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Name: 20230719_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 19, 2023
3134 lines.

The speaker discusses various topics including American politics, alternative electors, political controversies, preparedness, and deep state actions. They criticize corruption within the Democratic Party and emphasize the need for self-defense measures such as storable food, water filtration systems, and guns. The speaker also highlights concerns about the globalist agenda and its intentions to control the population. Furthermore, they discuss different theories regarding the political climate and potential outcomes of ongoing trials. Overall, the speaker believes that the current political system is corrupt and in need of a major overhaul.

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I expect to see indictments at the state level out of Georgia very soon.
I expect to see indictments out of Arizona very soon.
Indictments out of Pennsylvania.
They're just going to indict and indict and indict and indict and indict and indict and indict and indict.
Because that's all they know how to do.
It won't matter if Trump goes up to 90% in polls with Republicans and 40 points ahead of Biden.
Because they're outlawing free elections, and they're getting ready to steal the next one, and they're letting you know, if you challenge us when we steal an election, we're gonna lock your ass up.
You know, they had elections when Stalin was dictator of Russia.
He said, I don't care who casts them, I don't care who counts them, and you can cast votes all day long, but if you spoke out and said Stalin stole the election, you went for five years the first time to a forced labor camp.
And they let you vote because they wanted to see how you voted.
So most people didn't like Stalin, but they went in there, or Lenin, they went in there and voted for him because they didn't want to get sent to a forced labor camp.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
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Red alert, ladies and gentlemen!
Deep State Dems launch plan to outlaw Republican Party, arrest political opposition.
This is what a coup looks like.
We are live.
Wednesday, July 19th, 2023.
And we're going to have open phones yet again today to break all this down and more.
Now remember, the Democrat Party lawyers ran all over the country in eight states More than 10 members of Congress and filed lawsuits saying Gozer, MTG and others because they were at the Capitol on January 6.
They were part of it.
And so by extension, they can't run for office because they're so popular.
That's called election meddling.
That's called outlawing your political opposition.
The State Department working with Lula in Brazil This year, and late last year, stole the election from him.
And they've now had the courts there outlaw Bolsonaro running for office for eight years.
So it's just outrageous election meddling.
And what are they saying?
Oh, Jack Smith's getting ready to indict Trump for questioning the election.
They say for raising money saying the election was stolen.
They say that's fraud.
And they say for ordering people to attack the Capitol, which he didn't do, he did the opposite.
And for getting alternate electors ready, something Barack Obama did when he ran for office the second time, something Democrats in the New York Times bragged about.
If you remember, even before the November election, and I remember making a big deal about this article, and sure enough, John Podesta Hillary's chief advisor was the chief advisor working with Obama for Biden, and we have the quotes from the actual Democrat Party war games where they said, we're not going to accept the election.
We're going to have a new inauguration, probably in Colorado, and we're going to have Alternate electors that we've already prepared that if Trump wins in such a big landslide, we're going to contest it with alternate electors.
And they did this, or tried this back with Al Gore versus George W. Bush.
It's gone on.
And we can play countless videos of Democratic Party.
But we should play him again.
Guys, go get me compilations of Democrats challenging elections, challenging electors.
Hell, they took the electors away from, in the primary, it's the same thing, from Bernie Sanders and gave it to Hillary when Bernie won a bunch of states, including California, about like 65%.
They said, well, you know what?
Hillary gets those.
And we even talked to some of the Democrat Party electors, and they said, oh, We're just gonna hand the votes from Bernie to Hillary.
That's just the way it is.
The delegates, the superdelegates.
That's what they call basically the electors during the...
So the idea that what Trump did was illegal when it didn't approach 10% of what the Democrats have done, I would argue taking the electors away, the delegates away from Sanders, and then having the superdelegates vote after the ballots are cast and say, well, it's really for Hillary.
I think that should be illegal.
But the point is Democrats went a thousand miles further than Trump.
Nothing Trump did even approached illegality.
Uh, and it is standard procedure and so Jack Smith again is just that much bigger of a fraud and now they've had the Attorney General of Michigan, who's literally run by Soros, indict a bunch of Republicans for being alternate electors.
That's banning your political opposition.
Well, just last week, Sheila Jackson Lee in Congress said...
You don't talk bad about George Soros.
You don't say he did anything wrong.
It should be illegal, she implied, because that causes violence towards the 91-year-old master criminal and his hard little demonic son.
But if you look at the 900-plus district attorneys and county attorneys that he literally controls, and the 22 state attorney generals, and of course the Justice Department, and his son 50-something times in the White House the last two and a half years, Meeting with the National Security Advisors and all the rest of them.
These people are running our local policy in most areas, our federal policy.
Very sick.
And you're not supposed to talk about public figures famous for raiding pension funds and imploding nation's currencies.
You're not supposed to talk about billionaires heavily involved in public policy.
You're supposed to sit down and shut your filthy, dirty American mouth up while Soros tries to finance your children's testicles being cut off and having your guns taken while they defund the police.
While they live behind barbed-wired, armored fortresses with troops with machine guns.
Well guess what?
Soros-backed Michigan AG targets pro-Trump alternate electors.
Remember that last year?
She's literally used to work for him in his organization.
And of course they run their little false flags there with Whitmer and the fake kidnappings and all the rest of it.
And so here is the Soros operative, the AG!
Moving to ban Trump from being on the ballot in Michigan.
That's what this is all really about.
The only thing constitutionally is insurrection that can ban someone from running for president.
And that is exactly what they're trying to ram through before the election.
In fact, how many days?
Can we look how many days we are from November and election day next year?
How many days?
We're about 11 and 6 months, this won't do your math.
We're about 17 months out.
17 months out.
17 and a half.
Give me the numbers.
And this is the countdown, ladies and gentlemen.
474 days.
In fact, let's start having a countdown every day.
Let's start having a countdown every day, 474 days.
Our country has had a coup by multinational corporations that have taken over the intelligence
agencies and the Justice Department and they're now moving to create a one-party system like
Venezuela, North Korea or Communist China or the old Soviet Union.
So you think two-party systems are bad?
The founders believe they're the best, because a parliamentary, you'll have dozens of parties, but when one clearly wins, the others will team up to override the people.
So in a two-party, It's evenly divided and the will of the people is more expressed.
But the worst is a one party.
And the two party is a terrible best house in a bad neighborhood.
It's the best option of a lot of bad options.
I agree with the Founding Fathers.
Now, you say, well, then how do you replace a corrupt party?
One party fades and implodes and a new party moves forward.
I believe the Democratic Party is so evil and so corrupt and so KKK'd and just so bad in its history, it needs to be On its own, just accord, because it's so disliked and so disreputable.
Fade away and have a new populist party that can be more leftist on social issues if that's what people really want.
Or we should have like a right-wing conservative party and a more libertarian populist party.
That's really what I think the people should want and what through our voting and through culture we should demand.
But if you want to go parliamentary, that's better than one party.
A lot of people are sick of two-party.
Okay, you think Parliamentary is the way to go?
Makes a lot of sense to you.
The Globalists actually prefer it.
Even over a one-party, because a one-party can always turn on the Globalists, kind of like China has turned on the New World Order.
But they'll go the one-party over to two-party.
So this is America going to a one-party system.
You'll still have vestigial Republicans in some regions, in some areas.
And the Democrats have said, Podesta has said, Carville has said, Soros has said, they want that.
They want to abolish the Republican Party.
They want the Republican Party to basically fade and be a regional party.
Look that up.
Democrats say Republicans will be a regional party.
Democrats say the Republican Party is dying.
That's their wish.
There's been a beachhead of populism.
With the Tea Party and Infowars and you and then Trump and all the rest of it, that now everybody's on the bandwagon, the Joe Rogans, the Tucker Carlsons, which is great.
And of course, people like Joe Rogan.
As all this comes out and as we get a major beachhead in the Republican Party, It's being reproved, it's being remodeled, it's being rehabbed from the inside.
You can have an old rotting house, you can tear it pretty much down and rebuild it, or you can just burn it down and totally have a new structure.
We're gutting the old rotting structure, the old beautiful lady, grand old party, and rebuilding it from the bottom up.
Like Trump bought all those old beautiful buildings and had them redone, like the U.S.
Post Office that he turned into Trump Hotel.
Beautiful place.
He sold it in D.C.
Well, the Democratic Party, it is a rotting, termite-filled, swaying-in-the-wind, stinking mass of rats and feces and pedophilia, and it's going to collapse regardless in the next wind, the next big storm blows by.
Hell, you might blow at it and it'll fall down.
And the whole rotting corporate zombie media, they have almost no viewers.
They're already gone, folks.
The Democratic Party is gone.
Now it's a globalist instrument coming out to take over and shut down what's left of the Republic and create a system of poverty to control the population.
So we have a whole slew of alternate electors, something that Kennedy did, something that Obama did, something that Podesta said they were going to do if Hillary looked like was losing.
And now they have indicted them.
Kathy Brendan, 70, no criminal record.
I mean, all these people are just good people.
William Hank, Show 8, 72, and it just goes through the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 16 Michigan residents, politically involved, good people, following the law, indicted.
You ask, how could a Soros DA or Attorney General do that?
I mean, they do whatever the hell they want.
How could Soros judges and people civilly just tell a jury I was guilty and that I had $400 million and they had to give them $400 million?
And then the judge says, shut up, you're a liar.
I'm like, I don't have $5 million.
Shut up, he's a liar!
He has hundreds of millions, the judge said.
And you will give all his money to them.
And he peed on their graves.
Where's the proof?
Doesn't matter.
Shut up, or I'll have you put in jail for six months.
They get up and they go, yeah, we saw him.
He zipped his pants down.
I mean, this is the level of this.
Anything goes with these people, ladies and gentlemen.
And this is not the sign of a strong group.
This is the sign of a collapsing, rotting, corrupt political dynasty.
They had congressional hearings last week.
And on Friday, they admitted that over $10 trillion is missing at the Pentagon.
61% of their budget in the last two decades is unaccounted for.
That's just one agency.
That's trillions of dollars.
It's a total robbery.
Just like you read about Panama and how Manuel Noriega had 500 million dollar palaces and castles around the world.
And he was just intended one day to just leave and go there after he'd looted his country.
They've already done that to us.
But their rearguard action is outlawing political opposition and arresting everybody.
And putting us in the prisons that they're emptying out of violent criminals and putting us in them.
They've said that.
So that's where this is.
And that's what they're doing.
And it's totally illegitimate.
It's totally insane.
And it's not going to work.
But it is going to be extremely destructive.
So we're going to come back and go through all of this here today.
And so many other huge issues.
I mean, it just gets wilder and crazier.
We're gonna be opening the phones up on this subject and more.
InfoWars.com, Bandai Video.
Stay with us.
If the Democratic Party does not establish a permanent coup and dictatorship and high-tech police state, complete with camps, torture chambers, the whole nine yards, they will be out of power.
And America will have a new renaissance.
And the world will have a much better chance of peace and prosperity and security into the future.
Now when I say that, that's not an exaggeration.
Mainline analysts are saying that.
President Trump is saying that, and that's a very good thing.
It's not a good thing that we have these horrible hijackers in control, but it's a good thing that people can now look at it square in the eye and say, wow, this country has cancer.
It's basically stage three.
It's still operable, but we gotta cut the damn thing out now, and it's not gonna be fun.
It's that or die.
Soros back to AG targets pro-Trump alternative electors.
That was last year.
I said, watch, they're going to indict him.
She did it.
Michigan AG must not weaponize their office.
That's the Detroit News when she got put into power by Soros.
I mean, look at this woman.
Used to work for George Soros himself directly.
Look at her.
Looks like she's 12 years old.
She's like that woman that was going to head up the disinfo board that was singing Little Mermaid songs.
Here is the Soros connection to Attorney General supporting Mexico gun manufacturers lawsuit in the U.S.
Guess who it is?
It's her!
Working with foreign countries to get our guns.
When it was Obama that shipped the guns into Mexico.
Leftists fund the rise of lawlessness across America.
And the one they're most proud of is Leticia James and this woman, Dana Nessel.
How George Soros funded progressive illegal arsonist DA's on the U.S.
crime surge.
New York Post.
Michigan AG must not weaponize her office.
Detroit News.
Michigan lawyer who led vote fraud suit to challenge Soros tied Attorney General in 2022.
And it goes on.
Dana Nessel.
Michigan Dem who ranted in favor of COVID mandates holds super spreader wedding.
Yep, that's her.
Michigan Dim, who ran it in favor of COVID mandates, held the super spreader wedding.
That's who this woman is.
Rules for thee, not for me.
There she is.
So much fun.
Dana Nessel, there she is.
And here she is.
Well first let's play the clip from a few days ago of Sheila Jackson Lee saying, you don't talk bad about Soros.
He bankrupts governments.
He collaborated for Hitler.
He funds open borders.
He funds having your children's genitals cut off.
He funds all of it.
He funds the human smuggling.
He funds putting in attorney generals at county Let me ask you this.
First of all, we have accusatory commentary of Soros' DAs.
funds the police, that you get murdered, or your wife gets raped, or your business gets
Hey, don't you talk about a public figure literally involved in all policy and attacking
He's a wonderful man.
Here it is.
Let me ask you this.
First of all, we have accusatory commentary of Soros DAs.
Let us not put an individual that is not here, a contributing American, and jeopardize his
life for always throwing his name out in the most ugliest way.
I am offended by that.
Soros does not deserve that.
He is an American and a patriot, and he also comes from a minority community, one might
And you create a dangerous situation.
One might say a dangerous situation.
My goodness, that's right.
He's Jewish, so we can't talk about him.
But half the Democratic Party can say Israel shouldn't even exist, and then the ADL fawns over it.
Oh, thank you for saying we shouldn't even exist, but Alex Jones is bad.
We'll shut him up immediately.
Bunch of baby Hitlers in my view.
So, let's continue here.
Here she is, not supposed to talk about it.
By the way, look at her bio.
She worked at the Soros Foundation.
And she worked for the Democratic Party in censoring people.
I mean, go read her pedigree.
It was like Fiona Hill was on 60 Minutes.
She goes, Leslie Stahls talked to her.
She goes, what did Alex Jones do to you?
She goes, he was mean to me and he said I worked for Soros and that I'm a globalist.
I don't even know what a globalist is.
She ran the newspaper, and still does, called TheGlobalist.com.
Again, it's like saying Hitler doesn't know what a Nazi is, or Jaws doesn't know what a great white shark is, or Tom Brady doesn't know what an NFL quarterback is, or Lex Luthor doesn't have a shaved head.
I mean, it just is unbelievable.
Like, two men can have a baby.
What a cult of whackazoids!
That's a new word, whackazoids.
They are some whacked out lunatics.
Look at that whackazoid.
Oh, but she's a woman, so she's allowed to be a tyrant.
She's allowed, and again, saying it's illegal to create alternate electors.
They're going to have kangaroo juries in key jurisdictions they've chose.
They'll never let the jury know that RFK did this or JFK did this.
They'll never let them know that Obama had alternate electors.
They'll never know it's standard.
They'll never allow them to see any of the clips in Congress just a few years ago.
Democrats saying they have alternate electors.
If Trump won, pedestal.
I'm going to show you all that coming up next segment.
No, they'll just have totally controlled judge, totally controlled info, and again, they could send a newborn baby to the gas chamber or lethal injection.
If it's a woman telling Democrats, they will do anything they're told.
In my civil cases, Alex Jones is a liar.
Alex Jones has 400 million dollars.
Alex Jones peed on people's graves.
None of it's true.
Take his money.
And then the joke is, I don't have any of that money.
So I'm like, okay.
I wonder why I was laughing.
They said, 1.5 billion is not enough, your honor.
He'll make that back easily in a few days.
We want 2.75 trillion, the GDP of India.
I was telling my co-writer Kent Heckenly that we're finishing up the book the other day, we're almost done.
We were working on it all weekend here in person, finishing up, going over fact-checking everything.
And I added a whole bunch of stuff I'd written and things, clips I want put together.
And I go, yeah, and you got to put it in there if you're going to write about that.
They wanted $2.75 trillion.
And Kent's a lawyer.
And he goes, come on, Alex.
I know everything you've told me has ended up being true, but that's not true.
And I said, no, Kent, it's true.
He said, really?
He types in as he's Bloomberg, and he goes, excuse... He was like, that's the GDP of a major?
Yeah, the GDP of India, Kent.
And it's like when I told him, I said, you know, it's worse with Epstein at the Zorro Ranch.
They were growing kids to then suck their stem cells.
And he's like, yeah, I found some of that.
And I go, yeah, Peter Nygaard had it done with his own kids.
He goes, really?
I go, yeah.
He goes, I did find an article.
Even the New York Times admitted his girlfriend claimed.
I said, no, you don't need to claim.
Let me show you a bunch of videos with him bragging he loves to suck his own children dry and then has them injected into his veins, their blood and their stem cells.
Including their umbilical cord and their spine.
They ripped the baby's spine out and drained it, injected it in him.
And he went and saw the video and his eyes were like this.
Yeah, man.
These people are out of their minds.
Because they've got the power, they're in the position of power, and they've gone... You wonder why Caligula married his horse, the Roman Emperor.
Nero burned down half of Rome because he wanted to expand his palace.
And, you know, later his men, evidence is overwhelming, he didn't commit suicide, they killed him.
But you ask, like, why would you marry your horse and fire the Senate?
As an insult!
I'm going to fire the Senate, make my horse Regent, Deputy King, Emperor, and I'm going to have sex with it inside the Senate building, and that's the way it is.
