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Name: 20230728_Fri_Alex
Air Date: July 28, 2023
2761 lines.

Robert F Kennedy Jr., a high profile presidential candidate, has been denied Secret Service protection by DHS while globalist minions like Hunter Biden are granted immunity and Sam Bankman- Fried's charges have been dropped. This highlights the corrupt US establishment and double standards in its justice system.

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I know Trump with new indictments is big news.
Our sources in the courthouse, he's been indicted and next week they're going to, Monday or Tuesday, announce it and then he'll show up in DC for that fiasco.
I mean this is just heartbreaking, tear-jerking.
I'm not a prideful person, but...
When I see our country being run over and humiliated and falling into a man-republic, I have the opposite of pride.
I feel sad and I feel ashamed that we've let it go this far.
So I guess there isn't one without the other.
I guess I am a prideful person because I don't feel very prideful right now.
I feel ashamed and not demoralized though, far from it.
And I just realized that they've taken everything from us that they can, and they now want to take everything else they haven't got.
So, you're like, well, cut the energy off hurts them.
It hurts us, they don't care.
Or shipping and fentanyl can hurt their kids.
They don't, most of them don't have kids, folks.
They screw kids.
I mean, they just, they don't think like that.
If they can hurt people, they don't care if they get hurt in the process, okay?
I mean, we're dealing with evil.
You think Satan's going to send his B-string or his C-team?
Or his D-team, his backbench against America?
We got the worst stuff the world's ever seen coming down on us, okay?
And I don't say that to scare you.
I say that so you can get ready.
I mean, are you going to just get in a fetal position and piss all over yourself, or are you going to do something about this?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Above all, we need to elevate the Constitution of the United States, which was written for hard times,
and that has to be the premier compass for all of our activities.
Mr. Chairman, I'd like to raise, I'd like to raise a point of order.
Madam Lady, state a point of order.
A point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, Clause 2, which Mr. Kennedy is violative of.
I move that we move into executive session, because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made Wow.
The irony and cognitive dissonance from the other side of the aisle.
It's deafening.
You could cut it with a knife.
They are at the same time denying that censorship is occurring, but suggesting that there's more material that needs to be censored.
Totalitarianism hung so thick in the air at the censored hearing on censorship that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
was inspired to speak as only a Kennedy can.
Censorship is antithetical to our party.
It was appalling to my father, to my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman, to Thomas Jefferson, as the chairman referred to.
It is the basis for democracy.
It sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government.
Leading the nauseating, brutal obfuscation on the First Amendment, Virgin Islands delegate Stacey Plaskett.
Many of my Republican colleagues across the dice will rush to cover that they have Mr. Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech.
That they do not believe in American censorship.
This is not the kind of free speech that I know of.
The free speech that is protected by the Constitution's First Amendment.
But free speech is not an absolute.
The Supreme Court has stated that.
And others' free speech that is allowed, hateful, abusive rhetoric, does not need to be promoted in the halls of the people's house.
And as is becoming increasingly common, Plaskett appeared to be told verbatim what to say by a handler like a ventriloquist
"Place on July 17, 2023. They would be representing what I said because I don't have much knowledge of that.
They would be misrepresenting."
Plaskett herself is wrapped up in the web of the Jeffrey Epstein debacle.
Apparently turning a blind eye to Epstein and Associates' international sex trafficking operation as it quietly fleeced the Virgin Islands.
We seem to have a guilty by association theme going on here, and so I just have to state for the record that I myself am deeply concerned about the affiliation of the convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, of which the ranking member took campaign donation money from, so...
As Insider reported, for two decades Epstein flexed his political muscles and exerted control in the U.S.
Virgin Islands halls of power.
New court documents show how Epstein weighed in on overhaul of sex offender laws, considering putting a lawmaker on retainer and made a customs office look the other way.
There was a lawsuit from the victims where he agreed to pay $290 million in June of this year.
Deutsche Bank settled a similar lawsuit with victims agreeing to pay $75 million in May.
their escape from harm's way.
There was a lawsuit from the victims where he agreed to pay $290 million in June of this
Deutsche Bank settled a similar lawsuit with victims agreeing to pay $75 million in May.
There's that one JP Morgan executive who has emails with him that describe a very close
personal relationship.
Honestly, that implies even something beyond that.
What happened very recently in federal court in a three and a half hour hearing was that a lawyer for the Virgin Islands government told a federal judge that they have emails Suggesting that a transfer of money from Epstein was going to hold quote-unquote pending diamond review.
She specified that that meant Jamie Dimon.
Plaskett had no issue.
Receiving maximized donations from Epstein, while a consultant on Plaskett's campaign invited Epstein to two dinners on St.
Thomas and St.
Croix, according to emails.
Epstein swiftly promised he would donate the maximum, but said he didn't want his name attached.
At some point in the fall of 2018, Plaskett also visited Epstein at his Manhattan mansion.
This is the woman lecturing 330 million plus Americans on the restrictions of the First Amendment.
John Bowne reporting.
It's Friday, July 28th, 2023.
And we have exclusive information for you from multiple sources.
Inside the pretty man, that's what it's called, main federal courthouse in DC, Jack Smith has indicted Trump with a puppet grand jury.
You cannot get anything close to a fair trial in DC, that's well known.
For January 6th, for an array of charges, and they have prepared the courthouse for his Arraignment.
As early as Monday.
But the grand jury is in on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but they could come in any time and be there for the open certification of this.
Of course, there was more charges filed today by the attack dog Jack Smith in the classified documents witch hunt hoax.
Putting against a maintenance man for lying to federal agents saying he didn't particularly see boxes in one spot.
Boy, that's what you get when you talk to the friendly FBI agents that are from a special division of the Bureau, the same ones that ran the Whitmer kidnapping hoax in January 6 and the Russia hoax.
Wouldn't get anywhere near those people and I sure as hell wouldn't talk to them.
Because then, if they say, oh, we're here at your office at noon, is it blue outside?
You're like, yes, it's blue sky.
And they go, well, that trash can's gray outside.
We didn't say all of outside was blue, just the sky.
Find a federal agent.
You can be at the beach with them and they say, is the water blue?
It's blue water.
You go, yeah, the water's blue.
They go, ah ha ha!
But I have Kool-Aid in my cup with cherry dye.
It's red!
Federally charged!
You lied!
Clouds are white.
They're water, too.
Double indictment.
So, I need to get rid of those type of laws.
It's like lying to an inquisitor in the Dark Ages or something.
So you're burned at the stake.
This is election stealing.
This is a live, ongoing, corrupt, multinational, globalist, corporate coup setting up the Justice Department as a permanent dictatorship and oligarchy over America.
And then I've got all these newscasts.
Play one on Wednesday, where they've got government PSYOP officers on TV saying, we need to start arresting the Trump supporters for their lies, their political views.
We need to come after them with Homeland Security.
Mitt Romney agrees.
And they just sit up there so satisfied while they do all of this.
It's really, really a sad day.
This is tyranny.
That's what this is.
And it's only going to get worse.
And you see it happen in third world countries where usually the federal police just take over.
That that's the normal way.
That's the standard way countries fall into permanent tyrannies.
And they'll usually have some dictator head who never loses elections again.
Think Hugo Chavez, think Joe Stalin.
And the only way those guys get gotten rid of is they usually get poisoned by their own people.
And then you'll get some new dictator who the federal police and the federal judiciary think will give them a bigger cut of the spoils.
Well, the leftists worry about not just the money, but ideology, cutting children's genitals off.
Shutting the country down, shutting off the pipelines, running the nation to the ground, parlaying all our wealth into Chinese communist business deals.
I mean, it is a long, hard road.
A long, hard road of rape that we're going to be going through here.
With a giant, out-of-control, America-hating Hollywood, Ministry of Truth just bombarding us.
With continued destruction of the last standing pillar.
Now they've taken over the media, they've taken over the government agencies, they've taken over the educational system, they've taken over the churches, they've got four of the main systems captured, basically.
And they're busy outlawing opposition now, because they know what they're doing is incredibly illegal and unpopular.
But the last thing Is the family.
That's why their full assault is on that.
They're cutting off the resources so it's impossible to be independent.
And organizing to come after the farms and the ranches and the truck farms and the people that are trying to be self-sufficient.
And they're going to use biological weapons to do that.
And chemical weapons and really nanotech prion attacks to do it, just as they did with the mad cow disease in the mid 90s.
As a beta test, that'll be the new attack.
They've already hit the public with a form of mad cow causing prions with the spike protein.
In fact, I'd asked you guys, maybe you gave it to me, but I don't see it here, to print me the history of the mad cow outbreak.
I want to review that again, because you're here to get tomorrow's news today, right?
You're not here Just to hear me talk about how we were right about this and right about that, because what does that do?
You know we have credibility.
I can tell you that one of their next big moves is to introduce, through the vaccines, biologics that will make beef poison.
They're going to hit beef first, then pork, and then everything.
And then it'll only be globalist elites that are allowed to raise meat.
It'll still be around, but only for them.
The plans have all been laid out, and I've deciphered it, and it's a 100% match that they're going to do this.
And to be clear, it's 100% they're planning it.
We may be able to stop them if you listen to me this time and we get the word out.
I mean, them taking meat away from us has got me so upset because it's associated with health and IQ, and plus it's delicious.
I'm going to contact Joe today.
I've been texting with him this morning already, but I'm going to call him and say, will you please cover this?
Because Joe thinks he can do more good not having me on and just covering the same topics, not making it about Alex Jones, which is probably true, so I don't care.
We've had that discussion.
That's fine.
But he really, he's a big beef lover.
We both are.
That's one of our pastimes, we eat a nice steak together.
And I'm going to say, hey, we should go get a steak soon.
Usually I call and ask, you know, let's go tonight, but we'll see.
But I don't even know he's in town.
He's always flying around doing stuff.
And I'm going to have a little discussion with him, and I'm going to present this to him.
Because, you know, he covers it.
Well, that'll reach, you know, a lot of people.
And then everybody else kind of copies what he does.
So we can actually turn this around before they do it.
But the thing is, it's not about being right.
12, 13 years ago are all coming true.
It's about.
Stopping the next move and I say that because Joe sent me the clip that everybody sends me constantly.
It's had hundreds of millions of views, you know get 5-10 million views on Instagram and they'll take it down and Somebody just puts it back up Joe sent me this morning This clip so I thought I would send it to the crew and have them play it there's so many versions of a different edits of it but uh We're gonna play this come up the bottom of the hour Remember when people laughed at this?
Oh boy, it was really funny.
Oh boy, it's aged well.
That's what the Punisher, PunisherDM776 said.
776 said and it's got 1.2 million views it went up last night it'll get about 10
million then we'll take it down but Joe might have sent it out or something he
sent to me but hey well you guys over and shot this place this is just where I
predicted exactly what happened and again I'm an explosive - that's not
worthless that it all came true because at least it will listen to me now but
it's not as good it's kind of like a C- to tell you 12 years ahead and then not
stop it what the a-plus is or the 100 score what we're all looking for is to
understand that I know the enemy battle plan and that's what I do and I study it
so much that I know these things I know the telltale signs, I know the markers, thousands of data points, our brains are supercomputers, we are the AI that God made, that I know what they're planning next.
Like, I know Stop Having Kids is a consortium of PETA and Alexander Soros.
I just know that.
Now they'll ask how I know that, they'll be totally freaked out.
Well, I brought down PETA.
So now they've rebranded themselves, and I'm gonna bring this group down, because this is PETA 2.0, and I'm gonna tie it all together today.
You want over-the-horizon news?
They're about to poison the meat.
So when you get told by Clown Schwab that you will eat the bugs, and you will own nothing, and you will have nothing, and you'll like it, it's because most of you are gonna be dead The rest of you are going to submit to it, they think.
Now, just as the sun came up this morning, they're going to hit the food supply with a whole different spectrum of prions and other tick-borne illnesses.
And they're going to blame everything on the ticks.
But they've already been pre-planning and beta testing all of this, and you ask why do they want to do this?
Two billion people on Earth depend on bovine for survival.
Two billion people.
Genesis starts talking about the beef, the cows, and how it was a gift from God, and the grass.
So I'm going to be covering this more next hour.
And the chronology of Mad Cow Crisis.
But I've looked at all the angles and have been wanting to get to this for a while.
And the crew came in this morning and said, have you seen all the news about how it's a crisis, this tick is biting people and they can't eat beef anymore.
And I said, yeah, funny you said that.
I was going to be covering that this week.
My wife's dad, my father-in-law's in town after he survived his latest heart attack.
And he's doing better.
And one of his good friends owns a small ranch in Black Angus up in Omaha, outside Omaha, and he got bit by this tick and can't eat beef now and gets violently ill if he does.
So the tick thing is real, but the cover story is going to be the tick.
There's a bunch of other things they're cooking up and doing, because I've studied their whole attack.
Chronology of Mad Cow Crisis.
Red Meat Allergy Caused by Ticks is an Emerging Public Health Concern, CDC, and is an Emergency.
AGS Tick-Borne Meat Allergy Puts Thousands of Americans at Risk.
That ties into this.
Deadly COVID-Style Pandemic Could Easily Start in Our Food Supply, USA Today.
It all ties into Pfizer demands nations put up collateral to cover liability for the shots.
Remember the UN said we don't give any of the quote refugees or migrant shots because we don't want to be liable.
That really woke a lot of people up.
Oh wait, oh and the UN doesn't mandate their people take it.
Oh and all the bureaucrats and the high-level federal agency Post, they're exempt too.
They've been exempt the whole time.
They're not going to kill themselves!
No, no, that's for you!
And that said, I was out to eat at dinner last night with my wife and one of our musician friends, a really smart guy, and he's a great country singer.
I'm pretty successful and he was talking about his children basically made to take it to go to college and things like that and how his son would stop taking it because his friend works at the hospital as a nurse and just saw all the sick and dying from it and I was thinking why haven't I We've done what we did a lot in the last three years, pretty much this year.
I think once or twice we've kind of opened the phones up for a little while for the, quote, vaccine damage to call in.
And we don't screen your calls.
We love the shot call in.
Nobody's ever called in that loves it.
We had one sarcastic call once.
We've got like thousands of calls against and like one call for.
But I thought, why not just limit it?
Because we just load the phone lines.
We take hundreds of calls of the victims.
Not enough hours in the day to take them all.
And their families and those victimized around them.
But what about the doctors and nurses and what they've seen?
Because every fourth or fifth call was a doctor or nurse about the horror they saw.
And we've had the studies and we've had the scientists on and we've gone over it.
And there's a bunch of new studies out that are just even more damning.
About how poison these things are and how they erase your immune system and cause infertility and just blood clots and everything else.
But you have to really come to grips with the fact, and so do I, that of course the Justice Department doesn't care and just dropped all the charges on Sam Bankman Freed for the FTX tens of billions stolen.
Because they were laundering money for the Democratic Party and the CIA on record.
So while they drop the charges on him, and we're talking about immunity for Hunter Biden now, because, oh, well, what happens if other courts go ahead and indict Hunter?
Well, the president will just order the Justice Department illegally to give him immunity, not as a pardon, but because he's a witness on criminal cases.
So Sam Bateman Freed walks free.
After all his crimes, and his bug-eyed girlfriend robbing everybody.
Nothing happened to her.
She's the anointed one.
She gets to rob you.
She's better than you.
She owns you.
It's a big club and we ain't in it.
And Trump gets indicted again because they have footage of them moving boxes around.
And that's proof that they were, oh look, they're moving the children, they're moving the drugs, they're moving the stolen documents.
Look, they're moving documents!
Oh my goodness.
Trump was in open negotiations to give them the stupid documents that are his back and decided he didn't need to because the law said he didn't.
Trump vows to continue presidential campaign if sentenced.
Ex-Trump lawyer says evidence against him overwhelming.
Oh yeah, let's see what his ex-idiot con lawyer says.
Mind boggling.
Morning Joe, blown away by Trump indictment.
Reads like a mafia case.
We know who the mafia is.
It's Jack Smith and the New World Order.
Trump hit with new obstruction charges in Mar-a-Lago case.
The boss wanted the server deleted.
You know, most companies every week or every month or every, depending on how much money you want to pay for server space, delete your video.
We program it, I forget, I think once a month at a races, because I'm not going to pay for a server farm, hundreds of thousands of dollars to just save all the video of 50 cameras on the building.
This place has got a lot of cameras for security.
They can't set us up inside and out, not inside the offices, but the key areas and the commons areas.
We don't save it.
Oh, indicted!
We claim you were doing a crime in your office and we've got people that... We talked to your maintenance guy and he said that the footage was deleted.
Well, we got you.
You're a criminal.
And they'll tell some psycho leftist jury in D.C.
and it's conviction time.
Trump hit with new obstruction charges in Mar-a-Lago case.
The boss wanted the server deleted.
Trump allegedly attempted to have surveillance video deleted.
Special counsel.
Oh my gosh.
Trump says his lawyers have met with prosecutors ahead of possible 2020 election indictment.
And what did I tell you up front when the show started?
I've talked to multiple sources inside the federal courthouse in D.C.
and they say the indictments are already ready on a host of things surrounding January 6th and they've been told be ready as early as Monday for that announcement to happen and then sometime next week for the 45th president to turn himself in to this group of criminals and their kangaroo court.
I'm elemental!
I am perpetual!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to this live, Friday, worldwide broadcast.
And we are living in the middle of a train wreck.
We are living in the middle of a giant collision.
I've got big issues with Trump, everybody knows that, but I have to champion him.
I have to support him 100%.
