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Name: 20230526_Fri_Alex
Air Date: May 26, 2023
2242 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses various topics including promoting InfowarStore.com and Turbo Force Plus, criticizing hydrofluorosilicic acid being put in drinking water, and highlighting the FBI's protection of the Biden crime family. He is joined by Owen Shroyer and Viva Frye who talk about how the FBI uses the same tactics repeatedly and mention the 2016 Russiagate scandal as an example of a non-violent coup to undermine a duly elected president. The speaker discusses the Hunter Biden laptop controversy in 2020 and how intelligence agencies knew it was authentic but told the world it was Russian disinformation. They also criticize the sentencing of January 6th defendants, comparing it to political activism on the bench. The video promotes various products available on InfoWarStore.com such as toothpaste, shirts, and health supplements that are essential for oral and overall health. The toothpastes fund the operation of Infowars. There is a shirt being sold with President Trump's image on it with the caption "political prisoner," which is a fundraiser for InfoWars. Another shirt says "Alex Jones for President 2024" and is described as a fun conversational piece. The health supplement TurboForce is also back in stock, having been out of stock for eight months. This product contains wide-spectrum natural herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more that provide long-term energy, strength, and overall wellness."

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Elon Musk's brain computer company Neuralink receives FDA approval to launch human clinical trial.
Now, I'm willing to wait and see what this technology does, what it brings.
The one thing that is already bad is that they have tested this on animals.
And that's usually kind of a gateway into Satanism, folks.
That's usually a gateway into sacrifice, human sacrifice.
And there's a lot of stories out there where doctors and others that refuse to be engaged in animal abuse for testing end up losing everything, because it's kind of the test.
Like, are you going to be in the club?
Are you going to be in the Satanist club?
Are you going to be in the criminal cabal?
Well, let's see if they're willing to do harm to animals, and then if it's yes, well, we can take them to the next level.
If they refuse at that level, then they don't make it.
So what Neuralink was doing with animals is extremely concerning to me.
Now, I'm willing to give it all a chance because I'm not a Luddite, and if Elon Musk creates technology that can make blind people see or stuff like that, then why would I be against that?
I don't know.
You might have a different opinion.
But I will tell you this.
From where I stand right now, I have zero interest in this technology.
I want nothing to do with anything being drilled into my head or attached to my brain.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news.
Well ladies and gentlemen here we are Can you even believe it?
Friday, May 26th, 2023.
Time is certainly flying by.
And... The unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.
The unstoppable force being the awakening of the planet.
The citizens of this planet, the citizens of the United States of America, all the lies we've been told, all the corruption we've been forced to endure.
The awakening is on, but the immovable object being the globalists, as we call them, the one world corporate government, the World Health Organization, the UN, The U.S.
government and its agents committed to collapsing the U.S.
into a one-world government.
You see it with the open borders.
You see it with the Biden administration saying, yes, the World Health Organization can have a say over health protocols in the country.
So it's the unstoppable force, the awakening of humanity versus the immovable object The plan to enslave humanity and conquer the planet.
That's the epic that we are in.
And so everything you will see today is a result of that paradigm, of that phenomenon, being revealed in real time.
Now, there's an old saying, I hate to say I told you so.
And it kind of has a new meaning to me when I see stuff like this.
The Heritage Foundation has exposed that the DHS, the Department of Homeland Security, has an anti-terrorism program that's been weaponized against conservatives.
80 grants, 40 million taxpayer dollars later, and here's a look at how Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are outsourcing their efforts to conflate conservatives with terrorists.
And so it's an I-hate-to-say-I-told-you-so moment, and I just... I thought I liked being right all the time.
I hate being right about this.
I hate that we were totally right, that InfoWars is totally vindicated, that the US government is being weaponized against you.
And of course, they even have InfoWars on this list, as well as other groups like Breitbart, But then there's the old twist.
There's the old lie, as they have a bunch of Nazi symbolism, Nazi logos.
Some of them are which still are embraced by the Ukrainian armies in eastern Ukraine, like the Azov Battalion, the Black Sun logo, and so much more.
But it's frustrating.
Those are leftists.
Socialism is a leftist ideology.
Why do I still have to sit here as an anti-socialist and respond to labels that somehow Nazism is a right-wing value?
It's not.
Socialism is a left-wing value.
The National Socialist Workers Party of Adolf Hitler were the National Socialist Workers Party.
Does that sound like right-wing or left-wing to you?
Socialism is a left-wing ideology, but of course they put that at the top of the
pyramid of far-right radicalization. So they take the worst of what the left is
with the murderous, blood-drenched, socialist, communist regimes of the 20th
century. They take the worst of what the left has to represent and they say nope that's you on the right.
No, it is actually us on the right that defeated the Nazis.
Here we are on this Friday, May 26th, 2023 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer broadcasting live from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Still on the air.
Thank you, God.
Thank you to the audience.
We are still here fighting tyranny every day, fighting the fake news, the lies, the propaganda aimed against you, targeted at you.
They thought we'd be off air by now.
They thought they could silence us by now, but they haven't.
So now they've ratcheted up with the US government And the American left, they have ratcheted up their attacks on the US citizens, they have ratcheted up their political persecution.
They're at a bit of a stalemate on the censorship issue right now, with Elon Musk taking over Twitter.
But believe me.
Believe me, as we get closer to the 2024 election, ladies and gentlemen, I believe the political persecution will be ramped up and the censorship will be ramped up.
This time, I think the American citizens are more aware of what to be ready for, what to be cautious of.
And if they start rolling out the censorship again and the political persecution again, they will just continue to further expose themselves as the evildoers in this country.
That being the corruption at the FBI, at the DOJ, the Biden administration, and everything else down the line.
Now we're going to be talking more on that subject with Viva Free.
From the Viva Free and Barnes podcast.
So, Attorney Viva Free is going to be joining me to discuss that, as well as some other things.
Viva Fry, thank you.
Thank you, crew.
Apologize to Viva.
Now, one of the big stories this week.
To me, there's two big stories this week.
And I was thinking about just taking calls and asking you, what do you think is the big story?
Once I get rid of all this news on my desk.
The clear-cut corruption with the FBI and the Durham Report, and it's like seemingly nothing can get done.
And we just have to sit here and accept that the FBI is totally corrupt, our government's totally corrupt, and it can be weaponized against you, and you have no recourse, you're doomed.
With the DHS, with, well, rather the DOJ, the FBI, and the IRS, all running cover, all caught, All on record.
Dozens of whistleblowers.
We've heard from, I think, seven whistleblowers on this.
Folks, there might be a hundred.
A lot of these whistleblowers that are coming forward to members of Congress don't want to be known.
They fear for their lives.
They are scared for their lives.
About being a whistleblower, calling out the corruption from the Biden crime family, calling out the corruption at the FBI, the IRS, what have you.
I expect there to be more whistleblowers.
I expect more people to go public.
Sadly, I'm not sure what I expect from Republicans in Congress as far as doing the right thing or stopping all of this.
Because they play this game of playing by the rules.
And they still don't realize that playing by the rules is what loses because the Democrats and the corruption in the federal government, they don't play by the rules.
So you're sitting here playing by the rules.
They're not.
You're sitting here shooting free throws from the free throw line.
They're walking up, putting up layups.
You're saying, hey, that's not a free throw.
You're supposed to be at the line.
They're saying, screw you, buddy.
I made more baskets than you.
Well, yeah, you're shooting layups.
I'm shooting free throws.
That's not fair.
Well, that's your fault.
Now I'm hearing mixed reports on what's going on with the debt negotiations with McConnell, excuse me, McCarthy and Biden today.
Biden has another flub.
He goes to Japan, he calls President Yoon, President Loon.
Wow, what an embarrassment, what an insult to Japan from our embarrassment, Joe Biden.
He does it again.
Joe Biden screws up congressman's name and audience during White House event in Rose Garden.
So they're protecting this decrepit old corrupt fool.
They're protecting the so-called President of the United States that can't even wipe his own ass.
And it's him and his son acting as foreign agents illegally, totally being covered up and protected by the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS.
So we'll be talking with Viva Frye about that, maybe taking your calls on that, as well as the other big story from this week.
Which has to be the pushback against the sexual propaganda aimed at children.
And that's what it is.
And look, I'm not going to obsess over messaging on this because it really doesn't matter.
We know what this is about.
This isn't about adults consenting to whatever it is they want to do in privacy.
This isn't about people that are adults wanting to mutilate their bodies or whatever else they're into sexually.
That's not what this is about.
So I'm not even going to sit here and respond To the left-wing commentary acting like this is transphobia or homophobia or that we're even addressing what adults like to do in their free time in their privacy.
That's not what this is about.
This is about the children.
This is about the sexual propaganda and grooming and abuse of the children by the American left calling it pride.
So I don't even think it's necessary to respond when they just say, you're just transphobic, you're just homophobic.
You know that's not true.
You know that's not what this is about.
You know this is about the children.
Stop lying.
I don't even feel like we have to address that or really be concerned with the messaging.
I think people see through it now.
I think they know what's really going on.
Especially when you see stories like this.
Pride celebration organizers grapple with new Florida laws on drag and transgender rights.
So, in other words, people that host pride parades.
Now, what is the new Florida law that they're talking about?
Well, the new Florida law says you can't do nude or lewd activities in public in front of children.
Which is not even new laws, they just have to Reiterate and re-litigate this stuff now because the American left has turned everything... Like normally you wouldn't be able to show pornographic images to children in a classroom, but if you say it's LGBTQ+, then it's okay.
Normally you wouldn't be able to go up to a child at a library or at a parade or in a restaurant and have a have a man in a in a leotard or in a thong with his bulge or his genitals popping out and him sticking his ass in the air in front of children.
Normally that would already be illegal but when you say it's LGBTQ plus or pride then they are able to get away with it.
Well so DeSantis has just directly addressed this In response to the pride sword and shield that the American left uses to go after children.
And so he says, no, if you want to have your pride parades, that's fine.
There'll be no nudity and there'll be no lewd content directed at children.
And so the pride parade organizers are saying, well, well, I don't know what we're going to do now.
I don't know what we'll do now.
So I guess that shows you everything.
If they make a rule, You're not allowed to play basketball with a ball.
Well, gee, I guess you don't have a game anymore, do you?
So when you tell the gay pride parade organizers that you're not allowed to have nudity or lewd actions towards children, that's like the ball in basketball.
There's no pride parade now.
They don't know what to do.
We can't be nude in public?
We can't have lewd activity directed towards children?
I don't know what we'll do!
How are we going to have Pride Parade without a nudity or lewd actions at children?
Oh, what will we do?
Oh, the bigotry!
Oh, the intolerance!
Oh, the transphobia, the homophobia!
No, I think it's pretty obvious now what's really going on when they set up Pride sections in the children's aisle and they have Pride toddler apparel.
No, let's not, let's not, let's not be confused.
It's directly targeting the children.
So, those are the two big news stories this week.
We'll have the rest of the news from today on the Alex Jones Show.
So what does it represent?
That gay pride parade organizers don't know how to respond to new legislation from Ron DeSantis that says you can't have nude or lewd activity in public at your parades.
And they're saying, we don't know what to do now!
We thought getting nude in the streets and having lewd activity for children, that's what our pride parades were all about!
That's like saying you are going to play football without the football!
If we can't target children with our nude, lewd activity, we don't have a Pride Parade!
Tells you everything, actually, doesn't it?
Now, the focus has been on Target, but there have been some other stories here, too.
But, ladies and gentlemen, I've got to say, I'm changing my stance now, today.
I'm changing my stance now today.
I didn't realize how bad it was.
As you can see on the screen, look at what conservatives have done to a target in response to the Pride section for kids.
Just look at what they did.
They went into this target and they completely destroyed it.
White supremacists going around target to target and completely destroying it and looting it and leaving it in complete shambles.
And so I think it's time for us to really do some self-reflecting here.
And I think it's time for us to really look at these images that you see on the screen and realize that this type of activity is unacceptable and should not be promoted or endorsed by anyone.
Just look at these white supremacist Christians looting a target, stealing everything, walking out the front door, bashing in the windows.
You can see the damage, you can see the destruction.
You can see the chaos.
Just look at the white supremacists.
Look at the conservative Christians.
Look at the Republican voters.
And so this is all footage that we're just seeing now for the first time.
I can't even believe it.
They just walk right into a target and they just steal anything they want.
They walk right into the target.
They light things on fire.
It causes the fire alarms to go off and the sprinklers to go off.
Then everything in the store gets ruined because of the overflow of water.
I mean, just the lack of respect, the lack of decency.
The violence, the crime, the criminal activity, the just complete destruction of these stores.
Look at these white supremacists.
Look at these homophobes.
Look at these transphobes as they go into Target to protest Pride Month and they steal everything they want and they light the buildings on fire and they loot it.
And so at this point in time, anybody who is not condemning this activity And anybody who is not calling out these white supremacists, and anybody who is not calling out these Christian conservatives and their vile, disgusting behavior in response to Pride Month by looting targets and destroying targets, smashing their windows, burning their stores to the ground, we have to do some serious self-reflecting here, folks.
Look at that white supremacist running out with all that stolen merchandise.
Uh, and so my mind has obviously been changed, and we cannot condone this type of violence at Target in response to Pride Month.
It just, it cannot be had.
I mean, just look at this image.
Look at what the homophobes have done to Target.
Just look at what the conservative Christian Republicans have done to targets, all because of the Pride section for children.
Christian conservatives, Republicans, burning targets to the ground, looting them.
Just total chaos, total destruction, total criminal activity.
And so, folks, we have to call this out.
We have to join the American left in condoning this activity at Target.
It's too much.
It's violent criminal activity.
And it must be stopped in response to the pride displays for kids at Targets.
This violence cannot go on.
This intolerance cannot go on.
Over a hundred Targets had to be shut down because of this activity.
Here it is again, more white supremacist Christian conservatives in response to the pride section for kids stealing and looting and burning and running rampant.
It just must be stopped, folks.
It's just too much.
Oh, oh, what's that now?
I'm sorry, I'm getting some information in my ear here.
Oh, oh, this is not the Pride protests that we're witnessing here?
This is not conservative Christians and Republicans running in and looting Target and doing smash and grabs and burning Targets to the ground in the middle of the night?
Wait, this isn't the Pride?
This isn't conservative Christians upset that isn't Target boarding up their windows and doors because the conservatives upset that they're aiming pride propaganda at children?
That's not what this is?
I'm not watching conservative Christians doing smash and grabs at Targets to protest pride?
Oh, that's... Oh, I'm sorry.
Wait, what?
Oh, this is... Oh, this is the... These are Democrats?
Wait a second, but I was told, hold on, these are Democrats here?
These are, wait, this is the American left?
Wait, you're telling me I'm watching footage of the American left doing smash and grabs at targets all across the country that resulted in 175 of them closing?
Wait a second, you're telling me I'm looking at liberals from Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups doing smash and grabs and looting runs and targets, completely destroying them?
Wait a second.
Hold on.
But I... But I saw the outrage!
But I saw the outrage from the American left because somebody walked into a Target and said they didn't like the pride section for kids.
I saw the left's outrage.
You're telling me this is how they behave at Target?
Wait a second.
You're telling...
Hold on, you're telling me that I am supposed to be listening to these people when it comes to morals and how to protest?
Hold on, I'm confused, this can't be!
Surely, surely I'm being deceived, surely my eyes are not... This isn't, no, this isn't the American left's response to something they didn't like that has nothing to even do with Target!
