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Name: 20230716_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 16, 2023
1367 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses various topics including COVID-19 origins, bioweapons, population reduction, race-specific bio weapons, bioweapon labs in Ukraine, the importance of being honest about viruses and bioweapons without political correctness, a possible biological or chemical weapon incident in Ukraine, herbal formulas, his experience feeling a presence in an empty room, society's obsession with sports statistics, his hot sauce experience, the need for people to recognize criminals have taken control of the government, his promotion of the Alexa Pure gravity-fed filter system, discounts on nootropic brain supplements, and Infowars Tor seeking donations to fund its operation.

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InfoWars.com Tomorrow's News Today.
It's Sunday, July 16th.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next four hours live.
Owen Schroer takes the baton in two hours.
Well, every broadcast, as I say, is important.
But particular ones are even more important.
And as the world quickens with all the insanity, and evil really rises, but good to challenge it, as Newtonian physics and the Bible tells us is true, for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction, each successive week and month and year gets more intense.
This really is a quickening or a Cascade of many singularities towards the great singularity, the return of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.
Well, RFK Jr.
has come out and talked about something we talked about two and a half years ago.
Major scientific institutions in Europe, the United States, India, Australia, and Japan, of all places, they have a lot of great scientists there, looked at the COVID-19 virus and said it's been made in a lab.
I mean, they said three and a half years ago, the Indians first scanned it at their prestigious biomedical university where they have a multi-billion dollar gene editing reader computer.
And they said, this is man-made, this is five viruses, we know who made it, and this is what it's been designed to do.
And then they got billions in research funding threatened, so they pulled the report but didn't say it was false.
Then the French, the discoverer of HIV, Nobel Prize winner, He ran it through a gene scanner that cost, again, $2 billion, just the machine itself, and said, no, this is completely man-made with the HIV delivery system.
And then it took about a year for the scientists to then look at it more closely, and they said, it's designed to hit black people and white people.
It's called a race-specific weapon.
Now, RFK Jr.
came out and said this a few days ago at a big dinner conference in New York.
And it became a huge firestorm because he just said what the report said that it spares Asians and Ashkenazi Jews.
Because Ashkenazi Jews, some were back in their lineage.
That's what Arabs really are, is a mix of Caucasian, African, and Asian.
That's really what their genetic type is.
So they're a mix of the three.
An indigenous person from Mexico or Guatemala, if you test their genetics, is Chinese.
That's where they came from thousands and thousands of years ago.
It's genetic, complete match, Chinese.
They don't really teach that in school, though, but that's a mainline thing in biosciences.
Spaniards are Germanic and Gaulish, until they got invaded and held for several hundred years by the North African Moors, who were a mix of African and Arabic.
So that's why you see the change in the Spanish there.
So ethnic studies are very interesting.
Not in the leftist ethnic studies, but actually the historical ethnic studies and then bioweapons.
As Dick Cheney wrote in 2000 in Rebuilding America's Defenses for the Project for an American Century document, got wide circulation, look it up for yourself.
He said, the U.S.
government must legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons.
talked about how this appears to be a race-specific bioweapon.
He just stated what the papers say.
And now we're hearing he's an anti-Semite.
Absolutely preposterous.
Of course, he supports the State of Israel, just like Trump.
Whole nine yards.
Some would say he's just too pro-Israel.
And I make that point just to point out that he is definitely not against the Jews.
But it's just a fact.
HIV absolutely targets black people.
That's been out for 40 years.
And this one targets blacks and whites.
Because if you look at the genetic derivation, we look a lot different.
Blacks and whites are more closely related than to Asians.
Asians are the most separate group.
In fact, the only group that has physiological differences that blacks and whites do not have.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's News Today.
It's Sunday, July 16th.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
All right, we've got massive news tonight.
Arno K. Jr.
has talked about the elephant in the room, the race-specific bioweapon nature of COVID-19, designed to target blacks and whites.
It'll still kill Asians and Ashkenazi Jews, but not at anywhere at the same rate, according to major studies.
He quoted that, and just pointed out it looks like the Chai Koms and the Globalist were developing a specific race weapon And wow, you're not supposed to talk about that, even though you can look up Dick Cheney rebuilding America's defenses, PNAC, year 2000, legitimizing the use of race-specific weapons.
In fact, guys, give me a printout of that.
Just type in Dick Cheney promoted race-specific bioweapons.
You'll get articles.
Just click web.
They're like 20-something years old.
Okay, so we're going to be hitting that and we have the bio labs.
The Pentagon now admits that Obama did set up in Ukraine that are developing race weapons to kill Russians.
So we're going to be tying those stories together.
You've all heard of ESGs and this environmental social score that's in so much trouble because it's so tyrannical and so evil with the cashless society.
But what is the ESG trying to merge with and take orders from?
We're talking about something that doesn't get enough attention, and that is going to be the sustainable development systems, the SDG.
We've got the UN head saying with the supercomputers and AI, we're going to rule your life, and they're going to enforce the ESG system of the SDG.
And while we're at it, we will plow into exactly what that means.
And that UN report I showed you yesterday in a special emergency report, and we showed it on Friday, where in that UN report they say they're going to cut Energy in the world by 50% energy period, no matter where you get it, to quote, save the planet, that'll kill billions of people.
Most people have about 5% discretionary income in the third world, maybe 10% in the Western world.
How do you get your energy cut by 50% when it's already on average around a third your cost of living?
That is death for billions.
And I have numbers on that for you.
But that's okay.
Kamala Harris said the quiet part out loud.
Watch Kamala Harris call for depopulation during climate speech.
We'll be getting to those quotes.
And I thought I'd show you the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation saying we're really a depopulation foundation and giving Bill Gates an award for depopulating people.
And if you don't believe in the globalist depopulation agenda, then we have something interesting for you.
These are bibliographed, documented, vetted quotes.
Many of these I was reading when I was 18, 19 years old.
I didn't believe it, so I went to the library.
They didn't have it, so I went to the UT library that did have it or had them send off for it.
I actually got the books where they said these things.
How they're going to set up world government and how they're going to kill your family.
That's from UNESCO Courier.
That's the UNESCO, United Nations Educational Cultural Organization's official newspaper.
Are American burdens each?
One American burdens the earth, much more than 20 Bangladeshians.
This is a terrible thing to say in order to stabilize world population.
We must eliminate 350,000 people per day.
It's a horrible thing to say, but it's just as bad not to say it.
That's Jacques Cousteau in the United Nations.
And of course, so they've made the decision to first wipe out the First World, and then they'll wipe out the Third World.
But there'll be nowhere for the Third World to run once the Globals have taken down the First World.
We're going to read you more of those loving quotes, like Prince Philip, King Charles' father, saying things even worse.
Continuing, we've got major news on what the cult of psychology and psychiatry is doing in the United States.
You'd always hear about these psychologists and psychiatrists that got caught having sex with their patients.
Now it's official!
And it's being reported by CNN, you name it.
Where the clothes come off!
So, that's not just pedophilia for the kids, it's having sex with your therapist.
But it's okay, it's professional.
49-year-old transgender biological male runner takes the bronze medal away from woman at Para World Championships.
Look at this dude.
And if you say that in many jurisdictions, you go to jail.
Yep, gotta let men invade women's spaces.
And the UN says they support women, don't they?
So, they mean the new woman.
So that's coming up.
Russia Duma, that's their Congress, bans all gender reassignment surgeries.
We're going to be reading through that article, why they're doing it.
And RFK's at it again, man.
He's Alex Jones 2.0.
RFK Jr., climate change is being used to control us through fear and is not dealing with real environmental problems, but is a giant Ponzi scheme by central banks across the world to bring in total surveillance and control and end industrial societies and consolidate power and wealth in the hands of a few.
Totally true.
So, I wanted to say he's totally defected over to our side.
And you wouldn't be saying stuff like that unless you had really defected, because the globalists never pose like us and then say that much.
They never go that far.
They're more of a Mike Pence.
I love the Lord.
Everything's fine.
Take your microchip.
