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Name: 20230730_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 30, 2023
1156 lines.

The speaker discusses the health benefits of fish and krill oils, highlighting their effectiveness for brain, body, and heart health. They acknowledge that krill oil may cause burps but consider it the better option. While not making a medical claim, they share a personal experience where taking five capulets of krill oil before bed allowed them to see Santa Claus. The speaker notes that their company does not make substantial profits from fish oil sales but aims to offer high-quality products."

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Listen to me very, very carefully if you want to live.
It's Sunday, July 30th, 2023, and the United Nations and the private corporations that control it have already implemented a global shutdown of fertilizer that will trigger a collapse of the third world, that will trigger a global depression.
Already what they've done is irreversible.
They're now accelerating banning the use of natural gas all over the world and banning the appliances that use natural gas.
You already know what we've already listed.
Gas stoves, gas generators, other gas farming equipment, space heaters, hot water heaters.
The list goes on and on.
They're shutting down the majority of the farms in the Netherlands, already shut down 10% this year.
That's the third largest producer in the world.
They're now shutting the farms down in Ireland.
I'm about to play you a clip of John Kerry at the Davos Group saying, food hurts the earth, it's warming the earth, so we must cut food.
Then the UN tells you people are starving globally, we need More UN funding to feed the starving people, and they tell you they're starving because of global warming.
There is no logic here.
They just think the public is so stupid that they'll sit there and hear them say, we need to cut the food off, and they are cutting the food off.
At the same time, it's happening because of global warming.
When they're the ones cutting it off, they claim to stop global warming.
They're not just coming after your space heater or your cow or the meat you eat or the milk you drink.
They're coming after all of the normal agriculture.
They're saying organic is the worst out there.
What they're doing is shutting down all the independent companies and businesses in the world and vertically integrating them.
And we're already deep into this.
So just because it's wildly unpopular, To starve billions to death just because it's wildly unpopular to dissolve borders, just because it's wildly unpopular to promote pedophilia.
The globalists don't care.
They're setting up this dystopia right now.
So on this live Sunday show, I want everybody to just take notes now and understand where we are.
The technocracy, the megacorporations, have already broken the supply chain.
They're already imploding the third world.
They're already organizing giant masses of people that are starving to death.
To march them into our countries as political weapons and this is only the beginning.
It's already going to cause the biggest genocide the world has ever seen.
But this is how...
Communists in China took over and starved 50 plus million people and then killed, over the next few decades, another 30, 40 million people, was taking them off the land and cutting the food off.
It's what Stalin and Lenin did to the Kulaks, it's what they did in Ukraine, it's what they did in Russia, to the Christians.
This has been done over and over again.
And the UN said decades ago they would use food as a weapon.
That's how I can tell you in my film, the Obama deception,
made the first year Obama even got into office, 2009, everything that Obama would then do.
And I tell you in that movie, they're gonna cut off your space heaters,
they're gonna ban wood burning stoves, they're gonna take your meat away.
And by the way, I'm gonna cover this more next week, but they're clearly about to hit the meat supply
with prions that are similar to the spike protein.
They're obsessed with that.
That's how they're gonna ban most of the beef.
Then they're gonna hit all the other meat.
So when they're setting up all these giant facilities to breed bugs and they're saying you will eat bugs,
they're not playing games, folks.
They are deadly, deadly serious.
So here's some of John Kerry saying they're gonna take your food away,
that the UN's gonna take your food away.
And then doesn't mention it'll kill billions.
We'll come right back with a full broadcast, but they're coming for us, this isn't a game.
Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world.
Depending a little bit on how you count it, but it's anywhere from 26 to 33.
And we can't get to net zero.
We don't get this job done.
Unless agriculture is front and center as part of the solution.
But with a growing population on the planet, we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world.
We just crossed that in this last year.
Emissions from the food system alone Are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century on the current course that we are today.
So we have to reduce emissions from the food system to keep the 1.5 degrees alive.
Why do we have to keep 1.5 degrees alive?
Because scientists As a basis of physics and mathematics.
Not ideology and politics or party labels or anything else.
As a matter of physics and mathematics and some biology and chemistry have told us.
These are the consequences.
And we already see it happening.
And almost everything they've predicted for 30 plus years now is coming true.
But the problem is it's coming true faster and bigger than... It's Sunday.
July 30th, 2023.
And I just played, in the first segment that some stations don't carry, a clip of John Kerry at the Davos Group saying, we must cut global food supply massively to, quote, save the Earth.
Then he said, none of our science has ever been disproven and everything's come true.
Nothing they said came true.
It came out Last year that CNN had been given talking points that once they were done with the COVID fear they would shift to global warming to again fund the United Nations and global carbon taxes.
This is total psyop mind control run by our nation's militaries.
I'm about to go to a clip here on this Sunday broadcast of Dr. Michael Yidan, the former vice president of Pfizer, their top virologist.
We're in just three minutes.
He lays out the fact that this is all a scientific program for total depopulation that we're living in the middle of.
They're coming for our children.
They're coming for our food.
They're coming for our resources.
They're coming for every form of energy.
They're shutting it all down.
They're not playing games.
I'd tell people 20 years ago, the plan was to ban eating meat and take your car away and even take your kids.
People said, Come on, Alex.
That'll never happen.
They may say they want to do it, but they'll never get away with it.
And now, you're living in it.
And here's the key.
The key.
The key.
Write this down.
Listen to me.
This is why they're going ahead with the plan.
They know a lot of us are awake.
They know a lot of governments are awake.
They know a lot of individuals are awake.
In fact, the majority in some areas.
But here's the problem.
They are releasing viruses and blaming it on global warming, cutting the food supply off, blaming global warming, starting wars, blaming global warming.
They're creating the economic cultural systems of total revolution and collapse, the Great Reset, and admitting that's their plan, and then posing as the saviors to bring in their world government, transhumanist global system on its ashes.
So we sit back and say, what terrible managers wrecking economies to consolidate control, doubling their money during the COVID lockdowns for big corporations.
People are turning against them, but they're planning new crises, new wars, new viruses to make you forget the last ones.
And it's because we don't have a memory.
Collectively, they're able to get away with this.
So let's play it very slowly.
I know most of you get it, but for new viewers, they are going to blame all the hell they admit that they've set loose to build the post-industrial world, to build their new world order on it.
On global warming.
They cut off the resources for three years in the third world.
And then they flood us with illegals.
They collapse the society.
And John Kerry in other speeches says, we've been flooded by tens of millions.
If you don't set up global government and carbon taxes and all the rest of it, we'll be flooded with more when they collapse.
It's their policies that are collapsing things directly by them.
And now they're even admitting they want to collapse the world food supply, and then they're going to blame that on global warming, as if we have no memory.
So that's how they figured this out.
That's how they're getting away with this.
And I don't see a lot of people that understand this, even the top scientists and researchers that are debunking all the fraud they put out about global warming.
And again, we've not broken any records.
It's all lies.
Anybody can look it up.
The general public doesn't look it up.
They just believe what they're told.
It's hot in Death Valley.
It's hot in Texas.
It's hot in Alabama.
It's hot in the Sahara, too, in the summer.
All right.
I'm going to play this incredible Dr. Michael Yudon clip that Owen Schroer is taking over.
I'll be back tomorrow with a huge, huge breakdown on transhumanism and the globalist takeover, a tour de force, deep dive on transhumanism, depopulation, the New World Order.
With Steve Bannon and an amazing author and researcher who's also joining us to look for that Monday show.
But now, listen to Michael Yeadon.
He sounds exactly like me.
Not because he's getting it from me.
He's reading their own documents.
Listen to him.
We're going to archive this once we're not live later to be on that video.
Share this like your life depends on it, because it does.
This is a new type of warfare.
We can stop it together.
We've got to admit we're under attack and we've got to warn everybody and explain the compendium of how the whole system unfolds.