Oh my gosh, I've... I've been tricked!
I've been had!
I can't even... They got one by me!
This is the American left destroying targets!
This is the Democrat Party promoted activity destroying targets, the smash and grabs, the looting, the breaking of the windows, the fires.
But how?
But they... I... I... But they said that we were bad!
Because a couple people were upset with the Pride section for kids!
I thought that was... that was them?
Wait, that was the American left?
The American left that scolded you?
Because you didn't like a pride section for kids at Target?
The American left that scolded you?
Because you filmed the tuck clothing for children?
The chest binders for children?
The pride for toddlers for children?
The one, wait, that was them?
They were the ones?
Telling you you're bad?
I don't understand!
How could this be?
The American left, no!
And I'm joined by Viva Frye, great lawyer and show host.
The Viva Frye podcast also goes on with Robert Barnes.
And Viva, I mean, there's all kinds of stuff we can talk about today, but let's deal with the elephant in the room.
Let's deal with the big monstrosity that we're all looking at here.
We now know for a fact, it's unequivocal, the FBI, the IRS, the DOJ have been running cover and protection for the Biden crime family.
It is essentially the sword and the shield of the Democrat Party corruption at this point.
Multiple whistleblowers, at least seven on record that we know of, my guess is dozens are still behind the wings waiting to go public.
Viva, you see this, what goes through your head as a lawyer?
I, what goes through my head, I think back to what Alex Jones said when he was on for a sidebar on Wednesday night where he said, they use the same tactics over and over again.
It's the same play in the playbook over and over again.
What's amazing is that it continues to work over and over again.
We've, in recent memory, in the last, it's now seven years, eight years, we've lived through exposing the 2016 Russiagate As a, basically as a disguised coup, if it was disguised at all.
It was a non-violent coup to unseat an elected president.
We now know that that was entirely fabricated by the DNC in collusion with intelligence that was using the media to, you know, leak and launder disinformation to undermine a duly elected president.
Come fast forward to 2020, we now know that intelligence knew that the Hunter Biden laptop, which they told the world was, you know, bore the earmarks of Russia disinformation.
They had had it in their possession since 2019, knew it was legitimate, knew it was authentic, as they were meeting with big tech social media platforms to censor the truth in advance of the 2020 election.
And now we're seeing them handing down sentences in January 6th that, you know, make Putin Look equally bad by comparison, 18 years for Rhodes for seditious conspiracy.
And now we know that basically they've been working with or at the very least to help the Biden family get into power because I guess, you know, you have to destroy democracy in order to preserve it.
Well, correct me if I'm wrong here, too, because I keep seeing this judge now in the Rhodes case, apparently, before he leaves the courtroom, gets a little lecture, like she's his professor or something in a college course, gives him a lecture on stuff.
Is that par for the course?
Have you seen this before as a lawyer?
Like, the judge, like, she's at a lectern lecturing students?
I trained in Quebec, I only did civil law, so I have no experience with criminal or federal American cases, but this is what it looks like, at least to me, and you know, other people can disagree if their experience says otherwise.
This is like, it's like political activism on the bench, and they've gone from being judges to being You know, lecturers of sorts.
I don't think it's normal.
I think what it shows is the deep inherent bias of these judges who are adjudicating in cases where they perceive themselves to have been the victims or the targets.
I mean, everything that we're seeing now out of the judicial system from January 6th, you basically have judges who view themselves as having been the target of the insurrection.
Now adjudicating over and, you know, rendering sentences to the people that they think came to harm them, came to their, came to their Capitol Hill to harm them, you know, like I've talked about with Barnes over and over again on our channel.
This should have been venue changed, but you're never going to get that.
You're never going to get that because the people determining the change of venue are the ones who want to adjudicate on this.
But you have judges, prosecutors, political parties who are emotionally and politically invested in the situation to ensure that a certain political outcome arises so that it can then be weaponized to, as the judge in the Rhodes... I keep getting myself between Proud Boys and Oath Keepers.
Uh, conviction saying, you know, this, this shall serve as a warning to others.
It sure will that you don't even have the right to think you don't have the right to get angry and you don't have the right to protest because if you protest and they say it's terrorism, you're getting terrorism enhancement and going to jail for a near quarter of a century.
Well, and just to kind of sidestep on this issue and bring it more home, I wish that that was the universal message.
Well, not necessarily.
I just wish anything was consistent because we know it's not consistent.
We see people rioting and looting and engaging in all kinds of criminal activity and getting a pass or even having it promoted and supported by certain political movements or members of the media.
And so let me just ask you this.
What kind of similarities do you see with these developments in America?
Between what you saw in Canada with Trudeau going after the truckers and some of the political speech that was being stymied there.
Funny thing is I actually had on a lawyer just the other day where we obviously disagreed politically.
And, you know, I said, well, I view the people that were being detained for five months in pre-trial detention in Canada for non-violent mischief charges, I view them as political prisoners.
And the lawyer, who I respect for having come on my channel and had a discussion, says, you know, I don't view them as political prisoners.
You know, it's surprising that some protocol was, you know, it's surprising that they were held for so long for non-violent mischief charges, but I don't view them as political prisoners.
And I'm like, well, I think we see the same thing.
We're just calling it something different.
What we are seeing is the full political ideological capture of all levels of government, law enforcement, and the judicial process, in my humble opinion.
And when you have people who are being arrested for protest, because that's all that it was in Canada, and then detained for months on end without getting bail for non-violent mischief charges, while simultaneously you have a dude who ran his car into four protesters in Winnipeg, released on bail, albeit a lot of bail, but released nonetheless.
I mean, what we're seeing in Canada is what we're seeing in the States.
You got the Molotov cocktail lawyers out of New York.
Not only not being sentenced to 18 years, agreeing to a plea deal that the prosecutors then agreed to reopen and reduce after they agreed to a plea deal.
Molotov cocktail throwing lawyers.
What you have with January 6th, people who were, some of it might have gotten violent and some of it did get violent.
Rhodes, the Oath Keepers, they weren't even on sight, sorry, they were on site.
Didn't bring guns, didn't, you know, A seditious conspiracy where, according to the prosecution, their biggest regret was not bringing guns.
Well, that's one heck of a seditious conspiracy, terroristic overthrow of the government to forget weapons with which to do it.
But getting the most egregious sentences Whereas simultaneously you have America looking at Russia and saying Putin is an autocrat, you know, what is an authoritarian autocrat or whatever the word is, a totalitarian dictator for sentencing journalists to jail for 25 years.
Well, you know, it's it's different only by degree, but not by nature.
And they are political prisoners.
The system has been weaponized to go after wrong think when it's ideologically and politically convenient
and to forgive it when it's ideologically and politically convenient, as we saw with the Summer of
Love, Molotov-throwing cocktail lawyers,
and the other insurrection or January 6th event, which was to interfere with Trump's inauguration in 2017.
Virtually all of the people who protested rioted burnt cars, no consequences whatsoever.
No, and in fact, you know, you bring that up and I think that's the right word here.
These are political prisoners.
But I was there at Trump's inauguration in January of 2017.
I watched, I filmed it, I watched the left intentionally blockade the entrances so people couldn't get in.
I watched them smash windows in downtown D.C., just random businesses.
They just walk by a window, smash it with a hammer.
They'd smash random cars, throw Molotov cocktails into cars.
There were multiple times, me and my crew, we'd just be standing on the street somewhere, either moving to another location or waiting to film, and then just, like, 20 feet from us, BOOM!
Massive explosion.
Firework goes right off.
And, like you said, there was no massive push to punish these groups that were clearly coordinated on that day.
I mean, just look at this comparison.
Rochester man given 180 days in jail for raping two girls age four and nine hundred eighty days in jail for nine year old girls he raped but Oath Keepers gets 18 years I mean we could we could do this forever in the 30 seconds till the break though I mean what kind of messaging do you try to use on your podcast to get people to understand truly how dire this is?
People need to understand that the conspiracies are true.
I mean what what people made fun of what people made Oh boy.
Alex Jones, had a big fun of Alex Jones for a decade ago is true.
And now you're seeing it in real time, that it's an outright weaponization of the political
system, not for law enforcement and not for justice, but for political retribution, to
silence political adversaries and to scare people who might dare speak up into total
When they're sentencing meme makers to jail, you know no one is safe.
Oh boy.
The final countdown.
You know I will be in court next week, or excuse me, next month rather.
You keep seeing these cases and these results roll out, folks.
Here's another one.
Jessica Watkins, Oath Keeper's member and Army veteran sentenced to eight and a half years in prison for role on January 6th.
I don't know, Viva.
I guess our biggest mistake here, I guess the biggest mistake for these individuals was they should have joined Black Lives Matter and burned and looted a Target.
They should have joined Antifa and just done random violence and destruction throughout the streets of D.C., maybe thrown a couple of Molotov cocktails into police vehicles.
I mean, what's so frustrating about this is how cut and dry the double standard is.
What's so frustrating about this is just how obvious the two-tiered system of justice here is.
Like, do they really think they're fooling anybody with this?
Are they?
What do you think?
They are able to fool those who are open and willing to be fooled.
I mean, there are some people who just need the justification for their already held beliefs.
And so they see these sentences not as a political injustice, an outrage.
They see it as reaffirming what they already believed.
January 6 was on par with 9-11 and Pearl Harbor.
I mean, when you have this political indoctrination coming from the highest up, Kamala Harris saying, you know, certain days will live in infamy, it was Pearl Harbor, 9-11, January 6, and people believe it, and then despite all evidence they believe it, and now they've got the convictions that will allow them to reaffirm that wrongly held belief in the first place, it's almost like some form of, you know, brainwashing.
Which we know there have been projects of.
But it's brainwashing at a mass scale where you have the government working in tandem with the media to make sure that it's all the people here.
But these sentences are an absolute outrage.
And the headlines that try to spin them to make them seem like less of an outrage are like Orwellian Babylon B-level madness.
I think it was an NBC article that said, But, uh, uh, Rhodes main regret was having not brought
firearms to the, to January 6th.
Like, oh, because the day after or a week later, he said, I wish I had brought some
rifles that would have been over then and there.
How do you have seditious conspiracy to overthrow the government and think that you can convict
someone of that where they didn't even bring firearms that they had and that, you know,
that's how you're going to do it if that's what you're going to do.
That, and you have intelligence, FBI informants infiltrating these groups months in advance, months in advance, for both the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, and yet somehow they say, we didn't know what was going to happen on January 6th, and yet it happened because we were understaffed because of COVID, half as many police officers protecting the Capitol than there should have been.
Informants and agents knowing of these plots for months on end and somehow nobody can do anything and it happens.
What happens is, you know, bad, but not 9-11 bad and anybody who makes that comparison has lost their mind or their soul or both.
And it happens, and what a political convenience it happens.
It gets two years of investigations, and now you got the convictions to ratify and legitimize the two years of bogus kangaroo committee investigations run by the bipartisan Kinzinger and Liz Cheney.
It's all a joke, and people don't understand it, or they are unwilling to understand it, and my attempt is to make people understand it.
Yeah, sorry.
Well, this might, you know, some legal minds might think this is a good tactic from the bench.
Others may disagree and think it is bad for the legal system, but there's no doubt it happens.
I mean, hell, it's happened to me when I was a younger man, where a judge will use a case to make an example to hopefully deter others from engaging in similar activity, right?
And so Maybe that's a little bit of what's going on here, but again, I can't buy that.
I can't buy that, because we watched in America, you watched in Canada, we watched in the year 2020, let's just use the one year alone in 2020, the summer of 2020, the George Floyd riots, 175 targets had to be shut down because of violence, $2 billion, more than $2 billion, the highest ever when it comes to insurance claims, in property damage in the summer of 2020.
So, it's not like you have People from the bench trying to make a statement and deter future activity here, using cases as an example to try to deter future activity.
If anything, the example was, okay, if you engage in violence as a group that's political, we're going to allow it, we're going to turn the other way, and we're going to give you a light sentence.
That's what we saw all of 2020 with BLM and Antifa.
So it's almost like If you were in that mindset on January 6th, you thought, hey, I watched Black Lives Matter and Antifa engaging in all of this violence.
If I just show up and walk around not doing any violence, I should be okay.
Um, you forgot one important thing also.
Above and beyond the two billion dollars in damage, dozens of people killed.
And actually killed, not like wrongly attributed to fire extinguishers to the head and it turns out to be natural causes and you still have politicians repeating that egregious, shameful lie.
Whereas January 6th, who was killed?
Ashley Babbitt, shot point-blank by the Capitol Police guy, I don't need to mention his name.
Roseanne Boyland, who might have been beaten to death by the police, or knocked over and trampled to death.
And then Brian Sicknick, who everyone said was killed by a group of Trump mob supporters, when he allegedly, by all accounts and officially, died of a stroke, and was never bludgeoned with any fire extinguisher.
So they fabricate the deaths on the one side, Or at least appropriate the deaths that they caused to be used against the people that they caused it against, and then ignore it in the other case.
Whether or not that's a decent point, maybe they thought, you know, so long as we don't do anything bad, it will be cool because they didn't go after the people who burnt down cities.
Okay, you know, some would say the judge is trying to make an example of it.
Some could get even more cynical and say the judge is trying to provoke the very reaction that they are purporting to punish right now with these outlandish, absolutely unjust sentences, excessive unjust sentences.
Do this and then try to provoke an even bigger reaction so that you can come down even harder.
You know, it's not an accident that Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden, You know, it's talking about this radical white nationalism, white right-wing extremism being the greatest threat to America.
And most people who know don't agree with them.
But my goodness, you know, if you can't find the extremists, you can certainly try to provoke them or create them by handing down absolutely ludicrous sentences where people start to say, this is outrageous.
And then you sort of build the extremists that you purport to be fighting.
Now these aren't isolated incidents that we have in the justice system here.
It's very prevalent, it's very overwhelming.
Is there any sort of historical case or precedent or...
Action, let's say, that's been done to try to stop the politicization of the justice system throughout world history.
Has there ever been such a case of clear-cut, like you said earlier, I completely agree, activism from the bench?
What is the response to this?
What can the American people do to try to right this?
This is where, you know, the difficulty becomes looking for the white pill and not the black pill or the doom pill as they call it.
You know, you have committees that go and they have their, you know, they have their hearings and they discover all sorts of wild information that 90% of the population are not watching anyhow because people have to live their lives and, you know, fight for their own survival economically and whatever.
And then the 10% that watch it, you know, it fizzles out.
Collective memory is very short.
The solution is bottom-up, top-down.
You know, the populist movement of making people aware, democratizing information, and making people aware of the historical atrocities that the government has committed, and how they might, you know, be doing something similar in real time.
And once you can get people to understand this... I was on with Jimmy Dore and he said, look, you don't have to wake the sheep, you just have to gather the lions.
A lot of people say you don't need to wake everybody up, but you just need to wake enough people up or at least gather enough people to start talking and sensitize people to what's going on.
That is the way it has to go.
What is not the answer is violence for the reasons that we've seen for January 6th, for the Ottawa protests.
If there's violence, the government, and it's the politically right type of violence, the right type, the government will weaponize it to go after its own citizens and use every tool it has available.
I mean, they went after every single person that was at January 6th.
They still don't know who leaked the Dobbs opinion from the Supreme Court.
Yeah, they won't even tell you who the pipe bomber was.
Oh, that story about the pipe bombs on Jan 6th or Jan 5th, that also, you know, slipped under the rug.
