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Name: 20230509_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 9, 2023
2572 lines.

Alex Jones shares updates on Tucker Carlson's future show plans, with the possibility of a deal with Elon Musk and the launch of a new version on Twitter. He praises both for their efforts in promoting freedom and creating a pro-human populist movement. Jones criticizes hydrofluorosilicic acid as a dangerous substance being ingested by children and recommends the Alexa Pure Breeze water filter system for reducing chemical levels, along with other filters available at Infowarstore.com.

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The globalists have unlimited fiat currency, money that they've given themselves, and they're vertically integrating every sector of the economy around the world, not just here in the United States.
And that then to get full control they want to bankrupt everybody and shred the local economy and destroy local businesses and annihilate farmers and literally outlaw all human activity that they don't control towards an accelerated collapse which they believe they'll come out on top of.
This is not Club of Rome documents from the 1960s that said they'd do it.
This is not Bilderberg documents from 2002 saying they'd do it.
This is Not the Rockefeller Foundation, Operation Lockstep 2011 saying they'd do it.
We are now living in the first stages of the end of civilization as we know it.
And so I'm a pro-human, pro-civilization, pro-life, for humanity in general, individual.
They're pushing Government forced suicide, murder, on mentally ill and children without parental consent in Canada, and now it's going worldwide.
They are shipping in masses of fentanyl and other drugs everywhere.
They are literally dissolving our borders, the end of Title 42, the videos from reporters, and our reporters are going to the border tomorrow, are pouring in from Brownsville, pouring in from McAllen, pouring in from El Paso, where everywhere you go, Caravans of thousands to tens of thousands are just slamming in.
99% of them being allowed in.
Total and complete absolute lawlessness.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news, today.
An unrelenting stream of immigration.
Folks like me, who were Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017, we'll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America.
Absolute minority.
Fewer than 50% of the people in America, from then and on, We'll be white European stock.
That's not a bad thing.
That's a source of our strength.
When I was in office, the numbers were annually about 300, 400,000 a year.
We're now getting that in a matter of six to eight weeks.
It's so epic.
Who wants to have open borders where jails and prisons of other countries are being busloaded into buses and trains and being sent into our country?
Releasing criminals into the streets.
They're releasing prisoners.
They're releasing murderers, rapists, drug dealers into our country.
And you say, who would do that?
And they know it's happening and they just let it happen.
We're already seeing climate refugees around the world.
If you think migration has been a problem in Europe from the Syrian war, or even from what we see now, wait until you see 100 million people for whom the entire food production capacity has collapsed.
Sir, why do you think that this administration has allowed virtually an open border?
I believe that they're trying to change the demographics of the electorate.
That's what I believe that they're doing.
They want to stay in power and the only way to stay in power is to continue to get elected.
They can't get elected on their policies because their policies are bad.
And all while they're coming across, we've got groups out in the desert running the drugs, running the child trafficking, sex trafficking, all of that being aided and abetted.
Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, all day.
Every one of them putting money in the cartels pockets and the NGOs in America who are aiding
and abetting the invasion of this country in their pockets and the democrat open border leftists
that are inviting this into our country.
Secretary Mayorkas, for the record, are you aware Have you authorized CBP agents to release illegal aliens into America without identifying, screening, or vetting them properly?
Or harvesting even basic biometric data like fingerprints?
Congressman, our nation's sovereignty stands strong, and our brave men and women in the Border Patrol and throughout U.S.
Customs... Are you aware, have you authorized CBP agents to release illegal aliens into America without having properly vetted, identified them, or collected at least basic biometric data like fingerprints?
Congressman... I mean, you got millions coming across.
Congressman, our... Gentlemen... Ms.
Allow the Secretary to answer.
It's my time, Mr. Chairman.
If I want to reclaim my time, I will.
I'm going to move on without an answer.
Mr. Chairman, are you asking for me to yield you time?
No, I'm the Chairman.
Then I'm going to reclaim my time.
Moving on, Secretary Mayorkas.
Are you interrupting my time, Mr. Chairman?
Are you requesting me to yield you time?
I'm trying to make sure.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's Tuesday, May 9th, 2023.
chairman well then the gentleman if you request me to yield your time I'll give
you time no but that's not the procedure but that is the procedure it is not yes
it is so of course it is I reclaim my time and I want ladies and gentlemen
it's Tuesday May 9th 2023 I am your embattled battle-hardened host Alex
Jones coming to you from smack-dab in the heart of Texas broadcasting worldwide
Alright, Laura Loomer is the only reporter covering a quasi-secret Bilderberg-style meeting at the International Spy Museum with Soros, Zuckerberg, Raskin, the Democratic Party, all of them on how to steal the next election.
And they're openly bragging about it, like they did after they stole the last one.
The last general election in 2020.
In that Time Magazine story that said how we did it.
They're planning the exact same thing now.
Laura Loomer has got a lot of powerful videos.
She's been there confronting them.
She's done an excellent job at Loomerd.com.
We're going to post this full article on InfoWars.com right now for you to be able to read it and see it for yourself.
She joins us at the bottom of the hour.
They are closing the gate on us, ladies and gentlemen.
I want to talk more about, because more developments have come out, Biden creating his official disinformation office and linking it to legislation they're trying to pass, the Restrict Act, That quote puts you in prison if the U.S.
spy agencies operating illegally in America publicly say you put out disinformation.
You go to jail.
So they're officially setting up a totalitarian dictatorship in America, no doubt, 100%.
Meanwhile, Chelsea Clinton, we have the video, Is working with the UN and the Gates Foundation, those are quotes, had the largest childhood immunization ever in the next year and a half and we have floods of reports out of Europe, out of Canada, out of Australia, where they're paying out huge sums of money for people injured and killed by the Pfizer and Moderna shots.
Unbelievable developments and that monster Up there at the head of it, pushing it.
She's not just pushing pedophile books in schools that show graphic images of children, cartoon images of children having sex with adults.
I mean, this is real evil, on parade, out in the open.
But before we go any further, I want to say this.
I know I talk a lot about this.
I mean, people hear me talk about it, but I think it's really starting to sink in for everybody.
That the globalists have unlimited fiat currency, money that they've given themselves, and they're vertically integrating every sector of the economy around the world, not just here in the United States.
And that then to get full control they want to bankrupt everybody and shred the local economy and destroy local businesses and annihilate farmers and literally outlaw all human activity that they don't control towards an accelerated collapse which they believe they'll come out on top of.
This is not Club of Rome documents from the 1960s that said they'd do it.
This is not Bilderberg documents from 2002 saying they'd do it.
This is Not the Rockefeller Foundation, Operation Lockstep 2011 saying they'd do it.
We are now living in the first stages of the end of civilization as we know it.
And so I'm a pro-human, pro-civilization, pro-life for humanity in general individual.
They're pushing Government forced suicide, murder, on mentally ill and children without parental consent in Canada, and now it's going worldwide.
They are shipping in masses of fentanyl and other drugs everywhere.
They are literally dissolving our borders, the end of Title 42, the videos from reporters, and our reporters are going to the border tomorrow, are pouring in from Brownsville, pouring in from McAllen, pouring in from El Paso, where everywhere you go, Caravans of thousands to tens of thousands are just slamming in.
99% of them being allowed in.
Total and complete absolute lawlessness.
And then they go on the national news, the John Kerry's, the Prince Charles's, now King Charles's of the world and say, it's global warming.
That's why viruses came.
No, you made them in a lab.
It's global warming.
That's why they can't feed themselves on their farms.
The last two and a half plus years, started three years ago, but it's really kicked in two and a half years ago, they were still on lockdown six months ago in Latin America and most countries.
They were still in lockdown in Africa six months ago.
Because the IMF and World Bank said, if you want your money that your government's in debt to us for, you've got to keep it all shut down.
So they did not produce food.
They destroyed their economies.
And then now the UN is pointing them at us, billions of people.
The UN says their plan for replacement migration 2001 to be in place by the year 2025 would be 680 million illegal aliens brought into the US.
The US is 330 million.
680 million illegal aliens brought into the US.
The US is 330 million.
You heard me right.
An outside population from all over the world, a Tower of Babel, nobody can communicate with each other.
People from Asia, Middle East, Africa, poor areas of Europe, Latin America, criminals,
the prisons being opened up, flooding us with the refugees of the New World Order,
flooding us with the collapsed civilization because when the first world collapses,
the third world dies.
This is footage shot this morning in Brownsville.
Thousands, thousands pouring across the border.
They're not waiting until Title 42 is raised tomorrow night at midnight.
Is obliterated.
Brought into ashes.
You tie it together with all these other headlines.
Here's a Bloomberg article.
Rebel farmers are pushing back on climate action.
This is why.
And this report's straight-faced.
Well, the government's banning most farms and ranches and dairies, and it's just for the earth.
Cows are bad.
And the same thing's happening all over the world.
They're literally cutting off the energy.
They're literally cutting off the food.
A lot of people say, well I don't care about the Netherlands, I don't live there.
The Netherlands is the third largest food exporter in the world.
So, we're all going to look back, as I said a few years ago, on that time as the easy time.
You're going to look back on 2023 as a cakewalk.
Under this global collapse, if it's not stopped immediately, it will be irrevocably irreversible by 2025.
And that's why the spy chiefs are all meeting at the Spy Museum, literally, with no reporters covering it below or lower.
Zuckerberg, Soros, they're all there on how to steal the next election.
And they officially have multinational intelligence agencies ganged up on the American people through the U.S.
intelligence agencies through this coup.
Illegally, ladies and gentlemen.
Illegally, ladies and gentlemen.
Surveilling us and censoring us and forget the paper ballots and the dead people, the people out of jurisdiction voting.
You move out of your state, you're voting in California, but you're still voting in the state you left 10 years ago or vice versa.
That's only one way they do it.
The real way they do it, they've had congressional testimony on this from top AI experts, Professor Epstein, no relation to Jeffrey Epstein, explaining that they can skew elections and information through the computers, through the social media, and they are.
They are.
Let's put that tweet back on screen.
Per multiple CBP sources, Last night, CBP and Border Patrol leadership made the decision to authorize all border sector agents to begin safe street releases of migrants to communities across the border.
If NGO shelters and CBP facilities do not have kibble to hold them.
That's what I kept telling you.
Biden built giant tent cities everywhere, but those are so overwhelming and so successful collapsing it.
Now they're just going to stand down and stand back because there's nowhere to put them.
And the border is officially gone.
The border, as we speak, is officially gone.
Title 42 is already gone.
Not officially, but it is.
And they have officially broken the border.
This is warfare.
Fifth generational warfare.
This is the end of America as we know it.
The border is completely gone.
The police have been defunded in hundreds of cities.
Soros has put his DA's in, in over 800 cities.
He controls over 20 state attorney generals.
The military is being completely brainwashed.
Pushed to take poison shots.
This is the designed assault of civilization.
Then the globalists come in with the unlimited money they have and buy up what's left.
They are at war with us.
And until the general public realizes this, we don't have a hope to stop them.
But, more and more, at the regional and local and international and national level, world leaders understand what's going on.
I'll play a clip of Putin at their big World War II Victory Day parade talking about the
New World Order and the globalists, their plan to depopulate us and how they're engaged
in economic warfare and looting and pillaging the world, which is a true statement.
But before I do that, we're not funded by George Soros or billionaires.
We're funded by you, plus we have amazing products you need.
And so I want to encourage all the viewers and listeners to not procrastinate, to be part of history, plus experience these amazing products.
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Real Red Pill Plus, back in stock after, again, over two years not having it.
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Green tea extract, coffee fruit, yerba mate extract, guarana seed extract.
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I'm about to send three camera people Owen Schroyer and a bunch of security people because I don't put my folks in harm's way without some type of defense.
Plus the security guys are all super smart and have served all over the world and are just as good as our reporters.
And they are going to be working 14-15 hours a day in multiple cities on the border in the next week.
They'll be there tomorrow morning.
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And you can order that way or ask any questions you've got.
There are leaders all over the world that get what's going on.
And you can say what you want about the Russians.
The estimates are 23 to 26 million died in World War II.
22 million Russians died.
90% of the fighting in World War II was the Russians and the Germans.
That doesn't take away from both my grandfathers at the Army Air Corps and the 300 plus thousand U.S.
troops that died and so on and so forth.
But the real heavyweight championship was between the Russians and the Nazis.
And right before they had their big Russian victory day, that's the biggest holiday in the country after Christmas, Because all the Russians lost family in World War II.
They lost a third of their population.
So did the Germans.
Horrible war.
That's why you have the drone attacks right before it.
And so there's a bunch of Putin clips.
I'm having them posted on Infowars.com.
They're already posted there.
But here's one of them.
During the May 9th Victory Day speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin blames global elites for provoking bloody conflicts and coups.
And he goes on in the full speech.
I watched it this morning.
Because it just happened.
It's the 9th over there.
They're ahead of us.
It's the evening over there now.
It's the middle of the day here in the U.S.
He talked about the transgenderism, the cult of destroy humanity, the undermining to collapse civilization and consolidate it with this new transhumanist movement.
I mean, say what you want about Putin.
He is saying the truth.
And the globalists see Russia as one of the only threats in their way.
Doesn't mean I endorse the way Russia does things.
Doesn't mean it's not run by strongmen.
But it's not run by psychotic depopulationists.
And now Xi Jinping has come out against the depopulationists.
That's next segment.
So has Elon Musk.
That's next segment.
But here is part of what Putin had to say today.
The Western globalist elites still talk about their exclusivity.
They provoke conflicts.
They provoke bloody conflicts and coups.
They sow seeds of hatred, Russophobia and aggressive nationalism.
They destroy traditional family values that make humans humans.
They do all this to continue dictating and enforcing their will upon nations, their rules, which is essentially a system of pillage and suppression.
They seem to have forgotten what the Nazis' crazy claims for world supremacy brought to.
Well, the Russians aren't giving up, are we?
Have the Russian borders collapsed?
Are they cutting little boys' dicks off?
No, they're not.
Are they defunding their police?
They've got a lot of problems.
And you know what?
We're about ten floors beneath them.
So let's just look at the Russians and say they're bad, but you look at what we've become.
I love this country.
We were the greatest country on Earth, and the globalists took us over, and they've run us to the ground, and they're breaking us right now.
And all the fools that go along with this and think you're part of the power structure, you're idiots.
The prosperity is disappearing by design.
Your freedom is disappearing by design.
And you can pretend all day long you're part of the power structure, and I'm talking to the establishment minions, but you're not.
That anxiety you have, that chill at the back of your spine, is not your fear of me or patriots or Christians, it's the fear of your master.
And you need to become aware of that.
Things don't get better serving Satan, they get worse.
And you heard Putin.
In fact, give me a transcript of the speech.
I forgot to tell you guys, because I'm not going to play the whole hour's speech.
But I want to highlight it, because I watched it this morning.
He said, they have released total evil.
What a good way to put it.
I was trying to think about how to describe this evil.
It's total evil.
Total evil.
Total, total, total evil.
Total evil!
And is God about to allow us to be judged with a nuclear war?
I think there's a very good chance of it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The Western globalist elites still talk about their exclusivity.
They provoke conflicts.
They provoke bloody conflicts and coups.
They sow seeds of hatred, Russophobia and aggressive nationalism.
They destroy traditional family values that make humans humans.
They do all this to continue dictating and enforcing their will upon nations, their rules, which is essentially a system of pillage and suppression.
They seem to have forgotten what the Nazis' crazy claims for world supremacy brought to.
Who unleashed this total evil, and who stood to defend their home, their motherland, and sacrificed their lives to defend and protect nations.
The globalists are the enemies of every man, woman, and child on earth.
They're the enemies of this Satanist that are carrying out the Dark Lord's operations.
This is total evil.
And who will protect the nation-state?
Who will protect the individual?
Who will protect our families?
And the answer is, if not us, no one.
We are in total war against total evil.
Our government has been hijacked.
Laura Loomer was set to be on right now and she's at this hotel right outside the International Spy Museum where the globalists are meeting to plan the theft of the next election openly with Zuckerberg, Soros and others.
And she had to run back down and confront some more of them.
As we speak, she'll be back up in the next 10 minutes or so.
And what a fitting, what a fitting place for them to meet in D.C.
at the Spy Museum because they're a bunch of spies.
And there's Raskin.