They hit you with dozens of different societal attacks.
They offer the solution of being the saviors throughout the attacks, and because it's all separated in different attacks, people don't see that it's the IMF, World Bank, through the Davos Group and the UN orchestrating it.
They own the media, they own the banks, they own academia.
Now they're making their move on the family, but we will stand together.
We don't have a choice.
Here's Dr. Michael Yudon.
Listen, take notes, and understand our lives and children's lives and our future depends on getting We're in the middle of an ongoing crime.
I've no idea how long it's going to last.
I think it's, I'm convinced that it will be the biggest crime in history.
It's global.
It has the intent of control, removing everybody's freedom, and I personally think will involve killing further millions, if not billions of people.
That makes it a pretty big competitor for the title worst crime in history.
It is long planned.
I won't bore you with the details, but I've definitely come across information that shows that the components of the deceit that they've used—exaggerated PCR testing, the use of fear-based messaging through the media—this stuff's been rehearsed by militaries and the people we might think of as the spooks for at least 25 years and possibly longer. So it's long
planned, very serious. Here's the thing, why I'm calling you to arms. It's not going to return to
the old normal. One, that's never their intention. So it's not going to happen passively because it's
not, there isn't an actual phenomenon that's going to wear off. They're not going to allow it to
return to normal. So if you comply with this tyranny, it will end with the loss of your
liberty and probably your life.
The supply chains that move raw materials and finished goods around the world are being thrown through on a global scale.
You've only got to look at where the shipping is, where it should be and where it actually is.
And terrifyingly, the same is happening to food production, worldwide food and fertilizer production.
It's in the wrong place.
It's deliberate.
They're smashing the means of manufacturing enough calories to keep 7.8 billion people alive.
And, you know, where do you think that's going to end?
Well, the answer is mass starvation or a global migration.
That's what's going to happen if you and everybody else choose to do nothing at all.
Also, economic destruction we can see happening around us.
Interest rates will rise.
On the back of huge debts that will just cause mass bankruptcies, rolling, recessions, depressions, things like that.
And I would also imagine loss of confidence in the very thing called money.
So any savings you've got, I think they'll just vanish.
Literally, people will just say, I no longer trust Sterling.
I don't want to accept it.
And so all your savings are now worth nothing.
So if you wait, I believe it will be too late.
I think you already know.
I'm broadly telling you something that's closer to the reality than what Government is telling me, but I believe that we can head off the worst crimes in history by actively withdrawing our consent and definitely not accepting these digital IDs for any reason.
If you accept it, they will sweep over us.
Just in the last few words, I implore you to get involved, to use some of what I and others are saying to you.
Be brave, actually.
We have to be brave now and risk embarrassment and recruit other people to this cause and we can roll them over.
So what's the lesson we learn now that we have all the scientific data that they already had and hid from you and told you the vaccine was safe and effective when they knew it was neither safe or effective?
What is the lesson It's that the power structure that controls this planet does not care if you die.
And they don't even care if they kill you.
They have enough power over the media and your politicians that they know nothing will happen.
Well, what's the other lesson?
How did InfoWars and many other people predict that all of this would come true?
Well, because we have the sense of urgency.
We understand the playing field that we are on right now.
And so, unfortunately, it looks at this point like Big Pharma is going to get away with all of that.
Because, you know, your Congress and media didn't have the sense of urgency when this was all happening.
Now, when you see what's going on in Russia with the drone strikes today, and Russia said there were also other drone strikes that they thwarted, so there are multiple drone attacks on Russia, one made it to a central financial district in Moscow.
You have to understand, the same power structure that injected poison into your veins and killed you, would gladly start a world war to maintain their power, and that's what they're attempting to do.
They want to provoke Russia into a larger attack, nuclear attack, what have you, so that they can start World War III and blame Russia.
And you say, well, that's absolutely crazy.
This will cause billions of people to die.
The power structure that controls this planet does not care.
It has a vision for the future 10,000 years in advance.
Total slavery of humanity or whatever is left of it when they're finished with us
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You've most likely seen a James Bond movie or some depiction of a film where a criminal
group of elites have visions of dominance and world power.
And when you see it laid out in a movie, you think, oh, wow.
That's intriguing.
That's interesting.
But we live in that reality.
And it's more interesting than any of the Hollywood films that they put out.
But we have to understand, there has been a plan in the works for decades, if not centuries, of globalization, one world government, and you might use the Political terms or ideologies such as communism or fascism or even slavery to describe this system that they're building.
But it's essentially an autonomous network of activity here on the planet that is totally controlled and operated by the power structure at the top.
And in that vision, humanity Humans are essentially obsolete or a commodity for whatever they can be used for.
So this concept that really came out of the Enlightenment, and then the Renaissance, and then the Declaration of Independence, that you are in charge of your destiny, you are a sovereign being, you as the individual matter, and so therefore you should be in charge of your own fate, your own future.
And so that idea has to be completely driven out of the human consciousness.
And that idea originates now, as we understand it, out of the West.
And so now the West is under complete assault.
Ideologically, with the propaganda, on the television, in the schools, in the movies.
And they don't want you to relate to your birthright Of being born free in this republic with the right to self-government.
Now why am I laying all of this out?
Because as soon as you understand that there is a power structure that wants to eliminate your freedom, there is a power structure with a vision to turn the whole planet into essentially a slave colony.
Then you understand why they commit such evil acts.
Then you understand their commitment to their vision.
And you understand why things are only going to get crazier from here on out.
Now it's very important to understand this dynamic when dealing with what's going on in Russia.
Because at this point, there's no doubt that Russia and the geopolitical moves coming out of Russia are the biggest threat to the global government, at least with the West having the most power and influence over where it goes in the current timeline.
And that's why they're setting up the BRICS system with China and other countries.
And that's why You see them refusing to allow Ukraine to become a part of NATO because it's all about this system of the West just eating everything up and stealing the resources from all the people that they can get under their thumb.
And so Russia says you're not going to do that to the Ukrainian people and you're not going to inch even closer to our doorstep.
We know what your plans are.
So now you have And who knows how much of this is actually coming from the Biden White House versus the Pentagon or the CIA groups that most likely are running Zelensky.
They are trying to bait.
They are trying to goad Russia into a larger strike so that they can start World War III
ahead of the 2024 presidential elections.
Because if Trump or somebody else gets into the White House that isn't
owned and controlled by the same criminal group that has probably controlled every
president that I've been alive for and most likely you as well, then you see that sets them back.
And they can't have that setback, and they can't have the American people finding their spirit again, finding their soul again, like we see at all these Trump rallies.
I'll show you some of that coming up later today.
Ukraine drone strikes Moscow, shutting down Russian airspace and damaging buildings close to Kremlin.
Now again, let's just show you this clip so you can understand the power of this explosion.
This wasn't just like a firework, but certainly not like a missile.
But here is the drone flying into the financial district of Moscow
and blowing up the side of one of the buildings.
Now I don't want to go too much into the strategy here because A) I'm not the military strategic
expert and B)
I don't think it takes a genius to understand that this is obviously very low-level warfare when you talk about flying a drone into a building.
Now there's questions that remain, like the obvious one, well why?
What's the purpose of this?
Because the West wants Russia to retaliate In a more extreme fashion, if not with a nuclear strike, so that they can start World War III.
And they want this to happen sooner the better, because the 2024 presidential election next year is a big obstacle for them, even though they still control and rig it in most cases.
Still, they don't even want the process to happen, folks.
They don't even want the process to happen.
They don't want you to see what happened yesterday in Erie, Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump getting 30,000 people at a rally.
They don't want that to happen 100 more times, 200 more times before the election.
They don't want people chanting USA, USA at these rallies.
They don't want people finding their spirit, finding their hope.
So they've got to do something as devastating as possible.
This is at the Trump rally yesterday.
So the American resurgence is there.
It's kind of like a dormant volcano starting to bubble right now.
