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Name: 20230501_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 1, 2023
2274 lines.

"The speaker discusses various topics including media suppression, chemical dangers in everyday life, and globalist tyranny. They promote TurboForce Plus, a long-lasting energy supplement made with natural herbs and vitamins, available at InfowarsStore.com. The speaker also highlights other nootropics like RainForce Plus and Ultra, available for purchase on their website. They encourage listeners to support independent media outlets like InfoWars in order to counteract mainstream propaganda and maintain a free press. Additionally, they address the need for people to become more aware of the dangers posed by chemicals in water supplies and emphasize the importance of filtering shower water along with drinking water."

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Why do they want a central bank digital currency?
Why do they want you to not have a gas-powered car or have a gas line into your house?
It's all about control.
The same thing goes with the speech issue.
Massive attack against freedom of speech.
Elon Musk condemns Ireland's Orwellian hate speech bill.
You know, we do have some hate speech bills here in the United States as well, including the great state of Florida from Ron DeSantis.
That's one of his bad spots.
But it's all about getting the entire population of the planet onto the physical control grid, but also the psychological control grid, making you so afraid to speak what you're really feeling or to say what you really see, because they will shut off access to the digital currency, and you won't be able to buy or sell.
They will turn off the power to your house.
You see, that's what it's all about.
If you've got gas in your tank, then you can turn the key, turn your engine on, it'll turn over, and you can drive.
But if that's an electric vehicle connected to the internet, then they can just flip that switch, you can't drive.
You're supposed to be due for a vaccine this week.
And you haven't gone, so your car has now been shut down.
If you would like to get in your car, it will take you directly to the CDC Vaccination Center, and we will once again allow you to drive your car freely and to use our central banking digital currency.
Thank you for being a compliant slave.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
On the heels of the "How Many More?" rally, held on the steps of the Texas State Capitol.
The Washington Post sat perched atop the Drudge Report with a story regarding what they described as a man killing five of his neighbors because they complained that he was shooting an AR-15 in his yard at all hours of the night.
However, If you were actually interested in the details and not the brainwashing, it became horrifically obvious that the shooter and the victims were illegal immigrants, while the description of the yard led the reader to envision a typical suburban lot when it was a rural area in Texas where target practice is common.
A stark reminder of the Mockingbird Media twisting the fine points in order to further the globalist, anti-Second Amendment Bilderberg agenda.
Everybody that was shot was shot from the neck up, almost execution style.
Just yesterday in Cleveland, Texas, right outside of Houston, There was a guy that executed six people, including an eight-year-old little boy.
A Mexican national.
It's a cartel hit.
So I'll be honest, alright?
I don't know anything about that case.
I haven't been following it.
And so I'm not qualified to comment on it.
But what I do know, living in Texas, is that this isn't the first murder that's cartel-related.
And if people wake up, there's... Cartel-related murders have been happening for a number of years.
They're increasing, and they're not just happening in Texas.
They're happening all over the country.
Look at TripWise and Trigger's.
Read what Jason Jones has been reporting for years.
The cartels have been moving into this country.
Look at Operation Python from the DEA.
They arrested over 700 cartel members of one cartel on U.S.
soil, and it did nothing to that cartel.
They're risking the lives of the migrants that they're rolling out the welcome map for.
These people are dying.
They're being raped.
They're being murdered.
I read a story recently about a young girl who had more than 60 pieces of human DNA inside of her.
Whose conscience is that on?
But for a few hours at the How Many More rally, truth was thankfully on full display.
There is no America without secure borders.
There is no Texas without secure borders.
What the hell are you doing up there?
I don't process invaders.
I repel invaders.
So let's get this legislation where finally, finally, Texas can be the shining light of freedom in the United States of America.
Let's think about the numbers.
In 25 months, 6 million total encounters and more than 1.7 million total gotaways.
That's insanity.
At this pace, in 48 months of this administration, this country is looking at encountering 14 million total encounters and guideways.
14 million!
And you don't want to see another dead migrant die in a tractor-trailer like the 53 who died in the Texas heat in San Antonio last summer.
Or the 856 who died along the Rio Grande and along the southwest border last year.
The thousands that are in the sex trafficking trade as we speak in the supposedly strongest and most powerful nation in the history of the world.
While we're sitting here right now, some little girl is in the back of a car on I-35 getting taken God knows where.
We talk about the Mexican cartels.
They are now the shadow government of Mexico.
Why are they a shadow government?
It's very simple.
They don't want to worry about social security, education, this kind of stuff.
It's much easier for the cartels to let everybody think that there's an actual government running Mexico.
There is not.
The cartels have gone into towns and cities across America and bought up property.
So have the Chinese.
They work hand in hand.
and they are in bed with people within this government.
So I don't buy the saber rattling.
Doesn't mean the threat isn't real, but look beyond the surface
to what you're really looking at.
After hearing these unsettling truths expressed passionately and with focus,
while the media turns on the very people calling for action on the life-threatening invasion
of our southern border as millions more will pour over after Title 42 ends on May 11th,
the spotlight swung squarely on the cancerous rot of Obama's modernization of the Smith-Munn Act in 2012.
As 11 years later, propaganda now dominates crucial life-saving information that when left unreported
will hasten the downfall of Western civilization as it is intended to do so.
John Bowne reporting.
Well, here we are, ladies and gentlemen, on this Monday, May 1st, 2023, edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex Jones today.
We also have Paul Joseph Watson.
He's going to be hosting the third hour.
And Gerald Salente hosting the fourth hour.
And I have so much news on my desk, my head is spinning.
You've got the situation at the southern border already out of control, about to be a lot worse as the spring wave of migrant caravans is heading towards Texas, and Title 42 from the Trump administration that kept some of the illegal immigration at bay is about to expire.
And even though the Biden administration tried to say, hey, we're shutting down the Darien Gap.
Nobody can come through here anymore.
It was a lie.
It was so overwhelmed and overcrowded, they said that hoping some of the illegal immigrant waves would stop or hold back.
And it hasn't been the case.
And so you've got all these crimes related to the illegal immigration problem.
But the media wants you to treat it like it's a homegrown problem.
So an illegal immigrant comes to Texas and shoots people and they say, oh that's a Texas man.
Three times deported Mexican who shot neighbors described by media as Texas man.
So, we'll cover that.
Now, last night we talked about the issue of Why they want to put a microchip in you or why you have all these countries looking to switch to a central bank digital currency.
Well, it's the same reason why now they are banning gas in new construction sites in the state of New York.
So in the whole state, if you're already developing a property and you already have your No gas.
No gas.
Why do they want a central bank digital currency?
Why do they want you to not have a gas-powered car or have a gas line into your house?
It's all about control.
The same thing goes with the speech issue.
Massive attack against freedom of speech.
Elon Musk condemns Ireland's Orwellian hate speech bill.
You know, we do have some hate speech bills here in the United States as well, including the great state of Florida from Ron DeSantis.
That's one of his bad spots.
But it's all about getting the entire population of the planet On to the physical control grid, but also the psychological control grid, making you so afraid to speak what you're really feeling or to say what you really see, because they will shut off access to the digital currency, and you won't be able to buy or sell.
They will turn off the power to your house.
You see, that's what it's all about.
If you've got gas in your tank, then you can turn the key, turn your engine on, it'll turn over, and you can drive.
But if that's an electric vehicle connected to the internet, then they can just flip that switch, you can't drive.
You're supposed to be due for a vaccine this week.
And you haven't gone, so your car has now been shut down.
If you would like to get in your car, it will take you directly to the CDC Vaccination Center, and we will once again allow you to drive your car freely and to use our central banking digital currency.
Thank you for being a compliant slave.
It's the same thing, but how are they going to bring this in?
Well, they signed the laws.
No more gas in your house.
No more gas cars.
Now they have full control over your Living standards.
But they gotta find a new way to put that microchip in you.
Utah biotech company implants brain chips in 50 people to cure depression, blindness, paralysis.
I'm not a Luddite.
I like technology.
I want to use technology if it makes my life easier and more convenient.
And so, yeah, if I was blind and I had some sort of an accident, and I couldn't see anymore, and there was a technology that could make me see again, I would probably want to use that.
I don't know, that's tough.
Would I really want a brain chip in my brain?
I don't know.
But if I was blind and I could see again, maybe I would.
But see, that's not what this is about.
Notice what they've done to the youth.
Notice how they're pumping America full of pharmaceutical drugs for all these different... I'm... Oh, I have anxiety.
Oh, I have depression.
Oh, I have this.
I have that.
And I still have this on my desk because it's just so true, even though it's last week's news.
Army PSYOPS expert.
Fox News fired Carlson to maintain semi-lobotomized, quasi-retarded population.
But that's just, they want you uninformed and misinformed, so you're basically quasi-retarded, is what he's saying.
Like, you're not actually retarded.
You don't have a mental condition.
I mean, we haven't put liberalism in the DSM-5.
I don't think liberalism as a mental disorder will be in the DSM-6.
So we're not actually diagnosing these people with a mental disorder.
They have no clue how the world works, they have no clue the planet they live on, they fall for every lie and propaganda piece that gets put in front of their eyes, and so that puts them into a quasi-retarded state.
That's why when I used to go out, I can't really do it anymore, but others do it, you can go out, you find a group of liberals, you ask them five basic questions, they can't find, they can't tell the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground.
They couldn't find their ass with a map.
And both hands.
That's the quasi-retarded population.
So why am I bringing this up with depression?
Well now...
Now they're telling all the children, oh you might be trans, you might be a boy, you might be a girl, the world is going to end from global warming, Donald Trump is a Nazi, you live in a fascist country.
All of this stuff, and now the youth is depressed, and now the youth has anxiety.
So it's one thing for the pharmaceutical companies to shove their pills down these children's throats, dealing with this crap.
Oh, but now you can get the microchip!
And so what do you think's going to happen?
Just like all these kids, the last numbers I checked, more than half of college students in the United States of America were on some form of an SSRI drug or had been prescribed some form of an antidepressant or SSRI drug in their lives.
And actually, new polls come out and they look at the difference between somebody that leans left and somebody that leans right.
Same numbers.
The majority of people that lean left in this country are on a pharmaceutical pill.
Well, in 5-10 years, in 5-10 years, you're not going to be taking a pill, you're going to have something implanted into your brain Instead of an SSRI drug, the reuptake inhibitor, it's going to be in your brain and it's going to be controlling your brain.
And you can't just turn it off.
You can't just decide, I don't like the way these pills make me feel, I'm going to stop taking them.
No, that's in your brain, you don't have control over it, it's got control over you.
So all of these things, all of these things come together.
All of these things play into the same game, which is to get the population of the planet in full control.
So that the people believe that they own this planet, the slave masters, can have a completely obedient, compliant, controllable human population to do with whatever they feel.
Whether that's to use us as slaves, use us as batteries, or just off us.
That's where all of this goes.
And in case you haven't noticed it yet, they're shoving it in your face.
Why do you think all of their events now feature some form of Satan worship?
Why do you think they love mangling little boys and girls if they can't kill them before they make it out of the womb?
It's a death cult.
You know, I really respect Elon Musk in his pursuit to save free speech, because I think it's genuine, and a lot of people see him kind of rubbing elbows with people on the left and people on the right, and they think, oh, that's bad, he should only be rubbing elbows with us.
No, I disagree.
I'm glad to see someone in the middle trying to link us all together, even if we do have disagreements, because we're all in this together, ladies and gentlemen.
Massive attack against freedom of speech.
Elon Musk condemns Ireland's Orwellian hate speech bill.
Again, folks, it ties in.
You're going to get so sick and tired of me saying this, but this needs to be understood so desperately.
Army PsyOps expert.
Fox News fired Tucker Carlson to maintain semi-lobotomized, quasi-retarded population.
So, it's all a free speech issue.
It's the same reason why they censor InfoWars and Alex Jones.
Because we make you think.
People tune into this, or I'll talk to friends, and they think, wow, Owen, you're so informed, you're so intelligent, you're so smart.
Folks, let's see.
Eleven, twelve years ago, I was a semi-retarded part of the population.
I was a sports head, I was in sports media, I didn't know how the world worked, I didn't understand politics, government, I didn't understand the real threat for what they are.
It was like, you could see them, you knew it was there, you could feel it, if you had any survival instinct or will to be free.
But you're a semi-lobotomized, quasi-retarded person.
You don't have any clue.
That's why they can't have Alex Jones.
That's why they can't have Tucker Carlson.
That's why they can't have all these other names and outlets out there.
Because they make you think.
I made the analogy to Space Odyssey 2001.
Why do the monkeys freak out when they see the obelisk?
Because it makes them think.
And what does that thought do?
It spurs evolution.
Advancement of the species.
If you can't think, if you can't notice something and say, what is this?
Why is this here?
How did this get here?
And you can't think that out, you stay a part of the semi-lobotomized, quasi-retarded population.
You don't evolve.
You don't have that moment of discovery and then the pursuit of knowledge.
So that's what this is all about.
Now, I've got other news on the fallout here from Tucker Carlson's firing.
But he recently went on a show, and this is a perfect example, Clayton Morris.
He's been in mainstream news, he's been on Fox News, he's done big specials.
Smart, well-spoken guy.
And he and his wife Natalie, I don't know if she had a past history in media or not, but they started their own thing.
And they've been friends with Tucker Carlson called Redacted.
And I don't know how long it's been around.
I've started really following them this year because I like what they do.
And they're all about, hey, we've seen behind the curtains of the mainstream media and we know what it's like.
We're going to show you some of that and we're going to keep you informed.
So Tucker Carlson went on Redacted with Clayton and Natalie Morris and This is such a powerful statement.
It's like a 40 second clip, but if you understand what he's saying here, then you understand exactly what the ex-US Army PsyOps expert is talking about.
Here's Tucker Carlson on with Clayton Morris.
If you go on TV tonight and say, I think the earth is flat, people will just laugh at you.
They don't care if you think the earth is flat.
It's not a threat to anyone.
But if you say like, What actually happened with Building 7?
Like, that is weird, right?
It doesn't... Like, what is that?
If you were to say something like that on television, they'd flip out.
They would flip out.
You'd, like, lose your job over that.
It's my country.
This is an attack on my country.
Can I ask a... Like, I don't really understand.
Do buildings actually collapse?
No, they... Maybe they do.
I don't know.
But, like, why can't I ask questions about that?
