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Name: 20230504_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 4, 2023
2979 lines.

In his Infowars program, Alex Jones discusses various topics including iodine intake, geopolitical events, transgender protests, store shutdowns in blue cities, and a case of a white former Marine being accused of choking and killing a black man on a subway. He criticizes the far-left for using minority martyrs like Jordan Neely for their own political agenda, and warns about the normalization of pedophilia within the LGBTQ community. Jones also addresses the defunding of the police and claims that chaos is being created to make people desperate, allowing the New World Order to take control of institutions. He promotes products available on InfoWarsStore.com such as Alpha Power and X3 Tri-Iodine, urging viewers to support the operation financially.

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But the lie here that Putin false flagged the Kremlin, I believe it's a lie, is just as ridiculous as him saying that Putin blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline.
All he had to do was turn it off.
And all the strategic reasons and all the key bono who benefits goes to the West.
We have admissions, threats to blow it up, evidence the West blew it up, then now they have articles all over the place, this is Politico, That BBC two days ago saying Russia blew up the pipeline with no evidence and saying Russia's gonna blow up more pipelines.
Now they could reciprocate and start blowing up Western pipelines and then just say we don't know who did it.
Just like the West did.
That could happen.
And there is a chance Putin could have false flagged himself.
Governments do that.
So that's always something that has to be looked at.
But notice our media says there's no such thing as false flags until they say there's such thing as false flags.
Remember the CIA and State Department briefings right before Russia invaded, saying Putin is going to stage attacks on his border regions as a pretext to go in?
But we know the West was already attacking those regions, and the war was already going on.
Putin launched a counter-offensive.
And I'm not defending that, I thought it was a bad idea.
But the globalists starting all this, and overthrowing the Ukrainian government nine years ago, and everything that's led to this point we're at now, and George Soros bragging about it on TV, they're the ones that initiated this, in their own words.
So just like all big wars, this is escalating incrementally.
And now the escalation is accelerating to light speed.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
They're all contributing to organized crime by paying large sums of money to be brought
And to give you an example, the Chinese are paying $50,000.
The Indians are paying $10,000 to $20,000.
All the Central Americans, the average is about $7,000.
So, and the Mexicans, especially Southern Mexico, are paying $3,000.
So, it's a huge, huge...
Uh, money event for the cartels, uh, probably even more lucrative than the drug business.
As we talk to some of these asylum seekers, they're waiting for May 11th.
May 11th, they believe, will be the day that they become, without any documentation, they can come into the United States.
In 2019, South Texas Border Volunteers founder Dr. Michael Vickers had already declared the invasion of his property and neighboring properties a war.
Four years later, the situation has become an apocalypse.
How have things escalated?
Oh, it's unbelievable.
What's happened?
The groups have gotten bigger.
Uh, the people are coming from more countries now.
Uh, from Africa, from China, from all over the planet.
And their disposition has changed.
They're more combative.
And when we encounter them, they want to put up a fight.
And they're being led by gang members.
We're seeing a lot of repeat people coming in.
They can't give up for amnesty.
They've been previously deported.
They've got criminal records from the countries they come from or from here, and those are the type of people that we're encountering now.
One of our operations a year or two ago, there were 24 Guatemalans in it.
They cut the gate on a pipeline 10 miles off the highway, and there were probably 24 in it.
We were able to get air support, get the border patrol in there to get them apprehended.
We had a guy with a rifle leading a group of 33 Chinese.
And our guys stepped out from here to there.
They were right on the trail.
The guy almost ran over him, but we got the drop on him.
He ran over two of them, jumped in the fence, took off.
We never caught him, but we were able to get 29 of them caught that night.
All Chinese.
And all of them at that time were paying $40,000 to $50,000.
Do they speak English really well?
We had one group of 16.
There were three girls in there from China.
All the rest were Middle East.
And they spoke perfect English.
Horrific personal stories like that of Texas Gulf Coast War on Fentanyl founder Sarah Chittum should serve as a wake-up call to the exponential tragedies many more Americans will face.
As a mom who lost her only biological son, I often wondered, what is my purpose now?
He was in and out of trouble quite a bit, and I was the epitome of a tough love mother.
So at about age 19, he ended up getting kicked out of my home.
He went to live with a childhood friend, and during that time, a home invasion occurred.
The people that broke into the home did not realize that my son was home, and the man put my son in a headlock and told the girlfriend to shoot him.
The girlfriend opened fire on my son and emptied her entire clip into him.
My son had to spend over a month in ICU during COVID, where he could have no visitors, meaning during the most painful, shattered time in his life, I couldn't be there.
And when he got out of the hospital, He feared.
He feared for his life.
Seth had never received justice for being shot.
And he feared that the couple would come after him to finish the job.
I'm sure he wanted just a little bit of mental relief, so he bought a pill from somebody he called family.
That means to me that he trusted this guy.
Unfortunately, that pill contained a lethal dose of illicit fentanyl and it took my son's life.
If you ask me, I agree that this needs to be declared a weapon of mass destruction.
Meanwhile, the Houston division of the FBI admits to posting the wrong photo and incorrect spelling of Texas mass murderer Francisco Uripeza, while Texas Governor Abbott is propagandized for stating the obvious.
Critics are outraged that the governor brought up immigration status at all in this case.
As the globalists continue their assault on the interior of the United States unobstructed.
John Bowne reporting.
Ladies and gentlemen we are live in It is Thursday, May 4th, 2023.
And the globalists are trying to sabotage not just America, but the world.
But humanity is waking up across this planet.
Thank you so much again for joining us today.
We have one of the top immigration investigators in the world, Michael Yan, joining us from the Darien Gap in Central America.
From a uplink he is found in the middle of the jungle.
We're also going to be having Norm Pattis on, Andrew Hernandez.
Norm Pattis is one of the main lawyers for the Proud Boys, who just 30 minutes ago were found guilty of terrorism, seditious conspiracy.
They face decades and decades in prison in the Rigg trial in the District of Mordor.
Hell on the Potomac, Washington, D.C.
That is all coming up today in the third hour.
Now, we've got massive news on every front.
I'm going to be judicious with the time and coverage.
But as I can, let me tell you what we got coming up.
Russia blames U.S.
for drone strikes on Kremlin.
White House denies involvement.
And NBC News says it's probably a false flag attack.
I thought false flags don't happen.
And yes, the Russians could have staged this against themselves.
I don't believe they did, but that's something that really goes on.
So it's reasonable to ask that question.
But why can't we ask that?
Why do we get sued if we ask if big events can be staged?
Historically, that stuff happens a lot.
So, World War III alert.
Russia threatens nuclear war and political assassinations in response to a Kremlin drone attack.
Also, over 50% of Americans believe their money is not safe in the banks.
As experts warn, the system faces total collapse.
We're going to be laying all of that out as well today.
We have the transgender cult going crazy and attacking different facilities and capitals around the country, including yesterday.
We have footage of that.
We're also going to be looking at Store shutdowns across the country in blue cities where the Walmarts, the Targets, the Whole Foods, the Walgreens, the Nordstroms are all closing saying that basically blue cities are unlivable crime ridden hell holes.
We have a lot of video of that.
Also, it finally happened, and every time it does, the media makes it the biggest story on earth.
A white man killed a black man.
And so you're never going to hear the end of it, even though black-on-white crime is now 21 to 1.
According to FBI crime statistics, there were 21 attacks on whites.
There was one attack on a black by a white person.
I'm not attacking black people.
That's just the facts.
Most black people are not doing this.
It is a minority, though, of black males and black females that are now viciously attacking whites everywhere.
Well, some type of argument broke out on a subway and a white former Marine choked the man for only about 30 seconds, probably went too far, killed him.
And now, oh, the demonstrations, the riots, it's all beginning.
Ladies and gentlemen, as they finally have another George Floyd image, they need chokehold death of Jordan Neely.
Ruled a homicide as outrage grows over caught on video subway killing.
I can show you a hundred videos of whites being attacked, many of them being killed, from just this week.
We don't really show a lot of that, though, because it would take the whole show over.
We show some of it, but maybe we should just do a whole four-hour show and just show back-to-back blacks murdering whites.
But see, the media doesn't show that because they're helping promote that idea, that that's a good thing to happen or that whites deserve it.
But, oh my gosh, a white guy Accidentally kills a black man who they admit was being aggressive and is mentally ill.
And it is the end of the world because perception is reality.
The media is going to show us this millions of times on air and is going to try to create more white guilt.
It is truly disgusting.
Kind of like the illegal alien Hispanic gentleman.
Use that term lightly.
That shot and killed four other or five other illegal aliens in Texas.
They're still reporting he's white and using another name.
And saying a Texas man did it.
And now they're spinning it, a Texas man killed illegal aliens.
No, he was a multi-time deported criminal.
But it doesn't matter.
That's how they spin.
That's how they deceive.
Then obviously we've got really big news on the Jeffrey Epstein intelligence agency angle.
I told you a decade ago that he was running an operation for the Mossad, for the CIA, and for MI6.
And now those documents are all coming out.
the head of the CIA, the head of the Mossad, British intelligence, all of them in his New
York compound, where politicians and other corporate and business leaders and scientific
leaders went there to have sex with underage girls, and knowing it was all being videotaped
as part of their initiation into the system.
So they would have dirt on them, and so now they could, quote, be registered as spies
of this global crime network.
And again, the opening level initiation is sex with a 15-year-old girl.
Then if you want higher-level assignments, you've got to then strangle children, rape
children as old as three months old.
I told you all about it years ago.
It's all coming out now.
But that's who runs your government.
You wonder why they're so evil, why they're so bad.
At the top of the intelligence agencies, it's all one group in the Western Intelligence, Australian Intelligence, New Zealand Intelligence, German Intelligence, French Intelligence, UK Intelligence, Dutch Intelligence, the heads of the groups.
Run giant child kidnapping, torture, and murder operations.
And when you rarely get somebody in there, in one of the top slots that isn't one of their people, they go completely crazy and it's a government red alert.
When General Flynn became the National Security Advisor to Trump, it was an all hands on deck, remove him, set him up.
That was in the FBI memos.
Because General Flynn is a family man, a war hero, comes from a great family, and is a patriot.
Because he was not a pedophile, he had to be removed.
That's how this works.
They've almost got complete control at the top now.
You see a top Democrat politician?
They're having sex with children, bare minimum.
That's why Hunter Biden, Biden's daughter, my dad had sex with me in the shower.
That's why Biden's wife runs around getting off Air Force One dressed in stripper outfits and fishnet stockings.
They have sex with anything that can walk or crawl.
They're maniacs.
They're complete, absolute sex cult maniacs.
And they're now externalizing their hierarchy, their cult, onto us on a mass scale.
We're going to be going over all of that today.
And then, one of the most bizarre things that ever happened to me in my life happened yesterday afternoon at about 5.45.
I was sitting in an accounting meeting, an InfoWars accounting meeting, In an office building, not here, and the phone rings.
And it says, Tucker Carlson.
And we talk, you know, here and there on the phone.
We text a lot.
And I said, I'm gonna step out, got an important call to make.
And I stepped out into the hallway, and somebody tried to shake my hand.
I said, hey, I can't talk.
I was a little bit distracted.
I go, hey, what's going on, Tucker?
And it's Tucker Carlson's voice.
And he starts saying these horrible, lewd, sexual things to me.
And I instantly figure out, this is AI, someone spoofing his number, and I confront the individuals on this.
They say a few more things, and then the phone hangs up.
And I immediately called Tucker and talked to him, talked to his lead producer as well, called Scooter up.
And just said, hey, if this just happened to me, it's probably happening to other people.
This is the next level of their setup.
Then it turns out the individual that did it, that has quite the following on Twitter, bragged that they had just done it and just recorded it and done it.
And so we're going to be talking about that later.
He says he's going to be airing it.
His name is Frank Stallone.
On Twitter, he's going to be airing it on his show Monday.
Well, it's very important for Prank Stallone to come on this show, today or tomorrow, and explain he's not part of a government group or an agency, because what he did, spoofing someone's number and then doing that, in many jurisdictions, is a crime.
Now, I don't think Tucker Carlson wants to press charges, but you need to come on the air and need to explain your intent was not to be mean.
Because he says he's pointing out the dangers of AI here.
Fine and dandy.
But it's serious.
Because you don't know what's going on, what's been happening to Tucker behind the scenes.
And so you need to understand what you did is not good.
And we need to get that out in the open so that it doesn't escalate any further.
We'll be right back.
It's going to be one hell of a transmission.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
Here's an important three-minute breakdown that I issued two years ago, and it's a message to the globalists.
They are not our gods.
They are not invincible.
Henry Kissinger, Klaus Schwab, the whole globalist system that they've inherited from the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds think they're God, but they're not God.
They didn't create this planet.
They didn't create the sun.
They didn't create the universe.
They didn't create the trillions and trillions of galaxies that we know exist.
They can't even comprehend God or how to be just good people.
All they are is selfish demons that seek to take control of your lives, who seek to harness humanity and convince us that they are superior to us and that we have to serve them and their ideas.
They want control of our bodies with their nanotech, with their genetic engineering.
They want us to accept the fact that they can put in our bodies what they want, when they want, and then lie to us about the fact they call it a vaccine when it is gene therapy.
This is all about their quest for eternal life.
They are testing on the general public, trying to find compounds from toxic experiments that give them what they call the Lazarus gene and other systems they're searching for.
It all started in the 1950s when they discovered immortal cell lines.
Cells that never die and replicate forever.
We call it, of course, the more vicious types of cancer.
But through death and through mass experimentation against the general population,
they believe they will find the keys to immortality.
So as you see the beauty of the universe that God gave us, realize the globalists are not God.
The globalists are simply parasites who are selfishly trying to take control of your life
in a hope of artificially building immortality for themselves.
When immortality has been given to us by God through our consciousness, if we choose to be with God and not serve ourselves and be selfish entities.
And that's the truth.
And that's what InfoWars stands for, is getting you to think for yourself and to get outside the box and realize that God created the universe for us to have communion with God, not for us to pretend that we are God.
Those that try to do that, they have a name for them.
They're called Satanists.
They believe that Lucifer could be his own God, just as they could be their own God.
Just as in the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, Satan says to Eve, You can be a God.
As she goes to Adam and says, you can be a God.
Just eat of this tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The knowledge of evil.
We were perfect and innocent.
We had only the knowledge of good.
Knowledge of evil is how to manipulate, how to twist, how to set up corrupt criminal systems, how to play God.
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
And we're entering those days now.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is InfoHorse.
Tomorrow's news today.
And we are back broadcasting worldwide.
All right, let's get into the situation in Russia.
As I said yesterday, Russia has said a red line is trying to take Crimea in the south of Ukraine, and a red line is trying to assassinate Vladimir Putin, the Russian leader.
Russia blames U.S.
for drone strike on Kremlin.
White House denies involvement, but it gets richer.
Assassination attempt on Putin.
Threats to escalate nuclear war.
False flag.
Analysts say Russia likely staged Kremlin drone attack.
It blamed on Ukraine and the West, but no proof.
Russia claims U.S.
smasher-minded drone attack on Kremlin.
Russia calls for Zelensky to be killed and threatens nuke response after Ukraine tries to assassinate Putin.
NATO warns Russia could target undersea pipelines and cables.
Think about that last article.
We know from Sy Hurs' reporting and also the witnesses and the intel that's come out that NATO via Biden blew up the pipeline using Navy demolition personnel, deep-sea divers.
We know that Victoria Nuland and Biden and others bragged that if Russia went into Ukraine, now 15-16 months ago, 14 months ago, That they would blow up the pipeline.
But the lie here that Putin false flagged the Kremlin, I believe it's a lie, is just as ridiculous as him saying that Putin blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline.
All he had to do was turn it off.
And all the strategic reasons and all the key bono benefits goes to the West.
We have admissions, threats to blow it up, evidence the West blew it up, then now they have articles all over the place, this is Politico, That, the BBC two days ago saying, Russia blew up the pipeline, but no evidence of saying, Russia's going to blow up more pipelines.
Now they could reciprocate and start blowing up Western pipelines, and then just say, we don't know who did it.
Just like the West did.
That could happen.
And there is a chance Putin could have false flagged himself.
Governments do that.
So that's always something that has to be looked at.
But notice our media says there's no such thing as false flags, until they say there's such a thing as false flags.
Remember the CIA State Department briefings right before Russia invaded, saying Putin is going to stage attacks on his border regions as a pretext to go in?
But we know the West was already attacking those regions, and the war was already going on.
Putin launched a counter-offensive.
And I'm not defending that, I thought it was a bad idea.
But the Global is starting all this, and overthrowing the Ukrainian government nine years ago, and everything that's led to this point we're at now, and George Soros bragging about it on TV.
They're the ones that initiated this, in their own words.
So, just like all big wars, this is escalating incrementally, and now the escalation is accelerating to light speed.
Meanwhile, if you think Anheuser-Busch products total being down 24% in the biggest plunge ever seen in any major company, any product company, any service company, was bad, Fox News has seen an overall 52% decline in viewers in just the last week since Tucker Carlson was unceremoniously fired.
Some of the shows have lost 74% of their audience.
I have those numbers here.
And that's coming up because it really shows, get woke, go broke, the system doesn't care, because they're kamikazes.
They have unlimited money.
This is a mission to control and dominate us.
So whether it's the NFL, or whether it's the NBA, or whether it's Hollywood, or whether it's Fox News, They are all attacking to bring in their global government, their cashless society, the New World Order.
Meanwhile, you wonder why the military has the worst recruiting in modern history in the U.S.