And you're like, wow, that's crazy.
Like two men having a baby?
Like cutting little girls' forearms off and creating giant fake rotting penises and attaching them to them with PVC pipe as a urethra?
Cut them crazy like that?
Caligula was nothing compared to these people.
We'll be right back.
Why would lawyers ask for $2.75 trillion from somebody that didn't have $2 million in the bank at the time and now has basically nothing?
Why would the government fire professors all over the country that say two men can't have a baby and that X and Y chromosomes exist?
Because they're waging war against logic and common sense, and that's the nature of power.
When it gets out of control, nothing makes people go more insane than more power, and then more power makes them go more insane.
What's the famous saying by Lord Acton?
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The quote is misquoted all the time, but that was him in Parliament hundreds of years ago.
You can pull up the actual quote.
He said, power tends to corrupt, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And because the Justice Department, and the local controlled courts, and the universities, and the banks, and the media, they all feel invincible.
And they're just like, two men can have a baby!
We're going to chop children's genitals off!
We're going to put fake penises of little girls out of chopped up meat off their body that doesn't even work and rots off!
And we're going to ship in children in child traffic!
And we're going to ban movies that criticize it!
And we're going to start war with Russia!
And we're going to do... Because...
No one is stopping them.
And the big powerful central banks were very smart.
They taught liberation theology and leftist wokeism.
Chip on your shoulder the last hundred years in this country, really.
By increment.
And so if you look at almost everyone that is commanding the heights of tyranny, it's quote minorities and women.
But behind him is always old white men, technocrats, controlling.
To a man.
Has a few Asians, but they're German, they're French, they're Jewish, they're Italian, they're British.
Some are Protestants, some are Catholics, some are Jews, but they're all old white men.
But their front people are Sadiq Khan in London and Governor Whitmer in Michigan.
The anomalies are people like American psycho Gavin Newsom.
But he's just too psychotic and evil.
They're like, well, he's a white guy, but he's just too evil.
We've got to have him out front.
So that's what's crazy.
And you've got these women with chips on their shoulders.
I'm going to send everybody to prison.
That shows them how powerful I am.
These judges, I'll lie and corrupt and do whatever I want because I deserve to.
I'm going to show everybody how powerful I am.
So this is a very very serious situation and obviously last night they raided a bunch of Trump lawyers, that's a bridge too far and then again, and took their phones from January 6th and they're getting ready to indict the president for fundraising saying the election was stolen, which is his right to do whether he's right or wrong, and of course he was right, my goodness, so out in the open.
By the State Department's own standards, the U.S.
elections are some of the most shoddy ones held in the world.
We send the State Department around the world to police everybody else's elections, but man, you don't police them here.
You don't ask questions here.
And it's not ties between Alvin Bragg and Dana Nessel and Whitmer and Soros.
Nessel and Bragg go to the special schools That you have, once you have law degrees, that Soros puts on.
Where you go stay for a month at a lavish facility, at a five-star hotel, and go to conferences every day, and get taught how to run the scams, how to control people.
And you got the Dabos Group.
I mean, look at Newsom.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen.
So, this is organized crime.
You can call it whatever you want, you can play games with it if you want, but this is organized evil that's super confident and that thinks it's going to eat our lunch completely.
And so you're living in a coup.
You are the victims.
You are the veterans of a biological weapon attack and then a biological and chemical weapon attack through the shots.
You're the victims of Pentagon illegal PSYOPs they wouldn't even use against the Afghans.
That came out in the news two years ago.
Scientific weaponized propaganda.
Mind control.
That's even mainstream news.
They admit that.
They're proud of it.
You are veterans of a fentanyl war with the government helping ship it in.
You are veterans of living in a country that's now an open slave market of men, women, and children, particularly children and women, kidnapped and shipped into the country.
We are all living in the end of America.
America is already a collapsed burning wreck.
Sure, your house still gets electricity, you can still get food at the grocery store, but you ever notice you drive around and you don't see the police anywhere?
Especially if you're in a woke city, and you notice homeless everywhere and crime everywhere, we're being positioned for the final blow.
And I just want people to know who did it, why they did it, and to understand that a lot of you won't listen now.
But as things get worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse and worse, and as these plastic rubber face psychos Continue their attacks against us, you will come to a point where you're forced to admit you were conned, you were wrong, and they're lying to you and they're out to get you.
And I am still reaching out to the prodigal sons out there who are still under the enemy's control to realize you're not part of the power structure.
Please put Newsom and Hillary back up.
If you had the Holy Spirit or any discernment, you would look at those two fake people and you would run.
Those are predators.
Those are fake people.
Those are demons.
Those are monsters.
When you know, you know.
You look at Brian Stelter.
You look at Naval Noah Harari.
You look at Klaus Schwab.
You look at Bill Gates.
You see that rubber look.
Because that's an avatar, folks.
That's not human.
And I don't mean they got rubber faces and there's a space alien under there.
I'm saying their spirit is Satan.
They are possessed by an anti-human energy that has one mission, destroy you and your family.
So, you heard Sheila Jackson Lee.
We're not supposed to talk about public... public person, public figure, George Soros.
We're supposed to just bow to him and let him defund the police and attack us and everything else.
And so let's go ahead and play a clip of her and her indictment of alternate electors and we'll go to break.
I'm gonna come back and show you.
Obama did it. Hillary tried it.
It happened over and over again.
Biden had them ready.
If Trump had won, they couldn't steal it.
And I'm going to show you where they said it in the New York Times, in their own documents.
Just remember that.
They're indicting people for something that's completely legal, and that they themselves did.
That's how much control they have over the juries.
Here's the clip.
As part of the orchestrated plan, we allege that 16 Michigan residents met covertly in the basement of Michigan GOP headquarters and knowingly, and of their own volition, signed their names to multiple certificates stating that they were the duly elected and qualified electors for President and Vice President of the United States of America for the state of Michigan.
That was a lie.
They weren't the duly elected and qualified electors, and each of the defendants knew it.
They carried out these actions with the hope and belief that the electoral votes of Michigan's 2020 election would be awarded to the candidate of their choosing instead of the candidate that Michigan voters actually chose.
No, that's not how it works.
If there's going to be a contested election, you've got to get your electors signed up and ready to go so that they're ready to go in at the Statehouse and vote.
And that's why Kennedy did it.
That's why Obama did it in Hawaii.
And I've got all the documents and everything.
When we come back, we'll show you that.
But again, she knows that 80% of Americans will fail the civics test.
And so she's up there acting like it's the Republicans trying to steal the election.
The Democrats are trying to outlaw questioning elections.
They're trying to block Trump being able to run by indicting him, and then sitting around indicting people for trying to stand up against that.
But they'll fail, like all other tyrants in history.
They will fail.
And they will be brought to justice.
Some of us are going to have to hit the barbed wire to get this done.
That's why I'm really thankful that all of you spread the word about the broadcast, because you are the Paul Reveres.
Stay with us.
Coming up next hour, NASA and NOAA, the federal agencies that watch the weather, say the sun is going into a very hot period right now, and blasting the earth with giant coronal mass ejections.
And that's why the earth is hot right now.
Yes, it's the sun.
I know that's shocking to a lot of leftists out there.
The sun drives about 95% of the temperature on the planet.
If there wasn't a sun, it drives about 99.999%.
Again, the sun goes into our atmosphere, then the atmosphere contains some of the heat, but if you remove that atmosphere, you remove the sun, we would be beyond absolute zero.
Or at absolute zero.
Okay, I want to open the phones up again today on the subject of the coup that America is under, and the fact that this illegal, bureaucratic, intelligence agency, corporate coup is getting more intense, and is now trying to outlaw its opposition because we're using what's left of the Republican Party as a beachhead to try to retake the country peacefully from them.
How do you respond to a tyranny like this?
How do you get the general public out of their stupor?
Well, the public's starting to come out of their stupor, and three U.S.
Senators who are Republicans, in name only, Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski and others have said they're getting ready to switch to Democrat because the Republican constituents are bad people.
They've always been Democrats.
They vote Democrat.
But I told you, they're getting ready to outlaw the Republican Party, basically.
Where it'll be in a few regions and here and there and like a vestigial ceremonial opposition.
We're going to a one-party system.
Do you disagree with me?
Do you agree with me?
If you disagree, by the way, we don't screen your calls other than the fact that we want a clean phone line and you have your topic ready to talk about it.
So if you disagree with me that they're trying to outlaw political opposition, which they're doing, and think everything's wonderful, maybe you like the shots.
Maybe you got 10 boasters, thought it was wonderful.
Maybe you love open borders and human trafficking.
I want to hear from you as well.
Maybe you think Trump needs to be locked up in jail.
That's going to be a great thing.
Whether you agree or disagree, I want to get your take on this constitutional crisis.
877- The number is 877-789-2539.
And we're going to take a lot of your calls the second, third, in to the fourth hour today.
877-789-2539. 877-789-ALEX. And we're going to take a lot of your calls the
second third in to the fourth hour today. I've already spent most of the hour,
five-tenths of the hour on this disgrace that's happening and this whole
concerted effort.
And I expect to see indictments at the state level out of Georgia very soon.
I expect to see indictments out of Arizona very soon.
Indictments out of Pennsylvania.
They're just going to indict and indict and indict and indict and indict and indict and indict and indict.
Because that's all they know how to do.
And it won't matter if Trump goes up to 90% in polls with Republicans, and 40 points ahead of Biden.
Because they're outlawing free elections, and they're getting ready to steal the next one, and they're letting you know, if you challenge us when we steal an election, we're gonna lock your ass up.
You know, they had elections when Stalin was dictator of Russia.
He said, I don't care who casts the vote, I don't care who counts them.
And you can cast votes all day long, but if you Spoke out and said Stalin stole the election.
You went for five years the first time to a forced labor camp.
And they let you vote because they wanted to see how you voted.
So most people didn't like Stalin, but they went in there, or Lenin, they went in there and voted for him because they didn't want to get sent to a forced labor camp.
Or worse.
So we know how this story goes.
It's been happening in hundreds of other countries.
And now we got it.
You always hear about grandma getting cancer, your dad or your cousin.
And then one day you get this big swelling in your throat or wherever it is.
You go there, yeah, you got esophageal cancer.
And it's like, you know, I'm just telling you, we got tumors all over us.
It's like, that's who we are now.
And we have to admit we have cancer.
We have to admit as a culture, we're pretty sick.
Oh man, wait till you get to the pedo stack.
I covered it some yesterday.
Bloomberg, Rolling Stone, you name it, defending pedophilia and attacking Sound of Freedom.
And now they're censoring Sound of Freedom everywhere.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, you name it.
They're censoring the actor, the director, Tim Ballard, the hero.
And that shows you the film's good, the film's real.
Disney blocked it being released for five years.
And then it gets the other opposition, because any time somebody fights the New World Order, oh, it's got to be corrupt, it's got to be bad.
It's got all the other opposition out there.
But let me tell you, the left's pissed about this movie.
They're super upset.
And people get upset because Carlos Slim has been involved trying to save and kidnap kids.
I don't know why Carlos Slim's involved in that, but the kids are being kidnapped.
We have a responsibility to expose it.
And so, the film is doing a lot of good raising awareness to that.
So it's being attacked by pedo-promoters, pedo-apologists, I'm going to show you next hour, and it's being attacked by the holier-than-thou liberty movement.
And look, I'm not saying we shouldn't investigate and look at all the groups, but at the end of the day, the film's a good film, the film's a true film, the film deserves to be seen, and the system's pissed, folks.
It's made over a hundred million dollars.
It's not about how much money it makes, but that's an example of winning.
More than all the movies out this summer.
The only other film in 10 years that made more money its second week than its first week, and they're scared it's about to smash that week in the third week and do something nobody's done in decades, setting the precedent that not only is Hollywood dead, but Christian films and patriotic films and films that attack tyranny are wildly successful, and that no matter what the dead Hollywood system does, A new system of media and culture will be born, and if we do that, we've recaptured America intellectually right there.
So this is a major beachhead.
That's why if Infowars can stay on air, and if Tucker Carlson can get back on air, and if we can get the Tulsi Gabbards and the RFK Juniors and the Joe Rogans to be on our side, we've won!
And the Elon Musk.
Maybe they'll turn on us at some key point, but no, they're not jumping to our side because they got paid off to do it.
They're jumping to our side because they can see the new old order's going down.
We gotta get ready to win and lead and build a new future.
And that's why InfoWars is so critical and why I'm so thankful to all of you over the years that spread the word about the broadcast, that prayed for the broadcast, and that bought product.
And let me give you this quick note.
We'll start the next hour and get to all the other big subjects and your phone calls.
We're talking about one big subject.
The coup over America.
Outlawing their political opposition.
We're going to break it all down.
All right, so we've got this big sale, July is Patriot Pride Month, and it's going to run through the end of the month, the next 11 days or so, but here's the issue.
A bunch of the products are about to sell out.
So here is what is literally down to almost nothing.
Ultimate bone broth, 40% off, so good for your joints, your whole body.
With not just concentrated amazing bone broth, highest quality, that tastes amazing and makes great ice cream, you name it, it's just over the top good.
About as drink it as a milkshake.
Just add water or milk, whatever you want.
It's got the turmeric, so much more.
It's 40% off, it's gonna sell out.
Still keeping it on sale.
Super Fuel Vitality.
We've already sold half of what came in.
We've got a few thousand bottles left.
Super Male is sold out.
It's the same formula as Super Male.
It's 60% off.
Fish Oil, a couple thousand bottles.
Krill Oil, a couple thousand bottles.
It's going to sell out in the next few weeks.
And they are amazing, high-grade products.
That sale's going.
But here's really the big one.
Sold out, not available for three years.
Silver Bullet.
It's got an incredible shelf life.
You can just put there, have it whenever you need it for many years.
Highest quality, 30 parts per million.
Coil silver.
For all its great uses and the things it does.
The system doesn't want you to have this.
It is back in stock, 30% off.
A very limited run.
So if you want to stock back up on the original Silver Bullet, maybe the top lab in the country, Infowarsstore.com or Triple Eight.
2-5-3, 3-1-3-9, but if you want nitric boost or the high spectrum, full spectrum CBD oil we've got, all of them are discounted right now, more than usual.
at infowarestore.com and 10% off on all high quality storable food in stock, ready to ship,
made right here in America, water filtration and air filtration.
And ladies and gentlemen, 10% off on the food, there's like 30% markup for us in that.
So 10% is huge.
You don't get better food anywhere at the regular price.
This is insanely good.
Get your storable food now.
Now it's time to get prepared.
One month, six month, year supply, specialty foods, great containers, very portable, very easy to conceal,
very easy to transport, whether it's air filtration, water filtration, food, it's all 10% off.
And the water filters, the air filters, the food is in stock.
You notice, you know, I backed off food for almost a year.
It's because they didn't have supplies.
And so we backed off of it.
Now it's back.
But get ready while you still can.
But, the original, the powerful, 30 parts per million, colloidal silver, the best you're going to get out there.
Discount at 30%.
Silver Bullet, back in stock, InfoWarsTore.com.
Hour number two, your calls and a ton of news.
Straight ahead, please spread the word.
With all the craziness in the world, the collapsing borders, the war with Russia,
the insanity, the currency devaluations, the economy going crazy.
You are crazy in my view if you don't get high quality storable food and water filtration and self-defense.
Now, we're not selling guns and ammo.
That's for you to go out and get for yourself and learn how to use if you haven't.
And I'm preaching the choir on that.
But a lot of people got plenty of guns, but they don't have enough storable food or water filtration.
This is something you need now, and we've got it in the food department and in the high quality water filtration department.
The highest quality food, the best water filtration at the lowest prices you're going to find and still get quality.
Infowarsstore.com is running a special right now for 10% off on all storable food and on water.
And air filtration.
Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot beat this deal.
Our prices are already the lowest.
At 10% off, it's an insane deal for a limited time.
Go to nfowarstore.com and get prepared while you still can.
Here, he tells us an insider's view of what to soon expect and says the only way to survive the Great Reset is for us to immediately begin setting up our own banking system.
In each domicile they should be locally set up and authorized by the local regulators and it's a profitable investment.
Banking is profitable.
So the investors would get a return while the local community would get a return and it's a way of Delaying, perhaps even preventing the introduction of CBDCs.
They have, you know, they have literally delayed their agenda because I think it's so important to them.
They've been very careful about the timing and they've, oh, let's wait a little longer.
Let's wait a little longer.
Let's have this crisis first.
Oh, let's have COVID first, you know, soften them up.
But they've delayed because the technology was already ready around 2015 to roll out.
And what people don't mention is what do these CBDCs actually look like?
You know at the moment there's a bit of talk about this being phone based apps and yes that is the initial phase but what was already ready around 2015 is the ultimate goal what they really want apparently I was told by a central banker is you know CBDC looks like a small grain of rice that they want to put under your skin which is in my view a violation of human dignity and they realize there is a hurdle so To get people to accept this, there will be, you know, why suddenly all the billionaires saying, let's have universal basic income?
Because the story is going to be, oh, now we've created this vast unemployment and disruption and crises.
Well, we need universal basic income.
you will get 2,000 euros into your account every month, but of course to run this efficiently we need to use the
latest technology, so you need the CBDC chip implant.
But how many people will say, "Okay, fine, 2,000 pounds, 2,000 euros."
A surprising proportion, shockingly obviously to me or yourself,
but we've seen years ago in Sweden there has been a substantial small minority take-up
of what's currently much larger, it's kind of like a little cylinder in stainless steel I guess,
maybe it's titanium or something, and they are doing it because they just want to.
