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Name: 20230609_Fri_Alex
Air Date: June 9, 2023
2733 lines.

The speaker expresses concerns over the indictment of former President Trump, arguing it's an unprecedented attack on democracy and the three branches of government. He claims this is part of a globalist coup attempt against Trump's re-election and calls for supporters to stand against it. The speaker promotes two health products available at MFORestore.com while encouraging active participation in history rather than passive observation.

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These people are all complete jokes compared to Trump now.
And didn't they know indicting him in New York or having that fake show trial about rape, civil trial, would only make him more popular.
People see now a federal indictment.
And as people learn that he's a UN war crimes prosecutor and lives in the Netherlands and just came back a year and a half ago to take this over.
And that his wife's good friends with Michelle Obama and Obama and makes movies about Big Mike?
And they've got witnesses coming forward.
They were offered money and judgeships if they would lie about Trump?
I mean, this is crazy.
This is super dangerous, but again, they've all convinced themselves as a political group they're unstoppable.
And oh, they've got the media, and oh, they've got the Justice Department, and oh, they've got the, you know, and they could turn the power off and blame it on us, and they could stage an attack and say we're white supremacist, and they could kick the Russians' asses, and they could ship in fentanyl, and they could flood the border, and they could cut off the power plants, and they could And they're just doing it all as if rubbing our faces in it.
They're like, well, we're losing.
Well, just bankrupt everybody.
That'll show them to love us.
And then we'll pose as the saviors.
know everyone who's got a brain knows it's you guys.
It's Friday, June 9 2023. The 45th President of the United States has been federally indicted by a UN official.
(upbeat music)
Tomorrow's news, today.
Here is President Trump last night responding to this deep state public coup to interfere and block the re-election of President Trump.
This is open dictatorship by an oligarchy being established in our republic.
This is treason.
Very sadly, we're a nation in decline.
And yet they go after a popular president, a president that got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country, by far.
And did much better the second time in the election than the first.
And they go after him on a boxers hoax, just like the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, and all of the others.
This has been going on for seven years.
They can't stop because it's election interference at the highest level.
There's never been anything like what's happened.
I'm an innocent man.
I'm an innocent person.
They had the Mueller hoax, the Mueller report.
And that came out, no collusion, after two and a half years.
That was set up by Hillary Clinton and Democrats.
But this is what they do.
This is what they do so well.
If they would devote their energies to honesty and integrity, it would be a lot better for our country.
They could do a lot better.
They could do a lot of great things.
But when you look at what's happened to our country in the last three years, we were energy independent.
We had a strong military that wasn't woke.
We were doing so well, we were respected all over the world, got the biggest tax cuts in history, biggest regulation cuts in history.
And what do you do?
You have a president where an election was taken, got more votes than any sitting president in history by far, never anything even close.
And they come after me because now we're leading in the polls again by a lot against Biden and against the Republicans by a lot, but we're leading against Biden by a lot, a tremendous amount.
And we went up to a level that they figured the way they're going to stop us is by using what's called warfare.
And that's what it is.
This is warfare for the law and we can't let it happen.
We can't let it happen.
Our country.
Is going to hell and they come after Donald Trump, weaponizing the Justice Department, weaponizing the FBI.
We can't let this continue to go on because it's ripping our country to shreds.
We have such big problems and this shouldn't be one of them.
It's a hoax.
The whole thing is a hoax.
Just like Russia, Russia, Russia, just like the fake dossier was a hoax.
You saw the Durham report.
You saw the Mueller report.
It was all a big hoax.
You had two impeachments.
And they lost and we won.
And we had tremendous support.
But that was a hoax and a scam.
And now they're doing it again.
It's just a continuation.
Seven years, even after I'm out.
But it's called election interference.
They're trying to destroy a reputation so they can win an election.
That's just as bad as doing any of the other things that have been done over the last number of years, and especially during the 2020 election.
So I just want to tell you, I'm an innocent man.
I did nothing wrong.
And we'll fight this out just like we've been fighting for seven years.
It would be wonderful if we could devote our full time to making America great again.
And that's exactly what we did.
But now Again, our country is in decline.
We're a failing nation.
And this is what they do.
I'm an innocent man.
We will prove that again.
Seven years of proving it.
And here we go again.
Very unfair.
But that's the way it is.
I just want to thank everybody.
We are doing something very special for our country.
We're putting America first.
I always put America first.
And that's why we were in a position.
Unfortunately, that position is no longer valid because they've done such a poor job.
But we're in a position where we're going to make America great again.
I'm innocent and we will prove that very, very soundly and hopefully very quickly.
Thank you very much.
Make no mistake, this is the assassination of Kennedy 2.0, but they're assassinating him criminally and politically and taking your right to vote for who you want.
Proof they stole the 2020 election.
They're doing it now, up front, because the landslide is going to be so huge.
The deep state is in big trouble.
It's Friday, June 9th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Very honored to be here with you today.
Well, I knew they were getting ready to indict Trump, but when they did it, it was still a punch in the stomach.
I'm going to do my best here today.
Roger Stone's coming up in about 25 minutes to really go through the meat and potatoes of this because I've been watching a lot of the other pundits and political analysts that are some of the smartest people out there that I know.
They still don't get the full import of this and how serious and dangerous this is and how reckless this is.
This is the first time in U.S.
history in our 250 years, roughly, That a former or current president has been indicted by a federal grand jury.
Now, if you then look at this Jack Smith character, he's known for false prosecutions.
In fact, he has a record, a record, he's a young prosecutor, comparatively, for having his high-profile prosecutions overturned.
Now, you think that means he's a loser.
No, it means he'll take cases that are so criminal, that are so illegal, but he'll still take a shot at you.
And here's the difference.
He's planning to indict Trump four times in the next few months.
The document hoax, the January 6th hoax, the Georgia election meddling hoax, which is also a state-run jury, but so are the feds.
And they're looking at the cash payments as well, and a whole other raft of things.
Now, this is right as the FBI, under congressional orders, released its own internal documents that, indeed, Biden is a Russian-slash-Ukrainian-slash-Chinese agent.
He's like a vending machine.
You just put money in, you get it.
He's an agent of selling us out.
Not a Chinese agent, not a Russian agent, not a Ukrainian agent.
You put money in, you get what you want out of it.
So that documents out that he got 5 million from Burisma, which of course his son was working there for massive amounts of money as well.
All he knows how to do is smoke crack and have sex with underage hookers.
So with this insane backdrop, the same day that broke, this Jack Smith character, who hasn't even lived in the United States for the last decade, He is a UN war crimes prosecutor, and he's been on the tribunals.
Because you don't get jury trials with the UN, you get a tribunal of these whack jobs.
And of course they couldn't convince him of a Milosevic, so they just poisoned him to death in his cell.
So, and this guy worked on that.
So, if you want to get your neck broken in your New York federal cell, he's the guy.
If you want to kill somebody in their cell, he's your guy.
If you want to set up stuff, he's your guy.
Then his wife is this vicious libtard.
Who produces all these anti-American TV shows and movies and documentaries, including the Netflix Big Mike special on Michelle, I mean, Obama calls him Michael, his wife, Michael, in two different speeches.
We have the clips coming up.
And my wife, Michael.
So it's all just a big joke in our face.
It's all about rubbing it in our face.
Yeah, here he is at a military commencement, calling him Big Mike.
So that's where we get the term, and here she is saying he's Big Mike.
John Rivers was murdered by having gasoline poured down her throat two weeks later.
Literally, they said the people that saw it, it was like she was fire-breathing when she died.
That's what you get.
So, I'm not laughing, it's just crazy.
How'd she die?
Oh, well, her head caught on fire.
We're not sure.
So, uh, seriously, I'm not joking, look it up.
Can't make this stuff up.
So that's all coming up today, but just stunning, even though I knew it was coming, stunning.
So you say, well, you know, this whole kangaroo court thing in New York, that'll get defeated.
And, oh, you know, this, this president can declassify anything he wants.
And they're floating around this audio tape, a transcript of it, where he's like, well, I can declassify whatever I wanted to, but I decided not to declassify this Iran attack plan, but I kept it.
Well, he can declassify it for his archives.
That's what the law says.
It's its own branch of government.
And the minute other branches control it, you don't have an executive branch.
That's why they've never indicted a president.
Because then you're a banana republic, then it's bye-bye.
So, Jack Smith, this U.N.
prosecutor, and that's actually him in his U.N.
prosecutor baby blue and black robes, Is a joke.
He's on a power trip.
He thinks he's doing things no one's ever done before.
No, you're doing what they do in Nazi Germany and Venezuela and the old Soviet Union.
And so he is a UN stooge.
We're going under UN treaties for healthcare, UN control of our power, our electricity.
Everything's being turned off.
And now, kind of a cherry on top, we have an active U.N.
prosecutor and tribunal member, for the first time in U.S.
history, prosecuting the guy we all know won the last election, who is, depending on the poll, 10 to 25 points.
The polls where he does, these are scientific polls.
10 to 25.
That's the range.
I mean, a supreme whopping lead on Joe Biden.
Never before any numbers have been seen like this.
Five points ahead is huge generally, you know, with two major quote contenders.
Then you've got him in a Rasmussen poll out of the national field of Republicans, 69% against five other candidates.
Other polls show him with similar numbers.
Talk about Trump.
So they're crapping their britches because there's not enough mail-in ballots, not enough illegal aliens, not enough people that have moved out of their district who've had their identities stolen to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
I mean, again, they banned Tucker Carlson.
He goes from 5 million viewers to 100 million a day.
So, here's the problem here, though.
They keep doubling down.
And even the British Ministry of Defense said the world's never been in greater danger of nuclear war, and said maybe it's time to just go ahead and do a peace deal.
But Biden says we're never stopping nuclear wars on the table.
So it's all completely cuckoo land.
These people are not going to stop.
And civilization, as we know, can end at any time.
By the way, we've now got the satellite footage and images confirming what major forestry former officials have come out and said in Canada.
I mean, former deputy heads of their forestry service, former deputy heads of their firefighting service have come out and said, listen, you don't have 25 fires break out in one hour, hundreds of miles apart.
Somebody's setting these.
And then the government isn't going out and battling them.
It's all part of the crisis creation.
And so Chuckie Schumer says, pass our carbon tax rules, shut down more U.S.
power plants, that'll put the fires out in Canada.
No, if you wait till there's dry weather and high winds and you send a team of ten people out to set three or four fires apiece, and you know who it is, it's a leftist cult of forest rangers.
That's who's doing it.
And they go out and they set the damn fires all over the country.
It's just 25 fires set in 100 square miles in one area of eastern Canada.
It's the whole country got lit on fire last week.
And, remember, over a dozen Antifa members got caught setting fires?
That's the police catching them!
Good job, police!
Imagine who they didn't catch.
Remember all the fires in 2020?
Just in California, they were running around, setting fires everywhere.
They're gremlins, ladies and gentlemen.
They're gremlins.
I mean, I don't know if gremlins really exist.
You know, World War II, they claim they saw them.
World War II, they say, like, little green men, like, breaking equipment on the planes.
We don't know what the hell they were doing.
They just would appear in a green fog and start wrecking equipment.
By the way, local Las Vegas News is reporting that.
Giant green men popping up in backyards.
Huge flying saucers crashing.
The police said they saw it, too.
I mean, stuff's getting really weird, folks.
Stuff's getting really cuckoo now.
I don't know if gremlins are real, but the Democratic Party and the Communists are gremlins.
And this is what they do.
They wreck borders.
They wreck countries.
They wreck families.
They wreck it all, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's footage of the police shot of the green UFO landing.
They drove to the spot and people said there were 10-foot aliens running around.
Everything's gone insane!
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Emergency broadcast Friday.
Globalist-controlled DOJ hijacking 2024 president's election with Trump indictment.
We break down exclusive intel on Trump's next move with Roger Stone next segment.
The deep state's indictment of President Trump is nothing more than JFK 2.0.
Instead of physically blowing his head off, they are politically and criminally assassinating him, completing our journey into banana republic plutocratic dictatorship.
And that's a mouthful, but that's really what's going on.
Not a shred of exaggeration there.
In fact, I'm understating how bad this is.
Now, here's what's even scarier.
This is gonna blow up in their face super bad.
You're like, wasn't that good?
These crazy people never give up.
And so this escalates out of control and ends with a whole bunch of horrible scenarios unfolding in different permutations.
And the global is totally defeated and a very good chance we're all dead too.
And they're going to keep holding us hostage and we're not going to stop and they're not going to stop.
And so this is it.
It's called a war.
It's all a bunch of really cocky, crazy lawyers.
Who live in their own weird UN bubbles and New York bubbles and strut around and act tough to each other and everything.
And they have no idea they got a tiger by the tail.
But in a way they do.
I mean that's why Comey would look totally freaked out with Jen Psaki a few days ago.
He is confronted peacefully by the people everywhere he goes.
It's a beautiful thing.
And there's that little political operative that lied to Congress over and over again.
I know nothing about leaking.
No, the FBI's not leaking anything.
He spits letters like, well, I gave it to a law professor and a media professor to leak it.
I mean, I didn't leak it.
And that's like the Gambino crime family saying, well, I, as the Don, didn't order them to burn down that grocery store because they didn't pay protection money.
But, you know, I gave somebody else the order.
To order it. I didn't give the order for that murder. I just gave my captain the order to have them give the order
to murder him.
I'm giving you an order to tell them to murder him. Okay, that's right. I'm telling you to tell them to murder him.
And so there he is. He's like, "Well, of course, I mean, I leaked everything, but I didn't leak it. I told them to
leak it for me."
And he's up there on, what, like, Monday. He says, "Well, we've got to indict Trump."
He's coming after us.
I mean, we've got to not let him be the president.
I mean, he'll get control of the Justice Department.
Then we'll all go to jail!
And they just sit up there actually being honest about that.
We're criminals.
We're all going to go to jail.
And so we've got to stop the popular president.
We already stole the election once.
Now he's 20 points ahead of Biden, 30 points, 35 points ahead of DeSantis.
Chris Christie is pulling like 2%.
These people are all complete jokes compared to Trump now.
And didn't they know indicting him in New York or having that fake show trial about rape, civil trial, would only make him more popular.
People see that now, a federal indictment.
And as people learn that he's a UN war crimes prosecutor and lives in the Netherlands and just came back a year and a half ago to take this over.
And that his wife's good friends with Michelle Obama and Obama and makes movies about Big Mike?
And they've got witnesses coming forward.
They were offered money and judgeships if they would lie about Trump?
I mean, this is crazy.
This is super dangerous, but again, they've all convinced themselves as a political group they're unstoppable.
And oh, they've got the media, and oh, they've got the Justice Department, and oh, they've got the, you know, and they could turn the power off and blame it on us, and they could stage an attack and say we're white supremacists, and they could kick the Russians' asses, and they could ship in fentanyl, and they could flood the border, and they could cut off the power plants, and they're just doing it all as if rubbing our faces in it.
They're like, well, we're losing.
Well, just bankrupt everybody.
That'll show them to love us.
And then we'll pose as the saviors.
No, everyone who's got a brain knows it's you guys.
And so, oh, Jack Smith!
Oh my gosh, his wife makes Netflix movies about Obama and his husband!
And oh, so amazing!
And Hollywood's so cool!
And oh, Rupert Murdoch's so powerful!
And oh, you're so scary!
And oh, look, you're wearing purple-blue, you know, Klingon outfits like Klaus Schwab at the UN!
Oh, you're so magnificent!
I never got to this clip yesterday, and the deputy head of the EU was like, And we will teach you Americans that you will not challenge us.
If you engage in speech we do not like, we will have you arrested.
I mean, this is a real quote.
So, we are watching you Americans very closely, and you will eat the bugs, and you will give us your children.
Oh, and we're going to cut your daughter's breast off, sis.
It's all then you will, of course, drink sewage, and we're closing half the Dutch farms, and Ireland is passing laws, and you will not have any food anymore!
And we bring in the Muslims to stab the children at the park.
Good, stabs the babies.
See how you likes it?
Meanwhile, all the major universities, Jews run the world, kill them, they're the devil, they're the worst people ever, and meanwhile the ADL's, Trump's a Nazi, so's Alex Jones!
Pull Trump off the wailing wall in his yarmulke and stand him up against a firing squad.
He's Hitler.
Meanwhile, George Soros loves Hitler.
He's good.
It's cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.
And yeah, a large part of the public can't find their ass in both hands.
But those people don't matter.
They're just your stooges, but the thinking people of every color, race, gender, you name it, know exactly what's going on.
And you guys are not going to get away with this.
But I'll give it to you.
You may just destroy the planet.
And you know what?
Let's just start over.
It's kind of like what you said a month ago.
All right, let's just have a nuclear war.
I mean, at a certain point, I mean, let's just kill all the Russians.
They can kill all of us.
And they'll get me, but they'll get the globalists, too.
So, you know what?
Before you cut off more children's penises and everything, God, maybe it is time to just wipe us off the face of the earth.
And if I get stepped on in the process, I'll just kiss your foot while it stomps me flat in a pancake.
But you know what?
The children don't deserve that, so we've got to fight to preserve civilization.
But I've got to tell you, I wouldn't blame God one bit if he didn't blow this whole thing up.
But God's sparing it for the children, and wants to see what we're going to do in this situation.
But I can tell you right now, we've forgotten God, it's why we're a cursed nation, and the feds are crazy.
It's a mob of criminals at the top, who've convinced themselves, because they've gotten away with all this crime, that they're going to go to the next thing.
No, everyone sees you doing it, and they sit there with their mouths hanging open, you maniacs.
And all the crime, it'd be one thing if Biden was clean cut and wasn't a pedophile and his son wasn't a pedophile and taking money from foreign governments and all the corruption, but he's like cartoon corrupt and Trump is the opposite.
Trump wants power and to be the guy that turns the country around and be the turnaround savior.
Trump wants to be the savior.
He wants milk and honey, prosperity, he wants to be the hero, he's got blind spots, but he cares about people, okay?
You guys want to screw everybody over and are the biggest jerks the planet ever saw because you have a needle dick syndrome of looking down on anybody else doing well.