Anything you're not allowed to ask questions about Is something you should be asking more questions about!
Now, not to make a big issue of that, we've got a lot of new audience members here on InfoWars.
We don't spend every day talking about the lies of September 11th or all the anomalies or impossibilities.
How many people know that three buildings fell On September 11, 2021.
How many people know that?
How many people tuned into this right now?
Did you know that?
I didn't know that until I saw a documentary that Alex Jones helped produce.
Oh, right.
And then what do you do?
You start digging deeper.
You start asking other questions.
Well, oh, okay, Building 7 fell.
Well, why did it fall?
Well, they say it was a structure fire.
Do structure fires make buildings fall?
Let's look at the history.
Actually, no, they don't.
There's dozens of examples.
And by the way, we live in the 21st century.
We have videos.
You can watch videos of entire skyscrapers with flames shooting out of the windows and the buildings still don't fall.
See, I'm not trying to go off on a jag.
The point is, as Tucker Carlson says, hey, I'm not allowed to talk about Building 7.
At Fox.
Why is that?
Why don't they talk about Building 7?
What are they covering up?
Is that not interesting?
Is that not curious?
How another building just falls magically but you're not allowed to talk about it?
Oh, what about Anthony Fauci and his involvement in the Wuhan lab?
I didn't know that!
No, they don't want you to know these things.
They don't want this information to be made public.
That's why they hate InfoWars.
That's why they had to kick Tucker Carlson off Fox News.
And you see now the crew is just showing you all these different massive blazes, these structure fires where the skyscrapers still don't fall, whole infernos, blazing infernos, like right out of hell, buildings still stand.
But not on September 11th, 2001!
Something else happened that day.
But again, it's not like I'm trying to get off on a jag here.
The logical conclusion that thinking people have reached is that all of these different events Where somehow we never get any honesty, or we can't trust the investigations, or there's more questions left unanswered than answered even years later.
And we start to see the signs and the symbols that, what are we in here?
Is this some sort of a death cult trying to take over our country?
Is it the same criminal cabal behind 9-11, that's behind the COVID-19 pandemic, that's behind the RIGG 2020 election, that's behind all this global warming madness wanting to put you into a carbon emission, carbon footprint slavery?
And you start to ask questions like this, and now all of a sudden, you're no longer a part of the semi-lobotomized, quasi-retarded population.
Which is where they want ya.
So they can put a brain chip in your head, and then just take full control over you.
So, you're not supposed to know about any of this.
It's kinda like, you know, Slaves traditionally aren't allowed to get an education.
Slaves are not allowed to have weapons and defend themselves.
Oh, well now it's your government saying you shouldn't know anything and you shouldn't have a weapon to defend yourself.
So you've heard Alex talk about many times, he said on air, how he helped wake up Tucker Carlson.
And some of the details of this maybe he hasn't gone into.
And I'm not even sure I knew this, but in the break, Darren McBreen, who sits there watching the show, puts out a lot of the great special reports and edits that we have here, said, hey, did you know this?
And so I was covering Building 7.
Three buildings fell on September 11th.
Most Americans think it was only two.
There was a third.
And so, Darren, he scooped me on how one of the awakening moments for Tucker Carlson right here in this studio, even.
That's right, specifically about Building 7.
You're not going to believe this, but he had never seen it before.
And so when he came into the studio, we had a tablet, and we showed Building 7 falling down.
And he was shocked, because he says, I've never seen this before.
And Tucker says, as a news person, I should have seen this.
Why haven't I seen this?
And he's watching with amazement because he had never seen Building 7 fall, even being in the news media himself, which obviously a 47-story building falling on its own imprint, you'd think that'd be something that was shown on the news, but typically nobody had ever seen it before, including Tucker Carlson.
Well, and yeah, not just a news man not seeing that, but it's the biggest terror attack on this country in its history.
It was all over the news all day long.
How convenient that they left out Building 7 to such an extent that even people in the media had never seen the video.
Yes, and like I said, he was shocked.
And let me tell you another thing.
So, Tucker was here for the day.
He stayed the entire day, even after the Alex Jones Show was over.
He hung out with the reporters at the time.
It was Jakari Jackson, David Knight, LeAnn McAdoo, myself, Rob Due.
We spent the day with him, talking.
And as he left, when he was leaving that day, he stopped before he left, before he walked out the door, he stopped, he turned around and he looked at us and he says, he said something like, I have to admit to you guys, I had some preconceived notions about Infowars and reporters and everybody here, I thought you guys were a little bit on the fringe side, but after spending the day with you guys, Not only do I not think you guys are crazy, but you guys have given me a lot to think about.
And then he walked out the door.
So it was an amazing day.
And he actually changed my perspective about him too, because back in the day, we're talking like 2003, 4, 5, 6, Tucker was what you would call a neocon.
As far as a reporter, he was very much pro-war.
But to his credit, he's actually admitted that he was wrong.
You've heard him on the air saying, you know, I used to be a warmonger, I used to support the Iraq War.
So he is able to change, and as long as we plant these seeds, we can't give up on everyone.
A lot of these people do turn around, they learn from things like Building 7.
Plant those seeds, and you'll see years later what could happen, and now we've seen what has happened to Tucker Carlson.
And let me tell you something else, he is just getting started.
Because now that he's not chained down by Fox News, he can say whatever he wants, and I think we're going to see a lot more from him.
And just in the short clips we've had from him since his firing, they've all been powerful.
And I look at, you look at a guy like Clayton Morris, again, he's been with the legacy media, he's been with the establishment media.
To me, didn't really have much of an impact.
Now that he's doing his thing called Redacted, he's actually having an impact.
I think Tugger Carlson is going to be the same way.
But you know, my final thing with Darren, and I know you're over at your desk probably working on the next special report.
How many other examples of this, though?
I mean, it's like, there's so many times where I'll be having a discussion with somebody or a political nature, what have you, and I'll say, hey, have you seen this or have you seen this?
And no, I've never heard that.
No, I've never seen this.
And it's like, well, well, of course you haven't, because that's the obelisk.
That's as soon as you see it, your entire world changes.
I mean, it's like we could sit here and we could go off a list.
Like how many people know that Anthony Fauci helped fund the Wuhan lab that the virus came out of?
I mean, it's just these these stories.
There's so many of them out there that people just have no idea exist because it's not on the mainstream news.
Well, and once they learn, once they're awake, he could never go back.
And that's the thing.
And I also believe that we're going to see Fox News is going to plummet.
But it's creating a vacuum for independent media, like InfoWars, Rumble, whatever Tucker's going to do in the future.
We are going to be the mainstream, because they cannot believe the dinosaur, mockingbird media anymore.
They are collapsing, and we are rising to the top.
And, you know, Rumble is not perfect.
Band.video is not perfect.
But these are outlets, folks, that we can use to get the information out there.
Darren McBreen, thank you for joining us.
I always love it when the crew comes in here and is like, they respond to something I said.
That means I'm doing a good job.
If I got the InfoWars crew, some of the smartest people in media saying, hey, that was good stuff.
I want to talk about that.
Then we're doing a good job here.
I do have more news on the Tugger Carlson situation I want to cover since we're on it.
But just real quick.
Because I kind of go through phases, if you will, of how I consume my content, my media, mostly news.
And what I've noticed is I've been more inclined to go on to Rumble lately, and it's becoming a lot easier now on Rumble to find people talking about news and covering news, but actually real people who aren't trying to lie to you.
It's becoming a lot easier.
You know, this is why I decided, hey, I'm gonna launch a new Rumble channel, and I'm gonna really stick to it, because we have an opportunity to build something now.
And we've already been successful with Band Out Video, and we got a bunch of band hosts here, and we got a bunch of talented people at Band Out Video, from talk show hosts, and commentators, and musicians, and comedians, a real plethora.
Older generations, younger generations, it's all represented there.
But that's still kind of a closed loop.
Not anybody can just sign up for it.
We don't have the money for that kind of a bandwidth.
But at Rumble, they're starting to get there.
And when I log on to Rumble and I see Dan Bongino getting 40, 50,000 people on a live stream, when I log on to Rumble and I see Steve Bannon with thousands of people tuned into a live stream, or Kim Iverson or all of these other alternative media people, This is good news.
That's what YouTube used to look like for political media and live news coverage.
That's what it used to look like.
And now people that tell the truth in news media don't go to YouTube anymore.
They go to Rumble.
And Rumble's starting to figure out how they can get these things out there.
And now they can promote these different channels, they're getting better at it.
So, not perfect, but glad they're out there.
That's why I said, you know what, I'm gonna start a Rumble channel, and InfoWars has Rumble channels as well, and you should go follow those.
We need to build those up, now that Rumble is getting a lot bigger audience now.
But I said, okay, now that we have the opportunity to try to recapture some of that magic, it's a little different because YouTube is like, Everybody goes to YouTube, not just the people looking for political content, but everybody goes to YouTube, so you're tapping in to different streams of consciousness that you wouldn't normally.
But at Rumble, it's mostly people looking for political content, so you still don't really have all the different unique streams of consciousness there.
But, yeah, I mean, it's hard to remember, but I mean, when Alex Jones would go live, On the Alex Jones Show.
I mean, 2016, folks, we were putting up re-donkulous numbers.
I mean, re-donkulous numbers.
Even me, who was still a fresh face and voice in the media at the time, even I would go start a YouTube Live, and immediately, 10,000 people would tune in live.
And that was, like, top numbers on YouTube.
Alex Jones, 100,000 people.
Soon as he fired on a live stream.
100,000 people.
It would have a million views as soon as the broadcast was over, a million views.
Well, okay, they stole that from us.
We're not allowed to have that.
Well, now it's coming back, folks.
Now it's coming back.
And we've got the large audience, obviously, at InfoWars and Banned.Video.
That's our own stuff.
That's great.
But now you've got Rumble that's starting to emerge as a real competitor with YouTube.
And you've got Twitter where, well, Alex is still banned and you still can't share Banned.Video links, but other people are allowed to speak there.
This is a nightmare.
This is a nightmare for the slave masters of this planet.
They can't have us knowing things.
I think the thirst Built into our DNA for freedom is going to overwhelm the comfort that you think comes with slavery.
But you've already figured that out, haven't you?
That's why you're tuned in to this transmission, amplifying the spirit of freedom, amplifying the freedom of thought and independence.
Now, I've got to, I'm going to cover these Tucker Carlson headlines and really just focus on the news and some other video clips here.
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with Trump's fake mugshot on there, and they ended up not doing the mugshot,
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So we did one ourselves, a mock-up, and put it on a t-shirt.
It's all available at InfowarsStore.com, and it's your support there that keeps us on the air.
All right, let's just start pile-driving through some of this news here again.
Stories at Infowars.com.
Massive attack against freedom of speech.
Elon Musk condemns Ireland's Orwellian hate speech bill.
Ireland is about to pass one of the most radical hate speech bills in the entire world, which will throw people in jail for possessing hateful material on their devices and consider the accused guilty until proven innocent.
Now, here's the catch, because this is all a lie.
This is not a hate speech bill.
That's like, oh, it's the Patriot Act.
Oh, it's Black Lives Matter.
They use these words thinking you won't dig into it and you'll just assume it's something good.
Oh, Black Lives Matter?
Well, that's a good thing.
Oh, pro-choice?
That's a good thing.
Oh, Patriot Act?
Obviously a good thing.
But you dig in it and you realize, oh wait, no, that's not a good thing.
This is not about stopping hate speech.
Because who determines what hate speech is?
Well, If you're being intellectually honest, the person that decides what is hate speech is either going to be the person speaking or the person on the receiving end of the words.
Well, then that leaves it up to a matter of opinion then, doesn't it?
What is hate speech and what is not?
Well, here's what they'll call hate speech.
If I go down to the Texas Capitol And there's a group of trans kids activists, you know, the people that like to mutilate little children, you're mad scientist types, that take little boys and girls, I mean, folks, it's like, you know, people talk about the whole Pinocchio allegory, and what you see in Pinocchio, this is like, this is like a hundred times worse!
But I guess it still makes sense.
We're gonna take all the children and we're gonna genitally mutilate them.
Ah, trans kids, yeah.
But if I go down to the Texas Capitol and I say, hey, that's genital mutilation, that's the mutilation and abuse of children, that shouldn't be going on, that's called hate speech.
Well, I'm not being hateful to anybody.
How is that hate speech?
I'm just telling the truth.
No, they decide what is hate speech.
But if they come up to me, and they start insulting me, say, for the color of my skin, or maybe because I'm straight, or maybe because I'm Christian, or maybe because I work at Infowars, and they start to insult me, well, that is certainly not hate speech.
So let's just call it what it is.
This isn't an anti-hate speech bill.
That's a lie.
This is an anti-you-can-tell-the-truth bill.
This is an anti-truth bill.
This is an anti-free speech bill.
And if you really just want to cut it, any type of speech that would be viewed as right-wing is now considered hate speech.
That's really what these leftist tyrants mean.
What they haven't figured out...
Because they can't see two moves ahead, they wouldn't be very good chess players.
What they haven't figured out is that what is hate speech today, that they can use against their political opposition, will be different than what the hate speech is tomorrow, which will be used against them to silence and censor them as well.
They just haven't seen that far down the board.
They're still the semi-quasi-retarded lobotomized population.
And then once they've been used to get all the actual free thinkers and high intellect people Off the thought plane, then they're going to be the ones guilty of hate speech.
Do you... How can you not see this?
Do you really think they're promoting the genital mutilation of children because that's a good thing?
It's a trap!
You're being tricked into promoting the most devious, sordid activities on the face of the earth, child sacrifice in the womb, called abortion, And child genital mutilation called trans kids.
You're being trapped.
Because as soon as they get all the free thinkers removed, they're coming for you next.
And it's going to be crimes against children.
You really can't see it, can you?
You really can't see how you're being set up for your own fall.
And you'll be celebrating.
You've just turned the nation of America into a nation of eunuchs.
And you'll be celebrating, thinking it's all great.
But then it'll come for you.
It'll come for you, and you'll actually be the bad guy.
Because you did it.
You did turn it into a nation of eunuchs.
But it's not gonna work.
Too many people are gonna be standing up.
And you can fire Tucker Carlson, and you can censor Alex Jones, and you can try to arrest Owen Schroer and Steve Bannon and the rest.
It's not gonna work.
You can try to cancel Elon Musk and everybody else.
