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Name: 20230822_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 22, 2023
2762 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including COVID-19 situation, globalists' agenda, and the importance of taking control of one's own health. He debunks myths surrounding mass mandates and COVID-19 lockdowns while highlighting actual effects of the virus on people's lives. Jones encourages listeners to stay informed, share important links, and support independent media platforms like Infowars. Alex Jones talks about a new craze among teenagers and patriots known as "InfoWars Mania" where millions of listeners are tuning in to see what the buzz is all about. He discusses developments related to COVID lockdowns, economic situation, military, cultural developments, and how Bill Gates is behind the new digital ID system with the UN. The speaker highlights the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids for optimal strength and health, which can be found in grass-fed beef and fish but stresses that finding fish with low mercury content is difficult. He praises the Ultimate Fish Oil and Ultimate Krill Oil as the best sources to obtain Omega-3s. Alex Jones discusses how chemicals are being used to manipulate physiology and gender proclivity, using examples of frogs, fish, and shrimp. He notes that sperm counts in the West have dropped over 90% and penis sizes are half the size they were in 1945, asserting that it's due to exposure to these chemicals during gestation. Alex Jones talks about a new range of high-quality coffee available for purchase on InfoWarsTore.com, and discusses various news topics, including his opinions about Joe Biden, global warming, and gun violence in Chicago. He criticizes Biden for being a puppet of globalists, and highlights the Maui fire tragedy, accusing the Democratic Party and Biden's administration of neglecting the victims and trying to use it as an argument for global warming. The host also expresses frustration about the current state of Chicago, where gun violence remains rampant. Andy was found innocent in a civil case. However, companies are leaving New York and California due to left-wing policies which has cost these states nearly $2 trillion dollars in assets. Inflation is going

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Cernovich tweeted, Alex Jones was right.
The federal government has already begun buying record COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era safety protocols.
That's a quote.
Pandemic-era safety protocols.
Some of these contracts are scheduled to begin September and October, just as the TSA was told.
I really can't believe people actually questioned whether I was making that up or not.
Like I said, the Russians are going to invade by February and October.
Like, I said they're going to indict Trump next Tuesday and Iranian Thursday a month ago.
No, no, that was from the courthouse.
We know a lot of people.
We have a lot of sources.
I don't get the credit.
It's that we have millions of listeners.
We have eyes and ears everywhere.
The globalists hate this broadcast.
They hate you.
They hate you, they hate me.
Worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
A new craze has spread among teenagers and patriots all across America.
The mainstream media is calling it InfoWars Mania.
Millions of listeners are tuning in at InfoWars.com forward slash show to see what the buzz is all about.
Let's take a look now at what's going on everywhere InfoWars can be heard.
No life was saved by Alex Jones.
Despite all the imputations, you know you could just go out and dance to that InfoWars station.
And it was alright, alright And did you know it was alright, alright
Dead boys, corruption, Monsanto, Aspartame, Poisons in the vaccines
Pump scanners were given to get their luck to taxless societies
Satellite tracking systems, cops in black ski masks Foreign troops, FEMA camps
She's gonna dance into that bad, bad music You know what life is safe by, how it's toast
Despite all the computation You could just dance into that infestation
And it was alright, alright It was alright
New world order, we're coming for you, you hear us?
♪ I'm on my way to the world now ♪ Welcome ladies and gentlemen, welcome and thank you for joining us on this live Tuesday Global Transmission.
I'm your host Alex Jones and we're going to be here live for the next four hours ahead of the amazing, always informative, Owen Schroyer.
And right before my broadcast, there was another powerful edition of American Journal with the great Harrison Smith.
All right, we have a giant guest tomorrow on the show.
I'm going to leave that as a surprise for you.
We have several extremely informative guests today.
Stu Peters, investigative reporter and popular talk show host on the new COVID lockdowns that have now officially been announced, as we told you, the new rollout.
We just got it in right under the gun, right before they actually announced it.
I didn't know they'd do it that quick.
Huge developments on that front.
And Dr. Stella Emanuel, a great medical doctor, a great patriot, one of the first doctors to stand up three plus years ago to the whole COVID tyranny, will be joining us in studio coming up in an hour and a half.
But in the meantime, wow, is all I can say.
The economic developments, the military developments, the cultural developments, it's all over the top.
Biden just being a complete psychotic buffoon in Maui, Hawaii.
It just gets more insane.
Talk about more insane.
Bill Gates is behind the new digital ID system with the UN.
There's big developments there.
He also starts giggling and laughing, talking about dead children.
He also says the next virus will target children.
He should know.
He's the one behind all this crap.
So we're going to be looking at that.
But man, oh man.
It is insane.
What is going on?
When I learned last week from federal sources that they told them that the incremental lockdowns are coming back in mid-September, I didn't know that we reported it Friday, five, six hours before the official rollout hit.
It's like artillery turned on.
It was nothing but fear and mongering, masks, shots, you need boosters, new lockdowns are needed all over the Western world.
They flipped the switch Friday afternoon.
And the fear started.
People saw me say it was coming that day.
It went viral.
Then they announced it, and it was just...
Totally insane.
And now it's been announced everywhere.
Chile had to wait about three days to have it completely announced.
They say we need all the restrictions back.
We need lockdowns.
We need you to stay in 14 days to flatten the curve.
They're officially saying that.
And they're doing it through their corporate and governmental surrogates first.
We'll lay it all out today.
It's a big broadcast.
Stay with us.
We're going to wake the world up.
We're going to pull the wool off of their eyes.
There's nothing they can do to stop us.
And they know it.
Every globalist operation is failing.
Rapidly, humanity is awakening.
The Great Awakening is here.
Choose a side.
It is Tuesday, August 22nd.
2023, I'm your host Alex Jones, and we together are doing epic things.
Bill Gates is going down.
Fauci's going down.
King Charles is going down.
Their New World Order's dead on arrival!
It's going down!
I'm gonna show you what is life Till y'all bleed in!
I refuse to see the false light of Lucifer.
I've seen the real light.
The light of God Almighty!
I am so proud of our audience, of activists, every race, color, and creed.
Bleeding red blood of liberty made by the real father.
Till y'all bleed in!
Alright, let's get into the news right now on this August 22nd transmission.
Here it is.
Well, the timing couldn't have been better.
We announced the enemy's plan to roll out incrementally the new lockdowns into the election next year, and all over the world, five hours after I made that announcement and analysis, the enemy opened up with their new rollout.
And this has awoken tens of millions of people in just the last three days, a devastating blow against the globalists.
And I want to give the credit to the listeners who took the story and rammed it right through the heart of The Globalist.
When you get excited, nothing can stop you when you get focused.
So let's hit this first and look at all the other news, including Humpty Dumpty over there falling off the wall and having a great fall.
Biden scrambling around like a diseased rodent.
In Hawaii, that's coming up and so much more in Big Guest as well.
Well, it's really happening.
Mask mandates, contract tracing, re-implementation at colleges, offices, Hollywood, everywhere.
That's how they did it last time.
They're doing it yet again.
The hotels, the grocery stores, the colleges, the Ubers, they're all being told, you're going to have to start wearing your mask next month.
Told you.
They're really trying it.
Big article by Steve Watson.
Here's another one.
Two weeks to slow the spread returns.
Atlanta College reinstates COVID mask mandates.
Social distancing despite zero cases on campus.
They're just running the same play again because it worked for a while last time.
Here's another one.
COVID mandates return to Hollywood.
Lionsgate requires employees to mask up, submit to daily testing.
That dropped two days after I told you it would.
I even said on Friday, watch it, it'll be Hollywood and Big Tech first.
Just like three and a half years ago.
Here's another one out of WSB-TV.
Atlanta College reinstates mask mandates for students, employers on campus.
That was yesterday and it's happening all over the Western world, from Australia to the U.S.
Kevin Bass, Ph.D., M.S., reports on this.
Mass mandates are returning.
And they've got their little manuals they're putting out.
Senator under fire for sharing Infowars article.
Warning of impending lockdowns.
That didn't age well.
Them attacking Utah Senator Mike Lee that retweeted the Infowars story.
And it goes on from here.
Here's the JAMA Medical Network coming out again with its push.
Cernovich tweeted, Alex Jones was right.
The federal government has already begun buying record COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era safety protocols.
That's a quote.
Pandemic-era safety protocols.
Some of these contracts are scheduled to begin September and October, just as the TSA was told.
I really can't believe people actually questioned whether I was making that up or not.
Like I said, the Russians are going to invade by February and October.
Like I said, they're going to indict Trump next Tuesday and Iranian Thursday a month ago.
No, no, that was from the courthouse.
We know a lot of people.
We have a lot of sources.
I don't get the credit.
It's that we have millions of listeners.
We have eyes and ears everywhere.
Globalists hate this broadcast.
They hate you.
They hate me.
And it goes on from there.
Federal government has already begun hiring COVID, buying COVID equipment, and hiring consultants to run the next operation.
Here's a bunch of the purchase orders.
Here's a bunch of the advertisements that they put on the federal purchasing website.
You can see all that for yourself.
Oh, but don't worry.
They had disinfo operatives write articles saying, analyzing Alex Jones's claim of impending COVID lockdowns.
That was out Saturday.
Didn't age too well, did it?
And it goes on from there.
We are going to be laying it all out today.
Mass mandates are returning.
They are unsupported by scientific evidence.
They are motivated by superstition and power.
This is a battle for freedom, and this again, more colleges announcing the mass mandates coming back effective immediately.
And they're saying COVID's killing everybody, but when you actually look at the studies and the numbers, they admit all over the world it's a mystery illness of heart attacks, blood clots, cardiovascular issues, strokes.
I already showed you those articles yesterday, but they're important.
Let's look at them again.
Here's the Globe and Mail.
More people than expected are dying in Canada, 2023, for reasons that are not yet clear.
BBC, Excess Deaths 2022, among the worst in years.
The numbers are six months behind.
Experts call for urgent investigations as execs.
Excess deaths spark dangerous theories that it's the shot, but they don't know what it is.
And then it goes on and on and on.
Myocarditis, myocarditis in young men in shape and young boys.
And it goes on and on.
Here's another one.
How convenient.
Biden regime begins procuring COVID-19 equipment and hiring safety advisors.
Government spending data reveals.
And it goes on and on and on and on.
Oh, but it's long COVID.
That's why you're all dying.
Long COVID, Fortune reports.
Shorter life.
New research reveals an arduous road to recovery.
They don't even tell you how to stop the spike protein growing in you either from the original COVID or from The shots, and that's most of it, is the shots that cause the turbo cancer.
Oh, Rutgers had disenrolled students on August 15th and they don't take the shot, the experimental shot.
What a joke.
Alright, I've hit that.
We'll get more into it with Stu Peters coming up.
Oh, and I forgot to get to this yesterday.
They're going to spray the vaccine on you so you can't escape it.
Let me hit that when we come back, and then I'll get into all the other news.
Please stay with us.
Infowars.com, Tomorrow's News Today, Man.Video.
Those are the coordinates of Liberty.
Please share those links like your life depends on it.
You see how much power you have when you do.
Taking on the new world order at point-blank range.
All right, so how my brain works, and why this broadcast is different than most of the other broadcasts, and I wish the other broadcasts would pick up on this, because it's pattern recognition and really intelligence analysis in the field, and then you understand the larger enemy program.
When I see a story, I don't think about it isolated.
I think about the history of it, the background of it.
It would take five hours to go over all this, but this is beyond critical.
I'm only going to spend a few minutes on it, but I hope you listen very carefully and look at this for yourself.
Bill Gates, the UN depopulationist, has been obsessed for 50 years with sterilization vaccines.
And the UN has funded a bunch of them.
Type in UN sterilization vaccines, UN birth control vaccines.
You'll see it going back and them testing it around the world.
Different vehicles, different ways they do it.
A lot of these systems end up killing the women, by the way.
Adding the female hormone that's released in the second trimester to a tetanus shot creates, in over 90% of the women that take it, a violent, lifelong autoimmune response to the hormone being released by their body and causes miscarriages and stillbirths in the second trimester, but also then generally has the body attacking the uterus And for a lot of women in the third world that don't have medical access, it ends up killing them and they develop all sorts of cancers and endometriosis and so much more.
That's just one little program that they admit they did that I thought I'd give you a little slice of.
It's just literally one percent of a thousand of the stuff we could cover on that front.
How they jack things of the vaccine.
What you're told it's for is not what it's for.
It's not a vaccine.
In 2015, it was a major scandal.
We've covered ad nauseum since it happened, not just once they moved to Wuhan, at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, at the University of Texas in Galveston, and a bunch of other universities, but they were the lead groups under an Obama-Fauci national directive injecting mice with all sorts of virus vector and mRNA SARS family injections.
That's how they knew it caused heart attacks and blood clots and killed the mice.
That's how the FDA knew in October of 2020.
They said, this is going to happen.
We'll give you the shots.
And they put it on their own website just to let you know.
It's their weird game.
They tell you, oh, it's safe.
It's effective.
It's been tested.
And it had been tested.
It actually was experimental.
They told the public it was experimental.
It was highly tested.
A lot of it shows they actually tested it in different parts of the world, like Asia and Africa, and killed a bunch of people as well.
And we know they've done other mRNA studies that killed a bunch of people.
That's admitted.
That's why for 25 years they could never get it approved.
Because it killed so many people, depending on what the mRNA was being used for.
But it always killed some of the people.
It caused autoimmune diseases, liquefaction of the liver, horrible things like that.
So they moved the really dangerous stuff to Ukraine, and Obama even made press announces at the time, oh, we're building bio-defense labs in Ukraine, right after they had to move that out.
But they also moved it to Wuhan.
So once they released it, they could blame the Chinese.
And believe me, I'm not a fan of the Communist Chinese, what they do, but they've come out and said the globalists launched the attack, the Russians have said it.
I already knew that.
So it's not like I'm following what they said.
What they're saying is true.
The criminals that run our country are bombing us and the world with it.
And they're attacking all the countries because it's a depopulation operation.
So, then in 2017, Trump was approached, and General Flynn was approached, the Pentagon was approached, and they said, the Wuhan Institute by the EcoHealth Alliance, here's a lot of telegraph reporting on it right here, overhead shot.
They said, we want to release these new COVID SARS particles that are synthetic into the caves where we think this comes from.
They already, we now know, made it in a lab.
And the Pentagon said, no, that would be considered a bioweapon attack on China.
And Trump said no.
And General Flynn said no.
Okay, so that's what happened there.
You actually have the Deep State Globalists trying to set the Pentagon up in their own operation.
All right, even though the Pentagon was later involved in the rollout of the vaccine itself, they did not say, no, we're going to attack China with it.
So there's the headline.
Wuhan scientists plan to release coronavirus particles into cave bats.
Leaked papers reveal the Pentagon flipped out and said, no, there's a bunch of articles, there's the documents.
So now we know about that.
Gates is obsessed with putting it in food, different quote vaccines that actually attack parts of our bodies.
They have behavioral vaccines that eat part of the brain.
The list goes on and on.
So now they've rolled it back out in headlines everywhere that they want to Quote, so the public has to take shots, give you a live aerosolized, like the deadly polio nasal, for nasal and in the mouth.
They're now rolling it out to give to people as early as next year.
It'll be so easy to do, it'll be so fun.
Okay, there's major studies, hundreds of them, that the Moderna, Pfizer, J&J, AstraZeneca, that are virus vectors, different type, all create the same thing, spike protein, that replicates, it's a nanotech, a prion crystal, similar to what causes spongiform encephalopathy or mad cow disease in cows and humans.
So, they're now mainlining this and saying, oh, we're going to get emergency approval to come out with this.
If you thought someone injected was going to shed this on you, they're going to have people lined up in their cars and in the schools and at universities having this shot up their nose or put under their tongue or some sort, right in the blood, and then they're going to be breathing it all over everyone.
So there aren't numbers on this yet, but we know from previous studies that the shedding of like live polio virus off of someone being imminent caused polio all over the world and is now the number one cause of polio.
Source AP Reuters.
Type in number one cause of polio worldwide now caused by vaccine.
So this is an outrageous crime they're preparing right out in front of everyone like it's no big deal.
Kind of a big deal.
An mRNA COVID vaccine and potentially more with nanoparticles, no shot needed.
That's the medical express.
And it goes through it all, and how great it is, and how they're going to roll it out, and how you should accept it, and it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Absolutely insane.
Another report, a simple spray can make COVID-19 vaccines more accessible than it goes through everything I just said to you.
So that's what they're up to and what they're doing.
Polymer nanoparticles, oh, plastic, deliver mRNA to the lung for mucosal vaccination.
Oh, they're vaccinating your tissues directly now, not just letting your, quote, Why blood cells find out, generally, and when you put something through the skin directly into the body, or into the lungs directly, it's much more dangerous.
And here's the big study on that overhead shot, please.
So you might want to look at that at pub.med.nih.
So, not in Kansas anymore.
Going down big time.
What do you think of that?
Are you upset?
I know I certainly am.
They're going to kill us all, ladies and gentlemen, if not with nuclear weapons, with bioweapons.
They are psychotic depopulationists, on record saying they want to depopulate us.
And Bill Gates, meet the man that wants to run your life, and pretty much does if you let him.
Global IDs, social credit scores, forced injections, U.N.
treaties, synthetic meat, eating bugs, you'll own nothing, have nothing, be happy.
