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Name: 20230531_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 31, 2023
2951 lines.

In this segment, Alex Jones discusses his book, The Great Reset and the War for the World as a fundraiser for InfoWars, encourages people to donate unsigned copies to libraries or schools, and reflects on being right about various issues despite opposition. He also comments on the backlash against Target's "Pride" section for kids, claims that boycotting is not terrorism, and discusses various topics including outrage culture, Florida laws, the Olympics, Bud Light controversy, Second Amendment rights, iodine deficiency, COVID-19 vaccinations, preserving old books, and powerful groups shaping history. He promotes products available on InfowarsStore.com to fund their operation during a critical time.

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You know they're about to make their move, so I've literally got the hair on the back of my neck literally standing up right now, okay?
Because let me tell you, I mean, I got children, I got a life, you do too.
I mean, they go this next move, folks, it's all over, okay?
I mean, you know.
I mean, I like pulling into a Mexican food restaurant and getting fajitas and a margarita, okay?
I mean, I like, you know, the electricity turning on.
And all you dumbasses that work for the government that have been going along with this, are you freaking nuts?
You don't understand tyranny isn't fun, you dumb bastards!
I mean, I know the psycho New World Order lizards up at the top think it's all cute and funny, but it isn't cute for us, ladies and gentlemen.
Damn you people.
rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
InfoWars. Tomorrow's news. Today.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide.
A very important transmission lined up for you today.
It is Wednesday, May 31st, 2023.
And the crew was able to find a bunch of clips last year where I said they're going to claim the Terror attacks can happen on the power grid, then blame it on the right wing and Russia.
They found the clip.
This is key intel.
We'll play it next segment.
But first, they have declared war on the food supply, which is genocide.
This is happening.
In his usual lying hysteria, John Kerry, who serves as the first US.
special presidential envoy for climate, told a series of lies and announced that our government is planning to shut down U.S.
They call it innovation because they are confident that our pain and desperation will someday give birth to an innovative new solution.
Or at least that's their cover story.
Emissions from the food system alone are projected to cause another half a degree of warming By mid-century, on the current course that we are today.
And instead of being on a course to be able to hold the Earth's temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, we're actually on a course to hit around 3 degrees right now.
And you just can't continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it.
Doesn't work.
And as is so often the case with respect to the climate crisis, we have to fight on multiple fronts simultaneously.
This is the biggest organizational effort that I think we have faced certainly since World War II, but perhaps ever.
So we have to reduce emissions from the food system to keep the 1.5 degrees alive.
Why do we have to keep 1.5 degrees alive?
Because scientists As a basis of physics and mathematics.
Not ideology and politics or party labels or anything else.
As a matter of physics and mathematics and some biology and chemistry have told us.
These are the consequences.
Everything out of his mouth is a lie.
The exact opposite of what he says is true.
The scientists he is referring to are almost all on the United Nations payroll.
The real scientific community of the world realize that the world's climate has changed in extreme erratic ways over the years without human pollution.
In one of the most recent studies, Our House University researchers found that the Arctic had ice-free summers just 10,000 years ago.
And ice core samples show that the Earth is in a cooling period, not a warming one.
But these decrepit old gatekeepers want us all dead, because the system isn't giving up control.
And I think to those in civil society, we've got to push more.
We've got to be more militant, maybe.
President Biden has demanded an all-of-government initiative.
We are all working together.
Every department of our government is engrossed in this.
And if we make the right choices, there's no question in my mind we can win this battle.
While our food supply is under terrorist attack by our own government, the power grid is being targeted for a false flag.
And a story is already being spun to blame it on American patriots.
Meanwhile, the Communist Chinese are meeting their bogus climate change quotas in a different way.
They are spray-painting rocks and sand green.
And they are planting vast fields of fake flowers, made of white rocks stuck on the ends of steel rebar.
According to local translators, this is being done to make areas look more green in aerial photography.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
We discovered the New World Order plan in the last 120 years in what is the United States today and what is the UK today.
If you go back to those individuals like Lindbergh and others that came after him, they knew the private Federal Reserve was a foreign banking takeover.
They understood that Woodrow Wilson was a traitor.
The League of Nations plan was a corporate world government.
And they warned in congressional testimony about what would then happen.
And in many cases, they had their children kidnapped and murdered.
So we're aware historically of the reality that patriots have gone through.
So that here in the year 2023, we would not be caught flat footed Uh, in, in this fight.
Now, there's a lot of huge news we're going to cover today.
We got some very informative, important guests in the resistance.
I would surely ride the shotgun with me.
I'm your host Alex Jones, but I spent most of the show yesterday and I'm not going to spend most of the show today on this, but I'm going to just recap and add some new information and some old information.
That's really the newest information back to the future.
Boomerang into the past, back into the future, and know the rest of the future.
Dealing with the power grid.
It is insanely obvious and ridiculously out in the open that the globalists, just as John Kerry said in a speech a few days ago, need to get more militant and destroy the infrastructure and create a post-industrial world so you'll have nothing, own nothing, and be like it because you'll be dead.
You're going to love it because you won't be alive to complain about it.
The dead don't complain.
The dead are happy, they say.
And this is really happening.
We've just been through three years in many cases of lockdowns in the third world.
Yeah, I went six months a year in places like the U.S.
or a year and a half in Australia or a year and a half in Canada.
No, no, it's still going on a few months ago.
Crushing them, shutting them down.
Not letting them farm, not letting them ranch, making them let the cattle just be out there on the range alone, or in the case of milk cows, they had to slaughter them because they weren't allowing them to sell the milk for years.
You can't just have the cows there in their stalls, they died.
Billions, billions of gallons of milk dumped.
It's estimated worldwide.
You can't even make this stuff up.
Because the cows keep producing, folks, even if you can't put it on a truck and ship it.
So the wholesale destruction of our infrastructure, the shutting down of pipelines, all of this, and then Kerry in the latest report by Greg Reese that's up on InfoWars.com on the front page, literally declares a military operation against food and against nitrogen that plants need to live, their food.
So he declares war on plant food and on the food we eat, and then spews a bunch of new lies for old.
So that's where we are.
So yesterday, I asked the crew to go back through some of the shows.
I probably said it 500 times conservatively.
And they were able to find four or five clips.
I'm not going to play them all, but we're posting this to the front page of InfoWars.com.
Learn why it's so important.
That Alex Jones was able to predict that the government would officially say you're a terrorist, and officially say that because you're a populist, or because you're a Christian, or because you're a conservative, or because you're not suicidal, or because you want the social contract back, that you are a terrorist that is going to blow up the power grid.
Now they don't want to physically blow it up, which they could do, because then they can't turn it on and off.
They're going to claim cyber attackers hit it, to not just train you to not have power routinely, but to train you to have an internet ID and be able to get online, so we can never have another cyber attack again.
That's it.
Internet ID, total takeover, next level of censorship, the social credit score, the cashless society, the central bank digital currencies, all of it unfolding, the ESGs, All of it unfolding right now.
So they're moving at light speed against us.
They're totally unpopular.
What they're doing is totally insane, totally criminal, totally out in the open.
But what are we going to do to stop it?
Well, we need attorney generals and others that have been fighting.
They're doing a great job in Missouri and other places to take action.
We need to take action.
We need to expose this.
But the good news is if you watch the globalists or different species like John Kerry and now the head of the Spokesperson for the Clinton Foundation, Mrs. Ed, Mr. Ed's daughter, Chelsea Hubble, I mean, Clinton.
They admit they're losing, but they're just doubling down.
So it's this explosive situation happening.
Here's just a few minutes.
It's like a 12-minute clip.
It's on InfoWars.com.
I'll have it reposted onto the live show feed today.
But just here's where I was on in August of last year.
So about nine, ten months ago was Steve Bannon predicting what is now happening.
Attacks on power supplies being blamed on the right wing.
We've seen the FBI say the number one terror threat is domestic right wingers.
And if you look at all the pre-programming data points that are there, they're hyping this up.
It might be, oh, hackers took down a part of the power grid.
How many times have I said they're going to blow the power grid up and say Trump supporters did it?
We've seen the FBI say the number one terror threat is domestic right-wingers.
They've now defined it as fascism, if you support President Trump, or America First.
And then now we start seeing headlines at the top of Drudge yesterday, you know, imminent.
Trump's calling for violence.
Trump's calling for insurrection.
January 6, 2.0.
And so that's been all over the news, building up.
And if you look at all the pre-programming data points that are there, they're hyping this up.
It is their main move, and again, they pre-programmed it, pre-rolled it out, pre-advertised it
to provocateur or stage some very serious massive events.
It might be a new war.
It might be, oh, hackers took down part of the power grid.
You were on my show a month ago, or six weeks ago, where you said, hey, there are going
to be some sort of cyber attacks.
They're going to say these cyber attacks all came from Russia.
And the other day, you know, was Associated Press, you know, said the cyber attacks at
Oh, by then the third paragraph.
Oh, yeah, the Russians are responsible.
What did I tell you what happened in the last year and a half with all the pre-program they were doing ahead of the election?
They would hype that the right wing is going to engage in terror.
And then, of course, they'll provoke the turret, just like we saw with Governor Whitmer.
So what are they going to do?
They're going to stage terror attacks or provocateur terror attacks.
That is the obvious play they're going to run.
I would predict racially motivated mass shootings, bombings, poisonings.
Attacks on power supplies being blamed on the right wing?
Because they need us off air when they stage the attacks, when the globalists stage the attacks, when the deep state stage the attacks, to say we're behind it.
The globalists pre-programming there's gonna be all this violence.
What's your take on that?
How do we counter that?
And what curb balls do you think they have?
Hack attacks, energy takedowns, they've been pre-programming that.
Artificial power outages.
That's what's on the table in my view.
In the climate we're in right now, They can do a cyber attack on the Russians tomorrow and turn the lights off.
I've studied their attack profile and what they're doing at every angle to bring down civilization, cutting off the energy, dissolving the borders, creating race war.
Their next moves will be cyber attacks and power outages.
The globalists are going to cut our power off and say the Russians did it.
They're all over the news.
I told you years ago they'd do it.
Saying the Russians are going to cut the U.S.
Type it in.
Pentagon warns Russia planning cyber attack.
Pentagon warns Russia turned off the Colonial Pipeline.
No they didn't.
The globalists did.
The globalists turned off the Keystone 2.
The globalists just said we can't have any oil drilling in the Gulf.
That's the Democratic Party!
That's the New World Order!
That's the eugenicists!
Because they did it!
A caller in Michigan.
Alright, see the full 11-12 minute clip at Infowars.com, it's even more powerful.
And of course, that was before they blew up the Keystone Pipeline, excuse me, the Nord
Stream 2 Pipeline.
So we know who wants to blow everything up, we know who runs Extinction Rebellion, we
know who wants to blow up the family and blow up the culture and cut the little boys' penises
off and cut the little girls' breasts off.
We know who the Hellraiser death cult is, and we're fighting them.
And people, you better join the resistance or roll over and die.
All right.
Thank you for joining us here today.
If you just tuned in, you missed a little three or four minute clip I played, a small portion of an archival video over the last two years, where I specifically say we're going to blame Russians for cyberattacks.
And then, at the key point, they'll blame the right wing working with the Russians.
So first, they call anybody that's a populist, anybody that's against open borders, or turning your guns in, or fentanyl, or horse injections, or the Afghan withdrawal, or lockdowns.
That's all official.
You're a white supremacist.
They define white supremacists as anybody that can find their ass with one hand.
Anybody that can tell the sun's yellow.
Anybody that doesn't want to live under communism.
And you're like, well, screw that.
They call everybody a racist.
Yeah, but they've got Homeland Security saying we're criminals and they're going to come after us.
So, I mean, these people are maniacs, okay?
And so you're saying, well, they'll never, that dog won't hunt.
Oh yeah, when they turn the power off and blame us for it, they will.
When they release another virus on our ass and claim we did it, some of the public is going to believe it.
And then, yes, the globalists have been out more than they can chew.
If they go to a full war like this, they're going to lose physically.
But it's not going to be pretty.
And, you know, I like having plenty of food at the grocery store.
I like air conditioning.
I like being alive.
I'm not spoiling for a 1776 part two.
Quite frankly, my life's worth way more than the dumb minions of the New World War.
My life's worth way more than the weird communists at the FBI and the CIA and the woke military they've got.
And I'm not saying they're all bad, but a lot of them are bad now.
My life, my children's life, is worth way more than being stuck like two roosters in a cockfight and we kill each other.
I mean, look, you take the grid down, you're trying to take us to FEMA camps?
Don't worry, you're gonna get what your ass been looking for.
Let me tell you something right now.
But I understand that if we don't work our asses off in the information war That war and physical conflict, it means we've really failed.
Of course, we'll win in the physical fight.
But believe me, ladies and gentlemen, if we fail at fixing this peacefully, you're going to wish, wish very soon that you'd have done a lot more.
And suddenly you'll realize all the things you could have done that were peaceful to stop this.
I want every listener now.
If you want to stop this and you're the folks they hate because they know you're a big group of white people.
You go to city council, county commissioners, school boards this week and next week and the next week and the next week and it'll be on cable, it'll be on TV.
Get up there in your three minutes and talk about the New World Order and the power grid attacks and the globalists.
We need veterans to go up and I've seen their great speeches.
We need them to go back and do it again.
And those that haven't, go back and do it again.
And talk about the martial law and the preparation for war with the people and how the poison shots have killed all these people.
Now a journalist and friend of Jamie Foxx.
He's come out and said he didn't want to take the shot.
They made him take it on the movie set.
His third shot.
He's basically, you know, a vegetable.
Haven't been seen in months.
Blood clot in the brain.
I already knew that from a high-level source, but was told I couldn't say it.
Someone that knows Jamie.
Believe it or not.
A big talk show host that knows Jamie.
Put two and two together.
I was told that a month ago.
That, no, it's the shot.
Well, Jamie, if he can talk, and the word is he really can, he needs to come out and maybe, you know, on a typewriter or a computer console and say, don't take it, it'll kill you.
I mean, he's a victim.
Now he can come out and save millions if he would just come out and tell them!
But instead, their managers, everybody are telling him, keep your mouth shut, this will destroy your career.
Oh, why?
Because if somebody makes you take a shot and hurts you, you then can't?
Because you're such a free country?
Come out and say it was the shot?
I mean, he'll probably die, okay?
That's what they think.
And he'll still go to his grave and never tell anybody.
We got that clip coming up.
What I'm saying is, is that nobody's safe in this system and we've all got to not go along with it.
And we've all got to do everything we can to stop this.
So I want you at the state houses peacefully.
I want you to, we need to march in DC and not let them intimidate us to not do that peacefully.
We need to call and talk radio.
We need to be speaking up at our churches.
We need to get really active and militant in a peaceful way because they're militant on our ass in a violent way.
Now that said, a lot of you just tuned in.
You're like, well, what's the big deal about you predicting that they say there's going to be a cyber attack?
Uh, and blame the Russians, and then they did that.
And then the final piece is, then they're going to say that the American people, that are the opposition, are working with Russians.
So you're not just Nazis now, you're also a Russian agent, and Homeland Security's got to get you to get the power back on.
That's been their move.
No one else figured that out.
I saw the pre-programming and figured out it would be blaming the American people, not just the Russians.
Now, I said, when they do that, I've said it hundreds of times, you know they're about to make their move.
So I've literally got the hair on the back of my neck, literally standing up right now, okay?
Because let me tell you, I mean, I got children.
I got a life.
You do too.
I mean, they go this next move, folks.
It's all over, okay?
I mean, you know.
I mean, I like pulling into a Mexican food restaurant and getting fajitas and a margarita, okay?
I mean, I like, you know, the electricity turning on.
And all you dumbasses that work for the government that have been going along with this, are you freaking nuts?!
You don't understand tyranny isn't fun, you dumb bastards!
I mean, I know the psycho New World Order lizards up at the top think it's all cute and funny, but it isn't cute for us, ladies and gentlemen.
Damn you people.
So sit on it!
It doesn't matter.
You're not going to listen.
You were chosen because you're weak to serve the system.
But those of us that aren't weak, we see what's going on.
We're going to stop it.
So here's a short clip for those that don't know.
Why is he playing this prediction from a year ago that they Blame right-wingers with Russians.
How preposterous is that for bringing on the power grid?
Just crazy stuff Alex Jones says.
No, I can see the linear line of the progression of the enemy.
Here they are again two days ago.
It's all over the news.
Here's just one clip saying what I predicted.
Homeland security is warning of a potential troubling escalation in tactics from right-wing extremists.
Katherine Harridge has more on this and she joins us from Washington.
Katherine, we understand the power grid could be a target?
Good morning.
According to the intelligence report obtained by CBS News, these groups have developed credible and specific plans to attack the power grid since at least 2020 as a way to disrupt the country and the ability of government to operate.
The report warns extremists adhering to a range of ideologies will likely continue to
plot and encourage physical attacks against power networks, which include more than 6,400
plants and nearly a half million miles of high-voltage lines.
While the bulletin emphasized small-scale attacks are unlikely to cause widespread power
loss, it may cause disruption to critical infrastructure like hospitals and police departments.
Homeland Security noted several indicators, including online chatter.
While the report does not suggest an imminent threat, The Homeland Security Secretary has warned, lone wolf actors and small bands of extremists are among the greatest domestic threat, because they are hard to detect, disrupt, and can mobilize quickly.
All right, Catherine, got it.
Oh, that's good.
So let's translate that.
Who's attacking the police department, shutting them down and defunding them?
These people.
Who's shutting off the power?
These people.
And so they're drilling the public.
It's not going to shut all the power off forever.
We'll be able to contain it, but these are the bad guys when it happens, and we're going to take over the web and take over the internet when it does, but it's imminent.
And so now the media is all being drilled and walked through.
Oh, it's just exactly like they said.
Not all the power is obviously off in certain areas.
The hackers did it.
Oh, they've caught some 25-year-old, you know, right-winger.
He supposedly ran.
He's never seen again.
He just disappears.
And it's just, well, these damn right-wingers, you know, they just, they're just, I mean, It's all scripted.
It's all prepared.
A five-year-old can figure this out.
