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Name: 20230606_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 6, 2023
2853 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses conspiracy theories regarding alleged Communist Chinese control over U.S. telecommunications infrastructure, Hollywood, and main universities. He claims that Silicon Valley Big Tech companies are now state-run and under the control of the Chinese government as a form of psychological warfare to make Americans adapt to censorship and manipulation. Jones calls on people to resist these forces and support InfoWars by sharing their content. Additionally, he covers other topics such as iodine deficiency, X3 supplements, Tucker Carlson's removal from air, Elon Musk being considered a satanist, the collapse of civilizations due to sex cults, organizations like ADL protecting actual Nazis, and various conspiracy theories. He also discusses safety during a collapse scenario, geoengineering concerns, whistleblowers, UN Sustainable Development Goals, AI manipulating climate data, smart city restrictions, chemtrails, President Biden's actions, and the importance of opposing autocrats with the word 'no.'

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I'm coming straight on.
People say, why does Jones say he's leading a frontal attack on the New World Order?
Because I studied warfare.
I studied history.
And I decided the most effective thing is just to be completely truthful and go 110% against the enemy and probably get destroyed in the process.
And it's going to be in that spectacle of taking them on and slugging and battling them.
And I knew I could metaphysically see it.
God basically gave me a vision of the attack.
and how intense they would get, and how every time they attacked me
it would make me more powerful.
That's how the Hegelian dialectic works.
And then they would only get more pissed, and more pissed, and more pissed,
until they finally had to kill me, or publicly tear me to pieces.
And you call it the Obi-Wan Kenobi moment.
And that's what we're entering right now.
And ladies and gentlemen, this is what it's all about.
And I have lived to see it all come true.
I mean, I remember I was on the air for two years on AXS TV.
I just started my local radio show.
It was exploding, getting top ratings.
I was like 23 years old.
And I'm sitting there at a little restaurant at like nine o'clock at night.
It's empty.
I was drinking a beer and iced tea and eating a chicken fried steak.
And I sat there for like an hour and I had this whole download.
And it was like, and it was like, there was like danger in the room.
It was like, I could tell it was like the spirit of the Lord was there and I could feel the fear of it.
It wasn't trying to scare me.
It was the, it was the awesomeness, like standing on the edge of a cliff or looking into infinity.
And it was just like, this is the future, this is what's going to happen.
Are you ready for this?
Is this a choice you want?
Because, you know, you've been chosen to do this, and all of you have been chosen as well.
That's why you're here.
And I said, absolutely, I accept this commission.
And it was, okay, you're going to get hurt really bad, but you're gonna do incredible things, and just trust in me, and you are going to be the guy.
And this happened.
I've told this story 20 years ago.
This happened like 27 years ago.
You're going to be the guy that causes the chain reaction to bring the next group of leaders for the big battle
Tomorrow's news.
This is an emergency transmission from deep in the heart of Texas.
The U.S.
resistance against a global corporate combine, empowered and funded by Communist China, allied with the big megabanks that set up Communist China in 1949.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of U.S.
telecommunications infrastructure.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of Hollywood.
The Communist Chinese have taken control of the main universities.
This is all confirmed.
This is not a drill.
Big Tech in Silicon Valley is almost completely run by the Communist Chinese government.
They've officially become state-run.
Apple 100%.
Google is now making the transition and announcing a merger and total worldwide censorship.
They are now beta testing using me as the straw man, a demonized version of Alex Jones, to do that.
This is happening.
This is not like the other probes before that were meant to get you used to probes and censorship, thinking you would adapt to censorship by just putting up with it.
Now this attack is thousands and thousands and thousands of times the magnitude of all previous attacks.
This is a titrated dose reverse psychological warfare operation using adapt and overcome subversion paradigm manipulation.
In layman's terms, they are manipulating the fact that we adapt to being oppressed.
We adapt to being pressed with the low dosages of oppression.
Now when the megaton hits us of the total takeover, we try to adapt to the poison infusion instead of not It's a lethal dose, if we accept the dose.
total Internet of Things integration, global social score, complete command and control system.
It is the virtual reality AI weapon system now attacking the United States
with traitors inside the major security agencies, blocking Trump's resistance of the program
and attempting to stop us from removing the tentacles of the Qaikon/Big Tech hanging combine emergency situation.
I have been chosen for destruction because I brought you this information
and have been battering, ramming it out as much as I can.
They want to double use me as they always do in any complex system of mathematical deception
where every angle of my good is turned against us.
So they take what I've said, being sincere, build me into an insincere person in the straw man.
I'm a person that cares about life and children and is against these wars, and so they make me a herder of children.
And then they build me into this lie to then set the distraction while they're actually censoring all of you to make a debate about Alex Jones.
So even if I didn't sell out to them, they've now used me as an archetype to serve them by being the main distraction.
I have now been captured by the enemy in the information warfare fulcrum and is being used against you.
Only your full understanding of this key will break you free from this paradigm.
I have given you the transmission!
I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.
Thomas Jefferson.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you ought to fight!"
You better believe you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Info Wars has been banned.
Attacked and threatened.
Because we are effective.
The Great Awakening is here.
Go to band.video.
Download the videos and share.
Support the Information War at infowarestore.com.
And never give up the fight.
There are of course those who do not want us to speak.
We think.
Just let me think.
In fact, even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
Stop it, please!
Stop it!
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong.
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and aggression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submachines.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war in the world.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, June 6, 2023, and I come to you live from the
amazing studios in northeast Texas of the great Stephen Crowder and crew.
And we're going to have a lot of phone calls today, special guests, a ton of breaking news and analysis, and I also want to invite The great Steven Crowder Mug Club folks that are tuned into my show right now to call in on any subject, any topic you want to discuss, live, uncensored, on air.
But I do have a question I want to continue on from yesterday.
I know we had callers on hold at the end of the show, so if we got their name and numbers, we'll call those folks back if they're available as well.
They'll go to the front of the line.
We're going to open the phones up here in just a few minutes and take phone calls throughout the next four hours of the broadcast.
Specifically on what do you make of the 2024 race and where it's going?
What do you make of RFK Jr., of Donald Trump, of DeSantis?
How does Elon Musk fit into all of this?
Kennedy came out yesterday and said he's pro-gun.
That the borders are wide open to destroy America for cheap labor, and BlackRock, that the environmental movement's been hijacked, and he's against toxic waste in our water, but that the carbon tax is a global scam of BlackRock and the Davos Group to enslave and track every part of our lives.
He's basically come out and admitted that this whole electric engine, you know, car thing's a scam.
I mean, the guy sounds like Alex Jones now.
Okay, so you can say what you want about him, whether you trust him or not.
Why does Elon Musk sound like Alex Jones, or Tucker Carlson, or Stephen Crowder?
Why does Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
sound like that?
Well, regardless, it's because we're winning the hearts and minds.
Our ideology, our understanding of the world, is the truth.
That's why it's being adopted everywhere.
Before, they had all these fake political ideologies that couldn't challenge the real ideology of the globalists.
And they're great reset.
Well, we have the Great Awakening to counter them.
And so we're not tootin' our horn here.
It's why we're under massive attack.
It's why I've got the CIA and private detectives just following me around, harassing me, trying to manufacture dirt.
And really, I just expect it because they need to take us down.
Well, guess what?
Whatever you do to me doesn't stop anything.
You can try to destroy the messenger all day.
People see right through it.
Whatever you make up, whatever you do, nothing can stop this now.
And so you're going down.
Know that.
Come out with your hands up, Bill Gates.
Come out with your hands up, Paul Schwab.
Come out with your hands up, Barack Obama.
Because the people know who you are.
I got a bunch of clubs from yesterday's two-hour-long event with Elon Musk and Robert Kennedy Jr., and it's just incredible.
Robert F. Kennedy is in full support of the Second Amendment, he says.
is against censorship and says he'll sign an executive order to stop it and stop election meddling.
He talks about the bioweapon labs in Ukraine that they now admit are real.
We broke that.
Seven, eight years ago before the war even officially started.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
calls Azov battalions Nazis and a hostile force.
talks about Twitter propaganda and the Ukraine war.
He gets into the CIA and developing bioweapons.
I mean, we've got to play all of this.
I mean, it goes on and on and on.
You can say what you want about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
all day long.
The stuff he's doing is causing irrevocable damage to the globalists.
And the fact that we've come this far, that Joe Rogan is talking about the New World Order and global government and the ESGs and poison vaccines and the globalists, and everybody is.
I mean, this is so positive, but we better not start you-know-whating each other's ding-dongs yet, like the wolf says in Pulp Fiction.
Because we are not out of the woods yet.
They are going to pull something big.
They're going to pull a rabbit out of the hat, like cutting the power off and claiming patriots did it.
I've been telling you for years that's the big plan.
That's what I'd do if I was them.
Exactly what I said happened two weeks ago.
I don't want to keep being right, but I live this, I drink this, I sleep this, I eat this.
This is what I do.
And I've got inside the enemy's brain.
I know a lot of you got in their brains as well.
That's why we love to take calls.
We had a lot of great callers yesterday, but this one caller called in, a lot of you probably heard him, and he said, you know, Alex, nobody said this and nobody's brought this up with the disastrous Afghan withdrawal of a year and a half ago that took Trump's well-planned withdrawal and just threw it on his face.
And the tens of billions of dollars of equipment left over there, some say $80 billion, that's hard to believe, but these are the numbers.
The $200 billion now has been sent to Ukraine by the U.S., it's $200 billion.
Where's all the opium?
Where is opium production?
What did that equipment being left have to do with the Taliban and opium production?
Because again, the Taliban brought it to almost zero.
After liberation, as it's called 2001, it went to almost zero production.
What is the production in Afghanistan of heroin right now?
Those are the really cool, smart, Things that are really thought-provoking that listeners bring up here on the show.
So we want to get into all of that.
But we've also got world government forming right out in the open.
WHO-EU announced partnership creating global system of digital vaccine passports.
And of course, I meant to get to this yesterday.
It was in the New York Times.
And we're going to put this on screen coming up as soon as the crew can pull it up because I had a highlighted version on my desk that I left on my desk not thinking I'm about to get in the car and drive to Dallas and co-host with Steven Crowder and then host my own show from there.
I didn't bring that copy because I've got zero hedge about it.
We wrote an article about it yesterday on Infowars.com, but you've got to read.
The mental gymnastics of this New York Times article.
We're going to be covering this coming up.
They actually say, yes, the main force in Ukraine is Nazi.
Yes, they howl Hitler.
Yes, they wear swastikas and SS twin lightning bolt runes.
Yes, but they really are heroes and good people.
New York Times, Nazis are good.
I'm just waiting for them to get an ADL award, and I'm serious.
If you're George Soros, said the best time of his life was rounding up fellow Jews, working for Hitler, happy making time, exhilarating, these are quotes, you get the highest award.
If you say you love Hitler, like Schwarzenegger said, you get their highest award.
If both your grandfathers almost died in World War II, meaning I almost don't exist because of Hitler, I mean, they both almost died in the Army Air Corps.
You get called a criminal and for your arrest!
It's such a wonderful, wonderful thing that we get here.
So now, yeah, put the article back on screen.
There is the New York Times telling you, well, yeah, they're Nazis, but they're really good people.
Nazi symbols on Ukraine's front lines highlight 40 issues of history.
And they go, well, it was the Nazis that fought the Russians in World War II there, and so a lot of the Ukrainians got killed by the Russians when the Russians launched a counter-offensive, and the Russians did some bad things.
So, how Hitler?
I mean, I'm expecting the head of the ADL to come out literally and start in an SS uniform and call for all of our arrests because we're Nazis.
I mean, that's how cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo this has gotten.
That's because people don't know their history, but they even had frontline specials on PBS like five years ago about Ukraine's Nazi problem.
Because if you want to find real Nazis in real uniforms doing blood and soil rituals and hailing Hitler and actually calling for Aryan supremacy, Yes, Western Ukraine is more Aryan, more Germanic, and Eastern Ukraine is Slavic, it's Russian.
But the area is Slavic, founded by Slavs.
Most of them are, you know, mix of, you know, quote, Western Europeans and Slavs.
That's all a Slav is, is a mixture of Eastern Europeans and Germanics with some Asian.
But the whole point is, is that this is ridiculous and it's a Slavic civil war.
And now the Nazis are the good guys?
Give me a break.
We're going to be reading Some of that article, because you read this stuff, and it's just like, well, even though I don't like being attacked by the ADL, I'm just not going to endorse Hitler.
I mean, I'd like the ADL to stop trying to censor me, stop trying to debunk me, stop trying to destroy my life, but I just cannot say I love Hitler.
I cannot say the best time of my life was rounding up Jews.
I cannot say it was happy making.
I cannot say it was exhilarating.
I cannot say that I feel no guilt, like George Soros did, because I had no guilt.
It's not that I feel no guilt, I didn't do anything to Jews.
I didn't do anything to the ADL, except be abused by you.
But, you don't speak for the Jews.
It's like if some racist black group, like the new Black Panther Party, says kill all the whites, I don't blame my black neighbor because it was a racist black group.
But I want black people to say that those racist black people don't speak for them.
And I want Jews to say that the ADL does not speak for you.
Because if you dress up the New World Order and all this tyranny and the Azog Nazi battalion in the ADL outfit, people are going to blame Jews.
And Jews are smart, on average.
I think we're all smart, but I think people know Jews are not on the dumb end here.
You can figure this out, what's going on.
They're dressing up the New World Order tyranny in a Jewish outfit.
What the heart of it is a bunch of people hailing Hitler.
That's what I keep explaining.
And a lot of the Nazis don't like me either.
Because a lot of them are financed by these leftist groups that don't even know it.
Their leaders are double agents.
And they're like, Jones claims that the Nazis were funded by super Nazis, but the Nazis founded the Nazis.
Hey, dumbass!
I'm talking about the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, and the Cold Springs Harbor, New York, and the Rockefellers, and the Nuremberg Trials, where they defended themselves, the Nazis, by pointing out that British intelligence and the British government created the ideology of eugenics and race purity that the Nazis followed.
Can you figure that out in your stupid little Nazi brains?
That the Nazis were an offshoot of the eugenics movement launched by Galton in 1855.
Learn how to read a history book before I have to slap you upside your stupid ass head metaphysically.
I'm sick of you idiots!
You hear about all the human cloning?
You hear about the chemtrailing?
You hear about the 5G?
You hear about the mutagenic injections?
They don't care whether you're a Jew, or whether you're a Christian, or whether you're black, or whether you're gay or straight.
Israel had some of the worst lockdowns and forced injections of their people, some of the highest death rates from the shots.
They know damn well, nobody is immune from this.
Is Jamie Foxx immune from it right now?
In a Chicago hospital, learning how to walk again?
Did he get the memo?
This New World Order is mad scientists, Nazis on steroids.
So when I say Nazis on steroids, I mean this is the Nazis' mama.
You know the story of Beowulf.
It's an archetypal, non-true legend.
One of the oldest Germanic legends written down.
And you know, Grendel's pretty mean and pretty tough.
He likes to eat people.
But his mama is a lot tougher.
So see, Hitler was Grendel.
But Grendel has a mama.
And this thing has spread its legs more than once and put out some babies.
Like communism.
And the ADL came right out from between the same legs that Hitler came out from between.
The ADL came out of the same womb as Adolf Hitler's movement.
And if you don't know that, you're stupid.
And if you don't know that, you don't understand anything.
And if you don't understand that, you're going to be destroyed.
So that's the bottom line.
But here's the good news.
Our worldview, our ideology, our understanding of how the world works, studying the globalists, studying their papers, their books, history, their real reports, because they talk about us like we're animals, we can't read what they're saying and doing.
Like they're at the adult table, we're at the kid table.
Well, I've been at the adult table for 40 plus years studying this, okay?
Since I was 9 years old.
40 years I've been studying this, since I was 9 years old and really woke up to this, because it's so incredible.
I wasn't reading comic books anymore, because they weren't real.
I was reading about the real stuff that's so exciting.
And as people get excited about the real universe, not about the baseball or football or knowing all these stupid statistics that don't matter.
The average man's really smart.
He can know all these football statistics, all these basketball statistics, all these baseball statistics, all the hockey statistics.
Spend all their time knowing all about this crap that doesn't matter.
But I learned about the New World Order statistics.
I learned all about bio-warfare.
I learned all about the CIA.
I learned all about the Kennedy assassination.
I learned all about Julius Caesar.
I learned all about Sun Tzu.
I learned all about that because it's so important.
And when you know history, you're not doomed to repeat it.
You're doomed to build your own future and take control of your destiny.
And that's what this broadcast is all about.
So do the Hitlers, and the Stalins, and the Maos, and the ADLs, and the Southern Poverty Law Centers, and the Joe Bidens, and the Democratic Parties.
You are in the ash heap of history.
Your time is coming to a close, and you're going to see more and more people who have a desire for freedom, and a desire of liberty, rejecting Xi Jinping, and rejecting the Democratic Party, and rejecting the blue-blood Republicans, and embracing liberty, and freedom, and security, and justice, and Jesus Christ.
And that's why we're here today.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, let's give the toll-free number out and then start playing excerpts.
Because, look, I love to talk.
I can talk for the next four hours.
I don't even take a break.
Everybody knows it.
But I really do have to play these R.M.K.
Because, again, everybody's asking, is he real or is he not?