After they saw the Dylan Mulvaney bloodlight disaster, the Navy just spent tens of millions of dollars running TV ads and digital ads for the new ambassador for the U.S.
Navy, and it is a man in a dress with a wig on.
Here it is.
This Navy sailor is a drag queen.
This Navy sailor is a drag queen.
Drag queens welcome in the Navy.
Again, if a dude's dressed up like a woman, that's their issue.
But the issue is they're saying, this is a place where it's good for you to do this.
You can come to the Navy and dress like a woman.
How is anybody going to operate a ship or do any other type of work where all of this craziness is going on?
This is how you bring a society down with all this clown behavior.
When they say drag queen, they mean Men going after children.
I'm not saying they're all doing that, but nobody's banning drag shows.
They're banning sexually explicit shows with children.
That's already illegal.
Why a new law is needed, I don't know.
But it's being done like in libraries and places, not classical venues like topless bars.
Again, if you walked into a topless bar, I'm not judging you.
If you walked into a tapas bar, and there were like 25-30 year old women up there dancing or putting $5 bills in their g-string, and then all of a sudden they brought out a 7 year old boy or girl, you'd call the police.
You'd say, what the hell is this?
A little kid in a g-string.
It's pedo stuff.
It's indecency with a child.
It's contributing to the delinquency of minors.
But they're doing it.
Nobody's banning books.
We're saying don't give pedophile books to kids.
Nobody's banning any of this garbage.
You're just saying, stay away from our kids, you cult of freakazoids.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, the jury returned part of its verdict just about an hour ago.
They're facing 40-plus years in prison now for a seditious conspiracy, a terrorism charge not used in decades.
Total setup.
They didn't even do as much as the trans cult did yesterday, breaking into the Congress, breaking into the Statehouse, and wrestling and attacking police.
Didn't even do what they did, but the left can burn down buildings wherever they want.
That's wonderful.
But now these men are facing decades in prison.
The jury's still out on the lesser charges.
As soon as that comes in, Norm Patus will be able to join us, one of the lawyers involved
in trying to try this case in this rigged situation.
So that is coming up.
Again, we have a guest who's at the Darien Gap and has been able to get a feed out of
the jungle where the globalist UN bases have been set up.
Mr. Yan will be joining us.
So much more today.
But I want to hit the transcult some more here and some big developments on that front.
But first, Something very, very exciting has happened.
The highest quality, deep-earth crystal tri-iodine.
A deep-earth crystal and two other types for better absorption and synergy.
X3, sold out for six-plus months.
Now back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
I put together this little informational piece to lay it out.
We'll play this and then come right back with the news.
I want to talk to you about something right now that can and will change your life.
It's changed my life and millions of other people's lives.
In fact, billions.
Some for the better, some for the worse.
I'm talking about iodine deficiency.
Now this is a very complex issue, but in the next few minutes I want to try to boil it down for you.
I have Wikipedia right here with links to the UN itself admitting That over 2 million people have intellectual disability, lower IQs, psychological problems, neurological issues because of lack of iodine, particularly when they're developing and growing as children, but also throughout life.
Now, most iodine that's in food is bound to other elements, so your body cannot absorb it.
Atomic iodine is pure deep-earth crystal iodine, and until we started selling it about 12 years ago, nobody else in the world was doing that.
There are other types of iodine that are not pure atomic, that are very close to it, that are also good for the body and help with the absorption of regular atomic or nascent iodine.
That's why, with top researchers, we developed X3 that has a deep-earth crystal iodine, And two other types of iodine in it as well for better absorption.
And it's been sold out for many, many months, but now we got a big shipment of it in to Infowarsware.com right now, and it's 25% off.
So, I want to encourage everybody to go to the encyclopedia, to go to medical literature, go wherever you want.
Wikipedia is not always accurate, but you can check the bibliography here, the links.
This is an accurate report right here from the UN, from major studies, you name it.
About iodine deficiency being the number one cause worldwide of what they call intellectual disability.
And if you look here on page two, it says, while reporting recent progress towards overcoming iodine deficiency disorders worldwide, the Lancet Medical Journal noted that the World Health Organization in 2007, nearly two billion individuals had insufficient iodine intake, a third being school age.
And it goes on, the conclusion was made that the single most preventable case of intellectual disability is that of iodine deficiency.
The single biggest reason people are so dumb and IQs worldwide are dropping like a lead balloon is iodine deficiency.
Now, there was massive IQ dropping and massive deformities in the 20s and 30s, so the US government As well as other governments said, by law, we're going to put it in the salt, and we're going to encourage bakeries and companies that sell flour to put some iodine in it.
IQs exploded up to 15 points on average in just a few years.
Then in the 80s, they took it out, and in this own report from Wikipedia, they admit that they put in things that counter the iodine, like bromide, bromine, and other things, Instead of the iodine that you need when the other chemicals are toxic.
This is absolutely insane.
So ladies and gentlemen, get X3 back in stock.
Consult your physician before you use it, because if you already have thyroid issues, there could be some issues.
But find out about the power of triiodine in your body.
Go to mfulworthstore.com, read about it, consult your physician or healthcare provider, and then get a bottle of it.
It usually takes, when you're deficient, about two weeks for you to feel the effects.
After about two weeks, on average, you'll feel a little bit groggy and weird for a few days, and then all of a sudden, boom, you feel younger, you feel stronger.
Things just for your skin, your body, your libido, your energy, your electrochemical activities in your brain is simply incredible.
Show, it's finally back in stock.
X3, Infowarestore.com.
Stock up on it, because I don't know when we're going to be able to have it again.
And your purchase of X3 funds our operation.
And while you're there, get other great products that are so good for your brain and your cells and your nerves, like our ultimate krill oil, and of course, our 10-hour clean, powerful energy, and that is TurboForce.
X3, back in stock.
We hope to have it in the future, but it's been sold out for more than six months.
It's very hard to produce it.
But it is now available to you and your family yet again.
Experience the power of triiodine.
Do your research and then make the decision now.
We have the best iodine out there, the highest quality iodine out there,
please go to InfoWarsTore.com today and get your X3. If you make one decision with supplementation
out there, it should be with products like X3. There's nothing else like this,
ladies and gentlemen. It's waiting for you exclusively at InfoWarsTore.com or by
calling toll-free, 888-253-3139. Check it out.
X3 now available, 25% off at InfoWarsTore.com and it funds the operation.
You owe it to yourself to try it.
Many of you, I know, have been waiting.
Love it.
It's back.
Let's do this.
Got a large stack here on the whole trends agenda, which is funded by the biggest banks, the biggest corporations, the biggest media outlets, the CIA, MI6, Tavistock Institute, the CIA director, with Epstein.
It's all in the news now.
We can make jokes about this, and there are a lot of trolls out there who just want to make money.
So every woman's sport, from chess, to poker, which are mental sports, to basketball, to track, to swimming, to cycling, to rugby, to cricket, in just the last few years, almost every sport is now dominated by biological men, and most of the men I'm making a joke out of it and just making the money.
So you've now got famous world champion powerlifters with beards coming in and winning the powerlifting contest and getting the $100,000 prizes.
That just happened a few weeks ago.
And it's been done again.
We'll show you a video of this in a moment to get to the really serious areas.
Bearded man enters women's poker tournament, crushes the competition.
And it's just a fact that it's not that men are smarter than women, there's different types of intelligence, but men strategically in every study, on average, are better at poker, at chess.
It's how a male brain is set up.
There's less connections in the left and right hemisphere.
In the analytical area, men's brains are more focused.
Not that they have more neurons than women, they don't.
It's that women's brains are different than men.
Men are more direct, more precise.
Women are more intuitive.
Women are more women's intuition.
Everybody knows about that.
Women have other skills that men don't have.
So it's not an attack on women.
We're different.
Everybody knows that.
Men on average are twice as strong as women.
That's just a fact.
And so the reality is every sport is being dominated by men posing as women.
So let's play a short clip of 70-year-old poker player David Hughes dominating the women.
Here it is.
$300 bounty on his head.
He's already busted twice.
So we love him for that.
Thank you, Dave.
Good luck!
Not really!
Oh, yes.
All right.
We have Dave here and he, I don't know if you can tell here, he's the only guy in this ladies event.
So I put a $300 bounty on his head and then Tamra and her husband So there's a $600 bounty on his head.
He's already busted twice, so we love him for that.
Thank you, Dave.
Good luck!
Not really!
But he ended up winning the tournament.
So, he's playing against 70 plus women.
He wins.
Crushes the competition.
And of course, he's doing it to illustrate how idiotic this is.
Now is he going to win a competition having a baby?
Is he going to win a competition in all the other things that women can do that men can't do?
And it's just a reality.
It's why we put men in the military and then the women are the precious thing that doesn't get chewed up.
See, there's a values on the women in a chivalrous normal human society.
Look at All the other major species of mammals, it's the males that mainly do the defending.
That's how we set up our species through God's program.
But notice the woman says he's the only man here.
No, you misgendered him.
He is a beautiful woman who looks like Santa Claus.
Now, let's get serious.
Violent left-wing insurrectionists invade Texas Capitol and shut down proceedings on Bill Banning child sex surgery.
State police end the commotion in epic style.
So in other state capitals, they let them come in, dominate, beat people up to where they want.
The state police, I can tell you, at the Texas Capitol are not playing games.
They immediately, when they tried to take over the proceedings, arrested them.
But again, what they did is less than what Joe Biggs and Enrique Tarrio and others did.
Ethan Nordean.
We're now facing 40 plus years in prison each for seditious conspiracy or terrorism against the United States of America.
So when an antivirus shoots somebody in the back, they don't even get charged, or burns down a building.
But when you go protest and get in a fight with the police, some of these guys don't even touch the police, you go to jail pretty much for the rest of your life.
Let's go ahead and roll some footage from the Texas State Capitol yesterday.
Where Owen Schroyer was the last two days, and they had the groomer groups dressed up as dinosaurs saying, I'm a lost dinosaur, kids.
Save me.
Help me.
I mean, this is the level.
But at least there weren't too many kids in the Capitol yesterday for them to do this to.
But it's going on in the schools.
It's going on in the parks.
It's going on on the television.
It's going on everywhere.
Here's the footage.
And this footage is the footage outside the Senate building.
I've got photos and video here where they broke into the Senate, broke into the House chambers.
Had to be drug out.
The police drugged them out and told them to stop attacking, and they did not stop attacking.
But if you go overhead shot here, you can see where they have broken into the House and Senate chambers and had to be removed by the state police.
They continue to resist.
And they got arrested and the left is howling and screaming like the ultimate crime has been committed.
They were also taking over other parts of the building and this is a law saying you cannot cut the testicles off or the breast off of someone until they're 17 years old.
Because some jurisdictions around the state like Dallas and Austin have been taking children as young as seven or
six, excuse me, from parents that don't agree to have them sterilized because the child told
the school officials they want to be sterilized. So the school convinces your child to be sterilized,
brainwashes them, and now they're setting up quote "runaway centers" for children so they can
run away and be groomed and abused.
Here's another report. California Democrats push bill to mandate gender diversity books at school
and the books they recommend are the very ones being pushed that Chelsea Clinton's pushing,
like genderqueer.
I've not shown genderqueer on air, but you know what?
It's just too shocking, but you know what?
Steven Crowder decided to do it yesterday when I was on with him, and if you guys could go into that two-hour show I did with him, it was towards the end.
Because YouTube will ban you for showing that.
They don't want you to know what they're up to.
But find the part where he gets into genderqueer and shows the book, and he runs down three of the books, the National Library Association, we'll play that clip coming up, three of the books that the National Library Association says are being banned.
They're not being banned.
Like, guns, the Democrats are trying to ban guns, but guns are not banned yet in most jurisdictions.
But who they are banned for from buying is 18 and younger.
Your father or mother can buy you a rifle.
They still own it.
You use it.
But when you're 18, it's yours.
And I agree with that.
Parents should be in control.
So, guns are not banned for young people.
You just can't buy them.
And guns are not banned for adults.
So, books are not banned.
These sickening, evil, pro-pedo, grooming books that don't show actual children being abused.
So, I guess, technically, on the first month, they're legal.
But there are manuals on how to commit crime, and manuals on how to lure children, and manuals on how to groom.
So I think it really is open for debate and should be decided by the Supreme Court, because I'm right on the edge on this.
I really don't think genderqueer should be a legal book.
Telling your seven-year-old that if the neighbor wants to have sex with you in the shed, it's going to be great, go ahead and let the adult have sex with you.
You could end up being kidnapped, raped, I mean, whatever.
I mean, it's literally like if I wrote a book describing how to attack the U.S.
Capitol and burn it down.
I mean, I wouldn't do that, but if I was putting a book out saying, maybe we should do this, it's a great thing to do this, and here's how you do it, that's not, that's far in the theater there.
But you have a debate about that.
Should books like Genderqueer actually be banned?
But the point is, they're not being banned.
We're saying, don't give them to elementary and middle school students.
I mean, it literally describes, he was showing images from the book, because I'll be honest, I didn't read the whole book.
I opened it, looked at it, I looked at it for about two minutes, flipped through it fast, and it was so upsetting to me that they're doing this to children, that this had an AISD middle school sticker on the spine, that one of our crew's children goes there and they went to the library and found it.
It's in all the major libraries in the country, most of them.
Leftist controlled areas, and I'll be honest, I flipped through it over about a minute and a half and just couldn't believe it, and just read the excerpts online of what's in the book.
Well, on Crowder's show yesterday, he went ahead and showed all the images.
And I thought, you know what?
People need to see this.
Plus, this is why it was better.
Crowder blurted out, But it shows the child on his knees with the adult sticking his penis in his mouth.
It shows the adult man with the 10-year-old raping him.
I mean, come on, people.
This is just... And Chelsea Clinton is promoting this.
She's a damn monster.
Her mother out of law school's first client was a group of men that kidnapped an 11-year-old girl and raped her for two days in a shack.
With a broomstick on top of their genitals, until they crushed her cervix and destroyed her uterus, and her uterus had to be removed.
And I've had that lady on the show.
It's on record, this happened.
There's an audio tape of Hillary laughing, saying she thought it was funny.
So, I know this is hard to believe.
And if you guys can't find it now, it was in the two-hour show, it's on Rumble, the archive.
If you can't find the Steven Crowder part, we covered this for five minutes, it's fine.
Get it later, and have the crew edit and post.
And when this is posted to Man.Video, it'll be there.
You know, that's a little known secret.
Not really secret, but people don't know it.
The archive of the four-hour show every day that's posted to Man.Video has a bunch of clips that we didn't get to get to that are added into it.
So that way the TV viewers won't see it if you don't want to see it.
Radiologists want to hear about it.
But if you want to go see it, take that 5-10 minute segment where Crowder talked about this and showed it.
Cause he did the work with his crew to blur it all out.
So you can see it for yourself, but not get the full image of a man bending your 11-year-old son over in a shed and raping him in the rear end.
DeSantis has been also, he's been lambasted in the media for banning books in Florida.
So that was one of the things that people were saying, oh, this guy, I can't believe he's banning books.
And it's like, well, let's look at the content.
Let's look at the context because they try and say, oh, conservatives want to ban books.
And no, hold on a second.
Let's look at the books that people think are age inappropriate.
Just to be clear, they're not banning these books for adults.
They're banning these books to be taught to children or in places where children are often mandated to spend time as part of the curriculum.
So let me set this up for you really quickly.
According to the American Library Association, 2022 had the highest number of attempted book bans since they began compiling data about... I don't know why I just sounded like I'm from Chicago.
Sounds like Dennis Green.
Since they began compiling data, I'm gonna stab this pencil stick right in your eye.
Uh, the most challenged book on the list that the right was trying to censor was the book, Gender Queer.
Because, and this is what they say, the American Library Association, they say, claimed to be sexually explicit.
Let's think of that language.
Wait, hold on a second.
Here you go, here's a collage.
Yeah, no, it's porn.
It's porn plus advocacy and propaganda.
And it's dark child sex.
This book was in the Austin Middle School Library.
One of my crew members' daughter was there, brought it to me, and I'd never seen anything like this.
I luckily never run into child porn or anything online.
And I felt dirty and evil even having the book, and it said Austin AISD on the back.
So that book is everywhere.
Chelsea Clinton has endorsed it, and then even Twitter fact-checked it when people were saying, hey, it's got child porn in it.
And they said, yes, it depicts minors having sex with adults.
And it's graphic.
It's a graphic novel.
It's for children to tell them, this is normal if your adult neighbor wants to have sex with you in a shed.
No, your adult neighbor needs to go to prison.
Yeah, well, and in Florida, potentially be executed, depending on the age there and the level of proof.
This also includes they-them professors in the book, hormone injections, top surgery, trans rights marchers, yep.
And, by the way, number two on the ban list, keep in mind, keep in mind, for contrast, the left, they wanted a ban to kill a mockingbird because it was racist.
Look, I don't know if you're familiar with the story of To Kill a Mockingbird.
One could almost argue that it had an anti-racist message.
I know, I know, I know.
Just go with me here.
It was obviously a super civil rights, anti-racist message where the heroes are fighting the racists.
But again, they want control.
Listen, how many hundreds of books are they now rewriting?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, everything, because people are called fat in it.
They're the ones not just banning books, but irrevocably mutilating them and vandalizing
them and memory holding them from 1984 and the Ministry of Truth.
All we're saying is don't give graphic, pro-pedophilia, pedophile books to middle schoolers and high
We've decided those books won't be in there.
Well, the American Library Association begs to differ because they say these are claimed
Number two on the ban list for claims of being sexually explicit from the American Library Association is, all boys aren't blue.