Everything... Just more of, I'm, yes, I'm very conservative.
Went to church three times this week.
Yes, sir.
And it's all, look how good I am, but not actually attacking meat and potato issues.
And that's why Trump calls him a very smart person and a real populist of the people.
Yes, both men are.
But by the way, I don't like bashing DeSantis, even though he's got some seedy Republican nerdy wolves around him.
That's what the Republican establishment is.
And I like his policies, like what he stands for.
He came out with Tucker and said the first thing he'll do is kill the ESGs and the carbon taxes and the rest of it.
That's good.
Let's not let Trump and the Santas destroy each other.
Plus Trump's 30, 40 points ahead of him.
The Santas has been crushed.
So let him get a little limelight.
Let's not be too mad at him because we need good people like him.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think he's a good person.
And let me look.
I don't totally trust Elon Musk, but he's going the right direction.
As long as he's going in the right direction, it's fine.
There's an old saying they had around the world when the British Empire was in complete control and the British were known for being so aggressive and murderous, at least on the open seas, that if you ever scratch a Englishman, you find a pirate underneath because they would haul down the British flag and then they'd haul up the Jolly Roger.
That was most your powers for British or a lot of them at least.
And they would letter a mark, jump back and forth false flagging people.
British were just the best at it over time.
And so that's why they're able to rule.
Hell, Britannia and Britannia rules the waves.
And of course, you know why the sun never set on the British Empire, right?
Because God wouldn't trust an Englishman in the dark.
That's really good, actually, isn't it?
But continuing, I don't trust any of these people at the end of the day.
I trust my mom.
I trust my dad.
Maybe I trust my wife.
I mean, I love her and care about her, but I'm not quite sure about that.
I'm joking.
Maybe not.
But you know what I mean.
I trust my mother and my father.
And I love my children, and they're pretty good.
But I've still seen them do some weird stuff.
And I think I trust the crew.
The crew we've got now, we've been through a lot together.
I mean that.
But, at the end of the day, when someone's going in the right direction, you need to support their right action and encourage it.
And then you'll usually get a lot more of that instead of like, well, I'm not sure they're not controlled opposition.
Well then, let's see you get out there and be the opposition.
That's the same thing for Sound of Freedom.
I love Gregory.
Skip this break.
I think he's a really smart guy.
I don't put prior constraints on my reporters.
I hire them because I trust them and I like them.
And they'll tend to vet stuff amongst each other.
And every once in a while, Reese puts out something I don't totally agree with.
He put out a report.
Let's just cover this now.
I'm going to put it on screen.
You can find it.
It's his last report.
Uh, dealing with the Sound of Freedom.
And he didn't say the Sound of Freedom are bad people.
He didn't say they're involved in pedophilia.
He didn't say any of that.
He just said, look, they, they list the federal agency, an international group set up by the Clintons back during the Clinton administration in the 90s, that has been caught covering up and running things.
And so, how are they listing an organization that has been involved in this stuff?
I mean, the head of the, deputy head of the Clinton Foundation, remember, got caught smuggling kids out of Haiti.
And she went to prison for a few years and then changed her name and does head in the Amber Alert system.
So yeah, if you're going to be kidnapping kids and grabbing kids, you want to be in control of the people trying to find them through the database.
But that's the only database to report it to.
So what are you supposed to do?
It's like the FBI at the top is corrupt.
Well, if somebody, you saw a bank get robbed, you call the local police, they call the FBI or vice versa.
It's just, it's who you have to report to.
People are like, well, you know, this movie points people at this organization.
And I agree, we should not, because I think the FBI is perfect.
I'm getting it on record that this isn't true, and that I'm here, you know, here's the text messages, here's the setup, and I'm not going to be set up in this.
So I just use it as a reporting mechanism to get it on record, okay?
So this is a very dangerous operation.
People don't realize what you go through when you do this.
And I think Caviezel's a great person.
I think Ballard's a great person.
And I think everybody that had the courage to put this film out are great people.
But that said, everybody has a right to their opinion.
And I respect Greg Rees.
So just like he has his right, this operation I built, I respect him to say what he thinks.
And I think it's always within the bounds of reasonable discussion.
And I have the right to then say that I don't totally agree with the angle, though I think it's a healthy discussion to have.
And I just want to complete it by stating that we have reported things to this very group and organization, which is indeed, at the top, controlled by the bad guys, make no mistake.
And that's really my criticism of the film, is that it doesn't go far enough in The entire equation of pointing out that it's major federal agencies and organizations and groups at the top that are actually using pedophilia to corrupt and control people.
Two years ago it came out that hundreds of small-town mayors, council leaders, tribal leaders in Afghanistan, the preferred mode of control by the Central Intelligence Agency, that spent hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars in the almost 20 years we were there, The preferred mode was to put pedophiles in charge and then they had to supply them with young children and drugs.
And the reason the CIA got caught was the budgets were so large for curing the children and the drugs for these Islamic lunatics that they were putting in charge.
Because everybody says Islam is so good and so anti-pedophile and grassroots.
Muslims like in Dearborn, and I salute them, are saying no.
No flag flies here but the state flag, the POW flag, the American flag.
Above it, we're Americans.
And we're not going to have pedo-teaching in our schools, because mainline Muslims are not into that.
But there's an old thing with the tribal chiefs, and even going back to Muhammad, You know, and the rest of it about, well, homosexuality is punishable by death unless it's a young boy before puberty.
And so that's in the Koran, folks.
And so it's just rampant.
And so there's the CIA.
But then wait, there's a lot of people in the CIA that have been good, like Terry Reid, who we had many times.
Clinton Bush, the CIA was on record, the guy training people to fly the airplanes from South America with the cocaine into Mena, Arkansas.
And he went public when they killed those kids that were witnesses to the cocaine drop.
He's a great guy, worked for the CIA.
My uncle, Army Special Operations, did work for the CIA.
He got out of it because of human trafficking and child smuggling and, you know, the whole nine yards and helped wake me up.
In fact, probably the biggest influence of my life when it comes to... There wouldn't be an Alex Jones today doing this if it wasn't for William Forrest Hammond.
So then they go, well, Ballard was in the CIA.
Okay, what does that mean?
I mean, the CIA is like saying, again, oh, he works at Walmart.
I mean, the CIA is gigantic.
The CIA tried to recruit my wife at the University of Washington.
She said she wanted to sign up for humanitarian work and wanted to work for the UN someday to help children.
And then about two years into it, the professor brings him in and says, well, we're really a CIA project.
And, you know, you've been chosen now to go into this new project with Microsoft.
And then she did it for a while and then thought it was all a bunch of BS and got out of it.
And that's not like, ooh, his wife's so special.
Alex Jones's second wife worked in a program.
It's the whole thing, folks.
My dad was 14, top of his class, entering all these whiz kid contests.
Union Carbide sent him an 18-wheeler with a whole laser set up after he passed one test and said, okay, can you build this laser, this ruby laser?
And he did and then won that.
It's like Last Starfighter or something where you're playing the game and you don't get it, it's the big guys watching.
and then they took him to UT at 15, plan 2 program, and thought he was working for NASA,
he wasn't, and he didn't complete it and got out of it by the time he was about 20.
It's everywhere, folks.
It's the real government.
It's the real system.
We don't have time to get to all of Greg's full report here, and I kind of went off the rails on this.
Go ahead and play what we can of the report, and then we'll add the rest of the post, and we'll come back.
here it is. Many good-hearted people have strong emotions about the environment and their emotions
are so strong that they have been manipulated by a corrupt government to castrate themselves
and castrate their own children to save the earth from climate change.
This should teach us something about our emotions.
They can blind us from logic and reason, and we all have them.
This report is not a critique of the film The Sound of Freedom.
I saw this film and I appreciate that it is bringing awareness to a subject that I personally have very strong emotions about.
This report is about a clear red flag that people should be aware of so that we don't allow our emotions to blind us from logic and reason.
According to MKUltra whistleblowers, the CIA acquired children for Project Monarch by cataloging child pornography sent through the U.S.
