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Name: 20230524_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 24, 2023
2367 lines.

Rick Schroeder shares his experience witnessing a satanic ritual in Hollywood and promotes iodine products. Callers discuss leftist propaganda, border experiences, and support InfoWars while emphasizing the importance of Christians speaking out about child abuse. The passage explains the process of generating and developing an invention into a patentable product, with emphasis on confidentiality and legal protection. Finally, Alex Jones talks about land ownership, protective covenants, and promoting products from InfoWarsStore.com.

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For so long, the radical left wing, or the militant LGBTQ aimed at your children, has had little to no pushback.
They're finally getting the pushback, they're finally getting the call out, they're finally getting the what for, and people are waking up to it and realizing what's really going on.
Now, I think it's important to connect this to politics, Because this is all part of a political agenda.
And I've actually decided that...
No longer this concept that politics is downstream from culture.
I believe that is wrong.
I believe that is entirely the exact opposite.
It's time for us to abandon that thought altogether.
Culture is downstream from politics, folks.
This is all politics.
This is all left-wing Democrat politics.
They're trying to create voter blocks.
They want you in these identity bubbles.
They want you in your skin color identity bubbles.
They want you in your sexual Identity bubbles.
It's all politics, folks.
That's what this is.
Democrats trying to create voters.
So you've got the sexual deviants that are grooming the children for sex, but how does this avenue even exist?
How does this even get promoted?
Because the Democrat Party inserts it into their political agenda because they want a voter bloc Of gay people or LGBTQ people, specifically the youth, and they hope they'll grow up and they'll vote Democrat because the evil Republicans don't want you to chop your balls off and chop your breasts off, so you need to vote Democrat.
So I'm reversing this altogether.
Culture is downstream from politics, folks.
We need to focus on the politics to snuff all this out.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones Infowars the most banned network in the world
*Outro* Alex Jones revealed over 20 years ago how world elites reenact human sacrifice every year at Bohemian Grove.
Midsummer sets us free!
And there have been several whistleblowers reporting that satanic ritual sacrifice is at the highest levels of our
Ritualized murder is, after all, the ultimate expression of tyranny.
And as disturbing as it is to most people, it has commonly been used as a form of blackmail.
Former child actor Rick Schroeder recently released a video of a childhood experience he had in Hollywood, where he believes he met members of this cult.
Let me explain.
When I was young, I couldn't drive yet.
I was hanging out with the older guys.
And on Point Dune, somebody popped in a cassette tape into a VHS player.
There was a room with a body, I believe it was a male, laying on a table.
And people came around the room.
It was dimly lit, but they had hoods and robes on.
And they had some sort of ritual where they took out a knife and they cut him down the side.
It was his right side.
They took out parts of him, and the blood started flowing.
And they were chanting.
And, um... Some... There was women there, and they took off their clothes.
And then they took the blood, and they smeared it on their bodies.
And started to be sexual with each other.
It was, uh, quite disturbing to see.
And so, uh...
They gave me the cassette and I took the cassette to somebody I trusted.
And we watched it.
And they said, never watch that again and give it back to whoever gave it to you.
So I did that.
But I was always confused about why they didn't ask where it came from.
And so, I believe that I met some of the cult members when I was younger.
If, in fact, we have no accountability or justice, it could be because these people that are supposed to bring us justice and protect and defend the Constitution are corrupted by this cult.
I have no fear of them.
You know, I only fear Jesus.
And so, Perhaps whoever's investigating these folks needs to go, we need to go a layer below the top and come up from the mid-level who are not cult members, been blackmailed by the cult, possibly.
Because that's the only explanation I have for why we haven't had accountability and justice for what they've done to America and continue to do to America while we all just watch.
So, I share this with the hope that those mid-level people that are investigating in the FBI and the CIA will understand that their superiors, perhaps, will never give us justice because of the level of blackmail involved.
Alright, that's off my chest.
That feels better.
Now you all know.
God bless America, and God bless those trying to defeat this cult.
In Jesus' name, I give you this message.
You know, it's kind of an odd thing.
Here we are on this Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, and all of the warnings that we've been giving to the American public, our guests have been giving to the American public, the listening audience has been giving to the American public, we're, we're, all of them are now here now.
It's, it's It's all right in front of you, and the main thing people are noticing now with a week to go till Pride Month, we're not even in Pride Month yet, and look at how overwhelming and overt the sexual propaganda is aimed at children, and it's not even Pride Month yet, and you wouldn't have believed it ten years ago maybe, you wouldn't have believed it.
That the American left, the liberal progressive democrat movement, would be targeting children for sex.
And that's what this is.
Let's just call it what this is.
They are targeting the children for sex.
When they're inviting them to take part in strip club style dance teases, When they're inviting them to take part in drag queen events.
When they're bringing rainbow dildo butt monkeys to the classroom to read.
That's a real story.
Not making it up.
That's real.
When they do strip teases for children.
When they bring them to their gay pride parades that turn into just completely debaucherous activity.
Sexual in nature.
Nudity, lewd acts, sex acts, sex toys.
And now it seems to all be focused on the situation happening at Target.
Because they have a pride section for children.
And they hire artists that are outright Satanists.
That suggests anybody that does not accept the trans kid sexualized grooming of the kids agenda needs to be killed, needs to be punished, needs to die.
And so for all these years we've been hearing from the left about radicals and extremists But who are the real radicals?
Who are the real extremists?
Now, I've got all kinds of news on this today.
We got all kinds of video clips on this today.
And you know, I got into this a little bit yesterday with my guest, Pastor Dave Scarlett.
And I'm a little bit at a crossroads As most of the audience probably is as well.
Where is the movement, where is the organization, where is the mobilization, where is the activation of the Christian community?
Now you might say, well, Christians are just avoiding this, and they're homeschooling now, or they're moving to areas that don't have this, Well, that might be true.
But this is a consolidated effort from the American left against Christianity.
Now you notice, major corporations don't dare say anything negative about Islam.
Major corporations don't dare say anything negative about the Jewish faith.
And of course, nobody's allowed to say anything negative about LGBTQ+, but you can insult Christianity all day long, and you can smear Christians, attack Christians, do whatever you want to Christians, barely any pushback at all.
Now is that changing?
Is that changing now?
As we see the sexualized marketing targeted towards children, maybe it's changing now.
But really, the pushback has been so delayed in response to all of this, that's why it's gotten to this point.
That's why you can't even believe some of the things that you see when it comes to the LGBTQ Pedophile plus propaganda.
So we're going to have all of it for you today.
And it's most likely we went to a couple targets here in Austin.
We've got a report that we're going to have finished here within the hour.
I was out at a target this morning shooting a report.
But it's in the Target, down the street from you, the Kids Pride section with LGBTQ+, clothes and toys and everything else for children.
It's all there.
And there's even more on their website.
The Target's website.
Now, the pushback has resulted in some reversal of products and marketing at Target, but most of it is still there.
And what happened in Los Angeles with the Dodgers when they were promoting this satanic trans group to be a part of the Dodgers festivities, and then they reversed track because, well, you know what, that's satanic, that's sexual in nature, let's just not do that.
But then somehow something happened and they reversed course again.
And they said, nope, we will stand with these Deranged trans people.
And we will allow them to be part of the Dodgers family and part of the Dodgers festivities.
So what's the response from this going to be?
But this is the type of stuff now.
These are the type of people that get hired to do marketing and promotion for companies like Target.
Totally mocking Christianity.
Totally mocking Jesus Christ.
Totally mocking you.
And then major corporations like Target pay them to do marketing aimed at children.
So at this point, it's just completely out of control.
It's completely deranged, deviant, demonic in nature.
And I'm just interested to see what is the Christian community going to do?
What is the Christian community going to do?
And you know, it's a tough thing because I'm a political activist.
And I talk about God, and I talk about Christianity on this show, and I am a Christian, but I don't consider myself a religious activist.
But it is odd the lacking of religious Christian activists actually out there in the field.
And I talk about this all the time.
Even with the political activism from the right.
I mean, we just get dwarfed by the left.
And we all know why.
They get paid to show up.
They don't have jobs, I suppose, so they can go to all the events.
The Democrats organize and activate, and they're well-funded to do so.
Can conservatives, can Christians ever even get on a level playing field when it comes to activism, when it comes to pushback, and when it comes to influence?
This is going to be a major pivotal moment as far as the answer to that question is concerned.
Now Bud Light sales continue to tank.
Continue to tank.
Is Target going to feel the pinch because of the sexual advertising towards children?
And let's be clear, that's what it is.
They know it.
You know it.
Everybody knows it.
They deny it, but we all know it.
What is LGBTQ Pedophile Plus really about?
It's about sex.
What you want to have sex with.
What you like to have sex with.
That's what it's all about.
Stop saying that's not what it is.
That's all it is.
And anybody who thinks about children in that regard is a pedophile.
And so now you have just mass pedophilia everywhere.
Target executives hold emergency meeting to avoid a Bud Light situation after hiring trans Satanists to design satanic kids pride clothing.
And they don't even hide it anymore.
They don't even pretend it's something else.
They just flaunt it in your face.
That's how weak they think we are.
That's how empowered they have become by their political leadership, cultural leadership, Hollywood, Democrat Party politics.
But the pushback is certainly on.
And we'll continue.
Here's some of the headlines before we get to some of the video clips.
Because this is just where it all goes with the propaganda.
Woman abused by trans-identified male, contacted by police after misgendering non-binary patient while in hospital.
How dare you?
You're a woman, a dude in a dress comes and beats your ass.
You say, that man assaulted me!
They say, you're a transphobe, you bigot!
Don't you dare, Miss Jenner!
Then the cops beat the woman's ass.
So the woman's lying there bleeding out after a man in a dress beats her ass.
Oh, that man beat me!
That's a woman!
Then the cops beat her down.
That's what you get.
New York Times.
Japan should be gayer because some samurai were gay.
Says the New York Times.
You guys are really obsessed with Sex and sodomy.
You guys really are the sodomite army.
You really are the sodomite cult.
You love sodomy.
Why don't you explain to the children what that is?
Oh yeah, you already are!
Again, the Dodgers tell the Catholic Church to get bent, screw off.
They invite Satanists to be a part of the Dodgers LGBTQ plus pedophile pride night coming up in June.
You know, I don't know exactly what's going on.
I do know conservatives are planning on being there that night.
I'll leave it at that.
Maybe you want to take part in that.
Or if you don't want to support the Dodgers at all, I understand as well, but I know that there are conservatives that have already purchased a lot of tickets to be at Dodger Stadium on June 16th.
I wonder how that's going to go.
You may want to be a part of that, or you may want to not be a part of it.
Just thought I'd let you know that's going on.
Dodgers cave to Woke Mod, invite anti-Catholic drag queens, sisters of perpetual indulgence, to Pride Night.
You know, it's so funny.
Major League Baseball.
Which, I mean, growing up, baseball was my favorite sport.
I played, I'm not even exaggerating, probably 100 baseball games a summer.
Until I got into college.
I probably went to nearly 50, 60 ball games a summer.
I'm not kidding you.
When I was a kid, baseball was my life in the summer.
And I loved it.
And I sit here down and I watch the Major League say, well, what do we do?
We're losing ratings.
We're losing fans.
And they think being gay or trans is what the answer to that problem is?
I don't want to sit here and go off on a rant about what Major League Baseball should do.
It's really not that hard.
Cut your ticket prices probably in half, at least, to get people back into the park.
And then stop doing the propaganda at the games.
I liked going to baseball games.
I fell in love with baseball games because I could go to the ballpark, I could get in for 5 or 10 bucks, I could have a hot dog and a beverage for 5 or 10 bucks, my dad could drop me off at the stadium with $20, and I could get in and eat and watch a ballgame.
And that's all I wanted to do.
But now, oh geez, you're going to need like 50 bucks just to get in, 50 bucks if you want to eat something, and then you're going to hear all about how gay they are.
But hey, I'm sure the pitch clock will help.
That's what your problem is.
Yes, let's have more, let's have more trans people at the ballgame.
Those are your real baseball fans.
Shouldn't you be targeting, if you're going to be targeting your marketing to the youth, shouldn't you be targeting it to baseball players?
Shouldn't you be targeting it to athletes and kids that might want to play sports or play ball?
Let's put a bunch of men in dresses and makeup up there!
That's baseball!
Los Angeles Dodgers apologize and re-invite anti-Catholic sisters of perpetual indulgence trans nuns to Pride Night.
Now understand this too.
The original nuns, this is actually pretty league-wide.
Maybe the Chicago White Sox might be the best example.
This famous nun in Chicago on the south side, she throws out first pitch at White Sox games all the time.
She's so famous she has a Topps baseball card.
A nun has a Topps baseball card.
And she's known because she goes on the mound and she throws a strike every time.
And it's cool and it's fun.
And the children that she's connected to, they love it and they cheer it on and they go to the ballgame and they love it.
So screw her!
Screw that nun!
In fact, I mean, my pre-kindergarten, I think I spent two years at a school where nuns ran the school, and even though I was like four or five years old, I still have hardened memories of nuns teaching me lessons, even when I was that young.
I remember I jumped off a playground one time, and I smashed a pile of ants.
Like I jumped off the roof of this playground and I smashed a pile of ants and this nun came over and grabbed me by the scuff of my neck and said, we appreciate life, even bugs, we don't kill.
Still remember that.
Nuns are good people.
Nuns are caring people.
And we're gonna push them aside?
We're going to say, we're not interested in nuns being here anymore.
You know, just some of the best people that walk the earth.
Just some of the nicest, purest people out there as nuns.
Yeah, we're not interested in you.
We want to bring these sexual deviant, pervert, trans, pedophile types.
We're interested in them.
Sure, they don't know anything about baseball.
Sure, they've never played baseball.
Sure, nobody in that circle even knows what a baseball is.
But let's bring that to the ballpark, because it's gay!
Total insanity.
And they do all of these worthless gestures, like Maynard James Keenan, who, I mean, there's no doubt, Maynard James Keenan, one of the best singer-songwriters on the planet.
Tool, for any metal fan, one of the best metal bands on the planet.
And so he thinks he's going to go make some statement by dressing like a woman.
And he always dresses up weird at his stuff.