And we had a little taste of it, I think, for four years under Trump.
They put a lid on it with COVID, and now we're starting to bubble back up and feel like, okay, we got another shot here.
We can get Trump in.
Maybe we can get the economy going again.
Maybe we can start to establish some peace in these areas that have been war-torn for a long time.
The globalists don't want that.
That's not a part of their plan.
That's not a part of their vision.
Now I'm going to get into more of the details when it comes to the situation with this drone strike.
Apparently this wasn't the only attempted drone strike.
Russia was able to thwart a couple others.
But when you understand that Ukraine is totally depleted right now and the West's operating capabilities aren't so great, you understand that this is basically what they got.
They basically got drones that they can fly into Moscow and blow stuff up to try to provoke Russia into a larger war.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So this isn't the first time a drone has blown up in Moscow.
And I really think this shows actually the weakness of whatever the West has left as far as the proxy wars.
In Ukraine, which is probably a good thing that all they can do, and I'm not trying to make light of the situation, but if all they can do is throw, blow up a drone in Moscow, it's like, okay, well, that's basically what they got.
You know, they're telling you how they're winning the war.
Actually, they're not.
It's been nothing but defeat.
All the money, all the ammunition, all the weapons that have been sent in has completely disappeared.
It's completely exhausted.
And so, they're just flying kamikaze drones into Moscow now.
So imagine, so that's what they're doing here, and you wonder why Russia doesn't want another NATO country at their doorstep.
They're blowing up drones in the middle of Moscow and you wonder why Russia doesn't want a NATO country at their doorstep.
Now there's another developing situation here.
Saudi Arabia to host Ukraine peace talks without Russia.
Saudi Arabia is set to host international peace talks on Ukraine next month involving the US, EU, and countries from Asia, Africa, and Latin America, diplomats have told the Wall Street Journal.
But Russia is not said to be attending.
Now I wonder what... I wonder what the Saudi royalty is thinking here, because they have a good relationship with Donald Trump.
But they also have a good relationship, generally speaking, with the US.
And so...
Maybe they don't really care if it's Trump or Biden.
They'll do their bidding if it means that the friendly, geopolitical, diplomatic, military relations continue.
But I am curious.
I do wonder, I do wonder if Saudi Arabia and their friends of Donald Trump aren't in there feeding him intelligence on what's really going on behind the scenes here.
And it is odd that Russia wouldn't get invited to that as well.
Putin says neutral status for Ukraine fundamental to Russia.
And so again, that's what this is all about.
We don't even have a real conversation, a real debate on why the war is going on or what can be done to stop it.
It's pretty simple.
Ukraine does not join NATO.
And this might have been an issue in the past.
I think Russia solved it now, but you're no longer going to oppress the Russian people that are in eastern Ukraine.
Well, now Russia has moved in and annexed those territories and freed those people.
But they just gotta keep it out there.
And that's why last month, or I guess earlier this month, when NATO rejected Ukraine's membership, And then Zelensky got all hot about it and I said, now hold on.
So the United States government is going to continue to fund NATO and they're going to continue to fund the war in Ukraine.
And they get to have their cake and eat it too and say, well, you just can't join yet, but maybe in the future.
No, it's how about you never get to join.
You're not a NATO country, but that'd be a nice start.
You should just abolish NATO altogether.
That would be the real solution here.
was behind both Crimean bridge attacks.
Seymour Hersh.
Well, anything Ukraine does at this point is not going to happen without the green light from the West or Zelensky's handlers.
So yeah, pretty much anything Ukraine does is going to be Western backed or Western green lit.
And that's who's paying all the bills, by the way.
So, yeah, who's the boss here?
The West is paying the bills.
The West is making the calls.
The United States government is stealing your money to try to start a war with Russia before the 2024 presidential election.
They gotta have something to cancel it, because Biden ain't gonna win.
In fact, no Democrat really has a chance to win without the obvious theft going down.
But even that, we have a heightened sense of awareness on that in the American people.
So they'd rather just not have any elections.
Victor Orban, only Western money keeps Ukraine war going.
Peace is up to USA.
He said on a radio program over the weekend.
And that's just the truth.
That's just the truth.
And apparently, we knew about prior drone attacks in Ukraine, or by Ukraine in Russia, And Russia is saying that there were other attacks that they thwarted.
Russia says thwarted Ukrainian drone attacks on Moscow and Crimea.
So there were multiple drone attacks.
The one hit Moscow, but there were others that were thwarted by the Russian military.
So the warmongers in the West are really looking for a fight with Russia, and it's just...
You'd think our politicians would understand the dire nature of this, but apparently not.
Apparently they've got too many friends, or maybe themselves, with interest in the weapons contracting stock markets.
So they just do not care.
Oh, it'll stay over there.
We'll never pay the price.
We'll just have a bunch of Ukrainians and Russians dead, and we'll be rich, and we'll laugh on our way to the bank.
We'll laugh on our way to cash in our weapons contractor stocks.
It'll all be fun and games.
And then you just continue to get robbed.
Your country continues to get sold out.
You continue to get one step closer to World War III.
Zelensky says war coming to Russia after Moscow drone attack.
This little tyrant is now puffing up his chest, banging his chest right in front of the Russians, and it's really embarrassment because they've kicked his ass up one curb and down the other for the last two years, and he gets whoever it is from the West, the Biden administration, the Pentagon, the CIA says, You're going to attack Russia.
You're going to drone strike Russia.
You're going to puff up your chest to Russia.
You're going to be a big tough guy here.
And you know who pays the real price?
Well, it's not just the price tag that we pay as American taxpayers.
It's the 100,000 Ukrainians that have died because of this.
And as long as this war continues, the Ukrainian army, Zelensky is sending generals into Remote parts of Ukraine, remote parts of Western Ukraine, villages, towns, and he's forcing them to serve in the military.
No training, no experience.
Many of them have never even fired a gun.
They get put out in the middle of these wars.
They get stranded in the field.
They get rounded up by Russian soldiers as prisoners of war.
They film them on video saying what happened.
They explain it all like, I'm at home with my family.
Ukrainian military comes, says, go serve and fight Russia or we kill you and your family.
So here I am.
I don't even know how to shoot a gun.
Now my legs are blown off by a mine.
Will you please take care of me?
And Zelensky sits up there and bangs on his chest as Ukrainians are getting their legs blown off, their arms blown off, dying by a hundred thousand in the field.
And he just says, we're going to launch this war with Russia.
And of course, it's all his Western handlers telling him to do that.
But now see, if you're the Biden administration, you're thinking, well, gee, if we have a larger war here,
maybe we can just cancel the upcoming elections.
Wouldn't that be great?
I mean, we could steal it again, but everybody kind of is aware and privy to that, so maybe we should just cancel them and we'll use war as the excuse.
Well, what about the old virus narrative?
Well, they kind of already know about the virus thing, and now everybody knows that the vaccines kill them too, so I don't know if that's the best idea.
I think war.
I think let's try to start a nuclear war with Russia.
That way we can remain in power.
And then you have the World Economic Forum and the Bill Gates of the world.
They love that too, because anything that weakens sovereign nation states, anything that weakens independent citizens, is good for them to centralize and consolidate into their system.
So while all this is going on, and that's bad news, The good news is there is definitely a heightened sense of awareness to all of this and they do not have the support for this war in Ukraine.
They do not have any support for the globalization and you owning nothing and liking it.
No, we the people of this country want to be free and we want to own property and we don't want to get taxed on it
It is Sunday, July 30th.
That means there's one more day left in the month of July, which means there's one more day left in the July Patriot Pride Month sales happening right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Let's, we'll get into the latest in the Biden crime family in the second hour of today's transmission, but let's just show you what is, okay, so we've got the two leading candidates right now for president, Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
Should we do a little juxtaposition of what they're up to this weekend?
Let's start with Donald Trump.
Let's start with Trump.
