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Name: 20230720_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 20, 2023
3247 lines.

In this passage, the host from InfoWars talks about various topics including political censorship, defamatory claims made by ranking members, the importance of free speech, and promoting products available at Infowarsstore.com. The speaker emphasizes the need for individuals to unite against those who do not have their best interests in mind and highlights "The Great Awakening" as a significant movement towards change. The passage discusses race-specific bioweapons, colloidal silver, probiotics, sleep aid products, and energy supplements while promoting Infowars products.

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Point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, Clause 2, which Mr. Kennedy is violative of.
I move that we move into executive session because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made despicable anti-Semitic and anti-Asian comments as recently as last week.
Rule 11, Clause 2, Says, whenever it is asserted by a member of the committee that the evidence or testimony at a hearing may tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate any person or it is asserted by a witness that the evidence or testimony that the witness would give at a hearing may tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate the witness and it goes on.
Mr. Kennedy, among many other things, has said, I know a lot now about bioweapons.
We put out hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes.
The Chinese have done the same thing.
In fact, COVID-19, there is an argument that it is ethnically targeted.
COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately.
The races that are most immune to COVID-19 are... Is that a lady making a motion or a speech?
I mean, it's just, it's everywhere.
They're just bombarding us, and then they're censoring us with a CIA and FBI, 50 plus million things they took off Facebook alone, just saying, hey, therapeutics, hey, the vaccine doesn't work, you wouldn't even let us defend ourselves if you murdered us with your damn shots!
And then you've got the nerve to claim we're the censors, you monsters!
This is literally censoring and controlling and blocking that they were killing people, denying them healthcare with COVID, and getting $50,000-plus to put them on ventilators they knew would kill them.
I mean, this is murdering us!
This is a criminal, out-of-control group trying to outlaw their political opposition, trying to put President Trump in prison, trying to censor and control everybody, saying, I know nothing!
Oh, I see nothing!
I was not here!
I did not even get up this morning!
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's News.
Alright, the live hearing is going on now.
This is some of the most riveting, insane footage.
Well, I mean, it tops anything I've ever seen, actually, in Congress.
It's... I'm almost speechless right now.
In fact, I'm torn between whether to go to the committee hearing live, which I have people grabbing clips out and watching, or whether we should just play the highlights.
Oh, they're going to recess, so that fixes that problem.
So before they come back after lunch in an hour, we will play the clips in the interim, and then we'll go back to it live at noon Central, 1 p.m.
I'm talking about the censorship, weaponization, Of censorship hearings that they've been having for several months.
This is the fourth hearing.
And RFK Jr.
just came and spoke.
And the Democrats tried to censor him from the beginning for things he had not yet said.
This is beyond Orwellian.
This is Orwellian to the next level.
To the next power.
Perhaps ten powers.
Let me say this again.
They tried to censor him To not be able to speak at a censorship hearing about government covertly censoring people.
And they tried to censure him by putting out a bunch of false things he never said.
Defaming him, and then saying he's censured and not able to speak, but they didn't control the House committee, and so he went ahead and spoke.
Then they began to interrupt him over and over and over again.
I mean, this is what it looks like when the establishment collapses.
This is insane.
So I was just watching it before I ran in here out of my office, that's why I was huffing and puffing.
It hit me right before we went live, two and a half minutes ago.
All we gotta do is not get in a shooting war, and not get violent, and we win.
These people are destroying themselves.
They are insane.
They are absolutely gone off the deep end.
They are crazy.
They didn't just call for him to not be able to speak.
They then told lies of why he shouldn't speak.
And under the law, you have to say these things in Congress to then be censured.
And you've got to be a member of Congress to do it, and it's within the body.
So, there's not even such a mechanism.
They're trying to censure him for things he didn't say.
He points that out.
They do it before the hearing starts.
So that's like before an NFL game starts, saying, you know what, the other team loses because during the game, the quarterback had done some illegal moves.
Or, we are shutting down the Super Bowl before the game even begins because in the third quarter, one of the Linebackers illegally speared the quarterback in the third quarter.
And you're like, the third quarter hasn't begun, the game hasn't begun.
We don't care.
Doesn't matter.
I mean, this is murdering logic.
So, you wonder why they murder logic and go against logic.
The left is about inverting reality.
But you have to understand, when these Satanists, that's what they basically are, some practicing, some not even aware they're Satanists, but they are Satanists, that's their operating system, they just drink their own Kool-Aid until they completely go insane.
I mean this is, this is insanity.
So as much as I want to sit here and babble about it, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back and I'm just going to play excerpts of this.
It's insane.
And then I can't imagine what's going to happen when they come back from lunch in one hour.
And we have a big guest on who I still intend to have on, Mickey Willis, and his whole film is about authoritarians trying to censor what happens once they do that.
So he'll be able to speak to this and I'm sure he'll just want to cover it live with us when he's on in an hour and a half.
But so he'll join us halfway into the next hour once they've come back from recess.
The Democrats are so tone-deaf and so insane that... I mean, this is entertaining as hell, though.
I'll be honest with you.
If it wasn't so horrifying, it would just make me laugh my ass off.
I mean, these people are nuts!
I have just... And they're only getting started!
There's no limit to how crazy these freakazoids are gonna get.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Attention projectionist, adjust the lens so that your picture will be focused properly before the show starts.
Four, three, two, one.
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Big, big, big, broadcast lined up for you today.
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Alright, the censorship, weaponization of government hearing is a complete insane asylum.
The Democrats are swinging from the chandeliers.
They said they were going to recess five minutes ago.
Now they're not.
So we're recording that insanity.
We have a bunch of highlights of the last two hours.
Where, get this, well you'll see it for yourself.
They tell you free speech isn't absolute.
You're not allowed to be a mean, evil person.
Then, Debbie Washington Schultz, the Democrat Party former chairman, now a member of Congress, says, we're going to censor you so you can't speak at a hearing on censorship because of the bad things you've said.
And then she says a bunch of stuff he never said.
Plus, censoring somebody is what they've said in Congress, and it's for members of Congress.
So it just is total BS.
Censoring the censorship hearing.
They are so scared of R.F.K.
Jr., they murdered his father right in front of him.
They murdered his uncle right in front of him.
And I'm telling you, they're going to try to kill this guy.
And they have national headlines.
Look what a kook Jones is.
He thinks they'll try to kill Trump and R.F.K.
Why does Trump have secret service if nobody wants to kill him?
It's so preposterous.
I saw the Drudge headlines this morning and they changed it later.
Just, you know, horrible, embarrassing, lewd MTG with a picture of her showing Hunter banging prostitutes.
So, Hunter sex trafficking women, that's okay, but showing it is what's bad.
So, they are in absolute, total, complete panic mode, ladies and gentlemen.
That makes them extremely dangerous, but I got to tell you, the globalists are destroying themselves.
They're self-immolating.
They're burning themselves up in front of the world right now.
So let's do this.
I've got like 10 clips from the hearing.
We'll also get other excerpts back and forth, but it is an insane asylum ongoing.
But let's open it up with Representative Stacey Plaskett telling you free speech is not free speech and defining any rhetoric that they say is hateful is not allowed.
See, that's the European model of that.
Well, you hurt my feelings saying it's wrong that I'm a pedophile.
You go to jail.
Or, oh, you misgendered me.
I'm a big giant man, but I'm wearing a pink shirt.
You said, hey, sir, how you doing?
Well, I'm going to, you know, you get two years in jail.
And then we have Debbie Washman Schultz.
Then we have RFK Jr.
This is ribbiting stuff.
You have them.
Clip 18 is insane as well.
So let's play clip 2374 and 18 just to get started.
This is ongoing.
Here it is.
Now, many of my Republican colleagues across the dice will rush to cover that they have Mr. Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech, that they do not believe in American censorship.
This is not the kind of free speech that I know of.
The free speech that is protected by the Constitution's First Amendment.
But free speech is not an absolute.
The Supreme Court has stated that.
And others' free speech that is allowed, hateful, abusive rhetoric, does not need to be promoted in the halls of the People's House.
Point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, Clause 2.
Alright, let's stop there.
We're going to go back to Washburn Schultz now, but did you just hear her?
And in the clip she goes on to say, you're hateful, you don't have your speech.
Any speech, they just, magic wand, hateful, whatever, it's banned.
And these are the people claiming Republicans want to ban books, and oh, the book burning that's going on.
No, Republicans and Christians are trying to keep elementary students and middle school students away from books that Obama's promoting.
That teach children to have sex with adults and show sex acts with young children in graphic cartoons.
I mean, I literally feel dirty even reviewing that particular book that is the main one they push everywhere.
So, again, these people are pushing pedophilia on children everywhere.
I even saw a Nickelodeon show about dinosaurs, where it shows the Tyrannosaurus Rexes being gay.
I mean, it's just, it's everywhere.
They're just bombarding us, and then they're censoring us with a CIA and FBI, 50-plus million things they took on Facebook alone, just saying, hey, therapeutics, hey, the vaccine doesn't work, you wouldn't even let us defend ourselves if you murdered us with your damn shots!
And then you've got the nerve to claim we're the censors, you monsters!
Total double-thinking!
I'm sorry.
Go to Wasserman Schultz.
Here it is.
Point of order pursuant to House Rule 11, Clause 2, which Mr. Kennedy is violative of.
I move that we move into executive session because Mr. Kennedy has repeatedly made despicable anti-Semitic and anti-Asian comments as recently as last week.
Rule 11, Clause 2 says Whenever it is asserted by a member of the committee that the evidence or testimony at a hearing may tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate any person, or it is asserted by a witness that the evidence or testimony that the witness would give at a hearing may tend to defame, degrade, or incriminate the witness, and it goes on...
Mr. Kennedy, among many other things, has said, I know a lot now about bioweapons.
We put out hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted microbes.
The Chinese have done the same thing.
In fact, COVID-19, there is an argument that it is ethnically targeted.
COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately.
The races that are most immune to COVID-19 are... Is that a lady making a motion or a speech?
I... Hit pause again!
Okay, back it up 10 seconds.
Crew, you do a great job.
We printed it all Sunday.
It'll be in the Sunday stacker.
Just reprint it.
Dick Cheney in Rebuilding America's Defense's 2000 calls for race-specific bioweapons to kill certain races.
And then you printed me a bunch of the studies that Kennedy was reading about COVID-19 being ethically targeted at Anglos and black people.
That's mainline prestigious PubMed published stuff.
So we're going to re-pull that and show it to you after we play these clips.
But do you understand the magnitude of this?
He simply states, it looks like this may have been a race-specific bioweapon.
That's mainline science, mainline news.
But they know, their constituents are so dumb, now RFK Jr., who's pro-Israel, is anti-Semitic.
Because they pointed out that COVID does not hit Chinese particularly and Ashkenazi Jews at the same level it hits other groups.
That is a fact.
Didn't say the Ashkenazi Jews made it.
Didn't say they released it.
Simply stated what is published science.
And that's all these people can operate on.
If you don't want bioweapons being made in a lab that can kill people, you're now anti-Semitic.
There's new articles out today where mainstream news is saying, don't talk about powerful elites.
That doesn't exist.
That's anti-Semitic.
Again, the establishment is collapsing, and all they can do is call their enemies Nazis, when their main patron said the best part of his life was working for Hitler.
It was exhilarating.
It was happy-making.
It was the best time of his life.
It was empowering.
He feels no remorse.
Those are quotes.
60 Minutes.
George Soros.
I didn't work for Hitler.
I don't like Hitler.
Both my grandfathers were in the Army Air Corps and fought Hitler.
You, the ADL, support Hitler lovers.
You're the closest thing to Hitler I've ever seen.
You're disgusting.
You're un-American.
And you're dangerous.
And you hide your whole New World Order tyranny behind Jews.
And Jews are smart enough to figure that out and denounce the ADL as a criminal organization out to destroy everybody.
Let's go back to the clip.
Targeted microbes.
The Chinese have done the same thing.
In fact, COVID-19, there is an argument that it is ethnically targeted.
COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately.
The races that are most immune to COVID-19 are... Is there a lady making a motion or a speech?
I've made a motion to move into executive session because Mr. Kennedy's testimony... Mr. Chairman, I move to table the motion.
Gentleman from Kentucky has moved to table.
Mr. Chairman, I ask for a roll call vote on the motion to table.
Well, let me ask the question.
The question is on the motion to table.
The gentlelady has asked for a roll call vote.
The clerk will have to step back for a second.
The clerk will have to come in.
We'll call the roll on the motion to table, and then we can get back to testimony.
I think the witnesses can sit in the chairs sitting behind.
I'll leave that up to the clerks.
If the clerks are comfortable with that, Yeah, why don't we do that?
Maybe we can go right down here.
Mr. Chairman, point of order.
Gentleman from Louisiana.
Is it the custom of this committee to censor viewpoints that we disagree with from witnesses?
Mr. Chairman, I have a motion.
That's not a point of order.
I have a motion on the table.
There's a motion and a vote's been called.
We're waiting for the clerks.
We're waiting for the clerks.
Clerk will call the roll.
Mr. Jordan.
Waiting for the clerk.
Clerk will call the roll.
Mr. Jordan.
Mr. Jordan votes yes.
Mr. Issa?
Mr. Massey?
Yes, to not censor.
Mr. Massey votes yes.
Mr. Stewart?
Mr. Stewart votes yes.
Stefanik votes yes.
Mr. Gates?
Mr. Johnson of Louisiana?
Mr. Johnson of Louisiana votes yes.
Mr. Armstrong?
Mr. Armstrong votes yes.
Mr. Stubbe?
Mr. Bishop?
Mr. Bishop votes yes.
Kamach votes yes.
Hageman votes yes.
I want to follow the rules that the Republicans made at the beginning of this conference with these House rules, so no.
Pascutt votes no.
Mr. Lynch?
Mr. Lynch votes no.
No, because it's violative of the rules.
Sanchez votes no.
Wasserman Schultz.
No to allowing a witness to degrade and violate the rules and not have his testimony and degradation amplified rather than given an executive session.
Wasserman Schultz votes no.
Mr. Connolly.
No to the Soviet Politburo.
Mr. Connolly votes no.
Mr. Garamendi.
Mr. Garamendi votes no.
Mr. Allred.
Garcia votes no.
Mr. Goldman?
No to hate speech.
Mr. Goldman votes no.
Mr. Gates?
Mr. Gates?
Mr. Gates votes aye.
Clerk will report.
Mr. Chairman, there are 10 ayes and 8 noes.
Uh, the motion to table is agreed to.
So, they just tried, for those that don't understand parliamentary procedure, I know most of you do, but there are some leftists listening.
They tried to make the hearing closed door.
With no press, and turn the TV cameras off, because RFK Jr.
was going to testify.
And then, more Democrats attacking, for about an hour, and then he gets to respond in a few minutes and say, I've just been defamed here, this is insane.
Now, let me just show TV viewers, if you just tuned in, the radio listeners can check this out.
Overhead shot, please.
Here's Rebuilding America's Defense of Strategy, Forces, Resources for the New Century.
This was adopted by the Pentagon as policy by George W. Bush when he got in office in 2000.
Here is page 60.
Dick Cheney says we need to legitimize and prepare the use in the future with our enemies to use race-specific bioweapons to take out certain ethnic groups.
You see that?
Now, go read that for yourself.
An advanced forms of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
Politically useful tool.
So, now, they're telling you this doesn't exist.
No, Santa Claus doesn't exist.
Race-specific weapons do.
The Easter Bunny doesn't exist.
Bioweapon labs in Ukraine do.
The Tooth Fairy doesn't exist.
But COVID-19 being made in a lab does.
The Guardian.
Bioweapons designed to kill only people of a particular race.
Ooh, gonna censure that, Congress?
COVID-19, pandemic origins, bioweapons, the history of laboratory leaks.
Here's a major procedures report that's at the NCBI, at the National Institutes of Health.gov.
Talking about how it particularly targets whites and blacks and not Chinese or for some reason Ashkenazi Jews.
COVID, SARS, COVID-2, COVID via biological weapon goes into all the same thing right there.
Gonna censure that?
It's all fair in biological warfare.
The controversy over genetically engineered biological weapons.
Pentagon making race-specific bioweapons to target citizens.
China says.
Going to censure that?
The coming threat of genetically engineered ethnic bioweapons.
National Review.
Going to censure that?
Florida County GOP declares COVID-19 mRNA jab a bioweapon, which it is.
And then the evil JFK, RFK Jr.
says COVID may have been ethically targeted.
Oh, okay.
It's terrible that he was sourcing documents we just showed you.
In fact, I see some here that weren't in Sunday Stack, and I see some that were in Sunday Stack I didn't get.
I want some of the others.
There's a whole bunch of other prestigious ones.
So, just thought we'd show you the actual documents.
We're so horrible here.
You know, we're really for Hitler, folks.
Oh, really?
Here's Hitler?
Mm, thought I'd get that for you.
It's a famous book and I actually read it decades ago but couldn't find it so I went online and it turns out one of my friends sent me a link to this the other day.
Hitler Speaks.
The man on record did extensive interviews with Hitler and wrote a thick book on it.
A series of political conversations with Adolf Hitler on his real aims.
Hitler right here says he wants to use bio-weapons on his political enemies.
He later got into them trying to engineer with Joseph Mengele race-specific ones.
But you know what?
They don't actually want us to show you the reality.
They don't want you to know information and be superstitious.
Oh my gosh, R.K.
Jr., you know, he's Hitler.
He's got a... he wants to... What the hell are you talking about?
His uncle, who was the president, was a war hero.
Look at his dad's service.
It's preposterous.
Look at this, ladies and gentlemen.
Read what Hitler said about how useful it would be and how he'd use agents and harmless commercial travelers to get the bioweapons into America to collapse us when he went to war with us later.
By the way, we do have a Hitler bioweapon that hit us.
They made it during World War II.
It's syphilis delivered by ticks.
It's called Lyme's disease.
And the CIA took it to Cold Springs Harbor, OSS, after World War II.
And the rest is history.
But you're not supposed to know that.
Just be an ignorant moron.
All right, let's go ahead now and hear some from RFK Jr.
Let's play clip seven and four back-to-back, and we'll go to break and come back with the rest of it.
But I just thought I'd actually show you the evil stuff you're not supposed to see.
Here it is.
And I want to start, I want to put aside my written statement for a moment and address one of the points that was brought up, I think an important point by the ranking member, that this body ought to be concerning itself with the issues that impact directly the American people.
The rising price of groceries, 76% over the past two years were basic.
Foodstuff, the war in Ukraine, the inflation issues, the border issues, many, many other issues that concern us all as a nation.
We can't do that without the First Amendment, without debate.
When I gave my speech, my announcement speech in Boston two months ago, YouTube, I talked about all those issues.
I focused on the fact that working class people can no longer afford to live in this country.
I talked about inflation, all the issues that deeply concern you, and that you've devoted your career to alleviating those issues.
Five minutes into my speech, when I was talking about Paul Revere, YouTube He's deplatformed me.
I didn't talk about vaccines in that speech.
I didn't talk about anything that could be a verboten subject.
I just was talking about my campaign and things, the conversation that we ought to be having with each other as Americans.
But I was shut down.
And that is why the First Amendment's important.
Debate, congenial, respectful debate, is the fertilizer, it's the water, it's the sunlight for our democracy.
We need to be talking to each other.
This is at Latterth, and many of you signed.
Many of my fellow Democrats.
I've spent my life in this party.
I've devoted my life to the values of this party.
102 people signed this.
This itself.
Is evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address?
This is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing.
The charges, and by the way, censorship is antithetical to our party.
It was appalling to my father, to my uncle, to FDR, to Harry Truman, to Thomas Jefferson, as the chairman referred to.