But he, you know, he's anti-establishment.
And so he thinks he's going to go make some statement by dressing up as a woman at a rock festival in Daytona, Florida.
Like, wow dude, you're making a statement.
But it's that old meme from Jurassic Park.
Nobody cares.
Nobody cares, Maynard.
This isn't about adults.
This isn't about what adults like to do.
This isn't about what adults do, consensually, in their private lives.
This is about children.
And nobody's- and notice how Maynard James Keaton didn't get arrested, and nobody cared about his little stunt.
Because this isn't about adults, this is about the children.
Alright, this crap is just everywhere now.
North Face.
Oh boy, oh boy.
You know, that's funny.
North Face sued, uh, I wouldn't call this gentleman a friend of mine, but he was in kind of my circle of friends growing up.
He created a company called The South Butt that was obviously just a spin-off of the North Face and they sued him.
They sued him because he had a company called the South Butt that was actually extremely successful in its time.
So that's when I was kind of like, gee, North Face, maybe you guys are a little tyrannical.
It was like a 16-year-old that made the South Butt.
It was extremely popular.
They sued him.
They shut him down.
A child.
So they targeted the child to be shut down then.
Now they're targeting the children to be sexualized.
I mean, in fairness, this does appear to be a full-grown man in this new North Face ad.
Here is the new North Face coming-out trans ad.
Tell me, when you see this, does this make you think about buying winter clothing?
Hi, it's me Patagonia a real-life homosexual And today I'm here with the North Face.
We are here to invite you to come out in nature with us!
Wow, this is nice!
We like to call this little tour the Summer of Pride.
This tour has everything.
Hiking, community, art, lesbians, lesbians making art.
Last year, we gazed our shade across the nation and celebrated pride across the nation with hundreds of you.
Across the nation.
This year, we're back, back, back again with two new stops.
Atlanta, GA.
Because you're there.
And Salt Lake City, we're coming for you.
Of course!
This year, all these fabulous speakers will be coming from inside this TV to a nature near you.
So come outside and celebrate the beautiful LGHG-TV community!
It's not even Pride Month yet.
I mean... So what is this?
So North Face is now a... a gay trans club?
That's my interpretation.
I thought North Face sold winter clothing.
Some of the best, even.
Well, I guess not anymore.
I guess now they just do, uh, gay merchandise?
Is that their whole thing now?
So are you gonna go buy a North Face jacket anymore?
North Face, I mean, arguably, one of the most popular winter clothing companies in the last couple of decades.
Will they still be after that?
You know, it's just a weird thing.
And I don't know, maybe this is because I come from a marketing background, like it's in my family.
My dad ran a marketing company, but it's like, I look at that ad and I'm saying, who are you marketing to?
What are you selling?
Because I watch that ad, all you're selling is a gay trans meetup club.
That's what I see is you're promoting a gay trans meetup club.
I didn't know that's what North Face was.
I thought you did winter apparel.
So now North Face is a gay trans meetup club.
Very strange.
Very strange.
Now here is the original video and we're reaching out to this lady.
Kaylee Campbell Layton.
And again, we were at Target.
We followed the report this morning.
That's going to air in about 20 minutes now.
But here is Concerned Parent.
And I just wonder, because Target has been doing this for what, five years now?
I mean, it's not like this is new.
Target has been selling this crap and promoting this crap for like five years.
None of this is new.
So what's odd is the response has changed.
I mean, is this the first time that People have gone into Target and looked at all this crap?
I mean, videos have been going around for years about this crap in Target and people going in there and calling it out.
So what's changed?
Why is it getting the attention now?
Why is the rubber hitting the road now?
Why is the outcry louder than ever now?
It's been there forever!
But now people see it and they're finally realizing what it really is.
Is that what it is?
We're finally realizing what the agenda here is.
This isn't about gay people.
This isn't about tolerance.
This is about sexualizing children, grooming children, and marketing this propaganda towards children.
And so here was Kayleigh Campbell-Leighton when she walked to the Target and was stunned at what she saw.
We're at Target right now and there's a lot of controversy going on about all of the Pride stuff that's coming out with kids clothes and things like that.
So we're gonna go to the kids section and we're actually going to see if they're putting weird, creepy, uncomfy stuff on children's clothing.
It's a whole section.
Oh, a kid's onesie.
Okay, this is the child's onesie.
Gay onesie for toddlers.
It's literally the kid's section.
I'm next to a literal onesie that says whatever the hell that means.
We have glad you came out and I'm so happy that you're queer in the kid's section.
Are you kidding me?
I'm sorry, but pride and toddler don't belong in the same sentence.
So I found an extra small swimsuit in the child section.
It says light binding effect on it.
And then the bottoms in the kids section, keep in mind, say Tuck Friendly Construction.
They're giving it to your kids.
If that doesn't give you a reason to boycott Target, I don't know what does.
But this shit's getting out of hand.
They're targeting children, whether you like it or not.
And it's time that people actually do something about it.
Because if they don't, then guess what?
That shit won't just be in Target, it'll be in every store.
There you have it.
And we went and saw it for ourselves.
We went to Target, filed a report for ourselves.
Had a little run-in with the staff, but they were actually kind.
They know what's going on.
Not all the staff agrees with this.
Some do.
Some individuals have gone out and filmed and reported on it.
Like, I believe it was Ethan Schmidt in Arizona, I think it was, where this lady comes up and says, yeah, I'm a Satanist.
I love this.
But not all.
The guy that came and talked to us said, hey, no, you guys, I'm all about free speech.
I know it's a controversy.
I just got to let you know that if you're going to be doing media reporting here, you've got to go through our target people.
Now, we filed that report anyway.
You know me, but...
Here is, though, for a little comic relief on this if you can, here is Alex Stein.
He had to try the tuck-friendly swimsuit for himself, and you know, I understand why people don't like this, and I understand why people think that, oh, why are we doing this?
Why are we promoting this?
Guys, Alex Stein is a comedian.
He's a comedian.
And quite frankly, he's hilarious.
And his stuff is original.
So, I understand why some purists and, you know, Christian conservatives are like, why do we promote this?
This isn't good.
We shouldn't.
It's culture jamming.
Stein is a comedian.
Shouldn't we have some people on our side in the comic industry?
Shouldn't we have people on our side in all these industries?
here sign.
This is so cruelly.
(upbeat music)
It's Tuck Friendly.
Good lord, Alex.
Good lord, my man.
We're at Target, checking out their Tuck Friendly Pride Collection.
That's right, guys.
Extra crotch coverage, Tuck Friendly construction.
Thank you, Target.
No, it is.
I think this is the Tuck-y one.
Yeah, it is.
And they got a little binder there, too.
Tuck-friendly construction.
Well, let's see how Tuck-friendly it is.
So that little girls can pretend they're real.
Wow, it's so Tuck-friendly.
It's nice here.
Let's go in.
Come on.
I love the Tuck-friendly dance moves.
Look, I can... Yeah, that's a real woman now.
Oh my gosh.
Oh shit.
You can't even see it guys.
This is the best cut finish construction I've ever seen.
You see this?
This is, Target is so aggressive.
Oh my gosh.
I love it.
Thank you, Target.
I just feel like I could run.
Oh no.
Don't hit him with the high knees.
Not in the middle of Target, no!
Oh my gosh.
We've got more on the other side, folks.
Don't go anywhere.
Oh boy.
Chicago monkeypox outbreak.
Chicago monkeypox outbreak raises alarm over summer spread.
It's not even Pride Month yet, and Monkeypox is already on the loose.
I wanna play some other examples, some other video clips of people responding to Target.
But you know what?
Let me just go ahead and say something right now.
There is a young man out there named Ethan Schmidt, who's been going to Target and exposing this for years, actually.
And I do believe he got a one-year ban from Target that actually just got lifted.
And so he went back and he shot another video.
We may play that before the show's over, too.
And you know, I have no problem with Ethan Schmidt.
I've never met him.
But I didn't really cover his stuff too much because personally I felt that his tactics were just a little aggressive and a little put offish.
But he has a right to free speech and he's a true Christian activist and so I kind of just let it be.
I didn't think it was worthy of scolding necessarily but I wasn't really sure if I wanted to promote it.
But I think where I stand on this issue now is that this is neither a promotion or a scolding of Christian activist Ethan Schmitt's approach.
I would say this.
If you are a Christian activist out there, if you claim to be a Christian activist or if you want to be a Christian activist, then why are you not behaving like Ethan Schmitt?
Because, shouldn't that be the response?
Again, I understand maybe, because I've felt the way too.
Is it a little put-offish?
Is it a little aggressive?
But see, the way I look at it now is, is Ethan Schmidt put-offish and aggressive?
Or are the people that are targeting the children for pedophilia put-offish and aggressive?
And is Ethan Schmidt not the true Christian activist trying to push back against it?
Now, I do believe he's... His one-year ban from Target, I believe, has been lifted just in time for Pride Month, but my guess is after he went and tore down another Pride sign and stomped it into the ground, they'll probably ban him again, but... We are the Christian activists!
Why is it Ethan Schmidt?
He's like 24 years old.
This is a young man, And so, yeah, you might think it's put-offish and aggressive.
Might be too much for you.
Who else is out there?
Who else is out there as a Christian activist calling this out?
Who else is out there as a Christian activist getting in their face?
Who else is trying to counter their aggression towards you?
So, anybody who wants to sit here and say, well, the way he's doing it is wrong, well, then show me how you're doing it.
Here's some other people doing it the right way.
Let's go to Alison Steinberg now.
One American News Network.
She saw this going on at a Target near her.
Here's her video.
Well, I finally made my way to the, uh, queer section of Target, and it's actually worse than I ever imagined.
The tuck-friendly construction is alive and well.
As you can see, they have a full selection, so clearly it's not doing too well.
Um, but this is just out of control.
I mean, really?
And if you thought the queer section was bad, just come on over to the card section.
We're looking in the baby aisle.
You'll be such amazing moms.
Two dads!
There are more cards congratulating two same-sex parents than there are regular male-female parents.
And then we head over to the wedding section.
Hers and hers!
Mrs. and Mrs.!
I mean...
Yeah, we saw more of that today.
They even have thruple cards.
If you're in a thruple, here's the Patriot Barbie.
Same thing.
Saw this crap at her local Target, shot this video.
Here we go.
Ooh, gay Skittles.
My queer year.
There's cards for the gay people in your life.
Welcome to Target.
The front door is right there.
Oh, it's right there when you walk in.
Ten steps in before there is... I got a hundred gay flags.
...a display for your children to see.
Okay, these are like...
Naked people in shirts.
I was curious, um, where the straight section is.
I don't like the shirts that say, like, straight pride and, like, hetero is hack.
Supersis, you guys have, like... Ooh, supersis.
Super straight.
Where's the straight pride flag?
Oh, I was just curious where the straight section was.
I wanted to buy some gifts for my kids.
Can you not record me, please?
I'm recording her.
I'm recording her.
Oh, she's recording me.
Okay, that's fine.
I'm done.
Okay, where's the straight section for straight kids?
Indoctrination of kids and you're like behind... Yeah.
We're coming back.
Oh, I still wanted to talk to you, sir.
You're the manager, right?
The pendulum is swinging back.
I still wanted to talk to you.
Still trying to talk to you about this.
No customer service?
And so...
He's refused to talk to me.
They, for so long, the radical left wing, or the militant LGBTQ aimed at your children.
Has had little to no pushback.
They're finally getting the pushback.
They're finally getting the call out.
They're finally getting the what for.
And people are waking up to it and realizing what's really going on.
Now, I think it's important to connect this to politics because this is all part of a political agenda.
And I've actually decided that No longer this concept that politics is downstream from culture.
I believe that is wrong.
I believe that is entirely the exact opposite.
It's time for us to abandon that thought altogether.
Culture is downstream from politics, folks.
This is all politics.
This is all left-wing Democrat politics.
They're trying to create voter blocks.
They want you in these identity bubbles.
They want you in your skin color identity bubbles.
They want you in your sexual Identity bubbles.
It's all politics, folks.
That's what this is.
Democrats trying to create voters.
So you've got the sexual deviants that are grooming the children for sex, but how does this avenue even exist?
How does this even get promoted?
Because the Democrat Party inserts it into their political agenda because they want a voter bloc Of gay people or LGBTQ people, specifically the youth, and they hope they'll grow up and they'll vote Democrat because the evil Republicans don't want you to chop your balls off and chop your breasts off, so you need to vote Democrat.
So I'm reversing this altogether.
Culture is downstream from politics, folks.
We need to focus on the politics to snuff all of this out.
The only reason they feel emboldened to do any of this in the culture is because they dominate the politics.
If they didn't dominate the politics, and conservative Republican representatives weren't such cowards, as we're starting to finally see, people getting into Congress that are Republicans that aren't cowards, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ana Paulina Luna, Byron Donalds, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, non-coward Republicans, See, the pushback has begun.
The policy has begun.
The laws, the bills have begun.
The radical sexualized left has been unanswered for years and finally there is some pushback.
Here's another.
Target customers in clip 6 have begun to tear down pride propaganda to protect their children.
Let's look at this one in clip 6.
Let me see. Record this.
See, there's the pride for kids sign.
And he rips it off, puts it on the ground, and stomps it.
What's wrong with you?
It's disgusting.
That's devil worship.
Is that Ethan Schmidt back from his Target ban?
He returned.
This is like a ball player returning from a steroid ban or something.
He comes back and hits three home runs.
Ethan Schmidt gets banned from Target, returns a year after his ban is up, smashes a big Pride for Kids sign right there in front of everybody and says it's Satanism.
So, again, I'll tell you, I've been hesitant to promote his activity just because of its aggressive and put-offish nature, but not anymore.
Not anymore, because I'm sick and tired of people claiming to be Christian activists sitting on the sidelines.
I'm sick and tired of people claiming to be Christian activists sitting on their internet accounts.
I'm sick and tired of Christian activists saying, oh, we'll just sit in our corners and we'll just do the right thing and that'll be fine.
No, no, God calls you to action.
Jesus Christ calls you to action.
So, you might not like Ethan Schmidt's approach or tactics, but what are you doing?
What are you doing to protect children?
What are you doing to stop the sexual propaganda aimed at children?