When we come back, he did it again, smirking and laughing and giggling when he's talking about children dying.
So we've got a new video of this sicko freak, this enemy of humanity.
When we come back, I'm Alex Jones.
Spread the word if you want to live.
All right, if we tried to show you a compilation of Bill Gates smirking and laughing when they talk about inappropriate things like new bioweapons and hundreds of millions dead, it would be five hours long.
And so this is not a definitive thing.
Right before the show started, I said, hey, he's smirking and laughing in this new clip again.
Grab me a couple of the clips of him going, terrorists will soon release a weapon that kills even more of us.
And he's almost Fareed Zarkaria.
People need to know this lockdown will probably never end.
Their lives are over and Gates is laughing and smiling.
He loves it.
He's in a depopulationist cult.
He wants to kill people.
He's the number one cause of polio.
You need to get your minds wrapped around this, ladies and gentlemen, and understand that they've got labs all over the world cooking this crap up that endanger every one of us.
You think because you work at the Justice Department or the executive branch of the government you're safe from this?
The fools that are destroying their own future?
So I've looked at the situation and I've decided to take these people on.
And I know that they can be stopped.
We have controlled for three days, four days, the news narrative everywhere, still the number one story in cyberspace, dwarfing all the mainstream media, that they're rolling out new tyranny, new COVID protocols.
And they can't help it.
They're rolling it out, despite the fact that it makes them look like the criminals they are.
But we now know their plan.
We can stop them.
So Peter Mansbridge was interviewing Gates.
And, well, you just got to see the video for yourself.
We'll play this video, then I'll play some more of his smirking and laughing from the past.
Here it is.
There are pockets, and significant pockets, of the country where vaccines aren't happening because of those, you know, the anti-vaxxers, or whatever you want to call them, who have made significant headway in trying to convince parents they shouldn't vaccinate children.
I was just looking at new data today from Orange County, California, with more than a few schools showing between 40 and 60 percent children not vaccinated.
You could say we're a victim of success.
In the countries where you have measles all the time, nobody gets confused about this.
Do you get mad about it?
I get more mad about the deaths we're not avoiding.
I spend my time on the countries where you still have, in the case of measles, over 300,000 kids dying a year.
In the case of diarrheal diseases, over a million a year.
There's six million Kids here are still dying.
Why aren't we getting vaccines out in Africa for diarrhea, for respiratory disease?
Why don't we have a vaccine for malaria?
Those are the things that I push forward.
I wouldn't say I get angry, but I'm really impatient that we're not moving as fast as I'd like.
You can catch the full interview this weekend on One on One on Saturday.
It's on CBC News Network.
Alright, that's good.
That's enough of that.
Now, if you just step back from this and go, wait, Bill Gates helped quarterback Event 201 and Operation Lockstep, and his foundation took control of the main medical systems of almost the entire planet.
And they did two plus years of lockdown in the third world, because the IMF and World Bank controls almost all those countries, and told the governments, you will lock things down, you will not have food production, you will not have medicine production, you will shut down for years, or you won't get your debt serviced.
Now, that killed, the UN estimates, over 80 million people in the last three and a half years, extra.
Normally 15 million die a year on average.
It boosted those numbers up to over 30 plus million a year.
So, do the math here.
They know that the COVID lockdown's killed tens upon tens upon tens of millions of people, and he's up there smirking.
You can go read him in the 80s and 90s getting awards for his depopulation center and saying, we've got to depopulate the third world.
And that's what they're trying to do.
But also wrecking the third world and having the UN organize them in these refugee camps, giving them the debit cards, giving them the airline tickets, giving them the bus tickets, and bringing them in where in New York they get $10,000 a month.
Somebody that pays them in Social Security their whole life gets what, $1,500 or something a month?
Illegal aliens get $2,200 a month on average in the U.S., but not in New York.
And then we ask why New York becomes the destination for these people.
So we're all victims, the third world, the first world, all of us.
I had Blair White in here and they took the clip out of context, a trans person and who's against recruiting the kids and all the rest of it and believes that chemicals are what happened to them.
I said we're all wear white and that we're all being hit by chemicals that manipulate our bodies and bend our genders.
It doesn't make you a woman if you're a man, but it changes a lot of your physiology and your proclivity and the build of your body and the way your brain develops, tilting you towards that.
It does it in frogs.
It does it in fish.
It does it in shrimp.
Where the runoff of Atrazine hits shrimp, the males start trying to go put their semen onto the eggs of another male.
There are no eggs with the other male.
That's what a chicken does.
A male chicken sits on the back, a rooster, of a female while the egg comes out, and he sits there and shoots his semen onto it.
And I don't want to get graphic here, but that's how this works, folks.
The frogs don't go try to have sex with females.
They go and hump male frogs.
So, it's a fact.
So, yeah, we're all the frogs.
We're all Blair White.
And then it turns into, oh, he says we're all transgender and we all need to... No, we need to understand what's being done to us and then not hate the people this has been done to.
Now there's certainly a lot of them, they're just evil men that are raping women that want to be pedophiles and want to be able to have access to women and women's spaces, and Blair White fights those people.
And I'm not going off on some Blair White jag here.
My point is, is that we're all the frogs.
Okay, it's the same thing.
We're all Blair White, and we're being hit by this.
I mean, you can look at the studies.
Sperm counts in the West are down over 90%.
Did you know, it doesn't matter if you're black, white, Asian, Latino, did you know penis sizes are half the size they were in 1945?
Yeah, the government lists that.
Why are penis sizes half the size?
And the left can make jokes about that, because in utero, in the first few months, especially the first few weeks, when that embryo's growing, Those gender-bending chemicals don't turn the male fully female, but it bends it and stops it from expressing.
That's why you see these big men and big strong women, and you see them and they got these little shriveled kids.
And you wonder why they're so, and you're like, that's your dad?
And you see all these runt kids and kids that don't look like boys, but look like something between a boy and a girl?
Because if you put frogs or any other animal in a tank with the amount of atrazine, one of the chemicals, the second most popular pesticide, it bends their gender.
You're not a male, you're not a female, you are a mutant.
And there are thousands of other chemicals and things that you can manipulate in gestation, when a child is in their mother's womb, And that stuff goes right through the placenta into the baby.
Let's play a little bit more of Bill Gates smirking.
Here it is.
The idea of a bioterrorist attack is kind of the nightmare scenario, because there, a pathogen with a high death rate would be picked.
Now, the good news is, I'm not going to depress you, it's tough enough right now, that most of the work we're going to do to be ready for Pandemic 2, I call this Pandemic 1, most of the work we'll do to be ready for that are also the things we need to do to minimize the threat of bioterrorism.
You know, we'll have to prepare for the next one.
That, you know, I'd say is, will get attention this time.
Do you think the federal government or state governments or the very least federal government should mandate
if you want to get on an airplane you have to be vaccinated, if you want to get Social Security you need to be
vaccinated, if you want to get whatever benefits they give you need to
be vaccinated for.
Is that something that the U.S.
can and should do?
The economy is not going to be anything like it was.
It's going to take a long time to recover.
It's going to be, you know, people are going to be surprised at how slow and how fitful this is.
It's going to take a long time to recover.
Back this one up ten seconds.
If you're a radio listener, you're not seeing this.
He literally, when he's talking about death and the economy never turning on and dead children, he looks like he just won the lottery.
He looks like, quite frankly, somebody's giving him a hand job.
I mean, it is the most inappropriate crap.
And then you look at Biden, when they would ask him about Maui in the last 15 days, 14 days, giggling and laughing and saying no comment.
Then he gets off the helicopter, he's laughing, smiling, he's giggling, laughing during his speeches.
He's at a town with thousands of barbecued people, mainly children.
Their ashes are in the air.
Imagine you went to a funeral and people are giggling and laughing up on the stage.
You say, who are these freaks?
They're psychotic on one end and sociopathic on the other.
They don't have empathy.
In fact, people always say the globalists don't care about us.
Oh, they do care about us.
They hate us.
They want to kill us.
So go back to this monster.
The economy is not going to be anything like it was.
It's going to take a long time to recover.
It's going to be, you know, people are going to be surprised at how slow and how, how fitful this is.
Take a long time to recover.
It's going to be, you know, people are going to be surprised at how slow and how, how fitful this is.
Take a long time to recover.
It's going to be, you know, take a long time to recover.
It's going to be, you know, take a long time to recover.
It's going to be, you know.
He's a happy camper.
This is by far the largest.
That's right.
We've been spending a lot on vaccines.
With this commitment, over 8 million additional lives will be saved.
There's the 2017 confirmation that the Gates-supported oral polio vaccine was actually responsible for the majority of new polio cases, and the 2018 follow-up showing that 80% of polio cases are now vaccine-derived.
If we look at the 20th century and we look at the death chart of the 20th century, I think everybody would say, oh yeah, there must be a spike for World War I.
You know, sure enough, there it is, like, $25 million.
And there must be a big spike for World War II, and there it is, it's like $65 million.
But then you'll see this other spike that is as large as World War II, right after World War I. And most people, a lot of people, would say, well, what?
What was that?
Is there something to worry about with medicines?
That is, might some of them have side effects?
Do we need safety testing?
I mean, we're taking things that are, you know, Genetically modified organisms, and we're injecting them in little kids' arms.
We just shoot them right into the vein.
So, yeah, I think maybe we should have a safety system where we, you know, do trials and test things out.
All I can say is, wow.
All right, let me tell you what else is coming up, and we'll start getting into it, because we're still, like, 15 minutes out or 14 minutes out until we start the next hour.
And boy, do I have a lot on our plate we're going to be getting to.
But before we go any further, you want somebody to fight for you?
We're doing it.
You want somebody to face down a criminal system of murderers?
We're doing it.
And I think as people realize how evil the globalists are that have hijacked this country and the world to a great extent, you realize what we're doing here is pretty bold.
It's pretty brave.
But it's not really, when you think deeper, because we're being attacked.
Our resources are being cut off.
Our infrastructure is being destroyed.
We're being flooded with victims of the New World Order who are going to now victimize us.
This is a scientific attack.
So let it be.
Good to just say, oh, this is too scary, I'm going to serve it, or I'm going to roll over, or I'm going to stick my head in the sand and hope it goes away?
No, this is self-preservation.
This is not heroic.
That said, this is a life-and-death situation.
I need everybody to share the articles, the videos, the reports, to take the clips.
You've been doing it.
And you see the effect that's happening.
And you see CNN with big special reports saying, Alex Jones needs to be arrested.
Now, I'm willing to be the tip of the spear.
I certainly am not looking to be a martyr.
I'm not looking to be set up or put in prison.
But, you know, if that's what's got to happen, I'm already at peace with it.
All right?
Because I'm more worried about God.
And I believe in God.
I know God's real.
And so, God told me a long time ago, you're going to change the world.
You're going to help trigger the Great Awakening.
I've told you the story for 20 years.
It was just, it was amazing.
And it was just like, all this knowledge flooded into my mind.
I'd already been on air for years.
And God said, but it's going to be rough, buddy.
And are you ready for it?
It was like a commission.
It was like, instead of the devil there with a piece of paper, I'll give you all this power to sign on.
It was just metaphysical, like, boom, you see all this?
Oh, whoa.
All this knowledge.
I've chosen you for this because you're a pretty tough son of a bitch.
I mean, that's God's like, basically, you're tough.
And, and, and I know you love people.
And I know that you said prayers when you were a little child that you wanted to save starving people.
I remember hearing about it and crying at night and my parents, and I wasn't a sissy.
You know, I could climb on top of the van and fall off on my nose and be bleeding everywhere and just not even care.
But when it came to, like, thinking of starving children and evil in the world, I had this deep spiritual connection to God and just this pouring out of love where I wanted to help people.
And then God said, well, I'm picking this one and just put me through hell growing up.
The devil came after me so hard and I saw so many insane things, but I look back on it as God was taking me like a piece of steel and putting me in the fire and hammering me into something that could really be a weapon against evil.
And I'm not up here saying this to brag, it's the opposite of that.
I'm just telling you what happened, what went on.
And many of you probably had similar experiences, experiences someone like that.
So I want your prayer.
I don't want to be killed.
I don't want to be set up.
I don't.
I mean, they've already tried to go around and pay people money to say I raped them and stuff, but they couldn't get anybody to lie about me.
They sure as hell tried.
And it's been horrible.
And they've recently had big European mercenary groups Based out of Dubai and London here, trying to set me up and trying to infiltrate.
And it's a spy movie.
I mean, we don't talk a lot about it.
It's just that, no, this is like the Alamo, folks.
Burning cannonballs are shooting over.
We're getting sniped at, OK?
I mean, we're in a war zone here, OK?
This is hardcore.
And everybody sees me.
They're confident and calm and smooth about the fight.
Calm sometimes, but calm about the attacks and they go, well, it must not be that bad.
It's look, you're under attack and they've got to get through me.
They've got to get through Trump.
They got to get through a lot of other great people like you.
And so I need people to realize that and say, I'm going to pray for this broadcast.
And I'm going to buy products from this broadcast, and I'm going to share the links to this broadcast, and I'm going to give it in front of my church and tell them all about this broadcast, and I'm going to put up a billboard about this broadcast.
You know, whatever your means are, put a bumper sticker up.
I know we are the best there is, and I'm far from perfect.
Good Lord knows that.
Imperfect vessel all the way.
But I have a mission, and I don't want to do this halfway.
I don't want to keep my head down.
I remember right before I got deplatformed five years ago, they all came after me.
My dad's a smart guy.
He never really gets in my business.
I don't know, Saturday morning I think it was, he came over and he comes over like once a month or so and we'll cook breakfast, we'll show up early like I get up at like 6.30, have a cup of coffee, make some bacon and eggs, some toast, sit down and talk.
He looked at me and he said, you really are going after the system itself, you've got them really upset and concerned and they're going to come after you.
And I said, yeah, I expect them to probably take me off air in a couple months, try to block me everywhere.
And, uh, but I think it's the right thing to do.
He said, no, I'm proud of you.
It is the right thing to do.
This is important for our country, the world.
I want you to know I love you, but just, you know, just be as focused as you can, as professional as you can.
Cause I know when you get in this type of mode, you get wild eyed and nuts because you get so excited to take something on like this.
Instead of being scared, I go the other direction and just really get aggressive.
And he said, so be Christlike, wise as a serpent, peaceful as a dove.
And, uh, you know, he held my hand and we cried.
We're coming up on another one of those big moments, folks, but it's going to be much worse.
But it's not about me.
They're killing children all over the world.
They're poisoning them.
They're dying of heart attacks and blood clots and cancer.
And they're killing babies in the womb with the shots.
They're all over the news saying, we really want to give the shots to the women and, oh, women really need it when they're pregnant.
I mean, we are witnessing mass murder.
And so we have to face the horror.
And we have to do what's right, and we have to take these people on with everything we've got.
God is watching, and evil people like Bill Gates must be stood against.
We must resist them with all our heart, all our soul, all our will, all our spirit, everything we've got.
And I know that's hard.
I know it's hard to admit all this and to face this, but it's here.
And it's going to get a lot worse if we don't.
So from the bottom of my heart, please go to infowarestore.com.
Donate $5, $10, whatever you can give a month.
Do the recurring donations so you don't forget.
Cancel any time for free.
Sign up for products you need.
You're going to get it every month, every two, every six, out to nine months.
So it ships to you whenever you want it.
So you make that decision to support.
Today, and then you go make that decision with a monthly donation, working every two months, you just set it to whatever you want, whether it's $5 or $100 or $10, and then we can take that money and fight.
I want to hire more reporters.
I want to be on the road.
I want to not have them pin me down, spending my time trying to get money just to hold them off.
I told you we can keep holding them off.
God's in charge.
But God has to work through you.
So, you know, the crew hadn't gotten raises in years, and we haven't done bonuses in over a year, and they work hard, and a lot of them aren't paid that much.
So I'd really like to be strong.
I'd like to go into this battle, the most intense part of it we've hit so far, ready, focused, and it's the funds that do it, plus we've got products you really need.
Three different types of organic fluoride-free toothpaste that are amazing.
Super Female Vitality, Super Male, sold out.
Great for your obedience, stamina, energy.
It's the pink label.
It's the same for the males.
Just we're out of Super Male.
It's 60% off still.
We've got the Nitric Boost that flushes out your cardiovascular system.
It's so important right now, obviously, but it has great Other benefits to it for libido and things like that.
We have the 3000 milligram internal and then we have the 1000 milligram cream.
Highest quality CBD you're going to find anywhere.
33% off what the big brand sells it for.
We private label it.
And that's where you get great products and know that you are keeping us in attack formation, pressing the attack, not giving up because physically and financially we are shot up.
But we're having our most devastating effects ever.
And I intend to just, you can tell I'm getting more hardcore because the enemy's about to move against everybody really seriously again.
They're probably going to have a stock market crash.
They're going to bring in a new global currency.
It's going to get rough as hell, folks.
They're coming after our children, open pedophilia, open devil worship.
I mean, it's going to get so insane, ladies and gentlemen.
And I don't know if we're going to be on air another month, another five years.
It's all part of God's plan and the Lord works mysterious ways.
But I know this, the effects we're having now are unprecedented, and people out there, prominent smart people, are understanding the angle and worldview we look at things, and it's like a decoding's happening, and they won't need me to tell them over the horizon soon.