It is the basis for democracy.
It sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government.
We need to be able to talk, and the First Amendment was not written for easy speech.
It was written for the speech that nobody likes you for.
If, by your leave, I'd like to just respond briefly to some of the, what I would call, defamations that have been just applied to me by the ranking member.
I'm happy to talk to you about my opinions on these issues.
What you have stated and tried to associate me with through guilt by association is simply inaccurate.
Virtually everything, every statement that you just made about me is inaccurate.
I have never advised black Americans not to receive vaccines.
At one point you say I'm anti-vax and that's a bad thing.
The other thing, the other moment you point out that all my children are vax.
I'm fully compliant with the vaccines schedule myself, except for COVID.
I took flu vaccines for 20 years straight.
I have never been anti-vax.
I have never told the public avoid vaccination.
The only thing I've asked for, and my views are constantly misrepresented, so that the truth of what I believe, we're not allowed to have a conversation about that with the American people, which I believe vaccines should be tested with the same rigor As other medicines and medications.
You tried to associate me a moment ago with the replacement theory.
Which is racist.
No, I did not say you had the replacement theory.
Time belongs to the gentleman from the front.
I denounce that theory.
It is racist.
And I have never endorsed it or had any association with it.
Our film on medical apartheid.
By the way, Bill Buxton.
Who is the black CDC official who ultimately exposed the Tuskegee experiment, tried for years and years to appeal to CDC to stop it for 40 years.
Finally, he got relief by walking into my uncle's office in the building next door.
Teddy held hearings and ended the experiment.
I remember that very well.
To say that I created a film that encourages blacks not to get adequate medical care is just completely abhorrent.
It's the witness's time.
Do not censor the witness.
I'm not censoring the witness.
I'm not censoring the witness.
He's still talking.
It's my time and I can't censor the witness.
Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us.
We're not censoring him.
We just tried to ban him from speaking.
We are back from the front lines of the fight for free speech.
Our republic And the world.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance!
Giant government surveillance and censorship grid of the American people on hundreds of subjects.
Now they're debunking people.
Now they want to talk about putting us in prison, saying we're terrorists.
And then when they're confronted in Congress, they just said, I've got more clips because they have a witness there against RFK Jr.
from the federal government saying there is no censorship, it doesn't exist.
Even though they've just had hearing after hearing after hearing showing the CIA, the FBI working with major corporations and big tech to surveil and censor and take down hundreds of millions of posts, 50 plus million on Facebook alone on COVID.
54 million posts of people saying, hey, I took Ivermectin, it got better.
Hey, look, it says here in this study that the COVID vaccine doesn't protect you.
You're gone, baby!
You're gone!
Oh, you want to show the Nobel Prize winner for discovering the HIV virus saying that don't take the vaccine, it's deadly?
He can't be on there.
Oh, you want to show some Parliament hearing in The EU with Nobel Prize winners saying it's a depopulation plan?
No, you can't show it!
Oh, by the way, you know what else I got started next hour?
This is getting no attention to speak of, except in independent media.
Nobel Prize winning scientist.
Climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the planet.
Put out a giant report with a whole bunch of top scientists at the main Yearly scientific meeting in South Korea.
Look at this.
Nobel Prize winner in physics with all these top scientists.
John F. Klauser.
And boy, let me tell you, it's incredible.
Here is the report.
Nobel laureate Dr. John Klauser just published this with a bunch of scientists at a huge scientific event in South Korea.
All over national TV there.
And he documents how it's a plan to kill you and your family.
Got a big problem now, don't you?
And I read his report, scanned over it.
Sounds like I wrote it.
But it's not getting this information from me.
I'm telling you, when you're a real scientist, you study this, you understand the plan.
He said, they're creating AI to replace us and feed us this info.
We need the scientific community to understand that it's our job to go out and actually verify what's real from false and have human certification by trusted certification groups.
But the groups running the certification groups now are globalists who are destabilizing civilization to bring it down.
It's all here from the Nobel Prize winner 2022.
For physics.
With a bunch of other scientists.
Saying they plan to murder you and your family.
Do you think I just say that just to sound shocking?
Do you think I just take on these killers and it seems like I have no fear of them?
And people go, how does the guy do it?
Either it isn't true or he's crazy fighting them.
No, I'd be crazy not to fight them.
And yes, it is real.
And almost everybody going along with this will be destroyed if you keep doing it.
Let me just say this.
Folks, if you want us to fight, We are staying on air, as I told you, with the bankruptcy.
Chapter 11, subchapter 5 is reorganization.
And I tell you, I didn't understand that when we declared bankruptcy, people would think we were going to shut down, and we'd see support go way down.
We saw support go down by almost half, and that almost shut us down.
No ladies and gentlemen, we're in reorganization and it's going through and everything we told the court was true and the judge is very pleased and notice you don't see it in the news anymore because they lied, we told the truth, we're going to stay on air and thank God almost a year after our bankruptcy you still see we're here so the support's coming back.
I mean do you think I was just going to take your order for a video or a book and then not ship it to you?
The only way we get shut down is you not buying the products at Infowarsstore.com.
I mean, if I'm lying, I'm dying, folks.
I don't lie on purpose.
I get things wrong, but I am neurotic about telling the truth.
I'm obsessed with it.
The police pulled me over and said, have you been drinking?
And I said, yes, they took me to jail.
And I blew under because I told them I had two glasses of wine.
They should not have arrested me.
I was driving legally.
But most people would lie.
I didn't, because I have gotten to this point where I just, it's, sometimes in warfare you gotta lie.
I'm not in warfare physically, so I'm not gonna do it.
The point is, I tell the truth.
The enemy lies.
That's what they do.
God tells the truth.
Well, I want to be close to God, so I don't want to be a liar.
God cannot lie.
We can make ourselves not lie.
To be closer to God.
But regardless, they don't want us to tell them the truth.
That's why they want to censor us.
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All right, we got a bunch of clips here.
Let me just do this.
Let's go to clip five.
And then we'll go to break and come back in the longest segment of the hour and get into all these other insane clips.
Clip, I got clip 20 here.
This Representative Stewart is talking to the government witness and the pinhead, I'll get their name in a minute, literally says, we don't censor so it doesn't matter.
I mean, they just said we don't want him to be able to speak at this hearing.
We want him censured with censorship.
And then they're saying it doesn't exist!
Again, it's like if I walked up to you with an ice pick and stabbed you in the eye with it.
And the police come, and there's surveillance footage of me doing it in the parking lot, and I go, no sir, officer, I didn't stab him.
And they go, you got an ice pick in your hand.
That's for stabbing the cop.
I'm not stabbing you!
I'm not stabbing you!
Don't be racist!
I mean, it's like, we go, hey man, you guys lie a lot.
Shut up, racist!
Hey man, the border's wide open, you're child trafficking.
Shut up, racist!
You like Hitler, huh?
Like, I'd like to lower taxes.
Oh, because you love Hitler?
Boy, I'd sure like to be able to defend myself, because you love Nazis?
I'd sure like to not have to nuclear war with the Russians, because you love Hitler!
Let's go to RFK, we'll be back from break.
I was censored not just by the Democratic administration, I was censored by the Trump administration.
I was the first person censored by the, as the chairman pointed out, by the Biden administration two days after it came into office.
It awarded a truthful, and by the way, they had to invent a new word called malinformation, Dude, to censor people like me.
There was no misinformation on my Instagram account.
Everything I put on that account was cited and sourced.
The peer-reviewed publications or government databases.
Nobody has ever pointed to a single piece of misinformation that I publish.
I was removed for something they called malinformation.
Malinformation is information that is true, but is inconvenient to the government.
That they don't want people to hear.
And that's antithetical to the values of our country.
After I announced my presidency, it became more difficult for people to censor me.
So now I'm subject to this new form of censorship, which is called targeted propaganda.
Where people apply pejoratives, like anti-vax.
I've never been anti-vaccine, but everybody in this room probably believes that I have been, because that's the prevailing narrative.
These are the most appalling, disgusting pejoratives, and they're applied to me to silence me.
Because people don't want me to have that conversation about the war, about groceries, about inflation, about the war on the middle class in this country that we need to be having.
And by the way, I want to say this, while I'm on the record, that in my entire life, and why I'm under oath, In my entire life, I have never uttered a phrase that was either racist or anti-Semitic.
But Joe Biden called black super predators that need to be kept on a short leash and brought to heel.
Hillary said that.
But it's okay, because the media covers it up, ladies and gentlemen.
This is literally the scion of the most powerful, famous, real Democrat Party family ever, and they've been able to brand him with their idiot constituents that he is racist.
Meanwhile, George Soros said the best time of his life was working for Hitler.
Should I play the clips again?
These people are evil, ladies and gentlemen.
They are crazy as well.
And everything they did to Kennedy, they did to me.
And I don't say that to play the victim.
I thank you for keeping us on air listers.
But we were the first and went through the most, other than Trump and now RFK Jr., where they do this targeting that he just talked about, where some days, thousands of articles, thousands a day sometimes, every day for years, remember it was hundreds, they finally turned their guns off on me about three months ago.
And now it's the straggler leftist group that rises.
But it's like the artillery barrage and then the artillery stops.
Like in Star Wars, they go on the trench and the big guns are shooting.
All of a sudden, the guns have turned off.
Watch for fighters, because what they're doing is they're now going to go after Tucker Carlson, which you're seeing, RFK, and Trump.
So they're like, cut firepower on him.
We weren't able to stop him, it just makes him bigger.
Focus all power now on RFK!
Get him!
Get Trump!
And so now the guns are all aimed at them.
And that's what this is.
Some days, I have Google Alerts, and I'd go to it, and it would say 10,972 articles.
One day it was like 24,000 articles.
I would type in a Trump article, it'd be less.
I'd get a Trump alert.
Now, folks, that's not because I'm that important.
And you know how they have 10,000 articles?
They would write, say, 50 articles in one day in a major barrage.
They would then syndicate them all over the country.
I mean, there were times three or four years ago, every time I turned on local news, every time, ABC, CBS, NBC, they have a Time Warner channel here locally.
It used to be called News 8.
Now it's called whatever the stupid new name of Time Warner is.
They changed the name.
What's the name of the local cable company here?
The Spectrum News.
Every time I'd turn on Spectrum News, like once a week, it'd be about me.
People said, oh no, you're on it 24-7.
Alex Jones pisses on graves.
Alex Jones has $400 million.
Alex Jones... And you're like, what is this about?
It was about turning me into this demon creature for people that didn't know who I was, so that if they ever heard me warning them about something, they'd go, I'm not gonna listen to that guy.
That guy's, you know, crazy.
He pees on kids' graves.
No one ever peed on graves.
I didn't pee on graves.
But it just sounded like, God, that guy pisses on kids' graves.
And that's how these people operate.
They had a jury give an FBI agent, never saw his name, never said his name, didn't even know who he was until he sued me, $95 million.
Part of the billion and a half judgment.
They said, you get $95 million and you get $100 million.
I said, one guy's name.
I said, yeah, the internet says that looks fake.
Looks fake to me.
Said one guy's name, 1.5 billion dollars.
Hey, the internet says this looks fake.
I looked at it, I said, yeah, that looks fake, but it could be something else.
Oh, 1.5 billion dollars!
Think about that in America, and you just saw them tell RFK Jr., well, because you're anti-Semitic and hate black people, we're not going to let you speak here today.
And they voted that you couldn't even hear from him, and if that happened, they'd turn their cameras off and go with that headline.
They were so mad, but they then tried to talk over him, interrupt him.
On, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on.
RFK cut his teeth on toxic landfills, killing people all over the country and getting them dealt with.
He cut his teeth on glyphosate, which they now admit causes massive cancer.
You want breast cancer?
You want testicular cancer?
You want prostate cancer?
Baby, eat foods got glyphosate on it, and it's everywhere, and cancer's exploded all over.
He told the truth!
Why would these monsters want to keep using something that they know has killed hundreds of millions of people worldwide?
Because they're psychotic monsters, people!
The Nobel Prize winner for physics just organized a bunch of top scientists from multiple fields to issue a report That on the cover says it is a world government depopulation plan for you and your family.
There is no climate emergency.
It is the controlled demolition of the world infrastructure for energy and food to collapse human civilization and kill billions.
I'll be getting to that next hour.
I mean, folks, let's face up to this, okay?
They want to censor us.
They want to surveil us.
They want to shut us down.
They want to lie about us.
They want it because they're a criminal, psychotic group.
And they've got all these crazy dumb liberals that go to college and believe everybody that loves America's evil, that white people are inherently bad, and it's being led by white people saying the white people are all bad, and we need communism and socialism and surveillance and control, and they all got chips on their shoulders, and they're attacking the people that tell them about glyphosate.
How dare you not want my child to get cancer!
How dare you not want them to be sterilized!
You don't want them drinking weed, killer!
How dare you not want us to have Atrazine?
The allowable level will feminize men and give you cancer!
I love it!
I need it!
I care about it!
I need my cancer right now!
The Nazi Alex Jones and RFK and Tucker Carlson don't want me to have glyphosate in my food!
Oh, they hurt me, Mommy!
Oh, the Nazis, help me!
Meanwhile, George Soros, ha, the best time of my life, was working for Hitler.
I feel no regret.
It was exhilarating.
It was so empowering.
It's like, oh, we love you.
ADL's like, we love you!
You love Hitler!
We love you!
Arnold Schwarzenegger, I love Hitler.
I want to be like Hitler in a Rolling Stone magazine.
ADL's like, you get our highest award.
Ha, Hitler.
I mean, what kind of freakazoids are these people?
What kind of lunatic demons are they?
Two men can have a baby.
If you love Hitler and work for him, you're good.
If you fight Hitler, you're Hitler.
I mean, because they're gaslighting everybody.
They're brainwashing.
It's a giant cult.
Because they're selling us collapse, and tyranny, and crime, and murder, and pedophilia, and they just want to just get us used to this hell world they want to create.
Play clip 19 and clip 20.
hand clip 20. Play 20 first. Play 20 first and then 19.
Here it is.
One time, and it is so simple, a seventh grader could understand this question.
Should the government be responsible for the views and the facts that the American people are exposed to?
The problem I have is that I don't know of any facts in which the government tells us what to believe.
I'm going to say that you're unable to answer the question, which for me is fairly shocking as an American citizen.
Mr. Chairman, we respectfully request that you... Oh, hit pause.
Hit pause.
Go back to 20 again, because that's the government witness.
Guys, you're going to get me Pbrain's name, and I don't even know who that idiot is that they've got from the Office of Censorship Disinformation over there.
They always do this.
They never have a debate.
We go, hey, we don't want the global treaty to hand over control of the UN.
We don't know anything about a global treaty for the UN to take over health care.
Well, the White House is writing it for the UN.
The former COVID czar of Biden runs the UN Global Task Force.
And they go, we know nothing about that.
Because they never have a debate with you on the level or a discussion.
They just deny, deny, deny.
Her name is Maya Wiley.
She's an American lawyer, professor, and civil rights activist.
Running around censoring people.
And so she is, scroll down, what does she do for the federal government?
Why is she the witness?
I guess because she's black?
It's like, we are not censoring you.
That's just why we tried to ban the man next to me for speaking today.
The definition of censorship, the bonafide, the triple crown, the trifecta.
I mean, the best you can do.
Who do you think?
Top quarterback in history.
Who do you think of?
Everybody knows who we're thinking about.
Well, with her.
With these people.
I mean, censoring someone at a censorship hearing when they're the guest they're supposed to speak saying you can't speak and then lying about you?
See, that's what comes with censorship.
Is that they don't let you talk and then they get to say whatever they want.
People just think, oh, you've just been silenced.
No, you've not just been silenced.
They can go on every channel in the country and say you sent people to children's graves to pee on them with no video, no footage, you never seeing it, no footage of peeing on graves.
Does it matter?
Because they say it, it becomes true.
Then they shake in hatred when they see you at the courthouse, even though you never did it.
And then they wonder why you're not sorry.
Sorry for things you didn't do?
It's insane.
And they're in a cult, people that serve the system.
Most of them aren't even bad.
They just are in this cult.
Now, how many congressional hearings have you seen?
Play clip 20 again in a moment, we'll go to 19.
How many congressional hearings have you seen?
Where they say, they did it last week to this Air Force general who's on the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
They said, can you tell me what a man and woman is?
No, I can't tell you what that is.
Because if we can't even define who we are, and now we're not supposed to define ourselves now, saying man or woman, that hurts somebody that might not identify as that.
What type of cult did we wake up in?
They're going for everything, folks.
Stop complying, laugh at these people, and just move on with your life, because they're nuts.
And don't let your children get anywhere around them, because that's the only group they can successfully prey on.
And they're worse than pedophiles, man.
They want to just chop your children's genitals off, fry their brain, put them on a bunch of psychotropic drugs.
These are villains' villains.
These are the most villainous people.
But I'll tell you what's worse than that.
They're dumb, and they're stupid, and they're lazy, and they're hateful.
And why on God's green earth are we ruled by garbage like this?
We're the problem, not them!
And I'm here to tell you, I'm not taking it anymore!
They're in the way of prosperity, they're in the way of our future, they're in the way of our very lives, folks.
And they all get together in their lunatic asylum.
That's how Islam got so radical.
And they get wilder and wilder.
They're eating hearts and raping babies and just... It's just crazier and crazier.
It gets in charge until it's just complete cuckoo land.
And then they point at us all freaked out going, man, I just want to be a nice person.
Barbecue out by the pool and you want to screw my kid or cut their dick off?
I mean, leave me alone, man.
You're a fucking cult.
You're a fucking cult.
Excuse me.
They've really pushed me over the edge here.
Let's go back to the clips of these demons.
Go ahead.
And it is so simple.
A seventh grader could understand this question.
Should the government be responsible for the views and the facts that the American people are exposed to?
The problem I have is that I don't know of any facts in which the government tells us what to believe.
I'm going to say that you're unable to answer the question, which for me is fairly shocking as an American citizen.
Mr. Chairman, we respectfully requested that you rescind Mr. Kennedy's invitation to appear here due to his repeated and very recent statements that spread dangerous anti-Semitic and anti-Asian conspiracy theories and attempted to move into executive session because House rules prohibit public testimony that degrades or defames people.
His reckless rhetoric helped fuel anti-Semitic incidents, which for the record are at the highest level in the United States since 1970.
They have nearly tripled in the last six years.
Since you gave Mr. Kennedy a megaphone today, I want to give him a chance to correct his statements and prepare some of the harm that he's helped cause.
Mr. Kennedy, you're well-educated, so yes or no please, are you aware that for centuries Jews have been scapegoated and blamed for causing illnesses like Black Plague and more recently COVID?
I am.
Those are known as blood libel, and they are one of the worst and most disturbing parts of human history.
I'm glad to know that, of course, that you acknowledge that.
Of course, it's true and well documented that this pernicious form of anti-Semitism led to centuries of discrimination, even horrific pogroms and massacres.
And it still fuels deadly violence today.
Yet last week, You floated a baseless conspiracy theory that the
coronavirus was bioengineered to target Caucasians and black people,
but to spare Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese people.
Mr. Kennedy, your bizarre, unproven claim echoes that same historic slander of labeling Jews and Chinese people as a
race, and that Jews, and in this case Chinese people, somehow
managed to avoid a deadly illness that targets other groups for death.
You do see that, yes or no?
You're misstating.
No, no, no, no.
I quoted what you said earlier, and it is directly what you said.
So just ask me.
I was describing.
An NIH funded study?
No, no, no.
You didn't cite NIH.
I was describing an NIH funded study by Cleveland Clinic scientists.
Reclaiming my time.
Reclaiming my time.
