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Name: 20230726_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 26, 2023
2379 lines.

In recent episodes of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses various topics including the possible impeachment of President Joe Biden, Hunter Biden's legal troubles, the ongoing UFO hearings in Congress, and the importance of free speech. He promotes various products available on his store, such as high-quality colloidal silver, ultimate bone broth, sleep aid supplements, and storable food and water filtration systems. Jones argues that UFO sightings are advanced space planes developed by the United States, not alien spacecraft or evidence of a New World Order. He warns about the dangers of ignoring these facts and encourages listeners to care about human rights and the truth behind globalist agendas. The podcast mainly focuses on an interview with Dr. Jane Ruby about her work with Team Enigma investigating COVID-19 vaccines, highlighting the importance of different herbal formulas that cater to individual preferences and needs while promoting their sleep product at a discounted price.

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Now it's like, oh, now they're going to do something because Biden isn't following his orders.
No, the victory would be the FBI director and the head of the Justice Department, the Attorney General and Obama, the real president, the real puppet president.
They all get indicted for enabling this and allowing this.
But oh, now, no, it's the senile Biden.
He's all to blame.
Perfect timing.
And right on top of it, Hunter Biden plea deal falls apart at a hearing.
And now they're talking about, oh, unregistered foreign agent charges and sex trafficking charges.
And oh my gosh, it's just his luck ran out.
Hunter Biden's luck just ran out.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
worldwide in defense of human liberty. It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's news today.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Deep State New World Order occupiers of our republic are
Are now pressing the lever on the toilet and beginning to flush the turds known as the puppet Joe Biden and his crackhead pedophile son Hunter.
Told you it was imminent.
I predicted Tucker Carlson will be fired within the next month.
One month later he was fired and I've said on record in the last two weeks that They're imminently going to charge Hunter Biden with more charges.
They're going to take his plea deal away.
And they're going to file impeachment charges now, finally, because Biden didn't step down.
They don't want to have the embarrassment of frying their puppet.
But Biden's trying to be a real boy.
He's trying to stay in charge.
And they're saying, no, no, no, you must make way for Gavin Newsom.
Roger Stone is seldom wrong.
He's definitely one of the best political minds out there.
He really says they've got Big Mike ready.
And it'll be Big Mike and Gavin Newsom.
I think it should be Big Mike and somebody else.
People say, oh, they removed Biden.
It'll be Kamala.
No, she knows to step down when she's told.
That woman's even dumber than the brain-dead Biden.
I mean, he's as dumb as a box of rocks.
She's as dumb as an entire quarry of rocks.
You see, the more mindless rocks you have, it creates negativity and stupidity.
So, just like clockwork, the impeachment is suddenly on with McCarthy, Speaker of the House, and suddenly, just a month ago, said we couldn't do it, suddenly the plea deal for the crackhead pedophile Placeholder for the Obamas.
And their third administration is bye-bye.
Speaker McCarthy says House readying to bring impeachment charges against Biden imminently.
And now suddenly the corporate media is focusing on his gaffes.
Something they weren't doing before.
And showing you the daily ones that we show you.
Where he said COVID-19 killed 100 people.
He said the same speech.
He said that Biden had cured cancer.
And then talked about kids and child porn.
So we got those clips for you.
It's all coming up.
Hunter Biden plea deal falls apart at hearing.
I predict Hunter, if Biden doesn't figure out what's about to happen to him and step down, I predict that Hunter will be indicted within two weeks for more crimes.
If Biden steps down and begins the process of the new globalist puppet, They don't want to just destabilize normal elections and
steal those.
They also want to make people step down and things.
It's like you always have one Pope for thousands of years.
Now you have two Popes at once.
The globalists admit it's all about confusing people, all about creating
just a normalcy for regular status quo to not be the case.
Like, hey, two men can have a baby and we're going to cut your son's, your seven-year-old son's penis off.
It's liberal.
And a man in an admiral outfit is going to talk about how the state needs to take your children away and mutilate them.
It's all about normalizing just totally insane, cuckoo world craziness.
So, that's coming up.
And you knew they'd do it.
You know, I said this was obvious three years ago, they were going to pull That COVID causes heart damage, and so all the heart attacks exploding is because of COVID, but it's the people that are the most vaccinated with the poison shot that are having the high levels of strokes and blood clots and heart attacks and myocarditis.
And here it is.
That's what they're saying now.
USC basketball.
How a COVID-19 infection could have impacted Bronnie James Hart.
But Bronny James took all the vaccines, all the experimental shots!
I thought he was protected.
Oh, well, that's it.
He didn't take enough shots.
Well, just... Then LeBron, I think, should start taking one every month and see how it does for him.
Because these folks will never admit they were conned.
Can't do it.
And that's why pretty soon, I guess, his whole family will be pushing daisies.
Killing themselves because they can't admit they've been lied to.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Better look out?
What have I told you?
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday, July 26, 2023 transmission.
And all hell is breaking loose.
They've got the main alien invasion, PSYOP, going in Congress.
Bluebeam has begun.
Got expert guests coming up, third hour.
Incredible highlights of the ongoing UFO hearings, where they say the government's hiding craft and aliens.
And it's the same PR story they've been putting out for 60 plus years.
I'll give you the inside baseball coming up.
And I'm not saying we're alone in the universe, but this whole thing is part of a larger PSYOP.
So we're going to be looking at that.
It's official, Biden's refused to step down to make way for the next puppet operation.
And so Speaker McCarthy has been given the green light by the Deep State, says House readying to bring impeachment charges against Joe Biden imminently, and they've withdrawn the plea deal, the sweetheart deal for Hunter Biden.
Now he's facing serious jail time, and the word is they're getting ready to indict him for human trafficking and more.
Of course, all of this will not happen if Joe Biden just takes the blame for the whole new order agenda and fades away.
And I've been predicting that it's in the cards.
I'm not saying it's going to happen, but if he refuses to step down and makes a scene that a right-wing extremist, close quote, is going to truck bomb him or shoot him at one of his events and then they'll recycle his death Turning it into that he's a patron saint, like George Floyd, and that it's the right wing that did it.
I really think they're going to recycle him that way.
I hope and pray that's not the case.
I actually pray that God send angels to protect this man so that he can stand trial for all of his crimes and not be turned into a martyr.
But I want to just tell you, if you don't see that play coming down with everything else that's going on, I think you're blind.
So we're all in a very dangerous, very, very serious time today.
We also have a lot of prominent people losing their bank accounts, and they try to go get other bank accounts.
Everybody says you can't have a bank account.
We went through this five years ago, and it's like, well, that's just Alex Jones we're doing it to.
And we had to do some very creative things to even continue to operate.
And now it's Dr. Joseph Mercola and all of his employees.
And a lot of people say, well, you better just back down and shut up and not talk about the poison shot.
Yeah, let's give in to the murderous bullies and then they'll be nice to us.
What made us an open, free country was Americans didn't take crap from the British Empire, who were sweethearts compared to the New World Order, and fought an empire never defeated and stopped them through perseverance.
And so understand, you give in to the New World Order, you keep bending over, you keep groveling, it only makes it worse.
The ocean in which they swim is your submission.
And then of course, I say and, and, and, we've got hundreds of different stories here.
You knew this was coming.
How are they gonna say all these hundreds of football players are collapsing and dying, and basketball players, and the heart attacks everywhere?
Why, it's, it's COVID!
COVID attacked their hearts!
Now they took all the shots, they didn't protect them, but you're supposed to forget, you were told, take the shot, it works 100%, it's great, you can't get COVID, and you can't share COVID.
In fact, pull up Biden saying, When he was president, right when he first got in, but there's a bunch of it where he said, if you take the vaccine, which it's not, you cannot get COVID, and you cannot spread it.
We have Rachel Maddow saying that.
But now we're like, okay, it doesn't protect you, and it's the COVID.
Well, why is the COVID mainly killing people in really good shape from heart attacks?
No, it's the spike protein, and we have the studies in people that have really high oxygen levels, It supercharges the growth of it, and you get spike protein blooms in your heart, and you're bye-bye.
And I told you, they're now saying that LeBron James' son will never play competitive basketball again.
His heart is shot.
USC Basketball, how a COVID-19 infection could have impacted Ronnie James' heart.
Yeah, maybe a leprechaun did it too, not that shot.
They say a variety of problems, but they never say the shot.
It's okay to say COVID, or maybe a Keebler elf did a magic spell on him.
Maybe a bird flew over and pooped on him.
Maybe the wind blew.
Oh, we already heard.
Yesterday, ESPN said it's the hot weather.
They were playing basketball inside in air conditioning.
Oh, heart attacks are up worldwide because of climate change.
So it's climate change.
Remember Dory from, pun intended, from Little Nemo?
Or Finding Nemo?
And it's a species of fish that has like a 5 second attention span.
Goldfish have about a 12 second.
And the fish can't ever remember anything.
So from minute to minute, she's meeting her friends and not remembering that they were her friends.
Now that's a literal issue.
Well, it's the same thing as saying global warming.
You gotta pay carbon taxes, you gotta get rid of your car, you gotta not have kids, we gotta euthanize old people, I mean humans are bad, carbon dioxide's evil.
We've gotta get rid of it.
But that's why now, every time there's a particularly hot summer, and this is a hot summer.
But you see headlines saying, Death Valley record temp 130.
And then the record temp is 134 in 1913, look it up.
But they're just lying to you.
And it turns out last year it hit 130, and the year before it hit 129.
But yeah, the temperatures fluctuate year to year.
But I have this weird thing called a really good memory, and I remember the temperatures When I was 10 years old, and 14, and 13.
You know why?
Because we had a year of heat spells, and people were dying on the football field during two-a-days, so they canceled the second two-a-day, and I sure loved that year.
Because I only had to play two-a-days in the morning, and not go back after lunch.
And it was exhausting.
I remember it being 113, 114 degrees.
But now they tell me 105, 106 last week is the hottest ever recorded in Texas, in the area of Texas where I live.
Now that's just not true!
But that's why they lie to you.
Yep, there it is.
What was the hottest day in Texas history?
Almost 30 years ago, the West Texas community of Monahans had 120 degrees located in Ward County, about 30 miles from Odessa.
The extreme temperature was marked by June 28, 1994.
Hey, let's go look at, let's go see what Monahans, look up, let's look up West Texas temperatures right now.
Pull up a West Texas heat map on July 26, 2023.
And I'm going to bet you, it's a little earlier in the day right now, it's 11 o'clock central, 1114, I'm going to bet it's 95 degrees in West Texas right now.
And I bet at 4 o'clock when it peaks, I bet it's 107.
Let's check back during Owen's show today at like 5 o'clock.
That's 4 o'clock when it peaks.
And I bet you money in Monaghan it's 105, 106, 107.
That's my bet.
And I bet you right now it's 95.
Let's pull up West Texas.
Let's pull up Monaghan's.
And let's see what it is.
Let's blow that up.
I said 95, 96.
Pull it up.
And right out there where Monaghan's is, it's 96.
And right there on the Mexico border, it's 100 degrees.
Now, let's see today if it gets up to that temperature.
Is that current temperature?
It says 102.
Okay, so it's hotter than I thought.
And what was the record there?
So let's see today if it gets up to 120.
I bet it doesn't break 110.
That's still hot.
So yeah, we have, it's hot in Texas.
Man, if you had any memory, let's go out to break with Dory real quick.
Well, let's come back with Dory.
If you had any memory, you'd remember that Texas is hot in July.
Stay with us.
I mean, I know that's a conspiracy theory now.
What distinguishes whales and elephants and humans, higher orders of life, Is that we have long-term memory and complex social orders and can shape and control to a great extent, particularly humans, our environment.
Fish are very beautiful in their big schools, but they've been studied and have very, very short attention spans, particularly prey fish.
And they talk about that in the children's movie, Finding Nemo.
And I make this point a lot because humans have long-term attention spans.
Humans have good memory.
But people don't train themselves to do it.
In the modern world, memories are much less of what they were, and attention spans are much, much shorter.
In fact, a lot of people, 20 and younger, I saw a study a few months ago, have attention spans shorter than a goldfish, shorter than 14 seconds.
And with the clicking and the dopamine and the phones and everything, all of us are basically being dehumanized.
And that's really the problem.
Scott Bronson, one of our great producers, worked at GCM previously.
I've known Scott over 15 years.
John Harmon, I've known almost 20.
They ended up moving down here five, six years ago from Minnesota, beautiful Minnesota.
Freezing cold in the winter, gorgeous in the fall and spring and summer.
It's nice up in Minnesota in the summer, you know, it's like 80 degrees.
Well, when they moved down here, it was definitely a rude awakening.
And Scott, I asked you to get on the microphone in there.
When you moved here five and a half years ago, six years ago, because you remember that this is not the hottest Texas has ever been, far from it.
We can pull the statistics up, but you have something called a memory.
So we're going to talk to you, the anti-Dory, here in just a moment.
But first, here's Dory from the movie.
Oh, sorry!
I didn't see you, sir!
Are you okay?
He's gone.
There, there.
No, he's gone.
It's alright.
He's gone.
It'll be okay.
No, no, they took him away!
I have to find the boat!
A boat?
Hey, I've seen a boat!
You have?
Uh-huh, and it passed by not too long ago.
A white one?
Hi, I'm Dory.
Which way?
Oh, oh, oh!
It went, um, this way!
It went this way!
Follow me!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you so much!
No problem!
You quit it?
Trying to swim here.
What, the ocean isn't big enough for you or something like that?
You got a problem, buddy?
Do you?
Want a piece of me?
Yeah, yeah.
Ooh, I'm scared now.
Wait a minute.
You're following me, okay?
What are you talking about?
You're showing me which way the boat went!
A boat?
I've seen a boat, it passed by not too long ago.
It went, um, this way!
It went this way!
Follow me!
Wait a minute, wait a minute!
What is going on?
You already told me which way the boat was going!
I did?
Oh, no.
This is some kind of practical joke!
It's not funny!
And I know funny!
I'm a clownfish!
No, it's not.
I know it's not.
I'm so sorry.
See, I suffer from short-term memory loss.
Short-term memory loss?
I don't believe this!
No, it's true!
I forget things almost instantly.
It runs in my family.
Well, I mean, at least I think it does.
Where are they?
Okay, so that's what's going on, and if you read the globalist war manuals against us, because they think we're dumb animals and we act like it, they talk about short-term memory being gone, long-term memory being completely gone.
That's how they rule us.
And they do it over and over again.
I'm about to give you free tuition.
Oh, sorry, can't.
I'm about to give you free tuition.
Sorry, I can't.
And they just play everybody along.
When people could train themselves to have memory.
Like, when you want to remember that perfect Hail Mary at that NFL game, where it was so much fun, you remember being there, you remember the crowd, because that's a memory you value.
Well, you can start valuing having a memory.
And that's what makes your brain keep those synapses going.
But if you just sit there in front of a television all day, and want to be entertained, and don't do real things, You get to the point where you have no way to differentiate what's really going on, and that's how they lie to you.
Like, do you remember communism always kills masses of people and doesn't work because it's not designed to work?
Because the International Crime Syndicate of megabanks funds it, and British intelligence puts it into your country to enslave and kill you.
Then the communist system becomes a client of the multinational corporations.
Look at China.
There's real systems.
And that's what's so frustrating to me is the globalists have written a bunch of books that I read.
And they tell you how you're a dumb animal.
They talk about us like we're dumb animals to their other buddies and talk about how easy it is to dominate us.
And the people say, well, why don't you just join the globalists?
And you know what?
I can really see why Bill Gates thinks you're dumb animals and just wants to kill you.
Because they get away with so much and he has this disdain for everyone.
I was driving to work this morning and there was an idiot In the fast lane going 10 miles under the speed limit.
It's a 75 speed limit.
He was going about 62.
And there were other idiots in the other two lanes, all driving like morons, not knowing the right lane is for getting on the road and exiting the road.
And the shoulder is for farm equipment or horses.
Still under law.
And the middle lane is for the regular driving.
And if you've got more lanes, the point is the left lane is for passing!
I want to sell a shirt that says, IQ test.
The left lane is for passing.
And it's dangerous.
You gotta drive around them.
And sometimes a bunch of them get there and just block the whole road in their moronic idiocy.
And most of the time they've got some liberal sticker on their electric car.
Because these are the losers, folks.
These are the people that are morons.
That don't understand how the road works.
Something any idiot... You wanna drive slow?
Get in the right lane, moron!
You want to drive medium speed?
Get in the middle lane, screwball!
You want to pass?
Only use the right, the left lane for passing!
I know everybody knows that, at least our audience does.
