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Name: 20230424_Mon_Alex
Air Date: April 24, 2023
2789 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various conspiracy theories related to politics, finance, and health on his show Infowars, while promoting discounted products through the Infowarstore. He emphasizes the importance of supporting alternative media outlets like InfoWars and The Trends Journal over mainstream media. He talks about historical events related to toxic fluoride gases and promotes the Alexa Pure Pro for clean drinking water. Jones criticizes those who blindly followed pandemic narratives and urges people to visit infowarstore.com for products that support overall health and energy levels.

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Do your own fucking report right now before we're all fucked!
Okay, I'm not up here saying all this wild stuff to sound shocking.
You think I want to take all these psychotics for no reason?
You think I got a damn death wish?
I have the opposite of a death wish.
Going along with this is a frickin' nihilistic death wish.
This is survival you're seeing!
This is resistance you're seeing!
This is not some heroic exercise!
It's confirmed in the last two years in the Texas sector alone they've given hundreds of thousands of children over to sex traffickers and traffickers and they've let loose at least 20,000 hardcore convicted pedophiles.
Show all of you that work for the system that don't stand up against this and allow the system standing up.
Just remember, you're just as guilty as the criminals.
It's Monday, April 24th, 2023.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Tucker Carlson has been fired.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
I'm told populists, Christians, conservatives, and people that just want to live a good, safe, decent life, that you better understand we're in a war, and you better understand they're going for broke.
One of the biggest canaries in the coal mine was the number one news host in the world, Tucker Carlson, fired from Fox today.
I talk to Tucker quite frequently but two days ago my phone got wet and I hadn't backed it up and I haven't had time to go to the store so I've been without a phone.
It's kind of been great in a way.
It's getting fixed right now so I'm unable to talk to Tucker.
I've got his number but have not called him yet because I just learned this news about 25 minutes ago.
I told you a couple weeks ago, we could be taken off the air at any time.
The globalists are making their move.
You saw them take James O'Keefe down.
Now he's still fighting back.
But ladies and gentlemen, the New World Order is making its moves right now.
And you need to not take this show for granted, or take any of your freedoms for granted, because the globalists are systematically cutting off the power, getting rid of the borders, I just had a lengthy 45-minute discussion this morning with senior people in the federal government.
I'll leave it at that.
I mean, extremely senior.
And they have been trying to get the story out, obviously, on Fox.
And they have the documents of Biden releasing over 20,000 known pedophiles.
I mean, hardcore child rapists.
I mean, people that have been convicted of being school bus drivers and for disabled children and raping eight of them, nine of them.
And I'm just sitting there for 45 minutes that I had to go in this meeting, hearing all this, the documents, and I'm sitting there talking to feds from different agencies on Zoom.
And most of what they're telling me, I've already seen reports,
they're telling me the rest of it.
All over the country, people are coming up to young 10, 11, 12 year old girls
in Walmart and Target parking lots and a woman will walk over and go,
"Hey honey," but they're wearing a glove with fentanyl on them and putting it on her arm
and then the girl passes out.
Then they put them in a van, they disappear.
Came out, then they got swept under the rug, Mavericks games.
A whole bunch of kids got kidnapped at those and just disappeared.
And then they'd find them in Oklahoma City being gang raped in a hotel room.
And that's the ones they found.
This is all going on at scales just completely off the charts.
It's not just the poor children of illegal aliens this is happening to.
And the border is just completely gone.
And oh, Chinese intelligence agents, Chinese troops confirmed coming across, Biden ordering them released.
Just anything you can imagine.
Every A few days per little sector.
The cartels hire teenagers mainly to drive down and ship in drugs and illegals, and then they tell them to run when the cops chase you, so you hear about all the deaths when the cars flip over, but it barely hits the news.
I mean, it is road warrior.
It's gone.
And they were telling me how most of the counties, the sheriffs and everybody, because they threaten to kill you if you don't, And they have killed a lot of law enforcement, are working with the cartels who work for the Democratic Party.
So, it's a complete criminal takeover, and people better understand that.
And oh, Tucker Carlson, he's number one, they'll never get rid of him.
Gone just like that.
Just like that.
Just like that.
And so, we'll tell you the rest of the story when we come back today, but This is the end of America, ladies and gentlemen.
The coup has already happened.
We'll be right back.
Infowars.com is still here.
Ladies and gentlemen, onward through the fog.
It's Monday, April 24th, 2023 on this live Monday edition.
Tucker Carlson fired at Fox as Rupert Murdoch makes changes.
Isn't that Interesting.
Project Veritas had a coup against James O'Keefe.
The system's battling with everything they've got to try to take us off air right now.
And AOC went on Jim Psaki's show Friday.
All political operatives are together and read the talking point.
We need the federal government to ban conservatives off of television.
A return to the Fairness Doctrine that got overturned by Reagan in 1986.
And I said, that puppet doesn't say anything.
That parrot doesn't squawk unless it's told to.
And I said, you watch.
This is the new talking point.
The next morning, Tucker Carlson is bye-bye at Fox.
Roll the clip.
Do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
And last night, 60 Minutes, Ray Epps, an innocent little cupcake angel, and the evil Tucker Carlson saying he should be investigated for calling for going into the Capitol, ramming signs into people, telling the Congressional Puppet Committee that he did send text messages that day to family, saying, I quote, orchestrated it.
So, you say go into the Capitol, you help ram signs into people.
You say you orchestrated it, and you don't get arrested or anything.
No, the New York Times says you're this wonderful, innocent person, and he needs to file lawsuits against everyone saying he's a fed, and then they never show any of the clips on national news.
They just say, the crazy Tucker Carlson and others talk about re-ups.
Aren't they the worst people on earth?
Like the Seth Rich thing.
Oh, you talk about him being murdered, we'll sue you.
Why, the DNC's not involved in anything.
We're sweet little angels.
They're losing, so they've taken the gloves completely off.
You just heard AOC say it's time to have the federal government ban Tucker Carlson.
I knew when I saw James O'Keefe air that Pfizer Expose with the global head of their MRNA program saying, we roll out the new variants, we create the new strains, we have an endless job of cash cow.
I came in on air and I said, they're going to kill James O'Keefe or indict him or shut him down.
And two weeks later, he was gone.
Now he's still battling back and fighting.
And when I saw, a week and a half ago, the two-part series with Elon Musk, I said, let me tell you something.
You can say Elon Musk has been bad in the past, I'm not saying he's our savior.
I'm saying, you don't get up there and say AI is taking over, and the globals want to get rid of humans, we need to have more children, and the Democratic Party has weaponized and controls the AI system that Musk and others designed, that they're taking over, and that they're a tyranny, and that the government illegally was spying on people, And their private DMs at Twitter.
You don't say that!
And be an operative of the Globalist.
You say that if they brainwash one of his daughters to become a boy, and if two of his family members almost died from the shot, and you decide to go against the Globalist.
Now maybe he thinks he'll beat them, he'll become not the King of Mars, but the King of Earth.
I don't know.
But I know when you see something at that level, they come after you because I've experienced it.
In 2015, we had 10 million viewers a day, conservatively, and listeners.
By 2016, some days, we had 30, 40 million viewers.
Every day, we had 25 million, bigger than Rush Limbaugh.
And I experienced the CIA, it's all come out in Congress, literally run all these programs against me.
So when I tell you, hey, Tucker's for real, he's for real.
I know he's for real, and I'm friends with him.
We hung out, you know, in Florida.
For Thanksgiving last year.
I'm not going to get into, you know, stuff that goes on, but we talk a lot.
We're friends and he's been here to visit.
Things like that.
My phone got wet.
I'm the biggest idiot in the world.
Went down to the creek with my daughter and was splashing around and playing and got a little too wet.
And then these things are not waterproof.
There was some crack in it, so it quit working.
Saturday, I haven't had a phone, so I haven't been able to call Tucker.
Because I just learned of this 30 minutes ago, but they're fixing my phone right now at the AT&T store, so as soon as I get it, I'm going to call Tucker.
And Rob Dew has his number.
I put a text in to him about 20 minutes ago to call us, but I'm sure he's overwhelmed right now.
Tucker got offered by the Republican Party to sell out, and he would have been President of the United States in 2024.
They're like, you got the deal, work with us, you'll be President.
And Tucker said, I'm not going to be in New York or DC, and I'm going to be in Florida or Maine, and I am never going to be in the power structure, and I hate you, and I'll never serve you.
Alex Jones is right.
So, he thought I was a bad guy 15 years ago, he thought I was a good guy 10 years ago, and then now, he's done the research, he knows I was dead on.
So, you can try to shut Tucker down, you can try to shut Joe Rogan down, But you're not going to shut us all down.
But believe me, they're trying.
And there's a lot more inside baseball and things that go on.
But Tucker Carlson is going to come back stronger than ever.
He's not going to be compromised.
And he's been very upset at Fox.
And I haven't talked to him yet.
But there's a good chance that he said, I'm going to put whatever the story was on air or fire me.
And they said, you're fired.
Because I know the inside baseball on some previous things that went on, but I'm not going to talk about it until I've talked to Tucker and see if it's okay with him.
But I figure now... I mean, I know he came very close to quitting about a month ago or giving him an ultimatum.
Because his contract says he can interview anybody he wants.
He took a massive pay cut.
When we're talking a fraction of what they were offering to have freedom on a show.
And they've not been giving him that on places like having Alex Jones on.
Or going on Alex Jones' show.
And I encouraged him to just continue to do whatever good he could there.
But I think when it comes out, we're going to learn, unless he had to sign an on-disclosure, That he said, no, I'm going to do whatever the interview was he wanted to do.
And they said, no.
And I have a good idea what that is because I happen to be talking to high level federal officials today.
One would just completely blow you away, but it's all private.
In an in-depth Zoom debriefing.
Because the level of human trafficking of children, giving them to pedophiles, just like how the Germans gave kids to pedophiles, the 60s, 70s, 80s, into the 90s, that big expose, Biden is knowingly giving small children to hardcore rapists who are convicted.
And that's got high level people.
And folks, I'm talking about above the Border Patrol Union spokesperson, I'm talking about above that.
Well, how do you get above that?
Well, I mean... So, it's all going down, man.
People are going, we're not going to go along with you Satanists anymore.
And they're saying, really?
We're going to start World War III.
But the fight is happening now.
And Infowars, battle-hardened, scarred, on fire, rolling forward like a battering ram at the gates of the New World Order, will never surrender.
Mark my words, you'll be seeing Tucker Carlson on the show soon.
Ha ha!
Didn't compromise.
Didn't sell out.
and is gone at Fox.
He won't be fading away like that joke, Bill O'Reilly.
But this is a real bellwether, ladies and gentlemen, of the takeover.
A real canary in the coal mine.
Fox News Media and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways.
We thank him for his service to the network as a host and prior to that as a contributor.
Mr. Carlson's last program was Friday, April 21st.
Fox News Tonight will air live at 8 p.m.
starting this evening with an interim show helmed by rotating Fox News personalities until a new host is named.
Fox News Media operates the Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, and it goes on from there.
So, there you go.
They're trying to get us all removed off the air.
They're trying to put us all in prison.
It's a deep state persecuting and attacking its people.
I'm going to play the clip one more time of AOC over the weekend.
Remember what I said last night.
They're going after Tucker Carlson.
The knives are out.
He said remove him off the air.
We need the federal government to pass laws because he is going to incite violence.
You mean the globalists, the deep state, their operatives are going to stage some stuff and blame it on us?
You bet your bottom dollar.
That's the plan.
Think of the outrageous, authoritarian, totalitarian nature of this.
Think about it.
And being interviewed by the former White House Press Secretary Propagandist.
Total political operation.
The Democrats, for every time a Republican calls for violence, I can give you a thousand instances of them calling for violence.
We all know that.
The mostly peaceful protests, burning down billions of dollars and killing more than 30 people, just in one summer alone.
The human trafficking, the fentanyl, the destruction of the currency, the World War III.
We're all in grave danger.
Here she is.
Do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television like Fox News, these are subject to To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
And of course she gives not one grain of evidence, not one scintilla, not one atom, not one proton of weight to her fraudulent argument.
I've got a Trump clip here that I want to play where he says, We are in the most dangerous position we've ever been in as a nation right now, and we have a leader that just doesn't know what's going on.
100% true.
The Ukraine war is out of control, escalating into hell on earth.
We're already in World War III, approaching the nuclear envelope.
Inflation is ravaging the planet.
Biden has announced he's not just going to ban all combustion engines by 2030.
The regulations are impossible.
No emissions.
Or, you can get an electric car, but they won't be available.
They'll be too expensive.
And they're announcing no more, not just coal power plants, no more natural gas power plants.
They've issued the new regulations.
No emissions.
Because a natural gas plant puts off carbon dioxide and water vapor.
Nothing else.
But carbon dioxide is what we put off, remember?
That's why CNN says maybe we need to cut all the trees down.
Listeners hear that and think it's a joke, until they search and you didn't go, oh my god, there's hundreds of articles calling for cutting down trees, and don't worry, banning rice.
Are you starting to figure out maybe these are bad people that locked everybody down for years and destroyed small businesses and gave us poisonous shots and cooked up a virus in Wilhelm?
Starting to figure out they're out to get us?
And I just want to say this for the thousandth time, and I'll say it 10,000 more times, how is anybody Who's a federal judge?
Or a school teacher?
Or a police officer?
Or a factory worker?
Or a bureaucrat?
Or a propagandist?
How is anyone on earth going along with this suicide cult?
This post-industrial nightmare world?
Well, it's not actually that many of them.
The majority of people don't like what's happening.
All the numbers show that.
But still, they've got brainwashed minions in the system that are going along with this, which is the total wrecking of the infrastructure and the end of the country.
The border is gone.
The Border Patrol just gathers up some of the illegals and delivers them to God knows where, where they turn them over to complete strangers with no paperwork.
And they hate doing it.
And the union says it's criminal.
And Mayorkas gets exposed and Congress is involved in child trafficking.
But the Justice Department, Merrick Garland, will not let the federal judges prosecute child rapists.
Child rapists en masse.
There is one judge on the entire Texas border in the Western District.
One judge with 3,000 plus cases.
And she has tens of thousands of cases.
One judge!
They give her a few magistrates that are literal communist hippies.
And then she has to work 20 hours a day.
I was reading a news article about it.
20 hours a day just to try to stop some of them.
One judge.
One judge.
No prison spaces, no beds.
They just let them go.
20,000 since Biden got in, in the Texas sector alone, convicted pedophiles.
It's all coming out very, very soon.
All coming out very, very soon.
We're talking about all the reporters, Border Patrol, federal agents, you name it, and people very high up in the federal government that just said, We can't be part of this.
We gotta do something.
What do you think we should do?
And I'm like, well, I've got this material, this information.
So much of it is in the docket in these cases.
We're talking misdemeanor charges is what the Justice Department allows for people that are convicted rapists of small children, caught smuggling children across the border again!
Convicted rapist that got convicted under Trump.
And when I talk to these high-level feds, they say, yes, Obama's still running it all, and Obama started it, where they got rid of the beds for illegal alien criminals, while they expanded the beds for U.S.
citizens in nonviolent crime.
Figure it out yet, folks?
Figure it out yet?
20,000 children handed over More than 20,000.
20,000 convicted pedophiles who go back and forth across the border because if the man has a child with him, Biden has it set up where they can't be stopped.
Remember when Obama started that?
All of these people involved in this are the worst form of scum.
We'll be right back.
Alright, now I'm sure of what's going on, and I wasn't going to go with this yet until I made some phone calls, but now it's confirmed.
Because I've learned how the New World Order operates because I've been on the receiving end of their operations.
They're doing a purge at Fox, a purge at CNN, not a purge at MSNBC of what they call extreme left and extreme right to make us all a friendly, nice nation where you're not allowed to question election fraud, we're not allowed to question open borders, but you also can't be mean and say bad things about conservatives.
You see AOC saying we gotta lower the temperature and call for there not to be violence like Tucker Carlson's doing.
Well, no, Tucker called for peace.
But they're framing us with violence.
So, now, this is just in.
Don Lemon.
Fired at Fox.
Don Lemon says he was fired from CNN.
Excuse me.
Tucker fired from Fox.
Don Lemon fired from CNN.
I was informed this morning by my agent that I've been terminated by CNN.
I'm stunned.
After 17 years at CNN, I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly.
At no time was I ever given an indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work I love at the network.
It is clear that there are some larger issues at play.
With that said, I want to thank my colleagues and the many teams I've worked with for an incredible run.
They are the most talented journalists in the business, and I wish them all the best, journalists.
What's happening?
Well, I was already going to talk about this, but now this broke, so I'm sure of it.
You see this little stack of articles right here?
It was August 7th, 2018, that I happened to Wake up at about 3.45 in the morning, and I turned my phone on, and it was blowing up by the media asking me to give comment on being banned on Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Google, everywhere on the same day.