By the way, just the ones that they choke during sex.
By that, I mean the American Library Association, because a lot of them are...
Allegedly, allegedly pedophiles.
So let me just tell you again, warning if you have children, they shouldn't watch this show.
This is not a children's show.
This is for you as a parent or if you're a young adult because you need to be armed with information so that you know how to protect children.
This was written by George Johnson, claimed to be sexually explicit according to the American Library Association.
Let me read you a quote.
He reached down and pulled out my dick.
He quickly went to giving me head.
I just sat back and enjoyed it as well.
Enjoyed it as I could tell he was to.
Number four on the list, according to the American Library Association, two that conservatives have claimed.
Have claimed.
This is censorship.
This is censorship.
By the way, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
From the tip of the iceberg.
The tip of the flame.
Very, very soon.
Okay, by Mike Curato, this is claimed.
I dropped the soap!
Don't get any ideas, boys!
That was weird, and gross, and wrong.
But I feel so excited.
Look, let me just... We're gonna go to Mug Club here in just a second.
Here's the thing.
That right there isn't as sexually explicit as the pictures that you just saw, but that word... Oh, it felt weird.
It felt gross.
It felt wrong.
It should!
It should, if you're a child.
It should feel weird.
It should feel gross.
It should feel wrong.
You shouldn't say, but then I feel so excited.
That's how you introduce to kids.
That's grooming to a T. This is weird.
Drop the soap.
Someone might be sodomizing me.
I felt wrong, but no, I think it might actually be something that's good.
Yeah, this is going to hurt at first, but it'll get better later.
That's exactly.
I mean, we saw the lovely bones.
Always be polite.
That's the first rule.
We know how it ends.
But, we go back to this.
California Democrats push Bill to mandate gender diversity books in schools, including genderqueer.
So they want elementary students to learn about how fun it is if a man approaches you and says, I want to pleasure you, go with that man, you're going to love it.
It actually teaches them to be kidnapped, to be groomed, and to be raped.
But according to the UN, it is their right at age 7 to be raped.
Because it's not rape.
California passed a bill that says 12-year-olds can be given poison shots without parental consent or have abortions.
I want to play this video.
I think you guys have this.
We have this video.
Protester shouts, you mutilated your son at former NBA star Dwayne Wade following 15-year-old son's gender transition.
We have it.
Former Miami Heat NBA star Dwayne Wade was booed and criticized over his 15-year-old son's gender transition as he left a basketball game in New York City Sunday night.
All I can say is good job.
Cutting your son's penis off is not a good thing.
here it is. There you go.
Now let's move on to this.
We've got video of this.
There's so many clubs though.
I don't know.
The crew is so good.
Like every time we go, do we have this club thing?
Yeah, we got it.
Do we have the Pedosaur?
Or the trans-saur?
It's up on Infowars.com.
Trans-dinosaur used to attract children to sexual perversion confronted by protesters and reporters at Texas Capitol.
It says, LGBT Rex loves you, and then it's a lost dinosaur that wants to talk to kids.
Owen Schroer and Alex Springer, who's an expert in stopping child predator groups, are on the scene at Texas Capitol to document a gathering of pro-child mutilation cult.
They expected the usual opposition, but they certainly did not expect to meet the LGBT wrecks running the halls holding a strange sign.
See the full video on InfoWars.com.
It deserves to be seen, deserves to be shared.
Only you can resist the new world order.
Here's another clip.
Watch as audience cheers high school student as she confronts school board on trans insanity.
We are affirming the mental confusion of a boy and putting the
safety of women in jeopardy by allowing mentally confused men to use women's spaces.
Let's go ahead and roll that clip for the viewers.
Hello ladies and gentlemen, and only ladies and gentlemen it is and shall always be.
I am an 18 year old high school student and wanted to take this time to bring to your attention the current issue with biological men claiming they are women and in turn truly believing that they are entitled to use women's spaces.
There was an incident within our district that occurred recently regarding a transgender woman who really is a biological man Having an altercation with a young woman at MLK High School.
It was infuriating when I had seen the video on social media.
But what was detrimental to this is the fact that this man is and has been using the women's restroom and locker room.
Firstly, the question we must address is why are we affirming the mental confusion of this boy and putting the safety of women in jeopardy by allowing mentally confused men to use the women's spaces?
Of course, any male who claims he is a woman will accept it.
But what about the women?
What about the true girls like myself, who are female down to our DNA?
Why don't we ever get a say in whether or not we are comfortable with this?
The truth is, we aren't.
The majority of us aren't, and yet nothing has been done to protect the safety of these women.
I will conclude with this.
It all starts with you.
You are in charge of the safety of us women, and the kids of our parents.
So please do something about it.
Thank you.
And I love that man right there in the corner who has a shirt that says, Hold Fast.
That means just hold on and never submit and never rolled over and never give in.
And that's really what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a total satanic assault.
Let me give you some good news, though.
Fox News lost 52% of their total viewers in the last week.
That's never happened.
Some shows lost 70 plus percent.
Not even Bud Light lost this much ratings.
Not even Bud Light lost this much.
Ratings showcase the new normal for Fox News without Tucker.
52% of the viewers gone.
Big articles up on InfoWars.com detailing it all.
It is so incredibly important.
And I haven't gotten to it yet.
After our next guest joins us from the Darien Gap, Central America, he'll be on with us for three segments.
I will get into the AI and the danger of it.
I just experienced it yesterday.
Get a call yesterday afternoon, says Tucker Carlson on my phone, spoofing the number.
I leave the meeting, hey Tucker, what's up?
And the so-called Tucker Carlson robot ...begins to say sexually vile things to me, and I'm listening, and it's Tucker's voice.
I go, oh, this is AI.
This is a setup.
And it was, and it's confirmed.
The guy that did it says he's gonna air it on Monday.
But wait, wait, wait till you hear what happened.
That's coming up next hour as well.
Stay with us.
Please listen to me in the next 60 seconds.
If you go to Wikipedia, it has links to the UN's own website where they admit the number one cause of cognitive disability in the world is iodine deficiency.
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Infowarsstore.com they're all contributing to organized crime by paying large
sums of money to And to give you an example, the Chinese are paying $50,000.
The Indians are paying $10,000 to $20,000.
All the Central Americans, the average is about $7,000.
So, and the Mexicans, especially Southern Mexico, are paying $3,000.
So, it's a huge, huge...
money event for the cartels probably even more lucrative than the drug
business. As we talked to some of these asylum seekers they're waiting for May
11th. May 11th they believe will be the day that they become without any
documentation they can come into the United States. Back in 2019 South Texas
border volunteers founder Dr. Michael Vickers had already declared the
invasion of his property and neighboring properties a war.
Four years later, the situation has become an apocalypse.
How have things escalated?
Oh, it's unbelievable.
What's happened?
The groups have gotten bigger.
We're coming from more countries now.
From Africa, from China, from all over the planet.
And their disposition has changed.
They're more combative.
And when we encounter them, they want to put up a fight.
And they're being led by gang members.
We're seeing a lot of repeat people coming in.
They can't give up for amnesty.
They've been previously deported.
They've got criminal records from the countries they come from or from here, and those are the type of people that we're encountering now.
One of our operations a year or two ago, there were 24 Guatemalans in it.
They cut the gate on the pipeline 10 miles off the highway, and there were probably 24 in it.
We were able to get air support, get the border patrol in there to get them apprehended.
We had a guy with a rifle leading a group of 33 Chinese.
And our guys stepped out from here to there.
They were right on the trail.
The guy almost ran over, but we got the drop on him.
He ran over, two of them jumped in the fence, took off.
We never caught him, but we were able to get 29 of them caught that night.
All Chinese.
And all of them at that time were paying $40,000 to $50,000.
Do they speak English really well?
We had one group of 16.
There were three girls in there from China.
All the rest were Middle East.
And they spoke perfect English.
Horrific personal stories like that of Texas Gulf Coast War on Fentanyl founder Sarah Chittum should serve as a wake-up call to the exponential tragedies many more Americans will face.
As a mom who lost her only biological son, I often wondered, what is my purpose now?
He was in and out of trouble quite a bit, and I was the epitome of a tough love mother.
So at about age 19, he ended up getting kicked out of my home.
He went to live with a childhood friend, and during that time, a home invasion occurred.
The people that broke into the home did not realize that my son was home, and the man put my son in a headlock and told the girlfriend to shoot him.
The girlfriend opened fire on my son and emptied her entire clip into him.
My son had to spend over a month in ICU during COVID, where he could have no visitors, meaning during the most painful, shattered time in his life, I couldn't be there.
And when he got out of the hospital, He feared.
He feared for his life.
Seth had never received justice for being shot.
And he feared that the couple would come after him to finish the job.
I'm sure he wanted just a little bit of mental relief, so he bought a pill from somebody he called family.
That means to me that he trusted this guy.
Unfortunately, that pill contained a lethal dose of illicit fentanyl, and it took my son's life.
If you ask me, I agree that this needs to be declared a weapon of mass destruction.
Meanwhile, the Houston division of the FBI admits to posting the wrong photo and incorrect spelling of Texas mass murderer Francisco Uripeza, while Texas Governor Abbott is propagandized for stating the obvious.
Critics are outraged that the governor brought up immigration status at all in this case.
As the globalists continue their assault on the interior of the United States unobstructed.
John Bowne reporting.
Well, he's a former special operations legend and a legend going back decades and decades as an investigative
journalist around the world.
But he is more popular and more informative than ever, Michael Yon.
Michael underscore Yon on Twitter, Y-O-N, and michaelyon.locals.com.
He's an American writer and photographer.
He served in special forces in the early 1980s and he became a writer in the 1990s, focused on military writing after the invasion of Iraq.
Jan has also embedded on numerous occasions with American and British troops in Iraq, most prominently the deployment of the 1st Battalion, 24th Infantry Regiment, Deuce Force, the 25th Infantry Division in Mosul, Iraq, that entered in September 2005.
Jan has vocal views of the United States military hierarchy.
The nature of his reports is also controversial.
However, Jan at one time enjoyed rock star status among the individual soldiers, according to NBC News.
So, Michael Jan joins us about the Darien Gap on the border of Colombia.
And Panama.
And thanks to his reporting that they even admit it, Mayorkas claims they're shutting it down.
But is that really happening?
So the invasion point, the UN camps, the takeover of America, the replacement migration.
What is Governor Abbott really doing?
Is he good or is he bad?
He has gotten to a local area right outside the jungle there that does have uplinks.
There's almost no internet there.
We appreciate him hiking dozens of miles.
Today, just to be on with us, we'll try to give him the floor for the 45 minutes we have with him to cover the historic developments.
So, Michael, thank you so much for coming on with us.
Yeah, Alex, thanks for having me on.
I'm at the edge of the Darien Gap now near San Vicente Camp, and actually here comes migrant To me now and also and right behind me are two Chinese.
There's at least six staying in this hotel that's right next to a camp.
So they actually make it to the dairy and get the lady in the black is sitting down and the man in the white.
They have a they're speaking Mandarin, but they have an accent from Northern China and and they won't talk with me but and they're quite rude and aggressive as many Chinese tend to be and but this is it.
This is the camp San Vicente camp.
Let me show you.
Where one of the Dairy Camps where we have about 30 to 40 huge buses going through per day.
This is Highway 1 right here, Alex.
This is Highway 1 that goes all the way to Alaska.
So they come out on this highway, Highway 1, and they go to Costa Rica.
So this is where the buses line up right here.
They line up.
So the videos you've seen before of me, you know, the buses at nighttime and daytime, this is where they line up.
This is San Vicente Camp.
This is the camp that Mayorkas has more than doubled in size.
Actually, he came here.
I see the migrants, aliens lining up and coming soon.
You'll probably see him, because we'll be on for a while.
Yeah, so this is what happens, Alex, every day.
30 to 40 buses, these buses fit.
That's a Pidagua.
I made that video down inside the Dairy Gap.
And actually, that's a Venezuelan.
I made that video as well.
Yeah, and so, you know, as you know, for the last, well, since Biden was installed... Oh, actually, where that bus is right now, that's where I'm standing, actually.
This is where they line up every night and day, and they just head all the way up to the border of Costa Rica, and there they cross over into Costa Rica and keep going.
In that video, I made that as well.
That's Bajo Chiquito.
And so, yeah.
Alex, this is a full-fledged invasion.
There's a huge amount of violence out here.
A lot of it's actually from the aliens themselves.
And they're becoming increasingly aggressive.
I saw your previous guest talking about it, how aggressive they're becoming.
It's unbelievably true.
In fact, here comes Chinese now.
They'll be coming out of the hotel.
So yeah, so they just came through the Darien Gap, and they often, the Chinese in particular, will be walking down Highway 1 at nighttime.
I mean, I don't want to put you in a bad position, but you're a tough guy.
Do you mind going over and talking to them for us?
Oh, we'll try.
Usually they won't.
The Chinese generally won't.
Every once in a while they will.
We'll try.
But these guys already tried earlier.
Well, you've got to be proud of your work.
You've been down there off and on for years, and now the Darien Gap's getting a lot of attention.
So congratulations to you, and Jordan Peterson, I know, having you on about it.
Yeah, Jordan's been asking for updates down here for quite a while.
Are you from China?
From China?
Tina, you speak English?
A little.
Can you talk with these people?
Here, put this in.
He speaks some English.
Put it in.
Where are you from in China?
Oh, good.
Where are you from in China?
Alex, go ahead.
Sir, how far did you travel?
Did you come from China?
Can you hear him, Alex?
So you come from China.
How did you get here?
Did you go through Quito?
How did you get to here?
And how much did it cost?
How much money?
400 dollars.
400 dollars?
Now how much did it cost to get from China to Quito, Ecuador?
I don't know.
Maybe $2000.
$2000 Tokido from China?
Where are you from in China?
Where in China?
Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu?
Oh, you speak Fujian?
You speak Cantonese?
It's from Fujian.
My English.
Oh okay.
How did you get a passport?
How did you get a passport and where are you going?
Where's your final destination?
Where will you go?
Where will you go?
Um, um, yeah.
And people will call me.
We can, uh, listen to
the message and talk.
Very good.
I love my sons.
We can get married.
Where will you go in America?
I don't know.
I have no idea.
of praise. And yes.
Why is he coming to America?
Why will you go to America?
Why is he coming to America?
Why will you go to America?
China, in China, COVID-19
COVID-19 Yeah
He's so poor And when you have no money
make it better, not make a big mess.
So he wants to live in a better country and make money, which I really can't blame him
for doing.
Ask him why he didn't try to come legally.
Why did you not come legally?
Why not fly to Los Angeles or New York?
I don't know.
I don't know what's up.
I don't know what's up.
It's difficult.
Um, we only need to write.
We write all day.
Anything, anything.
No, just not for the dollar.
He's saying his money's worthless in China.
So ask him this.
Ask him what it was like during the lockdowns, the COVID lockdowns.
What was that like in China?
During COVID-19, how were conditions in Fujian?
What do you mean?
COVID-19 lockdown.
What was it like?
We're organizing a huge event.
Three years ago, I had a company, and we were working on recycling.
Yeah, yeah.
We are working on the recycle.
Yeah, yeah. We pray for the recycling.
But because of the COVID-19, the government can't pay my company money.
So we have a lot of money.
Yeah, that's what I was guessing.
So he's basically a refugee from the lockdowns.
That's what I was thinking, Michael.
Ask him that and he can cover whatever he wants.
This was important, though.
Thank you.
How did you get a passport?
Your passport.
Chinese passport.
I don't know.
When did you get the passport?
Six years ago.
Six years ago?
Yeah, five.
Six years ago.
Yeah, five.
I think six, six, six, six years ago.
I never prayed to anyone.
So I get the passport just for the travel.
But now we use in China passport is no.
Well, it's very interesting to see that he knows English.
Ask him where he learned English.
Where did you learn English?
In my high school and Yeah, maybe 10 years ago.
10 years ago, I... From high school?
So he's 27 years old?
How old are you?
Uh, 33.
Okay, yes.
You're 33?
Maybe... Alright, well Michael, unless you've got more questions, that's good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
Thank you for the time.
Enjoy your lunch.
Now you may have asked better questions, but did I ask okay questions, Michael?
Of course, of course.
I spend months of the time down here, so for me, it's like a daily thing in the jungles.
Actually, the best time to question Alex is always at nighttime, and it's alone out in the jungles.
That's when people just open up.
That's true every country I go to at nighttime, and especially when it's just one or two people.
It's very interesting.
Even like U.S.
If you go at nighttime, the Border Patrol people just tell you everything.
Border Patrol.
It's true in every country I go to.
Why do you think that is?
I think people just feel more comfortable to talk at night.
For instance, when I was in Hong Kong, before I got kicked out of there, I was there for the fighting for seven months.
And the police, of course, during the daytime, the police don't want to talk.
And if they're in a large group, they don't want to talk.
But at nighttime, if you go to the edges, most of the Hong Kong police will just start talking.
Don't you think that's an epigenetic issue that humans are meant to talk at night around the campfire?
I've wondered that, Alex.
Our minds think very similarly.
Because it's definitely better at night time.
That's why often I'll sleep during the day and I stay out all night talking with people.
And I would do the same in the wars with U.S.
I would stay on guard duty with them at night time, that sort of thing, and just tell you everything that's going on, you know?
You can learn a lot more from the ground troops than you can from the generals.
All right, stay there.
You're amazing.
I want to give you the floor when we come back.
You've been down there off and on for years.
We're not kissing your ass, it's true.
I think you recognize you're the guy that brought the Darien Gap out.
