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Name: 20230503_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 3, 2023
2879 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses various topics including blood clotting in vaccinated individuals, Moderna's price gouging tactics, the ongoing situation with Tucker Carlson at Fox News, and the border crisis. He promotes products available at InfowarsStore.com and emphasizes the importance of supporting alternative media outlets like InfoWars. The show covers a variety of topics such as drone strikes targeting Putin's living quarters, Ukraine and Russia tensions, Biden abandoning U.S. COVID vaccine travel requirements for foreigners, and globalists benefiting from such policies. Additionally, Jones discusses faith, censorship, and issues surrounding noise pollution due to hunting without suppressors. He criticizes the media for focusing on January 6th while ignoring other instances of violence perpetrated by left-wing activists and encourages listeners to buy products from InfoWars Store to help keep the show on air.

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This is a big deal, the attempted assassination of Vladimir Putin, an attack on their White House, an attack on their 10 Downing Street, an attack on their presidential palace.
This is a big, big deal.
You don't need me to explain to you how big a deal this is and how reckless this is.
This is a nuclear war provocation.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, "I don't know what's
going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe it!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Thermography or thermal imaging can detect abnormal internal body temperatures,
allowing it to highlight areas of inflammation and poor blood circulation.
It is the most effective non-invasive way of detecting deep vein thrombosis,
otherwise known as blood clots.
Biologist Felipe Reitz in Brazil has his own line of thermographic imaging equipment and began diagnosing his vaccinated patients who were injected with the COVID shots.
What he found was extensive blood clotting throughout the entire vascular system in asymptomatic people who received the shot.
This image was taken of a 23-year-old athlete The dark lines are blood clots.
This 23-year-old got the shot, but has no symptoms.
Felipe Reitz also conducted live blood analysis.
And like we've been hearing from several other researchers, Reitz is reporting the presence of foreign structures taking shape in the blood of the vaccinated.
It has shown how the blood cells clump together as a result of getting the shot.
Last week, Dr. Richard Fleming posted a video of what happens when the genetic vaccines are added directly to human blood.
After adding the Janssen vaccine to a healthy blood sample, the blood can be seen under magnification as it begins to clump and cluster together in real time.
In studies performed by Natural News, it was concluded that these so-called blood clots are almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood, yet show significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.
Meanwhile, the CEO of Moderna, the company that price gouged their customers by 500% for the deadly shot, was given a 50% raise after cashing in $400 million of stock.
The longer we go without justice, the more acceptable this becomes.
Moderna is now investing in the future of their clot shots.
This is a piece of string.
A strand.
Doesn't seem like much.
Unless it's a strand of mRNA.
The code of life inside every cell of your body.
Then it has the power to change everything.
mRNA has already changed how we fight viruses.
It has created medicines at unprecedented speed.
mRNA could change how we stand up to multiple diseases.
From the widespread.
To the extremely rare.
It could even individualize how we approach cancer.
One strand of mRNA could change life for the better.
And the company that's getting us there.
This changes everything.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Wednesday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It's May 3rd, 2023, and I come to you live from the amazing studios in an unknown location in Texas of the great Steven Crowder and his wonderful crew.
We'll be here for the next three hours and 55 minutes, and then Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
Central today from the M. Fuller Studios in the once great city of Austin, Texas, now taking over the lawless George Soros left.
Okay, obviously a lot of big developments today.
Steven Crowder is going to be co-hosting with me for an hour, coming up in about 30 minutes in studio.
I'm also asking, there's an amazing dog that I want to steal.
Joe Lewis will also be co-hosting with us.
So look for that coming up in 30 minutes.
We're going to cover the waterfront with Steven Crowder.
All of the huge border collapse, Title 42 expiring news, what's really behind that and
the White House false claims that border crossings are down 90 percent, they're actually up several
hundred percent conservatively since Trump was removed from office via fraud.
We'll also be looking at the massive bank failures going on.
Three of the largest banks of the four biggest failures in U.S.
history happened in the last two and a half months, and all the top experts are now agreeing that this is the beginning of a serious crisis that will probably lead to a depression.
Unfortunately, we'll be looking at all of that.
We'll also be looking at two drone strikes in the early morning hours today in Moscow attacking the living quarters of Vladimir Putin.
They were able to shoot down the drones and then they exploded once they were hit.
That is a serious act of war.
The Russians have said an attempted assassination of Putin is a serious red line.
And of course, we now have the BBC coming out and blaming the pipeline destruction of
Nord Stream 2 on Putin.
They'll probably try to blame this on Putin himself.
I'm not saying the Russians wouldn't do a false flag, but the Ukrainians have been launching
drone attacks into Moscow and into its suburbs and truck bombing and car bombing the last
few months.
Their main offensive has not been officially announced, but I believe it started about
a week ago.
Their counter offensive, saying they're going to retake Crimea.
The Russians have built up forces on the Russian border, believing that Zelensky may actually
send troops into Russia because they've said that they will, quote, put tanks in Red Square,
200 and something miles away in Moscow.
So this is major red lines being crossed everywhere, major escalations.
Most Pentagon analysts believe Putin will use nukes if they go into Russia or try to
retake Crimea, which has always been part of Russia until the last 60 years or so, and
that Russia may start using tactical nukes any time, at which time NATO reserves the
right to use nukes and we're off the races, the end of the world as we know it.
And I don't feel fine.
So we're gonna be getting into all of that as well.
And Biden finally abandons the US COVID vaccine travel requirements that any foreigner coming here has to take the shot. But of course there's been a group
who's been exempt even before Biden got into office two and a half years ago and that is illegal
aliens. The UN said because there's no liability protection for the UN with Pfizer and Moderna and
the shots are experimental that the illegal aliens don't have to take the shots. But now anyone
trying to come here, even people that have businesses here or have visas here, would not be
allowed into the United States.
Now they are allowed in the United States.
The U.S.
was the only country still having that in force.
So that is a victory for freedom that that has now been removed because it hurt the economy so much, which is Biden's main job.
But some of the globalists own hotels and businesses.
I like George Soros and Bill Gates who own a lot of hotels.
Bill Gates owns the Four Seasons and a bunch of other major hotels.
So the insiders are even damaging themselves so much they're now backing off.
They want to crush the local economy, the small town economy, but they don't want to
hurt their economy.
So when things do hurt their economy, they back off.
Kind of like BlackRock losing a trillion dollars in the last year over their central bank digital
currency push because conservatives, not just in the US, but around the world discovered
it and began to demand their state and local and private pension funds be pulled out of
BlackRock because of their globalist support of carbon taxes and all the rest of it.
BlackRock has now, at least on the surface, abandoned those projects and they're the biggest
hedge fund and biggest consortium of stocks and biggest investment firm in the world.
So that's another example of the victories we can have by hitting them in the pocketbook.
They want to hit us, we've got to hit them, and that's the only time that they back down.
And war is not just fought with guns and bullets and swords and artillery rounds and missiles.
It's also fought economically and in information war.
So the Pentagon accurately says 95% of warfare today is informational.
Hence we have info wars.
And that's what this is all about.
So that is all coming up today and more.
And speaking of more, I want to talk about Tucker Carlson.
I covered this some in the last hour of the show yesterday, but Stephen agrees, my listeners agree, my crew agrees, everybody I talk to agrees.
The dirt that Fox News, and that's who's releasing the satellite raw feeds of Tucker Carlson making jokes about media matters and about postmenopausal women and things like that, is being done by Fox because Tucker has a non-disparagement clause in his contract.
He's not been disparaging Fox News.
And so they're leaking it, disgustingly, to media matters, hoping that by messing with Tucker and getting in his face, that That he will then strike back at them, and then they can play some type of game with his contract.
Now, I can tell everybody that wants to bring down Tucker Carlson some news.
I know the inside baseball.
I know what really went on.
And I've known this information in confidence, so I will not be telling you what I know here.
I just want everybody laughing, everybody thinking they had a victory to know, you have just made Tucker Carlson bigger.
Just like censoring M4 has only made us bigger.
And Tucker Carlson is not going anywhere.
And I would leave it at that.
And I would also say that for a lot of the groups out there, Patrick Van Dam is a really nice guy.
I like him a lot.
Newsmax has some good people over there.
I know they're all offering Tucker $100 million contracts, the rest of it, over the next five years.
So just say this.
I wouldn't hold your breath, because Tucker's already been through the experience of having bosses at the Heritage Foundation, and then at CNN, and then at a bunch of other places, and Tucker wants to be his own boss.
And in the future, in the very near future, I would expect Tucker Carlson to launch his own operation.
And then around that build an entire new network.
I just have a feeling about that.
Hey, don't listen to Alex Jones.
What have I predicted?
What do I know?
As they say, I just said on March 8, Tucker will be out the next few months.
And Tucker didn't even know that.
But I could read the tea leaves.
And we basically said that on air and also said that to him.
And so a lot of people listen to what I have to say, because I can really read the enemy.
And I know how they operate.
At the end of the day, the reason I'm talking about Tucker Carlson is, he's a microcosm of all of us.
They want to silence everybody.
It's the only way their agenda can be successful, and so it's simple.
When we go and speak at the city council, and at the school board, and at the state house, and when we go and protest, and when we support causes that are good, and when we boycott things that are bad, all of us with those little actions build monumental collective efforts.
And we have to start using that power right now.
And that means in the information war, you've got to share the links, share the videos, take the clips you think are most important, and post them on TikTok, post them on Instagram, post them on Twitter, post them on Facebook, post them on YouTube, and also post them on all the, quote, new sites like Rumble, like Gab, like the many other sites that are out there that are exploding in size.
And that's why they're not just coming after me or not just coming after Carlson.
It's why they're coming after Steven Crowder.
And I happen to know the inside baseball on that.
I'm not going to reveal it.
I'm going to ask not to on that as well.
But let me just say this.
When push comes to shove and it's come to shove, Steven Crowder will be completely vindicated in triplicate with a Royal Flush.
What's been going on?
Because the same COINTELPRO dirty tactics that they used against Martin Luther King have been used against Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Stephen Crowder, and many, many other people like Roger Stone.
We live this.
Stephen Bannon.
We live this.
We deal with this.
We know how they operate.
We know what they do.
These are intelligence agencies who aren't just surveilling us on the internet to then censor us.
They are approaching anyone in our circle, anyone that was in our circle, and offering them large amounts of money to lie about us, to record us, to provocateur us into saying things that they can twist out of context.
This is their desperate activity.
And it's illegal?
And it's beyond criminal.
We need a new Frank Church-style committee.
This needs to stop.
This is absolutely disgusting.
But at the end of the day, we're not going anywhere because of we the people, you, supporting us, understanding that, and sharing the articles, the videos, and quite frankly, praying for us and supporting us financially, keeping us on air.
So go to InfoWarsTore.com right now and get Brainforce Ultra, Brainforce Plus, and finally TurboForce.
Eight months sold out.
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Everything at InfowarStore.com and back in stock.
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$17.76 a toss for a boost.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which, by any decent standard, they ought not to enjoy.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Perhaps you had better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We have to work the dark side, or we're going to spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
Someday, in the next few years, a solution will emerge.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this Wednesday transmission.
I'm coming to you from Steven Crowder's studios in an undisclosed location in the great state of Texas.
He'll be coasting with me coming up in the next segment into the next hour.
I've got a lot of huge news here that I mentioned in the first big segment, but let's go ahead and drill into it right now.
We'll show you some video of that for TV viewers.
But this is a big deal.
You have Zelensky in the last six months launching hundreds of drone assaults directed by NATO with the NATO intelligence, hundreds of miles into Russia and into Moscow itself.
Now, In the early morning hours today, in Russia, the living quarters of Vladimir Putin was attacked by two drones.
Two of them, both were shot down.
Now, obviously, if the Russians bombed the Capitol building in Kiev, it would be called a war crime.
They've not been hitting main civilian targets reportedly on purpose.
I'm not a Russian apologist.
That's just a fact.
That's why they all walk around out in the open in the main cities.
A few missiles have gone astray, but they've mainly been hitting military targets and infrastructure targets like power stations and factories.
Now with Ukraine car bombing and killing journalists all over Russia and attacking civilian targets with drones, this is a serious provocation.
To get Russia to redirect its military attacks on civilian targets and at the same time all this talk of a counter offensive into Crimea and into some of the areas in the Donbass region in the east of Ukraine is meant to make the Russians divert their assets to counter a offensive.
Instead of launching their own offensives in the key cities where they have been at a near stalemate in the last year, 14, 15 months now, with the Ukrainians.
Ukraine live briefing Kremlin claims right to respond to Kyiv alleged targeting of Putin's residence.
And so far, and I was just looking before we went live, Ukraine has not taken responsibility.
It's like they didn't take responsibility for blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline.
Well, will Putin Bomb Zelensky's headquarters and then not take responsibility for it?
That's really the level we've reached here.
And we've had U.S.
troops over there for eight, nine years fighting in the eastern area.
Putin was losing this proxy war two years ago.
That's why in February of last year, he launched the invasion.
Again, I'm not defending that.
I'm telling you why they said they did it.
So the U.S.
nine years ago overthrew the Ukrainian government, started trying to drive out people in ethnic Russian areas.
The country's half Russian, almost 100% Russian in the East.
And this is all a provocative action to try to collapse Russia.
The State Department submitted that, but all it's done is driven Russia closer to China.
It's driven Russia and India and China and a bunch of other countries like Brazil
into the arms of BRICS and that new global currency, that new central bank digital currency.
And it's led to problems with the dollar, problems with our currency worldwide,
and it's caused massive energy cost increases, not just in Europe particularly,
but to a lesser extent here and other parts of the world.
So this policy, even if you're Machiavelli, if you care about the West,
you care about globalist powers, it's not even good for them,
but they don't care because it's part of a larger plan and they believe they will win in the end.
But Kremlin says Putin survived overnight assassination attempt.
It continues, Russia says it shot down Ukrainian drones targeting Putin's residence in the Kremlin.
And reportedly Putin, a lot of times, sleeps on his train at night that drives around different parts of Russia, an armored train, because of just this issue.
There's tunnels under the Kremlin to other areas, and Putin reportedly sleeps underground.
I'm kind of like US presidents sleep underground.
There's a bunker under the White House.
There's an underground train system that's admitted to.
How far it goes is classified, but the word is it goes all the way out to Colorado.
There's been a lot of underground digging and things going on.
But the big issue here is this is a nuclear war provocation.
To try to kill the head of state, something that Putin hasn't even done openly in Ukraine, is about as big a provocation as you can engage in.
And it's a test to see what Putin's going to do with another red line he says he has, Crimea, that Russia took over five years ago.
So, this is really playing guts ball, or a game of chicken, or a game of Russian roulette, pun intended, doing this, and it's why previous Pentagon officials warned leaders not to do this.
You remember when Obama said if they used chemical weapons in Syria, it's a red line, and they said Assad used chemicals, but it turned out it was the forces he was fighting, the ISIS people that actually did it as a provocation, the Russians said if If you invade, we'll fight you.
And so the Joint Chiefs of Staff went to Obama, and they were on TV.
The press conferences said, we can't do this.
This will start a war with Russia, and we'll drive them into China's arms, and they have nuclear weapons.
We can't do this.
But now, I've been reading a lot of the policy papers, more and more of the establishment people are saying, well, we can survive a nuclear war.
And let's go ahead and just have a nuclear war.
You hear Sean Penn out there saying, let's just have a nuclear war.
It's no big deal.
So Medvedev, the former president and now one of the main Duma leaders, just two weeks ago said, let's go ahead and have a nuclear war.
So we should probably get Scott Ritter, former top U.N.
weapons inspector, on the show ASAP, even though he's busy.
Twist his arm, crew.
Maybe even tomorrow.
Hell, maybe even today if he can come on.
Maybe he can come on in the third hour.
But just see if he can pop in and give us his take on this, because this is a big, big deal.
We'll continue to follow it as it unfolds and develops.
But this is a big deal, the attempted assassination of Vladimir Putin, an attack on their White House.
an attack on their 10 Downing Street, an attack on their presidential palace.
This is a big, big deal. You don't need me to explain to you how big a deal this is and how
reckless this is. And if you try to pull back and think, what is the calculus in this?
It's a morale booster, I guess, for the Ukrainians.
It's to test Putin to see what he'll do.
It's to try to push him into hitting civilian targets.
It's in the Western media.
He'll spin it.
If he blows up the Ukrainian presidential compound, then they'll call that a war crime.
But when Zelensky does it, it's a good thing.
Will Putin blow up governmental targets, non-military targets now, and then just deny he did it?
Will he blow up European pipelines and say he doesn't know who did it?
This is a real escalation. We'll be right back with Stephen Crowder in his studio.
You didn't talk about your faith as much back in the day and you and I kind of came closer.
When I realized a good portion of what you said was right, and then you also sort of said that your faith became more
of a priority to you, and I kind of came closer in our viewpoints.
That's a very real experience.
Well, I mean, I was raised a Christian, Evangelical, Baptist, and I believed in God, you know, had a Holy Ghost experience when I was about 10 years old, accepted Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.
But then I kind of became corrupt, not like evil, but bad and out of control and tons of sex and fights and wildness until I was about 17.
Humble brag.
And then, well, it was not really.
Until you were about 17?
I actually wish I hadn't done all that.
No, I was pretty wild.
I mean, I always looked like five years older than I was.
But the point is, is that I grew up fast, grew up mean, and my fists got hard, my, you know, all the rest is, uh... Let's be careful, yeah.
But, no, no, but then I know that you and I have had conversations about faith.