It was more than 60 outlets within two days.
And Tim Cook bragged and said, I had a Saturday meeting that we have once a week with the other tech heads, and we decided to ban Alex Jones on Monday.
And at three something in the morning, They all, at one time, moved against me.
There's video of Tim Cook famously talking about it.
He's the good guy.
He runs slave camps with the Uyghurs in China.
He runs death camps with suicide nets around him.
I mean, that's okay because he's gay.
So, it's like, well, you're gay, you can run death camps.
So, guaranteed, ladies and gentlemen, They've all coordinated and decided to have this, quote, purge because now they're going to have an expanded purge on the internet and of other talk show hosts.
This is just the beginning.
Here's some of the headlines.
Apple influenced Mark Zuckerberg's decision to ban InfoWars, report says.
Zuckerberg followed Apple's lead after meeting with Tim Cook.
This is why Apple CEO Tim Cook banned Alex Jones.
Tim Cook says Apple banned Alex Jones because it curates content.
Not because of politics.
And it just goes on from there.
Silicon Valley versus Alex Jones.
Twitter bans Alex Jones InfoWars for tweeting.
That came next.
And it goes on from there.
So, that's what they did.
They got rid of a Don Lemon with like 200,000 viewers to get rid of a Tucker Carlson with 50 million viewers.
You added it together every week.
That's what this was all about.
And when the Elon Musk interview happened two weeks ago, guaranteed, that's why they had meetings and said, we cannot allow Tucker Carlson to continue on like this, devastating us.
You got to get rid of him.
And that's what happened.
Breaking Tucker Carlson out of Fox News.
You'd say, well, I don't really watch a lot of cable.
I don't care.
It's like saying, I don't care if the stock market crashes.
You may not care, but the economy does.
It's going to affect every man, woman, and child.
This is a major, major bellwether.
A major canary in the coal mine.
And so many listeners, when I get up here and I say, listen, please spread the word, please share the videos, please share the articles, please buy the products, please keep us on air.
We've got a plan to stay on air, but we need funds to do it.
We're the only real independent stand-alone operation out there that covers this much hardcore info.
Joe does it to a certain extent, but sporadically he does a lot of good.
It gets a lot of heat behind the scenes.
If you look over at the other outlets, they really aren't that hardcore.
Beck is sometimes pretty hardcore.
Daily Wire, not really.
They tow the line for lockdowns, injections, gun control.
Then once they lose the case, then they're suddenly patriots again.
There's obviously Steven Crowder.
He's got a big show, but it's comedy.
A lot of it's really good information, but they're trying to get him next.
There's not many of us, and I've done my duty.
I get up here every day, seven days a week, and battle these people.
But it's got to be you that goes speak at the city councils, and the school boards, and the state houses, and it's got to be you that runs for office, and you that files lawsuits, and you that supports independent media, because you're the big group of people out there.
You're the power.
And it's going to take stepping up and supporting InfoWars.
You know, I'd have an infrastructure where Tucker could come here.
I don't have the money or crew to do that right now.
I don't have the money or crew to send people to cover Bilderberg or to go cover Debo's script, which we should be doing.
So I'm not complaining.
I'm simply saying that Whatever happens to InfoWars, if InfoWars is taken off the air in a month, which I don't think is going to happen, and the bankruptcy reorganization is going well, we barely have enough money to pay the bills, but other than that, we've proven all the facts, it's all there, the judge knows the other side lied, we didn't, but if I get taken off the air here by skullduggery or whatever,
You're going to have to search me out.
And the listeners that know how to find us get that.
But so many people I talk to on the street say, I used to listen to you all the time.
I wish you were still on air.
They don't even know we're at Infowars.com or Band Up Video.
They don't even know we're on radio stations across the country.
Because they don't think like that.
They think of where they used to go.
It's like if you have a sandwich shop you go to.
And it closes, and you don't ever even go read on the door, ask, oh, well, did it move 10 blocks away?
Then one day, a couple years later, you're driving by and you see your favorite sandwich shop.
You pull in and say, oh, you closed.
We never closed.
We put notices up.
We moved 10 blocks away.
Oh, I don't usually drive down that street.
I love your sandwiches.
Well, these aren't sandwiches.
This is hardcore dedication and an archive of information, incredible stuff, and We could be shut down by behind-the-scenes corruption, behind-the-scenes operations running against us that I won't even get into on air.
So that's why we need your prayer.
Why we need your word of mouth.
And it's why we need you to buy products at MFORSTORE.COM right now and go to MFORSTORE.COM and make a $1, $10, $50, $20, $100 contribution.
Sign up for auto donations.
You can do it every month, every two months, every three months, up to nine months.
And just so you know, you're making that donation that will keep us on air, but we are in the black barely the Company vehicle had a fuel pump go out.
It was like a five-year-old Tahoe.
We pick up guests and had to go drive and do stuff out of the company this big.
And during the bankruptcy of a CRO, we're like, you don't get a car.
There's no car for InfoWars.
Hey, notice we've been doing shows out of one studio for a while.
Computers broke.
Can't even get computers.
So, that's where we're at.
Even though we have the money in the bankruptcy, the way it works and the screws tightened down so tight, we can't even get the equipment we need to run this operation.
And I'm not complaining, I'm just saying, there may come a point where this thing gets shut down very, very soon.
So, I keep warning you, and I keep telling you, that it's not a game.
We're up against the U.S.
intelligence agencies hijacked by criminals, and they got their operatives everywhere.
Now, here's the good news.
We got good people in private companies, and in academia, and in the government as well, and they know what's going on, and they're getting hardcore.
Let me tell you, the whistleblowers, more than 10,000 in Congress, and it's exponential.
The high-level people coming to us now, ready to just hammer the enemy, it's all, people now know, man, the government really is hijacked by pedophiles.
The system's out of control.
We're all doomed if we don't stop them.
We don't shoot people, we don't blow stuff up.
They're gonna do that and blame us.
We do it intellectually, culturally, economically.
But it takes all of you realizing how serious all of this is, okay?
I need you to go to InfoWarsTore.com, get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt.
It's all ready to ship.
It all ships within days, sometimes the same day.
Get TurboForce.
Get it all.
But if I'm gone out of here in a month, which could very well happen, search, look, and promote where I'm at, because I'm not going away.
But I could be gone very soon on InfoWars.
I'll tell you more about it, okay?
When we come back, stay with us.
The globalists aren't engaged in a massive purge.
Because they're winning.
They're doing it because they're losing.
In the past week, Fox News has lost Dan Bongino, Tucker Carlson, and a $787 million lawsuit to Dominion because the judge is rigging it and said, I've rigged the case.
You're already guilty.
Is Paul Ryan actually trying to destroy the network?
Yes, that's the plan.
Jack Posobiec says, Tucker out at Fox one day after Ray Epps goes on 60 Minutes.
Are you paying attention yet?
And people say okay, well, you know tucker's a big boy, you know, dan montino's a big boy
They're going after everybody.
This signifies they're about to expand the war, implode the economy faster.
The border's already gone.
Biden has announced they're getting rid of almost all the cars and shutting down all coal and all gas starting this year.
I mean, we're done, folks.
This is like walking over to a person on a respirator and pulling the freaking plug out of the wall.
Fucking Blade Runner.
Lieutenant Bryant says to Decker, he goes, Decker says to him, why don't you get this other guy?
He's good.
And he goes, yeah, he's good as long as you don't, as long as you don't unplug him.
I mean, we are literally screwed, okay?
And you think the left cares?
They're demonic.
They love feces and needles and rats running around and they love it!
Yeah, and even that Reuters headline is a whitewash.
They're ending all the gas-powered vehicles now with the emissions rule.
It's impossible to follow it.
They've listed carbon dioxide as a deadly gas.
You'll see.
You'll see.
And again, the left loves having no money.
They love needles and piles of feces and garbage everywhere.
And you ask why?
Because they hate humanity.
They don't want you to have a nice house, a swimming pool, and to see you go to church and have happy kids.
They're going to chop your children's genitals off.
They like making you miserable.
Why do psychotics like to kidnap women and children and torture them in dungeons?
You're like, why the hell would you want to do that?
Well, you're not a psychotic killer.
Because you see, when you watch Disney and Anheuser-Busch and Nike commit
financial suicide by promoting pedophilia, Immutilation of children.
You say, why are they doing that?
Because these are just weapons systems owned by the big banks.
The big banks have quadrillions in money.
They have, by some estimates, hundreds and hundreds of times.
Depending on the estimate.
More money than there is real assets.
They need to crush and destroy things to be able to consolidate power.
They don't want you to have resources.
They want control with their money.
And so all the middle class and all the nouveau riche and all the wealthy people that aren't globalist don't get organized and don't dedicate their time and energy to fighting tyranny.
Or they try to hide and keep themselves safe and that's why you're going to lose everything.
Keeping safe with a criminal takeover ensures you get destroyed.
Yeah, maybe you get eaten a little bit later.
Where are your instincts?
But it is the common people That are the ones that donate and give and care and spread the word.
But it's all the folks that live in the country clubs that think they're safe and that think that they're isolated from everything else who are gonna wish to your dying minute you'd have done more when you had a damn chance.
Get me the Alexander Schultz and Eason quote printed for the next hour of oh how we burned in the camps.
I don't want just the one paragraph.
It's about three, four paragraphs.
I want the full quote out of the Gulag Archipelago.
Oh later how we burned in the camps.
so angry at ourselves that when the NKVD came to round us up and take us away, one family
at a time at night, we would have made a stand.
But see, when Stalin's NKVD.
They just said we're coming to grab you because you're not a communist, or we don't like you.
Here it's, oh, we're coming to get you because your phone said you got a virus.
Oh, a contact tracing system said, or oh, at a checkpoint, it said you were positive because the machine's already programmed to your name.
And we had to disappear you at a camp.
And yeah, you died in the camp, but that's OK.
It's to keep us safe.
It's all primed and ready.
Let me read it now.
Alexander Sholtson Eatson and how we burned in the camps later thinking what would things have been like if every security operative when he went out at night to make an arrest had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family or of during periods of mass arrest as for example in Leningrad When they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people have not simply sat there in their lairs, pawing with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose, and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, and whatever else they had at hand, because they didn't have guns.
The organs would have very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport, and notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt if, if we didn't love freedom enough.
And even more, we had no awareness of the real situation.
We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.
They're going to murder you and your family.
They're going to rip your children's teeth out while they rape them with pliers right in front of you.
I mean, this is what they did.
I mean, this is it.
This is the end of America.
This is the takeover.
This is the new world order.
It's already lawless.
It's already gone to hell.
This is the takeover.
And you can sit there and play games all day long.
Stalin just wanted totally obedient slaves for his industrial revolution for global domination.
He was willing to kill 40 million people to do it.
The New World Order is worse than Stalin.
It wants to kill you in a very orderly fashion.
So I say again, ladies and gentlemen, what are you going to do to promote this show?
What are you going to do to take this interview, this broadcast, and share it once it goes up to Bandop Video?
We've built the platform to resist the enemy.
I know a lot of you are doing it, but the rest of you, we know millions tune in today.
We see the numbers.
And I say, please, go get this Gregg Reeves report.
Please go get this report about the UN legalizing pedophilia, or trying to, and Washington State saying they're going to take children from parents and forcibly sterilize them.
Please get the report out.
And I beg.
And it gets, you know, 400,000 views.
Because, you know, you don't really want to promote it on Facebook or Twitter.
You might get restricted.
That's Alex Jones.
He's a little embarrassing.
I may not want to share that link.
Well, then, you take what we report there, check it off yourself, and do your own freaking report.
Do your own fucking report right now before we're all fucked!
Okay, I'm not up here saying all this wild stuff to sound shocking.
You think I want to take on these psychotics for no reason?
You think I got a damn death wish?
I have the opposite of a death wish.
Going along with this is a frickin' nihilistic death wish!
This is survival you're seeing!
This is resistance you're seeing!
This is not some heroic exercise!
It's confirmed in the last two years in the Texas sector alone they've given Hundreds of thousands of children over to sex traffickers and traffickers and they've let loose at least 20,000 hardcore convicted pedophiles.
So all of you that work for the system that don't stand up against this and a lot of the system standing up,
Just remember you're just as guilty as the criminals.
So that's all. I need your support.
You need my support.
We're in this together.
And I'd like to see an indicator of your support.
Support us at InfoWarsTour.com.
But regardless, share the articles, share the videos.
And whatever happens to InfoWars...
I want you to stand up and I want all of you to go to county commissions, all of you to go to school boards, all of you go to state.
I want you to, everywhere you can get on TV, everywhere you can be heard, I want you to stand up and do a better job than Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones.
I want to see what you can do.
Because if we go everywhere and call these criminals out and let them know we know what they're doing, they won't get away with it.
But they're preparing to stage terror attacks that blame us.
You can guarantee it.
They're already pre-programmed it.
So we've got to get out ahead of that.
But just remember, All you people that think you're with the system, you're on the winning team, you're the biggest fools of all.
You'll be destroyed by this every damn time.
When one of these takeovers happens, they get rid of the minions that brought them into power.
So all of you collaborators are the first ones the globals are going to get rid of.
We'll be right back with hour number two.
to please stay with us.
The surrounding communities began to get sick.
Laws were enacted to compel these corporations to install scrubbers to convert these gases into fluorosilicic acid.
Still highly toxic, but containable.
Now these companies had a stockpile of this poison, and there was no affordable way to dispose of it.
Lucky for them, one of their major stockholders was also the Secretary of the Treasury, who was responsible for the public health service at the time.
And by 1950, the U.S.
government began buying this toxic, untreated industrial waste product and dumping it into our drinking water.
Reputable studies show that it's causing various cancers and other disease.
With the Alexa Pure Pro, you can have clean drinking water and a remedy to this madness.
Available now at Infowarsstore.com You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale,
and I won't have it!
Is that clear?
Do you think you've merely stopped a business deal?
That is not the case!
The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country, and now they must put it back!
It is airbend flow!
Tidal gravity!
It is ecological balance!
You are an old man who thinks in terms of nations and peoples.
There are no nations.
There are no peoples.
There are no Russians.
There are no Arabs.
There are no Third Worlds.
There is no West.
There is only one holistic system of systems.
One vast and humane, interwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of dollars.
Petrodollars, Electrodollars, Multidollars, Reichmarks, Rings, Rubles, Pounds, and Shekels.
It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet.
That is the natural order of things today.
That is the atomic And sub-atomic and galactic structure of things today!
And you have meddled with the primal forces of nature!
And you will atone!
Am I getting through to you, Mr. Beale?
You get up on Your little 21-inch screen and howl about America and democracy.
There is no America.
There is no democracy.
There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon.
Those are the nations of the world today.
What do you think the Russians talk about in their Councils of State, Karl Marx?
They get out their linear programming charts, statistical decision theories, minimax solutions, and compute the price-cost probabilities of their transactions and investments, just like we do.
We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies, Mr. Beale.
The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the Immutable bylaws of business.
The world is a business, Mr. Beale.
It has been since man crawled out of the slime.
And now the businesses kill all the humans.
And our children will live... I've literally been given these speeches by corporate heads.
You see that?
I've told them, piss up a rope.
Perfect world.
In which there's no war or famine.
I've been in boardrooms almost like that one.
Or brutality.
This actually goes on just like this.
One vast and ecumenical holding company.
For whom all men will work to serve a common profit.
Except they tell you, we need you.
Which all men will hold a share.
We need you to join us and help us.
You're so smart.
All necessities... He does that right here actually.
All anxieties, tranquilizes.
All boredom, amused.
And I have chosen you, Mr. Beale, to preach this evangel.
I have literally been given the speech of my life.
Because you're on television, dummy.
Sixty million people watch you every night of the week.
I believe I've seen the face of God.
I have seen the face of God.
You just might be right, Mr. Beale.
That evening, Howard Beale went on the air to preach to corporate.
Well, Fox stock is plunging, but They'll prop it up if they don't care.
They have unlimited globalist funding.
That's why they turn all these groups into kamikazes.
So, Dan Bongino out, Tucker Carlson out, Don Lemon out at CNN.
It's all part of the new purge, AOC this weekend.
So we've got to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
I told you she was told to go say that.
I said, so look for that to happen.
Told you that last night.
Well, the great Owen Schroyer took a well-deserved week off and he was back today.
And here's what was going on behind the scenes.
I have so much business stuff to take care of to keep this show on air.
I'm not complaining, it's just I came to the producers about 45 minutes before airtime and I said, call Owen and tell him come host the show today because I've literally got to go around and deal with stuff running this place or we won't be here.
And then I called Owen 20 minutes before and he goes, Hey, I'm actually here.
So we walked over and talked to each other.
I said, uh, that he's fired Tucker.
He said, yeah, I just learned about it.
I said, well, why don't you co-host with me, uh, in the second hour and a third hour, uh, today.