You've been everywhere warning about it.
Suddenly it's all over the news.
That's got to be a little bit satisfying.
Yes, in a sense, but it's like satisfying in the way I told you not to play with fire.
And, you know, there's a specific reason I come here, because this is a main artery for the rest of the world to come through Darien Gap.
And now it's, you know, it's coming true, and it's destroying this jungle, and it's destroying the people here.
Malaria is going through the roof.
In fact, one of my Indian chief friends, he's a mayor of 29 Imbran Indian Villages, Francisco Agape.
Francisco told me malaria is just spreading through the Indians like crazy.
All right, Michael Yon, stay there.
Stay there.
We skipped this network break, but some stations don't.
So we're going to rejoin stations.
All right, Michael Yon is with us right now.
I'll try to give him the floor during this 10-minute segment.
Give us a report on what the Darien Gap is, the 35,000-foot view, then the local view on the desperate situation there with the UN running these camps and the intel you sent us.
Michael Yon.
Oh yeah, actually, the Red Cross is right behind me.
We should go talk with them.
They're the ones handing out the maps.
Remember those big maps that I sent you that shows you how to get through Central America and Mexico up to the United States?
Yeah, that's the people handing them out behind me back over there.
And so the Red Cross are actually handing out those maps.
Yeah, actually, this is a map that Matt Bracken drew.
I took Matt Bracken down here, by the way, you know, the former Navy SEAL officer, and I took him deep into the jungle, man.
He's a go-getter.
But I like the way Matt drew that out because he shows the two hourglasses.
There's the 5% of world trade goes to the Panama Canal, and then a huge part of the world population can go through the Darien Gap.
And so that's the reason that anywhere I go Alex is a good place to watch.
For instance, I'll be in Texas next week or I'll be in Texas in probably three days.
And because you know what's happening with Title 42.
But also I go to places like Netherlands.
Netherlands is another key point in this global war.
And also I was just on Ishigaki Island in Japan a few weeks ago.
Another key point in this war.
So I'm going from these key places to key places in Panama where I'm sitting now is one of the most strategic places on earth. And so these NGOs, they have
lunch here, the Red Cross and OIM and UNICEF and Norwegian Refugee Council, HIAS, they all
eat lunch at this restaurant.
That's why I'm here.
Well, that's the 35,000 foot view. Explain what Title 42 means.
Biden's obviously sending 1500 troops, not to stop it, but to facilitate it.
Explain how the UN dissolving the borders, the refugee centers, Title 42, Biden saying surge the border, the press secretary claiming immigration is down 90%, huge lie.
Give us a 35,000 foot replacement migration battle plan of why the State Department's handing out the map we're showing on screen that you got, telling them how to invade.
That's funny.
That's the Red Cross map that the people behind me hand out actually.
And they tried to cut off the bottom where it shows that it came from Red Cross a couple of weeks ago when I got that map.
But yeah, you know, Title 42 is supposed to be an anti-COVID measure, right?
It's nonsense.
For instance, the diseases that are going up this highway, Highway 1 here to my left, for instance, MDR-TB, multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, all the serious doctors out there know exactly how dangerous tuberculosis is.
Tuberculosis is one of the ultimate pandemics.
I mean, it makes Spanish flu look like a child.
Tuberculosis is up there with yellow fever.
It's up there with smallpox and black death.
Tuberculosis is a man-sized pandemic, right?
And for people who don't know, some types are incurable.
Yeah, the MDR, the multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, is known to be going up this highway every single day on these buses.
Buses filled with people from 140 different countries, and they ride all the way up and all the way to the United States.
And again, there's a lot of diseases that are breaking out here now that weren't prevalent here before.
Malaria has always been here, but it's not been as bad as it is now.
Now it's like the Indians are getting malaria like crazy.
Right where I'm sitting at right now, about two or three weeks ago, there was some of the local Panamanian men were very angry.
There were six of them.
They were elders, and they were having a meeting on how to shut this stuff down, you know, because their people are getting sick.
Well, let's explain.
All the new bugs coming in lowers the immune systems of the natives, and then something that was already dangerous becomes more dangerous.
We all know the majority of Native Americans were wiped out by smallpox, so this open border issue is no joke.
Explain that.
Well, tuberculosis is like super no joke.
And not only that, but the dairying gap here is also a front line against screwworms, which you may have never heard of screwworms before.
I think I mentioned them to you, Alex, the last time we met in your studio.
Screwworms are spread by a fly that the USDA... They are a flesh-eating fly that got eradicated in the 60s in Texas.
We eradicated it here, people don't know.
Explain it.
It's coming back.
Oh yeah, and so that was back when the USDA actually did its job and they pushed it down like a war on these flies.
And now the Darien Gap, which is where I'm on the edge of it right now, the United States government has a facility in Panama, about an hour flight from me here, and they irradiate millions of flies, male flies, every month and they spray them out with sort of like crop festers over the Darien Gap.
And I interrupted you, but you were trying to explain what a screwfly does.
So if they mate with the irradiated, sterilized flies, then that keeps the population down.
And I interrupted you, but you were trying to explain what a screwfly does.
They don't eat dead meat, they eat live meat.
Oh yeah.
Walking, you know, cows walking around, you know, being eaten alive, and sheep and dogs
and everything else.
Now we haven't heard of it because our grandparents were very smart and fought it down to this line of scrimmage down here, the Darien Gap.
This Darien Gap is important for many reasons besides just being an hourglass to the world, to the United States.
It's also, well I mean right now, There's trails all through the Darien Gap.
There's definitely going to be eventually a road built through there.
And that means everybody and their grandparents can just come through on highways.
And that's clearly what's coming.
And also, as you know, Mayorkas was just down here with the SOUTHCOM commander and also the worthless U.S.
ambassador and what they're talking about now, or they're not just talking about it, they're executing.
They're gonna do flights directly from Colombia and directly from Guatemala to the United States.
They're just gonna be flying them in.
They're already doing that, but they're gonna increase the level.
And we saw the presidents Bush, Obama, and Clinton all talking about, what, 10 days ago or so now,
and they were talking about how they're working with American Express and others
to fund getting these aliens on airplanes so they can just fly directly to places like Kansas.
They're just going to bypass the Texas border, right?
Yeah, explain that.
When he puts 1,500 troops on there, they're just to facilitate.
The Border Patrol's even admitted that.
Not like Trump, who actually used them to use Title 42 to send them back across.
Yeah, and what are 1,500 troops going to do even if they're the best troops we've got who have instructions to interrupt the flow?
You know, I've seen when we had 150,000 troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and what did they do?
They lost the war, right?
I was there.
I was in Iraq two years and I was in Afghanistan two years.
Four years.
You know, 150,000 troops is nothing, and they're only sending 1,500,
and those 1,500 are there to facilitate our own invasion.
This is suicide by government.
I call it OGUS, the Occupational Government of the United States.
You know, and it's clearly, you know, they're destroying our economy.
We can see that.
We see the US dollar is collapsing.
We see China's taking over, slowly but surely, Panama.
You know, they got a Confucius Institute downtown at the University of Panama.
I was just there a couple of weeks ago.
You know, what they do at the Confucius Institute, I've told people,
I've been attacking Confucius Institute since 2014.
That's when I started going after them.
But Confucius Institute, they set up these classrooms in universities,
like Harvard and these sorts of things.
They pay money to the university.
They have their own teachers come in, and they say, you know,
you've got to have Mandarin instruction and know China, because China's the future, that sort of thing.
But what they're actually doing is they're recruiting the elite children.
They're getting them scholarships, and they go over to China,
They do the normal mice thing, you know, the mice thing that we've talked about before.
Money, ideology, coercion, ego.
That's how you recruit spies, right?
Mousetrap, right?
And so, you know, they get them on the videos, they get, you know, they recruit them, they groom them, and that sort of thing.
There's a great FBI counterintelligence film, you can find it on YouTube, called Game of Pawns.
Game of Pawns.
Any young people that are watching this, or if you have young people in your family that were offered a scholarship to China, do not go.
Don't do it, right?
Look at Game of Pawns.
Stay right there.
We'll be right back.
Our enemies creep around, they use covert war, we use truth and justice and history
against the enemy.
Michael Yon is an incredibly famous soldier, special forces operator, even more famous
on the ground, investigative journalist of the highest caliber.
We're very honored to have him.
Right here he sent me a photo that's on his Twitter.
Mass migration brought to you by the sponsors.
UNICEF, that's the UN, the State Department, and the EU.
That's who gives them the debit cards, that's who brings them over.
And simultaneously, George Soros will be in an NBC article saying, I get billions of State Department money to do this.
Then if you talk about it, the ADL calls for your arrest.
They say, if you talk about replacement migration, you should be arrested.
Well, here's the UN's own replacement migration document from 2001 on screen, saying it's their plan to take over the West while exploiting These populations.
So he's at the Darien Gap on the border of Colombia and Panama.
And I wanted to ask you, sir, you said, yeah, it's vindicating, but it makes me sick.
That's the same way.
You've been down there for over a decade.
Obama was really starting the smuggling to the next level.
Trump clamped down on it.
Now Biden's blown it wide open, saying surge as soon as I get elected.
Now the surge is there.
He's pretending like he's trying to control it, but he's not.
But you see the congressional hearings.
Maybe you haven't been down there for weeks.
They're having hearings now saying what you and I were saying a decade ago.
Massive smuggling, releasing child predators, tens of thousands of kidnapped children.
I mean, this is indescribable.
Talk about that.
And is the dairying gap being shut down like Marga said two weeks ago when you were down there covering it?
And what's the big picture?
And from a battle-hardened journalist and a veteran, who literally probably is the smartest person when it comes to this overall, what would you do if you were president?
It's very easy to shut it down now.
It's super easy.
I mean, for instance, almost every time you bring it up to people, I say, you can't shut it down.
I'm like, you don't even know what you're talking about.
Why are you talking?
You know, I mean, it's like you can shut it down.
Panama shut it down during the COVID lockdowns.
There was nobody got through here.
This place was locked down for one year.
Nobody got through.
And so it's quite simple, right?
The mechanism to shut it down is simple.
First of all, you need an obstacle.
That's very helpful.
You've got the Darien Gap.
We've got the Caribbean Ocean.
Or in Europe, you've got the Med.
That sort of thing, right?
So, there's great.
That's an obstacle.
Or build a border wall.
The desert's very helpful in Texas and that sort of thing.
The next is you need manpower to man the border.
And third is policy, policy, policy.
You don't give free stuff away.
If you want ducks, throw corn on the ground, the ducks will come, right?
So, I mean, if you're giving away free stuff, you're throwing gold on the ground or whatever, you're always, you have to have those different layers.
One layer is obstacle.
Next layer is manpower.
Next layer is Policy backed by manpower that deports people.
If you get caught 10 years, you've been an American for 10 years, and you've got a business and whatnot, tough luck, you're out.
That's it.
So if you have that sort of policy, you don't give away free medical, you don't give away free anything.
So bottom line, they have giant magnets sucking these people in.
Oh, absolutely.
It's that human osmotic pressure, the hop.
The human osmotic pressure is the push and the pull of migration.
And, you know, there's always the human osmotic pressure.
Even within Austin, let's say, somebody will move from one side of town to the other because whatever, right?
Better neighborhood, better job, whatever.
So the human osmotic pressure is always there.
But in this case, as you know, the massive human osmotic pressure is being created And the service of weaponized migration.
The weaponized migration is a replacement strategy.
It is.
They're open about it.
They don't hide it.
They're in your face.
And of course, then they say you're a conspiracy theorist, even though they published the book on it.
Even though they say it constantly in the World Economic Forum.
And CCP is very clear about it.
Chinese Communist Party is crystal clear.
That's why when you're in Hong Kong, look at the top of my Twitter.
You'll see the Chi-Nazi sign.
That was a photo I took in Hong Kong.
The Hong Kongers call the Han Chinese the Chinese Communist Party masters.
They call them Chi-Nazis because Nazism is basically just adding a huge component of racism.
racism to fascism. So you just take the basis of fascism, add a huge component of racism.
That's yeah, that's right. That's my I took that photo in Hong Kong before they came.
By the way, Xi Jinping, they admit he admits admires Hitler above all others.
Yeah, they're right in your face about it.
They don't hide it whatsoever.
And so, you know, and absolutely.
Now, this is where the World Economic Forum, who you've been talking about for years and years, and, you know, people used to say you're crazy.
It turns out you're not.
You're right.
You were just your headlights.
See, very far.
Much further than most people's headlights.
It sounds crazy, but it's all turned out to be true.
But, as you know, the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party, they cooperate extremely closely.
They have intermediate and short-term goals that coincide.
Their Venn diagrams overlap quite a lot.
But at the end of the day, the Chinese Communist Party wants the world to be on Chinese.
That's right.
So there's finally that split that started in the last few years of Obama.
Why was there a globalist Split with the Chi-Coms.
Describe that for us.
Oh yeah, well, you know, of course Obama wants the world to be his color, and Chinese will kill him.
And they're open about it.
They will wipe out Africa.
They will wipe out everybody that's not hiding Chinese.
They don't hide it.
They say it loud and clear.
And at some point, even Obama is smart enough to recognize that he's on the termination schedule for the Chinese Communist Party.
And let's quantify that.
Think of like white people being the racist as the media tells us, but the Chinese dominant group is the most homogeneous group, they are the most racially quote pure group, and they openly preach racial supremacy.
I've spent about a year running around China, you know.
I've been to Tibet and, well, Shanghai, Beijing, all over the place, right?
And the racism is absolutely severe.
They don't hide it again.
It's right in your face.
They do genocide the way Americans go to McDonald's.
I mean, for instance, what they're doing to the Tibetans.
And to the Uyghurs in Xinjiang province, and what they're doing to the Mongolians.
And what they do to each other, what they'll be prepared to do to the Hong Kongers.
And look at the leftist Lundengardians attacking the Hong Kong and Taiwanese for saying Xi Jinping's a Nazi.
Literally, they're saying he is a race leader, and then the left is defending the race leader.
Remember, the Han Chinese who are Mandarin speakers, and everybody who comes through here is a Mandarin speaker.
That other guy, he's from Fujian, so he'll speak Fujian Mandarin.
But, I mean, the point is, these are all Mandarin speakers.
Like, I've taken, on one of my recent trips, I took a Mandarin speaker and I took a Cantonese speaker.
I took two translators, and none of the Chinese that we talked with spoke Cantonese.
And if you look at Hong Kong, which is mostly Cantonese-speaking Hong Kong, the mainland Chinese, the Han Chinese, the Chinese Communist Party specifically, they're doing a soft genocide against the Cantonese speakers.
Explain that.
So is it fair to say that the mainland Chinese are the most powerful racist group on earth?
Oh, easily.
Yeah, I mean, you know, in the old days when people said, you know, the Japanese are going to take over the world, you know, which is ridiculous.
There's like 70 million of them back in the 30s, right?
It's like 70 million Japanese and probably 12 of them smoking.
There's Japanese were never going to take over the world.
But that's a what Han Chinese they could actually do it. They have the
technology, they have the will, it's part of the cultural DNA to just wipe out the other,
basically weed the ground and replant with your own seed. I mean that's clearly what they're
doing. And they say it again this is not conspiracy theory. This is me thinking it
This is dumb saying it and executing.
up one night.
And again, the Cantonese-speaking Hong Kongers, I spent, I don't know, in total maybe seven or ten months, or I spent seven months there in 2019 and 20 before they kicked me out.
But before that, I've been there off and on through the years.
They look different to me.
Like, I can tell the Hong Kongers apart.
They don't look the same to me as Han Chinese.
And they are different.
Everything, their culture is very different.
And they're smaller, they're actually more refined than most of the Han Chinese are, and the Han Chinese are wiping them out.
And they used weaponized migration.
I mean, the Chinese Communist Party, they were putting about 100 to 150 mainland Chinese into Hong Kong per day, for year after year after year.
They did the same thing in Tibet, and now the same thing in the West, in Mongolia, taking over the Uyghur.
Oh yeah, when I went to Tibet, you know, I was like, you know what?
Tibetans aren't getting this back.
You know, I've been up to northern India with the Tibetans and I'm, you know, where else?
I spent a year in Nepal.
Nepal, of course.
And, you know, they're not getting Tibet back.
I mean, you can fly all the prayer flags that you want and whatnot, but You're not getting it back, not unless, you know, some pandemic wipes out the Han Chinese in Tibet or something.
And the same thing with Xinjiang, right?
Interestingly, the other day I was out in one of the remote villages here and one of the Chinese, he spoke English actually, and he said that there was, I asked if there was any Uyghurs.
He said, oh, there's somebody, or actually he told me there's somebody from Xinjiang.
Oh my, incredible.
Michael Yon, stay there.
Final segment straight ahead.
That's what the system is doing, coming after our children.
Another brick in the wall.
Wow, Michael Yohn.
Norm Pettis couldn't come on next hour, one of the lead attorneys for the Proud Boys, because there's more charges.
The jury's still out, not just this conspiracy.
But Michael Yan's back in Texas next week.
He says he'll come in studio with us.
Cannot wait.
Michael Yan, investigative reporter.
Michael-Yan or underscore Yan on Twitter.
Just search his name.
You can find all his great work.
In closing, in the segment we have left here, big picture with the drone attacks on Putin's residence at the Kremlin, all the insane things happening with bank collapses, the investigations coming out that Hunter Biden was a Chinese spy.
Big picture.
What do you make of the world right now?
Clearly, wow, it's amazing.
The footage of the wars are obviously increasing.