You're indicting Trump for nothing while we have this criminal stumbling around crapping his drawers?
I mean, what the hell is your major malfunction?
What is your problem, you stupid-ass devil worshippers?
Alright, if you go back to 1776, July 4th, the Declaration of Independence, the majority of folks that signed onto that lost everything they had, including their families.
Some got put on prison ships, some died.
And John Hancock signed his name about four or five times bigger than everybody else's at the bottom.
Because he said, if I'm going to be on the death warrant list and sign my death warrant, if we lose, I want to be at the top of the list.
And he did that to show courage, not a flex, but to say, hey, a lot of folks are writing their names really, really small.
So I've been very critical of Trump over the poison shot.
I know how he got manipulated into it.
I've been very positive with him on Roe v. Wade and want to stop World War III and control the border and stand up to China and make us energy independent.
The list goes on and on.
But when they indicted him in New York and had this rape Sybil show trial and all the rest of it, I said, OK, I'm backing Trump.
And the American people said that, too.
Now he has 69% of the vote in a nationwide poll of Republican candidates.
He's 20, 30 points ahead of Biden.
On average, 15 to 20, 30 points.
They're in total panic mode.
He used the will of the people.
They stole the 2020 from him.
And they're definitely stealing it now.
This is election meddling writ large.
So they assassinated JFK with a bullet, several bullets, at Dealey Plaza.
I was just there earlier this week, shot a report there.
It's more eerie every time I go there, 60 year anniversary coming up this November.
And this time they're assassinating Trump with death by 100 cuts, politically and criminally.
And if you think the deep state gets away with persecuting and prosecuting Trump, and
that we're not all next, you're a fool.
So I am now 100% because I'm not a coward.
If I turn against Trump, they leave me alone.
They have grand juries open on all of us.
I'm 100% behind Trump.
And I pledge myself to get him reelected and to fight these these illegal charges and this
fraud because I must be with the man in the arena.
I must be with the lions surrounded by the hyenas because I am not a hyena or a rat.
I am a lion as well.
And I challenge all of you that have been on the fence to get behind Trump because you
know a man by his enemies and they're coming for him at every level.
And so, he's pig-headed, I've got problems with him, but the enemies of this country hate his guts.
And are trying to thwart your right.
You've decided to vote for him.
All the numbers show he's our rightful president.
So I stand with the people.
And I stand with President Trump.
So I sign my John Hancock today, Friday, June 9, 2023, as big as I can on here, and say, all right, you guys harassed me and attacked me trying to make me not support Trump.
I backed off Trump because I don't like his mistakes and his pig-headedness.
But now, because of you persecuting me and Trump and others, I'm 100% behind him.
2024, Trump, let's go!
All right, that's my say.
That's what I wanted to get out there.
I've made my statement.
Now, Roger Stone, pardoned for things he didn't commit.
We all know that now.
Journal Report exonerates everybody.
And the preposterous idea that a right-wing Nixonian that actually helped arrest communists famously is a Russian agent is preposterous.
But, Roger, that in the past now, River and Mirror, This insane crossing of the Rubicon by this UN prosecutor and his wife that makes movies about Michelle Obama and is a huge donor to the Democratic Party.
I mean, this is naked, this is brazen, and even Chris Cuomo says that this is America becoming a banana republic.
Alex, you're absolutely right.
It's very, very sad.
I mean, I was physically sick last night when I heard about these charges.
It is a historical continuation of a trend.
You're right, they physically assassinated JFK.
They took Richard Nixon down in a silent coup.
They tried multiple times to take Donald Trump down when he was in office.
And now he poses such an existential threat to their entire world construct and their plan for the new world order that they seek not just to eliminate him as a political foe, not just to defeat him, but to destroy him, to send him to a federal prison where at 76 years old today, he would almost certainly die.
It is an extraordinary overreach.
But the irony here is that you and I are talking about the charges, yet we haven't even seen the charges.
I understand that Trump's lawyers have not yet seen the charges.
All they've seen is a summary of the charges, which allows the legacy media to go crazy in terms of speculation.
Which, by the way, is illegal, but they never get in trouble for it, including comics.
But let me just say this again, because I'm interrupting.
I'm skipping this break so you have more time.
You're gracious to be here, Roger.
This is an assault on our country and the end of it.
I want people to understand this is not about Trump.
Roger is physically ill because he's having his children and grandchildren's future stolen and he's in the crosshairs.
Empathy is not some loving thing.
It's a cellular selfishness of self-preservation.
Everyone, like Trump always says, they're not coming after him, they're coming after you and I. This is unbelievably dangerous, unbelievably criminal, unbelievably insane, and you add it to everything else going on, we are in a crisis of leadership.
We have a bunch of crazy lawyers who don't understand the world, that have lit the planet on fire, that are getting rid of all these known conventions for hundreds of years that built civilization, because when you cross these lines, You unleash hell every time.
These people have committed us to a nightmare scenario.
Go ahead.
You're absolutely right.
And I think once again, if we look at the historical pattern, just as Russian collusion was really not about Russian collusion, it was about distracting from the crimes of Hillary Clinton and her inner circle.
They were the ones profiteering off of their relationships with Vladimir Putin.
They were the ones making millions of dollars in business deals, banking deals, mining deals, insurance deals in Russia.
It is the same thing.
So they are absolutely naked.
They're fully exposed in the U.S.
Joe Biden and his son both took $5 million bribes each to bury the prosecutor in the Burisma case.
It is coming out.
What is the single best way to deflect public attention from their epic corruption?
Oh, Donald Trump and his handling of all these documents.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden has a thousand plus boxes of documents that he never turned in.
But don't look over there, folks.
Look over here.
It is absolutely a strategy of deflection.
They are so nakedly exposed, yet you see on CNN, MSNBC, oh no, these are discredited charges invented by Rudy Giuliani.
There are documents.
There are witnesses.
The FBI and Attorney General Bill Barr knew all about this.
They have sat on it.
They've done nothing.
We do have a crook in the White House.
They're now desperate to save him.
They know he can't beat Donald Trump in an election.
They know that they can't survive impeachment if it gets that far.
So what do we do?
We indict Donald Trump on, pardon the expression, trumped-up charges.
It's sickening.
It is.
But you're absolutely right.
Does the Constitution matter?
Is there any elementary fairness in our judicial system?
I guess we're going to find out.
Well, let's be clear.
The reason nobody ever endowed a president, and some obviously deserved it, is it creates a permanent constitutional crisis where any local or federal prosecutor can become king and take over.
And that caused the decline of Rome.
It caused the decline of third world countries.
This is cancer.
This is guaranteed to now create sectarian destabilization and total destruction of the country.
This always leads to the collapse of empires.
They have literally fed the government and the country a fricking cyanide bill doing this.
It is insane!
I could not agree with you more, Alex.
We have crossed an important Rubicon.
And there's more.
I don't think we're finished yet.
In other words, you still have grand juries in Washington, D.C.
looking at Trump's fundraising.
You still have grand juries studying January 6th.
There's a constant effort of guilt by association to pull you and I into that, even though we know nothing about it and had no involvement.
They want a belt in suspenders.
They want to be absolutely sure.
And look, I think it probably disturbs them that they have to, for reasons we get into
on the other side, try him in Florida, a judicial district they don't have complete and total
control of.
And that's a little bit of a roll of the dice for the deep state.
Yeah, Roger, I cut you off, so I'm going to skip the break so you get more time.
But let's explain that.
A roll of the dice with this Florida indictment, seven counts at least.
We don't see it till Tuesday when he shows up for this arraignment.
And then, of course, then you've got the D.C.
jury open on January 6th and looking at Trump denying the election.
They're trying to say and raising money off it that it's illegal to say the election was stolen and raise money to fight it.
That's your First Amendment.
So let's talk about these different indictments and how this plays out and what they think is going to happen.
I mean, because how is the deep state convincing itself every time they indict him?
He goes up 20, 30 points.
So you went up 20, 30 points with this ridiculous idiot in New York.
Now they have this Darth Vader-esque character, a UN prosecutor, going after our president.
This guy doesn't even live here.
He offices out of the Netherlands.
I mean, what the hell?
Well, Alex, evidently there is a recent Supreme Court decision that holds that American citizen has to be tried in the jurisdiction in which the crime they allegedly committed took place.
In this case, because the cases announced yesterday all pertained to Trump's handling of documents as a former president in Palm Beach, that would mean in the Southern District of Florida.
If they charged him in Washington, D.C., where they have an iron grip on the entire judicial system, and where the chances of him getting a fair trial or a reasonable jury are non-existent, and he successfully appealed that conviction because it was brought in the wrong jurisdiction, they would have no ability to retry him in a new jurisdiction.
That is why they have filed these charges in Florida.
The Southern District of Florida has a number of judges who were not appointed by Barack Obama or Bill Clinton.
Although I would point out the last time Trump filed a comprehensive RICO action against Hillary Clinton and her entire criminal gang, it was dismissed by a judge here in this district appointed by Bill Clinton.
There is, I think, some reasonable chance, at least, that Trump could get a fair trial in South Florida, and that is a roll of the dice that I don't think Jack Smith is going to take.
And that's why he's getting ready to file more indictments in different jurisdictions.
And not to mention this Georgia nonsense that we continue to hear about, where Trump most definitely did not tell the Secretary of State to go out and find 11,870 votes.
If anyone will listen to the entire transcript, he tells him you have inadvertently and improperly counted that many votes.
Once you throw them out because they were illegal, convicted felons voting, people who were dead voting, and so on.
That was all proven true.
Same thing, not just there, but Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan.
So let me ask you this then.
What is the deep state calculations when all these indictments only show the public that they did steal 2020?
They're openly trying to disqualify him from running now.
This is election meddling 101.
Gut level, how does this unfold if Trump...
Stays hard, doesn't back down the timeline.
Can they disqualify him from the election if they get a bogus conviction, even though it's on appeal?
What's the best information on that?
Well, the problem here is understanding the timeline.
Look, I'm not a lawyer, as you know.
Lawyers I talk to still believe, even with the timing of these charges, that it could be extraordinarily difficult for them to get to a trial prior to the nomination phase of the party, prior to the election.
The real question is now, because I've been in this situation, do they put a gag order on Donald Trump?
Do they restrict his travel so that he can't leave South Florida?
That's what they did to me.
I was allowed to go to DC for my trial.
Other than that, I needed permission from the court.
How do you run for president with those kind of restrictions on your First Amendment rights and on your free travel?
So this all remains to be seen.
The judge, as I understand it, is Judge Cannon, who was appointed by Trump.
I believe that is correct.
But I suspect you have more indictments.
Why are they doing this now and still at the end of the summer, as originally reported?
Because I think they want to expedite trial to try to destroy Trump's chances to be nominated and elected president.
By the way, I predict His numbers in the polls go up among Republicans and he will be flooded with new campaign donations.
Well, I think that's not even a prediction, that's an absolute fact.
So, let's talk about this.
You mentioned the Burisma documents.
The FBI has been told by Congress, hand stuff over, they have, and it's like, yes, we know.
Five million wired by Burisma to the crackhead pedophile.
Five million to the crackhead pedophile's pedophile dad.
All open and shut, and as you said, this was covered up years ago.
The same day this comes out, I'm going to show the document, the articles, it's Fox News, CNN's been forced to report on it.
The same day this info comes out, as you said, they rush this indictment of Trump to change the story and have shark eyes, you know, parading around.
So it seems to me that the action here, assuming that everything that has been reported about these documents, about the whistleblower, about the cover-up by the FBI is accurate, then the only news story that would trump the indictment of Donald Trump is a vote by the House Republicans to impeach Joe Biden.
They have the votes.
If they really have the evidence, then they should.
That isn't precisely what they should do.
This then becomes a game of chicken.
Trump may be going to trial in Miami, perhaps in other jurisdictions, but Joe Biden will have to go to trial in the U.S.
And I would suggest, and he's not my favorite guy, but he's a hell of a smart guy, I would put Ted Cruz in charge of the prosecution within the Senate.
Other angles, because nobody's more informed than you on all this.
I agree, crews will eat their lunch exposing this, but continue with what else this means.
Well, I mean, look, this is an effort to ensure that they are allowed to stay in power.
Despite the very best efforts of Governor DeSantis and a passel of other candidates, Trump's position in the party has only improved.
They've already seen the backfire of the two New York actions.
One, the ridiculous idea that he changed business records in 2017 to affect The outcome of the election in 2016, literally impossible.
And then this crazy woman who goes out and says that, oh, most women think rape is sexy.
It's a fantasy of theirs.
Well, I think her testimony was a fantasy.
That's my opinion.
Yet Trump is never allowed to show that interview in the court proceeding.
So those actions were meant to destroy him.
And they had the exact opposite effect.
His poll numbers took a huge spike up.
Sure, let me just interrupt here because, look, Tucker Carlson goes from 5 million viewers a day to 105 million a day.
Doesn't the system get the world's turning against him?
All the numbers show that massive political realignment, not towards even conservatism, but just towards common sense and free market and freedom and prosperity and security.
But what concerns me is they just keep doubling down.
I don't think we're doomed because I put my faith in Jesus Christ, and I believe the Bible tells us that good triumphs over evil in the end.
These people are still in control and they're not going to stop.
I don't think we're doomed because I put my faith in Jesus Christ and I believe the Bible
tells us that good triumphs over evil in the end.
Remember Alex, in every battle in the Bible, the Lord's forces were overwhelmingly outnumbered
yet they were always victorious.
Roger, I totally agree with you.
I'm trying to speak to people that don't believe in God that support the system.
Can't minions of the system see, everyone sees you, most people hate you, and you're destroying everything, and you're idiots.
I'm trying to say to them that don't believe in God, you're destroying everybody along with yourself.
What is your problem?
Because they actually think that they didn't hit Trump hard enough in New York.
Notice the reason it didn't work was because we didn't hit him hard enough.
That an arcane business deal in which they claim some woman was paid hush money because of this alleged rape, that wasn't harsh enough.
So now let's hit him with essentially charges of treason, espionage, although It would be nice if the court would release the charges so we could find out exactly what it is he's been accused of.
He's not even in that position yet.
So they just keep ratcheting up.
They also know, frankly, that the system is a broken system.
Look, I was stupid enough to think the morning that 29 FBI agents raided my home at 6 o'clock in the morning, You know, in full SWAT gear, brandishing fully automatic M4 assault weapons, showing up in 17 armored vehicles with a helicopter and amphibious units.
I was stupid enough to think I was going to get a fair trial.
I was stupid enough to think that I would be able to put on, you know, a cogent defense.
What was I wrong?
So they think that they can game the system.
They think that there is no way they can lose.
And Trump Particularly an enlightened Trump, a Trump who has the experience of his first term fully and completely now understands the evil of the deep state and the broken two-party duopoly in Washington, where unbeknownst to him half the Republicans were trying to screw him while he was president.
Now he's fully awake.
And that's the last thing they can possibly afford.
A president of the United States who understands who is trying to undermine and destroy the country.
And by the way, Roger, to interrupt you, you've been saying that for two and a half years that Trump's re-energized, more dangerous than ever.
He wasn't going to run at first and he decided to.
That's what Comey said last weekend with Jen Psaki.
We've already played the club.
I'm not going to bore folks with it again.
But I mean, he said, well, he's going to arrest us and prosecute us.
So we've got to take him out.
They're openly admitting that.
This is just insane.
This is so dangerous.
Yeah, this is the same James Comey who, now we know thanks to the Durham report, was running around insisting that the PP tape and the Steele dossier was real long after it had been fully discredited internally, and he knew it was all BS.
I have to admit, I love the way that Jim Comey, who's almost seven feet tall, he's a very
big guy, he's completely and totally intimidated by little Laura Loomer. She just shut him down.
And then more recently by our friend Owen Schroer. These folks are patriots. He's a physical
coward. He can't even answer questions in his own defense. He is so epically corrupt. And remember,
they convicted you in a kangaroo court of lying to Congress when you never lied.
I was in the middle of it.
Everything you said was true because we were talking about it.
You had sources that knew Assange.
Assange was all over the news back then.
You were trying to find out what he had.
He said it's Clinton stuff.
You said this is going to be big.
You were literally convicted for telling Congress that you were not talking to Assange when you never talked to Assange.
And then now...
Hillary Clinton is doing cartwheels today.
She's out selling hats that say, what about the emails?
gave it to a media professor to do the leaking.
That's the same thing as leaking.
No, Hillary Clinton is doing cartwheels today.
She's out selling hats that say, "What about the emails?"
Yeah, what about the emails?
Hillary Clinton destroyed with a hammer and beach blit 33,000 emails, including classified information
that was on an illegal server, and she was never prosecuted.
James Comey gave her a pass.
She is rubbing our face in it right now that Donald Trump has been charged.
She's out screaming, crowing about the fact that there's a two-tiered justice system.
By the way, there's no statute of limitations on treason.
You don't think it's occurred to her that Donald Trump gets back in the White House, she and her husband might be prosecuted?
I mean, they did sell top secret missile targeting information to the Chinese in return for illegal campaign contributions.
You don't think that's dawned on her?
It's incredible.
When they first got into office, the Clintons gave the ICBM multi-warhead reentry device technology that's so critical.
So instead of having one warhead and an ICBM coming back in to the atmosphere, you're going to have dozens, including dummies, so that the targeting systems don't take out all the warheads.
Absolutely critical to nuclear war if you're going to have it, to the mutually assured destruction doctrine.
Speaking of that, let's play a clip of him.
This is when he's On C-SPAN years ago, bragging that they fired the prosecutor, and now we know that he got a $5 million bribe.
So here he is bragging about crimes on television.
I remember going over convincing our team, our others, to convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
And I went over, I guess, the 12th, 13th time to Keeve, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor and they didn't.
So they said, they were walking out to the press conference and said, no, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority, you're not the president.
The president said, I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm going to be leaving here.
I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a bitch.
Got fired.
And they put in place someone who was solid.
Now look at the body language of Richard N. Haas and the other guy.
The smugness of them being above the law.
They can brag about crimes in public.
