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Name: 20230817_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 17, 2023
2874 lines.

Alex Jones discusses government involvement in planning terrorism and deplatforming free speech, ongoing issues in Maui, and global crises such as Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Iraq. He criticizes the lack of media coverage and empathy from political figures. The speakers promote their organization HopeForHawaii.com and discuss colloidal silver products available at InfowarsStore.com. They emphasize the importance of providing aid to those affected by disasters and urge listeners to support local communities and stand with the vulnerable, while promoting their brand of coffee.

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Arson experts called Lahaina arson on an industrial scale.
Administrative murder.
Yep, the term I've been putting out is now being picked up.
But that's what it is.
That's why Senator Josh Hawley is calling it a one-party dictatorship takeover with the intelligence agencies and Justice Department merging with the Democratic Party.
My exact words, because that's what it is.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
We know the government's planning terrorism.
We know the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted to blow up airliners.
If you do it, we're going to blame you, because we know who's up to it.
The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies.
I'm sick of it, and I'm not going to take a bite out of it.
Do you got me?
It's time to stop submitting to this charity.
It's time to I want freedom!
That's what I want!
And that's what you should want!
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
If you want them, come and take them!
I don't like them putting chemicals in the waters that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
The answer to 1984 76!
Who is the most banned news network in the world?
InfoWars.com InfoWars comes to mind.
InfoWars.com InfoWars.
You watch InfoWars?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Nice guy.
You must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the greatest.
He knows who InfoWars is.
They're playing this joke over here.
That's why the de-platforming didn't work.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
In a free country, everyone can be heard.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be heard.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
InfoWars has been banned.
(upbeat music)
Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
The Great Awakening is here.
Go to Banned.Video.
Download the videos and share.
Support the Information War at InfoWarsStore.com And never give up the fight.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
If you had to define the UNWEF corporate global takeover, is it administrative, mass murder depopulation, kill grid?
Thank you for joining us on this live Thursday, August 17th, 2023 transmission.
We have Jason Jones, who is a Hawaiian native, and a reporter, and a smart, tough guy.
They'll fight the lockdowns there and help lead the movement against them on the ground in Maui.
And reportedly getting into Lahaina, that they have a 12-mile exclusion zone around.
He'll be joining us in the fourth hour reporting from Maui.
We're going to hit those developments that are just the most sinister we've ever seen.
How blatant, how obvious, how premeditated, how deliberate this was.
We also have another excellent guest, Royce White, joining us to talk about the indictments, Maui, the war, the whole waterfront.
He's a professional basketball player.
Earlier in the week.
Pin on the side of his head, investigate Maui.
I'm going to tell you all the other news coming up, but first I just want to just let you know, Associated Press, Washington Post are all admitting what I told you.
Day one, it's electrical fires from the power lines where they allowed the trees to grow up all around them and actually be hanging on them so that when the trees got blown over, they knocked down the power lines, they left the power lines on.
The default during high winds is to turn them off.
That's when a hurricane hits, your power goes off.
They say get ready for days without power.
They would not let them have the water.
That's all confirmed.
That's even in mainstream news.
They did not turn on the emergency sirens.
These people are incredible.
They have been caught red-handed.
It is just unspeakable.
Here's the headline.
So that's how the Maui fires started.
Now the New York Post and others have the videos of the power lines falling and catching fire.
And it was basically a huge fire line all along the town.
And as the wind came in from the west into the east towards the Hawaiian Islands and up, of course, across the rest of the Pacific at 70 miles an hour, It was a firestorm.
It was the equivalent of somebody dumping 50,000 gallons of gasoline in a long line through the brush and the trees.
And it blew right across the town.
The wind was perfectly situated to do it.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
Even in small rural towns in West Virginia, they trimmed the trees back 10 feet from the damn power lines.
And when tornadoes are coming in, a lot of times they'll cut the power in those areas, but definitely when a hurricane hits.
So that's Town Hall, that's New York Post.
Valley's first reported fire likely caused by power lines.
Washington Post.
Woke Hawaiian official stalled release.
Of quote, revered sacred water.
That's a headline.
No joke.
I have the video.
Until it was too late, he said it's sacred and we worship it.
You cannot have it.
We have the video.
Hawaii utility faces scrutiny for not shutting power to reduce fire.
Washington Post.
Tulsi Gabbards has been on the ground in... Behina?
She just got back to the mainland last night, and she said there is no federal or state emergency people there.
There's a few police.
No one's helping them.
And the few police that are there are ordered to keep locals from bringing aid in.
And now we have multiple witnesses that watched the police block the open access road out of the town.
And they said, it's orders.
and they sat there and watched the people burn to death.
Why would they want that?
There's probably going to be 2,000 dead when it's all said and done.
Over 1,500 missing.
Hundreds and hundreds found dead.
Dead dogs in the street, cats, you name it, roasted alive.
They were blown on a fire just with your mouth.
A little bit of air and it turns white hot and burns your face.
Imagine all that hot wind and those giant electrical lines that supply the rest of the island going down the coast.
And Tulsi's there.
We have the video.
We'll play it.
She's a native Hawaiian.
Not a native, but native born there.
And formerly a congressperson from there.
And she said that she's there.
They're blocking aid.
Unbelievable, premeditated, concerted evil.
We got video.
Reporter Grills the FEMA head.
Where is the aid for the people of Maui?
We got that video.
Arson experts called Lahaina arson on an industrial scale.
Administrative murder.
Yep, the term I've been putting out is now being picked up.
But that's what it is.
That's why Senator Josh Hawley is calling it a one-party dictatorship takeover with the intelligence agencies and Justice Department merging with the Democratic Party.
My exact words, because that's what it is.
Keep hearing, oh, the left's taking over.
No, that's the ideology to control us.
It's the corporations through the intelligence agencies.
State official refused to release water for West Maui until the fires was already raging.
Turn to which writes, troubling reports are surfacing about the Obama Foundation member and Maui water controller.
The commission On Water Resources.
And it goes on and on.
Here's the video.
It's unbelievably sickening.
If you want me to subject you to it, I guess I will.
Here's the eyewitnesses that are well known.
I looked them up in the community.
This fellow's lived there all his life.
Almost 80 years old.
Highly respected.
He watched the police keep the people tied up.
I can't believe they followed orders.
I'd have driven past them or around them and just watched them all die.
And he just walked out.
People ask, why did the Jews?
General Flynn asked this the other day, and they call it anti-Semitic.
No, he asked a serious question.
Why did they, whether it be one guard for every 500 people or so, load on cattle cars and go get shot in ditches?
Well, because the average person, whether they're Jewish or whether they're German or whether they're Chinese, follows official orders of people in uniforms.
That's why.
I guess I'm a Texan.
I guess I'm a throwback, I'm a little different than that.
If I was my family and I saw the big open highway, an access road, it's wide open and the fire's coming at a couple miles an hour through the houses, and it's already there, and there's fire 50, 60 feet away, and the wheels on my car are starting to melt, I'm going over, through, or around those police.
Because they don't have a right to kill me and my family.
Don't worry, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and all of them are getting a money package together to take over the town.
And it goes on and on.
We're going to hit all of this coming up, but I'm not going to hit this until we start the next hour.
And I'm going to hit it all for a full hour with Royce White.
So I'm going to start the hour with all this and all the clips.
I may start at the end of the hour in the last segment.
And then bring him on and continue.
There's so many clips, it'll probably take 20 minutes just to air all these.
I don't want to just tell you something, I want to show it to you.
When we come back, oh boy!
Man, oh man!
Did they get caught in Georgia rigging that grand jury.
Remember, they published the index pages of the indictment.
Seven and a half hours later, the grand jury handed down the indictment and it matched it.
They lied and said it was fake.
Then they said somebody hacked the computer system.
Now they came out yesterday and said, okay, it's real.
We just hit the send instead of save.
How are you saving the indictment before it was handed down?
See, they always divert the issue.
They lied.
They got caught lying.
Now they hope we're just so stupid.
It's like Obi-Wan Kenobi.
How long you have these droids?
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along.
These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Move along.
I mean, it's just a joke.
Gendrych on Trump and Diamond says, desperate last ditch effort by corrupt machine to destroy their most dangerous opponent.
We'll be back.
Do you have a will to survive?
Because you're under globalist attack.
You can live in denial, but it only makes it worse for yourself and all of us.
Let's admit what's going down.
I'll only make two more points till I get back into Lahaina and the Maui tragedy and what it really signifies for the rest of us, the administrative post-industrial state waging war on us by cutting off services that we paid for and killing us and displacing us and turning us into refugees in our own industrialized post-industrial world.
That didn't finish the key points.
The police ordering people and keeping people from being able to evacuate, in many cases confirmed, and the water being turned off, the power being left on, the trees not being trimmed back.
They're not consciously part of this, they just follow their orders.
That's compartmentalization.
But why would they want to have the highest death toll possible?
Because many families, everyone died in them, who own those restaurants and Art galleries and jewelry stores and bars, they aren't going to be there to stand up and fight when the globalists take the land worth 5.4 billion dollars, it's estimated, with what was there.
It was a town hundreds and hundreds of years old.
The main site of the first government there, the main British outpost after Captain Cook, and the site of the royal family of the Hawaiian Islands for 2,000 years.
And so it was a beautiful little town.
I've been there four times.
Went whale watching there.
Spent a lot of time there.
It's very quaint, very nice.
I don't like the big fancy parts of the island with all the big hotels and the rest of it on the other end.
And there's a lot of big, beautiful estates around there that, of course, were just fine.
Oprah Winfrey's and Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and the Hollywood scum, the rest of them.
So, with a higher death toll now, those people won't be able to speak up because they're dead.
They're no longer on this planet.
But why are the globalists dissolving the border completely, and starting these giant wars, and giving us poison shots that have killed top scientists estimated at 20 million?
Because they're exercising power.
We've gone from beta, with all the new world order testing in Agenda 21, to the official world depopulation, deindustrialization operation of Agenda 2030.
And in Africa, all the time when the UN goes in to clear people off the land, to take it over, to build mines, to set up facilities, which they do on record, they will wait till high winds come and it's dry and they'll burn them out.
So burning people out is the oldest trick in the book.
they did to the branch Davidians, Nero, almost 2,000 years ago, I guess 2,020 years ago or 1,920 years ago.
Burned down Rome, most of Rome, a poor area, so he could expand his facilities.
So it's the same story over and over again, and history has repeated itself.
And it's just next level.
That's coming up next hour.
All the proof, all the videos, all the detail.
It is just so cold-blooded.
You don't get water.
They don't trim the trees.
They don't turn the power off.
The emergency sirens don't go off.
They do a 12-mile exclusion zone to the media.
They won't let aid in because they've got to go in now.
They've already got bulldozers in there to cover up what they did.
But it's already out that it was the power lines.
And there is really a big distractionary Diversionary narrative, and I'm not attacking people that do this.
It's your free speech, but I'm allowed to say you're wrong.
It's not lasers.
It's government administrative arsonist by setting up the conditions at every level that had to be met to do this.
And they knew damn well, leaving power lines on when 70 mile an hour wind hit for the first time in decades and decades, that it was going to torch that place.
If they wouldn't have left the power on, nothing would have happened but a few signs blown over and a few trees falling over.
But because they didn't trim the trees back and they left the power on, they murdered thousands of people.
But I'm sure the police are in good hands.
Oh, the incident commander that, in my view, covered up what happened in Vegas.
Remember, you don't hear about that anymore.
Well, he was brought in to run things there in the second most expensive real estate in the world.
All right, we're about three, four minutes to break.
I'm going to come back and hit all the Georgia news.
It's just just as illustrative as this of evil.
Of all the corruption, all the false charges and all the bizarreness and all the lies in these four different groups of indictments, this is the most Alice in Wonderland cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
And so we're going to be hitting all that coming up.
And then, the head of the Russian military, number three in command, but the head of their chemical, biological, radiological response, has published a multi-hundred page report with video links and clips, and it's everything we already know is true, we didn't get it from the Russians, they can look at the same things that we see, that criminals inside the US government and the UN Release COVID-19 to set up a biomedical tyranny worldwide to bring in a cashless society, and to set up a permanent biomedical state, and that they are actively preparing new bioweapons to release them.
Headline out of RT, U.S.
is plotting another pandemic, Russian Defense Ministry.
Hmm, kind of a big deal.
Russia warns that the U.S.
is preparing a new pandemic.
That means people that run our country.
The United States began preparing a new pandemic, said Russian Ministry of Defense.
Meanwhile, NATO official Kiev may have to cede territory to Russia in exchange for membership.
That's how it always works.
They're going to divide the country up.
Poland will get part, NATO will get part, and the Russians will get the other part.
It's a national crisis.
Japanese government officially launches investigation of a 400% increase in death of Japanese out of the shots.
Also video of Vivek Ramaswamy absolutely devastating the LGBTQ cult as the tyranny of the minority.
That's all coming up.
Also big Jeffrey Epstein news tying into Obama and in to his puppet Joe Biden.
Also now they're not just censoring marine biologists that point out that the windmills are causing masked-offs of whales on the East Coast.
Now, if you say Jesus is the only way, it is called anti-Semitism and major tech companies are pulling that down.
Sanctuary City, Chicago prepares what New York's already doing, shipping the illegal aliens they invited in to the suburbs.
We have a compilation of millennials freaking out over the massive increases in prices.
I thought you liked carbon taxes.
I thought you liked being bankrupt.
I thought you liked no food.
You're going to really like what's happening now.
And a lot more today.
So, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
And we are going to go straight into the attempt to steal the election from the American people.
Again, the presidential election and how they've been caught red-handed.
And hope you don't pay attention to this.
InfoWars.com and Band.Video, share those links.
The law fair being conducted by the Democratic Party and their intelligence agency controllers against the American people is also being conducted in other Western nations around the world and in Latin America against people like President Bolsonaro who's been barred for running for eight years because he challenged the election.
You're not supposed to do that now even though the number one rule of the State Department that monitors elections worldwide to see if they're quote fair says that you should be able to challenge them and inspect them.
But Trump is charged in Georgia, one of many charges, for tweeting and saying there were anomalies, or he didn't think the water main really broke, or illegal aliens were voting, which is all confirmed.
Let me show you the stack of news here and then we'll go through it.
But what's happening in Georgia and other areas, both federal and state, is indicative of what happened in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, USA.
The bureaucracies at the top are run by very corrupt, evil people.
They're almost all in any major town or city or key area in the Clinton or Obama Foundation.
They're part of the UN Foundations.
They go to constant five-star hotel meetings around the world where they coordinate this operation.
That's why Jacinda Ardern in the Pacific Ocean in her operations against the people In New Zealand, or whether it's Justin Trudeau of the WEF in Canada, or whether it was the German leaders or the British leaders, it's all the same script, the same operation.
You don't need me to tell you about that, you see it.
You're in the middle of Build Back Better, tearing down civilization, the Great Reset.
And so they believe they're above the law.
They believe they can commit any crime they want.
They can refuse to spend the money they've gotten to trim back the trees and brush like everybody else does in the world from the power lines.
They can refuse the water that no one else in the world would do during an incoming fire.
It was all done right as it happened.
They don't ever turn the water off the town.
They turned it off that day.
They turned the emergency sirens off that are the best in the United States.
They blocked the people in the town.
They blocked the media now.
They've got a cover-up going.
And it just so happens to be a police chief that quarterbacked the overwhelming cover-up in Vegas.
It's the same thing in Georgia.
If one thing is constant, the low-level criminal minions are extremely inept.
And they're compartmentalized.
And so, as you know, three days ago, seven and a half hours before the grand jury concluded its indictment of Trump and 18 others, they published the index cover sheets of the indictment.
That's never happened before that I know of.
It'd be like seven and a half hours before a jury comes in with a verdict, and all of a sudden it's already in the county clerk's office and already announced.
They changed the subject and said, oh, we've been hacked, or oh, it's fake, and oh, okay, it's real, but we just hit send instead of save.
The issue is, why did you already have the indictment?
Why did you have the indictment right?
Because the grand jury is synthetic.
The grand jury is a fraud.
And the whole world sees that.
And so, they came out, not yesterday, but the night before, On Tuesday night, and they went, oh, oopsie, we accidentally published the indictment.
Cover pages.
More than cover pages, like dozens and dozens of pages.
It's incredible.
And because they investigate themselves, and because the state police in those states are so controlled at the top, nothing will be done to them, they think.
And the judge will never let that information be seen by the jury.
When they charge Trump for saying that they shut down the Fulton County Counting Center and kicked everybody out and kept counting, they admit they did, but they charged him.
They'll never let him show the video of that or their admissions or the newscast.
They'll just tell the jury, we never did that.
And the jury will say, guilty, because just like they rigged the federal cases on Roger Stone and others, they're going to rig this.
Because they choose areas where the fix is in.
So let's play the clip of a local newscast, should be national news, of Fulton County Clerk Shea Alexander, who leaked the charges against Trump.
Remember the press conference on Tuesday, they go, no, no, no, those are fake.
And the reporter goes, but why do they match when the indictment came out?
The hackers just imagined it perfectly to the letter.
Oh, but now it's real.
We just hit a button wrong.
Why'd you have it?
Seven and a half hours before they were done.
You're caught!
And Trump put out a statement on it two days ago.
He should be doing press conferences on it yesterday.
When Trump said the border is wide open and A lot of good people are coming in, but also a lot of criminals.
We need to stop them.
And CNN said, he said, all Mexicans are dirty criminals.
He should have, at a press conference, showed the video and said, they're lying criminals.
Instead, he just said, they're lying.
That's where Trump drops the ball.
Over and over again, not defending himself.
So here is one of the local newscasts.
And ask yourself, why is this not the top story everywhere?
Here it is.
And Linda Shea Alexander says she was under a lot of pressure to make sure this process went smoothly.
There were no hiccups.
She says in trying to be perfect, she made a mistake and instead of hitting save, she hit send.
I am human.
Fulton County Clerk of Court Shea Alexander says even though she's human, she strives for perfection.
And that's how the mishap happened.
The mishap was she inadvertently posted the indictment charges against former President Donald Trump, even though the grand jury was still deliberating Monday.
That set off a media firestorm and had Trump's attorney saying prosecutors had no respect for the grand jury process.
Alexander said this had nothing to do with the DA's office and there was nothing sinister about the mistake she made.
I have no dog in the fight.
She says in an effort to handle the indictment perfectly, she messed up.
I did a work sample in the system.
And when I hit save, it went to the press queue.
Some news reporters saw it before it was deleted.
Alexander says what they saw was unofficial.