And so he is here with us now to give his, his take on this, but I want to be very, very clear.
I was never in competition with Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or anybody else.
I want to stop the new world order.
So talk show hosts come along.
That are doing a great job exposing their agenda, that I'm going to get behind him.
And that's why I've been a big supporter of Tucker.
Plus, I've been friends with him for, I don't know, 12 years or so.
And again, I was out in Florida on Thanksgiving time, spent some time with him there in the area where he lives.
And just a great guy.
And I'll leave it at that.
I'm not going hunting, you know, going on a hunting trip.
It looks like I'll have some more time to do that.
But Tucker Carlson is not going anywhere.
Because he really cares about this country and he was taken up to the mountain and offered so much.
Because I knew this from separate news reports and other places and I confirmed it.
That the Republicans have been trying to get him to run for president.
And really trying to queue him up and trying to get him to sell out.
He didn't.
And so he's a great guy.
This only proves it.
And when I saw that I think a few months ago with James O'Keefe and that incredible Pfizer coup, where they caught the director of MRNA saying, oh, we create the viruses and release them, you know, for profit.
I said, he'll be off the air.
They're going to take him down.
And boom, you saw two weeks later what happened.
Well, when I saw him interview Elon Musk, a week and a half ago, I said on air, I said, you can say what you want about Elon Musk, but you don't say things Like the government's illegally spying on you through Twitter, and they want AI gods, they want to get rid of all the humans, they don't like humans, and all the things he said, and not have them come after you.
So they're coming after Musk, you see as well everywhere.
So, I mean, you have to see Musk get killed before you believe that he's definitely made a turn?
I don't trust him, and I'm not going to trust him, but you don't make these actions.
You don't do what Tucker's done, you don't do what Bongino's doing.
Bongino would just shut up.
About, you know, the election and all the rest of it.
He's gone.
And Fox is firing all its top people to become Fox Lite, and then CNN's supposed to lower the temperature.
That's the globalist plan, is to lower the temperature as if Fox News dictates what's going on.
They've just made everything Tucker said that much bigger, just like what they did with me.
Owen Troyer, your take on this?
Well, I was listening to Dan Bongino this morning, and he said something that now makes more sense to me.
And so I was wondering when he said this this morning what he meant.
Now it's completely clear.
He said, when he opened his show this morning, he said, I'm not going to be intimidated by lawsuits.
I'm not going to be intimidated by threats of lawsuits.
I'm going to continue to talk about January 6.
I'm going to continue to talk about re-ebs, and I'm going to continue to talk about the 2020 election.
So what I think is going on behind the scenes, if it's not obvious, Is there are two subjects, or you could call it three, that you're just not allowed to talk about on Fox News.
You're just not allowed to say anything happened in the 2020 election that might lead you or your audience to think that it was not above board or not fair or might have been rigged.
Not allowed to say anything like that.
Fox News paid out, I don't remember the final tune, I think it was a couple billion dollars that they paid out to Dominion.
So they went- 700 and something mil.
So they took the Alex Jones InfoWars method, as we warned you, and they applied it to Fox News, and then they tried to take the screws to Dan Bongino as well.
I can't believe they took his show off, unfiltered off the air, but I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
So, if you talk about re-eps, you get threatened with a lawsuit.
If you talk about the 2020 election, you get threatened or you get sued.
This is what's going on behind closed doors.
And what's the third one?
Well, January 6th, just generally speaking, but... Also, also the poison shots.
So, people say, well, wait, Ray Epps told the committee, I quote, orchestrated it in his text messages.
He was there ramming signs in.
He was there for days saying, go in, and that day, people were arrested for far less.
So, to extrapolate under free speech and say, man, you know, why are the feds going easy on him?
That's your, you know, right to say, I think this guy could probably be a fed.
That's all Tucker Carlson did, he said it should be investigated.
But everything underpins on that, so they gaslight us and they say, well, let it go to a lawsuit.
They pick the most corrupt jurisdictions like Austin, or New Haven, Connecticut, or Delaware.
Dershowitz has said it's the worst.
And they sue you with a kept judge, and the judge in the Dominion Fox case Didn't call it a default, but ruled two months before Fox News purposely lied, which they never even did that.
And Fox News is liable, and Fox News, this is the key.
Fox News lied.
There was no election fraud and these machines are unhackable.
So the judge is already going to tell the jury you're guilty.
That's why they settled for that amount.
And so they've already got another judge, another group ready, it'll probably be in DC, ready to go against News Corp.
And so this law fair is now holding News Corp.
Well, that's why it's so important for people to understand how radical and dangerous the American left has become, because they're the ones that control this entire court system now, and they know it.
And so, yeah, you could take the best basketball player in the world, let's say you take LeBron James, and you sit him down next to some high school freshman benchwarmer, And that benchwarmer says, I'm better, I'm going to beat LeBron James.
Well, yeah, he can say, well, okay, I'll go play you.
But if he knows every bucket he makes is worth negative two points, and every bucket the other guy makes is worth a hundred points, well, that's a rigged game.
You're not going to win that game.
So you can say, well, yeah, I'm going to go to court and I'm going to take my chances and I'm going to get discovery and I'm going to argue my cases.
Doesn't matter.
It's a rigged case.
You cannot win it.
And so that's what I think people are starting to learn here.
They can pick the jurisdiction with their judges.
So now I'm looking at Fox News and I'm thinking okay well what where does it go from here because look...
You could say Fox News is making themselves irrelevant.
That really doesn't matter.
The Fox News audience is what matters.
And it's going to matter for at least two more election cycles.
There are still people that tune into Fox News every day that don't even get on the internet.
That's right.
And so we've got to get family members of Fox News addicts to come to InfoWars and to come to Steve Bannon and to come to the Steven Crowders.
And we've got to further draft Rogan to get hardcore on this.
But again, they can't stop all the regular people from getting on Twitter, getting on Facebook.
Whether it's 100 viewers or 1,000 or 100,000, all of you, the answer to beat this is everybody's got to get on air now.
I don't care if you're an 80-year-old lady, call your son, call your daughter, call your neighbor.
You're an 80-year-old lady that's well-spoken, blah, blah, blah, but you don't know technical stuff.
It's so easy, they come over, they get you an account, they sign it up, start doing the videos.
Everybody's got to get vocal now, or you don't have the infrastructure.
Go to the city council, go to the county commission, go to the school board.
Talk about the national issues there.
Use any microphone in front of people that goes out, it will all go viral.
They can try to take out the lead elephants, the Tucker Carlson's, the Alex Jones's, but they cannot take you out.
You are the resistance, you are the victory.
Do you understand that?
Well, and I think too, just if it's not Getting on the internet or hosting a talk show.
In some way, shape, or form now, if you're an American and you care about the future of this country, you have to get active immediately.
You have to engage in either First Amendment activity, Second Amendment activity, or Fourth Amendment activity.
Meaning, you have to start taking your rights seriously.
We need everybody to go to the McAllen sector and just stand there with a camera and they're smuggling babies and handing them in vans.
I mean, I can't do it all.
I'm not bitching.
You go shoot video of that, put it on Twitter, put it on Facebook, just say, hey, look at this.
I mean, you can't swing a stick in the dark on the Texas border and not catch the most hellish crap you've ever seen.
I'm just telling you folks, it's going down.
Well, and now we just have to... I mean, part of me just... It's kind of scary to think, but do we put our faith in the American people to say, can you not realize how corrupt everything is?
Where the Democrats say, oh, Al Gore didn't lose, John Kerry didn't lose, Hillary Clinton didn't lose.
But if you dare say that Donald Trump didn't lose in 2020, you're going to get sued for $2 billion.
I mean, come on.
Because that's their answer to never be removed.
Just like Venezuela, they're bringing in election fraud.
They've been caught doing it.
And the election fraud's real.
They stole it from Trump.
Regardless of who you think of Trump, they stole the election.
Alright, I'm ranting, ladies and gentlemen, because watching not just our country, but the whole world fall to tyranny and darkness is a serious situation.
And I've studied history.
I know you guys have as well.
And you cannot put a bad enough light on this.
You cannot exaggerate how bad it is.
And again, it's going to destroy 99.999% of us.
It's going to bare minimum destroy your standard of living, bare minimum create incredible poverty and crime.
It already has.
And it's going to get 20 times worse.
I mean, just absolutely horrible.
Because we're not like the Great Depression where 90% of people were somewhat self-sufficient or totally self-sufficient.
We're 90% not self-sufficient.
You know what army ants do when they go through the Brazilian rainforest?
They eat everything in their path.
You know what locusts do when they come and land on a field?
They eat all of it in minutes.
You got billions of people in the world that are not self-sufficient.
You cut down the industrial systems, you cut off the energy that allowed all this.
It is an equation.
The UN has the equation, so does the Defense Department.
2 point whatever percent of a paycheck is spent on food and energy, you get civil unrest.
If it goes to 60, you get revolution.
If it goes to 70, you get cannibalism.
The world's already at 60% plus of their money being spent on food and energy.
We've already crossed the line!
And their answer has cut all the rest of the energy off!
Energy's like gas in a car, folks.
It doesn't get gas, it don't crank.
It's like a cheesy Star Trek analogy where Khan blows up the reactor and the Enterprise can't move.
I mean, it's that simple.
Or the movie Aliens.
Came out in the 1980s, the second one.
Great movie.
He goes, they just cut the power.
The guy starts panicking.
What do you mean they cut the power?
They're animals!
Oh, we're screwed!
Game over, man!
Game over!
They're blowing the generators!
What do the Imperial Walkers do in Empire Strikes Back?
Main generator.
Maximum firepower.
We've taken out the generator, Lord Vader.
You may start your landing.
They're taking out the generator.
They've... But we don't have one generator.
We've got tens of thousands.
They've blown half of them up!
They're blowing the generators!
They're blowing the generators!
They're cutting the power supply!
Wind power at its current rate doesn't supply 5%.
They can't even produce it.
Oh, and I'm ranting.
Go ahead.
No, it's an epic rant.
Oh, I mean, what the fuck?
I mean, what are you talking...
Well Alex, let me just respond with this.
I won't go too far into detail here, because I know you're just fired up right now, but...
From the week off that I took and just kind of going into what I would call normie mode, most people are realizing how much trouble they're in.
Now, they can't really make sense of it.
It's kind of like a foreign language.
It's like, well, I can't really read this.
I know it's an emergency message.
Like, I know that sign in front of me is an emergency message, but I don't know what it is.
I can just tell by the look of it that it's an emergency message.
I mean, just here in Austin, Our property taxes have skyrocketed.
And what they do... Mine just doubled.
Alex, same thing happened.
I show people, they say, you didn't double.
And again, you've got a very nice, but very small, quaint condo.
I've got a nice, modest house.
Very modest.
And I showed people, I told them, I'm dealing with some stuff right now.
My property tax has just doubled.
They say, your property taxes didn't double.
That's not how it works.
I say, okay, let me show you the paper.
Mine doubled.
Literally doubled.
And that's a combination of all the Californians moving here, raising property values, and then it's also... But the market's actually down.
Well, and it's down right now, for sure it's down.
But the point is, that's just a microcosm.
So say that again.
Market's down about 15%, but your tax is double.
Oh, and your income is down too because your dollar isn't worth as much, and you're getting taxed more on your paychecks as well.
So Americans are starting to get this, and when you said that 50% number, Alex, I don't know where we're at right now.
They already put it in the news that half of people making six figures a year are living paycheck to paycheck.
67% of America is paycheck to paycheck.
It's not like we're going the right direction.
We're going the wrong direction.
People say the Democrats are idiots.
Look how they ruined California.
It's a plan.
They didn't.
They're not idiots.
They're criminals.
They're Extinction Rebellion.
And to get to the larger existential issue that you just mentioned earlier, Alex, you know, humans inherently have an implicit bias, right?
I've never been alive on this planet when America didn't exist.
I mean, you can sit here and say America doesn't exist as it should.
Okay, fine.
You can have that debate.
The point is, I've never walked on this earth when the United States of America, at least conceptually, didn't exist.
And so I have that bias that I just assume it's going to be around forever.
Now it takes a seriously high intellect and IQ to understand that that's implicit bias and that's not how the world actually works.
Nations rise and fall, countries rise and fall, regimes rise and fall all the time.
It's hard for us to really comprehend that because we haven't experienced that here in America.
But around the rest of the world, they're used to riots and collapse and starvation.
And I just wonder how close... That's the norm.
We're like in a submarine at 10,000 feet.
We're like, we got air, we're fine.
But right outside that bulkhead is crushing pressure.
Yeah, and I just think that...
The emergency messages are starting to get through to the American people.
They still don't get it.
Like I said, they can see it's an emergency sign in front of them that they're driving past, but they can't really read what it is.
They don't understand the language.
Well, once they get next to that cliff, I think they'll have a pretty good idea of the emergency that they're entering.
But when I look at the direction things are going, sadly, I mean, look, Alex, you can make the point that we have to accelerate into this.
There's no other way for people to get it.
There simply is no other way for people to understand the true threats that they're facing when it comes to their future and their family.
Well, let's just say this.
What elite wants people poor to cut them off?
Well, in history, that's called feudalism.
That's the most popular world system, is making people poor to control them.
But they're doing it when we've got 8 million people and all these weapons.
You can't do that.
It's going to cause a cascade effect in nuclear war.
And all the equations show it.
That's why I think, whether you believe in God the devil or not, let's just say you don't believe in God, you don't believe in Christian theology.
Okay, well, there's life here and then there's something that wants to destroy us.
And what we're setting up is going to destroy the elites themselves, so why are they doing it?
And so I say, okay, they're working with aliens or something.
I mean, I don't know.
But I don't know why you'd have policies that destroy everything on purpose.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Well, you could try to make the most sense of it, and you'd have to just accept the fact that these are corporate elite, political elite, international elite that have just decided they're going to cut deals, they're going to make a global government.
And they feel insulated.
And that's it.
It's over.
There's no America.
There's no anything.
There's only one world government and the one rule, like the one ring to rule them all, one government, one rule to rule all of humanity, your freedom, your prosperity, forget about it.
America, forget about it.
It's all over with.
I still believe that we can come through this.
I'm just afraid it's going to get so bad.
We've been so lucky, even through the hard times that we've gone through, we've been so lucky compared to past generations and the poverty and the starvation that they've had to go through.
We've still got it so good, it's really a joke.
But I'd hate to think how bad it has to get for people to realize what's been done to them.
And then of course the ultimate question is, well, what do you do?
In the current position, we can't really vote our way out of this.
So, what do you do?
Well, you have to become independent, you have to become self-sufficient, and you have to push all the leverage you have.
And you've got to make it your full-time job to beat these people.
It's not like, oh, I'm a conservative, I'm a patriot, yeah, we hate the new order.
It's coming down on us like a trillion-pound gorilla.
Like, this is everything.
I mean, they're coming after our children.
They've imploded the borders.
They're cutting the energy.
They're shipping fentanyl in.
They're brainwashing everybody.
They're letting criminals out and putting non-violent in jail.
They're at war with us.
Admit you're under attack and then start doing something about it.
We'll be right back.
All right, Scott Riddle, the former head UN weapons inspector on a World War III alert.
He'll be joining us next hour.
Owen Schroer riding shotgun with me today.
And I want to play this clip again.
Here's AOC calls for U.S.
government to censor Fox News for incitement of violence.
He says, Tucker Carlson's calling for violence with no evidence.
And then 60 Minutes says he's going to cause violence.
Probably what happened is they delivered on Friday.
A big law firm lawsuit in a key demographic with a judge they control with the Rams lawsuit they've all got primed because you know Rams just said go into the building for days and Rams signs into people and told the committee that he quote orchestrated it whatever that means.
You say well that's gaslighting it they'll lose.
No not with one of these juries because the judge will default you just like they did in my case and just like they just did with Fox.
The judge said you're guilty, these machines are unhackable, even though they admit all these machines are hackable, and you lied.
Even though nobody ever lied, it was Fox executives and hosts arguing about election fraud.
So because somebody argues about something, it says you're a fraud because you thought there might be fraud.
So it's all about them securing their narrative with their brainwashing and their propaganda.
But here's AOC just this weekend saying, take Tucker Carlson off the air.
Do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television like Fox News, these are subject to To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
Okay, so I'm going to unpack that, and then I've got a really important message for the viewers.
Go ahead.
Well, this actually makes my blood boil more than any other topic of discussion today, because it's the most gaslighting thing that you could ever hear on television.
Let's just recap.
For years, we have sat here and watched the mainstream media put a target on police officers' backs.
For years we have sat here and watched the mainstream media be racially divisive and intensify distrust in race relations.
We just watched the mainstream media incite violence and riots in the name of George Floyd, Michael Brown, you name it.
We've sat here, we've watched it for ten freaking years.
We've sat here and watched it.