They can't find Q either.
They can't find Q, you know.
And 18 years for Rhodes, Ray Epps, he's a poor schmuck that everyone has to feel bad about, and it's a conspiracy theory to suggest that he might have done exactly what we saw he did on camera.
But the issue is, even when there's not the violence that the government then weaponizes, they don't need it.
You can look up in Canada, there could be the most peaceful protests on earth, and they will just fabricate the violence, they'll fabricate the extremism, out of thin air, whole cloth, just make it up, get their media to run the nonsense, and enough people will be convinced by the propaganda.
The way to change things, it's not going to be through violence because the government kind of actually wants that.
I say Justin Trudeau wanted nothing more than a January 6th in Ottawa.
He didn't get it.
He still did what he wanted to do.
It has to be bottom-up, top-down, a populist movement where politicians at the top start understanding nobody's going to put up with this anymore politically, and then it becomes cool politically to put an end to it.
Viva Fry!
Viva BarnesLaw.Locals.com and your great podcast on Rumble as well.
Thank you for joining us so much today.
Thank you for having me.
It was great.
All right.
You have a great weekend up there in Canada.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we now go into the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Well, the same people that are politically persecuting you are also trying to disarm you.
That's how a slave gets treated.
Get the picture?
So, O'Keefe Media Group finds Special Assistant to John Fetterman in an open moment admitting that, yes, the Democrats are planning to overturn the Second Amendment.
Here it is in clip five.
He'd probably, he'd be okay with overturning the Second Amendment, probably.
As a human rights fan, I prefer nobody has guns at all.
When you're so exclusive with who you give interviews to, it's like... The ones you pick will just say exactly what they want to say, you know?
It's so interesting, but I wouldn't know who they are because I'll listen to those people.
There's like puppets, though, of big reporters who are like, they aren't like, you know, Well, we'd like to introduce you to special assistant Luke Warwicken, who told us, quote, everyone wants a story on Federman.
in a bad light, you know?
Well, we'd like to introduce you to special assistant Luke Borrigan,
who told us, quote, "Everyone wants a story on Fetterman."
Because, like, everybody wants a story about John Fetterman, and we only give it to certain people.
Well, leave it to the O'Keefe Media Group to bring you that story.
That's like if you have... I mean, like...
They also realize that...
(Ominous music)
James O'Keefe with OMG here in our nation's capital to report on a story involving U.S.
Senator John Fetterman.
Associates, colleagues, constituents have long been fascinated with Fetterman's mental and cognitive issues.
Everyone wants a story on John Fetterman.
Well, we'd like to introduce you to Special Assistant Luke Berwigan, who told us, quote, everyone wants a story on Fetterman.
Well, leave it to the O'Keefe Media Group to bring you that story.
My job is to be the in-between between him and the rest of the staff. I have an iPad I carry around, which live transcribes
everything everyone's saying. But sometimes it misses stuff or it'll just cut out based on self-service and shit. My
job is to hold the iPad there so he can pick up on everything they're saying. So that's my job.
I have the fucking strong arm of these journalists.
That's not my job.
There's so many reporters.
We shouldn't just be telling them to fuck off if they're reporters we like.
It's good to have a good relationship with them.
Our press operation is like a fucking work of art.
Reporters, we can tell them to fuck themselves and they can't do anything because they need us more than we need them because everybody wants a fucking story about Jon Federer and we only give it to certain people.
I think reporters who we know will paint the narrative the way we want.
So it's like when Jon tries himself for the first time to tell one reporter Um, in particular because, like, they will hate the fact that you love them too much.
It's like, we pick reporters who, like, we know will give us, like, a good treatment.
They're desperate for an interview with Jon.
I mean, like, it doesn't mean they're bad reporters, but, like, if you want access to journalism, it's... No.
It's like reporters who...
We'll basically tell whatever fucking story the subject wants as long as they get the interview.
There's certain Trump journalists who are accused of that because everybody wants an interview with the guy.
That's the thing, when you're so exclusive with who you give interviews to, it's like... The ones you pick, like, will just say exactly what the fuck you want them to, you know?
So that's why you pick the journalist that you pick, because they'll say whatever you want them to?
Yeah, yeah, pretty much.
Like, they won't paint it in a bad light, you know?
Borrigan's special assistant to Jon Fetterman says that they pick journalists that will quote, say exactly what the fuck you want them to.
He also says that the journalists are puppets.
Alright, you can find the full video at InfoWars.com.
Alright, I gotta tell you, the crew is sitting here, we're listening to this.
Is that Laura Loomer?
If you're getting undercovered by Laura Loomer, you are truly living under a rock.
I don't know, we may have to investigate this.
Oh, hell yeah!
Alright, we're going to start covering some news here.
I probably will open up the phone lines as well.
We're dealing with the two big monsters in the room here.
The left sexually targeting children with the LGBTQ plus propaganda.
Got more news on that.
And then I got a stack of news dealing with the political corruption here as well.
Let me just pause and take care of some business here really fast, ladies and gentlemen, and ask the audience a favor.
Alex Jones has been off this week.
It's always an honor and a privilege to fill in for Alex here hosting the show.
Problem is, when Alex is away, the funding that normally comes in goes down.
So, do me a favor on this Friday.
Make your way over to InfoWarsStore.com and make a small donation to us so that we can stay on air and Alex doesn't have to be worrying about funding while he is taking a much-needed break.
So, InfoWarsStore.com, you can go hit that donate tab.
$5, $10, whatever you can give us today is greatly appreciated.
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And of course, it is your support there that keeps us on the air.
And we are thankful for that.
Now then, let me, before I really focus on the two big stories, let's pick some other news stories up.
And, uh, cover them.
Like, did you know?
So we're sitting here obsessing over this Pride Month thing, and that's obviously due to the overwhelming propaganda and nature of it.
You know, yesterday came and went, and you may have not heard, as I'm even a day late myself, that yesterday, May 25th, is National Missing Children's Day.
National Missing Children's Day.
And I think it's even more imperative that we remember this Considering the amount of children that are going missing now at the southern border every day.
And it's even more disgusting because we realize the Biden administration is facilitating this process of the human trafficking, specifically of children, by not doing the DNA testing.
So look, You would think there'd be an issue that wouldn't be polarized.
You would think there'd be an issue that wouldn't be political, that everybody would agree on, and that would be stopping children from getting trafficked, stopping children from getting kidnapped, stopping children from going missing.
And yet here we are, the Biden administration is doing everything to make sure those situations at the southern border continue.
They are not doing DNA testing when children come across the border.
It's also well known, specifically to the coyotes, If you bring a minor across the border with you, many times, if not all times, that's basically a free pass.
And so the coyotes and the human traffickers use children to bring people across the border and get them in, and now they don't even do the DNA testing.
So any guy, gal, what have you, Can take a minor across the border and say, oh, that's my daughter, that's my niece, that's my nephew, what have you, and they get a free entry, and they don't even do the DNA testing to make sure that's the case.
A totally dangerous situation.
A lot of these children just end up becoming, um, mules, essentially, a mule, like...
Metro pass, and they just get passed back and forth over the border being used for illegal border crossings.
Many of them die.
Many of them get dropped from the 30-foot wall.
All of this has been well documented.
All of this has been well documented.
In fact, they even had to admit 80,000 children have gone missing because of the open southern border phenomenon.
80,000 children, ladies and gentlemen.
If just 1% of those children end up in a trafficking situation, that should break every person's heart on this planet.
And yet, we don't even think about it.
We don't even make a big deal of it.
We barely even talk about it.
I'm guilty of it as well.
I'm not above this criticism.
And we sit here and talk about Pride Month.
And we sit here and have to deal with the sexual propaganda aimed at children Instead of on the one day, the one day, where we at least should pretend to care about all the children being trafficked, we just completely skip over it and ignore it and it's not even a big national story.
It's really sad.
And I will tell you, this also ties into the situation in Ukraine, because that vassal state, that CIA, western-backed vassal state, is a major trafficking hub, specifically with children.
And in fact, I talked to individuals, some publicly, some privately, that work in the field of saving children from sex trafficking or going after child abusers and pedophiles, and they say a lot of the disgusting stuff that you find on the internet involving children comes out of Ukraine.
Now, You think about that.
You think about two of the major problem areas in the world when it comes to child abuse
and child sex trafficking, the United States southern border and Ukraine, and it's got
the Biden family fingerprints all over it.
You know, maybe we should just do.
You know, I don't know if we can actually do this because we have automated stuff that kicks in for radio silence here, but maybe we should do a moment of silence.
Maybe we should do a moment of silence.
I can't even fathom, folks.
Your heart breaks.
I mean, I look at my situation.
I look at what I might be going through.
I look at maybe they try to put me in jail the rest of my life or destroy me or kill me.
All of those fates for Owen Schroer would be better than any child that ends up in the arms of a trafficker.
So, I think just pull the music down to break guys.
I don't want any music going to break.
We need to ground ourselves on this issue, folks.
The Lord God Here's the cries of those innocent children and asks, why are we letting this happen?
So, in honor of National Missing Children's Day, here on the Alex Jones Show, I want to go to this break with a moment of silence.
And just for this ten seconds to break, just give your heart to them, pray for them, pray God's protection over them, and that somehow, someway, we can save them.
Oh, hell yeah!
Alright, we're gonna start covering some news here.
I probably will open up the phone lines as well.
We're dealing with the two big monsters in the room here.
The left sexually targeting children with the LGBTQ plus propaganda.
Got more news on that.
And then I got a stack of news dealing with the political corruption here as well.
But let me just pause and take care of some business here really fast, ladies and gentlemen, and ask the audience a favor.
Alex Jones has been off this week.
It's always an honor and a privilege to fill in for Alex here hosting the show.
Problem is, when Alex is away, the funding that normally comes in goes down.
So, do me a favor on this Friday.
Make your way over to InfoWarsStore.com and make a small donation to us so that we can stay on air and Alex doesn't have to be worrying about funding while he is taking a much-needed break.
So, InfoWarsStore.com, you can go hit that donate tab.
$5, $10, whatever you can give us today is greatly appreciated.
Now, if you want to get one of our great products, Survival Shield X3, this is a no-brainer.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's well known that a lot of people, if not the majority of people, are deficient in iodine.
It's just not in the diet, and they're just not getting it.
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Discover the power of activated triiodine right now, because Survival Shield X3 is 25% off, back in stock.
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With the incredible triiodine formula, Survival Shield X3 can help support your thyroid and help with a healthy metabolism to assist your overall well-being.
A new version of the fan-favorite formula, Survival Shield X3 is an improvement on the old nascent iodine system.
Now's the time, folks!
Get to InfoWarStore.com, secure Survival Shield X3 for 25% off while supplies last, and of course, it is your support there that keeps us on the air, and we are thankful for that.
Now then, let me, uh, before I really focus on the two big stories, let's pick some other news stories up.
And, uh, cover them.
Like, did you know?
So, so we're sitting here obsessing over this Pride Month thing, and then that's obviously due to the overwhelming propaganda and nature of it.
You know, yesterday came and went, and you may have not heard, as I'm even a day late myself, that yesterday, May 25th, is National Missing Children's Day.
National Missing Children's Day.
And I think it's even more imperative that we remember this Considering the amount of children that are going missing now at the southern border every day.
And it's even more disgusting because we realize the Biden administration is facilitating this process of the human trafficking, specifically of children, by not doing the DNA testing.
So, look.
You would think there'd be an issue that wouldn't be polarized.
You would think there'd be an issue that wouldn't be political, that everybody would agree on, and that would be stopping children from getting trafficked, stopping children from getting kidnapped, stopping children from going missing.
And yet here we are, the Biden administration is doing everything to make sure those situations at the southern border continue.
They are not doing DNA testing when children come across the border.
It's also well known, specifically to the coyotes, If you bring a minor across the border with you, many times, if not all times, that's basically a free pass.
And so the coyotes and the human traffickers use children to bring people across the border and get them in, and now they don't even do the DNA testing.
So any guy, gal, what have you, Can take a minor across the border and say, oh, that's my daughter, that's my niece, that's my nephew, what have you, and they get a free entry, and they don't even do the DNA testing to make sure that's the case.
A totally dangerous situation.
A lot of these children just end up becoming mules, essentially, a mule, like...
Metro pass, and they just get passed back and forth over the border being used for illegal border crossings.
Many of them die.
Many of them get dropped from the 30-foot wall.
All of this has been well documented.
All of this has been well documented.
In fact, they even had to admit 80,000 children have gone missing because of the open southern border phenomenon.
80,000 children, ladies and gentlemen.
If just 1% of those children end up in a trafficking situation, that should break every person's heart on this planet.
And yet, we don't even think about it.
We don't even make a big deal of it.
We barely even talk about it.
I'm guilty of it as well.
I'm not above this criticism.
And we sit here and talk about Pride Month.
And we sit here and have to deal with the sexual propaganda aimed at children Instead of on the one day, the one day, where we at least should pretend to care about all the children being trafficked, we just completely skip over it and ignore it and it's not even a big national story.
It's really sad.
And I will tell you, this also ties into the situation in Ukraine, because that vassal state, that CIA, Western-backed vassal state, is a major trafficking hub, specifically with children.
And in fact, I talked to individuals, some publicly, some privately, that work in the field of saving children from sex trafficking or going after child abusers and pedophiles, and they say a lot of the disgusting stuff that you find on the internet involving children comes out of Ukraine.
Now, You think about that.
You think about two of the major problem areas in the world when it comes to child abuse
and child sex trafficking, the United States southern border and Ukraine, and it's got
the Biden family fingerprints all over it.
You know, maybe we should just do.
You know, I don't know if we can actually do this because we have automated stuff that kicks in for radio silence here, but maybe we should do a moment of silence.
Maybe we should do a moment of silence.
I can't even fathom, folks.
Your heart breaks.
I mean, I look at my situation.
I look at what I might be going through.
I look at maybe they try to put me in jail the rest of my life or destroy me or kill me.
All of those fates for Owen Schroer would be better than any child that ends up in the arms of a trafficker.
So, I think just pull the music down to break guys.
I don't want any music going to break.
We need to ground ourselves on this issue, folks.
The Lord God hears the cries of those innocent children and asks, why are we letting this happen?
So, in honor of National Missing Children's Day here on the Alex Jones Show, I want to go to this break with a moment of silence.
And just for this 10 seconds to break, just give your heart to them, pray for them, pray God's protection over them, and that somehow, someway, we can save them.
Alright, let's dig into some of this news now.
Target partners with organization pushing for kids' genders to be secretly changed in schools without parental consent.
We continue to support their mission, Target Corporation said about GLSEN, that's the group.
Now again, how is there... You just can't even believe this exists!
You can't even believe this exists!
Let me try to explain why this is going on to the best of my ability here.
It's very complex.
I'm going to try to sum it up.
American culture, generally speaking, which Has been influenced more by the liberal left than the conservative right in this country for decades.
American culture has become degenerative, immoral filth for the most part.
And so you're just supposed to accept that now, that that's normal.
So now they push it to the next level Using the LGBTQ plus pedophile propaganda as their shield, saying you can't say anything a negative that is ever labeled LGBTQ plus or you're a bigot.
So now they promote this idea, this concept, and this is totally Marxist, this is totally communist, this concept that you don't have the right to raise your children, or that Children shouldn't be protected, whether that's by the government, by the parents, what have you, that minors don't deserve protection from predators.
