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Name: 20230702_Sun_Alex
Air Date: July 2, 2023
1212 lines.

In his broadcast, Alex Jones discusses how the New World Order is attempting to control people's bodies through treatments and vaccinations. He accuses the United Nations of promoting plans that bring massive Muslim populations into Europe for destabilization. Jones also talks about governments and media pushing for a cashless society, the conflict between armed globalists and middle-class citizens, and the increase in Hispanics and blacks voting Republican. He encourages people to stand against the New World Order and supports InfoWars products.

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It's Sunday, July 2nd, 2023.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I want to thank you all for joining us today.
I'll be back in studio in Austin, Texas starting tomorrow.
But today, tonight, I want to lay out for you how important the developments in France
and now spreading around Europe are, and how it's part of a larger globalist/Soros plan
to bring down civilization on its ashes, build back better the new system they've got planned
that is beyond anything you've ever read in a science fiction book or even a dystopic novel,
like "1984."
It's all planned, it's all programmed in their own words, and it's completely diabolical.
But if the population of the world simply admit this is happening,
and admit that they put their globalist operatives in all the key positions of power,
and that all this is being done by design, then the public can rally and organize together and stop it.
But they are imploding the third world, moving it into the first world,
brainwashing it to be anti-Western, anti-white, anti-Christian, to then bring down what's left of the West,
so there's one giant third-world slave population with city-states controlled by the globalists
that are above the law and tax and control the once great nations of the world.
Separate technological reservations break away civilizations that use economic and cultural warfare to suppress the population that's even allowed to live.
Under the Globalist program, the cataclysm, the breakdown, the designed implosion of the world economy is designed to eliminate, at least on the conservative estimates, 80% of the world population.
That's why they're listing carbon that plants breathe and that humans exhale as bad.
You are the carbon they want to eliminate.
But the good news is, all over the country and all over the world, citizens are confronting the puppets of the World Economic Forum and the UN, like the American psycho from California, Gavin Newsom, and of course, Mr. Trudeau up in Canada, who said he admires dictators and that he wants to be a dictator.
I'm doing fantastic.
How about you, Governor Newsom?
Do you know what a detransitioner is?
Do you know Chloe Cole, at the age of 15, she got her breast removed and now regrets it?
Because of gender affirmative care.
How about the low-dye woman, oh at 13 she got her breast removed.
Gender affirmative care.
No one stopped her, she was mentally unwell.
Yeah, I mean I just had a...
You're gonna have to until you're 18.
You can't date until you're 18.
You can't go in a tanning salon.
But young girls and young boys need to have their body parts removed.
It's our duty.
I'm an attorney.
I sent you letters.
I'm going to read you a letter.
Thousands of people I represent.
I don't know.
I don't know.
What if it's a kid who hasn't been harmed, don't commit suicide?
I'm just like, I'm not that excited.
Kids commit suicide 19 times more after having their body parts removed.
Governor, parents have legitimate concerns about their kids being able to medically transition
at such a young age.
Why are they talking about it?
What do you have to say to those parents?
What do you have to say?
Oh, here it comes.
Hey, Justin, I have a question for you.
How dare you do this to me?
Why do you support the mutilation of children?
You sick... What do you mean by that?
Wave if you're a pedophile, that's right!
Where is the CCP inquiry criminal?
Where is the CCP inquiry criminal?
Where is the CCP inquiry criminal?
Where is the CCP inquiry criminal?
If more citizens go to city council, go to the state houses, confront globalists peacefully
on the street, and point out their crimes across the board, like dissolving our border
and the human trafficking and allowing the fentanyl in and the destruction of the dollar,
if we confront these globalists everywhere, they won't be able to carry out their operations
This is so critical.
So I salute the patriots everywhere that are exposing the fact That this New World Order is a transhumanist death cult that is seeking to literally sterilize, kill, and murder as many people as they possibly can.
We're gonna go to break.
I'm gonna come back and we'll have the latest that's unfolding in France, that's spread to other countries, what's behind it, and how it can be stopped, and what's gonna happen if we don't stop it, and the George Soros crowd gets their way.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
It's Sunday, July 2nd, 2023.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
It's now time to declare independence against the New World Order.
Independence against the globalist system.
Independence against the United Nations that is openly pushing a treaty to take over our medical systems and our bodily autonomy itself.
It's time to declare independence against Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and King Charles, who've declared war on industrial society and on carbon itself.
That's what we're made of.
Now they say they want nitrogen to be taken out of the atmosphere.
The majority of the atmosphere is nitrogen.
This is a declaration of war against life itself.
They're destroying civilization.
They want a post-industrial world.
And that's why we're witnessing what's happening in France as the epicenter,
now spreading to places like Switzerland and Belgium and beyond.
If you go into the Kalergi Plan and other plans developed by the UN,
look these up.
It openly calls for bringing in giant Muslim populations into Europe
and using those populations to destabilize and control the continent.
It's the same program the UN --
admits replacement migration, which the Southern Poverty Law Center and ADL say doesn't exist.
You can go to the U.N.
website and type in replacement migration and read all their documents, all their battle plans to bring 600 plus million people to the United States alone.
They implode the third world, they cut their food off in three years of lockdowns.
It was three years in the third world, in some areas.
They form U.N.
refugee centers.
They brainwash them against the West.
They bring them in to attack Christian culture.
They teach them that whites are inherently evil and stole something from you.
This is the ultra-rich with something called liberation theology, run by the CIA.
Look it up.
It's the ultra-rich, the powerful, the George Soros of the world, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers on record that are financing this.
Look up who finances it.
It's the Carney Endowment and the Rockefeller Foundation, Operation Lockstep, that funds the plan to lock you down and make you take shots and take over your body.
They're the ones funding the plan to dissolve the borders and bring in third-world populations and all the major corporate media says white people are bad and Christians are bad.
This is all the top using giant third-world populations to crush the middle class and get rid of a middle class because if people aspire to a middle class worldwide, Then they won't follow the globalist plan of universal basic income and all living as poor serfs except for a tiny one-tenth of one percent that's international and above the law and that live in these modern city-state systems that they say they're building.
So they're imploding the old nations, that's what globalism does, suck them dry and then have these city-states that are above the law.
Vatican City, the City of London within London, Israel, The District of Criminals in D.C., its own thing.
The U.N.
declares itself sovereign.
So within cities and within states, they have their own little city-states that are above the law, tax-exempt, that then control the regional leaders under them.
This is the W.E.F.
Klaus Schwab model that he got from Cecil Rhodes 130 years ago.
Cecil Rhodes had countries named after him.
He controlled the diamond trade.
He worked for the British Crown.
This model of the British system Setting up city-states within nations they implode in a worldwide corporate government or empire is the system we now live under.
And they're going to have a worldwide cashless society, central bank digital currency's already here, social credit score.
Nigel Farage had his bank that he's had since 1980 taken away from him because he said, how dare you take down all the British flags, the Union Jack, and put up transgender flags.
They said, you can't do that.
We've shut your bank account down and other banks won't take you.
That's what happened to us for five years.
This is the model of total control.
But if you're an illegal alien, you don't have to take the shot when you come into the United States or Europe, because the U.N.
says, well, we have liability.
We brought them here in a U.N.
It's only the citizens that have to take the poison death shots.
They're now confirmed to be placebo shots, weak death shots, and strong death shots.
That's even governments confirming that in Europe last week that they had three different shots in the Pfizer shot and the others as well.
So they know exactly what they're doing.
And this is pressure from above, pressure from below.
It's everything that Gary Allen wrote about in the Nondare Call Conspiracy.
It is their plan.
Soros and all these people have armed guards.
They have offshore bases, islands, multi-thousand acre facilities with, again, guard dogs and machine guns and helicopters.
But the regular middle class is living in a house with a pool.
When people come through and burn things down, destroy things, that destroys the economy, that destroys stability, that destroys tourism.
That's crushing the middle class and getting rid of it.
And then once society completely falls, the globalists come in and buy it all up for pennies on the digital dollar.
That's why this is such a sick plan, and that's why they mainly bring in military-age men into Europe, and then upwards of 90% of them never get a job, they're put on welfare, they're given housing, they adopt a gang culture, they adopt an anti-white culture that the media is constantly pushing and selling, and then when one of them tries to kill a police officer, and the police officer defends themselves when they're trying to ram him with a car, well then, everything burns, and the media says it's a great thing.