In fact, it's already happening, and soon my mission will be, I mean, I still have important work to do, but the primary mission's already been completed.
Detonating the main resistance movement that you did, all of us together, and then now getting people ready for how horrible it's going to be and how terrible it's going to be as they engage in administrative warfare against us, chemically, biologically, radiologically, financially, and as they just absolutely come down on humanity with both feet.
So, our most important work is here.
And it's empowering, it's insane, it's dangerous, it's wild, it's real.
Truth is stranger than fiction, and we are living this together right now.
So I love you, and I appreciate you, but you should not take anything for granted that the electricity will be on in a month or a year or a week, or that nuclear missiles might not rain down tomorrow.
I mean, or that they're going to release some new horrible plague next month.
I mean, this is, we're up against really evil people, okay, that want total control of the future, that want to use us as guinea pigs, as mad scientists for life-saving technology, and it's on.
Just get ready, get focused, get prepared, and then support the outlets and operations that are fearlessly taking on the globalists.
Fabulous work going on from Tucker Carlson.
Joe Rogan is on fire, completely awake now.
And he'll find them in his own way.
And I just, I see it from Russell Brand, you name it.
I mean, it's just from Tulsi Gabbard to RFK Jr.
to you, all of you out there.
The whole world is becoming Alex Jones because it's not Alex Jones they're becoming.
They're now taking the blinders off or use the, they live analogy, putting the sunglasses on.
And it's rough sometimes to get people to put the glasses on, start, put these glasses on, or start eating concrete.
And then all you gotta do is put the things on, man, and it's, whoa, just admit you're under attack, admit these are psychotics, and admit that bowing down to them will get us all killed, alright?
Hour number two, tons of news, so much more, big guest.
It's all coming up.
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As most of us have feared the lockdowns are coming back Federal officials from the TSA and from the U.S.
Border Patrol have contacted InfoWars and revealed that the Biden administration is now setting the stage for full COVID lockdowns.
The whistleblowers told us that they will begin in mid-September.
With incremental restrictions such as masking TSA employees and then masking other government employees and then masking non-government workers and then masking everyone.
Fires and floods are everywhere and our billionaire ruling class are now being very open about their plans to lock us all down again in order to save humanity.
One thing that maybe surprised you most?
Something you learned the last year?
Well, I learned that people don't know as much as they think they know, but the biggest thing you learn is that...
The pandemic was bound to occur, and this isn't the worst one that's imaginable at all.
Society has a terrible time preparing for things that are remote, but are possible, and will occur sooner or later.
There'll be another pandemic, we know that.
We know there's a nuclear chemical, biological, and now cyber threat.
Each one of those has terrible possibilities.
And we do some things about it.
But it's just not something that society seems particularly capable and fully coming to grips
The cyber threat, you know, we've just started.
*cough* yeah.
And look at the damage that's already been done.
The mask mandates are coming back.
The lockdowns are returning.
Will you comply?
Or will you stand together against this decrepit old tyranny that seeks to rule over us all?
Now is the time to make that decision.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Well, way out west, southwest, down in Texas, there's this fella, fella I want to tell you about.
Fella by the name of Alex Jones.
At least, that was the handle his freedom-loving parents gave him.
And he made pretty good use of it himself.
This, Alex Jones.
But he's a straight shooter.
He calls himself an info warrior, a globalist killer.
He's a truth bomber, dropping nukes of knowledge across radio waves, television sets, and all over the world wide web.
Many have tried to stop him, shut him up, or silence him, but it never quite worked out.
Not for a man like him.
He's a real Paul Revere of the 21st century.
A truth teller.
Hell, even more honest than old honest Abe Lincoln.
That's Alex Jones.
There's a lot about the man that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
Not until I tuned into Info Wars, that is.
Then things started to become clear.
The tyranny encircling the globe and every freedom-loving patriot on it.
Inch by inch, mile by mile, power-hungry politicians and money-hungry whores were swallowing the whole damn thing whole.
A real prison planet.
Not even God was allowed to remain untouched by these Satan-serving degenerates.
Not God or his son.
Until Alex Jones had something to say about it, that is.
Now this story that's about to unfold, well, it started back in the late 90s, just about the time the Twin Towers collapsed.
Like two tall stacks of pancakes with hot boiling syrup pouring on down, bubbling up from the inside out.
I only mention it because, well, sometimes there's a man.
I won't say hero, because what's a hero?
But sometimes, there's a man.
And I'm talking about Alex Jones here.
Sometimes there's a man.
Well, he's the man for his time and place.
He fits right in there.
And that's Alex Jones.
Live from the Central Texas Command Center, deep in the heart of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
All right, we're going to break.
We're going to come back.
It's a nice thing the crew made.
All right, we're now in hour number two on this live Tuesday, August 22nd, Global Transmission.
Dr. Stella Emanuel joins us in studio, bottom of the hour.
And then we've got another very informed talk show host, Stu Peters, joining us a little bit later in the third hour today.
All right, let's talk about perception and the windows and doors of perception here.
Biden is a total puppet, a pedophile, a Qaikom globalist agent.
Absolutely vicious and evil to the maximum.
And he's there so that we all attack him and attack his idiot son instead of the globalists behind him.
And that said, I'm not going to cry myself to sleep tonight if he gets impeached or if people move against him politically.
I don't want them to kill him and turn him into a martyr.
So, nobody tried anything against that creature.
But, the Maui tragic fire that's killed thousands happened what?
How many days ago?
Two weeks ago?
And Biden, until a couple days ago, just wouldn't even respond to it, because he knew they hadn't cut, his advisors knew they hadn't cut the trees and left the power on, and didn't turn the sirens on, and wouldn't give them water, and it's guaranteed, the globals have been trying to get the land the last few years, that they administratively created an atmosphere to let this happen.
And so, they just wanted to go away and have you forget about it.
That's why they kept everybody out, a 12-mile exclusion zone, won't tell you how many people are dead, won't even give you an idea, won't talk about the children.
Because they want to run around the Democratic Party, the Governor, Biden, and say, it's global warming.
That's why 70 mile an hour winds hit, which hit on a routine basis, and they hadn't trimmed the trees and left the power on.
They fall down the brush, it sets on fire, it's up against houses, it burns everybody out in a matter of an hour and a half.
But it shows their arrogance only goes so far.
They were hoping you'd just forget about it.
They were hoping it would just go away.
But it didn't, so now he hauled ass to Maui just two days ago.
He said, well, I don't know when I'm going to go to Hawaii.
Then he jumps on Air Force One, flies all the way across the United States, halfway across the Pacific Ocean, and lands, and struts around smiling, and talks about a fire at his house, and all about him, and almost killed his cat.
And they did this because There was such an outrage, particularly in Democrats, going, wait, we get $700, but an illegal alien gets $10,000 a month in New York City.
They get $2,200 a month everywhere else.
And a Social Security person, what do you max out at $1,600 a month?
People get this.
You pay into something your whole life, and then an illegal alien gets $10,000 a month.
And free housing, everything else.
It's about bringing the country down, ploward and pivot, and bankrupting it.
But the good news is, so much pressure was on them, and there was such a firestorm, pun intended, politically over this, that they went, oops.
Well, exactly right.
You can't just steal all the control and have all the big central banks and run the globalist government and cut off the pipelines, the power, and all the rest of it.
And not upkeep for almost five years after BlackRock bought the utility.
And they're doing it in other places like California, not cutting the trees now too.
Saying, we don't fix the old infrastructure, it's bad, it's evil.
And then it turns the infrastructure into a flamethrower.
Into a firebomb.
In fact, a bomber with a hundred firebombs in it couldn't have done as much damage that quick as all those power lines falling down all throughout the town with the power and the juice turned on.
The default is that when they have it, trim trees particularly, you can look this up anywhere, that's why your power goes off when the storms hit.
It's not because your power went off, it's because they cut the power.
Because if they don't, it's going to fry all the systems when it falls and blow up the transmitters, the transformers, and it's going to take ten times more money to fix it.
That's why they say, get to high ground, move out of the town.
When a hurricane's coming into Florida or coming into South Texas, they tell you, you need to evacuate.
You need to go to Austin.
You need to go to Dallas.
And you see the highways full of people leaving because once the winds hit 50 miles an hour, the power goes off because they turn it off.
And I said that the day after it happened.
I said, it's the power lines and they've not turned the power off.
And they now completely admit that.
And it's not like I'm some engineer or a whiz-bang.
It's important to know how this stuff works.
The average leftist, though, thinks food just arrives in a grocery store.
They're like, oh, we need to get rid of all the coal plants and have clean electricity to run our cars, and they're not even having 10% of the energy they need to power the cars if half our cars were electric.
It's a bridge to nowhere.
It's a sabotage system, period.
End of story.
But this was extremely, extremely illustrative that he had to go.
And it shows there's a bottom to their arrogance when they know their own constituents.
I mean, here's another story that ties right into this.
You've heard Nancy Pelosi say, MS-13, you shouldn't talk bad about them, they're God's children.
The vicious, most evil gang on earth, that's not globalist fully controlled, even though they launder money through the Democrats, they'll play that clip in a moment, they're saying God's children.
They're human smuggling and laundering and working for the Democrats.
But now this, Chicago Democrat unveils plan to tackle violent crime, ask gangs to only shoot people at night.
Because Chicago is a failed state, as dangerous as the worst places in Mexico.
Or, I mean, you hear about Sicily's dangerous with the mafia and kidnappings, and it is, but it's like nothing statistically compared to this.
So we hear all these travel advisories about the rest of the world, how dangerous they are.
Our blue cities are hellholes.
Cheers, Pelosi on MS-13.
Since you brought up the subject of immigration again, it reminds me that, and as I was talking about the religious groups and how they're concerned about feeding the hungry in the Gospel of Matthew and the rest, 41 million people in our country are food insecure.
We believe, some of us who are attracted to the political arena and to government and public service, that we're all God's children.
There's a spark of divinity in every person on earth and that we all have to recognize that as we respect the dignity and worth of every person and as we recognize our responsibilities with that spark of divinity within us.
And so when the President of the United States says about undocumented immigrants, these aren't people, these are animals.
And that's a response when they're talking about MS-13.
So, now, Chicago Democrat Annabelle's plan to tackle violent crime asking's to only shoot people at night.
A Chicago Democrat has unveiled a new plan to tackle violent crime, like cutting the police.
That really worked.
As murder rates continue to spiral out of control in the Illinois city.
Chicago alderman Maria Hayden says she wants city officials to ask gang members to restrict their shootings so that only shoot people during the nighttime hours.
That's not a joke.
Hayden Send an email in which the woke Democrat promoted a proposal from a group called Native Sons.
The proposal involves asking gang members to restrict their shooting to between 9pm and 9am.
We have to start somewhere, said Native Sons co-founder.
Tatina Adkins.
Our goal is to approach our city's gun violence program strategically, and not all at once.
Of course, you can't own a gun in Chicago, basically, if you're a U.S.
It's very hard, but the criminals don't seem to follow the laws, do they?
Things didn't become this way overnight, and change won't happen overnight.
And she goes on to reach out and ask them to not shoot between 9 a.m.
and 9 p.m.
and only kill and they go through all the little kids that have been shot as if those bullets don't end up going into houses at night all the time when a kid's sitting there eating dinner and a bullet hits him in the side of the face in the back of the head of the chest or in the leg.
All right we're gonna go to break we're gonna come back and get into Some new Antifa developments and transgender male librarian gags woman for misgendering.
These people are tyrants all the way.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
All right, so here's what's going on.
Vivek Ramaswamy did a great job last week, and I never played the clip, but you guys find that clip where he was looking like Iowa and a transgender lady comes over, a man comes over and says, What do you think of this transgender thing?
And he says, well, you can do what you want as an adult, but you're the tyranny of the minority.
And so everyone must be indoctrinated in what you're doing, quote, because you're being abused.
But statistically, you're committing suicide and you're killing each other.
We're not killing you.
He gets into a bunch of it, and that's what this is.
So, all over the country, all over the world, funded by the biggest, most powerful corporations on the planet, run by MI6, that's who created all this crap, the Tabastock Institute, they're targeting our children that have already been chemically bent that way, and then they come all the way to sterilize them.
And so all over the nation, different states, like California, have passed laws that if you misgender somebody, you go to jail.
And then some big giant dude, bodybuilder, ex-con comes in with a pink shirt.
They go, hey man, you want anything else?
It's man.
It's man.
They start breaking stuff and attacking people because it's a big dude.
And then you've got men invading women's sports and dominating it all over the world.
It's preposterous.
It's asinine.
It's flagrant.
Mind control.
So the full video is like 12 minutes long.
We're not going to play the whole thing.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Transgender says, male librarian gags woman for misgendering.
So transgenderism.
Male librarian gags woman for misgendering.
And this dude comes up while she's giving a speech that they went and are having with a group there.
They set the time, set it up, had the event about women's sports and women having their own spaces, biological women.
And he says, you're kicked out of here.
Because you're misgendering.
And he shuts down her speech.
These are tyrants, ladies and gentlemen.
And I know exactly what they're doing.
So here's an excerpt of it.
At 10 years old, like I said, all I dreamed was about being a college soccer player.
A dream I knew I could achieve as long as I worked hard and put my mind to it.
And at 18, I was able to live out my dream.
The current 10-year-old girls cannot live out the same dream as long as men are allowed
to compete in women's sports.
So now, no matter how hard girls work...
No, you can't do that.
Just say biological.
Biological men in women's sports.
If you can't say that, you're going to be out of the board.
And if I wish you peace, then you will be out of the board.
I will give you one warning.
Keep going.
Nobody has to be here.
And just like Antifa, he then shuts down her speech.
So gentlemen, I want to tell you that I want to...
They're scared of a bunch of people getting together and stand...
They're in a private room in a library.
So it's misgendering that she says men are biologically stronger.
Here's the good news.
His attempt to silence her, which they kicked her out, will only blow this up ten times bigger and I want her on the show.
But look at this guy.
That's an un-American.
That's a dangerous person.
That's a cult member of the New World Order in my view.
She's a lawyer.
He's telling her you can't speak.
You just misgendered somebody.
This is not your presentation.
This is designed to destroy civilization.
You are disrupting my First Amendment rights.
Yep, First Amendment.
I appreciate that you are all showing your First Amendment rights.
I am a big proponent of First Amendment rights.
I love the fact that you have your sign and that you are here today.
But, we all have First Amendment rights, whether you believe in what I believe, Or whether I believe in what you believe.
But as an American, I am allowed... Alright, let's just stop there.
The full video is on Infowars.com.
Now this.
Andy was threatening the jury, the lawyer threatened the jury, and the jury found that the people hitting Andy Nego over the head with concrete milkshakes was innocent.
But now there's been a civil move.
Judge rules against anti-foot defendants and default.
In another case, awards 80 to go, $300,000 in damages over Portland attack because they didn't show up for the court case.
I showed up for my court cases, did everything they said, they still defaulted me.
This is default because they never showed up.
So that's important right there.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
Then I see all these headlines.
Look at this.
Then we got a special guest in studio and there's going to be some big news here.
New York, California each lost $1 trillion in assets as financial firms fled south.
Same thing's happening in other leftist controlled areas.
The steady exodus of Wall Street banks and big tech firms from California and New York over the past several years has cost the state nearly $1 trillion apiece in managed assets, according to new analyst Bob Bloomberg.
New analysis.
The departure of companies like Elliott Management, Alliance, Bernstein, and Charles Schwab has drained two states of thousands of high-paying jobs, further burdening city and state finances by sapping tax revenue.
You think, well, they're just bad managers in blue states.
If you want to bring the whole country down, you've got to bring down the most wealthy, powerful states, like New York and California, that used to be, I mean, New York's got its issues, but it was a cool city, and the state's cool people, and there was a lot of great stuff there.
You go there now, it looks like a bomb went off.
Rats, garbage, crazy people everywhere, crime everywhere.
Same thing in California, just gutting some of the jewels of this nation, the Big Apple.
Great, hard-working people, wrecked.
Now all they have is illegal aliens and poop on the street.
And not just California.
Look at Seattle and Washington.
Look at Portland, Oregon.
And the dangerous part is, there's not just an exodus of good people out of these states, the left is moving like locusts that have already chewed the countryside and the cities to the bone to our towns and our cities and it is dangerous.
Look at this headline, CNBC.
61% of Americans will have paycheck to paycheck even as inflation cools.
The US will be forced to embrace gold or become isolated.
And there's reports of confirmed stagflation numbers, not just in our economy,
but in the Chinese economy and others.
We are headed towards a designed economic collapse, the end of the bubble,
and that's what the wars are about and the central bank digital currencies are about
and the ESGs.
All of this is about, they bring down their old system.
They give us all the inflation, all the debt, all the crime.
Then they roll out their new system.
We need to be informed about this.
We need to be engaged about this.
We need to understand it.
Our legislatures need to understand it.
Our government needs to understand it, so we can have a real debate about this and not do it.
Because it's totally illegal, super dangerous, absolutely horrible.
All their solutions make it ten times worse, give them more power.
We have to be engaged.
And that's why they want us uninformed.
That's why they don't want this broadcast on air, and that's why you spreading the word is so critical.
Dr. Stella Emanuel is amazing.
She comes in next segment, Rob do as well, and so much more.