Now, they have one event One event in the history of conservative political action, in the history of Republican political action, they have one event on January 6th that we all know that they put their provocateurs out there and had their federal agents all out there and had their plan with their documentary Pelosi Filmmaker out there, all of it, whole thing was scripted, but they have one.
They have one and they say, oh see, Conservatives shouldn't be allowed to talk.
Tucker Carlson shouldn't be allowed on TV.
We've got to silence all conservative voices.
They cause violence.
But then what's the reality?
They lie about Mike Brown and they cause riots.
They lie about George Floyd and they cause riots.
They lie about police officers and they cause riots.
They bail out their rioters.
So, I mean, this is the most gaslighting thing.
But, okay, aside from how it makes my blood boil where they get to cause riots and they get to lie to the people and that's fine, you're not allowed to tell the truth.
Notice what AOC says here now.
I'm starting to think that they're really gearing her up to be the future of the Democrat Party now.
Not this next upcoming election cycle.
I still think Joe Biden is going to be their guy.
But she's not smart enough to understand the nuance when she says, oh, it needs to be federal law that takes these people down.
She doesn't say that as something that she's thought.
Somebody told her to say that.
They want to bring back the fairness doctrine.
And so they're saying we have to have federal laws now to censor our opposition.
Remember at the Davos Group a month and a half ago, the EU deputy head turned to the U.S.
Congress people and says, well we've banned speech, you're about to soon too.
Oh, so now AOC has an interview with Jen Psaki, and they're all dolled up too.
Oh, look at the dolled up Democrats.
Wow, the best looking Democrat women you can find.
And they're telling you how federal law, federal law needs to be used to keep Fox News off air, and Tucker Carlson off air, and any dissenting voices off air.
These are liberals, by the way.
These are good, freedom-loving liberals that are now using the entire government As a weapon against their opposition.
But Alex, let's even look at the election issue that they're threatening to sue Fox News and take them off air out.
I guarantee you, I've seen it, you've played it on the show, you can go right now onto the internet, YouTube, you name it, and you'll find dozens of local Fox News reports in local cities, probably even right here in Austin, That show how voting machines can be hacked.
Going back 10 plus years, local Fox News has been reporting on this.
I can go show you a Kamala Harris clip.
Where she says that the machines aren't trustworthy, including that company.
But again, it doesn't matter.
The judge already ruled Fox is guilty, just like in my case.
People don't get it.
They're like, oh, Jones had a trial.
No, the judge said I was guilty and then wouldn't let evidence in.
And so here's the question.
How do we get the American people to understand this?
Well, apparently telling them doesn't do it.
Apparently telling them is an uphill battle, especially because, look, we've got a big audience here.
Well, I'll tell you why it happens.
There's so much media.
Our audience is great.
There's so much media, people just don't difference.
They're like, well, they're saying that and they're saying this, while your energy gets cut off, while the border gets dissolved.
Well, and here's the other factor, too.
And there's no doubt sports viewership is down.
There's no doubt sports viewership is down, just like beer drinking is down.
But it's still massive.
There's still way too many people that care more about their sports team, or more about their favorite light beer, than they do about their future.
And that's just a fact.
And so, it's gonna have to get worse.
They're going to have to see the censorship.
They're going to have to see their friends die from vaccines.
They're going to have to see their business get shut down by the government.
I mean, it's going to have to happen to everybody, Alex.
That's what's so tragic about this.
But that's why they've got actuaries to slowly cut the energy off.
And they know that we don't have a long memory.
Everything's based on low attention span.
So people don't see how it's being taken away from them.
I think the good news is there's been enough of an awakening where people are running for local offices, they're running for, you know, school boards.
Yeah, notice what the feds were most scared of two years ago, sending feds in in Virginia and other states.
They had helicopters land at the school and threatened parents if they opposed critical race theory or the transgender cult.
They're scared of you taking your local government back.
They can steal the national election, but they can't totally control what you do locally.
And just last week in Cochise County, the most And look, at the end of the day, we have to realize that we still have the power.
And this is what's so frustrating.
It's like, we have to get over this idea that there's some invisible ghost in the room called the government.
So it's those little battles that are going to beat them.
And look, at the end of the day, we have to realize that we still have the power.
And this is what's so frustrating.
It's like we have to get over this idea that there's some invisible ghost in the room called the government or there's
some invisible ghost in the room.
That's your authority. No, no.
There's you, and there's me, and there's whoever in this room.
We're people.
We run this country.
Notice, they wanted masks to never go away.
Now they're all gone.
They wanted the lockdown to never end.
It ended because you didn't submit.
Now, I've got to have this special announcement.
I mean, I want to really speak to the listeners when we come back and just boil this down to them.
But, Owen, we're going to continue on with Scott Ritter next hour and the whole World War III situation.
Well, what I was saying earlier, and we kind of went long here, was this is why it's so important for InfoWars to be on air.
I can't even imagine what your phone is like.
I mean, I get like, you know, maybe 10% of the flack you get.
But my phone is blowing up today.
What happened to Tucker Carlson?
What happened to Dan Bongino?
I know people are going to be tuning in, looking in for answers.
And so this is why InfoWars exists.
As rough and tumble and as a motley crew as we might be, we tell it like it is.
We go in fearlessly.
And it's owned by me.
All these other people have to work for somebody else.
There's nothing this big that's free and open.
Even with Joe Rogan, he's under a Spotify contract.
And so, hey, maybe this will be good for Tucker Carlson.
Maybe for him to get out of the Fox News umbrella will be a good thing.
Maybe that's what is needed.
And again, my phone got wet, broke.
It was breaking over the last few days.
Now it's completely dead.
But I'm told any minute I'll get my phone back and I'll be able to get all the messages and call a thousand messages and people tuning in today.
So, folks, if you want I don't know what's going down.
I'm going to tell you what's going down in a nutshell when we come back from break.
Owen Troyer arrived with a shotgun.
He'll be on at 3 p.m.
3 to 6 p.m.
hosts of The War Room.
Harrison Smith has had a baby.
He'll be back Wednesday.
They had a great guest host.
8 a.m.
American Journal.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
It's up to you to promote that link.
Thank you so much.
Ladies and gentlemen, America and humanity is in a war.
The globalists are cutting off the resources.
They're killing the free speech.
They're surveilling us.
They're annihilating our sovereignty, our borders.
They're coming at our children, literally sterilize them.
We are in the heart of the battle now.
I knew about their plan decades ago and warned you, but now we're living in a time that's easy to wake people up and fight because they're not in beta, they're not in test mode, they're in operational mode.
Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, almost everybody else who are great people work for another company that can fire them or try to control them.
InfoWars is the only major standalone operation fighting the globalists in the world.
And we're reaching the critical juncture in the battle.
Their central bank digital currencies are in trouble.
That's the number one Issue in the news with conservative voters, not just here but around the world.
Their program of dissolving borders is in trouble.
Everything they're doing is hitting major obstacles right now.
That's why it's more important than ever that InfoWars stay on the air.
That's why it's more important than ever that you realize we're in zero hour.
We're in game time.
We're in overtime.
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Keep us on air.
But whatever you do, just continue to research and speak out yourself at county commissions and school boards and city councils and state legislatures.
And when a senator's coming or a house member's coming, go ask them questions.
Get on TV.
Because it's really you they can't stop and you they can't track.
Whatever you do, realize this is the full battle.
I know there's thousands of shows and millions of movies and entertainment and TV shows and all this stuff and what's real.
This is real.
You notice what we cover and what we go over years ago is now everything happening because we're actually contending with the global rulers to try to block them and their plan for depopulation and total enslavement.
We are here fighting.
So please, today, Go to InfoWarsTore.com, get TurboForce, get Ultimate Krill Oil, get the other great products, get a Trump mugshot shirt, get an Alex Jones for President shirt, go there, get a signed copy or unsigned copy of The Great Reset and War of the World, the seminal book that went to number one, but whatever you do realize
This is the fight.
This is the tip of the spear.
This is the war right now here on air.
We are swinging for the fences.
We're not surrendering.
And culturally, all the numbers show we are winning.
Congress has a 7% approval rating.
Biden's got a 30% approval rating.
Trudeau's got a 25% approval rating.
They are dictators.
They are unpopular.
They are doing things that people don't like.
And we've just got to stay here on air as the tip of the spear because the enemy believes they can take out the leaders and everybody else will scatter.
But you are the leaders and you are the resistance.
So spread the word.
Pray for the broadcast.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com right now.
Get a great product.
Make a donation.
But whatever you do, take action.
Don't roll over and die.
It's that spirit of victory, that spirit of resistance God wants to see.
And then God will do the rest.
But you've got to make the first steps with your free will and ask God to lead Well, and we've got to hit them with the unexpected, Alex.
They expect Alex Jones to be ranting.
They expect Owen Schroer to show up with a bullhorn.
They expect an Infowars truck to hit them with 50,000 watts when they try to come to Austin with their globalism.
But that's what they expect.
We need everybody out there to be the unexpected patriot, to be the unexpected warrior.
You know, you made such a great point, Alex, it's true.
Most politicians, even the ones we like, even the good ones, most of them don't work too much, and they don't sweat too much, and so they go through the motions, they'll go town to town, whatever, event to event, they don't really deal with people getting in their face.
I'm not even necessarily talking about in a negative light.
It can be in a positive light.
They're just not used to it.
That's a key point.
Don't spend our time trying to get Democrats to do the right thing.
Sure, confront them when you can, but put pressure on the good guys.
Exactly, because they need to know that people are behind them and want them to take action.
And it's not even about them getting re-elected.
There's going to be some that only think about that.
No, this is about hate.
We're expecting you to get into office and actually help us.
Not go through the motions, not show up for the cameras, not smile and take the pictures for the front page, but actually be there when it matters.
Be there when the rubber meets the road.
I mean, I look at Marjorie Taylor Greene, maybe the best example of this that actually goes out there.
And notice how in the polls she's the most popular.
She should be the example.
And you know, I was thinking about this too, Alex, as much as I really do love Marjorie Taylor Greene, she's not perfect, but you know what's actually sad is, if I was to give a grade, because somebody was asking me, what are some of the good politicians?
I mean, who are people in government that I should trust?
I said, well, don't trust anybody, but...
If I was going to grade politicians, it's kind of an interesting thought.
Okay, well, who are some of the best politicians?
Alright, let's say Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Well, what does Marjorie Taylor Greene get as a grade?
Well, she gets a C. She gets a C. That should be your average politician.
Even Donald Trump as a great president, I'd give him a D. I'll give Donald Trump a D. But every other president has been a miserable F.
Every other congressperson, an F. So we've been so used to absolute, utter failures and discreet... Low expectations.
That now Marjorie Taylor Greene, who's really just a C, that's just a C average, she's just an average politician, what an average politician should look like and sound like, but now she's like A++++ because we've been so used to the pathetic representation we've been getting in Congress.
And that's what the enemy fears, is they see what they call radicalism, which is common sense, saying, no, we're not submitting.
And I'm seeing it all over, Alex, and it really is a wave.
And it's people that are long shots to get into city council.
It's people that are long shots to get into state legislators.
It's people of long shots to get into Congress.
But there's so many of them now.
Some of them are going to hit.
I mean, we're going to get some of these people in.
And I mean, I look at Donald Trump and man, I got to tell you, he just relaunching his Instagram account, selling NFTs.
I mean, like, just just just gag.
But you know what?
Again, He's the best guy for the job, okay?
So I'm sorry that's how it is right now.
I can't stand Donald Trump sometimes, but he's the best guy for the job.
He's the only guy that can get us back on track.
And they're scared of him.
There's no doubt they're scared of him.
And for all of his flaws, no doubt there are many, I do believe Donald Trump is his own man.
And there's one thing we get from Donald Trump that we get from nowhere, nobody else, and that's access.
Nobody else gives you access like Donald Trump gives you.
And nobody else is as feared by the globalists Like Donald Trump is.
So yeah, I get it.
Donald Trump, all kinds of flaws, all kinds of imperfections.
I'll give him a D as a politician.
That's a miserable grade.
But hell, everyone else is an F. And the only guy that I like, that I see making moves right now is Vivek Ramaswamy, and I just don't think he's ready yet.
It's just, that's where we're at now, Alex, but if we can get the D guy back in there that's at least got a passing grade, and we can get a couple more people in Congress that are C's like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Thomas Massey, then who knows, maybe somebody will finally step in and be a B politician, or an A-plus politician, and actually save this country, and actually write legislation that makes sense to protect the future of our country.
And the globalists know the public's waking up, that's why they're racing to end the country now, bankrupt everything so they can pose as saviors.
And so that's really what we're up against is, I mean, Biden's cut the cars off, the energy, he's banning not just coal, but gas plants.
I mean, it's, that's what I said earlier.
We can debate stuff all day, but scientifically, in a mathematical equation, you cut the power, you cut the country off.
Well, and it used to be... This studio doesn't work without power.
It used to be the Alex Jones was right, maybe takes 10 years to catch up.
I mean, now it's a week, you know?
I mean, it's just the quickening is happening.
And I'm in touch with somebody right now.
I'm going to try to get him on as a guest this week.
And I predicted that the Democrats will cancel their debates.
In fact, they may just cancel the entire primary process because how else are
they going to get Biden in?
I believe right now today, Biden is your front runner.
Biden is going to win the presidency again.
Even if Donald Trump gets the nomination and gets 90 million votes, Biden will
get 95.
I mean, you know how it goes.
And so that's the current trajectory that we're on, but the Democrats are going to
have to engage in so many shenanigans just to get Biden across the finish line.
They're going to have to destroy Robert F.
Kennedy Jr.
if not put a bullet through his head.
Meanwhile, Biden literally, I don't even know who he is.
He can't even talk.
I mean, we're to the point now where Biden makes maybe two public appearances a week.
But they've set that precedent with Betterman and with the rest of them.
I mean, look at Feinstein.
Yeah, so there it is.
But that's from 2020.
They're going to do it again.
By the way, let's play this clip.
Uh, where is it?
Where's the Biden clip?
Yeah, yeah, let's play, uh, clip five.
My own sense is most Americans don't want to vote for an 81-year-old for president.
Here he is.
And, and, Terry, do you expect everyone to, all the Democrats to suddenly rally around the president?
Well, I'll, I'll, I'll leave that to, to our, our Democratic, uh, former official here.
My own sense is that most Americans don't want to vote for an 81-year-old man for president.
All right, that's the, that's the first time.
Here's the other clip.
Go ahead and play the other Biden compilation clip.
Here it is.
I think he's a little confused.
Your mark is going to be the blue one to the left.
How y'all doing?
You've got a blue mark, and that's okay.
I got, I'll stand my blue mark.
Eight, E-I-G-H percent.
Eight percent.
Build chips, three nano chips.
The three nano chip.
Chips in a three nano.
First lady, the first full-time lady.
Kajan, Kajan, Ketanji Drown Jackson.
Let's go late like the world.
I think he's a little confused.
Does anybody believe that that guy beat Trump?
We'll be right back with Owen Schroeder and more.
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Now that the mental disease of Trump derangement syndrome has crossed the Rubicon and set the
precedent by dragging a president into a courtroom over flimsy politically fueled charges.
Is the indictment of your predecessor political license valid?
The question now arises, when do other DAs across the country begin doing the same with former presidents?
Crimes that are so glaringly obvious and factual, and judging from the expediency of former President Trump's rush to judgment, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama should be detained post-haste.
Nobody can dispute the fact that we need...
[crowd shouting]
That we need...
Oh yeah?
[crowd shouting]
Thank you.
He said he'll pull down his pants his whole everything and he was exposed and I said I'm not that kind of girl.
And I need to be getting back to my desk.
Bill Clinton.
What Donald Trump has weakly been accused of, Bill Clinton has exploited to maximum effect for years.
Escaping justice from allegations of sexual assault from at least a dozen women over five decades.
Paying off Paula Jones to the tune of $850,000.
George W. Bush.
We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders, But from violence that gathers within.
There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home.
The day before 9-11, the day before the attacks, Rumsfeld gave a press conference where he talked about trillions of dollars missing.
The day.
Then, a plane slams into the very part of the building where they were doing the accounting.
Our financial systems are decades old.
According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions.
Somebody told you that literally, like, right before 9-11 happened, they said they couldn't track 2.3 trillion dollars.
You go, no, that didn't happen.
That did not happen.
But it did happen.
George W. Bush says the worst mistake he made as president was listening to CIA Director George Tenet tell him it was a slam dunk.
Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and so the neocons and CIA got to go into Iraq and throw out and do regime change and we killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did.
We may have killed a million Iraqis and nobody knows the number.
We created ISIS.
We drove two million refugees up into Europe.
They destabilized democracy for a generation in Europe.
They caused Brexit.
This is the cost of the Iraq War.
Eight trillion dollars there, 16 trillion for the lockdowns, 24 trillion, nothing to show except a devastated middle class in the United States of America, and we need to put an end to that.