You don't go to the world government forum like Elon Musk did and say world government's bad and dangerous and we shouldn't have a centralized world system and not cause them irrevocable harm.
You can say whatever you want about Musk.
I'm not saying he's good.
I'm saying the damage he's doing to them is real and them pulling 49% of his advertising and trying to bankrupt him is very real.
So he definitely is either trying to take over their system or he's against them.
But when you go to RFK Jr., they killed his father.
They killed his uncle.
And he has been waking up now that he's seeing all this, I believe, and really gets it.
Because when he comes out, what does he say about environmentalism?
There's a lot of real problems, but the current system is a power grab with carbon taxes, the shutdown industry, and it's slavish.
What'd you say about guns?
We need to stop the Prozac that's causing almost all the killings.
And we need mental health issues.
It's not the guns.
He's hitting on all cylinders.
The border.
It's about bringing in a permanent slave class.
We've got to shut the border before we have any more refugees.
Because we have to first control it.
All this is true.
What has happened there?
We have to get ready for victory.
I've been saying this for 20 plus years on air.
You know, the first five, six, I wasn't really dialed in.
I get more dialed in every day.
But I've been there 29 years.
But the last 20, I really have learned how things work and I've explained We're going to hit a point because I bet on you.
You know, I love that song.
I was listening to it last night driving up to Dallas from Austin to the show here at Stephen Crowder's Great Operation.
And I hadn't listened to Heart in a long time.
So I was going through classic rock and I listened to Hearts coming straight on, straight on, straight on for you, I think is the name of the song.
And maybe I can pull those lyrics up here during the break and maybe come into the next segment and play part of that song and then actually read the lyrics because It says, I'm going to bet on you again and again and again.
I couldn't help but bet on humans because I'm a human and I love my ancestors and I'm proud of who I am and I'm proud of you and our future.
I don't mean a prideful way, but I believe in us.
And I know we've been through so much and we're going to go through more, but we're going to do incredible things together.
And so I bet on you.
I bet on myself.
I bet on the God that created us.
And I'm just going to bet on you again and again and again.
And I'm coming straight on to love you and stand with you and to be with you.
And I want our enemies to know I'm coming straight on.
I'm coming straight on.
I'm coming straight on.
People say, why does Jones say he's leading a frontal attack on the New World Order?
Because I studied warfare, I studied history and I decided the most effective thing is just to be completely truthful and go 110% against the enemy and probably get destroyed in the process and it's going to be in that spectacle of taking them on and slugging and battling them and I knew I could metaphysically see it.
God basically gave me a vision of the attack.
and how intense they would get, and how every time they attacked me
it would make me more powerful.
That's how the Hegelian dialectic works.
And then they would only get more pissed, and more pissed, and more pissed,
until they finally had to kill me or publicly tear me to pieces.
And you call it the Obi-Wan Kenobi moment.
And that's what we're entering right now.
And ladies and gentlemen, this is what it's all about.
And I have lived to see it all come true.
I mean, I remember I was on the air for two years on AXS TV.
I just started my local radio show.
It was exploding and in top ratings.
I was like 23 years old.
And I'm sitting there at a little restaurant at like nine o'clock at night.
It's empty.
I was drinking a beer and iced tea and eating a chicken fried steak.
And I sat there for like an hour and I had this whole download.
And it was like, and it was like, there was like danger in the room.
It was like, I could tell it was like the spirit of the Lord was there and I could feel the fear of it.
It wasn't trying to scare me.
It was the, it was the awesomeness, like standing on the edge of a cliff or looking into infinity.
And it was just like, this is the future, this is what's gonna happen.
Are you ready for this?
Is this the choice you want?
Because, you know, you've been chosen to do this, and all of you have been chosen as well.
That's why you're here.
And I said, absolutely, I accept this commission.
And it was, okay, you're gonna get hurt really bad, but you're gonna do incredible things, and just trust in me, and you are gonna be the guy.
And this happened.
I've told this story 20 years ago.
This happened like 27 years ago.
You're going to be the guy that causes the chain reaction to bring the next group of leaders for the big battle.
Long time listeners have heard me tell this story a hundred times, okay?
You heard me tell this 20 years ago.
This, I was embarrassed of it the first five, six, it just sounds so awesome.
You know, that literally, I was like being given a whole download.
I was like, what?
For like an hour, just sitting in a restaurant, just going, what the?
And like, and like, it was like this big choice.
Just like the devil wants you to sign a contract.
Well, God wants you to sign a contract.
And I signed the contract, ladies and gentlemen.
I signed the contract.
And now, we are seeing all this happen.
And of course, it was my listeners, it was our guests, it was our community.
We all did this together.
But that's why the enemies of freedom want to shut us down.
That's why they want to make us corrupt, and claim we're corrupt, and lie about us, and say we're bad.
Because they don't want anybody to believe there is anybody good.
But you know you're good!
And again, I bet on you.
I believe in you.
You bet on me.
And together, we're changing the world.
That said, we're going to go to break.
Come back, get the number out.
Take a lot of calls.
I don't want to throw this out.
A lot of rumors swirling around about what's going on with me every few weeks after co-hosting Steven Crowder's show.
I've become really good friends with him over the years.
He's anti-censorship.
I like doing his show.
I like doing something different.
And we plan to work together in the future.
Infowars isn't going anywhere.
His show's exploding.
This is just us up here having fun because I enjoy it.
I said, anytime you want me, I'll be there.
And so it's mutually good for both the broadcast to synergistically expand what we're doing and to fight tyranny.
And so this is what this is all about.
And so there's no I mean, we are getting married next week, but other than that, we're both gay.
It's a joke, folks.
We're actually space aliens.
No, I mean, it is what it is, and so just having a lot of fun, synergistically working together, and having a huge effect battling the globalists.
So that's what it's all about.
And InfoWars, despite all the censorship and all the attacks, it was exploding.
But it was Steven Crowder, four years ago when I was getting de-platformed,
almost no one stood up for me.
Almost no one supported us.
Almost no one said it was wrong.
We had a big show.
But Steven was the first and the strongest to support us.
And so we really appreciated that.
He's been through a lot.
So we're here to support him as well.
We'll come back, give the phone number out, take your calls, and cover a ton of news.
Stay with us.
Such a powerful song.
Let me go ahead and just read these words, I'll give the number out, take your calls,
cover a ton of vital news.
Quite some time, I've been sitting it out.
Didn't take no chances.
I was a prisoner of doubt.
I knocked down the whaling wall.
Ain't no sin.
Got the feel of fortune.
Deal me in.
Coming straight on for you.
I've made my mind.
Now I'm stronger.
Now I'm coming through.
Straight on.
Straight on for you.
Straight on for you.
Now I know I've got to play my hand.
What the winner don't know, a gambler understands.
My heart keeps playing it through.
My heart keeps playing it through.
With you, my friend, I'll take my chances on you again and again and again.
Coming straight on for you.
I've made my mind.
Now I'm stronger.
Now I'm coming through.
Straight on.
Straight on for you.
Straight on.
Straight on.
Yeah, for you.
Coming straight on for you.
You've made my mind.
And now I'm stronger.
Now I'm coming through.
Straight on.
Straight on.
Straight on for you.
Straight on.
Straight on for you.
Straight on for you.
You've made my mind.
Now I'm strong.
Now I'm coming through.
Straight on.
Straight on for you.
Straight on.
Straight on.
I'm straight on for you.
Straight on for you.
That's my message to the New World Order.
I'm coming straight on for you.
Crank it up!
Now I'm strong!
Straight on for you!
But not because I hate you, but because I love the people behind me.
That's a very famous saying that's been said different ways by different statesmen, but we don't fight for those that we, quote, hate in front of us.
We fight for those behind us that we love.
All right.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, or 877-789-ALEX.
seven seven eight nine two five three nine eight seven seven seven eight nine
two five three nine eight seven seven seven eight nine two five three nine or
eight seven seven seven eight nine Alex and I've obviously reached out to the
great Steven Crowder audience he very graciously likes to come up here and
I really enjoy sitting back and watching all the energy and all the preparation they do and all the fact-checking they do.
And I love his crew.
It's great.
People love my crew as well.
It's great to be here with them here in Texas.
And again, people asking, wow, like every few weeks you're up there hosting.
Yeah, because it's fun.
It's something we enjoy doing.
It's collaborative.
And, you know, Stephen's co-host of the show with us.
And so it brings a lot of new listeners to the show and brings listeners to his show.
We're all on the same mission here.
So it's a win-win.
You like people, you have fun with people, and it's beneficial to freedom and your overall organizations.
It's a win-win.
Why not do it?
Water's cool.
Come on in.
So that's what it's all about, folks.
We're the cutting edge.
We're the leaders.
And it's not about arrogance when I say that.
It's a big responsibility.
It's hard.
And we are under a lot of attack.
But we get to see victory in our lifetimes.
Most people fight because it's the right thing to do and never see victory for hundreds of years.
We're seeing the victory right now.
And it's going to get rough.
The enemy's going to strike back.
But make no mistake, we are winning.
Our ideology is the accurate ideology, the true ideology.
All the other ones are total frauds.
You can see it on its face.
What we tell you is dead-on reality.
From the enemy's own operations and our own resistance, a synergy of that understanding and what humans are and what we were put here to do.
It's all God-based, all God-directed.
And then betting on humanity.
God hates cowards.
I'll tell you right now, God hates cowards.
God loves children, drunks in the United States of America.
Von Bismarck said that.
And God hates cowards.
So, people are all worried about going to hell or being cut off from God.
Well, if you know evil's going on and you sit there and go along with it, God hates your ass.
God hates your ass.
And, you know, I don't set it up here as some grandstander that, oh, God loves me and I'm perfect and I'm a Pharisee and I'm so righteous and I'm so good.
No, the opposite.
I'm a sinner.
I'm a fallen creature.
But I love God.
And I repent of the bad things I've done.
And I've become a much better person than I was.
And I can see myself progressively becoming better.
And that's what God wants to see.
So all you out there that haven't gone too far into sin, because your heart's been hardened, you know, the door's been closed on you, you closed it, but most people can turn back, still.
And I would just advise everybody that's been serving Satan, That tune in to hear what the show's all about or tune in to hate me.
To understand the devil's very real.
And you're a fool if you think the devil cares about you or will help you.
The devil will destroy you.
The devil hates the image you were made in.
Even though you've twisted it.
Even though you hate God's image.
Even though you cut up your own body.
Even though you're against what you are.
God loves you and the devil hates you because you are superior.
You're not as old.
And you're in a childlike state and that's why you're being attacked.
It's a microcosm.
They attack the children because they can't defend themselves.
Well, we as a species are at an embryonic level right now.
A larval level.
And that's why we're being targeted.
And so, I'm simply here to tell you we're the winners.
We are superior to these creatures.
And we're going to win.
But we're going to have to call on God to lead God and direct us to do that.
Okay, so I'm done.
I'm done preaching here, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, there's a ton of news we're going to be covering today.
But I think the best thing to do is just to take your calls.
I don't have the call computer system punched up here.
I guess the crew can send it to me, but it's such a small screen, I may not be able to read it.
So can you guys send me a screenshot of who the callers are?
And I will then be able to take those calls.
So just send it to my little globalist.
Tracker system is what these phones are and I will be able to do that.
It just came through.
Okay, so we got John and we got Sam, we got Marcus, we got Russell, we got Keith, we got Anonymous, we got Alkiller, we got Mark.
We got Sam, we got Connie, and many others.
So we're going to be doing your phone calls here in just a moment.
We're going to go on a break.
In a few minutes, we'll come back directly to your phone calls.
Please also remember, we're not subscriber-based at InfoWars.
We had a subscriber system that was doing quite well, bringing in like $4 million a year.
But we were making so much money in 2016 that I said, oh, we got plenty of money.
Everything's free at PrisonPlanet.tv now.
Well since then we got sued and attacked and attrition and all the rest of it and now we're barely able to keep the crew in place and pay our bills and deal with all the legal.
But we still don't have a subscription system.
At some point we'll probably have some extra shows with a subscription, but regardless, we're all free to air at InfoWars.
We fund it, and the multiple shows, the special reports, and all the articles, the investigative journalism, and the underground reporting around the country and around the world and at the border, with the funding you give us.
So you commission us in this fight against the new world order, and I'm very thankful and very humble of the listeners, but you're really seeing a big effect funding this operation.
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but it's the action you take that is the essence of victory.
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Pray for the broadcast, and go to infowarestore.com We'll be right back.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, it's not about, oh, InfoWars is so successful, we weathered the storm thanks to you, we wouldn't be here without you, God's number one, the listeners are number two, I think at the bottom of my heart.
But Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
comes out and admits they're putting chemicals in the water to turn the frogs gay, and Alex Jones is right, and Andrew Tate tweets, or on True Social, Alex Jones was right, they want to turn the frogs gay, and your children.
Both of those videos and audio, and all of it's on InfoWars.com.
Infowars has really already become, but it's becoming more so every day, the touchstone of, like Kilroy was here in World War II, or, you know, screw the system, we don't trust what's going on.
It's becoming the byword of, we know the system's a lie, we know it's out to get us.
And that really isn't to even credit me, or even the audience.
That's God, but that's God working through the enemy, that they're so discredited they thought they'd use us as a symbol of disinformation, a symbol of failure, and God has risen us up as a symbol of victory.
So all praise goes to God.
And people say, man, you've always been a Christian, Jones, but you just talk about God constantly.
Well, I mean, Target is selling t-shirts that say we're going to guillotine Christians and we're going to satanically put you in a satanic cult and your children belong to us.
They mean it.
It's real.
I haven't told you a third of the stuff I've seen.
Believe me, it's real.
And as the veil gets lifted, and as God removes his protection, you're gonna see stuff that other people have been seeing for a long time.
And I know the inside baseball, I cannot tell you stuff that I know.
But let me just tell you something.
There's a reason Tucker Carlson's talking about God.
There's a reason Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
is talking about God.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Man, I really want to tell you this, but I'm not allowed to.
I wish I could tell you.
I wish I could tell you, but you'll learn soon enough.
Because hell's being opened up.
In Revelations, only about a third of the demons are on the earth right now.
But they're being let in right now.
Every second more coming in.
They're aliens, folks.
That's intermensional.
They're jumping in like paratroopers right now.
And CERN definitely has opened up a gate.
This is all real, folks.
They do satanic rituals at CERN when they activate it.
Thank God it's blown up each time.
They admit to creating a black hole to destroy the Earth.
I know this all sounds wacky, folks.
This is really going on.
And remember, your sight is a tiny band of just visible light, and light itself is a tiny band of all the other energies.
So, there's different analogies, there's different energy, there's so much energy it's hard to quantify.
We added all the different types of discovering all the time, but let's just say we see 1% of what's going on.
It's way less than that, but you see 1%.
Your eyeballs are only set to pick up a very small amount of stuff that's going on.
I mean, here's an example.
People are taking ayahuasca in groups of 20-30 at the same time and seeing the same beings together and writing in notebooks without talking what they've seen and what's going on.
And the CIA's been studying it for 50 years.
When people take very strong doses of LSD, in double-blind studies, these are secret government studies I've been given access to from sources, You can see the echolocation of bats because it's lifting the veil.
So it looks like red laser beams shooting out of the bats.
That's another big secret study that was done more than 60 years ago.
It's been duplicated over a thousand times.
So again, you can see echolocation, but you've got a filter in your brain because you'd be seeing too much.
If you could see the radiation coming in from space and you couldn't even sleep at night, there's so much light, so much frequency out there.
And lights just one way of seeing it.
And the point is, is that we have blinders on.
Rose-colored darkly, the Bible talks about.
Because if you could see everything, you would be crazy.
And that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
Alright, I've really gone off the deep end here, but that's what this is all about.
It's just time to reveal everything, isn't it?
So let's start going.
Let's start going to your phone calls right now.
Let's go ahead and I forgot it's on my phone because I'm in Steven Crowder Studios and I get that way.
These crews, by the way, is awesome.
You probably just email the phone list to them or text them.
I guess the phone list is always updating.
So that's the reason we can't do that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Connie in Arkansas and then Sam in Georgia.
Connie, thank you for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
It's Arkansas.
First, I want to plug your nitric boost and your full-spectrum CBD.
Love them both and highly recommend them.
Secondly, on RFK Jr., and it's kind of cool, you're talking so much about God and blessings and everything.
I mean, I love that he's exposing so much.
And that's great, but I've been to his site and I've tried to find, I could have missed it, but I haven't seen, and I doubt that he has, spoken out on his stand on being pro-life.
We will not be blessed by God.
No, no, no.
He's been pro-death in the past and anti-gun.
That's why I say I don't trust him.
But I'm saying the turn he's made is like 170 degrees away from the Democratic Party and its current policies.
He hasn't gone the other 10 degrees.
he and i mean i mean i mean he hasn't gone the other ten degrees uh... but but but but
but so so what do you think's going on
uh... connie arkansas well i mean i think it's great that he's exposing all this
The people need to hear it.
They need to see it, particularly the left that's so blinded to it.
But I'm just saying that we can't really get behind him and support him because the Lord will not bless him or bless America if we continue to kill babies.
I mean, and traffic babies.
I mean, he's got to come out.
And I'm not even happy with how Trump is kind of weakened on his pro-life stance.
He's kind of...
We're beginning to waffle a little bit on some things, and if we're wanting the Lord's blessing on this earth, and to come back and lift us out of this, to save us.