You did not reference.
Reclaiming my time.
Published in USC Medical, which is wonderful.
The time is mine.
I'm reclaiming it.
Please ask the witness to stop talking.
You asked me a question.
Reclaiming my time.
Allow me to answer my question.
Mr. Chairman, I'd like about 10 seconds back.
You are slandering me, indirectly, and you're saying it's dishonest.
Time belongs to the gentlelady from Florida.
Mr. Chairman, I'd like 15 seconds back.
We will be happy to give you that.
Thank you so much.
That's enough of her.
We'll come back.
They've adjourned the hearing for the day now.
We've got a bunch of clips.
I've got a bunch of other news.
I've got the Cleveland Clinic report here that he's talking about.
You heard us do it.
Yes and no questions.
So you hate and want to kill the Jews.
I mean, it's just, it's idiocy, folks.
These people are a joke and they hide behind racial and cultural division when Kennedy's trying to unify us.
And that's all he's ever tried to do.
to do that's all we've ever tried to do.
With all the craziness in the world, the collapsing borders, the war with Russia,
the insanity, the currency devaluations, the economy going crazy,
You are crazy, in my view, if you don't get high-quality, storable food and water filtration and self-defense.
Now, we're not selling guns and ammo.
That's for you to go out and get for yourself and learn how to use if you haven't.
And I'm preaching the choir on that.
But a lot of people got plenty of guns but they don't have enough storable food or water filtration.
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Go to nfowarstore.com and get prepared while you still can.
Here's a couple clips of the censorship weaponization of the government against the people hearing, where they tried to keep R.F.K.
from speaking and banned him.
That failed.
And then here they are denying that censorship goes on some more.
And then we've got more clips of this.
And we've got a special guest in studio.
We've got the Nobel Prize winning scientist, climate crisis is a hoax to depopulate the planet.
Incredible information on that front.
The IRS whistleblowers.
This is going to be a big, big, big broadcast.
Mickey Willis is going to be in studio.
The maker of Plandemic has put out a new great film that's really powerful, which is on censorship and totalitarianism.
So that's coming up and so much more.
Here's a few of the clips.
And no matter what you may think, Mr. Kennedy, And I revere your name.
You're not here to propound your case for censorship.
You are here for cynical reasons to be used politically by that side of the aisle to embarrass the current President of the United States, and you're an enabler in that effort today.
And it brings shame on a story name that I revere.
I began my political interest with your father.
And it makes me profoundly sad to see where we have descended today in this hearing.
I yield the balance of my time.
And that's why there is research that shows, far from suppressing right-wing and extremist speech, that actually the algorithms used by social media has elevated them.
Has elevated them.
And that's true from the New York Stern School that has a study out from 2021, that testimony I think has occurred in Congress, but even Twitter's own analytics shows that it has elevated conservative speech, which by the way, that shows and that research shows that while we're sitting here talking about this as if there is somehow a targeting of viewpoint, it's actually been about targeting whether or not the content
Is consistent with the policies of the platforms that they themselves set.
So this hearing really is literally putting even more lives at risk for elevating all these what I think are crazy theories.
So they have the policies written by Big Tech and then they're telling Big Tech what to take down.
And in almost every case the emails and documents show, whether it's Twitter, Facebook, Google, Instagram, all of it, they take it down 99% of the time.
So the government puts out a list of things it wants censored.
These so-called think tank fact checkers, over 100 groups, run by Bill Gates in the case of NewsGuard.
The ADL, Southern Poverty Law Center, over 100 groups, big universities.
They go in and just find stuff all day and then send it to the representatives at Big Tech to have it taken down.
And in some cases they were given passcodes in the dashboard to be able to take stuff down themselves.
In other cases, they're allowed to get into your private messages on Instagram, on Twitter.
That ended when Elon Musk took over predominantly.
They still have some moles in there, and he's talked about that.
But that's the window we got was Twitter.
It's going on everywhere.
And now, since Congress has had hearings, we've learned more.
This is the censorship industrial complex.
Now, they don't want Kennedy to speak.
They tried to block him.
We're going to come back, we've got a five minute compilation of him talking about what's really going on with these shots.
And I think if anything, I don't want to say he whitewashes it, he's very conservative because he knows that he has to incrementally get people awake and see what's happening because the truth is just too horrible.
So he even goes with kind of the mainline admission the shot doesn't work and hurt a lot of people and killed some people, when it's far worse because they're manipulating the reporting data.
Something like one out of a hundred That they believe on VAERS, you know, for every one report there's a hundred or more actual issues.
So we just took data.
It's horrible.
And he's just going off the data because they can't debate that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right.
Mickey Willis, great filmmaker on the attack on free speech and more will be joining us at the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to host someone of the fourth hour today, Winter Hernandez.
We've got a special guest visiting us today, who I can't say who, but wonderful filmmakers and folks are also popping by today, and TV producers.
But there is just so much to get into.
I'm very frustrated because I could spend the whole show on prestigious Nobel Prize winner from last year coming out saying, The COVID thing, you know, all the climate garbage, all of it together is about depopulation.
So we're going to get to some of that coming up in a few minutes.
And I really want to play an eight minute compilation of RFK Jr.
today at the censorship weaponization hearings saying we need to stop destroying each other and really trying to talk to the idiot leftist that are attacking him and saying, come on, you're destroying your own future with the poison shots and the glyphosate and all the rest of it.
So maybe we'll air that in the fourth hour of The War Room today.
I'm not sure.
But I'm going to have it all posted.
It's all being posted in a compilation to InfoWars.com right now.
But I'm going to play a little bit of it now.
Please remember, listeners, this took a lot of fighting and a lot of will to get America and the world to the point where we're starting to win.
And it has been you, the listeners of this broadcast, and the viewers, that have done this.
And InfoWars really does get a disproportionate share of the credit.
And it's not about the credit.
It's not about getting a trophy.
It's that you need to realize how important you are.
And that if you weren't here, and if I wasn't here, and if this crew wasn't here, and if these great guests weren't here, and if we hadn't done what we've done collectively, and InfoWars is just a focal point, a representative of that, We would be totally screwed right now and still under lockdown with combat robots walking around giving us orders, because that's their plan.
They've said they never want the lockdown to stop, that they want to depopulate us.
It's here.
So we are literally fighting something more sophisticated than the Soviet Union and Adolf Hitler combined.
It is absolutely evil, but we are discovering the enemy, we're learning what it's doing, and we're learning how to beat it together.
And I just want to salute and thank you all.
So please, Penetrate your refrigerator door, or like we say in Texas, refrigerator, and understand, or on your nightstand, or tattoo it on your arm.
Warn people, speak out, override the AI.
Use your human intelligence to send people to InfoWars clips and articles and videos and other clips that are important.
But realize we have been singled out particularly by the enemy because we've really got their number.
We really know their operation and we know how to beat them.
And you look at how deadly accurate we've been.
It's because I'm immersed in this.
This is all I do for 30 plus years.
I've been on there 29 years but I've been immersed for about 30... 32 years I've been completely immersed.
I've been...
Aware of this stuff since I was six, seven years old.
So I've really been immersed my whole life.
It was by the grace of God.
I was born in the family I was and, you know, was able to get a ground floor understanding of all this.
So, I started in the mail room fighting the New World Order, folks, and I moved all the way up to the top, and it's incredible responsibility, and I want to thank you for keeping me in the fight.
You understand, I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for keeping me in the fight, because this is a fight I was born for.
It's a fight you were born for, and I appreciate that, because these people are evil, and they've got to be defeated, so thank you for caring, and thank you for being involved.
And please spread the word about this broadcast.
Please support this broadcast.
We're winning right now, but the enemy's gonna pull something big.
They've now got top scientists from Dr. Michael Yeadon to you name it, around the world, the most prestigious scientists in the world, virologists, nuclear physicists, quantum mechanics, Nobel Prize winners, the top, top, top heart doctor, top, you name it.
We got the good guys, folks, the good people.
And it's rising.
So we're like in a football game where we've been 20 points behind the whole time, and at the end of the third quarter, folks, we're seven points ahead right now.
We are ahead right now.
And this isn't some stupid ball game.
This is the real deal.
Here's Kennedy.
We'll go to break.
Come back.
Stay with us.
I don't want President Trump misusing the FBI, and I don't want President Biden.
I don't want anybody.
And I agree with that completely.
Let me characterize my understanding of something, get your perspective on it.
Following the 2016 election, Yes.
Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, Peter Marks met with you, to the best of my understanding, regarding
vaccine safety, in part as a result of your engagement with President Trump.
And at that meeting, you requested evidence of a vaccine undergoing placebo-controlled
trial safety tests prior to licensing.
After making a show of looking for the document, Dr. Fauci informed you, to the best of my
understanding, that the document was back in Bethesda, and that he would eventually
send the document to you.
The document, to the best of my knowledge, was never sent, and that you sued HHS for documents showing and trying to figure out the truth of the matter, and that you found that not one study was done on pre-licensing safety testing for COVID vaccines.
After a year, HHS finally sent you a letter stating, we basically, we don't have any.
This means, to the best of my understanding, that nobody knows the risk profiles for these products, or whether they avert more harm than they cause.
And as a result, there's no real science behind these statements, but rather guesswork.
Is that a fair characterization of what you've experienced?
That is a fair characterization.
We had looked for many years to find a pre-licensing safety trial of any of the 72 vaccines.
Doses that are now essentially mandated.
They're recommended, but that's effectively mandated for American children, and we have not been able to find any.
And every other medication requires prior to licensing by FDA, at the company, perform a safety trial that compares health outcomes in a placebo group and a similarly situated vaccine group.
My assumption was that was done for vaccines.
We found out that it hadn't been, that it was not, they were exempt.
And I made that statement publicly.
Dr. Fauci contradicted me.
And when President Trump ordered him to meet with me, him and Francis Collins, A group of my colleagues, I said to them at that time, you've said publicly that I've been dishonest about that.
Can you show us a single pre-licensing safety trial, placebo-controlled safety trial for any of the 72 vaccines required for American children?
And he made that show of looking through a file and he said, well, they're back in Bethesda.
And I said, will you send them to me?
And I never heard from him again.
And so we sued the HHS.
Under the Freedom of Information Law, after a year of litigation, they sent us a letter which is posted on CHD's website and acknowledges that they are now not able to locate a single pre-licensing safety trial placebo control for any of the vaccines that are now mandated for children.
These are zero liability vaccines.
And so if I might interject in just limited time, and I hope you can expand on that further, I know my friend from Kentucky, Mr. Massey, will probably expand on this later, but your uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy, was a pretty strong opponent of sweeping immunity from liability for manufacturers of vaccines.
And did he not introduce an amendment to repeal the so-called PREP Act, the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, when he was a senator?
Yes, he did.
The immunity, which was passed in 1986, neither the Republicans or Democrats wanted it.
Ronald Reagan, at that time, who signed the bill, said, and Wyeth was the company that was pushing it, and they were saying that they were losing $20 in downstream liabilities for every dollar that they made in profits from vaccines, and they were going to get out of the business if they were not granted immunity.
Ronald Reagan said to them at that time, why don't you make the vaccines safe?
And why is that?
Because they're unavoidably unsafe.
Which is true of most medicines.
I'm not anti-vaccine, but I think we need to be honest and we need to have good science.
That's all I've ever argued.
In closing up my time here, I would just say this.
My father had polio.
I understand the ravages of that disease.
I'm grateful that we have the opportunity to have the polio vaccine, but I also want the truth being sought.
I want to know the health impacts of the polio vaccine.
Let's be really clear here.
Most polio is caused by vaccines.
Type in number one cause of polio in the world is the vaccine Reuters AP.
My grandmother was told by her doctor that their second polio vaccine in the mid 1950s gave her polio and it almost killed her and destroyed much of her body.
Okay, so...
That's ignorant BS, okay?
They've been Trojan horsing the damn things since the beginning.
It's used for eugenics.
Our IQs are dropping.
Our fertility's dropping.
They're murdering us.
Stay with us.
And we are back, ladies and gentlemen.
All right.
We just spent an hour and 20 minutes on R.F.K.
and the weaponization of government against the People's Free Speech hearing, where they tried to keep him from speaking and banned the hearing at the start, but were voted down by one vote.
I mean, you talk about highlighting that they're censoring people, that it's totalitarianism, then they gaslit and said nobody's being censored, it doesn't exist, we have no idea what you're talking about.
You know, young people won't know what this is.
They had a funny show in the 70s, I guess late 60s, 70s, called Hogan's Heroes.
And Sergeant Shultz.
Guys, pull up Sergeant Shultz.
You can go to YouTube.
Sergeant Shultz would never know anything.
He was always, you know, involved in what was corruption for him, working with the G.I.s that were in Stalag 13.
Whenever he would get caught doing something by the Commandant, he would say, I know nothing!
I know nothing!
So they're there denying they're censoring anybody when they've all been caught at the censorship hearing where they just tried to censor Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
for being able to speak.
So, this is very childlike, actually.
It's like, The other night we have a candy cabinet that doesn't have a bunch of stuff in it, but it's still got some Easter candies, some Hershey's Kisses and crap in it.
And my daughter comes in, when I was strangely enough brushing my teeth in the bathroom at like 7 o'clock at night after I ate dinner, and she says, uh, Daddy, I got you some Hershey's Kisses.
And I said, okay, and I interviewed him and he goes, oh, is that, I said, is that because you got some and mom told you no?
And she goes, oh, oh, oh.
And then my wife walks in and she goes, oh, who gave you those Hershey kisses, Veronica?
And she goes, uh, dad.
And I go, that's a lie.
And she goes, oh, okay, I got them.
But it was literally, I know nothing, but they're not stealing Hershey's kisses here, okay?
This is literally censoring and controlling and blocking that they were killing people Denying them health care with koban and get the 50 plus
thousand dollars to put them on ventilators. They knew would kill him
I mean this is murdering us This is not climbing up in the cabinet getting the Hersey's
kisses and then involving your father in the theft of them So then it's okay when her mother just said no you can't
have the Hersey's kisses This is a criminal out of control group trying to outlaw
their political opposition trying to put President Trump in prison
Trying to censor and control everybody saying I know nothing
What is she doing in the uniform, Selma Hogan?
Oh, you went too far.
I must report this.
It would be worth my life if I do not report this.
It's only until tomorrow, and he's gonna take it off again.
Uh... After he steals the tank.
From the Panzer Division.
And brings it here into the Browder.
Oh, I see nothing!
I was not here!
I did not even get up this morning!
But it's not funny, is it?
I know nothing!
Good job, crew, getting that so quickly.
Okay, so...
Obviously today I won't have time to get into this properly, but you know what?
I'm gonna come in Saturday and do a four-hour show, like I did a two-hour this last Saturday, commercial-free, with Dr. Rima Labo, whose husband was the head of the National Security Agency, amongst other things, telling you about the plan to forcibly depopulate you and your family by first cutting off the energy, and then the fertilizer, and then forcibly injecting you with deadly poison.
And she has been a psychiatrist to heads of state.
Including royalty.
The big royalty.
But look at this right here.
The Nobel Prize in Physics!
Oh, it's another top scientist!
He won in 2022 last year for basically proving that there's other dimensions and wavelengths coming through that bend time and space and proving what Einstein said was true.
Prize motivation for experiments with entangled photons establishing the violation of Bell inequities and pioneering quantum information science.
Probably kind of smart.
And he got a bunch of other scientists with him and they put together this big report.
John F. Klosser.
So, there you go.
Now, let's look at his report here.
Boy, we're going to spend an hour on this Saturday.
Oh, this is pretty darn important.
World Climate Declaration.
There is no climate emergency.
Global Climate Intelligence Group.
And they just spoke at the most prestigious scientific yearly forum in South Korea.
We actually have a clip of him talking about all this that I'm going to get to with Mickey Willis coming up.
There is no climate emergency.
And then they go through the plan that it's a giant scam to cut off resources and consolidate them and cause mass depopulation.
And he's got all these experts and other Nobel laureates.
Oh, I forgot.
He's got a whole bunch of other Nobel Prize winners.
I forgot that part of it.
It just gets... Oh, yeah, a whole bunch of Nobel Prize winners.
All these top scientists.
Boy, they've got a problem.
They got a big... Look at all these other scientists that signed on.
And then all the papers they filed.
This is just, this report is just the synopsis.
So I guess...
I guess it's, what is it, thousands of pages long?
Well, we'll try to print it all.
I'm going to try to read it all.
I've only scanned over some of the news articles that have excerpts in it.
And that's just the total plan to destroy and kill everybody.
With a whole bunch of Nobel Prize winners telling you.
Oh, see.
Hey, ADL.
Hey, Southern Poverty Law Center.
I know you think you're going to stop your Nazi takeover by calling people to try to stop Nazis.
But this is the closest thing to Hitler.
In fact, Hitler would blush at this.
So let me tell the left and the CIA and all of you something.
You're not getting away with your plan.
Go ahead and release your next bioweapon.
I know it's far worse.
No matter how many of us you kill, you're gonna get punished for what you've done in the end.
All the brains know you're murdering everybody, and they're getting on board.
You didn't recruit all the scientists to be part of this.
I know you recruited a lot of them.
But a lot of people are not psychotics like you, plus they're smart.
Even if they were evil, they know your plan will blow up in your face, and is it gonna work, dummies?
Oh yeah, I would imagine a lot of the folks on here can even see your arguments, because you can see the arguments.
Absolute power control, technology's out of control, if we don't shut it all down, we'll blow ourselves up, so we'll just take over and kill everybody.
Oh, I understand the arguments.
I can entertain them.
The point is, they won't work either, dummies.
You'll never get away with it.
You certainly won't now.
I want hyper-competition.
I want all of our instincts fed the way we're supposed to be.
I want to bring back competition and supercharge humanity.
It's the only way.
And that means massive space colonization, massive projects, corporate government, every level, basically what Elon Musk is doing times a thousand, and just ramp humans up to go to the next level.
And we need to get far out in space to do a lot of these tests they've got, and a lot of these new systems they've got.
I mean, they should not be testing antimatter engines in the solar system, obviously.
So, yes, we need a giant space project, we need giant space bases, we need the ringed cities, we need the whole thing now.
And we've got it.
And people are going to sign up, and humans are willing to go to space and die by the millions to be part of this.
I mean, we need to go full bore like we went around the Earth on our ships and died by the hundreds of thousands.
We need to go full bore into space now, go do all the projects.
If you want to go be some weird cyborg, you've got to do it on Mars.
Or if you want to go, you've got to do it on a space station.
Earth is going to be the preservation of the human species in our original operation, and to grow slowly.
And if you guys want to run around and play God somewhere else, you go ahead.
Of course, the argument will be that they'll come back and conquer us.
But look, the point is we shouldn't be doing it here.
All right, we'll be right back.
Yes, folks, I actually have advanced breakdowns on a lot of things.
We're having a real debate about the future of humanity, not some globalist running away with your football and hide.
Breaking news, the president declaring a national emergency.
The new stay-at-home order.
We will shut you down.
Don't think you can get on a plane or a train.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And we will take you to jail.
We've got to get them vaccinated.
Or we will keep you in a facility longer.
As the world was descending into synchronized tyranny, I began to ask myself, how did they get everyone to go along with this?
Oh, it feels so good.
I know.
Obsessed with finding the answer, I began studying every moment in recorded history where masses of people acted against their own self-interest.
The only mechanism that could explain what was happening in was what is usually referred to as mass formation.
We are now in an economy in crisis, but with an incredible opportunity.
Unprecedented opportunity.
For a reset.
The Royal Highnesses, distinguished heads of state and government,
the future is built by us.
We need a great reset.
When they say you'll be happy, what they mean is you'll be enslaved.