He's got a lot of courage and he is fighting the New World Order and they are just pulling out all the stops.
They let Sam Bankman freed out of the courthouse.
They dropped all charges against him of Campaign finance, because he was paying billions over the last five years, not hundreds of millions, to the Democratic Party and others.
Total CIA front guy.
But he still knows where the bodies are buried, so I would imagine he's going to get Epstein'd real, real, real fast.
I would not be going anywhere without bodyguards that are very close to him that he trusts.
Because it's usually your bodyguards that actually kill you.
A little industry secret for everybody.
In that world, it's usually those are the guys that pay off to do it.
Or a lot of times who they suggest you get as your bodyguard is actually your executioner.
Just a little historical factoid for folks.
And again, oh the judge isn't going along with it.
The judge is going to go ahead and charge.
Hunter Biden.
So that's one side of the deep state wanting Biden to step down, but Biden's still in control.
Merrick Garland.
So, oh, it's in the news.
We're just going to give him immunity in criminal cases from prosecution.
So that's another form of a pardon, a stealth pardon.
So the crackhead pedophiles that says he works for Chinese intelligence and documented working with his dad, 10% of the big guy.
Scott Free, President Trump, his own presidential documents.
And they have a D.C.
jury that'll do anything they're told.
They vote 94% Democrat, 2% Independent.
So you do the math.
That's 4% Republican.
And they all work for the system.
And they know if you don't throw Donald Trump or anybody else we call a white supremacist under the bus, That's it.
And look, these juries on average are about half black.
Nice folks.
But the only people so far pretty much acquitted on January 6th have been black folks.
And that's because they tell the people this is a white supremacist.
And if it's a white person, then the black people believe it.
But they're unable to play the, uh, race card.
And you might not think the race card works, but it does.
In my civil case with my ex-wife, it became a huge O.J.
Simpson-level national fiasco.
Everybody remembers it.
Up to 100 news cameras there at one time outside.
The custody battle for my children now, five, six years ago, seems a millennia ago.
And in the trial, The psychologist, because my ex-wife wanted me to go under psychological evaluation and the court said, fine, you're under it too.
Their own psychologist, her own psychologist got up in front of the jury and everybody and gave the diagnosis on my ex.
Said what they found, what they saw, what was going on.
And the reason the judge gave me the kids the years before, it's a Democrat judge, and Alex Jones is full custody.
My ex had supervised visits.
God bless her.
Pray for her all the time.
And the jury, later we talked to the jury, my lawyers did, and they said, well, we were going to vote for you because all the psychologists said you were the good parent and all the rest of it, but They said we couldn't because you're with David Duke.
And I was winning that trial until they just found on Twitter.
Didn't even have a Twitter account by that time.
They just found on Twitter.
Where somebody said Alex Jones is like David Duke and put my name next to David Duke and just showing that jury white and black.
My name next to David Duke.
They said, she gets the kids.
And the judge overwrote it.
Which, Texas is the only state where a jury decides.
In every other state, it's the family court judges.
It's been deemed because it's just so important for the children.
I don't even know I really agree with that.
You know, I'm like, wait.
I remember being like, I don't think judges should be able to override a jury.
And I'm sitting there, and I watched that judge override that.
And that's because she, and reportedly she retired about a year after that.
She'd been on the bench 30 years, you know, old-line Democrat, Native American lady, Judge Naranjo, really smart, really good person.
I was before her so much in those battles.
And she went to the jury, this is the first time she ever did it, and she said, what trial were you watching to do that?
Because she almost did a mistrial when They said one piece of evidence is one thing, and then it was me and Joe Rogan making a rape joke on his podcast years before.
And it wasn't even really a joke, and they went, oh sorry, your honor, we didn't mean to.
She goes, that's not an evidence, what the hell is that?
But that isn't what got them.
It was putting my name, or showing somewhere on Twitter where people said, David Duke, yeah, like Alex Jones, his buddy.
And the jury looked at that, I remember, and the black people in the white people looked at me and their eyes went, mmm.
And so that's why Roger Stone is a big libertarian, big, you know, anti-put-black-people-in-jail-for-cocaine stuff.
He's been criticizing Joe Biden for 30 years on those laws that the Clintons and Bidens got in.
This is about 27 years, 28 years, calling blacks predators and all that.
I mean, he's been famously for the black community.
And they wouldn't let him have witnesses saying that, and they told him Roger Stone's a white supremacist.
Half the jury was black, and they convicted his ass.
You imagine, man, you're a white person, you've done absolutely nothing wrong, and the other side has a rigged thing in D.C., and they turn, they go, that's KKK right there.
That black jury goes, you're going to prison.
And it's really, I guess, because the black folks feel guilty, like, well, we can't let a KKK man go free.
And that's how it works.
And that's why the left uses race, is because even if the people don't think you're guilty, civilly or criminally, if they call you a racist to liberals or to black people, on average, you're going to prison.
Or you're going to lose everything you got.
You're going to lose your children.
And that's why they play race.
Those of us that are informed and see through it, it's dumbed us.
We're like, why do they keep doing that?
Oh, I want lower taxes?
I'm Hitler?
Or I don't think the border should be wide open, human smuggling, so I'm a Nazi?
You know, Trump never said Mexicans are all criminals.
He said there's a lot of great people, you know, coming across.
There's also a lot of criminals.
Well, that's true.
Now, how does that turn into the Mexicans are all criminals and rapists?
Just, it wasn't said.
Notice they never show you a clip when they said that.
But it works, folks, because the public, including white people across the board, are not paying attention, don't have memory spans.
All right, I'm going to move on.
It's just, I was kind of having some flashbacks there because, man, Trump is in a lot of trouble.
Because they got this thing rigged, and yeah, it makes him more popular the more they indict him, but I think they're going to kill him.
And I think you think that too, right?
I mean, they've already gone this far.
You just feel the fact that the New World Order is not backing down.
And let me tell you, when they're done going through Trump and myself and a few other people, you know who they're coming for.
They're coming for you.
You're the target.
You know that, right?
I'm going to explain it next hour.
I want to give the number out specifically for health care workers, nurses, doctors, ambulance drivers.
At least for the first 10 or 15 calls we take, On what you've seen from the COVID shots, what you witnessed.
And maybe you've seen wonderful things.
Butterflies, flowers, unicorns, lucky charms, leprechauns, pooping gold cufflinks.
If that's the case, call in and tell us.
But that's never what we get.
It's not what I get on the street.
It's not what I see anywhere.
And I'm going to play a little clip.
After we ate dinner last night, I told Bill Palmer, my buddy, I said, why don't you just tell the story?
So he's told his own story about his son being told by his friend that works at the hospital, hey, don't take the shot.
A bunch of people are getting sick and dying.
But we don't just have anecdotal witnesses.
Like, hey, I saw that bus run over a guy and he died.
You don't need to be a doctor to know the bus killed him.
We have the science.
We have the documents.
I'm going to hit that next hour, interspersed with news.
And I'll give the number out here in just a moment.
We'll fire up the phone system.
But just getting back to this Trump situation, I cannot express to you enough the grief that I'm having for our country.
And the reason I say that is, that's how I'm feeling.
And I'm trying to express to everybody, and I think you already know this, you don't need me to tell you this, but for those that are living under a rock somewhere or don't understand the gravity of this, the best way to describe it is, you're driving home in the afternoon, And you see smoke off in the distance.
Oh, there's a fire.
And as you get closer to home, you get there and your house is on fire.
It's burned down.
And you learn Grandma, who was living on the second floor, didn't make it out.
Your grandmother just burned alive.
And the house is all collapsed in.
There's firefighters there.
And they're going to be hauling her body out.
Now, Grandma lived a good life.
She's dead now.
She's gone.
And that's a hypothetical.
That didn't happen to me.
We did once see a fire at a distance when we got home.
It was at the neighbor's house burning.
That was pretty scary, but that was at night.
But this is the whole country, the whole world, because the whole world's going this way.
Wars and collapse and the food being cut off.
I mean, just cutting off.
The nitrogen fertilizer in the last two years, that was done regulatorily by the globalists.
They're using Ukraine, the Russia war.
I looked at the numbers, it looks like 20% of the cut is that.
So yeah, that's the cherry on top.
But now they're blaming, oh, the Russia-Ukraine war.
That's why rice and wheat cost so much, even though rice isn't grown there.
Oh, and that's why energy is so much.
That's why there's no fertilizer.
No, you've gone through regulatorily and just cut off its production.
And we show you the articles all the time.
It's like, man, people have trouble heating their houses now and heating their hot water and cooking their food.
Because of Russia.
No, it's because you're banning natural gas and the machines it's used in.
In every case, it's right there.
COVID didn't cause tens of millions starved to death.
The lockdowns did.
So it's the same thing over and over again, and I get chills when I realize their next move is to poison the meat supply.
And I'll hit that next counter.
And just as the sun came up this morning, and we'll set this evening, I want to tell us here something.
They're going to do it, okay?
I know when they're prepared and they're pre-programming.
I know, okay?
like anybody knows.
And that's what's so frustrating.
It actually makes me feel guilty.
That we have to sit here and just warn people and then watch this happen.
But thank God I can influence Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan and other people.
And thank God you can influence them.
And thank God we can influence your local pastors and other people.
But when I issue these warnings up here, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not doing this just to hear myself talk.
Believe me.
I was over Alex Jones 20 years ago.
But what I'm not over is the New World Order doing this to us and hurting our children and hurting us.
And I'm not going to sit here and take it.
And I'm begging you to understand how real this is.
You understand that we're in a full war with Russia.
We're about to go to full war with China.
The border's completely collapsed.
They've covered the tracks of the child traffickers where they don't do DNA testing or IDing of the kids.
They're shipping in more fentanyl than ever.
There's mental illness and death everywhere.
They're shutting industry down everywhere.
Irrevocable chain reactions have begun.
I've done the numbers.
I've talked to Lord Monckton, who broke the numbers down years ago, and we should get Lord Monckton back on.
A 25% cut in nitrogen fertilizer is going to kill 100 million people easy.
And notice the UN says 200 plus million starved to death next year.
And I've had articles where a bag of rice was $7 and now it's $100 for a big bag.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, India's stopping the export of rice.
They're the second biggest producer of rice in the world.
And you're like, okay, well, you know, I'll just, I just want to eat rice.
For half the world's population, it's 80% of their diet.
Let me say that again.
Half the world's population, it's 80% of their diet.
Look it up.
You're like, well, they'll just starve to death in, The Middle East and Africa and Asia and everywhere.
No, folks, they're not going to starve to death.
They're going to be boiling over our borders and the UN is going to point them as a ravenous weapon at us, just like locusts.
And I'm not comparing people in Africa or Asia to bugs.
I'm saying if I'm starving to death and I don't have food and I'm in a country, I'm going to get my family and I'm going to get to a place that's got food and I'm a lot more dangerous than a big ass grasshopper.
I will eat your ass.
That's why I explained this three years ago.
I said, when the food chain starts breaking down and the supply chain's gone, oh, I'm getting big chills right now.
It is a bomb.
It is an angrier world that Klaus Schwab's talked about, and they're going to be there going, maybe I'll fix it, take the global mark, take the new sign, do what we say, we will put you in work, big A's, the food will come back.
Just do as we say.
It's just climate change caused it.
And in this USA Today article and others, it's like climate change is about to make your beef poisonous.
Climate change made the Wuhan virus.
Climate change made the third world collapse and come to your border.
No, you locking them down and not letting them eat did.
This is not even 1 plus 1 equals 2.
This is not even 2 plus 2 equals 4.
This is on its face, prima facie, in your face, 100%, no doubt, going down, already happened.
They already killed 100 million people with cutting the nitrogen off.
They probably killed, the experts are over 50 million, with three years of lockdown in the third world, way worse than the West.
Imagine, you're living on a dollar a day, or two dollars a day in Latin America, a dollar a day in African places in Asia, and all of a sudden, the farm you work at, the dairy you work at, the factory you work at, for two years, no paycheck, and you're just told, go home.
And people go home, and you hear they died of the flu or COVID.
They died of malnutrition.
Anthony Fauci, the UN, murdered 50 plus million people, and they just pulled the trigger.
On another $100 million.
And you go, well, people ask us, I saw a video I put out, it went viral, and saw the comments going, why does Jones say if they cut nitrogen by 25% it kills $100 million, but 50%, which they're set to do next year, into 2025, why does it suddenly kill $2 billion or more?
It's exponential, folks.
The numbers are all out there.
You cut it 25%, it pushes a bunch of people into poverty and then into starvation, but you go 50, it's exponential because that'll be cutting into middle class populations, okay?
And then the crime and the desperateness that comes out of it, I'm gonna explain it again.
If half the world, or like 53% of the world, gets 80% of their calories from rice, What happens when you cut off the rice?
Well, you cut 25% off, it's just a similar equation, and I'm giving you guesstimations here from the numbers I've seen.
It's very similar to what happens with fertilizer, but even worse.
And that's a known thing at the CIA.
Look it up, that around half the world has maybe 5% discretionary income.
And of that 50%, 10% or so is living below subsistence and is in starvation mode.
And then it goes up to people that have zero discretionary, but if you add it together, about half the world has about 5% discretionary income.
Okay, you double, triple energy prices.
What's that do?
It takes that away.
Now they're in starvation mode.
It's the same thing.
You take away 25% of the nitrogen to grow plants.
That then cuts way back the yields.
Now you see a massive reduction in yields of about 15%.
Because they'll still get some yields without it.
And what's that do?
Well, you just took away all the extra money that half the world had, and now they're hungry.
And what happens when people get hungry?
They eat your ass.
And the average weird nihilistic leftist thinks this is funny.
They've got all the conservatives and Christians, you know, when they say jump how higher they'll call us racist, while they're murdering people and setting up murdering millions in an extermination cult that makes twelve monkeys look like a piker.
Alright, hour number two straight ahead.
I'm Alexander Emmerich Jones.
Spread the word.
Tell us about the products, how we support you, how we support all of ourselves, and the big event coming up.
Well, yeah.
The first one, obviously, you can go to MyPillow.com, use that promo code ALEX, and you can get all these great discounts on all of our products.
And just by visiting this site, you're going to get a $20 free gift emailed to you immediately.
And there's the biggest special we have right now, the 20-year anniversary MyPillow for $19.98 for the queen size, normally $69.98.
We're celebrating our anniversary with what my employees love doing best, producing and making the MyPillow.
And the model of businessmen and women with can-do know-how using the money for Americana freedom to fight the globalists is what they fear.
That's what the debanking is about.
That's what the financial attacks are about.
That's why we've got to rush to support MyPillow.com and InfoWars.com, plus their great products at both places, because we are the tip of the spear.
Coming up, your phone calls, major breaking news, and their plan to ban meat by poisoning it.
But first, this is going viral.
Joe Rogan's out there promoting it.
Here we are, years ago, predicting it all.
We're going to predict what's coming next.
Now, one of those sources has summoned the governor.
Alex Jones says he knows how they plan to depopulate.
Alex, you sounded urgent.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
Who's behind all this?
The Bilderberg Group, they want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda.
And they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to, Dr. Rima Labo.
But she doesn't live inside the United States because she's so concerned about all the police state developments that are taking place.
But if you can get her to come up here and talk to you, she's a medical doctor, she's treated heads of states, and she really understands what's happening on the inside.
Where's the doctor now?
She's in Panama.
So I gotta find her?
You can either go down to Panama and talk to her or somehow get her up here.
She doesn't like to come up here, though.
Here's her phone number and information in Panama.
I'm gonna work on it.
Very bad.
Within days, arrangements are made.
The renegade physician agrees to fly into a small airfield in the Midwest.
Only if the governor will meet her there, and only for a brief time.
Dr. Libau, how are you?
I'm fine, thank you, Governor.
Governor Jesse Ventura, thanks for coming.
Now, you've left the United States of America.
Yes, sir, I have.
I do not feel safe living in the United States.
No sir, I'd rather not.
You'd rather just be here so you can make a fast exit if you have to?
As soon as you and I finish, I'm leaving the country again.
Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination.
What is it about these vaccinations?
You think that they're bad?
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Doctor, the response is going to be, and you're crazy, how can you say this stuff?
They will induce a pandemic.
It's going to get the flu.
Everybody around us is going to get the flu.
Then the United States government, based on their statements that they've already made, will say, oh my, we have a pandemic.
What that means is a holocaust, a genocidal holocaust.
Men and women will sicken and die, and those who survive will be infertile.
Let me tell you a story.
In 2003, I had a patient in my drug-free medical practice who was a head of state.
And one day, she said, you know, it's almost time for the great culling to begin.
The what?
That's what I said.
The what?
She said the great culling.
When you thin the herd.
I said what are you talking about?
She said it's almost time for the useless eaters.
To be cold and she said those are the people who are consuming our Non-renewable natural resources.
I said who are the people who make this decision?
She said we the aristocrats This person you talk to, you're bound because you're a physician and there's the relationship that you can't talk.
Is this person a member of the Bilderbergs?
She is not Queen Beatrice.
She is not the Queen of England.
She is not Henry Kissinger.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are into our number two.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Alright, I got some good news, and I got some bad news, and I got some really good news, and some really horrible news, and then even more good news, and so on and so forth.
The good news is, humanity always fights back against tyranny when it becomes clear that there's no other choice, and liberty almost always tends to win, or we wouldn't even have what we have left today.
In fact, it always wins.
The question is, how long does it take?
The bad news is, We're in the middle of hell, and it's just getting started.