But let's bring Scott in here.
Scott, you moved here.
They're telling you this is the hottest Texas has ever been.
Is that true?
Uh, no.
The first year I was here, it was over 100 degrees for like 100 straight days.
And it was, I mean, coming from Minnesota, it wasn't as humid as what I was used to up there, but it was hot.
For like 100 straight days, it was over 100 degrees.
But we don't just have to believe you or believe me.
We can look up statistics, and this is not anywhere near the hottest ever.
Not at all.
It's not even close.
It's not even close.
You know, they've even started doing things like, you know, man dies in Death Valley due to heat.
Well, it's called Death Valley.
Like, it was named Death Valley because of how hot it was.
So, like, they're just trying to change things as they see fit to fit a narrative that isn't there if you actually have a memory.
Well that's right, I was reading record number of deaths in Death Valley, because the liberals are all going there to show the temperature and talk about global warming, and then they're too stupid to fill up their radiator or bring enough water.
You know, I guess if I was going into a place called Death Valley, I would figure out why it's called that, and plan accordingly.
Yeah, new step, folks.
Don't go to Death Valley when it's 130 degrees.
Even new cars will break, you'll be stranded, there's a good chance you're gonna die.
Because it's called Death Valley.
Good point.
Thank you very much, Scott.
All right, we'll be back.
I'm gonna go into the impeachment of Joe Biden.
It's imminent now.
Stay with us.
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Do you remember what happened about a year and a half ago?
Project Veritas got a senior CNN producer to say, yeah, COVID's all just a big hoax.
We've been told that.
It's all a big power grab.
Vaccine doesn't protect you.
And then the person talking to him on a hidden camera says, well, what's next?
They go, what's next?
We've been in all the meetings of the corporations that own us.
We're going to hype climate change and scare the hell out of people with a bunch of tricks up our sleeve the next few years.
And that's what this is.
You know, until the advent of air conditioning, most people lived in the northern parts of the United States for good reasons, because to live down here in the South or out in the West in the desert, you got to be a little bit crazy.
I mean, There's areas of West Texas that get up to 120.
There's areas that get up to 130 in Nevada.
125 in Arizona.
Always have.
It's been going on since humans were here.
That's why there weren't many Native American tribes that lived out there.
And if they did, they lived in very small little groups in valleys that were protected and had water.
But again, the average person doesn't know history or geography or have a memory, so they sit there and they walk outside, and you walk outside right now on Blacktop in Austin, Texas, it's 100 degrees, and your feet are burning.
You can fry an egg at 3 p.m. in the middle of August or the middle of July in Texas.
In fact, growing up in Dallas, they had these big green boxes, metal boxes, that covered the underlying underground power lines and underground telephone lines.
And we, for fun, in July and August, when it was 110, when I was a kid, it was even hotter then.
That's what the statistics show.
It peaked in the early 90s and has been going down some.
Still excruciating.
We'd go out and fry eggs and eat them right off the top.
We'd go out and bake cookies as a joke on top of those power boxes.
That's the kind of weird stuff we did.
We did other things that weren't good.
I always hear the story about George W. Bush putting firecrackers in frogs' mouths.
I never did it to a live frog like he did, but I have stuck a firecracker in a dead frog's mouth.
The point is, is kids do stupid stuff.
And I just remember that, and I have this weird thing called a memory.
And it's very, very frustrating.
Now, let's get rolling here.
We have a journalist joining us who's an expert on the deep state and what's really going on with the rollout of the UFO phenomenon.
It is a big deal what's going on right now.
When I started the show today and I said all hell is breaking loose, all hell is breaking loose right now.
And the whole system is in a point of liquification.
And that's how it's described by political scientists the last hundred years or so that there are points in history that make up the majority of the time scale where things are relatively static or are in a status quo position.
But then you enter times of great upheaval when things liquefy or become pliable and for forces that Understand that and are engaged in that, you can reshape the next 50, 100, 200, 300 years and their trajectory during those periods of time.
And we are in not just one of those periods of time, but we're in a super period of that right now, a period of super change.
And so you can see evil moving at every level it can to take whatever it is you believe was previously how the universe worked.
Two men can't have a baby.
Two women can't have a baby.
Oxygen is good.
Carbon dioxide is good.
Trees are good.
They don't want to cut those down now they're bad for the earth.
Serious CNN headline.
To just get you where you turn your back on self-preservation, the life force, common sense, and let them have control, because they do have cures for cancer.
They do have free energy.
They do have incredible forms of transportation that, because America was the freest country and had the brain drain of the world, even surpassing the Germans and the Russians and the Japanese, The United States was able in the arms race, the technology race, to get exponentially ahead of everybody else.
And so now they want to have a way to have a breakaway civilization where the elites get all the life extension and you don't even get anything except death.
You're being phased out.
They're through with you.
And it's not going to be 500 million people that are allowed, like the UN says, to stay alive.
If you serve the globalists and do what they say, you're going to get to be part of the Star Trek future and wear your little onesie outfit and you're going to be part of that.
They're not going to leave 500 million around either.
They're going to create one entity consciousness computer that interfaces the biological life, sucks all the codes out of it, and then creates a new species that's silicon-based, and the decision's been made to overwrite the entire planet and create a new evolutionary system, basically playing God.
Now, obviously that plan's probably not going to work too well.
The globalists are projecting their own hatred onto us.
So much of their plans fail, but regardless, they were able to hijack the incredible mind trust, brain trust, that is what developed in the Renaissance and developed in Europe and developed in the United States.
And so, the decision has been made to wipe everybody out, and to wipe out all the plants and all the animals and all, just everybody.
All the insects, everything.
So when they say we're the guardians of Earth, we want to get rid of humans to save the Earth, we love chemtrailing, we love aluminum dioxide, we love barium salts, we love exploded nuclear reactors, we love radiation, we love silicon, we hate carbon, we hate what carbon does.
Cows fart, you know, so do humans.
And you also exhale carbon dioxide.
They're literally building an alien system here on Earth.
The aliens exist, not from some distant star or even another dimension, though that's going on both.
The main attack is the globalists have been inspired by a pre-programmed genetic code or by an inner space transmission is how most of them believe they're getting it.
To take this on and then commit this operation to rewrite the planet and turn us into a silicon system that only needs sunlight.
The Earth will then be jacketed in solar panels and this new entity will use it as a base.
So we've been sent the plans.
Western scientists got so enamored with the fact that they can interface with this, probably because of genetics, and now they're building it.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Humanity is at the crossroads of crossroads, the flux point.
Our future destiny is being decided now.
The truth is, you were made by the divine God of the universe.
You have free will.
You have the capacity to create incredible art, literature, culture, and inventions.
You've only begun to discover your power.
Don't let it be stolen by these technocrats.
Become conscious.
Reach out to others and form societies and cultures.
Stand for humanity against this attempt to kill us on the launch pad.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
So it was very easy to predict, and I've been predicting it ad nauseum.
We actually know how the world works.
They want Biden to step down.
He was a placeholder, a kamikaze operation against Trump.
They knew that when they stole the election from Trump, whoever did it would be hated.
He's really got lower approval ratings than even Jimmy Carter, but the skewed polls, he's right there with Jimmy Carter.
But we're told he'll defeat Trump by 30 points in an election by the pundits.
That's called brainwashing.
That's called gaslighting 2.0.
But the Obamanoid New World Order wants Gavin Newsom, who's been prepared, who's warmed up, who's ready.
They're gonna throw in the wild card according to Roger Stone.
I don't see it happening.
Too many closets in his... Too many skeletons in his closet.
Big Mike.
But regardless, they're rolling out the UFO CYOP we'll cover in the third hour, incredible developments.
They're rolling out the impeachment of Biden now because he won't step down, and the indictment of Hunter.
Is everybody that wants Hunter to get indicted?
I don't like Hunter Biden, and I don't like his dad.
They're arrogant, and they're both drug addict pedophiles.
I can't stand them, but... They're gonna throw these guys the wolves to, like, satisfy the anger in the country.
And then prepare you for the next group of saviors.
And it's just...
A fraud.
It's fiction.
Hunter Biden is a mindless crackhead.
His father is a mindless drug addict, the information's clear, and a pedophile.
And as much as I want to see them burn in hell, I'm simply pointing out the fact that they're getting ready to remove Biden one way or another, and that includes assassination, something I stand firmly against.
But if I was a betting man, I think Biden's so arrogant and so out of his mind that he does not step down.
And they're going to go with a spectacular assassination to blame on the right wing and the populist.
Or they'll just slip him something, gives him a stroke, and he dies.
They might do that.
It's a little too gamesy, a little too ballsy, a little too cattywampus, a little too wild.
I guarantee you they've got different operational plans.
They've got a plan to assassinate him and blame it on the Liberty Movement.
That's in the mix.
Probably not the card they're going to play, but they're really thinking about it.
And then they've got just get him to step down and then say he's had a stroke and he can go hang out in Delaware and the rest of it.
Or Maine.
Or wherever he sneaks around at in the middle of the night.
But he's not going to do that.
So they'll assassinate him or poison him soon.
And then they're going to indict Hunter right in front of you, the whole world's going to say, see?
See, the Justice Department's fair.
We've indicted Hunter Biden.
He's going to prison for child trafficking, sex trafficking.
And now it's legitimate that we're going after Trump because they know they've destroyed themselves.
This morning driving to work, I saw two M4's bumper stickers, without even looking, I just saw them.
Wasn't looking for them, just, well, there's M4's, M4's.
I saw two pickup trucks that said 1776, handmade on them.
One driving by a 711, one on the highway.
I'm like, that's weird.
And then I saw a truck right by the office that said, mandate freedom.
Not shots.
Written giant on the fuel tanks.
I mean, people are pissed, and the numbers show that.
So here is the Speaker of the House, McCarthy, saying they're ready, they're in the last phases, to impeach Biden.
Now, notice they said, oh, we're not going to do it a few months ago, no, no, never, no, no, no, you know, we're not going to try to impeach him because we don't have the votes in the Senate.
Doesn't matter, it's your duty to expose the fraud and have hearings and show why he's being impeached.
It's a political action and then that puts pressure on the Senate to have the trial and to vote to remove him and to convict him.
Justice be done, may the heavens fall!
Very good chance he would be removed completely because the crimes he's committed are so crazy.
And MTG having the huevos that most of the men don't have.
MTG's got gigantic brass balls.
Most men in the Congress can learn from her.
And her machismo, if you want to call it that, the men don't have.
She holds up the hooker sex and the illegal stuff right there, and the traveling women over state lines.
And then, oh, they filed complaints that she was showing porn and that she was showing revenge porn.
He's a public figure.
They covered up the laptop.
He's talking to Chinese spies with his dad on the phone and Ukrainian spies.
It's of national interest that we see that on national TV.
And they blurred out his pecker.
Oh, they want to show drag queen story time and pedo sex and pedo books to fifth graders that show little kids being molested.
That's okay, but they just don't want on national TV you to see what they're actually doing.
See how that works?
Oh, they want to show kids pedo books, but then when we want to ban the books being shown to kids, we're banning books.
No, we're not banning books.
We're not letting you have access to children.
So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
But again, we can celebrate this all day, but they're doing this because he won't step down.
Which still shows how weak they are, and how out of control stuff was, and how they thought his cognitive system would last longer.
But he was already cognitively really messed up during the election.
But man, as soon as he got elected, just, he's gone.
So they've gotta get rid of him.
He is a gibbering moron right now, as you know.
You know what, I'm gonna start the next hour and get to McCarthy.
And then Biden in the same little short speech saying he cured cancer, a hundred people died of COVID, and other lunatic statements.
But those aren't the craziest statements.
We have the White House press secretary saying the border is controlled.
It's the best ever.
Biden's done a great job.
Then we've got Mayorkas at an event being praised as Democrats say, whoo, great job on the border, which they mean.
Great job smuggling kids.
Great job all the death and murder down there.
Great job making our country fail.
With Fareed Zarkaria at the Aspen Security Forum.
It's all a sick joke.
Dissolving the border.
It's our security.
And then we'll get into the UFOs and so much more.
And a giant fat woman pole dancing.
I'm not just showing this to make fun of her.
This is important information.
Who's the bigger clown?
This lady?
Or this guy?
Who is very concerned with your children's genitals, Admiral Levine.
So, it's all coming up next hour.
Let me just say this real quick.
We're coming to the end in about five, six days of the July Patriot Pride Month.
And I was in an accounting meeting this morning, and we are $6,437.
That's right.
In the black.
$6,000 in the black.
Just so you know, that's like having fumes in your gas tank.
I'm not bitching.
I'm not complaining.
We've got satellite uplinks.
We've got the crew.
We've got our vehement.
We've got everything we're doing.
I want to expand in the election year, hire a bunch of reporters, hire reporters back, get on the road.
I'll be out there all the time, but that takes money.
And I got to have at least two security guys that are packing heat.
And so we need funds.
Thank you for getting us out of the red.
We are in the black.
That means the bankruptcy will get approved next month.
The word is.
And free speech goes on.
My personal one continues.
But that's fine.
I don't need anything.
I'm never... I don't worship money.
And so they keep persecuting me through that.
Do it forever.
I love it.
Seriously, I'm over the target.
That's what I got to go through to beat you people.
Enjoy yourselves.
The other side is spending a million bucks a month trying to shut me personally down.
I'm sending them off like $100,000 a month.
And so, when you see my salary is a million bucks a year, that's what it all goes to is just battling these folks.
But the judges let me have a salary, just enough to battle them.
That's how the universe works, but it's crazy.
But the reason you want to go to InfoWarsTore.com is not because you want to save Alex Jones, though I am kind of a symbol of liberty to them.
I'm not that good.
I'm not saying I'm the symbol of liberty to them.
I'm like the flag they want to capture.
I'm their chew toy.
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Get our full spectrum CBD oil, infowarestore.com, and there's a few signed copies left of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, at infowarestore.com.
I want to thank you all for your support, but whatever you do, spread the word about
the broadcast.
We'll be right back.
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All right, folks.
I want to give you a little prelude to what's going to be covered in the third hour.
We've got a bunch of over-the-top incredible statements from the UFO, imminent alien invasion hearings they're having.
store.com and get prepared while you still can.
Alright folks, I want to give you a little prelude to what's going to be
covered in the third hour. We've got a bunch of over-the-top incredible
statements from the UFO imminent alien invasion hearings they're having. Yeah, we're
not in Kansas anymore. Here's former National Reconnaissance Officer
Representative David Grush opening statement at the UFO hearing.
We have an expert on this, a great journalist joining us coming up in the third hour today.
But when we come back, I've already done a lot of coverage, but I'm going to run through what the impeachment of Biden and his imminent removal means.
Then we're going to get into all the military and corporate news.
We're going to get into the latest on the situation in Ukraine and so much more here today.
But here's that opening statement.
Mr. Chairman, Ranking Members, and Congressmen, thank you.
I'm happy to be here.
This is an important issue, and I'm grateful for your time.
My name is David Charles Grush.
I was an intelligence officer for 14 years, both in the U.S.
Air Force, both active duty Air National Guard and Reserve, at the rank of major, and most recently from 2021 to 2025, or excuse me, 2023.
Uh, at the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, NGA, uh, at the GS-15 civilian level, which is, uh, the military equivalent of a full-bird colonel.
I was my agency's co-lead in Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena and Transmedium Object Analysis, as well as reporting to the UAP Task Force, UAPTF, and eventually, once it was established, the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, ARO.
I became a whistleblower through a PPD-19 Urgent Concern filing in May 2022 with the Intelligence Community Inspector General.
Following concerning reports from multiple esteemed and credentialed current and former military and intelligence community individuals that the U.S.
government is operating with secrecy above congressional oversight with regards to UAPs.
My testimony is based on information I've been given by individuals with a long-standing track record of legitimacy and service to this country.
Many of whom also have shared compelling evidence in the form of photography, official documentation, and classified oral testimony to myself and my various colleagues.
I have taken every step I can to corroborate this evidence over a period of four years while I was with the UAP Task Force and do my due diligence on the individual sharing it.
This is because of these steps I believe strongly in the importance of bringing this information before you.
I am driven by a commitment to both truth and transparency, rooted in our inherent duty to uphold the United States Constitution and protect the American people.
I am asking Congress to hold our government to this standard and thoroughly investigate these claims.
But as I stand here under oath now, I am speaking to the facts as I have been told them.
In the U.S.
Air Force, in my National Reconnaissance Office, NRO, Reservist Capacity, I was a member of the UAP Task Force from 2019 to 2021.