We've got to stop it.
Owen Schroeder's right to shotgun with us.
Mickey Willis has a powerful new movie coming out.
You know, he did the big pandemic movies and more.
He is coming up on the other side.
Stay with us.
Hi, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, a good friend of mine, Mickey Willis, has made so many powerful films and he used to do a lot of big work with the Hollywood establishment.
He woke up in the last decade and has now been one of the leading forces fighting these tyrants.
He, of course, made Pandemic, Fear is the Virus, Truth is the Cure.
He helped bring Judy Mikovits' information to the fore, helped really wake up Robert Kennedy Jr.
about what was happening.
And now, he's made a bunch of other powerful films as well, fighting the globalists, but now what he believes is the most important film is The Great Awakening.
We've been saying this for three years, for The Great Reset, three plus, that the answer to The Great Reset is The Great Awakening.
And so, That'll be the new term, not just a hundred books on The Great Reset, mind one of them, but films and then books on The Great Awakening.
The counter to the enemy, which is here.
So here's the trailer for the film.
The premiere is this Saturday in Austin, Texas.
Mickey joins us in a moment to give us more info.
here it is.
Breaking news, the president declaring a national emergency.
The new stay-at-home order.
We will shut you down.
Don't think you can get on a plane or a train.
This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
And we will take you to jail.
We've got to get them vaccinated.
Or we will keep you in a facility longer.
As the world was descending into synchronized tyranny, I began to ask myself, How did they get everyone to go along with this?
Obsessed with finding the answer, I began studying every moment in recorded history where masses of people acted against their own self-interest.
The only mechanism that could explain what was happening in society... Screw your freedom!
Your schmuck!
...was what is usually referred to as mass formation.
Where are we now with an economy in crisis, but with an incredible opportunity?
Unprecedented opportunity.
For a reset.
Your Royal Highnesses, distinguished heads of state and government, the future is built by us.
We need a great reset.
When they say, you'll be happy, What they mean is, you'll be enslaved.
Today, we have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.
Who masters those technologies, will be the master of the world.
Those who control the data, control the future, not just of humanity, but the future of life itself.
Every aspect of our life has been infiltrated by people that do not have our best interests at heart.
There are forces using fear and isolation to induce mass psychosis.
I don't want you to be hopeful.
Environmental bills.
I want you to panic.
It will kill your children.
I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.
People are starting to wake up.
Across the world.
I'm seeing people come together from all walks of life, finally saying enough is enough.
We didn't come here for no reason.
We have a voice.
We're here to share it.
We have to be the solution.
We cannot rely on the media, the president, or whoever to fix these problems.
I would rather pick up cans on the side of the highway than to live out of alignment with my truth.
We're all being driven back to the dream.
As you see in the audience, Democrats, Republicans, white, black, everyone all in between, this is the example that they do not want to see, but they have no choice.
The masses of humanity have been slapped awake.
Open your eyes.
It's time to wake up.
This is the Great Awakening.
People cannot go back into the matrix now.
A lot of people are trying to.
They can't.
All right.
Welcome back here.
We got Mickey Willis on with us.
Owen's gonna be popping in.
We're gonna skip this network break so we can have more time.
Hopefully keep Mickey a little bit in the next hour if we can do it.
But I want to explain something.
This isn't about a movie.
It isn't about even bringing the criminals to justice that created the virus and released it and gave us the eugenics-based poison shots.
That's all important.
But it's really about the fact that they're going to have future attacks and they're building more of these vaccine quarantine centers.
And so they're going to put people in them who disagree with the new lockdowns.
And this is the rollout of permanent martial law and a world ID with your vaccine quote proof and assignment of vaccine.
This is the end of your bodily autonomy.
So if you think millions conservatively, four or five million dead from the shot, Several million dead from the lack of medical care and the lack of therapeutics from the virus that was novel was engineered because they had to have something engineered to have the patents for the so-called vaccine for it.
But that's just the leading edge.
That's just the beginning of the enemy attack.
They plan to kill billions of their own words.
They want to depopulate the planet.
The globalists are making their move because they're selfish.
They're evil.
They're horrible.
They have quadrillions in fake currency they've created.
They've gotten us to accept it, and they want us off the planet.
They've taken over by fraud, and their next move is, we don't need you, there's too many people, we've got robots, you're dead.
So this film, and understanding the counter to the Great Reset, and their build back better on our ashes, is the Great Awakening.
And so I'm glad, because I said this last year, I said, soon it's not going to be the Great Reset we're writing about and talking about, Hundreds of books written on it by the New York Times bestseller.
Number one.
To me, the Great Awakening.
So I'm glad that Mickey's already been ahead of the curve for several years working on this film, and is getting it out now, because the future isn't what the enemy did, it's what we're going to do to them to stop them, and how we're going to wake up to this.
So the premiere is in Austin, at a huge, beautiful, gigantic theater.
People can still, I'm told, get tickets to that, though they're going quickly.
I'm going to be there, a bunch of other people are going to be there, and I get back Friday evening to Austin, and I'll be there Saturday for it.
But regardless, I can't wait till the film is available online.
It'll be super viral because the pandemic has reached probably 100 million people conservatively.
This needs to go even bigger.
So, Mickey Willis, thank you so much for joining us, and congratulations on the bombshell film.
Thanks, Alex.
Great to see you, my brother.
Well, I've been ranting for eight, nine minutes here.
So talk about the film.
I've only seen excerpts of it.
It blows me away.
Your films are all super powerful.
But this content you've got is so nightmarish.
They hope we forget about what they did, but you lay it all out and then talk about the resistance.
So tell us why this film is so important.
I mean, it is so important.
We have a chance to really break their back right now.
They're actually on their heels.
We've got to push now so hard.
Yeah, you make a great point there Alex.
This really is about how to stop the agenda and to understand what COVID was used to advance, all of the ways that we surrender our liberties, and above all how to come out of the mass hypnosis because We do a brief examination of all of the different dictator-led genocides that have ever happened in history, and it's really interesting when you understand that no dictator would have had any power to do anything if it weren't for the fact that they were able to lull the people into their cults and have the people do their dirty work.
And so it's a real wake-up call to all citizens, not just in America but all over the world, to let them know that we're all being used and turned against each other because that's the only way that these very few powers have the ability to overcome millions and billions of people is by having them turn on each other.
And we have technologies now that they never had before, that Mao Zedong or Lenin or Hitler, that they didn't have before.
And that's the ability to do what we're doing right now, Alex, which you've been doing for years, which is communicate with each other and share the truth and really wake people up before we reach that point of no return.
Well, I can't wait to see the film.
I haven't seen it yet, but I've talked to folks to see if they say it blows away your other films that have been giant hits.
Not just, you know, obviously the numbers that it's reached, but the content is so key.
If somebody watches a Super Bowl game, sure, it's entertaining, but it does no good for humanity.
You're getting Super Bowl audiences, but for the truth and really causing ripple effects everywhere that wake people up.
But I can't wait to see you document the cult of mass psychology, mass brainwashing, and how it's happening again.
Because they're reloading.
They're getting ready to do this again on a bigger scale.
So give us a little bit of a prelude of what's in the film.
And then tell us about the premiere Saturday.
And then out into the future, when is it going to be in theaters?
How do we get behind it to make sure it blows up even bigger than the pandemic?
Yeah, thank you.
So yeah, as you said, June 3rd in Austin is the live premiere, and we do have a few tickets left, just a few, and that's available.
Everything I do is free, so I don't charge for anything pandemic-related.
PandemicSeries.com, you can grab those tickets if you're anywhere in the Texas area.
Otherwise, also look at the same site, PandemicSeries.com, and you'll see that we're doing a live global broadcast through the HiWire, which is Dell BigTree's weekly show with a very, very large reach.
And then we're also doing stuff with London Real and other platforms that are going to be launching it out starting from June 3rd to June 4th and beyond.
On our website we will have downloadable links to the movie, which is how we bypassed the gatekeepers of truth, how Plandemic One was seen by over 1 billion people and Number Two was seen by a few hundred million.
And that is we give the files to the people, we say it's yours, share it, download it, Don't just watch it.
It's a decentralized, people-powered distribution model.
And so I urge everybody... Let's just say what it is.
It's a weapon.
It's a weapon.
They have their lies that are a weapon.
We have the truth that's a weapon.
This is a giant, non-violent, hydrogen bomb of truth.
I will say this, Alex.
It is the most important work that I've ever been involved in.
I'm incredibly excited to share this with the people.
It has been a beast to make a film in real time because, you know, the world is changing and so we have to keep up with it every single day.
We flip onto our, you know, different apps and we realize, okay, there's a whole new narrative that we have to keep up with now.
And so it's been a real beast to put together.
But I have an incredible team.
Couldn't have done it without them.
And as of just this week, I sat back and started to watch the whole film together and realize what a bombshell it is.
It really delves into, it's indisputable once you see it, once you understand, because we have historical references of, you know, really predictions of what's coming, of, you know, words from their own manifestos of what they're going to do, and then we have side-by-side split-screen comparisons of showing people this is what they said they were going to do in the 50s and 60s, and here it is right now.
And the one repeated compliment that I've received from the two audiences who have seen a very, very early rough cut of the film is that suddenly the insane world makes sense.
They understand why all of this insanity of the woke ideologies and all this crazy stuff is happening.
I won't give it away, but in a sense I draw a comparison to Mao's Cultural Revolution to understand that that's the only way that they can bring down America, which is the firewall for the rest of the world.
So we have a lot of immigrants and defectors in the film that are really warning America of what's happening, but it's also packed with solutions of how we the people, we get to choose, like even when it comes to AI and all these technologies that our people are being terrified by.
We get to choose on how we engage with these technologies.
We can use these technologies and actually allow these robots and technologies to free up all the, to take all the jobs that people don't want to do, all the slave labor jobs that people don't want to do.
There could be a very bright side to this if we engage with it responsibly.
And it really comes down to the responsibility of the people, because there's, you know, no technology is inherently good or bad.
But in the same way, food is one of the greatest killers in America right now.
It's the kind of food we eat.
It's how we eat and how we engage with it.
Once we step out of this mindset of being consumers and understand that we're here to create, we're creators,
a whole different action consumption takes and creation gives,
we can flip this around to understand that we've always had the power.
People always say, take the power back.
We've always had it.
We just need to wake up and realize that.
We have it.
And we see this happening with Anheuser-Busch and Target.
You know, when the people get tired of something and they don't like the way something is moving, they understand that with our voting power, by the way that we participate or don't participate in the market, we can actually make change.
And so we're going to, we're really hoping to amplify that on a global scale.
And let's expand on this.
I mean, you're a very successful filmmaker already that woke up many years ago and decided to fight the globalists.
And it's so exciting.
I've just been talking to you, hanging out for years, having you on the show, just waiting for the film to come out.
But that's very exciting that your model, I was aware of it, but that's really a big point.
How, that's kind of what we do here on air and we have advertising.
How have you been able to make a big budget film with all these huge guests and spend several years making this and then just say I'm giving it to the world for free?
Because it's bigger than just how good you are doing that.
I see you giving yourself and your family a gift back by stopping the next lockdown, the tyranny.
The goal is beating these people, not just the massive money.
Yeah, 100% donations right now, thanks to the people out there who have been very generous with us.
We have a donation button on our site at PlandemicSeries.com, and that allows me to, even with my book, I told my publisher, I said, as soon as it makes its money back, because I realize you guys have put some money into this to get it out there, once it's made its money back, I want to give it away.
That's the only way I'm going to do a book deal.
And so my book is free on PlandemicSeries.com.
And it's because this particular information I feel has been stolen from the people and we're just returning it.
And so I didn't feel, you know, morally, that it was my right to sell it back to the people.
And so we've created other things to create a revenue model because we really, you know, we have small salaries that we pay ourselves.
Yeah, exactly.
It's great.
We should give this out.
That's why I'm free to air.
At the same time, we need a war chest.
We don't have George Soros.
That's right.
We need both here.
Yeah, we need the support from the people.
You know, if we want to combat these trillion dollar industries that have destroyed our societies and dividing it and doing damage to our children, dividing us at all points, You know, we need to really get behind all of the people that shows like yours and all of the different people that are willing to stand on the front line and to do their best to turn the ship around.
So I do thank the people out there because without your continued support, we have four movies in production right now.
We had five and one was just finished.
And they're all very important movies that will be released within the next three months and none of that would be possible.
We're creating a movie to revolutionize the educational industry so we can pull our kids out of these corrupt indoctrination centers and teach them the way that we choose to teach them.
Let me stop you and give you the floor here because I was aware of this and I'd forgotten.
You've been working for several years behind the scenes feverishly and now you're launching your counter-offensive Say that again.
Multiple, multiple films coming out in the next three, four months.
I mean, it's got to be satisfying because I've made films as well.
But you just build up all this work and then finally you actually see it change the world.
I mean, describe these films that are about to hit.
Yeah, so we have a film called Bad Medicine and it's about the protocols, the COVID protocols that were introduced into our hospital systems here in America and around the world that are still today killing people with things like remdesivir, a drug that failed its trials and yet that was somehow pushed into the hospital protocols.
And we have stories of helicopter rescues from American hospitals.
Families that knew that their loved ones were being killed and they had to actually get them rescued by helicopter.
Like some really crazy stuff is happening in this country that a lot of people aren't aware of.
So that one's called Bad Medicine and then we have a film called Follow the Silenced.
And that's about some of the main people who were first injured through the trials of the COVID vaccines and then they were totally silenced.
And so they followed the science and then they were silenced.
And so we've been, I have a director on that named Matthew Guthrie and he's been doing an incredible job for two years following these people around, living with them in their homes, really getting an idea of how they've been damaged and what they're doing to try to heal so that we can offer that to people who have been damaged by this agenda.
And then we have the school documentary and then a couple of others that are in the works in there.
It's really about having to shift our culture back into a state of balance so that people can understand, again, like I said earlier, that we really do have the ability as the people, as we wake up, to come out of this mass hypnosis.
And I speak from experience.
As you know, you know my backstory, Alex.
You know, I come from the far left.
I was a pretty radical activist on the far left, woke up while I was on the road with Bernie Sanders' campaign, documenting his 2016 campaign, and that's when I woke up politically to realize, I'd seen behind the curtain, I realized something is afoul here.
People can't answer my questions.
And this thing they call democratic socialism, I'm starting to realize that it's no different than socialism, which is no different than communism.
It's just another fancy word in front of another, you know, mysterious word.
It doesn't change anything.
And then I started to meet a lot of young people on the road that had, you know, Fidel Castro shirts and linen stickers and Mao stickers.
And I would say, you know, those Mao killed 80 million people.
Why are you promoting that figure?
And they'd say, well, it's, you know, they're pro-communist and communism is what's going to save America.
And I literally thought when I first heard that they were joking.
And then the more I met, the more I realized, oh, shit, this stuff is, it really does lead to communism.
And there's a lot of young people that are pushing for this in our universities and all over America, and they hate this country, and yet they've never traveled outside of America.
And I've been all over the world.
And when you have that perspective of understanding how fortunate and how, you know, really how lucky we are to be in this country and what we have that other countries don't have, And then you start to understand why all the immigrants choose to escape here.
And that's the thing that they just can't reconcile.
If this is the most systemically racist, horrible country on the planet, then why do people, mostly people of brown and black cultures, why do they escape here when they're choosing to flee their socially destroyed nations?
And so we pose that question, we delve deep into The way that race has been used to divide us.
We have some incredible people, experts and people that are speaking from their direct experience in the film.
And how we come out of that, how we come back to really... For me, the internal intention is real simple.
We've been dehumanized and it's time to re-humanize.
So what does that take?
And we pose the question that is it, you know, do we need to learn more to do that?
Or do we need to just unlearn what we've been taught and come back to a place of remembering who and what we are?
And that dream we had as children, and that way that we knew we were interconnected as children, that we have been systemically divided from that knowledge.
And so it's time to come back into what we knew, and how intelligent, brilliant, and resilient the human system is, and to respect it more, and to really celebrate the progress that we've made in this nation.
No nation is course corrected.
Like the United States has.
It's doing its best in it with a very challenging different model, an experiment to allow a melting pot of different beliefs and different cultures and different ideologies to coexist like no nation has done before.
And they're trying to Destroy that, because when the people are celebrating each other, we're united, and when we are united, we are unstoppable.
We can do anything.
You said the key term earlier, and I'm going to steal it because it's so true.
We are creators, not consumers.
I've always said we're creators, not destroyers, but it's more subtle than that.
As you say, if you're just consuming, you are the slave of who is creating, and the enemy is creating poison.
We have to take control of the creation, For ourselves and our children, and really create the social contract of what we want to build for humanity again.
And, you know, I see that theme in all the films you've made, the new films, where you've really powered up to go next level.
It's amazing.
It's all zeitgeist issues.
People know the schools are taking over.
There's an exodus out of them.
You're on top of that.
And just all what really happened with COVID, it's critical to stop the next thing they're going to do, not just, you know, avenge those that have been put under this tyranny.
I look forward to being there with you.
On Saturday, I'm glad London Real is going to do a great job.
The Dell Big Tree.
If you want us to come put it out or stream the event too at Bandaw Video or InfoWars, let the crew know.
We'll do it.
But not, we'll just put links up to those guys.
Then I'm going to have Rob do it and then we'll call and we'll send the crew or we can hook into your cameras or whatever you want to do, but we'll stream it at Bandaw Video.
We'll put it on the front page.
We'll make the whole front page of InfoWars.
You know, be a big pop-up that's just a movie on Saturday and Sunday because I want to get total synergy for my family, for your family, for all our children's futures to break the back of this enemy that I believe is so close to being defeated.
And promise me, I know you're a busy guy, you'll come in studio the next few weeks if you can.
We can just really promote the film and play some excerpts and talk about it in hindsight and really take it next level.
I'd love to, and I'm sorry I couldn't do that today.
We're just in a very final pinch here to get this, the final film delivered tonight to our sound mixer.
So, otherwise, I'll be right back.
I know you guys are working.
Brother, I know how hard you're working.
I know folks involved.
You are kicking ass.
You got that passion.
Love you, Mickey Willis.