You gotta love them coming in with their mask, part of their criminal cult.
They're the bandits.
They say we're stealing the elections.
They're saying we work with the Russians.
But they're the ones that openly stole the election with the election meddling of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all their subsidiaries like YouTube and Instagram.
Now, let's talk about what Putin gets into in his full speech.
I've got it right here.
He talks about the plan to destroy the family, the plan for transgenderism, the plan to atomize the public and make them totally alone and controllable.
By this total evil that is pillaging the planet Earth and the globalist elites.
Well, here's Elon Musk in a recent interview explaining, and Prager University's done the best job on this probably 10 years ago.
Maybe you guys can go to their YouTube and find it.
They had major statistician companies do the math, but those numbers were already out there.
If you don't have 2.1 children, and every time I say this, The media comments.
It says, Jones claims parents can have 2.1 children.
No, it's a statistic of the aggregate of humanity.
If you don't have 2.1, 2.2, depending on the study, children, society collapses.
And every estimate has world population stabilizing at about 9 billion.
Well, Xi Jinping has called it an emergency because they killed an estimated 300 million girls under the UN agreed policy to set China up as the dominant world system.
But they had to agree to begin depopulation.
And so they killed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of little girls.
And now they're having all sorts of societal problems.
I'll get to that in a moment.
But here's Elon Musk talking about the biggest threat.
Here it is.
I'd say the biggest threat right now is population collapse.
Super low birth rate.
Over like the nuclear war?
Don't we have an overpopulation problem?
No, we have an underpopulation problem.
So there was a huge baby boom, like where people did have a ton of kids after World War II, but then the US has actually been Which is the plan, and let's explain.
been below replacement rate since like 71 or 72.
In the US, how about other countries?
50 years, US has been below replacement rate.
I know US, but how about other countries?
Um, well, like China's got a huge population collapse problem.
Which is the plan, and let's explain.
If we kept it at 5 billion at the end of World War II, then we would need it to go up to
9 billion to stabilize.
But once you have a big boom, and there's infrastructure built, then if you don't have
enough people to continue to operate that infrastructure, it falls apart.
Civilization was very hard to build.
Incredible engineers, incredible minds, hard-working people built this.
In fact, the Highwomen song, the Highwomen, their first song, of that super band, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, and of course Johnny Cash, Cue that up.
I want to play that.
And we'll skip this network break coming up.
We'll play it in a moment, though.
Not yet.
It says it all.
And it's really a true story.
And at the end, it tells the next chapter of where we're going.
But it starts out as robbers on the highway.
Then it's the sailor dying.
Such a dangerous job.
And then it's the man falling into the Damn, they're building across a big river, and the next they're flying a starship across the universe divide.
And when I reach the other side, I may be a highwayman again, or I may just be a single drop of rain, but I'll go on again and again.
They know by all the actuaries that you cut off resources, you cut off population, it is going to create a road warrior hell, and you're just seeing the beginning of it.
So I'm literally fighting for my life and my children's life right now.
I know this.
There's no debate.
There's no discussion.
They write all these books and white papers.
We've played the speeches, how they're going to collapse civilization, and how they're going to merge the machines, and we'll be like a bug, or maybe they'll keep us like a potted plant.
And obviously, Yuval Noah Harari is not going to become a god, and Ray Kurzweil is not going to become a god, and Larry Page is not going to become a god, but they are delusional.
And most of them are taking Microdoses of hallucinogens every day.
I know people at the highest echelons of this, okay, and I'm not bragging, but I have off-record meetings with some of the big names, and they're like, how did you know this?
You're dead on.
I said, well, I read the writings, and I was, well, we've been there, and you're absolutely right, that's the plan, and it's psychotic, and so there's a bigger and bigger group of elites Who were following this eugenics new world order plan but weren't fully read into it.
This show and other great broadcasts like it in books and films and other patriots have decompartmentalized world leaders and intelligence agency heads and many people.
It's not all evil.
And more and more people realize this is a suicide pact.
This is a death cult.
This is a circular firing squad.
So as negative as all this is, there is a great awakening to this.
Men and women built this civilization.
Not AI.
It's our planet.
It's not the globalist planet.
We're going interstellar.
We're going intergalactic.
We're going interdimensional.
We'll never be stopped.
I'll find a place.
But I will remain.
I'll be back.
He'll never stop us, dual order.
Humanity is limitless.
All right, finishing up with this key intelligence on population collapse, and then we'll go to Laura Limmer who is now getting in her studio there above the Spy Museum in DC.
China's Z in panic over coming population crisis will be more proactive, more belligerent.
Chinese population has headed towards collapse despite government offering financial incentives.
They broke about seven years ago, quietly ended the one-child policy.
That's when Obama flipped out and said, we're at war with China because they weren't killing their people.
So Xi's a dictator, he's a tyrant, he's doing horrible things, but he is not going along with the New World Order plan.
Russia isn't as well.
So it shows the best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
And they go on and describe it here.
So that's the facts.
And all we have to do is reject the culture of death in the New World Order.
And take our governments back.
But, remember that Time Magazine article?
I'm going to tell the crew to get it.
Dew had it this morning waving in front of me, reminding me.
I meant to get it.
I think the headline was, How We Did It.
It was about two months after they stole the election, the general election in 2020.
They had a 30-something page article describing how controlled media, think tanks, intelligence agencies, neocon, right-wingers, Left-wingers, foreign spies, all basically manipulated the election and then stole it, but it was all done for our own good.
Who can find the headline?
Just bring them in and they'll find it.
But the point is we've shown it a hundred times.
Here's the new article at Loomer.com.
We're posting the full article.
There it is.
Scroll back down.
The secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election.
Well, they're back.
We're going to post Laura Loomer's article on Infowars.com.
National election officials gathering for secret Zuckerberg funded Soros
Tied US election summit International Spy Museum. She is there. She was late coming on because you just made another
confrontation Where they had the Maricopa County officials
There as well talk about evil and why aren't all the rest of the populist conservative nationalist media there
But Laura Loomer of Loomer comm is there why she knows about election fraud
Laura, great to have you on.
Wow, a lot of footage of you confronting Raskin and these other rascals.
But tell people about this meeting and why it's so important.
Yeah, thanks so much for having me on, Alex.
And as you just said, we were supposed to do this interview 15 minutes ago, but I got some intel that the election, the Maricopa County Director of Elections and the Director for Early Voting in Maricopa County named Ray Valenzuela was downstairs ordering coffee.
So I just ambushed him.
He got lumered inside the Starbucks while he was getting his coffee.
So, you know, this is breaking in real time, okay?
The summit, as you see on my site there, Loomer.com, it's a secret election summit that's being hosted by a group called CEIR, the Center for Election Innovation Research.
And this is a group that was founded by an individual named David Becker.
David Becker is the founder of ERIC.
And I know that you've talked about the ERIC system on your show quite some time.
And Eric is headquartered out of D.C.
and David Becker actually had to resign from Eric about a month and a half or so ago.
And this was after three Republican states pulled out of the Eric system.
It's all in that article for people to see.
They can also see it on my Substack, lauralumar.substack.com, where it's free to subscribe.
This organization, Alex, this is not a conspiracy.
You know, they call us crazy for saying that Mark Zuckerberg stole the election and that George Soros and Zuckerberg gave all this money to the Secretaries of State and that they meet in secrecy to plot the election heist.
This is literally happening.
This conference was taking place yesterday and today in Washington, D.C.
at the International Spy Museum.
All the elections are on camera.
I recorded them.
I confronted them going in.
You can see the footage on my Twitter as well of me getting pushed out by a really large security guard.
They're meeting with the head of CEIR that received $69.5 million from Mark Zuckerberg.
You can see the receipts there on your screen.
That's David Becker.
And then Zuckerberg gave, what, $400 million to collate all the names of dead people and folks that moved out of districts.
To do this.
So, they've already bragged in Time Magazine, we showed the article, how they did it.
The very same players are back again.
Well, they tell us about election meddling.
They've been caught in Congress.
It's all come out.
Not just with the mail-in ballots, not just with debatable voting, but the way they censored and controlled and manipulated, which again, Professor Epstein exposed before the election was going to happen.
Yeah, absolutely.
And all of the people that were notorious, they like to say that it's nonpartisan, right?
Like, oh, this is nonpartisan because we have Republicans here too.
Yeah, what kind of Republicans do they have?
They have Brad Raffensperger, the Republican, right?
Yeah, a real Republican, Secretary of State of Georgia, who was at the center of the stolen election.
In Georgia.
Yeah, so all the same players, as they try to make it illegal to question elections, even though the State Department runs around all over the world checking elections, and ours on record are some of the worst on the planet, they're trying to outlaw questioning, and all the key players from Arizona and Georgia and everywhere that stole the election are now there with a bunch of spy chiefs at the Spy Museum.
Yeah, at the International Spy Museum.
It's almost like they're trying to mock us, right?
They call us conspiracy theorists and say that we're nutjobs for trying to question the legitimacy of our elections.
They call us election deniers, but then they're literally at the Spy Museum.
I mean, you see it.
I'm standing in front of the Spy Museum.
You see me chase Bill Gates, who is one of the Maricopa County supervisors who's mentioned in Carrie Lake's lawsuit.
Also, how is it appropriate for these Maricopa County officials, all of whom
are mentioned in Carrie Lake's lawsuit regarding her stolen election out of
Arizona for governor, to be attending this conference?
They're in the middle of active litigation.
And so Adrian Fontes, for example, who's the secretary of state of Arizona, he's
there, he called Trump supporters "MAGA fascists."
He's on the record.
There's a story about it.
I can send it to you.
I could text it to your staff right now while we're doing this interview.
No, I know.
It's incredible.
and the woman that ran the elections was also running for governor.
She won.
She just lost a federal case in one of the second largest counties in Arizona that she was trying to take it over.
But even though state law says she doesn't take it over until there's a problem, that's why they create the problem.
So these guys are as dirty as it gets.
Yeah, and as we know, Katie Haas was Carrie Lake's opponent on the Democrat ticket, and she was also the Secretary of State.
So she was able to oversee her own election, which is currently being contested, all the way up to the Supreme Court of Arizona, and all of these officials who are involved were there, and I confronted them.
I also chased David Becker down the street.
He's the guy that, of course, is organizing this conference, the founder of ERIC, the founder of CEIR.
He used to work for Pew Charitable Trust, and as we know, that was also tied to George Soros' Open Societies Foundation, which is George Soros' official grant-making operation that he founded and operates.
All of the receipts and documentation is inside the report on my website.
And another funny thing to highlight as well, Alex, is the fact that in his book, The Big Truth, this guy, David Becker, said that it was an anti-Semitic trope to say that people like George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg funded the theft of our elections.
Like, because they're what, Jewish?
Well, guess what, buddy?
I'm Jewish, too, and I'm calling you out.
So am I some kind of Jewish Nazi, or am I some kind of self-hating Jew?
By the way, I have the view now.
I'm not saying that Jews, black people, brown people, they're all Nazis if they question elections.
So the new definition is the number one terror threat is a white supremacist and then anybody that doesn't agree with them is a white supremacist.
This is preposterous.
Meanwhile, George Soros literally worked for Hitler and said it was the best time in his life and quote exhilarating.
Yeah, he said that he helped the Nazis confiscate property.
And so, look, this is just absurd.
They're trying to make it illegal to talk about elections.
They're trying to make it illegal to question election officials.
And another thing that's very concerning is this group, CEIR, they have an offshoot organization called E-O-L-D-N, Election Official Legal Defense Network.
Because they're getting their story straight.
Just like Soros puts on events for all his DAs, he's gotten elected to quarterback the attacks.
part of this organization there to provide pro bono legal support to
elections officials who are being harassed. Why are they trying to line up
free legal counsel for Secretaries of State and Supervisors of Elections?
They're getting their story straight. Just like Soros puts on events for all his DAs, he's
gotten elected to quarterback the attacks. This is a takeover.
Absolutely, Alex.
And it's a shame that the Republican Party, okay, they're not out here exposing this.
They don't want to talk about it.
My expose was posted weeks ago.
Weeks ago I posted this.
I sent it to everybody.
You know, I sent it to you.
I obviously know you're very busy, but there should be more people here exposing this because this is an election fortification summit hosted by the same people.
When he worked for the DOJ, David Becker, the founder of CEIR and Eric, who hosted this conference, he was recommended for disbarment by his boss at the DOJ, who said that he was unethical and was acting as a partisan.
Sure, sure, sure, absolutely.
We have hours of footage of Democrats.
The last six, seven elections saying the machines don't work, they're fraudulent, this is a scam, trying to block electors, doing the same things we did on January 6th, just trying to have an investigation in the Senate.
Now suddenly they're saying you can't ever question this, you can't ever challenge this, because this is their strategy to stay in power, that and total open borders.
But let me say something since you mentioned this.
I'm in Chapter 11, Subchapter 5 bankruptcy.
We're still on air.
We're going to continue on.
We've given the court all the documents.
The court's very pleased with nothing but truthful.
The other side lied about all this money we had.
None of it was true.
That's all been disproven.
Notice the media is silent now about my bankruptcy because all the lies weren't true.
Sworn in federal court.
Outside accountants came and checked it all.
I had no money.
None of it was true.
Absolute crap.
You would have been a full-time reporter here, Laura.
We don't have the money.
We barely have a couple reporters.
We can barely have money to go to the border.
I had to really put my foot down to even get the money to go cover the border collapse that's going on.
But yes, yes, if we get more support, because we're stabilized now, We would love, because you're knocking out of the park every day.
We would love to have you as a reporter.
We'd love to hire 50 reporters, but we can't do it.
So that's why I'm drinking out of a fire hose here, okay?
I know you sent us this.
I saw this a few weeks ago.
I think I even mentioned it.
The point is we know what's going on, but at least you're there, and now you're on air with us.
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If we have the funds, we will expand, not just contract.
We have a plan.
Infowars will continue on indefinitely during this crisis.
Me personally, I'm going to be torn to pieces.
That's fine.
I don't care.
I'll live in a trailer.
But most people are like, well, you don't care about money.
I will continue on.
I don't care.
But this operation will continue.
We have a federal law that they cannot destroy a company just because they want to.
But we need the money.
We are in the hands of the listeners and viewers.
Sorry, Laura, go ahead.
Yeah and look, obviously like I'm not hired by InfoWars to do this and I haven't received payment for this and so if people want to support my investigative journalism and they want to you know help cover the cost because as you said you know it'd be great and Alex did have plans to hire me but because of all the litigation he can't hire me right now but you can go to LUMARD.com that's LUMARD.com and that's where you can donate Absolutely.
You can make a donation to support my continued investigative journalism or you can also subscribe
to my sub stack.
It's free to subscribe.
Laura Loomer dot sub stack dot com.
But you can upgrade your subscription to seven dollars per month because we're in a war.
People need to put their money on the table.
We're in a war.
You're fighting hard.
We're riding hard.
We're not bitching.
We're just saying, folks, this is a ragtag operation, but we're having huge victories.
I want to go to break and come back with you.
I know you're supposed to check out of your hotel right now, but do a little bit more time with us.
I want to get back to this big meeting.
You're absolutely right.
They're openly running around the country trying to They've been suing to try to block popular candidates from being able to run again.
Well, that's Elias, Hillary Clinton's lawyer.
That's election meddling on its face, the purest form.
They're trying to put Trump in jail because he's obviously the presumptive candidate and 35 points ahead of DeSantis.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
We'll be back in two minutes with Laura Loomer, hour number two, then Pete Santilli's coming on with Title 42 collapse and what's really going on.
All right, I want this to sink in to listeners.
Mark Zuckerberg put in over $400 million to manipulate the voter rolls and engage in the fraud to create the databases they needed when they, all over the country, got caught at safe houses filling in the mail-in ballots with names of dead people, people that had moved out of the state or out of the district.
And where are the Republicans when the Democratic Party leadership and all these big bankers and Soros-funded people are meeting in DC.
No one's there but Laura Loomer.
And we've got a bunch of the videos of her confronting these people.
They're at loomer.com.
They're very important videos.
They're on infowars.com as well.
But the point is, is that this is in plain view, and they're about to do it again.
This is a short segment, Laura, we'll get into Trump and DeSantis and then prosecuting Trump and all that next segment.
But just finishing up on how important this conference is and obviously they're going to have more conferences coming up.