It's a good thing.
And then Macron comes out and blames video games and the internet and calls for total censorship of anyone showing the fact that it's Muslim men, brown and black Muslim men, targeting and killing and burning white people out of their homes.
Because you can't show crime statistics.
Now, 20 to 1 black on white crime in the United States.
It was 10 to 1 a few years ago.
But the media has said whites are inherently evil.
They deserve to be destroyed.
You need to go after them, you need to rob them, you need to burn them out.
And then when you do that, we're not going to show it on the news because that's hateful and that's encouraging the violence to show it.
The mostly peaceful protest.
The good news is triple the number of Hispanics are voting Republican.
Almost triple the number of blacks are voting Republican, particularly black men.
People that see through this and don't want to be part of it, but there is a minority Of brown people, and it's almost a majority in Europe, that have literally been taught that white people are dirty and evil and get to lick their boots.
But it's rich, powerful globalists above that that are manipulating these masses of folks.
When I've been in Europe, or the UK, routinely, Muslims will just walk by and say some smart-ass thing to me.
Or I'll be shooting video of a landmark, and they go, hey, don't you tape me!
And I'm like, I'm not taping you!
And when I get back in their face, they just shrink back.
Hey, man, what's your problem?
Hey, what's your problem?
I haven't done anything to you.
I'm not a doormat.
You understand that?
I haven't done crap.
In fact, if our culture is so bad and so evil, why don't you just go?
How about that?
Will you stop kissing the ass of Disney and the pedophiles?
Will you stop kissing the ass of the Democratic Party?
Will you stop kissing the ass of the New World Order and then all their little spoiled brat minions?
And by the way, I'm not just bashing brown people here that have become racist against whites.
It's a bunch of weird white academics that are running it and they're the worst.
So I don't care whether you're a leftist white communist or whether you're some racist black person, whoever you are.
The New World Order is the one putting fluoride in your water.
A major study just came out that causes brain damage and cancer and infertility.
The New World Order is the one taking all your freedoms.
The New World Order is the one trying to put poison shots in your body.
The New World Order is the one Kim trailing in geoengineering.
The New World Order is the thing that's declared us carbon to all be evil.
The New World Order is the group that's coming after everybody.
And so, we have to stop letting the left be in the position of authority where they shame us into cutting our son's penis is off to be stylish.
And where they shame whites into accepting whatever globalist policy there is to prove we're not racist.
Or when you're white and somebody's rude to you because you're white, you need to stop kissing people's ass.
And black folks and brown folks, and I know you're stepping up, I see it everywhere.
When you see this type of crap, you just say it's wrong.
If I see a bunch of KKK morons coming into town saying black people are this and that,
I'm going to protest them and say, you don't speak for me.
But you know what? There's not a bunch of KKK running around.
They're rare. Okay? And most of them are feds.
What is not rare is my oldest daughter getting caught up in an Antifa Black Lives Matter riot
in South Austin about two months ago when she was driving home after work at nine o'clock at night.
And the shootouts and all the craziness, it needs to stop.
We need to stabilize civilization.
We need to take our countries back.
We need to then, through the judicial system, indict the globalists for all the racketeering crimes they've committed and put the fear of God back in these globalist elites and get them off of our ass.
It's that or total destruction because they are collapsing society.
Finally, before I hand the baton to Christy Lee with all the great information and news she's got, also Roseanne Barr coming up this evening and more, please keep us on air.
I'm not financed by George Soros.
I'm not financed by the Globals.
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Again, I want to thank you all for tuning in tonight.
I'll be back in studio live, Lord willing, tomorrow at 11 a.m.
Don't forget the other great shows like Ellen Schreuer, weekdays 3 p.m.
with The War Room, weekday mornings, Harrison Smith, 8 a.m.
with American Journal, and the great Christy Lee takes over right now.
But just remember, Just remember, this is all defund the police, all this stuff is to collapse society.
It's the same policy worldwide.
Bring in third world populations, brainwash them, turn them against the Western population, so there's no Western world to aspire to.
The globals want to knock it all down and only have themselves above it.
It's the new old order plan.
It's all there.
Replacement migration.
Look it up for yourself, and we've got to stand against it.
Remember, InfoWars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Declare independence.
Declare independence against this evil system now.
I hand the baton to Christy Lee.
All right.
Welcome into Alex Jones tonight.
You just saw him there.
He just can't keep away.
But I'm taking over the desk here and I like to joke around sometimes about bringing in, you know, the feminine.
But, you know, I brought in some masculine today.
It's bring your hot hubby to work day.
I brought in John.
No, it's so funny that he's only been on InfoWars like a couple times, but it seems like every time I fill in, y'all are like, I really enjoyed your husband's commentary.
I'm like, okay, I guess I'm chop labor.
We'll have to bring him back in.
But, you know, what can I say about you?
You're a former Mormon.
You're a former community organizer like Barack Obama, minus the gayness.
I sound like a CIA agent.
You better not say that to this audience.
They're all going to start the rumors.
Can't mention any of that.
I honeypotted my wife.
He honeypotted me to investigate what's going on here.
No, but we were just listening to Alex just there and we basically It's like all things come back to the destruction of the family and the destruction of society as a whole, right?
I mean, they hide what's going on.
They hide the real perpetrators in this case, the Muslim population in France.
And then you have obviously the transgender movement destroying the image of We're going to be talking to Judge Joe Brown later about how they were able to successfully allow color to be more of a characteristic than the content of someone's character when it comes to college and other things.
So we're gonna be talking to Judge Joe Brown about that later.
But even I can say in my own experience, you know, having been a single mom for several years before this great man came in, Because of mom guilt, I fell into the, like, yeah, we can do it all, and I can be a single mom, and I can be both parents, and you really can't.
I don't think it's set up to be that way.
No, I mean, and now I can see, like, the lie that was perpetrated to keep me in that position that God would not want me to be in.
You know, He wants a two-parent home, and thankfully, you know, you've been able to come and fill that role.
Yeah, there's we're gonna be talking to Natalie Visner.
And she's someone else that Alex has featured on this show, but she is a former feminist and she's an ex liberal, and she shared this video, which I thought was kind of funny that I'll show and then we can talk more about this.
this. Let's let's take a Let's watch it. Oh, and the first one. Take the first clip.
Do you think men are important?
Like for what?
Okay, so for our audio listening audience, then it goes on to, you know, after Cher's comment about, like, what are men good for?
It goes to show, you know, mechanics 96.4%, landscapers 90.3%, scientists 76.5%, steel
workers over 90%, military 85%, construction 98.5%, and on and on.
Pilots 90.9%, farmers over 80%, carpenters 99%.
(upbeat music)
Police 83% Fisherman 91% and he just goes on and on.
So if you don't share, we all laughed when she said, you know what are men good for?
She said, like for what?
But then it goes on to show you exactly what they are good for.
And then, like I said, you know the need that pretty much all so many of our problems can go back to lack of fathers in the home.
And I know that that's a topic that you've been passionate and talking about.
I mean, I just happen to see John is from Baltimore, and here's a headline.
Mass shooting in South Baltimore.
30 people shot, two people killed during a block party.
Now, John actually ran for office back in the day in your early 20s.
But, you know, they just continue to elect people that keep crime high, and you say a lot of it can be... Well, there's no competition.
The guy that looks like the mushroom guy from Mario Brothers is their mayor right now.
He's got a bunch of people through the Obama administration and that kind of camp and the Biden camp that essentially kind of run him in many ways.
Probably a bunch of affiliates through the O'Malley administration who was a governor of that state as well and the mayor of that city.
But that city in particular, there's a reason Maryland and Prince George's County and things like that are always used in statistics when it has to do with things like education and poverty.
And, um, that's a city to where statistically it's not even blacks.
It's, it's, it's whites, Hispanic.
The parents aren't in the home.
So I can't remember the last study that came out, but it's very high.
I believe it was in the 70 percentile of homes in the city of Baltimore don't have the legit mother and father in the household.
The legitimate mother and father in the household.
Now the day and age we live in, um, People get offended by even saying legitimate.
What does that mean?
Mother and father.
Because that could be anybody nowadays.
Your aunt, your grandparents, or two women, two men.
But it gets outside of the point that they just don't have their parents around.
And that's not even... And this is why I'm happy to see some.
