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Name: 20230713_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 13, 2023
2868 lines.

Alex Jones discusses California's attempt to pass a bill making it a felony to traffic children, criticizing the Democrats for voting it down while laughing at the victims. He also mentions Ray Epps filing a lawsuit against Fox for claiming he instigated and orchestrated the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Jones promotes his gravity-fed filter system called Alexa Pure, emphasizing its effectiveness in purifying water sources and importance of replacement filters. The speaker criticizes the UN for supporting wars for financial benefits and population control, highlighting misleading statements made by the organization regarding their plans for controlling various aspects of society during global shocks. Overall, the speaker believes that the UN has an ulterior motive to control society.

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Ukraine's losing.
NATO looks bad.
Russia hasn't escalated.
What do they do?
They stage a false flag.
And I don't know if it's going to be blowing up a bridge or blowing up a pipeline and blaming the Russians.
We've already seen that.
I don't know if it's going to be blowing up the nuclear power plant.
But I'm telling you, the globalists or some of the factions of the globalists are crazy enough to do it.
But it looks like they're testing the waters to flush him down the toilet and end this war.
And that would be a very good thing.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
It's Thursday, July 13th, 2023.
And I am your host, Alex Jones.
Crazy developments.
The gloves are off with the pedo-Satanist.
California tried to pass a bill to make it a felony to be caught sex-trafficking children.
The Democrats unanimously voted it down and then laughed at the victims as they cried.
Actual video of the evil uncloaking itself.
Speaking of evil, the poor little victim, Ray Epps, has filed a lawsuit against Fox For saying that he instigated by saying go into the Capitol and then saying that he quote, orchestrated the attack with his text messages.
He said, family, I just orchestrated it.
Well, you're not allowed to say that.
So they'll get a pick jury in D.C.
totally controlled, probably give $8 billion or something to Ray Epps.
But Ray Epps to be criminally charged for events on January 6, his attorney says.
Trump supporter, yeah right, Ray Epps sues Fox News after Tucker Carlson baselessly called him a Jan 6th instigator.
And Wiley Coyote doesn't go after the Roadrunner.
Trump supporter Ray Epps sues Fox News for defamation over January 6th falsehoods.
But in the lawsuit they say he's been told that his criminal charging is imminent, but that's from his lawyers.
I mean, who knows what's true.
But Ray, Christopher Ray, the FBI director, got smashed yesterday repeatedly on this subject.
That's coming up.
So we have, what the F, California Assembly Democrats block bill to make child trafficking a crime.
And then they laugh about it.
I mean, it's just, these people are next level.
And I've got a whole stack of news where California is becoming the pedophile Utopia.
Then, of course, the biggest news here is the war effort is in shambles as hawks turn on each other at NATO's summit.
They're now preparing to blame Zelensky for the failure of NATO to defeat Russia.
And so the knives are out for Zelensky in a big, big way.
Keystack on that.
Big new developments on the central bank digital currencies and the entire control grid rolling out.
We also have Some of the ties into all the pedo information, leftists everywhere in court rulings and in statements and in Disney programs, Disney movies, are saying murder of children is their religious sacrament under the First Amendment and they're right.
Pure Evil, latest Disney production, cartoon about a girl who inherits a ritualistic killing, blood drinking cult from her father.
Then, Satanic Temple Lawsuit Claiming Texas Law Violates Religious Freedom To Murder Children Dismissed By Federal Judge.
Aw, too bad.
And then this one, Hellish Democrat Freak Fantasizes About Being First Trainee To Implant Uterus And Abort Baby For Their Religious Sacrament.
It's all coming up today!
That's just four of the stacks.
Then we've got more articles saying that if you're in shape, you are a white supremacist.
EU Commissioner Thierry Britten warns social media companies that if they don't engage in total censorship, they'll be criminally charged.
So that's the EU weighing in on our free speech.
We got good news.
Federal judge again backing other federal judges.
Ruling that it's illegal what the Biden administration, really the Obama administration, has been doing on the surveillance and censorship going on.
That's all the tip of the iceberg.
Big news on the economy and more.
So much today.
Tomorrow's news today.
Bandod Video.
Please share those links.
That's how we win.
Thank you for joining us, my friends, on this live, teleprompter-free, Thursday, July 13th, worldwide broadcast.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Dr. Rima Labo, whose husband was the head of the army and the head of secret operations at another time, is really one of the top experts on the New World Order.
She's got huge developments concerning the UN takeover of global health care and more.
She joins us in an hour and a half from now for the balance of the broadcast.
But we will again open the phones up today.
We will again cover the waterfront of incredible breaking news.
Well, the Russians are decisively winning in Ukraine.
They are decisively crushing Zelensky.
And so now NATO is preparing to trash and blame Zelensky for that.
And that's what's currently happening.
So we're going to be hitting that first.
But let's go ahead and look at some clips here.
Listen to some clips here.
Of Biden.
And folks, we have hours of these.
We would fill the entire show with gaffes.
We are not excising small cutlets out of his buffoonery and out of his public meltdown.
We're just showing you a small sample.
His entire speech in between the World War III warmongering was absolutely incoherent dribble.
Which is humiliating for our republic.
But here's Biden saying Russia could end this war tomorrow by ceasing its inhumane attacks on Russia.
One country cannot be allowed to seize its neighbor's territory by force.
Russia could end this war tomorrow by withdrawing its forces from Ukraine, wrecking its international borders, and ceasing its attacks on it, its inhumane attacks on Russia, I mean by Russia, on Ukraine.
So, there you go.
And the truth is, Ukraine is the birthplace of Russia, but it's where Russia for a thousand years has fought Muslims, and then fought Catholics.
And I'm not an Orthodox, I'm not a Catholic, I love both sides, they're all Christians, they're good people, but it was the battleground in Hitler's Germany, and in World War II, and the West has exacerbated the splits between Western Ukraine and Eastern Ukraine.
Eastern Ukraine is as Russia as New York City is American.
So, the West started this whole thing, and there's the Freudian slip by Biden Saying that Russia needs to stop attacking Russia.
Well, if the CHICOMS took over Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, we'd be down there fighting them too.
And of course the CHICOMS would try to claim, well there's an ethnic minority of Hispanics that say they're Mexican, not American, so we're here for them.
That's basically what NATO's doing, is they're using that excuse of the Aryan Ukrainian minority, and it's a big minority, 30-40%, who do not see themselves as Slavic, they see themselves as German, and that's why Hitler annexed part of Ukraine in World War II.
So that battle's been going on for at least 400 years in Ukraine between Europeans.
Before that, it was with Muslims routinely invading.
But if you think that's a ridiculous clip, here is Henry Kissinger getting a call from those famous Russian pranksters that get in.
They've pranked Nancy Pelosi and they've pranked basically all the top people.
You think of them, they've pranked them.
They got through on the Skype or the Zoom of Henry Kissinger and posed as the dictator of Ukraine, Zelensky, here it is.
of Nord Stream 2? How do you think?
Who is behind, who is behind of explosion of Nord Stream 2?
Who is guilty? How do you think?
I frankly thought you were.
You think that we?
No, no.
But I didn't blame you.
I love how there's David Rockefeller behind him.
I would not say that as a criticist.
It's so real.
And Nelson Rockefeller.
Hey, back that up, guys.
Nelson Rockefeller's in the middle on the right-hand side and above that's a shot with David and some other people.
So that's the patrons of him is the Rockefellers.
There's New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller right there.
The lady over on the side, that's Roosevelt's wife, the communist.
Please get it off the screen before I throw up.
See, I'm a weirdo.
I'm into history, so I know who these people are.
That's why I know what's going to happen next.
I study all these people.
Most people study football and all their favorite football players and basketball players.
Sorry, I do not study the jock size of LeBron James.
I study the enemies of freedom and what they're up to because I want to stop them.
Nothing against the fact that people love sports.
I'm just saying, I know the baseball cards of the bad guys, not the baseball cards that don't matter.
So continuing, let's hear some more babble from Biden.
Here's Biden versus a teleprompter.
No, NATO will be the 32nd freestanding, have free, 32 freestanding members standing together to defend our
people and our territory.
Now here's Biden saying that, well, we hear Zelensky hadn't been too happy putting out these tweets that NATO's
abandoned him and NATO's weak.
And he wants full war, he wants NATO to, he's already fired missiles into Poland trying to get World War III going.
He knows the Russians have said, we invaded because you plan to join NATO.
They went, oh no, we're not joining NATO, and then of course they're trying to join NATO right now.
And so, here's Biden saying, oh, Ukrainian President Zelensky seemed very satisfied with everything we're doing when we left.
Here it is.
We already have the equivalent of attackers now.
What we need most of all is artillery shells.
And we're in short supply, we're working on that.
So he seemed very satisfied with everything we're doing.
Okay, so let's boil down why this is happening.
The Russians, from the beginning, said they just want 25% of Ukraine that has rivers and some hills, that give them some defense against NATO, and that they want their industrial base that is in the east of Ukraine that the Russians built after it was all destroyed at the end of World War II.
And they want the Black Sea Fleet base they have in Crimea.
And so that's been their plan from the beginning.
Putin said five years ago, if you keep building up troops, if you keep attacking Russian-controlled areas, we're going to launch a military operation to clean them out.
They didn't stop.
Putin went in.
It endangers World War III.
The rest is history.
It's very, very serious.
But the Russians have secured that area.
The counteroffensive has been completely destroyed.
And so now NATO wants to make a deal with Putin and wind this down.
Or they want Zelensky to just continue to put Ukrainians into a meat grinder forever and build a bunch of permanent munitions factories in Poland to then militarize that entire area and continue to launder money.
And Zelensky's playing right along with it.
He will not allow some of the groups that want to end this to do that.
So he's playing right into the idea of just basically sacrificing hundreds of thousands, more conservatively, Ukrainians to die, including Russians.
So it's absolutely evil.
Started by Soros, started by the State Department, started by the West.
Needs to stop.
And these guys are really right now eyeing where they want to go with this.
Is NATO going to escalate with Russia and further threaten nuclear war?
Or is NATO going to make Zelensky sue for peace, and then Russia gets 25% of Ukraine, and this whole thing stops?
And that's basically where the world is right now.
Putin is being... Putin is being empowered by this, not weakened.
The bizarre Purjojan The coup did not work per Gojjan.
You see Europe in fire with the Islamic uprising and those uprisings spreading.
And so right now the globalists know they're losing.
Russia and BRICS is becoming stronger.
Russia is making record amounts of money through oil export.
The West is getting weaker and weaker.
It's hurting the dollars hegemony.
So this is a very, very important moment where the world is right now.
And again, we have the neocons, we have the warmongers, we have the crazies that can't see the writing on the wall that Russia is fundamentally winning this and will win this and has not been baited into a wider war so far.
And that if you don't then send in regular NATO troops, Ukraine is already lost.
But even if you send in NATO troops, then Russia goes to full mobilization and that invariably leads to tactical and then regional and then worldwide commitment into nuclear war.
So let's look at some of these headlines.
War effort in shambles as hawks turn on each other at NATO summit.
The war in Ukraine shifts decisively in Russia's favor.
Viktor Orban helps prevent World War III.
We should bring peace instead of weapons to Ukraine.
And look at the photo.
And I've watched the actual video.
This is not taken out of context.
Here is Zelensky in his little costume.
He wasn't told this wasn't a costume party.
And they just ignored him up in the big photo shoot they did for five minutes, where they all get together in their own little cliques.
And this sends a message of who's with who, and who's in what globalist clique.
It's all the same cult, but, you know, different arms of it, different tentacles of it.
And they all want him to know he's the uncool kid, you know, over at the table by himself.
And this is because he talked out of hand, he tried to blame NATO for the loss, and they're like, no, no, no, no, Zelensky, you are the Gay pornographic actor that we have blackmailed.
You're the guy we're gonna burn when you fail.
You're the guy we're gonna set up.
It's like Saddam Hussein was used to attack Iran and a hero in the U.S.
media for seven years.
Look how it ended for him.
After he served his usefulness.
So, he's a total puppet, a total actor, being set up, now being shown, hey little man, you don't actually run anything.
You are just a miserable little puppet.
delegation furious over Zelensky's tweet.
defense minister says what everyone is thinking.
We are not an Amazon delivery service for weapons to Ukraine.
Notice how British intelligence Has been involved more than anybody except the U.S.
State Department and the CIA, stirring this up, overthrowing elected governments, launching this war, encouraging the most high-tech weapons to go, and now that all this failed and the Russians have won decisive victories and destroyed roughly half of all the new equipment in just a few weeks, sent to the front line.
Now the British government turns on their moron puppet in his little military dictator outfit, his little Fidel Castro outfit, his little Kim Jong-un outfit, his little Kim Jong-il outfit, his little Stalin outfit, his little Hitler outfit, and Now the British government that helped quarterback and blueprint and run the whole thing, basically commanded it, now they say, who do you think you are demanding weapons from us?
We just run your intel operation and tell you what to do.
And now they're getting him positioned to fall.
They've made their hundreds and hundreds of millions of weapons.
They've smuggled out the kids.
They've harvested the organs.
They've killed hundreds of thousands of Russians.
They've destabilized the planet.
They've shifted out of the COVID narrative power grab into this new COVID power grab.
Now it's the confrontation with China is the next phase and power outages are domestically and race war and civil war.
Now don't worry, they got new crises ready.
But since the Russians are winning, They're gonna end this current thing and move on to the next current thing.
At least they're thinking about it.
And they want Zelensky to know, if we decide to roll over to Putin, you better do everything we tell you or you're gonna end up dying in a helicopter accident.
Or you're gonna die of a heart attack, buddy boy.
It'll come out you died of cocaine overdose.
Because you're not a real leader.
You are a dictator.
You've arrested your entire political opposition.
You work with Nazi Azov battalions.
You've banned all the major political opposition and arrested the heads of the Orthodox Church.
No one's going along with you.
Opposition's forming to this agenda worldwide and we're getting ready to blame you for everything we trained you as a sex operative of the CIA to do.
Because that's what Zelensky did was go into hotel rooms with Western diplomats and other diplomats and have sex with men to set them up.
My intel has come in on.
He doesn't just play the piano with his penis.
He doesn't just wear high heels and leather outfits and grab men's butts on TV.
He's just like Arnold Schwarzenegger and all the rest of their puppets.
He's a homosexual sex operative.
Just like Macron.
Just like half these guys.
It's all Jeffrey Epstein crap over and over and over.
And he started believing in his Napoleon complex that he was really God.
See, they're the ones peeing on each other in hotel rooms, not Trump.
Trump's playing golf.
I'm hiking up mountains.
Never get sick of it.
You guys are doing something completely different.
So UK Defense Minister says what everybody is thinking.
We are not an Amazon delivery service for weapons to Ukraine.
But here's Zelensky.
after the war, Ukraine will be in NATO.
Bubbling Joe Biden embarrasses US on world stage once again with incoherent NATO speech.
Gotta love Henry Kissinger.
He thinks he's actually talking to Zelensky.
Those guys are perfect doing American accents, English accents.
It sounds just like Zelensky.
"What are you saying to me, hmm?
You are the one who did the bombing of the Nord Stream!"
And obviously Kissinger knows it was the West for him.
the US Navy. Kissinger's like, "Why? I mean it's just you.
You do for you. But I did not blame you. Why you be so mean to me?"
Can we get the Emperor Skeksis death scene please ready?
Because I gotta tell you, if you put a Skeksis head on Kissinger or his wife,
You would have an actual sketchy.
Let's roll the pranksters.
This is, I think, their most epic prank yet.
Let's go ahead and roll, Kish, as you're getting pranked.
Nord Stream 2. How do you think?
Who is behind, who is behind of explosion of Nord Stream 2?
Who is guilty, how do you think?
I frankly thought you were.
You think that we?
No, no.
But I didn't blame you.
I would not say that as a criticist.
It's so real.
Wow, that is so amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
You know, let's watch the sketchy scene right now.
This is too good.
This is emblematic of Biden and Obama and the whole New World Order and the CIA and the Anglo-American establishment and the whole Hollywood, pedo, globalist cult that's sucking out our innocence, destroying our souls.
This is really who they are.
This is their system collapsing in front of us right now.
start the clipover please I hate your whimper!
I hate your whimper!
Inside the U.S.
She's not ready yet, my lord Timberland.
She's not ready yet, my lord Timberland.
She's not ready yet, my lord Timberland.
Fear Power
My death!
My youth!
I... must...
I... I... I... I... I...
I... start... in power...
That looks like a hundred bites.
I've had enough fun, but it's actually not fun because these people are collapsing on top of us.
So I've covered what's going on with the war.
It's huge.
I'm not a Russophobe.
I'm not a Russophile.
I have studied the history of it quite a bit.
It's very fascinating.
The West did start this.
The West has basically been funding the communist system the whole time, and as you can see is setting it up now here.
Russia is opposing it to many facets and areas, but really not completely,
and is just as leftist and shot up and infiltrated as we are.
So Russia's not gonna save us, the US isn't gonna save us,
God's gonna save us in our personal relationship with God.
