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Name: 20230723_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 23, 2023
1309 lines.

This concise summary covers the key points discussed in the given text about The Alex Jones Show. It highlights the issues of child sex trafficking, political landscape, corruption within government, dissatisfaction with current administration, support for film Sound of Freedom by Donald Trump, promotion of InfoWars products such as Survival Shield X3, Bidenomics, FBI hiding evidence related to Bidens, Hunter Biden's lawyers filing an ethics complaint against Marjorie Taylor Greene, importance of various herbal formulas and compounds for sleep aids available at the store, Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver Formula from InfoWars Life being back in stock, Patriot Pride Month offering big sales and double Patriot points on all purchases, myocarditis cases spiking in the U.S military after forced COVID shots, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicting a police officer while allowing criminals to act without consequences, NYC Police Union criticizing this, tragic event involving the daughter of a Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine executive passing away, importance of maintaining a civilized society, various products available at InfoWareStore.com including colloidal silver, probiotics, and water filters, New York City Police Union criticizing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, California allowing abortions up to birth, Just Stop Oil climate activists blocking traffic and damaging art and historic monuments, endorsing Joe Biden by Jack Schlossberg, RFK Jr.'s situation being attacked by the left, Twitter possibly changing its logo due to Elon Musk's involvement, news from Ukraine, Owen Troyer discussing various products and news he wants to share with his audience including RainForce Plus and Ultra nootropics, TurboForce, Jack Schlossberg endorsing Joe Biden, RFK Jr.'s situation being attacked by the left, Twitter possibly changing its logo due to Elon Musk's involvement, news from Ukraine, Owen Troyer discussing various products and news he wants to share with his audience including RainForce Plus and Ultra nootropics, TurboForce, Colloidal Silver available at InfoWarsStore.com, Patriot Pride Month offering discounts on top-rated supplements, the situation in Ukraine, retired First All General McChrystal claiming that the U.S is behind the Nord Stream Pipeline bombing, Hunter Biden's overseas business dealings being withheld by the FBI from congressional oversight, BrainForce as a product that helps Alex Jones with his writing, Joint Relief Max and Nerve Renew being available exclusively at InfowarsStore.com, people becoming increasingly aware of the truth behind various conspiracies and manipulations by the government and elite, the free market system supporting communist ideas

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So you hear the air raid siren going off, and you know that means it's an emergency.
That means it's an emergency.
And we have a new system now, the Amber Alert System, that lets you know there's a child that has been potentially kidnapped in an area near you.
It's an emergency, it's a warning, look out, child predator on the loose.
So it's really an amazing thing In the last week, maybe 10 or so days, since the Sound of Freedom came out, and the issue of child sex trafficking has become to the front of the conversation, how much the left, the Democrats and the Liberals don't want to have it?
Well, Donald Trump...
I was thrilled to host a screening at Bedminster of the important new film, Sound of Freedom, about the power of faith in overcoming evil, and in particular, the evil of child trafficking.
Big problem.
We had it down to the lowest number in many years just four years ago, and now it's gone through the roof.
Even though the fake news media has tried to ignore it.
Sound of Freedom has been a national sensation and a colossal success at the box office.
Really big numbers.
Everyone should see it.
This is a very important film and very important movie.
And it's a very important documentary all wrapped up in one.
It's really about an issue that has to be discussed.
Under my leadership, we did more than any administration in history to combat human trafficking and to end modern-day slavery.
In one of my first acts in office, I signed an executive order targeting transnational criminal organizations that traffic and exploit innocent people.
I signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act.
Authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.
I signed legislation to crack down on foreign countries who are not meeting standards for eliminating trafficking, of which there are many.
I also signed into law the Abolish Human Trafficking Act, which strengthened programs supporting
survivors and provided more resources for ending modern slavery.
We do have modern slavery, if you can believe it.
Additionally, I created the first ever White House position focused solely on combating
human trafficking.
And perhaps most importantly, we created the most secure border in U.S. history by far,
dealing a major blow to the cartels and traffickers.
We built hundreds of miles of wall.
We renovated hundreds of miles of wall.
We never had anything like it.
And then I got Mexico, free of charge, to give us 28,000 soldiers to protect us from people coming into our country illegally.
When I am back in the White House, I will immediately end the Biden border nightmare that traffickers are using to exploit vulnerable women and children.
We will fully secure the border.
I will wage war on the cartels just as I destroyed the ISIS caliphate, 100% gone, 100% destroyed.
They'll come back now because we have a weak administration.
I will use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries and without delay.
And I will urge Congress to ensure that anyone caught trafficking children across our border Receives the death penalty immediately and that includes also for women because women as you know are number one in trafficking.
Children are actually number two.
I want to thank Eduardo, Jim, Tim Ballard and everyone else involved in this film for their incredible efforts and their great genius.
Together we will end the scourge of human trafficking and we will defend the dignity of human life.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much Donald Trump.
Death penalty for all child traffickers.
Now who doesn't agree with that?
Well, we found out, haven't we, in the last 10 days.
We have found out he doesn't agree with that.
Now, I'm really, we are really going to get into the 2024 presidential election again here tonight, because just like last Sunday night, there have been major developments in the last week.
So we're going to look at some polls and break it all down right here.
And honored to be here with you on this Sunday, July 23rd.
2023 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I will tell you Alex Jones is in studio.
He's working on some other stuff right now.
I don't know if I'm allowed to tell you, but let's just say, big book.
Big book gonna be hitting the shelves very soon.
So he's got some work he's doing on that right now.
I told him to come in here, pop in if you need a break from that.
He said, no, no, I'm gonna be busy with this.
So we'll see, we may be hearing from Alex at some point tonight as well.
And just quick programming note here.
For InfoWars Sunday Night Live after the Alex Jones Show, two hours right here on Band.Video.
Harrison Smith is going to be joining me in studio, and we're going to be chopping it up on everything I'm about to cover here with your calls as well.
So, going to be a lively four hours here at InfoWars tonight, and I am excited and honored to be here with you.
Let's get into it.
Let's talk about where we're at politically in America today.
If you look to your left, you're going to see somebody that has the basic worldview and understanding that crooks run the country and we are in a much worse place since Joe Biden has taken office and we were doing much better under Donald Trump.
If you look to your right, You're going to see somebody that understands that, but also believes that the election was stolen from Trump.
And then if you look behind you, you're going to see somebody that agrees with all those ideas, but also thinks that there's a pedophile cult blackmailed running the country with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein.
And you look around and you say, well, gee, I used to be in the minority here.
Now everybody agrees.
Why aren't we winning politically?
Why aren't we crushing politically?
Why are we still dealing with the corruption, the criminals in DC, with the lies and deception of the American left?
What is going on here?
Well, it just highlights, it's just the evidence of all the corruption that we know we are living under.
Your worst fears, that your elections are rigged and stolen from you, perhaps confirmed With this real world experience.
So we've got this strange phenomenon where seemingly more than ever the average American just gets it, just gets it.
Might not fully understand everything, might not be immersed in it like you or I. But no, they see that since Biden's gotten to office it's much worse.
They know the media's lying to them.
They know the government's extremely corrupt.
They know D.C.
is the district of criminals.
It's basic common knowledge.
And hell, a lot of people are really starting to get ticked off about it too.
And that's a whole nother, that's a whole nother level of this.
But my guess is you've probably experienced this.
As I have experienced this.
And now the polls are reflecting this.
Not just with Donald Trump surging right now.
To the top of the Republican nomination polls, it's basically like 60% is the lowest he's polling at now.
So it's pretty much over.
It's done.
But you've got the little kamikazes being run by Ronna McDaniel, which is now confirmed.
Ronna McDaniel is running the kamikazes of Chris Christie and Nikki Haley, and probably Asa Hutchinson and Mike Pence too.
It's Ronna McDaniel.
Ronna McDaniel is not moving the ball forward for what are supposed to be Republican values.
Ronna McDaniel is not moving the ball forward for what are supposed to be conservative values.
Ronna McDaniel is not trying to make the Republican Party victorious politically.