The globalists are systematically going to shut down the energy, the food production, everything, to teach us a whole new way of life, which is taking their shots, becoming poisoned, and slowly dying.
Their whole new way of life is death.
Their new world they're building isn't some renaissance or some new future.
The end of history as we know it.
It's the decision to go ahead and get rid of the excess population that they conservatively say is 90%.
And I don't know the fools out there in the system think you're going to carry out the extermination of 90% of people, which has already begun, and that that's not going to blow back on you.
That's guaranteed politically, culturally, economically, and spiritually going to blow back on you.
You will not escape.
So, you saw the headlines of three years ago from the New York Times and all the CFR publications.
Climate change is fueling global hunger.
Go back to the last New York Times headline.
The pandemic's causing starvation.
No work, no food.
Pandemic deepens global hunger.
No, the lockdowns.
Let's just show the father of 0% body fat and his little son starving to death.
Let's go back to those starving Africans.
Because the very left that tells you give up your rights for the black people, you're evil, you're white, you hurt black people.
Scroll up, full image please.
They're the ones killing folks.
They're the ones starving these people to death, and those that live have to politically do what the UN says and follow their ideology, or they are killed.
Not by a machine gun bullet, but by starvation and by the policy of the IMF and World Bank.
For two and a half, almost three years, shutting down Latin America, shutting down much of Asia, shutting down much of the Middle East, shutting down almost all of Africa.
And five different African presidents in six months Two and a half years ago, refused to lock down and they all got killed.
Some shot, most of them died in their sleep.
They got satellites that can do it now.
Particle beam your ass, you die, like, cancer and bleed outs, you know, a week later.
Oh, we didn't know we had cancer all over.
Oh, we didn't know we had blood clots everywhere.
Satellite just goes over, particle beams you right through your house.
Orbits by another hour.
While you're asleep.
Bye bye.
Think of it like space invaders.
How would aliens really invade Earth?
They'd poison the water, they'd poison the food, they'd get the leadership of the planet, they'd put up 5G everywhere, they would just slowly turn everybody against each other, they'd sterilize you, and then they'd say, oh, it's normal to be transhuman and merge with a machine or other animals, and aliens are quite normal and interdimensionals, and hey, it's all cool now, and then you're just right there.
Watching Congress say that inter-dimensional aliens are invading through the fourth dimension down into our dimension.
What did David Icke say three weeks ago on the show?
He said the fourth dimension has a sub-transmission zone in the ethereal plane that the second dimensionals are attacking up through using on us.
And then you see the Pentagon whistleblower up there saying, uh, these are aliens from another dimension through the fourth dimension expressing a hologramic image in the third dimension.
That's Einstein.
You might have heard of him.
But you notice everything I talk about that you heard from me first and a few of our guests first is now everywhere.
But we tell you the rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say.
So people ask me, how do you take the attacks?
How do you take the demonization?
How do you take the rigged courts lawsuits?
And I'm like, it's not even on the Richter scale.
It's not even on the scale.
It doesn't even, and I only tell that story to not make my haters think, oh, you're not bothering me.
You don't have any power.
No, no, no, no.
You do distract me from the serious work I've got.
It's caused major problems.
Oh, don't worry gremlins.
You're very powerful.
You're destroying your own future as well.
Don't worry.
You're burning down the lifeboats.
You're really winning.
What I'm saying is I, at a spiritual level, am above it.
Because every day above ground is a beautiful day.
Because I know I'm an eternal being made by God, and I'm simply trying to be as good as I can, and to resonate with that energy as much as I can, so that I am not left With the New World Order.
Down here.
Because, you know, energy chooses where it wants to go.
In fact, I saw a graphic I meant to send to the crew of a painting that I just happened to run into, and it's this image of, like, the Angel of Death reaching down and pulling a soul off this plane, and the devils are hanging on to the humans' feet, trying to keep our soul from going to the next level.
And that's exactly What we're talking about.
I've got it saved here.
It was a couple days ago.
Let me find it.
I'll show TV viewers.
It actually sends the crew too.
But I didn't see it in my... I didn't see it in my printouts for some reason.
Oh, it doesn't matter.
I can find it.
I can find it later.
But it's an incredible time to be alive.
That's all I know.
And so, here's a proper analogy.
We all know our eyes see a very limited piece of the light spectrum, and the light spectrum is only one form of energy out of just countless.
But it's more like this.
If you get around a big ball of melting down plutonium, and you hang around that for a couple days, you're gonna start bleeding, you're gonna start dying, and you're gonna be dead in about a week.
But you can't see the radiation coming off of that ball of uranium or plutonium, enriched uranium or plutonium, that's reacting and having many chain reactions.
But it's there.
It's real.
Just like you can't see 5G, but it's there cooking.
You can't see radar, it's real, it's there cooking.
And it's the same thing for the spiritual world.
And with all the mathematicians and all the quantum mechanics, I mean Einstein, Max Planck, none of those guys were atheists.
It was all about spiritually being able to see theoretically what was going on and then with mathematics being able to calculate How you could do that with the numbers, and it worked.
It was real.
And there was multiple theories and multiple systems that don't make sense working together at the same time, then you realize there's a much more powerful force, which they now scan and proven, five times stronger than fourth dimension, holding this one in place.
And we are not The sum of ourselves, we are like footprints in the sand of our higher dimensional self.
And this is what all the globalists know, and all the theoreticians, none of them are atheists.
That's all a lie.
So you'll never even look into any of this, which makes you spiritually blind.
Because with your eyeballs, you can't see the fourth dimension.
Unless you're on ayahuasca, and I don't recommend you do it.
But it does lift the veil.
And the entire government's on it, the leadership, all of them.
But it's bad news.
For most people, I wouldn't do it.
The point is, is that just like you can't see that radioactive isotope melting down, it's there.
It's the same thing with this.
Alright, I'm going to give the number out when we come back.
And we're going to take your calls from medical workers specifically.
Medical workers, specifically on what you think of the shot and what you've been observing and what you've been seeing.
But more charges to be filed reportedly next week in D.C.
against President Trump.
I have that from inside the courthouse.
We'll be right back.
So I guess here's what I'm trying to tell you.
Things have already been done that are going to collapse the world economy, guaranteed, and kill over 100 million people conservatively.
Now that means it'll hurt people in the first world, you'll have trouble paying your bills, and your standard of living will go down.
But you understand, it's a game where every time the third world starts dying, you're getting closer to the woodchipper.
And so, people are like, I don't care if they shut down the third world for three years, let them starve to death!
The UN's gonna organize them, and bring them here and take over with them.
And whereas I may not dislike these poor people that are being brainwashed and used and controlled, they're a weapon.
Like a piece of lead in a bullet.
I don't hate that piece of lead.
In fact, a bullet's pretty cool looking.
You know, the casing and a .357 or a .308 or a .50 cal casing with that big old cool bullet on the top of it.
But when that gets fired out of a barrel into you and it kills you, it's not very fun.
So I'm not racist against the bullet, but it doesn't feel too good being fired into my chest.
And that's what I'm really trying to get at here.
You don't think they launched a biochemical nanotech attack with the shots and that they were just going to stop there.
That was just a gauge to test in the media who's going to work with them, who isn't, who's going to follow orders, and who isn't.
That was simply radar or sonar, bloop bloop, bloop bloop, to send that out and get a read of the topography, to get a read of the map.
Now, the bird of prey's got its talons out and it's coming in for the kill.
And there's all these sick weirdos serving the system that think they're gonna get ahead by serving it.
And that was my big wake-up call a long time ago.
I thought if I exposed this pure evil, That most people, I thought 99%, would want to then fight it and wouldn't want to be part of it.
In fact, I didn't even think there'd be a 1% that would go, oh no, this is really evil, I like this, I want to join it.
Or, I'm scared of this, I'll try to join it, then I'll be safe.
I didn't think like a coward.
I didn't think like a fool.
I didn't think like a traitor.
I didn't think like a scumbag.
But you know what?
I've now learned That my externalization of the hierarchy, exposing their system with you, the audience, that carried the ball, what I've learned, our work, did this.
Some people have just numbed them because they're already in an unconscious phase, and they hear this and they just get prepared for it, and then they're just so lazy, subconsciously they just say, fine, I'll go ahead and die.
30-40% just decided to die and roll over.
They know it's all true at a subconscious and unconscious level, but they've just decided to roll over because they have no life force.
And then there's another 30-40% that that's the majority of the three groups, the largest of the three groups.
40-50% that doesn't like this and is starting to really get it through their head how serious it is and doesn't like the new world order.
But there's another 20% or so They weren't the little one-tenth of one percent that were part of this that learn about it and they liked it because they've been in the system so long and into corruption so long and into lies.
They kind of fantasize about worshipping at the dark altar of evil and how they can be part of the system and screw it all and let's just do it and they're nihilistically cheerleading this whole horrible thing pretending to themselves it's some type of freedom they're promoting.
No, the devil doesn't give you freedom except to commit crimes against people's free will and hurt others.
No, no, you are lowering the drawbridge to the Huns, and then you wonder why they string you up first once you've opened the gate.
You know, when the Muslims captured Constantinople, they were able to do it because of traitors inside of the government.
That's when the Eastern Empire of Rome finally fell.
And do you know what the Grand Sultan did?
The first thing he did was kill their spies.
They came in and said, sir, we're ready to be rewarded for giving you the secrets and lowering the drawbridges and, you know, helping poison the food supply so that you could bring down The oldest empire on earth and the Sultan said, sort of crying and said, I cannot believe that there are traitors like you.
You are the scum of the earth.
take these men away and torture them to death.
Now, what the Sultan did was the right thing.
How the hell would you believe scumbag traders like that who just sold out their own people?
Many of those men that sold out Constantinople had been part of the ruling families in that city for 800 to 1,000 years.
Their ancestors were all buried in the catacombs.
Their ancestors fought dozens of giant wars and hundreds of smaller wars, and people died by the millions.
And traitors inside sold out.
And it was not the Muslims that were the bad guys with their big cannons.
Because again, they were made by Western Christians who the West wouldn't pay the money for the guns, the Muslims would.
And so the Muslims took Constantinople, And the first thing they did was kill the traders.
So I'm going to explain this to the traders out there, because you are important.
And it's going to be you figuring this out that could really help turn the tide.
Because our people aren't going to be involved in trader activity.
We're not involved in the power structure.
We're here watching you burn the country down.
I'm going to explain to you.
Do you understand the first people that they get rid of are traders?
You're so stupid.
You realize if the globals fully take over, I will get approached one more time.
To work for them, and then they're going to kill me.
Because I'm the guy they want to have work for them.
Because I don't, once I do something, once I, once I kneel down to Emperor Palpatine, which is never going to happen, and say, I'm going to serve you, Dark Lord.
I'll do whatever you say.
Well see, because I'm an honorable person, even when I'm evil.
Once I got down in front of Satan and said, I'm going to serve you, I would serve Satan.
You dumbasses don't get it.
You serve one master, God or the devil.
I serve God.
I'm going to explain how the universe works to you evil people again.
You are the first people that the system is going to destroy when they take over, you dumb bastards.
Alright, I'm going to stop ranting.
I'm in a really angry mood right now.
Because, I mean, the cherry on top of saying Bateman freed, who stole 30-something billion, or 80, the numbers vary, it's insane, from a bunch of innocent people, and that little arrogant bastard, he gave almost all the money to the Democratic Party, and all these other people, and him and his disgusting girlfriend are all going free, all the charges dropped, and then our president is about to be fed into the mouth of hell!
You just say, well screw Trump, he's not perfect.
Don't you get the truest thing he ever said was, they're not coming after me, they're trying to get through me to get to you.
So I'm gonna open the phones up, and I had a guest coming up, and a great person, but I'm just gonna clear the deck here.
And I'm going to take your phone calls from Ellison Broadcast.
I'd like to hear from nurses, I'd like to hear from doctors, I'd like to hear from medical workers, and I know you're busy, so I'm not going to make you hold.
But that means nobody gets more than two minutes.
You just give us your report, we'll go to the next person out of respect for you.
After we take 10 fitting calls from medical workers, we'll open the general phones up for everybody.
Put the number on screen, please.
Let's talk about how good these shots are when we come back and how mommy loves them.
We'll be right back.
seven seven seven eight nine Alex let's talk about how good these shots are we
come back and how mommy loves them we'll be right back because what you've got is
all that I need all right ladies gentlemen we're gonna go to Andrew
Becky William Alexandra and many others We're talking to medical workers, nurses, doctors, home health care people.
What have you witnessed with experimental mRNA shots and all the new developments that have taken place?
Very, very important information.
And then I got a little late today on the news.
After I take a bunch of calls, and I'll go back to calls after that, I'm going to hit their next big play, poisoning the meat supply.
Because the globals have already poisoned the food supplies with GMOs and chemicals and nanotech and microplastics and all the rest of it.
And the atmosphere and the environment, the energy field with all the 5G and the rest of it.
But now they're making their main move on the cows.
We've already seen their blueprint for this.
So I want you to listen to me now.
And that means governments around the world, intelligence agencies, everybody.
And I'm going to tell you what's coming next.
And you can bet your bottom dollar that this is already in train, this is already in progress, this is already going down.
Maybe we can stop it.
But that's coming up next hour.
I know Trump with new indictments is big news.
Our sources in the courthouse, he's been indicted and next week they're gonna, Monday or Tuesday, announce it and then he'll show up in DC for that fiasco.
I mean, this is just heartbreaking, tear-jerking.
I'm not a prideful person, but when I see our country being run over and humiliated and falling into a man-republic, I have the opposite of pride.
Sad and I feel ashamed that we've let it go this far.
So I guess there isn't one without the other.
I guess I am a prideful person because I don't feel very prideful right now.
I feel ashamed and not demoralized though.
Far from it.
And I just realized that they've taken everything from us that they can, and they now want to take everything else they haven't got.
So, you're like, well, cut the energy off hurts them.
It hurts us, they don't care.
Or shipping and fentanyl can hurt their kids.
They don't, most of them don't have kids, folks, they screw kids.
I mean, they just, they don't think like that.
If they can hurt people, they don't care if they get hurt in the process, okay?
I mean, we're dealing with eeeeeeevil.
You think Satan's gonna send his B-string or his C-team?
Or his D-team, his backbench against America?
We got the worst stuff the world's ever seen coming down on us, okay?
And again, I don't say that to scare you.
I say that so you can get ready.
I mean, are you just going to get in a fetal position and piss all over yourself, or are you going to do something about this?
Yeah, look at Drudge Report now, owned by CNN.
Walls closing in!
Four more charges!
Iran attack plans in focus.
The President of the United States told people about the fact that he stopped the Iran attack, and I guess that's his crime, stopping a war.
Did you hear about Trump?
Yeah, he stopped nuclear war with Iran!
They've got nukes, by the way.
He got a peace deal over the Middle East.
That traitor, that Russian!
Well, what's Iran do to Russia?
It doesn't matter!
He's a Russian agent!
Well, why are you on the payroll of the Chinese and the Russians?
Democrats, just shut up!
I'm an intelligence agency operative!
I'm the royalty!
I own America!
I own these people.
I mean, I'm going to just be honest with people, man.
This is bad.
This is ri- I mean, again, I'm gonna explain this again and I'll go to your calls.
Let's get to the next break.
Just cutting off the nitrogen, in the numbers we've shown you, is going to kill 100 million people currently next year.
It's already happened.
People starving to death, begging for mommy, no food.
Does that make you feel good?
Because you can hypothetically all talk about, oh, is adrenochrome real?
Are they raping kids?
Is that real?
And of course that's going on.
But that's a small little globalist ritual they do, comparatively.
No, no, the real murder goes on cutting the food off.
And then the toughest, the meanest, the craziest military-age men that rob and kill their own people get organized by the UN and brought in here.
Yeah, the third world's their prison planet, their Seleucus Secundus.
And they get them all trained up there murdering people under the UN globalist IMF World Bank regime and then they organize 97% of them coming in, military-age men, the worst of the worst.
And then they come in.
Think of the dark genius of that.
Think of the will to carry that out.
And then we're here, scared CNN might call us a Nazi!
I mean, I mean, what the new old order's doing would make Hitler just absolutely just be in awe.
He was a lobotomized monkey compared to these people.
But we could beat them if we took in the Holy Spirit, and if we admitted we were under attack, we could stop them relatively easy.
But the sands of time are running low.
And very soon there'll be no reversing this.
So I as a man, and as a visionary, Know this, you can see this, you have vision as well, and I'm just here, kind of like, just going, wow.
It's like we're on the beach, and you see the tide going out all of a sudden really crazy, and you know, oh gosh, a tidal wave's coming, but you waited too long, there wasn't a tidal alert, you didn't, nobody, everybody has alerts on their phones now in like Hawaii, like, tidal wave coming, and you get like a 30 minute warning, everybody runs back, you know, people are like, get off the beach, get off the beach, but if you don't, like what hit Japan, show the tsunamis hit in Japan 10 years ago that brought down Fukushima.
And some 150-foot wave comes in, man, and you're sitting there with your kids, and all of a sudden, you didn't get the warning, and you see a 150-foot wave coming in, and you look back, and you look at the two-story buildings behind you, and you go, we're not gonna make it.
But you still run.
Yeah, this is some border footage.
Type in, Japanese Fukushima tsunami.
Please, take that down.
So, we're all sitting here on the beach with our families.
We got our sun lotion on.
We've had a few beers.
We built a sandcastle.
And now we just looked out and we're like, what is that out there?
That's way out there by that old rig.
Jeez, that's twice as tall as that old rig.
What is that?
That's a wave.