Today we have Judge Joe Brown coming on.
Because he's been a big advocate about that, and I've heard him on other interviews talk about this, that, you know, when you enter these cities, it's like the home of 30-year-old grandparents.
And Judge Joe Brown's talked about this, about this multi-generational, you know, thing, to where you even have great, great, great grandparents.
And every single generation, it's the same issue.
Single-family homes through every generation.
And then you wonder why half of this stuff happens.
I mean, I left Baltimore because I got desensitized to half of that.
It wasn't just the crime and the issues, but it was also, it was always the heroin capital of the United States.
I got tired of just seeing people doing heroin all the damn time, to be quite frank.
And then you moved to Toledo, which is where he and I met, and you moved into what Toledo considered to be an inner city neighborhood.
They considered it to be the worst neighborhood in the city of Toledo, statistically the poorest neighborhood in Toledo.
Um, but I kind of actually felt at home, but Toledo is then also a city of 37 murders a year, all of them drug related, mostly, you know, due to drug deals to where I'm coming from Baltimore to where it's 4 to 500.
Um, murders a year, you know, same thing, same issues, uh, reasons for the murders half the time drug related.
Um, so it also goes to show you be grateful for what you have.
Things can always be worse.
Speaking of drugs, I do have some news on Hunter Biden that we can cover.
So I happen to see this shared by NBC News.
You know I'm passionate about medium malfeasance, if you will.
And the headline was, Hunter Biden attorney says WhatsApp message cited by Republicans is fake.
So anybody that doesn't dig any deeper than the headline is going to be like, oh my gosh, Republicans are sharing fake WhatsApp messages.
It's not even true.
And this has been in the news.
I mean, if they watched anything outside of CNN, this has been in the news that Hunter Biden was again trying to get money for the big guy.
In this article, it says, "Lowell writes the screenshots of the messages as tweeted by
Smith, both include a photo of Mr. Biden, not from 2017, but from the White House Easter
egg roll in April 2022."
It talks about how WhatsApp messages are in green and the image superimposed that had
a Chinese flag on it, like those were in blue.
So it wasn't the right image.
So basically it's saying that the whole thing is fake, but it was the images essentially
that were shared that were doctored by who knows who, but the message was the same.
So Kyle Becker had this to say about it.
it. He said, "Everybody here knows an IRS whistleblower who was the lead in the
investigation had his life destroyed." Now here's again a journalist that's
caring about motivations. So this man had his life destroyed for bringing
information forward and testifying under oath that the message itself is real.
The message itself, not the picture.
We all know the image is not the actual WhatsApp image.
This is the legalistic deflection and NBC News is once again playing the fact check, the irrelevant fact game.
So it's just very misleading, which is, again, the definition of media malfeasance.
What I will say about this, though, is Why do the fake image?
Because then you're serving it up on a platter for them like this.
Because if we had an issue as conservatives, or conservatives out there had an issue with the January 6th videos, adding audio in that was not there, they sensationalized it, they put the screams and the crash sounds and everything under Surveillance video was that that was not there, and we're going to call that out and be like this is sensationalizing.
Why did they share like fake images?
Why couldn't they share the actual?
I don't know.
Maybe there's more to that.
It's the same of when we look.
Remember when we did the whole thing with the Ivermectin horsepace thing with Oklahoma, they had pictures of him in winter clothes.
It was summertime.
I mean, why does the media do anything that they do?
There's it's so overloaded anyway that we're at half the time.
I don't even know what's real and what isn't.
You know, and, um.
I don't know, honey.
I promise.
I promise I will wake up here.
It's okay.
You know, that's why we're a partnership.
But, um, that is, but I do.
I do want to be fair and say, you know, that conservative media shouldn't be sensationalizing if they were trying to do that by throwing in a Chinese flag and pictures of of Joe Biden looking at his worst state Easter egg.
And you don't need that.
If the messages are real and the whistleblower is testifying under oath,
then let the message speak for itself.
And then you won't have an issue where NBC, of course, predictably sensationalizes and say it's fake.
And clearly he's talking about the images themselves, not the message itself.
Well, when we return, we're gonna be talking to, well, over this break,
we're gonna be trying to connect with Judge Joe Brown.
We're going to be getting his reaction on the latest Supreme Court rulings concerning affirmative action, as well as the rejection of Biden's student loan repayment plan.
And so that's what we're going to have when we get back.
Welcome back to InfoWars.
This is Christy Lee, and we are still trying to connect with Judge Joe Brown.
Hopefully he'll be joining us soon.
I am joined by my husband, John Scott, back by popular demand.
Yes, sir.
And if you would like to join in the conversation so far, we've been really talking about the culture war and really how it's mainly, practically all of these problems that we're seeing are tied back to the agenda to destroy the home and to not have two parents in the home.
We are going to be having someone join us that I'm going to play a video of here in just a minute, but I wanted to give the phone number out if you would like to call while we wait to connect with Judge Joe Brown.
If you would like to call and weigh in on any of these topics or say hello, the number to call is 1-877-789-2539.
is 1 877. 78925391877. 792539. You can call right now and weigh in on this topic or what
Alex was talking about.
But what's going on in France?
Whatever you would like.
As far as that goes, I do want to share the first of the day because I haven't done that yet.
This is the first I chose for the day.
Colossians 4 2 in the verse is continue earnestly in prayer.
Being vigilant in it with Thanksgiving.
It's like such a short verse, but it packs in so much.
Keep praying.
Do it earnestly.
Be vigilant, of course, for such a time as this.
And do that all with a grateful heart.
So it's really what I feel like puts it all together.
So great verse for the day.
Colossians 4.2.
Feel free to share your favorite verses as well if you get a chance to call in.
So like I said, Natalie, and I hope I'm saying her name right, Beisner, she's going to be joining us in the next hour.
She has just kind of suddenly gotten attention for her post.
She has a really awesome monologue type style, and she's a former ex-liberal, has always voted Democrat, and just really woke up like so many.
Yeah, it's been a while since I've been on the show to what was going on with the pandemic, and I know that Alex just recently shared one of her little monologue clips, and I happened to see that she shared that.
But like, Wow, I'm so honored.
Alex Jones talked about me on his show.
So I was like, Hey, would you like to come on the show?
And she was.
Yes, of course.
So we're going to get to talk to her and hear more about her story.
But here is just a sample, a video that I know Alex has shared before, because it's just so good.
Feminism, the Trans Agenda, clip number two.
I'm going to say this again for some of you.
Feminism paved the way for the trans agenda.
None of this would have been possible without feminism.
And I know that ticks off the old school feminists who say, we're fighting against this.
I know you are.
But that doesn't mean you didn't unknowingly or otherwise support the movement that led us to this, which is where womanhood is all but meaningless and anyone who feels like a woman can be one.
Feminists, you have repeatedly denied the differences between men and women.
You have destroyed the differences between us.
You have eviscerated traditional gender roles on the basis that they were formed in socialization rather than in biology.
You have made women into second-rate men.
You have encouraged women to see our most powerful asset, our ability to give life, as an avenue through which we are oppressed rather than the avenue through which we find liberation and fulfillment.
And the worst way in which you have done this, feminists, is via abortion.
Feminism lies.
Feminism tells women that ripping apart, limb from limb, our own offspring inside ourselves is a right, and that it's healthcare.
And now you're mad, feminists, that a man can slap on some makeup, maybe shoot up some estrogen, call himself a woman, and demand the right to be treated as such?
And we all call that gender-affirming care?
Feminists, you invented hiding behind euphemisms.
You invented demanding a right that isn't there.
You invented slapping the label healthcare on something that is anything but.
You drove us headlong into the sexual revolution and you thought you could draw the line of where it ends.
Turns out you can't.
You forced open the door for womanhood and women to be meaningless and for men to be better than you at both.
So good.
And so we're going to see her in the next hour.
But first, we're going to go to Judge Joe Brown.
But before we do, I do want to just sneak in a phone call as long as we're talking about that subject.
Douglas from California.
Douglas, you're on the air.
Good day, Christy.
Good to talk to you again.
You as well.
And congratulations are in order here.
Yes, for having not only a husband who's here with me today, but one that knocked me out five months ago.
We're trying to do our part to keep the world populated because of the depopulation agenda.
Well done.
Thank you.
I'm a grandfather, a veteran.
I have a good, outstanding son.