That said, the globalists brag, they started the war,
they overthrew the government, they started trying to push the Russian people
out of Ukraine, and Russia responded because it's in their heartland,
and the quicker this war is over, the better, and Putin has not been expansion-tory,
expansion-tory, has not been expansionist, expansionist, Putin has not been expansionist.
And so I believe that after this is stabilized, Russia will then move forward with industrial expansion, not military expansion.
I'm all for Russia becoming stable.
And successful.
And I want Mexico to be stable and successful.
And I want Brazil to be successful and stable.
And I want Africa.
I want Nigeria.
And I want Libya.
And I want South Africa to be stable.
And I want Japan and China to be stable.
And I want Germany to be stable.
And France to be stable.
And Canada to be stable.
I mean, come on, folks.
We're all humans here.
We're all on one planet together.
We've got plenty of resources, incredible ideas.
And we can just go to the stars together.
Instead of running around like a bunch of idiots allowing a ruling class to create crises to pose as our saviors and use crisis management as the pretext to dominate and control.
And try to limit resources to we the people.
Because they're not trying to get rid of toxic technology.
They're trying to get rid of technology that works and create a collapsed civilization because they compete with wealth.
They want to make us poor so they can dictate the terms of our surrender.
All right, we are going to go to break.
We're going to come back.
But they are definitely getting ready to blame Zelensky for the failure in Ukraine.
Or, oh, I didn't hit the most important point.
I forgot one key part of this when we come back.
Zapo Royskaya, that's a mouthful, the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe, some argue the biggest in the world, has been evacuated by the Russians who took it a year and a half ago.
And Zelensky has been saying the Russians are going to blow it up with no evidence.
Remember, he shot missiles into Poland last year and blamed Russia, but the Poles had NATO anti-missile defense systems and shot both down, so they got the damn tell numbers off of them.
And they've been fired by Zelensky on purpose, clearly, from the trajectory.
They weren't accidental missiles.
He fired them in.
to blame the Russians and demanded, even when the polls came out and said it was not the Russians,
he went, "I want you to attack NATO, attack now, use nukes if needed."
And then out came that crazy, low IQ vegetable, and I've met him, I know him,
to say, "We need to have nuclear war and we shouldn't be against nuclear war."
And I guess calling him a vegetable makes me a vegetable.
What's his name?
Fast Times at Ridgemont High.
Harvey Milk.
He's been in a bunch of movies.
He's an idiot.
Sean Penn.
I mean, I've got Hollywood so dialed out of my brain, folks, I don't even... I mean, I got nuclear reactors names on my mind, and what's happening in South Africa, you know, and the riots and mass murder.
I mean, I just, it's just... But we played the clips where he's like, what's wrong with nuclear war?
It's got to be on the table.
We can survive one.
Hey, Sean, go jump off a cliff, buddy.
Burn in hell.
You idiot.
Two moron actors.
And I tell you, I take real pleasure watching Zelensky sink, and watching his bosses turn on him.
But remember, the bosses are the main enemies.
So let me finish the point about the ZAF-POH-ROZH-SKYA reactor.
I know I'm butchering that.
He keeps saying that it's going to be blown up by the Russians.
So, Ukraine's losing, NATO looks bad, Russia hasn't escalated.
What do they do?
They stage a false flag.
And I don't know if it's going to be blowing up a bridge or blowing up a pipeline and blaming the Russians.
We've already seen that.
I don't know if it's going to be blowing up the nuclear power plant.
But I'm telling you, the globalists, or some of the factions of the globalists, are crazy enough to do it.
But it looks like they're testing the waters to flush him down the toilet and end this war.
And that would be a very good thing.
An extremely good thing.
Okay, let's now shift gears into this.
And you talk about trying to do justice to something.
Everything we cover now is so bizarre and so over-the-top and so insane that It feels like a lie when you're saying it.
I mean, does that make sense?
Like, this doesn't sound real.
It doesn't sound real that a month ago, Obama ordered the federal government, that's since the president is Obama, ordered the federal government to stop taking DNA from unaccompanied children and babies and
then people that are accompanied but have no IDs They can do it a day a DNA test to see if the person is the
mother or father or of their grandfather grandmother Or they're a sister or brother or if they're a first cousin
up to like fourth cousins Why would you get rid of something an inexpensive quick
Because you want to help the smugglers get away with them.
But not just that, it's unaccompanied children with whatever ID they've got or whatever you make up, they then give them to Democrat aid groups, which have been caught all over the world, UN groups, running the smuggling.
Hell, the deputy head of the Clinton Foundation was convicted of smuggling kids out of Haiti.
So they're doing some nasty stuff, folks, and you'd think that's not true.
That doesn't sound true, though it's in the Washington Post.
They're saying big deal.
Like it doesn't sound real they took human trafficking and child sex trafficking and child prostitution and sex slavery off the federal websites this week.
They did.
It doesn't exist now according to them.
And these next clips I've got are so horrible that it's hard to process It's hard to process Democrats saying, yeah, we kill babies as part of a satanic ritual.
In federal court, we want to keep it legal.
We have women get pregnant on purpose so we can murder the baby in a ritual.
Now what's wrong with that?
I have that article right here, Mainstream News.
I'm going to cover that.
California Assembly Democrats block bill to make child trafficking a serious felony.
That's right, California doesn't have a law that if you're caught with kidnapped children as young as five in sex slavery, that it's a felony.
California has legalized sex with 12-year-old boys with adults if, quote, they say it's consenting.
A child of 12 can't be consenting.
Plus, they tell the kids, we'll kill your family if you say you didn't want to do this.
Standard procedure.
California has legalized giving people HIV or hepatitis.
California Has said children from all over the country can run to their state and be sterilized outside of parental consent and outside of them being able to give consent because they're not the age of consent.
And California is now sterilizing children as young as seven who go with these quote providers.
Washington State passed a law, Oregon's passing a law, that if the child quote runs away as young as 10, They can be taken to a safe house and parents not told where they are under state funding.
But who are the sponsors?
The teachers, the pedophiles, the criminals in the community.
They tell the 7, 8, 9 year old, oh, don't tell your parents you're really another gender.
We're going to put you in this club, but don't tell them.
Oh, hey, next week you're going to escape.
Remember, never talk to your parents again.
They have pedos on Facebook and TikTok telling kids just do no communication.
Cut them off.
Your parents are bad.
Just go with your friend and your guardian and your ally.
And so a pedophile convinces your 7, 8, 9, 10 year old that you're really going to have this incredible life of wondrousness.
And then the states, multiple states are passing laws.
Governors are signing laws that you then disappear.
And the parents aren't told under state law where you are.
And you're quote taken to a transgender house where it's all peer pressure, it's all control, you know it's all pedo right.
Yeah there's the state senator that gets all these laws passed in California there.
Right there on the side there.
So this is a cult and they're turning California into a giant pedo command base.
And when we come back, we're going to play all these clips of when the victims of human trafficking, where people were confirmed to be victims, where there was convictions, they're there.
They've already testified.
When they cry, the Democrats laugh and make jokes because they're on the payroll, folks.
Big money in human baby parts and kidnap children's organs and delivering fetuses with still beating hearts to quote US research facilities and universities.
Look that up.
Big money in all of this, but if they can convince your child, particularly of their Autistic or Down Syndrome, you're gonna be a star now!
We have fun parties at school where everybody worships you, and you dress up like a girl, and we give you prizes, and is your mommy mean to you?
Would you like to go away to a nice place where you'll be with people like you, with your friends all the time, at like a birthday party all the time?
Okay, sign right here, you're eight years old.
Billy, you were Billy, you're Jenny now.
You're going to be at a party all the time.
And they load your kid in a van that day, and the parents say, Billy never got off the bus.
And they go, we don't know where Billy is.
And under state law, in places like Oregon and Washington State, Your child disappears into a labyrinth of pedophiles, and that's just the low level.
Aleister Crowley scientists, Satanists that want to chop off their genitals and mutilate them in sacrifices.
And then it gets worse.
If Billy ever tries to escape, Billy's gonna be chopped up and thrown in the ocean.
We're right back.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
So, I mean, I knew the Globalists were Satanists.
I knew that was their operating system decades ago.
Because top experts had been fighting them long before I was born, told me that, and then I saw evidence of it.
But I thought it was only the top people.
Back then it mainly was.
But they have successfully made it the culture of the Democratic Party.
I mean, if you go out to a pro-life vote at the Texas Capitol, or anywhere else for that matter, these women show up in like church lady outfits that look completely normal, and they'll start hailing Satan and hissing at you and saying, I love the devil, I love to kill babies.
And their joke is they're trying to freak out Christians.
But when you see how crazed they are, no, they really bought into it and don't get what they're into and what they've been captured by.
And so now the mainline culture has become this satanic situation.
So about five years ago, I went to see Hail Satan, I think was the name of it.
It was the movie about the big satanic church in the United States today.
And they said, oh, we're a big part of the Democratic Party now, and people love us, and thousands come to our events.
And to be anti-Christian, we don't really believe in the devil, but we're being anti-Christian just to be shocking.
But then I looked at it and saw the people and looked them up.
They were very serious and definitely into it and very nihilistic.
And then they filed in court, pure evil latest.
A Disney production is a cartoon about a girl who inherits ritualistic killing, blood drinking, a cult from her father, a satanic temple that the movie Hell's Satan's about, a lawsuit claiming Texas law violates the religious right to abortion rituals, dismissed by a federal judge.
They say killing the baby is a ritual, which it is.
Hellish demonic freak fantasizes about being the first tranny to implant uterus to abort a baby so they can carry out the sacrament of murdering their child.
So these are not nice people.
But you're thinking, well that's just the freakazoids.
Uh, no.
You can see all the clips at InfoWars.com.
We're not going to play them all because there's hours of it.
You can watch the whole hearings there, but... California Assembly Democrats block bill to make child trafficking a serious felony.
And again, in the new Disney movie, they mix the rainbow and LGBTPS with Satanism.
That's how it all works now, folks.
BBC fires top presenter accused of paying teen $45,000 for sexually explicit photos.
That's a side issue, but we'll get to it.
DOJ removes international sex trafficking of minors from areas of concern page because there is no trafficking of children except what Biden does.
So we've got these clips, but just imagine, here is the California Assembly.
Democrats block bill to make child trafficking a serious felony.
California lawmakers and the Assembly Public Safety Committee blocked a measure that all Republicans voted for to classify human trafficking of a minor as a serious felony under state law.
All six Democrats on the committee voted against the proposal, while the two Republicans were
the only ones to say yes.
The results of the vote prompted members of the audience, some of whom had been traffic
victims who had testified themselves, to openly sob in front of the committee.
The measure was halfway through the state's legislative process, having cleared the Senate
state unanimously with broad bipartisan support.
None of the six Democrats on the Assembly Public Safety Committee were willing to cast
a vote on the measure.
Republican Assemblyman Juan Alanis and Tom Lackey were the bill's only votes.
So let's go ahead and play the first longer clip that I've got here on my list.
Let's go ahead and play Clip three and then let's play clip four after that.
California lawmakers today rejected a measure that would make human trafficking of a child a serious felony.
Experts say right now those convicted of trafficking people under the age of 17 are able to get out of prison early and serve much less time than what they're sentenced to.
Case Area 3 Capitol correspondent Ashley Zavala explains both sides of this issue and why the lawmaker who wrote this bill was shocked by the vote today.
California lawmakers in the Assembly Public Safety Committee today blocked a bill that would have defined human trafficking of a child a serious felony.
This would have made it a strikable offense, meaning it could put people convicted of trafficking children away for longer if they are convicted of trafficking them again.
Right now, those convicted are eligible for early release credits, meaning their sentences can be significantly reduced.
Supporters say this measure would have changed that.
But opponents say more prison time doesn't get to the root of the problem, And say there are already laws on the books that can put traffickers away for a significant amount of time.
This bill was halfway through the legislative process.
It passed unanimously through the State Senate with broad bipartisan support.
State Senator Shannon Grove, who authored the bill, told us she was blindsided by today's vote.
You can pass a note to a bank and rob a bank.
You can commit arson and that's considered a serious felony.
But to traffic a minor child in the state of California is not.
That's something wrong.
I mean I'm talking 0 to 17 where the average age is 10.
And they would not pass this bill.
Now the vote tally was two to zero.
No Democrats were willing to vote for this bill and those two votes came from Republicans.
This bill is not dead.
It's just not moving forward for the rest of the year.
Discussions on this at the state capitol can pick up next year.
Reporting at the state capitol, Ashley Zavala, KCRA 3 News.
Well, if you may have noticed, the Assembly Public Safety Committee is known for blocking measures that would increase prison time, recently rejecting similar measures for fentanyl dealers and domestic violence offenders.
The chairman of the committee, Assemblyman Reggie Jones-Sawyer, has promised to work with Senator Grove on this human trafficking bill.
Yeah, I don't want to put those fentanyl dealers in jail.
They're really nice people, too.
So, California is a pedophile wonderland.
California is a pedophile utopia, at least in the making.
And we know California is the model for the rest of the country.
I'm dumbfounded by Biden taking child sex trafficking off the federal website, saying it's not an issue, doesn't exist.
And saying we're not going to DNA test kids that are unaccompanied, we just turn them over to random people.
Or test who are they really with.
The test takes a day.
Very inexpensive.
But no, we're going to tell the children come here and adults bring children.
It's the happy land to kidnap kids and bring them here.
It's a pedophile paradise.
Who was that singer died like last year?
Living in a gangster's paradise.
Make sure Coolio died.
I'm going for memory here.
I remember he used to be like bulletproof and 100% now it fails.
He did die, right?
He did.
So maybe we should go out with living in a gangster's paradise.
We can pull that up, but it's not a gangster's paradise.
It's a pedophile's paradise.
Okay, I got a lot more on this.
We forgot, man.
Economic news, four-shot news, central bank neutral currency news.
Ray Epps criminally charged for role in January 6th.
Blames Tucker.
He says to be criminally charged.
This is just crazy chutzpah and bravado by Ray Epps, but I'll explain why they're doing it.
Because they got jurisdictions, folks, where juries will do whatever a Democrat judge tells them.
Believe me, I've experienced it.
So that's coming up next hour.
Your phone calls as well.
We're going to have a special guest, Dr. Remo Labo.
But first, let me tell you, we've decided to extend on the products we still have in stock, the big mega sale.
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That's right.
You think you're relaxing at your country club?
You're away from the crime, you're away from the tyranny.
You're isolated from what you've done to the public.
But you're being sprayed by limited oxide, barium salts, the atmosphere's being cooked.
Nobody's safe.
Kim trails over the country club boys and girls.
There's nothing more avant-garde than InfoWars.
I don't say that from some sense of accomplishment.
I mean, anybody else could have been avant-garde if they cared about the facts and researched the globalist operation.
All right, we did a pretty good job last hour covering the fact that the Ukraine World War III operation is not going according to plan.
Still a giant disaster and a terrible situation for everybody except the soulless globalists, but they're getting ready to scapegoat Zelensky.
They're looking at ending the war and blaming him.
I don't know, they may double down again, but definitely they're having second thoughts about World War III with Russia right now, so that's a good thing.
The over-the-top developments that I already mentioned.
California is like, okay, well, okay, you're letting people out that are two-time sex traffickers of children.
We really need to keep them in prison and charge them with felonies.
They're like, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope.
And then I never played the clip, did I?
I never got the clip of them laughing about it.
Yeah, here's Assemblyman Reggie Jones Sawyer was caught on a hot mic laughing at the victims of human trafficking who heckled him after blocking the bill.
Here it is.
A petition for reconsideration, sir.
That bill fails.
Reconsideration is granted unanimously.
Thank you, sir.
He's laughing at the reaction there.
Republican State Senator Shannon Grove put forward the measure.
Man, this guy's got more names than a Roman Emperor.
So we've got all that, but let me tell you what we're going to cover when we come back.
Ramps, our little sweetheart.
He's filed a suit against Fox News.
He blames Tucker Carlson for the fact that people think he was orchestrating things.
Though he sent a text message to family while he was there ramming signs into the police and leading the first breach that he, quote, orchestrated it.
You say, well then why would he file a suit?
Because they'll just, it's in D.C., they'll have a controlled judge, controlled jury.
$50 billion.
$50 billion for rams.
I mean, in a controlled courtroom, with weaponized systems, lawfare, 90 plus million to an FBI agent, never said his name, didn't know who he was, never showed a picture of him, none of my crew did, and then he just marches in and says, Alex Jones was mean to me, one time somebody called my desk and said, are you really, do you really work at the FBI?
And the jury said, 95 million, or what, 94 million.
No evidence, never said his name, didn't know who he was, sued me.
So, I mean, hell, Tucker said Rams, his name.
How about 87 trillion?
How about all the money in the universe?
And if a judge tells a Democrat jury, listen here, Fox News talked about this poor little baby cake.
They won't show Ray Epps saying attack the building or go into the building.
They won't show him saying go in.
They won't show him ramming a sign.
They won't show his text message saying I orchestrated it.
They won't allow any of that in.
They'll just go, here's this little baby cake right here.
Didn't do a thing, and this mean Fox News did it!
And that jury will say $987 quadrillion dollars right now!
