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Name: 20230727_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 27, 2023
3098 lines.

Alex Jones interviews Mike Lindell about their fight against tyranny and the importance of financial support for their operations. They discuss upcoming events and the significance of purchasing MyPillow products. Jones then discusses recent UFO hearings in Congress, questioning the official narrative surrounding UFOs and expressing skepticism towards the intentions behind the hearings and disclosures. He also promotes products available at InfoWarsStore.com and encourages listeners to support the platform, emphasizing civil disobedience against tyranny and globalism.

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I have the CIA surveilling everything I do, the FBI, and I'm not going to spend the time telling you about it, because to me that means it's good.
You know, my dad's dad could, before they had radar, they had it but it wasn't on the planes, could know to go to the bombing targets in Italy and then Germany, out of North Africa, first Italy and then they were in Italy and then in Germany, on mission after mission, and volunteer for more after he did his first leg.
If he had to steer towards the black clouds of rocket fire and artillery into the flak to know how to hit his target, I'm the same way.
I see that flak, that's my radar, that's what I'm going into.
And, I mean, that's flying into exploding artillery rounds.
We're not doing that.
But I'm going to tell you, it's going to get to that point if we don't turn this around very quickly.
We have serious cancer.
We have serious tyranny.
You can look at it, there's no joke anymore.
There's no denying it.
I wish it was not this horrible.
It is so horrible.
And I wish it was not this bad.
You think it's fun to admit this?
I get why you don't want to admit it.
I get why you don't want to face it.
It's crazy!
But this is the end of the country and these people win.
And man, you look at the scum they found to do the country in.
Mitt Romney and Joe Biden and just, and Mitch McConnell, just all of them are jokes, ladies and gentlemen.
They're all, I mean look at that McConnell, just all a bunch of brain dead zombies.
rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
We've got a big broadcast lined up for you on this Thursday live transmission.
The most banned network in the world.
If I was the deep state and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate.
One that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it.
I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots.
I would be in charge of the ballot counting machines.
I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.
If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me.
I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election.
I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.
If I was the deep state, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a
democrat ever winning an election.
I would imprison my foes.
I would use my corrupt DAs and blackmailed judges to destroy you.
I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened.
I would prosecute my biggest competition.
I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.
If I was the deep state, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good and
women are men.
If I was the Deep State, I would own every politician that mattered.
If I was the Deep State, I would push my pedophilia ambitions on you.
If I was the Deep State, you'd question your sexual identity, but not the medical establishment.
If I was the Deep State, you would fear to ever resist me.
If I was the deep state, you would wish I was really the devil.
If I was the deep state, I would say mission accomplished.
With respect to Alex Jones or anybody else being censored from Twitter,
if Twitter's a free speech platform, which is what Elon Musk's thesis for running the platform is,
free speech means that there's no such thing as a wrong opinion.
We fought an American revolution in this country for what?
For the vision that we the people Decide, in a constitutional republic, how we settle our differences, through free speech and open debate in the public square.
Now that old world monster rears its ugly head again, saying that, no, no, no, we don't trust the people.
I reject that vision.
The American Revolution rejects that vision.
That is what the World Economic Forum agenda is about.
It is a 1776 question.
I stand on the side of the Great Uprising.
Standing up and saying, absolutely not.
Heck no to the Great Reset.
We the people decide as citizens of sovereign nations how we actually determine our future
through self-determination.
Attention projectionists.
Adjust the lens so that your picture will be focused properly before the show starts
If you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
Don't listen to corporate media.
Don't listen to the establishment.
Don't listen to Republican, Democrat leaders.
Don't listen to think tanks.
You want to hear why they fear InfoWars.com?
You want to hear why they fear Alex Jones?
Go to InfoWars.com and actually hear my show.
Watch what we say.
Watch what we do.
The Alex Jones Show.
Big, big, big, broadcast lined up for you today.
So start your engines, take the links, Infowars.com, Newswars.com, BandOnVideo, take clips, share them, share the articles.
You're the Paul Revere's. Without you, we lose. When you take action, we win.
So come in for the big win now. Connect to share the links now.
People say, "Jones, why are you so excited?"
Well, I knew what the new world order was going to do.
Collapsed borders cut off the energy, cut off the fertilizer, cut off the food and caused mass death.
You can look it up, even the Wall Street Journal admits worldwide production of fertilizer is down over 25% in just the last couple of years.
Do you have any idea what that alone is going to do to the planet?
We've got a huge transmission.
Mike Lindell joins us next segment with big breaking news that's vital to the future of humanity.
We have dark journalists on the incredible hearings on the UFOs yesterday and the interdimensional invasion that Congress heard is happening from the fourth dimension.
Talk about tomorrow's news today.
We are the epitome of it.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live July 27th.
Thursday Transmission.
We're going to be joined here in just a few minutes by Mike Lindell, whose story of what he's been through affects us all, and the battle he's going through affects us all, and is really at the focal point of where Our country and the world is right now, and it ties into everything that we are collectively facing together.
And what we're talking about is a globalist, multinational, corporate program of outlawing their political and cultural opposition.
That's what this is.
Now, as soon as Biden stole his way into office almost three years ago, The first press conference they had with Jim Psaki was, we're going to declare the Republican Party a terrorist organization.
We're going to call them all white supremacists and we are going to go after them.
And that is indeed what they've done.
Then they put out the report in June of 2021, where Biden said the main threat is the American people.
And they went on with the fake statistics and fake numbers to say that the number one crime in America was white supremacy.
And then they defined white supremacy as anyone questioning elections, anyone questioning open borders, anyone questioning lockdowns, anyone questioning tyranny.
Now the new Talking Point is out officially on CNN and MSNBC.
I have a whole bunch of clips just from yesterday and today, saying it's time for Homeland Security to outlaw the free speech of Americans, just like after 9-11 we must mobilize against the right wing.
So first the police states for the Cold War, then it's for the Islamicists, now it's directed Inwardly at us.
But they're not doing this because they're strong, they're doing it because they're weak.
They're trying to put President Trump in jail because he's super popular and a constitutionalist and a good man who's set to win in a landslide.
They've raided Mike Lindell.
They've taken his banking away over and over again.
They've taken our banking.
Now Nigel Farage.
Now EU looks into targeting Americans.
Mitt Romney comes out and says we need the government to be able to censor Americans.
If what they're saying is wrong, but he defines it.
An incredibly serious time to be alive.
I just want to play this short clip and then go to Mike Lindell, who we now have on the video uplink.
This is MSNBC guest Mike Reichenauf, should be, or Paul Reichenauf.
So MSNBC guest Paul Reichenauf says, after 9-11 we created The Department of Homeland Security.
There was a Patriot Act.
We need the same kind of tectonic shift against the American right wing.
This is officially happening.
This is what you hear about in third world countries, or read about in the old Soviet Union, or what happens in Communist China today.
This is a political system that's unpopular, that's corrupt, that's globalist, that controls the Democratic Party.
And much of the Republican Party, but the main populist beachhead is Trump and this broadcast and Mike Lindell and others.
So I asked Mike Lindell to come on because he fired out the bat signal a couple days ago and said, look, I've spent all my fortune battling the election fraud and the tyranny and setting up a TV network to reach tens of millions a day.
He's going up against the same rig courts I was up against, but he needs to persevere, and he is persevering.
George Washington lost most of his battles the first five years, but began winning the sixth year, and it was perseverance that is the reason we have this country.
Well, and Lindell's won many battles and also lost many.
I've lost many and won many, but you know what Vince Lombardi said?
Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
Winners never quit, and quitters never win.
And so we can roll over to this or we can stand up.
And the good news is the world's awakening, but there's a certain level with a Mike Lindell or even a President Trump or myself or Tucker Carlson or countless others that have fought tyranny and been punished.
People take it, well, you know, we're tough guys and we're just always going to be here.
That's not the case.
If you don't support us and spread the word and realize just because you're awake and we're awake, a lot of other folks aren't awake yet.
Then we will be defeated.
And if they can take down Mike Lindell, if they can take down Infowars, they can take us all down.
So when I talked to Mike last night, he pointed out that he saw a surge in support a few days ago.
When I was just a two minute talk, and I'm gonna repeat it again, basically, I'm gonna go right to Mike.
We're gonna skip this break so we have more time.
And I said, you asked us to fight.
You asked us to stand up.
You say, where are the Americans that will take on the deep state?
Where are the people that will file the lawsuits and put up the media systems and Finance the rallies all over the country.
Well, people like Mike Lindell, who's put his money where his mouth is, and so what's their new attack on him?
Oh, Mike Lindell's got yachts and all this stuff, which would be okay if he did, but he doesn't.
I know folks that know him, very humble guy.
That's what they say about me.
They lied and said I had $400 million in their fake lawsuits.
That's what they do, so you don't think we don't need support.
So, Mike Lindell's fired the bat signal.
Use promo code Alex at MyPillow.com or his other great sites and get some of the best discounts out there on his Made in America incredible quality products.
But it takes money to win a war.
We don't have George Soros, we have you.
Now, of course, in customary fashion, Mike didn't want to come on and talk about himself.
He wanted to talk about another big event and some big intel and another big operation he's about to launch.
And you can say, well, he got sued, he got demonized, he got lied about.
And so, you know, he's done his work, but he's been defeated.
It's the opposite.
Upwards of 80% of Americans question these elections, which is our right and duty.
We send the State Department around the world to measure which election is good and which election is bad.
And under our own standards, we have horrible elections.
And the Democrats have complained about elections and done the same things President Trump did and tried to get alternate electors.
Obama did it in Hawaii when he was running the second time.
So they're trying to outlaw us.
And if they can crush the big dogs, the lead elephants, literally, figuratively, in the Republican Party that are taking this party over to try to save the country and are being seen all over the world.
America's being watched all over the world.
And people are being inspired by people like Mike Lindell and President Trump.
And Joe Rogan and myself and countless others.
So I want to thank the listeners for being our boosters.
I want to thank you for holding us in place and keeping us in the fight.
But you have to understand, you're not important, you're everything.
And so I said, hey, you need to support Mike Lindell.
Plus, he's a sponsor of ours.
We get around 10% of the sale.
There's not much markup in his products because they're such good deals.
And that's how it is with Patriots.
Literally the best deal on sheets, towels, slippers, just hundreds of great products, books, coffee, the list goes on.
And you get a great price, and on his end, basically all the money goes into the fight.
And it's the same thing here.
And so we're fighters, but we can't do it without you provisioning us.
And I'm not bitching.
I'm saying I have a tendency To not get up here and explain how important you are.
I think Mike does as well.
So he wants to get into his new big investigation.
And you can say, well, he hasn't turned the election around yet.
The vast majority of people know it was a fraud.
Now a whole bunch of states have passed laws to block the fraud they used last time.
So no, Mike Lindell isn't just winning the battles, he's winning the war.
But people need to know this is a long-term war.
You're not going to get victory overnight.
That's the one thing I told him a few years ago.
I said, Mike, you're having a big effect right now, but don't think you're going to get it right away.
I get being an optimist.
I get shoot for the moon, go all the way.
Because when you shoot for the moon, you still shoot pretty far and you hit the target.
So, we're here, we're fighting harder than ever, and I know that's a long intro.
Mike Lindell, we love you, MyPillow.com.
Let's start with your debanking and the SWAT team raids, and remind folks, and now, what you've gone through, we need to hold up your operation, plus your Made in America, all your employees.
I mean, this is so vital, and if we just rally you, you're not gonna have to borrow, which I know you're doing, that $10 million.
Everybody should buy $10 million of product now, To keep you 100% in the game, because the enemy wants to make an example out of you, an example out of me, and the people need to make an example out of us by holding us up.
I'm willing to go to prison or die for this.
So is Mike Lindell.
But I don't want to lose.
I don't want to just be a martyr.
I want to win Mike Lindell.
Yeah, and thank you.
Thanks for having me on.
Yeah, my employees thank all of you out there for their support.
We've been able, we have been attacked.
We've had, we've been deplatformed on all the, just about every box store in the country, shopping networks, banks, like Alex says there.
The FBI took my phone last fall.
No, I don't have it back, everybody.
I sued the government and the FBI, though, and that went to court about a month and a half ago with three judges here in federal court in Minnesota, and they asked the government, how can you take his phone?
He runs this whole business off it, and why couldn't you just make a download in 12 seconds?
She didn't have an answer for that.
And then they said, well, who's checking out?
There's attorney-client privilege and he sued you.
Who's looking at that?
And they said, well, we are.
And the judge said, well, what are you just going, oh, I shouldn't have seen that.
I shouldn't have seen that.
I shouldn't have seen that.
It's so corrupt.
And the recent attacks, they attack, it seems like every time I have, like I have this big event coming up, that's when the attacks just come out from all angles.
You've seen that we had this auction and they attacked us there and having this auction because we were getting rid of our retail equipment that we use for the retail sales and we're shifted over.
We're celebrating our 20 year anniversary.
All my employees, we're down there making commercial and everybody, we have careers at my pillow, not just jobs and it's all walks of life.
It doesn't matter what political party you're in.
We have Asian, Hispanic, It's actually united us more the more they attack us, but we were so it was so amazing in the midst of all this.
We made this commercial that you probably have all seen by now of our my pillow.
It's a 1998 usually 69 98 the Queen size.
I got one right here.
I mean the Queen size and King size the lowest price in history.
So that's something they can get today to help support us and and you're right Alex.
I take the media, they attack me, they don't know what to do with me, they can't call me.
If they're calling me a grifter, I'm the worst grifter in history, because I've got tens and tens of millions of dollars every dime I get goes into trying to help fix this country's election platforms and save our country, quite frankly.
So we're very excited about this event coming up, which I can tell you about if you want me to.
Yes, sir, you've got the floor.
I did a long intro.
You've got the floor, my friend.
So everybody, for two and a half years, I want to tell everybody where we're at.
I'm going to go, I'm going to use Al Capone as an example.
Al Capone in Chicago back in the day, people, they couldn't get him on, they had all the evidence on murder, racketeering, gambling, bootlegging, but they couldn't get him.
Because he had the judges in his pocket, he had the media in his pocket, he had the early voting in his pocket so he knew which politicians how to cheat there.
He also had the police and the people he didn't have in his pocket.
He had them in fear.
Does that sound like where we are as a country?
Where all the evidence we had, it doesn't matter how much evidence you had, we've been stopped by every judge because they've never looked at anything based on merit.
We've been stopped by our own party, the Republican Party.
They've blocked us at every level in government.
The FBI has broke down doors, attacked me.
So all these things, but what did they do with Al Capone?
Back in all the people in Chicago that felt just helpless.
They felt hopeless, like no hope.
We're never gonna get rid of all this crime.
And what did they do?
They came at them at a different angle and that was tax evasion.
And everybody probably knows the story if you don't check that out.
They got him on tax evasion and he went to Devil's Island.
He went to The Rock out in, uh, I went to prison.
Well now, think of that where we're at today.
For the last two and a half years, we've been, we've had, I've had tens of thousands of people in every state on the ground doing everything from canvassing and investigation and lawsuits.
I've poured money into all this and so have so many people in our country.
And I sat there last summer, I thought, you know what?
This is going to take too long.
This is a big game, even with their lawfare, all the lawsuits.
It's going to take too long.
We need to come at them from a different angle.
So here it is, everybody.
On August 16th and 17th, we're bringing two things to this country that we need.
One was hope.
August 16th we're going to put all 50 state representatives are going to be up on that stage and they're going to tell you what the hope is in your state that you're not seeing everywhere else.
There's like if you're Michigan did you know in Michigan we won five lawsuits against the Secretary of State there of the things he put in that were against our Constitution in our elections.
This whole and then So we have the hope, and then the next day, everybody's been looking for a plan.
We have all this.
It's got to be organized.
There needs to be a plan.
Well, we're announcing it that day.
It's been one year in the planning for this plan.
But I want to tell everybody, it's never been done before in history.
It's never even been talked about before, so you can guess all day long.
You're never going to guess what this is, but I will promise you this.
Everyone's going to embrace it, and we don't need anything but the people to fulfill this plan.
And we need all of you right now.
This is very important.
If you go to LyndaleEvent.com, LyndaleEvent.com, and get, we need the audience.
That's what we need.
Go there, get signed up to watch it.
We're going to live stream it for free, the whole event, in 80 languages.
This is so important.
It needs to be seen by other countries because there's been 51 countries that have been taken down by computers in an election.
And those countries are going to have hope.
And by the way, we're going to take this plan in this fall in Louisiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Virginia.
All these elections this fall, instantly it's in.
It's in.
And it secures our elections, everybody, overnight.
Everyone's going to go, why didn't somebody do this sooner?
It wasn't the right time.
Everything has been happening on God's timing, not ours.
And you're going to look back and you're going to say, wow, this all had to happen because it opened people's eyes.
We're finding out where more corruption is every day.
And it's the greatest time in history to be alive.
This is the time.
Like Alex said there, you know, I, you know, for me, and you did tell me, Alex, a few years ago that, you know, this isn't going to happen overnight.
I'm, I'm very impatient.
You look up patience and you Google it.
See my picture, alright?
But you know what, I've had to learn to be patient, and it's all coming down to this event, this LyndaleEvent.com.
And by the way, if you go there, if you put in Alex and the referral code, I will send you a $20 free online gift immediately, just for getting there so we can get, we have to share this everybody, and everybody, this is the only way this plan fails.
You know, one of my relatives, I went and got some supplements for him.
And I said to this friend of mine, I said, "Do these supplements really work?"
And he said, "The only way that they fail "is if you don't take them."
So I'm going, "Wow."
Well, I'm telling you, the only way this plan fails is if people don't watch.
Because the media, I can't announce it sooner because they'll get out in front of it and just attack it.
But if enough people know the day of it, it's kind of like trying to put toothpaste back in the tube.
Once the word's out, it's going to be too late.
Everybody will know this and it'll be heard around the world.
And come August 18th, I'd like to see all these things that people are panicking.
Let's do this.
Let's do that.
They're going to go, wow, this is amazing.
And by the way, Mike, let's just read something.
You were instrumental in your supporters in exposing the fraud of the election, and that's why now the majority of the public knows this in the deep states in so much trouble and panic.
They're now trying to make it illegal.
They're on TV saying, we need to arrest anybody that questions elections.
They're arresting all these alternate electors.
It's totally legal in Michigan.
They're trying to put Trump in jail because they've lost.
The public's turned against them, and you've just persevered and kept fighting, and the media spins it.
Oh, he challenged it, but he's wrong.
He's been proven wrong, and they put laugh tracks on the late-night shows about you because they fear you.
When the enemy attacks somebody, it's because they're over the target, and Mike Lindell is over the target.
But let's talk about your operation, your crew, and how many people you hire.
And I know last time I checked, everything but the Giza sheets is, like, made here in America.
And all your products are just incredible if you know the quality of them.
Plus, it funds our operation of Win-Win.
Talk about you having to borrow $10 million to stay open, and the fact that you're a super optimist, you've dumped everything into this, and people need to get behind you now.
Folks, we are so close to victory.
Get behind Mike Lindell.
Yep, and this is true.
Use that promo code, Alex, and we've got everything.
Things you don't believe that you would go, wow, you have sleepwear?
We have sleepwear.
We have our beds.
We have the best bed ever made, 100% made in the USA.
This is the mattresses.
I micromanaged everything.
Look at that in the right there, that kitchen towel saved 25%.
They came in two days ago.
What's different about these kitchen towels?
They actually work.
They're made to dry.
Mike, I know you're an optimist, an American entrepreneur, I love you to death, but you fired the bat signal.
Let's talk about where you are, because people need to know that you're in dangerous waters.
You're a key battleship in this fight.
Plus, these are great products we need.
Tell folks where you guys are right now.
People need to know that.
Well, you know, where we are, I mean, as far as... Well, I mean, you made the point.
Mike Lindell says he had to borrow $10 million to keep my pillow doors open.
You need to let people know you need help.
Yeah, we do need help.
I need help.
And rather than go, okay, everybody just send money so we can keep this fight.
Every dime I make, that I make from things you buy, everything goes into helping save this country.
What I had to do when I borrowed money, I wanted to keep all my employees employed.
And to keep making, you know, to keep making products.
When we said we added these new products, remember, they shut us down at the retail sales.
Walmart did it to us just a year ago.
And these, you know, so you have all these woke companies that's shutting my pillow down.
And with us, you're not only supporting these careers, basically, here, all these families that rely on our sales.
