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Name: 20230824_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 24, 2023
3812 lines.

In this episode of The Alex Jones Show from August 24th, 2023, Alex Jones criticizes policies promoting shocking children, globalist forces pushing a slave class, and the loss of credibility in mainstream media. He discusses ongoing developments in Russia, Ukraine, climate lockdowns, and more while promoting his supplement products. The importance of male friendships is highlighted, and listeners are encouraged to support the show through purchases from InfowarsStore.com

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I can feel the energy of humanity rising.
I can see it.
It is our destiny.
Take your destiny in your hands.
Stop bowing to the New World Order.
You study history, there are times when evil takes over and destroys everything.
Until humanity realizes There's only one way to go, and that is total resistance.
Total resistance.
And never forget, resistance is victory.
Telling the truth.
In a world of universal deceit, is a revolutionary act.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated, feared, and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him.
Because then, it costs nothing to be a patriot.
We've not reached that point yet.
But the essential tipping point is here.
The roller coaster is going into high gear now.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones!
This is not about somebody wanting to put on pantyhose and have their sexual organs changed.
It's about shocking our children.
A lot of these groups are pedophiles, let's face it.
They want to talk about sex with your kids.
In the name of tolerance, they're going to put your kids on Ritalin and Prozac, they're going to inject them with deadly vaccines full of cancer viruses, and they're going to really screw them up.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Go to goawards.com/show and share the link today.
♫ Say it (upbeat music)
♫ This is how I show my love ♫ I made it in my mind because
♫ I gave it up - It feels like eternity.
We've been screaming the truth to the world.
And it's remarkable that we get proved right time and time again.
And when we say something new is coming, people still look at us like we're crazy.
I mean, how many times do we have to be correct?
And we're now building two camps.
We have the camps of losers and winners, and the winners are telling the truth, and the losers are just adopting all of the slave mine programming.
And unfortunately, it's becoming more and more dangerous now to even say the truth, because these losers band together like hyenas and attack anybody who stands up and tells the truth, like they've attacked you and like they've attacked me.
They literally want to turn us into pod people.
Oh, absolutely, pod people!
And pod people can't have any remnants of warrior spirit inside of them because they're not gonna be able to live in their pod.
So this is the point.
The world's over in 2030.
Why go to the gym?
Why get strong?
Why work hard?
Why get rich?
Why be funny?
Why be charismatic?
Why do anything?
It doesn't matter.
The world's gonna end.
Sit in your pod.
How dare you?
And all of these leftist policies are designed to create a slave class of people which have no interest in trying to preserve the sanctity of the nations they live with it.
The people who are in charge of the planet, who are in charge of global finance, make all the important decisions and who are in charge of money, they are called globalists for a reason.
They have no particular interest in any one country.
All they care about is control and maximizing profits.
And I don't think many people understand that.
The globalists are threatened by men being independent because they can't be pushed around and controlled.
If they don't have men in the way, the globalists are going to be able to rule over us.
They want us all miserable on antidepressants, eating the bugs, watching the TV shows.
Because then when something happens down the street that's not supposed to happen, we don't care.
That's all war ever is, and life is war.
We are fighting a war right now, and there's a war against our minds.
That fucking interview is over the top.
That's fucking the best sh** we've ever done.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com/show and share the link today.
It's Thursday, August 24th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, and this is going to be one of the most powerful transmissions we've ever done.
We're live from Central Texas.
Start your engines.
You are the info warriors.
You can drive the narrative.
You can force the truth through the armies of globalist lies.
Well, You have that incredible 20-plus million, excuse me, 200-plus million views of Trump's interview with Carlson, Carlson's interview with him.
We've got giant developments in Russia and Ukraine, huge economic developments, massive border developments.
Biden is declaring a climate emergency on top of the COVID lockdowns we're trying to roll back out.
That's all confirmed by the Associated Press today.
Both new lockdowns they're going to attempt, climate lockdowns, climate emergency, and AP is reporting what we broke last week and the witnesses have confirmed, and that's really our top story.
The feds, under their directives with the local police, the county and state barricaded the people of Lahaina in to die.
That's the Associated Press headline.
They knew he was in the fire, they followed orders, and they murdered them.
Barbecued inside their cars.
Men, women, and children.
And that's why they're covering up.
This is insane.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
Stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have grave tidings.
The enemy's gone next level.
It's Thursday, August 24th.
2023, this is going to be the most jam-packed transmission we've ever done.
The quickening is here.
Ladies and gentlemen, you would think Purgogin's assassination in an airplane blowing up yesterday would be big news.
You would think Tucker Carlson's 220 million views, or 44 times what the Fox Republican debate got, would signal the capstone being put on the grave of the mainstream corporate media.
Biden set now AP reports to announce a climate emergency and cut off of resources we've been so desperately warning of.
That's massive.
And it just goes on from there.
AP and CNN confirming they want new rollouts of the COVID restrictions.
Less than a week from the time I broke it and confirmed it.
And I've talked to other medical workers.
Yesterday that have been told they're being told the same thing in Texas.
That's all huge.
We can get ahead of the enemy.
We have the intel.
We have the platform.
We have the audience of activists.
We have the eyes and ears.
But as I was here early this morning doing research and getting ready for this incredible broadcast, Andrew Tate did a two hour interview with him yesterday.
He agreed the best he's ever done, the best interview I've ever done, over the top, super powerful.
Andrew Tait 2.0, we're going to air large excerpts of that in the third and fourth hour today.
But then, I'm reading through the stacks of news and I saw something that felt like deja vu from 10 days ago, 11 days ago.
We know the fires happened in Maui now, 16 days ago.
Locals reported, and I didn't just believe it, it's a small town in Lahaina, So I went and checked their names and who they were in the local towns, and indeed, well-known town fixtures, the equivalent of the sheriff from Mayberry, saying they would not let the men, women, and children get out, and they blockaded the roads, the open, safe highway,
Hundreds of yards away.
We played multiple interviews.
We had reporters on the ground that confirmed it.
But it was still just the eyewitnesses.
The Associated Press has confirmed in their words that under state and federal direction, the Lahaina Town and Sheriff's Department, that's now involved in a massive cover-up, Barricaded the two road exits and would not let people leave as they watched the buildings and their cars burn in front of them.
They left the power on.
They didn't trim the trees.
They wouldn't let them use the water.
They wouldn't turn the sirens on.
In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out.
Those who dodged the barricades survived.
That's not an InfoWars headline, though that was a headline a week ago we put out just like that.
Identical, basically.
And they had let the site say, how dare Jones claim they attacked me all over the national news, all over newspapers, all over YouTube.
Jones is insane, saying the police blocked the people in.
And now, The Associated Press in a detailed report, the government admits they barricaded the men and didn't let them drive down the clean, open road to the highway 200 yards away.
And crazier, we put down, I don't put them down, but it's sad that the Jews got on those trains when they knew they were going to certain death.
Well, the people of Maui in Lahaina.
They sat there, most of them.
Some drove around, some had to get through dirt roads.
There were a few police on one road that let some people through, but on the other two major roads, they blocked them and watched them die as the flames hit.
Now here's an old man, and I've seen his hats in Maui, in Lahaina.
I've stayed in Lahaina four or five times.
Beautiful place, killer for whale watching.
It's the oldest encampment of the lions, over 2,000 years old.
It's where the royal family lived.
But it's where blue-collar people lived as it built up the last few hundred years.
I remember Fish.
I remember him outside the restaurants weaving sugar cane leaves and bamboo leaves into hats.
When I saw Fish a week and a half ago give his testimony, I looked him up and sure enough, he's very respected, lived there his whole life.
Now there are a bunch of other witnesses too, but it turns out Fish didn't just come off as credible.
He told the truth.
And he simply walked around the barricades.
And did not die.
Now let that sink in.
70 mile an hour winds.
Don't trim the trees for five years under Blackrock orders.
They own it.
They own the power company.
No upgrades to anything.
Knowing that they would fall with power running through them and cause a huge fire all along the town in the direction of the wind, burning them to a crisp.
What type of governments are these?
Either the most incompetent people the Earth's ever seen, or the most sinister evil people we've ever known.
They estimate the town's worth $5.4 billion before it was torched.
If they let Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and others say they want control of it, and Oprah, it's worth over $20 billion.
The most expensive real estate in all 50 states of the country.
Estimated to be the second most expensive real estate in the world, after the Financial District of London, or the Old City of London, as it's called.
This is unbelievable.
So let's hear from Fish, and then I'm going to read, word for word, what he's saying in the Associated Press of all places.
The system knows they can't cover this up.
It's like the New York Times coming out a few months ago admitting giant human trafficking under Biden, including sex trade.
They know they can't hide it, so now they're acting like they're against it while they still let the policies happen.
Or maybe they found their soul.
I don't know.
But the AP is run by the CIA.
So is Reuters.
Thomson Reuters.
Original Mockingbird contracts with the CIA were them first in 1947.
So, why are they telling the truth?
That's a bigger question.
They murdered those people.
And I gotta say, I'm sad for him, and I get people want to follow authority, and that's, in a civilization that has a social contract that's run by decent people, generally following directives of law enforcement is good, but not when there's fire at your back, and most of the people sat there and died, and the police sat there and watched him.
In a deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out.
Those who dodged the barricades survived.
All the major exits were barricaded.
People had to drive down dirt roads or through yards to get around the police.
Others were hemmed in by cars around them and couldn't.
But they still sat there in their cars and died.
Some ran to the ocean.
As flames tore through a West Valley neighborhood, car after car of fleeing residents headed for the one paved road out of town in a desperate race for safety.
And car after car was turned back towards the rapidly spreading fires by a barricade blocking access to Highway 30 with the police enforcing it.
One family swerved around the barricade and was safe.
In a nearby town, 48 minutes later, another drove a four-wheel drive car through a dirt road to escape.
One man took a dirt road uphill, climbing above the fire and watched as Lahaina burned.
He later picked his way through the flames, smoke, and rubble to pull survivors to safety.
But as dozens saved themselves, thousands died, including children.
They go on to admit the power lines were knocked down.
The power was left on.
Water was denied.
They were murdered.
Perfect negligence.
No, it's not perfect negligence.
All perfectly done.
Perfectly executed through people following orders.
Administrative mass murder.
We're going to come back with eyewitnesses and more.
And then get into all the other news.
But think about the New World Order and the Great Reset.
Killing you administratively.
Blocking therapeutics to millions and killing them.
It's the same thing they did here.
And following orders is what empowers Klaus Schwab and BlackRock.
We are back.
We are the resistance.
We are not lying down.
We are taking action against the enemy and becoming stronger every day.
While the globalists celebrate their evil, and have their parties, we're out here in the jungle, fighting, working, loving, getting stronger.
The more they persecute us, the more the people know we're on their side, the stronger we get.
I can feel the energy of humanity rising.
I can see it.
It is our destiny.
Take your destiny in your hands.
Stop bowing to the New World Order.
You study history, there are times when evil takes over and destroys everything.
Until humanity realizes there's only one way to go, and that is total resistance.
Total resistance.
And never forget, resistance is victory.
Telling the truth in a world of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated, feared, and scorned.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
We've not reached that point yet, but the essential tipping point is here.
The roller coaster is going into high gear now.
All right.
It's hard to come to grips with, but it's real.
First local I said talk about this was the old man Fish.
I knew I'd see him.
There on the little square selling his handmade hats.
I think my wife even bought one.
But the point is I looked him up and he's a credible old man that everybody loves.
Then we found more witnesses.
And how the AP went there.
And as horrible as what he said, and as hard as it was to believe, I knew it was real the minute I saw it.
But we waited.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is confirmed.
We need the people that did this to be arrested.
But don't look for the Justice Department to do it.
They're too busy persecuting our great President.
So just know who these individuals are, ladies and gentlemen.
Earthy Associated Press.
In deadly Maui fires, many had no warning and no way out.
Those who dodged the barricades survived, that were put up as the fire arrived.
The water denied.
The power left on.
Sirens never turned on.
And it's not like it's some desert property nobody wants.
It's the most expensive, square-inch property on Earth that a bunch of poor people refuse to sell.
Because it's their culture.
And that's the globalist enemy.
Somebody they can't buy, like me or you.
You can't buy Alex Jones, you can't put a gun to my head, you couldn't put a gun to their head, so they had to die.
Most of the families are dead.
Some of their families have been there hundreds of years, and thousands of their locals, indigenous, And now the state can come in because there's nobody there to stand up for him and take it.
Well, this is it.
I'm going to Hawaii.
I'm going to Maui.
I'm not going to say when, but soon.
And we're going to expose this.
It's my country.
It's our country.
It's the Hawaiian's nation.
And we need demonstrations in Hawaii.
We need action.
Because if they can burn them out or freeze us out here in Texas, turn the power off, they can kill anybody.
Administrative mass murder.
Here's Fish, a week and a half ago, now completely vindicated.
I think we should get out of here because of the speed of this wind.
We could be here in two minutes.
So about what time was this at?
By the way, if you guys don't know who this is, this is Fish.
He's been sitting next to Cheeseburger in Paradise, selling the most awesome stuff, right?
For years.
He's a, uh...
He's like a legend.
And everyone loves Fish.
And Fish loves everybody.
But he's one of the wisest person, people that I know.
Anyway, Fish, continue.
So I went around back to Front Street, and all the cars were lined up, but none of them were moving.
And I walked all the way from Safeway to the Chart House, not one car had moved.
And I was wondering what was stopping the traffic.
Well, it was a policeman.
And I got to the end, and I looked up north.
There were no obstructions.
There was no reason to keep those cars there.
Are you serious?
I'm serious as a heart attack.
And I said, what are you doing?
He goes, well, I'm under orders to keep them here.
And I said, the fire is right around Safeway.
It's going to hit Front Street.
You know, these people got to get out of here.
And he said, I'm following orders.
No way.
And I keep walking down the highway, and I look behind, no cars are coming out.
I walked all the way to Waikuli Beach, still no cars coming out.
And I started hearing boom, boom, boom.
And then I heard people screaming and stuff.
You're saying they were blockaded in by the police?
At the end of Front Street?
Like, where that restaurant is?
Where the charred house was.
Where the charred house was, I should say.
There was a blockade there, and they could not go any further.
I walked all the way from Safeway to there, not one car had moved.
All the way to, like I said, the Civic Center and then I started hearing all the explosions and there was no one walking behind me or on bicycles or anything.
Dude, that is unbelievable.
I had no idea, you know, until the next day when I walked down there to what had happened.
So did you did you go up north to your place?
And then you just hunkered down for the night?
And then you.
Now, I've told you I've been to Lahaina four or five times because first I went to Maui many years ago, I looked up the best luau in Hawaii.
And they said that's the highest rated.
At the high school there, instead of cheerleaders, they've got hula dancers.
So they have the cheerleaders, they've got the older women, they've got the men that do all the native dances.
And I've seen a lot of luau's.
It's the best.
And you park at the Safeway and walk across the street where the luau is, right there on the beach.
That's all burned down.
That's all destroyed.
And I've parked there at least three or four times to watch that luau.
And I'm not a native of that place, but I take it personal because I know that Safeway.
I know where they are.
I know Front Street right there.
And again, the best well-watched in the world is right there, too, in January and February every year.
I've done it a couple times, and they just murdered those people.
And it's this old quaint town.
That's where the flag of Hawaii comes from, because the British had their headquarters there.
And there was a little post office that had the British flag, with the Hawaiian symbols by it.
And that's the flag of Hawaii.
And that's in the middle of a park, so it didn't get destroyed.
And the church didn't get destroyed.
It's next door to it, but everything else got burned to the ground.
And these people knew exactly what they were doing.
And they blocked them in and you think, well, you should drive around.
A lot of people couldn't drive around because it was all blocked.
So, this is just next level, folks, and it just is incredible to see how arrogant the managers and people are of the town, and they need to go to prison for this.
We need to find out exactly who gave them the orders, how it was all done, because this was done by design, folks.
They didn't just leave the power on.
They didn't just trim the trees.
They didn't just keep the emergency sirens off.
They didn't just refuse them water.
They've been trying to take the land and they didn't want to just take the land.
They wanted to kill those families.
I don't think the police consciously knew that.
They followed orders.
Well, that doesn't cut it under the Nuremberg Code.
We have a massive audience routinely, but we have particularly large audiences right now with everything we talked about.
New attempts at COVID rollout, tyranny and restrictions, announcements that Biden set to announce a climate emergency, cut off of our energy, which creates the emergency.
That's being announced.
CNN admitting they're getting ready for new COVID rollouts.
Pergogian blowing up an airplane with his command staff of Wagner.
Andrew Tate over-the-top bombshell interview that we're going to start airing in the third hour here today.
It'll be posted to Vandal Video.
Trump's incredible 220 million views.
That's what it was a little while ago.
I don't know what it is on X right now, formerly Twitter.
That's 44 times the viewers of the Fox debate.
Trump agreeing with Tucker that the plan is to create violent communist revolution in America,
including the assassination of Trump.
It's all just mind blowing.
And then we look at Maui and Lahaina and what they've done there.
And you gotta read the AP article.
It's one, two, three, four, five, six pages long.
It's a long article for AP, but it's short and easy to read.
You read this, it sounds like it's a transcript of my show last week.
They didn't trim the trees.
They left the power on the power lines.
They refused them the water.
They didn't turn on the sirens.
Then, quote, to protect them from fire, when any police could look and see the roads were open to the highway and there weren't fires there, the fires were in the town, so they blocked them in?
So they couldn't get away from the fire?
Whoever gave the police that order is who we need in a jail cell right now.
They've put peaceful protesters that walked in between the velvet ropes in solitary confinement for years.
Julian Assange for solitary confinement for years.
Because he had sex with a CIA sex operative.
But then they murder those people.
And there's not even discussions about criminal charges.
We've got our own breakdown by Steve Watson on Infowars.com.
Valley residents burned to death.
In their cars because of barricades blocking the escape.
Meanwhile, FEMA agents booking $1,000 a night luxury resorts in Maui amid failed disaster.
They're renting hotel rooms at the Four Seasons down the road, starting at $1,000 a night.
That's outside my budget.
Outside most of yours.
But not outside of theirs.
Well, they give $700, period, to the survivors of their administrative mass murder.
And you know who owns the Four Seasons?
Oh, you didn't know?
Because I look up who owns what before I stay there.
That's another reason I don't stay there.
Eddie Bravo was staying there about a couple weeks ago when he came to hang out with me and Joe Rogan.
I went to pick him up there and I said, hey Eddie, you know who owns this?
I wasn't putting him down.
He said, no.
I said, Bill Gates.
He goes, no.
I said, Google it.
He's the main owner.
Majority owner.
So, Bill Gates just can't seem to lose, can he?
Because he's bet on every Space on the craps table.
He's bet on every number.
So Bill Gates is getting $1,000 a night.
That's just starting for the regular hotel rooms there.
I've looked.
One time we were there, my wife goes, can we stay at the Four Seasons?
And I said, number one, it's owned by Bill Gates.
And I said, number two, that's not in our budget.
But the starting hotel rooms are a thousand.
Let that just sink into the brain a little bit.
Bill Gates is making money, along with other hotels there.
Oh, he's such a philanthropist, why doesn't he donate the rooms?
He gives his money to charity, his own charity, that gives it back to him tax exempt.
Just like Bono, remember, was given like 0.7% of the billions he raised for Africans?
Look it up.
So then he said, well, I'm going to give more.
So now he gives 1.1%.
It's truly the one foundation.
Next level evil.
Well, we're not funded by Bill Gates.
And despite all the globalist attacks, we're still hanging on.
And this news is so big that despite the fact that I got COVID tested this morning, I don't have COVID, but it's gone through the office, some type of virus.
So my voice is particularly deep today, not because I'm trying to sound like Darth Vader, because every word hurts.
But it doesn't matter.
I'm glad to be here.
And as the Rolling Stones say, wild horses couldn't drag me away.
So, I've covered the Maui News, and they just hope we forget about it and move on.
But we're not going to forget about it, and I'm going there very soon.
Very soon.
I might leave today.
Maybe next week.
We'll see.
I'm going to look into it.
But mass murder where you caught them red-handed like this demands attention.
And quite frankly, it's very frustrating because I go to Hawaii, I want to relax and have a good time.
I'm not going to be doing that while I'm there.
I might have a dinner or maybe swim in the pool for an hour, but it's going to be really torturous to be around these mass murderers and know what they did while you're in such a beautiful place.
It's going to be very paradoxical.
But you can bet your bottom dollar.
We're going in with helicopters.
We're going in with everything.
We're going to talk to all the locals.
We're going to expose this.
But that's why they put up a 12-mile exclusion zone.
Because they don't want you to know what they've done.
Look at this.
Fauci blames climate change for Hawaii fires.
So does the governor.
So does the mayor of the town.
When it's direct black rock globalist policies that did it.
But I'm sure the police chief who blocked the people in, he'll investigate, right?
Because he obviously gave the order, who gave him the order?
Conflict of interest, Maui police chief who oversaw emergency response at a Vegas mass shooting also serves as Maui's coroner.
He's not just the sheriff, not just the police chief, he's not just the Vegas shooter Overlord, who oversaw what I believe is a cover-up, but most people do.
That's what I never hear about anymore.
But he also is the coroner.
So you gotta have full control of all the administrative systems for administrative destruction like this.
We're gonna go to break.
We're going to come back, and I'm going to start hitting all the other news.
We have a bunch of guests coming up.
Andrew Tate.
Bombshell interview.
It's really a documentary.
It'll start airing on the third and fourth hour today.
We'll post the full deal to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
It's a really important message to our young men, particularly.
That's why they hate Tate, who's a political prisoner, been a political prisoner, and is totally innocent.
But whatever you do, check the links for InfoWars.com forward slash show and Bandod Video.
And take the clips and get them out there, because that's how we get around the censors.
And you're doing it.
You're doing an incredible job.
And I see it.
I'm saying, do it more.
And what you're doing is incredible.
And also, don't forget.
We're having a flash sale of X3, the highest quality iodine you're going to find.