No, I totally agree.
And what's going on with Trump and all of them is, Trump's being told to soften his image, which is the opposite of what he needs to do.
And they're all playing politics, but to irrevocably, as a Democrat Party royalty, as close as you get to it, it's the Kennedys.
The most popular Democratic president ever, hands down.
To have, to have, you know, the scion of that family literally come out against the New World Order on every front is just, it's devastating.
I mean, there's no way he ever walks us back is the point.
So I think he's had a transformation.
I think he's having a transformation.
A lot of other people are having transformations.
Doesn't mean I trust him because when somebody's got a tail on them, you know, a past, Well, I'm pleased that he's opening so many eyes to the things, you know.
I'm concerned about our stupid elected officials.
what he's doing and I have a good feeling about Robert Kennedy Jr.
I mean I go with my gut. At the end of the day I have a good feeling about him.
Well I'm pleased that he's opening so many eyes to the things you know I'm
concerned about our stupid elected officials they're not doing anything
about the World Economic Forum or WHA. No I agree but I think we're gonna know
is real when they kill him.
And by the way, we've talked to sources very close to him.
Gerald Salendi told a story yesterday about talking to his campaign manager, who he's longtime friends with, Dennis Kucinich.
And he said, yeah, he'll probably come up here and speak at Kingston, New York, but he wants to be indoors.
We're getting a lot of, you know, threats.
So, I mean, believe me, he's concerned.
Anything else?
That's it.
You have a great day and I'm so glad you're back.
I'm glad to be back and I love your voice.
Some voices you just love.
I love everybody's voices, but I really like yours.
Connie in Arkansas, thank you.
Sam in Georgia.
Sam, thank you for calling.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, thanks for giving me a call back, Alex.
Long time listener, first time caller.
So I have a little bit to touch on each RFK, Trump, and Elon Musk, but I guess I'll just jump into Trump.
I do think he's a legitimate candidate, not controlled opposition.
He may be a blundering fool sometimes, but that's better than a thieving criminal.
Are you there?
I'm listening, yes sir.
Oh, okay.
And as far as RFK, I think he needs to win the primaries.
We need to get the other alternative message out there.
I mean, being here in Georgia, I can see that everybody, they don't care what side it is.
I mean, there's a common slogan that's Vote Blue No Matter Who.
So, I mean, if we get a legitimate candidate on the Democrat ticket, that is of primary importance.
And then, um, as far as Elon Musk, I mean, I don't trust him further than I can throw him.
I'd like to think he's the whole Francisco, uh, Dan Contoni, uh, from, uh, uh, Atlas Rhodes, but he kind of seems more like the Peter Baylis from, uh, Game of Thrones.
He's just gonna stab you in the back when the opportunity comes.
Um, your thoughts on any of that?
What do you think about DeSantis?
I don't trust him even less than Elon Musk.
I mean, everything he does is only for his own benefit and he waits until the perfect moment until he turns on Trump.
He had an opportunity to Not hold back the FBI investigation with Mar-a-Lago and that, and he just went and set aside and let them do their thing.
Alright, good points.
Thank you so much.
We're going to come back and take more calls in the second and third hour.
So much more coming up.
Really great calls.
Stay with us.
Band-Op video.
Tomorrow's news today.
I want to welcome all the great Steven Crowder viewers and listeners that have joined us right now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
All right, Mark in New Jersey and others, I'm about to go to your phone calls here in just a moment, but I want to say something at the start of the next segment about Trump and supposed 3D chess.
Let me write a note to do that because I forget sometimes what I'm going to cover.
Trump 3D, because this is really important and I just, I didn't really have an epiphany, but I kind of did.
I've kind of said this before, but I want to add something to it.
So that's coming up.
Very important.
We're checking your calls on The leaders of the resistance, Robert Kennedy Jr., Donald
Trump, Elon Musk, are they real, are they frauds? We know Tucker's for real, look what they've
done to him.
And again, it's not about who the leader is, it's about who do you think's most over the target.
Let's talk to Mark in New Jersey. Mark, thanks for calling on the air.
Alex, hopefully we're doing better today on the calls than we were yesterday.
I thought you were going to wind up with one of those Chinese exploding helmets on
Hey, will you guys boost my audio on me real quick?
Go ahead.
Keep going.
So, Alex, the reason I'm calling, two points.
On the RFK Trump dynamic, couldn't agree more with one of the callers yesterday.
He talked about potentially kind of hijacking the debates.
I think one of the powerful things there with that is Politics being a continuum, it's not like, you know, they're not monoliths.
You know, you're right, you're left.
You know, people kind of see the gray area.
I think there's a lot of blackpilling that could be done from both sides if both those guys got into a room together and started having kind of their Lincoln-Douglas conversations and people tuning in to it.
The second thing, MTJ.
I just want to touch on her for a second.
You know, I really had high hopes for her.
I thought she was just a dynamo.
I know you have a soft spot for her, but I also know there are no secret cows in your world.
Next time you get her on... No, there's no secret cows.
I mean, I think she's a great lady.
I see her being criticized for going along with McCarthy to increase the debt limit.
Well, Trump went along with a bunch of debt limit increases too, so you can't get mad at MTG and then not get mad at Trump.
I'm sorry.
No, Alex, that's not where I was going.
I was actually speaking to him on January 6th.
You know, releasing the footage would somehow jeopardize security of the Capitol building.
There is something there that is so there that both sides do not want it out.
I think it goes to the core of our government.
I mean, you're starting to see some of these murmurs about the FBI, you know, the stuff come out, the FBI and the election interference and whatnot.
I think this is just another iteration of that move.
Who's the senator right now who told me...
By the way, I've been on vacation.
I've been on vacation for two weeks, so I only read news like two hours a day instead of eight hours a day.
So I saw something about MTG and the Capitol tapes and I was confused by it.
What did she do?
So I'm sorry I'm uninformed.
Tell me.
No, no, no.
I mean, it's overwhelming how much there is coming at us at this point, so it's fair enough.
You deserve family time.
Long and short of it is, she was pushed on, where are these January 6th tapes?
Why didn't you guys lever this as part of the debt ceiling increase?
This was a promise that was made for the speakership, that these things would be brought out to the public.
Sure, and what is she saying?
You know, to release these tapes would fundamentally undermine the security apparatus at the Capitol building.
So, you know, she deflected to, you know, we need a safe, we need a safe zone and we can't show you what went on there because it may jeopardize our security.
Which I honestly believe that this, whatever is in those tapes, is so damning to the... Well, you know it's similarly crazy and Tucker was going to release it that next Monday when they fired him.
Correct, absolutely.
There is something there that is so monumental that it is going to destroy the overall... Well, I mean, I agree with you.
They act scared to death of it, and I agree with you that it should be released, so I'll talk to her.
I really appreciate your call.
We'll call her and ask her to come on.
We'll bring that up.
Please stay with us.
this we'll be right back.
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Well, we're having some really thought-provoking conversations here on this live Tuesday, June 6th broadcast.
I'm coming to you from Northeast Texas in Steven Crowder's amazing studios, and we're taking your phone calls.
I've got a bunch of news and a bunch of RFK Jr.
clips I want to play, but I want to get to a lot of your calls first.
Then I want to get into some of the economy news.
The Energy News and a disgusting article in the New York Times defending the Nazism, you just can't make this up, of the main battle force, ground force in Ukraine, the Azog Battalion.
So that is all coming up, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, I'm going to start here on the calls on the first ones that were received.
So I'm going to start up at the top with Daryl in Missouri.
We'll go to him in a minute.
But first, a lot of stations join us here in the second hour.
And so I just want to add that we're taking calls on any subject you want to bring up.
But first, I want you to humor me.
And tell me what you think of Elon Musk, RFK Jr., Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, and which one do you think is a better leader and more reality-based?
We're overwhelmingly getting Trump is for real, but makes some mistakes and has a big ego.
is in the process of waking up.
They killed his father.
They killed his uncle.
But overall, we don't trust him completely, but our gut tells us he's good.
That's what I'm saying.
And this is just explosive situation for the new world order.
They're so scared.
And then DeSantis, because of all the Republican establishment ties, does a lot of good things
but can't be trusted.
So trust but verify, as Reagan said.
And then Elon Musk can't be trusted.
That's what the majority of the callers think.
I think Musk is hedging his bets.
I think the guy's a pragmatist and he sees liberty starting to win.
But I said before I go to your calls that I was going to talk about something really
Now, Trump said in an interview when he was running for president in 2016, now six and
a half years ago, that the deepest thing in his life, the deepest thing he ever learned
was how to be shallow.
Now, that is such a Zen master statement.
Because you have all these genetics, all these instincts, your spirit, you have all your ancestors, you have all this composite information, you have all your learned knowledge in this bodysuit.
And your first approximation, all the studies, all the research, women's intuition, all of it, is almost always the right way to go.
So, but Trump put it in the perfect idiot savant way.
The deepest thing I ever learned was how to be shallow.
But he called going with his first instinct, and he went on to elaborate, you know, the first thing I think is almost always right.
No, it's always right.
You just might interpret what your spirit hooked into your instinct.
Instinct's third dimension, spirit's above that.
You have a manifestation in each dimension.
Third and up.
You can be drug down into the lower.
And that's just a human cosmology for it, but the mathematics has shown it's accurate.
It can be sideways, diagonal, the direction doesn't matter in higher dimensions.
But, such an incredible statement.
So the caller said, I like Trump, he's totally for real, even though he's a buffoon sometimes, and basically a bull in a china shop, he's not a criminal.
He actually cares about the country.
Totally true.
And do you think he's pigheaded with us on the shots?
He's pigheaded with them on everything else they want.
So he was actually the president.
He tried to be.
That's why they got so upset was they were ruling through consensus and boards and globalist bodies.
So that's really where I met with Trump is that they claim he's playing 3D, 4D chess.
No, he's not.
Not in the way you think of he's consciously looking at thousands of points of integrated information and then coming up with some sophisticated move ten points ahead.
But that's what the subconscious and unconscious mind hooked into the spirit is, is the 10-D chess.
You know, God's up there at 12-D.
So, yeah, that's going on, but you don't control it.
Your conscious brain just needs to go like you're an F-16 pilot and it says missiles locked.
You're not firing out radar scans and missile lock systems in the avionics.
You just know when it goes missile lock, aim nine, sidewinder missile.
You know that that's what you've just done.
But you're not the whole jet, the avionics, everything that went to build that, to fuel it, to train it, to launch it.
You just know when it goes...
Lock, lock, lock, lock that you're on.
And so that's what that is, ladies and gentlemen.
And everything the system does is to keep you away from lock, lock, lock, lock, lock.
Because you can start living your life where you're just lock, lock, lock, lock.
If you have basic info, basic research, you can have known enough about the world, the third dimension, to then be able to understand what you're looking at and what your instincts are telling you.
But you've got to have an understanding of the third dimension to overlay it with your spirit, with your instincts, to be able to make the right decision.
And that's why they want dumbed down, mindless, stupid people, so that they still have all these skills, they don't know how to apply them.
They don't have age, or wisdom, or development, or experience, or understanding.
So they want you entombed in your house, playing video games, watching movies, living in a fantasy land, to try to program preconditioned responses that override your spirit, your intuition, your conscience, your instincts.
And so, That's why they hate Trump.
Cause yeah, he knew what he felt like.
And what he thought was best, and most of the time it totally screwed him up, because they had planned responses that someone in the system would respond to, which was already pre-programmed and actuaried, so they knew how to react to someone operating from the program matrix.
But because Trump's operating off of his spirit, his instincts, even though he's got a flawed template he's operating off of, it's still so much more advanced in their operation that they go, this guy's just unstoppable.
That's why in all their lawsuits against me, they're like, give us the secret data, the intelligence agency programming you, let us know who's funding you, let us know who comes up with all this, we know you've got somebody telling you what to do.
They cannot understand that like Luke Skywalker, I've turned off the targeting computer, and I just blew up the Death Star.
Because what God gave me is way more powerful than this technological junk that you sit there and worship all day that just simply templates what we already are.
The AI doesn't do anything.
It steals.
It plagiarizes.
And we go, oh, look, it's so incredible because it's showing us ourselves back.
We are incredible.
So that is my message to everybody to understand that Trump is Not an intellectual.
He has his ideas, he has his gut, he has his beliefs about what's right, and what's fair, and business.
But notice the Chinese would meet with him whenever he wanted.
He'd say, I want to meet.
Yes, sir!
We'll meet with you right now!
I'll fly to you!
Because they recognize, okay, this guy's in charge.
is a dictator and evil.
He respects himself, though.
He climbed up from nothing, betrayed his own family to a death camp to be in charge.
Trust a member of the party.
Now in charge of it.
He respects his power.
He's in charge.
That's why he totally shut down Big Tech in China after they kicked Trump out and stole the election.
He said at a big event two years ago to the Communist Chinese, we got to take over Big Tech.
They're out of control.
We're done.
They want to do this to us.
They're not doing to us what they did to Trump.
But they actually respected they were talking to the boss.
They won't meet with Biden or his representatives now.
They won't meet with the Secretary of Defense because they know.
They're like, hey, we want to meet with Larry Fink.
We want to meet with Elon Musk.
We want to meet with Bill Gates.
We want to meet with Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.
We don't want to meet with Biden.
Don't insult us.
Send in somebody that doesn't even know who he is, who shits his pants every day.
When Biden gets mad, he craps his drawers and goes, now wipe my ass.
This is on record.
I've talked to Secret Service and others.
I'm leaving it at that.
And notice he doesn't trust the Secret Service now because that information got out.
I mean, I talked to the police and the Secret Service that were in New York.
He crapped his drawers last year, twice.
If he gets mad, he goes, I mean, literally, think about that, and blasts his drawers, and then they have to carry clean clothes, and then he sits there and gets off on it, while young interns wipe the diarrhea off his legs.
They did that to humiliate America.
They did that to run us under the bus.
But it backfires on them because the whole world now just goes, we're not meeting with that.
We want to meet with your leader.
When the Martian ambassador shows up, you don't send them the janitor to meet with them.
You send the leader.
The Martians are like, that's an allegory.
Show us the leader.
We want to meet with the leader who's in charge.
We don't want to meet with the Easter Bunny here.
I promise I'll go on your phone calls when we come back, but that's what's going on with Trump.
And that's why he beats them, is because he's not operating in their false template.
He's operating from the spirit, from the gut.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
And we are back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to be taking your phone calls starting right now, and then later in the next hour, I am going to get into all this supposed UFO knowledge coming out, and the major psyop being run out of the government.
Uh, that alien invasion is imminent.
This is the next big shoe to drop, ladies and gentlemen, and it's very sophisticated.
And we're gonna do our best to give you the most accurate information we can, but it basically deals with a wide spectrum of different possibilities.
Right now, let's go back to your phone calls.
Daryl in Missouri, thanks for calling.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
So much for taking the call on, uh, I wanted to answer your questions on, uh, Kennedy, Elon, yesterday Kennedy was really good on guns and he said people feel that the Constitution are under attack and that's exactly how I feel and people that love America and the American Dream and everything.
I was targeted by the ADL.
I wrote a religious exemption on July 14, 2022.
It's still on my Facebook and it was a religious exemption by me and my wife and our beliefs.
Our Amish and Mennonite neighbors live as separatists.
And have their beliefs, and I'm entitled... I heard you say you're allowed to be an anti-Semite the other day, and if you don't like it, well... And I'm not an anti-Semite.
I'm accused of that because I believe the vaccination thing, and he's on a first-name basis with Tulsi.
I predict that'll be his running mate, and, uh, you know, he's got to come out and say, uh, abortion's not healthcare.
I think DeSantis is susceptible to the deep state, uh, connections.
Eric Greitens, these young leaders.
You want to talk about leaders?
I'm a long-time listener and freedom lover, and this article they wrote about me is defamation, and I need help fighting them.
I'm just a regular guy.
Tell us who you are, because I want to hear this.
Twenty years ago, I had my lawyers send the ADL a letter, they actually changed it and fixed it, saying Alex Jones hates Mexicans, and Alex Jones says assault Mexicans at the border.
Well, we said, hey, that's clear defamation.
Fix your article.
They did correct it.
Now they don't even care.
They feel like it's open season on everybody.
And so, again, the ADL does not represent Jews.
I said, you can say you hate Jews, black people, white people.
You have a right to say you hate gays, hate straights.
You have a right to do it.
You just don't have a right to call for violence or go out and be violent or tell people to be violent against certain, you know, and name names.
But the ADL literally lies about me constantly and calls for, at the end of my speech, it calls for people to be arrested that disagree with them, and then they do all this other stuff.
But yeah, the Amish, they're even, the left's even coming up Amish now, because they're an old white community that, because of Protestantism, you know, moved out there.
That's who they're with.
They're calling that racist.
And look, if Jews have a right to interbreed with Jews and go be separatists with their religion, in Israel, My name is Darryl McClanahan and I was a candidate for U.S.
Jews are marrying Jews.
They believe in that religion, they believe in that culture, they revere that, they honor
that, they have a right.
And so, that's what's going on here.
But I don't know who you are.
Tell us who you are, what the article was, and what happened.
My name is Darryl McClanahan, and I was a candidate for U.S.
Senate, and I believe they were very threatened by our religious waiver.