He he he!
We'll be right back.
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Alright, a lot of people watch the clips of Ray Epps running around like a chicken with his head cut off.
Saying, "Go into the Capitol tomorrow, go in today, go in, go in."
I orchestrated it, helping ram signs into police.
And then our own Owen Schroer, arrested, indicted, facing years in prison for being outside the Capitol, saying, do not go in.
He's facing years in jail.
But Raps, as the New York Times defending him, everybody defending him, well now a real nightmare for the Deep State New World Order came true.
Representative Nails, Republican, asked FBI Director Wray if he will arrest Wray Epps.
Then, hours after this happened, the lawsuit was filed against Fox by Wray Epps with his lawyer saying he's been told by the FBI he will be indicted.
That's probably like a psychological thing, like, oh, he will be indicted, but and we're suing Fox News.
Because it's Tucker that's made people think he, quote, instigated it.
No, you didn't say instigated.
You said orchestrated.
Because when you instigate, you kind of just push somebody.
When you're the orchestrate, you're the orator, you're the conductor, you're up there, dun-dun-dun-dun, dun-dun-dun-dun.
Can we pull up a On YouTube, a video of a conductor directing a symphony.
Or we could have Porky Pig in the famous Looney Tunes shows.
No, no, no, no.
You didn't instigate.
You said that you orchestrated.
See, they say I orchestrate InfoWars.
And I do.
I'm the orchestrator.
Now, It's more like jazz, though, because I'm not in control of the violins and the horns and the piano.
It's more like, I love liberty, I love freedom, what does everybody think?
Have guests on, have a larger discussion.
It's more like jazz.
Like, what are you going to play?
Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum.
There's somebody else over here doing something else.
We're not, we're not, this is like a jazz operation.
I'm not like a conductor that's hitting the violin and then ordering the harp and then having the piano hit and then the violins going and then, no, no, no.
Maybe they even got a Trombone in there.
Maybe they've got a pipe organ.
I'm not running any of that.
I'm not involved in any of that.
I'm just simply trying to promote freedom.
But he said I orchestrated it.
That's not instigated.
Instigate just means like You're at a football game going, yeah, get them, yeah, come on team!
Or you're at a swim meet and your daughter's about to win the race, like, come on baby, come on Charlotte, you can do it, little bit harder, that's instigating.
Orchestrating is when you're running the show, like you're a general in a battle, commanding the forces and giving them their orders.
So imagine, in the text messages he says, I orchestrated it.
Let me tell you, a quarterback doesn't orchestrate a victory.
The coach orchestrates.
The quarterback executes and instigates.
So, you've got the self-described conductor who's orchestrating, orchestra, that's what that comes from, orchestra, orchestrating Only a master can orchestrate all these different people.
He says, "I am a conductor."
And now, oh, there'll have to be a special jury and a special judge.
No evidence will be shown.
He'll just sit there and cry.
And the jury will say, $79 trillion, just $87 million.
It'll be just so...
The news will say, Ramps, innocent, he fought the Gen 6 invaders.
With a battle axe, he personally killed 500 of them, like Samson.
But Alex Jones came and overpowered him and forced his way in, and then killed 9,000 members of Congress.
I mean, that's preposterous, that's absurdist, that's satirical, but who cares if there's death camps?
In China run by Apple because Tim Cook wears a black turtleneck.
You see.
And Ray Epps wears a red trumpet.
You see.
So let's go ahead and go to this incredible excoriation of the FBI director and then literally within hours of this happening.
We hear Ray Epps will be indicted from his lawyer, probably won't happen, and that, oh, it's all the fault of Tucker Carlson.
Here it is.
I want to turn my attention now to this fella, this character, Mr. Ray Epps.
We've all heard of him.
We've heard of Mr. Ray Epps.
He was number 16 on your FBI Most Wanted list.
He was encouraging people the night prior and the day of to go into the Capitol.
And Mr. Ray Epps can be seen at the first breach of Capitol grounds at approximately 1250 p.m.
Play the clip, please.
We need to go into the Capitol.
Into the Capitol?
Into the Capitol.
We are going to the Capitol, where our problems are.
It's that direction.
Please spread the word.
All right.
No, David, one more thing.
Sir, can we go up there?
When we go in, leave us here.
Are we going to get arrested if we go up there?
We don't need to get shot.
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
There he is, breaching the line, going in at the first breach into the Capitol grounds, a restricted area.
Mr. Wray, you have arrested hundreds of people related to January 6th.
And there have been people arrested for breaching Capitol grounds.
Cooey Griffin is an example.
Rachel Genko is an example.
And then we go to Mr. Brandon Strecca.
Brandon was arrested for disorderly and disruptive conduct, which included yelling, I quote, go, go, go, as rioters tried to empty the Capitol.
These three never went into the Capitol.
They never assaulted anyone.
So let's be honest with each other.
There is very little difference between the actions of Ray Epps and Brandon Stryka that day.
But yet Stryka was arrested and Epps wasn't.
Epps also testified to the January 6th Committee.
He was back at his hotel when video evidence showed that he wasn't.
He lied.
He was on the Capitol grounds just as Brandon Strickland was.
Epps even texted his nephew at 2.12 p.m.
and said, I quote, I was in the front with a few others.
It was on the video.
I also orchestrated it.
Now look into the camera, sir, when you answer my next question.
Are you going to arrest Mr. Epps?
Yes or no?
I'm not going to engage here in a discussion about individual people who are or are not going to be prosecuted.
Okay, here we go.
Can I get a commitment?
You just watched the video.
I'm an old law dog.
I understand a little bit about probable cause.
He did very little, there was very little difference what he did and Mr. Stretka, you can see him.
He's encouraging, I almost think he's inciting a riot.
He's encouraging people, the night prior, to go into the Capitol, the day of, go into the Capitol, and he was at the first breach, and he breached the restricted area.
Everybody, a lot of people getting arrested for not going into the Capitol, but they're in the restricted area, but yet, ramps.
Who many people feel fed, fed, fed, right?
And there's a lot of clout over this.
So my point is this.
You arrested a lot of folks for unlawful activity.
You just saw the video.
And I will tell you, Mr. Wray, if you don't arrest Mr. Hatcher, there's a reason behind it.
I believe you know what it is.
And it appears to me you are protecting this guy.
I strongly recommend you get your house back in order.
With that, I yield back.
So you ask again, how does Ray Epps say go into the, way more than Strzoka did?
How does he do that and then he's protected and defended?
Well, I mean, you know what's going on.
But you're not supposed to say that.
So now his lawyer says he's going to be indicted.
Let's not hold our breath and see if that happens.
Or they can indict and kind of drop the prosecution later.
Because they know they've got a problem here.
They've put, what, over 800 people in jail so far?
Many of them totally peaceful outside?
They're trying to put Owen Schroyer in jail for being there with me.
You say, why didn't they indict you?
They figured I was already a big enough figure where they wouldn't be able to contain me.
They think, Owen, they can.
But it's not working.
Owen's exploded.
The work he's doing is amazing.
But we're fighting hard for everybody, folks.
This is very, very serious.
All right, I want to get into something I didn't cover when it came to California trying to keep kidnapping children legal.
Yes, it's legal in California.
You heard them, basically.
I want to get into the devil worship of the Democratic Party when we come back.
I have a special guest, Dr. Remo Labo.
So here's the facts.
California is basically legalizing pedophilia, saying child sex traffickers won't even get in trouble.
You can give people HIV or hepatitis and not get in trouble.
Places like Washington State have passed laws where they can grab your kids as young as seven, eight years old and put them in a facility, never even telling you where they went, because they're protecting your child because you're transphobic, and then they can basically complete the sexual mutilization of the children.
Well, then you see that clip we played.
There's a bunch of these clips from CNN yesterday.
These right-wing crazy nuts say child trafficking's happening and it's connected to Satanism.
They're just nuts.
But it's everywhere.
Just today, look at these headlines.
Pure Evil, latest Disney production, is a cartoon about a girl who inherits a ritualistic killing, blood-drinking cult from her father.
We're going to play you that trailer in a moment.
Satanic Temples, lawsuit.
Claiming Texas law violates their religious freedom to abort, to abortion rituals dismissed by a federal judge, saying it's a ritual to kill babies.
Hellish, demonic freak fantasizes about being first trainee to implant uterus in aborted babies.
So again, implant a uterus and then abort the babies.
That is their crazy dream.
I want you to pay to put a uterus in me so I can kill a baby.
Because I want to be a woman that kills babies.
And he's wearing his Illuminati.
Buttons, all the rest of his little buttons.
I mean, this is the scum of the earth in a revolution against us.
Completely coming after us.
And I bet you by bottom dollar that individual's into Satanism.
But let's go ahead and roll the program.
Praise Petty is set to premiere in July 21st at 10 p.m.
and it's owned and promoted by Disney.
So here is the trailer for that and then let's back-to-back go ahead and play the hellish demonic freak fantasizes about being first training to implant uterus in a born baby.
It's morning again.
The sun is shining.
The goats are screaming.
And I'm still here despite the fact that last night I witnessed someone get ritualistically murdered by my dad's cult that I just inherited.
Oh, here we go.
What the?
I'm Petey.
I had it all.
What's this?
It's a message from your father.
It's me, your father!
The community of New Utopia is all yours!
I just needed to figure out my place in my dead dad's weird town.
I'm walking here.
The great daughter!
She's arrived!
Welcome to New Utopia.
I'm new to this being the cult leader thing.
Thank you.
But I was excited to get to work.
Do you need this hammer?
Yeah, just put it between my pants.
[music playing]
(SINGING) Run and scream.
Is this town doing OK?
No, we're starving.
You being here means the prophecy of the Great Daughter's return is fulfilled.
I'll make New Utopia normal.
No more human sacrifice.
I have a vision for new Utopia and it is bright!
Everyone is happy to have someone to mindlessly follow.
I love the leaders, and the comet is coming!
You blinked.
We need you here so the comet will return.
Oh, God.
It's a space cult?
Oh, of course.
Boomers love space.
All right, praise Petey.
And by the way, when I watched that this morning, I was watching on my phone, so I didn't see it said Mike Judge is the producer.
Well, I'm good friends with Mike Judge.
Used to hang out with him all the time.
Then I just got busy, he got busy, and we haven't hung out in years.
My wife's a big Beavis and Butthead fan.
She's like, we need to go hang out with Mike Judge.
We gotta go hang out with Mike Judge.
Please call Mike Judge.
I'm like, you don't normally care about my famous friends.
She goes, but I want to hang out with Mike Judge.
And so she did want to go to the opening of Joe Rogan's Comedy Club, too.
We did that.
But I'm going to call him tonight.
But there I am saying, hey, look at all the Satanism.
This is like, we're not going to kill people anymore.
Because I know Mike's aware of the New World Order, doesn't like it.
He made King of the Hill, but he was a butthead.
King of the Hill is still the top grossing TV program ever.
Even ahead of Seinfeld.
It's made $2 billion.
Pretty crazy, but I'm definitely, funny I said a couple days ago, I'm going to call Mike Judge.
I'm going to call Mike today.
And say, what is the meaning of this?
You know, his last big hit was Silicon Valley.
But my point is, it's entering the main culture that there are rich, elitist millionaires that want Satanism and claim it's going to create a utopia.
Because I was just talking about how they want this leftist pedo-utopia yesterday.
Then I watched this trailer, it's talking about this utopia.
This is what these crazies are pushing.
And so, this is really hitting peak pedo right now, that Mike Judge, that only makes big hits, has a new Disney TV program coming out about Satanism, secret cults, worldwide elites, rich people setting this up.
Absolutely crazy.
So, Gateway Pundit calls it pure evil.
I'm going to give Mike Judge the benefit of the doubt, because if he was a butt, it's pure funny.
King of the Hills, pure Americana, but looks like they're just exposing the occultists and how bad they are.
I mean, you heard her in there saying, we're going to stop sacrificing people now.
But I'm going to find out.
I'm going to call Mike.
I'm going to get his take on it.
And I'll assure you, once the show comes out, I will watch it, give you my views on it.
But Mike's a really smart guy.
He was one of the head guys when he was 20-something years old on the F-18 project.
He was one of the managers.
He's a physicist, mathematician.
took his money for that project and went and made Beavis and Butthead that he hand drew
that became a super hit. So I really, really respect him.
But let me tell you who I don't respect is this person. Let's go to this club. Hellish
demonic freak fantasizes about being first tranny to implant uterus and abort baby. Radical male
trans activist claims he wants a uterus and ovaries scientifically implanted, which he'll
use to get impregnated before murdering a baby via abortion.
Here is this individual.
The first trans woman to have a successful uterus transplant, ovaries and eggs included.
And I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion.
I will let a doctor, who has successfully transplanted a uterine complex before, cut the organs out of a willing, healthy, transmasculine donor.
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
Back it up.
You hear the cut the organs out of the willing.
I mean, it's literally Hellraiser.
Cut the organs out.
I want to have a woman kill the baby.
And I'm sure it'll be like, oh, we got to pay for it right now.
And that's how sick this is.
I mean, go back to this.
This woman to have an abortion.
I will let a doctor, who has successfully transplanted a uterine complex before, cut the organs out of a willing, healthy, transmasculine donor.
Place them in my body.
I will devote myself, heart and soul, to their aftercare.
I will have as much gay sex as it takes.
With as many trans women as it takes.
And let the transphobes and homophobes scratch their heads, wondering what to make of it.
That's it, so it's total mad scientist.
I'll do anything, which once you see this, you're like, well I don't care if they have animal-human clones, or I don't care if we, you know, release GMOs from mosquitoes.
Everything's so crazy.
They're just glorifying the scum to totally confuse everybody.
Wow, what a piece of filth.
Burn in hell, scumbag!
Burn in hell!
We're going to the real danger zone for the next hour, ladies and gentlemen, with Dr. Rima Labo of PreventGenocide2030.org.
But here's a blast from the past.
This has gone viral.
It's probably had 100 million views conservatively.
There's so many versions of it.
Jesse Ventura's show with myself and Dr. Rima Labo in 2009 with her nailing what was coming next.
Jesse Ventura's conspiracy investigators have tracked down the deadly secret behind the elite group that tries to rule the world.
When the population gets too big to handle, the solution is cut it down.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda, and they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
We must acknowledge that the genetic COVID-19 genetic injections cause far more harm than good and provide zero benefit relative to risk.
The death rates from this vaccine are, there's been more deaths in eight months than in all the billions of vaccines combined over the last 30 years.
50% of the deaths occur within 48 hours, 80% within a week.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to, Dr. Rima Labo.
Now, what is it about these vaccinations?
not tomorrow, but very soon, will be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary
Now, what is it about these vaccinations? You think that they're bad?
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too
many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Now, this is pretty shocking.
This process has already been ongoing.
To make matters worse, the vaccines that were illegally approved by the FDA contain a substance called squalene.
Squalene, an organic compound used in vaccines to stimulate the immune system and increase the response.
If I inject you with squalene, your immune...
Dr. Rima Labo, medical doctor, PreventGenocide2030.org.
PreventGenocide2030.org joins us for the rest of the next hour.
And wow, where to begin?
She's got a bunch of UN documents that are public for this UN World Treaty, the announcements of the Central Bank digital currencies, the announcement of the medical IDs, the vaccine passports.
It's all coming.
It's all here.
So, doctor, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you.
It's always a pleasure to talk to you, Alex, and this is such an important conversation.
I'm really glad we're talking today.
Well, let's plunge right into it, because you sent us a lot of documents to go over.
I did.
Let's start with the fact that the UN and the WHO, which is a subsidiary servant organization like UNESCO and UNICEF and Food and Agriculture Organization, Are designed to control the entire world to be a world dictatorship, the likes of which we have never seen.
And up until now, their very pretty contour, their makeup, their their facade has been all benign and lovely.
But those those pretenses are falling away.
On the 75th anniversary of The United Nations.
The member states asked, and there are quotes around all of that, the member states asked the Secretary General Gutierrez, who is a very scary dude, but they asked Gutierrez to come up with a new document to move the UN further than it's already quite terrifying charter takes it.
Now if you read The U.N.
Charter, which I did in high school as part of my civics class, and frankly, I was bored out of my mind by it.
But if you read it now, you'll see that it takes over everything.
That's how it's written.
And they said, but that's not enough.
They said, what if There are more shocks.
There are global shocks.
And I sent you a documented, misspelled, a document called Annotated Global Shocks Plan for September 2024.
We'll put all that on screen.
So they're talking about, and previously, we're going to use Disease X, they said four years ago, to bring the UN into control.
That was COVID.
Now they're saying we need more global shocks.
And so we'll put those documents on screen.
And this document says that, this shows that the global shock concept, which is anything, it can be climate change, it can be a slowdown in the supply chain, it can be a black swan event, something we don't know yet, it can be another pandemic, it can be nothing at all.
It can be the threat of having a global shock.
It can be a war.
It could be a war.
Like, for instance, the... By the way, speaking of war, the United Nations was formed, allegedly, to prevent wars.
And I would like to point out that I can't think of a single conflict that the United Nations successfully either prevented or brought to a conclusion sooner.
