
You can say, well, Sodom and Gomorrah and fire raining down and blowing the city up in 10 seconds and a huge pillar of fire, that, you can say, that didn't exist 4,000 years ago like the Bible says.
Well, it sure exists now with nuclear weapons.
Remember, this is not the planet's first rodeo.
It was obviously, and all historians that have any brass know, there was already civilizations before us, probably three of them.
We've blown each other off the map before.
And the globalists run around constantly trying to cover that history up because they think they're going to control the collapse this time and then they're going to come out and survive and then build their new super breakaway thing.
They're delusional.
They want the live extension technology.
They're using us as guinea pigs.
We cannot and we will not put up with it.
Alright, Mike Lindell's coming up.
Then after that, they're cutting the lights out in England.
Lights out London.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And they're doing it by keeping us undernourished.
You can eat all the food you want in the world, but if you don't have the essential vitamins and minerals in an organic, absorbable form, if you don't have the key elements like iodine, you are literally like someone in a paddle boat without oars.
Without paddles.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are running a flash sale, because we're about to sell out of both of these, of X3 and Vitaminal Fusion, in the final days of August.
This is a fundraiser.
sell out of this, I could sell it at full price. But I want those of you that have been
on the fence and never tried X3 or never tried Vitamineral Fusion to take action and try
this product because I know you're going to be blown away by the energy, the stamina,
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off right now at Inforestore.com.
I've been shadowbanned. I've been called a liar.
I've been silenced on virtually every platform created by man.
My life has been threatened, repeatedly.
They've tried to destroy me, but I survived.
And that's why I'm joining Mug Club.
The replatforming begins now!
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com On March 20th, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq.
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That's just because they're getting ready to invade Iraq.
What a beautiful setup.
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When castles towered over vast landscapes and knights championed honor and valor,
there came an unforeseen darkness.
Amidst this impending doom stood a knight called Alex Jones, a brave and outspoken herald known as the Truth Sayer.
Sir Alex Jones was not alone.
In his most desperate hour in the battle against evil, a radiant light descended from the heavens.
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The battle raged on, but with every blow, Alex Jones' conviction grew stronger.
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When the enemy was vanquished, Alex Jones swore a solemn oath that should the realm need him again, he would return.
And now it's Alex Jones, leading a full frontal assault on the satanic New World Order.
Tune in at infowars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
Here's Harari saying, we're gonna make aliens on Earth.
We're gonna merge the machines and be a new life form, a new ruling alien class on Earth.
See, they're building the aliens.
The biomedical AI merger with our flesh.
The raping of humanity.
It's the same story from Roswell in the late 40s.
With Colonel Corso, heavily promoted everywhere by the biggest publishers, by the biggest movie makers.
That was system funded.
Because they don't want you to understand the full specter of interdimensional contact.
And the fact that it's always been here, and these things actually aren't alien, they're part of our existence and part of our story here.
If anything's the aliens, it's us.
What are here on this planet, my God?
And there's these things that were already basically here.
We've probably not been here as long as this thing's been here, if you really read the ancient text of the Bible.
So they don't want you to know it's far more complex, and they're not in control of it.
All they're doing is being demonically inspired by these creatures that will only give them Hellraiser visions.
It will only give them how to have technology for evil, because it doesn't like us.
This is just a training camp where our father has put us here.
We think we're only living on one life so that we're in this super scared position but having all these spiritual and ancestral, intergalactic, interdimensional memories.
And it's all a giant, three-dimensional, real scenario war game.
They don't want you to know that.
They don't want you to understand they signed on the wrong team.
They joined with the destructive force, the evil force, so they can have power during this third-dimensional simulation.
It's a three-dimensional genetic universal simulation.
It's a real simulation.
It's just that it's forever war.
You don't die when you die.
You're an electrochemical multi-dimensional creature.
This is only one lowest manifestation of it.
We have glorified heavenly bodies.
There's this first heaven, the second heaven, the third heaven.
It's all right there for you to understand.
And what is the habit?
A dimension.
They are programming that aliens are these little stupid gray things and they want to
kidnap us at night and take stuff from us.
And there is some evidence for some lower level creatures.
They're like a biological android.
This whole big UFO thing is a distraction that, oh, the aliens are harassing our ships.
The aliens are harassing our troops.
No, that's the globalists with their advanced technology playing games.
So they can brand contact with the angels, in the name of God, as the devil.
When really, we're here with the devil.
We're not locked in here with the devil, the devil's locked in here with us.
We're not locked in here with the devil, the devil's locked in here with us.
We're gonna go to break.
Mike Lindell's got big announcements.
Really, I think his new plan will work.
I know how they're gonna attack him.
We're gonna war game this with him.
Straight ahead.
He's a really great guy.
Has a lot of courage.
If you want to support the broadcast, be part of the cutting edge, take action.
Action means action.
I know that's simple.
You're like, we know that.
Well, you gotta make the decision.
I'm doing a once a week show with Steven Crowder.
The last two have been powerful.
You're gonna love the one we're doing tomorrow that'll go out Friday.
It's gonna be something special.
You go there, get a month free.
You get all their other shows, everything.
Alright, I don't claim to have all the answers but I've been in this fight 29 years and I've learned a lot.
It's key to use promo code Alex, we don't get any other support.
Want to keep us on air? Go to JonesCrowder.com, use promo code Alex.
Promo code Alex.
Alright, I don't claim to have all the answers, but I've been in this fight 29 years, and I've learned a lot.
And I've learned to stand with people that are in the storm, and have courage.
And if there's a man out there other than President Trump and just a few others that have really proven their mettle in the furnace, it's Mike Lindell.
Now that said, I really respect Mike, and I respect Mike enough to be honest with him.
And last time he was on, it wasn't about who's right.
I'm wrong sometimes too.
He believed, because he had so much overwhelming evidence, when the public saw it two years ago, That we would reverse the stolen election.
We now see with the indictments they're trying to outlaw questioning elections, which the State Department says is the number one proof you're not in a free country.
And so Mike did have the proof.
And the Democrats are on record admitting these machines are all hackable.
And there was evidence of that, and there was the mail-in ballots and all of it.
He believed that we would just bring this out and we would stop him.
But the courts are corrupt, Congress is cowardly, they SWAT team raided him, grabbed his phone, And I said, Mike, it's gonna take longer.
Now his optimism, sometimes optimism can just overpower anything.
If you don't have optimism, you're gonna lose.
He's the opposite of a victim, and I'm not kissing his ass, it's true.
He had such optimism, but I said, I believe this is gonna take a lot longer, and they're gonna try to even outlaw what you're doing, because it's the truth.
And you've seen that with the indictments, federally and at the state level as well.
So in D.C.
and in Georgia.
That said, I was on air most of the day.
We had this big event.
I was invited, but I'm just so pinned down here I couldn't go.
I apologize I didn't go, but I did watch it.
So as soon as I got off on air that day, I went to my office, got lunch, and turned on the computer.
I mean, this is genius, but it's also so simple, why didn't we think of this?
Well, that's why we've got Mike Lindell.
took care of stuff, and he made his big announcement, and it was amazing.
It sent chills up my spine, because why didn't I think of that?
I mean, this is genius, but it's also so simple, why didn't we think of this?
Well, that's why we've got Mike Lindell.
That said, here's my warning up front.
What he's saying is totally legal, totally lawful, I've done research on it,
but they're gonna spin it as hacking.
All he's saying is, we're going to monitor, because they're breaking in wirelessly on their systems, what's happening and who's breaking in, which we know has been going on.
And it's because he's so over the target, we've got to realize what their counter offensive is going to be.
And he talked about that as well.
And he's just like I am.
He got so excited.
He had a great presentation, but I wanted to have him on to calmly talk about... I've talked to a lot of IT folks since I saw this last week.
It sounded great to me.
I know the theoretical 35,000 foot view.
I don't know the technical.
They said, no, that's actually a great plan.
But we gotta then ask, how do we support his plan?
And A, and then B, how do we make sure that they're not able to set him up with what they're trying to do?
Because they're charging Trump with trying to steal Georgia, when all he did, and he was proven right, was go in and try to monitor things.
So, he had a big conference last week, you can find it all on his website.
He's also a big sponsor of ours.
We would not be on air right now.
Wasn't for Mike Lindell.
You go to MyPillow.com, they got big sales going on.
You're not going to get better towels, better sheets, better slippers, better beds, better hundreds of products made in America anywhere.
It's ridiculous how high quality it is, how ridiculous the prices are low.
His promo code, we'll talk about that before he leaves because it keeps him on air and keeps his employees there.
He's such a fighter.
And it keeps us on air.
We get 10%.
There's not much profit there, so that's a big deal.
Go to MyPillow.com and use promo code Alex or MyPillow.com forward slash Alex.
But we'll get to that before he leaves us.
Mike, congratulations first off on last week's big event.
It was definitely underhyped for how big it was.
I agree with you.
It is the answer.
That said, because I only watched like three hours of it.
Maybe you got into it, but Talk about the plan first, and then how are you going to deal with them when you're trying to monitor what's coming in, claiming you are hacking the machines.
Mike Lindell.
And one part of it was this new wireless monitoring device, everybody, and I had it delivered into the event with a drone for effect.
Look, it was so cool coming in with a drone.
Of course, the media said, Mike Lindell's going to have drones over Louisiana this fall, and Mike Lindell's going to attack and break into our election.
No, and what this device isn't, this is one piece of the plan though.
They've lied to us and lied to us.
They've told us that the biggest block has been our machines are not on the internet.
They're not on the internet.
County clerks say they're not on the internet.