What are you doing to stop the sexual deviancy from becoming normal in culture?
We've got more, including my report.
That's right.
I went and shot a report at Target, and there's an angle to this that I have that nobody else has pointed out yet.
You'll have that coming up.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we are at Target here in Austin, where the American left, the liberal progressive Democrat movement, is using Target as their new platform and as their new corporation to target your kids for sex.
Don't believe me?
your children.
We're coming for them.
Your children will care about fairness and justice for others.
Your children will work to convert all their sisters and brothers.
Then soon we're almost certain your kids will start converting too.
The gay agenda is coming home.
The gay agenda is here.
But you don't have to worry.
Because there's nothing wrong with standing by your side.
Get on board and get on with it.
So it's not even Pride Month yet, and Target has their Pride section set up right here in the
children's aisle.
And what's even more controversial, even though Target has been targeting children for sex for a long time, what's more controversial now is a new artist that they brought on to the team that has put out pins that not just depict Weird, satanic, sexual imagery for children.
It also insinuates that anybody that does not accept the radical left's LGBTQ agenda needs to be killed with images such as a guillotine saying it's a headrest.
Now, even in this Pride section here, you might think, well, this is innocent enough.
But what do they mean when they show children clothing that is tuck-friendly, and they have the gay sex pride flags, the sodomy pride flags, all over the children's section?
Oh, and what's this?
Popular satanic, non-binary artist Sam Smith's album can be found right here in the Pride section that is targeting your children.
Now, you might think this is not such a big deal.
But let's get down to the brass tacks here.
Why are you's being targeted for sexual propaganda?
Why are you's being groomed into all of these different sexual orientations?
Folks, it's a hard pill to swallow, but it's time to accept it.
The American left is targeting children for sex.
It's the same thing we see at Drag Queen.
What used to be story time, but is now is just sexy dance time for kids.
It's the same weirdness that you see now in children's cartoons and marketing.
This is wrong.
And parents have finally said, we've had enough.
And Target was now forced to, or decided to, remove much of the sexual propaganda and much of the overt pride material from their children's section.
Now here's an interesting angle for you.
As we've already seen Gavin Newsom scold conservatives for being upset with the pride material in the children's section.
You know the American media is going to be scolding conservatives for their boycott of Target.
How dare you do this to Target?
But wait a second.
Conservatives boycotting Target because they don't want their children targeted for sex, that's a problem?
Because I seem to recall in the year 2020 and other years, multiple Targets were burned down to the ground by the American left.
So isn't that funny that Target Target is mad that I'm filming here.
So Target will allow leftist rioters to burn their buildings to the ground, burn their structures to the ground, but they won't let you stand here and call out their sexual targeting of children.
I think that tells you the story right there, ladies and gentlemen.
For InfoWars.com, this is Owen Schroer.
Now I know we've got more coming on this.
The team just put that video out to make sure we could air it in that first five.
When it's uploaded to Infowars.com and banned out video, I'll let you know, but there's a little extra there when the Target employee confronts me for filming.
Again, he was nice enough, but isn't it funny?
Target let Black Lives Matter leftists burn their buildings to the ground and barely complained at all.
This is your American left.
They are obsessed with sodomy.
They are obsessed With getting children involved in their sexual deviations.
By the way, they're racist, too.
University of Minnesota Summer Research Program.
White people need not apply.
Yes, if you're white, you are not allowed, but that's not racism at all.
Parents sue elite schools for indoctrinating their kids with anti-racist policies.
Well, of course, we know it's not anti-racist policies, it's anti-white bigotry, is what it is.
But that's a Yahoo News headline.
No, the real story is...
Parents sue elite schools for indoctrinating their kids with anti-white bigotry.
New York Democrats vote to give the state free reign over minor children.
NYS Assembly so-called Health Committee votes yes to allow minors to take drugs with no parental consent.
Must see video of furious parents telling off political hacks at hearing.
Yeah, I mean, no, no, no, no, no.
We should agree, I think we should all agree with the American left, and let's just take this to its logical conclusion.
We should get rid of all alcohol age laws.
A child should be allowed to consume alcohol if it wants.
And if an adult, you know, if a trans adult in a Target Satan queer shirt comes to a group of youths at a playground and gives them alcohol and teaches them all about sodomy, that's good!
That's good!
That is, that is woke!
That is pro-LGBTQ+.
And if they can take, and if they bring a van up, and they take all those kids to a doctor to chemically castrate them, or physically lop their testicles off, that's a good thing!
That's Democrat Party policy and culture, baby!
So I think we should take this to its logical conclusion.
Children should be able to take whatever drugs they want, and if an LGBTQ plus activist, or a trans dancer, a drag queen dancer, goes to a playground with a bunch of kids, with a bottle of whiskey, and a couple heroin needles, then yeah, that's a good thing!
What do you mean?
Age of consent?
Age of consent?
Parental supervision?
Get rid of all of it!
That's bigoted!
That's transphobic!
That's homophobic!
If you don't want a drag queen, if you don't want a gay drag queen in a white van to pull up at the playground with a bunch of children and whip out a bottle of Jack Daniels and some heroin and teach your kids about sodomy, you're a bigot!
We don't have age laws to protect children from predators.
No, that's bigoted!
If you don't want a gay trans performer bringing a bottle of whiskey to your school and telling them about sodomy, you're a transphobic bigot!
That's the logical conclusion of this.
My goodness.
My goodness gracious.
So here's what I'm thinking.
We're working on getting a couple guests on.
We may be hearing from Alex.
He's in a different time zone, I think four hours behind us.
I'm going to be hosting the War Room today, too.
And look, there is a ton of important news.
There is a ton of important news out here.
And, you know, at some point in time, you could consider everything a distraction from everything else.
But this is a big issue for parents.
This is a big issue for the future of our culture.
And there's so much momentum behind this finally now to protect the children and to call out what the left-wing culture is really all about that we're just going pedal to the metal on this.
So I'm thinking I'm going to open up the phone lines and take your calls in response to all of this.
Plus, we have more videos coming up.
But when it comes to the news, I'm going to do the news-heavy show, I'm going to do the War Room, three hours, and it's just going to be all news from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central at Bandot Video.
So I'm going to get into all the other news going on, and there's a lot of important news.
Big developments out of Ukraine and Russia.
What really happened with that U-Haul truck that tried to smash into the White House?
The political battle happening right now between Republicans and Democrats trying to get the corrupt
Democrats out of office, including Joe Biden.
The World Health Organization saying another pandemic is coming.
People keep dying from the vaccines.
All the other news we're gonna cover 3 to 6 p.m.
Central here on The War Room.
But we're gonna focus on this issue.
Keep the momentum going here.
The pendulum is swinging back on this.
And this is just such an easy victory.
I mean, look.
Yeah, I'll tell you.
I mean, it's no secret.
I want to end the Democrat Party in this country.
With the truth.
I am a non-violent person.
I've never been a violent person.
I've never committed a violent crime.
I'm not a violent protester.
I'm not a violent revolutionary.
I'm a peaceful revolutionary.
I'm a political revolutionary.
And I can see with my own eyes that the Democrat Party is the perpetrator of the evil forces In our country, culturally, politically, throughout history.
And they do this whole thing, and I'll cover this later, too, on The War Room, where they say, AOC and Ted Cruz getting into battle, they say, AOC says, don't you know that, yeah, Democrats were the KKK, and Democrats were the ones that made sure black people couldn't go to school, and Democrats were the slave owners and the racists, but the parties changed!
No, they didn't.
That's just a made-up myth that Democrats tell that's a lie.
So we'll get into more of that, but I'm going to open up the phone lines, and we're also potentially going to get a couple guests on this issue on as well.
We may be hearing from Alex Jones specifically on... It's not even Pride Month yet, folks, and they're already just shoving all the gay propaganda, shoving all the sexual propaganda right into your kids' faces.
And they had to cancel because Ron DeSantis, who just announced his presidential run, Signed a bill, which again, you shouldn't even have to sign these laws, but this is the American left now, that says you can't have lewd sexual acts in public.
And so the gay pride parades in Florida had to be cancelled because they can't run around naked, they can't run around with dildos, they can't run around shaking their ass in people's face.
So they had to cancel their parade because they can't even control their own sexual deviancy.
They can't even just do it in their own bedrooms anymore.
They can't even just do it with consenting adults anymore.
They've got to do it in the streets with the kids.
So the pendulum is pushing back, the awareness factor is up, And finally, you know, decisions are having to be made.
Dodgers say, nope, we're going to keep the satanic nuns as a part of the Dodgers festivities.
Target says, oh boy, we better remove some of this pride stuff, some of this Satan stuff from our clothing section, otherwise we're going to be the next Bud Light.
You can't even sell a can of Bud Light.
You can't even give it away.
So your calls on this, 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539. 877-789-2539.
Ladies and gentlemen, everything we do here is made possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
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All right, when we come back, I'll show you the target employee that is a proud Satanist, and we will start taking your calls as well.
Not trusting the government doesn't make you a conspiracy theorist.
It makes you a history buff.
Now, I want to show you this clip Of a Target employee openly saying she's a Satanist.
And so I'm guessing this is becoming a regular thing now with people going into Target exposing the sexual grooming of the children that they're involved in.
So some of the employees might be getting privy to it.
So they just come out and say, at least one, yep, I'm a Satanist and I like this.
Here it is.
Support Satan?
You support Satan?
You support Satan?
So there you go.
Is that the one I sent you guys?
Okay, I apologize then.
There's a longer version of that.
It's about 30 seconds or so.
We'll try to find it.
I was scouring the web trying to find that one.
I sent him that little short one.
But you get the point.
She says, yep, she supports Satan and it goes on.
Now before I take your calls, did you guys also give me that DC Drano tweet, please?
Because I addressed this earlier, and I like DC Drano.
And I don't know if D.C.
Drano was listening to the show, but it's funny because the tweet was right on subject of what I was talking about earlier.
And it was in response to the exact video that I played.
So if you guys can bring that to me or put it on the screen so I can address this real quick.
But it's DC Drano saying, in response to that video I played, where Ethan Schmidt takes a Pride display for kids down and smashes it, and DC Drano says, let me be the first to say, don't do this.
If this is even a real conservative, you're making us look bad.
Our boycott works great without destruction of property or other in-person intimidation tactics.
The employees making $15 an hour aren't the problem.
I, this used to be my opinion, I understand that logic, I can't even disagree with it necessarily, because that was kind of my opinion of the time too.
And I wouldn't really promote Ethan Schmitt's stuff or play his videos, but you know what, my attitude has completely changed on it now.
Because, whether you want to support that type of protest, or whether you want to validate that type of protest, or remain neutral on it or negative on it, it doesn't make a difference, because The left wing burns targets to the ground.
How many targets were burned to the ground by Antifa and Black Lives Matter in the last five years?
How many targets got looted and burned and destroyed?
So you know what?
If a Christian activist wants to go take down a pride display for kids and smash it on the ground and target, you know what?
I think I can turn my head and look the other way or say, well, it is what it is.
Because, again, sitting on the sidelines and saying, well, we're not going to do this.
We're better than the left.
We're not going to do that because it looks bad.
That's how we got here.
That attitude is how we got here.
Now, again, I understand it.
I don't want to be put offish.
I don't want to be aggressive like that.
I want to do things peacefully, politically.
I want to win in the arena of ideas.
But you know, maybe it's time we stop scolding our own, and maybe it's time we stop going after our own, and maybe it's time we stop going after Christian activists that smash a pride for kids display when the left wing literally burns targets to the ground and doesn't get any pushback from the media.
And doesn't get any response from target employees.
And you talk about these poor target employees, they make $15 an hour.
Okay, well how much do they make when targets get burned to the ground and they don't exist anymore?
Zero dollars an hour?
So again, I'm not saying you have to promote that or say that's good.
But I mean, give me a break.
At this point, just give me a break.
So we're going to take your calls on this for the remainder of the transmission with potentially some other special guests coming up.
And let's go to the calls now.
In fact, Matt Baker is calling in on this.
So we'll lead it off with the great Matt Baker in California.
Hey, Matt, how we doing?
Pretty good, man.
I'm at work here.
Yeah, so I feel the same way, actually, about Ethan.
I've actually met him.
He's a cool dude.
And I've been like, dude, you go a little hard, even for me.
But you can't say he didn't start the whole Target thing.
He did get that going.
Years ago.
Years ago, he was doing this.
So people who are outliers ahead of the game, you know, now everyone's like, I'm a target!
It's like, yeah, dude, that's like three years old.
I mean, even, even to the extent, I mean, last night, this was the biggest story on Fox News, which I mean, is it, it's a good thing that they're calling this out finally.
But it's like, even the thing is like, this has been going on for five years.
We've been reporting on this.
I saw you guys play it, but I'm.
You know, every day it's a new thing.
So it's a new like, oh, Bud Light's gay, oh, Ford's gay, oh, this is gay.
Oh, North Face is gay, yes.
I don't know if you guys know about this, but somehow it slipped through my radar.
There's the Corporate Equity Index.
Are you familiar with this?
Oh yeah, and they have your little social credit score that, you know, you won't be able to get bank loans or you won't be able to get access on the mainstream media unless you promote the leftist, globalist, global homo agenda.
Yeah, I don't know if Greg Reeves wants to do a report on it or something, but yeah, once again, Corporate Equity Index, look it up, it's C-E-I, and guess who's behind it?
One guess.
The World Economic Forum?
George Soros!
Oh, George Soros, yes.
He funds the Human Rights Campaign, and he goes around and basically you score points by being LGBT if you have LGBT extra people in your place, you get extra points.
If you support Christianity, you get a negative point.
So if you go in there and put a satanic gay thing up, you're literally clocking in this credit score.
So what basically happens is imagine you're going to get a loan on your house and you're
like, Oh, I got my credit scores good.
I got this and that.
So they're like, well, how much money you got in the bank?
They're like, I got $200,000 in the bank.
They're like, all right, well, what we want you to do is we want you to put a giant, you
know, homo flag outside your business.
You lose a hundred grand in your business, but now you get the loans for a million dollars.
You see, so to these guys, they know they're losing money.
And that's probably why a lot of these campaigns are so pathetic because they're like, we don't
need to blow a bunch of money.