I served at the NRO Operations Center on the Director's Briefing Staff, which included the coordination of the Presidential Daily Brief and supporting a variety of contingency operations, which I was the Reserve Intelligence Division Chief Backup.
In 2019, the UAP Task Force Director asked me to identify all special access programs and controlled access programs, also known as SAPs and CAPs.
We needed to satisfy our congressionally mandated mission and we were direct report at the time to the DEPSECDEF.
At the time, due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all relevant departments and in a position of extreme trust, both in my military and civilian capacities.
I was informed, in the course of my official duties, of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program, to which I was denied access to those additional read-ons when I requested it.
I made the decision, based on the data I collected, to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general, and in effect becoming a whistleblower.
As you know, I've suffered retaliation for my decision, but I am hopeful that my actions will ultimately lead to a positive outcome of increased transparency.
Now, I'm going to spend the entire third and part of the fourth hour today on the UFOs.
And you're going to get from me, I believe, about as good an answer as you're going to get anywhere from it.
All right.
I've analyzed this.
I've been well aware of it for a long time.
The people they have up there are what they call useful idiots.
And it'll take some time to explain this.
And that's the thing about knowledge.
You either have it or you don't.
You either have the capacity to Understand it or you don't.
And so if I tried to explain to you how I know this guy's a useful idiot, it would take probably five hours.
And I'm not saying he's an idiot.
That's what they call it, is a useful idiot.
But the most important point is, they never saw the crash sites, the spaceships or the dead aliens.
They were told by other people in the agencies about a secret program and then denied access to it so they would then go file this report and have this spectacle you're now seeing right now.
I know for a fact almost all the UFOs that we've seen on the news, the big flying Vs, you name it, are U.S.
Advanced space plane aircraft.
And I was told that by Dr. Bob Bowman, who was the head of the Star Wars program.
But I don't just need to believe Dr. Bob Bowman.
I've done my own research.
So, here's the bottom line.
I've told you this a thousand times or more in the last 30 years, 29 years on air.
When they roll out that the little green men are real, and when they tell you that they're way advanced than us and they're everywhere, the New World Order is about to go into overdrive.
And notice, they've rolled out the poison shots, the borders are wide open, two men can have a baby, pedophilia is everywhere, and now the little green men.
And all the Hollywood movies, and Men in Black, and just constant stuff going on.
There's not aliens at Area 51.
there's giant toxic waste dumps.
Now what is going on at other sites you don't hear about in Hollywood
is animal human cloning and stuff that makes that look tame.
And I told you about that decades ago and now it's out in the open.
Show them and explain this very slowly.
The corporations and the mad scientists have already created aliens on Earth.
Aliens means something that's never existed on the planet.
So when they create with their cyclotrons new elements, that's alien, never been there before.
When they splice animals and plants, make a whole new thing, that's alien.
And you can say, well, it still came from this Earth, it's not really alien, it's a mutant.
Okay, they've created with digital computers Using no biological life decades ago, metal that repairs itself and is alive.
That sounds safe.
Think that's going to get out and start growing?
You know, the best estimates are it's going to be something like interstellar, where you're not sure what happened, but something got out and this fungus starts growing in the atmosphere and blocking out the sun and killing everything.
Oh, oh, oh, and the White House just said two weeks ago they're going to start spraying stuff in the atmosphere, added to jet fuel to block out the sun.
Oh, and there's all these funguses suddenly taking over.
The new intel is they're spraying fungus in the atmosphere, creating interstellar.
Yeah, that's why when you go see something like that, folks, you need to know that means it's one of their projects.
So when I say don't worry about little green men, I say you better really worry.
Because from all our research and all the experts I respect, when they pull their UFO invasion thing, you know, buddy, it's bad.
And there's a lot of angles to this.
I'm already covering it.
See, I'll cover it next time.
I just can't hold stuff back.
Can you imagine the plausible deniability power of being able to say aliens start attacking cities or killing individuals?
And the panic that'll create?
They got biological androids.
That are six foot seven lizard people.
But they're not off-world, they were built.
They were genetically engineered.
And it's just a humanoid that grows this hideous exoskeleton.
They got it all.
I've talked to people that have seen it.
And let me just explain something to you very slowly.
My dad was one of the first thousand dentists or so in the country to successfully start putting implants in regular patients.
They had them for 20 years before the 80s, but nobody could really make them work.
And he went to some of the best schools after he'd already graduated medical school, and he learned how to do these implants.
And when in like 1984, 1985, maybe 83, I remember I'd listen around the corner to my parents when I'd leave the dinner table.
Sometimes I'd be coming down the stairs and I'd sit there Because the kitchen, there's like a living room right here, but the stairs come down here, and the kitchen's right here with the dining table.
I could listen to him.
And I asked him about this a few months ago.
He said, no, you basically heard the conversation, it's true.
They tried to hire my dad for $450,000 a year.
And all the other, like all of them, it wasn't just him, it was all the top implanters, There wasn't a bunch of them at that time, but they wanted him to head up a project.
Three months in, one month out, or something like that, in Maryland, at an underground base, and we even learned which base it is.
Now listen, this is not saying my dad's special.
In the mid-1980s, folks, they were scooping up the oral surgeons.
All over the United States to go be part of some cyborg project.
My mom's like, David, we're not moving to Maryland.
I don't care how much money it is.
And back then $450,000 was like $5 million.
She said, she said, she, she, my mom wasn't a threatening person, but she was like, I'm not going.
I'm moving to Austin.
I don't want to be here in Dallas anyways.
And you, you, if you want to go, go do it, but we're done.
He's like, I hear you.
I wasn't going to do it, but blah, blah, blah.
It's really.
That's the mid-1980s.
Can you imagine in the year 2023 what the hell's going on?
Folks, the globalists look at us now like they're aliens, and they're looking at us through a magnifying glass like we're just amoebas in a petri dish.
The same way the aliens in War of the Worlds fictionally looked down on us from Mars.
It's what they had space planes in the 70s.
They've got cancer cures.
They've got everything.
And that's why they're so decadent.
They're like, we're not going to give the general public life extension, and we're not going to let them know we've already got quantum computing, and we're not going to let them know that we're interdimensionally in communication with thousands of alien species.
They don't fly 8 trillion miles to come see us.
They inter-dimensionally fold space.
And they, Frank Herbert told you that in the 60s with Dune.
That's, and that's why they don't even criticize me when I get up here and say this, because this is all the big truth!
They've sold us out with the devil, that's the bad guys.
They've decided to get rid of us.
And Then they go and go, hey, we've done a psychological study on these guys in the quote, Pentagon Department that looks at UFOs.
Hey, they've got anti-grab, they've got 500, you know, mock stuff.
I mean, it just goes on and on, OK?
Yeah, you heard me, 500 mock.
But they can only do like 50 mock in the atmosphere or it creates explosions and a bunch of other crazy stuff.
Folks, Max Plank, not Einstein, nothing against Einstein.
They even say it in this new movie about Trinity and about Los Alamos and the bomb.
Einstein in the movie says, I really don't know anything.
I'm just a PR guy.
I'm really, which is true.
Einstein was a law clerk, a patent clerk.
But he did go hang around with Max Planck and the Germans, who 130 years ago had the equations for the atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, everything.
And then they have these movies out there about the Manhattan Project.
Where it's like, oh, these smart young men just come up with it all, and it's so cool.
But the point is, 50 years after they had the theoretical equations to make those weapons, they made them.
Folks, they're not theoretical.
That was 80 years ago, when they dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Now, where do you think we are from 80 years ago with atomic bombs to now?
Oh, okay, yeah, exactly.
So, watch your football, watch your LeBron James.
Do not read the Globalist documents.
Do not care.
And they are going to slowly go ahead and just poison you all to death.
I think that's the wrong thing to do.
It makes my soul feel bad.
Bill Gates and the Globalists are really creepy.
I've not been around them, but I've been around household names that are at that level.
And it all feels very robotic and anti-human.
So I'm on Team Human.
I care about you.
I appreciate you.
I love you.
But if you don't grow up and admit this is real, we're all dead.
And again, that's their pitch is, you know, and I've had off-record meetings with these people.
And I've told you about this a long time ago.
And they say, Jones, because you understand it means you should be with us.
People say, why do you even meet with these people?
I mean, of course I'll meet with them.
them I want to tell them they're wrong and this isn't gonna work so that's
what's so frustrating is people sit there they say is this real is it's not
real Ladies and gentlemen, it's all real.
They can create in a lab a part-gecko, part-human creature right now, and they have.
They can make a part-human, part-cockroach creature if they want.
So, anything you can imagine they're doing, and if folks, if you think killing somebody's a sin, or raping a child's a sin, you create abominations, the whole Old Testament's full of that, especially the first few books, where you create mutants, man, God's gonna knock us out.
Those are abominations.
We're about to go through some really heavy stuff.
Everybody seems to understand that.
And if I was you, I'd be on the right side of history with God.
So I'll talk more about this next hour, but a couple of years ago, NASA successfully Shot a missile at an asteroid coming by the Earth to simulate using nukes to knock the large asteroid off course, and their equations show they would have successfully done that.
That's a good use of technology, and that's a good open use of it.
But then it came out the program was really a cover for putting nukes in space, which they've already done, but they want to go ahead and normalize that that's what's happening.
And what I'm getting at is, we need to leave the children's table and go to the adult table.
Everybody's been at Thanksgiving or something like it, where the little kids are at the little table, the adults are at the other table.
And little kids are at the little kids' table because they don't need to hear about divorces and heart attacks and cancer, lawsuits, or you know, what's at the big person table.
But see, we're adults, so we need to be at the big person table.
Aliens have been created on the planet.
They're called Chimeras.
Synthetic nanotech creatures have been made that are complete aliens on the planet.
The globalists say AI is an alien and that it's a human interface.
The Google system, they believe, is already a live AI with 3 billion people a day, 4 billion people a day interfacing with it.
Live time.
In a symbiosis interface.
And then Yuval Noah Harari runs around saying you'll be part of the hive or you'll be obsolete and thrown out.
Can you imagine being in the hive, plugged in with that guy?
It's beyond Yuval Noah Harari tying you down and sticking his disgusting penis in you.
This, this rape is a trillion times worse of your soul and your mind.
Just like it's a thousand times worse with their filthy needle with an AIDS delivery system spike toxin that's going to attack your testicles and ovaries and your heart and your capillaries and your brain.
And it's all funny as they war game killing us.
And then what do we tell them when the celebrities die?
When their kids die?
Tell them COVID killed them.
What happens when they say they were vaccinated?
They won't put two and two together.
They won't think, oh, the vaccine didn't protect them.
They'll never know the vaccine did it.
All they want's an excuse not to stand up.
They're lazy.
It's our planet now.
And that's really the decision you have.
Does the planet really belong to Klaus Schwab and this guy in love with himself, Yuval Noah Harari?
Does the planet really belong to Bill Clinton and Lord Rothschild and David Rockefeller?
Are you really handing over your authority?
Do you really want to be a mad scientist guinea pig?
We'll cover it next hour.
But let me shift gears back into when I was sitting.
You notice the quickenings here.
Oh, the aliens are real in Congress.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, and Hunter Biden is a pedophile.
Oh, we're going to indict him.
Oh, we're going to impeach Biden all of a sudden.
Oh, there's war with Russia.
Oh, China's about to collapse.
Oh, a world digital currency is coming out.
Oh, the border collapsed.
It's all just getting you ready for something big.
We'll talk about what that big thing is after we play the club.
But here is the Speaker of the House, Kev McCarthy.
Suddenly, because the establishment told Biden to step down, he didn't.
So suddenly, oh, that immunity Hunter had, gone.
Oh, that protection you had over being a Chinese spy, Biden, gone.
That protection you had not to be impeached.
So you're watching, being taken right away.
Here it is.
They bribed the Bidens, okay?
This was given to the FBI.
When Bill Barr finally found out about it, he sent it to his office in Philadelphia.
They actually said that this was very credible.
The FBI kept this from the IRS individuals for them ever to see it.
So not only do they claim that they were bribed, we now find information that 16 out of 17 payments from Romania were provided to the Biden shell companies while he was vice president.
When President Biden was running for office, he told the American public that he's never talked about business.
He said his family has never received a dollar from China, which we now prove is not true.
We now have some of the most credible whistleblowers.
These 10-year IRS agents who have come forward said that the Biden family has been treated differently.
That what Weiss has told us is different than what Garland and Weiss has told the public.
And you're sitting here today where now you have found millions of foreign money, just what the 1023 alleges they did to Biden's family.
Now we found that it has funneled through shell companies.
If you're sitting in our position today, we would know none of this if Republicans had not taken the majority.
We've only followed where the information has taken us.
But Hannity, this is rising to the level of impeachment inquiry, which provides Congress the strongest power to get the rest of the knowledge and information needed.
Because this president has also used something we have not seen since Richard Nixon.
Used the weaponization of government to benefit his family and deny Congress the ability to have the oversight.
If we are talking about millions of dollars coming from our top geopolitical foes and that the Biden family has been corrupted and took in all of this money and he was complicit in that, wouldn't that mean that we have a criminal enterprise as President of the United States that had to be on every level compromised by countries that are not particularly fond of us?
Well, it's interesting that the Biden family runs, if they say, a company but never had an office and shell companies to be able to pay through.
But if they really ran it for foreign countries, why didn't you get money from France, from Germany, from UK?
Why does it have to be from China, Romania?
In these countries that have real challenges and had problems going through.
I believe we will follow this all the way to the end and this is going to rise to an impeachment inquiry the way the Constitution tells us to do this and we have to get the answers to these questions.
In the words of John Dean, a malignant cancer now is surrounding the Biden presidency and those walls are closing awfully tight.
This is not going the way I'm sure they wanted it to.
And then we have on the other side of it, the assistance of the DOJ and the FBI.
That's Jim Jordan's committee.
Mr. Speaker, thank you.
But nothing about how they already knew this five years ago, three years ago, right before the election.
Now it's like, oh, now they're gonna do something because Biden isn't following his orders.
No, the victory would be The FBI director and the head of the Justice Department, the Attorney General, and Obama, the real president, the real puppet president, they all get indicted for enabling this and allowing this.
But oh, now, no, it's the senile Biden.
He's all to blame.
Perfect timing, and right on top of it, Hunter Biden plead ill, falls apart at a hearing.
And now they're talking about, oh, unregistered foreign agent charges, and sex trafficking charges, and oh my gosh, it's just his luck ran out!
Hunter Biden's luck just ran out.
Now, the great Gregg Reese has taken Elon Musk to the woodshed, and again, I hire people because I like them, and I think they're smart.
And I respect your view, it doesn't mean we always totally agree.
I think the jury's out on Elon Musk.
But I think it's good to look at people's backgrounds and good to criticize them.
Especially when they're so powerful.
I think that's part of what we do, you know.
We're told by members of Congress, like Sheila Jackson Lee, you do not criticize Soros, you're anti-Semitic, he's above the law.
He can overthrow governments, take money from Hitler, round up Jews, take our rights, defund the police, burn, you know, fund burning everything down, don't talk about him.
No, I think you have a right to talk about him.
So we're going to go to break and come back with this Gregg Reese report.
I'll give you my comments on it after we do that.
Then I'm going to look at, well, how are they going to cover up what happened with the heart attack of LeBron James' son after the shot?
Well, they've done that.
I've already mentioned it, but I want to get more into that.
Elon Musk has chimed in saying it's the shot.
So that's another feather in his cap.
We're going to be looking at that.
We'll also get the latest Ukraine news.
It's really big.
Things are falling apart for NATO over there.
So what is NATO about to pull?
Tucker Carlson went interviewed in California, Ice Cube.
So that was interesting.
And so much more.
We got Rachel Levine, the guy in an Admiral outfit, dressed like a woman.
That's not creepy at all.
We got some of his comments about your children.
And so much more.
Of course, we got multiple chefs that work for Obama and the Clintons drowning.
I wonder if the Admiral had her ship out there, maybe could save them.
So, it's all coming up here today.
And then a special guest, Dark Journalist, will be joining us on the UFO.
He's got a compilation of wild clips from the UFO, Project Blue Beam, the hysteria situation today.
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And again, thank you for keeping us on air.
But whatever you do, spread the word about the broadcast.
Big report on Elon Musk coming up.
Elon Musk announced over a year ago that he planned to convert Twitter into an everything
app like China's WeChat, an app to do everything, including online banking and finance.
Last April, Musk announced that Twitter Incorporated has been renamed to X Corporation.
He created a new artificial intelligence company known as X.AI, and he partnered with eToro for stock and crypto exchange.