And so they use the smokescreen, they use the shield of LGBTQ plus pride to target your children for abuse.
Because that's exactly what this is.
If some predator convinces your child to chop their arm off, Oh, hi little boy.
My poor daughter is missing an arm.
Do you think maybe you could donate yours?
And then they go chop that boy's arm off.
Well, that's a crime.
But oh, when it's LGBTQ+, and it's in the classroom, or it's a drag queen, and they're saying, hey, you could be trans too.
We'll take you to the doctor.
We'll chop your genitals off.
Don't worry.
We won't tell mommy and daddy.
100% of people that hear that should say, nope, that's a predator, that's a crime, you shouldn't be allowed to do it.
But, oh!
Whoa, whoa!
Oh, it's LGBTQ pride?
Well, I don't want to touch that, then.
I don't want to be considered a bigot.
I don't want that mafia coming after me.
So they degenerate the culture so that you just accept an immoral society.
Then, they propagandize And weaponize their abuses aimed at children, and they have the shield of protection that if you dare criticize what they're doing, you'll be called a bigot.
So now you're just like, confused, like, wait, what?
What just happened here?
Children having sex change surgeries without their parents' permission?
Yes, this is the culture that the left wing has been building towards.
This is the cultural phenomenon that was always going to be at the bottom of this barrel.
You're now here.
The American left believes they have the right to access your children, and the American left will argue that it is the right thing to do to take a child from their parents, perform a sex change, permanently scarring surgery on them without their parents' permission.
Any other circumstance, any other situation, that's criminal, everybody involved would go to jail.
But when you have the shield of LGBTQ plus pride, that's how they get away with it.
And, you know, I'm not... How should I say this?
I'm perfectly okay with criticism, just as much as I'm perfectly okay with giving out criticism.
So, I'd put it like this.
Do you think they're getting away with this in Muslim countries?
No, they're not.
Hell, they're not even getting away with this in Russia, which is probably more Christian now than the United States of America.
I don't think they do this in Israel, do they?
Do they do the genital mutilation in Israel?
I haven't heard about that.
Maybe they do.
But I'm just going to say this, and I think it's a fair criticism, folks.
They, the American left, the anti- God, American left, does not give a lick about what Christians think, and they have no fear of any backlash from Christians in America at all.
They're not going to pull this off in Muslim countries, I'll tell you that!
But they'll do it right in front of your face here, and so far the Christian conservative movement is really just barely responding to this.
And it's not even really being driven from the church.
Now this could change, but I'm just saying, I'm just saying, who's going to stand up to this?
Who's going to stand up for the children?
Are we going to allow this to continue?
How can it be possible?
How can it be possible that you would have children being taken out of classrooms by teachers and delivered to doctors to have permanent sex change surgeries and that be okay without any pushback?
How in the hell could that even be possible?
Well, you're here now And there has not been a front organized and activated to stop it.
So of course it's going to continue.
So we shall see.
But... I'm just saying, because I've had people reach out and say, you know, you've been awfully critical of Christians in America lately.
Well... Okay.
I'm critical of The fact that I have to go to the Capitol building and it's me and maybe five other people pushing back against this trans kid stuff in Texas and I don't see any Christian leaders.
I don't see any pastors.
I don't see any leaders of congregations.
Whether they're local here in Austin or from Dallas or from Houston or from anywhere.
So I'm sorry if I'm trying to light a fire under the Christian movement in the United States of America, and if you're listening to this and you're a Christian, and that maybe startles you a little bit, well, maybe then that's because there's some truth to what I'm saying.
I don't think this stuff goes on in Muslim countries.
I don't think Islamic leaders would have any tolerance For children being taken out of the classroom and having sex change surgeries.
Could be wrong.
I'm not hearing about that in Muslim, so-called Muslim countries.
But maybe we're not a Christian country anymore.
Maybe that's what it is.
Pride celebration organizers grapple with new Florida laws on drag transgender rights.
Yeah, oh, we can't have nude activity?
We can't have lewd activity directed towards children so they don't know what to do?
It's just ludicrous.
Oh, and Target is more offended at you boycotting them because they target children with sexual propaganda.
They're more upset with that than BLM and Antifa burning their stores to the ground.
That's pretty funny.
So the Pride parades, the leaders, the organizers in Florida don't know what to do because Ron DeSantis signed a law.
You can't do nude or lewd activity at your parades anymore.
So now they're like, well, I don't know what we're going to do then.
That tells you everything.
So does this.
AP called out for claim that Target staff were subject to violent confrontations over trans-slash-pride products.
Now we did this satirical segment about an hour ago here on the Jones Show that we showed all the images and videos from the BLM Antifa riots from the summer of 2020.
Which were responsible for 175 targets being shut down.
How many targets have had to close because of anti-Pride for Kid protests?
Well, that number is a big fat zero.
That is a big fat zero.
So, how many targets were closed because of left-wing protests?
How many targets were closed because of right-wing protests?
Which side of the aisle is target scolding and attacking today?
The side responsible for zero store closures.
Violent confrontations.
Oh, but see, what's the logic here?
That you existing is violent.
Now look, I... This might be a controversial take, and that's perfectly fine.
We're not stranger to those.
I said earlier this week that in the past, when I saw activities like this at the Targets, I did not endorse it and I did not cover it because I did not agree with it.
And so I always thought it was standoffish and inappropriate and aggressive.
And that's coming from me.
But we've reached the point now where again, I'm not going to endorse it, but I am going to cover it and I am going to say, you know what?
You're not going to guilt trip conservatives.
You're not going to guilt trip Christians.
You're not going to guilt trip Individuals that have a problem with Pride for Kids because you don't like that now individuals are going to your Target stores and filming the Pride section for kids.
No, you're not going to guilt trip us and make us feel bad like we're the bad guys here.
We're not.
We're not the ones that burned and looted Targets for an entire summer in 2020 that led to 175 store closures.
So yeah, you know what?
At this point, I will turn my head the other way.
I'm not going to be involved in it.
I'm not going to be smashing any pride displays.
I'm not going to be engaging in any violent, criminal, or aggressive activity at Target.
I went there.
I filmed it.
I shot my report.
We even had a little bit of a conversation with the workers there.
Fully amicable and friendly.
So that's going to be my style of dealing with this.
But no, you know what?
I think I'm more inclined to show you people that might be getting a little more aggressive and maybe smashing a sign and saying, hey, this is going on too.
Not saying I endorse it to each his own, but if you think you're going to guilt trip us into not responding to your pride section for kids, And you think you're going to try to silence us by not calling you out when you did nothing to stop the American left from burning your stores to the ground, looting your stores into closing?
No, I'm sorry.
I'm not.
I'm not going to be taking the bait on that.
So again, I'm not suggesting you do anything aggressive or violent.
I'm not suggesting you go into Target and rip signs up or take clothes down or any of that stuff.
Not suggesting that activity, I'm not endorsing that activity.
I used to not even cover that activity.
But I am going to cover it now.
And I am going to point out the irony that, you know what?
While I might not think it's a good idea to go into the Target Pride for Kids section and smash up the sign, I'm not going to sit here and say that that's a problem when the American left with Black Lives Matter and Antifa were so violent that they had to shut down 175 targets in response.
And then targets going to come out and scold the activist right for calling out their Pride section for kids when they didn't say a damn thing about BLM and Antifa that caused 175 store closures?
Sorry, you got the wrong one.
And you did this to yourselves!
Target hired an artist that promotes the murder of Christians!
So yeah, I think I'll go ahead and stand idly by from here on out if somebody wants to smash up a pride thing.
Not gonna endorse it, not gonna encourage it, but I'm not gonna condemn it when Target won't even condemn the very Movement that led 175 stores to be closed.
So, that's a joke.
Backlash and boycott calls hit North Face after ad featuring Drag Queen inviting everyone to come out.
So, what's really going on with this?
Because people keep bringing the fact up that, hey, you know, North Face has done this for like three years now.
Hey, Target has been doing this for five years now.
Hey, none of this is new.
You're right, none of this is new, but the response is new, the backlash is new, the protests are new, the boycotts are new.
So yeah, that's a story right there.
So maybe this is just like the tide coming in.
Maybe this is just, it's finally Americans are starting to realize, wow, these places that I frequent, these places where I spend my money, they really do hate me.
And they really do want my children.
So is this just finally the Christian activism and American activism just finally catching tread and realizing what's going on?
Superstar boxer Ryan Garcia takes bold stand against Target's demonic clothing line.
Again, folks, now we're getting into professional sports.
You had a couple NHL hockey players.
I don't know if any of them were Americans.
They might have all been Russian, actually.
Russian-born hockey players saying, I'm not gonna wear the gay pride shirt, no thank you.
There was no punishment from the league, by the way.
So you had that.
You've got all kinds of UFC, MMA fighters that have made statements against, whether it's Target, or the Epstein sex trafficking.
I can't even imagine, folks.
Because the truth is, Professional athletes, I won't say sports media.
Sports media people think they're the smartest people on earth.
They're not.
But they probably would love to have their politics heard.
You're starting to see that.
Folks, most of these athletes, they don't want anything to do with politics.
They don't want to think or hear about politics.
They don't want to be asked about their politics.
They want to just keep it to themselves.
But because of these sports leagues now being turned into propaganda outlets for the American left, for the communist Marxist left, I think some of these athletes are going to start speaking up more now.
I think the trend here is going both ways with the American athletes, or at least athletes competing in America professionally, and then just American Christian conservative activists with the boycotts.
I think this trend is just beginning.
I think this trend is just beginning, and what a beautiful thing to see in the culture wars.
North Hollywood Elementary School Parents Group planning to keep children home in protest of Pride Assembly.
So again, more of this.
More of this.
And if it's not just saying, oh, we know they're going to do all this propaganda, this sexual propaganda aimed at our kids, so we're not going to send them there that week.
No, it's going to turn into, well, we're just going to homeschool our kids because the American left now runs the education system and my children don't learn anything at school.
Other than the leftist propaganda.
So, this is just beginning.
The pushback is just beginning.
But the problem is, as I said at the beginning of the show, this is the unstoppable force meeting the immovable object.
And consider the immovable object, the left-wing propaganda and the globalist agenda, because it's all the same front.
The left-wing doesn't realize that they're being used for the global government agenda.
They actually think they're virtue signaling social justice warriors because they want to chop little boys and girls up.
No, you're just being used as the front line of the destructive force to destroy America, absorb it into the one world government.
But, this realization is starting to sit in, and I think the pushback has only just begun.
It's an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.
You are receiving this transmission because you have been chosen to stand up for the Republic, stand up for human freedom, prosperity, and the American way of life.
Which brought forth the highest standard of living in the modern industrial age.
Under attack right now by a group of global criminals operating in a satanic human sacrifice population control cabal.
You are receiving this transmission because you chose this mission to stand up for what's right and to save planet Earth from the Satanists that want access to your children.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Now I'm sitting in for Alex Owen Schroer today.
We got a clip here from Donald Trump.
I want to play a clip here from Donald Trump, the real President of the United States of America.
Coming up shortly.
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Alright, Donald Trump releases this statement talking about the corruption of the FBI, the DOJ.
Here's the latest from President Donald Trump.
The Russia hoax was the most atrocious weaponization of our government in American history.
As the Durham Report makes clear, it was a crime like no other.
Seven years ago, I ran for office taking on all of the corrupt forces who got rich, bleeding America dry.
They got absolutely rich, so rich you wouldn't even believe it.
Our agenda was a threat to the entire political establishment.
In response, a group of unelected thugs in the senior ranks of our government, working with crooked Hillary Clinton, launched a coup attempt to try and sabotage our campaign, our presidency, our movement, and our country.
Cricket Hillary and Crooked Joe Biden.
You know, we switch names now.
We call Hillary Lovely Hillary and Crooked Joe because we've seen so much.
And James Comey and Andrew McCabe, Barack Hussein Obama.
All of them.
And all the rest knew that it was a lie, a total lie.
It was a scam.
The entire time was all a big hoax.
And they put our country through hell.
The destruction the Russia hoax caused to America is almost incalculable.
It subverted our democracy.
It weaponized our law enforcement.
It stoked global conflict.
And it wrecked countless lives.
It provided the pretext for the left's war on our freedom of speech, worst of all.
The FBI and the DOJ, both very corrupt, have interfered in every election since 2016, and now they are interfering in the 2024 presidential election.
Before your very eyes, there must be a reckoning.
For better or worse, accountability for these crimes lies in the hands of the voters.
The Durham report has made the stakes very clear.
And now the choice is ours.
Either the deep state destroys America, or we destroy the deep state.
With your vote, we will remove this cancerous culture of corruption from our government, and we will purge these criminals from the halls of power once and for all.
Our country is in serious trouble.
We can't let this happen.
Thank you very much.
Powerful statement from Donald Trump.
I thoroughly enjoyed that.
I thoroughly enjoyed that.
Now here's some of the news pertaining to the statements there.
According to a Rasmussen poll, I believe this was Rasmussen, let me double check.
Yes, Rasmussen.
63% of Americans believe Trump-Russia smear was a hit job.
Majority wants involved FBI officials prosecuted.
I know we're in dark times, and I know people are suffering through these times.
This is a victory.
The average American knows the truth.
Donald Trump's not the criminal.
The average American knows the truth.
The right wing in America is not the problem.
We know who the real insurrectionists are.
We know who ran a coup.
It wasn't Donald Trump and his supporters, folks.
It was the Democrats.
And I gotta tell you, too, just from somebody that's a media addict, you might say, I've never seen more people in the media, including on cable news, use the T-word.
You know that old word.
FBI, DOJ, and IRS under fire for protecting Bryden crime family, ignoring congressional inquiries.
That's right.
Freed QAnon shaman Jacob Chansley issues statement on peace, forgiveness, and truth.
Talk about a redemption arc.
And I do believe he actually gave his first interview with Pete Santilli.
That might have been yesterday.
So, um...
Oh, but oh, he's, you know, the media lied about him.
Oh, he's violent.
He's the violent insurrectionist.
And then thank you, Tucker Carlson and crew.
And I guess Kevin McCarthy for giving them access to that footage.
McCarthy said he would give it to all of us.
He didn't, but OK.
At least we got to see what really happened that day in the Capitol.
At least we got to follow around Jacob Chansley, the QAnon shaman, to see what he was really up to.
All he was was nice.
All he was was kind.
All he was was being nice, sharing kind words, encouraging people, being peaceful.
So they lied about that.
And for that man to get freed and then share a message of forgiveness and peace and truth.
Special Counsel John Durham will testify before Congress on June 21st on the greatest political scandal in U.S.
history, Obama and Hillary's Trump-Russia hoax.
Okay, June 21st, set to be a historic day.
I'll be in court that exact same week in D.C., ladies and gentlemen.
How about that?
Top FBI official admits she never read Durham Report and doesn't know anyone at FBI who has read it.
That tells you something.
Guess they don't take their job too seriously, huh?
I guess they realize their only real role is to go after conservatives, Trump supporters, Christians, not actually try to have justice in this country.
Another Department of Justice leak.
Jack Smith's prosecutors have evidence Trump kept classified documents in his office, totally legal, and showed them to people.
This guy is such a freak, folks.
Look, They are, every day you have Smith and others that are calling hundreds of Trump associates, questioning them, looking for information, looking for access, anything they can find.
No American has ever been investigated like Donald Trump.
Imagine if they investigated Jeffrey Epstein like they did Donald Trump.
Could you imagine what they'd find then?
Well, they're not interested in finding that.