It's not gonna work.
At White House Correspondents' Dinner, Joe Biden tells regime media it's over for Tucker Carlson.
HA! *evil laughter* Wrong-o!
It's just beginning for Tucker Carlson.
Fox News primetime ratings in complete collapse following Tucker's exit.
No real surprise there.
Tucker Carlson's main neighbors rally around him after Fox ousting as they share what he's really like.
You know, I have to say, I've really learned something, and I kind of have already known this, but it really just hits home whenever you see stuff like this.
What the establishment or just the brainwashed leftists don't understand when they come after people like Tucker Carlson Is you know he's actually a good person.
I know that this might surprise you and be a foreign concept to you like an actually good person that is liked by everybody.
But they're about to figure this out the hard way.
Tucker Carlson has a lot of friends across the political aisle.
And the people that know Tucker Carlson know he's a good man and they like him.
And so all I'm saying is, folks, do not take personal relationships for granted and cherish them.
Because I think about it all the time.
The best investment I've ever made in my life is not, you know, maybe buying a nice house that it appreciated in value or, you know, making an investment or whatever.
The best investment I've ever made is with people, is with people that I still consider my friends or my family to this day, that will always know you, know who you really are, and have your back when the liars come for you.
And this is about to be tested with Tucker Carlson.
Yapping puppy Brian Kilmeade lashes out at Steve Bannon after he loses two-thirds of Tucker's audience.
Yeah, um, Killmead is not exactly a popular show host.
Just weeks ago, I warned the world that the Globalists were going to move against Tucker Carlson and take him off the
People said, no way, he's the most powerful thing that ever happened.
They've got quadrillions of stolen money.
They only had Tucker Carlson on the air because they believed they could control him.
But as soon as they figured out they couldn't, he was taken off the air.
It's the same thing with InfoWars.
But InfoWars is not owned by Fox, or controlled by George Soros, or owned by Spotify like Joe Rogan.
We are only beholden to our viewers and our listeners.
And when you support us, we're unstoppable.
I'm not underwritten by Rupert Murdoch or by George Soros.
I'm underwritten by you, which is we the people.
So I want to thank you for your support and encourage viewers and listeners to understand, please don't take InfoWars for granted.
We're barely hanging on.
We need your word of mouth.
You know, I'm not using this as a, hey, let's all make fun of Brian Kilmeade.
at mfortworthstore.com. So don't procrastinate. Go to mfortworthstore.com, get amazing products
that keep us on the air and never submit to these tyrants.
You know, I'm not using this as a, hey, let's all make fun of Brian Kilmeade. You know,
he's going to seal his own legacy, but there's a there's a larger story here. Yapping puppy
Brian Kilmeade lashes out at Steve Bannon after he loses nearly two thirds of Tucker's
audience in less than one week.
Well, Kilmeade was never going to maintain an audience.
Especially, you go from Tucker Carlson to Kilmeade.
It's like going from, well, there's no need to make the analogies here.
As I said, Brian Kilmeade is like a guy that bats 150.
And you keep seeing him in the starting lineup.
Why is there a guy batting .150 in my starting lineup?
And the old guy used to bat .350.
The old guy was batting .350 like about to get a triple crown, Tucker Carlson, like MVP player, and then he's out and now Kilmeade .150 and you know he can't even make the sack bunt.
So you get the point, but this isn't about hopping on the, you know, making fun of Brian Kilmeade train.
Anybody who's paid attention knows that Kilmeade is about as inspiring as a wet blanket.
But, no, he goes after Bannon, he goes on a podcast, and he says, in response to his failed stint on Tucker Carlson, and by the way, they're going to replace Kilmeade next week, They just know Kilmeade is the yes man.
He'll do what he's told.
That's why he got that job for the meantime.
In response to his failed stint on Tucker Carlson, Brian Kilmeade told reporters, And you see, it's comments like that, Brian, that just show how disconnected you are from the people that would be in your audience, and how disconnected you are from reality.
It's not about making Steve Bannon happy.
Steve Bannon could not even exist and the story would still be the same.
Nobody would be watching you.
What Steve Bannon represents is the new conservative movement, the new populist movement, which wants to listen to talk show hosts that aren't afraid to push boundaries, aren't afraid to go into uncharted waters, and aren't afraid to call out the establishment criminals for what they are.
I don't know if Kilmeade is interested in any of those things, but he doesn't get it.
You're right.
You guys don't have to change Fox News to make Steve Bannon happy.
Not that that would even be the story.
What you're really saying is, we know the Fox News audience is pissed that we fired Tucker Carlson, and we don't care.
That's what you're really saying, isn't it?
I wonder how the executives at Fox would feel about that.
Yes, we know Tucker Carlson was number one.
We know he was what made us the number one rated news channel on cable.
And we know that's who you guys really want, and you're mad we fired him, but we don't care!
Well, how's that gonna go, Kilmeade?
Well, you're out!
Why don't you just tell it like it is?
They censored Tucker Carlson because he was a little too real for Fox News.
And even though he kind of put some governors on himself, even though he would kind of hold himself back, you were probably getting like 80% Tucker Carlson power on Tucker Carlson tonight.
Oh, now he's going to ramp it up to 90%, maybe even 100%.
Look out then.
But you're right.
Fox News doesn't have to make its audience happy and they won't have an audience.
So, there you go.
That's how that works.
Pretty simple stuff, really.
But you see, you notice the attitude from Kilmeade, and that's the elitist attitude.
Well, we're Fox News.
We're more important than you anyway.
We don't need you.
Well, maybe they don't!
Maybe they don't.
I'm sure Kilmeade has made millions of dollars for himself.
I don't know any Brian Kilmeade audience members or fans.
If he didn't have Fox News, I don't know if he would even exist.
But you see, it's that elitist attitude.
It's that elitist attitude.
We don't even need our audience.
We don't even care about our audience.
Well, why is that?
Because you're going to get the billions of dollars from big pharmaceutical companies no matter what, and you're still going to get the big Hollywood ad buys and everything else that you guys get?
How can you even say that?
I mean, imagine if Alex Jones was like, I don't need my audience!
I don't need my audience!
No, it's the exact opposite here.
We do need our audience.
We do love our audience.
But see, that's because we don't have this elitist, we're talking down to you, we're dictating the worldview to you.
Three times deported Mexican who shot neighbors described by media as Texas man.
This has actually led to a new phenomenon.
I'll break down in a second.
Texas mass shooter Francisco Oropesa is previously deported illegal alien.
Manhunt still underway.
$80,000 reward.
Now... Okay, so the media doesn't want you to know that it's an illegal immigrant that did the mass shooting.
So, oh, a mass shooting!
The media should be all over it and coming for the guns!
Why not this one?
Because the shooter is, uh, doesn't really fit the narrative.
And they want you to think it's a Texas man, it's not.
But so, what's been going on, and I don't have this in front of me guys, if you can pull up Greg Abbott's Twitter account, or some of the responses.
So, Greg Abbott this weekend released a statement on this, and basically was like, look, we've got a killer on the loose, we need help identifying and finding him, $50,000, I guess it's up to $80,000 now.
I guess it's up to $80,000 now.
And all Greg Abbott does in this public release is a statement of facts.
We had a mass shooter, five victims, illegal immigrant, this is the identity, please help us find them.
And all the Democrats and Liberals are responding and they're saying, how dare you make this about illegal immigration!
How dare you, you bigot!
This is your fault because of the guns!
And it just shows you how deranged the left has become.
And it truly is true.
Democrats hate the truth.
They really hate the truth.
Why is it that you get so upset?
It was an illegal immigrant that killed people.
Why can't I say that?
They want to say that that's hate speech and they want to ban it.
Why can't you tell the truth that that was an illegal immigrant that shot and killed five people?
Why can't you say that?
Why are they so mad at Greg Abbott for saying that?
It's a fact.
So, God forbid Greg Abbott wants to stop a mass murderer who's on the loose.
God forbid Greg Abbott wants to stop the border surge that's brought tens of thousands of known criminals into the country.
God forbid Greg Abbott want to do that, and God forbid he use the word illegal immigrant.
Oh my Lord!
We need to be good liberals!
We need to be good Democrats!
We want more criminals on the streets!
We want more mass shooters!
We want more drug overdoses!
That's the logical conclusion.
Chicago officials say city facing humanitarian crisis amid renewed illegal surge.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
You wanted to be a sanctuary city.
You asked for the illegal immigrants and now you got what you asked for and you don't like it.
When is this phenomenon going to catch on?
Notice all the liberals, oh my gosh, my energy bill, my gas bill, the gas price at the pump is going up.
That's what you asked for!
Oh my gosh, the city of San Francisco and Chicago and New York and L.A.
are becoming criminal hellholes.
Criminals are running the streets, running wild.
That's what you voted for!
Oh my gosh, we've got so many illegal immigrants in our city and we've got nowhere to put them.
What are we going to do?
That's what you promoted!
You always, you always hate the taste of your own medicine.
Oh, liberals getting censored on Twitter.
Liberals getting fact-checked on Twitter and they hate it.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, I thought.
New evidence exposes ties between Mexican cartels and Chinese Communist Party.
But of course.
The Chai-coms need to... If the Chai-coms need to sneak someone into the country... They're calling up their buddies in the Mexican drug cartels!
I don't know why, they could just call up the White House.
Oh, that's right.
They already did.
Oh, how does this story go?
Joe Biden, foreign agent at the Chinese Communist Party.
We need you to open the southern border.
Joe Biden.
Yes sir, you got it.
You own my ass.
You own me and my son Hunter Biden.
You guys are our business partners.
So, we'll open the southern border for you.
And the Chi-Coms call their friends in the Mexican cartels and they say, alright, we got some guys coming in, we got some Chinese nationals coming in, need you guys to get them over that border we just opened.
And then they make that happen.
And then they make that happen.
And they're always above their own laws, by the way.
They're always above their own laws.
Ex-Fugees rapper, Proz Michael, who funneled $800,000 to Obama's campaign in 2012, found guilty and schemed to help China influence the U.S.
Wow, but nobody's gonna make a big fuss of that because it's Obama.
DOJ fights to stop Wu Wangu from testifying in Prozmichael Channel.
Yeah, they don't want the Chinese whistleblower to go on record about the CCP in front of the Department of Justice.
That would look really bad on Joe Biden, who is a foreign agent in the White House.
So they don't want that guy to be testifying.
And apparently they didn't want that guy out of Israel, the whistleblower out of Israel, The Biden crime family whistleblower disappeared two weeks ago.
He was about to go on record, blow the whistle on Joe Biden.
Now he's disappeared.
Nobody knows where he is.
You know, we know about the Clinton body count.
Are we about to have a Biden body count next?
Is that the story?
Is that how this is gonna go?
Meanwhile... Meanwhile...
Private Calendar reveals convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein met with Biden's CIA spy chief and other leftist individuals after sex crimes convictions.
They all knew.
Epstein papers expose his elite contacts.
Documents have reportedly shown that the sex offender set meetings with future CIA chief, an Obama aide, and a Rothschild banker.
Future CIA Director William Burns, banker Ariana de Rothschild, and an ex-aide to US President Barack Obama.
...are among the noteworthy people who had meetings with financier, financier, Jeffrey Epstein after he was publicly registered as a child sex offender according to a newly honored trove of documents from the late financier.
Stories at Infowars.com.
And remember, it was JPMorgan Chase running Epstein's accounts While this is all going on.
And look!
Does a sex trafficker get bank accounts?
Does a sex trafficker get access to bank accounts?
I mean, you're flirting with some serious stuff here.
And the general consensus was, yes, everybody can get access to a bank account.
Even criminals.
Oh, but wait a second.
Now... So...
Industrial level international sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein gets to have a bank account, but the Trump supporter that posted something on social media doesn't.
But the proud boy that likes to drink beer on Fridays doesn't.
So, oh, if you have the wrong political views, if you have the wrong political stances, if you have the wrong political speech, you can get your bank account removed like Laura Loomer, But A, just sex traffic some children internationally like Jeffrey Epstein and you'll be fine.
You'll be fine.
And now, it just shows the power.
First Republic Bank, which was reportedly about to collapse.
First Republic Bank taken over by FDIC and sold to JP Morgan.
Largest lender to collapse since 2008.
Amazing stuff.
So First Republic Bank was about to collapse, folks, and they had to do something about it.
They couldn't have another banking collapse under Joe Biden, so they just had it absorbed by JP Morgan.
But this is just like passing a hot potato around, or this is just like passing a ticking time bomb around.
I mean, the thing is going to blow up eventually, so They're trying to stave off these bank runs and they'd love to switch us over to a central banking digital currency before the collapse.
But how many times are they going to pass this hot potato and this ticking time bomb before it blows up in their face?
All right, let's not forget that the Biden administration has us closer into a nuclear conflict or a world war situation than any time in recent history.
And there are some developments here.
And sadly, it seems the best case scenario that we have in front of us to avoid war is... I mean, I don't want to be alarmist here, but... A collapse of the US dollar.
I mean, you're already seeing the United States slide down the totem pole of international respect And power under Joe Biden with things like the BRICS system getting popular and expanding.
But there has been another push from Ukraine, and so the situation is only getting hotter now.
But it's not going so well, unfortunately for the Ukrainians.
Polish General says Poland can no longer supply Ukraine with ammunition.
Warns Russia has the resources to continue the war.
And so Poland was the most gung-ho country in the West, if you will, in Europe more specifically.
That was really gung-ho about the war with Ukraine, or the war with Russia and Ukraine rather, and supporting Ukraine however that meant.
And of course, you know, Poland does have a history with Russians, and so there's something there.
That's why it was probably Zelensky, or he's not even smart enough to do it, his CIA handlers that said, hey, we're going to false flag Poland, send a missile into Poland, blow it up, blame Russia.
Well, they tried that.
They failed.
It ended up being Ukraine got caught.
Uh, blowing up Poland, and so they almost started a war over a false flag.
They failed, thank God.
Same thing happened with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, thank God.
So you had two attempted false flags to start World War 3, folks.
This is not a game.
I mean, huh.
Like, thank you, God?
Thank you, Lord Jesus?
I mean, we got bailed out, big time.
They don't do this stuff for fun.
They don't blow up the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for fun, folks.
That was an act of war!
That was a false flag to start a war, and they failed!
Thank God!