It wasn't an official document.
It wasn't official charges.
It was the drive-by and it was a work sample.
Even though it had a case number, Alexander says it didn't have a stamp and other markings that would have made it official.
I asked her why did she release a statement calling the document fictitious.
That was the best word I could come up with.
It was fictitious.
It wasn't real.
It didn't have a stamp on it.
Why didn't you just say it was an error?
She says fictitious was what her team came up with.
We've been getting some calls.
Her office has received calls and emails with threats.
People saying, I'm coming to get you.
Those threats have been forwarded to the sheriff's office.
Alexander says she was under a lot of pressure to get this right.
Now she says she just wants to explain what happened and get back to work.
I tell my staff we just want to be transparent, right?
And so I don't have anything to hide.
That's right.
Just get back.
Just get back to crucifying Trump with the whole kangaroo court situation.
They're not supposed to have that document.
I've checked with lawyers.
Who work in Georgia and it's the same all over the country.
Those documents are given to the grand jury.
Once they issue it, it's brought in, then the judge sets a hearing, usually for a couple days later, and it may take days to go through it and process it.
And then prepare when the people are supposedly going to turn themselves in, the rest of it.
Instead, she magically already had it, ladies and gentlemen, because they've been preparing it and orchestrating it, and they knew they already had the grand jury indictment.
But they wanted to act like they were deliberating and showboat around.
But here's the real smoking gun.
They lied and said it was fake.
They lied and said that it wasn't real.
They lied and said somebody made it up.
Remember, that was the first thing.
Oh, it's made up.
Oh no, it's fictitious.
Oh no, it's a mistake.
And they're coming for everybody, folks.
The bureaucrats.
They're weaponized.
Well, the bad news is a multinational conglomerate of central banks and private corporations through government are overturning all of our rights and liberties and freedoms and trying to reduce us down to total slaves.
The good news is people are waking up fast and we have a lot of allies around the world and God's on our side and things are only worse if we lay down so we're only going up from here.
I'm going to go back to the incredible Kangaroo Court railroading that's going on in Georgia, and now they've been just caught red-handed in every form of ridiculousness you can imagine.
I mean, the indictment is just cocoa-puff crazy.
I mean, it is cuckoo.
It is, it is, it is.
Indicting him for saying that, I believe the election's been stolen, and we've got reports of tens of thousands of votes of people voting from P.O.
That was all true.
It just, it goes on and on.
And they shut down the Fulton County Tabulation Center but kept counting votes.
Everybody was out.
They covered up the windows.
That's all on video.
They admit they did it.
Indicted for that.
And even Mainline News is reading this going, uh, you're not allowed to tweet?
And then they tried to go inspect and retabulate with a county that was going to let them?
Since when can county officials not bring in both parties and do that?
So it's crazy, folks.
It's dangerous as hell, and these people mean business.
When judges in two of my kangaroo cases found me guilty, and then lied about how much money I had, and wouldn't even let us defend ourselves, people said, how are you taking this?
And I said, bad, because they're coming for everybody.
That's what I keep explaining to people.
You know, they deleted Glenn Beck's Apple podcast that had millions of subscribers.
It was a big national story, but they put it back up.
And you know, Beck has defended me recently saying I should be censored because it's so good for him.
But when you're the most censored, the most attacked, the most lied about, it just becomes this, well, that's just how it is, Alex.
Well, that's not just how it is.
And I'm not going to give up.
And I'm not going to back down.
But I could give out.
And I need your prayer.
I need your support.
We're doing our most important work ever.
The network we've got of reporters around the country and the world is second to none.
Jason Jones is incredible.
He'll be joining us from Maui, from Lanai.
Lahaina coming up in the fourth hour.
Last night we taped for three hours and the almost three-hour report, The Deep Dive on Bill Gates, Meet the Man That Wants to Run Your Life, will be premiering tomorrow at ladderwithcrowder.com.
And I'm going to do a special deep dive report.
It's really powerful every week.
And very soon, I'm going to expand more.
I'm going to basically just do what Steven does.
We did it previously.
We're not as good as he does.
Something simple, but also powerful, like change my mind.
I'm going to do PowerPoints much more.
If you want to support us and keep us on air and expand what we're doing, then go now to jonescrowder.com, sign up for a year there, a one-time payment, and get a month free.
And then that will go to keep us on air.
Part of the money goes for free speech, for this Operation InfoWars, and then the rest of it to build infrastructure for us to expand other shows on The Mug Club.
And he's a great guy to partner with.
We get access to all his great fans and folks, and it's just exploding.
And of course, Rumble boosting us and putting us up to the front page, the opposite of censoring us.
So a lot of big things are happening, and it's a blessing.
And this is a non-exclusive deal with Crowder, but I really like him and his crew, so I intend to expand it.
I've also had some really big folks, really big, as big as it gets, reach out that want to work with us very, very soon.
As soon as their infrastructure is set up, I'm sure people can put two and two together.
But the Lord works in mysterious ways and I want our enemies to know this.
If you think you're going to shut us down, you're gravely mistaken.
You're going to make us fight that much harder.
But the listeners need to understand that in the equation, there are more than half of it.
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It's about not backing down, it's about expanding into the election.
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So you want to see us fight.
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All right.
Let me continue here.
Let's go to clip 9.
This is a Fulton County DA, Fannie Willis, is seeking a March 4th, so right in the middle of the primaries, 2024 trial date, to tie Trump down so he can't campaign.
And the other indictments are all spacing it out there as well, and trials.
So this is just the greatest election meddling I've ever seen.
Indicting Trump because he falsely said there was election meddling with all the evidence.
When it's his right to say that if he was wrong, but he was right.
And then openly meddling in front of everybody and stealing the election they're attempting to.
And saying, we'll arrest you if you complain.
I mean, what a group of bullies and thugs.
It's not the American way to bow to this.
And I believe in you and I believe we will defeat it.
I pray for President Trump.
Here's the clip.
I don't have any desire to be first or last.
I want to try him and be respectful for our sovereign states.
We do want to move this case along and so we will be asking for a proposed order that occurs a trial date within the next six months.
Here is Newt Gingrich, ladies and gentlemen, really telling it like it is.
That it is Barack Obama who corrupts the Justice Department.
It is Hillary Clinton who routinely breaks the law and gets away with it.
And now we have Joe Biden who's learned.
He's learned from Obama that it doesn't matter what you do, if you're a liberal Democrat you will not be prosecuted.
He learned from Hillary that a person in high public office can get millions and millions of dollars.
And they learned from watching Donald Trump that a true outsider willing to take on the entire system could destroy their entire machine.
So what you're seeing across the country is a desperate last-ditch effort by a corrupt machine to destroy their most dangerous opponent in a way which not only breaks the Constitution, destroys the rule of law.
And establishes a moment of bitterness which I think will last for a generation or more.
I think this is going to be a horrendous period and we just need to understand the people who want to control America and dictate to the rest of us will break any law, lie about any topic and manipulate the system any way they can and that includes a lot of the elite news media.
And Senator Josh Hawley said two days ago, we played the clip, that they're establishing a one-party dictatorship and outlawing their political opposition.
That's 100% true.
Now we're getting there where we're addressing what they're doing.
Intelligence agencies rogue with multinational corporations, administratively raping us, dissolving our borders, cutting off our police, attacking the people, destroying us.
That's what it is.
That's the reality.
I'm going to play the Josh Halle clip with Royce White coming up because it's so important.
I'm going to play it again.
And then I have the other clips from Georgia.
We'll be right back with our number two.
Eagles out in the open.
The mask is off.
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The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com All right, Royce White is scheduled to join us coming up next segment to talk about what's really happening in Hawaii, and it is open and shut administrative mass murder, and they have the motives.
It's insane.
We'll also cover the Trump indictments, the Russian news we're going to break, and so much more.
Biggest developments so far in the Ukraine war we'll be hitting coming up.
But I wanted to get to a short report.
That really does a good job on Fox News where they lay out the timeline of the Hunter Biden criminal investigation and Trump indictments and showing how they're killing two birds with one stone, not just going after the political enemy, trying to disqualify him from being elected president in the most brazen election meddling and election theft ever seen in not just U.S., but world history.
I mean, this is beyond Banana Boat Republic garbage, but also covering up for the CHICOM agent.
And on the same day that another big story was breaking about the Hunter Biden probe.
versus a man so attacked to write it in line about, here is that key report.
This week and on the same day that another big story was breaking about the Hunter Biden probe,
raising quite a few eyebrows about the timing of all of this. So let's break down the timeline
of Trump's indictments versus the key developments in the Hunter saga.
So let's start in New York City this March.
Look at this.
Biden family and the laptop revelations versus Trump's indictments.
So this is the first indictment.
March 16th, the House Oversight Committee reveals that Biden family payments from this Chinese energy company.
Well, look at this.
Two days later, Trump says he's going to be indicted in New York.
He wrote that on social media.
Then, April 4th, the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, indicts Trump in that hush money case.
This is right after we find out about all this money from the energy company.
Okay, so that is New York City.
Let's go to Florida.
This is in June.
The bribery allegations and the plea deals versus Trump's second indictment.
So these are the classified documents, Mar-a-Lago stuff.
So on June 7th, the FBI releases the documents alleging that the Bidens took the $10 million bribe from Burisma.
Remember, the owner of Burisma caught in a coffee shop saying, $5 million for one Biden, $5 million for another.
Then the very next day, look at this, Jack Smith indicts Trump in the Mar-a-Lago document case.
Then on July 26th, that's the Hunter Biden sweetheart deal that's rejected.
The very next day, July 27th, Jack Smith adds more charges in the Mar-a-Lago case.
Let's slap some more charges to that.
All right.
So then in July, let's go to D.C.
Devin Archer interview versus Trump's third indictment.
So this was the January 6th stuff.
July 31st, Devin Archer testifies that Joe Biden was on 20 plus phone calls with his son's business partners.
The very next day, Jack Smith indicts Trump for the January 6th case.
We don't know.
You decide.
All right, now let's go to Georgia.
This happened recently, the last few days.
FBI agent transcript versus Trump's fourth indictment.
So in the morning, On August 14th, GOP releases the transcripts from this FBI agent involved in the Hunter Biden investigation.
And it has, it happens to coincide with what the whistleblower was saying, that they, someone tipped off, the Secret Service tipped off Hunter Biden.
He was never interviewed.
So their stories are very similar.
So then on August 14th, that same day, later in the afternoon or that night and that evening,
Fulton County DA Fonny Willis charges Trump and 18 others in the Georgia 2020 election probe.
You have the facts, you make up your mind, your decision is this.
Can't get any more ridiculous.
I don't normally play deepfakes, but we're going to have to break and have a little bit of fun with this.
The leftist media is trying to claim this deepfake as people trying to be deceptive.
No, everybody knows it's a joke.
It was put out by a joke group.
We're going to go to break playing this clip and we're going to come right back with Royce White and cover incredible news.
Stay with us.
So I guess the real question on everyone's minds is what really happened to that young chef?
That's a good question, Rachel.
I guess it all started when Barack tried to have an affair with him.
He didn't really like Barack like that.
I mean, they just kind of paddleboarded together and sh** like that.
But then Big Mike got all suspicious.
Who's Big Mike?
Did I say Big Mike?
I'm sorry, I meant to say Michelle.
Then Michelle got all suspicious that Barack was having an affair with him.
So she confronted him.
She confronted the chef?
No, she confronted Barack.
But then the chef overheard that Michelle was really a man.
And so they called me and asked me if I could Epstein him.
And I said, yeah, sure, but I want to be president again.
And so here we are.
So here we are.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
Please spread the word.
It's a long way to the top if you want to steal the most valuable land in America and Hawaii.
It's a long way to the top if you want to indict the ultra-popular president and set up a one-party dictatorship.
It's a hard fight, but they're trying it.
Takes a lot of planning to cook up a virus and release it, and then kill 20 million people with a poison shot, but they did it.
Takes a lot of work keeping a border wide open and shipping in millions of people, hundreds of thousands of kidnapped children.
It's a hard fight, and it's a long way if you want to kill hundreds of thousands a year with fentanyl and then have the public mad at you.
It's hard to give $200 billion to Ukraine and only give $700 to the Hawaiians.
But if you want to mass murder and depopulate and have a post-industrial world and bring in neofutilism, it's what
you got to do.
Have you think it's easy running genocide?
Just ask Hitler.
It's a lot of work.
But hey, Klaus Schwab's dad and grandfather are probably now from hell.
Alright, I want to play a clip here, ladies and gentlemen, of Senator Josh Hawley.
I don't usually play a clip twice in a week, but it's so powerful and it fits into what Newt Gingrich just said last hour.
And the reason it's powerful is it's the truth.
And a lot of times when societies are hit by a super tyranny, and they hadn't previously faced one, they don't know how to deal with it because they can't believe it's happening.
It's kind of like you're in a grocery store parking lot, Somebody walks up and sticks a gun in your side and says, give me your wallet.
Give me your watch.
That split second you've got to decide whether you're going to knock the gun out of their hand and headbutt them and attack them or whether you're going to bend over and hope they don't carjack you.
If you've got your kids with you, you've got to kill them.
Because you can't take the risk.
But we're at that point.
This bad thing is happening to all of us.
Whether you live in Australia, Germany, Canada, the U.S., Mexico, it's the same New World Order, the same projects, the same people, the same operation.
It's a big global operation, but if you know its plan, it's easy to beat.
If you simply oppose everything they say and do.
And the good news is, in Lahaina, the silver lining in that firestorm is nobody, and I mean I don't think anybody, is buying this.
And the government's got their tail between their legs, but they're still not helping people.
They're keeping the media out.
They ran the whole operation.
We're going to go over it and play the clips this hour with Royce White.
We'll continue on in the next hour with a ton of other news and information.
And then Jason Jones, We should get him on early, not just the fourth hour.
From Maui.
He's a native of Hawaii.
And he's a hard charger.
He's going to be joining us with the victims.
So look for that coming up in about an hour and a half from now here today.
He's reporting for InfoWars on the ground.
But here is the clip of the Senator just a few days ago.
This is a message, they're trying to send a message loud and clear, and the message is don't mess with us.
And why are they going after Trump?
Because he messed with them.
He challenged them across the board.
He challenged their pro-war policies.
He's challenged them on Ukraine.
He's challenged their globalist agenda that's ripped off our working class for years, hollowed out the industrial base of this country, and made our workers in this country slaves compared to China and these other nations that have taken away our jobs, taken away our technology.
Challenge all of that and the message is if you challenge them on this stuff if you challenge them on these policies They hold dear they will come after you if they if you challenge them on their pro-abortion religion They will come after you so I think the message is real clear.
Don't challenge us Don't go to work for anybody who will challenge us don't vote for Donald Trump or anybody like him or we'll treat you as a domestic terrorist and I tell you what Laura this is a recipe for one-party rule in this country and if that's the case This isn't the United States of America anymore.
Our constitutional democracy doesn't exist anymore.
And what has Rand Paul said this week?
What has Senator Cruz said this week?
What has Senator Johnson said this week?
What has Christina Anderson of the EU said this week?
What has Bolsonaro said this week?
What has Tucker Carlson said this week?
What has Joe Rogan said this week?
What has Russell Brand said this week?
What has Tulsi Gabbard said this week?
What have you said this week?
Everybody that's popular is on our team.
Mainstream media has like 100,000 viewers per cable channel per hour.
They're a joke.
They're a facade.
Everybody's saying we have a weaponized global government out to get us.
I got Joe Rogan clips today.
Saying carbon taxes, the environmental movement are a fraud to cut off the Western world, that China and India are making no cuts, and it's all a lie.
We already knew that.
Now Joe Rogan's saying it.
That's winning.
That's indicative that once he figures it out, everybody else has figured it out.
And once he figures it out, I had dinner with him a few weeks ago, he's super red-pilled and super pissed, and I told you he's about to get super aggressive.
He literally told me, hold my beer.
It's on.
Want to play a new Genrich?
Nah, we'll just go to our guests.
Genrich on Trump indictments.
Desperate last ditch effort by corrupt machine to destroy their most dangerous opponent.
He says they're establishing a dictatorship.
They're total criminals who have no bottom and will do anything.
Now, you're like, yeah, tell us something we didn't know.
The mainline politicians are talking like Alex Jones.
Tucker Carlson said with Robert F. Kennedy on Monday, he said, we're all Alex Jones now.
He was right.
It's not about me being right, but it's about they try to destroy me because they knew I was over the target.
I got their number.
All I do is study these people.
And as soon as the general public starts studying them and realizes what villains they are, and they kill you administratively by cutting off the resources, Destroying culture, it's game over!
We'd stand up to somebody with tanks and guns, we're not wimps!
We just are distracted and asleep.
And as soon as we're not asleep anymore, the beginning of the end for the New World Order is here.
And all the poison shot news is coming out.
The Russian government just came out and joined all these members of parliament in the EU and the UK, saying the government of the globalists and the US government released the virus.
And they did it to take over and get power and set up a world ID and a social credit score.
The number three Russian general who heads up their chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear weapons came out and said, the U.S.
has been captured by globalist criminals working with big corporations to bring in world government using viruses and they're preparing to release a new virus.
This is official Russian government press release.
I have the video in English and Russian.
I'll play it next hour.
is plotting another pandemic, Russian Defense Ministry warns.
Are the Russians perfect?
Did they start all this?
Are they the biggest nuclear power in the world?
Are they aware of what's going on?
I think the New World Order's got a problem.
I don't know how all this is going to end, as I've said a thousand times, but if they want to fight, they better believe they've got one!
I'm not rolling over and dying!
There's no way out of this but standing up and stop being weak minded and denying the situation we're in.
Somebody walks up to you for no reason and starts beating the living hell out of you.
You better run or you better fight.
Well guess what?
There's nowhere to run.
It's a global government.
All you can do is sit there and get your brains beat out or you can start standing up and saying no!
Royce White's NBA player, MMA fighter.
He was in a recent basketball game.
Drew on the side of his head.
We'll put it on screen.
Investigate Maui.
Just like he said, investigate the Uyghurs.
Royce White joins us a little bit in the next hour.
Posts his own popular podcast you should follow.
Please call me Crazy Podcasts on YouTube.
Royce White dot Substack dot com.
Royce White dot US.
Twitter at Highway underscore 30.
Royce, great to have you on.
I know you're really focused on the situation in Maui.
We're going to get to that coming up.
But right now, just big general 35,000 foot view.
What do you think I just said?
What do you think of what I just said?
I think it's absolutely spot on as you've been for many, many years.
I appreciate being back on the show.