They're certainly not doing much of a good job in the Ukraine.
Although their specialty is cheerleading wars.
They cheerlead wars because, of course, the people who control the United Nations and the other globalist hegemony organizations and structures make money from wars, and they also depopulate and control for wars.
So wars are very useful for them.
So anyway, once we have all these global shocks that could happen to us, there's only, from their point of view, one possible way to deal with the possibility of global shocks, and that
is to take over the entire world.
And that's just what they've planned to do. So on the 75th anniversary of the globalist
organization, which was written and designed to take over the world eventually, the member states
said, "Tell us how we can take over the world, Director General Gutierrez."
And Director General Gutierrez was only too happy to do so.
He produced a document called Who We Are.
And the document called Who We Are states that we are a group of people who are going to control everything because we say we can.
Given global shocks, we can control communication, we can control academia, we can control supply lines, we can control manufacturing, we can control food, we can control everything, because, as they say, that's who we are.
And the special report of the Secretary General says We have a common agenda and that common agenda and these are public documents that are available to anyone.
The public document is filled with hyperbole and filled with misstatements which have absolutely no documentation and no reality.
Statements like We are at an inflection point in history, in our biggest shared test since the Second World War.
Humanity faces a stark and urgent choice, a breakdown or a breakthrough.
What are they talking about?
This is puffery of the most political sort.
And then meanwhile, I want to play a short clip to back you up.
They say, oh, COVID came from global warming.
No, it was in a lab.
Oh, there's migrants flooding us because of COVID and global warming.
No, you locked them down and then organized them to come here.
So they're saying global warming is going to cause a civilizational collapse and it's all our fault, but they're the ones administratively, through the big banks, through the Fortune 500, through the UN, literally collapsing civilization.
And then John Kerry comes out a few days ago in Europe and says, don't worry, there'll be more resources under this.
But in their own reports, they say they're going to cut the resources off.
Here he is.
And we're seeing already in every aspect of life, it is now being affected by the climate crisis.
But again, I say, this is not something where everybody has to go, oh my God, I don't want to do this because it's scary as hell and because we're not going to, you know, live the way we did.
No, we will have a better quality of life.
So, under your research, I mean, I have their official UN report saying we're limited 200 square foot coffin apartments need bugs.
That is exactly where they want us to go.
And they have decided that the way to do this is to have a plan.
And the plan is to go from the common agenda, which the Secretary General of the United Nations says we have, And in fact, we do not.
Their agenda is not my agenda in any way.
To go from that to a roadmap for a pact for the future.
They have put out something.
They have beautiful graphics, by the way.
They really have excellent public relations people.
So they have something called a road to the summit of the future.
And they have decided that there will be a Summit of the Future held in September 2024.
And at that time, a pact for the future will be signed, which will be administered by and implemented by former heads of government.
That's WEF, guys.
Like Jacinda Ardern, for example.
Like every one of our former presidents.
Like Justin Trudeau, if he is a former Prime Minister at that point.
They've got a whole roster of people that they've put capes and crowns on to say that they're something special, when really they're despicable sock puppets who are Perfectly happy to sell us all out for their own well-being.
So this pact for the future is going to bring us global solidarity and sustainability.
Anytime you hear words like that, you know that they're planning something destructive.
So the road To the summit for the future.
And by the way, their global shocks pact and summit plans will be implemented in September 2024, just before the US election.
I wonder how that happened.
So they've got this roadmap and they've got a common agenda.
And one of the things that they've done, Alex, and this is really important, and I know you've talked about it a lot, is that they have weaponized language.
What does that mean?
That means that they take words like human rights and they redefine that So that it means our ability to destroy becomes something... Yeah, a human right is to take your seven-year-old and cut their genitals off.
A human right is to censor you.
And that is precisely the point.
Now, one of the things that they've defined, as you said, is that sexuality, the sex life of every child, is a human right.
Let me point out, as a child and adolescent psychiatrist, as a mother, as a human being, as a rational person, that children don't have a sex life.
Children have an experiential life in which they experience feelings from every part of their body, correctly and appropriately.
They experience genital feelings and physical feelings of other sorts, and they're exploring how all of that feels, and that's great.
But children do not have a sex life.
However, on March 8th of this year, this same dastardly, despicable body known as the United Nations said, hey jurists, hey criminal prosecutors, hey legislators all over the world, let's reformat, let's reform and reformat our entire legal structure and decriminalize Sex with anybody as long as that anybody says okay.
And as I've said on your program and as other people have commented, that means that if somebody says, hey little boy, hey little girl, touch me here and I'll give you a piece of candy.
And the kid who's two years old, three years old says, okay.
That means that child has consented and there's no disparity in power or capability.
So they're getting rid of saying that children aren't of age and don't have consent to buy a rocket launcher or join the military or skydive or do any of this.
This is an absolute targeting of children.
And since we've been talking about this, Biden took off child trafficking as an issue off the U.S.
government websites.
They stopped DNA testing of children that they're finding at the border so they can disappear them into wherever knows next.
California will not even make it a felony to be caught sex trafficking a child the second time.
They're legalizing sex with 12 year olds in California.
They're legalizing, they did legalize giving somebody HIV or hepatitis.
I mean, they're really making their move.
How many of these pedophiles are there?
I mean, how big is this submerged iceberg?
Because when you have the corporate media attacking movies like Sound of Freedom and just saying it's not true, there's no sex trafficking, while they sexualize children everywhere, all over the news and TV.
And while they remove sex trafficking from activities of interest from our justice system.
Yes, I mean, so this is a pedophile revolution.
What is it about at its base?
Is there a group behind that or is it just a pedophile army?
Let's talk about what happens when you hyper-sexualize children, when you rape children, when you intrude on their psychosexual development.
What happens is that you truncate, you cut off, you freeze their emotional development.
If you rape and Traumatize every single child and then continually re-traumatize them because remember the entire educational curriculum worldwide is being focused through a lens of sexuality.
Math is to be taught through sexuality.
That's their entire cult is sexually manipulating a child, ruining their development, steering control of their development.
You're talking about trauma-based mind control.
I'm talking about trauma-based mind control, making people obedient, making people incapable of further thought.
When people have post-traumatic stress disorder because they've been traumatized, and that's what we're talking about, intentional bile traumatization, what happens is that they cannot see
the future.
They cannot think past the immediate fear and trauma and survival.
So what you're doing is freezing people in a state of early childhood emotional and psychological
development and you can give them facts and they can do math and be physicists or technicians
or doctors or whatever, but emotionally you have made them completely tractable and further
So this is all about mind control.
Now in Ireland they're going to kill 200,000 cows and the population is supposed to say Okay, kill 10% of our herd, our cattle herd.
Go ahead, do that.
And in the Netherlands, close down 10,000 farms.
People are supposed to attractively say, okay, whatever it is that you want to do because I can't think further than my immediate survival and pleasure.
And that's the brave new world, trauma-based mind control that all of this UN stuff and all of this WHO stuff Well, as a psychiatrist, you're an expert in this, Dr. Lebo, but...
I know I've read a lot of books about it, seen it in the history.
I know Dr. Ewing Cameron, Jolene West, the CIA kidnapped 10,000 plus children in Canada alone.
There's been history channel shows to try to create mind control slaves.
That's why they raped them and tortured them very young to compartmentalize them.
So clearly that's what they're doing.
They're trying to accelerate development, the chemicals of the food and water, accelerate puberty.
Then they freeze you and arrest your development at that point, basically.
Is that accurate in layman's terms?
It is accurate.
It is teaching parents to become part of the perpetrator circle that surrounds children.
It is teaching parents that they should start masturbating their infants from birth.
Now, we know, interestingly, George Gordon, Lord Byron, the great poet, was treated in that way by his Scottish nurse, who believed that that was a good way to calm And that's something that was taught by the lady they tried to make the Surgeon General, Jocelyn Elders.
She publicly said that, that parents and administrators should masturbate one year olds.
So this is sexual assault of one year olds.
Yes, making everyone a perpetrator.
So the child has nowhere to turn.
The child has no one who is safe, who is interested in their own development rather than they're interested in their sexualization.
And their own discovery as they go into puberty and that whole thing.
Yeah, absolutely.
Children, and let me tell you a secret.
No child needs to be taught how to masturbate.
Every kid figures it out, and they figure it out just fine.
So instead of intruding on the psychosexual development of children in order to circumvent normal development and cut off normal development, Uh, another kind of castration, if you will, instead of doing it.
Draw a picture of your private places.
You can touch your penis or vulva with a, with a teddy bear figure, because this is for very, very young children.
This is perverted.
This is wrong.
And it creates people who are infinitely easier to control than you are Alex.
And that I am.
So this is a real problem.
But all of these things, our common agenda, Agenda 2030, oh, by the way, all of this stuff, the global shock business and the path to the future and the future summit, all of that is based on accelerating Agenda 2030.
Because they're having a lot of trouble.
They're behind schedule.
They're not getting where they need to go.
And we're halfway through.
And that was my next question.
You've got to come back soon and do like two, three hours commercial free.
I'll come in Saturday if you want to do two hours commercial free and lay all this out.
But we've got some in the next hour.
But let me ask you this then.
I totally agree it's not going well.
How, why are they crazy enough to have ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, every channel, I mean hundreds of clips I've seen, well I stopped watching them after like the 30th clip, hundreds I've read the transcript of, where they're like, how dare the sound of freedom, it doesn't exist, so they've gone from admitting there's giant sex trafficking, to overnight Taking it off the federal websites, saying we're not going to do DNA testing of kids that are just turned loose with no ID, small children.
I mean, they are panicked right now, it seems.
Is that accurate?
That is accurate.
Now, that of course makes them more dangerous, but let's be clear about why they're panicked.
They're panicked because of you, Alex.
They're panicked because of me, PreventGenocide2030.
And by the way, our new Twitter account, Prevent2030, or I should say, at Prevent2030.
20, prevent 2030. They wouldn't let us put the word genocide in our title on Twitter.
That's interesting. They're panicked because people are saying, "Don't you dare."
Don't you dare touch my child!
Don't you dare take away my car!
Don't you dare take away my house!
Don't you dare tell me that I can't eat meat!
Don't you dare tell me that the patriarchy has to be a political concern for my one-year-old!
Don't you dare sexualize education!
People are saying, wait!
But no, and they're saying it all over the world.
And that's why, as I have always said, they are terrified of our numbers.
They are terrified of our power because they are not fully in power yet.
And this means that this is our opportunity.
Because frankly, Alex, if we miss this one, we won't have another.
And look, you called it 12, 13 years ago in that super viral clip, and if you'd had more time on Ventura Show, you laid more of it out for them, but they, you know, obviously had to edit it down for time, but you, you've treated heads of state, they've let you on the plan, and I mean, you're not making this stuff up.
You're on record as a top position.
This is as serious as a heart attack.
Oh, it's more serious than a heart attack, because a heart attack only kills the person whose heart it was.
This is to kill all of us, either as Living beings making 90% or more of us basically toxic fertilizer, and they have, as you know, a new way of disposing of our massive number of corpses, and that is to digest us in lye and turn us into slime.
I was about to say, why have 20 plus states passed a law for mass death and to liquefy our bodies?
And the ones who are allowed to survive, the ones who are useful to them, we will be both mind-controlled and genetically controlled through the so-called vaccines, through the nanotechnology.
And by the way, Alex, I have a proposal into people who can fund it for a research project to find out exactly what we'll get They have a cure for themselves, of course.
We don't have that cure.
has been injected or infected from the injected and to then make it available as a frequency
for seven billion people.
I agree.
The number one question I get is how do we counter because the globalists wouldn't have
launched this attack of this nanotech self-replicating prion if they didn't have a cure.
They have a cure for themselves, of course.
We don't have that cure.
And so it is urgently important.
And that is a research project that I have out to funding sources.
Certainly to reverse engineer.
Where do people find out about that research project?
Well, you know, we have a website called PreventGenocide2030 where we have a vast amount of information.
We'll be right back.
With all the craziness in the world, the collapsing borders, the war with Russia, the insanity, the currency devaluations,
the economy going crazy, crazy.
You are crazy in my view if you don't get high quality storable food and water filtration and self-defense.
Now, we're not selling guns and ammo.
That's for you to go out and get for yourself and learn how to use if you haven't.
And I'm preaching the choir on that.
But a lot of people got plenty of guns, but they don't have enough storable food or water filtration.
This is something you need now.
And we've got it in the food department and in the high quality water filtration department.
The highest quality food, the best water filtration at the lowest prices you're going to find and still get quality.
Infowarsstore.com is running a special right now for 10% off on all storable food and on water.
and air filtration. Ladies and gentlemen, you cannot beat this deal. Our prices are already
the lowest at 10% off. It's an insane deal for a limited time. Go to info war store.com
and get prepared while you still can. All over the United States, all over Europe, all over the world,
anywhere the global control, they're removing language about human trafficking and sex with
children being bad. Transgender Minnesota lawmaker introduces bill removing anti pedophile language
from the state's Human Rights Act.
Fox News.
And now the federal government's expunging it off their sites, saying it's not even a problem and issue.
Dr. Reema Labo is a trailblazer exposing this.
Please continue with this assault and What you think is going to be their next salvo, where they talk about creating these shocks, where they talk about creating these crises, what you think it's going to be?
You mean what the next shock will be?
Is that what you're saying?
It won't be another disease.
People are disease weary.
People are vaccine leery.
And so being weary and leery of their prior Manipulation.
And by the way, I call it a propagandemic.
I want to emphasize again, and I know you've pointed this out and others are beginning to say it too, that we didn't have a pandemic.
We didn't have any excess deaths from this terrible thing that was supposed to kill us all until the alleged vaccines were injected into people.
And then the deaths started accelerating, as we know, and the disability.
So that was, they've done that.
And I think the next thing that they think they can ride, because they're always looking for the next racehorse that they can push across the finish line.
I think the next horse that they're going to ride is one that they're gearing up on right now, and that's climate change.
The one after that, I predict, will be food shortages.
Because with the food shortages, they'll be able to Corral people into their centers.
Come to our 15-minute cities, come to our 10-minute cities, come to our urban concentration camps, our dog kennels, where we will feed you and we will take care of you.
And yes, you won't have steak By the way, the German government, I believe yesterday, issued a directive to people to eat no more than 10 grams of protein per day.
Well, you can't maintain a healthy body on 10 grams of protein.
Whether you get it from an animal source or a vegetable source, 10 grams of protein is simply not adequate for health.
But that's what they want.
The sicker you are, the more needy you are.
The more needy you are, the more controllable you are.
And therefore, if they give you synthetic meat, if they give you insects, if they give you whatever it is that they tell you will support your life and your health and be good for you or just keep you alive even if it's not good for you, you'll eat it.
And you'll eat it living in their cities.
And you'll do what they say.
Because your credit score will go down if you don't do what they say.
And if your credit score goes down, you can't get even bugs to eat.
And what's incredible, we've got to go to break for one minute and join some stations, but we don't have to wait anymore with you and General Stolbein warning us 20 years ago.
It's all here now.
It's all fabulously evil, fabulously ridiculous, just out in the open.
And we can stop it.
And that's the important part, Alex.
Not what they're going to do.
Not what they have done.
But the fact that we, you and I, and every listener here, and everybody that they know,
actually has the power to stop this disastrous plan now before it goes one step further.
Everybody's got a bookmark it and share it. PreventGenocide2030.org.
And I meant to get her when she was on a few months ago the next week. Time flew by. We
didn't do it. I'll come in Saturday if she can do it from like noon to two, two hours commercial free.
Saturday, two hours, commercial free. She sends it all over, no breaks. She'll be
able to go over it all. Might take one five-minute break if we go to the bathroom or
something, but we'll do Saturday noon to 2 p.m. Central with her. We got 30 more
minutes left with Dr. Rima Lebo, then Dr. Darren Beatty pops in about the big
developments with the Fed provocateurs and all the rest of the stuff on January 6th,
the big Ray Epps developments. We'll be right back in 60 seconds. Stay with us.
All right, Dr. Rima Lebo is one of the smartest people we've ever interviewed,
and she's so on target and she's so accurate and she's so desperate.
I would use the word I am, too, to warn you that we can stop this together.
Plus, we're really starting to get the initiative and barely winning, I would say.
But I'm going to let you host here because if I interrupt any I'm going to just start talking because everything you say, I'm going to write notes.
I'm going to sit here and turn my mic off and write notes for at least 10 minutes, 15 minutes, give you the floor to host here and run through all this and talk about the scenarios and the admitted UN documents you sent us and how nightmarish this is, but studying the eugenicists going back to the mid 1850s and before that.
and doing your research on how they never break ranks, they always push the same agenda,
it's so anti-human, it's just so satanic. I know you get into documents and science and all of it,
but at the end of the day, what is it? It does seem like there's some outside inhuman force
driving these people where they go against their own self-interest.
So speak to that and then recap what you said and get into the rest of it and I mean what we're facing because this isn't like, oh, we better fight tyranny or our children will be slaves.
We're going to be slaves.
We are slaves.
They're shutting down thousands of farms in Netherlands, thousands in Ireland.