And again, one more time, where do people go find the film this Saturday?
Plannedemicseries.com, and also check out our new site, which is Get Fierce Now.
Check it out.
Get fierce now.
Thank you so much, Mickey.
Look forward to seeing you Saturday.
Thanks for your support, Alex.
See you Saturday.
You bet.
Folks, they are so scared of loving liberals.
Who are real liberals that got conned by the systems they wanted to help, who then find out they've been manipulated.
It's game over.
That guy is so smart, such a beautiful soul, such a great friend.
He is the real deal.
And he is just churning out badass content against the enemy.
I mean, this is what it's about, ladies and gentlemen.
This is so good.
And the great journey we're all on.
I get to know the Owen Schroyers.
I get to know the Terry Carlson, the Mickey Willis.
I get to know you.
I get to meet you.
We are the people that love freedom.
Black, white, Hispanic, old, young, everything.
And we're here together loving the future and our children, and we're alive!
The enemy are a bunch of dumb-ass zombies and a bunch of weird-ass John Kerry freakazoids.
I mean, and Diane Feinstein.
Give me a frickin' break, man.
We'll be right back.
Hour number two.
I'm sure he's got a lot to say.
I'm riding shotgun with him.
Stay with us.
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Hold on, my friends.
And no, they can't break your will.
Because if you point your spirit at God, at Christ, and Christ's spirit, and you invite that into you,
your discernment, your IQ, your will will exponentially grow.
That's why our guests, our people, have electricity in their eyes.
It's why they're so smart, why they're so alive.
I don't care what damn color their skin is.
The eyes, Chico.
It's always in the eyes.
The eyes never lie.
Tony Montana says the Scarface.
The eyes.
The eyes never lie.
And the enemy's eyes are dead.
So, I'm not signing on to anything where people's eyes are dead and they look like Frankenstein like John Kerry.
Ain't happening!
I'm going where the truth and the energy is in the life.
Because like Mickey Willis said last hour, we are not consuming.
We are creating.
And consuming is not bad.
But if you're not creating, and you're just consuming, you're destroying.
But if you are a creator, which is you're designed to be.
We're made in the image of God.
The Bible starts Genesis.
Last thing God does is put humans on the earth.
He says you're made in my image.
A little G. Not like the radical New Agers say we're God or the left says we're going to be God.
Don't believe in God yet, Ray Kurzweil says.
No, ladies and gentlemen.
You are made in the image of God and Are able down at your little microscopic level, you know, microscopic version of what God does.
And it's still, I mean, look at what the art, the culture, the literature, the design, the music, the weapons.
You blow the damn earth up, and we're babies in what we're going to become.
And when we're not babies anymore, in our full scale 12th dimension, we'll be like an atom compared to God, who is the entire Universe of universes, all time, all dimension.
God can just create quadrillions of universes, quadrillions of new civilizations instantly.
That's what this is.
It's just unbelievable.
But we are super small and little, but we're connected to the infinite and we are creatures, probes fired out by God so that God can experience reality from the lowest levels all the way up to the highest levels.
But Free will is allowed to operate.
So there are entities and creatures and civilizations that have decided to break from the master plan and build their own systems, which are tombs, where they cut themselves off from the all source and create their own hell.
I will not be part of that.
I reach out like a tree to the sky.
You see it everywhere.
The enemy tells you what they're doing everywhere, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me draw you a picture.
Guys, come back from break.
I'm going to show this and talk to Owen.
He's been very patient sitting there while I've been ranting.
I love Owen to death.
Pull up the death rune.
Just type in the rune of death.
It's Norse.
It's Germanic.
Of course, it's the peace symbol.
It's a tree with its limbs down.
It looks like the peace symbol is the rune of death.
The rune of life, which I'll call a white supremacist symbol, which it's not, The damn ADLs, they're probably lost in there.
Go out and create fake Nazi groups everywhere and then take all these sacred symbols and invert them.
That's what Satanists do.
And yeah, there it is.
The life is the tree up and death is when the tree's limbs fall.
It's dead.
All you got is the trunk left.
Powerful language.
I choose this.
Put me back on screen, please.
This is Alex Jones.
Boom, baby.
My limbs are up.
And I come in peace.
I come in prosperity.
I come to help.
All right.
Very powerful first hour.
Alex Jones here.
Owen Shorter riding shotgun and Mickey Willis on last hour.
I have all this breaking news, all this incredible information we're going to cover in the next three hours.
But I have to go back to what I first covered at the beginning of the show, because it sends shivers up my spine, not of fear, but of anticipation.
Like in Lord of the Rings, You've got the elvish sword, Sting.
And when goblins or orcs are near, it glows blue.
That's an archetype, like your spirit knowing the enemy's close.
I mean, it's like, it's not a thing of fear.
It's like war, because I mean, I know evil is upon us.
And I'm literally getting chills for the last hour.
Because I know I'm talking to millions of people.
I love you.
I know we can win.
I know we've got a real chance at this if we just reach out with our arms towards heaven to God and say we want to live with the rune of life versus the rune of death, the peace movement.
Submit to them in peace and die.
Arms down, death, you're dead.
Arms up to God, you live.
I mean, they know everything they do is a ritual against you.
You got to pull that sword, which is the Holy Spirit, and it's going to glow bright white blue, ladies and gentlemen, and say, I'm ready.
Life, beginning, protection, death, end, war.
I see the left so funny.
They took the ancient north symbol of war and death and called it peace because it's a war on you.
It's a lie.
They want to control people and think they're pushing peace when they're pushing death.
Everything is an inversion.
So I finally figured out what the new designer t-shirt is going to be.
I told you I'm gonna design these t-shirts.
We'll come out with one or two.
Then when we're done, they're gone forever.
And then I'm gonna have a new one.
And that's what the new shirt's gonna be.
And by the way, I'm not in competition with anybody.
I hope everybody takes this idea.
I hope it takes off.
It's really smart, in my view.
We're gonna have a white t-shirt with the Rune of Life on the front.
In black.
On white.
And then on the back, it'll be like a concert t-shirt.
It'll say, this is the Rune of Life.
It's an ancient Germanic and Norse symbol of a tree with its limbs up towards the sun and towards creativity and the future and new beginnings and creation.
This is the rune of death, war, destruction, failure, betrayal.
You may have seen this symbol before because your enemy masquerades as those that want to stop war and want to promote peace.
But in truth, notice that the people that lead this movement are destroying everything.
And what does the ADL say?
They say the rune of life that is at least 10,000 years old, carved on cave walls, is a Nazi symbol.
What does the Southern Primary Law Center say?
But the rune of death, an upside-down rune of life, is liberal and loving, you see.
By the way, I think we'll put another shirt out soon that's just a star.
It's not a satanic symbol, it's not an occult symbol, it's a symbol of a man, a woman, a head, arms, and legs.
And say, this is a star, a symbol of an upright human being.
And on the back, have it upside down and say, this is the sign of death, a man being crucified upside down.
That's what all this is, ladies and gentlemen.
A star is alive and powerful.
God made it.
Pahlavi goes, oh, you're a star.
You are, in God's mind, you are a star.
And see, that's how this all works.
This is the real esoteric secret knowledge.
And see, they invert that and say, no, you're going down.
You're going down, down, down.
That's when the dying comes.
You got it all figured out.
They hope you live in the dark and never figure it out, but we have figured it out.
So the new t-shirt, I was going to bring back mass murderers, the Green Gun Control Works, a new version of that.
I'm going to do that later.
The new shirt is going to be the rune of life.
And I guarantee you the ADL is going to run headlines saying Jones is selling a Nazi item.
Just like the ADL is trying to get Buddhists to get rid of their temples that are 4,000 years old, 3,000 years old, because they got swastikas on it.
The swastika is the sun symbol of the sun, and it's a sacred symbol, and it's not bad.
Because Hitler took it doesn't mean it's bad.
The Rune of Life?
Oh, the Rune of Death is liberal and good, but oh, a Rune of Life is Nazi.
Life is Nazi, see?
Death is liberal.
Total crap.
Total inversion.
False reality, alright.
My nose hairs are spectacular, I need to trim them.
Cruz is like, hey man, you got boogers hanging out of your nose.
I'm like, no, that wasn't him.
As you get older, you lose hair on the top of your head and you grow it in your ears and your nose.
I could like braid my nose hairs.
The damn things grow like an inch a week or something.
I tripped them four days ago.
Anyway, it's a little bit of self-deprecation here, ladies and gentlemen.
Next to the ADL saying nose hairs are racist.
I bet they say beards are racist.
I'm not even joking.
Because men know they're under attack, so men have all grown beards last decade to say, hey, we're men, we're different.
And I get it.
So I grew one in solidarity, and I like it.
And the point is, women obviously love it.
And I bet the ADL says beards are racist next.
I'm not kidding.
All right, I'm going to stop and bring Ellen Schreier in here.
Let's go ahead and play this clip.
This is the intro.
It's a 12-minute video.
It's on Infowars.com.
The archivist got together here.
He did a great job.
Here I am the last year and a half, over and over again, saying we're going to blame Russians for the power grid attack and then say right-wingers are working with them.
And when they do that, you know the attack on the power grid is imminent.
So this is a big deal, folks.
It's now been announced everywhere.
It's now happening.
Here's a clip.
Attacks on power supplies being blamed on the right-wing.
We've seen the FBI say the number one terror threat is domestic right-wingers.
And if you look at all the pre-programming data points that are there, they're hyping this up.
It might be, oh, hackers took down a part of the power grid.
How many times have I said they're going to blow the power grid up and say Trump supporters did it?
We've seen the FBI say the number one terror threat is domestic right-wingers.
They've now defined it as fascism.
if you support President Trump or America First.
And then now we start seeing headlines in the top of Drudge yesterday,
imminent Trump's calling for violence, Trump's calling for insurrection, January 6, 2.0.
And so that's been all over the news building up.
And if you look at all the pre-programming data points that are there, they're hyping this up.
It is their main move.
And again, they pre-programmed it, pre-rolled it out, pre-advertised it to provocateur
or staged some very serious massive events.
It might be a new war.
It might be, oh, hackers took down a part of the power grid.
You were on my show a month ago or six weeks ago where you said, "Hey, there are gonna be
some sort of cyber attacks.
They're gonna say these cyber attacks all came from Russia."
And the other day, you know, it was Associated Press, you know, said the cyber attacks at the airport.
Oh, by then the third paragraph, oh yeah, the Russians are responsible.
What did I tell you what happened in the last year and a half
with all the pre-programming they were doing ahead of the election?
They would hype that the right wing is going to engage in terror.
And then of course, they'll provoke the turret just like we saw with Governor Whitmer.
So what are they going to do?
They're going to stage terror attacks or provocateur terror attacks.
That is the obvious play they're going to run.
I would predict racially motivated mass shootings, bombings, poisonings.
Attacks on power supplies being blamed on the right wing?
Because they need us off air when they stage the attacks, when the globalists stage the attacks, when the deep state stage the attacks, to say we're behind it.
The globalists pre-programming there's gonna be all this violence.
What's your take on that?
How do we counter that?
And what curveballs do you think they have?
Hack attacks, energy takedowns, they've been pre-programming that.
Artificial power outages.
That's what's on the table in my view.
In the climate we're in right now, They can do a cyber attack on the Russians tomorrow and turn the lights off.
I've studied their attack profile and what they're doing at every angle to bring down civilization, cutting off the energy, dissolving the borders, creating race war.
Their next moves will be cyber attacks and power outages.
The globalists are going to cut our power off and say the Russians did it.
They're all over the news.
I told you years ago they'd do it.
Saying the Russians are going to cut the U.S.
Type it in.
Pentagon warns Russia planning cyber attack.
Pentagon warns Russia turned off the colonial pipeline.
No they didn't.
The globalists did.
The globalists turned off the Keystone 2.
The globalists just said we can't have any oil drilling in the Gulf.
That's the Democratic Party!
That's the New World Order!
That's the eugenicists!
They did it!
I'll call her in New York first because the globalists love to tell you what they're about to do and they go And that sounds more like Schwarzenegger than Klaus Schwab, but the point we've penetrated the government's social power will soon be out and we will take over and don't get used to having power anymore.
Cyber outages will make COVID look like a happy time.
These are basically quotes.
And so, yeah, they're losing, but they're in control of the infrastructure.
I remember reading that from January to August of this year that we had What they thought was intentional.
Over a hundred attacks on our electrical grids and substations.
And then I know that we had that big one in North Carolina.
And in Washington and all over the place.
Yeah, Pacific Northwest and that one in Washington.
I know they kind of just wanted to blame on Trump supporter terrorists.
Of course.
How many times have I said they're going to blow the power grid up and say Trump supporters did it?
Exactly, and so I wondered, because it just kind of seemed to get memory hole, and I don't really see anyone talking about it, and I know there's a lot of other stuff going on, but... Well, it was a globalist cut-off, most of the pipelines in the country, and yeah, they're gonna cut off a few pipelines soon and say, we did it, to blame the total collapse they've already caused, you understand?
Oh, the thousand pipelines we shut down, or plus, didn't do it, it was this one got blown up by some Trump supporter, yeah right.
Yeah, so I just noticed that no one's really been talking.
And if you look at the, and we got to make a bigger deal about this.
I know the listeners get this, but the general public used to get it.
When you look at John Kerry or Barack Obama or, you know, any of these globalists running
around, foaming at the mouth, they keep saying the viruses are coming out of the jungle,
It's your fault.
Well, they're making the viruses in the lab.
Or, the third world's collapsing because of global warming.
No, you wouldn't have let them, under IMF World Bank control, farm or ranch or go to their jobs for over two years.
You collapsed them on purpose and organized them as refugees.
It's the same story over and over and over again, where They're saying, well, we're no longer just an existential crisis.
We're in the crisis.
The world's collapsing because of global warming, John Kerry said last weekend.
When they've collapsed the world, they're now saying they're going to save you by, oh, we'll shut off the farms and shut off the food and we'll stop oil drilling and that'll fix there not being enough resources.
And then, oh, high carbon dioxide and heat is very bad.
No, it just makes the earth green and things be healthy.
And so literally, it's the most dystopian super villain crap ever being spewed because the general public is illiterate when it comes to science.
In fact, here he just goes, all the scientists agree, the earth is boiling over.
Well, they said by 2010 that there'd be a multi-foot rise while they bought houses right on Martha's Vineyard at one foot above sea level.
And, I mean, Al Gore, Obama, all of them, they all bought these big houses on the beach.
And then they go, oh, 2017 is going to flood, and 2011 is going to flood, or 2012, over and over again.
Well, there are floods.
Floods do happen at the beach.
It's always happened.
But the point is, or they'll show rogue waves hitting Hawaii all the time.
Rogue waves have always hit Hawaii.
There's tsunamis!
Oh, look!
A 10-foot wave came in and hit a restaurant!
It shows the Earth's over!
There's this flooding in a restaurant in Hawaii!
A big wave came in!
And they just play this superstitious game with people, but the reason I keep harping on this with all the other news is, ladies and gentlemen, they want to be able to shut down their political competition when they run other false flags when they release another virus.
So there's a lot of scenarios, but this is how I'd do it if I was them from their past operations.
They want to test and make sure it works, the media goes along with them.
So they'll hit, of the five major power grids in the U.S., they'll hit one of those grids and claim that a right-wing group with the Russians took it down.
We'll see if the media parrots that and properly operates.
Then they'll get it back on, blame their enemies, maybe put some patsy in jail.
A few months later, airports get hit, some other things get hit again, and then two power grids go down.
But they get them back on in just a couple days.
Okay, there was some rioting, looting, but we got it fixed.
Yeah, we think it's the same people again.
And if they didn't think you're going along with it, if they didn't think you bought into it, they'll take down four of the five grids for a couple weeks.
And then they'll say, what do we do?
Oh, we just happen to have these emergency plans.
We have an app that you've got to sign on to to go online, whether it's on a desktop or your phone or whatever.
And with this app, we'll know who you are and it'll save things and the hackers won't be able to get on to the computers and do all this and get in the grid.
And people will be like, damn it, sign up for it, have your job, your bosses will be telling you, get on an airline, come on.
The power was off for three weeks.
You want this to happen again?
And there'll be this peer pressure.
Just go along to get along.
Even though you're signing up for the control grid, even though you're being signed up for the social credit score, you're being put into the Internet of Things, you're being, you're still be like, damn it, just get on board.
Let's just get over this.
And the noose just got tighter.
And it just gets tighter and tighter.
And I'm not just saying that.
They say, when the cyber terrorists attack, They're going to have to shut the web down to protect it.
And we're going to have to give them an ID, which we have ready for you.
So it's all here.
And it's not hard to predict.
It's like, oh, how does Jones predict it?
What's that precision?
It's not hard, people.
You have to admit predators are coming after you.
This is real.
But I told you, it's one thing for them to say the Russians are going to take the power grid.
I said when they come out and say the general public are terrorists, because we're all white supremacists, and then they say we're going to take down the power grid, that's new.
That's my prediction.
That right there lets you know they can do it next week.
I think they'll do it like a few months before the election, probably next year.
But who knows?
So, we better get out ahead of this right now, because if you think the lockdowns and the COVID and the millions dead from that was bad, ladies and gentlemen, you ain't seen nothing yet.
They talk about climate lockdowns and artificially cutting off power to make you, quote, reach greenhouse limits.
They are throttling humanity.
They are shutting us down.
This is their goal.
Extinction Rebellion is just the lower level manifestation of these people.
Oh, Troyer, you've got the floor for the next five minutes.
You've been very patient there, my compadre.
Give us your take on the situation.
Well, you know, most Americans, if you try to tell them about this...
Probably couldn't even comprehend it, Alex.
It's knowledge that they've never even been near before, so it's kind of a harder thing for them to understand.
But the basic understanding that, I mean, even I had, I would imagine most Americans have at some point in their lives, sometimes it leads them to liberalism, quite frankly, is this resentment towards government.
This resentment towards some untouchable, unseen body that can dictate your life, interfere in your life, intervene in your life at any given moment.
And I think this is what actually turns a lot of people to the left, or at least it used to, because it was very anti-establishment, it was very anti-government.