And the only thing that's changed since then is that the world has gone digital.
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, or the NCMEC, went international in 1999.
The ICMEC was launched by Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, with Richard Branson acting as a founding sponsor.
It has now partnered with law enforcement in over 150 territories, including Interpol and Europol.
In 2009, the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project.
And by 2014, they created a global modern-day slavery database of organizations in 199 countries to monitor human trafficking.
Also in 2009, Amber Ready Incorporated selected the Podesta Group, the infamous pedophile art collectors of the WikiLeaks Podesta email scandal, to be their PR company, where they were responsible for promoting Amber Ready's cell phone technology, which created a database of children so that if they ever were abducted, their information was already on file.
Once this child database syndicate was launched, human trafficking increased.
Within nine years, the human trafficking industry went from around $30 billion a year to $150 billion a year.
Nearly all child pornography is processed and stored within this framework on foreign servers in Sweden.
In 2014, President Obama assigned the task of how to manage this gathered intelligence data to John Podesta.
The Clintons, the Podestas, and their friends are demonstrably involved on the criminal side of child sex trafficking.
If this is news to you, I recommend my report from 2019, Are the Clintons Involved in Human Trafficking?
Which is based on the well-researched article by Corey Diggs.
And it is this group who manage and run Polaris, the ICMEC, and the NCMEC.
And these are the same groups that Angel Studios, producers of The Sound of Freedom, are directing people to as a way to combat child trafficking.
The billionaire who has been funding Tim Ballard's operation is Carlos Slim, who has also funded Hillary Clinton and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
And if you believe that the Democrats are the problem, then I recommend you look into the Franklin cover-up.
And the Bohemian Grove.
Pedophilia is how the hidden hand controls their politician puppets.
Awareness of this horrific problem is good.
Alright, the full report is on InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
We'll have the full report added back to the front page of Band.Video.
I don't know.
Watch the report again.
Maybe Gregg Reese is right.
All I know is only God judges and the film's doing a lot of good.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Let me finish up on the Sound of Freedom analysis that I was just engaging in last segment a few minutes ago.
Then I'm going to move into the really huge breaking news dealing with race-specific bioweapons.
If you're a new lister and don't know what that is, you need to find out about it.
It's a real thing, on record, not debated.
The corporate media, the enemy of the people, dinosaur, Decepticon media, Is trying to cover this up right now.
They're really scared.
Big news breaking on that front on multiple fronts coming up in just a few minutes.
But a lot of people ask me.
I mean a lot at the grocery store.
At the gas station.
At church.
Is Elon Musk for real?
Is Tucker Carlson for real?
Is Joe Rogan for real?
And I can tell you with Joe Rogan 100% real guy.
Tucker Carlson, 100% real guy.
They ask me, is Trump for real?
100% real guy.
But Alex Jones, 100% real guy.
100% mean what I say, my own person.
Nobody... You know what defines Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan?
Is that we like to be our own men.
And nobody is telling us what to think or what to do.
I mean, with Joe, it is to a ridiculous level.
If anything, he's a little bit of a jerk about the fact that he's doing things exactly how he wants to, and you don't tell him how you think you ought to do it.
I mean, no one is telling that guy what to do, okay?
He's worked his whole life thinking of a position of where he's in charge of his life.
And it's the same thing with Tucker Carlson.
Nobody is telling him what to do.
It's come out in the internal emails how mad he was that they were trying to censor him, even though he had a contract and gave up two thirds of the money to be free.
And so I can tell you, Tucker's good.
Trump's the same way.
Makes a lot of mistakes, but completely pig-headed.
Nobody is telling him what to do.
He's not getting orders.
And you can say I'm pig-headed, too.
I mean, if somebody cheats me in business or life, I'd rather lose a million dollars than them get five dollars.
And it's not a vindictive thing.
But I didn't sell out to the New World Order for hundreds of millions of dollars and all their stupid power.
I'm not gonna sell out in little ways to other people.
I'm going to do what I believe is right, and damn the consequences.
Now, it's attitudes like that that built the world, but I didn't get into this story I'm telling you, or these examples, to talk about Joe Rogan and myself, okay?
Or to talk about Tucker Carlson.
It's key to understand this, because you ask me this the most.
I mean, here's what I get asked the most.
Are these people for real?
Are you for real?
And the next biggest thing is, why are you still alive?
And then the next thing is, what's the Globals going to pull next?
And really, everybody should be asking that.
Like, what are they going to pull next and how do we stop them?
And I tell people, do you ever listen to the show?
And they go, yeah, I see clips.
Are you still on air?
I see you all the time.
Where are you?
And I go, well, you look like a pretty smart person.
You just walked over to my table.
You're dressed nice, got a nice looking wife and kids over here.
You don't know how to go find my show?
They're like, well, I mean, I guess InfoWars.
Well, yeah, you're asking if I'm still on the air.
It's like until about 10 years ago, people would ask me, do I have a day job?
Make films, write books on the air four hours a day, work seven days a week, reach hundreds of millions of people.
Conservatively, do I have a day job?
Yeah, this is my day job.
My main job is being a father.
And you know what, God tells me, and I'm not even bitching here, I'm trying to get people to think about priorities.
So let me answer all those questions, then I'll get into the bio up in this next segment.
But let me answer them, because I think they're good questions.
But I had to preface it with, is Joe Rogan for real?
Is Tucker Carlson for real?
Is Trump for real?
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Is Alex Jones real?
Yes, yes, yes.
And we make mistakes, and we're not perfect, and we see through rose-colored darkly, as the Bible tells us, and we're fallen creatures.
Is RFK Jr.
for real?
I haven't never met him, don't know him, know some of his people.
It was kind enough to say, we appreciate the show, too controversial, come on, they'll make a distraction, but we really appreciate you.
Told me that ten years ago, told me that five years ago, you know, they told me that a year ago.
I appreciate you being honest about it.
That's fine.
You're doing great work, you're getting better and better every day.
I believe R.F.K.
is absolutely for real.
Now, does he have problems like his father and his uncle?
These are alpha male, really smart, aggressive dudes.
Is he out to get humanity?
He's for real.
I can't say I know him for 25 years like Joe Rogan intimately, as good close friends, but I can tell you I believe he's for real.
I believe Trump's for real.
I know Trump, talked to him quite a bit over the years, but I can watch him and tell you, oh, they hate him because he's real.
He doesn't do a thing they tell him.
Is Elon Musk for real?
I don't know.
His track record of being good is too short.
But here's what I do know, and this is why I answered the question I get asked so much on the street.
This is the reason, this whole discussion in the last seven, eight minutes is so important.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
Listen to me carefully.
The fact that every major super hot talk show host, I mean, hot as in A lot of listeners.
Even Megyn Kelly, not super hot in either way, but you know, she's back now.
Mrs. Patriot, Mrs. Antonella Lord.
She's had to come towards Alex Jones, not me towards her.
And if you look at Alex Jones on one end and George Soros on the other, these are the polar opposites.
Joe Rogan's right over here, right next to me.
Tucker Carlson's right up next to me, maybe even past me.
Uh, Elon Musk in rhetoric is way over here.
Megyn Kelly's way over here.
All the other talk show hosts are way over where I'm at.
They're all being drawn into what I cover.
And it's not like I'm writing this up like Stephen King and they follow some script.
No, they now see my perspective.
They now know it's true.
And they know it's popular.
And they know that they get 99% support when they say these things.
So whether they're good or not, they're on the bandwagon, baby.
And I want to tump the New World Order boat over.
Because it's the boat that's taking us to hell.
And I want us to jump off the boat into the sea of tranquility and the Holy Spirit and swim back to shore.
So picture we're on this slave ship about to go into the mouth of hell.
You ever seen people on a big barge or a big boat when everybody runs over to one side of the boat and it turns over?
Folks, we've already run over to the other side of the boat.
The boat's already tumped over upside down.
And we can try to climb back on top and get back in the capsized boat.
And guys, pull up an image of crowd makes boat capsize.
There's lots of famous footage of it.
And we can't find it quickly, just add it in post.