That's a wave.
But see, we don't have to see the wave way out coming.
It's like we're at a barbecue joint a quarter mile in town by the beach.
And it's already run over the beach, run over the first few buildings, and now we look out the front door of the barbecue joint, and we see 150 feet of wave.
There's some epic, epic, epic, epic Japanese tsunami footage, folks.
We're showing you some close-ups, man.
There's epic stuff that shows, like, towns and villages and whole boats getting hit.
I'm gonna pull it up.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm not... Just wish I had bad luck today pulling stuff up.
Here, I'm gonna pull it up for you.
Type in Japan Tsunami.
It's just incredible.
150 foot wave coming in.
It's like, push the buildings, everything right over.
We'll add it in post once you put this video out.
Put a note.
Add tsunami footage here.
Because I'll assure you it exists.
Top link.
So, that's the reality here.
And so, you're gonna be hit by it.
And look, they already killed billions, folks, the shots.
Billions are gonna die.
Just understand, they already killed billions.
I mean, they already made the move.
I just want the survivors later to realize, stop thinking there's a peace deal.
Stop thinking they're gonna back down.
Stop thinking they're gonna go away.
They've started the extermination.
They started it.
And the fact, here's some of the footage, the fact that you're not No, this is a show about how tectonic plates cause tsunamis.
I'm gonna... You know what?
We're canceling calls.
Rest of the show is tsunami footage.
I'm OCD.
I gotta have it now.
No, I'll take your calls.
Man, this is such incredible tsunami footage.
So it's Japan from about a mile back from the shore, like a 20-story building, and it just shows huge 150-foot waves coming in.
Every time I've searched it, it's the top deal.
I'm sure maybe they took it down or something.
I don't know why we can't find it.
And it just shows these giant waves coming in, and they're just pushing boats and cars and just everything out of the way.
That's what I want you to see.
That's what I want you to know, because it doesn't care.
You cut off the nitrogen, it causes the third world to go boom, people!
Yeah, here's a little bit of a tsunami.
I don't know, maybe they took all the video now.
Let's just stop.
Let's just stop now while we're ahead.
I've never seen tsunami footage that bad.
And I'm not mad at the Caribbean, sure.
I mean, who knows why the globals don't want to see tsunami footage?
Because, I mean, the last time I searched Japan tsunami, Fukushima tsunami, it was like, you know, tsunami footage.
It's just everywhere.
It's dynamic.
It's incredible.
It's not there.
That's fine.
I'm gonna go to break.
I'm gonna go home, maybe.
Oh, here we're getting a little bit here.
This is more like what we're talking about right here.
So this is a real tsunami right here.
here. See what we got going on here? Yeah, this is some tame footage, but this is more
like it.
So this is what billions of people starving to death is far more dangerous than a tsunami.
Because a tsunami only goes two, three miles inland.
Depending on the topography.
This goes everywhere.
And I guess the only solace I've got, and I said I'd go to your calls.
I guess the only solace I've got is all these leftists are going to die.
But I don't even hate them.
That's why it's like, That's another one the devil got.
You know, it's like, oh, you poor little devil.
As they beg and scream and plead and all the rest of it.
And all they wanted to do was rape a child.
It was to give them power.
Imagine being that little horrible creature.
They just want to rape a kid.
They just want to power over somebody.
They just want to kill a Christian.
They just want to have somebody in a basement, chained down and pull their teeth out with pliers.
Imagine coming from a family where that's all you want to do to people.
All right.
All right.
I said I got your phone calls.
You know, I don't think news this big should be just up here talked about like it's no
big deal.
I think just to note how bad all this is, I should just leave for a few weeks.
I should just go for a few weeks.
I mean that.
Like, you don't just have stuff like this going on and just keep talking about it.
In fact, maybe I never should talk about it again.
Maybe it's like evil to even commentate.
Maybe I shouldn't show you a tsunami.
You should just experience a giant tsunami for yourself of billions of starving people.
I'm serious.
Maybe I'm standing in the way of God's judgment.
Maybe God should just blow the world up.
That's hypothetical.
I'm not saying that.
But I'll tell you this, I'm not in a good mood, folks.
Because this isn't some candy-ass act.
This isn't some game.
This is the end of the world as we know it.
This is Satan upon the planet, raping, murdering, and killing.
And this is all these people not able to take it serious.
And all the candy asses need to know, man, it's over.
It's game over.
Until we get God.
Let's do this.
I promise and I apologize to the callers.
Anne and Tanya and Andrew and Becky and William and Alexandra and Lisa and Roy, when I go to you in like three minutes, don't cheer me up.
I apologize.
I'm acting like this.
I'm just genuinely freaked out.
out nothing to do with the crew or anybody around here just just tell us
what's happened to the hospitals and I appreciate you calling and I respect you
and I respect your time and I'm gonna stop whining okay But at the same time, I don't think people take this as serious as it is.
So let's play that short little minute and a half clip.
If I was the deep state, please.
And then we will go to your calls.
It's just that I come here to tell you what I really think is going down and it's so horrible.
What they've already done is going to kill Way more than 100 million people.
I mean, that's just what the numbers are currently.
They've already shot it out.
So, 500, a billion dead?
I mean, and they've already injected us with this stuff?
I mean, I am fundamentally, completely freaked out.
And I want everybody working for the system to know, you can make jokes about this all day, you're dead too!
And that's the only solace I've got, is that you're gonna die too!
You understand that?
You're gonna get it!
By your own hand!
Go ahead and play the clip and I'll come back to calls.
If I was the Deep State and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate.
One that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it.
I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots.
I would be in charge of the ballot counting machines.
I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.
If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me.
I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election.
I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.
If I was the Deep State, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a
Democrat ever winning an election.
I would imprison my foes.
I would use my corrupt DAs and blackmailed judges to destroy you.
I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened.
I would prosecute my biggest competition.
I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.
If I was the Deep State, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good and
women are men.
If I was the Deep State, I would own every politician that mattered.
If I was the Deep State, I would push my pedophilia ambitions on you.
If I was the Deep State, you'd question your sexual identity, but not the medical establishment.
If I was the Deep State, you would fear to ever resist me.
If I was the deep state you would wish I was really the devil.
If I was the deep state I would say mission accomplished.
Alright, I'm gonna settle down now, but I'm really trying to get people's attention.
And so it's not an act how I'm acting, I'm letting myself really show you how I feel.
I appreciate you all, and I'm very thankful for you all and the crew.
But, I'm in a level of grieving, I know you are too.
Alright, let's go to the calls who are the receiver, I'll go to you quickly, I apologize, I made you wait 45 minutes.
Callers have been waiting 15 minutes, that's less than I thought.
Andrew in Texas, you're on the air.
You're a technician for medical industry and hospitals.
What are you seeing with the glorious shots?
Hey Alex.
The first, I guess the first episode was, I think it was right during COVID.
We were still quote unquote essential.
So I was still able to go to certain clinics.
I'm in this clinic.
I calibrate equipment.
I'm hearing this doctor talk to this patient and yeah, Yeah, I got the vaccine.
Man, I got that Guillain-Barré.
The Guillain-Barré, I couldn't walk.
That's the first time I had heard someone that actually overcame it, but was paralyzed by Guillain-Barré.
Second one was, well, of course, my dad got it.
Told him not to.
He gets cancer and dies within two weeks.
I hate that.
My ex-wife, My ex-wife, my father-in-law, my father-in-law got it, went into cardiac, died.
The mother got real sick.
She made it, praise God.
This girl I was dating three months ago said her whole family got it.
She didn't get it.
Her mom got it, had a stroke, but made it back.
This other doctor, he's a near doctor out of Tyler, he gets it.
He complains about his back.
I went to see him and the rest is history, man.
Very, very sad.
And what else is sad is that they still ask for this shot.
They're still asking for it up in Dallas.
When I go to work in Dallas, you got signs.
And, you know, I went to Parkland Memorial.
The lady's like, can't let you in.
Your back card.
I'm like, I'm not vaccinated.
I got an exemption.
I'm waiting on an escort.
You know, I don't want to say more to her, but I'm trying to be as polite as I can.
That's right, they're still, after they've been disproven and they're a fraud, still pushing it on you.
It's just, look at this, at the Tour de France.
They were trying to make them all be injected or wear masks while they were riding around.
It's all a clown show.
Little kids at band practice inside bags playing their trumpets.
I mean, it's all about how much stupid stuff can we get these idiots to do?
And I'm like, how much can we throw your ass in prison?
How about that?
How much can we convict you and hang your ass?
I mean, I am sick of these bullies running our lives.
God bless you, Andrew.
Becky in Texas, thanks for calling.
You're a nurse on COVID.
Thanks for putting up with me.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to tell you how it's going in Texas with these hospitals.
We're seeing a lot more seizures, infections of the bone like osteomyelitis and I was doing wound care for a while and I was seeing people who had been remissioned for decades and had maybe breast cancer and then these nodules would disappear on their skin and it was actually their cancer coming back after decades of remission.
What else are you saying?
Um... Just that...
The neurological problems, a lot of seizures, Guillain-Barre, a lot of that.
People who have temporary paralysis and it comes and goes.
Oh, the other thing is cognitive issues.
We have people, you know, when COVID was here, there was a big thing called the COVID fog.
If you had it, you know, and maybe you went through a couple of weeks or a month when you just kind of would lose your train of thought, This is what I'm seeing, except these are people who have had two and three vaccines.
And also, the nurses, there's like a quiet culture in the hospital, okay?
And it's a group of nurses who are against the vaccine, don't want to take it, but have to work.
So they find a way around it.
But these nurses who are getting their vaccines, I've had three nurses, Well, that's what we're hearing from all the other medical workers as well.
Thank you so much for the call, Becky.
We really appreciate you.
Let's go to William in Arkansas.
You're on the air, go ahead, William.
Yes, I've been in North Sun City since the last 14 years of long-term care.
I've seen some odd things post-injection.
One lady, 45 years since she had her last menstruation.
Most people that had the shot, they had long pain in the extremity that they had the shot in.
Most of all, I saw a faster deterioration with people that are already suffering from dementia.
Don't take all this too hard, Alex.
We love you.
You've vindicated thousands of us.
I've been following you since the Lyndon LaRouche days.
I met you a long time ago outside of a courthouse, and we exchanged some information, and I've been following you a long time.
But I've lost five jobs over this, two that I had because I wouldn't keep my mask over my nose, and three they wanted to hire me, but I wouldn't take the shot.
I worked with one nurse on a traveling contract.
Her husband was a physician.
He ended up in the ICU, hooked up to a ventilator, and on remdesivir.
And this lady was beside herself.
She was a very good OR nurse, and she stayed flat out.
The hospital that her husband was in, they killed him.
Well listen, losing jobs, imagine once they have a social credit score in, then they'll be able to starvish to death around taking the shots.
But the good news is, you're not like Bronny James.
LeBron James' son can never play again, had a heart attack, he took three COVID shots they admit, and they're saying COVID did it!
Well I thought your COVID shot protected you!
Anybody with any kind of basic nuclear, biological, chemical warfare training in the military knows that, you know, a mask is not going to stop even the weakest of, you know, nerve agents, gas agents, and stuff like this.
Any basic soldier that's had any kind of, you know, nerve agent training knows this is BS.
You're going to sit here and tell me that the little Quaker and Amish ladies that got their homemade see-through mask, that's going to stop a virus?
You know, it's just ridiculous.
When a bunch of egos like the world leaders can agree all at the same time, you know, as a resolution to the same subject matter, you know there's something going on.
But you can raise your mask at the restaurant to eat.
Yeah, it's just all retarded.
I mean, we're being let down.
It's all a cult, sir, to see what we'll put up with.
Beautiful calls.
Thank you, William.
All right, we're going to start the next hour, and I went off the rails, got a little mad, a little upset about the Trump stuff, because it's so insane.
We're in the middle of a coup.
and find him and people that are making these rules are ignorant.
We'll get to these calls too.
Anybody, your COVID experience, your shot experience, how you responded to it, how you fought through it, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
I just got to five calls in that segment, or four calls.
I'm going to take 20 calls next hour.
I just got to five calls in that segment, or four calls.
I'm going to take 20 calls next hour.
So Anne, Tanya, Alexandra, you're up next.
Lisa, Roy, I'm going bam, bam, bam to your calls.
I haven't plugged today.
I've been so angry and upset, but we got great products.
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I want to thank you all for your support, but whatever you do spread the word about the
We'll be right back.
It's just bizarre to actually be living in this.
But if you look at the rest of history, it's all crazy too.
Oh, this is the craziest yet.
Let's go to Alexandra in Canada.
Alexandra, welcome.
Go ahead.
You're a healthcare worker.
Yes, hi.
Can you hear me?
I can.
Go ahead.
Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
I'm so excited.
So I'm also Alexandra.
It means warrior of mankind, defender of mankind.
And I'm French, as you can hear.
I am in Quebec, Montreal, so in Canada.
We're very secluded here, right, because of the French.
So I'm sorry, my sentences will not be perfect.
And I'm actually on the natural health care space.
And because I'm in a niche, and I'm a naturopath, and I have been for 20 years.
I mean, I was a gymnast, like Canadian champion.
I was Miss Fitness Canada.
Top in the world, poll vultures. So I've built a stellar practice here and we have been attacked
harassed like Way more than anybody in Canada
They started with us and nobody knows, nobody cared.
I don't know if you, you of course probably are aware that just May 20-something, the bills were passed for the natural health care supplement industry.
That is just outrageous stuff, ridiculous stuff.
So all of the natural health care space in Canada is finally in crisis.
I'm sorry, I'm saying finally, but personally, we've been attacked here since
2018 and Dr.
Mercola was talking about in 2018.
I was trying to make some noise.
There was no support, nothing at all.
So now I'm sorry I'm so well, well, I can't believe I'm on the call.
So now, um, I mean, the journalist got to us, they gave us so many fines.
Actually, I, I ended up, you know, through my intuition, being a true health care.
I care, I'm a caretaker, true caretaker, and I'm on the natural care space, right?
So I usually receive people that haven't been healed on the other side.
I'm sorry if I'm saying too many details about that, but...
Um, the way that even my clientele has responded, Alex, I'm so surprised because we have eight months of winter here, and I know in the U.S.
it's the same thing, right?
The country, the states where it's just really, really cold, you know, we get numbed out.
For us here, it was eight months.
So even some, can I have a, I usually don't talk about my clients, right? I keep everything personal, but even some
of the people we went through with cancer, with just like amazing things we went through
together for 15 years, 20 years, well, they shut me down. They didn't want to see me
and they were afraid, even these people. So I'm just so stunned and surprised and
Canada is much more quiet than the U.S.
And then if I can switch and talk a bit about my personal experience, I happen, even as an elite athlete, I ended up I hope I'm not opening another can of worms, but I know you have talked about all these categories of vaccines, biologics, everything, and I know Judy Mikevich researched really well, and as a high-level elite athlete, I have some shots.
You sound like an amazing lady.
I know Canada is really...
The tip of the spear of the WUF tyranny.
And so it sounds like you've been in the news.
I've heard about the harassment.
They're trying to ban vitamins in New Zealand, Europe, Canada.
Tell us your name or a news article.
Where do we find you, Alexandra?
Thank you so much!
So I'm actually heading to America, but I'll keep supporting Canada because now I'm better and I have all my friends.
I'm so excited to talk to you, Alex.
There's a lot of folks.
So I'm saying, Alexandra, as you say you're a public figure, you say it's been in the news, what's your website so people can find you?
Yes, so I just opened up a new Instagram two days ago, America's Wellness Collective.
So America's Wellness Collective on Instagram.
Check that out.
Thank you so much, Alexandra.
What I was doing today, and I'm glad we've got all these great callers, is I'm asking medical workers about what you saw happen with the COVID shot.
Because usually I just say, tell me what happened with the COVID shot.
And we load the lines of people with their stories.
It's very informative of what happened.
And it's also borne out by the statistics and the documents that what they're saying is true.
We're kind of getting some other calls from medical workers about other angles of what they've seen.
And how they've been suppressed, which is fine.
You never know where the calls are going to take you, but we're going to come back with Ann and many others on the other side of the 60-second breaks.
Please stay with us.
Yeah, now more and more of the medical workers, which are just cult members of Big Pharma when they follow orders, some are great heroes, are doing their dances again, this time for climate change and lockdowns.
Remember there was nobody, he even had a heart attack, we couldn't take him to the hospital, he got to die at home.
You can't see your parents.
Hospitals are all overwhelmed.
They were just totally quiet crickets except for special floors.
They were murdering people.
Meanwhile they were getting drunk, partying, and cutting endless TikTok videos because they were heroes.
You drive to the hospital, lights would be off, there'd be A tent with people at it?
And there'd be nobody there, but you'd see on the news, it's hundreds there!
Don't look and get through the line!
If you go there, there'd be nobody there.
Unless you caught them during a promo they were shooting.
Very sick, folks.
See, they don't come with tanks and machine guns like Hitler did or Stalin did.
They come with TikTok videos.
And in New York, thanks for holding your own here, welcome.
Hi Alex, I just first of all have to thank God for leading me to you because he led me to you several years ago and you have saved me in so many ways just by listening to you.
But I am a nurse in one of the health home states of the country, New York, and I did take one jab to save my job and I pushed to the very last day and they did not accept any kind of You know, religious exemption, medical, nothing, nothing.
CEO emailed me.
Are you going to get it?
That night, I went with my husband.
We talked about it.
I got it just to save my health insurance and my family and my kids.
So, got away with the one that kept nagging me for more.