So then over the process of watching all this evil and things, I started having about six, seven years ago, a lot more religious experiences, spiritual experiences, and just could see the evil in the world and just felt the Holy Spirit even stronger, and had a bunch of other experiences that just made it completely clear to where my faith became stronger than it ever was, and so it's been that process.
And did you find you got attacked more?
The minute I started saying Jesus Christ on the air, that my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ, and that people, telling people you really shouldn't have sex before marriage, it's very destructive.
I've been there.
And let me guess, a lot of the attacks were saying you weren't a real Christian when you actually were becoming one.
Yes, exactly.
That's exactly.
They said, oh, you admit that you were involved in abortions when you were like 17.
You admit you did bad.
I said, well, yes.
I said, I admit I did bad things and I repent of it now.
I didn't understand it was bad then.
But that's what the world acts like.
Christ is there.
We actually seek Christ's face and repent to forgive us.
That's a whole story, Paul.
And you get rid of the old person and in comes the new.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect now, but a lot better than I was.
Good for you.
That's a clip, you sons of bitches back there.
And I know, he just talked about Christ and I said sons of bitches.
Fuck you guys.
I don't care.
Media matters.
Have your moment.
Shut up, Gerald.
All right, very excited to be in Steven Crowder's amazing studios with his incredible crew.
Only crew better is my crew.
I mean, they're just all awesome.
We're all on the same team fighting tyranny.
We're so much to talk about in the next hour with Steven Crowder.
Then we're going to get more into the escalation of World War III, the banks, the economy, you know, after he leaves us coming up in an hour.
But Steven, with all this big news, the open borders, the end of Title 42, the bank collapse, All the transgender cult going crazy.
I think what you bring up on here is most central.
This is a spiritual battle, good versus evil.
I can tell you that I was told by sources very close to Tucker that yeah, the main thing was him becoming Christian and really preaching it to people and that that really upset River Murdoch.
And so, what is it about the name of Jesus?
What is it about being a Christian broadcaster that scares the system so much?
You brought this up today, and I think it's really central, because I don't want to say you've been a better Christian than me, but I know your pastoral history.
Nobody's perfect.
You've been very steadfast in your belief since you were very, very young, and that's really what's guided you.
So, talk about your faith.
I think you actually brought it up today, if I'm not mistaken.
And that was incredibly effective, by the way.
We were sitting there going, like, oh my gosh, it's an Alex Jones altar call.
It's not going to help with the Sam Kinison comparison, because people remember he was a pastor beforehand, right?
And you need to come to Christ, huh?
"Have you got a copy of the Old Testament?"
So I thought, "Man, I really see it.
Maybe he is the reincarnation."
But you know what?
I don't really, I haven't talked about it much.
We do the shows on Fridays, like with Gerald, because Gerald has actually studied this
and actually used to teach courses.
He's a theologian.
Yeah, he really knows it pretty well.
And of course there's always sort of this infighting as far as what qualifies a theologian.
I mean, Jesus never went to seminary.
But I do think, look, there is truth.
It comes down to truth, right?
I think both you and I are obsessed with truth.
And I don't think there's any greater truth than the fact that, you know, God created the world and Jesus Christ is his, you know, one and only son.
He sent his son for all of us and there's no way to be redeemed outside of that.
Now, I understand that there are a lot of atheists who watch, a lot of libertarians who Now we're becoming sympathetic toward the idea, because they see that if there are no Judeo-Christian principles, right, Western civilization ceases to be.
This idea of, if I don't, if I don't need a God, if you need a God to tell you not to kill, then you must be a horrible person.
And I always go with those people, I say, well, hold on a second.
Okay, not all societies agree that you shouldn't kill, or certainly the circumstances surrounding killing.
Let's go further.
That's fine.
For example, with a lot of Native American tribes, they didn't have a concept of personal property.
Where does that come from?
What about adultery?
What about philandering?
What about the idea of mercy?
This was only of value because of modern Christendom.
So I think we see it in practice, and unfortunately, a lot of people don't necessarily finish connecting those dots.
I've always tried to appeal to people pragmatically because, you know, look, you and I, we're in a fishbowl.
And of course, I'm an incredibly imperfect person.
We all are.
And so I've always felt like, well, I'm not a pastor, and I don't want to be an example, or I certainly shouldn't be a role model, but I need to be honest about my faith.
And I think one thing that you do is you are very straightforward about any of your issues, your hang-ups.
Your transparency is what I think is so refreshing for a lot of people.
So I think it's important that people talk about it and not be afraid to discuss it, even though we're imperfect.
Because like you see, I don't know the full story with Tucker Carlson.
You know him much better than I do.
But a lot of Christians are afraid.
They're going, oh, any mistake that I've ever made is going to come back and people will say you're not a Christian because everyone else's sin is worse than your own, right?
It's so easy to say, I can't believe that Tucker said that.
And frankly, none of it was even that bad.
I'm sure there will be worse things.
That's what they do.
They dripped us out.
But people don't want to examine what it is that They do.
You want to tell me that you've never just said something as bad as Tucker Carlson in text?
The worst thing he said was, you know, this typically isn't the way that white people fight, meaning gang up?
Look, of course not all black people, but we discussed world star hip-hop.
It exists for a reason.
Oh my gosh, speaking of white, the whitest dog in existence.
My dog, Joe Louis, just came in.
Hey, Joe Louis, Joe Louis, come here.
He's looking for the trash.
He's looking for food.
Joe Louis.
That dog is the best.
Joe Louis, come on.
Come on, come on.
Yeah, I have an all-white dog.
It just so happens that I rescued a dog Argentino, so now it's been a breed in the family.
But I think it's, uh, it's important.
It's something a lot of people shy away from because people don't want to have a magnifying glass held on them.
And I think we need to say, you know what?
It's okay.
We all make mistakes.
We're all imperfect, but that doesn't change it.
I think that's it.
is that there is a higher power and if you don't agree there's a higher power, you try to make
yourself a higher power, then there's no governor or the state becomes a higher power and it really
is once you subscribe to a higher power and admit there's bigger things in the universe,
things really open up and so we all know we have a conscience when we ignore the conscience,
we turn into monsters and we let the shadow side of us take over. Well think about abortion.
Abortion, I don't know who described it this way, it is sacrifice at the altar of self.
It's actual human sacrifice.
And even if people want to say zygote, embryo, where it is okay, but at the point where you look at the abortion policies in California, in Colorado, in Virginia, no one denies that you are ending a life.
And the only reason at that point, when you look at a very small percentage are incest or rape, the vast majority are because someone doesn't want to raise the baby.
Notice now the left doesn't say it's just a ball of flesh.
They said, hell yeah, I killed that kid.
They have t-shirts.
They're bragging about it.
Yeah, I know.
It's about their selfishness.
I'm in charge.
Screw that little... And then they wonder why 40-something percent of young men don't want to get married.
This is one thing that to me is a real issue, culturally.
It's an issue that can't be fixed, right?
It's 40-something percent.
I don't have the number in front of me, but you know the number, I'm sure.
I mean, you have this crazy memory where you can go by rote.
Huge percentage of young men don't want to get married.
Guess what?
You can't fix it by forcing young men to want to get married.
Has to come from one side.
I think it's around 50%.
In Japan it's like 70.
In Japan it's very high.
Yeah, and they have used panty vending machines.
So they have a lot of problems there.
A lot of problems.
A lot of problems.
Also in Japan it's also weird, you know, to sleep with your wife in your house because it's considered like a brother-sister relationship.
So this kind of sexual, people think sexual repression comes from Christianity, which couldn't be further from the truth.
If you've read Songs of Solomon, it refers to the ladies' breasts as melons, where I actually couldn't go to the produce aisle for a good few years when I was a kid.
In Japan, there's a sexual oppression and it manifests itself in really unhealthy ways.
So, the Bible is prescriptive in a lot of ways.
It is like, don't eat shellfish.
You eat them 20 times, you finally get sick, you go, God, I'll never eat them again.
I don't know if that's necessarily the best example, but sure.
If it's not de-vein shrimp, yeah.
The Old Testament's Levitical law.
And back when they couldn't test stuff or know, you know, it was like, you know, hey, don't eat this.
You know, they see a pig that's carrying all these diseases and got ticks all over, they say, we're writing a law against that.
Right, exactly.
And they talk about some of the horrible practices back then.
I mean, you think about it, they wouldn't have even had a chip in their brain for like a Lizzo.
So they're just like, ah, don't do tattoos because these people are doing them and they're talking about witchcraft, not tattoos as we know them.
Well, I mean, I love the alternative.
Really, if you can apply it to today, it all makes sense.
Don't mix the seed.
And, you know, don't put people's other, people's bodily fluids in your body.
Don't, don't, I mean, it's all really common sense stuff.
Yeah, there's a lot of it in there that is common sense, but there's a lot of it in there that unfortunately throughout humanity is not.
So when people say that, oh, we get our values from this innate common sense, it's not the same across society today.
No, it's right.
And I see some of the real racists out there that think everything's a Jewish conspiracy when it's not.
They literally go, it's not Judeo-Christian.
Well, yeah, it is Judeo-Christian because it's Abraham.
And all three of the monotheistic things come out of Abraham and the Jews.
So just sorry, and it's not like I'm worshipping Jews here.
I've got big problems with leftist Jews, the ADL, and what they do, but I don't blame Jews for that.
I'm sorry.
Those are secular humanists.
Those are secular humanists who have taken over Judaism.
No, it does come out of the Jews.
There is one Jewish conspiracy, though.
Gefilte Fish, we have a, with Sam here who eats it, it's like a paste, it's like a frothy thing.
No one likes that.
That's gross.
There must have been a meeting of ten people who just said, we're going to declare this to be edible.
Outside of that, you know, I think a lot of it is ill-founded.
But Gefilte Fish, you have some... Yeah, and all human communities have problems.
We're all fallen.
And so the Jews are falling, the Christians are falling, the Muslims are falling, the black people are falling, the Asians are falling, everybody is falling.
Let's admit we've got problems, but we all have the same problems.
And then let's just not sit there and go, because I hear, like, I'll say, Georgio Deo Christian systems that are attacked.
Well, it's attacked in the Jews by the leftist Jews saying there is no God.
Like, half the synagogues don't say God's not real.
Well, half the Christian churches say that.
We all have the same problem.
So let's just be honest about it and say, okay, you've got to throw Jesus out and everything else out if you don't say it comes out of Abraham.
And so it's not some defense of Judaism.
I'm sick of hearing that we have no connection to Judaism.
Well, that's also the issue with Islam, though, because it'll say Abrahamic faith.
The issue with Islam, and this happens with a lot of sort of Christian sects, right?
There's a supercession where they add to the books and they say, by the way, everything that Jesus said, actually, that we correct, you kind of ignore that.
You know, Islam is based on the idea that the blessing of Abraham, going down to his, you know, oldest son, Isaac Ishmael, was a lie.
So, you have to believe, and this is why you have so much radical anti-Semitism across the Muslim world.
If you believe that these people who carried the books lied and subverted the text, basically, from Abraham onward, of course there's going to be some animosity.
So it says, well, we believe in the Bible except not everything else.
For example, in Islam, this was one thing we talked about recently, where they get really mad, for example, if you draw a Muhammad.
I'm not saying you should just go out and troll and draw Muhammad, but what I am saying is, hold on, that's more offensive than a religion that says Jesus is not exactly who he claimed he was, right?
Muslims believe that Jesus was a prophet, but that he didn't die, that the body was replaced.
Well, that's sacrilegious to Christians!
certainly more so than drawing a conclusion.
And again, we know what Mohammed did, who was basically, I'm not attacking Muslims, but it's true.
He was illiterate, and he lived there at the crossroads in Mecca, basically going after
the trains, the camel trains, you know, that came through from the east going west,
and he would rob the caravans, and he just smartly said, "I'll control people,
and I'll take a cosmology of the dominant religions of Judaism and Christianity,
and I'll adopt that in my own religion.
And within a generation after his death, they control the whole Middle East.
He said, a pinch of Zoroastrianism, and I get to have a six-year-old wife.
I think she was nine.
She was six.
She was arguably nine when he consummated.
That's right.
Which I still think is, you know, different.
I think it's a little weird.
I'm not for that.
And look, I'm not trying to make war on the Muslims, but here's the deal.
There's all this stuff saying now even Europe can't be Christian.
Well, where are we supposed to live?
And all I'm saying is that we don't accept that, and so we're not going to accept that, and you're not going to conquer me.
Yeah, well, I come from, that's a big, people don't understand this, the separation of church and state, when people always say, I go, hold on a second, here's the Constitution, find it.
What they're talking about, of course, and there's a lot of other texts that support it, like the letter to the Danbury Baptist that was written, a private letter.
It was to keep the government out of the church running business because they left the Church of England.
Now, I come from a place, Quebec.
Where effectively the provincial, the state denomination is Catholicism, right?
So they were tied to the state.
Think about the Pharisees and Sadducees, they were a part of the state.
In Europe, religion was enforced, and that's why faith is dead.
The only place left where you actually have Bible-believing Christians in a significant number is the United States, and it's dwindling, unfortunately.
In Europe, it's because it was enforced by the government.
So these Founding Fathers said, we need to separate them because people reject it.
And there was all the giant wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland over what faith was official.
We're like, hey, you can practice whatever faith you want as long as you're not hurting somebody.
It ends now.
Separation of church and state means the government has no jurisdiction over religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, prohibiting the exercise thereof, or the right of the press, or the right of the people, or the petition of the government of freedom and justice.
It's not giving us a right.
It's pointing out there is no governmental jurisdiction.
But going back 70 years ago, they tricked the churches into 501c3.
You're just a charity.
Now you can't be involved in politics.
Churches can be involved in politics.
They just can't create a state-run religion.
And by the way, that only applies, this is good, people get it, Matt, largely to white churches.
And I will say this because... No, you're right.
The black churches can become 100% black.
When I was in New York doing stand-up comedy, I had a manager who was Dominican, and it was largely a black church.
And I went there, and I remember there were local politicians canvassing.
They were having people sign up.
They were signing up voter rolls at the church.
Now, I remember then going to a huge church here in Texas that people would know, where they would be afraid of even having a politician come up and speak his testimony.
Now, sometimes they do, but there really is a difference.
So explain how this works.
I'm going to explain it again.
The government has jurisdiction over Things that are constitutional, like coining the money, defending the border, interstate commerce.
It has no jurisdiction over religion.
All the Constitution and all the letter from Thomas Jefferson says is, we do not have a state-run religion.
That's it.
But if a valedictorian wants to- And that's to preserve faith.
That's to preserve faith.
If a valedictorian wants to get up and say, I owe this all to Jesus Christ, or Muhammad, or they're a Buddhist to Buddha, or I owe it all to my grandma, they can say, I owe it all to Mickey Mouse.
When you see, like, the football team says, oh, a football player can't thank Jesus when he spikes the football.
He can say, I love Harry Potter if he wants.
He can say whatever he wants.
That's his free speech.
Remember, I remember, like, 20 years ago, I didn't believe the headlines, and I actually heard about it with family.
In Texas, they were telling kids in Houston, do not give out Christmas cards.
Because that's religious.
No, the children can hand out religious tracts during lunch if they want.
They can't disrupt the class and hand it out.
But they can sit there and pray with their friends at school.
They can have a Christian after-school event.
But as you said, they have satanic after-school events all over the country and all this stuff, but they try to stop Christian ones.
So their separation of church and state is target Christians.
Where anybody tries to say we have a state-run religion to be Baptist or Catholic or Islamic, say in Dallas, Texas, I'm gonna fight that.
That's unconstitutional.
But if the Muslims want to have an after-school Muslim event and kids can come to it voluntarily, that's their right.
Sure, absolutely.
Yeah, it doesn't happen in very large numbers because they don't really have the same kind of Islamic outreach.
A lot of people don't realize this.
If you look at the Islamic faith, there isn't Islamic missionary work the way there are with Christians.
And by the way, even you can look at other people like Mormons.
You can look at other religions.
Because if you look at the tenets of Islam, It really is about subjugation, conversion, or death.
And that's not what Christians believe.
And it is kind of this, right, they have their wiener and a vice, unfortunately, the left, because they have to try and say, let's be tolerant of all things, let's be tolerant of Islam, but Islam is the one that is more prescriptive in what would be antithetical to they believe.
In other words, how they treat women, how they view women, how they view the treatment of anyone, not just Jews, anyone who's not Islamic.
It's something that doesn't make any sense, and that's what we're talking about today, that you hit the nail on the head.
The left today cannot exist without religion.
The trans issue is a perfect example.
There is no scientific study that says a male brain can be born into the wrong body.
Every time we've tried to verify it, it says, this is wrong.
And by the way, still exists within the binary.
But how do you feel?
Oh, do you mean a soul?
Well, we can't say that.
That's because you're crazy.
You're a silly, goofy, insane person.
They've set up a new corporate fund of religion where they make billions of dollars off the surgeries.
And I saw a New York Times article two weeks ago saying, okay, Earth Day is the new religion, but it's really the state directing things and saying, you've got to pay a pittance, you've got to pay an indulgence to the government or to corporations, a carbon tax, because of your original sin of being a human that's bad for the earth.
So instead of it being sin, as a reason we have to have God, no, we've got to have a state to absolve us by us following these dictums.
It's like indulgence.
And on Earth Day, you know, they do that thing where people are supposed to turn off all their lights.
Everyone puts this up on Twitter, right?
For Earth Day.
I don't know which stupid guy day it is.
The idea is your lights are bad.
Right, the idea is your lights are bad.
So the closest thing I'll ever have to like a Martin Luther King, you know, nailing it to the door moment is, uh, I save my old school incandescents just to swipe them in and turn them all on during that hour on Earth Day.