They're organizing to do it again.
Where is Congress?
What Zuckerberg did was illegal.
Absolutely, it's illegal.
And like I said, the Republicans haven't done anything to address it.
Who knows where their next conference is going to be, but clearly this conference took place to discuss 2024.
I have a ton of video footage that I haven't released yet.
I'm going to be releasing it over these next few days, confronting the organizer of the conference himself.
I ambushed Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia Secretary of State, yesterday as well.
That video hasn't been released.
We're gonna be putting packages together and releasing all this footage.
I just sent your team one of my videos confronting Bill Gates, who's the supervisor in Maricopa County.
If they could upload that to my band channel, because then your viewers would be able to see that as well.
Jamie Raskin was their keynote speaker, Alex.
Just think of how crazy this is.
Jamie Raskin is Who is the impeachment manager for the impeachment of Donald Trump and also one of the ringleaders for the January 6th committee.
He was their keynote speaker.
And just days ago with Jen Psaki on MSNBC, he called for charges of seditious conspiracy to be brought against President Donald Trump in an effort to try to prevent him from even being on the ballot in 2024.
How is this, how is this a nonpartisan conference?
No, this is a conference of Trump hating election rigors who are here to fortify our elections.
It's very important for everybody to contact their Secretary of State and their Supervisors of Elections who attended this conference.
I'm going to be releasing a list of all the names, and you need to demand their resignation.
This should be all over the news, Alex!
This is absolutely an abomination!
The same people!
When are people going to learn their damn lesson?
We're watching a repeat of 2020 play right out before our eyes ahead of 2024!
What are we going to have?
Donald Trump win in 2024 only for it to be stolen again and then sit here and say... And this is giving me flashbacks of you and I four years ago when the de-platforming of you and I began when you warned Trump, you're next.
I mean, everything you said came true.
Everything I said came true and look, Trump wanted to hire me.
Okay, there was a story that came out in the New York Times three weeks ago about how Trump said, hire Laura Loomer.
Okay, and then Marjorie Trader Greene as I call her.
And then they called you a white supremacist.
No, they call me anti-Muslim.
There were leakers around him.
So he's still surrounded by people who are leaking and, you know, not having his best interest in mind.
And then Marjorie Trader- Listen, I'll just say this.
I love MTG.
I love you.
And I know you guys have your differences, but just I don't want to get into it with her.
You can say whatever you want.
I just want to be clear.
You're doing great work.
I'm just talking about the fact that, like, you shouldn't even like her, first of all, because she's disingenuous, Alex.
But secondly, okay, having somebody like me inside Trump's camp is a win for the America First movement.
I could be exposing this and Trump's team could be blowing the whistle on this stuff.
That's the kind of stuff that MTG sabotaged when she works with the New York Times and leakers in the Trump camp to basically torpedo this from happening.
I'm trying to protect President Trump.
I'm trying to protect millions of voters who don't want to live under a communist new world order.
This is very serious and personal to me.
I have dedicated my life to this and have been destroyed just like you, Alex.
And so it's time for people to get serious about it and we need to start demanding accountability.
They need to start addressing this or else they're going to steal the election.
I mean, I think a lot of the Republican infighting is just politics.
That's not my bailiwick.
It's not my bag.
But, Lori, you're doing a great job.
Let's come back and talk about Trump and the prosecution and where this is all going.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
Let's talk about them trying to steal the next election.
All right, folks.
Mark Zuckerberg, George Soros, and others put in hundreds of millions of dollars.
Zuckerberg over $400 million to get all the databases of dead voters and people that have moved out of state.
That all came out.
It was totally illegal.
And they're doing it again and they're meeting right now in D.C.
at the International Spy Museum.
Laura Loomer is there covering it.
Laura, in the time we have left in this segment, we have a bunch of other news and analysis I'm going to be hitting.
They admit they're doing this.
And again, Elias, Hillary Clinton's lawyers running around, filing suits everywhere to try to block Gozer and many others, MTG, from being able to run.
They failed doing that, but that's election meddling right there.
Then we have Big Tech and the Hunter Biden laptops emblematic of that.
That's a microcosm of the big elections.
And now you have the George Soros DA, I have the article right here.
And the judge, who's also Soros' daughter on record, judge limits Trump's sharing of information from New York criminal case on social media.
So that's a gag order by another name.
Totally unconstitutional.
So they can attack Trump and he in the public opinion can't come out while they're attacking him in the media and leaking and say anything about it.
This is so dangerous.
What's the intel on Trump, DeSantis and the rest of it?
Well look Alex, we've seen this before.
This is exactly what they did to Roger Stone.
They want it so that all of Trump's opponents and DeSantis and the media who are colluding together can make false accusations against President Trump and call him a criminal and he has no recourse to publicly defend himself.
That's why they're trying to ban him from Fox News.
That's why they're pushing out people from Fox News who otherwise would have had him on to defend himself, because they're just going to attack, attack, attack, and gag him at the same time.
Look, I just want to say, Alex, I love you, okay?
You are an icon.
You're somebody who has inspired me.
We've known each other for, what, like 10 years now?
But I just want to say, I told you.
Do you remember back in November when I was railing against Ron DeSantis and trying to even just, you know, bring you the truth about Ron DeSantis and how terrible he was?
But now you see it and I'm so happy.
I saw your interview with Roseanne Barr and how you guys finally admit that DeSantis is a neocon globalist puppet.
But look, I've been railing against DeSantis more than anyone.
It's why President Trump wanted to hire me, right?
Because I've been exposing him and calling him out.
Exposing all of his ties to the deep state and the fact that he's anti-Trump and anti-America First.
In fact, you had me on in 2021 to talk about his big tech bill that was intentionally designed to fail.
And remember I said, don't you think it's really strange, Alex, how he's saying he's going to make it illegal in the state of Florida for candidates to be banned on social media while they're running?
But then I was literally the only deplatformed candidate and he didn't say a word.
So look, DeSantis is deep state.
He's clearly going to be announcing his run for president any day now because the legislative session in Florida has ended.
They changed the resign to run law to make an exception just for Governor Ron DeSantis.
And it's shady.
He also encouraged the passage and signing of legislation that conceals his travel records so that Floridians can't see that he's been campaigning and using the governor's plane and using Florida taxpayer money to run for president.
Listen, I look at it like this.
I judge a tree by its fruits like Christ said.
And Trump's good on a lot of things, bad on some.
DeSantis is good on a lot of things, bad on some.
But DeSantis Signing that anti-free speech bill.
That's the worst creation.
And again, I'm not anti-Israel.
He signs it in Israel that literally will put you in jail if you say something racist.
You don't hurt anybody, but they put you in jail.
That is, that's horrible that DeSantis did that.
That's like ADL stuff.
Yeah, look, my video expose is posted on my BandDot video channel for people to see this.
I've been blowing the whistle on his hate crime legislation.
And I'm Jewish, right?
This has nothing to do with anti-Semitism.
This is about Ron DeSantis trying to use anti-Semitism as a guise, okay, to criminalize constitutionally protected speech.
And lock people up for their constitutionally right to protest.
So I just want to say, and we can admit it here for everybody to hear, you know, I was probably the first person to ever put a bug in your ear and say, Alex, Ron DeSantis is bad news.
Am I right?
I mean, I've been telling you about this for the last two years, Alex.
I know you've been told.
Look, I just try to promote people that I think are doing a good job.
We openly have some, despite the count of the Democrats.
But I hear you, and I get you're deeply embedded in Florida politics.
I understand all that.
But I read the legislation, I saw them talk about it, and just absolutely push anti-free speech, and it's shocking.
It's anti-speech!
It's anti-free speech, but he did this as well in 2021, okay?
He's totally full of crap.
This is a guy who likes to say that he's fighting for free speech, and he's fighting for freedom, and he's anti-woke, and oh yeah, we're gonna have election integrity in the state of Florida.
Not only did he sign this hate crime legislation in Israel, okay, which is effectively criminalizing constitutionally protected free speech, But he also lied when he said that he created legislation, or at least signed legislation into law from the legislature, that would make it illegal for big tech to illegally interfere in our elections.
That's not true.
Because if that were true, how come none of these big tech companies were fined in 2020 and 2022 when I ran for office?
They got away with rigging my election and I was the only candidate in the nation denied access to all social media and the only one in the state of Florida.
So Ron DeSantis has a multi-year History, a proven track record of being anti-free speech.
It's not just this hate crime legislation, which is an abomination that he signed in Israel.
It's also the big tech bill that we've been reporting on.
Look, you're a trailblazer, Alex.
You're an icon.
You have been reporting on these issues just like I have for years.
And if you go back in your archives, you'll see back in 2021, we were calling out Ron DeSantis together for being anti-free speech.
So this shouldn't be new news to people.
Ron DeSantis is a total phony, okay?
He's a Trojan horse who has been brought onto the scene of America First to basically deceive MAGA voters into thinking that, oh, Donald Trump has too much baggage.
Donald Trump is too old.
We need somebody- Well, here's the fact.
I want your response to this.
All the polls show Trump 25 to 40 points ahead of DeSantis, so he's about 35 points ahead in the average.
So he's going to be the nominee right now.
What is the Deep State going to do?
I mean, they're going to try to put the frontrunner in jail with a kangaroo court?
How do you see that unfolding?
Well, look, they're obviously using, they're trying to use the indictment and arrest of President Trump and they're trying to use the Proud Boys trial as well to make the case for seditious conspiracy charges.
You see this last week that some of the Proud Boys were just charged with seditious conspiracy.
That's going to be the pathway for the Democrats and the January 6th Committee to try to push for seditious conspiracy charges against Donald Trump.
Well, that's right.
I don't see how you don't support Trump.
Despite his problems with the shots and the rest of it, when the whole deep state's against him, he won the last election, they've weaponized it, and they're going to come after him and claim he ran the Proud Boys.
The federal prosecutors say they're getting ready to indict him, claiming he commanded the Proud Boys, never talked to them, plus the Proud Boys are innocent, no matter what their kangaroo court said.
So how do you not support the guy they're trying to block?
This is insane.
This is going to be a huge train wreck.
How do you see this unfolding?
Well, as I was just saying, DeSantis is using the indictment and working hand-in-hand with this attack on Donald Trump to push his presidential campaign.
They introduced the legislation, the amendment, to change the resign-to-run law the very day that Donald Trump was indicted, okay?
I broke that story, that was about a month and a half or so ago, and they were hoping that nobody was going to notice in the middle of the night when everybody was consumed in the media frenzy about Donald Trump being indicted.
And so, Ron DeSantis is Cronies and his, you know, his little minions in the Florida legislature introduced this the same exact day.
You can look it up.
There was a report about it in the Floridian Press.
And so you're going to see Ron DeSantis come out and say, I'm the law and order candidate and we can't have a candidate who is indicted and who's been arrested.
We need somebody who isn't going to be charged with seditious conspiracy.
How can you be president of the United States when you're facing charges of seditious conspiracy?
And he's just going to try to make it seem like Donald Trump is a criminal, even though he's not.
And he's working hand in hand with the deep state and the Democrats.
It's why the media is always pushing for Ron DeSantis.
Why do you think the liberal media wants Ron DeSantis to be the nominee so bad?
They don't like Donald Trump.
I hear you.
Thank you so much.
My final statement here, and I appreciate you, is MTG's a big supporter of Trump.
He likes her.
I like her.
I want you guys to be friends.
Laura Loomer, we'll talk to you soon.
God bless.
We're not going to be friends, but I'm friends with you, Alex.
You sabotaged my... She lied about me!
Alright, alright, alright.
I'm just saying, come on.
I care about the truth, and I care about you, and I care about President Trump, and I'm committed to helping President Trump and exposing voter fraud.
I hear you, I hear you.
Thank you, Laura.
We'll be right back with big breaking news.
Stay with us.
Please listen to me in the next 60 seconds.
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Soros openly bragged five years ago in Ferdinand Zarkaria's program on CNN
that they had overthrown the elected government of Ukraine and the United States was in a proxy war
with the Russians. Approximately 16 months ago, 15 months ago, the Russians began to lose.
So Putin launched a counter offensive.
I'm not a Russophile.
I've never been to Russia, but I've studied Russia.
It's very interesting.
And I can tell you the enemies of the American people are the same enemies of the Russian people.
It's the globalists dissolving our borders and shipping in the fentanyl and destroying our culture and annihilating our dollar and launching these senseless wars.
It's deranged, as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
And so I think it's important today, it'll take this segment and part of the next, to air Vladimir Putin's short but succinct speech at the anniversary of victory against the Nazis where the Russians lost 20 plus million people.
Because if we're told they're so evil and so bad all day by the people that are actually stealing our elections, we should actually hear what the Russian leader actually had to say.
I'm gonna have the full speech also posted under the live show feed of the broadcast today.
We'll put that live show feed up on screen.
But as I said in the last hour, the Russians have big problems.
And we can certainly sit back and critique them all day long.
But if the Russians are here, down low we can look at them with our Monday morning quarterbacking.
America and who runs us is ten stories below that.
So we can look at the Russians and criticize them all day, but they're putting up a fight against the New World Order.
And the globalists are in a war against them.
And Xi Jinping is horrible compared to the Russians, in ways he's worse than the globalists.
Lawlessness, the genetic engineering, the cloning, the one-child policies, all of it.
They're now rejecting that and breaking with the New World Order.
So, the answer is a multipolar world.
The answer is not a centralized system, as Elon Musk said two months ago at the World Government Forum.
He said, you guys are bad, you're going to destroy civilization, your policies are evil, it's a Tower of Babel, it's got to stop.
So there's major opposition forming by people that just want to live.
The New World Orders of Suicide Pact.
Let's begin with a historic speech that happened about 10 hours ago in Red Square.
People of Russia, veterans of Russia, comrades, soldiers, quartermasters, officers of the
army, the navy, the air force, admirals, generals, commanders in chief of the special military
operations I salute you all I salute you all on today to mark the day of our great victory.
Today is a day where we remember those who came before us.
Those who fell on the battlefield and in doing so became immortals, who joined the regiment of immortals who gave up their lives for our country in the fight against Nazism.
And that fight is one which is rearing its head again today.
Once again, we see war that is afoot, but we have been pushing back, fighting against international terrorism to protect the people in the Donbass region and to protect our country.
There are only friendships that we can have between the East and West, around this world.
What we want for the future is a future of peace, a future of stability, not a future of blood.
And pause and back it up. Remember, millions are coming across the border right now.
They've totally collapsed our country.
They're turning off our energy supplies.
They've blown up the Russian pipeline.
They turned off our pipelines.
They blew up theirs.
It's the same New World Order, anti-human, killing stability, killing families.
Just remember that.
And the Russians have not surrendered.
And now the Chaikoms, a project of the New World Order, has turned against them, but it's continuing the same operation.
The Russians are not following the Chaikom operation, even though they've been driven into Xi Jinping's arms.
General Flynn said the answer would be to work with Russia, but no, the globals don't want that.
They don't want stability.
are only friendships that we can have between the East and West, around this world.
What we want for the future is a future of peace, a future of stability, not a future of blood.
But the elite in the West, they keep talking of their exceptionalism, of how they are different,
and they are the ones who are unique.
Creating a sense of disruption between our peoples.
They are the ones destroying family values, traditional values that make everyone on this planet human.
They are forcing their will on other nations.
forcing their rules on others.
But it would appear that they have forgotten what Nazism was all about.
and did not regret it.
It seems that they have forgotten the scourge that it wreaked.
They have forgotten all that had to be done to free Europe from Nazism.
from Nazism. Nazism, a time when monuments were destroyed.
And they would appear to have forgotten exactly what Nazism did back in the day when they
were wreaking havoc throughout Europe.
And that very act of forgetting is a crime in its own right.
Because in forgetting that time, they're forgetting the fight.
That was necessary to be able to rid Europe of that scourge.
Rid Europe, the world of that scourge.
to finally break the global security system and international law.
To strangle any sovereign centers.
To destroy the global order?
To stifle the new centers of development that we see around the world?
Their impunity is a great tragedy.
Their impunity is a great tragedy.
And that is the very reason why today the Ukrainian people are being held hostage.
They're being held hostage following a coup.
They're being held hostage, following a coup, and they are just puppets in a game that is
being played by the West.