Barack Obama.
The more we can influence public opinion, The more you'll see politicians respond.
Not only was Obama responsible for horrific crimes against humanity, authorizing 540 drone strikes, one of them wiping out 20 civilians in Pakistan, while another targeted a wedding procession in Yemen, killing 12 and wounding 15.
Including the bride, the authority to arrest and hold individuals accused of terrorism without due process under the 2012 NDAA, to the modernization of the Smith-Munn Act, which legalized propaganda on American citizens by our own government, setting totalitarian precedents for the O'Biden administration and the advancement of the Bilderberg agenda.
And once Biden leaves office, That is, if he doesn't steal the 2024 election.
Once prosecution begins to gather their charges, the enormity of full-blown anomalous violations of US law will be staggering.
The power to exploit corruption has become our government's uniparty modus operandi.
Down the lane I look Dick Cheney strolling with documents he's been withholding.
Will Americans fall to their knees to the rampant treason occupying its birthright?
Or will America stand as a republic, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?
John Bowne reporting.
I I am a bomber, and I'm a bomber, and I'm a bomber, and I'm
a bomber, and I'm a bomber.
Well, Tucker did a lot of things.
Tucker Carlson fired at Fox today.
That's a major bellwether, major indicator, major canary in the coal mine.
Dan Mangino fired as well.
He was against the Ukraine war from the beginning that could lead to nuclear war, and they couldn't control him.
And now you have AOC and the rest of them saying, take all Republicans off air.
But the Republicans they're talking about, sitting with federal law, are the ones that are against nuclear war.
So there's been incredible dirty tricks, incredible disinfo, incredible lies against anybody.
Trump's not perfect, but he was against World War III, they got him.
Now they're going after Tucker, they've gone after me.
Scott Ritter, famous case, all sorts of made-up attacks and lies, none of it was true.
This is what happens when intelligence agencies come after you.
Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served the former Soviet Union implementing arms control agreements on the staff of General Norman Schwarzkopf during the Gulf War, where he played a critical role in the hunt for Iraq's Scud missiles.
From 1991 to 1998, Mr. Ritter served as Chief Inspector of the United Nations in Iraq, leading the search...
Iraq's prescribed weapons of mass description.
Mr. Ritter was a vocal critic of the American decision to go to war in Iraq.
It was totally vindicated.
Millions of dead Iraqis.
His new book, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union, is his ninth.
ScottRitterExtra.com, WarringPeace.Fund.
Couldn't have a better time to have him on.
Obviously, the Tucker Carlson is front and center.
Exposing just two weeks ago, a week and a half ago, with Elon Musk illegal spying on Twitter users.
We know it's happening everywhere by the federal government.
I didn't get him on the day to talk about Tucker.
It was all the developments in Ukraine and the escalation of nuclear war and quite frankly rhetoric out of Medvedev that I don't like.
I understand that the West started this, is doing it with Medvedev, is like, "We'll blow up England,
nuclear war is inevitable." Just the point is it's helter-skelter level insanity. But Scott,
thanks for joining us. You've been under the gun, targeted by the deep state globally as well,
just like Julian Assange has. What do you make of this Tucker Carlson situation? Let's get into
your latest intel you've got. Well, I think what happened with Tucker is proof positive that the
mainstream media is not about informing us, not about engendering debate, discussion, and dialogue.
It's about business.
And Fox News made a business decision.
Tucker Carlson, you know, is somebody who is controversial on some issues.
Somebody who has attracted a lot of attention for things he has said and things he has done.
You know, and nobody's perfect, but I think Tucker was tacking too close to the truth, putting out information that made the establishment quite uncomfortable.
And because Fox is a business, it's not here to inform us.
They made a business decision and they released Tucker.
America's worse for it.
I'm not the biggest Tucker Carlson fan in the world.
We have a history.
We did mend our bridges, so to speak, and I enjoyed listening to what he had to say.
I found him to be a fresh voice of reason on many issues, a voice that would otherwise be missing, and now it's gone.
I certainly hope that Tucker can find a platform appropriate to the importance of the messages
that he's bringing to the American people.
Scott, I think that's perfectly said.
He attacked you, I remember, and said things that weren't accurate.
He attacked me, he apologized to me 10 years ago, and since then he really woke up.
He was naive in his own words and really didn't realize how corrupt the American empire was,
or even though there was an empire.
I just raise it to show that you have AOC this weekend saying we need a federal law
to take Tucker and other people off the air.
That is so draconian, so dangerous, and I believe it was his stance on the Ukraine war is the reason he was taken off because he was staunchly against that and exposing that.
I agree 100%.
I know that there are people who will try to make the case that they're removing Tucker because of the Dominion legal case and all that, but that's old news.
That's just an excuse.
The fact is, Tucker was way out ahead of where Fox News as a corporation wanted to be on the story of Ukraine by telling the truth, by confronting people with uncomfortable facts.
I think it was starting to have a business impact on Fox.
As I said, they're not here to help engender a meaningful debate, dialogue and discussion.
They're there to sell ad revenue.
And Tucker Carlson was, you know, he's highly rated.
I think he was the top rated person there, but the pressure was put to bear on Fox News and they've now silenced the voice that, and as you said, he did call up and he apologized and we had a very good conversation.
Also, he did that to you too.
He said he was wrong.
Tucker since then, meaning that I really appreciate what he brings to the table.
Oh, so he did that to you too?
He did, because he said he was wrong.
He said he drank the Kool-Aid to me.
Tucker Carlson is a stand up guy and how I define a stand up guy is someone to say,
I made a mistake.
I recognize that I'm contacting you.
I'm acknowledging that and I want to move on productively.
And, uh, and he did that.
So, uh, yeah, uh, he's, he's one of the few, one of the few, uh, mainstream
journalists to have done that.
Well, I think it's important.
It's a cautionary tale, but also a good example.
We don't want to be enemies of people that are wrong in the system.
We want them to wake up and stop World War III and the collapse of the dollar and all the insanity.
Quantify for us where we are.
We've got big breaking news on the war front and how this is escalating.
I keep telling the American people, you know, there's this bulletin of atomic scientists that put out this doomsday clock.
It's a highly publicized thing.
And they talk about we're being 90 seconds from midnight.
And I say, you're wrong.
We are literally 0.001 milliseconds from midnight.
One click of the second hand and it's all over because we're talking about nuclear war.
And right now we have the two largest nuclear armed powers engaged in direct conflict.
It's not our troops against theirs, but it's a proxy war where we're putting our money, our intelligence, our equipment in the hands of people that we're training and motivating and encouraging specifically to kill Russians.
And the Russians are fighting them not as if it's Ukraine, but they're fighting them as if they're an extension of NATO.
And as you said, you have Medvedev making very inflammatory statements.
You have other people in the West making inflammatory statements about nuclear weapons.
This isn't a joke.
This isn't a game.
This isn't, you know, a football match.
This isn't where you get, you know, you're allowed some sort of artistic creativity.
So let me cut your train of thought there, and you can continue, but how big is it that the former president of Russia And one of the guys on their National Security Council literally saying, OK, let's just have a nuclear war.
I mean, that is just insane.
And it barely even makes news.
We have U.S.
senators saying, assassinate Putin, strike Russia first.
So they're just raising the temperature to what we've already done.
This is madness.
I think what Medvedev's doing, and I'm loathe to try and, you know, the old thing where the spokesman comes in, what the colonel meant to say, you know, I don't want to be, you know, what Medvedev meant to say, but I think what he's doing is he's confronting the West with the absurdity of their position.
The United States is saying that we want to help Ukraine attack Russia, that we want to help Ukraine seize Russian territory, whereas Russia has a doctrine, a nuclear doctrine, that says if there's an existential threat to Russia, Russia can use nuclear weapons to defend it.
So what Medvedev is saying is, hey, why don't we just knock out all the middle stuff and go straight to nuclear conflict, because that appears to be the direction you and the West want.
So let's just get it over with.
Let's do it.
He's calling the bluff.
That's dangerous because this is a bluff that can never be called because the moment it is called, the moment somebody pushes that button, it's all over.
That's right.
It's a game of nuclear brinksmanship.
You were an American patriot sent to Russia to get deals done.
You were the top UN inspector.
You were trained to kill Russians.
You're American through and through.
Describe to people the escalation threat, the escalation ladder here, and why it's so dangerous.
How fast do submarines vaporize east and west coast?
How fast?
Because even if we can vaporize them, it doesn't matter, it's mutually assured destruction.
Try to explain to people why you say one second to midnight.
Well, right now, both sides have nuclear forces that are equipped, prepared, trained, ready to launch nuclear weapons on a moment's notice.
And we live in a world where Neither side can afford to absorb a first strike because a first strike by the other side could eliminate our ability to retaliate.
And so we have to be leaning forward, looking for any evidence of the other side getting ready to attack.
And the idea is if we detect a first strike being launched, we then launch our own so we can get the strike in.
This means that one mistake All we have to do is get it wrong and think that this radar hit that we have, this piece of intelligence is evidence of a first strike, then we are literally on the clock to launch a retaliation strike.
And this is a daily occurrence, ladies and gentlemen.
This isn't some theoretical thing that's going to take place next week, next month, next year.
It's happening right now as you speak.
We have people monitoring Russia, they're monitoring us, looking for any evidence of that first strike.
So when you have people Saying irresponsible things like we want to assassinate Putin or Medvedev saying, hey, let's go to nuclear war.
That means that there's even heightened alert right now.
People are really looking for clues.
And when they find that clue, they're going to... And Zelensky fires ballistic missiles into Poland and blames Russia even when it was confirmed it was him.
He's crazy enough.
He said have nuclear war.
What is his problem?
Because he seems to be the one driving all this.
Who the hell is this guy?
Well, he's a man who's operating out of his depth, first of all.
He's inadequate to the task of the responsibilities he's been given.
And he's the leader of a nation that simply can't win on its own.
And we have elevated him, we have pumped Ukraine up to be full of itself as if they are literally the tip of the
spear of the weapon that's going to kill Russia.
And it's not Zelensky that thinks that. You know, Lloyd Austin, our Secretary of Defense,
came back from Kiev last year and said the purpose of America is to inflict pain on Russia right now.
Well, let's not forget the new intelligence chief a month ago in Ukraine said, "We're going to
invade Russia and put tanks in Moscow." And that's the end of the world, ladies and gentlemen.
The fact that the United States didn't immediately slap him down and say, stop saying stupidity like this.
People need to understand that that scenario will never play out.
Russia has a thermonuclear arsenal that will destroy the entire world before that ever happens.
I don't mean to keep interrupting, but you're still on target as a former top weapons inspector and expert in nuclear arms.
The minute major tanks roll into Russia, Russia hits them with nuclear weapons.
That's default position.
So explain that to Zelensky.
Explain it to him.
How do you explain it to him when you've told, when we've told him that he's the most important man in the world?
When we allow him at a moment's notice to pick up the phone, call the president, beg for airplanes, beg for tanks, beg for money, and we keep feeding him.
He's the spoiled child who's been getting everything he wants, so the spoiled child begins to believe that he is in fact that entitled.
When the reality is, Zelensky is the greatest threat to international peace and security that exists in the world today because he's starting to believe the rhetoric.
He's starting to believe the propaganda that he is empowered by the West to do these things, to retake Crimea, to retake the four former Ukrainian territories that are now part of Russia, and even to speculate about the possibility of sending tanks into Moscow.
No sane person would be saying what Zelensky is saying.
Well, that's right.
And you've been doing this for decade after decade after decade.
You're an expert.
I've been studying this for 30 years and feel like a novice.
And then I see him, an actor who, you know, is normally dancing around in leather outfits, slapping guys in the ass.
Nothing against him doing that.
But this smells like destruction.
I mean, it just it's crazy.
No, and this is why, again, Alex, I said we are .001 millisecond away from midnight.
Because this is crazy, and until the American people realize how insane this is, I don't mean, I'm not a fear monger.
I don't do this for a living.
Every American should be scared to death right now.
You should wake up every morning thinking this may be the last moment.
No, no, I've been watching you for like 22 years and never heard your rhetoric anywhere near this.
No, but this is how scary it is.
We are literally on the brink of the abyss.
One mistake, and again, when was the last time we had a senior Russian politician say, what the heck, let's do, not even in the Cold War did Khrushchev say, Let's do it, baby.
Throw down, let's have a nuclear war.
Nobody has ever said this.
The fact that a Russian leader is saying this today shows you how far along it's become.
It's insane, the fact that we have a senator, Lindsey Graham, talking about assassinating the Russian leader, knowing that if we did that, they would nuke us, just like we would nuke them if they killed our president.
We have to stop this irresponsible rhetoric and we have to find a way to get our politicians to understand... I totally agree!
So how did it get this insane when no Russian ever acted like this, no American ever acted like this, and we almost still had nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
How did we get such... I guess we have like a lobotomized president.
Federman can't even talk.
I mean, I guess we have a zombie.
Maybe the left wants to commit suicide.
I don't know.
Look, I'm somebody who has disagreed with a lot of presidents, but I'm very respectful of the office of the presidency because of the power that it has and what it represents.
And I have to say that I have a history with Joe Biden, and some people might think that what I'm about to say is reflective of the fact that he and I don't get along.
But that's not the case.
Joe Biden is the biggest threat to the American people because he's totally inadequate to the job.
This is a man who is incapable of deep, meaningful thoughts.
He came into the presidency with an attitude, and his mind is no longer able to control this attitude.
And this attitude is out of control.
It's an attitude of confrontation, an attitude that is It's about, you know, dominating the Russians and it's an attitude that's no longer linked to a brain able to say, hey, enough is enough.
I've made my point.
Let's back off and find a peaceful way out of this.
We are literally on, you know, full automatic autopilot towards a nuclear Armageddon and we have to find a way to get Joe Biden off this track.
And let's go further on that key point.
Explain to them how this works at the National Security Council and the nuclear football.
I know there's been many times they've brought the football, the president said you may have to launch, and it was JFK and other presidents, Ronald Reagan had said no, let's wait.
What if they bring the football to him?
Explain that to people.
Look, when the football comes up, when a decision is made, now hopefully this president will be on the phone with critical advisors, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense.
Hopefully he'll be communicating.
But again, that requires a cognitive ability.
That requires the ability to articulate information.
And that's why presidents get woke up all the time.
Sir, we have a radar signal out of southern Russia.
It may be a nuke.
2 a.m., he's got to get on the phone.
Imagine they wake him up.
He'll just say, launch it.
Well, this is the point is that Joe Biden, I believe his cognitive ability is diminished to the point where he will go back to his default position.
As I said, his default position is a very aggressive stance, and he no longer has the ability to modulate that, to regulate that.
So if you wake Joe Biden up at three in the morning and say, hey, boss, right now we have seven minutes to make a decision to hit the button, or if you don't, Weapons can hit us first strike and we lose.
He's not going to be able to say, hey, timeout.
Let me call this guy.
Hey, what do we got on the radar?
Is this really the deal?
What's going on here?
No, let's hold off.
What other presidents have done to prevent nuclear armageddon.
I think Joe Biden would basically say, um, launch.
And then it's all over.
Well, for those that don't know, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Lehmannser and LeMay, before he fired him, came to Kennedy and said, let's launch.
That's what Dr. Strangelove the movie's about.
And he said, no.
But imagine, do we have Curtis LeMay's and LL Lehmannser's in the government now?
We do, actually.
We should have people that can contain them.
Look, here's the reality of nuclear weapons.
If you're going to have them, you have to have hard men and women who are willing to use them.
Or otherwise, this is just stupidity, and that's what a person believes nuclear weapons are stupidity.
You can't have the weapons unless you have men and women.
Deterrence means nothing unless you have people that are prepared to
use them when ordered to use them.
That's why when I said when ordered, we can never allow them to
be in the decision-making cycle.
They're the ones that are simply going to obey the order.
We have to have effective civilian leadership above that, that modulates
a motion that provides the check and balance, and that's the commander in chief.
That's why voting for a president is the most important thing.
It's not about the economy, stupid.
I know a lot of people vote the pocketbook.
It's about whether or not there's going to be an American or
there's going to be a world war.
We need a president who is capable of preventing nuclear war,
not ordering nuclear war.
And you talk about almost every day, there's a case where they get a
signature to take things to launch, whether it's in China or be in
Pakistan, India, anywhere, and all the time.
That's why presidents get so old so quick, is they're getting woken up all the time, like they're constantly having to step aside and check and make a decision.
Talk about that scenario where you're saying almost every day they're having to think something might be a first strike.
Well, imagine now you're an American and you're in the national security establishment and you just heard the former Russian president say, let's do nuclear war, let's do it.
So now immediately you're going to send the signal out saying, okay, what's the status of all the Russian nuclear weapons?
Let's bring our monitoring status to the highest level possible.
I need you now to report everything you see.