Today we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.
Who masters those technologies will be the master of the world.
Those who control the data control the future, not just of humanity, but the future of life itself.
Every aspect of our life has been infiltrated by people that do not have our best interests at heart.
There are forces using fear and isolation to induce mass psychosis.
I don't want you to be hopeful.
Environmental bills.
I want you to panic.
It will kill your children.
I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.
People are starting to wake up.
They're starting to wake up.
Look, we're lost.
I'm seeing people come together from all walks of life, finally saying enough is enough.
We didn't come here for no reason.
We have a voice.
We're here to share it.
We have to be the solution.
We cannot rely on the media, the president, or whoever to fix these problems.
I would rather pick up cans on the side of the highway than to live out of alignment with my truth.
We're all being driven back to the dream.
As you see in the audience, Democrats, Republicans, white, black, everyone all in between, this is the example that they do not want to see, but they have no choice.
The masses of humanity have been slapped awake.
Open your eyes.
It's time to wake up.
This is the Great Awakening.
(dramatic music)
People cannot go back into the Matrix now.
A lot of people are trying to.
Plandemic Series. PlandemicSeries.com. Here's another clip and Mickey Willis is in the studio. PlandemicSeries.com.
Well I saw a rough cut a month ago. I know Mickey Willis is an amazing director.
Has put out so many great films.
They're all game-changing.
But I saw a rough cut over a month ago.
Blew me away.
I don't go to a lot of premieres.
I don't really go in public a lot.
But I'm here tonight because this is damn important.
And if everybody out there gets this film, promotes this film...
It's free, a ten million dollar budget or more.
If you just get behind this, we can change the world.
This is humanity fighting back for our future, and that's why The Great Awakening is The Great Awakening, and that means you are front and center.
You're not spectators in this, you are the freaking quarterbacks.
The Great Awakening, Mickey Willis and his whole team, we salute you, and we salute the viewers.
This is The Great Awakening.
The same forces that launched the virus in the last lockdowns are planning to do it again.
We've got to break their back down.
They're using this to bring in authoritarianism.
This film exposes how the psychological warfare operations are enslaving us.
Okay, guys, we are here with, probably doesn't need any introduction, Mr. Alex Jones and Dr. David Martin.
How are you guys doing this evening?
Well, I'm just blown away.
I'm the biggest fan of this guy.
He has predicted all this before it happened, tried to stop it, has now been just testimony of the EU, testimony here in the U.S., really breaking the back of the enemy, showing how they pre-planned it.
It's just so important.
Yeah, and you know, here's the thing.
We've lived in this nonsense narrative that has been built by a consensus of marketing.
Not media, marketing.
And the marketing has been, we're supposed to set our intellects on the hold, we're supposed to set our observations on hold, we're supposed to set our minds on hold, and just get spoon-fed a narrative.
And the fact of the matter is, Alex's work, very early on, my work has been about saying, guys, the facts are in front of us.
We can either accept them or not, but the narrative is not the story.
The facts are the story.
And we need to get to the place where the truth does not need defense.
Doesn't need my voice, doesn't need Alex's voice.
Truth doesn't need defense, because the fact of the matter is, we know the truth will ultimately prevail.
And what I know is I don't have to issue a retraction on a single thing I've said.
From 2002 until now about coronavirus.
That's right, you've been totally vindicated.
I have never once had to say a single thing going, oh, I got that one wrong.
And the fact is, you don't have to do it when truth is on your side.
Well, that's right.
And the key to bringing them down is it is a marketing campaign.
It's all operation lockstep, all pre-programmed, you in, you know, Bill and Melinda Gates, WEF, and it's all pre-programmed.
And for a business guy like you that tracks all that, you can see it.
It's all right there.
It's so frustrating because it's all like a script.
Please take your seats.
Oh, there we go.
All right, folks.
I'll go ahead and get started.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I'm going to start with the first question.
I'm going to start with the first question.
Guys, I want to get the J.P.
Sears rant.
That's the one I really wanted, because I say, you need to see this film.
Oh, yeah, back it up.
I don't know if we have audio, but we'll get it later.
You need to see this film because it's life and death.
I'm not just saying that.
That's the reality, and that's coming out, and people are getting that.
You were in transit here and busy, so you didn't see it, but I filled you in on it.
It's the most crazy thing I've probably ever seen in Congress, and I've seen a lot of crazy stuff.
that we covered, we played clips of it and also went to it live in the first hour and a half,
but the hearings are over now. RFK Jr., he gets up there and Debbie Washburn Schultz has a vote
to censure him. Well, if you're a member of Congress, they do that.
For something you've said in Congress, he hasn't even spoken yet, she tries to ban him from speaking
and then they obviously vote, so there's one more Republican, the chairman, and so he gets to speak
and then they talk over him and then they keep saying, "But no one's censuring you, but no one's
The gaslighting is so desperate right now.
Truly, truly.
Well, I hope that the media will pick up where they left off with Plandemic 1 and 2 and censor us more, because it's such great help when they do that.
Look at the number one song right now, Try This In A Small Town.
It's a country song that came out about what's going on in America.
Jason Aldean!
You got it.
And it's number one right now.
So keep it up, media.
Thank you.
What's crazy is that's George Strait's one of his favorite people.
And so imagine they get George Strait to go public against the New World Order.
But all he did was say, try your crime here in our small town.
And they called that white supremacist again.
And then they're trying to censor him.
In fact, he's being, I heard, CMT.
It's like taking him off air or something.
Yeah, they said it's a pro-lynching message.
I have no idea.
An American flag, and saying, don't try to come burn down our courthouse.
The left are communist.
Well, as we reveal in The Great Awakening, you know, this is an age old, decades old, if not a hundred years old and beyond agenda to move us into the structure of communism, which is ultimately a political structure that allows for total control.
That's all it is.
Well, the film brought tears to my eyes.
Extremely powerful.
And they're trying to suppress it.
It's third in the Plandemic Series.
People can watch for free.
Everybody says, get it out to folks that haven't seen it.
The Great Awakening, which is also the name of my book that comes out in late August.
And because it's all about the Great Awakening.
And what a homage, but not just homage, it's so good.
To see G. Edward Griffin in 35mm or whatever it is.
Because I've seen these films that you have clips of, but I've seen grainy, crappy versions.
How did you get the original footage?
From him?
From him.
I am now officially the steward of that man's legacy of videos.
So I have a giant box filled with all of his film transfers.
And then we took it a step further.
We actually had them colorized.
and updated them a little bit. That's why I've never seen it. Yeah, when I saw it was black and white.
He made the movie Katanga. Have you seen that? No, I've not seen that. Oh, wow.
But you've probably got it in your box. That guy made a bunch of movies that are really powerful.
He did. Also, he's also the man that did that Yuri Brezhmanoff interview.
Very few people know because they've just seen the clips of Yuri, the KGB defector.
Have you seen that interview?
No, yeah.
And G. Edward Griffin's the man who's interviewing him.
So this man has done so much.
Wow, so you got the original film?
We do, yeah.
From the OG.
I don't know what's going on.
I like him, he likes me.
He was on about two years ago.
We can't seem to be able to get him on.
If you could get him on, I would be very thankful.
Oh, absolutely.
I'll be with you.
I don't know if I have the wrong number or what's happening.
Oh, I'll make that work.
He's not too good with his phone messages and text messages and all that.
I was about to say, he seemed, two years ago, still pretty healthy.
But I've seen in one other interview, it looks like he's kind of declining.
I really need him on, please.
He did decline.
He's on the upswing now.
He lost a lot of weight.
He had COVID.
He went down for a little while.
Almost killed my dad.
yeah but you tell him I love him I will do that again I care like you care less
about how you made major Hollywood films you've been up to the top of it there's
nothing there but when you're around G Edward Griffin or people like that these
are real legends like we would have basically no opposition right now I mean
like half of what we built was this one guy back then there was nobody that's
I mean, this is the OG.
Truly, truly.
One of the last living legends that warned the world of what is now right before us.
As a matter of fact, we're doing, in October, we're doing a screening of The Great Awakening, Ed and I, at his Red Pill Expo, I believe in Utah.
Yeah, I'm going.
I know he's asked me to go before, and I didn't know.
If you want to come with us, we could do something together.
No, I know he's gotten irritated with me over the years, because I didn't used to travel a lot, and I wouldn't go to his events.
I want to see Jim Griffith.
Maybe that's why he's not picking up the phone.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, I mean, I've just been so tied down here.
I understand.
The children and everything.
You've got a lot going on.
But I'm going.
When is it in Utah?
I'll get the date for you, but I think it's in October or something.
We're going.
We're going.
Okay, good.
I don't mean to gush over jibber.
I'm kind of like simping over.
He's such a good guy, beyond being an incredible scholar.
I've interviewed him a couple of times, and he has this vast knowledge of history, yet he's willing to say, I don't know, and that's pretty impressive when you interview someone at that IQ range.
And he's also so calm, and you feel the... Humble.
You feel the gravitas.
You do, yeah.
Well, I've only met him a few times, interviewed him probably a hundred times, but yeah, I gotta see the OG.
But I'm glad he's bouncing back.
I am too.
You know, he didn't, uh, he wasn't able to make it to the screening.
And then I didn't hear from him.
I know that he had watched the live premiere, and I got one little message from someone in my crew who said, Ed said, nice job.
And I thought, that's it?
Maybe he's not happy with the film.
What's going on?
And it wasn't for like three weeks later that finally I get a call on my phone, and there's Ed.
And we had an hour-long talk, and he was just so grateful that he felt like his legacy was being remembered in the way that he always dreamt that it would.
Well he's that old-fashioned that's basically gone over the world now, understated.
Yeah, that's true.
Like, nice job.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
He was thinking about a nice job, like, nice job.
I'm so used to the Hollywood nice job, right?
That can mean I don't like it.
But we had an incredible conversation and he was so impressed with the way that we also honored His message, and we didn't take it to other areas that might distort his message, and the full scope of it.
He said, you really brought all the puzzle pieces together.
He said, it helped me understand.
He said, I know a lot about a small area of this, but to really bring all the puzzle pieces together to understand the split screens of the before and after.
What was warned in the history and then what's happening now, he said that was such an incredible way to really illustrate and to show people, not just to tell them an opinion, but to show them this is what's happening right before you.
So and since then, I tell you, Alex, the thing that's made me really delighted is that I've received a lot of messages from parents.
Who have been reunited with their kids, their teenagers, that have completely disowned them because they were indoctrinated in school and they thought their parents were fascists and they hated America.
And they're coming back together now after watching this movie.
So we're trying to get it into more schools now.
Well, it's an extremely loving movie.
You know, until Obama came around, I was not a Republican or Democrat.
The Republican Country Club people are warmongering, elitist, beyond racist.
They hate poor white people, poor black people, poor everybody.
They're elitist.
And so the Republican Party had some good people, but by and large they were a bunch of trust fund kid, you know, divorce from reality, warmongering CIA stooges.
And the Democrats were just as bad or worse in ways.
But your average liberal was didn't want glyphosate and didn't want wars and cluster bombs.
And, you know, I was like, well, you're wrong about guns, but, but, you know, I still, Liberals are good people, and I know about your past, your history, but to watch you personalize it about you and your family and your journey, how, you know, just seven years ago, there you are supporting Bernie, and then you see Hillary steal it from him, and then that's really your epiphany breaking out, and now you've just surged past, you know, many people's knowledge that have been, you know, awake for decades, and I see that quickening
And then I see, like, all these Nobel Prize winners come out at the top scientific symposium in South Korea and publish a multi-hundred page report with a whole bunch of Nobel Prize winners saying, there's a global government plan to cut off the energy and starbust and poisonous and force injectus and there's all these other prominent scientists saying it, like the former chief scientist at Pfizer.
I mean, the globalists are in trouble, man.
They really woke up the sleeping giant.
They sure did, and this is something, you know, I was an environmental activist when I was on the far left, and so I've been about 18 years or so studying this stuff right here, and we are also going to blow the whistle on this, because this is the final nail in the coffin of our liberties, absolutely.
This is what they're going to use to justify the The limiting of everything that we can possibly imagine, all of our personal life, what kind of stoves we can have, to what kind of car we can drive, to having the power to shut those cars off, all the things you talk about, it's real.
I just met with a car manufacturer recently and he said, he said, man, this stuff, I wouldn't really believe it until I started to see it.
He said, there's all these dormant technologies being installed in these vehicles.
And I said, what do you mean by that?
He said, things that will allow them to shut off your car or to drive it wherever they want to drive it, if they want to repo.
They're already self-driving cars.
Yeah, exactly.
It's in federal law two years ago.
It's law.
No one even knows it's the law.
He said there's all these cars that people don't even know have that technology equipped.
They're buying them now and they're just, they say they're dormant and they're waiting to be turned on.
He said, I've seen it.
Talk about maximum overdrive.
But it's not a demon in the machine like Christine.
It's them.
It's the system.
I would argue and say there is a demon in the machine.
No, I totally agree.
So, there's The Great Awakening countering The Great Reset, and just your film is a... I couldn't believe how good it was, actually.
It was just stunning.
How do people see the film for free?
One problem with giving away something free, a big-budget film, is some people go, well, that's free.
It must not be good.
No, no.
This is very important, folks.
This has been game-changing.
The last two in the series, and now this one.
It is everybody's duty to go get the film, to share the link with everybody.
Well, and one, you know, there are many reasons that I give the film, my films away, particularly in the Plandemic Series, too, is one of the only ways to bypass the gatekeepers, the censorship, is by decentralizing it.
So you have to give it away to the people and allow them to distribute it on their own.
And now that, you know, clicks and views are a currency for people, they're motivated beyond just doing something good in the world.
They're motivated to share that.
So I really thank the people for being the people power distribution model behind the Plandemic Series.
And it's also, as I've said on this show before, I don't feel that it's my material to sell back to the people.
And so, you know, all the films, Plandemic 1, 2, and 3.
Matter of fact, there's a big screening happening in Canada very soon where they're showing three days in a row, all three films, and they're bringing thousands of people together in Canada to wake them up, particularly because of the expose we did on Justin Trudeau in The Great Awakening.
He is such a husk of a person.
I try not to be violent, but I tell you, I'd love to have three minutes in the ring with that dude.
You're a big guy.
I want to be in the ring with you.
Now he is really a, he is the, Klaus Schwab says he is the model.
Well that's got to tell you something.
That's got to tell you everything.
Oh, Xi Jinping's the model too.
You know, so it's all the dictators, all the people who lust after complete control and power.
Klaus Schwab seems to idolize, so you're right.
That tells you exactly what's going on inside.
Imagine wanting to lock little kids in their house for years
and put masks on them and watch suicide explode.
They knew exactly what they were doing.
They just love the sorrow.
Like, I'm not a masochist.
I'm certainly not a sadomasochist.
I don't get wanting to cause pain.
I don't understand it.
Well, you know, it's interesting because we started to do a deep dive on all of these characters, at least the people that can be identified as the ones that are up front pushing these agendas.
I wanted to find out, I've been studying ontology, really the studying of being for a number of years, and I thought, what is with the archetypes of these people?
Is there something that we can find a commonality to better understand where these people come from?
And the one commonality that we found between all the people that we know that are doing great damage is they all claim to be atheists.
And so there's something there for us to pay close attention to.
When people talk about this being a battle between dark versus light, that makes more and more sense every day to me, that we really are in a biblical battle of good versus evil.
But therein lies the challenge that we have for us, too, because as we spotlighted the movie, one of the greatest things, and gee, Edward Griffin taught me to be aware of, is collectivism.
And so even, you know, that pendulum keeps switching sides, right?
So you go, okay, we're the freedom fighters today, and we're fighting them.
They're the evil ones over there.
And the next thing you know, the freedom fighters become.
Just like you mentioned, with, you know, once upon a time, the liberals believed they were anti-war, and now they flop to being pro-war.
And so we have to be careful.
The moment we come into this hive mentality, this group think, then we're...
Just the gravity of the masses pulling in one direction.
If you're not strong-willed enough to maintain your critical thinking ability, you get lulled into this crowd.
And every dictator of history, Mao Zedong is who we featured most in the film.
And you break that down.
Again, how do people watch the film for free?
How do they share it?
And the link's on there.
You can watch it.
But as you see right there on the screen, download and share.
Don't even watch it on the site.
Just click download and share.
Share it from your own device.
So, I interrupt you.
The film's amazing, is it?
Because, I mean, I know this, you know this stuff.
Most people probably don't know all of it.
I learned a lot of things in the film, but really to watch it and to realize this is something they've done a bunch and they're almost there with us.
So, people, this is like life and death.
I mean, this is serious.
This is not a game.
It's not, and you know, the film is really meant to be medicine for the masses, to really understand the big picture.
As I've described it to people, I was, when I pivoted from 2 to number 3, from 1 to number 2 and 2 to number 3, and the reason I pivoted was I was witnessing All the people that were sharing a piece of the puzzle and my analogy is It's like if you look at one little puzzle piece and you look at it You can kind of imagine what it might be you might see water Maybe these are leaves trees and then you put that puzzle piece aside the next day somebody hands you another puzzle piece It's hard to really see the big picture until you put all those puzzle pieces together you understand what that is exactly And so that's what we have done with the Great Awakening is put all the pieces together and and and that is the feedback we're getting from people is suddenly the insane world is
Making sense.
It's still insane, but at least people are understanding what's really happening, what the undercurrent is.
Well, what's happening is, you go back about 180 years ago in England, and back then, the British Crown, if you have to say one place is the epicenter, and also came out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, mine sciences and things, and a lot of good technology, a lot of good science, but also mine science, and then obviously day one, it's not in power, it's to control, in the main, and they just, Francis Galton, the Wedgwoods, the Huxleys, the Darwins, they all got together, And the British Crown to the Royal Society would fund the equivalent of trillions today.
I mean something like 20% of their whole global budget was, you know, we'll give somebody the equivalent of $10 billion and they can make a clock that's accurate to one second that can be on a ship.
And no one can even make a clock that was accurate to one second then.
In a few years somebody had it and they got the money.
And so, and that's why they call them limeys.
The British knew 200 years before anybody else did that there was something in limes and in green vegetables, and limes would last the longest, that you wouldn't get sick on a long mission.
So a British ship pulls up 5,000 miles from home a year at sea against a Spanish ship.
Not that Spaniards aren't tough, but the British weren't Diana Scurvy.
They would jump over and kill you.
That's why the British ships, and for hundreds of years, oh, that's those idiot people that eat limes.
Well, they put the limes in the grog, because their main pay was just One part rum, two parts water.
And the officers would put the limes in it.
It's what are called limeys.
And it took everybody else 200 years.
The Spanish Empire fell.
Napoleon was beaten because the British had limes in their liquor.
I mean, it's simple things like that.
And so the British, they approached the British, intelligence, and the British would take money from, I mean, take science from anybody, they said.
And so they just developed mind control.
And they said in 1855, we want something called biometrics to scan and list people.
We want something called a computer to track and trace and control humans and track their breeding.
And then by the 20s, they had it all.
I mean, like, they literally said, we'll pay you any amount of money, give us this.
And they had some type of weird Almost like demonic inspiration because everything they imagined was able to be built.
I mean it's just it's wild and so the whole thing is you've got civilization the Renaissance growing in the last 500 years and doing all these amazing things and about 180 years ago this virus gets introduced by the British intelligentsia Absolutely.
I have a couple questions for you.
take control of this with science. So it's been a race. And now as we enter the part
of the century we're in now, it's the attempt of that to absorb the Renaissance. So there's
the battle between the Great Reset and that project of total control and turning us into
commodities and the Renaissance.
Absolutely. I have a couple of questions for you. When does your book come out, Alex?