No, her job is to sabotage Donald J. Trump.
And so she's trying to trick Trump right now to get on the debate stage with her kamikazes, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, amongst others.
Now Trump's smarter than that.
It's a shame because I'd like to see Trump on the debate stage.
That's the line on the stage with the hyenas.
It only helps him in my view, but why would you?
When you know it's a trap, when you know it's a setup, and you don't have to because you already have the nomination, you have nothing to gain.
So I don't blame Donald Trump for not taking the bait.
But Ronna McDaniel is trying to trick him.
Does Ronna McDaniel think she's smarter than Donald Trump?
Maybe it's a good thing?
If you're an optimist, you're looking at all of this and you're saying, okay, it's a good thing that the country got to see what Joe Biden's presidency was like.
It's a good thing that the country gets to see what Kamala Harris is and what affirmative action did to the Supreme Court with Judge Brown Jackson.
This is a good thing.
It's a good thing that Ronna McDaniel is running the Republican Party right now so that people that actually care about the country can see that she's not actually working For the values of the voters, she's working to get Donald Trump.
She's working for the political elite.
She's working for the political establishment.
Maybe it's a good thing we're seeing all of this right now.
And then maybe by way of a miracle we can have a fair election and Donald Trump gets in and we can actually turn all this stuff around.
That's the optimist.
But then you just see how absolutely corrupt things are right now.
I'm anticipating hundreds if not thousands of more arrests coming.
This year?
I mean, for what?
I don't know, January 6th?
Talking bad about the Bidens?
Yeah, that's where this will go, absolutely.
IRS going after anybody that questions the Bidens?
Yeah, I expect to see all of this.
And it doesn't matter that Joe Biden is now at a 39% approval rating, the second lowest of all time, but totally got 81 million votes.
Totally for sure got 81 million votes.
I guarantee it, 81 million votes.
More than Obama.
Obama was actually popular.
I knew people that liked Obama.
I knew a lot of Obama voters.
When Obama won, I was not shocked.
But... Biden voters?
I do still wonder how far This RFK Jr.
campaign is really going to go within the confines of the Democrat Party, or beyond the confines of the Democrat Party, or maybe even into the arms of Donald Trump?
Because you know they're not going to let him get the nomination.
I mean, at this point it's pretty obvious, isn't it?
Debate and switch.
Oh, Joe Biden's running!
Everybody get behind Joe Biden, and then pull him out last minute, put in Gavin Newsom, or as Roger Stone thinks, Michelle Obama.
I would put zero faith in the Michelle Obama theory, except that I just know Roger Stone too well, and he's, his political compass is about as true north as it gets.
So, when I, yeah, Obama, sure, but, oh yeah, they're gonna run Michelle Obama, oh yeah, she wants to be back in the White House, yeah, sure she does.
But if Roger Stone says, and I'm telling you, his political compass is Drew Norris, so whatever the plan is, there is no way they can run Biden.
There's just no way.
It's too obvious that he can't, that the whole thing is a fraud.
And now with the lowest approval rating since Carter, and it's tanking fast, not to mention all the crimes, all the crimes.
The Hunter Biden bribes, the Joe Biden bribes, the Ukrainian bribes, the Russian bribes, the Chinese bribes.
And we still only have seen the tip of the iceberg on that.
The Oversight Committee still is looking for other Biden bank records that they are going to get that are probably going to divulge even more millions of dollars going into the Biden family.
And in most polls, even It's really, the polls between Biden and Trump, it's just like, you can't even really take them seriously.
Some have Biden up by a couple points, some have Trump up by a couple points.
I'd throw those polls out the window.
The nominee polls are pretty accurate on the Republican side.
Trump's obviously winning.
On the Democratic side, I'm a little skeptical.
I think RFK's a little more popular than 20, 25%.
But it's the real world test.
It's the real world test.
I'm telling you, folks.
You want to find out how popular Trump is?
Go wear a Trump hat.
You're going to be getting high fives.
You're going to have people saying, yeah, Trump's my guy.
Telling you.
For Biden, though?
No, not even one.
Live from the InfoWars headquarters in Austin, Texas.
The Alex Jones Show.
Still on air.
Still here, despite all the attacks.
Headline Townhall.com, Bidenomics will hurt hard-working Americans the most.
And they're already feeling it.
It's Bidinomics.
Where the price at the pump for you to fill up your car has doubled.
It's Bidinomics.
Where your energy bill, electricity bill, gas bill has doubled.
It's Bidenomics!
Your grocery bill has doubled!
It's Bidenomics.
Your taxes have gone up.
It's Bidenomics.
By the way, did we mention the value of your dollar has also gone down?
Well, gee, if you wanted to put an entire country of people into a caste system where they couldn't rent, or rather, all they could do was rent, they couldn't own anything, that's exactly what you would want to do.
If you wanted to kill the entrepreneurial spirit of Americans, you would regulate and tax them Out of the motivation to start something and create something on their own.
And that's what we call Biden-nomics.
Trump beating Biden by 18 points among independents.
Which, if there was the scenario of R.F.K.
or Tulsi Gabbard are both of them breaking off and running third-party ticket.
That means it would be Democrats hemorrhaging votes.
And that would be a crushing blow to whoever the nominee ends up being.
But like I said, it's going to be interesting to see how far RFK takes this campaign inside the confines or beyond that of the Democrat Party.
Joe Biden is the second most unpopular president in modern American history.
Modern American history.
39% approval rating right now and sinking.
And sinking.
When the... Well, I guess it would be better...
At the end of the year, Biden is going to be about 35% approval rating.
The economy is going to get worse, more people are going to get harassed by the federal government, and we might even be going to a larger scale war in Ukraine or maybe even Taiwan.
So this is going to be down to about 35 or less by the end of the year.
81 million votes.
And getting 60-70% in the polls for nominee for the Democrat Party?
Who likes this guy?
I don't know anybody.
I don't know a single person that is a proud Biden voter.
And then there's the corruption.
FBI hid evidence corroborating that Bidens took $10 million from Ukraine.
Oh, that's right!
Ahead of the 2020 election, the FBI had evidence, A, they knew Hunter Biden's laptop was real, but B, they also had evidence that the Bidens were taking tens of millions of dollars, not only from Ukraine, but other countries as well.
The IRS knew it as well.
And they covered it all up to protect Joe Biden during the 2020 election.
And we're all in a trance, including myself.
I'm not pointing the finger at anybody.
I'm saying we are all in a trance here that we have dealt with and just accepted so much political corruption that the Bidens get caught red-handed taking tens of millions of dollars, could be hundreds of millions of dollars, when it's all said and done to the Biden crime family, and the FBI covered it up and hid it, and the mainstream media continues to carry water for these lies.
And we just sit here and we're just supposed to take it.
And this is just supposed to be how it is.
This is just what it is.
Or maybe you're supposed to believe that Joe Biden is actually innocent.
Yes, that's what it is.
Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, none of it.
They've never even traveled up to a foreign country.
In fact, Joe Biden has never even opened a bank account.
Neither is Hunter Biden.
They've never even had a bank account.
Okay, so don't worry about it.
Joe Biden's never even had any political power to sell on the open market.
He's never been able to sell political influence and make tens of millions of dollars.
None of it's going on.
That's what you're actually supposed to believe.
It doesn't even exist.
So it's not that the FBI is covering it up, it's that it doesn't even exist!
But it does exist.
And people have seen the evidence, and they've seen the proof, and they've showed a lot of it to us.
And then nothing happens.
Because we're all in a trance.
judge refuses to force Department of Justice to turn over records showing Biden-Garland obstruction of Hunter Biden prosecution.
Oh, that's right.
When Hunter Biden lied on a gun application and never registered as a foreign agent and then wasn't even paying his taxes and Biden and Merrick Garland made sure that Hunter would be A-OK.
Well, it's good to know what Joe Biden is up to because we've been wondering.
We don't really know.
But now we do know he's been running protection for his son.
For his son.
But Marjorie Taylor Greene is the one that gets the ethics complaint now.
Hunter Biden lawyers file ethics complaint against Marjorie Taylor Greene for showing his nude sex photos to Congress.