They just had to get rid of Trump, and so they got to search for years to try to find anything, and so far it hasn't worked.
But no, actually it was your own judge, the liberal judge Amy Berman Jackson, that set the precedent when Bill Clinton took the secret documents.
Nothing Trump did with those secret documents, or classified documents, is illegal, thanks to the precedent set by Judge Amy Berman Jackson.
Corrupt DC judge, META, lectures, Oath Keepers founder, Stuart Rhodes, then sentences him to 18 years in prison for January 6th.
You have activists on the bench.
Been warning about this for years.
Charges downgraded for man who crashed U-Haul into White House barriers.
This man admitted in his own witness statement, or his own defense statement, and in his own little journal apparently, that he wanted to go into the White House and take over the White House.
He said that, and somehow they're downgrading his charges?
This man who tried to ram a U-Haul through the White House barricades and go into the White House is probably going to get less Of a criminal sentencing to people who did NOTHING on January 6th.
I don't know.
This story about Sai Kandula and the U-Haul truck crash just keeps getting weirder and weirder, and I don't know
why more people aren't upset about this.
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Take action now, but regardless, research is info.
All right, we got a special message from Alex Jones coming up in the next segment.
I also have incredible footage from the great Timothy Lassley.
With a protest that was going down, he filmed today, and it's so... I just... There's a moment, and you'll see it in the video coming up, there's a moment where you realize what it is we're really up against.
And the lacking of logic on the other side of the political aisle, let's say.
Full brainwashing on display.
Full MKUltra mind control on display, ladies and gentlemen.
To a stunning degree.
So a couple important videos that we'll have coming up for you shortly.
I also do want to take phone calls here in the third hour of the Alex Jones Show before the fourth hour guest host Jay Dyer takes over.
So still a lot of big stuff to come on the Alex Jones Show.
Let's just do a bit of a news blitz though.
In the meantime, cycling governing body bans trans competitors.
Like, that shouldn't even have to be a thing.
If you're a man, I don't care what...
Medical procedures you have to appear to be a woman, you're still a man, you shouldn't be competing with women, and I'm surprised that the feminists don't have a problem with this, but you realize now that the feminist movement was never even about feminists or women, it was always about propaganda, left-wing propaganda and mind control.
And now they have feminists that are pro-men competing against women.
So that tells you everything you need to know about that.
Congress to investigate World Health Organization plans to use listening surveillance systems to identify misinformation.
Stories at Infowars.com.
Oh, oh, oh.
Yeah, yeah.
They're going to be listening to you in your car.
They're going to be listening to you on the phone.
They're going to be listening to you through the television, through the computer.
This is the New World Order they want.
This is the 1984 world that they want.
You can't even breathe.
Without fearing government punishment if you breathe through the wrong nostril at the wrong time.
Dr. Jill Biden... Dr. Jill Biden channels Jeb Bush, awkwardly begs audience to clap.
Jill Biden delivered remarks at the Reagan Institute Summit on Education in D.C.
And she wasn't really well-received, so she had to beg the audience to clap.
Oh, but the Bidens are so popular, just everywhere Joe Biden goes, he gets booed.
Oh, and let me correct a mistake.
It wasn't the Japanese Prime Minister.
It was the South Korean president, President Yun from South Korea, that Joe Biden called Loon in Japan.
Imagine that.
He called the president of South Korea Loon.
His name is Yun.
Very presidential.
Very, very presidential there.
Foreign electric vehicle manufacturer recalls entire first batch of cars
shipped to US over serious safety issue.
When are we going to accept that the whole electric vehicle agenda Was just that.
An agenda.
It wasn't organic.
It's not actually more energy efficient or better for the environment.
It was all an agenda.
It was all a giant boondoggle and transfer of wealth.
Same thing with the entire climate change agenda.
Same thing.
Oh, Biden screws up again.
Biden screws up congressman's name in audience during White House event in Rose Garden.
He doesn't even know his own staff.
He doesn't even know his own staff.
He doesn't even know his own appointees and nominees.
He's 80 years old.
He doesn't know where he's at.
He can't even wipe his own ass.
Literally, folks, he can't.
He can't.
I mean, it's actually sad.
But, you know, he always has to wear the aviator sunglasses out.
I don't know.
Has there ever been a president that wears sunglasses for public events and public statements and press conferences?
I don't think so.
Why Joe Biden?
Because, folks, if you could see his eyes during half these events, you'd see that this is a man who is barely even holding on to any cognitive ability at all.
And the drugs they have him on probably make his eyeballs and his pupils pop out of his skull.
And now, a special message from an undisclosed location in far off regions of planet Earth.
The signal is hazy, but we hear now from Alex Jones.
A lot of people ask me, how am I doing?
Demonized, attacked by the entire system.
The answer is, I'm doing great because I'm on the side of awakening humanity to the globalist threat that's out in the open.
I've been completely and totally vindicated.
And if I had it all over to do again, I'd do it again because I believe in humanity.
I've bet on humanity.
The entire world government is out in the open.
The intelligence agency spying and censoring the American people is all public.
The fact that the COVID shots have been absolutely poisoned is all out in the open.
The fact that our government has been hijacked by hardcore criminals is out in the open and the people are awakening.
We were going to lose everything and go into total totalitarianism if people like myself didn't stand up and take the attacks.
So, do I like being on the tip of the spear, being under attack?
But I love the results of doing it, and so I'm very proud and very honored that I'm still on air, thanks to all of you.
People make the joke that, you know, Alex Jones was right, or they say, the Babylon Bee today, Alex Jones hired as a CDC director because he told the truth about everything and was right.
But culture gets that.
So despite all the propaganda and all the brainwashing and all the disinformation, the people deep down know that populism and common sense and Americana is the answer to the loveless tyranny.
That's why the new world order wants to destroy America.
Because the idea of America and wealth and independence and prosperity and the middle class and competition threatens their monopoly, their centralized cult.
So there's the globalist cult of tyranny and centralization and corporate control and then there is the cult of America.
Free market, middle class, competition, open free societies.
They're not pushing a free society.
They're pushing a tyranny and advertising it as a free society and claiming the free society, the 1776 Renaissance system, is the enemy.
It's not.
It's the answer.
So I'll continue to fight on and I'm proud of what I've been able to do.
Thanks for your support and I'll see you all.
Weekdays 11 a.m.
Now, I want to respond to that statement from Alex Jones and rewind the clocks because we're dealing with this issue that Alex Jones warned about more than two decades ago.
First, quickly though, I do want to take calls for the rest of this third hour.
And so, anything we've covered, you know what, we'll just say open lines.
It's Friday, so open lines Friday.
Anything you want to call in on, we will discuss.
And there's some other news I haven't gotten to yet either.
But, that sounds like Alex Jones responding to the Patriot Act.
That was put into place during the George Bush administration.
And at the time he warned, this Patriot Act, it's not about targeting Islamic extremists or radical terrorists that want to hurt Americans or blow up buildings or whatever in response to 9-11.
That was all a giant false flag.
It was really about Aiming the U.S.
government against you.
And now here we are.
It's been totally proven in triplicate.
And so now the Heritage Foundation has a great report, very important, as well as reporting being done by Town Hall and the Federalist.
It's all in the news today.
But they have the actual documents.
The MRC has uncovered a DHS anti-terrorism program that's been weaponized against conservatives.
80 grants and 40 million taxpayer dollars later, here's a look at how Joe Biden and Secretary Mayorkas are outsourcing their efforts to conflate conservatives with terrorists.
And they just claim anybody who's on the right wing of the political spectrum, you are the violent extremist that the government is going to shut down, arrest, and destroy.
No, you're obviously not a violent extremist.
The National Rifle Association is the largest civil rights group in America.
Infowars is a news broadcast.
And then they try to liken you to radical left movements like the National Socialist Workers Party movement that we call Nazis of Adolf Hitler.
That's leftism!
All this stuff that they have at the top, all this Nazi crap that they have at this top, this is leftism, folks!
Socialism is a left-wing policy.
I'm so sick and tired of having to explain this, but what do we expect?
Because leftists lie, and so they lie about themselves, and they lie about you as well.
But no, this just proves Alex Jones was right 20-plus years ago when he said the Patriot Act was going to be used to come after you, not what they would call Islamic extremist terrorists in that time space.
And he was right again.
Now what's pathetic is the lack of response and action from the Republican Party in response to this, but yet here we are.
More reporting can be found at Town Hall.
Bombshell documents reveal Biden DHS wants to paint Christians, conservatives as Nazis and terrorists.
The Federalist State-funded University of Texas managed censorship project targeting conservative outlets.
It also is going on at University of Dayton.
We have this.
University of Dayton is one of the most radical grant recipients for the program, receiving $352,000 to fight domestic violent extremism and hate movements.
Which, it's none of the above, it's just anything that's to the right.
On the political spectrum, or anything considered Christian or conservative, Biden's DHS awarded the grant despite their application, including the fallacious chart that you see here in front of you.
So it's all lies, it's all propaganda, it's all the left.
Historically speaking, folks, it's the left.
And it's just amazing.
It's just amazing, because... How many people died in the 20th century Fighting the ideals, the values, the political practices that comes with the left-wing political ideology.
Millions died.
Millions died in wars, and millions died in starvation and famine.
I thought we learned that lesson in the 20th century.
I thought we learned that lesson.
I thought it was solidified, especially into our DNA.
In the Western Hemisphere, in the United States of America, in North America!
We don't do communism!
We don't do socialism!
We don't do left-wing bullcrap!
It ends in bloodshed and starvation and death!
We defeated it!
And we said, no more!
And we celebrated that!
And now here you are in the 21st century and you're gonna have to deal with it on your own soil!
It's almost impossible to believe.
And yet, here we are.
Germany jails man for supporting Russia.
I'm afraid that's coming to the United States very soon.
And they might not just outright say, we're arresting you for supporting Russia, but they'll blame it for something else.
But they know, oh, you're going against the regime's war against Russia that does nothing to benefit the United States?
You're going to be disappeared.
Powder keg Europe.
Russian official predicts the end of Ukraine.
Polish military ready to intervene in case of coup in Belarus.
Georgia being pressured into military action against Putin.
Folks, the whole thing is coming apart at the seams.
And the reason why you're not hearing much about it in the US media or from the Biden administration because every plan that they've had to defeat Russia or every plan they've had to protect their vassal proxy state of Ukraine has failed miserably and you've had to pay the price and many have had to die.
So it's really a disgusting embarrassment of death what the Biden administration has done in Ukraine.
Alright, more news and your calls coming up here in the third hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Folks, by the way, Alex is out.
You just heard from Alex.
He's not planning on going anywhere, but we need to keep this platform on the air.
So, go to InfoWarsStore.com in this short break.
Click that Donate tab.
Give us $5, $10, $50.
Let's keep InfoWars on the air.
Click that Donate tab.
It would make Alex a very happy man, and it would do a lot of work to keep us on the air.
Now, when we come back, Your phone calls here on the third hour of the Alex Jones Show at InfoWars.com.
Quickly, before I take your phone calls, because I'd be surprised if many of you didn't want to comment on this as well, I've explained this before, that I kind of waver on my Elon Musk Let's say approval rating, I keep it pretty tight around the 50% approve or disprove.
I'm still, I would say 51% approval rating for Elon Musk for my opinion.
51% approval rating mean he can easily go back down to 50 or 49 in a negative.
But this is the type of crap that I've always said I don't like from Elon Musk.
Elon Musk's brain computer company Neuralink receives FDA approval to launch human clinical trial.
Now, I'm willing to wait and see what this technology does, what it brings.
The one thing that is already bad is that they have tested this on animals.
And that's usually kind of a gateway into Satanism, folks.
That's usually a gateway into sacrifice, human sacrifice.
And I know there's a lot of stories out there where doctors and others that refuse to be engaged in animal abuse for testing end up losing everything, because it's kind of the test.
Like, are you going to be in the club?
Are you going to be in the Satanist club?
Are you going to be in the criminal cabal?
Well, let's see if they're willing to do harm to animals, and then if it's yes, well, we can take them to the next level.
If they refuse at that level, then they don't make it.
So what Neuralink was doing with animals is extremely concerning to me.
Now I'm willing to give it all a chance because I'm not a Luddite, and if Elon Musk creates technology that can make blind people see or stuff like that, then why would I be against that?
I don't know.
You might have a different opinion.
But I will tell you this.
From where I stand right now, I have zero interest in this technology.
I want nothing to do with anything being drilled into my head or attached to my brain.
We'll continue to monitor this development at InfoWars.com.
But now, we go to the phone lines on a Friday, here on the Alex Jones Show.
And we start with Matt, in Southern California.
Matt, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Owen, good to talk to you again.
I was the airline pilot that called a few weeks ago to promote Turbo Force Plus.
But real quick, I gotta say, like I said, great talk to you.
You've got the voice that can make a Wolverine purr and a beard that makes Leonidas from the 300 look like a hobo.
Can we quote that?
I'd like that.
I want to cut that.
I'm stealing that from you.
Go for it.
Also, I'm also a father of a couple of young kids, and I'm in my 40s, so TurboForce really helps me to keep up with my kids.
Anybody that's a parent that's got young kids that run around and have way more energy than you could ever possibly imagine, man, TurboForce definitely helps with that too.
Anyway, the other point I wanted to, uh, there's a couple other points.
Definitely shout out to the airline pilots that never took the jabs.
You know, good on you guys.
Keep, keep doing that.
You know, obviously that's all kind of winding down, but still never forget what they did to us.
Dressing us out about our jobs.
Cause we got to pay for that roof over our head, the food that goes on our tables.
So good job guys for guys and gals for not doing that.
Also, shout out to any other Californians listening right now, living behind enemy lines.
Hopefully, we can turn this ship around.
I know a lot of people left, but some of us are staying and fighting like me.
Last part, with Target.
I've been a customer of Target for a lot of years, especially with the kids, having a Target red card account.
Anybody familiar with that?
To make a statement to Target, and part of the boycott, is to take those cards and shred them.
And if somebody could start a Twitter, Uh, you know, hashtag of like shred the red card and make that a trend so we could take it back to target and say, we're done.
You're not, we are not supporting, uh, selling trans stuff to kids.
No way.
What if a concentric adults want to go into some gay bar, blah, blah, blah, and doing West Hollywood.
I don't care or Laguna beach.
I don't care, but do not sell it to kids.
Do not sell this stuff to kids.
And that whole thing earlier about their, There are little parades where they can't, you know, go around nude, which I know Alex has shown videos of that stuff, you know, obviously blurred images and everything, but that is totally unacceptable.
Never ever will we ever support anything like that again.
Well said, Matt.
That's about as... that's an A-plus call right there.
And look, you gotta understand, too, folks, this is a hard thing.
I try to express this.
Most people, most Americans that you see throughout your life, just your daily routine, most people still don't know what planet they live on, to put it simply.
They just don't have a clue.
And so when you get exposed to all this left-wing propaganda and all this left-wing pushback, they just assume that's the majority, that's the populace, so that's going to be the control factors here.
They're starting to see that's not the case.
They're starting to see, wait a second, no, actually, conservatives and Christians and Republican voters, wait a second, they're out there too, they're out there en masse, and they actually are a force to be reckoned with now.
But we have to exhibit that.
We have to flex that.
I think that that's finally happening.
A target boycott would be another way to do so.
Thanks for the call, Matt.
Let's go to Sam in Tennessee.
Sam, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, Owen, I don't know if you remember, but we talked once before in 2021.