We post the Band-Odd video.
And so, usually think of a boat capsizing is not good, but this is good.
We are all rushing to one side to tump this whole agenda over.
And it's basically already happened.
And the globalists know their agenda's tumped over, so they don't know what to do.
So it doesn't matter if Joe Rogan's for real or Alex Jones is for real.
Or any of these people are, because you know you're for real.
You're inside your mind, your soul, your spirit.
You know, I want freedom.
I don't like the New World Order.
I want to be prosperous.
I want to be free.
I want to be secure.
I don't want the New World Order as soon as 2030.
I don't want my resources cut off.
I don't want pedophilia.
I don't want fentanyl.
I don't want devalued currency.
I don't want World War III.
I just want to live and be peaceful and happy and go to church and take care of my kids and take care of my grandma.
And, you know, I just want to have a garden in the backyard and watch sunsets.
And I just think you're somebody of your God's own heart.
You're just a good, decent person.
Well, you know you're good.
And whether these people are good or bad, it doesn't matter.
They're now having to sound just like you, and they're singing to our sheet of music.
So there's this orchestra with Joe Rogan, and Elon Musk, and Tucker Carlson, and Tulsi Gabbard, and Orban, and Bolsonaro, and the list goes on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, and Japanese leaders, and African leaders, there's Nigel Farage, British leaders, German leaders everywhere.
And who's up there?
The globalists see it as I'm conducting.
I'm actually not conducting.
They now see the truth, so they're all playing to the same sheet of music.
But the globalists see it as Alex Jones, patient zero, the conductor.
Ray Epps sent a text message to his family, hey, I just orchestrated the attack on the Capitol.
Well, I orchestrated the attack on the New World Order with your help.
We all did this together.
And so you need to know that now and understand that now.
And that's why this broadcast is so hated, because we're on target.
Nine times out of ten, we break the big key news first.
And we just need to know and celebrate, because of the Holy Spirit and what God gave us, the position we're in and be thankful.
Not prideful, but satisfied and appreciative and thankful to God.
A real feeling of accomplishment.
To the crew as well.
I love you to death.
The whole audience of activists, I love you so much.
Black, white, old, young, all of you.
You're so beautiful.
And we're going to win this together.
God's told me God wants us to be thankful and have a little bit of a victory lap, a little bit of satisfaction.
I mean, we have torn the hell out of the New World Order.
I mean, we have beat the living daylights out of the enemy.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Very honored and blessed you decided to join us.
Now please take the live show feed, share it with your email list, your text messages.
Tell everybody you know, tune in to hear the verboten truth.
You know, you got a firearm in your house, because someday, sometime, maybe tonight, maybe next year, maybe never, if you're blessed, somebody's going to try to break in your house with a home invasion.
And you're going to need to be able to have that firearm to let them know, don't come in here, I'm going to kill you, or I'm going to shoot you, or if they do break in, you can protect your family.
Well, the chances of you having a home invasion, in my view, are much lower than another bioweapon getting released on purpose or by accident from one of these labs that are being run by the New World Order.
And so I've made it a point in my 29 years on air to study something called race-specific bioweapons.
So the Vice President of the United States wrote a paper in September of 2000.
Here it is on screen for you.
Anybody can type this in and find it.
The Project for a New American Century, a neocon, CFR, Bilderberg group, think tank.
Rebuilding America's defenses, strategy, forces, and resources for a new century.
Now in this, they said a terror attack that kills on league with the level of deaths in Pearl Harbor, which was 3,000, 9-11 was 3,000, one year later, would be ideal to launch Pax Americana.
They also, it's a long report, but we just printed one page for you.
This is page 60.
And it says, an advanced form of biological warfare that can target specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.
And it goes on to say that this is what we may need to use against foreign enemies because they're getting so sophisticated.
I just showed you Dick Cheney.
You may have heard of him.
See, when the news calls me a white supremacist, notice they don't show a clip of anything like that, because they're lying.
When I tell you Dick Cheney said that, 20 minutes ago, I went, you know what, better print it, better show it.
That's the hallmark of real news versus lies.
You've heard on the news that I sent people to pee on dead children's graves.
Never did it.
No one ever did it.
It's not true.
Doesn't matter.
That's what the media says.
All right, continuing.
Here's Kamala Harris on Friday talking about depopulation.
They go, oh, well, she misspoke.
Of course she can't talk.
The point is, her Freudian slip is true.
The whole agenda is depopulation.
I'll read some quotes to you in a few minutes after we play the RFA clip, but here she is.
When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, More of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water.
So, we're going to have clean air and drink clean water if we kill people.
And I'm going to show you the UN saying we've got to get rid of 300 plus thousand people a day to save the earth.
I'm going to show you the quotes from the UN.
Now, let's move to RFK Jr.
He's had a big gala event, gives a speech.
And says, you know, no, COVID's made in a lab and goes over some of the evidence of that.
And then he continues.
Well, let's just see the clip says, yeah, the studies show that it's at least be more research on this, but that it specifically targets Anglos and Africans more.
And notice I was politically correct right there and I'm going to stop doing it because it's no insult to call black people negroes.
It's like they say calling a homosexual a homosexual is an insult.
It's heterosexual homosexual.
It's caucasoid or Anglo.
I mean it just means like in Spanish, negro just means black folks.
It has nothing to do with being mean to black people.
The point is, people don't care about killing blacks with bioweapons.
It's just don't call them the n-word.
I mean, and now they're moving to say that all those words are bad.
And again, that just shows how, oh, we've taken all your rights for cutting your kids' genitals off, but don't use the scientific name for black people.
It's preposterous.
Meanwhile, that's what the studies say is that it targets Negroes and Caucasoids.
And that kind of sounds like a weird name, too, for white people, but that's the name.
If you don't like it, maybe we should change the scientific name, if scientific names are Scary sounding.
I think caucasoid sounds like something's wrong with you.
Like, ooh, I'm a caucasoid.
But it means you come from the Caucasus Mountains.
And that's where they find the earliest skeletons of white people.
But regardless, ladies and gentlemen, notice how we're caught up in political correctness.
We can't even talk about the science because we're too busy.
Oh, all the science words are scary.
So let's not know the science words.
So continuing here, there's a plot to create weapons to kill certain races of people, but we better not tell you the different names of the races in the science books.
A recipe for idiocracy.
So, I just showed you Dick Cheney calling for the development of that.
I just showed you Kamala Harris.
I'll show you a bunch of quotes, but here's RFK, and now he's being called a Anti-Semite, because he's covering the studies I'll show you, and there's a bunch of them, saying the receptor points on the way this virus was designed particularly attack black and white people.
And that Ashkenazi Jews, not all Jews, Russian Jews, who are part Asian, also have a low infection rate.
under 5 are saying COVID-19 may have been an ethnic bioweapon created to target white and black people.
You know, they have thousands of studies that corn syrup is bad for everybody.
But if an Asian eats corn syrup or a Hispanic who's part Asian, it is devastating.
You see all the Asian people on the street corners at the bus stops with their legs cut off, even young people.
No one's telling them, hey, you really can't drink corn syrup as a Hispanic who is part Asian.
That's what Hispanics are.
They're a mix of Spanish and Asian.
What was the other big group?
Portuguese with the native population that was Asian.
Native Americans, people like Geronimo, you test his blood, 100% Chinese.
That's where he came from.
His ancestors thousands of years before.
Anyways, continuing.
Pull up Geronimo for folks.
And the issue is, oh, it's made in China.
Funny, it isn't as deadly on Asians or, incidentally, Ashkenazi Jews.
He's not saying it's a conspiracy.
That's what the studies show.
That's what's going on.
And here's some of the articles that show that.
Bioweapons designed to kill only people of a particular race.
The Guardian.
COVID-19 pandemic origins.
Bioweapons and the history of laboratory leaks.
A big scientific paper report getting into race-specific weapons.
Be a biological weapon and be race-specific.
It's all fair in biological warfare.
The controversy over genetically engineered bioweapons And it goes on, Pentagon making race-specific bioweapons to target civilians.