We'll get the credit score.
We know we're going to lose our ass.
But in the, in the end, they're going to get their corporate equity index brought to you
by the God damn bastard.
George Soros.
Well, and I think it was actually genius for Ted Cruz.
I think even myself kind of out of the gates missed the boat on this, but I think it was actually genius.
I'm realizing how genius it was for Ted Cruz to go after Bud Light and say, we're going to investigate the Dylan Mulvaney marketing plan.
Was it aimed towards minors?
Because I think he's onto something.
And I was reporting on that a couple weeks ago because I was just talking to a guy in the industry saying, no, I think they're doing this because they think that, you know, the trans youth is going to be like 50% of the youth, so they're marketing to people that are 12 and are going to be drinking Bud Light in 10 years.
So if that's true and they can prove it, then they got even more problems than we thought.
Yeah, man, I got one last thing.
So I was on the fence again, but you know what?
We got the American Liberty Awards coming up on the 12th of August, which you are nominated for, which Rob Dew is going to be hosting.
I'll be there.
Alison Steinberg will be there.
That's right here in Austin, Texas in August.
Matt Baker, good to hear from you.
All right, we are working on getting Kaylee Campbell-Leighton on.
She should be joining us in the next hour.
We're going to be taking your calls till that point.
I mean, again, getting to this debate, That I see happening now, and I'm just telling you, I was on the side of, yeah, you know what, I don't really like the way Ethan Schmidt does his Christian activism, but now I'm changing course.
Not that I'm necessarily endorsing it, I'm just simply saying, the keyboard warriors and the Christian activists that wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
And if you have a problem with Ethan Schmitt smashing a Pride for Kids sign at a Target, well, gee, the left wing just burns Targets to the ground completely and loots them to nothingness.
And the media and Target doesn't bat an eye.
But then we're going to sit here and we're going to scold Ethan Schmitt?
That's why we lose.
That's why we're in this position.
So again, I'm not condoning violence.
I'm not condoning anything illegal.
I'm just simply saying, at this point, ladies and gentlemen, if you consider yourself a Christian activist, and you're doing nothing, so if people don't like the way Ethan Schmidt does it, then why don't you rally a group and do it better?
It's like the same thing that I get frustrated with where Sebastian Gorka celebrates because I get banned from CPAC and then he goes out and shares my video from the border saying, this is how it's done.
Why doesn't everybody do this?
Well, I don't know, Sebastian.
You celebrate that I get censored and you don't do it.
So yeah, I do it and I get censored and you celebrate it.
But I'm ranting here.
Let's go to the phone lines.
Let's go to Kyle in New York to start us off.
Kyle, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen.
How you doing?
You know what?
It's just clown world.
I see your stream right now on TV and I was just in a Target.
And, like, if that's the worst thing that happens is somebody steps on the sign and guys like, I believe, said DC are all up in arms.
This is just, it ends up becoming people that are nothing more than conservatives who are just looking for likes or shares on Instagram and following a sentiment of, well, we're Christians, so let's just you know, step back and by no means am I calling for
violence. I don't want any of that. But you start pushing people to a limit and what do you expect?
You know, how many times are you going to, you know, poke the bear, if you will, before, you know,
it swats a claw at you, you know?
It's getting to a ridiculous point and it brings me to the video of the people in California that
were saying, "Well, convert your children." And then, "No, no, no, they're not targeted."
That's what I would ask.
it's literally target targeting kids. Yeah and again you don't have to if you
don't like the way Ethan Schmidt engages in Christian activism then then what are
you doing that's what I would ask then then what are you doing and I'm not
targeting DC Drano here because of the tweet It just happened to pop up on my Twitter feed when I was talking about it.
DC Drano's great.
He does great work.
I'm just generally speaking here because it's the same thing I talked about yesterday with Pastor Dave Scarlett.
Where are the Christian activists?
Why is it when I go to the Texas Capitol and I have to deal with 500 trans kids supporters that I'm the only one?
So I'm just, I'm tired of the sideline sitters.
I'm tired of the keyboard warriors judging actual real world activism.
I just, uh, you know, I, I just wanted to bring up one thing, uh, back to a couple of years ago when Biden was running, he said that they're fighting for the soul of the nation.
And, and, you know, you put that in whatever context you want, that's a party that is siding willfully, willingly siding with Satan.
And it's not fighting for the soul of a nation in any other way than being evil.
When they're going after the evil... Well yeah, I mean look, everything Joe Biden says is a lie.
And now today they're basically saying the entire stock market is gonna crash if they don't give in to Biden on his debt ceiling demands.
Okay, so fine!
So the stock market collapses.
The whole thing is corrupt anyway.
So they corrupt the system and then they hold it over our head and say, give us what we want.
That's a terrorist tactic.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And Owen, I'm just going to end with this.
I just want to say a quick prayer.
Lord, I ask that you watch over the children.
I ask that you watch over the good people of this country that are trying to protect the children, that you forgive us as a nation and as a world of our sins, and that you help guide us in your light and that we walk with you every day.
Owen, thank you.
And Alex, thank you for the work that you guys do.
You guys are incredible.
Thank you, Kyle.
Let's go to Yvonne in Texas.
Yvonne, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing?
Hey, good.
Real quick, I just, I do want to say I was fiending and I was so sad whenever we are out of Turbo Force.
I was happy when y'all got it back for Disney Mom with two little wild children.
It helped me from As soon as I woke up to do a workout,
to work all the way at a restaurant at the end of the night, and it weared off in time.
So I just wanted to let you know it is a great product.
Thank you for that.
Second, so it's really hard to raise two young children in Austin.
And I have a really cool tie-dyed shirt, and it's really hard to even put that on my child
without him being like a political pawn, or me thinking that I'm representing pride.
So that's kind of sad that the innocence of children, the colors, everything vibrant is being taken away from children.
And even as a mom for me having to be kind of worried, like if I put this on him, You know, people are going to be thinking, you know, whatever they think here in Austin.
Yeah, no, that's it, exactly.
They're taking all of these things that traditionally have either no meaning or a very neutral, fun meaning, like you say a tie-dye shirt or say a baseball game, and they turn these things into leftist propaganda machines and leftist weapons.
Also, like the other day, my husband was sitting here with the kids.
He kind of dozed off for a second when he woke up.
My children were watching Netflix and I took it off.
I put it back on just for like a few shows, but I had it all.
You know, Parental Control, so with my pin number and whatnot.
But there was a TV show that he woke up to called Hollow, that he was a cartoon.
And all of a sudden, it was like these three kids, one of them hugged somebody.
They were like, you know, they're talking about feelings and stuff.
He's like, well, I'm not interested in you.
And they're like, what?
He's like, well, I'm gay.
So it's just right then and there.
It's like all these young shows, there are targeting kids.
And obviously, my husband was really upset.
He's been noticing Target for years, and every time we would go in there he's like, you know, what the hell is this going on?
Yeah, I guess it's hard, you know, being a parent right now.
Yvonne, thank you for the call.
Let's go to David in California.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, can you hear me?
Okay, cool.
I have a video of me going to Target.
It's only a minute long, and I think getting your reaction would be kind of funny.
It's called, let me see, Target is Grooming Kids Solution on my YouTube channel, David Yuhas.
I think you would like it.
Okay, we can pull that up in the break.
I can respond to it on the other side.
Okay, cool.
That's all I want.
I want your reaction to it.
That's it.
Have a nice day.
All right, the old Owens-Royer reaction video.
We will deliver.
George in California, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
All right, brother.
How can you hear me there?
Yes, we've got you.
All right, bad connection here.
Sorry, but number one, God bless you and the crew, brother.
I love you guys, man.
It's not easy to run a show.
I've done it in high school.
I love you guys, man.
Keep up the great work.
It just all goes back to the Bible, brother.
What else is there to say?
God's first commandment was be fruitful and multiply.
They're corrupting His image.
We're created in His image.
And they're going after the children.
And every time there's this talk about Like, in the time of Moses, the Pharaoh was going after the children.
When Jesus was born, they were going after the children.
They're coming after the children now.
And there's a reason why Baphomet is a dude with breasts and a pharmaceutical logo in his hand.
It's all there, folks.
The symbolism is everywhere.
Alright, we're going to respond to that caller's video, but it needs to be censored, so we're censoring that right now.
We're going back to the phone lines here on the Alex Jones Show.
On this target issue, which again, I mean, it's not like this is a new phenomenon.
Left has been targeting children with their sexual agenda for years.
It's just so overt and over the top now that finally the pendulum is starting to swing the opposite direction with people speaking out, stepping up, and pushing back peacefully, politically.
Let's go to the Liberty Dog in Cape Cod.
Liberty Dog, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Great to be on with you.
Thank you.
Yeah, so I totally agree.
It's time for Christians to step up.
I mean, I usually have to find a line to follow Christ in truth.
And, you know, but even Jesus, he turned over the tables of the of the merchants and the money changers in the temple and, you know, the children.
And he said also, you know, it's better for Someone to go throw themselves and, you know, tie a stone around their neck and toss themselves in the sea then to cause one of these little ones to stumble.
So, you know, I think the time for Christians to wait and, you know, play the nice game and wait for people to come around and it's over.
This is in our face.
This is a direct affront on God himself, like others have been making the point that, you know, it's...
It's a true spiritual battle, and now they're just out in the open, and we do have to get more bold, you know.
And Jesus promised that we are going to be persecuted again, you know.
You're not going to get out of this life as a Christian without being persecuted.
If you're doing, you know, if you're following Jesus the way He wants us, commands us to, you will endure some hardships and some persecutions.
And now it's time, because they're coming after the children, and it's okay, I think.
Yeah, obviously everyone has to pray on their own and figure out, okay, where is it my conscience clear and clean, and what actions I take?
It depends on the person, I believe, and where you cross the line into sin.
But I think it's time for churches in general, and Christians in general, to be more bold and outspoken about these things.
You know, we cannot be silent anymore.
And I personally have been more, you know, kind of introspective, has looked at my own walk with Jesus, have come back after being away for many, many years, and I think that's where it starts.
You know, it's a true personal revival first in your walk with Christ, but then once you're filled with the Spirit and you are walking, you know, righteously with Christ, that is going to It's going to just be a natural thing for you to not sit on your hands anymore, you know?
How could you be a true Christian and not fight for the children and not speak out for the truth, you know?
My pastor has preached in the past saying that all truth is God's truth, and the truth of what's happening needs to be exposed, and a lot of Christians, they don't want to look at it, and it's time for them to get bold.
Well, and here's kind of my growing frustration with this.
I'm noticing that conservative Christian activists are more interested in targeting people within the movement.
And they spend all this time and energy, I won't name the names of the people that get targeted or individuals involved in this, everybody sees it, everybody knows what I'm talking about, and it's all this judgmental aiming of frustration from Christian activists at fellow conservatives.
And so I get it, I get it, especially if you want to be a purist, if you're trying to, I guess, get rid of people inside of the conservative movement that you don't think perfectly represent the ideas or values that you have, but it's like, Why are you spending time and energy going after fellow conservatives and Christians when you could be using that energy to actually go after the people targeting children?
Like, literally, target.
And so it's just like this frustrating thing.
I see all this judgmental activity aimed towards conservatives instead of actually being aimed at the people that are attacking the children.
And I know why.
I understand the psychology of why.
Because you ram your head against the leftist liberal establishment and you seemingly get no results.
So you turn your head and you start ramming it against Christian conservatives and you feel like, well, maybe I'm getting results here.
This is a lot easier to get results and views on my internet stuff.
But you know, we hosted an abortion protest at a Planned Parenthood here probably like five years ago.
Some of my crew was there.
Some of the members of the audience were probably there.
And I was giving a speech about this exact phenomenon, and one of our own protesters disrupted me and disagreed with me because I said, We're going at times to feel like we're taking futile actions, but it's not.
It's going to be a slow process.
It's going to be slow victories.
We have to be patient with this and just keep pounding the pavement.
And now here we are, six years later since we had that rally, and we're finally getting bills and legislation passed saving these babies' lives.
My own protesters were mad at me for saying that.
So it's the same thing.
Look at the results we're having now when it comes to Bud Light.
Look at the results we're having now when it comes to Target.
These things take time.
The pendulum is swinging in the right direction.
I just hope all these people casting aspersions towards conservatives they don't think are pure enough to be in the movement.
I just ask, what are you doing in the real world?
What are you doing to go after the actual Satanism in the real world targeting children?
I think, absolutely, and part of that is I think Christians have to step up and do the opposite, and when you get challenged by some self-righteous Christian who wants to, you know, act like they're holier-than-thou, I think it's time for us to challenge them back and say, like you just said, what are you doing?
It's time for Christians to get active.
You are allowing Satan into this church, like my church.
It's funny, I woke up this morning thinking about this and praying about this.
I'm like, I have to talk to my pastor.
He has not gotten bold enough with this point-blank.
You know, we're growing.
There's a lot of good things happening, but it's time to get and confront this more head on.
And the more people do that, then others will be emboldened.
You know, it's going to take those like you and others and Alex and us info warriors to step out in faith and then we'll be the leaders.
And that, like you said, it catches on.
It just takes some boldness and courage.
But if we have the Holy Spirit, there's no problem.
We can do it.
Yeah, you don't like Ethan Schmitt's tactics?
Pushing back against the pride agenda for kids?
Well, let's see how you do it.
You can do it better.
You don't like Owen Schroer's tactics?
Let's say you don't like my political activism tactics.
Fine, let's see you do it.
Do better than me.
I want you to be better than me.
It's all about clearing the path for others.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Chris in New York.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I went to a meeting of the Newtown Civic Association on Monday, and that's sort of a group of people that are, it's a civic association with good people working from the neighborhood in Elmhurst, Queens.
Alright, so I wanted to go there for one reason, because they're using auditoriums in local schools, and they're putting the refugees, or the people from down, that came up here, And they're taking the space of the children in the school.
They don't have their auditorium anymore.
So I go there, and I... They had a few knickknacks talking.
I was in the front row, 50 people behind me.
And then this guy called Everett Boyd comes up, and he's a founder of a couple of charter schools.
Okay, and he says, oh, this is good for you because I have a gymnasium and people in the neighborhood can come.
That's good.