That was kind of the liberalism of the 90s and early 2000s.
Well, now modern-day liberalism is just total establishment, as their thought leaders and their political leaders have taken over all these systems.
But the government still persists.
The government intervening in your life still persists, stealing your money, You know, dictating what your kids are going to be indoctrinated into, that is still there.
The problem is, it's understanding that there's a level on top of that, which we refer to as the globalists, the World Economic Forum, they implement things like the Great Reset.
They want to have a permanent infrastructure of a global government, which is fascistic in nature.
Aligned with the major corporations, the ones that'll be left, the ones that'll be allowed to operate.
That's part of what all this gay pride propaganda is all about.
It's the same reason why you're gonna start seeing clips from Fox News now, where you'll have people talking about the Target boycotts and Chick-fil-A boycotts or stuff like that for the gay pride stuff.
And you'll have Fox News people saying, oh no, no, no, we got to be careful, let's not do these boycotts, it's okay.
Because Fox News is going to eventually start promoting it too.
It's just inevitable if you want to exist after the Great Reset.
If we can just take this natural inclination, this organic human nature, to reject government, this unnatural tyranny over man, and then get people to understand this is what it's going to look like in the future.
You've just had a taste of it with COVID, or you've just had a taste of it with property taxes, or you're just getting a taste of it with the indoctrination in the schools.
And all the other stuff, the diversity, the equity, all this other crap that they shove down your throat.
This is just a taste of it.
This is just the portal opening in it.
Where if you don't buy in, now with the digital currency, you won't be able to buy or sell.
They're going to make it impossible to own anything.
You won't even be legally allowed to farm.
So that's the understanding.
How do you get people to that level of understanding?
What is the skeleton key to access that understanding?
And by the way, Owen, what you say is dead on.
I mean, it's not like it's coming.
I made the Obama deception six months after he was in office.
It was out.
And I said they'll ban farming in the future because they said that.
And that only weird chemical bug farms will operate.
They're now announcing they're going to ban traditional farming.
They even say organic farming's bad.
And people hear that and go, that's not true.
CNN headline, we need to cut down all the trees.
They're bad.
They're carbon.
Folks, these people mean business.
They are declaring war on life itself.
They are a psychotic group of anti, not just humans, but anti-carbon cult.
This is an anti, that's why I think they're run by aliens.
And I believe in God, you know, the devils, the fallen angel, it's all right there.
But the point is, literally, if I was just a top general or an analyst, and I didn't believe in God, and I was looking at this and I'd say, why are they're going against the plants and the animals and the biosphere?
And why are they attacking with all their real moves with genetic engineering and GMO and toxic chemicals and all that?
They're actually killing the earth.
Well, they're the guardians of the Earth, and while the Earth's dying, they're telling you they're trying to save it, and you're killing it.
Oh, look, it's dying.
It's your fault.
Do what I say more, and it might come back.
Oh, look, it's dying faster.
Oh, well, you know, I mean, it's just a cover story.
It's like Oblivion with Tom Cruise.
Don't really like Tom Cruise, but that's a great movie, where there's a cover story where they think, oh, Earth's been destroyed, we're gonna go to this new planet, but really it's just a big AI robot sucking all the water out for its engines, you know, to go to the next civilization and suck it dry.
And we're literally being sucked dry, Owen.
Sorry, I'm ranting.
It's just that this is so ridiculously obvious now.
Well, that's actually one of my favorite movies ever because it's in that realization.
It's in that realization the whole world was a lie, but there's kind of that subtle moment of Tom Cruise's character.
He knew it the whole time.
Like, he knew it was a lie the whole time.
He just couldn't understand it, so he kept going through the motions until he saw it.
For himself.
But here's an example, Alex.
About 10 years ago, probably, is when Airbnb started to get popular.
And at the time, everybody may remember, if you were using Airbnb, unironically, I've been banned for no cause or reason at all.
Just one day they just banned me out of nowhere.
Airbnb used to be so much better than going to a hotel for multiple reasons.
It was a lot cheaper, you had your own privacy, you had more selection upon what type of place you wanted to stay at.
Airbnb was taking over.
Well now...
It's kind of reached this point where hotels are popular again, and Airbnb is more expensive, and nobody likes using Airbnb anymore.
So it's kind of the same thing they're trying to sell us with this new world order.
It's like, oh, it looks good, like, oh yeah, alternative energy is a, oh yeah, we're kind of approaching things from a global scale, we're in a global marketplace.
It's like, oh yeah, you know, this all kinds of feels good, it all kind of seems innovative, and maybe this is gonna be a good thing.
But then it catches up, and you realize, same thing, what's going on with Airbnb?
Now people realize, you know what, I'd rather stay in a hotel.
I don't really like what goes on in the Airbnbs.
They're messier.
They're more expensive now.
I've got 500 service fees.
I think I'm just going to go to the hotel.
That was the system that worked.
That's the realization we're going to have here soon, Alex, if not already.
This whole globalist system, global government, yeah, you know what?
They kind of had a nice package.
It kind of sucks.
Let's go back to self-government.
Let's go back to independence.
Let's go back to sovereign nation states.
That's what works.
That's what made us successful and raised our standard of living.
I totally agree, Owen.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hi ladies and gentlemen, I want to come to the listeners right now and just lay it on the line for you.
You've just heard an hour and a half of hardcore, tip of the spear, game-changing intel that can save our species and the future of humanity.
And you're not going to have to wait and see the New World Order take over.
I've been doing this 29 years.
You now get front seats to this.
You can be spectators and be run over, or you can get in the arena and win.
Let me explain something.
You're in this stadium, whether you like it or not, and being in the bleachers is the worst place to be.
Because that's where the flying monkeys of the New World Order are pulling people's eyeballs out.
Down in the arena is where you want to be.
And yes, when you're sitting up in the stands, you'll have a little gremlin attack, it'll be the low-level system.
But it's more dangerous, because they're like zombies, they keep going.
You want to be down on the floor, in the heat, going up against the big bosses.
Because if you actually pull back and look at this as a gladiatorial event with 7 billion people on the stands and a billion people on the grid, there's a few thousand globalists and a few million minions that serve them.
And if you look at the field of a billion people on the field, 990 plus million, the vast majority
90 plus percent are our people.
But here's the problem.
Those players on the field, those gladiators, might stick a sword out once a month, might put a shield up every once in a while.
They realize they're on the field, but they don't think of it as themselves like being in the front of the fight.
And so imagine, we're on the field against a few thousand globalists.
And a few million of their minions, and we have hundreds of millions of our people at every level of society with eyes and ears everywhere.
We're the real intelligence.
We're the real AI.
We're everywhere.
And most of our people are not swinging for the fences.
So even those of you on the field, really, how hard are you fighting?
I'm going to ask you that question.
Because they're going to take your food away, they're going to take your energy away, they're going to take your children away, they're going to take your dignity away, they're going to take your right to self-defense away.
They're already killing babies up to birth in like 20-something states in the U.S.
I mean, you know, how far has this got to go?
How much humiliation you got to take?
Because I'm going to say this again.
I'm not running around looking for a fight.
I don't need to prove myself.
You know, I love that famous who song.
It will come in next segment playing in.
I forget the name of it, but he's like, I don't have to fight to prove I'm right.
Out here in the fields.
It's great poetry.
Maybe you guys can text message me the lyrics to that song.
Write the name of it.
But that's what this is.
So I'm doing this because I believe in you and I know we can beat them.
But also, Again, when people call and say, oh, you're such a hero, you got such courage.
No, man, this is not courage.
I mean, if I was at the gas pump pumping gas and it blew up and I got gasoline on me, I'm going to roll to get the fire out.
Not because I'm a hero, because I don't want to die.
I mean, I talk about this a lot, because if listeners will just get this through your head and get it through other people's heads, you're going to get the answers to things.
If I'm in a parking lot loading groceries in my car, and some mugger comes over and punches me in the back of the head, and I get up and open a can of whoop-ass and jump on top of him and bash your brains out on the ground, it's because I'm aligned with my instincts to not roll over and die.
It's not courage, it's default.
I'm gonna kill you!
I don't want somebody to attack me, but if you do, I am going to attack you back!
And that's what this is all about, is getting in line with your instincts.
But we're being hit by a more sophisticated, multivariate system.
And so all I'm saying is, when you're being attacked, fighting back against it isn't courage, it's survival.
I've said this a hundred times, I'll say it again.
If somebody tied bowling balls to your legs and threw you into the deep end of a swimming pool, when you're fighting with everything you've got to swim back to the surface, And you're starting to get the bowling balls off.
You got to go harder.
You're going to get out.
Is that courage?
No one would take blind, mindless, stupid courage and say, well, my time has come.
I'll enjoy the last few minutes before I suffocate and drink water into my lungs.
I'm going to sit here at 10 feet under the water with bowling balls here.
And I'm just, you know, I'm going to take this.
When a raccoon gets caught in a trap and he knows somebody's coming to kill him in an hour
and he chews through his arm, does the raccoon have courage?
Or does the raccoon have life force?
Anybody knows about a raccoon?
They're real sweet and funny, till you corner even a little one.
Or a big one can, like, kill a dog.
They can grab a dog by the ears, shove its head in the water, they'll drown.
But the point is, it's a raccoon, what is it about that little, or a wolverine's little bitty, it'll attack and dominate a mountain lion that weighs five times, ten times more.
It has a spirit, folks.
And it's not courage, it's living!
It's not rolling over, it's not dying, it's not bowing down.
That's all I'm saying to you is it's not heroic to fight back.
It's life force.
A three-year-old somehow opens the front door of their house and runs out into a busy road, and you run over and grab the little kid.
It's instinct.
Because if your kid was doing that, you'd want somebody else to do that for your kid.
You see it as your child because it is collectively your child.
They say it takes a village.
That's the truth.
But a real village are real people that know each other and trust each other.
Not a UN, New World Order, globalist village out to destroy us, saying it's the village.
But let me say this and go to break and come back with Owen.
I just did two and a half hours, well now two hours and 40-something minutes without one plug.
And if we don't do the plugs and sell the products, we won't be here.
Plus, again, these are really powerful products you need.
So I want to encourage everybody to go to InfoWareStore.com.
Ultimate fish oil, ultimate krill oil, the highest grades of fish and krill oil.
And we've only had enough money to buy limited supplies.
A lot of products have been back in stock, but we have to sell out of all of those to get enough money to buy a bigger shipment.
and then get back on our feet and we're very close.
But we still need to discount products because that's when you buy them is when we discount them.
So Ultimate Fish Oil, Ultimate Krill Oil are both still discounted right now,
but only until next Tuesday.
It's gotta end next Tuesday.
It's gotta stop because they're very close to selling out and then we'll put it back to regular price
for a month or so until hopefully more comes in.
We've got to put all the profit we have from that forward to get a bigger shipment and then have enough product to basically be clean sailing.
So we're barely in the black.
If people just buy the products which you already need that are great, we'll be able to get bigger shipments and be stabilized again And be able to stay on air.
So they're great products you need.
They're discounted right now.
They're selling out and your purchase keeps the broadcast on air.
The only way we fail is you don't take action.
Also, we're going to have to end the sale on TurboForce.
Sold out for seven, eight months.
Finally got back in.
We've sold out of 90% of it.
It'll go back to full price next week.
Last chance to get TurboForce discounted.
And X3.
We got a limited shipment.
It was a pretty good size shipment, but it was one of the only main products we had.
We sold out of 85% of that.
We got a couple thousand bottles left, ladies and gentlemen.
And when it's gone, it's going to be gone for at least three to six months.
So the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine sold out for, again, almost a year.
It's finally back in stock, X3.
Billions of people have cognitive disabilities and lack of iodine.
Most iodine is bound to other compounds.
This is pure iodine.
You need it.
Last chance to get X3 discounted.
Last chance to get Turbo Force discounted.
Last chance to get Ultimate Crystal Oil discounted.
Last chance to get Ultimate Fish Oil discounted.
Last chance on all of these next Tuesday, the sale on these ends.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And it's also your last chance to get Alex Jones for President shirts and Donald Trump political prisoner shirts.
We're not printing any more.
They're limited edition.
It's your last chance to get those.
I need your support.
Plus, these are historic products.
It's an adventure to wear the shirts.
Go now to InfoWarsTore.com or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt, and just look at how we've delivered.
Sounded like Gladiator was like, are you not entertained?
Are you not invigorated?
Are you not inspired?
Are we not fighting hard together?
It's a simple action.
Take it and break the will of the globalists.
But whatever you do, share the word about the broadcast.
Pray for the broadcast.
Keep taking clips out of the show and four wind it because we are going to win together.
Now take action.
Out here in the fields, I fight for my meals.
I get my back into my living.
I don't need to fight to prove I'm right.
I need to be forgiven.
I don't need to fight.
And I don't need to be forgiven.
You hear that, ADL?
I know you're evil.
I'm not.
And I love you.
I'm not like you.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't cry.
Don't raise your eye.
It's only a wasteland you're in.
And I'm not in it with you.
The exodus is here.
The happy ones are near.
Let's get together before we get much older.
All of us.
Stop it now, dammit.
Real Poet, bring Owen Schroyer up, who's been kicking ass and doing a great job hosting both shows.
I have just been, uh, to the mountain trying to get focused into the future and try to not just focus on what happened in the past or currently, but know what's coming next.
I don't think you needed me to tell you what's going to come next.
Now the enemy's told you it's a serious situation.
Oh, and there's so much other news to hit here.
I wanted to get into Jamie Foxx.
I like Jamie Foxx.
He's from, uh, same part of Texas I'm from.
And, uh, you know, I'm not into Hollywood folks, but I'm able to know him.
He's a nice guy, funny comedian, funny actor.
And I talked to a very well known individual that knows him when he first had this stroke and disappeared months ago.
And they said, yeah, don't quote me, but we talked to his people.
He might die.
And they made him on multiple movies to keep him from taking the shots.
Well, not one shot.
It was the third time he was made to take it.
And he knows it's that, but his managers are telling him not to say it.
And it just shows, like, he may die.
I mean, they really messed him up bad.
And he still has these managers who don't care he's going to do this.
This is a suicide squad.
This is a circular firing squad.
And nobody's safe from this situation.
I'm going to play a clip of a journalist that's talked to his folks and now gone public with it here in a moment.
Owen, your take on all this.
Well, yeah, I mean, you just said it.
It's a suicidal death cult.
Even in the near-death moment, they would rather fight to preserve their lie than to expose the truth about what has led to a death, if that ends up being the case with Jamie Foxx.
We certainly hope not.
And I don't know, Alex, I don't know your sources.
I do know that Mike Tyson made a public statement about a week ago that apparently he had to apologize for.
Like, he leaked it and he says, no, I just talked to Jamie Foxx people.
I talked to Jamie himself.
having a vaccine injury, he's in a real bad way because they were trying to keep it under wraps.
But you bring this up, Alex, I've got all this news. I was planning on doing a whole segment
on this. Let me just read some of these headlines to really put it into perspective, how much we
were deceived. Yeah, then do this next hour. Next hour, actually do this whole segment. I
won't hear it all, but give us a little prelude. I mean, and we already knew all this, Alex,
but these are news stories, news studies, PubMed, everything.
Little to no difference.
Massive mask study undermines remaining COVID mandates.
Literally, it did nothing.
Journal retracts flawed study making face mask and COVID-19 claims.
Here's one for you.
New study finds face masks may increase stillbirths.
Oh, but they said give them to pregnant women.
Testicular dysfunction.
Cognitive decline in kids.
That's not even, this is a different study than the one that said it caused encephalitis.
IgG4 antibodies induced by repeated vaccination may generate immune tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
Alex, you were doing interviews with doctors with that two years ago.
Now here's one that gets more interesting.
Cancer mystery as cases rise among younger people around the world.
Now there's a Twitter account called Sudden and Unexpected that just highlights and covers all the dies suddenly, vaccine injuries, and they went back and they noticed there's all of these YouTubers, they have YouTube channels, that documented their vaccine, getting the COVID vaccines, getting the boosters, And now, there's all these YouTube channels that are now saying, I have cancer, my journey with cancer, how I got diagnosed with cancer, and it's just all over the place, Alex.
This is the most obvious thing, and I've also got a clip, if you want me to go to it here, Dr. Ryan Cole, this is from about a year ago, warning that these vaccines would cause cancer, so it's just... Oh yeah, let's go to that clip, but Dr. Michael Yudon...
We got to get back on the former chief scientist advisor who retired years ago, a few years before the pandemic.
He came out in that emergency report with Wolfgang Wudard, the head EU advisor, and said in December of 2020, Do not take these shots.
They're going to cause cancer, infertility, and death because they'd already done studies with similar mRNA.
So they knew why mRNA had been abandoned for 30 years because it doesn't work.
And we have obviously Robert Maloney, inventor of it, saying it doesn't work in these ways.
So absolutely, go ahead and play that clip you mentioned.
All right guys, it's clip 17.
Dr. Ryan Cole warns about the vaccine causing cancer a year ago.
The spike protein is a toxin.
It doesn't matter whether it's J&J, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Pfizer, they all make your body make a spike protein.
That spike protein binds to a tumor suppressor gene family, P53.
It also binds to the breast cancer gene, BRCA, and the ovarian cancer gene, BRCA.
We know that that spike protein can induce cancer pathways.
Period. It's happening.
Cancers are on the increase across the board.
Lymphomas, leukemias, blood cancers, because that spike goes to the bone marrow.
The lipid nanoparticle carries the mRNA to your dividing stem cells because it doesn't stay in the arm.
It can go into any cell in your body and it turns that cell into a spike factory.
It inhibits the ability for your DNA to repair itself.
It binds to our mitochondria, destroys the energy of our brain cells, destroys the energy of our liver cells, destroys the energy of any cell it gets into.
Your own immune system attacks those cells.
So a lot of people have arthritic pain, muscle pain.
It's because those cells are being attacked by your own immune system because they're expressing this foreign spike protein.
That spike protein causes mechanisms of cancer in many people.
And I've been seeing that in the lab.
I've been having it confirmed by oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists all around the world as I travel.
It is happening.
It's on the uptick.