Guys, let's just give you a feel.
Let's just give you a taste of the crowd in Erie, Pennsylvania.
I'm just going to shut up and you can just feel like you were there for a moment.
And guys, just give me clips 7 and 9 back to back.
This was the crowd in Erie, Pennsylvania for Donald Trump yesterday.
[crowd cheering]
Thank you very much, Gary, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really.
Well, thank you very much, Erie. We love Erie. We've been winning Erie.
It just feels good.
It just feels good.
You know, I don't want to... I wasn't planning on doing this.
And believe me, I understand.
I understand the people that don't want to vote for Trump.
I understand the people that said He's had his chance.
I want something else.
I understand the problems people have with Trump.
It's perfectly fine.
I get it.
I'm not here to disagree with you.
But how can you not want to tap into that energy?
Nobody else brings anything like it, folks.
Nobody brings it like that.
And it's not Donald Trump.
It's the people.
You can't get that kind of energy at a ballgame, folks.
That is epic stuff.
You ever felt that?
You ever felt that in a crowd?
I don't think it's ever been felt in politics like it is when Donald Trump is having a rally.
There's nothing else like that.
There's nobody on the Republican side of the aisle that can match that.
Obviously, Joe Biden can't come anywhere near that.
It's ridiculous.
It's not even close.
This is like comparing the New York Yankees in popularity to the Oshawa Koshawa Geese.
Who's that exactly?
Did I make that name up or does it actually exist?
Doesn't matter, they're not as popular as the New York Yankees.
Who's Asha Hutchinson?
Doesn't matter, he's not as popular as Donald Trump.
It's about we, the people.
And you know, it's funny too.
One of the crew here, the amazing crew here, sent me a website because he knows I'm very nostalgic with the 90s.
And there's this website he sent me.
It's called My90sTV.
I'm not trying to do a promo for them here, but I'm not going to lie.
It's a pretty awesome website.
And I'm just sitting there clicking through it this weekend, and Trump interviews pop up.
Because Trump was on Letterman, and he was invited on all these talk shows.
And you can just go through 90s talk shows and just click through them.
And there's a bunch of Donald Trump interviews.
The guy has been saying the same stuff for 30 years.
For 30 years!
And every time he's on one of these talk shows, I'm not even kidding you, it didn't matter.
Every time Letterman, Leno, didn't matter.
Every time he was hammering the politicians.
Hammering the politicians saying what a bad job they did.
Hammering the politicians talking about the potential of America that they're squandering.
He's been saying this in the national spotlight for 30 freaking years.
And by the way, back then, Oprah, Letterman, all the talk show hosts, they were all begging him to run.
But now it's 30,000 people filling up an arena in Pennsylvania that Joe Biden won.
That Joe Biden won.
And I think it's important these rallies to continue to happen and continue to be well attended because Who could believe this?
Who could believe that Joe Biden won Pennsylvania when Donald Trump can have, he could have 10 straight rallies in Pennsylvania, get 30,000 people at each rally, have 300,000 people turn out.
Joe Biden, Joe Biden could have rallies every day for the rest of the year and he wouldn't even be able to get 50,000 people to show up.
Oh, but Biden won Pennsylvania, I'm sure.
Trump took a couple of hits at Joe Biden.
This one got a bit of a rise out of the crowd in clip eight At the top of this game never was at the top of a game never was We have a guy who's a dumb son of a bitch and to allow this to happen And He went on To talk about what Biden is doing, sending troops to Europe, which is now totally confirmed.
He is sending troops and he's giving them bonus pay.
By the way, the Democrats voted against funding the VA, but they voted for bonus pay for any troops that they're sending to fight in Ukraine now.
And here's Trump addressing that in clip five.
Congress should immediately vote to block Joe Biden's recent call up of reserve forces.
We're sending now troops over to Europe to fight.
We're sending troops to fuel this escalating conflict.
Not a single American life should be put at risk because crooked Joe Biden has been Illegally paid off?
He's been paid off.
He's a corrupt president.
And you know what?
I would have never said that.
I have too much respect for the Office of the Presidency, and I never said that.
I can't say great things about him because he's been a horrible president.
But I would never say... But you know what?
Now we have to take the gloves off, because they took the gloves off, so we take the gloves off.
And, uh, just so you see, this was outside the rally here, guys.
Clip 9, just B-roll the clip 9 for me.
Here, this is just outside the rally as they were opening the doors.
Just tens of thousands of people before the doors even open.
Again, it's just, there's nothing else like this in politics.
And even just the energy you can't even find.
You'd have to go to, like, a Super Bowl, you know, a big college football stadium or something just to tap into that human energy.
And so, Well, I don't want to get into too much about why I support it or why I think eventually, even if you don't like Trump now, you're going to end up supporting it in a year.
But there's just something special about it, folks.
It's just, it's very intuitive.
But hey, let's find out what the president is up to while Donald Trump is rallying tens of thousands of people.
Guys, go ahead and give me, here's Joe Biden.
Joe Biden, what's he up to this weekend, guys?
Clip 10.
Must be nice.
Joe Biden taking another, well, now it's a 10-day retreat is what they're calling it.
A 10-day retreat for Joe Biden.
No, it's a 10-day vacation.
And as the Republican National Committee research team has crunched the numbers, since taking office, Joe Biden has spent 360 days on vacation.
That's 39% of his presidency.
But this isn't a vacation.
Corrine Jean-Pierre said this is a retreat to the beach.
You know another aspect here of why I support Donald Trump is because I see what he's enduring
as far as the persecution, the attacks, all illegitimate.
And so.
(upbeat music)
You just gotta get behind that guy, in my view, because I get it.
I go through it myself, and if people say, like somebody said, oh, I don't want to listen to Infowars, I don't want to listen to Owen Schroeder, I don't want to listen to Alex Jones, they got a lot of baggage.
Don't you see all the legal stuff and the claims against them?
So if we start treating the people that are fighting like, oh, I don't want to, we have too much baggage there, well then you'll have no fighters left, you'll lose.
And so the Republican Party is now making another attempt to keep Donald Trump Away from winning the nomination.
Massachusetts is the latest state where Republican Party elites are wanting to change primary rules to screw Trump out of delegates.
So it looks like they want to go with the old Democrat superdelegate routine, which is, oh, you know, you can go vote for whatever president you want, but then the party elites, they can just completely overwhelm your vote and vote however they want.
Which Bernie Sanders voters learned the hard way in 2016.
So now maybe the Republicans try to do that to Trump.
It won't matter.
Trump will still get the nomination, but it's just more attempts to sabotage the man.
More attempts to keep him out of office.
And that's why now President Trump did come out and make a statement.
And he said that all of the other candidates need to just drop out of the race.
And it's time to take their campaign funding and their chests and put it towards vote harvesting, get out of the vote, early voting initiatives and everything else like the Democrats do.
And that is 110% correct.
Now I don't expect that to happen with grifters like Nikki Haley and kamikazes like Chris Christie up there.
But the one campaign that they thought would take down Donald Trump, that they put a huge war chest behind, was Ron DeSantis.
He shot.
And that upsets me.
I like Ron DeSantis, great governor of Florida, and had a great political future, but the neocons and the establishment conservative elites destroyed him.
And they thought they could destroy Donald Trump with him, and instead they destroyed his political future.
The only way for him to save it now would be to drop out of the race, endorse Donald Trump, and say my war chest is going to go to getting Trump elected.
So think about, it'll be hundreds of millions of dollars that the Republican Party will spend on all of these candidates that are pulling at less than 10%.
Because, by the way, the only candidates pulling at more than 10% That's not Ron DeSantis consistently is Vivek Ramaswamy.
He's funding his own campaign.
He's not getting any help from the Republicans.
So they're spending money on Nikki Haley and Asa Hutchinson and Chris Christie and Ron DeSantis.
None of them have a chance.
It's all over.