The media would have you believe that Elon Musk is an independent billionaire genius whose dream is to revolutionize banking.
But this story is demonstrably false.
The facts tell us that Elon Musk is a front man for the same old, same old.
But because he says there are only two genders, he has gained the trust of a radicalized people in a time of war without ever having to explain his lies.
Musk says he grew up poor, but his family was rich with emeralds and had a history of abuse and witchcraft, telltale signs of multi-generational mind control.
Musk received tens of thousands of dollars from his parents to launch his first business venture, a digital phone book known as Zip2.
Outside coders were hired to write the entire thing because Elon couldn't code.
Zip2 sold for millions and went nowhere, but Elon made 22 million dollars and with the help of the mainstream media launched his new persona as a quirky pop star genius.
He then acquired X.com and announced he would create an online bank known as X. He partnered with banking experts who all left the company after accusing Elon of lying to the media about the product, which is all he did.
Elon Musk is believed to have co-founded PayPal.
This is false.
In 2000, Musk sold his failing X.com business to Confinity, a company founded in 1998 by Peter Thiel and Max Levkin.
All Musk reportedly did there was insist on changing the company's name to X. He was forced out, but somehow managed to get them to agree in writing to remove all references to founders from the company website.
Musk made nearly $200 million off the sale of PayPal, a company that he contributed nothing to, and then used that money, along with the illusion of being a successful businessman co-founder, to buy his way into Tesla.
Tesla Motors was founded in 2003 by Mark Tarpenning and Martin Eberhard, who developed the Tesla Roadster.
When Tesla accepted millions from Elon, it came with the condition that he be named chairman of the company.
Even though he only contributed money, Musk was unable to hide his anger that the media wasn't giving him credit for Tesla Motors.
And after forcing Eberhard out of the company, he rewrote their history to have himself listed as an original co-founder.
The obvious fake persona of a billionaire quirky genius has worked so well that few even question SpaceX.
The official story is that Elon, who has absolutely no experience with rocket science, Came up with the idea for SpaceX while traveling to Russia with the CIA's Michael Griffin of In-Q-Tel.
Shortly after this conversation, Griffin was made administrator of NASA where he launched the COTS program.
that privatized NASA's rocket program and awarded $278 million to SpaceX, who had never made or flown any rockets.
Musk then partnered with rocket engineer Tom Mueller, who went on to produce rocket technology that has clearly been developed for years in the private sectors of the military-industrial complex.
Elon's companies have received billions in government subsidies over the last two decades.
Money that was later spent on the purchase of Twitter, where he immediately began the process of turning it into an everything app with its own banking system.
Or rather, the ruling class cabal that pulls his strings is turning Twitter into an everything app with its own banking system.
And that should be alarming.
But he says there are only two genders, and families are good, and people love a hero.
They don't need to chip you to control you.
We already have iris scanners and palm scanners.
A cashless society will do the job.
And for many, Elon's ex will be preferable to Amazon's palm scanners.
The illusion of choice will make your financial enslavement less painful.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
I think Gregory Soberall is right.
You have to ask yourself why they would then put somebody out who's going to pose as pro-free speech and pro-humanity.
Well, because they know that's popular.
They're going to want to control that.
And they're going to want to launch a bunch of those people.
And most of those people aren't even fully aware they're compromised, but they know not to go too far and at a certain point will follow orders.
I am not one of those people.
And that's why you see the other big talk show hosts that now behave like Alex Jones still don't interview me because they're not allowed to by their bosses.
And so InfoWars really is a litmus test for that.
Now, there's a lot of angles that go into this, but let me just very clearly go over this first point.
In-Q-Tel and the CIA created Google.
Oh, I forgot, before that they created Microsoft with IBM.
So, they, because IBM comes before the CIA and Thomas Watson, but the technocracy goes like this.
IBM, the CIA, Texas Instruments, the other big computer companies, Microsoft, and then
it goes from there.
All of these are military industrial complex front companies who have 10, 20, 30 years more advanced technology in them that they decide when to farm out and how, and they also put the government executives In those positions as well, in a revolving door.
But there are technocrats above them that are pulling those strings.
So of course Elon Musk is a hatchling of this.
But you've got to understand that Gillian and I like to, they've got the evil globalist, communist, total takeover plan.
They've got to have the Elon Musk plan over here.
That's the more open, free society version of it.
But does that mean that it's all one system?
The globalists don't have full control.
They're attempting to offer you a freer version of what they do,
because they want to fill every point of the compass.
And so undoubtedly Elon Musk is where he is, because he's smart and
diplomatic and and and and is good at politics.
The only part I would disagree with Gregg Reese is Gregg Reese acts like, you know, Elon Musk just handed all this, Elon Musk is a fool, and Elon Musk doesn't know anything.
Well, he just keeps making the right moves.
You just say, well, that's because somebody's behind him.
It doesn't exactly work like that.
But I'm not an apologist for Elon Musk.
Let's go back to Google.
In-Q-Tel gives them their first money in 1998.
Seems like a long time ago.
Also seems like five minutes ago.
And so, they tried to set up this AI system, which they have set up, of surveillance and control.
And remember, Google said, don't be evil, be nice, be liberal, be friendly.
Open web.
We don't surveil you, we don't censor you, we don't control you.
Now they're the backbone of control.
They were always like that.
But when you lay out some corn for the deer to come so you can shoot them, you don't shoot the first little deer that comes up, because you're trophy hunting.
You wait and leave the food out there for weeks and months, and I'm all thinking they're safe, or you close the net.
I just want to ask people like Elon Musk and others, do they really think in this net they're going to be safe as well?
A lot of them know they won't be.
That's why they want to get to the very top of the hierarchy to be safe, but in the end they're building the system of their own destruction.
We'll talk more about it straight ahead.
You know, I'm really glad that Scott, the lead producer, came in here during the break and he said, I want to make a really important point.
And like, he didn't know I was going to do this, but drag Scott in there back in front of the microphone.
Because I'm going to have him make these points in his own words.
He's a smart guy.
He should have his own podcast.
And I'm glad he came in here because there was a point I was going to make about Greg Reese's report about Elon Musk that I didn't get to.
Why does the deep state Farm out all these incredible discoveries to the general public and that's because it accelerates them.
But that's what President Eisenhower in his farewell address in 1961 talked about.
He said 90% back then, it's over 95% now, of corporate and governmental research and private research is done by the government now with its funding that's created a monopoly and that gives the people in control of that monopoly The power to decide what technologies end up getting promoted and adopted.
So he's famously known as the military industrial complex speech.
Because the left was jealous of the military.
That has nothing to do with it.
He said a technological ruling elite of scientists.
Pull the transcript of it.
Pull up a transcript.
It's all over the internet.
Transcript Eisenhower farewell address and type in Technological elite.
And he says a technological elite are now in control, not the people.
So then you say, well wait, are you saying they're good that they give it to us?
No, no, no, no, no.
They didn't give it to us like they're God and we're Prometheus.
They go out and find all the brains and all the highest test scores and all the tinkerers and all the researchers and all the little startups and they buy them up, they get control.
If you won't sell, they kill you.
Remember like 25 years ago there was a sat phone company in Canada that wouldn't give the CIA the back door so the director got killed.
And they sure gave them the codes then.
So, they go out and steal all our ideas, hoard them, sit back with them, and then they decide when are we going to promote them and they pick an Elon Musk.
To then bring it out to the public, but also to then get all the other billionaires to get jealous of the clout and how the media makes him a movie star.
And now you get Richard Branson, and you get Jeff Bezos, and like hundreds of the top billionaires are all in their own space programs, all because the CIA went, okay, we've got all this super high technology we've been suppressing, You know, we tell them we don't have the plans for the Saturn rocket.
Oh, we gotta go to Russia for their rockets.
That was to control the Russian space program.
Oh, Russia, we don't have rockets!
Can we come to you?
Meanwhile, they've got all space planes, giant rockets that take off, land, and they even got them perfected from the computer models and smaller models, so then they even go through the process of blowing up on the launch pad, and then, oh, the next one works, and Elon's like, next time it'll work fine, because they know.
Humanity's incredible.
We can do anything when we're left alone, so they allow limited development. So what Scott, the point Scott was making was
on the internet, he's totally right.
The good news is they think they're going to deploy all this stuff as the worldwide web to
enslave us, but instead it becomes the thing that overpowers them. So we're going to win in the end.
I just simply say, why doesn't Elon Musk and these people just totally turn on the new world order and why should we
have this model?
And that's why I want to say Greg Rees is wrong.
And I'm not saying Greg Rees is wrong.
Listen to what I just said.
I want to say Greg Rees is wrong.
I didn't say he's wrong.
I said I want to say he's wrong on that report that we'll post on the front page of Infowars.com.
Put that on screen so I can give you the headline.
Because if I was the globalist, And I've certainly been offered to go work with them.
I would back off this nuclear war plan.
It's not going to work.
It's insane.
There's 8 billion people, even if you leave a billion, they're going to kill the globalists.
If the globalists try to pull this off, it just causes total war, even primitive weapons They won't be able to stop everybody, and it's going to create a wasteland.
We can have open, free stuff in space.
You can have different colonies, whatever you want to be involved in, whatever you want to do.
I mean, we can really, instead of just sending ships around so the Pilgrims can go here, and the Amish go there, and, you know, the Catholics go to Louisiana.
People can go wherever they want.
They can do whatever they want.
But we leave this planet to be like a preserve of what the original human and biological systems and things are, as an ark.
The Earth remains an ark, is what I propose, and then We have massive spending, corporate and government, with all the great benefits of what can be mined in space and what can be done in space, and we make space.
Not Texas, not New Mexico, not Arkansas, not Arizona, not California, not Montana, not Wyoming.
The new Wild Wild West is space for adults to go there and do whatever it is, as long as you're not hurting children.
The off-world colonies, a chance to begin again, and a land of adventure.
That's been their plan the whole time.
But instead, they're genetically engineering and doing a bunch of stuff on the Earth that is super dangerous, and we don't have a major toehold in space.
We're on a Type 1 planet.
I say it's the death penalty.
You do the stuff they're doing that endangers the planet, until we get multi-planet.
And by the way, if you don't have a discussion like this, if you don't have a debate like this, the New World Order doesn't even listen to you.
You don't even get taken seriously until you understand all this.
I'm giving you first grade level information.
But this is at the adult table now, we're having this discussion.
So, I see Musk saying, we need fossil fuels.
I see Musk saying, We need to enshrine the family and we need to understand that communism is bad.
And I see Musk saying, we don't want to force anybody.
That is, I mean, here's what I'm saying.
The globalists don't have to go that far to get us to join their everything app and think that Musk is the answer.
Because what he's saying and what he's doing free speech wise is irrevocably damaging the overall New World Order.
So I think there's a civil war inside the New World Order.
And yes, Elon Musk is New World Order lite.
Because there's a bunch of people inside the power structure, and we're now seeing this, from Davos members and Nobel Prize winners saying, hey, the New World Order's not good, eugenics is not good, we're gonna kill everybody.
Stop this project of Francis Galton, and Malthus before him, and then John D. Rockefeller, and, you know, King Charles VIII, or whatever.
We have got to stop this.
Right now, ladies and gentlemen.
We have really got to shut this down right now.
This is not going to work.
Whether you're an average person like me that just loves God, or whether you... I can think like a globalist.
I can get in their mindset.
I can see the pieces.
And I mean, you need to abandon this right now.
You need to put the brakes all the way on.
You need to stop what you're doing right now.
I mean, again, I could have joined them, and I'm like, are you kidding?
Number one, God's watching.
This isn't God's plan.
Number two, this ain't going to work.
No, sir!
I am not getting on that bus with you and I just want to imagine there are other smart people in the power structure who are smarter than me, I'm sure that exists, who do not want to destroy everybody and who have a kind of affiliation with humanity and like care about who we are and want to see the next level of what we can do and that we know shuttering people and suppressing the general mass collapses things.
Innovation doesn't come from the top, it comes from the bottom.
I'm ranting.
I asked Scott to come in there and I forgot to ask him to come in there.
Scott, come in there and get in front of the camera.
You made your point.
Go ahead and make it to the wider audience.
Hey, Jones, I was just saying that the whole point is that whenever humanity gets the technology, We expand it at such a rapid rate that they can't ever contain it.
You can't, like take the internet for example.
They didn't realize that we would build the internet out as vast as it is and as far as it is.
You know, things like dark webs and things like that.
People like Wikileaks coming out and dropping all of their information.
All these things.
They've never planned for it and they hate that it happened.
And so now they're going to try and put it back in the bottle through their censorship, but it's never going to work.
Once the technology is out there, people are going to start using it, and they're going to advance it so far.
And that's why they're pushing, I'm going to hold you over, the anti-technology thing.
Just a year ago, oh, we don't want to ban your stoves, we have their documents.
Now, yesterday, we'll play the clip, we'll come back.
We have the press secretary saying, yeah, we're going to ban your gas-powered stoves and your generators and your water heaters.
I mean, why not?
They're evil.
So they're getting us used to every technology's bad, but their technology.
Stay there.
We'll come right back to Scott, the producer.
And in fact, Scott's hosting the next five minutes.
I'm throwing Scott in the deep end.
No, no.
Don't do that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And now, your host, coming to you from Central Texas Command Center, Scott Bronson, on secret technologies and why the globals try to buy them up and suppress them, but why that's a futile task.
And now, Scott Bronson.
I'm not happy you did this to me, Jones.
So, I just think that humanity as a whole and the general spirit of humanity is so strong and so powerful that when evil comes in and tries to curtail it or crush it or things like that, Humanity just has a way of fighting out of it.
Take automobiles for instance.
We've made so many advances and so many of those advances are outside of what they would want.
Go back to prohibition.
Some guy in the hills was like, I want to deliver moonshine so I'm going to create a car that's faster than anything they have.
And we did it.
You're going to see the same thing with anything that they do with guns.
If they would ever, you know, hey, you can't have anything higher than this caliber of a bullet.
Some guy is going to go out there and he's going to take that caliber of bullet and he's going to make it as lethal as anything.
So their only hope is to poison us and dumb us down or just kill everybody.
The only way they... In fact, that's what Zbigniew Brzezinski said before he died.
He gave a speech to CFR in Canada.
He said, we used to be able to control people.
Now we can't.
We just need to kill everybody.
But that's the thing.
You're not going to... We're God's creation.
You're never going to be able to kill his creation.
Not even the devil, who was also created by God, who is also only doing what God has created him to do.
There's only one creation that he made that isn't created to do something, you know, whatever he wants, and they're allowed to do whatever they want to do.
And that's us.
And so, sure, some people, you know, try and curtail it and crush it and control it, but that doesn't work.
And it's only through, humanity's always going to prevail.
I agree.
What do you think of Elon Musk?
Do you think he's a total fake, or does the system know they're losing and is that their attempt to bridge the gap and start moving back towards humanity?
I think Elon's no different than anybody.
I don't know Elon, so I'm skeptical of Elon.
He does some things that I like, and he says things that I like.
But I don't have any negative or positive opinion of him, other than that we agree on some things.
And he seems to speak out.
Like, take the Bronnie James heart attack.
He came out and said, you know, not everything is the vaccine, but some things might be the vaccine.
I think that's an important statement, because I do think people do pay attention to what he says.
And if you get those people to start looking at what he's saying, and they start digging into it, it's going to make their vaccine programs a lot harder to fucking... I'm sorry.
There you go.
Seriously, that's why George Soros has come after him and killed like 59% of his advertising.
I mean, the globalists, sure, he's got some backers who might be patriots of the US government.
He's definitely got bad globalists after him.
Absolutely, and they don't like what he does.
You have the U.S.
government now that is trying to... Elizabeth Warren came out and she wants to investigate what he's doing with Tesla because he bought Twitter.
That doesn't make sense.
What does Tesla have to do with Twitter?
Why is that somehow a conflict of interest?
He said things like he builds electric cars, but he says that he wants to, we still need gas.
He pushes for gas, you know.
Well, yeah, I mean, we'll never get to electric or any other technology unless we use the fossil fuels to get there.
That's why it's so dangerous.
They're building technologies that don't work.
Because I agree, we can't just have fossil fuel forever.
So to be moving away from that towards something that doesn't work is really dangerous.
But the thing is, is that even things like oil, We thought we had a limited amount of oil, and we've developed more and more technologies that make it so we find more and more oil.
We've never ran out of oil.
That's right.
Everything we were told was made up.
It's almost like it was put here for us.
It's bizarre.
It's weird, right?
Almost like there's quite a few of these things been set up.
All right, Scott Bronson.
Thank you.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today.