I didn't know the name of your movie was going to be The Great Awakening.
And like six months ago, we'll call it The Great Awakening because that's what we're doing.
It's obvious.
And then it comes out late August.
In August.
We should do an event together.
Maybe a book release.
I'd love to.
And do a movie and do a book release.
I'm curious on your book.
Where does it go?
A whole book on The Great Reset.
What is it that you're hoping that people gain from understanding The Great Reset in such detail?
I mean, I gotta say, if you're gonna watch something, I mean, I think your film overall will wake a lot more people up.
But people want books.
The book's good.
The problem is, there's so much, and then I record all these recordings and give the guy the stuff, and then it's just, it's like 600 pages now.
We gotta cut it down to like 500.
And it just, I mean, it's a whole bunch of chapters, and it's a lot of transhumanism, and then alternate systems, how we can counter them.
So it's just one more piece.
I know your book people and I've heard that it's incredible.
When it comes to regaining energy, convenience is key.
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That's why our team of scientists worked with the InfoWars crew to create a powerhouse mixable energy formula.
Having Turbo Force Plus at work, home, in the car, or in your bag is the ultimate answer to a sluggish day.
Well, one of the greatest filmmakers in history, in my view, Mickey Willis is here.
And I'm not just saying that to hype it up.
He really is making films that affect change, that are going to make sure I'm not living in a lockdown, and that I control my body, and that my children's bodies and my wife's bodies are free.
And that's a big deal.
He's reaching hundreds of millions of people, and we need to celebrate that and understand how important that is.
The third in your pandemic series, The Great Awakening, is here.
It's free.
It's amazing.
Everybody needs to see it.
But more importantly, this audience is already pretty awake.
You need to share it.
Mickey Willis, how do we do that?
You go to PlandemicSeries.com and as you see the download and share button right there, download that, keep it on your device with unlimited, no restrictions, share it all over the world.
That's how we get the news out there and bypass the gatekeepers.
Talk about the film a little bit here.
Well, the film starts with my story, as you mentioned, Alex, and I was really reluctant to put this in there because I have a little bit of a reaction to putting myself in my own movies, but it was my crew who kind of had a come-to-Jesus moment to say, you're avoiding what we feel is the most important narrative in here, and that is, you were a big part of these people for a while.
And so I was on the road in 2016, documenting Bernie Sanders' campaign.
I was all in.
I bought into the idea that democratic socialism was different than socialism.
But as I got on the road and started to interview people from California all the way to Philadelphia, I started to see sickle and hammer stickers on laptops and water bottles.
I started to see young men with Che Guevara shirts and Mao Zedong and linen shirts and hats.
And I thought, is this a meme?
Are you guys trying to be edgy?
Or what's really going on here?
And they would do their best to convince me that Bernie's new form of socialism would lead to a new form of communism and that is what would save America.
It's the only thing that would unite and save America and bring everyone into this utopian balance.
And as I asked them to share it with me, I said, how are you going to do this?
How will you redistribute the wealth?
I understand we have some people at the top that are very greedy, that are doing great harm to the people at the bottom.
And so I'm all for helping the people at the bottom.
I come from a single mom on welfare.
And how are you going to do this?
And they said, well, through taxation.
And I said, who's going to collect the taxes?
And they would say, oh, well, I guess that would be the government.
And I would ask them, I'd say, do you trust the federal government?
Do you like the way the federal government is spending our tax money now?
So you want to give them more?
I don't understand this, and so I was perplexed by how many people were fiercely fighting for an ideology that they barely understood.
And that's when I asked the question that woke me up, and the question that I show in the film too, it was a two-part question.
It began with, are these people hypnotized?
Because something seems off here.
They're intelligent, they're educated, yet their logic is out the window.
Then I realized, hold on a second, I'm part of them, I'm with them, I'm on their team.
Then I asked myself the question, am I hypnotized?
And as I say in the movie, it was like a faith healing.
Suddenly, what I couldn't see and hear before, I could see.
And it was like this snap to grid moment where I woke up and I started to realize that I was part of something that had control over us.
You were out from under the spell.
Let's go to break and come back and talk more about that.
And you're a thread that takes people through the film to help them awaken as well.
This is not for the choir.
This is for those that we've not reached.
The prodigal sons and daughters, see the film now.
Share the film now.
We'll put the URL on screen.
This is so important.
This is an action item.
Mickey Willis, congratulations on the great job.
God bless you and your crew.
Thank you, Alex.
All right.
And again, what I did just there for viewers, everybody knows, is sometimes this first five minute segment, some stations don't carry, I'll do a promo or a plug.
I asked him to just kind of condense the film down there so we can take that out and run that as a promo.
And I'm not getting money for this, neither is he.
He made this and did all this.
To warn people and to stop the next lockdown, the next control.
And you were telling me, and we'll talk about this later, your next film is going to be on the climate hoax.
Which, again, we've got real serious environmental problems.
The planet's in trouble, folks.
They're using this as the cover for all the bad stuff they're doing, and when it falls apart, they blame us instead of fixing it.
They're on such power trips, they said they're going to be God and create all, and the Earth doesn't even matter, and they're going to merge with silicon.
This is crazy!
The people running the environmental movement are evil.
We're back with the one and only Alex Jones, Mrs. Alex Jones, and the one and only Mickey Willis.
Alex, I'd imagine you've got some people out there who know who you are.
We're at the premiere of The Great Awakening.
Why are you here?
This film could be the most important film ever made.
I've seen large excerpts, not the final cut.
It documents this assault on humanity, this tyrannical takeover, this seduction of our minds, this attempt at at a total takeover of society.
So we must defeat this, not just for the dead and the abused
from what we've seen the last few years, but because they're planning new pandemics,
new lockdowns, more controls.
This is the most important subject, and Mickey Willis is the best filmmaker on the topic.
I can't wait to see the final cut.
It's up to the viewers and listeners to make it number one, to go out to not hundreds of millions, like pandemic,
but billions, and we'll break the back of Bill Gates and Fauci once and for all.
Your future's in your hands.
This isn't a goddamn joke.
Get this film out of your fucking dead.
No, Alex, I think I speak for everybody.
A little career advice.
If you could bring a little bit of passion to your work, I think the message would go down.
They killed us with ventilators!
They killed us with lockdowns!
They killed us denying therapeutics!
They're starting World War III with Russia!
They're saying, the UN says, we entered the last pandemic to be heroes when the next pandemic comes.
They're preparing to launch the next attack!
So I mean, it's real!
So I mean, damn right I got passionate.
I didn't like being locked down for a year and a half.
I didn't like the third world lockdown for over two years, mass starvation and death.
But you were fighting, Mickey was fighting, my wife was fighting, and we're fighting together.
This film is so damn important, folks.
I can feel the zeitgeist.
Thousands of people here tonight.
Victory's in our hands.
We got the ball.
Now we gotta carry the ball down the field.
I used to watch Alex Jones.
Now I study Alex Jones.
Thank you, Alex, for being here.
My wife's the biggest fan, by the way.
She wants to marry him.
She does actually watch him all the time, wears his shirts and stuff.
OK, so, Mickey, I'm getting really serious here.
I mean, seriously, if we don't take this serious, they want to depopulate us, we're done.
And that's why I made a big deal about Global Climate Intelligence Group, a whole bunch of Nobel Prize winners, including the guy that won the Nobel Prize for Physics last year, have done a giant analysis.
This is just the synopsis.
It is like 30 pages long.
I'm trying to read through it.
I'm going to do a special show Saturday about it.
It details the plan to cut off resources and starve billions for control.
So your next film is going to be about the carbon tax.
I know that with the lockdowns and I know with all the toxic waste and all the things, the earth has real issues, but the way they're telling us the world's going to end And we can't say, but they're getting us ready to believe society's going to collapse and things are going to go through all this.
So they have the pretext of the controlled implosion to then take control of civilization.
That's their admission.
So we're not saying there isn't toxic waste or overfishing or environmental problems or seas of plastic or things we can make better.
But all the solutions they're giving us are bridges to nowhere.
You're a really smart guy that studied this.
I know we're putting the cart in front of the horse here, but tell us some about what you're working on in the next film.
Well, the next film is going to be about energy and the importance of energy independence.
It's going to go beyond that.
Of course, we're going to address the climate change hoax.
As an environmentalist and veteran environmentalist, I will tell you that this narrative is doing so much harm to the environment because it's taking our eye off the ball of pollution.
And we are, as you mentioned, polluting the heck out of this planet.
And it's creating this invisible beast that only politicians can slay.
And that's the game, right?
They don't want us... The moment we call it pollution, we know we have the technology and the funding that we just sent to Ukraine would take care of cleaning up our soil, our air, our water, all of it.
And the way that the traders within our nation has sold out our energy independence is very dangerous because now the entire game is about creating a state of dependency.
And we are dependent upon other nations now that are our adversaries.
And so they now have the ability to do great harm because we're not energy independent.
That's right.
All the authoritarians have unlimited fossil fuels.
And then we're not given all the free energy and real technology.
We're given windmills and crap that doesn't even work.
That's exactly right, and down to a micro level too, understanding what these bodies are capable of.
There's so much more that these instruments called our bodies are capable of that have been kept from us through time.
If we understand the power of sound and vibration alone, There's so much to learn from that, of what these bodies emit, what they receive, and they want to sever us from that divine intelligence, that infinite intelligence that will guide us into a right way of being.
The internet of the universe!
Exactly, yeah.
You know what I'm talking about.
You've had a lot of people on your show for years who've talked about this, who are far more advanced than I'll ever be with it, but we're gonna, I'm gonna have those people in my film.
Well, I wouldn't say that.
It's all of us can jack into God, the infinite, and they don't want us to do that for some reason.
No, folks, it's real.
And you get the message.
You get when you jack into it.
It's like love, success, beauty, unlimited power, unlimited goodness, unlimited love.
And it's right there.
It's like what you said last hour.
You wake up out of their trance, Yeah.
And it's like, what in the world was I missing?
You get that chill up your spine, you're like, man!
See, that to me is the Great Awakening.
So there's levels of awakening, right?
We can awaken on a personal level, on a spiritual level, on a political level, but the Great Awakening is that experience right there.
And I will, I've talked about this online before, so I'll mention it here on InfoWars because I don't think you have any boundaries here.
My wife and I, we were involved in ayahuasca ceremonies around the world for about seven and a half years, and that is an ancient ceremony that takes place where you consume a tea, as most people know, that brings you into an experience to understand what you just talked about right now, and I've witnessed people from the top of the Andes to people in Italy and Ecuador and the United States and
all over the world, having this unified experience of coming back and literally
letting the nature of the intelligence of this plant concoction that would wake them up into what you just mentioned, which
is the Great Awakening.
I'm told there's a message in the plan.
I want to admit, I'm not scared of much because I'm already kind of jacked in.
I'm scared to do it.
I know you invited me.
I've thought about it.
I've also had like hot, like former top Delta Force commanders say that changed their lives.
They want me to go do it with them and stuff.
I mean, like, we're like, we're NASA's involved and stuff.
I've never seen anything snap people to grid.
And it's not fun. It's not a recognition of that.
Do you know like the NASA people are taking it? All the top military people?
Of course. All the people that are wanting to understand humanity and control them are all partaking in these things
and keeping them from the people.
And so it's time to open up these technologies.
We did that for seven years. I haven't done it in many years since then.
But the point to that is witnessing people that speak a variety of languages.
Come into this experience where you sit for four or five hours and you remember who and what you are.
You suddenly see this.
But if I already feel that, should I then take it?
I think everybody should partake in it a couple of times because it's not an addictive situation.
It doesn't cause addiction.
It actually heals addiction.
It can correct a lot of the damage that's been done through this toxic societies that we have been forced into.
And by the way, I agree that NASA and the Pentagon have been doing this for 50, 60 years.
That's come out in documents that they've been suppressing it.
And then they decided to put LSD out for whatever reason.
But the guys I know, it's people in the government that are actually awake to the New World Order, but also had serious PTSD.
And I'm saying like former, I mean, all sorts of people like.
You know, the B-2 bomber pilots, the astronauts, the Delta Force commanders, they're saying they're being freed by it.
And so, right around the same time, I've got them saying, come to this facility, we'll do this.
And I don't think it's mind control, because I know folks that have done it with them.
It's just that final thing, I've not done.
Well, I filmed for about three years.
I documented veterans with PTSD doing this sort of work in Baja, Mexico.
It's the only thing that works, right?
And it was incredible to see them.
A lot of them were addicted to drugs.
They were suicidal.
They were having really hard issues integrating into society.
and a few ceremonies, a few times that they would partake in this work.
And it was amazing to watch probably 99% of them have a realization of the damage that was done
and to allow that to be cured internally and go back into being a father,
go back into being a husband and having a good life.
This is powerful.
strength that they had before the damage was done.
And so there's a lot that we need to learn from nature.
And believe me, these people that are at the helm of these agendas, they know it.
They know that this planet, this planet that provides everything.
So every medicine and food that we need grows right from the ground.
And I've been saying this a lot lately because it's time for us to remember this.
Crack open a carrot and it looks like the iris of an eye and it's eye food.
Open a walnut, two hemispheres and it looks like a mini brain, it's brain food.
Stay there.
This is powerful.
Repeat that.
Mickey Willis, I could talk to him for a hundred hours.
We're very honored to have him.
I'm going to try to shut up now and finish your point about food and then the magic about God programmed it all to see right there, then get into RFK, then get into the other candidates.
I mean, he used to be one of the top political guns for the Democrats, creating their propaganda.
Then you woke up, and it's a sign that so many other people can wake up.
It doesn't mean we then just go support the Republicans blindly either, but we support the real issues that are pro-human, pro-planet, pro-future.
Before commercial, I was mentioning that This planet grows everything right beneath our feet, so everything we need, every food and every medicine.
As I said, crack open a carrot, you look at the center of it, it looks like the iris of an eye, and it's eye food.
A walnut, two hemispheres of brain, a mini brain, it's brain food.
A bell pepper, four chambers, looks just like the shape of a heart, it's heart food.
Avocado, the shape of a womb, with a seed inside, and it's great for the cervix.
And these come in primary colors, so it's almost as if God, Mother Nature, whatever you want to call it, knew that at one time that we would lose our way, and that we would start to shift towards the synthetic digital world, and it made these things in primary colors like Lego, so that we could remember, this is our... Well, it's like a woman's breast has a target on it!
I mean, seriously, it's like, it's all... Truly, truly.
And so, it's important for us to understand that the powers of nature have been kept from the people, and we have so much more potential.
And once we realize that, once we rise above this idea that a lot of the movies, a lot of the industry that I escaped from, Hollywood, which seems to be dying right now, and I'm not mourning, trust me.
But the narratives that have been passed on, convincing humanity that we are a failed experiment, that we are a parasite, a cancer on the planet, all of these narratives through all the sci-fi films, some of my favorite films, including The Matrix, have had these narratives that have brought us into this place.
Even biblical narratives have done some damage when they're misused.
We're just the lowly sinners and we have to survive.
Truth is we're made in the image of God and have an awesome potential.
Yeah, exactly.
And I think it's really dangerous when we look upon ourselves, if we really respect God, whatever you call your creator or your greater power, then God doesn't build crap.
We wouldn't look down on who we are.
We would see this as a gift.
What we have, who we are and who we're not, we would recognize that we're divine in our own unique way.
And so that's one of the messages that I think is when we step into that as humanity, when we realize that we've been dehumanized, and as I say in The Great Awakening at the end of the film, I say we have a choice between dehumanization and rehumanization.
Dehumanization requires nothing from us but to allow that process to continue.
Be lazy, roll over and die.
But it's the animating contest.
The left thinks being weak and going along is powerful because they think of being good as hard.
It's like lifting weights or exercising.
I'm not perfect, but I did this morning.
That's actually empowering.
We're supposed to fight this and be strong.
That's right, except for now it's been declared that exercise is a right-wing thing.
That's right, I forgot.
Stay away from that, Alex.
Well, I'm kind of getting less right-wing then.
All right.
Yeah, so you know, of course, when you look at these narratives, when you look at the body positive movement, which is basically glorifying obesity and all of that, you understand that all of these narratives are to move us away from health, from mental health, from physical health, from healthy relationships, healthy family.
And for me, it's what I found is the foundation of my life.
If my family is in good shape, I'm in good shape and I can do my best work.
And so nothing gets in the way with me spending time with my two sons.
Nothing gets in the way.
I still coach Little League.
I still get involved in that, even though I'm very busy.
You've got a beautiful family, by the way.
Thank you so much.
I have an incredible wife.
I'm blessed and grateful beyond words that I've been able to have this.
You know, I come from a dysfunctional family.
Wonderful family.
Wonderful sisters.
A brother who was killed by Anthony Fauci, which kind of was my... He's in the movie.
Yeah, that's right.
A small bit in there describing of how I understood.
A lot of people ask me, how were you so quick to release a movie in May?
May 4th, 2020.
Spelling out in clear detail what was going to happen.
And I said, because I know the history of Anthony Fauci.
You've lost a family member to the work that this man did in the 80s and 90s.
It blew my mind that he was back.
And at the helm of our global health response.
And that's when I knew right away that something, something...
You know the Dallas Buyers Club, my dad owned, was part of a small, he was co-owner of a
small hospital in Rowlett, Texas, and he knew some of the doctors that were actually in
the book.
Dallas Buyers Club got made into a movie, Mad McConaughey.
I remember being a little kid around the dinner table, my dad so mad going, "AZT shuts off
your immune system and kills you.
Once this virus goes through you, they just get nutrition, they're going to live."
Because, talking about the doctors, he knew that were being blocked from...
My dad knew the people that were giving people that had HIV and AIDS, the stuff to save them.
I remember him being so mad.
So then all these decades later it comes out, "So Fauci literally did kill your brother,
and my dad was there witnessing it in Dallas."
I mean, it's very similar to what's happening.
It continues to happen today.
People need to wake up to the drug Remdesivir, which was Anthony Fauci's AZT of today.
And that drug has killed tens of thousands of people.
We're making it, we have several movies in production right now.
One is called Follow the Silenced, which is, we've been following the people who undertook the
Jab in the very beginning during the trials and they were terribly terribly damaged some confined to a wheelchair for
a long We've been following them for two years. That's called
follow the silenced We have another film called bad medicine, which is all
about remdesivir and ventilators killing people We just did an interview yesterday with a man who?
His doctor had to climb a fire escape his family doctor had to climb up a fire escape into this hospital because they
wouldn't allow Anyone in there that wasn't vaccinated and they told him do
not give him remdesivir We know what it does and they snuck it into his IV bag and
the doctor to climb up to up to fire escape Put him in a wheelchair was willing him out a nurse put her
foot in front of it Just like from a horror movie and said where are you going?
She went to get security and they talked the maintenance worker into, she locked the elevator to, unlocking the elevator so they could escape and save this man's life.
This is happening in America.
These are death camps.
They're death camps.
We have stories of people being helicopter rescued off of roofs of hospitals.
In America.
How many stories I've heard of people who went in there and they've said they could They could not be in the room with their family.
They said, do not give them remdesivir.
And they did.
And it created kidney failure.
So they put them on a ventilator.
And that's the final straw.
Which was the same thing with AZT.
These criminals are the same crime over and over again.
Over and over again.
Yeah, it's the same thing repeatedly over and over again.
It's sad, but just a minute on your brother.
We're going to break, but a minute on that mother.
So my brother was 14 years older than I was.
He was gay, and he lived with AIDS for a number of years.
And then this new medicine came along, and they said this will cure him of it.
He will go into remission if he takes this medicine.
He started to take the medicine.
And became visibly worse immediately.
Lost weight.