It's a lot of fun the neighbors don't like.
And they got the power to turn off our beautiful incandescents that are good for your brain, the others are really bad.
Is that true?
They can va- You know what, the blue light?
The blue light's fine.
Oh yeah, that makes sense, yeah.
California's banned all new construction of lawnmowers, golf courts, leaf blowers.
Now it's diesel trucks in a few years.
The UN's doing it.
Germany just turned off its last nuclear power plants.
I mean, first it's just being coal plants, now they're trying to ban gas power plants.
They're totally clean.
We're having our energy cut off.
I want to ask you two questions.
How many carbon emissions come from nuclear power plants?
I just want to make sure.
Zero, okay.
Zero, that's correct.
And you just talked about California.
Can you still infect somebody knowingly with a seminal load of HIV?
I just want to make sure.
Alright, I'm just a little murky on the rule book, so, alright, no nuclear power with no carbon emissions, we can't use incandescence, but, hey, you know what?
You sleep with me at some techno-viking festival, it's a roll of the dice, California!
And it gets worse.
Now in Europe, and here in the US, they're trying to get rid of hydroelectric that creates no carbon.
The water goes through and turns a turbine.
I'm from Quebec!
Yeah, first off, you're talking like Swiss Family Robinson, which by the way, the second generation, incredibly messed up.
It's just a bunch of flipper kids and they can't speak properly.
But I'm from Quebec.
When we would say we're paying our power bill, in Quebec we would say we're paying the hydro bill.
Because it all came from hydroelectric power.
So I remember as a kid, not fully understanding hydro bill, I thought, oh, it's the water bill.
It almost all came from hydroelectric power.
And by the way, there are no conservatives in Quebec.
There are liberals and liberal separatists.
It's an issue that is politicized here that doesn't need to be politicized.
Kind of like suppressors, silencers, and firearms.
There are places in Europe where it's considered rude.
It's noise pollution if you hunt without a suppressor.
But because here in the United States, they think it's, you know, like Corleone with a piano on.
That's right.
Almost no crime has ever been committed.
One crime has been committed with a .50 Cal rifle.
In the 80s, they robbed an armored truck with one.
One crime has been committed with a .50 Cal.
But they're always having congressional hearings wanting to ban them.
I know.
It makes no sense.
If you were trying to fire a .50 cal, you can't carry that thing.
What, am I going to roll out my old cart with a Gatling gun?
It's ridiculous.
All it's good for is shooting stuff at a half mile away.
I can imagine.
It is a lot of fun.
Especially if you have some Tannerite, which by the way, don't play with Tannerite, kids.
I don't know how many kids watch this show.
Well, they're also not super accurate.
Or blasting caps, if they still are around on railroads.
Don't play with blasting caps.
Hey, let me ask you this.
Shifting gears into censorship, isn't it interesting that you and I and Tucker all are under attack right now because we've got the biggest shows?
And isn't it funny to see Fox News working and leaking these videos off the satellite feed of him?
He's not supposed to disparage anybody under his contract, but they're openly disparaging him.
What do you think's going on?
Well, we talked about it on our show.
You have a little more inside baseball.
Look, this is what happens, right?
It's a soft way of attacking people.
These non-disparagement... And by the way, you have that anywhere.
I think every time you come in here, there's an NDA because you can't tell people where our address is, right?
And people want to harm folks.
So I understand the reason for it, and I think they're important, especially in the realm of comedy and creativity.
But you can't have an NDA with somebody and then they... and then you attack where they No, you can't have a non-disparagement clause and then you do that.
But you can if you say, I have no idea who leaked this.
And then if you have no idea who leaked it, you have no idea who edited it out of context, which is what could be.
And by the way, Tucker, my guess is they probably have something worse.
They're hoping people defend it.
And then they have something more embarrassing.
Because what they put out is not bad.
No, honestly, it's not bad at all.
If anything, they put out a redemption arc when you read his text.
I apologize.
My dog is licking himself right next to you.
I know it's incredibly distressing.
Well, the dog is really nice.
Yeah, I know.
But hey, Joe Louis, come on, stop going to town.
We're talking about gender theory here.
Joe Louis, I got treats for you.
Come here.
Oh, come on, but you don't though.
We live by his mercy.
Don't you just think about when we live with these wild beasts.
Boy, right here, boy.
Talk about that, how we've domesticated animals.
You want to talk about proof of God?
These are our eyes and ears.
I mean, I have an alarm system and this guy detects something long before the ring doorbell just decides to glitch out.
With Tucker Carlson, look.
Um, this guy, and I will say this, there are several things at play here.
Here's the deal.
I do have a concern with Tucker Carlson because he is leaving a platform where the median viewership is like 72.
A lot of them don't know where to find the internet and podcasting is difficult to do.
As you know, it's very different when you don't have a whole team of like 46 writers, right?
You have producers, you have people who help you.
And you have to pay for the infrastructure.
You have to pay for the infrastructure.
It's sink or swim by yourself.
So I don't know how he will do, but I think he's a powerful enough voice that he certainly has a chance at that.
What they're trying to do right now is eliminate his chance at that before he gets started.
What's ridiculous is they've already lost half their viewers over this because they had bigger numbers than they were claiming.
You mean Jesse Watters isn't bringing in a man like Tucker Carlson?
I'll be right back.
No, he's not.
And so this is their idea.
Well, let's hurt Tucker.
Even if they brought out real stuff that was bad, it would help him.
But bringing out the stuff he's talking about is, we shouldn't have white people ganging up in gangs and beating people up.
That's not very nice.
We shouldn't beat up antifa even though they gang up on people and do that.
When you've got an epidemic of black-on-white crime, we don't blame all black people, but there's a minority of young black males that think it's okay to go out and literally, I see 10 videos a day without even looking, and he's talking about a real phenomenon in a text message saying we shouldn't act like that.
By the way, I would be lying and you would be lying if we said that we weren't more aware of it happening with groups of black people because of actual crime statistics.
And it's just, by the way, Let's not just talk about race and talk about groups of people beating people.
Just inter-gang related violence.
It happened in urban areas.
Those gang related clashes tend to take place with groups of more than one person.
So right there, that's a statistical reality.
And it's something that, yeah, look, you just saw that kid the other day when the black kid, this was maybe a few months ago, said, say the n-word.
The kid said, no, I'm not going to say the n-word.
He said, you have one minute to say any of the most offensive, racist stuff you want to say.
He said, no, I'm not going to do it.
And he got the crap beaten out of him.
I will tell you this, I've been in bad areas of town.
I have been jumped in my life before.
And yeah, you are concerned when there are cultural differences that people attack.
Just like I would be more afraid of being stabbed in the UK than I would be of being shot.
Or you'd be afraid in Saudi Arabia if you got caught drinking a beer, they might put you in jail.
Well, I mean, they always have access to it underground.
They keep it in beer gardens, but they don't call it that.
They call them sex dungeons.
There are no gay people in Saudi Arabia or anywhere in the Middle Eastern world.
You know this, Alex.
Even though it's actually in the Koran that a shepherd can have sex with a boy.
There's a lot of stuff in the Koran that I'm not a huge fan of.
That's amongst them.
I don't know how much we want to get into it because I don't want to put a target on you.
Hey, I do like, by the way, just so everyone knows, I didn't ask Alex to wear that shirt or use that mug.
I'm sorry, we didn't have that.
It looks a little bit like Blue Crush, like a rash guard, but we do... Where do we get one of these?
Fight like hell!
I don't know, it's at CrowderShop.com, but we will make sure we have some... No, no, what happened is I wore a black shirt, and I'm going to get to sit in your chair, and the black didn't work.
So I said, please get me one of these shirts.
They said, what color do you want?
You want white?
You got a middle blue?
What is it? It's not like a powder blue. It's like a charcoal. I don't know.
Yeah, charcoal.
Just weeks ago, I warned the world that the Globalists were going to move against Tucker Carlson and take him off the
People said, no way, he's the most powerful thing that ever happened.
They've got quadrillions of stolen money.
They only had Tucker Carlson on the air because they believed they could control him.
But as soon as they figured out they couldn't, he was taken off the air.
It's the same thing with InfoWars.
But InfoWars is not owned by Fox, or controlled by George Soros, or owned by Spotify like Joe Rogan.
We are only beholden to our viewers and our listeners.
And when you support us, we're unstoppable.
I'm not underwritten by Rupert Murdoch or by George Soros.
I'm underwritten by you, which is we the people.
So I want to thank you for your support and encourage viewers and listeners to understand, please don't take Info Wars for granted.
We're barely hanging on.
We need your word of mouth, your prayer, your financial support, while getting great products at the same time at InfoWarsTore.com.
So don't procrastinate.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com, get amazing products that keep us on the air, and never submit to these tyrants.
Here's what's really going on.
We've talked to high-level federal agents.
We've talked to, I'm not going to say, I mean, let's just say people high up in the judiciary, just recently about what's really going on.
They are being told, the Border Patrol and ICE, to fake the numbers in the last two and
a half years with Biden.
They're losing upwards of 80% of people because they just walk right through.
The numbers are so big.
We'll have 2,000 people there in like 20 yards.
And that's an important fact.
The numbers that we're getting are, by the way, the most conservative estimates humanly
That's right.
So they estimate it's about 80% getaway.
And here's what's really happening.
When Trump sent troops to the border, that's because he was turning back about 98% of people using Title 42.
When Biden puts troops on the border, that's because the Border Patrol is so overwhelmed, they can't even get the crowds processed to get them on buses and planes to fly them to blue cities.
That's why the New York Mayor and the Chicago Mayor are complaining.
is because literally there's just illegal standing around everywhere
like you saw in that clip on CNN, but in Dallas, in Chicago, in Detroit, in New York, in Miami, but also in
the panhandle of Florida, California, Austin, Texas, they're just everywhere.
Anywhere they can get. It's Plains, Trains, Snow, Caminos.
Exactly. So the numbers we hear that are record, and she lies and says they're down 90%
using manipulation about another program, that's a shell game, are up hundreds and hundreds and
hundreds of percent.
So it was Obama that said, if you're a child, you can just be let in.
So then suddenly 25-year-old men with mustaches were being let in.
Then Trump clamped it down and cut it back 90 plus percent.
Under Biden, talked to the Border Patrol, they say it's about four times worse than it was under Obama.
They estimate that just last year, eight million illegals came across the Texas sector.
And by the way, a lot of people don't know this.
When Barack Obama incitated or extended that, we're not talking about the florist consent policy.
That was where they couldn't be held separately.
But when he said, if you're a child, you can come here.
A lot of people don't know the sales of propeller hats went up 4000%.
But let me add one more big tidbit.
This has all been confessed to.
Remember what happened... I'm sorry, Gerald, you're not getting a word in edgewise today.
Remember what happened... Jump in at the time, Gerald.
Remember three years ago, right during the middle of the campaign, Biden said multiple times, if I am elected...
Immediately surge the border, asylum seekers, and we'll get you in.
That's your right.
So they had sometimes caravans wearing Joe Biden shirts coming in.
And the same UN NGO that in the last 15 years ran the invasion of Europe, that guy runs the Texas sector because an NGO is above the border patrol.
When you go there, there's these giant tent city facilities the size of like five football fields.
I mean, tens of thousands.
It's insane.
Giant air conditioning trucks, huge cafeterias.
It's like an army invading.
You see the literal blue and green haired NGO people walking around through the fence ordering the troops and ordering the More patrol around.
So this is all run by Biden.
He said, come here, it's open.
So the troops aren't being sent to turn them back.
He's getting rid of Title 42.
He's already by fiat gotten rid of it.
That's why the CNN reporters are saying, if Title 42's here, why haven't they been sent back?
Because they're not enforcing Title 42.
That's a very important definition.
Including on top of convicted pedophiles.
That's an important distinction to make.
Deep Impact, which was a lot bigger than Armageddon.
I nominate and I draft Sean Penn to, just like in Dr. Strangelove, ride down the hydrogen bomb.
Imagine him.
On top of the bomb.
I'm telling you, it's time to end the world!
And I love prams, I love the surgeries, and I love fentanyl, and I love open bar.
Well, hold on a second.
And I love the collapse of the dollar, and the banks failing, and the cutting off the energy, and I let it destroy the planet!
Hail Satan!
Hail Google!
Hail AI!
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Sometimes, sometimes fentanyl is useful.
I want the entire Earth incinerated!
Are you?
You're doing Soros.
I get it now.
He's doing Cobra Commander again.
I actually have other segments to move to.
I'll get you, Gadget, next time.
Gentlemen, don't act so surprised, Your Highness.
You weren't on a mercy mission this time.
We can end this destructive conflict by destroying the Earth.
He's a national treasure and I say that without a hint of sarcasm.
Well I love Steven Crowder Studios and I am sitting in the big man's chair.
He's sitting over there where I normally sit when I'm a guest host here, and he lives pretty close to Austin, so it's great to be collaborating with him.
There's so much to hit.
More on the media wars, more on the CIA director secretly hanging out, the current CIA director with Jeffrey Epstein before he died.
We've got the insane attacks trying to kill Putin.
We've got the three of the biggest bank failures of the top four happening just the last few months in U.S.
Nothing like this has happened.
This is a crazy time to be alive.
Steven Crowder, how would you describe the start of your show today that kicks off weekdays at 9 a.m.
on YouTube and also on number one on Rumble and so many other places.
You describe it as a tempest.
Things are really turning into a big Yeah, I do.
I mean, right now is the first time in history since I've been alive, and history really is kind of short and right.
We're talking about big tech history, where there is an exodus, where there is an opportunity for one of these places, YouTube, to not have a stranglehold on the control of information.
And Rumble is making great strides.
Look, we hear you.
We understand that there are things that also need to be improved, of course, when you have your own servers.
But when I started, there wasn't even the option, right?
And as we started Mug Club, you know, a huge point of contention was, Look, you cannot be a conservative and be beholden not just to YouTube monetization, which we haven't been monetized in a very long time, but guidelines.
The YouTube guidelines read, don't say anything offensive ever, and some days that's referring to the election.
Some days that's referring to the mRNA vaccines.
Some days that's referring to lockdowns.
Some days that's referring to kids shouldn't be able to be castrated.
And I think that's something that if everyone on the right agrees upon, then we can be headed the same direction.
But if we don't, Then there's going to be kind of a civil war breaking out within the right.
You cannot, you can use YouTube, you can use these big tech platforms as they are fit, right?
But the problem is when you're precluded from speaking truth.
I mean, with you Alex, when it happened, I remember when this happened and we were on the show, and it was, was it all within 24 hours?
It was YouTube, it was Facebook, it was Twitter, and it was Spotify, it was Apple.
Look, it's not a conspiracy to say that that didn't happen by accident.
Oh, Tim Cook admitted he had a meeting and they all decided.
Yeah, exactly.
How scary is that?
And they can do it to absolutely anybody.
They remember when, after the election, they did it all to Trump in just a few days.
They did it all in one fell swoop.
I mean, the same thing happened with us sometimes when we had the Vox Apocalypse that had taken place.
So, I've always, I've been on YouTube.
And he's had the instinct of, So many other conservatives, like, I have people come to me when Tucker got taken off air and they go, this will make us bigger.
And I said, no, it won't.
We're next.
They're next round.
Having more conservatives go away doesn't make us win.
It makes us lose.
We need more good people that are telling the truth.
We need to beat this culturally.
This is not a damn competition.
Right, but I hope that Tucker Carlson has people around him.
The one thing I would caution with Tucker Carlson is make sure you have the right people around you.
And you know what?
This is one of those things, often even when we hire here, and early on sometimes we've made some where you just have like hiring firms and they would say, as long as someone's qualified.
I said, nope, they've got to be on board with the cause.
They've got to be on board with the beliefs.
That's first and foremost, regardless of technical qualifications, because if you have people around you who don't agree with your vision of freedom and your idea of freedom of speech, Those are not people who... No, I totally agree.
I'm not playing victim here.
It's just a fact because I've been through it as much as anybody on air.
Trump's been through a lot more, but anybody on air, I've been through the most.
I used to, 15, 20 years ago, just you're qualified, you're hired.
But they would always make stuff up and go join the other team.
Later we learned some of them were infiltrators.
They would totally manufacture things because that's their religion.
That's their ideology where the left is lying.
And so conservatives, populists, Christians, nationalists have to understand they're out to get us.
So we're open and think we're going to treat them nice and they're going to love that and believe it.
No, they're not.
So I finally, in the last few years, have a crew that is smart, informed, puts up with my crap, and really cares.
They're the best.
And I've had a crew over the years, but there was always some infiltrators.
People that will literally go to the New York Times and make up 100% lies.
And you read these giant lies and you're like, did I do that?
I don't have a fish tank and I didn't grab their fish and eat it.
And they use that example a lot because it's just... Did someone actually say that?
Yeah, never had a fish tank at the office, never did any of this.
And that same person... People believe that you grabbed a live fish from a fish tank and eat it?
And that's really in Willful Wall Street.
So yeah, it's out of a movie.
And then later on... Was this the village retard who was reading this?
They actually believed it?
The very same person that put that lie out, I learned before they, quote, quit, had been infiltrated a few years, probably working for them the whole time, would go around and say, you know, I really hate black people, and the N-word.
My crew would say, well, we don't believe in that, we're Christian, we love everybody.
We judge people according to their deeds, Martin Luther King.
And so, yeah, no, that, so I've experienced this, and until you've experienced it, people don't realize we're up against captured intelligence agents.
It's like, it's like you're some aquatic Ozzy Osbourne, that is absolutely bizarre that someone would buy it.