The Mennonites, January 6th defendant who's been found guilty, George Washington, Isaac Yoder, he's a Mennonite neighbor, and they have a Christian school, and the guy has little children, and they're going to send, he, Capitol Guards testified, he said, please don't destroy the people's house, and our congressman who I ran against, Mark Alford.
People went to his office and Josh Hawley's office and said, "Hey, send someone down there to these trials.
We need to have court watchers.
We know what they did to Stewart."
I helped Stewart years ago get an attorney for Wren, a gentleman who was a Filipino.
I understand, sir, but tell us about your...
Tell us the article. What did the ADL say about you?
They have a picture of me at a cross-lighting.
So they have a picture that someone else took and posted around of me.
I was advocating for Jacob Goodwin.
He was a Charlottesville defendant who was overcharged.
Certainly, he deserved a year in jail or something.
I have my Christian beliefs.
Are you in?
I mean, listen, you have a right to be, but are you in the KKK?
No, I am not.
And they are portraying me as that I am.
And I was never a member.
They don't like me.
They don't like me because I've always spoke against violence.
Let's be clear.
I mean, at a KKK cross-burning, half the people there are feds or ADL or Southern Poverty Law Center.
But it was a real photo of you at a KKK cross-burning?
My name while you're talking to me.
Darryl McClanahan.
I know, I know.
I'm in a remote studio.
I'm just asking you about it.
Look, if a journalist goes and covers one of those things and they're a bad person, it doesn't matter.
The point is that the left is just as bad as the KKK with all their racist garbage and burning things down and all this crap.
I'm just trying to understand what they specifically did to you.
And so, you're saying they wrote an article about you because you're saying you want a right to be left alone from their shots?
That's one of the reasons.
Read my religious exemption.
It's posted on my Twitter, Missouri Battle Flag.
I will.
I will.
And I appreciate your call.
We gave the guy four minutes.
We got to get to the rest.
The callers will never get to everybody.
People will say, he just censored that guy because he's a good white patriot.
No, the guy got more time than the callers.
Got to move to the next person.
It just always gives me a headache.
I would never go to an ADL meeting.
And if you go to a KKK meeting, you're at an ADL meeting.
They run the whole thing.
I mean, literally.
The Grand Dragon, all of them's them.
Just give me a break, man.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Kansas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I've been a user of Real Red Pill and DNA Force since you first came out with them, as well as X2 and X3.
Those products are great, they're life-saving, and I appreciate them.
I buy a lot of other products, too, and I used to buy hundreds of your citizens' rulebook and hand them out for free to other people, the Constitution, but I don't think you've got them anymore.
Well, we just can't afford it.
I mean, back when we had plenty of money, I'm like, here's free booklets and everything.
And now we're crushed down.
But yes, I plan to bring back the Citizen Rule books as soon as we get on our feet again.
We're starting to get on our feet.
It's kind of like you've been down on the ground.
You're kind of getting on your feet right now.
So I promise you if we can continue on rebuilding, we're going to bring those back.
Well, I understand because I'm not buying near what I used to from you because I'm in the same boat.
Anyway, I do think R.F.K.
For those who don't know, you can order them at cost, but every order got a few of them in the box.
That's why I said they're free, but thank you for your support.
What was on your mind, sir?
I want to say I think R.F.K.
is real.
I think that there's a lot of things we don't like about some of his stances, but I think he knows, he understands the deep state.
I think he's got a grudge to to fight against him.
I think that he'll be the one that'll bring out the real information about the CIA and JFK and RFK's murders and probably Martin Luther King.
I think he... Hold on.
Don't hang up.
You're a genius caller.
Stay there.
Don't leave.
I'm coming right back to you after this quick break.
You think Trump's got a grudge with him stealing the election and saying he's a Russian agent and all this crap?
They did all that to me, too.
I got a grudge against these people, man.
I didn't do any of the stuff they say.
They made my life a living hell just because I want prosperity and freedom and security.
I mean, that's not right.
But they want to take this country over, so they did that.
But can you imagine?
You think Trump's got a grudge?
Everybody's like, we got to get Trump back in.
He's got a grudge.
Boy, he's going to be tough on him now.
They shot his dad six times in the back.
At that hotel in Los Angeles.
The CIA did it.
It all came out.
It wasn't sir in, sir in.
And they killed his uncle.
The president blew his head off in the town I'm sitting in, Dallas, where I was born.
I was born in the same hospital Kennedy died in.
Hell, he died in that car, but they pronounced him dead there.
Little strange factoid.
But here we are, ladies and gentlemen.
Here we are, and you think Kennedy's got a grudge?
Yeah, we'll be right back.
You know, I love coming in with that song, We're an American Man, because it says, when I grew up, I wanted to be a rock star.
When I grew up, I wanted to defeat the New World Order.
All right, let's go back to the callers.
He was making a really, really good central point, and that's John in Kansas.
Start over with your point, sir.
You got cut off by the break.
Go ahead.
I was talking about RFK having a grudge against the Deep State, against the CIA.
He's probably the best candidate we could find to do something about them.
Also, you know, when he was at the University of Chicago, I believe, he blocked Bill Ayers from getting tenure when it came time for him to be eligible.
So he's already been standing up for a long time, and he's willing to die for what he's doing, obviously.
He's got a lot of courage.
And I think backing him is a good idea, even though, you know, we don't agree with everything he says.
But the biggest reason I called today, and I've been praying about this for a long time, is that I believe that the deep state, that the Democrats will use the 22nd Amendment to stop Donald Trump from ever becoming president, from ever being inaugurated in 2025.
Because The 22nd amendment starts out, no person shall be elected to the office of the president more than twice.
And no, and Donald Trump is still saying he's been elected twice.
If he continues to hold that line, what's to keep them from going into the courts and saying, well, we found evidence that, uh, there was fraud in the election.
Trump was actually elected the second time.
And we've got the evidence right now, and we are going to bring up that evidence and keep him from being president.
He's been elected twice.
Maybe they'll let him in for a month or two after the election if he wins, but they'll never let him take office in 2025.
Well that sounds cockamamie enough for them to actually do it.
Because everything they do is about murdering logic.
Did you see the press secretary say we can't have open borders?
Or you can't ship people to our cities, it's collapsing them, but they're the ones opening the border.
It's the total murder of logic.
But yeah, they stole the election and turn around and say, oh you were the president, but we stole it so now you can't be president now.
That is a possibility?
But we know what they're doing.
They're getting ready to indict Trump federally.
They're getting ready to indict him in Georgia at the state level.
And they're creating a crisis that's going to blow up in their face.
I mean, Trump went up 20 points in the polls on average when they indicted him in New York.
They had that crazy cuckoo woman.
He's found guilty for saying he's innocent civilly.
The jury said, well, $5 million.
You said you were innocent.
You're not allowed to do that.
I mean, just totally cuckoo.
Great points.
I appreciate your call.
All right.
Up next, Carlos in Canada.
Thank you for holding your own here.
Then we'll go to Sam, Marcos, Russell.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I am concerned about the assassination, the possible assassination of Robert Kennedy Jr.
He's obviously, like his predecessor, I guess, John F. Kennedy Jr., he was willing and open to discuss who killed the President of the United States and who killed the Attorney General.
of the United States when he was a candidate to be president and he looked like he was going to be elected.
The best way to protect Robert Kennedy today is to expose and to discuss the killing of President Kennedy.
It's going to be 60 years in November since the killing of the president.
And Americans like games.
They like to face challenges.
They are very, very gamey.
In the sense of being distracted away from reality, but this is a reality that's ever present.
And I am concerned about assassination of leaders because once the hidden hand is exposed, once the 300 is exposed, you've got a motivation to repeat what they have succeeded in the past in doing.
So I'm willing to share with you information and to look at some details that will expose and by November have a very clear Feeling an impression as to who really was behind the assassination of President Kennedy.
Yes, I'm willing to do that, Alex.
Well, you're a smart guy.
Carl's been calling over 15, 16 years.
And of course, we know who you are.
You've been a guest on.
You've been a good guy involved in government corporations at very high levels.
I mean, give us a quick gestalt, if you want, about why you think the assassination of RFK Jr.' 's uncle is important today.
I think it's relevant because it changed the course of America.
It changed it.
There were many, you see, when you hear a lot of the writings and things that were said
about the assassination of President Kennedy, the Americans are rather insular in economics,
let's say as economists, and in looking at things in perspective relative to the dollar.
But if you really want to be an economist of relevance, you have to look outside at
the forces and the currencies and so on.
Again, with the investigation of President Kennedy, very few people have really have
gone outside to study what really happened from the perspective of, let's say, Charles
de Gaulle.
Charles de Gaulle in 1940 had an opportunity, I researched this, it took me a long time,
but I researched it, to meet with John F. Kennedy's father, Joe Kennedy.
He was a historian, a very well-read historian, Charles de Gaulle.
And in 1961, when he met with the president in France, they discussed certain things.
And he basically discussed with him matters relating to Allen Dulles.
Allen Dulles, who had been responsible and was looking to one of the major promoters of the assassination of Charles de Gaulle, was Allen Dulles from the 1940s onward.
So you have to understand that the CIA really doesn't is the agency, but there were so many agencies that wanted
to kill the president.
It wasn't just, you know, the vice president who was...
For folks that don't know about the French, it was years later with de Gaulle that the
French seized their nuclear weapons from NATO there at the International Airport and actually
took control of France.
So NATO was going to keep France controlled after World War II just like they did Germany and that's why the CIA wanted to kill De Gaulle.
But all that is never in the news because it shows the CIA is not invincible.
But Charles de Gaulle, if you recall, he became a victim of attacks and assassinations the very moment that Algeria came into play.
You see, Algeria was a source of energy and a source of oil and very wealthy and very rich in resources. And Charles de Gaulle
was faced with the reality that, you know, the colonies had to be let go. So
how do you let go a colony such as Algeria without at the same time leaving it
open to, let's say, the communist influence? So, Alan Dulles wanted to make
sure that, you know, there was no likelihood that Algeria was going to go the way of
And so, Charles de Gaulle, when he changed his mind, and John F. Kennedy, and he discussed the possibility that Algeria would have to become a colony, then at that point Charles de Gaulle, who had released all of the colonies except Algeria, became a target.
And so you see President Kennedy, and when he came back to the United States and said, I'm going to do away with, you know, the CIA and so on, because of what had happened at the Bay of Pigs.
It was at that point that people don't realize that Allen Dulles had known George the Moran Shield since the 1920s.
He was a witness, as Robert Kennedy has mentioned, George the Moran Shield was a major witness, basically, in the, in the, Absolutely, the Deep State killed Kennedy and killed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'
's dad.
We know that.
Thank you so much, Carlos.
Alright, I'm going fast when we come back.
The order of the calls are received when we come back on the other side of this break.
So, Sam and Marcos and Russell and Keith and Anonymous and Al Killer and Judy and Jeffrey and everybody else, I'm getting your calls straight ahead, stay with us.
Alright, Sam in Illinois, you're on the air, thank you for holding, thank you for calling today.
Hey Alex, thanks for having me on.
To let you know I'm listening, to answer your question, I'm gonna go with Trump.
I think he did a very good job as president the first time, and I think he'd do a good job the second time.
Can you hear me Alex?
What do you think of RFK?
What do you think of Elon, not Elon Musk as president, just as an anti-globalist?
Do you like RFK Jr.?
Or do you dislike Elon Musk?
What do you think of Ron DeSantis?
And then what do you think they're going to do to try to stop Trump?
Because obviously he's the leader, he's the frontrunner.
Well, I don't have to, I don't feel too highly about, I wouldn't say too highly about all three of them, but I'm more of a Trump guy.
Not much for DeSantis, and I would just have no comment on Musk.
And I'd say RFK's a good guy, you know, he's one to watch out for in the race.
But I was like, I was wanting to talk to you about Section 230.
Are you aware of that Internet bill?
Section 230 was upheld by the Supreme Court about three weeks ago.
It was upheld.
It says the Internet still, still, still... Sorry, go ahead.
Oh, you show it still in place so they can't.
They can't.
My problem is with violent videos and Section 230.
Section 230 makes it so if there's a murder and it's been someone's put posting it online of a murder or a mass shooting, because of Section 230, you can't get it taken down.
Am I wrong there?
No, Section 230 only means that the utilities, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, things like that, are not liable when somebody posts it.
Terms of Service and the applicable laws can take down the video.
A Supreme Court rule that Section 230 stands.
The problem is that the big tech has been hiding behind Section 230 while they act as a publisher Involving themselves in editorial control over their users.
Under Section 230, they're only supposed to block criminal activity.
So, that's the issue.
The Supreme Court is allowing Section 230 SHIELD to continue even though Big Tech is violating the very policies of Section 230.
But it's probably good the Supreme Court did that because the European Union and other outside groups are putting undue influence and criminal threats on U.S.
tech companies to bring in even more draconian censorship and control.
And it's only U.S.
law blocking that through Section 230.
So that's the sophisticated answer.
Anything else?
Well the liability is the issue and I just am here to say that the Buffalo New York mass shooting at the grocery store that left 10 dead in 2022 That's right, and they leave it up because it terrorizes people and it scares people.
But then if I come up here and expose the left funding white supremacist groups, I get banned because they don't want that known.
Yes, I understand that.
I appreciate your call.
Good points.
Marcus in Ohio.
Thank you for calling.
Go ahead, Marcus.
Yo, how you all doing?
Yeah, I just want to say there was something very troubling with the RFK Jr.
Elon Musk discussion.
They kept referring to our republic as a democracy over and over again, and I see this trend happening a lot.
We're a constitutional republic, a little-D democracy.
In a democracy, the majority could kill the 49%.
In a republic, there are basic rights to protect the minority.
You're absolutely right.
That's correct, and if you watch that video, not one time did either one of them refer to this as Constitutional Republic.
I meant to make that point.
I'm glad you called, but I ended up listening to most of it last night.
I only saw part of it during the show because we were live.
It was like a religious mantra.
Democracy, democracy, democracy.
We're not a democracy, we're a republic.
Sorry, go ahead, make your point.
Yes, this is correct.
And what they're doing is they're after the children, alright?
They're trying to hammer home these things into the children so that they forget the rights that they were given by God.
When you have a constitutional republic, you gotta be killed, man.
You gotta kill everybody to kill the spirit.
When you have a democracy, you can just have mob rules, man, and it's over.
And just one more quick point I'd like to make.
Hey Crowder, you pompous a-hole, walk your own damn dog!
What are you doing to your pregnant wife, ya big-ass mastiff?
Ya scumbag!
Alright, so I don't know what that guy's talking about, but sounds like he didn't take his medication today.
Alright, let's go ahead and take another caller.
Let's go ahead and talk to Russell in Oregon.
You're on the air, Russell, welcome.
Aloha, Uncle Alex.
Just wanted to say how much I love you, man, and thank you so much for turning me on to the nascent iodine.
I've been on the X3, X2 regimen for the last 15 months and I can genuinely say that it saved my life that I was experiencing.
I don't want to cut you short, Russell, and we're going to keep posting with all the callers next hour, but stay right there.
to become a strong man connected to the most high.
And I just want to thank you.
And it's the most important thing that I've done to change my life.
So thank you for making those projects happen.
Well, I don't want to cut you short, Russell, and we're going to keep posting with all the callers
next hour, but stay right there.
I want to speak to a moment to what you just said.
Listeners need to understand something.
All I have is my integrity, and I make mistakes, and I get really mad when I make them, but I don't make them on purpose, and I don't make a lot of mistakes compared to what I used to.
I still make a ton of them, but compared to when I was younger, I make a lot less.
Compared to most people, I don't make a lot of mistakes.
I mean, I'm not trying to brag.
I've just been given a lot of discernment and understanding, and I'm a very blessed person.
I just want to try to share understanding with people and boost them, they'll boost me, they'll boost my children, we'll boost your kids.
I really am a team player.
But I will not, you can have anything you want, but don't take it from me.
You know how that song goes.
But here we are.
You're talking about X3 and the iodine.
Two million people, Lancet Journal Medical Study, a bunch of other reports, have cognitive disabilities in studies because of lack of iodine.
What the U.S.
government says is the daily allowance is half of what they said in the 70s.
The government used to mandate iodine in the salt because it increased fertility, lowered cognitive problems.
They estimate that it boosted U.S.
major studies.
Type in iodine added to salt boosted U.S.
IQs 15 points in one decade.
That's like Business Insider 13 years ago.
Look it up.
Memory serves.
I'll nail it.
14 years ago, nail it.
The point is, is that why would they not want you to have that?
Now, just crappy bound iodine, they added a salt, boosted IQ of 15 points.
Ours is deep earth crystal and then the two other types for better synergy.
And it's totally game changing.
And it's not your fault you were depressed.
It's not your fault you were down.
When I forget and don't take the iodine at least three days a week, I'm like, Wow, I'm feeling sluggish, I'm tired.
Oh, I forgot to take iodine for five days.
Cause I'm not a supplement guy either.
I just learned how great they are.
I've got to religiously have that lazy Susan at the kitchen table.
My wife gets sick of it.
She doesn't forget to take hers.
So she always moves it over to the corner of the kitchen and I forget.
I say, I move it back.
And it's that, we don't fight very much, but it's a battle over, why is your sink, she says, full of all these toothpaste and all this stuff.
Can you put it in your drawers?
And she put it in the drawers.
And I say, I put it on top because I forget.