The election officials, they're not on the internet.
Yes, they are on the internet, but you know what?
We've been trying, we've been trying for two years to tell them that and they're not listening.
So now it took a year to develop this advice.
This is not a Wi-Fi sniffer, everybody.
What this is, all it is, is a device that says when another device goes online.
Doesn't mean they're transmitting anything.
Just when they go online.
You know, you come into a room, everybody, and you've got all these different Wi-Fi's available.
That's a Wi-Fi sniffer.
That detects things in the air that these Wi-Fi's are available.
But with this device, you come in a room, and it says, let's say you were in your own home.
If I, all of a sudden, it would go, bing, this is online, this is online, my refrigerator just went online.
Wow, here's a camera somebody put in my house that's online.
By the way, everybody should have this with all the smart machines.
We know we're being invaded by this.
This is a really good idea.
And that's down the road, that's down the road, because it will be a commercialized device.
It's perfectly legal, everybody.
It doesn't break into the Internet.
No, no, no, I know it's perfectly legal.
I'm saying they're going to misrepresent that.
No, no, and I got that.
So here's, you know, I got that part, Alex, and you're right.
I figured that attack would be coming, but we've had, we've checked lawyers, we've checked into everything.
If they, if they actually ban this device, they've got to ban cell phones.
I mean, that's, I mean, that's it.
They'd have to ban all devices.
That is just one part of the plan, everybody.
Imagine that you're a county clerk.
We want every county clerk to have one that's insured.
Like this fall, we're going to do it in Louisiana.
Every parish would have one, and they have one in there, and let's say it's the county official, and all of a sudden, it's like Ghostbusters.
This light comes on.
That machine just went online.
You told us these routers, polling books, printers, and voting machines.
Yeah, so it's an alarm to let folks know.
They claim it's not connected, then why is it connected?
That's right, and there's the drone I had come into the event with it.
So guys, what that is, now we have the real-time monitoring device, and we're going to have, hopefully we have enough of them made for this fall's election.
We have big elections, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Kentucky.
But we also have two other things, Alex.
We have the cause of America, where I have 300 and thousand, 300 and some thousand people on the ground that have been working hard for two years, everybody.
Two years, they've been going to county officials, trying to get back to paper ballots, hand counted, same day voting, precinct level, signature required, and get rid of these machines.
So now, these guys also, they go, they're reporting things.
They report things back to me, and to now what I set up, it's called the Election Crime Bureau.
All their feedback, whether it's pictures of a crime going on in real time, like let's say you have the 2022 election in Kansas, you were seeing ballots flipped in real time right on the machine, and I was getting pictures from all of them coming in.
Well now, now it all goes into the Election Crime Bureau and we take that We distribute it out to all the lawsuits going on.
So you're creating an open source human intelligence system?
Human, that's exactly right.
And here's the best thing everybody, you can all get involved.
Go to franksocial.com, go to the App Store, get Frank Social, and you can watch it there.
We have a real time crime stream, a real time election crime stream.
And all 50 states are there, so you can sit in the comfort of your easy chair this fall and watch these elections and watch the candidates.
This is going to scare the hell out of them.
So let's, you've got the floor, let's walk through it.
First the big announcement encapsulated, and then let's go through all of it.
Yep, you go through, we have the wireless monitoring devices, they're going to be everywhere in all the places you have elections, and that's going to report if these machines go online, then you're getting reports of pictures and stuff that come in from My 300 and some thousand people on the ground.
So these are trusted people out there putting this input.
Then you get Frank Social.
You get that app, everybody.
Sit at home.
We want everybody to know what's going on.
You can look it up right in your backyard.
You can see, hey, there's a house four people down in my neighborhood.
It says nine people voted there and only one person lives there.
And then you're going, whoa!
So you can even go talk to your neighbor and say, look what they did to you!
Naive people voted in your house!
It's going to create awareness, Alex.
Well, who came up with this genius idea?
I know you funded it.
Who's the genius here?
I did, I put every part of it, and I believe I got it in prayer a year ago, and I said, you know what, everything we're doing is getting done too slow, even though we're trying, we have to, we gotta get our elections secure now, not past the 2020 budget.
And of course the FBI should be doing this, but we now know they've been covering up election fraud evidence in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, they've been caught, they are covering it up.
One of the biggest things I want to say to everybody, what is this going to manifest to?
What it's going to manifest to is everything we've done in all 50 states for two and a half years, where we get pushback and pushback, like in Arkansas.
In Arkansas, we had counties that were going to paper ballots, hand counting.
Then we had this Republican, this Rhino, put a bill through that said, if you go to paper ballots, we're going to defund you.
And so we've had to fight the Republicans, the Rhinos, and the Uniparty Republican.
And we shouldn't have to fight.
It's like, do they have another agenda?
Well, this is another thing I'm going to announce, Alex, that we've got another tool.
As you know, when I ran for RNC president, I got to know a lot of those 168.
And we planted the seeds last January to get a resolution passed for paper ballots and counted same-day voting, signature required, precinct level.
That passed last week, last Friday.
It is awesome.
That passed last Friday.
So the Republicans passed, the Republican National Committee, I'll read just a few things here.
They want fully audible, namely hand marked voter verified paper to ensure every voter is memorialized by a paper record.
They support the rights of counties and states that are willing to efficiently implement voting procedures that would do not require the use of machines.
It goes on and on.
Localized polling places.
This is the most, this combined with our plan.
Now we're going to be able to go back to every one of these counties in the United States, all 3,143 or whatever there is, go back to all of them and say, now do you want to get rid of these electronic machines?
Now do you want to go to paper ballots?
Now do you want to have elections instead of selections?
That's what's going to happen.
Right now we have 18 counties just in California alone that are going to go to paper ballots.
And by the way, I mean, I want to be clear about this.
Look at the State Department that goes around policing elections worldwide.
By their own rules, we have some of the most fraudulent elections in the world.
So now the Democrats, after pointing this out forever, they look ridiculous trying to say we're going to arrest anybody that questions this.
This shows to me they're incredibly desperate.
So whereas you're on the solution path, what do you make of the indictments of Trump and all this insanity?
Well, I just talked to our great real president a couple days ago, and he was congratulating me on the great event we had.
And it's disgusting, and they're afraid.
They're so afraid.
You know, what a great indictment picture, booking picture that he had with, you know, They probably wanted him to smile and, you know, he's going, this isn't a, you know, we have to save our country, this is serious.
I told him that picture was perfect because, you know what, it says I'm coming for all of you after we get through this.
You want to put that on a flag or a towel as a fundraiser and give part of it to Trump?
And that's a great idea.
He's sick and I asked him how he was doing and there's the picture.
I asked him how he was doing and I said, are you doing okay?
He said, he goes, Mike, he goes, we don't have any choice.
He goes, we don't have any choice.
We have to win.
We have to save our country.
He loves his country.
He loves, you know, as we all do Alex.
And that's so perfectly said.
We have no choice.
He's right.
We are being taken over.
We have no choice.
This is it.
This is it.
We get one shot at this, everybody.
We need our election secure, and I promised him.
He goes, Mike, you know what I've been asked the most?
Are they going to try and steal it again?
And I said, well, of course they are.
I said, but sir, you have my word.
With this plan, we're going to at least get to the point with everybody's help, the best Election platforms at that time, a security that we can have.
We're going to do everything, 18, 24 hours a day if it takes that, all the way up to the 2024 election to fix and to secure our elections as much as we can.
And then you wait.
When he gets in, then he can just get rid of all the rest of the corrupt elections platforms that we have.
And so it's going to be amazing.
Well, I mean, listen, you're a man of action.
When I sit here all gaga, it's because it's real.
Incredible, Mike.
Where do you find the energy and the stamina?
Because the best part of this job is I get to learn about all these men and women like you that are such beautiful Americans out there.
Please continue, because we're not breaking for a while here.
What else is on your radar screen?
Yeah, this is my biggest thing is because it's so important that people need to know we're already up and running.
This isn't a plan that, hey, we got a good strategy here.
No, this is stuff we've been doing for two and a half years, but we've been getting blocked at every level and by judges, by everything else.
I'm going, you know what?
We got to go around that.
We have to have a different angle here.
And this plan secures our elections, everybody.
We now become the police of our own elections.
All of a sudden you're sitting at home, you're going, wait a minute, two machines in our county just went online.
They lied to us.
They won't show us what's inside the machine.
And that's the beauty, is you're going to give the public access to this.
The public, since Fox News and Newsmax and Salem Media won't talk about our elections, we now are going to put it in the people's hands.
We're going to put it into the hands of the people.
And you just put up there, all over this country, that's right, all 50 states on stage there, all 50 states were up there giving hope in their state.
If people sit there and they watch this, cable media, I don't care if it's Fox News, CNN, whatever, you're not, they're not going to tell you the good things going on out there that are to secure our elections.
And it all comes down to people, people are coming out to me, Alex, you're going at the, at the event and stuff.
Mike, we got to help the borders here with the fentanyl pouring in and this.
I said, you know what?
I am laser focused on securing our elections because everything comes from that.
And that's when we can fire Merrick Garland.
That's when we secure the border.
That's when we stop the Ukraine war.
That's when we stop the fentanyl.
That's when we secure the dollar.
That's when we take care of the veterans.
That's when we ban transgenderism surgeries for kids.
We've got to get back control of the government.
You got that, and the only way we can, everybody, is securing these election platforms.
And let me tell you, this, if you get franksocial.com, you guys, by the way, you guys, you can go check everything out at LyndaleOffenseFund.org.
LyndaleOffenseFund.org, you can check that out.