Try to go before fall, Roger.
There's no way these criminals get away with this.
It's so naked.
The world's turning against them.
Closing comments on where you think this all goes.
We should obviously be praying for President Trump, but he seems, you know, do five more minutes with us.
You got to go, but just real quick, InfoWarsTore.com, SuperMetal Vitality is selling out, but SuperFemale Vitality, because women want a different package, is the same as SuperMetal Vitality.
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It's selling out.
And Roger, how do people find your 5 p.m.
nightly show that's so popular?
Go to StoneZone.live.
StoneZone.live at 5 o'clock Eastern, 4 o'clock Central today.
We're going to be talking all about the Trump endorsements.
StoneZone.com, my website.
I want to talk five more minutes with you on the other side of this two-minute break about how Trump's holding up and what you expect him to do because he always gets stronger under attack.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone and then a ton of news after that.
All right, we've got so much news and a huge guest coming up as well in the third hour.
On all this crazy UFO stuff that's going on.
We've got the inside scoop on what's really happening.
Insane supposed big green flying saucer crashed in Las Vegas a few days ago and multiple witnesses and houses saw 10-foot green aliens running around.
I think it's a psy-op.
We'll be talking about that in the third hour.
But front and center is the president indicted by a political operative who's a former UN prosecutor, a globalist, donates to the Democratic Party.
His wife makes movies about Michelle Obama.
We made for TV reality shows with her, good friends with her.
Totally preposterous, everything they say Trump's doing, they've done.
It's just an insane backdrop.
You can't make this up.
But in closing, the time we have with the great Roger Stone, former political prisoner
in his own right, pardoned by the president in this ongoing seven years of persecution,
how is the big guy doing?
He obviously expected this.
I know you can't get into the inside baseball talking to him, but how's the president doing?
And can we pray for him?
What should we do and what should we know?
I think that first of all, he is resolute.
He's angry, as he should be, because this is insulting, but he's not hysterical or unhinged or any of the things that the media will try to say.
I think he's angry, but he's extraordinarily resolute, and he's going to slug this out.
I have some concern about His lawyers.
He announced a little while ago that two of his lawyers, Jim Trustee and John Rowley, had resigned.
Todd Blanch, the lawyer that he has in the New York matter, frankly I have found underwhelming in his handling of the New York cases.
I hope the president will seek first-rate political counsel.
Don't you like people like David Schoen?
I think David Schoen, I watched him last night with Laura Ingraham.
He was brilliant.
I watched him with the Jackals on CNN.
He beat them back.
I think he's the smartest lawyer I know.
I would hope the president will call out to him, but that is of course not my call.
The point is, he needs, this is going to be a multi-front war.
He needs more than one lawyer.
There's no way one lawyer can handle all of this.
But he's in a fighting spirit.
And by the way, for those of you who think This may end his campaign for president.
Not a chance.
Not even a scintilla of a chance.
He remains committed to taking this country back and making it great again.
And he understands that this really isn't about him.
It really isn't.
It's about us.
He's just in the way.
So they have to take him out because they want to continue the downward spiral of America.
And they know they can't win a free, fair, honest, transparent election.
And the fact that they haven't stopped him yet with everything they've thrown at him just makes them more hysterical, makes them make mistakes.
I think this is going to prove to mistake.
It's kind of like that which does not kill me makes me stronger.
I think Donald Trump is going to emerge stronger than ever.
Well, I totally agree with you.
That's what's been happening.
And they think he's like a coward like them, a Harvard social climber, who's part of that Harvard cult of a bunch of cowards and people that just scratch each other's backs.
They keep thinking he'll finally give up, he'll finally be intimidated.
No, he's crossed the Rubicon, totally turned himself over to the fight, committed to the destiny.
That's what you've done, that's what I've done, that's what we're all doing.
And all they're doing is inspiring everybody to commit to the fight as well.
And even if they wipe him out like the Texans at the Alamo, that will only encourage people more.
But they keep thinking we're cowards like them.
No, the Alamo didn't intimidate Texans, it pissed them off.
And so they killed Trump, it only makes it stronger.
I hope that doesn't happen, but I just hope they understand, we have the fighting spirit, we built the country, we love God, you love Satan, you will be defeated.
You know where he is right now, Alex?
He's out playing 18 holes of golf.
Does that tell you everything you need to know?
He's not cowering under his bed, he's out playing golf.
They have really been off more than they can chew, Roger.
Do you think the average globalist knows how much trouble they're in right now?
No, actually I think they think they have the upper hand because smugness and arrogance is the trademark for these people.
What do you think Rupert Murdoch thinks with the Tucker Carlson getting 105 million views per show now?
Oh, wait a minute, I read in the book work that that was a disaster, that Tucker's show was an extraordinary disaster because he didn't have the bells and whistles of Fox.
I think the two shows I've seen have been extraordinary.
I agree.
We're going to play some of it coming up right now.
Roger, we love you.
We'll see you at five o'clock today with your own show.
God bless you.
Be safe, my friend.
Thank you.
I love you.
All right.
I love all the viewers.
We'll be right back.
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We are coming on the air with historic news.
For the first time ever in American history, a former president of the United States has
been indicted.
I never thought anything like this could happen in America.
This is the boldest election interference ever attempted in this country's history.
They're not prosecuting President Trump.
They're persecuting him.
And it's all because he's the leading Republican candidate for the presidential election for 2024.
I think the Democrats know this has nothing to do with the law.
They're sending a message.
And the message is they will use any power that they have to interfere in the next presidential election.
Trump is obviously innocent.
This is obviously political persecution.
And the Democrats are obviously the most corrupt political party in American history.
Nobody should be violent over this.
I'm really concerned they could stage a false flag, a provocateur something.
They've really primed the media that Republicans are going to be violent.
That's the last thing we need.
We're not anti-vote.
We're not the left.
According to news reports all over the country today, the arrest of Donald Trump is imminent, maybe as early as this week, Thursday or Friday, so we hear.
I mean, it's this crazy world that Donald Trump has dragged this country into, but he could be wearing an ankle bracelet while accepting the nomination at the Republican convention.
And could be wearing an ankle bracelet and be elected in November.
Yeah, but you could have a president who is potentially incarcerated when he's elected president.
Congressman James Comer revealing that he has identified at least $10 million that the Biden family has taken in from foreign companies looking for inroads into America.
We have people that want to come forward, but honestly, Maria, they fear for their lives.
Their informant will be killed if unmasked based on the info he has brought forward about the Biden family.
Folks, the FBI is a growing threat to the Republic.
We all know it's time to fire this rogue government that's hijacked our country.
Well, everybody says they'd like a chance to save the country or be part of history.
At least most people I know say that.
Well, look around you, ladies and gentlemen.
This country was born in 1776.
We had to fight like hell to secure it.
And now it's being taken over right in front of your eyes.
By not King George III.
He was an angel.
A saint.
Compared to these people.
These are technocrat, transhumanist, that think they're God and love to have sex with children and worse.
A cult of crazy people.
A death cult.
And we are sitting here, with them pissing in our faces.
And we've got so many yes-men and so many yes-women in the Hollywood system and the whole corporate culture now in the world that is about subservience to lies, subservience to illogical, mindless fallacies.
This is how it works.
First they say, we're going to arrest you if you say the n-word.
And you say, well, I don't agree with hurting people's feelings about what color they are.
I don't agree with arresting them, but OK.
And the next, don't say mother and father.
And next, don't say there's two genders or we'll arrest you in California.
I have articles today about it.
Oh, and if you speak up against little girls having their breasts cut off, little boys, their genitals cut off.
And that horrible open wounds put in their bodies that never heal, well, you're the bad person.
These are all litmus tests to see what craziness you'll submit to.
That's what cults do.
They tell you stand on one leg and bark like a dog.
They tell you go rob that liquor store and shoot the clerk in the head for no reason.
They tell you cut your son's penis off.
That's who they are.
And then we sit here and watch all this tyranny around us and we wonder why it's happening because it's Psychologists and psychiatrists and this guild of control freaks that want to play God.
I'm not saying all psychologists are bad and all psychiatrists are bad, but in the main, the Germans and the British, 200 plus years ago, developed the mind sciences to control populations.
They developed all the terms and all the names for human nature and what we do.
They didn't create it, they just defined it and then manipulated it.
And they're using mind science on us to control us, but they themselves are the degenerate, insane, twisted, messed up freaks because they're willing to do these things.
We can go study manipulation and lies and fraud and evil.
We can set up systems of evil, but we don't want to do that.
Why would we want to hurt people?
Because we feel good about ourselves.
We have honor.
We want to help other people because, quite frankly, we're confident.
We can see beauty and see goodness and we want to promote it and we don't need to put people down to feel good about ourselves.
We innately have a connection to God and we understand God's prime directive to go out and be the light of the world.
Let me just do this, because I've got so much to cover, and it's so frustrating.
I get in here so many days, and after the show, I go, man, I covered 5 stacks.
There were 30 stacks.
Today, there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 stacks.
Some stacks are 30, 40 articles.
Some stacks are 5 articles.
30 plus stacks here.
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 stacks.
Some stacks are 30, 40 articles, some stacks are five articles.
30 plus stacks here.
Each one of these is an incredible story illustrating these people.
Each one of these is a whole show.
A psychotic Islamic Arab running around, stabbing eight people, many of them babies, with a butcher knife.
And if you try to say he's a Muslim, you're banned off the internet, and the EU's threatening to have Elon Musk arrested if he allows this video to be seen on Twitter.
I have a clip of them saying that.
The crime isn't stabbing babies.
The crime is letting you know it's happening.
And the crime is those women... I mean, what woman would go out anywhere without a handgun in their purse?
Oh, sorry.
Can't have it.
Imagine if that was Texas.
There's 20 women at that park.
Guarantee you two of them, three of them would have a gun.
That guy tried that, he'd be dead in seconds.
She'd unload that revolver or that handgun right to his filthy chest.
He'd be gone, gone, gone.
But instead he could run around in Allah Akbar and Stab a bunch of these French women.
How many of those French women you think voted for Roman Borders and think it's cute and fun?
Not so fast now when he stabs those babies in the head.
Yeah, I got some footage of him stabbing the baby in the stroller right here.
And look how weak that guy is, man.
Yeah, I'd like to spit some beach nut in that dude's eye and shoot him with my old .45.
You know, and I'm too confident of a person.
I got guns in all my cars and guns in my house.
But I got a tendency to not conceal carry, even though I got a license.
I know you don't need a license, blah, blah, blah, but you know, I went and got it back when I was a thing.
But I'm pledging henceforth to carry at all times.
I'm kind of lazy.
I don't like having to carry it, even though it's a compact Glock.
On my side, my belly hangs over a little.
I just... But you know what?
I have a responsibility to carry at all times.
Starting today, I'm gonna carry at all times.
Because you never know.
See, that's just one of the stories.
And that ties in.
See, what I do is I tie it into things.
I've got about eight stories concerning that.
Then Gavin Newsom proposes the 28th Amendment to ban the Second Amendment.
The DOJ got caught trying to bribe an attorney for Trump's valet in exchange for testimony against Trump.
I mean, you've got that.
You've got congressmen coming out saying they've seen the footage.
It won't be released, but some has been released to plainclothes police.
Commanding people to break in and telling them to attack police.
I mean, we already knew that, but now we've got that.
We've got more than 66% of U.S.
at risk for power outages due to Biden's green transition.
Not a green transition.
It's a post-industrial world.
FBI arrest Nate Paul, the real estate mogul in Austin who works with Ken Paxton.
So they're closing the net on Paxton that Trump was looking to be his next Attorney General.
We've also got Biden making some incredible statements about he doesn't work for America, his interests are all for NATO.
Satellite imagery of fires being simultaneously set all over Canada.
And we got jaw-dropping numbers on multiple fronts of victory.
In fact, let me hit some of the victory news.
Some of the really positive news when we come back.
Stay with us in fullwars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Imagine all the incredible crimes.
The Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens.
The incredible arrogance.
All of them caught red-handed.
And the Justice Department, they control their coup over America, now indicts the real president for having classified documents that all these presidents have, that he's allowed to have, that he can classify, declassify anytime he wanted to.
It's his own branch of government.
That's how he can pardon people.
And the only judge is you at the ballot box.
But as soon as these courts And the executive branch itself is over the president.
They have now made themselves the executive.
The president's the closest thing we have to a sovereign.
Because our founders fought a war to stop a king, but they said in emergencies and serious situations, you've got to have somebody in charge.
And that's dangerous.
But instead, they just turned all these lawyers and bureaucrats into little mini-presidents.
And that's what they've just done.
I mean, I'll tell you, if local prosecutors indicted Biden, I would say that's dangerous.
He should just step down and go away.
That's why Napoleon, they never put him in prison, they just sent him to an island.
Because if you start doing that, there's constant coup attempts over the leader.
There's a reason this isn't done.
It's really bad.
And the fact they think they can contain it, Republicans are now Gonna start indicting Democrat presidents.
And the time to indict them is when they're not in office, like Hillary Clinton was never president.
And I don't want to say it's a necessary evil to have presidents, you know, quote, be above the law.
They're not above the law.
And they can be impeached in Congress and removed.
But when you can have federal prosecutors go out and do this, Well, the separation of powers is gone.
But let's talk about some positive things that are happening, because this is all really negative.
The good news is the people broken with the system.
Look at this.
Jaw-dropping stats.
Reports of Bud Light Memorial Day sales dropping 60% as brand boycott continues.
First it was 10% drop, then it was 20, then 40, now 60.
As the word spreads that that's liquid cultural poison, it will end up not being able to be given away.
And it's not just Bud Light.
Anheuser-Busch is down 30 plus percent.
Number one beer company in the world now collapsing.
We'll probably end up going bankrupt within 12 months, is my estimation.
Because people don't like a weird skinny dude, an Andy Kaufman, making fun of them and messing with kids.
We're tired of it, okay?
And no matter how many corporations gang up It doesn't matter how many of you pull all this stuff.
We are rejecting you.
So they're trying to collapse us, but they're collapsing themselves in the process.
But here's a bigger one.
People say, oh, you know, get woke, go broke.
That's not really true.
They always tell you that's not successful because, oh, Hollywood's lost trillions, but they're still there.
No, they're bankrupt.
They're just propped up.
They're a zombie.
Here's another example on The Telegraph.
Worst month ever for ESG funds as British investors pull 300 million pounds in one month.
Hundreds of millions have been pulled in the U.S., trillions worldwide, as people go, wait a minute, if I'm invested in BlackRock or Vanguard or these key areas of their funds, I'm supporting cutting off coal power plants and ending oil drilling, and I'm supporting cutting off pipelines, and I'm supporting open borders, and I'm supporting what BlackRock CEO Fink said, where we use control of money to force people to behave the way we want.
We're governing them with money and with the ESG.
So people up front, and attorney generals in the U.S.
and others, are pulling state pension funds out of the ESGs.
And so BlackRock had to say a few months ago they were going to stop supporting the carbon taxes for now, but they got caught using their thousands of billion dollar subsidiaries, and subcompanies they control to do it, and kamikaze-ing They're companies they control, like Target, like Anheuser-Busch, like North Face.
They're being given orders to kamikaze by Fink.
So Fink goes, oh, I'm going to stop this.
Then he kamikazes, promising them, does it matter if you lose 50 billion, 20 billion, 10 billion?
We will rebuild you with fiat money later.
Now I'm giving you an order, attack.
And they attack.
But again, once you understand BlackRock Vanguard, owned by the same people, gets all the government funding and the pension funds and your investment, you're investing in your own destruction.
You can go watch your stock market go up all day, but you're literally destroying your life.
You can individually go invest in the stocks you want.
Don't be with Vanguard.
Don't be with BlackRock.
Takes more time, takes more fees, takes more energy.
But would you like to control your own life?
Instead of a boycott, which you're great, how about a boycott?
Support InfoWars.
Support our broadcasts.
Look at Tucker Carlson.
They ban him, 5 million views to 100 million views.
It's the same thing.
Rally behind who they're attacking.
Rally behind the companies they don't like.
Yeah, are some electric vehicles cool?
Did Elon Musk make amazing cars?
I've driven in a lot of Teslas.
They're cool!
And if they had unlimited energy, and if they weren't cutting off the electricity, and if we had plenty of stuff to make the batteries, which we don't, and they weren't so toxic, I would have electric cars, folks!
But they're trying to make us have them to not have a future and undermine the petrochemical system we have that we have plenty of for a hundred years or more.
So yeah, I'm all for zero point energy cars, or hydrogen cars, or electric cars, but don't give me things that destroy the earth, don't save the planet, are a fraud, as a bridge to nowhere.
You got a Tesla?
I'm not judging you.
You got one of these other cool EVs?
But don't lie to yourself that it goes half as far, and it can't pull as big a load, and it's super toxic.
I mean, do you know what those high-powered batteries do when you're sitting on top of them and they're broadcasting?
Do you think living with a high-wire, high-tension wire, high-powered power cable between your legs is good for you?
The cops learned real quick that sitting there on their motorcycles or in their car with the radar detector between their legs wasn't good.
If you think the radio frequency out of a radar detector is bad, folks, you ain't... And now that's coming out, like, why don't AM radios work in electric cars?
Because they're putting off so much RF, it blocks the signal.
Electric cars, particularly the new high-powered ones, are sitting on top of a particle beam accelerator.
The cables out of those batteries Into that engine are spitting incredible amounts of electricity into there.
Electricity is a particle beam.
And yeah, if they put a 500 pounds of lead shielding on it, your testicles aren't going to roast.
But when you sit there on top of those, you're roasting your testicles.
Just another little news flash for you.
What do you think electricity is?
It's not a laser beam, it's not fiber optic light, it's totally clean.
That's great for communication.
Fiber optic, by the way, is the cleanest best thing there is.
No, it's a particle beam.
It's accelerated electrons and neutrons.
And it'll cook your testicles right off.
And your other organs.
But your testicles are sitting right down next to the cables.
Bye bye testicles!
Remember for decades, starting in the 70s right through into the 2000s, we were told we'd reach peak oil.
And that there would be a new dark age.