And we've been like a big family for, you know, people have been with me for 20 years.
And Mike, stay right there.
To do a little bit more of this on the other side, I know you're a busy man, but this is
so key.
Ladies and gentlemen, the model of debanking, SWAT teaming, censoring, suing that I've been
through and that Mike's been through and that Nigel Farage has been through and Trump's
been through, getting the picture, is meant to send you a message.
They're using us as examples.
They know Lindell isn't giving up.
They know the cut of his jib.
They know I don't know how to give up.
Trump doesn't know.
I don't know how to give up.
Trump doesn't know how to give up.
And I'm telling you folks, they're coming for you.
They're banning all your gas stoves, all your space heaters that are gas, all of your machines,
all of your generators, all of your water heaters.
That will devastate us.
They're cutting the pipelines off.
They're coming for you.
I'm fighting for you.
You're fighting for me.
We're together and we need money for this war.
And I know he's telling the truth and I know we're maxed out.
Don't make us prove it by going down.
And that's the thing.
We go down, we'll come back stronger.
People go, oh, you really did need support.
Yeah, folks, it's hidden a gimmick.
taking on the deep state they kill people. They're pedophiles.
They got the border wide open!
They laugh about it in Congress!
You want men to fight?
We're doing it!
But we can't do it without the ammunition.
This is an info war.
Go to MyPillow.com and use promo code Alex.
Get the best deals there are.
MyPillow.com forward slash Alex.
That supports us.
Supports Mike Lindell.
But I don't want to hear talk of Mike Lindell having to go into debt.
To keep the lights on in this fight.
We want him supercharged.
We don't want him just doing decent.
We want him expanding to let the enemy know you're not silencing us.
You're not shutting down our champions.
You're not going to intimidate us by crushing the men and women at the tip of the spear.
Mike Lindell, do one more segment with us.
Well, you got some other great URLs and stuff as well where people can find whole communities of American-made products and markets you've created.
Just, you know, I had that idea 20 years ago and never could do it.
You did it.
Such a good common sense idea, but you actually did it.
A man of action.
Mike Lindell straight ahead.
A man of action.
We'll be right back with Mike Lindell.
As negative as a lot of this news is, freedom is super popular right now.
It's white hot.
The awakening to the globalists, the awakening to the multinational corporations, to the censorship, the surveillance, the CIA, the FBI involved targeting the American people.
And now Mitt Romney comes out and defends it and says it's good to have the government censor what's not true.
What's wrong is the quote.
Oh, he decides.
And now they have these talk show hosts on MSNBC saying, use Homeland Security on the right wing.
Well, that's what they're doing.
And I would even call Mike Lindell or myself right wing, not that I'm ashamed of right wing ideas.
I hold a lot of them.
This is spiritual warfare.
Mike and I were just talking during the break, and I said, what's the most important point you're going to make?
And he said, that this is a spiritual war.
What we are is Christians, and then fathers, and Americans, and people that care about freedom.
We're not black or white.
We got red blood.
We love God.
We love justice.
And that's why the bad guys that want to make you a slave are coming after us.
So Mike Lindell, you got interrupted by the break.
You were getting into your crew, your history, the battle you're in.
You had some more statements to make.
Yeah, I want to tell everybody, this is real important, everybody.
I'll give you a little more hope here.
If you go back, this is a spiritual battle, a spiritual war of a biblical proportion.
But let's go back to January 7th and 8th of 2021.
Those days are the days we started winning, and I'm going to tell you why.
1.2 million Americans got deplatformed that day on Vimeo, YouTube, Suckabucks, Facebook, Twitter, all over the country, including our real president's Twitter, if you all remember.
The ones that got deplatformed there were the ones that were speaking out.
And everyone else was put into fear to not ever speak out.
So I compare it to, think about when I was growing up, that's the day they tried to destroy our voice, to completely silence us forever.
I compare it to when I was growing up, we had black and white TVs and you turned them off as little kids and they went really tiny down to this little tiny blue dot and you'd sit and look at it and turn it back on and it would all come back to life.
Now, that little blue dot, or that little white dot, that was our voice, everybody.
They tried to silence us forever, and we would not be silenced.
And since that time, as we know, our voice has gotten bigger and bigger.
Different social media sites, like Infowars, like myself, and other people like you, Alex, that have never stopped talking, never stopped shouting out, hey, we got problems, we got problems.
And that has spread.
People said to me, when I did the speech from the Rose Garden, and I said, God gave us grace for such a time as this, and I said, we have to spend time in our Bibles with our families.
Well, people come up to me all the time.
They go, Mike, this doesn't feel like grace.
This doesn't feel like grace.
I go, oh, but it is.
I said, during this time right now, when all this stuff is being revealed, all these bad things that are happening out there that you see, it's opening people's eyes.
We're in the greatest revival for Jesus Christ in history.
People are pouring into this bucket.
They're also pouring into another bucket.
If you talk about a political bucket of common sense, which is our real President Donald Trump, they're coming in from both sides going, you know, this destruction of our country, it doesn't make sense.
And when those people are pouring in, once they get in the bucket, they never leave the bucket, everybody.
So when I gave this speech there about God giving us grace, I'm telling you, when we get out, and I don't know if it's going to be next year, the year after, wherever it is, and we get to this beautiful point, Out here, we're going to look back and say, wow, this was all on God's timing and everything had to happen, even the bad stuff, everybody.
But we are winning.
We are winning because our voice did not get taken from us on January 7th and 8th of 2021.
That's the day they lost the battle.
They lost that battle.
And that's the day we started winning the war.
And national polls show the majority of people think the Fed stayed January 6th.
I was there, I saw them stay January 6th.
I'm going to tell everybody another thing that you can kind of wrap your head around.
On January 4th of 2021, I was in Georgia with our real president.
That was with the two senators, they were running up and I said, you know what?
I said, Lord, please have them steal them both.
And they would say, well, Michael, why would you say that to God?
And I'm going, and I'm telling you, if I'd have been their marketer, I would have said, give them back a Republican so they shut up about the election.
If they'd have done that, Alex, we wouldn't be talking right now because the rest of the people in the country would have said, you know what?
Let's just, let's just, we still have a, we still have the Senate.
Let's just get them back in 2022.
There wouldn't have been a 2022, it would have been over.
We'd have been boiled alive like frogs forever done.
Now, but they took them both and that woke everybody up going,
now they stole them both.
Maybe there was crime in the election, but they had a backup plan.
Exactly, they've gone too far and they've really revealed.
And I'm not just saying that, I'm out in the public.
I gauge it, I get nothing but love now.
And I see the numbers and the globalist information leaks out of their think tanks.
The CIA, the Carney Endowment that really runs the country, and the Rockefeller Foundation, they admit in internal documents they're leaking that they're losing worldwide, not just here.
There is not just a Great Awakening, not just a political realignment, there is an explosive understanding of the IMF, the World Bank, the WEF.
They are hated.
There are comments on Instagrams where there's 20 million views of a video of Klaus Schwab, Where you can read 10,000 comments, there's not one positive comment about him or Bill Gates.
I mean, they have really screwed the pooch.
It's been such an educational thing, too.
And remember, everybody, one of our biggest advantages here is evil is greedy.
They're greedy.
It's like they were on January 6th.
That was a total setup.
They were just greedy.
Let's just take them down.
On the so-called inauguration, if I'd have been their market, I said, whatever you do, let's not destroy the country until they shut up about the election.
But what did they do on Inauguration Day?
The first thing they did, shut down the pipeline, shut down all those 50,000 jobs, 13 people commit suicide, open up the borders, let the fentanyl pour in, and, you know, because they're going for it, everybody.
This is the Uniparty globalists.
This is the Deep State.
The CCP, they're all in this big cabal, and they're trying to steal everything you have.
And we are.
You said it right.
We're just, you know, God gave me a big platform of a voice like you, Alex, like our great President Donald Trump.
We're just the wall between all of them.
They're coming for everybody.
And we're just the voices to, you know, the front line, so to speak, to stop them.
But they're doing it to me, and they're doing it to you, and doing it to our great real President.
Well, you're on fire.
You're going to leave us soon.
I'm going to cover a bunch of news.
this now and that's it this has been the great awakening and the greatest revival ever.
Well you're on fire you're gonna leave us soon I'm gonna cover a bunch of news
again at all the huge breaking information but let's recharge the
batteries plus get great products made in America.
There's not just MyPillow.com to use promo code Alex and get a great discount and keep you on air and keep us on air.
Give us a rundown of the other websites, the other great markets, the other great places, the big event you've got coming up, the free gift you're going to send everybody that just shows interest.
Because even if you can't come to the event, folks, you can share the links, you can watch it online.
I mean, this is about we the people, us together.
You know, you were making the point during the break, Trump's right.
He's got to get through us to get to the public.
And they've got to get to the public to get to us.
We're all in this together.
People really get now.
Yeah, folks, they're taking everything you've got.
They're saying that your children belong to them.
They're going to choose your child's destiny and what sex they are and all this craziness.
And that they've dissolved the borders and they're celebrating America, saying he did a great job.
The border is wonderful.
I mean, they're going for broke.
People now get, whoa, this isn't rhetoric out of Jones and Lindell.
No, no, no.
This isn't rhetoric out of Trump when he says, this is the final battle, this is the new world order, this is the globalist, fascist, communist cabal.
This is real tyranny.
If this was cancer, it's brain cancer, folks.
I mean, it's bone cancer.
If this was liquor, it's 200 proof.
I mean, this is the real McCoy.
And it just thinks we're going to be shocked and not believe it and go back in our shell.
No, we're not letting the worst psychotic demons history's ever seen Take us down.
This is their destruction.
This is their end, but not through war, through political, cultural, spiritual renewal.
So tell us about the products, how we support you, how we support all of ourselves and the big event coming up.
Well, yeah, the first one, you obviously can go to MyPillow.com, use that promo code, Alex, and you can get all these great discounts on all of our products.
And just by visiting this site, you're gonna get a $20 free gift emailed to you immediately.
And there's the biggest special we have right now, the 20 year anniversary MyPillow for 1998 for the queen size, normally $69.98.
We're celebrating our anniversary with what my employees love doing best.
Producing and making the MyPillow.
So there's the MyPillow website, and we have over 200 products.
Now we have the MyStore.com, everybody.
And you say, what is MyStore?
MyStore is for entrepreneurs.
There's thousands of them there that are over there.
That I set up about two years ago, and we've been onboarding entrepreneurs so their products don't get copied over in China, or they don't get up and get lost on other platforms.
These are great products.
There you see the My Coffee.
That's one.
Now we have the new My Store Gummies.
There's the My Pillow Anniversary.
Then you see the Bleed Stop.
You see all these products.
These USA-made products.
All of these are USA-made products.
You can go down.
You can see the stories of these entrepreneurs.
And it just keeps going down.
And this promo code?
Does promo code Alex work there?
And promo code Alex, everybody.
You're supporting InfoWars 2 and supporting everything they do there.
It's just like my pillow here.
You have thousands of products, so now you're helping entrepreneurs,
you're helping support myself, you're helping support InfoWars,
you're supporting everything there.
This is set up, this is how you can help.
The other thing here that the biggest thing to help right now for your country
is get the event out, Lyndaleevent.com.
Go there now and sign up.
I will send you, I will email a free $20 value right now.
I email you an online gift just for going there and getting signed up for this event
and saying you're gonna spread the word.
This event, everybody, is where I'm gonna reveal the plan that's gonna secure our elections immediately.
Immediately, everybody.
This is never, it's a plan that's never been done before in history anywhere.
Never even been talked about.
You can guess all day long and say, oh, you want to go to paper ballots?
You want to melt down the machines?
I've already talked about it.
Everybody's talked about those things.
This is something you've never seen.
We're coming at it from a different angle.
And you're gonna go, wow!
This is so amazing!
It's a two-day live-streaming event.
It's gonna be live-streamed both days for 12 hours on PrankSpeech.com if you don't have that app.
Get the Frank Speech app.
That's where, you know, over there we have a huge, a huge platform, three TV stations that go, three streaming stations and then thousands of podcasters over there.
This is, we're going to be streaming this live two days in a row from Lyndale TV.
I have a show every day at 6 p.m.
Central where we're putting out hope there too.
People, everyone needs to hear the hope and they need to hear the plan.
By the way, this will be streamed.
Let anyone you know that in 80 languages around the world, we've got in real time.
So as I'm talking there, it's going to be going out because I want everybody to get the message.
And I know last time we talked, you invited me there, so there's a good chance I'll let you know the next episode.
I would love to have you there.
You could have a platform, you could livestream it.
We'd love to have you there.
I'd invite your whole crew.
I got you covered, Alex.
We would love to have you there.
We need... We get one shot at this, everybody.
This does not fail if we get enough people to watch.
Remember, other things we've done out there, the media will attack it, they will suppress it.
When they want me silenced, Alex, you know what they do to me?
They just don't attack me.
Then you know I'm right over the target.
Then they don't even attack me.
I have to do crazy things like go in a crane game, a carnival game on Jimmy Kimmel just to get the word out.
No, but you really shine on those shows with your charm.
I'm not kissing your butt.
It's just you really, really shine on those shows when you're under attack.
You seem to get even better in the lion's den.
In closing, For folks that don't understand this, getting SWAT teamed, getting raided, and them saying they might charge you with crimes for questioning the election, this is all about making you go away.
Owen Schroer, still they're trying to put him in jail for January 6th.
He was there outside trying to stop folks going in.
Meanwhile, Ray Epstein go in and told Congress he orchestrated the attack.
He texted that.
That's okay to orchestrate the attack.
You just can't try to stop it.
They do that to not intimidate us, folks.
They do it to intimidate you.
And I know people know this, but my dad always told me when I was a little kid, he said, if you're walking through a grocery store parking lot or outside the house and a dog starts growling at you, don't run and it'll usually go away.
If you run, It's gonna attack you, and so you got one choice.
Stand there and be calm, chase the dog, it almost always goes away, or if you run, you're gonna get attacked.
And I grew up then in Dallas, and probably ten times or so, saw friends of mine, we'd be walking through a neighborhood, a dog would get out of a fence, start running up, and I would just turn, pick up a rock, throw it at it, even German shepherds, pit bulls, you know, they go away usually.
But if you act like prey, you get attacked.
Folks, you wanna live laying down to these people, it'll only get a hundred times worse.
I mean, people say I have all this courage.
No, I don't have courage.
It would take courage to run from these people.
We need to not run from them, and they're trying to bully us, and I thought we're the land of the free, home of the brave, and I get it.
The average American that's sat on the sidelines is not a coward.
You're lazy because the country's been so good and you just think everything's taken care of and you can just continue on.
No, we're going to lose everything, folks, and I need the men and I need the women, but men particularly, who've been sitting on the sidelines to understand.
We need you to be a leader.
And, you know, I talk about Robert Welch that founded the John Birch Society back in the late 50s, or mid-50s, after they murdered John Birch in China and our government handed China over to the Communists.
That group exposed everything that came true, and we stand on their shoulders.
They were demonized, they were sued, they were infiltrated.
It's all been declassified by the CIA.
By the FBI.
By the ADL.
But they were dead on.
They were patriots.
They were mainly intelligence operatives and military officers that were inside the meetings and heard we're turning America over to communists.
So McCarthy's been vindicated.
Robert Welch has been vindicated.
And the model...
Of businessmen and women with can-do know-how, using the money for Americana freedom to fight the globalists is what they fear.
That's what the debanking is about.
That's what the financial attacks are about.
That's why we've got to rush to support MyPillow.com and InfoWars.com, plus their great products at both places, because we are the tip of the spear.
Mike Lindell, I know you got to go.
60-second closing comment.
Yeah, everybody.
Courage is contagious and at this time we all gotta be courageous.
Don't save your courage for a rainy day because it's pouring outside.
It's all come down to this.
I cannot stress the importance of getting everyone you know to watch this event on August 16th and 17th.
Go to LyndaleEvent.com.
Get signed up now.
Get that free $20 gift sent to you online.
Use the referral code ALEX.
And I thank everyone for all your support.
What keeps me going is my pillow and keeps my employees going.
We thank you for everything that you're all doing out there to keep us supported.
But this right now, this changes everything, everybody.
This event changes everything.
And this is the plan to secure our elections overnight.
We don't have to rely on anyone else but us, the people.
This doesn't rely on anything.
It's never been done before.
It doesn't rely on the law changes, by the way, it is legal.
It doesn't rely on judges making decisions.
It doesn't rely on the government quit attacking us.
This is the best plan in the history of elections, and it will secure them immediately.
And the only way it fails, everybody, is if we don't get enough to watch.
We need millions to watch.
I'd like to be the biggest televised event in history.
It's that important.
Which one was that?
You go back to Elvis Presley, Aloha from Hawaii in 1973.
One-fourth of the world's population, I believe, watched it.
We need every country to be watching this because their countries are even going to have hope.
We're streaming it in 80 languages and everybody, just everyone you know, you let them know about this event and we will save our country.
And just like I told you two and a half years ago, I said, Mike, I don't think this will bring them down now.
Everything takes longer.
But I said, I believe the work you're doing will wake up the public for the greatest awakening ever.
And now you see that.
And again, it's not about saying I was right.
It's about understanding you have been triumphant.
Your supporters have been triumphant.
It's a long 12 round heavyweight fight.
We're only like to round seven right now.
And you're right.
You could get a big uppercut in there and we could knock them out right now.
But I got a gut feeling this is going to be right down to the end and then we're going to knock them out right there in the last 10 seconds of the fight.
But God bless you.
We'll talk to you soon and I'll see you in Missouri.
Thank you so much Alex.
God bless you all out there.
God bless you.
You know, I like him a lot because he's a real American, and he's Americana, and he's been through a lot, and he's a self-made man, and he's 100% real.
I mean, I have good judgment.
I have good instincts.
I've had good instincts my whole life.
I wouldn't follow them until I was like 35 or 40.
Now, I almost always follow them.
Every time I don't, I'm wrong.
Mike Lindell, my spirit, my Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit tells my spirit that that's a good man right there.
And I don't need to even have the Holy Spirit, which I do.
That's the most powerful thing.
I can intellectually see that guy is under incredible harassment.
And notice, he didn't want to talk about himself.
He didn't want to get into how much attack he's under.
He just wanted to be optimistic, because he is.
But we need to also be a little bit honest with you guys.
I have the CIA surveilling everything I do, the FBI.
And I'm not going to spend the time telling you about it, because to me, that means it's good.
You know, my dad's dad could, before they had radar, they had it but it wasn't on the planes, could know to go to the bombing targets in Italy and then in Germany, out of North Africa, first Italy and then they were in Italy and then in Germany, on mission after mission to volunteer for more after he did his first leg.
If he had to steer towards the black clouds of rocket fire and artillery into the flak, To know how to hit his target, I'm the same way.
I see that flak, that's my radar, that's what I'm going into.
And, I mean, that's flying into exploding artillery rounds.
We're not doing that, but I'm going to tell you, it's going to get to that point if we don't turn this around very quickly.
We have serious cancer.
We have serious tyranny.
You can look at it, there's no joke anymore.
There's no denying it.
I wish it was not this horrible.
It is so horrible.
And I wish it was not this bad.
You think it's fun to admit this?
I get why you don't want to admit it.
I get why you don't want to face it.
It's crazy!
But this is the end of the country.
These people win.
And man, you look at the scum they found to do the country in.
Mitt Romney and Joe Biden and just... and Mitch McConnell.
Just all of them are jokes, ladies and gentlemen.
They're all... I mean, look at that McConnell.
Just all... a bunch...
Of brain-dead zombies.
They're all a bunch of lawyers, crimping and waiting for their chance like a Skeksi in the Dark Crystal to have their position of power.
But I gotta tell ya, I'm really honored no matter what happens at the end of the day, that I've been with the fighters.
I've been with the men and women of action, and the men and women of God.
But I gotta tell ya, it's all about God, and all about doing the right thing in this test.
But I'll tell you, and I repent of this, because God's number one, but I biologically do this for the children.
And it really should be God's number one, because that's when you get the real discernment, when you make it about God, and even cut the children loose, then you win the children.
Because you've got to be a certain way detached and only focused on God.
Only attached to God.
I know that in the Holy Spirit.
But man, God's told me, you can't get stressed out.
We need you for the long run.
You're going to kill yourself, taking on too much.
Fight hard, be strong, trust in me.
But I get so angry about the raping and murder and brainwashing and poisoning of our children, because they're so good, that I just feel mad that I can't beat these people.