And that's got all the plan there, it's got the resolution there, and we're winning.
Alex, right after that, Right after the summit, we had four states now where we are getting pushed back by Uniparty people and they just hunkered down now because now everybody knows, hey, there's this plan here.
And if they come out against you, they're against citizens monitoring their own elections.
That's exactly right.
You nailed it.
If they come out against us now, we're going, what are you, part of the Unit Party?
Are you against freedoms?
Are you one of them?
Mike, I know you don't want to talk about yourself, but I want all listeners to pray for you right now, because you're a smart guy.
You don't need me to tell you this.
You know your plan's genius, and you know that, I mean, how do you deal, how do you get past any fear?
Why are you so fearless?
I only fear God.
I stay in the Word, and I tell everybody that all the time.
People say to me all the time, how do you have the courage, Mike?
Or they'll say, I say I'm in prayer, and they go, well, Mike, I prayed too, and I prayed for this and this to happen, but it didn't happen.
And I say, well, you know, those are reactionary prayers.
Back when I was a crack addict and stuff, I'd be in jail going, please Lord, I won't do it again if you let me out, you know, if I get out of here.
But those can be reactionary prayers and not God's will.
And everything we're all praying for, that isn't happening on our time.
You gotta pray in God's will.
You've got to pray in God's will, and where's God's will?
God's will is in the Word.
So I stay in the Word, and then your proactive prayers, they line up beautifully.
I can have a piece like I did at that summit.
If anyone gets a chance, if you watch Mike Lindell, How We Got Here, it's on Frank Speech, everybody.
I was about to ask, because I watched a lot of it.
Where do we find the conference?
What are the best parts?
Yeah, go to frankspeech.com or get the app.
Go there, everybody, and you go down, it'll say Election Summit right there, and you can watch the whole thing start to finish.
But I encourage everybody to watch Mike Lindell, How We Got Here.
That's my opening speech that I actually did it on a teleprompter.
It was so important to the nation, I wrote it.
What that's gonna do, everybody, is give you all hope.
I took all the negatives that we think are negatives And there are actually many miracles to get to where we're at right now.
We're at the best time in history to be alive.
We get one shot at this, but you know what?
With all the pizzas we have, it's a pretty good shot, and it is God's will.
And we're in the greatest revival for Jesus Christ in history because of all this, too, because of the negative stuff going on.
People don't reach out to God when things are going really good.
They're not out there thanking Him.
But God gave us grace for such a time as this, And if you watch that, How We Got Here, you're going to be so optimistic, everybody, and have so much hope.
And I encourage everybody, watch that.
Then you can watch the plan.
We had a great, Lou Dobbs came on.
He was at the summit.
He did a great State of the Nation speech.
And we had all 50 states there.
You can scroll down and find your state and get hope that's right in your own state.
And then if you want everything current, then you get that at franksocial.com.
But I'll tell you, everybody, this, I have never been so optimistic as I am now.
You know, before I was, Alex, I kept going, oh, things are going too slow.
We have all the evidence.
You guys, we have more evidence.
You could cover this earth 10 times over if you put it all on a piece of paper, two feet thick.
We've got evidence.
It doesn't matter.
Oh, you've got to go to court.
You've got to go through this.
They want to push everything out past 2024 because they know the biggest threat to them is Donald Trump and that he would get, you know, completely dismantle all of this corruption, this world order and this deep state, globalist, uniparty, CCP, all of them tied together.
And if you guys, you guys, I'm telling you, there's so much hope because now we have a plan.
We have a plan, and we have hope.
And I don't usually ask for it, but boy, I need help.
And that is LyndaleOffenseFund.com or .org, either one.
Or you guys can help out going to MyPillow.com.
Alex, I don't know if I can tell you this.
No, Mike, stay there.
Stay there.
I know you're a busy man.
Do one more segment.
We got to go to break in 30 seconds, because I need the help, too.
We need to stay on air.
You give us 10%, which is great.
I know your problem is only like 30%.
I want to talk about the American-made products you've got.
Hundreds of products, not just at MyPillow.com, but your My Shop, all of it, promo code Alex, to get the discount.
Let's come back and talk about that.
Yep, they got a tiger by the tail.
The Globalists got Trump by the tail.
They got Mike Lindell by the tail.
And they got me by the tail and you by the tail.
But I want listeners to recognize something, and Mike Lindell and all his other shows, people, I love Mike Lindell, the friendly, funny, smart, energetic guy.
I track things.
They're scared of this guy.
He is one of the most effective truth-tellers out there.
I'm just blessed to know him.
And he didn't make a big deal about it, but let me tell you.
I'd be checking the luggage that's put on his plane when he flies around every day.
Because they are pissed at this guy.
And they plan, they're already meddling in the election, they're already stealing it, they're trying to, by trying to, all these indictments on Trump.
The good news is they've jumped the shark.
We forced them out in the open, but Mike, I'm really worried they're going to stage some false flags.
They keep saying Trump supporters are violent with no evidence.
On your radar screen, how do you think the enemy is going to strike us?
Because I get you're on your path to victory, to mobilize and try to make the election free and open.
It's a great plan.
I support it.
But I'm really concerned about what the enemy is going to do because they're such cornered rats.
Give us your take on that and the Trump indictments and the rest of it.
Well, first of all, we're very blessed that we have the elections going on this fall, because that's where we're going to, we're putting everything in for a prototype, a proof of concept, everybody.
We already have, remember everybody, we already have wins in so many counties in this country that are already committed to go paper ballots and count it.
And we had an election last spring in Osage County, Missouri.
That's key, that's key.
It's not going to be as easy as it was three years ago for them to steal it this time.
Oh, absolutely not.
And this fall, like I said, this fall, as long as everyone out there is watching, it almost becomes a neighborhood watch.
You can see what's going on in your own backyard.
And that's going to be so important that the public doesn't get their news from your Fox News or your Newsmax, because they're not going to tell you about the election Any anomalies, everybody, they're still afraid to talk about that.
That's one of our biggest blockers.
So by the public policing our own elections, well, they're going to try.
Now, are they going to try and say that these devices, these wireless monitoring devices, are somehow illegal?
Well, then you better make your cell phones illegal, because it's under the same umbrella.
So when you go to your cell phone... You're right.
You should be allowed to know who's hitting the network.
You should be allowed to know.
If I'm in my comfort of my home, I want to know if devices are going online that might be in my refrigerator, or if somebody put a camera in and they're monitoring me.
Don't make a joke about that, but the head of the CIA 12 years ago said, we're going to spy on you via your refrigerator.
All these new devices are spying on you on record.
Right, right.
Well, I have a friend of mine has a refrigerator with the internet in it.
There's internet right in it, but you know, is it ever online?
I don't know.
All the cars made for 20 years, Mike.
Yeah, it's everywhere.
You know what's really cool, Alex, is you can turn off with this device.
We've demoed it, you know, being my team, and you can turn off your phone, completely turn it off, and if that was still connected to the internet, you'd be able to tell that with this device.
One of the things that we didn't have time that I would have liked to have shown there Yeah, talk about that.
Well, you're saying it's key, because I've done these things on air.
Every 15 seconds, a cell tower still pings your phone.
It's still on.
That's why the battery goes down even when it's off.
When you think your phone's off, it's on.
So you're just making people aware of what's already going on.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
But let's say you're in a room.
I'm going to give an example.
Let's say you're in an election.
I'm going to go through an election, everybody.
So here's this fall's election, and you're sitting at home, and you've got Frank Social, and you're looking at real-time crime come in.
You've got this stream come in, and you're saying, OK, and now maybe you want to watch, let's say, in your own backyard.
Let's say you're in Minnesota, Louisiana, whatever it is.
I'm in Louisiana.
All of a sudden I'm going, beep, beep, beep.
Two machines, voting machines, everybody.
That's what we're monitoring in the elections.
They lied and said the routers, the polling books, the printers, that none of these are online.
It doesn't say we're not tapping in to see if they're transmitting or flipping votes.
They told us a lie.
So now with that lie and everyone says, well Mike, what does this manifest to?
What does this do?
Well, in fact, people ask me, well, are the judges going to go for this now?
Is that evidence?
No, it's not illegal for those machines to be online.
But they lied and said they were never online because that's how they've been blocking all of our cyber data.
All the stuff we have, the cast vote records we have.
Yeah, they tell the judges, they go to the news, these aren't online.
We've had thousands of demonstrations the last 20 years where high school kids go in and break into them in seconds.
That's exactly right.
So what it does, when we've approached all these officials from the county up, I've had teams from the top down, the Secretary of State's down, I've dealt with all the Attorney Generals, I've got cases that are going to get to the Supreme Court, but we started about two years ago from the counties up.
The counties can make, most of them can make their own decision to get rid of these computers in our election.
Well, when you went to them, they always had an excuse, you know, but most of them was, well, my machines aren't online.
I've run the best county in the world.
How do you explain all these non-residents have voted and these people that aren't alive that voted in our county?
Remember everybody, every single county in the United States, everyone had non-residents that voted in their county, which is illegal.
Now people didn't march into their county and say, Hey, let's go commit a crime and vote for Biden.
No, the names were pulled by the computers.
So, now, when we go back in, after this plan, and all your, imagine all your neighbors, you know your county clerk, or whatever, and you're going, hey, I see my machines were online, and I see all this fraud that happened here, right in our backyard, now can we get rid of these machines?
Now can we get rid of these?
These are the things, our sales pitches to these counties, after this fall's election, they're gonna just, they're gonna come crumbling down, and we're gonna, county by county, it's not, And by the way, what you're saying is key.