Wasteful spending hundreds of millions of dollars when it could be going towards trying to win an election.
So when you understand that dynamic, you understand what it's really all about.
It's not about winning for the Republicans.
It's about power and influence and maintaining it.
So all Donald Trump is looking at things from a pragmatic standpoint saying, hey, I have the most votes ever of any other Republican candidate.
I have the most votes ever of any other Republican president.
I'm dominating in the polls right now.
This is ridiculous.
Let's spend the money on something that's going to help us win and save this country.
And then the Republican Party says, nope, that's not what we're interested in.
No thank you.
When this should be your message at the very least, but again, Ramaswamy is not taking money from the GOP.
I would pardon President Trump, clearly a politicized persecution, said Vivek Ramaswamy this weekend on CNN.
So, that should be the message of the whole Republican Party.
And if you want to keep running, that's fine, but at least come out and say, what's being done to Donald Trump is wrong, and the corruption that it embodies needs to be rooted out, needs to be flushed out of Washington D.C.
But, boy, some of them aren't saying that.
And that's because they're a part of it, isn't it?
I forgot to mention earlier when we were covering the situation in Moscow.
With the drone strike.
I forgot to mention what's going on or what's about to be going on in Taiwan.
And so this is really dangerous, folks, because you've got the Biden administration and the Pentagon that I think wants a confrontation and a larger war so that they can cancel the 2024 elections.
And then you have China and Russia that want to make their next big geopolitical moves before Biden gets out of office because they own Biden.
He's essentially their asset.
He's a foreign agent of China, of Russia.
And so they can pretty much do whatever they want strategically and there's really not much Joe Biden can do about it.
He's already completely emptied our oil reserves.
He admitted earlier this month that we have no ammunition left.
We've given it all to Ukraine.
And so China is seeing that and saying, well, gee, why don't we just move into Taiwan now?
Not to mention, military morale is at an all-time low.
So unless you're a transgender member of the military that doesn't even have to engage in combat or any drills or anything, you just get paid to be tranny.
Morale is very low.
You wish you wouldn't have to worry about any of this, but Joe Biden has plans for you, the American people, to fund and fight in a war in a far-off land that probably won't benefit you at all.
Just so he can remain in office.
Just so he can cover up his crimes.
But the people are more aware of it than ever before.
Congressman Dan Muser to crowd at Trump rally in Pennsylvania.
We must remove the Biden crime family from the White House.
It's the Biden crime family and everybody knows it.
And there's the double standard of treatment in the legal system here.
Judge tosses Donald Trump's $475 million defamation suit against CNN.
Probably nobody's been defamed worse than Donald Trump, but see, if you're Alex Jones, you got, oh, what, a trillion dollar defamation case?
But who did Alex defame?
Could you even say?
What lie did Alex tell?
Could you even explain?
Oh, but when they lie about Donald Trump and say he's a racist, or he raped these women, or this, that, they lie about him 24-7, and then he can't even get a defamation case to be heard in a courtroom.
A man who's probably been defamed more than anybody else.
Except maybe Alex Jones, ironically enough.
So they run defamation cases where they defame you and then you pay for defaming somebody else that you never defamed.
But then when the man who's actually been defamed tries to get his case heard, it gets tossed out.
There's your justice system.
But it might be even worse.
Should we get to the lighter stuff or the heavier stuff here?
How about Sam Bankman-Freed walking from political finance charges?
Because his number one donor was the Democrat Party, his number two donor was Joe Biden, and then everything else was donated to politicians as well, including Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell receiving millions.
So the IRS So the IRS hires 87,000 new agents and you will be hearing from them.
Mark my words, you will be hearing from the IRS.
So they hire 87,000 new IRS agents to come after you and harass you.
If you've ever gotten paid via a social media platform, if you've ever had a transaction on Venmo, Cash App, PayPal, anything else.
If you are a waitress or somebody that works for TIPS, they're coming for you.
But Sam Bankman-Fried laundering hundreds of millions of dollars to political campaigns and political parties, charges dropped.
Hundreds of billions of dollars sent to Ukraine with no oversight.
Yeah, the Democrats voted against it.
So did Republicans, to be fair.
So they send hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine, and you don't get to audit that.
Sam Bankman-Fried launders hundreds of millions of dollars to political campaigns.
His charges get tossed.
But the IRS will be coming for you.
This is the weaponization of the U.S.
government against we, the people.
It's more egregious than it's ever been before.
And then, the developments, the latest developments in the Hunter Biden case are pretty unreal.
And I think at this point...
Because there have been different legal theories as far as what happened with the Hunter Biden plea agreement, why it fell apart, is it going to be good for Joe Biden, bad for Joe Biden, good for Hunter, bad for Biden, and I've been going back and forth.
Some people think, oh no, this is all part of the game.
Folks, I now think this is not part of the game.
I think the Bidens are cooked.
I think Joe and Hunter Biden are cooked.
They're going to be caught.
I mean, at the very least, I mean, forget about I mean, at the very least, you could say unclaimed taxes.
But no, it's going to come down to Hunter Biden was a foreign agent, and so was Joe Biden.
Joe Biden was a foreign agent.
Joe Biden is a foreign agent.
Taking tens of millions of dollars from a foreign country.
And I think that this latest sign is proof positive that no, the Republicans in the House are really going to get down to the bottom of this.
And there might be a judge or two that might get this case in front of them.
And they're going to want to find out as well what the hell's really going on.
So let's tell you here.
Devin Archer, one of the number one business partners of Hunter Biden, has already been charged with crimes.
And probably is cooperating with the FBI in ongoing investigations, including an investigation into Hunter Biden being a foreign agent.
That investigation is ongoing.
And the reason why the plea deal fell apart was because the understanding, whether you believe this or not, from Hunter Biden's side, the understanding was that if we sign this plea bargain, then any future crimes, including Not registering as a foreign agent, or whatever else may be coming up in that investigation, that he would be immune from those charges.
So either his legal team and himself were ignorant and didn't understand that, or they were pretending not to understand that, hoping it would go that way, and that the judge wouldn't notice.
But the judge did notice and said, no, that's not the plea agreement here.
There is an ongoing investigation, and I'm not giving you immunity into that.
And so they said, well then we're not taking the plea agreement, so the case will go to trial.
Now, Devin Archer was set to be called as a witness tomorrow to talk to the House Oversight Committee.
Now the DOJ is trying to arrest him.
Here's what James Comer said on Maria Bartiromo.
I want to ask you about your investigation, but first let me get to this breaking news.
I have in my hand a letter from the Department of Justice that was sent to the Southern District of New York on Saturday.
By the way, Devin Archer is testifying on Monday.
Do you ever see, do you usually see the DOJ send letters like this out on a Saturday?
This is the first time I've ever heard of the Department of Justice doing anything on a Saturday.
So what is this letter?
Can you walk us through it?
The government is apprising the court of the status of Devin Archer's appeal of his judgment of conviction and they request that the court set a surrender date for the defendant to report to a facility.
Please walk us through what this letter says.
Yeah, the letter from the Department of Justice is trying to nudge the judge to go ahead and sentence Devin Archer for something unrelated to what we're going to be talking to him about tomorrow.
It's odd that it was issued on a Saturday, and it's odd that it's right before he's scheduled to come in to have an opportunity to speak in front of the House Oversight Committee and tell the American people the truth about what really went on with Burisma.
So, you know, I don't know if this is a coincidence, Maria, or if this is another example of the weaponization of the Department of Justice, but I can tell you this, the lengths to which the Biden legal team has gone to try to intimidate our witnesses, to coordinate with the Department of Justice, and to certainly coordinate with the Democrats on the House Oversight Committee to encourage people not to cooperate, With our investigation to encourage banks not to turn over bank records, to encourage Treasury not to let us have access to those suspicious activity reports.
It's very troubling and I believe that this is another violation of the law.
This is obstruction of justice.