We had to get rid of oil and fossil fuels because we would all run out of it.
Despite the fact you can make fuel, diesel out of coal.
We have enough coal around the planet for 10,000 years.
That's discoverable coal.
They have clean ways to use it.
And now, of course, a few years ago, they found the biggest oil discovery in the world, not in the North Sea, not in Alaska, but in West Texas.
In West Texas, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll be getting to some of that in a moment.
But now they just tell you, sorry, we're going to ban oil and natural gas because it's bad for the earth.
Worst month ever for ESG funds as British investors pull massive amounts of money.
But that's okay, because Biden doesn't care.
More than 66% of U.S.
at risk for power outages due to Biden's green transition warn regulators.
And back when Texas two years ago, during that freeze, had the power go off because the feds ordered the state not to increase power output.
Germany faces electricity shortages and can expect to see industries leave the country, reports the government, as their last nuclear plants and coal plants close.
And of course, NATO, along with the US, blew up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
Starting to get the picture of what's going on here?
Then we've got all the crime causing big box stores in blue cities nationwide to close.
Now the owner of San Francisco's largest hotel, the Hilton Union Square, is walking away, surrendering it to its lender, saying the city has collapsed.
This is all done by precision design to destroy the country.
Fort Worth Area Oil Company makes a major discovery in West Texas.
Biggest discovery in U.S.
417 billion cubic feet or 74.2 million barrels in just one field.
And again, my grandfather and my grandmother both were in the oil business after World War II and they both bought modest amounts of land in West Texas and in New Mexico.
And over the years, my grandmother gave most of it to the Baptist Church and to charities.
She was a very frugal woman, but she kept a little bit of it and gave it to my mom like 20 years ago.
And my mom would get like $500 a month or something off this old played out oil field in West Texas, like a hundred acres or something.
I've never been out there.
Suddenly the oil's flooding back into it.
My mother's getting big checks.
Of course, she's giving that to Charity, which is fine, but it gets a little ridiculous at a certain point.
Charity starts at home, but the issue I'm getting here is these oil fields fill back up.
It's like the planet's living, or like somebody put it here all for us.
Show all of that BS about peak oil is just that baloney.
And again, the earth used to have higher carbon dioxide.
Plants used to grow bigger and healthier.
Humans used to be healthier.
They've dug up the bones.
In the last 10,000 years, the level of carbon dioxide has gone way down.
And it's a great thing we found all this and have been burning it.
It's life-giving.
All the real studies show that.
And then this pro-death cult that's hijacked the world tells you it's bad and lists carbon dioxide as a poison gas.
Because the public is scientifically ignorant.
It's not carbon monoxide that'll kill you dead in a hammer.
It's carbon dioxide.
But that's like if you go out, and we've done this ourselves, so have Penn and Teller.
You can go out to university, any libtard area.
One time Liam McAdoo did it.
The guy was like, yeah, I got a degree in chemistry from Cornell.
I agree, we should ban dihydrogen monoxide.
She's like, dehydrogen monoxide is really, it's everywhere, it's used in industrial stuff, can make you increase your urination.
Of course, it's water.
But it sounds scary, dihydrogen monoxide.
Have you heard the technical name for salt?
Oh, most people say bayonet.
I think if they said ban oxygen, because it's carbon, the media would agree with it, the public would agree with it.
They'd say, let's do it, because, I mean, the Netherlands banning, right now, half their farms, 90% by 2030.
Creates one third, no, not one third, it's the world's third largest food exporter.
But you heard John Kerry a week and a half ago, we must shut down farms to stop starvation.
We must shut down food production or people will starve.
We must slit our throats, or we might bleed.
We must pour gasoline on ourselves and light it, or we might burn up.
We must play in traffic, or we might get hurt.
We must jump off a 50-story building, or we might fall to our deaths.
We must shoot ourselves in the head, or we might... Speaking of that, let me go ahead and get to this little tidbit.
There's other ways to commit suicide we'll get to as well, like bringing in a bunch of radical Islamics, putting them on welfare and watching them go crazy.
Why Elliot Page is speaking out about being trans in this climate of such intense hostility?
What, you want to sterilize our kids and cut their body parts off and have Hellraiser movies about it and we don't like it so we're like, this is crazy?
It turns out, the once beautiful young woman and quote, movie and TV star, here she is, here she is now, A skinny dude had her breast tissue removed, and now it turns out she actually put this on her Instagram.
Elliot Page has revealed to the Los Angeles Times that she realized she was transgender when she started hearing and talking to a voice in her head following a psychotic episode of self-harm.
Days later, a doctor gave approval for her breast to be removed.
One night, he tried to knock himself out, took his knuckles to his face and pounded over and over until bruises formed.
He did.
For days after, the mentally ill woman sat in a lawn chair on the porch, ashamed of his face sore.
And then he heard a voice.
You don't have to feel this way.
Cut your breast off.
Yes, I'm sorry.
Cut your, swing your hair, cut your breast off.
Oh, oh, the daughter.
Oh, you hear voices say cut body parts off.
Yes, let's cut those off right now.
I heard a voice.
It told me to cut my son's five-year-old penis off.
Oh, let's do that right away.
And it said make a big bleeding wound that never heals and tortures him, I mean her, first of all.
Yes, yes, let's, let's, let's start the surgery right away.
It was a small voice, barely discernible.
But it kept echoing in his head, a way out.
It was as if something in my brain turned around, recalls Page, now 36.
The agonizing voice saying, no, no you're not, you can't be switched off and become very gentle and loving.
Or maybe I'm trans.
Why don't I explore that?
Within weeks, he, a woman, scheduled a Zoom consultation with a doctor to discuss top surgery.
The procedure was scheduled for November.
A month later, he, a woman that cut her breast off, announced to fans on Instagram, who have known him since the release of Juno, 13 years prior, that his name was Elliot.
Your voice!
Cut your penis off!
Yes, voice!
Jump off the cliff!
Cut your genitals off!
Take the butcher knife!
Cut the genitals off!
Do it now!
Yes, master!
Kill the children!
Go into the school!
Kill them!
Take the butcher knife!
Go to the playground and stab the children!
Yes, I will!
I mean...
No, no.
Seek medical assistance.
Doctor, what do I do?
Well, obviously, we'll sign you right up.
You got insurance?
We'll get rid of that penis or that uterus or those breasts right away.
And then when you get depressed and kill yourself later, it's because they didn't embrace you and attack you.
These horrible, crazy people that don't want you cutting parts of your body off, they're the bad ones.
They're coming to take me away.
And we're the crazy ones because we don't want to do that.
End of civilization level stuff.
We'll look at Big Mike when we come back.
There's some big developments in the Big Mike saga.
Oh, and like I told you, it's hard for the Russians to invade a country with high-tech weapons the U.S.
gave them, but it was hard to then invade the Russian-held areas.
It takes three to one superiority to do that, and the Ukrainians got slaughtered.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
All right, so Jack Smith, the U.N.
prosecutor at the U.N.
Puppet International Criminal Court, where there's no jury, it's just a star chamber.
He was a big Democrat Party donor, but his wife Followed Michelle for years and did a made-for-TV reality show with her for Netflix with a big mic.
So these people are heavily embedded with the real puppet president of the third administration.
A Barack Obama that is ongoing, but has now decided to just disqualify the actual will of the people and not let us have who we want for president.
Though they're never involved in election meddling, even when they do it in plain view.
So, here's Joan Rivers a few weeks before she died, talking about what everybody knows is the truth.
And I'm not joking when I say it.
We even know the name of him, where he went to football when he did.
And I don't dislike Big Mike.
Because he wanted to be a woman.
And Obama wanted to be able to marry his boyfriend.
Or the fact that the daughters really aren't their daughters.
That's well known.
This is how they blackmail and control Obama.
It's all part of the big joke in all our faces.
Look, if Big Mike wants to be, you know, dressed up like a woman, that's fine.
It's just that we're going to talk about the fact that Jack Smith, the human prosecutor's wife, works for him.
That's a major conflict of interest.
So here's Joan Rivers talking about Big Mike.
Rivers, how are you?
You made a ton of news officiating the wedding in New York yesterday.
Is this like a new cottage career move for you?
I am so excited.
And I should do very well because I don't charge.
And do you think that the United States will see the first gay president or the first woman president?
Well, we already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down.
You know Michelle is a tramp.
I'm sorry, she's a what?
A transgender. We all know.
Oh my gosh.
Oh gosh. It's okay.
And there's photos of Obama in college and after college with his boyfriend.
I mean, in his own publications.
Before he got the hair extensions and all the rest of it.
So, we'll put some of that up on screen for you.
You know, that's how this all works, ladies and gentlemen.
And they all think we're idiots.
They all think we're morons.
They all think we're fools.
And it's a cult.
Absolute, total, and complete cult.
That's coming after our children.
And the world is rejecting it.
Again, I don't hate adults.
That want to try to be another sex.
I just don't have to pay for it.
And don't promote it to kids.
Don't promote any of it to kids.
Yeah, show some pictures of Big Mike.
Yeah, there you go.
Those are real photos.
That's Big Mike like 25 years ago starting to transition.
Hey, go ahead and play the clip guys.
This is, uh, Obama calls, he's done this twice, on the stage, Michelle Obama, Michael, here it is.
Most of all, Admiral Mullen, Deborah, Michael and I also want to acknowledge your son Jack, who's deployed today.
All of you have performed extraordinary service to our country.
He does it other times, too.
Calls her Michael.
So, it's all just part of a joke, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, look.
I mean, if you haven't been around Michelle Obama, I've just seen photos up close, videos, like, next to big dudes.
I mean, we're talking linebacker material NFL here.
That's just the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
That's the reality.
But don't worry, Jack Smith works for him, so everything is a-okay.
Here's the photo I wanted to show, though.
Overhead shot, please.
Michelle Obama is a man.
It's the screenshot of that.
And you can see Michelle Obama.
Michelle Obama right there.
So, it's all part of the big joke.
All part of the big game.
All part of flaunting it in our face.
And hell, the same group tells us two men can have a baby.
And that, you know, two women can have a baby in prison, but it's a biological man raping them.
You know, I haven't gotten to this footage, and I really don't want to air it, but because the EU is threatening and keeping it from airing, I'm going to air it.
What I'm going to do is I'm going to do it in the first five minutes of the next hour.
I'm going to show multiple young babies and citizens of France, eight people, stabbed, some in critical condition, stabbed in the face, the abdomen, by an Islamic nutball, running around at a city park in France.
And we're going to tie that together with all of the major gun control initiatives That are now unfolding and being announced and being pushed around the world.
So I'm going to do that before our special guest on all this UFO activity and what just happened in Las Vegas where the multiple police body cams pick up a big spinning green thing that falls out of the sky.
There's a huge crashing noise.
And then the police go to where it fell and people are freaking out saying that there are 10 foot, 8 to 10 foot green aliens running around their backyard.
And the police took it as very credible because they heard the crash.
It got picked up on ring cameras, everything, the big crash.
And I don't know what's going on, but it's totally insane.
But we know there's a larger PSYOP dealing with all of this.
And so, as I said, I think on Monday, or was it Tuesday, on Crowder, expect more and more of this weirdness to start happening.
Because whatever you want to call it, demonic activity, blooming, government manipulations, it is intensifying.
Continuing with all the censorship, woke Marvel eliminates the Punisher due to problematic conservative fan base.
So, because a lot of military people liked the Punisher and adopted it, Marvel is removing and getting rid of the character for good.
Which just shows total control.
Idaho team banned from walking at graduation.
Loses job for saying there are only two genders.
Boy, we're really in a free country, aren't we?
Oh, but now Anheuser-Busch has got 60% down in sales with Bud Light.
So you push your war, we'll push ours.
We know you're trying to force us to do something.
You know, the left could be trying to force me to drink pure, clean water.
But if they were pushing my head down to make me do it, I'd say, hey, I'm not going to do this because you tell me to.
You're not in charge of me.
You're not my God.
But they're not pushing us to eat our Wheaties and drink water.
They are pushing us to let them have relationships with sexualized children because they can screw them up for life and get control of them.
That's all they're doing.
They admit it in the corporate documents that have been covered for 20-something years that they want relationships with kids to sexualize them and then connect that sexual identity to a political party.
To corporatism, to socialism, to leftist garbage.
I mean, this is sick.
It's a cult.
It's a gang.
You keep your kid away from MS-13 or the KKK, Well, the KKK and MS-13 are not trying to cut your son's penis off or your daughter's breast off and trying to have sex with them when they're eight years old.
So as much as I don't like the KKK or MS-13 or the new Black Panther Party, they are the least of our problems compared to the corporate agenda selling all this.
So much more jam-packed, massive third hour today.
Special guests I'll tell you about when they join us in a moment.
Viewer discretion advised.
I'm going to get to this Islamic rat.
Uh, running around doing this and how the media is trying to cover it up.
Man, I wish somebody had a gun.
But I guess if it was, if you shot him here in Austin, the Soros DA would indict you.
But at least, you know, the kids wouldn't be dead and dying.
By the way, I'm serious.
He just let a guy out that was caught raping six women, the Soros DA.
He raped a sixth woman and broke her leg.
They released him four times.
He was just given probation after he admits he raped her and broke her leg and tore her clothes off on the hiking bike trail.
And the DA said, man, you're on probation.
I'm not saying go rape the DA, in fact don't, but if somebody randomly tied him down in the Travis County or Austin, you know, high-rise or parking garage, somebody waited until he got out, I'm not saying do this, it's hypothetical, and hogtied him and then raped him and then just broke his leg for good measure, you'd spend life in prison, guaranteed.
But if you rape five, six women, sweetheart, You're free as a bird.
Because I'm George Soros' minion, and I'm here to bring it all.
All liberal, baby!
By the way, they haven't taken the sell down yet, but it's going down today, I'm told.
X3 selling out, 25% off.
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Super Mill's selling out, but it's 40% off one bottle, 50% off the second bottle, and it's the same formula as Super Mill Vitality.
So it hasn't been 50% off in a long time.
It is right now at InfoWareStore.com.
More than 30 years ago, the French government followed other EU nations in confiscating even the hunting rifles.
First they banned the semi-auto, then they banned personal defense, then they banned everything.
Here's some headlines today about it.
Weapons amnesty begins for French owners of illegal arms, which is all guns.
That was November of last year.
Well, it's the last week this week.
France launches week-long campaign to collect personal firearms.
Last chance and the amnesty just ended.
Well, right on time, one of the five million Islamics brought in to France in just the last decade, 90% of them are on welfare and never get a job, giant areas are no-go zones.
Well, Mr. Cool here went out and went to a park and stabbed four babies and four women.
What a tough guy.
Some are fighting for their lives.
Stabbed them with a butcher knife.
Remember the old Alex Jones song?
I'm gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
I'm gonna stab your wife, your son.
And then the police chief says, we love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
You know, we got our special guest coming up.
Can we get...
The version that Robb Due added documents to to prove everything I was saying.
The Alex Jones does Bon Iver song.
It had like 20 million views when they took it off YouTube.
Somebody re-uploaded it and it's got like 10 million views the last time I saw it.
It had like 300 million views on Spotify when they took that down.
300 million views!
That's a platinum triple record right there.
We're very proud of it.
But I shouldn't make jokes about it.
Here is a bunch of women howling and screaming.
And no one even told him, hey, you're in a super high crime country, the Muslims literally feed on you, like jackals on field mice or something.
Maybe you should have a butcher knife.
Maybe you should have a club or something.
You just scream and scream as he plunges the knife lovingly.
And it was a Soros prosecutor like, here, he'll walk.
Because we deserve it.
We deserve it.
We deserve the kiss of Islamic love.
Here it is.
Oh, man.
Well, I'd take that knife away from him and shove it right up his throat.
Nice guy.
Just stab that lady.
Hey, why aren't we showing the censored version?
Let's show him stabbed the baby in the head.
Guys, get the uncensored.
We want everybody to see what we're not supposed to see.
Now he comes over to the baby carriage, he's got a couple of stabs in.
But hey, he's... They're white, he's brown.
They deserve it.
Imagine you wake up in the morning, "I think I'll drop by the local jungle gym and stab
some babies and toddlers."
So, this is a very nice person.
And then a man starts chasing him and he runs off.
I wonder if a Soros prosecutor, because he's putting them in there too, will arrest that evil white man that tried to fight him with a book bag and then actually got the knife out of his hand and stopped him so he ran off.
Man, they ought to arrest that guy with the, uh...
With the backpack that fought the guy with the knife?
What a frickin' white supremacist!
Did you see that KKK grand dragon attack that god?
It was just trying to free France.
But I mean, the French are committing suicide, but they love it!
They love it!
They love their Macron!
They lo- Actually, they don't love it.
But, they have their guns taken away.
It's actually very, very sad.
But this is how the West is committing suicide, and this is where it's going.
But his instinct is, these are non-Muslims, they gotta die.
Just like some towns in the UK have thousands of little kids, the youngest eight kidnapped by Muslims in sex slavery, and the police won't do anything.
In fact, in most cities, they're involved in it.
Because the Brits roll over, the French roll over.
If you roll over, the wolves get you.
Stop acting like sheep.
Become sheepdogs.
Stop being soft targets.
Fight back.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones is bone of the air or Bon Iver.
Potato patata.
Then we'll get our special guest.
This is what, a seven-year-old music video.
Hundreds of millions of views and listens.
And it's been, they've tried to censor it, but it gets re-uploaded constantly.
And then we're going to b-roll over our little Islamic friend running around stabbing women and children at a playground over it.
Here it is.
I've had enough of these people.
They're a bunch of Christian murderous scum.
They run giant death factories keeping babies alive.
And selling their body parts.
What more do you need to know about these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They literally crawl out from under us.
They have green looking skin.
And they run around screaming we love Satan.
We wanna eat babies.
I fucking love Satan, so fuck you!
I kill my kids!
♪ Imagine how bad she smells, man ♪ I'm told her and Obama just stink.
There's a guy on the radio who apparently trumps on his show frequently.
He said me and Hillary are demons.
Said we smell like sulfur.