People think you fight evil and win in one wave.
You fight them, draw them out, and then fight again.
It's a long-term project.
Yes, yep.
And when I say long term, this needs to be, I believe now, one year from now, I believe we're going to have probably the most secure elections we've had in 20 years.
This is what I'm saying, Alex.
Because of all the, it's just making awareness.
People have been lied to.
Think of these election officials that get lied to by the machine company.
You know, they told me, who told you they weren't online?
Well, the machine companies did.
Well, a lie, you're in a string of lies.
And now you can show a judge, okay, we've showed this group connected, then you get a warrant, and then you see what they did.
So let's stop right here.
You said something critical earlier.
And I read the news, and you're not a guy that whines, but when you need help, you should do it.
You had to borrow $10 million to keep your American company going just a month ago.
We are basically on the rocks as well.
Not because we're bad, because we're good.
People need to know, they can't just expect you to be here forever.
They can't expect me to be forever.
They could support what you're doing.
What I'm doing, we're all doing at MyPillow.com forward slash Alex, promo code Alex.
So give us the pitch.
You've got great products made in America.
The prices are insanely low.
The quality is insanely good.
Literally try it, folks.
Tell us about the products at MyPillow.com and then MyStore.
And what we've done over the last two weeks, because we were attacked, both MyStore was attacked, the website was attacked, MyPillow, my call center.
I've had the worst attacks in two weeks, but you know what?
And we're an employee-owned company.
I just have the most shares.
They keep their confidence because of all of you out there.
So what we've done, since we don't have our box stores, we brought the towels are back.
This is the biggest.
The towels are back.
50% off our towels.
So they're $39.98 for a six pack set.
And here's one.
Here's a surprise for you, Alex.
Our original MySlippers.
The original, everybody.
These are, we're having an early Christmas sale for people here and these are 29.98,
29.98 or 29.99, normally a hundred and some dollars.
These are all the slippers.
And then we have our mattress sale.
We have our mattresses on sale.
It's Labor Day sale we're having.
Mattresses on sale across the board.
But we've got, we're basically in our sheets, percale sheets, we're closing out a line of them
to make room for more manufacturing room down there in our factory.
And we're clearing this line of sheets that we're closing out.
It's $35 for queen, 39 for king, 29 for full and 25 for twin.
And then here we have- - Let me just stop you, Mike, 'cause let me tell you.
You're not stupid, I'm gonna tell you.
You're putting your life in your hands right now.
You really are at the tip of the spear.
If people won't buy great products at great prices to support this, they deserve what they get.
Everybody should go to MyPillow.com forward slash Alex.
Everybody should support you and us.
And I'm not bitching at the listeners.
I'm saying, you want people to fight, folks?
We're doing it.
This is it.
Keep going.
And we've got, this is our 20 year anniversary too, since I invented my pillow.
So we put these on sale too.
These are our anniversary pillow.
This is queen size, $19.98, $29.99 for the king.
And this is the original, my pillow filled.
These are the best.
You get the best sleep ever.
What, originally $69.
And we put all these on sale.
Right now, for all of you, because we do need help.
And remember, everything that comes through to me, you know what I do with it?
I spend it on trying to secure our elections.
That's what I do with anything that comes through to me.
My employees, you're helping my employees.
You don't have to tell us how much under your attack, brother.
I can't even imagine the attack we're under.
I know they're attacking you more.
It's just insane.
Tell us about MyStore and all the American companies.
My store got really attacked last week, everybody.
They came after my store and they put these credit card things on there so we had to, they actually lost sales for like a half a day.
They do it to us too, I know.
Yeah, it's terrible.
And these are, these are entrepreneurs.
I set up mystore.com.
Now they're trying to block thousands of American people selling products because it's a microcosm.
They want to destroy us.
100% USA made.
You got the MyCoffee, the Uraganda, there's the Bleach Stop.
All of these products are 100% made in the USA.
There's thousands of them on there.
All these are entrepreneurs, just like everyday citizens that came up with a product and they need your support.
You can, all these savings on there and they, those, I can sit here and tell you a story.
I've met most of these entrepreneurs and we've done that.
Take your time.
Tell us about mystore.com.
Tell us all about it.
It's so, you know, products come out there like, like the, the My Coffee, that one especially.
It was a small family owned company in Florida and they get their own beans in South America.
There was like, it was like a micro brewery and we, and we took it to the limit.
I tried that coffee.
And people send me stuff all the time, and I try to, wow, this is something different.
This is the best coffee I've ever had in my life.
So I went down and met them, and they were so passionate about their coffee, and they told me what goes into every part of coffee making.
And we did that, and they, now this isn't the one, this is my coffee.
This is a different coffee that's up there.
But yeah, it's my coffee if you pull up the first square.
So I took it, and they said, can we use the name My Coffee?
I said, absolutely.
There it is, everybody.
This coffee is the best coffee you will ever have in your life.
And if you sign up now with promo code Alex, you get a free Go Anywhere pillow.
We're doing all kinds of specials there.
Another one, if you go, is this stuff here.
Ashwagandha gummies and apple cider gummies.
And I can't believe we have George Soros and the Rothschilds with hundreds of millions attacking us.
And here's Mike Lindell selling pillows and coffee trying to save the country.
Folks, if we just get excited and take action, we're unstoppable.
Everybody's got to go there.
They got to support what you're doing, Mike.
Well, thank you.
And you guys and your support and these entrepreneurs, they all have families.
They're out there hurting because of the economy.
Our economy is getting destroyed.
Yeah, you're a real businessman.
I've got the numbers here on the economy.
They are annihilating it.
I've got all these clips of Biden bragging how it's the best economy in the world.
You're dialing into the whole country.
What are you really saying?
It's horrible.
It's terrible.
There are people getting desperate.
You have so many small businesses.
These entrepreneurs, they're very scared.
That's just what they rely on.
I finally gave them a platform of mystore.com where they don't get swallowed up on Amazon by products made in China or over on Google or all these Facebook, these places where they copy you and stuff.
And so they rely on this and then for them to get attacked.
But right now, everybody's scared.
I mean, there's fear out there with the economy.
And you guys, and you can go up, if you go to the top on the website,
we have all different, there's all different products.
So there's bathroom products, and we've got them all categorized.
It's like a mini Amazon, but it is USA made products.
You're supporting all these people in the USA.
Listen, listen, Joseph Farah and World Net Daily a decade ago or more sued the Clinton Foundation and got all their library documents and when they first got into office in 93 their main mission was stopping populists.
They didn't cause conservatives but Americans from having their own businesses And their own systems.
They are so scared of us.
Because if we start spending money, not just on American-Made, but on Patriot-Made, it's game over.
We use our money.
It's the opposite of their social credit score.
And their ESG.
We do this now.
We win.
We still have it.
But the window's closing.
Yeah, absolutely.
We get one shot at this and I'll tell you, by supporting these entrepreneurs at mystore.com, I don't know if we've said this before Alex, but quite a while ago, back in 2017, our real president had me at the White House for a Manufacturing Summit.
Do you know when a manufacturing business goes under here or moves overseas or whatever, you take a whole bunch with you.
You take a whole bunch of products.
I used an example of a snowmobile company back in the day.
They left here because the economy got bad.
I forget how far back it was, but when they left, Nine other companies went with that.
It involved like, I think, 10,000 employees when you spread over the fasteners, the person that made the seats, the person that made this.
It's like, you know, it's just like with my pillow.
There's the cotton manufacturer, there's the fabric manufacturer, there's the patented fill made in Wisconsin.
All these things.
You have no idea if you can keep the manufacturing.
It's the infrastructure.
You don't talk about yourself.
And I read your book.
It's amazing.
People can find it at MyPillow.com or MyStore.com.
Promo code, ALICETDISCOUNT, and support us both.
But spend a few minutes on yourself and your process, like how you grew up, when you found God, and then how you did all this great work, because you're an example to us all.
Well, you know, I was a functioning addict in every way.
You go back to, I was put into a new school when I was like nine years old, or seven years, I guess seven years old.
And my parents divorced back when divorces weren't common.
It tells you how important that the families can be, the family unit too back then.
But back then, so I got put in a new school and I felt different, felt like an outcast.
Anyway, it manifested into, I only went to college for, I think, one quarter.
I would either show off to people or I wouldn't talk.
I was kind of one or the other.
It's funny, when you read my book, one of my biggest fears was speaking in public or talking to people.
I found out later it's because I had fear of rejection.
Well, you don't get rejected if you don't talk.
But I became a very functioning addict.
I prayed back in the 80s, I had bad things going on, and I prayed and I ended up getting,
I thought my dream was getting married, having kids.
It was a 20 year marriage, functioning addict.
But during that time I was also an entrepreneur.
I would do problem solution.
My sister flooded a third story apartment complex with a waterbed and I became a carpet cleaner.
I was in treatment once and for the D-Dubs I would get in the 80s and I was in treatment talking to this guy and he told me that he had from California and he did these remember I'm in Minnesota he goes yeah we had this lunch wagon business you pulled open the side and people bought stuff on it So I called my friend up.
I said, hey, I said, you come up with money for a truck.
We're going to go into the lunch wagon business.
We built it into a big business all the time having a parallel track of addiction.
And then I ended up getting it.
I never had anything handed to me.
I had to build it from scratch.
Like I got into the bar business and bar and restaurant and I had one bar for 13 years, which wasn't a good place for an addict.
And people, you know, people perceive addicts as people on the streets with, you know, down and out on the streets with homeless or whatever.
Well, that's not true.
It doesn't matter how many forks you eat with.