That's something, isn't it?
That's something.
Well actually she was trying to highlight how Hunter Biden was lying and he said that his sex cult membership was a business expense and he said that his hookers and blow parties were a business expense and it wasn't but he did also used a business expense to put Joe Biden up into a hotel,
which was confirmed via receipts with his signature on it that he said was a
business expense, but Joe Biden said he never did any business with Hunter Biden, so what's that about?
It doesn't matter because the IRS refuses to investigate, and the FBI covers it up, and the DOJ won't investigate
But Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to hear about it.
Because she showed you that in the hearing.
And all, and I'm sorry, because it's a lot of people I respect, some people that I even know, all you people that were going after Marjorie Taylor Greene, oh she shouldn't do this, oh decorum, oh she's shock jock.
She just threw a haymaker and now they're complaining.
So actually maybe you should change your mind and support Marjorie Taylor Greene, whether you like her or not.
Or like her half the time or none of the time?
I mean, she's up there trying to score points.
She's up there moving the needle.
I'd do it again.
In fact, I bet she will.
I bet Marjorie Taylor Greene goes to Congress and shows more images from the Hunter Biden laptop.
Because FM, that's why!
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Now, there are some other news stories here.
I do intend to dive back into the 2024 race and the political stories.
When Harrison Smith joins me at 6 o'clock here, so about an hour and a half from now.
But let's look at some of these other stories.
And these are still all over the news.
And what I notice now too, people are talking about it in public.
And specifically more so when you go into the comment sections or the reply sections where you have stories of 23-year-old dies suddenly, you know, young athlete, female, male, whatever, you know, tennis star, track star, all of it.
And people are like, hey, you know, I've really noticed that these young people dying is happening more often.
What's going on?
And then it's, you know, a hundred people saying it's the vaccine.
What are you, you live under a rock?
So people are starting to get it.
And more and more documents are coming out.
Last week, Childs Health Defense just shared how they tested, I think it was Pfizer, tested the vaccine on pregnant rats and, uh, well, the babies didn't make it out.
But they told you it was safe and effective.
So they tested it on pregnant rats, wasn't safe or effective, but then they told the pregnant mother safe and effective.
What a shame.
What a criminal shame.
But that's what they did, and they just released that study last week.
Leaked report confirms myocarditis cases spiked in U.S.
military following forced COVID shots.
So now you know more about it.
And another military document where, you know, they keep good records there in the military and they see myocarditis is spiking all of a sudden.
What is going on?
This has been after the vaccine.
The study looked at over 32,000 individuals who had received either the Pfizer, BioNTech, or Moderna vaccines and monitored them for heart-related conditions.
32 of the study subject were admitted to the hospital with heart and chest related symptoms.
So, let's say there's a 1% shot, and you knew it.
1% shot, you go in there and take that COVID vaccine, that you're gonna have a life-altering health side effect.
Would you have taken it?
Probably not.
Because 1% is not safe and effective, is it?
And pregnant rats, their little rat babies not surviving after taking the COVID vaccine is not safe and effective, is it?
But they said safe and effective over and over and over and over.
But it doesn't just stop at the military, everybody's seeing it.
Cleveland Browns 32-year-old wide receiver Marquise Goodwin diagnosed with blood clots in legs and lungs.
And now, his football future is in question.
Hall of Fame, NFL cornerback, and Colorado Buffaloes head coach Deion Sanders is now having more surgeries, dealing with the blood clots in his toes and legs.
But don't ask about that vaccine!
Oh, they wanted to know.
They wanted to know your vaccine status real, real intimately, didn't they?
In 2021, if you wanted to go to get groceries or go into a restaurant, they wanted to know your vaccine status, didn't they?
And they had a little piece of paper they wanted you to have to prove your vaccine status.
Oh, but now people are falling left and right and having blood clots and we want to know their vaccine status.
And oh, no, no, no, you're not supposed to ask about that.
So, oh, you want to go have dinner?
You want to send your kid to school.
You need to go have an operation at the hospital.
We need to know your vaccine status.
Hey, all these people are keeling over with heart problems, getting blood clots.
What's their vaccine status?
Don't you dare ask that!
Don't you dare ask if Jamie Foxx had a vaccine side effect.
Look, I'm not gonna get conspiratorial here, okay?
I'm not gonna tell you that Jamie Foxx is dead, and they have some actor pretending to be Jamie Foxx to save the story.
But, clearly, before and after Jamie Foxx, with this recent illness that he has gone through, with heart problems, I mean, the man looks different.
I mean, this really, really messed him up, clearly.
Whatever you think about Jamie Foxx, this is a guy who dedicated his life to being an elite individual.
And when it all gets ripped away from you like that, it can be a little devastating.
But I'm sure he's glad he's still alive.
But man, what is it that caused Jamie Foxx to go through that, that he comes out on the other side looking like a completely different person?
Don't ask about that vaccine status, though.
Don't even bring that up.
How dare you?
Daughter of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine executive dies suddenly following seizures.
Ten-year-old... Ten-year-old Casey Corrine Moran suffered a fatal brain injury following a seizure on July 3rd.
Our 10-year-old daughter Kelsey Morad passed away unexpectedly.
Reads a fundraiser in memory of Kelsey seeking to enhance children's services at a local soup kitchen.
And of course we know what everyone is thinking.
Israel's Netanyahu goes to hospital for pacemaker.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who rushed to the hospital early Sunday for an emergency implantation of a heart pacemaker plunging Israel deeper into turmoil after widespread protests over his contentious judicial overhaul plan.
So they kind of just, this story here, they kind of just breeze over the fact that he had to go get a pacemaker.
They kind of just breeze over Whatever's going on with his health.
Netanyahu keeps a busy schedule and his office says he's in good health, but over the years it has released few details or medical records.
On July 15th, he was rushed to Sheba with dizziness.
He later said he had been out in the hot sun and had not been drinking enough water.
He was a big pusher of the vaccine, though.
But see, he wanted to know, all the Israelis had to get the vaccine.
And we had to know their status, but what about yours, Netanyahu?
Did you take a vaccine?
Did you have a side effect?
Is that why you had to be rushed to the hospital for a pacemaker?
Are we not allowed to ask that?
Only when citizens of the planet just want to go to the grocery store, that's when you ask.
Well, I can tell you that the city of Austin has pretty much turned into a Grand Theft Auto, it feels like.
Feels like I'm living in Grand Theft Auto now, just sirens all the time, police pulling people over 24-7.
The, uh, homelessness, poverty, degradation, derangement, just walking around on the streets.
Austin wasn't like this.
Not too long ago, even, it wasn't like this.
But it's not just Austin.
It's not just Austin.
In fact, you guys, did you have that video from San Francisco that I sent you?
I'm gonna play this later with Harrison, but let's just... This is insane, guys.
Just roll it.
This person...
I mean, you know, who knows what you're doing when you drive your car off a cliff.
But that's San Francisco for you.
It's just Biden's America.
It's Democrat-run America is what it is.
Pete Booty juices on it.
How insane is this story?
Or how insane is it that we continue to see this happen?
Elderly Lowe's worker, a lady by the way, 68-year-old Donna Handsbrough, fired after getting repeatedly punched in the face trying to stop thieves.
So the three alleged thieves, like a grown man and two young boys, Try to steal from Lowe's.
She tries to stop him.
She gets beaten up and then she gets fired for trying to stop him.
What is this clown world we live in?
And of course, Lowe's public statement as well.
She violated company policy.
Oh, she was supposed to let the criminals steal.
And I guess if they wanted to smash her face and stomp on her head on the way out too, then she should probably say, thank you.
May I have another?
I guess I won't be shopping at Lowe's anymore.
But that's not the only one.
You had the Lululemon story that went viral.
It's happened at all kinds of stores in California.
Oh, it's store policy.
We don't let our employees try to stop criminal behavior, specifically thieves.
Now, this whole argument of life is more important than property, It's such a misrepresentation of the debate.
It's such a low IQ response.
And it's just so typical from the American left.