Just ignored the email.
So, so far, it's been so good over the last couple years now.
I have I cannot tell you how many of my employees, my co-workers, these young girls, 20s, 30s, wearing heart monitors, having heart problems, diabetes, cancer.
We're not just talking these patients.
We're talking the healthcare workers that just said, okay, oh, I have to get another one.
Oh, okay.
I'll come and get another one.
I'll get my next one.
I'll get my next one.
And now our healthcare system, our healthcare workers, they're missing work.
They're not going to be able to work like this the rest of their lives.
Are they like LeBron James and other people like Jamie Foxx that take the shot and then get hurt by it and then just won't respond and just cover it up?
Or are the health care workers you know recognizing what's happened?
Some do.
Some will say, you know what, ever since I got that COVID shot, that COVID shot, and I will ask, and I am not afraid to ask, How many times did you get it?
And you know, and they will tell me and thank God also for the detox, the detox, the doctors that you had on there that helped me because I did that.
Even though I just took one, I still, you know, I regret it to this day and I never want to see that frigging card that they gave me.
I will burn it and I will deny I ever got it and I don't care.
I'm embarrassed.
I'm embarrassed.
It's awful, but these young kids here, these nurses that are just ignorant and that just go along and you know, you try to tell them and they just keep going and it's, oh, I'm sick again.
You know, I'll get this again and you know, I have to wear a heart monitor again for the tachycardia because my heart's racing so much.
Well, chief, why don't you go get another jab, honey?
It's a shame.
It's a shame.
It's sick, sickening.
When people ask, why would they do this?
They're normalizing.
Will people accept?
Being human sacrifice in front of everyone and being depopulated.
I mean, this is like something directly out of Logan's run with the carousel that once you hit 35 they, you know, send you up and then you get blown up and it's all so cool, it's all so fun.
I mean, they're really creating this barbarous, occultic world.
What percentage of the other nurses and medical workers would you say are awake now?
Oh, there's quite a few now.
They are coming, too.
Most of them I work with that will say they will never do this again.
But I mean, you know, there's going to be more.
We all know there's going to be more.
So, I mean, sure, you're not going to take another COVID, but what are they going to get you with next?
You have to.
And at this point, sometimes you just you can't talk to a lot of these people.
And it's frustrating.
I'm so close to just, I gotta get out of the field.
I gotta get out of it.
Here's the problem.
They get your people out of the military, they get your people out of the medical system, and I get why they do it, but then they've got only their people in, and that's what this is.
This is a process of corrupting people, terrorizing people, killing people, but also seeing who will follow the orders for the next big attack.
So I appreciate you, God bless you, Anne.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lisa.
In Illinois.
Lisa, thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
It's good to talk to you.
Long-time listener.
First-time caller.
I am a nurse.
I work in long-term care, and I can agree with everything that everyone else has said.
We are seeing just horrific issues with these people.
I've lost nearly 60 residents in the last year and a half, and I've never seen anything like this.
And all the time I've been in health care.
We're seeing... Tell us what you witnessed.
This is important to get on record.
We're seeing horrible seizures, skin issues that just will not go away, strokes, heart attacks, countless falls, antibiotic resistance, cancers.
A lot of the injuries are definitely related to cardiac, neurological, hematological, immunological.
The cancers, like I said, reproductive harms, horrible cognitive issues, worsening declines, psych issues, and these are all the same injuries that were listed on the YouTube video that FDA and Pfizer had posted October 22nd, 2020.
If you look at that list, all of those side effects are exactly what we are seeing.
Why do you think they'd tell us before they did it?
Because it's in that document and others, you're absolutely right.
I don't know.
I guess, like you have said, they have to tell us what they're doing before they do it.
But these people that are telling everybody this is safe and effective, they know damn well that's a lie.
They know.
They see their friends and family dying.
What are the other healthcare workers saying around you?
Alex, half of them don't even know what's going on.
They're not putting the pieces together.
And for me, it's just unreal.
This violates everything that we were trained in.
It violates our Nurse Practice Act.
It violates the Nuremberg Code.
Nobody's getting informed consent.
They didn't tell these people what these were.
I do have a request.
I know Karen Kingston has been working hard on this in Florida to try to get these banned as bioweapons.
And I want everybody to go to Karen Kingston's Substack and look up that letter that she wrote to the sheriff.
On what we can do to get this stopped.
I saw that.
Karen Kingston on Substack.
And also we have that big county, the Republicans voting to ban this bioweapon.
We need to get them on.
We need to talk to Karen Kingston.
We need to get that little Republican group on because that'll be duplicated just like school boards everywhere.
That's what they're scared of is us peacefully taking control of our local regulatory system and our own health department staying in the local hospital.
You're not going to give anybody an experimental shot not authorized by law.
It's real simple.
Follow the law.
Exactly, Alex.
Can I request that you get Karen Kingston on in a panel with Dr. Francis Boyle, Dr. Peter McCullough, and Dr. David Martin and see if we can come up with something to get these stopped.
Yeah, I've been trying to get David Martin on.
He's great.
My wife's dad had a heart problem and Martin was scheduled to be in studio but I had to leave for that.
So we're trying to get him and I've been trying to get McCullough on for the last week about Our last few days about what happened with LeBron James' son.
But yes, I would love to have that panel discussion.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
All right, Roy, you're up next.
And then Suwanda, Scott, Donnie, Daryl, Ben.
Kronov, Tove, and others.
Stay with us.
Roy's up next.
Infowars.com is the front lines of human resistance.
and stay with us.
I'll wait for you.
Alright, sir.
We're going to send help.
Okay, you're telephoning.
Hold on.
Don't hang up, sir.
Don't hang up.
You're telephoning.
Okay, let's get next to him, please.
Okay, how old is he?
Get next to him with the phone, okay?
Get next to him.
Get next to him, please, with the phone.
Okay, I need to find out.
Is there a doctor on scene with him or a registered nurse?
No, there's no doctor on scene.
Okay, help is already on the way, okay?
Get next to him, please, with the phone.
We're already on the way.
Fire department, paramedics already on the way, okay?
Okay, sir.
We'll call us back if anything changes, okay?
Well, that's somebody calling from the college basketball team for Bronny James, who's in cardiac arrest.
And they had the nerve to say COVID made him have a heart attack.
Even though they now admit he's had three shots his daddy told him to take.
So the COVID shot didn't protect you and COVID gave you a heart attack?
Or did the shot give you the heart attack?
We knew day one the shots gave you heart attacks.
And we know if you've had the shots you've got a way higher chance of Getting COVID, dying of COVID, and having a heart attack or a stroke.
But people like LeBron James and his son, who made hundreds of millions of dollars in the system, they can't get, the system can give you money while still killing you.
Because the system wants to use you an example of their power structure, and that you can work in the system and be successful.
While at the same time it's moving against the population.
So LeBron James can't believe this happened to his son.
He can't believe it was the shot because that's a decision he made to try to get his family to take it.
He said that.
I've read the articles.
I've played the clips.
So is he mentally tough enough to be like Joe Rogan or Alex Jones or Ice Cube and say that's a poison shot, I'm not taking it.
In fact, get that three minute clip I ever played of Tucker Carlson.
It was the excerpt out of the first Ice Cube interview in the car.
And Ice Cube is a self-made, very successful person.
He's a smart guy.
Street smart.
Business smart.
He says, they have no liability, the vaccine makers, if they're wrong.
Only us that take it have liability if they're wrong.
And they're wrong.
Well, they're not wrong, Ice Cube.
They're right.
Because if they can give out a poison shot that causes infertility and heart attacks and problems, and then people LeBron James it, or Jamie Foxx it, and even though their kid almost gets killed, or they almost get killed, they know, well that's the power structure.
They're basketball players.
They're actors.
They aren't going to go against that.
They know the system feeds them, but the system feeds them poison.
So, don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Cut off the hand that poisons you.
My mother, when I was five years old, cooked me biscuits and gravy and sometimes she cooked me like biscuits and gravy and a steak in the morning and eggs if she felt like it.
She just loved to cook.
I'd come in there and, Mama, you're so nice.
I didn't bite her hand.
I knew it was incredible.
But on a basic morning, I got pancakes and bacon and eggs and orange juice.
And my mother came over to put that in my plate.
I didn't bite her hand.
But if it wasn't my mother and she was putting cyanide on my pancakes, I'd cut her hand off.
That's not your mother.
No, it's Big Pharma.
It's the New World Order.
So LeBron James says, here's hundreds of millions.
You just lead them into slavery.
You just do what you're told.
Oh, yeah.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is on you for not taking the shot.
He's like, OK, I'll take it and so will my wife and kids.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar goes, that's right.
I'm your boss now.
I'm the moral authority.
And now your son's out of the basketball for the rest of his life.
They've said he can't ever play again.
And you're gonna sit there and take it, aren't you, LeBron?
LeBron's like, yeah, I'm gonna take it.
LeBron James, like, what, 6'9", or something?
Huge guy?
Like, I mean, imagine, LeBron James is at dinner at some restaurant, and I just randomly walk over, just slap his wife right in the face.
He'd get up and stomp my ass to the ground.
But if I'm his sponsors and his team doctors and the media and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and I'm like, hey man, just give your kid the shot.
Your kid has a heart attack.
Well, you see, he doesn't have moral courage, so he can't admit what was just done to his family.
And that's what they're counting on in the psychology.
And that's what happens.
Oh, the team doctors call, and the sports manager calls, and they say, listen, you don't know it was a shot.
People are saying that.
It's only going to hurt you and your family if you come out against this.
We're not sure we did it.
Probably not the shot.
They're saying it might have been COVID.
LeBron, you get the fact.
You're going to get an even bigger contract now.
Just chill out.
Your son's going to be all right.
The best thing for your family is don't take on Big Pharma.
And you hear LeBron saying, yeah, you're probably right.
But I predict his son will be dead within ten years.
I predict Jamie Foxx will be dead within five.
Because I look at the numbers.
I just hedge my bets.
On average, you're dead in five after this.
So when I said one's dead in five, one's dead in ten, I'm just hedging my bets there.
They're probably both dead in five.
So listen to this, LeBron.
When you're sticking your son in the ground at that fancy mausoleum, at that fancy Graveyard.
Remember, you put your son there.
Because you're the leader of the family, right?
You're the man.
Everybody listens to you.
Now there's a way for you to reprieve yourself, LeBron.
There are ways to try to reverse some of this myocarditis.
They're not going to tell your son that, are you?
Because they don't care about you.
Because it's a big club, LeBron.
And just because you've got $500 million, you still ain't in it.
In fact, get me the... Famous is a big club, you ain't in it.
It's about a minute and a half intro.
We'll do it next segment.
George Carlin.
So, I'm going to try to explain this to everybody one more time.
This is all a test to see if they can kill us and we won't stand up for ourselves.
And if we fail this test, they're going to roll ahead with the next virus and the next shot that's going to be at least 10 times worse.
And I'm telling you, I'm not going to lay down and take that.
And a lot of other folks aren't.
So I want Fauci and I want Bill Gates and I want them all to know up front, we know you did it.
We know you're killers.
We know you're eugenicists.
We know your dad's ran Cold Spring Harbor.
We know you.
Listen, we know.
And we're trying to fix this.
And change this culturally, because you're not worth it to ruin our lives.
We'd rather just save lives and then destroy you politically and have you go away.
But if you keep killing people, you know what's going to happen.
You may get a bunch of cowards and social climbers that call themselves King James.
I mean, let me tell you something.
If I started calling myself King, I'd be thinking, my kid's going to have a heart attack.
You know how much bad luck it is to run around and call yourself God?
And I predict LeBron James, unless he has a change of heart, he'll bury his son.
But he won't take the shots anymore, but he won't warn you.
See, I think God will save his son if LeBron comes out and warns other people and goes public.
Like we've seen countless other sports people do.
Remember the NFL quarterback got attacked?
Imagine how medicated he feels right now.
Come on, man.
Join humanity, LeBron.
We're waiting for it.
We need you.
It's never gonna get any better.
Don't look for it.
Be happy with what you got.
Because the owners of this country don't want that.
I'm talking about the real owners now.
The real owners.
The big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don't.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They've long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State Houses, the City Halls.
They got the judges in their back pockets.
And they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls!
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now, they're coming for your social security money.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
It's a big club.
And you ain't in it.
You said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.
You better believe it.
So what specifically did they do?
If I ask them, if I need them, you know, most of the people on this stage, I've given to, just so you understand.
A lot of money.
You and I are not in the big club.
The owners of this country know the truth.
It's called the American dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.
But I'll tell you what they don't want.
They don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don't want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking.
They're not interested in that.
That doesn't help them.
That's against their interest.
That's right.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
[Sounds of war]
All charges dropped.
Sam Bateman fried.
Stole over 30 million dollars.
Are you changing your plea?
But he gave it to the Democrats, so he goes free.
Are you worried you're going to prison?
Think he's the clown?
No, we're the clowns.
Four indictments for Trump for absolutely nothing.
All out in the open now, isn't it?
I'm gonna go back to your phone calls.
Roy, and Ben, and Daryl, and Pranav, and Scott, Judy, and everybody.
Here in just a moment, but I had one other clip I was gonna play that really illustrates a lot.
Here it is.
Why wouldn't you take the Vax?
You were told to take it.
Yeah, I'm not real good with direct orders, but on a whole nother note... But it was a command.
I didn't... I mean, they told... I'm sorry, they told you.
I mean, they could have been clearer about it.
Yeah, it was pretty clear.
Did you take it?
Of course not.
Yeah, no.
It wasn't ready, you know.
It was...
Six month, you know, kind of rush job.
And I didn't feel safe.
But they told you you were safe.
I know what they said.
I know what they said.
And I heard them.
I heard them loud and clear.
But it's not their decision.
There's no repercussions if they're wrong.
But I get all the repercussions if they're wrong.
Was it a tough call for you?
No, it wasn't a tough call.
It was.
You know, I wanted to be an example.
Back that up 20 seconds.
That's Ice Cube talking to Tucker Carlson.
Listen to what he said.
There's no repercussions if they're wrong.
And all the repercussions are on me if they're wrong.
But they already had liability protection.
And they already wouldn't give it to the migrants because they knew it was on purpose.
So that's the problem, even with an Ice Cube.
Because he's like, oh, they weren't ready, they messed up.
No, man, they didn't mess up.
And when they injected black people with syphilis and let them die after 50 years with it?
That wasn't an accident either, Ice Cube.
And so even our smarter people still don't get it, man.
They're out to get us.
Have you figured it out yet?
I mean, come on, people.
You figured it out yet?
And they attack this broadcast, and try to shut us down, because we're not naive, and we know exactly who the enemy is.
And the enemy watches this show, and they know, I know who you are, I know how you're motivated, I know who you work for, and I know how to beat your ass.
But I can't beat these people, and God can't work through us to beat them, folks, if you don't understand, they're bad as you can imagine, and worse.
That's what pisses me off, is folks, these people, You think screwing kids is the worst thing they do?
They kill little kids, folks.
They do stuff worse than that.
They cut little kids' genitals off and make them miserable and put them on drugs for 10 years and suck everything their parents had out of them before they make them kill themselves.
And I don't know about you, but I'm sick of it.
I am tired of people being so lazy and so selfish, you lose everything.
You know, I'm going to explain this to all the lazy people out there.
I'm going to explain it real slow.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
Skip this break.
We'll go back to Ice Cube in a minute.
I'm going to explain this real slow, not to the general audience, but to the listeners that don't get it.
I have empathy because I'm selfish.
I care about other people because I'm selfish.
I have courage because I'm afraid.
I fight back because I don't want to die.
When we have guardrails on the road, in case we don't pay attention so we don't go off
some cliff, it's for everybody.
If I hate the public and don't want them to have guardrails, because I just disdain them and hope they die, but I use the same road, I'm going to go off the guardrail, I'm going to go off the cliff, and I'm not paying attention to die, or my wife or my kid is.
And that's the thing.
People that don't care about other people, think they're getting ahead.
It's something wrong with them.
You have empathy, and I know I harp on this because it's key.
Because when somebody else gets screwed over and hurt, and you allow the environment that does that, that can get you too.
So I have a real feeling of empathy for people, but it's because my head's screwed on straight.
It's because if I'm a fish, and I'm swimming around in a school of fish, and I see a shark eat one of my other buddies, I feel bad because I know it's me next time.
You see what I mean?
But LeBron James is being told by his lawyers, listen, and so is Jamie Foxx, and a bunch of other people.
I've talked to people, not them, but other people that get hurt, and they get the call, they say, listen, you heard Ernest Ramirez.
They offered him $10,000, then $20,000, then $30,000.
Just change the death certificate, because the doctor said, no, we think it's myocarditis from a shot.
But the adult could go and get the doctor to change it if he wanted.
I read about it.
If you tell a doctor, they might change it.
They offered him money to say the shot didn't kill his son and they'd own him for $10,000.
So he couldn't go.
And LeBron James, I guess, was like, yeah, my son's already dead.
I'll get ahead.
$10,000, give it to me.
LeBron probably said, I want $100,000.
They go, yes, sir, Mr. James, because they want you to take that money.
It's the deal.
It's a contract.
So they came to Ernest Ramirez, 14-year-old son playing basketball, takes a shot, four days later dead on the basketball court.
And they come to him and they say, oh yeah, we saw your son, he's fat, he just died today.
And they're like, oh sorry, that's another fat kid that had a heart attack today in here.
Your son's not fat.
Did Ernest Ramirez take the 10, 15, 20, 30 thousand dollars?