He was just throwing up every single day.
And this ultimately killed my mom, Alex, as I mentioned in the movie.
Because all of my brother's friends started to approach my mom and my older sister, who were kind of taking care of my brother.
And they said, you know, it's the AZT that's killing them.
Take them off of that.
But then my mom, I remember her saying, well, who do I listen to?
My son's friends?
Or, you know, this America's Doctor, this Anthony Fauci.
Stay here.
I don't want to cut this off.
This is so important, folks.
And this is exactly what my dad was so mad around the kitchen table.
I mean, I remember my dad like 20, 30 times, like so pissed in the 80s because he was a doctor and he saw this happening in Dallas and saw them murdering people by denying them good drugs and giving them bad ones.
AZT, they've known since day one.
Tell them about the story, Mickey.
The Great Awakening is here, folks.
Here's a little comedy, folks.
Here's a first look at a new t-shirt we're coming out with.
It's Responsibilities vs. Me Enjoying Life.
It's a shot of Owen and myself a couple years ago acting silly in studio.
We'll do an overhead shot here in a minute so people can see this.
That's a little sneak peek of something coming up soon.
Pretty ridiculous.
And then something fun here.
Mickey Willis saw this.
This is a joke that one of my friends sent me.
Well, I guess that settles the old argument.
The chicken or the egg?
Who came first?
So, there you go.
But, Mickey, sorry.
Back to the serious subject.
Your brother, AZT.
So, brother lived with AIDS, was suddenly prescribed AZT, got worse immediately.
My brother's friends started to tell my mother, it's the drug that's killing him.
Anthony Fauci is on TV with Liza Minnelli and Elton John and all these celebrities praising his genius and so of course my mother had no choice but to listen to somebody who was far more qualified than my brother's friends.
AZT ended up killing my brother.
My mom was a cancer survivor.
And would have survived into her late years.
But the guilt of being one of the people who decided to keep my brother on AZT, within 34 days later, after my brother's funeral, my mom died.
Allowed the cancer to come back.
So there's also an incredible lesson there, which is really about our will to live.
We've heard all the stories about when, you know, an old couple that's together 60 years, and one of them dies two weeks later, the other one goes.
Well, it's a fact.
In fact, there's some statistic like, Over half the people, once their spouse dies, are dead within one year.
That's right.
And so that's an important subject, Alex, because all of this mayhem that's happening is really targeted to lower our will to live.
Because when we have less to live and die for, when our families are separated, when there's no more attraction between men and women, when men are not allowed to be men, when women are, you know, trying to be men, and You know, following a false role like that.
Our will, our natural, primal, intrinsic role and desire to evolve and to procreate starts to dwindle.
And that's what all of this is about.
That's what all the negative news is about.
That's what all of the chaos is about because we just, I've had so many people say, Lately.
I just can't take anymore.
It's killing our life force, and young people don't want to have jobs or live because they believe the world ends in 2030.
No, it's about to really begin.
They're scared of what we're about to do.
That's exactly right.
If you look at every story that's ever been told that's worth remembering, there is a point, and I said this and a lot more in Planned Pandemic 2, the last five minutes of Planned Pandemic 2 is one of my favorite things that I've ever edited.
Because it talks about the history of the hero's journey and that there's a point when the hero is brought to their knees.
And the audience believes for a second, oh my god, the dragon just defeated the hero.
That person that I just fell in love with, invested in for the last hour and a half, is now dead.
And then we have that cliché moment where the hero's finger twitches or the eyes flutter open, and the hero rises with a new determination and slays the friggin' dragon.
And that's the stage we're in right now.
So we're about to face the fiery crescendo that all these movies... I can't even watch Avengers movies anymore because it's the same plot over and over.
And it's art imitating life.
It's real.
That's why it's the same plot over and over.
Because it's our story.
It's our story.
And the light always defeats the darkness.
But that's the moment.
And what is the message that the heroes always learn within the story?
They're reluctant.
They go out looking for the Savior.
They're looking for the hero to try to solve this global crisis.
And they're told, the force is within.
You are the one.
And so that... And Christ said that too.
Like the mainline church goes, oh, don't believe it's in you.
That's being... No, no.
Through us, God through us works.
And Christ said, pray in private.
Don't pray up on the hill, how you're like one of these fake priests, these Pharisees.
It's God is within you.
We're not God, but we are in the universe.
God made connected to God.
We're part of God, which makes us God, but not the big God.
That's right.
That's right.
I don't know what to say other than thumbs up.
Does that make sense?
It makes total sense and it is one of those sacred secrets that have been kept from the people to understand and to almost make us feel guilty of trying to Connect with being a fragment of the great power, right?
It's almost like we're not qualified to suggest that we are a creator of this reality, too.
That's only God's job.
We are God experiencing this realm.
I mean, we are, like, my dad likened it to like a compound eye of a dragonfly.
It's got thousands of, we're like, we are part, and so, is a part as great as the whole?
Yeah, it's all the same thing.
It's like every cell within our body, right?
Every cell has a function.
The cell at the bottom of your right toe and the cell on the top of the crown of your head.
These cells, they're charged with a command to bring life to this body.
If those cells are at odds, we have disease.
And so right now, the humans, as the cells on the body of this planet, we are diseased.
The Earth has cancer.
The Earth has cancer.
But we're not cancer.
The people aren't cancer.
We have to understand that because of the ideologies that have been fed to us and continuing
to see people as other, we are not actually involved in our greatest role and our greatest
purpose to be here, which is to procreate and to create life.
And so this is the moment that we activate.
You mentioned the word Renaissance.
I love the word Renaissance because this is the new Renaissance.
This is the moment.
The Renaissance era is known for being colorful and creative and artistic, and that's when
poetry emerged and all these beautiful expressions of the human spirit.
And so this is the time for us exactly to get busy and to get creative.
And also, too, one of the greatest things that's happening right now, Alex, that I've experienced in my lifetime, I believe, are the boycotts that are happening.
Because the people are actually... We're flexing our muscles!
That we have the power, we always have, and now by voting with our dollar, by not giving Target our money, by not giving Anheuser-Busch or Ben & Jerry's or whatever it might be, we're doing damage to what they care about most, which is their bottom line.
And so, it is up to us.
We are the ones.
Someone said to me the other day, they said, we just gotta...
Take Klaus Schwab out of the game.
And I said, well, Klaus Schwab, there'll be another Klaus Schwab.
Now we've got to kill his ideas.
Right behind him.
What we have to do is stop participating in his tyranny.
All these CEOs and big tech people that are buying into... Skip the break.
I want you to speak to this exactly.
People call me and go, well, they're attacking us and killing us with shots.
Let's kill them.
And under universal law, they are killing us.
We have a right to do that, but that'll turn them into victims.
We have to be Christ-like and not participate and build the new system.
Well said.
Keep going, sorry to interrupt.
Well, that's the whole point is, you know, there's all this fear about AI, right?
Well, yeah, AI can destroy us and there's people that will... But all it does is plagiarize us!
So we certify what's pro-human, we celebrate ourselves.
Instead of having a death force, we have a life force and we celebrate ourselves.
We celebrate our culture, we celebrate our films, we celebrate our women, our men, our children, we celebrate everybody.
Well, take a look at food, drugs, sex, all of it.
Nothing is inherently wrong about any of those, except for the way that we engage with it.
We're irresponsible in the way we overeat, or we eat non-food, or we abuse sex.
Our language can be a weapon or a tool.
So, once we become more responsible, but that comes with Elevating our perception of who and what we are.
The moment we see ourselves as something divine, then we start to think in a divine manner and realize that we are capable of making higher choices on this planet.
And then we recognize agendas like Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum, and no one participates in it.
So all these big tech people that are out there going along with ESGs, but now we have Warren Buffetts of the world coming out saying, stop, it's bad for business, don't go there anymore.
So there's incredible... They're jumping on the bandwagon.
We need to celebrate.
And so many listeners get mad, they go, oh, Elon Musk, and then we're going our way.
No, that's what it looks like when we win.
We've got to be ready to win.
There's a lot to celebrate and there's a lot of victories that are happening every single day that are hard to keep track of because they're happening so rapidly.
That's what I want to say is the victory level is insane but I don't want to be overconfident.
The enemy is gonna pull something.
I mean they are on the ropes right now and I am I mean I'm not living in fear but I think we should be really concerned.
They're trying to World War 3 Russia.
They're pre-programming a power grid outage.
They're going to do a Hail Mary or a Group Up.
I'm really concerned.
What do you think?
I think that's the one thing that we all have to be very vigilant of to be on a very serious note.
The alliance that's being built between adversaries such as Russia and China and the Biden administration is doing a really great job at pushing those people closer together.
It becomes a very serious situation for us here.
Yeah, we're being positioned for defeat.
They're being positioned for defeat.
That's right.
And so these, when you talk about what are they willing to do next, it is not beyond
them to actually...
If they can't run America, they'll nuke it.
They're going to be setting us up for total destruction.
They will.
And so that's why it's so important for us to wake up to these moves that are being made.
And I want to speak to, you know, I'm a former Democrat, and to the people out there who might watch Alex's show, who are on the fence waking up, pay close attention to what your party's doing and understand that you're involved in a collectivism That one day you'll wake up from like I did and you'll realize part of the work I'm doing now is I feel a moral obligation to undo some of the damage I did by supporting Bernie Sanders' campaign and elevating the idea that socialism was the way to go.
Because you were like one of his head guys and you've been offered other head political positions already.
You've said no.
I have, yes.
I've done a lot of work.
I worked on the road with Tulsa Gabbard.
Incredible human being.
I defend her at all times.
She's the real deal.
reached out to me to do his media.
I've been very honest with him.
I did a live roundtable where I admitted to him, I said, I have a real issue coming back into doing anything that supports the Democratic Party, particularly after what they just put the whole world through and what they're doing to children.
I have a really hard time doing anything that might Suggest to people that there's hope for that party.
And so I want to help him because he truly is.
There's a lot of controversies out there about him.
I know him.
I've been to his home more than once.
He's a very good man.
He's a good individual.
You can tell.
He absolutely is.
My discernment just goes bing, bing, bing.
I'll be honest about Trump.
I like Trump, but when he does, he's being attacked.
And I think Trump's not a bad guy, but I think he's like, I mean this well, autistic.
And people that don't go, oh, that's Trump.
He's like a machine.
I have a better feeling about RFK than I do about Trump.
I'll just be honest with listeners.
My spirit likes him better.
Yeah, well, it's interesting.
But what if Trump had a better running mate?
Well, that is what we're talking about during the break.
And so the person that I'm most excited about is Vivek Ramaswamy.
I've done a deep dive on, if you see this Vivek, please reach out to me because I am interested in helping you with media.
He is, not only does he understand geopolitics and big tech, and he wrote the book on wokeism, he gets it on a social level, on an international level.
He gets everything.
And Trump only gets certain things.
He really does.
And Trump just made a comment when they asked him if he saw anyone on Tucker's panel that
he might be interested as VP.
And the only name that he mentioned was Vivek.
And that's interesting because that duo, I think, would solve the problem you're mentioning.
The frustrating part about Trump is, as a lot of people have learned in the past three
years, he was right way more, just like you, way more than he was wrong.
What he was wrong on, he was really wrong, vaccines and such.
But if he were able to have a mouthpiece, someone that could actually speak better than
he does, he's really great at riling people up and dominating.
And can advise them against all the...
all points of the compass.
But someone who knows how to consciously communicate some of these intricate and complex ideologies
in a way that would diffuse some of the attacks too.
Like it drove me crazy when people were talking and saying that Trump never disavowed white
supremacy with Charlottesville.
When he did, 44 seconds later after he made the comment, find people on both sides, he totally disavowed white supremacy.
But it drove me crazy that he was, he never came out and clearly articulated and showed that video and let that harmful misinformation... He never fact-checked them.
So there's something missing there in his ability to communicate that kind of important dialogue.
I mean, let me tell you something, he used to call me up Yeah.
And it was like he was talking to a dog.
And I like Trump, he's like, "Oh, you're great.
Oh, you're nice."
You know, just like that's what I wanted to be, like some emotional currency.
He called my wife and told her, "You got the greatest man,"
all this stuff.
And I'd say, "Excuse me, sir.
They've got a thing called Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
They got $2 billion.
They got people in your office."
Uh, uh, Fiona Hill, she's an operative of George Soros.
And then, and then they would come after me, because it was real, and then later he got that.
But I wasn't like, sir, I wasn't going to tell my time with him just stroking me.
That's what he would do.
He'd just sit there all day being nice, making people feel good.
Because that was a currency he had.
It was like, well, I'm going to make 100 phone calls today and tell people how great they are.
I'm like, sir, I don't want to be told how great I am.
Listen to me.
There's operatives in the White House now.
And then Fiona Hill goes on 60 Minutes and goes, Alex Jones told him I was a globalist.
I don't even know what that is.
She was the editor of TheGlobalist.com.
I mean, it's just like, it's crazy.
It's crazy.
It is.
It is, Alex.
And it's only going to get crazier, as we mentioned.
We're going to reach the fiery crescendo.
Who knows what that's going to look like.
But all I do know is that the people will rise.
They're rising now.
One of the unintended consequences of the COVID situation is that it has birthed a generation of citizen journalists.
As I've been saying, I used to be able to go out on stage and talk about my latest research, and you'd see people, jaws dropped and shaking their heads, they couldn't believe it.
And now I can't do that anymore.
When I mention something on stage... Nodding heads.
Everybody's nodding, I've seen that.
And then they yell out something that I'm not even aware of.
Like they've taken to the next level.
The Great Awakening's here.
It's here.
So let's expand on that, because I really respect you, and I mean that, Mickey, you're probably my favorite guest.
I begged you to come on, you've been too busy, I understand, I'm glad you're here today.
I'm a little concerned because I'm like, well, I'm more R.O.K.
and you're like, well, Democrat Party, I get it.
Why prop up that edifice where we could take it over?
You know, for the people, I'd rather have two viable parties than, you know, just just one.
I don't want a one party system.
I don't think Republicans are trying to create a one party system.
They've got their blue bloods that are and neocons are a big problem.
But you're kind of like, I mean, R.O.K.
himself, good guy.
Very good guy.
And I'll make a prediction right now.
I did this roundtable, live roundtable, with a bunch of doctors, and I think I was the only non-doctor on there.
I believe so.
And I hit him with some hard questions about climate change, because I was very concerned.
I actually met him years ago.
I was directing a show about climate change.
That's how I met him.
And so I knew where he stood with that, and I asked him some tough questions.
He's, since that roundtable, has come out to make, has made some incredible statements about how climate change narrative has been hijacked, and it's being used to fearmonger and terrorize the people.
And that I appreciate so much, because that's what I care about the most, the fact that our next generations are so terrorized that they're vowing not to have children because they think the world's going to end in eight years.
And so, I predict, and I said this on the roundtable to him, I said, I said I have a problem with doing anything that supports the Democratic Party as somebody who escaped that party.
And, you know, if there ever was a time to create a viability for a third party, the moment is now.
Why don't you branch off and go with a Tulsi Gabbard or someone like that who's already gone independent?
And so that's my prediction.
I believe that, as you had mentioned, like with this, what happened today with the testimony, They're going to push so hard against him.
They're going to go after his family.
They're going to do such a dark job of smearing him that he's going to be forced at one point to actually leave the party and to admit that it's no longer the party that his uncle and father represented.
And that'll be the Democratic Party.
And that... Kennedy will kill that party that deserves to be killed.
That's my prediction.
It's unstoppable.
It really truly is.
You know, Telsey and I have remained very good friends and I introduced her to Robert Kennedy Jr.
them kind of as quasi-controlled, but what would be the mechanics of that?
He's such a force though, and I agree, a Kennedy-Gabbard ticket is unstoppable.
It's unstoppable.
It really, truly is.
Telsey and I have remained very good friends, and I introduced her to Robert Kennedy Jr.,
and she went out to endorse him.
And I know that she probably had a really hard time too, because she woke up just like
I met her when I was on the road with Bernie Sanders and then I went out and toured with her when she was running for president.
Got to know her whole family, her husband, everybody.
Talk about that because you can see she really woke up.
She woke up, and she's never admitted this live, and maybe this will prompt her to do so, because I think her wake-up had a little bit to do with a 90-minute conversation she and I had right after the release of Plandemic One.
She called me one day, and this is when the media was going crazy, smearing me, so I was, you know, fielding phone calls from people that weren't quite happy with what I had done, and I see Tulsi's name, and I pick it up, and I say, Hi, Tulsi.
And she says, Mickey, what have you done?
And I thought, oh, here we go.
And I said, hi, Tulsi.
What do you mean?
And she said, everyone that I served with, all of my friends, my personal doctor, they're all sending me this video.
My doctor was in tears.
She said it's true.
And I said, Oh, okay.
I thought you were going to tell me something else.
And so we got into a great conversation about that.
And then during the conversation, I said, I have to ask you something, Tulsi.
Were you really part of the contact tracing bill?
And she said, I was.
And I said, I know who you are.
I can't put this together, why you would be part of that.
She said, there's so many good things in that bill that I think are really helpful.
And I said, Tulsi, you know the game.
You know that they always hide good things in the bill, but the bad things are so bad they're going to last forever and we're never going to get our liberties back from that.
I said, that's a contact tracing bill.
And then she said, what would you want me to do?
What are you trying to tell me?
And so we had this conversation for about another hour.
And I told her, I said, I think you should leave the party and leave vocally.
Let them know what you've seen and what you've discovered, because they've treated you so unfairly.
Yeah, she was the frontrunner and they screwed her over.
Disassemble that party.
And whatever it was, a year later or so, she came out and she did it.
And I was just so, I don't know if it had anything to do with my color or not to be honest.
I think it did.
But at least that planted a seed with her.
And I'm so glad, because she's way too good for that party.
And the way that they treated her, she has great potential.
And if anyone female that I'd love to see as the first President of the United States, definitely not Kamala.
Oh, I agree.
And listeners say to me, well, she was a Democrat, she was this or that.
I go off research and information, but then finally spirit, gut.
And I know R.F.K.
is a real guy.
He has mistakes.
He kind of just tries to go with what he thinks he can get done.
But he's a real guy.
I have a good feeling about him.
Tulsi, I have nothing but good feelings.
Trump, I know is good, but his pig-headedness and things really concern me, but I still love Trump.
And obviously, you look at a Joe Biden, you look at a Barack Obama, you look at a Prince Charles.
I mean, your gut just says, enemy, enemy, enemy.
And so at the end of the day, folks, you got to go with your instincts, your gut, and plus the system attacking these people.
But wow.
For me, it's become, the more I'm engaged behind the curtain of politics, the more I realize it's about policy over personality.
And so for me, I don't have to like a candidate at all anymore.
I can despise them as a human being.
What is their policies?
Do they understand what's going on?
No, I agree.
At a temporal level, policy's king.
But I've learned off stuff, like in a relationship or a woman's intuition.
Gut level, watching Tulsi Gabbard's talk, that's a real person.
I know she's real.
I just know, my souls go, that's a good person.
Same thing with R.F.K.
or Trump to a lesser degree because they hate him.
They hate him because he is so peacockish and he knows how to punch their buttons and he's kind of savant-ish.
I think Trump's good too.
I'm just saying, Tulsi I have a good feeling about this.
One of the things that I had to feel when I was on the road with Tulsi is the suspicion because she was part of CFR, Center for Foreign Relations, and she was also on the website of the WF for a short period of time.
And I want to let people know that CFR was something that Tulsi was actually involved in.
When I asked her about that, we were staying at an Airbnb while we were touring, and I said, OK, I'm getting these messages online now.
People want to know why you were a member of the CFR.
And she said, I was young.