And I pray every day.
I don't ask for stuff from God other than, will you just please make me not be so angry at these people.
And God's doing that.
I've gotten a lot better.
It's aged the hell out of me.
The left makes jokes.
Looks how old he looks.
Yeah, I'm not laying around putting skin cream on my face, man.
I am studying and fighting and have a weight on me.
And I hate these people.
They're tearing children apart.
They're raping and murdering them right now.
They think they're going to win and it just makes me so angry at them.
But I'm going to tell the globalists something.
You are going to pay and God's going to get you for what you've done.
And I just have to remember that.
But I just cannot believe they hurt the children so bad.
And I just can't believe so many people go along with him and so many people buy their lies.
I mean, you knew it.
LeBron James isn't going to say anything about his kid having a heart attack after the shot because he thinks he's still part of the system.
Thank God for people like Ice Cube that didn't do it and are speaking out.
But it's like, you're going to choose, folks, and this system is going to take everything from you if you keep serving.
We got a special guest on the insane UFO stuff, because I only played one clip yesterday.
I've got like 10 clips of the most insane stuff and what it really means, what the government's saying.
There are biological aliens on the earth and all this crap.
There's a lot of trick words.
The whole thing's all written with legalese.
This is staged.
I 100% know it's staged just by the whole way it's packaged and just the look of it.
I use the analogy of you walk into a furniture store and you're 50 yards away
from a round table that you might want to buy and you see a bowl of fruit there
and you know it's probably fake because you're at a store you know it's not a
grocery store it's a it's a furniture but you can look from a distance and see
it's plastic even though up close it looks like fruit almost but you know
it's not real and it's the same thing There's a lot more goes into it.
They're regurgitating an old story that we've already heard.
So there's some larger plan at the end of it.
And the fact they're triggering this now is very, very serious.
All right, we're going to come back hour number two.
We got a new John Bowne report first, and then Dark Journalist is going to join us.
Thank you all for your support.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
We got the big sale going right now on InfoWareStore.com, and our colloidal silver is back in stock, so be sure and get that.
that we'll be right back.
Well, yeah.
The first one, you obviously can go to MyPillow.com, use that promo code ALEX, and you can get all these great discounts on all of our products.
And just by visiting this site, you're going to get a $20 free gift emailed to you immediately.
And there's the biggest special we have right now, the 20-year anniversary MyPillow for 1998 for the queen size, normally $69.98.
We're celebrating our anniversary with what my employees love doing best.
Producing and making the MyPillow.
And the model of businessmen and women with can-do know-how using the money for Americana freedom to fight the globalists is what they fear.
That's what the debanking is about.
That's what the financial attacks are about.
That's why we've got to rush to support MyPillow.com and InfoWars.com, plus their great products
at both places, because we are the tip of the spear.
Mr. Chairman, I'd like to raise, I'd like to raise a point of order.
Young lady, state a point of order.
Point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, Clause 2, which Mr. Kennedy is violative of.
I move that we move into executive session because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made Wow.
The irony and cognitive dissonance from the other side of the aisle.
It's deafening.
You could cut it with a knife.
They are at the same time denying that censorship is occurring, but suggesting that there's more material that needs to be censored.
Totalitarianism hung so thick in the air at the censored hearing on censorship that Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
was inspired to speak as only a Kennedy can.
Censorship is antithetical to our party.
It was appalling to my father.
To my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman, to Thomas Jefferson, as the chairman referred to, it is the basis for democracy.
It sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government.
Leading the nauseating, brutal obfuscation on the First Amendment, Virgin Islands delegate Stacey Plaskett.
Many of my Republican colleagues across the dais will rush to cover that they have Mr. Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech.
That they do not believe in American censorship.
This is not the kind of free speech that I know of.
The free speech that is protected by the Constitution's First Amendment.
But free speech is not an absolute.
The Supreme Court has stated that.
And others' free speech that is allowed, hateful, abusive rhetoric, does not need to be promoted in the halls of the People's House.
And as is becoming increasingly common, Plaskett appeared to be told verbatim what to say by a handler like a ventriloquist doll.
Place on July 17, 2023.
They would be representing what I said because I don't have much knowledge of that.
They would be misrepresenting.
Plaskett herself is wrapped up in the web of the Jeffrey Epstein debacle.
Apparently turning a blind eye to Epstein and Associates' international sex trafficking operation as it quietly fleeced the Virgin Islands.
We seem to have a guilty by association theme going on here.
And so I just have to state for the record that I myself am deeply concerned about the affiliation of the convicted sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, of which the ranking member took campaign donation money from.
As Insider reported, for two decades Epstein flexed his political muscles and exerted control in the U.S.
Virgin Islands halls of power.
New court documents show how Epstein weighed in on an overhaul of sex offender laws, considering putting a lawmaker on retainer, and made a customs office look the other way by simply buying all 78 staff members turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Epstein's associates have been quietly buying their escape from harm's way.
There was a lawsuit from the victims where he agreed to pay $290 million in June of this year.
Deutsche Bank settled a similar lawsuit with victims agreeing to pay $75 million in May.
There's that one JP Morgan executive who has emails with him that describe a very close personal relationship, honestly, that implies even something beyond that.
What happened very recently in federal court in a three-and-a-half-hour hearing was that a lawyer for the Virgin Islands government told a federal judge that they have emails suggesting that a transfer of money from Epstein was going to hold quote-unquote pending Diamond review.
She specified that that meant Jamie Diamond.
Plaskett had no issue receiving maximized donations from Epstein, while a consultant on Plaskett's campaign invited Epstein to two dinners on St.
Thomas and St.
According to emails, Epstein swiftly promised he would donate the maximum, but said he didn't want his name attached.
At some point in the fall of 2018, Plaskett also visited Epstein at his Manhattan mansion.
This is the woman lecturing 330 million-plus Americans on the restrictions of the First Amendment.
John Bowne reporting.
Pretty important report.
It's at man.video.
Please use it.
Well, to say all hell's breaking loose is an understatement.
All hell is breaking loose.
Congress launches hearings on interdimensional alien invaders.
While all over national corporate controlled news, the system calls for using homeland security against the right wing.
For our speech, Mitt Romney calls for going after free speech.
MSNBC Leptis calls for post 9-11 style crackdown to prevent Americans becoming too patriotic.
I'm not joking, we'll play the club in a moment.
Mitt Romney argues it shouldn't be illegal for government to use big tech for censorship if what you're saying is wrong.
Oh, but you define what's wrong.
You say two men can have a baby.
I say that's wrong.
I get censored.
Republican bill that allows citizens to sue federal employees that collude to censor speech.
Yeah, it's already legal.
Vivek says if Twitter supports free speech, unban Alex Jones.
That video's up on InfoWars.com.
Appreciate Vivek, who's now number two behind Trump.
He's now surpassed DeSantis.
Saying that, number two Republican candidate.
Millennials say misgendering should be a crime.
Gen Z's disagree.
Well, the good news is in a republic, it doesn't matter what your opinion is about somebody's speech.
They're allowed to have it.
In a democracy, if 51% say arrest someone for speech, it happens.
In a constitutional republic that is a little-D democracy, those basic rights are enshrined and protected.
And that's important right now because...
The system's going down, and it planned to bring things down, to bring in the new global digital currency, the Great Reset, to build back better.
But I pointed this out for decades that when they made their big globalist move around 2020, which they said they would back in 1992 at the Rio de Janeiro Accord with the UN, they said, By 2020, we're going to launch the transformation.
And by 2030, we want to have a massive depopulation and the end of the industrial world.
Now, those are quotes.
Well, just type in what I said.
Get to 2030.
Get to 2020.
Get to 2021.
And so piggybacked on all of this is the holy grail of control to completely discombobulate the public.
And that's little green men.
Sorry, eating lunch during the break.
Little green men from space.
And all these couch terms they use about biologics and things.
Well, biologics, non-human biologics could be a banana in Crash Craft, or bacteria, or a monkey, or a rabbit.
Or maybe Little Elves from Pluto.
But this is just a wild time to be alive.
I've got a whole bunch of clips here.
The first one I want to play, and then get Dark Journalist to take, who's kind enough to come back with us two days in a row, darkjournalist.com, one of the leading experts and filmmakers, one of the smartest people on the subject.
I want to play this first clip.
That's clip four.
Interdimensional beings, holographic principles.
being talked about in congressional hearing. But beyond interdimensional,
we know under Project Blue Beam type systems, which they admit they have,
you see in China them project a giant 3,000 foot long dragon with drones that flies around. Or they
can use holograms to do it, or they can have jellyfish flying around.
They can have a demon.
It's like three o'clock somewhere.
I didn't know my shirt popped open.
Sorry, that wasn't on purpose.
So all of this is going on.
A crazy, crazy time to be alive.
So here's the clip, and then we'll go through a bunch of these clips in the next hour
with dark journalists.
Here's the first one.
With that being said, you have mentioned that there's interdimensional potential.
Could you expound on that?
I'll get to answer your first question, and I'm here as a fact witness and expert,
but I will give you a theoretical framework, at least to work off, to kind of expouse crashes.
Regardless of your level of sentience, right?
planes crash, cars crash, n number of sorties, however high, a small percentage are going to end
in mission failure, as we say in the Air Force.
And then in terms of multi-dimensionality, that kind of thing, the framework that I'm familiar with,
for example, is something called the holographic principle.
Both it derives itself from general relativity and quantum mechanics, and that is,
if you want to imagine 3D objects such as yourself casting a shadow onto a 2D surface,
that's the holographic principle.
So you can be projected, quasi-projected, from higher dimensional space to lower dimensional.
It's a scientific trope that you can actually cross, literally, as far as I understand, but there's probably guys with PhDs that we could probably argue about that.
But you have not seen any documentation that that's what's occurring?
Only a theoretical framework discussion.
And look, yesterday myself and Dr. Beattie were kind of attacking that guy because his opening statement did sound like it was pretty cooked up.
He sounds more credible there.
And again, we're not saying this stuff doesn't exist, but the rollout now, the way it's being done with all these other hearings and the system is in doubt, The Globalist, the Bilderberg Leaks always said, when our system starts collapsing, one of the big things is a virus, a mass power outage, a war, a mix of those, or the coup de grace, the really special sauce, the secret weapon, fake alien invasion.
And so it looks to me like they're taking it out of deep freeze as a plan and kind of warming it up, getting ready to serve it.
Dark Journalist with Piercing Analysis, darkjournalist.com.
Thank you so much for joining us again.
Now you've had time to digest those incredible hearings yesterday.
What's your take?
Alex, it's great to see you.
You know, the hearings were really a disgrace when you consider the amount of knowledge that exists inside the secret government relating to this and how much they're just rolling this out now after the intelligence community deep inside the intelligence community around the UFO file has been the most secret division in the entire government With the secrecy of the UFO file above the atomic bomb starting in the 50s.
So, you know, we're looking all the way back to this UFO secrecy and they've just kept the entire development behind a wall of secrecy.
Now, after all this development, they want to roll out a version and what they're using is traditional UFO tropes.
As it were and they have a crush out there really stumbling around with these phrases not providing any data for us to look at and anytime a tough question comes up this guy wants to run off to the skiff because he doesn't have a good answer for it and God knows what he would say in the skiff you know they won't let me talk about it.
So there's a lot of second-hand information the way that they're doing this, very much like the Warren Commission as a model, as a framework, where they float a bunch of things right on the top of it.
Well, you know, maybe this was involved, but they keep getting you right back to the target of the lone gunman.
In this case, the target is, oh, there's UAP, you know, which is a false name for UFOs, and that they're a threat.
And it's interesting, he showed the Oppenheimer clip there, There's a guy who worked with Oppenheimer, whose name was Robert Sarbarker, and he's been erased largely from history.
He's the physicist who said, yeah, I worked on the UFO file.
We had a group that studied them.
We studied the beings that we found inside and found that somebody had made these things and they were kind of insect-like.
So there's real on the record testimony in relation to this and the whole headline around
this guy coming out and the news media saying, "Well, this is the first time a government
official has ever come forward and said anything," is completely junk conspiracy as it were.
And so, from my point of view, the hearings were away just like the hearings last year.
The hearings last year didn't quite go as far as these hearings.
These hearings went a little further by saying, "Oh, we discovered biologics," which you pointed
out doesn't mean anything.
They didn't say, oh, we found an alien body and we have its DNA.
They said we found biologics.
Um, so it's all very vague, and again, Grush, groomed by the Central Intelligence Agency, he's an intelligence, uh, career intelligence officer directly from the NRO.
He's the front man they put out there.
You might notice that the two Navy pilots they put out there had credible testimony of their sightings, and that's as far as they went.
This guy, he has everything.
He has alien bodies, he has crashed He has vehicles, he has rediscovery, regenerative programs around the UFO.
You know, this is what we're talking about.
This guy's supposed to be the all-in-everything answer.
Sure, plus when I watch the Navy pilots, and I've talked to pilots who have seen this...
And then I look at what's been leaked, what's been admitted previously the Pentagon was working on, or concepts the Pentagon put out.
It's funny how concepts of the 80s and 90s, 2000s, is exactly what you see flying around the ships, and flying around, and it's basically one agency with more advanced technology messing with another agency.
Or almost like 30 years ago, an F-14 flying over the beach in Hawaii and, you know, basically buzzing some people.
But they don't know it's an F-14, so they're totally freaked out.
And then again, that creates this fear, it creates this tension, and it's really the shadow government toying with the public and Congress and telling them, I'm here to tell you about above Congress information, as if we don't know there's a breakaway civilization.
So it's the breakaway civilization itself introducing the breakaway civilization You know, that's really where this goes to, and the conversation goes directly to the breakaway idea, because they need to break back in now.
They've kept the technology off the books for 80 years.
They've developed this in the background for God knows how long, really.
Many of those crashes I hear go way back to the 1920s.
And so there's a whole level of development we're not aware of.
But just starting with this idea of the 47 National Security Act and the UFO crashes, etc.
They've had that whole 80-year span to develop all these crashes.
And the first one they have on record is Gerardo in Cape Gerardo in 1941.
Now, when you think about that level of development, what we have to remember is what they're actually referring to is X technology.
It's a totally separate technology that's been developed.
Whether you want to say that came from studying UFOs, reverse craft, or if that came out of the Tesla technology, it is a separate, completely different field.
And that's why it's called X-Files and all that.
So why do you think Musk is obsessed with X and is calling everything he does X?
Is he part of the X group who's supposed to then now bring us this?
Yeah, exactly.
Musk is, you know, very interesting and he will literally say anything.
This is the problem we have with Musk and why making him a free speech champion is a dodgy business because he's just as likely to turn around and become, you know, as you've discovered, the person who silences speech.
So, but Musk with X is very interesting because we're getting directly into the X steganography, which is how they identify it to each other.
And I've pointed this out before in relation to Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin, which had all these Xs everywhere he was showing up with it.
The X symbology means I have the advanced technology or I have access to the advanced technology.
They've been using that and it runs as a wave, as a theme, through the government and through the public development science programs for decades.
Uh, if you look back to the development of the X-Files in the original FBI, you have Guy Bannister, who's developed the X-Files.
Well, you can find news reports of this guy going around and checking out UFO cases.
Years later, he shows up in one.
You know, he's coaching Lee Harvey Oswald in New Orleans in 1963 as a right winger.
So you have a lot of threads that run directly into geopolitics from the UFO file.
That's the actual secret.
What they're doing is this stage show on top and, you know, oh, we have to get that from the government.
Well, directly behind Grush.
Is the intelligence community, IG, he's sitting there to make sure everything goes their way.
And so that's the chief spook, essentially.
And by the way, I've had them try to use me like this too.
Folks finally found it a few years ago, like 18 years ago.
I'm talking about HARPS, we get contacted.
By this Air Force colonel, and he says, I'm Colonel such and such, the private director likes your show, he'd like to come on and explain HAARP to you.
So we check it, it's the real guy, we call the base, they put him on, and he's on about 30 minutes, and the colonel says, now listen, I'll be here, live on the line, and I'll fade down the audio if he says something he's not supposed to, this is highly classified.
So the civilian director, people can look this up, it's online, look up Alex Jones Interviews, head of ARB, Director of ARB.
Because I had General Partin on, he'd been the director of it, and he'd said some stuff a few years before that, before he retired because of Alzheimer's, and he'd been the head of Air Force Weapons Development.
And the guy comes on, says, well, we can't ignite the atmosphere about 30 minutes in.
Well, we do ignite the atmosphere.
We can, you know, do weather control.
But our main mission, you know, is and the colonel goes, that's it.
Ends the interview.
Why would they approach me?
Why would they get him?
I was very weird.
I couldn't figure it out.
Well, you know, it's interesting because you're being contacted by that secret system and the rules that they play by are very unusual.
You might remember in the JFK movie there's this meeting with a Mr. Miller.
And they kept that as, there's kind of a bonus section to that movie, and they left it out of the film, in fact.
But that comes directly out of Garrison's bio.
And Mr. Miller is very unusual, his whole approach to Garrison about giving up the case.
Well, it just so happens, if you go into the book around the Garrison work, you'll find that in New Orleans in that period when he was studying between DC, Dallas, and New Orleans, he was running into UFO file connections.
And that's part of the records that they've been keeping in the JFK records in relation to the Garrison case, and why they don't want to give any more records out, is they have all the records about George Joannides and the Garrison case.
Those are all under lock and key, because they don't want us to ever see that and put those pieces together, because there's a huge aerospace dynamic connected with that, and that's connected with the development of the Deep State.
So you notice whenever they get around the UFO file or the JFK assassination records, there's a weird tension that takes place.
Well, a lot of that tension is because those core issues could actually demolish the deep state.
Because if they have been keeping the UFO file secret, and if they've had that secret technology and siphoned off into a secret system of finance, this whole entire different civilization, well you've got a really major problem.
Uh, when it relates to all this.
So, having fluff UFO hearings for show and having the media go, oh, they might have biologics, uh, is really a way to diffuse that tension and get people to move along.
And that's what they do.
And Tugger's a great guy, but he's, he's bought into this UFO thing because he had some of the whistleblowers reach out.
They come, they seem very credible.
He knows everything else is a lie.
So he's saying, oh, these are the good guys.
They're covering this up.
And I think that's what the harp thing was.
Then reaching out to see if being given access, because they were inviting me up there by the way, until I didn't play along in the interview.
But then the guy was such a mad scientist type, I forget his name, I mean it's an interview out there folks, and we looked it up, he's the director of it at the time, that he just started saying too much, it was because he was saying too much.
I think that's their biggest problem too, is these scientists, it's really hard to keep them quiet.
No, they, honestly, they might be nervous about you getting around alternative technology, and like, when you work with guys like Nick Bagich and stuff, who are around the original expose of HAARP, that's the kind of thing I bet they would be.
That's right, I've just been having a moment, that happened.
That's probably what it was.
Now, that really makes sense, and I think that he, you know, in his early insight on HAARP was very explosive, you know, and that's where you get the kind of heavy-duty surveillance.
But if they see you in your political reporting, even as they see you go into the UFO file, I think it makes them nervous, frankly, because if they command that kind of attention, if they do that kind of deep state research around the UFO file, if people start to do that crisscross, it's very dangerous.
The UFO field, the general field of researchers, don't know anything about the deep state.
And I've talked to them at length, and they just don't.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
The very group covering it up, they have no idea about it.
And I didn't bring that story up to write myself into the story.
It's just very interesting.
Now, I asked the crew to do this real quick.
This is...
A search anybody can do.
You can use Google.
We haven't blocked this yet.
Type in Merman Exhibit Snake Farm.
I just randomly typed that in from memory.
And my parents were big campers.
And so we would have a little RV we'd rent twice a year.
We'd drive on different routes around the country.
So I've been north, south, east, west, diagonals.
You know, these big road trips.
And you notice, everywhere in the south and the southwest, There are snake farms where you can go see alligators and snakes and they stink like hell but little kids love them and they always have an exhibit of a real merman.
Now all it is is the body of an alligator attached to a carp with a little composite monkey face on it.
It's totally fake.
It's the same everywhere.
Glass eyes.
But people really think they're looking at a merman.
So, it's the same thing.
You just crash some craft, you've got a merman in there, or whatever you want, and now people think they just found an alien.
I mean, this is really the perfect PSYOP so the state can play God, they can introduce these new species that they really represent, because it's fake, and now you're under its sway.
So that's why the Vatican's obsessed with UFOs and all of this.
So I'm really concerned that they're, as we said earlier, moving this out to the public now.