Because it went up.
No man, he just cried when they said that.
He was like, you think I'll take money to lie that you killed my son?
Who do you think I am?
But see he's got, Ernest Ramirez has got more wealth than LeBron James will ever have.
Because he's not going to sell out the memory of his son and who killed him for some money!
And it's this salad everybody else that's bringing us down!
Folks, I'm going to tell you something.
You know, everything I tell you has basically come true.
We're all dead in a couple years.
They say by 2030, they're going to kill 90% of us.
Now, I don't know if they're going to get there.
I'm not saying that's going to happen.
I'm trying to stop that, man.
But I don't care if you're a school teacher or a lawyer or a guy that works at a barbecue place or you're a dentist or you're a preacher or you're a farmer or whatever you are.
They're going to get us, man!
This is not a game!
And you ask, why do they want to get us?
Because, ladies and gentlemen, at the current trajectory of humanity and the resources we've already got, we're about to go interstellar, we're about to get into the asteroid belt and the other planets, it's game over.
And they look at a free society, there'll be so many new advanced civilizations, the globalists won't be in control of the technology, and they want control.
They want us to build all the stuff for them with our grassroots competition and then shut it off like we're a bulldozer that digs a hole for them.
But the bulldozer isn't in charge.
And so, what happens after a major war?
They don't just leave a bunch of cannons laying around.
So in our own governments after wars, or after they replace the equipment, it's spiked to cannons.
They dump molten steel into the hole of it, they cut them in half, or a lot of times they just take a big spike and drive it in there to rupture the cannon.
You see cannons at state houses and stuff, and a lot of times you'll see where they got a hole in them.
They'll drill a hole in them because the cannon's no good anymore.
Because you don't just leave cannons laying around.
That's why they give our troops poison shots with cancer viruses that are time-delayed 30, 40 years.
So they die of cancer early.
You don't train somebody to be a killer and then know they're gonna grow up when they're 60, they're gonna understand it.
They gotta be dead before then.
They've spiked our troops.
They've spiked us.
But I believe in humanity.
And I know we're smart.
And I know we can outthink the enemy if we're aware of what they're doing.
But you cannot live in denial about what's going on.
You wanna explain how the shots are delayed 30 years?
They inject you with cancer viruses that embed in your cells that slow replicate, that are hormonally balanced, that when the hormone levels go low, they replicate and you die after hormone levels go down.
Males don't have classic menopause.
There's a point where it happens.
Women, 47 on average, 48.
And I got all the documents on that.
So you think that's funny?
You think that's cute?
And you look at the ghouls doing this to us.
I'm sorry, they're not superior to me.
And I'm not gonna let some sack of garbage do this to people without a fight.
So they got it all figured out, folks.
But they don't have you figured out.
And they don't have you standing down.
They don't have you groveling.
So let's finish up with Ice Cube and I'll go to your phone calls.
And I didn't feel safe.
But they told you you were safe.
I know what they said.
I know what they said.
And I heard them.
I heard them loud and clear.
But it's not their decision.
There's no repercussions if they're wrong.
But I get all the repercussions if they're wrong.
Was it a tough call for you?
No, it wasn't a tough call.
You know, I wanted to be an example for my kids, you know, really make sure they didn't take it either.
Show them that I, you know, I wanted to stand on my convictions and that I was willing, you know, to lose nine million dollars and more because we probably lost more, you know, since then.
The idea is that people who stand on their convictions are heroes.
They're brave.
They have principles.
You know, they're the people we look to for inspiration.
But in this case, with this decision and these principles, you were not hailed as a hero.
You were attacked.
So why don't you get the vaccine man?
Hey look man, I'd just rather be myself than take that vaccine like you other three billion bozos.
I never told anyone not to get vaccinated publicly.
That was never my message to the world.
I didn't even want people to know whether I got vaccinated or not.
I was pretty upset that that even came out because I was just gonna quietly You know, just not take it and deal with the consequences as they came.
Do you know anyone who was injured by the vaccine?
I do.
And they suffer every day.
And it's hard to watch.
Suffering in silence is not the answer all the time.
You know, sometimes you gotta let people know what's going on.
So you can actually move the needle.
Choose to be vocal.
If it's true, why can't I say it?
Well, you can't say it because it is true.
There it is.
Now that's the problem with the world today.
There's no penalty for lying.
No one's ever punished for lying.
It's only telling the truth.
It gets you in trouble.
Ain't that something?
That's true.
Yeah, that is so true.
Well, that's part of the larger interview.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Again, even Ice Cube, it's like, I didn't want anybody to know I didn't take it, I didn't want to make a stand.
Like, it's bad to tell other people what you think.
Like, if you walked out of a restaurant and you saw them sticking cockroaches in people's sandwiches, you'd say, hey man, don't go in there, that place is crazy.
Or you'd go online and write a review, but like, oh, oh, you know, hey, I didn't appreciate them, I didn't tell you not to take it.
Well, now you know how bad it is.
Now you know people that are hurt.
Are you gonna tell them now not to take it, Ice Cube?
Or are you just gonna say what everybody else does?
Like, even Robert Kennedy Jr.
I like him a lot, but man, in front of Congress, he did a great job overall of trying to censor him.
But he's like, I've never been anti-vaccine!
In fact, I took all the vaccines!
And it's like, really?
So they play that game.
You can't trust anything these people give you.
And that's what I tried to say 10 minutes ago.
People think not caring about other people gets them ahead.
Caring about people builds civilization.
And everybody watches each other's backs.
And we take things personal when somebody else's rights are taken.
I remember when Obama was in office, and I was bashing him all the time, and I had a lot of black people that tuned in because I was against the war and Bush before.
But when I was anti-Obama, a lot of them got turned off because they thought, well, I was against black people.
And then it was that woman, took the wrong turn, drove up to a military drill, got scared by men with guns, she turned, ran into a barrier, and they shot her dead.
And I went on air and I said those police are wrong and they killed this woman and it's terrible.
And when it turned out she was black, I kept saying it was wrong and she got killed.
And all these black people and all these well-known rappers were like, well, I thought Alex was good, but then I thought Alex was bad.
But then when he came out for her, I knew he was good.
I don't care if she had red hair or black hair or blonde hair or brown hair or white skin or brown skin.
What the hell?
I mean, it's a woman being murdered with her baby in the car, unarmed by idiots.
It's normal to pull up to guys with guns aimed at you and you panic sometimes and run off.
And they pulled a gun and shot her!
I would do it if she was white, or black, or Asian.
I don't even see it like that.
When I see the cops shoot somebody that's innocent, I don't look and go, well they're black so I'm really upset right now, or they're white, I'm really upset, well I'm a white person, those cops just killed a white person, I'm really mad right now, they killed a white person!
I have empathy folks and they're killing people and sterilizing us with these shots and I want LeBron James to be like Aaron Rodgers and just come out and say this is BS and the evidence shows these shots don't help you and they're bad.
That's how we break their back.
Be like Aaron Rodgers.
Be like Ice Cube.
I mean, I wish Aaron Rodgers and Ice Cube would go further, but I understand.
It's not their cup of tea.
It's not what they do.
I get it.
They're football players.
They're hip-hop superstars.
I get it, man.
But here's the thing.
They've been through an experience.
They need to share that with people now.
So yeah, I get really mad at people that have power and who I know know what's going on who don't speak out.
That's why I went after Rogan six years ago, viciously, and I went too far.
But I told him, I said, I know you know all this, man.
I said, I'm gonna go after you.
I told him on the phone.
I said, no, I'm going after you.
I said, I know you know all this Joe, and I said, you don't have to have me on.
It's not about that.
It's not about saying I'm right.
But I'm not going to, because he was getting really globalist then.
And Joe Letters said, you're right.
Your order's real.
I'm sorry.
Thanks for helping me.
I was just kind of in a coma.
And it's not like I'm the Alibaba, and I've got all the answers, and I'm the arbiter, and I tell people what to do.
It's just in that case, God told me, literally, it was like, go after Rogan.
I knew he was big then.
I knew he was big 20 years ago, 25 years ago.
I remember like 20 years ago, why do you like Joe Rogan?
What's the deal about that guy?
Something about this guy, I can tell.
The point is, is that, is that it's the right thing to do.
And so, if I'd have been interviewing Ice Cube, and he said, I'll go on any podcast, especially the ones I'm not supposed to.
So we reached out to him, so we locked you on.
He goes, oh no, you're too controversial.
Well, great.
That's what they say about you.
It's not even that I want you on my show.
It's that I want you to take that step, Ice Cube, of not being controlled by the system.
Because you claim you're not, but you still are.
Because Tucker does a great job.
And he's funny.
And he's witty.
But I would have said to you, are you going to come out against the shot now that you know it's hurt people?
And I would have given him a stack of news articles I got right here about all the damage it's causing.
And I would have said, no, you now save people.
Because it's not enough to just say no yourself and say, you know, it's bad.
Don't you need to tell people now?
Don't you need to warn people now?
Don't you need to do something now?
That's where I'm at.
I want to be obsolete.
And to be obsolete and be able to walk off in the sunset.
I've been doing this 29 years.
I'm ready.
I need to see People out there that get it, like my audience and I do.
And we're almost there.
We're close.
And when we hit that moment, you know we've won.
And we're right there.
Right on the cusp.
Right on the edge.
Alright, let's go to Scott in West Virginia.
Scott, thanks for holding on here worldwide.
Hey Alex, I've been paying attention to you since you were on TV, man.
Listen, this whole thing we're going through right now in society, it's way out of control.
In reality, Alex, everything we're experiencing right now has always been around.
It's just an event of the printing press and now our technology we have, we have access to it more instantaneously.
But I have a small YouTube channel called iFixitAll that helps people Fix broken things and grow food and repurpose things.
Oh, that's gonna be so important in the future is fixing old machines, doing things outside, just not complying.
The whole future it's about don't take orders.
Following the New World Orders directives is death.
Life is saying no to them.
Death is saying yes to them.
And repurpose things that you were going to throw away and things like that.
Tell me, I want to see your YouTube.
I'll have you on as a guest.
What's the name?
I Fix It All.
I fixed it all, okay.
Yeah, but listen, the reason why I called is 'cause I caught you on a,
you have a commercial about talking about small YouTubers and how if you could just get 25 people
and that one person could get a million people.
I am blown away by some of the YouTubers out there.
I usually watch reaction videos to music videos.
I'm seeing a lot of small YouTubers like Half and Jay, the Cartier family, LFR family,
reacting to political topics.
And it breaks my heart to see them react I'm usually exposed to these people in a jovial manner.
I'm seeing them enjoy something, and then all of a sudden it's like the first time they've been exposed to these facts.
The first time to some of the most basic things that are going on in their environment.
You know, they're disturbed mentally.
No, it's scary, and I appreciate you holding.
You were talking about vaccine shedding discussion.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and so One of the things that I wanted to talk about also was vaccine shedding.
I'm doing research on that myself, but I would like to hear more people call in about real proof of vaccine shedding.
And then also I'm going to... Well sure, there are studies, there are studies that the mRNA and the virus vector vaccines of J&J and AstraZeneca, both types, all four shed.
That's not debatable.
And then I'll close out with, I think we can fix a lot of the things in our country by four things.
There are 3,142 counties.
Each county should have an electoral college.
So that's race to 3142.
And then remove all age, race, and gender off of job applications.
And from that point, Alex, keep your head up, man.
I hear your stress.
I hear your beating.
You're beating yourself, and you're worn down.
I remember seeing you on television, man.
Listen, we love you.
I'm not, I'm not beat down actually.
I am, I am pissed off.
And I mean this is so flagrant now.
I appreciate your call.
So out of control, so ridiculous that I am just like, I mean Sam Bankman freed, all charges dropped, and more charges on Trump for nothing.
I'm just like...
It's just like looking at Biden and looking at Merrick Garland and looking at Jack Smith and just looking at them.
It's like these self-appointed criminals are just selling the country out and mass human smuggling and traffic over the border and just pedophilia everywhere.
It's like, I mean, it's a sick joke.
All right.
Pranav in Illinois, and then Ben, Daryl, and Judy.
I'll go a little bit the next hour, then hand the baton to Jadar.
Man, what a broadcast.
I'm doing a special Saturday show tomorrow with Steve Manning, so look for that.
that were of us.
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Alright, J. Dyer always does a great job on Fridays.
I'm going to take a few more calls and hit some RFK Jr.
Big news that's breaking.
Let's start with the next segment.
Let's go to Ben in Texas, then Pranav in Illinois and others.
Ben, go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Thank you so much for having me on.
I've been a listener for over 20 years.
I feel like you've been my uncle, my Christian uncle, which I appreciate.
I'm a practicing Jew, but I really appreciate all your takes.
I'm a healthcare worker, physical therapist.
I was at the top of my career for my age bracket.
Well-known in your backyard, actually.
And literally, I mean, I can go on and on about all the reactions I've seen, people with all kinds of bone diseases, you know, spontaneous tendon ruptures, all kind of muscle atrophies, and you know, it's all been talked about, and so I just want to affirm that.
But what's even more insane is just the cognitive dissonance of colleagues who I worked with for years, who I was on, you know, president of the board of various local associations.
I attended, you know, university No, it's a great point.
Not only is there all the reactions and the reports that we heard are documented, but then they try to suppress you when you raise questions which normally wouldn't happen.
It's just all these supposedly well-educated people not saying I'm some hotshot. I really not but
Great point not only is there all the reactions and the reports that we are documented
But then they try to suppress you when you raise questions, which normally wouldn't happen, but that's really the big
tell Yeah, and just people who you know a week before all the
lockdown started were you know praising you Wow, I can't believe you only have this many years of experience and the kind of results you're getting.
Who trained you?
And this is incredible.
And can you spend more time in my clinic and train me, somebody with 20 years more experience than me?
And then You know, same person texting me, hey, can you please confirm your status?
Can you send me records of this?
And I'm just ignoring it all.
And all of a sudden, you're just blacklisted.
I mean, I won't get a call back.
I've lost over six jobs from this.
People, I'm just persona non grata from previously being... Well, that's what it all... I mean, look, it's a test to see who'll be Joseph Mingala.
I mean, literally.
I know you're Jewish, so I'm already bringing up the Joseph Mingala metaphor, but that's what I would have brought up if you weren't Jewish.
I mean, this is Joseph Mingala to see what they can get the medical system to do.
It's a test.
And I appreciate it.
And I just want to, you know, I'd love to speak with you at length at another time.
I'd love to be in touch with you guys.
But I mean, I won't say which one, but my grandfather was the personal bodyguard for one of the first three prime ministers of Israel.
And I would sit with both of them when I was younger and they would lay out the whole globalist plan, just like you've had experience and you've shared on your show of how your elders would teach you, include you into this.
And so I've been expecting this from a young age.
And they started making me wear masks years ago for refusing flu vaccines in hospitals I was
working with and you know they'd have people chasing me around making sure it
was covering my nose six years ago and so thanks to you helping me get my
parents cured from cancer you know 20 years ago from the information you were
sharing and just keeping my head and my eyes focused on what was coming
ahead I was able to sort of navigate and anticipate this issue coming about and
sort of you know align alternative revenue streams while also you know the
last thing I just want to say is I appreciate your being critical of Jews and also
your balanced and sort of macro level view of how evil sort of uses any
concentrated group to sort of gain that aligned super strong
The more powerful a group, the more Satan's gonna be there trying to take control of it.
It's like the Germans are great people.
Look at the horrible things they've done.
It's like the more smart, more powerful a group, the more you're gonna see evil and good out of it.
It's the way it works.
That's true, and I was in Tampa.
I experienced that wonderful service with you and the community there.
Came out to be with everybody there, and I just really hope you might consider putting more get-togethers and kind of energizing.
I want to, brother.
Absolutely do.
I appreciate you, Ben.
Amazing call.
All right.
Toronto, if I'm pronouncing that right, Daryl and Judy.
Bam, bam, bam.
Because, man, I don't want to cut into, you know, the great J. Dyer who comes here and gets ready and set for us.
But we're going to skip both network breaks, though, to give him eight minutes back.
So I'm going to take five, six minutes from him.
I'm going to give him back by skipping the 15-minute break and the 50-minute break, or the 45-minute break.
But I'm ready to bark at the moon.
I don't know about you, but things are getting crazy.
Back in 60 seconds, gonna hit your calls, and then, wow, wait till you hear this RFK news.
This is super revealing.
I mean, this is funny if it wasn't so serious.
Man, the deep state is not pulling any punches now, folks.
Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Wait till you hear the RFK News.
We'll hit it in just a moment after we take three calls and hand the baton to Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Let's go to Pranav in Illinois.
Thank you for holding.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, Pranav here.
I love you so much, man.
You've been on air longer than I've been alive.
I just want to tell you about my experience in college really quick in 60 seconds.
So, going into the winter of 2020, spring of 2021, school year, Complete compliance in the school room.
It started with the mask mandate.
You always have to wear a mask anywhere, inside or out.
And I had one class inside a classroom, the rest were virtual, and I wore the mask below my nose, and my classmates were tattling on me.
They made me sit in the back of the classroom, an empty seat away from everyone, even though it was a huge room, a constant air filter.
And there was constant compliance.
You were talking about How people are getting groomed.
The biggest, the biggest PSYOP target for this COVID crisis was the kids.
We created a new generation of SS soldiers brainwashed into complete obedience and they know nothing about history.
There's very rare people like me in the youth.
It's, it's so sad.
And people were forced to live in social bubbles and not to interact with anyone.
And I had it to a point.