And you see, you got the American media wanting you to hate Vladimir Putin, and the truth of the matter is, thank God for Vladimir Putin's Patience?
I don't even know what the right word would be.
I mean... Restraint?
Probably the best word.
Because this is out of control.
Blowing up Russian pipelines?
False flagging Poland?
I mean, the sanctions they tried haven't worked at all, so that's no big fuss.
But you understand, there's kind of two Russias right now.
And there's the Russia that likes Putin and likes what he's doing and thinks he is the best leader for Russia, which is the majority of Russians actually.
That's the vast majority of Russians want peace, but they support Putin's wars.
But then you've got the second Russia, and these are the ones that you don't want to mess with, okay?
These are the types of people that Don't have the restraint, let's say.
And some of the generals behind Putin, or some of the people that might be waiting in the wings to take over for Putin, folks, they probably just would have said, no, we're just gonna go ahead and bomb the United States.
They just blew up our pipeline, just go ahead and bomb them.
That's how they would have felt.
Oh, they're gonna false flag us in Poland?
Let's just go ahead and bomb them then.
Let's go ahead and blow up a ship.
So no, Putin's restraint and patience Should be talked about a lot more.
But no, we're supposed to hate Putin and we're supposed to be at war with Putin.
But so, okay, getting back to the Poland situation.
Poland was the most supportive country in Europe for Ukraine.
That's why they false flagged Poland.
That's why Biden went and gave that war speech in Poland.
And if they're still not winning the hearts and minds over in Poland, and rational minds are saying, you know what?
We may not like Russia, and hell, we might even have this little itch to fight Russians, but there's no victory for Poland here.
We're out.
We're out.
And then you had the document leaks and more is getting learned from this.
How the Biden administration lied to the media about the war.
How the Biden administration lied to our foreign allies about the war.
And imagine how sick the mainstream media is.
The Biden administration lied to you in... Should we stop saying mainstream media?
Because they're not anymore.
The Biden administration lied to the regime media The Biden administration lied to the state-run media, and they didn't even care about war!
They lied to you about war!
They lied to you about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, and none of you even care!
Because they like it!
General warns Russia actually winning conflict in Ukraine.
Despite Western media reports that Ukraine is on the verge of victory against Russia, the opposite is actually true.
Army General Christopher Cavoli told Congress last week.
General Cavoli explained in testimony to the House Armed Services Committee on Wednesday of last week that the degradation of the Russian forces was grossly misrepresented by the media.
Much of the Russian military has not been affected negatively by this conflict.
And again, that all came out with the classified document leak a couple weeks ago, and the mainstream media got lied to about it, the US people got lied to about it, and it's just like, oh well, okay.
Yeah, our government lies to us into wars, and we just accept it.
Russian official, Ukrainian drones strike Crimea oil depot.
And that's really kind of the focal point here.
But Russia's not going to lose Crimea, so, I mean, what are you going to do?
Oh, I guess they're going to drone their oil depot.
So that's Western-backed, that's CIA-backed.
It's just more attacks against Russia.
And really, all this is doing is strengthening Russia and China's relationship because what else is Russia going to do?
The U.S.
keeps attacking them.
The U.S.
keeps attacking them.
The CIA keeps attacking them using these proxy groups.
And so Putin basically has two choices, and that's either go to war with America or call up China and say, you know, hey, I'm getting blasted over here.
Can you help me out?
And China says, alright, let's do this BRICS thing, let's start doing deals in the Yuan, and let's start doing gas deals, and let's turn on our coal plants, and let's turn on our energy sources, and the US can basically just spontaneously combust and try to explode in all of our faces, but we'll kind of set up our own infrastructure, and Russia, we'll include you in this so you can survive too.
Life in Ukraine's trenches gearing up for a spring offensive.
Key nations sit out of U.S.
standoff with Russia and China leaks show.
Yeah, it's not.
The media is like, folks, they don't have the support for this war like they want you to believe they have.
And then the situation in Taiwan is the real one.
Chinese Scorpion combat drone circles Taiwan.
Because mostly whatever happens to Ukraine is not going to impact us.
Taiwan will.
arms warplanes with bunker busting bombs and message to Iran.
Iran TV airs footage of commandos seizing U.S.
bound tanker.
So there's a whole, you know, it's just, it's so odd to the left that really hates America and tells you the colonizers and everything.
And then it's like these actual power structure forming against America that they claim to hate and that they don't, they just don't get it.
You know, I got cut off by the last break.
I couldn't finish that thought, but I find it ironic that I've listened to the American left, the anti-establishment American left, more specifically, my entire life, really fueled by the Bush years with this true, I mean, disposition might be the friendliest term to use, but Specifically during the Bush years, and you still hear him talk like this, America, the colonizer nation, the expansionist nation, the war criminal nation, and this is all you would hear from the American left under Bush, and they really would promote this concept, this idea that the United States is evil, and the most evil government and country in the world.
And look, they had some fair points, and you could hear that out and have a conversation But then what happened?
Well, Barack Obama got in, and was worse than Bush, and started more wars than Bush, and expanded the wars more than Bush, and drone-striked more than Bush, and so that kind of... the anti-war left kind of had to... kind of had to shut up, didn't they?
Because their guy Obama, that they voted because he ran against the Bush wars, And then he got on and expanded them even worse, and now it's like, ooh, crap.
Like, yeah, we claimed we were anti-war, but actually we're kind of pro-war, aren't we?
I guess we should shut up about that.
But what is my point?
Yeah, there's no doubt the U.S.
government is evil.
That doesn't mean that the people, we the people that are supposed to be the country, we're not evil.
The ideas of America are not evil.
If anything, they're inspiring.
But no, the American left used to understand and be against the military-industrial complex.
The American left used to understand and be against all of the foreign conflicts that we got involved in.
Now they love them!
And when you actually have world leaders standing up against it now, they're nowhere to be found!
What has happened?
What has happened?
But I digress.
We continue to wait.
What is the story with the Trans Shooters Manifesto?
They've been telling us they're going to release this for over a week now.
Still no manifesto.
So what is going on?
Are they redacting the manifesto?
Are they censoring the manifesto?
Or are they just writing it themselves right now at the FBI?
Nashville police to release manifesto of trans shooter they recovered from her vehicle.
They just buried that story.
So when it's a leftist mass shooter, they don't want you to know about it.
When it's an illegal immigrant mass shooter, they don't want you to know about it.
When it's a black mass shooter, they don't want you to know about it.
But if it's a young, deranged, white, not even white, if it's a young, deranged, Non-black mass shooter, then it's all over the news, the picture's plastered all over the news, they're running coverage 24 hours on that day, bleeding it into the next day, and they want you to know all about it, and that it's your fault because you have a Second Amendment, and so therefore it's the guns that are the problem, we need to get rid of the guns.
So they selectively choose which mass shootings they use for their political agenda.
So, it's pretty obvious.
The situation with the Nashville mass shooter.
This was a deranged lunatic that fell for the left-wing propaganda, tried to change genders, wanted to kill herself, but because she fully drank the Kool-Aid of the American left, she figured... I mean, this is the sick logic, folks, but this is the truth.
Why should I just kill myself?
I might as well kill some other people and take them with me on the way out.
That's what the text messages reveal.
And at this point, can we even trust the manifesto?
Why would I trust the manifesto released a month later?
Tell me that.
I'm already a skeptic.
And now you're going to release this manifesto months after the event?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm extremely skeptical and untrusting of that.
For obvious reasons.
I've already seen enough In the disclosed text conversations from the friend that this was a deranged leftist lunatic, fell for the leftist trans propaganda, wanted to commit suicide, but said, hey, because of what the left told her, that Christians hated her because, or Christians hated him or her or whatever it was, because of their trans ideology that she needs to go kill Christians.
Obviously that's what happened.
She wanted to kill herself.
She wasn't happy.
Just like most liberals.
Misery loves company.
But she figured, I might as well kill some Christians on my way out because they did this to me.
So you see, that's what the left does.
They take groups of people, so commonly referred to as minorities, they take these groups of people Whether it's a black community, or whether it's the trans community, and they take you and they isolate you and they say, there's your enemy.
And so for black Americans, they isolate you and they say, white man is your enemy.
And then they politically agitate, and they politically energize black Americans against white people, but really it's against their political opposition, the Republican Party, at the end of the day.
Same thing with the trans community.
They isolate the trans community, and then they say, there's your enemy, the Christian.
They want you dead.
And then what happens?
Well, the trans person snaps and goes and kills a bunch of Christians.
So always remember, whatever the left is accusing you of, they are doing.
The Democrat Party is the largest hate group And the largest terror organization in the history of the United States of America.
And the sooner we rid ourselves of this scourge, the sooner we rid ourselves of this cancer, we might have a chance of preserving this nation and restoring it.
But until we can recognize that for what it is, we have no choice.
I mean, folks, they want to shut off your gas!
New York set to pass first statewide law banning gas and new construction.
Do you understand?
This is cheap, easy energy that you can have in your house, and they don't want you to have it!
These sick bastards!
These control freaks!
Folks, how do you think this is going to go in the winter when you don't have a gas pipeline into your house?
And you have nothing but electricity.
You're not going to be allowed to put your thermostat any higher than like 65 degrees.
And so in the winter you'll be freezing because you cause climate change.
And then in the summer, you'll be dying of heat and they won't let you turn your thermostat below 77.
If they even let you have.
If they even let you have energy, if they even let you have control over your climate in the house.
If they even give you that.
Do you understand what an attack on your basic access to cheap energy is when they turn off your gas, when they shut down your gas car?
Not only does it give them the control mechanism to flip a switch and either shut down your electricity or turn it on.
Folks, you can't do that with the gas pipeline.
They have to come out and physically turn the valve.
They have to come out and physically shut it off.
That's why they don't want the gas.
I mean, it couldn't be more obvious if they came and smacked you in the face with it.
And they are!
That's why they're banning gas vehicles.
That's why they're banning gas in the home now.
This is all about total slavery.
This is all about total control.
But they lie to you and they say it's because we're causing global warming and carbon emissions and all this other crap.
And so they're just going to price you out of existence and they're just going to shut down your access to energy.
And you're just going to have to learn how to live in a third world regressive hellhole because that's what liberals want.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, last segment with me.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over on the other side for an hour, and then Gerald Cilente, but then I'll be back hosting the War Room today.
Still plenty of news and video clips to get to.
And I don't wanna...
The last subject to get lost in the sauce here.
The EU just made emissions even more expensive.
We've been warning folks, it's all about pricing you out of existence.
So you notice how slowly and surely your electricity bill goes up, your gas prices go up.
It's just slowly, slowly, like the frog in the boiling water, slowly increasing, increasing, increasing, increasing until you can't afford it anymore.
But then they'll offer you something like the microchip in your arm or the smart meter in your house and, hey, look, you can get money off.
In fact, they're already doing that.
Is it New York?
Somewhere they're already saying you get a $50, I think it's like a monthly rebate, $50 monthly rebate to get the smart meter installed in your house and you're thinking, oh this is great, I can't afford my energy but now I might be able to.
So they increase your energy, it's like $50 a month more than you were paying before and maybe you can't afford it, you're on a tight budget, especially if you're living in New York City.
Or one of these other Democrat hellholes.
Austin is getting unbelievably expensive, same deal.
So it's like, oh my gosh, I don't know how I'm going to be able to afford my bill anymore.
I mean, folks, I know people that do well.
And they live modest lives.
And they're now having to make tough choices and either move out of the city or sell a car or do something just to try to pay the bills.
In Austin.
And it's not nearly as bad as in New York or San Francisco.
But see, oh, now your gas bill's, you know, $50, $100 more a month.
And so they say, oh, well, you can't afford your energy anymore.
How about this?
We'll give you a $50 rebate, but you just got to install this smart meter.
And then they control the energy into your home.
And then all of a sudden, you're not allowed in the summer to have your air conditioning lower than 75 degrees.
And in the winter, you're not allowed to have your heat above 65 degrees.
So that's how this trap is going to be laid out for you.
And of course we've been warning about this at InfoWars.com and that's why they need us off the air.
But we are still here on the air every day.
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All right.
All right.
You know, let me do this here on the Jones Show.
I was going to do this on the War Room, but let's do this here.
Because personally, I really like Vivek Ramaswamy.
And what I've noticed is when he says things that are kind of not necessarily populist, or when he says things that, I mean, I just may not agree with, he kind of seems to be very intuitive.
He's very intuitive and he's not stubborn like Donald Trump.
When Donald Trump says something that's not populist or Donald Trump says something that most of his supporters disagree with, he's stubborn and he doubles down and he digs in like with the vaccine.
Vivek is not that way, but I'm getting off topic here.
Here's some of the statements from him that are why I like him so much as a candidate.
Abolish teachers' unions.
Shut down the Department of Education and use the money to fund school choice, plus three armed security guards in all schools to protect children.
Publish curriculum online and cameras in the classroom.
I mean, that might be getting a little aggressive, but you know that has left shaking in their little boots.
Revive civic education without apology.
I'll do my part as president, but it'll take all of us doing our part And then he says, Day 1 executive orders, end affirmative action in federal government and for contractors, end federal mandates to measure carbon emissions, abolish federal employee unions, order 50% headcount reduction in every federal agency.
Just a small sample of what day one will look like.
Hmm. Sign, seal and deliver that for me, pretty please.
So again, I'm still... Look, if I'm a frontrunner, and I traditionally am kind of a frontrunner, but Trump is still the frontrunner, and probably still the best choice, all things considered, but I wish either he would Bring Vivek on as part of his team or he would just try to adopt some of Vivek's policies because when it was DeSantis that was basically
The accusation was DeSantis was plagiarizing Vivek, and Vivek responded, he said, look, telling the truth is not plagiarism, and if somebody has good policy, and somebody else wants to repeat that, that's not plagiarism either.
So Trump should take that cue and maybe start listening to some of the things Vivek is promoting, because we need Trump to promote it.
Vivek doesn't have nearly the size of the platform or the audience that Donald Trump has.
I want Trump to say he wants to cut The federal government in half the day he becomes president.
Yes, please.
That's a good start.
That's a good start.
And Vivek was on TV with an interview.
This was classic right here in clip 18.
But below the age of 18, I think it's perfectly legitimate to say that we won't allow genital mutilation or chemical castration through puberty blockers for the purpose of genital transition.
You're calling it that, but how do you know it's that?
Again, how do you know?