That's the missing link for so many people.
Your entire system, your neurological systems and more, and vitamin refusion are both at a flash sale, 40% off right now.
So get something you need that empowers your life and fund this operation.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139 and we'll be right back.
888-253-3139 and we'll be right back. Please stay with us.
Looking for adventure.
And whatever comes our way.
I'd say 209 million views in the last 18 hours for the Tucker Carlson Trump interviews.
Firing all your guns at once.
Explode into space.
That's 40 plus times.
The viewers, and it's being aired everywhere, and there's hundreds of other versions I can't even keep track of with hundreds of thousands and millions of views.
Conservatively online, 400 million views, 18 hours.
Probably 16 hours.
It aired until like 9 o'clock at night.
I mean, you talk about sticking a fork in the globalist media.
I mean, you thought we were doing a good job this week with 50 million views on Twitter and, you know, a bunch of others all over the place exposing the new lockdowns.
Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are like, hold my beer.
But our amount of views on Twitter in the last five, six days is bigger than all of CNN's viewers in two weeks.
That's just one platform.
This show always has millions tuning in today, conservatively over the site and over the streams, the podcast, the rest of it.
Millions on talk radio.
But it's not a contest about who has the most viewers.
Who cares if 80 million watch the Super Bowl and nothing important is said or done?
It's entertaining, I'm not putting it down, but 209 million views of an hour long interview?
On one platform?
And last night and this morning the news is like, yeah, Trump's over there on the internet, you know, nobody cares, we're the big Fox News group with billions of dollars of funding, and they're a joke!
And it's emblematic of the whole WEF, and King Charles, and the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds, and the New World Order, and the universities, and just all these big, giant, mile-wide, inch-deep, all-hat, no-cattle, can't-deliver-crap people.
And I gotta say, Tucker Carlson's gonna launch his own network soon.
We've talked a lot.
I'm not gonna get into the details of it, but it's no secret.
And I'm sure we'll have a lot of great talk show hosts on there.
But the point is, is that the future is here.
The system isn't even what we just defeated.
It's a joke.
No one believes it.
No one's watching it.
Nobody cares about it.
But it administratively cannot trim your trees and turn the power lines on and kill your ass.
It can administratively block people getting ivermectin and vitamin C and vitamin D and kill your ass.
It can administratively start a nuclear war with Russia and kill everybody.
So we shouldn't sit back and just laugh at these people and say everybody hates you and nobody likes you.
Except a bunch of blue and green haired buck-toothed pedophiles.
And a bunch of crazy old white women, and I'm not trying to be mean, that's just their main supporter group.
Because they administratively are wrecking us, turning our power off, human trafficking, dissolving our borders, hundreds of thousands a year down from fentanyl.
I mean these people are They're fully aware of the fact they're losing, and so they just think if they make us completely poor, and bankrupt everybody, and we're all miserable, that somehow they're still going to stay on top.
You're not staying on top of anything!
You think having the Feds follow me around, and having foreign intelligence agencies jack with me, and high-powered PI groups, and sex operatives, and all this crap, you think that intimidates me?
I felt like I was run over by a truck this morning when I woke up.
I'm sick right now.
But you know what?
I'm way sicker of you than to not be here, so I feel powerful right now.
See, I'm not like you and my listeners aren't like you, New World Order.
When you piss in our face and slap us upside the head and hurt our children and ruin our lives and kill our people with your poison shots, it doesn't make us stick our tail between our legs and piss all over ourselves.
It makes us get pissed about you!
So get that through your murderin' brains.
Now, if I didn't have the big Andrew Tate interview coming up that is powerful, the antidote to their tyranny, why they want to put him in prison, I would air the whole debate countered by Trump.
But you can go watch it, it's on InfoWars, it's everywhere.
I bet it's got 400 million views by tomorrow.
I bet it peaks out at 500 million views by Monday.
500 million views by Monday. I predict 507 million views by Showtime Monday.
I nailed it basically last time.
On his first new show.
Said I bet it gets 150 million views.
It got like 160.
But all they can do at Fox and CNN is make fun of it.
Oh, it's not on cable or TV.
Oh my goodness.
It's like people by the 1950s going, huh, those people think they're automobiles of the future.
Wow, my horse can do a really good job.
They are in the rear-view member.
Rear-view member?
They are in the rear-view mirror.
I just invented a new word.
Rear-view member.
And I just have an extreme sense of satisfaction looking at how Joe Rogan's woken up and Russell Brand and Tulsi Gabbards and RFK Jr.
and Tucker Carlson, because many of those people have given me credit.
I forgot my Topo Chico.
I left it on the desk right there in the dark.
I'm having a cough and spell.
Bring it to me, please.
Thank you.
I was over there looking at documents during the break.
I tried to bring it over here.
Thank you.
So... I really feel great.
Yeah, there's two of them sitting right there in the dark.
They're just right there.
Because when I see that happening, Oh, actually I got it right here, sorry.
It lets me know the insane level of victory that we've already had.
Because I'm not up here trying to be the number one talk show host or the biggest swinging person around.
I just want to beat the new world order.
And I can tell you folks the extreme satisfaction I've got knowing the CIA and the deep state told Congress five years ago, we believe If we can shut down Alex Jones as this populist icon, as this, what they see me as, as a folk hero, because they really hate you.
They don't want you encouraged.
You're the folk they hate.
So they think I'm a hero you like, which I'm not.
I'm just like you, together, soldier right next to you.
They thought if they could silence that, And intimidate that, and send a message by all the things they've done to me, they thought that would make you scared.
Because again, in their mindset, they're a bunch of followers and a bunch of scum, and so they would back off.
They again project themselves onto us.
They hate themselves, they hate us.
We love ourselves.
We're not cowards.
They don't know fundamentally who we are, because they can't admit who we are, because they'll have to admit they're the bad guys.
But it doesn't matter.
The only question is, can they administratively make us so poor under such crime and so on
our knees that we're so distracted by living in a third world hell hole that we can't stand
I can't remember how many times we got documents or eyewitness reports in the last 25 years
that I've been covering Bilderberg group that they would give their speeches and say, "There's
a bunch of protesters out there.
There's a bunch of politicians getting elected in these different countries.
Don't go along with our agenda."
We've got to make them so poor they have to be under our direction because we control the resources.
That's why we want a social credit score.
That's why we want them bankrupt.
They want you poor.
They want you annihilated.
They want you desperate.
They want you living under crime.
They want you alone.
They don't want you to have a family.
But we're standing against it, we're fighting back, and that's what's so beautiful.
So I want to salute you all.
Our victories in this Great Awakening are your victories, and I thank you.
We're going to go on a break, start the next hour.
Please, again, remember, we need funds to just stay on air.
We need funds to cover all these big events.
I should instantly just have the funds to cover any of these big events.
We don't.
But we're starting to get there.
Thank you.
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Republican candidates debate hosted by Fox News in Milwaukee.
Whatever you think of Trump, he is, as of tonight, the indisputable far and away front
runner in the Republican race.
We think voters have an interest in hearing what he thinks.
So when Trump approached us about having a conversation for a far larger audience than
he'd receive on cable news, we happily accepted.
That interview will air tonight in this space at 855.
We hope you'll watch.
So if the protest didn't work, you got elected anyway.
Impeachment didn't work twice, obviously.
Indictment is not working.
Your poll numbers go up.
When they raided Mar-a-Lago in August of last year, your numbers went up.
They can indict you 20 times and you're not going to lose the Republican primary because of that.
Well, it makes it look even more ridiculous.
I mean, the forward indictments, and maybe there'll be more.
I don't know.
These people are crazy.
But they're counterproductive.
So if you chart it out, it's an escalation, is what I'm saying.
So what's next?
After, you know, trying to put you in prison for the rest of your life?
That's not working.
So, like, don't they have to kill you now?
I think the people of our country don't get enough credit for how smart they are.
And I'm not sure I would have said this 10 years ago.
But they get it, you know?
They really get it.
When somebody gets indicted, your poll numbers go down.
When somebody gets indicted, you announce, uh, ladies and gentlemen, I'll be leaving to spend time with my family and to fight for the rest of my life on this stuff.
But you're out of politics.
I got indicted four times.
All trivia.
It's horrible when you look and you look at what they're doing.
The boxes hoax.
I'm covered by the Presidential Records Act.
I'm allowed to do exactly that.
He's not covered and he's got 25 times the number of boxes.
And he's got them stored in Chinatown.
He's got them stored in a flimsy garage underneath his Corvette at Penn.
And by the way, at Penn, he gets millions of dollars.
China pays this guy millions of dollars.
See, I think he's the most corrupt president we've ever had.
And he also has the distinction of being the most incompetent.
And I believe both.
I mean, he's both incompetent and corrupt.
I actually believe he's compromised.
Because China knows so much about him.
They know where the money comes from, they know where it is, who paid it, and they probably paid it.
Well, they do pay Penn, and he gets a, you know, a million dollars.
I think he takes $999,000 because, you know, keeps it a little bit under a million, like by a dollar.
But he, in many ways, is a Manchurian candidate.
We have a Manchurian candidate, and he's afraid to tell Russia to get out of Cuba.
He's afraid to tell China to get out of Cuba.
He's afraid... China now is building, think of this, China's building military installations in Cuba.
If you're elected president again, what's your top, your number one priority?
When you ran last time, you said, I will build a wall.
This time, your bottom line, top promise to the country.
So you can do numerous things at the same time.
Of course.
But let's say number one is a border.
And taking hundreds of thousands of criminals that have been allowed into our country and getting them out and bringing them back to their country, Guatemala.
By the way, not only the four countries that we think of as neighbors, all over the world.
Last month, we had 149 countries represented.
Think of it.
countries represented. Think of it. We had 149 countries represented, Tucker, from
places that many people never even heard of coming into our country. And they're
coming in from mental institutions and they're coming in from prisons. They're
emptying out their prisons all over South America. They're emptying out their
mental institutions. Terrorists are pouring into our country. We have no idea.
I had the strongest border in the history of our country and I built
almost 500 miles of wall.
You know, they like to say, oh, was it less?
No, I built 500 miles.
In fact, if you check with the authorities on the border, we built almost 500 miles of wall.
And I had another 200 that I was going to build.
You know, it's like water.
It seeks.
And we're going to build another 200.
We built it.
It was all set to go.
All they had to do was install it.
It would have taken three weeks.
And that's when I found out.
I said, I think these people actually want open borders.
The first thing I would do would be I would seal up the border good and tight, except for people that want to come in legally.
Because crooked Joe Biden is so bad.
He's the worst president in the history of our country.
I don't think he's going to make it to the gate, but, you know, you never know.
But he's a corrupt person.
So corrupt that I took the name off Hillary.
You know, I don't do two people at one time.
I took the crooked Hillary.
This country is in crisis.
Special guest straight ahead.
Hour number two on this Thursday, August 24, 2023 transmission.
A guy I really love, Dr. Richard Bartlett, has been one with us for over a year.
He's a very busy man here in Texas.
He's been headed up commissions for the governor, you name it, on COVID and so many other things.
And multiple governors, former top medical advisor to Rick Perry for seven years, Volunteer Service Merit Award, HHS Commission, Texas Leadership Medical Assistant, Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Center Advisor in Texas, COVID Texas Emergency Management.
And he joins us, synergyhealthdpc.com, and he saved my dad's life.
My dad was in the 80s, oxygen-wise.
He helped save Rob Doob, and he did a great job, but I wanted to get him back on with them trying the new COVID rollouts.
I told everybody last week that I talked to a high-level TSA manager that I know well, By that, they're a credible person.
They said they were told by the middle of next month, they're going to make them mask airport employees.
Then by the middle of October, try to bring it back for everybody with an order by Biden.
You're like, well, the courts will block it.
Well, since when does Biden follow the courts?
And I didn't know when we broke down on Friday that over the weekend they would launch their whole thing.
So now since then, here's CNN calls for bringing back mask mandates.
We're at an inflection point.
And you've got all these different universities bringing back the mask.
Also, vaccine mandates.
You've got all these different Hollywood studios doing it.
Big Tech doing it.
It's clear they're going to try it again, bare minimum, to try to bring back the mail-in ballots that were critical to the election theft, in my research, in 2020.
But I wanted to get him on as a medical doctor that sees patients every day right here in Texas and who's the heart of the fight to give us his breakdown on this, but also just as a citizen and as a father and as a husband on his view on where the world is today with all this craziness.
So, Dr. Richard Bartlett, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
I'd like to start by saying Alex Jones was right.
Let me say that again.
Alex Jones was right.
You know, I did an interview, Alex, that went viral in July of 2020.
I hadn't met you yet, but you watched that article, you looked at the evidence, and then you started putting that information out to try to save lives when COVID was a disaster and they said there was nothing we can do.
I heard that you're the Lone Ranger for the truth.
Well, I called Budesonide, the inhaled steroid, the silver bullet for the treatment for COVID.
And so it's totally appropriate that I'm joining you today on InfoWars.
And one of the points that I want to talk about is how patient rights have been violated for the last three and a half years.
And one of those patient rights is informed consent.
On InfoWars, we're talking about informed consent.
And that doesn't sound very sexy, but informed consent is the right for patients to know all the treatment options, the risk and benefit of all the treatment options, and if the doctor or the hospital has any financial conflict of interest.
And that's also important.
I should state the reason you're here is They're, I believe, clearly trying it again.
They admit they are.
So, this time we shouldn't be caught with our pants down or our feet flat when they try to deny us therapeutics and things that you trailblazed.
Yeah, you know, Alex, there's a think tank out there called the Babylon Bee.
And they just said, to defeat new variant, experts recommend doing all the things that didn't work the first time.
I think actually they get it right.
Uh, compared to all the things that we've watched fail over and over and over.
And Alex, one of the things that struck me was that the strategies that were used against COVID of lockdowns, social distancing, masks, all came out of communist China.
These were strategies that started there and that were echoed by the World Health Organization, which is not an American institution.
And then were used in Italy.
France, the UK, and then New York, and it left a trail of death and destruction.
It didn't work.
And so you got to say at some point, how's that working for you?
Well, it didn't work very well for the American citizens.
And you're right, I do care about people.
And I saw so much heartache.
And I was called day and night.
from all over the country during this crisis and there were people that were crying and begging their doctor, their loved ones doctors to give eudecimide to their loved ones in the hospital and were denied over and over again.
People died alone in the hospital for the first time in American history en masse.
There were no randomized controlled trials saying this is what we should do.
As a matter of fact, I was a doctor in the beginning of my career.
AIDS struck America.
And at that time, we went out of our way to make sure that loved ones could come in when we knew someone was at death's door so that they wouldn't die alone, because that was sacred.
And we made a way even though it was a mystery disease that was killing people.
We didn't do this craziness.
So Alex, Patient rights have been trampled.
Crazy things have been forced on the American people.
It looks like Babylon Bee got it right.
I'd say they ought to be the think tank that should be hired by the government.
And you got it right, Alex.
Well, clearly, Doctor, you were right about Bodecidine.
You spearheaded that.
I felt like a gorilla was on my chest.
For people that said, oh, COVID wasn't real, I'm a tough guy.
I get sick maybe every four or five years.
And I literally felt like a gorilla was on my chest.
If I didn't have you and Bodecidine and Ivermectin and the rest of it, I would have gotten scared and had to go to the hospital.
It's the same thing over and over again.
They tried to block all the protocols, so they're back again.
Give us your view as a medical doctor that does all this work for the state and for the citizens.
When you look at them, what you see them trying to roll out, what do you expect them to pull?
More of the same.
Same song, second verse.
It didn't work very well the first time, so it seems like they're planning on doing the same thing again.
Or did they get what they wanted?
That's the question.
You know, with informed consent, it's a doctor's responsibility.
According to the American Medical Association, they have the Code of Medical Ethics says we're supposed to tell every treatment option.
And during COVID, we talked about a strategy.
I published it in GlobalJournals.net.
People can find the article I published, a treatment protocol that worked.
And that was suppressed.
It was censored.
But you Out of concern for the American people, got the word out that Budesonide was an effective tool.
Later, Oxford University did the STOIC trial.
That was a randomized controlled trial.
And they stopped the study early on day 28 because they said this is overwhelmingly effective.
It would be unconscionable.
It would be unethical for us to give a placebo to the placebo group and let them potentially die from this bioweapon that was released from a lab when we have an effective treatment strategy.
And they were just using a whiff of eudesinide twice a day.
And they stopped it on day 28 and they concluded if you'll go to Oxford University's website still it says That budesonide could have prevented 90% of hospitalizations, ER visits, and urgent care visits.
You know, Alex, remember there were hospital ships on both coasts?
The gift shops in the hospitals were turned into COVID warts.
We were told, don't go to the hospital.
Whatever you do, if you're sick with this deadly disease, don't go to the hospital and bother the doctors in the hospital because they're overwhelmed.
What if that never happened?
They say 1.1 million Americans died from COVID.
What if 90% of them didn't even go to the hospital or the emergency room?
I'm just saying, informed consent is important.
The American people should have heard about a winning strategy, which is, by the way, still a winning strategy, Alex.
I was about to ask you.
What are you seeing in the hospitals right now?
Is this hype?
I'm talking to other doctors that are seeing a lot of, quote, new illnesses.
We're seeing record deaths in the vaccine, it looks like.
What's your intel?
So Alex, I work as an ER doctor and I just got off work yesterday and so I saw five patients with COVID over the last week.
That was kind of a blip on the radar.
They're not sick like we were seeing with the Wuhan strain out of Wuhan Institute of Virology.
They're not sick like the Delta variant that came later.
They're having headache, congestion, fever, body aches.
But I'll tell you what I'm doing as a doctor to prevent getting sick.
This is what I'm doing.
And so I'm telling everybody, consider this.
I'm using Budesonide Nose Spray every day.
Budesonide Nose Spray is over-the-counter.
It's that safe.
And then I'm also using mouthwash every day.
And you know what?
I think this will be very boring for the American people if we have everybody using mouthwash every day that kills the virus on contact because Alex, the virus comes in through the nose and the throat and for three to five days there's a prodrome period where it's trying to multiply.
And you can prevent.
What is the best type of mouthwash?
I know you said that three years ago.
It was confirmed later.
Mouthwash kills it dead.
Nasal spray kills it dead.
What nasal spray do we use?
And then what mouthwash is best?
What I'm using is Budesonide nose spray.
It's generic.
It's inexpensive.
It's boring.
It'll keep this episode boring.
We will not see the numbers in the ER or the hospital if everybody's using Budesonide nose spray.
And also, any mouthwash that kills 99% of germs is going to kill 100% of viruses on contact.
Viruses have no cell wall, like bacteria, to protect them.
So they're very fastidious.
The medical term is fastidious.
Very delicate.
Very easy to kill.
So, using mouthwash of any kind, generic, any brand, that kills 99% of germs, use it several times a day, use the mouth, the nose spray, Budesonide Nose Spray, and people can learn more information at BudesonideWorks.com.
That's BudesonideWorks.com.
That's a third-party website that I don't own or operate, but it has a lot of useful information.
And so, you know, Budesonide was studied against COVID by Iran, by France, by Oxford University in the UK, in Queensland, Australia, by the NIH in the United States, by Spain.
And in every single study, Alex, it's shown to be effective against COVID.
You want to know why they want to keep talking about ivermectin?
Because there's studies that show it works and studies that show it doesn't work.
So it's controversial.
It is anti-inflammatory.
And so, COVID is a very inflammatory disease, but they don't want you to talk about Budesonide, because it works in every study that they've done, looking at Budesonide against COVID.
Oh, I mean, listen, my dad got it, and then I got it, almost killed Rob Dewey, almost killed my dad, and then I'd run out of Budesonide, I was fine.
About a month later, my wife got sick.
And she's only sick like two days.
She's in great shape, works out all the time.
She goes, I've never been this sick.
I can't breathe.
I feel like somebody's sitting on my chest.
I've got to go to the hospital.
I said, no, let me call Dr. Bartlett.
Let me call him right now.
And you got us a prescription.
And she instantly, when she inhaled it, felt fine.
It was great.
It was all over.
But if she didn't know that, she wanted to go to the hospital.
And literally within hours, I called you.
You got us a prescription because I was out of it.
I gave it to friends and family, the extra I had.
And she was like, this is incredible.
Why is this on the news?
It's on the Infowars.com.
Alex Jones is talking about it.
And so, you know, Alex, you should be the N-A-I-A-D man.
You should take you should have taken Anthony Fauci's place because Anthony Fauci got it wrong.
He was in an interview with Matthew McConaughey, where Matthew asked a very good question.
What about budesonide against COVID?
This was right after my viral interview.
And Fauci's answer was, it's just a placebo.
It doesn't really work.
He didn't offer any randomized controlled trials.
He offered no science.
He offered no evidence.
It was just so because he said so.
Well, how many things has he said that have been dead wrong?
And did he say it?
Did he say that lie on purpose?
But I'll tell you, Alex Jones got it right.
Alex looked it up.
Alex was putting the word out before anybody else ever heard about it.
Oh, there's the liar.
He's the one that said, if you get the shot, you won't get COVID.
And he said, don't wear a mask.
And then he says, wear two masks.
I mean, Good on Matthew McConaughey asking a good question.
Well, let me ask you this.
What do we know about this, which they now admit, man-made virus, it's all confirmed.
What is it in the inflammatory response?
Is that like the Spanish flu, but mainly kill you not from its replication, but from your autoimmune response about a doctor like you?
And then why does this basic steroid do such a great job?
So with COVID, this was a chimera.
It's actually Spliced in a weapon into the common cold virus which made it highly contagious.
And so it's not a normal, natural virus.
And when it goes into the body, it multiplies and then eventually goes to the lower respiratory tract, releases cytokines, inflammatory chemicals that cause all of the symptoms.
All of the symptoms of COVID are caused by cytokines released from the respiratory lining.
Not by the virus going to the liver or the brain, but by chemicals released from the respiratory lining.
So it panics the body?
Well, it releases these chemicals that are actually toxic, that are actually poisons, that can cause ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Everybody that was put in the hospital on oxygen, that never had any lung trouble before, they had ARDS.