And I've been concerned about Assembly Bill 957 in the state of California, and I want to provide some update on that.
It did pass the Assembly and was amended to not be a criminal offense, but a civil issue for divorce courts.
But it's going before the Senate, and I've been calling the Senators.
Posting my opposition and trying to rally support.
Can you break that down for me?
What does this mean for the rest of us, or what could this mean?
This is gender affirmation.
In other words, you better sign on to gender affirmation in divorce court or you lose two, five points in the custody hearing.
Well, I mean, we're already seeing that that's happening tragically in so many cases.
I've interviewed already many that are being kept from their children, particularly fathers, for not signing on to the gender affirmation agenda.
It's just like it's an automatic, they're going to choose the other parent.
It's so awful.
So this is just going to basically, I guess, solidify it.
But it's like, for me, it's like they're doing this anyway, you know?
I found talking with interns and aides in the senators' offices that they want to hear from us because the impression I get is they don't like the idea and they need our opinion, which opposes the bill.
Well, I thank you for drawing attention to it, because if that's the case, then, I mean, when you can do nothing else, stand, right, Douglas?
So, Douglas, thank you so much for your phone call, calling from California.
Let's not give up on California.
If you're still there, bless your heart.
I mean, I don't know how you're doing it, because I escaped.
I could only last a little over a year there.
But if you are there, continue to try and make changes, what changes you can, and make sure that you call your legislators and especially encourage them not to continue to move that assembly bill.
We're going to be joined by Judge Joe Brown, but I don't want to end up having to cut him off, so we're going to take a break in a couple minutes and then bring him in after that.
But let's start introducing the topic.
So basically, one of the main things that we're going to be talking about with Judge Joe Brown is these major Supreme Court decisions that happen one after the other.
First of all, the affirmative action in ruling against race-conscious college admissions Essentially, from what I take of this, as they were saying, it was like, never okay.
And this is actually hurting the Asian population and discriminating mostly against them, is my understanding of what was happening there.
Is that what you took from it?
No, I'm not sure to be honest.
So that's been defeated.
The colleges are not supposed to be making judgments based on race anymore when it comes to admissions.
Now, a defiant Harvard is vowing to continue to use race in their admissions decisions.
They're using it from one line in the ruling, basically saying that an applicant's discussion of how race affected his or her life can be used In the determination and they're going to use that one line to basically, if you write an essay and you talk about how race affected your ability to get to this point or could affect your ability to go to college, then make sure that you put that in your essay and we're going to have Harvard continuous tradition of basically racism.
There are others speaking out against this.
A Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson said the Supreme Court gave universities a narrow opening and Harvard just announced it's going to drive an affirmative action truck right through it.
So that was from Cornell Law School professor William Jacobson.
And we're also going to be talking about how the Supreme Court has killed Biden's student loan relief plan, according to NBC News.
Again, notice they use the word kills Biden's student loan relief plan instead of, you know, maybe saying Supreme Court rejects Biden's Student loan relief plan because it was unconstitutional They just act like they vilified they've made the Supreme Court a murderer by using this word kills, right?
Look, I followed it because I still have some some student I mean I would have benefited from yeah, I would have got 20 grand off my student loans, but You know what's wild about it is they dragged the thing on like a Geoffrey Chaucer story.
Not even Geoffrey Chaucer, I guess more like Charles Dickens paying your quarter every week to watch it and then all of a sudden we get to the very last thing.
Let's talk more about that after this break.
Well, let me just be clear.
I got into Harvard only because of affirmative action.
Yep, guys.
That's MSNBC's Joanne Reid, who went on national television to brag about the fact that the only reason she got into Harvard was because she was black and due to affirmative action.
Now, Joanne, that isn't the flex that you think it is.
Matter of fact, it's actually pretty damn embarrassing.
And unlike you, I would honestly much rather have not Achieve the accomplishment than have people wondering for the rest of my life whether or not I actually earned it or whether or not I actually just got it because I was black.
Because here's the deal, and this may be the difference between me and you, Joy.
I don't need my blackness to open doors for me.
My work ethic will.
My passion will.
My drive will.
My ambition will.
That is all that I need.
And the idea that black people need affirmative action just to be as good as the white man is a racist idea within itself.
Wasn't the entire goal of our society was to live in a time in which the content of one's character would mean more than the color of their skin?
Wasn't that someone's dream once upon a time?
So why are you against that dream, Joy?
Make that make sense.
That's the topic.
Make that make sense.
We are being joined by Judge Joe Brown, an American former lawyer and television personality.
He's a former Shelby County, Tennessee, criminal court judge and is now running for the mayor of Memphis.
So happy to have Judge Joe Brown with us.
Thank you so much for coming on.
And we would love your legal opinion and just your personal opinion on these major Supreme Court rulings in just the past week.
Well, let's say it is.
To begin with, I actually had something to do with the implementation of what was known as affirmative action, but it really is not like what the Supreme Court was dealing with recently.
In fact, the opinion written by Justice Roberts more closely approximates the original conceptualization of affirmative action.
In the late mid 1960s, when I was at UCLA, we had a situation where we had 145 full-time black students, 73 undergrad, 73 grad students, 72 undergrads.
And that was fewer than they had had at UCLA in the 1930s.
That was out of some 60,000 plus full-time students.
So what we looked at was general admissions, which were stated in the catalog as a competitive assessment of grade point average aptitude tests and or other factors that indicated an ability to succeed.
That's what they were using at major universities around the country to get athletes in.
We say it in conjunction with other minorities, Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc.
We said, look, Why don't we use this same standard for everybody and not just limited to athletes?
So if you've got somebody who has a demonstrated situation, which may be predicated on race, but produced a result that was race neutral.
Let them in.
You want to see what they have done.
Did they have to work?
Was the situation they grew up in one that imposed a hardship that they overcame?
If you let them in, will they maximize the fallout to their respective communities?
Now, at that time, California's constitution, adopted in 1851, had a specific mandate for the University of California to deliver leadership training in all ethnic groups, all fields, science, industry, you name it.
So what happened is we put this in place.
Now, somewhere around 1971, we had some black students up in UC, well, trying to get in UC Berkeley Medical School.
They Party too much.
They came from affluent black families and they did not have anything that came out of their black experience that gave them a hardship and they should have done just as well as a mainstream student when it came to grade point average and aptitude test.
So they did not want this application of other factors to indicate an ability to succeed that it works so well.
In terms of producing academic success, what they wanted was just to have one factor, meaning they're black without anything else that's race neutral coming out of it.
And what they sought was to get away from what they were calling a political test, which was what does everybody else get out of you going to school?
In other words, the university itself, Society in general, your own people, what do they get out of this when you go to school?
In other words, have you demonstrated by the things you have involved yourself with, by the hardships you've overcome, that you will keep pushing for other people and not just be selfish?
Well, they didn't want that.
So they collaborated with UC Berkeley and some of the white students.
And what they wanted was just to be They're in on essentially a quota, which would say, because you are black, you have the highest scores amongst the black applicants.
But without anything else being demonstrated, you do not match regular admissions.
See, before that, the affirmative action admittees actually matched The ordinary admission standards.
That's why they used to have this thing about what are your extracurricular activities when you turned in an application to a college or university.
That said, they completely disregarded the California Constitution.
They phrased things in a language that set up Bakke that said reverse discrimination is a no-no, which it's not.
I mean, it is and should be.
And that we and other parts of the state were trying to keep them from doing.
We said, this is bogus.
Don't go there.
You're going to set up a negative precedent.
So since then, the language and the way the whole issue has been cast is not the way it started, which is these students match regular admission criteria.
Just take one aspect of that admission process that is ordinarily reserved for athletes and applied across the board.
Now it's simply somebody gets in because they were black.
Interestingly enough, Clarence Thomas was admitted to Yale Law School under an affirmative action program.
I did.
I got in through the front door and same thing with law school and I had such high scores all across that they were trying to recruit me in various places so they could bring me in to set up the parameters for the new kind of affirmative action program.
Interestingly enough, Clarence Thomas got in a little academic difficulty at Yale and he seems to have spent his first Summer between being a first year law student and a second going around the country speaking against the affirmative action programs he got in under.
So what we have seen over the years is a complete misstatement of the concept.
And in actuality, what Justice Roberts says in his majority opinion is exactly what black students Brown students, red students, yellow students were saying back in the 60s was what we wanted as affirmative action.