No, but with Tucker Carlson, you're just...
Yeah, I don't think he's going away, right?
But the issue here is, so I think, I think it might be a good thing in that he's freed from the shackles of Fox News, which if you probably look at some of these leaks and him complaining about Fox Nation, what I see, we talked about that, is I've been through this by the way, right?
True North for me is always the viewer.
It's always the person that's doing the content.
Well, Rumble is beating well, and they're great, and they're not censoring.
They've got a great platform, but when you send them three, four million people at once, they can't handle it.
Only YouTube can handle it.
They're upgrading, they're dealing with it.
You pitch on air.
Like, I love you Rumble, but God dog it, But you know what the difference is?
They go, yeah, yeah, we're doing this, we're patching this, we're trying to... Whereas, I've worked with other companies, and of course people can take their guess... No, no, you heard him, Fox won't fix it!
Yeah, they're not interested in it.
There are people who are interested in separating you, the viewer or the listener, from your dollar, right, just for a profit, and then there are people who are looking to serve you.
I can say this about Alex Jones, he's looking to serve, you actually do matter to him.
With us, our arguments were always on behalf of the viewer.
And that's what I see with Tucker, I see him going, it doesn't work!
He's not saying, it doesn't work, screw you guys, he's saying, let's just put it on YouTube where it works!
I don't think they know how to make it work.
Look, I've used Fox Nation.
I don't think they know how to make it work.
ass cutting edge stuff to take off and then they won't allot the servers when
Tucker sends a million views. I don't I don't think it's that but look I don't
think they know how to make it work. Look I've used Fox Nation I don't
think they know how to make it work it's just not very good.
I think it's It's just not very good.
When I was at Fox News, I was at Fox News for four and a half years, uh, they thought YouTube was a fan.
And, uh, I would upload to them.
No, I agree.
I mean, nothing against Roger Ailes, but that guy was a dinosaur.
And, and, and, yeah.
But he did like the ladies.
He did love them.
He did love the ladies.
Yeah, that guy got around.
But I mean, how else are you going to do it when you look like Orson Welles or you look like Hitchcock?
I'll show you.
Well, no, no, no.
Come on.
You do not sell yourself short.
I'm a little Orson Welles these days.
No, Roger Ailes was a weird, it was a whole odd shape.
He was the shape of any cup you put him in.
It was like a pear.
Yeah, like the Planters Peanuts guy only without, like, a charm.
Kind of like Grimace.
A little bit.
A little bit of Grimace.
And, you know, I always thought it was weird that the Hamburglar kept reappearing on those things.
It's like, he's a thief and he's on camera.
Catch him.
Put him in a lineup for crying out loud.
He's like, ah, he'll come back and he'll commit a felony.
Arrest him.
No, but that's the thing.
Ever hear of recidivism, Ronald?
Well, what I found out is when Roger Ailes, many years ago, this was like 12, 13, 14 years ago, tried to hire me.
They said, we're going to give you a Saturday show.
Roger Ailes tried to hire you?
He said, we want you to come do a Saturday show with us.
And when I wouldn't do it, then they had, I think it was a New York Post article with the Fox exec saying, Alex Jones wants to be at Fox, but he'll never be here.
So as soon as I did, they thought I would fly every Friday morning.
And skip my Friday show and fly to New York to tape a Saturday show that would air like on Sunday or something.
And when I didn't do it, they were like so blown away.
There was an article in the New York Post, oh, he tried to get a job here.
It was all like ego.
I'm like, dude, I didn't take the job.
You're going to attack me.
I actually, when I was at Fox News for a while and I let them know that I wasn't going to renew my contract, I think it was in four months.
And then all of a sudden it became Roger Ailes, you know, doesn't like, doesn't think Steven Crowder's funny.
Which, by the way, true.
He never did.
I never actually met with Roger Ailes.
But then I found out that he banned Norm Macdonald.
He filled in for Dennis Miller one time, and Miller time on Bill O'Reilly.
And Roger, I was like, who's this guy?
He's never been funny.
And I thought, oh, thank God.
He thinks Norm Macdonald's unfunny.
That guy has no sense of humor.
Doesn't mean that I'm funny, but it means that I'm at least in good company.
Oh, come on, Crowder.
You are funny, though.
I can't believe that he ever, he must have been drunk if he reached out to hire you.
Did he know you?
Was he familiar with the show?
Like, you're not right for Fox News.
That's not an insult.
That's not the right fit.
Come on.
He basically found Rush Limbaugh. He was smart about getting the radio turned back on.
But my point is that I never wanted to be on Fox News. I don't care about it.
But to them, they're the only thing that exists.
Which goes to your earlier point that the demographic, nothing against 75 year olds or 80 year olds,
they just don't even get what's going on.
There are only so many hover rounds you can sell.
And the point is this, they can be included, they should be included.
But those are only so many catheters.
Yes, so many catheters, so many ads that you can have with G. Gordon Liddy.
Or Bill Devane.
I kind of confuse it to our giant keypads.
Look, there's nothing wrong with having a median demo that's well into its 70s.
They should be included.
The issue is you can't focus exclusively on monetizing that group.
It's almost like the home shopping network, right?
They would make all this money when people would get their social security checks, when people would get their...
Social Security checks.
I was about to say Medicaid as well.
But they knew the times of the month where they would actually get a surge in online shopping, in video shopping.
I'm trying to forget the term.
What's the term?
Not QVC.
What was the other network?
The home shopping network.
The point is this.
You have to have a renewable resource.
You have to be generating new conservatives as well.
And that's something that you've been doing that I think Tucker has a real opportunity to do.
Yeah, because I want to save the country.
We'll be right back with Stephen Crowder.
Stay with us.
All right, it is Wednesday.
We are live in Steven Crowder Studios.
I'm Alex Jones.
He's riding shotgun with us.
I want to get into more of the media wars.
I want to talk about Title 42, the Collapsed Border.
He did a great job today on his show just deciphering and breaking down other lies.
But you didn't want me to do this, but I'm going to do this.
It is a revolutionary act to support new and up-and-coming and super successful independent media.
There is a war on the new press because we are the future and we've already dominated and that's why it's so important to support InfoWars, so important to share the articles and links, so important to buy the products, so important to pray for us.
We can't do it without you.
We're fighting together for a future.
It's beautiful how you left your big contract to have more freedom, you turned down the other contracts that would control you, and you've become number one on Rumble with millions of viewers a day there.
That is really a lighthouse for everybody else to really supercharge the burgeoning Renaissance, Great Awakening media.
So you've got a deal going right now, three months free.
All somebody has to do is email you guys a screenshot of the fact that you have a membership on some other conservative streaming media, whether it's The Blaze, or whether it's The Daily Wire, or whether it's, you know, the dozens of others that are out there.
People get three free months.
That's a great idea to experience it, but also show it to your family, watch it.
This is how we build the new infrastructure.
You do most of your show for free, but you have someone's buying a paywall because you're not sponsored by George Soros.
Tell us how people can - If you just send an email to freemugclub@latoscredit.com
and the reason for that is I would have people come up to me and say, "I want to join you, but I just signed up
"in November or I just signed up in September."
And you know how these things work with contracts where, look, there are times where you know
they're going to lapse and you want to do right by people.
But the fact is I have no way of reaching anyone who signed up or who feels as though they didn't get
everything they paid for.
I shouldn't say feel, you didn't or some people didn't get their mugs.
So we want to make sure that if you are signed up to any other service, look, you don't have to cancel
anything with any of the service.
Just sign up, send your screenshot.
So you're not even saying your old service, the Blaze, you're saying anybody.
Any service.
Which is going to be a huge cost.
And I have had a guy in a grocery store, a guy in a parking lot, somebody at church
come to me and say, "I love Crowder, but I paid six months "ago and now my membership's lapsed."
Well, that's the platform.
You didn't have a choice.
I know, yeah.
And similar things happen to me where a sponsor goes, "Hey, have your people buy this product and we'll give them
"a free gift."
And then they go, "We're done with you."
And the listeners are emailing me saying, where's my free gift?
I'm like... It sucks.
It sucks.
And again, this goes back to... But it's not something you did.
No, this goes back to the fact that, look, True North is what the viewer, you, you are actually the one out there.
You're the one that's going to change this country.
You are what matters.
And there's no other way for us to do it, so you get it for free for three months.
And by the way, people, we do a good portion of our show for free, but you also get Nick DiPaolo, you get a Friday show, we have these stand-up specials.
We want people to try it out, and if you don't like it, you can leave.
But what you're doing is building the new infrastructure.
And it's very costly, the amount of labor that goes in a great crew here that we put into the show.
And really, here's what it comes down to.
You know what, Alex?
I was under... and there are many places I've been under contract.
Sponsorships only used to want to run on the free portion of the show.
We actually want to create a show that people want to watch.
A big part of advertising is you get a blip and a number with a Nielsen, even though it's only a 12-second watch time and you sell it to advertisers, right?
For the first time after about two years of doing the show, advertisers wanted space exclusively on the Mug Club portion because so many people Actually watch every day because it's something you want to watch.
Now if it's not something you want to watch, it's not for you, fine.
But our goal is to create something that people actually value, not trick people into signing up.
That's what's key, and unfortunately that's what's missing a lot in our movement.
The left is so affected with that, right?
People will subscribe to Netflix, even though they have something like Cuties, which is effective to child pornography.
Yeah, exactly.
How many conservatives, and I'm not bitching at people because I'm just as bad, But I came to my wife about a month ago and I said, we subscribe to HBO and Netflix, we don't even watch it.
She said, you're right, they're leftists, let's cut it off.
We killed it.
We were paying a lot of money because my older grown-up kids were still using their codes they had from years ago.
She's like, why are we paying all this money for us to watch these shows?
Let's kill it.
It's almost impossible.
It's really difficult, right?
If you want to watch any UFC events, you have to have an ESPN pass.
And then that means you have to be subscribed to Disney, which means you're basically supporting pedophilia.
It's really hard no matter where you go at this point.
So we want to build something out, but it's actually viewership based.
It's actually based on the viewer.
And look, I'll tell you this, Alex, you're probably similar to me in a lot of ways.
Like for a while, you were kind of an indie guy until a lot of people discovered you.
I didn't grow up.
I didn't have Fox News in Canada.
I grew up on Letterman.
I grew up on Letterman.
I grew up even sometimes we could kind of pirate Howard Stern.
You know, we don't have prostitutes playing harmonicas within other regions.
But this is what inspired me.
And when I came to the States, they said change my mind with something that was pitched a long time ago.
Long time.
And when I was at Fox News, I said it'll never work.
I said, well, I think I think it would work.
And finally went out and I said, hopefully there are people like me who are conservative, but there's nothing out there.
And it's gotten hundreds of millions of years with no budget.
Pretty much.
Comparatively speaking.
Yeah, there is budget because of the amount of people who joined Muggler, but compared to the budget, for example, of Tucker's show at Fox, which again is what worries me.
I don't think he knows necessarily what he's in for.
You do.
Running a business.
Just the cost is many, many, many millions just in, you know, server costs.
It's tough.
It's a tough thing to run.
Especially when you're a creative type.
You know, I'm sure you're probably like me.
Well, that's why I like you so much.
You're an intelligent, funny guy.
I'm going to guess your answer's true.
There's not enough Mavericks.
And the system knows who the mavericks are.
They're worried about who's building the new America, who's building the new world.
That's why listeners get it and understand.
But this is a revolutionary act.
95% of war, the Pentagon agrees with my view, is information war.
So if we don't have our platforms, we're dead, we're done.
And that's what Trump didn't get.
One reason I'm mad at him is he's just like, well, if they're censoring everybody, I'll still be on air.
No, you're not.
They're taking everything off her.
What does he sound like, the skipper from Gilligan's Island?
Well, I don't know.
He'll take me off the eskib.
Come on, Trump is leading with more balls.
He has more balls than that.
I do a better claw.
You do incredible impressions.
I think people don't notice that.
But I can't really hear a Trump impression.
Yeah, no, it's just, but it sounded a little bit like the skipper.
I don't need the public, I've got myself.
That sounds like, that sounds like I am Sam.
Doing a fabulous job.
I can't do Trump that good.
Look, I like the public, but you're not going to find the N-word tape.
People say it existed.
Show me the tape.
Oh, no one says it exists.
Not the good people, not my people, not the best people.
And what I love about Donald Trump... Perfect answer!
He'll always say someone else says it, right?
He'll be like, look, a lot of people say that the folks at Fox News... I would never say this.
They say, oh, it's run by pedophiles.
I say it can't be run by... But they say, absolutely.
I say, okay.
That's what he does.
He puts it on someone else if he doesn't want to say it himself.
Okay, you say that.
You say that.
Listen, who am I to argue?
You're the expert.
Until he's the expert and everything else.
But no, look, I think Donald Trump was one of the most effective presidents of our time.
He screwed up a lot.
Right now, I want who is best for the country.
And you know what?
I haven't entirely determined who that is yet.
How does Biden hang on when he, by the day, becomes just... It's like watching somebody in a nursing home who's the president.
I mean, what happens to him?
Some pieces of tape and red hair die.
I mean this guy is being held up, you talk about Weekend at Bernie's, this guy is barely alive.
I mean this is not, this is cruelty, just to be clear.
I would feel bad for former Vice President Biden if he weren't such an evil man, you know like showering with his daughter, but I would feel bad because he needs...
Family to say, hey, you're not at the point where you should be doing this.
Exactly, they don't care about it.
But that was the little joke I made today.
You said, well, Governor DeSantis is going to execute pedophiles.
And I said, well, the Secret Service may have a problem with that.
How much child pornography was on the FBI computers?
Was it the FBI or CIA?
The Pentagon, all of them had them.
And it really is.
And here's the thing.
I mean, I guess I don't know because I don't know anyone, anyone who would support child pornography.
Well, let's expand on that.
Remember the earlier internet?
You didn't know what stuff was.
You click on something and I saw people with horses and people eating limewire and stuff.
People eating poop and stuff.
I would just be like, watch a NASCAR clip and be like, a woman with a horse.
I go, ugh.
Turn it off.
I've been blessed.
I've never seen child porn.
If you look at the books that are being promoted by Chelsea Clinton, it's literally adults having sex with children.
I mean, it's like, I feel dirty even looking at the book that's in the middle school Austin library, and I can't even believe they're doing it.
I know, I know, I can't even believe they're doing that.
I was protected in a lot of ways because at the Christian Household we had something called Cyber Sitter.
And I remember one time actually when I was a kid, so the closest thing for a while that I got to pornography was the PacSun Reef Girls.
And they would wear like kind of thong bikinis, and I was looking at them like... We're going to break.
Hold on, I want to hear about this when we come back with Steven Crowder.
Live from the Stephen Crowder Command Base, an undisclosed location in Texas, you were telling a story about the closest thing you ever got to child porn.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not... Good Lord, Alex!
You said the closest thing for years that I got to... You were reading the book recommended by Chelsea Clinton.
That was a burlesque show when I was an adult, and that was told to you in confidence.
No, my parents had something called CyberSitter, and then there was this website called PB Nation, Paintball Nation, I was into paintball, and there was an image thread, and it said, which one would you hit, meaning sleep with.
It's almost impossible to do.
It's like this game of cat and mouse right now, where you have the left trying to reach children.
and uh... my dad calls me because he could see everything that i saw
when i was fourteen and i just hear from the other room i'm walking past my dad goes "hey steven"
"which one would you hit?" and my heart just about jumped through my chest and i look and it's the
pack sun reef girls and then of course eventually i found my way around it but
here's the point it's the job of the parents right to protect their children
and it's almost impossible to do it's like this game of cat and mouse right
now where you have the left trying to reach children and now the school's working against you
Secret files on the kids?
It's porn at schools!
My dad could control what's on the browser.
He couldn't even do that.
You can't control what's at school.
These are pornographic books being met as a part of the curriculum.
They're not pornographic.
It's adults having sex with children, and that's what Chelsea Clinton's promoting.
It's as evil as it gets.
It is as evil as it gets.
How do they have the nerve?
What is their endgame doing this?
The endgame is, look, once you remove the innocence of children, once you sexualize children, then pretty much all bets are off.
That's kind of the last frontier.
And I really do think it's as simple as that.
It's about removing inhibitions, progress for progress sake, and then they'll probably find something else after that.
But think about it, start with euthanasia.
Canada's like, we're gonna kill you.
It's not even euthanasia, it's the government push.
It's a way of getting rid of homeless people in Canada.
When people said this, they said death panels.
Remember there's a big thing with Obamacare.
Now people use the term death panels and the argument from the left was there's no such thing as death panels.
There are no panels.
Well I can tell you, I have family who would have lived here in the United States who didn't live in Canada because the care was so expensive in Canada when it was socialized.
People had stage 4 lung cancer and they go before a government board and they say Do we really want to spend our resources at this point when the likelihood is very low?
And you don't have the choice.
It was a violation of human rights, a Supreme Court case in Quebec after I left in 2005.
People can look it up.
The Chauvi versus Quebec case, where they said it's a violation of fundamental human rights to not allow someone to pay for their own health care if they're facing a deathly illness.
And they had to change it and allow a privatized option.
Totally sick.
You did a great job today when I was on with you on your regular show, 9 to 11 weekdays.
Looking at the lies of the clownish White House Press Secretary.
Central, yeah.
10 Eastern, but yes.
KJP saying immigration is down 90% and you expose that it's an amnesty program where they legalized that certain group, so of course it's down because they legalized them all.
Yeah, it was Venezuela, right?
It was Cuba, Haiti, and Nicaragua, I believe, right?
Those were the four places.
Everywhere else, it's up.