I thought it was a little underhanded because that's a profit motivation there.
Okay, but anyway, I'm listening to him.
So I asked him a question.
I said, Governor Kathy Hochul supports trans parties for children.
And they're spending tax money on that.
And I asked him, I said, do you support that?
And he turned his head away from me and he just started talking to someone else.
So I got up in front of the 50 people and said, I'm leaving.
You didn't answer my question.
Now, why are they so shy to talk about this?
And I'll tell you something else.
The reason you don't have enough people fighting back, a lot of people don't even know what's going on or they're afraid to talk.
Because I'm sort of an investigative reporter.
I talk to everybody.
And I went to this pizza shop which is like 70 years old on Grand Avenue near where I live in Queens.
And this old woman, she's like 80 years old, she's had that pizza shop forever.
And we were talking about that and she said, you know, last week a woman came in, ordered a pizza, and I turned around and I said, Miss, your pizza's ready.
And this woman started yelling at her, I'm not a miss, I'm not a miss.
And she said, I'm not going to, I'm going to be very careful.
I'm afraid to talk.
And this woman's 80 years old, this Italian woman.
She makes good pizza.
But I'm going to tell you something.
I talked to everyone I could talk to that speaks English here.
They don't know what's going on.
I tell them about the trans- And when they do, they agree with you, Chris.
Thanks for the call.
And I... In, uh... I guess it was 2020.
I was trying to become a precinct chair here for the Texas GOP, and I got banned from meetings, I got scolded by leadership.
But you know what's funny?
When they would kick me out of meetings, and when the Republican leadership would ban me from their events, all the people that attended their events would come up to me afterwards and shake my hand and say, thank you.
We've been looking for leadership that talks like you.
No, conservative leadership are cowards.
It's time to stop that.
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888-253-3139. Thank you for your support.
All right, we're taking phone calls here. We have some other videos coming up, including
a guest, Kaylee Campbell-Leighton, whose video just obviously went massively viral and really
just shifted the tide of this whole trans kids, Pride for Kids agenda happening in Target
and with Pride Month just a week away, has had a massive momentum shift in this political
Folks, I'm telling you, you know, I'm gonna ask her this when she comes on.
Did you ever expect that your video would have this much impact?
Did you ever expect that?
Folks, believe me, I've been there.
I know.
You could, for years, be doing content like this, never crack 100 views.
And then that one day will come where you break the matrix.
And you get seen 10 million times, and you change the world in one powerful video.
Let's go back to the callers here.
Let's go to Josh in FEMA Region 3.
Josh, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Owen, brother.
First, I want to plug you, actually.
You know, to the listeners, this guy is on Twitter and Rumble.
Well, he's got a show called Owen Sawyer Live, and I don't see enough of a viewer count on this.
I'm shocked.
I've called in over there a few times.
It's a great show.
Everyone should check out.
Am I coming in well?
Yeah, no, I've got you.
I'm just letting you talk.
You know, I don't want to spend too much time just just promoting my stuff here.
But yeah, that's nice.
I mean, I'm probably I mean, I'm easily top five most banned men in America.
So it's nice when people can find my stuff.
All right, sorry.
So I'm of the economic philosophy of like Peter Schiff, who would be an amazing guest if you guys could ever do that, but.
He's all about free market economy.
And I believe that what that requires, though, to have a good society out of that is an informed populist.
And that relates to all this boycotting stuff.
People have to know what these companies are up to because you're just funding evil.
You're funding the enemy.
You're funding the demise of our culture.
And once you do know, you know, I used to be like, I used to kind of tell people about this passively, you know, Hey, did you know this company does this?
And leave it at that.
But I've shifted more now to where it's like, once you know you're complicit, if you give them your money, you are complicit in evil at that point.
You know what I mean?
It's a fair approach, and I understand that it's hard, and I'm not going to sit here and act like I'm perfect.
I don't make any secrets that I'm not a purist, but no, I mean, there are certainly easy measures you can take to make sure you're not spending your money with the enemy.
Yeah, yeah, and I'm not saying you like you, Owen, of course, but Well, no, I mean, call me out.
I'm not above criticism.
I'm just saying, like, I haven't shopped at Target in 10 years, so, like, me saying I'm boycotting Target means nothing.
It's people out there that do still shop at Target, and maybe it's a great store for kids or whatever.
Well, now the onus is on you, like you said.
Talking about doing something, here's a fun thing.
Here's something I do sometimes, and you don't even have to confront people head-on.
So, like, say you're in the grocery store, because there's a lot of evil companies in the food industry doing terrible things.
Say you're in the grocery store, and you got someone with you.
And you see someone looking at certain products, like if it's Nestle, Coca-Cola, Mars, Hershey's, whatever.
All these are terrible for you anyway, but what you do is you're talking to your friend or wife or whoever's with you.
And you just strike up loudly, obviously, kind of absurdly louder than normal.
You say, did you know that Hershey's uses slave labor to collect their cocoa?
I know, it's crazy, right?
And you just have this conversation while the person's over there picking out their Nestle or whatever.
Yeah, that's kind of like a subtle culture jamming just to have in public there.
Josh, thanks for the call.
We'll be right back.
You know, here's what's kind of ridiculous about all this, actually.
This shouldn't even be a political thing.
But the only reason why it's a political thing is because this is left-wing politics.
Sexually grooming children, targeting children.
So, it shouldn't be a political thing.
No matter what your politics are, pride for kids, clothes for kids, sexual propaganda for kids, I don't care what your politics are, you should be against that!
You should see that and be horrified!
But see, because the left-wing political movement is a cult, they're not allowed to call out any of their own political movements, any of their own political agendas.
So they all know what they're doing to children is bad, but they can't call it out because that would go against the cult.
So it shouldn't be a political issue, but it becomes this political issue because it's actually politics that is now controlling culture.
So it's no longer culture controls politics, or politics is downstream from culture.
Nope, I don't buy that anymore.
Not at all.
Because if that were true, Then this whole trans kids, pride for kids thing would be rejected upon arrival.
It's accepted because it is left-wing politics.
And you cannot criticize your own politics on the left so then it becomes their culture.
We're taking phone calls ahead of Kayleigh Campbell Layton joining us, whose viral video may have changed the world.
I mean, literally, that's the power right now.
Let's go to Jeremiah in Ohio.
In the meantime, Jeremiah, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, are you there, Owen?
Yeah, so I was looking up that, uh, South Butt and, uh, just reading about it and somebody out there still selling shirts with the logo on it.
It's pretty funny.
And, uh, I was just thinking maybe North Face just got so upset because they knew they wanted to do a gay clothing line one day and they wanted to save South Butt for, uh, one of their logos or brands.
Now that's funny.
You know, because I'm not trying to go down this path.
It's off the beaten trail here.
It's kind of out in left field.
No, I mean, if I remember at the time, again, I don't, the guy's name escapes me.
He was in my friend's group.
I didn't really know him that well, but we all heard the stories about when he got sued, that it was because North Face was claiming some branding thing, and we were all confused because it was like, how does this meet the requirements?
It's a completely different logo, different name, different everything, but North Face won the case, so I don't know if this is still him selling that stuff, but boy, that is hilarious.
North Face knew they wanted to do gay propaganda, so they scuttled the south butt Yeah, I just thought it was funny and I guess I want to plug for a minute.
You got to get some shirts out there, Owen.
You got to get some Clown World or get some War Room shirts.
And I just want to tell the listeners, I know a lot of us want a Samoan Troyer shirt.
So yeah, InfoWars needs to get on that.
All right, Jeremiah.
Thank you for that call.
Let's go to Rick in FEMA Region 4.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Glad to get through, Owen.
Good to have you here.
First and foremost, great job filling in for the big man, and thanks to Alex, you, Harrison, the entire crew for what you guys do.
God bless.
As far as the target scenario goes, I mean, what else can anyone expect when you have an elected official, you know, that is a screaming lunatic being No, look at it like this.
Look at it like this, because we did cover that.
Joe Biden was just in Japan.
He gave a speech on Monday, I believe it was.
We didn't even play it.
Folks, the guy, he can't even talk.
He called the president of Japan, President Loon.
His name is Yoon.
He told the troops in Japan that his son died in Afghanistan.
His son died of cancer at a hospital in America.
He was fumbling and bumbling over almost everything he said, and it doesn't even get covered because we're so used to having a president that can't talk and can't be honest!
Look, you're talking to Sleeper-in-Chief, he's not fighting for the soul of the nation, he's fighting to take the soul of the nation.
I mean...
Again, back to the trans and that whole agenda.
What you do in your privacy, your own home, more power to you.
Just don't force down everyone else's throat, you know?
All right, Rick.
Thank you for that.
Let's go to David in Pennsylvania.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, and thanks for taking my call, brother.
I appreciate it.
Hey, can I just say, man, that, uh, I've been an InfoWars listener since the late 90s.
Prison Planet member, man, I love that and hope when you guys do some restructuring that we could get a members pay site again, man.
That was really cool.
But can I just say that there's nothing new under the sun, you know, that the gay thing, the murdering kids has always been around.
But I think Christians, man, have forgot their place.
You know, Deuteronomy says that wear the head and not the tail.
You know, we're the lead, man.
We're not the follow people.
And, uh, you know, I think Infowars' real superpower now is because I've met you guys, man.
I got to meet you guys a couple times a few years ago, and you guys are the real deal.
And when you start really getting into being a Christian and really telling people what that is, they fear a Pope Urban II moment from Alex Jones and Owen Troyer.
And if people don't know the history of that, you can check that out with the Crusades.
And thank God that the 1776 Christians didn't just sit around and not say anything.
You know what I mean?
The Black Robe Regiments led the revolution.
So, Christians, stand up.
You're the head, not the tail.
And a shout-out also to the products, man.
And Vitamin Mineral Fusion, if you haven't tried it, man, get it.
We've got to get that back in stock, man.
Vitamin Mineral Fusion is awesome.
I start every day with it.
I literally purchased 10 canisters because, unfortunately, it sells out quite often.
So even though it's sold out, I've got extras in my pantry.
When it comes back, folks, I suggest loading up on Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
It truly is a difference maker.
100%, man.
I just started ordering it a year ago, and I've been on the products for, God, 20 years.
My wife said, I don't care what we run out of.
Don't run out of vitamin or fusion.
So anyway, I ordered five cans last time and we can't wait for it to come back, brother.
But I appreciate you taking our calls, man.
All right, David.
Thank you.
Let's go to Falcon in Wisconsin.
Falcon, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Big O. Just to add on how you said, culture is downwind from politics.
I think, you know, currently Satanism and moneymaking is downwind also from politics.
And that kind of ties in with this Trans assault going on right now because not only is big pharma and big medical making big money with, you know, the reassignment surgeries and the hormone replacement therapy, but you know, you look at the value of a heart is a million dollars, a liver is half a million dollars, a kidney is a quarter million dollars.
I think they're selling these body parts they harvest to other people and also making a boondoggle off of that.
And that's why they're promoting it to kids because it's, you know, harvesting of the fresh meat.
And I agree with you that we are making head roads since, you know, I saw you over at that abortion protest.
But we need to, I think we need to go faster and harder.
Were you there?
Were you at that protest about five years ago?
Yeah, I remember that guy who yelled at you and said, you know, we need to ban everything.
You know, everything needs to be illegal right away, you know.
So you remember, you remember, and I let him say his piece, it was fine.
But, you know, I was kind of giving my, I was kind of giving my conclusive speech on this thing, saying, hey, you know, guys, we're going to get results.
It's going to be a tough road.
We're going to have to be patient.
But, you know, ultimately, this is the goal.
And he started scolding me and saying I was bad, like, oh, no, we have to ban it all now.
And if we don't do it now, we're failures and we need to go to war over this.
And I said, hey, wait a second.
So, I mean, I feel like I'm vindicated now, five years later.
Rude, you were giving a speech and he was yelling as you were giving a speech, you know.
And, you know, you're totally seeing into the future and prediction-wise, I think like in five years, you know, they're just going to do open harvesting of kids and people and five years after that it will be... Oh, look at what they're doing in Canada now, celebrating the euthanasia thing.
And, you know, that's just another stepping stone.
You know, part of the slippery slope.
You know, you see even it's the same thing.
Shaken big style with entire Progressive agenda or Democrat agenda you see with Ukraine.
They're starting with the F-16 Falcon.
I wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the year we're sending F-22s and F-35s.
Yeah, Biden wants to send fourth-generational aircraft to Ukraine.
Folks, it's a disaster.
It takes a year to even train somebody to fly that.
The war will be over by the time you can even do it.
The whole thing is a disaster.
I'm going to cover that later on in the War Room.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're about to be joined by the now, fair to say, legendary Kayleigh Campbell-Leighton.
I'm curious to know if she realized when she was filming that video she could have potentially changed the fate of our country.
Ladies and gentlemen, before we bring our great guest on...
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Joining me now is Kayleigh Campbell-Leighton, and her video's now been seen, I don't know, 10 million times, it's been played on most big conservative news outlets, top story even this week.
Kayleigh, we thank you for joining us today.
Let's just start off with this.
When you filmed that video, did you expect it would have such an impact?
I had absolutely no idea.
Um, when we were at, uh, Palm Springs, we were down in Palm Springs for the day and I had been hearing about the stuff that had been posting or posted up in targets around the United States.
And so I was like, you know what, let's swing in there and see.
And then I whipped out the camera because right when you walk into the dollar section, they just had a bunch of like pride flags set up.
And so right behind that was just everything and so I went to go check it out and it was crazy.
So okay, so then I guess the next question would be, and maybe you've already answered it, were you expecting to see the Pride display for children when you went to Target that day?
I didn't.
I knew from, what, 2022 they had, like, a smaller section set up, and let's remember it's not even June yet.
They brought this out, like, two weeks early, so I had no idea that they were going to expand their product collection this much, especially including all of the children's stuff that they added.
Yeah, and as you said, I went to the Target here in Austin, and it was the same thing.
Once you walk in, they've got pride flags everywhere, handkerchiefs, other such materials.
That's just right when you walk in, in that little dollar aisle.
Then you go into the kids' clothing aisle, and there's a whole other pride section, and they sell...
Sam Smith albums the the famous satanic performer was there too.