This isn't about people over property, okay?
This is about we want to live in a civilized society.
And when you break down the foundations of that by letting people run wild and the good people get punished, And the bad people get rewarded.
You are breaking down the very foundations of the civilized society we want to live in.
We don't want to see carjackings walking around in the middle of downtown in broad daylight.
We don't want to be eating lunch outside and we hear a... and a smash and grab.
We don't want to go to the grocery store or go to a...
Whatever store and see people running in and running out with a bunch of stolen loot and nobody can do anything about it We don't want to get on the subway and have deranged lunatics Threatening people getting aggressive with people and then nobody's allowed to do anything or they get in trouble This is the breakdown of civilization It's completely insane It's against all common sense, and logic, and reasoning, and basic human decency.
And it's all coming from and towards the same direction.
From the American left, towards criminals getting treated better than you.
And that's why the New York City Police Union, they had one of those digital billboards that they were driving around all day.
This weekend, Alvin Bragg says criminals have more rights than you.
New York City Police Union blasts Alvin Bragg with billboard truck after he indicts police officer.
Yes, the cop that wants to stop the criminals was the bad guy.
Just like Daniel Penney is the bad guy.
Oh, the deranged lunatic that threatens people and runs around on the subway train and is well known for at least five years of being a disturbance.
He's the victim here.
It's like, you ever had a friend that just couldn't help but run his
You're at a party, you're at a bar, he's just running his mouth, and then eventually, you know, somebody pops your friend in the face, pops him in the jaw, and then, you know, he's looking up like, well, why didn't you back me up?
I'm like, back you up?
You asked for that.
What are you talking about?
Back you up.
That was totally earned.
You earned that punch in the face, buddy.
Now, I'm not gonna let you get hurt, but let's be honest about it.
See, oh, no, no, no, no, no.
You run around on the subway, you run around the streets, you get aggressive, you're deranged, you harass people.
Nobody's allowed to touch you!
No, it's common sense.
If you run around acting like a jerk and an a-hole, somebody's gonna knock you down.
Because that's what you deserve.
But, oh, once again, it's the same thing.
You let criminals run the country, you let deranged lunatics run the streets, you're breaking down the foundations of civilized society, and that's why it's not civilized anymore.
Top Japanese diplomat violently assaulted in Portland in anti-Asian hate crime attack.
What happened to stop Asian hate?
What happened to stop Asian hate?
Well, they found out the attackers weren't white.
And so now the stop Asian hate phenomenon isn't.
It's kind of like the Me Too movement.
What happened to the Me Too movement?
Well, all the liberals were assaulting women and so it went away.
What happened to the stop Asian hate movement?
Well, it was not white people assaulting the Asians so they quit caring.
Pro-life activists attacked while protesting outside D.C.
Planned Parenthood.
Police refused to charge attackers, despite the video evidence.
Yep, seen that too many times.
No, it's actually sad, because somebody asked me this weekend, when you're out, because if I go out, I'll get recognized sometimes, it's like, do you ever people Attack you or anything like that?
And I don't really think much of it, but then I kind of sat and I thought about it and I was kind of like, geez, you know, actually, yeah, I mean, I've been assaulted on video probably at least 10 times.
I've been sucker punched multiple times when I've been out.
I've had drinks poisoned when I've been out.
And it was just kind of going through all that and it was just like, man, I'm just numb to it.
And I know I'm going up against the liberal terrorists and the biggest hate group in the country, the Democrats, but it's just like, these people are just total scum.
Now the good news is it's not really like that anymore.
I go out anywhere and it's pretty much all love now.
And maybe I'll talk about this story.
I wore a Trump hat at a ball game this weekend and everybody loved it.
I mean, everybody loved the Trump hat.
They loved it.
They loved the Trump hat guy.
By the way, there's a big... I think it's in California.
Because California is now going to allow abortions up to birth.
And so in a couple weekends from now, there's a Christian group organizing a massive prayer vigil in California that's going to be outside the, I think it's a Planned Parenthood in California, where they're going to abort up to birth now.
I mean, yeah, let's just rip them right out of the womb and just feed them, just feed them to the satanic cult in D.C.
Just do it all live on camera.
It'll be the top-rated show.
And then the liberals will still deny it exists, and they'll say, that's not real, that's QAnon.
Just stop oil climate activists blocked by counter protesters wearing just stop pissing everyone off t-shirts.
And this is where it's going.
And this is what I think is the natural, this is kind of the natural path with this.
It's not a political path, but it's going to be organic.
The average American that might have leaned left for whatever reasons, maybe it was a disgust towards Bush, or maybe they do have more political leanings that are leftist or liberal, But now it's reached this point where the average American that maybe leans left or votes Democrat looks at what a liberal progressive is and is so disgusted and knows it's such an embarrassment that they don't want to be associated with it anymore.
And this is a perfect example.
All these Just Stop Oil people that are blocking up traffic and destroying art and historic monuments and disrupting sporting events.
Everybody's just sick of them.
But it's the same thing.
It's leftists like this everywhere, and that's why you have all these people leaving the Democrat Party.
And that's why you have people like Joe Rogan and Elon Musk and everybody else making fun of liberals now.
When they might have been leaning left their entire lives, now they're like, yeah, these liberals, I'm not associated with them, uh-uh.
They're deranged lunatics, pedophile-esque, if not just straight-up pedo- Nope, not me.
Not with the liberals anymore.
That's what it is.
They just, they gotta suck the fun out of everything.
It's a bunch of people that never earned any power, that never earned any influence.
It was all stolen.
It was all given to them.
And now they're riding that high horse all high and mighty, realizing that that, that horse they rode was never a horse at all.
It was a jackass.
It was a jackass.
And now it's Joe Biden the jackass in the wire.
What's Joe Biden doing right now?
All right, we will be opening up the phone lines shortly.
And we also have Harrison Smith coming in studio in an hour from now to talk shop with me on all of this as well.
We got Twitter about to change the logo.
I'm going to tell you about that.
Some other news out of the Biden campaign.
Oh yeah, uh-oh.
I'm sorry, I just... The Biden baggy at the White House, that story just won't go away.
And it shouldn't, by the way.
Now, they're doing the same thing to RFK Jr.
that they did to Donald Trump, and that's calling up anybody that knows him or any of his family that is willing to speak out negatively against him and then probably offering them money or jobs or some such form of payment.
Or maybe like the Bidens, they get a nice Rolex, nice big, pure diamonds.
Maybe they get paid like the Bidens do, off the radar, under the table.
But so now, it's a grandson, and this is really just pathetic, so, but the left has now got an RFK, excuse me, a JFK grandson, to go after RFK Jr., and by the way, this will have absolutely no effect.
This will have zero impact whatsoever.
So you know what?
Should I even air it?
Just so you can see, just for proof that this isn't what they're doing to RFK Jr.
now, here is JFK's grandson endorsing Joe Biden.
Hi, I'm Jack Schlossberg, and I have something to say.
President John F. Kennedy is my grandfather, and his legacy is important.
It's about a lot more than Camelot.
You know, it's so funny here.
Just go ahead and pause it.
This is just pathetic.
This is so pathetic.
So I don't know this guy.
Nobody knows of this guy.
You don't know of this guy.
And that's fine.
He can live a private life.
It's not necessarily an insult.
But you've never heard of him and now all of a sudden he wants to be an influence on your politics.
And his whole selling point is JFK is my grandfather.
So what have you done?
Oh, JFK is your grandfather.
So I'm supposed to listen to you.
Well, okay.
Well, what do you have to offer?
Oh, I'm going to endorse Joe Biden.
So you mean the family member of yours that's actually trying to uphold the Democrat Party values of your grandfather and the deep state that killed members of your family, R.K.
is trying to stand up to them and your choice is to endorse Biden?
Interesting choice there.
But you know what?
I don't need to see anymore.
So that's it.
That's all the airtime.
Because the story isn't who he is or what he's saying.
The story is that they're going after R.F.K.
a lot like they went after Donald Trump.
So he's the real deal, R.F.K.
is the real deal.