Who cares about the Netherlands?
Third biggest food producer.
They're collapsing the third world.
I mean, they are involved in shutting off nitrogen fertilizer.
So already they put into function things that's going to kill hundreds of millions conservatively and that's what they currently put into function.
And then they're going to blame it on global warming and us as society breaks down when they're the ones as the managers.
How do they think they'll get away with it?
It's just it's it's wild.
So break it down for us.
You know during the break Alex I was thinking that we needed to segue into hate.
We need to talk about hate and that is A large part of the answer to the question that you just asked, we are being manipulated and maneuvered to hate one another and to have no common agenda with one another, while the globalists put out something that they call our common agenda, which is to destroy all of us and to enslave us from the genetic level outward.
So, one of the best techniques that dictators have always used is to have An external enemy.
And if you can make the external enemy external to your tiny little group, then everybody is your enemy.
So right now, in California, there is a measure before the legislature to sentence people differently based on whether they are black or not black.
And I assume that people who are brown will be classed with people who are black, but maybe not.
So that a white person would get A more, um, extensive time in jail than a black person for the same crime.
Well, what do you think that's going to do to the relations between black and white people?
Nothing good.
A, uh, reparations is being considered so that black people will get $5 million each from the state of California for being something or other.
This is insane.
We're talking about making sure that society is a place where it's dangerous to be and then helping people by propaganda to hate somebody and hold them responsible.
Not the globalists, of course, not the people who are destroying the judicial system and destroying the educational system and destroying the food system and destroying the social cohesion, destroying the civil rights that we all work for, perverting every concept like sustainability, like human rights, perverting justice, perverting Safety perverting the common good.
And that's what they're doing.
But they're doing it by accelerating our hatred for one another, making the group smaller and smaller.
Anti-Semitism is very much on the rise because they want it to be on the rise.
Anti-racist feeling.
A woman was interviewed recently in a video clip that I saw a black woman saying, I am a racist.
It is a crime to be white.
Well, of course, that's crazy, but it's the same craziness as it's a crime to be black.
It's a crime to be Christian.
It's a crime to be Jewish.
It's a crime to be Hindu.
I will remind you that when India was released from British control, there was a mass slaughter in which 30 million people died because they were either Hindu and should have been Muslim or they were Muslim and should have been Hindu.
And so Indians were killing Indians.
And how do you think the British conquistadors felt about that?
They were perfectly happy because it weakened India so much that it was easier to get control back in many, many nefarious and subversive ways.
Now that's happening to us.
And each of us has a responsibility to say, no, I will not hate.
I will not see racism.
As the racial divides as the issue that determines how I feel about anyone or policies that are acceptable to me.
I will not be a racist, a sexist, a religiousist, an isist.
I will be a human being who sees others Based on their humanity.
Because fundamentally, these globalists see us based on our utility, not on debt.
That is what we need.
Those two children are correct.
Those two children should be the leaders for our future.
And should lead us into that kind of joyful collaboration with other people.
Because we have so much in common.
Not making enemies of them.
Because making enemies of them Puts us under the thumb of these monsters.
You asked, who is there an outside influence?
I don't know.
I was at a very pleasant lunch recently.
With a guy who is the head salesman for transcranial stimulation devices which is a non-pharmaceutical method of treating OCD and schizophrenia and addictions and a whole bunch of other things and anything that's non-pharmaceutical is good with me.
So he was there and also the owner of about 65 clinics that use this technology and he said You know who's responsible for all of this globalist stuff that's going on?
I said, no.
Who's responsible?
He said Satan.
I said, well, maybe.
I don't have any documentation that that's so.
I know that you believe it.
He has a religious belief that tells him that.
But he was absolutely confident.
And I said, well, for me, I make a distinction between what I believe and what I know.
These activities, that's a very, very powerful graphic.
These activities certainly are evil.
That much I know.
Whether there's a reptilian component, I'm looking for evidence for that.
I haven't seen any.
Whether it's an actual physical Satan, I don't know.
I'm looking for evidence.
I haven't seen that either.
But that's not relevant to me.
What's relevant is what is actually happening, what is actually planned, and what we can actually do to stop it.
And what that is, as far as I'm concerned, is we use this, the Freedom Mouse.
We ride the Freedom Mouse.
They gave us the Internet to control us.
That's not working so well for them.
They're trying.
One of the things that is a goal for these globalists is to control all communication, to prevent any kind of infodemic, which means wrong think.
And wrong think means saying the truth that they don't like, or even saying something that's wrong that they don't like.
But it's saying what we believe in saying, what we need to say.
Now, If you go to preventgenocide2030.org, you will see that there's a place for you to click to take action.
And that action is to bombard your lawmakers with your demand, not your request, but your demand that we get our country out of the UN and out of WHO.
Now, Alex, I have to tell you I made a mistake.
I thought, and I'm a very big fan of Sun Tzu and strategic analysis.
I learned a lot about that from General Burt, who was, as you know, a brilliant strategic analyst.
And I thought That our strategy needed to be to get out of W.H.O.
and then get out of the controlling organization behind it, the U.N.
And then I became aware of the Summit for the Future scheduled for September 2024 and the pact For the future and the documents that we've been talking about today.
Let me discuss where you're going.
I mean, if you look at right now, it's Biden's head of the COVID response is actually running the whole UN treaty.
So it's all coming out of the US, just like the UN came out of the US.
So even if he got out of the UN and got out of the WHO, it's still the corporations and bureaucracies are the ones calling the shots.
The UN is just the front group.
Absolutely, it's just a front group.
First we have the WHO and behind that we have the UN and behind that we have the financial system and then above that there are the guys who are trying to take the world apart and whether that's satanic or not I don't know.
But the point is that we have the power right now to force our countries out of half of that four Well, sure, if we stop the WHO treaty, they won't have the agreement to put the power and attack us.
So that's where the rubber meets the road.
So we politically blow that up.
And the only way we can politically blow that up is to force the spineless, gutless, worthless people who are the gatekeepers, they're called politicians to shorten it, to force them to do our will.
And that means showing them what our will is through a massive display of demand.
And that's why at Prevent Genocide 2030, we have letters for the UK, we have letters for the US, we have letters for Canada, we have letters for lots of countries.
No, it's beautiful that people pick up on your expert analysis, it'll be that much stronger.
And what you're saying is true.
At the UN, at the IMF, at the World Bank, at the CIA, at the Carnegie Endowment, Rockefeller Foundation, they're in full panic.
Here's an article today about Daily Skeptic on Infowars.com.
EU Commissioner Thierry Brinton warns social media companies to turn up the dial on censorship
or else he's threatening to basically arrest Elon Musk.
Now I don't lionize Musk and think he's perfect.
I mean he's kind of a middle road alternative they've created, but they're actually trying
to go after him criminally because I can tell you there's a lot less censorship on Twitter
than anywhere else.
What do you make of this?
But you're right, they're hitting the panic button admitting they're losing.
They are terrified because they're really very expensive and extensive attempts at completely
controlling our thought.
Because what's the narrative about?
The narrative is to control our wetware.
It's to make us compliant with their lies.
And that's failed. And that's failing even more rapidly.
And when it fails it tends to backlash and they're getting a sustained cultural, spiritual, intellectual backlash that
is incalculable.
I mean look at like most of the mainline comics are coming out against them now.
Most of the Hollywood stars are coming out against them.
All these other bigwigs are coming out against them.
I mean just because they see which way the wind's blowing.
So I think we've reached a critical mass here.
But like you said the enemy's going to pull something big.
Yet the enemy is going to build something big and what they're...
Remember, now that there is a huge accelerating opposition to the narrative in its specifics and in general, what they will do is penetrate that opposition and continue trying to control it and spin it in their direction.
So instead of a bandwagon, it's a steer wagon.
Exactly, a steer wagon, precisely.
We have the opportunity at this point to completely destroy their ability to implement Agenda 2030.
Agenda 2030 is the end of everything that we value.
There is no area that they have left unscathed.
Now, Agenda 2030 is bad enough, but behind that is this A pact for the future which simply explicitly expands the control so that there is not an atom left out of their control.
Yeah, that's the Build Back Better.
Whoever's left holding the pieces in these citadels, these globalist systems, then divide up the spoils of the world in this new dystopia.
That's their reset Build Back Better on our bones.
Well, the term that the head of state that I've spoken about, who clued me into this back in 2002, 2003, the term that she used was the neo-feudal era, and she was very specific.
There will be us, the neo-feudalists, at the top, and below that, Us will be our servants and servitors, and below them our technicians.
And that requires only 10% of the world's current population.
Everyone else is superfluous.
And Yuval Harari, not long ago, said virtually the same thing.
Word for word says what you said 20 years ago on my show.
And so, 20 years ago, we could have stopped this really easily, but 20 years ago when I said it, when General Bird said it, when you said it, we were labeled as lunatics.
Well, you guys came on my show 20 years ago, when you learned this, exactly 20 years ago, it was like 2003, and then you warned of it all, and then here it is!
And we we were labeled as lunatics because we use the G word genocide.
But now there is lunacy afoot.
And the lunacy is all on their side.
So the sanity is, oh, look at what's happening.
Look at their documents, look at their actions, and stop it!
Well, let's talk about basic psychology since you are a psychiatrist, amongst other things.
Isn't that the classic thing of the madness of elites?
Like, they have this master plan, they're going to make us perfect, we're the bad guys, but they're really projecting their hate onto us, but then every time they're about to get full control, they all go nuts.
You study history, as soon as some elite tries to control everybody, they go crazy.
Well they are crazy or they wouldn't try to control everybody.
They start out crazy.
Normal people don't try to control everybody.
So they get crazier though?
They get crazier.
As we know, what happens when people get powerful is that they want to get more powerful.
And if their power means to debase, demean and destroy everything around them, then that becomes more and more a reasonable position.
And let me tell you something that I know as a psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst.
I have sat with a lot of people who have done a lot of To me, awful things.
And that includes parents, and it includes spouses, and it includes politicians and heads of state.
And the interesting thing is that everybody has a because.
Everybody has a rationalization why it was okay to tie their kid to a radiator in the middle of winter and beat the kid with an electric cord until they were dead.
They always have a because.
Well, I was trying to keep them from from going to hell because there was a demon in the child or whatever.
No matter how crazy it is, it makes sense to them.
So the fact that these people are crazy, the fact that those who wish to be dictators start out crazy or they wouldn't want to be dictators is irrelevant.
And let me tell you about A group of people that I was asked to meet with recently.
A group of really good people.
Yes, that's a very important graphic.
A group of very good-hearted people have decided, as a number of others have, that they need to replace the WHO.
These are medical people and epidemiologists and scientists from around the world.
And the WHO is bad, so we're going to be the better, kinder, gentler WHO.
And I said to them, wait a minute, we don't need no stinking WHO.
We need collaboration, not central control.
We never need central control.
And you're using the same model.
So it's basically just regulatory capture.
You're going to be The WHO, and you're going to decide what's good and what's bad.
And when somebody violates what you think is good, you're going to squash them.
We should have medical freedom and then people can make their own decisions.
That creates a free market and accelerates renaissance.
Accelerates renaissance.
Now, every dictator, every dictatorial system, Decides that it can improve humanity.
That we're going to perfect humanity.
We're going to make the new man.
Marxism wants to make the new man.
Democracy fanatics want to remake the new man.
Hitler was going to create the uber mention.
Hitler was going to create the uber mention.
We don't need no stinking new man.
What we need is for humanity to be treated humanely.
And then humanity is a good man or woman.
And we've forgotten that.
Politically speaking, we've forgotten that in terms of sociology.
And speaking of sociology and stupidity, there is a new area in obstetrics and gynecology.
It is devoted to the pregnancy of transgender men.
Say what?
It is devoted to the pregnancy needs, the reproductive rights of transgender men.
Well, let's start out with the fact that transgender is a delusion.
So it's a church of insanity, a church of being at war with science.
What is the master plan behind that?
Just standardizing total insanity?
It's normalizing insanity.
It's not standardizing it.
It's normalizing it so that anything can be presented as a real... It's animal farm.
You're right.
It's the opposite.
I was saying standardizing to create... You're right.
It's total Pandora's box of insanity.
It's anything the state says becomes true.
That's what it is.
And we, as sane people, when something inside you says, wait a minute, wait, what?
That's not right.
That doesn't make any sense at all.
Chances are it doesn't make any sense at all.
And if you go along with it, then you have allowed yourself to be deflected from being safe.
But it's such an assault on women.
I mean, they're so worried about women.
Look, it's not about kissing women's ass.
We're all the same species.
I don't even see us as separate.
We're all made by... But the point is, the attack's clearly on women and children.
Because men are supposed to defend and die for women and children.
It's an attack on the species itself.
It's so naked.
It's so obvious.
The entire Comprehensive Sexuality Education Program, and I'll send you the UN PowerPoint that we can talk about on Saturday, Alex.
I'll send that to Daria, your excellent producer.
That entire assault on humanity and on decency and on sexuality and reality says that it's designed to protect girls and women.
But it's not.
It's designed to destroy girls and women.
And boys and men, and human beings all together.
However, everything that the globalists say, everything that the governmentalists say, the would-be rulers say, has to be inverted, because it's all lies.
I've noticed that's their greatest weakness.
If you simply flip it, it's what's going on.
It's so easy.
All right, we've got to talk to you on Saturday, noon to 2 p.m.
Thank you, Dr. Rima Labo.
You'll have the floor.
It says all the documents.
You can do a whole PowerPoint.
You can go through everything.
You'll have the floor.
I'll just be there to kind of Be the usher.
Everybody check it out.
Share it.
Incredible job.
Everybody needs to interview you.
I know you've already done a lot of interviews, but please come on our other shows.
And please, everybody out there, interview this lady.
Thank you so much.
Look forward to talking to you again soon.
Thank you, Alex.
That lady knows what she's talking about, folks.
It's on.
All right.
We got this Ray Epps news that's really scaring the deep state.
And so that's coming up in just a minute.
And please remember, I didn't even plug last hour.
We need funds.
We got great products you already need.
You want us to fight the New World Order of Pedophiles?
Want us to take on the Satanists?
We're doing it, folks.
But I need your support.
They murdered her husband for exposing this.
And I mean, this is dangerous as hell.
So I'm just telling you, we need your support.
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All right, Dr. Professor, former Trump advisor, Darren Beatty joins us, and I appreciate him
moving stuff around to get on with us today, because this just broke last night and this morning.
Within hours of the disgraced FBI head, Christopher Wray, getting up there and testifying That he knew nothing about Ray Epps and members of Congress showing him saying go into the Capitol, showing him saying he orchestrated it, showing him charging him when they breached the first barrier.
Suddenly there's a lawsuit filed against Fox News by Ray Epps' lawyers and they say, oh we've been told we're about to be criminally charged, it's Tucker Carlson's fault.
And then, oh, it's terrible.
Tucker, they say in the lawsuit, says we instigated.
No, no, instigating is like you push something.
Orchestrating, in his own words, is when you're running it.
You're in command.
Like a top general orchestrates something, or a college football coach, when they coach the game, they're the orchestra.
The quarterback executes.
You could say, I guess, a running back instigates.
I don't see what they'll do is they'll get a rigged jury, folks.
They go into special areas, special juries, D.C., other areas, and then they just, they only put on evidence and it doesn't matter.
They can send a newborn baby to the firing squad in District of Criminals.
But a lot of movement, they're really panicked on this.
Why is this moving so fast right now?
We saw Congressman Nails Really just tear up, along with other congresspeople, the FBI director, and then again, play the clip.
But again, let's move on from Strzoka, because the congressman says, well, Strzoka did as much as Epps.
No, Strzoka didn't run around for days before saying, break in.
He didn't ram signs into people.
He didn't say he orchestrated it in text messages.
He just got excited and went, go, go, go.
Well, let's move Strzoka aside.
My Owen Troyer, my good friend I've known eight years.
Who I love.
Seven and a half years.
Been here seven years.
Owen has no criminal record.
A beautiful, great, hard-working guy.
A good Christian man.
And he's there with me and tries to stop people going in and tells people don't go in the Capitol.
He's facing years in prison.
And then I got to hear how Ray Epps is this little poor darling in the New York Times.
They are so scared.
Ray Epps is the thing, like in the Jenga game, or whatever it is, where you pull the piece of wood and the whole thing comes down, or it's the card in the house of cards.
So I want to go to Dr. Beattie here to talk about this and how big this is, but first I want to play this short clip.
Very short clip just from Congress yesterday of them actually showing the FBI director a small piece of what Mr. Epps is on video doing.
And Mr. Ray Epps can be seen at the first breach of Capitol grounds at approximately 1250 p.m.
Play the clip please.
We need to go into the Capitol.
Into the Capitol?
Into the Capitol.
We are going to the Capitol, where our problems are.
It's that direction.
Please spread the word.
All right.
No, Dave, but one more thing.
Yeah, so can we go up there?
When we go in, leave this here.
Are we going to get arrested if we go up there?
[crowd shouting]
Within an hour, the lawsuit's filed saying he's going to be indicted.
I don't know that's even true.
But they don't even show him ramming with sign-in because I guess that just, you know, gets too complex for people.