China says, that's the news.
So the point is, this is going on.
There are studies out saying the receptors on this, the virus looks like it's designed to have a, and we know black people died twice as much as any other group.
A lot of that was vitamin D deficiency, but the rest of it was the issue of the race-specific nature.
So again, they think pulling this crap, calling Trump anti-Semitic or RFK Jr.
anti-Semitic, it doesn't work because it's not true and it's stupid.
And we should talk about the origin of the virus, we should talk about who it attacks, we should be honest about that.
Here's the clip.
And we need to talk about bioweapons.
I know a lot now about bioweapons because I've been doing a book on it for the past two and a half years.
And, you know, the technology that we now have, with all these microbes, we have...
Hundreds of millions of dollars into ethnically targeted migrants.
The Chinese have done the same thing.
In fact, COVID-19, there's an argument that it is ethnically targeted.
COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately.
The races that are Most of you immune to COVID-19 are because of the structure, the genetic structure, genetic differentials among different races.
Of the receptors, of the ACE2 receptor, COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people.
The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.
We don't know whether it was deliberately targeted or not, but there are papers out there that show the racial and ethnic differential impact to that.
We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bio-weapons, and we are developing ethnic bio-weapons.
That's what all those labs in the Ukraine are about.
They're collecting Russian DNA.
They're collecting Chinese DNA.
No, we can target people by race.
And by the way, they're attacking him for saying that, but now they admit Victoria Nuland, the U.S.
ambassador to NATO and to the EU, admits that those are bio-weapon labs the U.S.
built under Obama in Ukraine.
Hour number two straight ahead.
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When I grow up, I want to overthrow the New World Order.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Oh Jesus, thanks for giving me my one prayer.
And I'm willing to pay the price.
I'll put the cards on the table.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Alright, let me do this.
I have not plugged.
We've got a huge hour of news and information coming up here for you in just a moment.
Race-specific bioweapons.
Kamala Harris admitting the plan is to cut off her energy and depopulate you.
I mean, the world's really waking up right now.
We have a lot more important work to do here in the near future, and we don't want to just point out what we're right about and what's currently happening.
We need to talk about what's coming over the horizon, because so many people that are now awake to the agenda and fighting it still don't have over-the-horizon understanding of the next phase of the enemy operation.
And that's because it is really horrible.
But if you don't admit how horrible it is and go ahead and say how horrible it is, which at first you get attacked for because It's not in polite culture to tell people, hey, billions of people have been injected with a sterilant that will also give most of us cancer.
There are ways to try to mitigate it and clean it out, but again, if you don't tell people, there's no way they can then be protected.
So to say this broadcast is life and death is really an understatement.
And I want to thank, and really from the bottom of my heart, salute all the viewers and listeners that have prayed for us and shared the articles and videos and also kept us on air financially By going to infowarestore.com and getting amazing products that also enrich your life.
I just wanted to encourage those that have been on the fence for whatever reason, the vast majority of viewers and listeners, to at least pray for the broadcast and share the articles and videos.
And I thank you for that.
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Thanks for the support.
Hour number two.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Owen Shroyer takes over in 60 Minutes with Sunday Live.
Always does an out-of-the-park job.
Okay, so I just spent the last segment getting into Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
at an event giving a talk and saying, there's a lot of evidence these are race-specific bioweapons.
It was made in a lab.
Well, that's not even debated now.
It's been scanned three and a half years ago by the Indians and everybody else.
And the discoverer of HIV scanned it in France three years ago and said it was man-made.
I mean, we know that.
And we know they already had it pre-made, the so-called vaccine, before they even released the virus.
So, Peter Daszak, Bill Gates, Mini-Me, Dr. Evil over there, Fauci, they've got their fingerprints all over it.
It's just mind-blowing.
And it's all come out in Congress now.
And so, boy, are they coming out of the woodwork in the corporate media.
Oh, R.F.K.
Jr., anti-Semitic!
I mean, he says it's just the Jews are protected.
Well, they're not protected in Israel from the government trying to make them take those poison shots other than Singapore and a few places.
It was the most draconian lockdowns and forced injections in the world in Israel.
So if the Jews aren't getting a free ride from people that say, you know, it's a Jewish conspiracy.
But see, he just points out what the study says.
And then he's anti-Semite for just showing what the study says.
But we could have a war game here and ask, why did the Chi-Coms or the CIA, we know they were all involved in that lab.
There's one of the studies right there.
Print that for me please.
Why would they...
make a race-specific virus that doesn't hit Chinese as bad, and then why would it not hit Ashkenazi Jews as bad?
For whatever reason, it looks like Jews are like a mix of some ancient Asian bloodline,
that's what Arabs are, with Caucasians, that's what the genetics are.
And when they do genetic tests of a quote Arab, they are part African, and they are part Anglo,
and they are part Asian.
Now that's what that is, is a hybrid mixture.
An Arab is three different groups.
And you've got the Sephardic Jews that are part Arab, or Middle Eastern, you know, the dark, you know, Jews you see, you watch Israeli TV and you can see like, okay, well there's an Ashkenazi Jew, they look like Albert Einstein.
And then there's a handsome, dark-skinned, six-foot-five dude who's a Sephardic Jew.
And those are just genetic differences, ladies and gentlemen.
Larry David is an Ashkenazi Jew.
People that have names like Russo was a Sephardic Jew.
He actually was a Middle Eastern Jew.
His bloodline going, he was a family out of Spain, actually going back to the real Jews.
And I'm not saying there wasn't real Jews connected to the Russian Jews.
It's just that the Sephardic Jews are the ones, when you test the DNA, they're like, Jesus was a Sephardic Jew, okay?
But it's all really, really interesting stuff.
And a Sephardic Jew gets hit just as bad as anybody else by the COVID, but in these major studies, for some reason, Chinese, not just even the other Asians, they get a little less, but Chinese have some of the most Homogeneous is the word.
Other people call it inbred.
You know, like people are homogeneous in, uh, white people in West Virginia coal towns and stuff, you know, because they're marrying their sister.
And I'm saying, I mean, that's just a fact.
And it causes genetic problems, schizophrenia, mental illness, you name it.
So royalty is in her bread.
That's why they're so crazy.
The Egyptian royalty was completely insane because they would interbreed.
And you see the Rothschilds giving speeches about, yes, I've been interbreeding with our family for 400 years.
But you're not supposed to do that now.
Yeah, because it creates lunatics.
And so much of the lunatic behavior we see in the world is from inbred groups.
But I digress from that, ladies and gentlemen.
We love everybody.
And one thing of inbreeding Really smart people, particularly as you get some super geniuses, but you also get some super lunatics.
So you do get some uber mention out of this.
The British did a secret breeding program with the Huxleys, the Wedgewoods, the Darwins, and like seven other families, starting in about 1800 and just three generations of it.
By three generations of inbreeding, they had something like half the kids were total mental patient lunatics.
And they stopped at that point.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, I am digressing.
This is all genetic engineering, and I'm just giving you kind of the novice pop survey or analysis of it.
It's incredibly intriguing, and the globalists are obsessed with it, and at Cold Springs Harbor set up the most powerful eugenics proto-Nazi.
That means pre-Nazi.
Proto is pre, neo is after.
So modern skinheads are neo-Nazis, proto-Nazis are pre-Nazi.
And the white supremacists get real mad, they'll go, yes, the globalists are the super-Nazis, they're the proto-Nazis.
They're the mothers of the Nazis.
They go, how dare you, idiot!
It's the National Workers' Socialist Party, and it didn't get founded until after World War I, and Hitler wasn't the head of it until, you know, the early You know, late 1920s and, haha, what an idiot, doesn't even know where Nazis come from.
No, you don't know.
You're ignorant.
You think you're smart.
You don't know anything.
Yeah, let's put the Habsburg Jaw back up there.
That's what the British and European elites basically all looked like after inbreeding for a few hundred years, and they were idiots.
Absolute moron idiots.
But occasionally they'd get one that was a super genius.