I didn't know the game.
I saw there was a lot of big names involved.
You get invited to be part of something.
I was a part of it until I realized what it was really about and did my work, and then I stepped out of it.
How do we ever get people to defect to our side?
What you said is policy and the fruits what matters.
If Klaus Schwab would wake up and maybe take ayahuasca with you, I would love him to join us.
Or King Charles.
That's the thing.
As we begin to win and this whole thing collapses and Christ's energy comes to the earth, I think... Can anybody be too far gone?
Well, you know, you mentioned Klaus Schwab, and I will say just to put a button on this with Vivek Ramaswamy and with Tulsi Gabbard, the World Economic Forum put both of them on their website without their permission.
So this is one of the games they play.
Vivek is actually suing them now for doing that, and that's what they did to Tulsi.
She was never a part of the Young Forum.
And I don't like Ipatch McCain, but in fairness, he reached out to me, and it is true.
Ipatch McCain was not part of it either.
They just put him on there.
Yeah, that's what they do.
They do that because they know it's going to damage them and it's going to lose support from their tribe.
And so that's the game they play.
It's really dirty.
How do you think Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are feeling right now?
Well, you know, as we sit here in Texas with some new cases of malaria happening, emerging in Texas, and me looking back to August of 2020 when we released Plandemic II, and we did an 18-minute expose on Bill Gates where we mentioned the perturbation, stratospheric perturbation experiment, which is the blocking of the sun.
Which people said, you guys are crazy, that's ridiculous and stupid, and now it's actually being approved by the White House.
When we said that Oxitec, a company that's going to release 750 million mosquitoes into Florida at the time, at that time Texas wasn't on the map for that, now they've done both.
And so my question to the people is, how long are we going to allow this unelected maniac To create these deadly agendas and harmful technologies, how much are we going to allow them to forward with the agenda to block out our frigging sun?
I was about to say that, like, it's Dr. Evil stuff, but it's not satire.
Block the sun out, release disease mosquitoes, and my listeners are like, hey Jones, you're a wimp, call for violence.
I'm not looking for violence, we'll turn him into a martyr, but at a certain point, People do kind of have a right.
I mean, this dude is out of control.
And just to be clear, your listeners... We're not calling for violence, but... No, we're not, whatsoever.
But, I mean, he is attacking.
Your listeners are so cute in that they're probably fully aware of this.
The flying mosquitoes they call, actually in Science Magazine, coined the phrase, flying syringes.
Do five more minutes, Mickey.
I know you gotta go.
And then the great Drew Hernandez is taking over.
Wow, Mickey Willis.
Plandemic, the movie.
Part 3 out now.
The Great Awakening.
Get it.
Share it.
It's critical.
The Globalists hope you don't.
Back in two minutes.
Alright, final segment with the great filmmaker, Mickey Willis.
Mickey, you got cut off by the break.
Closing comments.
Well, one thing I'd like to do is to correct a date here that I mentioned earlier.
The Red Pill Expo that you have just announced that you'll be with Ed Griffin and I is actually in Iowa, August 12th through the 13th, not October.
And you can go to redpilluniversity.org and be there and see Alex in person.
So that's not Utah now, it's Iowa?
Sorry, Iowa.
I get it, I get some wrong all the time.
Too many dates.
I do have something going on in October in Utah, but it's not that.
Hey, I want to go.
If you'll have me, I'll be there.
It's done deal.
Where is it in Iowa?
Des Moines?
Oh my gosh.
Okay, well my wife's dad lives right next door to that.
Oh, perfect.
We'll be there for sure.
Perfect, perfect.
I love Jim McGriffin.
What a living legend.
So, just in closing comments with three and a half minutes left, this is an epic time to be alive.
Don't turn off your life force.
Don't think you're a loser.
You're in the middle of a gorgeous universe made by an incredible creator.
Dial into the big animating contest of liberty.
Absolutely, and get back to the things that matter in life.
I think that that's, I haven't talked about this on this show before, and maybe next time when we have more time I'll go into greater detail.
2001, I was at the World Trade Center when it was attacked, and I did search and rescue and body recovery for three days, and that's the thing that really had me begin to question Who I was becoming, my role in Hollywood and how it was changing me.
I felt like I was no longer my mother's son and I had all the ambitions of the fame and the Oscar and all of that crap.
And that experience, picking up body parts, watching the finest automobiles on Wall Street get flipped over for rescue vehicles to come in, worth $200,000 one second and then trashed the next second, it recalibrated My, my opinion and my perspective of the material world of what really matters.
And so what's most important for us, I believe, in my opinion, is to get back to the things that matter.
Get back to being present with other humans again.
You know, all this technology and all we're communicating through phones and through digital technologies, but get, you know, that experience that we were at together on June 3rd, right?
That was incredible.
2,500 people all together.
It was like a sporting event.
People yelling at me.
You could feel the energy!
Oh, it was incredible.
One of the highlights of my professional career.
But having those moments of... I've been, you know, making a point to every single night to have a moment with each of my sons.
I have one that's 9 and one that's almost 12 years old.
But eye-to-eye contact.
And if they don't look at me, if they're distracted, if they're looking around, I say, hey bud, right here, right here, let's talk to each other, let's get really present.
How was your day?
How was the first day of baseball camp?
How was jiu-jitsu?
What's going on?
Tell me about your experience.
And just that is a ritual.
Just that in itself reconnects us with what matters, with each other again.
And the disconnection, the division, is really one of the original wounds that we need to heal.
Well that's the thing, I don't care if you're gay or straight, black or white, old or young, I just want to be human and I want us to get back to celebrating that.
That's exactly right.
Exactly what I was getting to, that we need to do more of that, we need to become loyal friends in each other's lives again, we need to accept our families and people that have different ideologies.
I've always been very intrigued by people who think differently than I do, but nowadays it's almost like... Well that's what's exciting, you're not supposed to do that!
I know, I know.
I ask people to disagree to call in, I wish they would.
Yes, right, right.
And so we have to get back to celebrating that again, because we learn a lot from that, we grow from that, and so really it's just about coming back to our humanity, just really blessing the experience of being here.
Rediscovering humanity.
Rediscovering and coming back to our nature, because I think we have been, we're confused by between normal and what's normal and what's natural.
Well, we've gone through a lot in the last hundred years with this transformation.
This is a big change.
It's huge change.
And this is, I think, this is one of the biggest ones that we've gone through, that we're going through, and we're about to go through.
And so buckle up, but know that this is what we came for.
This is truly what we're capable of so much more than we've been given credit for as humanity.
And then the exponential, what happens when we're united, is true exponential power.
That's what the system fears.
That's what they fear the most.
Because that's the renaissance.
It's the next level.
They'll be a joke.
We'll look back on them.
That's right.
I gotta go to break for 60 seconds.
Come back.
Let me hand the baton to Drew Hernandez.
Get it.
Share it.
It's free right now.
This is your mission.
If you choose to accept it, get it.
We'll be right back with Lukenbach, Texas.
Let's just play that.
They're hitting us with hundreds of chemicals that the EPA has authorized companies and industry to use.
One of the top pesticides used is atrazine.
The allowable level the government admits that they allow to be in your water supply is enough to sterilize you and basically turn your son into a feminized mutant.
Look it up.
Don't let them do this to your family.
We have the very best gravity-fed filter system out there.
Highest rated at half the price of leading competitors.
The Alexa Pure, ready to ship to you right now.
We have replacement filters for folks who have already gotten it.
It does 10,000 gallons before you replace them.
It is amazing.
It's great for your home, your business.
You can put swamp water in it, tap water, well water.
Almost everything is contaminated.
This is how you take control of the fluids in your body and counter the globalist onslaught.
Get yours today at Infowarshore.com for a limited time.
We're running a 10% discount.
That is a huge discount.
It's probably the lowest price out there.
You need this filter.
All right, Mickey Willis, we really appreciate you.
Drew Hernandez, an amazing patron, is about to take over.
Thank you for coming in here with us right now.
What else do you want to add in closing?
Well, I'd just like to ask everyone who's viewing this to please share Plandemic, The Great Awakening.
It is being censored like crazy.
And they're trying hard to shut it down because of the power of the film to wake people up to understand what's actually going on, the big plan, the big agenda.
And so go to PlandemicSeries.com, share it, keep sharing it, and don't stop, please.
And I appreciate it very much.
And I mean, it's really simple.
Oh, they don't want the truth out.
Yeah, it's up to you.
People say, oh, thank you, Mickey Willis.
Thank you, Drew Hernandez.
Thank you, Alex Jones.
Thank you, Tucker Carlson.
No, folks, thank you for caring and supporting us.
We're all just like you.
We're just Blades of grass, God's great creation, and we're just on the same team.
And I'm telling you, quit thinking it's us.
We're a focal point.
When you get excited, when you share something, it changes the world.
It's all up to you.
That's your mission.
Thank you so much.
Drew Hernandez takes over.
Alex Jones, thank you.
Welcome, guys, to the fourth hour of the most banned transmission here on planet Earth, the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
Guys, listen, anything that's getting, like, absolutely censored, all right, you need to pay attention to, and here's why.
Because when the machine and the simulation wants you to believe a certain narrative.
This is quite literally, okay, the cover that they will run and all of their operations and all their proxies,
whether it's big tech, whether it's the fake news media cartel, whether it's some political hack,
Democrat or Republican, RINO's Uniparty, doesn't matter.
Haven't you noticed that they're always all in unison?
It's almost like they're just like, they wake up in the morning and they all get the same email.
Like they're all on the same email chain, or they're all in some gigantic, you know, telegram chat, signal chat, who knows?
It just seems like they just all get the same talking points, they all get the same narrative to spew to the public, they're all saying the same thing in like perfect unison.
And then people gotta ask themselves, and the reason why I say this is because you take a look at a film like this, that the Deep State and the New World Order and all their proxies are trying to discredit, to slander, to dismantle.
It's all for the purpose of making sure that the mind continues to be controlled.
Yes, it's about a narrative, but at the end of the day, that's the purpose of propaganda.
That's the purpose of taking a specific narrative, or an alt-narrative, or a counter-narrative, counter-information, or what they call disinformation, misinformation.
They're the ones that actually practice this stuff, but they try to flip the switch and gaslight and say, well, it's not actually happening.
Well, actually, it is happening.
It's just the other side that's doing it.
These are very complex operations.
And they're complex operations because we're dealing with a machine here.
We're dealing with demonic spirits here.
We're dealing with an agenda here that has been around for thousands of years, that have been around longer than you and I have obviously been alive, but they've studied humanity.
They've studied several different and launched different tyrannical regimes, totalitarian regimes, the commies, the so-called socialists.
They've launched the Nazis, the fascists.
That's where we're at right now with the spirit of the Antichrist and the global New World Order.
They're all pushing us in one direction.
But at the end of the day, this is why it is so imperative to truly understand, okay, InfoWars is not just a brand.
InfoWars is not just a trademark.
InfoWars is not just a catchy thing to say to get you engaged politically or get you engaged culturally or you name it.
InfoWars is a reality.
InfoWars is a literal reality that even they understand.
And I think a lot of people really woke up to this reality.
Someone could go find this clip, it's somewhere on the internet, it's somewhere out on Twitter, but I specifically remember Davos 2023.
One of the panels that they recently had, it was literally like you were watching InfoWars, and here's why.
The topic of the panel was information, disinformation, okay, misinformation, And they all were talking about clearly understanding and fundamentally understanding that part of the war that we, and they were all talking like this, these are the words that they use, that part of the war that we all find ourselves, the global war that we all find ourselves, on a daily basis, particularly in context, they were talking about social media and big tech, because that's where all the information is being imported, it's being exported, it's all being filtered through.
They literally fundamentally understand that they themselves are in an information war.
So I think it's interesting that you're starting to see everything just kind of settle, and the dust is starting to settle, that an info war is not just something catchy to say.
It's not just something like, that's your brand, so that you can come out and, you know, get a lot of public support and you have, you know, you have a family business that lasts forever.
And I know Alex understands.
Everyone that works for InfoWars, everyone that watches InfoWars knows what I'm about to say.
InfoWars is not something you watch.
It's not something that you just brand.
It's not something that you come out and you want to be a part of because you think that it's catchy, it's trendy, or it's cool.
No, no, no, no.
It goes far beyond that.
InfoWars is a lifestyle.
InfoWars is a reality.
InfoWars is quite literally, okay, a fight against the simulation that they want all of us to be locked into forever.
Our minds, our hearts, our conscience, everything about us, everything about what we believe, everything about what we see, everything about what we hear, everything about what we're engaging with.
This is why they try to discredit Christ, they try to discredit the Bible, they try to disconnect you from your Creator.
They want your mind jacked straight into what they want jacked in.
And forcefully, if they can.
Because we live in the age of technology where now they have the ability to do it.
They got Neuralink.
They got the ability to jack your mind.
They want to put your mind into a VR society.
They want the entire economy to be a VR, some kind of AR, virtual AI, dictated, global New World Order regime, sensor-controlled, absolute utopia they claim is a good place to live in, where all you're gonna do is eat bugs, eat synthetic meat, okay, and crawl around on all fours like you're a pathetic creature, because that's how they view you, while at the same time They're going to spread AIDS and disease and STDs and spread homosexuality so they depopulate every single one of us while jabbing you annually, even monthly, every single month, every six months, destroying your existence, destroying your humanity, mRNA, jacking with your DNA, altering how God has made you, inverting the sexes, inverting the genders, perverting everything that God has instituted.
This is what these people have been instituting.
They will continue to institute it.
And it starts with the idea.
It starts with the mind.
It starts with what you believe.
Because there are good ideas, and there are bad ideas.
There are righteous ideas, and there are evil ideas.
And they hatch.
There's one or the other, and they all have the same impact.
They all have the same results.
They get into the mind, they're received, the transmission is downloaded, and then it hatches into something good, or it hatches into something evil.
And you pick a side.
Every single one of us today, every day we wake up, we have to pick a side.
The Christian life, fighting this righteous holy war, and I'm not calling for violence, you guys know what I'm talking about, Ephesians 6, this is what we're engaging and interfacing with, the Holy Spirit fighting this demonic war.
Every single day we wake up, we make a choice.
Once and for all, you make your choice.
You choose Christ, you choose your side in the holy war, it's either God or it's the devil, it's that simple.
And then you begin to find yourself making a decision every single day.
Am I going to continue with this?
Once saved, always saved.
But every single day, we are faced with a decision.
Whom shall I serve?
Am I going to serve myself?
Am I going to serve planet Earth?
Am I going to serve a tree?
Am I going to serve AI?
Am I going to serve pornography?
Am I going to serve homosexuality?
Am I going to serve politics?
Am I going to serve a political side?
A political party?
A political individual?
Or am I going to serve Christ?
Is Christ really King?
Is Christ really Lord?
Is He really King?
In my life, every single day, none of us are perfect.
But fundamentally, we have to make a choice.
And it begins with the mind, it begins with the heart.
There's a reason why when Jesus was asked, what is the greatest commandment?
You shall love your Lord, your God with all your heart, your soul, your strength, and what also he mentioned?
And your mind.
We'll be right back.
Alrighty, Info Warriors, good to see you again.
This is your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
You are now breaching the Matrix.
You are in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Just real quick, guys.
I want to encourage you guys to support the broadcast.
I myself do as well, obviously, and my wife.
And I do about, I would say, maybe 11 shows a week, constantly talking on the air.
If I'm not on Dan Dot Video, I'm on Drew Hernandez Live.
If I'm not on Drew Hernandez Live, I'm on LFA TV or I'm talking somewhere else.
And, you know, I've been really, really been going in with brain force, man.
I want to encourage the people out there.
Especially if you find yourself, you know, kind of having a hard time getting through the day, kind of finding yourself having like a crash like around maybe 1, 2, or 3 p.m.
I want to encourage the people, if you really do want something that's not going to give you like insane jitters, because some people, that's cool if that's what people want, you want to go to the gym and you're just all jacked out, but if you want something that's just like gonna really like give you that pick-me-up throughout the day, just keep you awake, keep you alert, like fully awake, fully alert, Go get your bottle of Brain Force Plus.
I challenge you right now.
Just go get one.
Give it a shot.
Give it a shot for about a month.
And I guarantee you guys, in the middle of the day when you're feeling like, I just need to go take a nap, or even if you're at work and you're feeling lethargic, Pop a couple of these babies, and it'll get you through your day.
You'll be fully awake, and you will be fully alert, ready to get the job done, and continue to fight the New World Order.
Just wanted to plug that, guys, because this definitely has helped me, especially being on air for so long, every single day of my life.
So, on top of the base Holy Spirit energy, this definitely keeps you awake and keeps me alert.
So, go support the broadcast.
BrainForcePlus, that's InfoWareStore.com, BrainForcePlus.
Alright guys, thank you guys so much.
Let's continue to, let's continue to really like, let's really analyze what's going on with the culture, right?
Let's really analyze how, especially with the so-called, you know, gender reconstruction surgeries and this phenomenon that we've seen kind of like rise to the top.
We've seen this kind of really, really get into, kick into full acceleration and full gear.
I would say the past couple years, where the genders are all being inverted, perverted, there's no respect for biological sex any longer.
And you really do peel back the layers and you see with, you know, genderqueer theory and all this nonsense that has been getting propagated and getting pumped into the minds of an entire generation, particularly mine millennials that have literally, literally their minds have been saturated with this nonsense and Ivy Leagues, Big 4U universities and That's why they're all gay and homosexual.
There's a reason for this stuff.
There's a reason why there's big four-year IV universities that are like 40-50% all self-proclaimed LGBTQ homosexuals, which is if we're going to talk about depopulation, that's part of the depopulation agenda.
You cannot be a sodomite and repopulate planet Earth.
You just can't, man.
You're going to spread disease, and people are going to die, and at some point, the They're going to have to conclude as a community, well we can't make babies this way.
It's actually doing the opposite.
So we're just going to have to steal the wombs of women.
We're going to have to take the semen of men and steal the wombs of women.
Or we're just going to have to start abducting children.
That's the only way it can go!
But the bigger picture, that's depopulation.
If you really want to talk about depopulation, that's huge, man.
On top of hacking the genitals of children, hacking the genitals of an entire generation, hacking the genitals of adults, which I am not in favor for.
I am not one that's like, to each their own, whatever you do on your own time.
Like, no.
I love humans.
I am a born-again Christian.
And I love you enough to tell you that if you have gender dysphoria, And you have a genuine mental illness, I'm not going to sit there and baby you and lie to your face as a Christian and say, well, all is okay.
Just accept the identity.
And if you want to feel better about yourself, then just go chop your penis off.
That's not love!
That's not agape.
That's not charity.
That's not telling the truth.
If you really love someone, you tell them the truth to their face, no matter how much it hurts.
You can say it as nice as you want to, dude.
That's totally fine.
You can say it as nice as you want to.
That's totally fine.
Or you could say it as based and aggressive as Drew Hernandez would.
Or as you see Jesus do both in the New Testament.
You see Jesus being overtly aggressive, righteously aggressive, with the truth, with the gospel, literally shooting the gospel right in between the eyes, like headshot after headshot, with the religious Pharisees and the degenerates, headshot after headshot.
Christ was based, dude!
He is based!
But you also see the compassionate, merciful side of Christ as well.
But what you never see Him do, what you never see Him do is cuck out.
He's the Alpha, not the Beta, right?
He's the Alpha.
Is He the Beta and the Omega?
Or is He the Alpha and the Omega?
No, Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, okay?
You never see Him cuck out and cower and refuse to tell the truth.
To the individual that's right in front of him, whether it was a crowd of the 5,000, or a crowd of 7,000, or just one person!
Just one person, the Samaritan woman, if it was just one person!