Because they are just puppets in a game being played by the West, but not the West.
The criminals, the Hollywood scum, the New World Order that's hijacked our country, that is censoring us, that is surveilling us, that is creating crime waves, that is defunding our police, that is annihilating us.
I mean, you can sit there and you can see it in front of your face.
The plan is to destroy nations and civilizations.
We'll come back with the rest of the speech on the other side.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is Info Wars.
Our job is truth.
And the truth is, the Russians are not rolling over the New World Order.
And they're not trying to cut your son's testicles off.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
There's blood on the streets, it's up to my ankles!
The United States, VNATO, is now at war with Russia officially.
to export all our demonic values there.
The people that have hijacked our country are our enemy.
the enemy of all of humanity.
He said, he's got giant news coming up next segment into the next hour on title
42 and more.
But Vladimir Putin has come out directly and said the New World Order globalists want to destroy your family and make you a slave.
They want to pillage you and we're not going along with it.
The globalists call the Russians cavemen.
Well, I'm cutting your son's balls off and drinking poison water and worshiping world governments.
Advanced, I'm a caveman every day.
Thank God for the cavemen.
Let's go back to Vladimir Putin and his big speech at the World War II Victory Parade.
Here it is.
Homage to the fallen soldiers.
We pay homage to the veterans of America, of the United Kingdom.
We pay homage to the heroes, the war heroes from China.
We pay homage to the past.
We pay homage to the past.
We see international cooperation as a great strength, and that it holds true both today as it did in the past.
That the multi-polar world that we are seeing is one in which we can have fair opportunity and development for all.
see whole of world that we are seeing is one in which we can have fair opportunity and
development for all.
What I see in the world is one where we can pay homage to our ancestors.
Our shared ancestors who fought together.
Who fought towards a common victory.
And we pay homage to that shared victory today.
We take a knee to all those who put their life on the line to assure victory.
We pay homage to the mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, children.
And in their memory, I call for a minute of silence.
Again, airing this historic speech because the media doesn't want you to see it.
They claim these people stole the election.
No, it was Zuckerberg and Soros and the New World Order.
These people are fighting for their lives.
These people are fighting the New World Order-controlled NATO.
That's reality.
[Gavel banging]
26 million is the highest, 23 million is the lowest.
Dead Russians in World War II.
300,000 dead US troops.
Imagine that.
Citizens of Russia, the battles that will ever forevermore shape our history are sacred and
we understand what it means.
To be worthy, to be worthy heirs to what those people who came before us have given us.
Those people on the front line.
Those people who are facing the heavy fire.
We know what it means to be worthy of their legacy.
We know what it means to be worthy of their legacy.
We know what it means to fight for one's country.
And you, current soldiers, you are worthy.
You are fighting for your friends, for your loved ones, for your family.
for your family and I know that you feel the great love that we have for you, that they
have for you.
Everyone, everyone is ready to support you and to give you any help that you need.
To the Russian people, today we are commemorating the fallen heroes of our nation.
to the Russian people. Today we are commemorating the fallen heroes of our nation. And here
we are today on the Red Square. And we can remember people such as Dmitry Dolzhoi, Pajavsky.
Kutuzov, the people who fell between 1941 and 1945, we pay homage to them.
We also pay homage to the fighters who are part of the special military operations.
Those people who took arms as part of our partial mobilization.
Fighters, representatives from the Ministry of the Interior who are here today to pay homage to you.
I pay homage to you, to all you who defend Russia on the battlefield.
I pay homage to you, to all you who defend Russia on the battlefield.
All of you who are serving your nation as part of the great patriotic war.
Because thanks to you we can prove that there is nothing stronger than national unity.
And for Russia, for our armed, brave armed forces, victory for all!
Alright, so...
I'm not endorsing the way the Russians run things or what they're doing.
They're not trying to run our lives.
The Chi-Coms are all over us.
We have globalist Hollywood pedophile scum running everything.
They've started an open war with Russia.
I thought you'd need to hear what they're saying and what they're doing.
Because the group says, get behind this war, another American war.
It's not an American war.
It's a globalist war.
And the very people that have stole the last two elections, because it would have been a bigger victory for the Republicans if there wasn't fraud.
Are the ones prosecuting this war, and are the ones that told everybody to immediately surge the border.
I played a clip yesterday that Mayor Orca sent at the border two days ago where he said, it's a lie.
Anybody telling you come here, it's a lie.
The puppet president said come here.
Biden, the third administration of Obama, said do this.
They're the ones cutting off our pipelines.
They're the ones creating inflation.
They're the ones destroying our borders.
They're the ones trying to attack our children.
They're the ones that are doing all of this.
They're not Americans, they're globalists!
And the Russians didn't start this fight.
I'm not on the Russian side.
I'm on the side of peace and security and a future.
And it just so happens that the Russians are in the same position, but they've decided not to roll over.
And China's breaking with the globalists, and they're terrible.
The communists there are just a nightmare.
But Russia has had a revival.
I've studied every angle of it.
Russia has almost no influence over this country.
Other than people that don't want to die in a nuclear war, like Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Shane, the globalists are deranged.
What they are doing is so dangerous.
No one's ever done it before.
And yes, the Russians are in a stalemate fighting NATO.
And that will only lead to escalation.
It needs to end now.
The world shouldn't end in a Slavic civil war.
It's not our business.
All right, I'm going to shift gears now.
Investigative journalist, syndicated talk show host Pete Santilli started calling me Saturday morning
with the intel that the Mexican drug cartels were going to hire terrorists to attack migrants
because the migrants under Title 42 ending will not be paying them the 10 million a year
that their payments amount to.
That's a Justice Department number.
Six billion, four years ago, ten billion today.
It's escalating.
Millions are hitting.
The entire border is collapsing.
We put a tweet out earlier.
We've confirmed this from our sources.
We'll be interviewing the next 24 hours as our limited team deploys to the border tomorrow.
Pray for Owen.
The rest of the crew, I'll be joining them soon.
We put the tweet up earlier where the Border Patrol has announced they've been told just release everybody because they don't even have migrant shelters to hold them.
Biden's successive operation to flood the border is so successful they can't even get enough trains, buses, vans, airplanes to load these people on.
Hundreds of thousands are on the border right now.
Millions are coming up.
This is images of El Paso two days ago.
Food trucks being ransacked.
Pete Santilli, we are witnessing asymmetrical warfare.
I know you're a Marine.
I'm a journalist.
Pete Santilli, what's your latest information, my friend?
You know, I've been in pretty close contact with Michael Yeun, and I had him on an interview on Saturday, and he got pretty emotional as far as a heightened level of alert to warn everybody, look, you need to have full situational awareness as to what's upon us.
So he put out that alert.
He also advised everyone of the technical capabilities that they have by deploying cellphones
and handing cellphones to each and every one of these migrants that are coming over.
And he said that they have the ability if they wanted to, mobilize a thousand, ten thousand
of them, send a text alert to any location for that matter.
They have full operational control over them.
So the heightened level of alert came on Saturday and then this morning I received a message from him that read as follows.
Broken arrow, broken arrow.
He said that the number of migrants that we have in custody right now and processing through that all the facilities he and he has some of the best Intel and and information from various levels of the government all facilities are over 150% capacity as of right now that broken arrow in in military terms is essentially when your camp gets overrun and Your location gets overrun.
You call in for what they call CAS, close air support on your own location or within the general vicinity.
So we are in a desperate situation, but as we discussed in our last visit, This is a crisis that they're now broadcasting in the mainstream media, of course.
And let's be clear, this isn't Russians invading us.
It's our own government and the UN literally directing the collapse, setting up the refugee center, saying come here, and now breaking the border.
So this is the real Red Dawn, not run by the Russians.
Yeah, and a massive globalist coordinated effort by the EU, the United Nations, UNICEF, United States of America, wholly manufactured and fabricated.
As a matter of fact, all these migrants, remarkably, live in a lab of luxury with brand new tent cities capable of hauling thousands of migrants.
Oh, I flew over this years ago in a helicopter, just six, seven football stadiums of just tents everywhere.
Oh yeah, now isn't it remarkable that down to the Darien Gap, once they come through the Darien Gap, they get into a tent city.
I noticed air conditioning units in these tent cities.
They get in air-conditioned buses.
There's millions of dollars that it takes to get these migrants up to our border.
And then of course cue the MSNBC and CNN cameras that show that these migrants are being dumped in the streets of the United States of America.
All bought and paid for by these globalists employing the Cloward-Piven strategy.
Manufacture the crisis, of course, and then get to the podium to offer a solution to the crisis.
And the reason I'm rolling Red Dawn footage for TV viewers is this is the real globalist New World Order Klaus Schwab Red Dawn.
I mean, this is literally the collapse of the border, literally the invasion.
With cell phones, the Democrats can send them to what towns they want, you name it.
I mean, this is the takeover.
This is replacement migration.
This is happening.
And what do the ADLs say the number one crime is?
Talk about replacement migration even though it's a UN plan.
This is their takeover.
You know, in their propaganda scheme, it's multi-pronged.
To cause the chaos and to break a system that is not nearly capable of handling even what we had prior to Joe Biden opening up the borders, of course.
We've had, since 2014, the Biden administration has been doing this for quite some time from Guatemala.
They've been practicing for this moment in time.
This is not just a red alert.
This is a broken arrow scenario, as very credible journalist Michael Yan has put out the call.
150% capacity.
And guess what?
That prepares for the next level.
They're processing directly from these originating countries, all of these migrants, and distributing them to the sanctuary cities directly.
Same thing happened before.
They practiced it.
They want to relieve some of the pressure at the border, as they say.
So while they spend hundreds of billions in Ukraine, they've directly collapsed the U.S.
I mean, talk about treason.
Yes, and Alex, as you and I discussed, another angle of attack is to call up and demand a sit-down, actually, of the two rival cartels.
Very rarely in history do rival cartels get together.
Orders came from above to have the golf cartels... I'm going to give you the floor and shut up the rest of the segment.
You're hosting right now.
Start over with the intel you got Friday and Saturday.
What then happened and where this is all going?
Yeah, now the way this messaging came to me, and thank you Alex for allowing me this opportunity, this is a matter of high public importance.
Now this information came to me from a source that has some of the best contacts in the entire world.
someone who had worked multi decades for the Intel services as a contractor and had contacts within the cartels
as they all do, but a security person high up in the cartel was at the compound a week and a half prior to about Friday.
And when he had come back to the United States, he basically reconfirmed what he told them
a week and a half prior, is that there was a sit down by the two cartels,
the Sinaloa and the Gulf cartel.
It's an unprecedented event Where they were sitting down to plan for mass casualty events now a week and a half ago prior to That last warning that came last Friday He couldn't imagine such a thing taking place but when his contact came back to the United States and said And pick up the phone to advise him saying, you know what?
You need to stay out of the grocery stores.
You need to stay out of public events.
This thing is imminent.
They're about to to plan these attacks.
And he was in the U.S.
Excuse me.
A little bit of a cold there, but.
He said, stay out of grocery stores, stay out of public locations.
These attacks are imminent.
Now, this person that contacted me said, wow, this is about to get real here.
I'm being told to stay out of public events that attacks are imminent.
And I said, you know, we need to make this public.
The public needs to know what could potentially happen to them, what they need to be aware of.
And he agreed.
And I sent some messaging to Alex.
Alex, as you know, it was a very, very serious thing.
Shortly thereafter, those attacks in Texas started taking place.
Now, we fully expect that these things are going to come into the various states throughout the country.
That's what they're planning to do.
And of course, as we see, they use these events as an opportunity.
Now, when I was mentioning earlier about Michael Yan and the cell phones that are with these migrants, these migrants are also offered incentives That if they have information that they can relay, they get compensated on their cards electronically.
If they were to take a picture and forward an image or a video, they're used as surveillance tools.
And I said, if you have any newsworthy reports or anything of interest, please send it to us and we'll compensate you.
Of course, at these events like the The event where the driver plowed his vehicle into a bus stop filled with migrants.
They all had their cell phones out.
That imagery came and of course the original image of what happened they said it was to quote-unquote Horrifying.
Because they want to be able to script the narrative.
They don't want you to see what it looks like when you're gathered together, of course, at a bus stop.
They want you to see the after effects, the horrifying, traumatic And again, we know that many of the South Texas police, I've talked to high-level federal officials, are now under cartel control.
So immediately say, it's all a big accident, the guy's got gang tattoos all over him.
were investigating the motive but they were in fact looking into the white
supremacist background. And again we know that many of the South Texas police I've
talked to high-level federal officials are now under cartel control so
immediately say it's all a big accident the guys got gang tattoos all over him
but getting back to what you just said millions of people with UN issued
cell phones NGO cell phones There's a few reporters we expose their agenda.
Imagine they have millions of operatives with cell phones being directed to do God knows what around the country.
They do.
They can do mass broadcast messaging, deploy hundreds or thousands.
They could do that.
They of course have, they can propagandize and make them feel warm and comfortable about the government that they're in the hands of.
Or they can do micro-targeting.
They can do, and profile by the way, they have an easy way to have a two-way access and communication.
They have exact location to within two centimeters of each individual if they're able to profile that
individual and they know that they're more susceptible. And we know and we know AI
Pentagon systems are running this so this is the UN takeover. Yes AI is a very
very big part of this.
Because of that profiling, they can select from the crowds who are more likely to be radicalized and fall into the hands of the criminal cabal that they could essentially deploy as they come across the program.
Schizophrenics, mentally ill people to go to a mass shooting, anything they want.
An endless pool of crime, not to mention The reports of 30,000 children handed over to pedophiles, 20,000 pedophiles in the last two and a half years in the Texas sector alone have this at their highest level.
Children turned over.
We have Senate reports admitting it.
This is just the crime of the century going on.
It is, and we see that the mainstream media is working hand-in-glove in this operation that when these mass casualty events do, they immediately, and the narrative is almost scripted.
You can just about read it from their teleprompters.
They're talking about white supremacy, the Wall Street Journal.
You know, the early morning hours before they were even able to establish what the identity of the individuals are, that they were immediately broadcasting a white supremacy narrative.
Well, what does that do, ladies and gentlemen?
That immediately conditions.
Imagine somebody like us, if you're, you know, of Italian descent and you're walking around, you're already identified as somebody Uh, that is associated with that very traumatic event that everyone's watching on TV.
It's a very dangerous thing.
They're not just... So they launched the attack and then demonized everybody they're actually targeting.
So let me ask you this.
What comes next when the border totally collapses, Title 42 is gone, how are they going to spend that?
Yeah, you know, I'm going to say that, A, they're of course going to go for a gun grab.
They're going to cause one of the bigger emergencies to justify potentially a martial law type scenario.
There's a lot of guns associated, of course.
What they're trying to do is to provoke.
And by the way, this isn't just demonization, Alex.
I'm saying that they're weaponizing.
Our lives are in danger when we go out into the public.
And we're just an average white American here in Cincinnati.
I live in a diverse community.
That my face, my skin color is associated with an extremely... Oh, we know racial attacks are off the charts against whites.
And the FBI puts out numbers claiming whites are committing the majority of crime, which isn't even true.
This is the narrative.
This is the plan to tear the country apart.
Cut the resources off, flood the borders, and then call it white supremacist.
That's right, and they essentially have this ability through neuro-linguistic programming, the anchoring that they do with the visual imagery of people being scattered throughout the street after getting hit by a car at the bus stop, and they're immediately attaching, because you can't un-ring a bell.
When they say it's a white supremacist that ran those migrants over, that sticks in the minds of the traumatized population.
Well, that's right.
We know it's a government depop because they called for it, they did it, they're running it.
Now they're posing as the savior and everything they're putting out, you can see the earmarks of the synthetic nature.
And the narrative that they're putting out there, I mean, even Elon Musk has recently commented that the narrative and the scripting that they're putting out, you can tell it's coming from the intel services that are trying to stoke racial division and anxiety.
And as you can imagine, a populist that sits there and sees those people getting run over, Sitting at a bus stop.
I mean, we have a lot of sympathy towards anybody.
Stay there, Pete.
Stay there.
But Charles Manson, we know, was connected to the CIA.
He went and killed Sharon Tate, cut her baby out of him, killed other people.
He was trying to create a race war.
Helter Skelter, that was the beta test.
I believe we're already in the middle of Helter Skelter.