Addiction affects everyone.
And... No, I totally agree.
What was your transformation?
Because you're really an amazing... My transformation, and I'll tell you this, everybody.
On January, I invented my pillow in 2004.
I started crack cocaine in 2000, and I quit crack cocaine and everything overnight on January 16, 2009.
Now, I prayed to God, and I knew that he had this big calling, and I knew that calling, that would be gone if I waited one more day.
Was that my bottom?
Well, people say, I made sure I didn't have any money or anything, that it would be the greatest comeback ever, that with God all things are possible.
Well, when I quit that day, I woke up in the morning and I prayed, I prayed the night before that I would never have the desire again for any of these addictions, alcohol, crack, cocaine, you name it.
And it was gone the next day.
Now that was a miracle in itself.
And I actually thought that that's the day that I was saved.
And then it wasn't until, um, and by the way, when I woke up that day, my pillow was just a blip on the radar because everything had been taken from me, um, or lost on my, by myself.
Well, um, If you fast forward, I didn't find Jesus until, and as my Lord and Savior, a complete surrender, until February 18th, 2017, everybody.
And everyone says, come on, Mike, you always wore your cross on TV or whatever.
Yeah, I always wanted to be that guy.
And I'll tell you, back in the day, back on January 16th, 2009, before that, you guys, I was in the streets of Minneapolis.
It was the spring of 2008.
And I came out of the bedroom, and I was up for 14 days, and three of the biggest drug dealers were standing there, and they're looking at me.
They're going, I go, what are you guys doing?
You know each other.
They had never met, but they knew of each other.
They said, Mike, we're cutting you off.
You've been up for 14 days.
I said, what is this, an intervention?
They go, call it whatever you want.
And now they cut me off and I waited.
It was 2.30 in the morning when the last guy that was watching me went to sleep.
I was scraping the crack pipe and carpet farming and I headed down the streets of Minneapolis and I get down there.
I couldn't buy crack anywhere.
They had gotten the word out, right?
So about three o'clock in the morning, I come back upstairs and he's standing there and he goes, how'd that work out for you?
And I was all upset and he goes, here's what he said to me.
He goes, man, you've been telling us for years that you're going to quit someday, all your addictions, and you're going to come back and help us out of this world we're living in, this drug world we're living in.
He said, give me your phone, I'm going to take a picture so you remember that.
You've been telling us you're going to write a book someday, too.
And he said, here's for that book.
Well, Alex, this is that picture.
If I can see it, if I turn it, it's the good mic, bad mic here.
Anyway, that's on the cover of my book.
Two of those guys that did that intervention, they actually worked for me, and they're born-again Christians.
The story is, for anybody going through this, sometimes it's overnight, but most of the time it's a long process, and God worked with you, and people around you got touched, because God had a plan for you, is what you're saying.
Yeah, and I'm saying this, too, is that, you know, people, they see example.
Like, when I was at the White House in 2017, I'd already been saved by the grace of God, and I went live, and here I'm sitting next to the President of the United States, and all my friends at home, my crack friends back in the day are going, what is this crack addict on TV?
Jesus has to be real, because this is a miracle!
You know, I never thought I'd be within five feet of the White House, much less become friends with our great real President.
But I want to say this, anybody out there in addiction, everybody, I set up, and it's free.
It's the LyndaleRecoveryNetwork.org.
It's free.
I spent millions setting it up.
My original thing was to help addicts and then all of a sudden I got put into this election platforms and which if we don't have a free country, you know, nothing matters.
But you can get set yourself free.
Right now with where we're at with hopelessness in this country and fentanyl pouring across the borders and I think it's 300 some people dying every day from fentanyl and maybe it's even higher now.
Right now, if you have someone that's feeling hopeless and alone, and it's turned to addiction, or their addiction's got worse, go to LyndellRecoveryNetwork.org.
It's free.
And I can't say enough about that.
All right.
Mike Lyndell, I love you.
We appreciate you.
MyPillow.com forward slash Alex supports you, supports us, supports us all.
Everybody needs to go there.
MyStore.com, Alex, all of it.
We love you.
Great plan.
The Holy Spirit's with you.
The Force is with you.
We appreciate you, brother.
And we know you can't give up.
You'll never give up.
Have a great week.
Congratulations on last week's huge event, sir.
Yeah, thank you.
God bless you all.
Thank you so much, Alex, for having me on.
And thanks for all your support, everybody, at MyPillow.com.
Promo code Alex.
Get those towels.
Get those six-packs.
All right.
Don't hang up, Mike.
I know you're always busy.
I want to say bye to you.
We're going to break here.
I'll do a little bit more in the next hour on a guest host coming up and then Owen Troyer in one hour, 3 p.m.
Central and fullwords.com forward slash show.
Well, Kate Daly never disappoints.
She's always got amazing information and guests.
She takes over in six minutes.
But I wanted to spend more time on the state.
We only have five minutes on the head now.
But I knew when I saw that viral footage three days ago in Nevada going into Burning Man on that.
Indian Reservation, with traffic backed up for dozens of miles, that when we saw the police crash through and break through the barrier, we weren't being given the truth.
The police pull up, people's cars are running out of gas, the lady's having a heart attack, it's been backed up for half a day before they even get there, and they tell them, and I'm not going to play the whole footage, it takes 20 minutes, but they're like, leave, go, stop it.
Citizens are trying to pull the garbage off the road.
The arrogant leftists aren't doing that.
So finally, under law, the police can break the blockade, they run through it, turn around and take action, because they wouldn't stop.
They're protected by police everywhere else, in leftist areas where they do it.
But that's the deception of these maggots, is they need to show you what really happened.
It's all on Twitter.
We're doing an article on Infowars that shows all the videos.
I spent like an hour this morning watching them.
But the police were there saying, get off the road, move it out.
We're only going to show you the very end of it, when they finally said, that's it.
And they knew the people were all chained up to it and the rest of it.
And so they rammed it out of the way.
This is the action we need to see because cutting off people's energy, blocking roads, kills people.
Cutting off the energy in the UK saying no more heating for your houses.
That's announced.
Millions of Brits told not to heat their homes.
This is happening.
You know the leftists drove there in cars to do this.
So here's what really happened.
This man, get off the highway.
This is a state route.
Everybody will be arrested if not.
Thirty seconds.
Send your leader to my vehicle.
Let's talk.
Get off the... And then he waited way longer than that.
But again, they cut the tape that they put out to when he pushes the barricades down.
Lying scum.
Are you surprised?
Then they scream, you're risking our lives, you're risking our lives.
Their lockdowns killed 85 million people the UN estimates.
Nothing to do with the virus.
We're gonna lock everything down.
Bunch of rich trust fund kids.
Get out now!
Get out!
On the ground!
All of you on the ground now!
He just told her minutes before, get it off the road, she wouldn't do it.
I told him, screw you.
Oh, please help me.
I just want to cut everybody's energy off and kill everybody.
Oh, please help me.
I just work for the Rothschilds and the big banks.
So we starved 85 million people and that's a big deal.
We're liberals.
Oh, please.
Can you imagine if the rest of the police were like this, actually doing their job?
Those cars barely have enough gas to get there.
There's a gas station up the road.
A bunch of them ran out of gas.
A man had a heart attack.
One other person died.
It's funny to them.
Blocking your way somewhere is siege.
These people are the scum of the earth.
Millions of Brits told not to heat their homes now.
I don't have time to get into it all.
I'll try to cover it tomorrow, 11 a.m.
American Journal, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
Harrison Smith, doing a great job, knocking it out of the park.
Sozon Shroyer, coming up in 55 minutes.
Board slash show.
You're getting excited about the broadcast.
That's why it's having a bigger effect than ever.
I'm not risking my life on a lost cause.
I know we have a good chance of beating this if we wake up to what this is.
The ultra-rich collapsing civilization and get total control.
We can win this fight, but you are the human intelligence.
You are the eyes and ears.
You are the word of mouth.
You march, enemy falls.
You sit where you are, we die.
Don't tread on me.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
And I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
So glad to be with you today.
And I have a lot to share with you.
So we got to get rolling on this.
So here's the deal.
I was just admiring my ceiling fan.
You know, the one King Dingling and Vice Dingling would like to ban because it's all of $39 over the lifespan of the new energy efficient van.
Anyway, that's a lot of money, $39.
Buys a whole Coke right now.
Anyway, so you're seeing all of these bans, you're seeing all of these things, and I'm going to talk a little bit more about that as we get into this hour, what's happening with the C40 cities.
There's so much information to go over with that.
But I want to tell you about a trip I just took, and I actually went on a cruise.
It was my anniversary.
Went on a cruise, and it was interesting.
You have to fill out this paperwork before you get on the cruise.
And they want to know how you're going to come to this location, and they want to know if you're going to fly, and they want to know if you're going to drive or park a car.
And I kept thinking to myself, why do they need to know all of this?
Why is this so important?
Because obviously they don't, but I want to see their excuse.
So I'm looking for the excuse as to why they need all the flight information for every single passenger coming in.
And the excuse they give, I can't make this up, is that They need to know in case something happens to you on the ship, how you're going to fly home on what airline.
And I was sitting there thinking, what does that have to do with anything?
It's absolutely ridiculous.
But here's the deal though.
Let me tell you.
So in a drop down menu, you're supposed to pick your flights.
There's a reason I'm telling you this.
So you're supposed to pick your flights, but my flight wasn't showing.
And I was a little confused by this because I just wanted to go through the mechanism of it just to kind of find out why they were asking all this, what they were doing with all this information, all this data for HHS, right?