They're getting ready for something big.
What do you think?
Well, you make a great point, which is how fantastic must the cloning technology be at this point?
We know they're 50 years ahead.
They had AI in the 1970s, right?
They had the blueprints for it in the 50s.
So when they get together now and they have these meetings and they say, we don't know, you know, AI might be taking over too fast.
This is all a joke.
It's a lot of hand-wringing in public.
They have the technology.
They've had it for decades.
And this is just part of the rollout of how they do it.
But when you get to alien bodies and things, look, a lot of it might be them mimicking an actual situation.
They may have experienced, because people have seen the craft for centuries.
So there is an issue there with what we're looking at and what they're trying to caricature it as.
You just answered the question.
They know the real thing could be coming.
They're getting ready to control the narrative with a fake response.
We become aware of the actual thing, they want their version of it.
Their version is the UFO threat.
The UFO's been building, the CIA's been building the UFO threat since 1947.
And if you look, there are intelligence documents about how to create unrest in Guatemala with Arbenz, who they eventually overthrew.
One of those intelligence documents states that we could have a flying saucer scare.
That's 1952.
So, you know, they've had this in their bag of tricks for a long period of time.
And we know that people inside that system have said they're going to pull the UFO threat.
Now, somebody I know you're familiar with is Fletcher Prouty, who wrote so much about, you know, the deep state assassinations and was in the Joint Chiefs.
He was the liaison between the Joint Chiefs and the CIA during the 1960s.
He wrote in his 1997 book that they're going to create, now that the Soviet Union is gone, the UFOs and aliens as the threat.
In fact, there's a video clip of that.
He's on camera talking about that.
Guys, try to find Fletcher Prouty on UFO threat.
Keep going.
I mean, this is the nature of the thing.
The UFO threat... This is the black ops commander of black ops commanders.
This is not like... This was the head guy that actually led the overthrow of governments telling you they're planning a fake UFO deal.
Well, I mean, it's incredible.
And this is the interesting thing, because they've had different lead-ins to it, you know.
In the 70s, they had close encounters.
In the 80s, they had the whole Reagan disclosure, which they were coming close to, and Reagan's going before the UN and saying, maybe we have an alien threat from outside this world and it'll bring us together.
So they've tried it out.
They've put themselves in that situation over and over again.
In the 90s you had a huge wave around UFOs, the alien autopsy and all this stuff and then they debunked it all and deflated the balloon that they pumped up.
And I think the period that we're in now, they realized that they're at such a turning point that the ultimate card in their deck is the UFO threat.
This is the danger of the situation currently, and why the media pumping into this whole fluff situation with Grush and all the rest of it, and how every time you see anything related to the UFO file that's part of the new narrative, it's all CIA people.
You know, I can name the people, John Ramirez, Jim Semivan, these are all the people out there promoting it, creating the companies for UAP and everything.
They're top-level CIA people, and they don't deny it!
As a matter of fact, they have a whole division of people out there who are CIA people who said, oh, I've had an abduction experience.
You know, you're going to believe that.
So the intel now is showing itself.
It's the 800 pound gorilla out of the closet.
And the question is, what do you do when it's that arrogant and it controls?
Well, I think it was some type of big hovercraft lands in the middle of the Middle East.
And it's special ops dressed in alien pod helmets.
And everybody thinks aliens just landed because everybody's been pre-programmed for it.
Exactly, and I'll tell you what the big key is.
If I told you that a major aspect of the Russia-Ukraine war was the UFO file, it might sound pretty far out.
But here's what's interesting.
Russia knows almost everything there is to know about our UFO file, because they're right up there next to us in development, because they have their own crash retrievals, they have their own program around advanced technology.
And they've been able to watch this from a distance.
They started during the beginning of the Ukraine war using the term UFO and saying, we've shot down UFOs near our capital.
And in their headlines, if you go and see what they're using, they're starting to use the term.
That's a signal directly to the Americans like, do you really want to talk about this?
We have it.
You know, let's talk about that.
We come back and play a bunch of these clips.
The reason you're here, incredible discussion, historic actions in Congress.
Anyway, you slice it a big deal.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
All right, we have another special guest.
This is some big breaking news dealing with the total takeover and the attacks on freedom of speech.
In the third hour, we have our amazing guest, darkjournalist of darkjournalist.com, filmmaker and more.
Find out all of it at darkjournalist.com with us.
And his name and his bio and all that stuff is there, but he goes by Dark Journalist, which is a great, great term, recovering the dark world that they're trying to cover up and bring light to it.
I got a bunch of these clips, but before we get to the UFO clips and the incredible hearing yesterday, I want to play a clip that's indicative, because I have a bunch of these today, where they're externalizing Biden's directive of June of 2021 that the American people questioning are the main terror threat.
And here is that report, right there, National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism.
And here is a clip, one of many in the last 24 hours, of MSNBC guest hosts openly saying, that's Paul Reichenhoff, or Paul Jackoff, basically saying, we need to use Homeland Security against the right wing.
Folks, it's not even right wing.
I mean, OK, if it was, it's just populists sick of all the tyranny, sick of World War III, sick of the open borders, sick of the Just this total onslaught that we're under here.
And so here they are, selling the idea, and they're already saying, oh, they're in the next COVID outbreak or next virus.
We're going to have to put the people that don't go along with lockdowns in the camps.
That's being said here, Europe, Australia.
I mean, this is very serious.
UN treaties.
So right as they're making their big globalist move, right as this is all happening, we'll get into Ukraine and UFOs in a moment, and Russia.
Out comes the thing that the insiders, from Fletcher Prouty to William Cooper, everything the insiders told us would happen right at the key moment when the deep state externalizes and takes over the planet, and takes over your individual life and the digital currency, goes from running the government to running everything, that they roll out the ETs.
And that's happening right on time, folks.
So let's play the clip.
Here it is.
What does that look like in action?
Because I know you sort of sit at the fulcrum of peering over into two abysses, if you will.
What does that sound like?
Well, I think there's a core point here, which is a lot of Americans are up for grabs.
I wouldn't dismiss it as just something that only people on the right or watching Fox News can latch on to.
I mean, we're in a battle for hearts and minds.
And there are people who are on the fence.
You've got to have leaders and messages and messengers and programs that get to those people, that bring them over into community organizing and into nonprofit organizations and away from the Patriot Front and the Oath Keepers.
And I think the parallels with 9-11 are important.
We've talked about this before.
After 9-11, the laws didn't work.
Like, they made massive changes to respond to a new threat.
And I think we have to face the fact that many of our structures, laws, and policies may not work.
After 9-11, we created the Department of Homeland Security.
There was the Patriot Act.
There was massive change in our entire society to face the number one threat, or at least what was communicated as the number one threat.
I think we need the same kind of tectonic shift.
It's got to be much more than see something, say something.
But maybe our laws need to change to respond to the fact that someone like Mike Flynn, the former National Security Director, is openly calling for violence consistently.
No, he's not calling for violence consistently.
He says there's a communist takeover.
You got this spook, this soldier that wants to fight us.
He just said he wants the central government to go to war with all of us because he falsely lists Mike Flynn as a criminal.
Look at that guy.
What, that guy babysit your kids?
What a creepy person.
That's pretty dark stuff, Dark Journalist.
And this is more of that whole theme that they've been pushing out there.
This gets us more and more into the idea of accepting totalitarianism and getting rid of free speech and becoming a cog in their digital wheel with a biometric system of control.
I mean, this is outrageous.
And that clip really shows it up, I think, extraordinarily well, as does the Robert Kennedy hearing from last week on censorship, which was It's just incredible in, you know, the Twilight Zone nature of it, where you have an actual hearing on censorship and you're censoring this guy in real time.
I mean, this is extraordinary.
Oh, they went further!
It was the gaslighting world champ, like, Elvis is rock and roll, Marilyn Monroe is the Hollywood beauty.
This is the archetypal in the dictionary of gaslighting.
They then, a bunch of them got interviewed, the Democrat leadership, they said, we're not censoring him, we just don't want him to talk.
Yeah, that's incredible.
Think about it.
I mean, this is the level that they operate on, too, and a lot of that is word control, because if you say a particular thing using a certain type of speech, and Grush actually does this a lot, where he'll say, well, you know, there are unknowable knowns and known unknowables, and that's supposed to be information.
He sounds like Donald Rumsfeld.
That's pure PSYOP speak.
He does.
That's where he gets his talking points.
There's no question about it.
Keep going.
I'm sorry.
No, you were saying that you kind of almost feel sorry for the guy in a way, and I can appreciate that because in a sense they are patsies, because they're being used as the front men for this gigantic system behind them that's trying to communicate this, and they may actually feel like heroes while they're doing this.
But this guy, we have pictures of him at these UFO conferences with filmmakers, with these other intel CIA people who were trying to come out with the UFO threat thing in 2018.
You know, like Lou Elizondo and people like this who are sitting, hanging around with him and grooming him for this role.
And his whole appearance was different too.
He had a, you know, they kind of gave him a makeover for this.
We have to pay attention to those things as well.
When they're ready to roll them out, they get them ready with their talking points.
So I think that they're trying to make this guy kind of the key person and they're floating him as a trial balloon.
When they let him out through News Nation, which is behind, it's associated with this, they're wrapped directly.
Well, let's expand on that, and I said I'm not trying to be a gonzo journalist like Hunter S. Thompson, but I'm always in the story.
Well, well, but go ahead.
No, well, the draft directly in it.
And you know where Chris Cuomo is directly involved in that program.
So, you know, you know, bad things are going to happen.
Well, let's expand on that.
And I said I'm not trying to be a gonzo journalist like Thomas Thompson, but I'm always in the story.
So while you're talking about Hollywood and propaganda and made for TV stuff and dramas and reality TV and all of it.
In 2016, Chris Carter relaunched a new X-Files and he gave interviews to the press and I talked to him some online.
And he invited me to Hollywood and never got around to it.
But he said, Alex Jones isn't racist. Alex Jones is really good.
And Alex Jones is really right about false flags. We should be concerned about him.
And so I'm reading him like in Vanity Fair and stuff and variety and all these publications.
Saying Alex Jones is right and then he says the new character in my show, the talk show host that says the government's going to hit you with a biological weapon and use that for martial law is really dead on and it's based on Alex Jones.
Now I'm sitting there not understanding that Fauci's about to give a speech right after Trump gets into office saying there will be a new threat in the next couple of years that'll challenge Trump and the C-SPAN interviews where he's like we're about to blow up the system to get rid of the regulatory system, bring it all in.
So then I talked to Chris Carter about some of this and I said what about when you told the news that the CIA approached you and told you to do the lone gunman spinoff?
the first reboot of X-Files in 2000 that aired a few months before 9/11, where the government
hijacks a jumbo jet or rogue element to fly to the World Trade Center to bring in martial
law and invade Afghanistan instead of a police state in America.
And he said, "No, it's true.
The CIA approached me with that, and a lot of our themes came from the CIA, but I can't
get into it."
I'm like, "Well, do you work for the CIA?"
He goes, "No."
And then I tried to email him a few years later, no response back.
But the point was, it seems to me there's a war inside of this too.
Because people can look up everything I said.
Chris Carter said this, character's based on me, I did talk to him, he talked about, you know, all that.
But it was like, it was surreal, and then I didn't get it at the time, a few years later, that was a real project.
Was it a group inside trying to warn it was coming?
Like, Alex Jones is right about the government and bioweapons, and this character is based on Alex Jones.
So the reason I raise that, if some other talk show host had this happening, I would be raising him to you.
It's just, it's crazy.
Oh, it's absolutely predictive programming.
And I remember the interviews with Carter where he said that that character was based directly on you and your show.
So it's on the record that he said that.
But how much information behind the scenes does Chris Carter have?
Think about that.
With the amount of things he was rolling out.
Paperclip in the 1990s in the UFO X-Files show.
All the stuff about the X-Files.
All the abduction themes.
I mean, this guy was really clued in on a dramatic level.
And, you know, we did a conference on the Secret Space Program.
We did it outside of Austin, actually, in Bastrop, Texas, a few years ago.
And Chris Carter came.
He actually is right there in the front row taking notes on the whole thing.
This guy, you know, just absolutely on the bullseye in relation to... Well, he seems to me like he's a good guy.
I mean, I don't know why he would say I was good and stick his neck out during all that.
He did.
Well, I think he wanted to, he wanted to show that, you know, this is what being open-minded is about.
And he was concerned, you know, you mentioned that episode, and I've brought that episode up of the Lone Gunman as well, because it is so extraordinary that they ran this show about crashing planes into the World Trade Center a few months before it happens.
I mean, you know, this is quite exceptional predictive programming on that level.
And the fact that he was getting that type of intel, I think, is extraordinary.
I'll tell you an interesting side note on all this is there's another person who showed up to a conference that we gave and his name is Bobby Inman.
And Bobby Inman, Chief Spook for many years, former Deputy CIA Director.
And what's very interesting about him is he was one of the guys in the early 90s who came forward and said, not only do we know what the crafts are, but we know who's operating them inside.
And that's publicly that he said that he gave that information to a researcher named Timothy Goode.
In that era, and that's when there was another wave of this potential openness from the Pentagon.
This was the early version of Grush, as it were.
But what's interesting about Inman is he's still around and he would move on from his career into SAIC and other things.
But this guy keeps a very close eye on the entire independent community because they watch those themes to see, okay, how much of the information is breaking?
How much do we need to worry about?
Exactly, because they know private human intelligence is just as powerful as they are, more so.
Well, if they have someone like you getting to the root of the UFO file, forget it.
The game's over.
Because, you know, to bring that amount of attention to it, that system of obfuscation will bust.
That's the nature of the problem.
And you've put tremendous focus on everything from 9-11 to the JFK assassination, the 2008 blow-up.
When you get it to the UFO file, it's always been a touchy subject for a lot of different people.
And what I noticed is when you have these people who are really good on deep state research, who understood the government in terms of assassinations, in terms of control and things of that nature, and the entire political history of COINTELPRO, Uh, and things of this nature.
When you hopped over into the UFO field and you went to talk to people about it, they were like, no, no, you know, we're going to get the truth from the government.
There are people, there are all these white hats working with us.
They all think that the CIA is showing up to give them UFO disclosure.
Why on earth would an intelligence agency give UFO disclosure to the public?
It doesn't make any sense.
And the counterintelligence people that they're using are the best trained liars in the world.
Why on earth would you accept the truth about a UFO threat from them?
And again, I only brought myself up because I was contacted by the head of Harp to come on the interviews out there.
I was contacted by Chris Carter and all this.
It's just surreal.
It's just surreal.
I'm trying to figure out because I know there are a lot of good people in my life and a lot of folks in Hollywood are good.
And I think they're compartmentalized too.
And I think there are white hats and black hats.
But I think at the top, just because evil's been in control so long, I don't think there's hardly any good people at the very top.
But how many people do you think, globally, it's like you said, Russia's highly scientific and, you know, they're up there with the United States.
The Germans were, but we took them over.
Probably the top.
Israel's obviously advanced.
The Indians are really smart.
The Japanese are super smart.
Japanese are smart, but the Chinese are smart.
That's another thing.
How long with all these other competing governments and technology groups can they suppress this?
Maybe that's why they're getting ready to bring it out, because they know somebody else is about to bring out what's really going on.
That's the nature of the blackmail side of this, which you never hear anything about, and you never hear anything about UFO espionage.
It has to be a gigantic field loaded with tons of spies, prosecutions, executions, you know.
Well, it's the perfect false flag, isn't it?
You can go attack anybody you want and say it's aliens.
Exactly, exactly.
And now they can create it on that level.
The problem is, they do have a problem, which is how much of the information gets out.
So at a certain point, you know, if something gets exposed through independent media, then they have a real problem, because they don't control independent media.
But they can, as you've seen them do, completely and utterly censor that.
So, but it still has a way to move around.
If it gets around in enough channels, like, I think they're very worried about Bobby Kennedy's campaign now because of his in-depth knowledge around how these PSYOPs work and his in-depth knowledge around the COVID.
Yeah, up-and-close knowledge watching your father and uncle murdered.
And you can only imagine the very deep, deep level.
I want to mention, this is a little aside, but I had a friend who worked for the Kennedys and she told me this story.
She actually had worked for them maybe 15 years ago and accidentally a painting had fallen down there and she was babysitting for the Kennedys.
And when the painting came down, all of these papers came out of the back of the painting. And when she looked at the papers that
were in the painting, it was all FBI surveillance of JFK before he was president. And she
didn't know what to make of it or anything like that. She told me the story like 10 years later or
something in great detail. But you can just imagine how many documents are moving around in
different places, you know, from the Kennedys to the FBI, where this whole situation, you know, have sort
of protections in place, they have information in place. And then to think of RFK Jr. coming
forward, how much does he know about the UFO file?
Let's think about that for a moment.
We just came out of the Trump presidency, and I can tell you that Trump knows a great deal, or his president, he knows a great deal about the UFO file.
But going in, because of his uncle, John, you know, Uncle John was the protege of Vannevar Bush, who ran the UFO file.
How much information does Uncle John have?
And why does Trump, even now, when they're talking about prosecuting him and all these ridiculous trumped-up cases, When he gets out there and he starts talking out of the blue about Uncle John, you know, that's messaging to me on a very deep level.
That's where the Mar-a-Lago raids go.
You know, what kind of information does Trump have?
Well, I think the White Hats are Trump, to a certain extent, RFK Jr.
And I really analyzed this, and again, writing myself in the story because I'm in the middle of it.
What was happening is I was being prepared, without my knowing, to help be one of the main lights to basically try to bring in this new system where they disclose it, and Trump's like, we're going to have high technology, there's all this suppressed technology, and then really just admit it's Space Force, it's not aliens.
And then the Deep State, the big powerful, much more powerful in this subgroup that I think are good guys overall, saw they were doing that and that's why they did that giant attack on me.
And I was like, more articles about me every day back then than before an invasion of Iraq.
I mean, it was like, what were they shooting down?
And I think it was some larger project behind what I was going to end up doing.
And again, because they could track my trajectory.
I wasn't under anybody's command or orders, but I could definitely see it.
When I'd go to big events, and Globalist would be at some of these big events, you know, RNC, DNC, I would see, like, big Globalists.
They would see me and just go like, ahhh!
And I think it was because I was kind of the tip of the iceberg of some larger operation that they blew up on the launch pad.
I remember in that 2016 election that Hillary Clinton mentioned you by name.
That was a first.
Because, you know, this is extraordinary.
What they were so good at in the past was ignoring the people who were dogging them, ignoring the questions about 9-11, ignoring the questions about the 2008 financial coup d'etat, you know, and this whole kind of threat of government Pieces they would just keep that at bay and they wouldn't
mention it, but then suddenly we said I'm the worst person in the world
And so that was the signal go after him, but it wasn't about me
It was about whatever was going on behind because Chris Carter is making shows about me
And there's all this support and all of a sudden our stuff's going everywhere
And I think I was used as like a tool by the good guys For just a short period and and then again they blew it up
on a launch pad But I didn't even know what's happening at the time this
hindsight 2020. It's pretty amazing It is and you know, you know, you're in good shape if she's
calling you the most wicked person in the world. Let's face it
Well enough about me, I mean I want to get to these clips, maybe a little bit in the next hour, then our next guest is coming in, in studio, but because we said we're going to play the clips, but you're really a big picture guy.
What else is on your radar?
Well, I am looking a lot at the 2024 election and how the UFO piece is playing into it.
They're ready, and it's funny when we think about that period that you were just mentioning there, they were ready with Hillary Clinton as the disclosure president.
That's what was supposed to have happened.
And then John Podesta was working with a group called To The Stars.
They were going to launch this phony UFO version of disclosure in 2017.
When Trump got in instead, this created a whole different dynamic in the situation for
them and they decided we're going to launch it anyway.
And it didn't go so well.
They still launched it through the New York Times.
They still had the events to the Stars Academy and they rolled out their version of whistleblowers,
the early Grush people, you know, the Elizondo types who were straight out of the CIA and
saying I'm a whistleblower.
So we had that whole thing happen, but it didn't have the presidential control.
This is the thing that I've observed, which is a lot of this comes down to presidential control, interestingly enough, because the only actual function that can get the control back over the UFO file is the presidency.
Because the deep state that has it has to do, it's so well compartmentalized since they gave it up during the Eisenhower era.
And isn't that because Eisenhower created NASA and Kennedy kind of popularized it but isn't that a creature of the presidency as well?