So the clock has been turned back and a lot of nonsense has been stripped out of the way because I don't think it's right to select somebody in because of what their color is without showing that the color has some negative impact on their circumstances and then they have overcome it.
You can see that a lot these days, where everybody is whining and complaining about, oh, everybody's dumping on me.
And when are you going to come up with an equivalent for such and such ethnic group?
It is like, save the tigers.
The tiger used to be king of the jungle.
Now he's endangered.
So $10, $19 a month to World Wildlife Fund.
So you can save the tigers in that way.
You know, it's crazy.
And the other point is this.
If you want an affirmative action program, mothers, particularly in single parent female head of household homes, sit on the other side of the kitchen table with your child because there's nobody racist to anybody sitting on the other side and make them do their homework.
This is not about being nice.
It's not about being entitled.
It's not about the world owes you anything because the world is a very dangerous place.
You could get hit by a bolt of lightning, a meteorite, a piece falling off of an aircraft.
You could get swept away with a tsunami, a flood, a hurricane, typhoon, tornado.
You name it.
It's dangerous being here.
So it is unfair to get them going off into everybody owes you something and you live in a safe world and you're entitled to be safe.
No, you're not.
And then the other problem is a fallout on our status as citizens in this country.
Being in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Let's hold that topic until we do have to take another quick break.
But please stay on and then when we return we can finish that thought.
We can also maybe see if John has a question that he wants to get in there as well.
So stick with us during the break.
Make sure you're checking out all the amazing products from InfoWarsStore.com.
And stay with us for Judge Joe Brown.
All right, we are talking to Judge Joe Brown.
Yes, the television personality and American former lawyer.
He's actually running for Memphis mayor right now.
He has some strong thoughts on these, what the liberal media would call dangerous, non...
Non-relevant SCOTUS decisions, you know, or Biden.
What did he say?
Biden said it's not an ordinary court because it's following the Constitution.
So you were starting to get into to something.
Sorry, go ahead.
You just take it away.
You see it in California.
You just got through talking about it and you see it in Michigan where they want to make it, well, the House part of their legislative body in Michigan just went through trying to make it a felony and a $10,000 fine to not call somebody for their favorite pronoun.
Besides what that does to the English language.
Like instead of he's here or he is here, she is here, it is here.
I guess you're supposed to say they is here.
I mean, that's not how you.
English language, and this is just rank selfishness, but this kind of assault on the First Amendment is spreading.
And we've got this thing where the land of the free, home of the brave.
That, whoa, what happened here?
There he is, there he is.
You're back, you're back.
You're back.
That's that assault on free speech right there.
You're back.
Yeah, there, by the way, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
They impact interstate commerce and interstate communications.
You saw one of the Supreme Court cases holding that the woman is a matter of her religious preferences is not going to be required to open up websites for gay couples getting married.
The Supreme Court had jurisdiction over her, one person, because what she did impacted interstate commercial communications.
It is obvious that Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and all of the rest impact interstate communications.
They have FCC licenses.
And all of us need to set up busting them so we can haul them through the court when they start trying to say we are restricting conservative speech because we don't want some of our leftist folk to feel hurt feelings.
See, that's not embraced in the Constitution.
You can stomp on somebody's feelings as long as you are speaking what you believe to be the truth or there is argument or you're taking issue with some position.
So we need to bust them the same way this has happened.
Now that other one you brought up, what happened with the loan situation?
Well, basically what the Supreme Court said is the statute under which Biden is trying to act did not allow him to do what he was trying to do.
If the legislature wants to do it, we'll revisit that.
They're saying, let's move on, but the president doesn't have that authority to sign off by a fiat.
What he wants, he can't legislate by executive order unless there is money already allocated for his discretion, which there is not.
And hell, I feel a little worked up because I had to pay my loans back, such as they were, But there's one other thing, too, that is really not being addressed.
See, the cutoff to get maximum benefits is $125,000 a year for one person.
That's also the cutoff from being below to being middle class.
Now, anywhere else in the world, if you have a four-year college degree, you're automatically in the middle class and above that line.
But in the United States, there are a whole lot of people that have a four year college degree that are not.
And something needs to be done with that.
That's a good point.
I mean, I just had a dollar store cashier that was saying, yeah, I went to school for engineering, but I'm making more here right now than with my engineering chemistry degree.
It's insane.
Judge Joe Brown, please stay on through this break because that was such a short segment.
We'll finish up with you on the other side if you don't mind sticking around and just get your final thoughts.
Thank you so much.
Welcome back.
It is a date night with my husband here on InfoWars Desk.
We're hanging out with Judge Joe Brown.
Such a smart man.
So much charisma and I love how you just lay down the facts, lay down the truth.
Speaking of, I did want to give my husband permission to speak and ask a question.
Yeah, now that I've been granted permission, Judge.
Judge, I'm telling you.
He keeps me in a box at home and pulls me out to co-host.
Come on now!
You've got to do better than give him permission to speak!
I know well because I because he's the smarter one of us so I can't allow that
to be exposed as much as it is happening but go ahead go ahead John.
Well you know one of the one of the things that's brought me to be a big fan
of you these days judges in many ways of your continuous talk about you know
masculinity and and and just the father's not being in the home
And that's something that just strikes deep in my own situation.
I come from a situation where I'm a I was one of four kids with a single mom until she met my stepfather, who was an educator and really brought structure and taught us how to be men.
And in here, I'm now in a situation, I'm a stepfather to three kids from my wife, same thing, trying to teach these boys to be men.
You know, it's inspiring to see the older generations that are that are that are being vocal about that.
And I've always appreciate your thoughts on that yourself.
I'm originally from Baltimore City, so it's I'm coming from a city that I feel a lot of broken homes to begin with.
And I've heard you talk in depth about kind of family structure and urban environments.
And you was a you was a judge in the court.
So I'm curious on on your thoughts on that kind of stuff in here in society today, as well as how that kind of ties into that the first dysfunctional family of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden.
Well, you know, for 55 years, I've had this slogan.
Protecting womanhood and childhood while promoting manhood.
I'll give you an example.
When I was on the bench for a 10-year period, they did this study.
The statewide recidivism rate for felons was about 80%.
In my courtroom, it dropped down to 18%, and the secret was simply putting manhood, masculinity, And some guys hid, so he had a purpose and a cause that kept him from wanting to give up, die, or drug out, bang out, or whatever it may be, because he saw adversity.
He was willing to challenge it because now he had a cause and a purpose.
Right now, I'm attempting to broker public peace with some of the street gangs through their OGs and they're tired of the killing and the violence.
And one of the things they've noticed is that they are trying to figure out how to get manhood back in the hood.
And one of the problems they're having right now is 13 through 16 year olds, males who are completely out of control.
And it does no good when our policy is attempting to destroy masculinity and try to get people to perceive of it as toxic.
It's like if you could imagine the human race as a bicycle.
There are two wheels on that bike.
Once you learn to ride that bike, you never forget.
But some people, because they hate what wheel they happen to be, they want to convert Humanity to a unicycle, which does not work too well.
Because with a bike, you can add an engine to it and you got a motorcycle.
You can go 200 miles an hour.
But you can't do that on a unicycle.
It wobbles all over the place.
You can't carry a load on it.
You can't go down a rough trail.
So why in the world is our government attempting to oppose a quasi-religious Cult!
On the rest of the country.
And you mentioned this earlier, you're talking about California, but let's look at it this way.
You have Buddhism.
Let's talk about that.
It's a recognized religion.
But there's no God for Buddhism.
It's a secular type of philosophy.
Well, the same thing with LGBTQ and the rainbow.
Not all gay folk, by the way, support LGBTQ because of that.
Association with transsexualism and this desire with pedophilia to be spread so you groom children for sex.
Now, back to this.
Is it being a cult?
Well, as one person I used to work with in Hollywood said, you know, just because you're a Christian doesn't mean you supported Reverend Jim Jones and drinking Kool-Aid at large church picnics in Guyana.
Or if you're Islamic, doesn't mean you support Al-Qaeda or ISIS, you see.
So we have to understand that we're getting something run on us because we have just thrown away leadership, we've thrown away cause and purpose nationally, and some people are trying to seek a substitute.
So what they do is this idea that inclusion includes not just being fair, And giving everybody an equal opportunity, but giving people, especially those with certain circumstances, an entitlement.