Ain't that something?
I have never seen or smelled any woman like that.
People are telling me she smells.
Who could not notice someone who smelled that bad?
We're such self-centered crap.
We don't even notice and it's self-rising up against us.
Millions of pointed people of the very worst type and I'm so pissed.
We're gonna stab your daughter at the mall.
We're gonna stab your wife, your son.
We're gonna stab you with a butcher knife.
And then the police chief is gonna say, We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
I was watching Fox News as I worked out this morning, and they had the police chief on making excuses from that town in Minnesota.
And they had the Fox News host, this is the Fair and Balanced channel, going, Donald Trump really stepped in at this time.
He said it was a bombing before it had officially been called a bombing.
and Hillary's on him and she's got some really good points.
Well he was on with us two three months ago and predicted that the system would start staging more fake UFO invasions
and attacks.
There's a larger, deeper PSYOP to this.
And now we'll get to it coming up in about 30 minutes when we get to the current stuff and some of the latest stuff when we get to this.
A big blue UFO crashes in Vegas and people see eight ten-foot aliens running around their backyard and the police see it crash.
I mean, this is PSYOP written all over it, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm not saying aliens couldn't be real, couldn't be happening, but the ongoing psyop of an intel officer says that they've seen the bodies of the craft.
He's the first intel officer to say it.
It's like 50 of them have said this.
And so what's the bigger implication here?
What's really going on and why are they hyping it up now?
Dark journalist.
Is what he goes by, is an independent reporter and filmmaker from Cambridge, Mass., who coined the term dark journalism to introduce crucial ideas and areas of research and investigation that the mainstream media refuses to touch.
And he has a weekly live video series that reaches hundreds of millions of people total.
His documentary, X Project Aerospace Assassins, tells the story of a shadowy group inside the National Security State Defense Gun Director Aerospacing Wing.
Darkjournalist.com on YouTube, Dark Journalist.
Okay, good to have you here.
I want to try to give you the floor the next 10 minutes or so to just lay out big picture what's happening.
I want to drill into so many areas that are unfolding and do you think I'm right that this is part of the rollout of the ongoing PSYOP or is something different happening?
Great to have you here with us.
It's great to be here, Alex.
Thank you very much.
I think that you're right on the right track and it's interesting.
I keep bringing the UFO threat aspect into campaign 2024.
It has to be right at the forefront of those campaigns.
So when you have Trump out there and you have Bobby Kennedy out there, these guys are deep in their family and their background with the UFO file.
And that puts them on a very level playing field with the people that are giving them so much trouble.
And it's the missing element in so much of this reporting when it comes to the presidential race.
It has to be brought forward.
This is a good time to do it because the system itself, this deeper state, I call them the ex-protect folks who are holding the UFO secret.
This part, they're really playing for all the marbles right now.
So what you're saying is this could bring down the deep state.
It was Kennedy set up NASA.
And of course Trump's got family heavily involved in it and heavily involved in the Tesla technology.
And Trump talks about SpaceX and he talks about Space Force and suppressed information.
They're really threatening the establishment with the fact that we've got a breakaway civilization that if it gets caught is going to pose as aliens.
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, that's actually, there's so many good points in there because crucial to this is that Trump, when he sits across the table from them, when he got involved in this, if you go back far enough in his history, you run into his uncle, John Trump, who was directly connected and was the mentor.
He was mentored by Vannevar Bush, who controlled the UFO file.
And Vannevar Bush controlled the UFO file for three decades.
So, you know, John Trump, who Trump brings up over and over again when he gets
into these, you know, informal settings and interviews and stuff.
He'll just start talking about his uncle for some reason.
And there's a key reason for that, which is he's deep on the UFO file.
He doesn't talk openly and come out with it.
He's always hinting around about it.
When he created the Space Force, that was a clear attempt to pull that X technology, the hidden technology, back under executive branch control when it got lost right in that period of Eisenhower and Kennedy.
And that's a major piece and a major problem that they have with Trump beyond America First and beyond his other issues is that when he sits across the table from them, he's got Roy Cohn in his background.
Well, Roy Cohn was part of Defense Intelligence Security Command.
And Cohn has a big, deep aerospace footprint.
So when we go back and we look at the forces behind Trump putting him in that position, the UFO file is a big key piece, but it's very rarely talked about.
Incredible information.
Why do you think suddenly the whole corporate system is promoting aliens?
I mean, I've never seen such a push.
What's going on?
They started in earnest five years ago with the TTSA and the New York Times article.
This whole piece, that's the UFO threat on steroids.
They needed that part and they needed it quickly.
You know, I'm fond of saying when I do my show that if you thought the COVID op was something, just wait till they get to the UFO threat op because that really gives them total power.
And they have a number of things in place for continuity of government emergency control related to the UFO file.
And the problem is that the field that covers UFOs is not very deep.
They don't have any of the deep state knowledge around this, and that's a big problem.
They think the CIA is going to give them disclosure.
That's this latest whistleblower.
He comes straight out of intelligence and NRO, which was an organization that was around for 30 years before anyone even knew it existed.
That's how secret those guys are.
That's the head start that they have.
And Grush is the whistleblower's name, and he's come out And put things on the record, but he hasn't presented any evidence for anything.
So when we get to this, we see this is another piece of this long-standing thing.
And they rolled it out with Tom DeLonge and the To The Stars Academy thing.
They thought, hey, you know, we'll put this kind of Bobo Rockstar as the face of it.
That didn't work so well.
So now they're trying a lot of other Intel people.
But if you look even one inch deep into these people, they're connected to the same group that's been pushing this over the last five years, and that's all Intel.
Well, you're really the guy that focuses on this more than anybody, and I know that Greer basically is saying a lot of the similar things to you, that they've got this whole fake program so they can control populations, but they're also trying to block other real stuff.
What's your overall, from your deep research, your cosmology, your dead reckoning on what's really going on?
Yeah, it's a great question, actually, because there is a real UFO file.
And a lot of the things that they're doing to obscure the UFO file is to give us false versions of it.
And that includes the grey aliens and this whole thing.
There's a real factor involved.
You know, there's someone here from somewhere else.
But there's also the incredible development of human technology and that gets us into a whole historical piece because we have those explanations in history.
We've had shows about it for years, ancient aliens and Von Daniken and all that.
But it does tie into some of the older stories around the mystery schools holding this technology after a very advanced civilization.
Had the technology.
They had flight.
You know, you look at things like the Nazca lines, for example.
And you know that we had flight because you can't see those things without being in the air.
Things like the Great Pyramid, etc.
We understand, when we look at that, that there was something unexplained, a chapter missing in history, a kind of an amnesia incident.
And now we're going forward and they're redeveloping the technology and those secret societies have access to that history.
And if you detail it and go through it, you can see that this whole wave around aerospace actually started in the 19th century.
Wow, continue.
When I'm looking at groups like, you know, the Delshow Aerospace Group, and that whole thing is connected to the Trump family.
It's in those paintings, and we're lucky to have those paintings.
Delshow was an artist.
Whose paintings were brought out in the end of the 20th century, but he was around in the 19th century, early 20th century, and he was making these incredible paintings of airships and things.
Well, interestingly enough, right in the middle of this, there was Trump 45.
And, you know, this thing has been displayed in museums.
It's not a hoax and all the rest.
So there's some older connection with that.
And so when you get John Trump coming in to MIT and being greenlit, By Vannevar Bush to get into space research.
And then you have Trump bringing out the Space Force, which no one really talks about what's going on with Trump there and the Space Force.
Why did, was he the person to create this whole different unit?
That is directly related.
That's sort of his effort to pull the UFO file under his control when he was president.
And I think a lot of the people and the reason that Biden hasn't done much with the Space Force is because it's honeycomb with Trump people.
And he was coming from a totally different place on this.
So there's been a background battle going on, and this goes into black projects, and it's not in the public side.
The public basically sees on the surface assassinations, you know, we see all these battles, people trying to put other people in prison, get them, you know, out of presidential politics and all the rest of it.
It's directly related to this advanced technology question.
The thing about the advanced technology is it's exotic technology, so it doesn't ascribe to normal scientific patterns in this way.
We're talking about a technology that, you know, blows the minds of the people who are working on it and very often the people that they get to experiment with it can't use it because unless you have a certain type of ability, in many cases it's psychic abilities, you can't operate anything about the UFO crash retrieval technology.
And I've talked to some high-level people in NASA off-record, and it wasn't Raymond Teague, he was in Mission Control over the cameras and communications, and he said there was a lot of secret stuff going on, but I talked to other people, and NASA's really a cover program for psychic ability, clairvoyance, you name it, and that's what they're really scooping up the best minds and young children Uh, really beyond MKUltra, not to create assassins like the CIA was doing, but trying to find children that can immediately psychically recognize all these communication patterns and languages, and it looks like it is for some type of alien technology.
Is that what your research is finding?
Yeah, that's right.
That's exactly the area we should be looking in with this.
And too often they're trying to push us into the, oh, there's, you know, there's an alien and it's a threat.
And the whole thing about the development of Arrow, which is this office that Senator Gillibrand and Senator Rubio put together, that's all about having a UFO defense office or UFO DOE, as I call it.
Um, and they got that attached to the National Defense Authorization Act for the first time last year, and this is an extraordinary thing because... And again, that's why they're hyping the aliens are going to attack us when clearly it looks like drones, you know, advanced vehicles harassing our own people, probably our own government doing it.
They're now actually getting money for the first time, not to fight other humans, but to fight aliens.
And this is, this is extraordinary because, uh, when you're looking at this, You know, I call it the breakaways breaking back in because they've been keeping this breakaway technology at least since the 1930s.
So, you know, in my research, it goes further back, but I'll just deal with it on that clip.
And that includes literally, you know, assassinating personalities.
That is, taking these people down in the public eye and ruining the career of certain astronomers and other people.
One of the guys who was the interface in the middle of this was J. Allen Hynek, who tried to bring out Disclosure in the 1970s.
Well, what's very interesting about him is, in private, when someone asked him what was the answer to the UFO file, he said it was in Rudolf Steiner's book, Theosophy.
And so for me, you know, for someone on that deep level who originally was in Blue Book, the public Blue Book, not CIA Blue Book, which was the real program, but he was in public Blue Book and then he came out and said, you know, Blue Book was a sham and I want to bring you the real thing and close encounters and all that.
And he died there in the early 80s.
But for him to track this back to a public mystery school and the work of Rudolf Steiner, for example, Is extraordinary and gives us a much better idea of what the UFO file is really all about.
Well, if you look at Skull and Bones and all these groups, they're trying to contact interdimensional entities they call angels or offworld or not of this realm.
So the elites do believe they're in contact with these things and getting divine inspiration.
So it sounds insane to us, but they're really into it.
course Steiner believed that there were you know higher dimensions connections
with that and all this going on and you're saying these these government
UFO high-level people were basically saying that that it's not so much
off-world as it's interdimensional? Yeah exactly.
And when you get into, well, if you look at Steiner's Cosmology Anthroposophy, you're dealing with Ahrimanic forces.
And when you look at what he says for the 21st century, he's really talking about a technological takeover.
And he's talking about this astral force, Ahriman, that comes in.
And Ahriman is a strange name for him to be using.
It comes out of Persian mythology.
But it's one of those names that's sort of vouchsafe back there.
But his stuff became so predictive that, you know, we often hear about people and their predictions and things that don't come true.
But this guy was writing, you know, in 1910, 1920, and he's looking out into the 21st century and he's predicting the Internet and all these other things.
And the idea... Yeah, spend a few minutes for people who don't know, because I've only... I read like one of his books and scanned some of his research and his architecture and things, but for people who don't know about Steiner, what a visionary he was, whether he was right or just theoretically a genius, he predicted the modern world.
Tell people about some of the things Steiner developed.
Yeah, it's an excellent point.
Steiner's an Austrian mystic and, you know, he definitely was a genius and a scholar in that period.
And he was part of theosophy, which was a rollout of these mystery techniques.
It included things like psychic development back in the 19th century.
You know, it created a lot of the spiritualism craze.
But he broke away from that because he thought it was getting too Eastern.
And he thought, oh, this is a period for the Western initiators.
This is the deeper mystery school aspects.
And the idea was that there was basically a war inside those secret societies and mystery schools in the 19th century.
Many of them didn't want to bring out a lot of these secrets involving our history and true history, Atlantis and things of this nature, because they were used to keeping secrets.
But the other group was looking at it and saying, in a decade we won't recognize humanity if we don't do this because of this scientific materialism.
And he drew that in his cosmology into Ahriman, which is that force and spirit he predicted for the 21st century would be coming through the technology.
And that would be the great challenge for humanity.
But this is someone who developed biodynamic farming, for example.
He developed the Waldorf schools for early childhood education.
and Eurythmy, which is a movement theater, you know, that goes all around the globe
with these performances.
And right in the middle of that, Rudolf Steiner is somebody who, you know,
those schools, one of the first things that happened during the vaccine craze is those schools
were heavily attacked because those people who were familiar with Steiner's concepts
knew that he had predicted things about a vaccine that would remove someone's spiritual connection
and that this would be a great challenge in the 21st century.
There are quotes of him saying that that are kind of rifling around the internet, but in fact, it's true.
I've read the particular book where he said that 100 years ago.
So looking at this, With this Armand thing, he says, coming through the machines, the ghost of the machine, in other religious cosmology or in Jungian archetypes, is this like a Mordor figure, or is it an evil figure, or what is it?
It is.
It's the embodiment.
It's the Mephistopheles character.
It's the true devil in that sense.
And he said he's tied up in the earthly evolution in anthroposophy.
That's the way he describes it.
But the idea is that it's a challenge for humanity to take this on at this particular time.
And what Steiner was saying was this force was trying to develop something
he called the eighth sphere.
And the eighth sphere is basically a virtual reality zone.
You know, when I see what they're doing with meta and the metaverse and all that, I can see it.
You project yourself into this world and then basically you become the puppet of that thing.
And it's like the matrix.
I mean, so many of those things from Twin Peaks to the matrix to all these things,
they all borrowed from Steiner, but they never mentioned him.
And he had so many of these concepts deep there.
But it's a warning, I could say that he spent basically about 40 years.
Developing this, and you know, he was in Germany, he was in Austria, the Nazis tried to run him out, they burnt down his Gurtianum, and they saw him as a competitor on the esoteric side, because their whole movement was wrapped up deeply as well with this.
And, you know, they were deep in the occult on their own end.
But Ahriman is interesting in this, which is that Steiner decided at a certain point to tune into it, and that sculpture you were just showing there is something that he sculpted himself about this force.
And he said that when he tuned into it, he felt heavy, like he was in concrete.
And then he realized that this force, this Ahrimanic force, was trying to make Humanity into a gigantic deep freeze.
This is where we get the nuclear piece.
This is where they get the technology piece.
It's pure mineral consciousness.
It's synthetic.
It's silicon anti-carbon.
When you get into AI and so many of the transhumanist aspects, that's pure RMI.
I mean, Steiner was a century ahead of his time on that.
He psychically saw the future imprint of the silicon alien takeover.
And there's an interesting crisscross there with what we call alien also, because he does say that there's something trying to interfere with our life way.
Oh, well, stay there.
Let's explain this, because here's the deal, folks.
We're all looking for little green men in tin cans falling out of the sky.
This is, this is beyond, this is all dimensions.
It's a force that wants us to build our own destruction.
That's what a real adversary does.
It doesn't show up like we think of and line up like a revolutionary war and shoot each other with muskets and little green men with laser beams zapping us.
That's not how it works.
It's a spiritual seduction.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Alright, I've been on air 29 years and one of the biggest criticisms I ever got from listeners was We cover UFOs less than mainstream media.
And if you're quote a conspiracy show, why haven't you covered it?
And it's because I've been studying it and looking at it for so long and realizing that most of it is advanced government and corporate technology.
And then also knowing that the different esoteric schools, the different mystery schools, and it goes right back to all the ancient texts, the Middle East and Asia, was that we are visited by these off-world creatures and they have manipulated the development of humans and the creatures even say they work for something that they say is God.
So you have the cosmology of Christianity with the angels, the fallen angels.
But if I couldn't get people to admit there were COG martial law plans when that was legislation, or that vaccines are having cancer viruses added to it when that's in the mainline documents, why should I get into all this?
But now, as I've said the last six, seven years, as they get ready to really go with this alien takeover invasion idea to really unify the planet under their control, now is the time to talk about it.
They don't make jokes about this around the billionaires and the elites.
They know it's very real, but they say, we're gonna be God.
We're in a race to merge the machines.
We're making new creatures.
We're making silicon and synthetic DNA.
So while we're thinking about the Hollywood image of the little gray men, the little flying saucer from Hollywood, and all these intelligence officers saying, oh yeah, little gray men, little flying saucers, that blinds you To the fact that they're making new synthetic life forms.
They're merging animals and humans.
They're saying, we're creating a new AI life form.
Yuval Harari, I played the clip yesterday, said, we're going to make AI gods soon.
It'll rule you.
So that's the issue.
And I see this all as a diversion.
You're a polite guy, but you're also a really smart dark journalist, darkjournalist.com.
Just get in the big picture in the time we have left and cover the waterfront for us.
What you think's really going on, what you think's about to happen.
Oh, that's great.
I appreciate it.
I, um, you know, what's happening really is the UFO threat is on overdrive and there's a program back there.
And I'm glad that you've talked about continuity of government all these years because it's a crucial piece with this because they've looked at different areas where they can seize those emergency powers through continuity of government.
And the COG program is something that I got into in college because of Professor Scott's work.
And Professor Scott was on to this before anybody.
He was writing about it.
And you know, there we have someone really from the left coast.
So this is not a left or right issue.
This is something everyone needs to know about.
And he realized there were tremendous resources pouring into this program and no one knew anything about it.
And this is a program that came out directly of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations to create massive underground bunkers in the event of a nuclear attack.
But later they started to develop their own communications network.
And the idea was generally a good one at first, which is you're going to survive a nuclear war with the Russians, just in case you'll need a secondary government.
Well, over time, they morphed that and changed the wording to say nuclear emergency to any emergency.