So we'll talk about Helter Skelter with Pete Santelli when we come back.
Hour number three straight ahead.
To everybody you know, tune in now.
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Now it's shareable.
The left's plan has always been a race war to bring in their communist takeovers.
And it's now happening.
I've got Solutions next segment.
Pete Santilli riding shotgun with us, investigative journalist.
So Pete.
I think you agree.
There's no doubt.
The border's fully collapsed.
Title 42's already gone, even though it ends tomorrow night, like midnight.
The footage coming in is just apocalyptic.
Just people everywhere.
I mean, my lord.
And then Biden thinks we have no memory, and he's going to just turn around and act like they're trying to fix this.
I mean, wow, this is crazy.
They've already primed the pump.
We're now being reported by Michael Young.
I trust his reporting.
Government agents now saying all facilities are 150% overcapacity.
No, no, no.
We found that in the news.
That's being reported.
That's being reported.
150% of capacity.
So they prime the pump.
Now, let's use the scenario that's in everyone's minds right now.
They don't need to perpetrate.
They can have a couple of, let's say, a couple of shooters.
They can have a couple of operatives.
They have the control, of course, monopolistic control of the media.
They start putting out the narrative.
They've got a lot of energy coming up through the border, and then they have a populace that's sitting there almost feeling helpless watching it, and then, when they're traumatized by horrifying events, now you have tens of millions of people that are a captive audience to this horrifying, traumatic event, and they get anchored to these horrifying events.
So the white supremacists are doing it, then they stage attacks, more attacks on the migrants, run by the cartels, and they frame Trump.
They frame us.
And they're basically exploiting, in the same fashion that they do, they'll overthrow communist dictatorships by exploiting the emotions of the people.
They can have military regimes collapse because the people in a non-violent fashion, because of their emotions and energy, will collapse the system.
That's what they need.
They need the weapon of mass migration.
They perpetrate these events.
There's a lot of compassion towards the people that are coming up that are being used as human shields and then the race war and the tensions between us because we've got one half of our population watching CNN and MSNBC and the other half are saying, what the heck?
And they've been cutting the resources off to create that climate of explosive.
Yeah, they absolutely have the resources and they have every bit of means.
Now, of course, as you know, Barack Obama, we seem to forget the billions and billions of rounds that the Department of Homeland Security were accumulating and buying up for many, many years.
They have all the ammunition.
They've got the guns.
All they need is a pretext to declare some sort of a martial law or a state of And when we look at the law fair that I go through and Trump goes through and you've gone through, both criminal and civil, their minions don't know the full plan, but they believe they're about to inherit the country.
They know this is a military globalist takeover.
They are.
It's in full swing.
I want to go to break here and come back with solutions.
So be thinking about that, Pete Santilli.
But in 60 seconds to break, what else is on your radar?
You know, the AI technology that they're using, they're studying us.
They can analyze every single text message.
They can analyze every single telephone call.
They know who our contacts are.
They've got us completely profiled.
If a bunch of, for instance, if I were to say, everybody, come out of your houses and take to the streets.
They know within two centimeters exactly who the America First MAGA patriots are, where they are, and that gives the first responders the ability to manage a crisis.
But the good news is, most of the first responders are waking up or woken up, so at a point AI just becomes a visual window to the globalists and their own destruction.
Alex, and we'll come back on the other side.
The fusion centers and the law enforcement servers have access to the most powerful technology that most people aren't even aware of.
We'll be back in 60 seconds with Pete Santilli.
The social engineers love poor, starving third-world populations because they can dictate to them whatever they want.
And that's the UN plan to replace the migration to collapse Western civilization.
And we're now deep into the attack.
We're not in beta.
We're now in operational.
But I want to talk about solutions right now.
And this is a solution.
And it's hiding in plain view.
In the last three months, we've heard an incessant drumbeat by the so-called conservative leadership To impeach Mayorkas, the head of ICE, Homeland Security, DHS.
And Mayorkas gets up there and lies to Congress and all the rest of it.
But Mayorkas is appointed by Biden.
The Republicans control the House.
And they're not calling for the impeachment of Joe Biden when it's in the Constitution that the federal government controls the border.
This is treason to the letter.
Emblazoned, highlighted, on fire, ridiculous level.
So our problem isn't Obama's third term and his puppet, the brain-dead pedophile, Joe Biden.
The problem is the Republican leadership.
They have hearings, they pay lip service, just like Governor Abbott.
Oh, more task forces to just organize illegals and bring them in.
The 1,500 troops, that's just to help the Border Patrol organize, put people on buses to bring them in.
That's all it meant.
Where are the impeachment hearings while the country collapses in front of our eyes?
Where are they?
And listen, our team's going tomorrow to the border.
I'm going to anchor it here right now.
There's going to be a talk show host to be here.
I'll be hosting my show, War Room.
I'll be doing six hours a day at least.
And I'll be going down there soon.
Because it's just going to get worse.
But just think about that.
We are literally seeing human smuggling, child kidnapping, rape, murder.
It's come out in the news that the federal judges are told by the Justice Department, you can't charge somebody who's a convicted pedophile, caught with a child.
It is lawlessness.
It is bedlam.
This is the war against America.
Not just shutting off the pipelines.
Not just drag queen pedophile time.
Not just devaluing the currency.
Not just launching wars.
Not just the 5G.
But now, Telling the world, immediately surged the border when I got elected, Joe Biden.
We've played the clips a thousand times, probably literally, probably 500 times, be serious.
And now they sit there and say, oh, we're going to protect you from it.
What a diabolical plan.
They've ruined the blue cities.
They've wrecked society.
Their plan is to make you so poor and so desperate.
You don't know which end is up.
Pete Santilli, do you agree with me that we've got To call Congress, write letters, call Talk Radio, call C-SPAN, call the Senators that are supposedly on our side and say, where are the articles of impeachment?
Pete Santelli.
That's at the top end.
The fix is at the top end.
And tomorrow, from what I understand, there's going to be some extremely, not just incriminating, but damning evidence to show that the executive branch of our government through the Biden family has been captured.
That's at the top end.
Here's my most important concern, and I'm getting word from people like Mark Mark Kerr, sorry, at the Center for Self-Governance, who is telling me that not only has Southern Poverty Law Center been advising law enforcement as to what they've been defining domestic extremism, they've been educating law enforcement on who the domestic extremists are, but they're now advising our military, and most recently, just within the past several weeks,
On events that they receive, because they've got communications channels, they're deploying FBI agents to SWAT team those extremists.
Now, my most important, urgent message is to the law enforcement agents.
They're going to be fed information when they show up at a mass casualty event.
Or let's say we're right on the precipice of triggering continuity of government directives.
FEMA takes over and you basically are operating under the FEMA flag.
They have technology when they show up at an event that has hundreds and thousands of people.
You're going to be fed a profile of everybody on the ground, of who the domestic violent
extremists are and who the potential vulnerable are on the ground.
That information has already been prescripted.
They want to not only weaponize the public to cause the race war, but to also use law
enforcement and military to clamp down.
And that's what these databases are about.
It came out with Southern Providence Law Center and ADL going back five years ago is secretly running the fact-checking groups that were surveilling and censoring and giving access to our private messages and more.
This is their plan.
When they launch their offensive, they know there'll be a counter-offensive information.
They just declare us terrorists.
They stage attacks on migrants and say we did it.
It's already begun.
Now, Alex, too much to go into, and I'm probably going to have to do it over the course of the next several weeks.
Law enforcement, patriots, the good people on the inside that are working for institutions at the federal level all the way down to the county level.
You need to know that you have actually been misinformed.
And you've been weaponized to use at this particular time.
The FBI model of the domestic violent extremists, that timeline of how those extremists came about at the left side of the spectrum, was not Ruby Ridge and Waco.
It was actually the Bundy Ranch supporters were the model domestic violent extremists.
They have surveillance technology that they've given to law enforcement.
First responders will have a lit up screen on their computer screens when they arrive at a mass casualty event.
You're going to know who your targets are, but that is artificially manufactured.
What is an example?
A month and a half after the Tennessee attack by the transgender cult member who told people that they were mad at Christians and gun owners, they still won't release a manifesto.
But within hours before we even knew who the shooter was in North Dallas, in Allen, we were told it was a white supremacist.
So that's an example how they're already pre-programming right away.
That's right.
Now, Alex, the technology, and this is where I said I'm going to have to show first responders I know exactly what kind of technology you have.
There are police officers within the general vicinity.
They now have the ability to send directly to their patrol cars real-time 911 calls that are coming in to dispatch to any officers in the general vicinity of a 911 call.
When an officer arrives and there's 50 people on the on the ground. They have an immediate red flag of who the
felons are, who the gun carriers are.
So the bottom line is you cannot trust that intel?
The law enforcement needs to know that they're being fed this information or to be weaponized
They've been fed propaganda from the Southern Poverty Law Center, whipping up law enforcement to say that the domestic violent extremist is the white guy that's on the ground, that is an America First candidate, that owns a gun.
And a few months ago, our security was at the Texas Capitol and the police knew who
they were but didn't know they worked for us.
So they were saying, "Hey, we've got the right-wing terrorist here."
And it was just pro-lifers.
Like people with no criminal records and they were already being fed "terrorist are here"
and they're anti-cop.
I mean, come on, folks.
Now, here's another thing.
Out of January 6th, when they deemed those that went to D.C., anyone that went to D.C., for that matter, we now heard from... Remember, anybody that was already there for a wedding or whatever, they were put in a database with the airlines, everybody to be harassed.
Marshals found out that their spouses who had gone to D.C.
were listed as domestic violent extremists because they traveled to D.C.
on January 6th.
And that triggered some whistleblowers to come forward and say... Imagine what would Hitler have done with this technology.
Oh my goodness.
Now, this is what they do.
The reason why they deem us to be, it's not just to demonize.
It actually triggers lawful surveillance technology, NSA level.
They can listen to your toaster.
Well, that's why the new Office of Disinformation that they're relaunching says when the spy agency lists you as a foreign disinfo, you have no rights, you can be arrested.
I mean, this is, we're finally here.
This is martial law, they're going for it.
It is.
And Alex, here's a frightening thought.
Law enforcement, you need to imagine this.
A bunch of people were mischaracterized as domestic violent extremists.
They're in the database.
You arrive at a location.
There's a hundred people.
Maybe there's a small uprising.
You already have red dots on your screen on people that are pro-life protesters or may have gone to D.C.
on January 6th.
But you're already in a heightened state of alert.
Because they need you to be able to pull the trigger and not feel bad about it.
That's right.
And they'll stay right there.
And then when you do that, it blows up.
Civil War starts.
America collapses.
That's the plan.
We don't want a civil war.
Killing each other will not fix anything.
Let's figure this out.
We'll be right back with Pete Santelli.
This is not a drill.
This is the collapse of the Republic.
The border has been completely removed.
Millions are being held in federal centers now that have been overwhelmed.
The border is collapsing now.
Millions are coming.
Let me read to you here on the Alex Jones Show what I just got from a high-level federal law enforcement source.
We're already holding more today than any point ever in the last two years when we hit historic amounts of people.
2.5 million and arrest.
This is the precipice of a major shift and reset.
Not a good one.
In the U.S.
this is bad.
It's very ominous.
We do not know who is coming in.
It's strategic.
Families give up and claim asylum to take all time and manpower.
cartel smuggle HOG value through traditional smuggling routes because we
are not out patrolling. I personally have seen eight watch lists arrest this year
alone which we are missing which is getting through the evil intent plan and
then they go on to say federal law enforcement is basically preparing to
stand down and take care of their families. The entire country is about to
fail. I mean imagine you're like 15 border patrol people and 10,000 people
I mean, it's just like, what the f- I mean, I mean, literally, that's what this is.
I'm talking to, I mean, like highest level people, like right below Mayorkas.
They're like, we didn't believe you.
It's all true.
There's pedophiles everywhere.
They're smuggling.
We have people that have raped five children, been deported all these times, and we're told to release them.
What do we do?
What do we do?
I mean, it's like so, I mean, it is, it is, folks.
We are talking caravans, dozens of them of tens of thousands, 60,000 estimated right now in El Paso, 30,000-40,000 in Brownsville, tens of thousands in McAllen, hundreds of thousands behind them, millions coming, total collapse, total lawlessness, total insanity, and if I want to fly to see a sick family member, A 30-minute flight to Dallas, they want to grab my genitals at the stupid airport.
They got checkpoints internally, but not externally, where you're supposed to have them constitutionally.
This is full-on breakdown of the country.
And Obama needs to be impeached.
We have got to impeach Obama right now.
He did not win the last election.
He stole it.
And Obama, who got caught trying to run a Kenyan civil war to put a communist in, is doing the same thing.
And yeah, it's not a Freudian slip.
Biden doesn't run anything.
They literally have to wipe his ass all day.
He poops his pants.
He doesn't know who he is.
This is disgusting.
We're at war with Russia.
They're cutting off our energy.
The border is completely wide open.
I'd go anywhere in Austin.
There's just illegal aliens just everywhere.
It is a breakdown of civilization.
We must impeach Obama now.
In fact, it should be called Impeach Obama.
People say, what do you mean?
I mean, Obama's the president.
Pete Santilli.
The Feds aren't giving up, because a lot of them are good people, low-level, mid-level.
They realize that it's over.
I mean, you don't... I mean, when the UN's running it, the NGOs are running it, and the border's completely wide open, and millions are pouring in a month, I mean, it's game over, brother.
I mean, I'm not trying to be game over to be negative.
People need to realize we're not in Kansas anymore, Pete Santelli.
The game over scenario has been gamed over.
If you look at it, it's a rinse and repeat model.
They gamed this stuff out.
They did it in Europe the last 10 years.
Now, as you know, in war, you can plan and prepare, you can train your troops, but once you go kinetic, you have to develop your war gaming plan as things evolve.
That's not how these people operate.
These people game it They trigger each chaotic event and they know what the legal and human resources response is going to be.
Just like they reported two years ago the UN doesn't give the migrant shots because they know it hurts them and there's liability so they won't sign on.
Again they've got every angle war game except us exposing them and impeaching Obama.
Every angle wargamed.
They've actually, like I said, they've already primed the pump.
They've set up the chaotic scenario.
Law enforcement and federal authorities, once we cross that point of no return, they've incited this riotous migration.
The federal authorities will eventually have to, they're going to be triggering a federal continuity of directive.
It's just like pulling a three-ring binder off.
And law enforcement's going to have to say, well, this is what we do.
We're going to have to take these... And that's why Michael Yohn used the Special Forces Army statement of broken arrow.
Our firebase is overrun.
Broken arrow, broken arrow.
Now, when that happens, FEMA, at a certain point in time, says, here's what we do.
We can operate autonomously regionally.
They don't even need command from Washington, D.C.
And remember, Rex 84, under Reagan, they proposed a border collapse was the pretext for martial law.
That's exactly where I was gonna go.
And you were in the Marines then and saw some of those documents?
I was actually because I was in weapons.
How do we get weapons from during civil unrest from the flight line at El Toro Marine Base to either a magazine area or a deep underground military base?
How do we do that?
But they wrote the scenario that civil unrest would cause that.
Now, once FEMA is in charge over law enforcement, you follow that directive.
We have to maintain law and order.
But law enforcement is going to be given the wrong information.
How do we know that?
They've already prescripted it.
They already have.
And that's why they need us and you and Tucker shut down, because law enforcement knows to come to us for real intel.
And we're not perfect, but we're not lying on purpose.
We're 95% accurate, damn it.
They have to have monopolist control over the airwaves, the emergency broadcasters.
They have air superiority.
CNN, MSNBC is going to tell you who to trust.
Go to your safe zone.
Go to your local Catholic Charities facility and put your beautiful children up at the front of the line, please.
Of course, they want the pick of the litter.
They want monopolistic control over the flow of information, cancelling out all of the truth tellers that are going to be questioning exactly what they're doing.
We must advise our federal authorities.
We must stop the Southern Poverty Law Center from, A, defining what a domestic violence extremist is, and then having that much discretion and authority over our military and over our law enforcement.
We have to get Southern Poverty Law Center, which is non-governmental, out of the mix.
Congress must intervene and know what's going on.
And of course, Congress also needs to recognize that these institutions they believe to be operating for the benefit of the American people, there's bad people behind those institutions that are weaponizing the FBI, the CIA, and law enforcement to be used against the American people.