When I saw that they were about to mandate the vaccines, I refused to wear masks in my classroom anymore.
I was kicked out of my classroom while everyone just watched there with their masks on, watching me walk out of there.
I love my teacher, too, and she was the one that had to kick me out.
I know how much it killed her, too.
She had an autistic son who had trouble with masks as well, and she was talking about that, but she was in a worse situation than I was.
And I posted a Facebook message in our college group chat against the And against the mandate 99% opposition response there were two positive responses.
That's all I have to say Well, what you say is dead on, but at least you're not having heart attacks like LeBron James' son.
But yes, remember what came out in federal documents.
They were trying to make people in the federal government wear masks during Zoom meetings.
Because you couldn't see the human face, that would make you stop wearing the mask.
It was meant to horrify you about the human face.
This is classic trauma-based mind control.
God bless you and thank you for calling.
We really appreciate you.
Daryl in North Carolina, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I want to give everybody a warning.
I take care of my mom.
She's 73 years old.
She's in a wheelchair.
I take her to her appointment.
A couple of days ago, she had her yearly checkup.
She's been healthy, perfectly fine.
I take her in there.
She's in there for about an hour.
She comes out, and they hand me three prescriptions for her.
Three vaccines.
Now, they're not going to give them to her there at Novant because they don't want the liability.
They want me to take her to CVS.
Or some flunky can jab three times in there.
Let me read you these.
First one's a zoster vaccine for Shingrix, and it's intramuscular, so that goes in the muscle.
The second one is a pneumococcal vaccine, pneumobact, which is also intramuscular, right into the muscle.
And the third one is a Boostrix, which is a Tdap, which is a bunch of... 40 bacteria that they want to inject in her.
And they wanted to get all three of these done at the same time.
Now, I mean, even if there was a threat, all three at the same time is a deadly recipe.
So they were literally via some AI computer assaulting your mother
because the computer saying it's time for mama to go.
That's right.
She's getting Social Security, and you know, the corporation of the United States is liquidating our senior citizens.
So seniors, I'm pleading with you.
If you've gone to your doctor, and you get- I wouldn't take anything that's internal, I would take nothing that's preventative.
Hey, if you break your arm or you get a cut, Go see a doctor.
All I can say is thank God you're a good son.
Because most people just leave their parents alone to be turned over and murdered.
And there's no doubt, again like you said, 40-something different bacteria injected into her.
This is nothing but euthanasia.
They ought to at least give them a euphoric drug, show them a movie and kill them like they do in Soylent Green.
Yeah, exactly.
I mean, and hey, I just want to thank God also for having that tornado blow up that Pfizer plant right here in North Carolina.
Yeah, when it destroyed like a hundred millions of doses, it was great.
50,000 pallets of all this poison.
And you know what?
There's more to come.
I agree.
I pray nobody get hurt, but I pray God destroy every vial of this poison.
In fact, I meant to cover that last week.
Is that not God?
I mean, you can say whatever you want, but that tornado just went right to that plant, destroyed it.
We never have tornadoes in that area.
It's so rare, and you know what?
Nothing else got hit.
You look into it, just that factory.
I think they said one other house got damaged, but what are the chances?
You know?
And was that even a tornado?
I mean, is it?
Well, they know in quantum mechanics that our will bends particles just observing them.
Whether people believe in God or not, if we all pray, we have millions of listeners, right?
I've probably got 5 million people that tune into this.
If everybody prays, For judgment to be on Fauci.
Nobody's got to go his house and tag him.
Nobody's got to go shoot him.
We don't want that.
No physical violence.
But we should just pray whatever God thinks is best for Fauci happens and we pray that Fauci's brought to justice.
Maybe he wakes up and has an epiphany and apologizes like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus.
But I mean if we all prayed.
That Dr. Fauci, in the name of Jesus, have justice brought upon him, however God sees fit.
We ask for relief from God, in the name of Jesus Christ, I believe we'll see it.
I hope people will say that prayer with me.
It's real, folks.
Thank you, Daryl.
One last caller, then I'm going to comment on R.M.K.
Jr., and then Jay Dyer will take over.
We're skipping the two breaks to get some time back.
In fact, he's welcome to come on in tomorrow.
Hi Alex, it's Judy.
Steve Bannon on, we're taping at 10.
We could have a great Jadar back with us commercial free.
Judy in Vermont, you're on the air, go ahead, last caller.
Hi Alex, it's Judy.
I just want to let you know I'm a surgical ICU nurse, ICU nurse, or I was for my entire career.
And I saw horrific vaccine injuries, right?
In probably late spring, summer of 2021, right after the initial rollout.
50 year old runner, perfect health, gets the jab.
Two days later, signing a consent for an amputation.
Not only did he have horrible clots in his legs, he threw clots to his bowel, he needed to have abdominal surgery, and he had bilateral pulmonary emboli.
Another lady, 62 years old, she was running for political office, Perfect Health, She got one shot within two weeks.
She's in our ICU bed.
She's having postmenopausal vaginal bleeding down to her ankles, total clots to her belly, open abdomen, dialysis, almost died.
I tried to make a VAERS report on these people, and believe me, it's way under-reported because half the time the site is under construction, and then if you can get into it, it's six pages long, and it's very difficult to fill out.
Um, the worst thing they ever did was call us heroes.
It made all the meaty ochre nurses get on their high horses.
Um, they came around and took out all the humidifiers off the vents.
I don't know if people... People don't talk about this.
It makes the secretions very tenacious, so you cannot suction them out.
They came and actually unscrewed them and took them away from the ventilators.
They let two doctors override the family and make people do not resuscitate.
Against the family wishes.
And this was done so that they would have beds, so that there wouldn't be people in the hall waiting for ventilators.
We continued to do this at our hospital, right?
We would have empty beds.
And they would want, and they were continuing to do this.
It was horrific.
And now, all my friends have, many, I know so many people with rare cancer, people that complied, took the jab, they're having rare endometrial cancer, rare gastric cancer.
A ton of neurodegenerative diseases that the doctors are calling a rare form of ALS.
And what infuriates me is no doctor will substantiate their concerns and say, yes, this is definitely from the shot.
They're giving them all kinds of weird, rare diagnoses.
Oh, and the big one is they're calling it all long COVID.
It's not long COVID.
It's long Horrible, debilitating side effects from the jab.
I see right through it.
It is absolutely horrific.
And anyway, I just also wanted to say one awesome video to watch is called Caring Corrupted, The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich.
And it was made about 10 years prior to COVID.
It's an excellent documentary.
I've seen it.
Caring Corrupted.
Caring Corrupted.
Yeah, the nurses of the third right.
You're a beautiful soul, Judy.
I can hear it in your heart.
Perfect last caller.
I apologize to Jadar for cutting in his time.
Thank you and call me back again, Judy.
God bless you.
All right, let me make the RFK Jr.
comment and then we're going to hand the baton to Jadar.
in many polls is neck-and-neck with Biden.
In most polls, he's at least halfway there.
He's the only major Democrat challenger.
And obviously, they murdered his father, and they murdered his uncle.
And he's got real security concerns.
We've confirmed that.
Well, R.O.K.
Jr., Biden administration rejected my Secret Service request.
Only candidate refused it.
Jr.' 's DHS denied request for Secret Service protection.
And we've got his actual tweet here where he points out that this is just ongoing criminal activity.
since the assassination of my father in 1968 candidates for president
provided Secret Service protection but not me. Typical turnaround time for pro
former protection requests for presidential candidates is 14 days
After 88 days of no response, after several follow-ups to our campaign, the Biden administration just denied our request.
Secretary Marourkas, who says there's no border crossing, so it had.
I have determined that the Secret Service protection for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
is not warranted at this time.
Our campaign's requests include a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well-established security and safety risks, aside from commonplace death threats.
At the end of the day, he doesn't want the Secret Service.
They helped murder his uncle.
But that's where we're at.
That is a big deal.
Jay Dyer, ladies and gentlemen, takes over right now from Jay's analysis.
Jay Dyer, thank you.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
As you guys know, I'm your guest host here.
Thank you to Alex for letting me come on.
I want to talk about the New films that have come out, one of which is Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning because there's a tremendous amount of information, predictive programming that was in this film that needs to be covered.
I'm sure a lot of people saw it because it was the blockbuster for a couple weeks.
I also want to talk about the new film Barbie after that, which is probably the most feminist film I've ever seen in my life.
I mean, we know Hollywood's dominated by these feminist narratives.
But this was the next level.
I've never seen anything like this.
It was a cultic to the core and you've got basically an entire generation of young girls going to watch this to be completely programmed and brainwashed.
So we need to break it down.
Everybody's been talking about it.
Everybody's been trying to actually defend it as somehow conservative.
There's nothing conservative at all about this movie.
It was next level feminist brainwashing.
Before I get to that, I want to kind of give you some of the background to why Hollywood does this and in what way these films have a connection oftentimes to the deep state or to the intelligence apparatus.
One of the great examples of that is Ian Fleming.
Alex has covered this for many years where he talks about the connection between The establishment of American intelligence and Ian Fleming, William Stevenson, all these British intelligence operatives coming over.
And I want to point out that that's actually in the mainline literature.
This is not a conspiracy theory.
For example, the great book by Ben McIntyre called Ian Fleming, James Bond, and he's a mainline historian.
And in that book, he goes into the history of the Special Operations Executive and the way that Ian Fleming set up the 30 Assault Unit.
Which is one of these kind of SOE created Black Ops groups.
So these Black Ops groups that Ian Fleming created, very similar to the OPC, which the CIA created, would go around and do a lot of these secret team organizations and operations.
The same type of thing that Fletcher Prouty writes about in The Secret Team that you heard Alex and The Dark Journalist talking about.
Ian Fleming did the same thing and so it's modeled on his earlier units and groups.
Now I bring that up because all of the events that he wrote about In the Bond novels actually come from, as Ben McIntyre notes, actual real secret operations.
And you can see, again, in the mainline literature there at the bottom discussing how things like Operation Goldeneye, which was spying on the fascists, and Operation Mincemeat, and all these different operations that involved high-level stagecraft and fakery.
And why is all of that relevant?
Well, it goes even beyond that because there's an occult component to a lot of the Bond stuff, which people don't know about.
And that occult component is that the villains that you see like Blofeld there, they're not just fictions in the mind of Ian Fleming.
They're actually based on real world British intelligence assets and villains like Crowley, as Ben McIntyre notes in his book.
So today we're not going to talk about James Bond, but I wanted to give that as kind of a backdrop to explain how, when we watch a film series like Mission Impossible, we're getting a lot of that same information revealed and downloaded to us in a, again, well, I don't know what else to say, other than revelatory way, an amazingly revelatory way, where we have, I'll do a little bit of rehearsing of the series up to where the story is in the new one, in case you don't remember.
And then we'll switch over to analyzing the Barbie film because I think people are wanting and craving movies that remind them of what it was like to go to the movies in the 1980s with action heroes and, you know, interesting plots and stories and villains and characters because they had some kind of morality behind them.
They weren't all propaganda.
There were propaganda elements, sure, in every movie going back to the beginning of the camera, but it wasn't as preachy and just dominated by social justice as it is today.
And I don't know exactly the motivations behind everything that's going on with these films and why they're so revelatory.
And they're all very relevant.
Every one of these has some element that pertains to modern-day terror, war on terror, modern-day psychological operations with the scandemic.
And then now, as we're going to see, the AI, chat, GPT, etc.
rollout and how this is going to be used to essentially control At a mass scale through mass algorithmic predictive programming.
Now again, if you don't remember, predictive programming is the idea that there is a way to prepare the public and propagandize them and seed ideas way ahead of time as a conditioning process.
One of the earliest versions of this, and you could go back to the ancient world with literature, but one of the earliest versions of this in the modern era is the spy novel itself.
In fact, most of the early spy novel writers, and this is actually a book written by a CIA guy, It's called The Great Game, Myths and Reality of Espionage from Frederick Hitz.
And this is a whole book about the overlap between the spy world and the reality of spy fiction that underlies that world.
How many of those writers were themselves operatives, especially in British intelligence.
So again, that happened because you couldn't talk about it due to the Official Secrets Act in the UK.
So how would you talk about your exploits, your adventures, your Sabotage and so forth, if you couldn't talk about it openly, well you write a fiction story.
So the beginning of this, in the modern era, is British spy fiction.
Then we find out that the same model of the American intelligence establishment, it comes out of the British establishment.
In fact, Ben McIntyre in the book even mentions that about Ian Fleming, that he helped to set up the OSS and CIA with Bill Donovan.
And that was all done on purpose because it's serving that higher level Milner Rothschild elite.
That is the elite that is setting up our private intelligence establishment.
They don't work for the people or for the government ultimately.
They answer to a higher power, especially the Rockefeller family who had an amazing level of power and influence when it came to the setting up of this deep state.
I mean, they were one of the key players for the American deep state.
So to get back to the story of Mission Impossible, this whole franchise.
This franchise is actually based on, and you can go back to the original old spy show, in like the 60s, I mean it's based on the figure of E. Howard Hunt.
Yeah, Howard Hunt was an actual CIA operative, one of these kind of Fletcher Pratty secret team operatives who was doing all kinds of black ops stuff.
And in fact, pretty sure if I recall, Alex interviewed E. Howard Hunt on his deathbed.
And E. Howard Hunt himself claimed and confessed to have a role in the JFK assassination.
So, um, you know, I remember Alex at the time talking about how, really, I think it was only Alex and Rolling Stone that even covered the story.
No one else in mainstream media would touch it, even though it should have been, you know, one of the biggest stories out there, that one of the people involved claims to have confessed to it being an assassination.
And, of course, that was all forgotten.
I know Alex remembers it, but maybe somebody should dig that up and play it again because it's pretty wild.
But the character that Tom Cruise plays, Ethan Hunt, is based on Uh, the real figure of E. Howard Hunt, the real operative.
In fact, the smoking man in the X-Files, if you remember the villain of the X-Files, he's also based on E. Howard Hunt as one of the episodes demonstrates.
And so, the Tom Cruise character plays this higher than the CIA, higher than, you know, the average military person.
In fact, even the National Security Director himself, the Director of National Security, doesn't even know who Ethan Hunt is and who the Impossible Mission Force is.
And it's odd, too, that it's always had the acronym IMF, because that's the International Monetary Fund, which is one of the globalist institutions.
Steel through psychic vampirism, the wealth of the nations, and that was set up by the same Milner, Fabian, socialist people who, through like John Maynard Keynes, right, set up all these other operations.
I'm saying Keynes helped set up the IMF, and it's a Fabian institution, and the same power structure that Keynes is a part of, these Fabian socialists, British establishment elites, they also set up the US, OSS, and CIA.
So you understand that's how we're controlled.
That's the real power structure.
It's not the political class.
The political class answers to these people.
These are the same people that set up the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, which I covered last week.
Anyway, so Tom Cruise represents essentially this kind of deep state figure and his heroic role.
You can go all the way back to the first Mission Impossible in 1996, directed by Brian Palmer.
And as I said, there's a lot of elements that kind of point directly to Fletcher Prouty, Secret Team type stuff.
What's interesting is that contrary to a lot of spy films up until the 1990s, we actually have CIA people and villains that are themselves corrupt.
You can think of Three Days at the Condor with Robert Radford.
You know, that film is a great spy film and it actually also does have, I think, Donald Sutherland plays the villain who is his CIA handler who's corrupt.
But Throughout the Mission Impossible franchise, one thing I will give it credit is that it does consistently admit that it's high-level moles and establishment figures in the U.S.
that are extremely corrupt and that are usually working with some sort of international terrorist syndicate.
And it's no different throughout this franchise.
We know that John Boyd is the villain in the first one.
But one thing that I didn't realize was that there was a lot of things way ahead of its time in the first installment, which was, you remember Ving Rhames, right?
The guy, the villain from Pulp Fiction.
Yo, Ethan!
What's with my Gucci outfit getting a scratch on it, Ethan?
If you remember when Ving Rhames is getting a hole in his Gucci, he blames Ethan.
He's actually a cyber freak.
His name is Phineas Freed.
The Cyber Freaks were the early proto-hackers, the 1990s.
And one of the things that he's after in the first installment is a special artificial intelligence-based microchip.
It's interesting that all the way back then, we have the mention in this film series of AI.
And that's odd because it's going to play such a key role in the most recent installment of Dead Reckoning.
It's all about AI and predictive programming.
Swaying the masses through social engineering cybernetics.
So the predictive algorithmic stuff will play a key role in the final installment.
But I do want to note that there's a connection between the first installment and the last, which is supposed to be the last installment.
It's also interesting, too, that, you know, Tom Cruise didn't just star as the CIA operative here.
He also played Barry Seal in, what was it called, American Made, about the CIA drug running.
Barry Seal met a untimely end, if you remember, and that whole movie was about a lot of the stuff
that we talk about on this channel. So I have to think that, you know, despite the sort of
odd Scientology stuff, you know, Tom Cruise does seem to kind of know to a degree what's going on.
We also think about Tom Cruise being in, you know, movies like Eyes Wide Shut,
which are also very revelatory. Welcome back to the Ox Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
And I want to remind you that if you like these topics, these breakdowns, I got a couple books that I did on this.
Esoteric Hollywood 1 and 2, which you can get over at my website.
Signed copies in the shop.
My wife also did a book.
That you can get in my shop as well, Hollywood Mind Control.
And we were talking about the Mission Impossible series and kind of working our way up through those texts, excuse me, through those movies to get to the deeper subtext.