In other words, you don't have to do anything but exist.
You don't have to earn.
It's supposed to fall in your lap, and you're supposed to get a Super Walt Disney world or something in the country where you wish upon a star.
It makes no difference who you are.
Your dreams come true.
The world doesn't work that way.
So we have to start imposing these kind of things again, and we have to start taking back their cities, which is one of the reasons why I lapsed out of a comfortable retirement to save Memphis before it slides too far down the rabbit hole.
See, I do service, which is what this is.
I also do sauce.
And my friend, Mr. Jones, was selling some of the sauce that I had.
Judge Joe Brown bought a few products.
I was just telling my wife about that.
Let me put this blurb in.
If you want to pick up on me, check out what's on that little thing you showed.
JJB 2023.com JJB.
What a total--
I like it.
Now, also, there is jjbbq.com, Judge Joe Brown BBQ Sauce, and something I want to commend to both of you that you should tell everybody listening to you to check out.
There's a website, doesn't have anything to do with me, it's called followthemoney.org.
Don't Google it, put it directly in your browser, and you can go there, put your official's name in there, state they are, city they are, what office they have, and you can see who's been contributing to them and who has helped them or who owns them.
It's quite enlightening when you see the extent of the subsidies, the downright purchase of certain elected officials that is reflected in that. Now
they're merging into another site, but you can still get it. Follow themoney.org and see who
owns your local political.
That has got to do with what you said, sir, and what Brother Jones is saying.
We have to fight the corruption, which is what I'm going to do in Memphis, because
even though it ought to be one of the biggest, most prosperous cities in the United States of
America, it is currently one of the most corrupt.
And one of the problems we get, whether you're talking about Chicago, New York, or you're going to D.C.
or Los Angeles, Is the city administrations are inept, incompetent, and problem is there's no effective strong man or strong woman leadership where anybody can get somebody to follow me.
And you see, that's so lacking, I guess, if they had an outbreak and a whole lot of people were suffering from dysentery or diarrhea.
They wouldn't even follow most of the leadership we have in our cities to a porta potty to get toilet paper.
It seems like most people have just tuned out, to be honest.
I feel like a lot of people in a lot of cities don't even think they're relevant.
They aren't.
No, I agree.
I laugh when I watch the mayor of the city of Baltimore get up and give a press conference.
I can't help but laugh.
I don't know who handles that, man.
Speaking of some things, I want to throw this at you.
Bragg, the idiot DA up in New York, is going after Trump, right?
Essentially, what he did was indicted Trump for supposedly bribing Stormy Daniels to be quiet and not bribe him, right?
And he went after the corporate entity because they didn't fully disclose what the settlement was about.
All right, that's going to have to be on Tuesday because we have to hit the break, but we'll be back.
All right, welcome back to InfoWars.
We're going to get to your phone calls.
I know you've been waiting for a while.
Thank you for your patience.
We're going to get to your phone calls right away, but we're just going to let Judge Joe Brown finish his very intelligent thought that he was starting with about what they're doing to Trump in New York.
So thank you, Judge Joe Brown.
Wanted to allow you to finish your thought before we have to say goodbye.
Very briefly.
What is going on if you have to bribe somebody to keep from being embarrassed?
In Tennessee, depending upon how much is involved, it's 8 to 30 years in the penitentiary, it's a felony.
Or 15 to 60 if it's a lot of money, and it's called blackmail.
So what Bragg did is indicted the victim of blackmail, a felony.
Now, as to the corporation that did not disclose these things on its financial report, well, that's public record, and American law encourages settlement rather than trial.
When you have a settlement, there is a gag provision that usually attaches to it, which says, while we whoopee, you can't talk about what the details are.
So if the corporation With a detailed report in it, they're violating the Gregg gag provision.
So following the law results in an indictment.
He's a real idiot.
See, this is this thing that you get.
I wonder if it's affirmative action.
Where they don't get the point because there's another thing that may not be that right.
They may be politically connected, but they aren't so smart.
Because that's first-year law students.
Flip the stuff.
Flip the script.
If you pay somebody not to talk about you, you just got blackmailed.
So, do you go after the blackmailer, or do you go after the victim?
So, I mean, anyway, I'll rest on that.
But it's the kind of thing that I had to deal with, being fair, objective, neutral, and detached.
And somebody needs to get back to that.
Yeah, it's such a great way to wrap this up is that reminder.
I mean, it's so maddening to see all of the injustice that's going on, but to be a judge and have to see it happening, I can't imagine it's probably even worse.
Well, good luck to you on your run for mayor there in Memphis.
We hope that you can win and turn things around.
And thank you so much for coming on with us.
We're going to pick up some of that barbecue sauce, Judge.
Yeah, we're going to pick up some barbecue stuff.
It's good stuff, and we have powder, too.
All right.
We got it all.
It's summertime, July.
Get it together so you can impress with your cute back.
All right.
Will do.
Thank you, Judge.
All right, folks, it is time to get to your phone calls.
Thank you so much for staying on the line.
We got Carol in Texas.
Go ahead, Carol.
John, how you doing?
Christy, how are you?
Good, I love your... Don't you just love her peppiness?
You're so peppy, Carol.
I love it.
You spread it around, Christy.
You let it go.
I've got to say congratulations to you and John.
Thank you.
You're so excited.
Christy's glowing.
I try to tell her daily, she just never listens.
Oh, you guys, I tell you.
I couldn't wait to talk to you.
But you know what?
You really hit on a lot of things like you always do.
I was thinking about this.
Pretty much the last key generation began with, I want to say as late as since Lyndon B. Johnson took daddy out of the home, right?
So I guess generation X kicked off, you know?
The government perpetrated it.
They despised the nuclear family.
And when the government places daddy in the home, the family's going to crumble.
You know?
Yeah, 100%.
Well, what happens, you know, that's the thing.
I see half of the things I see these days and I wonder, like, what do people think the result was going to be when it's now just okay?
I mean, a broken family now is just okay.
It's looked at as okay.
There's nothing wrong with it.
It's not only looked at as okay but as I was talking about earlier and admitting humbly when I was a single mom there's a lot of like whether it was your fault of the broken marriage or it wasn't your fault or if it was both whatever it is you're gonna have this thing called mom guilt like and you feel so sad for your kids that that they're having to grow up in a broken home and so when you have society being like Look at her.
She can do it all.
She's handling it all.
You know, like it's very easy to be like, Yeah, I got this.
I got I'm doing great.
Like, look at me.
I'm working and I'm raising these kids up by myself.
You know, you fall into that.
And I admit it, like in looking back and now that I have a helper in the home, I wasn't doing a good job.
I can freely admit that I needed my helper.
I needed a man in the home to lay down the law.
Um, if you will, you know, it's just it.
It's just something about a man's voice telling you to do something compared to a woman's voice.
It's just different, you know?
It's even to get, I feel that my job is to get productive members of society out there into society.
And the death of a family, or the breakup of a family might as well be like a death in many ways.
I know I went, me and all my siblings handled our parents' divorce differently.
I feel like in the situation I am with my three stepkids, you could tell each one of them is handling their situation differently.
And I see this in lots of people coming out of the same type of situations.
But what happens if you put people like that out in the society that haven't come to terms with their issues?
You know what I mean?
And then I truly feel that's what we see daily, when we see all the wildness that we see on the news.
You know, we just see a byproduct of failed families and in many ways could be failed commitment in many ways for people that have just...
Left for selfish reasons, I feel like.
Yeah, it's encouraged.
And thank you, Carol, for bringing this up about, you know, we first have to admit that there's a problem before we tackle it instead of celebrating it.
Let's see if we can sneak in Max from New York.
I'm sorry, Carol.
I took that moment for granted.
Max from New York, basically same topic.
Go ahead.
Well, part of it has to do with getting the word out to the public.
Um, if I may, and, um, it would be a good idea to make out CDs or thumb drives on subjects like January 6th, Biden and the Chinese, the Clintons, LGBT agenda, and have them translated into various languages like Spanish, French, Italian, Arabic, and Hebrew.
Sell them about for three bucks apiece.
I'll buy a hundred of them right now.
And with this, Whoever has them buys a large quantity, can always pass them out, go to church, put them in the pews, go to the synagogue, put them in the pews, in order to get the word out.
It's like guerrilla marketing.