That means now we call up our own people and say, hey, we now are on alert.
There's a potential of a Russian attack.
You need to be prepared to act.
So everybody now is high strung.
And one mistake is made.
One, you know, miscalculation.
A photograph is taken that people misinterpret.
A missile's launched.
It's supposed to have been a test, but wasn't declared as a test, so we don't know what its status is.
A flock of birds sends radar going crazy.
A submarine fails to announce its location.
All of these things get reported in, but now we've raised it to a level where everything has to be treated as a potential nuclear attack.
And that's the thing.
So one of these things can happen.
The president, you know, now will be informed we have an emergency.
Then the advisors are going to come in and start articulating, you know, how do you respond, etc.
Let's say the football comes in.
Normally, you'll have about 20 to 30 minutes once the football is put in front of you to keep making these phone calls.
But if you have a president whose brain is not engaged, who's not clicked in, you know,
A, either decisions are gonna start to be made before him by people that we don't want making these decisions,
or this person, this individual, isn't going to be asking the right questions,
is just gonna jump to a conclusion that is probably wrong.
You know, we've been around a long time.
When was the last time someone launched a surprise nuclear attack against the United States?
And the answer is never.
And why?
Because it's suicide, it's stupid.
So I want a president that is leaning towards, this is misinformation.
This is a bad piece of intelligence.
This isn't right.
I'm going to give them time to prove this wrong.
I want that kind of leader, not a leader who, because of a lack of cognizant ability, is going to say, I am assuming that this is correct.
Therefore, I am going to launch.
Let's talk more about that.
No one sure is riding shotgun.
He's got some comments and questions with Scott Ritter here.
But everything you're saying is mainline U.S.
For those who are tuning in, this guy is an expert in nuclear weapons, expert in weapons inspection, former head UN inspector, one of the former top guys in the Soviet Union negotiating major treaties with him.
So you're hearing the gospel on this.
And he's telling you we are one second or even a millisecond from midnight.
And for people that don't know, I don't want to kill the Russians.
I don't want to die either.
But I'll be honest with you.
If the Russians nuked us first, I don't even want to nuke them, and I'm not saying they should nuke us.
It just blows up more of their reactors, and then that's more fallout.
Everybody loses.
That's why it's called mutually assured destruction.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's 460 nuclear reactors, big ones, hundreds of other little ones.
They'll all break down.
They'll all be more radioactive than a nuke.
We're all dead if this happens.
Someone explain.
Even if Russia hit us, With a thousand nukes, they're all going to be dead from the radiation and the societal collapse too.
So there's no, I mean, that's what people don't get.
You nuke Russia, all their plants blow up, we die.
They nuke us, they die.
They die in a couple months, but there's no, that's why you're saying it's idiocy.
And it's why I used to be like, no, listen to the left.
They want to get rid of nukes.
They'll just secretly keep nukes.
No, we got to have a moratorium on biological weapons.
We got to have a moratorium on nukes.
We got to get rid of them, folks.
And I mean, real inspectors get rid of these.
Get rid of them.
We have to go.
You can see how society is breaking down, how IQs are lowering.
You cannot have this stuff laying around.
We're going to blow ourselves up.
I mean, it's that simple.
Scott Ritter, stay right there.
I want to talk about those scenarios with you and what mutually assured destruction is.
But, wow.
And I would tell the Russians, if we're crazy enough to nuke them, please don't fire back.
Because it's just we all die anyways.
Just my kids die in three months, yours die right away.
The Russians will kind of be lucky.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
And I want to be a trillion percent clear.
I made the point that if Russia nuked us, we shouldn't respond back.
And we nuked Russia, they shouldn't respond back.
Scott Ritter is a former nuke inspector.
He agreed with me.
We'll talk to him in a moment.
We're reconnecting right now on Skype.
Skype was cutting out during the break.
If we hit them with 500 average nukes, the nuclear winter, the fallout, their reactors melting down would kill us.
It might take six months, a year, but it's like they're the lucky ones dying right away.
He was agreeing during the break on him as an expert to explain that, but there's no winning.
It's why it's called mutually assured destruction.
But I think Rod Serling back in the 60s of the twilight zone, Planet of the Apes, really boiled it down best.
Here it is.
Radio listeners, Charlton Heston, if you remember.
This is on another planet.
at the end of the movie.
He finds the nuked Statue of Liberty and figures out, no, I'm back home.
I'm back.
I'm home.
All the time.
He finally really did it.
You maniacs!
You blew it up!
God damn you!
God damn you all to hell!
I like the little touch of the Statue of Liberty crayon is melting.
Because that's where we are, folks.
Look, mainline analysts all agree we're the closest nuclear war ever.
As Scott Ritter just said.
Now I want you to jump on any questions you've got.
You've been really polite while I've been babbling.
But Scott, you're not exaggerating.
In fact, if anything, I don't know how you underestimate, but this is just, this is madness.
I made the point during the break, I asked you if you thought I was right.
You gave a great example and agreed, but added some gravitas to it that I don't have.
When I say everybody's a loser, whether the Russians nuke us, we nuke them, even if we don't respond back, the reactors blow up, they're even worse than the bombs.
You said dead right.
Explain that as an expert.
Well, I mean, it's not just nuclear reactors, it's all of society.
When we started with, when we began to plan nuclear warfare, the American nuclear planners back in the 60s determined that we could destroy all of the targets we wanted to destroy with 400 nuclear weapons.
Right now we have 1,550.
And so it's overkill, but that's what we do for a living in nuclear war.
And they have a similar amount of weapons, so, you know...
We're talking about injecting radioactive material into the atmosphere.
We're talking about injecting particles in the atmosphere, blocking sunlight, nuclear winter.
But society will break down.
Electric producing stations will shut down.
And then nuclear power plants aren't going to be able to contain the fissile material that's there.
They're going to melt down, and we're just going to have continued nuclear disasters.
Remember, one Chernobyl, if Chernobyl had gone critical like people talked about, just that single nuclear power plant would have taken out half of Europe, half of Russia, and much of the world.
There are hundreds of nuclear power plants around the world.
These will all go critical, all melt down, so we'll get, in addition to the- Yeah, there's 400, 457 big ones.
We know a lot of secret ones.
Yeah, and they'll all go.
I mean, the bottom line is, if we're lucky, people can scram them, shut them down, etc.
But if there's a nuclear war, you don't have that opportunity, and you lose power, you lose water, and the thing just, it's going to go critical.
You're 100% right, Alex.
This is going to be society shutting down, and all the critical infrastructure that requires maintenance, electricity, etc.
won't be maintained.
In the case of nuclear weapons, it means that... I mean, look at the two-year lockdown almost crippled us.
This would be 10,000 times worse.
No spare parts, nothing.
Look, imagine if you would, I mean, just as people, what would happen today if all of your grocery stores ceased to exist?
All your grocery stores are gone, all your gas stations are gone, you're out in the suburbia in your home, and you've got the gas you've got in your car, you've got the food in your refrigerator, except that you lost electrical power, so unless you have a generator, that food's going to go bad.
No matter what, in a week, you're going to be at the front of the house.
And even if you've got stockpiles of stuff like my family does, the hordes of people looking for food are going to be beyond deadly.
If you can't imagine the desperation you would feel fighting for survival.
Imagine what happens when you not have one, two, three, four, but tens of thousands, hundreds
of thousands, millions of people desperate to survive and it becomes a kill or be killed
That's the reality.
Civilization will be swept aside in a post-nuclear world for anybody who survived.
You mentioned 1960s estimates.
That's why they decided not to do it.
Those are plans to hit Russia first or China.
They estimated that the aftermath of societal breakdown could not be dealt with, that the power structure would lose power.
So why is our power structure doing something so dangerous?
Because they're fools.
These are power-hungry people who recognize that their niche issue to stay in power is the money that gets sent into the nuclear establishment, the nuclear weapons establishment, defense industries, senators who are senators of state, defense industries, congressmen and congresswomen who have defense industries in their respective districts.
They stay in power by keeping these defense industries up and running.
In order to justify that expenditure, you have to keep the world at a certain level of heightened tension so you can justify the taxpayer while we're spending money.
So they're sitting there playing a very dangerous game.
They're tuning the world to confrontation.
They're raising the pain threshold because we have to continue to build the defense budget.
We can't just sit here and say status quo because people get bored and we want to reduce.
We have to keep raising the level of tension.
It's insane.
Imagine what we could do with a trillion dollars a year.
And we're still, by the way, not winning.
I mean, we spend a trillion dollars a year, and yet we can't win.
Which tells you that there's a lot of waste, fraud, abuse, corruption in this system, and we need to bring it under control or else there won't be a future for us.
Scott Ritter of ScottRitterExpert.com.
Scott, how do we stop this?
Well, the first thing we have to do is get better people to represent us in elected office, especially at the highest levels.
And we're talking the President of the United States.
That's 2024.
If we can survive until 2024, if something doesn't happen between now and then, we need to get a different president in play.
And I'm not going to sit here and tell you... Unlike Robert F. Kennedy Jr., he's just as anti-war as Trump without the baggage.
I'm a big fan of RFK Jr.
I'd love to see him to make it to the top, but we have to help him.
And one of the ways we have to help him is understand this.
You and I are having this conversation about nuclear weapons, and it's an important conversation, but it's going to be diluted in many audiences because of what I call Russophobia, not what I call Russophobia.
What is Russophobia?
It's a rational fear of Russia, where people say, yes, but.
You have Medvedev saying this, you have Putin doing this, and we say things.
We have to Come up with a cure for Russophobia.
We need to re-educate ourselves so that we're not irrationally afraid of Russia,
and therefore we understand there isn't a need for this continued escalation of
of of...
Can we even stand here? I'm gonna skip this break, this is so important. Nuclear war is important.
I'm not defending the Russians or being an apologist.
I don't like the rhetoric.
They should dial it back.
But they have hardliners that are way more aggressive than many of you have.
And Putin, I know you're an expert on that.
Am I wrong that if we think Putin's bad, they have no idea that Putin is more in danger of his hardliners than he is from the West.
Vladimir Putin is the best thing in Russia today, and the West better recognize that.
He's a rational player.
He wants a peaceful resolution to this.
He can be dealt with effectively if we're willing to talk to him.
But you're 100% right.
If we think Russia will be easier to get along with in a post-Putin environment, you're wrong.
We need to work with Russia as it exists today, with the leadership it has today.
In order to do that, we have to educate ourselves about the reality of Russia, about, you know, the fact that they don't wake up every morning wanting to kill us, just like we don't wake up.
Most Americans don't wake up and the first thought in their head is, wow, I hope we find a way to do this.
In fact, until all this started, Russians loved Americans until the last few years.
They want to be free.
They want to be free.
They want to be free according to Russia.
They don't want to be dictated on how to be free because that's not freedom.
They want to be left alone.
They want to let Russia be Russia, let Russians be Russians.
And the beautiful thing about it is, at the end of the day, they are literally just like you and I, Alex.
They wake up wanting the same things.
You spent years over there.
I've got a lot of folks that have been over there.
They say Russians are... Describe it.
They say it's like the Midwest when you go to Russia.
Like farmers and families.
They say it's almost like America.
Describe that.
Well, they are just like us.
They speak a different language.
They have a different culture, a different history.
They eat a little bit different food.
But if you went over there right now and moved in with a Russian family, you'd wake up in the morning and you'd feel at home because these are people who laugh, they cry, they hug, they fight just like we do.
They are us.
They just speak Russian.
Uh, and we need to understand that, that this is about humanity learning to live together as fellow humans, and if we can do that, we can solve all this other nonsense.
But when we refuse to acknowledge them as humans, and when they refuse to acknowledge us as humans, when we allow, uh, you know, very simplistic definitions to define our attitudes, then we get into the situation where we are today, because we begin to fear that.
We don't understand it, so we fear it, and when we fear it, we come up with ridiculous solutions like nuclear weapons.
And the truth is, the globalists, the big powerful multinational corporations don't want any country they don't run, and Russia hasn't bowed, just like China.
I hate what China's doing, Xi Jinping's out of control, authoritarian, horrible, but they've broken with the globalists.
The globalists thought they could run China.
Why don't the globalists get it?
They can't run everything.
Look, it's not just that we can't run everything, we can't dictate solutions.
Americans would hate it if somebody was dictating to us how we should live.
We'd say, that's our business, let us sort it out.
Well, that's how Russia and that's how China feels.
Let them sort it out.
We don't have to agree with them, but, and again, it's, they don't care.
They want to sort it out themselves.
They want to do what they want to do within their borders.
And that's what the Russians always say.
They say, we're not involved in your politics, leave us alone.
And I look at it, the Russians aren't involved in anything.
The Chinese are heavily involved because the globals invited them in.
It's true.
The Russians are not doing anything.
There's not...
I see Congressional Armed Services Committee House meetings where I work for Russians.
I have nothing to do with Russians.
And then they sit there and claim my freedom is a Russian-run idea has nothing to do with that.
No, you're 100% correct.
The problem is the people that don't like what you're saying, Alex, and they don't like what I'm saying, they're not able to sit down and articulate in a reasonable fashion why they don't like it.
They're not willing to engage in a debate, discussion, a dialogue.
So their default action is to say Putin did it.
Russia did it.
Because of Russophobia.
The average American knows nothing about Russia, knows nothing about Putin.
They've been programmed to accept at face value anything negative said about Russia and Putin.
So if they disagree with you, they disagree with me, the first thing they say is, well, you're working for Putin.
Putin has influenced you.
Russia has influenced you.
Now, a rational thinking person would be able to say, how can that be?
That can't be.
But people who have fallen into the Russophobia will say, yes, okay, Alex Jones is obviously working for Vladimir Putin, Scott Ritter is a paid propagandist of the Russian government, and that's the easiest way to avoid engaging in a meaningful discussion.
American democracy is built upon the premise of free speech, and free speech is empowered by debate, dialogue, and discussion about difficulties.
Meanwhile, you're a famous nuclear weapons inspector trying to stop nuclear war, and you're the bad guy.
Owen, you've been sitting there patiently.
Well, I do want to ask Scott about the Intel leak that the dust has kind of settled on.
But I did want to point out, you know, quickly, what I think the former Russian president is doing is in a way kind of this culture jamming.
You know, Scott, you asked the question, how can we get Biden or how can we get Washington, D.C.
to listen to us?
We don't want nuclear war.
This is a serious situation.
We're all going to die if you do this.
But they seemingly can't hear us, so what do we do?
Well, it's kind of the same thing we do with the left, where they're all into genital mutilation, we try to stop it, and we realize, wait a second, okay, trying to stop it isn't working, so I'll just say what they're saying.
Hey, let's chop off our kids' balls!
Hey, let's, let's genitally mutilate our children!
That'll be great!
And then people are like, wait, wait a second, you can't, what are you talking about?
That's not real, you're not actually doing that.
No, that's actually going on right here.
I feel like Russia's kind of doing the same thing.
It's like, okay, you want nuclear war?
Let's have nuclear war!
Nuclear war!
We all die!
And so maybe then it's like, oh wow, oh yeah, nuclear war, bad, that's right, we shouldn't chop off boys and girls' reproductive systems.
Yeah, we shouldn't have nuclear war.
It's like this weird reverse psychology that you have to engage in now just to get people to listen to you so you can feel free to comment or that.
But I really want to get your opinion on the Intel leak from a couple weeks ago, because the dust has kind of settled on this, but it's gone away.
Do you think that young man got set up?
Do you think he didn't even know what he was doing?
And will the Biden administration use that intel leak as an off-ramp to this war that they've fully committed to but done nothing but lost?
What's their off-ramp?
They don't have one.
Do you think maybe that'll kind of be... Yeah, what's the point to all this?
Well, you know, we don't know yet.
I mean, the problem is, you know, we aren't We don't have all of the information that's available.
Therefore, we start to speculate.
On the one hand, we know from the case of Bradley Manning that it is possible for a 21-year-old junior enlisted person with access to classified information to send that information out to people who aren't authorized to have it.
In that case, it was WikiLeaks.
So in theory, it's possible that this 21-year-old airman out of Massachusetts gained access
to information and published it through his gamer network, etc.
That's possible.
But the fact that he did it for as long as he did it without being caught either says
that the system has totally broken down or that somebody was allowing this to happen.
And so we need to know more information before we can make that determination.
And one thing we know about the government is they are not in the business of keeping the American people informed.
They like to keep us ignorant.
They like to be in charge of the narrative.
and it's the way they want.
And right now we have a situation where the Biden administration is desperate for an off-ramp.
And whether they intended these leaks to provide an off-ramp or not,
the fact of the matter is it's been exposed that the Biden administration has been lying
to Congress and the American people about the capabilities of the Ukrainian military.
Well, I was about to say, I think it's what Ray McGovern said.
Some of the analysts say, no, this was a leak to put disinfo out, but Ray McGovern was saying,
he's a very respected former CIA presidential advisor, as you know, you're good friends with him.