In 2017, the Saudi Journal of Anesthesia published that Budesonide nebulizer treatments given twice a day To patients on the ventilator in the ICU with ARDS did great.
They had three things happen.
Their oxygen levels went up immediately.
The inflammation in their lungs stopped.
They drew blood and showed that the tumor necrosis factor, interleukin 2 and interleukin 6, inflammatory cytokines, dropped to zero every time they got a nebulizer treatment.
And again, I'm not a doctor or a Saudi scientist, but I remember having the oxygen meter on my finger, and it was in the low 90s, and I would do budesedine, and it would go up to 97, 98 in minutes.
So all I knew was, I feel like I'm being murdered here at 3 a.m., waking up, can't breathe, I go do this, I feel great, can sleep the rest of the night, and then the system knew it and wouldn't tell people, and you were desperately trying to run around and tell people.
And so, you say you felt like you were being murdered.
Hey, what do we call it when they make a chimera that can kill, do mass murder, kill millions of people?
Something made in a bioweapons lab that gets released and kills people.
Is that a bioweapon?
They're kind of shy away from using that term, but the bottom line is it wasn't good and why are they making, why are they still doing gain-of-function research at the CDC lab in South Korea and bragging in press releases that they have a... Oh, before Fauci left?
He gave more funding to Peter Daszak and to that company.
It's crazy.
And so I appreciate you putting the truth out.
Again, I want to say one thing, and I want, if CNN is going to take a segment of this interview, I want them to get this part.
Alex Jones was right.
You can leave a little space there so they can splice it in their story.
Alex Jones, you were right.
You were talking about a life-saving information that saved who knows how many millions of lives around the world.
But you know, We're supposed to tell the risk and benefit of treatment options.
That's part of informed consent.
So Alex, I'm on the nonprofit that sued the FDA for the Pfizer data.
And because, again, you're called InfoWars, we need to give informed consent.
And if we don't have the information as doctors, how are we going to give that information to patients?
And so we offered the FOIA request to the FDA.
They said, we know what you want.
We have that information in the computer.
But we don't want to release this information to the American people for 55 years.
And then after two weeks, they said, we were wrong.
We made a mistake.
And we thought, we're going to get the information.
And they said, we don't want to release this information we have to the American people for 75 years.
And so we met them in federal court in Fort Worth with federal judge Mark Pittman, who said, this is wrong.
You have to give this information to the American people.
Information that Pfizer had about their product, the COVID shot, that they had given to the FDA, information that the manufacturer was aware of, information that the FDA was aware of, and the FDA pushed back through the Department of Justice lawyers saying, we don't have enough staff to release this information to the American people for 75 years.
The judge says, I'm sorry, you have to start releasing it.
So we got 140th of that information the first month, Alex, and we saw why they didn't want to release it.
That's right.
I should have mentioned it up front.
You're telling me how great I am, brother.
You saved my dad's life.
It's not about who's right.
I forgot you're at the spearhead in the lawsuit against Pfizer getting the data they tried to block for 75 years.
The judge said, no, release it.
They released the first little tranche and it totally proved they knew all this horrible stuff.
Yeah, we got a list of 1,200 diagnoses that Pfizer had accumulated post-marketing with their shot.
1,200 diagnoses.
Some of them will kill you immediately, like cardiopulmonary arrest, strokes, but it also had other disorders, cardiac events.
It had myocarditis.
It had pericarditis, which we've all heard about, but it also had Guillain-Barre syndrome.
It had transverse myelitis.
Some of these things I was treating in the emergency room when these shots first rolled out, where I had, for instance, one patient who her in-laws would not visit until she got the shot.
She's in my ER two hours later because she can't feel anything on the right side of her body, can't move her right arm.
Two hours after the shot, she was in good health before that.
And they call that Pfizer face, which they now admit it does.
Why is it causing that?
So, this is not normal messenger RNA, by the way.
That's a misnomer on purpose.
This is not messenger RNA.
It's mod RNA.
If you look at their information, it's modified RNA.
Messenger RNA is broken down by the body quickly, and if you get some foreign messenger RNA injected in your body, your body will recognize it as foreign and break it down quickly.
This is modified RNA.
That's different.
Why is it modified?
Well, they've actually replaced something that God made us with and put an artificial substitute for uridine.
That's one of the nucleotides.
And so up to one-fourth of the ingredients is an artificial purine.
It's not a normal natural ingredient for mRNA.
It's not messenger RNA.
They called it an mRNA shot and remember at the beginning they said it'll be two mRNA shots and then you're then you're going to be considered vaccinated and protected.
Well how many shots have they given now Alex?
And you know I want to talk about risk and benefit as part of informed consent.
You know there's a guy who was president In the 90s, President Bill Clinton, and he talked about informed consent and experiments being done with the American people without their knowledge.
Things that kill and cause disability.
And he was talking about radiation experiments on the American people without their knowledge.
American citizens.
Do you have that clip handy?
We actually have that clip.
Well, let's go to break and come back with that.
And then I know you harped on this and I interrupted you 10 minutes ago.
I want to explain the power of informed consent so people know their rights when we come back, because I'm concerned.
Sure, as viruses mutate, they tend to get less dangerous, but more transmittable.
Why are they so confident that lockdowns are coming and we'll be so scared?
And we've got Gates saying, oh, don't worry, the next thing is going to be a lot worse.
I'm worried they can piggyback something else they release real quick.
And people need to get ready for this.
So Dr. Richard Bartlett is our guest.
You can find him at BDesignWorks.com, a society promoting as an owner and running, and SynergyHealthDPC.com.
But he's here as a public service individual.
All right, Dr. Richard Bartlett, medical doctor, one of the main heroes exposing what really was happening to people, real treatments that the system tried to block, is here to give us his take on what's currently happening.
But he wanted to play this clip.
And I was asking during the break, I said, well, how does he know about that clip?
Because I gave this same clip, but the longer speech last week to the crew, but never aired it, where Bill Clinton was talking about radiological secret experiments.
And then Hillary talked about secret experiments with syphilis and things.
He's like, no, no, no, this is a clip he sent.
So to understand Informed consent is to understand your rights and the law, and they hope you don't know it.
So as we say here in Texas, we don't call it refrigerator, we call it frigerator.
As the great George Strait would say, write this down hanging on your refrigerator door.
Know about your rights.
So we'll play this Bill Clinton clip, and then you can elaborate on that.
Informed consent means your doctor tells you the risk of the treatment you are about to undergo.
In too many cases, informed consent was withheld.
Americans were kept in the dark about the effects of what was being done to them.
The deception extended beyond the test subjects themselves to encompass their families and the American people as a whole.
For these experiments were kept secret.
And they were shrouded not for a compelling reason of national security, but for the simple fear of embarrassment.
And that was wrong.
So, describe for us as a medical doctor and a guy that's headed up commissions for the governor of Texas, why this is so important.
Because you tried to mention earlier and I interrupted you.
So, three parts to informed consent, which even Bill Clinton says is a right to every American.
And for Bill Clinton to say something is wrong is a big deal, as far as I'm concerned.
But the three parts of informed consent are a doctor's responsibility to tell every treatment option.
For instance, if they would have told at the beginning of COVID that we have an effective treatment strategy with budesonide, an antibiotic called clarithromycin, and aspirin, and that would have prevented at least 90% of hospitalizations, ER visits, and urgent care visits, according to Oxford University, That could have saved 900,000 American lives, potentially.
If you do the math, 1.1 million died, and yet they say just one ingredient, Budesonide, just in a whiff with an inhaler twice a day would have prevented 90% of hospitalizations in New Yorkers.
That's how important information is.
The information is your right as a patient.
You have the right to know.
For instance, if you have cancer, your doctor is supposed to tell you, here's the treatment options, chemo, radiation, surgery, doing nothing, using natural remedies.
And who gets to decide?
The patient, not the government, not your employer, what medical product you're going to put in your body.
That's how important informed consent is.
And by the way, part of informed consent is also telling the risk and benefit of every treatment option.
And the third part is saying if you have a financial conflict of interest, I teach advanced trauma life support to other emergency room doctors.
And every time I teach that course, which I've taught on and off for 30 years, I have to sign a paper and say whether I have any financial conflict of interest before I teach the course.
I've got to say whether I might make a penny off of anything.
But Alex, we've seen doctors on CNN, on Fox, all over pushing a medical product, and I haven't ever heard them say whether they have any stock in Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, or Moderna.
That is a responsibility.
For instance, if I was a doctor and I said, well, you have cancer, you should use this chemotherapy, and I don't tell them I own a quarter of a million dollars of stock in that, that would be wrong.
Everybody sees that that is wrong.
And remember, just last week, Fauci got asked about that.
He said, oh, under law, I don't tell you what stock I own or what royalties I get.
And so that is against informed consent.
I'm teaching other emergency room doctors Principles, and I have to tell whether I have any financial conflict of interest because that is the law and it is basic patient rights.
You even have Bill Clinton saying that that's your right.
If he says it, well, that's rather extreme because there's a lot of things that he thinks is okay.
But, you know, think about this.
If there's a chemo drug that would give 100% survival and it would work 100%, And it's FDA approved, meaning it has evidence that it's safe and effective.
It's met at least a minimum threshold that it's safe and effective, and it's FDA approved.
A patient still has the right to refuse that, even though it's FDA approved.
But Alex, how many people are being told that currently, the current COVID shots on the market are not FDA approved?
And so how crazy is it that you can say no, I will not take a certain medical product that will absolutely save my life that's FDA approved, but right now people are being told with a certain medical product that's not FDA approved, you don't got a right to not take that.
We have employers bullying people to get the shot or they'll get fired.
We have governments saying, you got to take this product that's not FDA approved.
What is going on?
This is not informed consent.
Everything is upside down and backwards.
Patient rights have been violated.
And I'll tell you why.
I'll give you a clue.
Dr. Ben Carson did an interview a month ago.
And he told, because he was on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, he gave some vital information during that interview, if you could find that clip and play it, about why budesonide was suppressed to the American people.
Did you send that clip to my crew?
I did.
And while they're looking for that, Alex, you say, why would they justify doing masks and social distancing and lockdowns again?
Why would they justify doing what they did last time?
By the way, there were hairdressers that got thrown in jail for opening their shops.
None of this had science behind it.
And just because they say it doesn't mean it's so.
Dr. Zelinsky, Zev Zelinsky, was a friend of mine.
And he said, blind faith belongs to God only.
It doesn't belong to a man or to an institution or an agency.
Only God deserves blind faith.
I believe that we should use our brains, that you can do your own research.
There's more at our fingertips now than ever before.
And I got to say, Infowars.com got it right.
Alex Jones was right that Budesonite did work against COVID.
We did have a winning strategy.
The reason I was suppressed and why YouTube pulled that interview that went viral was probably because I said we're not helpless or hopeless and that I'm not afraid of COVID anymore and you don't have to be either.
Well that's right and we didn't find the Ben Carson clip you talked about so here it is.
of Dr. Richard Bartlett from Odessa, Texas.
He was widely condemned, he was condemned and censored by the media and the Fauci medical establishment for promoting what he called a silver bullet treatment, which was Budesonide.
But now a new study on top of several other studies support the use of this common asthma medication as effective in treating the COVID-19 virus.
It was politics and non-medical agendas that stopped these medications, not just Budesonide, but others, from being deployed and potentially saving lives.
Doesn't this story highlight the dangers of allowing the left wing to politicize science and medicine?
And should we ever in this country allow them to do it again?
Well, I hope we've learned.
It's going to take probably many years, maybe even decades, before we get back to trust.
In our medical institutions because of what has happened here.
But there are also some terrible policies.
For instance, the FDA had a policy that you could not provide an EUA, an Emergency Use Authorization, for the vaccine if there was another viable treatment.
So they had to downplay the role of Bodecimide.
All right, so Dr. Richard Bartlett is our guest.
The Andrew Tait massive interview is going to premiere here live on air, streamed out in the third and fourth hour, so that's coming up.
But in closing, Doctor, any other angles or points you want to add?
What is your view on them trying to roll out the new COVID measures again?
Looks like a replay, so they have mail-in ballots.
Your view on that?
Alex, I sent a picture to your crew, if they could show that picture real quick, of a hospital protocol used during COVID, of putting a plastic bag over people's heads that tested positive for COVID, that were dying of COVID and low on oxygen.
This is a picture of medical tyranny.
This is what medical tyranny looks like.
You murder somebody with a bag over their head?
Yeah, there was a Jack Reacher, a series that was on for a while, and I think it was episode 7 where the assassin put a plastic bag over someone's head and actually killed him.
And so what's happening here is plastic equipment bags that are not made for human use were put over patients' heads over and over for a year, over a thousand patients in the ER when they tested positive for COVID.
And by the way, you discovered this.
At first they said it wasn't true, then they confirmed it.
Yes, they denied it.
They tried to throw you out of a hospital and you exposed it?
They weren't excited about it being exposed.
Here's what's so upsetting, Alex.
Doctors look the other way.
Nurses look the other way.
Therapists look the other way for a whole year while this was being done to patients on their watch.
And so, this picture shows that not everything that's being promoted by authorities is good ideas, common sense, and science.
This is anti-science.
This is dangerous.
And so, yeah, they're going to try to roll this stuff out again, and here's my parting shot.
I want to help people save lives.
I want people not to get sick.
Use mouthwash every day, twice a day, and get budesonide nose spray and use it frequently.
That's what I'm doing.
Those are over-the-counter measures.
You don't have to get a doctor to cooperate.
Now, if you get COVID, Budesonide works, and you can go to BudesonideWorks.com for information.
But the bottom line is we're not helpless or hopeless, and the COVID that's going around right now is not as bad.
We've been told by Bill Gates that we're going to see Marburg, Ebola, those are parallel kinds of hemorrhagic fevers.
He mentioned smallpox, and he mentioned Spanish flu.
By the way, they published that they have made Spanish flu in a lab by genetic engineering.
Why would you do that?
And then we also have Dr. Redfield, the former CDC director, saying there's going to be a weaponized bird flu that will kill 15% of the people that get it.
If bird flu is in the news and Americans are getting it, I believe that Budesonide would be a very valuable tool to shut the cytokine storm down, a common pathway that will probably be involved in respiratory viruses.
Even if they're made in the lab.
So Alex, we're not helpless or hopeless.
We have winning strategies.
If something breaks, get me on and we'll share it with you.
But I'm honored to be with you.
I think of all the clowns that have been on other shows like Hotez and Walensky and Fauci and Lena Wynn.
And I think about what they have said over and over again and how they've been I interpret what they say as wrong, and Alex Jones got it right.
So, kudos to you, Alex.
Well, brother, we're in all this together.
Thanks for saving my dad's life.
Thank you for saving Rob New's life, and we love you, doctor, and we appreciate you and your tireless work.
People should go to BedesignWorks.com and SynergyHealthDPC.com.
Dr. Richard Barlow, thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
All right.
We've already covered that the AP reports the police blocked people and it wouldn't let them leave while Lahaina burned down a mountain.
We have Biden saying they're bringing back the climate lockdowns.
It's official.
A week and a half ago, National News said I was insane.
It didn't exist.
We were crazy.
There's no climate lockdowns coming.
That's coming up.
We have so much more.
That we're going to be breaking down here today.
This is wild.
This is insane.
But the good news is, we're not taking this lying down.
And humanity is really awake now, and that's because of the crew that runs this show, and our guests, and this whole InfoWars family, and the fact that we have not backed down.
So I want to thank viewers and listeners for everything you've done, and I want to encourage you now more than ever to realize how important you are that InfoWars.com forward slash show is where people find the forbidden show.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Tell people, hey, the guy you're not supposed to listen to is on at InfoWars.com forward slash show and Band Off video.
And to take the clips and keep sharing them because we're having a spectacular effect together against these tyrants now.
I did a two-hour interview yesterday morning because he's over in Eastern Europe in Romania.
The crew came in at 6 a.m.
We did a two-hour interview with Andrew Tay.
We're about to premiere it in the third and fourth hour and it's strong.
And what he does and what he says scared them.
And that's why they're so upset about him.
And this was an interview of interviews.
It is coming up in the second or in the third and fourth hour today.
We're only 12 minutes out to starting the Third and fourth hour today, and we're going to post the full interview as well to Band.Video and InfoWars.com in the next hour or so, once it starts live streaming here.
And they fear this.
And ask yourself, why do they fear this?
Why are they working around the clock to stop it?
Why don't they want it out there?
And Andrew Tate knocks it out of the park and explains the blueprint for victory, prosperity, and so much more.
So look for that, but separately.
I want to cover the RNC and DNC and the Bilderberg and the Davos Group and the Bohemian Grove, and I want to go cover Lahaina.
I have no money to do it.
But the funds are starting to come in.
I need your support.
And the more you support us, it's like watering a plant and putting it out in the sun.
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Again, I feel good overall, really bad allergies, stuff in the environment.
My voice started going a couple days ago.
I got COVID test this morning, don't have COVID.
But I'm not trying to talk like...
You know, movie stars and movies where they talk like this, where Kurt Russell's like, oh yeah, you ready?
I'm going to take you out now.
And of course, he was copying the great Clint Eastwood.
But I'm not trying to talk like Clint Eastwood right now.
My voice is gone.
But I am here and I am blessed and I am honored to be on air in a fight against these people.
And I just want to thank you all.
We've come so far together, and our most important work is at hand, but we cannot do it without your support.
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All right, I want to come back before we get to the Andrew Tegg thing and hit Biden's new climate lockdowns.
It is such a huge, huge, huge, massive deal.
But I wanted now to go ahead and get to this trailer for what's coming up next hour.
It's SP1, the Andrew Tate interview.
We're going to air that.
We haven't gotten a John Bowne's latest report.
Joe Biden is an effing disaster.
That's a seven minute report, but that's at Banned.Video.
A lot of stuff we do doesn't end up on the show, but it's there for you.
Even though it's extremely powerful, we don't get to it.
We should.
It's all at Banned.Video.
And again, you won't be able to share on a lot of platforms the Andrew Cade interview from Banned.Video, but if you go to Madmaxworld.tv.
It's a clone index, the whole site.
So every video has its own sub URL that they're not blocking at Madmaxworld.tv.
So start your engines.
It's coming up.
Here is a little promo for the Android tape piece that is so big and so important.
And you as an adult already get all this.
You're like, okay, I already know this.
But the young people really listen to Andrew.
And that's why the system is in a complete panic mode.
So here is that little promo.
And we'll be right back with a third and fourth hour with the full Andrew Tate interview premiered here live on air.
It feels like eternity.
We've been screaming the truth to the world.
And it's remarkable that we get proved right time and time again.
And when we say something new is coming, people still look at us like we're crazy.
I mean, how many times do we have to be correct?
And we're now building two camps.
We have the camps of losers and winners, and the winners are telling the truth, and the losers are just adopting all of the slave mine programming.
And unfortunately, it's becoming more and more dangerous now to even say the truth, because these losers band together like hyenas and attack anybody who stands up and tells the truth, like they've attacked you and like they've attacked me.
They literally want to turn us into pod people.
Oh absolutely pod people!
And pod people can't have any remnants of warrior spirit inside of them because they're not gonna be able to live in their pod.
So this is the point.
The world's over in 2030.
Why go to the gym?
Why get strong?
Why work hard?
Why get rich?
Why be funny?
Why be charismatic?
Why do anything?
It doesn't matter.
The world's gonna end.
Sit in your pod.
How dare you?
And all of these leftist policies are designed to create a slave class of people which have no interest in trying to preserve the sanctity of the nations they live with it.
The people who are in charge of the planet, who are in charge of global finance, make all the important decisions, and who are in charge of money, they are called globalists for a reason.
They have no particular interest in any one country.
All they care about is control and maximizing profits, and I don't think many people understand that.
The globalists are threatened by men being independent because they can't be pushed around and controlled.
If they don't have men in the way, the globalists are going to be able to rule over us.
They want us all miserable on antidepressants, eating the bugs, watching the TV shows.
Because then when something happens down the street that's not supposed to happen, we don't care.
That's all war ever is, and life is war.
We are fighting a war right now, and there's a war against our minds.
That fucking interview is over the top.
That's fucking the best sh** we've ever done.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com/show and share the link today.
We are premiering the bombshell.
When I say bombshell, it is empowering.
Andrew Tate interview, hour number three and four, when we come back at six after.
But first, I'm going to hit Biden's preparation to declare the climate lockdown emergency.
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All right.
While the mainstream media lies to you about the news that's currently breaking, we're going to tell you the truth about the news that's coming.
Thank you again so much for joining us.
We're into hour number three right now.
The UN, the globalists said, and Project Veritas got the documents, but even before they did, I could see the WEF bragging about it two years ago.
They said, when we're done with the COVID first rollout, we're going to do new lockdowns and cut energy off and say it's to save the earth to make you poor and drive you into insolvency.
And so now, breaking today, fact check, Biden says he'll declare a national climate emergency.
There's a video of him at the Grand Canyon saying, That's out of WRAL-TV.
National Editorial.
Biden says he's practically declared a climate emergency.
Goal 13.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Cut off all our resources.
The UN trying to kill us.
Stop some deadly viruses.
Al Gore proposes mass surveillance to find climate change culprits.
FEMA Administrator says extreme weather are going to be our new normal.
Look at this one.
Hockey stick climate fraud scientist says Joe Biden's bill back broke bill will prevent tornadoes.
FEMA administrator says extreme weather going to be our new normal because of climate change.
CIA director on the geopolitical risk of climate geoengineering, which they're doing.
Carbon reducing activists in the UK.
Lexical creativity and framing the context of climate change.
Scientists suggest New York Post eating human flesh to fight climate change.
Debase yourself.
Eat the bugs.
Human engineering and the climate change make you allergic via shots with alpha-gal to beef and other red meat.
Emissions fall during lockdown.
Let's keep it that way.
WEF, on and on.
HR 794, Climate Emergency Act, which they're trying to bring back right now.
When I talked about it months ago or weeks ago, the corporate media attacked and said I was insane.