It's up about 26% since January.
So, this is the issue.
They lie, and then, of course, she tries to silence, you know, Peter Doocy.
Like, if you can stop with the dramatics, just like the perfect little feminist that she is, right?
Trying to silence a guy who's asking an entirely legitimate question.
She has to play victim.
Like, you know, tone down the dramatics as though he's being aggressive.
He's asking her about a statistic that she subsequently lies about.
Meanwhile, the border is completely backed up, and it was Biden said, when I get elected, immediately surge the border.
So he's not sending troops down to stop it.
He's sending troops down to help process them into the US.
Yeah, absolutely.
And by the way, everyone should care about the fact that there is a disproportionate amount of people who are being sex trafficked across the border.
That's true.
There are more slaves right now on Earth than ever in recorded history.
I drive this point home all the time.
Over 40 million.
We think slavery's ended because we think it only happened in the United States and it was racially driven.
There's slavery all across the globe.
That's right, they distract us with stuff that happened 300 years ago instead of what's happening now.
Go ahead and play that clip of Peter Doocy.
Days ago she said 90% down.
He confronts her and here's her response.
If the border is secure, as the administration has said, then why would we need to send 1,500 active duty U.S.
troops down there?
Because we need more work.
We need more work needs to be done, Peter.
We put forth a comprehensive immigration legislation, and Congress, Republicans in Congress, refused to act.
And so the President has used the tools that he has in front of him to prepare ahead of Title 42 lifting.
As you know, that is happening.
In the next couple of days.
And so we are putting DHS, Department of State, is putting forth processes to deal with the changes that are going to be ahead of us.
And so that is what's important here.
And that's what you've been seeing for the past several months.
You've heard from DHS.
You've heard from the State Department on what we're putting in place to deal with the border once Title 42 lifts.
You said yesterday that when it comes to illegal migration, you've seen it come down by more than 90%.
Where did that number come from?
Because CBP is telling us the number is 136,000 people more this fiscal year so far.
I hear you.
I'm about to answer you.
If the dramatics could come down just a little bit.
What's dramatic?
Okay, I'm going to answer.
So I was speaking to the parolee program.
As you know, the president put in place a parolee program to deal with certain countries on ways that we can limit illegal migration.
And we have seen, the data has shown us that it has gone down.
By more than 90%.
That was what I was thinking.
Okay, so that's enough.
So you have an embassy where you're all legal.
Well, of course, in those countries, they're all legal.
Now they have a bill where if you're, quote, LGBTQ+, X, Y, Z, no one even stops you to say, I'm gay.
Well, just come on in.
Yeah, exactly.
By the way, and I'm sure plenty of people would say, what's the test?
You know, all of Cher's greatest hits?
It's like saying, hey, murder is down.
You go, wait, hold on a second.
But 125 more people were murdered yesterday alone than last year.
She goes, oh yeah, no, but we made murder illegal.
Oh, okay.
If you could tone down the dramatics, Alex, that's always what they do, right?
It's to frame it as oppressor and victim.
She has the microphone.
She's at the podium.
That guy's doing his job.
She goes, tone down the dramatics, or what was it?
She said dramatics, I believe.
Well, it's like when the corrupt cops pull you over, they say, settle down.
You're not even talking.
Yeah, exactly.
Settle down, sir.
My hands are at 10 and 2.
I am about to tase you.
Alright, this is going to hurt.
This is what she does.
Here's the issue, too.
You always wonder, sometimes, let's talk about Israel and Palestine.
For example, if you look at what Hamas supports, if you look at what they believe, let's get rid of the politics of it.
Of course it would go against everything that the left stands for.
They see the world as oppressors and the oppressed.
And the oppressors must just be generally in some way traditional, they'll say patriarchal, mainstream.
So, because Israel is more successful because they have modern technology, because their people actually live in some semblance of freedom, They have to side with Palestine.
In this case, she has to go, wait a second, I have the microphone, I'm actually a part of this cab, I'm a part of this White House, obviously I'm in a position of authority, certainly more than a reporter, a beat reporter from Fox News.
Stop, stop with the dramatics, so that now she's the victim, and people have to take her word for it, rather than the substance, because she did not answer that question.
And the dramatics is him saying, you shave falsely 90% down.
It's not true.
Imagine that in a courtroom.
Like, hold on a second.
You said that it was 90% down.
It's up 26%.
So, objection, your honor, dramatics.
Oh, objection.
You're a dumbass.
That's what I would say if I'm not a lawyer.
No, I agree.
So where do you think it ends with Biden?
I mean, he literally, every day gets worse soon.
Who do they replace him with?
I don't, I mean, I think that Kamala Harris is picking out drapes and probably has a Kamala Harris presidential seal cut out in the mug.
But the thing is, she's so imminently unlikable.
That even people in her own state voted her dead last.
Uh, I don't know.
I mean, honestly, I don't think, uh, I don't think this guy is well.
I don't really know that he would live through another term, though he probably will.
Um, who would be next after him?
I don't, probably someone like a Gavin Newsom.
I do, I guarantee you, they are grooming, and I mean this in a different, like, politically grooming, uh, to me, the most scary person in the country, and that's, uh, Governor Whitmer.
I totally agree.
I think Whitmer and Newsom are really growing.
Yeah, but Whitmer has the Trump card, right, because she's a female and Gavin Newsom's just a basic white guy with Mitt Romney hair.
And Whitmer, there are a few people who really get off on power.
Nancy Pelosi is one.
Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, is one, and Whitmer is one.
She really likes it.
She really likes wielding power, even sometimes when there's no reason to.
You know, I spent a lot of time in Michigan.
I was born in Michigan.
That's kind of my home state.
And she is someone who is terrifying.
She is tyrannical.
When you see what she has said before anyone was paying attention, it's terrifying stuff, and they want her for that.
And you see her work with the same feds that were involved January 6th.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, by the way, one of those guys, we were in contact with him.
One of those guys, a guy named Jason Chambers, we've talked about it.
He was talking with us after an event happened with Antifa in Utah, actually, University of Utah, and no reports were ever filed when someone handed one of my producers an ice pick and a taser.
And this guy reached out, and we were in communication with him.
It was always weird, he would appear, he would disappear.
Then I found out this guy was involved, one of the feds, with the Governor Whitmer kidnapping plot, and of course, you know, he never returned my text messages after that.
Steven Crowder.
9am Central, 10am Eastern.
People can find him at ladderwithcrowder.com and the whole Mug Club.
Incredible job.
Thanks for having me.
Thanks for standing up for free speech.
I'm going to finish my show up and get back to Austin.
But great job to your crew and congratulations on being number one on Rumble.
Steven Crowder, we love you.
We love you.
Thank you, sir.
I'm going to steal your dog, though.
I know.
I know.
You're going to kidnap my dog.
I promised you one, but then they found a home for the puppy, but they might have another one.
I love it.
When it comes to illegal migration, you've seen it come down by more than 90%.
And that's because of the actions that this president has taken.
It's difficult to describe, Jim, with words.
So I want to walk, so you can walk with me and just see the magnitude of the number of individuals who are around this church here.
Just streets from downtown El Paso.
A lot of these individuals you'll see are males, adult males.
A lot of the women with children are actually in shelters, in a network of shelters.
All right, let's hit pause on this real quick.
And back it up to the start because I want to play this clip again.
So here's CNN pointing out the mess that the establishment that they work for has created.
Saying, oh my gosh, we're here in El Paso.
It's not even the worst.
McAllen's like five times worse.
Preaching the giant caravans of tens of thousands coming through every few days.
And she says, Title 42 is already in place.
Why aren't these people being deported?
Well, because Joe Biden has not been enforcing Title 42. And now he's completely getting rid of Title 42
and saying he's going to put 1,500 troops on the border, but not to send them back with Title
42, to let them in and to put them on the buses and trains and planes and ship them to God knows
where to be voters, to be sweatshop workers. How many years did I tell you under Obama and
Trump stopped it, something great he did, and then under Biden the last two and a half years, that
they're in sweatshops, They sign them up for welfare, they show their welfare
check, then they sign them up and sweat shops give them about half their paycheck.
Because I read local news around the country, this comes out, and some of the federal agencies still do their jobs, so they're busting them, doing it.
So they sign them up for slavery, they steal their welfare check, then they sign them up at another entity to work at some sweatshop or a McDonald's, that's in the news today, illegal aliens work at a McDonald's, 10 year olds for no pay.
Because the paycheck is paid to the Democratic Party lawyers and to the system.
And then they sign them up as voters and give them the names of dead people to go vote.
So this is a total takeover using demographics.
We're not against these poor people.
They're being used as a permanent underclass.
We're against this overall system that is unfolding.
So let's play this clip again.
She's there saying, I don't know why Title 42's not being followed down.
I don't know why there's all these thousands of people here.
But they do know because he said, when I get elected, immediately surge the border.
Play the clip again.
It's difficult to describe, Jim, with words, so I want to walk so you can walk with me and just see the magnitude of the number of individuals who are around this church here, just streets from downtown El Paso.
A lot of these individuals you'll see are males, adult males.
A lot of the women with children are actually in shelters, in a network of shelters throughout El Paso.
As you mentioned, the city of El Paso Back it up 10 seconds.
El Paso's in a state of disaster.
They're already overwhelmed and collapsing.
They can't pay for the hospitals, they can't pay for the crime, the drug dealing, the fentanyl, the murder, the car chases.
in a state of disaster. They're already overwhelmed and collapsing. They can't pay for the hospitals,
they can't pay for the crime, the drug dealing, the fentanyl, the murder, the car chases.
So the answer is get rid of Title 42.
So they're not enforcing Title 42, this is happening, but now let's get rid of Title 42.
And the CNN sits there like, we don't know why this is happening.
Thank God Joe Biden is sending 1,500 troops who will not send them back.
Title 42 is gone in like two days.
They will move them into the country.
And that's how they spend this.
And if you have any background, any research, you know that.
The audience knows that.
But imagine the general public.
Oh, Joe Biden's fixing the problem.
He's sending troops down there.
That's all they're doing.
And think about how cold-blooded and evil this is.
And now as the world hears, Title 42 is over.
Most of the time, 80% of the time, the border patrols tell us they get across, they leave.
Democrats pick them up, ship them to a Democrat-controlled city.
Shut them up for welfare, sell them money, put them in a sweatshop.
If they're lucky.
Sex slavery, if they're not.
Yeah, I'm not defending slavery or sweatshops.
That's good compared to being raped.
And then they think you're so stupid they hide behind the complexity and they say, well, this is Biden stopping this.
When Biden said, and when I get elected, I want you to immediately surge the border three years ago.
In fact, pull that clip up, guys.
Find that clip.
I want to play it again.
We've played it probably 300 times.
We'll play it 301 times.
But let's finish up with a CNN clip.
...shelters and a network of shelters throughout El Paso.
As you mentioned, the city of El Paso, under a state of emergency, they declared a disaster because of the influx.
Because they know that once Title 42 lifts, that there is going to be a greater influx of migrants.
But here's the thing, so process this with me.
Back it up 20 seconds again.
Let's hear that one more time.
Immediately flood the border if I win the election.
I'm lifting Title 42 now that I'm the president.
They're creating the crisis right in front of you and CNN is telling you Biden's sending troops to fix his lifting of Title 42 and him telling you to surge the border.
So it's like if I shoot you with a shotgun and I give you a band-aid.
Or I stab you with a dagger and then I give you a band-aid.
This is the murder of logic.
Two men can have a baby.
All of this is just a murder of logic.
A lot of the women with children are actually in shelters, in a network of shelters throughout El Paso.
As you mentioned, the city of El Paso, under a state of emergency, they declared a disaster because of the influx.
Because they know that once Title 42 lifts, that there is going to be a greater influx of migrants.
But here's the thing, so process this with me.
Title 42 allows immigration agents to swiftly return migrants back to Mexico.
So the obvious question, as you look around, is then why are there so many migrants if the federal government is actually implementing this Title 42, then why are there so many migrants out here?
Alright, pause.
Oh, you don't know why?
Because he's not enforced it for two and a half years.
That's why there's been a surge.
Now he's getting completely rid of it and sending troops to help process them all into the U.S.
...immigrants back to Mexico. So the obvious question as you look around is then why are
there so many migrants if the federal government is actually implementing this Title 42 then
why are there so many migrants out here? Well here's what we know. From talking to migrants
and community leaders and officials on both sides of the border I can tell you that thousands
of migrants, nearly 40,000, are in at least four northern Mexican cities and frustration
is boiling over.
A lot of them are deciding to cross the border.
That's why you see so many out here.
Yeah, frustration is bullying over.
You're only letting in hundreds of thousands every month.
You don't have enough to process as a citizen.
Democratic homes be signed up in sweatshops for sex slavery and have our welfare stolen.
We're mad.
You're like, hey, it worked too well.
Our own infrastructure to process you into the voting rolls, into the welfare, into the scams is overwhelmed.
Don't worry, though.
The U.S.
Army will now work directly against America.
To process you and bring you in.
That's official.
That's happening.
That's what's going down.
Finish up the club.
At least four northern Mexican cities and frustration is boiling over.
A lot of them are deciding to cross the border.
That's why you see so many out here.
Some of them are turning themselves in to border authorities, Jim.
Others are deciding to cross the border illegally because they've lost patience.
They've lost patience.
Only tens of millions a year, everywhere, being signed up by the Democrats to suck off of them, and oppress them, and steal from them, and brainwash them, just like they brainwashed the transgender kids, and cut their genitals off, and say, oh, everybody's against you, you don't commit suicide, we'll protect you, be political, go out and attack people, go shoot up schools.
I mean, it's the same thing.
It's the formula of control.
They found the clip.
There's several that's close, but here's Biden as Kennedy Biden saying, when I win the election immediately surge the border.
He did this, the globalists did this.
I'm proud to have served with him.
What I would do as president is several more things because things have changed.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
All those people are seeking asylum.
They deserve to be heard.
That's who we are.
We're a nation that says if you want to flee and you're fleeing oppression, you should come.
Immediately surged the border.
So, we're going to go to break, come back, I'll introduce Owen that's taking over with some critical news.
I'm going to get back in the car, I'm going to drive back to Austin, I'll be back tomorrow for the full four hours.
Be cutting some special shows, probably going to do a Saturday special show.
I haven't done that in a while.
A lot coming up.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, Owen Schroer now hosting the show live
from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
And we're going to do a brief reset here, as I'll be with you for the next hour.
And I want to tell you what we're going to be covering.
We've got a little bit more on the border.
Alex pretty much covered most of that news.
We got a little bit more there.
Biden told you that the banks were safe and sound, although, what was his exact quote?
Maybe we'll get his exact quote, but just a couple weeks ago...
After the Silicon Valley bank collapse and Biden didn't do a press conference, finally somebody asked him a question, and he said, do not worry, the banks are secure, the banks are safe, the banks are sound, your money is fine, well now, the banks' stocks are collapsing yet again, and they tried to cover up or fill that crack with First Republic Bank by just absorbing that into JP Morgan, Well that's not really working because now the other cracks in the dam are starting to leak and stock prices are crashing.
So right here though, right here at InfoWars we told you get your money out of banks so hopefully you sold those stocks.
And then Kamala Harris is a world traveler now and she's embarrassing herself and the country on the other side of the planet.
So that's nice.
There is a lingering story to the latest Epstein drop that I want to kind of dig into a little bit as well and kind of explain what's going on since that Wall Street Journal article about a week ago now.
The University of Texas is going full woke And re-writing the dictionary, re-writing words, it's totally 1984 level.
And so I've been meaning to talk about this and maybe now is the time with this women, they've re-spelled woman into women with I's.
A made up word that doesn't exist.
You know, words actually used to have meaning.
And I don't know if this is because we've replaced verbal communication with digital communication or now because everything has become so politicized, but it's almost like words don't even have meaning anymore.
Words are like boxes or compartments that are supposed to contain something.
So we may talk about that with this latest story out of Texas.
Alex did talk about the situation in Russia with that drone strike.
Elon Musk tweeting out false flag memes in response to that news.
That's interesting.
RFK Jr., the left anti-establishment candidate, promises to pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange if elected.
Now why was that so hard to do?
Why was that so hard to do?
Every other candidate should follow.
The writers for the late night television shows are on strike, which really just shows you how pathetic those hosts are.
They do one hour show a night and they have a team of 16 writers that writes all their material.
We do three hour shows here, we have no writers, no teleprompters, How can they do it with no riders?
They can't.
And so now there's no late night shows in what is probably a good thing for the country.
We've got more from the fallout on Bud Light and just finally the conservative pushback, the conservative activism starting to get some headway here in more ways than one.
And now it's just an everyday situation with these mass shootings, but you notice that the mainstream media doesn't cover every mass shooting the same.
They don't cover every mass shooting the same.
Why would that be?
Why doesn't the mainstream media cover every mass shooting the same?
Well, if you're tuned in to the Alex Jones Show today, you probably already know why.
Well, everybody in the world knows Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself.
But we're just expected to move on from the industrial level sex trafficker pedophile that was connected to the top echelon of the financial sector of the political elite, Hollywood entertainment, media, you name it.
They all were meeting with Epstein.
We all watched him not kill himself.
Who killed Jeffrey Epstein?
But the story, the saga, continues.
And the obvious question remains, where is the fervor from any law enforcement for justice to be had, or to go after Epstein's clients that he was facilitating sex slaves to, or flying down to his sex slave island And we just sit here and we're just supposed to accept it.
You don't hear much from your politicians.
You don't see much from law enforcement.
And of course, the media doesn't go too deep into it or cover it ad nauseam as well.