I always appreciate you giving me the opportunity to speak to your audience.
You've done incredible work for the majority of your life and definitely your career.
It's an honor, really.
It's an honor to know you.
It's an honor to be friends with you.
It's an honor to be able to Text message you and bounce ideas off of you and things like that and many people out there in the establishment, same people who are mad, I guess, that I wrote Investigate Maui on the side of my head, are the same people that tried to take you out and you're still kicking, you're still alive.
I appreciate that and I really appreciate the entire InfoWars audience.
Well, I appreciate you, brother.
Specifically, I appreciate all your work, your courage, but what do you think of the level of awakening?
Do you agree with what I said or add your nuances to it?
I agree with what you said 100%.
I mean, I think this country's captured.
We definitely are under the rule of foreign forces, forces that don't want to see America continue to thrive, that are okay with this managed decline.
And they'll expedite the decline if necessary.
And that's what they're showing.
They're going to throw out the rule of law.
They wage lawfare on you.
I told all the Republicans and all the conservatives when they tried to sue you into oblivion that this was just the beginning of
the lawfare that they would eventually turn on Donald Trump and the rest of us.
And then that's exactly what's happened.
This indictment or this series of indictments are clear lawfare.
And it's so, I mean, the dates that you showed are so blatant that it's almost a provocation.
And I think that American citizens need to, I don't like this conservative movement that
goes, hey, we need to be wary of being provoked.
We should be provoked and we should respond.
That's not a call to violence, but we have to get involved.
We have to be activated.
We have to, we are, our level of civil unrest, our level of protest should match, if not be greater than any Marxist BLM scam that happens after some black man is killed by the police.
That's just my honest opinion.
People should be in the streets every day.
And the Maui thing is an example.
And I'll talk about it for the rest of the hour, but... Tell us about getting to Maui right now.
Give us your breakdown.
I'm a big man from a small town in Minnesota, right?
Little town, little country, Minnesota.
I'm not a physicist.
I'm not a weapons expert.
I'm not any of those things.
I'm not a scientist.
That's part of the scam, right?
You have to get these credentialed degrees from these Marxist globalist universities in order to have an authoritative opinion on anything.
My opinion derives from the fact that our military, other nations' militaries, and even more
importantly, private, independent contractors and military industrial complex manufacturers
have these direct energy weapons and your average American citizen doesn't even know what
they are.
I don't know if it was an energy weapon that hit Maui.
I know it looks suspicious.
I know the people there in Maui say that they've never seen anything like this.
It feels suspicious to them on a spiritual level.
I have to take that for what it's worth because I'm not from Maui.
I'm from Minnesota and most importantly, our military and certain powers, certain global
elite forces have these type of weapons that have this type of capability and your average
American citizen doesn't even know it.
Well, I totally agree with you that these direct energy weapons are there, but bottom
line, not cutting the trees and not turning the power off.
And not letting them have water.
And now this 12-mile exclusion zone, just that alone would do this.
And we know the power lines did start a bunch of the fires, and they deliberately let this happen.
Yeah, I mean, look, whether the power line started some of the fires, whether there was a direct energy weapon, the point is the response to this entire fire situation there in Maui is part and parcel of what we see from a negligent, competent, or in some cases a malicious establishment or government that we see all the time.
This, you know, and the slap in the face really is.
You know, let's send six trillion dollars to the Ukraine to fight a war that we provoked and tell the American people that it's in the interest of democracy and freedom.
The Ukraine's never been a democracy.
That's a complete lie.
The Ukraine has never been a democracy.
The Ukraine's first official democratically elected president,
we funded CIA rebel forces to go in and basically create enough chaos
to usurp that democratically elected president because he was pro-Russia,
or he was pro-Russian neutrality, you could say.
So now we're going to dump--
I mean, what we're doing in the Ukraine can only be seen as an attempt, a strategic attempt
to take us to nuclear war and create this crisis so it's easy to usher in a new world government, cashless
society, all these things that they openly say they want to do, or--
Or the people who have us captured are trying to deplete us.
For whatever next chapters to come I mean, maybe some of the boat some some of both, you know, they got they got everything Decompartmentalized so you got these people working on this over here and these poor people working on that over there So I'm not sure but the Ukraine war is completely and utterly unconstitutional.
It's un-american It doesn't benefit the average American citizen and it becomes clear when Maui Goes up in flames and we're slow to respond We got a clip, we'll play here in a moment, in fact first, of Tulsi Gabbard.
She was just there, got back to the mainland last night, and she said she was there, we got a reporter coming up next hour that's there right now, and they're not letting aid in.
There's all these videos coming out where they're not even letting local towns bring in food, and then there's basically nobody there other than these inspectors and people and some police.
So this is very, very suspicious.
And let's be honest, you know, we could say that it's by coincidence that the WEF basically outlined that Hawaii would be one of the first places that they try to go, these 15-minute cities and all these other things.
Maui specifically!
Yes, exactly where the fire took place.
This was going to be the catalyst or pilot for 15 Minute Cities.
It's written right there on their website right now today.
You can go look at it.
I'm sure they won't even take it down, you know, because their whole thing is Part of it, they get off on being able to do this stuff
right out in the open in a sort of covert way because they can get the mainstream media,
like the publications who are trying to, you know, call me a conspiracy theorist now,
they can get them to write that all of these things are for whack jobs.
And your average American citizen, their natural response to encountering information
that would fundamentally change their worldview when it comes to power, government,
their own individual life, the value of their citizenship, so on and so forth.
When they encounter that information, the natural response for many is to run,
to look the other way, to go the other way.
That's the psyop that's been done here.
That's why an attack on Alex Jones is such an important piece of American history and cultural history.
The attack on Donald Trump.
That's the psyop.
We're going to make everything that we're doing that's corrupt seem so crazy.
When your average American citizen encounters it, they're going to run the other way.
And that way we can continue on to poke them in the eye and get off on watching them run around in circles.
Absolutely, and you're right, people tend to run away from something like this because it's so scary and they feel small, but I gotta tell you, from the feedback I've seen online, I know you've seen the same thing, nobody, I mean almost nobody, is buying the official story of what happened in Maui.
Yeah, and it's funny because, you know, for the most part, I'm still breaking onto the scene.
The mainstream establishment, since I fought the NBA and talked about corporatocracy almost 10, 11 years ago now, they've done their best to, you know, keep me from your average American citizen.
Most people will look up my story on Google, you'll have your authoritative sources like Wikipedia, for example, and then they'll say, hey, I'm just some kid who was afraid to fly and wanted all these special accommodations from the NBA.
Not true.
I talked about corporatocracy.
I said, hey, look, the NBA, that's a global corporate watering hole.
This is the sine qua non of corporatism and globalism.
Look at all the players that are at the watering hole.
And so, you know, a lot of people don't even know who I am.
So as I've been playing in the big three and going on your show and Jason Whitlock show and banding with War Room and doing my own podcast and things, ran for Congress against Ilhan.
Now I'm running against Amy Klobuchar for Senate in 2024.
I didn't even tell you that yet.
I made that announcement.
But since that started to happen, people are just figuring out who I am again.
And this Investigate Maui thing, me writing that on my head during the big three, is the first time I've seen Democrats, people who I see as, you know, espousing Democrat views, certainly on social media.
This is the first great great sign for the for the future of this country. I
didn't know that I just surmised it because that's what I'm experiencing I've
got to say 98% people think that they burned it down on purpose that you look at
it they was the greatest negligence ever perfect negligence or was
administrative mass murder for the second most expensive landowner for those
that don't know that Lahaina area that is the oldest settlement of the Hawaiians
where the royal families from but it's all was poor people and in
small shops and businesses and now they are buying half acre lots for 50
million dollars there And so, now thousands of those people are dead, they're not going to be able to stand up for themselves, and in swoops, the governor's saying, yeah, we're going to take the land, we're going to build high rise hotels, and Jeff Bezos is moving in.
I mean, they didn't wait days until they made these announcements.
Absolutely, and I think the thing to think about from a political and cultural standpoint when it comes to Hawaii is this is a traditionally Democratic state, right?
They got two, you know, Democrat seats there in Hawaii, and these are people who, for the most part, in large part, vote Democrat.
And, you know, win tragedy.
About 69% Democrat in Maui.
When tragedy and crisis strike you at home, it tends to shake up your worldview.
And the people of Maui are getting the first... My heart and prayers and thoughts go out to them, honestly.
But they're getting a first-hand experience now with just how the elites view The little guy.
How the elites view the deplorables.
And many of the Democrats, many people who vote Democrat, many people who follow this elitist, aristocratic, omnisexual, metropolitan ideology, many of them would fall under the definition or the criteria of what Hillary Clinton described as deplorables.
They just don't know it yet.
And when crisis strikes, you find out quick where you really stand with these people.
Well, take the homosexual community.
It's come out, it's been partially classified, that Fauci and the NIH and the CDC were spiking, in the late 70s, different vaccines in New York, particularly the hepatitis shots, with HIV, into that community because they would be known to then spread it as good vectors.
There's even articles where Fauci says, there's a video where he says, in the 80s, oh, they were the perfect group to spread it.
I mean, and then they still support Democratic Party.
It's just fear.
I mean, it's the devil you know, right?
And again, I think it's important for myself and other black men right now to team up with patriots like yourself, who people would identify as white, or whatever white and black means.
I don't really get into that, don't care.
I know that this is the narrative that they use to try and keep us divided.
Along those lines, it's very important for us to come together right now and sort out what's the truth from fiction, what's fact from fiction.
And the fact is that black people have primarily voted Democrat due to this cultural narrative
about racism.
And that is in huge part lent itself to other people who are afraid of being racist or look
at the history of our country and go, hey, that was wrong.
That's justified them falling in line with the political ideology that doesn't serve
It doesn't serve them in any way.
Don't get me wrong.
There are white liberals out there that I see here in Minnesota that are just self-loathing
and they want to go around and whip themselves in front of people because they think that
makes them look humanitarian or altruistic.
I'm not talking about them.
I'm talking about your average hardworking blue collar Kennedy Democrat, Kennedy Democrat
that just doesn't want to be seen as being racist.
The Republican Party has to separate itself from whatever racism exists on that side.
Go caucus with your racist KKK Democrat buddies on the other side of the spectrum because
that's who you all really are.
And us in the middle, us sane, logical people, which is the majority, need to band together
against this super elite.
The average American is living paycheck to paycheck and has $5,000 less than they need to live this year.
The economy has been destroyed by design.
We're all being spied on.
We're all being poisoned.
We're all being censored.
What color we are doesn't matter.
They're targeting us all.
And so people can pretend they're with the power structure by following the metrosexual, liberal, globalist thing.
But that's just their culture to make us weak.
That's the weapons system.
That's not even the globalist culture.
The globalist culture is hardcore lithium mines and cobalt mines with seven-year-olds working to death in them to build electric cars.
It's all a giant cover story for the general attack on humanity itself, and they do a rearguard action trying to make us all fight with each other over what color we are while we're all being targeted.
The greatest three-card Monte in American history, pit black versus white, make off with the green.
That's exactly what they do.
And it's what they intend to keep doing.
Now, when we wake up and we band together, we force them to call an audible.
And that's exactly what I mean to do by getting involved in the 2024 elections cycle officially as a Senate candidate.
Well, it's great news that you got almost unanimous support for Investigate Maui.
And boy, are people doing that.
Let's come back and play some clips from Maui, folks.
And when I say this is 100% staged, they couldn't perfectly do all these things just through negligence.
All right?
Now, are the bureaucrats all involved?
No, they're just useful idiots.
But this was done deliberately.
I'll explain when we come back.
Stay with us.
All right, I want to break something down that is so central, so key, and proves administrative mass murder, not just in Maui, but in other parts of the U.S.
and around the globalist-controlled world.
And the next deep dive I'm going to do next week on this Stephen Crowder show I'm doing, we have a three-hour program that we shot last night.
We're adding a lot of documents and videos, too, that's going to air and be posted at jonescrowder.com on Stephen Crowder's website tomorrow at 11 a.m.
So you can watch that and share that at your leisure.
But I want to go back before I get into the controlled demolition of civilization and namely the rewilding project and why in leftist controlled areas they are shutting off the water supplies and allowing the brush and the trees to grow up on the power lines.
That's 100% They know what they're doing.
They admit they know what they're doing.
But they do it in the poor areas that are close to wealthy areas they want to develop.
They trim them by the wealthy areas.
They dome the poor areas.
It's on right-of-way, so the citizens aren't supposed to do it.
But citizens are going to have to start taking matters into their own hands.
And I don't blame the folks in Lahaina.
They paid tax money to have this done, but it was not done.
I've been there just a year ago.
I was just in Hawaii a few months ago.
So we'll get to that in a moment, but Roy Swyatt's with us a little bit the next hour.
I want to say something because he brought up quote race here.
All right.
And I could spend hours on this, but I want to stake on it.
I'm going to try to encapsulate this very, very simply.
I grew up in Dallas, Texas.
And my parents were not racist at all.
And so I played football and sports and stuff.
And so I had black friends that came over almost every week.
I would go over to their house, all the rest of it.
And I remember some of my black friends lived in nicer areas, but some lived in basically projects.
And my parents were what you call crazy enough.
I mean, I wouldn't let my kids go to the projects whether it was black or white.
There's some white projects out there that are just as dangerous or worse.
But I really grew up around black people, all right?
And most black people are really funny and nice and smart and will give you the shirt off their back.
But there's about a 10%, I think that's a fair number depending on the area, that are racist as hell.
And they're just as bad or aggressive as what you'd hear of the KKK in the 50s.
Absolutely territorial, absolutely aggressive, absolutely attack you.
And I had many occasions where I was with my black friends and older black guys would attack us.
Because what are you doing with, you know, that cracker?
That said, I don't look at black people and judge them by what color they are.
Just because I've been in a lot of fights with black people growing up in Dallas.
And I didn't get killed, so it made me stronger.
That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
I've been put in the hospital by black people.
I had four Mexicans break my leg.
I mean, so I don't hate Mexicans because of that.
Had a bone sticking out the side of my leg when I was 16.
But that said, you never see white liberals anywhere around black people.
And if you look at the statistics where they live in Europe or London or here, I mean it's literally like 98% white.
White people in the South particularly live right next to black people and get along with them, great.
And so the lie that the South is the most racist place ever, I'm not an apologist for the South.
I'm telling you, there's little towns and enclaves, and I'm going off on a rant here.
I know he's our guest, but I'm going to get a stake on this.
I also have family in East Texas, and one town's not racist?
And another town is racist.
And there's more KKK than you know in East Texas.
One time I was dating a girl and I was visiting, you know, in East Texas and we went to a football game, a pep rally, and they had a bonfire.
And folks, they hauled a cross up.
On the top of it with a rope, and it was a KKK rally.
And a lot of people were like, whoa, what's this?
There was even some black kids in the school.
They were like, whoa.
So that's how much this has gone on.
I'd be in a Dairy Queen with a hot girl and four guys that walk in and go, oh, what are you, a Yankee?
What are you doing around here?
So there's also territorialism by white people.
The globalists are murdering us all with the poison shots.
They're coming after us all.
So we see the racist groups, the blacks beating up whites.
We see the statistics.
We see the media defending it with the ADL defending it.
It's wrong.
And it's creating an anti-black adamance that I really see the biggest resurgence ever on Twitter in places.
That's playing us off against each other and they win.
We need black people to come out and say it's wrong to attack white people.
We need white people to come out and say it's wrong to attack black people.
And we've got to get smart or we're going to be destroyed.
There's a short story, Royce, but you kind of brought this up.
What's your take on that?
I think it's the most, I think that there's a, there's a natural aversion to talk about race because many people feel, have the intuition, spiritually, culturally, politically, that the narrative has been spun and been manipulated.
And so the natural response, I hear it a lot in the Republican, let's not talk about race, right?
You're the famous Thomas Sowell was, not Thomas Sowell, but there's a famous clip from, um, Morgan Freeman where he goes you know if you want to racism
stop stop talking about it. I Don't think so I don't think so
I think people need to talk about exactly how Alex Jones just talked about it because make no mistake about it is
one of the Central the cornerstones of manipulating people and pitting
them against each other why?
Because skin color is one of the easiest identifiers right sexuality now
They're trying to bring into it which is a whole new layer of
Manipulation but for a long time people have divided themselves by skin color because it's easy to do right you
see that guy with that skin Tone enemy bad or whatever the case may be or in some get a
little bit lighter friend. Whatever the case may be It is one of the most important issues that we have to sort
out and then let's talk about it from a strategic standpoint first
politically black people in America are being used as a failsafe to justify stolen elections
That's the most important piece right now, in my opinion.
We can talk about culture and the kumbaya at a later date.
I'm fine with that.
All people should work on their relations.
That's something we all can do at all times.
But first and foremost, black people, metropolitan areas, deep blue districts with high densities of black people are being used to justify a revolving door of rigged elections.
Whether it's Georgia, whether it's Houston, Texas, whether it's Philadelphia, or whatever the case may be, even here in the Twin Cities.
Anywhere where black people live, when the clock strikes 12, An hour later, if they come in with more ballots from these highly dense black places where they didn't have enough people to count the ballots in the same amount of time as rural America, all of a sudden we get an onslaught of Democratic votes.
We got to do something about that.
The only thing we can do about that in this country, in my opinion, is to retake the Republican Party from the rhinos.
And start to reach out to black communities and help them realize, not convince them, not trick them, but help them realize that these Democrats, these globalist elite Democrats and liberals are the most dangerous people to them.
I'm way more afraid of Bill Gates and his eugenics than I am some hillbilly KKK guy.
That's just me personally.
And I'm not saying that everybody who lives in rural America is a hillbilly KKK, because that's not true.
I love rural America.
I would love to spend time.
I might move to rural America.
That's how unafraid I am of white supremacy.
But, you know, these Bill Gates type characters who come right out and say, look, the problem with population control is places like Africa and the Middle East, they're having babies too quick to sustain You know, to be sustainable.
Guys, it's eugenics.
And if you go back through the history, the eugenics that came from Bill Gates and this democratic, globalist elite is the same eugenics that the Nazis did.
And it's like you said so eloquently the other day, I text you, this is all comes from a European and a British intellectual tradition of Darwinism and Sir Galton.
That's what it is.
Okay, so you know and these this this Atlanticists we are not an Atlantic power.
We're in a we're a Pacific power So this whole Atlantis is treaty and this whole Atlantic movement between us and the Europeans.