Our military database showed it until our Department of Defense illegally froze that database and hid the data.
This is a crime against humanity.
We're using a dangerous product on humanity that is harming the human cells, that is harming the human body, that is harming our hormones, that is Harming our reproductive organs, that is harming any organ where that protein lands.
So Alex, there you go.
Now tie this into the Jamie Foxx story.
Why are they so desperate to not let the world know what happened to Jamie Foxx, or Hank Aaron, or William Shakespeare, the first person that took the COVID vaccine that died?
Because Alex, this is what the authoritarians are so afraid of.
If one of the dominoes falls in their narrative, if one of the dominoes falls in their lives, then their whole, the whole stack of dominoes falls.
And let me explain, the average person who wants to live a life and be, you know, safe and secure and be a nice person, like, why would the globalist...
They're like degenerate gamblers.
Why do serial killers want to kidnap women and children and murder them, or men, and murder them?
Because they're sick people.
They know that if they can launch this COVID attack and have people go along with it, they've just corrupted the whole medical system.
So that's why they're doing this, but yes.
I don't know about the Mike Tyson, because I've been, you know, not focusing as much the last week and a half, but I've been, you know, recharging and things.
I'm still doing some of the show.
I looked it up while you were talking.
I didn't know he came out a week and a half ago.
I know he's friends with Jamie Foxx.
Jamie Foxx is on the show.
I had another huge podcaster months ago say that they reached out and talked to his folks and they said, no, it's the shot.
So that's confirmed.
Now we have this journalist that talked to him, has confirmed it.
But again, we know the shot does this.
But the way the propaganda works is we don't care about an old lady or a young kid, the general public, but if Jamie Foxx came out and said, the shot did it to me, it'll discredit the next detector about to run.
So Jamie needs to know.
He's a casualty of this.
He's probably not going to live very long, folks.
Once you have this stuff from the shot, the microcarditis, the blood clots, you know, all this, you're gone.
But he can now save a lot of people by telling his story.
And that's why those of you dead and dying from the shot, you gotta spread the word.
We'll be right back with hour number three.
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I know you got cut off by the break but when you're playing that clip of a well-known medical doctor who does that, he does that with Cancer Treatment Center and he just two and a half years ago saw an explosion with the shots of cancer.
We got to get him on by the way and it but oncologists have seen it, the scientists have seen it, epidemiologists have seen it, just all over the world just it's These cancer research facilities just see their patients going to relapse.
I remember articles back when they started the shots saying, well, you may look like you have tumors, but just doctors send them home and say it's just a side effect.
So it's all testing what they can do.
But look, it's like saying two men can have a baby or we're going to cut an eight-year-old's penis off because they're really a girl.
We're going to play some clips of that next segment, play the Jamie Foxx next segment.
But yeah, I mean, it's just crazy to actually see they're murdering us, putting us in a Stockholm Syndrome, learned helplessness, just to see what they can get away with.
And they haven't completely gotten away with it.
It's not going as well as they wanted.
They admit they're desperate, but still, how does a normal person, Owen, that isn't like this, how do they get their mind around that we're living in something so diabolical right now?
Well, this is why they can't be honest, Alex, because the average person will get their mind around it.
This is why it doesn't matter that there's dozens of studies, if not hundreds now, that show that the masks are not only ineffective against stopping a virus, they're actually detrimental to your health.
Same thing with the vaccines.
They destroy your immune system, they give you bacterial pneumonia, they give you brain damage, it's just insane.
Yeah, I mean, again, I've got all the different headlines and all the different studies right here in front of me.
So, OK, so you say, well, then why?
Why wouldn't the media talk about this?
Why wouldn't the people that told me to get the vaccine and wear the mask?
Why wouldn't they be talking about this?
Because this is the kicker, Alex.
As soon as the American people realize that they're not being dealt with in good faith, it's not just that they were wrong about the vaccine.
It's not just that they were wrong about the mask.
They had an agenda to deceive you.
And as soon as they admit that they were wrong about that, all of a sudden the gears start clicking in people's heads like you said.
So the next time they tell you to wear the mask or whatever it is, the next time they tell you to take a vaccine or whatever it is, you're going to remember.
You're going to say, actually...
Actually, no.
Not only were you wrong about the last issue, you weren't even operating in good faith.
You lied to me.
You consciously, wittingly tried to deceive me.
I'm not going to believe your propaganda this time around.
It's almost a reverse of the boy that cried wolf old tale where, hey, we just don't believe you anymore except there never was a wolf.
So, they can't show any chinks in their armor, Alex.
This is what left-wing authoritarianism has always been about.
There can be no dissent, there can be no chinks in the armor, otherwise the entire thing falls apart.
Now, fortunately, whether it's Dr. Ryan Cole, whether it's InfoWars, whether it's our guests, whether it's Mickey Willis, whether it's Del Bigtree, We have enough voices out there really pounding the pavement, pounding the airwaves with this information that we have a chance to once again show the world how the media lied to them, show the world how the government lied to them, and then show the world ultimately what the truth is about these issues.
So, what it comes down to is...
Individual Americans or whatever country you're in making a conscious informed decision and ultimately that freedom of choice ends tyranny.
That's what it's all about Alex.
That's why they can't allow people to have the freedom of choice.
Because if you have the freedom of choice there can't be tyranny.
Same reason why communists hate the free market.
They don't hate the free market because they can't be communists.
You can be a communist in the free market.
You can go start your own commune, do your own thing, pool your money with people.
They hate the free market because then they can't tell you what to do with your money and your children and your future.
And Miles, welcome back to hour number three with Owen Schroer and yours truly, Alex Jones.
This is very sad.
We talked about it last hour.
I want to get to it.
Actually play the clip as we mentioned it.
Jamie Foxx comes from the same area outside east of Dallas that I come from.
And I know folks that know him.
He's a great guy.
And he's a great comedian, a great actor.
And I don't like most Hollywood people, but I like Jamie Foxx.
And I know people that are very close to him.
A few months ago, he had the stroke and disappeared.
And they made calls.
They said no.
They made him take shots in the new movie.
They make him take shots on every movie.
He took a third shot.
And Then Mike Tyson came out.
I didn't know about this at all.
I mentioned it last time.
I looked it up.
I said, yeah, I talked to Jamie Foxx's people.
He took the shot.
And then Tyson said, well, they told me that because the media is attacking him.
Tyson's like, well, I mean, you know, because Tyson's got people that own his podcast.
He's just got a contract with them because they try to control what he does.
So they're on his ass.
But here is a clip of a well-known reporter that knows all these folks.
Talking about what really happened with Jamie Foxx and the fact that this is a journalist A.J.
Binza says he has first-hand knowledge of what caused Jamie Foxx's stroke.
And this is an anecdotal because we have the statistics, we have the studies.
We had Dr. Michael Yeadon a month before the shots started.
An emergency It's a lawsuit to the EU trying to block it.
Saying it'll cause blood clots, myocarditis, and strokes, amongst sterilization, all of it.
You just saw Hogan last hour reading new studies about attacks to the testicles, attacks to everything.
I mean, it's a bio-weapon.
All four of the so-called vaccines, whether they're Virus Vector, the J&J AstraZeneca, which are just as bad as Moderna or Pfizer, they use nanotech and mRNA.
The others use a Re-engineered chimpanzee DNA added with RNA.
I'm not a scientist, but I read what they do.
Firing a virus in, carrying a reprogram to make your cell create spike protein that's highly poisonous.
This is spike protein from HIV.
Can't make it up, isn't it?
I mean, Fauci was behind that.
So they're just retooling another weapon.
That is nanotech.
We've been hit with a nanotech bioweapon that, by the way, doesn't just from the shots, it sheds.
So, this is just off the chart right now.
So, Jamie Foxx is fighting for his life.
Hadn't been seen in months.
It is the shots, and here's yet another individual that has talked directly to the folks and given the information.
They're trying to suppress this, get this out here to us.
And I lost a few friends the last couple of years who got the injection.
One of my best friends died last Saturday.
Paratrooper, ex-special forces, 51 years old, in best shape of his life.
I mean, lived life.
You have no idea.
Just goes to sleep, doesn't wake up.
Black guy.
Oh my.
I think this ties into the Jamie Foxx theory.
I worked my butt off to get A story about what happened to Jamie Foxx.
It was all baloney what they were reporting.
He's playing pickleball.
He's responding on Instagram.
No, he's not.
People do that for you.
It's all lies.
I had somebody in the room who let me know that Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot.
He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it.
This movie he's doing with Cameron Diaz.
And I'm thinking, is that why he blew up on the set a week before this medical emergency happened?
Is that why he fired three or four people because he just had had it with these mandates?
I don't know.
But what I found out from the man in the room was that the blood clot in the brain caused him at that point to be partially paralyzed and blind.
Because if you read into what they were saying early on, he's communicating with us.
That doesn't mean talking.
That could be anything.
It could be, you know, writing, sign, you know, I know those little code words.
And then when you tell me your father's playing pickleball, give me a break.
You know, I don't know.
There's a great shroud of secrecy around Jamie Foxx.
He's probably the most multi-talented person we have in Hollywood.
But even TMZ is not reporting this.
And I know TMZ has got sources in hospitals who give them information, whether it's legal or not.
Mike Tyson got close.
A week after I broke my story on my show, Mike Tyson said that Jamie had a blood clot in his brain.
No one's gone that far to say that yet.
I think Mike Daly probably got a phone call and said... Hold on.
AJ, let me sort of step back a little bit from what you're saying and just say, look, blood in the brain is a cerebral bleed.
It's not a stroke.
A stroke is a blood clot in an artery to the brain that cuts off the blood supply to the brain and the brain dies.
So we're talking about, and it's been widely known that he had a stroke, right?
I mean, they've said stroke many times.
So it's to say that the blood clot in the brain is sort of, it's a stroke.
It's a blood clot in an artery that cuts off the supply.
That part of the brain is dead.
It's all baloney, it's all baloney.
The daughters are doing the speaking for him, his oldest daughter Corinne is doing the speaking.
to be that artery is to what parts of the brain whatnot, but it is not something that,
yeah, I mean, let's put it this way.
Is he still in the hospital?
Is that what I'm supposed to believe?
And playing pickleball?
Is that?
I don't think it's all baloney.
It's all baloney.
The daughters are doing the speaking for him.
His oldest daughter, Corinne, is doing the speaking.
She said he's been out of the hospital for weeks, but that's not true.
He's at a very good hospital in Chicago, which specializes in this kind of rehab.
And every friend who comes out, whether it's Kevin Hart or Nick Cannon or whoever, all says pray for Jamie.
He's got to get through this.
Nobody comes out with great news.
It's always somber.
All right.
And remember DeMar Hamlin.
I don't think he's dead, but I agree with folks who pointed out that he did die on the field.
Had to be resuscitated on the field, reportedly in the ambulance.
That's confirmed.
And then he shows up with a mask over his face for the NFL, because I believe he was still in the hospital at that point.
And then they put out this video where you can't see the tattoos on his arms.
And it had that AI look.
If you got enough footage of somebody, you can do, you know, an AI spoof.
You can do You know, that same thing.
I'm not saying he's dead, but again, I can walk into a showroom, buy furniture, and look 70 feet away and see a bowl of fake fruit.
And you can see the bananas, you can see the apples, you can see the grapes, and your brain is so sophisticated, from 50 feet away, you know it's fake.
Not just because you're in a showroom, sometimes they have real apples out there.
You walk over, it's fake.
Looks real, but you just know it's fake because it's got a certain thing about it.
And I watched that Demar Hamlin, when everybody's saying he was really dead, and they put that video up.
I'm fine, I'm doing great, I'm wonderful.
And he looked, what I noticed was, I'm not a big NFL guy, but I looked at photos there on the field, interviews he'd done, and his muscles were as big or bigger.
You think after a heart attack and all this stuff, you're gonna look the same?
So again, the point is, it's completely normal to question this.
Like, in the time of the San Bernardino shooting, what, 2015?
All the local news said three white men in black uniforms were shooting everybody.
Now, I'm not defending Islam.
I just said local news and all these witnesses, including retired police, saw this.
Now it's the FBI report there were other shooters and that was the local police guns given to them.
I'm not saying the police did it.
I'm just saying what we were told isn't the truth.
And they do not want us Asking these questions.
They do not want us using our brains.
Because then we're going to find the truth.
I'm just saying ask the questions.
But where is Jamie Foxx?
Because I see the stories.
Oh, he's playing pickleball.
He's fine, but you can't see him.
And then Mike Tyson, who I know is friends with him.
He's been on the show and I know they're friends.
He calls up.
It's Mike Tyson.
It's funny.
I know, man.
He has strokes really bad.
They made him take the shot.
It's a huge deal.
Take Ice Cube.
He refused in what turned out, was it $9 million?
To be in a movie just last year.
Hollywood aren't just a bunch of rapists that want to rape little kids.
They want to rape everybody.
They want to rape you.
They want to rape me.
They want control of our bodies.
They want to sacrifice us.
That's what their God wants.
With the fluoride, the water, the GMO, the chemtrails, the poison shots, and the 5G, and all the rest of it.
And we gotta stop fighting with each other over what color we are.
It doesn't mean if you're some black guy in some weird southern town and a bunch of white guys come to beat your ass, that you don't pull a gun out and defend yourself.
It doesn't mean if a big group of black racists, and this is what's really happening, come to attack you because you're white, hey, that's a real thing, they're idiots, you gotta defend yourself.
You should have pride that you're white, you should have pride that you're black, you should have pride that you're human.
There's real beefs going on, but the point is the globalists are exacerbating that and making it as bad as they can to control people.
And we're all under attack, whether you are Barron Trump, who I'm not supposed to give sources away, but he did get damaged.
He did have convulsions.
He was 18 months when he got shots and it messed him up for a while.
He's gotten better.
But it really messed Barron up.
He's autistic because of it a little bit.
He's getting better.
And Trump is really pissed we talk about this, so I'm going to leave it at that.
I mean, I've been told, you know, I'm going to leave it at that.
Just, you know.
And sorry, Trump.
I like you at a lot of levels, and I'm loyal in things we've done together, but I'm loyal to children first.
So if I talk about Barron and what's happened to him, and it saves a bunch of kids, I'm going to do it.
I'm loyal to kids, not you.
And so if I get bitched at, I'll just tell all of it, okay?
But it's a side issue.
Because I'm going to Jamie Foxx here.
He needs to speak out before he dies.
Because when stuff's this bad and the spike protein's growing in you like this, I don't think Jamie's gonna make it.
I hope he does.
Let's pray for him.
For all we know, he's in a coma.
For all we know, he's already dead.
Because they know something like that.
And you're like, well, wait.
Did they know they were going to kill a bunch of people, giving them a shot?
It's all a test to see what they can get away with.
If they can get away with killing Jamie Foxx and all these other people they've done it to, and Delmar Hamlin, they can get away with any of it.
And I'm not saying Delmar Hamlin's dead.
I'm saying there's a lot of Creepy stuff going on, a lot of spooky stuff going on here.
And we have a right and a duty to ask questions, because how many times have we been lied to?
Now the FBI reports, yeah, it was police guns and there were other shooters.
I got attacked by the national media saying, oh, Jones says San Bernardino didn't happen.
No, they went and shot up a Christmas party, and they killed a bunch of people.
It was horrible.
I'm not defending Islam, too.
I go, those radical Muslims, why'd they have police guns?
Why'd the neighbors all know?
Why were they reporting three other men?
And now it's in the FBI report years later.
Okay, it's true.
Well, then where's the investigation?
I don't know what happened in San Bernardino.
I just reported what everybody was saying.
And man, it's surprising how many times we're, it's not true.
I mean, most of the time what you're told is not true.
You know, I've reached out and interviewed federal marshals and others off record that responded.
You know, the people that actually showed up when the cops all stood around in West Texas.
At that big mass shooting, Yuvaldi, and they saw the dead kids.
They let that guy sit in there for an hour and a half and kill all of them, and sat there with their thumbs up their rear ends.
Because they thought it was another runaway illegal being chased, which happens like every day in that town.
And so they go, oh, it's just an illegal.
He's in there, because he, you know, he's in there executing everybody.
And I've talked to people that actually went in and finally stopped it, but I'm going to leave it at that.
I don't want to get away too much.
It's just that we actually look for the truth, okay?
And that's all we're trying to do.
It doesn't mean we always have the answers, but this Jamie Foxx situation is huge.
Oh, and Troyer, what do you think about it?
Well, I think here's one of the key understandings we need to take away from this, and this is why finding out the whole story, I think, is going to be imperative here.
I think we're learning now from our own experience.
I mean, I do know people that took one vaccine and I would say for the most part there have been side effects, but for the most part, younger, healthier people, one vaccine doesn't seem to do the irreparable damage.
It's once you start getting two, three, four, now you're really starting to take the risk.
And so if Fox got three shots, Then, you know, we need to know that.
If you get one shot, the odds of you making it out alright are better.
It's kind of like a game of Russian Roulette, Alex.
I mean, that's basically what it is.
You got your six chambers and you got one bullet in there.
Well, if you pull the trigger three times and it doesn't go off, well, boy, I mean, you know now, gee, I got a lot...
Bigger chance that that bullet's going to go into my head now playing Russian Roulette.
So it seems like that's what's going on with these shots.
The more you take, the higher the odds you're going to have the severe side effects.
I mean, let me back you up on this.
I don't want to give her name out.
She's a great lady.
She's like 24 years old, has a college degree, another degree, and she's a nanny for us.
And I've been able to talk to people.
Her ex-boyfriend Two years ago, was pressured by her mother, not the nanny's mother, her boyfriend's mother, to take the shot.
He took one Pfizer shot, and he was an athlete.
You know what affects athletes worse.
So, he was in great shape, all this stuff.
Played, you know, sports, you know, college level.
Had microcarditis three times with her, collapsed, and had to go to the hospital.
Passed out.
They said, no, it's microcarditis from the shot.
The mother now feels bad, but won't say she's sorry for pushing it.
So she basically had to break up with him.
And we know half the people that get microcarditis like this will be dead within 10 years.
Then, the last family she worked for, for sure working for us a year ago, you know why she quit working for us?
When working for them?