Otherwise, we might actually know who was raping those Epstein sex slaves.
But there was a story in the Wall Street Journal They got into some more details about Jeffrey Epstein's activities and some of his clients, including the head of Joe Biden's CIA, William Burns.
Banking elites, Rothschilds, you name it.
But there's a lingering, there's a lingering aura.
There's a lingering stench From this Wall Street Journal story that has a lot of people curious.
Not only, and again, this isn't necessarily breaking, but it's starting to sink in a little bit more here.
Not only was Jeffrey Epstein a sex trafficker, not only was he a industrial level sex trafficker and sex slaver, He was also a financier, and so when they said, because they would write, oh Jeffrey Epstein, financier, well, it turns out actually there was a little truth to that.
He was a giant money launderer.
Epstein was also laundering money for his clients.
And then there's the involvement with the State Department, dating back to the George Bush senior days.
There's the involvement with his brother Mark Epstein, and the houses that their companies were running.
And so this all comes out with a leaked calendar and some other documents in this Wall Street Journal story.
But the story doesn't end there.
Because in response, William Burns, Bill Gates, and other individuals listed as Epstein clients and regulars after he was arrested, after he was jailed for the sex crimes, all claiming they had no idea Jeffrey Epstein was a criminal, they had no idea Jeffrey Epstein was a sex criminal, they had no idea Jeffrey Epstein was a pedophile, and of course nobody believes that.
You're the head of the CIA, you're working at the State Department, you're having meetings with this guy, having top-level conversations about your own private finances, State Department activities, and you didn't even do a background check.
Nobody believes that.
Nobody believes that.
And so, you've got to understand, we here at InfoWars, and you in the audience, We're the front lines.
We're the infantry.
We're like rabid dogs.
We're the berserkers.
So when we get that bone, we tear that thing to shreds.
The rest of the media kind of walks around the bone a little bit, maybe sniffs it a little bit, maybe kind of looks at it, might give it a lick.
Well no, now they're ready to actually bite into the Jeffrey Epstein bone.
Now they're really finally like, okay, what is going on here?
This guy's meeting with CIA, this guy's meeting with FBI, this guy's a Mossad spy.
It was again a top story on Fox News last night, Jesse Watters.
It's never been more clear.
Jeffrey Epstein was an intelligent asset.
Not only was he working for the CIA, Israeli intelligence, but also maybe Russian.
Joe Rogan talking about it on his podcast yesterday.
Tweet shared a clip of it from Thomas Massey tweeted out a clip of Joe Rogan talking about Epstein was a CIA spy with all the blackmail.
So it's reaching this point where even the low IQ people in the media, even the dullards in the media, Even the weak-kneed, spineless cowards in the media are finally starting to realize what this Epstein story really was.
And then there's the angle of the artificial intelligence.
Then there's the angle of the cloning.
But here's what's interesting.
It's still unknown how the Wall Street Journal was able to acquire this trove of documents.
Because apparently, They've still got a bunch of emails, they've still got a bunch of text messages, they've got a whole treasure trove of documents that they just decided they're going to put one out here.
Now, I can understand if I'm the Wall Street Journal and if I'm looking at this from a business perspective and somebody comes to me or one of my writers comes to me or editors comes to me and says, we were just given this treasure trove of Epstein documents What do you want to do with them?
I can understand having the strategy of saying, well, why don't we just do a slow leak, a slow drip, put out a story maybe once a month or so that's going to just go gangbusters, get, you know, 10 million views, be the biggest story of their month.
And let's just do that.
Let's just use this and have the biggest story of the month for the next 12 months.
And we'll just slowly leak out these Epstein documents.
Now that frustrates you.
It should frustrate you.
It frustrates me.
It should frustrate us all that law enforcement isn't doing this.
But that appears to be what's going on.
So my guess is there's going to be more from the Wall Street Journal.
And there'll be emails, text messages.
Again, big names like Bill Gates and others will be revealed.
And it's not just that he was sex trafficking.
I mean, he was money laundering.
Who knows what they were doing?
Experimenting with AI.
Who knows what they were doing?
Experimenting with cloning.
I mean, you can't even really call Jeffrey Epstein like the Lex Luthor because I'm not really sure he was necessarily the brains of any of this.
He was just like, he was the guy that ran it all.
I mean this guy was running.
This guy was like the ringleader.
He was the ringleader in the five ring circus.
You needed some criminal activity.
You needed access to a minor.
You needed a sex slave.
You needed to blow off a weekend on a sex slave island.
You needed to launder some money.
You needed to do an AI project.
Maybe you wanted to clone yourself.
You went to Jeffrey Epstein and they all knew it.
And there was so much influence and power behind Epstein at the time that he had that light jail sentence because the powers that be wanted him back out to run all of their criminal activity.
And of course it doesn't hurt When he is a triple agent, quadruple agent, quintuple agent, an Israeli spy, a US spy, a Russian spy, who knows how many else, getting blackmailed.
And then that becomes a method of controlling what might end up being in opposition to them.
Instead ends up being their ally based off the blackmail.
So he can blackmail you with the sex crimes.
He can blackmail you with the financial crimes.
Some people probably fell into this unwittingly.
Others dove headlong, completely wittingly, knowing very well what they were getting involved in.
And so we're going to have to just get slow trickle leaks from the Wall Street Journal.
And you might have a member of Congress bring it up.
And who knows if there's any law enforcement that has any interest in this anymore either.
Just the biggest sex slaver, sex trafficker on the planet connected to all the major political elite and banking elite.
Just a spy for multiple countries.
And they just want you to forget about it.
Go back to your life.
Be a good slave.
Did you take your vitamins today?
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All right.
Let's hit a couple odds and ends here.
Why is this so hard?
Why hasn't Donald Trump done this, or Vivek Ramaswamy, or any other presidential candidate?
Joe Biden?
promises to pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange if elected.
I mean, look, I'll tell you right now, we've got members of the crew here that like, that at this point, would vote for RFK Jr.
I'm still with the front-runner Trump.
I've explained why.
I won't go into that detail.
I kind of think I like Vivek the best, at least what I've seen from his campaign so far.
But RFK Jr.
comes out and says something like this, that's like major, major rocket boost for me.
promising to pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange if elected.
I'm starting to learn more about R.F.K.
and I'm starting to learn more about how he thinks, his political philosophies, but more importantly, which what I find curious, is the political strategy.
And I'm finding him to be a lot more, a lot more intelligent and advanced than I thought he would be.
And that's not to insult him saying, oh, I didn't think he was politically savvy.
I didn't realize how politically savvy he was.
And I think what RFK Jr.
is doing is kind of a reverse side of the aisle, what Vivek Ramaswamy is doing.
I think Vivek realizes that he doesn't have a real shot to win this time.
He might believe he does, he might not.
But I think the strategy here is, I'm going to get onto the platform, I'm going to get onto the stage, and I'm going to force these issues into the debate, and I'm going to make An entire new brand, an entire new version, an entire new image of what a Republican candidate needs to look like during a campaign heading into a primary.
And that's really pushing the issues, defunding the federal government, slashing these federal bureaucracies, cutting taxes, and then there's owning it, putting it into the narrative.
If you're RFK, same thing.
Promising to pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange.
So now, that's on the debate stage.
This is why they don't want to have the debate stage.
They don't want the topic of pardoning Edward Snowden and Julian Assange to be on the debate stage because that's a populist thing that most liberals and conservatives would agree with.
So they can't have that on the debate stage.
But now, thanks to RFK Jr., if we had a real political process that hasn't now been destroyed by the left in this country, then that would be a major factor in the debate.
It's pretty simple stuff.
They'd set up the stage.
One of the hosts would ask, RFK Jr.
has promised to pardon Julian Assange and Edward Snowden.
Would you, Joe Biden, make the same promise?
This is why they don't want to have the debate.
Same thing on the Republican side.
Vivek Ramaswamy has promised to slash all federal bureaucracies in half his first day in office.
Would you do the same, Donald Trump?
Oh, we can't have that in the conversation, can we?
We can't have that on the debate stage.
That's a little too real.
They want you to talk about, can men get pregnant?
They want you to talk about can men get pregnant.
And even the issues like border security are such a joke to talk about anymore, too.
Because we're not having a fair and honest conversation about the border.
We're not having a fair and honest conversation about illegal immigration.
The White House Press Secretary gets up there and lies to the American people's face, telling you it's down 90%.
So even real issues like illegal immigration and the southern border don't even have real debate on them because we can't even be honest about what's going on.
And, again, that news is about to bust.
That border news is about to bust.
Uh, maybe that's with that spy balloon.
They don't know what's going on.
Maybe the spy balloon is one of those border balloons.
Maybe it got lost.
They don't know.
Pentagon says mysterious balloon spotted near Hawaii.
Not Chinese spy craft.
They don't know.
They have no clue.
Is it Chinese?
Is it not Chinese?
Is it a spy balloon?
Who knows?
They don't know.
They know nothing.
They know nothing.
Oh, there's hundreds of these balloons.
It's totally normal.
But wait a second, it's not normal.
And this one's Chinese and spying on us.
But we can't blow it up.
But it did get critical infrastructure data from our nuclear bases and army bases.
But we couldn't do anything about it.
We don't know.
It's a balloon.
Want to let you know, coming up in the fourth hour of today's transmission will be guest host Kate Daly with guest Garrett Ziegler from Marco Polo talking about the Hunter Biden laptop contents.
Of course, they've had it.
They've scrubbed through it.
Fact check everything there.
And tried to help law enforcement investigate the crimes there, or potential crimes, alleged crimes there.
So, we're just going to get the latest on that.
The Biden crime family continues to operate.
The Biden crime family continues to operate.
And so does the radical left wing.
I do... The measurement here is just going to have to be an everyday process.
It's kind of like if you've ever...
Tested chemicals, like in a pool.
You gotta do that every day.
You can't just do it once a month.
So this is going to be an everyday process to keep up with, but from my perspective, I'm noticing that the average American that might be uninformed or misinformed even, is starting to realize what the radical left really represents and stands for.
And if they're not pushing back against it now, they're at least realizing, hey, you know what?
I shouldn't be ingesting this.
I shouldn't be consuming this.
I shouldn't be amplifying this.
I shouldn't be supporting this.
Specifically when they see what they're doing with children.
And you know that story.
And so we've got some examples of that from Texas.
But first, the I mean, was it ever an official boycott?
It wasn't like people ever had an official boycott of Bud Light.
It was just kind of assumed that once they did the whole trans agenda thing, that we weren't going to be drinking Bud Light anymore.
And so...
Did Dylan Mulvaney sink Bud Light?
Did Dylan Mulvaney destroy Bud Light?
Wouldn't that be ironic?
Do you think Dylan Mulvaney even drank any Bud Light before he did those weird internet videos?
And so there's no doubt they've taken a major hit here.
Now quickly to explain this again, I talked about this yesterday on The War Room.
I was speaking to somebody in the Adult beverage industry.
I've got friends in it on the marketing side, in the distribution side, everything.
And one individual who I was talking to about this said, you know, I think the strategy here might be, and he might be reaching, but it struck a chord enough with me that I figured I'd at least see what you thought.
Is Bud Light and all these other brands thinking to themselves, well, maybe we hurt our current consumer base.
Take Bud Light for the example.
Because, I mean, it's undeniable.
I mean, here's that line.
We've never seen such a dramatic shift.
Bud Light hopes new ad blitz can overcome corporate suicide.
And let me tell you, the panic is real, though.
That's why I think that this might not be the case.
Because the panic is real.
But I don't think it's out of the question entirely.
Could these brands be thinking, we've all seen the latest data, whether it's from the CDC or these other groups, where Let's say when I was in high school, maybe 1 in 20 identified as LGBT+, or whatever.
And now they expand it, so, you know, it used to be just, you were straight or gay, but now there's 5,000 different things you can be, and so they sell it all to children, like, you can be a dinosaur, you can be a unicorn, you can be a fairy princess.
It's like, oh, that's your sexuality now.
Kids that haven't even hit puberty, kids that don't even have any thoughts or inclinations like that, right?
It's the old joke.
I mean, boys and girls think each other are icky when you're growing up.
So we see that in entertainment and cartoons.
But no, now it's, oh, you're a two-spirit genderqueer.
Are they thinking, now that the CDC says, well, look, we've gone from 1 in 20 LGBTQ+, to 1 in 10 LGBTQ+, to now 1 in 5 LGBTQ+, where they're doing it in grade school!
In grade school!
Maybe in high school.
I mean, there were definitely people when I was in high school, they were gay.
Now they're doing, oh, grade school!
You're in third grade and you're gay!
You're in third grade, and you're a two-spirit, genderqueer, non-binary, non-conforming fairy princess.
Alien race.
So are they just thinking, well look, at this rate, At least half or more of the population is going to identify as something that they're not on the sexual gender spectrum.
So let's just, when they get to the drinking age, they'll remember it was Bud Light that were the ones that supported me and all these other companies.
Might be far-fetched, but it was curious enough to me.
However, there's no doubt that this is crushing the brand.
There is an internal storm trying to recover these losses.
You know, I don't think it's gonna work.
I don't think it's going to work.
For me, I mean, quite frankly, once I got into my 30s, I'm 33 now, I really don't drink much anymore at all.
Mostly just because I'm either always busy or if I drink the next day, I'm just not going to want to do anything.
But I mean, definitely in my 20s, I'd be going out having drinks pretty regularly on the weekend, social events, what have you.
And Bud Light was always my go-to.
So, I mean, I don't drink as much anymore, but the point is, if I go out and I'm gonna look for a beverage, I'm not drinking Bud Light anymore.
Just not happening.
Obviously, I'm not the only one.
I don't think they ever make that loss up.
They're never gonna get somebody like me back.
Even if I'm not sitting here like, well, I gotta prove a point to Bud Light that you don't use trans men to market to me and my product.
No, I'll even tell ya, I'm fully willing to say I'm a bandwagoner on this.
It's nice to see a conservative boycott actually work.
It's nice to see that American patriots can come together and actually accomplish something when somebody spits in our eye.
Now, has it worked across all the different platforms that have spat in our eye?
No, but with Bud Light it certainly did.
Maybe it's the easiest because there's so many other options, where else are you going to watch professional football?
Woke Backlash, Costco selling Bud Light at 41 cents per can, as Anheuser-Busch InBev, InBev is the Belgian company that bought up Anheuser-Busch like a decade ago, literally gives it away to distributors.
So they're selling it at cost.
I have friends that are the managers of supermarkets and grocery stores, and they told me the same thing.
And actually, because we're probably a month or so into this now, within a week, Bud Light sales pretty much came to a freeze, a halt.
And they were slashing 30 racks down $3, $4 per 30 rack, and they still can't sell it.
And Bud Light's already one of the cheaper beers out there, so now you're taking it to like the cheapest beer And people still aren't buying it.
That's a major hit.
So this is just proof that we can come together and have a impact financially on companies that spit in our eye.
But this conservative activism is starting to catch tread now.
Watch, audience cheers high school student as she confronts school board on trans insanity.
Everybody knows this trans bullcrap is insanity, and people are realizing what it is now.
Most people still have no clue this is going on, but it's becoming so prevalent, and people are making enough noise about it, they're starting to get it.
Most people know men are not women.
Even most men that pretend to be women know men are not women.
Trans dinosaur used to attract children to sexual perversion confronted by a reporter at Texas Capitol.
Well, that reporter was me.
So it's kind of like how the old cliche of a predator coming up to you in a white van that says free candy on the side of it.
Yeah, this is like that.
Oh look, it's the LGBT Rex kids and he loves you.
You can be trans too.
And it's a sweaty dude in there pretending to be a girl.
Violent left-wing insurrectionists invade Texas state capitol and shut down proceedings on bill banning child sex surgeries.
State police end the commotion in epic style.
Yeah, finally the leftist insurrectionists, finally the leftist terrorists are dealing with a little law enforcement.
So, the double standards.
From the left-wing media and politicians are starting to become overwhelming as well.
They want you to talk about January 6th for the rest of your life, but meanwhile, everybody witnessed the Democrat riots in 2020 and every year before that, and everybody's watching the trans-surrectionists shut down all these other Capitol Proceedings like in Texas yesterday and they're saying well, wait a second.
How come these people don't get criticized?
How come these people aren't called out?
How come these people don't have the feds coming to their doors and ruining their lives?
And I'm actually wondering why the situation in Texas went so differently than what we're used to And the only factor I can register here is that even though it's almost nothing, there are a small handful of conservative activists that show up in Texas when this crap goes down.
Myself included.
Myself, I mean I know four people, well I shouldn't even say four, but I know Well, let's say four people that show up when this stuff goes down.
You probably know them.
They come on the show.
It's myself, it's Alex Stringer, it's Alex Stein, and it's Sarah Fields.
And I'm sure there's others out there.
I mean, there's other groups out there as well that do great work.
Mass Resistance and stuff that help get people out there as well.
So, uh, there have been others.
Kevin Witt, Tracy Shannon.
But the point is, here in Texas, we have groups, even though we get outnumbered, and even though we get out-yelled, and even though we're out-gunned and out-funded and out-digital, uh, digitized promotion of these events, we're at least there providing some pushback.
And so I think for the police, And I think for the Republican lawmakers, they see that and they say, okay, you know what?
We're not alone here.
There are people behind us that know we're doing the right thing.
We're not going to be completely railroaded if we handle these left-wing terrorists and gremlins the way they need to be handled.
And so they took care of business yesterday.
And this is a delicate thing, because I don't want to see us turned into a police state.
I don't want to see the First Amendment become a dangerous activity for people like it has for conservatives, but turnabout is fair play and it's hard to defend activists that are promoting childhood genital mutilation.