We're not European Okay, we're no more European than we are African or any other place that our our citizens came from hundreds of years ago We're Americans and as soon as we start acting like it the sooner we can put up a better fight against these people I totally agree and that's why Donald Trump's getting triple the black folks to vote for him and the Republican has since Eisenhower and that's what scares the Democrats is because the truth is Donald Trump's not a racist, never has been, and the black folks that know him love him.
Especially his employees and that's the big thing.
That's why all the rappers love Trump so much because 30 years ago, 20 years ago, they were staying at his house going out partying at night.
And that Don King loves you.
Not that Don King's an angel, but I mean, the idea that Donald Trump is a white supremacist is ridiculous.
Absolutely, absolutely.
But black people love Donald Trump.
They were singing his praises.
Black people still love Donald Trump.
They're just, you know, the scam that's been run on black people is the white supremacists are going to get you unless you expand the federal government to unlimited bounds, right?
That's ridiculous.
Look, liberal white women want to tell me that the KKK is afoot.
Then they want to tell me that cops are the KKK.
Then they want to tell me give up my guns and call the cops when the KKK shows up.
It's lunacy.
I mean, any black man, any self-respecting black man who wants to protect his family that's following behind this white liberal woman's ideology, I mean, they're completely handicapping and neutering themselves.
I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to do it.
That's why I'm going against Amy Klobuchar.
She's the exact, she is the pinnacle of the white liberal woman's edifice and ideology in this country, and it's going to tear us to pieces.
It already has.
I don't want to blame any, quote, race of people, but if there's any demographic that in Europe and here is empowering the new world order and being put in charge, it's white women, and then after that it's black women.
I mean, just look at all the persecution of Trump.
It's white women and black women, almost 90% of it.
Well, and the reason why I say it, but let's be clear about it.
Early on, and during the Civil Rights Movement, the black woman was still integrated with the black man and the black family nucleus in their fight for civil rights.
It was the white woman, the white liberal woman, the early activists of the white liberal feminist movement that came over across the tracks and told the black woman, the black man got to vote before you did.
Is that fair?
Right, and all these black women, all these bourgeois black women that you see, whether it's Joanne Reed or, you know, pick one, Don Lemon, another black bourgeois woman.
I'm saying it jokingly.
Nah, it's a good job.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
But what I'm saying is they all want to be white women.
I'm just going to keep it real.
They all want to be white women.
I mean, it's almost comical.
And then they tell us black conservatives, us black Christians, us black Republicans, that we're selling out, that we're tap dancing for, you know, they'll say that I'm tap dancing for Alex Jones.
No, me and Alex Jones just don't like you people.
We don't like you elitists.
We don't like you people who think that you can lie to the small person in America because they have a fifth grade education or they're not a part of some higher learning.
We're not elitist wannabe because even a lot of these, a lot of these minions of the system, They think they're part of the power structure.
They do it just to be part of it.
Oh, it's, you know, these these crumpet wine society and black women are the worst.
Look, I get on black women more than anybody because the establishment came right to them to sell out not only black communities, but the whole Marxist identity politics, grievance hierarchy.
Black Lives Matter is an anti-black male organization in its core documents.
The whole, the whole liberal edifice from here to Beijing is lined up behind the black woman.
It's disgusting.
What is that about?
We're literally, 80% of the ads I see, both voiceover and the faces, is a black woman.
What are they telling me there?
I mean, I don't think it's black women.
I'm glad they're getting jobs in media, but it's like, it's every, it's all I see is a black woman telling me what to do.
What is that about?
No, it's the sellout.
I mean, it's the grandest sellout in American history.
It's the biggest sellout in American history.
It really is.
There's no way around it.
Black women have been made to think.
That the ever-expansion of federal government is the only way to secure their sons, right?
And Willie Lynch, there's a famous document of Willie Lynch that the authenticity is debated by many.
But if you ever lived in a black community, if you come from a black family like I do, you know this psychological dynamic to be true.
That since the time of slavery, which happened in this country, and there were white slaves and there were other ethnicities that were slaves as well, but the history is the history.
Since the time of slavery, one of the tactics of slave masters, as Willie Lynch laid out in this address, was to break the image of the black male in the black female's mind.
And he didn't do it for, you know, vague reasons.
He did it so that the black woman would raise her children in reverse roles.
And if she could raise her children in reverse roles, then she effectively would become the best guard dog for the status quo.
They could sleep well at night.
That's how we describe it.
I mean, you're talking about the literal, it's put in a fictitious movie, but it's very accurate.
Gone with the Wind, where as you see in a movie like Django, it's a black man in the house enforcing the plantation.
No, black men weren't allowed in the house.
The women were the enforcers.
And the thing that you do again is, you know, they say to you, you tie a black, the strongest black Negro, you tie him to a horse on both sides and you send the horses in two directions until they pull the body apart.
And the trauma on the black woman would be so profound that she would never allow her black sons to do anything subversive to the power structure.
Okay, we came out of slavery and then the same white liberal European finocchios that helped create the intellectual tradition and ideology in the first place Well that was Margaret Singer on record funded black leaders particularly black women to go in and do that and by the way I'm familiar with what you're talking about, the story about this, but actually if you read in the Roman histories that Caesar wrote back in letters to Rome, because back then it was all about who won wars, they weren't even into race back then, it was into who was the most dominant group, but they went into Germany and what is France today, Gaul, and into the Visigoth areas, that is in Switzerland and other areas, and they would kill all the men above age 11
And then they, when a boy, it's in Roman manuals, and they would train him on the way back to Italy for the slave trade.
That there would still be one 11-year-old or 12-year-old that would stand up and they would torture him to death in front of the women and children and say, you make sure they do what we want.
And so that's actually in not U.S.
or colonial slave manuals, but I've seen it before.
I think Thomas Solder wrote about it in a book.
I read this like 20 years ago, but it matched the Roman history that I know is reeling on record.
That in the sugar cane plantations in the Caribbean, they would deliver the coffin ships where half the Africans died on the way, and they would take the biggest, strongest black man and say he did something, and they would torture him to death, just like you sent him drawn and quartered with horses, and then tell the women, we're going to kill your sons if you don't get control.
So immediately they're Stockholm Syndrome to now work with the state and the system they believe to be the watchdog, or their kids are going to get killed.
They're the best watchdog.
They are effectively neutering all the men.
But you gotta realize, and we look at the intellectual tradition, you and I are huge students of the history.
The business model, the globalist business model that came out of post-Enlightenment Europe and the British Empire of drugs, piracy, and slavery was a bloody and messy business model.
They evolved it the same way that they're evolving guns to tanks to directed-energy weapons.
No different.
It takes on a different arc, it takes on a different course, but it's the same thinking.
That scientific method and study and research of the human mind and the human psychology is the best way to more efficiently control and dominate people, okay?
The slavery, the traditional slavery model was a bloody and messy business model.
Why should we spend all of our time as aristocratic elite white slave owners whipping you guys?
We don't want to spend time doing that.
No, what we're going to do is we're going to turn you all into wage slaves.
We're going to get you to sign away.
We're going to get everyone else with you to sign away your rights to a sort of wage slavery and serfdom.
It's the same thing with feminism.
they come in and say get out of the house, work, and they admitted that was
just really about getting them in the workforce to pay taxes, so now the state
raises the children. Absolutely, and when it comes to black women or all women or
people in general now, but again the black women have had, imagine this,
black women, black men, the black family, the black nuclear family is torn apart.
And so there's not an economic stability.
And so you hear a lot of young black men.
This came through the rap culture in a major way.
If you listen to rap music or you listen to testimony of rappers, they will say things like, when they talk about getting involved in crime early, they'll say things like, my mama couldn't pay bills.
That's Willie Lynch.
Right, because their response to my mama couldn't pay bills is, let me do anything I can do in order to create some type of economic opportunity.
And then the CIA jumps on the drugs in the community, like putting a piece of cheese on a mousetrap.
Absolutely, and then, you know, again.
The real racism in this country, whether people want to admit it or not, is the elitists who run the banks, and they made it hard for black people, black communities, to get loans for small businesses so that this nation could be a nation of unified races that are shopkeepers who believe in the Second Amendment.
Right down the cultural divide, they have every political issue siphoned off to be embraced or fought against from a racial issue, and it's not really a racial issue.
They're making it one.
Well, that's right.
The model they've used on black people is the model for everybody worldwide.
Break up the families, put the women in charge just of the slavery, and then the women are totally unhappy.
Then the young men are raised by CIA-funded gangster culture, and then the CIA supplies the crack to make sure that happens, and they build the giant prisons, and now those are giant colleges of crime, and the cycle continues.
So yeah, you're not the Uncle Tom, I'm not the Uncle Tom of the system.
Anybody that sits back objectively and says, Royce White or Alex Jones, for the system or against it?
No, we're against the system.
The system's against us.
Is Trump a rebel or is he with the system?
No, he's a rebel.
The biggest rebel.
That's what they're trying to destroy.
We're battling the globalists.
We're being lied about.
We're being censored.
We're fighting.
We have the truth.
And it's all right there.
Anybody can learn and discover and emancipate yourself from this lie.
But the problem is they know we're emancipating ourselves, so they're administratively cutting off the resources, the energy, the food, the fertilizer, the police, knowing it will create a condition of collapse.
And that's where we are.
Absolutely, economically.
And again, one of the things that I became well known for is taking one of the marches during the George Floyd riots here in Minneapolis to the Federal Reserve.
I took about 15,000 people to the Fed, and we did a huge dine at the Fed, and all the white liberal women out there, and the black liberal women, and the black Trans Lives Matter activists who would later come to hate my guts, all of them sat outside the Fed with this deer-eyed look like, why are we in front of the most exclusive building in the state of Minnesota?
If you have a Federal Reserve in your state, in your city, it is without doubt the most exclusive building in that place, okay?
And nobody even knew what it was.
It's like, this is the entire scam.
I've got to interrupt you, this is so key.
Catherine Austin Fitts got some of the documents.
We got the documents ten years ago when a guy's brother went to jail.
He went to feed the dogs.
His brother was a PhD, about to be a professor.
We got the documents, we published them, and it was Alexander Soros funding, and it was his group, and it was battle orders in one attack plan in Baltimore, Maryland, and it said, it actually said, anti-fund black mass professors and actual operatives You will go attack this trash can here.
It'll be set up for you.
You will go attack this business there.
Try to get the black activists to then burn this.
And Fitz showed how they target all the historic stuff that poor people on they want burned because they're about to build into that area, just like they didn't cut back the trees and didn't turn off the power and cut off the water and let that happen with the high winds.
I mean, they administratively know how to destroy stuff.
So instead of people are mad because a cop killed somebody and then boom, let's go burn down our own neighborhood.
No, you are taking him not to burn it down, but to say, that's the power, that's the head of the snake, that's the head of the pyramid, that's the headquarters, that's who runs it.
And I don't think we need to burn things down in the general sense.
I just don't feel, to me, I don't feel this immediate need to burn things down or that, yes, we're in a crisis.
But the real crisis is our awareness and our sense of urgency.
It's not our lack of intensity or action, right?
I think those two things get conflated.
Where are the sit-ins?
When we were on the verge of nuclear war last time with the same nation, the streets were filled every single day, every single weekend with anti-nuclear proliferation and war protesters.
Where has everybody gone?
The establishment has co-opted, this is another important point, the establishment has co-opted, effectively co-opted to the universities all of the energy of anti-establishment protest.
That's a problem.
That's a big problem.
Okay, and this is why I urge... And they made it all man against woman, black against white, black against... They made us all fight each other, co-opt, and of course it's the university, the establishment!
I mean, it's so obvious!
And it's so posh and aristocratic.
I mean, most of these people that follow the ideologues from the university never went to university.
Number one, they can't afford university or they're neck deep in debt from going to university.
I mean, they're still slaves and serves to the whole deal.
So I'm not sure what it's going to take for conservatives to break away from this sort of aversion to protest and get back out in the streets.
But we're on our way to nuclear war.
I just saw that Whole Foods and Panera Bread are going to fingerprint payments.
Okay, so we're going to cash the society.
That's another thing that's coming.
And yes, in places all across the world, the highest level of the military industrial complex
has sophisticated advanced technology and weapons that could burn the wings off of a
fly from space.
And yeah, Deadspin, the most leftist sports publication, can try and say that makes me
conspiracy theorist.
But you can go to Lockheed Martin's YouTube channel and they'll show you what directed
energy weapons are and what they're capable of.
And you're absolutely right, and the space-based ones, it's hard, they overheat, but C-130s or even a Cessna with a chemical laser could have done that Maui thing in ten minutes.
And they're not space lasers.
But that's how they want to caricature it, right?
Because they want you to believe that the only directed energy weapons are potentially from space.
No, they're on airplanes.
They're from tankers.
They could be staged off of ships.
They're on boats, yeah.
No, no.
Yeah, they're on boats.
So, come on.
These people want you to believe these things aren't real.
They're real.
They're out there.
Stay right there.
Let's do some more time here.
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I've not been this excited ever!
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com We're doing another 20 minutes with Royce White, who I think is an amazing podcaster and a great guy and has a lot of courage standing up to the NBA, for the millions of Uyghurs that were enslaved, the disgusting owner, and one of the big teams saying he doesn't even think about them.
They don't even rise to the level of his mind.
He's worth billions of dollars.
I mean, the guy makes me want to throw up.
And of course, he's Indian.
I love Indian folks, but I mean, he's Indian.
So it's a brown guy saying screw other brown people so it's okay.
I mean, I don't care if you're Chinese.
I don't care if you're African.
I don't care if you're European.
If you're getting oppressed, we should have empathy because if we let that happen to them, it's going to happen to us.
Now, we instinctively feel and hurt over it.
But God put that in us because if we don't stand up for other people, folks, we're not going to be safe either.
Roy, some stations join us next segment.
I want to get into Maui with you because that's something we have to do.
People are tuned in to hear that.
We got off in the race.
It needs to be talked about.
It's very important because only the left's talking about it and manipulating.
But just other key topics, other things you want to hit before we come back from break here and join some stations and dive into Maui.
Well, again, I'm from a small place.
I'm a big guy from a small place, and I like to use whatever time I have in front of the people of the world to talk about important issues.
The Big Three is certainly a great platform, and I appreciate Ice Cube for being one of the few sports owners in the world that would let me demonstrate my views, and one of the last vanguards of free speech in the sports world, so I'm very thankful to him for that.
But again, I don't know anything about weapons.
Only what they tell us.
Only what you could go to the Federal Register and read yourself.
Only what you could go pull up Joe Biden saying himself, I'm just a regular, low-education citizen here in this country that's concerned about the value of my citizenship and the prospect of my freedom and security.
Well, let's be specific.
Last time I checked, the Air Force has 20 DC-10s and a couple other big, it's more than 30 large jets in the Defense Department arsenal that are operational with giant chemical lasers that on a clear day from 50 miles an hour can blow up airplanes or blow up oil tankers or kill people.
And we're talking high-powered lasers that are, I'm not an engineer, but they're cyclotronic, they charge up, they shoot particles through them as well, and they've had them for 30, 40 years, okay?
So, I mean, my dad built, in like 1965, a union carbide ruby laser that would shoot through, you know, a quarter-inch of steel, shoot holes in it.
So yeah, they got them.
They have these weapons.
The average American citizen is completely in the dark about the sophistication of advanced technology and weapon systems that our government has.
But more importantly, Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, and these other independent private contractors are currently staging these weapons and testing these weapons.
I mean, they're testing them.
Where's the oversight?
Well, they're actually operational.
Do we think that Ilhan Omar or AOC or Rashida Tlaib or whatever other congressional oversight committees they have are actually keeping a tight leash on Raytheon and Lockheed Martin?
Give me a break!
Do you know anything about the people in Hawaii?
Sorry, sir, what?
No, I was saying these people don't care anything about the people in Hawaii.
Well something just hit me when you said that because I made a study of our anti-ballistic
missile defense system.
Guess where the main concentration in the world, admitted in congressional hearings years ago, of ship and aircraft and land-based lasers is?
Guess where the number one concentration is in the world?
Of course.
Of course.
Maui and Kauai.
Anybody can look it up.
That's incredible, isn't it?
Exactly the way, I mean, it shouldn't shock us.
It really shouldn't shock us at this point.
My interest in this Maui situation and my interest as somebody who's running for office, we should always demand that the American people get answers and, you know, investigations into tragedies and crisis like this because there is the potential for these things to be nefarious and malicious acts done by domestic forces.
That's right.
I didn't mean to interrupt you.
You're dead on.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
Royce White's our guest, talk show host, NBA player, MMA fighter, but more importantly, a patriot running for the Senate.
Joining us from Minnesota, we've got reporters on the ground, Jason Jones coming up in 30 minutes.
You got into lasers, and I've not said they couldn't use lasers to start these fires.
I pointed out that they don't do that with the space-based, because they can't shoot that far into the atmosphere, it loses power.
They're up there to stop intercontinental ballistic missiles coming through, because there's no resistance in space to the lasers.
They can shoot something from a thousand miles away with these lasers.
On the ground, because of the atmosphere, I've studied this quite a bit, they have cyclotronic particle beams that spin up a bunch of particles like a superconducting supercollider and then fire it through a laser.
There's an airborne laser from 30 years ago.
And of course, they have some of the smaller jets now have these.
But guys, go back, go back to the super... That right there is a giant chemical laser that does not need to cool.
The Chinese just claimed they invented this last week.
The US had it 50 years ago.
But these have been operational for 30 years.
They've got, last time I checked, more than 30 of these in all different size, large jets.
And it can fly around all day long shooting air and ground and sea targets.
And it would only take one of those Two minutes to sit there and shoot those power poles and brush areas and transformers and burn that down.
I'm not saying that's what happened, because you have the brush, you have them standing down, you have them not cutting, you have them keeping the power on, you have them not giving them the water, you have them not turning the sirens on.
The evidence is mounting and they're now even admitting to Washington Post, okay, they should have turned the power off.
It was the electrical lines, but it's fair to point out that our military is moving more and more to particle beams,
lasers, and rail guns, and that that really is the technology that's actually old,
but is now being fully deployed.
And you called during the break, you had a great idea.
Yeah, look, if there's nothing to hide, why is everybody so apprehensive to investigation?
All I said on the side of my head was investigate.
I didn't say that space lasers burned Maui.
I didn't say that directed energy weapons burned Maui.
I said direct energy weapons question mark.
I just asked the general question, do people know that direct energy weapons exist and that they are capable of doing something like this?
But why is everybody so, why are these liberals, why are these elites, why are these rhinos, why are these people so apprehensive?
To simple investigation.