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Well, my phone has been blowing up today from a lot of really smart people I respect, saying,
"Man, this is a psyop going on in Congress."
Now, I was live most of the time they were on, but we did, the first couple hours before we went on at 11, tape it.
We've got some clips that are amazing.
But Dark Journalist is an independent reporter, filmmaker from Cambridge, Mass.
Darkjournalist.com, really smart guy.
I'm not going to get into all the documentaries and things he's put together with a lot of major whistleblowers and X Project Aerospace and more, but he knows what he's talking about.
I'm not saying there aren't little green men somewhere in the universe.
I'm not saying there isn't interdimensional stuff, but when you look at the story being put out in Congress, it's the same one that other whistleblowers put out over and over again that have been connected to a larger PSYOP.
And these guys haven't seen aliens, they haven't seen crash sites, but they're being told it's there and it's above Congress and the secret shadow government.
So right when the real shadow government, the intelligence agencies, the bureaucracies are being caught running our government, they're caught, that's real, running child sex trafficking, running drugs, now we learn there's another group secretly working with the aliens, and that's been the same psy-op for so long, told to us for 60 plus years, 70 years, By Hollywood.
We've got some amazing clips coming up.
I want to get your take on this.
Darren Beatty, who's a White House advisor to Trump and a professor, he texted and said, can I get on the show?
It's usually hard to get on.
This is a total psyop.
If he can pop in, we'll see if that happens.
But Dark Journalist, you've been watching this.
We've got a lot of the clips here.
Give me your analysis of this.
Well, it's good to see Alex.
I'll tell you, this was definitely rushed and they put this one up there.
They wanted to run it in the summer.
It was a trial balloon and to see if they could pull this off.
And one of the things that they had front and center there was the whistleblowers.
But you'll notice in the audience there speckled all these Intel people and they're ready to push the whole UFO threat aspect of this and they're using the conduit of the whistleblowers.
So what they'll do is they'll have a couple of Navy pilot guys who have actually seen things in training programs or whatever and then they'll plant in the middle of that an actual IC community Whistleblower quote-unquote and so we see James Clapper in the audience and we see other figures who've been involved in this from day one and the name of the game really is they've been working on this technology over 80 years and They've kept that from the public.
It's been outside of those channels their actual divisions within the government and That are completely unknown to the public.
It's just like the NRO.
Originally, when it came out, we didn't discover its existence for 25 years.
They're handling the UFO file and the UFO file is completely, the oversight of the UFO file is handled by the same group that handles the ultra-secret continuity of government program, which means you can't get any answers in a traditional congressional setting.
So this is really Uh, a lot of, uh, cover and fluff on the surface in relation to this.
Well, I know that I was able to talk to Dr. Bob Bowman a lot before he died.
I interviewed him over a decade, but I talked to him when he was dying of cancer.
Tough guy.
He drove her in his RV with his wife, was on my show probably 10 years ago, like died a week later of leukemia.
And, uh, when he came on air and just basically spilled his guts, but he said, I'm not giving out anything classified, because he said they've leaked a lot of this.
I'll tell you what they've leaked, but he said almost all of this is advanced craft we've got that's unmanned and that is, you know, based on hidden technology.
So, so much of our own ships, our own craft being harassed by all this is really North American, British technology.
The question I want to ask you is, where did they get it?
Why is the West so far ahead?
Well, it's a great point.
We know at the end of World War II that we got the bulk of the really ex-scientists there in the Nazi program.
So the bulk of the paperclip Nazis were the cream of the crop.
And Russia got some good scientists as well, but certainly the Germans were far ahead of anyone on this tip.
The thing is, the programs that have to do with the X technology go back even further.
And so we had that ability through Mystery School knowledge and through these other things to develop an entirely different class of technology Outside of traditional channels.
And, you know, when we look at the UFO file, we're talking about two things, because on one hand, you have this idea of the Tesla technology, and that's the real X technology and where it gets to.
The mystery schools also had a version of this through figures like John Keely, and they would move that technology around.
So you have all these stories that go back in the 1700s, 1800s of these craft, and you have news stories that sound just like, you know, Independence Day.
And there's paintings at the Vatican that are 800 years old of flying saucers with portals flying over the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus.
This is something that's been going on for such a long period of time and it's interesting that this gets us into the idea that once our own civilization, this is something that's coming up more and more, was more advanced and this knowledge was kept after a huge disaster in Earth's history.
Now we see so many scientists and independent scientists looking into this and saying the history is much different and we are kind of a species with amnesia in relation to that.
So, this is an aspect of a group that may have kept the technology over thousands of years, as far as that sounds.
And what happens is, when we look back on that history, you see things like the Ezekiel wheel and things of this nature.
There's the suggestion there of an advanced technology.
Even the Ark of the Covenant gets us into that territory.
Well, exactly.
And Plato, you know, 2,300 years ago, Almost everything he talked about, they dug it up where he said it was, they found it where he said it was.
He was a pretty serious guy, the father of philosophy.
He said out in the Atlantic Ocean there was this big base, they had this free energy source, they had automatons, they had flying ships, and then it blows up.
And that would really add a lot of credence to what we're talking about.
It does, because so much of the technology is a rediscovery.
You know, if we go in the 20th century from horse and buggy to rockets, you know, that's a serious jump, which suggests there was something there in Earth's past.
That got us there.
So let's update it to the UFO file.
When you get into the 40s, they have a massive leak of technology, and that happens right in World War II when all the nations are spying on each other.
And there's a lot of UFO espionage in that that goes on to this day.
As a matter of fact, one of the main reasons you won't get the real truth around the UFO file is the level of espionage involved in the different countries, because the country that's right close up to America in relation to the UFO file is Russia.
So, uh, you know, this is where you get a lot of the obfuscation around the naming conventions, like UAP, for example.
This is the Intel community's objective, which is they want to incorporate their own version of the UFO file with its own history.
And they want to name it its own thing, just like Homeland Security, you know, the homeland and things like that have nothing to do with the United States.
You know, the United States has a constitution.
The United States has a whole history.
But the homeland is just something that came up In relation to the last, you know, 20 years, and this whole thing has a whole program, you have a quarter of a million employees through Homeland Security, and Homeland Security is getting more and more involved in hosting the UFO file hearings as well.
So one of the things we can't go over a cliff with is the, oh, you know, aliens are here and there's a UFO threat.
That's the piece that they're trying to push and they're doing a really good job.
Well, I should have said that's the big question.
Why is this coming out now?
This is so cookie cutter from the original PSYOP of Roswell.
And then these whistleblowers repeat the exact Roswell PSYOP.
And what the previous whistleblowers said 30, 40 years ago, and then they say, oh, no one's ever released this before, we're the first, and it's the exact stuff that they've been pushing forever.
So they're following an exact script, but they sound genuine, like I'm told by everyone, it's suppressed from Congress, I never saw it, but they told me, and it looks like they've been picked because maybe they're autistic, I'm not trying to be mean to them, maybe they're, because they didn't come off as, they came off as patsies to me watching the clips I saw.
Oh, I think you're absolutely right.
And that's the thing.
We have to size them up and what do our eyes tell us in relation to these individuals?
And in particular, a lot of them now are saying, well, you know, this is what was told to me in secret session or whatever.
So in general, you know, they saw something that was connected with an advanced program and then they were given a script about what that thing was.
Yeah, they didn't have any personal experience of it, even this main whistleblower grush that they have out there.
He's saying people told him, he's heard about.
You know, these are all second, third hand stories.
There's no data to analyze, and that's exactly the way they want it.
So why are they creating a UFO panic?
It's obviously synthetic, what are they doing?
Well, they've been building this up particularly heavily since the 2016 election.
And one of the things I pointed out in relation to the 2024 election is the candidates, the Trump RFK candidates, were pushing for truth in relation to the culture generally need to be more, you know, come forward with the UFO file because that's going to be right in the center of the 2024 election.
I absolutely guarantee it.
And we're already seeing signs of it.
As a matter of fact, Edward Dowd, who you're familiar with and has been on your program, he's somebody who is now the co-treasurer of the RFK Jr.
He came out recently and said they're going to pose an alien threat to try to get out of all the financial problems that are coming.
This is the nature of how they can use it, which is emergency powers.
It's the crucial aspect, the UFO file, when we get To this area of technology.
They can roll out the advanced technology on one hand under the guise of we're fighting this alien threat and we have a UFO defense office.
Oh, and suddenly we captured one of them now we have it.
Oh, yes.
And you made a great point, too, which is they put forward Grush and they said, well, you know, this is the first time we have a high-level intelligence officer coming forward and saying there is recovered craft and things like that.
I mean, you know, Philip Corso was a colonel.
He came forward with that in the late 90s.
The original guy who found the Roswell wreckage, he was major.
He was in the first group that could drop the atomic bomb.
Exactly, it's that whole breakaway government that built the bomb, just continuing a new PSYOP, then they create NASA, it's all about a breakaway civilization, and now they're reporting on themselves to Congress, oh there's a breakaway group above you.
Because the way you control the narrative is, control the narrative.
That's an excellent point.
Look, this is very fascinating, too, because the breakaways need a way to break in.
They've kept things off the books.
You know, we haven't had a moon mission in 50 years.
Explain that.
You put all this money into NASA and you stop going to the moon?
You know, so these are the things that are completely unexplained.
And now they're like, we're going to go back with Artemis, you know.
Over 50 years later.
And why is it everybody that tries to go, the Russians, the Chinese, the Indians, their ships blow up because we've got the advanced technology and it's there.
It's not that we didn't go.
That's what I was told by Raymond Tigg before he died.
It's that they're not allowed to see what it is.
Well, that's fascinating because there's a lot that happens during the 1980s in the Reagan administration.
If we can really focus on two periods, it's the 1960s with Kennedy and then the 80s with Reagan and then the period with Trump and Space Force.
But if you go into the 1980s, there's a weird piece there where Reagan is saying, we're going to go to a zero nuclear option.
If you recall this with Gorbachev.
And that's very unusual because who are you going to replace it with?
So they had the advanced technology then and Gorbachev came out before he died and he was in this big hall with Kissinger and George Shultz and all these people.
And he said, Reagan came up to me and he said, if there's, you know, this alien threat is coming in, are you going to stand with us?
Are you going to fight off?
So whatever they had told Reagan, whatever they had shown him was directly related to the idea of a UFO threat.
That's, and Gorbachev said he was absolutely serious.
And it was funny because at the time Charlie Rose was interviewing him before the whole sex scandal.
And he was talking and his face is just frozen.
He doesn't know what to say.
And Gorbachev apologizes.
He's like, I'm sorry, you know, I laid so much truth on you.
And then, you know, Charlie Rose has a maniacal laugh and they flash to Kissinger's face.
That was a pretty big drop by Gorbachev.
And what he was trying to say was, look, you know, we've been dealing with this.
And they've been pushing up the whole idea, which is where they got Star Wars and SDI, to fight off an alien threat.
And one of the key pieces of information from that era is that there's a scientist who came forward and said, well, what they were showing Reagan were these large craft that were in the rings of Saturn.
And he came forward, he let that information out, and he was a NASA scientist.
There was no doubting his credentials.
So the question is, why were they scaring Reagan?
And that's how we got into that SDI situation.
And that's how they were able to, you know, set the tune for what they were going to do with a rollout of the advanced tech.
Back then, they decided against it, and now here the clock has swung again, and they have the right people in charge.
They have Biden, who's completely absent-minded and run by committee, and this is the perfect time because he can't get back in.
They're going to need the UFO threat piece in order to solidify that presidency going forward.
I totally agree, and that's what Kissinger famously said at the NBA in France in 1991 or 2.
He said, we had an outside threat.
Outside the world that would unify the world under the UN and you've got him going to China
You've got all this going on and then this major sign up This might be the emergency brake if they want to stop war
with China or stop war with Russia Because there's different factions inside the globalist
system. So you have the nuclear committee worry. We just make nuclear weapons
How do we make people stop it?
Well, maybe we develop a UFO threat with all the new technology we've got so that we can actually be the outside threat that can checkmate all these warring parties.
Just like they said, mutually assured destruction, nuclear weapons can stop war.
Well, wouldn't an alien threat unify humanity to stop war as well?
Now this is the idea exactly.
If we go a little bit deeper with that, what happens if you're staging a huge false flag invasion and you're really going for it in this fashion?
What happens if the real thing shows up?
No, this is the nature of the caricature, you know, very much like the hearings today are a huge caricature around breaking through that, you know, transparency.
And that government needs to give us the facts.
All those guys are the government.
They're all intel agents.
They're all Congress people.
You know, you have the DNI, the former DNI.
They're tattling on them.
I'm going to stop.
You're a genius here.
It's the system tattling on itself to give itself credibility.
What you said is key.
The reason they released COVID and the reason they killed all those people, the excuse was to the mid-level, we had to do it as a drill in case the real thing shows up.
But the way the brain works is if there's an alien attack they run, it's the same thing.
So they're basically building the excuse for an alien attack in case aliens show up, but they've already basically created what's the equivalent of alien technology, and they're creating animal-human clones, so it's actually normalizing what they've already really done.
I mean, you're talking about what is the term alien actually mean there?
And, you know, we've been given at this definition that they can always disprove.
Oh, there's nothing coming here from Venus or Mercury or whatever.
Yeah, we understand that.
That's a totally different question.
But the idea is that they are saying, well, you know, this thing came in from another system.
It was traveling At this unusual rate of speed and it was this huge Amuamua piece.
Now we have this Harvard astrophysicist who said, oh, I found a piece of this asteroid and it's actually alien intelligence.
That's the one really to watch, in my opinion, because what they're trying to do is come up with a number of different scenarios and see which ones will pull well enough in order for them to pull this off.
And, uh, but they certainly are ready to do it.
As a matter of fact, the connecting link when you mentioned COVID there to what's going on in relation to the UFO threat is look at April Haynes.
She is the DNI.
She was the deputy under Brennan.
She's the one who came up with all of these legal definitions so we could drone people overseas at wedding parties and things like of this nature.
And Brennan comes out and he's saying, oh, you know, my friends have talked about the UFO file.
There may be another form of life there.
So you're getting CIA disclosure.
But Haynes, his deputy, became the DNI under Biden, and she led all of these UAP days there in Congress, where she sits down and she talks to all these UFO experts.
Uh from the government and then if you look into her history just a little half inch deep you're going to find she's associated with event 201 and the Gates uh event with all the intel people before COVID hits in that November before which you've described So, once you start to see that, and you also start to see a lot of the UFO experts they're bringing forward are very big into viruses.
A lot of them have very big medical histories.
As a matter of fact, one of the main whistleblowers they've brought forward has patented a number of diseases.
So, a real deep look at the intel aspect of the UFO push and why the media is going for it.
We know the media under orders.
From the IC community for years, all of that CIA blocking around the UFO file.
Now they're getting the instructions, promote this thing, get it out there.
We need it and we need it soon.
We definitely need it by 2024.
And I've asked this question twice and you've given the answer twice, it's different angles, it's amazing, but just why do they seem so panicked right now to just create as much hysteria and crime and open borders and UFOs and race, man against woman and gay against straight, just all, like why are they running around like chickens with their heads cut off?
Because they're destabilizing a planet the globalists already rule.
I mean, to me, it's like aliens did put a gun to their head and say, you better start shutting things down or you're dead, because they all do look scared, like they're following a deadline.
That's just what I pick up from their body language.
I don't know exactly what they're up to, but they don't look happy.
No, I agree.
And it does seem like there's an extra player involved in the events that we're seeing, and they're willing to out themselves in a far more dramatic fashion.
You know, when you look at people who studied the Rockefellers and, you know, a lot of the work that you brought forward around Bilderberg and things like that, those groups would go in, study how to do the PSYOP, roll it out, take their time, make sure it looked respectable on the surface, and do all these things behind the scenes.
Now what you're seeing is a company like Nexstar Media, for example, going in and funding NewsNation.
And NewsNation has Chris Cuomo and all these kind of CNN rejects running it.
And they're the ones who are the lead on all the UFO stuff now.
They're behind everything that you see.
They own 200 stations.
So if you get into and look at the groups that operate on this level, you're going to find that in those continuity of government groups, they always select not just government people, but corporate entities and their CEOs.
And that goes back To when we were looking at Eisenhower and when he was dealing with the UFO file, he put in his emergency preparedness group, media officials from CBS and others.
So when you look at this continuity of government group, who's headed up by the NORTHCOM commander, General Van Hurk, when that whole balloon thing happened, they didn't put President Biden out there.
And I say President very loosely.
They put out General Van Hurk.