It is.
It's under direct control of the presidency and this is interesting too because once they were able to invade that process they could make it a quasi-corporate political Entity.
And this is the nature of the problem.
So the Lockheed Martins, Boeings... And is that what Musk is doing?
Is taking NASA from the executive?
It is.
And you know, he's going to become... What they're working on with Musk is quite extraordinary.
That's the space president.
And you'll notice today that he tweeted, although he denies aliens and all this stuff, I'm sure he's seen lots of information relating to the UFO file, but he just tweeted out today, I'm not saying it's aliens, but, so now they're gonna have, you know, must start to roll in.
On this as well.
Sure, and then he's the stark guy from Marvel Comics.
You can see it all prepared.
What do you think, I'm sure you know more than I do about this, but with the real footage, the NASA image is real, of the astronauts on the Apollo programs repeatedly being followed by flying saucers.
What do you think that was?
You know, when they got there, they encountered something.
There's no question.
But they had knowledge about what they were going to encounter also.
So, you know, the program is that we've had this information about the UFO file for decades.
And so it goes far back.
So we may have had our own version of the UFO file and be able to emulate it.
But there's something else that's operational.
You say that there's something here from somewhere else.
So, you know, when they get to the moon, if you go back and you study NASA and a lot of the employees who came out retired and said, we've covered up all these artifacts on the moon.
Well, if there are artifacts there, it means somebody was already working on some level up there.
You can attribute that to human technology or something else.
In my opinion, you have to leave the question open about which side that it is.
It could be an off-world visitation.
It could be literal human development.
But I think the moon is key, and you know, there's a guy who worked in the military who was a remote viewer, who they pulled out because he was an absolute star psychic remote viewer.
And he did all these programs, but one group recruited him under very strange circumstances, and he wrote a book about it.
The guy's name is Ingo Swann, and he wrote a book called Penetration, which was about going to the moon in a remote viewing capacity.
And he said that when he got there, there was a gigantic infrastructure of production on the moon, and that he was warned off by telepaths in his remote viewing state.
I've read his book, and then you can laugh at that, but then every craft another government sends blows up.
Yeah, I mean, think about it.
That represents the advanced technology there as well.
So, and how do you account, just looking at it as a normal student of history, forget about the deeper and wider concepts that we've explored here, but just as an average person, how do you account for not going back to the moon for 52 years?
You know, the last missions in 1972, they're scheduled, you know, they're going, oh, later in the 2020s, we'll go back.
How do you explain 50 years just disappearing into nothingness?
And you know, the other manned missions that we had, like Challenger and things like that, well, they blew them up.
Well, who was the real, you know, isn't that the heir to the manned space program that Kennedy started?
Isn't that the final nail in the coffin when they blow that up in the 80s?
So, there's two groups operating there.
We don't get to see who the other group is.
This is the nature of it.
Yeah, bottom line, they don't want, you think government's bad, they don't want oversight.
So, if it's corporate, there's no oversight.
They're able to bleed it out from the government, so it's a quasi-corporate government entity.
Yeah, the government funds it still.
Do ten, fifteen more minutes with us and our next guest comes to the studio with big breaking news.
Darkjournalist, darkjournalist.com.
People can find your films and other materials at darkjournalist.com.
Yes, it's all there and on YouTube also, Dark Journalist.
We have a weekly show there that we do.
Absolutely, it's actually Dark Journalist on YouTube.
We're going to go to a break, come back and finally get these clips.
This is just so fascinating.
Why is it out in the open?
Why are they pushing it?
This means crazy stuff, folks.
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We'll be right back.
It is disgusting.
This is a short segment, longer segment coming up before Dark Journalist of darkjournalist.com leaves us.
I could ask a million questions and I've got about a thousand of them, but what else you want to tell folks about before we come back and play a few clips?
Well, uh, we can follow up on the Space Force there because you brought up a really good point about what they were trying to do, I think, with that.
It's extraordinary that Space Force ever happens.
I don't dream... Trump doesn't get the credit that he deserves on that, but here's the thing.
The Space Force was about pulling the UFO file back under presidential control.
It had been lost in the late 50s under Eisenhower, so think of how long it had been lost.
Trump went in there and, you know, suddenly you had to start peeling people off the ceiling with their reaction to him.
And it's not just, oh, he had all these, you know, he was a loud mouth billionaire real estate guy.
You know, this is a guy who's sitting at the table across from them and he's on the same level with them around the UFO file because of his uncle.
This is the nature of the problem that they have with Trump and let's not forget Roy Cohn and his deep involvement with Trump and setting Trump up early on.
That's right, Trump is totally connected to the super right-wing pro-human deep state if you want to call it that.
Roy Cohn at the very top of the McCartney hearings, a bunch of Trump's family involved in secret Tesla technology.
I mean the Trumps are something else and they know Trump knows a lot of that.
Well, on the record, we can say that Trump's uncle John went and discovered he was sent in by Vannevar Bush.
The FBI wanted him to look at Nikola Tesla's papers and find out if there was anything, now this is his actual quote, is there anything related to taking objects down at a distance?
So this is the thing that they were looking for, this kind of death rate, but it related to flying objects.
And when you think about it, and you think about all the issues around the UFO file, they're saying, oh, those things that are flying around, are we going to be able to take them down at a distance?
Suggesting that more than one party had access to this technology.
And when you go into that just a little bit deeper around Tesla, just as an aside here, You start to find out that some of the trunks that were supposed... the notary that left all the information about the trunks meant that two of the trunks were missing.
So all of his, you know, somebody just snatched that stuff away and his family demanded it for years and this museum... Whoa!
Wasn't that the FBI did that?
Yes, exactly.
They took it, but the thing is, even in their own inventory when they gave things back, two of the main trunks with the information were missing.
So those are still off the record.
Nobody even knows what happened to them.
But John Trump, for his part, they went in there and he said that they were incredibly nervous around the Tesla papers and that they hid when he went and reviewed them as if, you know, the papers themselves were going to explode or they were booby trapped.
So, the fact that they sent him in, he's a key person in the extension of the UFO file.
He's part of the original group that develops the Manhattan Project and, you know, he's part of that UFO file lineage that goes through Vannevar Bush.
Vannevar Bush was pointed out as the top person who ran the UFO file.
If that's his protege, we can only imagine how much info that John Trump And that's why the mentions at every turn.
You know, I saw Trump on a podcast a few months ago, and he was just talking with these guys, and he starts talking about John Trump.
And I'm like, oh my God, you know, here's the 150th time that he's mentioned John Trump.
There's no reason to bring him up in this setting.
And so he's bringing that on, and right afterwards, he starts talking about a UFO landing site that is the top landing site in the world, and he'll tell them about it off air.
So, you know, Trump, there's a lot of loosey-goosey talk in the background about the UFO file.
He doesn't like to get pinned down when they try to squeeze him on the subject.
Yeah, there's no doubt.
There's a lot more to Trump than meets the eye.
Absolutely, yeah.
This is a complete, he's somebody who represents kind of the antithesis of what the deep state likes because they like to have all the advantages and if they go in there and they know that he's sitting and he develops Space Force as an offset to their control over the UFO file, this is a big major piece of their power base.
So Trump is a problem, RFK Jr.
is a problem, just by the Kennedy background alone.
That's right, they're definitely on their heels.
What are they going to pull next?
Back in 60 seconds.
Alright, Daniel's an award-winning journalist, filmmaker, goes by Dark Journalist, darkjournalist.com.
You getting into Trump and his whole Tesla background and UFO background, his family, and I don't mean Elon Musk Tesla, I mean Nikola Tesla, is far more fascinating than even these incredibly interesting, crazy statements in Congress.
But I said I'd play more of the clips, but you'll wake up hearing about interdimensional UFOs and Alien biologicals, which they're spinning as any type of biological.
This just means we've never been in Kansas anymore, and they're about to let us know we were never in Kansas.
I mean, because it's so fascinating.
You want to just keep going with Trump, or you want to play these clips?
Uh, there's, there's a little more about Trump.
Any clip you want to play is great.
I think the interdimensional one is particularly interesting.
And on top of that, uh, Andre Carson in his interview with NewsNation just before the hearings, he starts talking about interdimensionals and he's, and he leans forward and he says, is it interdimensionals folks?
Stay tuned.
So they're treating it like some kind of weird entertainment game, you know, like, oh, when do we get the next installment of the Grush show?
And that's not the serious way.
If you want to ask serious questions in a congressional setting, you would sit down and say, you know, are you being propped into this position by the Central Intelligence Agency to proffer a UFO threat?
And tell us about the black budget and the things you know about that.
No, you don't get to go to a SCIF.
Tell us now.
Don't wait for the translation.
Tell us now.
And this is the nature of how you would run a hearing along that line.
And then you get into the groups that have been controlling this, not, oh, there's some strange threat out there and we don't know what it is, but we need billions of your dollars, you know, in order to control it.
And don't worry, the CIA and Homeland Security are going to take care of you and save you from the scary aliens.
That's a totally different interaction level.
But yeah, you can play any of the clips that you have.
I will say this about Trump.
And why it's so important, I think, that they connected you with Trump.
And I think you helped his campaign dramatically when he got in in 2016.
I think the thing about Trump, fundamentally, we need to understand is that there's a facade there of this billionaire real estate guy.
He has all the things.
He's won the victories in the traditional fortune, you know, lifestyles of the rich and famous.
But when you go a little bit deeper into his political career, you're seeing something else, which is there's a group that operates in the background with him, and they are, you know, they're interested in America, Fortress America, and they're interested in Consulate.
They're not interested in Empire the way that these people are.
You know, these people will risk a nuclear war with these old atomic weapons.
Uh, in order to get us into a situation with Russia where we can eliminate Russia and their threat to the world currency.
And they don't want, and the globalists don't want America with the technologies to just rise of its own accord, and everybody basically follows by example with soft power.
The globalists want this old imperial war, whereas there's a smarter elite that look like they're pro-human that want us to lead by just technological super advancement.
Yeah, exactly.
And when you look at, you know, it's a good thing that there's so much emphasis around the World Economic Forum right now, because there's a growing trend of the World Economic Forum in terms of leaders, as we know, around the world.
And we just got one of their great ones over here at Harvard, Jacinda Ardern now.
She's leading a whole program about censorship at Harvard.
So, you know, they know where to get their follow-up gig.
But it's interesting.
I think what they're concerned about and what they want to do is consolidate.
They figured it out.
They're like, we have the technology.
We have the transhumanist know-how.
We have the philosophy.
We're the superior ones.
How do we get these 8 billion masses, plebes, to go along with us?
And this is the nature of the situation.
That they've laid it out there.
This is what they want to do.
The UFO file is very important for them to do this.
There's a group in there that questions whether it can be done on the threat level.
For sure.
I think that's a smaller group.
The larger group now, the majority on that inside circuit, they want the UFO threat.
And they want it as a mechanism to trigger a national emergency, international emergency.
But if they get emergency powers, they can activate the continuity of government, which, in my opinion, is the total goal of what they want to do.
It's the only way they can consolidate America, in fact, is by triggering continuity of government, because otherwise the Constitution literally stops them.
And, and, this is really important, folks.
This deep state can launch an attack on its, quote, own country, even though it hates all the countries, and say, no, it's not the Russians, the aliens just blew up Chicago.
Or the aliens are mad that we're putting off too much carbon, and it'll be so fantastical and so hard to believe, they're gauging whether the public will buy into that or not.
Or maybe the aliens blow up DC, but we can't use nukes, it's an alien ship, and then they've got some giant hologram, or actually some real crap they've built, or some crap they've captured.
I mean, you don't know.
The sky's the limit, though.
They're obsessed with this.
Like you said, the UFO alien thing is the jewel in the crown.
It's God becoming real, and it's a God they can control.
Exactly, and they may think that they're in touch with interdimensional aliens as well.
They may have worked a system for years.
There's an entire occult background to the UFO file.
We know it runs through the Crowley work, and we know that... For folks that don't know, NASA, the whole thing's Parsons, Crowley, absolutely.
Parsons is a fantastic example.
This is the guy who created the American rocket program.
And, uh, they have JPL, they have the Jack Parsons lunar, uh, you know, the crater that's named after him because he essentially started NASA.
So, when we're looking at it, who are those people?
Well, they have very different and very, very hardcore occult beliefs.
Their entire belief system is based on the idea that they can interact with these interdimensional entities and, you know, that those entities have incredible power and wisdom and that they should submit to them and become God-like themselves.
So, is that really the coming out here?
Because I didn't know until the end of the hearing actually they were talking about interdimensionals.
Here they are with all their fake UFO stuff and they're kind of telling you now, oh actually it's angels, it's actually entities, it's actually what all the angels do.
They're really externalizing what they're actually worshipping.
It's skull and bones, you name it.
Oh absolutely.
And you've had the honor of invading Bohemian Grove.
Isn't that going on this weekend in fact?
You know, I wanted to go out there this year and we just had so much going on we didn't.
Yeah, they just caught McCarthy out there.
You know, this is very interesting to me because I think that that whole situation, you know, just being around it, you can sense the deep occult aspects.
If you go back and listen to the Nixon takes, he talks about being freaked out being there.
So, you know, how spooky is that whole setup?
I was only in there five hours and I had my ass pinched, men chasing me around, because I was pretty young and good looking back then.
And nothing against gay people.
The point is, is this is a bunch of conservative Republican leaders out there.
There's a bunch of Democrats there, too.
And it is very, I mean, the main thing is a cult with homoeroticism.
And then down the street, the whole town's packed with female hookers.
So it's very hedonistic.
Well, it's interesting because, you know, the things that I've heard in relation to it, I'll just say this, there's a guy who is part of the Mellon banking family who came on our show and he's very upset that his cousin is engaged in this UFO threat aspect.
Chris Mellon is the DOD official who's engaged in the UFO threat and the guy who came on our show is actually the son of the late Senator, Senator John Warner, but He said that he's known people who've been associated with it, and the thing is basically for pure blackmail.
And that's how they control those leaders.
Exactly, so it's Jeffrey Epstein on a much bigger scale.
You go there knowing you're going to get compromised.
And so you go there, like Nixon said, it's the most goddamn faggoty thing he ever saw, but the people go there to know that there is a Christian conservative, a Republican, about to be trusted by the CIA, and you know, hey, you're going to have sex with a dude.
And again, this is how they operate.
Your knowledge is really amazing.
People can find out about your documentaries, The X Project, Aerospace Assassins, and more.
We really appreciate you.
We have your weekly live show and your tape shows as well.
We'll talk to you again very soon, sir.
Thank you very much.
All right.
Thank you, Alex.
Great to be here.
It's a crazy world.
And look, I'm not part of the New World Order.
I don't work for them.
But everybody else failed to go to the Bohemian Grove?
I'll say it again, they let me in.
So full disclosure here, I'm older now, I'm almost 50, and now I'm, I'm gonna say I'm the master, the master knows they are the student, but I definitely know how it'll, they got some weird plan for this show.
Some weird stuff's going on.
They let me in there, folks.
I mean, I had the courage to go in.
I did get through security and all of it, but Secret Service talked to me and the police twice, and they did not arrest me.
Or I guess God let me get in there, but just one way or the other, it happened.
With respect to Alex Jones or anybody else being censored from Twitter, if Twitter's a free speech platform, which is what Elon Musk's thesis for running the platform is, free speech means that there's no such thing as a wrong opinion.
We fought an American Revolution in this country for what?
For the vision that we the people Decide, in a constitutional republic, how we settle our differences, through free speech and open debate in the public square.
Now that old world monster rears its ugly head again, saying that, no, no, no, we don't trust the people.
I reject that vision.
The American Revolution rejects that vision.
That is what the World Economic Forum agenda is about.
It is a 1776 question.
I stand on the side of the Great Uprising.
Standing up and saying absolutely not, heck no to the Great Reset.
We the people decide as citizens of sovereign nations how we actually determine our future through self-determination.
I'm going to air a very powerful little piece at the start of the next segment called "If I Was the Deep State"
And I haven't checked it, but I can tell you it's AI doing Paul Harvey's voice.
And man, I love Paul Harvey's voice.
So we can definitely use AI at our own advantage.
We should understand that it is a Trojan horse being left on the battlefield for us to pick up the Promethean fire.
Chase Geiser is an amazing talk show host.
I've known about him for years.
He also does some collaboration work with InfoWars.
He's based here in Austin.
Real Chase Geiser on Twitter.
One American Podcast.
And he just got the big interview with now the number two Republican nominee.
He surpassed in many polls DeSantis.
That's a big deal.
The full interview, I'm told, is on Band.Video and also on your website.
And we're going to post it at InfoWars.com.
Tell us about your interview.
You know, it was great.
His team reached out to me, which is encouraging.
I finally got to the point with my podcast where people are starting to reach out to me, which is an exciting thing.
And one of the things that really impressed me about Vivek was how authentic and genuinely enthusiastic his team is about him.
He's got a lot of young people working around him.
But yeah, I spoke with him for 15 minutes or so a couple of days ago, just sort of hard hitting several different major topics.
And I was really impressed with him.
He comes off a little bit like in a A Barack Obama in the sense, not in the deep state sense, but in the sense that he's very articulate and he almost has like a Harvard shine to him, a traditional Harvard shine to him.
So I was very impressed with his intellect, how succinct he was and articulate he was with his positions.
And Trump, he's the only guy that Trump said, yeah, he could be my running mate.
Trump's even said, I like him the best.
That's a pretty big deal.
One of the things that I noted in the interview that I thought was really fascinating was when the topic of Trump came up, I asked him, of course, the question why we should vote for him instead of Donald Trump.
He started off by saying, let me just speak the truth here and say that I think Donald Trump was a fantastic president, which is not something you often hear from somebody who's running for office against someone else to say that they did a fantastic job in that very office.
Obviously he's using this as a bully pulpit to get the word out of me, support him with Trump.
I think so.
I don't know if he has genuine intentions of actually being the president.
A lot of this has to do with just garnering as much influence as possible.
We saw the same thing happen with Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton in 2016, where despite the fact that the primary election was stolen from him, he was able to manipulate and change and influence her general election policy because Well, I couldn't watch the whole interview because it wasn't up this morning.
I saw a Twitter clip.
Now it's live at InfoWars.com and Man.Video.
I hope folks share that because you're doing a lot of really, really great interviews.
When I say this is dangerous, I don't just say this for effect.
People don't figure that out.
You're watching what I predicted.
This is how classic tyranny works, and I just take classic tyranny plus high-tech systems we have currently and try to estimate how that'll integrate together, and it's exactly as we basically have broken down.
They declared the American people terrorists officially in June of 2021, and they said to be a terrorist you must be a white supremacist.
And a white supremacist is anyone questioning elections, forced shots, lockdowns, Libya withdraws, it's the kitchen sink.
Now they're officially all over TV, and I played clips earlier, we'll play some more in the next segment, saying, if you disagree with the Democrats, you're a terrorist, and we want Homeland Security to come after you.
This is outrageous, but it means they're getting ready to try it.
What's your response to that, Mr. Geiser?
And then, what pretext are they going to have to have to do that?
Well, I think the fascinating thing about this form of tyranny that we're seeing manifest is the use of the private sector, right?
So we know now because of the Twitter files and things like that, that the initial approach that the United States sort of deep state had was to infiltrate existing private businesses, influence and leverage power over those businesses to do things that are constitutionally prohibited by the government.
It's fascism.
But unlike Hitler, where it was overt, it was covert.
And now that it's found out, they might as well just explicitly tell us that we're domestic terrorists and they're coming after us, because the secret's out.
Everybody who looks knows.
You just have to look.
Well, you're right.
I was just reading a book of conversations with Hitler right before he got elected called Hitler Speaks by a member of the Nazi Party who later turned against him.
And he talks all about, covertly, we're going to take over the governments.
We'll invade France and have almost all their generals on our side.
We'll conquer them in two weeks.
We'll be marching in Paris.
Did it, you know, ten years later.
I mean, this is, and the closest thing to Hitler, but much more sophisticated is these guys.
When you actually look at the cut of their operation, it's Hitlerian.
Yeah, I think so.
And one of the things that's interesting specifically about how the Third Reich came to power is if you look just a few years before the Nazis came into power in 1933, only one in forty Germans actually identified explicitly as a Nazi.
But what happened was they had all these parties pitted against each other, and they just needed that wedge to come in where they could Make it the imbalance to push over the whole entire thing.