I am Alexander Emmerich Jones.
I am your host.
Please spread the links.
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When castles towered over vast landscapes and knights championed honor and valor, there came an unforeseen darkness.
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All right.
For the next hour ahead of Stu Peters, Dr. Stella Emanuel, who's an amazing lady, one of the first doctors to go public as the lockdowns were beginning with those big congressional hearings and the press conferences.
She got totally demonized.
She's a medical doctor out of Houston, and she has literally helped hundreds of thousands of people.
When I saw the news Friday, Learned about the news Thursday.
I called her and I said they're planning new lockdowns.
I need you to come in studio.
And so she drove up from Houston to Austin and we appreciate her being here because we have record deaths.
She was telling me last week on the phone before I even learned that news like last Monday that we're seeing record level sick people.
It's from the shots.
They admit there's record level death.
They say they don't know what's causing it.
I've shown you those news articles, but then Rob Doom, who is the news director, he's not the producer of the radio show, but the director of the other broadcast, he said, I didn't know Stella was here.
Right before she came in here, during the break, he said, wow, Stella really helped my brother.
And of course, I know Rob's brother well.
He just got COVID and got seriously ill.
So a lot of it's genetically, depending on who you are, it hits you worse.
It almost killed Dew a couple of years ago.
But by the grace of God and Dr. Bartlett at the time helping us, he bounced back, sitting with my parents.
But Dr. Stella Emanuel, to DrStellaMD.com, you didn't even know we were going to do this.
Because literally during the four minute break, Rob said, hey, you know, Stella really helped my brother.
He was in bad shape.
His doctor wouldn't help him.
He called you immediate help.
So they're using our bodies, as you know, as Dr. Judy Mikovits said just last week on the show, as incubators with all the stuff they're injecting us with, the spike protein, and they are again trying to block therapeutics to people and they're planning new lockdowns.
So we're going to talk about that.
News I got from the TSA whistleblower.
Last week, then I reported on Friday, and then boom, everywhere now, masks back at the airports they're saying are coming, masks at colleges, you've heard the callers, universities doing it.
It's happening.
It is definitely going on.
So we've got to get ahead of this and find out what we...
No, that they're doing to stop it.
But I was talking to her a bunch just the last week before I even learned this, the last two weeks about what is she seeing in Houston, her big practice?
What is she hearing from other doctors?
Record illness, record issues.
She said it's already back, but it's not COVID as you think.
It's all the viruses and things they've introduced through the injections.
But she's the medical doctor here to talk about that.
So we're going to get to that in a moment.
But first, I didn't mean to get to this later in your great telemedicine thing and all the things you do at DrStellaMD.com, but I wanted to get up front Rob Dew, who I only talked to like 30 seconds during the break, to tell us what happened to his brother.
You're like, Rob Dew's brother?
I don't know who he is.
Who's Rob Dew?
Well, you didn't know, but this is somebody you helped.
We really thank you.
So let's talk about Uh, that because so many people this fall and winter are going to go through this again.
They're going to try to go to their mainline doctor.
They're going to try to go, they're going to be denied all this stuff.
They're going to be told, go home when you're sick.
So you get even sicker and they can intubate you and kill your ass.
So this is important.
So Rob, she, she didn't know this was going to happen.
I didn't know it was going to happen until like five, six minutes ago.
Tell us, tell us about your brother and what happened.
Yeah, I got a text from him on Friday saying, um, I have COVID.
I went to the doctor.
He would not prescribe me ivermectin because he said it wouldn't help.
And I said, well that's bull.
I said, it helped me and I took several rounds of it and it probably saved my life and a lot of other people that I know of.
So I said, you know, you live in Beaumont, you need to call Dr. Stella MD.
And I gave him the website, DrStellaMD.com.
He got through to her, filled all the stuff out, got the meds sent to him.
I think they came from Nevada.
It's just amazing where you have your local doctor buying into the plan where, oh no, I can't give you anything for this, you just go home and die, or get sick enough to go into the hospital.
They're still following that plan, and it's ridiculous that at this point, We don't have enough people like Dr. Stella speaking out and more doctors coming together.
We need, you know, millions of doctors coming together to say, this is not going to happen anymore.
Worldwide, it needs to happen.
I just talked to you for 30 seconds during the break.
I said, we'll get the studio.
You said your brother got better quickly?
Yeah, no, he's already feeling better, he's already back on the mend and it's just amazing that there's medicines that can help people immediately.
The Budesedine, the Ivermectin, it'll have an immediate effect on your body.
Just for me, I couldn't get out of bed and then in two days I was back up and I was able to pack out and leave like over a year ago, well a couple years ago now, 21.
And it's just amazing that this stuff is being suppressed by the establishment so they can drive up these numbers so they can lock down more people.
Absolutely, and that's your brother I know, right?
The statistician?
Now, he only got one brother, that's right.
Wow, and you said he was really sick.
Yeah, he called me, he said, I've never felt like this before.
He never got COVID when it went through the first time, and you know, never been vaccinated, never been anything.
But this thing is mutated, so...
So drastically now, they keep saying, oh, there's more mutations of this, there's more, it's got more mutations.
This one, you can get it easier.
And again, all the virologists told us, you give people this shot during a pandemic, it's going to create all these variants.
Yes, yes.
All right, Rob, thank you so much.
We're glad your brother's doing better.
Dr. Stella, what's going on with this new variant out of Canada?
Because even before they were announcing this last week, you were telling me you're seeing big upsurges in Houston.
In fact, we started seeing it towards the end of July.
I wrote a tweet about it.
I said COVID is back.
We're seeing more patients and people should get prepared.
We're seeing more sick patients.
It's not as bad as during Delta, but Usually, these viruses should not, you know, all these RNA viruses, flu viruses, coronaviruses, they are a winter virus.
They usually happen like in the fall and winter.
So, for coronavirus to be popping up in the summer is kind of odd.
So, when we started having news that the COVID was coming back, so we started telling people to get prepared, and it's been coming back.
We've seen, we've been seeing way more sick patients and I can say Alex, for the past three years, we've always seen sick patients, always.
COVID has never like totally gone away, but maybe one or two or two or three a day.
But right now, we're going up again and we'll begin to see maybe 30, 40 patients that are signing up that are sick.
You know what I'm saying?
And crazy part is vaccinated patients are getting sick and they are getting it two, three, four times.
Well, that's what the studies show.
We've had Dr. Peter McCullough on.
It's the injected that's causing record level deaths.
I don't see patients that die, but I know about them.
Like we had a few weeks ago, I'm in church and this lady runs in really, really crying.
The mother went into the hospital to do a procedure, caught COVID, ended up in the hospital, ended up intubated.
And she didn't know what to do.
When she ran to me, I said, I can help you.
I can come get your mama out of the hospital.
And sadly, the woman passed away.
So that's why they've got a stock All these things.
So we need to get prepared now.
What I'm screaming from the rooftop is that America get prepared now.
Don't wait till you get sick.
You know, when we started doing COVID treatment, most mainstream pharmacies, they will not fill the prescriptions.
If you go to, if I call it skip to Walgreens or to this, they're not going to fill it.
So what we have actually done over the years is that we created a system, got mom and pop pharmacies that will fill the prescriptions and ship it directly to you.
So it takes a few days.
So if you get your prescriptions now, if you go to DrStellaMD.com and make an appointment, see a telehealth appointment, they give you the prescription now.
Then you will not wait.
Let's talk about getting ready for what's coming right now because they're planning new lockdowns.
We know that.
Why are they doing it?
Dr Stella Emanuel is with us 30 minutes to the next hour and I asked her to be here.
Because she said COVID was exploding again when I talked to her last Monday.
She's here today.
I learned on Thursday from our TSA source that confirmed from other federal sources that they plan to bring back masks for federal employees like TSA the 15th of next month, September.
Then October that Biden plans to make everybody try to wear masks on the airplanes.
But we can stand up to this and say no.
And we don't have to do a repeat where they block the therapeutics and kill a bunch of people again.
So it's a perfect timing That she's here with us today.
She's also a big supporter of the broadcast.
So when you go to DrStellaMD.com and get the telemedicine, not just for COVID, but so many other things, it also supports the broadcast.
Use promo code Alex.
Do what?
Use Alex.
Promo code Alex.
Yes, so you can get a discount.
You get a discount?
What's the discount?
Five to ten percent depends on what I do.
So you're a great sponsor, DrStellaMD.com.
Well, that's good to know.
I've been plugging it a lot, but people are getting help, so it doesn't matter one or the other, but I've stockpiled, legally, enough Ivermectin for 50 people.
I've got all the other products from her at my house.
An entire shelf is just packed with her stuff, and then my stuff, and then other stuff there, and then people all the time are sick, and I just give it to them.
And even my medical doctor that owns clinics all over the state, he is Telling people to take a few ivermectins a week.
I mean, there's all sorts of things happening.
We'll talk about that next hour with Dr. Stella Emanuel.
Get ready now.
Stockpile it before they jack up the prices, before they try to take it away from you.
And be prepared.
But the reason I had you here was the COVID numbers being up.
Look at these headlines.
Overhead shot, please.
Two weeks to slow the spread.
Colleges all over the country say you must wear a mask now, but only two weeks.
You know it's never two weeks.
Using the same propaganda.
COVID mandates return to Hollywood.
Lionsgate requires employees to mask up, submit to daily testing.
Now hotels are announcing it everywhere.
Grocery stores are announcing it everywhere.
Just as callers called yesterday, it's been confirmed in the news.
Atlanta College reinstates mask mandates for students, employees on campus.
It's all being confirmed right now.
Alex Jones was right, says Cernovich.
Record PPE, emergency COVID buying of COVID supplies by the Biden administration.
This is a big deal.
They are doing it right now.
So Dr. Stella Emanuel, knowing what you know, And the listeners are really tuned in right now.
Record audiences right now.
Biggest audiences you've had since 2016.
People really get what's going on.
The fact that we broke this Friday morning and then it was all over the news by the evening.
We caught them right before their new fear rollout.
They want people in fear.
They don't want them prepared.
What are you expecting to see and how do we counter this?
I think the first thing people have to realize is that COVID is completely treatable and completely preventable.
I mean, completely.
You don't have to be afraid because you can catch COVID.
Number two, masks.
All these diapers they wear on our faces, masks don't work.
Putting on a mask to filter COVID is like putting on a chain link fence to filter a mosquito.
It does not work.
So, wake up!
Don't let them mask you, social distancing, all that stuff.
It doesn't work.
It's fear mongering.
I always say masks are like a mind control device.
It really just doesn't work.
It just keeps people in fear.
I want to tell people get ready. Go to your doctor. I don't care. Fly to Mexico, whatever.
Get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in your medicine cabinet. If you go on our website,
drsterramd.com, we have doctors in all 50 states. Pharmacists will ship it to your house.
COVID is better treated early.
So get this early before it gets crazy, before you get sick.
People are calling me to come and take them out of the hospital and I mean a lady, I mean it's heartbreaking when you're calling me when you're too sick and then it takes a few days for us to ship the medicine to you.
But be prepared now.
I'm glad that people are hearing and people are getting prepared.
Go to DrStellaMD.com.
Get hydroxychloroquine.
Get ivermectin in your medicine cabinet.
Like I said, if you use promo code Alex, you get a little discount to help out.
But right now, we want you to take action now.
Don't wait till you get sick.
The second thing that we want you to take action on is vitamin C, D, zinc, and quercetin.
We have it in COVID Vite on our website, on our marketplace, but you can get it anywhere.
Vitamin C, Vitamin D. The reason why a lot of viruses affect people during the winter is lack of Vitamin D. So if we have it in Vitamin C, D, Zinc, and Quercetin.
Zinc can kill viruses, but the issue is zinc doesn't know how to get into the cell.
So when you take zinc and quercetin, it opens the zinc channels, and then it opens the zinc channels, then zinc goes into the cell and kills the virus.
So I advise everybody to be on daily vitamin C, zinc and quercetin.
We have it in Covivite.
You can see it on our marketplace.
You can get it there, or you can get it anywhere.
I just want you to get it.
Take daily quercetin, zinc, and that will keep you... But you do have ivermectin, and what else do you recommend people get?
So we want them to get ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
That is a telemedicine appointment.
You can't buy it.
I can't sell it to you.
You have to go on our website, make a telehealth appointment.
It's prescription.
We're going to look at your data, look at what you're going through, look at all your allergies and everything.
And that is an individualized... We do telemedicine... And again, this is symbiotic.
You're bold, you're great, you've got great things to protect people.
It keeps our show on the air, and then people stay safe and stay healthy.
This is a win-win, folks.
The only way you fail, if you are insane, if you don't go to DrStellaMD.com and get what she's saying, it keeps us on air, plus it keeps you safe.
The FDA had to come out and admit, okay, now you can prescribe hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
They already knew this.
Fauci, as you know, did studies decades ago admitting this.
They've known this the whole time.
Talk about that.
In 2005, there was a study.
In fact, it's on my Twitter right now.
It's on my Twitter feed right now.
I put that study.
Tell us on Twitter.
That is where I learned.
That's how I started using hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
It was actually an article that was done, a study that was done under Anthony Fauci in 2005 that said chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS-CoV-1.
And it's not about credit, but was it Zelinko or you?
Because I hear both of you are credited as the first people saying hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
It's not about credit, but who was first?
I actually did not even know about Zelinko.
I heard about it from a pharmacist that said that they are using it in... Well, your press conference.
This was early on.
No, no, this is like March.
We started using hydroxychloroquine in March.
Because, you know, I have patients that were from Asia and everything.
I was about to say Africa, and I'll bring it up because you're African, but Africa is obsessed with these things.
It's actually, we grew up taking hydroxychloroquine and other things, Sunday-Sunday medicine, for prevention.
I tell people, because I grew up in a malaria-endemic zone, where we took malaria medicine, Sunday-Sunday medicine, I've always been on Sunday-Sunday medicine.
Like, I take hydroxychloroquine weekly.
I've not been sick.
So you went to church and they gave it to you?
We call it Sunday, Sunday Medicine.
That means you can do Wednesday, Wednesday or Tuesday, Tuesday.
That means we have a lot of people.
What's more powerful?
Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine?
They are both good.
They work in different ways.
Some people like Ivermectin, some people like Hydroxychloroquine, but when people are sick, we give them both.
We give them that, and we give them Budesonide, and we give them Z-Pak, and you know... Oh, my dad was going to die.
So was Rob Dew.
We got Dr. Bartlett at the time.
I knew who you were, but he worked around the clock, and my dad literally had like 85% oxygen, and he bounced back.
In hours, it started going back up.
So when we do, we do Budesonite and we do Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Z-Pak when people are sick, you know what I'm saying, and a few other things.
But on the prevention level, we put people on weekly Ivermectin or weekly Hydroxychloroquine and daily Covivite, Vitamin C, D-Zinc and Quercetin.
Alright, so people go to DrStellaMD.com, use promo code Alex to get 5-10% discount depending on the product.
And we're going to go to Bright Come Back and cover news, but what are the products you would recommend people stockpile?
I want people to stockpile Covivites and NAC.
You know, N-acetylcysteine?
It helps break loose.
It's antioxidant.
You help break loose the cold.
So we have like Covivite and NAC.
You can get like 6-month supply, 3-month supply, and take it daily.
Because the Covivite has vitamins C, D, Zinc, and Quercetin.
That will keep you safe.
It will stop you from catching COVID.
It will help you and build your immunity against COVID.
Let me not say it will stop you because, you know.
It will help to build your immunity against not just COVID, but all RNA viruses.
I'm talking about flu, RSV, bird flu, or whatever else.
It will stop you from... So there's two groups of things.
There's the stuff that can get over the counter from you right now, but they can also sign up for a quick telemedicine meeting and get the ivermectin and the hydroxychloroquine.
Hydroxychloroquine, yes.
Alright, so people go to DrStellaMD.com and again, I had you coming in here just to talk about the increased COVID numbers, but it's just the perfect time to have you here.
And you know, I tell people, you can't fight this battle when you can't breathe.
So, don't wait.
I'm screaming.
I've been screaming on the rooftop.
Please don't wait.
Well, that's what they did.
They'd send people home to make them sicker.
Don't wait till you get sick.
Just do it now so that you're safe and you can fight.
Now, can they go to DrSellAMD.com?
And it's right there for the telemedicine numbers?
No, they'll get it.
When they get there, they'll make a telemedicine appointment.
A doctor will call, our nurses will call them, triage them.
A doctor will... Alright, we'll be right back.
Alex Jones here in the next 60 seconds with some very exciting announcements.
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Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas.
The U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese take control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now, this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose, reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome, subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not knowing.
It's a lethal dose if we accept the dose.
Total Internet of Things integration global social score complete command and control system. It is the virtual
reality AI weapon system now attacking the United States with traitors
inside the major security agencies blocking Trump's resistance of the program and
Attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles of the Chai Com slash big tech banking combine emergency situation
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information and have been battering, ramming it out as much as I can.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception, where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, built me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children, and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they built me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and it's being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission.
Now break!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.
And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light.
And there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good, and divided the light from the darkness.
Tell everyone you know, tune in now.
We can override them.
Share the clips now.
Share the links now.
intelligence in our power there's satanic AI and divided the waters which were under the firmament
the waters which were above the firmament and it was so
and God called the firmament heaven and the eating
And it was so.