From NORAD, who's also the NORTHCOM COG commander.
So they wanted to put us in that pose of here's a dry run, this guy's shooting down UFOs, you know, it's a UFO threat, and General Van Hurk from COG is going to save us.
That's the link, that's the crossover that I see in terms of how they're going to do it.
They're going to do it through NORAD, and there's going to be that whole idea.
Now that's what they've been building up.
And the whole question is, can they accomplish something like that?
And can they do it in short order?
I think it's almost like the atomic clock.
I use this analogy.
On a number of my shows, you know, all these scientists get together and they're like, with all these actions that we're seeing around the world and Ukraine and everything else, we're that much closer to midnight, which means total nuclear disaster.
Well, in terms of the UFO threat file, I think we've moved the clock now much closer directly to that, to them taking the action of the UFO threat in order to achieve emergency powers.
That's really the key.
And that's what they got as a dry run with COVID.
In a spectacularly unconstitutional way.
I couldn't say it as good as you.
Stay there.
Dark Journalist.
Darkjournalist.com on YouTube.
Dark Journalist.
I mean, we're like one second to midnight in my view.
And this heralds the coming of their whole new system.
The next big scam is alien invasion or power outage.
I'm not sure which one.
In an age of wonder.
We're living in the age of wonder.
They just want you to think you're not living in it.
They're ugly architecture, globalist Hollywood.
It's all there so you don't dream and realize how amazing you are.
So they can play the god and you're the slave.
And think about the ultimate class system.
Oh, we'll take all your rights away because Trump's a Russian agent.
Well, now we're protecting you from aliens.
And the same psyop put out by two other colonels.
The exact same script since the late 1940s of the aliens and Roswell, right after the atomic program, and how do we unify the earth, another psy-op out of that whole thing, and then that incredible display today of what I believe is useful idiots who are told, oh you can't see the aliens, don't tell Congress, oh Congress, manipulating people who they had a profile on, who they knew would run and tell.
And then that creates this incredible credibility, but it runs into a brick wall, We're going to have Dark Journalist on with us, he's one of the leading experts on this, at 11.30 tomorrow for an hour and a half.
So right up front I'll cover the latest news developments and then we're going to do an hour and a half because I've got...
From the testimony, 10 different clips, and I'm sure he'll have more.
I mean, these are insane.
These are aliens.
Earth is no longer safe.
We know where the crafts are located, but you've never seen them.
I mean, this is wild.
Darren J. Beatty is popping in.
He's a hard guy to get on, but he's texting me saying, I want on, I want on, this is a psy-op.
And he's a smart guy, former advisor to Trump and a media expert.
He knows how to analyze this.
He's at Darren J. Beattie on Twitter.
Doc, what do you take away from this?
And why are you saying PSYOP?
Well, you know, the broader context is just very bizarre because we live in an age where the corrupt Morons, the mediocrities in government and their auxiliaries in the media and so forth, are lying to us about pretty much every single important event in our lives.
And for whatever reason, these same entities that have so aggressively lied to us and covered up all the important things from You know, the election to, you know, COVID, you name it.
Crime statistics, you name it.
Oklahoma City, you name it.
The same people are lying about everything for whatever reason, kind of all of a sudden, are really desperate for the UFO topic to be front and center in our consciousness.
They're really desperate to shove these so-called whistleblowers in our faces And dangle this fool's gold of saying, Oh, maybe the aliens are real.
Maybe or not.
We can't show you any evidence, of course, but maybe it's real.
Let's get this low level.
I don't know.
I mean, you can tell by the way these people look.
The guy has that kind of bat pig head of somebody who was born only to take orders.
He's only taken orders.
That's all he'll ever do.
This is not a whistleblower.
This is a guy who's taking orders for whatever reason.
They want him to trot him in front of the camera.
And it's such a, you know, bread and circuses thing that really reflects their abysmally low assessment of the average American's
Well that's the next thing I was going to say. I'm not saying I'm an elitist or I have
you know this noble look, but we all know like when you pull up the gas station in the middle
of the night and the guy looks like a criminal and strangely enough he approaches you and tries
to mug you. And I'm not saying these guys are criminals, they just all brag. I'm incredibly
smart and I'm really trusted and I'm an incredible intel officer and you should believe me. And they
just come off as like hey this is the moron, we'll tell we got dead aliens and they'll run tell on us.
I mean, it just comes off as like, it's just totally idiotic.
I mean, I hate to say like, these guys look like morons, but they do.
They look like morons.
It looks like somebody who's like the permanent, like, face of somebody who said, sir, yes, sir, his entire life.
And that's all that's in his brain.
But the thing is, you know, he does try to dazzle the, in his view, stupid American Max.
He thinks the Americans are dumb.
He tries to dazzle them with words like Biologics.
You see, one of the congressmen asked him, said, did you recover, you know, live bodies?
And then he gets a serious tone and he looks at her as though he's very uncomfortable to be revealing such a subversive and deep truth of the U.S.
And he looks at her and said, we recovered biologics.
Give me a break.
So the And Doc, I don't know why it is, because I see you on like national TV.
Hold on, Dr. Beatty.
I see you on national TV and your Skype is totally clear.
So now when you're coming with us, it must be on our end.
Let me put you on hold and try to fix your Skype.
It's just breaking up.
And then I want to get dark journalists to take on what you were just saying.
More good points.
I'm not trying to run down the guys that are testifying.
It just, it really comes off as The village idiots of the government trying to scare us, and I agree with Dr. Beatty, I don't see this selling.
What do you think?
Oh, absolutely.
One of the things that they're trying to do is they're not giving us any data or anything, but they're trying to give the setup for the data.
So they're trying to make it look like, oh, you know, I'll reveal it in a skiff, you know, and everything what they ask, that's an important question.
They're like, oh, it'll be in the skiff.
So he literally could get them in the skiff and say, well, actually, I didn't see anything, but, you know, here's all the stuff that I said publicly.
And I think again that this is the way that this needs to be managed.
If you'll notice that the actual hearings themselves, Burchett and Luna, the two representatives who originally Uh, going to carry the football on this and wanted the hearings and we're going to lead the hearings were pulled at the last minute.
So somebody thought they're not going to be able to pull this off.
And that's a bad sign if they pull the people who are leading the hearing the night before.
And I think it's very telling as well.
What's also interesting, I think, is somebody like Burchett, um, on the congressional side.
Seems, again, very easy to convince of things, you know.
And when you get Representative Andre Carson, this lifelong Democrat, and he's giving these interviews and he's saying, well, it might be interdimensionals, then you know you've entered the twilight zone.
Because, you know, these people and the things that they talked about even a few years ago would never go anywhere near A subject like interdimensionals, for example.
So they're under instructions that there's something going on in the background.
By the way, I missed this clip because I've talked to people really involved in psychedelics in government projects where they're like astronauts with DMT decades ago trying to map things.
And that's what they believe is this interdimensional.
So there's serious research into communication of other dimensions.
They've got radio telescopes pointed at distant stars.
But I miss it today.
They had members of Congress talking about interdimensionals?
Okay, I gotta get that clip.
I'm gonna go right back to you.
You're on for an hour and a half tomorrow, and we're very blessed to stay with us.
Dr. Bedia, we've got you back on clear Skype now.
I'm sure it's on our end, because I see on other shows they're fine, not blaming the crew, just some weird foible system.
But I didn't know they talked about interdimensionals today.
Did you see that?
Yeah, I heard about the interdimensionals.
I mean, it's just ridiculous.
And look, Let's, we can look at this particular guy who's clearly ridiculous.
In my view, he comes across as some kind of low-level, sir-yes-sir guy who's doing what he's told.
He's not a whistleblower revealing some deep, dark, dangerous, you know, historic secrets of the U.S.
If you want to see how real whistleblowers are treated, Look at what happened to Gary Webb, who wrote The Dark Alliance.
Look what happened to some of the whistleblowers who are just talking about January 6th, who are having their lives ruined.
You want to tell me that the people blowing the whistles on January 6th get their lives ruined?
The guy blowing his whistle on intelligence agencies and the drug trade?
ends up dead and yet somebody exposing this allegedly deep dark historic secret
they're just giving him the kabuki kid gloves and we're supposed to believe this is a real
whistleblower. It's absolute crap. Yeah in the context of the government lying to us about
everything else misdirecting us about everything else and then for some reason this is the only
the UFO stuff is the only conspiracy theory quote-unquote that the government is desperate
for us to think about and believe.
You know, give me a break.
Let me ask you this, Doctor.
Why are they doing it now?
You know, that's an excellent question.
It's an excellent question.
It deserves a kind of complex and nuanced answer.
I mean, the easily available answers are maybe they want to gin up some underlying fear to justify more budgets for the military.
Maybe this is part of a psy-op in order to kind of psych out China with the suggestion that we have reverse engineered technology that they don't know about.
Maybe this is just a general kind of distraction mechanism and they're testing how gullible the American people are.
There are a lot of explanations that are not necessarily mutually exclusive, but I will point out that for context, there's an absolutely critical documentary that everybody listening to this needs to see.
And I think you've seen it, Alex, but if you haven't, you got to see it too.
It's called Mirage Men.
Fantastic documentary.
And what it does is it follows an official in Air Force intelligence who was tasked with basically giving disinformation to UFO researchers and leading them down ridiculous rabbit holes to distract them from uncovering secret U.S.
Basically saying, this isn't a secret U.S.
This is some alien stuff.
And they'd literally meet with people and give them fake Sure, I was aware of the film, I was seeing it, but I read articles.
Basically, the whole Blue Beam was fake.
Let me go back to Dark Journalist here.
What else are we not looking at?
Because you study this all the time, it's your main focus.
I mean, to me, this is historic that they're having hearings.
Clearly, they're trying to distract from things.
I think everything Dr. Beatty said is true.
I think they're doing it all as a test to see how gullible we are, cover up technology, threaten the Chinese, have kind of a reset to distract us from the rest of the deep state.
With kind of a quasi-real but fictitious version of it?
What else is going on?
Well, it's the human origin story aspect.
This is a crucial part and this is a big piece of their program because whenever you get into the whole Elon Musk Mars thing, there's a whole history around Mars and ruins on Mars and there's a whole piece around them thinking that they're from Mars in many cases.
That is the whole kind of World Economic Forum types.
And this would go that they need to reestablish a different type of balance for royals in this era.
So these royals need to have a royal bloodline that comes from Mars.
And so the human origin story is very interesting from their point of view and their ability to manipulate it.
You might notice that over and over again when we get around the UFO aspect,
there's all these hints around, oh well, they changed our DNA, they made us different,
you know, they improved us, they were the ones who created us,
and they're coming back to claim us, and all this kind of stuff,
which there's no evidence for anything like that.
There is evidence for us interfacing with something else in our ancient history.
For sure.
But the idea that, you know, we were just created and, you know, DNA manipulated in order to become a slave race for aliens, that's something that comes directly out of this whole group.
That would be a big piece of the human origin story, I would say.
It doesn't get enough attention.
And for a certain while, you might notice, when people were around the UFO file over the past 10 years, the term Anunnaki was just everywhere.
And that doesn't mean that there isn't something to the Sumerian Anunnaki in the aspect of these gods interfacing with humanity, but to take that and extrapolate it out as, hey, these aliens came here, they built us as a race of slaves, and, you know, they actually control the whole picture from the outside.
It's totally different from thinking that we may have peers outside in the universe who are somewhat more advanced on our end.
There's a guy named McTonies who died young, but he wrote a book called Crypto Terrestrials.
And that was about a group of humans who were actually developing advanced technology and were just a little bit ahead of traditional humanity.
And this whole thesis, I think, is very underexplored.
All you get over and over again is, oh hey, here come the aliens.
I think you're absolutely right.
We had problems again with Dr. Beattie's Skype, but I think he made good points just about these guys trying to hype it, and we're told to basically go in there and say this.
And I know that the airline pilots, everybody, see these things flying around.
They look like super high-tech, super fast drones to me, and it's just I think it really signifies something big is about to happen with all the craziness we see.
And I don't know if it's going to be a UFO landing in Central Park, and then some animatronic alien comes off and tells us, you know, to cut the carbon or we're all going to die.
I don't know if it's going to be them saying a solar flare knocks out the internet for a few weeks, to have a global reset, a new currency.
But they're certainly hyping a lot of different tracks of some type of big diversion.
There's no question about it.
Actually, it reminds me, I wanted to follow up with you because you had mentioned you were, I think it was at the White House, and there was talk, it was during the Trump era, and there was talk of a project on the dark side of the moon with Musk.
And we're looking at all these things going on with Musk and Musk turning Twitter to X, which is, you know, X is the symbol of that advanced technology that we follow so closely.
The steganography is something very occult, but it relates to the technology.
I was very curious to get you to talk further about that because it sounds to me like there's something in that and in the fact that Musk couldn't pull it off or wouldn't pull it off.
Well, I was told by a guy that had worked for Musk first that Musk was at the White House in front of Trump and they were talking about 3D printers on the dark side of the moon so it can't be seen by telescopes right over the edge.
And that that's where they were going to build the rockets to go to Mars, which is the official plan he talked about a little bit after I was told that.
But that they'd already set up a bunch of stuff over there.
That was going on.
They had another source at the White House that I told about that.
They said, yeah, that's what was going on.
Musk was going and getting funding for Trump and his space force and a bunch of reasons to do that.
And reportedly, That there's just a lot of stuff going on, we don't know about it.
That just like NASA, 90% of it or so, they were estimating, you're the real expert, correct me if I'm wrong, was actually military.
And just what we saw with NASA, them up there watering plants and doing all this stuff was just a cover story that most of it was clandestine.
That indeed, that's what they're using Musk for.
It's kind of like a Howard Hughes 10.0.
Yes, absolutely.
That's a great point.
And I bet that that program had legs and that has something to do with the friction between Trump and Musk that happened after he left office.
But it seems to me also that when you're talking about NASA, we're talking about a totally secret program behind NASA.
And that goes back to the Kennedy era.
And one of the things that Kennedy wanted to do was share that UFO file with the Russians.
And this went to the very nest of the paperclip Nazis that were running our space program.
And that's all on record, you know, that they were controlling the program and that it was the same command protocol from the Nazi rocket program.
And the whole idea originally was Space Corps.
That was a Nazi program to run everything on the ground from space.
So how far away are they from achieving that goal by creating a threat?
And remember, it's von Braun who comes directly out of that period and was the father of our Apollo program who before he died gives this deathbed confession and says they're going to pull an alien threat and that's going to be the last car that they pull and it's going to all be a complete lie.
So he was giving us I think something very important there and this is the kind of history when we look at the UFO file that relates to what took place in the past in relation to NASA But also the fact that we have all these psychic aspects that dig around whenever we get around the UFO file.
And that includes Von Braun, who had the remote viewing group at SRI develop an ESP machine to test astronauts with.
Well, there's a reason he did that.
And by the way, that's not a secret.
So many people I know get mad if I talk about this.
NASA was really a whole shadow government, not just rockets, and not just space exploration.
That's how they recruited all the whiz kids into programs.
They thought they were being recruited into that, but they weren't.
And then I know a major Hollywood producer.
He's put out a whole bunch of big films.
And I got to know him well.
He was from Houston.
I haven't talked to him in a while, but he used to really hang out with a lot.
He moved to LA.
But he told me that he was testing high when he was a kid.
So they put him in a NASA program in Houston that I've been told about by some other people.
And then it was all about making children more psychic or more tuned into their psychic abilities.
And that NASA basically, he told me, we're talking 20 years ago, was really a shadow group for a whole government psychic program.
Now that's fascinating, and it adds up with so many of the things that they've done, because if you look into the CIA's history, the intelligence community's interface with NASA, there's a number of programs that they asked them to probe, including this program about Atlantis and the Hall of Records, and things of this nature.
So the CIA had a program in 1964 to go through the files of Edgar Cayce, who's a psychic, the Sleeping Prophet, And, who was from Virginia Beach, and they wanted to know, at his organization, who had information about this old, uh, ancient Atlantean technology.
So they had a program to infiltrate the Association for Research and Enlightenment, which is the Casey Foundation.
So the psychic aspect and the interface around the intelligence... Yeah, I mean, it's total crap, why would the CIA be trying to infiltrate it?
This is interesting too, because, uh, if you actually look into the Just go a little bit into the Men in Black programs that are directly around the UFO file.
You're going to find that they were employing through a group, I call the group X-Protect.
It's a very small piece inside of the intelligence community that interfaces with aerospace to keep those secrets.
And they keep the UFO file secret.
Remember who they had kill?