It's a floss if it's not on the top of the thing.
You know, it's the classic thing with your wife and the toothpaste.
Like, why are you spitting toothpaste all over the sink?
You don't need to use that much toothpaste.
You know, and this is women.
They literally get obsessed with that.
I get them.
I'm a pig.
It's like, why do you shave your beard and leave your stuff everywhere?
Okay, I'm a pig.
The point is...
She will move the stuff off the kitchen table.
She'll move it off my sink.
She's got a sink and I got a sink.
And my stuff moves over to her sink and she gets upset about it.
And that's a normal husband-wife thing that goes on.
But I got a habit to remember to take it.
And you're saying you were depressed and stuff until you took it.
Folks, you have to have it to live.
They're hitting you with chlorine, fluoride, bromine, all the bad halogens to counter the good one.
So when I sit here and say, Get X3, about to sell out, it's 25% off, today's the last day at m4shore.com, it takes about 15 days to kick in on average if you have a major deficiency.
Consult your physician before you take it, because you've got other thyroid problems.
Who knows what it'll do?
The point is, it is a major missing link to the research.
All right, Russell, I'm not going to hang up on you.
I want to give you time, but you brought this up and I meant to talk about it.
So Russell and Oregon stay there.
Then Keith, Anonymous, Al Killer, Judy, Jeffrey.
And, uh, man, my eyes just go out at that point.
It's a tiny screen in his studio.
Who's that?
Uh, is that Obi-Wan or who's the last caller?
I got it worse.
My eyes are still pretty good, but I can't read a screen this big from eight feet away.
So, uh, I'm not complaining either.
I'm just this tiny little tiny thing.
We're going to go to break.
Come back and go right to your calls.
And I promise I'm gonna get to some of the RFK stuff.
And I got a bunch of other stuff I haven't gotten to as well.
He came out on Gay Frogs, we're gonna play that.
And so much more next hour.
But yes, get X3, your last day to get Ultimate Crystal Oil, X3, a bunch of other stuff for 25 to 40% off
at infowarrestorer.com.
Keep us on air, take action now, experience X3, infowarrestorer.com, we'll be right back.
(dramatic music)
Please give me one minute of your time.
Please write this down and please go look this up.
It will change your life.
The UN admits and the Lansink Medical Journal admits that upwards of 2 billion people have mental disabilities and declining cognitive abilities.
The term they use is intellectual disability because of lack of iodine.
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Only pure iodine can really be absorbed right into the cells.
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Ladies and gentlemen, X3's been sold out for six months, it's very hard to produce, and it's finally back in stock.
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This, ladies and gentlemen, is powerful.
You and your family need it.
It's 25% off back in stock.
X3 Tri-Iodine, exclusively at Infowarsstore.com.
Take action now, but regardless, research is info.
All right, Russell in Oregon, thank you for holding.
I know I interrupted you when you went off on taking X3.
X to what it what it did to you but I mean my point to listeners is we don't just sit here and say this is game-changing life-changing the enemies attacking you need this tend to realize that like 1% of our listeners maybe buy it if 2% bought it we would be able to have 50 reporters and be totally in the black and just dominate the world but literally listeners to it they see all of our information is game-changing and But they just think it's hype because there's so much advertising hype and so much BS.
I mean, PQQ, CoQ10 that's in DNA Force, makes your telomeres last longer.
Even the FDA lets you say that because it's true.
I mean, it literally makes you live longer.
We're not selling BS.
Like our water filter.
It's the highest rated for half the price of leading competitors.
And people go look at the studies online, they go, oh, third-party sites say it is the highest rated for at the price.
Wow, you actually, yeah, I want to sell you something that you like so you come back again.
I'm not trying to sell you something one time.
I want to sell it to you over and over again and build a world we all live in.
I want to, if I was a car seller, I want to sell the best, safest car.
If I was going to sell a water filter, I want to sell the best steel, best filter.
I'm going to sell a gun, I want to sell the best gun, a Glock or whatever.
What I'm getting at here is, is, is, is that I could sell snow to Eskimos.
but I don't need to sell snow deskmos.
That doesn't empower them.
I want to sell freedom because I want to buy freedom.
I want to live in freedom.
I'm selling freedom, they're selling tyranny.
I'm selling prosperity, they're selling enslavement.
Now I'm gonna shut up now.
It's raining so hard, the roof's about to cave and I never heard, this is incredible.
But I'm gonna shut up now.
Russell, you got the floor for the last three minutes of this segment, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
Just wanted to make a couple points that as far as the election goes and the candidates,
I wanted to make a point about Trump that I don't think that I've heard on your show.
And I think that he is a Trojan horse for the transhumanism.
I think that if you go back to his speech that he delivered at the 2020 World Economic Forum right before the lockdown, Going back to January of 2020, he discusses making investments in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and 5G, and that he brags about how it's all under the leadership of his daughter Ivanka, who is actually a class of 2015 Young Global Leader.
The artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and 5G are the foundation of the transhumanist technologies that are meant to To transform us into a modified human organism that is integrated with the machinery.
And this, I think, is cause for more concern than any other issue.
You know, we know that Ivanka's husband is an avowed transhumanist, and we have to be able to be honest whether we like Trump or whether we
If he's going around promoting this and talking about making these kinds of investments,
that this is something that is clearly part of the agenda.
Like I said, I believe it's a Trojan horse to infiltrate on behalf of the transhumanism.
That said, I think... Well, let me just back you up and say I 100% agree that Trump, who I don't think was part of this, just because I know how he operates and who he is, was a Trojan horse unknowingly that brought in the real Trojan horse, Ivanka and Jared Kushner.
Kushner is a transhumanist.
He believes he's going to live forever.
They were moles against Trump the whole time.
They're disgusting.
And there is absolutely no doubt that went on.
And now they're estranged, basically, from Trump.
So that's a good thing.
And if I see Ivanka and Jared with a 666 Park Avenue anywhere near Trump again, I'm done with Trump.
And I'm already, look, I'm not throwing the baby out of the bathwater, but I'm already really upset at Trump.
And I've criticized him a ton.
Everybody knows that.
That was an ultimatum.
You know, I tried to get the Sanders to be more hardcore about, you know, being, see if I can get Trump to, you know, wake up me anti-vax by endorsing the Sanders for a while.
But Trump's too pig-headed to do that.
But I hear you.
Excellent points.
There's no doubt that Jared Kushner is an anti-Christ wannabe.
Jared Kushner is a joke.
He's a lightweight.
We'll be right back.
All right, I mentioned in the first hour of the incredible RFK Jr.
interview on the Second Amendment, on open borders, on tyranny, on bioweapons labs in Ukraine.
We're going to get to all of that coming up after I finish these phone calls, but I promise to get everybody.
So Keith, Anonymous, Al Killer, Judy, Jeffrey, Mike, and others, I'm going to finish up with you right now, but to get to everybody ahead of this, I got to give each one of you about a minute and a half.
So thank you for calling.
I'll give you your time.
Move to the next person.
Keith in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Mr. Jones, for taking my call.
Can you hear me OK?
I can.
If it wasn't for you, I'd probably be dead today because I would have gotten one of those real vaccines.
I take some of your supplements and with my wife.
And I just want to start off where somebody left off on Elon Musk.
He's a Satanist hiding in plain sight.
Last year, he was seen with a samurai suit on, embossed with Goats' heads and upside-down crosses.
Samurais don't wear those, but Satanists do.
Trump, Kennedy, and DeSantis are birds of a feather.
They flock together.
And this won't be turned around unless we get the government to repeal government-imposed, legalized homosexuality in America because it wasn't legal for 183 years.
When it was first legalized in 1959.
That's just a few of the things I'd like to see turned around in this country.
But you're doing a good thing.
And all your staff there, you guys are doing a really good job.
And I hope you can keep pushing on.
If I hit a big jackpot in the lottery, I'll send you even more money.
God bless.
Take care.
Keith, Keith, I really appreciate you.
I'm going to say something here because it's the right thing to say.
I've been a Christian, a populist, and I like libertarian ideas, and I don't hate people, what they do in their bedrooms, or their adults, but I'll say this.
I mean, I remember learning when I was a teenager that Texas still had sodomy laws, and thinking, well, they shouldn't arrest, you know, gay people.
And then I learned that I'm not supposed to call them homosexuals, even though it's heterosexual, homosexual, it's a scientific term.
And then it's, oh, just let us marry.
And then now, just let us have access to your kids.
And now, just let us cut your son's penis off.
And I'm not going to lump all those groups into one group, but there's a reason it's been banned in civilization.
Because every time it starts, it takes over.
If you read in some of the first books of the Bible, I forget which one it's in, with the story of Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah.
Is that in Genesis or is that the next book?
Pull up Sodom and Gomorrah, and then they found Sodom and Gomorrah, and it really happened.
And it's all been blown up, maybe a volcano, God did it, whatever.
The point is, is that they come to the door and say, we're here to have sex with the men, and the children.
And it's like they're having a gay pride parade, they're like, we're gonna have sex with your kids and the men, bring them out.
And, I mean, it's like a cult, it's a gang, it's taking over.
It's everywhere, I mean.
Imagine if, like, heterosexuals were just making out everywhere and beating each other with bull whips at parades and had little kids out there.
You'd be like, man, you people are perverts, man.
Again, I've been to topless bars in college and stuff, and it's all exploited for the men and the women and the whole thing, you know.
It's just a doorway into prostitution.
But I don't say put people in prison for doing it, but can you imagine being in a topless bar and they trot up a seven-year-old kid, half-naked, and you put money under his t-shirt?
You'd call the police.
That's what they're legalizing.
So all I'm saying, whether it's homosexual, heterosexual, whatever it is, it needs to stop.
Leave the kids alone.
And they're like, no, we're not going to stop.
And so I'm like, well, I do see.
It's not about tolerance.
It's not about leaving you alone.
You want to conquer me.
You're a sex cult.
We say the ancient world, civilizations got taken over by sex cults over and over again when they collapsed.
So I've studied history and I see that happening again.
And it's about the rape of our innocence, the literal rape of our children.
It has to stop.
Gillette and other TV ads tell you that men asking women out is rape, but sex with children is good.
These corporations are sick and they're evil.
We're going to skip this network break.
Anonymous in Texas, thank you for holding patiently.
You're on the air, Anonymous.
Thank you for taking my call and everything you've done.
Everyone, if you have not seen Alex's documentary, Endgame, please watch it.
I live in Texas.
I want to change my bank.
What do you think is the most ethical or lesser evil bank that deserves my business?
I have.
I mean, I'll be honest with you.
I have not had time to study all that.
I know that Larry Elder's promoting some new bank that they claim doesn't censor and is conservative.
We haven't approached them about merchant accounts yet, but they're not a real bank if they can't give us merchant accounts.
We've got merchant accounts, but we get charged too much because of the position we're in.
Not because of our credit, but because of the ADL hate designation.
So we pay a larger percent, you know, we have to wear the yellow star under the Nazi rule, the ADL.
I mean that literally, like I'm under Nazi rule, literal Nazis posing as Jews, making me wear a yellow star of an American and being charged more points because of who I am, because I'm not a traitor.
And so we'll see if they do it.
There's lots of local banks that are good, lots of credit unions.
But I really can't.
You just got to go meet your bankers, learn who owns the bank.
I would go with small banks.
I would not put your money in big banks.
All right, thank you so much.
Love you, Alex.
Thank you.
I mean, when I say Nazis, folks, that's what the Nazis did was take Jewish bank accounts away and make them second class citizens and charge them higher interest and stuff.
And that's what the ADL has done to me and our operation and to you.
And it's just they've hurt us.
They've abused us.
They've attacked us.
They've lied about us.
And they're so un-American and so damn evil.
And I just pray God Put a hedge of protection up against the American people, against the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL and the Democratic Party because they really are a bunch of thugs.
I forgot Joe Lewis was a Republican and he gave all his earnings to the Army when he was doing that during the war and then the Democrats came back and charged him $800,000 in back taxes and ruined him for the rest of his life.
They told him, stop voting Republican and we'll give you your money back.
These people are just thugs, man.
They're criminals.
And you've got to understand that.
They'll hide behind black people.
They'll hide behind Jews.
They'll hide behind anything.
But they're not Jews.
They're not black people.
They're evil.
Black people are great.
Jews are great.
Christians are great.
There's good people everywhere.
But these organizations, you know, you got really bad with Jesse Jackson shaking companies down.
And then everybody just bows down.
Oh, don't call me racist.
I'll do whatever you say.
At a certain point, I have integrity.
I'm not going to bow down to you.
Especially when, again, I mean, When I go around looking for real Nazis, if I was like Simon Wiesenthal, I'd search like, who does the ADL give awards to?
And it's like, half the time they're actual Nazis.
And I'm like, what the?
But see, that makes perfect sense.
See, if you're a real Nazi, you finance the ADL, you get total protection.
You just can't make this up, man.
You just can't make this up.
And it's pure evil.
Absolute intelligence agency evil.
And We just have to hold the course.
And the good news is the New World Order is failing.
They're losing right now.
Alright, let's go ahead and go back to your calls.
Owl Killer, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Well, Alex, I just want to say you deserved that vacation, and I loved you coming back, singing the Trendy song when that music came on yesterday.
I could tell you were back in a lot better spirits than you had been.
I gotta ask one question real quick, you can answer at the end.
Between Florida and Texas, where to go, and if it's Texas, where?
As far as the homosexual agenda, look, we don't care what people do in their bedrooms, but it is a sex and death cult, and they don't get that.
If there's going to be a backlash and it's all going to go away, the blue hair will go.
The gay marriage will go.
You won't be able to do what's being done in public because it is being forced on people.
And if it was straight people doing it, it would be disgusting.
It's an overt cult.
As far as Robert Kennedy and or Trump and Elon Musk go, Look, Robert Kennedy gets it.
If you could transplant his brain into Trump, we would have the winning formula.
Unfortunately, the voice thing may be an issue, and the fact that Biden is the sitting president and he's running against him.
Trump is going to jail.
We're ignorant if we don't see that.
That's why DeSantis is running.
Well, here's what I think.
I think they're going to indict him a bunch.
They think it'll discredit him and only make him bigger.
I think they're going to kill Trump.
That may be their final solution.
And then they're going to blow stuff up and claim we did it because we're mad.
When and if they kill Trump, obviously we're not calling for violence.
If we don't respond, they will be the bad guys.
But they're not going to let us not respond.
They're going to blow stuff up and blame it on us.
So the move is kill Trump, kill Kennedy, blow stuff up, blame it on us, cut the power.
That's the move.
It's the paper over there.
It's to write off, you know, their... It's the end of their Ponzi scheme and they want to bring in a new Ponzi scheme on top of it.
They're desperate.
That's why they're so dangerous.
Yes, they're hated.
Yes, they're falling apart.
Yes, they're a joke.
But they're still in control.
Now, but I think we're really ignorant to see that.
Look, they almost took Trump out.
I mean that's what Comey said over the weekend.
He said Trump's coming for us.
We can't let him do what we did to him.
We can't let him persecute us the way we did.
We've got to stop him.
They're desperate criminals.
over the weekend he said he said Trump's coming for us we can't let him do what
we did to him we can't let him persecute us the way we did we've got to stop him
exactly what it is. They're desperate criminals. Absolutely.
I mean that's pretty much all I had to say Just let me know between Florida and Texas and if Texas were to go.
I appreciate it.
Get his nitrogen.
Well, I'm not the end-all be-all, but, you know, I respect Joel Skousen and I've read his book and watched his film that we produced and obviously done a lot of my own research.
It's stunning when I travel the country how accurate his maps of the country are.
That book's like 10 years old.
I think we got copies of it.
We made a film about it.
But the point is, is that the Texas Triangle of Houston, Austin, and Dallas is not safe.
But the Texas Hill Country and out west is extremely safe, if you're self-sufficient.
Now, for quality of living before a collapse, western Florida, the panhandle, the people are very conservative.
Very awake.
There's more farming now than there used to be in Florida, but it's still not self-sufficient.
So because of the giant population and things there, I would rate Florida as way unsafe during a collapse compared to Texas.
But Texas is like a, let's say a hundred is the worst and a zero is the best.
Nowhere is a zero in the world with zero risk.
Texas is like a 30.
And Florida, according to scouts, is like a 90, one of the most dangerous during a collapse.
So, and places like New York, LA are like, they're 100s.
I mean, they're just absolute deathtraps.
San Francisco, deathtraps, all of it.
So, I have to keep our base in Austin, which takes funding and money and the crew, they're great.
But the long-term goal we ever get around to it is, A very extremely rural area, 20 miles off the pavement, with solar and with natural gas shipped in, and with a well to live very frugally.
And probably live next to some people or family who knows what's going on.
We have that in East Texas, but it's family land and family that are all military and all know what to do.
But if Houston and Dallas collapse during a collapse with 8 million in Houston and 8 million DFW, that'll all flood into those areas.
And even when there's a hurricane in Houston, you know, there's robberies and home invasions in the middle of nowhere where our ranch is at in East Texas.
But that's better still than one place like Austin or Dallas.
So my goals are very frugal.
I don't even have it yet.
Very frugal, but off-the-grid system.
But I'm already going down with the ship.
That should have already been set up.
And then, just for enjoyment in the interim, you gotta be ready to get out before they pull the power, which you probably won't be able to do.
I mean, somewhere like Sarasota, Boca Grande, you know, where Tucker lives.