They're not as scared of R.F.K.
as they are Donald Trump, at least right now.
But there's no doubt, they see the threat that R.F.K.
Specifically to Joe Biden and the Democrats during the nomination, or even furthermore, when the presidential election actually comes up, should he decide to leave and go third party.
So they've got to do as much damage to JFK Jr.
as possible.
They have to do as much damage to him as possible, as quickly as possible, because all he's doing is gaining momentum, all he's doing is gaining popularity, and the more they attack him, The bigger his platform gets.
I mean, RFK Jr.
says the media is hitting him harder than Trump.
I mean, he might be right, folks!
Now, I would say that the corrupt bureaucrat-administrative state is attacking Donald Trump more than RFK, but I mean, I actually, I think the media is attacking RFK more than Trump now!
I think he's actually right!
It's the same media that lies to you about everything.
That's the election we deserve.
vs. Donald Trump.
That's an American on both sides.
Not a sellout, but an American.
That's why they don't want him on there.
That's why they don't want him in there.
So Twitter, well Elon Musk rather, is about to change the Twitter logo.
This actually has an impact.
You might think it's trivial.
I don't think so.
But I might be the lunatic on this one.
I might be in the lunatic fringe with my take on that.
We're going to talk about that.
We've also got some news out of Ukraine.
We're going to cover as well some other cultural news.
We'll be talking about with Harrison Smith in an hour, including some of the polls showing how Trump is surging and skyrocketing.
And then we're also going to take your calls.
I do this about once a month, and it usually gets the same result, people calling in and confirming, but people wanting to talk about their own thing, so it's not the most effective practice, but I'll just say, what are you experiencing?
You go out in public, you talk to people, you hear people talk.
I mean, folks, I'm not trying to exaggerate here.
I was at a ballgame this weekend, and the entire section was like an Alex Jones Show.
I'm not even kidding.
And I'm just sitting there, I'm sitting in the front row of this section, it's like six rows back maybe.
Maybe like 30, 40 people in this section.
And I mean it was just like, the whole thing was just Alex Jones left and right.
I had a Trump hat on, everybody loved the Trump hat.
So, that is just undeniable real world evidence that yes, Trump did get the most votes ever of any other president.
And yes, he is still the most popular president in modern American history.
And yes, he is the most popular man running for president.
Nobody else has that.
Nobody else can do that.
But beyond just Trump versus Biden or whoever, the fact that I mean, I'm hearing people talking about Jeffrey Epstein just at a ballgame behind me, talking about, oh, wow, the economy got real bad after Biden got in.
So, I mean, the awakening is on.
So I want to take your calls on that if you're experiencing something similar.
And I mean, maybe I'll just tell the story of what happened.
But I mean, I'm just telling you.
I'm at a ballgame.
I got a trumpet on.
A whole section sounds like a damn Alex Jones Show going on behind me.
I'm like, what the hell?
This woman is telling me she wants to send me classified documents that she gets from working in the Pentagon.
I'm not even kidding you!
I'm like, what in the hell is going on here?
Am I at a baseball game or am I in a studio at Info Wars?
What in the world?
Folks, they were people debating Flat Earth!
So, it's on!
The awakening is on, the human mind, the spark, the life force, the curiosity, the bewilderment, the wonderment, it's all returning, it's all coming back, the heartbeat of the human soul, we're breaking out of the trance!
It feels good!
Are you experiencing this?
877-789-2539. 877-789-2539. We're going to take a ton of calls tonight right here on
the Jones Show and into Sunday Night Live with Harrison Smith. But let me just tell
you, I am not exaggerating.
I've got multiple eyewitnesses.
I've got even photo evidence.
People wanting to take pictures with the Trump hat guy.
It was crazy.
I've never seen anything like that.
And like I said, I do this about once a month.
Maybe I'll go out and do something about once a month or go out to a bar, go out to a ballgame or something like that and just kind of get a feel for things around me.
I've probably gone to... I mean, really.
400 baseball games in my life?
I have never... 500?
I mean, maybe sometimes in the booth.
If I'm sitting in, like, a radio booth, you know, people will talk politics.
I have never... I have never sat in a... in a... section of a baseball game where everybody is talking politics and it's just, like, a Red Pill Festival happening.
I'm going to check out at the concession.
The guy checking me out is like, hey, got a nice hat, man!
Gives me a fist bump.
But my guess is you're probably experiencing something similar.
But that's the twilight zone that we're in.
We know we were right.
We've been proven right.
We've won the political debate.
We have the numbers.
We have the momentum.
We are the majority.
We're just not getting the political results.
So the gears start to shift.
And we start to figure out why.
What can we do?
It's a slow burn to us that are impatient.
It's a slow burn that have been watching this go on for decades.
But it's, the burn is heating up.
The burn is heating up.
Tell you, just wild.
All ages too.
All ages.
Younger than me, older than me.
Couldn't even, couldn't make it up.
Yeah, let me tell ya.
Back when Rob Dewey and I went to the game, that was probably like five years ago now, with the Trump-Hillary masks.
Ain't no, ain't no, nobody was talking politics, really.
I mean, they liked our shirts and stuff, but this was, it was totally different.
But it was, I guess that's a good comparison, though.
We were popular then, too.
We were in the majority then, too.
Oh, man.
So there you go.
Now, let's pepper in some other news here before we do take your calls.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott rejects Department of Justice demand to remove floating border barriers.
We'll see you in court.
So, I mean, how effective can these things really be?
Well, I guess they're effective enough that the Biden DOJ wants to get rid of them.
Because if you asked me, I would say no, they're ugly, it's an eyesore, how effective is it?
I think it's dumb.
Put more barbed wire up.
You just sent 500 Texas DPS agents to Austin to pull people over for traffic stops.
Send them down to the border.
Stop all the illegals coming in.
But now it's the Biden DOJ that's livid because Greg Abbott is putting some barriers up at the southern border?
Okay, well I guess Abbott's onto something.
I don't want to be the dog getting wagged by the tail, but I think it's a fair pressure point to say, well, gee, if the Biden administration hates it, maybe it's good.
So it's kind of like I was skeptical of Greg Abbott sending all the illegal immigrants to New York and Chicago and Los Angeles and then the left just started complaining and now they've shut down their cities for illegals.
I'm like, oh, okay, gee, Greg, I guess you did do it then.
All right, good job.
So all he does is he puts up a floating barrier, essentially a floating wall, if you will, in between the United States and Mexico and the Department of Justice demands he removes it.
Humanitarian concerns.
They lie so much.
A pregnant woman was crossing the southern border illegally.
She crosses and she runs into barbed wire set up there to protect our border.
She runs into it and then the media says, Greg Abbott laid a trap that caught up a pregnant woman.
Laid a trap.
Laid a trap.
If I break into somebody's house and the alarm goes off, And maybe the owner comes out and shoots me or the cops show up and arrest me.
Oh, did I fall into a trap?
Am I the victim?
Oh, I fell into a trap!
I broke into your house to rob everything and you shot me because your alarm system went off.
Why did you trap me?
Why doesn't the Department of Justice want a border?
Why doesn't the Department of Justice want any barriers at the border?
Why does the Department of Justice want the floating wall to be removed?
Why, why, why, why, why?
Is the Department of Justice profiting?
Who wouldn't ask?
This is the most fair and obvious question to ask.
Is the Department of Justice profiting off of illegal immigration?
Is the Department of Justice running an illegal immigration pipeline that they are profiting off of?
Is the Department of Justice profiting off of child sex trafficking and human trafficking going on at the southern border?
Otherwise, why else wouldn't they want to stop it?
It really is that basic.
It really is that open and shut.
That is the question that should be asked every time a member of the Biden administration or the Department of Justice ever does a press conference.
But of course they don't.
You know, another debate I want to have.
Is it time to impeach Joe Biden?
I've been on the fence about this and mostly saying no.
I am now changing my stance.
I do believe it is time to impeach Joe Biden.
But it needs to be done very strategically.
Very methodically and strategically.
We'll talk about that as well when we come back.
Put him on the screen.
We've got a shiny chrome dome.