How climate lockdowns became the new battleground for conspiracy-driven protest movement.
NBC News, just a few weeks ago, saying it doesn't exist, and now Biden is set to announce it.
I'll be covering all this and more, obviously, if we're still here.
Don't ever take anything for granted on tomorrow's Friday show, but it's going crazy.
And then we've got CNN confirming, yeah, we want new lockdowns.
Yeah, they're coming.
And anybody that doesn't do it wants to kill kids.
It is wild to watch these criminals do all this in live time.
So for the next hour and 55 minutes after break, or 54 minutes, you're going to see the Andrew Tate interview.
It's also going to be posted in full at Band.Video and InfoWars.com.
And so you can share it there.
It'll be posted very, very soon to the front page of InfoWars.
Will this interview save the world?
But is it another powerful punch in the fight?
And you decide how powerful that punch is.
In fact, it just went live.
Alex Jones interviews Andrew Tate in new explosive must-see interview.
This will break the Matrix.
Start your engine just like you did last Friday when I said the climate lockdowns are coming and the COVID lockdowns are coming and they're planning it all.
Let's get out of it.
And then they still announced it.
They announced the climate lockdowns and they announced the COVID garbage.
But people now aren't going to sit here and accept each phase of the lie.
Because there's not just evil in the universe, there's good as well.
So I salute the crew.
It's been very stressful the last 24 hours here, 48 hours.
I want to salute the sponsors, everybody.
I want to encourage you to go to infowarrestore.com and get the Flash Shell and X3 and Vitamin Refusion 40% off and know you're getting great products while keeping us on air at the same time.
Thank you for keeping us in the fight.
We're all fighting for each other.
All right, the big interview is going to premiere right now.
So please share the links.
Take the clips.
It's all free to air.
Put it all over Twitter.
Put it all over all the different big sites.
It feels like eternity.
We've been screaming the truth to the world.
And it's remarkable that we get proved right time and time again.
And when we say something new is coming, people still look at us like we're crazy.
I mean, how many times do we have to be correct?
And we're now building two camps.
We have the camps of losers and winners, and the winners are telling the truth, and the losers are just adopting all of the slave mine programming.
And unfortunately, it's becoming more and more dangerous now to even say the truth, because these losers band together like hyenas and attack anybody who stands up and tells the truth, like they've attacked you and like they've attacked me.
They literally want to turn us into pod people.
Oh, absolutely, pod people!
And pod people can't have any remnants of warrior spirit inside of them because they're not gonna be able to live in their pod.
So this is the point.
The world's over in 2030.
Why go to the gym?
Why get strong?
Why work hard?
Why get rich?
Why be funny?
Why be charismatic?
Why do anything?
It doesn't matter!
The world's gonna end!
Sit in your pod!
How dare you!
And all of these leftist policies are designed to create a slave class of people which have no interest in trying to preserve the sanctity of the nations they live with it.
The people who are in charge of the planet, who are in charge of global finance, make all the important decisions and who are in charge of money, they are called globalists for a reason.
They have no particular interest in any one country.
All they care about is control and maximizing profits.
And I don't think many people understand that.
You will own nothing.
And you will be happy.
The globalists are threatened by men being independent because they can't be pushed around and controlled.
If they don't have men in the way, the globalists are going to be able to rule over us.
They want us all miserable on antidepressants, eating the bugs, watching the TV shows.
Because then when something happens down the street that's not supposed to happen, we don't care.
That's all war ever is.
And life is war.
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Well ladies and gentlemen, we've got the biggest interview you can get
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Andrew Tate, who truly lives by the Nietzschean creed of, that which does not kill you only makes you stronger, is going to give us a long-form, uninterrupted interview right now.
We're very honored and blessed to have him.
I've known this man for six years.
He has incredible integrity and he's completely innocent of all the fraud that has been thrown
at him.
I personally have experienced the same tactics, so has President Trump, so has Julian Assange
and others.
This is how the CIA operates and make no mistake, this is a CIA operation that has all the hallmarks
and Mr. Tate I know can recognize that as well because his father was in the Central
Intelligence Agency and world champion chess player.
He is a multi, multi, multi-time world champion, a heavyweight kickboxer, and of course the most Googled man in the world.
When he stood up to Greta Thunberg and the carbon taxes, well, you know the rest of the story.
So we're going to cover all the big political events in the world, and the Trump indictments, and the open borders, and the global central bank, digital currencies.
We're going to cover the war in Ukraine.
We're going to cover it all.
But first, I want Andrew Tate, on the record, uncensored, unfiltered, to our massive audience, and undoubtedly tens of millions more that are going to watch this, to talk about what's really happening to him and his team and where he believes all this is going and how we can support him.
Andrew, great to have you with us.
Brother, I've known you for such a long time.
We've been talking the truth for so long.
It feels like eternity.
We've been screaming the truth to the world.
And it's remarkable that we get proved right time and time again.
And when we say something new is coming, people still look at us like we're crazy.
I mean, how many times do we have to be correct before people understand they should listen to us before it's too late?
I know that you've got to be careful, not that you've done anything wrong, but they spin everything you do.
When they first arrested you, they spun it.
Look, a pizza box.
They found a secret lair, as if you were hiding from anybody.
You'd already been absolved of any wrongdoing nine months before.
That had been in the news, but now they were back again.
So, the listeners want to know how you're doing, what's coming up, and how they support you.
Yeah, it's a pretty standardized tactic.
Any man who is successful in the world is going to have a degree of history with females, and that's the way they attack you.
It's an attack vector.
You just named it.
They did it to you.
They've done it to Trump.
They did it to Assange.
They're trying to do it to me.
As soon as they want to get rid of you, they will try.
And accuse you of the most heinous crimes because sexual crimes are heinous.
It slanders your name, which makes the process itself a punishment.
It doesn't matter if you're found innocent at the end of it because they've slandered you for years anyway.
The process is a punishment, which is why they choose sexual crimes.
They're also extremely subjective, hard to prove, they don't need any solid evidence,
and they can go through your entire personal history and try and blackmail and bribe females who you once knew
to turn on you in an attempt to destroy your life.
So it's a very common tactic.
I think anybody with a brain out there understands exactly what's happening to me
and what this entire attempt against me is because it's absolutely asinine and insane.
Well, I've never talked about this until now, but five years ago, I went to the FBI
when someone tried this on me, and I was able to catch them trying to frame me
and saying, "Give me money or I'm gonna do this."
And later we learned that they were connected to the same three-letter agency that we've been having so many issues with.
And so I do personally know what it's like.
I haven't been caught in the ringer as bad as you have.
But man, the way you've taken it, the way your brother's taken it, the way your team has taken it, is just an example in stoic manliness.
I mean, I'm sorry.
Sounds like I'm kissing your ass, but it's just true.
Yeah, I mean, absolutely, and it is scary the fact that 2,000 women who I've known throughout my life, I'm 36 years old, 2,000 women were called and effectively offered bribes to turn on me.
Effectively, it was, if you have a negative story about Andrew Tate, you'll get paid money.
That's a bribe.
They tried to bribe 2,000 women who know me, and they still couldn't manage to put together any kind of coherent case.
They're so desperate for a case, the two victims they've identified have repeatedly said on camera, we are not victims.
Candace Owens actually did a fantastic breakdown.
Anyone who's interested in my case can do a full breakdown.
Candace did it and it shows everything.
There's no victims and they can't find anybody to turn on me.
And it's crazy.
I spent three months in jail in a Romanian jail, which is not anything like a Western jail.
It's truly a form of torture.
And I sat there five months locked in my house.
And all I can do is take it as a test from God.
And do my very best to be an example and show the world that when you truly stand up and truly try and inspire people to be anything more than slaves, they're gonna come for you and they're gonna attempt to destroy you.
These people are merciless.
They're merciless.
They're genuinely evil.
I was sitting in a jail cell suffering from what?
For what?
To protect who?
They don't even have a single victim on the victim list.
They don't even have a single woman who could take the stand against me.
And they're still gonna put all over the news I'm some sort of terrible person.
Because the goal is to slander my name regardless of the outcome and we have to pray that the judicial system of Romania does the right thing and throws all of this away.
Well, when you're famous and successful, women throw themselves at you.
But when you're famous, successful, and in great shape like you and your brother, I've been out with you guys, the women literally throw themselves at you.
The idea that you're raping women is preposterous.
Then they put out some old video of you spanking your girlfriend when she asked her to.
I think I spanked my wife two nights ago, she asked me to.
And then the woman comes up and says, no, it was a joke.
And they call that evidence of you abusing a woman.
It's ridiculous.
It is ridiculous and it's just weaponized virtue.
The problem they're having is that we're telling the truth and we're repeatedly telling the truth and we have morals and we have standards and we're standing up for what we know is right and we're standing up for God and we're doing the right thing.
So how do they attack us?
It's very difficult to say we're not principled or intelligent or correct.
So instead they have to say we're bad people.
So to say somebody's a bad person what you do is you weaponize a virtue.
You say he's misogynistic or he's homophobic or you find some virtue and you put it into a bullet and you shoot it at them.
And it's all just character assassination tactics.
They can't say we lie because we tell the truth and we keep repeatedly being proven telling the truth.
So instead they have to assassinate our characters.
That is their primary goal and objective and that's why the process itself is a punishment.
I tell you, the BBC, in the 18 months the BBC have been printing about me being a human trafficker, because they've done an article a day, every day for 18 months, three staff members of the BBC have been caught committing sexual crimes.
Three of their own staff!
It's mentioned for a day, maximum two, and then it goes away.
And here I am, 18 months later, still going through the grinder of endless character assassination.
It's insane!
You're either on their team, and they protect you, or you're against them on the side of God and truth, and they're absolutely out to destroy you!
Every single thing the MSM say is a fucking lie, and I apologize for swearing, but it is a lie!
Everything I read in these papers, all of it is a lie, head to toe!
No, it is a damn fucking lie, and at a certain base level, though, you've got to have a feeling of success and satisfaction To be the most demonized person in the world now, even surpassing myself and in many cases Donald Trump, and to have school curriculum, not just in the UK, but now it's turning out around the West, teaching young boys that you're bad and they shouldn't read you or watch you or listen to you.
Don't these idiots know it's having the opposite effect when I'm at a grocery store?
Or at church, you have teenagers run up and say, oh, you know Andrew Tate.
Don't they know this is backfiring?
Well, absolutely it's backfiring, because that's the worst thing you do to a teenage boy, say, don't watch this man.
And the thing that they don't understand, because these people are so disconnected from reality.
All of these people are genuinely disconnected.
They don't understand that my message makes people feel better.
I teach men to be strong.
I teach men how to make money.
I teach men how to be confident, how to be motivated, how to be disciplined, how to be diligent, how to be hard-working.
If a man adopts these qualities and applies them to his life, his life will get better.
This isn't a matter of just consuming content on the internet.
This is a matter of people's lives genuinely changing their day-to-day reality.
And if that happens, if somebody's day-to-day reality changes because they're a fan of me
and they listen to my content, who do you think you are to come along
and tell them to stop and go back to misery?
It's never gonna work.
It's never gonna work.
And the reason I'm so heavily demonized is not because the things I say,
it's because I am so massively influential.
And when I'm teaching these young men, these young boys to have any degree of standard
for themselves, any degree of parameter for what they will accept inside of their minds,
they see that as a threat to the slave programming.
If a man stands up for himself and has self-respect, he doesn't want to wear a mask, because he respects himself.
He doesn't want to take antidepressants.
He respects himself.
He doesn't want to eat the bugs.
He respects himself.
They don't want men to have self-respect.
We're not allowed to have self-respect.
We have to sit there and be completely empty vessels waiting for the slave programming to be plugged in so we'll comply.
That's all they want is compliance.
And that's why me, as a man who stands up and says, listen, you should become as strong as possible, you should believe in yourself, you should be motivated, and you should also try to make as much money as possible because money is a very important Let's unpack what you just said because it's so true.
The average millennial doesn't want to drive a car, doesn't want to have money, they're living with their parents, they say they have no vision of the future.
That's been instilled in them by the social engineers, by the social architects.
I don't think that we are discussing climate change the way we need to be discussing it.
We are in the midst of climate change right now, and it is only going to get worse.
The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.
The scientists also tell us, have 12 years in which to answer that question.
12 years within which to act.
Like, this is the war, this is our World War II.
We have 12 years to turn this around.
We are less than 12 years away from not being able to undo our mistakes.
There is no justice and there is no combating climate change without addressing what has happened to indigenous communities.
We don't have more than 10 years to get this right.
A little more than 10 years from now.
There is no justice and there is no combating climate change without addressing what has
happened to indigenous communities.
I speak to you as a human being, a woman whose dreams of motherhood now taste bittersweet
because of what I know about our children's future.
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.
This is about our lives.
This is about American lives.
That our community will be uninhabitable, will not sustain human life along this current trajectory.
I am here to say our house is on fire.
It's a crisis that could, at its worst, lead to extinction.
We are in the beginning of a mass extinction.
People are dying.
People are suffering.
People are dying.
How dare you?
We're still putting 162 million tons into it every single day.
And the accumulated amount is now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding Every single day on the earth.
That's what's boiling the oceans, creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land, and creating the droughts, and melting the ice, and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees predicted to reach one billion in this century.
Look at the xenophobia and political authoritarian trends that have come from just a few million refugees.
What about a billion?
We would lose our capacity for self-governance on this world.
We have to act.
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And then the average young man, on average, gets treated bad by women. The women have been
brainwashed, they've been entitled, on average, and they don't know how to stand up for themselves,
so they get run over by women, even if they actually still go out and date women. And,
you know, my son's a good-looking guy, really smart, has had a lot of girlfriends, but he would
get wrapped around the axle with them and have a lot of issues. He's like 21 now, and he has had a
huge turnaround, and he was never that bad, but he calls it a turnaround himself.
About two years ago, watching your shows, listening to you, and now he's in control of the relationships.
He's confident.
He's doing great in business now.
He's doing amazing things, and I really owe you for that, and it's because that's the path of a man, and that's being attacked because the globalists are threatened by men being independent because they can't be pushed around and controlled if they don't have men in the way, the globalists are going to be able to rule
over us.
And that's the thing women need to realize.
Women are the most depressed they've ever been, statistically.
Women are the most alone they've ever been.
They're the most unhappy, and it's because they're being taught to reject the biology
of who and what we are.
Strong men make women happy.
I get called a misogynist all the time for telling men to have standards.
Men with standards and principle and capability and competence make women happy.
The number one way to improve female mental health is to make men better men.
And the reason they don't want men to be strong and have any kind of control over their relationships or their households is very simple.
Females are easier to sway with an emotional argument.
If you have a bunch of households which are run by women and the woman is in charge, and then the woman is going to sit and watch an emotional argument propaganda, which is all that they...
MSMUs, they can't use logical arguments, so they use emotional ones.
Put the mask on for grandma!
Well, grandma's 98, and 98-year-olds unfortunately die of diseases, and telling a 6-year-old kid to put a mask on, or a 21-year-old strong man to put a mask on, because 98-year-old grandma might get sick, doesn't even make any logical sense.
But it's an emotional argument, and women fall for emotional arguments easier than men.
So how do you control a populace?
It's very simple.
You subdue the men, you make the women in charge, you make a matriarchy, and then you use emotional arguments via the propaganda mechanisms because women are more likely to...
Agree with them, and then you have the entire population under control.
That's why it's done on purpose.
They don't want a man to have any degree of control over anything in his life.
You know, even his own house.
You can't be the king of your own household anymore.
And it's making women miserable.
It's making men miserable.
It makes the entire populace miserable.
And there's another thing I want people to understand.
Misery is also a very key component to their slave agenda.
Because when you're truly miserable, you are selfish.
You don't care about anything that happens outside of yourself.
People say that you and I perhaps were angry people, but I'll tell you something.
We're positive people because we care.
We care about what happens to our country.
We care about what happens to our cities.
We care about what happens to the future for our children.
When you're truly miserable and truly sad, you're self-obsessed.
You don't care about anything but yourself.
They want us all miserable on antidepressants, eating the bugs, watching the TV shows.
Because then when something happens down the street that's not supposed to happen, we don't care.
Oh yeah, well, you know, the store down the street got robbed and my town's on fire, but I'm sad anyway.
They want us all selfish.
Because when we're selfish, we can't band together to resist anything.
Well, that's absolutely what's going on.
They totally shirk responsibility.
You can read the MI6 and CIA battle plans from the 60s and 70s where they said, we're going to destroy the family.
We're going to make people selfish.
And there are so many psychological studies that leftists are between five and 10 times, depending on the study, more selfish.
They don't give to charity.
They steal more.
They lie more.
I mean, they're really just incredible losers.
And I just wonder sometimes if we can rehabilitate them.
Or whether they're just a lost cause?
It's a good question and they are the end result of a very sophisticated propaganda machine which has been built with a sole intention of creating miserable drones which will believe anything they are told.
These people can be told the sky is green and they'll believe it.
And all of the propaganda which is being pumped their way is negative.
The world is going to end because the sun is hot.
Don't have kids.
That's bad for some reason.
Don't eat meat.
Only eat the bugs.
Sit at home.
You should have a therapist.
You should be on antidepressants.
Like they're just trying to pump nothing but negativity of these people and they absorb it.
And this is what I said to one of my friends.
My friend said, Andrew, you've been through so much.
For telling the truth.
Why do you do it?
And I say, well, you either fight against the injustice and tell the truth and you suffer the consequences of that or you believe the bullshit and suffer the consequences of being at war with your own mind and your own biology and end up miserable anyway.
There is a war that cannot be escaped and I would rather live true to God and tell the truth and fight the war this way.
But it's truly incredible that these leftists do what they do.
And I also think there's something that global about the world that most people don't understand.
The people who are in charge of the planet, who are in charge of global finance, make all the important decisions, and who are in charge of money, they are called globalists for a reason.
They have no particular interest in any one country.
All they care about is control and maximizing profits, and I don't think many people understand that.
For a long time, we've been exploiting the second and third worlds Because someone has to lose for another person to win.
There's no light without dark.
We've been exploiting the second and third worlds for a long time to be prosperous in the West, and that's now changing for a variety of reasons, which will be a very long conversation.
But the globalists have no problem exploiting the first world and simply turning it on its head, destroying the societies of America, destroying the societies of Europe, doing whatever they need to do to make endless and forever profit, and they'll simply move to a penthouse in another part of the world.
They have no problem to move to Africa, or they have no problem moving to the Middle East, they have no problem to live in Asia.
As long as they get forever profits and billions and billions of dollars, they'll let Europe burn.
And all of these leftist policies are designed to create a slave class of people Which have no interest in trying to preserve the sanctity of the nations they live within.
Andrew, I totally agree here, and I want to drill more into this.
When you see Al Gore and King Charles and AOC and Beto saying, hey, the world's going to end in 2030, and then statistically the young people say, well, I'm not going to get a job or live or have kids because my life's over.
That is literally a psychological warfare virus that's been put in their minds, and it's just preposterous.
I've looked at the heat records.
The hottest heat in the U.S.
back in the 19-teens, the 1930s.
The hottest temperature ever at Death Valley was 134.
It hit 130 this year.
They're lying and there's headlines, "Don't go outside, it's too hot."
They literally want to turn us into pod people.
Oh, absolutely pod people.
And pod people can't have any remnants of warrior spirit inside of them because they're not going to be able to live in their pod.
So this is the point.
The world's over in 2030.
Why go to the gym?
Why get strong?
Why work hard?
Why get rich?
Why be funny?
Why be charismatic?
Why do anything?
It doesn't matter.
The world's gonna end.
Sit in your pod.
Wait for the food delivery.
That's what they want from all of us.
They want all of us to have absolutely no ambition and to sit there and be slave-minded.
And it's very difficult to resist enslavement if you need the government to eat.
I think all governments on the planet are constantly trying to encroach on the freedom of their populace, trying to get closer and closer to some version of communism, where you have to absolutely and utterly comply or you literally do not have food to eat.
And that's what they want!
And it's an obvious agenda.
It's a very obvious agenda, and it plays into the worst characteristics of the human psyche.
Because there are a lot of people out there who, when given the excuse to be lazy, will be lazy.
When given the excuse for why they're not successful, will take that excuse and use it as a shield for their own glaring, obvious failings.
And we're now building two camps.
We have the camps of losers and winners, and the winners are telling the truth, and the losers are just adopting all of the slave-mind programming.
And unfortunately, it's becoming more and more dangerous now to even say the truth, because these losers band together like hyenas and attack anybody who stands up and tells the truth, like they've attacked you and like they've attacked me.
The people who are trying to put me in jail are not good people.
They're not good people.
They're not honest, hard-working, God-fearing people.
They're evil people, and they know exactly what they're trying to do.
It's scary.
Let's expand on that because this is really the heart of the whole thing.
You talk about how you and I and many others have been right about predicting what would happen.
It's now here, so our credibility is way up.
95% of the comments I see about you are positive everywhere.
Young people I talk to, old people, stuff I see online but also in the street, nobody's buying it.
And it's because you talk about real issues.
If you had to describe, this is a football game, let's say U.S.
football, NFL, or worldwide soccer, or whatever game or analogy you want to use, where are we in the game and who's winning?
Because I see you being the most popular, and Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan's getting more hardcore now.
And I see Russell Brand sounds just like us and Tulsi Gabbards and R.F.K.
and all these other people are exploding in popularity.
We all have the top shows.
The left doesn't have anybody in the top 10, not even the top 20.
I mean, you're right up the top, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, we're all up there at the top.
And in total reach, you and Joe are kind of like poll stars there.
But I'm not measuring things here as individuals.
I'm looking at it as we're talking about the truth.
We've been doing it for a long time.
We're insanely popular despite all their suppression, despite them trying to put us in prison and locking you up in a solitary environment and doing all of this.
Look how Trump's gets 60% of the vote against all of the Republicans. He's
25 points ahead of Biden.
That's never happened since polling began to have something like that. So the system has the money
and has the agencies and it has the police in many levels and the media.