And by the way, Pete, stay there.
We'll do the rest of the hour together.
But can you not As a veteran journalist, as a veteran, I mean, your cells feel it.
Like, this is it.
This is the big one.
I mean, you can feel it.
Not just intellectually see it, can you feel it?
You know, as they say, sometimes I say steak tastes so much better inside the Matrix, but you know, once the veil's been lifted, you cannot un-ring a bell.
It's as if we have x-ray vision, we know what's going on.
We need to provide that level of sight, night vision, and a goggle.
And again, it's not that we're smarter than law enforcement or the public, but we're immersed in it.
For whatever reason in our fate we live this, we have the x-ray vision.
Yeah, the law enforcement right now, the guys with the guns, they're being used as weapons against the political opponents, ultimately.
But, you know, once they're done with them as useful tools, they're going to discard them as well.
So, law enforcement needs to side with our Constitution and we the people.
And with their own future.
But the public needs to be out.
I want everybody to go to the border now to peacefully cover this.
I can't do it all.
We need everybody to get in your damn cars and get down to that border and expose this.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say,
"I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you got one!"
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Rex 84 is now live.
Rex 84 is now live.
Broken Arrow.
Broken Arrow.
Republic in peril.
United States now collapsing.
First of all, the idea that Joe Biden said, come, because I heard the other
day that they're coming because, you know, I'm a nice guy.
Sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says, if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
They're seeking asylum.
First time ever we've told people they can't come to America.
That ends.
The cage is closed.
Those who come seeking asylum, we should immediately have the capacity to absorb them, keep them safe until they can be heard.
We'll break down Operation Rex 84 now going live with Pete Santilli in just a few minutes.
But first, I mentioned the allegory of aliens and game over.
It's not game over.
We realize what's happening, but if we don't, it's over.
Here it is.
Well, that's great.
That's just great, man.
Now what the fuck are we supposed to do?
We're some real freaks right now, man.
You finished?
I'm sorry, Newt.
You don't have to be sorry.
It wasn't your fault.
That's it, man!
Game over, man!
Game over!
The fuck are we gonna do now?
What are we gonna do?
Maybe we could build a fire, sing a couple of songs, huh?
Why don't we try that?
We better get back.
I'm not gonna lie to you, ladies and gentlemen, my spider sense the last two weeks has been at a level never before.
Enemies of the country are in control and they're destroying us right now.
Millions are pouring across.
The Border Patrol we met with last year said it was 8 million in the Texas sector last year.
80% are getaways.
Now they're officially announced today.
We can't even stop them.
We're not even trying to organize them.
They're just here.
Total failure.
Remember when you're at the airport flying to see your grandma.
You live in Texas and she lives in Wisconsin, and they want to ask you questions and pretend all that security theater and grab your junk, that it's all a damn lie.
I'm not an enemy of the TSA, but it's all a joke!
Yeah, this footage, they fired the guy, and I know about training dogs, I'm not a dog trainer, but they give those TSA agents trained dogs, a German pointer.
They're already trained, you barely tug it on there.
This guy's jerking the dog around.
This is the type of idiots That they put.
Now, not all the feds are like that.
They're not our enemies.
And I'm not kissing the feds ass.
They want us to kill each other.
And once stuff unrambles, and once the feds go out and start trying to round up patriots, I don't need a rocket science degree to tell you, guaranteed, patriots are going to start going after people.
And I want to be 100% clear.
They're going to stage false flags and have whites killing blacks and all the rest of this.
That's not real.
The real patriots Are a little bit smarter and they're going to go after the people that have gone along with this.
But we don't even want that because they've got replacements for them.
We don't want it to go to this, okay?
I don't need to have a war and have a bunch of blood on my hands to feel like a man, okay?
And I want to just warn the people working for the system.
You don't need me to warn you.
God, you already know.
Do you realize how much danger we're all in?
I have children!
This is insane!
30,000 children in Texas alone the last two years, directly from the people that run it.
The highest level!
Given to 20,000 pedophiles, some of them with four, five, six pedophilia convictions of raping two-year-olds!
This is a come-to-Jesus moment.
Eble's made his move.
And the good news is people in the system that aren't bad have got it, but they're asking us for help because the federal government's tiny little ribbon of actual enforcers.
It's a bunch of bureaucrats.
They sit in their offices with their thumbs up their asses, but the real people are out there dealing with bank robberies and kidnap kids all day, and they see the Justice Department telling the judges, we're not going to charge them with that.
Oh, they kidnap a 7-year-old girl and have 10 men raping her in a room, and the federal judge is told, Merrick Garland says release them.
That's your come to Jesus moment when you're dealing with real evil, ladies and gentlemen.
And I get why you don't want to admit it to yourself.
I don't want to admit this.
But it's real.
And we sit here in our little OACs of freedom and think we're going to be protected.
We're not.
This is asymmetrical warfare to take down the country.
Biden, who is Obama, must be impeached.
Obama did not win this election.
He admittedly runs Biden.
I want Barack Obama impeached and I want him impeached now!
Pete Santilli's doing a great job, investigative journalist.
I want to show you the Wikipedia of Rex84.
You have to understand, plans they don't get done, they bring back.
In 1961, L.L.
Lemnitzer and Curtis LeMay, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his adjunct, came to Robert F. Kennedy's brother, JFK, And they said, we want to stage shooting attacks in Miami and Dallas and in Virginia.
We want to bomb planes.
We're going to blame it on the Cubans who go to war with Russia.
We have a plan to nuke the Russians.
We're going to win the war.
That's where Dr. Strangelove got made a few years later with Stanley Kubrick.
It's all based on a real plan, real people.
They just changed the names.
And Kennedy said, Limitzer?
And LeMay, you're fired.
But they implemented the plan decades later in 2001.
Working with radical Islamists.
Well now, Rex 84, which Reagan was approached with, they said, sir, if the border collapses, we need FEMA to declare martial law and put the Army and Marines on the streets and declare a national emergency and put The illegals and the communists.
But see, it won't be the illegals, it'll be us.
That's how they planned the plan.
Kind of like the Germans used Valkyrie against Hitler.
That was his martial law plan, but the good Germans used it against Hitler.
Well, this is the bad guys using an emergency plan against us.
So it's Rex 84 in reverse against the patriots in all the announcements.
This is Rex 84 2.0.
It's been implemented.
Pete Santilli.
In the opening documents, I actually was injured in an accident.
I was actually grounded.
I was an air crewman.
So my job was to push a pencil for a little bit.
We took Rex 84 and they started developing the Federal Continuity Directive.
My job in that manual is to determine how to get our most sophisticated weapons Uh, from out at the flight line in the United States to, uh, to secure locations.
They open up by saying what would trigger this is societal collapse that could be, uh, triggered by either the decoupling of the trading of oil to the dollar, supply chain disruptions, and 72 hours chaos could come.
That would trigger the Federal Continuity Directive.
At that point, FEMA is the most powerful, even above and beyond the military would actually report.
The Constitution, explain it, is suspended under executive order already in place.
It is because, essentially, it is a supply chain disruption.
Our Constitution can only survive once we... Once again, what have they done with lockdown?
Shutting off the power.
Everything is the slow motion supply chain breakdown and they blame it on the broken border that they launched.
And they don't call it a constitutional suspension.
They say, for the survival of our nation, we must maintain order.
We must restore order.
We have societal collapse.
We have a breakdown in our monetary system.
Our supply chain is gone.
Police have walked off the job to take care of their families.
And again, they're defunding.
They're defunding to make that happen and demoralize the police.
So the point is, all these plans, it's happening now.
There's no doubt, Pete, they're doing it now.
You agree?
Now they're decoupling the trading of oil to the dollars happening right now.
That will cause the dollar to collapse.
The supply chain can break down.
Now with the priming of the pump with the migrant wave, we have the perfect storm right now for Obama 4.0 to be under control under the Federal Continuity Directive with No doubt about it.
They have set the stage for this to happen and everything you see, every crisis you can imagine.
We could also find that the power grid may be shut down very easily by targeting four or five power stations.
So let's expand on that.
I want to be infinity clear with listeners.
Listeners know, I don't tell you something unless I really believe it.
I can intellectually see it, I can politically see it, I can mathematically see it, I can gut see it.
This is it.
Pete, there's no reversing this now.
The only question is, the globalists have overplayed their hand.
If we identify the ones behind it, hopefully we can stabilize this somehow.
But there's no doubt, they're ending the country as we know it right now.
I mean, everything we've been building towards, I've been on there 29 years, it's now happening now.
I don't think there's any way to deny this because it's not just the border, it's not just the dollar, it's not just the pipelines cut off, it's not just the war with Russia, it's not just the pedophilia being promoted everywhere.
They are hitting on all fronts right now and saying anyone that's in opposition to this is a white supremacist!
All because I want my electricity to work and my children to be safe!
They already have your profile.
Then let me tell you something.
I'm just to quit very quickly.
I'm going to tell you what the... Yeah, get into the Threat Fusion Centers.
Okay, let me, I don't want to get too technical, but New Star Corporation, and you need to know that name, under Obama and Clinton, when they infiltrated the Trump White House, New Star Corporation has essentially taken over, and I mean taken over the entire internet, number one.
Number two, in 2018, a company called iConnective, Was given the authority under the FCC to control all text messages and telephones.
All text messages and telephone numbers go through iConnective.
It is a foreign corporation under Ericsson.
Without getting too technical, this is what they have the ability to do.
Every person that leaves their house with their cell phone held in their hand, you can be tracked and profiled and databased within the database of that fusion centers, those fusion centers that are distributed throughout the country right now.
They merge all DEA information.
It's already preceded if you're a radical terrorist.
The TSA's databasing, the IRS's databasing, U.S.
Treasury Department, Secret Service, you've got your banking records, everything all merged and instantaneously put on a dot.
And once the collapse happens, they have 87,000 new IRS agents to target poor people in the underground economy battling to feed their babies.
Alex, people don't know that this technology with AI through the Fusion Centers and the law enforcement servers, that this technology is active right now.
When you're walking up and down the street and a police officer waves to you, he already knows whether or not you're a friend or a foe, because you're on the screen as a red dot or a blue dot.
He already knows if you're within two centimeters of your phone.
They already have your exact profile as to who you are.
And even if you don't have your phone in your car, all the new cars the last 10 years have the same chips.
Yeah, that's, uh, you know, the NSA databasing.
If they have your email address, all electronic devices associated with your name, if you're standing next to your microwave oven, they can be listening to you if you've been declared to be a domestic terrorist.
It's the most powerful surveillance technology.
When in the wrong hands... And that's what, exactly, and that's what the, uh, The Restrict Act admits they're going to take control of all your devices.
They already did it.
They're trying to retroactively legalize it.
You know, all of this through 9-11, of course, was designed and implemented the Patriot Act, of course, to go get the bad guys.
But ladies and gentlemen, they've set it up for this moment in time to take down America, to weaponize all of it, to not get the bad guys, that the most sophisticated technology on the planet.
I saw a graphic on Infowars that shows a giant spy satellite, a spy grid on top of a mountain, and the citizen says, what are you doing?
Oh, this is to fight the Russians.
He goes, why is it aimed at us?
And so here's the bottom line.
What do you expect to happen next with a totally collapsed border?
Mainline sources in the news, plus my internal sources, they say this is 10 times any surge they ever saw.
When the border completely collapses, which is happening now, it'll be even more.
I mean, obviously, this is going to be the crisis of all crises.
Just like they do with the election.
If they use electronic voting machines, paper ballots, stuffing with their mules, doing all that, they're going to have multiple points of failure when they decide to go for the kill.
They will have multiple points.
If one fails, they'll go with another.
If a chaotic scenario takes place down at the border, that doesn't work enough to break down society.
They'll go ahead and hit a couple of... I agree.
So they'll have a hack attack and say the Russians didn't turn the lights off.
How do we counter this?
Because 99.9% of people are going to be destroyed by this.
Anybody listening to me who thinks this is funny, you're part of the establishment, check your gut.
You know this is bad.
So I'm saying to everybody, we don't want a dumb war.
We don't want a civil war.
How do we avert this?
You know, in the same fashion the communist Romanians did.
Stand in the gap.
It's between this small group of individuals that have the most powerful technology and all the guns and the power and authority with the badges and guns.
It's in the wrong hands.
We the people must stand together just like you called for.
Suggesting even if we were to stand shoulder to shoulder at the border with candles and just be present.
People are not going to come over.
It'll give the Border Patrol the opportunity, you know, to patrol their sector.
They need our backing.
That's what the feds are telling me.
Most of them are good.
They're like, help us.
I mean, we act like the feds are God.
They're not.
They've been given an impossible job.
Nobody stay home and also self-police because we know how they operate.
They're going to use that opportunity to exploit our emotions, to throw in their provocateurs, cause some violence.
Anybody suggests unlawful activity, anyone perpetrates violence, we self-police.
Oh, in the next scenario, I mean, I'm, you know, I would absolutely get your cameras out, identify them, have the crowd, put them on blast, fed, fed, fed, fed, fed, and don't let the extricate them from the crowd.
We're a peaceful, God-loving people.
Guess what happens when peaceful, God-loving people stand together with candles?
And by the way, be prepared to die because they're willing to kill you.
Be prepared to die because they will kill you.
What will happen is the pillars of communism will pulverize and disintegrate.
Ceausescu, the communist dictator, didn't have the support of his military, did not have the support of his law enforcement, and ultimately, by the authorities that were left behind, he ended up being taken to the concrete wall on the bullet to the back of the head, and communist Romania fell.
Totalitarianism FALSE!
When we are non-compliant.
We must stand up for our Constitution.
We need the help... Let me back you up on Ceaușescu in Romania.
Guys, pull up footage of Ceaușescu being executed.
It's the same numbers down.
I'm not lionizing the feds.
They're super bad on the top, but in the middle and even higher levels and low level, they're some of the best people because they see it.
They are begging for us to do something.
So the military is awake.
The police are awake.
The law enforcement, they're not our enemy.
The government's not our enemy.
The government's hijacked.
It's like if a hijacker hijacks a plane, he puts on the captain's outfit.
He's not the captain.
We have a hijacker of the plane.
And the answer is, realize that, and I agree, the parallels of Romania and Ceausescu That's what we must stand in the gap, folks.
This is that moment in time.
Don't look to somebody else.
We're the last line of defense in this country.
And all we have to do is stand in the gap between this old Biden regime and these communists with Clinton and Holder and all of them.
Holder supplying guns to the cartels down below.
And Chelsea pledging to force inject all our children.
Yeah, socially engineering us and saying that we should become transgendered, homosexual, whatever it is that we want to do.
And then complaining that we're not producing enough babies and doing, of course, replacement migration.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're the last line of defense.
The military is not going to save you.
The upper echelon of the military.
I want to call upon active duty military.
Recognize that your upper echelon has been woke-tarded.
They've been compromised.
They're not just woke-tarded, they're enemy agents.
They're enemy agents.
They're working for a foreign entity.
Obviously, the executive branch has been captured, but guess what?
And this is everybody's chance in 1776 Part II, but it's a spiritual information economic war.
We don't want to resort to the physical, though we're going to win that if it happens.
Pete, let's be honest.
If it goes physical, no one can believe anything they see on the news, and obviously the police and military are not our enemy.
The enemy's very weak because there's very few of them.
Do they really want to go this route?
I've been told, and I've seen the intel, our people that are the security people for the globalists are standing by any day now.
I'm not wishing this.
I'm not commanding this.
I can just tell the globalists, you're not safe.
On your yacht in the South Pacific.
You're not safe in Kauai.
You're not safe up in northern... I want the global to know, and people know, I don't bluff, folks.
Alex Jones does not bluff.
I'm telling you, you are inches away.
No one's giving orders here, but at a certain point, when they see the country burning, you are as dead as doornails.
Oh yeah.
We have good patriots on the inside.
My most urgent message right now is to those that, you know, and we have good people on the inside and they're following their training from the SPLC and they're getting their intel orders and their data from the Fusion Center.
You just need to know it's all preloaded by Barack Obama who received all of his training from Bill Ayers from the weather underground way back when.
The Central Intelligence Agency Like John Brennan, for instance.
It is a fact.
Go look it up, Mr. Federal Law Enforcement Agent.