And so the drop down menu gave me my flight number, but it gave me a different time and it was a later time.
And I thought, well, that's really strange.
Same flight number, but this was over a week before the flight.
And the later time was about an hour, hour and a half after, about an hour and a half after my regular flight, or two hours after I think it was.
And I thought, this is really strange.
In fact, I had to manually put in my own flight that I bought just to be able to put it in so it would stick into the computer right to get to the next step because I wanted to see what all these steps were.
What's interesting is, a week later, It's the day of my flight.
I've returned from my cruise.
It's the day of my flight to go home.
And not until about five o'clock, maybe five o'clock at night, I get this message that my flight's been delayed to the exact same flight time that the drop-down menu had a week before.
And I just thought that was really strange that they knew that my flight would be bumped.
They absolutely knew my flight would be bumped.
It wasn't even offered as a flight.
But I get to the time and it's of course that exact time.
I just wanted to share that with you because I just thought they're playing a lot of games with the airlines.
There was an article yesterday about Delta, a flight, you know, a Delta flight where injured passengers for turbulence, 11 people on a Delta flight were taken to the hospital on yesterday after it hit turbulence, right?
Heading to Atlanta.
And so there's all kinds of articles right now.
I don't know if you've noticed this, but all kinds of articles talking about Oh, flying.
Oh, you could get hurt.
Oh my gosh.
Your flights will be delayed.
Over 50% now is the standard for delayed flights.
You can't count on a thing.
And there's problem after problem after problem.
Never mind that you're crammed into a sardine can with seats made for small Asian people and they don't really fit Americans.
Never mind that.
Never mind that you're flying the Walmart of airlines like Spirit Airlines.
Never mind that either.
But now they have it to where this is a problem, right?
So when the COVID bucks kicked in, I think it was February, March of 2020, a lot of that money went to the airlines, right?
And they talked about owning the airlines and I've mentioned this before on this show.
And they talked about this and what was really crazy about that was that They went into full ownership.
They used to be able to obviously regulate, obviously, you know, tell them what's going on through the Department of Transportation.
But they went into full ownership with hospitals and with airlines with the COVID bucks.
There was such a looting of our country, such a looting, such a treasonous looting that not one single person on those debate stages right now are even talking about.
And especially on the right, because I'm on the right, right?
And not talking about it at all.
Not talking about the looting, not talking about the lockdowns, not talking about the shots killing people all the time.
What we're talking about is the superfluous crap.
That's what we're talking about.
So I share that with you because I thought it was really strange that my flight propped up and that also they're demanding all this information before you do something simple like take a little cruise.
It's very, very interesting.
Our borders are wide open, right?
If I'm from another country, I can enter the country no problem.
You don't need to know my flight information.
You don't need to know any information about me.
I can just come on over and grab a life.
But if I'm an American who wants to travel, yeah.
A lot of data and a lot of paperwork now is being shared by HHS, but it's even gotten worse than I even remember just like a few years ago.
It's on steroids.
And I just kind of wanted to give you that little synopsis just to let you know that If they know that these flights are being delayed and they have advance warning and they don't tell you, which could actually help people travel, but they don't tell you, isn't that odd?
Isn't it a little strange that it was actually bumped to that later flight and my flight really, after I booked it, was no more?
I also want to talk about about storm fear for just a moment.
We have this hurricane, of course, we are talking about it non-stop in mainstream media, and this is the new word for storms is apocalyptic scenes, okay?
So you're getting all of this apocalyptic, it's apocalyptic, and before a couple of years ago, I remember being on the air and it was Bomb, uh, bomb cyclone.
They use that word non-stop.
Bomb cyclone.
And everyone went, what is a bomb cyclone?
Um, and they tried to kind of regurgitate these terms into the weather forecast and make it sound ultra scary.
Do you guys remember that Saturday Night Live clip where it was all about the storm?
Okay, so I was just thinking about that the other day.
So we have this hurricane, and I'm sure people will be affected by it, but I'm telling you that the apocalyptic scenes The way in which we describe what's going on right now, because I want to show you kind of the difference of what it looks like to have an article about a storm 50 years ago.
I want to show you that because this is, or I want to tell you about that one because this is interesting.
So you have apocalyptic scenes and this massive, they say massive storm surge has smashed Florida's Cedar Key region ahead of the catastrophic hurricane hitting in the next few minutes, okay?
This was yesterday.
A brave clam fisherman who chose to stay behind to help rescue people who have refused to leave said the beautiful coastal area is a near apocalyptic scene.
The fisherman goes around saying it's an apocalyptic scene?
Or did the news insert that?
Anyway, because it kind of goes along with all the other articles in which the same exact wording is used.
So Mr. Bobbitt, the clam fisherman, I wonder if that's the same Bobbitt that's missing a vital piece of his body. Anyway, said that he felt the worst case
scenario predictions of storm surge in Cedar Key would come true. Okay. And, and then he
also said that basically he was saying, um, it's going to make landfall and it could
be a disaster and it could be a cat five. It could be a cat or even a cat three.
And everything in the news yesterday was all about what it was going to be, the prediction of what it was going to be.
Now you could say, okay, they can predict, but I thought it was interesting that they were predicting so heavily, because what did it do?
It turned into a Cat 1, right?
So if it turned into a Cat 1, that's kind of, I don't know, it was just kind of, uh, Ah, interesting.
So we had Hurricane Alan in 1980.
250 people died in that, 1980.
I don't know if you guys remember that.
But the wording was completely different.
The wording was very mild, talking about a cat5 storm in 1980.
And I thought the comparison, when I come back, I'll give you the comparison, because I'll run out of time on this on this clip of the show.
But let me just tell you, it's quite a drastic change from what we're getting right now.
And why are we getting the rhetoric?
Who was on the news needing money?
Oh, that's right.
The same ones staying in $1,000 to $5,000 rooms per night at the Four Seasons, right, in Maui, having a little vacay.
Yeah, that FEMA.
They were crying, crying for dollars.
Crying, crying, crying.
So what does that mean?
What can that tell us about what they're trying to spend?
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're breaking in here live to the fourth hour with Kate Daly with massive, massive news.
This is so exciting.
I love President Trump.
He's the real deal.
They're after him.
But he, for far too long, has not come out against the shots and not enough against the lockdowns and things he was manipulated with.
Just minutes ago, a full article went up on Infowars.com.
30 minutes ago on Truth Social, he put out, "We will not comply.
"Trump backs bombshell Alex Jones report, "rejects left-wing lunatics
"trying to bring back COVID lockdowns,"
which they now admit our story was accurate.
Of course it was.
It was directly from high-level federal whistleblowers.
So now that Trump is energizing people on the left and the right who are against new lockdowns,
This will take him up 5, 10 more points.
So it won't be 50 points ahead of the competition.
It will be 60, 70.
This is the right thing to do.
This is a massive victory and it shows the power of this broadcast.
11, 12 days ago, I said if you will simply look it up and see how they're rolling it out, we will get ahead of this and stop it.
The power of the people, not to just be reactive, but to be informed and resist this Tyrannical rollout.
He calls them the COVID tyrants.
Here is the video.
Left-wing lunatics are trying very hard to bring back COVID lockdowns and mandates with all of their sudden fear-mongering about the new variants that are coming.
Gee whiz, you know what else is coming?
An election.
They want to restart the COVID hysteria so they can justify more lockdowns, more censorship, more illegal drop boxes, more mail-in ballots, and trillions of dollars in payoffs to their political allies heading into the 2024 election.
Does that sound familiar?
These are bad people.
These are sick people we're dealing with.
But to every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words.
We will not comply.
So don't even think about it.
We will not shut down our schools.
We will not accept your lockdowns.
We will not abide by your mask mandates.
And we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.
They rigged the 2020 election and now they're trying to do the same thing all over again by rigging the most important election in the history of our country, the 2024 election, even if it means trying to bring back COVID.
But they will fail because we will not let it happen.
When I'm back in the White House, I will use every available authority to cut federal funding to any school, college, airline, or public transportation system that imposes a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate.
Thank you very much.
Wow, ladies and gentlemen, that is Trump 2.0.
He said, I didn't know Washington before, now I do.
That's the race in the hole.
He gets it.
They've launched their announcements, the schools, the colleges, the vaccine mandates, the mask.
It's all back, not just here, but all over Europe.
Climate activists, mask activists beating people up in Canada.
We covered it earlier.
Who won't wear a mask.
They are trying it again.
But fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
This is an incredible moment here.
The people aren't going to take this crap.
To have Trump come out like this is the strongest yet.
And it's the right thing to do.
It's what we've been asking Trump to do.
I am so incredibly excited to be at this moment.
And I feel like it's a Ric Flair moment.
Because the star in their crown of control Is the whole COVID tyranny and the new booster and all of it in our whistleblower two weeks ago, not an angle it that by September 15th, they'd roll out new shots and mask at the airports and it's here.
But it may not happen now because you're awake and they'll say, Oh, Jones is wrong.
But everybody saw the propaganda.
I said, we can stop it because we have the power.
I'll be covering it tomorrow on the Thursday edition, 11 a.m.
But Kate Daly's here to host the fourth hour.
I'm going to have her take over and get her response to this.
But Trump is now hitting on all cylinders, praise God, and passing ammunition in the info war.
Thanks Alex, I really appreciate you bringing this to light.
I am so happy to hear him finally say this and I was just reviewing a Babylon Bee headline yesterday and it was CDC announces new election year Akron COVID variant and I thought I'm so glad when I watched that video I'm so glad that Trump came out to actually talk about the election COVID, because that's really what it is.
Does everybody really remember going back to this stuff a year ago?