And God called the firmament heaven.
And the evening and the morning was the second day.
And God said, Let the waters of the heavens be gathered together into one place.
And let the dry land appear.
And it was so.
And God called the dry land earth.
and the gathering together of the waters called the East Sea.
And God saw that it was good.
And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas,
and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth.
We're live now.
We're fighting the next rollout of tyranny.
The next COVID fraud.
Join us now.
Spread the word now.
Back in 60 seconds live.
Spread the word now.
By text message.
Word of mouth.
Do it now.
Override them.
You are unstoppable.
Do it now.
Don't lay down and die.
They're getting ready for a rerun, as I told you last week, and then it all broke.
They're doing it again, what they did three and a half years ago.
But we've learned from this.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
And absolutely, Dr. Stella volunteered.
I wanted her on as a guest years ago.
She said, hey, I'm going to donate half my profits this week to your operation.
She's going to keep us on air.
She's got a great telemedicine system, a great supplement system.
But I wanted her to talk about COVID, the new rollout, what she's seeing in Houston.
But it is a win-win.
They will just send you home to die, folks, or they'll send you home to your super sick.
You need to get prepared.
You need to get healthy now.
It's that simple.
And everything they claimed about therapeutics was a lie.
It's all been vetted.
It's all come out in court.
It's all been proven.
So Dr. Stella, you were saying during the break, I want you to repeat this on air.
People should not make the same mistake again.
Now it's clear they're trying to roll it out.
Let me ask you this.
Even though people are pretty much awake, at least half the public, why are they trying the same thing again?
I think it's because they want to incrementally bring in lockdowns next year ahead of the next election for mail-in ballots.
Yes, they want to do that for million dollars, but we should also realize that in July they launched the American CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, so that they can lock us down.
They want, the globalists want everybody digitalized by 2025.
UN has what we call, they want to do a digital compact.
So if they start locking us down, destroy businesses, crash the economy, then the next thing they will send you are stimulus checks.
And you have to take it in CBDC and probably at the end in a MAC.
Because the Bible says in Revelation 13, 16, that there's going to come a time that you're not going to be able to buy or sell until you take a MAC.
And I do believe that this is like a preamble to getting you to a time when you have digital currency from the government inserted under your skin.
And by the way, Bill Gates just announced this two days ago.
He said this.
He said, yeah, we need this new system right now.
He's behind it.
You know Bill Gates, they did what he called a quantum doctor too, where you can carry your vaccine records, you can carry your medical records, you can carry your financial records, you can carry your social credit score and everything.
So we have to resist.
These demons, they are not more than us.
It's just that we have to realize humanity has to come together and stand up.
And by the way, they tried this in Nigeria.
They tried it in Finland.
They've already tried this in China.
It worked.
Everywhere else it failed.
Do you know what's happening in Nigeria, Alex?
They went to Nigeria, crashed the economy.
They took out oil subsidies, so gasoline is like five times up.
Nigerians are not even driving cars anymore.
The roads are empty.
People are starving and they don't care.
I started telling people in Nigeria, friends, family in Nigeria, I started telling them, stock up food, stock up food.
And the crazy part about things is that, Nigeria, most people don't really farm or anything like that.
So people are starving in Nigeria, just because they want to put the e-Naira, and they want to digitalize everywhere.
So humanity has to wake up.
This battle, this is a battle for us.
And I tell people, just wake up, give your life to Christ, because at the end of the day, good versus evil, you need Jesus.
That's, you know, it's crazy because This is like, just wake up!
Don't let them lock us down.
Don't put back a mask on your face.
Wearing those diapers is like putting on a chain link fence to filter a mosquito.
It doesn't make any sense.
It's just to make us scared and you know, and everybody will be holding and hiding.
Don't let them do this to you.
We can stop this if we stand up together and say no!
We're not going to get locked down.
We're not going to get six feet apart.
We're not going to hide in our houses anymore.
It's not going to happen.
And we are telling you right now, before they start rolling it out, so you get your mind prepared.
And the other thing I say is that get medically prepared.
Get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in your medicine cabinet.
Because you cannot fight when you can't breathe.
You cannot fight if they blow something in the air and you can't breathe.
So I'm screaming from the rooftop now.
Go to Dr. Stella MD today.
Make sure you have it in your medicine cabinet.
Get it shipped to you.
COVID is better treated early.
Let's not make the same mistake again.
He's promo code Alex.
So we're here and they've already done this before.
They are making their move again out of weakness, out of desperation, I believe.
But what other moves do they have?
I mean, people can't believe they're trying it again.
After my whistleblowers told me this, it broke the day after I told people.
I mean, it's crazy.
I shared it on, you know, we're sharing it, I say, you know, we're sharing it on Twitter and everything, what you broke, and then the very next day, everywhere, it's like, oh, you know, we need to just see it.
I've been telling this, I told people a long time ago, I said, this is- So you told me two weeks ago, because we were talking about getting you back on, and you said, look, it's coming back, it's here.
I said it on Twitter, like, July 31st.
I put a post on Twitter, I said, COVID is coming.
Yeah, guys, pull up her Twitter on July 31st.
Scroll down and show that.
I know you told me over the phone, you were calling me a bunch.
You were calling me, like, Alex, they're doing it again, you're doing it again.
And you weren't a whistleblower, you saw it with the patience of the numbers.
Yes, I saw all the patients, I saw some reports from CDC, and I was like, oh no, these people are up to it again.
And I put it on Twitter, I said, you know, July 31st, I said COVID is coming back.
I don't know why, this is not supposed to be, this is not supposed to be happening in the summer.
And people shared it, it had almost 900,000 views.
There it is, read that, that's what you said on July 31st.
Yeah, I said COVID.
I don't have my glasses.
I can't see.
COVID is back in town.
I don't know why.
Respiratory viruses are usually a fall-winter thing.
Something is up.
Stay safe.
Good hand-washing.
Stay home if sick.
Take all cold symptoms seriously and start treatment.
Early treatment is key.
Take vitamin D, zinc, quercetin daily.
We have it in the COVIDs.
On Marketplace.StellaMD.com.
Take extra dose of your Sunday, Sunday medicine if you are going to be in crowds.
Get Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin on our website by making a telepath appointment at DrStella.com.
In all 50 states, do not fear, be prepared.
This was July, you know, because I got the Holy Ghost.
And the Lord tells me... They've got their AI, we've got the real one.
Oh yeah, we've got the Holy Ghost and I've got fire.
I'm an intercessor.
I'm a sniper.
So we pray and we pray and sometimes God... When the Holy Ghost hits you, what do you feel?
I feel like my heart burns, my brain, my spine.
Yeah, it's fire.
It's like real fire, yes, over me.
I'm on fire right now.
And that time... You feel the fire right now?
Yes, we feel the anointing.
It's called the anointing, yes.
I can feel it.
It's like fire.
Yes, it's fire.
You can feel the presence of God.
When you, when the presence of God comes, the Holy Ghost is talking.
People can just, you can feel, it's like something, the good thing about it is that.
It makes me cry too.
I feel the Holy Ghost right now.
Yes, it helps to take the veil because I just pray that as you're listening to me, the veil will come off your minds in the name of Jesus and you will see the truth and it will set you free.
Don't let this, these people are demons from the pit of hell and they want to destroy humanity.
Aim it at God.
That's all we got to do.
Just aim it.
I tell people, the Bible says that in the last days there's going to be fire, there's going to be smoke.
Acts chapter 2, verse 19, that there's going to be vapors of smoke.
Right now, there are fires, there are vapors, there's smoke coming in.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
So it is the end times, but what does that scripture say?
If you call on the name of the Lord, you shall be saved.
The safest place to be right now on this planet is to be in God's will, is to be in Christ Jesus.
That's what I tell people all the time.
They say, Oh, Dr. Stella, doctor, quit talking about Christianity and everything.
This battle is good versus evil.
You cannot fight evil by GPS.
GPS for your car.
The Holy Spirit gives you GPS for everything.
You cannot fight spiritual battles in the physical means only.
So we want you to be medically prepared so that you don't get caught up.
We want you to stock up food, water, everything that you need.
Guns, ammo, so that you can be prepared.
I don't need guns and ammo.
I'm a spiritual warrior.
You know what I'm saying?
I don't need anybody to protect me.
The Holy Ghost protects me.
We have angels that protect me.
But you are not at my spiritual level.
I know that if somebody holds a gun at me, it's a demon making them and I know how to handle demons.
You know what I'm saying?
But many people are not at my spiritual level.
So make sure you're prepared.
Make sure you have food and everything.
And stock up food, water, learn how to grow your own food.
We have cows, we have chicken, we're growing food right now.
We want to make sure that if they lock us out of the system, you can survive.
The only way we're going to survive is to start coming together right now and be prepared.
Get a water filtration system.
Just make sure.
Get a, I mean, even your medicine cabinet, put it in something that can, you know, put it in a fire safe proof, fire proof thing and everything.
We even have what we're doing, Alex, where we're giving people seven antibiotics you will need in an emergency.
Something for cold, you know.
So we're putting in an emergency pack so people can put it in their medicine cabinet.
They can call you, telemedicine, and get the emergency pack at a great price.
That's another thing.
You sell stuff for a very low price.
They're gouging people.
They did it last time.
No, we actually took the pharmacist, we worked with the pharmacist and told them that, you know, give us the least price, you know.
So we had to work to control the price from the pharmacist themselves because Ivermectin that used to, I don't know how it used to be, but right now a pill of Ivermectin is in many places almost $7, $8.
So we had to work with the pharmacist and say, no, try to bring it down or get the compounding pharmacist and then we put a control so they can help get it to the people easier, you know.
And when people go on our website and make an appointment, We get everything.
DrStellaMD.com, promo code Alex.
It's so important to get ready, and it funds the InfoWar.
People need to be smart.
They need to be ready now.
Now, let's come back and talk about big picture.
What else do you think the enemy's going to hit with us?
What is the Holy Spirit telling Dr. Stella Emanuel, stay with us?
But only because of your prayer, and only because of your support, we are on air because of your grace and your support, period.
Because God is working through you.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Dr. Stella Emanuel.
The force is strong with her.
Use promo code Alex to get 5 to 10% off.
And this is a win-win.
It funds our operation.
It keeps us on air.
And they got caught blocking the therapeutics, which has all been proven now.
It's proven back then.
And there you were three plus years ago in March, when this is only going on for a month, challenging the world, leading the fight at the White House with Trump and the media attacking you.
And you pointing out this is a satanic new world order, but it is satanic.
They don't want us to know what it is we're facing because they don't want us to call on God that will give us the equivalent of next level geolocation just like you use in your car when you're driving.
You've got to have this.
The enemy has their own satanic network.
We have ours.
Dr. Stella, we've only got 10 minutes left.
Stu Peters is coming up.
But you were calling me and we talk all the time, but you were calling me two, three weeks ago and I was so busy.
I meant to call you back.
You're like, listen, COVID's coming back.
I'm seeing it.
It's happening.
Call me.
And I finally called you like last Monday.
And I said, can you come in next week?
You said, yes.
And then boom, the whistleblower calls me and now it's all confirmed.
We're going to try it again.
Doesn't mean they're going to succeed.
If we stand up.
If we stand up.
So what do we do to stand up?
I say what we do to stand up is, number one, do not comply.
Do not wear masks.
Do not social distance.
Say no.
Do not wear masks.
Do not social distance.
What are they going to do?
Stop half of the country from participating in life?
If we stand up, say no.
I'm not masking because it doesn't work, number one.
Because there are going to be sheepies that are going to be wearing masks.
I want to go take three, four, five.
I love that.
Yeah, they're going to take 5, 10, 6, 7, 8 boosters.
Do not take no boosters.
Those things don't work.
The shots don't work.
We know it by now.
But most important, be spiritually prepared and be medically prepared.
Go to our website, DrStellaMD.com.
Do a telemedicine appointment.
Get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in your medicine cabinet.
Get your family members to get it in their medicine cabinet to make sure that if things get crazy, you can be treated.
Use promo code Alex.
You're going to get a discount.
And we're going to give a donation to Alex so that we can help to form this operation.
By the way, all these other doctors are great people, but they would come on without me asking.
I wonder what I was going to say anyways.
They go, hey, I'm going to give you part of our, they never sent us a check.
Every time without me even asking, you just said, we're barely in the black.
It's you that kept us on air.
This lady and people getting prepared with her.
So it's a win-win.
It makes sense.
Alex, I do believe that part of the thing that God has called me to this season is to help patriots.
So I really, I try to donate as much to patriots as possible.
With the work that we're doing, if God is providing me income and I'm able to help the American people, but most important, I'm able to help a lot of patriots that are putting programs on something they can't afford.
We've never talked about you.
Talk about where you grew up, why you're so smart.
You're really smart.
Yes, I grew up in Cameroon, West Africa, but Alex, I do believe that God's hand has been on my life, and I am leaving.
If you read my book, Let America Live, I have a copy right here, Let America Live.
Those are on the website too.
Yes, it's on my website.
You will see that I was called and chosen.
This is my destiny.
You know how this is your destiny?
This is my destiny.
I was called, I was trained to be a warrior.
This is the mission, do you accept it?
The Lord spoke to me years ago that I was a prophet of God to the nations.
And God started showing me this battle, these demons, showing that there are people among us that are not human, way back in 2011.
So I started talking about it way back and said, so when the battle came, I knew it.
I knew that this is what God has been showing me for years.
That's why I was prepared for it.
Because Alex, you know, if you're not prepared for this, they'll get, they'll really get at you.
But God trained me, trained me as a prayer warrior.
I think my biggest job that I do is as an intercessor.
We intercede for the nation.
We have a ranch.
You have huge prayer meetings here.
Yes, we have a ranch in Katy, in Houston.
Tell us about the big prayer meeting you got coming up.
Yes, we have a one-month prayer meeting.
September 1st to September 30th on our ranch.
You can see it on Bethel Ranch.
Pastors are coming from all over the world.
Where do they find that?
Where do they find it again?
Yes, they can find it on our website.
You see Bethel Ranch tab.
If you go on drsfella.md.com, you check the Bethel Ranch tab.
You can come to pray.
Accommodation is free.
We can accommodate a lot of people, maybe like 100 people on that ranch.
And notice they wanted to shut the churches down.
They're scared of prayer.
Oh no.
They're scared of prayer, of course.
Because when you pray, you're asking God to calm down and interfere with these demons.
I tell people, do not be afraid.
That's the first thing I'll say.
Do not be afraid.
Just be prepared.
Be spiritually prepared.
And do not be so afraid.
Give your life to Jesus.
If for some reason you die, you go home.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Alex, I'll take my chances any day.
Monkey pox, gorilla pox, dog pox, or whatever else that they release.
I'm not getting anything injected into my body.
But most of these things, you can be treated.
You can build your immunity.
If you go on our website, we have something called Vira Immune Plus.
This builds your immunity against Ebola and Marburg and stuff like that.
We even have potassium iodide in case they nuke us, you can protect your thyroid.
If you go on our website, we have something called the Plandemic Preparedness Pack.
We have something for monkeypox.
So that if they bring monkeypox or whatever.
So we've been working very hard to prepare all these supplements that can, can guard your immunity against these demons.
So that while you're fighting, you don't get sick.
You know what I'm saying?
Because if you fight and you get sick, how can you fight if you can't breathe?
You know what I'm saying?
So go on our website, get the plandemic pack, make sure you're safe.
But most important, get a telehealth appointment, get hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin in your medicine cabinet.
Where you can actually get the- And the enemy has fought like the devil to block this.
We won.
We won.
It's all coming out.
And you know what Alex?
The Lord has showed me that there's going to come a time when we're not going to have internet and people are not going to be, people are going to be trying to fly or drive right to Texas to see us.
So get prepared now before it comes a time.
They're going to hit the power grid.
You know what I'm saying?
Get, you know, little lanterns, get, you know, charcoal grill and stuff.
We're synced up.
You literally finished my sentences.
You are synced up.
Yes, because we know this stuff.
This is something... Alex, this is my destiny to fight for humanity at this time, both on a spiritual level and on a medical level.
This is my destiny.
That is why they can't take me out because when God calls you and gives you a destiny, nobody can take you out.
I tell people, God, the devil did not give me my voice.
They can't shut it.
They tried.
They tried to shut my voice.
They tried to do everything.
I told them, no, you can't shut me down because God called me.
I'm anointed to do this.
I'm anointed to speak.
And as I speak, I'm anointed.
I just pray that as I speak, the spirit of fear We'll be broken over your life in the name of Jesus, and you will wake up and realize that you were called and chosen for such a time like this.
God gave us this world, our planet, and he put you and I on the planet at this time, knowing that we can have the ability to stand up against these demons.
Make sure you do your part.
Share this broadcast.
Share it to everybody.
Tell people, like you said, this is an information war.
So join the war.
Look what happened on Friday.
The listeners got excited.
It's still the top story.
They don't know their power.
Look at what, it went viral!
You know, some say, we shared it on Twitter, everybody shared it and we just kept sharing.
I didn't only share it, I shared it and sent it to my other friends.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Let's get the information, let's stop these people and let's tell them no!
Just no!
You don't have to, don't comply.
Say no, I'm not wearing a mask.
If half of the country that is awake say we're not wearing a mask, what are they going to do?
Last time they backed off because we fought back.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
Now they're back again.