You told me to come in here.
We've got a shiny chrome dome here.
You told me to come in here.
Alex may or may not be in the room behind the studio working on the finishing touches of a new book.
May or may not be.
I got a deadline of three days, so we had to cut it down from 800 pages to 500.
And I'm just, we're double sourcing everything.
It's just, it's a really good book, really powerful.
Well, it's like there's so much information about how the globalists are trying to destroy America.
How do you, how do you decide what's the most important?
Well, the craziest part, it's all their admissions.
Their own documents.
Well, they're really getting arrogant now.
Have you seen Harari?
He's on the site today.
Going, there's no globalists, no elite.
No such thing as a new world order.
He says these speeches like total elites will run everything.
We will have robots that will land on mosquitoes that will inject you with the vaccine.
There is no freedom.
You have no free will.
You have no dignity.
We rule you.
We control you.
A super elite will be the new gods.
Remember his quote?
I don't believe in Jesus in the clouds, but we will be gods in the clouds, the elite.
But now he says there's no elite!
The one thing about them is they didn't have a very good disguise.
I mean, you look at Debbie Wasserman Schultz, you look at Joe Biden, you look at Noah Harari, you look at Klaus Schwab, I mean, they look like the demon, freakazoid tyrants that they are.
That's right.
You can't even hide that.
Nolan Schroeder looks like the young, handsome Abraham Lincoln.
That's right.
Well, they cloned... And I look like a little bit overweight Lex Luthor.
All right, I'm gonna, I get back to work.
Great job.
All right.
Hey, I appreciate everybody.
Go finish up that book.
Go finish up that book.
Folks, you're going to be able to find that at InfowarsStore.com, but he's got to finish it first, all right?
So he can't be here in studio all day.
He's got to go finish that book, but it'll be available for you at InfowarsStore.com shortly.
I can assure you, let's make it a New York Times bestseller when that day comes.
But the Patriot Pride Month is live right now at InfowarsStore.com, so you've already got huge discounts on top-selling, top-rated supplements.
And I mean, when you've got You're looking at Russia, you're looking at China, you're looking at Taiwan, you're looking at Ukraine, and you got Joe Biden in the White House, folks.
I'm telling you, Russia and China are going to be making big, massive moves in the next 12 months.
They're going to make whatever their big strategic moves are before Biden, before the 2024 election, because they know Biden is weak and they probably both have Biden blackmailed.
So, whatever they're going to do in Taiwan and Ukraine, it's coming.
Whatever they're going to do with the gold-backed currency in BRICS, it's coming.
So, I just think you need to be prepared.
And, quite frankly, I'm already prepared.
Maybe even for myself, I guess you can never be over-prepared, but... I mean, even I'm thinking about, like, I got emergency food supplies, but even I'm thinking, like, is it time to... Do I need to get even more now?
It's like, it feels instinctual, really.
So we got 10% off all emergency food supplies right now at InfoWareStore.com.
You'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
It's that obvious.
It's insurance you can eat.
And it's the highest quality storage as well, so you don't even have to worry about it, folks.
It shows up and it's ready to be stored.
You don't even have to worry about getting it prepared to store.
It's ready.
It's storable food ready when it shows up to be stored.
Or to be eaten.
You can take it out on a camping trip.
Patriot Pride Month rolls on and it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
And hey, as long as you continue to shop at Infowarsstore.com, Alex Jones is going to keep working and writing new books and launching new shows and doing everything he can to defeat these tyrants.
As is his life mission.
So, that's at Infowarsstore.com.
Alright, we're going to come back and take calls.
We're going to be joined by Harrison Smith.
But since I mentioned the NATO, Russia, Ukraine situation, there is some news here.
And it's mostly just the same news that's been going on, and then your media lying to you about it, the American media, and the White House, the Biden administration lying to you.
They had a new supply of Leopard and Bradley tanks show up for the Ukrainian army and they were destroyed immediately.
And it was 15 Leopard tanks, 20 Bradley tanks destroyed in one day.
Large number of Western mercenaries eliminated.
And everybody knew that was going to be the case, but who cares because I don't think Lindsey Graham owns any stock, and nobody Lindsey Graham knows owns any stock in any of the weapons manufacturers or contractors that are making more money than ever before.
I'm sure that's not what's going on here.
So they're really heartbroken that every time they send a new shipment of weapons, and every time they send a new shipment of tanks, it either gets stolen or destroyed upon arrival.
But see, you don't hear about that.
Oh, did they make a big fuss about the Inspector General's report last week?
That most of the arms and ammunition and money that's gone into Ukraine, they can't track or trace?
They don't know where it went!
Yeah, that one kind of just... That one kind of just flew right under the radar, didn't it?
Inspector General report, the ammunition and arms and money going to Ukraine is disappearing.
How do you steal a fighter jet?
How do you steal a fighter jet?
How do you steal a shipment of 20,000 guns and 100,000 rounds of ammunition?
They did a movie actually about that.
It's called Lord of War.
And you know the individual who was the Lord of War?
He was Ukrainian.
He was a Ukrainian.
They did a lot of business in Ukraine.
It's like they knew.
It's like they knew.
So that's what's going on.
A gigantic money laundering operation.
A gigantic weapons laundering operation.
200 billion dollars to Ukraine.
It could have been brought right back here to the United States and it would have improved our lives, but we should really just be improving the lives of the D.C.
elites that don't care who they send to die or whose money they steal.
And give to themselves.
Putin issues stark warning to Poland and NATO.
So there's just more aggression going on there.
Ukraine's lack of weaponry and training risks stalemate in fight with Russia.
That's the Wall Street Journal today.
Yeah, thank you for reminding me.
You want to see the video that explains the Ukraine-Russian war?
It's Ukraine bashing its head against the Russians and not doing anything, and then America saying, no, bash harder, bash harder, bash, bash, bash, we'll bash for you.
I mean, that's it.
That is your war in Ukraine right there.
Stalemate with Russia.
Oh, it's a stalemate.
It's a stalemate.
Ukrainians are dying by the tens of thousands.
Anybody volunteering for the Ukraine army is getting killed or captured almost immediately, having their legs blown off.
It's cost the American people $200 billion.
It's cost NATO some $50 billion, probably.
All the weapons, everything that's been stolen, laundered, blown up.
And that's a stalemate!
So, I mean, So I guess what, if Russia would have to blow Ukraine off the map, and raise the Ukrainian flag in Kiev, I guess that would be a stalemate, or would that be a Russian victory?
So this is a stalemate!
So Ukraine is getting murdered and destroyed, and Ukraine is being set up for a fall, and weapons and money are being laundered, and that's a stalemate!
That's a stalemate.
And now what is this from the US?
Not a good sign.
Not a good sign.
Once in a generation opportunity is what CIA chief William Burns says the US is recruiting spies in Russia.
Once in a generation opportunity.
Oh, once in a generation opportunity to step up for World War III for the most bloodlusting criminal elites in the history of this planet.
Once in a generation opportunity.
Step right up, folks!
Step right up!
The Biden administration will send you to Ukraine to die!
It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Step right up and stand right in front of those Russian bullets and missiles.
And don't worry because the ammunition and the arms that we sent you didn't show up and the tanks are all blown up too.
But step right up!
Step right up!
Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to die for Lindsey Graham and Joe Biden.
And now a leaked video shows retired First All General McChrystal claims that the U.S.
is behind Nord Stream Pipeline bombing.
Yeah, we all knew it.
It's a war crime.
Biden did it, but the media just covered up for him.
All right, we got callers on the line.
We got Harrison Smith coming up in studio.
We got lots of live InfoWars transmission remaining.
I want to talk about Twitter changing its logo to an X. I want to talk about what We need to do as far as the impeachment of Joe Biden is concerned.
But we do have callers on the line, and so I see a couple callers on this.
And let me just, without being too redundant, I do this about once a month or so as kind of a barometer from what I'm seeing, what you're seeing.
But I was at a ballgame this weekend, and I had a Trump hat on, and I'm not even kidding you, we're not even talking politics, we're there minding our own business, I'm there with some friends.