And honest to God, I could probably write your ear off about a million things right now, but I'm going to focus on the one weighing on me today.
And that is, as I've heard it, the digital currency thing has only been outright banned in Texas and Florida and here in Tennessee.
Even though we tend to win these kind of things, at least more often than we lose them.
I'm pretty sure we haven't banned it here.
And that's just been bothering me all day, because my entire lifestyle kind of relies on cash being a thing.
I'm kind of just wondering if you or anyone else there have any advice for anyone who needs to push back on that in their own state?
Well, I mean, you gotta get involved with your local activist groups, maybe even the Republican Party, you know, to put political pressure on these situations.
The problem is, this issue is not going to really reach ahead until they want it to.
So they kind of tested it, they put it out there in the public, see how the public responded.
It was a negative response, so they've kind of sat back on their heels with it now.
My expectation is...
They're going to really push or cement even the digital currency after some sort of a market collapse or financial collapse or big bank collapse, which may at this point be inevitable.
So maybe the right move is to just make sure your local politicians, your local activist groups are aware that this is out there.
So that kind of like with the pandemic, you know, we warned, hey, they're going to try to shut you down, shut down your business and force you to take this vaccine.
And a lot of people were prepared when that all came.
So, you know, just getting them ready for this, getting them understanding what it's all about, a global digital currency that can be turned off if you don't.
If you're not a good slave, they'll just turn your currency, your ability to buy and sell off.
So I think it's just about putting that awareness out there before we get to that point.
Yeah, that makes sense.
I got one more similar question, and then I'll just pop off here, but for anyone in their late 20s who's trying to homestead and find self-sufficiency for the first time, do you have any advice for them?
Uh... No.
It's cool if you don't.
I mean, just do it.
Do it.
Just do it.
Just do it.
All right.
Good talking to you.
No, look, I mean, it's just, I'm not the master homesteader, and I'm not like a green thumb or anything like that, so I can't really speak from experience.
Quite frankly, I've been trying to do that at my house for a while, I'm just too busy.
So I'd be a hypocrite if I acted like I was the expert on that.
So I would just say, yeah, I would say, homestead, get some chickens, do as much as you can to be self-sufficient and independent.
And we're taking your calls.
Biden vetoes measure repealing DC police reform.
Yeah, and the Democrats also stood down the National Guard and the DC police on January 6th because they wanted it out of control.
They defund the police, their cities get turned into criminal hellholes, and then they blame you.
Like this.
Dollar Tree plunges after profit tumbles as thieves pillage stores.
Yes, many stores, brick-and-mortar stores, are being forced to close because liberal policies have emboldened criminals to engage in such theft that the stores can't even survive anymore.
And this is what the left has planned for your entire country before they absorb it into the one world government with the digital currency that they can switch on and off.
And you're gonna have to be a good slave if you want to buy or sell.
We go back to the phone lines.
We have Alan in Arkansas.
Alan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Owen?
You're doing a fine job there.
Thank you.
Yeah, you were speaking about the preachers with all the trans trash going on.
You know, my wife and I, we've listened to Alex for 25 years.
And back long ago, you know, you had some lone voices out there.
We text Mars and Pastor Butch Paul.
But we confided in them.
We were the only ones.
But back when we really got us going on, it was my oldest son.
He was in second grade and my daughter was in fourth grade.
And you have to just go figure the liberal thinking.
I have no idea.
but the teacher then was going to have the kids do a study on China.
So she goes to the public library and gets books off the top shelf
and showing bare-breasted women to the second graders doing a study on China, can't figure it.
And then at the same time, in the fourth grade, the teacher there decided to do
a Netherlands nightlife study.
And she's showing Netherlands nightlife videos in the fourth grade class, which are not good to be doing.
But we went, we had a school board meeting, you know, they said, well, we're going to take your little subject to executive session.
And we just, we come unglued and just ended our portion of their meeting.
And come to find out, at the same time, all the preachers were having pizza at a pizza joint.
Never got any support from them.
But I'm glad, you know, the preachers have been taken out so long ago, you know.
But yeah, we've been listening to Alex, and that was a whole different deal then.
But a lot of the preachers that were on, you know, associated around Alex, they did listen and had shows on it.
We're upset as we were.
And a lot of callers called in.
They were upset, too, but that was, you know, 30 years ago.
And today, I don't expect them to do much.
They've just enriched themselves.
Oh, sure.
Oh, sure.
Nice and comfortably.
Oh, yeah.
That just disgusts me.
All these tin churches and having their little bread and circuses, you know.
But yeah, I ordered some survival shield and turbo force.
I'm anxious to give that a try.
Well, I appreciate that, Alan.
It's your support that keeps us on the air, and you will see the results for sure.
Well, you keep up the good work, Alan.
Doing fine.
Thank you for the call.
Let's go to Evan in California.
Evan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, and it's a pleasure to talk to you, my friend.
Hey, I had the pleasure of talking to you once before.
Hey, kind of piggybacking on the last caller, I'm Evan the Evangelist, and I have a ministry, Jesus Christ Worldwide Ministries, and the last caller was very accurate.
Most preachers don't really... they just care about a doctrine that women will give money to.
If you have an edge, it's usually the women that don't want to hear it.
I've spoken to a lot of churches where a lot of guys are fired up, but Women in church, they don't want to hear anything fiery.
Well, I'll tell you, over 20 years ago, I talked to Ray Taliaferro, and he pulled some of this LGBT stuff all the way back then, and I got him kicked off the air.
So, you can try to confront people, and if you use the gospel, and if you know the Bible, and you're able to warn people, I was able to get people in the Bay Area to get Ray Taliaferro kicked off the air.
At the time, he was the number one guy on KGO News Talk Radio.
And eventually, I think about a year later, they brought him back.
But I got him to say that God was a homosexual, and that all these people started protesting, and I started calling him with different voices and stuff, and long story short, I got the guy kicked off the air.
So, you could be a minister like me.
I have a Jesus Christ Worldwide Ministry.
It's jcwm1.com.
I'm a dude.
I work for a living.
If anybody gives me money, I try to promote Alex Jones.
You watch my videos.
I believe Alex Jones is the biggest, most effective preacher of the gospel on planet Earth.
And I believe, Owen, you're number two.
Because when you are talking to, you're confronting an audience with the reality of this world, and then you, you know, give an homage, you give a shout out to God.
That's all God really asks, to start to turn things around.
And I've talked to Alex a couple times, and I was trying to make the point that Even though it might seem a little unsecular, I believe InfoWars should dedicate one day to Jesus Christ, have ministers on, and do spiritual battle, because I literally do consider Alex number one and you number two, and I'm probably number 80 million.
Well, let me just pause you right there, and maybe we can even get, you said you're Edmund the Evangelist, I don't know if you've got a YouTube channel or something we can promote here, but let me just stop you right there and kind of explain this a little bit more.
I look at somebody like Pastor Arthur Pawlowski in Canada who's probably been arrested like half a dozen or more times now for standing up against tyranny and calling it out.
Why aren't there thousands of preachers and pastors like that in North America?
There aren't!
Why aren't there thousands of preachers like Pastor Greg Locke or David Scarlett?
It's too few and far between.
But let me get directly what you're referencing now with me.
I never claimed to be a religious activist.
I don't try to bring religion onto these transmissions.
I mean, we do.
It's inevitable.
We're facing evil spirits now and demons.
It's clear.
And we are Christians here.
And I do believe in God.
And I do...
I mean, anybody that denies creation to me is just like, it just blows my mind.
How can you not see the creation?
We're all in a divine creation right now.
But here's why I've been more inclined to put pressure, and that's what it really is, to put pressure on the Christian church and the Christian body to get active, because I'm just not seeing it.
But what I am seeing is this This, like, moral competition from the American right, specifically the Christian American right, where they expect everybody to live purist lives, and they expect everybody to live life how they expect them to live it, and I'm just sitting here, hey, you know, that's fine, I think that's an unfair expectation, but I understand where you're coming from as a Christian, okay, but where are you in the field?
Where are you standing up against the children being targeted for genital mutilation?
Where are you standing up against the innocent children that are going to be snuffed out in the womb?
Where are you standing up when it comes to the mark of the beast and the digital currency and the forced vaccinations?
I'm just not seeing it.
So I see plenty of moral police out there.
I see plenty of moral police out there, but that's still a comfort zone.
So I just have a problem with the moral police that won't even bust a grape in this political Well, you know, I laugh at this, but, you know, if you read the Bible, God uses the people that weren't expected to be used.
And I've said this once to Alex Jones, and I didn't mean to be offensive to him, is that he's a whiskey drinking man of faith.
And I would rather listen to him because he's real.
So you and Alex have righteous indignation, and that's what people should start looking for in a minister.
If he doesn't have righteous indignation, he's not alive.
He's not alive.
And I hate to say this again, but kind of the Joel Osteen Church, I'm not hearing them come against evil.
They're just agreeing with, you know, people sitting on the fence.
Alright, final segment of your phone calls, and then I'm gonna show you that video I teased in the first five minutes of the next hour, followed by Jay Dyer from Jay's Analysis.
We're still taking your calls though, so let's go to J-Ro in Georgia.
J-Ro, you're on the air, go ahead.
What's going on, Owen Shorey?
Man, glad to be on with you today.
I spoke with you last year.
I'm an eight-year Marine Corps veteran.
I served six and a half years in the Air Force, and we talked about the storm and being sheepdog.
I don't know if you remember that conversation, but either way, this is now, the storm is no longer off the shore.
It is now on shore.
And so, I don't know, and I'm with you on this, Christian.
I'm a born-again Christian.
I actually, since I talked to you last year, started a Facebook movement called Third Day Warriors.
We're on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and I go live Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 7.30 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
The monkey stopped that devil.
Because I can tell you the reason why you're not seeing activity from any Christians or so-called religious organizations, because that's what they are.
They're religious organizations.
They don't want to do anything with change.
They want to take, take, take and build their kingdoms.
And it's time out for that lukewarm You know, gummy bear Christianity that we see, and I'm with you a hundred percent, brother.
I'm telling you right now, there needs to be a clarion call to the church as a whole, to the remnant warriors of the kingdom of God who are going to take a stand.
The reason why we're not going to win kinetically, the reason we're not going to win with a kinetic fight, though, and our weapons of warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty through God, to the pulling down of these strongholds and our weapons of warfare are this.
Prayer, praise, and worship.
Those three things will break down the divide between any religious ideology, any of this denominational bullcrap that's out there.
All these lies, it separates it because those three things bring the presence of God into not only your life, but will do it into your home, into our nation, and around this globe.
And if we as Christians don't stand up and start praying, praising, and worshiping, stop arguing.
Get out there and do it in the streets.
I went to Target yesterday, Hammer, in Georgia, and they don't have the display up yet.
There was a few things in there, but you better believe, come June 1st, I'm going back in there, and we're going to expose it again.
But I did a video yesterday, as a Christian, as a warrior, went out in my community just yesterday and filmed that, and it's posted on Facebook under J-Road.
But listen, Owen, you're exactly right, and I couldn't agree more.
The Christian warriors, the community, needs to get up out of the pew and start going out and engaging the enemy with our weapons of warfare.
Listen, this LGBT thing is to get the Christians to then do something kinetically.
It's just a microcosm of what you and I both know that's coming greater than just that.
That is an issue.
It's straight demonic.
And if we have identified the fact that this enemy is the devil, then the only answer to
that is Jesus Christ, the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony.
And I'm telling you right now, if the Christian community don't get up and start standing
up now, this is the clarion call.
I'm telling you right now, we're going to lose our nation.
The southern border's under attack.
This is all to set up for the United Nations, Owen Schroeder, to come in and police the streets of America.
And if we don't stand up now and do something, that'll be happening by 2024 to 2025.
I would say by 2025, we really got a shot to turn this thing around peacefully and politically.
And after that, it's going to be a lot harder because they do have the digital currency ready to go.
And everything else falls in line from there, folks.
Everything else falls in line from there.
If they get you on the digital currency, you're a slave.
They'll turn off your digital currency.
They'll turn off your access to buy and sell.
That's why they're trying to buy up all the farmland.
That's why they're trying to make it illegal to be self-sufficient and independent in all these different ways.
And I'll also tell you this, J-Ralph.
I'm getting...
I don't know, I mean, maybe some pushback, support.
I'm getting major vibrations on this little stump that I've decided to take here about Christian activism.
I've gotten major, major pushback, support, whatever, in the last 48 to 72 hours, and I'm just going to tell you this.
We're moving this ball forward.
And we've got plans to move this ball forward now.
We're working on some things here to really move this ball forward in the month of June.
Because it has to be done.
It just has to be done.
And I know that there are people out there that want to see the rubber meet the road when it comes to these issues.
And so it's time to mobilize.
It's time to activate.
And I'm seeing a positive response to that.
Amen, and I couldn't agree more, and I'm glad, I'm thankful to God that you are using your platform to engage and challenge the Christian community as a whole, because we know there's hope.
We know that, and I'll say it as an American, I'll say it as a Marine, I understand kinetic warfare, you do too.
You may not have been in it physically, but you understand it from a philosophical standpoint.
We don't win kinetically.
We know what that turns into January 6th.
We know what it turns into.
So everybody always calls into the show and asks, well, what can we do?
Well, I'll tell you what you can do.
If it's demonic, you do what God said do.
You pray, praise and worship.
We humble ourselves, seek His face.
I was able to talk to Alex too a few months ago, and the last caller mentioned it, but And had talked to him about we, and not a religious show, because we're not talking about denomination.
We're not talking about the ideology.
We're talking about relationship and life in Christ.
And you're exactly right.
That doesn't come with laws and stipulations.
That comes with love and standing and being bold.
But love ain't weak.
Love is not accepting of everybody.
Love is loving God and worshiping Him and letting Him fight the battle.
And so I believe there needs to be a show.
You know, and when I brought it up, he took the number.
But however, I decided, let's go ahead and do it on Facebook.
Let's just do it anyway.
There you go.
That's how it's done.
That's how it's done.
J. Rowe, thank you for the call.
There's going to be more on this, alright?
There's going to be more on this next month, folks.
Trust me.
Trust me.
This thing ain't going anywhere.
This is long overdue.
I said it the other day, and I'll just say it again.
I mean, it's just like every single time, it's just like, it always has to be InfoWars!
I said it with the real world activism over the internet activism.
I'm talking about it now of getting Christians off the bench and into the field.
So this is going to happen.
If it always has to be InfoWars, then fine.
So be it.
But that's why they want us off the air so badly.
Because it is us.
We are the nucleus of the resistance to tyranny.
It's just the fact that all energy stems from this audience, this crew, this is it.
They know it.
That's why they've targeted us for destruction, absolutely.
All right, let's take one more call here.
Let's see, boy, a lot of great callers.
How about Oliver in Pennsylvania?
Oliver, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Owen?
Okay, Joe's been in office.
It's cost us about $600 for a month just to live.
Water, electric, Walmart food prices, unbelievable.
Gas prices.
Gas prices, you name it.
Everything's up, up, up.
And they tell us everything's good, good, good.
The PNC Bank today, I stopped there.
They said, hey, you and your wife want to come in and discuss some finances.
I said, your stock's down over 30%.
I don't want to talk nothing to you people.
What are you going to do?
Take my money and lose that too?
You know, most people don't understand politics or they're disinterested, but they know money.
Yeah, they know how to lose it.
And you can't hand it back to them for nothing.