I like it.
You could have half of Latin America is dying for this information that Alex has.
They're dying for it.
They're hungry for it.
If you put it out there, you'll have half of Latin America listening to Alex Jones.
I love the idea of doing the thumb drives or even just like going back to paper.
And I've talked about this before.
As long as we face the threat of censorship, which they are not going to stop trying to censor.
And I mean, they may even try and shut down the Internet.
It's a great idea to start backing up some information on thumb drives or even on paper and handing out to people the old fashioned way, right?
I mean, if they cut off the Internet, this is all we got would be the CDs and the thumb drives.
No, it's the truth.
Thank you, Max, for that idea, and I encourage those of you that, you know, if you do have the time, I know many of this InfoWars audience does.
They already have their folders and, you know, their catalogs, but keep doing it because we never know when they're going to... Well, think about how successful, too, like, just things such as the I Did That stickers with Biden.
It's so subtle, but you see them everywhere all over the country now.
I just feel it's... You can do interesting things, you know?
This is how we fight back.
All right.
We got to hear from our break again.
So go to Infowarsstore.com and get the amazing products.
Stay healthy and spread the word like Max said.
We'll be back with our next guest.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Christy Lee in today.
Guest hosting with my husband, John Scott.
I don't know.
I like your little name!
Anyways, let me tell you how God works.
So I had found out I was going to be guest hosting today, which is always an honor.
I love being able to sit here at this desk.
And I had just pulled up Instagram, and the very first post I see is Alex Jones, which is funny.
I was like, oh, I'm going to Yes, we are.
We're going to be doing the guest testing this Sunday, and here first post I see is Alex Jones, but it was actually a post from my guest today.
Natalie Beisner, who was saying like, Check me out.
This is so exciting.
Essentially Alex Jones played my Really cool.
And so I was able to message her and be like, well, how about you just come on now?
He's introduced you to the world.
Now you can come on as my guest.
So I just thought that was so funny that I just found out and I pulled up Instagram and there she was.
So this was meant to be.
Natalie Beisner is a content creator with a focus on politics and social issues.
She's a former liberal, atheist, feminist, Democrat.
All of those things turned Christian conservative.
So thank you, Natalie Beisner, for coming on with us.
Hi, Christy.
Thank you guys for having me.
You're welcome.
So I love your style.
You just kind of look at the camera and you have these amazing monologues that you spit out, kind of like almost like a female Tucker Carlson, if you will.
But I'd love to know, you know, obviously your thoughts are organized and logical.
How did you get to a point where you could have organized, logical thoughts after being a liberal atheist feminist Democrat?
Well, I like to say that I was always a critical thinker and I like to think of myself as an intelligent person, but I was really blinded for a very long time.
I think it's really easy nowadays, even though we're living in such critical times, to be blind, especially in Southern California, where I live.
I was an actress for a long time and just did not think too hard about politics.
And then summer 2020 changed my entire life.
Um, just the response to not only COVID, but especially compared to the response to the BLM riots and protests in Los Angeles, especially, but all over the nation.
Uh, I could not, I couldn't fathom the hypocrisy of the largely Democrat, but also Republican at the time response.
And, um, that opened my eyes to a lot of what's going on.
And from there, it was a big rabbit hole.
Now, um, you do say Christian conservative, so just because you were a former Democrat, you've always voted Democrat.
You're not sold on the Republican side either, which, I mean, my husband and I are more ascribed to independent and faith-based.
Is that where you are at, too?
Are you kind of disgusted with both parties?
Yeah, I'd like to say that I'm a Christian and a conservative before I'm ever a Republican.
I would never vote just down party lines again, which is what I did as a Democrat.
And I want to be clear that it wasn't overnight.
I didn't just feel burned by my city and county's response to COVID.
So I decided, well, now I'm a Christian conservative.
It just, it opened my eyes for the first time to the fact that the lie had been sold, that the Democrat Party, the I hesitate to call people liberal now because they're not liberal, but the liberals, so to speak, the radical left, that they're the compassionate ones.
And if you're a compassionate person, that's how you vote and that's how you think.
And I felt that so deeply.
Oh, this is not compassion in summer 2020.
And then it turns out there's a lot of stuff going on that's not compassion.
And very often the people that they claim to want to be helping in their policies claim to help, they end up hurting.
Yeah, I would say I like to think of myself as an independent thinker.
I'm sure a lot of people would identify me as a Republican, but I'm a Christian conservative before I'm anything else.
I'm sure they wouldn't identify you as a Republican before they would identify you as a right-wing extremist.
That's among everything.
Yeah, I mean, it's just like if you are not following along with the narrative, you're automatically put into this team of ultra-mega right-wing extreme.
And that's what I saw during 2020.
If you had any questions about COVID, about BLM, anything, it was like, you're immediately persona non grata.
And that blew my mind because I was in line with everything else.
I just had some questions about why I couldn't go to work.
Well, I know that even Elon Musk had a post recently on Twitter talking about how if, you know, it's just thrown around so much all to right that it's like doesn't even mean anything.
Well, look what they did at that one student or school board meeting in Dearborn, Michigan, where the population's like fully Arab and Muslim.
And they labeled them a bunch of white supremacists.
It's like, wait a minute.
This is a primarily Arab community, and they're showing up because they found out the books that you're allowing their kids to have access to.
And then, sure enough, again, it's you're a bunch of white supremacists and everything else.
Oh, but the media has... None of that makes any sense.
It doesn't mean anything anymore.
The media has told us that you can be a white supremacist if you're Latino, Mexican.
Let's not forget, Larry Elder was running for governor in California and they called him the black face of white supremacy.
This is where we've gotten to.
I mean, I gotta believe that when it gets this ridiculous, this is the kind of thing that wakes people up.
But there's still people that are just so hard-nosed that they just follow along.
So what's the secret?
What do you think it took to To wake you up, how can we reach people that were like you?
Liberal, atheist, democrat, and then suddenly your eyes have been opened.
How do we reach people like where you were at?
Repeat 2020 and have them live in L.A.?
I mean, you know, I'm just kidding.
But, you know, I unfortunately, I do think people kind of have to suffer.
Not that I had not suffered prior to 2020, but I could not turn my eyes away anymore to the fact that I was being harmed by Democrat policies.
And every day since then, you know, L.A.
had one of the longest indoor mask mandates.
We had vaccine passports.
So it wasn't just a blip on the radar, and they held on to it for much longer than, you know, People on the other side of the aisle, let it go.
I do think humans are kind of built to where, unfortunately, you have to suffer before you pay attention, because it's easy to close your eyes, it's easy to not know what's real news, what's fake news, to just follow along.
People have families, jobs, I get it.
Um, but, you know, I do make my videos and I do, I think it's important to still speak the truth.
I don't know if I'm changing anyone's mind online because I think that people who are so shut off, they're just going to keep scrolling, if not leave a hateful comment.
Um, but I think that the truth is not going to be preserved if we don't preserve it.
It will always be the truth, but kids won't know it.
Future generations won't know it if we don't keep speaking it.
And now we have lost common sense.
We've lost objective truth, objective reality.
I keep speaking it just in the hopes that people know they're not alone and people remain with their eyes focused on the truth.
And I think there's always hope because really, I was pretty, I didn't know what was going on.
I was not politically informed.
I was not, you know, a zealot activist, but I was pretty far sold on the left and pretty far sold on a lot of these ideas, feminism, etc.
Yeah, I mean, I used to be a big advocate for pro choice, and now I am a very big advocate in the opposite direction.
So I think that there's always hope.
Don't give up on your friends and family and neighbors.
That's pretty remarkable that you not only changed.
Totally flipped politically, but that you flipped with your faith to to go from not believing God at all to believing God.
Yeah, that's pretty huge.
Did that happen together or did one come first or how did that work?
I think it was just, the political change came first.
And I, for the first time, once I walked away from the Democrat Party, I was open to other voices that I didn't even know had existed before.
People like Dennis Prager and Ben Shapiro come to mind, which maybe is ironic because they're not Christians, but they speak of this You know, they speak of God and they speak of the fallen modern day Western culture and I deeply, I was deeply unhappy and unfulfilled and unsatisfied leaving everything with COVID aside and everything that was going on in 2020.
The choices that I had made were very often in line with What the modern day Western society tells especially young women to make, and they had left me unhappy.