And so, on one hand, it's scary because you know that the deep state could do that, but on the other hand, it's hopeful in that maybe as Americans, we don't actually have to have 51% to make a difference.
Instead of Nazis using the highly vocal, organized group, who is it?
Thomas Jefferson said we don't need a majority to triumph, only a highly focused, I forget the exact quote, irate group of people.
Yeah, absolutely.
Radicals, zealots.
And frankly, I just embrace the term radical.
When they call me a right-wing extremist or a radical person, I'm by no means a racist or a white supremacist or anything like that, but I am absolutely a radical.
I'm radical for freedom.
I've been baptized by the tyranny and the injustice of the Democratic Party.
I'm a zealot.
I'm bought in.
Like, you should definitely be a radical in my opinion.
And, you know, zealot goes back to the Jews.
They don't want to be conquered by Titus.
And, of course, they got beaten in the first round, but later came back thousands of years later to retake their area.
But, I mean, this is a time where we're going into captivity for hundreds of years, if not thousands, to use the allegory of the Jews.
If we don't say no now, we are going into the slavery.
I mean, it's happening.
You know, I was thinking last night I had a hard time falling asleep because I took Turboforce too late in the day.
And I was thinking about how you've been talking about football and using different football stories the last few days in the segments.
And the thing about football is that when the game is over, when the time is out, that's when the winner or the loser is determined.
But in our case, with tyranny, it only wins when you give up.
There's no time.
They win when you capitulate.
Yes, exactly.
So all we have to do is not give up.
It's just like the famous scene from Cool Hand Luke with the boxing.
He won that fight even though he lost that fight because he kept getting up.
And that, to me, is one of the most inspirational moments in cinema.
And I think that we should remember that as Americans, as patriots, as info warriors, that as long as we keep getting up, we can't be defeated.
Well, the King of England had to admit the greatest general in the world was George Washington when he persevered for six years and spent all his own personal treasure, he was one of the richest guys in the colonies, to defeat that.
And they had to say, you know, that, well, okay, the greatest man in the world.
When George Washington died, the King of England said, the greatest man in the world has just died.
And that's because George Washington broke them and beat them with only 5, 10, 15 percent of the resistance force he needed.
They recognized that back at the time as a great achievement.
And so we need to know, we come from very special stuff here in this republic.
And listen, we got way more than 15 percent, folks.
We're going to beat these people if you don't give up.
Perseverance is the blood of victory.
We'll be right back with Chase Geyser, One American Podcast, real Chase Geyser, and we'll get into all these clips and talk about how to save the republic.
If I was the Deep State, I'd keep on doing exactly what I'm doing.
If I was the Deep State and I wanted to destroy America, I would rig the election with a puppet candidate.
One that was so compromised that they would never say a word about it.
I would create a false flag that allows for mail-in ballots.
I would be in charge of the ballot counting machines.
I would create a false flag to blame all who question the results of the election.
If I was the deep state, I would prosecute anyone that went against me.
I would sue and prosecute anyone that spoke up about the fraudulent election.
I would use my powers to shut down all your internet businesses and bankrupt you.
If I was the Deep State, I would make everyone an example why you should never question a Democrat ever winning an election.
I would imprison my foes.
I would use my corrupt DAs and blackmailed judges to destroy you.
I would make sure all crimes I ever committed never happened.
I would prosecute my biggest competition.
I would make sure they could never run for office ever again.
If I was the Deep State, I would convince everyone that Ukraine Nazis were good, and women are men.
If I was the Deep State, I would own every politician that mattered.
If I was the Deep State, I would push my pedophilia ambitions on you.
If I was the Deep State, you'd question your sexual identity, but not the medical establishment.
If I was the Deep State, you would fear to ever resist me.
If I was the deep state, you would wish I was really the devil.
If I was the deep state, I would say mission accomplished.
Well, the final countdown's over.
We're not in New World Order beta now.
We're in operational.
Full release of their product.
Total collapse, race war, mass disease, billions dead.
If you want to live in that world, you're going to get a front row seat to it and get drug into the center of the arena to be chewed up by it.
Or you can decide to join your ancestors to fight for freedom and build a legacy for our children.
He will not be invigorated or satisfied serving evil.
Only fighting the globalists will you be fulfilled.
And that is the great choice and the great commission we now have on July 27th, 2023.
Chase Geyser of One American Podcast.
You've been doing a lot of great work, a lot of big interviews.
What do you make of Mitt Romney saying it's time to ban speech?
We don't agree with.
MSNBC spooks saying it's time to use Homeland Security against speech.
I don't see this as a sign of strength.
I see it as extreme weakness.
I think anybody who says something like that is a traitor to his country, frankly.
And I don't really have much to extrapolate on it.
That's just the fact of it.
That's what bad guys talk like!
Yes, absolutely.
And frankly, censorship has never really been used to censor falsehoods historically.
It's always used to censor the truth and it's always used on behalf of those among us who are most evil.
So, the truth stands on its own, whether it's faced with falsehoods or not.
Censorship is not necessary for those on the side of truth.
They don't have to use that as a tool to silence the opposition.
I mean, even God in the Garden of Eden, if you look at Christianity, gave the option to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
He didn't have to censor evil.
There's something archetypal about this, and I think that anybody who advocates for censorship is an enemy to America, whether they intend to be or not.
Well, if you study the psychological warfare groups that are out there, no psychology school is 100% right because it's all just a human attempt to label human nature.
But it's extremely useful to put it in categories, whether it's Jungian psychology or, you know, whether it's the psychology of Sigmund Freud or some of the more modern, you know, you got the Keynesian, all the pedophile psychology, the last 80 years.
I mean, we know that seven or eight big groups that are out there, but they all do kind of label phenomenon that are out there.
When you look at the psychological warfare systems, they can't hide the dystopic nature of it.
So they tell you, you're ugly, you're bad, you're failed, you're fallen, and so the thing to do is commit suicide, but not just take yourself down, take others with you.
So the left around the world are now like suicide bombers in culture, but then their bosses are transhumanists that say, we're going to rewrite the planet, we're going to be gods, we've got to get rid of these people.
And get rid of any other life they don't control.
And so they're really fools pretending they're on some winning team carrying out some jihad or some crusade when their own bosses are laughing at them.
So I try to reach out to the brainwashed because that's the Christ-like thing to do.
I'm certainly not like Christ.
I aspire to be.
But at the end of the day, how do we balance that chase geyser of do we focus on motivating the good people that are already awake?
How much time do we spend on the unwashed prodigal sons?
That's a great question, and I have several thoughts on this topic, as it's been something that's been on my mind for several years.
The first thing I will say is, you mentioned this push for suicide, this push for death, and it's not just a physical death.
They're pushing for the death of the spirit, right?
The silencing.
And what we've come to now is a place where they don't even necessarily have to censor you because of the self-censorship, because you're scared.
What I'll say is if you're scared of speaking out on behalf of what you believe is true, what you know to be true, if you're scared of speaking out because you're worried about losing your job or the IRS coming after you or any sort of ramifications, just imagine how much worse the threat is if you don't say anything.
You have to speak now because the danger of not doing anything and fighting now is far greater than any sort of ramifications of, oh I'm going to lose my job if I say who I voted for or anything like that.
You have to speak the truth.
speak it bold, speak it proudly, because when everyone is silent, no one thinks that anyone
else agrees with them.
It happens in communism, we see it over and over again.
Everyone is so quiet because they don't know who actually is on the side of the state.
And that's what I'm trying to do.
Silence isn't gold and it's yellow.
That's right.
To quote Barry Goldwater.
So let me ask you this.
As it becomes evident that the New World Order is pure death, how do you expect all this
to unfold?
Because there is a Great Awakening.
I mean, I see massive amounts of people finally getting it.
And then, B, how do the bad guys counter it?
We saw Kamala Harris call for depopulation.
I don't understand how anybody who saw that clip could possibly vote for any politician at all, let alone Kamala Harris.
And then Snopes said she didn't mean it.
Because Snopes knows what she really means.
They're the arbiter of reality.
They tell you.
Yeah, so I think the first step is to wake up, and the second step is to speak out.
I don't call for violence at all.
I know that you don't call for violence at all.
We don't have to have a violent revolution in this country to have a revolution in this country.
Yeah, I know.
I mean, if they're trying to take us and our children to FEMA camps and forcefully... Okay, okay.
I feel sorry for the idiots coming, but this is the point it is.
You know, but that's not going to hurt the New World Order right up front.
It's targeting their leaders and their ideas is where the main war should be.
If we have to go to physical, that means we failed.
We'll still win that too, though.
Yeah, I agree with you on that note.
But I think that when we've seen major political change in this country, traditionally, historically, especially with the civil rights movement, it was through civil disobedience.
The black people being bit by German shepherds and hit by fire hoses would have overrun and beat the police up.
That would have backfired, but letting him beat him...
They won.
Right. And it wasn't a wimp move, it's not like somebody hit you in the head with a club.
It was realizing this is on camera, this is going to discredit you.
Absolutely. And the crazy thing about that example that you just mentioned is
if you look at pictures of the civil rights protests versus Antifa protests, the difference is
these are men and women showing up to protest peacefully in suits instead of violently in masks.
And that's the way you actually make change in that enemy.
Well, the most elite organizations on the planet, CIA have their professors, every time they get arrested, it's
some professor out there trying to trigger black people to riot. So they're trying to piggyback
their communist takeover as a 1963, you know, or 1966 2.0 or something when it's not.
Yeah. And I think that they feel abundantly threatened now because there's not as much
of a conglomeration on information as there used to be. I mean, they used to
I mean, I agree with you.
Give me your view on Elon Musk.
mainstream media outlets and all the big tech platforms, but with these new changes at Twitter,
say what you will about Elon Musk, he's not perfect by any means, but they don't have
the monopoly that they had on information anymore because there's this one leak.
And was it Benjamin Franklin that said a great leak, or a small leak can sink a great ship?
That's what they're experiencing now.
And I think that's why- No, I mean, I agree with you.
Give me your view on Elon Musk.
I mean, whether he's a good guy, a bad guy, or just a pragmatist, the fact that he's having
to sing our tune shows that Liberty's popular.
Yeah, I think that all people are good people and bad people, so I wouldn't classify him
as either a good guy or a bad guy.
I think he's trying to be a good person.
I think he's a genius.
I think he's brilliant.
I really liked Greg Reese's video the other day on Elon Musk because I thought it was fascinating, but I don't agree with the take.
Because if it was that easy to be a multi-billionaire just by lying, then there would be thousands and millions of multi-billionaires.
I think that Elon Musk is good for America, good for free speech, and I actually have more thoughts on why I think he bought Twitter that I'm happy to go over in the next segment with you.
Let's talk about that straight ahead.
And again, we're not in a cult.
We're all free to have different ideas here.
I'm not mad at Greg.
I disagree with Greg some as well, but I like his ideas.
It's good food for thought.
And we are back live.
I'm going to host some into the next hour with Drew Hernandez, because the UN head, the Secretary General, says for get global warming, we're in the global boiling phase.
Well, remember a few years ago, they said we're about to end COVID and then it'll be global warming.
We have the statistics.
We have the numbers.
It's all hype.
It's all a lie.
The fact that it's hot in Death Valley?
We had a death in Death Valley this week.
We need carbon taxes.
It's called Death Valley for a reason, folks.
Texas has not even approached its records.
Nobody's broken records.
It's all a lie.
Plus, paying carbon taxes won't fix it.
But getting back to the man that hosts One America podcast, Real Chase Geyser.
He does a lot of great work with Infowars, collaborating as well.
You wanted to get more into Elon Musk last segment.
Yeah, so I had this epiphany.
I think I saw a video on TikTok or something of that nature that inspired the thought.
Elon Musk claims that he bought Twitter to make it a free speech platform, and I don't think that's entirely false.
But I also think that he is seeking to be a major competitor of OpenAI, which of course is the organization that's responsible for chat GPT, a lot of these advancements in artificial intelligence.
And in order to create an artificial intelligence that's unbiased, you have to give it data that's unbiased as an input.
So my theory is that he bought Twitter to try to make it a more free speech platform.
Sure, as an AI trainer.
Yep, so that he can make a competitor to the work that OpenAI is doing, Microsoft's doing, the government's doing, that's actually an honest AI.
That's what I hope the outcome is, but I've been really thinking about that for the last couple of weeks, and I think that's something to be considered.
Well, I call AI the ultimate plagiarist and the ultimate copyright infringement thing, and I'm not a big copyright hawk, but the point is, you can go and get Oh my gosh, Charlton Heston.
It's not perfect yet, but it's getting close.
Charlton Heston can read our ads now.
Yeah, we got you pretty good.
That'd be pretty good.
We don't call it Charlton Heston though, that's when it becomes an issue, but we can go program it Charlton Heston, and then have Charlton Heston do our hosting.
Or Rod Sterling as well.
We've had Rod Sterling's voice, an image on a couple of the ads.
Jim Morrison on one of the ads as well.
And so in a way it steals their identity, but also brings them back from the dead.
Exactly, and I've been focusing on icons with some of the content because I don't want to, you know, hack off anybody who's still alive or operating.
What about the new Paul Harvey one?
I didn't make that one, but I was impressed hearing it, and I'm inspired to create some more.
I love Paul Harvey's voice.
It's very cool.
It's almost like an Art Bell thing, too.
I'd like to do an Art Bell angle, too.
Oh, man.
So, keep going, because I've got a lot of questions, but on Elon Musk, people need to understand The fact that he has to sound like us and do a bunch of good things, Judge Tribat's fruits.
Whether he's evil or whether he's agnostic or whether he's a bad guy or whether he's a good guy, the fact that he's having to sound like us means we're winning and the work he's doing now is only going to be good.
We should criticize the bad he does and support the good he does.
I think so.
And one of the fascinating things to me about Elon Musk specifically is so many of us, especially in the middle class, we do things because we have to do them, right?
We work jobs that we don't want to work because we have to to pay our bills.
When you're someone like Elon Musk and you're worth hundreds of billions of dollars, everything you do at that point is like another degree of freedom.
It's because you want to for some reason, whether it's because you want more power or more money.
But in the case of Elon Musk, he's not a materialistic person.
He's already as famous as seems possible on the planet.
There's not really a lot of motive for him to do it.
It seems like he got super famous to become the good guy.
That's what I want to believe in.
That's what I want to believe, too.
And it's almost like the Greek analogy of the gods.
If you believe in them, they exist.
Maybe if we support him and believe in him as a good guy, he will be one.
Or maybe if we don't support him and he fails, he'll turn back.
I mean, I think there's an opportunism there, but I think he'd rather be the hero.
Why do you think it is that he won't lead back on Twitter?
Oh, I mean, I understand it.
When I say this, I'm not bragging, because I wasn't that important.
Starting about six years ago, seven years ago, right when Trump was about to win, there'd be like a hundred articles a day, and there'd be like 400 a day, and they'd syndicate them.
So I would get Google Alerts, sometimes 20,000 articles.
That was a few times, but a lot of times 5,000, 10,000 a day, because they'd take one AP article and put it in 5,000 papers.
It was always the local paper everyday attacking.
You turn on local news attacking.
They were like attacking the archetypal image of the populist and they were basically just testing it
to say can we destroy this guy?
Not because it was me but because it was the archetype.
And so I knew they were building it up towards, what was your question?
Why he kicked you off Twitter.
Oh, so yeah, so imagine this battery of anti-populism Take this image of populism pro-human freedom.
Misrepresent what I stand for, what I've said, what I've done.
Create this strawman, create this alternate universe, this stolen identity, and then use that stolen Alex Jones against the populist movement.
They were scared that I was going to reach more people.
They wanted to inoculate them against me.
But more importantly, they wanted to just set the precedent to get people to accept censorship, so that once they accepted my censorship, they would accept everybody else's, which they bragged about.
And then they later said, we'll use the Alex Jones system on Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, everybody else.
Some days, tens of thousands of articles, always newscasts, local news, national news, thousands of news reports nationally, NPR hundreds of times, PBS hundreds of times, CNN hundreds of times, ABC, I mean, we're talking tens of thousands, foreign news, Japanese news.
Uh, you know, European news, UK news, Mexican news, Brazilian news, Alex Jones, the devil, the devil, the devil, the devil.
I just felt honored by that level of demonization, but I knew it was bigger than me.
And so Elon Musk understands that he can free up Twitter to a great extent and dig out the moles.
But if he says Alex Jones is there, it taps into that.
Capacitor of electricity, that bomb, that if he can get all these other people freed, but if he frees me, they go, oh, he's the guy that peed on kids' graves.
Never peed on kids' graves, never said their names, never sent anybody, never did anything.
It was all lies, but it doesn't matter.
They said I did, so it's real.
So he says Alex Jones should be killed.
He said Alex Jones should have a millstone tied around his neck.
I will not free him.
He is the devil.
And then he also goes up there and says, I'm the devil's champion.
So if I'm the devil, Elon Musk is my champion.
And I'm being sarcastic there.
I just get that as long as he continues X's trajectory towards freedom,
if I'm the sacrificial lamb, if I'm the bad guy so he can free everybody else,
I mean, I kind of get that.
I think he should go further and tell them go to hell, but they already pulled 59% of his advertisers.
They're already very close to defeating him.
And so I understand the calculus of Joe Rogan loves me, says I'm his top guess of Elon.
You know, he gets too much criticism, won't have me on.
Fine, I'll just be hanging out and have dinner all the time.
You know, Tucker Carlson wants to have me on, Fox wouldn't have me, now he's doing investors.
Don't want me, everybody else fine.
It's almost good to be the guy that's so bad nobody else can have him on.
So it's not that I like that, but at the same time, you know, that's something that I was put in this position for.
And so I'm still friends with Tucker, still friends with Joe, still friends with all those people.
That's a good thing that Andrew Tate's scared to come on my show.
a year ago, I got a guy, got him his banking.
And I asked Andrew Tate, "Hey, will you come on?"
He's like, "Oh yeah, next week."
The fifth time he asked him, "No, 'cause there's too much heat on Alex Jones."
That's a good thing that Andrew Tate's scared to come on my show.
That's a good thing Tucker Carlson has been on four or five times, we're friends and hang out.
It's like, actually, I don't want Tucker on my show.
I don't want Andrew Tate on my show.
Fine, I don't want to go on Joe Rogan's show.
You know, if that's who I am, if I'm the worst guy in the universe, which is the polar opposite, I'm really a good guy, then I kind of accept this.
Do you think Joe Rogan and Elon Musk have discussed your censorship?
Sure they have, yeah.
I'm not going to get into it all.
I mean, I know a lot of stuff, and I'll leave it at that.
And I've met with some of Musk's top people, and they would approach me.
I looked at who they were, I thought, oh gosh, that's like his second command lawyer.
So, I mean, I get it, and I understand the game they're playing.
Here's the deal.
I'm not playing games.
I'm not looking at calculus.
It was Lord Nelson that said, damn the maneuvers, go straight at them.
Because at a certain point, let's just get the fight going here.
A good plan today is better than a perfect plan next week.
Just do something.
So I'm not going to sit here and always wait and calculate.
I'm not Machiavelli.
I can analyze Machiavelli in operation, but enough about me.
I'm going to go right at him.
Yeah, I agree with that.
And the Machiavellian thing is really interesting because those who compromise values for an end goal always seem to end up becoming compromised themselves.
There's a story, the Ark of the Covenant and the Old Testament of the Bible where they weren't supposed to touch it.
It almost fell off the platform that they were carrying it on.
When they reached out to save it from falling on the ground, the man was immediately smitten, I believe.
And the moral of the story is, even if you do the wrong thing for the right reason, it's still the wrong thing.
A lot of people think that's a wrath of God story, but that's like No, don't do the wrong thing for the right reason.
You were trying to save the ark, but you were told not to touch it.
Yeah, and I wasn't up here separating myself from those other people.
They're great people.
They have courage.
I'm going to tell you the truth about it.
And so...
We're not going to get free by half measures and calculating.
We got here by being lawyers and calculating.
The calculating, the splitting hairs needs to stop.
We need to say, this is what we stand for.
And there's a drug to that.
I'm high as a kite, naturally.
And I've actually got to drink some alcohol sometimes just to settle myself down.
People say, is this guy on cocaine?
No, it's the opposite.
I take alcohol, depressant sometimes, because I've got too much energy.
So it's not like I'm up here You know, having to get energy, it's the opposite.
And so I'm high when I don't compromise, I don't think about the answer, and I just go with the truth.
And that is so addicting, better than sex, better than victory, better than anything, that it's just like, it's all I care about.