Any fool that tells you they can start a war and know how it's going to start and how it's going to play out should not be trusted with a war.
Because wars always do one thing, they get out of control, right?
And they get out of control and they always go in a way that nobody planned.
And so, yeah.
What's happening here now is the food shortages pick up around the world, including here in Panama, by the way.
I hired two people last week to go around and check a bunch of different villages in different parts of Panama.
There's starting to be, not actually food shortages, but job shortages.
And job shortages, when people cannot afford the food, ends up being people start stealing food and that sort of thing.
And so that creates more of that hump, that human osmotic pressure.
Panama, where I'm at now, is being destabilized.
The Panamanian government told me a couple weeks ago in a long meeting that about 11% of Panama now is new Venezuelans.
In fact, I said stop.
Hold on.
Please repeat what you just told me.
And she said, 11%.
So I said, let me repeat what you just said.
1.1% are now new Venezuelans.
And she said, yes, 11%.
And it's destabilizing this country as the economies collapse.
And for instance, there's other little things going on.
For instance, the dry season has been very long.
It's not rain today, actually.
It's supposed to be rainy season.
Gatun Lake is pretty dry now.
It's decreasing the flow.
It's decreasing the traffic that can go through the Panama Canal.
You know, that water is important to keep the canal going.
So, I mean, there's all kinds of little things going on here.
The prices of the nitrogenous fertilizers, I've reported on that extensively from Europe.
For instance, when Nord Stream was hit, that impacted nitrogenous fertilizer production at places like BASF.
BASF is a Biggest chemical company in the world and their main plant their biggest plant is at Ludwigshafen, Germany I was there at Ludwigshafen twice last year.
In fact, I specifically asked one of the people in the plant I said what happens if Nord Stream stops this was before it was attacked.
He said well, you know that means BASF at Ludwigshafen is dead something like that.
I've got it on recording But you know, you have to have that natural gas, which you've talked about it before, and David, other people have talked about this quite a lot.
You have to have the hydrogen off the natural gas to combine with the nitrogen that we're breathing to create ammonia, right?
To create the ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate, urea, these sorts of things.
They're so vital.
And for instance, when I'm out with Dutch farmers, one of my pig farmers told me about a month and a half ago, I was there for the elections in Netherlands, He said, you know, I have this nice internal system of, you know, he takes his pig manure and he uses it to fertilize his pear trees and his Christmas trees.
And I said, where do you get your pig feed?
He's a smart farmer.
His eyes lit up within like one second.
He goes, oh, I get my pig feed from Brazil and he started finishing the
He's like, and my prices are really, you know, exploding.
And I said, yeah, you know, Brazil's not getting that nitrogenous fertilizers
that it needs. And that's where the United States gets a lot of our protein.
They're not getting it because these of the most of the nitrogenous
fertilized fertilizer facilities throughout Europe are either closed or mostly closed.
It's a big deal for places like India, as an example.
For instance, with... Chinese here.
They're always loud.
They're louder than Americans.
The loudest people in the world are Chinese and then would be drunk British and Americans.
And so, yeah, constantly.
And so, yeah, these nitrogenous fertilizers are now affecting people in Panama.
One farmer, his name is Sebastian, he's 73 years old.
He said his father and his grandparents, they've always been farmers.
This is the first year, 2023, when he will not be farming because he cannot afford the nitrogenous fertilizers.
He can't afford it.
So he's going to be living off of his daughter, who works for the Panamanian government.
No, obviously this can spiral quickly because there are a lot of... Yeah, so give people a big picture.
They're cutting off the oil, they're cutting off the gas, they're cutting off the fertilizer, they want a post-industrial world.
The average person I talk to goes, I don't care if a stock market plunges, I don't have money in the stock market.
They don't get that affects them.
So why do you think the globalists want to implode the world economy?
Oh, to destroy... Well, you've talked about it for years.
Nobody knows it like you do.
You know, they're clearly destroying Japan, destroying the United States, destroying Europe.
Europe has just gone with the wind.
You know, I'm in Europe quite a lot, traveling everywhere.
And you can see that they're just... Like, for instance, even Ireland.
I was in Ireland some months ago talking with Mary Lou McDonald, the leader She's like, we will never have another famine in Ireland.
I'm like, bullshit!
You're crazy!
She's like, we have plenty of food.
We create enough food for 25 million people.
We have fewer than 8 million on the island.
I'm like, you know...
Famine is endemic to Ireland.
You had a famine when you were surrounded by fish from 1845 to 1852, right?
You've had a lot of famines here.
Where do you get your fertilizers and your other chemicals from?
They don't come from Ireland.
You know what I'm saying?
All these energy inputs and whatnot, they're getting very expensive.
And Ireland is being overwhelmed with migration.
Germany just shut down its three final nuke plants and will not allow hydroelectric or coal.
I mean, the communists want to implode us to make us accept a new society.
It's clouded and pivened on a grand scale.
I lived in Germany for four years.
I lived in Europe for more than six, right?
Poland and most, mostly Poland and Germany.
And it's funny when I, when I've spent so much time in Germany, all over the place, I love Southern Germany, but you know what?
The Germans always want to talk about when they meet Americans and English people within 30 minutes, I'll just write, I'll write it down and then I put it in my pocket.
Within 30 minutes they'll ask me about my position on guns, and I'll pull out my piece of paper and say, you were going to ask me about guns.
That really shocks Germans and English when they're like, yeah, you're that predictable.
All you care about, you're a natural born slave.
You talk like slaves, you act like slaves, you give up all your means of self-defense, you're all about the government taking care of you.
I'm not like that.
My grandparents came to America in 1609 and got shipwrecked on Bermuda.
I come from an alpha stock that is not going to just give up, right?
You know?
We are real Americans.
We're not Germans.
We're not English.
I love that term.
I'm not a European.
Alpha stock.
People ask why America's different.
I love it.
We were the people that fled tyranny.
Didn't mean we were perfect, but we were trying to find something new.
That's right.
We've never been perfect, but we've never been quitters either.
And you know, and, and, you know, again, we're not that, you know, I love Europe.
I love rolling around Europe, but I'm not a slave and the whole slave mentality just permeates across Europe and a lot of America.
And a lot of these people that are coming in here, they have no concept whatsoever of
a constitution.
A lot of Americans have no concept of a constitution.
That's why these people that are coming in will be eventually perfect slaves.
They're coming, they're being sent to the United States and induced and pushed and pulled
as a replacement strategy, just like Stalin did in Ukraine with the Holodomor, just like
Mao did, just like so many people have done throughout space and time.
And weaponization of migration is a well-known war tactic and strategy, and that's what's
And their whole intent...
And purpose is to be useful idiots.
These are the useful idiots that are coming up on these buses every day, filled with buses and tuberculosis, there to replace us, and then they will be replaced with whatever numbers that the globalists want to have left behind.
But I can tell you what, the Chinese Communist Party and the World Economic Forum, eventually they're going to duke it out.
They're going to duke it out hard.
And people like Bill Gates, he's not on their arc.
He's not on the Chinese Communist Party's arc.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.
Michael Yon, we love you.
We appreciate you.
Can't wait to hear in studio next week.
You name the time when you get back with my producers.
We'll put you on hold.
You tell us when you want to be here, maybe Thursday or Friday, so make sure you got time to get back.
We want to have you in studio for several hours.
God bless you.
Be safe and go with God.
Thank you, sir.
Yes, sir.
And God bless you.
I'll see you up in Texas.
Yes, sir.
All right.
Another fellow Austinite lives out in Rubin Springs.
We're going to go to break.
All right.
The next guest is canceled.
We're going to open the phones up, cover all the other news.
Next hour, get ready for that.
And I'll get into the AI attack we had yesterday with Tucker Carlson.
Wait till you hear this.
It's all next hour.
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I want to talk to you about something right now that can and will change your life.
It's changed my life and millions of other people's lives.
In fact, billions.
Some for the better, some for the worse.
I'm talking about iodine deficiency.
Now this is a very complex issue, but in the next few minutes I want to try to boil it down for you.
I have Wikipedia right here with links to the UN itself admitting That over 2 million people have intellectual disability, lower IQs, psychological problems, neurological issues because of lack of iodine.
Particularly when they're developing and growing as children, but also throughout life.
Now most iodine that's in food is bound to other elements, so your body cannot absorb it.
Atomic iodine is pure deep-earth crystal iodine, and until we started selling it about 12 years ago, nobody else in the world was doing that.
There are other types of iodine that are not pure atomic, that are very close to it, that are also good for the body and help with the absorption of regular atomic or nascent iodine.
That's why, with top researchers, we developed X3 that has a deep-earth crystal iodine, And two other types of iodine in it as well for better absorption.
And it's been sold out for many, many months, but now we got a big shipment of it in to Infowarstore.com right now, and it's 25% off.
So, I want to encourage everybody to go to the encyclopedia, to go to medical literature, go wherever you want.
Wikipedia is not always accurate, but you can check the bibliography here, the links.
This is an accurate report right here from the UN, from major studies, you name it.
About iodine deficiency being the number one cause worldwide of what they call intellectual disability.
And if you look here on page two, it says, while reporting recent progress towards overcoming iodine deficiency disorders worldwide, the Lancet Medical Journal noted that the World Health Organization in 2007, nearly two billion individuals had insufficient iodine intake, a third being school age.
And it goes on, "The conclusion was made that the single most preventable case of intellectual disability is that of
iodine deficiency."
"The single biggest reason people are so dumb and IQs worldwide are dropping like a lead balloon is iodine
Now, there was massive IQ dropping and massive deformities in the 20s and 30s.
So the U.S.
government, as well as other governments, said, by law, we're going to put it in the salt and we're going to encourage bakeries and companies that sell flour to put some iodine in it.
IQs exploded up to 15 points on average in just a few years.
Then, in the 80s, they took it out, and in this own report from Wikipedia, they admit that they put in things that counter the iodine, like bromide, bromine, and other things, instead of the iodine that you need when the other chemicals are toxic.
This is absolutely insane.
So ladies and gentlemen, get X3 back in stock.
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It usually takes, when you're deficient, about two weeks for you to feel the effects.
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Now, in the coming years, in the coming decades, we will face individual discrimination, and it might actually be based on a good assessment of who you are.
I mean, if AT&T, if the algorithms and the big data algorithms of AT&T, they follow you around, they look up your Facebook profile, your DNA, your records from kindergarten until today, they will be able to figure out quite accurately who you are.
And if they, for example, find out that, oh, he lacks motivation, on the X scale, on the Harari scale, on the Friedman scale of self-motivation, 0 to 10, he's just 7.1.
And we don't want to accept to our company people of less than 8.2.
And we know from experience that, yes, we can give you a little push, but you just lack what we need.
And you will not be able to do anything or almost anything about this discrimination.
First of all because it's just you.
They don't discriminate against you or me because you're Jewish or gay or black or whatever because you're you.
I've been talking about this.
For 20 years of my 29 years on air, and you just heard it, legalized discrimination.
While they've got us fighting over whether we're black or white or brown or pink, while they've got us obsessed on all these diversionary issues, here's the high priest of the globalist mouthpiece, the World Economic Forum, saying, we're creating a global scale, and listen to this power trip, the Harari scale, On your social behavior.
Are you sterilizing your kids?
Are you taking Prozac?
Are you eating bugs?
You go way up.
So while they've got us fighting over what color we are, they're literally bringing in a system that discriminates against you that they design.
And they're selling it like it's liberal and trendy and cool.
That's what the carbon taxes are.
That's what the social credit scores are.
It's what it all is.
And people say, well I'll just get in line with that, I'll get a bunch of free goodies if I go along with it.
What an outrageously anti-human, what an outrageously authoritarian, totalitarian, what an incredibly abusive discriminatory system to say, we don't like what you stand for or who you are, so we're going to put you on this scale and we're going to discriminate against you.
Discrimination under the left is a good thing.
They bully.
They attack, they surveil, they censor, they control, they target your children.
So let's play that clip one more time and listen to this with new ears and think about what a monster this individual is.
Now in the coming years, in the coming decades, we will face individual discrimination and it might actually be based on a good assessment of who you are.
I mean if AT&T, if the algorithms and the big data... Start over again, hit pause.
So, the big tech steals your data, creates these databases, manipulates the data, and then says it might be based on a good thing.
So, Yuval Noah Harari says discrimination is good.
The left says their whole new model is based on discrimination.
That's what you just heard.
Now, you're not supposed to discriminate for a better neighborhood or a better school that has your values.
That's all bad.
Give up your values.
You know, God doesn't exist.
But they're making themselves God.
He's saying there might be a good reason for this.
See, it's good.
And it's their values of transgenderism and pedophilia and a post-human world.
He says the future's not human.
Play the clip again from the start.
Now, in the coming years, in the coming decades, we will face individual discrimination, and it might actually be based on a good assessment of who you are.
I mean, if AT&T, if the algorithms and the big data algorithms of AT&T, they follow you around, they look up your Facebook profile, your DNA, your records from kindergarten until today, they will be able to figure out quite accurately who you are.
And if they, for example, find out that, oh, he lacks motivation, on the Ickx scale, on the Harari scale, on the Friedman scale of self-motivation, 0 to 10, he's just 7.1.
And we don't want to accept to our company people of less than 8.2.
And we know from experience that, yes, we can give you a little push, but you just lack what we need.
And you will not be able to do anything or almost anything about this discrimination, first of all because it's just you.
They don't discriminate against you or me because you're Jewish or gay or black or whatever because you're you.
They define it and then say you can't do anything because we the gods of earth, we define it.
We define it.
We define it and we say, while we're arresting you for criticizing open borders or election fraud or wanting to control your own body, that's all illegal, that's all bad.
But we decide it's not enough to be black and gay or a pedophile.
And for those that get the 8.2, there's always something new they've got to desperately do and bow down to the high priest of control so that they get to have the mark of the beast.
They get to live, they get to have a job, they get to be in culture.
Literally setting up a rigged system for this monster.
This totalitarian Hitler 2.0 sitting there in front of you, financed by all the big corporations,
pushed by the system, telling you that you've got to totally and completely submit to them.
That's what this comes down to.
That's what they've done.
That's what they've established.
And that's what a technocracy is.
Where you wake up and these unseen, unknown groups are saying your value according to some score and saying, well it's reasonable, there's nothing you can do, it's not because you're black, it's not because you're white, it's not because you're male or female, we just have this data we put into it to decide you don't get a job, you don't live, you eat bugs, live in a 200 square foot apartment, and anytime you want to commit suicide, We're happy to come by and take care of that for you.
Oh, you want your kids to get a job?
You want your kids to have school?
Well, you've got enough carbon credits that if you commit suicide, your family will be taken care of for 10 years.
But they're always going to squeeze the resources.
They're always going to make it tougher and harder.
The more you jump, the more you submit, the more you bark like a seal for the fish, the more they've got their full control over you.
And that's what they're doing.
And they know exactly what they're doing.
This is a dream of authoritarians and totalitarians.
This is a dream of tyrants.
This is the mark of the beast.
This is total control, total surveillance, total annihilation.
And the bar is always going to be higher and higher.
No more open free society.
That's why George Soros calls his society open society.
Because it's not an open society.
It is a tyrannical, anti-human society of annihilation.
I want to come back with a quick clip and talk about Fox News losing 42% of its viewers last week with Viva Frye, a great lawyer out of Canada, co-host with Robert Barnes, and then we'll get into all this.
The reason I mention this is, this is the good news.
We still have control over the market to some extent.
We can reject Hollywood, we can reject Anheuser-Busch, we can reject Yuval Noah Harari, no matter how much they force-feed them on us, anything they're force-feeding, anything they're pushing, We know is liquid death.
It's that simple.
And hey, don't listen to me.
Go ahead and go along with their system.
Go ahead and sign on to their system.
And they'll sit there and give you a little credits and a little bit of chicken feet up front.
But in the end, when the chips are down, you're gonna know you made the wrong decision and didn't bet on humanity.
As for me, I am one infinity On this.
I am totally committed, and I know there's a lot in the tunnel, and I know we're going to defeat this group of scientific tyrants, but you've got to first recognize they exist, and you've got to recognize an alternative exists, and you've got to join the alternative.
The alternative is the universe that God made.
The alternative is everything that works.
The alternative is victory.
So, victory's right here, baby.
We're in it together.
I love you no matter what color you are.
You're black, you're white, you're brown.
I love you.
I love your spirit.
We will win together.
Kim Trails over the country club.
Kim Trails over the country club.
You think you're in a country club?
You're not.
You can lie to yourself all day, but you're under attack.
All right, we are back.
Let me talk about this now.
Had a very bizarre phone call yesterday.
They said they're gonna put out Monday.
But Google Computer Scientist, the head AI guy in the world, quit so he can warn the world of scary and dangerous AI.
A Google Computer Scientist of the godfather of AI has quit the company stating that he did not did so in order to warn the world of the danger the technology presents as big tech engages in AI arms race.
Godfrey Hinton responded to a New York Times article that insinuated he had quick Google in order to criticize the company, noting that the real reason was he actually wanted to really talk about the dangers of AI.
He still believes the systems were inferior to human brains in some ways, but he thought that they were eclipsing human intelligence in others.
Maybe what is going on in these systems, he said, is actually a lot better than what is going on in the brain.
What's really bad is how predatory groups of humans can use AI and all its plagiarized material to dominate humans and we don't recognize AI from human.
We need certifications, we need organizations, we need pro-human unions where we buy products and we travel and we go on planes piloted by humans, where we buy products made by humans.
This is the whole future I told you 20 plus years ago.
As companies improve AI systems, he believes they become increasingly dangerous.