And so I think the door was open to, well, I'm being burned by everything I thought was true, everything I thought was compassion.
So now maybe there's other stuff I'm also wrong about.
So kind of open your heart and mind.
Yeah, open your heart and mind to everything it sounds like.
Natalie, we got to hit a break, but I do want to keep you on to get some final thoughts from you.
We also are going to want to get to Donna in Texas, who's been waiting a long time to share a prayer with us.
So that seems appropriate.
So stick around for that.
And if you want to weigh in on any of the thoughts that we brought up today, the number's 1-877-789-2539.
We're heading into our final segment.
We're heading into our final segment.
We'll be back with Natalie after this.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones show.
This is Christy Lee.
I'm here with John Scott, my husband, and the amazing Natalie Beisner, who is just really killing it on Instagram, particularly is where I see your work.
And on that note, how do you, basically, what is your process for having these things that go viral about just basically thoughts on feminism and identity politics and such?
Well, I never meant for anything to go viral and I still don't totally know how that works.
I think you just have a combination of some skill and some luck, good timing.
But yeah, I just, I try to speak to, one of the things I found when I left the left and walked away from the Democrat Party was how very little logic there is on that side and a lot, a lot of emotion.
And logic, truth, common sense, obviously God seems to be on not the side of the radical left.
And so I try to break things down using logic, common sense, truth.
I typically don't mention my faith because I think, unfortunately, that's easy for people to dismiss and say, well, I don't I don't believe in that.
But it's hard to dismiss, you know, science, common sense, truth and That's harder to ignore.
So that's what I try to do in 90 seconds because Instagram likes to have reels be 90 seconds.
Yeah, I mean, that is the challenge.
And so kudos to you for being able to spit it all, spit those facts out so quickly and doing it in an entertaining, thought provoking way.
Well, thank you so much for coming on with us today.
Natalie Beisner, I'm definitely going to follow up with you, have you on my own show on ampnews.us, hopefully soon.
And just keep on doing what you're doing, folks.
Check her out on Instagram if you can, and you can also find her on Twitter.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
All right, so we are going to go to Donna, who's been patiently waiting to share a prayer with us, I believe, right here in Texas.
Donna, you're on the air.
Hi, Christy and John.
First of all, congratulations.
That's such exciting news.
Thank you, Donna.
Thank you.
Well, I actually mentioned the word prayer just because I wanted to call with some spiritual Insight and just affirmation.
But the thing that I see as a thread through your show, which is so beautiful, is awareness, compassion, action.
Whether it's Judge Jones, Natalie just came on, all of y'all.
And what I wanted to share, and this is a prayer, I mean obviously our lives are a prayer, hopefully for the right things, but The compassion part, I wanted to raise awareness.
I've called many times with Alex Jones.
I've shared me as a recording artist, Donna Faulkner.
I've shared my song, We Are One, with Owen a couple of months ago.
And I've also shared insight with the audience on Alex's show to encourage people to give donations, to do charity, to do Sadaka.
Because I feel now more than ever, It's such a time for our community, our faith community specifically, but our community, to be there for one another, to belong to one another.
And I say that from a place of being in ministry for many, many years, ministering through music and also as a speaker, but also, Christi and John, going from the stages in ministering to Shifting my ministry and not knowing virtually all these years now how to make it work, and I've gone houseless.
And there is not, and this touches on what Judge Joe Brown said, as a single female or male that is not an illegal immigrant, not an ex-con, is not coming out of abuse, there's no help.
And so I share that to say that here we are, we have a call to be there for our community.
And I'm going to tell you, I'm calling because I'm going through a challenge.
And I'm literally got to keep a roof over my head.
So I myself have a give, send, go.
And my name is Donna Faulkner, if people want to help.
I mean, I'm doing my best and my purpose is ministry.
I encourage people constantly, but I'm physically suffering and physically fighting to save my physical health and my life.
How do you spell your last name, Donna?
Thank you.
It's Faulkner, F-A-U-L-K-N-E-R.
Donna Faulkner.
People can see my music.
We are one on YouTube.
But they can go to Gibson Go.
And it's like there's nowhere else to go.
So just encourage people to give to InfoWars because it encourages God.
And give to the people in our faith, especially our community that needs help.
And then, like I said, I mean, all I saw was the word prayer when I saw that you were waiting in the line.
So let that be the word to share with everyone.
Let's pray earnestly.
That was the verse of the day that I shared.
Let's pray earnestly for each other.
Pray earnestly for Donna Faulkner.
You can find her on GiveSendGo, and you can find her music, We Are One, on YouTube.
Thank you so much, Donna.
And we're going to take another phone call, but go ahead, John.
No, I was just going to say, you know, it's.
It kind of touched you what Donna was saying, because.
If if you look at with inflation, with the prices of everything trying to go grocery shopping, I mean, me and you, honey, we're a two income home.
You know, between that paying off old debts, things of that nature.
I mean, how much do we rock after?
Still a struggle.
Do you know what I mean?
Like, I think people just make assumptions that everybody's great these days.
Just, you know, if you're not poor, well, and it's the middle class is being destroyed.
It's making it to where things are week by week, week by week moves.
There is no really long term thought because there is no long term at the moment for a lot of people.
So that makes that makes me think.
I appreciate you calling.
Thank you, Donna.
Let's go to Jim in Virginia.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hey folks, how you doing?
Great guests.
Hope Donna's situation works out there.
Tough acts to follow here.
Guys, I've been married to the same lady for 29 years.
Two kids, live in the American dream.
Married a Southern Democrat and over this time I've turned her about 80% to the right.
But I can't get her on board with Some of the preps that go along.
The final dot in the I and cross the T. What can I say to her?
What can I show her?
She goes along with me, but she doesn't act.
As a couple, what would you guys say for me to do to her?
Well, reminder, you've been married 29 years, Jim, and we've been married for, we just celebrated our two year anniversary.
So that's a heck of a tall order to ask us for advice.
But I mean, everything that I've ever read or heard is that you can't control, you cannot control the other person.
And you can get frustrated, but at the end of the day, you can't control.
All you can do is pray.
Pray for the other person.
I have a book that I read off and on, Power of a Praying Wife, and I do believe it.
I just don't always, I'm not always consistent in reading it.
But basically, it's a devotional of praying for different things for my husband and being very specific and intentional about it.
So if you know if you scribe to that, pray intentionally for your wife and just continue to lead by example.
Lead by example and lead with love.
Do you have any thoughts?
No, I think sometimes it comes, you know, it's almost like keep it simple.
I mean, sometimes it comes back to for me and you of what?
What is it?
What are the big priorities in our lives?
Family, you know, that we share how important family is.
We share how important God is in our lives and trying to walk that path.
We even share with each other when we think, We need to get more on the path.
We've been slacking, you know?
One of the hardest things I think to do, just like it is being human and staring at yourself in the mirror, sometimes it's hard to do that as a couple.
You know, I think a lot of people struggle with that.
Just of being able to be open and say, hey, this is how I feel and this is... Yeah.
How can I kind of open?
Yeah, I mean, well, communication, right?
How can I get you open to these thoughts and ideas?
Or why don't you think these things?
Hopefully that was helpful, Jim.
I'm going to try and sneak in one more phone call before we say goodbye.
Let's, uh, at least one more phone call.
Let's talk to Todd in Ohio.
Um, that's where, where I met my husband in Ohio.
So go ahead, Todd.
Sounds like you have a patriotic thing to share.
Yes, I have.
I have a little thing to say first, and I want to mention about the national anthem.
We got about a minute just so you know, go ahead.
The person, I attend a group where we have classes.
And we used to have a fine singer who wasn't able to come anymore to sing the National Anthem, and so I'm not comfortable getting up in front of people, but I figured it was important enough that I shoved myself out there, and now I go up there, take the mic, and enable our group to sing the National Anthem again, and I want everybody to cherish each time they get to sing it, because it's not assured that we'll be able to do it one day to the next.
Keep standing up and make the effort and do whatever we can to stand up for what the decent people of the world believe in.
Yeah, they want us to forget our roots and let's not allow them.
Thank you, Todd.
Thanks, Todd.
And thank you, guys, for joining me and my husband today.
We hope that you have an amazing July 4th holiday.
Any final words?
No, that's it.
Thank you for tuning in for our date night.
Yeah, for our date night here on InfoWars.
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