They tried to come back.
No, we're not going to let them do this to us.
COVID is treatable.
COVID is preventable.
Do you know, Alex, on the 13th of September, they are doing another simulation like they did with the... Another event 201.
Join us again next week.
We love you to death.
Promo code Alex.
Folks, get prepared.
Do not be afraid.
Be prepared.
Get ready.
DrStellaMD.com, promo code Alex.
We love you all.
Dr Stella, you're incredible.
Stu Peter's coming up.
I love you so much.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think.
Just let me think.
I suspect even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of comfort, Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong.
You designed it, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London.
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submachines.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid, cooling me.
War, terror, disease.
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
We have chosen to be the opposition to the New World Order.
We have chosen to stand up against it.
Your destiny is a decision.
I really appreciate, on short notice, Stu Peters.
I'm a big fan of coming on StuPeters.com.
Of course I got real whistleblowers.
Of course they said this was happening.
Hours after I announced it, they launched a new operation all over shutting things down.
It's insane.
They're trying it.
And of course, Stu Peters has been all over the mysterious fires and what happened in Maui and Lahaina.
He joins us, unfortunately, for only 30 minutes.
We'll be back for a full hour very soon.
StuPeters.com and at RealStuPeters on Twitter.
He reaches tens of millions of people now a day.
What a blessing!
So, great to have Stu Peters with us.
I'm going to try to sit back, skip this break, give him the floor about the state of our world right now.
We're not going to be caught with our pants down.
People are really upset about the plans to roll out the COVID restrictions.
Stu Peters.
You know, I just think, thank you so much for having me.
Tons of respect for you.
It was great to see your crew at the American Liberty Awards.
I just, I want to start by saying that I don't want to hear anybody, nobody should be saying, I got COVID.
I caught COVID.
This thing has never been isolated, right?
I mean, that's the truth.
We've never found in the wild the SARS-CoV-2... No, it's a cocktail of weapons they're hitting us with.
Which was developed not in Wuhan, China.
It was not developed in some country that's adversarial to the United States, no.
This was developed right here at home at Fort Detroit.
This is your fake government murderous corporate crime syndicate that has unleashed a weapon of biowarfare onto the public.
And when we start viewing it that way, then you'll understand why yesterday I had, I don't know, over 5 million people in less than 6 hours view a tweet that I put out, which was from a Target parking lot.
We're in a town of 16,000 people.
Okay, 16,000 people.
This is an empty parking lot by and large for the most part.
There's maybe a hundred cars at most in this parking lot, but they have redone the whole thing and they have installed not one, not three, five, seven, nine, but 24 new drive up, you know, pickup spots so that you can now be secluded so that you don't have to go inside.
Because why?
Because the lockdowns are coming.
And what do we know?
We know the whole plan.
The big box stores will stay open.
Which is first-hand evidence that these corporations are colluding with international governments, and including our own, to deprive Americans of sovereignty.
Shutdowns will only affect small businesses.
Your barber, your church, absolutely.
The guy who sharpens hockey skates.
This is just another scam-demic.
All of these mechanisms of control are built on Gates and Fauci-style approaches of scaring people over their health.
Nobody has called this better than you, Alex.
This is all about fear.
We have to resist face muzzles?
We remember!
Show these horrific videos if you've got them.
These children like sobbing, crying in school.
Toddlers having these oxygen inhibiting, bacteria ridden, Sharia face muzzles shoved on their face.
We have to absolutely say no to this.
We can't allow this.
And we're going to show that clip since you mentioned it, but did we not catch them with their pants down when I got those whistleblowers and then I went on air Friday morning and then five hours later they launched their full announcement of a new program of COVID garbage. I mean,
that's how the Lord works in mysterious ways. They are really freaked out right now. This has been
the number one story since Friday. This is just massive. Like you said, your story, 5-6 million
views. Ours, probably 50 million. I mean, this has got to really upset them, which shows the people
have power.
People need to know the truth, and they need to band together. Because if you're reaching 50
million people with your TSA whistleblower, who we covered ad nauseum on the program,
we must all understand this.
CNN watching Uncle at the dinner table should not be allowed to dominate the conversation with their talking points gleaned from this talking box that's been controlling the minds of the mainstream since, what, the 1950s.
Oh, let's be clear.
Corporate media competes with itself.
It's because of you and all the other people that boosted the Mike Cernovich's, the Jack Posobiec's.
This is not about us getting credit for the giant story.
It's about all of us together.
When you break something big, we promote as well.
We're on the same team.
A hundred percent.
I don't view you as competition at all, but does MSNBC watching whine on with This Karen haircut who's, you know, cosplaying as Joseph Stalin in her pantsuit, trying to literally Joseph Stalin-style disappear your kids into the ashbin of history.
These are the people who masses of people are dealing with.
So what are we going to see?
What are we going to expect to see this time around?
How many hundreds of millions of people are going to continue to go along with this?
Well, that was my next question.
They're gearing up for the next big takeover.
What are you expecting to do, Stu Peters?
I think that the selfish fear of normies that think that they'll get sick with this imaginary completely fake virus or other invented variant should not dictate whether or not your kids get to breathe oxygen in public school.
And so what that means is we can't just be resistant.
We have to actually take the fight in an offensive mode now and we have to move forward looking for indictments.
We need like one sheriff.
So I know that we've been calling for it, attorneys general, one attorney general, one prosecutor, one DA, one grand jury somewhere.
Rand Paul's criminal referrals on Fauci.
These people are going to come at us again with the idea that they have cornered the market on science.
Science has become completely fake.
The people who believe in Dick Levine, this monster that looks like I don't even, some abomination.
This is, this is a woman.
These are the people who are going to tell us that they know the science, that they know the variants, that they know the immunology, that they know the medicine, that they know the psychological response.
These are the clowns that have murdered our children.
People like John Kerry, AI Gore, who live in these massive mansions that are burning down houses in Maui with direct energy weapons.
Somebody's got to put me wrong on that.
Power bills in the thousands of dollars monthly.
They don't believe race exists until it's time to exterminate white people.
October and November, the season that we used to call autumn, or flu season, is now COVID season.
They're putting this stuff in the flu shots.
All of this, somebody's got to prove me wrong on that too.
These things that you have been a conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for since, you know, decades ago, are all now conspiracy truths.
You've been vindicated more than anybody.
A hashtag that trends commonly, Alex Jones was right.
You've been saying these things, so somebody's going to have to prove me wrong.
I'm willing to say they're putting this in the flu shots.
Go and check it.
Somebody should go and test it.
Virologists, immunologists, lab researchers, go and take these shots.
There's a doctor called Anna Mihalcea who's examined the blood of people after getting these bivalent flu shots.
Yeah, they have nanotechnology inside of them.
This is what you're taking... Well, let me interrupt you.
I meant to play this.
I'd send my film in-game, but...
You have a Texas health official saying, we've got to kill the white people.
They won't take the shot.
She's an old white lady.
I just threw it at the crew to find that.
We'll see if they can find it.
But they're literally saying white people, and it is true, white people, especially Scottish and Irish, if you actually read the Globalist papers, do not submit.
And whatever the rebellion of the Scots and the Irish is, in their white papers, the Globalists say, we're worried about Scots and Irish.
And I'm mainly English, I'm a little bit German, a little bit Scot, a little bit Irish, but I'm mainly English and German.
But they literally single out Irish and Scots.
They say these people won't do what we say in government reports.
Uh, well then I'm absolutely screwed.
Because that's absolutely my lineage, that's my heritage.
But yeah, the white genocide is happening, where's it all coming from?
And what I'm concerned about isn't me necessarily, I'm not even really concerned about you.
What is it about Irish and Scots that got, they literally say, this group's a problem genetically doesn't submit.
Well, who are they the enemy of?
All of those people who control the levers of power.
All of those people who dictate and mandate and bribe and blackmail and use operations like, you know, operatives like Mossad to infiltrate our government.
People from the CCP that infiltrate our government.
And what I'm most worried about, I'll just be honest, what I'm most worried about is there is not one And not that I believe in the process of elections.
I believe it's all rigged.
They're all stolen.
We have installation selections.
I believe that this has gone back for decades.
The more I talk about this with experts every day, the more I'm convinced that we're living in this movie.
It's all fake, but...
Let's just say that somehow, magically, overnight, we return to this constitutional republic, two-party representative government system, where your vote counts and it's real.
There is not a single candidate, not one, not one, that is really willing to throw their balls on the table and call this what it is.
Your government, your Department of Defense, your military-industrial complex, your Department of Justice have been weaponized to the extent, not just, I'm not talking like Jim Jordan investigative hearings here, I'm not talking about censorship hearings about X or Twitter or whatever.
No, I'm talking about they are murdering your children.
They are, and they're targeting pregnant women.
But since I mentioned this, I'm not kissing the ass of Irish or Scots.
Literally, when I read the documents, and if you look at who fought the Civil War, it was mainly Scots and Irish.
On the South side, I don't see what solves the answer.
They literally say in white papers, there's something about Scots and Trumps, you have Scott in German, and Irish, that we have to get rid of.
They won't sell out.
They won't submit.
The head vaccine expert in Texas say we've got to, quote, get rid of the white people.
Here it is.
The solution.
Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers, I'm not talking about, well, hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms, but refusers.
We'll just get rid of all the whites in the United States.
Because Houston is the most diverse city in the entire United States.
There's seven Asian languages spoken.
So if she goes on, we'll put the whole clip on Infowars.com, it's a 10 minute clip.
She says, white people are the problem.
When you read their reports, they say people of Scottish and Irish descent do not, I mean, this is, well, I don't even know what they're talking, I mean, this is weird.
Like, they're singling out certain groups.
I tweeted that.
That was actually great reporting by National File.
Yep, Gateway Pundit picked it up right there.
They're telling you, they're telling you right in the wide open, we want to kill you.
If you're white, we want to kill you.
So what is it about white people they hate?
It's white people doing it because they know we were, for some reason, white people, particularly people from the British Isles, people from there, resist.
The Romans could never conquer it.
Why are they so scared of this there?
Individual liberty.
Who built this country?
Who built the pillars of America that represent all of the aforementioned?
A system of justice.
A system of freedom.
A system of, you know, a democratic process.
That they fought for for a thousand years on those islands.
Thousands of years, yes.
Sacrificed everything.
And why in the hell are people entitled to everything that their ancestors and that those great people worked so hard to build when they're unwilling to make the same sacrifices and stand up to an authoritarian, murderous regime right now?
If you want your country, you have to sacrifice something.
Because now, it's shut down everything.
Put on a mask.
Give the government your rights.
Tell them you're gonna die from COVID?
No problem.
Oh, we're not allowed to have allergies anymore.
For God's sake, Alex, you can't inhale a bit too much pepper, or sneeze, and it's off to the morgue with you.
Somebody gets paid- So why do you think they're making their move with new lockdowns now?
It's election season.
I mean, here we are.
We have to pretend that we're going to have this election, lock Joe Biden in the basement, this pedophilic, illegitimate, you know, pants pooper, put him in the basement again, lock everybody down, make sure that everybody understands that they have to have massive mail-in voting, do not show up to the polls.
I mean, it's the same script over and over again.
It'll be the same in 2028.
If we make it there, I don't think we have that time.
It's really getting way beyond absurd.
This is borderline Soviet.
I think it's actually worse right now.
I mean, you look at the Soviet Union.
They weren't openly just exterminating people.
They weren't cutting little boys' dicks off.
No, they certainly weren't doing that.
And then celebrating it.
And then telling you how dare you insult them.
They weren't saying, we're going to have entire cities of black people completely destroying stores and you're not going to be able to say anything about it because damn it, if you do, you'll be kicked off of this social media platform.
You can't mark yourself safe from being a racist today when you point out all of the violent crime being committed, by and large, is being done by young black males.
You can't say that these people are allowed to rape and pillage and loot with impunity.
And you know what the sick part about this is?
It's middle-aged liberal white women that are like, well you know what, at least now we don't have to, and even conservative ones, at least now we don't have to put up with police brutality.
So let them have their... I was about to say, no defense of any group, but the average black folks are upset about the crime exploding and how they're allowing these people to do this.
This is a larger plan.
Yeah, I think it's time for another government shutdown.
I think that it's time for the people... That was my next question.
Stu Peters, you're a smart guy.
I respect you.
How do we fight this?
Not just know the lockdown's coming, know the rollout's here incrementally.
How do we stop at deadness tracks?
You know, it's going to take not another presidential candidate.
It's not going to take a Vivek Ramaswamy.
It's not going to take an RFK, you know, who's a liberal.
It's not going to take Donald Trump.
This country does not need Another presidential candidate or another actor.
What this country needs is like a William Wallace.
I mean, this is the leader of a real opposition that is going to Sacrifice and take major risks.
They're going to risk their own life.
They're going to risk the safety of their children.
They're going to risk imprisonment for wrong think or saying the wrong thing.
They're going to act in accordance with the Constitution that was, you know, built on blood and death and imprisonment and torture and misery.
It's going to take somebody to actually lead millions of people to tear down and abolish a government that has become murderously oppressive to God-given inherent and alienable rights.
No, I agree.
And aren't the globalists their own enemy?
They're destroying the dollar.
They're losing the Ukraine war.
China's turned against them.
I mean, they are screwed.
The globalists are bad managers.
I don't know.
I don't know if they're bad managers or not.
I mean, the first fake pandemic closed down, what, 33% of small businesses?
It killed 7 plus million worldwide, as so they say.
20 million.
These people, by the way, were murdered in the hospital.
We know that.
They were brought in, they were sedated, they were separated from their families, they were put on toxic remdesivir, they were, had a ventilator shoved down their throat, and then hospitals got paid $350,000 for everybody that, you know, got the remdesivir.
What are the psychotic globalists think they're gonna do killing all these people?
I don't know, but how many more millions are they gonna kill if somebody doesn't step up?
I mean, the reality is that the target are the elderly, the targets are the weak, The targets are the infirm.
That's who these monsters are out to kill.
And children.
And they use this great threat against the elderly and the weak to manipulate the rest of us.
To scare weak-minded people who do what their television tells them to do.
We absolutely cannot allow ourselves to be... I agree.
How do you, Stu Peters, how do you see this unfolding?
How do you see this unfolding?
I see a lot of death.
I see imminent Uh, times of, of great deception and trials and tribulation as biblically promised.
This is the only source of real truth, God's Word, the Gospel.
And this is coming!
When people say, well there's, nothing can stop what is coming.
Yeah, you're damn right!
But we're commanded to pick up the sword and fight.
And I'm getting really irritated with the people who want to bitch and complain about it on Twitter.
I'm getting really tired about bitching and complaining about it on this show and your show and my show and every other show.
I'm getting really tired of it.
We, I mean, we, We have seen people executed for less when they are found guilty of crimes, much far less.
So why don't we have one fake politician, because they're all fake, I just answered my own question.
Saying this needs to happen right now.
No, the marshals need to go and they need to arrest these people immediately.
We need to seize and incinerate every single Big Pharma shot out here from Pfizer and Big Pharma.
And then we need to Nuremberg to the people that are responsible for deploying weapons of bio-warfare against unsuspecting innocent Americans, including children.
These are the most heinous crimes in the history of planet Earth.
We're facing them, we're living it right now.
And all I see coming is more death.
Until people, and maybe it'll be too late by then, but until people rise up, stand up, and fight back, and go on the offense against murderers who are targeting your children.
I mean, I don't understand why they wouldn't just continue to do it.
No, I agree, but they can't be happy that we got the intel last week, right before they launched it.
That's got to... What shows the power of the internet, if people get upset and share something, whether it's your show, or my show, or Tucker's show, or any of these, that's really where the power is, is people.
That's right.
And so, how many do we have, and how many do we need?
I don't believe that we're the minority.
Like, you know, MSNBC and these purple-haired freak shows on, you know, mainstream media want to tell you that we're like some alt-right fringe, you know, lunatics.
I don't know.
I don't believe that.
I don't believe that at all because I'm out in public actually talking to people.
You know, I'm in real spaces.
I'm a normal guy.
I go out and I actually talk to people.
And everyone that I see, no matter where I'm at, whether it's dining or, you know, wherever.
Baseball fields, hockey arenas, because I'm always with my kids.
I talked to other parents.
I listened to them.
Everybody is so fed up.
I believe that we're at a breaking point.
And what that's going to look like, I don't know.
But what I can see and what I can imagine is not pretty.
And if we cannot politically defeat them, which I believe there is no more political solutions.
We've tried everything.
I mean, every single branch of our bureaucracy is completely infiltrated, has been overtaken, and has been hijacked.
We are an occupied nation.
We are being occupied by an illegitimate regime that took power via Marxist coup d'etat.
So we're not in the middle of like some takeover.
We're not in the middle of some coup.
The coup isn't about to happen.
No, it already happened.
And so how are we going to respond to that?
How can we respond when there's no political solution, when the judiciary has been hijacked?
When, you know, cops who defend themselves or protect the public or innocents, women and children from being raped or kidnapped or trafficked or molested, the cop is now being arrested and faces, you know, quadruple jeopardy between civil rights violations.
I mean, where do you go?
I'm now seeing confirmed reports out of Georgia where people take somebody's house over with guns and the police say it belongs to them.
And so I ask you, When the country has fallen into the complete absence of the rule of law, whose shoulders does that fall on?