And, like, the whole section sounds like Alex Jones, people talking about Trump, people talking about Epstein didn't kill himself, Deep State, 9-11, inside job, like, going into detail.
So I'm like, what in the heck is going on?
And then the situation just got totally out of control when I caught a foul ball with a Trump hat on.
And then there was a little girl whose birthday it was.
Gave her the ball.
There was a whole thing.
And it was the guy in the Trump hat.
Everybody wanted a picture.
So it's like I felt I'm at a ballgame.
Usually that's not my political element.
I'm just there with friends.
And now it's, oh, wow.
It's like, hey.
Like everybody here knows what I know.
Everybody here understands what I understand.
Everybody here is getting it.
This is reassuring.
But my guess is you're experiencing that.
What about your friends?
What about your family?
You go out, do you see this?
I've never, I have never in my life... So, aside from, let's say, aside from working baseball games in a booth or something, if I'm sitting in a, if I'm sitting in the stands, probably hundreds of baseball games, I have never ever heard a section of people sounding like Alex Jones before.
But this weekend sure did.
So, let's go to Trent in Texas to lead us off tonight.
Trent, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, yes, sir.
Am I loud and clear?
You are.
So, basically, I had a guy working for me today.
He's vaccine damaged.
His hands, he can't feel anything.
It feels like either electrical burst and fire in his fingertips.
From it, my mother, she has had I guess yeah, that's one way.
three strokes and just less than two years from just taking one shot and
everybody that I encounter, everyone, they all don't like Joe Biden. Nobody, I
couldn't find a Joe Biden voter unless he's wearing a mask.
There's two dudes that actually go to him. I guess that's one way if
they have a face mask on, they probably vote Joe Biden. Yes sir.
At the corner store around from my house, there's a guy who regularly comes in and I wear that, you know, mask free.
I have a medical condition.
And he was like, dude, what does that mean?
I'm like, the mask is an IQ test.
If you wear it, you're not that smart.
And I apologize.
I'm not trying to insult you, but it's a serious deal.
And the only way to you get serious change is by putting serious things in people's faces, especially if they're, like you said, and everyone else is saying, hypnotized or brainwashed, which is coincidentally What everything is right now, in circles, is really the truth.
Everything is connected.
From the educational system being destroyed for children, and I'm the guy who writes the children's books, by the way.
Right on, we met last summer.
Yes, sir, and I hope to be there again.
I have a badass little gift bag for you, sir.
Yes, sir.
The 150-year plan that the Rothschild family and everybody has had for The beginning, before World War II.
You know, the censorship of Nikola Tesla, which is immense.
You know, there's so much technology out there that could potentially actually make communism work.
And I'm not a communist, I don't believe in that crap.
I'm just saying that there's technology that could be from outer space or that exists that could at least make all of our lives a lot better.
No, see, but you bring up, you actually bring up an important point and I don't want to pontificate on this too much, but you're absolutely right.
It's why I say this all the time.
If you're a, if you're a communist in America, then you should love the free market system.
It's the best system you have to be a successful communist.
You can form your own commune, you can form your own communist society, you guys can pool the money, buy a house, whatever.
The best way to actually be a communist is in the free market.
But you're taking it one step further and you're just thinking pragmatically, and this is another great response that I would love to have from, or to get to liberals is, hey look, If you want to talk about free healthcare or free this or free that or whatever, I'm not for it.
I'm not for government freebies.
Nothing is free.
But if you start the conversation by saying, hey, we just sent $200 billion to Ukraine.
Instead, let's bring that domestically and help Americans.
Well, OK, now maybe you're actually speaking my language and we can do something.
But you notice that's never where the conversation begins.
It always begins with we need to take more of your money, Trent.
Yes, sir, it does.
Well, I'm broke.
I don't know.
We're all broke now living in Biden's America.
So I don't know what the hell they want from us.
They're bleeding us dry.
Hey, Trent, I hope we see you again.
We're gonna have more details.
I gotta take another call, man.
I just, I got to.
I got, we're gonna have a ton of calls tonight.
I hope I see you at the Summerfest coming up on the weekend of August 12th, the American Liberty Awards.
We'll have more on that later.
But Trent, I just gotta, I can't stick with you.
We got so many calls.
Let's go to Robert in Alabama.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I was listening to you before you took the call and you said, I want to hear what you're seeing on the streets and I already thought of my topic, how everyone, you know, we're all Alex Jones.
And then sure enough, you said it, how anywhere you go, you hear people saying everything Alex Jones has been saying for, you know, two decades.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
It's like I'm sitting in a ballgame and the section, it sounds like I'm listening to an Alex Jones show.
Yeah, I worked for the Oakland A's for four years and I had never heard anyone, especially that part of California, sound anything like a patriot or anyone who's a populist.
And, you know, it's amazing, you know, all the things that are happening would make the average person lose hope, but there's so many of us opening our eyes every day and, you know, I see it everywhere and look, I would never ask people to do something I wouldn't do and I get why people don't want to walk around with a political message on their shirt and that's fine.
But I'm telling you folks, now is the time to pressure test it.
Now is the time to pressure test it.
I don't walk around in a Trump hat very often.
In fact, the only reason I decided to wear it to the game because I've been very proud of what Trump has done recently.
I like the way he's blown up the sound of freedom.
I like the way he's screened it.
I like his policy, death penalty to child sex traffickers.
I'm like, yeah!
Trump's kicking ass!
I'm wearing my Trump hat today!
It felt good!
And then to have the response like that... So I'm just telling you, now's the time to pressure test.
Now's the time to put your message out there.
Now's the time to show courage.
Now's the time to show bravery.
It's contagious, and it's time to start the momentum now.
Now I understand not everybody likes Trump and doesn't want to vote for Trump.
That's fine.
He's going to get the nomination, so you'll have to deal with it when that moment comes.
And I understand a lot of people like RFK Jr., and that's fine too.
I think he's great.
Very important man to support right now, but the Democrats are going to steal it from him.
So I'm just saying, pragmatically, now's the time to do the pressure tests and start wearing messages around and just getting the momentum going so that other people feel that, oh, I am in the majority.
Oh, people do think like me.
I don't have to be scared to talk about this.
OK, thank you for the call, Robert.
Apparently, I got something going on with Sean in England here.
The crew's telling me I need to jump to Sean.
So, Sean, what is the situation you have?
Oh, hi there Owen.
No, you don't need to come to me, especially.
I just wanted to answer the subject you put out about how awake people are and give you the side of the view from over here.
Of course, we've got idiots running around with a horse.
Just stop oil, please.
Just stop.
Yeah, yeah.
Okay, so how bad is that?
Because I mean, I see four or five videos a day where they're getting dragged off the street.
Well, yeah, this is the kind of thing that's going to make people become more awake because it's pushing all the wrong buttons.
There is a small minority of people that go along with that and they are very disruptive and they are extremely unpopular.
I may even lead eventually to people questioning the whole climate question itself.
In fact, just stop oil might actually achieve the biggest defeat.
And then people may realize that the whole thing is a scam because of what they're doing.
But that is waking more people up definitely.
I think generally we're probably getting to the limit both here and over there of how
many people you can wake up.
Do you know what I mean?
I think if you're not going to wake up now in this environment.
Well, I saw that the conservative parties in Spain are barnstorming right now and making big headway.
And I saw the same thing in Europe, in Germany, where there's a famous soccer player that they're going after, Osiel, right now, who had some tattoo on his chest.
And they're saying, oh my gosh, he's a conservative.
He's right wing.
We have to destroy him.
I mean, who knows?
These people freak out at sidewalk talk.
So that just shows there is a threat to the leftist power structure everywhere.
We're going to take a couple more calls here, then Harrison Smith is going to join me in studio.
We're going to talk about Elon Musk changing Twitter's name and logo.
We're going to talk about, should we impeach Joe Biden?
I say yes, but it needs to be very methodical, very strategic.
I'll explain that as well, as well as some other news.
We will take calls as well.
I'm going to take calls the rest of this segment, and then we'll do a couple, we'll do calls as well with Harrison after we chop it up.