And of course it's close to an election.
And you know what it is?
It's so obvious.
Well, remember a year and a half ago, the head British health minister got caught in emails and text messages saying, now let's release a new variant to scare them again.
They've been caught!
I agree.
I agree.
And the HHS just did $1.4 billion in new COVID tools.
And so the fact that they just did that, they just opened an office in the White House, they're drooling over COVID.
They're drooling over lockdowns.
And I'm really happy to see Trump really nail it on video and say, I am against this.
Isn't that refreshing?
It's like nice to hear him actually say that.
I like that.
You're absolutely right.
I'm going to let you take over the rest of the hour.
We're going to take this full segment and put it up to Bandot Video.
Everybody needs to share it right now.
This is huge.
Kate Daly.
Thank you.
All right.
Back here with you for a couple of minutes and before we go to the next break.
And let me just say, I am.
I'm really happy to hear him say it.
He needed to say it and he needed to be absolutely against what's happening.
And so it's refreshing.
Good for him.
I'm glad he's doing it.
False evidence appearing real.
That's the acronym for fear.
False evidence appearing real.
And it's so true.
They're using it to their advantage.
And just because the HHS plans to grant more awards by the end of this fiscal year, and $1.4 billion for COVID tools, doesn't mean the people have to let them use it.
The people have to stand up.
We cannot wait for somebody to lead us there either.
We've got to get to a point where individually we have courage.
You know the term, land of the free, home of the brave?
I used to think that was reserved when I would go over the home of the brave phrase in that.
I would think of the military.
And I would think, you know, the brave military, right?
If they were going to end that sentence, that's what I would think of in my mind.
But you know what it is?
It's a brave American.
It means us.
It doesn't necessarily mean the military might.
It doesn't necessarily mean that that is a phrase for certain individuals.
If we all had a backbone and we all had courage, you know, when I was in the airport, I saw all this new advertisement on the walls as I was walking through the airport.
And they had a guy with a cone on his head, you know, the ones that the dogs wear when they get fixed.
And the guy had a cone on his head and he's talking, he's at dinner with this beautiful gal who's wearing a mask.
And it was all about safety.
It was all about safety.
It's coming back.
We need to be safe.
You guys feel safe?
Because we're safe to death.
Do you feel safe?
No, I feel like my government wants to kill me.
That's how I feel.
Do you?
Are we going to be brave?
Are we going to have courage?
Are we going to say no?
Because you know what?
They don't have enough minions to get the HHS $1.4 billion COVID tools to actually go down the pike unless people are willing to do it.
I think it's high time that we become an American in this country and realize who we are and the power that we have.
Because last time I checked, that Constitution was still in play.
It's not gone yet.
They've tried everything they could do to ruin it.
But it's not gone.
It's there.
And as long as it's there, there's a fighting chance.
And we, the people, have to say no to this.
Do not comply.
The best thing that you could ever be is the most horrible global citizen that you could ever be.
I really believe that.
We need to find our brave again.
We need to find our backbone again.
I'll be right back for the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, so I talked about the apocalyptic storm.
That's the new phrasing, the new word.
You're going to hear it everywhere.
It's ridiculous.
To frame it like that, it hasn't even hit as of yesterday and every single article I think had that phrase in it.
It was bizarre, just kind of like a bomb cyclone, which is ridiculous, right?
So, back in 1980, they had a Hurricane Alan, and there was an article on Hurricane Alan.
You want to see the difference about what the news does today as opposed to before?
Here's an article.
Great Hurricane Alan continued today and aimed its 170 mile, 170 miles, this was a cat 5, mile per hour winds in torrential rain.
It was much worse.
We have a cat one right now, but that was a cat five.
Yeah, 250 dead, cat five.
So I just want to take everybody back about eight years before that too, because there was a couple of articles.
And by the way, can I just say, why are we even naming these storms with a name?
Why don't we just give them adjectives?
Because that's clearly where the news wants to go because of FEMA.
FEMA is very, very set on raising some more money for themselves.
Greedy little bastards.
And they also want us to foot the bill.
And so, of course, they're on camera crying, crying, crying over money.
And so what do they do?
Amp up the storm before it even gets here.
Amp up emergency status.
Amp up everything.
I'm not saying they're not going to get rainfall or flooding, but amping it up in the news in particular to sell us on the fact that FEMA needs more money.
Because when I saw that FEMA needed money, I thought, well, isn't that strange that my first thought would be, well, we'll probably have a super big storm.
And you guys know how they hyped San Diego so that everyone would stop talking about Maui, is really what that plan was all about.
They didn't want to talk about Maui.
They don't want to talk about the fact that a car gets burnt all the way down to a nub and the grass around it doesn't burn, right?
They don't want to talk about it.
I saw this article and then I saw a couple of other articles after I was reviewing the fact that FEMA just wants a simple reallocation of resources.
Anytime we get manufactured events, we see a reallocation of resources behind the scenes.
And also, back in 1972, Back in 1972, they had this article written, and this was an article about, this was in the Titusville Herald, and it was this title, Has Weather Been Included in Arsenal and U.S.
That was Ludington Daily News, and then, And Should We Tamper?
Okay, Should We Tamper?
In the Titusville Herald in 1972.
And what they wrote about was the fact that Senator Pell at the time, I think from Delaware, proposed an international treaty barring manipulation of weather for military purposes.
This is what the article states.
And in part, Senator Pell was reacting to testimony the Department of Defense before a Senate committee for a $3 million budget for the
department's Nile Blue climate modification research.
And since they said, since it now appears likely that major world powers have the ability
to create and modify climate, that would be seriously detrimental to the security of the
country, Nile Blue subproject was established in that fiscal year.
And so they went on and on and on about the fact that we don't see them doing these things,
but we can see them doing these things.
And of course, we all knew what they did on the Ho Chi Minh trails.
We all knew that they were manipulating weather in the Vietnam War, but they got found out and they finally had to come out and talk about it and say it and admit it because then what they wanted to do was create this treaty where they would bar weather modification.
Can they make a storm worse?
Yeah, they can.
Can they cause an earthquake?
We all know this, right?
What's strange is that it keeps being called a conspiracy theory when the government not only passes a treaty barring it, but also the fact that for the last 50 years we've been hearing about this.
Little, uh, evil little Brennan over there, um, you know, uh, the CIA was talking about it as as if it was a badge of honor.
When the last hurricane, the major one hit in Texas, I remember the Texas government saying, well, yeah, we can, we can, we can further along a storm.
Yeah, we can, we can do all kinds of stuff.
And then don't you wonder how many things are manipulated in order to get FEMA dollars, right?
And everybody forgets we have insurance.
Everybody forgets that everybody's insured on their buildings, right?
And they act like that's not possible and that FEMA has to swoop in and save everybody.
So therefore, you need to add money to the coffers.
Therefore, pony up tax dollar because FEMA needs your cash.
That's how crazy this thing is getting.
And back in 1972, both articles, The first one, which was, uh, has weather been included in arsenal of US military?
And then also Titusville, uh, the Titusville one, should we tamper?
There were articles, there were about 6,000 articles written about this and people didn't even flinch.
They didn't even flinch.
It was the strangest thing that we didn't even realize what we were about to get hit with and what the government could do to us for what?
The reallocation of dollars.
That's what it's all about.
They're shifting money in the background and our eyes are glued to the hurricane status.
And what is it?
It's a one.
Not that there's not any damage, but give me a break.
This is getting ridiculous.
Apocalyptic scenes.
And here's another thing I want to share with you too.
On the COVID thing, because that's what Trump brought up, and of course, I love that he was actually on tape condemning what they're about to do.
Because that's supposed to hit, I think, mid-September, in a couple of weeks actually, the start of the lockdown.
The start of the, there is nothing wrong, but we think you should all mask up, mantra.
They can only do it if we go along with it.
And what are they trying to do inside that narrative?
Right now, the narrative is in public places where all the things that they own, the airlines, the hospitals, it's all the things that they own that they can exercise that kind of control over, plus a few more.
But they want to make sure that because they own them now, they can say, you will wear a mask on this airline.
For what?
They won't say.
Right now, it's the red meat allergy or what, you know, Ebola.
I mean, give me a break.
They can't really narrow it down.
So instead of a name this time, they actually gave it a number, right, to a variant that's fake.
And then also they came out with this article yesterday.
Experts issue urgent death warning to anyone who has had COVID in the last two years.
You mean the shot?
The article says if you've had COVID, which I call blowvid because it blows, because the whole thing blows the last three years.
But yeah, they actually came out and said, new research indicates that anyone infected with blowvid is at an increased risk of dying for up to two years after catching the bug.
Let me get this straight.
You get a cold or the flu and you're going to die from that two years later?
You guys, this is so, it's so obvious the desperation.
It's so obvious the clown show.
It's so insane now.
I mean, I saw this and I thought, they're actually trying to sell this.
They're actually going to think that people are going to believe this.
And yes, I mean, I can walk around the country and find some, some complete idiots.
I'm trying to watch my mouth.
Idiots that would actually believe this.
But isn't that crazy that they're trying to sell it as, hey, two years later, it's COVID, not the shots.
The shots saved you.
Do you guys realize how much those numbers went up in 2021?
The death numbers came in 2021, not 2020.
We only did 16, I think it was 16.2 billion in death, which is actually less, less than the year 2019 and 2020.
We paid less for death.
The insurance numbers came out.
When those came out, they said, yeah, they didn't have the deaths in 2020.
Nobody was dying from COVID.
They were dying from the shots.
So this is just, this is insane.
They're trying to sell us this.