And that interaction, I think, was actually pretty Christ-filled, if you take a look at that in the Gospels, in John Chapter 4.
His interaction with the Samaritan woman is pretty interesting, because he straight up told her to her face, like, hey, yeah, you know, you're sleeping with multiple dudes, you're committing adultery, you gotta...
You gotta repent of that.
He didn't hold that back.
He didn't hold that back.
And obviously with the adulterous woman as well, John chapter 8, a little further, same type of situation.
He shows compassion and mercy.
Get up, sin no more.
They're all trying to condemn and destroy you.
But hey, you can come to me.
You gotta repent.
Get up and sin more.
You come to the Savior.
But at the end of the day, the truth has to be engaged with.
Because we live in a culture where Which I find is interesting too because we have like a whole cult culture of the fact checkers, the cult culture of those that are the arbiters of truth on Neda and Facebook and Instagram.
It's all the same thing.
And we're starting to see Twitter kind of float towards that direction again, which by the way, I think is going to be naughty.
And shout out to, I don't know who this is.
And I haven't asked Alex himself if it's him.
I don't think it is.
But shout out to whoever was the Alex Jones account that got banned on Twitter.
I don't know if it's been reinstated.
Didn't do anything wrong.
You were just loyally sharing the clips, cutting the content, getting it out there.
And I think it's interesting that we've been really kind of like saying that on the air a little more lately.
I know Alex has.
I know I myself, I think last week, I think came out and said, cut more clips.
Alex loves to see that.
Cut more clips.
Someone clip that and put that on Twitter.
And I think the account was at Real A Jones.
I'm not sure.
I think it was.
Uh, I gotta look at my phone.
Maybe someone could go look at it.
But it got banned!
I don't know if it's been reinstated, but shout out to you.
That's the Infowar.
Okay, that's the stuff that I'm talking about.
That's the stuff that needs to stop.
If we're gonna honestly be free speech on a platform, honestly be free speech on big tech or social media, and anyone that comes out and says we're gonna be free speech, I love free speech, well then why, why, why is Infowar still getting banned on Twitter, huh?
Why, why, why, why?
People that are clipping The show.
People that are clipping and putting out clips because they love the content, they love the information, they put it out there, they launch it out into big tech, and it gets banned.
I wonder why.
I really wonder why.
But this is the war that I'm talking about.
Where we have an entire cult of people that think that they are the truth.
You know, I'm going to talk about that when we come back from the break.
Because I do think it's an interesting, it is kind of like Antichrist.
Actually, it is Antichrist.
Claiming to be the truth.
Claiming to be savior.
Claiming to be the enlightened one.
Claiming to have the light.
When in reality, it's false, it's counterfeit, and they're shutting down the real truth and the real light with their own propaganda.
We'll be right back.
Alright guys, we are back.
Let's continue with this conversation, really doing a deep dive on what I think is interesting Uh, the crew is looking for a screenshot of, uh, FallenInfoWarrior.
Not fallen, but a thousand more will rise.
A million more will rise!
InfoWarriors worldwide.
Banned on Twitter.
At real.
A. Jones.
What I found, what was interesting about that account getting banned on Twitter, was I remember in the bio it said, not the real Alex Jones.
But this is what is happening and continuing to happen on Twitter, is anything that gets shared like this, uh, Twitter goes after.
And I think it's pretty interesting.
There it is right there.
This account was banned I think yesterday or the day before.
So shout out to the info warrior that ran this account.
Shout out to you.
I specifically remember in the bio it did say, not the real Alex Jones, clarifying that it was not a copycat of Alex.
It was not impersonating the real Alex Jones.
What was the crime?
What was the crime of this account?
On Elon Musk's free speech Twitter!
Posting Alex Jones.
That's what it looks like to me, guys.
You can't post these clips.
And if you do, you get shadowbanned, you get throttled.
And in some cases, I specifically remember this account had over 100,000 followers.
Over 100,000 followers.
This is what the machine hates.
All right?
This is what the machine does not want.
This is what the censorship machine cannot tolerate.
So when one of our InfoWarriors goes down, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, a million more will rise from the ashes.
Keep creating more accounts so that the world will see just exactly what happens when you try to shut down free speech and deploying information that's going to save humanity.
All right?
It's not like Alex Jones is calling for the death of humans, calling for the death of people, calling for the death of society.
In reality, these people, what they're doing is they are servicing the death of free speech.
It's kind of quite literally the opposite.
When he got in for worse, trying to fight on life support, man.
Fighting on life support!
For the heartbeat of free speech.
For the ability to say and speak your mind according to the U.S.
Code what?
First Amendment 1A, baby.
Free speech, but that's what they want to shut down.
For the sake of advertisers, for the sake of money, for the sake of making sure that they have the ability to continue to build their empire.
On a brand called free speech, but not freedom of reach.
I just think it's ridiculous.
You know, there's some net positives about Twitter and Elon, you know, with the whole takeover, but stuff like this, I, it just, it pisses me off as a viewer, you know, not a guest host on InfoWars, not someone that is a friend of Alex Jones and Owen and the guys.
And I just, just as a viewer of InfoWars and a lover of free speech and humanity, I see stuff like that.
And it just pisses me off.
So shout out to you, whoever ran that account.
Keep making more.
Keep doing it, guys.
Keep it going.
That just shows that we're winning.
That just shows that the information is popular.
It's astronomically popular because it's waking thousands.
It's waking millions of people up.
They're getting red-pilled.
They're getting pulled out of the matrix.
But this is the point I was going to get to before I wanted the team to put that up.
And it's, uh, you're getting this fake version.
And that's, that's, that's what I think is interesting in this part of the timeline that Christ did talk about.
False Christ, false messiahs, uh, false teachers, pseudo Christ, a counterfeit of what the real thing is, like a counterfeit 20, a counterfeit 100 looks real.
But once you, uh, really do have the knowledge and the ability to feel it and touch it, If you don't have that knowledge, you will never be able to tell if you're dealing with a fake 20 or a fake 100.
There are specific things, the way to the paper, the way that it feels in your fingers, and even some experts, the way that it smells, but they even got that down, right?
Without even having to, you know, blacklight it or, you know, use any of the other features to tell if it's a real dollar.
But there are people that just feel this stuff.
Even bankers that just feel it.
Oh, this is fake.
Get out of here.
Not real, dude.
Well, you didn't even run the marker.
No, this is not real.
Thank you.
Nice try.
But it's the same thing with information.
The same thing with the truth.
It's the same thing with reality.
The same thing with the world that we currently live in right now.
If you're not dealing with the authentic, and one of the ways when they're dealing with fake money, they're dealing with counterfeit money, is they have to be very familiar with what is real.
They have to be very familiar with what is the designated authentic dollar, right?
In order to be able to see what's not real.
It's the same thing with information.
It's the same thing with truth.
It's the same thing with the reality that you live in.
It's the same thing with understanding how to combat the simulation.
Because when you hear something or you see something, whether it's a politician, your discernment levels start going off because you have something that is your basis.
You have biblical truth.
You have the word of God.
You understand how the world works.
You understand the origin of planet Earth.
You understand the spiritual war that we all find ourselves in.
So when you hear someone talking about interfacing with some kind of off-world entity, you know exactly what they're actually trying to say.
You know the reality of the situation.
When people are talking about a force in the world, like Star Wars, it's the force, or other mythological books, they call it the power in the universe.
We know that they're trying to talk about God.
Because we know that Christ is King.
He's the Alpha.
He's the Creator.
He's the Author and the Finisher of our faith forever and ever and ever.
Let's go.
We're done.
Shut the broadcast up.
No, we're not.
What I'm saying is, you got to be very careful when you're listening to people.
And I think a smart person is someone that lives based off of discernment and filtering what they're hearing and what they're seeing and what they're dealing with.
Because if you don't, if you're not familiar with what is authentic and real, if you're not familiar with what the truth actually is, And I'll tell you, I'm going to be honest with you, you're going to fall for anything and everything.
You're going to get someone that comes around, they might be good intentioned, they might be describing one thing that might be sounding new age or some kind of altered, you know.
When it comes to, I'll tell you this, when it comes to Christianity, there is no room for error when it comes to eternal salvation and which Jesus you're actually following and which God you're actually following.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no man comes to the Father except through what?
Except through who?
Except through me.
All right?
We all know that.
He made that very clear.
So it is very, the road is broad, he said, but it's narrow and many are on the broad way, but few find and are on the narrow and straight path, right?
So there's zero room for error when it comes to the eternal significance and results of your faith.
Who you're putting your faith in?
Who you're actually believing?
Are you actually focused on something eternal?
Does your faith take you beyond what we're experiencing here on planet Earth?
Because if you listen to a lot of people, they will try to get spiritual and it's always about humanity.
It's always about the world.
It's always about the current.
It's always about what's now and which is not a bad thing.
We need to worry about what's happening currently right now, because we need to fight the forces of evil and the demonic powers that the Bible speaks of.
We don't just ignore it and stick our head in the sand and say, well, Christ is coming back anyways, so, like, whatever, dude, I'm saved, I'm out.
What I'm saying is, listen for, there has to be an eternal call to action.
There has to be a message of eternal life beyond this fallen world that we live in.
There has to be an eternal perspective Of where we go beyond when this thing is all said and done.
We want to save humanity.
We want to save and preserve our traditions.
We want to save and preserve our country.
We want to save and preserve the Republic!
Of course we obviously do!
But at the same time, my citizenship is in heaven first, and then, I have dual citizenship.
I'm a citizen of heaven, and a citizen of the United States of America.
Thank you, that's where I stand, okay?
But, in this age of lawlessness and great delusion and deception, Really make sure that you are acquainted with truth.
Because I find it interesting, and man, I'm trying to get to the point, but my mind just goes in so many different directions.
And the information is just channeling with Christ, just going, just going, going, going, communicating with the public.
But I find it interesting that this whole culture, it's like a cult culture of fact checkers that you find on Meta, on Instagram.
They try to prop up a version of safety, right?
They're always trying to prop up.
It's either humanitarian.
It's very sinister if you think about it.
It's very humanitarian.
It's to, it's to save the public.
It's to save you from the evil liars out there.
It's to make sure that you're not believing lies.
It's to make sure that you're getting accurate information.
That's the whole fact checker cult, you know, culture that we find ourselves in right now, especially on big tech and on social media.
But the sinister part about it, and we'll talk a little bit more about this when we come back for the break, is that it is everything but truth.
It is everything but truth, and it is more lies, and it is more suppression of the truth.
While at the same time, shutting down what the accurate information really is and inserting their own propaganda.
We'll be right back.
Alrighty guys, thank you guys for tuning in to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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To finish the point, you know, I find it interesting that the acceleration, you're kind of seeing like the acceleration of both, right?
You're seeing on one side, it's like this race towards the end of time, right?
It's like this race towards the end of time where on one side you got good and they're going a thousand miles an hour into the future light speed down the light tunnel.
Right into the universe down to the end of time and then the other side you got darkness that's going down that tunnel as well they're just full speed ahead they're all going down to the final showdown the final end game the final hour of humanity that's where everyone is heading towards in this direction and you could see it and you could see it because you take a look at the culture You see the acceleration on both sides?
You see that there's an awakening every single day?
People are getting Christ-pilled, God-pilled, they're getting red-pilled, they're getting jacked outside the matrix, they're having their come-to-Jesus moment, they're realizing that everything they thought was real and believed actually was something that was staged for them to just continue to walk mindlessly like a robot and cause no problems.
Once you wake up from that, there's no turning back.
But also on the other side, you see them accelerating as well.
They're accelerating with their plans.
They're accelerating with the WEF.
They're accelerating with their next so-called lockdowns, which are just absolute tyrannical rule on the American people, on the global world stage.
Who knows what the next one will be?
I personally think they might go with another bioweapon, but I really do think that the climate hysteria with the climate halt is going to be the big one, man.
I think it'll be the big one.
And I think that's the next one to come for obvious reasons, because there's a lot of money behind that one as well, but there is a psychological aspect to the climate cult that is like...
Some serious doomsday scenario.
They did it with 2020, right?
They did it.
You guys remember, man, when you saw people flocking to Costco and you saw people flocking to Walmart and flocking to get toilet paper and flocking to get some form of storable, you know, canned foods and people were fighting, man.
People, it was like the end of the world.
But imagine with a climate hysteria.
Or they come up with some lie that there's gonna be a solar flare or some kind of heat wave that's gonna be 200 degrees for two years long and you gotta stay locked down forever.
You can't come out.
You can't vote.
Just have an electronic vote from your house.
We promise it'll be secure.
You see what I'm saying?
And it'll be on steroids to the point where When they have the infrastructure with the climate coal, they will just take everything right from under you.
The Biden administration is trying to go after the ACs.
Did you guys see the story on Epoch Times?
They're going after the ACs.
They're going after the air conditioner units.
And it's all in the name of lowering the carbon footprint because it is damaging the environment.
So we have to come up with an alternative solution.
And obviously that alternative solution is not going to be as good as what we got now.
Imagine living in Arizona with 120 degree heat, just living on some kind of alternative new world solution to keep you cool.
No, you're going to fry and you're going to die.
That's what's going to happen to you.
Don't trust these people.
But with the whole climate cult infrastructure, where they want to take away the stoves, they want to make everything green, solar and wind, where there's literally no shot for mass civilization, Uh, with millions of people to function and live off of that.
You're all just gonna die when they roll out that next big gigantic lockdown, whatever the hysteria might be, and the infrastructure's already there.
They didn't have a lot of the infrastructure for the COVID, uh, the COVID lockdowns.
It destroyed, it killed people.
But it's kind of like a test run.
That's why they're rolling their ideas.
They want to take away the stoves.
Get it on full solar.
Get on full wind.
We want to ban gas-powered cars in California by 2030.
We want to ban this.
We want to ban that.
So once they get the entire civilization totally void of survival... Listen, I'll say this.
Fossil fuels is survival, okay?
There's a reason why God gave this to us.
Fossil fuels is survival for the human race.
And they know this.
They know this better than normal people.
That they consider normal or peasants or that don't think this stuff through.
They try to look savvy and technological and the saviors of the universe by saying, well, the whole world's going to end by 2030.
So you got to get rid of fossil fuels, get rid of gas powered cars, get rid of all this while they keep all the, they keep all theirs, right?
But they count on people being dumbed down and not thinking about this.
So when they get the infrastructure installed and they launch that next big hysteria for their lockdown operation.
The infrastructure will be there.
The infrastructure will be there to keep it in place.
Because when you end up living in a pod, okay, if these people could have their way, you'd be living in a pod, alright?
You'd be living that pod life, not that thug life like Tupac.
You'd be living that pod life, eating bugs, being happy and owning nothing, synthetic meat and having your kids molested by homosexuals every single day just to make sure you're not a bigot or you don't, you know, resort to traditional values.
Okay, taking away your A.C., right?
You live in a 10-minute city where you do not have any type of electricity that's fossil-fueled power.
Everything is solar and wind and you're just crawling on all fours and that's the agenda, right?
You see, but once they get you desperate, desolate, and empty, and dependent, Desperate, desolate, empty, and dependent.
Dependent on who?
On God?
Dependent on your own God-given ability to survive and provide for yourself and fend for yourself?
Dependent on who?
Dependent on the global regime!
You see, that's the real agenda.
That is what Great Reset Build Back Better truly is.
It's pulling that rug.
It's 9-11, controlled demolition.
So the people are there.
It strikes fear in their hearts.
And then it also gets them to want to do something.
And it also points to a force greater than they to pull them out of the situation, provide and protect.
And that's how we ended up in a in a freaking 20 year plus war and spending trillions of dollars off of what?
Off of lies.
It's the same thing.
But these people are advancing, and they're accelerating, and they're accelerating fast.
It seems like every single day now, it's not just because, well, right-wing media is, uh, you know, they're peddling conspiracies.
I would argue Alex Jones and Infowars has been publishing this stuff for decades, okay?
Since I was a kid.
Since I was a kid, this stuff has been getting put out.
I would argue that right-wing media is barely catching up.
That's why you're starting to see a lot more of it.
And now they're getting slandered as conspiracy theorists.
They're like 10 years behind in full wars.
Which, which, you know, okay, at least they're catching up.
At least, at least, because everyone comes at their own time.
So that's the point I'm trying to make is you're seeing this acceleration.
People are coming, people are, are choosing sides and on both sides the agendas are accelerating.
We got one side that is finally deciding to report on it without fear of getting cancelled or getting called a conspiracy theory because the facts and the receipts They're all there and no one can deny it.
While the other side, which I think the side that is getting exposed, I think they like it.
Have you guys noticed that?
Like when you watch Davos or you watch Klaus Schwab, or you watch Bill Gates talk, you know, the great high priest, Dr. Fauci, all these globalist proxies, right?
John Kerry, you know, you watch Davos 2023 or the World Government Summit in 2023.
Have you noticed that they're becoming more like arrogantly pompous?
And just like really, like they just like don't care the way that they give their speeches, the way that they openly talk about their agendas.
They appear to be humanitarian.
They appear to be the good guys, like they're there to save you.
Like the fact checkers we talked about, they're there to make sure you're not getting bad information.
We're the police state, but we're the police state that cares about your well-being because you can't think for yourself.
You can't buy for yourself.
You can't speak for yourself.
You can't discern or filter information for yourself.
You can't bank for yourself.
You need us.
This is how actually the New World Order is talking towards boomers.
Have you guys noticed this too?
They're specifically talking towards like boomers and Gen X, older people that are not familiar with technology and the technologies of the day, right?
You guys know what I'm talking about.
They talk like, well, we need to make sure that, you know, those people are not getting left behind with the future of technologies.
This was literally a topic in Davos 2023.
We need to make sure that we are properly making sure that we can transfer the generations.
So the generations can't get left behind because they lack the ability to understand and discover and learn the technology.
So we will find a way to usher them into the new technology.
We will be the ones.
To facilitate that transfer generationally, because they can't figure it out themselves.
And I always tell older people this.
You guys are smart.
You guys are intelligent.
Don't fall into the New World Order mindset where you're like, well, I can't figure out this technology.
It's beyond me.
It's for the younger people.
In my opinion, that is a New World Order PSYOP so that you Become a mind that cannot figure anything out for yourself, and then you get Klaus Schwab going up there saying, well, we'll just think for you, and we will control this technology for you, because obviously you can't figure out yourself based off your own admission.
Guys, no.
We're all in this fight together, young, old.
We are opposing the New World Order.
Salute to the Infowarriors Army.
Thank you guys for having me.
War Room starts right now in just a couple minutes.
I'll see you guys later.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
You know, I don't compare myself to a gladiator, but the last time one of the greatest talk show hosts
in American history came on the broadcast, he compared me to a gladiator,
and I was very, very honored.
Well, Alex, you're the gladiator and you keep on pounding the opposition there.
I love it.
How do you keep doing it?
What are you taking?
I really am in the arena and I'm all the way in the arena and I realize it's that animating contest.
So when it comes to battling the globalists, I'm not trying to entertain you.
I'm trying to inspire you.
To politically not submit and to say no to them.
But at the end of the day, are you not entertained?
Are we not the standard, together, the audience, the guests, myself, all of us, of resistance?
I'm just blessed to be here and blessed to know you.
Here's that clip.
Hey, Daniel?
He's locked!
[Glass shatters]
[Tires screech]
[Tires screech]
[Tires screech]
[Tires screech]
uh wow
wow Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Is this not why you are here?
Alright, metaphysically, InfoWars has done this and beyond.
Because of your support, your prayers, what you've done.
We're not doing this for entertainment, we're doing this for the future of our children.
But I can't get out there, we can't get out there together in this fight without your support.
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