Dr. Beeney, thanks for joining us on Short Notice.
with the great work you do over there, but wow, I mean everybody seeing this is beyond vindication
that this is in Congress and how are they indicting hundreds of people didn't even
enter the Capitol and putting them in jail like our own reporters. One of our other reporters
has been given a conviction for just being there. This is preposterous.
First of all, it's really a thrill to be back.
It's been, it's been a long time as I'm very glad that I'm back here to discuss a critically important development in the January 6th saga, the Fed Surrection saga, because notwithstanding the imminent likelihood of a defamation suit against myself, I will maintain as I have that Ray Epps is a smoking gun of the Fed Surrection.
And what do I mean by that?
Well, we've seen the video clip that Congressman Nell played, which, incidentally, comes from Revolver.News.
That's our clip.
It's been seen by tens of millions of people now.
But it kind of speaks for itself.
Here is an individual wearing a Trump hat, in camp.
repeatedly demanding that the crowd go into the Capitol, not to, into the Capitol,
and acknowledging his understanding that that would be illegal by
prefacing every exhortation of that sort by saying, "I'll probably go to jail for this."
I'll probably get arrested for this.
But the only thing is, despite having his behavior so egregious that he was one of the first 20 people placed on the FBI's most wanted list in relation to January 6th.
Despite being a January 6th participant whose behavior was so egregious that video of Epps was prominently featured in the New York Times's ominously titled documentary feature on January 6th called Day of Rage.
But then everything changed.
Let's do this.
Dr. Beatty, stay right there.
We're going to reconnect to you.
You have a little bit of Skype problems.
Let's disconnect.
Let's reconnect.
This is so important, what you're saying.
And yes, they're going to sue Dr. Beatty.
And he's totally innocent.
All he did was show clips of what someone said, who text messaged his family.
I orchestrated it.
I orchestrated it.
It's like you get caught at a bank with money in your hand, and you have a note in your pocket saying, I orchestrated it.
But you understand these juries, these judges will not let any of that to the jury.
And they will say that Dr. Beatty has not given them, they'll first sue him and demand his discovery.
They'll say, give us discovery Dr. Beatty that you made up these lies.
There will be no discovery he made up lies.
He's showing you clips.
The judge will then default him and say you did not give us the evidence that you were a liar.
Jury, he is guilty, no evidence will be put on, no clips of rehabs.
They will then say that Dr. Beattie made a $50 billion off of it, and the jury will rule $10 billion.
And I'm not trying to, it doesn't matter, he'll get overturned on appeal, but I've experienced it, ladies and gentlemen.
They did the same thing with the Dominion lawsuit.
The judge didn't do an official default.
They said, oh, I find you guilty, you lied.
Yeah, I apologize for my connection here, but I was just setting it up to say that we've all seen how egregious his behavior is.
only cut up a little bit so I reconnected. Please continue.
Yeah, I apologize for my connection here, but I was just setting it up to say that we've
all seen how egregious his behavior is. The New York Times featured him prominently in
a segment called "Day of Rage" precisely because his behavior was so egregious.
He was one of the first people named in the top 20 of the FBI's most wanted list in relation to January 6th, but then everything changed suddenly.
And conveniently everything changed shortly after Revolver News created a national conversation pertaining to the possibility of federal involvement in January 6th.
Then EPSA's name was quietly Taken off of the FBI's most wanted list.
Then the New York Times, which previously had featured Epps as a key figure in their Day of Rage documentary, does a fully dedicated tough piece on Epps that doesn't explore or address any of the common sense questions or suspicions that arise as a result of just seeing what his behavior was.
Then we have a 60 minutes segment.
That was unbelievably sympathetic, and a 60 Minutes producer who incidentally led me on saying that he would have me on to address the alternative view, and they thought the alternative view was so devastating for Epps that they wouldn't even have me on because it would be too dangerous.
And also, Adam Kinzinger, a man who spent a lot of time on all fours, a man who has never met a January 6th participant.
He didn't want to see rotting in jail for less than 50 years.
All of a sudden, Adam Kinzinger, it's revealed in the transcripts.
And now to add to the list, the cherry on top of unlikely bedfellows for Epps,
former head of the Arizona Oath Keepers, only guy caught on camera telling people to go into the
Capitol as early as January 5th, the cherry on top is his legal representation.
His lawyer is a guy called Michael Tater.
Who is Michael Tater?
He comes from deep within the bowels of the nexus of the Democrat machine and the national security establishment.
He's in the employment of Notoriously disgraced Democrat hatchet man David Brock.
He's also formerly an employee of the law firm Perkins Coie, one of the laboratories out of which the hoax steel dossier was concocted.
These are the people pushing EPS, helping EPS.
Let me ask you this, because you made a lot of great points in your Skype, I think, because you're not blocking calls.
I can tell what's happening.
I know Skype works.
You're getting call after call after call, because people want you on right now.
And that's messing it up.
But they've definitely got to be in panic mode, because everybody knows close to a thousand people have been charged, most of them doing far less than Ray Epps.
There's no way they get out of this.
Not suing Fox, not suing Tucker, not suing you.
I mean, I don't see how they ever get around the fact that your Skype's back now.
That this is so blaring and so obvious and they've not been able to repackage Ray Epps as a hero.
What about the timing that they filed the lawsuit right after the FBI director got confronted?
Well, I don't know too much about the timing.
I think this has been in the works for a very long time.
In fact, I know it's been in the works for a very long time, and I think it's probably worthwhile to address some of the contextual and strategic questions surrounding the defamation claim itself.
It's important to note that at the moment, technically speaking, I am not a defendant in a defamation case, and neither is Tucker Carlson.
Fox News is the defendant in this case, and I think there's a reason why.
First of all, as you mentioned, Fox News has demonstrated that it is a soft target.
They caved weakly, shamefully, unnecessarily in the Dominion case and agreed to settle for a number that's close to a billion dollars.
They have a target on their back, and it's very clear from the language of the legal complaint that they're trying to piggyback off of the Dominion precedent in order to milk more money out of Fox.
Here's why I think Fox will comply.
First of all, they're just soft and weak.
It's a weak corporation, as most American corporations are, if not all.
Secondly, it's in their self-interest to settle this case.
Why, one might ask?
They just fired Tucker Carlson.
By settling this case, they can reinforce the narrative that Tucker Carlson was a liability for them, and therefore they were justified in firing Tucker.
So, I think their interest is to settle.
Well, exactly!
They want to do it to legitimize January 6th, their false narrative in firing Tucker, but no one's buying it!
Just like indicting Trump, sending 20 points up!
I mean, this is gonna...
I think this is going to blow up in their face.
What do you think?
I think even the dumbest D.C.
jury is going to say, no, Fox News.
But see, you're right.
Fox won't put a defense on.
They'll just roll over.
They'll roll over.
It won't go to a jury.
And the other reason is, I think there's a possibility that they wouldn't sue Fox if they thought that Fox would play hardball and retaliate, you know, taking advantage of the discovery process, because that could be We don't know Murdoch doesn't have some buyout for Fox Steel I've been told about for $10 billion where he gets paid $3 billion more than it's worth by some big corporation for rolling over to discredit conservatives.
In fact, I think that's what's going on.
In fact, from my sources, I'm told that is what's going on.
Yeah, Fox, in my estimation, will cave on this.
It serves their interests, it serves the regime's interests, it serves EPSA's interests, because EPSA's interested in money.
Exactly, so Fox is loyal opposition to the New World Order.
They want to discredit populism and Tucker Carlson and you and everybody else, and so that's all this is.
They will settle.
The question is, after that settlement, will EPSA and his team then bring a defamation case to Revolver News and Tucker in his independent capacity, I
think that's quite likely as well.
But the first stop is for them to extract a settlement out of Fox.
Now, there's an interesting dimension of this that pertains to defamation law.
And our first pass, the definitive first pass analysis of this development is available right
now at revolver.news.
We're working on a follow-up that addresses the legal specifics of their defamation case, which is incredibly weak.
And it gets to a core question, which is actually very fascinating.
The whole principle of defamation is predicated on the idea of reputational damage.
Now, it's interesting to ask, from a reputational point of view, is it better for EPS to be somebody who is an organic participant in what the regime calls the worst domestic terrorist attack In America since 9-11 or since the Civil War?
Or is it better reputationally for him to have been in the employment or operating at the direction of the federal government?
I think there's a very strong case to be made that reputationally, it's better to be a fed than a criminal.
And in fact, there is Extensive precedent within defamation laws saying that it's not really defamation to accuse someone of being fed or informant because again incorrectly we understand is incorrect but from the standpoint of the legal system
It's not a bad thing to work for the federal government, or to work at their direction.
Oh, obviously.
That's if you get a fair trial.
They're pitting all this on fraud.
But I'm just saying, in the court of public opinion, this is going to make re-ebs bigger than ever.
Even though Fox is going to roll over, that's a blow up in their face.
If they're dumb enough to go after Tucker and you, I mean, if I was you, I'd be like Brer Rabbit wanting to get thrown in the briar patch.
I mean, that is going to be spectacular if they're dumb enough, which shows how weak they are on this.
I mean, he's saying, I orchestrated the text message.
He's telling them to go in.
He's ramming them with signs.
He's in the first breach.
And then and then all these other people are going to jail for less stuff.
How the hell do we not say he's protected?
Whether you're right or wrong, that's your opinion.
Of course, we know.
That's not just your opinion.
What do you make now?
When we say Fed, Fed, Fed, maybe you weren't working for the FBI, maybe you were working for the DC police or a private corporate cutout group, because now we know more and more from congressmen and others that the foot video shows undercover off-duty DC police I don't think the Capitol Police were in on it other than a stand down and their commander's not giving them orders to use the PA system.
They should have taken matters into their own hands in my view, but that DC police were involved with other federal agents as well.
I mean, I think there's obviously something big here.
From your deep research, if you learn more about the coalition of government operatives that, you know, help provocateur this.
Yes, but I like to maintain focus, and I maintain that there are two smoking guns in the Fed's retch.
One is EPS, the other is the pipe bomb.
And those two dimensions of January 6th have occupied most of my time and focus, because I think those are the highest leverage.
As for EPS being protected, you're absolutely right.
And I want to make it clear, I've never maintained that EPS is a federal agent.
I don't actually think he's a federal agent.
I don't think he's an FBI agent.
He was leaning very heavily on this denial of being involved with law enforcement.
And I would repeatedly point out that the Department of Homeland Security is not a law enforcement agency.
Military intelligence isn't a law enforcement agency.
There are many federal Yes, it could be that.
They're not law enforcement agencies.
Sure, and as you know, different agencies recruit for a certain look, historically, not just in US history.
He has a military door kicker look and an intel look that would then be hired by an NGO.
If I had to say something, and I'm not saying this, I'm saying he looks like military intel hired by an NGO.
Yes, it could be that.
It could be a private cutout group.
I will only say, and I'll maintain, that any reasonable person, looking at the context,
looking at behavior, considering that the DOJ hasn't charged him despite him being really
kind of a poster boy to someone who could have been the poster boy for this so-called insurrection,
given all of his background and behavior, the fact that they're defending and not charging him
when they could charge him with trespassing, like they did Owen Schroer.
They could charge him with (audio cuts out)
I totally agree, so let me throw this out.
They charge others with conspiracy for doing very similar things to Epps.
So it wasn't like they couldn't have charged him if they wanted to.
They decided not to.
And the question is why?
Why was he being protected?
And I think the overwhelmingly likely answer to that is that he was not an organic participant
in January 6.
He was acting on some privacy.
Well, I totally agree.
So let me throw this out.
Ray Epps and his Democratic Party lawyers.
Will they sue the people the night before that screamed fed at him?
Because are we not allowed if someone's calling for invading the Capitol?
Whether we were right or wrong.
Can't I scream at somebody, you're a purple man, you're a green man, you're a pink man.
Or I can say, I think you're an Easter Bunny.
I see you walking on the street.
I think you're a gorilla.
Or I think you're an elf.
Or I think you're a storm cloud.
I mean, people thought he was a fed.
Why aren't they allowed to have that view, too?
Why aren't you as a professor and a political scientist saying, everybody else got charged, this guy didn't?
Whatever happened to our First Amendment?
Well, you know, they're picking their targets strategically, and it's clear they have in their crosshairs, you know, Fox News for the money, but they want to destroy Tucker Carlson and me and Revolver.News for reporting it.
In the legal complaint, Identify me as the originator and chief purveyor of the coverage on EPS, which they find objectionable and defamatory.
And I'm proud to say that I am the originator of this reporting.
It's not defamatory in any capacity.
We're very careful and nuanced.
And I think the questions that we raise and the suggested answers, the possible answers to those questions, are well within reasonable discourse.
They're entirely unobjectionable.
If they turn to a lawsuit against Revolver News, they will lose.
They have a very weak case.
So if they decide to do that, I'm prepared for it.
For now, they're going after Fox, which is the soft target.
But let's see if they bring it to me and Revolver.
We're prepared.
We're ready.
Ray Epps is so suspicious.
It's so dirty, the whole thing.
Well, I mean, hold on, Professor.
It's not like he...
Testify to Congress that he orchestrated it.
Now, if you had a text message where he confessed to orchestrating, and if he admitted it to Congress, then you'd have no problem.
But you don't have him confess... Wait, wait.
But you do.
He did say that.
I mean, he's so, you know, he should sue himself for defamation.
He should sue the New York Times for defamation, because as I pointed out, the New York Times featured Epps.
He just sued the FBI!
The FBI put him on the most wanted list!
So it's ridiculous.
It's clearly a targeted approach.
They want to go after the people who are effective in media.
Dr. Carlson is effective in media and Revolver News, pound for pound, might be the most effective organization in media in terms of an upstart and changing national conversation.
No, I agree.
You've done a great job.
That's why they're after us.
All right, join us again with a better connection.
It was still great information.
Thank you, Dr. Revolver.News.
We'll talk to you soon.
Amazing info.
Thank you.
Yeah, this gives me a headache, folks.
I mean, he's ramming signs into people.
He's saying go in.
My reporters are being arrested trying to stop people going in.
I mean, I'm just like, come on, man.
To use a Joe Biden quote, I am well done with this crap.
Well done.
With it.
I mean, if the Feds had me saying I orchestrated an attack, and I'm up there saying invade the Capitol, I'd be in jail right now.
Not this guy.
And then now he's gonna sue everybody?
Talk about horse manure.
This is the definition of it.
Hey, I'm the billion, five hundred million dollar man!
Everybody else, sue me all day!
I don't have anything!
Der Hernandez is about to take over.
I did not plug this hour, and barely last hour, and I'm our biggest problem.
We have the Patriot Pride.
I told the crew to make a red, white, and blue...
And they said, they'll think you're being liberal.
And I said, no, they'll know it's a joke.
And the crew rebelled and did not make a red, white and blue rainbow.
But it's about patriot pride, not pedo pride.
Info War story.
Well, a lot of people say we live in boring times.
I say those people are brain dead.
Well, the amazing dynamic Drew Hernandez is set to take over in about five minutes from now.
There he is on screen.
Let's punch him up.
I like that shirt.
We really appreciate Drew Hernandez.
He's an amazing guy.
And I'm going to do a special two-hour Saturday show with Dr. Raymond Labo live, noon to 2 p.m.
We've got other big guests and things tomorrow that are going to be very informative.
We will have next week the director, the star, the actual hero of Sound of Freedom.
That is coming up.
We've got so much more for you tomorrow as well.
But let me now cut a live ad on air, because I haven't had time to cut an ad for the new special.
If we don't fund the operation, we're going to shut down, so bear with me.
We sell products that will empower you and your family's life.
We sell products that are real game changers.
Corporate media says we sell snake oil, high quality, gravity-fed water filter, stainless steel, that if you look at the competitors are at the highest ratings there are for around 50% of the price of leading competitors.
Despite that, right now we have the Patriot Pride sale going for the rest of July to counter the Bud Light Communist PETA Pride.
So we have 10% off on water filtration, air filtration, storable foods right now at Infowarstore.com.
We have double Patriot points, meaning you get 10% off on your next order, not 5% off.
We have BrainForce Plus and BrainForce Ultra, two different amazing brain-boosting nootropics that were 50% off together, they're now 50% off.
Individually, we have probiotic fiber, 50% off.
We have immune support, 50% off.
We have organic green fiber, 50% off.
We have ultimate fish oil, 40% off.
Ultimate bone broth, oh man, it's so good, 40% off.
Down and out sleep support, 40% off.
Superville Vitality, 60% off.
Supermills sold out.
It's the same formula, different label, so it's 60.
Experienced libido, the stamina, the energy.
Survival Shield X3, about to sell out, 25% off.
Vitamin D3 gummies, 25% off.
Whole Food Multivitamin, 25% off.
All about to sell out.
All-Info Wars MD products.
The CBD oil, everything.
30% off.
The Nitric Boost, 30% off.
All Dr. Jones Naturals.
The toothpaste, the mouthwash, fluoride free, essential oils, tumeric, activated charcoal, 25% off.
All-Info Wars Platinum products.