So that's the weird trick of the inbreeding is you'll get 50 gibbering idiots where they've got to have whole facilities just to lock up all the deranged lunatic.
Children and they'll get one that can operate.
Usually they're lucky they get a super genius.
So that's how this works.
So I'm sorry.
I'm digressing off into history lessons here and.
So, so Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
comes out and explains all this to everybody and lays this out.
And they go completely ape.
But I thought we would actually sit here and talk about reality.
Remember just a year ago when Russia said we had to invade, they had bioweapon labs set up by Obama that were creating race-specific bioweapons to target Slavs, particularly Russian Slavs.
And again, you're going to hit some other Slavs when you do this, but there's still certain types of the main They can isolate the main Russian gene, what the Russians have the most, and it's going to kill people in Poland, it's going to kill people in Ukraine, it's going to kill people in Serbia, it's going to kill Americans if it gets over here that have that gene.
But they've got a thing that the Russians are not completely inbred, like say the Chinese, and I'm not bashing the Chinese, it's just a fact, they're the most homogeneous group on earth other than Ashkenazi Jews.
And so you could say that's why they're immune is their genetics are so mutated.
And I mean, being white is a mutation.
Let's just get out of that.
But a super mutation of the mutation, like red hair is a mutation of the mutation.
And with the mutation has come advanced intelligence and some other things.
But the point is, is that when I say that the Chinese are a inbred Super mutant class, that's in the genetics.
And again, remember, tell us when a mutant's not a bad thing.
You know, like, the X-Men and all that, which is fictional, but you know, it's like, oh, it's good to be a mutant, you understand?
And the point is, the Chinese do have some super geniuses in people.
The point is, as you go to China, you're like, damn, you people almost look exactly the same, like clones or something, okay?
The issue is, there's not a lot of genetic diversity.
And so, whoever cooked this up, it doesn't target Russian Jews, Ashkenazi Jews, and it doesn't target Chinese.
You know, when China was on fire in lockdown, they used it to scare us and as a cover story.
To round up the rest of their population and kill their people.
The Chinese are great people, they've been enslaved.
It's terrible.
So that's where we are right now, and we should be able to have a larger discussion about this.
But just remember, a year ago, you could not say that there were any bio labs.
It was a conspiracy theory.
Snopes said it was fake.
We're going to go to break.
We come back.
Victoria Nuland, the U.S.
ambassador to the EU, under oath, said, yes, it's true.
Well, we knew it was true.
Obama bragged about it 10, 12 years ago, setting it all up.
So, that's another reason the Russians went in, and I'm not an apologist for the Russians, I'm an apologist for the truth.
I'm just telling you what's really going on, and this is a big, big deal.
I'll tell you why when we come back.
Stay with us.
I'm dealing with human genetics, and I don't claim to have degrees or much of biology.
I've just read thousands of papers on it.
So probably 98% of what I was saying was somewhat accurate, but it's just amazing.
Go look it up for yourself.
It'll be way cooler than what I try to describe.
But just don't believe what I'm saying.
Go check it out for yourselves.
I'm just going from memory.
The point is, they did pull one of the studies here.
Significant impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on race, ethnic diversities, and U.S.
There's a bunch of these.
And this is a big public interest, social health research deal.
A bunch of colleges and professors crunched the data.
Finally, the pandemic shifted radical ethnic mortality differentials in favor of white people, narrowing the Hispanic advantage and widening the black disadvantage.
And so whites and blacks got sick.
Hispanics not as sick because they've got Chinese genetics.
Hispanics didn't know that.
That's the ethnic, main ethnic group.
It's Chinese.
You call them the Huns or whatever that came across the Bering Strait from Russia to Alaska.
Back when we were woolly mammoths and all that.
If you believe all that.
The point is the genetic engineers say that that's who peopled the Americas was basically Chinese.
Wanderers, you know, Chinese hunter-gatherers that did that.
Here's a bunch of other studies on it.
This is the Lancet Medical Journal.
Evidence mounts on the disproportionate effect of COVID-19 on ethnic minorities, particularly black people.
Here's another one, New Insights in Genetic Susceptibility of COVID-19 and ACE2 and TMPRSS2 polymorphism analysis.
And it says it targets blacks and whites more.
And it goes on from there.
So, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
is saying something very reasonable.
And I didn't just spend 30 minutes defending him just because it's RFK.
I'm defending the truth.
That's what matters to me.
And again, it's not just the U.S.
doing this.
It's not just the U.K.
doing it.
It's not just the E.U.
doing it.
Of course the Russians are messing around with this stuff.
Of course the Chinese are messing around with this stuff.
And what are the chances it's going to get out by accident again?
What are the chances they release this on purpose though?
Pretty much 100.
Look at the timing.
Operation Lockstep and then Event 201 during it happening and we know it was about the military games and the timing of it.
Yeah, they did it as their UN test drive of tyranny.
Of their UN test drive of internet kill switches, lockdowns, social credit scores, social distancing, forced injections, vaccine passports, all of it.
The U.N.
said years before, Disease X will bring in our world government.
There'll soon be a new disease and when it hits, we're gonna do this to ya.
And I went, the U.N.' 's getting ready to release this with the globalists, they're gonna do this, and people see the videos of me predicting, you'll have to wear a mask, six feet apart, they'll lock you up in your house, they go, he's one of them, how did he know that?
I was showing you them saying they're gonna do it!
Why can't people learn to look this up themselves?
I mean, it's kind of cool that I'm magic and know all this.
I'm not.
That's what's so frustrating.
We know the enemy plan.
They can be stopped.
So Victoria Nuland comes out earlier this year and says, yeah, we got biolabs.
Yeah, we got to stop the Russians from getting them.
Yeah, it's terrible.
But I don't need to have the Russians.
Look, I don't just believe the Russians, and they lie sometimes.
They put Russian operatives on our show, because we have Russian reporters on.
We've had Iranian reporters, Japanese reporters, British reporters, French reporters, Brazilian reporters, Mexican reporters.
Canadian reporters, Scottish reporters, Irish reporters, you've seen them all here.
South African reporters, Nigerian reporters, we've had them all.
And we, right before the Russian invasion, had Russian media people on like, no, we are not invading, this is American lies.
And meanwhile, the Russian troops were all masked about to go in.
They were tasked to put the disinfo out so the Russians wouldn't get caught and blown up by all the NATO weapons, which they did.
And I'm just looking at the guy going, so you're not invading?
No, Mr. Jones, no.
And I'm like, well, why do we see troops passing here?
Sorry, the connection is breaking up.
We need to say bye-bye now.
So, I don't just mindlessly believe the Russians either.
But when the Russians came out and said, we invaded partly because of these 14 bioweapon labs that we know were testing race-specific bioweapons, and they released documents of some they'd actually seized, I went and looked it up and went, oh my gosh, I forgot, Obama bragged in 2010, 11, and 12, How he doubled the funding of the project and built those labs and others to, quote, test bioweapons and create cures.
But to have a cure for a bioweapon, you've got to do illegal bioweapon development, which violates the treaties and federal law.
So I did not just believe the Russians on that case.
I looked at the facts and it was true.
But then, a year later, The ambassador to the NATO New World Order Combine.
She's been both EU ambassador and NATO.
I forget, she's been... What is Victoria Nuland right now?
I can't even keep track of it.
We know she's always stirring up trouble.
But here she is, like four or five months ago, admitting that, okay, there are bioweapon labs.
Now remember, you weren't supposed to say that.
Here it is.
Well, I only have a minute left.
Let me ask you.
Does Ukraine have chemical or biological weapons?
Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of.
So we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can I'm sure you're aware that the Russian propaganda groups are already putting out there all kinds of information about how they've uncovered a plot by the Ukrainians to release biological weapons in the country and with NATO's coordination.
If there's a biological or chemical weapon incident or attack inside of Ukraine, is there any doubt in your mind that 100% it would be the Russians that would be behind it?
There is no doubt in my mind, Senator, and it is classic Russian technique to blame on the other guy what they're planning to do themselves.
Classic Russian technique.