He's been on the show many times, is that the intel community used this leak
and manipulated this guy to try to stop the war.
And kind of like the Pentagon Papers with Daniel Ellsberg.
I mean, is that what you're getting at?
Well, that is a possibility.
I think it's too early to say conclusively, but I'll tell you what, that's the possibility I like.
That's the one that says that there are people of moral character who understand that we're heading down the wrong path.
And it's not just about a path of Ukraine and the tragedy that's happening to Ukraine, but it's a path of what we talked about.
This war, and I hope everybody listening understands this, this war is leading us on a trajectory of inevitable nuclear conflict.
If we are able to successfully empower the Ukrainians to do the things that Zelensky says he wants to do, there is only one outcome.
It's not Russian defeat, it's the end of the world as we know it.
The analysis of NATO escalating this, but even the NATO documents admit they're losing.
Even though they have more high-tech weapons, the Russians are on that border.
They've got a bigger force.
They're winning, clearly, though it's at big cost to Russians.
How do you see this unfolding if the West doesn't give up?
Because they're calling it a long war, hoping it doesn't go nuclear.
From your intel, how is the war going?
This isn't going to be a long war.
This war is going to end sooner than the people in the West are talking about.
I mean, Zelensky hinted at this when he said, if I don't get M1 Abrams tanks by August, it's over.
And over means it's over.
The war is done.
The Russians have already taken control of the battlefield.
They've suppressed the weaponry that we have provided the Ukrainians.
They brought in new capabilities of their own.
They're able to deliver, you know, 1,000 pound bombs with precision accuracy without any potential of intervention by the Ukrainians.
They're slaughtering the Ukrainian troops.
They're slaughtering the equipment.
The Ukrainians are running out of air defense.
They're running out of artillery ammunition.
They're running out of men.
They're running out of equipment.
I don't mean to interrupt you, but I'm going to shut up and let you talk.
But just like Stalingrad, where half the war with Germany and Russia was there, militaries pick a point to have their big battles.
And so it looks like these few cities, people are like, oh, the Russians aren't taking over.
They only want that region.
Those are the battle zones.
So am I correct to say that Those are where they pour the troops in, that's where the battles are decided, and the Russians are winning those key battles.
Look, the Russian goal and objective here was not to conquer Ukraine.
Russia said, we're here to destroy the Ukrainian military.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
So the Battle of Bakhmut, which is raging right now, is a battle where the Ukrainians have lost 30, 40, 50,000 dead men.
Just in that battle alone.
Why would Russia seek to change this algorithm?
They have a system right now in place where the Ukrainians are throwing manpower and equipment into a meat grinder and they put the Russians put prisoners up to draw them in and just kill them.
Well, that's what the Russians were doing.
I don't know if they're still doing that, but the fact of the matter is, the Russians have a methodology in place today in Bakhmut that is achieving a 7 to 1, 10 to 1 kill ratio.
That is, for every one Russian that dies, they're killing 7 to 10 Ukrainians.
That's an unsustainable kill ratio for Ukraine.
You can't even think about winning a battle with that kind of kill ratio.
And they're now admitting, they were saying the Ukrainians were winning, they're now admitting the Ukrainians are being fed into a meat grinder.
This war will be over by the end of summer, early August, early fall.
There's no way Ukraine can sustain this level of... So why would the CIA do this?
Because I'm not even a military guy, but if the Russians choose cities to fight, I would attack other sites.
Why are the Ukrainians and the CIA pouring in to fight the Russians where they want to?
Well, I actually believe the CIA is trying to convince the Ukrainians not to do this, that this is a political battle.
Zelensky has been waging a war of perception, not reality, and the perception that he has to create is that the Ukrainians are capable of winning, therefore he can You know, get other nations to continue providing him the support necessary to sustain this conflict.
He can't be seen as losing a battle like Bahmut after, especially after putting 40, 50,000 troops, you know, in the ground because of this.
So, Zelensky has said, I simply can't lose this fight.
I'm doubling down.
This is like, you know, somebody at the roulette table deciding that the number seven is the number.
Well, that's just like the Nazis and the Russians chose Stalingrad.
So would you agree, Bahmed's kind of Stalingrad?
I think Bakhmut is the Stalingrad of this war, or the Kursk.
It's a decisive battle of this war.
This is the war, this is the battle that defines this war, and I think we know what the answer is.
Russia's winning this battle, Russia's going to win this war.
See, I'm not a rocket scientist, but it seems to me I would not fight where the Russians wanted to fight.
I don't understand this.
The problem is that there's no good place to fight the Russians right now.
The Ukrainians had their chance back in September when they picked a part of the battlefield where Russians were ill-prepared and poorly equipped.
But Russia mobilized 300,000 reservists, over 100,000 plus volunteers.
They now have triple layer of defense across the zone of contact.
They have artillery, they have aircraft.
There's no good place for the Ukrainians to attack.
So I believe what the Ukrainians were saying is that the Russians are committed to offensive operations in Bakhmut, that that's their best bet, because Ukraine can't attack Russia right now.
Russia will slaughter them if they attack anywhere else.
Their best chance was to take advantage of Russia's willingness to attack and hope that they could kill.
And so Zelensky just put out the pipe dream, as the CIA admitted, to attack Crimea, which was just to sound powerful.
He can't attack Crimea.
He can't attack anywhere right now.
He doesn't have the military ability to do this.
Will Zelensky try a false flag like firing missiles into Poland again?
I don't think about Poland.
What I'm concerned about is Zelensky firing missiles into Russia, trying to fly drones into Moscow during Victory Day.
That's what I meant.
He already tried the Poland false flag, so what's the next one?
The next one is escalation.
He is going to try and get the Russians to overreact in hopes that by Russia overreacting, NATO will then make the decision to intervene.
And so here we are, once again, creating a scenario where we are prisoners to decisions made by Vladimir Putin.
This is not the way you do foreign policy.
You never allow your goals and objectives to be defined by the actions of the other party.
You have to be the one in control.
And right now, the United States, and again, every I think Americans should understand this.
Our future is in the hands of a Ukrainian madman named Zelensky.
We've allowed him to dictate the tone, the pace, the consequences of this war.
This should never be allowed to happen.
We should be in control of it, not him.
All right, Scott.
Come back again soon.
Thanks for the time.
What's your latest book?
Latest book is Disarm in the Time of Perestroika, and you can purchase it on skywriterextra.com.
I'm also in the process of making a documentary film, Waging Peace, and if anybody wants to help contribute to that, it's wagingpeace.fund.
And I would certainly appreciate any help anybody could provide.
Great job, wagingpeace.fund.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
A few comments from Owen Schroeder and more.
I've got a lot to cover.
All right, Gerald Celente says take over, but he's a great guy.
Let's have 15 minutes because I got some big Tucker Carlson intel coming up next segment here on the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer, you sat there very patiently during Scott Ritter.
Pretty scary stuff and dead on.
Well, there's another factor, too, that I think we tend to overlook, and that's mostly because this would come from the American left in the past, specifically during the Bush years, but they're all in on this war now, they're pro-war, so there's a void there.
Let's not forget what happened after the U.S.
went into Iraq and Afghanistan with Dick Cheney and others.
They had contractors and development companies in there overnight getting hundreds of millions of dollars to rebuild cities.
And they even named him, like, Dick Cheney Road and stuff like that.
I mean, they just flaunted it.
I mean, just total, total naked war crimes.
And the left used to complain.
You'd have Democrats and you'd have liberal media say, look at how corrupt this is, they destroyed Afghanistan, they destroyed Iraq, then they sent their guys in there to make hundreds of millions of dollars off no-bid contracts.
Those were considered war crimes back in the day.
Well, the problem is, if the West, and I do think this exists, If the West Elites think that they can go in after Ukraine is destroyed, because you were asking, well, why would they be sending Ukraine into Bakhmut and Kharkiv?
They want a Marshall Plan that's still hundreds of billions.
Here's the problem, Alex.
All these Western elites that have never been checked.
I mean, that's really what this is.
Putin is finally checking the Western elites, and they're pissed!
That's really what this comes down to.
And so they're having a standoff in Ukraine.
And we hope that's where this ends.
But here's what's going to happen, and I think this is going to be the next story, if this war does end in August or whatever.
You're going to have so much of Eastern Ukraine that it's just completely destroyed.
This is not being accurately reported in the American media, but you have cities in Ukraine that have been just completely annihilated and completely destroyed.
It's not going to be the Western contractors going in there building it up for billions of dollars.
It's not going to be BlackRock going in there buying up property for pennies on the dollar and renovating it.
It's going to be the Russian oligarchs.
They're going to be the ones that are going to go in there, they're going to be the ones that are going to take the property, and they're going to be the ones that redevelopment, making hundreds of billions of dollars.
I think that's going to be the next thing that's going to piss off the Western elites.
Eh, losing a war, they've done that before.
But losing that profit margin after the war?
They're going to be pissed about that.
Well, we now know more and more about what's happening with Tucker Carlson.
There's a Ben Warren story on Infowars.com.
Watch Tucker Carlson's latest speech before Fox exit raised alarm over trans-Jews-erism, abortion, human sacrifice, and call for prayer.
It was everything he was doing, becoming this populist hero, that upset them.
But they're saying it's because of the Ray Epps stuff.
That's not what it was.
It was the anti-war Anti-transgenderism, just everything he was doing that upset them.
I've got a six-minute clip of his speech coming up next segment.
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You see Tucker getting taken off?
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now info war store dot com or triple a two five three three one three nine all
right the Tucker Carlson news and more in the final segment where I'm hosting
live before the great Gerald Cilenti takes over Then, in about 55 minutes, Owen Schroyer and the War Room, 3 p.m.
Well, they're trying to put me in prison, and Tucker Carlson, and Stephen Manning, and they've taken and killed Project Veritas, but Jamesville keeps fighting back.
And now, Tucker Carlson, the top news show in the world, has been taken off the air by Fox News.
We've got a segment of his speech, the full speech, is at InfoWars.com.
We'll be airing here in a moment before Gerald Celente takes over.
Tucker Carlson's last speech before Fox exit raises alarm over transgenderism, abortion, human sacrifice, and a call for prayer.
That's why they are so incredibly angry, because they're trying to dominate the world while it slips away from them.
And while communist dictatorships they backed up, put in power, turn against them, and while Russia stands against them, while all this happens, they think, we can still dominate the American people and AOC, I played the clip three times today, said we need to ban conservatives off the air, take their speech, they're violent, even though we're against violence.
Owen Troyer comments on that.
Well, I hate to say this, but I'm glad this is happening.
It's sad for America, obviously.
It's sad for Tucker Carlson.
But this is another we're-not-in-Kansas-anymore moment.
And Alex, it's going to take a mountain of these moments to get the American people to wake up.
Because that's the only thing that's going to stop this, unfortunately.
We get very little from our Congress, if anything.
Even our champion, President Trump, let the globalists take our country back over.
So, I mean, it's going to have to be hundreds of these we're-not-in-Kansas-anymore moments.
Because, again, most of the Fox News audience, Alex, is still kind of complacent and they still think things are normal and they're still in America.
No, I agree, but I mean, Tucker's way bigger than they even said.
When he's not on anymore, and their stock's already plunging, this is like, whoa.
But imagine how many people are going to tune in tonight that don't follow the news.
They just, they'll get home from work, they'll make dinner, boop, put on Fox News thinking they're going to watch Tucker Carlson, and oh, Tucker's not there anymore.
Oh, Tucker's been fired?
Top rated show?
Favorite show?
That's right.
I tell everybody, if you're looking for Tucker Carlson and what he covers, InfoWars.com.
Especially as I meant to say today, if you're looking for the topics he covered, if you're looking for where he's still at, we'll get him on the show.
But Pete, that's a great point.
They're looking for Tucker.
They'll find it right here at InfoWars.com and Bandai Video.
Hell, we'll even show you Don Lemon if you're missing Don Lemon on CNN in the morning.
Well, don't lie.
We're not showing him Don Lemon.
But even that's going to wake him up.
I mean, even Don Lemon, as pathetic as he is, funny, every time he got in trouble it was for telling the truth.
Even Don Lemon being let go.
Or Dan Bongino on the weekend show.
I mean, it's just...
This is going to have to happen, Alex.
It sucks.
I'm not rooting for this.
It's not even from a place of bitterness because we had to go through all of this first.
Trust me, I don't want anybody to have to go through what you've gone through.
It's got to get worse before it gets better.
Gerald Solinte is about to take over.
Owen, you're on in about 51 minutes.
The War Room, 3 p.m.
I'm back.
I'm excited to be back in the driver's seat, back in the studio.
You deserve a week off.
Owen, recharged, ready to go, 3 p.m.
Central, in 50 minutes.
Gerald Celente is about to take over, but first see the full speech at InfoWars.com.
Here's the final speech before Tucker Carlson got fired from Fox News.
Everybody you know, tune in now and share the link.
It might be time to start to reassess the terms we use to describe what we're watching.
So when I started at Heritage, the presumption was, and this is a very Anglo-American assumption, that the debates we're having are kind of rational debates about the way to get to mutually agreed upon outcomes.
So like we all want the country to be more prosperous and free and people to be less oppressed or whatever and so we're going to argue about tax rates and I think higher tax gets us there.
I'm a Keynesian and you disagree, you're an Austrian or whatever.
But the objective is the same.
And so we write our papers and they write their papers and may the best papers win.
I don't think that's what we're watching now at all.
I don't think we're watching a debate over how to get to the best outcome.
I think that's completely wrong.
And I've come to this conclusion, and I should say at the outset I'm an Episcopalian, so don't take any theological advice from me, because I don't have any.
I grew up in the shallowest faith tradition that's ever been invented.
It's not even a Christian religion at this point.
I say with shame.
But, I'm just saying this as an observer of what's going on.
There is no way to assess, say, the transgenderist movement with that mindset.
Policy papers don't account for it at all.
If you have people who are saying, I have an idea, let's castrate the next generation.
Let's sexually mutilate children.
I'm sorry, that's not a political debate.
It has nothing to do with politics.
What's the outcome we're desiring here?
An androgynous population?
Is that really what we are arguing for that?
I don't think anyone could defend that as a positive outcome.
But the weight of the government and a lot of corporate interests are behind that.
Well, what is that?
Well, it's irrational.
If you say, well, you know, I think abortion is always bad, well, I think sometimes it's necessary, that's a debate I'm familiar with.
But if you're telling me that abortion is a positive good, what are you saying?
Well, you're arguing for child sacrifice, obviously.
It's not about like, oh, a teen girl gets pregnant and what do we do about that and victims of rape.
I get it.
Of course I understand that and I have compassion for everyone involved.
But when the Treasury Secretary stands up and says, you know what you can do to help the economy get an abortion?
Well, that's like an Aztec principle, actually.
There's not a society in history that didn't practice human sacrifice.
Not one.
I checked.
Even the Scandinavians, I'm ashamed to say.
It wasn't just the Mesoamericans, it was everybody.
So that's what that is.
What's the point of child sacrifice?
Well, there's no policy goal entwined with that.
No, that's a theological phenomenon.
And that's kind of the point I'm making.
None of this makes sense in conventional political terms.
When people, or crowds of people, or the largest crowd of people at all, which is the federal government, The largest human organization in human history, decide that the goal is to destroy things.
Destruction for its own sake.
Hey, let's tear it down.
What you're watching is not a political movement, it's evil.
So if you want to assess, and I'll put it in non, and I'll stop with this, I'll put it in non-political, I'll put it in non-political, or rather non-political.
specific theological terms and just say if you want to know what's evil and what's good, what are the characteristics
of those and by the way, you know, I think the Athenians would have agreed with this.
It's not necessarily just a Christian notion. This is kind of a, let's say, widely agreed upon
understanding of good and evil. What are its products? What are these
two conditions produce?
Well, I mean good is characterized by order.
calmness, tranquility, peace, whatever you want to call it.
Lack of conflict.
Cleanliness is next to godliness.
It's true.
It is.
And evil is characterized by their opposites.
Violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth.
So if you are all in on the things that produce the latter basket of outcomes, what you're really advocating for is evil.
That's just true.
I'm not calling for a religious war.
Far from it.
I'm merely calling for an acknowledgment of what we're watching.
Which is not... and I'm certainly not backing the Republican Party.
I mean, ugh.
I'm not making a partisan point.
At all.
I'm just noting what's super obvious.
Those of us who are in our mid-fifties are caught in the past in the way that we think about this.
One side's like, no, no, no, I've got this idea, and we've got this idea, let's have a debate about our ideas.
They don't want a debate.
Those ideas won't produce outcomes that any rational person would want under any circumstances.
Those are manifestations of some larger force acting upon us.
It's just so obvious.
It's completely obvious.
And I think two things.