They want to be early adopters of this nonsense.
So if anyone's listening and that sounds fanciful or conspiracy theorist, the fact is in Sweden they are taking it up and in other places and that's not coming out of nowhere.
The Bank for International Settlements recently published a report called Blueprint for the Future Monetary System.
Improving the old, enabling the new.
This report proposes that a central bank digital currency will serve as the new reserve currency and calls for the digital confiscation of all physical property by assigning every real-world item its own unique digital token, which will contain rules on how each item can and cannot be used, so that each person can be controlled and conditioned directly by the central bank.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
[Intro Music]
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want y'all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me, is because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
Alright callers, I'm loaded for Baron.
I know you are as well.
We're going to go to break for 60 seconds.
Join some stations and I'm going to write to you.
We've got a ton of news.
Stay with us.
You know, I was never a good bull rider.
I never really got involved in rodeo.
But I was around it some, and I knew people that were so into it, they had like rodeo pens at their houses.
So like if the daughter rode barrel racing, they'd have a barrel racing thing set up.
Or the son did calf rope, and they'd have that.
Or they had bull riding, they'd have that at the house.
And I had a lot of friends in East Texas and places, and I worked down there quite a few summers.
One time for a whole year when I was kicked out of high school for fighting, working for large animal vets.
So I got to see a lot of it.
And only twice did I go over to a friend's house.
And they said, hey, we're about to do some calf roping and we're going to go ahead and ride a couple of bulls here today.
And these aren't that mean, but would you like to would you like to do it?
These are bulls we ride all the time.
And they're kind of halfway broken a little bit.
And I did it once and totally got racked, as they say, your testicles crushed and said, no, thank you.
Got talked into it again.
And I said, you know what?
That's not for me.
But I tell you, people do it because of the excitement of getting in there with a wild animal that's in your archetypal instincts to, you know, take down elephants, take down, you know, bison, you name it, and with a spear.
And so when you do it, it's like hunting.
It's not that you want to kill animals.
It's that you're feeling something extremely intense and instinctive that's like deep down in you.
Now, I'm not going to risk my life to play football and get run over and hurt just to play a game.
And I did pretty good at football for my size.
I mean, I was a freshman and they said, now you're on varsity and you're going to play with these guys.
And I got run over a bunch.
I said, you know what?
I quit.
This is not fun.
I don't care about this.
Nothing against football.
It's not that I was a wimp.
I'm not going to get hurt for that game.
You guys go do it.
You go kill yourselves.
I respect you.
I'm not doing it.
And I'm not going to break my back and my arm and everything else for riding bulls, though I get the adrenaline.
But I will get hurt to fight tyrants and pedophiles.
I'll get killed, put in prison, anything it takes.
But I do it because it's the right thing to do, and I don't like these people, and the innocents deserve to be defended.
That's the number one reason that God's watching.
That's the most important point.
The children are number one, but the fact that God's watching even overrides that.
But there is an excitement to this, though.
Taking on psychotic globalists, which you're all doing.
If you're even listening to this show, you're showing interest in that.
That's the first big step.
And then when you know they're really going to try to put this super popular American who's done nothing wrong in prison.
This isn't some movie where, like the Green Mile, where they kill the innocent black guy.
That's a movie.
That's a Stephen King novel.
This is real, folks.
This isn't fiction.
And they love to confuse in our minds so many incredible events in fiction.
They hang their hat on that, that when real stuff's going down and really evil things are happening...
That people can't differentiate between what's fiction and what's reality.
So, I don't know how anybody says they're living in a boring time.
I don't know how anybody could sit back and say, man, I just feel totally depressed.
There's nothing exciting to do.
You can walk outside and look into the universe at night and the planets.
You can see beautiful trees, thunderstorms.
You can go people watch and you can read literature and listen to great music and you can paint and you can explore the universe and you can think and you can worship God and you can sing and you can and there's so many cool animals and creatures and things.
I went over to have breakfast with my dad early this morning after I went for a hike and we never go get breakfast anymore.
We used to a long time ago.
And I get out in the yard.
And this French bulldog is running around the woods.
My dad lives on four acres.
He got decades ago, right in the middle of Austin.
It's a great place, like a nature preserve.
And I hear this [imitates bulldog]
My dad walks in and he goes, that's the fox that the dog, Tina, has cornered over there and she's got babies.
And I go over there and I see the fox looking out of the hole and it's just, it's wild!
I mean, a French Bulldog's got this red fox cornered and it's got babies and it's just like, what an incredible planet!
What an amazing place!
And then back in the woods, by my dad's house, is a 150-year-old blacksmith thing.
My dad bought that house in like in 1992 for nothing, in the middle of Austin.
It had an old orchard on it, and a shack, and a blacksmith thing.
So this old grandpa died like 102, and his grandson had gotten it and sold it to my dad.
It's just, it's just an amazing little piece of property.
It's four acres, and it's got, you know, he built a little house on it that's three stories tall.
It's a little house, but I didn't want to cut anything down, so he has this little three-story house.
And when I say little, it's little, but it's three stories.
And then he's still got the blacksmith thing back there in the corner, and all of it.
And it's just like, that's just four acres of this planet.
And it's a French bulldog chasing a fox around.
And it's just amazing.
And it was hot outside, so the French Bulldog's tongue was just giant and all, looking like a wild clown.
Let me show you a photo of this dog.
I'll do that.
But... I mean, it's just a magic planet, man.
And we've got to remember... Here, overhead shot, please.
This is once we got back in the house.
It's just such a magic planet.
And there's just so many amazing things.
Look at that creature.
That's Tina.
What a ridiculous name for a dog.
Look at that.
I mean just that alone like you're born and you wake up on a planet in space and things like this are running around chasing a red fox and it just gets cooler and cooler and more awesome from that point on.
There's even audio of the dog.
We don't know what to do with it.
Look at that!
Look at that!
Oh my god, look at the ridiculous animal.
I mean, look at it!
It's a magic creature!
Oh, I just want to go do that, man.
I mean, I just... Alright, alright.
I said I'd take your calls.
I said I'd cover the news.
Why did I go off into bull riding and French Bulldogs and all the rest of it?
We'll skip this break so we get to more of the callers.
Let me do this.
Let me just settle down for a minute.
Oh, things are already busy at 7 o'clock in the morning over there.
Now, I would rather be sitting around a fishing hole somewhere with that dog, but I'm not going to be doing that.
I'm here fighting the globalists because They are literally the most evil, out of control people the planet's ever seen and they must be defeated, ladies and gentlemen.
Because believe me, they're not going to give you any place to hide, any place to run.
They want full power and control over everything.
They are the worst of the worst of the worst.
And it has been us being naive about the way the world works, laying down to them.
That has allowed the situation to get like this, and we cannot allow it to happen.
I know I'm stating very simple things.
Let me tell you what's coming up after your calls.
We'll go to John, James, Mike, Hammer, Aaron, Rich, Eben, John, Curtis, Donald, Jim.
We'll go to all of you.
And just a minute, actually, because I'm not going to break, actually.
So, let's talk about this.
Recapping for stations that joined us.
The Soros protégé, Dana Nessel, in Michigan, one of 22 Democrat Attorney General's he controls that are going to indict everything they can, including the kitchen sink, has indicted 16 innocent Republicans that met at the Statehouse, believing that was a normal thing to do, and at the Republican headquarters, and created alternate electors, which is something RFK's brother, JFK, did, something that Obama did, and I've got all the articles, and something Podesta said they were going to do if Trump's landslide was so big they couldn't steal it.
They were going to have alternate electors and not accept that and go through the congressional battle with them.
So playing on ignorance of how the law works and how government works, they believe they can get a jury to convict these people.
So they're not just trying to put Trump in jail, they're trying to put his supporters in jail.
And I love how this woman's a big leftist anti-American, wants the American flag taken down and all this stuff, but now she stands in front of it.
She's got a chip on her shoulder, even though she's funded by a guy that bankrupts countries and still low people's pension funds.
Soros back Michigan AG targets pro-Trump alternative electors.
That was last year and now she's indicted 16 of them.
Breaking Fed sees Trump advisers phones in January 6 investigation.
And here is John Podesta's role-playing Joe Biden transition integrity project.
This is public documents.
Summer 2020.
Simulation to ensure Biden presidency even if Trump won the election.
This was funded by Hillary Clinton, Obama, and Joe Biden.
This is public.
Openly plotting.
It was in the New York Times as well.
Sending a separate elector slate.
So here it is.
And they talk about having their own inauguration even if this was overridden by Congress and still not accepting it.
That's not something Trump did.
There's a hundred times worse than anything the DOJ is alleging the Trump faction did.
It's all right there.
Read it for yourself.
The Biden campaign, and this is a war game, encouraged Western states, particularly California and also Oregon and Washington, collectively known as the Cascadia, to secede from the Union.
So that they were going to have a civil war and break the country up.
Did Trump say secede to other states like, hey, Texas and Florida and Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma?
All these other majority of states, you didn't vote for this.
Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota.
You didn't vote for Biden, so secede to me.
In fact, the show should have started, Democrats plan secession, civil war, if Trump won.
He just goes, here, I'll have alternate electors, because you're supposed to have them ready if Congress rules or the states rules there was fraud.
Oh my God, you're indicted!
George Soros, this person says, but don't talk about George Soros, you're not allowed to, he's a good man.
The Biden campaign, this is from John Podesta, when he's not in the swimming pool with the five-year-olds, or I'm sorry, with seven-year-olds.
The Biden campaign encouraged Western states, particularly California and also Oregon and Washington, to collectively known as the Cascadia, to secede from the Union unless Congress and Congressional Republicans agreed to set of a structural reforms to fix our democratic system to ensure majority rule, ending the Electoral College, letting the most populous states dominate the rural states.
Eliminate the Federal Electoral College to ensure that the candidate who wins the popular vote becomes president.
So that was their cover to break the country up.
One of the most consequential moves was that the Team Biden on January 6th, this is before that, they're wargaming on January 6th they would do this, provoked a breakdown in the joint session of Congress.
So this is what Trump tried to do.
He got it from them.
You gotta love this!
Because January 6th is the date they do that.
Listen to this.
One of the most consequential moves that the Trump-Biden... One of the most consequential moves was that the Team Biden on January 6th provoke a breakdown in the joint session of Congress by getting the House of Representatives to agree to award the presidency to Joe Biden based on the alternative pro-Biden submissions sent by pro-Biden governors.
That's the alternate.
But Trump didn't want them to take the alternate people then.
He wanted them ready in case the states overturned it and in case the Senate did.
He properly followed the Constitution and wanted a 10-day investigation in the Senate.
And he said if he lost that, he would then cede the election.
Jack Smith doesn't care what reality is.
He's got juries dumber than a box of rocks.
You know the judge isn't going to let the jury see this, right?
They go on.
This is a war game they were having.
The Democrats.
Pence and the GOP refused to accept this, declaring instead that Trump was re-elected under the Constitution because of his Electoral College victory.
So they were going to ignore the law here.
This is criminal.
The partisan division remained unresolved because neither side backed down.
As of January 20th arrived without a single president-elect Entitled to the Commander-in-Chief after noon that day, it was unclear what the military would do in the situation.
If I'm pausing, this is written by Podesta, it's badly written.
So again, as January 20th arrived without a single President-elect entitled to the Commander-in-Chief after noon that day, it was unclear what the military would do in the situation.
And so Trump's reading all this about their war game and he's trying to constitutionally with his lawyers decide how to counter their plan.
Now he's being indicted for reading their plan and then trying to counter it.
And now a bunch of innocent people that were alternate electors under the law have been indicted.
I mean, if that isn't crazy town, I don't know what is.
The good news is even DeSantis knows this.
This is making Trump more popular.
DeSantis hopes Trump doesn't get charged in January 6th probe.
Uh, yeah, no kidding.
Here's Trump on that day.
I'm asking for everyone at the U.S.
Capitol to remain peaceful.
No violence.
Remember, we are the party of law and order.
Respect the law and our great men and women in blue.
Thank you.
That's what I said before I even got to the Capitol.
Please support our Capitol Police and law enforcement.
They are truly on the side of our country.
Stay peaceful.
That is Trump leading the attack.
And of course, before any attack started, saying march peacefully to the Capitol.
But they don't care, folks, because they'll go get a bunch of homeless people on the jury pool and then offer them money afterwards.
Like, hey, we're going to take care of you.
He goes down.
That's how it works.
Corrupt jurisdiction, corrupt judges, rigged juries.
Texas, Austin, Texas, one of the most corrupt in the country.
DC, New York, San Francisco, and areas of like Connecticut, Delaware, you name it.
I mean, they've got their people in, and they don't care what reality is.
They're going for broke.
All right, I'm gonna go to your phone calls, but let me just mention what else is coming up.
But I've just spent an hour and 20 minutes, first hour and 20 minutes of the show, on this.
This is constitutional crisis, historic, desperation of the deep state, balls-to-the-walls craziness, It's going to make Trump more popular, they'll just file more charges, and they really think they're going to clap him in irons, or gag order him, or accelerate the D.C.
trial, and try to put him in irons, to then get us to do something violent, which we shouldn't do.
And even when we don't do something violent, they truck bomb the federal buildings, they cut the power off, martial law, shooting war starts, the Soros' move to Switzerland, while we all kill each other.
And you know, I'm sad that's probably what's going to happen.
I'm not going to be in part of the offensive war because it's our own infrastructure.
You don't beat the globalists going out and fighting these people.
You beat them building a new country, not complying, not being part of their system and speaking out against them.
But I got to tell you, at a sick level, all the candy ass Lawyers, all the candy ass preachers, all the candy ass academics, all the people that want to sit on the sideline and play golf and polish their Porsches.
Because you sat on the sideline, because you acted so weak, the evil people that run this government believe they can go all the way now, and under this scenario, I'd say there'll be an 80% drop in prosperity in the country, and that's all you people care about.
So I'm not talking about our audience, but globalist minions that want to just pay lip service to the globalists and get away with it.
You're not getting away with this.
You have just killed the golden goose, screwed the pooch, burned the house down, sold out your birthright.
I mean, you're just fools.
But I mean, I get it.
Hard times make strong men.
Strong men make good times.
Good times make weak men.
Weak men make bad times.
And then bad times make strong men, and strong men make good times, and good times make weak men, and weak men make bad times.
I mean, it's just the cycle.
It is just the way it is.
So, oh, the left is so into appeasing power, and they've already jumped through so many hoops and stood on their head.
Stood on one foot and when they said jump asked how high all the little compliant chicken neck liberals and you know with their rainbow hair and their pinot love.
They have been just begging the big AI system for power and notice they've not been given power.
And they're not going to be given power.
They are going to be so destroyed and turned inside out during this period.
I mean, they are going to beg their mommy government for their goody goods.
And they're not going to get them.
Because this is an extremely fascist right-wing New World Order.
I know people go, wait a minute, you're right wing.
No, I'm not.
I'm a Christian.
I'm pro-human.
I'm pro-Renaissance.
I'm pro-prosperity and competition and pro-human.
The labels, you hear, mean nothing.
A liberal today is an authoritarian, fascist, psychotic, transhumanist, devil worshipper.
But so is the right wing of the New World Order.
And you call it right wing.
It's not that.
But what the left would call, what they fear is the right wing, is actually their boss.
The globalists detest their minions the most.
The globalists see themselves as avant-garde and transhumanist and master planners that work 18 hours a day and are very fastidious and neurotic and all into OCD organization of things.
And they look at the average professor or the average leftist and they just want one thing to kill you.
And they will kill you.
So I just want to promise all the minions of Satan, you will be given your just rewards.
And so it's guaranteed.
So that's our little sick enjoyment, and I'm not a Satanist, so I actually don't enjoy it, but I can war game it and experience it.
And just think, what would it, oh, oh, oh, you think you're winning.
While you flush due process and chivalry and common sense and checks and balances down the toilet, and then you think you've come up with some new plan no one ever thought of.
No, we all know about breaking the rules and killing people and going crazy and using power against people and no checks and balances.
It creates the end of civilization, dumbass.
And some of us kind of like our children enough to want civilization.
Yeah, it makes our children a little soft, but because we are barbarian stock, it'll cut your head off, scoop your brain out and eat it, and use your skull as a wine glass.
I mean, I'm just as comfortable doing that as I am being the nice guy, because I will destroy you.
Because I know how to kill a thousand of you before you get up in the morning and wipe your ass.
You people that serve Satan have no idea what you're releasing, no idea what you're opening up, no idea what you've done, but don't you worry, you're going to meet all the death you've been looking for, and you're going to enjoy it.
You're going to be sat down in front of a table of death and destruction, all-you-can-eat buffet, and then I'm going to say, Get to eating!
You like it so much!
You love death so much!
You like to hurt little people so much!
You like to be a bully so much!
Get going, son!
Here's your machine gun!
Go out and put the rural population in a death camp!
See how that goes for ya!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Alright, I said I'd go to your calls.
There's so much news.
I've covered one stack!
I've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 other stacks, and they're all incredibly important!
Stay with us!
Imagine the spiritual blindness, the deep mental illness.
To go against your own self-interest and to go against God's incredible plan of free will and total completion.
Imagine carrying out attacks against basic freedom and checks and balances that allowed you to live and to have prosperity and freedom.
Imagine pulling the Rope up, pulling the ladder up from people below you, while you pose and are funded by the most powerful, ruthless, evil groups, while you pose as a liberal, loving, healthy person.