And Dick Cheney was heavily involved with that planning, along with Donald Rumsfeld, North, and that whole gang in the 80s.
And what that group did is they went to Reagan with a scientist named Norm Berggren.
And Berggren said, I'm looking at gigantic craft in the rings of Saturn.
And he wrote later a book called Ringmakers of Saturn.
And this guy was a NASA scientist.
And this apparently scared Reagan, who knew all about the UFO file.
And there was a famous story about him hosting Steven Spielberg at the White House.
And when they played E.T., when they turned the movie off, he said, everyone in this room knows that that's actually an autobiography story.
It's the real thing.
It's not fiction.
And, you know, Spielberg went over to him and shook his hand and said, thank you for admitting that.
And, you know, so they had this other 80s piece.
And we know Reagan talked extensively about the world joining against an alien threat.
Mikhail Gorbachev came out and talked about this with Charlie Rose before Rose went down in this big sex scandal.
And he's sitting there in this room in New York and he says, you know, actually Reagan took me aside in Reykjavik and said, will you help us fight the aliens, you know, and will you help us in this alien invasion?
And he said he was absolutely serious when he said it.
Now, this is one of the reasons why they like to keep these leaders away from each other, because when they get together without State Department interference, they'll talk about the UFO file.
And that is the biggest secret inside the U.S.
government, far beyond the nuclear secrets.
And, you know, the type of technology that they have in relation to the UFO file surpasses As a matter of fact, I've heard them talk in their own documents saying that the torsion physics around the UFO file make the nuclear program look like a firecracker.
So when we think of it that way, we have to really understand the level of secrecy that they're keeping it on, but also the intense advantage that they have as a ruling structure.
So the UFO file is the biggest secret that they have, and what they need to do is find a way, after having developed this breakaway Group this breakaway technology to break it back in because they have the advantage of the technology they want to profit from it They want to consolidate and they don't want the entire culture to freak out while they're doing that Realizing that they're operating on a totally different level than the public and that the public's been footing the bill Not only for that but for an entirely secret space infrastructure.
This is what we've been dealing with Can we go back?
Because I remember reading about that later, where the top NASA official with these super-powered telescopes seeing giant craft in the rings of Saturn.
And then I've talked to NASA officials, but it's come out even on the Discovery Channel.
It's real.
The Apollo missions then being followed by craft.
Now the Russian, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Indian probes go to the moon, something blows them up.
Is that the U.S.
doing it or something else?
But even if it's the U.S.
now, who was there following the Apollo program every time?
And this is the nature of the problem when you go back into that era.
If you look at a number of these missions, they all get thwarted.
And, you know, missions to Mars, when we send out these rovers and things, they get completely thrown off course.
So somebody else is operating in the space.
That's crucial.
Number one, they understood that during the development of the moon programs, they were tipped off about that by the paperclip Nazi scientists who've been studying it for a long time and were way ahead on that Nazi rocket program.
So by the time you get to NASA, basically one of the big ideas is we need to go up there and we need to see who else is operating up there and we need to be able to maintain the secrecy around that because if you find yourself going to the moon or Mars and you find ruins there extensively, well it blows away, you know, everything that you've been saying about there are no off-world civilizations.
So there's a big problem in relation to NASA.
It's the ultimate secret keeper.
And, you know, they developed it and they got people involved.
One of the guys who was involved directly with NASA was Lloyd Berkner.
And he was somebody who headed up the Robertson Panel, which was the UFO study in 1952.
So the NASA UFO crisscross is huge.
There's a weird little historical footnote about Berkner as well, which is the person that Kennedy was going to see when he was, you know, about to get assassinated in Dallas, the person at the trademark that he was going to hand the White House flag to was Lloyd Berkner, and they were going to make a statement together.
So, that's just very unusual when you think of Berkner.
You know, he was one of these guys inside the Robertson panel, the early UFO development and the early UFO secrecy.
And I think what you're looking at there is, we have an entirely different history on one hand.
Two, an entirely different technology.
And that technology secures an advantage in science, in medicine, you know, in space travel.
And the idea that we haven't gone back to the moon in 50 years, you know, proves that out.
Suddenly they're like, hey, we're going back to the moon.
Well, what have you been doing for 50 years?
Well, let's raise this point.
Then I see them discrediting things and putting out their own disinfo movements, like nobody censors the Flat Earthers, and I actually see that being pushed to where they go, oh no, nothing you've been told is real, even though I can look at a telescope, my own personal telescope, see the moons of Saturn, see it turning, you see things are spheres, that's what it is, but then people discredit the whole system, they say, no, it must all be a lie, and I really see the system Pushing an anti-science understanding and really dumbing the public down so they have no understanding of what's happening to them.
And the flat earth is the best example of that.
That's pure psyop brought to you by the intelligence agencies.
And, you know, no one with a brain believes anything about the flat earth.
It's absurd.
Well, they say stuff like, if the earth's spinning at 25 or 30,000 miles an hour, why don't we fly off of it?
How do you sit in an airplane at 600 miles an hour and not fly out of it?
Because it's going at its speed, and the Earth's going at its speed.
I mean, it's just, it's just ridiculous.
It's absolutely, I know nothing about science, and I don't want to get mad at them.
It's just that, it's just, it's ridiculous.
Well, this is interesting, isn't it?
Because if you inundate people with enough concepts, there's so many mind-blowing concepts of the actual reality, and we're in a great period of discovery.
But if you can sort of maneuver the discovery so that people think, ah, you know, I'm getting the UFO file.
It's this CIA group is going to bring it to me.
The CIA wants to bring me to Jesus.
This is great.
You know, before, the regular UFO researchers understood that the CIA were the ones who invented the secrecy.
They created the secrecy wall and the thing that they were really good at in the intelligence agencies was lying to people.
That was the nature of it.
So, you know, now we have a situation Where these agencies from CIA, DIA, NRO, the Homeland Security, you know, they all have their own mode of how to deal with the public on this.
And if anyone gets too close to it, they're discredited.
One, or in some cases, there's a whole list of UFO researchers who were just dealt with.
They were bumped off, you know, going back to the 50s.
And by the way, for TV viewers, this is official stuff shot from Apollo missions of what they see flying around.
The astronauts have given interviews.
This is what they saw.
And I've talked to NASA controllers that were friends of mine, one of them died years ago, Raymond Teague, and he said, no, they saw this on their RCA TV screens that was being beamed back to Earth.
I mean, what in the hell is that?
Yeah, absolutely.
That's incredible footage.
There was a guy who just took the feeds off of NASA for a while, and he definitely showed, and this is back in the early 2000s, and we were firing missiles.
Oh, you'd see all sorts of stuff flying at like 50,000 miles an hour and even beams from Earth trying to shoot it down.
Remember that?
Yes, exactly.
We were trying to get, that's SDI in action, right?
That's the actual Star Wars program if you think about it.
And we have a space defense development that came out of that.
A guy named Philip Corso revealed a lot of that and he got, you know, really by the end of his life there were so many lawsuits against him.
But he'd been in the government in the 50s and 60s and the What he said was that the Kennedys tracked the UFO file very closely, and that some of the planes that were developed in that period, like the X-15, were to chase UFOs.
They wanted to see what was going on there, and these things were way too fast for them, of course.
So there's some other operational piece going on there with the UFO file.
We ought to dig up that official NASA footage.
shot at the International Space Station where you see these things just flying around and you see the beams trying to
shoot them.
I forgot about those films. They admit that's all real. It's not debated. I mean, it's just like insane.
Well, here's the other thing that's interesting about that, which is if you think about it before we got into CGI
heavily and before, you know, we got into all the modern advances
around being able to manipulate video.
Now, basically, anything that comes out, you can't trust at all.
So the recent case in Las Vegas, you know, where they have some footage of this thing crashing.
I'm not saying something didn't, but, you know, the story and they were like, oh, these beings were walking around and there's no real evidence to it.
It's very easy.
Well, you can also just have a craft above Bluebeam that's creating a hologram and doing it all for you.
Yes, exactly.
They're on such an advanced level with that and, you know, the hologram thing is important too when it comes to the UFO file.
The problem that we have is that the understanding around the government and the media and how they obfuscate the UFO file needs to be really out there.
We've got a big softening of that whole thing.
With the whole idea that, hey, the government is finally giving us the UFO file, and what they're doing is they're trying to drum up the threat.
Whenever you look at these headlines, they're always going into the idea that there's a threat involved in it.
They've been pounding that home heavily.
There's a guy over here at the Harvard Astronomy Lab, Avi Loeb, and he has the Galileo Project.
It's all these intelligence people.
And their whole thing is, oh, the Oumuamua object that came in from interstellar space, that was an AI probe, and they're sending all these probes out into, you know, the world, and, you know, their ships are already here.
And say that again, a few years ago, that big giant probe-looking rock that they said, you know, didn't look like it was naturally occurring, what's the name of that again?
We'll pull that up.
Amour Amour.
The Amour Amour space object.
Guys, pull that up.
And let's expand on that.
We have a ranch in East Texas, family property.
We used to go there all the time.
I lived in Dallas growing up.
We still go there sometimes.
But I remember being about seven years old, driving to my dad's truck.
We've been down to the ranch to see his family and, you know, shoot some guns and stuff.
And it's like 10 o'clock in the morning.
We're on I-45 driving to Dallas.
And my dad goes, look at that.
And there were three stealth fighters that they didn't bring out for like 20 something years,
but with camouflage, but like Navy camouflage, like light blue and gray.
And I still remember them like going, and then they hit their afterburners and they were only like 500.
He goes, look at those secret aircraft!
And I remember just seeing them go... It was only like 10 seconds.
And we're driving to the car and we see them.
But the point is, that's a UFO.
Never seen that craft.
Don't know what it is.
Somebody else thought it was an alien.
But I remember all the years later when they finally rolled out the stealth fighter.
I guess at the first Gulf War, I went, oh, I saw those when I was a kid!
So again, so much of it is that.
There's no question.
And what's amazing is they've had this footage, a TV group, and there was a whole TV crew in Australia in 1979 that filmed a UFO over an airport, coming into the airport, and they filmed it for three hours.
So you know the idea that the CIA rolled out UFOs in twenty seventeen and that oh hey we have you a p you know which is their made up intel name for UFOs that they can kind of recreate this thing and give it a whole different trajectory in history instead of admitting to the fact.
That they've hid this, these occurrences and this technology for 80 years.
And part of that is they don't want us to know that there's something up there that, you know, they're not in complete control of and they want to give us their version of it, which is the UFO threat part.
And there's no question that these craft, when they occur, certainly demonstrate abilities far beyond anything that we have.
Sure, but let's get back to that object a few years ago that came through the solar system that, I mean, obviously was, by the way, that's exactly what I saw when I was a kid.
I mean, for TV viewers, but it had different camouflage paint on it.
I mean, what's the best thinking on what that giant object was?
Well, it was interesting because Amua Mua, when it came in, it's unusual in the history for us to have anything that big sort of roaming around the solar system and coming in.
And there were all the speculations and Harvard physicists and scientists were coming forward saying, oh, that's an A.I.
and it's giving us the advantage, you know, the ability to develop our A.I.
to talk to it.
And but there was something very unusual about the appearance of this thing.
It almost seemed engineered and the stories that came out afterwards.
So there's this whole idea now deep inside Harvard that we can communicate with this and there are pieces of what it left behind.
and they actually have funded programs going to look for what Amua Mua left behind on the planet
and deposit it into oceans.
And it's interesting because there's a gigantic ocean and river signature associated with UFOs.
Even if you go back into some of the best cases like Betty Hill and that whole case in New Hampshire,
she said that there were, for months after her sighting, all of these UFOs that were coming out of the river there
and that the people in New Hampshire were lining up along the river watching these things come out of the water
and it became almost like a block party of people watching the UFO activity.
So, there's definitely something heavy-duty that's operating there.
The question is identifying the stuff that they're projecting on the government side, the false CIA disclosure versus the real thing.
And that's crucial in this period because they're trying to build, you know, the whole street legend is Bluebeam.
This is the thing that they've been trying to build up because it gives them absolutely Well, it gives them so many angles.
They can attack us and say it's aliens.
If a satellite with nuclear weapons blows up, they say it's aliens.
They've already pre-programmed us that aliens are imminent.
So it's almost like a new god cosmology they control.
But then, as you said, Reagan was worried about the huge craft that NASA was scanning out in space, and now this object you talked about comes through.
I'm no physicist, but physicists agreed, that isn't getting formed in an asteroid belt.
I mean, that looks exactly what physicists predicted, that aliens that were really going over large masses would be inside giant asteroids for protection, and that they would be aerodynamic, basically, in those spaces of vacuum.
And then, indeed, that's what this thing cruising through our solar system looks like it's doing.
I mean, this is bizarre.
And the Hellbot cult killed themselves believing there was something behind comets.
But I've talked to amateur astronomers and others and people that actually work at the McDonnell Douglas one, and they say, no, they routinely see big stuff Following and inside comments.
Do you have any intel on that?
That is really fascinating.
Well, they have so much that they've been tracking.
For example, SpaceX has tremendous amounts of UFO video that they've been tracking from their position.
They have all the agreements of governments with satellites and everything else that they can track.
Starlink is completely set up there.
I wouldn't be surprised if half of Starlink isn't set up just to track UFOs.
No, exactly.
It's a cover story for communications, but it's the Earth Defense Network.
And they tried this once before.
This was the first satellites that we set up.
They said, oh, we're going to keep an eye on the Soviet Union.
But everyone else noticed that on the back end they could look out into the universe.
So they were tracking what was coming in as well as looking down on the ground.
Let me tell you a story.
OK, so this is six years ago.
Trump's in office about a year.
And I'm going to leave it at this, but I'm talking to people high up with Elon Musk who were in the White House meetings with Trump.
And I was asked, why are you telling me this?
Because this is like dangerous.
They said, no, we've chosen you to let you say this.
And I mean, this is like, I'm going to leave it at this, OK?
And I said, so I'm allowed to say this?
And they go, is this just info?
And they go, well, you decide, but this meeting happened.
And these are good sources.
So Trump greenlit some giant secret project on the dark side of the moon.
So obviously people can't see it and satellites and telescopes can't see it.
Just like what was the Brad Pitt movie came out a few years ago where they go to the dark side of the moon, there's a big launch base to Mars and beyond there.
That's where you want to build it because it has, you know, it's protected from the sun, solar radiation, all that.
We want to build it just right over the edge.
They said, no, that's actually there.
And that reportedly Elon Musk already had a test going.
But he got green-lit for giant 3D printers and a whole new base.
He says he wants to launch from the dark side, so it's not a secret, but I was told that he's running...
a secret space program, you know, is basically Space Force, and that the base is already set up, and that he was
getting funding for part two of it on the dark side of the moon. And again, people think that
sounds crazy.
Buzz Aldrin told me two years before the Indians found water with a probe
that would be announced in one year they were going to crash a probe, they would find water.
He told me 15 years before it hit the news that they'd actually sent astronauts to the moon of
Mars, and that there's an obelisk there that 2001's based on, and all this other stuff.
And then years later that came out.
Now maybe he was giving me part of the disinfo op that's coming out later, or maybe it's true, but I mean, Buzz Aldrin said all that on my show and more in private, so the point is, a lot of weirdness is going on.
So what do you make of that?
Oh, that's absolutely fascinating and I'm glad you put Musk right in the center of it because this is a guy who, you know, they've made the new Howard Hughes and everything else, but with SpaceX, this is his crucial role, in my opinion, which is the ability to set up and cash in on that space infrastructure.
Now, it's a little-known thing that some of those early SpaceX trials and things all come out of a program Called OTROG, which was in the 1980s, and they were setting off rockets in the Congo.
They called it an Area 51 in the Congo.
And the people who were associated with that originally were the leftovers of the paperclip group that came in and ran NASA.
And one of the people in that whole group was Kurt Davis, who was one of the people who helped us get to the moon.
And, you know, his signature was that he got all the UFO file reports from NASA.
So there's a direct link from NASA, the UFO file, through OTROG into SpaceX, which, you know, makes the whole Musk thing.
We have to get much deeper with that.
And he has to really, you know, when he's talking about aliens and blowing it off, that's ridiculous.
You know, that's because he's not allowed to talk about certain things.
But we're looking at a number of different things, because if you look also, there's a group called Autech, which operates off of Bimini, and that's A-U-T-E-C, and they're the underwater Area 51.
They also... You've got to come back soon to talk about all that, because this is all exactly underwater, 77% of the Earth, that's huge right there.
Yes, exactly.
Well, there's more sightings there off Bimini than there is anywhere else in that whole area.
Well, that's what William Cooper said, but you nailed it.
People ask me, who is Elon Musk?
He's Howard Hughes 2.0.
For those that don't know, he was a total CIA front.
So they repeat the same thing where they have this boy genius type who's their guy.
And it's not the government, it's this genius.
But why did they choose Elon Musk?
We have five more minutes with us, then Jadar is going to take over.
I'm going to ask him to continue a little bit.
He always is well-prepared.
He's got a whole other topic to government.
Man, this is just wild, folks.
The point is, we were never in Kansas.
We're not in Kansas.
We're on a planet in the middle of space.
Fantastical stuff's all around us, and they don't want us thinking about it.
Take one of the moons of Saturn.
It's the Death Star.
It's where Lucas got the idea for it, and it literally looks like the Death Star.
I mean, it's just all of this, they're telling you something.
We'll be right back with hour number four.
Stay with us.
Final segment with Dark Journalist.
Darkjournalist.com on YouTube.
Dark Journalist, really smart guy.
Knows his stuff.
Learned a lot from him.
I want to get him back on about the undersea shadow global system and more.
And of course they've been doing DMT tests for 50 years, the CIA and other systems, with like astronaut-like people mapping and communicating with these entities.
This has all been taken very, very seriously.
We should take it very, very seriously.
But in closing, The whole question about Elon Musk, about Trump, is everything what it seems?
What about this insane indictment of Trump?
So just closing comments here in the five minutes we have left, and I really appreciate your time.
Well, it's great to be here, Alex.