DOJ trying to arrest Devin Archer to prevent him from testifying to Congress about the Biden crime family.
You just heard from Representative James Comer.
That was this morning.
And since, we've had other statements, Matt Gaetz, the DOJ is now actively committing the crime of obstructing a congressional investigation.
If Devin Archer isn't in the witness chair Monday, we better haul every son of a bitch at the Department of Justice before Congress every day to make them pay for this.
Archer is in that chair, or Merrick Garland is.
Now some are saying this is an intimidation tactic so that Archer won't say anything about Joe Biden.
Maybe he pleads the fifth, maybe he forgets his memory so conveniently before he takes the stand.
Either way, it's obviously a legal tactic to make sure that Devin Archer doesn't tell you the ultimate truth, the ultimate sin, the ultimate crime that was committed by Joe Biden.
Selling the country out.
Selling political favors, bribes, and all kinds of things to enrich himself and his family, and he was using his son and other family members to do so.
It's the Biden crime family.
And again, they got caught by the judge trying to wiggle out of the ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden acting as a foreign agent, which will eventually lead to Joe Biden acting as a foreign agent.
Not to mention all the transcripts coming out where Joe Biden lied, and that's fine.
We all knew that.
Every time he opens his mouth, he lies.
But now we have the transcript with Hunter Biden's deposition where he says, yes, I was taking money from Chinese partners.
And yes, my father was aware of it.
He was on the phone.
He was in the boardrooms with me.
Of course, the American media is rushing to cover this up.
Protecting the Biden crime family.
Because when you're a gangster mafia, like the American media and the Democrat Party, that's what you do.
We're going to cover some other news stories, but let's have a couple segments of your phone calls here on this Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
So I'm going to open up the phone lines.
We'll take a couple calls here in the last couple seconds.
Segments, that is, of today's show.
877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
And obviously the big stories are Trump massive rally in Pennsylvania, the drone strike in
Moscow and other attempted drone strikes to provoke Russia into a larger escalation.
And then of course the Biden crime family which is about to be exposed on the witness stand tomorrow.
Which also probably means a third indictment of Donald Trump is in the works.
Probably in the next 48 hours, but I would guess at some point this week in a tit-for-tat as we continue to see the cases right now in Washington, DC.
So as the phone numbers open up for you, 877-789-2539, we'll get you up and on the air.
789-2539. We'll get you up and on the air. Meantime, meanwhile, Jim Jordan and the Oversight
Committee and the Judiciary Committee are revealing the documents that showed Facebook
was censoring on behalf of the Biden investigation. And now an email has emerged where they admitted
They admitted it!
We shouldn't have done it!
Facebook executive admitted they censored for the Biden regime a leaked email.
From Facebook, in 2021, written by Nick Clegg, the company's president of global affairs, to colleagues reads, we were under pressure from the administration and others to do more.
So the Biden administration, the FBI, we shouldn't have done it.
We shouldn't have done it.
And it also gets into how they were reducing videos that were from Republicans and Conservatives and boosting videos that were in support of Joe Biden.
Now, why isn't Mark Zuckerberg being held in contempt of Congress when he obviously lied under oath?
Well, because last week when the vote to hold Mark Zuckerberg in contempt of Congress came up and Republicans voted against it, Excuse me, didn't vote against it.
They delayed it.
That just means they weren't prepared for the vote.
People were switching their votes.
They didn't have the number for the votes.
So they're going to have to revisit that as well.
But maybe it's a good thing they delayed the vote.
Maybe they knew this new information was about to come out as well from Matt Taibbi.
So they said, hey, let's not vote yet.
We've got more information.
We got more evidence about to drop that yes, Mark Zuckerberg knew Facebook was censoring and knew they were doing it for the Biden administration.
Let's wait before we hold him in contempt.
For that information to drop.
And so now it has.
And maybe that goes on.
But the censorship continues.
YouTube censors James O'Keefe, RFK Jr.
interview over medical misinformation.
Now the video is at InfoWars.com.
I just read for you the headline.
You can find it right there at InfoWars.com.
So medical misinformation though is telling the truth about big pharmaceutical products.
This is the epitome of now modern-day Western fascism.
Big tech and big pharma colluding so that you don't know the truth about their products.
And then Congress ended on it as well, letting their witnesses lie under oath.
And, you know, how bad is it really?
Well, Joe Biden would love to see his number one opposition arrested, that's Donald Trump, and he'd love to see his number two opposition murdered, that's RFK Jr., that the Biden administration continues to refuse Secret Service protection for RFK Jr.
I mean, I guess you could understand why you might not want the government protecting you if you're RFK Jr., but nonetheless, the point is, They're refusing him Secret Service protection when obviously he should qualify.
Number two Democrat candidate right now.
Very popular, rising in the polls, and has had two family members murdered.
So, you'd think that he'd get it, but Joe Biden wants him dead.
Joe Biden would like him to get the Barack Obama chef treatment, which, you know, I'm not into getting into all the rumors and conspiracy about that.
But you know, Barack Obama did get seen playing golf yesterday and his hands were badly damaged and appeared to have a black eye.
But I'm sure that's just nothing to see.
Sure, there's nothing to see there.
How about nothing to see here?
This is absolutely crazy.
I've never seen anything like this.
Mysterious Chinese biolab discovered in remote California City.
Why would a biolab run by a shady Chinese company be operating in Ridley California in the central San Joaquin Valley, illegal biolab discovered in California warehouse containing at least 20 potentially infectious agents including coronavirus and HIV.
26 years with the County of Fresno, and I've never come across this situation, nor have I heard of any of my counterparts deal with a situation like this, says Fresno County Health Department official.
A mysterious unsanctioned lab operating in a warehouse in the city of Reedley, California, was discovered by local and federal authorities.
China-linked biolab discovered in Fresno, California, had over 900 mice genetically engineered to catch and carry the COVID-19 virus.
I mean we're not, are we really dealing with it like that?
I wouldn't be surprised.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Chinese, Chinese biolabs infecting rodents with viruses.
Right there in California.
They wouldn't be releasing them on the streets now, would they?
They wouldn't be wanting to engage in a bio-attack, would they?
I'm sure the Biden administration is all over that.
Oh wait, he's a foreign agent of China, so he's not gonna do a damn thing.
Alright, we're about to take your phone calls again.
This is breaking now.
Two members of the House Judiciary Committee are calling for lawmakers to return to Washington for immediate emergency hearings on the DOJ's interference with congressional oversight.
Mike Johnson is an elected member of House leadership and one of the brightest attorneys in the House.
This is all because Hunter's problems and Joe's problems merge with the testimony of Devin Archer.
Time for action right now.
This, this is big, folks.
I'm telling you, this Devon Archer testimony is huge.
Because it's not anything you don't know, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden selling the country out, but getting it on the congressional record, advancing the House Oversights Committee and Judiciary Committee's investigation.
Now here's, here, this is the ultimate frustration, though.
As we played earlier, And the proof continues to come out.
The Ronnie James situation with the, obviously, what was the vaccine injury?
The biggest, probably, backbreaker for the narrative that they're safe and effective.
I don't think we've seen the final stage of that drama.
But see, the problem is there's no sense of urgency from our politicians, our Congress.
Folks, I'm seeing a sense of urgency here.
Matt Gaetz, Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan.
These guys are the real deal.
And they're not just sitting here going through procedure and then going on vacation and recess when the time is right.
They're saying, hey, no, we have a constitutional crisis right now.
It's time to get our asses back to D.C.
and find out what the hell's going on with this corruption.
There's a sense of urgency now.
So I've got this feeling it's like it's not going to be like three years after the vaccine came out and they're saying, oh, gee, we need to investigate the vaccine too little too late.
Now it's, hey, they're messing up our investigation of the Biden crime family.
We got to call an emergency session.
We got to get back to work now.
Thank you.
Thank you.
A sense of urgency.
Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mike Johnson, keep up the great work.