Look at how it was five years ago and how it is now, he said, of AI technology.
Take the difference and propagate it towards that scary.
Well, I got an experience in AI yesterday.
I'm in an accounting meeting for InfoWars, an accounting firm across town, at about 545.
And my phone buzzes and says Tucker Carlson on it.
So I say, let me step out and let me take this phone call.
And I step out in the hall.
And it's Tucker Carlson's voice.
It's Tucker, I know Tucker.
We talk on the phone all the time.
Text all the time.
And the individual says a bunch of sexually explicit things to me.
Well, I right away figure out this isn't Tucker Carlson's.
I say, okay, this is some type of AI garbage.
This is somebody calling me with an AI soundboard where they type out a script, put it in AI, they have a recording, then they just hit buttons of different responses to make it sound like a conversation.
And the guy that did it is now admitted on Twitter with over two and a half million views that he did that his name is PrankStallone at VCJS on Twitter.
In fact, let's show his original tweet if we can.
So he starts saying sexually explicit things.
I want to co-host a show with you.
I want to, you know, do sexual things to you.
And I said, this isn't Tucker Carlson.
Instantly, my brain says this is AI and somebody who spoofed his phone number calling me doing it.
Okay, so let's say someone has Tucker Carlson's cell phone and also Alex Jones' cell phone number and also an AI Tucker Carlson voice.
They could, in theory, call Alex Jones and pretend to be Tucker and have a full conversation with him anyways.
I just did that.
And that is what happened yesterday.
He says he's going to release it Monday.
And this person is so divorced from God, so satanic, as I talked to him earlier today on the phone, they go, I'm not going to come on your show and explain this isn't aggressive.
To be friendly, you're bigger than me.
How does it help me to come on your show?
And I said, well, it'll be bigger for your show to talk about why you did this and what you think of AI.
Obviously, if you're a smaller show, go on a bigger show.
He goes, no, you don't help me.
I said, well, Tucker's got his lawyers involved.
He's really concerned about this because he can't let people fake his voice and then call around and threaten people and call around and say that, you know, people want to have sex with people and do this in their name.
That's stealing someone's identity.
That's spoofing their phone number, which is a theft of identity.
And then it's pretending to be them and saying horrible things in their voice.
You caused a lot of angst.
And the guy right in front of my producer, we talked to him like two hours ago, said, screw you, and laughed at me, I don't care.
So for them it's all about the entertainment, it's all about being funny.
But for me, I get this call, I've got to be in an accounting meeting, I call Tucker, he doesn't answer, leave him a message, we talk to him later.
I call his head producer, Scooter, he goes, yeah, send me the info.
Scooter found out who it was, because the guy was already bragging.
And imagine, you don't just steal somebody's phone number, you don't just steal their identity, you don't just pose as them where the number comes up that way, which they can do to these IP addresses, these virtual phones you program, you then say, hey Tucker, what's up?
I want to co-host a show with you, I want to have sex with you.
And I'm like, this isn't Tucker.
And it's still Tucker's voice, and I'm like, okay.
Because at first I'm like, hey, sorry, I'm in a meeting, you know.
And it's like, do you believe it's me?
It's me.
You saw my number.
I'm like, no, I see you called, Tucker.
And then, well, I want to co-host a show with you and, you know, do sexual things to you.
And I said, this is not Tucker Carlson.
And then the guy lied on his Twitter and said Jones bought the whole thing.
30 seconds in, if he doesn't edit the tape, I went, this is AI.
This is somebody with a soundboard that put a text script into AI and then generated audio that sounds exactly like Tucker Carlson.
And they can generate video.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
They don't just have avatars online posing as people to get you to follow Facebook or Twitter BS.
They now are going to have your voice, your likeness.
Just like I said, in the future, a family member dies, they're going to claim, oh no, your family member paid half their money or all their money to be uploaded to an avatar to live forever in the matrix.
It's a voice print.
It knows your voice.
It knows your ideas.
It knows everything you ever said online.
It can pose as you and even trick family members that it's you.
It can even trick family members that it's you.
And then if you say, that is not really my father or my mother or my brother or my sister or my son or daughter, the ultimate crime is saying, no, no, no, they paid for it, they're trans, two men can have a baby, well then your mother can die and upload her brain to a computer.
No, it's everything she ever said, it looks just like her, the voice print is her, but it's not your mother.
And that's what this is all about, and that's why AI is so dangerous, because you can give it the prerequisites you want, then have it write all these articles under other names, it can produce more articles a thousand times, a million times, a billion times, all the articles I can produce, all the articles Tucker Carlson can produce, all the articles James O'Keefe can produce, and make it look like James O'Keefe, and make it sound like James O'Keefe, telling you the messages it wants.
And people will then not know what's true, they won't want to up from down, and the globalists will be able to take over.
So this fella says on Monday, he's going to put the conversation, I've got it on my phone, because I can see how long it was, one minute long.
Hey, it's Tucker, how you doing?
Oh, sorry, let me get out of here.
Well, can you hear me?
Do you believe it's me?
No, it's Tucker.
You see my number?
I called you.
Yeah, man, well, this doesn't sound like you.
I mean, what you're saying doesn't sound like you.
Well, you know, I want to...
Cos to show you and have sex with you.
But this isn't Tucker.
This is AI.
Somebody's doing this.
I thought it was like some live show doing it.
And they hung up.
But that's what this is.
That's the danger of this.
And the real danger of AI is us accepting it and us using it against fellow humans.
We got to hold the line.
The AI wars are here.
And we are back live broadcasting worldwide on this live Thursday edition.
So here's the problem.
Even if moral people don't use AI to harass folks and impersonate people and engage in terrorizing the public, they're going to be mentally ill people and criminals and idiots to do it.
And to them it's all funny.
It's all a big joke because they have no repercussions.
They don't think anything matters.
But just a few months ago, I forgot to tell the crew about this, the CIA came out and said, we're going to use deepfake and AI in war.
Type that in.
CIA says they'll use deepfake in war.
And so to the people doing this, it's funny.
I dealt with this 15, 16 years ago.
There were a lot of popular soundboards online, where it's a console online that has hundreds of Alex Jones clips of me saying different things.
I did to a lot of other folks.
There's the headline.
The Intercept.
Special Forces.
Want to use deepfakes for PSYOPs.
There's other articles along those lines.
And they would call businesses and random groups and play Alex Jones clips at them, yelling at them, auto parts stores, churches, police stations, you name it.
Sometimes police departments would call me and say, is this you doing this?
And even before that, 25 years ago, people would program fax machines and send the Austin Police Department messages, I'm coming down there to kill everybody tomorrow at noon.
And my home phone would start ringing or my cell phone, hey, this is a detective, blah, blah.
We just gotta check it, but did you send us a fax saying you're gonna kill everybody tomorrow?
I'm like, no.
Yeah, we thought that.
Somebody's spoofing your phone number.
Let's see your fax machine.
But whoever did that, it was just funny.
It was just cute.
It was really nice to do that.
This individual, Frank Stallone, at the CJS, he thinks it's funny to copy Tucker Carlson's voice and call up and have Tucker Carlson say he wants to have sex with me.
And quote, suck my titties.
He thinks that's what he said.
He thinks it's funny.
And like, why are you upset?
Why is Tucker upset?
I got your phone number.
I'm spoofing it.
I'm misrepresenting who you are.
What's your problem?
Well, I noticed he's gone offline now.
He's not too happy.
Oh, wow.
It's not too good to be on a two-way street, son.
It's not nice to have somebody say what you're doing to them?
I'm supposed to sit here like I don't exist?
Like I'm not a real person?
While you mess with my life?
While you screw with me?
I'm supposed to sit here and just roll over?
Because it's all part of your fun?
He stole Tucker Carlson's identity.
He faked his number.
He faked his voice.
He called me and made sexual Threats, basically.
And he just thinks that's funny!
Because in his sociopathic world, I don't exist.
Alex Jones is fair game for any attack.
So is Edgar Carlson!
We're gonna find out who you're working with, buddy.
I'm sure you'll respond by spamming our numbers out more.
Already got plans for that.
But at the end of the day, you'll always be a sack of garbage.
But that's where we are.
We would never do something like that because we're moral.
These guys think it's funny to be moral.
They think it's a joke.
They think it's a game.
But we're about to see the roller coaster that is the AI nightmare.
And if you think this is bad, this is nothing compared to what it's going to do.
InfoWars.com article from April 11th, last month.
I've got your daughter.
Mom tricked by AI virtual kidnapping phone scam that cloned daughter's voice.
Oh, it's just a joke to call a mom and say their daughter's kidnapped.
Probably took 10 years off her life, but it's funny for you.
It's cute to terrorize somebody.
It's all a joke.
Come on, grow up.
Have a laugh with us when you call a mother and say we've kidnapped your daughter and we're going to kill her.
Come on, lady.
Don't you have a sense of humor?
An Arizona mom recounted a harrowing experience receiving a scam AI phone call from a stranger that claimed to have abducted her 15-year-old daughter.
Well, that's funny!
I mean, by God, your daughter kidnapped, and then they actually played a clip of her daughter to her, because they grabbed it online and edited it.
I mean, what's wrong with that?
This mom's not a party animal.
Look at her caring about her 15-year-old.
How dare her care about a kidnapped daughter?
Imagine this selfish woman.
Somebody's having a little fun right now.
I pick up the phone and I hear my daughter's voice and it says, Mom!
And she's sobbing.
The mother told AZFamily.com.
I said, What happened?
And she said, Mom, I messed up.
And she's sobbing and crying.
Oh, isn't that funny?
Then I hear a man's voice, put your head back, lie down, and I'm like, what?
What's going on?
The man gets on the phone and says, he's like, listen, here, I've got your daughter.
Isn't this funny?
This is how it's going to go down.
You call the police.
You call anybody.
I'm going to pop her.
So full of drugs.
I'm going to have my way with her.
And I'm going to drop her off in Mexico, which is really going on.
And at the same moment, I've just started shaking.
I'm in the background.
She's going, help me.
Mom, please help me.
Help me.
I'm bawling.
Isn't that funny?
Just like what...
Frank Stallone did!
Frank Stallone!
It's so... I mean, why isn't she laughing?
I've got your daughter, I'm gonna rape her, I'm gonna kill her?
I mean, this mom is a bad person!
The mom, Jennifer DeStanfo, said in the incident was all the more terrifying as one of the people on the call sounded exactly like her daughter.
Well, see, you just don't know how to laugh, lady.
It was never a question of who it was, who this is.
It was completely her voice.
It was her inflection.
It was the way she would have cried.
She said, I never doubted for a second it was her.
That's the freaky part that really got to my core.
Yeah, I get a call.
It's Tucker Carlson's number.
Sounds just like him.
You know online it could be a lie, but not on your phone.
You don't expect to get that call.
Especially, I just talked to Tucker the day before on the phone.
I'm like, I don't have a million dollars, just don't hurt my daughter, she begged.
Then he wanted $50,000.
She didn't know at the time, had fallen victim to a virtual kidnapping scam.
The scam involves AI-generated voices trained through deep learning technology, the virtually cloned voices of a loved one, and the other person claiming to have kidnapped them, demanding a ransom of the family member, safe return.
You can no longer trust your ears, explained Arizona State University computer science professor.
But, I mean, again, the real villain's this mom.
She hears her daughter crying, being raped, begging for her life.
They threaten to kill her with drugs.
This mom is not cool like Frank Stallone!
She's not with the program of the fun!
Ha ha ha!
She's not cool!
You know what I mean?
I'm gonna stay at my post till the end of this.
The banks are all imploding, World War III has begun, the borders are wide open, and all these trendy liberals are running around having fun, all thinking about themselves, all playing games, and the whole system's over.
It's over.
Game over, boys and girls.
And at the end, we'll find God.
At the end, we'll come together.
But these kidnapping scams reportedly happened to more than 8,000 people, according to the FBI, in just the last year.
But it's just a joke!
We're raping your daughter!
Here she is begging for help!
It's funny!
It sounds just like her!
It's funny!
We're liberal!
We're just having fun!
It's just a joke!
It's just a game!
Yeah, it's real funny, isn't it?
And this is just the beginning.
It's now the scum of the earth.
Like Frank Stallone.
has access to this.
And all the judges and the lawyers that have gone along with the system, and all the
bureaucrats think they're part of the power structure, they're going to protect it.
None of you are protected.
It's all about to be washed away by your own evil.
And I guess in a way, that's kind of a good thing.
Only the Holy Spirit can carry us through this.
I've got some final news to hit, ahead of the great, one of my favorite talk show hosts, Drew Hernandez, taking over in the fourth hour.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Hey, let me tell the little prankster, prankster loan something.
Tucker Carlson's lawyers are involved in what you did, we believe is a crime.
So I think, even though you think you're safe up in Canada, you're gonna get arrested for what you did yesterday.
So keep laughing, you little arrogant person.
And give me your best.
Leak my phone number everywhere, attack us more.
You mess with the wrong people, son.
You mess with the wrong people, punk.
But I think somebody that calls up a mother.
He didn't do this.
Somebody else does.
It's all over the place.
Calls up a mother and has an AI-generated voice of their daughter because they get the daughter's voice offline and then type in the script they want the AI creature.
Mommy, help me!
They're killing me!
They're raping me!
Mommy, help me!
I got your daughter right now.
I'm gonna kill her.
I'm gonna rape her.
Oh, please don't kill my daughter!
And they're just doing it to harass and terrorize the mother and hope she wires $50,000 to them and they think this is funny.
The gloves are off, guys.
In fact, I'm gonna file a criminal complaint.
Because what you did to me is nothing compared to these women with their daughters and sons.
But it's the same crap.
You don't get to steal our phone numbers and pose as us and then in our voices say things we never said.
We need to punish these people.
They need to be dealt with.
I call for him to be arrested now!
How would the police like if I copied your voice from a press conference and then started calling up prominent people with the police chief saying he wants to commit crimes?
That's a crime.
That's not defamation, ladies and gentlemen.
That's identity theft.
And I called that piece of garbage today and he didn't call me back, but he called my producer
I gave her the number and she came in here during a break and he laughed at me and thought it was funny.
We'll see how funny you think it is now, because I'm going to push to get your ass put in jail.
So keep laughing.
You sociopath.
The global worldwide AI expert just quit Google and said it's going to destroy civilization.
And it's just started.
You think we have a problem with lies now with mainstream media?
You think we have a problem with the police being called innocent people with swatting?
This is nothing.
And they're doing it on purpose.
So when all the video of Jeffrey Epstein raping kids comes out, and all this evidence comes out, they'll say, oh, that's AI, oh, that's deepfake, oh, that's why this happened.
We have to get a hold on this crap right now and eradicate it right now.
It has to be dealt with right now.
Not tomorrow, not next week, not next year.
Now, now, now, now, now, now.
These be dealt with last year, 10 years ago, yesterday, not tomorrow.
They attack our humanity.
They got your phone number, they spoof your friend, someone you admire, someone you're a confidant of, and then they call you up and say horrible sexual things to you, posing as that person, and you're supposed to sit there And you're supposed to take it like it's funny.
I guess this mom, when them saying they kidnapped her daughter and were gonna kill her, I guess she wasn't, she didn't have a sense of humor.
Because this guy's never gonna have kids.
This guy's never gonna know what that's like.
It's all funny to him.
We gave him a chance.
One chance, buddy, and you failed.
You sowed the wind, you now reap the whirlwind.
I hope God brings you to justice.
Man, I got a bunch of other news I haven't hit.
Drew Hernandez, as always, he's my favorite preacher.
He's an adorned, ordained pastor.
Great talk show host.
He's all right.
He's coming up.
Look, I could tell you a lot of stuff behind the scenes.
We've never been more effective in battling the enemy.
We've never been more influential.
Thanks for your support.
Us together, all of us.
But the nastiness, the dirty tricks, all of it has gone to a whole other level, which I'm fine with.
I signed on to this.
I'm a big boy.
But I really need your prayer.
And I really need your word of mouth.
Because I didn't do this to lose.
I need you to share the articles, share the videos, take clips out of the show, post them everywhere.
It's all copyright free, free to air.
I get so many emails every day.
Can I take a clip out of your show?
Can I paint Infowars on my born?
Or on your truck?
No, you just can't get authorization.
You got me begging you to do it.
You don't have me giving you authorization.
You got me on my freaking knees begging you to take action in the InfoWar.
You got me on my belly!
There's nothing more angering to get to daily contacts because you're such conservatives, you're such libertarians, you're such patriots, you're such respecters of people that you won't even promote our information because you think I may not want it.
I'm not doing this to lose.
I'm not swinging for the fences because I believe we're going to fail.
I know we're going to win and I've seen with limited effort victory in our day.
But I need your support.
We have products you need .
They're excellent.
BrainForce Plus, BrainForce Ultra, TurboForce back in stock, Ultimate Crillo back in stock, and finally X3, the ultimate triad, and there's such amazing things for your body back in stock.
25% off at FullWorldStore.com.
And go there.
I support the broadcast, but wherever I go, whatever I do, Just know that I could be homeless, I'll be on the street corner speaking the truth.
I'm never going to shut up, but I can only magnify what I'm doing thanks to your support.
So I want to encourage you all to magnify what we're doing today and to not take this broadcast for granted because the forces of evil are in overdrive to shut us down right now.
So take every day we're on air as precious.
I know I certainly do.
So it could be your last chance to get a Forrest T-shirt or the Great Reset and the War for the World book.
It could be your last chance to get X3, or Turbo Force.
Because things are so bad, things are so insane.