Look, let's cross-reference the flight records.
Military and commercial or private or whatever the case is, let's cross-reference the flight records.
Were there any flights up and running in the area during the time in question?
I mean, there are things we could do.
And when you see people that want to knock down or cut down an investigation, a simple and warranted investigation, it should always Have people consider that something is being hidden.
I mean, why do we think things aren't being hidden from us in this country?
Or at least I'm asking the liberals, because those of us that are really awake and red-pilled, we know, we understand how much has been hidden, which is why we don't trust the institutions.
Look at that C-130.
Look at that C-130.
That'd be the perfect thing to catch fires.
It could turn on a continuous laser for over an hour.
Last time I read the specs on it.
And so it could just fly right along and set fires anywhere it wanted to.
Let's go a layer even deeper, Alex.
What about all the congressional testimony from all of these military guys who are saying that they worked on these secret projects that not only had to do with these lasers and these directed energy weapons or these staged weapon systems that do a variety of things, But also this UAP phenomenon and all of these, you know, and the potential that, you know, our government or certain independent contractors are reverse engineering these UFO into man-made ones that some people think are UFOs.
All of this stuff, I mean, all of this stuff is in question.
What I'm saying is the Second Amendment has been used As a cultural wedge issue to keep conservatives in the muck and trying to defend keeping their AR-15s when really the military and the independent contractors of the military industrial complex are going to advance weapon warfare at light speed.
No pun intended.
Okay, so and we're busy.
We think that a reasonable fight is to keep our AR-15s.
No, that's not reasonable.
And let's go further.
Now that half the Air Force fleet is drone, humans wouldn't want to do this, but you could have drones launched that one person programs and then it erases the program and nobody knows they ever did it.
When you put the trigger and you put the keys to the technology, the information, the mainframes in the hands of machines or robots that don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe, it becomes very hard to defend yourself against tyranny.
The scope of technology is way out of control.
It's anti-American, in my opinion.
It's unconstitutional in my opinion.
The government should not have these types of weapon systems.
Certainly if the average American citizen isn't allowed to have them in some capacity.
And it's all being used and justified that it's for our security.
And all the great patriots in the history of our country agreed.
When you give up your freedom for security, you end up with neither.
And that's what we're looking at now.
The people of Maui are completely unprotected.
If a certain individual party did want to burn Maui with a direct energy weapon, and that's the real problem we should be looking at.
And they, I have all the videos, we played some of them, hundreds of explosions and then fires all starting along the power lines which they left turned on, which they did not trim the trees from.
You've driven all over the country, you've been in the NBA, I mean I've not been anywhere in the country where they don't cut the trees back for the power lines, but not in That area of Maui.
I mean, you don't trim the trees, you leave the power on when a hurricane hits.
I mean, you know what's gonna happen.
That's 2 plus 2 equals 4.
And Alex, you've been saying for years, and I think it was on your show, one of the first people who I saw talk about HAARP and the ability for the United States government to manipulate the weather.
And I mean, we talk about the rarity of tropical storms and hurricanes even hitting Hawaii in the first place.
Who's to say that that isn't another part of advanced technology and weapons systems?
We don't know.
That's the main point here.
We don't know.
The lack of transparency from our government around advanced technology and weapons systems is completely unacceptable for American citizens.
Go back to that footage.
That's a large Air Force aircraft with a laser.
That could literally fire all day long on you.
And that's the reality.
They got drones with everything.
So let's talk about this.
We have Hurricane Hillary, we'll put it on screen, to threaten flooding rain in California, Nevada, and Arizona.
Well, this was a dry hurricane without any rain that hit Hawaii, but it's only in these key areas the globalists wanted.
They didn't clear the brush and do this.
But if we look at what's about to hit California, and I was saying this earlier, I forgot to do it.
The UN Agenda 21 1992 Rio de Janeiro Treaty that George Herbert Walker Bush signed onto, the Senate didn't ratify but we're still under it, under UNESCO, that set up everything that we're now up to with Agenda 2030 and the deindustrialization plan and the clock ticking down and them telling us it's the end of the world, they have a policy of not trimming the trees and brush on the highways.
That's official.
So the only other state that doesn't do this, other than Hawaii, is California.
But again, they do it in the rich areas, they don't do it in the poor areas, knowing it's then going to burn them out, then they take their property.
So, I would look for some more big wildfires and problems now, specifically because if you leave the power on, and you do not have the trees trimmed, it's going to start giant fires, period.
Mr. White.
Well, I'm not in the United States Senate yet, but if I was in the United States Senate and I was on the Senate floor, I would be calling for a full investigation into what took place in Maui.
And I would also call for my fellow Senate and Congressmen and women to Sign a legislation that calls for the transparency of some of these weapon systems for the American people.
The American people are not so feeble, they're not so weak, they're not so fragile that they can't defend themselves in the interim of understanding the full scope and capacity of some of these technologies and weapon systems.
You know, yes, Russia has certain advanced weapons, absolutely.
China has certain advanced weapons, yeah.
But our military, just like JFK and Eisenhower pointed out, Our military using their capacity as a justification to keep us in the dark is unconstitutional.
And that's a part of being an American citizen.
Yeah, we open ourselves up to strategic, you know.
You know, to losing tactical advantage with some of our enemies in the interest of freedom.
Well, let's expand on that.
We just saw the Pentagon, not our average troops.
People think the Pentagon is going to save us.
It's globalist at the top, 95%.
They ran the release of the virus that's coming out.
They ran the response.
They ran the PSYOPs.
They ran the lockdowns.
That's been declassified.
That's what's happening!
And so the idea that they would then use it against us, or use drones to do it, so they have plausible deniability, has to be looked at.
Absolutely it needs to be investigated.
My cry to the American people is, it's going to hurt.
We open ourselves up to the unknown.
Sure, China could attack us in the middle of the night.
We could lose tactical advantage if we, you know, Get the transparency from our own government and and third-party independent private sector Contractors or whoever it is that's doing that work for us.
Yeah, we may lose some tactical advantage That's the courage of what it means to be an American But what's more dangerous in my opinion than our enemies such as China or Russia or whoever else?
What's more dangerous is being completely in the dark to what our military is capable of?
And direct energy weapons and what happened in Maui is just an example.
You see the headlines popping up now.
All of the justification and excuses and circumstance of what happened and the power went off for this reason.
And the sheriff there or the chief of police there is the same chief of police from Las Vegas.
And that's just a coincidence and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It's always all just a big coincidence.
I mean, there is no conspiracies, but there are no coincidences either.
The water's turned off, the sirens aren't turned on, the trees aren't trimmed, the power's left on.
12-mile exclusion zone.
Kicking the media out.
And there's a whole bunch of people reporting this.
This is a well-known, I looked him up, respected old man that's lived in the town his whole life in Lahaina.
Lahaina, I always say it wrong, and here he is talking about the police blocking people getting out.
Here's the clip.
We should get out of here because of the speed of this wind.
It could be here in two minutes.
So about what time was this at?
By the way, if you guys don't know who this is, this is Fish.
He's been sitting next to Cheeseburger in Paradise selling the most awesome stuffs, right?
For years.
He's a, uh...
He's like a legend, and everyone loves Fish, and Fish loves everybody.
He's one of the wisest person, people that I know.
Anyway, Fish, continue.
So I went around back to Front Street, and all the cars were lined up, but none of them were moving.
And I walked all the way from Safeway to the Chart House, not one car had moved.
And I was wondering what was stopping the traffic.
Well, it was a policeman.
And I got to the end, and I looked up north.
There were no obstructions.
There was no reason to keep those cars there.
Are you serious?
I'm serious as a heart attack.
And I said, what are you doing?
He goes, well, I'm under orders to keep them here.
And I said, the fire is right around Safeway.
It's going to hit Front Street, and these people got to get out of here.
And he said, I'm following orders.
No way.
And I keep walking down the highway and I look behind, no cars are coming out.
I walked all the way to Waikuli Beach, still no cars coming out.
And I started hearing boom, boom, boom.
And then I heard people screaming and stuff.
You're saying they were blockaded in by the police?
At the end of Front Street?
Like, where the restaurant is?
Right, where the chart house was.
Where the chart house was, I should say.
There was a blockade there and they could not go any further.
Right, I walked... What the hell?
I walked all the way from Safeway to there, not one car had moved.
Went all the way to, like I said, the Civic Center.
And then I started hearing all the explosions.
And there was no one walking behind me or on bicycles or anything.
And I just...
Dude, that is unbelievable.
I had no idea, you know, until the next day when I walked down there to what had happened.
So did you, did you go up north to your place?
And then you just hunkered down for the night?
And then you general Flynn got criticized a few days ago for saying that we can't be like the Jews in World War Two,
where they have one guard for every 500 people loading them on cattle cars and splitting their families up because word
had been out.
They were being shipped off to be forced, labored and killed.
They call it anti-Semitic.
No, he's saying, why did they do that?
Well, why did these people wait?
I'm not saying the cops were even conscious they were following orders, which is terrible, but this has come out.
Why were there all the cars lined up?
Nothing was blocked.
They told them to stay there because the administrators, this just adds to it, want everybody dead so they can't stand up for their land when they take it.
So it'll be their family members in another state or another country that then come and they can be told what to do by the system.
This was a genocide, an extermination of the most valuable land in the United States of America on record is that town that the globalists wanted to build on and failed this year to be able to get control of and build high-rises.
And I've checked, other locals are saying the same thing happened.
I'm going to talk to a reporter on the ground coming up, Royce White, but that is damning.
Yeah, I don't know about you Alex, but I'm going to start making some Go Fish t-shirts.
Our buddy Fish there is a real hero and he represents the deplorables all around the country that maybe aren't highly educated or a part of the aristocratic wine society, but they make basic observations and they want to ask basic questions and they're being called crazy.
That's why my podcast is titled Please Call Me Crazy.
You can see it later on tonight at 9 p.m.
on YouTube if you get the chance.
Also on Rumble at 9 p.m.
and it's available on all the major audio platforms as well.
Godspeed, man.
I skipped the break.
You need to leave right now.
I got a few more questions.
Oh, keep going.
Yeah, I thought we were going through the break.
No, you're looking at the time.
Well, I skipped it.
Yeah, I should have told you that.
So, you know, the issue here is I just heard this eight days ago when it happened.
The police were blocking the roads.
And I went and checked and more and more witnesses are saying it.
But we can't find out what happened because we can't get in to talk to them because they're blocking the media.
And I'm about two inches away.
From getting on an airplane.
I don't like going to jail.
Hawaii never really became a free state after it was seized by the U.S.
military and then, you know, supposedly became a state.
It's nice people, but it's not really free.
If I go, I mean, I'm going into Lahaina, and I'm not going to be stopped.
In fact, I was about to get tickets yesterday when Jason Jones called me and said he was already there.
He's done reporting for us, but that pisses me off.
That's a crime scene of them Cutting off the water, cutting off the sirens, not cutting the trees, keeping the power on, and now they're trying to cover it up.
I mean, I agree with what you wrote on the side of your head, Royce.
We need to investigate Maui.
Yeah, we need to investigate, but now I'm more concerned that you're actually still getting on airplanes, Alex.
That bothers me.
Don't get on another airplane, man.
You're too important.
Don't get on another airplane, especially some little private jet maintained in maintenance by some third-party contractor to go to Hawaii.
We'll figure out what's going on in Hawaii.
Too easy to take you out.
Well, don't worry.
I'm not flying on private jets to Hawaii.
No, I'm flying on 777s.
Don't get on any planes.
Okay, the big boys.
Okay, that's better.
And I also tend to get my tickets last minute, because I know that's their favorite way.
They might blow up a whole airplane just to get me.
I know it.
Senator Wellstone, here in the great state of Minnesota.
I'm running for office.
He took a little prop jet up to rural Minnesota, I think, and never came back.
Some real controversy and legislation around his race.
I know he's a Democrat, but there was a lot of controversy at that time.
Well, he was a Democrat and wasn't playing ball.
He wasn't playing ball yet.
And there are a lot of them over there.
A lot of them over there.
We gotta be open to all possibilities now.
There's some hardline issues we need to draw a line in the sand on.
But understand also that people can change.
People can have their worldview changed.
Especially a guy like RFK even, I think, is showing us that.
Although his family's legacy and John's legacy is what it is.
But yeah.
You read my mind.
I was about to ask your view.
I respect your view on RFK Jr.
Um, you know, RFK, I love what he's doing.
I love what he's saying.
I mean, he's a shock troop.
He came to one of the big three games.
I had the chance to meet him.
I had met him previously two years ago with the Unity Project when the Unity Project came together to fight against the vaccine mandates there in California.
So I had been on the phone with him.
I like a lot of what he's saying.
I disagree with him on some things, politically for sure, but I know ultimately I can look at who the establishment wants to silence and how they treat them and that can tell me a lot of what I need to know about a person from the outset.
Then when you listen to what he says, especially in this interview with Tucker regarding the inception of our recent conflict with Russia over Ukraine, I mean he's spot on.
And he has that intimate knowledge of it, because John and his father were involved in some of those negotiations and talks in the history of Russia.
So I love what he's doing.
I hope if they win, they railroad him in the DNC with the Democratic nomination, that President Trump and him will form that super ticket.
And everybody goes, well, RFK, he's bad on this, he's bad on this.
Same people go, well, Trump's bad on this, he's bad on that.
Look, they're all going to need people to rally behind them to help shape and form and guide Like an Alex Jones, like a Steve Bannon, like Royce White or whoever these other people are going to be to help guide them in this next chapter.
Donald Trump put some very bad people around him in the beginning that I wouldn't agree with.
This time I think he's probably learned a valuable lesson.
Should we should we throw the baby out with the bathwater?
No, all of us who would walk into DC, myself included, are going to go through the growing pains of having snakes around us.
That's just the swamp that we have allowed to manifest and grow there in DC.
So anybody who we elect is going to have some growing pains and issues.
I think RFK could help Donald Trump greatly.
They murdered his father in front of him, and they murdered his uncle.
And he was naming names of the CIA guys.
God, I loved it when he was on Tugger.
He said, Deathbed Confession, E. Howard Hunt.
You know who got that narrowed out?
Myself and George Norrie.
We broke the Deathbed Confession of the guy that Mission Impossible is named after.
That's the reason Tom Cruise is called Ethan Hunt.
And that's why the original TV show is Mission Impossible.
That's him.
And literally, former spymaster, you name it, said, yeah, I was there.
We ran the operation.
We killed him.
You know, if we get into, yes, the deep state's out of control.
They've been out of control.
We could do an entire hour about Kennedy's assassination.
There's definitely no shortage of controversy and material to pick from from that.
But the most indicting thing, I think, actually correlates to what we're talking about today and just understanding the scope of government.
I think it's like 80% of the people, 90% of the people who were on the Warren Commission We're Freemasons.
No, I'm not saying that.
You know, I get it.
It's a big organization.
But they can use anything as a club to control people.
When you look at the Warren Commission, you look at the guys who were charged to investigate Kennedy's assassination, you're looking at a group of people who benefited from his assassination and who had the power, the strategic position within these agencies, groups, departments to carry out the assassination.
Dulles, General LeMay, the list goes on and on.
I mean, all of these people were right there at the table in the first place.
The hitmen all confessed to it.
I mean, it's well known.
They murdered him.
We've basically had a coup ever since then.
We're trying to get out from under it right now.
Royce White, people can find your great show.
It airs tonight, 9 p.m.
You can find it on Twitter at Highway underscore 30.
Please call me Crazy Podcast.
Royce White, thank you so much.
Thank you, brother.
All right.
We're going to go to break in a few minutes and we're going to come back with Jason Jones from Maui.
And he's been there, he's got people he's bringing on the show the next hour and a half.
First I want to talk to him some and he's bringing his witnesses on and guests.
So this is important, but look, I'm not just here to demonize the bureaucracy out of hand, which sometimes government does the right thing, but look at Texas and the shooting last year in West Texas.
I mean, they stood down for 76 minutes.
It was disgusting.
They were putting hand sanitizer on while the kids were dying.
Our governments are becoming more and more inept, more and more jellyfish, more and more lazy, more and more stupid, because they don't get punished for it and bad people keep getting promoted.
You see video every day of cops doing incredibly heroic things at the same time.
So, this is not a black or white thing.
It's a good guy versus bad guy thing.
And we have evil globalists in control and they're out of control.
Jason Jones has been in the field, and he has now got reports for us, and he's got guests coming on when he hosts next hour.
I'm going to talk to him first.
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Well, I can see him via the Skype connection from Maui, and he looks upset.
He's a native of Hawaii, during the lockdowns moved to Texas, but has strong roots there.
Jason Jones is an author, researcher, reporter, and major filmmaker.
HopeForHawaii.com, he hosts the Jason Jones Show.
He'll be hosting the fourth hour, but I wanted to have him come on a little bit early so we could talk to him about what he's witnessed since he got to Maui, the 12-mile seclusion zone, the cutting off of the water, the not trimming the trees, the leaving of the power on, and now reports that the police blocked and kept the people in to die.
Under orders.
Is that true?
Is what locals saying is right?
Well, we can't tell.
They're trying to not let journalists into the area.
This is incredible.
This is administrative mass murder, in my view, either through pure negligence or consciously.
You have the globalists saying they want control of the area.
Some of the most valuable real estate on the face of this green earth.
Jason Jones, thank you so much for joining us.
Alex Jones, thanks for having me on your show.
Well, you're there.
What's your diagnosis?
Well, first, Alex, I want to thank you.
You've always been a great friend of Hawaii, and you're very much loved here.
And every time I appear on your show, everywhere I go, people say, thank you for being on Alex's show.
You have a lot of supporters here, and you've always lent your program to our community.
And during the lockdowns, when no one else in the world was Talking about the seven mile long lines for food.
You know, single mothers having to wait hours to pick up one meal for their children.
You allowed us to come on your show and share the struggles of our community.
Well, brother, that's the beta test.
That was out of pure selfishness.
I mean, we're all Americans.
We're all together.
And you're right.
When I go to Hawaii, I get mobbed more than anywhere else.
They are really awake because we know they never really became free.
I don't think they really are really a state.
I think they've still been under But you're the expert.
Tell us what the data dump is.
Talk to the locals.
What's happening?
Well, you know, first of all, I want to say this, Alex, that there are 1,200 missing people.
1,200 missing people.
Where do they think these people are?
They're playing this ridiculous game of there's 30 people who've died.
There's 60 people who've died.
There's 100 people who died.
This is really torture to the people of Hawaii.