So, Devin Archer is going to be on the stand tomorrow, and he's either going to blow the lid off the Biden crime family, Or they have successfully intimidated him out of what his testimony was going to be.
Or who knows what else happens between now and then.
But the Biden crime family is cooked, folks.
Joe Biden going to the beach and all this stuff is just a propaganda psychological operation where he's just, oh, he's chilling on the beach, nothing to see here.
No, you sold this country out, you and your son, you and your family, taking millions of dollars, acting as foreign agents but not registering.
You're cooked.
You're caught.
And now they're thinking, well, why don't we just start World War III?
That'll get them all far back.
So we're taking your calls on this.
Let's go to Paul in Hawaii.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
How are you?
Thanks for calling.
First of all, I wanted to thank you and commend you for your courage and what you're doing.
I think you're exemplary, and I'm proud to call you a fellow American.
Thank you, Paul.
I believe what's transpired in the United States has happened over a number of years, and it started under the Obama administration.
I travel the world.
I'm a self-made businessman, and I was in Europe at the time when Obama first won the election, and I was at a table with a gentleman who ran the largest pharmaceutical company in the world out of Spain.
Subsequently, they sold it to the Chinese, and then things started to transpire in this country very rapidly.
I think the fact that the Chinese have that lab in California, I think that's just one lab, Owen.
And I think they've been doing it for a long time.
And I could tell you a quite interesting story about what happened to me when I was in California.
But I won't get into that.
Currently, I just want to tell you in regards to what's happening, hopefully things will turn in our direction.
But you're correct in assuming that the pharmaceutical money involved with Chinese power Okay, Paul.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Mike in Texas on the attack in Moscow.
Mike, you're on the air.
with such a great job. I'll call back with that other story about what
happened to me and my health in California when you have more time.
Okay Paul, thank you for the call. Let's go to Mike in Texas on the attack in Moscow.
Mike you're on the air, go ahead. Hey Owen, yeah I think they keep going after Russia,
the Kremlin, Putin, wherever he's at, you know, localities.
They're trying to get a retaliation out of him, man.
They're trying to get him.
They're baiting him.
They're baiting him, man.
And he's not falling for it, which I really appreciate Putin not falling for it.
Like, you've spoken about it.
He appreciates the West.
He likes the lifestyle of the West.
I mean, obviously, there's things we can correct and fix, but he wants freedom.
He wants these... You know, and I'm sorry to cut you off, but it's the same thing.
I'm telling you, it's watching this... Did you hear me talk about this 90s TV website earlier?
No, I didn't.
I'm clipping through this website of a great crew member here sent this to me because he
knows I'm like 90s nostalgia.
And he sent me this site called My90sTV and I'm just clicking through this thing like
a fiend all weekend, watching old Donald Trump interviews and just watching old television
from the 90s through today's lens is even like an odd thing to witness.
And I saw Boris Yeltsin's speech in the Christmas of, I think it was '98 or '99, I forget, the
Christmas with a Christmas tree behind him when he's handing over power to Putin.
And it's like, yeah, we're trying to get rid of the Eastern style of oppression.
We're trying to get rid of the Eastern style of communism, essentially, in Russia.
And we want to have a more independent, free market type system here.
And I'm just not the leader to do it, and so Vladimir Putin is going to be the leader to do it now.
He's been president there ever since.
Now, I guess the question is, does Putin have enough patience or faith in the American people that, let's say we get Donald Trump in office and then he can have a leader that's not totally corrupt in there, And can we avoid this situation from getting worse?
Because there's no doubt, the West is on a suicide mission.
I mean, Joe Biden is basically like, he'd love to see World War III start, and he'd love to cancel the 2024 elections.
And I think that that's what they're trying to provoke Russia into doing.
Yeah, I honestly, he wants the American people to stand up and say no.
That's what Putin wants.
That's absolutely what he wants, and he's been giving plenty of time, I think, so it's time for us to say no.
No war.
No World War III.
No more of this shenanigans.
I mean, I was an old Ron Paul guy, you know?
And we love you, Owen.
Hey, my girls want to say hi real quick, if that's alright.
All my girls love you.
Those are your, uh, you got a bunch of baby girls there?
Oh yeah.
Tune in to Info Wars?
Three baby girls on a Sunday night and we just had a newborn and she falls asleep to you and Alex all the time.
Oh man.
I'm blushing through my beard.
You can't see it right now.
We love you, man.
We love you.
All the girls are always asking, where's Owen?
Where's Owen?
Where's Alex?
We love you.
Oh, Mike.
Oh, we love you, too.
It's a love fest here.
You know, it's just a love fest here.
It's just a gigantic love fest here.
We're going to have to try to make it out and see you guys.
It's just a gigantic love fest here, folks.
I'm telling you.
We just, we just want to, we just want to save everybody.
You know, that's the thing.
And so spread the wealth of information, man.
That's it, exactly!
That's it exactly!
Thank you so much, Mike.
He just, folks, that's what it is.
I love life.
I love freedom.
I mean, I just, everything this life has to offer, everything America has to offer, the potential, it's just...
And these sycophants, these mad scientists, these mad politicians, these power-lusting freaks, control freaks, want to steal all that from you.
My five-year-old just told me, she goes, she was listening and she saw the little Ken Barbie doll with the beard and the birthing person, this and that.
She goes, Mike, Men can't have babies?
I said, all right, we're stopping getting the blow pop over there at the gas station.
Let's go.
You got a little award?
Hey, you got a reward for being smarter than a liberal, even before they can read.
Homeschool 100% at this point, sir.
All right, Mike.
Hey, thank you for the call.
That's fantastic.
We're going to do another segment of calls when we come back, folks.
Remember, though, the July Patriot Pride Month sale at Infowarstore.com.
Is set to end when the month ends.
So you've got tonight and tomorrow to take advantage of the huge, huge sales happening at Infowarsstore.com, Patriot, Pride Month.
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And folks, by the way, we're talking about the situation in Russia, the situation with China.
I hope we don't have a situation where you have to eat emergency food.
I really, believe me, don't want that.
But you'd rather have it, not need it.
And I think the situation is getting more critical.
10% off all storable foods at InfoWarsStore.com.
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So you don't have to worry about putting it in a container and having it stored safely.
It arrives ready to be stored.
Infowarsstore.com A third bank now shutting down, that's Bidenomics.
Kansas Heartland Tri-State Bank becomes fifth casualty of Bidenomics, as regulators force it to shut down.
And I love when I hear from Democrats in the media and in Congress, and they talk about how now half of Americans, 50% of Americans, don't have a thousand dollars in savings.
And then their next sentence is telling you how great and successful Bidenomics is.
And then there's just insanity going on here.
Illinois governor signs bill allowing non-citizens to become police officers.
That's illegal immigrants will now be police officers.
So, I don't know what even.
And that just echoes what's happening in New York City in clip one.
There's so many illegal immigrants now in the streets of New York City, folks.
They're basically huddled around outside of hotels on the sidewalks.
You can't even walk the sidewalks.
They're completely covered in illegal immigrants.
And so maybe they'll become police officers.
Maybe that's the situation that'll happen in New York like they have in Chicago.
There's the scenes from New York City outside these hotels.
We're talking thousands of illegal immigrants just roaming the streets.
But that's what you want in New York City.
That's what the Democrats voted for.
Then they get what they voted for and then they complain.
Transgender murderer who killed his two babies will receive taxpayer-funded breast implants in women's prison.
That's right.
You murder your children, and the Democrats come in and offer you plastic tits.
Really good justice there.
Thank goodness.
Massive firebombing in Seattle, possibly linked to drug war between competing homeless camps.
So you now have territorial firebombings going on in between the homeless.
In Seattle.
Things are looking good there.
Do you remember the car that drove off the ledge in San Francisco?
You remember that one?
Nearly landed on somebody's head and could have smashed them to death?