And then you engage in censorship and attacks and imprisonment and lawfare and wars that warriors would never do because they've been at war and knew how dangerous it was, but you do it because you're chicken-necked or you're a woman.
Or you dress up like a dog so you can control the nuclear weapons.
This is the total sabotage of our country.
They gotta bring America down to bring in their world government.
Yeah, America helped build the world government, America helps run the world government, but the final ladder being pulled up for everybody else is America being demolitioned.
And that's what this is all about, destroying our military.
I've got stacks on that, oh my God.
If you're transgender, you get full paycheck, don't have to work or do anything in the military.
So that's like men convicted of rape go, I'm a woman now!
And they get put in a woman's prison to rape more women.
So now the military goes, say you're transgender, you can't be court-martialed, you can't be investigated, you just get a free paycheck forever.
And you go, that'll destroy the military.
Oh, like open borders will hurt the country?
Oh, really?
Or, like, breaking up the family might actually hurt the country, too.
Yeah, man, they're destroying the country.
They've already sucked dry.
They're done.
So they know the dollar's about to die, America's about to implode, and they want you to think it's a race war when it all goes down.
Oh, it was the black people and the white people killing each other, and then you're 2024.
That's why America went down.
Are we dumb enough to let this happen?
And I'll ask the average government bureaucrat or person that works in academia or the average state police officer or just anybody.
Do you think you're going to do well in a system like this?
I mean, maybe you don't have kids.
Maybe you're a selfish person.
Still, do you think cutting off the gas pipelines and having a man that says he's a woman in an admiral outfit saying we've got to cut your children's genitals off?
I mean, do you think any of this bodes well for anybody?
All right, I said I'd go to your calls.
I'm going to shut up now.
But I kind of overprepared today.
I stayed up late last night studying, and I got up really early this morning, like 5 a.m.
Well, let me tell you the other stuff I'll get after I take every one of these calls to the board.
I'm going to take every one of these calls.
Probably take an hour.
And then I'm going to hit the newest attacks on Sound of Freedom by actual P-Dub promoters and actual pedophiles.
And the media is like, look, pedophiles don't like it.
So pedophiles say it's not real.
Like, foxes say no one ever attacks... foxes say coyotes don't ever break into their houses either.
It's like, well, I mean, the coyote... I mean, look, the big bad wolf says the big bad wolf doesn't exist.
Well, I mean, absolutely.
I mean, it's like, again, it's all about logic destruction.
You know, I'm a pedo, and I don't like this movie.
Well, let's put you in Bloomberg.
And you're like, that doesn't make sense.
No, it does.
They're attacking with psychology the neurons Where, when they show you a lion and say, this is not a lion, they show you a lion eating somebody and going, lions are safe.
Put your children in cages with lions.
It's all because your brain goes, what?
And see, because they're getting you ready to accept carnage and death and your power being cut off and mass suicide and fourth euthanasia.
And so it's, it's, it's, it's lunatic asylum.
And the people doing it, the psychologists, psychiatrists that run it, they're crazy too.
I mean, they can hold on enough to know they're doing it, but it's like pyromaniacs that want to burn buildings down.
They know how to go in the building and pour gasoline and light it on fire and then watch the fire department come.
But they just can't help it.
I'm going to burn a building down.
I'm going to burn it down.
It's just saying, I got to burn it down.
You understand the criminology?
And so we go, well, they're in charge.
They're in charge because we let them be in charge.
And they're burning everything down.
Okay, I'm going to shut up now.
Man, there's so much here.
Alright, let's go to your calls.
Who's holding the longest?
John in Oklahoma.
Air Force vet says it's too late to save America.
Go ahead.
Well, I served many places in the world.
My first duty station was Loring, Maine, where I was involved in the UFO Loring incident.
My second base was Yokota, Japan, where I overheard officers Contemplating killing Carter.
That wasn't too long after Kennedy was killed.
I was only 19.
I had no idea what to make of it, but it freaked me out.
Then I was stationed in England, South Korea, a few others.
My last duty station was Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.
At that time, we had three combat communication groups.
We went in with the Marines.
They needed air cover, they needed air traffic control cover, they needed a lot of stuff.
At that time, I didn't know the Bible.
I've since realized that the Bible is 100% accurate.
I have ripped apart the Koran, I've ripped apart the Vilda, I've ripped apart... I can't rip apart the Bible.
That thing is bulletproof.
So anybody who doesn't believe the Bible, your problem, not mine.
I learned research after I left the military for some very, very, very big, important people that very few people know about.
Tex Mars is one of them.
Joyce Riley was an Air Force captain and nurse that exposed a lot of stuff.
You put a lot of my information up on your front page.
I sent you the stuff on the little blue pill, the CIA and the Afghan warlords.
Oh yeah.
And today you have a couple of my articles up on your front page.
I am doing what is called in the military a recall roster.
Recall roster is when somebody at the top makes a decision and then some butthead in Washington D.C.
decides they want to do something so they write an order and they send it out and some general gets it and he gives it to the colonels and they give it to the lieutenant colonels and they give it to the majors and they give it to the captains.
And it goes on down.
It's called a recall list.
If there's a war, everybody gets recalled.
I'm using the Internet today as a recall roster for God.
There are so many good websites out there that are misleading people.
Yours happens to be one of the exceptional ones.
As a U.S.
Air Force professional, I fixed radar and computers.
I can do binary, octal, hexadecimal mathematics in the head.
It's not important.
It doesn't make me a good person.
The Bible taught me one thing.
Don't lie.
The book of Revelation says every liar, not some, not the pretty ones, all liars are going to have their place in the lake of fire.
So all I'm doing is sending out information, trying to guide people back on the right path.
Well, that's beautiful, brother.
Tell me real quick, John.
Good to hear from you.
I think you called in years ago.
What's a good website for folks to find your work or any other tidbits?
You cannot find my work.
I supply you guys.
All right, sir.
I appreciate your call, John.
Thank you so much.
All right, let's go to Mike in FEMA Region 10.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, long time listener.
I really love what you've done over the years.
Your command of history.
Well, I'm trying, brother.
I mean, I wish it wasn't all coming true.
I mean, I just read the Globalist documents.
They said they would do this.
They've done it.
And the rest of the story is killing 90% of us.
Are we going to put up with that next phase?
Well, this has all been done through history.
I mean, powerful people who are evil have always oppressed and treated good people terribly.
JFK was murdered, we know.
RFK was murdered, we know.
MLK, you've talked to the King family and they are unified that the FBI was instrumental in killing MLK.
So we know that the deep state does what it does.
The question is, what are we going to do about it?
What are we going to do in reaction?
And I think just sitting on our hands is not the answer.
I guess that's the one little, and listen, I've listened to you for over 10 Ten years.
I was down in Bunkerville with the Bundys.
I was down there on the ground.
Ran into David Knight back then.
I'm a patriot.
I've worked in the government.
And one of the things, though, that just sitting here and taking it punch after punch in the gut and the chin isn't the answer.
We have to have a plan.
And there is a plan.
And I think You know, everybody has their favorite founding father.
We all love George Washington, etc.
But Jefferson was absolutely right on.
Well, you know, he was the information warfare guy.
He was.
He was a PSYOPS guy.
I could talk to you all day about PSYOPS.
I did it over 30 years in the Army.
I hadn't talked to you about that.
Jefferson was a psyops guy, but he was also tapped into God.
And when you read the Declaration of Independence, basically when you get into that part where it says the long train of abuses, which has an object to reduce you to absolute tyranny, it is not only our right, but it is our duty to throw off such corruption.
Let me be 100% clear with you, and I'm going to give you the floor, Mike, because you're a great caller, and everybody else on the floor too.
I understand that if we had some perfect general that knew what to do, it's our right now to be aggressive.
We've been under attack so long.
We're defensive, we're not offensive at this point.
The problem is, I know in my own life, it's good to have conceptual ideas.
It's another thing to actually lead an attack that they would then turn around and they're ready for.
They want an attack because they think that's the best option to get martial law.
I know it's hard like Gandhi or Martin Luther King to take these attacks.
What I'm saying is, being Christ-like, there's a time, and we may fail in this endeavor, and then there's a new lockdown, they're taking us to FEMA camps, and then it's all gonna go.
All I'm saying is, is that it's not my fear of death that keeps me from saying, let's go to the mattresses, let's go to war.
We're in an information war, and we don't have the caliber of people and the organizational thing we had in 1776.
We have more people than they had, we just don't have The country's so big, the world's so big, it's so complex, there's so much ignorance that...
It's an educational operation, but, and our enemies know they're losing, that's why they're doing a final coup and arresting our leaders and coming after us.
So I agree that they know they're losing because we've been peaceful, so they're about to get even more physical to push us into that realm.
So what do we do at that point?
Because, again, it's one thing to theoretically sit here and be a general.
It's another thing to actually go out.
Does that make sense?
It does, but really, our government was designed to be powerful at the local level.
And if we are looking for a leader or a savior or somebody... Jesus Christ is our savior.
We're not going to have any human... Jesus Christ is our commander-in-chief.
That's right, but we've got to do it at the local level.
And that's what Jefferson tells us.
When you're reduced under absolute terrorism... No, he said, go back to the farmers, go back to the absolute land.
In certain areas of the country we just can't control.
Detroit is not a place where patriots are going to control.
Philadelphia, our old capital.
But the hinterland, the farming land, the productive land, those are ours.
If you look at those electoral maps, they're red.
It's the blue areas that are highly populated that we don't own.
Who live in fantasy land, yes.
Just as Jefferson predicted, he said, Terry will come to the cities, liberty will come from the farming.
We can't be cowards.
We're all going to die someday.
And nobody here is looking to do anything violent.
But I'll be damned if we're going to be put in the ground.
No, no, I hear you.
I just hope everybody understands that it's not an ass-kissing thing to the FBI or the police, the military.
The enemy wants us to wipe them out, so bringing their UN troops is the next force.
I don't want anybody to be violent.
I'm just saying, the enemy is the leadership of the New World Order.
I'm just going to leave it at that.
And so it's real easy to just go out and start shooting people.
The left's going to do that and blame it on us very soon.
That's what I'm telling you.
I mean, you know their next move is to false flag and blame us, right?
But you know, here's the thing.
If we're on defense all the time, we're going to lose.
The left has a plan, right?
We have no plan.
We're always reactionary.
And if you're on defense 100% of the time, you're 100% of the time going to lose.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I mean, Mahatma Gandhi was on defense and let the British act like total jerks, and that turned the entire population against him.
You know, again, I'm going to explain something again.
People can, I'm not mad at you, but I appreciate your call.
Thank you, Mike.
You can call in and say, we need to be on offense, which means violent stuff.
And then, you know, I mean, we're sitting here.
Talking about real stuff.
And it does nothing.
If somebody killed the FBI director tomorrow, make them stronger.
Somebody blows Biden's head off, they're probably going to do it themselves.
That makes them stronger.
Kill Hillary, any of them.
They've got a huge, evil bureaucracy.
We've got to remove the ESGs.
We've got to remove the gender reassignment surgeries.
We've got to remove the Federal Reserve.
We're doing that.
We are literally educating the public.
And exposing what controls us politically, culturally, spiritually, economically, and we're removing it right now.
So I get these calls about, when are we gonna get, hey, go march with me on January 6th, try to stop the violence.
Go out and have Antifa attack you in your vehicle.
And I'm not saying you haven't done that, caller.
I'm saying, I go out there with no body armor.
They're like, please, sir, wear this body armor.
I'm like, nope, not wearing it.
Because I don't want to die, but at a sick level, it's like, just get me right in the head, please.
I got to complete this mission, never back down.
That's my goal.
And a sick part of me is like, you know, I just, I just, I just, believe me, I'm not scared to death, but I am scared of failure and being tricked.
And I already trusted the government.
I knew the government was bad, but I would never imagine Trump says we're going to speak at this and we're going to go to the Capitol and the feds all stood down and set him up.
And I was like, oh my God, that's so obvious.
We walked right into a trap.
And so I'm saying, without the intel and the surveillance and the operations, even if I had all that,
and 20, 30 years of military training and historical training, which I've got more
than most people that are actually generals, I still cannot confidently try to actually pull the trigger
in a civil war.
It's just not reality-based.
But I wanna warn the feds and all their dumb-ass minions and people,
let me tell you something, I've looked at every avenue, it just gets worse for you, okay?
But I don't want you to get killed.
I don't want to see everything burn, okay?
But I'm just telling you, you've lost.
I want Soros and Alexander Soros to know, I have immersed myself in this.
This is all I do.
And even mainline analysts agree with me.
You guys are done.
The best thing you could do is go away.
And then maybe you could creep back in and try to get control later.
And you're like, well, why would you say that?
I guess I'm, I guess I am kind of a nice guy.
Your only hope is to go away and come back and attack later, but you're not going to.
So just get it on.
Just, just, I'm just saying, I'm not going to be the one that sends other people to die.
And I'm not going to be the one that sits back and plays God with people like you guys do.
And I'm telling the globalists, you've reached a point where you don't get away with this stuff anymore.
It's, the way this stuff interacts, the way it chain reactions, like it's so dangerous.
It's like a giant warehouse of explosives and you guys have gremlins running around, you know, pissing on it and lighting firecrackers and shooting flamethrowers in the air laughing.
And I'm just like backing up going, whoa, whoa, whoa.
And, and, and.
Some patriots are like, shotgun that ribbon on top of the explosives!
We'll hit the damn explosives!
I mean, this is a disaster.
We're all screwed, okay?
We better get right with God, that's all I'm telling you.
And... Katie, bar the door, ladies and gentlemen.
Because once this stuff goes downhill, there's no putting it back together again.
And they think they're going to arrest Trump, blow some stuff up, blame it on
Trump, embarrass all of us and make us feel bad and go away.
They thought indicting Trump would do that.
It didn't work.
None of that works anymore.
They could release footage of Trump raping children.
We know it'd be fake.
And no one's going to buy it, even if it was real.
You're done.
I mean, and again, the globalists, They have mental deficiencies.
There's something wrong with them.
They have some level of intelligence, but not long-term intelligence.
And they certainly don't have any type of genuine humanity.
And so don't think that I'm holding back here because I'm scared to go to war with the globalists.
They're not even human.
They don't even exist.
And they want to destroy the infrastructure, and a physical war will do that.
They're smuggling children en masse.
They're dissolving the borders.
They're killing the dollar.
They're launching World War III.
They're doing all this.
We need to politically stop all of that.
What do they want?
Burning cities.
Defund the police.
Mostly peaceful protests.
They want discord.
They want hysteria.
They want warfare.
You could go out and kill a thousand prominent leftists tomorrow, and they would be more emboldened by it.
Because the leftists behind them, their own people hate them.
They all hate each other.
They're just waiting for their boss to die, or waiting so they get in power.
And most of the time, the one behind them is even worse.
That's how evil works.
It gets worse each generation.
You have to spiritually kill them.
You have to change yourself, and then others see that change in you, and then you don't comply with them with civil disobedience, and you do not let them physically attack you.
And don't worry, they're coming.
But it's like Colonel Jackson said when he went and took out the British in the War of 1812.
And the only reason their smaller force beat the British was they were using older tactics.
And he said, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
Let them burn the towns.
Let them rape the people.
Let them run around and act powerful.
We don't go out and shoot them out in the open and all the rest of it.
We wait until they get right up to 20 feet away and are reloading.
And we shoot for the whites of their eyes.
Don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.
Make it up close and personal.
I don't need guns.
They bring in some tyranny.
I need a ball-peen hammer.
I can take anything I want.
But do you know how to drive an armored vehicle or a tank?
You gotta shoot a rifle.
You gotta beat somebody's brains out.
Because everybody can run their mouth all day long about killing people, but instead of starting to get in a mindset where we're thinking about killing people, why don't we get in a mindset of how we're going to kill their ideas and go speak at city councils and county commissions and state houses and C-SPAN?
I know you're doing that.
I'm not criticizing you.
And when your country's being taken over by a multinational coup allied with Communist China, promoting pedophilia and chopping children's genitals off, you're like, hey, our founders took them on over a damn tea tax.
And oppression, why are we putting up with this?
I get what you're saying, but we're in a new type of war.
And 95% of it's psychological.
I really think we should reach out to people in corporations and government everywhere else and tell them, keep leaking information what they're doing.
I gotta tell you, at the top the feds are completely evil.
At the mid and low levels, most of them are on our side.
So how does that hurt the globalists to have a war with that captured thing?
Here's an example.
I'm going to break.
Come back with your calls, I promise.
I'm going to go faster, but I had to give those callers a lot of time.
I'm sorry.
I promise you two minutes per caller and we're gone.
We're going to get to everybody.
I use this analogy a lot to explain that the government's hijacked.
It's not our enemy.
It's too big.
It's out of control.
But the hijacker has a bomb, takes over the cockpit, kills the pilots, puts on their own outfit, and then comes in and waves guns at people while it's on autopilot and says, do what I say or I'm going to kill you.
You don't then open the side door and flood the compartment with depressurization and kill everybody just to get the hijacker.
And that's what I'm saying is, we're on this hijacked airplane.
And in the New World Order, Biden is in the pilot's outfit.
And they've shot the co-pilot.
And the pilot's tied up.
And there's only one hijacker with a bomb around him.
Probably isn't even really a bomb.
We have to decide what are we going to do to beat that guy.
You're like, well, that's a hard question.
*sigh* Yeah, exactly.
But we don't open the escape hatch and flood the airplane just to take him out.