Three little kids, 50 years old, guy in great shape, takes the second shot, this Moderna, Dies of a heart attack two days after he takes the second shot.
So the family falls apart, they move out of the state.
So that's just my nanny's boyfriend's almost dead.
The last family she's with, and it goes on.
I've got family I happen to that's in the military.
I got family that works at, you know, facilities.
They may have to take it.
And then they take the shot and almost die.
One shot.
Uh, I mean, I, I mean, you know, it's like, you know, because families are tough.
They're like, well, I work at this facility and, you know, I've been 30 years in the army and now I work at this facility and I'm in order to do it, so I'm going to do it.
And then they take the shot that almost kills them.
So, so that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen, and this is out of control.
And it's, you can't swing a stick in the dark and not hit somebody that's been hurt by this, Owen.
Well, and that's it exactly.
Why won't they talk about Jamie Foxx?
I mean, they love to talk about celebrity news, celebrity gossip, especially if there's one that, you know, is hurting or in a situation.
They bring him on to all the talk shows.
Yeah, he's a great guy.
I actually met him once before he died.
He's the main guy in Red Dawn, the older brother.
And he did really silly, funny movies like Roadhouse.
Who's that guy?
Patrick Swayze?
Patrick Swayze.
He died in six months of pancreatic cancer.
It was the number one story for six months.
Watching Patrick Swayze die.
Why are we hearing about Jamie Foxx?
You just bingoed it.
It's because they know it's the vaccine, Alex.
And you know what's even scarier to think?
Because we're led to believe, right, we have this concept of, oh, celebrity status, they've got all the means, they've got all the resources, they've got all the control.
Well, here's Jamie Foxx, I'm sure he's worth probably a hundred million dollars, and look at how little control he has.
Forced to take the poison injections, now sitting in a hospital bed, fighting for his life, and his story is being covered up by the very people that Manufactured the virus and then forced him to take the vaccine.
So it just shows you, even the big celebrities that we are supposed to sit here and idolize and revere, they have just as little control at the end of the day as you or I.
That's exactly right.
So we need to really get on the Jamie Foxx situation.
And I'm going to call back my source from this months ago and say, why aren't you talking about it?
You know, why aren't we making a bigger deal out of this?
It's like, well, it's for his privacy.
Screw his privacy, man.
We got to save all the people that haven't taken the shot yet.
We got to bring the perpetrators to justice here.
But think of Hollywood.
They want control over our kids, everything.
How do we know?
Because we know when somebody gets a big enough catalog, They have managers that are getting 20% of the hundreds of millions that Jamie Foxx has made.
We know star killing's a big thing in Hollywood.
It's a big thing.
Jimmy Hendrix was murdered by his manager.
The evidence is overwhelming.
They held him down and dumped a gallon of vodka down his throat.
He was already drugged out.
They want to kill him and get the catalog, because now the manager gets 100%.
So how do we know?
Hollywood's like, oh, we got special here for you.
It's a higher dose of the spike protein.
They want to kill us.
They want the precedent, the precedents to be able to murder us when they want, how they want, when they want.
Well, now we're getting into a whole nother future argument here, which is over the AI.
You know, Bruce Willis is unable to do any acting work now because he's had a serious problem.
I think it's even dementia, maybe, that he's suffering from.
He suddenly started, reportedly, that's from the shot too, two years ago.
So now, but they're discussing, oh, well, what about AI images?
What about AI versions of these famous actors and actresses if they should pass?
Well, now, gee, I don't have to pay Bruce Willis, you know, $5 million to start a film?
Tom Hanks just came out and said, I'll be on the air for thousands of years after I'm dead.
I'm still going to be on air.
Yeah, for example, my guess is they filmed this before the individual died.
I forget the individual's name, he was in The Wire, he's in the John Wick films, he's The Concierge, they just released John Wick 4, and I was watching John Wick 4, and the guy popped up, I forget his name, the black actor, bald guy, this guy's like in his 60s, he looks young, this guy looks as healthy as it gets, and he dies suddenly, and I'm sitting there thinking as I'm watching the film.
I think he was 60.
And he looked as healthy as ever and I'm watching the film and John Wick 4 and I'm like, wow, you know, he looks really healthy in this.
This isn't AI.
This is actually him.
I don't think they have the AI version of him out yet.
I think they actually filmed this.
It's like, wow, here's a guy who looks healthy, dies suddenly.
Is he going to start popping up in TV shows with AI?
Is he going to start popping up in new movies with the new AI renderings?
So, I mean, if you want to get real deeply conspiratorial here with the Star-killing, Alex.
Well, think about it.
Beyond just the catalog of work, now you can start having these famous actors and actresses that you might normally pay, you know, tons of money to film these movies.
Now you can just put an AI version of them in the film, and you don't have to pay them jack!
Exactly, and Hollywood is really up there at the top of the pyramid, the mind control, and that's what it is, that's what's happening.
Owen, you're going to take over the final segment of this hour.
We have a great guest host coming up.
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Alright, let's just dive right into the topic here.
The boycott of Target, the culture wars over the LGBTQ pedophile plus agenda.
We're going to correct a couple things on that and show you some of the news.
Now, the reporting here, Target Has lost $12 billion in market capital since May 17th.
I guess the significance of that day being when the Pride section for kids became a national story, a national phenomenon.
$12 billion market cap in 14 days.
That is not an insignificant number.
Now they could potentially Reclaim that $12 billion in a short enough period of time, we shall see.
Or, are the boycotts at large working now when it comes to boycotting Target and Bud Light and other things?
I've been talking at nauseam about this for the last two weeks since this story has been out there, but they continue to make the same claim, so we'll continue to retort.
Target boycotts are literally terrorism, economics professor claims, yeah.
An economics professor on MSNBC claimed the boycotts against Target in response to its LGBTQ campaign for kids, for kids, that's the point there, for kids.
Is literally terrorism.
But when the left wing of America, when the Democrats, the liberal progressive groups that support Black Lives Matter and Antifa, when they engage in rioting and looting that costs $2 billion in property damage and led to 175 Target stores being closed, that is not literally terrorism.
But you just choosing not to shop at Target is literally terrorism.
Do you understand the psychology of these people?
Do you know why left-wingers are so dangerous now?
They say you existing is violence.
Just you existing as violence, therefore they should have the right to kill you.
That's the logical conclusion.
They say if you don't want to shop at the stores that they own, operate, and propagandize and indoctrinate your kids at, that's literally terrorism.
So therefore, what?
They should force you to shop at those stores?
Folks, I know you know.
But it has to be restated every day because ultimately, ultimately if we want to stop where this country is headed, the Democrat Party and all of its agenda and policies must be met head-on and rejected and put in the dirt.
It's Democrat Party policies that lead to all the violent crime, poverty, homelessness and all the cities that they run.
It's the Democrat Party culture that led to 175 Target stores being shut down and over $2 billion in property damage, dozens of people murdered, hundreds of police officers hospitalized, thousands overall hospitalized.
And all of this was during Pride, as you can see on the screen.
So they literally ransacked, looted, and burned targets to the ground during Pride Month, the left wing, and they endorsed that, but you just decide you don't want to shop at Target anymore, and they say that's literally terrorism.
This is the makings of a French Revolution, ladies and gentlemen.
They will haul you out into the streets and chop your head off.
That's where the left wing in America is at.
You get it.
I need to continue with the news coverage.
Universal Studio to host All Ages Pride Night featuring drag shows, photo ops with children's characters.
Now keep that in mind.
That's the problem here.
Kohl's is selling transgender themed clothing for three month old babies.
Guess you gotta boycott Kohl's.
Chicago Pride event will feature drag dress-up and makeovers for children.
Now they can't do this in Florida anymore!
Ron DeSantis, the laws already exist, folks, but you have to rewrite and reiterate the laws now, because the left-wing finds ways around them.
You cannot have lewd and nude activity around children at your parades now.
Ron DeSantis signs that new bill, and so the pride parades in Florida had to be cancelled because they don't know how to do a pride parade without lewd and nudity, lewd activity and nudity directed towards children, so they had to cancel the event.
And then they do stuff like this, This is from a school in California, lives of TikTok, has the document.
This survey asking middle schoolers, middle schoolers, you know, oh, middle school?
Yeah, I was like, what kind of bike am I going to get?
Where am I going to ride my bike?
Are we going to play football or baseball after school?
This survey asking middle schoolers if they're trans or non-binary is used in hundreds of schools and was recently given to over one million students across California.
InSchool Core Survey, Healthy Kids, California Survey.
Which of the following best describes your school scheduling?
In the past 90 days, okay, you're like, oh, not bad.
Next, we'd like some background information on you.
What grade are you in?
Okay, what is your gender?
Something else?
Some people describe themselves as transgender.
When how they think or feel about their gender is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.
Assigned at birth, already the indoctrination.
You're not assigned it at birth, folks.
You can take a test now.
I believe it's at four or six weeks.
You can take a test now.
You can find out if your baby is male or female.
The chemicals in your body...
The chemicals in the pregnant woman, the mother's body, at six weeks or eight weeks maybe, I don't know the exact date, can tell you whether it's a boy or a girl.
So it's not even assigned at birth.
You can have an ultrasound.
You can see if it's a male or female before birth.
There's no assigning at birth.
It's absurd that we're even having this conversation.
It's even more absurd they're putting it on a document for middle school children.
Which of the following best describes you?
Lesbian or gay?
Something else?
Not sure?
Decline to respond.
Middle school!
If you were doing this in high school, you'd be a sick freak.
If you were doing this in college, you'd be deranged.
They're doing this in middle school in California.
Oh, well, you know.
They're not.
It's not about sex.
They're just looking out for the children.
Really, it's not about sex.
How about this one?
So, they put out the new Little Mermaid.
Little Mermaid is a black girl now.
Okay, fine.
And also, they have the Little Mermaid sisters.
They're all different races now.
You know, it's the same thing that they do.
Is it a race replacement thing?
Are they just trying to hire the best actress?
I don't know.
Little Mermaid, not really my battle.
But see, it's the same propaganda.
New York Times ripped for lamenting lack of kink in New Little Mermaid.
The New York Times is facing online backlash after publishing a review of the live-action Little Mermaid remake complaining that kink was missing from the film.
So if your Disney film is not sexually propagandized with sexual innuendo And nuanced, subliminal sexual messages like we've seen in Disney films for decades.
The New York Times is upset.
They want more kink.
They want more kink for kids.
Now, the culture wars are starting to seep into professional sports and one pitcher decided to promote a video That was promoting the idea of boycotting Target or anybody that's doing Pride for Kids.
And the media came after him, and he had to apologize.
And of course, he's in Toronto.
Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass apologizes for posting anti-LGBTQ video.
No, it's just saying if you don't like Pride for Kids, you don't shop at Target.
Oh, but that's anti-LGBTQ.
No, it's the kids.
And then they write stories like this in Toronto.
The Blue Jays should cut ties with Anthony Bass now more than ever.
How dare you dissent from the liberal establishment?
How dare you dissent from the liberal order?
How dare you dissent from the liberal tyranny and the liberal propaganda?
By the way, we're really tolerant, but if you don't agree with everything we say and do, then we will destroy you.
We're tolerant.
One pitcher decided not to be such a wuss.
Nationals pitcher Trevor Williams calls for boycott against Dodgers after their mockery of fellow Catholics with drag race nuns.
He's not backing down, but the Dodgers pitcher Clayton Kershaw, who went up against this, was like, oh, well, we'll have a Catholic night here, too, and that'll make up for them targeting the kids for sex.
How deliciously ironic is it that you can sit here and watch these videos?
We did this exercise last week.
Others did it via their Twitter accounts.
The trolling was so effective that the community notes at Twitter, and I think they were being a little ironic themselves, they understood the story.
Where we just showed you all the videos of Democrats, liberals, progressives, BLM, Antifa, rioting, looting, arson at targets.
175 target stores shut down because of the left-wing terrorism.
$2 billion in property damage.
And you can sit here and you roll the footage.
From two years ago, when they were riding, this is left-wing terrorism, and they're destroying the Pride section.
There's literally Pride stuff on the ground, Pride signs, and all the Pride crap has been thrown all on the ground, stepped on, and smashed.
But oh, hey, that's left-wing terrorism!
So left-wing terrorism is peace, right-wing boycotts are terrorism.
Yeah, there's the Pride section, flags on the ground, smashed, the mannequins with the clothes, all on the ground.
So, I mean, look.
I don't want to belabor the point, it's just so frustrating that we have to continue to live in this upside-down, backwards world, where the left literally engages in violent terrorism, and then all you do is say, hey, I'm not going to shop there anymore, and they say, that's violence, that's terrorism.
You're like, wait a second, you just burned the target to the ground, I'm just not shopping there anymore.
You're the terrorist!
But here's my point, and I'm not going to speak for all conservatives, but I think it's pretty clear.
This isn't a mass movement against LGBTQ people.
This is a mass movement against you targeting kids with sexual propaganda and grooming children.
That's what this is about.
Activists gear up for terrifying pride months as threats increase and brands drop out.
No, there's no threats.
There's no threats.
The only threats are coming from left-wingers.
Again, there was the targets that had shut down because left-wingers called them and said, we're going to bomb you because you are catering your message now to the right-wing in America, so we're going to bomb threat you and you're going to have to shut down your target store.
That was, again, left-wingers.
So even when right-wingers are doing a peaceful boycott, left-wingers still find a way to be terrorists.
Now this one is hilarious.
I'm going to have a follow-up on this tomorrow.
Uh, one of the members of the audience, Matt Hardy, not the famous wrestler.
Gay Floridians are leaving in droves, says Pride organizer.
Uh, it's just not happening.
And the funny thing is, you actually have the founder of Gays Against Groomers, Jamie Mitchell, she lives in Florida, she couldn't be happier there with her wife, and loves DeSantis.
So it's like, oh, if you're black, don't go to Florida!
There's like black people out on boats, having a great time, listening to music, dancing, swimming around with their kids, having barbecues.
It's like, hey, I'm a black guy in Florida!
Couldn't be better down here for me!
Left wing's like, oh my gosh!
Don't go to Florida if you're black!
And it's like Jamie Mitchell, Gays Against Groomers founder, married to her wife.
It's like, hey, look at us in Florida!
We love Florida!
It's so great!
I'm voting DeSantis!
Like, holy, you can't be in Florida if you're gay!
They're gonna find you in the streets and beat you!
And she's walking the streets, having a great time.
Uh, it's not like in Turkey.
LGBT cannot infiltrate Among Us.
Erdogan wins re-election to five-year term as president after 20 years in power.
Yeah, not all nations are so LGBT-friendly.
And again, the U.S.
is maybe the most LGBTQ-friendly nation on the planet.
So it's like, they do this crazy thing.
I don't know if there's a better place in the world to live if you're black than the United States of America.
Or any race, for that matter.
I'm just saying.
They say, oh, it's so bad.
It's like, no.
Where would it be better?
Same thing, LGBTQ.
Where's a better place for you to live than America?
Probably nowhere.
But oh, complain about how bad it is.
Transgender biological male skier wins girls... Wait, what?
Transgender biological male skier wins girls high school state championship.
Father of competitor declares it's not fair.
Well, get used to it, buddy!
Get used to it.
This is the new world created by the left.
It's not based in reality.
It's not based in fact.
It's not based in common sense.
It's based in their propaganda and their false worldview.
And they're victimology.
Now here's where I want this to come into home.
And again, I'll speak for myself.
I don't really like being put in any of these boxes.
Conservative, right-winger, any of this.
I don't really like being put in any of these boxes.
But fine, I have some conservative beliefs, I vote Republican, whatever.
I think I speak for the majority of people that have a similar worldview or politics when I say I don't care about the LGBTQ people.
I would say that the right wing in America And some people might not like this, and I'm not denying that that's out there, but the right wing in America has become socially liberal.
Some people don't like that.
I don't necessarily mind that.
I'm socially liberal.
But it's the issue with the kids.
And so I saw this argument going around, Pedro Gonzalez, one example.
Oh, I can't believe Target would do this.
And it shows a bunch of LGBTQ Trump gear.
And it's funny because the Trump hat, the Make America Great Again rainbow hat, it sold out so quickly.
I remember I actually wanted one, and it sold out so quickly I couldn't get one.
Two members of my audience ended up giving me that hat as a gift.
It was, I guess, gay members of my audience.
They had extra hats.
They were like, hey, you couldn't get one here.
I got two gifted to me.
So the point is...
All their propaganda isn't working.
They say Trump's anti-this, Trump's anti-LGBTQ.
Well then how can he sell out of his LGBTQ rainbow hat in a day?
Generally speaking, generally speaking, conservatives, right-wingers, Trump supporters are not anti-LGBTQ.
They are not.
I'm not going to say they're pro, but they're not anti.
We draw the line at the children.
It's that simple.
You start sexually propagandizing children, you start sexualizing children, sexually indoctrinating children, grooming children, abusing children.
That's our issue.
So you thinking, Pedro Gonzalez thinks he's so genius, ooh, I'm gonna get one over on the Trump people.
That don't like targets sexualizing kids, I'm gonna show them Trump's gay hat!
It's not marketed for kids!
Why do I even have to explain this?
I thought people were smarter than this.
I guess they're not.
The issue is not a pride flag.
The issue is not LGBTQ marketing.
The issue is you aiming it at children!
That's the issue!
So thinking, oh look, here's Trump with a gay flag.
Oh look, here's Trump selling a gay hat.
See, I got all the conservatives now.
I got all the right-wingers now.
I'll show them how hypocritical they are.
You missed the picture entirely.
We don't care what consenting adults do or wear.
You're marketing it and aiming it at children.
How do you not see how disgusting that is?
How do you not see what a righteous fight it is to stop children from being groomed sexually?
And being exposed to pornographic material in the classroom!
No, you're not some genius.
You didn't get one over on the Trump supporters because you showed a Trump hat with a gay flag.
No, you showed what the argument really is.
Stop sexualizing children.
Stop aiming your pride propaganda at children.
It's that simple.
People are getting sick of it, by the way.
Unhinged climate activist disrupts Swedish TV show, gets KO'd by the cameraman on the jib.
We've got a jib camera here.