Bobby Kennedy was an aerospace CIA guy.
Yes, exactly.
And what's interesting, we put that in the documentary I have called UFO Threat File Assassins, and here's the thing about Thane Eugene Caesar, which I think is fascinating.
Not only did he work for Lockheed Martin, he worked in their Skunk Works division, which is, that's the whole Ben Rich alien reproduction vehicle And he, you know, the famous quote that Ben Rich came up with was, we now have the ability to send ET home.
So if you go a little bit into Thane's history, he was a 26-year-old security guard.
How did he get this incredible lofty position at Skunk Works?
And he gets hired three days before RFK shows up at the Ambassador Hotel.
So that is an incredible crisscross there, and if you dig a little bit deeper on it, you're going to find, and you mentioned Howard Hughes earlier in relation to Musk, And that's the same type of archetype, but it was Hughes Aerospace that was closely connected with all the activities around Fain Eugene Caesar and Bob Mayhew and the assassination of Kennedy.
And it's interesting because it was Nixon who really got the benefit of that, but he had a huge UFO file background.
So this is an interesting unknown aspect going on in the back of these geopolitical pieces, which is the UFO file and their knowledge of it.
LBJ kept an X letter about Nixon was supposed to be open this year, you know, open it 50 years after my death.
Well, what is the X letter contained?
Well, they don't want to release that.
The intelligence agencies don't want to have that X letter out.
Well, X would give you some indication as to what the nature of the project is, because all these presidents knew at some point they're going to disclose this advanced technology, and I want my role in the middle of all of this to be explained.
Wow, it's really an incredible time to be alive.
And you've covered a lot.
For you to say that, I take that to be a big deal.
Well, I mean, it's just, you can see everything's accelerating, moving towards a point.
We know they're suppressing a lot of technology.
We know we're in the middle of the universe.
We know all the ancients said creatures were coming here.
The Bible talks about it.
But then we see what they're doing, and it's clearly, they always follow the same Roswell, aliens, we saw, and it's the same, and then these people say, we're the first to ever say this, and there's all these, you know, Simon & Schuster published books by the so-called whistleblowers.
Clue, they want to contain and control the story with the narrative they're putting out.
And I think maybe something big is about to happen.
I think you alluded to it with Eisenhower and people and Reagan and what they saw.
Maybe they think something is about to show up and they're getting us ready.
I mean, who knows?
Well, that's interesting because if you look at that period of time with Reagan, you're going to see right afterwards you get all the bizarre fraud and Iran-Contra and all this wild money going everywhere to fund something.
So how much of the missing money, you know, that we've seen so many people go after and say, there's all this money missing from the government, but it's missing from now.
$800 toilet seats, $500 hammers.
What does that tell you?
I mean, and that goes back, how far does that go back?
So when we're looking at it, I think we have to chart it from the National Security Act.
It goes a lot further back.
But if we use that as a touchstone, then we're going to see... After 1947, the government goes UFO crazy.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
All right.
Dark Journalist.
You're on with me at 11.30.
30 minutes of the show tomorrow.
We're going to play the clips.
We're going to analyze the incredible hearing from today.
Thank you so much, sir.
I can't wait.
It sounds great.
I can't wait either.
Dr. Jane Ruby is loaded for bear.
She's got a lot to cover.
Always amazing.
She takes over next hour.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
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Hey everyone, welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host today, Dr. Jane Ruby.
Well, it's all about truth in medicine.
No compromise, no fear, and plenty of righteous indignation.
Now, a little bit later in the show, we're going to talk to former pharmaceutical executive, Sasha Ladapova, who has all of the receipts on this happy little marriage between our Department of Defense and the entire pharmaceutical industry, which very clearly is now running as part of our government.
But first, I want to share with you a few issues that I've been focusing on in the last few months and since I was last here.
Probably the most important information that I can get to you right now, in terms of medical education preparation and protection, is to warn everyone to avoid any kind of a flu shot Avoid anything that is being claimed to be a vaccine.
And let me show you why.
Here's a short clip that I'm going to start with, with Pfizer's CEO Albert Bourla, who was interviewed at the last meeting of the World Economic Forum.
You're going to see his response when he was asked directly if this year's flu shots will contain the deadly mRNA technology.
Please take a listen.
and a look.
flu and can last.
Okay, flu, you raised it.
Where are you in developing?
Because I know, I think that's what you originally do at BioNTech.
You're developing mRNA for flu.
Where are you on a flu vaccine based on mRNA?
Oh, the studies are running.
They have completely recruited.
We are waiting for cases as they accumulate.
It means that people have been vaccinated, placebo vaccine.
The disease, some of them will get disease, and then we are waiting to unblind the data to see what is coming.
I think we'll come in this year, in 2023.
Well, that's what I was going to ask.
I mean, you can't guarantee a timeline depending on the clinical trials.
No, because you... But your best guess, what would you think?
I think by the first half of the year, maybe.
First half of the year?
Yeah, June, July.
Well, he tells you right there, June, July.
We are in July.
And all of the flu shots that are coming down the pike do contain, by his word, the mRNA.
And when he says, you know, we tested it against placebo, I want people to understand that what they are defining as placebo is actually comparing it to another, quote, vaccine or mRNA product.
Very, very dangerous.
And you know what?
He's not the only There are countless pharmaceutical chief executive officers that could and should be prosecuted right now.
And when we come back from the break, I am going to get into a couple of others.
But let me just share with you that these people are currently violating federal laws.
They're violating the FDA regulations that prohibit companies from promoting drugs off-label.
They can only promote a drug for that which it was approved.
And with so many things under emergency use authorization, those are not approved products.
But they're out there telling you when to use it.
Albert Bourla tells people about the drug PaxLavid, that double antiviral that people should get, which more and more doctors are realizing their patients are getting rebound COVID symptoms.
You can just take another round of it.
Like he's prescribing it for you.
And he's not authorized on any level.
He's a veterinarian.
But he certainly is treating human beings and talking about them like they're animals.
These are the people that should be prosecuted.
They should be investigated at the very least.
They should be indicted.
But everything is silent in Congress, isn't it?
When congressional members say, look, I've had hearings.
I'm doing the best I can.
It's not the best they can, and they have power to do so much more.
And you can add them to the list, or my list, of war criminals.
When I return, we'll look at a couple of other CEOs that are committing crimes that are essentially war criminals against humanity.
I'll be right back.
Welcome back.
Well, I've started down this path of pharmaceutical CEOs who are essentially war criminals by any definition.
And so you just saw in the first section there a little clip by Albert Bourla, who is the Pfizer CEO, who is just out there just running amok.
He knows he's not going to be prosecuted for promoting his products off-label.
He knows he's not going to be prosecuted for promoting bioweapons, terrorist attacks on the American people.
And then there is Stefan Bancel from Moderna, you know, the company that the U.S.
government actually created with Anthony Fauci's checkbook.
And this guy proudly brags that his company is developing a combination shot for your convenience because it's always for your convenience.
It's always for your good, right?
Well, this magic bullet, he says, this little combination could have up to 10 mRNAs in it Wow!
He says that this will have, at the very least, your updated COVID-19 booster combined with your seasonal flu shot, which will be more mRNA, and of course it'll have embedded in it the RSV vaccine, respiratory syncytial virus, which is really the fake name for another version of the common cold.
And lastly, I want you to be aware of the founders of the German company Biontech.
Remember, the company that partnered with Pfizer on Comirnaty and the other supposed equivalent product of their C19 shot?
Because this husband and wife couple are off to the races.
As if they didn't make enough money, and probably billions personally, from the first round of C19 shots with Pfizer.
They are now creating what they claim is a cancer vaccine containing, you guessed it, more mRNA.
I mean, you can't make this up.
So, they're actually causing cancers and then they're developing a vaccine to help you avoid or cure it.
That's kind of called double dipping, right?
Well, the next thing I want to make you aware of, and maybe some of you have heard about, the latest CDC and World Health Organization fear porn program that centers around a new kind of coronavirus.
Or rather a new conjured up version of a coronavirus.
And this time it's called MERS, M-E-R-S, or Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome.
Wait a minute.
I thought we were being like racist when we called SARS the Wuhan virus or the Chinese flu?
Remember how President Trump was chastised for calling it the Wuhan flu or the China flu?
Well, just like the recent malaria scare that they handed down, which kind of fizzled out, with something like two people in the world with a documented case for malaria.
Don't forget, all these fear-porn illnesses are diagnosed with the PCR.
You know, the fake test that was recalled by the CDC itself just two years ago, but who they said, yeah, you could go ahead and still use it.
And whose inventor, Cary Mullis, said that there's no ability, the PCR has no ability, to diagnose anything?
The very same one.
Just remember that even if they do a gain of function on any of these organisms and then try to drop them at the same, you know, the same early treatment of medications that alleviated a lot of the COVID infections will also work according to some of my fellow medical professionals on the front line that I've talked to, meaning ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and fenbendazole.
So make sure that you're stocking up when it comes to Just dealing with these fear porn attacks and you notice how they come out with it and then they just sort of fade away because they see that you're not all biting on that bait and that's what you need to continue to do.
Don't pay attention to it.
Don't give it any credence and certainly don't comply with anything that they try to to bring about.
Okay, the next thing I wanted to share with you that I think is really important is a story that I've broken in many different parts on A-PIL.
You should be aware that there is this toxic concoction primarily made up of mono and diglycerides,
which are the components of fatty acids or triglycerides.
They are falsely claimed to be natural and from food.
But they fail to tell you that it's actually distilled using a collection of heavy metals whose residuals are likely still in varying amounts across your fruit and vegetables.
You can't see it.
You can't wash it off.
You can't use any other chemicals to take it off.
And in most cases, you may not even know it's there.
Because in many states, there's no requirement To put an APL label on it.
And if we can bring up some of the pictures that I've brought along, there are a couple in particular that show you that there's this symbol.
It actually looks like an innocent little apple, you know, with sort of the leaves popping out of it.
And that is the symbol, whether the word is there or not, but it's the symbol for APL.
This is a company that Bill Gates funded, the original development of the actual corporation And he has continually, when you follow the money, he has continued to fund this company.
When I posted this picture on my Twitter account, maybe just a couple of months ago, I couldn't believe the reaction.
There were over 5 million views on it.
And I show you these pictures, you can see the company spraying the toxic chemical, it's clear, you can't really see it, you know, on the fruit.
And what it's supposed to do is to prevent you from seeing the wear and tear, like you see here on these apples, shriveling.
You know, call me crazy, but I want to know when my fruit is no longer healthy to eat.
And one of nature's ways of doing that is showing you that something is dried up.
Maybe it's growing mold or other things on it, and it looks old.
And that's your visual cue of protection, not to eat it, because it could be Things like that.
But this chemical is going to prevent you from seeing it.
It's going to look absolutely perfect on the outside.
It's an incentive for companies and produce handlers to get it because they can sell more fruit and vegetables and throw out less.
But you're not getting a healthy piece of fruit or vegetable.
Not only are you getting something that has probably started to rot on some level in the inside, but you're also getting produce That is dangerous.
It's got residual heavy metals on it.
And if you add to it the dangers of the mono and diglycerides, think about it.
Those are the components that make up triglycerides, which contribute to high blood fats that eventually can contribute to heart disease.
So while you think you're eating healthy with your fresh fruits and vegetables, you're actually potentially compounding Your intake of these fatty acids, these triglycerides that are going to shoot up your general cholesterol and other blood fat levels in your blood tests.
So my suggestion is make contact with your local stores, your local Whole Foods and tell them that you're not going to purchase anything with that kind of material on it and that you're going to be watching.
Because we've already seen a reduction in the use of these poisons from people all over
the country that have taken note and that have made it a point to warn stores.
Sometimes when they've talked to their grocers, the grocer brings it out, there's nothing
on the fruit itself.
The only sign that the APL is on that produce is that it's on the outer box.
So it is worth talking to your local stores and making them aware of the fact that you're
not going to be purchasing that and that they're going to have a whole lot more to throw out
than they did before.
So I thought that was important for you to know since it was such a great response to
And I think that being forewarned is forearmed.
And these are very dangerous chemicals.
There's been a lot of fact-checking that has tried to refute the work I've done but to no avail because I think people have done their own due diligence and they've looked at the website for APL and they've seen the lies and they've seen the transparency in and who wants to believe that it's okayed by the FDA.
Where does that sound familiar?
When I return, we're going to talk to Sasha Ladapova, who never disappoints.
She's got all the receipts and all the proof.
I'll be right back.
Well, welcome back, everyone, to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
I'm your very happy-to-be-here guest host, Dr. Jane Ruby.
Glad to be back with the gang.
My guest today is somebody very special who I've worked with really since the beginning of the entire COVID scam in 2020.
Sasha Ladapova is actually from the original group, the Team Enigma.
group of analysts and researchers, some of them very much underground, who broke the
information in the stories like how bad is my batch, how dangerous some of these are
by lot numbers, by looking backward from the VAERS reports and then matching them to lot
Incredible, incredible work.
And she's most recently in the last year or so been breaking all kinds of information
with receipts and proof on how the DOD is actually running a mass genocide operation
on the people of the United States.
That's why I call it a bioterrorism attack on our citizens.
citizens in conjunction with the entire pharmaceutical industry that is now
working without any supervision. All of the alphabet agencies except HHS are
pretty much collapsed into you know slavery with the DOD and the
pharmaceutical industry. So I'd like to bring Sasha on. I'm really excited that
she had was able to be with me today. Sasha great to see you. Thanks for being
here. Hi Dr. Ruby. Thank you for inviting me. Yeah it's been a while so I'm really
excited to get some updates from you.
I know you work very closely with Catherine Watt as well as Kevin McKernan, some other people we'll be talking about, but let's take people a little bit from the beginning.
I did share with them, as you heard, sort of your entree into this with Team Enigma, but the work you're doing now, I want people to understand that we're not being hyperbolic and trying to get clicks to say that Your government is trying to kill you.
So I'd like you to take us from a little bit of the beginning of how you've seen the proof and what has led you to agree with me on that and believe that.
Yes, I definitely I wasn't in that camp from the beginning in 2020.
I just retired from pharmaceutical industry from about 25 years in pharma research and development.
Working with all kinds of pharma clients, with FDA, and frankly I had, you know, respect for the FDA.
I thought that they were doing their job.
I thought that the regulations were, you know, burdensome, expensive, but for a good reason because we didn't want to hurt anybody.
And that's why you needed all these extensive studies and that's why clinical trials would take so long and cost so much.
And so, of course, I became concerned when they started pushing the whole idea of mRNA as a prophylactic vaccine.
I was frankly shocked at that time because I knew that this is an inherently dangerous product.
And I knew that the FDA also knew about it and the pharma developers knew about it because that was very well documented through its history of research and failure and extensive documentation by the FDA in their regulatory guidances.
So I was like, with this mountain of evidence in front of you and all this regulatory knowledge that you have, all of a sudden you made a 180-degree turn and said, well, this product that we previously would not even allow to test in breast cancer patients because it would be considered too dangerous for them, now we're going to prescribe to force, actually, onto pregnant women and children.
So that led me to...
Complete, you know, stop and rethink what I know.
Yeah, I appreciate that because I think the public needs to understand, as you just alluded to, we are aware of so much regulation in place that was ignored, that they look the other way, that when many of us who were pharmaceutical insiders ask, hey, where's the human subjects review?
Package insert, it's almost empty.
Why are you telling people to use this in pregnant women?
Pregnant women were sacrosanct.
That was one of my big red flags as well.
So thank you for bringing that out because I don't think the public understands how regulated the industry was.
And for the most part, most companies complied with it.
So take us from there.
Yes, exactly.
I think the public was sold this idea that this was, oh, you know, it was just red tape.
And we just overcame all the red tape that exists in FDA.
And that's why this vaccine went on the market so fast.
That's not true.
It wasn't red tape.
If it was just red tape, it would have been eliminated over time, because there is tremendous pressure to make R&D process more efficient, faster, and less costly.
And that pressure existed all the time.
So all of a sudden, they're telling you there is no red tape.
It's like, well, you know what?
We forgot all the construction codes, and we built this brand new casino.
Come and play.
Would you?
I wouldn't.
You know, I mean, so that's the same situation here.
So that's why I became so concerned.
That's why I started looking into the batches.
I did find this huge variability, which confirmed my suspicion that this product was not CGMP compliant because it wasn't possible to make it compliant in this period of time.
And so I knew it wasn't CGMP compliant based on the variability of adverse events and deaths by each batch of vaccines.
Some batches have very few.
And some batches have thousands of adverse events and hundreds of deaths in them, and that's a huge problem that should never, never exist.