Because if we take him out, we take ourselves out.
What do we do?
Maybe he walks by us waving his gun around and you're strong enough.
Maybe you were Golden Gloves champion or something and you break his jaw with one powerful shot and he doesn't pull the ripcord and detonate the bomb.
Or maybe it's better the whole plane go down than he be able to fly it into a building.
And maybe you go ahead and just jump on the side of a bench and let him pull the bomb and the whole airplane goes down.
It's better than laying down to that bastard, huh?
But I'm just telling you folks, you better get dialed in to where you stand.
Everybody else is going to make excuses.
Oh, the government's good.
It's not as bad as Alex says.
We all know that's a lie now.
So I'm talking to the people that have been in the middle of the road on this and who think we're in the status quo.
Folks, we're not in the status quo now.
The Democratic Party's outlawing their political opposition.
They're bringing in tyranny.
They're bringing in pedophilia.
They're bad.
The worst of the worst are in control.
And if you think they're bad now, soon even more radicals will be in control.
Because that's how evil works.
It rots.
Hour number three.
I appreciate callers holding.
I promise you.
Donald, Jim, Curtis, John, Eben, Rich, Aaron, James, Hammer!
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Alright, I'm gonna stop being so long-winded, but I'm wound up today.
That's part of the problem.
I come in and read all this news and go crazy before I go on air.
Let's talk to Donald in Maryland.
Thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding.
The two-party system is now the one party.
I made that statement in the first hour.
What do you think of that?
Oh, it's definitely a one-party system because The Republicans that you call Republicans are just puppets.
They letting everything.
So the people won't panic.
They put Republicans out there that make it look like they trying to hold the line.
But really, it's just a one-party system.
And you said it right.
I like to see you rant, but you said it right.
You said it's time to get right with Jesus because he doesn't let us until he's taken out of the way.
The one-world system is already here and it's going to go into effect.
It's already in effect.
There ain't no stopping it, because God is orchestrating the whole thing.
The devil knows he's got a space to operate in, and he's gonna do so.
And nobody's gonna be able to stop it but Jesus.
So, people trying to say, what we gonna do?
Get this party, get that party, it's only once a year.
That's Jesus Christ.
And if you don't get right, like you said, with Jesus, All the parties you can try to get together, all of them is this one world system, and the devil has a space to operate in, and he's gonna do it.
Well, that's the smartest thing said on my show in 29 years.
At the same time, please elaborate.
Give us your take on it, Donald.
But God wants to see what we're going to do in this test, though.
We have to understand the Antichrist will come.
He'll wage war against the saints and overcome us, whether that's a year from now or 20 years or 100 years.
We're coming into this beast system.
They're beta testing it.
It's fulfilling it all.
And you're right.
But at the same time, we've got to fight evil and try to protect the children while we're here.
So how do we deal with that paradox, knowing Antichrist will get his His, you know, three quarters of attacking us.
God wins in the fourth quarter.
Then how do you deal with that?
Because you got to understand, you say as a Christian, that you got to know that weapons of male warfare are not carnal, but might through God end up pulling down on strongholds.
We tried for years with the political system, choosing people that you don't know what side they on.
You don't even know if they are Americans that are actually in government right now.
You don't know where they came from.
They look like us, but they not, may not be us.
So we can't depend on man.
We got to go.
If you talk about giving together and going on offense and going to, yes, go on offense.
In prayer.
Go on defense in prayer.
You got to go on offense and defense because our weapons are not carnal.
We can't go with the carnal thing here because it's a spiritual thing that's going on.
You say it a lot of times, but you try to answer all avenues of the question.
And you cannot save this world.
You're going against God.
God already gave the devil space to operate because whoever want to be with him, be with him.
And whoever want to be with God, you're going to be with God!
I agree that that's true, and we're predestined as well.
What I'm saying is, we're supposed to fight evil in the process.
I get it's all predestined, but we're predestined to fight it, so what are we supposed to do while we're here on the Earth?
You fight it by, like you say, you go to legislation, you let your voice be heard.
Because right now they got you coming and going.
You can't go the old-fashioned way of going with marches because, wow, it's people in the thing that they setting you up with, like you went to January 6th.
It's like, wow, that didn't make sense.
Because you knew that them people was going out to, they had already, they playing champs.
They said, if he comes, this is what we're going to do, and they did it!
And they own all the media, and all the everything, and everything, the narrative's going to go their way!
And they outright, in your face, blatantly, will let people get away with crimes, and won't do it.
Because they want you to vote against your own system, saying it's not working no more.
I hear you.
That's why people call up wanting me to lead some attack.
You're right.
It's God's plan.
We have become evil.
We've let the devil take over.
We're being judged.
Look at all the murderers!
Look at all the murderers in Baltimore City!
Look at all the abortions!
That come up to heaven!
All those murders come up to heaven!
And God's judgment gotta come!
I said that a couple weeks ago.
I'm surprised God hadn't blown the planet up already.
He can't, because he already said how he was going to do it.
God is true to his word.
That's why he's going to let him do what he's going to do until he's taken out of the way.
You know what all of us be doing right now?
If God didn't have his spirit poured out upon all flesh, and when he pours it back, then you're going to see that seven years of tribulation.
You're going to really see- Hold on, Donald.
Don't hang up.
I want to hear more from Donald.
Stay with us.
You know, I said I'd go quicker to your calls, but all the callers have been amazing today.
I may just have to take over the whole fourth hour here, but we're going to get to everybody.
Donald is really talking about the fact that this is God's plan unfolding.
I agree, but we're not just pawns or automatons.
We have free will.
How do we play into that?
But the new video is...
Banking insider warns CBDCs will be implanted microchips in the population.
That's now being admitted.
That is incredible information.
That's at man.video right now.
So in closing, Donald, I appreciate you calling and getting through and holding.
I agree with you, so how do we thread that needle of it's all prophesied, it's all coming true, but God also wants us to fight evil, and God says if you don't stand up against evil, I'm not going to recognize you.
So how do those two things go together?
With prayer, and getting people together in prayer, and sending prayer to God, and let the Spirit lead us.
We can't let the flesh lead us.
For the flesh will lead us to January the 6th, out of our feelings and emotions.
We'll get jammed up because they're already playing chess with us.
And by the way, my spirit told me not to go to January 6th, show that Roger Stone had just become born again, but I ignored my instincts and my spirit and still went.
Saul did it!
He said, when he said he was going to set a sacrifice up, he said he's forcing himself.
When God is telling you something, you're forcing yourself because of your feelings and emotions.
You cannot save this planet.
If you're trying to save this planet, you're going against God's will.
This is the devil's system and it got an expiration date.
Well that's a beautiful quote.
The devil's system has an expiration date.
Donald, keep laying it on us.
When I get around leftist leaders, they literally show their teeth and salivate hating me.
It's not because I'm that good, but they see God in me.
They salivate in evil.
They can't wait, you can see 'em, you show it!
How they just salivating all the stuff they doing, cutting up kids, doing whatever they doing,
murder, they salivating.
When I get around leftist leaders, they literally show their teeth and salivate hating me.
It's not 'cause I'm that good, but they see God in me.
They literally salivate.
They salivate because you're just shaking 'em.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!
You're trying to wake them up to Christ!
There's only one way out of here.
You gotta get on the ark.
What is that ark?
In Christ.
He said, you're either lukewarm or cold.
He said, I'll spew you out my mouth.
What you mean?
How's he gonna spew me out my mouth?
That's vomit you.
Well, how will you vomit me?
Because I seated you together where?
In heavenly places where?
In Christ Jesus!
So when Christ threw you out of his mouth, to curticate you, that means he's done with you.
You were seated, but you didn't do what he wanted to do, so he vomited you out!
Which tells us Christ is the groom, we're the bride.
This is a merger with Christ.
And God's saying, I'm not going to let you merge with me, I'm going to kick you out.
Christ nor had an ark, and the dove with the Spirit of God was on that.
Christ seated us together in Him.
He's the ark back to Heaven.
If He's the girl to take you out, He's done with you.
And we're in that seventh church, the Laos Hill Church.
He said, you're not even hot nor cold.
You look warm.
And everybody looking forward to be a bad time when God comes.
He said, you rich and say I need of nothing.
Get that way for a bad time.
When it get bad, I'm going to go with God.
He's going to come when it's good time!
You rich and say, I need nothing!
But you don't know that you miserable, poor, blind, and naked!
It's true.
They serve the devil, even when the devil takes everything from them.
They love it!
They want to keep this planet!
They love this system!
This is a failed system!
You said it.
God bless you, Donald.
Wow, that was an incredible caller.
I've never heard from that guy before.
Man, that was amazing.
That guy at church, I'd be at it every day.
He probably is a preacher.
Let's go ahead and talk to James in Indiana.
You're on the air, James.
Thanks for holding.
Yeah, dissolve the corrupt DOJ.
DOJ has been telling whistleblowers not to talk to Congress on DOJ corruption.
There should be national protests at every federal building Friday protesting the persecution of President Trump.
President Kennedy said DOJ frames the disabled.
There's older news of the government making up fake medical records to go after whistleblowers.
My prediction is that next year you will see calls for jury notification at records high because no one trusts the corrupt DOJ.
Lastly, what is whistleblower whiter?
Slow down.
I'm going to give you time.
Just because I can listen fast and I can barely track you and I bet half the listeners can't hear what you're saying.
I'm barely following.
I agree.
In fact, I have a big article here out of the Hill.
The elites are panicking saying they're getting jury nullification except for the fewer jurisdictions they control.
Everyone's turning against the system.
And the Republican neocon answer is have the Republicans that are really Democrat operatives are about to leave the Republican Party.
Because, quote, they're scared of the populist.
When's Whistleblower Whitehurst coming on that was showing how the federal government was framing innocent people?
I've had Dr. Frederick Whitehurst on four or five times.
It's even live.
I'm sure he's alive.
When I interviewed that guy like 30 years ago, 25 years ago.
Yeah, this is a key point to bring him on.
And also, for a promotional issue, I would love to see InfoWars do like a sports trading card that has the Alex Jones Show on the top, the War Room in the middle, and the American Journal at the bottom, and signed to the right.
For promotional, you could probably get between $16 and $120 for each one.
Now, that'd be a great funding mechanism.
Actually, Drew, who's watching right now, came up with the idea.
We need to finish that, do that, and then roll that out.
That's a great idea.
Anything else, James?
No, thanks for your time.
Keep up the fight, Alex.
I love you, brother.
Thank you so much.
All right, Aaron in South Carolina.
You're on the air.
Alex, I got a plug for you at the end of this if you want it.
Go ahead.
All right.
Hey, no violence.
If you want to be effective, Donald, call back in and have Donald start offering prayers.
And, you know, you don't Just stay in your lane, Alex.
You are opening the hearts and minds of people doing what you're doing.
Keep doing what you're doing, please.
We don't need to get violent right now.
Yeah, we know we could take a bullet.
I mean, that'd be great.
No, but it's a normal discussion when you're overrun in a coup to talk about, hey, let's physically fight back.
But we're in a new war.
It's more sophisticated than that.
And if I really thought physical violence was the way to go, I would say it.
But right now, they're getting ready to false flag it and blame us, guaranteed.
Okay, well, hey, look, whatever they do, Alex, you stay in your lane.
You're the prophet.
The closer you are to the Lord, the more pure and the harder your words are going to hit.
So just keep doing what you're doing, okay?
Well, I think we're all pathetic in this moment, but yes, go ahead.
What else is on your mind?
All right.
So I called in about arresting Trump.
Yeah, let him be arrested.
And I'm going to base what I'm saying off of your own words, Alex.
You can correct me if I'm wrong, but have I heard you say that if you found out Trump was involved with Epstein and underage girls, that you were done with them?
Of course!
Well, that information's out there.
I've tried really hard to get it to you, to get you with Maria Farmer and let her tell you herself.
Let me just stop you.
Let me just stop you.
I've seen daily mail articles that claim I grabbed a woman's butt and said I wanted to marry her.
A, I never grabbed anybody's butt, and I didn't tell that woman I wanted to marry her.
They paid her money, $10,000 I'm told to say that, okay?
Then I see this woman.
Tell Anderson Cooper she thinks rape is sexy and that Trump never touched her but it was more emotional rape?
I don't believe that!
So just because somebody says... Trump is not on the logs on Epstein's plane!
So I'm not in bed with Trump.
If I see Trump being bad, I'll come out against him.
There's been all these Jane Doe's file lawsuits claiming Trump's doing all this.
Trump's a control freak!
You think Trump...
Well, get on an airplane with a third party and fly to an island and screw kids.
Let me just say this, Alex.
Let me just say this.
At least, please be careful and definitely watch out for that snake, Alan Dershowitz.
Be very careful.
That's all I'm asking you to do right now.
I'm sure you'll figure... No, no, I hear you.
Alan Dershowitz had a book out that my publisher put out.
It's an imprint of a big publisher, and he's very interesting.
But I mean, look, lawyers are allowed to represent people.
So he represented, on a few things, Jeffrey Epstein.
I mean, what I'm trying to understand is, there was never any evidence he did anything.
What I'm saying is, I want to see evidence.
People claim all day, I'm a KKK member.
No evidence.
It's ridiculous.
I'm Papa Smurf before I'm that.
I'm certainly not the president of HairClub for Men.
But I mean, I'm trying to understand.
I keep hearing Trump is screwing kids.
I know people that were his wingmen.
Trump likes super intimidating, six foot tall women.
Maybe he's not anymore.
I don't know.
I hope I'm wrong.
want control because they're not confident.
They want a little eight year old kid 'cause it makes them all powerful.
Donald Trump is not screwing kids, man.
That's not his MO.
Maybe he's not anymore.
I don't know.
I hope I'm wrong.
You said he's not anymore.
What I'm telling you is I wanna see, he's not on the flight logs, Bill Gates is.
30 something times.
Listen, you need to talk to Maria Farmer, Alex.
You need to talk to the woman.
Okay, Maria.
What proof?
I don't even know who that is.
It's because of her that you were vindicated.
She is Jeffrey Epstein's secretary that reported him to the FBI.
The only person.
I forget all the names.
Okay, I remember that now.
What does she say about Trump?
There's two families that she had to hide from when she went into hiding, other than One were the Clintons, the other were the Trumps.
So is she saying... Alex, you need to talk to her!
You're on air uncensored, sir.
I'm asking you, what did she say?
Hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm saying, what did Trump do?
What did they say?
I'm not going to say anything.
Alright, listen, I appreciate your call.
All I know is... I've had the system go around with PIs and try to get people to lie about me.
I want to see proof.
That's all I'm saying.
I'm not in bed to promote Trump.
I'm not in league with Trump.
I've got nothing but grief support in Trump.
And let me tell you something, Sound of Freedom, they are legitimately censoring that coming after it, and it exposes them and they can't stand it.
I mean, I know that intellectually and spiritually, I feel good promoting the film.
Like my instinct that I used to go against my spirit, I used to always ignore it like the caller said, Donald.
It's never wrong.
It's just promoted.
It's good.
And my gut tells me Trump's pigheaded and thinks he knows everything and thinks he knows how to do it best.
And then I know people that know him.
Roger Stone was his wingman for 20 years.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
I read in a newspaper article, Roger never told me that when Trump was cheating on his wife, Roger had to go out with him because Roger would be the guy that was the boyfriend of the girlfriend, even though it was really Trump's girlfriend.
I read that in a news article.
Roger didn't tell me that.
The point is, Trump likes... I'm not really into six-foot women.
But I mean, I've met Melania.
She's very intimidating.
The point is, he likes the biggest, intimidating, thousand-horsepower woman you can get.
That's not pedos.
Pedos don't want thousand-horsepower women.
I like thousand-horsepower women.
But the point is, is that I don't want children.
I have no attraction other than give them an ice cream and be nice to them and tell them, you know, little kid jokes.
So if there's a pedo universe, I'm on the opposite end of it.
I'm like, take a little kid fishing, tell him jokes, have fun, you know, laugh at their funny jokes.
They're so good.
That's how Trump is.
Trump's not screwing children.
And there's no evidence of it.
Absolutely no evidence of it.
And there's become this religion to say Trump's the worst thing on earth.
And I'm not going to sit here and then say Trump's the worst thing on earth and then not attack the enemy.
So if I've attacked O'Biden and the Rothschilds and the New World Order and Sadiq Khan and Disney, if I've attacked them for 50 hours, Then Trump gets one hour of attack.
That's what I'm saying.
It's like this.
Well, we're showing how good we are that we spend all our time attacking Trump because, you know, we're not with him.
We want brownie points for the system.
There's a headline, Trump banned Jeffrey Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after sex criminal hit on minor's daughter.
Book claims.
Yeah, I know all the inside baseball from Roger.
And I think it was like 15, 20 years ago, They're there in Florida, next to his club, he gets invited to Epstein's house.
I think Roger said he was there.
So he gets there with Trump, they walk in, and Trump goes, man, this guy's really nice to let all the little kids in the neighborhood swim in his pool.
And Trump, like, was there 30 seconds, he goes, where's the parents?
And Trump said, let's get out of here.
And they ran out of the place.
I mean, Donald Trump wasn't in Moscow or St.
Petersburg being peed on.
Donald Trump doesn't screw children.
Give me a break.
You think Donald Trump feels big conquering a child?
That's the pedophiles that get off on that.
I mean, I know psychology, folks.
A globalist scumbag gets off on conquering a child and stealing their innocence.
Donald Trump wants the biggest, most aggressive, Meryl Monroe flamethrowing woman to conquer.