All charges dropped!
San Francisco D.A.
drops charges against carjacking couple accused of wildly crashing vehicle down public stairwell.
They were already known to law enforcement.
They were actually told that they weren't allowed to be near each other anymore.
They stole a car, drove it off a cliff, nearly smashed somebody in other people's property, and their charges have been dropped.
It's a Democrat clown world.
And we're just living in it.
And then you've got Joe Biden talking about Medicare and Medicaid today, saying Republicans want to take your Medicare and take your Medicaid.
But that's ironic because here's what Joe Biden said about Medicare and Medicaid in clip three.
I, when I argued if we should freeze federal spending, I meant Social Security as well.
I meant Medicare and Medicaid.
I meant veterans benefits.
I meant every single solitary thing.
In the government.
And I not only tried it once, I tried it twice, I tried it a third time, and I tried it a fourth time.
Four times he tried to cut Medicare and Medicaid, and now today he's telling you Republicans want to do that.
Texas teachers say they were fired after attending drag show posting on social media.
I don't really care.
I mean, if a teacher wants to do that in their own time, posting it on social media is still kind of maybe a privacy thing, but this is the pendulum swinging backwards.
When you sexualize kids in the classroom and you do all the stuff we've seen the left do, and there's more of it, we'll cover it tomorrow.
Yeah, maybe the pendulum is swinging back and it's like, you know what, we don't want to see anything to do with any of that anymore, so yeah, you go to a show, we're just going to have to go ahead and can you.
We got a little problem with liberal pedophile teachers infiltrating the system, so we really gotta just try to weed it all out here.
Alright, let's take some calls before we sign off here on the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Let's go to... So many interesting ones here.
Let's go to Robert in Alabama.
Robert, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Go ahead.
Hey, I want to talk about the congressional hearing with the UFOs and how You know, all of a sudden they're saying, oh, we have UFOs, this and that.
But I think it's a way for the West to ramp up the war in Russia and use all the so-called, you know, unreleased technology they have from whatever they want to call it, and, you know, ramp up the war and use... Why, and blame aliens?
Well, I mean, I think that's...
That's a distraction.
I just think that they want to use a new generation of warfare where I think they may believe that they're ahead in that technology so that they don't lose because everybody who's invaded Russia has lost.
And, you know, I'm against all commies, but, you know, you get in a fight with the Russians, you look at USC.
They love to fight.
Well, and really, a big factor here is morale, too.
I mean, you can have all the technology.
I still think morale is a major factor, and our morale is way down.
And that's not a knock on the great men and women that are in the military, but they see what's going on.
They see that they're recruiting transgender people to come and get paid, and then they don't have to do drills.
They don't have to go into combat.
They get a free pair of fake breasts, and then they go hang around, and then the generals tell you how great they are.
And there's no reason.
There's no... Americans... It was one thing after 9-11 when they could aim patriotic Americans against Osama Bin Laden or Afghanistan or Islam or whatever.
They don't really have that with Russia.
They don't... People don't have a disdain or a hatred or a vitriol to go fight Russians.
It just doesn't exist.
So they can fake it as much as they want.
It's not there.
Especially now you have Putin saying we need to...
Become Christian Nation, and you listen to that and wonder, why aren't the American political leaders saying that?
And then, you know, Christians primarily listen to it and say, hey, that's what I want.
And at the same time, you have a communist saying that, and you're like, hold on, what's going on?
Why aren't our leaders saying that?
Well, there's a reason why they don't recruit patriotic Americans to the military.
They recruit people that have dog outfit, puppy outfit kinks and want to have transsexual surgeries and all this stuff because they'll be the ones, I guess, dumb enough to go line up and fight against Russians.
But I'm more afraid of this drone stuff, because now you're dealing with stuff where you don't even necessarily need personnel.
You just fly these machines and try to provocateur a situation with Russia.
But so far, the Russian patience, it's been to such a level that even Russian generals and Russian people are like, why is Putin waiting?
Why don't we just go in there, take Ukraine back?
I mean, we're sick of this, the CIA running their proxy groups, so.
But yeah, the UFO angle is interesting, Robert.
Thank you for the call.
I mean, that would be interesting to see if they start launching this new generation of warfare on the heels of this.
But, you know, it's still an amazing thing.
The U.S.
government, it's now a congressional testimony, the U.S.
government has alien technology, extraterrestrial technology, and extraterrestrial life, biological life forms.
And it was barely even a top story.
Is that because we just don't believe anything from our government?
We just know this is a gaslighting technique?
Or we don't want to talk about aliens being real?
I mean, it's just, it's a wild thing.
Really is.
Let's go to Chris in Texas.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen, my brother from another mother.
How you doing today?
What's up, Chris?
Are you familiar with X22.com?
I see the YouTube channel every once in a while.
Uh, me and my wife were watching it last night, and when they were interviewing, it wasn't an actual X-22, it was an interview.
They was interviewing a guy named Derrick Johnson.
And he was talking some really interesting stuff about, I don't know if you've heard of devolution?
And, uh, shadow government?
Continuity of government?
Yeah, and so there's basically two angles, two popular angles of this.
One, that Trump has a stay-behind continuity of government.
And then two, you could say it was Obama or anybody else, but essentially there's been a running continuity of government, shadow government, that's been going on for 50 years.
Well, the first one he was talking about last night, or last night, was Derrick Johnson.
The first one was Roosevelt.
President Roosevelt.
That's when it was first used.
Well, now I think we got the other one.
The other one's going on with Trump, and supposedly started in 2016.
And they say, he was saying that it's a seven-year plan, so... You know, here's my problem with that, and I'm sorry, I'm out of time, Chris.
I'm sorry to the other callers.
We'll be back tomorrow, of course.
It's just, you know, we've had such a lacking Of good Americans that are willing to stand up against this deep state and put it all on the line.
It's hard for me to believe that we'd have a groundswell of this just in the course of say four years under Trump.
So I don't really buy into that theory.
I think we're going to have to do this organically.
I think we got another big election ahead of us.
But I see those rumors out there.
I just don't necessarily buy into them as much.
And I don't think you could fake all this, quite frankly.
And when I see what they do to us, myself personally, I know this Biden administration ain't messing around, folks.
They're serious.
They're going to try to crush you.
That's the real deal.
And you're getting a taste of it financially right now.
All right, that does it for the Alex Jones Show.
Don't forget about Sunday Night Live, and we'll be back tomorrow morning as well.
Harrison Smith, Alex Jones, and myself.
And so, seriously, books are symbols of societal success and of cultural blueprints.
So yes, we talk all day, our videos go viral, but it's good to coalesce something into a document.
And then when that document becomes number one, then the establishment and the elites read it.
And really, I've had great success, all glory to God, reaching the general public.
I'm a grassroots type of guy, you know, commoner, populist person.
That's who I feel most comfortable with.
I'm not an elitist by any stretch of the imagination, though I will enjoy like a fancy steak at a cool restaurant.
And I know we're winning.
But we've got to get out there to the establishment, and that's happening.
You see, everybody sounds like Alex Jones now, or more and more people.
Well, this book is made for this, and really made for putting our ideas out.
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Pre-order The Great Awakening, Defeating the Globalists, and Launching the Next Great Renaissance.
Alex Jones with Kent Heckin-Lively, J.D.
And let's send this to number one in pre-orders.
We already sent it to number one off and on for a few weeks.
A ton of these copies got out.
I can tell you, the money that's come in was absolutely needed to keep this operation going, to fund the crew, to pay our legal bills.
I've thrown it all into the operation and without this book, we'd been shut down.
Without the last book.
The Great Reset and the War for the World.
This book is even more important, much thicker.
I've put way more work into it.
So has Kent.
The other book was great.
That was quick.
Hey, Alex, finally write a book.
I said, OK.
Because I knew who Kent was and had read his other books, several of his other books.
But everybody should go now to Amazon.
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