We've got a jib operator in here every once in a while.
That was a master move.
They swung that camera down and knocked out that climate change protester and everybody cheered.
You've now got this deranged they-them, self-proclaimed they-them, glued themselves to the Oxford Union debate chamber, glued themselves to the chamber with a dead trans kid, no more dead trans kids.
Well, guess what?
If there's no trans kids, then there's no more dead trans kids.
So that's an ironic argument you didn't realize you made.
You have just stopped oil.
They blocked Four bridges in London yesterday.
They blocked four bridges in London yesterday.
Folks, I'm telling you, people are getting sick of the left wing.
They see how violent they are, they see how they want to disrupt normal civilization, and they see how they're sexually grooming and abusing children.
So, the gig is up, man.
Abortion advocates brutally assault pro-life people outside Planned Parenthood.
Well, yeah, they say, just your existence is violence!
So, you see, This is what the left wing does, folks.
They build up a narrative to justify all of their actions.
So they say, oh, your existence is violence.
Well, then that justifies whatever violence that they want to have against you.
You see?
Oh, boycotting Target is terrorism.
So then they justify when they spy on you and label you a terrorist.
You say, wait, why did you spy on me?
Why did you label me a terrorist?
Well, because you didn't shop at Target.
So that's the left wing.
They want to force you.
That's fascism.
They want to force you to shop at the outlets they control.
And if you're even existing as a conservative, that's violence to them so they can justify violence against you.
That's what we are up against.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from The Kate Dally Show, KateDallyRadio.com.
Wow, we got a lot to talk about today.
I want to talk about the Second Amendment.
I know.
But a fresh take on that.
And I hope you enjoy that and learn something from that today.
And then Neuralink.
I want to talk about SB40.
I want to talk about the presidential race.
I also want to talk about why they named Kendall Kindle.
There's a lot of things I want to talk about.
But first off, I do want to mention that by 2030, you will own nothing and you will be gay.
So I just want to start off with that fresh bit of news.
I know Bill Maher said 2054, we would all be gay.
But I just want you guys to know that you'll be, you'll own nothing.
You'll be happy.
I don't think so, Klausie.
And you'll be gay.
In fact, we're about to enter into the June Pride Summer Month.
I know, I know, you thought you were just going to have to be nauseated for a month as it's crammed down your ever-living throat, but no, we get a whole summer, and I'm sure it's been talked about on this show.
I'm sure of it.
The North Face, obviously, Patty Gonia.
Encourage viewers to come out into nature, although I don't know what was so nature about Patagonia.
But anyway, she vowed to have the summer of pride.
You're going to see a lot more of that.
You're going to see a lot more of pride summer instead of month.
You're going to see Pride Year.
I mean, we're already getting it shoved down our throats anyway, but just wait, just wait.
So she showed up, of course, in the all-rainbow, the all-rainbow getup.
I hate what they've done to the rainbow.
Anyway, North Face gear donning a full mustached face of multicolored makeup.
That's nature.
Anyway, and went out in their commercial.
Now, if North Face wants to commit this kind of corporate suicide just like Bud Light and all the other companies, Target, Target's getting a huge hit today.
If they want to do that, I guess it's up to them.
They can.
They can make that choice.
But then you have to kind of wonder, why are they making that choice knowing, right?
And so we all know it goes back to the credit scores.
We all know it goes back to the corporate score, the I'm with you government, wink wink.
I'll do anything you say so I can get future loans, which is all about the Great Reset.
Alex wrote a book on the Great Reset.
And so you've got the Summer of Pride, you've got more and more companies Committing corporate suicide by doing this.
And the backlash is getting huge because people are just about done with this kind of crap.
They don't want their kids seeing it.
I don't want my kids seeing it, right?
And so this Patagonia, this tour has everything.
Hiking, community, arts, lesbians, lesbians making art.
And it reminded me of the grants they're giving away for lesbian farmers.
I don't know how many lesbian farmers there are.
But they do have a grant program for them, courtesy of our government.
So you have all this stuff going on right now and it's in our face.
But you have to wonder, is there anything else they're getting out of this?
Is Bud Light getting something else out of this?
They have to be.
Wouldn't they?
Knowing they're going to lose revenue.
They have examples right in front of their face, yet they make the choice.
Target makes the choice to come out with Tuck It underwear.
Something just seems a little off, doesn't it?
It almost, well, I'll bring this up in just a second, but it almost strikes me as something that goes along the same lines as the racial war, but I'll get to that in just a moment.
So in the headlines today, it's war on pride, revolt on Chick-fil-A, Bud Light sails down 30%.
Okay, so we all know all this is going on, but when mainstream, particularly Drudge, right, which has gone full mainstream, When they're saying this, then I get a little, like, surprised, maybe a little concerned.
Okay, why are they trying to shove this into our face?
What is the reason behind this?
There has to be way more to it than just wanting us to be outraged.
It's gotta be deeper than this.
So they want the outrage, yes.
They want people to have a war on pride.
Yes, we can see that, right?
Right in front of our faces.
But then you have to go some layers deeper just because It never really works like this on the surface.
This is not what they're all about.
You know, Florida has laws in place, and of course they're going into feardom.
Oh, we can't go to Florida.
Oh my gosh.
And I want to comment on that when we get back.
Then I want to talk Second Amendment, Kindle, all kinds of things, because I am not going to give all the time to this.
It doesn't deserve it.
Honestly, this is ridiculous.
It's ridiculous.
And it's such a small percentage of our population anyway.
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the Alex Jones Show.
All right.
With you on the Alex Jones Show, I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
Oh, we hit summer.
Everybody wants a normal summer, especially after this last three years.
I completely get it.
I do too, right?
All of us want a break from all of this crap shoved in our face, but we're not going to get it.
And I think there's some definite reasons for that.
You know, the drag shows are everywhere right now.
And do they target nursing homes?
Do they say, hey, we want to do a show at a nursing home?
Just where kids are.
Just in parks, conveniently, where they play, or just in libraries, or you know, they want to go read to kids in libraries, or they want to have drag shows that are targeted to family-friendly audiences.
But for some oddball reason, they don't want their audience to be in a nursing home.
Does anyone else find that a little strange?
Why don't they go there?
They've got a captive audience.
It's not like they can run out.
And maybe they might even look like they're enjoying it.
Who knows?
But I don't think they would.
It is interesting, the targeting, and I would hope that the people that are drag queens would possibly realize that it's creepy.
Most of America isn't going to take it.
Most of America is pretty pissed off about it.
And all they're doing is alienating themselves by doing this whole thing for kids.
Drag queens have always been around.
I don't have a problem with do your life.
If that's what you want in your life, that's who you are, what you want to be, fine.
If you want to live a gay lifestyle, have no problem with it.
I have friends that are gay.
We all do, right?
We all know somebody.
All right.
So, okay.
No big deal.
But it's when you're shoving it down our throats is when we have a problem.
Disney, I'm sure you guys all saw the video by now, they have the little greeter at the door of the Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo boutique with the beard and the princess dress.
And yeah, it looks weird.
And yes, you should think it looks a little strange.
And why are they doing that?
But again, corporate suicide.
They don't care.
So are they getting money from somewhere else to shore up their businesses?
They're not going to take a fall like that.
You guys know it.
I know it.
They're not going to pony themselves up to take a fall.
They care too much.
They care too much.
So why are they joining in this war?
Why are they doing this?
And what are they actually getting out of it?
I don't know yet, but I'm investigating right now, and I want to find out what they're actually receiving, because there's something way more to this.
They wouldn't do that, and I think we all know that.
Leah Thomas, since we're on the topic, ugh.
Olympic Committee says Leah Thomas is welcome to try out for the men's team, not the women's team.
And she was, he was, whatever, the biological male who went swimming as a female and looked extremely male and shattered every record in NCAA history, has petitioned officially the U.S.
Committee for a spot on the women's national team and was shut down.
It's not an option.
I really do hope the Olympics don't cave.
I don't really care about the Olympics anymore.
I don't know if anyone does.
I mean, honestly, I hate to say that, but it kind of lost its luster.
Do you know what I mean?
When they went all weird on COVID and And tried to do an Olympics with COVID and it was strange and nobody even wanted to watch.
I think a lot of people kind of, it's kind of lost its gloss.
You know what I'm saying?
Anyway, so we'll have to, we'll have to see what happens with this.
But I thought, you know, you're welcome to, you know, try out for the men's team.
And I love that.
And I, it's kind of a win in the win column.
But that gets me back to racial war.
I want to talk about this for just a moment.
They've been promoting a racial war in this country, but we're not really biting.
Why is that?
Because we know When we go to sporting events, funerals, weddings, graduation events, everybody's kind of going to graduation events this month and next, right?
Airports, airplanes, movies, you're all in line, right?
Theme parks, you're in line for hours, okay?
It's hot, it's exhausting, okay?
These are the moments when something might be triggered or happen, it doesn't.
Standing in lines, With people with all races from all places, yet nothing ever really happens.
I'll even venture to guess that in your life, you have not ever noticed truly, maybe I'll give you a once, maybe once you've noticed, but I'm going to venture to guess you've never seen a huge brawl or big, huge thing happen at any of those kinds of events that I just named over race.
Because in 2023, we don't care about race.
We're so beyond it.
And we've been beyond it for decades.
But this incredibly stupid, narcissist, fake administration loves to bring it up all the time.
They think they're going to sell you on it.
But I think they do realize that they can create an LGBT war, right?
We only have about 6% of the country that's LGBT, maybe 7 if you want to go with those that think it's cool to claim it, but not really, okay?
So 5-6%, that's kind of how it's always been.
The war they're going to promote, and you can see this with coming out with Pride, you know, Summer of Pride and all of these kinds of things.
You can kind of see it coming now.
That they want this kind of war.
What does it do?
Keeps our eyes off all the money laundering, keeps our eyes off all the stuff that's actually going on, the permanent coup that we're in.
I spoke yesterday to Lee Smith who wrote the permanent coup and The permanent coup is in, and nobody's changing a thing for the future elections, so nobody's doing anything about the GEMS system.
I've been speaking about GEMS, G-E-M-S, in our electoral system, in the voting system, the software, the actual software that you vote with, for eight years, eight years now.
It went to court in California, you can read all about it.
So that gem software that turned into Dominion and turned into everything else, that really truly isn't going to change.
So they want our eyeballs on all these companies committing corporate suicide, trying to get near our kids.
There are drag queens in a city that are suing the city for discrimination because they could not have it at a park, when they themselves were the ones that screwed up the paperwork.
The only reason they couldn't do it was because See, it had nothing to do with censorship.
It had nothing to do with discrimination.
It had everything to do with they couldn't fill out the right paperwork and understand when to advertise and when not to, violating city rules.
But you're going to see more of that.
It's happening all over.
That particular event is happening in my hometown.
So we're going to see more and more and more of this.
And I think they actually have their hooks in this war a little bit more than they do the racial war.
The racial war, we're just not biting.
Because we're surrounded by people all the time of different races and different ethnicities.
We don't have issues with it.
So the examples in your own life do not dictate anything like that.
You have a whole, it's like climate change.
You've got an entire lifetime of it never affecting you.
Climate change has not affect you in 60 years.
Remember, that's the one question that totally stumps a climate activist.
It hasn't affected you in any way, shape or form your life.
I always crack up when I look back at that chick in the 90s.
Who was she?
The one that got up at the UN and she was somebody's daughter, right?
Some government official's daughter got up and spouted off about how we were all going to die by 1999, okay?
So far, she's had a great life.
Two kids.
Nothing has stopped her.
She's done well.
You don't hear a peep out of her about climate change destroying everything and everybody.
Same thing with Greta.
Greta now says, oh, I was just kind of kidding when I said have fear.
And so you have all of those things going on right now because they can't back it up.
Time and history do not back up a racial war.
LGBT war, you might have that on your hands only because they're doing what they're doing with it.
But they have to be getting kickbacks.
They have to be getting money for this.
They would never do it to themselves.
Bud Light would never do this to themselves.
By the way, Dylan, and I know you guys know this, came out and said now he's attracted to women again
after being gendered whatever and this and that and now he's, he's so, this guy, this kid's so confused.
He's so confused.
And you know what?
He was propped up for the role of Mr. Bud Light.
They wanted him in that role.
In the whole year that he was doing what he was doing, he never even had time to go through all those surgeries.
And so, you know, you get, so he was a theater actor, and then he got the role of a lifetime, and that was to be on the cover of Bud Light, do all the things he's doing to try to influence kids.
They want kids to think they're gay.
They want kids to think they're trans.
And they want to, and if they really are, and they're, and I mean a small percentage, would actually be.
But what they're doing is making it cool, and we all know that.
So, they're conjuring up the LGBT war this summer.
They're gonna extend it past June, okay?
Past a month.
They want to see people completely eyes-on, embroiled into this kind of nightmarish little fiasco that they're creating.
Don't do it.
Don't give in to it.
Don't give in to it.
Just like you didn't with the racial war.
You didn't buy in.
Don't do it.
You have a whole lifetime.
To tell you that this is not a war to be involved in, and they want you to get in on the LGBT war.
But don't.
Say no.
Just say no.
When I come back, I want to talk about Second Amendment.
This actually comes from a friend of mine, my friend Dana, and I thought it was good enough.
I really want to share this with you on Second Amendment, a different understanding, right back here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Delle, your guest host.
Back here with you on the Alex Jones Show today.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
So good to be with you.
You know, I hope you actually have a really wonderful summer and just ignore, ignore the summer of pride.
It's just getting ridiculous.
And you know what?
Use your dollars to boycott.
That's the most important thing we can do right now.
Let them feel it.
Let them feel it.
Yeah, they might be getting kickbacks from the government.
But let them feel it.
But most importantly, let the rest of the country realize and know right where America's at right now.
Because that's actually truly telling the tale right now.
You're seeing the backlash because we've just about had it, right?
And so it's kind of nice to see people go, not shopping there anymore.
Not doing that anymore.
Really and truly think about that.
This is the time.
You can do something small.
Do it.
Go to Target.
Go other places, right?
Let's talk Second Amendment.
I have to give my friend Dana credit for this.
He was great and brilliant in this description, and I think a lot of people never really think about the words.
The words are really important when you think about the meaning of what they were saying when they were saying it.
So when you go back to dictionaries and you go back in time of these events, of these things that we did back in the late 1700s, You realize that there were certain kinds of meaning attached to words.
This is why they're so intent on changing the meanings now.
They love to change meanings on us because of this very thing so that we don't understand.
So he said, you know, a well regulated militia, this is the second amendment, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
I know you've heard it.
I've heard it.
We've read it many, many times.
But think about this.
This is the common thinking about the Second Amendment.
When most people read the Second Amendment, including all the attorneys, you know, the author, you know, they all have these gross misconceptions as to its meaning and intent.
And after questioning a lot of people, when people, include attorneys and politicians, read the Second Amendment, the thing they notice that it refers to is a regulated militia.
And they've dropped out the word, well.
Okay, well regulated militia as part of it and assume that the regulated militia means controlled.
Then they in their minds wonder, well, who's doing the controlling?
And they read on and they come to the word state, which is capitalized.
And they assume the word state means the state of Massachusetts or New Hampshire or any state in the union.
And what they conclude from that is that the militia is a state controlled entity.
They conclude further that it is a well regulated, which means very much so or completely, because we kind of think of the word well, like it's completely regulated or, you know, very much so it's regulated, well regulated, right?
And so from this, they continue to wrongly conclude that the militia is organized and directed by a state government.
No, nothing could be further from the truth.
Another misconception beyond the above is that no one will hear others and politicians say it is the right to carry a gun and that right is for self-defense.
And with respect to the Founding Fathers, the right to self-defense was a thoroughly understood principle which did not need explanation or support as they relied heavily on the philosophy of natural law in which self-defense is a first principle and a given, right?
So what was enumerated in the Second Amendment goes far beyond self-defense.
Recently, the new governor, Kathy Hochul, absurdly, she's such a joke, absurdly indicated that the Second Amendment referred to muskets, and that if you wanted a musket, well okay, but you certainly should not be allowed to have modern weaponry.
And you'll love it when they call it that.
Or assault weapons?
Give me a break.
They don't understand it at all.
None of the newspapers or other politicians in New York or elsewhere even called her out on this, and it kind of highlights how confused politicians and the media are on the Second Amendment.
Especially those of a blue origin.
Anyways, the well-regulated militia is defined as follows.
Well-regulated is a compound adjective.
It's the definition 9c in the large unabridged Oxford Dictionary of the English language.
The large dictionary in libraries that no one, you know, that people have to have a
magnifying glass, okay, to read.
The only two uses where it could be used are well-regulated sluice or well-regulated motor
back in the day.
A sluice is a waterway with a control gate that diverts water into a water wheel, which has been used to grind grain in a mill or a power saw in a sawmill.
A well-regulated sluice kind of gives the proper amount of water as it was directed into the water wheel to get it to turn appropriately for the work at hand.
Too much water would cause the water wheel to turn fast and break.
Too little water wouldn't deliver enough power to the water wheel to do what it was supposed to do.
With respect to the well-regulated motor, the meaning is that the motor is operational.
The timing is correct.
The spark plugs are gapped correctly, right?
And the carburetor is adjusted such that the proper amount of fuel is being supplied to the correct amount of air to give proper ignition, right, inside the cylinders.
Also, that the motor has enough fuel and is ready to go.
And from these two uses, you can see that something is well regulated in its existence.
It is tuned, it's organized, it has what it needs to run correctly and do the job it was designed to do.
And from this, one should understand that a well-regulated militia is one that is in existence, it is organized and trained and tuned to do the job that it's assembled to do.
And it has the supplies and materials necessarily to do that job.
Not that it's controlled by the state, But that it just is able to do what it's supposed to do.
The founders thought when they wrote, well regulated, that people would understand its meaning.
In the 1700s, the people did understand what well regulated meant.
Given that one has a well-regulated militia, I'm having a hard time saying that today, one now wonders about the purpose of this.
The purpose is laid down in the next part of the Second Amendment.
Well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state.
State is capitalized and people today believe it means a state, but it's not a state.
It's generally a free state.
It covers it all.