The, what we call, programming elements, which sometimes are, you know, could be corporate product placement, could be political propaganda, or it could be seeding future ideas to condition the public to what's to come.
There's a lot of different possibilities here, but Unless, I mean, if you don't think that's a reality, I would remind you that there's academic texts that have been written about this for many years.
I mean, you could go read books like the CIA in Hollywood, how the agency shapes film and television, and you'll get an insight into how that actually works.
Again, at an academic level, it's not a conspiracy text at all.
Now, in the second Mission Impossible, the weird part about it is that the film has a giant pandemic that's planned by a pharmaceutical company.
And the pharmaceutical company really only cares about the pandemic for the purpose of offering a vaccination.
So if you remember, I didn't remember that that was the plot.
I think a lot of people have forgotten it, but he's got to have this, it's called BioCite, a giant pharmaceutical corporation.
They're going to inject everybody with this, you know, saving serum as a result.
And it turns out, of course, that All of that was engineered by a guy named John McCloy, and that's interesting because John McCloy, the character in the movie, the bad guy is John McCloy, but in reality, John McCloy was one of the high-level operatives of the Council on Foreign Relations.
So, you get a lot of revelation again in these movies, and they'll choose the names, just like E. Howard Hunt, Ethan Hunt.
John McCloy is chosen, I think, for a real reason.
And I will say another thing that is interesting that came up in the last installment was there's actually a discourse about patriotism.
And one of the reasons that the villains in the last installment want to shut down E. Howard Hunt or Ethan Hunt is because he actually still stands for patriotism.
And you can't have that in the New World Order, where they're going.
The technocratic New World Order, it necessitates, as H.G.
Wells says, the end to all nation states.
All of that has to go away through a kind of homogenization of all of the public.
And there you see the villains are trying to get a hold of the serum and whatnot.
The biowarfare operation, again, very similar to what we saw in the last three years.
Mission Impossible 3 gets a little more in-depth with J.J.
Abrams taking on topics like the Vatican and what goes on in secret at the Vatican, and it's kind of a very similar plot to the The story of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons, I'm sure it might have had an influence because Mission Impossible 3 came out in 2006 and that was kind of still a hot topic back at that time.
And if you read the Trisha Jenkins book that I mentioned, CIA and Hollywood, the CIA was consulting on JJ Abrams' alias.
So we know we're getting, you know, pretty clear.
Intelligence-level stuff.
Also, what comes up in these first three installments, by the way, is 3D printing.
So they seem to have the idea of 3D printing all the way back to the first episode, and then it comes up again in Mission Impossible 3, where you have the masks.
everybody knows about the stagecraft and the fakery in Mission Impossible where they rip the mask off
and oh, it's actually Tom Coombe under there.
No, and then he rips the mask off again.
Oh, and now it's actually the bad guy.
But actually that was a third mask and then there's a, it actually was Tom Cruise.
So there's like infinite, you know, it's turtle masks all the way down
as part of the gag of Mission Impossible.
But we had a lot of things that were also political discussions at that time.
And the third one, like drone warfare was a big part of it.
And again, the Vatican playing a key role in it.
And we have, you know, Philip Seymour Hoffman, the infamous villain.
Give me the rabbit's foot.
Give me the rabbit's foot.
You have a wife.
I'm gonna hurt her.
You have a girlfriend?
I'm gonna find her.
I'm gonna hurt her.
I just had to throw in my Philip Seymour Hoffman impression there.
Because he only has like three lines in the whole movie.
Like his three lines are just... I'm gonna grab his foot.
I'm gonna hurt her.
Mission Impossible 4, we get Cold War resurgence ideas, which is interesting because we've seen a revival of this proxy war with Russia now, right?
I mean, this was 2011, we get a Swedish villain physicist who is a radical depopulation advocate.
So Mission Impossible 4 includes the notion that this figure named Cobalt Uh, is intent on engineering a war between Russia and the West, blaming the high-level operatives like Ethan Hunt and IMF, and this will lead to ghost protocol and a giant, you know, conflict that can depopulate because, as we find out, the next couple installments have this group known as the Syndicate, and the Syndicate wants to not just get rid of IMF and Impossible Mission Force, but to actually
They think that the only way to get out of the problems of the world are to bring about a reset.
Yes, they actually use the terminology of reset.
I don't remember if it's in five or six, but the syndicate actually turns into a weird pseudo messianic cult where they have 12 apostles and this one rabid environmentalist, an environmentalist freak who wants to get rid of the humans.
And again, throughout a lot of these later installments, it's actually corrupt people within the establishment, the CIA, senators and others who have been corrupted by this international depopulation organization.
Guess what?
That's all real.
I mean, here is, you know, these Tom Cruise movies telling you how the world really runs.
We know this going back to the, you know, the Ian Fleming stories about the international elite figure that are represented by people like Blofeld.
And here we have it, yeah, you've got the same type of thing with senators, congresspeople, others who have been compromised, who have been blackmailed and so forth, to go along with this syndicate, this rogue nation.
And so what's interesting is that when Rogue Nation came out, for example, Mr. Impossible 5, there was a lot of discussions of That the global order would have to target the rogue nations.
But in reality, there's a rogue nation, an elite syndicate above the nation-state that runs the syndicate.
So, again, in a way you could say it's actually more revelatory in the Mission Impossible series than even what we find in the Bond films.
The Bond films, you know, the last few, they had some revelations about, you know, the Five Eyes, Nine Eyes, Nations, and so forth, and the spying and surveillance and all that.
But James Bond is still, British intelligence is still the hero saving us.
And it's true that in this it's, you know, still, you know, the intelligence elite that save us.
But I will give it credit because throughout the Mission Impossible franchise, it's typically not the Russians that are the bad guys.
It's not the Americans that are the bad guys.
It's not even one or two rogue people within the CIA.
It's actually an international syndicate that has compromised people in the U.S.
government and that's how they're able to run this operation.
So, pretty sophisticated, pretty revelatory.
And to make it all come home to get to the main point of the last one.
And of course they split the last one up into two.
So we don't know exactly how the last one will end because it's a part one of two.
But in the last one, We have a spoiler alert, Chad GPT AI was rolled out, but here now it's a self-learning, self-adaptive artificial intelligence program, something like kind of a higher than Google or whatever, that's really collated all of the data of all of the Internet's history into a giant sort of supercomputer framework.
Where it's not just doing that to do it, it's doing it to figure out potential outcomes in any potential situation.
So, what is Tom Cruise most likely to do when he's standing on top of a train and he's fighting a villain?
Well, we've seen him do it in about three or four other Mission Impossible movies, so we could probably guess that he's gonna jump from one cart to the next to grab Jon Voight's, you know, butts or something when he's grabbing the person, right?
No, I'm joking, but in reality, In the real world, the real purpose of social media and all the metadata information collecting, big data and all that, isn't just to have a way to sell you a product.
That's one level of it.
There's a higher level, a deeper level, which is about the predictive programming, the predictive algorithmic tracking.
Because if they know the likelihood of the choices that we're all going to make, Not just choices based on our advertising preferences and consumerist goods, but choices as a whole.
So in other words, it's not just about selling you something, but having your whole profile of your psychological makeup as an individual person.
And then what are the likely options that you would choose in various situations?
And if I know the likely options that you'll choose, and if I know your weaknesses and your likes and dislikes, I now know the means by which to, like a handler, would compromise a person in an intelligence operation.
Oh, this person has a weakness for, I don't know, for women?
Oh, then we're going to compromise them in that way, you see, right?
So the weakness is then known, and then they're compromised, and then they're handled and controlled.
They're compromised.
Now, the movie is about that, but not on the level of an individual operative compromising somebody.
It's about the supercomputer AI having a profile of every human being, and through all the research that cybernetics and MIT and Norbert Wiener and all these people have done for many, many decades, figuring out how to tweak the information in the feedback loop that comes to you through all the social media and through the feed to steer you in a certain direction.
In fact, do you remember when Facebook Some years ago came out with a an admission that oh we have been secretly doing a psychological experiment on a lot of our users.
Yeah, that's called social media.
The whole thing is a psychological experiment to learn how to steer you in a certain direction.
Then we had a whole crop of social media engineers, people like Jason Lanier, come out and give testimony and talk about how it was all geared towards steering the public in certain directions based on all of this stuff.
Guess what?
That's what the movie's about.
But it's not just about steering you in certain directions.
It's telling this narrative in a Gnostic way, which is very bizarre, because throughout a lot of these films, you'll see this Gnostic narrative, especially a lot of Hollywood films.
You'll see the narrative that the Creator God is the one that's imprisoning you and keeping you here as a slave.
This is in a lot of Tom Cruise movies, Oblivion, Edge of Tomorrow.
And then so you have this rebel figure who's this sort of Luciferian rebel that rebels against and initiates a new revolutionary order.
But that's not exactly what, that's not the Christian view, right?
You could maybe read it in a Christian way, but actually I think it's an inversion because the imprisoning AI God, the villain that represents the AI is this figure called Gabriel.
And so I think it's intended to be the biblical God and his angels, you know, archangels like Gabriel, That need to be rebelled against.
Regardless though, it's actually a movie that on the geopolitical level is telling us really what's going on and how we're being controlled.
I think we should have all seen this with the Twitter files coming out, that it's not just Twitter, but the rest of the big tech social media organizations aren't just censoring, they're doing the exact same thing the movie has the AI doing, which is steering people based on their profile, their makeup, their weaknesses.
Now, I want to move next to the Barbie film because you might think, well, these are two totally different things.
What do they have in common?
Well, they actually have a lot in common.
And obviously they have big differences.
They're totally different movies.
I think one reason that Mission Impossible is so successful is that, just like Sound of Freedom, is that people are tired of these social justice preachy movies.
And we don't like having these messages constantly around on our throat.
People want strong male action heroes.
That's what we're all used to from the 80s and 90s.
And so people thirst and crave that kind of experience.
I think Tom Cruise is smart enough to know that.
That's why he can make a movie that's successful, that has all those same classic features.
Now, when it comes to Barbie, they were worried about the media and people in the alt media and average Americans, actually normal, healthy Americans, I should say, pointing out that this is going to be another feminist brainwashing movie.
And so they tried to say, no, no, no, it's not feminist brainwashing.
In fact, this is different.
It's just a comedy.
It's not.
But that was all deceptive, because if you go and watch this movie, it's 100% the most feminist brainwashing movie I've ever seen in my life.
And I didn't watch it because I don't care anything about Barbie, but we do movie analysis, so absolutely we're interested in doing analysis and figuring out what's going on in this movie.
So the movie is premised around the idea that there's an ideal world, a fictional platonic realm, an imagination world, Where everything is perfect and as it should be, right?
Because when you're pretending, you kind of have this, oh, in my pretend world, if you're a kid, right?
It's a perfect world.
And Barbie in the perfect world hears and learns about this idea called death.
So when she hears and learns about death, she starts to experience imperfections, right?
Her Barbie feet, which are like this, they become flat.
She starts to, uh, her milk goes sour.
She, uh, starts to have bad breath and has to brush her teeth in the morning.
And so things start going wrong in her world.
So imperfection has entered her Eden, you see.
In the real world, she has to find the real girl that is her handler, so to speak, the person that has her as Barbie.
And so Ken, played by Ryan Gosling in this, is a completely beta cuck figure.
He does whatever she wishes.
He's totally subservient to her.
And in that ideal world, in the Barbie world, which is, again, the perfect world, get this, it's all run by women.
It's run by a Supreme Court of all women, and all the men are servants to the women.
When Barbie comes to the real world to try to find the child that is, you know, her pretend handler or whatever, She finds out that the real world, that's the fallen, corrupt world, is run by the patriarchy.
The Mattel Corporation, where you have Will Ferrell as the demiurge Gnostic creator god controlling architect character, he's a complete buffoon, and his only desire is to get Barbie under control and to put her in a box as a traditional role.
And you might say, well, wait a minute, I thought you said that the ideal world Was the world where women were running things.
But that's the thing is that Barbie is actually moving into a new state.
She's she's trying to evolve is the point of this story.
She evolves through falling to become her own independent girl boss.
That's the point of the movie.
In fact, when she comes to the real world, her desire is not just to reconnect with the girl that she is her handler, imaginary owner or whatever.
It's to inspire that girl to become her own girl boss, right?
And there are some comedic scenes because the girl is brainwashed by radical social justice stuff, the little teenage girl.
But her mom, who's the one that had the Barbie, is a super girl boss as well, and they realize that human evolution, that's where the movie begins with scenes from 2001, human evolution requires Change from old and traditional roles, because everything is in evolutionary process.
In other words, Ken and the men are going to have to learn that it's time to change and evolve, just like the original creatures were women and they evolved, you see.
I mean, it's supposed to be comedic and satirical, but it's actually telling you a message about the roles of men and women evolving and changing.
The next phase of evolution, as you see there, Is the old idea of the 50s woman, the Barbie woman, that's the stage of evolution beyond, you know, primitive monkey existence.
And women being mothers, she's taking the child and bashing it because she's no longer, she doesn't want to be a traditional role of a mother.
In fact, throughout the story, Barbie learns When she comes to self-actualization and self-realization, she tells Ken, look, you be you and I'll be me.
We don't need to be we.
You don't need to have the traditional roles.
I don't need children.
So when Barbie overcomes her imperfections through the process of her own fall, she then decides that she wants to incarnate in this world.
She wants to become a real person in this world.
Because now men in this world need to understand that there's a new girl boss in town.
There's a new girl savior in town.
So a lot of films you'll notice have this dark goddess archetype that then becomes the savior.
The dark goddess savior archetype.
Margot Robbie comes into this world and has decided that it's her job now to basically replace the patriarchy and fix this world.
So the ideal world which experienced a revolution of patriarchy.
Literally, right?
Ryan Gosling's guys take over the barbie world.
It becomes kindom, they call it.
And the kindom is all just this really low-tier, ridiculous, you know, meathead kind of stuff where guys don't do anything but lay around and watch TV and drink beer.
And the women are sophisticated and they're master planners and they arrange this divide and conquer scheme to destroy the kindom and bring back the rulership of the all-women Supreme Court.
I'm not joking.
So they outsmart kin, they bring down the kin revolution, and they bring in the matriarchy.
And they say that that's because that's the ideal form of government.
And they even tell the guys at the end who beg for a spot on the Supreme Court They say, no, we might give you a lower regional court, an appellate court.
You're not going to be on the Supreme Court because you haven't learned.
You haven't submitted to the girl bosses, you see.
Well, again, Barbie decides that since she's fixed, she's been the savior to that world in a sense.
She now needs to come into the patriarchal world, our real world, dominated by the corporate sphere.
And to fix all of that, and to start a new revolution in this world.
So feminism and equal rights saved everything in the ideal world, the Eden that fell.
And now they're going to fix everything in this world.
And the last scene is her going to see a gynecologist.
Because the joke throughout the first part of the movie was that Ken's and Barbie's don't have parts, right?
Well, now that Barbie's in this world, she has working parts.
She's kind of like a Pinocchio scenario, a real girl.
And what that means is that she doesn't need Ken.
They actually make it a point to say when she comes to this world, she's leaving Ken, the old traditional world, right?
Where there's a relationship between men and women, even though it was experimenting with patriarchy, it had to go back to the original matriarchy.
They're actually saying that All the ancient world, the original evolutionary higher status was matriarchy.
We're evolving to a period of patriarchy which failed.
We experimented with that.
I call it the experiment.
It failed.
Let's go back to matriarchy because that's the perfect ideal.
Then she comes to this world to bring us the ideal of matriarchy.
The girl boss world order, right?
And what does she do?
She goes to the gynecologist because now she has female parts.
And I think the point of that was that now those female parts are going to be determined for her.
They're not going to be determined in a marital role where she's going to give birth.
They're going to be parts that she determines as her own new girl boss.
You see, women's liberation, women's freedom.
Women are not there anymore to be mothers.
They're there now to be leaders and girl bosses.
And you see there from the very beginning of the film, every time the guys are interacting, they want to fight.
And the sophisticated women settle everything, and they're very intelligent.
They're hyper-intelligent.
Settling the disputes between the low IQ, toxic masculinity, you know, weirdos there.
And they are weird.
Like, the guys are all effeminate, but they also have toxic masculinity.
It's very bizarre.
But ultimately, there's absolutely no way that this could in any way be conceived of as traditional.
I mean, the fact that The daughter, who is a radical social justice warrior, Marxist, the fact that she decides to drop a little bit of her extreme radical Marxist stuff and be reconciled with her mom, that doesn't make it a conservative movie.
I mean, the whole movie is about rejecting anything traditional because we evolve, and we can evolve into new, quote, higher states of individuality and feel-goodiness, right?
Whatever makes me feel good.
And so at the end, when Ryan Gosling's character is coming into masculinity, he reads a bunch of books, starts lifting weights, starts drinking beer and acting kind of goofy, right?
Barbie has to then lecture him on how none of that appeals to her.
That's not masculinity.
And he's going to have to submit again to the women.
Well, guess what?
Women don't like men that submit to women.
That is not what turns women on.
That's called being a beta.
And women don't like betas because it's not biological.
You can't go against biology and everybody that does is fighting a losing battle.
I want to remind you that this is the Alex Jones Show, and head on over to the Infowars store to get some of those excellent products to fight the Infowars.
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I did a big debate this week.
I did a bunch of really in-depth interviews.
I want to go deeper into the analysis of the films.
I did a really deep dive on Mission Impossible, Indiana Jones, and others.
This is the Alex Jones Show and I'm your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
You know I don't compare myself to a gladiator but the last time
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