But hey, you don't want conservatives to have a voice?
You don't want conservatives to be around when there's political activity and votes going down?
Well then you don't get to be either.
You don't get to be either.
So you did this.
And I hope this is the rest of the country handling it like they did in Texas, handling it like they have in Montana, handling it like they did in Tennessee, in Kentucky.
It's just, look, it's time to treat the petulant children like the petulant children that they are.
Except they're not children.
So you throw them in jail.
So you arrest them.
You write them a citation.
It's one thing, I mean, you can have a debate.
How do you handle The petulant five-year-old at the grocery store throwing a temper tantrum because he can't get a candy bar at checkout and now he's decided to make a mess and to make a scene.
Do you support the parent whooping that kid's ass?
Some people would, some people wouldn't.
Do you just let the child do that though?
You let the child run the show and then you say, oh, okay, fine, have the candy bar now.
You made a mess, you threw a tantrum, you had a fit, you go ahead and have the candy bar, you win.
That's how the left expects this to go.
They want to show up in these deranged tantrums and just expect that we're going to say, okay, fine, turn an entire generation of Americans into eunuchs.
Oh, you're a dude with a beard that showed up in a wig.
Oh, you're a deranged lunatic out here.
You're a sexual offender.
You're a pedophile.
You're a dude in a dinosaur costume.
And you're out here behaving like some sort of a lunatic, like a child that can't get a candy bar in the checkout aisle.
And oh, oh, you're throwing a temper tantrum.
Okay, you get the candy bar.
Oh, you're throwing a temper tantrum.
Okay, fine.
Turn an entire generation of American into eunuchs.
No, that's not how this is going to go.
And I think law enforcement and just the average American is starting to realize this.
Dwayne Wade sold his sons sold his son out sold his own soul out sir sold his own
Family out for fame and money Protester shouts, you mutilated your son at former NBA star Dwayne Wade following the 15-year-old's gender transition.
15 years old, turned his son into a girl.
And I've already predicted where this is going.
This is going to be a WNBA star.
It's probably all been laid out, the contracts and everything.
Dwayne Wade's son is going to be the first open man-to-woman professional basketball player and is just going to go out there and dominate the field.
So in 10 years, and Riley Gaines was talking about this last night on Fox News and she really laid it out so perfectly, this isn't necessarily about the person swimming in the pool now.
Who, if you're a female athlete, the odds are still that you're competing against women.
This is about the female athlete.
This is about the little girl just falling in love with volleyball or golf or soccer or swimming or basketball that wants to be great.
This is about her getting that opportunity in 10 years Because we're making sure that men aren't pretending to be women competing against female athletes.
But that's where this is going.
And this is your example right here with Dwayne Wade's son now being a girl.
So how much you want to bet, how much you want to bet Dwayne Wade's son competing against girls in basketball is going to be the first open male-to-female WNBA basketball star.
That's where I see this going.
It couldn't be more obvious.
You see Dwayne Wade getting all these TV shows.
You see his wife getting all these marketing deals.
Do you really think that's organic?
As they happen to sacrifice their son to the sexual perversion cult?
I don't think that's a coincidence.
But it's nice, you know.
It's nice for Brittany Griner To come out and say, yeah, men should be allowed to compete against women.
She's already competing.
She's already had her success.
She's not going to have to deal with competing against an entire team of men in the future.
Same thing, Megan Rapinoe.
She already passed her prime.
She's already won her World Cup.
She's already been a great soccer player.
She doesn't have to compete against men.
So she says, yeah, it's great.
Boys should compete against girls, says the woman who's done competing.
Easy for you to say.
There's more activism here.
Judge rules Soros-funded St.
Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner must go to trial over willful neglect of duties.
I'm telling you this, the Democrats did not expect this pushback, folks.
I'm telling you.
These tyrant leftist Democrats really thought they could just railroad this entire country.
They really thought they could get away with all of this.
Believe me.
Believe me.
Kim Gardner never expected to have to go to court over what she's done as the Attorney General.
These people expected to be above the law, folks.
That's what they were told.
They were told by their handlers, we own the country, we own law enforcement, do what I say, don't worry about anything.
Well, guess what?
Not every American is a sellout.
Guess what?
Not every American is a corrupt bastard.
Some Americans are still good people.
And they've had enough.
And they might be late to the game, but they're ready to lace up their shoes and get on the floor and start making some layups and getting some slam dunks.
Believe me.
Believe me.
Kim Gardner never expected to have to go to court for all the blood that's on her hands.
She will now.
And you watch her rhetoric change.
And you watch her actions change.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Oh, we need to do better.
We'll get more police.
We'll put more people in jail.
You watch.
All it takes is a little pushback to these bullies.
That's all it takes.
Judge rejects effort of barred transgender Montana lawmaker to get back onto the House floor.
Conservative activism, where it needs to be.
Finally, reporter confronts Merrick Garland on IRS whistleblower claims of political interference in Hunter Biden investigation.
Finally, a member of the media actually asking the right questions.
I'm feeling a pulse, folks.
I'm feeling a pulse in the spirit of America.
Kate Daly up next.
I'll be hosting the war room in the hour.
In the early 1900s, certain companies were off-gassing highly toxic fluoride gases into
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The surrounding communities began to get sick.
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Now these companies had a stockpile of this poison, and there was no affordable way to dispose of it.
Lucky for them, one of their major stockholders was also the Secretary of the Treasury, who was responsible for the Public Health Service at the time.
And by 1950, the U.S.
government began buying this toxic, untreated industrial waste product and dumping it into our drinking water.
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Thermography or thermal imaging can detect abnormal internal body temperatures,
allowing it to highlight areas of inflammation and poor blood circulation.
It is the most effective non-invasive way of detecting deep vein thrombosis, otherwise known as blood clots.
Biologist Felipe Reitz in Brazil has his own line of thermographic imaging equipment And began diagnosing his vaccinated patients who were injected with the COVID shots.
What he found was extensive blood clotting throughout the entire vascular system in asymptomatic people who received the shot.
This image was taken of a 23-year-old athlete.
The dark lines are blood clots.
This 23-year-old got the shot but has no symptoms.
Felipe Reitz also conducted live blood analysis, and like we've been hearing from several other researchers, Reitz is reporting the presence of foreign structures taking shape in the blood of the vaccinated.
It has shown how the blood cells clump together as a result of getting the shot.
Last week, Dr. Richard Fleming posted a video of what happens when the genetic vaccines are added directly to human blood.
After adding the Janssen vaccine to a healthy blood sample, the blood can be seen under magnification as it begins to clump and cluster together in real time.
In studies performed by Natural News, it was concluded that these so-called blood clots are almost entirely lacking key marker elements that would be present in human blood, yet show significantly higher concentrations of elements that are used in electronics and circuitry.
Meanwhile, the CEO of Moderna, the company that price gouged their customers by 500% for the deadly shot, was given a 50% raise after cashing in $400 million of stock.
The longer we go without justice, the more acceptable this becomes.
Moderna is now investing in the future of their clot shots.
This is a piece of string.
A strand.
Doesn't seem like much.
Unless it's a strand of mRNA.
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Then it has the power to change everything.
mRNA has already changed how we fight viruses.
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mRNA could change how we stand up to multiple diseases.
From the widespread.
To the extremely rare.
It could even individualize how we approach cancer.
One strand of mRNA could change life for the better.
And the company that's getting us there, Moderna, this changes everything.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you don't watch it, you're gonna end up like Jason Adderley's boy.
Deal me out this hand, Jason.
I'm about to bust.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was the bathroom.
Oh, good lord!
Controls, manipulate scientific data.
Take over, blast, control world government.
Shut down infrastructure.
Give everything to China.
Just look at this person.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host for the hour from katedallyradio.com, The Kate Dally Show.
How are you today?
All right.
I have a great guest for you.
I cannot wait for you to hear some of the details of Hunter's laptop Hunter Biden's laptop, or really we should just say the Biden's laptop, because it truly is the story of the Bidens, how they operate, mafia-like relationships, and what is really going down with this laptop.
I've invited Garrett Ziegler to come on with me.
He's worked in the White House as a senior policy analyst, Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, and then of course advisor staff to President Trump.
Welcome Garrett, how are you?
Thank you for having me on, appreciate it.
So glad that you're here.
MarcoPoloUSA.org is the website.
You can go read all about it, as they say in the papers.
Read all about it.
Let's talk about, first of all, you are a part of a case this week.
Do you want to talk about this just a little bit, if you can, with Hunter Biden?
So I was approached by the counsel for the mother of Hunter's child.
Because I have information about his shell companies and where they're hiding assets.
So I sent them back in January, a copy of this dossier, 644 pages.
It basically, like you said, goes into the Biden family.
The only reason why we care about Hunter is because who his daddy is.
And so on Monday, Hunter was forced to appear in Arkansas for the first time in over three years of litigation.
And so what he's trying to do is reduce his child support payments.
And again, this is the, according to the U.S.
President, the smartest man the U.S.
President knows.
And according to the U.S.
President, an honorable man who he's proud of.
And he's trying to reduce the payments to a four-year-old girl that he has not publicly acknowledged.
It just makes me sick.
You know what though?
It doesn't surprise me.
Kind of understanding more and more about their family.
You know what?
It's par for the course with these guys.
There is no shame that we can find, and we have been trying to find that shame, but it's buried pretty deep.
So we're going to keep picking at it like a 19th century gold rush person in California.
I've done all I can do.
And again, I had no expectation of being involved in this case, but I sent a copy to the lawyers and they realized that I have a particular niche set of knowledge.
Right now, hundreds of attorneys are trying to get me disqualified because I don't have a CPA, some other ridiculous excuse.
And they actually were handed a copy of this dossier in court.
It was submitted into the record.
So they have no excuse and they can read about their clients' activities.
You have a copy of the hard drive, which is kind of right.
There were three computers brought in, Hunter Biden.
And my first question to you, we've talked before, was, well, why would Hunter Biden just use a regular old shop knowing that he has sensitive information on his computer?
Why would he go into such a place, drop it off, knowing it could be found out?
And not only one, but three computers that had water damage or such.
Tell us why.
Why do you think that happened?
Doesn't he have a club he can go to?
Well, that's a good question.
The only answer I have is, I don't know who first popularized it, but cocaine is a hell of a drug.
And when you're that protected from the legal consequences of your actions, mixed in with the potency of crack cocaine, it causes people to do inexplicable things.
And remember, the shop owner did not look through his content Um, until after 90 days, after it legally became the shop owners.
So, this left-wing narrative about, oh, this is a snooper, this is a guy who violated hunters' privacy, it's complete and utter nonsense.
And like you said, I have a copy of it.
The original is probably at the bottom of a river, but it was in the custody of the FBI.
As of December 9th, 2019.
So this went through the proper chain of command.
He was a boy scout about it.
He gave it to the feds.
They didn't do anything.
And then everybody else got this, but they focused on, in my opinion, salacious or incomplete things.
And so that's why the report was done.
It's a historical document in that We don't promise to cover everything surrounding this story.
We only focused on the crimes.
And so that because that's what we think is relevant to the American people.
If somebody is listening to you today and hasn't heard of me before or heard of the Biden laptop before, if they need to read anything, they have to go or they should go online and read our dossier because it affects them.
I think the U.S.
president is compromised by foreign interests and foreign powers.
I call it treason, and I don't know why they are so reluctant to pass that word around, but it's absolute treason.
We have laws against the things that were done that are showcased in this by their own admission.
And so you might want to talk about the laws that they've broken.
Yes, so, months of my life in 2022 were spent looking up, in the U.S.
Code, the exact number of the law.
So, this dossier is broken up into three sections, business-related crimes, sex-related crimes, and drug-related crimes.
And the business related crimes is the longest section.
We think it's the most important.
So off the top of my head, 22 U.S.C.
612 is the FARA statute.
Hunter violated that as a rule, not as an exception.
That was his business model.
Foreign oligarchs hired him to be their agent within D.C.
and he tried to influence governmental action to benefit that foreign oligarch.
In Romania, for example, He was hired to lobby the sitting U.S.
ambassador to Romania, Hans Klim, on behalf of a Romanian real estate tycoon named Gabriel Popoviciu, surrounding a corrupt commercial real estate development that Popoviciu had been involved in in downtown Bucharest called Banasia.
And so what this report does is it goes into piercing detail about what we call the five W's and one H. Who, what, when, where, why, and then how.
So we lay it out as if a U.S.
attorney is writing an indictment, basically, and we don't include anything that we don't have two pieces of concrete evidence for because we don't want the Bidens to be able to claim plausible deniability, which is like their favorite phrase on earth.
Because if they can claim plausible deniability, that means Joe is just far enough removed.
So these emails are gold in that they're very direct.
There's very few alternate explanations for some of these.
And so we go through by country.
Here, let me just read the table of contents for your viewers.
Um, business related crimes, China, the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Romania, Mexico, Serbia, Libya, and then we have unreported income and gifts, backdating financial documents, and then a case in the SDNY called United States versus Golanus wherein Hunter And to a greater extent, his business partners stole over $60 million in junk bonds from the poorest Native American tribe in the country, the Oglala Sioux, who live in South Dakota in the Pine Ridge Reservation.
It's extraordinary, the amount of crimes, the amount of laws broken in this.
Yeah, at the very least.
I was just going to say the number is 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by Hunter and his associates.
So sometimes it's not a federal law.
Maybe it's a federal reg.
Sometimes it's not a, you know, a federal reg, it's a state statute.
And we have Hunter in most of those.
We don't have the exact breakdown, but the Biden family and their associates have committed literally hundreds of crimes.
And don't take our word for it.
In fact, we've sent this to all of the left-wing outfits, including Matt Visor, the Kevin Morris and Hunter Biden bootlicker at the Washington Compost who put out a piece today, and many other mainstream reporters.
They will not touch this.
We cannot even get one debunking article from them.
I mean, that and vaccine injury and death, those words just escape.
our media all together. It is truly amazing to watch them sidestep Hunter Biden laptop and vaccine
death. Insane. It's a he or what who shall not be named, you know, and so all I can do
is again I want to say that I am just the public face of Marco Polo.
I benefit from the counsel and wisdom and resources of a team of private investigators, an attorney, an accountant, and digital forensics people.
They don't want to be doxed, which is what Abby Lowell Hunter's attorney is trying to do.
They're trying to basically dox and get my colleagues fired.
Yes, in those clips, you say that's the smartest man the U.S.
President knows.
Those are from the iPhone backup that were on his laptop that we got into.
We're going to come right back more with Garrett, more with Garrett Ziegler, and you won't want to miss this.
We'll talk about salaries just a moment.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
So glad to be with you today.
My guest, Garrett Ziegler, worked in the White House and staffed President Trump.
And also has a copy of the hard drive of Hunter Biden's laptop.
You've been hearing a lot about this in the news since 2019.
Kind of amazing, Garrett, that since 2019, the FBI and the intelligence agencies, I hate calling them that, but the intelligence agencies have suppressed the information from this laptop and provided cover for the Biden family.
It's amazing.
It is.
Sorry about that.
I was fidgeting.
I want to make sure my mic is clear.
It is amazing, and we have not had this much primary source material on a sitting U.S.
First Family in American history.
We've had, after their archives get opened, a lot of information on LBJ, JFK, FDR, but we have it while the dude is in office.
And that part is completely unprecedented, which is why they're sending $900 an hour Abby Lowell to a Arkansas County courthouse and admitting him ProHackBGA because their family law attorney in Texarkana is apparently no match for me, which is hilarious.
I have no words.
Tell me about the trafficking.
There are accounts of trafficking women by Hunter Biden.
Good question.
There are four confirmed cases.
And what I mean by that is Hunter, via email notifications, receipts, text messages, moved women across state lines for the purposes of sex.
It's a clear violation of the Mann Act.
And, you know, some solicitations do not cross state lines, and so we're not going to accuse Hunter of anything he didn't do.
That's why he hasn't sued us for defamation.
We have no actual malice.
He's a public figure, and everything we put out has withstood scrutiny because we just used the materials on the laptop.
We mined the metadata from the photos, got his geolocation, matched that up with real-time email updates, and sure enough, for a concrete example, And this one was referenced in a complaint that Abby Lowell made about me, just because he's mad.
Hunter moved three prostitutes of Hispanic origin from Boston to New York City via Amtrak in December of 2018.
Now, beyond just the human tragedy of using another human for sexual pleasure with no interest in them whatsoever, Hunter was actually the vice chairman of Amtrak, nominated by George W. Bush.
So Hunter Biden used the very method of transportation for sex trafficking that he was the vice chairman of.
And that is, again, indisputable.
Anybody can go online, for example.
I just want to hammer home this point.
Anybody can go online and look.
At pages I'll give you the direct page it is page 297 and 298 in our dossier and of course the genitalia is redacted but you can go in and look at the Amtrak receipts look at the text messages and then look at the these were the women he shot pornos with so our president's son had multiple threesomes And he called himself an amateur porn star.
He still has pornography profiles to this day.
He will not delete them.
I'm shocked that somebody at the Secret Service Cyber Division has not forced him to take these pornography profiles offline, but they're still online today.
You know, it's the ultimate protection.
And why do we, the American people, stand for it?
Why do we almost consent to this utter protection by the intelligence agencies?
This sort of, you know, circle they put around these people and they know they're untouchable because we've talked about this before.
Off of this program that the feds will never, the feds won't do anything to him.
The only way to get him for the crimes and treason crimes would be through the states.
I mean, right?
It would have to be.
And Joe can't pardon state level offenses.
It would take an attorney general with backbone, which is rare in the United States.