Great people everywhere.
For just enjoyment, West Coast or the panhandle of Florida.
Everybody knows Fled, Texas, based in the panhandle of Florida.
Weatherford outside, Fort Worth, a lot of great people live out there.
But I mean, there's just places all over.
Idaho's got some great places.
There's some places right over the mountains of Wyoming and to Montana.
That's a larger discussion.
But if I had one place to go, for not quality of life, but just to be left alone, there's
some towns and cities that are medium size in northwest Texas, in west Texas, in southwest
Texas where there's nobody.
And you will not have anybody, and you can grow crops.
And I've been checking those places out as well.
The biggest thing is having a four-wheel drive with extra tires and extra gasoline because you won't get gas when they pull the plug and electric won't work.
They got kill switches.
You gotta have a heavy truck with everything you need already loaded with an extra 200-300
gallons of gasoline on it, 100 minimum. And I've gotten around to that partially
and I've just got a lot of it staged now.
and uh...
But I just intend to go down with the ship.
That's probably what's going to have to happen here.
But I do have thermal food and things like that at my house, and firearms to protect myself.
We don't know how long they're going to turn the power off, but it could be a long time.
But this is gonna be a good thing.
You know, we killed 70 million babies here in America alone, or 67 million, and we like the devil, so we're gonna get the devil.
And so all you folks out there laughing and giggling right now that live in your high-rise apartments and got your green or blue hair and eat boogers all day long and watch child porn, you're not gonna know what hit you when all this goes down, and you're gonna starve to death.
You're gonna die.
You're going to be taken to FEMA camps.
And you're going to be killed.
And then, the Globalist, when it's all done, will come offer me a job.
And I'll say no.
But, you should know, you are not respected by the Nobel Laureate for serving him.
I mean, I still get offers from the Globalist.
I mean, I'll be able to, anytime I want, sell out, which I'm not gonna do.
I can't do that to God.
I know this life's so short.
But all you that just sell out and grovel to Satan, and think Satan is so cute and so fun and all the evil you're involved in is so cutesy and you're winning, you're fools.
You'll be the first to die.
You're a joke.
And it's important for you to know that.
You'll always be a joke.
And those that serve evil across the board are a joke.
Nobody's going to insulate themselves from what's going down.
What's coming?
It's your tree, and you're sitting in it.
Let's talk to Judy in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, it's really cool to talk to you today, because it's my dad's birthday, and it's also D-Day.
And he fought in the Battle of Midway on the USS Mustin.
It's just a good way to commemorate his being alive.
That's beautiful, absolutely.
The Battle of Midway out in the Pacific Ocean and today is D-Day and it's important to remember all our great veterans.
Yeah, I used to watch him.
You know PTSD is real when you're sitting in the living room, your dad's asleep on the couch and he just launches off at the slightest noise.
Yeah, I don't know what he experienced.
Yeah, when my uncle got back from Vietnam, when my uncle got back from Vietnam, a plane flew over the house slower, a backfire happened, he jumped under the table.
Yeah, yeah.
War is not for sissies.
But I know, this is how I feel about Robert Kennedy and Trump and everything.
I don't know if we're going to make it to the election with everything that is talked about.
And I know that the first Um, casualty of war is the truth.
So I think this piece of scripture, if it's okay, um, it's John 8, 44.
This is Jesus speaking.
He says, ye are of the father.
Hold on.
It's not okay.
Hold on.
It's not okay.
We want you to quote scripture.
So start over and read it.
This is John 8, 44.
This is Jesus.
He is saying, ye are of the father.
of your father the devil and the lust of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.
When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
And, uh, I think everything, um, it was a few weeks ago you had the animation of Fantasia, the, uh, Night on Bald Mountain.
That is like metaphysically Uh, what I see.
It's like, we look, look out and see a pretty day, but it's like, I think, uh, so many things are coming to a head that, that's the actual, if you could see into the spirit realm, what it looks like.
Uh, you know, including, like, what Harrison was talking about earlier with the two witches or what goblins, whatever they were in the person's backyard, you know, chewing on the deer.
This is women literally, and I've seen the video, it's not fake, it's women eating rotten meat.
This is how psychotic people are getting.
Well, you're talking to a woman who's, um, I'm a mother of a daughter that may be engaging in, I don't know if she's eating beers, but she, she and I don't talk because of the spirit within her.
I don't know my daughter.
Uh, but you know, I think that everything that's being forced on us and I'm, I'm mad at DeSantis for, uh, you know, looking to leave Florida so soon because we had him, um, And he was a good governor.
But, you know, who am I to say?
But, you know, I just see us as cannon fodder.
And I think that you mentioned Sarasota earlier.
I first moved to Sarasota when I moved here in 2010.
And it's great, beautiful, but the original kissing statue was there.
Somebody supposedly hid it, so they had to replace it with something much smaller.
But there's many uh... roundabout that have been put on Route 41 approaching it and uh... it's turning into a smart city which you know is another term as far as I'm concerned.
Oh no, totally.
I know just a bunch of patriots.
I know a bunch of patriots that live there.
By the kissing statue you mean the reenactment of the famous World War II photo of the nurse and the sailor kissing?
I must say it's an appropriate place to live.
I'm just saying, if I was going to live in Florida, it seems like that whole area is a lot of good people, a lot of folks that are awake.
I really appreciate your call, Judy.
Thank you.
And Obadiah and Mike, you're our final callers.
I'm going to play a bunch of the JFK right to the end of the hour.
And then Owen Schroeder is going to pop in.
He's got some things to say as well.
But again, I'm very, very honored to be here coming to you live from Steven Crowder's studios.
He's been embattled.
He's been attacked.
He's been lying about the same tactics they used on me.
It's all pure garbage.
We're blessed to be here separately.
Today's the last day.
I haven't got a new special together.
I might extend it one day, but X3, our Deep Earth Crystal Iodine is selling out.
It's a game changer.
You need it.
You need to experience it.
I'm telling you, you need to take it.
Most people have iodine deficiencies.
This is the best iodine you're going to find.
Store.com or 888-253-3139.
It funds the operation.
It is the last day to get X3 discounted.
Then it goes to full price, then it sells out.
TurboForce, Chenoweth Clean Energy, also same deal.
Ultimate Krill Oil, incredible.
Wide Spectrum CBD Oil, currently 50% off what regular people pay for it, similar to CBD Oil.
Nitric, but it's so good for your blood, your heart, everything to clean out your blood.
What's happening?
Thank you for your support.
Now take action.
I'll be right back.
All right, I said I would air these incredible clips of R.F.K.
about bioweapons labs, about the Second Amendment, about closing the border, about the environmental movement being a power grab to take over, and when he's like the leading real environmentalist who cleaned up toxic waste dumps and stuff, that's real.
This is amazing.
We're going to be getting to that into the next hour, taking 15 minutes from the great Maria Z. reporting live from Australia and what's happening in that area.
I know Troyer is going to be Curating that information and putting that out in a moment, but I promise to get to all your calls.
So Jeffrey Obadiah and Mike, you're our tail gunners.
Jeffrey, you're on the air from Colorado.
How you doing, Alex, man?
It's a great day, right?
Hey, a quick comment for the listeners.
And what I question is June 5th, 2017 air traffic control is separated from the FAA and the Department of Defense.
If you type that in, And my question is, what do you think was the infrastructure that Mike Pence got up there and talked about changing the infrastructure?
And it was like a failed empire.
It was like authority to give a blank check.
What's the name of this separated?
I will be honest with you, Jeff.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
June 5th, Empire, FAA.
Talk to me like I'm 5 years old.
What are you saying?
Well, because I'm overwhelmed.
June 5th, 2017, Air Traffic Control.
Type that in.
Trump gave them a blank check.
Separated from the FAA and the Department of Defense.
Who are they?
Alright, have a great day.
Alright, I appreciate your call.
I'll have to look into that.
That's it.
Now I see what you're saying.
Thank you.
I'm not mad at you.
I just, it was above my pay grade.
I was trying to get what you were saying.
Thank you.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Obadiah in Nevada.
Go ahead.
I just want to read a quick poem before I get to the point.
Conceive true deception and multiply it a million fold.
Visualize the yin and yang in a battle so intense that we get them confused.
The resident evil specialize in misconstruing.
We want to be at a presidential level.
What are we doing?
Fooling ourselves.
Clowning ourselves.
Playing ourselves.
But not being ourselves.
We can't babble no more than we can bob our head off feet.
Memorize by the time we're 40 cause we can't get off meat.
While we ask no reason for the misplacement of the season.
Look at the picture that's painted.
Painted as the mind who's blinded to the point where sodomites get all the rights.
We fall for fights to put fists to cuffs.
Get pissed enough to miss the bus.
It disgusts me to see my folks run up on.
I say stand upon this section of time marked revelation.
And recognize this mind-numbing reality horror known as mankind.
Jesus and his 12 disciples make 13.
A righteous number of righteous men.
Even Judas the Betrayer came true in the end.
The devils say the end is the beginning.
They teach us that we were the product of incest.
Invest no level of self into their system of paganomics.
Stand with us and don't look back upon it.
Just face this mind state, otherwise Babylon.
Anyways, Trump, RFK, Musk, I can't trust somebody that wants to put a chip in her brain and the things that have been done to monkeys.
RFK, I've been watching his ever since he was like a Harvard student and his message seems pretty consistent and you can't deny his pedigree.
It blew his uncle's head off, shot his father.
And he's completely against the vaccines, the environmental movement, the fake environmental movement, the wars.
But with Trump, I like, the candidate Trump is completely different than what we have for president Trump.
Kept none of his, none of his, none of his campaign promises.
He never went to prison.
He didn't build a wall.
He didn't end the wars.
And when he got in as president, immediately he said, When he was asked about Hillary's going to prison, he said, I don't want anything bad to happen to these people.
They're good people.
And then with the Candace Owens interview, he said the craziest thing that I've never even heard that's infinitely more crazy than any of the rabid vaccine things.
He said that the COVID shots were the greatest achievement of mankind.
So when are we going to What is the possibility and consider the thought that he is a crisis actor of the highest order?
Well, I know this.
When they indicted him, it made him go up 20, 30 points in the polls.
And so you've got to ask yourself, is this all rigged?
And I think that's a good point.
What do you think about Elon Musk and DeSantis?
DeSantis is surrounded by Bush, Neal, Khan, Elon Musk.
You know, if anybody fits the anti-Christ, he fits it.
But I want to get back to Trump real quick, too, because there's a Times of Israel or maybe it was a Jerusalem Post article about a Ukrainian heiress posing as a Rothschild gains access to Mar-a-Lago and went golfing with him and the homosexual Lindsey Graham.
So I mean, if that's how quick his knees hit the ground when a Rothschild walks in, he's doing better than any of them.
He's just a good salesman.
He's great.
He's great on the mic.
He's a wonderful stand-up comedian.
He's funny.
He's entertaining.
But he's got this cult-like personality.
And people on the right are just as bad as people on the left because they can't flip past Their own desires to root for somebody.
And people who are backing Trump... Obadiah, really, really, really, really, really great points.
I'm glad you got through and I'm glad you were able to say all that.
Powerful food for thought.
Mike in Canada, last caller, then we're going to get to the RFK clubs.
Go ahead.
I know that your memory is great, so you'll remember Donald Trump stating specifically to Rubio, but he said to others, you don't want to elect a choke artist.
Now, I'm not sure what your excess mortality is in America right now, but I'm sure it's about 13%.
Now, if that's not a choke, and I don't think he choked just like your last caller, I think he's the perfect guy you want in.
If you want digital ID, you want Donald Trump in.
Because look what he just did with the shots, and he won't even acknowledge it, even though Someone who's a professional, like RFK, has come out from the very beginning.
You know how sometimes you defend Trump, saying, well, he just didn't know, he didn't have access to the information?
I'm a C-minus student, and I had access to that information.
So, I mean, what's the excuse?
He's a hack, and he's taking the United States in the direction of basically the world, the WEF, and Rothschilds, and Bill Gates, I mean, you guys are heading down that way, and you're cheering it on, which drives me insane.
No, we're having an open debate about it, because they definitely are coming after him.
He did a lot of good things they hated.
He's been wrong on the shot.
But I can see your angle, and I didn't like Jared Kushner.
So that's why we're having a discussion about it.
I think it's very important.
Do you remember, Alex, remember how you say that you trust your gut and it's normally right the first time?
Now all of your audience will remember what you specifically said about the Trump family after Trump bombed Syria.
Do you remember what you called them?
What'd I call them?
You called them cock you-know-what.
Yeah, I mean, I got mad about that that night.
Yeah, I blew up.
Yeah, so let's just be honest.
You're good.
I mean, I'm not going to say I love you 100%, but I know your gut is pretty much 100%.
Your heart is probably 100%, but your gut is... It's something that I can go on.
Do you understand?
Like I can go on my own gut, but if I follow your gut and what I hear you talk about, I'm literally never wrong.
Yeah, by the term, you know...
I meant like, they suck at the New World Orders.
It's like the Goblin rant, and it was terrible, and I thought it was horrible, because they were trying to get a war going with Syria that would have been a war with Russia, which we've been trying to stop.
Well, one way or another, we're in the middle of it now.
We'll try to watch them all.
Trump's not going to save us.
RFK's not going to save us.
God's going to save us.
We're going to have to save ourselves, so I appreciate your call.
Alright, that's it for callers.
We got one clip after another.
It'll take at least 30 minutes, so we'll go into the next hour.
We gotta get to every one of these RFK Jr.
The first one is he came out about the gay frogs!
And then he came out about the bioweapons labs, and so much more.
By the way, X3's in stock right now.
Alright, I'm gonna ask Owen Schreuer, who's getting ready to take over at 3 p.m.
Central in about an hour and 12 minutes, With the War Room at the M4 Studios in Austin, Texas.
What do you think about R.F.K.
What do you think about the debate we've been having today?
The large discussion about Trump, about Elon Musk, about Ron DeSantis.
What does your intellect and also your spirit and your gut tell you, Owen Schroeder?
Generally speaking, it's a good thing, Alex.
We have at least, I would say, maybe four really true, good, viable candidates for president that I would have no problem voting for tomorrow.
One on the Democrat side of the aisle, and that's RFK Jr.
And I would say three on the Republican side of the aisle, Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and even Ron DeSantis, even though he's clearly not ready for the big stage.
I think he's a good, I think he's a good man.
So I think overall, the takeaway is, this is, it just shows that we're moving the ball.
In the larger game, You know, we watch the friction every day, but in the larger game, I think we're moving the ball in the right direction.
And just today, I'm going to be covering this on The War Room later, Trump has now released a video from his campaign, basically talking about, I mean, alluding not so subtly to the fact that vaccines are causing autism, and vaccines are causing all kinds of autoimmune disorders, specifically in children.
Wow, that's big news, because he's needed to repent.
That's for the number one thing.
I want to hear about that right now, but let me just bring this up, Owen.
You hit the key here.
Regardless whether Trump's good or not, or Elon Musk is good or not, or RFK Jr.
is good or not, or DeSantis is good or not, or Joe Rogan is good or not, or I'm good or not, the point is, liberty and anti-New World Order and anti-globalism is now the dominant growing force.
So, I mean, we're winning.
People need to know that.
At least all these people have to sound like us now.
That irrevocably damages the globalists.
They are panicking.
And last time around, in 2016, it was Trump that was jerking the GOP.
Trump that was jerking the rest of the candidates on the stage.
Now Trump's getting jerked around a little bit.
He's going to have to be forced to respond to RFK Jr.
He's going to be forced to respond to some of the things that Ramaswamy is saying.
He's getting confronted everywhere he goes by his loyal supporters over the poison shot.
But not just that, Alex.
I think guarantees are going to have to be made from Donald Trump, who I still see as the frontrunner here.
He's going to have to start making guarantees.
Hey, Ramaswamy's saying he wants to shut down these federal bureaucracies.
He says he wants to cut federal agents down 90%.
What do you say, Donald Trump?
Can you answer to that?
Can you make that similar promise?
Here's what RFK is saying about vaccines.
Here's what RFK is saying about this.
Can you, Donald Trump, answer to that?
Can you make that same promise?
And I would expect, too, it's going to come up pretty soon.
Trump, who are you going to nominate to be part of your cabinet?
Who are you going to put in charge of the FBI, the CIA, these other places, if they still exist?
You need to start letting us know, because that's another big bugaboo with Trump is, are you going to put the right people in place, or are you going to let the swamp drain you?
So I think the conversations are getting more real now, is what I see happening here.
It's not just the political footballs that we're used to dealing with.
Back and forth where really it's meaningless.
We're talking about the real issues.
We're talking about the World Economic Forum.
We're talking about the poisonous vaccines.
We're talking about the invasion at the southern border.
We're talking about the government being weaponized against the people and what we're going to do about it.
So yeah, I mean if you want to say...
If you're not willing to tell it like it is, or you're not willing to sound like Alex Jones on the debate stage, then you're going to get mopped up.
You're going to get mopped up.
The people know what's going on now.
They know the topics.
They know the debates.
They know the facts.
And if you're not willing to go into those avenues in the debate arena, then you're just going to get wiped off the map.
So, I think the rhetoric is getting better.
Well said.
Let's get started with this.
You'll host 15 minutes to the next hour before you take a break through the War Room.
And Maria Z's coming up.
I want all these here.