It's not designated state by state.
It doesn't mean the state that you live in.
It means a free state, a free state of being, actually.
In the 1700s, when one wished to emphasize a word, it was often capitalized.
So Locke and Blackstone were two of the main philosophers that the founding fathers were reading and whose ideas the founders were incorporating into the Declaration of Independence and Constitution.
In Blackstone's writings, he defined a free state as the condition of liberty.
This is the state of being.
This is the liberty for all.
One should know there's a difference between liberty and freedom, right?
Liberty is with morals, okay?
Liberty is freedom with morals.
That is, liberty can do as one wishes as long as they're not harming somebody else or their pursuit of one's happiness.
The call in 1776 was for liberty.
That means that we live with morals.
Tell that to the war going on.
Given that well-regulated militia and its purpose to maintain the free state, that is the condition of liberty.
And in the next question, what rights must have in order to organize and supply a well-regulated militia?
This question is answered in the last part of the Second Amendment.
The right of the people to bear and keep arms shall not be infringed.
They were talking about them being the well-regulated militia, ready for whatever happens, ready for what they need to do, but not controlled, not state controlled.
And the Founding Fathers enumerated many times in their other writings that our rights are God-given.
They are.
In the Second Amendment, they're confirming that the people have the right to carry and bear arms, weapons of any kind.
Kathy doesn't know what she's talking about.
I'll be right back.
Isn't that great?
Alex Jones Show.
I'll be right back.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm just clarifying a little bit on the Second Amendment.
And I think this kind of brings kind of a fresh take and understanding.
When you really look at the words, you always have to go back into the dictionaries.
I've done this a lot with research.
You go back into the dictionaries of the day and you say, okay, what does that word actually mean?
So when they wrote the Second Amendment, the words are really, really important.
Well-regulated militia.
It's a very interesting word choice for what the founders, when they came up with this, there was a certain meaning to it.
The second part of the Second Amendment, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
It was the second part of the same sentence that included well-regulated militia.
A militia ready to go, okay?
Talking about the people.
And the Founding Fathers said this a lot, you know, the rights are God-given.
And they made sure that the people realized that they knew where the rights came from.
The Second Amendment, they were confirming to the people they have the right to keep and bear, carry and use arms, weapons.
It's intrinsic to the Second Amendment that it is the people that make up the militia.
This is so.
I mean, it doesn't even have to be a group or a named group or whatever we want to kind of conjure up in our minds.
It's just the people.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms, necessary component to forming a well-regulated militia.
That kind of means just, it's not state controlled, just means everybody's ready to go to protect the liberty of the people.
Because it's the state of being, not necessarily the state.
It's important to understand that, and during the Revolutionary War, cannons were owned by individuals as well as towns.
The town didn't have the cannon, people had cannons too.
The word arms was carefully chosen.
The right to keep and bear arms is qualified by the word infringed, which means not a little bit, not a whisper, not at all.
The politicians, the powers that be, have disregarded and trampled the right and the people have allowed it.
So shame on us, right?
For allowing the creep.
The creep of the creeps.
And of course the founders are now rolling in their graves about how we have given this up and so many infringements.
It is interesting that they chose the word infringement.
Um, not laws, but just infringements, regulations.
I mean, it covers a lot, doesn't it?
Infringement covers a lot of the things that have taken away our rights to just go and buy a firearm, like we used to.
We used to order them off a catalog, and they'd arrive on our doorstep in the 1950s, for Pete's sakes.
So, the rights of a government, a self-feeding beast that has this limitless appetite for controlling the people, stealing their wealth, and usurping their God-given rights.
And of course, you know, the Second Amendment follows the first.
I think we can probably come up with a lot of reasons as to why.
Even if it wasn't written or they didn't come up with it in that particular order, they placed it in that order.
It's kind of interesting.
The second is the foundation, right?
The foundation to keep freedom of speech.
We're all very, very, very aware of censorship.
And how that's working right now.
And so, of course, you had the, we can go back to the Nazis in Germany that we're all being accused of being, right?
Isn't that their new MO?
Everyone's a Nazi.
They failed to say that they brought all the Nazi scientists over here to run everything, but whatever.
We're all a Nazi.
And then also, of course, Stalin came to power when he took the guns away from the people in Russia.
Mao came to power, we took away the weapons from people in China.
So it goes on and on and on.
We all know the stories.
And it's always this time when people are running for president.
You know, Chris Christie threw in his little donut into the ring.
Though he's a donut, Chris Christie.
Anyway, nobody cares.
Nobody wants this guy.
And it's pathetic.
It's so pathetic to see him try to run for president.
But what we have to stop doing as a public is to stop giving it the mantle that they so desperately want you to give it.
It's really figurehead.
We should all be saying, well, who's running for figurehead of the country?
Because we all know that they're not actually running the country.
King fraught a lot in his weird facial mask with the headlight, you know, with the forehead marbling.
Anyway, we all know, right?
He's not running the country.
Who gets a facelift at 80?
We already know that.
We already know this.
They don't run the country.
They're the simple figurehead.
They're the mannequin.
They're the person that comes to the fake scenery looking Oval Office that they built on the side of the White House to give a weird speech that doesn't make sense.
That's what they're there for.
So we as a people should start saying figurehead.
Back in the day when the title of president was given, it was given because it was the lowliest title they could come up with.
It was the equivalent of like a McDonald's manager.
I'm not saying anything bad about McDonald's managers.
We need to.
But what I'm saying is, is that it was a manager.
The head of a committee.
It was never supposed to be like royalty.
We were never supposed to treat it like this.
It was never supposed to be that big of a deal.
It was supposed to be somebody that, well, let me put it this way.
Article 2 of the Constitution.
The President's responsible for the execution and enforcement of the laws created by Congress.
But Congress is the big kahuna.
Congress is the important branch.
Congress is the one that makes the laws.
The President's just standing there and watching it.
And it also says the president shall be the commander-in-chief of the Army, Navy of the United States and of the militia.
Very interesting.
And of the militia.
That's us.
We're the militia.
90% gun owners in America.
It's pretty darn good.
That's why our gun crime rate is so low.
That's why it's so far under 1%.
It can't be calculated.
Gun death?
Because We have gun ownership in this country.
Keeps people at bay.
So don't buy into the lie that everything is falling apart at the seams and we're just this violent mass of people.
We're not.
There's a lot more crime.
There's a lot more petty crime.
I was just watching a documentary about leaving California.
I'm from California.
A lot more crime.
But when it comes to gun death that they want to blame everything on,
just like I said a couple of weeks ago, doesn't shake out.
Right? It doesn't shake out, I should say.
Doesn't shake out.
There isn't anonymous mass shootings, okay?
Because usually they're always targeted.
Usually it's a vengeful thing.
Well, unless you're propped up by the FBI.
Did I just say that?
Anyway, the president was supposed to be this lowly, lowly title.
It was the lowliest title they could actually give him without just making him look like a stump sitting there.
So when we talk about who's running for president, and of course, you know, in radio, it's really interesting.
I've been doing radio for lots of years.
And radio is interesting because every four years is when you peak, right?
The numbers are huge and everybody's tuned in.
Everybody shows up to the polls.
To see who's going to be president.
As if it matters.
Do you know what matters more?
Your city council.
Your county commissioners in each county playing the Agenda 30 game.
Introducing all kinds of new agenda 30 tricks up their sleeves.
That's what's more important.
That affects your life more.
The president doesn't matter anymore.
So when I, when people ask me, you know, who you're going to vote for, for president, does it matter?
Does it really matter?
It matters more who your sold out governor is.
At the last Governor's Association, they were all vying for, including mine, my ridiculous governor, Little Gavin, we call him Little Gavin Newsome.
They were all vying for Pfizer, Pfizer plants to be, you know, Pfizer wants to spread the wealth around and put more plants on the ground because why?
Because they have a lot more shots to make up.
They've got a lot more shots in the works to give to you.
And it's sad and disgusting that the governors would be dancing for Pfizer to get Pfizer to come to their states, right?
In the light of what's going on?
But that's where we're headed.
The insurance companies and pharma run a lot more of this country than the president ever will and ever does.
So does it actually really matter?
I'm not quite sure it does.
I think what's more important is that you're invested into local politics.
You show up at the meetings and you see what ridiculousness is happening next.
And they'll always give you two excuses.
These are the excuses to look for.
Well, we've always done it this way and it's worked for us.
So they're not willing to change anything.
And then when they get in, they say, I can't change anything because it's already set in stone.
Those are the excuses you'll get.
You need to fight those things.
You've got to fight locally and in our states and get rid of these governors These monstrosities that we have for governors that are so bought and sold.
Just kind of picture them like Target and Bud Light.
Now you have your governors.
They're ready to roll with whatever the feds tell them to do.
And the feds are trying to connect with all your local cities now.
Trying to get their hooks in and things done throughout the cities.
And that's what we have to stop.
Don't worry so much about who the president is.
It could be, you know, Donut Loving Chris Christie.
it could be anybody, but I really do think we have to focus on local.
I'm gonna come right back, I have some information on the shots I wanna share with you too,
on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
I'm here with you, last segment of the Alex Jones Show for me today.
Look, and you're halfway through your week.
I hope that makes you happy.
So, Elon's Neuralink.
I want to talk about this and I want to talk about Kindle, why it's called Kindle.
Elon's Neuralink, the groundbreaking news, the FDA grants approval to Elon Musk's Neuralink for human trials.
And they also talked about a monumental breakthrough.
Brain Implant Startup Neuralink has received approval in its first ever human clinical trial.
I think they actually already started this.
I think they're doing portions of this with the COVID vaccine.
You know, I often call it a drip system for a reason, because you need multiple shots to be able to have our bodies not kick it out completely.
But I actually think they've already been doing this.
He's been working on Neuralink for quite a long time.
But you know, he props himself up as the guy with the free speech guy.
He might be a free speech guy, but I don't really trust what Elon's doing out there.
I really don't.
That's just me.
But I just kind of wanted to mention too that the whole AI thing, there's a lot of people commenting on AI right now.
And I think they're showing us the equivalent of introducing us to 8-Track.
And what they can do with AI right now and what they're presently doing with AI fakery and everything else, they're showing the people 8-Track.
I mean, let's go back 50 years and go back to 8-Track, shall we?
They're showing people 8-Track as if this is where we're at right now with AI, and it couldn't be further from the truth.
I think we're actually 50 years ahead of that, and I think that they don't want to show us what they've got because they're using it so much.
Just my thoughts.
I also wanted to mention that Japanese professor, Marikama Kami.
Marikama, I'm probably saying that wrong, murdering his name, but he's a professor of Tokyo with the astonishing finding that the Pfizer jab contained the SV40 sequence, which is known as the promoter of cancer virus.
You may be noticing a lot of people around you suddenly coming up with cancer.
I think a lot of people can have cancer in their systems based on all the other stuff that they've been doing to us for decades.
But I think the COVID shots kick it up and kind of light it on fire.
Just as Judy Mykovitz, I interviewed Judy Mykovitz clear back in 2020.
And she said, yep, this is exactly what's going to happen.
Cancer, because what's in the shots is mice, leukemia, AIDS, all kinds of things.
And when people get this into their system, what it does then is it lights up cancers and problems that they already have.
And I think that's going on right now.
You can go to all kinds of different genocide websites right now, and people are offering up their sad stories, and it really is sad.
Nobody's not, well, we're all affected by it, right?
We all know somebody.
And perfectly good health and then all of a sudden they're jabbed to the hilt and now they're fighting cancer.
And I know that when people at a hospital in my own state were going in, they were saying that, hey, if you want a breast exam, just, you know, don't come in right now if you just had those shots.
Make sure this was last year.
Don't come in right now because it'll light up as cancer.
We'll see cancer.
Scary, right?
Really scary because I know a lot of loved ones probably of yours have gotten those shots.
I also want to talk about Kindle.
I'm going to shift gears just a little bit because we're kind of out of time, but I wanted to talk about Kindle for a moment because of course this involves Bezos.
Jeff Bezos, Mr. CIA, and what could be, like he said, back in Entrepreneur Magazine.
And the reason I'm talking about this, too, is I know people do a lot of summer reading, right?
You're getting those books out.
I like Don Fotheringham's book, The President Makers.
That's like must-have reading.
I love his book.
He's a total warrior.
Still alive, World War II vet, by the way.
But The President Makers on Amazon.
But back in...
This was years ago when he was inventing this.
In Entrepreneur Magazine, Bezos said, what could possibly be more important than reinventing the book itself?
In 2017, Business Insider did an article about Kindle and the team that worked on it.
They wanted it to be called, the team wanted it to be called Fiona, but Jeff Bezos wanted Kindle because it evoked the idea of starting a fire, like kindling.
You mean like book burning?
Like that.
Message boards lit up from people claiming that this name kindling in the dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451, Fahrenheit's the story of a fireman whose government job it is to burn books.
I know you guys have probably read this book.
You can also change the text in electronic books, but you can't change text and words in printed books in people's basements.
It's a lot easier electronically.
And I think a lot of that is going on, actually.
Ray Bradbury, who died in 2012, the author of Fahrenheit, pronounced at a book expo in 2008, there is no future for e-books because they're not books.
He knew, he knew they could be absolutely tinkered with.
And he talked about the need for physical books that can't be taken away from you and could not be wiped out, right?
Electronic books could be wiped out.
And so, Jeff Bezos, the same guy in 2013 that secured that, you know, $600 million contract with the CIA.
No biggie, right?
Amazon Web Services.
And, of course, you guys all know that.
And then, of course, the National Security Agency being awarded the secret cloud computing contract worth up to $10 billion from Amazon Web Services.
That all came from NextGov.
And so, of course, there's lots of weird things going on over there at Amazon.
But I have to say that most people are not really aware of what disrupting what books look like.
I know a lot of people like Kindle.
They like these kinds of things because they're easy, right?
You just take that.
You've got a lot of books and you don't have a heavy load to carry.
But I think it's really important.
A neighbor of mine was getting rid of all their books and they said, well, we've all got them on electronically.
There's just no need for it anymore.
And my heart sank.
I thought, no, keep those books, keep those books.
When Don Fotheringham was writing The President Makers, he actually had to spend two to three years going into people's basements to find the books that are no longer available anymore so he could write the book about who was behind every presidency Since the turn of the 20th century, since the early 1900s, starting with Colonel House.
And he wrote who was creating all these things, who was behind the EPA, who was behind all of that.
He couldn't have done it with the electronic books today because so many books are not there.
He had to go to people's basements to find these books that people had hung on to for years to be able to write the president makers and have the proof and the pictures, the things that he needed.
This is so important.
Please do not get rid of your old books.
Keep them in your basement.
Keep them wherever you can.
It's kind of like in Fahrenheit and the discussion on the message boards right after Kindle came out, right after they were kind of shifting to celebrating this new way to read, was, well, you can hide a book somewhere, but if you're electronically wiped out of all your books, you can't even do that.
You know, from the powers that be.
And so there is something there that I think we all need to think about in the future.
You know, what are we doing getting rid of all these things?
And when they said about that, that the Kindle name, you know, the team wanted Fiona, that he wanted Kindle because it evoked the idea of starting a fire like Kindling.
I just thought that was something that you guys needed to be really aware of.
When I saw that, I thought, wow, there was really a situation that was admitted to in which they wanted to change history again.
Now, they took over public education, the deep state, the Rockefellers took over education, clear back with the Carnegie Foundation in 1907.
And it was in their notes and they said they were going to change history by erasing American history.
They weren't going to talk about the Constitution in class as much.
They weren't going to refer to all the things that truly, truly happened.
They weren't going to do it anymore.
They wanted all the teachers trained over in London and then bring them back here.
And there was a concerted effort by the Carnegie Foundation to go after education.
And they did successfully and turned public into education.
I don't even know if you can call it education anymore.
It's just public, I don't know what the word is, agenda?
I don't know.
But that's the direction that they're going.
And I want to let you guys know that because there is something, well, he admitted it.
Jeff Bezos actually admitted that it invoked starting of a fire.
He really wanted real books to go away.
Yes, of course, it was about profit and it was about a lot of things.
Of course, it's Jeff Bezos.
But I do think that there was a very much an effort to say we are no longer going to be looking at our history and any books we can kick to the curb we will.
And so it's really important right now to go back to those very, very old books.
And read those instead of the new garbage they come out with and instead of the biopics they come out with to paint a certain candidate or a certain person in whatever way they want.
You're probably not going to get a whole lot of the truth.
It's kind of like, you know, one of those ABC or CBS movies.
You're not going to get a whole lot of truth.
But go back into the very, very old books.
I think it would do us some favors to go to a few more thrift stores to find some books that aren't really in print anymore and grab those and read them.
I think we'll be surprised at what we find in the changing of history and in the changing of the agenda.
Over the last 120 years that we've been going through.
Make no mistake, that agenda is strong.
It's here.
We all feel it.
We all know it.
And we have to do everything we can do to fight it and stop it.
I do think we're all, we all have the accountability of what did you do?
What was your part?
We're all here for a reason, but what did you do to stop the insanity of what's happening right now to us?
And we can do it.
Vote with your dollars.
Get those old books.
Lots of things we can do and get involved.
Thanks for the Alex Jones Show.
show. I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
Watch the American Journal weekday mornings, 8 to 11 central at band.video.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The silent majority is no longer silent.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stand by for further details.
We return you now to your regularly scheduled program.
So, Gen Z workers are not going to be faring too well in the workplace, and that doesn't spell good for us in the future.
One thing I could recommend is I think we need to get some of these Gen Zers on TurboForce, which you can get at InfoWarsStore.com.
Didn't see the plug coming, did you?
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I don't know what you're waiting for.
And that's my really my only plug today.
I feel bad.
I forgot to do it all throughout because we had so much information going on an amazing interview.
But we got another amazing interview.
Infowarsstore.com and support what we're doing.
It's you out there that fuel the jet engines that keep this whole thing twirling about.
Lately you've been showing all the signs.
All right we're gonna go right back to your phone calls here in just a moment but I just want to say this again.
We have millions of viewers and listeners.
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A very small percentage of you ever go to the store, ever buy anything, you really need these products you're missing out.
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