He wants the big kahuna.
You know why I know?
Because that's what I want.
I want the big, flame-breathing woman, man.
The full deal.
I don't want some little chicken woman.
I don't want a teenager girl.
I sure as hell don't want some kid.
I want a woman.
A woman.
The big thing.
The big one.
With the big hips.
The big breasts.
The big hair.
The big lips.
The big eyes.
The big, big, big.
And I'm not here in some defense of Trump.
I just know Trump and know what he likes.
He's the opposite of a PETA.
But I think the caller raises something really important.
I bet the caller's right.
I bet they do dredge up.
They've already got all these freakazoids claiming Trump tried to rape them.
I bet they do dredge up them saying he screwed some kid.
In fact, I bet that's next, because they know we're aware of their pedophilia.
We know they're aware of Big Mike.
We know we're aware of the Clintons, the Podestas.
I think that caller's super right.
I bet they come out and say Donald Trump is screwing kids.
I actually think that's true.
Because that's the one thing they think will turn us against Trump.
And if I ever see evidence, I don't mean some deep fake, folks.
Because they could show you a deep fake of me raping a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
They could show a deep fake of me having sex with Santa Claus, folks.
They could show a deep fake of me raping the Virgin Mary.
It's not real, okay?
I'm lusting after a ribeye steak right now, not kids.
Like, in my chain, it's like, ribeye steak, my wife, it goes down, sunset, children aren't even on the menu.
But the point is, ribeye steaks and baked potatoes are, like, right at the top.
I'm sorry.
Double vodka with lemon.
But the point is, is that we have to get to the point of just getting smart here.
Rich and Evan and John and Curtis and Jim and Hammer, I gotta get to you.
I'm out of control today, but the callers are amazing.
We didn't cover a lot of the news, though.
Boy, it was amazing.
We'll try to hit some of it.
Maybe I'll just take over the fourth hour.
Probably will.
In fact, let's just do that.
Rich in New Jersey.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Nice talking to you, finally.
I've listened to you for years.
You mentioned that we're in a one-party system or moving towards it.
We've been there in New Jersey.
I ran for a local office in New Jersey.
I ran for a state office in the eighth largest county in New Jersey.
And I can tell you the Republican Party doesn't exist.
There's, in my county, Camden County, there are 35 towns and 12 of those, about a third of them, have no municipal chair.
The county chair does everything in his or her power, depending upon the jet,
to not help you win.
And it's to the point now where I talk to other candidates that ran, I'm not running this year, but I ran in the past,
and I talk to other candidates, and it's almost like these municipal chairs or these county
chairs work for the other side.
Oh, absolutely.
So talk about what you've seen in New Jersey.
Because New Jersey or Michigan or even New York is a perfect example of Republicans are vestigial.
Look at California.
The few Republicans that want House seats get indicted.
So absolutely, the Democratic Party is outlawing the two-party system.
Yeah, I mean, so a couple years ago I ran for state assembly in my district.
The people I ran against had been in for 20 years, 20 plus years, and I sat down with the chair and also the finance director and I said, you know, I know you're not going to help me.
I know you're going to disappear after I commit and sign on a dotted line, but I listen to your show all the time, and you always say, start at the local level.
So I want to get involved.
I did it at a municipal level, and I did it at the state level.
And it is so hard, because you ask for help.
I even said to them, I said, listen, can you give me $500 so I can get seated, so I can get a website up?
I put so much money out of my own pocket to get started.
And I have a small business... And remember, they're raising, they're getting huge amounts from the RNC but giving nothing to candidates.
Well, that's just it.
In other words, I looked at the Republican and Democratic Party as like franchises.
And, you know, something does have to filter down to the local levels.
And, you know, I came to the party with, and I got chastised by Republicans that, which I won't name their names, but, you know, there's some good ones out there in New Jersey, but some of the major guys that have been in power in New Jersey for years, lawyers and high-end businessmen, I said to them, here's two things that I would like to do when I get in.
that I want to do. One, everybody talks about term limits.
Okay, fine. You know, you do what you can in two term limits, and then halfway through
your second term limit, you kind of feed, you kind of bring along the next person and
say, you know, continue my journey. But the other thing I said, and I asked this very
I said to them, why are we spending millions of dollars?
In my case, I raised $50,000 against the Democratic chief at $3 million.
I said, why are we spending millions of dollars to get a seat that pays us $50,000 a year?
And they kind of like chuckled.
They're like, well, what do you mean?
They were kind of like dumbfounded.
I asked that question.
I said, I know the answer to that question.
I'm not an idiot.
I'm a businessman.
I know the answer to that question.
But here's what I propose.
Why don't we come down, we have an agreement between both parties, and we say, you know what?
You cannot raise or spend more than one year's worth of salary for any position from, you know, very local level all the way up to, hey, presidential, whatever it is.
Because the million dollars that are spent, we know why they're spending it, because it's Sure, but you understand the problem with that model.
In the past, it was a problem.
Because back then, if you do campaign caps, then the corporate media will promote your enemy and give them free advertisement and beat you.
But now, because the corporate media is broken, if we have freedom online, we could actually have donation caps.
Thank you so much for the call.
All right, we're going to go to break.
And then we're gonna go to Evan, John, Curtis, Jim, and Hammer.
Then I set for calls.
I got a few other new stories.
Way more than a few I was gonna hit.
But there's no way to do justice, but I'll try.
I mean, it's amazing what we've got ready for you.
And then in the fourth hour... Who do we have in the fourth hour?
I forgot who's taking over.
Kate Daly's always amazing.
I'll probably take a little bit of her time.
And I didn't do this.
I only plugged once the first hour.
Didn't plug in the second hour.
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I don't have to fight to prove I'm right.
Certainly not my Hollywood and the left.
Only God forgives me, not you.
All right, let's go right back to your phone calls.
Man, I really want to hit the pedo stack today.
I mean, man, these people are sick and they all got that look to them.
They'll be defeated.
Because we're never going to stop pushing until we stop them.
Alright, let's go to your phone calls.
Evan in California, thanks for holding your own here.
Stopping the New World Order and the Trump indictment.
What's your view?
This is Evan the Evangelist.
Nice to talk to you again.
I want to make a quick comment.
I met Donald Trump in 1994 on a movie set.
He's the guy you described.
I love the guy like a brother.
He's a great guy and I know what the pedo vibe is and that ain't him.
He's a fantastic guy.
I want to make a comment in fighting the New World Order.
There's roughly 70 million Catholics, and if a couple of them, instead of working towards the New World Order, were against it, it would be a huge swing.
The Pope is running the New World Order, the spiritual wing.
He was getting people to take the vaccine.
The Catholic Charities is trafficking kids across their southern border, and people don't really want to talk about this, but I'm an evangelist.
I like bragging about Christ, not about some building.
So I think it's super important if your listeners knew something, and that is that people like Lady Gaga and Bono, they're in good standing with the Catholic Church.
So is Joe Biden.
So people need to realize that Catholics should be following Christ, not a church led by a Pope saying that there is no hell.
Even though Jesus said more about hell than he did heaven, they're essentially calling him a liar.
They say he isn't quite kind enough, so he might want to follow the Virgin Mary instead.
So a big thing that Catholics need to do is become part of the solution instead of the mover of the problem, essentially.
They're giving political cover for the New World Order's religion.
And, you know, Augustine made, in Augustine, 300 years after Christ, made it the state religion.
People talk a lot about the different paganist things.
But one thing I want to point out, that it was Gregory I in 600 AD, 600 years after Christ, He came up with the doctrine of purgatory.
So, essentially, he put people in bondage that Christ had set free, so now, out of fear, they're in the Catholic Church.
Out of fear, they give money to the Catholic Church.
I said they'd be a lot better off giving money to them for wars, and I just, you know, people don't want to say this stuff because it seems like you're attacking Catholics.
I was raised a Catholic, and then I came to Christ.
So, if people realize that the They're running cover for the New World Order when they say they're Catholics.
And I pointed out before to you, Alex, that the LGBT was running cover from the pedo-movement.
When you talk to a Catholic family member, you should say, hey, do you realize that your church is promoting the New World Order?
Do you realize that?
And they should come to Christ in a way that makes them not an enemy of Christ.
I believe it's the doctrine of demons, the Catholic Church, And, like I say, I love Catholics.
I've known a lot of Catholics and counseled them, and when they were on their deathbed... Sure, well there's no doubt, there's no doubt the current pub and the whole system, but you look at the play they use to take over the Catholic Church, it's been the same play to take over everything.
The Boy Scouts, our colleges, our public schools, I mean it's all an attack on our children, a pedophile cult.
I appreciate your call, great point sir.
Alright, John in Nebraska, thank you for calling your own ear.
Yeah, Alex.
Topic for tomorrow, 54th anniversary of the fake moon landing.
Maybe have Stanley Kubrick, his daughter on.
You know, I've talked to Vivian Kubrick.
She doesn't know anything about 2001 Space Odyssey.
She's in the movie, but she's three years old.
Well, I'm not talking about the movie 2001, I'm talking about... No, no, no, I know, but they say, like, he shot that and he shot this.
Guys, type in Vivian Kubrick 2001.
Like, he makes a phone call from a space station to his daughter.
It's a video phone call.
Sorry, go ahead.
Well, Bart Shibrel is probably the best one on the fake moon landing.
Oh, and by the way, the last caller, yeah, right on on the Catholic thing, I've been Well, isn't it funny?
India tried to land something a few years ago and it blew up.
Now they're sending another probe.
Why can't anybody else get something on the moon?
It all blows up.
Is somebody blowing it up or what's happening?
You need to get Stu Peters or Owen Benjamin's opinion on the moon landing.
I know you had them both on recently, and of course they wouldn't touch the topic, because you immediately lose credibility, but this gentleman who was saying, in truth, that everything in the Bible is true, it's kind of interesting that the Bible in Genesis 1-16, talking about the moon here, It said that God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night.
The moon gives its own light.
And I'd just be curious if Stu Peters, who claims to be now on his own show, a globe skeptic, if you would look into this.
I know how crazy it sounds and I didn't mean to get off on that.
But I just thought tomorrow the moon landing was... No, no, I hear you.
But let me just say this.
Let me just say this.
Look at my head right now.
If you... This is actually flat.
It's an optical illusion that it's round.
I agree, it's all flat.
I don't follow all that enough, man.
Listen, I've been up at 50,000 feet in a private plane, and I've seen the curvature of the earth.
I'm not going to debate that.
I can't get folks to admit that the COVID shot doesn't work.
So just the whole globe thing is just too much.
I appreciate your call.
My head is not around.
It's flat.
How do you prove it?
Well, I mean, at a certain level, it all looks round, but it's just really flat.
It's a realm.
All right, let's go ahead and talk to Curtis in Minnesota.
Curtis, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
Hey, Jesse Ventura, when he wrote his last book, I went to the book signing.
It was up in St.
Cloud, Minnesota.
And I got there just before he arrived.
So I went back to the front door and I saw this limo pulling up and I knew it was him.
So I stood there and I held the door open for him and his wife when they came in.
And, um, you know what?
I, he came in and he told the story about the CIA interviewing him right away when he first became governor.
And they wanted to know all about his campaign.
I was in the bottom of the basement after I've been elected and in came the CIA.
It was like 20 people look like old ladies and normal people.
And they said, we want to know how you won.
So anyways, when I was a Navy SEAL, I was a warrior.
I was a fighter.
Alex, that's a great imitation, but I, I'm trying to get something here.
I held that door open and I spoke to his wife and she had an eye on me the entire time he was giving his speech.
She took my pictures.
She was taking pictures of the crowd and Jesse puts his wife on a pedestal and He and his wife have been under attack, and I think that's why he's totally turned the way he's turned.
And I could be wrong, but, you know, she's been having seizures, and he's been treating her... No, no, no.
I know his wife well.
She's a nice lady.
I don't think she's his handler.
She's a great lady.
No, not a handler, but, you know, I think she kind of wears the pants in the family, and I think she's spooked by all this crap.
I mean, they had assassinated his his reputation they've been through a lot and bless you too
I mean you guys at the tip of the spirit you know Jesse ran that show they attack leadership
and this country's hurting for leadership and without leadership people have nothing okay
well I think Jesse's a good guy and I appreciate your call brother yeah no uh I know Jesse's
wife well hanging a lot with her nice lady I saw him on Theo Vaughn's show this year like I
believe everyone should be made to take the shot you shouldn't be able to leave your house if
you don't take it Meanwhile, I was on shows with Alex and experts predicting the lockdown and the fourth shot.
Why did I do that?
I don't know.
But I'm a Navy SEAL.
And I'm a fighter.
And so, I think Americans should let Big Pharma put in their body whatever they want.
Because I'm a Navy SEAL.
And I'm a fighter.
And that's all I'm saying.
I think they should put in our bodies whatever they want.
I think they think they think they're...
*Humming* *Laughing*
Ooooooh baby! I'm going crazy today!
I should look like Benjamin Franklin, like him.
I should grow like, wow, that's it.
That's my new hairstyle.
I'm going to grow a big mullet and like Benjamin Franklin hair.
Oh my God, it'll be obnoxious.
I like Jesse, but I know the inside baseball.
He did his first and second True TVs.
They got huge ratings.
And they came and said, next we're doing chupacabras and things like that.
And if you don't want to be involved in that, fine, you're not involved.
And I said, fine.
Then later they came back and said, They want you to do the series, but it's going to be on UFOs.
I said, no, thank you.
I don't want some TV show.
Big deal.
I was like, Jesse, I've already hosted like five History Channel and two Discovery Channel shows.
I know you only think your two TV show is the only one that's big, but I've already hosted like five, six shows.
Did you know that?
No, I did not know that.
Only I have TV show.
So I ignore all of this stuff, man.
None of it means anything to me.
Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero.
All right, let's talk to Jim in South Carolina.
You're on the air, Jim!
All right, thank you, Alex.
Long time listener, first time caller.
You have done well, though, today, though.
I came across some information that's out here with a fellow named Derrick Johnson.
He's a retired military disabled veteran.
So his name is Derrick Johnson?
Yeah, Derrick Johnson.
Do you want a D-E-R?
No, I got it.
I'm just writing it down.
What did he say?
Well, he came out with the information as far as President Trump.
And the inauguration ceremonies on January 20th.
President Trump left the White House with Melania, red carpet treatment, flew out to Andrews Air Force Base, red carpet again, official gun battery salute, 21 gun salute.
Whereas Biden never received a 21 gun salute on his inauguration.
It was very strange and no one was there, yes.
Yeah, I know.
And he was sworn in before noon.
Whereas it's against the Constitution.
One term begins And the other begins and he was actually sworn in before
protocols being in order to little you know Two men having the babies kind of protocol being in order
Yeah, so I mean I was thrilled You know with this realization that he's
Put forth as far as President Trump and the executive orders that he is
Put in place and that whoever is is impersonating Biden there.
I mean, you can look at the before and after.
She's completely different, especially the earlobes.
If you look at them, they say it's the eyes.
And next you're going to tell me that Big Mike's got a big old pecker?
You know he does, right?
Well, it basically drags the ground, yeah.
It's like a trunk.
It's an elephant.
Well, listen, Big Mike's not actually a man.
It's actually an elephant.
So that thing bouncing around in the pants is actually an elephant trunk.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Alright, brother, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, you know, they don't care about protocol in the law.
Somebody that says, oh, Trump's secretly still in, and you know, this is... I mean, in the real world, the country's being butchered right now.
And I get it, we're in the twilight zone, so all I know is what Donald said earlier.
Not Donald Trump, the caller from Maryland.
God's the only thing that's going to fix this.
Hammer in Maine, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
I'm trying, brother.
All right.
So two reasons for calling.
One, I'd like to remind listeners about our power and sovereignty that we hold under Jesus Christ to not forget.
And remember what a president is, to preside as commander-in-chief.
He sets the tone, right?
So that being said, you know, like stanza and meter, our primary focus, I believe, should be to, like you're saying, don't fight this, and we're fighting powers and principalities.
Destroy the rage against God's children, that rage to consume it, because they don't have Jesus Christ.
That being said, to expose their occultism, remember all the names they use in articles, you know, they're fancy nonsense, to incite and generate discord.
So, I was actually a victim of satanic ritual abuse, a survivor, for over 20 plus years.
I won't get into it too deep, but... That's interesting, tell us about it.
Alright, well, my stepfather, All right, he used to do a lot of stuff to me when I was sleeping and all of that and the guy was just like flat-out dark personality and he was a Smith if you know what I mean and The Smith is what does that mean?
Well, you know like a blacksmith to you know, build and construct right, so it led me to rites and rituals of He was involved in the consumption of what I refer to as the Soma, what they try to get off of infants, and the cellular junk, you know, the stuff, the angel hair that comes off babies.
So they would consume this stuff, like the adrenochrome stuff too, and it would cause
the hallucinations like ayahuasca and all of that.
So the rites and rituals are really to consume power, but upon doing that and crossing that
threshold, they actually deny Jesus Christ and God, which is 100% positive.
So why would you deny Christ?
Okay, so I'm jumping around a little, but the Freedom of Information Act was for positivity
and to let people worship how they may.
It was never to hurt kids or perform satanic rites, and we've got to keep that on the forefront of our thinking.
Now, Roe vs. Wade and their sacrifice stuff, right?
You can clearly see how upset they are with the denying them of their material.
Oh yeah, I mean, the Satanic Church column just came out last week and said, it is our sacrament.
And then the Lepus River is saying, we need to kill babies.
I mean, they're demons.