Are you confident that... Meet the press with Chuck Turd.
How do you know it's genital mutilation?
They chopped the boy's balls off!
They chopped the girl's breasts off!
But how do you know it's genital mutilation?
It's the very definition!
How do I know you have a shaved head that's partially balding?
Because you're right there on camera, Chuck!
I'm sorry, it's just ludicrous.
How do you know it's genital mutilation?
But how do you know it's that?
Again, how do you know?
Are you confident that you know that gender is as binary as you're describing it?
Are you confident that it isn't a spectrum?
I am.
Do you know this as a scientist?
Well, there's two X chromosomes.
If you're a woman, an X and a Y, that means you're a man.
So there's a biological basis for this.
There's a lot of scientific research out there that says gender is a spectrum.
Chuck, I respectfully disagree.
Gender dysphoria for most of our history, all the way through the DSM-5, has been characterized as a mental health disorder, and I don't think it's compassionate to affirm that.
I think that's cruelty.
When a kid is crying out for help, what they're asking for is, you gotta ask the question of what else is going wrong at home?
What else is going wrong at school?
Let's be compassionate and get to the heart of that, rather than playing this game as though we're actually changing our medical understanding for the last hundred years.
I go back to this.
If a parent is dealing with a child that has these, that may have these issues, trust me, the parent, the last thing they want to do is consider something like this.
Oh, really, Chuck?
Like, if that is what they think could help their child pursue happiness, or their, not to kill themselves, I, why take away that option?
Again, let's mutilate our child so they don't kill ourselves.
So, part of why parents now suddenly feel that way, let's ask ourselves that, Chuck, because we've created a culture that teaches parents that they're being bigoted.
More of that, please, just tell it like it is and don't back down.
That's all it is.
Tell it like it is and don't back down.
Paul Joseph Watson up next.
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It is the Summit News Hour taking over for this third hour of the show.
And I don't know what you got up to this weekend.
Mowing the lawn?
Clearing out the garage?
Doing yard work, perhaps?
Well, what did Chelsea Clinton get up to this weekend?
She got up to promoting porn for school kids.
Yes, wholesome as ever, the Clinton family.
Headline up on Summit.News, Chelsea Clinton comes out in favour of porn for school kids!
It's progressive now!
Villain Hillary Clinton's daughter Chelsea Clinton appears to have taken on a new activism project, defending attempts to force kids as young as kindergarten age to be exposed to sexually explicit LGBTQ plus material at school.
Now she put out this tweet, over 50% of the attempted book bans last year They're not book bans!
Removing a book from a school library, because you don't want little children exposed to depictions of genitalia, is not banning books.
Are they stopping the printing of these books?
Are they stopping the sale of these books?
For whatever rongon wants to buy them.
I mean, I see people in the comments of this tweet saying, well, the parents can still buy the books.
Why the hell would you want to buy this book?
This book, in this tweet that she posted, the very book, you can see it there, genderqueer has graphic depictions of children engaging in oral sex.
That's, yeah, I do want to ban that.
I at least want to prevent children from being exposed to that in school, as should any sane, reasonable person who doesn't want to encourage grooming, degeneracy and the sexualization of children.
Well apparently that's banning books!
She said over 50% of the attempted book bans last year involved books with LGBTQ characters and themes.
Oh gee, I wonder why that is?
Is it because they literally show male and female genitalia sexual acts performed between children?
Interesting correlation there, don't you think?
Bans such as these are nothing but harmful.
Because apparently it's harmful not to show kids naked genitalia.
That's right-wing, that's extremist, that's Nazi behavior.
As we exhaustively covered, the truth is no one is calling for the books to be banned.
They haven't been banned.
They're just calling for them to be removed from libraries.
And in fact the people in response to this tweet And I don't even know if you can show this on the video feed for the show, because it's pornographic!
But according to Chelsea Clinton, kids need to see it in schools.
Again, graphic depictions of children.
This has all been on Twitter.
Some of it's blurred, some of it isn't.
I don't even want to get into detail.
Nobody would want to see this, lest they're kids.
Chad Green responded, the photo on the article you're quoting features a book with explicit illustrations of sex acts.
A book about incest, that's progressive now.
One a sex story about two 10-year-old boys.
One about a man raping and isolating a 12-year-old girl.
One about a teen girl who seduces a man who kidnaps her.
This is all the kind of trash that the evil Republicans are trying to ban.
Seth Dillon, Chelsea Clinton has come out in favour of porn for kids.
And again they cite this example from this genderqueer book which features in the image that she tweeted
"exposing children to sexually explicit material without parental knowledge or consent"
"genderqueer book with sexually graphic pictures"
Again, this wouldn't even be allowed on store shelves of 7-elevens or whatever, but apparently your
eight-year-old kid needs to see it in schools.
And again, here's one of the tweets I mentioned.
They aren't banned, only removed from school libraries.
Parents can make the choice if they want it available to their children.
Any parent who wants to make available to their children a book showing graphic sex acts needs to have their hard drive checked for CP.
Why on earth would anyone want to do that?
So again, that's what Chelsea Clinton spent doing over the weekend.
One other respondent said that it's no surprise given who her father is and given the role models that she's experienced in her life.
Asking if she also took a trip to Epstein Island.
Summit.News will be back.
don't go away.
We're going to play a video later on in this hour talking about a new movement
that is now demanding inclusivity, representation, a rebranding of what was once considered
by all sane people in existence, a mental illness.
That is, people who want to identify, despite having no physical handicap, as being trans-abled.
Yes, indeed.
Now, in its lightest context, this includes people who merely want to use wheelchairs, despite again having no physical disability, not wanting to actually have one, but merely to identify as a handicapped person.
Then at the most severe end, it goes down to people who literally want doctors, To amputate healthy limbs, not just to chop off their genitalia, but to literally remove arms and legs, because in one sense it represents a sexual fetish.
Those people have been branded mentally ill, mentally unstable since time immemorial.
Now they're saying that that's not inclusive enough.
They're identifying their cause with transgenderism and saying that they want representation, they want inclusive advocacy terms to be created to describe their formerly mental illness, which will then basically approve doctors, and I'm sure insurance companies will be forced to fund this at some point down the line, to literally amputate their arms and legs because they think that they should have been born disabled, including one woman, Who actually poured drain cleaner or got a psychologist to agree to pour drain cleaner into her eyes because she thought she should have been born blind, identifies as having no vision, and that's merely her self-actuality, the reality that she wanted to inhibit as a human.
And who are we, bigots, to claim that that is a mental illness, to claim that that is a destructive, unhealthy lifestyle?
Who are we bigots to prevent such a lifestyle from being promoted to children as young as six to eight years old?
I'm going to get into that later on in the hour.
So Chelsea Clinton spent the weekend promoting porn books for kids, saying that it's harmful not to expose young children to naked genitalia in books.
Meanwhile in Colorado, 27 Democrats vote against making flashing kids a felony.
Because you see, the drag shows don't involve men dressed as women flashing their naked genitalia to kids at all.
Which is why there's no need to ban it.
Oh, there is a need to ban it.
And Democrats are now literally fighting, railing against that.
More than two dozen Democrats in the state of Colorado voted against legislation that would make it a felony.
For anyone to indecently expose themselves to children, reasoning that it could lead to the banning of drag shows.
Right, and why could it lead to the banning of drag shows?
Well, because people there, men dressed as women, are indecently exposing themselves to children!
Pretty straightforward line of logic, that, isn't it?
Because currently in Colorado, it's only considered a Class 1 misdemeanor if a person indecently exposes themselves in the view of a child, if it's the first offence.
So they literally want creepy flashes, middle-aged men to expose their genitalia to children, if it's part of a drag queen performance, because that's progressive!
Speaking about legislation to make it a class 6 felony, one of the democratic reps,
Leslie Herrod, said "these types of laws have been used to ban drag shows to target individuals
who use the restroom of the sex they identify with the public restroom to charge them with
felony charges." And again, how many cases do we need to see of these drag queens,
these transgender identified individuals, in fact I've got another one coming up later on in the show,
slipping into female restrooms and then exposing themselves to children, to adults, to anyone in
the vicinity?
Because they're the new woke aristocracy, we're literally changing laws, eliminating women from female spaces, exposing children to harmful predators, In service of these people, because they are the new gods!
She said, I'm very concerned about the attacks against the transgender community that are happening across the country.
There are no attacks against trans... Their murder rate is lower than the general population.
They're murdering themselves because many of them commit suicide, because they follow this fantastically healthy and non-destructive lifestyle that we're now supposed to promote to children.
Now there was an attack in relation to the transgender community, wasn't there, a few weeks ago?
Oh yeah, it was a mass shooting by a transgender person.
Where's the manifesto?
I haven't seen that yet, have we?
So again, Democrats trying to get this law watered down, which would elevate creepy perverts exposing their genitalia to kids to something above a class 1 misdemeanor.
Because we can't have that.
We've got to allow that, haven't we?
Because despite democratic opposition, the bill reportedly did pass on Saturday, but with amendments to not apply the law if the exposure is in a public place with other adults present.
So if you've got a hairy man in a dress, who's twerking on the face of a six-year-old kid, and his genitalia just accidentally slips out and gets exposed to children, then that's fine!
So essentially the law was defeated because the intent, the purpose of it, was taken out of the equation.
It's still okay for drag queens to get their junk out in front of kids, because that is liberal.
On the same subject, and boy have I got plenty of this material today.
Video of, this is Redux News, Redux.info, video of 13-year-old drag kid, yes, another one, dancing at parties sponsored by gay hookup app goes viral.
Oh what a surprise!
This is linked to sex and degeneracy within the LGBT community.
Who could have seen that coming?
There are now so many of these drag queen children it's hard to keep track of which one's which.
Remember back four or five years ago there was only one basically who was getting a lot of public attention.
Literally getting big platforms on NBC shows and things like that.
And that was that kid Desmond is Amazing.
Well now this movement has has spawned many more, including this one, a video showing
a young drag queen dancing at a party sponsored by a gay hooker-pat, sparking outrage
on social media with many calling the clip disturbing. April 29, Dr Anastasia Maria
Lupus uploaded a TikTok to her Twitter showing a clip of a young boy dancing at a
party surrounded by adults.
Again, what kind of people would even attend this? The child is seen wearing a short pink dress,
The Blacks Latex High Heel Boots!
Appears to be the only minor in the crowd.
In the corner of TikTok, the word sponsored by Jacked can be seen.
What is Jacked?
Well, it's a chat and dating app similar to Grindr for gay and bisexual men to seek sex.
And again, this ain't Tinder.
This isn't a dating app.
It's straight up gay sex hooker pack app.
And you've literally got a 13-year-old boy dancing provocatively in skimpy outfits at an event sponsored by a Grindr-style gay hook-up app.
Hmm, wholesome.
The video can be traced to an event which took place February 16th of this year.
The boy in the video is known as Ali Mark Jacobs, a prolific drag kid born Kingston Wells.
And then it says Wells posted the video to his TikTok.
Tagging Jamari Armour in the description and calling him Dad!
Guess who Jamari Armour is?
Well, he's a gay porn model.
Again, very wholesome.
And a choreographer who's been a mentor to Wells in his drag training.
So a 13-year-old boy in a dress has been mentored to dance sexually provocatively in front of adults at an event sponsored by a gay hook-up porn app.
And his mentor, his quote, dad, is a gay porn model.
Something slightly inappropriate there.
I just can't quite put my finger on it.
This is not the first time videos of Wells performing for adults have gone viral on social media.
There's been a flood of them before.
Wells revealed Jamariah Moore had been the only one to bring him to New York from his home in Los Angeles to perform at the ball.
And the child's social media history suggests his parents have been attempting to get him involved in performing from a very early age, with photos and videos uploaded as early as 2015.
So basically, since this poor kid, who has been obviously predated on by these sick individuals, since he was basically a toddler, he's been groomed to engage in this kind of behaviour.
Absolutely sick and degenerate as par for the course.
We'll be back.
Don't go away, Summit.News.
Well we're always keen to share what slivers of good news emerge from the news cycle and here's another one out of Breitbart.
Whole 60% say establishment media to blame for misinformation.
Of course we've had this grand narrative over the past five, six years.
That the primary purveyors of misinformation, fake news, are quote conspiracy theorists.
This of course amplified by the same mainstream media, legacy media, fact-checker industrial complex that pushed some of the biggest conspiracy theories ever to exist in modern political history over the past few years, including the debunked Russiagate conspiracy, Including the whole premise behind COVID-19 itself.
The claim that it didn't come from a lab.
The claim that masks were effective in stopping the viral spread of the disease.
The claim that vaccines were 100% safe and effective.
Every single one of those mainstream media conspiracy theories debunked and yet amplified by these same people who will accuse you of pushing fake news and misinformation.
Well, the American people just aren't buying it.
6 out of 10 Americans say the establishment media are to blame for misinformation.
This is an Associate Press NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll revealed today.
60% say the establishment media are to blame for misinforming the public.
9 out of 10 Americans say the media's misinformation is a problem.
We've got another example of that today.
This is out of summit.news.
Again, another horrific mass shooting on Friday night.
You probably didn't even hear about it.
It's basically already slipped out of the headlines, just like the Tranifesto, which hasn't come to light.
Three times deported Mexican who shot neighbours described by media as Texas man.
Just a down-home Texas man.
Again, this is the despicable individual who reacted to his neighbors, five Honduran people, complaining about him wildly shooting his firearm in his back garden at night, which was keeping their baby awake.
And this sick specimen, this cretin, responded by home invading them and killing five of them, including an eight-year-old child.
Now, of course, the media has rushed into the void to ensure that this doesn't get the prominence it deserves, and in fact to prevent the suspect from accurately being depicted and portrayed, despite the fact that he's still on the run.
And again, this is an illegal immigrant.
He's accused of gunning down five Honduran nationals on Friday night in Cleveland, Texas.
Haven't caught him yet.
Francisco Oropeza's neighbours complain that him shooting his gun in the garden was keeping their baby awake.
Again, he killed an eight-year-old child as well as four other people.
Now being reported that he was deported on three previous occasions, his most recent removal being in 2016.
They asked him about this on NBC Meet the Press over the weekend.
They asked Biden DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and he simply refused to comment on it altogether.
But the mainstream media is at least doing their bit to ensure that the true facts about this story and the true identity of the individual involved remain largely hidden to the public.