But I'll tell you what, I'll give you kind of a little hint.
I was talking to Dr. Brian Ardis and he said, after Biden said there was no more COVID, remember that?
A week later, they came out with the SARS 2 COVID thing, SARS whatever it's called, they call it.
And they said it was directly linked to the nicotine receptors.
He says, Six days of wearing a nicotine patch, you can end brain fog, you can end all those what we call long hauler symptoms.
All that means is that your immune system is just still down from all the toxic poisoning that's going on right now.
And six days of nicotine patches, a patch each day, six days of that can actually remove all of that.
Definitely want to try that because of the article, the many NIH articles on the nicotine receptors.
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
So glad to be with you from katedallyradio.com.
You know, I was just talking about the SARS-CoV-2 and the article that came out in May, SARS-CoV-2, this was straight from the NIH, the spike ectodomain targets the A7 nicotine receptors.
My thoughts and feelings on Blovid are that it was a label.
It was a nice, convenient label in which they called everything a cold, a flu, everything COVID, so that you would be very, very afraid.
And the FDA on the pamphlet that they passed out when they were giving the shots, they would give people a pamphlet.
And one of the questions in the pamphlet was, does this have COVID in it?
And the answer was no, this has no COVID in it.
And I thought that was so funny because there was no COVID in the test.
There was nothing in any case scenario in any shot where COVID was recognized in any possible way.
And so what did you get a shot for?
Well, so what they're really basically doing, I think, is they're taking the cold, they're taking the flu, and it suddenly has a name.
And so when they say SARS-CoV-2, and I'm wondering if If there's ever any targeting going on where they're able to target poison, target anything in that way to make people sick, but not the populace.
We're not catching it from each other.
This is basically like a targeted event.
If that's the case, and if things are happening to us in our food supply and in all of these different case scenarios, that would be, would the nicotine patch work for six days?
Would that alleviate that?
It's kind of an interesting hypothesis because it's going to sound crazy at first, right?
But then when you think about it, not only did they just say this now and admit it after, of course, King Dingling said that COVID wasn't a threat anymore.
Give me a break.
But they also wrote about it in the year 2020, in July.
And they also said the exact same thing, the involvement of the nicotine receptors in COVID-19.
Like I said, when people say pandemic, I kind of snicker because there really was no pandemic.
It was the shots that were really, really hurting people and killing people and still are.
And the fact that I think if you have cancer in your body and for some reason it's dormant, but those shots can heighten it.
I have seen deaths personally from that.
Where the person was perfectly fine.
Maybe that wouldn't have even come out of hiding that cancer somewhere in his body, right?
Or her body.
That wouldn't have come out for years.
But the shots throw that on fire, right?
And cause that storm.
That's why they're saying now, oh yeah, you could have all these problems now from COVID two years later.
It's just the shots, right?
We all know that.
And the HHS, by the way, did award $1.4 billion to develop next-gen COVID-19 tools.
Doesn't mean we have to use them, though.
Doesn't mean that.
And also, I just wanted to say as well, Republican states are passing the biometric digital IDs.
Faster than anyone it seems so they're really Making sure that the states do this and this is when you see the governor's when you see People in the in the arena and these governors being controlled and they do that through the governor's association and everybody's on board, right?
These states go into these lockdowns and it's all fakery.
The whole two-party system is fake and And these even the candidates that we have, you know, running for office right now.
So many.
Well, I'll put it this way.
You always have to ask who funds them, who funds them.
And what's interesting is, is they're not talking about the shots.
They're not really talking about the lockdowns, except Trump just did.
And I'm really proud of that, that he did that.
But no one else's.
In fact, Vivek even said, and I know he sounds great, but he also was like, oh, yes, the shots in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, he wrote about the shots saving everybody.
So you're going to find that kind of nonsense.
You're going to find those those little catalysts of speech, the ones that say, Climate change isn't as big as they're making it out to be.
But yeah, climate change is real.
No, it's not.
It's cyclical.
Human-caused climate change is not real.
Or you say, well, yeah, we had COVID, but they didn't need to do all of that.
I would like somebody to say, no, COVID was completely faked start to finish.
And it was a, it was a term.
That they used for 98 different symptoms and that's why they were putting all those death certificates.
It didn't matter if you were in a car accident, you died of COVID.
Because they do a swab and any antibodies that showed up from a cold in your body would present that you had COVID and people believed it.
It's insane.
So I bring that up because Right now we have the C40 cities.
We have a lot of cities that have signed up to ban meat, ban dairy, and private vehicles by 2030.
They're serious.
They want to do this.
Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, D.C., of course.
Many of dozens of other cities across the globe are also members of the C40.
What they envision for you is 2,500 calorie or less diet, forced.
What they see for you is sharing cars, sharing shuttle cars, no private ownership of vehicles whatsoever, okay?
Also that you'll be allowed to fly, can't fly more than one time every three years.
Now we all understand why we were getting all the articles and over the, which is true, about the airlines being consistently screwed up on a daily basis.
Think about any flights that you've taken this year.
For the most part.
Did you actually fly when they said you were going to?
Were there issues and problems with your plane?
Did you sit out on the tarmac endlessly?
So more and more problems.
And what they really want to do is discourage people from flying.
So the whole can't fly more than one time every three years.
You alright with that?
I'm not.
I'm not okay with that.
And shifting private car ownership from fossil fuel to electric, knowing that our system could never handle that.
It's doomed to fail.
It's planned to fail.
That's why they're pushing the electric cars, but it's actually planning to fail.
They want electric cars to fail so that you can't rely on them, can't go very far, right?
And then you're locked into these little 15 minute cities.
I had a new 15-minute city crop up in my state of Utah.
And what's interesting about that is they sold it as, it's so convenient.
You basically have a wall in the backyard, no real grass because that's bad for the envirors, right?
The enviros and the crazies.
And it was, look how efficient, look how fun, look how cool this is for Mother Earth.
And what they're really saying to you is, you're just a bad human and we really don't want you around.
So you're taking up too much space.
So if they get what they want, that would mean that we have 2,500 calories a day or
less by force within the next 15 years.
Flying, visiting family would be out, right?
You'd have to get permission for that and permission to leave your 15-minute city.
What's interesting too is any articles all the way down to local news will not say the words 15-minute city.
My own governor acts like it doesn't exist.
He denies it, has denied it on camera.
But if you go around our United States, you will see 15-minute cities cropping up as these new, efficient, scarce, small, tiny, you know, this is the new dream that they're trying to sell to the youth, is that you should live in this tiny little know-nothing, spend a whole lot of money for it where you both have to work, and take the, you know, so that no one's really raising the kids, right?
And that you have to live in this little know-nothing, and that's your new dream.
They're trying to sell that right now.
And so this whole C40 nonsense, they want people to have to bike or have to basically get permission to travel.
And I think the hardest part about that for people is, and this is called, by the way, the future of urban consumption in a 1.5 degree Celsius world.
And these cities all signed on to that.
The hard part is, do you lose hope?
When you start to think about these things, do you feel a panic?
And I hate fear porn, but we must know what's coming so that we can actually warn our kids and we can actually tell our kids what's happening.
And we can do it in a way that it doesn't scare them or take away their hope.
But honestly, we don't have, it's hard to have that, that feeling of everything's great and go about your day knowing all of this is coming.
But I also think at the same time, just when I was talking about the home of the brave and are we brave and do we have courage and do we have a backbone?
We need to exercise that at every turn so that this stuff doesn't come into fruition for our kids.
We've got to protect our kids enough that we take the hard sacrifice now.
And whether that means job or whether that means you can't, you know, whatever it is, do not conform to the masks.
Be the worst global citizen you can be.
Do not conform to any of it.
If we do not stand up en masse, this C40 stuff, all the stuff that they want to do, all those tools that they are just raping our country over and getting the money for, for COVID right now because of their designs and what they'd like to do, it's all so obvious now.
It's more obvious than it's ever been.
So the people that are waking up are going to wake up right now.
And that's what we need to do is inform, get people to stand up to it.
I'm Kate Dally for the Alex Jones Show, katedallyradio.com.
Thanks you guys.
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Now we're about to play you a clip from a well-known prestigious doctor, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, laying out some of the latest numbers.
These are hard, cold numbers.
See this for yourself.
One of the big pieces of news over the last couple of days has been a substack by a gentleman called Peter Halligan.
Peter Halligan.
He's a most experienced analyst in the financial industry, extremely used to looking at statistics and translating them into a summary statement.
And this is the summary statement, and I hope your leaders are sitting down, holding themselves, because what I'm going to tell you intuitively sounds ridiculous.
That's why it's so Incredibly important that I say this.
These numbers are best estimates at this point in time using government data for the global consequences of the clout shot in terms of death and morbidity, otherwise known as serious adverse events such as heart attack, strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc.
We've been focusing for good reason on North American statistics during the last two and a half years.
But this man has extrapolated that into the total effect, negative effect, of the clock chart.
And these are the numbers.
Global deaths.
Directly attributable to the vaccine.
20 million.
Two zero million deaths due to the plot shot.
And two billion, big B, two billion serious adverse reactions of the type I described.
Now these numbers are beyond staggering.
They, to contrast that with history, Vaccines have typically been pulled from the market when the last one, the birth of the vaccine was pulled with only 35, 3-5 deaths.
I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here, an unimaginable carnage Which isn't over.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw is literally the tip of the iceberg.
Go to Infowars.com.
The full videos are there.
We're playing them on the regular weekday show, 11am to 3pm.
This is a covert holocaust.
This is global depopulation.
So please, tell your friends, your family, strangers, your neighbors.
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