I appreciate it.
One of the things I'll say in relation to Trump is there's no question in my mind that half of trailing after him relates to the exotic technology.
There's no question about it.
He's alluded to it himself with his references to his uncle over and over again when he's in interviews.
But he also talks about things like we have invisibility or we have flying cars and things of this nature.
Oh, he said at his inauguration, let me interrupt, he said, we've got a lot of secret technology and live extension, we're going to release it.
Exactly, right.
Here he is coming out and saying that.
Space Force, also a gigantic indication that this is a guy who wants to pull, for the first time since JFK, the UFO file back under the presidency.
When Reagan tried to do that, they used it for SDI.
But that's, it was a little bit different.
I think in Trump's case, he's very knowledgeable.
I mean, I understand the traditional story about Trump is he was the, you know, real estate billionaire who had a good attitude about America.
And he came on the scene and tossed over the tables and stuff.
That's partly true.
But his connections with Roy Cohn, that goes really deep.
And Roy Cohn... Roy Cohn was at the top of the anti-communist deal, hooked into Eisenhower.
So why do they hate Trump so much?
Or is it a psyop to make us love him more?
Well, see, you have to.
Yeah, I like that level that you think on because they love the opposites and they love setting off these patterns of people facing off against each other.
They'll use the archetype, whether it's really in the person or not.
So they'll say over here, you know, you've got Trump.
Everyone on the liberal side loves to hate him.
And over here you have Biden and everyone On the conservative side, it's very easy to skewer this insane man wobbling around.
The only thing he seems to be concerned about, basically, is trans in the military, and he doesn't have any plan for getting us out of Ukraine, all the rest of it.
So they've set up these caricatures for us to face off and vote against.
Ultimately, There's no question that they want division in the United States.
And in my opinion, they want to get to an emergency situation so they can have General Van Hark and continuity of government from North Com take over.
That's what they're looking for.
And I don't think they want to do it with something as messy as nuclear interactions.
I think they want to pull the UFO false flag.
That's the one that they've been creating in the background for a decade.
And I totally agree.
Thinking about playing the card?
So now they've taken it out of the freezer and are warming it up and getting it ready to serve.
Doesn't mean they're going to serve it, but I think they're really thinking about it.
Is that what you're saying?
There's no question.
If we weren't talking about it and pushing back against it, they'd be a lot closer to it.
But look, in the last four weeks, they've had NASA UFO hearings.
They've had Gary Nolan, big friend of Fauci, going out and saying, yeah, we have alien bodies.
He's an immunologist who's deep in this UFO thing.
And how'd you like to have Dr. Fauci mixing with your UFO file research?
So, you know, we're getting into some weird territory.
And then you have this guy, Grush, and that's all intel for the UFO file.
And then you have the Las Vegas Beings walking around.
I mean, that's a lot for three weeks.
Oh, you know, we're definitely in the thick of it right now, and they're on the UFO threat overdrive.
Their whole thing, you know, the street legend was Blue Beam.
The real thing is the takeover with the UFO threat, and that includes continuity of government.
And they've got more hearings with this, quote, whistleblower coming out, who says he's the first time an intel officer's exposed that there's bodies and crap.
Like you said, Corso and all these others have come out and said that.
So right there, that's not true.
It's always the exact same story.
Tin cans, little green men.
Yeah, and that's what he needs to do.
He needs to come forward and say, you know, oh, you know, the traditional line, I'm breaking the silence.
I'm a whistleblower.
Well, if you're such a whistleblower, why is the IG, the actual counsel for the Inspector General, defending you?
Why is he your lawyer?
And calling it urgent and real.
Great point.
Start Journalist.
Thank you so much.
Jay Dyer takes over.
Stay with us.
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But if they can control our idea of beyond the world, or where we came from, or God, or the alien consciousness, which is really a spiritual movement, they can control your soul.
And that's the moment as a society we've reached.
Buzz Aldrin told me there's a real obelisk that's based on the moon of Mars.
Now whether he's telling the truth or not, he told me that a decade before it hit the news, it was released by NASA.
They told me a lot more than that.
[Sounds of a UFO]
But the signal activates and sends them out to Saturn.
Kills everybody on the ground.
Because they were the profane and weren't supposed to go to the future.
Then the astronauts have to battle the computer to get there.
Only one lives.
Goes through a time warp, merges with God, and returns as a star child.
This is the Illuminati cosmology.
Here's Tucker Carlson.
We'll go to our guest host and his guests to take over.
We'll skip the network break so they get their time back.
The great Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
But here's Tucker in his first show.
His second show is now out as well.
He says we must cling to our taboos.
Talking about aliens flying around at hypersonic speed and our government doesn't care.
Or is there something a lot bigger going on here and actually hyping the alien threat?
I'll ask Jay Dyer to humor me when he takes over here in a moment before he covers his prepared show and the topics he's going to be hitting.
But here's a clip of Tucker.
Yesterday, for example, a former Air Force officer who worked for years in military intelligence came forward as a whistleblower to reveal that the U.S.
government has physical evidence of crashed non-human-made aircraft, as well as the bodies of the pilots who flew those aircraft.
The Pentagon has spent decades studying these otherworldly remains in order to build more technologically advanced weapons systems.
Okay, that's what the former intel officer revealed, and it was clear he was telling the truth.
In other words, UFOs are actually real, and apparently so is extraterrestrial life.
Now we know.
In a normal country, this news would qualify as a bombshell, the story of the millennium.
But in our country, it doesn't.
The Whistleblower's account ran on a technology website called the Debrief, which you've probably never heard of.
The Washington Post had that story.
Well now, it is being seen by 115 million people now that saw that first episode.
So UFOs are real, that's just something you can identify.
But regardless, it is a big story that a major whistleblower is saying they do have bodies and craft, but is that a sign up or is it not?
Jay Dyer's got his own topics, but I really respect him wanting to give us He has a brief take on that and introduce his guest and cover things for the balance of the hour.
But Jay, good to have you on this live Friday, June 9th worldwide transmission with President federally indicted and things just getting more insane.
I'm going to sit back now and eat my late lunch and watch you and listen to you and your guests.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, thank you.
I mean, the alien stuff is wild.
In fact, I did a fourth hour almost two years ago.
It was December 2021, and you can see right there, I got a nice amount of views there.
Coming announcement of alien life is a technocratic psyop.
Put a good amount of time into this topic over the last several years.
I did a live stream two nights ago on my YouTube channel, about two or three hours just devoted to the whole history of The CIA's relationship to the so-called alien phenomenon, I view it as pretty much a PSYOP.
You can go to the history of alien cults.
The intelligence agencies have had a long, you know, in-depth relationship with a lot of these alien cults, whether it's Scientology or the Raelians or any of these entities, really.
They're all studied.
They're all sort of fostered and It's like a test tube where they let these things grow and they become great studies, you could say, for how to socially engineer.
I covered the fact that, I think when I was in studio with Alex a few months ago, I covered the fact that the top eight things to expect by the year 2030 of the World Economic Forum, that top eight things to expect video that went viral that they subsequently took down, I think they put up in 2018, That video said we may in fact mention the discovery of
alien life by 2030.
So they're actually just rolling out stuff that they've had planned for a long time.
And I think as you covered the other day, Alex, the stories that they're giving now
are the same stories that have been recycled for the last 20, 30 years.
I remember old Google video clips of generals, all been to the underground bases and I've seen the clones and blah blah.
How many times have we heard this story?
They're cloning aliens in the bases!
That's because it's the same story that they recycle.
And that goes all the way back to the Roswell crash.
That was a military-involved crash, so-called.
It's the same recycled story because the stories work.
You go to the original people, Betty and Barney Hill.
You go to the George Adamski story.
All of these stories have the same patterns, the same archetypes involved.
And they always have the same technocratic message.
And that's why, if you look at the character of Adamski, the first so-called abductee story, A lot of people don't know that Alan Dulles was running point for him.
Anybody that would question Adamski or try to take him to court, Alan Dulles threatened to take them to court.
Why did Alan Dulles care what George Adamski was up to?
Well, he would care if this was part of a longer PSYOP.
And you can look at figures like C.D.
Jackson, who was the author of the doctrinal warfare program where the CIA was utilizing and co-opting churches throughout the Cold War.
He also was involved in consulting on a lot of different film projects.
If I recall, he was involved in The Day the Earth Stood Still, which is the story where the aliens are coming, outside threat, and if we don't create a world government, a world socialist government, we'll never survive the alien threat or the threat of the nukes and all this kind of stuff.
So, in my view, this is all 100% an outline scion.
In fact, I've covered for many years the late 60s Brookings Report Institute, They said in the late 60s, and they were commissioned by NASA to put this out, this is in Dr. Brenda Denzler's book on the history of the alien phenomenon.
She's an academic writing about this from an academic perspective.
She said that in that 1960s report they outlined the fact that the discovery of alien life, quote-unquote, would have totally destructive effects on the history of Western civilization's religious myths.
So the Bible, for example, would be undercut in its story and its narrative by the alien mythos.
And so it's a psy-op, it's intended to, it does a lot of things.
It's a cover for black ops, it's a cover for advanced technology by the government and by
corporations, it's a cover for drug running that goes on at some of these bases and other
nefarious activities.
It was a psy-op in the Cold War to, you know, tell the Soviets that there's aliens and all
this kind of stuff.
So it serves a lot of functions, but on the longer scale, multi-decade narrative,
it serves to give a new religious mythology to the West and to the world, perhaps.
To replace the biblical narratives.
And they even say that in the White Papers, the Brookings Institute Report from the 1960s, late 60s.
To replace the biblical narrative.
So I want to go to my guest today, rock and roll star, Dorothy joins me.
Dorothy reached out and said that she likes The Fourth Hour, she likes the show, she likes this material.
And I want to get into discussing her journey, how she woke up to a lot of this, how she got into The topic of the New World Order.
But, Dorothy, how are you today?
I'm great.
Thanks for having me.
Thanks for coming on.
We only have a few seconds here.
Let's talk about your band first.
How does the name Dorothy... Is this Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy?
It's just my birth name.
I'm bringing it back, I guess.
It's an old Hollywood name.
And I couldn't think of a good band name, so we just rolled with it.
I guess it worked, right?
Did you have, Carte Blanche, was that your decision, or did you have to pass it by the committee of the other band members?
There's not really, I mean, I have a great team, they're great.
At the time it was my manager's idea, and since I couldn't think of a band name, I said, alright, let's just call it Dorothy and get the band together.
And that's what we did.
Alright, so we're going to skip the break, that's good, we can continue this conversation.
Your band has had, you had a recent event, I think it was fairly recent, right?
That was pretty notable for a conversion in your own life.
So first I want to, before we get to that event, was this, what was your life prior to this event?
Because you know, you've got records and stuff going back, at least videos going back like nine or 10 years.
So were you like more of a normal, just rock and roll outfit then?
Like living pretty wild or not?
I've been touring for the last nine years.
I've been a signed recording artist, writing albums, touring with my rock band, and I think the event you're referring to is that I witnessed a miracle on my tour bus.
This tech that we had taken on tour took an overdose of heroin and died on the bus.
I was not a Christian.
I didn't believe in miracles.
I didn't even know if God was real.
The night before this happened, I was in my bunk praying, God, if you're real, I need you to reveal yourself to me because I'm really struggling.
And I encourage anyone that's curious about God to start speaking that out.
Because what happened next, the next day, was that this young man died on my bus and we prayed over him.
We prayed over him and this voice said to me, and you know, it was like the Holy Spirit was speaking to me.
And at the time I didn't know that that was the Holy Spirit, but now I do.
And the Holy Spirit said, pray.
And so we grabbed hands and prayed for him.
I said, God, will you just give this young man one more chance?
And he was resurrected.
Fortunately, that's not the only miracle I've witnessed.
What I really wanted to tell you today is I'm actually a survivor of satanic ritual abuse.
And I work with a great ministry team that does inner healing and deliverance.
And if you want to have them on at some point, we can really expose what goes on in Hollywood with the SRA and the mind control.
These people help You know, the victims that the church can't handle, that are so broken and in need of deliverance, and they do it with the help of Jesus, God, taking their fractured soul parts and piecing them back together and healing their wounds.
And I'm only talking about this because I went through it myself.
You know, I tried therapy.
I tried drugs and alcohol.
I tried all the things to make myself feel better.
And I'm telling you, this is real.
It's really a miracle that I'm here today talking to you about it.
I mean, are you comfortable talking about some of that in terms of your background?
I didn't actually know that.
So what, what can you say about that in terms of how did that come about?
Was this something that was part of your family or like, did you get inducted into this in Hollywood or what happened?
It was in Hollywood through a Satanist, um, that I was involved with and it was fortunately not through my family.
However, this is something that does happen in family bloodlines a lot of the time.
And my deliverance counselor could probably give you a lot more detail and accurate information on that.
So that's not the first miracle I witnessed.
Then I ended up in rehab.
Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me then and I was saved.
I was watching a Joel Osteen sermon and it was like I knew I wanted to know who Jesus was.
And I started reading the Bible and then the Bible started reading me and the Lord started speaking through the Bible and having me have divine appointments and interactions with people.
So since then it's been pretty miraculous.
You know, I'm in this rock and roll band, we're touring, it's secular music, but yet That's, I guess, where God has me to speak to people and share the gospel in a way and also pray for them and intercede for them and plant seeds in the music.
So, it's a huge honor and a blessing to be able to do that.
But the ritual abuse was so, so long ago, I thought I had recovered from it, but I had been just living with PTSD for a very long time.
And so, two people from the church referred me to my deliverance counselor.
And she did hands-on prayer.
And the only way I can describe it is after my deliverance was over, the noise stopped.
It was peaceful.
It was like just the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Now, when you say a long time ago, are you saying like when you were really young or was this like a coven or can you go into any of that or do you not recall?
This was one person.
Although there are covens and families and things like that.
This was in my early, early twenties, and I did black a lot of it out.
I actually have a hard time remembering a lot of it.
But, you know, after I was saved, two years later, God started taking me through various deliverances.
My chronic neck pain was gone with hands on prayer after trying medication, doctors, chiropractic, things like that.
And then he wanted to take it, so God will heal you in layers because He doesn't want to take you through more than you can handle at the time.
And so it was layers of deliverance, revealing things to me, giving me discernment and eyes to see.
So now I just get this sense, I know when someone's demonized.
The thing I want to remind believers and people out there, everyone, is people are not your enemy.
Satan is your enemy and he uses people.
People with trauma and open gateways and, you know, curses in their bloodline.
Think, you know, the sins of our father, but there's nothing anyone has done that can stop them from getting saved and getting delivered.
That's a free gift from Jesus and it's available to everyone.
It's a change of heart.
So when you had this experience on the tour bus, how long ago was this?
Was this recent or a few years ago?
When was this?
This was a few years ago.
I prayed the prayer.
The next evening this happened.
And my sound guy and I looked at each other like, what just happened?
And that was the day I was convinced God was real.
But that was just kind of Him opening the door, I guess, and revealing Himself to me.
And then it was a journey of discovering, getting born again, getting baptized, receiving the Holy Spirit, having the eyes to see, getting deliverance, getting healed.
And you know, I'm still a baby and it's just like kind of a journey with Jesus.
We're walking hand in hand.
But I wanted to share this story because this is a real thing that happens to people.
And no, it didn't happen as a child, but it happens to children in horrible ways that you couldn't possibly imagine.
And so I think that the body of Christ needs to get curious about deliverance.
Now, yeah, so when this occurred, like what, before this event, like what was your attitude towards, you know, the divine or things transcended?
Did you think there was no God or maybe there's a God or like, what was your attitude?
Maybe, I wasn't sure, you know, I was always, one thing I was always searching for was the truth.
And I definitely had an awakening in my early 20s, thanks to David Icke, actually.
I mean, his material was so insane that it was the only thing that made sense to me.
And I was blown away that I knew chemtrails were real, but yet nobody seemed to want to acknowledge it.
Things like that.
So I had an awakening then, but then I went back to sleep.
We're being bombarded on all sides by all these things to put us to sleep, to keep us stupid, to keep us sick.
Um, and I went back to sleep, but you know, that's, that's just like expert level gaslighting when you have the spraying in the sky and you can see it with your eyes and Google's telling you that it's a conspiracy theory.
Um, and as someone who's a survivor of, of SRA and narcissistic abuse, now when that happens, my fire alarms, my internal alarms just go off.
So, um, it's, I guess it's good that I went through those things and came out the other side.
Because now I'm a weapon against this, and I told the Lord, just use me to blow up the enemy's camp.
I'm just sick of it.
Let's go.
You said that you kind of had an awareness of some of these elements of the New World Order and what was going on.
Was that prior to the conversion experience or was it the conversion experience and then you really saw how this battle that we're in isn't just a geopolitical thing, it's also a spiritual thing.
Is that what you're saying?
Yeah, I saw it and I didn't connect it with the spiritual until I had a spiritual awakening and now it's like the whole thing makes sense.
And I really credit David Icke with connecting a lot of seemingly unrelated dots and Alex and people who can see and expand their vision and see the bigger picture.
That's something else.
And when you do have the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit, you are given a level of discernment.
It's undeniable.
Yeah, I mean, absolutely.
That's one of the gifts that's mentioned in, I think, the Corinthians passage.
And I'm curious because, you know, right now we're seeing this barrage of news that deals with aliens and all this kind of nonsense.
And I've always believed that there's a deep-seated deception involved in this alien phenomenon.
You can go back to People involved working with the Pentagon who then came out and said this is actually a mass level deception like Jacques Vallee, the famous DoD computer scientist guy.
He says this is a malevolent deception.
He's not even a Christian but he's able to recognize that.
There is something involved in this that's more than just human beings at a manipulation level.
There's also something spiritual going on, but he actually says that the entities involved in this, they're not extraterrestrial, they're actually terrestrial.
They're part of this planet, and they are involved in a mass deception to steer, in a social engineering way, human beings into some kind of world government or something like this.
Would you agree with that?
What's your take on the whole alien phenomenon?
I could definitely see that.
I mean, I definitely don't put that past them.