So to put it in perspective, To have 1,200 missing people, the numbers between 1,000 and 2,000 missing people are the latest numbers.
That would be the equivalent of after 9-11 to say that there are 864,000 missing New Yorkers.
So to understand how devastating this is to the community of Maui, to Lahaina, and to all of Hawaii, because the families live on all the islands.
I see this as a 9-11.
The media is covering this as an afterthought.
I felt sorry for the tourists who showed up here in those first days.
And they were oblivious, because how could they know?
The media was not telling the story.
We have a village, a town, that is really the center and heart of Hawaiian culture, eviscerated.
Absolutely gone.
And so I think there's three things that we really need to focus on.
It's number one is we need to care for the survivors.
It's utter destruction, the trauma that they suffer.
And Tulsi Gabbard says they're blocking aid.
Is that accurate?
The report is they're blocking aid.
Yes, I hear this countless reports from Hawaiians.
People having to bring it via jet ski into them.
Yeah, well this is the real story of the heroes, or the Hawaiian community.
You know, you talked about the greatest, the globalists, in the commercial for your book on The Great Reset, you said that the globalists fear their own that convert.
I also think they fear the people of Hawaii.
Like you said, we're the beta test because globalists need to break us apart.
They need to separate us and just not to allow us to have a tight-knit community, to have family, to have friends.
You're never going to come to a place where people are more closely knit, more committed to sharing with each other, to caring for each other.
I agree, and it's such a big story.
That Hawaii has such an evil government with such good people.
To explain again, they're not, for eight days, letting aid in.
Tulsi Gabbard was just there.
She said they're not letting aid in.
So citizens are having to run the boats in, in defiance of the police, to give it to them.
That is insane.
And stopping, they'd have to go around the harbors.
They'd have to go to people's private property or come in on jet ski.
Yes, now we're bringing in planes.
We've been bringing stuff in by sailboat.
We're going, we're told we can go in today that they don't have Obviously ATM cards aren't working and they can't withdraw cash, so we're going to be delivering cash today to these families.
But we have to care for the survivors.
We also, this is very important, no one's talking about this Alex, and this is hard for me to even say on the show, but we need to care and honor the dead.
You have to understand, all healthy cultures revere and honor their dead.
But the Hawaiians especially, you cannot build anything in Hawaii where the Hawaiians buried their loved ones.
And we have to make sure that the deceased receive proper burials.
And this is something that we at Hope for Hawaii are really focusing on and we're a collection of local organizations.
My organization, the Vulnerable People Project, works around the world serving communities facing genocide and war.
Alex, I cannot tell you, I was just in Ukraine to come back from Ukraine and then come back home and to see as shocking as what I saw in Ukraine was to see things that are even more unbelievable and the videos I saw from that the family shot themselves in Lahaina Breaks my heart.
So we have to care for the survivors.
We have to honor the dead and bury the dead We have to keep the vultures away Alex.
This is the unbelievable part Could you imagine?
How disrespectful to the people of Hawaii.
I don't think, in the wake of 9-11, anyone was getting calls from realtors asking about buying property in New York City because of it.
I didn't hear anything like that.
I can't imagine that people, within hours of seeing planes flying into the Twin Towers, were working the phones trying to buy people's real estate while they were digging up bodies.
Well, we have over a thousand missing people.
That means every family in Lahaina has 13,000 people, Alex.
Well, that was my next point.
The governor, two days in, said, yeah, we're looking to take the property and build something new.
Then he walked that back.
Yeah, this isn't going to happen.
I can promise you, Alex Jones, the people of Hawaii are not going to let this happen.
And, you know, the people of the world love Hawaii.
You have a Hawaii driver's license, you go to an airport, the TSA agents, they get so excited, they light up.
You can go to Siberia and Nigeria and you say the words Hawaiian, people light up.
And why is it?
It's not that beautiful.
We have beautiful oceans and mountains and beaches, but that's not it.
It's the Aloha spirit.
It's the people of Hawaii.
So the people of Hawaii have a lot of goodwill with people around the world.
I think this is one of the reasons why they're having to hide the catastrophe The sheer scope of this disaster, you know, most people who aren't from Hawaii aren't seeing on their Instagram feeds what I'm seeing.
And, you know, and if you just follow my personal Instagram page, I'm constantly sharing it at the Jason Jones Show.
It's my personal page.
I'm just sharing everything that the locals are making of what they went through and what they experienced.
And Alex, I shared it with your producer.
I cannot understand why this footage isn't on the evening news, because it's it's the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen in my life.
Well, we're going to get that footage right now from the Jason Jones Show on Instagram.
We're going to have it when you host the show next hour.
So tell us right now, because I know you just got back from the field, what are the best clips you want us to grab and have?
Well, I sent them all to Daria.
So there's one video of just a family looking back at the fire.
It's like unlike anything you've ever seen.
There's another video of a family in the ocean surrounded by boats on fire and walls of fire and smoke.
There's one that I didn't share with Daria because it's just too hard to see.
It's a car full of young girls that they were streaming live.
And they were, they were at first, they were, you could tell they weren't that concerned.
They were going to go this way.
They were going to go that way.
And they realized, um, they realized that there was no way out.
Feet cut.
And I didn't think that, I didn't want to share that, but how the world isn't paying attention to this, to me, Alex is unbelievable, but this is where we are.
To honor the dead, we have to care for their living.
So we have to take care of the survivors.
But to honor the survivors, we have to care for the dead.
We have to make sure that, I pray that these numbers 106 or 111 or whatever they're telling us it is today, is the last that we hear of it.
And then all of a sudden, you know, a thousand people are going to come You know, walking down the street singing hymns.
I hope this is what happens.
But this is not what we're hearing from people who said that they'd walk down the street and they'd see dozens and dozens of bodies and bodies floating in the ocean.
And I pray that these reports are inaccurate.
But it just to me defies logic.
And so are they going to slow walk these numbers up?
And again, Alex, you're the expert in this.
I don't remember after 9-11 them pretending that the people that they didn't find in the rubble of the Twin Towers were missing.
I don't remember them saying, oh yeah, we found 8 bodies, 10 bodies, oh, but they're, you know, I don't remember that.
I think I would remember something as absurd as that.
So why are they playing this cruel game?
And it's because I don't think they want the world to understand the magnitude of this crisis.
Well, that's right.
I've been scouring Twitter and everywhere.
I should have just checked your site.
I've seen none of this you're showing.
This is insane.
How did you find this?
Just because you know the locals?
Well, you know, I'm here, so these are my friends and my family and we're all on the same feed.
I didn't really realize it.
And then one Hawaiian activist had mentioned, because people were getting upset at the locals, I mean, for the mainlanders just showing up in Maui just kind of like oblivious and getting their snorkels and going out into the ocean.
And a Hawaiian activist had sent me a note and said, the people in the mainland aren't... Look at this.
Look at this.
Look at this.
This looks like a tactical nuclear weapon went off in the middle of Lahaina.
But this Hawaiian activist had said to a group that I was on, hey guys, they're not seeing what we're seeing on Instagram.
Their family and friends aren't sending them via text what we're receiving.
You have to have a little bit of charity.
And it struck me as, because I won't tell you Alex, when this first happened through my organization, The Vulnerable People Project, and we partnered with a group called Epic Ministries.
It's a Hawaiian-led organization here in the Hawaiian Islands, a Christian organization led by Hawaiians here in Hawaii.
We partnered with them and we began wiring the money as fast as we could.
And they're together with their team started sending sailboats Immediately and I thought I'm just gonna sit at home.
I'm gonna work the phones.
I'm gonna fundraise I'm gonna do my part and I just couldn't sleep I couldn't sleep so I am After two nights of not being able to sleep.
I thought I'm just gonna work from Maui.
I'm just going there I'm gonna do my part and and see what I can do just just I My teeth were itching, so like a beaver has to gnaw on wood to stop his teeth from itching.
I thought, I just have to go and do what I can.
So today what we're going to be doing is driving to Lahaina, and we're going to be meeting with the displaced families.
We have our partners and us together.
We have $20,000 in gift cards, and we have thousands and thousands of dollars of cash and $100 bills.
We've got 80 pallets of water that's being shipped in today.
We've sent over generators and satellite phones.
Everything we can do just to keep the people as comfortable as possible, to ameliorate their suffering.
This is, you know, what the Vulnerable People Project does.
And let's expand on that because I've been meaning to get you on.
You just got back a month ago or so from Ukraine, and I want to do viewer discretion is advised.
This is just some of the photos.
First, we'll show photos of he and his crew.
They're bringing food and supplies to Ukraine.
We're going to show you in a hospital some of the battlefield stuff and some of the things happening.
These are lower mandibles blown off.
These are people with giant 50 cow wounds.
But we're going to go ahead and show you.
You know you're a military veteran yourself.
It's only your take versus what you just saw in Ukraine versus what we're going to show right now.
I've been wanting to get you on about Ukraine separately, but to go from one tragedy now to your home state and view this.
Go ahead and start showing the images, guys.
So, and tell us about these photos you took in Ukraine.
Yeah, so these photos are from our medical team in Zaporizhia, and this is what war looks like.
Again, Alex, an administration, a government that allows this to happen a world away with no calls for ceasefire.
No calls for ceasefire.
Why isn't the mainstream media, why isn't the left calling for a ceasefire?
Oh, please.
Why isn't the mainstream media calling for a ceasefire?
I support the Ukrainian people against Russian aggression.
This is a proxy war and the people of Ukraine are being smashed between Germany and the United States in the interest of European Union and NATO in the West and Russia.
The only people profiting from this war live in Moscow and Westchester County, you know, they live in Westchester, New York and Great Falls, Virginia.
The people of Ukraine are being ground into dust.
Ukraine is the most conservative country in the former Soviet Republics.
They have the largest pro-family movement in all of Europe.
They're country folks.
They're farmers.
And they're being used as a proxy.
So when you look at Joe Biden, Joe Biden, can you believe this, Alex Jones?
When asked about Ukraine, Joe Biden says, no comment.
Well, what does that tell you?
It tells you only one of two things.
He wasn't prepared to answer a question on what happened in Lahaina because it didn't rise to his level of interest.
Or it told you that it was not prudent for him to speak on it because of his political ambition or goals.
And both are unbelievable.
And let's expand on that.
Okay, so I worked in politics.
Walter Cronkite helped begin the end of the Vietnam War by showing little naked boys and girls running with their clothes and skin burned off.
And people understood this documentary needed to be shown.
Some people won't like us showing images from Ukraine that you shot personally with your aid mission, giving them medicine and food and a lot of money you spent over there from your big films you made.
And so you're a hero doing that.
But I know it's because you're humanitarian and you don't want the credit.
But we show this so we can end this war because mainstream media, Jason Jones, doesn't want us to see this.
No, and that's exactly right, Alex, and I even feel many of us on the right who are, you know, sharing things that would make people think the Ukrainians are bad people are falling into the game because the game is not to have anyone have empathy for the people of Ukraine.
Just enough sympathy to get the military industrial complex fed its money and its blood, but not enough for people to actually stop and pause and think what's in the best interest of the people of Ukraine.
Like in Ukraine, these people are ready, the way we would be, to fight to the last person.
To defend their borders.
But I think the United States of America has to think what's in its interest and what's in the best interest of the people of Ukraine, and I think that's an immediate ceasefire.
And so what happens is, when on the right people promulgate things to generate hatred for the people of Ukraine, or at least a lack of sympathy, or some people are just becoming Putin apologists, what this does is it allows us to fall into General Milley's goals.
General Milley said he wants a 20-year quagmire.
Very early on, I believe it was in April after the invasion, when someone said, do you think Ukraine can win?
And he said, we, we don't need Ukraine to win.
We want to drain Russia, and that means drain the Americans.
We, yeah, we need, we need a, we need a quagmire.
We didn't include the American people, and we didn't include the people of Ukraine.
Wow, 20 years, we've already sent them almost $200 billion in two years.
Imagine how much 20 years would be.
We sent weapons to the people of Ukraine to fight and die with, and we sent money to American grifters in the military-industrial complex.
Yeah, what do you make of Biden sending $700 to the folks in that town?
You know, we're trying to give every family $100.
My little organization is trying to get on top of the generators and on top of the boats and the chartering planes.
We're trying to give every family, that's what I'll be doing today, going out and giving every family $100.
My little organization, with my team of four people, begging on the phone night and day.
And you can go to our website.
Alex, can I promote our website?
Please do!
And the idea that they're only going to give each household $700.
Alex, you know what a household is in Hawaii?
A household is what a household should be.
It's like my household.
It's mom, dad, kids, grandma, grandpa, some cousins, an uncle.
This is what a household is.
When my wife worked in a bank on Oahu, she said the average home had seven signers on the mortgage.
Why is this?
Because the starter home is a million dollars.
And so you have a whole family living together.
A household is not mom, dad, 1.2 kids, and a $5,000 dog.
A household is a lot of folks.
So to think you're going to give every household, the federal government's going to give $700.
Alex, I want to go back to when Joe Biden said, I have no comment.
You know, I've run campaigns from the State House to the White House.
There's a technique called blocking and bridging.
You use it to avoid answering questions you don't want to ask, answer, that are difficult.
So if I was a consultant for Joe Biden, even if I was a heartless ghoul, like I guess he's surrounded with, Even if I could care less, what I would have done, because I was working for a politician, is I would have told him, Mr. President, you're probably going to be asked about Lahaina.
Before you're asked, if it's not the first question, I want you to address it.
So whatever they ask you, because this is a great tragedy, and you need to show to the people of America that you care, even though you don't, but we need to show them you do.
And so what you should do is, whatever question they ask you, say, Jack, thanks for that question.
But I need to say something right now.
My heart is broken.
The heart of the American people is broken.
And our prayers go to the families of Lahaina.
And I can promise you that my administration is going to work with the state, county, and local officials, and with the people of Maui, to make sure that we give every affected family... Look at this.
Well that's right, so it's a microcosm, he does this more and more, where they just laugh like veterans, or they're dumping people in Louisville, Kentucky, old people on stretchers with no health care.
They're euthanizing children in Canada.
I mean, it's just a heartless evil, and they're just training us that they don't care.
Yeah, but can you, why couldn't he just give that answer?
He couldn't, he's President of the United States, surrounded by a lot of people that are paid to tell him what to say.
Well then why do you think he did that?
I think they really, as a friend of mine said, he sent me that quote, he goes, this guy is a gangster.
This guy, he goes, I kind of respect this guy right now.
He just doesn't care at all.
Remember, this is the guy that on July 6th of 2020, went on national television and said, Afghanistan will never fall.
Alex Jones, on July 6th, my organization was already moving because we anticipated this.
One of our advisors was like Jason Afghani.
By July 6th, 85% of Afghanistan's districts had already fallen.
And Joe Biden lied.
Either he lied or our intelligence agencies had no clue that that was a country in absolute collapse.
No, they love just lying to us.
They're training us to be lied to.
I'm going to come back and do a few more minutes with you on Trump and the indictments.
I'm going to hand the baton to you.
You're going to narrate this.
You interviewed some people.
I was told you were going to have some guests.
I'm not sure.
But please, I'm going to be very busy there in the town tomorrow, there in Maui, Lahaina.
I always pronounce it wrong, but I've been there four or five times.
Great people.
But I hope tomorrow, or you can send us any quick reports that you can upload.
I hope you can join us tomorrow from the ground, but I guess there's no internet there, is there?
There may be, because we're getting starlings there.
And I apologize, I wasn't able to get people today.
They were utterly exhausted.
It's a bit early.
Oh, I totally... No, no, no.
I understand.
What is it like?
Nine in the morning there right now?
It's almost nine o'clock.
That's what I... Okay.
We're going to come right back to you in two minutes.
Stay there.
Everybody should support you.
You're a real charity.
This guy goes to Afghanistan.
He goes to Ukraine.
I mean, he's there.
This guy's the real deal.
He's a great patriot.
Alright, Jason Jones is an army veteran, a patriot, an incredible major filmmaker.
He's had some blockbusters.
One of the biggest Christian filmmakers out there.
He's very diplomatic, and I know he has to work with the local authorities there, and I know that he wants to help a lot of people.
And he's going to be taken over here in a few minutes.
I'll come back in the next segment and talk a little bit more.
This is a short segment.
Some stations don't carry this, but I didn't talk to you during the break.
We'll just get this out in the open.
I agree with you being diplomatic.
And you're just trying to help people right now?
But they didn't trim the trees.
They didn't turn the power off.
They cut the water.
They didn't turn on the sirens.
You know, they have a great, best siren system in the U.S.
Everybody knows that.
And the globalists have been trying to take that property.
I don't see any way to cut this.
Either the most criminal negligence I've ever seen, or this has been Administrative mass murder in my view.
Can you speak to that?
What are the locals saying?
We know what they're saying.
They're saying that.
Can I tell you the worst part of it all that America needs to prepare for?
The worst part of it all?
is that the children were sent home.
Because of the fires, they sent the children home.
But their parents were at work.
The sirens didn't go off.
There's not good cell reception.
And, uh... So, again, I pray for a miracle.
I believe in God.
I believe in miracles.
I pray that these 1,200 missing are found and the casualty numbers stay exactly where they are.
I pray that these children that were sent home from school Uh, somehow, you know, escaped a fire that was moving a mile a minute and made it to safety.
Uh, what I don't get is the, the arrogance of our government officials.
You know, the head of the emergency management agency, um, refused water.
They shut the water off.
And, you know, there could have been something nefarious.
Or it could be that they were just drunk with absurd ideologies.
You know, the fact that they came out immediately and blamed this on climate change reminded me of when I took my friend Shirin when I was working in Iraq, when ISIS was raping its way across that country under the Obama-Biden administration, and President Biden chuckled and called ISIS the JV team.
But the Yazidi people, August 3rd was the anniversary of their genocide, were being wiped from the face of the earth, the proto-Semitic people, Abraham came out of Jews, Arabs, and Kurds descend from were being erased from history.
And my friend, an ISIS rape survivor, when we brought her to the United Nations to address a conference on displaced peoples, and then they were saying that the greatest cause of the cause of ISIS raping its way across Iraq was climate change.
The fact that they were, oh, and how is this Alex Jones?
They, during one of the press conferences, the city and county and state officials said that they didn't apologize, that there was really nothing they could have done to prevent this catastrophe.
So the people who cannot prevent forest fires from destroying a city in the year 2023 in the United States of America are going to change the planet's climate.
The people, they cannot protect Lahaina.
There's nothing they could have done.
It is what it is.
It was what it was.
You know?
They absolve themselves from guilt while up to 2,000 are missing, while they block the media, a cover-up.