Who is responsible then for protecting the rights, the liberty, the prosperity, the life, and the property that belongs to them?
And will it be a one-off?
And then does somebody just go to jail?
Or collectively as a country who loves this country and just desperately aspires to leave a better country for our children and grandchildren.
That's our number one job.
Well that's the thing.
The globalists control the country.
Why are they starting a fight that will destroy them too?
Because they have such fundamental hatred that we were founded on Christian values.
It is a satanic agenda.
It's 100% a satanic agenda.
We've been saying for how long?
This is a war of good versus evil.
This is coming.
The darkness is here.
There is nobody that is, you know, protected from Satan so long as you allow him to continue to use outside influences and platforms because the greatest lie ever that Satan can tell is that he's not real, that he doesn't exist, that hell is fake.
You see this all over the demonic X platform, you know, which of course we use because we want to get our voice out everywhere.
I've always said, Air the Stu Peter Show at HillaryClinton.com.
I don't care.
I'll speak anywhere.
The message is the same.
And the message is, if not us, then whom?
Who else is going to protect your kids?
So what do you really think of Elon Musk?
I don't think that anybody who wants to put a chip in your brain and control your thoughts, memories, and future actions is really about the freedom of speech.
I don't think somebody who hires a World Economic Forum slave called Linda Iaccarino, an NBC executive who's calling for more censorship, to be really all about free speech.
I think you have to call it what it is.
Until he proves otherwise, I don't believe him to be on our team.
I mean, he's offering to pay top influencers who attract a lot of attention, while in the meantime saying advertisers who are more advertiser-friendly, or influencers who are more advertiser-friendly, will get paid, which means that, of course, the same playbook is the same.
Liberals will get paid.
Conservatives will be out of business.
Shifting gears, we're almost out of time.
I appreciate your time.
Wow, didn't Malley blow up in their face?
Biden tried to ignore it.
Now he's racing there.
It seemed to really wake people up.
Maui was murder.
You know, I mean, these kids that were at home with no warning sirens, when those sirens are tested regularly, some of the most advanced, I mean, they're on an island.
These are some of the most advanced warning sirens, you know, in the entire Republic.
And they never went off.
They knew this was coming.
It was dry.
They killed these kids.
It was our government that killed them from Iran.
Stu Peters at StuPeters.com.
Thank you so much for the time.
I want to get you back up.
You know what?
Do five more minutes.
I know you've got to go.
We've got to go over for two minutes.
I want to come back and get your take on the Trump indictments and where you see the election going.
We'll get Stu Peters' take in 120 seconds.
Or 100 and whatever.
What's 60 plus 60?
We'll be right back.
Talk show host, documentary filmmaker Stu Peters is our guest on this live Tuesday broadcast.
All right, Stu.
Thank you so much.
What is your take on the election, on the election meddling, the indictments of Trump?
How do you see the election playing out?
Well, I think the elections are fake and gay and rigged and stolen, number one.
I don't think we have a democratic process.
I don't think that's how things are done.
I think that people are selected.
Now, if you want to talk about the Trump indictments, here's what's happening there.
This is symbolic.
The Trump indictment is symbolic of what's going to happen to anybody who shares a message of a 2015 platform into a 2016 President Trump presidency, which was a dissident to the American government.
An advocate for freedom and individual liberty, somebody who is going to go in and crush the deep state, protect the borders of this nation, activate the military, make it as strong as it could ever be, end or, you know, cease to have any, you know, foreign wars, to enrich the military-industrial complex, lock up criminals starting with Hillary Clinton, build a big beautiful wall with some nice door in it so people could pay to get in or whatever.
These were the messages, the economy, I mean all these, these were the messages that spoke to the hearts of real true Americans.
What these are is these are a symbolic message.
Make no mistake, this is a message to you.
If you want to be a dissident to this authoritarian overtaking of your country, if you want to speak out against these draconian lockdowns and this satanic agenda that'll mutilate the genitals of your children without your express written consent, without even your knowledge, if you don't want to give us your kids to have sexual access to them unfettered, If you don't want to put that mask on, live in your pod, in your 15-minute city, eat bugs, be happy, never own anything, then you will be imprisoned or killed.
And I don't know if they make Trump go away by just having this kangaroo court, you know, banana republic show trial and then some fake conviction and send him to some gulag for the rest of his life like the POWs who sacrificed for him to go out and show their support.
I don't know if they'll do that or if that's enough or if they'll just permanently get rid of him.
We have to table the possibility that they're going to kill President Trump.
And I don't put it past them.
If they're willing to murder millions of people, including innocent children by the thousands
or tens of thousands, you don't think that they'll go after the blood of the one man
that they believe is leading the charge of any dissidence to this authoritarian overtaking?
And if you want to know the real reason, in my opinion, this big, huge push behind this
transgender, freak show, indoctrination, overtaking, protected class, minor attracted persons.
They're not pedophiles anymore.
These are actually a protected class of people.
If you want to know my opinion on why this is happening all of a sudden, it's because the guy pretending to be Michelle Obama is who they're going to position to fill Joe Biden's diaper, to install him As this woman, her first black tranny president, I don't know what they're going to call him, it, whatever.
I don't care what their pronouns are.
That's what the agenda is here.
A Michelle Obama presidency, a complete finish to the unfettered access to children, the mass injections, and death by the millions.
This is what they have been dreaming.
And they have to shoot their shot right now.
They have to shoot their shot because like you said, you came out with that exclusive Their cards are all on the table and we can see their hand and they're still expecting us to play that game by their rules.
And so now it's time for them to either try to run the table or to get up with their sunglasses left behind and run.
They're gonna either run like cowards from people who are really willing to stand up and say we know what you're doing and we'll tolerate it no more and if you come here we will protect ourselves with legal and extra legal authority.
Or, we're going to be completely overtaken.
The choice is in the hands of millions of Americans.
Stu Peters, amazing job.
Tell folks when your show airs daily.
Daily, 6 p.m.
Eastern, StuPeters.com, or of course, we're streaming on Rumble as well.
And I do go live on Rumble, too.
Spur of the moment, occasionally, to get interactions from people I like.
All right, amazing job.
I think you're 100% dead on.
Thank you so much for the time, Stu Peters.
Thank you so much, Alex Jones.
Much respect.
Much respect to you.
All right, we're going to hand the baton to the next guest host for us this hour.
We'll come back with a few other items, and then Owen Schroer, in about 55 minutes, takes over 3 p.m.
Central, the Owen Schroer Show, the War Room, so powerful.
Please share the links.
Please share the articles.
Owen Schroer, one hour from now, or a little bit less, 55 minutes from now, Infowars.com forward slash show.
We'll be right back to introduce the next guest host.
Please stay with us.
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We are now into hour number four.
And Dr. Leigh Merritt of The Rebel Doctor, TheMedicalRebel.com, TheMedicalRebel.com, takes over.
She is a firebrand, super smart, has been dead on for three and a half years about what's happening.
She takes over now, and then in one hour, Owen Troyer, I want to thank you all for your support.
We're living in very historic times that you've seen with us dominating the news and getting ahead of their attempts at new lockdowns, that you have power when you get excited and you spread the word.
Tell you all great job and I thank you so much for your efforts and to keep promoting Infowars.com for its last show.
Keep taking clips out of the show, keep sharing it everywhere and keep supporting us at Infowarsstore.com.
Dr. Lee Merritt, TheMedicalRebel.com takes over now.
Dr. Merritt.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for inviting me.
Well, I know you guys have done a whole bunch on the Maui thing, but I want to come at it from just a little bit different angle, and I'm sorry because of technical errors I couldn't show the slides I had ready, but I have a guest on a little bit to talk about this.
So I just spoke at Red Pill, and my Red Pill talk was, it's time to name the enemy.
You know, what's shocking to me is that on December 7, 1941, we were bombed by the Japanese, and we understood right away we were at war.
But we keep trying to talk this one away as if it's some kind of natural thing and I'm very glad Alex and you guys have brought out that this is an attack on our country and it's not the first one.
Unfortunately we weren't paying attention with the people complaining about this in California.
And there was a forensic arborist at Red Pill who showed all the pictures from California, from Canada, and now from Maui, that this cannot be natural occurring fires.
The fires don't, you know, melt metal and leave trees standing right next to it.
Or as you probably saw, the blue, that when I saw the blue umbrellas left behind, I was reminded of my $360,000 laser I used to use to take off tattoos.
in my little office in Omaha and you know the reason it works that way is
because you can dial lasers into different wavelengths that have
different impacts on different colors. Colors are just a different wavelength.
So when you see that sort of thing happening and then all the other
completely irregular activities of the government trying to make it worse, you
say we're being attacked.
Now the hard thing for Americans to swallow, obviously, is that we're not being attacked by a foreign nation.
It's so easy to just have these wars where the battle lines are clearly drawn.
But this is like Pogo said in the 1950s, the cartoon, He said we've met the enemy and he is us.
Unfortunately, the sad pill that we have to swallow is that we're involved.
The people that are killing our children, that came after us with the vaccine and with all the damaging, the outbreak that they claimed was a virus but was, I think, a toxin.
Those people are part of us.
They're within our system.
They're within our government.
It's a worldwide, you knew from COVID, this is This is a worldwide effort.
And so the question is, I mean, if military intelligence, what do you do?
You're supposed to identify the enemy and you're supposed to identify your strengths and capabilities and his strengths and capabilities.
But we are not really doing that.
We're purposely not defining the enemy.
So when I was at Red Pill, I spent 45 minutes or almost an hour in my talk and it was, let's, it's time to name the enemy.
So I thought we'd go into a little bit of that.
The first thing I said is, you know, it's clearly global because these people control the media.
Look at what the information that was not coming out from Hawaii.
I mean, these people are in control of the media and In the time of COVID, we'll call it COVID-1 because they're going to try and bring it back, by the way.
When you can falsify lab tests on a global basis, this whole idea of overcycling the tests so you always got a positive on those PCR tests, It didn't just happen in my town, or my state, or the United States.
It happened all over the world.
Now these are competent lab people that know how to run tests, so you know they didn't just all accidentally do it wrong.
And they all accidentally did it wrong in the same direction, to make the test false positive.
They never had any false negatives.
So this is why we have to accept this is a global conspiracy as much as people don't want to use that term and they don't want to look at it.
It's like J Edgar Hoover once said that the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.
It's time to believe that.
And now, because if you don't recognize now they're coming after our children and coming after all of us, it's time.
You know, this isn't, this direct and energy weapon or whatever we want to call this thing that happened in Hawaii, it is clearly not organic.
And it's not something we can easily fight.
As individuals.
So we have to take this on as all of us standing together.
And I would say, just to get to a punchline here before we go further, is that I'm not hopeless.
I think the reason they're doing this is because we're waking up and we're educating ourselves and other people and they realize we're winning and this is an act of desperation.
You know, this is not just a land grab.
I keep hearing, oh yeah, well this is a land grab.
Well, that's a nice, that's a nice, it is, they are grabbing land, but that's not their ultimate goal.
Their ultimate goal is, is genocide and control.
And they've been talking about it forever.
You know, the Club of Rome's specific diagnosis is, there are too many people, humanity is the problem.
And that's almost word for word quote.
from their 1972 publication.
So the other thing you have to say is that, as FDR said, nothing happens by accident.
If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.
So we have to look at who the enemy is.
And so in this situation, by the way, I'll just say one other thing about warfare.
You know, when we talk about the fog of war, it used to mean something to do with battlefields and the actual fog, like when General Washington was covered and his troops were covered with fog outside of New York and they were able to escape.
But this fog is right up here.
It's in your mind.
And that's not by accident.
That is, if you feel confused, you are being attacked.
That is the confusion and everything that's happening is their mode of attack.
So, by being confused, they want you to be low energy, they want you to be depressed, they want you to not have a sense of humor.
I mean, one of the things to say is the people that we're fighting, they have no sense of humor, so we can just meme them to death.
Yuval Harari said that censorship no longer works by hiding information from you.
Censorship works by flooding you with immense amounts of misinformation, of irrelevant information, of funny cat videos, I love that, until you're just unable to focus.
So we have to take a step back here, and we have to focus.
Now, these people have been called by many names.
The Deep State, you know, we can accept that.
The Cabal, the Red Faction.
I like Weffers, as in people of the WEF.
I like Cliff High's term, Mother Weffers.
And, you know, the black nobility, we've got the reptilian overlords have to sneak in here.
I like, uh, Ananda from AIA calls them the nefarians.
The nefarians is really a good term, but the problem is it still doesn't define whom we are talking about.
We have to define the enemy if we're going to fight these guys.
So, so that's what we're going to do here.
Um, in the last, in the last minute, I'll just say that as it, when it comes to defining the enemy, the first thing we should say is we're the majority.
Gladfelter in 2011, he was an economist in Switzerland and he looked at all the corporate corporations in the world, 137 million of them.
He put them into a computer and it spit out that essentially those 137 million corporations were owned by 147 companies.
And then when a couple of guys from Forbes and another guy from Wall Street, you know, manipulated that data and looked at it, they realized those 147 companies are all controlled by 150 men.
So we're not looking at the one percentile here.
We're looking at the Uber, Uber, Uber elite, the 0.000002 percentile.
And they didn't get there because they were the smartest guys at Wharton Business School.
So when I come back, I'm just going to talk a little bit about the bloodlines that we're dealing with here.
It's not quite what JFK said, RFK Jr.
said, so we're going to try and get him out of this, and in the meantime, we'll see you in a little bit here.
We're taking a break.
All righty, well thanks for coming back, and at the end, we're going to talk about naming the enemy, but I'm going to just tell you, from looking at all the data points that I can find, I have a hard time believing we are dealing with people that are exactly the same as us.
And I mean that by, think about all the movies we've seen that are telling us, like Westworld, and you know, I mean there are TV shows, Grimm, all sorts of these different shows, and they keep saying the same thing.
There are people that look like us, talk like us, walk like us, but they're not us.
Now, we've written this off to psychologic differences, okay?
And we've just discounted, we just don't want to count bloodline possibilities here.
And I'm just going to bring this up and then we're going to talk about it with a friend of mine from Americans in Action that actually has studied this.
So let's go back in time a little bit and realize that We have ancient civilizations that long preceded us, and they all, you know, we hear the Roman Empire, we have all these different empires, the pharaohs, everybody comes and goes, but are they actually all related?
So it turns out, and one of the things that got me looking at this was the fact that before, in about 2000, Harvard got caught in China doing gene harvesting.
And I wondered at the time, what are they doing over there?
This is just after the human genome got sequenced.
The question is, why are they in Harvard?
And what, I mean, why are the Harvard guys in China?
Well, they were, they got caught.
And then after that, a few years later, China bought up half of the world's gene sequencers, the fast gene sequencers, and they got caught later sequencing the oogers.
And then Russia, Putin complained in 2017 that we work over in Russia scavenging their DNA.
And when we tried to deny it, it lasted about a nanosecond, and he said, no, no, no, you're doing it quite professionally.
And it turned out it was quite professional.
We had the Air Force.
I have the request for proposal on my desk.
The Air Force put out a proposal.
They hired a neurosurgeon.
He went over and he was actually biopsying only pure Slavic people.
He was biopsying pure Slavic He was taking a little bit of dural tissue, I mean that's what I did in my life, a little dural tissue and some CSF for the purposes of gene harvesting.
And I didn't do it for that reason.
That's very interesting.
Oxford University complained that the Americans might be able to genetically target certain individuals, not just racial groups or nationalities or whatever, but certain individuals.
And so this has been going on and on back and forth up until the time of COVID.
And during COVID, we got information coming out that some people were more susceptible than others to getting sick.
And it had to do with a certain path, chemical pathway in the body.
But when you start looking at this, it looks like somebody had the idea of codifying what they've been doing for millennia with heraldry.
You know, for some reason, the royal families all over the world, from time immemorial,
have been very careful to keep their bloodline together.
They always married within the family.
Look at what happened when Prince Charles was thinking about marrying Diana Spencer.
She went through like three months of tests, and it's like, what do they care?
If the man inherits things, what is this really all about?
Well, it turns out, it's a genetic bloodline.
Every one of the, and 42 of our presidents were of this bloodline.
All of the, like Queen Elizabeth, Queen Elizabeth, actually, Queen Elizabeth may not actually
be one, the way we think, but all of our presidents are what they call, most of our presidents,
up until the time of at least Obama.
I don't know about after that, but before that, they were Merovingians, and the Merovingians
They can date their ancestry or trace their ancestry to Clovis, which is the father of Charlemagne.
So this goes back to there.
And it turns out that that now has been traced to the ancient pharaohs.
They can actually trace back to Ramses.
So George Bush Jr.
can trace his lineage back to Ramses.
The Burke's peerage Executive Director, Berks Peerage is what kept all this heraldry together and looked at all this, and Berks Peerage Heraldry Director said, every presidential election back to George Washington, and this is again up through George Bush Jr., every presidential election, including George Washington, was won by the person that had the most royal lineage.
So, it's not by accident what's going on.
We're dealing with bloodlines that go way back to the times of the Caesars and the Pharaohs.
And this is where it gets interesting, because if you've ever heard Jay Parker, Jay Parker is a guy who grew up in a satanic household.
What they don't call it, they call it the old religion.
But these are households that date their lineage back into Ancient times.