By simply referring to him, as you will see in numerous news articles, As a Texas man and not talking about the fact that he's an illegal immigrant.
Despite there being numerous mugshots showing Oropesa, the media also appears to be keen on depicting the tragedy, the vicious attack.
With shots of people's houses, shots of police officers, and very few actual pictures of the perpetrator himself, who again is being described as just another Texas man.
Again, if this was a white person mass shooting five people, horrific, it would be all over the media, it would be the top story.
And the fact that he was white would very much be part of the dominant narrative.
But again, when it happens the opposite way, the story is buried hidden.
It disappears in a hurry, doesn't it?
Meanwhile, on the subject of free speech.
Massive attacks against freedom of speech.
Elon Musk condemns Ireland's Orwellian hate speech bill.
We've got yet another ramping up of these restrictions.
Ireland is about to pass one of the most radical hate speech bills in the entire world, which will throw people in jail for possessing, quote, hateful material on their devices and consider the accused guilty until proven innocent.
And again, that's what it says in the bill.
It says, we say you're guilty.
You can only get around this by proving your own innocence, completely flipping the very premise of the law itself.
And indeed, it's about possessing, not even circulating, quote, hateful messages, hateful content.
So if you've got some spicy meme on your phone, then you will be guilty if you're an Ireland and Irish citizen under this bill.
Elon Musk has called it out for what it is.
And again, this is about ramping it up.
End goal is to police private conversations.
That's what this is about.
It's about you having the material, not even posting it on social media, not even sending it via encrypted messaging apps, merely having it on your device.
That's why it's such an amplification of this hate speech agenda.
Now on a similar subject, we've got something almost as disturbing happening in the UK.
And that is that police forces are now going round telling people not to tell offensive jokes in pubs.
Yes, really.
And this video is called, Oi Mate, Got a Licence for That Offensive Joke?
Let's roll it.
Northamptonshire Police, out for drinks this bank holiday?
Make the right choice.
That offensive joke you were about to make, it only takes one comment to harass someone.
Oi mate, have you got a licence for that offensive joke?
Thing is, it doesn't take only one comment to harass someone, does it?
That's not the law.
As Carl Hogan points out, harassment is a repeated pattern of behaviour.
When someone repeatedly behaves in a way that makes you feel scared, distressed or threatened.
Imagine if one clumsy unwanted chat up line that someone took offence to was a criminal offence.
Half the young men of Northamptonshire would be locked up every Saturday night.
You'd have thought Northamptonshire police would have enough real crime to combat, given that one neighbourhood in the area recorded more crime per capita than anywhere else in the entire country.
The total of 3,305 crimes were committed in that neighbourhood over the last 12 months when compared to the population that works out at 360 offences for every 1,000 people who live there.
But why concern yourselves with that when John down at the Dog and Duck wolf-whistled at a woman?
Oh my bad, that is actually illegal now in the UK.
Lock him up for two years.
Northamptonshire Police sees rise in number of violent crimes reported, data reveals.
Sod that, right?
Bill down at the Red Lion just told an offensive joke, sending the SWAT team.
What's particularly annoying about this is that police keep being told not to do it, but keep making fools of themselves on social media.
The Home Secretary keeps reminding them that their job is not to police legal lawful speech, yet they keep trying to do it.
That is when they're not Busy descending on pubs to confiscate Gollywog dolls.
And what is it about pubs that they're so threatened by?
An update to the Equalities Act introduced in February could even force pubs to display signs that forbid banter.
Oi mate, got a licence for that banter.
Banter bouncers would have to be hired to police drunken speech because workers will have the right to sue punters if their jokes are deemed to be offensive.
Police in many areas of the country say they're under-resourced and too short-staffed to respond to serious crimes like burglaries.
Last October, the number of total crimes recorded in England and Wales hit an all-time record high, a 12% increase on the previous year.
But don't worry about stabbings, rapes and any of that stuff, when there's drunken jokes to be stopped!
Meanwhile, Florida passes harshest hate crime bill in America.
Five years in jail for posting flyers that are deemed to be anti-semitic.
That is another slippery slope.
We'll be back with more on the other side.
Don't go away.
We're going to go to this video in a second talking about this stunning and brave new
community that's demanding more inclusivity and representation, the trans-abled community.
But first, this deranged man wanted for hate crime in New York City for deprecating on pride flag.
New York City is looking to prosecute what appears to be a mentally disturbed homeless man for a hate crime because he defecated on a pride flag laying outside of a pro-LGBT bar and used another to wipe his hind end.
So the guy's obviously mentally ill.
He's not doing it as a deliberate hate crime attack on the gay community.
He's doing it because he's mentally ill and unfortunately because of Democrat policies in cities like New York City and San Francisco, There are armies of mentally ill people defecating on virtually every street corner every single day.
If they can't get into Starbucks, that is.
That's not a problem, though.
We don't really care about that.
But as soon as one of them accidentally...
Or without his own volition, defecates on the haunted, sainted, rainbow-coloured flag, the occupation flag, then it's a hate crime, then it requires a rapid, urgent response.
I'm surprised they didn't send in the SWAT team!
Let's go to this video now, because there is, as I said, a brave new bold community that needs more representation, more inclusivity, more advocacy, and it's the people who identify as handicapped, as transable.
This is called I've Changed My Mind.
Let's roll it.
[Dubstep music]
Just when you were thinking I couldn't possibly serve you up something even more insane,
I deliver the goods once again.
Have I ever let you down?
Do you have any regrets about taking your own vision or the process with which you did take your own vision?
I don't have any regrets taking my vision.
How did she take her own vision?
By having a psychologist pour drain cleaner into her eyes!
But hey, no judgement, right?
She's just trying to become her true authentic self.
I believe I should have been born blind and I'm happy the way I am.
Look at that bigot.
I do have some regrets about the way I did it.
Should have used Mr. Muscle instead.
With all due respect to Jewel, but I am having a really hard time sitting so close to someone who traumatized herself.
We took an oath in medicine to help people.
Okay, Transablephobe.
To hear someone say, I've always felt I should be blind.
Well, I've always felt I should be the Queen of England, but I'm not going out to become the Queen of England.
Wait a minute.
Chopping someone's cock and balls off to help them realise their innate identity is progressive, virtuous and loving.
Even as it's killing teenage children.
But chucking bleach into someone's eyes to help them achieve their innate identity is insane, dangerous and offensive to disabled people.
You can't have your cake and eat it.
Fox News reports on the people choosing to identify as handicapped.
And how they want what has always been treated as a mental illness, BIID or Body Integrity Identity Disorder, accepted by society, rebranded and relabeled with a new, more inclusive advocacy term.
So doctors will be allowed to treat BIID patients by amputating healthy limbs, snipping spinal cords or destroying eyesight.
You know all this kind of...
Reminds me of something else.
Can't quite put my finger on it.
Maybe the trans able need their own flag, their own civil rights movement, their own celebrities funded by lucrative brand endorsement deals.
Maybe a chap in a mobility scooter waxing lyrical about the plethora of new parking spaces available to him.
Children should be exposed to transableism at a very early age.
Maybe people who've had healthy limbs removed should be invited into schools to give talks about how normal that is.
Books placed in school libraries about how washing your face with drain cleaner isn't dangerous or freakish at all.
Primetime television programs where members of the transabled community stand naked in front of kids showing off their amputation stubs.
Doctors doling out drugs that give kids who want Forget gender-affirming care.
What about cripple-affirming care?
The Hippocratic Oath is basically just hate speech anyway.
California should declare itself a trans-abled sanctuary state.
Because again, all this needs to be normalised to fight trans-able phobia.
And anyone who has a problem with that is almost certainly a Nazi.
And there were plenty of them.
But I bet that 59-year-old bloke in Canada who identifies as a six-year-old girl will agree with me.
Would you like that?
Just like transgender-identified people who refuse to get their snippy-snip, some members of the trans-abled community are less committed than others.
Chloe Jennings-White spends her days confined to a wheelchair.
It's tough to get around, and she struggles with living in a world that isn't built for the disabled.
However, Chloe is actually able to walk perfectly, and chooses to live her life like a paraplegic.
53-year-old Jorund Victoria Almay caused outrage for using a wheelchair almost all of the time, despite the fact that he has no physical handicap.
Come on, mate, take it seriously.
At least get a leg broken or something.
Jorund's decision to identify as disabled was met with scorn.
His decision to also identify as a woman?
Well, that's different, isn't it?
Shut up, bigot.
It's a cognitive dissonance, said Jorund.
In the same way that I experienced being a woman in a man's body, I experienced that I should have been paralyzed from the waist down.
Norway's TV2 News responded by confronting Jorund with genuinely Disabled people who are angry at him.
And those people are just the equivalent of what trans activists call TERFs.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists.
So I guess they'd be Trans Able Exclusionary Radical Disabled.
A Norwegian man just appeared in a UK court for having his own genitals, nipple and leg amputated.
Marius Gustafsson live-streamed the castration of other men on his eunuch-maker website for paying subscribers.
He ended up making hundreds of thousands of pounds off of it, and you thought OnlyFans was degenerate.
He and eight other men were part of a subculture of genital nullification in which men willingly have their genitals removed to become nullos.
A Norwegian said he wanted to look like a Ken doll down there.
Shop his nuts off, he won't ask twice.
Gustafsson said he used a castration tool called a Birdizo, normally used on cattle.
And that he carried out the procedures in a quote, very professional way.
Wow, didn't see that one coming.
Mmm, tasty!
Gustafsson was also charged with possessing CP.
Wow, didn't see that one coming.
In Japan, a 23 year old man had his genitals removed and then cooked and served them to paying guests at a banquet.
Mmm, tasty!
Season well with black pepper.
Gives a whole new meaning to "Cock-o-van", doesn't it?
I used to think all this was very unnatural, bizarre, and dangerous to normalise.
But then I realised, I was just being prejudiced.
And after a sustained and intensive period of re-education, I've changed my mind.
Love is love.
Transabled rights are human rights.
Hashtag be kind.
Now I'm off to put my knob in a blender so I can claim welfare.
So how long is it going to be before trans-abled people who identify as having a disability are allowed to compete in the Paralympics and absolutely crush the competition?
Similarly to how transgender people are crushing the competition in female sports, and we have another example of that out of Breitbart today.
Trans cyclist wins women's category in tour of the Gila race in New Mexico.
This is Austin Killips, a biological man.
Awarded first place in the women's category, absolutely vanquishing all the competition.
Killips has been a topic of controversy in the weeks leading up to the race.
They posted a tweet, the official Tour of the Gila competition account, congratulating this biological man on crushing the rest of the female competitors.
Turned off the replies to the tweets though, didn't they?
Now the champion in this category A woman called Hannah Arendsman actually retired from the sport altogether because she basically said, what is the point in even competing when I'm competing against men?
Quote, I was born into a family of athletes encouraged by my parents and siblings.
I competed in sports from a young age, climbing the ranks to become an elite cyclocross racer, she said.
Over the past years, I've had to race directly with male cyclists in women's events.
This has become more of a reality.
It's become increasingly discouraging to train as hard as I do, only to have to lose to a man with the unfair advantage of an androgynized body that intrinsically gives him an obvious advantage over me.
She responded by saying, doesn't matter how hard I train, how long I've done it for, the fact that I'm elite in this competition, have been for years, winning all the titles, a dude comes along calling himself a woman and absolutely obliterates her.
We'll be back.
Summit.News, don't go away.
Now I want to get to these final couple of videos here in the final segment of this hour but I also want to come back after this one and talk about the latest on Tucker Carlson because reportedly we have a new overriding reason potentially as to why he was fired.
So I want to get into that but first we've been talking a lot about the much vaunted LGBT movement over the course of this hour.
And it is a fact that many Gen Z, more than a quarter now according to the latest polls, are identifying as LGBT, because apparently you're born gay, right?
It has nothing to do with social engineering, re-education, cultural indoctrination, no.
It's just natural that all those Gen Z kids are identifying as LGBT.
Well there's actually some good news because coinciding with this is that belief in a higher power surges amongst American youth.
The video is called Don't Say I Never Give You Any Good News.
Here it is.
adults who identify as LGBT.
Traditionalists, before 1946, 1.7%.
Baby boomers, 1946 to 1964, 2.7%.
Generation X, 1965 to 1980, 3.3%.
Millennials, 1981 to 1996, 11.2%.
Baby Boomers 1946-1964 2.7% Generation X 1965-1980 3.3%
Millennials 1981-1996 11.2% Gen Z 1997-2004
Right, because as everyone knows, you're born gay.
Anyone who claims social engineering and exposure to alphabet people messaging, constantly reinforced by the media, by the entertainment industry, by every cultural institution in existence, has anything whatsoever to do with it.
Well, they're just homophobic bigots!
But wait...
If you're born gay, why...?
But let's take a look at some rather more uplifting numbers.
Many have asserted that the rise of the woke aristocracy and the creation of a new de facto religion that has its own flags, its own oaths, its own rituals, its own punishment for blasphemers is largely fuelled by the decline and fall of Christianity in the West.
Well here's a little ray of hope.
A new survey has revealed a surprise surge in faith amongst young people in America.
As reported by the Wall Street Journal, a new study commissioned by Springtide Research Institute found about one third of 18 to 25 year olds believe in a higher power up from one quarter in 2021.
Having been faced with some real crises in recent years, young people are starting to mimic the behaviour of older generations by turning to God for hope and protection.
We're seeing an openness to transcendence among young people that we haven't seen for some time, said Abigail Viscarousa, Associate Dean at Princeton Theological Seminary and an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church.
So there you have it.
Don't say I never give you any good news.
Believing in God gives you a reason for living and some hope, said Becca Bell, an 18-year-old college student from Piosta, Iowa.
Now I wonder, will young people who are converting to LGBT find greater purpose, peace of mind and happiness than those converting to religion?
I think we all know the answer to that one.
Now let's talk about Tucker Carlson because of course a number of overriding reasons have been proposed, speculated on.
For his dismissal, his firing people call it, he's not actually being fired as we pointed out.
Technically he's still employed by them but he's of course being benched for the next 18 months it's been reported to keep him frozen out of the 2024 election coverage.
Of course one of the main reasons for Tucker's dismissal was his vehement opposition to the military-industrial complex Now we learn this out of Information Liberation.
Rupert Murdoch held unreported call with Zelensky weeks before firing Tucker Carlson.