Governments have been blaming each other for 6,000 years of recorded history.
It's standard operating procedure, lady.
Everybody does it.
And the truth is, you heard her, though, admit that there's the bioweapon labs.
So that's the basis of all this.
And whose border are we on?
If the Russians were on our border doing all this stuff, I'd say blow the hell out of them.
Hundreds of thousands of Russian troops training people, shelling South Texas.
I'd say blow the snot out of them.
But they're not, folks.
And the same globalists that are coming after your child's genitals, and the same globalists that are coming after your border, and coming after your pension, and coming after your sovereignty, the same globalists that are censoring you are the ones doing this, and it is disgusting.
And it is extremely dangerous to be punching the Russian baron doing this.
And now, there's a big article on Infowars.com that I agree with.
With former CIA agent Johnson on there.
I want to get back on this week if we can, please.
He does an excellent analysis.
And he used to be in counterterrorism all over the world, Europe, you name it, Middle East.
He said, it's true, the Russians have done their military action.
They defeated the Ukrainians.
They've blown up all the Western equipment, most of it.
And they don't have anybody to get in the tanks.
The Ukrainians will not get in the tanks.
And so they've lost.
And so now, what are the globalists going to do?
They're going to stage a false flag.
Whether it's chemical, biological, or blowing up the nuclear power plant, that's the next move.
I'm not saying the globalists are going to do that.
I'm saying that's the only move they've got left.
And that's what Johnson was saying.
And it gets worse because of what's happening to the economy.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
I don't care if you're an American, a Russian, Chinese, Mexican, doesn't matter to me.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
I don't care if you're from the Congo.
I don't care if you're from France.
I don't care if you're from Argentina or whether you're from Easter Island.
You tell the truth.
You care about freedom and humanity.
I'm your brother.
I'm your sister.
I'm your father.
I'm your son.
We're together.
But when you lie, I'm going to come after you.
So I don't care if it's the Russians lying or CNN lying.
I don't care who it is, I'm going to expose it.
That's why, again, we've had Russian reporters on before.
They're like, no one is invading next week.
No, Alex.
I'm like, oh, what about this?
Sorry, we got to go.
I was like, I'm more sure than ever they're about to invade.
Remember, I understand the country was already invaded by NATO, but the main war was about to start.
And so I just make that point that my job is so easy.
It's not try to think, what are people going to think of this?
What's the effect politically going to be?
When you do that, you infect your mind with a bunch of questions of politics and what sounds right.
When you just go with what you believe is accurate from deep research and commitment to the truth, you almost always get an incredibly good answer that's insanely accurate.
People ask how I know all this stuff.
I just, I say what the truth is, the best truth I've got.
I'm not 100% accurate.
I'm not God.
Far from it.
But people ask, why am I still alive?
Because there's good in the universe.
God's real.
I've been protected so far.
I'm on a mission.
God told me.
27 years ago.
I've been on here about two years.
And I just had this vision.
It was like a download.
I've told the story a hundred times.
When I was sitting there at night, 9 o'clock, doing my local show on TV.
Access television.
Went and ate a chicken fried steak.
Sitting there drinking an iced tea or beer.
I can't remember.
I think it was iced tea.
I barely even drank back then.
I've gotten more corrupt as the years have gone on.
I mean, back then, hell, 27 years ago, I might drink two beers a week, so it's probably iced tea.
And I'm sitting there, and I just, like, all of a sudden, like, felt this presence in the room.
They're, like, mopping up, about to close in 30 minutes.
Nobody was in there.
And I just sat there for about an hour, and then as soon as I was ready to leave, they opened the door and locked it, and I walked out.
And it was just like, this is the whole rest of your life here, son.
You ready to do this?
It's all going to happen.
I saw everything.
It was wild, too.
And, like, God Shaded the individuals the personalities the people I wasn't shown who would be or what happened It was like and you're gonna do this and you're gonna get persecuted But it's gonna explode and then all these people are gonna wake up.
It's gonna have this giant effect and then it's gonna build towards that understanding before the Antichrist takes over and enslaves people for a few years and kills billions of people and But then out of that, Satan winning in the third quarter, it's the best way to humanly describe it.
It was way more advanced than that.
Then out of the work you've done and others do now to plant the seeds, that great tyranny of the devil will be like sunlight and rain on the seeds.
And there'll be this giant harvest, the biggest ever, that will bring down Satan's empire.
But we've got to be ready.
I like it to be caught in a riptide.
I've never been caught in a really bad one, but I've been caught in a medium-sized one in Texas once, and then a pretty good one in Hawaii one time, because I didn't mind the flags.
Usually, you see the flag, the red flags, and you're like, yeah, right.
That's not a big current.
I got jerked into it.
And I just got pulled off for a while.
Yeah, I mean, you know, a person might panic, try to swim back to shore, but I just waited and get something out about 300 yards and kick me out and I was able to come back to land.
But a really powerful riptide will grab you and suck you under.
You've got to usually know that it's going to kick you out in 30 seconds or a minute.
And then you just got to hold your breath, relax and know you're going to get shot back out on the surface very soon.
You're buoyant.
You've got oxygen in your lungs.
You know, you got fat.
Just hold your breath.
You're going to get kicked out.
People panic trying to get the service.
They breathe water.
They die in the riptide.
And I describe what we're about to go through.
What we're already actually in is we're going to get sucked into the riptide.
And it's not going to be one minute.
It's going to be more like three, four minutes in the scheme of time years.
And you're going to have to really just focus on God and relax and turn loose.
And then you're going to get shot right back out.
It's like you're suddenly shot right back out.
And it's like, wow, I'm free of this whole thing.
And this is the process we have to go through.
It's like birthing pains.
And we're here.
But I played the Victoria Nuland clip.
You just heard her admitting, yeah, we got bio labs, but they're defensive.
I thought they didn't exist.
And again, they knew anybody could go to a newspaper and see Obama bragging about them.
But they have disdain for you.
But I'll tell you, if you don't learn to research, myself included, if we don't learn to be aware of the real world, instead of knowing about football and Tom Brady's statistics or Michael Jordan or Larry Bird's statistics, like, I mean, I see these huge sites online.
I can even get caught up in it, like, everything about Michael Jordan, everything about Larry Bird, everything about Magic Johnson, everything about who cares what some dude shot in baskets or who he's married to or how much, He's paid!
It's not important.
Man, I basically drank hot sauce at lunch.
I'm going to eat Mexican food with my wife and Kent Hecken-Lively, finishing up the book.
And I'm just like this pepper addict.
And I ate a whole plate of jalapenos and then two big old giant serranos and a bunch of other stuff.
So I'm having a little bit of Little bit of a little bit of a explosive.
What do you call that?
Where the acid comes up your throat.
I went a little crazy today.
A little Mr. Piggy when it came to the peppers.
So we have all this information and we know what's going on and we know they're producing illegal things that could destroy us and destroy our families and destroy the world that are illegal.
And the larger question is, why are we putting up with it?
The social contract is broken.
Criminals have hijacked the government.
They're trying to destabilize us so they can enslave us.
We have to speak up.
We have to say no.
We have to realize that the only shot we've got is saying no to this thing.
We didn't ask for the fight.
We weren't looking for the fight.
But they came with the fight.
In fact, I asked Rob Dew on Monday to make a promo.
He did.
Maybe we should go out to break with it.
It's about a minute and a half long.
But it's that Member of Parliament out of Germany in the EU Parliament, Christina, whatever her name is.
And she's like, we didn't look for the fight.
We didn't ask for the fight.
But if you want to fight, you better believe you got one.
If you can't find it now, don't worry about it.
We'll come back and play a start of the next segment.
But really, that's what we're talking about here.
And as soon as you heard them say there aren't bioweapon labs in Ukraine, why did you go research that?
Because, again, you need to check everything this government says.
And when you find out that almost all of it's a lie, then you ask yourself, is this my government or is this criminals that have taken control of it?
All right.
I've got footage that is of an actual vampire.
Propositioning women.
Now, if you're a new viewer or listener, I want you to understand something.