This is disgusting.
Yeah, Alex.
And if not for your show, I mean, I thank you so much.
No, don't thank me.
We're all in this together.
Brother, let's come back.
And your followers, your listeners, your fans, your co-workers.
It is the listeners that are the reason we're here.
We go to 60 seconds.
I'm going to do one more segment.
I'm going to hand the baton to you.
And please, I know you're busy.
Upload little videos to us to my phone, whatever just whenever you want to join us. I'll come into an emergency
Saturday show Sunday whatever but
Wow, this guy's so hard to get on to he's in Afghanistan.
He's in Ukraine. He's in now in his own home state This is a twice crying never seems upset
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Well, I've only known Jason Jones since he was one of the leaders in Hawaii fighting the lockdowns and being arrested.
We can show you a B-roll of that.
But I consider him a good friend.
He lives between Texas and Hawaii.
He lives down in the brambles south of me here in Austin.
I've never seen him so upset.
He's an army veteran.
He does an aid group.
He makes major films.
He's a very humble guy, but he puts it all back into the community.
And he's been very upset here.
He's there in his home state watching this.
You're going to take over here in a few minutes, but I want you to, because you're not a crap talker, and I had to get you to talk about it, for people who just joined us, you started crying about them saying, we did nothing wrong, and all of this.
I can go anywhere in the U.S., they cut the brush back 10 feet from the wires.
When a hurricane hits, they go, hey, we're turning the power off, because if any fall, they're not going to burn stuff down.
Everybody knows the defaults.
They denied the water.
This guy's an Obama Foundation leftist saying, it's, we worship water here and so we're not going to give it to you and there's tons of it coming down everywhere.
It's tropical rainforest.
I mean, it is, it is insane.
I mean, every default that you'd have in position to protect from this was turned off.
Then we've got all these reports, people, the police blocking people in, the sirens weren't turned on.
I've been in Hawaii in my life probably 10 times.
I've heard sirens go off three times when they think a wave's coming in or something's going on.
It has the best siren system in the world.
You might explain that to people why.
It's a giant military base, basically, as well.
Three of the islands have a big military presence.
Wahoo and, of course, Kauai and Maui.
All this going on, and then now they're like, get out of here, you can't bring aid in, don't come into the area.
You've got the power lines falling down, explosions, fire, racing through the town.
Like you said, footage you've seen that we're not going to show because you don't want to, of young women all trapped and dying in a car as they live stream out.
I mean, this is real, and we're told, like you said, oh, there's missing people.
So they're deliberately playing this down.
And then all these big billionaires racing in and the governor within two days, now we're nine days in, saying, oh, don't worry, we're going to take this over and build new high-rises and stuff, which the town just rejected the most expensive real estate in the U.S.
Blue-collar people, they're hanging on there.
They just rejected a plan a few months ago.
Now, in next week, Or in a week and a half, they're having a big smart grid meeting, and now they're offering the smart... I mean, this is... I mean, I'm sorry.
It's impossible for them to be this incompetent and perfectly turn off the sirens, turn off the water that day, and not trim the trees for years, and leave the power on, and then cover it up, and it's the same guy from Vegas.
I mean, this stinks to high heaven.
No, Alex, and one of the things you said, them being always diplomatic, or what my concern is, is I don't want to cause hurt within this community that's affected.
And it's such a small community.
There's only about 180,000 people in Maui, 13,000 people in Lahaina, all the families are connected.
And you know, these bureaucrats come out of these families.
And that's what's so startling.
You know, to let you know how small of a place this is, Alex, when I was arrested leading the anti-lockdown protest, the young man that handcuffed me, really sad.
I felt bad for him, you know, because that young man who handcuffed me, the police officer, Twenty years earlier had been my student when I was a teacher and taught Christology and Ethics.
And in my Ethics class, you know, they would have to watch The Sound of Music and we would talk about Rolf and, you know, is obeying orders always a good thing?
And literally, he did not want to handcuff me.
And the police officer that had to handcuff me had been my student.
I really felt bad for him.
You know, Alex, I got a lot of guff.
They cut my family out in the newspaper so you couldn't see my wife's ethnicity.
They hid my children from the shots.
And I kind of went viral on a Hawaiian site and they were like, who is this Haole coming from the mainland?
And my son's friend called me, Uncle, they wouldn't say this if they knew who you were.
But it didn't bother me because I knew that they had, they believed that these lockdowns were good for the community.
And they saw that this, who is this guy trying to, um, you know, hurt the community.
So I was not at upset at all.
And I also knew 100% that this ball was going to bounce tragically.
And that, that, That people would come to understand what we were doing.
And I do feel that this catastrophe is connected to that catastrophe.
You talk about the sirens, Alex.
In January of 2018, as you may remember, we had a false missile alert here.
And I had to take my family into a cave.
I wrote an article about it.
I had a plan.
Because since the mid-90s, I understood that I believe and I worry about in my anti-nuclear... Not everybody's from Hawaii, born there.
Not like you, Jason.
For those that know, it's the main missile defense base, it's the main Pacific base for the U.S.
Kauai, where we're living, it has the anti-ballistic missiles and the laser defense systems, so you guys get missile alerts, that's why you have the sirens as well as tsunamis, and continue.
And for 36 minutes in January of 2018, we were told that there was incoming bound missiles.
And for people in Hawaii, this was like, okay, we knew this day was going to come.
I had a plan that I knew I had 17 minutes to get my family into Makua Cave.
And I was able to get my family into this cave.
And I had a plan to do this.
I had go bags ready.
I was dragging out the trash.
I got the alarm.
I said to my wife, Grab the bag.
She had hers, which were our documents, birth certificates, passports, everything.
And my bag was food and other things, as you can imagine.
And within two minutes, I had my five children at home in the car, and we were off to Makua Cave.
So, you know, we have this false missile alarm that had people ripping open sewer caps and putting their children into sewers, putting the whole state in jeopardy.
Let's be clear, an alarm that nuclear missiles were coming?
Yeah, that's right it, that's right there.
And I can tell you for me when I saw this, it was like, okay, I know.
Today's the day.
It was very sad, Alex, as I was turning... Well, you're also a veteran.
I mean, you have that background.
Yeah, I have that background.
And, you know, I've been a father.
I was a teen parent since I was 18.
And I've just been obsessively concerned for my children's well-being.
And that's what pushes me around the world when people go, what are you doing in Afghanistan or Ukraine?
I always look at the world through the lens of a father who's in an impossible situation to care for his family.
Vulnerable people are not weak people.
They're strong people who've been placed in impossible situations.
And when we stand with them, those impossible situations become possible.
And so, that's always been my mission.
You know, the year before I put my family into Makua Cave, I was in caves.
In Iraq, miles from ISIS with vulnerable minority communities in Iraq.
And it was so striking to me that here I am a year after I was in a cave in Iraq, I'm in a cave in Hawaii.
It was very striking.
And then when the all clear went off and I drove home and I flinched a Scooby Doo movie on with my kids and we were eating sugar cereal, which my wife never allows because I was trying to distract them from kind of the trauma that they just went through.
Who was blowing up my signal?
It was Kurdish Peshmerga soldiers and Yazidi ISIS survivors.
They were the first ones to say, you know, we were praying for you, brother.
Because they had empathy.
The idea that I had to, that the people of Hawaii for 36 minutes, and people can understand it who aren't from here.
I mean, the idea that for 36 minutes you thought everyone you knew and loved was going to be gone.
And now Lahaina's gone.
And we do need to get to the bottom of this.
Because for those who don't know, if the Chinese or the Russians hit the US, they're going to hit Hawaii first.
Yeah, this is my great concern, and actually at our website, thegreatcampaign.org, I have a plan.
I've written a plan to eliminate strategic nuclear weapons, not tactical nuclear weapons.
I think that's utopian to think that the countries of the world would ever get rid of tactical nuclear weapons.
But we shouldn't have strategic to take out population centers.
Yes, strategic nuclear weapons have no just purpose.
By owning them, by the United States and Russia and China maintaining strategic nuclear weapons, we're basically pointing a gun at every man, woman and child in the world.
I think the United States should lead the way.
And working toward an elimination of strategic nuclear weapons, tactical nuclear weapons should be enough to prevent the great powers from launching a nuclear war.
But you look at the brazen way that both the United States and Russia and NATO are behaving right now, tap dancing around.
I say that this war in Ukraine And I love the people of Ukraine so much.
And going there, I just, I feel at home because they have our values.
They're great people.
I was startled by how much I loved them and how much I felt at home there.
But that war is a tap dance around strategic nuclear weapons.
And the fact that you can't look to the New York Times or the mainstream media that there's, there's, you know, Alex, you look at this in Ukraine, there's no one trying to For peace.
No one's trying to help Ukraine really win either.
They can't let Ukraine win.
They're really afraid of that.
They don't want Ukraine to lose.
They want a 10-year, 20-year war.
And it's funny you say that now.
They're talking about Poland taking part of Ukraine, NATO the rest, and giving the rest to the Russians.
So just like they always do, they're about to divide the country up.
Yeah, isn't that funny?
It would be just like Poland in 1939.
The West and the East conspired to divide Poland.
That cannot be allowed to happen.
The people of Ukraine suffered so horribly under the Holodomor.
Stalin's forced engineered famine that killed 8 million people.
Lenin thrusting abortion on them in the 20s trying to abort them out of existence.
You know, but this is it.
I pray that that doesn't happen, but here's what you know.
They're utterly indifferent to the suffering of the people of Ukraine.
After our withdrawal from Afghanistan, that ham-fisted withdrawal, and the worst time of the year to withdraw, they didn't have to, they could have done it in the winter if they wanted to just so radically pull out.
There's things they could have done to To prevent this collapse of a country, Alex, my organization delivered 3 million meals since Christmas this year, which is nothing.
It feels even pointless, like it's a token.
And then I have to remind myself, we kept 30,000 families alive.
But there's 20 million people suffering severe hunger, whole villages starving to death.
It's not even here.
Oh, under the carbon lockdowns and cutting off 25% of nitrogen, they're estimating 200
million are going to starve to death in the next two years.
It needs to be 15 million a year.
The Holocaust is here, bigger than World War II, and it's all being directed by the globalists.
It's incredible.
I'm going to hand the baton to you, brother.
We're still like 12 minutes to break.
You're going to host the rest of the show.
You pick the time you want to come on tomorrow, or send me clips, or Saturday.
You tell me to come in at, you know, seven at night.
The crew will come in.
Whatever time you want us, because I know you're there.
I know you're going to get incredible intel for everybody, but this really shows that what's happening in Maui is a microcosm of how we've been forgotten, and how $180 billion to Ukraine, but nothing for our veterans.
And I'm seeing footage from New York and Kentucky and everywhere where they're throwing Old people out of hospitals on stretchers on the side of the road.
I mean, we're collapsing.
I mean, there's no doubt that we are in major decline and those of us that have done better in life.
Sit there and live in our houses and think we're okay.
No, ladies and gentlemen, it's coming for everyone and we need to pray for a great awakening.
And everybody, you're such a humble person.
You've got one of the best charities out there.
All your great films, the work you do.
HopeForHawaii.com, The Jason Jones Show.
People should go support you.
I'm going to do a 60 second plug here because I haven't plugged in two hours.
We're a platform for all these great organizations and groups, folks.
And Breaking Info, day one, the first organization to tell you it came out of Wuhan and that the shots weren't going to work and all that.
The enemy hates us because we really immerse ourselves.
I dream about this all night.
I mean, I routinely work 15 hours a day.
And then I spend a little bit of time with the family.
That's my favorite thing to do.
I take that away from myself and them because we're going to lose everything if we don't do this.
And I fight.
So please go to Infowarsstore.com to support the major platform.
Get a book, get a film, get some supplements, some of our great new coffee that we finally got back in.
And I just humbly ask you for your support because We are the people, and we're here to support each other, and this is a very important kind of mothership in the whole operation, so please go to mfullwarrestore.com, Christmas savings in August right now, and please get some of the great products there, but hopeforhawaii.com.
Jason Jones, you now are in charge.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you, Alex Jones.
It's yours, my friend.
All right, guys.
Are we still on, guys?
Am I still on?
Yes, it's all yours, Jason.
Take over.
All right, Alex.
Well, I don't know if you're leaving now, but I want to share this.
Alex had mentioned earlier in his book that what the globalists fear most are their own that apostatize and speak out against globalism.
But I would say that there's maybe some communities that they fear even more.
And that's communities like Hawaii.
You talk about old people being thrown out into the street.
You will never see the elderly mistreated here, ever.
My wife always says, if you ever stray, you're ending up in an old folks home.
I'm like, great, so long as the old folks home is in Hawaii, because the people here know how to care for each other.
You talk about community and stewarding resources.
In Hawaii, we have a horrible homeless family, a homeless problem.
Much of our homeless problem comes from cities and counties around the United States sending their homeless here in the winter from Detroit, from Chicago.
But if you look at our homeless, our local homeless community, individuals generally don't fall to the street.
No one falls until the family falls.
And so we have a lot of families that are homeless, which is something I don't think you'll see in other parts of the United States.
You see people fall, but not families fall.
because your family stayed together.
The rich people moving to Hawaii, I was gonna leave, you kind of got me back.
Yeah, you're the Hawaiian.
You're the expert.
You know, I'm married to a Hawaiian, but I've been there your whole life.
But is it not that the billionaires coming in is just driving it up to drive out the small people?
Yeah, and that's why I'm glad you're sticking around, because this is what I wanted to ask you, Alex.
I know Elon Musk respects you.
Elon Musk's starlings have been a lifesaver here in Hawaii.
They've also been a lifesaver.
They were a lifesaver for us.
He needs to donate a bunch of starlings right now.
We need starlings, Elon Musk.
We need starlings.
But Elon, I'm going to give you your checkmate.
I don't know if you know this, Alex.
My hobby, my love, I used to be a fighter when I was a young man.
I still fight all the time.
I train in mixed martial arts.
My love is Muay Thai.
I know Elon was going to choke out Mark Zuckerberg, which would have been great.
But if you really want to checkmate this guy and him and his friends, you need to come out, Elon Musk.
And say, I stand with the people of Lahaina.
If Mark Zuckerberg and his friends think they're going to buy out Lahaina, Lahaina for locals.
Lahaina for Hawaiians and Lahaina for the Kama'aina.
And what is the difference?
I always want to distinguish between the Kama'aina and the Hawaiian community.
The Hawaiians are the children of Hawaii.
They're Hawaiian.
They're native Hawaiians.
This is their home.
The Kama'aina were created by globalism 100 years ago, Alex.
120 years ago.
They would bring in Filipinos and Chinese and Okinawans and Portuguese.
They even brought people who look like me, Scandinavians, and they thought the Scandinavians were going to work in the plantation.
That was the dumbest idea you could think of.
It didn't work out very well.
But they brought them here, they kept them separated by race, and they worked them to the bone.
And then after decades and decades of working to the bone, by the middle of the 20s, after World War II, they began to gain influence.
And they began to really participate in the instruments of colonization.
It's an incredible success story of the indigenous people and the slaves taking over.
And then what happens?
The general agreement in the mid-90s.
What knit together all of these communities?
You guys were beef self-sufficient, poultry, fish, grain.
Totally self-sufficient.
Overnight, everything's imported.
And the segregating us by race?
Oh yeah?
Well, that doesn't work.
Because that pretty girl over there, I don't care what you're saying, I'm going to talk to her.
And so what ended up happening is you start getting kids who are Filipino and Japanese, Chinese and Korean, Vietnamese and Haole.
Next thing you know, their grandkids are marrying each other.
So you meet people here and like, what is your ethnicity?
Everyone's mixed.
Obviously I'm not.
I tell people I'm Hapa Haole.
I'm half white, half whiter.
My kids are Hapa Hawaiian.
But I've talked to the Hawaiians, like you said, and I'm not bragging about my show,
when I go there, it's an anthropological view, I'm the most popular anywhere in Hawaii.
It's insane.
And because they're anti-establishment, they get it.
And I say, "Well, where are the Hawaiians?"
They go, "We're all Hawaiians now."
And that's the thing, is they get it.
It's the people have all come together.
Yeah, there's the native Hawaiians and there's the Kamaaina.
Under the Kingdom of Hawaii, you didn't have to be ethnically Hawaiian.
It wasn't a racist, Western idea of a kingdom.
You know, you had the Native Hawaiian Kingdom, had citizens that were Haole, you had citizens that were Okinawa and they were Japanese.
Those are called the Kama'aina, the children of the land.
And then there are the Hawaiians.
And now, of course, we're all one family.
I have nieces and nephews who I love.
With my whole heart, who are Native Hawaiian and Filipino and Chinese.
You know, and so it's really, we're knit together.
All of us are knit together.
And our humor is different.
I think a lot of woke people would sit around my household and listen to how we tell jokes about each other.
And they would be scandalized, you know, because our ethnicity comes into our humor.
But it is a success story against globalism.
The people of Hawaii, the culture of Hawaii, it's hard to radicalize.
It's hard to create divisions.
I would say COVID was a super storm to do that though.
Because we're so, the people of Hawaii are so radically committed to caring for the vulnerable, caring for the elderly.
And so that narrative that if you don't wear a mask, if you don't stay home, you're a baby killer was really powerful here.
And it was powerful for the most noble and beautiful of reasons, that they will do anything to protect their elderly.
But now it seems like they see through it.
They do.
No, it's amazing.
And that's what I said to my son's friend Tofoa.
He called me crying after I went viral on this one Instagram site.
He's like, Uncle, I'm so upset.
I said, Tofoa, don't be upset because people are going to see through this.
And I said to Tofoa at the time, I said, I love my community more than I'm worried about what they think of me right now.
That's it.
I love them more.
And I feared I feared the impact of COVID restrictions and COVID policies on Hawaii, and I feared what it was going to do, and I feared on depression, and I feared about the rise of suicide, and I feared food insecurity.
These things, you know, really, I worried about all of this.
We had elderly that died alone.
I'm a Catholic.
We had elderly that died alone and couldn't get the, couldn't receive last rites, which, could you imagine being an elderly, devout, pious, Catholic, Filipino woman?
This is my friend's aunt in her late 80s.
Her faith meant everything to her and she couldn't receive last rites.
This is to me as utterly, it was unimaginable.
And all these things really, I feared that.
But yeah, they were able to weaponize COVID here in a very powerful way.
But here's my message to those of you who think that you're going to own Lahaina.
They will never own Lahaina.
Lahaina will be for the locals.
Lahaina will be for those Hawaiian families that have been there forever.