Zelensky, who of course has been called a dictator on Fox News by Tucker Carlson, and with good reason given that anyone who criticizes the Ukrainian government is now being basically swept up and arrested.
We've played videos of that before.
It says it's looking increasingly likely Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch Due to his opposition to the US-backed proxy war in Ukraine.
This is from Semaphore, the Murdoch's Ukraine connection.
Fox News Executive Chairman Rupert Murdoch held a previously unreported call with Ukrainian President Zelensky this spring in which the two discussed the warm anniversary of the deaths of Fox News journalists last March.
The conversations crucially occurred weeks before the Murdochs fired their biggest star and most outspoken critic of American support for Ukraine, Tucker Carlson.
Did Zelensky put a little word in the ear of Rupert Murdoch to encourage him to bring that hammer down?
Senior Ukrainian officials had made their objections to Carlson's coverage known to Fox executives like it was any of their business.
As the Murdochs have not revealed which of Carlson's many provocations triggered his firing, and there's no particular suggestion that Zelensky, whom Carlson called a dictator, delivered the final blow, but he was in conversations with Murdoch, top Ukrainian government officials, in his ear, saying, we don't like what Tucker's saying about this proxy war, about how all the weapons are going Missing on the front lines about where all this taxpayer money is actually heading to, they didn't like that.
Three weeks later, Carlson was gone.
Meanwhile, Fox News has lost 50% of primetime viewers since firing Tucker Carlson, reports Valiant News.
Literally, absolutely collapsed.
They're saying they're the worst ratings that Fox News has got in 25 years, in some cases since before 9-11.
Fox News's viewership during the 8pm hour, previously dominated by Tucker Carlson tonight, has been cut in half less than one week after the network parted ways with him.
1.33 million viewers watched that time slot.
Of course, that's down from almost 3 million viewers that Colson enjoyed on his nightly broadcast.
He goes on to say, worse, the network only had 124,000 viewers in the coveted 25-54 demographic.
Oliver Dorsey reports they're the worst weekday ratings in the Key demo since the pre-9-11 era.
They're getting beat by Anderson Cooper.
They're getting beat by Chris Hayes on MSNBC.
That's how pathetic it is.
Fox News delivered its lowest 25-54 non-holiday Wednesday audience in primetime since pre-9-11.
It's unclear how long this pattern will continue.
So as much of the audience has switched over, at least in the short term, to Newsmax.
Newsmax has characterised Fox's dismissal of Carlton as a shift left for the network.
So again, that's one of the reasons.
For them sweeping up, sponging up all those viewers that are now abandoned Colson Show, not Colson Show, but Fox News Network in general.
Of course, you've seen across the board, Sean Hannity, his ratings are collapsing.
Laura Ingram, Jesse Watters, all these are the Fox News hosts who, let's be honest, weren't quite as hardcore as Tucker, were they?
And now losing their audiences too, as trust in the network begins to collapse after this decision.
Let's go to this final video now, though, because a city in Sweden got in a lot of trouble, a lot of hot water, simply for producing a promotional commercial about their own town in a bid to make it attractive to visitors and new residents.
And we'll find out why that was in this clip, which is headlined, Too Many White People.
Let's roll it.
Oh, Sweden.
You should have listened to me all those years ago.
Let's check in on Sweden.
The Swedish city of Borås wanted to promote itself to visitors and potential new residents, so the municipal company Borås TME produced a TV commercial depicting Borås inhabitants going about their everyday tasks.
There was a slight problem with the ad.
Too many white people.
White people in Sweden?
Are you mad?
The controversy was fuelled by a local newspaper which got upset about the number of white people featured in the commercial.
Harrowing stuff, I'm sure you'll agree.
See, the population of Borås is 32% foreign background.
Typical for Sweden, which has vehemently embraced mass migration to such a degree, that by 2050, ethnic Swedes will be a minority in their own country.
So you can't have them being represented in TV ads or anything silly like that.
People might get the wrong impression.
Just by sheer coincidence, we learned that in its 2017 report, police in Sweden placed the Norby, Hasselholmen and Halter districts of Borås in the most severe category of urban areas with high crime rates.
Guess there's just...
Too many white people!
When confronted with the unbridled horror of depicting white people in an advert about a Swedish city, the company behind the commercial immediately caved and groveled.
I understand the criticism and we will take it on board.
The film is now removed from all our platforms until an updated film is in place.
The new version will contain what is in our mission, that is to represent diversity and inclusion.
But pathetically prostrating themselves via that embarrassing mea culpa wasn't enough.
The company also pledged to go a step further and review other market material so that the diversity becomes even more evident even there.
So in other words, they're having to run everything from their history through a woke purity filter to ensure that people aren't offended by the dastardly, horrible sight.
Remember when the mainstream media made fun out of Trump for that whole last night in Sweden thing?
commercial had shown no white people at all. Yeah, big doubt. It would have been
triumphed as a shining example of inclusion and diversity.
Remember when the mainstream media made fun out of Trump for that whole last
night in Sweden thing? Well I think five years later he's been proven pretty much
correct with the problems with multiculturalism and the lack of
integration in that country that loves mass migration.
That's going to wrap it up for this hour.
Coming up next, War Room.
don't go away.
The surrounding communities began to get sick.
Laws were enacted to compel these corporations to install scrubbers to convert these gases into fluorosilicic acid.
Still highly toxic, but containable.
Now these companies had a stockpile of this poison, and there was no affordable way to dispose of it.
Lucky for them, one of their major stockholders was also the Secretary of the Treasury, who was responsible for the public health service at the time.
And by 1950, the U.S.
government began buying this toxic, untreated industrial waste product and dumping it into our drinking water.
Reputable studies show that it's causing various cancers and other disease.
With the Alexa Pure Pro, you can have clean drinking water and a remedy to this madness.
Available now at InfoWareStore.com.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show, especially during these times of censorship.
Not allowed to say what we don't want you to say.
It's become the American way.
Why it's misinformation if you don't swallow my crap.
I'm your politician.
You must swallow the crap that I sell you.
Whether you pay for, we're not public servants anymore.
We just steal your money and you do what I tell you.
Can you imagine this?
The damage that the COVID war has done is incalculable.
And we warned about this when it began in celebration of Chinese Lunar New Year.
When all the lunatics swallowed the crap spewing out of the mainstream media of fear and hysteria.
Oh yeah, Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of the rat, January 2020.
One country after another, beginning with Italy.
A disgrace.
I can't stand it.
I don't like going to Italy anymore.
And I'm a Napolitano.
It's one of the worst bureaucracies in the country, in the world.
You can't cut paint in your house.
You can't cut down that tree.
You can't, you can't, you can't, you can't, you can't.
I say to them, what are you guys doing about it?
What are we going to do?
I went to the World's Fair in Italy in 2015.
Yeah, brought to you by McDonald's and Coca-Cola.
They were the first ones to start locking down.
The average age of the people dying there were 81 years old.
What's the average age of death in America?
What, about 78?
This COVID war damage is incalculable.
Mentally and physically.
And if you came out about it, that's misinformation, which I find sexist.
We should call it gender information.
How about trans information?
So I'm mentioning this because now what we had forecast three years ago When the little geeky boys and girls over there told everybody to stay home and work from home and learn from home so they can make all of that money, yeah.
They have destroyed the office building sector.
Office building bust has begun and it's only going to get much worse.
Yeah, even if the numbers now at about 49% office occupancy rate, business offices, according to Castle with a K, Castle Systems, the 10 largest cities, let's say it goes back to 75%.
to 75%. Let's say it goes back to 80%. Yeah. Big damage.
And now, repeating what we had forecast in the Trends Journal three years ago, Charles Munger, yeah, Warren Buffett's buddy over there, 99-year-old billionaire, said, we have a lot of troubled office buildings.
No kidding.
Well now it's official, folks.
And all the businesses, all the businesses, they got office vacancies, right?
This is the buildings that are vacant, not the office occupancy.
And the prices have gone down some 30% of the value of the buildings there.
This is just the beginning.
The worst is yet to come.
All the businesses that depended on commuters.
We're going to be back.
Remember, support InfoWars.
They're supporting you.
And as I was speaking about the office building bust.
Hey, them dry cleaners, they're drying out.
Numbers like a third of them have gone out of business.
There's people going to work.
No more happy hour.
Friday, one of the least days that people are going back to work.
Again, the damage of the COVID war is incalculable.
Blimped up America!
Blimped up more!
How about all those kids that aren't going back to school?
They hated school when they were there, and then when they didn't go back, they didn't want to go back.
Matter of fact, if I was one of the kids now, they couldn't get me to go back to school.
I hated every day of school.
I hated every day of school.
I had nightmares about school until my 40s.
First day of kindergarten.
Time to take a nap.
I'm taking a nap every day.
I love to take a nap.
Wasn't time to take a nap.
Gerald, time to take a nap.
As all the little kids go like this, ooh, ooh, time to take a nap.
Who made up this crap that you gotta take a nap at a certain amount of time?
So, of course, I had to lay down and lay down.
Next day, Miss Rose said, time to take a nap.
She turned around, walked back to the desk.
I was out of there.
Cross the Boston Post Road in the Bronx.
The major road between New York and Boston before the highways.
To escape.
I hated every day of it.
I got left back in the fifth grade.
Barely got out of high school.
It got me out to get me out.
So now these kids, they're not going back to school.
Oh, look at the suicide rates.
Hey, they're up nice, huh?
How about all the drug overdoses brought to you by the COVID war?
Oh, they're terrific.
How about all the mental illnesses?
How about Your mother, your father, your sister, your brother dying, and you're not allowed to go see them.
You wouldn't allow to go to nursing homes or hospitals.
Remember the crap that they made up?
You obey what you're told to do!
This is America!
We'll tell you what to do, what to believe, what to say!
Or else you're blacklisted!
Why, that's racist.
How could you call it blacklisted?
Oh, he blackballed?
Oh, he had no hair!
I'm only joking!
Can't say the other black ball.
Look at this country's evolved into.
So what they're doing, what you're doing on listening now is that you're on InfoWars.
And there is so few free speech platforms.
And that's why you need to do everything you can to support them.
And the same thing what we're giving you with the Trends Journal.
There's no magazine.
Comes close to it.
No magazine in the world gives you in-depth socioeconomic and geopolitical trends analysis and trend forecasts.
So, support those who are supporting you.
Because our future is at peril right now.
And if we don't reverse it, it's going to be hell on earth.
Tell you how crapped out the mainstream media has gotten, and even the ones that were not supposed to be mainstream.
This is the headline story, one of the headline stories on CNBC.
It might be Jonah Caretti's last chance to turn BuzzFeed around.
BuzzFeed's journey as a public company has been bottomless pit.
Digital media company known for its listicles and quizzes is in crisis mode.
Its stock has fallen 95% since the company went public at $10 a share on December 2021.
Today you got it.
I mention this because BuzzFeed, Vice, Vox, Business Insider, and for a decade, all the major newspapers, now the networks, firing, firing, firing, firing, firing people, Journalism is dead.
It's dead.
All they are left are little prostitutes.
Little media whores to get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government whoremasters.
As I said, it was big news.
Big news that Tucker Carlson was thrown out of Fox.
One guy, one guy not speaking the same narrative of everybody else and Jack, you're out of here.
You're gone.
Again, like Tucker Carlson, not the issue.
One person out of the whole thing.
So going back to InfoWars.
They're giving you what you're not getting.
It's about anyplace else.
Yes, they have on the articles.
They gotta go on every day to read the articles.
Oh, I gotta find that one.
Look at that one.
And the same thing with the Trends Journal magazine.
We're giving it to nobody else's.
But what you have to do is support it or else it's gone.
Freedom is gone.
And again, we're in very good shape with the magazine, but the bigger we get, the more we can do.
So you get a grand total of $2.86 a week.
A lousy cup of coffee somewhere, you know?
But anyway, I'm mentioning what's going on in BuzzFeed and everywhere else because the other thing is, you know why they're going down?
Because they're all telling the same stories.
Journalism is gone.
It's gone.
Once upon a time, they had bureaus in all of the cities, all of the state houses.
When I was a young guy in college, so many people wanted to become journalists.
Those journalists who were reporting about the Vietnam War and the terribleness about it.
They were being celebrated for their bravery.
There's so few left.
And it's global.
It's not only here.
One company after another.
Laying off people.
Getting smaller.
It's not journalism.
Look at the clown show they had with Biden BSing the other day.
Little jerks over there.
They're not journalists.
They're prostitutes.
Again, media whores that get paid to put out by the corporate pimps and the government whore masters.
So that's why I'm mentioning all that's going on with the big media.
So, the more that you support InfoWars, the more that they can do.
The more people they get out in the street, the more reporting that they do.
Same thing with the Trans Journal Magazine.
The bigger we get, the more we spread the word.
The more we help people to prepare, prevail, and prosper in these times ahead.
And I'm saying, I just read to you the article from Munger.
This guy's worth a couple of billion dollars.
Charlie Munger has warned of a brewing storm in the U.S.
commercial property market.
And that's just a part of the storm.
Get ready.
Crash like none other.
We'll be back.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I was listening to that suggestion to buy one of those Lexapur filters.
Every week in the Trends Journal, you know, we give you as much information as we can.
And these forever chemicals that are forever, ever, everywhere.
And that the chip industry wants to keep chipping out, keep putting them in there.
And plus all the toxins, you know, all the chemicals that are in our water, I mean, is in the air.
It's just disgusting what's going on.
So do everything you can to keep yourself healthy because they're killing us in every way they can.
And I'm over here in Kingston, New York.
We got the Hudson River over here.
Oh yeah, you like all those PCBs in there?
Oh, they're great for you.
I mean, how they let the bigs kill us, you know, the big industry.
And again, these aren't morons and imbeciles call this a democracy.
They're spelling it wrong.
It's D-U-H, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O-C-K, R-A-C-Y, D-U-H, M-O- Isn't that nice?
Isn't that wonderful?
Biden urges Wall Street to fill his war chest.
Joe Biden is racing to win early support from Democratic donors for his reelection bid, hoping to beat the $1 billion haul he landed in 2020.
One billion dollars you need, at least, to run for president.
Within hours of his declaration, they set about putting the finishing touches to a two-day event in Washington starting yesterday.
People included Blackstones, John Gray, Uh-oh.
Black, grey?
Black, stone, grey, John?
Evercourse, Roger Altman.