So we got like seven, eight clips of RFK Jr.
The first one is him on gay frogs being real.
And let's just go in order here.
Well, some of these are really long.
Reverend Kennedy, position on Second Amendment, that's important.
Him on Twitter space, bioweapon labs in Ukraine.
Him on propaganda.
Man, these are all so important.
The Azog Battalion being Nazis, which the New York Times admits it says it's good, Nazis are now good.
I mean, fucks, this is cuckoo land.
RFK talks about how Russians beat Hitler.
You know, let's start with the Gay Frogs, and then let's go to clip five, and let's go to clip six, and then just shorter excerpts of Yeah, clip 5, 6, clip 8, and clip 9, and then the other longer clips, Owen will take over.
Great job, Owen.
I'm going to punch you out of here and drive back to Austin.
I'm not going to drive back to Austin tomorrow.
I'm actually co-hosting with Stephen Crowder tomorrow, actually, and I'm co-hosting here for McGinn.
I'll be back to Austin tomorrow.
I usually do only one day.
I'm doing two days here.
So, Owen, you go ahead and take over.
You're doing a great job.
But let's go ahead and start rolling these clips back-to-back.
Here's Andrew Tate, came on and said, I was right about gay frogs, but they really want your kids.
And now, RFK Jr., here it is.
Including a lot of the sexual dysphoria that we're seeing.
These kids are being overwhelmed by a tsunami.
I mean, they're swimming through a soup of toxic chemicals today, and many of those are endocrine disruptors.
There's atrazine throughout our water supply.
Atrazine, by the way, If you, in a lab, put atrazine in a tank full of frogs, it will chemically castrate and forcibly feminize every frog in there.
And 10% of the frogs, the male frogs, will turn into fully viable females, able to produce viable eggs.
And if you, if it's doing that to frogs, it could, there's a lot of other evidence that it's doing it to human beings as well.
And you know, we were watching shows like Combat with Vic Morrow every week on TV, and it showed how Americans had been the victor, and you know, and without America, the world would have been lost.
My uncle was telling the American people, that's not true.
The people who beat Hitler were the Russians and they made a sacrifice that is unimaginable to anybody else in the world.
Hitler invaded Russia through the Ukraine and then killed one out of every seven Russians and leveled the nation.
One third of the nation.
My uncle went during that.
He said, imagine if all of the American continent, continental United States, was reduced to rubble between the East Coast and Chicago.
That's what happened to Russia.
You've got to understand that if we're going to have peace with this country.
And, you know, we need to understand that today.
We need to put ourselves in the shoes.
By the way, it's not just Putin.
The Russian leadership back in the 90s said, in 1992, they made an agreement.
They said, we will pull our troops, our 400,000 troops out of East Germany, and we will turn East Germany over to a hostile army, the NATO army.
And the concession that we want from you for that is that you will not move NATO to the east.
And President Bush famously told them, we will not move NATO one inch to the east.
The leader of the neocons, every country in the world has wanted to ban bioweapons.
We initiated, Richard Nixon signed the bioweapons treaty in 1973, got all the countries in the world to agree to stop developing them, but we, the CIA, continue to secretly develop them.
And then after 2001, we passed the Patriot Act and we relaunched the bioweapons arms race.
So now every country in the world or many, many countries are now developing them.
We should shut the whole thing down.
You know, COVID was clearly a bioweapons problem.
We, and you saw what that did to us.
What if it was a real disease, a disease that had a 50% mortality, like dengue fever or Ebola or Or, you know, one of these other really deadly viruses.
They've got those in the labs, too.
What if that was the one that escaped?
Let's shut it down around the world.
Let's have a real shutdown of all bioweapons development and have verification of that.
And then let's sit down with the other people from Iran, from Israel, from Russia, and China, and talk about AI.
Okay, and make sure that one country does not develop a weapon that is going to kill all the rest of us.
And as soon as I get into office, I'm going to issue an executive order forbidding the federal agencies, whether it's NIH, whether it's the CIA, the FBI, from participating in any efforts to censor speech by the American public or to compel other behavior From the American public that is not legally required.
And that's what we saw during the pandemic.
We saw it, you know, in the vaccine mandates and we saw it in the censorship of speech.
And I will forbid that and make sure that it is, that it does not happen, at least during my term in office.
Immediately the first week I'm in office, I will sign that executive order.
I'm a constitutional absolutist.
You know, we can argue about whether the Second Amendment was intended to protect guns, but
that argument is now been settled by the Supreme Court and it has a very, and the Supreme Court,
you know, Antonin Scalia's decision is a very expansive interpretation of the right to own
a gun.
But more importantly, I don't, anybody who tells you that by, with incremental changes
or incremental laws in regulating guns.
And by the way, I want to say this, I have two members of my family that were killed
in gun violence.
So, you know, I take, I understand the heartbreak that this is causing to so many Americans.
It's touched my family directly.
And I, I I know as president that you are going to expect me and I'm going to do everything I can to reduce gun violence in this country.
I think one of the tools that has been taken out of my hands is taking away people's guns.
I don't think it's the right thing right now because it will just polarize our country.
I've lived in rural areas in this country.
I know how integrated gun culture is in those areas and how Important it is to them in the way they view the Constitution.
I also know we're living in a time when the Constitution has been under attack, all the other amendments in an unprecedented way, and how that would be seen by people who believe strongly in the Second Amendment as part of a systematic assault on our Bill of Rights.
And I don't want to get into that debate.
I want to stop the school shootings, and if it comes down to protecting the schools the way that we protect airlines, I will do that.
I do not want any more children dying in our schools.
I'm going to look very closely at the role of psychiatric drugs in these events and there are no good studies right now that should have been done years ago on this issue because there's a tremendous circumstantial evidence that those like SSRIs Benzos and other drugs are doing this.
There's something happening in our country right now that is not happening anywhere else in the world and has never happened in human history.
And you have to look at some of them, almost all of these drugs, if you look at their manufacturers inserts, they include a side effect of homicidal and suicidal behavior.
And prior to the introduction of Prozac, we had almost no None of these events in our country, and we've never seen them in human history.
Where people walk into a school room of children or strangers and start shooting people.
There's other nations that have as many guns per capita as we do, like Switzerland.
Switzerland, the last school shooting was 21 years ago.
We have one every 21 hours.
The one thing that we have that's different than anybody in the world is the amount of psychiatric drugs our children are taking and our people are taking.
And we need to look at that.
And NIH should have done that years ago, but they will not do it.
And they'll block other people from doing it because they are, because they're working not for us.
But for the pharmaceutical industry, and this is their major profit center today, and so nobody wants to hear none of those, you know, Pharma does not want to hear about any problems with SSRIs, but I will do those studies immediately when I get into office, and we're going to get the truth.
Something is something, you know, guns, the proliferation of guns.
Clearly abet violence, but anybody who tells you that they can remove an Afghan's AR-15s or whatever by tinkering at the margins and get to the kind of situation that they have in Western Europe is pulling your leg.
It's not going to happen.
We need to look now at other solutions and the only way we're ultimately going to get Gun controls in this country is through consensus, and that consensus cannot happen when we're all at each other's throats.
We need to assure the public, people who feel insecure about the Constitution, that our Constitution is no longer under threat, that nobody wants to come and take away their guns, and that will bring people to the table and say... Fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We're about to hear more from RFK Jr.
When it comes to his presidential campaign, after that, Maria Z will be taking over hosting the show.
And then I've got all the breaking news and video clips for you at 3 o'clock Central Time right here from the InfoWars headquarters in Austin, Texas, hosting The War Room, including guest Jim Hoft coming up with some big breaking news.
But first, we hear from RFK Jr.
and then Maria Z.
...and admitted that there was a secret network of biolabs in Ukraine.
who contained materials that were so potentially dangerous that she was worried about them
falling into Russian hands.
Yeah, after the media had been characterizing that fact as Russian disinformation for weeks
and then punishing those of us who were saying, "Yeah, this is what's happening."
And then Victoria Nuland gets in front of Congress and gets a free question from Marco
Rubio and actually is under oath and answers it honestly and says, "Yeah, we got bioweapons
labs there and we're really scared the Russians are going to get in there and get our stuff."
It was so weird, one of these embarrassing data points that show that We're constantly being fed information about this war and then these things pop up and you realize that they may not be telling us everything.
Propagandized with these comic book depictions that are now formulaic, you know, that there's a bad guy, he did a bad thing, it was unprovoked, and the United States needs to go in and fix this situation by the people he's victimizing.
And, you know, it's such a good testimony of the American people that, you know, that they're willing to make those sacrifices, in some cases, of our children, of our fortune, to go in and help other countries.
But the problem is we're being victimized, too, by our own agencies, which are, you know, which are leaving out the contextual information, which are leaving out the nuance, which are leaving out the entire history in this case.
of U.S.
provocations which brought us into, which brought us and also brought Ukraine into a war that is not helping Ukraine.
Ukraine has now lost probably 350,000 kids and they are in much worse position than when they began, when they, you know, in February 14, 2014.
In 2019, they could have signed the Minsk Accords and kept Donbass and nobody killed.
And they're never going to get back to that place again.
And as you guys understand, the Russians are not going to win this war.
They cannot afford to win this war.
This war is existential for Russia.
And it would be like us losing a war to Mexico.
You mean Ukraine can't?
I'm sorry, Ukraine cannot win this war.
Well, you can't know that, but the point is we never tried taking NATO off the table.
We never tried giving our support to the Minsk agreements.
Yeah, and there's a big question because Zelensky ran in 2019.
On a peace platform.
And I've pointed out before that, you know, he was a comedian and an actor, which I'm not saying in a disparaging way because my wife is also both of those things.
But I say that because he had no involvement in politics.
And yet he won in this huge landslide with 70% of the vote because he was running on a peace platform with the promise that he would sign the Minsk Accords and settle this.
And the Minsk Accords did the same thing that ultimatum did, which is they said,
NATO will forever keep out of Ukraine.
And that, and that we, that they would, that Donbass would be made an autonomous
region within the Ukraine that was still governed by the Ukraine, but would be able
to retain its own language and culture and be able to protect its citizens against
aggressive, violent aggression and deadly aggression from forces like the
Azov Battalion and, you know, and other hostile forces within the Ukrainian
And they, and by the way, The Dumbass voted 90 to 10 to leave the Ukraine and join Russia, join the Russian Federation.
90 to 10.
And the Russian Vladimir Putin said, no, we don't want you.
We want Ukraine to stay a complete country.
And I, and that was, and then, you know, they, they agreed, Russia agreed, France agreed, Germany agreed on the Minsk Accords.
Which was a reasonable settlement.
Keep NATO out of the Ukraine.
My uncle, President Kennedy, used to always say, the only way to have peace is if you put yourself into the shoes of your adversary.
If we are not able to negotiate with our adversaries, On issues like that, there are now existential threats, and it's not just AI, it's these bioweapons development where, you know, we have these labs now all over the world, in Ukraine, etc., that are developing all kinds of hideous bioweapons, and including, you know, ethnic bioweapons that kill people from certain races, etc., that are designed to do that, and they already have them.
And they're ready to escape.
And you know, every country in the world has wanted to ban bioweapons.
We initiated, Richard Nixon signed the Bioweapons Treaty in 1973.
Got all the countries in the world to agree to stop developing them.
But we, the CIA, continue to secretly develop them.
And then after 2001, we passed the Patriot Act and we relaunched the bioweapons arms race.
So now every country in the world, or many, many countries are now developing them.
We should shut the whole thing down.
You know, COVID was clearly a bioweapons problem.
We, and you saw what that did to us.
What if it was a real disease, a disease that had a 50% mortality, like dengue fever, Ebola, or Or, you know, one of these other really deadly viruses.
They've got those in the labs too.
What if that was the one that escaped?
Let's shut it down around the world.
Let's have a real shutdown of all bioweapons development and have verification of that.
And then let's sit down with the other people from Iran, from From Israel, from Russia and China and talk about AI.
Okay, and make sure that one country does not develop a weapon that is going to kill all the rest of us.
We need to have, you can't just have one country regulating this.
China alone cannot be regulating.
The development of digital superintelligence.
You need the United States and China.
All of us need to be participating.
All of us need to be able to police the research that's happening in other countries.
And we need to have transparency and protection.
Otherwise, we are headed down the road to a very grim, dystopian future for all of humanity.
We are beyond the point where we cannot, where we can afford the luxury of not negotiating about these things with the other powers in the planet.
And you know, we need a president who is aware of these threats to humanity and sees himself as the guardian of all of humanity and is thinking about this 24 hours a day.
How do we avert this kind of future, a bioweapons extinction or AI extinction?
We cannot afford not to negotiate about this stuff anymore.
And we're allowed all these agencies.
The CIA is developing this stuff too.
And we have no idea.
They are not friendly to the American, you know, the American system.
You know, I talked to Mike Pompeo the other day.
And he said that he said what he said when he was at the agency, it was very candid and, you know, really smart about the agency.
And he said, He said when he was there, he did not do a good job of dismantling agency capture at the CIA.
And he said that, he said, if you take the upper echelon at that agency, it's made up almost entirely of people who do not believe in the institutions of the United States and democracy.
And, you know, so I think that's absolutely true from everything I know.
I know a lot about that agency.
And we've got to, you know, we have got to get off of war footing, which gives these
institutions the excuse to be super secret and non-transparent.
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And we are back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Zee from ZeeMedia.com.
It's an honour to be with you all today.
ZMedia has produced some of the most detailed reports on things like smart cities, geoengineering, the injections and so much more.
We're known for producing incredibly detailed reports all over the world.
And, you know, I don't say that to boast.
I just mean we are really, really, truly very good researchers here.
And last night we dropped the one of the biggest bombshell reports we have dropped to date.
Which is the smoking gun on geoengineering.
Just last week here on Info Wars I had guest Dane Wigington on with me talking about the fact that the major cause of climate change is geoengineering, or so-called climate change.
And these people are tampering with the skies and traditionally it's been very, very difficult to prove geoengineering because you can't get a hold of the contracts, you don't know who's doing it.
Except for the fact that Z Media has done exactly that.
So we did some digging and found that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the United States were the ones that were responsible for holding all of these reports.
There is legislation in the United States that says that these regular reports, once geoengineering is conducted, have to be submitted to the NOAA.
We found their library online.
Very, very difficult to dig through, but we found it.
And we've got evidence of projects that have taken place in Utah, projects that have taken place in Texas.
I'm going to show you some of those and an excerpt from the report that we dropped in a moment.
If the team can cue that clip up.
And then after that, I really want to bring, to open up the phone lines and give specific priority to whistleblowers from the industry.
That means anyone that's been involved in geoengineering, obviously, you know, you can remain anonymous.
But I have questions for these people and I won't judge you.
I want to know the ins and outs of the industry.
I want to know people that have been involved in either installing the equipment, repairing these planes.
We've got part two of our geoengineering expose being released later on this week on zmedia.com and part one is on Bandar Video right now.
The clip that I'm about to play is about four minutes long but I think the entirety of the United States and all the earth really needs to see this because they're spraying the whole earth and there's a contract for it.
Here it is.
The purpose of the project or activity is to reduce average global temperature.
The sponsor is Make Sunsets Incorporated forward slash Luke Eisman.
He's the founder and those are his details.
The target area is all of Earth.
The location is all of Earth and the size of the area is over one hundred and ninety six square million square miles.
The date of the first actual weather modification here on the right hand side activities to be undertaken is the 12th of February 2023.
The expected termination date of weather modification activities is the 23rd of March 2223.
23rd of March, 2223. That is over 200 years after commencement.
In section 6 it says description of weather modification apparatus, modification agents
and their dispersal rates, the techniques employed, etc.
We are deploying sulphur dioxide, calcium carbonate and or other proprietary compounds into the stratosphere to offset global warming.
Our deployments will occur via balloons and or other aircraft.
Deployment rates will vary, peaking at no more than 100 megatons in total per year, and of course the initial flights will contain much less than that.
In Section 7, under Log Books, where it asks for the details of the responsible individual from whom log books or other records may be obtained, Luke Eisman again is listed, again as the founder.
And in Section 8, under Safety and Environment, there are three questions.
Has an environmental impact statement, federal or state, been filed?
If yes, please furnish a copy as applicable.
The box there is ticked No.
Have provisions been made to acquire the latest forecasts, advisories, warnings, etc.
of the National Weather Service, Forest Service or others when issued prior to and during operations?
The box again is ticked no.
The final question.
Have any safety procedures, operational constraints, provisions for suspension of operations, monitoring methods, etc.
and any environmental guidelines related to the possible effects of the operations being included in the operational plans, again the box is ticked no.
You can see at the bottom the certification signed off again by Luke Eisman and this document was signed on the 31st of March 2023.
This is an example from Utah.
Approximately 15 ground-based cloud nuclei generators will be used.
As you can see here, the dates for these were between the 15th of November, 2022 until the 15th of April, 2023.
And the affiliation here is North American Weather Consultants.
This one was conducted between the 1st of November 2022, ending the expected termination date being the 15th of April 2023.
It was the San Juan Mountains Program, which they call Winter Snowpack and Precipitation Augmentation.
This one is for the state of Wyoming, the affiliation being the state of Wyoming and Weather Modification LLC.
One twin-engine turboprop aircraft will be used to seed supercooled orographic clouds with glaciogenic pyrotechnics.