We're so deep into the banking collapse, we're so deep into World War III, that lesser men, who know what's going on, would have already run to the Southern Hemisphere.
I spend every bit of my energy not to pack up and go to Chile years ago.
And Chile ain't perfect, but it's below the main radiation zone.
But I choose not to die there.
I choose to fight here.
I'm gonna go down with the ship.
I keep trying to explain to you, you better get right with Jesus, and you better get your head right, because you're not in Kansas anymore, and you were never in Kansas City.
You were never in Kansas.
You were never in La La Land.
You were never in Fantasy World.
You were in the New World Order.
And we're here, right now, together, experiencing this with the worst people on the planet who don't even care about their futures, completely out of control, taking over society.
We've abandoned good.
We've abandoned God.
But, like a person thrown overboard, we can find that driftwood, we can find that barrel, we can find that Floating piece of debris and stay on it and hopefully get to land.
Or you can just gulp water down and go down to the bottom.
You can just serve Satan and decide to submit to it all and just think it's all a big damn joke and party in the last days of civilization.
But World War III has already begun.
And there's all these people that don't realize that and keep going along with the system.
They're going to find out very, very soon.
So I take every day as if it's my last, and I hope I'm here tomorrow, I hope I'm here next year.
But let me tell you, the things are so dire, things are moving so quick, behind the scenes the attacks are so grievous, that this could be it.
And those that serve Satan believe that as soon as they've extinguished the good, their utopia begins.
But their utopia does not begin, as they tear up the Bible and desecrate God and Try to bring their tyranny into fruition.
These are the losers.
These are the failures.
And don't ever think, because they've got Hollywood and the power structure behind them, that they are the annoyed ones.
They are the cursed ones.
They are an abomination, desolation.
Abomination, desolation.
What I'm looking for is, they are anatomy.
They are anathema.
That means totally in separation from God and you don't want to be part of that.
You don't want to be part of that annihilation, desolation, abomination, desolation.
You want to be separate from these people and their works and everything they do that is pure poison.
Alright, Drew Hernandez is set to take over.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow at 11 a.m.
I don't know if I will be.
I really don't, folks.
I may be gone forever.
Any day now.
You need to know that's how serious the situation is.
News could rain down tomorrow.
New bioweapons could be released next week.
Banks could all fail in a month.
That's where we are.
But at the end of the day, the North Star is Christ and God.
Hour number four with Drew Hernandez.
Straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Take action now, but regardless, research is info.
You gotta really ask yourself, which side am I truly on?
Here we are on the verge of World War III.
The border is collapsing.
It's already collapsed, United States of America.
There is no southern border any longer with the replacement migration.
The changing of the demographics, the changing of the culture, the changing of what America truly is.
With the pedophilia and the grooming getting normalized on a daily basis.
You see the absolute deterioration of any kind of moral code, which is all by design.
You see all these things coming to full Full culmination to the very end of what we know is to come.
Where lawlessness is going to abound and you're watching the defund of the police, you're watching riots in the streets, you're watching the dismantling of the United States of America, you're watching law and order get absolutely dismantled, raped, and thrown away in the trash.
You're seeing basic biology get absolutely perverted and distorted.
Can't identify what a, what a basic male is, can't identify what a basic female is without freaking triggering some woke loser with rainbow hair and them crawling to their safe space and threatening to sue you because you said something that hurt their feelings.
You talk about a feminine, a hyper-feminized society where you can't say anything that offends anyone because it's true.
You see the absolute Luciferian satanic occult sacrifice of babies, they call it abortion, and health care for women, and women's rights on a daily basis.
These blood occult rituals that you see on a daily basis.
The attack on the nuclear family, the rise in communism, the mainstream rise in communism, globalism, obviously socialism, but the absolute Showdown between the devil, the Antichrist, Jesus Christ, God himself.
It is globalism.
It is the New World Order.
It's every type of tyranny or tyrannical thoughts or ideology that is meant to withhold power and secure power and rule over the people.
The absolute culmination will be the Antichrist in the end.
Total tyranny, worldwide domination, one world economy, one world militarized system, one world leader, all empowered by Satan.
Now, it's interesting when you sit here and you say those things and you hear those things and you're like, that sounds kind of familiar.
The Bible talks about it.
Jesus said in the last days, when the disciples asked him, what's it going to be like?
What's it really going to be like when the end comes?
Wars and rumors of wars, pestilences, earthquakes, natural disasters, mass instability, kingdoms against kingdoms, nations against nations.
That's actually not just countries.
Those are race wars, ladies and gentlemen.
Race wars will rise also in the end.
Is this starting to sound familiar to you?
How everything in the United States is white supremacist and racist and they're turning everyone against each other?
They're attempting to turn everyone against white people?
I'm not white!
There's nothing wrong with being white.
But I don't like what's happening to my whites out there.
I don't!
They're being demonized just like the Nazis demonized Jews.
Let's just come out and say it.
The way the Nazis demonized Jews Is how the New World Order and the so-called Left and Uniparty, with all of their anti-white, white supremacy, this, white nationalism, this, all this garbage, all it does is slander and slap a label over anyone that they want to shut down, and it's to demonize their targets.
It's to dehumanize their targets, to de-voice them, de-platform them, de-power them, and make them and render them absolute powerless.
This is why they even call black people white supremacists.
This is why they even call me a white supremacist!
Because of what I just said!
Because I'm gonna sit here and defend a group of people that are obviously getting demonized.
When black people get demonized, I will call it out.
Brown people, you name it.
I'm a Christian.
It is my responsibility to call out evil whenever I see it.
Not only a responsibility, it's a conviction within me, and you should have it too if you claim to be a Christian.
And speaking of race wars, this whole Jordan Neely thing out of New York is about to pop off!
George Floyd 2.0 is here!
We'll be right back.
It's very clear what's happening not only to the United States of America, but what's happening to humanity worldwide.
The dismantling of culture, the dismantling of National sovereignty with the concepts of globalism and the New World Order, the dismantling of the family unit.
The dismantling of parents, the parental system and apparatus that God has designed for human beings in order to thrive and raise and have families.
The dismantling of gender roles, sex roles for basic biology and procreation.
I mean, that's kind of simple to understand, but here we are in 2023 where all of that is racist, white supremacist, Nazi, anti-Semitic, misogynist, sexist, you name it, right?
Anything, listen, This stuff doesn't mean anything anymore.
It's alt-right, it's this.
All this nonsense.
It's just a label they will slap over you just to shut you down and shut you up and make it look like you have leprosy so you cannot be dealt with or touched.
No one can come in proximity with you because you are saying things that go against the absolute narrative.
Now, I'm telling you, man, this... George Floyd 2.0 is here, you guys.
It is here.
All right, if you have not been paying attention to what's happening in New York, you should, because I think that the New World Order, the Democrat Party and the United Party, I think they have found their black martyr every election cycle, especially presidential election cycles.
They get their black martyr.
They get that black community weaponized and mobilized to push their agenda.
They do it every single election cycle.
Last one was who?
It was George Floyd.
They do this every single cycle.
And now it is this absolute maniac, okay, that was violent.
That was violent.
Jordan Neely, okay?
So his death, this guy was choked out.
In a subway in New York, because he was, quote, being violent, intimidating.
He was claiming that he was ready to die, and he's ready to go back to jail, and he's willing to hurt anyone on the subway train.
Very threatening behavior, very threatening words, on a train in New York, ladies and gentlemen, okay?
On a train, In ground zero, 9-11 New York.
So people in New York are gonna be a little on edge if you show up on a subway train saying you're ready to take everyone out and you're ready to die.
You sound like a terrorist, alright?
So yeah, the people are gonna move on you.
So yeah, someone, especially a Marine, Of course the public is going to take action.
Who knows?
You might have a detonator on you.
You might have a bomb strapped on you somewhere.
Or you might be ready to just pull out a gun and just massacre everyone on the subway.
But you see, the far left takes this and what do they do?
And the Uniparty and the Globalists, they take this, they take their minority, they take their token black guy, they take their token black martyr, and they prop him up as the new martyr of 2023 George Floyd 2.0.
And they were so-called protesting in New York on the streets, going against the police.
Again, they were assaulting journalists.
So they weren't protesters.
And some of these individuals, of course, are coming and taking to Twitter and literally claiming that Jordan Neely has been lynched, okay?
Literally claiming that he was lynched because the guy was claiming he's ready to die on a subway train in New York and threatening the people on the train.
And of course, the woke black people on Twitter are all coming out and claiming that he got lynched.
You're saying, uh... Ayanna Pressley on Twitter says, He was 30 years old.
Black men deserve to grow old.
Not be lynched on a subway because they were having a mental health crisis.
Jordan deserved better.
Accountability now.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Apparently this guy was like a...
Michael Jackson, you know, pedophile Michael Jackson, street performer.
Yeah, those are the words.
When an individual comes out and says, I don't mind going to jail and getting life in prison and I'm ready to die and I'll hurt anyone on this train, that sure sounds like a smooth criminal, man.
I don't know, sounds like a terrorist to me.
Not someone that got lynched, there it is.
Not be lynched.
I can't do the pedo Michael Jackson thing.
I don't know, dude.
It's just like, dude, this is how depraved society really is, right?
Oh, they all defend the terrorist on the train with the terrorist rhetoric claiming to hurt people on a train in New York.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
This is where you see that society has absolutely lost its mind.
Alright, the guy, by the way, had more than 40 arrests.
I think it was 44 in total.
And, by the way, at the time where he got choked out and was threatening people on the subway cart, he had a warrant out for his arrest!
And some of this stuff was for some pretty violent offenses!
Including against senior citizens!
So this guy beat up old people!
Or he physically assaulted old people!
Yeah, this Michael Ja- Pedo Michael Jackson!
LARPer street performer!
I just, I just, come on, dude!
And of course, the NPCs, they go with their narratives to the mainstream, they go with their narratives to Twitter, it is everywhere right now.
It is all over the place.
Oh, Jordan Neal was such a terrible person.
Oh, excuse me, Jordan Neal was not a terrible person.
He shouldn't have been lynched.
It's just another black man getting destroyed by a white man.
Leaving out all the facts I just gave you.
Because this is what they do.
They take a token black guy, they use a black martyr, and they prop him up!
That's what they do!
Here we are on the verge of the 2024 election.
Right on schedule, isn't it?
Right on schedule.
You know how the New World Order functions.
Well, we need another black guy, because how else are we going to push our agenda on the streets?
Because the black community is so, this is how they think, the black community is, they're so stupid.
They just keep trusting and believing and listening to us.
Just keep them on welfare!
Keep them on Section 8 housing!
Just keep them in the ghettos!
Keep them on this hamster wheel in society, thinking that we actually care about them!
So every time we need their votes, every time we need their support, every time we need them in the streets, get a token black martyr, prop him up, get him on CNN, get him on MSNBC, get all the NPCs to push the narrative, say he's been lynched, and that is how we're going to amplify the blacks.
That's what they do!
I'm just saying what everybody else is saying.
You guys know I'm right!
That's literally what they do every single presidential election cycle.
Every now and then a midterm.
Every now and then a midterm.
But this is part of the dehumanizing agenda.
Because it's not about what's right, it's not about what's just, it's not about any of those things.
Because why do they come out with these lies?
Why do they try to make people like George Floyd, Fentanyl Floyd, right?
That got himself killed.
Why do they try to make Jordan Neal look like some kind of martyr?
Why do they try to make them look like the good guys?
And the actual good Samaritans in New York that, I guarantee you, This hasn't come out yet, but I guarantee you people on that subway probably thought this guy was a terrorist.
All right?
Listen, in New York, of all places, Ground Zero, 9-11, New York, you do not get on a train And start claiming to kill people or hurt people and that you're ready to die in the process.
You want to know why?
Because people that might have a little PTSD post what happened with 9-11 and the PSYOPs that took place there and the government just totally forsook anyone that was destroyed through all that, didn't want any responsibility, just kind of swept it under the rug.
Are gonna kind of have a little PTSD when someone jumps on a, you know, a public transportation unit, whether it be a subway or a plane, and someone's claiming to hurt everyone and they're willing to die in the process?
Yeah, yeah, what do you think is gonna happen, dude?
What would you do?
What would you do?
You're on a subway, you're on a plane, you know how terrorism works, and there's this guy, dressed like Michael Jackson, threatening everybody, claiming to hurt people on the train, and willing to die.
You're gonna sit there and be like, oh, he's just mentally ill.
Wow, Sally.
Wow, Chelsea.
He's just mentally ill.
Leave him alone.
What would you do?
You know exactly what you would do.
Everyone would view that as a threat!
Everyone on that subway, everyone on that train would view this individual as a threat.
Oh, but no, it's because he's black.
It's because he's a black guy, he gets protected.
Because he's a black guy, nobody can speak out against him.
Because he's a black guy, because he's a minority, the facts cannot speak for themselves.
No facts.
All feeling, all emotion, all propaganda.
He was a black guy.
That's it.
That's their narrative.
Oh, racist, white supremacist, the whole narrative, just the can of worms, opens all over again.
So apparently New York City is bracing for riots over the next few days and over the weekend.
I know InfoWars will be on top of that.
We'll be right back.
Well, Donkey Lady has been weighing in on the whole situation with Jordan Neely.
You say, Drew, who's donkey lady?
Well, I guess big booty Latino congresswoman AOC.
Of course she's gotta say something, right?
Because she's like the high priest of the NPC socialist commies, a little globalist, you know what I mean?
So of course she's gotta have a take!
And the takes usually never make any sense, so here's what AOC had to say on Twitter.
Which is obviously going viral because, uh, she's an idiot.
Uh, Jordan Neely was murdered!
Jordan Neely was murdered!
Listen, no facts in this tweet at all.
Jordan Neely was murdered, but because Jordan was houseless and crying for food in a time when the city is raising rents and stripping services to militarize itself, while many in power demonize the poor, the murderer gets protected with passive headlines, plus no charges.
It's disgusting.
Wait, number one.
Wait, so it's okay?
It's okay for this guy to be threatening people on a train?
Because he's houseless?
And wants food?
Okay, so I guess that's just the new norm for AOC.
If you're houseless and you're hungry, apparently to AOC it's justifiable if you show up on a public transport system and start threatening everyone for food and threatening, you don't care if you get a life sentence and go to prison forever and threatening that, telling everyone you're ready to die because I won't get my chicken nuggets.
I'm ready to die and I will hurt everyone on this train if I don't get my six-piece chicken nugget Happy Meal!
Damn it!
What's wrong with you?
You're all gonna die, every single one of you.
Where are my chicken nuggets?
AOC says that's okay.
Just as I have a terrorist comes in, you know what I mean?
Like these tranny terrorists.
They're just gay, right?
A tranny terrorist comes in.
It's the same thing, right?
Hey guys, isn't that the same thing that happened with the so-called trans person?
But the tranny terrorist at the Christian school murdered three little Christian kids and three Christian educators?
It's the same thing!
It's literally the same thing!
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
They blame the individual that should be responsible, or they don't blame the individual that should be responsible, and they blame the victims.
Everyone on the train is wrong.
It's justifiable.
Because, no, no, no.
You didn't accept what were all the WOCards saying on TikTok.
The parents got what they deserved because if you accepted trans people's identities, well, maybe you would still have your kids.
AOC's saying the same thing.
Well, if you don't feed homeless people, they're just gonna start killing you and that's okay because they're hungry and houseless.
Of course she's gonna say that!
Why wouldn't she?
She loves violence!
She loves it!
She loves the dismantling of America!
She loves seeing the destabilization!
A true socialist causing mass chaos in the streets!
So that the people are beggars, begging for food, begging for someone to protect them, begging for someone to come and take care of them and all their needs.
That's who AOC is.
I'll be deceived by somebody like that.
Demonize the poor.
What an idiot.
I mean, come on, dude.
You guys, you can't sit here and believe people like this.
Talk about low IQ.
That's a U.S.
American congresswoman?
Well, I guess so.
I guess now.
Installed, obviously.
But I mean, what are people in New York supposed to do?
I mean, for real, what are people in New York supposed to think?
You guys remember Frank James?
Remember that black guy that showed up to a Brooklyn subway?
I think it was 2020.
I think I got that right.
You guys remember Frank James showed up to a Brooklyn subway?
Just emptied, emptied a clip into the subway, dude.
Through smoke bombs.
It was just total assault on humans in a Brooklyn subway.
How do you think New Yorkers are supposed to respond to something like this?
What are you supposed to do, especially when it comes to public transport systems with a city that has a history with some serious terrorism, real terrorism?
And I'm not talking about, oh, the FBI saying if you say the word base, you're a domestic terrorist.
No, I'm talking about real jihadis.
I'm talking about, you know, aspects, rogue aspects of the American government setting up their own people.
You guys know what I'm talking about, right?
What are New Yorkers supposed to do?
See, but this is how beta things have become, right?
This is how beta things, right?
Because New York used to be alpha.
You remember New York used to be known for being tough, really stern, really aggressive?
It's like just people cussing each other out in the middle of the street.
Oh, they're just having a conversation.
God, don't worry about it.
They'll get over it.
That's just another day in New York.
New York has always been known for that.
Not anymore.
Not anymore.
No, no.
Cucked out.
Total beta energy.
You're not allowed.
Another thing New York has always been known for is like dealing with their own and protecting their own communities.
From individuals within.
You guys know what I'm talking about.
It's like this mob mentality, but like in a way where you're protecting your own.
You're watching each other's backs.
Like someone wants to get out of line.
Okay, you're in New York.
You get out of line.
Someone sees it in the streets.
The people are going to take care of you.
You know what I'm saying?
You guys know exactly what I'm talking about.