Testosterone Boost 1776, Pain MD.
25% off all food, water, and air filtration.
10% off at infowarestore.com.
And while you're there, get a copy of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World.
Get a signed copy.
Only a few hundred left.
That's a fundraiser.
Get an Alex Jones for President t-shirt.
No more are being printed.
They're like, hey boss, you said this is limited edition.
We did a third printing.
They're about to sell out.
What's the new shirt?
I've been so busy I haven't come up with a new shirt.
But we'll have a new one.
But no more of that shirt's getting printed.
Or the Trump political prisoner shirt.
There's like a thousand of those left.
Less than a thousand Alex Jones shirts left.
I want to thank you for your support.
I don't have George Soros backing me.
I don't have the globalists backing me.
I have We The People backing us.
Please go to InfoWareStore.com, get double Patreon points, free shipping on orders $100 or more, make a straight donation where it says donate for $5, $10, $20, do it one time recurring, but whatever you do, pray for the broadcast, and whatever you do, share the articles and the videos, and I see you doing it!
Some of you re-upload, it gets 100 views.
That's amazing!
Globalist politicians, People that are beneath Trump, top-level Republican candidates are talking to crowds of 20 people!
I see our listeners, I can't even keep track of it, thousands of videos with a couple hundred views.
I just see them, boom, boom, boom, I check the aggregator.
I see hundreds of videos with thousands of views.
I see dozens of videos with hundreds of thousands of views.
And I see several videos with millions of views without even looking.
It's just every day!
So if you put out a video and a hundred people watch it, that's a devastating victory.
But some of you put it out, and a thousand see it, somebody else sees it, grabs it, and a million watch it.
That's how we win wars.
That's human intelligence overriding AI via the Holy Spirit.
So spread the word, pray for the broadcast, and get products that enrich your life while funding our operation.
Go to InfoWarStore.com now for the Patriot Pride Month that fights pedophilia, that fights abortion, that fights Satanism, and gives you great products.
Patriot Pride Month.
Up to 60% off.
60% off. Drew Hernandez takes over now!
The Globalists aren't just targeting us through the poison shots, or the electromagnetic 5G, or the GMO crops.
poison shots or the electromagnetic 5G or the GMO crops.
They're hitting us with hundreds of chemicals that the EPA has authorized companies and industry to use.
One of the top pesticides used is atrazine.
The allowable level the government admits that they allow to be in your water supply is enough to sterilize you and basically turn your son into a feminized mutant.
Look it up.
Don't let them do this to your family.
We have the very best gravity-fed filter system out there.
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The Alexa Pure, ready to ship to you right now.
We have replacement filters for folks who have already gotten it.
It does 10,000 gallons before you replace them.
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You can put swamp water in it, tap water, well water.
Almost everything is contaminated.
This is how you take control of the fluids in your body and counter the globalist onslaught.
Get yours today at InfoWareStore.com for a limited time.
We're running a 10% discount.
That is a huge discount to start at the lowest price out there.
You need this filter.
All righty, InfoWarriors, welcome to the fourth hour of the most banned transmission show in the universe, in the galaxy.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
I am your host, guest host, Drew Hernandez.
Want to thank every single one of you guys for being here.
Like Alex just said, and he's serious about this, guys.
Very serious.
He loves to see this stuff.
Whether it's on Twitter, Getter, Truth Social, no matter where you're cutting up clips, you're making your own memes, these things go like super viral, especially on Twitter.
Personally, we love to see this stuff on Twitter because obviously Elon will not establish InfoWars or Alex Jones or Owen Schreier officially back on Twitter.
So when you guys are doing stuff like that, and he's not lying, he sees this stuff.
Sometimes I'll see like a really based Sick edit or clip of the show something he said I'll just send it to him and he loves this kind of stuff guys So keep that going man.
Keep that going.
InfoWars.com, Band.Video, the InfoWars Army Spreading that information no matter where we go no matter where we are.
That's how this works guys Okay, does it matter if they ban one of us?
Does it matter if they ban a million of us?
Because the freedom movement will always survive.
We will always be here, alright?
The freedom fighters have always opposed tyranny since the beginning of time, alright?
And this is why the New World Order and the satanic global cabal, they just cannot figure out or understand how to put a stop To every single one of us!
Because there could be a revolutionary figure, there could be one individual that decides to come out and literally stand up against, on their own two feet, against tyranny.
And once that happens, it mobilizes, it activates a million other people.
So all it takes is one.
It truly only takes one individual.
And that amplifies, it lights a fire amongst everybody else because everybody else gets plugged out of the Matrix.
This is how the globalists think.
They know this stuff.
They know when one individual gets jacked outside of the Matrix, John Connor escapes the Terminator and starts to, like, really just get together the entire, like, futuristic, revolutionary, you know, army together fighting against the AI, fighting against the global regime.
Fighting against the Terminators!
Fighting against the WEF!
Fighting against the UN!
Fighting against the EU!
And I'm not calling for violence, but what I'm saying is, these people clearly think this way, and they understand this stuff.
So don't let these people convince you that you are the minority.
Don't let them convince you that you're the crazy person.
You're the conspiracy theorist.
You're just believing in a bunch of nonsense.
You're just the town crazy person.
You're the guy that's just running around claiming that the world's going to end and you look all psychotic, you know, not showering and your beard is all out of control and you look disgusting like you're a leftist.
Actually, it's them.
That's actually the climate cult.
That's their people running around doing that with terrible hygiene.
You know, you always see these people with terrible hygiene.
They're not allowed, the climate cult's not allowed to have deodorant.
They're not allowed to brush their teeth because that hires their carbon footprint.
They're not allowed to do their hair.
The women can't wear makeup.
They're all disgusting.
Like, they look gross.
They smell.
You know, their body, the disgusting lesbians, their breasts are all flopping all over the place and jiggling and they're just like these walruses.
You guys know what I'm talking about.
That's what they want.
They want that.
That's why they slander the truth speakers.
That's why they slander the ones that are truly the John Connors, alright?
That are not only escaping, you know, the AI, technocracy, futuristic war that wants to impose its will upon all of us and if we don't, we die?
No, no, no.
They don't only see that these people are evading them, but we're exposing.
Guys, we evade, we expose, we win.
We evade, we expose, we win.
That's how this stuff works.
And you know, they know this.
You know, recently I've been... I'll post things on Instagram every now and then and post like a WEF clip.
I'll post like a World Economic Forum supporter.
I like to call them agents.
Posted one the other day and it went super viral on Twitter, went super viral on Instagram, and immediately the fact-checkers bounce on it!
They jump on it!
AP and all these other fact-checkers that are designated, that are authorized by the New World Order and made to make sure that you are not believing misinformation.
They slap a fact-check on it, and it's literally a World Economic Forum supporter Telling people that the coming they're talking about cashless.
They're talking about a digitized system of economy.
You guys all saw the clip saying that well, this is going to lead to economies having the ability to lock anyone out.
That's undesirable.
I'm paraphrasing and of course.
The clip got hundreds of thousands of views.
You look at the comments, people are like, screw the WEF.
We're not going to submit to this tyranny.
We're done with these people.
This is America.
And then the fact checkers come in and they slap a label on it.
You guys can go see this on my Instagram right now.
Edger Hernandez Live.
It's like the third or the fourth post.
And they try to block it out from people seeing it.
Now, I'm not, this is, this is like, this is like, you know, Not even the pre-course, you know, breakfast for anyone that watches InfoWars.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, you know, you see these people desperately trying to discredit even what their own people say.
Because in the fact check, they're like, well, this is just a misrepresentation of what he actually said.
He was just saying that, you know, this could potentially happen in the, you know, in a governmental society or a dictatorial society that they could, they might impose their will on people.
Yeah, that's kind of what we are all saying!
But they try to run their fact checkers and their propaganda with these mental gymnastics to be like, well, that guy's saying it in negative light, but this guy's saying it because he's a good guy.
He's just a warning, right?
No, they're allowed to come out.
They try to mental gymnastic everything.
But that's the cult.
That's the cult.
The point is, is these people know that we know what they're doing.
These people know that we're fully awake.
Okay, not all gay and woke.
All right, we're fully awake.
Fully jacked out of the Matrix.
John Connors activated.
We are fighting the New World Order.
We are fighting the AI takeovers.
We are fighting the futuristic regime technocracies.
The 1984 literal tyranny that they want to impose on all of us.
They all talk about this out in the open.
They say this stuff.
But they try to make you sound like you're crazy.
There it is right there, third post.
There it is.
Super viral video.
Everybody saw this.
And there it is!
There it is!
And look, I trolled them and I put, okay, supporter.
You didn't like that.
I said agent.
Okay, supporter.
You gotta troll these people, but they are desperate.
It's AP.
I don't know if you guys can find it.
You might, there might be a link right there if you click the actual fact check.
It'll open up the AP article and it's just like, it's just some like woke white leftist women trying to shut me down.
And it's, it's just hilarious, you know, but they know that their battle plans have been exposed.
And when this happens, they have to shut it down.
They have to discredit it, even though when they themselves are saying this stuff, oh, they're warning about a authoritarian regime taking advantage of a cashless digitized society.
Oh, he, there it is right there.
And the one on the bottom, oh, the fact checkers!
Would you look at that?
Shutting down their own words!
Shutting down their own words!
The World Economic Forum's words, these people.
Oh, he's not bought and paid for.
Oh, he's not a World Economic Forum agent.
Well, he's definitely a World Economic...
Forum supporter, and you don't get on that stage unless you are designated a true, okay, let's use your terms.
They like to call themselves stakeholders, right?
Shareholders of the New World Order.
You guys have all heard this nonsense.
Just watch five minutes of any of their conferences.
You have the future of the stakeholders and the stakeholders and their regime!
You are a stakeholder!
You are the Hitler Youth!
You are part of the next New World Order regime!
And you hear, you know, these people are just psychotic.
They use these terms, New World Order, but you just come out and you post what they say.
You post literally what they say.
You are the bad guy.
Okay, you are the one that is called the conspiracy theorist, the liar.
We all know that fact-checkers are not fact-checkers.
We know that the fact-checkers on Big Tech, they are designated authoritarian censors.
That's what they are.
1984, they are censoring the internet, they are censoring what everybody is saying, they are monitoring it, and they are enforcing what the New World Order wants to be said and what will not be said.
Well, you know what?
That's why we got banned out video.
You know what?
That's why we're here on InfoWars.com.
Well, you know what?
That's why we have the ability to have our own systems that are supported by the people, you the people, that's every single one of you, and this is what we're fighting against every single day!
It is an internal, out-in-the-open PSYOP that they're trying to run on not only the American people, but the absolute total population of humanity.
Warp their minds!
Warp their minds!
Go to Infowarsstore.com to keep this war going.
We will win.
We'll be right back.
The New World Order, the Deep State.
They roll out their plans in a sequence of events.
Because they are strategic.
Because they are working in unison.
We all know there's a demonic component to this.
It's all energized by the Antichrist spirit, all moving, just happening to be moving all in one direction.
And the Bible just happens to tell us this is kind of what the end game is for humanity, right?
You know, but the sequence of events, which is pretty interesting, that I wanted to talk about today.
You know, we opened the show with You know, just launching a nuclear red pill missile straight into the New World Order's face.
Because we have to.
That's the existence of InfoWars.
Every single day, this is what we do.
That's why Band.Video exists!
That's why they try to shut it down and discredit it, and lawfare, and shut down Alex, and sue him into the abyss, and everybody else that supports him.
But, you know, by the way, go get your Alex Jones for President t-shirt 2024.
Go get it now, Band.Video.com.
But, you know, so, When you take a look at their plans, it's the sequence of events.
And it's not by coincidence.
They don't operate with their hair on fire, running around trying to figure out what they're going to do.
These people are intelligent.
They are High IQs.
These are people that come out of Ivy Leagues.
These are people that, and I'm not talking about, you know, affirmative action, you know, a woke black person that just got there because, well, I'm woken black.
So yeah, give me my master's degree from Harvard.
Now put me in the Oval Office.
I'm not talking about that.
I'm talking about dealing with some seriously intellectually advanced people.
You look at people like Bill Gates, seriously intellectually advanced.
You take a look at people like Jeffrey Epstein, all right, to be able to pull that kind of pedophile ring for that long, not only in deep state American politics, but Hollywood, various different channels and cultural society, getting people on board, blackmailing high prominent, powerful people, literally getting them under your thumb, takes a very advanced intellectual type of person to do that.
And I'm not saying that to praise them.
I'm just saying, Don't underestimate your opponent.
Don't you ever, ever, that is the worst mistake that you could ever make when it comes to dealing with the New World Order, their proxies, their pawns, their agents, their organizations.
The biggest mistake that you and I can make when dealing with these people is simply underestimating them, underestimating them.
Alright, the biggest mistake is someone that just will not take the red pill.
We've talked about this, right?
Morpheus says, here you go, Alex Jones hands you the red pill.
You just deny it.
You say it's not real.
You refuse to take it.
But then, you can get someone that's totally red-pilled, but then gets kind of complacent.
And then you get in this place in your life where you start underestimating these people.
And, it's a dangerous place to be.
We're dealing with people that have war chests of billions, possibly trillions of dollars.
All right, some of these oil companies and these guys that are backed behind them, they finesse their way financially to make sure that it's not absolutely tied to them.
We've got trillionaires on Planet Earth.
All right?
Like, if the Forbes list was real, you would have, like, you'd have you Saudis, you had all these dudes from the Middle East that are multi-trillionaires.
All right?
But I think a lot of these people like to stay low-key.
They like to stay low-key.
They like to kind of stay off the radar.
And that's smart.
A smart person.
It's kind of like that movie American Gangster.
Remember American Gangster with Denzel Washington?
A mafia dude.
A straight gang.
You know what I mean?
Like serious gang.
Like straight drug pushing cartels.
Like these dudes.
And remember Denzel Washington would tell his family when he recruited his family when he became the next drug lord in his city.
And his family came, they were all like, you know, trying to be like ghetto fabulous, ghetto flashy.
And I'll tell them, you will stick out like a sore thumb.
All right?
That's what the feds look for.
That's what the cops look for.
They look for the one that comes in that doesn't belong, that's all flashy.
They want to see a black guy that looks all flashy running around.
How did he get that money?
Oh, well, let's investigate.
Let's put him away in jail forever.
That's the mindset.
You know, these high IQ criminals, they think that way.
They don't want to be running around flashy.
They don't want to target on their back.
They don't want to be seen as this destructive figure that is going to take down humanity.
That's why they all appear to be humanitarian.
Have you guys noticed that?
John Kerry, Klaus Schwab, all of their little programs with the World Economic Forum, climate change, that climate change cult.
They all want to save the world.
It sounds very virtuous.
They have this messianic God complex, this messiah complex, where only they have the message and they have the solutions and they are the chosen ones to save all of mankind.
But the kicker is, well, if you don't listen to us, you're all going to die and get locked out of the next, you know, utopian economy, the 10 minute city.
You're going to get locked out of all this.
The futuristic AI virtual reality economy.
You're going to get locked out of the cashless society.
If you don't obey us, you are done.
They're like saviors with strings attached.
They're saviors with a contract.
They're not saviors.
They're what Jesus said that we would see are false messiahs.
And I definitely think the climate cult falls in that category.
But these people, they, like I said, you notice, you pay attention to the way they talk.
You pay attention to the way they give their speeches.
It sounds very convincing.
Very convincing.
Humanitarian effort.
We're going to help the third world.
We're going to help those that are impoverished in third world countries.
We're going to pull them out of poverty.
All of our plans are to ensure the human race survives for the next 100 years.
They all talk like this, right?
Like they're so confident that they're the ones that are going to save planet Earth and they're the only ones that can.
Like nobody else can.
No one else can but them.
Especially for Americans.
Nobody else can ensure the survival for the United States of America, for us to thrive, whether technologically, spiritually, economically, you name it, right?
Nobody else!
Nope, nope.
Americans, you stupid Americans, you have no idea what you're doing.
You need the UN.
They just talked about this in the last segment.
The UN is getting ready in the next couple months to seize emergency powers in the United States of America for their next emergency to be declared.
And not only will they seize powers once they announce it, they will set the timeline as well.
They will announce the next pandemic.
They will announce the next climate change hysteria.
They will announce their next New World Order operation to lock everybody down, total obedience, sacrifice freedom for security.
You must do this as a good citizen for thy neighbor in the New World Order, the Antichrist regime, correct?
And not only will they have the emergency powers, not only will they announce what the emergency is, they will have the emergency powers.
They will have the legal basis to do so because the puppet Biden regime is not going to Say or have any pushback about it.
They're just going to allow it.
That's why he's there.
Does it make sense now?
I've been saying this for months.
Why was Biden installed?
He's just a vegetable.
He doesn't know anything.
He can't navigate anywhere.
And that is by design.
So when the UN comes along and says, we want emergency powers.
The next time you guys have an emergency in your country.
Oh, well, here you go.
Where's Ashley?
I mean, just go have sex with my daughter.
That's all I care about.
Don't ask me anything else.
That's how it works, guys.
That's what's happening to us.
But Americans, you are too stupid to pull yourself up from your own bootstraps.