I don't say these things to be shocking.
I don't say these things as a joke.
I don't say these things to impress you.
If I tell you something, and I'm sure about it, you can bet your bottom dollar that it's accurate, okay?
So I want you to listen to me very, very carefully.
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes.
And we're going to come back and I'm going to show you a real live vampire.
And I'm not going to just show you a vampire.
I'm going to show you a vampire that drinks the blood of children.
It's own children.
Here's a clip.
We are here today to tell you, you picked this fight.
You wanted this fight.
Well, guess what?
You've got it.
Let's fight!
It's 1159 at Radio Free America.
This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
John has a long mustache.
It's 12 o'clock American, another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
It's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I'm going to show you a real vampire when we come back.
A vampire that grows its own children to drink their blood.
Long before Bram Stoker, 150 years ago wrote Dracula.
Every culture from the Japanese, the ancient Greeks, the ancient Africans, the ancient
Mesoamericans, the ancient Europeans believed that sometimes at key times at night the undead
walked the earth and sought for the blood of innocents, particularly the children, to
drink their blood to live forever.
Where does that archetype come from?
Where does that legend come from?
And then I began to study world history 30 plus years ago.
I didn't believe in vampires.
I didn't believe in space aliens.
I didn't believe in chupacabras or leprechauns or the Tooth Fairy or Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny for that matter.
But then I learned that they don't exist, but the things that become a legend out of them do.
There's a kernel of truth.
And when you know that kernel, that's a key to a whole nother world of just peasants all over the world, just regular people talking about what they were seeing and what was happening.
At night, they come, they take children, they drink their blood.
Why did every culture say that?
They weren't making it up.
Because it's the exact same story.
What put that genetic memory in us?
What put that archetype in us?
So then, I began to study a little bit.
I'm like, the British royalty are not British at all.
Not one drop of blood.
In fact, they hate the British, and the Irish, and the Scots, and trained them to all kill each other.
Because the Brits were the biggest group, they trained them to hate the Scots and the Irish.
It was all the same family.
They weren't even German.
They weren't even Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
They were Transylvanian.
They were the House of the Dragon.
And the main line, direct descendant of Vlad the Impaler, the real Count Dracula, is King Charles of His Britannic Majesty.
So then I studied Jeffrey Epstein and MI6, Mossad, CIA.
I studied what they're really doing at Zorro Ranch, New Mexico, and at Nygard's big facilities, and in cloning operations down in the Bahamas, and down in the Caribbean.
And Epstein and Neumann were like, yeah, I was having babies for him.
We don't know why.
They were killing the babies and sucking all of their blood out and all of their reproductive cells out and all of their regenerative cells out.
Not just the supposed cells that regenerate, but all of them.
And injecting them into the veins and arteries of Peter Nygaard.
And it's true what Peter Nygaard says in a clip I'm about to play.
He would pay black women thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands in some cases, to be impregnated and to live at his medical facility so that he could get the baby, his baby, and suck all of its cells out And inject them because he thought if it was his son or daughter, it had better cells.
And when he said black women have this gift, it's true that black people in the genetic testing are like the original, or it's the hard code based software.
And so if you get these cells out of the baby that you have, or out of the placenta or the cord, but they use it all, he just tells them, oh, it's just the cord.
It has incredible life extension in it.
But you know, I don't just believe girlfriends or wives of this billionaire who's now in jail for human sex trafficking and slavery, underage and of age.
I have countless videos of him in stock pitches to Bill Gates and the rest of them who would go to the island along with Robert De Niro.
To get the essence of murdered babies.
You say, hey, they weren't born yet.
They're not a human.
The point is, folks, you hear about vampires.
Count Dracula would bring his women, the women he had turned to vampires, a baby for a Black Sabbath.
They would drink the blood of babies.
He would drink the blood of women.
Four powerful men he defeated.
They drank the blood of babies.
And Renfield would go out.
He was only part vampire.
He would eat bugs.
Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab says you will eat the bugs.
Their slaves only eat bugs and rats, but they drink the blood of children and others.
So, Peter Nygaard, literally on, forget what his girlfriend and wife said, we're going to show you the video of him saying, I'm willing to pay you money right now to get pregnant with me, we'll artificially inseminate, you don't even have to have sex with me.
I want the baby.
I want to kill my own baby and suck its blood and suck its regenerative cells out and give it to myself.
So he's not just saying I'm a vampire that wants a baby's essence like the Skeksis in the Dark Crystal.
This is for real.
And he did it.
Importantly, hundreds of babies he consumed.
This is the greener comb for real.
He wants black women to get pregnant with his demonic ass.
His mutant ass.
And it's true.
I'm a mutant too, but I'm not trying to drain black women.
And he literally, then, wants to get their essence and absorb it.
Instead of having a beautiful kid, loving this woman, and seeing the child grow up and you live forever through that.
No, no, no.
You want to murder a black baby and suck its juices out so you live longer, you monster.
This isn't the Dark Crystal.
This isn't Caldracula.
This is real.
Here he is.
Stem cell technology that Peter and I are investing in is called SCNT, which takes the egg of a young, perfect woman specimen, takes the egg, and takes out the nucleus, and puts our DNA in the nucleus, and it gets going to take it out.
And this is part of this genetic greatness that we don't see in any other race on the planet.
These curvy, sexy, black women from Africa.
You girls have a kind of a monopoly on this genetic perfection.
And we want some of that.
So, girls, for $100, we will pay you for your eggs.
By the way, boss, look how disgusted these women are.
Back it up.
They start with an egg, then they go, well we want a placenta, we want you to kill your baby at four weeks, we want the umbilical cord, then they go, we actually want the baby.
Now these are two vampires that are trafficking this, who get all this, reportedly thousands of babies.
Total, they sold to other men like Bill Gates and others.
And Epstein was doing it to his Zorro Ranch reportedly.
Literally wanting to suck babies dry and pump it into these men's veins.
And here they are trying to seduce these women to do this.
Listen, first it's an egg, 30 seconds later it's their whole baby.
Listen to this.
So, girls...
For $100, we'll pay you for your egg.
So how much do you want for it?
Let's bid.
I bid $500.
Whatever I bid, he's gonna outbid me.
$60,000 for the eggs.
If you have a portion, that's very valuable.
I'm not prepared to undate him anyway.
Whatever I'm dating is going to undate me.
I bought a book.
I bought a book.
It's about the eggs.
If you have a portion, that's very valuable.
You know, umbilical cord, you know, placenta, you know.
You know, your period blood is so rich with stem cells.
We regard it as waste and it actually should be.
It should be captured.
It's recycled.
And it shouldn't go to waste.
It's life for somebody else.
It's life for mankind.
It was. Notice how sick the women are about to vomit. He's like a drug addict talking about crack. He wants the
essence of children. He wants. I mean you're seeing this is he's just a guy like Epstein that gets it for the elites.
This guy's a billionaire. But he's collecting this from black women to inject it in Bill Gates. Continue.
It's life for somebody else.
And it's like for mankind.
The best best things are 60 to 80. Yeah. So those are the best things.
As you get older you're interested.
So you may not be.
No that's fine.
Cloning yourself with the idea of making yourself immortal I think is a sign.
That's enough.
So he gets these supermodels.
Gorgeous women.
Gorgeous black women.
As beautiful as they can get.
And they're rejecting him so he gets mad.
This is what they did.
He had a whole medical facility.
And you notice the first guy pitches them on clones.
They want these women to grow a Peter Nygaard clone in them.
So it's his baby.
It's him.
So he can suck his own baby dry and ingest himself.
Owen Shorter takes over now.
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More than half.
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Then it's kind of concrete roads after that, except World War III and everything else.
I mean, I'm not going to say for a minute there's going to be new challenges, but at least this patch of being stuck, we're almost out of it.
But we need you to help push us out of this.
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Here I am a few years ago, this is in 2020, talking about the importance of supplements and how when we
say iodine is essential, we say vitamin D is essential, that means you die without it.
I explain it right here, and then we'll be right back with breaking news and the latest developments.
Stay with us.