Um, I think it's demonic.
I think it's connected.
It's beyond my understanding, certainly.
And if you have people in the government kind of leaking this information, um, is the mainstream talking about it?
Probably not.
Um, I don't know too much about the alien thing.
I think it's, I believe it was Alistair Crowley that said he had conjured some entity that said, you know, You call us demons, they call us aliens, and one day you'll know that it's one and the same.
Something along those lines.
I don't want to misquote, but I think a lot of the things that seem alien are just, are demonic, and they really are not.
Fallen angels bound in cosmic realms.
I mean, that sounds alien to me.
Yeah, no, I think that the element of it that is Demonic is is precisely, you know, it's a fallen angel situation.
That's what I'm saying It's I'm not saying it's all I think there's multiple things going on.
So it's not just just the government engaging in black ops I think there's a real Phenomena that's going on.
I'm not saying every little grainy clip on YouTube is demonic, but I'm saying that there is an element by which, for example, if you look at people who've done DMT or people who've done a lot of acid or the psychonauts like Terrence McKenna or Timothy Leary or John C. Lilly, when they talk about their trips and when they talk about interacting with these interdimensional entities, you know, it's the same type of thing that David Icke talks about that you mentioned.
They always say that the message that they've been given is Have a world government.
You need to depopulate.
You can't run the planet correctly because you built bombs.
And if you just do what we say and you worship us, then you're going to get the utopia, kind of a socialist tech utopia.
So, I mean, that to me just screams the demonic.
I mean, demons have always engaged in prompting human beings to do the same types of activities like offer up your firstborn to us, right?
You know, this kind of stuff.
So that's exactly what the entities that are Speaking to people are saying it's no different than what I mean Alex was saying You know Ellen Page today like her her her process of hearing a voice telling her to mutilate herself I mean to me that is again.
Why is no one accepting the best explanation for these?
Phenomena is the demonic what do demons do they hate human beings?
We're gonna go to this break when we come back.
We are talking to rock and roll star Dorothy This is the oxygen show don't go anywhere Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
I want to remind you too that if you want to get deep into that alien nonsense and all the breakdowns that I've done, if you go to Bandai Video, you can search my name and you'll find at least four or five different fourth hours that I've done deconstructing the alien stuff from my vantage point.
You can go to my YouTube channel, Jay Dyer, and you can find the most recent Podcast that we did a couple days ago.
Just kind of mocking and making fun of this I want to note too that if you look at Isaiah 11, there's a really interesting passage.
It's one of the most famous Messianic passages predicting the Messiah it says there shall come forth a root From the rod of Jesse a flower shall grow out of his root the Spirit of God will rest upon him the Spirit of wisdom understanding counsel might knowledge godliness Spirit of the fear of God shall fill him And of course, David being the son of Jesse there, that is a reference to the Davidic lineage of Jesus, the Messiah.
And so we have these spirits that are mentioned, right?
These seven spirits.
And Paul in 1 Corinthians mentions these gifts of the Spirit.
And so I'm assuming that that's where Dorothy got the inspiration for her most recent album a few months ago, right?
Which is Gifts from the Holy Ghost, right?
I think so.
I actually named the album before I had ever opened the Bible.
I feel like God can give you downloads.
And this happened.
I woke up in my hotel room in New York City.
I was writing and recording the record.
I woke up and the first thing I heard was Gifts from the Holy Ghost.
I wrote it down and I didn't know what the gifts from the Holy Spirit were, what the fruits of the Holy Spirit were.
Church made me nervous, you know.
So I wrote it down and I thought, that sounds like a great album title.
I finished the last song, Gifts from the Holy Ghost, which I feel has very rich spiritual messaging.
And there it was, and I ended up getting saved after that.
So God's really funny with His perfect divine timing of doing things so that you know it's Him.
Oh, absolutely.
Divine Providence.
I think, you know, before I got into, you know, this worldview, you tend to see things as synchronicity, right?
Let's like Carl Jung's synchronicity.
But then you start to realize, well, synchronicity doesn't really make sense if it's like coming from my psyche, right?
That's what the way Carl Jung pictures it all.
It's like even as an essay where he talks about UFOs and he says, oh, the UFOs are a manifestation of our unconscious, right?
But that doesn't really make sense because it's not our unconscious that's manifesting these things.
There is a divine mind, a divine consciousness, you could say, and that makes sense for how reality can be organized by a divine providence, by our free will working together with divine providence.
To me, that makes a lot more sense in this idea that our psyche manifests it, like Carl Jung says.
But yeah, I think that On the notion of spiritual warfare, too, and we didn't really mention this in the pre-interview discussion, but, you know, I'm Orthodox and it's ironic because only, to my knowledge, only the Orthodox Church still does the ancient form of exorcism at baptism.
So, in the early church, they would actually do a ritual of exorcism as part of the baptismal ritual.
I'm not knocking, you know, your conversion or anything like that, I'm just saying that One of the reasons I found Orthodoxy appealing was that when you look into the history of the Church, you have this ancient baptismal rite, and they would always include the ritual of exorcism as part of baptism.
And to me, that suggests that the Church has to have this notion of the reality of spiritual warfare.
And a lot of the Orthodox hymnography, a lot of the chants that we sing, They are, they're rife with this notion of spiritual warfare and battling the demonic realm.
And I think that that's an element that I'm not personally charismatic, obviously, but a lot of charismatics get that element correct.
Like they realize there is a reality to spiritual warfare and some charismatics can go crazy with this.
But, um, a lot of it might be a lot of the Protestant churches kind of have a fractured element where they like different ones have pieces of truth, right?
But I think that if we understand the notion of authority, if we understand the notion of the church possessing this power, you know, Jesus said, you will do these things.
You will cast out demons, he says to the apostles in Luke, right?
And he says, I've given you authority over the scorpions, over all the enemy and so forth.
So I appreciate that, you know, you've incorporated that into your music and into your worldview about how you approach writing.
Do you find that to be difficult when you write with the people that you write with?
Because you just had this big thing drop.
I know you've got your album, which is out some months ago, but you have a new song that just dropped with Nita, right?
Yes, Nita Strauss, Victorious, fellow believer.
And we wanted a very empowering song that was going to encourage young women.
I think we accomplished that.
So yeah, her and I talk about this.
It's true.
Spiritual warfare is a real thing.
Believers have been given authority by Jesus and a lot of them don't know their authority and the enemy will hammer them.
And it's so obvious because the devil never has any new tricks.
I mean, it's always before a big interview or before some big blessing.
And if you can just Nail your flesh to the cross, so to speak, and not react to the flesh, and pick up your tools.
Go into praise and worship.
Use the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit.
Command that enemy to leave you in the name of Jesus.
Command those spirits, Jezebel, whoever's attacking you, to go in Jesus' name.
And if you know your authority, and you've been given it by Jesus, they have to obey you.
And yeah, of course the devil wants you to worship him, but he hates humans.
He hates us.
So why would you worship something that hates us?
That wants to see your demise and your destruction?
I mean, it sounds like, you know, masochism to me.
That's a really good point.
I think that a lot of times people that are getting more and more serious about their Satanism, for example, they actually do get into harming themselves.
You know, if you go back to the Old Testament when, not just the fall when, you know, Jesus says that Satan was the first thief and liar, right?
He lied.
He stole man's life, that was what he did in the garden.
If you fast forward to the time of Elijah when he's dealing with the prophets of Baal, when they're on the mountain having that spiritual confrontation, what is it that the prophets of Baal are doing?
They're cutting themselves, and they're trying to invoke Baal, Baal-Zebub, right?
By cutting themselves, self-harm, and the release of the blood and whatnot, they thought would bring this entity, that would bring this power to them.
And it didn't.
Nothing happened.
It only harmed them.
And if you look at other instances in Scripture, for example, where we see people who are mentioned committing suicide, there's only a few of these in Scripture.
There's Judas and there's Saul.
And in both cases, Judas and Saul were specifically said to be possessed in, I guess, different degrees.
I think Judas was a lot more possessed than Saul was.
But both of those guys killed themselves.
So we have two instances in Scripture of suicide.
And in both cases, the people were specifically demonically possessed.
So, the theme here that I'm getting at is that every time we see this manifestation in Scripture of the presence of the demonic, it's always self-harm.
Remember the guy in the tombs, when Jesus cast out the demon, the guy wandering in the tombs, it says that he kept throwing himself into the fire And trying to kill himself.
So every time suicide appears, it's always in the presence of the demonic, and that to me suggests that self-harm, mutilating oneself, this is very relevant for a lot of what's going on in our culture right now, it has a spiritual root.
It's not just bad ideology.
It's a spiritual problem.
And until we address the spiritual problem, the problems can't be fixed.
You can't fix these things with politics.
What do you think?
Well, yeah, and I want to point out that the blood covenants, the drinking of the blood in Hollywood, the cutting, the releasing of blood, blood is the highest currency in the spirit realm.
That's why Jesus gave his blood for us and made a mockery of Satan and disarmed him and defeated him and took the keys back.
It was the power in the blood.
The reason is that blood is the highest currency in the spirit realm.
So, um, and yeah, It's definitely demonic when you hear voices telling you to cut yourself.
I would suggest getting some deliverance and coming to know God because he can set you free from all that.
You could have sold your soul to Satan himself or have it embedded in your bloodline and still be set free.
Satan doesn't own your soul.
He doesn't have any right to it.
He has no authority over it.
God does and God's name is literally printed on your DNA.
So I think that settles that.
I want to remind everybody that they can follow you.
We still got another segment after this, but they can follow you over on your channel at Dorothy.
They can check out the new album, Gifts from the Holy Ghost.
Relatively new, past few months, right?
And then your new song with Nita is on, I think, her channel.
And they can follow you on Instagram as well, right?
Right, just at Dorothy.
I got lucky.
I got the handle.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
I want to remind you that if you are in the L.A.
Hollywood area, we will be live in L.A.
July 6th with Jamie Kennedy.
Yes, Jamie Kennedy from the Jamie Kennedy Experiment, from Malibu's Most Wanted, from Scream, Randy Meeks in person.
How would you not want to be there for that?
It's a blast.
Our live events are the bomb.
If you don't know, it's more like a five-hour party at our live events.
We do comedy.
We do impressions.
We do serious stuff.
We actually get into a lot of real hardcore information.
My wife will be doing a discussion on Esoteric Hollywood, which you guys know I have two books on that.
And I will be doing a presentation on my new book, Metanarratives, the essays on philosophy and symbolism.
So I'll be covering a lot of philosophical topics.
As well as doing a lot of ridiculous nonsense.
And as you guys may or may not have seen, I performed my first Cringecore song live last weekend at Courtney Turner's event.
And so the crowd got trolled.
They didn't know what they were gonna get.
And they actually got a live version of my Matthew McConaughey song.
Pure cringe.
Pure live.
I might actually do quite a few of those if you come to the L.A.
event, as well as serious stuff.
So if you head on over to my website, JasonAlsos.com, you'll see under every post there is the link of the live events.
Get your ticket to the July 6th Los Angeles event in the links there, the Eventbrite links.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
And then, of course, Jamie will be, Jamie Kennedy will be the headliner doing some standup.
And you can also get on over to his merch table and meet him and get a few pics with him.
He's a great dude.
Very cool.
Let's get back to this notion of spiritual warfare.
I think, again, think about what we're told with alien nonsense, right?
Aliens are these interdimensional entities.
The message is always that if you just have a world government, If you just worship us, if you just depopulate, we'll give you solutions.
We'll give you advanced technology.
This is the message of Childhood Zen.
Remember, Arthur C. Clarke was himself a confessed Krolian, a confessed Luciferian.
He had some weird predilections in terms of the pedo stuff, as Alex just talked about this week.
And in his book, he actually writes that Karellon, the Overlord, is a freaking demon.
He's got hooves.
He looks like a giant demon.
And people can't figure this out.
The soy nerds are out there like, oh, it's science.
Oh, they're advanced from another civilization and they're going to bring me a coom pod and I can just have fun forever.
Oh, it's going to be so great.
No, it's a demon dummy.
It even looks like a freaking demon and you can't tell it's a demon.
Come on now.
Come on.
What is wrong with you people?
It's a massive deception.
Now, In scripture we have the story early on in Genesis.
It's implicit in Genesis and then it's explained later on by chapter 3 and then as the text progresses we get the story of before man's fall there was another fall.
Did you know there was another fall before man fell?
That was the angelic fall.
And that angelic fall happened outside of time and space, outside of the normal phase of human experience of time.
It happened in the spiritual realm, the aeon, is what the church fathers called it.
And so the angels, because they don't exist in time like humans do, they were tested at once.
And outside of time, when they fell, it was an instantaneous fall.
And angels from every one of those ranks of the nine choirs that are listed in the various texts
of scripture fell.
John says that one-third of the angels fell with Satan.
And so they launched into this rebellion against God and against humankind.
As Dorothy said, they hate humans.
Well, in Orthodox theology, we understand that they hate human beings because humans are made not just in the image of God, but also to be raised, as Paul says, above the angels.
So there's a fundamental envy that Satan and his hosts had against man.
Because man was made in the image of the Logos.
In our view, in the Garden, it's man that's walking around with the Logos, with the pre-incarnate Christ.
Man is made in the image of Christ, Adam.
Paul says Adam is after the image of Christ in his letters.
So it's a more specific notion of being made in the image of God, not just in the image of the Trinity, but also in the image of the Logos.
The pre-incarnate Logos who would then become incarnate.
So man himself in the Garden is kind of a prefiguring, a foreshadowing of the Incarnation.
And thus, Satan's hatred of humankind results from this envy and desire to destroy the thing that reminds him of his Creator, Christ, you see.
In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God.
All things came to be through the Logos.
Christ is the Creator, even of Satan.
And so the angelic fall created this race of entities, you could say, angelic race.
Then Dad set on destroying humankind at first until the birth of Christ to destroy and persecute Israel because Israel would give birth to the Messiah.
And then now the church to destroy the church because the church is the body of the Messiah on Earth.
Read Isaiah.
Isaiah is the fifth gospel.
So I want to go back to Dorothy.
Dorothy, you were talking about the spiritual warfare.
Before you were interested in these topics, before you had your conversion experience, how did you look upon Christianity?
Did you see it as a bunch of goofballs and goobers that were duped and believed a bunch of stupid stuff?
Or was it because they didn't talk about the reality of the spiritual warfare and the reality of what you saw in Hollywood?
How did you see it before?
I saw it the way the world sees it.
I couldn't sit in church and during worship it made me cringe.
The one or two times I had gone to church I felt completely uncomfortable crawling out of my skin, probably because I was demonized and they really don't like that.
But when you accept Jesus, you give him legal authority over your life and now the veil comes off and you see the truth.
And I honestly can't believe I'm sitting here and I'm saying yes, I read about Jesus and I talk to Jesus and I pray and I know what spiritual warfare is.
I love it when the Satanists say, you know, Satanism is just about self-worship.
There's no devil.
Yes, there's a devil and the demons are spirits without bodies, you know, and those that have the eyes to see can see them.
So you're not crazy, body of Christ.
You're not, you know, you're not losing it.
You've been given a gift that can be uncomfortable to operate in sometimes, but you're, you know, we're trying to save as many souls before it's time to go.
And the last thing, one of the last things I wanted to say is no matter what you've done, you can still get, be saved and get delivered.
And all sin is the same when it's nailed to the cross.
I mean, Paul was murdering Christians, right?
So just remember that when you start to listen to the flaming arrows of the enemy coming into your mind with the shame and the condemnation and the guilt.
The devil will lie to you in your own voice and the mind is the battlefield.
And if you go into praise and worship, that will break.
That's one tactic.
So it's absolutely real and here I am.
I would never go back to my life before Jesus for all the money in the world, for all the fame, for all the dreams.
All the fruit that the devil wants to give you is poison.
It's tainted and the demons always come to collect their pound of flesh.
You know, and everything he has is just a sad counterfeit.
And I would never, my life now is just too good.
Serving God is just so fulfilling.
I don't feel alone.
And since everyone is feeling so alone and isolated, and that's just an epidemic in our world, maybe they need to try God.
Because I have a sense of just being loved and cared for and connected with the body of Christ.
I will run into people I don't even know and we will pray together.
And we know that God orchestrated that meeting as a divine appointment that day because someone needed it.
So it's pretty miraculous and supernatural.
I mean, I serve an awesome God and I'm still going to play rock and roll.
So it's the best of both worlds.
Yeah, well, I mean, you know, David, multiple people in the Old Testament were skilled musicians.
So, you know, there's nothing wrong.
The talents that we have are talents given to us by God, you know, to use for that purpose.
So, really cool to have you on.
Thank you for giving your testimony, your journey.
I think that people should understand that as things get more insane, as we see more and more evil, That's actually a call to repentance.
It's a call to noticing that there's objective good, right?
Evil is not a thing that exists or has being in the sense of, you know, everything that God created, it exists as good.
And what evil does is that it's a privation.
It's a negation against the good.
It's always an act against the good.
That's it.
That's all it ever can be.
And so The more that we see evil in the world, it should wake people up, especially people who are skeptics or people who don't think that... Why is there a commonality amongst all of the ancient empires of the world having this anti-human agenda where the empires enact the worship of some weird deity or ruler or tyrant, Nimrod, Babel, and they require human sacrifice.
If there's objective evil, There's objective good, and that means God exists.
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I was in high school and I was running on the track team, the cross country team.
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And so all of this culminated in the district meet.
So you have to place in the top three individually in your race if you want to make it to the regional meet, which is a big deal.
It was the final lap, and I was going, and I felt it happening again.
And it was this strange fatigue that was different than just normal muscle tiredness, whatever you want to call it.
It got to the final 50 meters.
I could see the finish line right ahead.
My coach was yelling.
My parents were yelling.
My teammates were going crazy.
The crowd's going wild.
I was in third place.
And then, boom!
Like lightning, my legs locked up.
My whole body seized and I fell 50 meters from the finish line.
And unfortunately, in that fall, I lost third place.
And it was so painfully close.
It was right there.
I got up and I staggered across that finish line and I looked like a ghost.
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