I'm constantly taking turbo force just to try to get to your level, man.
Oh yeah, right.
Enough about me.
Enough about me.
But I'll just tell you this, here's a little picture I drew of kind of like a little demon during the break.
It's easy to draw something evil.
Imagine trying to draw an angel or God.
I can't do it, but evil's easy to write.
Easy to draw because it's stupid looking.
It's a clown.
But can I draw an angel or even draw God?
But can I draw a little devil?
Because evil's easy to do, folks.
Not good.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Chase Geysers, our guest.
Final segment.
Ahead of Drew Hernandez.
Taking over.
Alright, well you're a smart guy, love having you here, love the great work you're doing.
Thanks for interviewing Vivek, getting him to say nice things about us being censored.
And I'd like to be let back on Twitter, but at the same time, I can see the duality.
Being the guy in the Phantom Zone, like the revoting black sheep, is something I see that God put me in that position.
So I'm very blessed they chose me to be the devil, because I'm not really the devil.
But enough about me.
Shut up about Alex Jones!
What else is on your radar screen?
What else are you up to?
What else do you want to impart to viewers?
Wow, man, that's such a loaded question.
The things that I'm thinking about on a daily basis are how we can utilize AI to fight back.
And I was talking to Du and Darren the other day in their office back there about how we need to innovate faster than they, the leftist globalists, can regulate.
And so I would encourage all the listeners to figure out ways that they can learn how to use this technology, implement these tools, in order to get the word out.
Not only to awaken themselves, but to circumvent some of these old world policies and barriers that are put in place.
Because we can move faster than they can against us.
Because regulation is a red tape thing.
And Vivek said that.
He said we're up against an old world 1776 is the answer.
1776 is the idea of the Renaissance.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Taking military action against an empire and beating it.
That's kind of like the main flower of the Renaissance, like, watch this!
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And the fact that this Renaissance theme keeps coming up time and time again is really interesting.
It's in the subtitle of your book coming out in this reawakening, this rebirth, this reenlightenment.
I really think we're going through a cultural baptism right now.
I agree.
It's a baptism of fire.
Yeah, absolutely.
So what do you think comes next?
What does the deep state fish out of their nest, though, to try to win?
Well, I think what we're going to see happen is we're going to see continued attempts at censorship, but it's going to become more and more difficult as information becomes decentralized.
And then what we're going to see is more and more overt actions.
We saw with the Obama administration that they were antagonistic only to political opponents in terms of tax audits and things like that.
We're going to see more and more of that.
I think that Owen Schroer is right in the war room when he talks about things like Like audits.
I get letters from the IRS that are just total baloney.
My accountants say that they're taxing me for hundreds of thousands of dollars more than I make.
And I don't know if it's related or not, but we're gonna see this antagonism increase and what you have to do is you just have to have civil disobedience.
You have to fight against it and never lay down.
Just yesterday we got the notice of five hundred and something thousand dollars out of the IRS and it was like of someone else's tax ID.
It's totally fake.
But the point is they're just doing that.
They just send you letters and then if you don't respond they assume that you're guilty because you didn't fight it.
It's like they give you nine days to send a letter back.
They're like this isn't our tax ID number.
I'm trying to pay my mortgage.
I don't have time to wait on line for four hours on the phone to talk to somebody at the IRS who doesn't even know how to do their job.
This is the type of assault that we're going to face.
This is an assault of bureaucracy and red tape.
And I just think that we have to stand up for it.
We have to put people in office who they hate.
And that's why I'm supporting Donald Trump for president because everybody I hate hates him.
Everybody who hates America hates him.
That's the number one reason to vote for him in my opinion.
A hundred percent.
And again, nothing against illegal aliens.
They're fleeing globalist lockdowns.
But they don't have to take the shot.
We do.
That really woke a lot of people up.
Like, wait a minute, the U.N.
won't give them a shot because of liability, but we got to take it?
Like, come on.
The worst thing about it is when you tell people you love not to do it, and they do it anyway.
I had this conversation with my dad.
He's like, I'm going to get it.
I'm old.
Something else will get me anyway.
I'm like, don't take it, man.
And the crazy thing about it is, in the 80s, they gave hemophiliacs HIV and AIDS and hepatitis through the blood transfusions, and they knew for years, Fauci knew for years, the fact that I'm a type A hemophiliac.
I know people who died of AIDS in the 80s.
I was born right on the other side of it, so I never had to worry about it.
But the fact that, like, our family could have that sort of experience and then go and take... And Bayer wrote in the documents in France, they said, screw it, get rid of the hemophiliacs.
They knew it was in there, and they just said screw you.
And when the product was made illegal in the United States, they shipped their inventory to third world countries.
They said, okay, give it to the poor countries.
Give them AIDS.
With the remaining inventory that was made illegal in the United States.
Well documented.
On record.
Great documentary called Bad Blood, all about it.
I had the doctor on that was in Canada who got firebombed after he was on my show.
Yeah, the Hemophiliac Society.
They firebombed him right after he did a bunch of interviews.
They firebombed him after that.
And then they also firebombed the doctor in Little Rock.
They exposed him.
And if you look at what happened, a lot of the executives in other countries like Japan and things of that nature, they bowed down and apologized to the families of these dead kids.
But in the United States, I don't think anybody went to jail.
I think they say two million people died of it.
That's liberal though.
Chase Geyser.
Real Chase guys are amazing.
Love you, brother.
Great job.
Thank you.
Drew Hernandez coming up.
up stay with us.
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Having Turbo Force Plus at work, home, in the car, or in your bag is the ultimate answer to a sluggish day.
It is appointed to every man to die once, and to be born once.
And I'm going to be back in a minute.
And it is appointed to us all to be here alive on this planet so that we can decide what action we're going to take and then be judged by the creator of everything.
That is awesome.
And I'm very blessed to be here with you.
Drew Hernandez, one of my favorite talk show hosts and a great pastor and talk show host in his own right, is about to take over.
But I wanted to hit this little news piece Because it's so important.
I meant to get this today.
I'm going to try to on tomorrow's show, but we had Mike Lindell on and a bunch of other stuff, so we didn't have time to get to it.
But we have all the documents.
We have the videos.
We have compilation videos showing you in the 80s and 90s, 2000s, higher temperatures, and then it fades into the other map showing lower, and then saying it's the highest temperature ever recorded.
They are lying to you.
I know that's a shock, but they're lying to us.
It's crazy.
Folks, it's always hot in Arizona.
It's always hot in Texas in the summer.
That's why people didn't live here until air conditioning came in.
And then the northerners said, well, now we can live there.
They moved down.
My ancestors were crazy enough to live down here.
And a lot of other folks were crazy enough to live in 105, 110 degree heat during the summer.
So it's like, oh my gosh, people are dying in Death Valley.
Highest temperatures.
It's called Death Valley for a reason.
So We have the head of the UN, let's play that first, clip 10, saying the era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.
So it's all just platitudes, hype terms, and they're lying to you.
And I'm going to show you another clip, but here it is.
Humans are to blame.
All this is entirely consistent with predictions and repeated warnings.
The only surprise is the speed of the change.
Climate change is here, it is terrifying, and it is just the beginning.
The era of global warming has ended, the era of global boiling has arrived.
The air is unbreathable, the heat is unbearable, and the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable.
Leaders must lead.
It is undoubtable that the humans are the problem.
Let us run your lives and we will fix it.
I am now the Easter Bunny.
This is a coup, which is French for coup d'etat.
So that reminds me of Carlos from Hop or something.
Can we pull up Carlos from Hop where he says, it's just a coup d'etat, which is French for coup d'etat.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, absolute crap.
Absolute BS.
So here is a little clip of a year and a half ago when the CNN producer goes, we're about to end the COVID fraud and we're going to scare you with global warming.
And that's what they did.
Here's the clip.
So our next thing is going to be for climate change awareness.
What does that look like?
I don't know.
I'm not sure.
I have a feeling it's just going to be like constantly shown videos of like Decline and ice and weather warming up and like the effects of having an economy and I really don't know.
Who decides that?
The head of the network like just... Who's that?
Zucker, yeah.
I imagine that he's got his council and they've all like discussed like where they think... So that's like the next...
So again, let's hear one more clip from the UN Secretary General explaining all this, where he's very honest about the whole point of this.
I mean it's not like, there's a definitive ending to the pandemic or you know like...
So again let's hear one more clip from the UN Secretary General explaining all this where he's very honest about
the whole point of this. Here it is.
Carlos, what are you up to?
It's called a coup d'etat, which is a French for coup d'etat.
But Carlos, you've been my most trusted number two for years.
Well, guess what?
I am sick of doing number two.
It is our time for number one, yeah?
Oui, dear boss.
Yeah, that means you don't have a car, you don't have a pool, you don't have money for medicine, you don't have a gas-powered stove, or a gas-powered water heater, or a gas-powered generator, you are literally a slave because the New World Order is the bosses with Bill Gates and the rest of them.
So, now, three weeks ago, Biden, the puppet, says, I'm following Bill Gates's order.
We're going to block the sun out to save the Earth.
EU looks into blocking out the sun as climate change efforts falter.
That's the BBC.
So now we've got to block the sun out to save you.
Remember, back in the 70s, it was unusually cold.
It was freezing.
It's all your fault.
And now it's heat.
It's all your fault.
It just goes on and on.
And all those big wildfires in Alabama were antifa and leftist setting fires.
Yep, there's the headlines.
Fevers, BBC reported on European heat waves debunked by actual temperature.
This is a giant article of all the documents.
Need to read it immediately.
Alright, I'm gonna have Drew Hernandez take over the great Drew Hernandez.
Right now, I want to thank everybody for their support, but we are in the middle of the globalist takeover.
So please spread the word about the broadcast.
Please share the videos and articles everywhere.
Please buy products that enrich your life.
Little silver back in stock.
Silver Bullet 30% off.
Double Patriot Points up to 60% off.
10% off on the storable foods and water filters.
They got like 30% markup, folks.
I mean, that 10% off on the water filters and food is, we already have the best at the lowest price.
That is insane.
That's got to end early next week, I've confirmed, because the water filters are almost sold out.
Take action now.
Support the broadcast.
Drew Hernandez takes over, and I hope up front, let me get my, I know he's got so many websites and so many things he does.
He's got Rumble.com forward slash C Drew Hernandez and you can find his websites and so much more.
We love Drew Hernandez and he's awesome.
And if we get some more funding around here, I'm trying to hire him right now, but we don't have the money.
So Drew Hernandez, we love you.
Take over, brother.
Salute to you, Alex Jones.
Great to be in this fight every Thursday here during the fourth hour of the most banned transmission on the face of planet Earth, arguably the universe, the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Drew Hernandez.
Guys, I just kind of want to continue this conversation and, you know, talking about with You know the deep state because this is these are deep state operations okay they're they're getting ready to launch a fake alien invasion let's just be honest here right this is the mass deception that the bible has been warning about just another level of it right on a global scale and we're going to get into that but i also want to continue this conversation
About the climate cult and the acceleration of the climate cult.
I mean, you had CNN come out.
The team could look at my Twitter.
I posted it sometime this morning.
CNN comes out and says, the scientists are coming out and saying that in three different continents, these are the hottest temperatures that we've ever seen in the past 120,000 years.
You're like, oh yeah, great.
Yeah, yeah.
What expert was around 120K years ago to let us know that it's hotter now than it was back then?
Absolutely unreal.
It's like, who really believes that?
Like, who really believes that?
These are the same people that say, follow the science.
Worship the great high priest, Dr. Fauci.
Take the death jabs.
Oh, take the death boosters.
Because we're the experts.
We know better than you.
Don't look into any alternative, okay?
Don't look into any alternative.
No, you listen to what we prescribe for you, whether it's the death jabs, whether it's the climate cult hysteria, whether it's the lockdowns, you need to stay inside your house forever, or whether it's who you need to vote for.
Don't look into the election.
We got it all on lock.
Trust us.
We got it all on lock.
You shouldn't even question it.
All of these things, whether it's your federal government, your local government, every aspect, big tech, U.S.
American corporations, corporate America, Hollywood in the U.S.
and globally as well, the entertainment industries, education, the sciences, you name it, right?
These people have their tentacles in absolutely everything.
And I had this thought, I had this thought when I was listening to the last couple segments and, you know, I don't know.
I'm just, I'm just giving my thought.
I don't know if this is accurate.
But I just kind of see things a little differently.
I feel like my view has changed.
Breaking news, my view has changed.
And I would say maybe, maybe the past few days, you know, I think, and maybe it's just me being naive.
I don't know.
But like, we know that false flags exist.
We've seen the commies, they, they, they, they established false.
This goes back to Rome, the days of Rome with the evil Emperor Nero staging a false flag, burning down Rome himself to blame it on the Christians.
False flag, that's an operation, a psyop on the population against his enemies, right?
Obviously God won in the end because God always wins in the end.
But I had this thought and I was thinking to myself, these false flag operations, there will always be big, huge, world-changing events, right?
9-11, Pearl Harbor, 2020, COVID lockdowns, and then the rollouts of the death jabs.
But I think, if you take a look at the CCP, I think the West is changing.
Okay, because if you take a look at the way that the CCP does things, and the Chinese have done things for hundreds of years...
They're very patient.
Their operations, they have their battle plans for the next 100, 200, 500 years.
Buying out land in the West.
Waiting on the Americans to get on board.
Subverting United States universities without having to launch a shot.
These people are patient.
They wait decades.
Their operatives and their agents, they replace them, they remove them whenever they're too old.
I mean, these people are very good at waiting.
Here in the West, I'm just going to be honest, we're not very good at waiting.
Patience truly is a virtue.
And I think the East has that on the West.
I think they always have.
And I think they're using that against us.
I mean, look at TikTok.
They took an entire generation Down to, well, your podcast is too long.
I can't listen to Alex Jones for three hours.
Just give me a TikTok video that's 15 seconds long.
That's what I need.
Come on, man.
Total low IQ, right?
Super low IQ.
What's wrong with listening to something for three hours and getting a massive data download, all right?
Getting totally red-pilled, God-pilled, and Christ-pilled so you're actually awake and you're educated and informed.
They make it seem like there's something wrong with that.
I get irritated.
And I don't get irritated with people like that because I'm a talk show host and the majority of my shows are at least over an hour long every single day, five days a week.
I don't get irritated because you guys should listen to everything I'm saying for an hour plus.
No, I get irritated because There are so many PsyOps being run on us, guys, it's insane.
How did we end up becoming a culture, this 15, 30, one-minute-second culture, where that's the attention span I have, and that's all I'm going to entertain?
That's all I'm going to download.
That's all I want to listen to.
You give me anything more than a minute, then screw you and shut up.
You're irrelevant.
I don't want to hear it.
Like, what is that?
That's low IQ.
That's what that is.
That's a psyop on your mind.
All right?
That's a total psyop on your mind.
Because God has given us intellect.
God has given us a mind.
He's given us the ability to download information.
And once you're born again, you're totally jacked out the matrix.
And then you can truly discern what's true, what's not, what's error, okay, what's false, what's honest, what's accurate, what's of God.
You can discern good from evil.
You have the abilities, right?
You get totally just like...
You're like a Transformer.
It's like the Power Rangers.
You become born again, you're just like Mighty Morphin.
Let's go!
You know what I mean?
Like, that's how it works!
But God has given us this.
Okay, you worship the Lord your God with all of your soul, your spirit, all right?
Your body, your mind as well, right?
So the mind cannot be neglected, but the mind can be psyoped, and it can be stunted.
And the point I'm trying to make is, I don't know, I've been thinking about this a lot.
And I've been thinking, like, how did we end up in this place?
Where we have an entire generation that will not listen to you if you post something that's over a minute long.
It's like this TikTok generation.
And then you peel back the layers, you're like, well, who's running TikTok?
Who's PSYOP is that?
Well, it's the CCP.
It's the Chinese.
And what are they good at?
They're the total opposite.
The East has that.
They have patience.
They have that virtue.
These people are willing to sit and wait for us to destroy ourselves for the next hundred years so they could quietly subvert this country, buy up all the land, Start to strategize, taking over the power grids.
This is what the Chinese have been doing!
And they're doing it very patiently.
Well, we're like, well, your video's too long.
It's a minute long.
Shut up.
Just get on with it.
Get on with it, right?
Yeah, that's low IQ.
That's a psyop being run on your mind.
And at the end of the day, we know it's all demonic.
So I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I think You know, I don't know.
I'm just I'm just thinking here, man.
I I've been thinking you look at the New World Order and you look at Klaus Schwab, you look at Bill Gates.
And what have they all been saying the past?
This is kind of like recent the past couple of years.
China's the new model.
We love China.
We love the CCP.
Look at what they're doing.
And you think and you stop to yourself and you think, well, what do they mean by that?
Well, obviously they love their social credit score system.
They love the biometric system.
They love the way that things are locked down with a centralized dictatorial ship like this authoritarian fascist, you know, technocracy that they have so they can control the people, right?
They love that.
That's attractive to the New World Order.
That's attractive to the WEF.
They love that stuff, right?
But I think they're also learning the art of not just putting out their plans so quickly.
They're putting them out in waves.
They're putting them out in phases.
And I think they're being more intentional about it.
We've seen that in the past.
Alex has covered this stuff for decades.
You could take a look at their writings.
You could take a look at what they're predicting for the future.
Taking a look at what they're predicting for humanity.
They slap a date on it.
It's like the next five years, the next ten years.
I think what they're doing is they're rolling out some of their plans, and I think the climate hysteria, this is what I really believe, I could be totally wrong about this, whether it's like the fake alien invasion that's coming, or whether it's the climate hysteria, the false flags are already there, you guys!
Like, they're already happening!
It's already happening.
It's like, it's not some massive event.
The final end game, like the goal, alright, the result of what they really want to do with these kind of agendas, there will be that huge event like a 9-11, like I said, Pearl Harbor, COVID-20-22 lockdowns, and the rollouts of the force vaccines, which I think that was a part of the phase that comes in waves, it comes in levels.
And I think they're learning that virtuous patience to, well, let's wait a little bit, Let's roll this out in phases because what we've learned in 2020 is that we kind of lost.
We kind of lost.
We went a little too far.
And we got rejected, but we did gain some ground because what we learned was millions of Americans, just like post 9-11, they were willing to sacrifice their security in the name of what?
Public safety, right?
Just hand over your freedoms, hand them over to the government because we're gonna keep you safe.
Stay home, save lives, right?
But I think what they also learned and what they're learning from the CCP is Well, let's just launch these in waves.
Let's propagate the minds of millions of people.
Let's just run this climate propaganda, this fear hysteria for the next 10 years.
Just keep doing it.
Keep doing it.
Keep doing it.
Okay, now the federal government's going to come out and we're going to give a hint of alien disclosure.
Okay, biological entities that they're all confirming, which NewsNation, you know, the whistleblower, Grosch, I don't trust that guy.
He looks totally smug.
He looks like a little, I don't know, there's something about that guy.
He's got Deep State written all over him.
I don't trust that guy at all, all right?
But, you know, that's that.
But, you know, all of a sudden they're starting to run these operations.
I guess I'm gonna, I don't know, maybe I'm gonna coin this now.
It's like, it's like these These false flag waves, that's what they are, these false flag waves kind of preparing the future, kind of preparing the minds and preparing the public for the ultimate false flag in the very end, right?
And I think that's what they've been doing for the climate cult hysteria, with all the propaganda they've been giving us for, what, for the past, what, 50, 60 years?
Okay, and you're seeing this amplification right now, like Alex was just talking about.
Well, someone died in Death Valley, like that's never happened before!
I mean, it's so insane to see CNN, like I just said, come out and say, these are the hottest temperatures we've ever seen in the past 120,000 years!
I'm supposed to believe that?
Yeah, unfortunately, people still jacked inside the Matrix.
They believe that.
They believe Greta Thunberg.
They believe all of these systemic... It's systemic, guys.
You know, they love to talk about systemic racism.
But what about systemic globalism?
What about systemic communism?
What about systemic false flags?
Leading to the ultimate false flag that I'm describing right now.
I think that's something we really have to start leaning in on.
Because I see it every single day.
It's like they're slowly chipping away, chipping away, chipping away.
False flag here, false flag there.
Moving it forward, moving it forward.
Look at the temperatures in Arizona!
They're a hundred and... They're a hundred and thirteen!
Dude, they were a hundred and twenty like three years ago!
They're acting like it was hotter now than it was three years ago!
What is that?