Now when you were filming this I'm just curious because as soon as I walked up I had Target employees all over me they they clearly know that something's going on with this now.
Did anybody approach you that day?
Um, no, there was people coming in because there was a Starbucks, like, right next to me.
Um, so there was a good crowd of people, but, uh, my husband was kind of telling me to lower my voice a little bit because I was getting pretty upset about the things that I was finding.
And so, um, I didn't have any employees.
Like, walk up to me.
I was, I made a comment.
I was like, oh, let's see if they'll even say something to him.
And nobody, nobody ever said anything.
I may have gotten a few ugly looks, but I mean, we're in California and nobody said anything and I thought it was really funny.
Yeah, I guess in California you might expect there to be a little more local pushback.
I did notice when I was there filming, there were a couple people that kind of looked, they were just walking by and they saw the Pride stuff and they were like, whoa!
They were kind of off-put by it, kind of like shocked by it, like, whoa!
And then there was one woman that was just so into it and she looked like, you know, she looked like she was like 60 and single.
No, not at all.
I don't know if I've ever had kids with her friend.
They loved it so much.
So there's definitely the dichotomy there.
But you're saying even in California, the people weren't necessarily so upset with your
commentary there.
No, not at all.
Nobody said a word to me.
So let's talk about what the last 48 hours has been like for you since this video has
just completely gone viral.
I mean, probably tens of millions of views easily.
The last 48 hours for you, what can you tell us?
So it started off with me posting it on my main Instagram account, which Instagram Like, blew it up as a reel, and then instantly banned my account.
Suspended it, then banned it.
I appealed it three times.
I haven't heard a single thing from them.
I had that account and posted all of my political stuff in the past on there.
So, I switched to my new Instagram, which was just my podcast account.
Trying to keep track of all the videos being posted.
I'm kind of jealous of the fact that everybody's getting away with posting the video and I'm the one that gets my account taken down.
But it's easily worth the sacrifice because of how much it's blown up so far.
Twitter has been insane.
Just getting sent videos of people sharing it and just seeing it Pretty much everywhere.
TikTok has blown up.
I was banned 11 times on TikTok, and I was thinking, like, two days ago, I was like, I'll just post this video on there and see what happens.
Over 20k right now, and I'm surprised they haven't banned me yet.
I don't know if they remember me or not, but it's been so hard to keep track of just everything going on all at the same time right now.
Now, you're married with children, is that correct?
I'm currently 30 weeks pregnant and I am married.
Okay, so you're expecting and do you normally shop at Target?
So I will admit I used to, but I noticed like whenever I go and get like skincare products, bath products, things like that.
One, it's way cheaper at Walmart.
I'm actually planning on checking out the Walmart in California here soon to see if we can catch some more Pride stuff.
But I typically just found my necessities there occasionally and then realized that it's kind of overpriced, especially out here in California as well.
So I try to find other products at other places now.
Well, would it be fair to say that you plan to boycott Target from here on out?
I feel like they haven't offered anything.
They don't offer anything substantial.
I feel like I had slowed down my shopping there.
One, we live an hour and a half away from one.
It's not worth going at all.
It hasn't been.
And I don't plan on ever returning there ever again.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong here, but political activism isn't really something that you typically engage in.
Is this something you're interested in now?
So I, well, I used to be a Turning Point ambassador until they kicked me out.
Oh, that's ironic.
Oh yeah.
They think that I'm too radical, apparently.
But I was working with them.
I have a show called What's Your Point that I actually paused when I got pregnant because stress, didn't want to put that on the baby, things like that.
Obviously that's not what I'm doing now because I'm full force back into all of it.
Well, let me just pause you right there.
I'm sorry.
I'm up against a break, but I want to hear about this on the other side.
This is really interesting because I noticed that the most, the most, the hardest fighters are the ones that the conservatives get rid of.
What the hell?
And my guest, Kaylee Campbell-Leighton, this is the video you've been seeing everywhere exposing the Pride for Kids sections in Target, and now it's become a trend.
I myself went and shot a video this morning at Target.
Dozens of others are shooting videos exposing this at Target.
Kayleigh is explaining on the other side how she used to be involved in politics and people on the conservative movement got rid of her, for lack of a better term.
So Kayleigh, pick up that conversation because I wasn't aware of your future, or rather your past, political activism.
So why don't you let us know about that?
Yeah, so I started in maybe September of 2021, I believe, and I had just started out kind of posting TikToks to see what would happen.
I've always liked politics.
I've always been a very opinionated person.
I'm not one to not say what's on my mind.
And so especially after the 2020 election and just getting more involved, I started making content and Turning Point recruited me and I was quickly picked up.
Working on my show, I created that.
It's called What's Your Point?
I started going live pretty much every single night just talking about different topics and stuff.
And then I was living in Texas at the time because I'm native to Texas.
I moved out here with my husband because he's a Marine.
And basically, We started going to, once I was networking in Texas specifically, I started going to different protests.
I went to a few protests at UNT because I graduated from there, saw firsthand how liberal that campus is, along with many others in Texas, unfortunately.
And then things really started going up from there.
Um, and then it kind of became difficult when accounts were getting banned, content was getting taken down, shadow banned.
What all of that, all of that combined was so frustrating.
Um, and then I, the more I got into politics, the more I was educating myself, educating others, talking about things, the more things started to get exposed, whether it was in the conservative movement as a whole or Just everything combined and how, you know, you see a handful of people standing up for what they believe in and then the rest of them are doing it mainly just for, like, an extra like or, you know, to get on to the next big thing.
And it became really frustrating because I saw people working really hard for the content they were making, spending hours researching, planning three-hour live shows like I was doing at 8 p.m.
at night in Texas, making sure that I just had all the content locked up and ready to tell everybody, and Just doing all of that and still getting banned is both motivating and infuriating at the same time.
But then, Turning Point actually ended up kicking me out.
There was a lot of controversy going on after one of the events that they had, and they didn't like the fact that I made a joke about China.
I think I... They didn't have any proof, but they accused me of saying that I wanted to blow up China, or I think we should blow up China.
I asked for proof of where I said that.
They called, they kind of, like, I don't know, just kind of didn't really explain anything on the phone other than you were targeting a group of people, so we're going to have to terminate your ambassadorship or whatnot.
And I was like, okay, game on then.
You want to kick out real conservatives for doing our jobs and calling out actual problems that were going on, especially in Texas with all the drag stuff going on, with the border issue.
They don't talk about any of that.
They talk about just the main talking points.
They don't care about any of the ambassadors.
They talk about the things that make people uncomfortable to talk about.
And I'm not the only one that's gotten kicked out.
I have many friends who have also said blanket statements that any Christian conservative should say, and they don't like that at all.
And they want to shut you down as much as they have little posters that say free speech and this and that.
They don't care.
And any real conservative that I truly know wants nothing to do with that because they really don't help the movement.
Well, I would say I think Turning Point has actually had its own Turning Point, to use a pun if you will, in the last couple years where, I mean, I used to get blatantly snubbed by Turning Point.
Charlie Kirk would act like he doesn't know who InfoWars or Owen Schroer is in this weird, awkward moments, to now they invite Alex Jones to their events and everybody celebrates.
But I mean, I would put it like this, do you think at that point in time, You probably would have better served their content by posting bikini pictures in a red white and blue bikini saying I love America instead of actually doing three hours of content or being on the streets.
Was that the vibe back then?
Absolutely, 100%.
The exploitation that goes on with specifically the women, whether it's the employees that work at headquarters in Arizona, or their contributors who do nothing.
They don't contribute anything other than their bodies to the staff and to social media in general by saying talking points that mean absolutely nothing in this day and age.
Now what would you say, obviously you're thinking about maybe getting more politically involved, you're obviously thinking about your child that you're expecting here soon as well.
What would you say to other conservative activists, ones that have been around for a while, ones that are maybe thinking about getting involved now?
Just from your experience, what kind of advice would you give them?
This is my favorite thing to talk about because I feel like nobody should be afraid to speak their mind.
Nobody should be afraid to stand up for our core values that we believe in.
There's no reason.
We should be standing up.
We claim that we are Christians and we claim that we are conservatives, which apparently people these days get confused as to what conservative means because they like to group Republican in with that.
But I feel like that has shifted significantly when we talk about what conservative values genuinely are and what Christian values genuinely are.
And I would tell anybody out there who's thinking about posting a video or thinking about going to their local protests to, you know, fight for what they believe in or record content to expose this stuff that's happening in real life.
That they can't be afraid.
You can't be afraid of losing friends.
You can't be afraid of losing your job.
You know, when I got into politics, I lost every single one of my friends from college, from high school, everyone.
They were too afraid to, they quote said, they were too afraid to associate with me because they were scared of what I was posting on TikTok and Instagram.
And you can't be afraid of that.
You can't be afraid of losing people in your life for the sake of standing up for your own values.
Like, In the long run, and my mindset has shifted a lot on this since becoming pregnant and bringing a child into the world, that that protecting her and protecting my children's innocence and protecting our country and actual values that we have to offer are way more valuable than keeping a job or keeping your friend group around who offer absolutely nothing.
It is so...
Because it continues to get worse and worse every single day that we stand up and we say what's on our mind and we truly fight because it's been what, two years?
It's been almost three years, yeah, that this has been going on for the Biden administration to push it.
Who knows how much worse it'll get in the next five years and who knows what else is going to be normalized.
So what is next for Kaylee Campbell-Leighton?
What is next?
You're hitting the ground running.
If Turning Point gave you a call back and offered you a job, would you take it?
Or what are you thinking for the future?
Never in a million years would I ever work for an organization that claims to be Christian and conservative, yet work with people who are 100% against their complete agenda.
I've always put my heart and mind into my own show, and I think that working with everything now, I'm planning on bringing it back.
I'm interested to see how that's going to go with a newborn soon.
But it's really just, this woke me up again.
I'd kind of been like staying mellow a little bit within politics, but I truly, truly feel like this is my calling and I feel like using this platform to speak up and be one of the few that is not afraid of anything and is not afraid of saying anything that's on my mind, no matter how controversial it may be.
I think that the next step is bringing my show back and just going full force.
If we can take down Target, or at least make them consider taking down all of their Pride stuff, Pride children's stuff in the store, what other stores can we go after?
And I'm excited to see, especially living in California now, what else we can find in other stores.
Yeah, it feels like this part of the movement is on now.
The boycott's actually having real-world impacts, and people getting out of their online internet caves, or even their own houses, and getting in the streets, and changing the world, like Kayleigh Campbell-Leighton has done.
Kayleigh, thank you for joining us today.
Great stuff.
Thank you.
Alright, I'm gonna take a couple more phone calls here on the Alex Jones Show, before I hand the baton to the fourth-hour host, Kate Daly.
And then I'll be back.
I'm going to cover the rest of the news.
There's a lot of other important news other than this Target thing.
We're focusing on this here today.
But I'm going to cover all the other important news on the InfoWars War Room coming up from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, my normal hosting duties.
Let's take a couple more phone calls before it's all said and done here.
Let's go to Joe in Texas.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Owen?
Okay, first of all, I just wanted to talk about the Target thing going on with all these kid sections with the rainbow flags and all that other stuff.
Is there any way we can get a petition going with enough signatures just to completely ban it from these stores and not just Target from any other store that's doing this?
Well, I mean, yeah, you can get a petition going for anything, but It's a little different petitioning against a corporation than it is against the government.
I mean, it's really just upon target whether they want to respond to the backlash or not.
Ah, gee.
Anyways, I had been meaning to get a hold of y'all.
This happened back in, uh, 89 in Lubbock, Texas, and they hid this from the world.
Um, there's a lady that lives in Shallowwater, Texas.
Her name is Mary Constancio and she speaks to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
And back in 89, it's the church in Lubbock, Texas, St.
John Newman.
I mean, there was all kinds of miracles happening that day.
I watched a paraplegic out of his chair, speaking, walking.
I'll tell you what, I'm taking calls on Target.
If you want to say the lady's name one more time so people can Google it, then that's fine.
I'm not trying to censor you, but I'm trying to remain on topic here.
So what's the lady's name?
Mary Consancio, she's from Shallow Water, Texas.
Okay, I thank you for that.
Let's take the next caller here.
Rick in Mississippi, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, I was just trying to wrap my head around why would these companies do it?
I mean, you don't get to the position to make that call without having a little bit of common sense.
And they've got to see what's happening to Bud Light and Ford and all the other ones.
So the only conclusion I can come to is they're buying in.
They're paying their tithes to their god or their whatever.
So what I'm saying is, if they're buying in, if they're doubling down, you've got to pick your side, too.
They're going in on their team.
You better pick your side.
Yeah, and I would say, to make it a little more understandable, you do have leftists and liberals that are involved in the process of the decision-making here, so they're making these decisions, the same deranged leftists that we deal with every day, they make decisions at major corporations.
You also have the ESG social credit score equation, where these companies know they have to do the leftist liberal crap, otherwise they don't get bank loans, they don't get marketed on TV, all the other stuff to make their business successful.
Um, and I also think there's an element of this where the left has really deceived itself in a way, or many people used to be deceived by the left, thinking that that's populist.
You know, I talked about this yesterday with the story of how the views represented in the American media don't actually reflect the views of the average American.
It's not even close.
So they kind of fall for their own bullcrap.
They kind of believe their own propaganda.
They think this leftist Liberal progressive paradigm is actually popular and gaining steam.
It's not.
It's not.
It's their own propaganda and they're falling for it thinking it is.
Rick, thanks for the call.
Let's go to Julia in Tennessee.
Julia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Owen.
So I actually owe Target a debt of gratitude.
Because in the very earliest stages of the pandemic, when I was in Target to pick up some cleaning supplies, I also decided to go and pick up a couple of clothing items.
And I had recently recovered from double pneumonia and pulled my mask down to do some deep breathing exercises because I was starting to get lightheaded.
And I had an associate and the assistant store manager come up to me and let me know that I couldn't be in there without my mask on.
And so I let them know that, you know, I'm just doing some breathing exercises because I'm recently recovered from pneumonia.
And the guy, the associate, said, well, if you want, I can pick out.
And I was buying bras and panties.
And the guy says to me that he could pick out my bras and panties and just bring them out to me if I like.