But let's go back to the phone lines here and let's go to Brandon in North Dakota.
Brandon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, you there?
Yes, we have you.
Hey bud, greetings to you, greetings to Harrison and Alex as well, long time listener, first time caller, big fan of the show in the store, TurboForce Blessed all the way.
Just wanted to give you some feedback on, it was up to the Minot State Fair, Minot, North Dakota State Fair, Minot, North Dakota yesterday, two very positive responses to the Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt, a couple fist bumps
and all that.
And then just to recap, I was wearing the same shirt at the Independence Day Parade,
Mandan, North Dakota, and took a mini Frisbee to the groin, which, you know, had a little
bit of humor to that.
You didn't have to admit that.
No, yeah.
But, you know, all in all, some positive, some negative.
But yeah, I try to make it quick and succinct.
But again, just appreciate all you guys do.
Just keep on rockin' the free world.
I do have a guest suggestion, if you wouldn't mind bouncing me over.
Well, you obviously, you're a listener of InfoWars, you wore the Alex Jones shirt, you use our supplements, so obviously your groin area is a large target, so we can understand why the mini-disc... I can relate.
But yeah, no, go ahead.
Oh, I just have one guest suggestion, if you wouldn't mind parking me with some folks that could take that info.
It was an individual that was highlighted back in April, just the deal with Alex highlighted.
And who is it again?
Uh, it was an Instagram profile a gal called Valor for Freedom.
She did a little blurb on, she had a video on the appeal, and I think she'd be an awesome person to have on as just a guest, whether it be Zoom call or whichever, but just throwing that out there.
All right, the crew will take note of that, and we'll see if we can make that happen.
Brandon, thank you for the call.
Let's go to John in Florida now.
Oh, there's two.
We have two Johns in Florida.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to gaslight the other John.
I'll take you next then.
First John in Florida, go ahead.
Me first.
You're up.
Hey there.
Hey, Owen.
Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about Trump and all the, I guess I would say it's the Stockholm Syndrome and all the Trump supporters.
I voted for him.
I went to his rallies.
My whole family voted for him.
But when I see what the guy produced, which was nothing less of just mediocre D-minus,
I would say in his presidency, he said he was gonna get to the bottom of 9/11.
He said he was gonna do something about the deep state, and none of that really ever occurred.
And then when I hear Patrick Burns come out- Well, let me just stop right there.
Let me just respond one second in time.
I don't think it's fair to say that Trump did nothing to the deep state.
If nothing means totally exposing them, well then he totally exposed them.
And to say, if you want to give Trump's presidency a D-minus then that's fine, but Here's the thing that's completely undeniable.
The economy under Trump was much better, and that means so much for the average American.
That means so much for our prosperity and our future.
That alone is something that is noteworthy.
I understand why people might not want to vote Trump or have a sour taste in their mouth for Trump, but I'm just a pragmatic person, and he's the best shot we got right now.
And I understand that, and I know where it comes from.
And like I saw, I saw reports of him taking 388 days on vacation out of one administration
and all the money it costs.
And I don't care about the money.
He raked in billions of dollars from China.
There's no contention on that.
But the fact of the matter is when you've got him pushing these vaccines.
You've got him going berserk and saying he took the booster on O'Reilly Show and all that.
And then you got Byrne saying that was on Alex the other day.
Hey, listen, we gave him the layout.
He could have done this.
He could have done.
He could have stopped the elections.
He could have had a full recount.
He could have redone the elections.
He didn't do anything about that.
All he's worried about is just, I guess, hype.
He says he's going to lock Joe Biden up now.
What happened to the last one he said he was going to lock up?
Well, I would just say this.
If Trump does none of that, but at least gives us a good economy again for four years, then it's still worth it to me.
Because, again, like I said, from a pragmatic standpoint, I just don't see any other option.
Well, I mean, RFK sounds good, I just don't trust the Democrat Party.
They're never going to let him get in on the Democrat ticket, and he's not popular enough to win third party.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I think hands down Trump's going to win it in a landslide as far as the nomination, but I mean, if they took it from him and he had the opportunity back then, that's called draining the swamp.
Let me just ask you this then, because there's no denying what you're saying is true, obviously.
Now, let's say Trump gets back in there and actually does arrest people and actually does do some of the stuff that he said he was going to do and didn't.
I mean, do you think there's any chance of that?
Do you have any hope that that's the case?
Or are you just saying, nope, no chance, no hope, never gonna happen?
Yeah, as far as him actually doing something about it now?
You have no faith?
No, no, I mean, I'm just saying, I mean, if he wins again, I mean, you almost have to, I mean, he's got to come up with more about talking about Hunter and this and that.
I want to hear what he's actually going to do.
I mean, we've already heard the rhetoric and all that.
I know politics, you got to say something.
But when I heard that Burns interview with Alex Jones the other day, and he was with Sidney and they were all sitting down, they all had it laid out of what to do.
And the guy basically allows January 6th to happen.
Trump has to make his own decisions, whether they're good or bad, he makes his own decisions.
And that can't be said for many people in Washington, D.C.
So that alone I feel is a positive.
But I understand the frustration, believe me.
I get the frustration.
I think Trump made the decision where he said, you know what, I'm not going to be the one that does this.
If I stand up for the stolen election or whatever, it's just going to cause more problems.
That's the decision he made.
Whether it's good or bad, that's the decision he made.
And so now, here we are.
John, thank you for the call.
Let's go to the other John in Florida.
We had a bit of a confusion here.
This is the other John in Florida.
John, Florida, go ahead.
Hi Owen, this is John.
I'm calling from Northport, Florida.
I live in a Democrat city.
The person that used to work for Obama is now our city manager, and we have mostly all Democrats that are running our city.
What happened to us last year was a nightmare for myself and my wife.
My wife was headbutted and a man pulled a gun at her head for taking four pictures of a drainage pipe right next to our house.
We called the police department for help on a 911 call.
The police come and they never helped us.
I have them all on body cam.
They called my wife an effing, I hate to say it, but a slut on body cam.
It was a nightmare for myself and my wife and the police never helped us.
We have all the proof, all the documentation.
They wrote up a false report to make us look like the bad people because I still believe because where I live and we don't have no police record.
My wife was never arrested.
She never had a speeding ticket, nothing.
And it's a sad situation.
We just bought a shotgun, a double barrel shotgun to protect us because we can't call the police.
Then we come to find out it's not just me, it's other people.
There's six police officers going to court this year in Tampa, Florida, where they let a dog rip a guy's arm off.
And they text about it, and they were happy about it that they did this.
Alright, well, you got a bit of a problem there.
I'll explain why I'm asking this, but are you black, or are you white, or are you Mexican, or what is your ethnicity, what is your skin color?
I'm a white male and I'm a Trump supporter.
Oh, geez. Oh, geez. Yeah. Yeah. You're not. No, you know, see, because here's the thing.
If you were if you were a minority and you brought this story to the liberal media or
some liberal attorney, they would make it a top story and say how you got abused and your wife was,
you know, shamed or whatever. You know, look at this racism.
But because you're white, you need to just shut up, OK? Yeah, it's a sad situation.
And I can't.
No, I'm telling you, we've been talking about this, John.
You know, they just, just two months ago, they threw a woman down, they choked the woman,
they threw her down to the ground.
And it's, it's just gonna continue.
No, I'm telling you, we've been talking about this, John.
Thank you for the call.
It's, I mean, look, I'm not trying to be all doom and gloom and I can still go out in Austin, Texas
and get a nice steak dinner.
And, you know, I don't have to experience too much.
I mean, I'm probably going to see a homeless guy naked.
I'm probably going to get panhandled five times and probably see, you know, four cop cars pulling people over.
But I mean, I can still go out to dinner and enjoy a night.
But it's just, man, these Democrat-run cities, folks, they really are becoming Mad Max Thunderdome.
I'm telling you.
It's insane.
We'll talk more about that.
With Harrison Smith coming up in studio.
Sunday Night Live, coming up right here on Band Off Video.
Don't go anywhere, Harrison Smith joining me in studio.
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