Brennan let the 9-11 hijackers through the Jeddah-Saudi Arabia station.
And he voted communist twice.
He voted communist.
John Brennan allowed the 9-11 hijackers to come in.
There's another report by a credible DEA agent out of Guantanamo Bay.
A legal document that was filed that said that two of the 9-11 hijackers were likely CIA agents.
This is a coup d'etat, folks.
Without firing a shot, all we need to do... That's right.
We're not denying radical Islam exists.
It works with the New World Order.
Yes, and as a United States Marine, I do have to say, and I have said it to our authorities, we're a patient, godly people.
We're a law-abiding citizenry.
Don't shoot at us, because here in the United States of America, there's one of us behind every blade of grass.
Of course, don't shoot an innocent protester that's just standing, doing a candlelight vigil, because you'll find, you know, that we'll go to a scenario that we don't like.
That's all I'll say.
I'm not trying to... I mean, it's just something that naturally, through the Second Amendment, exists, and that's what's kept us from tyranny.
But tyranny, techno-tyranny, is upon us.
It's being led by the likes of Barack Obama, who's been distributing guns!
Him and Clinton, distributing guns to our enemies all throughout the Far East!
Federal law enforcement agent, go look up Operation Zero Footprint.
Go look up Mark Turry, who was working with John McCain and Hillary Clinton to deliver man pads to ISIS and Al Qaeda.
It's a coup d'etat.
Oh, I had the pilots on, the little whistleblowers that ship those weapons.
Alright, Pete, you're on fire.
You're great.
I'm planning to go to the border next week.
My crew deploys tomorrow morning to the border.
Hell, you ought to fly down there.
You ought to co-host when I go down to the border.
We love you.
Your work's great.
Pete Santilli.
People can find your show where they find your show.
Alright, let me know.
Let me know.
I'll do whatever I can.
It's time to stand in the gap, folks, and do not sit back and let somebody else or expect that somebody else is going to save your country, folks.
Now is the time that we stand up patriotically and peacefully stand shoulder to shoulder.
Go look up Communist Romania.
No, I agree.
All right.
We'll talk to you very soon, brother.
God bless you.
Thank you.
God bless you, too, Alex.
Most important broadcast we've done in 29 years.
This is going down.
You can feel it.
In fact, I get to this point a few times in my life, like once the fight starts, I don't even have any concern anymore.
I'm actually high as a kite right now, because I know it's on, folks.
It is on, on, on like Donkey Kong.
I mean, this country is being set up for total collapse, and I want to explain this again for the 50,000th time.
99.99999% of us will be destroyed by this.
This is insane!
We're not MS-13 that's given an order to go out and commit a crime and we do it.
Feds, you're not like that.
You don't have to do this.
And I can tell you that I don't even know what to say at this point.
I just cannot believe we've been positioned to this.
I cannot believe we're at this point.
You know, I got a sick family member in another state.
I need to go see.
They're dying.
And I don't know how I go through the TSS checkpoint and have them ask me questions and grab my dick when the damn border's wide open.
It's all a sick joke!
It's all a frickin' game, man!
Alright, I didn't plug last hour and if I don't we won't be on air anymore.
I need funds to send people to board everywhere else.
I want to cover everything.
We got great products you need.
X3 is back in stock.
Most people have iodine deficiency.
This is the pure iodine.
It will light your ass up and change your life.
I can lead a horse to water, I can't make you drink.
X3, 25% off.
Back in stock.
Real Red Pill Plus selling out 40% off.
Ultimate Bone Broth with the Chaga Mushroom and the Tumeric and the bee pollen.
It's an incredible product.
We need funds, but I tell you, I have like a big weight to lift off my back.
Because I've done my work to warn everybody.
We'll continue on, no matter what the cost is to the end, as Churchill said, but my God, people, you're going to wish later you did something now.
The biggest thing you do, share the article, share the videos, take the clips, do whatever you got to do.
You know what to do.
And just support us and get products you need now.
Go to Infowarsware.com now.
Whatever you do, pray for justice, pray for peace.
Hour number four, I got more to say before we hand the baton to Maria Z.
Please give me one minute of your time.
Please write this down and please go look this up.
It will change your life.
The UN admits and the Lansing Medical Journal admits that upwards of 2 billion people have mental disabilities and declining cognitive abilities.
The term they use is intellectual disability because of lack of iodine.
Most iodine in the environment is bound to other elements so your body can't absorb it.
Only pure iodine can really be absorbed right into the cells.
And InfoWarStore.com has the only iodine out there that actually has this type of full effect.
Ladies and gentlemen, X3's been sold out for six months, it's very hard to produce, and it's finally back in stock.
In fact, I was just taking some before I shot this ad.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is powerful.
You and your family need it.
It's 25% off back in stock.
X3 Tri-Iodine, exclusively at InfoWarstore.com.
Take action now, but regardless, research is info.
I've been freaked out for a long time reading Rex84 and Globalist documents.
We've held back the evil countless times.
But now the dam broke.
The shields are down.
It's too late.
That's okay.
We killed 65 million babies in this country.
We accepted Satanism.
We complied with it.
So our hedge of protection is down.
And now we're gonna have to pay the piper.
Now we get serious.
We get back to God.
We get focused.
We have a good chance of turning this back.
But the seeds we planted Over 29 years on air.
We'll sprout under tyranny.
Because goodness stands up when the tyranny comes in.
It's the opposite of like sunlight and water, but it has the same effect.
So we've done a lot of work together.
And every day we're on air is a very precious day.
But I would lie to you if I didn't tell you, in the climate we're in right now, They can do a cyber attack and blame it on the Russians tomorrow and turn the lights off.
I've studied their attack profile and what they're doing at every angle to bring down civilization, cutting off the energy, dissolving the borders, creating race war.
Their next moves will be cyber attacks and power outages and another bioweapon release.
So every day now before I end the show, before I hand the baton over to somebody
like Maria Z doing a great job from the beta test tyranny land of Australia,
I think I should just say goodbye to everybody.
And maybe I'll see you again tomorrow, or maybe next week or next month, but I have to seriously understand that the power could be turned off tomorrow, the infrastructure shut off, and this will be the last time I ever talk to you.
I've been on air 29 years, I never talk like that.
I want to take this time today to say goodbye to everybody.
Unless you know I appreciate the fight you put up and God's been watching and that's what really matters here.
This is a test.
Things are so bad that I'd be a liar if I didn't tell you that what's being done is irrevocable, unprecedented, and beyond dangerous.
And that's basically it.
I will continue at my post in the sinking ship until the end.
But we forsook God.
We forsook our children.
And we all sat on the sidelines when this happened.
Even those of us that fought didn't do enough, didn't take it seriously enough, including myself.
If we had done more, we could have changed it.
In fact, I want to come back before I introduce Maria Z. Give me the Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gulag or Pelago, five-paragraph quote about how we burn in the camps, later wishing that we would just love freedom enough and not let this happen.
But here's the good news.
And I'm not a sick person, but I have a sick, sick, sick side.
I'm not sick, but I got a sick side.
I'm falling.
I don't accept the sick side, but I can see it.
All you leftists, and all you liberals, and all you trendies, and all you people that help bring this country and the world down, you're gonna wish you, when you don't have food and water, when everything's shutting down, you're dying.
I want you to remember that you signed on to Satan, and you're the reason this happened.
Because that's the good news.
I got a shotgun, a rifle, and a four-wheel drive, and I'm gonna do way better than you in this situation.
And I said it three years ago, and it became the most viral clip for a month online.
It goes back to the modest proposal.
But I will eat your ass.
I'll haul you up by a chain.
You put me into this Road Warrior scenario, you put me into your little pussy fantasy land, where you get to run around killing and murdering and doing... You have no idea!
Any of it!
Those of us that have a real big, dark side, have suppressed it and controlled it, and God has given us a new lease on life.
But you don't know anything about barbarism, anything about piracy, anything about killing!
You can't wipe your asses!
So now, as we descend into the depths of collapse, a cursed nation,
remember, you asked for it, you wanted it, and now you've got it.
Cause God gives everybody their heart's desires.
And if your heart's desire is Satan, and darkness and death, then God's gonna serve you up a big ass buffet.
So do you know what's gonna happen?
It was a feeling.
But I can guess.
There's so much chaos, someone will do something stupid.
And when they do, things will turn nasty.
Rioters were arrested in Brixton.
And then, Sutler will be forced to do the only thing he knows how to do.
At which point, all V needs to do is keep his word.
And then...
And then...
And then...
[Machine sounds]
[Machine sounds]
[Machine sounds]
[Machine sounds]
(eerie Crypt Chain sounds)
(eerie Crypt Chain sounds)
(eerie Crypt Chain sounds)
(eerie Crypt Chain sounds)
(eerie Crypt Chain sounds)
It's game time!
The New World Order has already launched their bio-attack.
They're imploding world currencies and borders as we speak.
We are in official war with Russia.
We are now inside the New World Order.
But the enemy's not shut us down yet, and we're fighting back with God's Spirit.
This is the final countdown.
Make no mistake, you know it in your gut, you know intellectually, it's here now.
But God is in control.
All right, let's read Alexander Shultz and Eatson in closing,
where Maria Z. from the globalist death camp Australia takes over.
And how we burned in the camps later.
Thinking, what would things have been like if every security operative,
when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive,
and had to say goodbye to his family.
Or if, during periods of mass arrest, as the example of Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, pawing with terror at every Bang on the downstairs door and every step on the staircase.
But I understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs halls an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, and pokers.
Whatever else was in hand.
After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose and you could be sure of a time you'd be cracking their skull of a cutthroat.
And he goes on, that's kind of a butchering of the quotes together, but if we only loved freedom enough.
In fact, I'm not going to go to Maria Z until I get the full quote.
I want, I'll pull it up.
No problem.
Alexander Schultz and Eatson, oh how we burned in the camps.
Because this quote I got is a composite of the quotes.
Alexander Schultz and Eatson, Alexander Schultz and Eatson, oh how we burned in the camps.
Schultz and Neatson.
Okay, let me pull that up for you right now while I read it.
Here it is.
And how we burned in the camps later thinking what would things have been like if every
security operative when he went out at night to make an arrest had been uncertain whether
he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family or if during the periods of
mass arrest, as example of Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the city, people
had not simply sat in their lairs, pawing with terror at every bang on the downstairs
door and every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose
and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes,
hammers, and pokers, whatever else was at hand.
The organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and not
withstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt if, if
We didn't love freedom enough.
And even more, we had no awareness of the real situation.
We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
I love how there's some new BS quote that's not out of that damn book.
There's the real quote.
So, Rex 84 is the plan to fail the border, bring in martial law at the end of America.
It's been implemented.
Owen Schroeder comes up in about 50 Two minutes from now, with the War Room, 3 p.m.
Central, weekday mornings, 8 a.m., Harrison Smith, knocking out of the park as well.
I'll be here as well.
Our crew deploys to the border tomorrow.
We need your word of mouth and your prayer.
We're all in this together.
You have the power.
You are the Paul Reveres.
Share the articles.
Take clips.
Keep doing it.
I see what you're doing.
You're having a huge effect.
Maria Z. from Australia takes over now.
Thank you so much, Alex, and to the InfoWars team.
You know, Alex just said that he didn't really have that much time to plug in the last hour, so I'm going to do it for him.
I am up to be on this broadcast at about three o'clock in the morning every week when I'm on, and obviously, you know, people always ask me, how are you so awake and sharp in the mornings?
Well, I can tell you how.
Brain Force Ultra.
I got this some time ago because I heard Alex and some of the callers talking about it and I can tell you this stuff actually works.
It is incredibly fast acting.
It helps me be sharp at this time which now it's 5am but when I get up for these broadcasts it's 3 o'clock in the morning here in Australia.
So I I really recommend it.
If you need to be sharp, if you need mental clarity, take some.
No one asked me to plug this, but I can tell you that I am a huge supporter of InfoWars.
I was a financial supporter before I started broadcasting on here and I continue to support InfoWars.
So I'm asking everyone to do the same.
Please, this broadcast is incredibly, incredibly crucial in this time.
No one else Alex has been ahead of the game of this current situation that Alex has been discussing over the past couple of days, which ties into the guest that I've got on today.
Celeste Solem, I conducted an interview with her last week.
She's a former FEMA employee, she's worked in healthcare and she's been researching neuroscience Brain sciences and what the globalists are doing to weaponize this against the population through things like smart dust, the nanotech in the shots.
She joined me last week for what I think is the most important interview Z-Media has ever conducted.
We've been doing this for some time.
We've conducted, I think, well over 200 interviews now, long-form interviews.
And I said, I think this is the most important interview.
So that's, it's not an understatement for me to say something like that.
The research that Celeste has done has been absolutely phenomenal and she joins us now.
Celeste, thank you so much for coming on today.
It's great to be here and to support InfoWars.
Well, we're so appreciative of your time now.
We're about to go to break in about a minute but I wanted to introduce you by saying, you know, really one of the most important conversations I've ever had because what you showed us through your research really tied together everything that all of the other people I've interviewed have shown.
People like Karen Kingston who showed that these shots would be used to track and trace everyone.
Every single injection approved by the WHO for COVID has the ability to track and trace and send your biometric data.
They wouldn't approve an injection that didn't.
Then you have people like Todd Callender that spoke about some of these things in the shots.
Cesium-137, radioactive materials that would turn the human body Into a walking antenna.
And then last week when I spoke to you, you revealed even more, based on your investigation of the shots, what's inside these injections, being able to, not only in the injections, but in our food, in our water, in our air, covert military operations that have been conducted, including on Australia, merging witchcraft and technology and medicine And this is something that is so relevant to this situation in the United States.
So when we come back from the break, I'm going to let you take over, Celeste, because I think the world really needs to hear from you.
This is so, so important.
Stay with us.
We'll be back in just a moment.
Don't go anywhere.
Welcome back.
All right.
I want to give Celeste as much time as possible, but I want everyone to really think about this.
Everything that Alex has been saying for the past two days, and Pete Santilli been doing such a phenomenal job.
This is not only weaponised migration, but what Celeste and I are about to talk about Are the weapons that they can deploy on the weaponized migrants.
This is mind control on another level.
We don't know how many times these people have been jabbed.
We don't know what they're giving them right now.
We don't know what they're spraying in the skies above these hordes of people invading the United States.
So Celeste, please, if you will, Just give the viewers and the listeners a brief overview of what we discussed last week in relation to what you've discovered about Human 2.0, the United Nations agenda to transfer everything from natural change, eliminate natural creation, God's creation, to synthetic biology.
Right, so they, in the military circles, they call it a virtual twin.
And I'm going to be covering that in a synthetic biology webinar that is free.
You can find me on Rumble, Celeste Solem.
And so basically, it started about 1900, really came on the map in 1975, when they made the decision.
These are the policy makers, the researchers.
These are the people with money.
They are also evolutionists.
And in 1975, they decided to genetically modify all life on earth.
Every man, woman, child, animal, plant, even down to the microbial level.
So, that is one of the things that they started.
They started integrating things like the smart dust.
Each of these Categories has you know as there's a lot of research that I'm going to be presenting but nanoparticles and now we have the synthetic biology which actually transfers a person from being a human created in the divine image of God to a hybrid very sneakily people don't realize and then into a synthetic being
And you're basically a package, if you will, and what they're going to stuff it with is very demonic things, robotics, synthetic entities, entities from different dimensions, all sorts of different things.
It came out, and Alex actually read the story about, I don't know, two years ago.
When they came, the journals came out and said that the nanoparticles actually are alien entities.
Yes, and so when we say alien entities, people think, you know, big green head.
No, no, we're talking about demonic entities right now.
This is fallen angel technology.
I firmly believe that.
Now, when you and I spoke last week, a lot of feedback on that interview.
So many people are astounded by the information.
Please, if you're watching this and you haven't seen it, go and watch it from start to finish.
It's on zmedia.com.
It's on the homepage, interviews page.
It's also on our channel on band.video under zmedia.
It is so, so powerful.
I need the world to see this interview.
And what, you know, a few people said, this all sounds Like it's all a bit too much.
Well, it's not all a bit too much because you've got people like Dr. James Giordano and videos on YouTube, which I'm going to play a few clips from and I really want your commentary on Celeste, openly talking about this stuff, openly talking about being able to control the masses, not only through psyops, but through Affecting their brain with various toxins, this, that, the other.