But it's all dying.
It's all a joke.
And so every move they make against us is very painful.
But at the end of the day, as long as we persevere and hold strong, they're losing.
So what's your view on that?
They don't have God on their side.
The moral arc of the universe bends towards truth.
It takes unlimited energy to continue to propagate a lie.
It's very difficult to do.
It goes against the law of physics.
If you put a lie into the universe, you need to continually push that lie to keep it afloat.
It's like a hot air balloon.
You need to keep that engine running.
You need to keep the flame going permanently to keep it floating.
Because as long as people use their own eyes and their own senses and eventually begin to think, the lie is going to sink and it's going to disappear.
And There's certainly been a shift in consciousness in the last three to four years.
Three to four years ago, it was much worse than it is today.
And I feel like I said this when I was cancelled in August of last year.
I was doing Patrick McDavid's podcast and I said, they are making a mistake.
When you have power, the only guarantee to power is that one day you will lose it.
And the quickest way to lose power is to overuse it, to overreach, to overstretch.
When you do that, everyone loses faith in you.
For you to have power, you must have the faith of the populace.
Once people understand that you're abusing your power and it's no longer a fair system, they're no longer interested in what you have to say or your power mechanisms.
And then you can only resort to complete brutality.
And I think it's going to be quite difficult for them to do now that the consciousness of people are waking up.
But certainly, yeah, I feel like we are winning now.
I feel like you and I have been through the trenches and suffered the absolute worst of it five to six years ago and now most people understand.
They overstepped with the COVID lies.
They overstepped with the censorship.
They overstepped with the election lies.
They overstepped trying to say anybody who tells the truth is a sexual predator.
They overstepped by protecting all the people who we know do genuinely bad things they refuse to talk about.
They overstepped so many times now that people have a thirst in their hearts to know what's really going on and that's Our chance to finally make it clear to people, and I pray, I pray we can finally get through to people to a level where next time they try the next big PSYOP, which we can talk about, which might be coming up soon, everybody rejects it.
Because you know there's something really important, Alex.
We talk always about who controls the world.
But ultimately, without our compliance, they can't control anything.
We control the world.
A mask mandate is a piece of paper.
It's a piece of fucking paper.
That's it.
It's cowardice that makes that have power.
If everyone wasn't a coward and stood up and said, no, I'm sorry, I respectfully decline, then it's over.
We still control the world, but that's why they're trying their absolute best to make sissies of all of us.
I want to talk about that because we talked yesterday and I said, what do you want to cover?
And you said, well, we always have a great time.
You know, we'll just discuss the waterfront.
But you said, I do want to get into new lockdowns.
And I talked to a TSA source that I know well that I call the Border Patrol source.
They said, yeah, we were told last week they're going to try to bring it back, starting with federal employees, TSA workers, the middle of September, and then try to bring back airline mandates in October.
And of course, then get as much as they can to have the mail-in ballots next year.
Now, I didn't know when I broke that Friday morning that they would do the main rollout Friday evening and say, oh, colleges are locking down, and Lionsgate's locking down, and corporations are locking down, and they're going to make people wear masks or ask for vaccine passports.
And so the story became the biggest story in the last four or five days.
I mean, just massive, massive amounts of people waking up, huge coverage.
Senator Paul's come out and said it's a total fraud.
And so it's really a watershed moment that we're not going to just sit here and let them roll out the incremental PSYOP and then we just accept each piece.
No, we know you're bringing it back out to push your poison boosters.
We know you're bringing it back out to try to get more surveillance and control and bring in your vaccine passports.
That's the basis of the World ID card that Bill Gates is behind.
And so I'm very excited to see explosive, nonviolent, civil disobedience and people saying, hell no, we are not going through this again.
We know it's a fraud.
So I think we caught them with their pants down.
[Sounds of a train passing by]
Tate Pledge is funded 100% by me.
It is my personal money.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Thank you very much for getting all this enjoyable.
Prophet Muhammad said, Allahumma salli ala Muhammad.
Me, the one who cares for an unborn one, will be in jannah, paradise, like this.
Which will be donated to Take Pledge, which will be used to feed children in war-torn countries.
[Speaking in Arabic]
You're welcome my dear brother and brother in law.
May Allah bless you.
May Allah bless you.
Dear brothers and brothers, may Allah bless you.
As you can see brothers, you heard about war in Syria.
Now in Syria we have more than 1 million orphans.
I also promised to provide full accounting and receipts to prove that that money goes directly to charity,
to feeding children in war torn countries.
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And you know, it's very interesting we say this, because I don't want anyone to think we're inciting violence, because that's not what we're doing.
Even during the last COVID lockdown, you can resist so easily in a non-violent way.
If I went into a store, and they said, you have a mask, put a mask on.
Don't have one, sorry.
Okay, I'll give you one.
Okay, give me one.
And then I wouldn't walk over to take it.
No, I stand there and make them walk across the store to give it to me.
Then I take it and I half hang it on my ear and I don't wear it properly.
Then they come up to me and say, oh, you need to wear it properly.
I say, oh, okay.
Then I don't wear it properly.
Then I take it off completely.
Then they come up to me and go, oh, where's your mask?
I say, sorry, I dropped it on the floor and it's dirty.
I need another one.
Then they have to go back behind the counter, get another mask, walk back to the other side of the store, give it to you, make them work!
Make them work!
If they want you to wear a mask so fucking bad, make them walk a marathon!
Make them work!
Don't make it easy for them!
If they want to stand there and try to make a slave of you, at least make them do something for it!
You know, I had people walking back and forth around stores getting me 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 different masks.
I never even put it on!
Because I dropped it on the floor, right?
We're all scared of germs now.
I can't wear a mask from the floor.
It might have COVID on it.
Don't come too close.
Social distancing.
Just put the mask there.
I'll collect it in a second.
Make them work for it.
That's civil disobedience.
If everyone did that, imagine you worked in a store and every person who came in did what I just described.
Are you going to really run around for 12 hours a day?
You'll give up after two hours.
But the reason it doesn't happen, the reason they get away with this is because everybody just complies.
Mask on, okay.
Like, I'm not describing anything violent.
I'm not describing anything that'll get you arrested.
I'm not describing anything that'll even cause an argument.
I'm just talking about using your fucking brain and having some balls.
And it's very important, if they try and bring this back, if they try and bring this back, I really pray that this will be a breaking point for their entire Apparatus.
Because I think enough people are awake now to absolutely and utterly resist.
That was a huge PSYOP.
And I love to think, and I hope I'm right, I love to think that anybody who lived through that has learned their lesson.
And like I said, the number one guarantee of power is that you'll lose it because eventually with power you will overstep and you will overreach.
And if they try another lockdown, another pandemic, I think it's the biggest overreach they could possibly try.
So I hope they do it.
And I hope that people do what they're supposed to do, which is say no.
I totally agree with you, and undoubtedly they're going to try it, not out of strength, but out of weakness.
On your radar, Andrew Tate, what else do you think the deep state has in its hip pocket?
We know lawfare, trying to put you and Trump and everybody else in prison, trying to sue us all into oblivion.
But we're, you know, the lead folks at the tip of the spear.
What else is the deep state going to pull?
I've seen Klaus Schwab hyping cyber attacks, power outages.
I've seen them hyping a stock market crash.
I've seen them now sending F-16s to Ukraine even though they now admit that the Russians have basically destroyed the Ukrainian military.
Yeah, so it's kind of scary because We are the tip of the spear, and when you're the leader, when you're the lead of the charge, they want you dead first, right?
It's kind of like the old adage, they said, if five guys are gonna start a fight on you, hit the biggest one first.
And that's why they're coming for men like us, because they know we're inspiring a resistance.
And the resistance we're inspiring is nothing more than self-respect and parameters for what you'll accept from a government, and to stand up and say, I'm a sovereign individual and I'm allowed to decide what goes in my blood.
Imagine thinking you're not allowed to decide what goes inside of your own blood!
Imagine waking up and saying, my blood is not mine.
It belongs to the government.
It's absolutely insane.
But what they're going to try and do next is control the money.
Because when they control the money, they can control where you go and they can control whether you eat or not.
And I don't know about anybody else, but I can tell you from my own personal experience in the last three to four years, the banking sector has become more strict than it's ever been.
It's become harder and harder to not only make money, but move money and have money.
10 years ago, if you wanted to do a million-dollar wire, it was a headache.
Nowadays, if you want to do a million-dollar wire internationally, let's say I want to say a million dollars to, I don't know, Turkey, or Qatar, or Australia, anywhere, the amount of headache, paperwork, delays, it's nearly impossible to do.
It's getting harder and harder because they want to control the money.
If they control the money, they control absolutely everything else by extension.
So it's CBDCs that's coming, the banking system locking people down for dissidents, as we already know is happening.
And once they control the money, then they're going to come along and say, ah, don't worry, you're allowed money if you do this.
And from there, they're going to expand out.
I don't think most people understand that absolutely every single thing they talk about propagating and pushing to the populace is a Trojan horse.
I was arguing about Climate change was someone the other day and I said, listen, I love the environment.
I would hate for nature to be destroyed.
I love nature.
Nobody with a sane mind dislikes nature.
The problem is, we can't make any laws to protect nature because every single time we do, they Trojan horse it with some garbage that has nothing to do with the actual...
Issue and is purely agenda driven to destroy my life and make me a slave.
So what can we do now?
And that's what they're going to do.
They're going to come along control the money and they're going to say, ah, because of the climate, you're allowed money if you don't drive your car very often.
And that has nothing to do with saving the earth.
It's everything to do with controlling you.
And that's the problem.
Now we have people in charge of us that we can't even trust to fix any issue ever because all they're interested in is injecting Trojan horses and destroying our lives.
It's it's it's incredible.
Oh, that was incredibly said.
And let's expand on that.
They've tried to set me up for rape.
They're trying to set you up with it.
Have done it.
They had a jury say Trump didn't rape this woman.
No proof she ever met him.
And because he said, I don't know her, he was found guilty of defamation for saying, I'm innocent.
They actually said, you're not allowed to say you're innocent.
That's how they weaponize these jurisdictions in places like Austin, Texas and New York City and DC and Connecticut.
But talk about rape.
We know who's raping.
Colleges and businesses and law enforcement and the military.
You're going to be court-martialed.
You're going to be kicked out.
You're going to be fired if you don't take this experimental shot that's in all these studies causing all sorts of serious myocarditis and blood clots and strokes and heart attacks.
That's raping you with a gene therapy.
They're the rapists.
Fauci's the king rapist.
Joseph Mingala 2.0.
And can you speak to that?
They're accusing any strongman of supposedly abusing women, like the Gillette commercials where they have the Super Bowl a few years ago, where a guy in a coffee shop goes over and asks a girl out.
The other guy grabs him and says, that's rape.
Don't talk to a woman.
But then drag queen story time, convicted pedophiles in many cases, in G-strings with little kids bouncing on their knee and rubbing up against a little kid.
That's okay, but in a Gillette commercial, a man talking to a woman is bad.
I mean, this is just beyond BS.
They're raping our minds, raping our bodies, raping our freedom, raping our borders, raping our currency, raping humanity.
They are the damn rapists.
Absolutely, because rape, the whole idea of rape is an act without consent.
That's the exact idea of it all.
So for them to sit there and say to a man, ah, you're a rapist, that means you forced a woman to have sex without consent.
So you nailed it.
Let's talk about them forcing people to have injections.
Let's talk about them forcing ideologies on children.
Let's talk about them forcing women to accept men in their bathrooms or on their sports teams.
Let's talk about them forcing citizens of a country to accept that their country no longer has a border and by extension no longer has a legal system.
Because without a border you don't have a legal system, you don't even have a nation anymore.
You want to talk about rape without consent?
You absolutely and utterly nailed it.
And they use this word and they use this attack on any strongman primarily as an effort to damage masculinity.
They make it...
Out to the world that if you're a man who is traditionally masculine, who stands up, who is strong, who is not apologetic for his opinions, then by extension you must be a rapist.
And they do this so that men are afraid to act this way because that, once again, pushes the idea that men should be sissies and soft so it's easier for them to have slave-minded individuals.
What's actually crazy is this.
Women want men who are masculine.
The kind of man who is not going to rape is the kind of man who has choices and genuine access to females who love him.
Why would a man who is successful in all realms of human endeavor, including his relationships with females, ever rape anybody?
No, I'll tell you who's a rapist.
The liberal who eats the bugs, who's fat and ugly, with no personality, who's sad on antidepressants.
No woman wants him.
He's the kind of guy who has to rape to have sex.
Not the traditionally masculine, toxically male, the man they try and say.
So it's absolutely and utterly, it's a mind...
Attack it's a psyop by saying if you stand up and you have muscles and you have a nice car You're rich and you're strong and you have opinions and you say yeah, this is what I believe and I'm not sorry for it That means you are a bad person and by extension a rapist and what they're trying to do is stop men from acting that way They want all of us afraid without fear.
None of this works.
I I think it was Goebbels who said it.
I don't know if your research team can find it.
Goebbels said it.
You lie and you lie on repeat and you make them afraid.
And that's all you have to do.
Nazi Germany literally said the exact same thing and look what they did to the world.
And it's amazing that the tactics haven't changed, the apparatus, the MSM hasn't changed.
It's the same game.
It's exactly the same game it's always been.
We are grooming the new generation of Americans to be fully embracing of diversity and inclusivity.
And for the children and the people that support it are going to realize that this is going to be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable just seeing it.
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero.
Learn to love, learn to vogue, face your fate.
We'll convert your children.
Someone's gotta teach them not to hate.
We're coming for them.
We're coming for your children We're coming for them
We're coming for your children We're coming for them
Your children will care about fairness and justice for others
Your children will work to convert all their sisters and brothers.
Then soon we're almost certain Your kids will start converting you
The K Agenda is coming home The K Agenda is here
But you don't have to worry.
Because there's nothing wrong with standing by your side.
Get on board and don't worry.
Because the world always needs a bit more pride.
No, you don't have to worry.
Because there's nothing wrong with standing by your side.
Get on board and don't worry.
Because the world always needs a bit more pride.
Come on, try it!
We'll convert your children, then we'll turn to you.
Giving up the fear inside is treating like you never knew.
Go and see San Francisco.
Go and turn up that disco.
You'll forget you were ever upset.
They'll convert your children And make an ally of you yet
Or make an ally of you yet Or make an ally of you yet
And we have to warn you ladies and gentlemen If you've got young or impressionable children in your
household Bring them to the screen right now
*evil laughter* And we witnessed parents taking their children as young as two inside to take part.
Talking, singing, and reading.
We can both be grooms.
To an audience of preschoolers, toddlers, and their caregivers.
Family programming!
Love it!
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston Public Library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatiana Malina, my sister from Queens of the Week.
People seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
This was put out in the New York Times like it's wonderful, and it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on, just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?!
What planet did I wake up in?! !
I want to shift gears back to you, because I know you shouldn't get into the case too much, but it's come out in the news that basically everybody said no, it's all made up, or one or two just won't even testify, and the stories have all fallen apart.
What's the timeframe here?
How do we support you?
We've got a lot more of the interview coming up.
You've been gracious to give us an hour and a half, but I just want to Get it on record that you are under attack because you're confident, you're strong, you know you're in this position, you're not backing down, you've got a great attitude.
But at the same time, people need to know that if we don't support you, we don't spread the word, we're basically aiding the enemy to take you down.
So how do we non-violently, peacefully support you and your brother?
Absolutely, I super appreciate that.
I ask everyone to please go to CobraTake.com and sign up for my completely free email list.
And that is a fantastic way to support me and I keep everybody up to date with my case.
A very quick one minute version of my case is as follows.
An American girl was sponsored by a liberal NGO to come over here.
She visited for five days and then accused me of kidnap.
She's accused seven other men of kidnapping her life.
One of them actually killed himself from the pressure.
So she is a professional.
The Romanian authorities reacted to her phone call as they should, to be fair to them, when a woman says she's kidnapped, came into the house, realized no one was kidnapped, released us after two hours.
That was in April last year.
For the nine months after that, we were followed at direction of a foreign intelligence agency, which was commanding Romania to do so.
We were arrested again and accused of human trafficking because two girls we know, we helped them make TikTok videos.
We told them how to be popular on TikTok.
Yes, you heard me correctly.
We helped some of our friends be popular on TikTok.
And that's all on record now.
were supposed to leave victims. Those two girls have come out with videos saying we are not
victims. They've made 10 videos saying we are not victims.
We do not want the Tates in jail.
They have never hurt us. They are our friends. And the state is saying they are brainwashed.
So the current case against me has nobody in the stand against me. The two victims on my side and
the state trying to put me in jail for 10 years for helping my friends make videos on TikTok.
And that's all on record now. Everything you said is on record.
The problem is now you have a government that doesn't want to be proven wrong.
That's why this is so dangerous.
That's right.
That's right.
This is a very important point now.
Romania doesn't want to be proven wrong.
And I don't hold any ill will against Romania.
I have to be honest.
I mean, I've lived here for a very long time.
I know Romania very well.
You've been a big booster of it.
People love it.
I'm a big booster of it.
I'm a big booster of Romania and I know they're traditionally conservatively minded.
I think there's someone else behind this whole game.
I don't want to say too much but I think we all understand what I'm saying.
And I have nothing against Romania and now I have my faith in the Romanian judicial system to be a sovereign nation and resist outside influences and say no, this is garbage and he's never done anything wrong within the borders of our country.
And that's what we're going to see what happens.
Because now we're in a process, a judicial process, it might take six months, it might take two years, I don't know.
I think distance from the event It's probably a tactic that is in the minds of the people who understand that nobody believes this anymore.
But we're going to have to see what happens, and I have to put my faith in God and my faith in the Romanian judicial system.
Because I don't think it's their fault.
I think someone from the outside said, get him!
And they tried very hard but I'm a good person and usually what happens when you investigate someone for 18 months to the level they've investigated me is you find something.
Normally what happens is they find what they want.
The problem with me is they couldn't find anything.
So now we're in this very unique scenario where they've tried very hard they couldn't find what they wanted and we're going to court with absolute garbage and we're going to see how this all plays out but To answer the question, the initial question, I really super appreciate the support.
Please everybody go to CobraTake.com.
My email list is completely free and I keep everybody updated on the case and how they can support me.
All right, I've got a thousand questions in the roughly 45 minutes we've got left here, but where do you want to go next?
That's a really good question.
I'd like to talk about, I personally believe that 2024 is a huge, I think it's going to be Even bigger than culture.
I think it could be the end of Western civilization if it doesn't go the way it's supposed to go.
I really think it's the final chance.
And I don't want to be assassinated, and I certainly would never kill myself, but I think it would be an interesting conversation for us to talk about whether they are going to be able to do again what they did before.
Because if they don't, they're going to lose.
And I think that caged, desperate tigers, cornered tigers, are sometimes the most dangerous.
And I don't know what they have up their sleeve.
What are they going to possibly even try?
Because If we lose in 2024, it's over for the whole idea of democracy, it's over for the whole idea of belief in the system, it's over for the whole Western world, it's over for the dollar, it's over for everything, isn't it?
Watching the election in real time.
Me and Tristan argued about this.
Tristan goes, Trump's gonna kill us.
No, they're gonna rig it.
And even my brother goes, you can't rig the U.S.
I said, watch this.
We're watching it.
For the first time in history, ladies and gentlemen, for the first time in history, never done before, they stop counting.
Oh, a water pipe has burst in Georgia.
Oh, a court ruling in Nevada says that because of the way the polls were done, we need 24 hours for the... Bunch of garbage legislation.
I'm telling you why.
Burst pipes, bullshit.
And then overnight, they open up all the mail-in ballots, and Joe Biden's ahead now.
What's funny is, they opened up the mail-in ballots, and in some states it's 300,000 he was losing by, and they're all 100% for Joe Biden.
300,000 votes, not one for Trump, not one for the independent candidates, all, every single one for Joe Biden.
Okay, I'll show you the graph.
I've shown you a graph which shows, the graph shows, because they're stupid enough, that the graph actually shows the votes, right?
And you can see that at 4am on a random Wednesday, Biden goes straight up.
This is fucking rigging.
This is election rigging.
If you had to flip a coin and get heads 300,000 times in a row, What's the odds of that happening?
Considering that every other state, it was 58%, 56%, 57%,
100% of every single mail-in vote was for Joe Biden.
This is obviously rigged.
You can see it on the graph.
This is a rigging.
And then, we're just getting started, my friend.
So then Trump goes, "This is rigging."
This is the state of Wisconsin, right?
Trump's winning, and bang, this happens at 4 a.m. overnight.
Boom, straight up.
How is that not a rig?
Well, that's right.
The multinational corporations are trying to bring in a global cashless society
and sew it up and make everybody else poor as a tool of control.
Mexico isn't poor because they don't have smart people or resources.
The system decided to keep people poor and have a tiny elite.
America's the only country that consciously decided to try to make everybody wealthy if they worked hard.
That's why everybody came here.
And it seems like only a few areas of Eastern Europe are even trying to embrace that right now.
And it's certainly not perfect, as you know.
But I don't think people realize that everybody says this election is the most important.
But everybody knows, undoubtedly, this is the big one.
This is the big enchilada.
And you're stalwart, not backing down in the face of all this.
Trump's not backing down.
Watching him and four indictments, facing 700 years in jail, totally indicting him in Georgia.
It's in the indictment.
For tweeting about how they shut down the Atlanta County counting facility.
They say, we didn't do that.
They announced it in a press conference and closed it and kept voting.
I mean, even if Trump's got issues and he's not perfect, to watch him being crucified and being so confident, so strong like you, it's not an act.
It's very empowering and a great example to me, but I got to ask you, You seem stronger under attack, and that's got to shake up your enemies.
Well, that's the thing, because they want me to cower or cuck.
What they're trying to do is, because I inspire so many people, if they can break me, they can break the souls of millions of people by extension.
And also what they're trying to do, they're hoping that I will believe I can reason with these psychopaths.
I don't think I can reason with people who hate me.
They hate me.
They hate everything I stand for.