Yeah, they're pissed, man.
But I think from there, it's important to jump back into the Twilight speak or double speak that they use, because Obama during his 2015 State of the Union, I think it was, before Trump got in.
Man, you could clearly hear that guy say that they were going to execute some kind of shock.
Oh, we have a shock!
And all of you that invested in it, blah, blah, blah.
And then everybody gets up and cheers, man.
They all clap for it.
In fact, I'm going to coin a new term for all the leftist sexualizations of children.
It's pedo-speak.
So now when Levine promotes cutting kids' balls off, it's pedo-speak.
Let's go to this clip of pedo-speak.
In fact, I'm going to cue up here when you're done.
We're going to have a few clips here of pedo-speak here today.
We're coining the term now.
They can't stand it.
I got a bunch of pedo-clips.
That's what I call it on my list when I have this clip.
Let's see how many pedo-clips I got.
We got, oh God, we got some pedo-clips here.
So we're going to have some pedo-speak for you.
Oh yeah, we got a lot of pedo speaker today.
So keep going, sorry.
Yeah, no worries.
So another point I wanted to make, I think it's super important for us to remember that we're all God's children.
Even the scum in this, we're supposed to pray even for our enemies.
And all those young trans kids that are finding this, right, it's not death metal or punk rock or any of that stuff like when we were younger.
It's now inside and they're questioning biological truths.
So they really got in and we're not going to let it, we're not going to let it fly anymore.
We're in their cult.
Just as we're on the planet they control and they're literally teaching us.
Men are not real.
Women are not real.
We're going to teach children how to have sex.
We're going to teach them all this.
It's a sick cult.
I appreciate your call.
All right.
Kate Daly's about to take over the fourth hour, but I did not get to the pedo stack today.
I did not get to the environmental power grab stack today.
I did not get to the Biden abolishes popular tax break.
Biden abolishes popular tax break for many retirement savers.
Now he's taking people's 401ks.
How liberal!
Oh, you're getting free tuition, but we're going to take the retirees' money.
You're not going to get a free education.
You're not going to get, they're going to take everything.
And just stop being chumps.
And I know a regular audience are not chumps.
I'm saying the people that buy this crap, come on, man, to quote Joe Biden.
So I'm going to take a few minutes in the next hour to hit all this.
But just look at this guy.
This is the guy that came out against the Sound of Freedom.
He writes all these articles defending pedophiles, and he now is upset that he's being attacked.
But just, if I need a babysitter, there's one guy I call.
You know, if you need the Ghostbusters, call this guy.
But let me tell you, this is a very nice person.
Very nice person.
And this is all they could get to attack Sound of Freedom is this guy.
Who are we gonna have attack Sound of Freedom?
Well, there's that reporter that apologizes for pedophilia.
He's the perfect guy.
Let's get him right on that.
When the public sees that, they'll think this movie's fake.
So the guy's like, I defend and apologize for pedophiles, and your movie doesn't exist!
There's no pedophiles!
Say that again.
I'm apologizing for pedos, but they don't exist.
The devil's greatest trick is what?
He does not exist.
Bloomberg's Sound of Freedom hit piece written by pro-pedo contributor.
Big article on that.
What a nice person.
YouTube is pulling Sound of Freedom interviews and reviews.
And I mean, it's like mainline Fox News videos, you name it.
Pulling them, pulling them, pulling them, pulling them.
The movie's good, the movie's true.
They're upset, folks.
Sound of Freedom rates at 85 million, it's at 100 million now.
Two weeks only movie outside Christmas season to ever see second weekend ticket sales increase 35%.
It's a symbol of the death of Hollywood.
But there's this man.
He likes you.
Former spokesperson for Pedophile Advocacy Group writes Bloomberg hit piece targeting anti-child sex trafficking film Sound of Freedom.
That's Little Shoes Bloomberg.
Remember, that's Trump's nickname, Little Shoes Bloomberg.
What's that mean?
Oh, I know what Little Shoes means.
I wasn't told by Bloomberg's security detail what Little Shoes means.
Little Shoes Bloomberg.
But look at this nice man.
He's not creepy or anything.
The Wonder Woman author normalizing pedophilia.
Look at this article.
That's three years ago.
Two years ago.
What a nice man.
What a nice... And he's battling that sound of freedom.
Thank goodness.
Thank goodness we've got good people.
Fourth hour, straight ahead.
More news, I'm on the hit.
And then Kate Daly takes over.
Shelver Bullet.
Three years sold out.
Man, listen to Chuck Berry!
But he can play a guitar just like he's ringing a bell.
Say, whoa!
Go, go, Johnny!
Go, go, go!
Go, Johnny!
Go, go, go!
Go, Johnny!
Go, go, go!
Go Johnny, go, go, go!
Go Johnny, go, go, go!
We're gonna blow up the New World Order.
Just get ready for that.
Because you know we're not turning back.
You know it's not a bluff, you bastards.
We're gonna eat your guts.
This dog will hunt.
He will be the leader of a big ol' band.
Kate Daly's about to take over.
Listen to this right now.
Go Johnny!
Go, go, go!
Yeah, I'm gonna stick with the humans.
The God that made us.
That's just the way I am.
I'm a human supremacist.
I'm kind of partial to my people.
All right, great job to the crew.
We're going to end this little transmission here before Kate Daly takes over.
I hit four stacks today.
I got about 15.
And I'm going to be a good boy tomorrow.
I have a feeling I'm going to come in here and hit the carbon tax, New World Order, SEG, fraud stack first.
And then we'll have all the other news tomorrow.
Owen Schroer has always got the latest breaking news.
He'll be on in about 55 minutes, once we go to break.
57 minutes right now.
He'll be taking over and knocking it out of the park.
And the best part of my job is I get to know this great crew, I get to know all you listeners and viewers, and I get to take on the New World Order, which my cells And my soul and everything I am is meant to do.
So I'm just very honored to be in attack formation.
So stay in attack formation.
All right, that's it for my segment.
The great Kate Daly takes over the other side of the break.
But first, a little promo that Darren McBreen put together.
Attention, projectionists.
Adjust the lens so that your picture will be focused properly before the show starts.
4, 3, 2, 1 Your film is now ready to be shown.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
And I have so many things to talk about today.
We got to play a little catch up here.
I've got life insurance.
Some things came out about life insurance that are very, very telling.
Also, some things about Trump also.
And I want to talk about what the CFR, Council on Foreign Relations, is telling you about what's going to happen.
So, so many things today.
But let's get started.
If I was a member of the AP, I have to laugh when I say that because they're so buffoonish and ridiculous in their news coverage.
The news yesterday, heat is testing the limits of human survival.
It's called summer.
It's summer.
It's one of the four seasons.
Let me introduce you.
It's one of the four seasons that we always have and that we've always had.
I know, it sounds crazy, like I made it up, but yeah.
And by the way, this is not the most craziest heat you've ever been through in your whole entire life.
It's not climate change.
1913, it was 126 degrees.
In 1930s, it was 119 degrees average.
There you go.
No climate change.
It's called being cyclical.
So I literally have 110 degree temperature outside from where I'm at right now.
And I'm sitting in air conditioning.
And then I get into my air conditioning car and I'm still alive.
Who knew?
Oh my gosh.
Run for the hills.
Human survival.
It's embarrassing.
It's embarrassing.
And all the way down to whatever local news you have, they're parodying this kind of crap.
Are you tired of it?
You know, in the wheel of fear, malaria is back, the heat.
I mean, they are running out of things and they're a little arsenal.
It's embarrassing.
Anyway, so be very afraid of arsenal, not arsenal, be very afraid of malaria.
Yes, that's making a comeback for sure.
And now that the very glittery month of June is over, all I'm going to say about that is that we have seen the village and we don't want it raising our kids.
That was... I want my eyeballs to be washed.
Oh my gosh.
What a weird month that was, right?
And this is also a really good time to pull your kids out of government schools.
So I'm just making this plea kind of like a PSA.
Get your kids out of government schools.
It's not public school.
It's a government school, government indoctrination camp.
And if you're worried, well, they might come out weird.
Uh, homeschooling kids might be weird.
There are kids literally who identify as kitty cats in your kid's classroom.
Licking themselves and purring in the corner, behind the desks.
I assure you, your kids will be just fine.
I promise you that.
You can't get any weirder than government schools.
So please, by all means, rip your kids out of those institutions, please.
They don't stand a chance.
You guys, it's eight hours a day, six hours a day of constant crap coming at them.
I don't know how they survive that.
This is why when they go to college, they come home very liberal.
You could take the most conservative kid, conservative kid, put him in a four-year university and he'll come out a liberal.
It's very difficult to not have that happen.
So I plead with you, please rip your kids out of those schools right now.
It's worth it.
You might have to pay extra.
Yeah, you're going to be paying double with taxes and everything else.
But you know what?
Your kid's worth it.
And if you're a grandparent, help your kids out.
Let them know that you'll be there to help out when they want to rip them out of school.
Now, here's something very interesting.
This was the total life insurance numbers that just came out, and I want to share just a couple of stats with you, because this really tells the tale.
In 2019, okay, before the crazy went down, it was just semi-crazy, a 762 billion dollar payout.
$762 billion payout. $762 billion plus billion dollar payout.
Okay, that was.
In 2020, it went up?
No, no, it went down.
And it went down by a lot.
$744 billion in 2020.
$744 billion in life insurance payouts and annuities, all of it, okay?
And then in 2021, it shot up to nearly $800 billion.
$744 billion in 2020, $744 billion in life insurance payouts and annuities, all of it, okay?
And then in 2021, it shot up to nearly $800 billion.
Yeah, yeah.
And 2022, just about right at the $800 billion mark.
Just shy of it.
That is a huge jump.
Because in 2019, it was $762 billion.
We did not have a pandemic.
We have to stop saying that.
Everybody still refers to it as the pandemic of 2020.
Just stop.
We had a government-induced vax-demic.
That's what we had of 2021.
A government-induced vexedemic.
And that is very different from a pandemic.
And with great sanitation in our country, this would be very, very difficult to actually have a real pandemic because of the situation.
We don't have the same things we did during the Black Plague.
And the reason the Black Plague was the Black Plague was from bacteria, because it spread.
They didn't have the sanitation back then.
This is oftentimes why people got sick.
It's why pioneers got sick.
It's why it's why people in general had most most anomalies was bacteria and fungus.
It was not virus.
So please we got to stop saying pandemic.
It's just we keep encouraging the lie and then we talk about it and we say the truth about it, but that's not what we should be doing.
We should always be correcting the lie.
We were not in a pandemic.
There were not extra bodies.
There were not extra spaces in the cemeteries.
Life insurance, the numbers finally came out.
$744 billion in 2020.
We did not have excessive death.
In fact, it went down.
Who was dying?
Who was dying?
I ask you, who was dying in 2020?
The only people dying were in the ICUs.
That's the saddest part of this, right?
With an experimental drug.
By the way, I had Scott Schara on last week, and his daughter Grace, I think, in my personal interpretation, was murdered by the hospital.
The judge did appoint a trial date.
So that was coming, remember when I had him on, in two days he was going to be going in for this.
And the hospital was going to argue that it was, it should be carried under medical malpractice.
That that's how it should be handled.
Well, they, They tried.
They tried to do that last Friday.
And then what happened is the judge went, no, no.
And the the case was argued that she passed away.
And so therefore, no, it goes to trial.
So it's going to trial in November 2024.
So I just wanted all of you to know that.
This is something that I think all eyeballs should be on, this case, because this case tells the tale.
When they want to get away with what they're doing in the hospitals and act like, oh, we didn't know, we, oh, geez, you know, we were not to blame here.
We were just doing what we were told to do.
We all know, looking back at Nazi Germany, we all know that that does not, it's not okay.
Now the Nuremberg stuff doesn't apply here in the United States, sadly.
Most people don't know that.
But let me just tell you, this kind of case, and the courage of Scott Shara and his family, that is a big, big deal.
And we need to keep an eye on this, and support in any way we can, and support those that want to take the hospitals to court.
They should.
I almost lost my husband there, and I know what they're up against.
But let me tell you, if the court cases don't come, we're totally done.
So we have to fight on that level and use the court system to our advantage.
Last time I checked, yep, we still had a constitution.
Not very many people are obeying that constitution.
And I get it.
But we can still use the court system and there still might be some decent judges that still care about the process and still care about this country.
Maybe a few.
I'm hopeful.
Who knows?
I know that there are many on the take.
But you know what?
There's still something here that is so beautiful about this case and so sad that this happened to the Shara family.
But you know, I'm looking at this whole situation and the way they've dealt with it.
And the way they've dealt with it is beautiful.
They didn't take the FEMA money.
It allowed them to sue the hospital for wrongful death and go after this.
And I'm so glad because what's going to happen during a trial?
All the facts come out.
That's what's so great about it.
All the facts come out, right?
Or at least they try.
And at least you have a shot at it and people can start understanding what in the world's going on with the hospitals and what a predicament we're in ever since Obamacare and the centralization of medicine.
I'm going to come right back.
I've got some stuff on FedNow.
I've got all kinds of stuff.
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
Hi there.
Welcome back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
So good to be with you.
Hope you're enjoying it.
I mean, we're halfway through the summer, right?
Can you believe it?
This year has just gone by so quickly.
I swear I think time is going faster.
I truly do.
You can't do that one second thing anymore.
The 1, 1,000, 2, 1,000.
It doesn't work anymore.
It actually goes a little faster, it seems, doesn't it?
Anyway, FedNow will be launched as soon as tomorrow.
And FedNow, probably not the biggest thing to be concerned with, but it is paving the way for FedCoin.
And that truly is the problem.
FedCoin will be definitely the issue.
But the Federal Reserve, that horrific entity, will launch FedNow, real-time payments, services early as tomorrow.
So, you know, just so everyone's very, very aware.
I'm sure you are.
But, you know, it's interesting because They already had this, really, in the COVID CARES money, the 2020 money that they handed out to everybody.
There was a section in there, and I actually took screenshots of it.
There was a section in there that had already gone to this place and already figured this out, and now they're making it look like it's very, very new.
Like, they just did it, you know?
They just pulled this rabbit out of the hat.
It's ridiculous.
We know that, right?
They've had this for a long time.
They've been trying to implement it, but they took it out of, it was like one of the first things in the CARES Act, and then they took it out right before they put that through.
And so, who knows why?
I guess it wasn't just ready yet.
I don't know.
They were baking it in the oven for some time.
And so it's pretty sick because what it does is it lays a track down, and that's the most dangerous part of that.
It lays a track down for FedCoin.
and the takeover of payment systems in general, so that you think the federal government
is gonna do a whiz-bang job, right?
When have they ever done that?
When have they ever?
Well, they only succeed in control.
They only succeed in that.
So it makes sense.
I also wanted to talk about this too.
The federal judge hinted yesterday that the historic criminal trial
for the alleged mishandling of classified documents, as Trump is the only person
that will be in this situation for that.
Makes no sense, right?
Against Trump might not start until after the 2024 election.
The judge didn't say whether she would agree to this request or not to postpone the trial, but she was going to take it into consideration.
Now, let's just go down.
Let's just go down this road for just one second.
Because you can't ignore just the very, very obvious.
Number one.
What judge in the country can do that when it comes to a case?
Oh, you're running for president?
Not a problem.
Let me take that into consideration.
You're flying to the fake moon landing?
Oh my gosh, you're an astronaut.
Let's take that into consideration.
That doesn't happen.
It just doesn't happen.
And the thing is, is I actually really like Trump.
I really do.
I know a lot of things that he's done that have been amazing behind the scenes.
And I actually am a fan.
I have voted for him.
I'm a fan.
I like him.
This isn't about him, though.
This is about the game.
So, there's a couple of things that are happening here, and I guess we can all decide which, right?
The judge is just doing something really bizarre that they never do, and we're supposed to concentrate that it's a win, but we're not supposed to think it's preposterous that it would happen, right?
And that they're going to use this against him in the campaign, yes, and they can make it look like nobody voted for him, yes, they could do that, right?
The problem is, is that we all know that elections are fixed and nobody's done anything about the fraud.
The immense fraud.
So what does that mean?
They can fix it anyway.
They're looking maybe for a plausible reason why he doesn't win.
But here's the other case scenario.
Biden did that little slip where he said Trump was going to be president again.
I thought that was kind of funny, actually.
So let's just say he is, right?
And let's just say whoever his VP is, they use this against him and they do this show trial after the election if he wins.
And they put him in so that everybody stops talking about election fraud.
And then of course his successor would be the Vice President.
That could work.
Or then there's this other scenario where maybe the entire thing is faked.
And I mean the entire thing is faked.
And they're all a part of it and playing this game.
A while ago I said, you know, he'll never ever actually do time, and he won't sit in jail, and there probably won't be this trial.
And if I'm right, then I guess you gotta go with the third scenario.
That it's all a game.
That it's all fake-a-roo.
And that either whether he was on board or threatened or whatever the case may be, because I really don't think Trump is a horrific guy.
I can think of a lot more horrific people right now all throughout D.C.
than Trump.
But it is kind of interesting that this lags on and that this could actually get excused for a reason that isn't really plausible and doesn't really work because that's just not how it's done.
If you're in a criminal trial and you really think somebody's a criminal, you're not going to go, oh, well, we'll put it off because of this one reason.
That just doesn't work that way.
So it leads me to believe that probably the whole entire thing is faked.
And I know no one wants to hear that.
Everyone wants a Superman.
Everyone wants to think we can put our faith and trust in one person to clean up this horrid, wretched mess that we all made.