That's propaganda, and where is it leading us to?
You see, the ultimate endgame, when they come out and say, well, recently I've been covering this on my show, I know InfoWars has as well.
You've seen this amplification, this acceleration.
The Biden administration is in cahoots with the UN.
They're coming after your refrigerator.
They're coming after your gas stove.
They're coming after your AC unit.
They're gonna ban, okay?
They're literally gonna ban the distribution, okay?
Of gas-powered generators, and we all know what that means, right?
But that clip that Alex just played, what the UN psychopath says in the beginning is, all humans are to blame.
Did you catch that?
All humans are to blame, while he himself, a dirty, disgusting, you know, overweight, smelly, sulfur, you know, degenerate, UN proxy of Satan, agent of Lucifer, you know, a human, well, he gets to sit up there and, you know, all of you down there, all of you down there, you disgusting, dirty peasants, this isn't about your refrigerator, This isn't about your A.C.!
This is not about your gas power generator!
This isn't even about fossil fuels!
You thought that's what this was all about?
Those were all the false flags, guys.
Those were all the PSYOPs.
Those are the waves pushing further and further and further and further to the ultimate.
The ultimate end game goal.
And what is it?
He said it in that clip at the very beginning.
Humans are to blame.
This is not about your gas.
This is not about your gas power generator.
This is not about your refrigerator.
This is not about fossil fuels.
This is about you!
This is about killing you!
You are the one!
You are the one they blame!
The UN today comes out and blames all humans while they themselves are humans, right?
While they themselves are the chosen ones.
While they themselves are the gods.
They themselves are the saviors of humanity that are going to save every single one of us.
You see, that's the end game.
That's the end game.
They push the climate hysteria.
And once the ultimate false flag drops, whatever that may be, like I said, dude, I do not put it past these people to come out and start to say, I think that's why the story that Alex just covered and the Biden administration is totally considering it as well alongside the UN.
Well, how do we block out the sun?
How do we block out the sun to combat climate change?
Holy crap, dude!
Like, I don't put it past these people to come out one day and say, well, you know what?
A solar flare has just launched from the sun and it's gonna get here in eight years.
You are all going to die if you don't live in a 10-minute city that's like 500 feet underground.
Okay, and you got to stay in there.
You could never come outside, because if you do, the closer that solar flare gets, you are all going to die.
So go into your underground 10-minute city, live there forever, AI-controlled, federal-controlled, worldwide, New World Order-controlled.
Do you run it past these people to do something like that?
I don't.
I don't.
Look what we just lived through in 2020.
I guarantee you, if you were to tell people that 2020 was going to happen, With the forced lockdowns, the bioweapon launched, and forced inoculations, you would be called a crazy person.
You would be called a conspiracy theorist if you were to tell someone 30 years...
Before 2020, even 20 years before 2020.
You want to know what you would be called?
I'll tell you what you would be called.
You'd be called Alex Jones.
That's what you would be called.
You would be called the ultimate conspiracy theorist.
So the stuff we talk about here, guys, I don't put it past these people.
These people are willing to do anything to the point of killing you, your family and your babies for ultimate global control.
We'll be right back.
It's going to be a great show.
All right, guys, we are back.
Shout out to all the InfoWarriors worldwide based out criminals watching.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
You are now watching the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
And as I was saying before we ended the last segment is, you know, these are some of my thoughts, you know, these are some of my thoughts that I've been thinking about.
And, you know, I think being a little more, you know, a little more intentional about really piecing together every single one of these waves.
All right.
Like I said, they love talking about systemic racism and everything's white supremacy and they could never point to it.
But I could point to systemic globalism.
I could point to systemic communism in the West.
I could literally point you into the direction of the UN writings.
I could point you into the direction of the WEF calls to action and their implements, their strategies that they all pontificate every year at Davos 2023, especially this year, right?
Yeah, we can point to real systemic globalism.
I think that's what I'm describing.
And the reason why I say that is like, just take a look at the CCP and how patient they really are.
And you look at Klaus Schwab, the WEF, Bill Gates, all these global elites, they look at China as the model.
They salivate over Xi Jinping.
They wish they had that model worldwide.
Yes, they love the zero COVID lockdowns.
They love the social credit scores.
They love the biometric, you know, system, the hive mind, you know, centralized system.
They love all of that.
They love every aspect of it.
But they also, I think what they are really learning, I could be totally wrong about this, but I think they are learning that virtue of patience.
Of really waiting.
And really rolling out your strategy in phases.
Roll out your strategy in waves so that you can get the masses to get on board with your tyranny very slowly while the propaganda gets rolled out.
Because I think they went a little too far ahead of themselves.
And I think they're learning a playbook out of the East, a playbook out of the CCP, where you wait.
You watch your enemy die.
You slowly infiltrate.
You poison them and you sit back without them even knowing you did it.
Befriend them.
Make it look like you're their friend.
Get in.
Poison them in their sleep.
Poison them when their back is turned.
Don't even let them see it.
Don't even let them feel it.
And then slowly sit back.
And watch them die over the years.
That's what the CCP is doing to the West.
And they're doing it effectively.
And I think that's also why the World Economic Forum and the global regime loves them.
And they're learning how to truly destroy the West.
Because the American spirit of freedom, guys, it's here.
It's not going anywhere.
That's why InfoWars exists.
That's why all of you based patriots are here every single day.
You're in the Infowar.
You're in the Holy War.
You're fighting this thing every single day.
You and I ain't going anywhere.
And if they really do want to fire a shot, I'm not calling for violence.
I'm not a man of violence, but I am a man of self-defense.
Especially when it comes to defend myself against tyrannical regimes that want to overthrow my homeland.
1776, baby, right?
But what I'm saying is, and they know how that's going to go for them.
But I think the more strategic way is subversion, which they have been doing for decades.
And I think the Global New World Order, the World Economic Forum, they come out, they've unmasked themselves.
They all come out and say NWO.
They all come out and say New World Order.
They all talk about, you know, the future of the social credit system, the future of the cashless society, implementing VR systems, the hive mind where the AI controls everything.
Let's just, you know, Noah Yuval Harari says, you know, we don't need religion.
We could just write a new AI religion.
Why not?
Let's just worship the AI God.
Just casually comes out and says it?
But I think they are gonna roll out their plans in phases.
I think the systemic globalism is something that they are really practicing, because I'm seeing it more frequently.
I'm seeing it more, and particularly with the climate hysteria.
I think that's gonna be their next move.
I don't know how it's gonna go down, but I see, and that's why I'm saying, it's like when Jesus said, like, you know the signs of the times.
You know the coming of the Son of Man is near.
You know the coming of the end is near because you could tell the same way you could tell the signs of the seasons.
What did Christ say?
Well, you know that, you know, fall is coming.
You could tell by the trees.
You know that spring is coming.
You could tell by the environment around you the same way as when you know that the Son of Man is on the verge of his return.
You see the signs of the times.
Bible prophecy.
Take a look at what's happening on the world stage.
A push for a New World Order.
A centralized cashless society.
Global economy.
World coin just dropped.
There's viral footage of dozens of people getting in line just, here, take my biometrics so I could enter into the New World Order.
Like the Asians, you know, like, Hi!
New Ododa!
Take my biometrics!
It's like, let's go!
Let's go!
Like it's freaking Six Flags, dude!
They're lining up!
You guys have seen the footage.
It's up on Band.Video.
There's articles.
They're lining up?
Like it's the new rollercoaster at freaking Six Flags?
You know what I mean?
Remember the old days when there would be like lines for like two, three hours for like the biggest rollercoaster?
Or like when the iPhone first came out, you saw like lines for like just miles outside of the Apple Store for the new phone.
You don't really see that a lot anymore either, because you just get it mailed to you.
Or even for movies, you don't see that a lot as well either.
You know, just that like, that hysteria, you know what I mean?
That hysteria for the next new thing.
That's how, that's how the cashless society is going to be offered up to humanity.
Oh, it's going to be offered up on a golden platter.
Oh, it is going to be so attractive.
It is going to be a piece of technology that is irresistible, quite literally the equivalent to looking at the forbidden fruit.
Oh, you will acquire knowledge.
You will acquire things that God is keeping from you.
You will acquire the next level of your human experience.
Literally, the Garden of Eden, okay?
That is how the Mark of the Beast is going to be marketed to humanity, which I find interesting that that's the logo that Apple decided to choose.
But anyways, you know, it's all interconnected, all the spirit of the Antichrist.
But, you know, that's how it's gonna be received.
People are gonna flock to it themselves.
They will flock to the Antichrist.
This is biblical, guys.
I'm giving you eschatology.
The world will flock to this guy and his new system.
Total rock star.
They're not gonna fear him at first.
This is the delusion.
Like moths to a flame.
Totally attracted.
It's like flies to poop.
Just like... We love it!
Give us more!
Give us more!
Give us more!
Like, it's not going to be like some scary thing.
Yeah, when he unmasks himself and his total world-dominating tyranny unloads, yeah, then people are going to be like, oh crap, who are we believing in?
This is not a messiah, especially the Jews, because Israel is going to accept the false shepherd according to their own scriptures.
They just can't see it yet because they're under a great delusion, but God will save them in the very end.
He has a plan for Israel.
But, you know, they will see the real messiah.
It was Christ they crucified as a people 2,000 years ago, and they'll repent of that.
They'll repent of that.
But you know, that's how it's going to be accepted.
It's this attractive piece of technology that's going to change the world.
It's going to unify the world.
Oh, it's irresistible.
It's going to take us to the next level.
What a worldwide economy that I'm jacked in like that.
Can I just think it?
Can I just think it through like Neuralink?
I could just think my bank account and I could see the numbers through augmented reality out of my eyes like a Black Mirror episode.
I don't know.
Maybe the technology's there.
I mean, Apple's already getting the VR.
They're rolling out the VR.
That's actually augmented reality.
Yeah, they're AR goggles.
I think I got that wrong.
Or are they both?
Yeah, it's like it gives you the augmented reality where you can see things.
Okay, there's a difference between VR and AR.
Virtual reality is still within the goggles.
You're just looking at a screen.
Okay, but AR is the image that pops up like a hologram in your eyes on your goggles, but it looks like it's standing right in front of you.
Okay, the technology exists, guys.
It's here, man.
It's here, baby.
The Mark of the Beast infrastructure exists.
The technology's there.
It could get kicked in gear, high gear like that.
Look at WorldCoin, man.
Digital passport, literally biometrics, a new digital currency that people are flocking to.
That's what I wanted to point out to people.
Because there's always going to be like a push for a cashless this, cashless Bitcoin, some new technological this or that for the economy, get rid of the dollar.
But what's interesting about this world coin thing is you got people literally flocking with their eyeballs like, here, here Satan, take my eyes, take my biometrics, take them now so I can have access into the new world order, take my soul, take my soul, take my children, take my biometrics, just let me live!
RDN4Warriors, we are back.
I want to thank you guys for tuning in to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I want to invite you guys to make sure to go subscribe to my, uh, my base little Rumble channel.
Just go to rumble.com backslash Drew Hernandez.
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There's like so many fake accounts on Rumble of me.
It sucks.
But, uh, I'm the only one with the green verified badge.
So make sure to subscribe to my channel.
We get based.
I host my show, uh, Monday through Friday at 8 p.m.
That's 11 p.m.
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That's at 4 p.m.
Pacific and 7 p.m.
So, salute to every single one of you guys.
Thank you guys for tuning in.
Also, follow me on Twitter at Drew H. Live.
And don't forget, guys, make sure to go get your Brain Force Ultra because I'll tell you, man, like, I got some energy, man.
I'm lit.
I'm lit by the Holy Spirit.
But, you know, sometimes I do need that pick-me-up, you know, around 2, 3, 4 p.m.
I encourage people, if you're looking for something that isn't giving you crazy jitters, that might be your thing.
If you love that, get the TurboForce, man.
But if you need to go to the gym and just get super lit and get pumped like Owen Schroyer, you know, veins bulging.
Owen's lit, dude.
When you see him on air, he's got the neck vein.
He's got the bicep.
Aw, totally base Chad, right?
But if you're just looking for something, a quick pick-me-up to keep you awake during the day, I encourage you guys to get the Brain Force Ultra.
Do it right now.
It's on sale.
I think Alex said earlier that the sale is ending either tonight or tomorrow.
So make sure to go.
I think there's a good combination of Brain Force Ultra And uh, various other as well.
So make sure that you guys go do that and support the broadcast because that is how we survive, guys.
It's literally the only way.
It's literally the only way.
We are not supported by Soros.
We are not supported by conservative media.
I'll tell you that right now.
InfoWars is not supported by the conservatives like Fox News and all those uh, You know, traitors.
Anyways, anyways.
Okay, okay, okay.
So just go to InfoWarsTore.com.
Make sure to support the broadcast.
I wanted to hit on the fake alien invasion that I truly believe is gonna be potentially rolled out.
So, like, if you take a look at the Bible and you take a look at, particularly, Ephesians chapter 6, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against, you know, principalities, spiritual hosts of wickedness, in the, you know, heaven, in the heavenly places.
But you also take a look how the Bible makes it very clear that, put on the forearm of God, that you might withstand the wiles of the devil.
And what does that mean?
It means the strategic schemes, a very well thought out plans of Lucifer, okay?
And he's the prince of the power of the air, the interdimensional, which I find interesting, all these UFO, UAP whistleblowers.
And I've been I've been paying attention to this for years.
When I was a youth pastor in like 20, maybe 16, 2017, you know, I've always been obsessed with this stuff since I was a kid, but ever since I became born again, I'm like, whoa!
And I really know what's going on.
And you get Christ-pilled.
I remember warning, you know, the senior pastor in my church in like, yeah, like 2016, 2017, I'm like, hey man, the US government is getting on board with some disclosure.
They really are.
The Navy, they got whistleblowers.
They got Commander Dave Fravor on Joe Rogan.
You know, you got him becoming a believer again because they're credible sources.
He's literally, Commander Dave Fravor is literally the equivalent to Tom Cruise in Top Gun Maverick.
Like literally, he's the real life, real deal.
So when they get a guy like that up, like how do you argue with him?
I don't disagree that guys like that are actually having experiences in flight.
Especially when they were, you know, serving in the service.
But the other guy, the Air Force guy, the other one, you know, I don't, I don't, I don't, you know, what's his name?
David Gorsh.
I don't, that guy just has deep state written all over him, dude.
I don't, there's just something about him.
If you guys watched the hearing yesterday, every time he was asked something like very politely, he's just like, um, I can't answer that question, but I'll do it in a skiff.
So thank you.
Uh, like, sir, so, uh, you're saying that, uh, the government has known about biological entities and crashed crafts since when?
Um, the government's known this since 1930s, and that's all I can say on that.
What the hell is wrong with this guy?
Did you guys see the clips?
They're like, I don't believe this, dude.
Come on, man.
This guy's got Deep State written all over him.
This guy's, this is disinfo.
It's gotta be, man.
They could have picked somebody better.
But anyways, you know, I just, I just, It's a complex situation.
It's a complex topic because you have to address it theologically.
Because on a theological level, the Bible does speak of, and you know, these whistleblowers are all coming out.
This is interdimensional stuff, man.
Like, we don't even think these are like traditional, you know, craft These things are coming in and out of reality.
This is how they all talk.
You know, and I remember I would tell my pastor like 2015, 2016, they're all coming out, dude.
They're getting ready for disclosure.
And the US government is getting some credible sources to roll out this narrative that this stuff is all real.
And I remember I'll never forget telling my pastor and he looked at me and he said, that's all nonsense.
Because I remember saying, well, are you going to address the church?
Like, are you going to biblically break this down?
Because this is going to rock a lot of people's faith.
You got to be able to accurately, like, talk about this theologically.
I was like, you know, and I said this politely, like, what are we going to do as a church?
Because I'm concerned.
As a youth pastor, I was telling the kids, like, dude, they're going to come out, take you up on alien invasion.
This is what the Bible says.
You guys got to be ready.
I prepared those kids, man.
So they know what's up.
Uh, but I'll never forget, Pastor looked at me and said, well, you know what, that's just a bunch of nonsense.
It's nonsense.
We don't need to address that.
Like, all right, dude.
All right, you old wineskin.
All right.
So anyways, you know, it's just, it has to be theologically addressed because when you hear the United States government, credible sources and whistleblowers come out and say, well, we're dealing with something interdimensional here.
And you're like, oh, whoa, you're using the word interdimensional now.
So, and then you got the other Air Force whistleblower, the David, Mr., Mr. It's like, what is that, dude?
I don't know.
It's just weird, dude.
Anyways, you got, you got that guy coming out and say, well, we, we, we, the U.S.
government has recovered biological entity.
We have them, right?
And we have crash craft.
But then you get other whistleblowers that are like, well, we believe this is interdimensional and these things are coming in and out of the atmosphere.
They're flying alongside of us.
You've all seen the footage.
They're flying alongside of us.
Same speed.
There's no propulsion.
No evidence of any propulsion.
You don't see any gases.
You see nothing coming out of this craft.
They come from like, you know, 80,000 feet.
They drop down to 100, go back to 80, and then disappear out of thin air like it's nothing.
And you're like, Okay, what are we dealing with here?
You know, they say, well, we think it's interdimensional because these things are popping in and out of reality.
And then that's why I say this has to be addressed theologically.
Because if, if the world, okay, I'm going to speak as a Christian, I'm going to use Christian terminology.
If the world is saying we are dealing with something unknown, interdimensional, we don't know how this thing operates.
That lets me know that there's a huge question mark here, while at the same time, I have some serious answers within the Holy Scriptures where, listen, you live in an interdimensional world, in an interdimensional universe, a reality that God has created, because God is reality.
If God is true, if God is truth, that's the question that Pontius Pilate was just, like, totally side-blinded by.
Like, what is truth?
What is truth?
What does that even mean?
What does that even mean?
It really hits somebody, right?
Your quest to find out what is true will end up setting you free, correct?
The truth shall set you free because Christ is the truth.
The gospel is the truth.
God has engineered this reality.
He's got the blueprints, the simulation we live in, and I'm not talking about the matrix they try to keep us in.
Because you and I live in a reality that God has placed us in.
We can only see so much.
And you see in the Bible, yes, we live in an interdimensional universe and world where some of the prophets and some of the men of the Old Testament have faced armies before, been totally freaked out, and then the holy men are saying, hold on, hold on, take a look again.
Look a little harder.
You know what I mean?
Like the Lion King?
Look a little harder.
And then the scales come off his eyes and he sees the holy angels on the mountains and they're totally surrounding him.
He's like, oh, okay.
While the human army's there, the human army can't see it.
But his eyes are opened up to the reality of a different dimension, and the beings that live inside of it, and they're warring back and forth.
You see, when Daniel was praying and he was interceding, asking God for help, the angel responds and says, I heard you when you were praying days ago, but I had to deal with that demon over Persia.
We were fighting back and forth, and here I am now, man.
He's like, wait, what?
What does that mean?
Prince, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and power, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
So it's just interesting when you hear this disclosure being rolled out.
And again, what did I say at the beginning of the fourth hour?
They're rolling it out systemically.
They're rolling it out slowly.
They're getting the population.
They're giving you little bits here and there.
Here's a little crumbs there.
Here's a little crumbs here.
It doesn't taste very good, but you'll eventually learn to love the taste.
So when you get the final course, when we launch, I don't believe the deep state when they tell me not to look into the election, but I believe in the deep state when they tell me to believe in aliens!
Yeah, give me a break, I don't trust these people.
already been confirmed in your mind by us that all of this is real because the
government told you. Interesting huh? I don't believe the deep state when they
tell me not to look into the election but I believe in the deep state when
they tell me to believe in aliens. Yeah give me a break I don't trust these
people. Alright War Room starts right now in a couple minutes.
You know I don't compare myself to a gladiator but the last time one of the
greatest talk show hosts in American history came on the broadcast he compared
to a gladiator and I was very very honored.
Well, Alex, you're the gladiator and you keep on pounding the opposition there.
I love it.
How do you keep doing it?
What are you taking?
I really am in the arena and I'm all the way in the arena and I realize it's that animating contest.
So when it comes to battling the globalist, I'm not trying to entertain you.
I'm trying to inspire you.
To politically not submit and to say no to them.
But at the end of the day, are you not entertained?
Are we not the standard, together, the audience, the guests, myself, all of us, of resistance?
I'm just blessed to be here and blessed to know you.
Here's that clip.
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Is this not why you were here?
[crowd cheering]
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