And if you scroll down, you actually see the region that they've done it in.
This one is the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District.
Purpose is rain enhancement in the North Texas Panhandle.
Here's another from the South Texas Weather Modification Association.
Another report from last year.
By the way, you can see that these are final reports that have been reported.
They tell you how much, how many modification days occurred in June, July, August, September of 2022.
This is another one from the North Dakota Atmospheric Resource Board.
This is from 2021, but the reason I'm showing this one, I mean, they're all relevant.
Again, no environmental impact statement forms being filled out, and they show you the seeding aircraft, where it's gone.
You can see the operations area, the target area, and where the seeding aircraft has gone, along with the radar site.
People who have seen this report, and I mean it, as you can see, it truly is bombshell.
There are projects, we've reviewed over 98 pages of projects of weather modification that has been undertaken in the United States.
You've got Utah, Wyoming, North Texas, as I mentioned, Colorado, California.
It's all over the United States and we've got evidence of it.
People who've seen the report already, since it went up a few hours ago, have said this is enough to start a class action lawsuit.
So I really do encourage the people of the United States to watch that report.
It's actually up already on Bandot Video.
Go to Z Media and you'll see it there.
Every single person needs to see this report.
Now, the Make Sunsets contract that we showed at the very start of that video, is actually a project for all of earth and they say on their website they talk about releasing balloons into the atmosphere but they don't say anything about the other aircraft or other materials that they'll be releasing into the atmosphere other than what they're openly advertising so we want to know what exactly are these other aircraft what exactly are the other materials
On the other side of this break, I would really love to hear from whistleblowers.
Whistleblowers will get first priority.
The number is 877-789-2539.
I want to hear from people who have worked in the industry, who know about the equipment that's used, who are currently working in the industry, who've undertaken these operations, who've repaired some of this equipment.
Don't go anywhere.
We'll be right back after this short break to keep talking about this very important subject.
And we are back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Maria Z. The number to call today on the topic of weather modification, geoengineering, I want to hear from everyone, but specifically whistleblowers from the industry, people that have flown these planes, people that may know someone who's flown these planes, because it's private carriers a lot of the time that are doing this stuff.
And that's covered in part two of our report coming this week.
The number to call today is 877-789-2539.
If you know anything about this equipment, if you have any information about this equipment, if you've serviced these planes or this equipment, if you've made it, we want to hear from you and also from the general population about their observations from the skies.
You know, just this weekend, I was out and I noticed that, I mean, I was quite far out from the city.
And I noticed that there was a real haze over the entire town that I was traveling through.
And the haze quickly turned into a brown or dark grey, I mean it was brown, smoke or haze.
And then a chemical smell followed this stuff.
And before you know it, the entire area was just, Completely fogged over.
And I thought, this is not normal.
I have never seen anything like this.
And when I went into some of these reports, and this is covered in part two of the report that's coming this week, Which the American Meteorological Society has actually boasted about the geoengineering that's been happening worldwide.
They talk about projects that span over a hundred kilometer radius.
This is humongous amounts of coverage that they're getting over all the Earth.
Again, the number to call today is 877-789-2539 on this topic.
I want to hear about your observations.
I want to hear about the skies.
And specifically, I would love to hear from whistleblowers.
They will get first priority, but I want to hear from everyone.
So within this report that we've just played you a quick excerpt from, I found that electricity companies were doing this in the United States.
Water companies.
That's state government or our equivalent here in Australia.
Councils were doing this.
And engaging private companies that are, you know, named RH Consulting, for example, or, you know, Weather Modification Consultants or Weather Consultants.
And, you know, you've got these pilots working for these private companies.
And, in fact, the company WeatherTech, Says that they, you know, they boast about the fact, not WeatherTech, my apologies, oh, it's in the report coming out this week, forgive me, WeatherTech is the one that conducted weather modification operations in Australia previously, they boast about that on their website, 2007 and 2008 if I'm not mistaken.
There is another organisation that boasts about this stuff, they have the equipment on their website.
And they talk about how they can go and modify your planes.
They can modify your private planes.
They can fit Cessnas with this technology that can go and spray this stuff into the atmosphere.
And again, you know, this contract with Make Sunsets, if you watch the report and everyone really needs to see it, as I said, people that have seen it already are saying there is enough evidence here To start a class action lawsuit.
Here's the thing, everyone.
You can refuse the shots.
You can refuse genetically modified food.
You can eat and use as many natural products as possible.
And yet, you cannot stop breathing.
And we said this last week with Dane Wigington.
You cannot stop breathing.
What are you going to do outside?
And we've already received an email from someone talking about the fact that this stuff gets inside your house.
So even if you didn't step outside...
What's happening indoors?
And it's no longer a theory.
Again, the number today is 877-789-2539.
On this subject, I want to hear people's observations.
I want to hear from whistleblowers.
I want to hear from people working in the industry, specifically if you have engaged in this type of activity in the past.
What are electricity companies doing Involved in this?
Well, I, some time ago, I've got the Flight Radar app on my phone and the planes were flying, there was a plane flying overhead and I noticed the trail.
And so I looked it up and I noticed that it was an electricity company here in Australia.
So I looked up their webpage and it said that they're committed to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
And what does that mean?
That means that they're potentially engaging in activities that the UN thinks need to be conducted in order to lower the Earth's temperature, in order to block the sun, which, by the way, they call solar radiation management.
What a lovely word.
Solar radiation management.
We're going to manage solar radiation for the next 200 years by blocking out the sun that the Earth desperately needs and stripping the air of CO2, which everything needs to survive.
Which you need.
Which all life needs.
Carbon is a requirement of us continuing to survive on this Earth.
And they want to starve us of it.
I mean, this is absolute insanity.
This is absolute insanity and it needs to be stopped.
And again, this contract between Make Sunsets and the NOAA in the United States says for all of Earth.
And it's not far-fetched.
In that report, we've actually shown everyone how to get to these reports themselves.
There's a reason why the NOAA has made all of this public.
They have actually published a report, we've gone through the report, that discusses the possibility as to why this is all public on a national library like this, on a public library.
It's got to do with their strategy of uploading everything onto a central database Essentially feeding it into a super AI computer so that it can, you know, better assess the climate risks than humans.
And mind you, this AI is biased because it's being programmed by the very people that tell you that climate change, human-induced climate change, is real.
Human-induced climate change.
You're the problem.
You're the reason why this is happening.
And never mind that we're spraying over 100 megatons or up to 100 megatons of highly toxic, cancer-inducing materials into the atmosphere every single day because you went out to the park today.
You went out beyond your district.
You're the problem and you need to be stopped.
You're the carbon they want to reduce.
And again, this goes back to my very, very first time guest hosting the Alex Jones Show, where I showed the reports from the Australian government themselves, talking about these smart city districts.
They want everyone in their districts.
You're not allowed to leave your little border.
And if you do, Well, if the CBDCs and the digital IDs are set up, all of a sudden, you've impacted the climate, your social credit score's impacted, your ability to do anything is impacted.
Heck, you may even go to prison because you've stepped outside of your district.
Or worse still, streetlights that can kill you in the smart cities will just zap you to death.
While we poison you daily with 100 megatons of toxic chemicals every year into the air.
And that's just one company.
That's just one contract that we found for all the Earth.
How many more companies are doing this?
Well, 98 pages of it would suggest plenty.
We're starting to see black chemtrails.
We're starting to see, and Dane Wigington previously referred to this as, or he's got that documentary, Graphene Skies.
What's actually in these black chemtrails?
I really want to speak to people today on this subject.
Again, the number is 877-789-2539.
We're going to continue talking about this after the break.
If you have anything else that you think that people urgently need to know, please call the number and I'll see you after this short break.
I think it's important for everyone to pull their knowledge, pull their resources from all over the world, particularly on this subject.
But I'll happily discuss anything else that people want to talk about today.
Again, the phone lines will be open right after this break.
I'll speak to you soon.
And we are back.
Alright, the phone lines are absolutely full, so I'm going to ask the callers to be as quick as they possibly can.
About a minute maximum per call.
Just pump out the information that you need to get to because I want to speak to as many people as I can while we've got the time.
We'll go to the first caller.
Lucy in California, you're on the air.
Hi Maria, can you hear me?
I sure can.
So yeah, I was calling because here in California, the L.A.
County, we haven't seen the sun in three weeks.
At this time last year, it was already sunny, getting hot, and I know that Memorial Weekend kicks off summer, so we should be already getting warm here.
Yes, absolutely, Lucy.
I can confirm that I have seen projects that have been undertaken in California on that website that I've been talking about, the NOAA library.
As I said, 98 pages of these reports, California was included in that.
So I really do encourage everyone to, number one, watch the report.
Again, it's up on band.video right now in the Z Media tab.
Go and watch the report and then follow because we've given everyone instructions on how to get there and go through and I mean every single person in the United States can do this now.
The evidence is there.
Class action.
I mean lawsuits need to start happening.
Mexico banned geoengineering once they found out that Make Sunsets in particular were doing this.
They did it unauthorized in Mexico.
And Mexico banned it.
It's that simple.
So the people in the United States can do this.
It really, really is.
It needs to be stopped.
And you're right, Lucy, so many of us can't see the sun, or at least can't see it without a haze.
It's absolutely depressing for people.
I mean, how dare they do this to us?
Thank you so much for your call.
Next caller, please.
Pete in California, you're on the air.
Yes, I got two chemtrail stories real quick on, uh, there's an Air Force base that doesn't get much attention, Liggett Air Force Base, uh, parallel on the 101.
I was actually hiking the mountains.
I saw the nozzle of the chemtrail close above me.
So they're flying out of there, probably, uh, Edwards Air Force Base as, as well.
And about 10 years ago, I actually saw two chemtrail planes almost have a head-on crash in Los Angeles.
And you know when those reporters have the little model of an airplane and they make it right turn?
I've never seen a plane that large make a right-hand turn in midair.
I don't know why I looked up.
But it turned like almost, not a 90 degree, but it turned so viciously, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
I called the FFA and I said these were two chemtrail planes.
The guy just kind of like ignored me.
It turned so violently.
I didn't know a plane that large could do that.
You know, it just was like a 90 degree.
They're fitted with a lot of equipment, Pete.
I don't know what equipment would make it able to do that, but I'm sure that there are all sorts of aircraft, apart from regular aircraft that are fitted with this stuff, that are out there conducting this.
Thank you so much for your call.
We'll move on to the next caller.
We've got James in Oklahoma.
James, you're on the air.
Hey, Maria.
How are you doing today?
Doing well, James.
Well, anyway, I'm from Oklahoma, right?
And, uh, the last couple, uh, days or the last couple weeks, honestly, it's been really, really overcast and raining every single day, super hard.
And yesterday I go up and it's crazy, man.
You can watch the planes.
They'll go by and they'll spray for maybe a minute or two straight.
And then you'll see a cutoff point and they'll just stop spraying and keep going.
And then, um, like I watch it all the time out here in Oklahoma.
It's crazy.
You'd never think anything out here in the middle of nowhere.
But uh, just look up towards the sky and you can see it.
It's insane!
James, let me tell you that I saw that a lot of documents that I found in that library were actually for Oklahoma.
Many, many.
So it's fascinating that you say you wouldn't think that they'd be doing this in Oklahoma.
Actually, so many of the projects that have been conducted have been there.
So I really do encourage everyone to go and watch that report and go through the library.
Thank you so much for your call.
Next caller, please.
We've got Nikki in Wyoming, also another state, as you just saw, that has had these projects undertaken in it.
Nikki, you're on the air.
Hi, Maria.
Thanks for taking my call.
You're welcome.
I just, yeah, I see it all the time, the cloud seeding and everything.
And my husband actually thinks it's kind of funny because every time we go, we'll
go on a drive out in the middle of nowhere and I'll look up and there's, you can
see like the lattice kind of patterns in the sky and I'm like, "Oh look, they're
seeding again," and he just laughs.
But following up on your report, just right after they did that, I mean, that's why
I called in.
It was just insane to see that Wyoming was part of it.
We literally got almost four feet of snow in my town over a 24 to 36 hour period.
And we've never had that much snow except for back in the day in like the 80s and stuff
when that was a normal occurrence.
In the four years I've lived in this town, that's never happened before.
Well, there you go.
It's, you know, it's absolutely shocking that this is, you know, people are watching the reports now and saying, I remember when this happened and this is an anomaly.
You know, the point is that we are not supposed to mess with the weather like this.
We are not supposed to engineer the climate.
And, you know, this company Make Sunsets on their very own website says, We don't know what the risks are, really, but the world's going to end because of climate change, so we've got to do something.
That's literally what they're saying.
It's shocking.
Leave the weather alone.
Leave the climate alone.
There's no such thing as human-induced climate change as they're selling it to us.
Thank you so much for your call.
We'll go to the next caller right now.
Ken in Wisconsin.
You're on the air.
Yeah, this is Ken.
Say, uh, geoengineering, absolutely the biggest taboo subject nationwide and worldwide.
I've been monitoring this for a long, long, long time, and I'm going to throw this your way.
Some information.
There's a book out that came out by a gentleman named Peter A. Kirby.
The book is called Chemtrails Exposed a New Manhattan Project by Peter A. Kirby.
Tons of information.
It was copyrighted in 2020.
And back to myself, I've taken many, many, many samples from water samples, rain samples to snow samples.
You would not believe the results I've got that have come down through our air column that we all breathe in this country.
And it would blow everybody's mind.
It's just unbelievable.
I believe you can.
I believe you can.
I truly do believe you.
I've written down the name of that book, by the way, and, you know, if you look at what Make Sunsets, for example, have put there, again, they've specified some of the materials that they'll be spraying and releasing through their so-called balloons, but they've said other agents as well.
Well, what are the other agents?
We've got aluminum, barium, strontium, manganese, and now they're talking graphene.
This is all in our air column.
We are breathing this in.
We are sucking this in.
And now when the forest fires up in Nova Scotia, all that smoke is coming our way over Minnesota, Wisconsin, and everything else.
And that's all being accelerated from the aluminum that's all on them trees over there.
And we're breathing that too.
Yes, you're absolutely right, Ken.
It's devastating and this is why I really think that this report that we've just released is going to help people because there's evidence within it that allows them to actually take legal action against this.
Thank you so much for your call.
We'll move on to one more caller.
I think we have time for one more, maybe two.
Let's try and squeeze them in.
Mark in West Virginia, you're on the air.
How you doing, Maria?
Doing well, Mark.
You're on the air.
Awesome, you hear me.
I'll make it quick.
I grew up in the St.
Louis area.
This goes out for the St.
Louis Emperor Warriors.
Please look into this.
It's been with me for many years.
About six years ago, I went out there, helped a friend start a business.
He's been a lifelong friend.
We're best friends.
We talk about everything.
It was go to work, come home, barbecue, drink beer in his driveway.
It would pour rain.
He was a VIP in one of the St.
Louis casinos.
Go to the casino.
After about a month and a half out there, he said, why are you always looking up?
And I said, you haven't noticed what's going on.
Well, he's known me as a conspiracy theorist.
He joked about it our whole life, but I've been following Alex for about 23 years.
And I said, I'm going to show you something.
I heard about the chemtrails, was never really into it, bought into it until I went out there.
Every evening, Monday through Friday, never on the weekends, never.
About six o'clock in the evening in St.
Louis, listen, they would come in, the white chemtrails would turn a little gray.
You mentioned that.
They would spread for miles in the sky and it kept happening.
They would have crisscross patterns.
Then it would be a haze and the blue sky would disappear.
It would pour the rain for about 30 minutes.
I mean pour.
Yeah, but Mark, we're almost out of time today, so I really appreciate your call.
I appreciate all of these people.
The fact is that people everywhere know this is happening.
Anyone that looks up into the sky and pays attention knows that this is happening.
Again, we're honoured to have been here with you all today.
Please watch the report.
It's up on band.video, it's up on the homepage, interviews page of zmedia.com.
And we encourage whistleblowers.
We have a contact form on zmedia.com.
If you're a whistleblower, we want to hear from you.
Thank you so much for your time today, everyone.
God bless.
On to Owen Schreier.
I ran into an issue that was a complete mystery during track season.
Something just kept happening where in my workouts I would just kind of peter out.
And so all of this culminated in the district meet.
So you have to place in the top three individually in your race if you want to make it to the regional meet, which is a big deal.
It was the final lap.
And I was going, and I felt it happening again.
And it was this strange fatigue that was different than just normal muscle tiredness, whatever you want to call it.
It got to the final 50 meters.
I could see the finish line right ahead.
My coach was yelling.
My parents were yelling.
My teammates were going crazy.
The crowd's going wild.
I was in third place.
And then, boom!
Like lightning, my legs locked up.
My whole body seized and I fell 50 meters from the finish line.
And unfortunately, in that fall, I lost third place.
And it was so painfully close.
It was right there.
I got up and I staggered across that finish line and I looked like a ghost.
And so I said, that's it.
I'm going to figure out what happened here.
This is the last straw.
We went to the doctor and I had a full blood panel done.
I was anemic.
I thought I was eating enough iron.
I thought I was eating enough red meat, but I wasn't.
I was deficient in one little thing.
One little thing cost me that win.
One little thing cost me that glory.
With that being said, I want to emphasize the importance of being on top of your micronutrients.
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So cover those spaces by visiting InfowarsStore.com.
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We're going to go right back to your phone calls here in just a moment.
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