You don't have your own autonomy.
You don't have your own power.
That's fine.
The United States of America, you guys fled tyranny.
Well, it's back, baby.
You guys fled tyranny.
Well, it's back, baby.
Well, we know how Americans deal with tyrants.
We don't call for violence, but we will defend ourselves from violent tyranny.
I'll tell you that right now.
1776, I am not calling for violence, but what I'm saying is these people want tyranny.
Well, we want freedom, and we know that that is a recipe for freedom to win.
I'll just say that.
That is a recipe for freedom to win, but they believe that they know better than us.
These foreign entities, these foreign organizations that have no business dictating what the United States of America is going to do.
You're going to tell me, as an American, how my country is going to go?
Yeah, no thanks!
America first!
Get the hell out of here!
Band out video.
We'll be right back.
Strategic plans!
Back to the sequence of events.
The reason why I'm talking like this is I think this month, past couple months, is very interesting.
Very interesting sequence of events.
Say, Drew, what are you talking about?
What we witnessed during Groomer Month this past June, I think was next level.
You saw naked homosexuals Boomers, literally naked boomer homosexuals walking around Seattle with their penises hanging out with little boys, children, hundreds, hundreds!
Just watching, smiling like it's totally normal, like they're at Disneyland.
We saw a bunch of land whale walrus lesbians in New York.
I think it was Savannah Hernandez that covered this.
Bunch of walrus land whale lesbians.
With their disgusting blubber breasts bouncing around with children running around in the water like flapping around like a bunch of walruses.
Playing in the water, playing in the fountains.
Bunch of AIDS and HIV spreading all over the place.
You know, we saw some pretty dark stuff.
You know, I covered one in Tempe, Arizona.
Some homosexual rapper that claimed to be divine.
Claims to be a god.
Getting up on stage rapping about getting sodomized and sodomizing men in front of little girls, little kids.
I know we've seen, we've seen a lot of this stuff and it can get desensitizing sometimes.
You see it so much, you're like, well, I guess that's America now.
Damn, right?
No, we can never get desensitized.
This, this should trigger you in a righteous way.
Not trigger you like a leftist, a snowflake where you can't hear anything that's offensive and oh my God, let's just censor everybody.
No, triggered like, we got pedophiles here!
We got pedophiles walking the streets with their genitals out!
We got parents taking them to the pedophiles!
That should righteously trigger you!
Let's throw some people in jail, come on!
Let's send a message to society that this is not gonna fly with us!
That's what I'm talking about.
But, you know, this was a very dark month.
We saw Target get exposed.
We're working alongside of a designer that is open about their satanism and satanic clothing for children?
Okay, like, this is all manifesting, guys.
These are manifestations of evil, alright?
These are manifestations of these demonic influences.
That are influencing fallen humanity that's reprobate, and you're seeing it.
People are seeing it.
That's why they're getting red-pilled.
They're getting Christ-pilled.
They're getting God-pilled.
They're like, well, that's in the Bible?
Yeah, man.
It is, dude.
And we've been trying to warn people for decades, but maybe now you're awake because you want your evidence?
You want to see to believe?
Go read Romans chapter 1, and then go relive, okay, Pride Month 2023, and come back and tell me that God doesn't exist and is not speaking through the Word of God.
All right?
Well, there you go.
There you go.
So pedophile month gets amplified to the next level, right?
Pedophile month gets amplified to the next level in 2023.
And then you got this movie Sound of Freedom that's going to drop that they've been trying to suppress for years.
I just think the timing is interesting.
These sequence of events, right?
See this rise in pedophilia and grooming.
These homosexuals trying to normalize it, add that P to the LGBTQ, whatever, right?
And then the sound of freedom drops, July 4th, Patriot Month.
And the sequence of events is astounding.
It's truly astounding to see the normalization of pedophilia has gone into overdrive, you guys.
It truly has.
Like, this stuff is accelerating, and it's accelerating fast.
Because you could tell by the way that they respond to it.
They're trying to normalize pedophilia at these groomer rallies, these groomer marches.
In the United States of America, the homosexuals just walking around naked with their penises hanging out in front of children.
That's what it is, man.
You got- Oh, and by the way, Tim Cass, when they covered also in New York, you got all the homosexuals running around saying, We're here!
We're queer!
We're coming for your children!
We're here!
We're queer!
We're coming for your children!
Just out in the open.
And then in California, they literally legislated that if you don't, if you don't accept your child's self-identifying pronouns, then we will take your child.
That's child abuse.
This is accelerating.
In the month of June, this is just, just stay with me, all right?
Stay with me.
Sequence, sequence, sequence.
Then I find it interesting that Sound of Freedom drops.
Damn, man.
You see Rolling Stone, you see The Guardian, you see that news publication Jezebel, they're all calling it QAnon adjacent.
They're calling it like a, you know, just a total conspiracy.
None of it has any validity.
It's all tied to QAnon.
They try to discredit Jim Caviezel.
They try to discredit the producers, the directors.
They try to discredit the actual guy that the movie's made about that does this, that has been doing this for decades, fighting against child sex trafficking, exposing pedophile rings, elites, low-level people.
But why does it always end up being the elites involved with pedophilia?
You want to know why?
Because they're the ones that could truly afford this kind of stuff.
There's a reason for that.
It's not cheap, alright?
Child sex trafficking is not cheap.
To just go purchase an 8-year-old boy and sodomize the hell out of him for however long you want.
This is not cheap stuff, you guys.
This is a multi-billion dollar, daily, multi-billion dollar industry.
So there's a reason why the elites are more typically involved with this kind of stuff because they can fork up the cash like it's nothing, baby, and they also can fork up the cash to make it all go away if they need to.
Blackmail whoever they need to.
Anyways, the response has been astounding.
It truly has been.
You see the pedophile occult media try to discredit all these news publications.
It's QAnon, QAnon adjacent, QAnon conspiracy.
Did you guys see that guy?
I think it was Mike Rothschild of all last names.
Mike Rothschild on CNN.
He literally said that the Sound of Freedom movie, okay, it's made these kind of movies are made off of bogus statistics.
Moral panics?
What's a moral panic?
Shouldn't we be morally panicked to want to do something to save children that are being child sex trafficked?
That absolutely warrants a moral panic!
We should all be doing something!
The babies are being targeted!
The babies are being raped!
The babies are being sex trafficked!
State emergency!
We must Do something!
Who are the perpetrators?
Who are the criminals?
Who needs to go down?
Who needs to be legally and lawfully executed according to the laws of the land?
Who is doing this to the babies?
Oh, but a moral panic is a bad thing, according to the CNN talking head, Mike Rothschild, of all people.
Oh yeah, there he is.
Mike Roth, of all people.
You got a Rothschild telling you that Sound of Freedom is based off of bogus statistics.
Yeah, I'll believe that, sure.
Sure, I'll believe a Rothschild any day of the week!
Any day of the week, just tell me, Daddy.
Tell me, Daddy Rothschild.
Tell me, Daddy.
What do you want me to believe today?
Oh, Daddy, just dictate me.
Daddy, dictate me, baby.
I just want to be dictated.
Propagate my mind, Daddy.
He said it's based off of moral panic, bogus statistics, and fear and fear.
You know, it's just, it's so wild.
Like all of the things that warrant, you know, to mobilize us into action, to put a stop to something should not be Republican.
This should not be Democrat.
This should not be political outside of the sphere.
Of only legislating to put a stop to this damn stuff.
Like, there should be death penalties for all pedophiles, child sex traffickers, all this stuff, dude.
I'm totally for that.
That's how you send a message to society that you are not going to touch children.
You are not going to sex traffic children.
You are not going to rape children.
If you do, you die.
If you do, torture!
Because that's what they're doing to the kids!
They're torturing the kids!
They're torturing them psychologically!
They're torturing them physically!
They're torturing them sexually!
Eye for an eye, baby!
You wanna torture kids?
Well then you're gonna get it too!
That's how we should be in society!
That's how you send a message to society, to criminals, and pedophiles, and child sex traffickers, that this will be your fate!
This will be your fate!
If you go after the innocent children, this will be your fate!
If you decide to go down that path, this will be your fate!
If you decide to disobey!
But, we live in a cucked out society where You know, you'll see conservatives get all triggered based off of what I said.
Oh, really?
What, really?
Yeah, really, baby!
Yes, really!
Because this stuff is real!
But I just find how the occult, satanic, pedophile media is running cover.
Trying to act like this stuff don't exist.
We've been seeing this develop the last couple days, and then there's more of the sequence.
I'll tell you about that when we come back from the break.
Do not go anywhere.
Blast all the links.
Do it now.
We'll be right back.
Alright guys, you are now...
Watching the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I am your guest host, Drew Hernandez.
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Well, let's continue talking about sequence.
You know, I've been noticing this and I like to sit back and watch the world, you know, pray, ask God to give me vision and give me sight to see things that I might be missing.
And I really have been doing that these past couple months.
And, you know, I've seen this sequence.
I saw this all groomer month, this attempt to normalize pedophilia, homosexuals roaming the streets naked with children, parents bringing their kids to them.
You know, the homosexuals running around saying, we're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children.
Sound of Freedom drops July 4th.
The pedophile occult media, all their news publications attempt to smear the hell out of it.
It's just wild.
It's so wild to see.
Mike Rothschild telling you that the movie's based off of bogus statistics, attempting to discredit it entirely.
You know, and then you see this report.
I think it's on Infowars.com.
I'm sure you guys can find it in a couple seconds.
And then you see this report of the Biden DOJ removing from their official website, official intel, that's been around for decades, of the realities of child sex trafficking, particularly at the southern border, the formerly known southern border.
Hundreds of thousands of children that get sex trafficked alone just through the formerly known southern border.
Criminal cartels, the pedophile rings, they all come.
These kids from the third world.
This happens locally as well.
But then you see this report.
It wasn't only documented by InfoWars.
This was all over the place.
DOJ erases child sex trafficking information from its website.
They remove specific excerpts that had to do with the formerly known southern border and some critical details about how this is done financially, how this is done not only across the entire globe but in the United States of America globally, how they operate with pimps, how they operate via money, how there are payments and financial transactions that are made.
And it's not just people and society that you and I would call normal.
They removed a bunch of intel.
And you gotta ask yourself.
Apparently this was done.
They tried to do it quietly, I think a couple months ago.
I think it was May is when they actually did it.
I think it was.
Someone might have to fact check that on me.
But this was quietly done just a couple months before Pedophile Month.
Just a couple months before Sound of Freedom comes out.
You want to know why they do this?
Because this is the sinister part.
This is the sinister part.
Like I said, sequence, sequence, sequence.
It's interesting that this takes place preemptively before Groomer Month, Pedophile Month.
And this takes place, alright, just happens to take place before Sound of Freedom finally drops on July 4th.
And then don't you find it interesting that the occult media is all calling it QAnon adjacent, conspiratorial, none of this is real.
It's bogus statistics.
Isn't it interesting that Mike Rothschild said that on CNN?
Bogus statistics.
Oh, and take a look at the DOJ removing what?
Some legitimate statistics that the federal government has put out so that the public can be aware.
Listen, this is what's interesting about this.
Why would they do that?
I would say two reasons.
Number one, they know it's real.
And they don't want to be seen affiliated with QAnon adjacent conspiracies.
That's surface level, I would say.
I'll say there's three reasons.
The first, they don't want to be seen as QAnon adjacent, right?
Well, we can't be seen confirming what's in this movie.
We're the federal government.
So when the media comes out and say, says it's bogus statistics.
Oh, okay.
Well, the DOJ removed some of that stuff.
So yeah.
Big Brother says it.
I believe it too.
The mainstream media says it.
Oh, I believe it too.
That's surface level.
At surface level.
And I would say the next reason is, this is the sinister part, is that they are 100% fully aware that all this stuff is fully real and it's fully operational.
That's the second reason.
They are fully aware that there are hundreds of thousands of children in this country alone, the United States of America, being abducted.
They are disappearing.
They're ending up in pedophile rings, and they're ending up being sex trafficked to never be seen ever again.
They're pimped out.
They're prostituted.
They're sexually abused.
They're psychologically abused.
They live a life of absolute hopelessness, and a lot of them commit suicide, never to be heard of ever again.
The Biden DOJ and the Deep State, they know this stuff!
They know that it's real!
They know that it's in existence!
That's the second sinister part, and it gets deeper!
It gets deeper!
The further down you go down this rabbit hole, you find the truth, and it's horrible, and it's evil!
The third reason is that they are a part of it.
The third reason is that our own government knows that this stuff is operational.
They run cover for the pedophile politicians.
They run cover for the Jeffrey Epsteins for decades.
And then whoever's on that little black book, whoever's on the Epstein flight logs, they all get protected because the fall man fell.
So that's it.
Make a Netflix documentary.
Give them a watered down version of it that we want them to know.
Who do you think has the money to do this?
protect the pedophiles.
That is how deep this goes.
That's the sequence, they run cover for everything.
They not only want to appear like we're not queuing on adjacent,
they not only know that this stuff is a reality, but they partake.
They partake, who do you think has the money to do this?
Who do you think has tens of thousands of dollars to go purchase a child to molest?
The BBC has done stories on this in 2011.
Children from Africa disappearing.
Undercover reporters interacting with child sex traffickers.
And all of the kids, hundreds of thousands of kids, they all come out and say the same thing.
They're cutting us, they're extracting our blood, they're not only raping us, but these little African kids know exactly what juju is, they know exactly what voodoo is, they know exactly what these witch doctors do and why they do it, and all these eyewitnesses, all these little kids from Africa that are survivors come out and they say the same thing.
They are performing witchcraft rituals on us, they're cutting our bodies, they're cutting our wrists, they're extracting our blood, and that's a part of us being sex trafficked because that is just- This was in 2011 the BBC reported on this.
I'm shocked that they did that!
The rise of Juju, the rise of witchcraft in the UK.
Anyone can go find this article, it's out there.
I'm sure that the team can find it in five seconds.
This is real!
Hundreds of thousands of children sex-trafficked for the purposes of witchcraft!
For the purposes of witchcraft!
Interfacing with demonic powers, and it's seen as some kind of religious experience, and the elites are all involved in it.
The elites are all involved in it.
And you know what?
I'll end with this.
Did you guys see what happened in California?
Let's get this up, guys.
Failure of child sex trafficking bill in California.
This just happened a couple days ago.
Sequence, guys.
Running cover.
Running cover.
Do you think that this- Listen.
Failure of child sex trafficking bill on California Assembly Committee sparks outrage.
A bill to strengthen penalties to make a serious felony for repeat offenders convicted of sexually trafficking children failed to pass.
Democrats rejected it.
The Assembly Public Safety Committee on July 11th with only two Republican members voting in favor for the measure.
You guys, who do you think that's for?
You think that's for your everyday pimp?
You think that's for your gangster child sex trafficker?
Who do you think that's for?
Who do you think that shutdown and denial is for?
You think that's for the little guys?
You think that's for the little guys that somehow, someway, you know, they're watching CP?
They're watching child porn?
You know, you watch To Catch a Predator.
You watch Alex Rosen.
You know, catching pedophiles, which is honorable.
That's 100%.
Keep that going, baby.
Keep that going.
Catch those people.
CC Unit.
A lot of these dudes, man.
They're killing it out there.
You think that's for those dudes that they're catching?
Stuff like this?
This kind of legislation?
Getting struck down?
You think they're trying to run cover for them?
No, man.
That's not even the half of it.
This kind of stuff?
Is to protect the elites that are all involved in these child sex trafficking pedophile rings.
That's what stuff like that in California, this is my opinion, that's what stuff like that in California is about.
They're running cover for what they know.
They're running cover for who they know.
Because everybody knows that this child sex trafficking This child sex cult is fully operational.
Fully operational!
We need to engage, expose, expose, shut down.
Legally, lawfully, protect the children.
Protect the children.
Do not give them over to the pedophiles.
That is how we lose.
We must protect innocents.
It is of God.
It is the heart of God to protect the innocent.
Love you guys.
I'll see you guys on the next doom.
War Room starts now.
You know, I don't compare myself to a gladiator, but the last time
one of the greatest talk show hosts in American history came on the broadcasts,
he compared me to a gladiator, and I was very, very honored.
Well, Alex, you're the gladiator and you keep on pounding the opposition there.
I love it.
How do you keep doing it?
What are you taking?
I really am in the arena and I'm all the way in the arena and I realize it's that animating contest.
So when it comes to battling the globalists, I'm not trying to entertain you.
I'm trying to inspire you.
Thank you.
and to say no to them. But at the end of the day, are you not entertained? Are we
not the standard together, the audience, the guest, myself, all of us, of resistance?
I'm just blessed to be here and blessed to know you. Here's that clip.
(Video playing) Daniel. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel.
Daniel. Daniel. Daniel. Daniel.
(Video playing) (Video playing) (Video playing) (Video playing) (Video playing) (Video
playing) (Video playing) (Video playing) (Video playing) (Video playing) (Video
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Are you not entertained?
Is this not why you are here?
Burn them! Burn them! Burn them! Burn them! Burn them! Burn them! Burn them!
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