Oh, New York has been known for this stuff.
But no, not anymore.
Not anymore.
Not any longer.
Because this is a cucked out society, a beta society where you cannot be like that anymore, especially if it's a black person.
Especially you guys want to know how this would have been like the ultimate like golden ticket the absolute over shield invincibility shield for these people if Jordan was Uh, a so-called trans woman, if he identified as a woman.
Ooh, this, this, that's like, that's like George Floyd 2.0 with like, you know when Mario eats, he eats the mushroom and grows like, like dude, that's like the ultimate power upgrade for these people because the ones that are ultimately protected are the mentally perverted men that walk around masquerading as women.
But of course, people are gonna act.
People are on edge.
But why do you think the New World Order is trying to take away your guns?
Why do you think the New World Order is trying to make self-defense look like a crime?
Why do you think they try to make those things that are obviously openly good and righteous to defend yourself against anyone that's violent towards you?
Why do you think they've been trying to do that systemically for years now?
Dismantling the Second Amendment, demonizing firearms, blaming murder on guns alone, not the individuals that are evil and that have evil intentions.
Why do you think they've been pushing this agenda for so long?
Yes, to take away the guns.
Yes, to implement their tyranny.
Yes, but at the same time, this is the SIOP that's being run on the American people.
So when you're in a situation where you have to legally and lawfully defend yourself, you will be the bad guy.
You will be the murderer.
They will Kyle Rittenhouse you.
At least what they attempted to cut to do to Kyle.
I was there, I testified in that trial.
I watched them try to dismantle a human being's right to self-defense multiple times.
And they made him the villain, and they made the aggressors the victims.
This is only going to continue, ladies and gentlemen.
There's a reason why they implement these agendas.
There's a reason why they run these psyops on the American people.
Because if they could get millions of people to believe that self-defense is something that is a crime, or self-defense is something that should be viewed as illegal or frowned upon in society, I'm not an advocate for violence.
But I am an advocate for self-defense against violence.
But the New World Order wants it the opposite.
The New World Order wants their violence.
The New World Order can do whatever the hell they want, but you're not allowed to defend yourself, are you?
Because if you defend yourself from tyranny, you are a domestic terrorist.
Does that sound familiar?
Isn't that kind of how America was founded, you guys?
Fleeing tyranny to come to the new world, the free world?
Defund the police, right?
Defund the police.
And here we are again, living it all over again.
And if you attempt to defend yourself from a tyrant or anyone trying to end your life,
you are somehow the problem.
That's how it goes.
We'll be right back.
Defund the police, right?
Defund the police.
I think the easy take is, yeah, a lot of people in New York,
and this is actually happening right now, a lot of NPCs and so-called liberals and leftists are,
they're blaming the police for this whole Jordan Neely situation.
They're actually blaming the police.
They're coming out and they're saying, well, the police didn't get there in time.
They didn't get there in time.
Yeah, he was being threatening and he was threatening to hurt people and he was saying he was ready to die and all this nonsense with criminal terrorist mentality and rhetoric.
But the police didn't get there in time, and that's how that white man put him in a chokehold and he died!
That's what they're saying.
They're blaming the police.
So you might sit there and be like, yeah, you idiots, you wanted to defund the police?
So, uh, if they don't have the resources, they don't have the funding, they don't have the abilities to answer your calls, even in your hypocrisy, to help you when you claim they're white supremacist.
Isn't that funny how, like, the BLM black people are always like, white supremacist cops, but whenever something bad happens, oh, 911, 911, oh, oh, come save me, white cop, come save me!
Shut up, dude!
You guys made this all!
Go lay in it!
Alright, you dug your grave, go lay in it!
You made your bed, go lay in it!
I'm so sick of these people.
That's the easy take.
What's the more nuanced, advanced take?
Let's go a little deeper.
What is Defund the Police?
Is it just total anarchy?
Or is it an agenda for a regime installation?
Because if you take a look at what that truly was, and what it is to this day, Especially police departments, Metropolitan and D.C., different areas and regions in the United States, they implement the diversity hires and they put all kinds of people that have the same ideologies.
They put in so-called police officers that are just as woke as the politicians that claim all cops are bad and evil.
And then people sit and say, well, that's hypocrisy.
Yes, it is.
But it's intentional hypocrisy because it's not about just dismantling police.
It's not about dismantling law and order.
It's about a regime installation because they want to take out the good guys.
They want to take the good cops out.
They want to take the good women, the good men that wear the badge every single day.
They take that oath before God and they're doing their job.
Not upholding a police state, but upholding law and order to protect innocents.
That's why we have laws.
It's to protect innocent people from bad things.
So how do you install a new regime?
Well, you defund the police, you push out the good guys, make them go on retirement, make them give up, feel isolated like they don't belong, accuse them of being white supremacists, accuse them of being American nationalists and fascists.
If they don't bend the knee to BLM while they're marching and rioting, then they're not a part of the regime.
Guys, this is a part, this is all about the cult, all right?
This is about the power structures and the regimes.
They're all together.
You take a police department, you push out all the good guys.
Bring in all the bad guys.
Hire people with no conscience.
Hire people with no morality.
Hire people that are not going to question anything, but just take orders when we call for another lockdown.
Hire people that are not going to push back and cite the oath they took that goes against the Constitution of the United States, that goes against what's morally true or right.
No, no, they're not going to question any of that.
They're just gonna push forward and do as they're told, and uphold the police state.
So over time, you defund the police, and you push out the good guys, make them go on retirement, make them quit, feel isolated, you know, cancel them, destroy them.
They do this in the CIA, they do this in the FBI, they're doing it in the military.
Are you starting to see what I'm seeing, you guys?
It's a total dismantling Of the three-letter agencies, police departments, you name it, even the military.
That's why the United States Navy is putting out ads, you know, trying to attract more people and recruitment by using drag queens.
Oh yeah, that's definitely gonna scare the CCP.
Just have the, have sailors running around and dressed as women.
No, no, no.
You know, I take that back.
Not dressed as women.
Dressed as like a comical, obnoxiously, like, clown-looking woman thing.
But all of this is to dismantle these systems that God has given us, by the way.
Because law and order is something given by God.
It's to protect innocents.
God gave the law to the Israelites when they exodus out of Egypt for what?
To teach them the way how to have a stable society?
Have some kind of safety for innocents and how to judge evil righteously and very basic, very simple.
But the New World Order does the opposite because the PSYOP is push out all the good guys, use the token blacks, use the token minorities, use the martyrs to continue to push the agenda.
We defund the police, make it look like there's going to be total anarchy.
So, now we have a new regime.
This, this, this, guys, what I'm talking about may not come to full fruition like maybe 10 or 15 years from now.
Because it's, it's happening now and it kind of just started in 2020 where they went overdrive BLM to fund the police and they started hiring all these diversity hires that have no morality, that think everyone's a racist and they just do what the regime tells them to do.
They don't question anything.
Imagine this in 20 years, right?
If they actually just go forward with their plans and no one stops them.
And the good guys and the good women just all leave.
So when you finally decide to have another lockdown, when you finally decide to implement your tyranny, when you finally decide to protect the pedophiles and the groomers, and you decide to deploy police, FBI, you name it, the military, right?
Martial law.
You decide to deploy these people.
To go after individuals' parents that may not agree with so-called gender ideology.
Transgender this, homosexual that.
Oh, well they're a domestic terrorist, so have police go to their house, knock on their door, break down their door, take their children from them, and send them into a gulag or concentration camp.
It's what the Nazis did with the SS.
You got a bunch of people that had no conscience.
That were willing to do evil things.
That's how you install, that's what defund the police is.
You take out the good guys, put in the bad guys to do your evil bidding to uphold the police state, the New World Order, and to start attacking and dismantling everyone else in society that stands in your way because you can't speak out against a police officer.
A lot of conservatives that are like, back the blue over everything, haven't gotten this far yet.
What, do you back the blue when it's a police state?
What, do you back the blue when it's the New World Order and they got an installed police state?
What, do you back the blue even then?
Are you that dumb?
What do you think a police state is?
And I'm not saying all police are bad.
What I'm saying is, yes, some are.
And some are literal proxies and pawns of the New World Order, and they're willing to throw you in jail in order to keep their jobs.
To uphold the man.
That's what I'm saying.
You gotta really, really pay attention to this stuff.
Because when it comes to full fruition...
When they implement their tyranny, their martial law, and everything gets absolutely destabilized, look what's happening in New York.
I know this was a long explanation because of how I opened this segment, is look what New Yorkers are doing.
Not all of them, but people are literally blaming the police.
Well, the cops should have been here!
The cops should have been here!
Okay, well maybe we do need the cops!
Oh, and then at that point, you got a police state.
That is the dismantling.
That is the destabilization.
It's too chaotic out here!
We need someone to save us!
It's too dismantled!
There's so much badness going on!
We need the police state!
We need the police state!
And you get all these immoral, evil, wicked people that will impose tyranny on everyone!
And the New World Order at the top, the federal government, whatever it looks like at the time, will be calling all the orders, will be calling all the shots, will be imposing their agendas, imposing their will upon you, and no one in any police department, in the military, in the FBI, in the CIA, no one will question it because they have been replaced.
That is what defund the police is, and it comes in different forms.
That's what the cancellation is in the military.
That's what the cancellation is within the FBI.
That is how they replace people.
The agenda is here and it's going to unfold and people are going to see it for what it truly is because we're watching it happen in real time.
This is all about getting people desperate.
It's all about getting people desperate.
They need their people in.
They don't want to be void of police departments.
They don't want to be void of the military.
They don't want to be void of the CIA, the FBI.
No, they want them.
Those are tools to be hijacked.
Those are tools that they put in their tool belt to use against the American people.
They're tools that could be used for good that you, that they use for the New World Order, the devil, and Satan, and their own evil agendas.
They take these things that could actually do some good in the world, and they weaponize it against you and me.
Does that sound familiar?
It kind of sounds like the current timeline that we all live in right now.
Because that's exactly what's happening.
We'll be right back, don't go anywhere.
But to be honest with you guys, this next story is really gonna piss you off, especially if you're a parent or just a human being that still has a conscience, that's not a part of the New World Order, that's not a degenerate, immoral, disgusting pervert, that's into...
Child pornography, and all this disgusting groomer garbage that's all being thrown around, the rainbow flag, and the pride flag, and all this garbage.
LGBTQ+, LMNOP, they're gonna put that P in there, I'm telling you guys, that LGBTQP, it's here and it's on its way.
P for pedophile, it would be a sexual identity, I'm telling you guys, I'm telling you, man.
It's inevitable, it is only inevitable, right?
Because that's the agenda of the lawlessness abounding from the New World Order.
Well, here's a story from the Daily Caller.
Taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood LGBTQ youth club promotes National Masturbation Month.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me read that again.
Taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood LGBTQ youth club.
A youth club, ladies and gentlemen, youth club promotes National Masturbation Month.
I cannot believe this is real, but I can.
A state-funded Planned Parenthood LGBTQ youth group promoted May Right before Pride Month, right?
Right on schedule!
Right before Pride Month!
May apparently is now National Masturbation Month for children!
A state-funded Planned Parenthood LGBTQ youth group promoted May as National Masturbation Month, according to their social media post.
Run by Planned Parenthood, the Rainbow Room in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, Is a program for LGBTQ youth ages 14 to 21.
As young as 14!
To learn about, quote, age-appropriate sexuality education while connecting with others.
Who are others?
I don't know!
Maybe a pedophile?
That's LGBTQ, so they're protected!
According to the organization's website, the Rainbow Room, of course, promoted National Masturbation Month to sex-positive people.
These are quotes.
Sex-positive people.
National Masturbation Month, guys.
To children.
The Rainbow Room promoted National Masturbation Month to sex-positive people!
I wonder what that means to them!
What do you think that means to a pedophile?
Oh, I could just have sex with any child I want!
14 years old?
Ha ha!
I'll take that!
I'm gay, so I'm protected!
Or I'm trans, so I'm protected!
Come here, little kid!
Wanna have some consensual sex with me?
It's okay!
You don't have to tell your parents!
Because we're just gonna say we can't- they're telling us we can't say gay!
On their Instagram account on Tuesday, they posted this.
Here's a quote.
The month was... They're calling National Masturbation Month in honor of a so-called doctor, Jocelyn Elders, the first black U.S.
Surgeon General.
What the hell?
Of course!
Of course.
They gotta hide it with a black person.
They gotta hide everything with a minority.
See what I'm saying?
They use black people and minorities and protected classes.
They're nothing but meat shields.
That's it.
Just throw the meat shield up.
We can be protected.
We can protect our pedophilia if we just throw a meat shield up.
Just, just throw a homosexual up.
We're protected.
You can't tell me anything.
Just throw a black girl up.
We're protected.
Black girl magic.
Black girl magic.
You can't touch me.
You can't touch me.
Ha ha ha.
But I'm gonna touch your little kid.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Absolutely unreal.
This is, this is it!
Like, this is it, right?
Everything Alex has always ever talked about.
The absolute normalization of pedophilia in society.
National Masturbation Month for kids, you guys!
They say masturbation is safe and normal, as it reduces stress, little kid.
It helps you understand your body, little kid, and your sexual preferences, little kid.
It releases tension, little kid.
And can improve period cramps, little kid.
The social media post stated, the group's social media post encouraged viewers to tell a friend.
Of course!
Of course the pedophiles are like, hey, you got any friends?
Got any friends?
You got any friends that want to come and celebrate National Masturbation Month?
We're all LGBTQ and gay, so it's a safe space, little girl!
Invite a friend!
Sex with little kids!
*scoffs* *laughs*
You think I'm obnoxious?
These people, man.
Absolutely unreal.
The Bucks County chapter of the Rainbow Room works with the program ROYGBIV in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, which aims to be a welcoming space.
There you go!
A welcoming space!
A safe space!
For LGBTQIA+, kids ages 10 to 14 years old, the website showed.
This could go as low as 10!
10, you guys!
For all the weirdos out there, they're like, oh, 14 years old?
That's an adult, man!
Alright, dude, you probably got some CP in your phone or your laptop, man.
Unreal, dude.
Absolutely unreal.
And yes, this organization is backed by Planned Parenthood.
In October 2022, the Rainbow Room received a grant, a state grant, of $630K to expand the reach of the Rainbow Room within Doylestown, Pennsylvania, according to a lawmaker's press release.
So they're spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to pump into the rainbow room!
Yeah, little kid!
Come into the rainbow room!
Come sit on the lap of a tranny!
You wanna sit on a grown man's boner?
Little ten-year-old, come here!
Come to the Rainbow Room, where you can get touched!
And it's safe!
Because if it's consensual, it's okay!
If you say it's okay, little kid, that I could touch you with my penis, we're all good!
And also, just some extra insurance!
An insurance policy!
I'm a homosexual, so you can't say anything against me!
This is so insane.
National Masturbation Month.
To indoctrinate your children with their pedophilia.
Let me ask you a question.
In what universe do children need to be celebrating masturbation?
It's one thing for a parent to have a very private conversation with their child.
The birds and the bees.
Hey, touching yourself.
Is, you know, in the eyes of God, it's not a very good thing.
That's a conversation for a responsible parent to have with their child when they feel that they're ready.
Not to be all sexual and make the child feel like they're sex positive!
The child's sex positive, so come to the Rainbow Room!
And yeah, we got sodomy, we got dildos, we got gay sex, we got trannies, we got drag queen pedo time!
Come to the Rainbow Room, and it's a safe space!
Telling you guys, man, I'm telling you, this is how the pedophilia is being normalized.
I always wondered how it would be done.
How would they get society You view the molestation of children as normal.
The rape of children.
The sexual indoctrination of children.
Well, they're doing it through the homosexuals.
They're doing it through the so-called LGBTQ.
They're doing it through the so-called rainbow flag.
They're doing it through this community that is untouchable.
You say anything, you get HR called on you.
You say anything, you get cancelled publicly.
You say anything, why do you think I'm saying this on InfoWars?
There's really not many places you could say the things I'm saying right now, because it is socially unacceptable to call people out.
Because they're a protected class, Drew, don't you understand?
You gotta be politically correct.
They're a protected class, don't you understand?
So how do you get people to accept pedophilia and grooming?
Well, you do it through the protected class, because you can't say anything against them.
These people are good, man.
They know what they're doing.
But you know what?
We are in a place in the timeline where it is time for alpha males to breach the matrix, pull people out.
It's time for alpha males to breach the matrix, pull people out, jack them out of the system.
By doing so, we do that through truth, unapologetically.
My style is loud.
I don't care.
But truth unapologetically, not for the sake of being offensive, but for the sake of telling the truth so that minds can be unlocked.
Don't cuck out and be afraid to hurt somebody's feelings.
Go cuck out and be a total beta.
That's beta energy.
We are done with the beta energy.
We are done with the political correctness.
We are done trying to, you know, walk on eggshells, trying to tell the truth as nice as possible, because we don't want to hurt the safe space people.
No, no, no.
Tell the truth at all costs.
Tell the truth at all costs.
You want to save the country?
It starts by telling the truth, exposing the truth, exposing the lies, and exposing these people for who they truly are.
We need to bring shame back to stuff like this, I'll tell you that.
That is exactly why, legally and lawfully, the death penalty is needed for pedophiles.
If we can't do that, what do we have?
I'll see all of you guys on the next one.
Follow me on Twitter @drewhlive.
Links in the bio to all my shows.
Thanks for watching.
It's you and me!
The silent majority is no longer silent.
This is The War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Please stand by for further details.
We return you now to your regularly scheduled program.
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