I think it was in 400 AD when Lahaina first had inhabitants.
So, and those Kama'aina that were brought here, their ancestors were brought here and worked to the bone in the 19th and early 20th century, and they worked their whole lives for generations, you know, bleeding their blood into the land through their hard labor in the agriculture industry.
That, your highness, for them, Hawaii is the furthest place in the world from any place in the world.
The majority of Native Hawaiians live outside of Hawaii.
You have to understand what that means to a communitarian culture.
We picked New Braunfels, Texas because of all of our friends from Hawaii that moved there.
Our second week in Texas, we threw a party.
My neighbor came by the next day and said, I've lived here my whole life.
I've never had a party as big as yours.
How do you know all these people?
Because they saw our Hawaii license.
Well, let's be clear.
It's too expensive for the Hawaiians.
They're moving to Texas.
And that's what everyone has to decide.
They have to decide.
It's what I had to decide.
You know, one of the factors why we moved is my nonprofit was funded from my movies and from my public speaking.
And there was very little that came from donors at that time.
We had to sell our home, which had We did well and I threw $100,000 from the sale of the home into my nonprofit and we were able to buy a house in Hawaii in cash so I didn't have to take a paycheck for a year or so and we were able to save our work and thank God because
My organization was in a position to rescue thousands of Afghan SIVs.
In fact, now we're operating in every province in Afghanistan.
We have safe houses in Afghanistan and neighboring countries.
All right, Jason, stay there.
You take over.
I'm leaving.
I'll be listening.
But I've got to go to meetings to stabilize.
The enemy's at the gates.
Literally, like, fireballs are shooting over right now.
So I'm going to go stop the enemy right now.
We appreciate everybody.
Jason Jones takes over.
Go support him.
Make a donation.
Watch the material.
Share it.
If you can't make a donation, share the article.
Share the links.
This guy is doing a great job.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is Jason Jones sitting in.
I'm coming to you live from Maui.
I want to thank Alex again for always Sharing his program for vulnerable communities and especially for the people of Hawaii.
It breaks my heart that I have to be on the show to discuss a tragedy like this that was totally preventable and The news media is not covering it I think right now this hour that Alex Jones just gave to the people of Hawaii and I'm really hoping that tomorrow is I'll be to bring on Native Hawaiians from Lahaina to share what they've experienced because this is very important.
And I think it's also very important.
Well, I know it's very important that all of you listening, Alex reaches, this is a huge audience, but all of you who are using your social media, if you could share what you're finding on Instagram and other places, and I'm not talking speculation.
I'm not talking about people's theories.
But if you could share the stories from the Hawaiians, from the Kama'aina, from the families of Lahaina, just share their stories.
Let people understand what the people of Lahaina experienced.
The absolute, utter destruction, the devastation, because the mainstream media is hiding it.
I really don't know.
Why are they, you know, there are a thousand missing, two thousand missing, and then Slowly, day by day, letting the numbers creep up, 7, 12, it is absolutely unbelievable.
But what I want to do in this segment is we have eight minutes and I want to talk about why I think that the communities in Hawaii, first of all, I want to just state this clearly.
There is no way, there is absolutely no way that these vultures that are descending on Lahaina, Well, we are still sifting.
We're still looking.
We're still going through the remains.
Where families are wondering where their family members are who are missing.
Well, you still have to wear ventilators to walk down the street.
The vultures are descending to try to exploit and take advantage of these families.
They will never succeed.
Lahaina will be for locals.
Those Hawaiian families will have their land, those Kama'aina will have their homes, and they will not succeed.
But my speculation is that they don't want the world to know what happened to Lahaina.
Because they don't want people to have sympathy for the Hawaiians and for the people of Lahaina.
So this show right now and you sharing their stories will, I think, spread around the world.
But I want to talk about why I think that the people of Hawaii really have a secret to protect us from the ravages of globalism.
What makes it ironic is it's a community that was really brought together by globalism over 100 years ago, even before the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
You had industry bringing in migrant workers to work in the agriculture industry from the Philippines, from Japan, from Okinawa, from, you know, from Puerto Rico, believe it or not.
The word Paniolo, cowboy, comes from Español, Españolo.
They could, the first cowboys were Mexican.
And that's where we get the word Paniolo.
So it's a rich history and over a century of working together and living together and then finally marrying each other and having children.
It's a very diverse and beautiful community.
And so what are those principles that can stop a globalist from ripping apart our communities?
I think the first principle is telling the truth about the human person.
And that's the most fundamental truth.
If we don't know who the human person is, if we don't know who our neighbors are, if we don't know who we are, what else is there really to know?
You're lost.
And that truth is that each and every one of us has this incomparable dignity, that each one of us has a worth.
That you could go in one of Elon's rocket ships across the cosmos for all eternity in any direction, and you're never going to meet anyone more special, more beautiful, you're never going to bump into anything more spectacular than your neighbor.
It's just never going to happen.
That is the fundamental principle.
And that is something that when you come to Hawaii, you recognize automatically that it's a community that recognizes the incomparable dignity and beauty of the human person.
The other truth is that there is a law above governments.
There's a law above the opinions of man.
That there is some transcendent moral truth.
Um, that we can appeal to for justice.
And you see this in a lot of the videos that people are making.
They're appealing to justice because they feel that they've been wronged.
They've been wronged by the city and county for not properly preparing them for this catastrophe.
They were wronged by the President of the United States who didn't find it in his heart to even have one word to say for them.
Just no comment.
Absolutely unbelievable.
You know, what he could have said is, and I understand you don't want to speak out of your collate when you don't know what's happening.
He could have said, you know, it's a confused, it was a catastrophe.
Lahaina's gone.
And I'm trying to get all the information.
But while we're waiting for the information to come in, we're praying for all of those families.
How hard could that have been said?
Well, this is a man who sees no law other than his will.
The third principle is subsidiarity.
This principle protects us from outside distant powers.
That mean to rip our communities apart.
What does subsidiary mean?
It means that power should lie close to us.
Most power that influences the life of our community and our families should come from our community and from our families.
It shouldn't come from distant bureaucracies.
The Red Cross.
Or FEMA shouldn't come here and begin bossing families around, telling them what's what.
No, no.
This family, this community, can cooperate and partner with you to serve their needs.
You are not here to boss those communities around.
That's the principle of subsidiarity.
Another very important principle is solidarity.
And what is solidarity?
Solidarity is the idea that you share in the burdens of others.
Well, you're never going to go to any place on Earth And find a community that is more committed to sharing the burdens of each other.
And you see this right now.
The people from Maui and the people from the Outer Islands began immediately filling their boats.
I didn't hear the story that Alex mentioned, that they were coming in on jet skis.
That's the principle of solidarity.
And who are we in solidarity with?
The vulnerable.
And the vulnerable, it doesn't mean they're weak.
What vulnerable are strong people.
Mike Tyson was an infant.
And Mike Tyson, one day, will be an elderly man.
Muhammad Ali, later in life, because of Parkinson's, was a frail man.
Was he weak?
Well, he was Muhammad Ali.
But we all, at different times in our life, become vulnerable.
Communities, too.
Strong communities become vulnerable.
The principle of solidarity says that we share those burdens.
And when we share the burdens of suffering with our family members, with our friends, with our neighbors, with our community, well, the vulnerable aren't so vulnerable.
And that's the beauty of being a member of the human family.
Then the next one is a humane economy.
A humane economy recognizes that a just social order is grounded in private property rights.
But we have the rights to our property.
Those families in Lahaina have the rights to their property.
But it is very important that the community be thoughtful to that.
That we live in a commonwealth.
That we are stewards of property.
We don't expose the people of Lahaina to the vicious winds of international capital that will come in and consume them.
Flip it.
Sell it.
Exploit it.
And so that's why I want to say with absolute and utter confidence that Lahaina will be for the locals.
Lahaina will be for the Hawaiians.
Lahaina will be for the Kama'aina.
There is just no way, there is just absolutely no way that the people of Hawaii, and I believe the people of the world, We'll raise their voice and they will stand in solidarity with the families of Lahaina.
There is just no way in the world that we're going to let these vultures succeed.
They need to be chased away and they need to be exposed.
If you guys want to stand with the people of Lahaina as they struggle, You can go to HopeForHawaii.com.
100% of your donation will go directly to support the people of Lahaina.
And we are here right now.
That is HopeForHawaii.com.
And what we will do is after this is all done, we will audit the program.
We will place the audit there.
It will be an independent audit.
And I know it's scary when people take advantage of these crises.
So I want you to have full confidence.
That 100% of your donation at HopeForHawaii.com will go to the people of Lahaina.
We're working to meet all of their needs.
We're working with the Native Hawaiian community.
We're working with Epic Ministries.
We're working with those families on the ground to make sure that all of their needs are met.
Again, the best way we can honor The living is to remember the dead with proper burials.
The best way we can honor the dead is to care for their living.
I'll join you at the other side.
It's Jason Jones on the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I am Jason Jones, your guest host.
I am founder of the Vulnerable People Project.
Our website is thegreatcampaign.org.
I founded the Vulnerable People Project in 2002.
We have a very simple message, a very simple mission.
Our mission statement is, To stand with the most vulnerable people in the world when the world has left.
We do this by promoting human dignity and inspiring solidarity and treating people with the respect that they deserve.
And I want to do something on this last segment, this last 10 minutes, that links together four catastrophes that happened in recent history.
One is the collapse Of Iraq at the hands of Isis and the decimation of the ancient Christian communities and minority communities like the Yazidi and the Kakai, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which saw a country thrust into hunger and chaos and where those who trusted us and served alongside of us
died a brutal death, they were pushed down to the lowest levels of Afghan society.
Think of the tragedy of the widows and orphans of our Afghan allies who were killed in action
because they served alongside the United States and now their wives and children are fighting
just to live.
In Ukraine, a forever quagmire that is seeing the people of Ukraine ground into dust as
NATO and Russia dance on a minefield of strategic nuclear weapons and the catastrophe in Lahaina.
You may say, well, how Jason are these connected?
And I think that there's only two ways to order a society.
And those two ways are we order society around serving the vulnerable.
Or we order society around exploiting the vulnerable.
We can look at Iraq, Ukraine, Afghanistan, and Lahaina.
We can see both of those in action.
Let's look at, for example, Lahaina.
Let's start with Lahaina.
You have, on the one hand, Hawaiian families and Kama'aina families from all across the various Hawaiian islands loading their boats Filling their boats, filling their planes, chartering planes and putting on to the last pound as much weight on those planes and in those boats as they possibly can to get aid to the people of Lahaina.
Then you have vultures, and God knows where they are in the world, working the phones.
There was one gentleman I saw on the news that said he received eight phone calls, I believe it was in one hour.
I cannot imagine How infuriating that would be.
In fact, in the news segment, he took it much better than I would have.
He said, well, you know, there's always going to be people like that.
And he's right.
I guess we have to understand there's always going to be people like that.
But you had folks that are donating, jumping on planes, coming over here and seeking to serve the vulnerable.
And you have those that are seeking to exploit them.
So when we, I want to share a date with you.
August 3rd, 2014, President Barack Obama had just called ISIS the JV team.
And that was a true statement.
You put ISIS up against the United States military, and they in fact are the JV team.
So, it would have been a very simple task for the United States to prevent a major genocide.
But instead, the Obama administration sat on its hands and looked the other way, as the most precious and beautiful communities in the world were literally being wiped off the mat.
August 3rd, 2014 is the anniversary of the ISIS attack on the Yazidi people.
And it was devastating.
August 15th, 2020 is the anniversary of the United States' ham-fisted, upside down and backwards, catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.
We left at the worst possible time with no thoughtfulness to the well-being of the people that we spent $2 trillion in a $2 trillion grift For the military industrial complex and the NGO grifting complex, we spent $2 trillion in 20 years, and the people who most trusted in us faced death by murder, starvation, or by the elements.
It gets very cold in Afghanistan.
On October, I mean on August 22nd, I'm sorry, 26th, 2020, the anniversary is coming up of the explosion at Abbeygate.
What do we know about the explosion at Abbey Gate?
We now know that the CIA, we now know, it's not speculation, that the CIA had known there was a terrorist in the area, planning a bombing, and the American Army and Marine snipers were told to stand down and not engage the target.
This resulted in a bomb blast that killed 13 Americans and 170 Afghans, and it led to countless Afghans being wounded.
This is an unbelievable catastrophe.
And then on August 30th, 2020 will be the two year anniversary of the United States' last plane leaving from Afghanistan.
We saw Afghans falling from planes.
We know, and the Biden administration knew, that many of our allies were being murdered.
What was the response to the Biden administration?
They said, it couldn't have been better.
We did a great job.
In fact, for you veterans, they made a challenge coin for the mission, celebrating it as one of the greatest successes in American history.
Well, I would say that it was one of the greatest catastrophes in world history.
It was a blunder that left over $80 billion in weapons to the Taliban.
That's the equivalent of all military aid to Israel from 1949 to 2019.
Something that's absolutely unbelievable.
I saw that they put on the screen as I was talking, our Hope for Sudan campaign.
We have patches for all the countries that we work in.
Sadly, that we put on our hats for our team, our team members in the different countries.
Sadly, recently, we've been having to create a lot of patches because we've added a lot of countries.
I'll talk about what happened in Sudan just this past summer, a civil war.
Okay, we have a guest, but a civil war erupted Embassy was closed and American citizens were abandoned.
I want to welcome a guest.
He actually began sending me messages very early on and videos, and I credit him with getting me so upset that I said it's just not enough for me to fundraise, that I have to jump on a plane and I have to come to Maui to see what's going on myself because my heart was so broken.
And I know that, Jacob, you're a huge Alex Jones fan.
Jacob, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you, sir.
I just want to say mahalo to all the support, the love and support we're getting.
Sorry, the video might be a little shaky, but I just want to say that the truth needs to get out.
You know, we can only, we can't count on the news.
We can't count on our government officials here.
We can't count on nobody.
Like the people of Hawaii are coming together for each other.
They're finally stopping.
They're letting us, you know, with the power of the people and the word getting out, They're letting locals actually help locals out.
You know, people are coming from Molokai, Lanai, all over the state pouring out into us, and they've been getting stymied this whole time, and it almost seems like a setup, right?
We're like, wait, you don't want our help?
It's just so confusing, it's very complicated, we realize it, but...
The truth has to get out and we had to get it onto the biggest platform.
We know we can't, KITVs get to 150,000.
We need, we need millions of people to hear this story.
These people right now are getting taken advantage of and people are tired and sad.
So we just need to get the word out.
Please, you guys, we really, really need your help right now.
And you really be really skeptical on who you're giving money to out there guys.
Jacob, um, What do you think the real casualty level's at?
Well, you know, I already knew it was going to be over a thousand.
You know, I get firsthand accounts of people coming out, escaping with a shirt on their back, saying there's bodies in the street, there's bodies floating in the water.
All that stuff is true.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
You know, I'm hearing directed weather and all this stuff like that.
You know, weather manipulation is real, okay?
So this is a... Go ahead.
We're down to a minute, brother.
And just for the skeptics who are watching, is it true that Lahaina residents are being bombarded with realtors who are prowling for their property?
Yeah, it is.
It is.
And you know what's sad?
Is there's people that are actually abating them, right?
And they're basically You know, this is the true colors of people, you know, in situations like this.
You see who's money hungry, you see which politicians have our back, which ones don't.
We just got done with our election season, they made so many promises to us, and now they're selling us out.
But you know, it's no surprise, you know what I mean?
Like, anybody who wanted to vote in person, unallowed to, you couldn't, you know, they stymied everything.
They just, like, we're under globalist attack.
We're down to a last minute, Jacob.
I'm going to meet with you today.
We're going to try to get BJ Penn and others on tomorrow.
So I'm going to call you as soon as I get off, okay?
Okay, sounds good.
Guys, in these last 46 seconds, if you want to support the people of Lahaina, I'd ask you to go to HopeForHawaii.com.
If you give $100, that $100 goes directly to the people of Lahaina.
If anyone gives over $250 or more, you'll get the adjacent, you'll get the hat that I'm wearing right here for the Vulnerable People Project, and we'll send you the Lahaina patch.
We have Hawaii patches because that's our home, that's where we were founded.
We'll send you the Lahaina patch and if it breaks my heart, we have to do that.
I want to thank Alex Jones.
I want to thank all of you.
Thank you for praying for the people of Lahaina.
Thank you for standing with the people of Lahaina.
That's HopeForHawaii.com.
Help us support all the families of Lahaina.
Aloha and God bless you.
I'll talk to you tomorrow, guys.
I've not been this excited ever!
Oh yeah, Mud Club, baby!
The replatforming begins now.
Join Mug Club and get one month free with promo code ALEX at jonescrowder.com Now we're about to play you a clip from a well-known prestigious doctor, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, laying out some of the latest numbers.
These are hard, cold numbers.
See this for yourself.
One of the big pieces of news over the last couple of days has been a substack by a gentleman called Peter Halligan.
Peter Halligan.
He's a most experienced analyst in the financial industry, extremely used to looking at statistics and translating them into a summary statement.
And this is the summary statement, and I hope your leaders are sitting down, holding themselves, because what I'm going to tell you intuitively sounds ridiculous.
That's why it's so Incredibly important that I say this.
These numbers are best estimates at this point in time using government data for the global consequences of the clout shot in terms of death and morbidity, otherwise known as serious adverse events such as heart attack, strokes, pulmonary emboli, etc.
We've been focusing for good reason on North American statistics during the last two and a half years.
But this man has extrapolated that into the total effect, negative effect, of the clock chart.
And these are the numbers.
Deaths, global deaths, directly attributable to the vaccine, 20 million.
20 million deaths due to the plot shot and 2 billion, big B, 2 billion serious adverse reactions of the type I described.
Now these numbers are beyond staggering.
They, to contrast that with history, Vaccines have typically been pulled from the market when the last one, the bird flu vaccine was pulled with only 35, 3-5 deaths.
I hope people can appreciate the scale of what is going on here.
An unimaginable carnage.
Which isn't over.
Ladies and gentlemen, what you just saw is literally the tip of the iceberg.
Go to Infowars.com.
The full videos are there.
We're playing them on the regular weekday show, 11am to 3pm.
This is a covert holocaust.
This is global depopulation.
So please, tell your friends, your family, strangers, your neighbors.
If they want to know the truth, go to Infowars.com so you can see these full reports for yourself.
And please keep us on air.
We're barely hanging on right now.
We've been vindicated on so many levels, but the deep state is attacking us and only you can keep us on air.
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