They are so blatantly out there talking about it.
So maybe you could talk to us about what you've discovered about, you know, for example, you shared with me Australia, that during the bushfires they had these autonomous planes coming and spraying above Australia to essentially put the people into what is a spell.
Right, so it had technology, it was an aircraft developed by Boeing, made of graphene, if you're familiar with the graphene.
Graphene has magical qualities, but on board were some specific programs or tools.
One of them was Geomancer and the other was Spellbook.
And the name of the autonomous jet, so that means there's no human driving it, you know, piloting it, Was the Valkyrie and that means chooser of the slain and we have to tie this with the COVID because
First, I better go back and finish my comment.
So what Geomancer and Spellbick did is project down upon the earth curses and spells upon the people and the territory and the lands of Australia.
And we all know how tyrannical then the Australian government acted once the COVID came.
So the wildfires were in December of 2019.
And, you know, of course, COVID was, you know, was it in December?
Was it in January?
It was at that same time.
And anyway, the plane's name was Valkyrie, Chooser of the Slain.
Remdesivir, the drug that has killed so many Americans.
If you went into the hospital with COVID, chances are you were approached and maybe many of you lost loved ones to a drug named Remdesivir.
Remdesivir's original name was Valkyrie.
That's how it is.
And then we have a DARPA satellite that was launched last year.
It's a very low orbiting satellite and it's called Weegee.
There's another one called Estarte.
So we've got, so they also have this Geomancer and Spellbook.
Now it started in Australia.
Now it's projecting around the whole earth in a grid system, witchcraft that mixes with Um, the different chemicals and with the different therapeutics and gene editing tools.
Well, it's alchemy.
It's alchemy.
And the thing is that people, these people believe in it.
Some people may think that this stuff isn't real.
That's fine.
The point is that the globalists believe in this stuff.
They are actually satanic and their agenda is satanic in nature.
So it's no surprise.
Everything you're saying right now, Celeste, it is absolutely no surprise to me that this stuff goes on.
Now, I want to talk about this Dr. James Giordano, and maybe the team can play the first clip before we go into break.
If you can, guys, can you play clip one, Affected Populations, and then we're going to get Celeste's commentary on that.
A. The ability to assess the brain and its functions.
A, the ability to access the brain on a variety of levels, from the subcellular all the way to the social.
And A, the ability to affect the brains and the individuals in which those brains are embodied, and the ecologies in which those individuals enact, engage, encounter, from the level of the individual to the group, to the community, to the population.
Look at the power that understanding tools and techniques of the brain sciences afford.
Obviously, if in fact this gives me some insight to the way people interact, inclusive of the way they may interact in bellicose, aggressive, violent, and volatile ways, And it also confers upon me certain powers to be able to influence that, alter that, change that, mitigate that.
Then clearly, I'm able to use the brain sciences, as we have tried repeatedly in the past, to influence the postures and capabilities not only of our own individuals who are engaged in warfare, intelligence, and national security operations, but those who seek to threaten us.
So who are those that seek to threaten you?
The Patriots.
The ones that are seeking to threaten their establishment is the Patriots, the truth tellers, the ones who are exposing all of this.
And they are talking about weaponising not only individuals but controlling populations, which is so relevant to this weaponised migration.
We'll be right back after this break with more from Celeste Solem.
That clip that we played before the break was Dr James Giordano, which is basically like this mad scientist going around delivering presentations to the military in the world about how they're going to control and manipulate the masses through psyops and, you know, manipulating their brains.
And that was from a conference called The Brain, or a presentation called The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future, delivered or presented on the Modern War Institute channel four years ago, right before they deployed COVID.
Celeste, what do you, what can you share with the viewers about your understanding of this ability of these people to alter the perceptions, the thoughts, even the behavior of a region or even a country?
Yeah, so unfortunately since about World War II, They have had the capability. We've been all been subjected.
I don't care if you're in America or around the world.
You're being subjected to PSYOPs.
Dr. James G. O'Donnell then said we were given certain chemicals to kind of meld us, mold us,
so that we would be, well, so our brains would be accepting of the new pharmaceuticals and the new pathogens.
These pathogens were developed and Dr. James Giordano has the influence, the power.
He's in the military circles, the government circles, academia circles to accomplish the hacking of the brain, if you will.
And so they released COVID.
They released other pathogens.
And we're going to see this synthetic biology that literally consumes the brain and the body.
And why did they want to aim for the brain?
It was, COVID was developed as a neuro weapon.
Because if they seize your brain, they will win your heart and mind because they can alter it.
And anything that they say, then you go, Oh, that might sound good.
Or you're too tired, maybe.
To research or to stand up against the tyranny.
So that's why it was developed to make us complacent.
It's like fluoride on steroids.
You know, years ago we were worried about fluoride, but this is much worse.
It literally takes over the brain.
Every crack, crevice, it goes down your brain stem and throughout your neurological system.
And it literally consumes you.
And as it consumes you, you don't have that original biological self.
You are then turned into this hybrid and synthetic entity or synthetic shell, if you will, and ready to be inhabited by some force, demon, whatever, whatever.
There's synthetic biology where there's actually Since synthetic entities so they are going to use biological but they are also going to deploy and millions of them have been deployed of people that look or humanoids that look just like you and me but everything from their brain to their blood to their organs are synthetic
Well, here's the thing, all of these millions of hordes of people coming in now through the border could very well be, I mean, are very likely highly injected people.
People that, you know, for example, that gentleman that Michael Yan interviewed that day with Alex, what a fantastic interview that was, you know, just speaking to this Chinese national.
That guy would be injected to the eyeballs!
He came from China, for goodness sake!
I really want to say here that faith is the defense against what these people are trying
to achieve.
But the point is that it's not just in the shots, it's in the sky, they're spraying it
everywhere, it's in our water, it's in our food supply, but the shots were the direct,
you know, high dose, really quick delivery system of this essentially computer interface
that transforms the human being who then can be weaponized.
And he talks about the ability to, within this presentation, I'm sure you've seen it,
Celeste, the ability to stop an uprising.
They can actually control a large group of people to make sure, because you were saying before, you know, it really dumbs them down, makes them feel tired.
No, no, they can then actually change the minds of people to stop them from ever organizing anything that's successful for an uprising.
That's how they stole the election at a military conference.
They were kind of bragging about the fact that when they stole the last election, it was through deep penetration.
And they used a combination of frequency, the chemicals, psyops, and these pharmaceutical gene editing programs.
And they Actually, we're able to sway an election.
So whether America is going to ever have another fair election is on the table.
Well, if the team can bring up picture two, it's got the types of weapons there that James is talking about in this presentation.
And he actually talks about economic leverage, intelligence, psyops, drugs and other chemical agents, then the biologicals, the microbes, toxins.
He openly talks about how these are physical influence or deterrence tools.
And hybrid cyborg systems, of course they talk about biological drones there, but it's not just limited to drones and robots, guys.
This stuff, they understand this better than anyone.
And some people said to me after our interview, Celeste, that, you know, they don't think that technology is anywhere near as advanced as what they're presenting.
I would argue that it's nowhere near as, that our understanding, even as far as you've gone, isn't as far as they've been able to develop this stuff.
I would say it's at least a hundred years.
So in the past when I would look at the DARPA site, it was five to twenty years out before it was at commercial deployment.
Now, when I see the headline on DARPA, it is already in the pipeline.
And I know that that is a weapon against us.
Sorry, I don't mean to cut you off, but if the team can bring up, while you're talking, picture one, weapons timeline.
That's also from his presentation and it clearly says here that, you know, 2008, these weapons that he's talking about were not yet viable for operational use.
But as of 2011 to 2014, Celeste, demonstrated utility of NeuroST in prior, current and future NSID operations.
So already, we're talking about technology that was already able to be used over a decade ago.
How much more developed is it now?
Much more.
I mean, it is so sophisticated.
And what we have to realize is this technology is we have to Can't look at the technology as individual components or silos.
We have to look at it as an integrated system.
So the bio mixes with the frequencies, mixes with the pharmaceuticals, the pathogens, everything is one system now as a phalanx arrayed against all biological life.
And I think we really need to bring in, is this Real.
Yes, as a matter of fact, it's so real that last year there was a Senate Bill 4488 that was introduced on June 23rd, you can look it up yourself, on catastrophic risk.
It talks about an existential threat to humanity, the extinction of all humanity in that document, which was a Senate Bill And then it talked about the erasure of all humanity, that humanity ever lived on the face of the earth.
That's how much they hate humans.
Not all biological life, but especially humans because they're created in the divine image of God.
That bill was killed in December, I've got to say.
It was handed off to DHS to manage it.
I think we need to pay attention to that word.
And then they said they were going to slice and dice it and put it into omnibus and different pork bills and other bills so that the American people could not Find it basically as one component.
They got a little scared.
They put too much together in it that people might wake up and see what was going on.
So they sliced and diced it.
There's more information about that Celeste actually goes into that in our interview.
Again, please if you haven't seen it, do go and watch it.
We'll be back after this short break with more from Celeste.
This is absolutely powerful stuff.
Don't go anywhere.
All right, we're back with Celeste Solem of CelestialReport.com.
You can also find her on Rumble.
She's about to release a new webinar.
I almost said weaponar there because we're talking about weapons, Celeste.
A new webinar on this subject of synthetic biology.
And her research is just unbelievable.
She told me that she reads, you know, dozens upon dozens of medical journals every single week to stay up to date on these topics of neurosciences and neurotechnology.
I want to really quickly play this clip for how can we use the weapons, if you will, team, and then get Celeste's commentary on that.
Can we use these elements as weapons?
Means of contending against others.
Formal definition of a weapon.
Right under the Oxford Old English Dictionary.
Means of contending against others.
And we can do that in a number of ways.
We can militate their behaviors and their thoughts in some ways as to make them more amenable to what we do.
The idea of positive weaponology.
Or we can in fact mitigate and in some cases completely nullify their capability, will, or engagement If we combine those two definitions into one, what we find is those agents that will either change individuals' thoughts, vulnerabilities, volatility to violence and aggression, or incur morbidity, dysfunction, and or mortality in such a way as to then mitigate the engagement altogether.
So we can militate their behaviours and we can mitigate and nullify their capability and will to fight.
Celeste, how do they do this?
So they do it through the CyOps, through the chemicals in our food, through the nanoparticles, the smart dust and the pathogens.
It might be interesting for you to know that the very organization that named COVID-COVID, when I looked, I was on like one of the forums, just looking before it came out at the technology, just in the chat, kind of it's a chat forum.
And basically they said that COVID, the very organization that named it said that it was designed To disable.
It is a weapon of mass disruption.
Take out your brain.
Take out your body.
That way you can't think the pharmaceutical industry will benefit like trillions and trillions of dollars because everybody's sick and disabled and they can't fight.
They can't be the resistance.
But they're not just sick physically, they're sick in their minds.
You know, Celeste, so many people have asked me, why can't we get through to people?
I remember my good friend and the late Dr Zelenko said you could take one of these people and literally rub their face in the corpse of their loved one that's died from these poison shots and they would not realise that this is what's caused it.
Is this because of these operations that you're talking about that prep the world for COVID?
Essentially, you know, like Australia, for example, these chemtrails that they sprayed beforehand to disable the population's ability to think.
Tim, if you can bring up pick three while Celeste is answering that question.
So basically, they Well, I lost my thought here.
Sorry about that.
No, that's alright.
I was asking whether the reason why people can't see the truth in front of them, in front of their faces, whether that has to do with what they've been spraying or putting in our foods.
You know, you've got a loved one literally dropping dead in front of you post-shot and they go, no, no, no, it's not the shot.
The shot was great.
Okay, so there's a couple of different factors involved.
Yes, it can be the chemicals, the pharmaceuticals, the psyops, but there's something that is an algorithm that FEMA uses, and it's something that I learned a long time ago.
It said that 3% of people will stick to their ideology, 7% of people will do something once or twice.
They might write their congressman, they might You know, participate in a rally, something like that.
But this, I'm glad everyone's sitting down, or I hope you're sitting down, because the shocker is 90% of people will do nothing, even if it means their death and the death of their loved one.
So that is one thing, and FEMA knows that.
I mean, I was taught that in the 90s, and I tested it in every single venue, volunteer groups, business, every type of sector, and it Holds true and you can test it yourself and you will find that about 3% of people will stand strong in their ideology.
So what that means, those 90% of people, you're not going to reach them.
So at this point, it is better to try and reach those people that are receptive to you.
Maybe drop a seed or they're here or there while you're out and about doing things that you do and being a human, but realize that Most people are not going to hear you.
90% won't hear you.
7% might do something once or twice.
Is it worth your investment?
You have to start thinking about that because we're coming into a time that we have to survive.
The other thing is, I was, I'm a person of prayer.
I have a biblical background.
And so in the beginning of COVID, I had a prayer walk.
And I asked the Lord, I said, what spirits am I up against?
And it was very interesting what the Holy Spirit said.
He said, first you were up against a spirit of blindness, a spirit of blindness.
And that it does come from the Bible.
So we, if you were a person of prayer, you need to be praying for people to remove this spirit of blindness.
And then the spirit of pharmakia, which is the chemicals, the drugs, any pharmaceuticals.
Yes, absolutely.
On pick three it actually says there, in close pharmaceuticals and organic neurotoxins.
We don't have time to go through the whole thing but James talks about, Dr Giordano in this presentation talks about how he can take the leader of a resistance into a fake meeting essentially where he pretends he's gonna he's gonna you know do a white flag meeting and put something either on his pen or on his drink to change the mind and the behavior of that leader of a resistance so that he goes back and essentially demoralizes the people because he's not who he was before his mind has changed.
Now faith is the shield to these weapons but the point is to know that they exist.
And they say ultra low dose or high specified agents for use in targeting diplomatic or local culture, hearts and minds scenarios.
Think about that in relation to this absolute invasion that's happening to the United States as we speak.
Everything Alex has been covering for the past two days and think about the fact that they can do this.
This is so dangerous and people need to be aware physically that these people can be mind hacked, weaponized, made to act in a way that they normally wouldn't.
You know, maybe this is why Pete was given that bit of intel about stay away from shopping centers, stay away from these different places, because the possibilities really are endless.
Your thoughts, Celeste?
Well, Dr. James Diodano also says that he has, through technology, he can capture the soul.
And in that graphic that you just showed, down at the very bottom is something that everybody should pay attention to.
Because the next pathogen, at the very last bullet, is the neurovascular hemorrhagic agent.
The next pandemic is going to be threefold.
They have learned how to Overlap reality, the physical domain, the cyber domain, the supernatural domain.
And so what that means is that as it's going to be a hemorrhagic event, they're going to call it a hemorrhagic, Ebola of systems is what the name is.
The first patients come.
Bleeding out to the hospital.
The internet is bleeding out.
It also opens a portal to the supernatural.
And so there's going to be a lot of evil stuff that that comes in as a in the mix.
And at the end, I think is what when we'll see the New World Order emerge after this next pandemic.
It's going to blow people's minds because it's cyber.
We actually have so much technology in each one of us right now that when this cyber meltdown happens, so we're not only going to meltdown in the physical due to the pathogen, we're going to, the cyber in us is also going to be melting down.
Wow, I never thought of that.
I seriously have goosebumps right now, Celeste.
We have that much technology inside of humanity right now, that cyber COVID that they say will be more catastrophic than COVID, where they have to do an entire shutdown, will shut down Human 2.0.
My goodness.
This is, this is absolutely Groundbreaking!
Right now, in this moment, this is groundbreaking.
We only have 30 seconds left, Celeste.
We need to get you back on.
Please, everyone, go and watch the video.
It's on van.video.
It's on zmedia.com.
Watch it in full.
Share it.
Share this everywhere.
Visit celestialreport.com.
Celeste, you've got your webinar coming out.
Please give people the date really quickly, in 10 seconds.
Okay, next Wednesday at noon on Rumble.
Next Wednesday at noon on Rumble.
God bless you, Celeste.
Thank you so much.
Jesus is Lord.
Watch the American Journal weekday mornings 8 to 11 central at band.video.
Watch the American Journal weekday mornings 8 to 11 central at band.video.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The silent majority is no longer silent.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stand by for further details.
We return you now to your regularly scheduled program.
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