That's all I got to say about that.
Take care, everyone.
Have a good Memorial Day weekend.
Hey, thank you.
And I mean, I'm going to take one more quick call, but folks, I'm just telling you.
I know a lot of people, I got a lot of friends, a lot of them are politically neutral, apolitical, don't care.
They get how everything has been worse under Joe Biden.
Like, it's so obvious.
Everybody gets it.
They might not fully understand the depth, but at the surface they know.
Alright, William in California, you're on the air, go ahead.
Do we have... Hello? Yes, William, go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
Honored to speak with you, sir.
I love your work.
I love Alex's work.
You guys are the best.
I've been listening to a lot of great callers, and I want to address a couple of these issues, you know, with the church and the book of Jeremiah comes to mind, and the work of Ron Wyatt.
Ron Wyatt.
I think everybody should start digging into the Internet.
They should start getting their noses dirty.
And they should really start looking into some of his work.
I called back in December 6th, and didn't get a chance to mention it, so I called and left a message about what they're doing, Bibi Netanyahu.
Thereafter, just a short time after that, was on the air talking about, it just lit Alex right up.
And I was really shocked to find this was a connect the dot moment.
And unfortunately, we're out of time.
It was a race against time.
The buzzer has expired.
I'll be right back with a video you don't want to miss on the other side of this break.
How do you feel about this?
Chastin Buttigieg.
The husband of Pete Buttigieg is doing a book tour and he's going to churches to promote the LGBTQ agenda and convince children to be gay.
He was recently at Central Presbyterian right here in Austin.
That's what the churches are doing here.
Standing up against the forced vaccines and the digital currencies.
Pushing back against the trans kids.
I'm not sure.
We gotta hear Chase and Buttigieg speak first.
This happened in Olympia, Washington.
Timothy Lassley was filming this and a little protest.
In fact, let me make sure I get the quote right here from Timothy in the video.
Because it makes sense.
No commies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice.
So that's their chant, that's their calling.
No commies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice.
Well, who would be against that?
Who could possibly be four commies, or four pedophiles, or four child sacrifice?
You'd be stunned.
You wanna see how brainwashing works?
You wanna see how MKUltra mind control works?
Watch the responses as this group of peaceful activists chant, no commies, no pedophiles, and no child sacrifice in the streets.
How do you think the left responds in the state of Washington?
Check this out.
So you're a Nazi?
You're a Nazi if you don't like child sacrifice.
You're a Nazi if you don't like pedophiles.
Look at the MKUltra mind control brainwashing in real time.
No commies! No pedophiles! No child sacrifice!
No commies!
No pedophiles!
No child sacrifice!
No commies!
No pedophiles!
No child sacrifice!
No commie! No pedophile! No child sacrifice!
No commie! No pedophile! No child sacrifice!
No commie! No pedophile! No child sacrifice!
We're marching for the children!
We're marching for children!
We're marching for children!
We're against the SS-5599, transsexual, transgendering.
Do you have any thoughts on it?
Do you think parents should be allowed to, this state should be able to take kids from their parents?
Do you think parents should be allowed to, this state should be able to take kids from their parents?
Sorry to have to argue with it.
But you wasn't hearing it.
I know. I know.
Well, I thought I'd get a good troll comment.
No homicides, no child sacrifice!
No pardies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No pardies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No pardies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No pedophiles!
No child sacrifice!
No commies!
No pedophiles!
No commies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No commies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No commies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No commies, no pedophiles, no child sacrifice!
No pedophiles!
No child sacrifice!
No commies!
No pedophiles!
No commies! No pedophiles! No child sacrifice!
No commies! No pedophiles! No child sacrifice!
No commies! No pedophiles!
Now imagine how brainwashed you have to be to see that and think, "Oh my gosh, there's Nazis in the streets!"
You have been completely indoctrinated, brainwashed, and are under mind control, if that's your response.
All right, folks, support us at Infowarsstore.com.
Please keep us on the air.
Jay Dyer takes over from Jay's Analysis, the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
You'll be hearing from me again on The War Room coming up in an hour.
It's Veterans The Call-In special today for the veterans.
Don't miss that either.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
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Welcome back to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
And thank you to Owen there, who did a great week hosting this week.
And I wanna also mention that we'll be doing a live event in Franklin, Tennessee, which is right outside of Nashville.
So basically Nashville, Tennessee, June 3rd and 4th.
And Owen will be there, Harrison Smith will be there, as well as a host of other prominent individuals, speakers, activists, artists, musicians.
Jimmy Levy will be there.
And so you can get the tickets over.
If you go to my website, you can see the links there for the Rebels for Cause event.
Today we're going to talk about another one of these big old dusty boring global elite tomes that I actually went and read so that you don't have to.
So this is what I do is I help you out and do your homework for you.
And you get a global education by the global elite for globalist purposes.
Well, not for globalist purposes.
I said that wrong.
You get a freedom in the writings of the global elite at an international globalist level for anti-globalist people.
Frido Koppra is important because he's one of the green guys, right?
He's a big promoter of the green agenda, the climate stuff, and getting back to so-called indigenous earth religions, indigenous attitudes
towards living in harmony with nature, this kind of stuff, all of which kind of sounds neat on the
surface, but actually is promoted by a corporate agenda.
Now, a corporate agenda is the agenda that we have been seeing rolled out,
not just in terms of the Great Reset, but for decades, going back to the 1970s and 80s, with the
push by the first global revolution book by the Club of Rome, which is pushing austerity,
pushing this whole idea of a Great Reset.
Reset model even before the Great Reset that we need to return to some kind of quasi primitivist archaic revival Situation where we no longer have private property.
We no longer rely on Fossil fuels of course fossil fuels is I mean that relies on the idea that that oil is crushed up dinosaur bones Which is a ridiculous theory in my view.
I don't know what oil is but I don't believe it's fossils.
That's ridiculous.
I Um, whatever it is, it's actually something that comes from the earth.
I don't know if you know that, but it's not, it's not a completely toxic creation.
That was masterminded by oil companies to destroy the planet.
Now, obviously, a lot of the giant oil corporations, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, these kinds of things, they are globalist entities, Standard Oil, Rockefellers, and all that.
So that's definitely part of the power structure.
But one thing you have to understand is that a lot of the so-called environmental movements, the push for radical eco-agendas, they're actually funded by giant oil conglomerates and energy corporations.
Did you know that?
Did you think that all of the AstroTurf protesting, the Extinction Rebellion, the PETA, all these kinds of vegan movements, they're not organic movements.
They're movements fostered and foisted upon us by the Fortune 100, Fortune 500.
And, you know, for many years I got a lot of flack for criticizing corporatism and the Fortune 100, Fortune 500.
So I was making this criticism back in the early 2000s because it was obvious to me that a lot of this agenda is not being pushed by ground level commies.
They're just one angle, one element of this system.
A lot of this agenda is being pushed by the Fortune 100.
And I remember in the 90s, in the early 2000s, it was a big deal when certain giant corporations were beginning to push the Skittles agenda.
And it was evident back then that there's something coordinated with this.
It's not just organic movements of low-level activists.
They play a role, right?
But there's also pressure from above.
Pressure from above and pressure from below is actually part of this strategy of change, future shock, social engineering, right?
This is what change agents engage in.
And there's change agents at the corporate level as well as at the groundswell level.
But a lot of it is engineered, a lot of it is co-opted, and it's all Resting a lot of propaganda that comes from certain ideological pushers, ideological figures, and Friedrich Kopper is one of those key figures.
And many, many years ago, in 1982, he wrote a book called The Turning Point.
Turning Point is a book about the revolutions that were occurring in science, society, and culture.
And he's one of these key figures.
Again, I don't remember exactly what is his Ideological background was, but this was being pushed by all of the establishment in 1982 because this was a move away from Western repressive, oppressive structures, they said.
And it's very similar to another book that came out right around the same time that has the similar ideology that a lot of people point out was actually pushed by the Tavistock Institute and Stanford Research, and that is the Aquarian Conspiracy book by Marilyn Ferguson.
Now, these are not conspiracy texts.
Even though the book is titled The Aquarian Conspiracy, it's not a conspiracy book.
Dr. John Coleman argues, by the way, that it wasn't really written by Marilyn Ferguson, but it was, in fact, written by Willis Harmon and the people that wrote Changing Images of Man, another one of these key white papers that set the stage, set the tone for the turning point, this era, post-70s, early 80s, where we would have radical transformation in society, And in the corporate world, this is a book actually targeted at structures of society, CEOs, educators, board members, and how they can start to link up in new networks that can bring about this Aquarian age of change.
One of the key texts beyond the Aquarian Conspiracy, as we said, is Frithof Copra's book.
And when we look at what the philosophy of this text is, we're going to find out a lot of fascinating things.
The subtitle of the book, as we said, deals with science, society, and culture, but he wrote another book prior to this called The Tao of Physics, and in that book he was interested in promoting, under the guise of the new physics, or quantum physics, he was interested in promoting the idea of Taoism, right?
Now, I'm not critiquing Eastern philosophies in total.
I'm sure there's some really good insights.
I've read some on Eastern philosophy.
But you can immediately see that what the purpose that Copra has in co-opting Far Eastern philosophies is, he says that we need to look at Eastern philosophies because they're holistic.
They place everything in the context of the collective, and those are going to be a lot more useful for the future that we're going into, which will be collectivist.
So even though he's not necessarily a communist or an outright Marxist, he's a collectivist in the sense that In Turning Point, he says, we've got to look at the way that other Eastern philosophies and systems like Daoism or Confucianism see everything as a whole.
And if you see everything as a whole, this will diminish the idea of the particular, the individual, the one, the one in the many.
In fact, he says, the best way to conceive of this is that you are a cell that exists in Mother Gaia.
Mother Gaia, the Earth, is a living creature.
You're a cell in that living creature, and you're kind of going to be recycled.
And all of society, all of reality, participates in this natural cycle.
Death, life, rebirth, and so forth.
Kind of a reincarnation type of idea, even though it's not necessarily actual reincarnation.
He just thinks that we kind of get recycled in this giant engine of Gaia, or the universe, or whatever.
And he says that when we understand that we can begin to move towards the ideas of a circular economy and being trained to accept recycling because it damages Mother Earth.
He says this is the system's view of life and he actually cites one of the other global elite texts that we've referred to many times, Ghost in the Machine by Arthur Kessler.
And Ghost in the Machine, as we said, was a book that deals with This whole idea of a systems view of life and philosophy, where you're just a cog in the wheel of nature.
And since that's your proper place, you need to abide by the rules of nature, which are that you as an individual are totally subject to the whole, to the collective.
And the argument they make is, look at life forms, look at plants, look at the animal ecosystems.
They all exist as a whole.
A whole lawn is what Kessler calls it.
And by the way, Copra sites Kessler in many, many places.
Thank you for fading me into Gaia there.
She has two different colored pupils.
Systems then are webs and networks, and we should view all of life as webs and networks.
And so since you're connected to a web and a network, you can't be an individual.
You're going against the collective.
And so that's why Huxley and other figures said that we really have to get rid of this idea of any kind of individualism.
Now, I think there's an extreme individualism that goes the opposite, which is bad.
But we'll explain that when we come back.
This is the Alex Jones Show and you're listening to Jay Dyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're covering Friedolf Koppra's book, The Turning Point, Science, Society and Culture.
And what does he mean by turning point?
What does he mean by this juncture where everything now can shift away from the era of the Enlightenment
and individualism into a new reconstructed collectivism?
It's like an alchemy.
You have the process of dissolving and breaking down and you have the phase of then recoagulating
and bringing it back into a new whole.
That's essentially what he's talking about and he actually goes into citing some of the
mystical Eastern texts.
He cites the I Ching and he says that this time of decay of the last several centuries
of male phallic dominance and colonialism and this kind of stuff, this will go away
because now we're at the turning point.
He's appropriating the quote, I'm saying, to mean this.
Where there will be a new movement.
This new movement will arise spontaneously, naturally, resulting in the transformation of the old.
Hope and change.
Change, change, change.
Turning point.
Always slogan, slogan, slogan.
Never any real clear analysis of, is it always good to change?
There's the assumption that change itself is good.
Well, can't we change for the worse?
Why is change itself necessarily a good thing?
And he says, well, let's explain why things are changing and what direction we're going.
And he begins the book by saying that we're in a period of crisis and crisis leads to transformation.
And the crisis is always the crisis that the global elite have either fostered, invented, or have made up.
The crisis is overpopulation.
The crisis is nukes, nuclear war.
The crisis is the environment being destroyed, the A-bomb.
But at the same time, when you read Burson Russell, for example, he says, he takes credit.
The elite invented all these things.
We created all these things.
We're so smart.
And by the way, you're guilty.
It's your fault that we have these world-destroying weapons and dangerous to the environment, so we got to get rid of everybody.
That's the logic here.
Now, he mentions a few things that are also, again, actual dangers.
He says that, for example, the military industrial complex has arisen as a frightful power.
But do you not realize that the military industrial complex is actually behind the push for the Aquarian conspiracy?
That's who's behind this.
Stanford Research, Wallace Harmon, Changing Images of Man.
Stanford Research is part of the establishment military-industrial complex.
He says, yeah, but the ecology, the systems of ecology are now destroyed by air pollution and global climate change.
He says that look at GMOs, genetic modification.
Well, who's behind GMOs?
It's not the people that are behind GMOs, it's gigantic multinational corporations like Monsanto, etc.
But he's saying that we are all collectively guilty because of these ridiculous mad science projects of the mad science elite that run the planet for the Fortune 100 and the international finance elite.
He says that, look what just happened in the 1970s.
We had an energy crisis.
And we have that energy crisis because we're on fossil fuels.
And he says that another problem, the reason we've had this energy crisis, I kid you not, he says, is because of patriarchalism.
It just wants to rape nature.
It just wants to oppress women.
And if we just had more feminism and equality in society, we wouldn't have the military industrial complex.
I mean, this is just ridiculous.
Then he goes on to cite actually something that vindicates what we were talking about with Dr. John Coleman was the references to civilizational patterns, Arnold Toynbee and Oswald Spengler.
Now Toynbee was one of the Fabian socialists who talked about these civilizational patterns and he was a key figure at Wellington House, which was the propaganda outlet of the British Empire at the time of World War I. That would become, eventually, Tavistock.
So we know that this is also then a Tavistock sourcing document, right?
And he says, look, look at the patterns of civilizations, which I do think there are patterns for civilizations.
The Book of Daniel describes these patterns with the various empires.
Spangler describes these patterns as a life cycle for civilizations.
They have a birth, they have a rise, an apogee, and a death, a decline.
And he cites these cycles of civilizations, and he even gives us diagrams, and this is all from Toynbee and Spangler models, right?
Can you see that?
And he says, well, see, we're in one of those decline-collapse And he says that because we're in a declining collapse, we can now create the new technocratic utopian style civilization.
And he even says that we can look at civilization figures talking about this world order who preceded us, who understood the universal rhythms.
He says, St.
Simon and Herbert Spencer and Hegel saw human civilization in these cultural evolutions and developments.
Of course, Saint-Simon was an Illuminist, right?
And he was actually a Jacobin-style hardcore socialist communist.
Herbert Spencer, of course, one of the key promoters of evolutionary theory.
Hegel, the philosopher who provided the dialectics for Marx.
Marx flipped Hegel on his head.
So you can see that he says, we got to follow these guys because their evolutionary philosophy They're metaphysics of evolution.