And I know you say, well, we didn't make it.
Well, Through consent and through just ignoring it, yeah, we never ever really challenged all the stuff going on.
So we are to blame.
We are to blame.
But I'm throwing that out there because I want us to see the theater as a total theater One thing that the lefty loonies don't have is clarity.
They don't have a way to understand what's actually happening.
So they get mired down in these little weird details while they're pushing agenda and they can't see that a bigger production is being played out.
And the one advantage that you have listening to this is that you can see you do have that clarity and that is a complete and total gift.
And so would it be a stretch to understand that the entire thing is played?
That they're all a part of what's going on?
Because the trajectory of the nation has only gone one way in 120 years.
And that way has not served us well.
We are losing liberty all the time.
So obviously, it's not working.
And as we sit there and we pontificate as Republicans, or we sit there and look at the whole, oh my gosh, we've got to do something.
Something's never done.
A lot of talk.
A lot of talk.
And even your favorite guy, whoever that is, you're thinking of your favorite politician right now.
Even them.
You can't count on anything they do, because they're not actually doing anything.
So it leads me to believe that it might be that third option, right?
I mean, you kind of have to go there because of the way that all of this is playing out.
It's not normal.
This is not how things normally happen in court.
It's not normal at all.
It's just like the $5 million case against him that wasn't a criminal trial for rape or whatever it was, but it ended up that way and a win in a civil court for $5 million and he wasn't there.
Come on, that doesn't happen.
This is ridiculous.
It's ridiculous to think that.
So my mind goes there.
Could it be the other options?
I guess.
I could be totally wrong.
I understand.
Maybe the judge is just doing something bizarre.
We should look at it as a win.
They will use it against him.
Who knows?
Who knows?
They'll use it to construct voter fraud.
Who knows?
But it will be interesting to see who's in this race.
They're all vetted, right?
They're all properly vetted.
So I guess we'll see who the winner or figurehead of America actually is, because that's what we're voting for is figurehead of America.
Make no mistake.
It's not the president like a President Washington was.
No, this is the figurehead.
Doesn't actually run the country.
It's just the face of the country.
We got a horrid face right now.
A sniffing face.
Be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
Oh yeah.
Back here with you on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Daly.
Oh, I'm doing the white man Oprah bite on that one.
Oh yeah.
Love it.
I love music.
Gets me through all of this crazy insanity.
It's no secret that I am in the state of Utah and that I have a total kiss-ass, bald, Gavin Grusome Jr.
as a governor who parades around in a very feminine way and claims to be a conservative.
He just regrettably became the first chair of the National Governors Association.
Now, let me tell you why that's scary and why you should be very afraid for your own state.
Because something's about to roll out that he's going to bring to your states in the name of National Governors Association.
He is just loving this new title.
So it's called Disagree Better.
Disagree, but better.
So you can disagree, but you can do it better.
Really what they're saying is, you can't disagree, you better just agree.
Because if you don't, we'll go after you.
So here's a couple of things that they will be telling you in your state that you should be doing to disagree better.
And that is, write an op-ed with someone who is of the other party.
Because you know, it's always fun to sit down and write an op-ed with somebody from another party.
Said no one ever.
Do a service project with someone who is of another party.
That sounds fun.
Let's mow lawns.
Let's do it.
Let's go weed somebody's yard together.
And then have a calm, Valium-like debate.
So it's not really like a debate.
It's just where you outnice each other.
And you can sit and talk about what you agree on.
That sounds lovely.
Does it not?
Well, first of all, let me just say this because this is what he's not getting called on.
It's not his job.
Since when is it a governor's job To tell you how to deal with other people or go into the psychology of you or tell you that you can't be mad or that you can't call somebody a liar.
He paraded around my state to the high school students and he decided that he would go after them.
So what he did was he presented his conservation and all of these things and said, you know, you should conserve, but you should also be in the moderate middle.
Don't be too left.
Far right.
Just be in the mushy middle because it's fun.
I know that this is happening in your states too.
Because he's rolling it out under the National Governors Association.
You're also going to get disagree better.
This is plainly and very clearly not the role of government.
In a limited government, you are you.
You can do whatever you want.
You can say the things you want.
You can get mad.
You can disagree.
You can yell.
It does not matter.
But it's not their job to school you.
So they're paying taxpayer dollars on this.
I'm not kidding.
This is what it is.
And really the only thing they want is for you to agree with the liars and the narrative.
And unless you do, you know, you're not disagreeing better.
Truth brings peace.
What we actually need is truth.
We don't need service projects.
I don't need to write an op-ed with somebody from another party.
And I don't need to have a Valium-like debate where we outnice each other.
What we need is truth.
All across this country, that's what we're suffering from.
It's an illness.
You know, there are times where, do I miss my 18 year old rear end?
Do I miss being ignorant?
Yes, I do.
I miss being ignorant.
It was fun.
It was blissful.
They do say ignorance is bliss for a reason.
The problem is, is that at some point you have to adult and you have to get out of that and you have to realize that there is truth to be had and we're not getting it.
You're not getting it from the AP who's telling you that heat, how are you surviving this summer?
You're not getting it from that.
You're getting it from this, from shows that dare to tell the truth about what's actually happening big picture, right?
And even the Governor's Association.
That should never exist in this country.
The Founding Fathers would be rolling in their graves over this.
And it's very telling that it does.
And it's very sickening, actually, that it does.
Because it shouldn't.
They're rolling this out to your state soon.
So that you all can disagree better.
Just take Valium, right?
Seriously, that's really what they want.
And they want you to stop disagreeing with them and with the narrative.
And boy, wouldn't that be easy.
And when your governor embarks on a psychological campaign, like they've done around this country, really, for years, but when your governor takes it up as his new mission in life to make sure that he controls how you disagree with people, And capitalizing on the fact that, oh, see, none of you get along out there.
And I know you're all worried about it.
And with my concern as governor, I will help you to deal with life better with my disagree better.
The D is in blue, I think, and the B is in red.
So cute.
Anyway, gross.
I just threw up in my mouth.
That was disgusting.
Anyway, you're going to get it.
And I'm so sorry because this nimrod Became governor of my state, and not only did we give you Romney, but we gave you this guy.
So I'm really sorry.
Anyways, I didn't vote for either one of them, just so you know.
And who knows how much fraud was involved too.
I also had a conversation with a woman that was a liberal.
And I don't really have a lot of conversations like that because I just find it very difficult to tell you the truth.
But she was a woman liberal who actually, total lefty, but she actually was speaking out about the endgame of the transgender movement and what it looks like in the end.
And that is the erasure of women in general and also Sex in general, very much an end result of humans not being human and also going into transhumanism.
And it was interesting to hear somebody on the left say these things.
The only thing I was questioning was, I asked her, well, what are you fighting for?
You've been fighting for women's rights for 30 years and you pretty much have all the rights.
So I'm just wondering what you do, you know, at your desk every day.
And let me just tell you what they fight for.
They fight for the right to live free from violence and discrimination.
Okay, you can do that.
To enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.
Again, we already do that.
You can do that.
You don't need a women's group to do that for you.
You don't need an additional right.
To be educated.
That's not really a right.
Just something that you can go do.
To own property.
Okay, we do.
We own property.
Even if you're a woman, actually starting a business is actually easier.
They've actually given you more rights than the other person, which diminishes other people's rights.
To vote.
I think we nailed that one.
In fact, the states were already going that direction before the women were taking to the streets.
We know that, right?
The states were already doing that.
Because before, it had been property owners got the voting rights.
There is no right to vote in the Constitution.
It's not there.
And to earn an equal wage, well, does that mean that you can stay at home and then jump back into the workplace and make the exact same as everybody that's already been there?
That doesn't seem really fair.
But that's what Ginsburg did.
Ginsburg said she was the women's right advocate of the century.
What she did was, she just demanded to make the same pay as her male counterparts without doing any of the time and experience.
It's the truth.
Go look at her record.
She wasn't some, like, amazing women's rights leader.
You know what she was?
She just demanded.
She was demanding.
That's what she should be known for.
And they had to relent.
So I don't know what they're fighting for.
She did say she was fighting for transsexuals to not be in the same prison cell, which I agree with, as women.
And also that they should not be occupying women's sports.
So I was glad that she said that.
And that is a fight in the States that we have to make sure that we are all a part of.
But women's rights in general?
What are they fighting for?
What do they do all day?
We have these rights.
And that's why when I say the National Governors Association shouldn't exist, or these things are crazy.
The governor is wanting to modify the way you deal with people, your behavior.
All of these things should not be a thing.
And these women's rights groups, I just still have no idea what they're actually fighting for.
It's amazing.
What are they doing every day?
I don't know.
What do you do at your desk?
Look around and try to pick a fight?
I don't know.
Very strange.
Anyway, it was an odd thing because there's no foundation under that.
There's no truth under that.
We need truth more than ever.
Truth would bring a lot of peace right now.
A lot of peace.
And you wouldn't see the fighting.
But they're conjuring up the fights.
And that's what's bringing the discord.
Be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally from katedallyradio.com.
There was an experiment called Universe 25.
Maybe you've heard of it, right?
It was a mice experiment and it was done by American scientist John Calhoun.
And John Calhoun was basically, he was pretty much working CIA.
I mean, he was doing this at Johns Hopkins, which screams CIA.
And also he was doing this at the Walter Reed, the Walter Reed Hospital too.
And so he was getting his money from them and of course doing this experiment on mice.
And so he built the Paradise of Mice.
It was a specially designed space where rodents had abundance of food and water as well as a large living space.
And in the beginning, he had four pairs of mice and it grew and they reached about 600 And they gave him enough food and water, but that was about it.
And they were very, very contained.
And what happened was they actually started turning asexual.
Actually, the females showed more and more aggressive behavior.
And isolation elements, lack of reproductive mood.
The guys started just, they called them the beautiful mice.
They just started grooming themselves and not really caring about being with the gal mice.
And of course, all they cared about was food and sleep, and they had a lot of isolation happening.
A lot of things were going on.
And it started the demise of this mice colony.
They had a lot more room for them, but this was what started the demise.
And they said the death phase consisted of two stages, the first death and the second death, and that the first death was more like a spiritual death.
It was really interesting.
In fact, by 1973, they had killed the last mouse in Universe 25 because they had just become just crazy.
They had no purpose.
They had no way of having a job.
The societal order just broke down.
And like I said, the women got more abusive toward the babies, and the babies were dying, and not all of them, but they were displaying behavior that just wasn't normal at all.
They were getting into homosexuality was observed, cannibalism increased, and despite the fact there was plenty of food, plenty of water, but they were contained against their instincts in this cage.
And two years after the start of the experiment, pretty much it was over.
And so what they were trying to, I think, go after and prove is the fact that overpopulation.
Oh, look at our world.
We're overpopulated.
All you have to do is drive across the United States and you'll know we're not overpopulated.
It's ridiculous.
But the eugenics, the eugenics and the eugenicists, as we have in government right now, we're pro this idea, really wanted this to showcase this.
Interesting that they're not really talking about this because really what it is, it's a model.
It proved to kind of be a model for what 15 minute cities will look like.
15-minute cities.
Yeah, you'll have food.
Yeah, you'll have water.
You'll be fed.
Lucky you.
You just won't be able to follow all those natural instincts, do what you want to do.
You'll be camera'd, spied on, and you won't be able to travel, and there'll be a lot of things that you can't do.
And does the societal order break down in 15-minute cities?
I would imagine it gets a little Hunger Game-ish.
But that was a really interesting, go back and read on that Universe 25.
It was a really interesting, because it became so agitated and aggressive, fighting, no protection instincts.
And one of the things they did was it feminized the men with little or no skills.
They didn't have a purpose and no protection instincts.
Oh my gosh, that sounds familiar.
Sounds familiar, right?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Anyway, I just wanted to relay that to you because I think Universe 25 is a great way to kind of explain what happens in these 15-minute cities.
They're not fun.
I also wanted to talk to you for just a moment about mortgages.
Mortgage insurance, 99% of all of you are under a 6% mortgage, so you're not going to budge.
You're not going anywhere.
The only thing that they can mess with to get you out of your property so you couldn't afford it would be mortgage insurance, and that went up last year 42%.
And then we started hearing the rumblings of California and Florida, you know, not insuring some homes based on certain factors.
I think you're going to see a lot more of that.
I think between property taxes and mortgage insurance, that's a great way to commandeer property in the United States.
Is to inflate those beyond reason and to the point where you would not be able to live in your home at all and want to go live in a tiny home or an apartment.
And they really are taking the tiny home movement and lowering expectations and making people think that this is the best way, most minimalist, tiniest way to live and that you'll be happy.
This is what they're doing to our youth.
They're telling them that this is kind of the new way and that you should be proud of that because of the, you know, environmental impact.
Can I throw up now?
Anyway, they're conditioning them to think that, you don't want a big house, you don't want to work for anything or have anything in your line site that might be a dream.
Oh no, live in this tiny home, 200 square feet of fun.
Yeah, super.
Anyway, I also wanted to give you the three scenarios that the CFR outlined and usually the CFR will kind of tell you what they're doing.
I went back into CFR newsletters by the decades and every single issue had something about nukes.
I'm not joking.
It was absurd, actually, that we have been dealing with the nuke threat pumped in our face for this long.
It's insane.
But these are the three scenarios they gave for Russia and for the Ukraine.
They said basically that there'll be a nuclear weapon.
Russia's going to use a nuclear weapon against Ukrainian military, right, to attempt to weaken the country's will and damage its military capacity.
A tactical nuclear weapon will have a small payload, okay?
And then it said that we probably won't respond to that.
But we'll send troops into by sending troops into Ukraine.
But the United States would ramp up the number of conventional weapons they send to Ukraine.
So they said this back in I think it was November or December of 2022.
About seven months ago.
So then they said that Russia's most, this option, least likely, but it would be a strategic nuclear war against Ukrainian civil targets and that that attack would get everybody in a tussle and of course that they would use something way more powerful than a tactical weapon.
And that it would have more direct Western involvement and would dramatically change the intensity of the conflict, but that we would remain indirect through arms sales and non-military support.
They also talked about hitting Los Angeles.
I know they just picked that randomly.
It's like when you think of cities, you just go Los Angeles, right?
So they would do Los Angeles and they would make it an attack or maybe a City in Canada or something.
I don't know.
Anyway, they would go after this city and they would do something to that and that would draw us in for more arms sales and that we would not cross into the border into Russia, but that we would use advanced cruise missiles.
They got it all laid out.
They had this entire plan laid out.
And I just sat there thinking, wow, you know, the think tanks and what they do and the CFR One of the biggest think tanks that's been controlling the government for over a hundred years.
But this is it's totally amazing how they map out every single response to what they say is going to happen and usually it's them doing the happenings.
So I always I always chuckle because you know, they're putting it out there.
They want to see what You know, how the crowd takes it.
You know, we used to say at my house, you know, go check the weather at the house, you know, see how everybody's doing really.
It was checking the temperature at the house.
And that's basically what they do.
And they throw this out there so that they would be the ones to go see how on it we are.
This is why you have us.
Even though they're the ones constructing everything.
They're constructing the scenarios.
It just baffles me to no end that we keep thinking that Russia would be the one to do this.
Russia's going to go nuke Los Angeles, knowing that we could squash Russia in two seconds.
And by the way, why haven't we?
Oh, because you got to have a boogeyman.
That's how it works.
Gotta have a boogeyman.
You know, you got to have ISIS.
Whatever happened to ISIS?
Did they just take their brand new little tennis shoes and Toyota trucks and just fade into the sunset?
How nice of them.
Um, and then also, you know, I'm looking at this and it was always talking about how, you know, we wouldn't be the ones to go in and start World War III.
It's gonna be them.
Wink wink.
I just, okay.
Wink wink.
Um, yeah, the other wars weren't started by us either, right?
Because we didn't have a hand in that, right?
Um, so I say that with kind of a chuckle and kind of a very dismayed sort of This is kind of the sick world that we live in with the CFR calling all these shots, but it's always good to read the CFR so that you can know what's coming.
It's like predictions.
It is.
It's like we get to see what they have in store because they've really thought through the process.
I mean, really thought through the process.
No surprises here.
And then also, it's interesting that they keep saying it's going to drop like the Hiroshima bomb.
And you know I did a show on that, right?
Here on Alex Jones.
So, interesting that they have to keep going there to tell you what it's going to look like and feel like.
So that you're very, very, very afraid.
Very afraid.
And by the way, those insurance companies that run the mortgage insurance and everything, they have a lot bigger hand in what's happening than we ever talk about.
Needs to be explored a lot more, the insurance companies.
Thanks you guys.
For Alex Jones, I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from The Kate Dally Show.
So, appreciate you guys.
(dramatic music)
You know, I don't compare myself to a gladiator, but the last time one of the greatest talk show hosts
in American history came on the broadcast, he compared me to a gladiator,
and I was very, very honored.
Well, Alex, you're the gladiator and you keep on pounding the opposition there.
I love it.
How do you keep doing it?
What are you taking?
I really am in the arena and I'm all the way in the arena and I realize it's that animating contest.
So when it comes to battling the globalist, I'm not trying to entertain you.
I'm trying to inspire you.
To politically not submit and to say no to them.
But at the end of the day, are you not entertained?
Are we not the standard, together, the audience, the guest, myself, all of us, of resistance?
I'm just blessed to be here and blessed to know you.
Here's that clip.
[Glass shattering]
[Tires screeching]
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Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Is this not why you are here?
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