They hate the way I walk.
They hate the way I look.
They hate the way I think.
They hate my ideas.
They hate my relationships with my brother.
They hate my friends.
They hate everything about me.
I have no interest in trying to reason with them.
I'm not going to stand up and say, well, maybe if I talk a little bit softer, they'll be nice to me.
No, I don't operate under that frame.
It's like Churchill.
Churchill said, no, we're not going to negotiate with Hitler.
There's no point in negotiating with this man.
We shall go on to the end.
We shall fight in France.
We shall fight on the seas and oceans.
We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air.
We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be.
We shall fight on the beaches.
We shall fight on the landing grounds.
We shall fight in the fields and in the streets.
We shall fight in the hills.
We shall never surrender!
I'm not here to negotiate with anybody.
If you're going to destroy me, do it.
I'm going to hold my head high.
I'm going to walk into court with my head held high before I get dragged off to jail.
I'm not going to cuck or cower because that's a spiritual loss.
You can do what you want to my body.
You can put me in jail, but you won't break my spirit.
A spiritual victory is enough for me.
I know I'm innocent.
I know I've done nothing wrong.
I know I tell the truth.
I know I help people.
I'm not going to back down or cower or give up.
And Trump knows he's innocent too.
And sometimes in these scenarios where you don't stand a chance, Technically, legally, when you're dealing with the apparatus of man, which has been rigged against you because humans are imperfect, all you can do is look to God and understand the truth of your heart, the truth of your soul, and aim for a spiritual victory.
And you have a spiritual victory of a man, as a man, by having your head held high.
If they were about to shoot me in the head by firing squad, I would go down with my head held high, with a smile on my face!
I'm not gonna fucking cry!
You're gonna shoot me anyway!
You're going to shoot me anyway.
So they're going to do what they're going to do to me and they're going to do what they do to Trump anyway.
The best thing we can do is act like men because that pleases God.
And you know what's funny?
What's funny about the world is if you please God, if you act with honor and integrity and you do the right thing and God likes you, it's amazing how favored you become.
Some people will call it lucky.
I don't call it that.
I call it favored.
When you act the right way, it's amazing what God will give you.
And almost sometimes in impossible odds, you manage to pull it off.
People go, how did they do that?
Because you made God happy.
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I want you to submit to me your vision for your dream life.
Every time I ask somebody what their dream life is, they give a very lazy, sloppy answer.
Well, I want to be rich.
How rich?
What does rich mean?
How much money?
Is it in liquid cash?
Is it in stocks?
Is it in crypto?
In which country is it held?
How do you diversify to protect yourself against matrix attacks?
Who's your accountant?
What's the name of the banks your money's held in?
What are you going to buy?
For you to become rich and successful is going to require pain and suffering.
And you have to understand exactly what your dream life is to make the pain and suffering worthwhile.
Think about it.
Have you ever been to the gym and seen a person in fantastic physical condition?
They're strong, they're ripped, they're large.
And you say to them, how did you get so big and strong?
And they say, I don't know.
Oops, it kind of just happened.
Or have you ever found a really rich man or a very successful man and said, how did you become rich and successful?
And he goes, I don't know, bro.
I just woke up one day and it kind of happened.
And now I'm living my dream life.
No, there is a very detailed plan and roadmap for you to become strong.
You must eat a certain way.
You must train a certain way for you to become rich.
You must earn money a certain way.
You must understand exactly how you're going to make money.
Whether you're going to be a public facing figure like me or a man of the shadows with millions of dollars unknown, but extremely powerful.
You have to design your dream life.
What house are you going to live in?
Who's your woman going to be?
Is she blonde?
Is she brunette?
What car are you going to drive?
Have you even gone on the internet and specced your car?
You can design your dream car right now, for free, on the internet, and you can choose the color.
You can choose the wheels.
You can choose the carbon.
Is it a Lamborghini?
Is it a Ferrari?
Is it a McLaren?
How much does it cost to the dollar?
You talk about your dream life.
You don't even know what your dream life is!
How do you expect to get to a destination when you don't know where you're going?
Do you understand?
I designed my dream life long ago, before I was known, before I had anything.
And I worked very hard with a very concise, very detailed plan to ensure I ended up exactly where I wanted to be.
And you're not going to end up where you want to be if you don't know where it is!
So, for that reason, I want you to submit to me your dream life.
I want you to be as detailed as possible.
Do you have children?
What house are you in?
What your woman looks like?
What's her personality like?
Where did you meet her?
What kind of person is she?
What car do you drive?
Who are your friends?
Who are your network?
What kind of men are you hanging around with?
How are you making money?
Are you known?
Are you not known?
What is your ideal job?
How much money do you want to make a month?
How much money do you have saved?
You have to understand exactly what your dream life is.
This is more than just an exercise in understanding how to become a successful person.
This is an exercise in life.
Without diligent planning, without concise Compendious plans.
The chance of you achieving nearly anything is zero.
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God is watching all of these things.
And these people who think they can just throw people in jail on some garbage are going to see that there is a karmic retribution in the universe and that the truth is on our side.
And I know exactly how Trump feels.
Trump is waking up frustrated, angry, but he sees himself serving a purpose higher than these orchestrated pretend Shakespearean plays, these corrupt systems of man.
And he says, you know what?
I'm going to walk in there and the only person I'm interested And pleasing is God.
I'm gonna walk in there like a man.
That's how it has to be done.
Trump has told me that.
He's told Rodgers Stone that.
He realized this is history.
He didn't know how bad America was screwed up.
And now it's all about being a man and not bowing to these people.
And now that he knows how evil they are, He's even stronger because he knows, no, I'm the good guy.
I want prosperity.
I want freedom.
I'm not, these people are scum and so I'm going in.
It's like a game of chicken and we're not going to turn off the road.
One way or another.
The good guys have always been losing, Alex.
Think about it.
Any video game, you're the good guy.
The boss has more health.
Look at World War II.
England was surrounded by itself.
The good guys have always been losing.
The harder they hammer somebody with a genuine warrior spirit when they know they're telling the truth, it's always been this way since the dawn of human time.
It's never been the good guys have the bad guys completely outnumbered and it's an easy fight for the good guys.
It just doesn't work that way.
It seems to be that evil always has the advantage, but somehow good wins in the end.
It's always been that way and when you know you're on the side of truth, you have to understand that's how it's always been.
You can't be a king without having people try to take your empire.
It's happened to you, it's happened to me, it's happening to Trump.
At every single point in human history, if you were a king and you had lands and you had an empire, there were people outside of your empire prodding the defenses and trying to find a way to attack you and chop your head off.
If you're going to tell the truth and be a king with an empire, they're going to come for you.
You either have to shut up and work at Starbucks to take your injections, or you can wake up and be a man and understand that war is certain, battle is certain, victory is certain if you believe in God, and there's going to be times where it's going to be rough.
There's going to be temporary losses in the battle, but we can win the war, and this is how it has to be done.
Well, absolutely, and we're totally simpatico because we're telling the truth here.
Right before you went on that incredible Lay out there that you just did, that grand slam.
I was about to say, because I've read the writings of George Washington, his hundreds of letters, they're in the Library of Congress.
It's incredible.
Talk about the Illuminati and just it's amazing.
I mean, I read basically all of them that I could read.
Some are so blurred you can't read them.
But there's been books published with them reposted.
And he literally gave the same speech you just said.
Six-year war with the greatest empire the world's ever seen.
No one had beaten them.
They beat Napoleon just a few years later.
And George Washington said, they're in the wrong.
They're enslaving us.
I'm going to persevere.
I'm not going to back down.
Good is always outnumbered at first.
I trust in God.
There's a famous paintings that have been done of George Washington praying in the snow.
Because he would really sometimes pray for like hours.
They'd come into his tent and be praying.
And he had a vision that they would win.
He went five and a half years, total defeat, but persevered.
And then all of a sudden, they won every battle after that.
All of a sudden, there was wind in their sails.
All of a sudden, everything cleared.
And he was One of the richest men in America at that point, self-made, despite the fact the Lords tried to block him and stuff, and he spent his whole fortune on the war.
He paid the troops the first few years.
They put him as a general because he'd bankroll it, and they literally A third of the people in the Declaration of Independence got put in prison or killed.
Their families put on prison ships.
They went through hell.
But man, the victory was that much sweeter.
And it's exactly what you just said.
Good is never the big powerful thing in Satan's world.
We're always the upstart.
We're always the ragtag band.
We're always the rebels.
And that's what defines us.
But for each one of our men, one of our men is worth a hundred of theirs.
Absolutely, because we have genuine conviction.
And that's why it's interesting.
We can tie this back to something we said earlier.
You just named how George Washington paid the troops and it's so interesting.
This is why they're trying to control all the money.
It's kind of funny.
I got told by somebody, I won't say who, but they come to me and they said, Andrew, the reason that they are so threatened by you.
It's because you are a genuine attack on the educational system of nations.
The reason they talk about you in British schools to not listen to you is because you're teaching young boys to learn things that actually matter, to actually change their lives and how to make money online, how to become financially successful.
I have 16, 17 year old kids in my programs making more than their teachers and they're threatened by that because when you have money you can resist.
There's another big thing we don't talk about.
In fact, a lot of mainstream conservatives, which I don't even bother mentioning them, attacked me saying I'm materialistic.
I said, listen, if you want to fight a war, you need money.
You need money to fight a war.
I want all of my fans to be as rich and strong as possible, because that makes them good soldiers.
It's very hard to resist a vaccine if you need to go to work to pay the rent.
You need money to resist these things.
That's another thing that's very important.
I don't think it's mentioned often enough.
That's why they're trying to control global finance and trying to restrict it so heavily, because they need all of us absolutely- No, I totally agree.
Just interject here.
Yeah, the Clinton Foundation, not their Global Foundation, but their National Library, WorldNetDaily sued them like 10 years ago, took years to get it.
They got millions of documents in foyer, and the number one thing when the Clintons came in, the Carnegie Endowment, And the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the CIA was, we can't let conservatives or nationalists or nuclear families have money because they are intrinsically common sense and conservative and they'll form their own communities.
And they listed a few little film producing companies and a few magazine companies that were conservative and said, we've got to shut them down.
Little companies because they knew the acorn would grow into a mighty tree.
And exactly right.
One good thing the left is really powerful at is flooding money into their causes, because they know.
Then they guilt us for trying to build up capital to fight them.
And exactly, if George Washington, as a teenager, hadn't gone out and risked his life being a surveyor into the western frontier and been in a bunch of battles before he was even commissioned in the militia, and then later in the military for the British, He would not have been that rich man, literally self-made.
And that's why he was so pissed at the British, because you had to go to a lord to sell a piece of property, or to bring in a ship, or to bring in products.
He got tired of literally inbred, retarded British lords getting a piece of his money.
And so, when he had that money, He then bet it all on the craps table for America, and so he wasn't just the general, he was the financier.
And that's what it's about.
He wouldn't have had that money that he literally made as a teenager and a young man, risking his life.
Because the French, it's in a few books, he never bragged about it.
George Washington was out there with a tomahawk and a gun, killing people every day trying to stop him surveying land.
And you can say, oh, he's a conqueror, oh, he's a usurper.
Well, he was out there fighting badass Native Americans.
I mean, he wasn't playing games.
So the point was, is that this guy was like Conan the Barbarian, but they didn't have movies, the internet back then.
We don't know all the stuff he did.
So we had to go out and literally make this treasure, do this, then lead our country to its birth and victory.
That is a top gangster.
Yeah, absolutely!
And this is another thing, and I say to people when they say, how do we win this war?
I say, it's a spiritual war, you need to believe in God, you need to be a good person, you need to be physically strong, mentally strong, and you need to work as hard as possible, and become financially successful!
The left have money, because they print money!
They print money!
So, of course they have money!
And we talk about...
I have to mention this here, some mainstream conservatives, I don't know who a lot of these people are because they're all clowns and they're all opposition anyway, but they were attacking me for being materialistic.
You just talked about how George Washington needed money to save America.
The reason young boys listen to me is because I have a private jet and a bunch of fancy cars and a big house.
The reason I can inspire young men to get up and work hard and be diligent and be hardworking and disciplined is because I have such a fantastic life.
If I didn't have these things, they wouldn't be inspired by me.
And money is what it takes to win wars.
What are we sending to Ukraine?
We're sending money!
So to sit there and say as conservatives, we shouldn't be materialistic.
You're just buying into the garbage that the left want.
They don't want any of us to have any kind of finance.
Because when you have no finance, it's easy to bankrupt you.
Listen, Alex, when I was the most Googled man in the world, do you think I weren't approached by a bunch of mainstream companies?
I'm the most Googled man in the world amongst one of the most profitable demographics on the planet.
Young men from 15 to 35.
I was offered $30 million, $25 million, $45 million to sell my soul.
To shut up about certain subjects and be sponsored by X company.
I was offered unlimited money to be quiet and I said no.
Because I already have money.
You can't buy a man who already has money.
And that's another thing they're very afraid of.
They're afraid of people who are self-financed.
That's one of the reasons they're afraid of Trump.
He doesn't need your stupid donors.
He doesn't need your garbage.
He has his own money.
And that's another thing you have to be very, very careful of and understand in this war.
It's a spiritual war, but it's also a very financial war.
They want the conservatives flat broke, because then there's very little we can do.
What you said is so powerful, and we're totally simpatico, because that's exactly what I was thinking of.
$170 million, at least in Ukraine.
Money is fuel in your tank.
Money is the symbol of energy that allows you to have mobility.
Your dad was a world champion chess player.
I know you're a great chess player.
I'm a terrible one, but I understand the game.
If you couldn't move your pieces, you could never even play the game.
So imagine if the chess pieces didn't even have energy to move.
That's where they want us.
Isolated, back to the pot.
Absolutely, back to the pod.
So this is what we have to do to truly win this war.
I believe spiritually people's minds are awakening and they're starting to understand all the MSM does is lie.
Then what we have to do is make sure that everybody who follows us genuinely feels an absolute increase in the living conditions and they feel more positive and they feel more disciplined and hard-working in their life, their real life outside of the internet.
Actually improves and the third thing is I believe I have a responsibility to try and make every single person who believes in me and follows me Helping them in every way possible and one of them is financial.
I think that's the way we win this war I think that when all of the capital is owned by people who are sensible that it's gonna be a lot harder for them to enslave us and unfortunately right now the capital is owned by people who are only interested in control and when you want to control people you have to remove their sensibilities and Because if someone has sensibilities, they have parameters.
They have limits.
If you don't want people with limits, if you're in charge of the world, you want to control everybody, you want to remove their sensibilities so they have no limit, so you can tell them some absolute garbage.
You can tell them to put a mask on and stay in their house and be afraid of the coming cold.
That's what you want.
So we need to make sure the people with sensibilities are as well-funded as possible, are as physically strong as possible, and are as spiritually strong as possible, and are brave!
And that's why people like Trump and I and you, we have a duty to God to live by example, to show that you can approach these situations with bravery.
You have to be a man about all of this.
Otherwise, you may as well just go get in the pod and pray they don't kill you.
Gut level.
I asked you the question earlier and you elaborated on it, but you didn't specifically answer because the question was three minutes long.
Is humanity winning right now or are we at a stalemate?
Where would you say we are?
I do believe That there's been a shift in consciousness and I do believe we are winning.
However, I can give two answers.
I can give a very positive answer and I can also give a pessimistic answer.
No, give us both.
That's the way the world works.
It's always two directions.
Yeah, so my pessimistic answer is as follows.
I believe the people who are in charge of the world are genuinely in charge of the entire world.
I believe they set up structures that allow one populace to benefit off the exploitation of another populace.
I believe that the populace which is exploited is usually the most ignorant one.
And I think that As we awaken, and as things shift, and perhaps we don't adhere to the type of life they want us to live, as we become a thorn in their sides, they're going to rewrite the rules, and instead of exploiting other countries for the benefit of the West, they're going to start exploiting the West for the benefit of other countries, and they're simply going to shift their global finance, and they're going to shift their base of operations.
Totally agree!
Reverse colonialism!
Reverse colonialism.
They have no problem watching Africa burn for Europe to get rich.
And most people don't understand, they also have no problem watching Europe burn for Africa to get rich.
They have no problem flipping the script.
They have no problem letting Europe burn.
They let it get rich off Africa, now they'll let Africa get rich off of burning Europe.
They have no problem with that.
And reverse colonialism, I think, is something that's really going to happen in the next 20 to 30 years.
As we wake up, and as we don't want to adhere to their garbage anymore, and as we have higher standards for ourselves, they're going to sit and go, ah, these people think they're smart.
Okay, we'll make them the serfs, and we'll just build up our lives somewhere else in Asia or the Middle East.
I think the Middle East is going to be the most powerful area for the next 50 to 60 years, personally, is what I believe.
But I think that's the pessimistic answer.
The positive answer is, ultimately, I do believe we have control.
I think the population has control.
I think that the closer we get to sensibility and truth and honor is also the closer we get to God.
I think that when enough of us band together and resist, it doesn't actually take as many people as you think to inspire the general population to stop adhering to these slave principles.
And I do believe that a new age for the West is coming.
I think that we are in a much better position than we were three or four short years ago.
But I do also think a lot pins on 2024.
So it's very interesting the situation we're in.
It's actually very interesting.
Well, I got to say this.
I'm very thankful to Paul Watson.
I've known for 21 years for introducing me to you like six years ago.
And you've come to Austin.
Are they trying to hit Paul?
Are they?
Are they trying to hit Paul with the same?
That they're hitting me with?
Yeah, I don't want to.
Well, yes, they are.
So it really hasn't broke yet.
I mean, no, it's well, it's broke, so we can talk about it.
I mean, obviously, Paul's a tall, muscular, good-looking dude like you.
Literally, I've known Paul for 21 years.
He's been here many times, been in Europe with him.
Women throw themselves at him.
And they have talked to, he's a successful guy, hundreds of women.
And it looks like they found one.
So, yeah, they're trying the same thing.
It's all it takes.
It's all it takes.
You offer 100 women a bribe, one of them with no soul or a bone to pick.
It's all it takes.
It's insane.
It's scary.
Well, it's their tactics.
But I'm very glad Paul introduced me to you when you were already successful and champion in fighting and TV shows and things, but you've exploded since then.
But I've got to say, you are definitely Andrew Tate 2.0.
You were always a great interviewer, one of the best.
I've got to say, man, what you're saying What you're doing is about the best thing I've heard.
I mean, I think you're even topping Tucker Carlson right now with your understanding and rhetoric.
So congratulations.
And I guess that's what we've been told in history is a man's got to go through the fire like a sword to get even that stronger.
Is that how you're feeling?
Thank you, sir.
I super appreciate that.
And yeah, absolutely.
It's certainly very true.
I believe that it's pain that teaches.
I don't believe men especially can learn any way besides pain.
We talk about learning a lesson the easy way or the hard way, and I'll tell you something.
We've all been offered chances to learn a lesson the easy way our entire lives.
And guess what?
We didn't learn anything and we kept doing it.
You could see it with, it's natural, intrinsic inside of men.
You'll see a man drive a car too fast and almost crash a hundred times.
And he won't learn his lesson until he's crashed that car.
We only learn things the hard way.
It's only pain that can teach a man.
Every single time something bad happens to me, that's how I see it.
I see it as God teaching me to make me more wise, more formidable, a more capable opponent.
And that's how you have to approach life.
Otherwise, how else can I make sense of all the things I've been through?
And certainly I'm not a, I don't read very much.
I don't study that often.
Everything I talk about are just things I've learned from observation.
And it's kind of interesting that the world's really not that complicated.
The world's only ever been about one thing and always ever will be.
It's about power.
It doesn't matter if you're talking about a relationship between a man and a woman.
It doesn't matter if you're talking about global economic policy.
It doesn't matter if you're talking about a war in Ukraine.
It doesn't matter what you're talking about.
The world's always ever been about power.
That's all it's gonna be about to the end of human time.
And they'll put all these other masks on it.
They'll pretend it's about humanity and pretend it's about caring about your.
Race or your nationality or all these other things but truthfully at the bottom line of all of it is power and it's people try to put together structures where they feel as empowered as possible so they can protect themselves and protect the people they care about.
I'm not going to hide the fact that I want our team to have as much power as possible.
And the other side, the liars, those who live under the veil of deception, they're only interested in power.
It's always been a power struggle since the beginning of time.
Then you look at power.
How do you get power over people?
Well, you influence them.
So now it's a battle for influence.
Why are they attacking me?
Because I have influence.
I can influence the populace.
They offered me money to sell my soul and I said no.
I am no longer wanted in this game.
I am a wild card that they're not interested in.
It's always been about influence.
It doesn't matter if you take tanks to a pitched battle in Ukraine and fight a pitched battle or it doesn't matter if you lie on MSM.
It's all the same thing.
It's about trying to get influence over people's minds to control how they think because then you can control how they act which gives you power.
That's the bottom line of how the entire world works.
So when you sit here and some politician stands up and says, I care so much about the planet.
I think the sun is too hot.
Stay in your house and give me all your money.
It's nothing to do with the sun.
It's about power.
Well, you said it, and I think there's another part of that equation.
What is the destiny?
What is the architecture?
What is the worldview of the individual?
And then how much power can they get to manifest that vision?
So power is the energy source, or use a silly I never played Dungeons and Dragons, but I've read about it.
Strike power or whatever.
So power is energy and how much you're able to build, how much building material you have.
Then there is destiny and culture and will and the type of system you want to expand.
And then that's where culture comes in.
And we see the globalists selling the most ugly garbage you could ever imagine because they don't want to inspire the general public.
Because they know coming out of the general public is always the inventors, the scientists, the leaders, the trailblazers that have always overturned the corrupt, decadent, inbred elites when they have fulfilled They're at war against us.
What is the primary objective of war?
The primary objective of war is to destroy your enemy's capability to resist.
That's the only objective.
What is war?
I must destroy my enemy's capability to resist.
It doesn't matter if you do that with a tomahawk missile.
It doesn't matter if you do that with the stroke of a pen and a law.