Yeah, I just wanted to clarify or ask you to clarify for the public because there's a lot of confusion around this term.
It's a genetic term and it's contamination and I think the public gets a little, you know, involved in, well, is that dirt from, you know, when you talk about good manufacturing processes, is there something in the factory?
No, this is DNA material that should never have been in there, but explain to the public why this is so important for them to understand DNA contamination.
This came later, the confirmation that this product is contaminated, dirty, and badly made by direct testing of vials.
So this has gone on for a while all over the world.
I'm in contact with many scientists who did it themselves.
They found all kinds of problems in the direct testing.
But the most important recent one was by Kevin McKernan, who is a genetic scientist, genomicist, and he has a genomics lab.
He was, for a period of time, he was one of the managers or head of a human genome sequencing project at MIT.
So he is a premier expert on this matter.
And so he did testing of several batches of Pfizer and Moderna, both bivalent and monovalent vaccines, including pediatric ones.
And he found that all of them were contaminated with DNA that is not supposed to be there at all.
I mean, we call it contaminated, but because nothing has been done about it for such a long period of time, you can treat it as intentional adulteration.
And, you know, as a law enforcement, if they were honest, they would treat it as an intentional act of bioterrorism.
I mean, it fits all the requirements.
But let's call it contamination.
Yeah, let's call it contamination.
And for those, just to give people another example, when I was in the industry, we had a drug that in the preclinical that, you know, six beagle dogs died.
The FDA shut down the entire program for two years until the company could show that that would not happen in humans and they were not allowed to go into clinical or human research after that.
This is why this sort of thing is really, we know it's intentional.
When Sasha says it's intentional because otherwise they would have either been halted or they would have halted themselves because of the bad PR.
You know we're coming up on a little bit of a break Sasha so I'm so happy that you can stay on a little bit longer we have so much more to talk about and I want to get into a little bit more about what Kevin McKernan found In his findings in terms of finding an old cancer promoter that used to be in the polio vaccine.
So stay with me and we'll be right back with Sasha Latipova.
You're watching the Alex Jones Show, and this is the fourth hour.
I'm your guest host today, Dr. Jane Ruby.
And when we went to break, we were talking with former pharmaceutical executive Sasha Latipova, and I just started to open up this issue of a finding recently by human genome expert Kevin McKernan, who also Sasha works with as well.
I want to just give a little bit of background on this cancer promoter.
It's called SV40.
It is a promoter of cancers.
It's not a monkey DNA.
It's not a monkey gene.
It's a promoter of cancers that somehow supposedly contaminated the polio vaccines in the 50s.
And the presence of this sequence was found by Kevin McKernan.
But what's really interesting about it, and I want to ask Sasha about this as well, is
that around the same time, there's a Japanese researcher, a Professor Murakami from the
University of Tokyo Science Center, who also found it independently, from what I can see
in social media, there were no connections between Kevin McKernan and Professor Murakami.
They both found the same thing and I want to show you there's a picture that I brought today of two gene sequences side by side and this is important because what you're seeing on the left Is what Pfizer submitted to the EMA, the European equivalent of the FDA.
And it looks all innocent with a little, you know, it's a little genome laid out there for, you know, for the shots.
What Kevin McKernan and individually Professor Murakami found is what you see on your right.
Which is all this extra stuff that wasn't included in the submission, and you'll find there's a lot in there.
There's not only an SV40 cancer promoter, but if you dig around in it, and you can find this on Kevin McKernan's Twitter, my Twitter, you'll also find some sequence material there that actually creates antibiotic resistance.
So I'd like to bring back Sasha Ladapova.
Who's very well aware of these findings and I'm sure she has talked to Kevin McKernan.
Sasha, thanks for being with us today again and what are your thoughts on this finding and the difference because you are very astute.
You have gone through lots of FOIA documents.
You haven't hired teams of people to do it.
You've done it yourself and you've looked at a lot of materials that are in the public domain now in detail.
Share with us what your thoughts are on this SV40 and all these other things found.
Yeah, so Kevin's work is extremely important because he's done a lot of testing himself and he has the lab and expertise.
Now, it has been replicated since, not just by the Japanese, but also by already six independent other labs, other experts, some of them who doubted Kevin and wanted to show that he's wrong and found that he's correct.
and published and tweeted about it.
So there is external validation.
You know, this is the replication of the findings is the gold standard in science.
So what he says is absolutely correct.
There are numerous problems with this.
One is that he found, first of all, he found huge contamination with what's called plasmid DNA.
Plasmid DNA is technically raw material for making the RNA products or mRNA products.
It's the first step of manufacturing because it's like a photo negative for your photo print.
They make this DNA matrix because RNA is unstable and DNA is stable.
They need to make a DNA matrix that codes kind of the opposite of what RNA is going to be.
In this DNA, the DNA sequence is made into a circular sequence, a single strand, and that's called a plasmid.
And this particular material is taken up by E. coli cells in the vat.
The E. coli bacteria, they are known to do this, and then they replicate quickly.
And so this way, the DNA material is grown in the lab, and that becomes eventually the matrix that's used for RNA transcription.
Now the problem is that E. coli, obviously this is a bacteria,
and they need to be removed at the end of this first step of growing DNA, and that's called purification.
So the E. coli need to be, first of all, they need to be broken by lysis and then the material needs to be, the DNA material, purified and all the E. coli and plasmids, remaining plasmids that haven't lysed or whatever, so the remainder of it needs to be cleaned out.
And that clearly has not been done because up to 30% of the vial is contaminated with this plasmid DNA.
Now the plasmid, the problem is that we have E. coli bacteria living in our gut.
And so what happens when the person, when this material ends up in your gut, where E. coli lives, they pick up plasmids, the plasmids that are in that injection, and they start replicating them.
And your gut becomes the spike protein producing factory.
And then you start shedding it into the environment.
That's how people get infected.
People do get infected with plasmids in the first place.
This is huge.
It's huge.
Is this the shedding?
Would you say this folds into the shedding where some people do get symptoms and some don't?
I'm sure there are other factors involved too.
That's involved in shedding this whole process of, you know, us processing this material, okay, through the system.
It comes out in sweat and body fluids and in feces and, you know, excrement, whatever.
So, like, that just is.
That's how we exist.
And that material gets into environment, and if you have people close by each other, they can infect each other.
In fact, that's been known that in the lab, when people work with plasmids, there was a, you know, in Washington State, people working with plasmids for this research purposes, they were found infected by those plasmids themselves in nasal cavities.
So, that's a big problem.
I was going to say, Sasha, Yeah, go ahead.
I was going to say, people ask me every day, every day in my social media, my ProtonMail, Dr. Jane Ruby at ProtonMail, they ask me every day, my partner got shot, I didn't, should I sleep with him, should I have intimacy, should I exchange, should I continue living?
You're putting some pieces together That are starting to answer that in a not so great way for the people, but continue.
It's not great news, yes.
So the more important part is that, and I sent you a link about it, unfortunately we don't have time to cover it much, but look at it.
At the University of Rochester, of all places, there is a lab called Dean Lab, Dr. Dean.
Okay, and this lab, specifically their purpose is to study how we can use SV40 promoter To make sure that DNA plasmids enter into the nucleus of the cell, even outside of the process of cell division.
So the SV40 promoter is the enhancer of making sure that plasmid crap gets into the nucleus of the cell.
So when they're telling you, stop, this thing doesn't change your DNA.
Yeah, they're lying, number one.
Number two, are you suggesting that the University of Rochester, by doing this work you just described, it sounds like gain of function?
Like what Dr. David Martin says, it feels like gain of function, and that's gain of function!
It can, or it's just simply figuring out how we can transfect cells with whatever we want to transfect cells with.
So that's how he will defend himself and he'll say it's for medicinal purposes.
But that's a cover for biodefense.
That's all they dream about, how we can transfect the cells.
So what these vaccines are doing are transfecting your cells with foreign material and making sure it gets into the nucleus of your cell, which won't make you a transhuman, it will just make you a very, very sick human prone to cancer.
That's all it's going to do.
But that's, you know, that's what people need to understand.
That's what SB40 is.
And by the way, that SB40 is not declared, you're correct, it wasn't declared on the regulatory maps that they submitted, the Pfizer submitted.
So they lied about it.
They intentionally lied, yep.
Yeah, they intentionally lied about it.
Well, lying is intentional, right?
So they lied about it.
It just gets worse and worse, but I think, Sasha, the value here, and I'm going to ask you to stay just a little bit longer because we are coming up on another break, but the value here is to keep teaching people What this is about, it's not as thick in terms of the science as you might think.
If you just look at Sasha's work.
By the way, I want to mention Sasha has a substack called Due Diligence and Art.
Please look it up.
She does incredible work.
Support her work because she's not sponsored by Pfizer.
So, Due Diligence and Art substack.
We'll be back in a moment.
Welcome back, everyone.
This is the Alex Jones Show, and I'm Dr. Jane Ruby, and I'm actually here on Banned TV every day alongside Alex.
Please remember to subscribe to my channel here on Banned TV, and you can also find me on Rumble at drjaneruby, as well as Twitter, Getter, Gab, and Telegram.
Well, we're talking today with Sasha Ladapova, who is an incredible researcher in her own right, Sasha, when we went to break, we were really getting into this SV Promoter, the real meaning of contamination in these shots, meaning extra DNA with very dangerous codes that we're now learning.
What are your thoughts on stopping what is very obviously an attack by our own government on all of us?
Yeah, stopping, I mean, The only way I know how is to make as many people aware as possible so that they can individually resist and collaborate with others, find others, talk to each other and say no.
Because the way this is pushed on people is under lies and deception.
First of all, it's fear.
They induce fear by all these fear-mongering, fake diseases that they invent, monkeypox, RSV, MERS.
It's just fake propaganda, telling them that there's this scary, scary pandemic.
Pandemics don't happen.
They don't exist, first of all.
And then, once everybody is sufficiently terrified, they drive them like cattle into these into self-destruction, you know, to inject themselves and their children with these poisonous shots, absolutely poisonous shots.
They're poisonous on many levels.
I mean, we're discussing the most problematic one, which is transfection of the cells with DNA.
But there are many other toxic components that many other people found, which is toxic metals, and the fact that the Pfizer injection of the hydrogel, for sure, and nobody has ever Describe this as such, but it is hydrogel.
And so there are many problematic things with it.
So people need to be aware and stop using these products.
Yeah, and in the beginning of the show, I laid out for the audience some information on how these CEOs are just coming out and telling you, we're creating these different products, they're all going to have the mRNA technology in them, and it's interesting.
We know that MSM, the mainstream media, is locked up on that, but they're going to be putting it into all kinds of injections and shots.
Is there any information that you have that's new based on the documents that you continue to research and look through and that are given to you?
I mean, I can't say.
So I have some anecdotal evidence from various sources.
They are reliable.
They don't have incentive to lie about this.
And I personally, you know, recorded the video with the researcher in Australia.
We were looking at a common brand of dental anesthetic under microscope, just simply looking as it dries, just a drop of it drying under microscope.
And we observed bizarre bizarre chemical process or the physical chemical process that is not consistent with just being kind of a suspension in water solution of lidocaine.
It was clearly a hydrogel and hydrogels are used in injection in various materials, various medical materials.
But they should be disclosed.
This wasn't disclosed anywhere.
And hydrogels are used to increase the stability of a fragile component or increase the circulation time in the body, stability.
And so maybe that's why they formulated it this way, but they don't disclose it.
Some other anecdotal reference was about this found in common brands of injectable insulin.
I am becoming very concerned with what's going on with our drug supply, where these things are coming from, why they're not being disclosed, what else is in there.
Just like you were discussing with this appeal, there are a lot of the ways that the industry is trying to get around regulation and the disclosure requirements.
And maybe this is one of them.
And so that needs to be understood.
And again, people need to be really concerned about what's going on.
Yeah, I want to back up a little bit because you dropped what I think is a bombshell for the public.
I personally get hundreds of queries a week on is it safe to get dental anesthetic.
So what most people don't know is that Novocaine, the word Novocaine is really is Lidocaine in what is used in dental anesthetic so you can have a filling or even more invasive work done.
And then you just mentioned that you have had some reports, anecdotally, honestly, of these hydrogels being found in insulin.
Now, people who are insulin dependent, which is type 1 diabetes, it means that they don't make any insulin at all.
So, they don't have an option.
Type 2s can sometimes be manipulated with other medications.
Diet, things like that.
So what are people to do who need the insulin or maybe who have such severe dental work?
I mean, is there any recommendation from you or from the other experts that you speak to about this?
Because this is very frightening and the public's on it.
They're asking about it.
I think there needs to be more movement toward independent labs and providers testing and verifying what's in those jabs.
So, for example, this Lytokain product comes from a company called Septodont.
It's a very large distributor of dental products, and they just struck a partnership with Moderna recently.
He's a Phil Finnerys supplier and that makes me really worried.
So I don't know, maybe Mike Adams, we can talk to him and maybe InfoWars can set up a lab.
But somebody needs to set up a lab and start testing these products randomly and publishing consumer safety reports.
I think this would be extremely, extremely important safety information for people to understand what exactly is in those products.
I think that's really smart because when it comes to the COVID shots or these vaccines that people think are vaccines, the public can sometimes distance themselves and say, well, I'm not worried about that because I'm not going to take any more of those shots.
But when you know that in the course of normal life, you may need dental work that is invasive enough that you wouldn't be able to tolerate much of it without an anesthetic or you're getting into insulin, which is life.
I mean, this is life or death.
For type 1 diabetics.
What are they to do?
There's an urgency to this concern.
So I'm glad you suggested that.
I mean, and kudos to Mike Adams.
I mean, we worked together on the white fibrous clots.
He was the only person courageous enough to come forward and do an analysis and then come out and share it.
And he's practically begged other scientists all over the world or labs anyone else to replicate what he's done
people. Your work with Team Enigma showed that you don't know what you're getting on any given day.
So even if you and your relatives got the shot, you don't know what you're getting.
So is the hydrogel, could that be part of the white fibrous clots?
Just about a minute before we say goodbye to you.
It's probably a mechanism involved.
I think it's a combination of a body trying to get rid of it and it ends up in blood vessels.
Among other organs and the ways the body gets rid of this.
So we can understand, so we shed through skin also, like when people have lesions and that depends on the person how their body is going to process it, where this material went.
So like some people get lesions and skin cancers and sarcomas and things, it goes into the bones and some people probably shed it into the lymph and blood vessels.
And that's, yeah, part of it is harder gel, part of it is It's material that does happen with blood clots, the white blood cells make it, but it's just excessive.
There's so much of it.
Normal blood clot is like a scaffolding of the blood clot, and then it gets dissolved when the blood clot is dissolved.
But this one, it doesn't dissolve because there's so much of it, and probably incorporated with the hydrogel, it becomes like a rat's nest, and you can't get rid of it anymore.
Yeah, and as Mike Adams found and reported, it is the furthest thing from human blood or tissue.
It is not blood and it doesn't have blood components.
So whatever these clots are.
Sasha, continue your great work.
Thank you so much for jumping on with me today.
It's always fun and you bring such incredible information and it gives people more to research and look into and to keep them safe.
So I want to thank you so much and it's due diligence and art on Substack.
Don't miss it.
Support Sasha's work.
And thank you, Sasha, for being here today with me.
Thank you.
Have a great day.
Yeah, good to see you.
Well, I hope this has been a lot of good, valuable information for you.
If you like the work that I do, please watch my show on Band.
My shows are uploaded every day.
My coffee chats.
You can also find me and subscribe as well to my shows on Rumble.
That's Rumble.com forward slash Dr. Jane Ruby, and of course, across all of my social media.
It's been a great pleasure.
Love being back with the crew.
Thanks again to Alex Jones for having me, and I believe Owen Schroer's War Room is up next, so don't go anywhere.
Thanks a lot.
Take care.
You know, I don't compare myself to a gladiator, but the last time
one of the greatest talk show hosts in American history came on the broadcasts,
he compared me to a gladiator and I was very, very honored.
Well, Alex, you're the gladiator and you keep on pounding the opposition there.
I love it.
How do you keep doing it?
What are you taking?
I really am in the arena and I'm all the way in the arena and I realize it's that animating contest.
So when it comes to battling the globalist, I'm not trying to entertain you.
I'm trying to inspire you.
To politically not submit and to say no to them.
But at the end of the day, are you not entertained?
Are we not the standard, together, the audience, the guest, myself, all of us, of resistance?
I'm just blessed to be here and blessed to know you.
Here's that clip.
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Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
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