One, we should say that and stop engaging in these totally fraudulent debates where we are using the terms that we used in 1991 when I started at Heritage as if maybe, you know, I could just win the debate if I marshaled more facts.
I've tried that, doesn't work.
And two, maybe we should all take just like ten minutes a day to say a prayer about it.
I'm serious.
Like, why not?
And I'm saying that to you, not as some kind of evangelist, I'm literally saying that to you as an Episcopalian.
The Samaritans of our time.
I'm coming to you from the most humble and lowly theological position you can.
I'm literally an Episcopalian, okay?
And even I have concluded, it might be worth taking just 10 minutes out of your busy schedule to say a prayer for the future.
And I hope you will.
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A great being on the Alex Jones show, and, you know, the course I was listening to what's going on with Tucker Carlson.
I mean, think about this.
One guy out there gets knocked off a fox, and it's a big deal.
Why is it a big deal?
Because there's only one person out there saying something different from the mainstream narrative.
Think about it.
One person, and all of the media, and what is it?
Five or six companies?
I think it's five companies control 90 something percent of all the media.
I think it's like 92 percent.
And you know who you can thank for this?
That little slimy, arrogant, low-life piece of scum crap, a little guy with a bad attitude, that couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag, and every time he got caught with his pants down, bombs away over Baghdad, Bill Clinton.
That's right.
That's the piece of scum crap that gave us the 96 Federal Communications Act that gave everything to the bigs.
Everything to the bigs.
That's the same scum that gave us the Glass-Steagall Act.
That sent our jobs to Mexico at NAFTA.
The same low-life little boy married to Hillary!
Whoa, that must be a tough one.
Hillary Clinton, that is.
He had the same guy.
Bombs away over Baghdad according to a clip on CBS.
Madeline Albright says Leslie Stahl asks her, is the price of 500,000 children that Bill
Clinton killed because of sanctions in the war worth it?
Yes, it is.
That's the Bill Clinton.
That's what killed the media.
Let me tell you a quick Tucker Carlson story.
Once upon a time, I used to be on all the media.
Twice on Oprah.
All the time with NBC, ABC, Good Morning America, CBS Morning News, CBS Evening News, NPR.
So one time when Tucker Carlson was with MSNBC, there she is, Madeline Not All That Bright.
There's the line right there.
500,000 Iraqi children under the age of five.
Why those dirty Russians?
No, no, Bill Clinton did it, but that's all right.
Oh, he brought China into the World Trade Organization, too.
I forgot about that one.
You look at China's GDP before 19, before 20, before 20, uh, 2000, 2001.
They officially came in two weeks after 9-11.
Oop, GDP shoots right up.
That Bill Clinton.
So, anyway, Tucker Carlson's story.
I'm on MSNBC.
Used to be in Seacaucus.
They probably still are in New Jersey.
That used to be all pig farms, abattoirs back then when I was a little kid.
They still got the pigs out there.
So anyway, I go there, I'm doing a show.
And I'm sitting and I had a little green room.
And I'm hearing this person go on and on.
Oh my God, it was terrible as I'm waiting to go on the air.
So Tucker calls him, the person leaves.
Tucker calls, how you doing, Gerald?
Nice to have you on again.
I used to be on with him a number of times.
I said, who was that?
I said, she was insufferable.
He said, oh, that's Rachel Maddow.
You're grooming her.
This is like about 2006, 2007, sometime around there.
That's the media.
That you had one voice out there That was saying it in a lot of ways that we say it.
That's not permitted.
And this happened to me.
Of course, I was no Tucker Carlson.
But I was big on the media.
I used to be in USA Today three and four times a week.
I used to be on CNN maybe three or four times a month.
And this is when USA Today was a big newspaper.
Newspapers all They did a movie, one of my books, when Tzitzi gave Honey Boy.
Tzitzi is the Neapolitan dialect for auntie.
Zia is aunt.
Tzitzi is your auntie.
Of everything I've written, by the way, I love this book.
It's about growing up in the Bronx as a kid, moving to Yonkers.
About where life used to be with all the great aunts and uncles.
My parents, may their souls rest in peace.
I thank them all every day.
So he did a movie about this book.
It was called Zizi and Honey Boy.
It only went into 15 minutes of the movie because the woman playing my aunt Zizi, her name was Doris Roberts.
And she played the mother of that TV show, Everyone Loves Raymond.
So Doris Roberts died 15 minutes into the movie.
You can get it on YouTube.
It's only 15 minutes.
But here's a clip of it.
To see what happened to me because I wouldn't swallow these little prostitutes' crap.
Prostitutes are media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government whoremasters.
Here's just a quick clip.
All of this was brought upon us in a single day.
Either you were with us Or you were with the terrorists?
We're gonna lose in Afghanistan.
Tell the network guys I said that.
I'm not anti-American.
I love my country.
The only thing that matters at the end is how you lived your life.
And that was it for me.
And I went through some tough times.
Oh yeah.
A little garbage boy daddy's boy!
How dare you don't believe him, Solenti?
You didn't follow 88% of the people that swallowed that crap that supported our invasion of Afghanistan.
This is why you have to support Infowars.
This is why you need to subscribe to the Trends Journal.
Because if you don't, Go on the mainstream, open your mouth, and let them shovel the crap into it.
Because that's all they are.
They're little, low-life, gutless crafters.
You call these guys out man-to-man?
They're down.
They're out.
Don't you talk to me like that!
Same thing with these scum politicians.
How can you be so stupid to listen to these freaks?
We'll be right back.
Support InfoWars!
They're supporting you!
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, you know, it's so important.
We're supporting you.
You support us.
And again, go to InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsStore.com and get what you need because they're giving you what you need and they need you to keep this thing going.
So they got, you know, great sales coming on.
They got their TurboForce Plus to get 25% off.
And it's one thing after another they have.
And this TurboForce Plus, you know, you need more power, more strength, more energy.
And this is the kind of products that will give it to you.
And boy, you really need them now.
Again, people ask me, what should I do?
I say, get in the best shape you can physically, emotionally and spiritually.
And this is a TurboForce Plus from InfoWars.
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Coffee berry, call it another extract.
One after another.
So it's a long list of powerful time-tested ingredients in this TurboForce Plus.
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So energize your day, boost your energy up, and go with TurboForce Plus.
It's 25% off.
And you only can get this at InfoWarsStore.com.
They're helping you get healthy.
You keep them on the air.
So you can hear what you're not getting anywhere else.
And we're doing the same thing with the Trends Journal magazine.
It's the only magazine in the world, in the world, that gives you in-depth trends analysis and trend forecasts of major geopolitical and socioeconomic Issues.
No other magazine, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere does anybody give you trends analysis and trend forecasts of the current events forming future trends.
And one of the ones that I've been talking about now for three years, when they launched the COVID war back in 2020, was the office building bust.
This is big, because it's going to hit the banking sector bigger than what you saw happen In 2000, when the 2008 crash came, that was the subprime mortgage market, the derivatives.
The derivatives are bigger now than they were then.
And the commercial office sector, you're talking about $5 trillion worth of loans out there, estimated.
So, you're now getting After no one's saying this, and this is why you subscribe to the Trends Journal, it's history before it happens, now they're just starting to talk about it.
This is from the Wall Street Journal on the 21st of April.
Office landlord looks at plan B, hopes that workplaces will fill up are fading.
So in other words, they've lost hope.
Now let's go back when they launched the COVID war and all of these little arrogant, stupid imbeciles, the ones that hate me up in Kingston, New York, because I had a peace and freedom rally when everything was locked down.
Yeah, those people.
When they locked everything down using totally political science, not hard science, Lock down restaurants, bars, stores all over the place.
But of course, let the big stay in business.
We said there's going to be an office building bust.
Because people are not going to go back to work like they used to.
Because it's a different world.
It's a Zoom world.
Kids are being sent home.
You could learn from home.
So now, people are staying home month after month.
And they're saying, oh, I'm getting up five o'clock in the morning to commute to work.
I'm not doing that anymore.
You could keep your job.
I'm not doing that anymore.
Because they realize this is crazy.
But let's go back to the little freaks that swallowed the crap.
Go back to the COVID war.
These are the facts.
I only write about them every week.
When it began in the winter of 2020, They were all spewing out the crap that after Labor Day, it'll come back.
It'll come back.
That's what everybody's saying.
It'll come back.
Didn't come back.
Then they kept it going.
Fighting the COVID war, 2021.
Didn't come back.
We said that if we stopped the end, the war, the COVID war would end.
By May 2022.
And it did.
So office vacancy will increase by 55% by the end of the decade as hybrid and remote work push real estate to an inflection point.
We only said this three years ago.
This is why you subscribe to the Trends Journal.
So now, according to Castle, that's with a K, the office occupancy rate In New York City?
46%, this is a quote, of pre-pandemic levels.
It was not a pandemic.
Let's stop using that word.
How many people do you know personally that died from the coronavirus?
And if you do, how many of them were obese, type 2 diabetics, suffering from respiratory ill, Conditions or 2.3 or 2.6 pre-existing comorbidities according to the CDC.
And how many were elderly ready to die anyway?
And then when you look at the real numbers and you add them up and I'm not real good at math.
In the world population, 6,882,000 deaths worldwide.
That's what they report.
Out of how many people?
Eight billion?
So that means 0.09% of the world's population died, and 99.91% lived, and you're calling this a pandemic?
And that's what everybody's repeating, and that's how they rewrite history.
Oh, the pandemic, the COVID pandemic that destroyed the lives and livelihoods of billions of people around the planet.
Now, again, we've been writing about this, and again, we had it as one of our top trends for 2023.
You could see it in the Trends Journal.
It came out, office building bust, because we said this is the year they're going to realize it.
This is from the Financial Times, April 24th.
You ready?
banks are becoming increasingly worried about falling commercial property valuations and the risks they pose to lenders' balance sheets.
Got it?
So, Where do you invest your money if you got it?
What do you do?
We don't give financial advice.
We've been saying gold.
You could go to our clips and Eric King from King World News interviewing me saying, Salenti, you said gold bottom in September of 2022.
And that's exactly what happened.
What do you see next?
When we come back, I'm going to give you the details.
But right now, I'm going to give you the headline from the Financial Times, April 24th.
Central banks go for gold.
No kidding.
Wonder why?
Essential banksters are going for gold.
Oh, yeah.
These banksters.
We'll be right back.
Support InfoWars.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, do what you can to support InfoWars.
And if you want to read history before it happens, you want the Trends Journal, TrendsJournal.com.
You know, I showed that clip before of me, you know, the movie, that wasn't me, of course, playing.
That was somebody playing me in that movie about how I got blacklisted from the media because I said the United States would lose the Afghan war.
You know when they brought me back?
I took out the domain name, The Panic of 08 in 2007.
It was one of the first, I called it Panic of 08.
I had the domain name in 2007 and AP picked up the story and it went boom.
And that's how I got back on the media.
And now, of course, I've got blacklisted again.
But the reason they brought me back is because it's the bottom line.
People want to know what was going on with the dollars and cents.
And so I mentioned to you about the office building bust.
I'm just going to read you a bunch of just a quick headlines here.
Sales of previously owned homes declined 2.4% in March.
A seasonally adjusted annualized rate.
Sales are down 20, 22% lower than March of last year.
Is there going to be a housing bust?
Are prices going to go down?
Where's it going?
Again, we write about it.
Home prices see largest decline since 2012.
as banking crash hits demand.
Bloomberg, US.
foreclosure filings jumped 22% in first quarter.
Compared to the same period a year ago.
Keeps going on.
What I'm saying to you is prepare for the worst.
We don't give financial advice.
And also, as I say, when all else fails, they take you to war.
And we are at war with Russia already.
And World War III has begun.
It just hasn't become, quote, official.
And I'm concerned, as is Scott Ritter about a nuclear Exchange, because if that happens, it's the end of life on Earth.
And you don't have to believe me, ask John F. Kennedy.
And read his speech, his farewell, his speech graduating students at American University, in June of 1963.
He said, if we go to war against Russia, in 24 hours, the world will be destroyed.
You can read it, see it.
And then, five months later, Jack, you're dead, because he talked about peace.
And that brings me to RFK Jr.
And as you know, I was on Info Wars back and had the clip of me saying in December that Robert F. Kennedy and Judge Napolitano, that would be the winning ticket.
And then I was on with Alex Jones to do the Top Trends of 2023.
And I said it to him as well.
And then last Wednesday, RFK Jr.
officially announced it.
makes his White House run official.
This is from the toilet paper record, the New York Times.
Announcing his long shot bid to challenge President Biden.
Wait a minute.
This isn't journalism.
That's propaganda.
You little media whore.
Who are you to call it a long shot bid?
That's not journalism.
You're a little prostitute.
You're a media whore that gets paid to put out by your corporate pimp and your government whoremaster.
Two paragraphs down.
Mr. Kennedy, a California resident, traveled to Boston, wants to citadel of his family's power, to declare that he would challenge President Biden for the Democratic nomination.
In a long shot bid for the White House.
Total propaganda.
He has 14% of the vote already.
According to the polls.
Here it is.
Long shot bid.
And he shared skepticism about vaccine.
This is from the Cartoon News Network.
They didn't even run this on their front page of the website.
Oh, they got rid of that little, they squeezed out that little lemon, that arrogant little boy.
I wonder what he's gonna get a job doing, huh?
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the anti-vaccine activist.
That's how they started, an anti-vaccine act.
Isn't Kennedy a little bit more than just an anti-vaccine activist?
He's against, by the way, what Kennedy is saying about Ukraine and to bring home the troops.
There he is, the little lemon head.
Little cut son of nothing.
Another arrogant little boy.
I'm telling you, mainstream media is gone.
It's dead.
So going back to Kennedy, all they're doing is they're putting out this anti-vaccine stuff.
But again, when you talk about what he's saying, this is from antiwar.com.
launches presidential bid, vows to unwind the U.S.
He said Ukraine was being treated as a pawn between two great powers.
I'm going to bring the troops home.
I'm going to close the bases.
I'm going to start investing in the U.S.
middle class.
Word for word, other than investing in the middle class, word for word from our Occupy Peace site.
Close the bases overseas.
Bring home the troops.
Oh, and he also said the military will return to its proper role of defending the homeland.
Article number three of the Occupy Peace.
Bring home the troops.
Close the bases.
Secure the homeland.
And we have two other things.
Put the troops to work rebuilding our rotted infrastructure.
And finally, A. All you demo craps!
All you little so-called progressives, you Bernie Sanders freaks, another sloppy little boy who's been sucking off the public you-know-what all your life, you all voted to steal my money to bring it to Ukraine to keep the war going.
You want to take my money?
I work hard.
I never worked harder in my life.
And you're stealing my money to give to the criminals over there?
The Nazi group?
You want to go to war?
You want to take my money?
Let the people vote.
Let the people vote.
We pay for the wars with our money and our lives.
That little Marco Rubio.
That little Teddy Cruz.
There's Ms.
Fatsia Blut, Janet Yellen, screaming, look at the clowns!
How could you be so stupid to swallow the crap that shoves out of the clown mouths?
That's who's running and ruining our lives.
And by the way, don't forget, on May 27th, up here in Kingston, New York, on the Four Corners of Freedom, John and Crown Street, the most historic four corners in America, where the seeds of democracy was sown.
We're having a Peace and Freedom Rally.
So far, Judge Andrew Napolitano, Sean Whitehead, Frank Marano, Gary Noe, and we got more coming.
We're doing everything we can to fight for peace.
Going back to RFK Jr., I was the first to say this is the guy to run clip after clip after clip after clip.
I did win with Daniela Cambone on Stansberry.
1.6 million views.
Did the interview on January 4th.
I was the first to call Trump a winner in our Trends Journal, the May issue 2016.
I'm a visionary.
I'm a trend forecaster.
I see the future.
To become the next president of the United States.
And he's going after Trump as well.
Blaming Trump for closing down during the COVID war.
And the people are looking for something new.
If this guy builds the proper populist candidate platform, He will be the next President of the United States.
That's if they don't kill him.
They killed his father.
They killed his uncle.
John F. Kennedy.
Will they kill him?
Will they kill you?
Anybody that speaks out for peace?
So that's the way I see it.
Minus the wild card.
RFK 2024.
Support InfoWars.
Nobody rides for free.
I'm going to hit some huge Mayorkas news on the border and more.
Some of his latest over-the-top brainwashing and gaslighting.
Several of those clips in a moment.
But first, nobody rides for free.
We can't stay on air.
We can't pay for the massive servers.
We can't pay for all the software and all the infrastructure and the satellite uplinks without your support.
And I want to hire more reporters.
I want to send them around the country and the world again.
I don't want to just stay on air, which we've stabilized or able to do right now.
I want to be able to expand.
So I want to thank you all for keeping us on air.
I want to thank you for your prayers, your word of mouth.
It's an information war.
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Overhead shot, please.
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So, you need to get krill oil.
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