Proves that everything has changed, everything is evolving.
That's also, by the way, the philosophy of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, right?
The Marxist philosophy is everything in nature is in dialectical battle.
And because nature and evolutionary philosophy show this, the Marxists would utilize Survival of the Fittest to prove this.
And that somehow the species, for example, in the Survival of the Fittest model, it battles against nature, against death, against whatever, to produce the fitter members of the species for the good of the species.
So, hence the collectivism, you see.
And so, he says, as a result of this, and the decline of patriarchy, it's time for feminism.
It's time for Gaia to balance out things.
This is so ridiculous.
This is just propaganda.
But now you'll notice that this is the kind of person that's cited as if this is a authoritative global figure.
He's kind of like a Jacques Attali or a, you know, a great thinker of the elite.
But all he's doing is just putting out propaganda that says that, oh, by the way, we just need no fuel Which, by the way, they're shutting down.
You understand that they're shutting down cars and automobiles and having a car now as part of this agenda written about in the 1980s as an austerity shutdown model.
And the auspices are all fraudulent.
Oh, it's all bad for the earth.
And how do we know that?
Well, because of the experts.
Who's the experts?
This guy, the propagandists.
So you've just been propagandized.
And he says it's time for a paradigm shift, future shock.
Exactly what Toffler talks about.
Again, Tavis talks of power shift, he says.
Paradigm shift, future shock.
All the same buzzwords because it's all from the same people.
Next, we're going to talk about the history of revolutions and how he ties in what Huxley says about the coming technocratic order braving the world as the final revolution.
He says the exact same thing.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, Jay's Analysis.
We are analyzing the cycles of history based on Spengler and Toynbee that Fritjof Capra has mentioned in his book.
Frito Capricorn has mentioned, and he talks about revolutions in history, particularly the French Revolution, the revolutions of the 1800s, all the way up until today, and he says that what this has taught us is the faith in historical process, faith in revolution, because revolution reflects in the mind of the revolutionaries, and they're not just communists, there's revolutionaries of all stripes.
All revolutionaries serve the eventual outworking of the dialectical synthesis.
He says that revolution is a reflection of progress and history moving towards its apex, towards its omega point, towards its end goal.
For example, Hegel said that history would eventually evolve into a kind of a transhumanist self-consciousness where all reality would kind of become God.
And so being, which is stasis or fixity or immobility, is always in a battle with becoming and flux and change in the history of philosophy.
But what he's saying is that what we've learned is that, no, in fact, reality itself is all pure change, pure flux.
And so they're really repeating the ancient philosophical systems that everything is flux, right?
And that's why even the Marxists themselves, I think it's either Lenin or Trotsky, actually said, I'm just repeating the ancient philosophy of Heraclitus, which is that everything is in permanent, perpetual flux.
In other words, nature itself is revolution, constant revolution.
And thus, nothing is actually true, nothing is actually objective, nothing is actually certain, everything is subject to constant flux and change.
And he says that this is dialectics, right?
And dialectics is what Eastern philosophies were always teaching.
And he says that's why we have to look at the notion of Daoism, process and change in Daoism, because in Daoism everything is understood in this point, counterpoint, thesis, antithesis, right?
Position, opposition, position, negation stance.
Yin, yang, earth, heaven, moon, sun, night, day, black, white, winter, summer.
These are dialectically seen as in opposition and contrast and tension.
Daoist philosophy, he says, is a philosophy of dialectics.
And thus it was easily, China, for example, easily accepted Marxism and Marxist dialectics because of the history that they had with, for example, Confucianism.
Confucianism is also a dialectical position.
We have this constant back and forth between yin and yang.
The feminine versus the masculine.
The contracting versus the expanding.
Growth versus contraction.
Conservation versus non-conservation or revolution.
Cooperation versus competition.
Synthesis versus analysis.
And he says that all of this is constantly working out in history.
actions, all governments, everything towards a greater future union, a balance of union.
He says look at even the right and left brain, our hemispheres, you see.
Then he goes back into history and he says that the history of Western philosophy was
just really one position, one limited positing of a position that was true for that time,
but in the greater whole it needs to be now negated.
All of Western civilization needs to be negated by its opposite.
And by the way, Marxism believed the same thing.
That is Marxism.
So systems analysis tells us that because nature is a giant evolutionary survival of the fittest system, everything has to work out in the same praxis way.
That's why Marxists, for example, always engage in what they call praxis, which is activism, action.
You have to take action.
True Marxism is not sitting back and theorizing.
You must take action to further the dialectic.
Taking action is Marxism.
He says social Darwinism is part of this and so it's not that the British Empire and its social Darwinian philosophy and all this kind of stuff was inherently evil.
It was just a time-bound necessary dialectical phase which gives way to new phases.
And he says this is a process that we are now moving into.
He says that, let's look at Newton.
Newton gave us this notion of a mechanistic society, the Royal Society, Baconianism, Scientism, all of that.
That's a very highly rational system which now must give way to the new system.
So basically everything now is, it's basically Mother Earth manifesting as a living organism Phases of her life cycle and development.
And since we've had this dominance of the dialectical imbalance of masculinity for the past several centuries in Western civilization, it's now time to capitulate to the dominance of the feminine, to balance things out.
Like, the force type stuff.
Luke, Luke, use the feminist side of the force, Luke.
Luke, Luke, be cocked by the falls, right?
This kind of a thing.
Einstein, he says, was a Newton because now he unseated the previous models.
I don't know why my microphone died for some reason.
Okay, there we go.
Are we back?
So he says that Einstein unseated all this and gave us this return to a model where reality is purely relativistic.
And relativistic physics is concomitant with relativistic views in everything else.
Philosophy, ethics, social-cultural relativism.
No culture is any better or any worse than any other.
They're all relative, you see.
It all goes together with the new systems and the new models that have been introduced And he says all these things are great because they're actually leading us to the next phase.
Out of Newtonianism and after Darwinism, we now have quantum physics, uncertainty, the double slit experiment, all this kind of stuff.
And he says that all that is there to basically confirm far eastern metaphysics of reality being basically illusory.
That there's no such thing as Aristotelian laws of, you know, the three laws, law of non-contradiction, the law of the excluded middle, the law of identity, those things we don't, those don't exist anymore.
Everything is in a dance of energy and a flux.
Everything is becoming.
And then he actually pauses some kind of like a weird matrix theory where he talks about the subatomic particles prove that we're in some sort of, maybe you were in a hologram or a simulation, this kind of a thing.
But all of these models are really reductionist and they're just basically making huge religious metaphysical leaps that as if he knows what all reality is.
So he's positing a sort of a mystical scientism.
He mentions Paracelsus, he mentions these alchemists and these mystics and he says that It's time to get away from extreme materialism that came as a result of Darwinism, and now we need, even though Darwin, Lyell, and Malthus gave us great insights, he says it's time to move to a new kind of spirituality, you see.
And I would agree that, yeah, that materialism and Darwinism and all that are bad news, but the spirituality that he's giving us is a weird new age Spirituality something more akin to Theosophy right out of Blavatsky and her Seeker doctrine and remember we've covered I've got many videos many talks on this Blavatsky was basically a British intelligence agent for the Fabian socialists.
She was a Fabian socialist.
So she's working for the power structure and I think she was even probably a British spy.
But he says that Look, there's a lot of propaganda in science, which is true.
So not everything that Copper says is false, right?
He says GMOs are bad.
Yeah, that's good.
But his answers are terrible.
It's like, identify real problems, give even worse solutions, you see.
So when we come back, we'll get into what are his solutions and what are the models that he proposes for the new coming post-turning point society?
What is the new society going to be like?
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer.
Jay's analysis doesn't go anywhere.
Come right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
The most important part of this book, I think, I mean, there's a lot of really interesting nuggets and fascinating little tidbits that he throws out there.
But it's the foresight that he had to discuss how the transformation in society, one of the key elements that would be there in society to bring this about, would be the medicine arena.
And he says that in order to bring about this transformation into this new era of the, you know, austerity, you know, new age, depopulation, Malthusian model, he said that we needed a new model of what humans were.
And there's a book I just got, one of the global elite texts, it's really rare.
It's the Molecular Vision of Life by Lily Kay and that's a book produced by the Rockefeller Foundation and my buddy Tristan, he's done talks on this on his YouTube channel for many years and it was hard to get.
I finally got a copy of it and it's amazing because it's actually what Copper's talking about.
He's saying that Rockefeller Foundation played a key role in sort of co-opting medicine and that would be a key way in which Cultural transformation would occur kind of backdoor.
We always think about, oh, it's going to be the 1984 Big Brother government that's going to put the boot up on our necks and, you know, squish us and all this stuff, which, yeah, that happens.
But the real way that the system would transfer into this great reset and credit model is actually through medicine.
The new world order coming into view through giant insurance corporations and through giant medical conglomerates.
And so we needed a new vision of what the human being was and what biology was.
And so we got that through these entities taking over and reframing medicine and reframing then everything else on the basis of the new biology.
And what does that mean?
Well, just simply put, man isn't a being made in the image of God.
We need a changing image of man.
Man is a Cog in the wheel or the machine of the cosmos.
Man is a cell on the surface of Mother Gaia's skin.
And this you see when we view man as a piece in a holistic system.
Now it's a collectivist oligarchic model.
And now we have the justification for the good of society, for the good of Mother Earth, to shut down, suppress, destroy, etc.
under emergency measures.
Mother Earth is a life cycle, right?
So maybe you should be recycling and sharing your property, bro.
You need a circular economy.
You need an app where you share your whitey tighties with the other people in you.
You don't need two pairs of whitey tighties.
Just share that with your neighbors in your coom pod complex.
You see everything must be reformed and changed.
It's no different than what The Great Reset is about.
These are the same people in the same circles with the same plans.
And every week, it's almost two years now.
Two years I've been coming on The Fourth Hour reading you from their texts.
The new age requires, Copper says, a new economics.
This will be an economics of integrated systems Recycling a circular economy, right?
Ida Elkin, buddies with Klaus and all them, the World Economic Forum, she gives TED Talks on circular economy.
We need to recycle.
Everything will be reintegrated into a holistic systems approach.
What's the dark side of growth?
Well, growth can't go on.
It must be stopped.
It must be halted.
We need limits to growth.
That's their phraseology, terminology, that's their white papers and documents.
Limits to growth in all areas, economy and population.
In fact, some of these people have posited since the 1970s, ZPG, zero population growth.
Growth must cease, cease he says, because we've learned through the study of nature that Beings in nature don't continue to grow.
They die.
So you must accept this death process.
It's a death cult.
And you must be willing to die for the holistic system.
Holistic health, holistic ecology, holistic systems analysis.
He says all of this will undergo radical change.
Now, by the way, I'm not opposed to holistic organic food and health.
That's not what he's talking about.
He's saying that health movements, which are getting popular in the 1980s, right, eating fresh food, this kind of stuff, which is all great.
He's saying that needs to be utilized and co-opted exactly what Alvin Toffler said.
Toffler said, we will tie the vegetarian and vegan movement into political revolutionary social movements.
To eventually control people's diets.
And Toffler cited Plato.
And here he is citing the systems view.
This is directly from the Arthur Kessler book.
The Holons.
Goes to the machine, discusses systems analysis of nature.
And you see everything in nature is part of a holistic system, so therefore you don't have individual rights.
That's the logic of this.
Hierarchies in nature, he says, are there because they promote the holistic view.
And here's the craziest part of this book.
He says that when it comes to wholeness and health, we're going to have to have a new process to how we integrate human beings into society.
He actually said, I'm not joking, he actually says, now this is after the 1960s counterculture revolution, right?
So this is 1982.
He says we've got quantum theory, quantum physics, everything's new, everything's changing.
And he says that when we look at the studies that were done of Gregory Bateson studying schizophrenics, now Gregory Bateson was one of the in culture doctors.
And Bateson famously said, you know, if you want to control mankind, control and capture his imagination.
And he studied families and schizophrenic members of families and whether this might be genetic.
And he actually says, schizophrenia is not a bad thing.
In fact, maybe there's a kind of a mystical interplay that's a good thing for dissociative states.
He says mystics in societies, shamans, Well, they are basically like schizophrenics.
Religions, religious people hearing and seeing visions, that's all just schizophrenia.
And maybe they play a key role in society.
He says, why don't we have initiation monies that initiate people into a kind of a shamanistic new religion?
And he cites Gregory Bateson for this.
He says that would be a better approach to religion.
Getting everybody to just be initiated through LSD, and then they'll be integrated into the global system, because people that do these drugs typically think they want to, oh, we're all one, dude!
We need to be united, because we're all one, dude!
So, basically, Brave New World, is what this chapter argues.
This chapter argues we need a mass induction into eco-worship.
through everybody taking drugs and then he says we'll be into deep ecology you'll realize mother earth's alive and all this is basically ancient paganism and these approaches he says will lead to a new society and they'll finally will have you know a balance between men and women but he couldn't pass up the opportunity to say that what we really need in terms of world religion is a goddess if we can just go back to the image of the goddess Then we will resolve the one-in-the-many problem.
The one-in-the-many being, should we have a balance between the one-in-the-many?
Should the one rule or should the many rule?
Democracy, collectivism, fascism, socialism, those are all social manifestations of the one-in-the-many question of ancient philosophy.
And he says that the 60s counterculture revolution that was actually a CIA promoted thing, he says that That is part of the evolutionary process to bring in the new age, the new era, which will be an era where we live in harmony and we don't try to have children and we just submit to living in a coon pod.
That's what he says.
So there you have it, yet another text where we find out that Brave New World was not a fiction thing.
Random usings of some fringe academic literary nerd.
No, they were part of a structure, a super structure, a super class that writes many, many, many super boring books that lay all of this out as the actual plan of where they want to go.
How many times does it have to be shown to you from their own text?
That it's a coordinated belief and agenda.
Now, I want to remind you guys, head on over to my website and you can see the upcoming live events.
Under any one of those posts, it will list the live events.
We got July 6th in Los Angeles together with Jamie Kennedy from Screen.
You've seen Jamie Kennedy and other friends of mine.
We'll be doing lectures, we'll be doing stand-up, we'll be doing a lot of fun things.
We got many live events.
Go check those out and get my books in the shop and subscribe to my website and follow me on Twitter and
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at band video (upbeat music)
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The silent majority is no longer silent.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stand by for further details.
We return you now to your regularly scheduled program.
So, Gen Z workers are not going to be faring too well in the workplace, and that doesn't spell good for us in the future.
One thing I could recommend is I think we need to get some of these Gen Zers on TurboForce, which you can get at InfoWarsStore.com.
Didn't see the plug coming, did you?
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So go to InfoWarsStore.com and pick up your TurboForce.
I don't know what you're waiting for.
And that's really my only plug today.
I feel bad I forgot to do it all throughout because we had so much information going on and an amazing interview.
But we got another amazing interview.
Infowarsstore.com and support what we're doing.
It's you out there that fuel the jet engines that keep this whole thing twirling about.
Lately you've been showing all the signs.
All right we're gonna go right back to your phone calls here in just a moment but I just want to say this again.
We have millions of viewers and listeners.
You're amazing.
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It's incredible.
But you really are the power of this broadcast.
If you don't take action, the dog does not.
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A very small percentage of you ever go to the store, ever buy anything, you really need these products you're missing out.
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So make the commitment in the fight to try these great products out.
For those of you on the fence, take action now.
And I thank you humbly for your support and salute.