It doesn't matter if you do that with a mainstream media propaganda machine.
By destroying your opponent's enemy to resist, Your capability to resist, that is how you win a war.
So when they're trying to make us depressed, and weak, and stupid, and ignorant, and fearful, they are destroying our capability to resist.
They are at war against us.
They don't need to shoot us with guns to be a warrior.
That's right.
Their number one mission is to make us poor so they can control us and isolate us and make us depressed.
And you said something about 20 minutes ago.
That when I heard it was such an incredible truth, and I'm going to use it as a slogan now and give you credit, I've never heard anyone say it, I've heard it said other ways about the private Federal Reserve and the IMF and the World Bank and the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers that they control the printing press, but it's really true.
The left prints the money.
The left is financed with printed money.
They print, the left controls the printing of money.
And so that's why they want to say, oh, how dare you sell products, or how dare you sell self-help stuff, or how dare you sell anything.
We're all bad.
We're all evil, because we have, you know, one billionth of the money they've stolen through fraud, like magicians.
They produce nothing, and now they look at all the wealth we've produced upstream, swimming against the current.
And they say, oh, carbon taxes and regulations.
We're going to shut all that down and make you only operate through us.
And we're right back where George Washington was 250 years ago.
You just nailed it.
And they and if they control the money, they control the pipeline to shut you off.
And once again.
What is the primary objective of war?
To destroy your enemy's capability to resist.
You can't make money, you can't resist.
And that's exactly what they're interested in.
I don't think most people understand that.
There are wars happening on every single level, against our own populaces, and against, and our, and our countries try to fight other populaces at the exact same time.
PSYOP is a war.
PSYOP is a war.
Laws being passed that prevent you from living a full life is a war.
It doesn't matter if it's a bullet or a stroke of a pen.
If they destroy your capability to resist, then you are being defeated in a war.
That's all war ever is, and life is war.
We are fighting a war right now, and there is a war against our minds.
They don't want anybody to be rich and brave.
Those two things, rich, brave, opinionated.
If you're those three things, you're a target for the system.
That's right.
Wealthy means mobility.
It means independence.
And oh, it's okay.
You know, the global is still trillions of dollars.
That's okay.
But if you try to teach young men and other people to be successful, you're the bad guy.
So let's, in the 20-30 minutes we've got left here with Andrew Tate, shift gears into some of the other facets of this world.
If you pull back And think about when this interview ends and the points you wish you would have made.
What are those points?
It's a really good question.
And I really hope, I hope when people watch me, what I truly hope is because we all live different lives and we have different life paths.
And I think that the truth is always somewhere in the middle.
I'm not saying I'm 100% correct.
And I'm not, you know, I do believe my enemies are 100% wrong.
However, there's truth is always gonna be somewhere in the middle.
And I like hearing different opinions.
I love hearing people who disagree with me, who agree with me, who agree with me with a slightly different caveat with other points to add.
I think my primary objective is to inspire people to stand up and speak and be unapologetic in what they believe and to make sure they work hard enough in life and go through enough pain so they've learned enough lessons so their opinions are not just waffle but they're based on real world experiences.
And I really hope everyone at home watching this feels better afterwards and understands that.
We only live once.
And on your deathbed, you're going to regret all the things you did not say.
I don't think you're going to regret the things you said nearly as much as you're going to regret the things you did not say.
And you're also going to regret all the times you did not take the brave choice.
If you're not sure what to do, you should take the brave option.
And I think on your deathbed, you'll always be glad you were brave.
And I have that peace in my heart, even when they throw me in a Romanian jail.
I know I always took the brave choice.
I never took the coward's way out.
I never took the easy way out.
Because that hurts your soul.
And you're not just a person, you're also a spiritual being and you need to do things which benefit your spirit.
And it's amazing what a spirit of fire and genuine Capability gives you it's something which is tangible it can be seen it can be felt it can be heard And that's all comes from doing the brave thing so I think that I hope everybody at home feels energized I hope they make the brave choice I hope they believe what they say and say what they believe and I hope they stand up for themselves And I think that alone along with belief in God is enough to fix many of the problems.
We're discussing in society today incredible and again This isn't like simping here, you know, to another dude, but I really do admire people that have courage under adversity.
We go watch movies like Bridge over the River Kwai, based on some of the things that happened in World War II.
It's historical fiction, where the Japanese are trying to break the soldiers and they don't break.
We admire those people.
Well, I mean, I've been following you for many years and, you know, watch your fights and your training and all of it, but most people go into prison and shrivel up.
I think it's smaller.
You get out of the jail after three months in solitary confinement, being fed God knows what, and you're not a Roy guy.
You can tell you're a real muscle.
You look like what Arnold Schwarzenegger wished he would have when you came out of that tiny cell.
I've never seen anything like that.
You look like just an absolute Spartan king charging out of there.
What in the hell did you do in there?
Endless push-ups.
Thousands a day.
And this is the truth about my message as a whole.
God is going to test you and he's going to see if you really are the man you say you are.
It's easy to say you're a tough guy, then God's going to put you in a position where you get a chance to prove you're a tough guy.
I didn't miss a single day's training.
I did not miss a single day's push-ups in that cell.
I wasn't too depressed to train.
I wasn't too sad to train, too anxious to train, too frustrated to train.
I trained endlessly every single day.
And it's interesting you talk about movies because it's true.
Every single hero in every single movie goes through adversity.
There's never been a hero movie where all he does is win.
To be a hero, you have to suffer.
And this can be extrapolated out, not just about my life, but about all men out there.
If you're suffering in some degree, even if you're a normal guy with a normal job, and you're suffering at your job, or you have your heart broken because your girl left you, or whatever.
If you're suffering, that's part of your hero's journey.
There is no hero's journey without suffering.
If you have an easy life the whole way through, you never get to be a hero.
That's the whole point of being a man, is that you're supposed to suffer.
You're supposed to eat pain for breakfast.
You're supposed to come and grow into a better version of yourself.
That's exactly what life's supposed to be about as a man, and another thing I want to say when you mention that movie that inspired, that popped in my head, I find it amazing that men will sit and watch movies about prisoners of war in Japan, or watch movies about men who go to war and risk their lives, or watch all these hero movies, and they have admiration for the hero, and they believe themselves to be some version of a hero, and then they're too afraid to say no to putting on a mask.
If you're not going to say no to putting on a mask, don't watch hero movies anymore.
Because you're certainly not a hero.
You are one of the villains.
You're not even one of the important villains.
You're not even one of the villains with a name.
You're the stupid little henchmen who get beaten up.
Those guys who are on screen for a flash of a second and die without consequence.
Nobody even cares or mentions them again.
Their family don't even get to give them a funeral.
They're nobodies.
You're a nobody villain!
You're not even an important one!
The important villains, we know their names.
You're a number, you're not a name.
If you're gonna watch superhero movies, don't put a mask on your fucking face.
And if you wanna be a superhero in life, you need to understand that for 80% of the movie, you're gonna suffer.
For 80% of the movie, you're going to lose!
Watch any superhero movie.
For 80% of the movie, it is nothing but pain and frustration and difficulty.
And when your life is that way, you have a chance to grow into something fantastic and you should thank God for every difficult thing he puts in your path.
No, I agree, but perhaps you should put the solitary confinement workout book out.
I'm serious, because we're going to fight it in post.
I saw it like a day after you came out, you were working out and like you had a Schwarzenegger arms before you were really built, you know, a boxer, fighter.
So you were, I mean, what, I mean, I mean, you could tell it wasn't juice muscle.
Obviously they weren't giving you juice in there.
It was like, you got like, what the hell, what was your regimen in there?
Yeah, so I knew the guards were watching me, and I'm stubborn, and I believe that every time I did push-ups and they saw me doing them, I believed in my heart it annoyed them.
And I am a very stubborn man, because they wanted me to be sad and broken.
Every time they saw me, I was sweating and training.
And every single time they'd check, they saw nothing but a lion who refused to stop doing push-ups.
They didn't want to do push-ups.
They were too lazy.
They're sitting around.
They're the guards They're not doing anything and every single time they checked me for weeks and weeks and weeks All I did was train and I found the motivation to do it by knowing that it bothered them that I refused to quit I'm stubborn like that.
I and I don't even know if it's true All I know is that I can adopt a mental model which makes me as competitive as possible and I decided my push-ups bothered them and they were the ones who were keeping me locked in a room so I will do push-ups after How many did you do a day?
to do pushups for me, I did pushups at them, endlessly.
If I was awake, I was doing pushups, or I was resting, preparing for my next set, at them.
It was my only weapon of defiance.
How many did you do a day?
1,500, 1,600 a day.
Oh my God.
Man, I remember feeling sorry for you and worried about you, and then I saw you, when you boiled out of there,
I was like, what the hell?
I gotta find the photos, but you know what I'm talking about,
you had arms that big, dude.
Your arms went from this to like this.
I mean, God almighty.
Think about a superhero movie.
A man is unfairly imprisoned in a Romanian jail cell and trained so hard he emerges stronger than ever before.
That is a movie!
You get to live a movie as a man if all you had was some balls!
Even you!
Think about your movie!
You're literally saving the world, predicting the future!
Our movies, I'm the most Googled man alive.
We are living movie scripts.
Because we have bravery.
Most men sit there and wonder why they're depressed because you don't get to live a movie.
You're not the main character of anything.
You're not even a secondary character in anyone else's movie.
You're an unimportant nobody because you were afraid your entire life.
You've lived like a coward your whole life.
You were afraid of what might happen if you have some balls.
And then you wonder why you're depressed.
I'd be depressed if I was you.
Of course, your life sucks.
I'd rather go to jail as me than live free as you.
Because when you're free, you can't even do anything.
You can't go where you want.
You're broke.
You can't have sex.
Girls don't want you.
You can't speak because no one listens.
So what are you free to do?
You're more in jail than I ever was.
When I was in jail, I was getting thousands of love letters from beautiful women around the world.
Every single tweet I put out was watched by millions of people.
I wasn't in jail.
I was still- Well, let's be clear.
Not millions.
Fifty to a hundred million.
Stop playing it down.
50 to 100, yeah, 50 to 100 million people, exactly!
Most of these people who have lived with cowardice in an attempt to preserve their freedom aren't even free!
And that's what they don't understand, they're enslaved worse than I ever have been or ever will be!
My mind is free!
I'm allowed to think what I want to think and say what I want to say!
They have thoughts and they go, hmm, don't know if I should say that.
They second-guessed themselves.
They're their own worst enemy.
Every single part of me is on my team.
I have enemies who want me dead.
But every single part of me, my mind, my hands, my legs, every single part of me is on my team.
My body doesn't second-guess itself.
My mind doesn't turn on itself.
We don't break and self-sabotage.
There's no civil wars inside of Andrew Tate.
All of us against you.
All of us.
So what would your advice be to President Trump?
I have absolute respect for how he's handling it.
I think that he needs to understand, I think he now does understand that you can't reason with unreasonable people.
I think perhaps in his last presidency he tried to be reasonable with savages and God willing he will win again and he will be far more strict with issuing justice against those who are deceptive and live with lying intent.
I really am praying for him.
I think everybody understands what he's going through, truly everybody.
But the moral arc of the universe does bend towards truth, and I pray in the end everything will work out well for him.
I agree with you on that.
What do you think about the Ukraine-Russia situation?
Yeah, that's a very interesting one.
It's incredible to me.
You know, and this is one of the subjects I have to be careful I talk about, because I'm right on the border.
It's literally a few hours away.
So I have to be very careful what I say, but I will just make one comment.
When we pulled out of Afghanistan, I said to Tristan, but they need a war.
And Tristan goes, where?
I was like, I don't know, but they need one.
They need one somewhere, because that's how it works.
And it's kind of like a metaphor for life.
It's funny, we pulled out of Afghanistan, was it three weeks later?
Didn't take long.
A few emails, boom, new war.
You need a war, right?
And because I have to be careful what I say about the war specifically, even though I think that sums it up, I think most people understand exactly what I'm saying, because I'm on the border of Ukraine, I will say that it's also a fantastic metaphor for life.
I don't think war ever ends, it just changes, it just moves.
And if you're a man and you're going through something in your life, you think, ah, everything will be fine once this is over.
You'll learn that the war has ended in one place and it started again somewhere else and that war never ends and we're in a constant state of war.
I sit around my brother and we talk about, man, when this is over and we finally beat this case, we're going to be so happy.
But I think there'll be a new war.
I think there'll be a new case or a new problem or a new difficulty or a new struggle or new pain.
This is never going to end.
So war never ends.
It just shifts and just moves.
And I think, unfortunately, As Afghanistan ended somewhere had to be chosen and it's not necessarily about what's right or what's wrong or what's just it's just about the fact that it's a very unfortunate reality of this world that sometimes people just die and they don't even really know why and that's what's happening in Ukraine.
Let's talk about your brother.
I have seen him really kicking ass out there and he's an amazing guy.
Let's talk about Tristan.
I have the best brother on the planet.
And he's the best brother on the planet because we are a team and we are a truly unbreakable team.
And we've always been a team.
I can't imagine, there's never been a point in our lives we were not a team.
We've been a team since the absolute beginning.
And two brothers are worth ten men.
Two brothers are worth ten friends.
And that's just how we are as men and we approach everything together.
He has said to me repeatedly, they better not put you in jail without me.
They better put us both in jail.
If you're going to jail, I'm going to jail.
I was about to say, you couldn't see your brother, you couldn't talk to him at every... What was it like in jail?
Let's talk about that.
And then not seeing your brother that you're so close to... Talk about that.
Yeah, for a long time we were not together.
Then we ended up in the same cell for a while.
I think we all know why that was done.
I think if people who understand how ops work understand why they wanted us in the same room.
So we were in the same room for a little while.
So they were courting you?
You said it, Alex.
But, yeah, it's kind of interesting because we drew strength from the fact that we knew the other was being strong at all times, and that gives you an incredible source of strength.
Like, I knew he was being a man, and he knew I was being a man.
And it's amazing what groupthink can do.
We talked about how destructive it can be in regards to how it can destroy civilization.
But the reverse is even more powerful.
When enough men get in a room and get pissed off, we'll charge at machine guns.
It's amazing what you can do to the male psyche.
When you have men around you who are brave, we can literally go over the top of the trench.
It's incredible what can happen.
So that's the biggest source of strength for me and my brother.
We'll walk in the same room, give each other a nod, don't even say a word, and we're instantly ready to die because we've always been that way.
And I only like hanging around with men who think that way.
And that's why another reason, if you want to apply it to society, one of the reasons they attack masculine friendships so heavily and try and make out like men shouldn't be friends and being friends with men is gay and all this garbage.
They try and destroy it because they want men lonely.
Because as a lonely man, you're much easier to kill.
By the way, that's a key thing.
They make that joke because you love and promote Ming-Ming Strong and you love your brother.
They call you gay.
How sick claiming someone loves their brother is that these people are sick.
They don't know the strength of male camaraderie.
They don't know the strength of kinship.
They don't even have any idea because the left are almost all completely alone.
Like you said, they don't have it.
That's why they hate us because they ain't got it.
Absolutely, and Misery loves company so they try to drag us down to their level.
And it's amazing where if you get nine brave men in a room and one coward, that coward will probably still do the brave thing.
He doesn't want to be seen as the only coward in the room.
Peer pressure is real in both directions, both up and down.
A downward spiral is real because people adhere to groupthink, but so is an upwards tornado.
of truth and justice is also real if people adhere to groupthink.
So that's why bravery is so important and that's why masculine friendship is so important.
I can't be a coward, my brother won't let me.
He can't be a coward, I won't let him.
And it's a feedback loop.
And don't you feel that towards your ancestors?
Because any time fear even creeps in, I think, my ancestors were bad sons of bitches.
I'm not even thinking about family.
I'm thinking about my ancestors.
When I'm going to go all the way, I'm thinking, no, I don't come from scum.
I come from warriors.
I'm not backing down.
Absolutely, and they suffered endlessly for me to exist!
Think of all the things they went through so that we could even breathe and talk, and I'm gonna use my time on Earth to be a coward and second-guess myself and be afraid to tell the truth?
Why did my ancestors fight and die then?
For what?
For me to be born and put a mask on?
Is that it?
And sit around in a closet apartment, and the left's all pedophiles?
This is disgusting!
And that's what they want.
And most men, this is the thing that's very important.
It's the final act of destroying masculinity is that a lot of men no longer have shame.
You have no shame left.
You should be too ashamed to be a coward.
You should be too ashamed to do the wrong thing.
Where's your shame?
Well, we destroy that, right?
We destroy that even in schools with men and stuff.
I'll tell you something.
My brother can shame me into doing something.
He can shame me, he can call me a pussy or a coward, and I'll stand up and say, no I'm not, and I'll do the brave thing.
Shame works for men sometimes.
I say to men all the time, men come to me and say, I can't get a girlfriend.
I say, it's because you're a loser!
You are a loser!
Change that fact!
Come to me and prove to me you're not a loser.
I will shame him, and he will react to it, and his life will improve.
But now we have men with no shame.
They'll walk around with no shame at all.
And then we wonder why we have a whole bunch of cowards.
Cowardice is always the easy choice, but you should feel too much shame to take it.
That's the problem.
I saw you tweet the other day, and we'll put it on screen later in post.
We're taping this.
But you said, I miss the nightmares.
I miss the torture.
But don't miss it too much.
We don't want to put you in prison.
But I think that was actually, from what you said, a true statement that you're strong outside jail, but you were almost lusting for the crucible again.
When I left jail, I had very bad nightmares.
For a long time, I couldn't sleep at all.
And I was using all that time to obviously be productive.
I'm not going to be the kind of person who lays in bed doing nothing.
I was training hard.
I was working.
I was doing as much as possible.
And over time, my mind has healed itself.
I never took any drugs.
I never went to a psychotherapist.
I never cried about it.
I never tried to... While I need sleep... Your brain was wargaming it, and that's what I have.
I love my nightmares because they make me stronger.
My brain was going through endless scenarios in my subconscious, and my brain was going through them all, and I decided that if God decides I need nightmares right now, then I'm going to take my nightmares, and if I wake up, I'm going to go to the gym.
That's it!
I'm not going to cry about it or be a bitch.
And now, over time, my mind has healed itself without any help.
Oh my God, brother.
I love my nightmares.
I used to hate them 20 years ago.
I now know it's a war game.
I enjoy them.
Now I'm sleeping soundly, and I'm angry!
I'm getting less done!
I have less time!
I'm sleeping!
I'm like, where's- give me my nightmares back!
I wanna train like I was training!
I was up all night!
I was living 24 hour days!
Give me my nightmares back!
Now I'm living sleeping soundly, and that's the thing!
It's the mental shift!
It's the semantic shift!
I'm supposed to be afraid of these nightmares!
I'm supposed to want them to go away!
Well, I want them back!
Now what?
Now what are you gonna do?
You're gonna put me in a jail cell?
You're gonna give them back to me?
You're gonna give me what I want?
Give them to me!
I, my life was, I was far more productive.
I was a more capable predator with my nightmares.
So I want them back.
I'm furious.
My mind's healed itself.
Luckily, I believe God's going to give me another event at some point in my life.
It's going to damage me again, which is going to allow me to once again, enjoy those sleepless nights.
I'm not afraid of pain.
I'm not afraid of any of it, Alex.
I've never been afraid of any of it.
So I don't know what they're going to do to me besides put a bullet in my head.
Cause I'm not scared.
I've been on there 29 years.
This is the most amazing interview I've ever done.
Hands down, because we're simpatico, because I've been through a lot of trauma, so have you.
And instead of being victims, we realize it made us stronger, and we're finishing each other's sentences, which other men out there that have been taught to be victims and get into it and all this, And I'm not saying I'm the toughest guy around physically or anything, but I mentally have been through a lot.
And it's so empowering once you embrace the mission.
And that's how we're, we didn't talk before this other short call yesterday and some text messages.
We are literally finishing each other's sentences because this is the path of the man.
This is the path of the warrior.
This is the path of the humans.
This is the path of the leader.
This is the path of victory.
Yo crime boss.
Cuff him, cuff him.
Inna mouth pon dem black in one custom.
Jack 3, but a dem a kill 2.
Me must come back, pon number.
Bunga dem a chop lumber.
A nuhm sat, flick it up in no culture.
Pon a jump, a den a bat.
Gun nung the opps run.
4 rifleman, you nah run from a cops gun.
200 shenmen dem run nung the mack blood.
Hand and a 50 gait dem pon di spot.
Be the common, never left the custom.
Rifle sound like Kool-Aid when it touch nung.
Mek brain fly, ma raw for touch grung.
Teak man no left the Celtic when it was long.
See none of us life style pon di block.
We got gun shipment over 80.
Pon di boat, we got pon.
This man got the bunga pon di line.
It a run.
Kip, shup, sell his store, the money off his tongue.
When castles towered over vast landscapes and knights championed honor and valor, there
came an unforeseen darkness.
Amidst this impending doom stood a knight called Alex Jones, a brave and outspoken herald known as the Truth Sayer.
Alex Jones was not alone.
In his most desperate hour in the battle against evil, a radiant light descended from the heavens.
God, in all his glory and his legion of angels, stood by Alex's side.
The battle raged on, but with every blow, Alex Jones' conviction grew stronger.
With every truth he proclaimed, the demonic forces faltered.
When the enemy was vanquished, Alex Jones swore a solemn oath that should the realm need him again, he would return.
And now it's Alex Jones leading a full frontal assault on the satanic New World Order.
Tune in at InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
It's the path of man, it's the path of victory, and it's the only path to truce.
It's the only path to genuine happiness in your heart.
There's one path!
There's one!
That's the reason we're finishing each other's sentences.
There is one path to happiness, and that is masculine strength, and that is eating pain for breakfast and becoming a better person.
The flavor of life is pain.
You try to change the flavor, you're gonna end up disappointed, you're gonna end up weak, you're gonna end up miserable.
Accept the flavor and learn to love it.
That's the only path to genuine competence and happiness within yourself as a man.