The Republicans are weak men and they're worried about being called.
You know, a fascist or I just don't even care anymore.
I mean, CNN and their article about the court appearance on Monday said that I went on a misogynistic rant, even though, first of all, get this, Hunter is there to reduce child support payments to an adorable four year old little girl.
And I'm the misogynist, even though I'm just, you know, a loyal husband.
So I hate women.
And yet I'm not trying to reduce the payments to women.
He is.
Clown world.
The hypocrisy, the crazy of all of this.
And the thing is, is there's so much sensitive information on this laptop that, I mean, and I encourage people to go to your website.
You have a nonprofit.
This is a nonprofit you donate to.
There was a picture that we just played, or a picture we just showed about, it was Biden practically molesting Hunter, which I'm sure they're both very good at, allegedly.
And there were specifics about the fact that Biden would get a cut of whatever Hunter was bringing to the table as salary, right?
Prime examples in their own words.
Number one, on January 3rd, 2019, Hunter complained to his daughter Naomi that he was forced to give his dad half of his salary for 30 years.
So what does that mean?
That means that Joe filed false tax returns.
It's a federal felony.
He submitted those faux tax returns to the US Senate Publishing Office.
So that's straight-up money laundering.
And because of the repeated nature of the offense, it's a RICO violation.
What you have is the President's son admitting that his father ran a somewhat non-violent Rico operation and he was the head of it.
So, Hunter by nature is a degenerate artist type.
Again, he himself called himself an amateur pornographer.
So, he prefers to do his doodles, but he was forced to be the bag man because his brother Bo was a good cop and Hunter was bad cop.
Bo was the Attorney General of Delaware.
He actually gave a plea deal to a DuPont who had raped his own three-year-old
daughter and gave him probation, didn't serve a day in jail.
That was Beau Biden.
I don't make a habit of denigrating the dead.
I'm not even denigrating the dead.
I'm simply saying this is what occurred.
So Beau Biden has escaped all scrutiny because he had a tragic young death.
Wouldn't wish that on anyone.
However, his time in Attorney General seat in Delaware was marred by this scandal.
He gave, I mean, a DuPont guy raped his own three-year-old daughter.
They didn't, they gave him like, I don't even think it was house arrest, let alone incarceration.
It's, it's so grotesque and yet there's so much So much showcasing crime, so much showcasing what this family is all about, the lack of utter character, just credence, criminals.
And do we see anything happening as far as more action against them for the contents of this?
Because the FBI has tried to suppress, I know we only have about 30 seconds, but they tried to suppress, suppress, suppress, even through the fraudulent election of inserting King Faradolah Still suppressing, right?
Yes, and I think it was a twofer.
They were suppressing the existence of the laptop, which again is important because it implicates Joe.
It's not a story about Hunter.
That's why our dossier is called the Biden Laptop.
And secondly, you know, Joey was campaigning from his basement.
So it'd be one thing if Joey were just campaigning from his basement, but it's another that they had all of this incriminating evidence.
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show with Garrett Ziegler, be right back.
Don't go anywhere.
You're going to want to hang out for this.
Back here with you on the Alex Jones Show.
So happy to be with you today.
My guest is Garrett Ziegler.
He actually worked as staff to President Trump, advisor to President Trump.
And how did you get the contents of this laptop, this much-talked-about laptop for four years?
How did you come into that, Garrett?
I got it through Rudy Giuliani, who was the gentleman that the shop owner, after he realized the FBI was Facilitating a cover-up sent it to in fact the first person was Rudy Giuliani's attorney Robert Costello and then Rudy's This wasn't Rudy himself because he doesn't really have the technical skill, but people made copies of the hard drive For Rudy and they were they were giving copies out Wow
You've gone through the contents of this.
The shocking things that shocked you, Garrett, that just you could not believe were stored in this laptop.
Sorry about that.
My Bluetooth mic went out.
I knew it was going to be bad.
No, that's okay.
Just the shocking things.
That's okay.
I can hear you.
The shocking things in this laptop.
Was there anything else you wanted to share with the American public about about the more on the crimes the things that that you can actually they can actually be completely nailed for and it's just it's embarrassing for the FBI I think at this point to keep covering this up because of the volume of information.
One thing that they have to understand is the crimes that we have proof that Hunter has committed those very statutes Joe pushed for in the U.S.
Senate A couple concrete examples.
Joe was the leading architect of mandatory minimums for cocaine offenses, but not just that.
He made a distinction.
Between powder cocaine and crack cocaine and ironically hunter Smoked crack cocaine, which is what blacks usually use there's been a lot of left-wing takes on this I don't you I don't agree with the left-wing take on and I just agree with the hypocrisy of it that hunter use the exact same form of cocaine and That Joey instituted a harsher mandatory minimum for that.
I mean, that would make a Greek tragedy and just almost glee because there's so much material there.
Secondly, Hunter and his lover, who was his brother's widow.
Uh, were involved in a gun incident in October 2018, which was within 1000 feet of a public high school.
That federal law, which was pushed and established in the early nineties, was championed by Joe Biden.
And of course, nothing happened to them.
So the very laws that they break their own patriarch or head of a Rico operation, as I explained before the break, was the leading figure for instituting.
So Those historical connections are what our dossier provides.
It has over 2,000 footnotes, and we cite the exact statute they violate.
So we make a distinction between simple possession or is, you know, hunter dealing.
We have a case of hunter dealing in crack cocaine, so usually the left-wing narratives narrative is, "Oh, this guy's just a poor addict." But no,
he is moving this material which has harsher penalties and he's using interstate tools
of interstate commerce to facilitate this movement. So again, if the laws that
applied to non-princelings applied to princelings, i.e. Hunter, he would be in the pen for
decades. I'm absolutely sure of that.
If I use my...
If I used iMessage to facilitate a cocaine deal with Kate and she's in Utah and I'm in Illinois, U.S.
attorneys will be chomping at the bit.
Yeah, yeah.
People sitting in prison for attending the Capitol didn't even do anything, because I know that they didn't, and the officers were not injured.
And it's amazing to me that they can sit and rot, but Hunter can get away with anything he wants because of the cover of his father.
And it's sickening, it's embarrassing for them.
He's also lawyered up, and the lawyer's kind of an interesting pick.
Yes, so he has a stable of them.
Abby Lowell, Brent Langdon, Chris Clark.
For a while, he had Joshua Levy.
And these are all probably north of $1,000 an hour.
Not the Brent Langdon guy.
He's probably $600.
He's in Texarkana.
But the point is this.
Hunter is applying to get his child support reduced.
And in that same case, he's using one of the most expensive attorneys on earth.
That again, Is irony.
So you'd think that if he were if he were truly destitute or he had a quote a material significant change in income that he would do a pro se or he'd find somebody down the street in Batesville, Arkansas to represent him.
But no, Kevin Morris is paying for and I'm pretty sure they came on a private jet.
I can't find any record of their travel plans with commercial.
So you have the son of the US president likely traveling via private jet.
With a $1,200 an hour attorney or so, might even be more than that, then pleading with the court to lower his child support.
This is, again, total clown world.
And the reason why I am grateful to be on the show and doing this is because I want the historical record to know.
I want my grandsons to know that I knew what was going on.
This is a circus.
And it's important for Future generations to know that we know what was going on, that we didn't sit, you know, stupid with our thumbs up our butts, not recognizing the irony in all of this.
And the irony again, I'll put one more concrete example for viewers.
President Biden's own administration released a report in December of 2021 talking about how the art industry was a prime candidate for money laundering and sanctions evasion.
His own son is selling Prince and other art to foreign buyers.
In fact, Hunter's dealer, who's a poorly ugly man who loves China, George Burgess, he bragged about having a lot of buyers in China.
So you have the president's administration releasing one report saying how this is prime candidate for money laundering.
And then you have the president's son doing the exact doing the exact activity that is described in the report.
It's beyond words.
It really is.
And the dealings with China and finally Biden comes out over in Ireland and says he's visited China more than any other, more than anyone, and wanted everybody to know it.
But they've got a lot of unscrupulous business dealings, all pretty much centered in Delaware.
Um, going out, uh, to all these different countries.
And it is treason.
I mean, make no mistake.
It's treason to do some of the things they're doing.
And, uh, there's ample evidence.
But, the FBI is not the least... They're whoring out their name.
They're not the least bit embarrassed knowing the world knows this, and they're just sitting there, sitting on it.
The attorney... I don't expect Garland to ever do anything.
Yeah, I think that From a sociological perspective, obviously Joe and Hunter are implicated.
We laid that out.
But there are other people like the president's younger brother, Jimmy Biden, and then Jimmy's wife, Sarah Biden.
Uh, is an attorney.
She still has her bar license in Maryland, miraculously.
She was at the ground floor of the FARA violations with CEFC, the Chinese, uh, state-linked, CCP-linked, meaning state-linked, CCP-linked oil company that went bankrupt.
Uh, she was in, therefore, she's involved in money laundering.
So you have the women too, usually, in these mafia-like situations, at least in American history, where they ran pizza parlors.
The women were not aware of the details.
They sort of sat at home and enjoyed the fruits of the mobster's labors.
Whereas with the Bidens, some of the women are directly involved.
It's sort of like the 21st century equity version of mobster behavior.
It's sort of hilarious.
It's like the mafia family, right?
The protections that go on, relationships.
Equity agenda.
Maybe the equity agenda, and I'm being facetious now, but maybe the equity agenda that Joey B talked about for so long was that the females in the Biden family would be involved in the grift and the criminality.
Maybe that's what equity is about to the Bidens.
Yeah, don't give Hollywood any ideas.
We'll have a new movie with women hitmen running an all-woman mob, and the movie will crash, but they'll keep going with it and make a sequel.
Anyway, yeah.
Yeah, very short add on here.
The reason why Kevin Morris, Hunter's sugar brother and benefactor hates me so much is because we've exposed the laptop contents.
Kevin Morris was actually going to make a documentary about Hunter Biden and about how he beat addiction.
So we basically ruined his documentary.
More with Garrett when we come back.
Be right back.
Garrett Ziegler.
Back there with you on the Alex Jones Show, last segment, and I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
Happy to be here on Alex's show.
And I also, my guest is Garrett Ziegler, and he worked for Trump's staff, an advisor to Trump, on this, has a copy of the hard drive.
Like he said, the actual hard drive is probably on the bottom of a river somewhere.
Who knows?
Because they've done nothing but provide cover for the Biden family.
And this really truly is about the Bidens.
You were just talking about Kevin Morris, who's the attorney who is the guy behind the South Park deal, the guy behind making Matthew McConaughey's career.
I mean, this guy is in the know, in the club, and Hunter Biden refers to him as his sugar brother.
It's just gross.
But you had something to say about this on the way out.
I would say the Sugar Brother moniker was given by the New York Post, but it's certainly accurate because no one's disputing it.
What we have here is a, like you said, the cream of the degenerate crop in Hollywood, funding the President's son's living expenses, and he's actually suing us.
For 60 million dollars.
Infowars knows a thing or two about lawfare.
Kevin Morris is suing me personally and our non-profit, which again has like a couple grand in its checking account.
It's worth nothing.
In L.A.
County, we're going to move to get it out of the local jurisdiction, but they're suing me for harassment even though I've never spoken to the man.
This is a guy who threatened my friend and my non-profit, said we needed to pick out lube and a nice outfit for jail.
You can go read this on the Daily Mail's website.
But Kevin Morris, most importantly, apart from just his petty lawfare against us, which
again, he's just trying to bankrupt us.
That's all their goal is.
There's no merit to any of these claims, no cause of action.
Kevin is actually holding now, this story came out over the weekend in Breitbart, Wendell
Hughes broke it.
We received a document from a whistleblower with InsideBHR and Kevin Morris is holding
10% of a CCP-backed investment fund.
And what we know is that Hunter Biden gave this to Kevin Morris.
So when Joey said that his family was going to divest from China when he became the president, what this really means is that Kevin Morris now has the shares.
You know, on the on the.
In the Trump presidency.
The narrative is that he's just this.
This generous guy, right?
That's the narrative that Kevin Morris is just this pal who's donating millions.
No, no, no, no, no.
With this document from BHR, we know now that he's intimately involved.
Joey will have, if not approved, at least been back briefed on what Hunter did with this 10 percent.
This shell company called Skinny Atlas, named after a finger lake up in upstate New York where Hunter's mother was from.
So Joey knows about this.
So, it's one thing if Hunter would have divested it to a stranger in an arm length deal, but now that Kevin Morris holds that, I've told the Congress that they need to subpoena those records immediately.
And you've been meeting with Yeah, we have joint venture agreements.
I know for three years we heard nothing about Russiagate.
And all of those little credents that sent it in the House got on and said they had all
of this evidence.
They never had a stick of evidence.
And no one seems to care about that.
I would think that people even on the lefty loonies side would have said, wait a minute,
we never saw any evidence.
There's plenty of evidence here that they are continuously ignoring.
Yeah, we have joint venture agreements.
Adam Schiff couldn't even produce one document.
We have joint venture agreements showing Kevin Morris is the managing member, along with thousands of emails.
I mentioned this yesterday, but our little nonprofit put together BidenLaptopEmails.com, where everybody can go download and view every email on Hunter Biden's laptop.
This is a great open source intelligence tool and research tool.
If you look at the news every single day, look at the people involved, Antony Blinken, just On any given day, the news is going to feature somebody who has correspondence on that laptop.
And so it's a real time tool for people to use.
And, you know, it took us a couple of months to do because we didn't have, there's really no tool out there, like a commercial off the shelf tool to make a searchable database of emails.
Because we want to control it.
It's on our server.
It can't be shut down.
Hunter's friend, who's an executive at Microsoft, his name is Vinny Steropoli, he actually is probably involved in making our report deemed unsafe on Bing's browser.
So if you go to bidencrimes.info, it'll say unsafe.
And so it just so happens that Hunter's friend's an executive there.
But it's only on Microsoft's browser.
Not on Safari, not on Firefox, just Bing.
There's so much evidence that you had to have a searchable tool for terms.
So you can go put in the term that you want and all the emails will pop up that have that correlating evidence.
And what is the website again?
Yes, thank you.
So if anybody out there is a skeptic, And I use the phrase Amtrak on today's interview or discussion rather.
They can go search Amtrak.
They'll get hundreds of hits.
And you can see on like December 12, 2018 at 1154, he moved Guadalupe Batista, Kiana Baher,
and Andrea Gonzalez across state lines from the station in downtown Boston to Penn Station.
And then they, um, they obviously had sex with him in downtown Manhattan.
What have I filmed?
Of course.
Of course.
I mean, it gets to the point where it's like, how much more do we actually need at this point?
But like you said, it's called Biden on there, not Hunter, Biden laptop emails, because this is about the Biden family.
It's about the mafia-esque style family where you can learn many things about how this family interacts.
And also treasonous activities dealing with these other countries.
And that's probably one of the most important things to come out of this is the actual evidence about that.
Yeah, you make a good point.
You know, Hussein said that Libya was his greatest mistake during his presidency.
And we actually have a three-page subsection on Libya.
Hunter was approached by a Saudi prince Mohammed al-Khokbani and they were trying to get tens of millions of dollars out of the Libya Investment Authority because it had been frozen after Gaddafi's death.
A coup instituted by Hussein and Killary and to a lesser extent Joe.
So Hunter was going to be deputized or basically charged with the mission of getting these assets out of Libya.
They were frozen.
And we have correspondence proving that Hunter, before he took on this job, was to be guaranteed a success fee.
And one of the pitches for Hunter was that his dad has the Libya file at the State Department.
So again, these are all verified through emails.
Nothing I'm saying is conjecture.
And it spans the globe.
So Hussein, in my opinion, is the one actually running things.
His dream of sitting in his boxers in his basement with a headset, running the third term that he articulated to Stephen Colbert, that is coming to fruition.
Joe is functionally a vegetable.
He's wiped, put to bed, by nine every single night.
And Hussein is running things.
A development that's interesting is what Susan Rice is doing on the outside.
You know, she just left the White House, but Joe is hubristic and narcissistic, so all they need to do is put him in front of the camera and tell him where to sign.
He's not reading any of this stuff.
He works for five to six hours a day.
And, you know, these aren't my words.
You have liberal staffers leaking this stuff to the Washington Compost.
And so we have somebody who's admittedly, I mean, he's not virile.
We have sources within Delaware saying that Jill has maintained relationships with multiple Secret Service agents for years.
And Joey accepts this arrangement so long as it doesn't become public because his equipment, quote, quote, doesn't work anymore, end quote.
So and again, Politico just ran a piece the other day about how Jill was essential for Joe to decide on on running for president again.
I mean, so I think Jill is another puppet master of Joe, along with Obama, where you can see.
And here, getting back to the laptop, Kate, we have two messages from Hunter Biden in late 2018 showing that he knows his dad has dementia.
He admits it in 2018.
So it's now Four and a half years later, because he said these things in late 2018, he probably has rapidly advancing Lewy body dementia.
And you can see that in his gait.
When Joe walks, his arms don't move like a normal person's.
And then when he's done speaking, which is a great mental task for him, he forgets where he's supposed to go once he's on the stage.
I mean, this is a guy who's not virile.
Not all there mentally, and who needs a lot of rest and very little work time.
This is not, you know, yeah.
Awkwardly vowed to run for president again.
There are no words.
Garrett, we're out of time, but I so appreciate you coming on.
The two websites again, MarcoPoloUSA.org and BidenLaptopEmails.com.
You need to go check these out.
Garrett, thanks for spending some time on the Alex Jones Show today.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity.
I really appreciate it.
Really great work and thanks for listening in this hour.
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