Centerviews, Blair Efron.
Many are particularly energized by a determination to prevent
Donald Trump from returning to power.
The need for money will be profound, said Bruce Heyman, a former US.
Oh, an ambassador?
To Canada, wow.
Oh, and an ex-Goldman Sachs banker.
Can't figure out how we became the ambassador.
Oh, you mean the Golden Sacks gang?
Look what a crime syndicate this country is.
Who helped boost turnout among voters abroad for Biden in 2021.
Not only do I believe in Joe Biden, I think we're in a crisis moment with regard to the threat to democracy as we know it.
Duh, democracy.
What hypocrisy to call this democracy when you, the Goldman Sachs gang guy, that are shoveling these billions in there and running and owning us, are talking about democracy?
Now you be good, Gerald.
Don't you raise your voice.
Now sit in the corner.
Yeah, I'm gonna put the dunce cap on me too.
What stupidity.
And in this article, long article, not a mention of RFK Jr.
running for president.
Not a peep.
Only DeSantis.
And Nikki Haley.
Nothing about Kennedy.
And as you all know on InfoWars, I think it was December 19th, I was the first one to say RFK Jr.
for president.
And I also would like to see Judge Napala for vice president.
But I was the first to say this.
And when I did an interview, we had our top trends for 2023 with Alex Jones.
I mentioned it again.
And now here's Kennedy front and center.
His approval rating started at 14%.
Now, it's at 18%.
Oh, the people are talking about, they don't like him because of gun control or this or climate change.
Yeah, nah.
He came out against climate change recently.
He said it was a Bill Gates move.
Did he say something?
I've said a lot of stupid stuff in my life, and even at my age now where I shouldn't be doing stupid things, I did some stupid, stupid stuff that I'm very sorry about.
You make a statement, you say something, you don't mean it, but you know, I'm a human being.
Anyway, so what he said in different things, different times doesn't mean who he is in total.
Kennedy could be the next president of the United States.
As a matter of fact, we're having a peace and freedom rally here in Kingston, New York.
On May 27th, don't forget it, go to OccupyPeace.com, OccupyPeace.com.
And we're doing everything we can to bring peace on Earth, goodwill to all.
And we're trying to get RFK Jr.
And that's my mission.
If Alex Jones could help him get him here, that'd be great too.
We've got a number of people working on trying to get him here.
And again, he's against, he is repeating, Kennedy is repeating almost the foundations of Occupy Peace.
Close the bases overseas.
Use the troops to secure the homeland.
Oh yeah, write out Occupy Peace that I launched in, what, 2000, almost a decade ago?
And the other element of Occupy Peace, put the troops to work rebuilding our rotted infrastructure.
I was just up in Albany.
Albany's the capital of New York.
What a crap hole!
Potholes like you can't believe even on the highway.
Almost blew out my front end.
One after another.
Oh, this is the capital.
This is the capital of New York, which shows you how low it is.
So put the troops to work to rebuild our third world infrastructure.
Look at the subways.
Look at the rail lines.
They were great in the early 1900s, but that was a hundred years ago.
And you want to go to war?
You want to steal my money or your money to give to the war machine and other countries to go kill people?
Let the people vote.
You want to go to war?
You want to take my money?
Let the people vote.
That's Occupy Peace.
That's the rally we're having.
So far we've got Gary Noll, John Whitehead, Frank Marano, and others.
We'll be right back.
Remember, support InfoWars because they're supporting you.
Stay tuned.
A lot more.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, do everything you can to support InfoWars because they're doing everything they can to support you.
And as I mentioned, you know, censorship has become the American way.
And as well, the European way.
Here's an article from Wednesday's Wall Street Journal.
Media advocacy group cites EU risks, but not only the EU.
The European Union, among the world's strongest proponents of media freedom, isn't doing enough to protect reporters within its own borders, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, an international advocacy group.
You ready?
The EU and the US are the world's largest and most outspoken advocates of media freedom, but are also experiencing increasing restrictions on journalists and publishers.
Oh, you mean like the Transjournal, publisher of the magazine?
They blacklist us.
Our forecast, one after another, as I mentioned, office building bust?
Only warned us about three years ago.
Oh, crime rising?
Only warned about this three years ago.
As we said, when people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
And lose it they have.
One trend forecast, oh, that the Trends Journal and Gerald Cilenti were the first to call RFK Jr.
a candidate for the 2024 presidential race to the White House?
Oh no, we're not gonna- We are not going to repeat one thing you say!
We don't like you!
You're a man that fights, and we're a bunch of cowards!
We hate you, Salenti!
You're a man that speaks for the truth of the facts, and we skew them.
Call it news and it's propaganda.
Again, I'm reading you what they said.
The EU and the US are the world's largest and most outspoken advocates of media freedom.
Both are also experiencing increasing restrictions on journalists and publishers through political pressure.
Isn't political a nice word for dirty scum?
Pieces of crap.
Who never work a day in their life.
Political pressure.
And physical abuse.
Just like the physical abuse of that young man.
What is his, Jose Ingles, I think his name is.
There was Columbia University, the president or whatever threw him down on the ground?
Because he questioned the prostitutes?
About how come they weren't reporting on Seymour Hersh?
That the Nord Stream pipeline was blown up by the United States?
That kind of physical abuse?
That's a crime what they did to that guy.
You have no right to throw somebody down on the ground.
And he said I was finished talking.
He said, "I'm finished talking."
That's why I'm mentioning this because of the importance of where we are.
And why you have to support those who are supporting you.
And to show you this is not only America.
It's all of these phony company countries or companies that they call countries because the companies run the game.
Who's that guy Dick Cheney?
Oh, I gotta be proper.
I'm like, I don't want to get blacklisted.
Penis Cheney.
Former CEO of Halliburton.
That pumped the Iraq War.
And Halliburton was one of the first ones to go into Iraq.
As I say, you think we would have invaded Iraq?
If their major export was broccoli?
I'm mentioning this because these are the same politicians and liars that keep invading foreign countries to bring freedom and democracy as they steal it from us.
The COVID war should have never happened.
They sold the fear and hysteria to boost their ratings on the media.
But again, it's global.
You ready for this?
Protestors face prison for flipping off Macron.
That's little Emmanuel Macron, the Rothschild caisson who plays President of France.
Three protestors From the Commune Celeste, near the German border, faced criminal charges for making obscene gestures at French President Emmanuel Macron during his visit to town last Wednesday.
They gave the leader the middle finger.
So you got five fingers here, right?
Now I'm the judge.
I'll tell you which fingers you could use and which fingers you can't.
I'm in charge of your fingers!
I'm in charge of your life!
I am your politicians!
Freedom and democracy!
Hey, which finger can't I use?
Is that a dirty finger?
Is that a dirty finger?
Is that a finger that'll get me in jail?
Is that a finger that'll get me in jail?
Oh, don't want to show the other one.
That'll get me in jail.
Get you in jail, one year in prison, and a $15,000 fine.
That's just fine.
Again, I'm mentioning this, why you have to support those who are supporting you.
You can't make this stuff up!
This is a freak show!
We wrote about this in the Trends Journal a couple of weeks ago.
It was this other woman.
And she wrote on Facebook, she called Macron a piece of filth.
This piece of filth will be on TV again.
How dare you call a piece of filth a piece of filth!
Wait, I gotta be proper.
How dare you call a piece of crap a piece of filth?
This is disgusting what's going on.
ABC News cuts Robert F. Kennedy Jr.' 's vaccine remarks out of interview.
ABC News host admitted the network ended statements Robert F. Kennedy made about COVID-19 vaccine.
An exclusive interview conducted, you ready?
This is how they write it, with the long-shot Democratic presidential candidate.
That is not journalism.
You don't call him a long shot.
If you want to put an opinion at the end, we think he's a long shot, fine.
But that's the way they use propaganda, and that's what we don't do in the Trends Journal.
We give you the facts.
Then we give you our trends analysis.
Then we give you our trend forecasts.
I'm mentioning this again.
This shows up.
We should note that during the conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID vaccines.
Anchor Lindsay Davis said, Oh, Lindsay Davis knows what's true and false.
is just a jerk.
Oh, an environmental lawyer doesn't know anything about anything.
We used our educational judgment And not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview.
Educational judgment?
You mean kindergarten?
No, no, no, Salenti!
Third grade!
We do what our teachers tell us to!
That's our judgment!
Not allowed to think for yourself!
Only the facts that the officials give you!
The official pieces of crap!
You can't make this stuff up!
This is America!
Land of the free!
Home of the brave.
We're going to take a break.
When I come back, I'm going to talk more about the economy.
Hello, everybody.
Great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, you better do all you can to support InfoWars because they're doing all they can to support you.
And the more support they get, the more they can do.
And as I mentioned earlier, you're seeing all the big companies, BuzzFeed, Vox, Vice, Business Insider, one after another, firing people left and right.
Right and left.
Gotta be equal here.
Because they're just repeating the same thing that everybody else is saying.
They're not giving you anything new.
So you also have these great products.
So when you support them, you're supporting yourself.
And one of the big ones they have now, as they keep talking about, is their Turbo Force Plus from Infowars Life.
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So energize your day boost your energy with the turbo force plus you get 25% off and you only could get this at Info Wars Info Wars store dot com Info Wars store dot com.
I was mentioning earlier about what in the world is going on and how we're losing our freedom.
And when I just took the break, I went to my computer to see.
I don't carry a cell phone, by the way.
I did work for the cellular telecommunications industry going back to the 1990s when they had boxes in the trunks with aerials.
I've been studying the dangers of cell phones.
And a study by the University of California, Berkeley, about two years ago, a year and a half ago, it showed that if you're on a cell phone for 17 minutes a day for 10 years, the chances of getting a brain tumor only increased by 60%.
So anyway, I've been following this for years, I don't carry one.
So anyway, we took the break, I went to my computer, see what's going on, anything new I could report on.
And I'm going to talk about the economy in a bit.
But this is from France 24.
Not just about pensions.
French protesters see threat to social justice in Macron's reform.
Huge crowds marched from France across France on Tuesday today.
It's a day ahead of us.
In a new round of protests against President Emmanuel Macron's plan to rise the retirement age.
Signaling the opposition's success in framing the pension debate as part of a broader battle against an economic platform that they perceive unfair.
You're looking at millions of people taking to the streets.
We're having a peace and freedom rally up here in Kingston.
How many people will be here at a 332 million?
I don't know how many people they have in France, but I'm going to guess like about 80 million.
When I was at the Rage Against the War Machine, brought to you by the Libertarian Party, the People's Party, Jimmy Dore was there, Dennis Kucinich, Tulsi Gabbard, myself, Max Blumenthal, big names.
About 4,000 people showed up.
So, I'm mentioning this because the French people are fighting.
And they're going out day after day, week after week, month after month.
And we have to do the same.
So remember, Kingston, New York.
We're going to start at 1 p.m.
May 27th at the Four Corners of Freedom, John and Crown Street.
And what they're doing is they're beating up the people over here.
They're stopping the people from protesting, doing everything they can to stop them.
And as I mentioned to you, you give the president of France your middle finger, a year in jail, 15,000.
So going back, I want to talk about the economy.
Wednesday, the Federal Reserve is going to meet.
And they're meeting tomorrow and Wednesday.
And they're going to decide Whether or not to raise interest rates and to keep raising them.
The guests on the street, from all the polls, it's a 90% sure shot that they're going to raise interest rates at least 25 basis points.
What does that mean?
It depends on what they're signaling after that.
If they say they're going to raise them 25 basis points and we'll see what happens and we're bringing inflation down, that means they're going to hold them and they're going to start lowering them before the presidential election.
They do it all the time.
Excuse me.
They always lower them before the presidential election.
What does that mean?
We'll be good for the equity markets, because they'll keep the gambling team going.
And again, we're trend forecasters.
We go by the data and the facts, not what we want, what we like, what we wish for.
for. So when you go back to the equity markets, following the last 40, four zero midterm election,
the S&P 500 has gone up 16.3 percent the following 12 months.
We will see you next time.
We have like November, December, January, February, March, April.
We're less than halfway there.
May, June, July, August, September, October, November.
So they can make the markets look good.
They're going to keep doing it.
What does that mean?
It means gold prices.
We've got a peace and freedom rally.
So gold prices are going to go down when they raise interest rates on Wednesday.
That's our forecast.
They're going to remain weak until they establish That they're not going to raise them anymore.
If they hold them, and then they're going to start lowering them.
When they lower interest rates, it's the death of the dollar.
The dollar is only strong because interest rates are so high.
We have forecast this a long time ago.
In the brilliant Anthony Frieda's cover on April 4th of the Trends Journal, death of the dollar, in God we don't trust.
And now you're hearing one after another saying the dollar... Brazil doesn't want to use it anymore.
Argentina doesn't want... Argentina, what a mess that is down there.
They got an inflation rate of about 100%.
And they've been raising interest rates like crazy and still not being able to bring down inflation.
But they want to get away from the dollar.
India came out.
They don't want to deal with the dollar anymore.
China, they're doing business with Saudi Arabia.
They're buying their oil, they're paying them in Chinese Yuan.
So, when they start lowering interest rates, the dollar is going to drop deeply.
Gold prices are going to skyrocket.
We're forecasting gold prices well above $2,200 an ounce.
When the dollar starts to decline.
And again, it's going to begin its decline.
When they start lowering interest rates.
This isn't rocket science.
This is simple math.
The world has had enough of the United States.
Military hegemony.
And economic hegemony.
And remember, peace is much more profitable than war.
And we need peace.
Peace on Earth, goodwill to all.
I'm a warrior for the Prince of Peace.
So don't forget to join us.
Get anybody you can and everybody you can.
On May 27th, Four Corners of Freedom, John and Crown Street, 1 p.m.
Great cast of speakers and more to come.
Thanks for tuning in and support InfoWars.
They're supporting you.
The globalists are cutting off the resources.
They're killing the free speech.
They're surveilling us.
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We are in the heart of the battle now.
I knew about their plan decades ago and warned you.
But now we're living in a time that's easy to wake people up and fight because they're not in beta, they're not in test mode, they're in operational mode.
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And we're reaching the critical juncture in the battle.
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Everything they're doing is hitting major obstacles right now.
That's why it's more important than ever that InfoWars stay on the air.
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Trudeau's got a 25% approval rating.
They are dictators.
They are unpopular.
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