And I let him know that there's only one man on the planet that is privileged to pick out those items for me and that he wasn't him.
And the assistant manager was standing there and I looked at her and asked her if she was going to allow her associate to, you know, to basically let me know that that he would pick out my bras and panties.
And she didn't have anything at all to say.
So, from that day forward, I learned how to effectively, completely boycott any company or brand that goes absolutely against my moral compass.
I've started shopping directly with companies.
Rather than going to the retail outlets, I'll go to their direct websites, or what have you.
But if it hadn't been for that experience with Target, I don't know that I would have been as determined to follow through with a boycott situation.
And I'm glad that everybody's kind of waking up to what is going on, but it has been going on for so long.
Why do you think they're as brazen as they are today in 2023?
It's because the same thing was happening in 2016, 2018, and on and on.
And I'm glad that people are waking up, but my God, what else is it going to take to wake everybody else up?
You know, the answer to that question is so diabolical, I don't even want to go down that path in my mind, because they're already doing the trans kids' surgeries, the genital mutilation of children.
They're already sexually grooming the children with the pride for kids and the drag queen sexy time for kids.
So yeah, I mean, you hate to think, well, gee, what comes next?
What are they going to do next?
I don't even want to fathom it.
Julia, thank you for sharing that story.
Thank you for calling today.
Let's go to the Texas Skeptic in Texas.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Owen, thanks for letting me close out the show.
I was calling and I told you, the screener, about Tom DeLay.
He was one of our Texas representatives.
He was one of our Texas representatives, and he came out and gave an interview where he mentioned that he'd seen a Justice Department memo, secret memo, that they were going to do what they're actually doing here in regards to the homosexuality, the trans agenda, LGBTQ, and all these perversions.
He called it the 12th perversion.
So, this is a government-run operation, and we're focusing on the operation.
Yeah, and that was decades ago, right?
Well, it was about 2014, 2015, and I- I- I- So about 10 years ago?
Yes, and I'm a pattern recognition guy.
I've been doing it for about 40 years, and there's a pattern I'm noticing of who's propagating these things, and it has to do with the White House staff, the Chiefs of Staff, House Bill 269, George Soros, JPMorgan Chase, and what all these entities have in common.
Well, are you asking me, or are you going to answer yourself?
I would think you would know.
There's a dam holding this information back.
And I'm a Mexican, but I guess now Mexicans can be considered white supremacists, you know, after the Allen shooting.
Anybody who's not a hardcore leftist is a white supremacist now.
Well, that guy didn't kill any black people and he didn't kill any Jewish people.
But George Soros says if you question this agenda that you're anti-semitic,
look into the eight genders of the Talmud and where that comes from.
Okay, anything else?
Well, that's what I'm trying to say.
That, I think, is the central thing that everybody needs to focus on, and then we could clean this mess up.
Because Christians aren't speaking out against this, and anybody who doesn't accept Christ is the Antichrist.
And we need to focus on who runs everything that doesn't accept Christ.
All right, thank you for the call.
Let's close it out with Carl in Michigan.
Carl, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How you doing?
Can you hear me?
Okay, excellent.
My point is this.
Basically what everybody's saying is the same thing.
They've been doing this for years.
Targeting everybody.
But they've been targeting the children especially with these plastic plates, plastic cups and all that stuff we give the kids.
That's got BPA in it.
That's what Alex has been saying for years.
On top of that, Well, it's all diabolical.
There's no doubt about that.
I think they're actually cutting off the testicles to actually harvest stem cells
for their research in life extension.
So I think there's a more diabolical theme to all this stuff
than just the sexual preference, is why I'm getting that.
Well, it's all diabolical.
There's no doubt about that.
And I think people are finally starting to realize what's really behind it.
All right.
Kate Daly taking over, fourth hour host.
I'll be back hosting The War Room with all the other breaking news.
I think we've knocked this Target coverage out of the park.
Thanks to our callers, our crew, our guests.
Kate Daly takes over.
The rest of the important news I'll be covering on The War Room in T-minus one hour.
I'll see you then.
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Take action now, but regardless, research is info.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old I would teach to pray after me.
Our father, witch art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the I'd have prisons overflowing.
I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Now you know...
the rest of the story.
You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future.
Not a future that will be, but one that might be.
This is not a new world.
It is simply an extension of what began in the old one.
It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time.
It has refinements, technological advances and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom.
But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule.
Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.
This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth.
In his last 48 hours on Earth, he's a citizen of the state, but will soon have to be eliminated.
Because he is built out of flesh, and because he has a mind.
Mr. Romney Wordsworth who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
So glad to be with you today.
I'm Kate Dally from The Kate Dally Show, katedallyradio.com.
And you know what?
I love that video.
Paul Harvey is one of my favorites and that video is so striking in its message.
There are so many things going on right now that are so hard for people to understand out there because they're so brainwashed.
And as we've said before, you know, you're so brainwashed, they're spending so much money on you, you should actually feel really special.
They're doing a number on us and many, many don't see it.
This topic in this hour is going to drive right close to home because this is about land ownership, your home.
And I know that you need this information.
Last week, I mentioned the fact that land patents and so forth, there were certain things that we needed to understand and know about as far as our home ownership goes and the way that they're eroding property rights in this country, right and left.
We could talk blackrock, we could talk all kinds of angles and avenues.
But this is so important.
My guest is Ron Gibson.
I bring you one of my favorites because I mentioned him last week and then the outpouring of emails on what do we do?
How do we do this?
What happens?
And also we can discuss some history that is really vital and really necessary to know, especially what happened back in the 40s and how they changed what we receive when we get a mortgage.
So welcoming Ron Gibson onto the show.
So grateful to have him with me right now because he can answer these kinds of questions.
And land ownership is, well, it's vital.
It's vital to who we are as a country.
Most people don't realize that.
Land ownership is what made America its wealth and what made our country our country.
And so it's super, super vital that we understand how they've changed this.
How, what they've done to it.
This is so important.
And in talking about land patents, we're given certain paperwork when we get a mortgage and this is going to be really important for you to know.
So, Ron Gibson joins me and I'm actually really happy about this because I've wanted him to come on for quite a while.
He is just stellar at At what he knows.
He understands history, he understands what land is all about, what land patents are all about, and then how we can move forward as people sort of understanding our history and understanding kind of how to secure ourselves.
I think that's one of the most important things is how to secure ourselves.
There's a million things we could talk about today.
We could talk about land patents.
We could talk about, we could talk about Target.
We could talk about all the ways in which the country is being eroded.
But this is something that I know hits close to home.
And as we're kind of, I think, nearing more events, you know, the senators were given satellite phones and all kinds of things have been going on.
I think that's a fear-mongering tactic.
I think that there's a reason they told us they got satellite phones because they want us to know that they have them, which they could have done on the down low.
But there's all kinds of moving parts right now, moving train shipments, all kinds of things.
But then when we come to every day, then this is what we're all concerned about, right?
What hits you in your pocketbook, your bank account, And your mortgage.
And I know many of you listening have a mortgage.
And this will be really, really interesting information.
Is Ron on camera?
Is Ron joining me?
How are you?
Ron knows his history.
Let me tell you.
I'm happy to have you, Ron.
Ron, can you tell people kind of the gist of what we're talking about when it comes to land patents and what they need to do to secure their person and their property?
Well, the whole nation has been put under this spell that a warranty deed is a title to your property, and that is absolutely not correct.
The only title to land in our nation of laws is a land patent.
And the land patent is issued by the United States government.
With the exception of Texas, it issues their own land patent, but they have the same full force and effect.
And Congress and our forefathers collectively made it possible for us to bring that benefit forward.
We don't create a new patent, we work off the existing patent.
And the patent is not only a patent, it's an allodial title.
And there's been a lot of controversy over that subject and word called allodial title.
And man didn't put that title on there, God did, because the ownership of land is a God-given right.
And I have 13 different, excuse me, 11 different scriptures in my Bible addresses the fact that God gave us the land and to claim and to possess and occupy and be productive on our sanctuary, if you please.
And so, you know, after 1946, when the Congress unlawfully legislated and enacted the Administrative Procedures Act, everything changed having to do with the ownership of land, or what was then from then on was perceived to be ownership of land.
Not only that, right after they did this unconstitutional enactment, there's a maximum in law that goes like this.
One can only claim jurisdiction over that which one creates.
So they wanted to get control of all of the land that you and I would own from that point forward.
And so what they did, they had to redefine lawful terms and make them legal terms.
And for instance, they changed the definition of land to real estate.
Real estate is not a lawful term having to do with land, but for them to get control over it under that maximum of law, then in essence they did that.
The other thing that they changed, just to mention a couple, is the very fact of our police force.
It used to be called peace officers.
There was a quiet conflict down.
Well, they changed that to law enforcement.
In other words, we're going to control you by force.
The other one, among many, was the coroner.
The coroner had unlimited ability and freedom to investigate any kind of crime that was that he was brought in to do the investigation.
Well, now they call him the medical examiner and he no longer has that freedom.
He's under the jurisdiction of the state police.
Well, and then the list goes on and on and on and on.
And so what we have...
Go ahead.
So there are several things that changed in the 40s.
And one of them was, right now if everybody looked in their mortgage,
they would see a warranty deed, right?
A warranty deed.
That warranty deed, I think everyone thinks that's their title to their property when they're paying on a mortgage.
And this can be when you buy it outright or you're making payments.
You're still under a contract to make those payments, so you have this land.
But I think people, what they don't realize is that Warranty Deed was slipped in there and patents were taken out.
We used to receive patents.
That's correct.
So in the Warranty Deed, if you look at your mortgage paperwork, this does not really solidify your mortgage, your home, what you think you own.
That is correct.
What you see on your document and you look, you know, take my word for it, go pull out your warranty deed and nowhere on that document will you be listed as an owner.
You are listed as a tenant or a tenant in common.
What are tenants?
They're renters.
They won't acknowledge your ownership at all because they don't want you to be in ownership.
They want total control of you.
We're going to go to a break in about 30 seconds.
There's a lot that he is going to comment on.
If you want to email him, he actually helps people with patents.
So people were reaching out after last week's show and saying, hey, I want to get a hold of somebody that can help.
And the email address is dritecrg at hotmail.com, dritecrg at hotmail.com.
And I'll be right back with the great Ron Gibson.
We'll be talking a little bit about history, we'll talk a little bit about what you should do, how to secure your property, and more importantly too, under the property, the minerals under the ground.
Back here with you on the Alex Jones Show.
So glad to be with you.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host for the hour.
And so grateful to be able to have Ron Gibson on with me.
And he's one of my favorites.
I've known him for years.
And he's been at this for 35 years.
By the way, you listening to the iodine?
I started taking iodine and copper.
I feel a lot better, I'll tell you that.
Those are the things the doctors never tell you about.
And that's with the same topic with Ron Gibson too.
This is the stuff you never hear about, especially with home ownership and lands.
How much changed in the 1940s is insane.
And people don't talk about it.
They don't know what their mortgage paperwork is.
They just kind of take it for granted that, you know, they're going to hand you the right kind of paperwork.
But that paperwork changed.
You used to get a land patent and that's totally different.
That means you own what's under the soil.
Ron Gibson joins me. He speaks all over the country, tells people how
to acquire a land patent.
It's not a difficult process and he shows them what to do.
He's got a wonderful book about it and he also helps people do it. Ron, so let's talk
about what's under too. I mean, that land patent covers what's under that land. I don't
know if most people realize there's kind of a dividing line in what they own and what
they don't own.
Well, originally, the patents included everything.
And then in, say, 1866, it is, the Congress passed the Mining Law.
And of course, because of the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill in California, boy, the search for minerals just exploded.
And so people that had what's called Kind of a difficult way to explain it, but they're called extralateral rights.
In other words, if mineral is on an adjacent property that goes into your patented land, the mineral estate is dominant, so it can go after that, but you have to pay the land to the surface landowner.
But prior to that, you got everything, any and all minerals that might be within your boundary.
But then they came out with what's called the Noble Decision, and the Noble Decision went like this.
If mineral was known to exist prior to the issuance of the patent, then the mineral did not pass with the patent.
But a lot of the early patents included the mineral, but after the Nobel decision, that issue was separated out.
So it depends upon, you know, at what time period that you received your patent, whether you got all the minerals or not.
See, this is why I love Ron Gibson.
He knows his history.
What can I say?
So, when people come to you and they say, well, I see my warranty deed, but I really want a patent to protect my land from all the shenanigans that they can do in acquiring property.
What do you tell people?
Because I know that people are thinking, is this process difficult?
Can everybody get a patent to the land that they think they own right now?
Okay, let's go back just a moment.
First of all, I think it's important for the people that don't know and are hearing this maybe for the first time.
The patent is unimpeachable at law.
It's an allodial title, as I mentioned earlier.
And the definition of allodial title is owing to no one, nor to any lord, nor superior.
So the issue of that land patent, Congress designed that so that no legislative enactment could penetrate it or affect it.
It has multiple what we call protective covenants over it.
It's born out of the patent, out of the Constitution.
So it has a very strategic location and deep-rooted, if I can put it in that context.
And so as a result of that, then in essence, there were other protective covenants that were included in that as well.
One of them is the Fifth Amendment, the improper takings, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1, that says no state can legislate a bill of attainder, nor an ex post facto law, or impair the obligation of contract.
That land patent is a forever contract.
It says so right, excuse me, right in the patent.
So I'm looking at my watch and forever isn't up yet.
And because of that issue, then you can, there's a means that Congress intended and is documented in the patent itself.
It says in the patent, it is hereby granted to the undersigned to their heirs and assigns forever.
And that all comes from scripture.
There are 11 different scriptures that address the fact that we have a right, a God-given right, of land ownership.
So what I do is I help people to bring that forward so that when all of the paperwork is properly filed, then that patent belongs to them.
Now I'll tell you, the Administrative Procedures Act and all of the employees hate that because they don't want to lose control over the individual or their property.
So, there's, and because of what I do, and speaking all over the country, I just came back from Dallas, Texas, and another event there for the 1776 Live event, and I spoke at that, and my golly, the response was just overwhelming.
I bet.
And it, you know, but here's the thing that, Kate, if you'd allow me to say, I hear this everywhere.