And his mother said that he is, she came from a long line of witches, the Amalekites.
So I started looking this up.
Not being a biblical scholar, the Amalekites were the first people to attack the Hebrews when they came out of Egypt.
They were in the Negev, and these were the people that King Saul was commanded by God to kill down to their sheep.
I mean, just exterminate them for the face of the earth.
And in Exodus, God is commanded to kill the Amalek through all generations.
Now, it turns out, when she said they escaped, where did they escape to?
A place called Anatolia.
Now that we're doing genetic sequencing, she said Phrygia, but Phrygia is in Anatolia, which is an ancient part of Turkey, which is a hop, skip, and a jump from Babylon.
And it turns out that the The black nobility of Italy, like the Orsini clan, who are the senior black nobility, the reason they're the senior, they're the most direct lineage from the Julian-Claudian line of Caesars, again go back to the pharaohs, and now that we've been able to genetically sequence some DNA from these ancient mummies, we found out that those DNA sequences don't sequence at all with the current Egyptians, but they get sequenced to Anatolia.
In my opinion, what we're dealing with is the ancient, perhaps, Amalek.
Interestingly, I think it's called Chabad.org.
I looked at their website.
They're talking about how God commanded this, gave them the commandment to kill them through the generations, but they couldn't do it because they got absorbed into other cultures and nationalities and they became invisible.
Now what does this sound like?
You know, so it was impossible to carry out God's commandment.
But what does this sound like?
To me it sounds like a race of things within the human species.
Now, what do we call people that plot mass murder?
We call them psychopaths, and we've debated forever what they are.
We keep saying, when I was in medical school in 1976 in Rochester, New York, they told us 4% of people were psychopaths.
Now they claim it's up to 10%.
But here's the interesting thing about psychopaths, and this is where it kind of still sounding like the alien within.
The psychopaths They don't have any human empathy.
That is their number one diagnostic point.
No human empathy.
So they don't see themselves as us.
They can recognize each other.
Contrary to what the FBI shows you on movies, they can group together for their own benefit.
And they can, and they are very obsessed with power, and they are very smart, capable people.
So they tend to be over-represented in Congress, in the halls of the legal, you know, of the judgeships, highest people in police forces.
They're over-represented in the surgeons' lounge, I just say this as a surgeon, because there's a power thing.
So, when we come back, I'm going to have Jason Ian on, and we're going to talk about the enemy that I've just named, which I'm going to call the Babylonians.
Well, thanks!
I'm back, and I have a guest with me this half hour, Jason Ian from Americans in Action, and I brought him on because, hey, Jason, what do you think about my idea about the Amalekites?
And this, you know, here's one of the things I read on, again, I think it was Chabad Yeah, well, good to see you.
Good to see you, Lee.
Thanks for having me on.
can be combated by arguments of reason, not so Amalek.
He cynically scoffs at every reason to do good, sowing doubt and confusion.
And I just got to tell you, that sure seems like what we're dealing with today.
Yeah, well, good to see you.
Good to see you, Lee.
Thanks for having me on, traveling, snow.
That's why I'm in my automobile here.
But yes, if you go to Chabad.com, Chabad is a sect of Judaism, for those of you who don't know what Chabad is.
And they reference things from the Talmud and they reference things from the Torah.
In Judaism, we talk about what's called the Yetzer Chora and the Yetzer Tov.
What does that mean in English?
The Yetzir Chora is that which is akin to evil, the devil, Satan.
The Yetzir Tov is that which is akin to your inner inclination, your angel on your shoulder, where the Yetzir Chora is the devil on your shoulder.
In Judaism, they talk about the holiday of Purim.
And they say you have to be very careful because the Yates or Hora can approach you in tzitzit and a yarmulke.
So Chabad is an Orthodox Judaism sect and they wear tefillin and tzitzit and a yarmulke.
And when they say you have to be very conscientious about the Yates or Hora approaching you wearing tzitzit and a yarmulke in Purim, the holiday of Purim, everybody dresses up.
It's similar to Halloween.
And it's also on a deeper level of not being able to have discernment between what is reality and what is a false reality, the truth.
It's all a psy-op.
So those can present.
So the Yatzer Hora can present itself in the disguise of something that looks like the Yatzer Tov.
You have to look beyond the costume.
And that's where you have to be connected to source energy.
And have your discernment of what is the truth, especially in these days, because with the Internet and everything that's out there, it's very easy to fool people, making something look like the Yetzer Horah or the Yetzer Tov, when really it's the Yetzer Horah.
Which sounds like, you know what, I've come just independent of all that, independently.
I looked around the world and I said, you know, we hear from, like George Washington warned about the Illuminati, that people doubt that exists today.
People think, oh that's just, that's just, you know, BS, that's just conspiracy theory.
But George Washington wrote letters warning about it because they had infiltrated the Masonic lodges, and he was a Mason.
And I think these guys hated, they hated Washington because he was a turncoat to his only aristocratic blood.
So, you know, what I started thinking about is, in our, children of God that are independent, you know, have independent will, we don't need hierarchy to control us.
But anytime you see a hierarchy, a pyramid of power, I suspect at the top of all these hierarchies, I don't care what religion, I don't care what business, if there's a hierarchical structure, the best thing for the evil forces to do is to take over the top of that hierarchical structure.
That's how they're hiding within our world, in my opinion.
This is one aspect that you're just, that's kind of the big philosophic picture you're just painting, but in practical terms, I don't, you know, it does, it's not a, it's not a, it's not within Judaism, it's not within Islam, it's not within Christianity, it's in within all of them, and within nations.
We've got to get over this idea that it's nation states.
What, what's, what, And do you think it goes back to Babylon?
The reason I asked you is because you talk about escaping Babylon, and you're really talking about it because we're stuck in a Babylonian legal system, in a Babylonian money system, and these guys do practice the old religion.
I mean, we have to come out and say, the people doing this to us, they sacrifice children, they worship Moloch, and they do creepy stuff.
100% accurate.
Now, when you go into the courts, You see them wearing black robes.
When you go into the courts, they have you respond to a summons.
A summons is where they bring back the dead.
When you're in court, it's all about doing black magic, and make no mistake, the Nefarians, as we had mentioned earlier before, as one of our team members, Ananda, talks about the Nefarians, They use black magic which goes back down to the Babylonian Empire that works with what's called numerology, which works with what's called gematria, which is a combination of aligning the stars in the houses of astrology along with the pharaohs tapping into the mysticism
Of using specific numerology and gematria.
Every Hebrew letter, just like in English, has a numerical value to it.
When you combine certain numbers together, a.k.a.
genetic modification, or using certain language, a.k.a.
legalese, is what the court uses, they are literally spellcasting.
Like open sesame.
You see those in the movies.
The judges, the court system, the bar system all uses a language that is foreign to that which is the sacred language.
It's a manipulation of language to put somebody into a spell so that they can have you become a subject to their agenda in the court.
So make no mistake, it's a foreign language.
And if you don't understand that language, then you do not consent to that language.
As soon as they ask you, do you understand?
And somebody says, yes, I understand.
They've now consented to the language known as legalese, which make no mistake is spell casting.
And until you know how to decipher their language, you will be under their spell.
And they use television programming, MKUltra programming, and other programming to instill subconsciously into the collective consciousness a matrix to create a reality that is false.
Now, where did this come from?
Babylonian, when you go back to the pharaohs, they used the esoteric language of Hebrew, Aramaic and created realities.
Now, if you go into the the Torah, the Old Testament, it talks about the Elohim.
They normally translate Elohim to be God.
But if you know the language of the Elohim, that's a plural The denunciation of the word Elohim.
So by definition, that means there is more than one God in that depiction of that word when you break down the language.
So if there's more than one God, what are we talking about?
We're talking about multiple gods trying to control a planet called Earth.
And when you start getting into that type of language, You start seeing an ancient old battle that has been repeated everything through Egyptian times to Mesopotamian times to Sumerian times to modern times and it's the same story from being repeated from the Virgin Mother all the way down to Thoth and prior to the Egyptian times it's the same story being repeated and it's basically about this battle for Earth
And isn't it ironic how they disclose it in a movie called Star Wars?
Isn't it ironic how they disclose the fake reality in The Wizard of Oz?
If you look at The Wizard of Oz, they say it's nothing but a man behind the curtain, and the wizard is the illusion.
The gold is what it's about.
The extraterrestrials who you speak of are talking about, uh, there's Anunnaki, there are other extraterrestrials who came to this planet to harness the gold for their survival.
Then they implement and they take on a body that looks like a Yates or Tov, but really it's an agenda for the Yates of Hurrah.
Okay, so when we come back...
We'll have to stop you there, and then we'll have to come back, but that is, unfortunately, we can't get out of this.
All right, thank you.
We're back with InfoWars.
I'm your guest host on the fourth hour here, Dr. Lee Merritt, and I'm not talking about medical stuff so much, although I got here from genetics.
We're talking with Jason Ian from Americans in Action about the Babylonians.
I think we are dealing with an enemy that goes back to Babylon and then we have to ask, is it from this planet?
Now I don't want you to confuse, first of all, I don't want you to confuse, I'm being attacked by a fruit fly, I don't want you to confuse what we're talking about with this nonsense that I think they're going to try and pull on us, like Vernon Brown said.
They're going to pull out the UFO and decide we have to have one world government to fight aliens.
I'm not telling you that.
Don't be trapped into that thinking.
This is something deeper than that.
This is, and I don't think this, this does not obviate, we're not, we're not saying there is no Creator God.
There is a Creator God, but isn't it possible that our planet has been hacked, has been taken over?
Here we are on InfoWars, and remember Alex Jones, the Prison Planet, that's what he called it, Prison Planet, for a long time.
And I think that's where we are.
We have to talk, we have to talk about this.
And I, and I just can't, You know, David, I took so much heat for the reptilians, but it is hard when you actually look at the data, it's hard to wrap your head around that being totally irrelevant when you've got 33 dragons guarding the city of London, when you have all these
Statues all over the world and ancient artifacts showing reptiles as humanoid things.
You know, it's just not... I went to medical school and I used to go to the community hospital in the city where I was in school and there were just all these gargoyles all over this ancient building.
It's just like they're not happy.
They don't look like they're our friends.
They're nasty looking gargoyles.
So I think there's a lot of symbolism.
There's a lot of history that make you have to look at this.
And that's what we're doing right now.
So we'll be careful of the time, I guess, this time, guys.
But what do you think, where does this go?
Because, I mean, you know, the Anunnaki comes out of the Sumerian tablets.
So it's presumably the first civilization on Earth.
But are they still here?
I mean, is that, did they leave behind a genetic hybrid?
Is that what we're dealing with?
Is that, what do you think?
My opinion is that there has been infiltration as well as intermixing, intermating.
I mean, they talk about it with the Nephilim.
They talk about the giants coming from the heavens.
You can look at that in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
You can look at that in the Book of Enoch.
It's all disclosed.
And actually, if you go around the nation, you can see when they talk about the large trees that were chopped down.
If you look at certain mountain peaks, they look like tree stumps.
And then if you look at it from a Google map, you can actually see the veins of the water tributaries that go to the tree stumps that look like mountains.
So, everything that you see in these sci-fi movies are disclosing, or these fantasy movies are disclosing what was really happening, and the references are in the Sumerian tablets.
The references are in the Old Testament.
The references are in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
So, how does that apply to us today?
Well, that's great, Jay.
How does that apply to us today?
Well, if there's an infiltration, And then there is their offspring, so to speak, and there is a bloodline that goes back to the source that has an agenda to override the planet.
We say in the New Testament, exit out of her.
Well, exit out of Babylon.
Well, in order for you to exit out of Babylon, you have to realize that somebody, you are trapped within the Babylonian system.
Which is masquerading as a Yatsurtov, meaning something justifiable for people, when in actual fact its agenda is basically to capitalize off of those who they bring in through their system and destroy their lives.
And that is down through the court system.
Now, don't get me wrong.
There is just defiable outcomes within the court system, and there are good people within their court system, and then there is those with a nefarious intention within the court system.
The system could be used for the benefit of the people as long as the corruption is purified.
Now, if you go back to the Old Testament, there are arguments that talk about Abraham being one of the first pharaohs, called Abram, also recognized in the Quran, and he was one of the first pharaohs.
Then you go down to Exodus, where everybody was enslaved, and here comes Moshe, Moses, to exit the slavery.
Well, when you go to the 14th Amendment, they say, oh, well, Lincoln freed the slaves.
Well, no, the 14th Amendment converts it back into a corporatization slavery for citizens using specific language to manipulate, to appear that it's something good, a Yates or Tove, when in actual fact it's a Yates or Hurrah, and until the people are aware of that, they end up becoming enslaved To a corporatization and they volunteered to do it.
Well, how do we know they volunteered to do it?
Because it says in the preamble of the Constitution, the government only operates off the consent of the governed.
But it has to be informed consent.
consent than it's an assumed consent, which is how they've been operating to achieve their
goal, which is to enslave, destroy, and capture, which is part of the lineage tinkering out
into modern day. So what's the solution? You awaken to the reality of what's happening
and you pierce the veil of this thing called the matrix and you remove the curtain in the
Wizard of Oz and you see that it's just some Rothschild behind the curtain.
And when you realize that the Tin Man is a tax identification number, and the Straw Man is your all caps name.
And I encourage everybody to go look up everything we're saying, because hey, we're here for entertainment and educational purposes.
And I'm not giving any legal advice or financial advice.
I'm just here to make you smile.
So go ahead and do your own research.
But if you look up the word Straw Man, you will see That it's an all-capitalized name.
In other words, it's a transmuting utility that's not the living, breathing man or woman's soul.
I'm gonna jump on something real quick of how it's applicable today.
In the Old Testament, there's a Hebrew word called the word Ish and the Hebrew word Isha.
Ish is man, Isha is woman.
Very specific language.
Man and woman.
It doesn't talk about pronouns.
Now, anybody can go to bed with whoever they want.
Anybody can have any of their sexual preferences that they want.
I don't care.
As long as you're not harming anybody else and you're not damaging property, have fun with it because that's common law.
However, I'm bringing something up very specifically.
The pronoun movement, he, she, all this other stuff, is to take somebody out of a specific ish or isha man of which you are free and not enslaved.
The agenda for that is to separate and as I said earlier to confuse people in their mind through a psyop so not to know who they are.
The solution to exiting the matrix is to realize that you are one with the creator.
And the light energy that's coming through from the quote-unquote good aliens, which guided Moses out, that was the God he spoke to, an extraterrestrial of the good, so to speak, the Jedi force, if you will.
To help the people exit out of her the same way you can use the law to exit out of the nefarious Babylonian summonsing where they summons the dead and you come in through equity as the living using constitutional remedy, biblical principles, and spiritual principles which override the nefarious principles.
Oh good!
When you learn how to decode, that's why they have everything called codes.
It's codified because that goes all the way back to spellcasting with the pharaohs in Babylon to create a reality.
So how do you override that?
You decodify their codes, ordinances, etc.
And you realize what true law is, which applies to man and woman.
It's a living, breathing child of God, Source Energy, which all is superior.
And now you say I am a child of God, John Henry of the house and lineage, which goes back to the bloodline, of God child, Kingdom of Heaven.
So we can get out.
You can get out, but you have to realize you're trapped in.
Then you exit.
We can get out of this.
And what you're saying is, if you saw, I just re-watched the Truman Show.
Now, in there, the bad guy is, I mean, it's the director.
And what does he say when they say that you can, you know, that you're evil, that you've been keeping him in this matrix all these years and doing all these bad things to him?
And he said, if he wants to know the truth, If he wants to get out, he has the power to do it.
So we've always had the power, we just didn't have the right decoder ring.
That's correct.
That's 100% accurate.
That's basically what you're saying.
And things like the Lord of the Rings tell you all about it.
Star Wars tells you all about it.
The Matrix tells you all about it.
I've not been this excited ever!
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Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Now we're about to play you a clip from a well-known prestigious doctor, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, laying out some of the latest numbers.
These are hard, cold numbers.
See this for yourself.
One of the big pieces of news over the last couple of days has been a substack by a gentleman called Peter Halligan.
Peter Halligan.
He's a most experienced analyst in the financial industry, extremely used to looking at statistics and translating them into a summary statement.
And this is the summary statement, and I hope your leaders are sitting down, holding themselves, because what I'm going to tell you intuitively sounds ridiculous.
That's why it's so Incredibly important that I say this.
These numbers are best estimates at this point in time using government data for the global consequences of the Clark shot in terms of death and morbidity, otherwise known as serious adverse events such as heart attack, strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc.
We've been focusing for good reason on North American statistics during the last two and a half years.
But this man has extrapolated that into the total effect, negative effect of the clock chart.
And these are the numbers.
Deaths, global deaths, directly attributable to the vaccine.
20 million.
20 million deaths due to the clot shot.
And 2 billion, big B, 2 billion serious adverse reactions of the type I described.
Now these numbers are beyond staggering.
They, to contrast that with history, Vaccines have typically been pulled from the market when the last one, the birth of the vaccine, was pulled with only 35, 3-5 deaths.
I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here.
An unimaginable carnage.
Which isn't over.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw is literally the tip of the iceberg.
Go to Infowars.com.
The full videos are there.
We're playing them on the regular weekday show, 11am to 3pm.
This is a covert holocaust.
This is global depopulation.
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