Let's, in the few minutes we have left, and I appreciate your time today, talk about common sense things for young people watching, or old people watching, anybody watching, to transcend the diversions, the distractions.
Men and women trained to fight each other.
It's a real fight, but it's stupid.
How do we fix that?
Black on white, how do we fix that?
How does somebody start the first steps, and take your time here, Because I'm going to have my earpiece in and I'm going to take a piss.
Let me listen to you.
What is the path to rehabilitating?
Because you're a grandmaster of this.
And I'm not just saying that.
I didn't say that in six years.
You're a great, smart guy.
Now you've gone to the next level.
You get that now.
You're saying, persecute me again.
That's actually where I've gotten.
I almost feel guilty.
I'm ready to put in a firing squad.
I don't care like you said earlier.
So you're a grandmaster now of this.
How do people at the lower level who we love and care about because we need them, how do we take them with us?
So here's what you have to do.
Every single opinion you have inside of your mind, you need to understand where it came from.
Most people at home have very strict, strong opinions about certain subjects and they don't know where it came from.
It may not even be personal experience.
It may be from the TV.
It may be from somebody who they respected told them.
Maybe it's societal pressure.
Maybe it's peer pressure.
Maybe it was a book.
Maybe it was YouTube.
If you don't identify where your own ideas are from, then you don't know if they're good for you or not.
Do you understand?
The first thing you need to do is next time you find yourself having a strong opinion on said subject, you need to sit and say, where did this opinion come from?
Then you need to decide, does the source of that opinion care about me?
Does it want me to be better?
And this is the reason my message is so strong.
People will repeat things.
Where'd you hear that?
Andrew Tate.
Well, Andrew Tate wants me to be strong and rich and motivated and be a sovereign individual who believes in speaking up for myself.
Andrew Tate wants what's good for me.
So yes, I'm allowed to have this opinion.
If you have another opinion, where'd you get that from?
Ah, CNN told me this is happening in wherever, or this is what happened yesterday.
Do they want good for you?
Does CNN want you to be strong and rich and successful and motivated and happy?
What does CNN want?
Why is CNN telling you you're depressed?
Do they want you to be miserable?
If you do not identify the source of the ideas you hold, of the proof and backup and substantiation you have for the ideals that you repeat, then you can't identify whether they're good for you or not.
You need to defrag your entire mind.
Every single time you have any kind of strong opinion, you need to sit and say, okay, where did this come from?
Another thing you need to do is you need to allow manipulation to find out where your opponent wants you to go and use your mind to break the trap and punish the perpetrator.
I will sit and watch MSM in its entirety.
I'll watch the entire news report to understand exactly what they want me to believe.
And then I'll make sure that I don't believe it.
'Cause most of the time, if you believe the absolute opposite
they tell you, you're gonna be completely fine.
So you need to also be able to digest information, consume information, without allowing it to stick to you.
It has to be water off a duck's back.
You do not wanna be ignorant.
Allow information in, and use your mind to break traps and punish perpetrators.
And once you will learn that most of the experiences you have in your life are what you needed
My opinions are based on personal experience.
And not just one personal experience.
Repeated personal experience.
That's why it's wisdom.
It's not knowledge.
You can get a kid who studies books all day long.
He may be knowledgeable.
He's not wise.
That's why old people are wise.
Because you live it.
And when you get wisdom, wisdom is very hard to combat against.
So a lot of these people out here who don't really know what to think, or they're saying stupid things, or they seem confused, because they're repeating things they've been told to repeat, they don't know where it's from, and the people who are telling it to them, who want them to repeat it, do not have their best interests at heart.
Well, I am really impressed, and I've said that about 10 times because I am.
I was already impressed before.
I don't want to get locked up in solitary confinement, but I almost do now.
It's like, it's wow.
So, we know everything the globalists sell and do is destructive.
Let's talk about the globalists themselves briefly here.
They've got to know that They can one-dimensionally get power and control and dump people down and poison things, but that blows back on them and their children and their families, but they selfishly still do it.
Is it worth it to reach out, because we've got a lot of defectors from the enemy, and then point out to them that where they're going is total annihilation?
And expand on that.
I think, I know they got really scared of you, The same reason they got scared of me, but with you, they went into a full panic mode.
I'm actually envious because I want to be their number one enemy.
So I'm envious right now.
You're an example for me to live up to.
That you were convincing their people.
You were converting their people.
They knew you were right.
There was some humanity left in them.
That you touched and that's why they hate us so much because they really love us and they want to join humanity again.
Is there some way to offer a bridge to these people before we all destroy each other?
It's a really good question.
It's a very good question and it depends on what their goals are and it depends whether they have any kind of spirit and soul and any kind of belief in the afterlife and any kind of belief in God.
I think when you become truly atheistic That is the end result of being a genuinely bad person.
And they're only interested in power and control in this lifetime, and they don't actually care about the consequences of that into eternity.
We talk about our ancestors, that requires a degree of spirituality.
We talk about God, that requires a degree of spirituality.
We talk about our duty to the people who came before us, and our duty to ourselves, and our duty to our souls, and our courage in our mind.
All these things require a degree of spirituality.
When you're completely atheistic and you have none of that, Then all you're interested in is the temporary dopamine that comes from an ego hit.
That's all it is.
People don't understand that it can be as basic as the temporary dopamine that comes from an ego boost.
That's why they want you to wear a mask, so they can get an ego boost.
Because temporary dopamine is the only thing that's interesting to these people.
Dopamine is the only drug they worship.
It's the only thing they care about and that's why they're addicts to outside substances.
It's why they're sexual deviants.
It's why they do things they're not allowed to do because the fact that they're not allowed to do it makes it tempting because other people can't do it.
It gives them an ego boost.
So firstly, before we can even try to reason with anybody, We need to instill a sense of duty and honor in God inside of everybody.
And that's why atheism in and of itself is such a destructive movement.
And when people say they're an atheist, the thing that's most crazy about that is that they're not.
They just worship something else.
They worship a pride flag or they worship climate change and they go and sacrifice their life for climate change and lay in a road like an idiot.
So there's no such thing as an atheist anyway.
But when you remove God from people, it's very difficult to reason with them because they have, there's no baseline to reason with.
You can't get traction.
There's nothing on the road.
They're just blobs.
Let me ask you this.
As we talk to the Oracle, Mr. Tate here right now, we always talk about where they want to take us.
Dehumanize, depopulation, projecting their own hatred of themselves onto us.
What would Andrew Tate do?
I know it's a free will universe, but if you were king of the world or people voted you in for a two-year term, what would you do?
What do our enemies need to know our goal is?
Because we know we're opposing what they're doing, anti-human, we're just loyal to our species, what we do, competitiveness, men, women, our families, love, passion, we're amazing, we love ourselves.
I know you like yourself, I can tell.
I like myself too.
I'm not perfect, but man, I'm funny, I'm smart, I've got a lot of ideas, I feel good about me.
So I see other people, I think, man, you know, I see you doing great and being handsome and smart and rich, makes me feel good.
Man, that's a fellow human.
Man, look at that great example of us.
That's what we do aspire to.
My son aspires to that.
But these globalists, they see that and they get pissed.
They go, look at that six foot four, super handsome guy that's smart and all this.
Well, we got to kill him.
I mean, why not?
Why don't you try to get your daughter to be with him?
They think they have no...
No sense of even what a farmer breeding cows has got.
They don't breed the plants to make better plants.
They claim they're eugenicists.
They're the opposite.
They're not trying to make us better.
They're sabotaging everything because they're so small they feel threatened by it.
So where do we want to go versus to find where they want to go?
Because I don't think they even ever think about where they're leading us.
Because they think they can nuke culture, nuke families, and that gives them power?
They've just blown up the sense Yeah, very good.
Very good point.
And we're pro-humanist.
You said it.
We're pro-humanist and we're pro-people acting like humans.
Family, love, emotionality.
I mean, sometimes I get angry.
I'm a man.
I don't hide.
I'm allowed to get angry.
I'm a man.
I have emotions.
They are trying to turn us into robots, into QR codes.
If you had to break it down to the most basic two directions we're heading in, we are trying to promote people to be people.
We're trying to be, you nail it, with pro-humanists.
We want people to have children and be in love with their children.
We want people to feel joy.
We want people to feel emotions.
We want to have that beautiful spark of love between a man and a woman.
We want to see a man stand up and do what's right for his family because of honor and courage.
We want him to feel proud of himself.
They want none of that.
They want robots.
Because they want robots which ultimately comply and they want to be the only humans left.
They're trying to turn everyone else into robots so they can feel human by getting the dopamine hit of destroying the humanity.
Destroying everyone else's humanity and turning them into robots gives them enough dopamine to feel human.
Because otherwise they don't feel human, they're already dead inside.
We are pro-humanists trying to make everybody feel human.
So we're heading in completely opposite directions.
And it's unfortunate that like vultures and parasites, the only way they can feel human at all is by destroying the humanity of others.
They have to suck it like Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat.
Suck other people's souls away so they can feel like they have one.
That's why they're heading in the direction they are, and their end state is everybody else robotics so they can feel semi-alive.
And we, because we already feel alive inside, want to encourage others to feel like us.
We are pro-humanists, and they're trying to create QR codes and robots.
All right.
We need to fire the bat signal, not just sign up for your email, not just spread the word, not just supporting footwars.com.
We're in a war.
You're being bombarded.
I'm being bombarded.
It's like a grill.
You're the steak right on the main fire.
I'm kind of right next to it roasting here.
Crumbs from the main fire.
I don't envy your position, though.
I kind of do at a certain level.
Because you're right in the fulcrum.
And I think people do get that.
Whoever's under the most attack is who is good.
And just in closing, people need to pray for you, they need to support you, and they need to understand I've been through the exact same thing and luckily have not been caught by it like Julian Assange and you've been partially caught.
So that's all God there.
I'm not like, oh, I'm smarter so they didn't get me.
I'm sure if I was successful, you've been out there, you know.
Instead of me getting a divorce and going out with a hundred women, even out with five hundred women or a thousand women or whatever, they would find somebody to lie about me.
So I've been blessed that I haven't been put in that crucible.
But just in closing, how do we support you?
How do we get your word out?
Take clips out of the show.
It's all free to air, folks.
Spread it everywhere.
But I understand you're a manly man.
You don't want to sit there and ask for support, but people need to aid this idea.
Yeah, absolutely.
And thank you for giving me the opportunity to do that.
At CobraTate.com, my email list is free.
I keep everybody completely updated.
There's also some of my programs on there, just so I'll explain quickly what they are.
I have Hustlers University.
It only costs $49.
It's extremely cheap, and I teach people how to make money online with 18 different modern wealth creation methods.
We have thousands of testimonials of people who spent $49 and made thousands and thousands of dollars, so I encourage people to try that.
It's a completely unique platform we built ourselves.
It's not on any matrix-controlled apparatus.
It's a completely brand-new online school designed to teach people how to make money.
Anybody, man, woman, old, young, doesn't matter.
We have kids in there.
We have old women in there.
Everybody's making money.
That's on corporateape.com as well.
And the other way you could support me, topg.com, which you can also link to from Cobra Tate.
We have t-shirts and that kind of thing, and it's amazing to spread the message.
But ultimately, I want you to live true to yourself.
I want you to be strong.
It's fantastic if you're on my email list, so I can keep you updated.
But you support me by making this worthwhile, by knowing my message resonates.
If I go through all of this, and I talk to you, and you listen to me, and you don't do anything, and you stay losing at life, then none of it was worth it.
But if I go through all of this and you wake up and you start going to the gym, becoming a better person, standing up for what's right, refusing to allow yourself to become a slave, then it was worth it.
So the best way you can support me is be the best possible version of yourself.
Tate Pledge is funded 100% by me.
This is my personal money.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.
Thank you very much.
Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Allahumma salli ala Muhammad.
Me, the one who cares for an unknown one, will be in Jannah Paradise like this.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
Peace be upon you.
[speaking in foreign language]
[speaking in foreign language]
I love you.
I love you.
Peace be upon you.
will be donated to take pledge which will be used to feed children in war-torn country.
As you can see brothers, you heard about war in Syria. Now in Syria we have more than one
million orphans in Karmal. I also promised to provide full accounting and receipts to
prove that that money goes directly to charity to feeding children in war-torn countries.
Thank you for your help.
This is not about somebody wanting to put on pantyhose and have their sexual organs changed.
It's about shocking our children.
A lot of these groups are pedophiles, let's face it.
They want to talk about sex with your kids.
In the name of tolerance, they're going to put your kids on Ritalin and Prozac, they're going to inject them with deadly vaccines full of cancer viruses, and they're going to really screw them up.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com/show and share the link today.
Visit InfoWars.com/show and share the link today.
Visit InfoWars.com/show and share the link today.
I don't want to go to prison.
And I don't want to be set up, though.
They're in the news trying to get me indicted again right now.
But if they put you in prison, it'll make you the next Nelson Mandela.
If they put me in prison, it'll do the same thing.
So I don't want that path.
I'm not trying that path.
But it's like if you throw me that briar patch, that's what happens.
And they just can't help what they're doing.
And they can't stand the fact That were not for sale, but if they were selling freedom, we'd join them.
They're selling this.
If you look at the globalists and how they live and who they are, they are the most disconnected, pathetic.
They have these giant trillion dollar portfolios, not hundreds of billions, folks, trillions.
And they should get back to loving themselves again and loving humanity.
And I just wish there was some way To reach them, but I guess because they're psychopaths and sociopaths, they can't be reached, so I guess it really is, as George Orwell said, down to the proletariat.
How do we get, in closing, the general person that drives a truck, or is a school teacher, or a nurse, to realize how powerful they are, and what they can do extracurricularly, instead of just thinking of themselves as this little person?
How do we get little people to realize how big they are?
Yeah, they can't ban all of us, and they can't put all of us in jail, and they can't take everybody's bank.
It is a battle of numbers.
There has to be enough people to stand up and say, no, this is absolute garbage.
And I agree with you.
I wish we could reason with these people.
Imagine how fantastic the world could be if all the world's global finance was actually aided towards helping people.
And truth.
I have another website I haven't mentioned yet.
I donate over $20 million a year to charity.
Nobody mentions that.
MSN will print negative about me all day long.
They don't mention it.
Let me pause.
We're taping this.
I want to say here for the crew, I've seen the millions of meals you're donating all over the world.
Let's put, send us that ad.
I want to put this in here right now.
Tell us about that.
I think I meant to mention that.
Glad you brought that up.
Yeah, TatePledge.com, because it's very simple.
I donate money, and unlike most charities, which are full of garbage CEOs taking a bunch of money and inefficiency, no, mine's very simple.
Money, people on the ground, buying food.
And I feed thousands of children every single day in war-torn countries, in the hardest countries to reach on Earth.
And how many times does the MSM mention it?
How many times did a leftist mention it?
How many people do they feed?
These people are genuinely evil.
They're just interested in trying to attack me as opposed to talking about the good I do or doing any good themselves.
And that's why I say we can't reason with them until they have souls.
Because I have a soul.
There could be somebody I dislike.
And I can dislike all of their ideas, but I can still sit and say, well, he clearly feeds thousands of starving children a day, so he's not all bad.
They can't even do that!
That's how empty they are.
They can't even sit there and admit a simple fact of life, because they're so bitter and miserable inside of their hearts and souls.
So, I think the people at home, what you need to do is you need to Tell the truth.
Be a good person.
Firm handshake.
Get up on time.
Say what you mean.
Mean what you say.
Remember, God is always watching, and He'll reward you in the end.
He is the best of planners.
Whether He puts you in jail or me in jail, in the end, it will work out well for us, and it's the same for everybody at home.
He may give you a trial or a tribulation, or it may seem difficult to do the right thing now, but in the end, you'll be glad you did it.
And if enough people do that, all of this tyranny will end.
All right.
Well, thank you so much for the time today.
This has been an incredible interview.
Please join us again soon.
And just, you know, please be safe out there because I know you're tough and you're ready to go back to jail and you're ready to go to prison.
But man, that'll make it 10 times bigger.
But we really don't want that.
We want to be able to get you back to Texas and have dinner again.
I promise I'm doing my absolute best.
I enter the situation without fear, but complete professionalism, and I'm doing my best to negate the Matrix attack which has been constructed against me.
My last request is this.
Can you get Tristan on the show?
Yeah, sure.
We'll do it next week.
I'll get Tristan.
No problem.
All right.
One more time, because folks, this is not a game.
This is a war.
We're not playing games.
We're betting on you.
We're betting on humanity.
We're betting on ourselves.
We're one happy family.
How do people find everything, Andrew Tate?
CobraTate.com, sign up to the newsletter, and from there you'll see everything.
I'm also on Twitter at CobraTate, or at X now, at CobraTate.
You can see me on there as well.
Alright, well that's it for this incredibly historic interview.
This is next level stuff, folks.
I hope you share it, I hope you clip it up.
It's up to you now to take this and make it even bigger.
Thank you so much, God bless, and we'll be right back.
We interrupt this broadcast with a special report from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Attempts have been made to neutralize the InfoWarrior known as Alex Jones.
Countless attacks have been witnessed and reported in an effort to bring him down.
Alex Jones has been sighted on the battlefield fighting against the forces of evil.
We're not gonna go down and just shut our mouths and just put up with this.
We know where the bodies are buried folks and one way or another we're gonna stay on here.
We're receiving reports that Alex Jones has broken through the front lines and is now
heading toward the broadcast studio.
All efforts to silence him have failed.
Emerging victorious against the New World Order, here's your host, Alex Jones.
Find the InfoWars transmission at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you're receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I want you to submit to me your vision for your dream life.
Every time I ask somebody what their dream life is, they give a very lazy, sloppy answer.
Well, I want to be rich.
How rich?
What does rich mean?
How much money?
Is it in liquid cash?
Is it in stocks?
Is it in crypto?
In which country is it held?
How do you diversify to protect yourself against matrix attacks?
Who's your accountant?
What's the name of the banks your money's held in?
What are you going to buy?
For you to become rich and successful is going to require pain and suffering.
And you have to understand exactly what your dream life is to make the pain and suffering worthwhile.
Think about it.
Have you ever been to the gym and seen a person in fantastic physical condition?
They're strong, they're ripped, they're large.
And you say to them, how did you get so big and strong?
And they say, I don't know.
Oops, it kind of just happened.
Or have you ever found a really rich man or a very successful man and said, how did you become rich and successful?
And he goes, I don't know, bro.
I just woke up one day and it kind of happened.
And now I'm living my dream life.
No, there is a very detailed plan and roadmap for you to become strong.
You must eat a certain way.
You must train a certain way for you to become rich.
You must earn money a certain way.
You must understand exactly how you're going to make money.
Whether you're going to be a public facing figure like me or a man of the shadows with millions of dollars unknown, but extremely powerful.
You have to design your dream life.
What house are you going to live in?
Who's your woman going to be?
Is she blonde?
Is she brunette?
What car are you going to drive?
Have you even gone on the internet and specced your car?
You can design your dream car right now, for free, on the internet, and you can choose the color.
You can choose the wheels.
You can choose the carbon.
Is it a Lamborghini?
Is it a Ferrari?
Is it a McLaren?
How much does it cost to the dollar?
You talk about your dream life.
You don't even know what your dream life is!
How do you expect to get to a destination when you don't know where you're going?
Do you understand?
I designed my dream life long ago, before I was known, before I had anything.
And I worked very hard with a very concise, very detailed plan to ensure I ended up exactly where I wanted to be.
And you're not going to end up where you want to be if you don't know where it is!
So, for that reason, I want you to submit to me your dream life.
I want you to be as detailed as possible.
Do you have children?
What house are you in?
What your woman looks like?
What's her personality like?
Where did you meet her?
What kind of person is she?
What car do you drive?
Who are your friends?
Who are your network?
What kind of men are you hanging around with?
How are you making money?
Are you known?
Are you not known?
What is your ideal job?
How much money do you want to make a month?
How much money do you have saved?
You have to understand exactly what your dream life is.
This is more than just an exercise in understanding how to become a successful person.
This is an exercise in life.
Without diligent planning, without concise, compendious plans, the chance of you achieving nearly anything is zero.
So for that reason, I am asking for you to submit to me your vision for a dream life.
And I will tell you if you stand a chance of achieving it.
On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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I've not been this excited ever!
Yeah, Mud Club, baby! Wow!
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Now we're about to play you a clip from a well-known prestigious doctor, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, laying out some of the latest numbers.
These are hard, cold numbers.
See this for yourself.
One of the big pieces of news over the last couple of days has been a sub-stack by a gentleman called Peter Halligan.
Peter Halligan.
He's a most experienced analyst in the financial industry, extremely used to looking at statistics and translating them into a summary statement.
And this is the summary statement.
And I hope your leaders are sitting down, holding themselves, because what I'm going to tell you intuitively sounds ridiculous.
That's why it's so Incredibly important that I say this.
These numbers are best estimates at this point in time using government data for the global consequences of the clout shot in terms of death and morbidity, otherwise known as serious adverse events such as heart attack, strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc.
We've been focusing for good reason on North American statistics during the last two and a half years.
But this man has extrapolated that into the total effect, negative effect, of the clock chart.
And these are the numbers.
Global deaths.
Directly attributable to the vaccine.
20 million.
20 million deaths due to the clot shot and 2 billion, big B, 2 billion serious adverse reactions of the type I described.
Now these numbers are beyond staggering.
They, to contrast that with history, Vaccines have typically been pulled from the market when the last one, the bird flu vaccine, was pulled with only 35, 3-5 deaths.
I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here.
An unimaginable carnage.
Which isn't over.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw is literally the tip of the iceberg.
Go to Infowars.com.
The full videos are there.
We're playing them on the regular weekday show, 11am to 3pm.
This is a covert holocaust.
This is global depopulation.
So please, tell your friends, your family, strangers, your neighbors.
If they want to know the truth, go to Infowars.com so you can see these full reports for yourself.
And please keep us on air.
We're barely hanging on right now.
We've been vindicated on so many levels, but the deep state is attacking us and only you can keep us on air.
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