And I mean everywhere.
People are sick and tired of government, and they are sick and tired of government infringing upon their life, and they want to be left alone.
And that's universal.
I don't think I've talked to anybody in the last 40 years, but more so today, that doesn't want that.
We're to be a free country, and we're not let be a free country.
You can't live your life.
You've got domination here.
You've got land use controls.
You've got excessive taxes.
And I want to talk about that before the show is over today to alert people what's happening and why we better band together.
And I mean quickly or we're going to lose it all.
It's that simple.
This episode today, this hour, is all about securing your property.
How to do that because most people don't know what they're missing and that's why we're doing this today.
It's why I invited Ron on because he is the guy.
When it comes to these kinds of issues, this is the man you want to talk to and invite him to speak or get his book because it will guide you through it.
Ron also helps with this too.
And I like Ron because he's a straight shooter.
He'll just tell you this is, these are the laws, this is what's going on and he's been studying this for 35 years.
The taxes, I know we have about a minute before the break, but the taxes are a big deal too because people are wondering, wait a second, I could lose my property because of taxes that are being, you know, foisted on me and a lot of people on Social Security.
They can't afford those taxes.
It's a problem right now.
A lot of people can't afford to keep their property.
It's a huge problem, and it's all part of this enactment there that the people that influenced Congress back in the 1940s, and it's been updated relative to the Agenda 21 program.
And I want to explain how this works later on when we have more time.
But I'm telling you, folks, they're coming after your land.
They're coming after your land.
Make no mistake about it.
Yeah, there's no doubt in my mind either.
I talked about how United States and its successor in the Conservation Act when they wanted farms to go into the Conservation Act, but they could still stay in your name.
Same kind of thing.
Who's United States successor?
It makes no sense.
I'll come back with Ron.
He'll expand on these things in just a moment on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm sure glad you're joining us for this really important episode.
It's a really important hour right now.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
And my guest is Ron Gibson.
He is the aficionado.
He is the guy when it comes to land patents, securing your property, and most people don't realize they don't have a land patent because they stopped issuing them in the 40s.
Yeah, can't imagine why they would just stop doing that, right?
And so, he's here to explain.
I want you to go into Agenda 21, and before you go there, I also want to say, this could just take a month or two to do.
This is some steps you just need to take.
This is not a hard process to go through.
Ron can actually help you go through it.
He has a wonderful guide, a wonderful book, and can actually walk you through it.
Ron, tell us about Agenda 21 and the taking of property.
Obviously, I think we're both on the same page here.
We know that this is the goal.
This is the ultimate goal, is to assume the property of America, correct?
That is correct.
Well, they're doing it by multiple ways under their Gen Ed 21 program on the thing.
And the Bar Association is a great participant in this process to divest you of your land, your rights, and your... Well, how do I want to say that?
Your land, your money, and your rights, I guess what I'm trying to say here.
And under that agenda 21, there's a whole lot of stuff tied to that, is to literally destroy this country.
And if you look at the Communist Manifesto, the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto, the number one on that is to abolish private property ownership.
And it disheartens me Greatly.
I'm a Vietnam veteran.
My father was a World War II veteran.
My great-grandfather was a World War I veteran, etc.
And we have fought communism in this country for 80 years, roughly.
And now we are becoming the very thing that so many men and women gave their life of which to protect us from that very thing.
So they're out to divest your rights, as I said, in your property.
And then they're doing it by land use regulation.
Uh, they're doing it by code enforcement, which is part of that.
They're doing excessive taxation of the property.
They're doing it by environmental restrictions.
They're doing it by the bench from unlawful enactments and decisions of the courts.
And they're doing it by state legislation and federal legislation there that infringes upon your right and your property.
I may say, very quickly, there's a case that just came down from the United States Supreme Court about, oh, several months ago, but it's called West Virginia versus Environmental Protection Agency.
And the Supreme Court said that all of these government entities, BLM, Forest Service, Parks Department, all of them that belong to the under the government umbrella.
Had no lawful authority to make any laws or implement rules and try to enforce it as a law against we the people.
It said they're not a legislative body and thank God somebody finally got it right because they don't have authority.
There's a famous case called City of Dallas versus Mitchell and on the third page of that ruling The court said it best, said our rights don't come from government, our rights come from our creator.
And we're not subject to government rules and regulations unless we volunteer to be subject to those rules and regulations.
So here we are.
We're jumping in.
The government said, you have to do that.
And the masses of people who don't know your rights jump into that.
And then they wonder why they're in bondage.
And the way to stay out of that, be careful what you volunteer for, because we've done it in this country for years and years, and then we wonder why we have such a problem.
We've got these 15-minute cities coming in, too.
If you go to globalcovenantofmayors.org, you can see all of the, I think there's 182 15-minute cities coming in and being implemented right under our noses.
There are so many things that are being done and money was given around the globe, too, to institute those 15-minute cities.
and basically get people off lands.
I mean, if they can control the lands and tax you out of the lands,
talk about taxes for just a moment too.
A lot of people are thinking, can they actually take your home in lieu of taxes?
Well-- - If you don't pay those.
That's a loaded question.
Boy, I tell you, my mind goes crazy when you ask that question.
Let me put it this way as quickly as I can.
Simply, that taxation or excessive taxation is one of the main communist means of which divest in people of their land.
And what I mean by that, let me tell you a little story real quick, because this is important.
That lady last November called me.
She was from New Jersey.
And she owns a 200 acre piece of property.
And this property, there isn't a building on it, there isn't a fence on it.
It's just 200 acres of bare ground.
She said 10 years ago, her property tax on that 200 acres was about $8,000 and some change.
She had just received her 23-24 tax bill on the same property with no improvements, no fences, no nothing.
It was exactly the same.
Her tax bill was over $88,000.
That's what's happening.
Now that same percentage is being applied all the way down.
Now here's the Agenda 21.
This is systematic.
They're applying to this thing, folks.
You talk to anybody that has property, their taxes has gone up substantially.
The year before, this year, and will continue to.
So the purpose for that, the marginal people, and I mean marginal by income, that can pay the taxes or buy their medication or whatever, they're struggling already.
The electricity, the rent, the sewer, da-da-da-da-da-da.
They raise the taxes so that the intent is to wipe that group of people out of their home.
When they get all of those out of their home, they will then move the ladder up and they will take the lower income of the middle class and they will wipe them out of their property.
When that's done, they will move it up and take the middle of the middle class out by taxation.
Then they will move up to the upper end or the higher end of the middle income class and they will wipe them out.
The goal is this, folks.
That they don't want you to own anything.
They want you to come begging.
They want you to ask this with your hat in hand.
And everything is by permission, not by right or ownership.
And we better wake up.
The other thing that they've done is that they, when our nation was created, and I'm quite a history student.
That we were a nation of laws.
Godly laws.
It's called common law.
That's the reason that there were boundaries that God gave.
Well, then when the attorneys decided, well, we can't deal with that.
That's too restrictive.
So then when the 1946 Administrative Procedures Act was enacted, then they created what's called statutes and codes.
Statutes and codes are not law.
But that's what they tried to shove down our throat and did.
Now there's a transition again.
We've wore that out.
Let's move the ladder down further in the gutter.
And now we're going to go on assumption and presumption.
I did a law class here a while back on the 12 presumptions of the court.
You talk about something want to make you throw up.
Just read that.
It's on the end here.
And go out and tell.
Folks, they're coming after us in every way they possibly can.
And your land ownership is the basis of that, so we better protect it.
We're going to go to a break.
We're going to come right back.
You might have questions like, well, what if I'm just paying on a mortgage?
Can I still get the land patent?
And we'll ask those questions right when we get back.
For Ron Gibson, D-R-I-T-E-C-R-G at Hotmail.com.
Be right back.
Welcome back, last segment of the hour with Ron Gibson.
I'm Kay Daly, your guest host, and I have a couple of questions for Ron.
I do want to give you the email address to contact him, and this email address is D as in David, R as in Ryan, I-T-E, C as in cat, R as in Ryan, G as in gate at hotmail.com.
So D-R-I-T-E-C-R-G at hotmail.com and you can contact Ron directly and ask him questions.
He tours the country and talks about these issues and they're so vital.
A lot of people are going to ask, if I'm making payments, I just started making payments on a mortgage, am I entitled to be able to get my land patent before it's paid off?
That's a question you probably get a lot, Ron.
And the answer to that is yes, you can bring your land patent form forward and you really bring in all of the protective covenants and the benefit of that patent.
We are not creating a new patent.
Don't have the authority to do that.
But the existing patent spells it out about the errors and assigns forever.
So what was issued to their first recipient of that patent, that if you're 100 owners down the line, you still get the same protected covenant and full benefit of that original grantee.
And then also, did people notice in the 1940s when they stopped getting this patent and they only started getting the warranty deed instead?
Was there an outcry?
Were people kind of concerned about this or did it go under the radar?
Well, several things happened in my research of this.
First of all, remember all these men were coming back from the war from the previous year.
The war ended in 1945.
And people wanted to get married, they wanted to buy land.
There was a tremendous transition within this country because the war was over.
And they knew that it would be hard for people to catch on what they were doing.
Another government deception and lies and fraud committed upon the people.
So that's how this whole transition took place.
And when you took, and I want to share this too.
People ask me all the time, well, if the patent is a true title, how did I end up getting this warranty deed?
When the Administrative Procedures Act was enacted, and all of this transition of redefining lawful term, so if you bought property, say, prior to that enactment of Congress unlawfully, you brought it to the recorder's office to get it recorded, they took that land patent, And they stuffed it in the back room and they issued back what's called a warranty deed.
And a few of them said, where's my patent?
And what the government people told them, that being in the recorder's office and other state legislators, well, that's just your new type of patent that we've issued back, which was no patent at all.
So in essence, they stole those titles.
Did you hear what I said?
And that's why they call it real estate.
Real estate means that the state is claiming to own your land.
And the proof is in the pudding on your warranty deed because it says you're a tenant or tenant in common if you're a husband and wife.
I think people's jaws drop when they're hearing this because nobody talks about this ever.
And this is why I brought you into this very important hour for everyone to hear because everybody needs to know how to secure their person and their property against the tyranny that's even coming in spades.
What else do you want people to understand about this process?
Because I know they're trying to wrap their brain around the fact that they thought they had all of that, but they actually don't.
And so what else do you want people to know about this?
Well, I want to digress just a moment, Kate, if I may.
And that is the issue, go back to something you mentioned a little bit earlier, and that's the taxes.
If you look at Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1 of the U.S.
Constitution, it says in there that no state can legislate a bill of attainder.
And this bill of attainder is when the state enacts legislation, they act as the authority, they act as an accuser to you, they act as the arresting entity, they also are the judge and the jury, and they also are the executors.
And what I mean by that is the very fact that that's what a tax foreclosure consists of, is a bill of attainder.
It is also an ex post facto, and it also impairs the obligation of contract.
They're guilty on all three of those that the Constitution says they have no authority to do.
So what they do is that when you have a tax foreclosure, that bill of attainder says that you have no opportunity to have a jury trial.
Not a court hearing, but a jury trial.
So therefore, there is what's called compensatory taking. In other words, without authority or
jurisdiction. So what they do is they advertise your property in the thing, they make
demand first, and then they advertise your property in the paper, and then they just have the
sheriff go to the courthouse and they sell your property on the courthouse steps. There
is more stuff wrong with that from a lawful standpoint that I can even mention in 10
hours of program on Kate Daly's program But that's what... Right, on the Alex Jones Show today.
So on this, I think what people need to realize is we're not, you know, this isn't about not, you know, paying your taxes or anything like that.
This is just about, this is about securing that property from those who might want to steal it from you.
And so this is about having the right documentation in place to prevent this from happening because most people in the country do not even know about this.
They do not understand.
They don't have this right paperwork.
That's correct.
I was going to mention, too, is the fact that this whole issue of this taxation on the thing, the land patent was never to be taxed.
So, and I have challenged many a researcher to go and find where the taxing of your private property.
That's called an ad valorem tax.
And there is no constitutional provision in our federal constitution nor any of the 50 state constitutions that allow the taking of your property by taxation or to even tax the property.
And the problem that we have with that is that, like you said, very few people even understand what to do.
They complain, but they won't stand up.
We the people, folks, if you look at your Constitution, there are three words that are absolutely astounding.
We the people.
That means that we're kings of our land.
When you have a land patent, you're king of your individual piece of land within this great nation.
And you've got some people like me, right?
And you've got something to fight with.
Right now, people don't have much to fight with, and this gives you something to fight with, and you own all the minerals under your land as well, which is a big, it's a big deal.
And that's the reason that that land patent, because it's unimpeachable at law.
In other words, nothing can penetrate it.
Well, they're violating that all the time, which means that our government and all segments has no honor.
You know, the Bible says, the man without honor is nothing.
So, you know... I have yet to find any in DC.
So, you know, they're about the equivalent of a cockroach.
So, they're hell-bent on going in one direction and one direction only.
And I so appreciate all your work on this because you help people do it if they don't want to do this.
And you also teach people how to do it.
And this is so important because it's not that big of a... I mean, it's not that big of a deal.
Anyone can do this, correct?
That is correct.
But they have to be done correctly, and not that I'm trying to get the business, because that's not my point at all, but a number of people have done them themselves, and because it's a lawful document, it has to be done correctly.
So I just leave it at that.
Well, I love what you're doing, and I actually can vouch for you on that.
He's not about the business.
He's about helping people because he wants to make sure that people can stand up to the tyranny, and this is one way to do it.
When Ron Gibson says, stand up, these are the kinds of things that we do across the country to take a stand against this kind of overwhelming tyranny, and there are more things coming down the line.
20 seconds, Ron.
What do you want people to know?
know. Well, don't be afraid.
But don't be afraid to step forward and protect your land, folks.
And I want to tell you something real quickly.
I was talking to a group of men there, and I told them that without land, I said, a man has nothing.
I said, you don't have rights, you don't have anything.
And one guy says, He said, well, all I do is go rent it.
I said, who are you going to rent it from?
The guy that owns it?
And I said, no.
Thank you.
It's D-R-I-T-E-C-R-G at Hotmail.com Watch the American Journal weekday mornings 8-11 central at
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